#terrible if you can’t sleep through his train like snoring
jtl-fics · 10 months
Anyone who falls asleep on top of Kevin Day is sleeping on a queen mattress.
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carolinetano7567 · 1 year
A Long Night with Good Company.
Hunter rolled over in his bunk, plagued once again by another sleepless night. He had tossed and turned, but couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going to go terribly wrong on his watch. He shifted to his back, and stared up at the bottom of Crosshair’s bunk. He could hear his brother’s soft breathing, and constant shifting. 
“Can’t sleep?” He whispered to the bunk. Crosshair made a low grumble which Hunter knew meant “yes.” Hunter propped himself up on his elbow, and looked about the bunks. Tech was laying flat on his back like a board…but Hunter could see through the darkness that he was wide awake as well. He had slept very little since being rescued from Mount Tantiss. Wrecker was snoring like a freight train, per usual, and he could hear Omega’s meek little exhales coming from her room. Echo sat up from in the cockpit of the Marauder, pondering one thing or another. They were all there. 
There were all safe. 
And yet Hunter feared the worst. Crosshair had been tortured, Omega had been kidnapped, and Tech had almost been killed. As their leader, Hunter’s soul purpose was to keep his family safe. He would never lose them like that again…ever. 
Suddenly, he sensed Omega’s heart beat accelerate. She sat up with a jolt, and started quietly crying. Hunter sat up fully as her light footsteps padded silently upon the metal floor to his bunk. 
“You alright, Kid?” He whispered, dangling his legs over the side. Through the deep darkness, he could see tears streaming down her face. 
“I-I had the dream again.” She whimpered, clutching Lula to her chest. Hunter’s heart ached. “Come ‘ere, Omega.” He held out his arms, and she leapt into his embrace. She leaned her head against his chest, and Hunter held her snuggly in his arms, rubbing her back occasionally. He could feel her warm tears soaking through his blacks and onto his skin, and her trembling sobs broke his heart. “Wrecker almost had Tech…” Omega sniveled. Hunter cupped his hand around her head and hushed her. “And he just fell…he fell so far, Hunter.” She heaved mightily and sobs racked her little body. Hunter heard Tech stir, and carefully work his way down from his bunk, and over to Hunter’s. 
“Omega…it’s alright. I’m here.” Tech quietly reassured, and laid his hand on her back. Hunter could see that his eyes were glassy and distant; veiled by something Hunter could not see past. Omega nodded, still weeping bitterly, into Hunter. “I…take it you’ll want to spend the rest of the night here?” Hunter softly asked her. She sniffed, and nodded again. Hunter let a wry grin cross his face. With her little warm body snuggled against him, he was reassured that she was, indeed, safe. 
He leaned back against his pillow, and kept Omega at his side, her figure tucked in perfectly beside him. Tech gave a small, content sigh, and turned to leave. 
“Tech!” Omega suddenly exclaimed. Tech stopped short and Hunter cocked an eyebrow. Omega sat up, and extended an arm to Tech. “Can you please stay with us? Please?” She asked, voice still shaking. Hunter scooted over in preparation. Tech sighed. “I—I suppose…if it will help you.” He slid onto Hunter’s bunk, back turned to them. Omega grinned through her tears, and laid her arm back over Hunter’s stomach. Hunter combed his fingers gently through her hair, softly hushing her until he felt that her heartbeat had steadied, and her breathing slowed. 
She was asleep. Tech was wide awake. 
“You alright?” Hunter asked quietly. Tech shifted a bit. “I shall be fine. I’m merely struggling to rest due to substantial trauma I encountered in recent days.” 
The words pierced Hunter deeply. “I see.” He said…unable to form any other response. 
“You and me both.” Crosshair muttered from his bunk. Hunter could hear his shaking breaths. 
“Wanna join us?” Hunter offered. Crosshair was silent, and Hunter shrugged figuring he’d probably sleep better on his own. Then the bunk creaked, and Hunter saw Crosshair’s long legs appear over the side of his bed. He hopped down, and nudged Tech. 
“Move,” He grumbled. Tech sat up, and scooted closer to Omega, while Crosshair clambered onto the bed. 
“The more the merrier.” Hunter grinned. Tech turned his back to Crosshair, and Omega immediately latched onto his arm as if it were Lula. Tech huffed, but Hunter saw him grin. “Tech, get your feet off of me!” Crosshair hissed. “They feel like…ice…” His voice trailed off, and Hunter almost thought it sounded like hurt in Cross’s voice over something so simple. “Are you not fond of the cold? As I recall you used to be quite partial to it.” Tech quietly inquired. “No.” Crosshair muttered. He was still as death. Hunter furrowed his brow. Something had happened…but now wasn’t the time to ask questions. Crosshair needed rest, and if him crowding into his bunk granted that, Hunter was content.
Hunter was now on his side with his back pressed against the cold wall, somewhat buffered by his blanket…but Omega was like a warm bundle curled up next to him that seemed to take away the chill. Hunter exhaled, contently. All three of them, Tech, Crosshair…and Omega were safe. They were with him, and they would always be with him. After a long while, as the night lagged on…Crosshair and Tech fell silently asleep. Hunter was soothed by the calm sounds of their breathing. “You’re safe…” He promised in a voice barely audible. “Now…and always.” 
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tee-hee-heidi · 8 months
For the oc ask game 💤 🤍 💘
Hiiiii!! Since you didn’t specify which OCs you wanted to ask about I’m gonna talk about my Mythical Lovers because they’ve been on my mind A Lot lately (I’m also planning a couple of things for them huehue stay tuned) I hope that’s okay ^^
💤 Sleeping symbol - is your OC a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? What are their sleeping habits.
Promachos: definitely a light sleeper, but after decades of training in the Spartan army he’s developed the skill of instantly falling asleep basically anywhere. Bedroll? Cold hard ground? It’s all the same to him. He’s also capable of waking up fairly quickly too, and push through the morning grogginess almost immediately, since being alert on the battlefield means the difference between life and death. Despite this, he doesn’t wake up at every minor sound every night, and has learned to subconsciously differentiate between a random, non important sound (a companion snoring, a critter shuffling in the bushes) and something worthy of his attention (his name being spoken, orders being given etc.). He’s a side sleeper too, full foetal position.
Crino: probably the heaviest sleeper, especially during winter, the cold makes her sluggish. She’s the type of person who gets groggier the more she sleeps so she tries to wake up at a reasonable time. She can’t exactly afford to spend the whole day sleeping since she lives alone with Sakis. He’s also the one who wakes her up when she can’t manage on her own. She usually sleeps on her back or snuggled up to Sakis.
Sakis: kind of in the middle? He’s not a particularly heavy sleeper but there are times when he won’t wake up even if you shake him. He also a serial cuddler, and will have trouble falling asleep if he’s not hugging someone.
Ares: doesn’t need to sleep (he’s a God after all), but he wouldn’t mind cuddling huehue. If he slept I guess he’d be like Promachos, quick to wake and ready to act.
🤍 White heart - What are three of your OC’s neutral/questionable traits?
Promachos: cannot stand spicy food. Spartan cuisine already had the reputation of being flavourless and terribly simple, and it’s not like there were any spices in the syssition so even the smallest amount of pepper will have him wheeze and cough. Other neutral traits of him… uuuh he can’t stand the feeling of hair on his head (that’s why he keeps it shaved so short), and while they taught him how to read back in Sparta, he’s never been exceptional at it, he’s barely literate.
Crino: she can hunt and is fairly skilled with the bow. Her most favourite hobby is the loom, she likes to make cloth to sell and barter. She’s a bit hairier than a “traditional” nymph, but that’s okay, her boys love her anyway. And lastly, despite being a nymph, her knowledge about plants is fairly limited. Her mothers never really taught her anything since they kinda expected her to just “tag along” them and learn through observation, but she was always too preoccupied with playing and doing kid’s stuff, so she never really learned. Sakis has helped her a lot with this. Last but not least, she can’t read. Her mothers tried to teach her but it was exceptionally difficult for her (she has undiagnosed dyslexia) so after a certain point she just gave up completely. Whoops these might be more than three I hope you don’t mind.
Sakis: the only one who can actually read and write. He’s a great poet and play writer, but only Crino knows about this. After a lifetime of being ridiculed by his (much bigger and stronger) brothers, he’s a bit insecure about his masculinity and usually comes off as a rude and aloof to people who don’t know him. His horn was chipped during a prank his brothers pulled on him, when they left him in the woods and he got lost and almost hunted to death by humans, which in turn made him very distrustful of them. It’ll be some time before he can fully accept Promachos in his life.
Ares: uuuuh this is gonna be difficult because he’s not as developed as the others (RIP). Despite being the God of War, he’s a rather sweet guy? He’s a mama’s boy and Hera loves him. All the other gods treat him with respect but also consider him a bit of a meathead (especially Athena, who’s always a step ahead of him, with her superior strategies) so he’s usually left in the background while they make the Big Decisions. This hurts him quite a lot, but he’s never told anyone yet. ALSO Im aware this is gonna get me crucified but he hasn’t had any children yet (Deimos, Phobos etc. do not exist here) so he’s Just A Guy at the moment.
💘 Heart with arrow - What and/or who do your OCs consider the most important to them?
Promachos: uuuh a lot of things. At the start of the story I’d say the most important thing to him is his polis. He’s lived his whole life for the sole purpose of defending Sparta and bring it to glory, despite not finding any joy in this. The only people he would actually miss from Sparta are his friend Miltiades and Philarchos, a young boy he was mentoring before leaving for war and never coming back. As the story progresses I guess his priorities will change.
Crino: I’d say the most important person for her is Sakis. He’s her best friend, her confidant, and someone who finally doesn’t try to push her to change in any way she doesn’t want. Promachos will also become part of this circle (and Ares too) but only later in the story. As for physical things… I guess her loom and bow are pretty important for her, but the things she loves the most is a little garden Sakis made for her with herbs and plants she can easily recognise. She loves that garden and keeps it to the best of her abilities.
Sakis: Crino. Definitely her. She’s the most important person in his life, and basically the only person he feels truly comfortable around. She knows everything about him (even the most embarrassing secrets) and supports him in every way. He loves her very much uwu Promachos will also become very important to him, but at the moment Sakis sees him more as a person to look up to. He sees him as the ideal man (tall, muscular, imposing, masculine etc.) but doesn’t know about Promachos’s past and the horrible things that shaped him into what he is today. He’ll learn eventually. As for important things that aren’t people… his leopard pelt is pretty up there. I’m still figuring out Sakis’s backstory a little bit, but I liked the idea that the pelt was a gift from Dionysus himself, when Sakis was chosen by the god to be part of his spring procession.
Ares: GOD this is difficult agh. I’d say the most important thing for him at the moment is Promachos for uuuh story related reasons. He’s been watching over Promachos for a long time and really really likes him. I’ll explain better in a later post detailing the storyline, because this thing is already long enough lol, just fyi Ares has been crushing on Promachos for a pretty long time at this point.
Aaaah thanks for the ask!!! I really like doing these kind of things, it keeps my brain working. My askbox is always open anyway, so if anyone wants to give me an excuse to rant about my OCs and WIP I’ll be more than happy to answer
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skekilla · 1 year
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Johnny couldn’t sleep. Then again, who would after all that had just happened to him? The train rumbled on somewhere deep below him, the noise mixed up with the quiet breaths of Sally, who slept sitting up in the seat across the way from him. The lights around them had dimmed—who’d done it, he had no idea—but the moonlight flitting in through the windows between what must’ve been surrounding trees gave everything a ghostly sheen. It was funny, he thought, how all the lights in the train had all been turned off, but there were no beds or means to turn these seats into them. You couldn’t even lay down on them; an armrest would be right in your back if you tried. There must be other cars for sleeping, I guess, he replied to himself. Gee, that’d be cozy. His heart sank a little at the thought of a nice, warm bed. He’d wished for one before, in this same way. There were times when all you wanted in the world was just to be back home in your own bed; out in the field he’d wanted it before. And now was no different.
Home… oh, home… Johnny turned to the window he’d quickly grown accustomed to gazing out. The shrinking moon looked down at him. He swore he could see disappointment in its pale face. Or maybe that was just his reflection. It was his fault he was stuck in this jam. He was the one who decided to run away. He was the reason he wasn’t just cozy and safe in his bed at home. Sure, he’d still feel terrible… but at least he wouldn’t feel this, this twisting kind of guilt and loneliness and fear. If only he hadn’t done this. If only he’d have just shoved down all his feelings and just tried his best not to make himself a nuisance for Polly.
Oh… Polly…
His throat choked up like he’d swallowed a cherry pit. His poor sister… he’d probably just caused even more worry for her now. God, why had he thought this would be better? He never should have left. I’m such a dumb coward… why’d I have to be so stupid? He shut his eyes tight against the tears he felt gathering up in them. I just can’t stop from being a burden…
A long creak tore through the silence. The sound seemed to split Johnny’s head in two. His thoughts suddenly left him, his eyes shooting open and looking at the end of the car, where the sound had come from. His breath quickened in time with his heart. Something had just come in through that door. And now it sounded like it was coming towards them.
It didn’t take long for him to break from the alert stare; Sally’s snoring made sure of that. If he could hear it, even above the noise of the train, that thing probably could too. He had to wake her up; whatever that was would be coming right for them if it heard her. Not to mention he did not want to be the only one awake to deal with this.
“Sally!” he hissed, staying as quiet as he could. “God, come on, you gotta wake up!” With his real hand, he shook the woman’s shoulder, trying to keep his head low all the while.
She grumbled, followed by a luxurious stretch and a long, loud yawn. Her eyes, though still bleary, fixed on him, disdain growing in them. “Quit your whining! My, you can be awfully annoying, you know,” she snapped. She was much too loud for Johnny’s liking, the hole in his stomach growing only bigger the more she spoke. “Really now, it’s still the middle of the night! I mean-”
“Shut it!” He jerked forward, covering her lipsticked mouth with his hand. He was shaking now. Though Sally quickly swatted him away, looking at him much like she wanted to kill him herself, the expression on her face changed to one of alertness as she heard the thing’s footsteps. And gosh, were they some footsteps. There was an odd pattern to them, like they were walking in time with some rhythm no one else could hear. They weren’t particularly heavy, either; whatever it was, it was certainly light on its feet. Its gracefulness or fancy footwork didn’t make Johnny’s breathing slow, though. Especially not as it drew closer, closer, and yet closer still.
Then he caught a glimpse of it. The briefest flash of moonlight revealed a mass of curly, red hair cresting a tall, pale figure. Though he hadn’t even gotten a real good look at it, the idea of what he could be looking at made the fear pumping through Johnny’s veins spike. He cried out in a sharp, loud shriek of fear. After that, the only warning they got was a quiet gasp. And then, fast as a bullet, something shot from the darkness at Sally’s face. What it was, heck if Johnny knew. All he did know was that he was terrified.
Now it was Sally’s turn to screech. However, hers was much more indignant than his. And then something seemed to snap in her; though it was still dim in the room, it was all clear as day. Her expression shifted from shocked to absolutely furious. With another shriek, this one filled with rage, she stood, clawing at the darkness. “Stupid, low, filthy ANIMAL! HELL IF YOU’LL HIT ME AND GET AWAY WITH IT, I’ll tell you THAT!” she yelled, anger making her usually smooth voice peak.
A whole commotion sounded; stumbling, banging, the works. Johnny shakily brought himself to his feet, dreading the sight of something terrible. Flitting in and out of darkness like a roll of film projected too slow, their fight unfolded. A frame of Sally vainly lashing at the figure, another of the pale thing stumbling back, the woman following in the next. Still quite afraid, Johnny took tentative steps after them. What would become of Sally? And more strikingly, what even was this thing she was fighting? The more he saw of it—a flash of blue, a hand, even what appeared to be a brown leathered boot—the less afraid he became. With a better look, it didn’t seem to be all that tall, and surely not all that hairy. What is that thing? Maybe…
His questions were promptly answered, however, beginning with a remarkably loud thud. Johnny winced at the sound, his eyes squeezing shut once again. Silence followed. Oh god. What’s happened? He almost dared not look. But he did.
Now, what hit him first was the sudden brightness of the room. Briefly blinded, he blinked against the amber light. Then the shapes gained colour, the colour gained depth, and the depth made a picture. “What… in the world?”
“Well, now I quite wish we would be in the dark rolling around again.” A smirk danced all throughout the words, as it did across the lady’s face. Against the wall at the far end of the car was Sally, unharmed at least, and another woman. Being pinned there. By Sally. The stranger giggled, her freckled cheeks curled in a crooked grin. Though what she’d said had been muddled by an almost impossibly thick Irish accent, you didn’t have to speak English at all to hear the flirtation in her tone.
Sally’s seething face slumped into one of annoyed disgust. “Ugh.” Quick as she had gotten into this position, she got herself out, stepping away and pulling her hands away. She crossed them against her chest with a huff. “Nevermind, Johnny. Just a false alarm.”
“Phew! Thank you, miss. Something was poking me right in the back!” Johnny’s eyes flicked to the wall behind the two, taking notice of a lightswitch. With a smooth step, the woman dipped down to Sally’s level from her spindly height. “Don’t mistake me, though. You can do that again anytime.” A push to the tip of her nose with one gloved finger easily shoved her away from the singer’s face. A snorting giggle left the new arrival as she straightened back up.
It was then that her piercing eyes finally settled on Johnny’s. A certain gentleness came to their lively light as they darted over his face. “Aw, so sorry for scaring you! Wasn’t my intent, I swear that much to you. Both of you.” It then occurred to him that his cheeks were wet, and his eyes warm with residual tears. She stepped around Sally, those long legs moving surprisingly fluidly. As she extended a handkerchief to Johnny, the realization finally really hit him. They had found another person. And another person who seemed to be able to put up a damn good fight, at that.
“Just a bit more than scaring us, don’t you think?” Sally snapped as she rubbed her bruised nose.
“Well? Dry your cheeks, sir!” the other woman said, ignoring her but apparently feeling she needed to fill up the silence that’d come around.
“Oh- oh, y-yes! Gosh, how rude of me…” Hand still shaking a titch, he took the handkerchief and dabbed his cheeks. “I’m Johnny. Johnny Ager. And she’s Sally.” His now dry eyes timidly met hers again.
“Sally Belle, if you don’t mind,” Sally cut in. “And what’s your name, exactly?”
The woman smiled, her grin boundlessly cheeky. “Orla Kelly! And lord, am I glad to make your acquaintances!”
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osamusriceballs · 2 years
The Accident
Atsumu x fem Reader
Words: ~700
Warnings: None
About: You wake up next to a stranger - but what happened and most importantly: WHO IS THAT GUY?
Updates every Monday!
-> Part II
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A groan escapes your lips when sunlight hits your face.
A terrible headache, as if someone were repeatedly punching your head, demands almost all of your attention while you desperately try to open your eyes. Your body feels stiff, as if you'd been laying in the same position for way too long - not surprising, since you definitely had a few drinks too many last night.
You barely remember anything. Some short flashbacks of you dancing with a guy and a golden ring run in your head, but you don’t have enough energy to think about it. “Fuck.”
You groan deeply, licking your dry lips and forcing your eyes, with sheer willpower, to open up.
An unfamiliar room.
An unfamiliar bed.
And an unfamiliar naked arm around your waist.
“Fuck, fuck-” your eyes are now fully open while you scan the arm around your body. Tanned, muscular, and surprisingly big - with a golden ring around his finger. The same ring you had flashbacks about when you got up. You don’t fail to notice that you’re absolutely naked under the sheets - does that mean… you slept with this man?
Who is probably married?!
“No, no-” you close your eyes tightly, with the desperate hope that this was just a bad dream, just a hallucination - but it’s futile. The arm is still there when you open them, and it won’t disappear so fast. Your breath quickens when you turn your head, slowly scanning more and more of his body, which is, of course, as naked as yours and barely covered by the blanket - it seems that he gave most of it to you, or maybe you just hogged it. You really don’t remember and you couldn’t care less when you see his trained, god-like body. If your mouth wasn’t so dry, you would definitely have drooled over his toned abs - and that man probably never skipped leg day, judging by his juicy thighs that are barely covered by the blanket. His face seems utterly relaxed though, soft snores escaping his half-opened mouth, his blonde hair softly falling down, covering half of his face.
He is handsome.
You can’t deny that he is quite the catch - attractive, a body to make you kneel in seconds, and a soft, yet sharp face you could watch all day.
But the ring.
He is married.
“God, no-” you push his arm in an attempt to free yourself, but a particularly loud snore leaves his lips, and he grabs for your arm in his half-asleep state.
“Baby, don’t leave,” his words are barely audible, and you tense visibly when he tries to pull you back and puts his leg over your body. Baby?
“Let me go,” you groan and push his arm hard to roll off the bed - and you land on the floor with a loud 'bam'. Instant regret.
He lifts his head at the sound but instantly frowns and covers his face with his hands. He must be hungover too. While you’re busy trying to get out of this embarrassing situation, you spot a bottle of water and some pills on the nightstand, instantly recognizing the pills as painkillers that you frequently buy.
You grab for them and take a pill without thinking twice. A few gulps of water, and you feel a bit better already. Not enough to function properly, but enough to slowly get back on the bed. The stranger watches you through half-closed eyes, without moving at all; he must feel as shitty as you. You hesitate for a second when you're back on the bed, but slowly offer him the pills and the water bottle. He stares at you for a second before silently takes the bottle and a pill from you and swallows it without hesitation.
You let your head fall back to the pillow and close your eyes again. You will feel better if you sleep a bit longer - that’s what you tell yourself hopefully. You don’t care the slightest bit about being naked next to him; he probably won’t remember this, and you also hope to forget the embarrassing moment.
The blonde male next to you leans back and covers both of you thoroughly with the blanket, much to your surprise. You feel warm instantly, almost forgetting about your lack of clothes. “G'night,” his words are barely audible, but the warmth from his naked body sends comfort to you while you drift into dreamland once again.
Without noticing the golden ring on your own finger.
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boomboombakugou · 3 years
Big 3’s Reactions to Sleeping in the Same Bed for the First Time
Pairings: Midoriya x Reader, Bakugou x Reader, Todoroki x Reader
fluff :) *swearing*
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~Izuku Midoriya~
You were at a training camp for the weekend with the whole class. Everybody had their own bed, but the second you set your bag in yours, it broke. Must’ve been old.
You and Midoriya kinda had this thing where you both knew you liked eachother, but nobody ever said anything. He offered to share with you.
“Unless you don’t want to! That’s fine. Not that I- I like want you to- wait! I’m not saying I don’t want you to either! I just mean uh.. do w-whatever you want.” He stuttered ending with a smile. Everyone else laughed at him, making him even more flustered.
You accepted cooly, but you were more nervous than it came off. When night rolled around you rummaged through your bag, looking for pajamas. You only packed corny matching sets because you didn’t think this was happen.
After choosing the least embarrassing ones, you knocked on his door. He opened quicker than expected, “Hey Y/N!” He said enthusiastically, but you could hear the anxiousness in his voice.
It smelled nice. You couldn’t tell if it was the natural smell or if he sprayed something in preparation for your arrival.
He was wearing a white tank top and plaid pajama pants. You both just kinda stood there awkwardly. “I- uh.. do you wanna.. Are you tired right now?” He asked
You were, but you didn’t wanna make it awkward if he wasn’t, so you just asked him if he was. Awkwardly enough, he was thinking the same thing. He just scratched his neck and admitted he was.
You agreed and he opened up the covers for you. It was a queen, so you didn’t have to be so close. Not that you didn’t want to be.
You got under the covers and faced the wall. He got under and faced the opposite way. “Goodnight Y/N.” He said turning off the lamp.
He quickly turned it on again, “Sorry I forgot to ask! Are you like- are you afraid of the dark? I won’t make fun of you if you say yes.” You laugh to yourself and tell him it’s fine.
“Goodnight Izuku.” You responded.
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~Katsuki Bakugou~
Like 2 weeks ago, Bakugou had asked you to be his girlfriend. No awkwardness. He just told you he liked you. You said you did too. And now here you are.
After failing your last test, he insisted on tutoring you because he, doesn’t want to be labeled as “someone who’s dating a dumbass.” He was definitely joking, but it motivated you.
You were both in his room, in your pajamas, while he explained the work to you.
“Y/N! Wake the hell up!” He snapped, poking your forehead. You had dozed off while studying. He tried to keep going, but you could no longer focus.
The next test was in 2 days, so you told him you would get up early and come study. “If you’re coming back anyways, just sleep in here.” He stated. Your eyes widened. You weren’t opposed to the idea, but it was just your guys first “sleepover.”
You shrug and set your stuff back in the table.
“No light, no tv. If you’re scared, don’t be.” He said as you crawled under the cover. You actually were slightly afraid of the dark, but you guess it wouldn’t be as scary with someone you know beside you.
Bakugou always went to sleep early, you pretty much just went on your phone till you fell asleep. “I thought you were tired. Why are you in your phone?” He growled.
You tried to explain, but he just snatched it away from you and tucked in under his pillow. “Sleep.” He affirmed. You rolled your eyes, but shut them.
You were awoken by a warm hand shaking your shoulder. Bakugou is staring you dead in the face when you turn around.
“Oh it’s morning.. already?” You murmur. He looks annoyed as he clicks his phone. You hear the sound of a very loud snorer.
“I can’t sleep with your fucking snores echoing the room.” He said angrily, but you knew he wasn’t trying to be hurtful. You rubbed your eyes and told him you would just go back to your room.
“No.” He protested. You lifted the covers and told him it’d be better. He snatched you back and wrapped the blanket back around you. “No. I’ll live. Just thought it was funny. Go back to sleep.” He whispered.
You shut your eyes. Suddenly you hear a soft snoring. Well how the turn tables. You remember your phone is under his pillow, but he’ll wake up if you get it, so you just note the memory in your mind.
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~Shoto Todoroki~
You had told Shoto that you were having nightmares. He insisted that they weren’t really nightmares, instead just dreams you didn’t like.
Regardless, he acknowledged that they made you uncomfortable. “Do you wanna sleep in my room?” He asked, in response. He didn’t know how to comfort you, but he was trying.
You agreed and bought your one stuffed animal into his room at night.
“What’s that?” He asked. You stared at him confused. “A stuffed animal that my mom gave me when I was like 7. I can’t sleep without it.”
He smiled a little bit, “I wish my mom made gave me plushies instead of scars.” Well that was awkward. You stood there in silence for a while. You know he doesn’t mean to make things uncomfortable, he’s just blunt.
He asked you if you wanted the right or left because he was more comfortable on the left, but he’d let you sleep there if you wanted.
You didn’t have a particular preference, so you laid on the right.
He wrapped him arm around you and scooter in close, not saying a word. “Goodnight sho.” Yiu said breaking the silence.
He responded, but not to what you said, “Is this too close? I just thought this would make your dreams less scary.” You laugh and say it’s fine. It does make you feel safe.
“Goodnight Y/N. Goodnight stuffed animal.. what a gruesome title for a children’s item .” He ended.
(A/N: okay my second post :D i still don’t know how requests work, but I want some because I’m terrible at thinking of scenarios.)
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toherlover · 3 years
more fun here
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pairing: din djarin x reader (no use of y/n)
Summary: after spending the last 3 weeks on a bounty, din decides to give you the day off, but personal space was the last thing you wanted after spending so much time alone. 
wordcount: 2.6k
warnings/tags: alcohol, drinking, language? maybe? i dont remember, lots of fluff, mutual pining, mostly from din’s pov 
A/N: hi so i have never actually posted a fic before oop. i have them i just ~dont share~ so this is something new to try for now! 
Mando jumped when the hatch fell open, shaken out of light sleep. His hand immediately fell to the blaster tucked into the holster but froze when he saw her trudging up the ramp. She was holding some sort of drink in one hand, her other arm held out to the side as if she was walking on a balance beam. The girl was muttering under her breath, obviously concentrating way too hard on not spilling whatever liquid was frothing in the glass. 
When she got to the hull of the Razor Crest she let out an exasperated sigh. 
“Hey Mando!” the girl yelled a little too loud, “I’m home!!”
The Mandalorian said nothing. She leaned against the frame and held the glass out to him, panting and starting to slide to the floor.
“I- I got one for-for you!”
He had given her the day to be off on her own, considering how safe the new system they’d landed in was known to be. Maker, she’d spent the last three weeks couped up in the crest by herself. Cabin fever had never really gotten to him, but when he came back this time, bounty flung over his shoulder, it was obvious that it had gotten to her. 
He’d felt bad telling her to stay on the ship and only run to the shop when necessary, especially when she butted back in argument. The girl probably didn’t realize it was for her own good, a protective measure. She had rolled her eyes in annoyance, but when Mando didn’t falter in his stance through the fight she reluctantly agreed. He hadn’t meant to leave her alone this long, he truly thought it’d be just over a week, and there was a pang of guilt in his chest for leaving her here like this. 
In his absence, the girl had thoroughly redecorated the ship. All sorts of… things, crafts, maker-knows-whats, were sitting atop crates, hung on the walls, clearly made using whatever she’d found rummaging through the spare parts bin and in the singular shop connected to the docking bay.
There was a string of little flickering lights hanging across the hull, pieced together from old console controls. It looked like she had sewed together some old fabrics to create some sort of rug, too. 
The girl herself was asleep on the floor, surrounded by papers covered in writing and doodles. It was a mess- whatever she’d been writing was scattered and out of order. The kid was tucked under her arm, completely limp and snoring quietly. They looked like they’d passed out on the spot, mid-activity, on the Crest’s floor. She was wearing an odd combination of clothing he’d never seen before, had she made them herself? The child had a crown woven out of old wires sitting on his head, a matching one had clearly slipped out of her hair.
Mando silently thanked the stars not only for the fact that she was asleep when he got back, but that he had a layer of beskar to hide the smile he couldn’t keep from inching across his face. When he’d hired her a few months back to watch the kid and help copilot as needed, the girl had seemed so harsh. Her knuckles were scarred and she sneered when she called him out on his shit. Which she seemed to love to do. 
In the cockpit, they’d sit in silence for hours, something the Mandalorian usually valued with others, but he wished she’d say something. Anything. Occasionally he’d feel her eyes trained on his helmet, or he’d glance back at her to see her clearly thinking deeply about something, but it was never a shared thought. It was quiet. 
He’d never admit to it, but he was terrified that she was scared of him. Maker, she’d seen him come back out of breath and dragging a body behind him. She was always standing by when he was at his worst, catching her flinch out of the corner of his eye didn’t make it any better. 
But there were moments. Moments he was sure she hadn’t noticed him watching. Moments when she was soft. There were little things. Like how she always gripped the armrest a little tighter and squeezed her eyes shut right before they landed, or how she places a gentle kiss on the kid’s head every night before tucking him in. He doubted she was aware, but she sticks her tongue out just a little bit and fiddles with her necklace when she’s concentrating. Sometimes she leaves little reminders around the ship for them both; they’re always signed with a smiley face at the end. 
There were a few times he’d caught her humming to herself and dancing around on her toes. She was graceful- he wasn’t expecting that. For a fighter pilot with such a callous attitude, she was so delicate. So he stayed back, knowing she’d stop the moment she knew he was there. 
Or how she left a third woven crown hanging from his seat in the cockpit. No, she didn’t wear a helmet, but it was pretty clear that she hid behind her own layer of beskar, too.
But they had never shared a moment like this: the girl slumped in the door frame, holding a drink out to him with a straw stuck in it. The child toddled over to her.
“Hey little dude!” she put the drink on the floor and held her arms out to him. “Look, sorry I’m back just a little smidgen of a bit late,” she said, words slurring, bopping him lightly on the nose. “I sorta kinda,” the girl’s voice didn’t get any quieter as she tried to whisper, “forgot where we were parked.” She shook her head and held a finger to her lips, “Don’t tell Mando.”
The Mandalorian let out a sigh loud enough to be heard through the vocoder and her head whipped around to face him. “I’m-” she started to get up, “I’m sorry I’m a little bit,” she held on to the wall as she stumbled forward, “a little bit late.” With a huff she gave up and sat back down on the floor, but continued to scootch herself closer to him, only stopping a foot or so before his feet. 
Still, he was silent, and the color seemed to drain from her face. Under the cold stare of his visor, she tucked her head back like a child expecting to be scolded. After a few moments, she glanced nervously around the room, looking anywhere besides where she knew his eyes would be. She couldn’t tell the man in front of her was doing everything in his power to stifle a laugh as she struggled to sit up straight. 
“Hey, so you’re actually a reeaallly quiet person,” she said softly, fidgeting a bit, “and I don’t know if you know or realize it or not, or if it’s on purpose, b- but when you go all quiet like this I really don’t know- I mean I’m terrible at reading the room anyways- but I can’t tell if you’re mad and I just-”
He cut her off. “I’m not mad.” Her face lit up slightly. Honestly, he wished he was angry. He should have been angry. His ship was a mess. But when she sat in front of him like this, he found it hard to be even the slightest bit irritated. He’d asked her to be back before nightfall, and for once she didn’t ask why or argue back. 
“Oh.” She smiled softly then leaned all the way back so that her head skimmed the floor. She reached behind her, grabbing the blue drink and sliding it forward as she sat back up. “It was fun. Probably not your scene, I don’t really know, but the music was good, you would have liked that. You should have come.”
With a sigh, the Mandalorian rose to his feet and held a hand out to her, offering to help her up. She smiled again and let him pull her to her feet, immediately placing a hand on his shoulder to steady herself. His hand landed on her waist to keep her upright. “I don’t really do parties.”
She looked up at him. Somehow, even in her intoxicated state, she always managed to look him directly in the eye. “Yeah, I know. Sorta figured. To be really honest with you though, neither do I, I just wanted to do something a little bit different, yah know?” 
“I know.”
They stood there in silence for a minute, then she rested her head against his chest. He froze. She’d never shown an ounce of affection, let alone stand together like this. He knew she was drunk. He guessed the girl wouldn’t remember this in the morning. But still, he held her tightly and savored the moment. It couldn’t have been comfortable, but she leaned against him anyway. 
“But the credits I’d give to see you dance in this tin-man suit,” she knocked on his chest and giggled. 
“I don’t really dance.”
“Liar. You can so dance. No way you’re that quiet and sneaky and can’t.” Her nose scrunched up as she scoffed at him, poking at his chest plate. “Me, however, whew, you really don’t know what you missed, shiny. You’re holding the worst dancer on this side of the galaxy.”
His head cocked to the side and he paused, watching her poke fun at herself, thinking of all the times he’d caught her tiptoeing around with the child. All the times she would sing quietly and swing her hips while out and about. The words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them, “No I’ve seen you dance, you dance all the time.”
Her lips parted as a confused look fell across her face. He couldn’t fully read her expression, but it was clear a million thoughts were flooding her brain. He was instantly worried that he’d offended her. Not only had he invaded her privacy- he admitted it to her face. He worried she’d step away and the moment would end, that she’d go to bed and leave in the morning, taking her pay and her bag. But with one eyebrow raised and a soft smile playing across her face, she wrapped both arms around his neck. 
“So I guess you owe me one then, huh? I brought you back a drink and everything.”
You picked up on his almost inaudible laugh even through the modulator. Sure, you’d had a few drinks. You had been a little past the point of tipsy as you neared the Crest, but you were coming to your senses now. Were you over-exaggerating your state of mind? Most indefinitely. You couldn’t help it, though. The last 3 weeks had been an absolute shit-show. 
You were fine until the end of the first week, then you started to get worried. The thought of him kept you up at night, so you told yourself that there was no way you could have possibly missed him. You only cared because this was your wellbeing now. I mean, before you got this position you spent every minute alone, too. This wasn’t any different. 
Except that it was. And you hated that it was. This was just supposed to be another job. Somehow this man in a metal suit had weaseled his way into a soft spot in your heart.
He’d been so patient. Sure, you knew how to fly a ship, and you’re not clueless when it comes to mechanics, but this ship was unlike anything you’d seen before. So he taught you. 
When he came back bloodied and bruised, he’d explain exactly what he needed you to do. In one instance he had gently guided your hand, slowly realizing he didn’t have to patch himself up anymore. Maybe he liked having you there. It was impossible to tell; maker, the few times you’d tried small talk it seemed to push him away even further. 
But you didn’t want him further away. 
You wanted him right here.
Figured that one out week two. 
Week three the kid decided you didn’t need sleep. He cried and whined until you hung up that makeshift strand of lights. Then he sat and stared up at them like they were the most beautiful thing in the galaxy. So you made more things to pass the time. And more. And more. 
You don’t even remember finally falling asleep, so waking up in the cot was a surprise. You slipped out of bed to figure out what was going on but stopped dead in your tracks when you heard him laugh.
The hatch to the cockpit was open, and from the low angle, you could just barely see the child sitting on the Mandalorian’s lap. 
“It looks cute on you, kid.” The baby giggled and reached out for his arms. The wire crown was sitting on his head again. “How does mine look?” 
The crown you barely remembered making for him during the third-week fever dream was clearly resting on his head, atop the helmet and all. The baby cooed.
When you landed he practically announced that the day was yours and you were free to go off and enjoy yourself. You thought about asking him to tag along but worried it’d be overstepping. Maker, the man had to have been just as, or even more, exhausted as you. Your pity didn’t run too deep, though. You knew it was selfish, but you hoped that maybe he’d want to be with you.
You tried your hardest to not seem disappointed when you turned to see him still in the hull as you strode down the gangway. You walked to clear your mind before popping into a cantina, which ended up being the center of life, and finding peace with the bottle. 
The buzz had almost completely worn off by now, and you were back. And he was back. And he was holding you like he couldn’t risk letting you go. 
He looked down at her and let out a sigh. “Next time, sweet girl. We need to get you to bed before you’re out on the floor.”
Her face flushed pink at the sound of his words. Stars, at least he hoped that was why. He could practically see the wheels turning behind her eyes asking, ‘sweet girl? When did you get so soft on me?’ 
She pushed up on her toes, flattening her body completely against his. Her arms were still around his neck, and he carefully brought his hands together behind her waist. Had he not been wearing the kriffing helmet he would have been able to feel her breath against his neck as she nestled herself impossibly closer. 
“Can I tell you a secret?” she whispered.
He gave a curt nod, his body stiff and tense under her.
“I wanted to leave the second after it started,” Her voice dropped even lower and her eyes fluttered shut, “... figured it’d be more fun here with you.” 
His heart stilled as he realized her invisible beskar helmet had been lifted. He hoped it fell from her shoulders and rolled down the ramp, was lost in the night, maybe even stolen by scavengers, never to be seen between the two of them again. 
She could feel his grip on her back tighten as his head relaxed onto her shoulder.    
“Tomorrow night we’ll stay in,” his voice was just loud enough to pass through the modulator.  
A smile crept across her face, “I’ll hold you to it, Mando.”
“I’m a man of my word.”
“I know.”
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Tsukumo Yuki relationship headcanons
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Tsukumo Yuki x reader
Author note: Tsukomo Yuki is the reason I love woman and she can crush me between her thighs send tweet
Warnings: Potential manga spoilers (?) | Mentions of s*x, but nothing too blatantly explicit. I would still prefer it if minors did not interact with this post in any way.
Yuki always asks the people she meets what type of woman they like. If someone were to ask that same question back to her, she’ll most certainly utter back your name as if it were an obvious response.
What’s not to love about you? You’re cute. You make her laugh. You cook for her because heaven knows she can't if her life depended on it. Most importantly, you keep her company due to the lack of curses she’s ever sent to exorcise. Traveling the world is fun and all, but it’s even more fun with you by her side!
You’re not a sorcerer. You can’t even see curses. Yuki is a childhood friend of yours and has kept you in the loop regarding the world of jujutsu sorcery since she started integrating into it. She thinks it’s important for you to know that someone like you, a non-curse user who has no control over the curse energy you create, should know what exactly your negative emotions can lead to. It’s not to make you feel bad or pin blame on you in any way. It’s her way of protecting you beyond physical means as well as a way of showing you that she places a great deal of trust in you regarding the nature of her line of work and her true goals.
Because she rejects the methods of the higher-ups and her ideology is more along the lines of putting an end to the creation of curses permanently instead of letting them manifest and dealing with them when they start causing profound trouble, you’re often the one that has to listen to all her new, sometimes overreaching, hypotheses now and then. You may even take part in her research, but she would never put you in any sort of harm! At least, not unless you give her the okay to. Be warned, if you give your blessing to be her little lab rat she’s prone to get carried away with her methods. Speak up if she’s doing something outrageous or if she’s making you uncomfortable. Otherwise, you might end up in some precarious situations.
As mentioned previously, Yuki isn’t sent out on missions that often, if ever. She instead chooses to travel in and out of the country, for the sake of her research as well as for the pleasure of it. Since she’s one of three, later four, special grade sorcerers her salary is rather tremendous. Unfortunately, her travels outside Japan are “unauthorized” and sometimes her funds get frozen by the higher-ups. Her quick solution to the matter is to fly back, take on a mission or two to get her funds unfrozen (and into your account because you’re her partner-in-crime) or even take on a mission to earn some more funds, and then you and her are right back to traveling the world again.
During one of these money replenishing heists, she met a kid that she took a particular interest in and wanted to mentor, Aoi Todo. It’s hard for most people to spark her interest to the extent Todo did, so you happily supported her endeavors and even met with her young pupil a few times throughout the years. Her methods of training are a bit....extreme, to put it lightly. You understand that holding back her punches will only hinder Todo’s progress instead of allowing him the ability to improve and push past his limits, but you can’t help but flinch over the large scar that marks his face whenever you briefly meet up with him.
Todo is eccentric, but so is Yuki. Perhaps not idol obsessed like Todo, but seeing the way he takes great care of his appearance and flaunts his body (during a battle even), he’s a near-identical clone of Yuki. She knows that she’s good-looking, and she will always flaunt this fact to anyone with working eyes, even you! Does it work every single time? Yes. Yes, it does.
Honestly, how can it not? She’s tall. She has a great butt. She drives a motorcycle. Her tight biker pants are your Achilles heels and she knows it. Sometimes she’ll wear them around the house just to flaunt her curves and other bodily goods, even if it’s the middle of the summer, the AC is broken and the pants are made of stuffy leather material. If it gets your face all heated up, she'll wear it.
The compliments she gets from strangers are nice and all, but it’s your reactions she truly cares about. You’ve been by her side through it all. You're still sticking with her even despite the fact that she’s constantly moving around and living a somewhat free-spirited lifestyle. You genuinely support and help her when almost everyone else has rejected her methods and ideals and brush her off as some lazy, outrageous-thinking woman. Really, you stole this woman’s heart just by letting her be herself, a lazy, outrageous-thinking woman.
Yuki is indeed lazy, to the point it sometimes affects you and your shared apartment is left in a week-long accumulated mess. I’m talking clothes strewed about and spilling out the already full laundry basket, sink filled with dirty dishes, houseplant half dead due to insufficient watering, and little dusty bunnies in the corner of the room. Whenever you try to get around to getting your living space in order, she always drags you back to the bed with her either to nap some more or for a quick round of sex that leads to more napping. Eventually, you have to beat her with a pillow and threaten her with no sex for a certain period of time to get her to back off, which always works without fail.
If you really hold the “no sex until...” ultimatum over her head long enough, she’ll even pitch in and help you clean. But to be honest she kinda sucks at it so it’s sometimes better to just have her sit on the sidelines while you do all the work. She’ll jokingly suggest you clean with just an apron on (because she’s a freak like that), but you haven’t taken her up on the suggestion just yet. It’s mostly because you’ll use the “naked apron” method to further insinuate her punishment if your usual threat begins to lose its potency (because you are also a freak like that).
She’s a bad sleeping partner. Not only does she hog all the blankets and pillows, but she even stretches out her limbs over the entire bed. This usually leaves you curled up in a corner shivering your ass off until you either fall asleep via exhaustion or move to the couch. If you go to the couch, she’s 99.9% likely to wake up and join you shortly after, where she’s less of a hassle to deal with because of the limited space.
She’s a great big spoon, which is actually one of the ways you later use to solve her troublesome habits as once she latches onto you, she will not let go the rest of the evening. Unfortunately, she also snores terribly loud, but it’s nothing earbuds can’t fix.
Some might think she sleeps in something flattering, maybe even a bit scanty. That couldn’t be any further from the truth. Her pj’s are decades-old shirts and gym shorts that she never got around to getting rid of. If not that, she’ll sleep completely naked and she doesn’t care if someone walks in on her with the covers off. She’ll only ever wear lingerie or other promiscuous pieces of clothing if she has intentions of getting between your legs and rocking your world for the rest of the night.
I think it goes without saying that she looks great in lace, but as hot as she may look, she really likes seeing you dressed up in something risque as well.
If you’re female, she sometimes likes to wear matching lingerie sets with you, but her favorite material to see you in is leather, especially those harness-styled sets that squeeze your flesh all around.
If you’re male, she’s a complete sucker for a man in a clean-cut, custom-tailored suit and will take it off as soon as you put it on. Hope you don’t mind losing a button or two, because she will pop them off for sure when she rips your dress shirt off of you.
To all my gender-neutral folks, It’s never too late to whip out that naked apron I mentioned earlier! Or a leather jacket. Everyone looks great in a leather jacket!
Yuki’s diet is fucking terrible. You’re a decent cook, but despite this, all she ever seems to want is greasy take-out food that makes you wonder how the hell she’s still so fit after witnessing her down three chicken burritos in one sitting. Even when the two of you are abroad and are able to try out different types of cuisines not so readily available in Japan, she’ll still want to go out to a fast food joint that you can easily find everywhere. You’ve tried to get her to branch out of her comfort zone and eat somewhat healthier alternatives of her favorite foods, but so far you’ve gotten mixed results.
In summary: Yuki is a pretty outgoing person and sometimes can be a bit of a hassle to deal with, but she’s clearly ambitious and moves to the tune of her own beat. Her goal of finding and effectively eliminating the source of all curses is a testament to the fact that she wants to save future generations from having to carry the burden sorcerers have been carrying for thousands of years. Her goals are not only for the sake of the people who will come after her, but also for the sake of her future with you. You’re someone she genuinely cares for and wishes to spend the rest of her life with, evident by the numerous times she’s come clean to you about her fears of you dying when she isn't around to protect you or of her dying and leaving you behind to mourn during late-night pillow talks in hotels or in your shared home. A future where you and her can travel the world and truly take in and enjoy the sights and wonders instead of searching for an answer to one of the world’s greatest phenomenon is a future worth fighting for, even if she’s met with some pushback or the end goal seems like nothing more than a pipedream at times. So long as you’re there with her to see her research bear fruit, she’ll keep testing and coming up with new methods to eliminate curses permanently, no matter the extremes her research takes her to.
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ygreczed-3 · 4 years
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The Red Guard and the Snow Angel
Summer Falls desert concept art
Hank and Connor
Gavin and Nines meditating + thunder, snow, fire and wind seal
Gavin and the thunder spirit
More concept arts - traditional art & inking
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
When they go through the Summer Falls desert, Connor and Nines pass out fairly soon due to their intolerance to fire magic. They only get better at night, when the temperature drops, so they stay awake to watch out while the humans sleep. During the day Hank and Gavin have to take them on their horse/Sumo and walk beside them, even though the intense heat isn't making things easy for them either. They reach a village in an oasis where Connor and Nines get better, and when they realize there's a spring in it, they decide to go and rest a bit as the night arrives.
Nines and Gavin are gone meditating on a less crowded part of the spring.
Gavin : That's stupid… How can this make me stronger than my training ? Nines : Stop talking and focus on your breathing.  Gavin : Grmphh.. Nines : Can you feel the source of magic inside your body ? Gavin : … Yeah. Nines : You have to… establish a connection with it. Show him you don't fear it Gavin : But I fear it. Nines : The war spirit you host is an incredible source of power, and you can believe me, it is as bellicose as you are. It only needs a goal to aim for and you'll be able to channel its energy.  Gavin : … You know I'm your enemy… Why do you help me ? Nines, closed eyes : I know I can compete with you. I'm ready to be challenged. And it's funnier to fight a skilled warrior than a scared little boy. Gavin : … Fucker.
Connor and Hank in the hot spring
Connor : I think that's what your hug feels like. Hank : hm ? Connor : The hot water. I think it's what hugs feel like. Hank : You said my hugs... Connor : Did I ? I was just thinking… about how you hug Sumo sometimes. He loves it. Hank : Yeah, this big boy loves cuddles  I admit that. Connor : It must feel good. Hank : What… You've never been hugged before ? Connor : Golems do have… intimate behaviors, of course but it's not… I mean we're… not physically warm, so... (NB : I was thinking golems in this universe would be like vampires, not as freezing as actual snow but still colder than humans) Hank : ...Thought you didn't like heat that much. Connor : Warmth from human's touch is different from fire magic : it feels more… safe, less aggressive. I think I'd like that. Hank : … How do you know that ? Connor : I touched your back to heal it, remember ? Your warmth feels nice. Hank : Yeah okay, you touched me, but you don't know what my hugs feel like ? Maybe you'd hate that. Connor : I wish I could know.
They look at each other, but then Hank looks away and stands up.
Hank : It's late, I'm tired. I'm going back to the inn. Connor seems disappointed, but then Hank keeps going. Hank : You coming ?
When they enter the room they share all together, Nines is already in stasis and Gavin is snoring loudly.
Hank takes Connor's wrist silently, looking at him in the eyes as if tacitly asking for permission. Connor just lets himself be enveloped by wide arms, and rests his cheek on his collar bone.
Connor sighs, closing his eyes as he enjoys that nice bear hug. He feels that warm something in his chest growing in his body, invading his stomach with pleasing flutters. 
Connor : Hank… Hank : Shhh… it would be embarrassing to wake those two idiots up now.
Connor bites his lower lip as he silently reaches for Hank's hand, his skin turning white as he presses gently each of his fingers against Hank's. It's known to be a quite intimate gesture among golems, and the closest human equivalence to it would be a kiss. Connor is aware that it could even be interpreted as indecent given how close their bodies are, and that if Nines was to wake up at that moment he would probably choke on thin air. Of course Hank has no clue about that and just thinks it's funny.
Hank : What, you wanna dance ?
Connor realizes they're holding each other on the left side and touching hands on the right side, and it seems like they're going to waltz. He chuckles from the absurdity of the situation from a human's perspective. 
Connor : I wouldn't know how to. Hank : Good thing, I'm a terrible dancer. Connor : Ahah...hmm, Hank, I like it. Can we stay like this for a moment ? Hank : Sure.
One night in the middle of the desert, Gavin is on the watch as Hank sleeps in the tent. Connor is with him, but Nines inexplicably stays around the fire, silent. Gavin is bored out so he just starts the conversation. 
Gavin : I feel like the old man and your stupid brother are getting along. Nines : I have this feeling too. Gavin : Doesn't bother you? Nines : What can I do ? I asked Connor to be careful, but I'm not blind… He's shining with glee whenever Hank is around him. I can't… force him not to feel. Also, I think Hank isn't that bad of a person… for a human. Gavin : Still certain we're the bad guys ? Think about it : you were made to serve us.  You betrayed your creators and let us starve like dogs. Nines : Humans didn't create us. Kamski did, and if he had wanted to, he could have made unthinking, obedient golems. Maybe we were meant to break free. Gavin : Oh yeah, so why can't you even procreate ? Simple answer: you were not designed to be an individual species from the start. You were built with no other purpose in life than to help us survive.  Nines : Didn't that even occur to you that humans did bad things too ? Gavin : We're just trying to survive ! Nines : So we are. Gavin : … So what ? You're saying we're two evils ? Of course we are. But I have to protect my people, you understand that ?
Nines stays silent, exploring the surprisingly genuine glare Gavin throws at him. Of course he understands that. His own despise for humanity is only driven by his deep desire to protect Connor, Marcus, and his people. He looks back at the fire heating them, unconsciously processing how ridiculously similar they are.
And yet, something starts growing in his mind, the irritating sensation his relationship with Gavin has changed from the moment they met, and that he unexpectedly wanted to protect him as well.
Nines : Would you kill me ?
He can't even explain how this sentence even made it out of his throat. He already knows the answer. Gavin stares at him longingly, noticeably surprised by the question. He stays silent as he puts more wood in the fire.
Gavin : If I had to, I probably would. But I… hum… don't want to. Nines : … hm. Gavin : What about you ? Would you kill me ? Nines : I don't know. If lives were at stake, certainly, even if I'd find this decision… regrettable. Gavin : ... Oh wow, is that your way to tell me you like me ? Nines : … Don't set your hopes too high.
Gavin breathes in a laugh and goes back to silence, smiling smugly. 
They arrive in Nestlepeek and split in two teams, Hank and Connor go to the center of the town, where Connor hopes to find more precise information about Kamski and where he hides.
Gavin and Nines were supposed to go buy supplies, but as they head to the covered market, they are challenged by a man in the street to defeat his champion in a fight. As Nines realizes it's all for illegal gambling, Gavin accepts and finds himself in a cage, combating a birdman.
He thinks he's got the hang of it but as soon as the birdman starts flying Gavin can't touch him with his sword anymore and becomes vulnerable to his aerial attacks.
Nines : Gavin ! Summon the spirit ! Gavin : No way ! Nines : You'll lose if you don't ! Gavin : I know what I'm doing, alright !? Nines : You obviously don't ! Thunder magic gives you advantageous long throw attacks, you can't win against a flying foe with close combat techniques ! Gavin : I think I killed enough Golems to know how to fight flying foes ! Nines : You bastard…
Nines uses his snow magic to catch the champion in ice and immobilize him.
Owner : What the hell !!! Who did that ?! Nines : I did. I'll replace your champion, open the cage.
The owner is confused first but then he sees the opportunity and accepts. Nines enters the cage and gets ready to fight.
Gavin : … You wanna die ? Told you I could do it. Nines : We've been talking about this fight for ages. It's time to see what you're capable of.
They start fighting and they're pretty even for the first ten minutes. Their fight gathered a lot of gamblers and spectators.
When Nines starts to take advantage, Gavin's eyes suddenly turn bright yellow, and he charges at him : Nines can see the thunder magic halo surrounding him. He parries many strikes but Gavin has gained in speed and ferocity. Soon enough, Gavin throws him to one extremity of the cage, and as the crowd around them is screaming in excitement, Gavin holds up his dagger. He's trembling, electricity forming around his hand. 
Nines can make eye contact but somehow, Gavin isn't answering his glare.
Nines : Gavin- You hear me ?
Gavin doesn't say anything, and Nines is sure he's gonna die when the human warrior shoots down his dagger… only to hit one of the cage's bars just behind him. Gavin closes his eyes, and opens them, showing blue-green orbs again, and he straightens up, breathless.
The crowd boos them as Gavin takes a step back and drops the other dagger. He asks the owner to open the cage and leaves the place, Nines following him, still out of breath as well.
Nines : Gavin !
Gavin stops, letting Nines get closer, until they face each other again.
Nines : You did it. You mastered the spirit… Do you realize that ? Gavin : I could have killed you, then everyone around me. That's what the spirit wanted to do… Do you realize that ? Nines : But you didn't. With a bit more training-... Gavin : I almost killed you, Nines, for fuck's  sake ! Nines : … So what ? Thought you were ready to. Gavin : Listen, this beast wanted you dead, everyone dead so bad… How can I… How can I use this power when I know how dangerous and unstable it is? Nines : … But you stopped it, right ? You can control it. Gavin : You fucker, if it wasn't for you, I know I couldn't have stopped it. I would have killed all those strangers, I know that, and I'm not… I'm not a murderer. Nines : … What do you mean, for me ? Gavin : Drop it. I need some air, don't follow me.
Hank and Connor enter the library, Connor is looking for the archived events-records to see if Kamski came into this village (which is most likely given it's the first one you can find after the desert)
It appears that the local people can fly so the library is very high, and most scales don't even reach the top of the bookshelves.
Hank : How the hell can we reach the archives ? Connor : Wait a minute, I'll go there and take some volumes with me.
Connor spreads his wings, that widen to support his weight as he takes off to the highest point of the library. Hank is impressed by how graceful Connor looks in the air. When the golem comes back with a consequential pile of old, handwritten books, he's just there, mouth open in amazement.
Connor : Here we go… the last 10 years of history in this village… Ready to pull an all-nighter ?
Hank doesn't reply.
Connor : Hank ? Hank : You're beautiful.
Connor blinks once, his lips slightly parted from the surprise, his eyes conveying nothing else than confusion and yet, low-key content.
Connor: ..I'm sorry ? Hank : When you fly I mean… that's impressive… and beautiful. Connor : Huh… Thank you, I guess ? Anyway hum… let's… let's find a table… Hank : “Thank you” ? But do you even realize how beautiful you are ? Connor : I was created to meet some human ideal. Why would I be proud of something that isn't my doing ? Hank : Ah, don't be so modest.  Connor : … you know, I think I find humans more attractive than Golems. Each one of you is unique, and I love everything you call “flaws”.
Hank laughs halfheartedly at his last line.
Hank : You don't make sense, kid.
They read the archives until it's dark outside. Hank can't help but yawn as Connor lights the candles to keep reading.
Connor : You can go back to the inn, Gavin must be there already, and Nines can take over. Hank : Nah, I'm good. Connor : Hm… Hank : You okay ? You look… worried. Connor sighs : … What if we can't find Kamski ? What if… I was wrong, what if we had to go back to Detroit and Jericho with just nothing ? I don't want to return to a situation where I'll have to fight you… I just can't.  Hank : … Yeah, I understand that. I don't think I can remain a Red Guard after what we've been through… After I got to know you. Connor : If we were to fail… nothing will never be the same again. Without you.
Hank just looks at Connor with sharp eyes, as if he's got the urge to say something. At this point Hank knows he's falling for the Golem, but of course, he won't say anything, because he's sure it's only one sided, Connor is so young and handsome he can't possibly feel the same.
Actually the dark haired golem is totally in love with the man, but again, he thinks Hank can't reciprocate his feelings since he's probably into women (after all he used to have a wife), and definitely not into Golems anyways. It just feels so unfair to both of them to consider going back to their normal life when they just want to stay with the other so bad. They just wish they could stay together and run away in some romantic and lovesick lunacy. Again, they won't tell each other about it.
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staarshiine · 3 years
words: 1,773 tw: s*icdial thoughts
Louie knew that he shouldn’t be feeling this way, that it was a dangerous and terrible thought to have, but he just couldn’t muster up the energy to care anymore.
He hadn’t cared about anything for a long time.
or, Louie can’t sleep. He ends up spiraling.
Louie didn’t know what it was that woke him up.
These nights even the slightest creek from the old house could startle him awake. It was embarrassing, really, to sometimes fall out of bed just because a poster fell off a wall, especially after he had a day of avoiding bears with chainsaws for arms. Maybe being such a light sleeper was the price he had to pay for a childhood of near death experiences. A shitty trade off, if you asked him.
In the end it didn’t really matter what woke him up, the result was the same.
Louie was left laying alone in the dark, tired out of his mind, but unable to sleep.
For some awful reason, his brain had decided to choose now to be uncomfortably aware of every inch of his body, almost as if sensing his desperate attempts to fall back asleep.
His gut was churning and twisting in a way he knew would evolve into a full blown stomachache the second he decided to get up, and there was a slight pang in the left side of his rib cage. His wrist and knuckles still hurt from when he had smacked the back of his hand against a stone wall while running away from the catastrophe of the day, and there was a similar stinging pain in his knee from when he scrapped it tripping and falling on the ground to narrowly avoid the swipe of an axe. His legs and the bottoms of his feet were aching from the cardio workout he got while running for his fucking life earlier that day.
He was just so tired.
The weariness went much further than just bone deep. It was as if exhaustion was laced into every breath, like someone had made thread out of lead and had sewn it into the very fabric of his soul.
He was tired of not being able to sleep through the night. He was tired of his body hurting all the time. He was tired of being forced to fight just to live every day.
He was tired of his life. He was tired of living.
The realization dawned upon him quietly but all at once, like the tide slowly inching in until he’s suddenly been submerged by the waves he didn't notice creeping in.
Louie knew that he shouldn’t be feeling this way, that it was a dangerous and terrible thought to have, but he just couldn’t muster up the energy to care anymore.
He hadn’t cared about anything for a long time.
When had the constant danger become normal? Why had he gotten used to being kidnapped on a daily basis, as if it wasn’t horrifying enough to get locked and tied up? How had having to run just for the chance to breath for another day become a regular occurrence?
Louie had been running on pure fear for so long, he wasn’t sure how to get through the day without adrenaline pulsing through his veins.
Maybe he was tired of fighting. He barely even knew what he was fighting for.
It wasn’t as if Uncle Scrooge allowed him to keep any of the treasures they found on adventures. The golden luster of a future life filled with riches had begun to lose its shine. Was some pretty coin worth all the trouble it was taking to get there?
He didn’t have many big dreams outside of just getting rich, it was almost sad. It was sad. But it wasn’t as if he was going to get far in life anyways. Louie was a greedy, lazy, selfish bastard and he knew that fact uncomfortably well. No matter what Louie did he could never seem to escape who he really was. Someone always ended up getting hurt.
Did he have anyone to be there for?
He didn’t have many friends, either. Not that he ever really tried to make any, not after the disaster that was Doofus Drake. Lena, Boyd, Violet, and Gosalyn were all nice, but they weren’t really his friends. They were all closer to his siblings. He wasn’t anyone’s first choice.
There was always his family.
His family who probably hated him.
Louie couldn’t even count the number of times he had put them into mortal danger for stupid reasons. No shiny ring or necklace was worth their lives, but he was always blinded by the shine and his own selfish greed, and risked it anyways. What reason had he given to deserve their love? He brought nothing good to the table. All he did was sit around all day and get in the way.
His family didn’t seem to have the same problems with the constant adventures that he did. Day after day they just popped back into action, bravely facing whatever life threw their way. Louie felt so ashamed in comparison. Was the problem just him? What was wrong with him?
Why couldn’t he do anything right?
Schemes were supposed to be his thing, the one skill he had that had the capacity to be helpful, to some degree. He fucked that up too.
He had blinked all of them out of existence because of his stupid fucking schemes, and his mom hated him for it. Of course she did. Who wouldn’t? He certainly did.
He just wanted to go back to bed.
Louie didn’t know how much time he had spent, falling deeper and deeper into his own head, but he felt worse than ever before.
His blanket had long stopped being comforting and instead became suffocating. He could barely muster the energy to rip it off, and the sudden cold made him feel sick to his stomach.
Living in a literal tower seemed cool, but the novelty wore off once they realized Scrooge was too cheap to pay for the heating in the room.
Still, the cold was better than the clammy constricting blanket. He curled up tight into a fetal position, and tried to bite back the tears burning in his eyes.
Louie knew he wasn’t in the right mind, that his brain was playing tricks on him and skewing his perception of reality, but god did it feel real.
In that moment he truly believed nobody cared for him. That he was totally and utterly alone.
Then Dewey let out a loud snore above him.
It was such a stupid and small thing, but he couldn’t help but let out a snort. Which then exploded into full blown laughter.
Louie just couldn’t stop. He knew he was definitely going to wake someone up, but he just couldn’t control himself. He doubled over wheezing and cackling till his stomach and cheeks hurt, and each gasping breath began to turn into sobs.
Between the sound of his own manic laughter he could hear the sheets above him shuffling, and the quiet thunks of Huey climbing down the ladder.
Knowing his brothers were awake to witness his hot mess of a breakdown just made the situation even more hilarious in the same way a depressed clown falling on his ass was. Louie’s face was bright red from how hard he was laughing, and hot tears were streaming down his cheeks. He could barely breathe. Nothing about the situation felt real.
Dewey’s sleepy voice cut through Louie’s gasping breaths, and startled him out of his crazed giggling. Somehow both his brothers had manifested at the edge of his bed without him noticing. Louie could barely make out his brothers’ concerned expressions through his watery eyes.
Huey’s eyebrows were furrowed so hard Louie was surprised he hadn’t gotten wrinkles yet, and Dewey was rubbing his eye and clutching a pillow to his chest. He looked almost scared. Louie had to look really insane for Dewey of all people to be scared, Dewey wasn’t scared of anything. It was honestly concerning sometimes how often he would throw himself head first into danger.
“What happened? Are you okay?” Huey fretted, and moved to sit near him on the bed.
Like he had to ask. Louie knew he looked like a garbage fire that was hit by a freight train then tossed into a blender and hurled into the fucking sea.
You tell me, do I look okay, Hubert?
He knew he was being a little mean, but it was enough to throw Louie back into hysterical laughter, which quickly dissolved into violent sobs. Huey let out a distraught noise and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. Louie just let himself be held and cry into his older brother’s sleep shirt. He felt like a baby, but he couldn’t be bothered to care anymore. The bed dipped and creaked slightly as Dewey sat down on the other side, and began to rub circles into his back. That just made Louie cry even harder.
They really did care about him.
The thought suddenly flooded him with pure relief.
Louie didn’t know how long he spent sitting there and sobbing his eyes out, but eventually he ran out of tears to spill. His heaving cries sputtered off into quiet gasps and eventually he was left quietly clutching to Huey’s side. The night still felt unreal, like the second Louie let go Huey and Dewey would vanish and he would be all alone again.
“...No,” Louie weakly whispered out, his voice scratchy and raw from the abuse Louie had just put his throat through. “I’m not okay. I… I think I haven't been for a really long time.”
No one said anything. Dewey just leaned into his other side and gave Louie’s hand a slight squeeze. Huey shifted slightly to reach up and gently wipe away Louie’s tears. He rested his palm against Louie’s cheek and guided his head to rest on Huey’s shoulder. They were such small acts of affection, but it was enough to warm Louie’s heart. It was right there, sitting sandwiched between both his brother’s, did Louie finally feel a sliver of hope.
He was loved.
It didn’t matter what he thought of himself, there would always be two people in his little corner of the world who cared about him.
Louie was still tired. He wasn’t sure anything could lift that heavy feeling out of his chest, but just sitting there and being held made it just the slightest bit lighter.
Maybe he could make it through another day.
Maybe tomorrow morning he could work up the courage to talk to his siblings and explain just exactly how he was feeling. But for now, all Louie was concerned about was letting his heavy eyelids slip shut.
And finally, he fell asleep.
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laughingmango · 3 years
[Ghost Trick, Yomiel & Cabanela] At night, before the cover of sleep
Ghost Swap treat for @turn-tail-for-the-road! "Cabanela finds himself possessed by Yomiel who sometimes takes over his body in times of stress" got me thinking...
A slow fall dotted by spotless manipulation.
He hears him once, from afar: obnoxious lively clucking from across the street, some posturing for a joke, and at the sound of that voice Yomiel freezes even in the safety of his ghostly form, at once he’s back in that interrogation room, no way out, for all his aimless wanderings through the city he will always be dragged back in the darkness of that interrogation room, forever.
There is no escape, and it occurs to him then and there, as if divine inspiration were cutting through his panic with a bolt of righteousness, that this predicament can go both ways. Yomiel crosses the street along with a bored pedestrian, who will never notice she lacks the memories of going from sidewalk to sidewalk, and hovers around his mark, hopping from core to core in the busy downtown street. He tells himself that he is thinking about what he is about to do. That he’s considering the pros and cons and all that careful planning. Truth is, one moment he’s still deep in that same thick fog of panic, the next he’s possessing the Inspector, faltering on too-spindly legs in the middle of a complex dance step, and Yomiel is dead certain that he’ll ruin his life somehow, anyhow, he’ll figure it out as he goes, he’s invincible and they don’t know what’s coming. He forgot what feeling in control feels like – satisfaction prickles like he still had nerves and skin to feel it with, and blood to rush to his head.
“What was that?” asks the other detective with an amused frown, offering an arm for the Inspector to lean on as he loses his balance. “Weight of our sins catching up with you yet? Ha ha.”
Yomiel sees that the big guy is about to pat the Inspector’s back; what he does not expect is the strength that goes into it, and so his borrowed body stumbles forward. Yomiel’s spirit seizes the chance to leave him barreling forward as if the slap itself had cast him out, hoping at least the Inspector will fall but no, of course not, life’s never that fair, dancer’s instincts kick in and he elegantly lands on one knee before dusting off that hideous coat of his and cracking a puzzled smile at his friend.
Yomiel metaphorically catches his breath holding onto the core of a fire hydrant nearby. He’s invincible and they don’t know what’s coming, and they can’t begin to suspect his presence (Jowd’s words ring in his ears, inebriating like a morbid inside joke). There are more ways to make the man pay than out in the open, more ways to chase that strange and dreadful high. Yomiel will bid his time. It’s all he has left.
So he follows the Inspector at night, as he goes back to the sanctity of his home, away from the spotlight, from all the eyes trained on him and his quirks and mannerisms that are a headache and a half and frankly impossible to mimic convincingly. Here, at the end of the day, no-one is watching, no-one will ever know. Not even the Inspector himself.
Yomiel waits, vague expectations of the vague yet undoubtedly terrible things he would do bubbling up inside him and falling flat against his muffled ghostly senses. There is a distinct pleasure to be taken in noticing that the Inspector’s trademark spotless style also applies to his flat, and applied to a flat it’s just sad. The place barely feels lived in, showing no signs of love for it nor for its owner anywhere, not a single picture of a friend or relative hung up on the wall – Sissel’s little cat house has more personality than this.
At last his target slips into some decadent silk pajamas and goes to sleep, humming a happy tune to himself like an innocent child. The moment he falls asleep, when any missing, strange and fading memories will feel like dreams, Yomiel reaches out and grips him hard enough he could crush his soul. He takes a deep breath in this hateful, inhospitable body. The thrill is there again. He can do anything. Anything at all.
Filled with an intense sense of purpose, he stubs this body’s toe, vigorously, puts him back to bed and slips away into the night. It feels good.
On a different occasion, he takes a post-it with an important-looking phone number scribbled in pencil, underlined and all, and lets it fall out of the window.
A few months later, he concocts an elaborate scenario to take some cash out of the bastard’s wallet and drop it into his funds for buying top shelf cat food for his little boy. By elaborate he means a pigeon – leave the cash outside the window with the Inspector’s body, drop him in bed, leave, all that’s routine. Coming back manipulating a pigeon to pick it all up and bring it to his own body, that’s elaborate. Look, flying is complicated, he never really got the hang of it.
It becomes something of a habit. Relieves stress like nothing else, really.
It only happens once after Alma’s accident. Alma’s accident has changed many things. Yomiel’s schedule is busy, now, and even on the evening he has set aside to return to his little habit, he’s late into the night. He slides into the flat to find the Inspector already in bed, snoring most odiously. Reaching out to his soul gives Yomiel a moment’s insight into the man’s dreams, which are as sterile and loveless as his waking hours: in his dream, he is running through a gray expanse, chasing something that remains forever out of reach, his legs are burning, his lungs are burning, he can’t find the strength to cry but still he pushes forward. Like everyone else in town, Yomiel has heard that a spotless career is all the Inspector cares for now (unlike everyone else in town, Yomiel had an inkling already, and vindication feels sweet). To see him long for clout and money to the point of chasing them in his dreams fills Yomiel with a distant rage.
He slips into his body and walks up to the window, slamming it wide open, imagining that he could feel the cold winter air. No-one is watching. No-one could stop him even if they saw him slip a leg across the windowsill, sitting with his legs astride, ready to push this body down toward the distant pavement below… nobody but Yomiel himself, holding this wretched life in his hands. He savors the moment. As he pulls back and hops toward the safety of the apartment, he savors the sweet taste of righteousness, too.
The thing is – unlike some people, he’s not a murderer.
And that reminder feels ever so good.
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super-cool--cow · 3 years
Love and letters -- Harry Styles
Word count: 1515
Summary: You have left Harry to work in Paris but you can’t stop thinking about him in the train.
Warnings: Violence (not explicit), angst, death
*not my gif*
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The city looks beautiful from here. Like this, it's just a city where people can dream and live and love. Love without problems and fights, but just good, lovely, movie-love.
From here, people don’t break up and they definitely don't do it by packing a bag and leaving a note before the other wakes up. Only horrible people would do that.
And yet, here you are. Sitting in a train towards France, with a suitcase under your seat. You look at your watch, 6.23 am. 
His alarm will ring in seven minutes. He will wake up to find you gone... He will walk out into the kitchen, thinking that you’re making breakfast for the two of you, but instead he’ll find a letter next to the oranges. 
“Baby? Are you ready? The reception is in an hour so we have to hurry!” You yell as soon as you step through the door. You get no answer. 
When you step into the kitchen, Harry’s standing with his back to you. You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his waist. “What are you looking at, Bub?” you ask him, trying to see over his shoulder. 
You freeze when you see the letter in his hands. “Harry, I- I can explain.” Your arms fall away from him as he turns around, clutching the piece of paper in his tightened fist. 
“Why does it say here that they’re excited to greet you at your new job and that they’ve set up your office? And why does it say that it’s in Paris?” he asks through clenched teeth. 
“I- I got a job in Paris... I’m moving there next week,” you tell him while staring at your feet.
“Ma'am? Ma’am?” Your thoughts are interrupted as a woman looks down at you. She almost looks like a flight attendant or something like that. “Ma’am would you like something to drink?” You see the filled up cart in front of her, realizing that she’s a... I don’t know, ‘train attendant’? 
“Uhm, yes. Yes, thank you. A cup of coffee?” She smiles at you warmly. If you could be hugged by her for about an hour you’re pretty sure that everything will be better. 
She hands you the steaming cup and you pay her. She rolls down to the next occupied seat in the train, leaving you alone with your thoughts once again. It’s 6:34 now. Has he found the letter? Maybe he’s pressed snooze so that he can sleep a little longer. Every part of you hurts at the thought of hurting him. I’m a terrible person...
“Were you ever going to tell me?!” Harry yells at you, pacing back and forth in the living room. You’re standing by the couch with your arms crossed.
“Of course I was going to tell you! I just didn’t know how to!” you shout back at him. He stops dead in his tracks, staring right at you. You can almost see the fire, the hurt, in his eyes.
“You didn't know how to tell me that you have accepted a job in Paris?” He walks into your shared bedroom. You stand for a second debating if you should follow him.
When you come into the bedroom he’s standing in front of the closet, back to you.
“Harry, I’m sorry. I really, really am, but I cannot say no to this opportunity for... for...” He turns around slowly.
“For me” he finishes your sentence with ice in his voice. You don’t say anything, you just look at him. He turns around and opens the closet. He pulls out your suitcase. “Leave. Leave right now,” he orders, still not looking at you.
“I- Harry,” you stutter. You’re doing everything you can for the tears to not spill out. 
“I don’t wanna hear it. Just get the fuck out of my sight, I can’t even look at you.” The words hit you harder than anything. Harder than a brick in the face or a house in the stomach. But now it isn’t sadness that’s hitting you, it’s absolute rage. 
“Get the fuck over yourself Harry. I am not leaving this apartment tonight.” You make your voice as cold as his.
“What did you say?”
“You heard me. You need to grow the fuck up and either have a conversation about this with me or-”
“Or what? You're gonna leave me? You’re already leaving me, right now,” he spits at you. 
The train comes to a whining halt at the new station. You look out at all of the people standing there. 
They probably all have completely ordinary lives with jobs and families, maybe a dog. Like that man standing by the ticket booth. He’s standing with a little girl, maybe around five years old or so. She’s smiling up at him as he pays for the tickets. 
He looks down at her and smiles back at her before handing her her ticket. They walk over to the information screen. He lifts her up and says something to her. She smiles and points up at the screen. They look happy, content. 
You could have had that with Harry, it’s what he always wanted. And he wanted it with you.
“I could come with you,” Harry says. You sit across each other at the dining table, this was the first either one of you had said. 
“I could come with you to Paris. It’s not that far away and I can technically work anywhere, even the Bahamas for that matter.” He smiles at you with bright eyes. 
“I can’t ask you to do that-” “You’re not asking, I’m offering,” he interrupts you and reaches over the table to grab your hand. “Let’s do it, let's move to France together.” You stand up and walk over to him. He pulls you down onto his lap, kissing you softly. 
“Okay,” you mumble into the kiss and you can feel his smile. 
Your phone starts to ring on the small table in front of you. Quickly you pick up without even looking at the caller-id. “Harry?” you ask as soon as you answer. 
“Uhm, no. It’s Caroline, I sat in the booth in front of you?” Of course it’s not Harry, you deleted his number earlier. 
“Caroline! Hey, what can I do for you?” You try to sound as normal and cheery as possible but it’s difficult. 
“I just wanted to congratulate you on your new job and wish you good luck. You really were a great colleague,” she tells you. The two of you weren’t close but it’s still nice.
“Thank you so much, Caroline. It really means a lot!”
“Well I gotta go now, boss is calling me. But um, eat a croissant for me.” The line crackles and she hangs up. 
“Goodnight, baby,” Harry whispers and turns off the lights. Wishing minutes he’s asleep, snoring lightly. 
But you can’t sleep, thoughts are streaming through your head like the ocean during a thunderstorm. In three days the two of you are leaving for France. 
You can’t do this to him, to you. He’ll be unhappy in France, your workload is at least three times as much as it is now. You need to start fresh, without Harry. You love Harry, you really, really do, but this can’t go on. 
You fight and you fuck and then everything is fine for a while. You both know it’ll never work. The idea of you and Harry strolling around Champs-Élysées is amazing, but it’s not realistic... 
Thoughts like this go through your head until 4:45 am.
You go out into the bathroom. You look yourself in the mirror but you hardly recognise yourself. Bags under your eyes, tired.
You have to go.
You pull out your suitcase from under the bed. It’s the same one that Harry had pulled out less than a week ago. 
Quietly you pack your clothes and everything else that’s necessary. Harry stirs a bit in his sleep but he doesn't wake up. You walk over to him and softly press your lips to his. “I love you,” you whisper, before walking into the kitchen. 
After finding pen and paper you start to write: 
Harry, my love. 
I’m sorry that I have to do this to you, but I’ve left for Paris alone. I love you with every part of me and it hurts. And not in a good way. 
The way that I love you is absolutely unimaginable, not even Shakespeare would be able to understand it. So I have left. 
We both know that this will never work, the two of us, together in Paris. So stay here, be the man I know and love. Find a woman who sees what I see in you and stay with her. Build a family, have children with her, love her. 
I won’t come back so don’t look for me. Please.
I love you. Goodbye.
A voice comes through the speakers just before your tears start to come out,
“It seems that there are some troubles with the train tracks-” he doesn’t get to say anything else. 
An explosion stops time. 
You can feel your body getting hurled ups in the air, but the only thing you can see is him.
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tallstars-rewrite · 3 years
Chapter 34
chapter list / previous / next
Recovery did come, slow as it was. Some days later, Talltail sat by the big glass window. Jake was curled up pressed against his side, snoring loudly. It still felt a bit strange that the kittypet didn’t have even a small qualm about letting a stranger into his home, and treating him as though they were clanmates their whole lives. Talltail certainly didn’t dislike it. It felt safer than sleeping alone, and even if the water the twoleg put down had an unpleasant metallic tang to it, at least he could be sure it wasn’t going to kill him. 
Another oddity he’d found in the den was the twoleg sometimes lit a small fire inside at night, in a little stone cavern in the sitting room, and somehow kept it contained. It was more than a little frightening at first, but also incredibly warm. It was his first sight of real fire. Talltail couldn’t help but be mesmerized at the rare opportunity to closely watch such a dangerous unpredictable thing, feared by all the clans, without having to worry.
 But that was about where the benefits stopped.
In the couple days he’d been there, he had also suffered getting slobbered on by a dog multiple times, and the twoleg constantly trying to stroke his fur. Once it had made the mistake of trying to pick him up, but Talltail had quickly made it clear that was not going to fly. He also had to deal with letting it take on and off the uncomfortable soft wraps and smearing his cuts with a foul smelling goo. The twolegs paws where clumsy and shaky. It made him long for Briarpaw’s much more gentle touch. I will never complain of the smell of herbs again, Talltail thought. Not that he’d get the chance either way. But however unpleasant it felt, he suffered captivity with as much dignity as he could manage. And his wounds did feel a bit better.
The twoleg came up behind them and crouched down, making strange high pitched noises at Talltail, a sound he noticed the twoleg only made at cats. Talltail ignored it, tail lashing when it had the nerve to start touching his back. He turned slowly with a searing glare.
“You are an ugly hairless lumbering fool. You smell of fox-dung. I’d rather sleep in the dirt place than breathe in your stench.”
The twoleg made a pleased crooning sound and went on stroking his fur. 
Talltail continued, “you have a kits’ senses and wouldn’t be able to find your own stupid ugly nose even though it’s attached to your face. You are lower than a worm, and I despise you and everything you stand for. You are too flea-brained to understand a word I’m saying, aren’t you?”
The twoleg meowed back at him. It sounded like garbled nonsense.
Talltail narrowed his eyes. “What is that supposed to mean? Are you mocking me?”
The twoleg meowed again. 
Talltail bit its paw.
Jake snored himself awake while Talltail still held one of its long digits in his jaws. 
“Are you getting along?” he yawned.
Talltail spit out the paw and the twoleg made an amused sound and lumbered away. “We are getting along great,” he said through gritted teeth.
“That’s good. You’ve only bit him five times so far, that’s much better than the last cat he tried to take in,” Jake purred.
“Your twoleg does not take hints very well.” Talltail replied, ears flat in annoyance.
“Well I never claimed he was wise. He’s really very fond of you though.”
“Then he truly isn’t wise at all."
Jake yawned and stretched “How’s your brooding going? Anything go by outside?”
“Nothing more than some birds,” Talltail sighed.
“Oh!” Jake said suddenly. “I forgot to mention...I had an idea about what you can do. My friend Nutmeg has seen lots of strays go through here in the past moons. There’s a chance the cats you're looking for were among them.”
“You forgot to mention that?”
“In my defense, there’s been a lot of other things to think about.”
“In which case,” Talltail stood. “I think I have stayed here long enough. My cuts aren’t bad. I can manage on my own without that terrible goo.
He expected Jake to argue, but instead he nodded. “I’d never expect you to stay in a house like this, even I find it a little cramped sometimes. A promise is a promise. Follow my lead and you can sneak out.”
Jake took a couple paces towards where the twoleg was sitting and let out a very loud yowl.
 “Hey! Time to open the door!”
 Eventually the twoleg grumbled, stood up slowly on creaking limbs, and shambled over to the side door. He looked down at Talltail and tried to nudge him back with his long hind leg. Talltail let out a small hiss. Who does it think it is, pushing me? 
Jake winked at Talltail. “Just be casual. Act like you don’t care.”
Talltail pretended like he was busy grooming his chest fur. As soon as the door was open, Talltail shot out faster than a hare, across the yard, and clammered through a gap in the fence. Jake squeezed after him a heartbeat later. The twoleg made a hooting sound, but Talltail was already out of sight.
He huffed in the fresh air as soon as he set paws on grass. Never had he been so relieved to feel it.
With a contented sigh of relief, he turned to dip his head to Jake. “Thank you for everything. I’ll think of you often for being so kind to me. You’ve more than repaid your debt.” 
Jake blinked at him. “It wasn’t just to repay a debt! And I want to go with you.”
 Talltail stared. “G-go with me? This could be really dangerous. I may not like your home, but you're safe here. Where I’m going isn’t, and who knows how long it will take. Do you even know how to fight?”
Jake puffed out his chest “I’ve been in a fight! I got into a tussle with an old stray once, sort of by accident, but I held my ground! See this scar on my ear?”
He turned his head to show off the very, very small nick in his right ear.
When Talltail didn’t respond, Jake gave a dramatic sigh of defeat. “Well, all right. I can’t make you take me. But be careful of the neighbor dogs. And the alley cats. And the rude twolegs. And the cars. The paths and alleyways can get really confusing if you don’t follow them all correctly, and you can end up turned around and running nose first into all kinds of danger. You know where to watch out for all of that, right?”
He was giving Talltail a very pointed look as he spoke. Talltail flicked his long tail in annoyance, but couldn't help looking out at the town with unease. This place was unfamiliar and completely strange to him, not anything his warrior training had prepared him for. Obviously, because warriors aren’t supposed to come out this far in the first place. 
It was hard to admit to himself after he’d been so determined to do this on his own that weaving through this loud foul smelling town made him nervous, and he didn’t even know where to start.
Jake had an amused glint in his eyes. “I know you’re on a super important mission, but if you want to accept this 'kittypets' help, I'd love to show you around.”
 Talltail eventually had no choice but to accept that maybe he did need a guide. For a little while at least.
Jake perked up immediately. “Great! Then I’ll take you to see my friend Nutmeg. You guys seem like you're a similar breed of paranoid, maybe you’ll get along. You can describe those cats to her, and we’ll decide where to go from there.”
 Talltail still wasn’t sure about this. He felt deep down that he really did want Jake’s company, remembering a time when it felt like such a relief to go see him. And he didn’t realize until after he left WindClan how empty it would feel to be completely alone for so long. But at least unlike back then, he didn’t have to feel guilty about seeing Jake because it was no longer a simple excuse to get away from his clan duties. But still... I came out this far because I needed to do this on my own, didn’t I? Why should another cat be bogged down with it?  
“This could take a while, Jake,” Talltail warned again as they walked. “Are you sure you don’t have anything more important to do?”
Jake’s eyes smiled brightly in the greenleaf sunlight. “I assure you, I have absolutely nothing better to be doing.”
Talltail followed Jake, leaping down off the fence into Nutmeg’s yard.
“Wait here, I know how to get her attention,” Jake said, trotting up to a tall glass opening in the nest. He began pawing at the window until a disgruntled looking tortoiseshell poked her head through an opening flap. 
Nutmeg pushed her way into the yard and regarded Jake suspiciously. “I haven’t seen you in a couple days. Is that weirdo still in your house?”
“Actually he’s in your garden.” Jake replied.
Nutmeg’s eyes bulged as she had apparently only just noticed Talltail sitting with his tail wrapped tightly around himself, trying not to look awkward.
“Um. Hi.” Talltail said.
The bristling tortoiseshell flicked her gaze from him back to Jake, not hiding her obvious unease. “Ah. I see.”
“I know, I know, you don’t like strangers in your garden, but I promise we’ll be gone quick. We just wanted to ask about the cats you’ve seen.” Jake looked back at Talltail. “Nutmeg keeps tabs on all the cats in the area, she sees everyone that goes by. Spying is like, her main hobby.”
“I am not spying, it’s a matter of safety. When I see dangerous looking strangers, the cats that go outside ought to know.” Nutmeg’s tail lashed and Talltail knew she was clearly still unhappy about him being there. He remembered suddenly, now that he’d caught her scent, that she was almost certainly one of the kittypets he had frightened not long after arriving.
“Right I'm er...sorry for scaring you before, I suppose.” Talltail muttered. Nutmeg simply flicked her tail in vague acknowledgement.
 Jake nudged her and she sighed. “Fine, I suppose I'm sorry for calling you weird.” She then added, quieter, “but what exactly am I supposed to think when a big stranger shows up covered in blood and talking to himself?”
“Anyway,” Jake interrupted before Talltail could respond, “his name is Talltail and we’re going on a quest to find a group of strays.”
“‘We’?” Nutmeg stared at Jake. "Why are you going?"
“Yes we, because we’re friends and I’m a good guide.” Jake retorted. Nutmeg looked very doubtful, which made Talltail a bit nervous. He hoped Jake wasn’t exaggerating his navigation knowledge, but it was too late to turn him down now.
“Well��” Nutmeg hesitated, “A lot of strays have passed by here. Who exactly are you looking for?”
Talltail did his best to describe the five cats. “The only one I need to find is the smallest of them, dark brown almost black, sort of long messy fur, one ear tip sliced off. His eyes are two different colors. Looks obnoxiously aloof all the time. It would have been a couple moons ago.”
“A couple moons ago, that’s not encouraging.” Nutmeg said. “But surprisingly, I think I know who you mean. They’d passed by here before. Made themselves very known, weird bunch, too friendly for their own good if you ask me. I remember because it was a little before I met Jake. Before him, they were some of the oddest cats I’d ever seen. And before you I guess. They stopped to talk to Quince, I think they mentioned something about staying in the big wooded park in the center of town. It’s supposed to be a big area with no cars, and there’s lots of food, and apparently housefolk will feed you too if you know the right ones to ask. I overheard them saying were going to stop traveling for a bit, I guess they just had a loss or something. Mind you, that was some moons ago, I don’t know if they’re still there, but that’s what they said last I saw them.” 
“Wow you remember all that? You’re positive?” Talltail asked.
Nutmeg sniffed, as if she were offended. “Of course I’m sure! I’m sure of every cat I see, especially weird ones.”
“Alright, alright. Do you know where this park is?” Talltail pressed.
“Um...well no, I have no need to go that far outside my house myself.”
“I think I know!” Jake piped up, “I haven’t been there, but I’ve seen it from a distance. We just have to cut through some alleyways to avoid the cars.”
“If you think it’s safe to do that…” Nutmeg narrowed her eyes, “Not every stray likes you, you know.”
“I’ll be fine. I know exactly where I'm going.” Jake nudged Talltail “See, aren’t you glad you have me?”
“Sure. We should get going though. Thanks for your help. As a reward, I promise never to come into your garden again.”
She snorted. “Actually, as my reward, you can try to keep Jake from doing anything fluff-brained.”
“I never do anything fluff-brained!” Jake purred as he turned with a flick of his tail. “Come on, no time to waste.” 
He scampered back up the fence and beckoned Talltail to join him. Jake was far too excited about the grim mission, and Talltail was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable about not giving him all the details. “You’re only going with me a little ways,” Talltail reminded him quickly. “Just to the park. Then I have to continue on my own.”
“Sure, sure, but let's get going! You’ve never seen a town before, I remember how intense it felt the first time I saw it, I’ve got so much to teach you!”
Talltail allowed himself a small purr of amusement. There was still a distance to go. No need to be a drag the entire way when Jake was being so helpful, right? As long as he didn’t slow down.
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You're a good girl, well behaved.
Absolutely not the type to rail random guys in nightclubs.
Until you are.
Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Aizawa x Reader, Present Mic x Reader, a sprinkling of Erasermic and eventual polyamorous Erasermic x Reader
Rating: Mature, not smutty but it is a bit gory
Trigger Warnings: Blood and Gore, descriptions of physical violence, nothing worse than on the show, but it’s there all the same. Also some Shirakumo related spoilers. 
AO3: Here | Want to support me? I have a Kofi
Chapter: 13/16 (all chapters)
“This is a terrible idea, just so you know.”
Shouta hugged his arms around his body, turning to look at the path behind him. His eyes were still growing accustomed to the dark and he had been almost entirely reliant on Shirakumo and Hizashi to guide him through the undergrowth, along a path tucked away by several layers of branches.
He had no idea where they were going, only that it was long after curfew.
“You worry too much,” said Hizashi. “Trust me, it’ll be worth it!”
Shouta pursed his lips together, more than a little conscious of how new he was to class 1-A. More specifically, how any wrong move could realistically end in him being returned to general studies.
He hadn’t wanted to go to the summer training camp, but ultimately the pros far outweighed the cons. Sure, he’d have to eat bad curry and share a room with students he barely knew, but missing out on the opportunity to master his quirk wasn’t something to be taken lightly. His presence there alone was a test, unofficially or not.
He had been exhausted when he finally rested his head, only to spend hours staring at the ceiling. In a matter of hours, he would have to push himself harder than ever and that knowledge alone made him nervous. He hadn’t been able to sleep the night before either, instead stealing glances at the packed bag by his bedroom door. The more he tried to sleep, the more nervous he got, a vicious cycle he knew all too well.
He was still awake at light’s out; still awake when the majority of the other guys tucked themselves into bed and began to snore. He was still awake when Shirakumo and Yamada got up to leave.
He knew them from class, of course. If he had to label them anything, and was loath to do so, they were the closest thing he had to friends on the hero course. Yamada had offered up one of his earphones on the bus ride over to show him the song he’d been obsessed with, while Shirakumo frowned into the other. Shirakumo had nudged Shouta with a wink before dropping so many chilli flakes into the curry that it shone an angry shade of red. Shouta had no idea what his ultimate goal had been, only that the two members of class 1-A who finished their dinner did it on a dare.
Shouta knew they were up to no good the second he saw them tiptoeing across the room, dodging the arms and legs of their sleeping classmates. Whatever they were up to would almost certainly get him into trouble if caught. Even so, he followed them when they motioned for him to.
“We found it earlier,” said Shirakumo, crouching down beside a fallen tree and linking his hands to give Yamada a boost over the top.
Yamada whined as he climbed up and slid down onto the other side, far from pleased at having to touch the tree bark in so little light. Shirakumo turned to him and held out his hands, leaving Shouta grateful for the darkness. In this light, no one could see him blush.
He set his foot down into Shirakumo’s hands and put a hand on his shoulder for balance. He took a deep breath as Shirakumo boosted him, planting both hands down on the damp bark and pulling himself up. He was still much slower than they were, regardless of how long he spent running laps or doing pull ups. He landed on the other side without any sort of grace, stumbling on his ankle and grazing his hands across the floor. In any other setting it would have hurt, but the grass was soft and incredibly forgiving.
“Man,” said Yamada, who was still checking himself for bugs, “I’m going to itch for a week.”
“You’ll be fine,” said Shirakumo, landing softly. “C’mon, it’s this way!”
He raced on ahead, no longer concerned about waking up any of the professors. Shouta turned to Yamada, who grinned back and reached for his hand.
He squeezed tightly and followed suit, Shouta trailing behind and staring at their linked hands. It was so intimate and yet so casual and he didn’t know what to do.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to think about it for long, as they reached a gap in the trees and Yamada let him go. Shouta stumbled to a stop, jaw dropping as he took in their new surroundings.
They had arrived at the base of a waterfall, its waters twinkling in a near perfect imitation of the stars overhead. He didn’t know what he’d expected, but it definitely wasn’t this.
Yamada and Shirakumo weren’t nearly as overwhelmed as he was, already in the process of settling down on the grass. Shouta followed suit, wishing he had a dozen or more heads just to take in every detail.
“It’s good, right?!” Shirakumo said as he and Yamada flopped back into the grass.
Shouta laid back far more slowly, taking care to listen to the whisper of the water and cool night breeze. He made sure to smell the flowers that crowned their heads.
“I…” he said, closing his eyes.
He wanted to say it was beautiful, that he was happy they had shared this secret with him.
He wanted to say how grateful he was to have such welcoming classmates who hadn’t hesitated to welcome him into their class.
In the end, though, he merely shrugged.
“It’s okay.”
“What do you mean you can’t come? I need you to chaperone the girls.”
“Eraser, be more sympathetic,” wailed Nemuri. “I’ve never had such bad cramps before! I feel like I’ve swallowed a chainsaw.”
Shouta leaned against the bus, rubbing his temples and toeing the gravel.
He had hated summer training camps as a teenager and he definitely hated them now.
Shouta was sick of planning the summer camp. He was tired of so much as hearing about it. It was necessary, he knew that, but this one seemed to have been doomed from the beginning.
The last thing he needed was to have to replace a chaperone at the last minute, especially so early on into summer vacation.
“You’ll be fine,” he said. “Just take an aspirin.”
“I don't have any!”
“I do. Now hurry up, we’re leaving soon.”
He hung up before she could protest, only for his phone to start ringing again almost immediately.
“I already organised a replacement,” said Nemuri the moment he picked up. “A little last minute, but she’s definitely qualified!”
“What are you tal-“
He never got the chance to reply, for you strolled around the corner, rucksack strapped to your back and sunglasses perched on top of your head. You waved the moment you saw him and came rushing over, completely oblivious to the conflict playing out in front of you.
“I’ll call you back,” he said, hanging up on Nemuri for a second time.
She had a point and he knew it. You were the only member of the faculty who didn’t have lessons to plan and papers to grade. Even so, it made him nervous and he told himself it had nothing at all to do with the cutoffs you had on.
“(Name),” he said, “you…”
“Did you speak to Nemuri? Is she okay?”
Shouta slipped his phone back into his pocket, wondering exactly how much she had told you.
“She’ll be fine,” he said. “I’m sorry to put you out like this.”
“No, no,” you said, waving away his concerns, “I was already packed for Yamanashi. It’s not putting me out at all!”
It was just like you and he sighed, cursing Nemuri. He wanted to tell you to go home, but he didn’t know who else he could call in on such short notice and, given the current climate, it was important to keep as few people in the know about where you were going as humanly possible. Even if he called Recovery Girl or Thirteen, it was unlikely either of them would be packed and ready on time and he didn’t like the idea of having them arrive at the camp later, putting more vehicles on the road for the League of Villains to follow.
“We’re taking separate routes,” he said, against his better judgement. “You should travel with 1-B. They’re taking the shorter path.”
He pointed out the second bus, where Vlad was checking over his student rosters.
“Okay,” you said with a wide smile, “I’ll go and tell him about the change of plans.”
He watched as you left, all but bouncing on your heels. He knew you hadn’t experienced much close contact with heroes until recently and your excitement was only natural. Even so, he had a bad feeling about bringing you along, one that he wouldn’t put his finger on until it was too late.
Your friends had laughed at you for packing your bags so early. The trip to Yamanashi was weeks away and you had more free time than usual thanks to summer break. Nemuri’s early morning phone call was satisfying in more ways than one. You didn’t need to worry about buying bug spray or picking out walking shoes. All you had to do was throw on some clothes and grab your bag on the way out.
You spent the bus ride turning the pages of a suspense novel, so absorbed in the action that you barely noticed where you were going or how much time had passed. You were almost a quarter of the way through when the bus finally came to a stop and the students pushed their faces to the windows.
“Everyone, calm down,” said Vlad, “back in your seats. You’ll have plenty of time to explore later.”
They groaned, but obeyed, prompting you to giggle and slip a bookmark between the pages of your novel. You were used to dealing with the chaos of 1-A. It was almost a relief to spend time with 1-B.
You and Vlad were the first ones off the bus and you gazed in awe at your forest surroundings. There were trees and mountains as far as the eye could see, wild and unapologetically untamed. You turned on the spot, wishing you could see everything all at once, only to find yourself on the receiving end of a bone breaking handshake.
“Good morning, good morning,” said the stranger. “Welcome to The Beast’s Forest.”
You took in the stranger’s enormous form; his broad shoulders and kitten paw gloves.
“I...um...thank you…”
“The Wild Wild Pussycats are helping us out with the training camp this year,” said Vlad, taking a moment to look away as the students filed off the bus. “Thank you for your hospitality.”
“It’s our pleasure,” said the stranger. “I’m Tiger and this is Ragdoll!”
He gestured to the woman beside him, who had on a matching set of kitten paw gloves.
“Pleased to meet you,” she cried out, hopping on the spot. “We’re so happy you chose to come here and train with us!”
“We’ll show you to your rooms,” followed up Tiger.
“1-B,” said Vlad, turning to the students, who by then had started to huddle round you. “Grab your things and get ready to unpack. We have a lot to do today, so no goofing off!”
After everyone had unpacked, Vlad and Ragdoll left to take the students on a short hike. You stayed behind to help Tiger prepare dinner, as well as to help the girls from 1-A unpack and settle in once they finally arrived.
By all accounts it didn’t make sense. 1-A had set off before you, yet still hadn’t arrived. You thought about it as you washed and peeled vegetables, wondering if Shouta had done so deliberately as part of a training exercise.
They trailed out of the forest and through the doors at sundown, filthy, exhausted and starving.
“What on earth happened?” you asked, guiding them to the dorms while Pixie Bob and Mandalay finished up the food.
You didn’t get much of an answer, just whimpers of despair.
You watched as they trailed into their room, dragging their legs and clutching their hands over their stomachs, wondering what kinds of tortures they had endured in the forest.
As expected of UA , you considered. This isn’t even day one.
After dinner, the students took a dip in the hot springs and retired to bed, exhausted from the day’s events and anticipating an early start. You checked in on them before leaving the dorms, meaning to explore the grounds a little. You weren’t sure how much time you would have to yourself once the training actually started and wanted to make the most of it.
You couldn’t remember the last time you had taken a break outside of the city. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been away from the city at all. Akira had always promised that one day you would take a week away in a cabin somewhere, though he had always been too busy for one reason or another to follow through. You had told yourself you thrived in the city, but the peaceful night air was proof enough of how wrong you had been.
The air was clean here; the silence broken only by the cry of cicadas in the distance. You had never seen the stars so clearly before and, now that they glimmered above you, you never wanted to stop looking at them.
At that moment, all you could think about was Hizashi. You remembered how it had felt to explore Musutafu with his hand in yours, so caught up in the beauty of your surroundings that you forgot how it felt to be sad.
What movie are we in?
You pulled your phone from your pocket and scrolled through your own songs as you walked, following the dirt path to an exposed area of grass framed by trees. You gave each tree an appraising look, trying to figure out which one would give you the best view, only to flop down in the middle and gaze up at the sky. You had never seen such a clear view of the summer triangle before: Orihime and Hikoboshi reunited in the stars.
Their story had always been one of your favourites, which proved fortunate, as it was your mother’s favourite too. She liked to sit you and your brother down and recite the story of the beautiful princess and her humble lover as a cautionary tale, meant to remind you of the importance of contributing to society, as opposed to childish fleets of fancy. Your brother, ever the dutiful son, had nodded along to her words and condemned the lovers for their passion, but you had always been something of a romantic. You often slipped up and said how happy you were that the lovers were reunited, to which your mother would pinch your cheeks. She liked to remind you that they would not have been separated in the first place if they hadn’t been selfish, nor would they have been reunited without the generosity of Orihime’s father.
Your mother was the only person you had ever met who spent Tanabata wishing for a rainstorm.
You hadn’t talked to either of your parents for well over a year. You hadn’t told them about the break up, nor mentioned your change in career. You weren’t naive enough to think they didn’t know. Your brother was still the obedient one and had texted you on the night of the USJ incident.
You wondered what your mother would say if she saw you now; if she knew Akira proposed to you and you had turned him down. She would probably faint if she knew you had slept with two of your coworkers, one of which had been a complete stranger at the time.
You gazed up at the sky and the summer triangle, finally understanding that you had always wished for Orihime’s happiness because you saw yourself in her. Perhaps your mother did too and that was why she pinched your cheeks so much.
You reached up to touch your own cheek and smiled, thinking of Hizashi and Shouta.
Hizashi was just as much of a romantic as you were and Shouta’s passions ran deeper than you’d ever presume to understand.
You couldn’t choose between them and never wanted to.
You were ready to be selfish and chase the stars.
You weren’t the only one watching the stars that night.
Shouta perched in the branches of a tall tree several feet away, hiding in the summer foliage and watching the dorms for any signs of students breaking curfew. The irony wasn’t lost on him.
He had reached for his capture weapon the moment he heard the front door, only to loosen his grip when he saw who was coming.
He had watched you lay down in the grass to watch the stars; had watched you reach out to touch your cheek. He was reminded of a different summer camp at a different time; a time when he too laid his head in the grass to look up at the sky.
He lifted his hand and examined it in the moonlight. This was the hand that Hizashi had taken all of that time ago and, even though the skin had hardened and formed calluses, still tingled at the memory. He could jump fallen trees faster than Hizashi now; could navigate the dark without even trying. Even so, he still thought of hands in his and didn’t know what to do.
He wanted to go back to the waterfall from all those summers ago; wanted to link his hand in Hizashi’s again and lay back to watch the stars with your lap for a pillow.
He wanted to tell you that you were beautiful; that if anyone was to make him feel so illogical, he was glad it was you.
The more things changed, though, the more they stayed the same. He touched his fingers to his lips, tracing the spaces you had kissed even as you got back up to your feet and headed to the dorms, an expression of determination on your face.
He wanted to go after you, but his legs wouldn’t move.
He wanted to whisper the truth of his complicated feelings in your ear, but couldn’t say a word.
He was taller and stronger, yet still no different to the boy from all of those years ago. Now, just like then, he told himself that you were better off not knowing; that one day he would be brave enough to say his feelings out loud, but it wasn’t this one.
He had no idea how far the parallels ran. Now, just like then, he was running out of time.
On a day to day basis, Vlad didn’t spend too much time with Aizawa or the students of 1-A. He definitely didn’t spend much time with you . 1-B hadn’t experienced as many traumas as 1-A. The only motivation he might have had to stop by your office unexpectedly was to make conversation, though you always seemed to be busy whenever he passed. When you weren’t chatting with students or rearranging the notice board outside of your office, you were chatting with Kayama and Yamada and sometimes even Aizawa.
He had been surprised when you came over to him the previous morning, sheepishly admitting that you had come to join them in Midnight’s stead, but he hadn’t questioned it.
The night before, though, he had definitely started to question some things.
He had drifted out of sleep to the sound of a soft tapping outside of his bedroom door. It was too faint to be his own door, though the idea that it might be a student bothered him. He got up and opened his own door by a sliver and peered out into the darkness.
Aizawa’s room was a little further down the corridor and you were standing in front of it, softly tapping at the wood and shifting on the spot.
“Everything okay?” he had asked, prompting you to jump in surprise.
“I...I um,” you had said, glancing from him to Aizawa’s door. “Everything’s fine, I just needed to…”
You had waved almost frantically, a blush peppering your cheeks.
“It’s nothing...I’m sorry I disturbed you!”
He had watched you scurry out of the men’s dorms, chancing glances over your shoulder at him and shooting awkward smiles.
It was strange to say the least, and he wondered about it long into the night. It still played on his mind as he took a seat at the breakfast table. The students were still in the process of getting up and only you, Aizawa and Vlad himself were around, helping yourselves to bowls of rice and cups of coffee. Vlad picked at his own food, still curious about the night before. He watched as you shot second and third glances at Aizawa, visibly gathering your nerves. He saw you get to your feet the second Aizawa did and follow him to the buffet table. He listened in as you began to speak in nervous whispers.
“Shouta,” you whispered, glancing over your shoulder, “I need to talk to you.”
“You’re talking to me now.”
“I mean...I need to talk to you... alone .”
Vlad dropped his gaze as you looked in his direction and shovelled food into his mouth to disguise the fact that he had been eavesdropping.
“Are you sick?”
“Are the students okay?”
“Okay,” said Aizawa, lowering his cup. “We can talk about it later.”
Aizawa left you at the breakfast buffet with no further room for argument, slipping back down into his seat on Vlad’s left as if nothing had happened. You followed, flopping down into your own seat on Vlad’s right, all three of you eating in silence. Vlad’s eyes darted from his left to his right, as intrigued by this new development as he was annoyed.
“It’s okay, deep breaths, deep breaths!”
You patted Uraraka on the back, holding her hair back from her face as she wretched. She clasped her hands over her mouth, self conscious about throwing up in front of her classmates, but too wobbly on her feet to reach the portable toilet nearby.
“Come on,” you said, easing her arm over your shoulders and guiding her to her feet. “Slow steps.”
You guided her to the toilet, only letting go as she shut the door behind her and taking the chance to look around at your surroundings. The sun was up and training well underway. 1-A and 1-B had been assigned individual training exercises to improve their quirks and the result was organised chaos.
You didn’t have any sort of combat training, so settled for weaving your way through the crowds, offering up sips of water, pats to the back and encouraging words. It was something, at least, and gave you ample opportunities to try and get Shouta alone.
You had decided to tell him everything, from your night with Hizashi to your realisations about yourself and your own feelings. You had to be honest with him, even if it meant being rejected. You knew he had some kind of feelings for you. You knew that he wanted you on some level. You needed him to see your side of things, though so far had been unsuccessful. Every time you got closer, he found somewhere else to be.
It was disheartening, to say the least. You wondered if telling him the truth was a mistake, though shrugged off the idea almost immediately. If you never told him the truth, you’d never know his reaction.
You knew that the moment you returned home, back to your house and regular job, you would lose all of your confidence. You’d not only go back to your regular bed, but your regular demons as well.
You thought you knew better than anyone that you were running out of time and the clock was ticking, but had no idea that the end was much sooner than you thought.
You thought you had until the end of the week.
In reality, you had about 36 hours.
“So what’s the story with you and Eraserhead?”
Your eyes bulged.
“W-what do you mean?”
You switched off the showerhead and turned back towards the onsen, realising too late that you were on the receiving end of not one but three sets of eyes.
You had tried to get Shouta’s attention again at dinner, but he had announced plans for extra lessons with the underperformers in his class. Whatever it was you had to say to him could wait until later.
You had been more than a little depressed at this development, though nowhere near as upset as Kaminari and Ashido, both of whom had begged for you to rescue them.  
You must have looked unhappy as you stepped outside, for you were almost immediately jumped by Pixie Bob, Ragdoll and Mandalay, who invited you to take a soak in the hot springs with them. Maybe it was the prospect of girl talk or the fact that they reminded you so much of your own trio of girlfriends, but you took them up on it.
You hadn't expected them to ask your love life so directly.
“I...I...uh…haha, Eraserhead? Eraserhead and me?”
They grinned at that and you didn’t blame them. In their position you wouldn’t have been convinced either.
You sighed, setting aside the showerhead and getting to your feet.
“We had sex,” you said, sinking into the water. “Twice.”
“I knew it,” said Pixie Bob, nudging Mandalay. “See? I told you. I always know when people are sleeping together.”
“Oh, we’re not sleeping together anym-“
“But you’d like to?!” Ragdoll asked, tilting her head to one side.
“It’s like a sixth sense,” Pixie Bob continued, seeming not to notice. “A second quirk, if you will.”
“ Sure going to come in handy during a rescue mission,” sighed Mandalay.
“Don’t be so dismissive! We could...I could,” Pixie Bob scratched her chin until inspiration struck. “If someone had heavy blood loss, I could ask their lover for their blood type!”
“What kind of guys have you been hooking up with? Vampires?”
Pixie Bob looked offended at the very idea, though Ragdoll only smiled.
“Does Eraserhead know your blood type, (Name)?” she asked, returning you to the center of attention.
“Honestly? Probably.”
It wouldn’t surprise you, all things considered. You were still convinced he’d read your staff dossier during your first few weeks at UA.
“See,” said Pixie Bob. “Sixth sense. Incredibly useful.”
Mandalay sighed and rubbed her temples.
“You must think we’re crazy.”
“I work for UA,” you laughed, “I can handle crazy.”
“I’m sure you can,” said Pixie Bob, with a suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows that made Mandalay groan. “Seriously, though, what’s the story with you two? How’d you end up... knowing each other’s blood types?”
You weighed up the pros and cons of telling them, before ultimately throwing caution to the wind. You hadn’t even gotten around to telling your friends the full story, much less about your intentions to confess to Shouta. Hizashi and Nemuri didn’t know about the night at Ego ; it had always seemed inappropriate to tell them.
It was a relief to finally have the whole story off your chest and, for the first time since your arrival, all three of the Pussycats were silent, all pondering the same thing.
It was Mandalay who spoke first.
“We’ll help.”
“Yes,” said Ragdoll, giggling with glee. “We’ll take care of everything. ”
To their credit, they really did have everything worked out.
The following evening, once training was complete, they planned to host a ghost walk, pitting class A against class B. While the walk took place, the teachers would host remedial classes with their underperforming students, just as they were doing now.
Unbeknownst to any of the students, however, they also planned to have a barbecue once the ghost walk was finished. Both Vlad and Shouta had agreed to take a break from the remedial classes around that time in the hopes of restoring the morale of the underperformers, giving them at least one good memory of summer camp.
While the students gathered around the campfire, the Pussycats would send you and Shouta back into the woods to double check all of them had returned. It was the perfect opportunity to have a private conversation and you could hardly wait.
You returned to your room on a high, both so anxious and excited that you could barely concentrate on your book.
Your fingers trembled. You wondered what you would say. You had originally planned to make it up as you went along, but having a deadline gave you more of an incentive to think it through.
You rested your head against your pillows and laid your book down on your chest.
You had a feeling the next day was going to be eventful, though had no idea how right you really were.
Remedial classes went about as well as was to be expected. By the time he escorted them back to the dorms, they were in varying states of despair.
“Don’t look so sad,” he said, “it takes dedication to be heroes. If you fall apart at every hurdle, your career won’t last very long.”
He dropped Mina off at the girls’ dorms last of all, waiting for her to close the door behind her before continuing up the corridor and back out towards the entrance. He paused midway, noticing that your bedroom door was open by a sliver and the light still on.
He remembered what you had said to him at breakfast; how nervous you had been. He felt a little guilty for keeping his distance, but had a feeling whatever it was you had to say to him was something that would require one hundred percent of his attention and time, which at that moment he was unable to give.
He knocked at your door before stepping inside, a soft smile creeping across his face at what greeted him. You had fallen asleep reading, a book resting over your face and cell phone in your hand. He could hear you snoring underneath it and took a couple of silent steps forward, just until he was close enough to pick up the front and back covers between his thumb and forefingers and peel it off your face. He slipped your bookmark between the pages and rested the book down on your bedside table, finally reaching across to try and slip the phone out from your hand.
You had starfished your body across the bed and it wasn’t difficult to loosen your grip on the phone. For one nerve wracking second, Shouta thought he’d woken you, for you crumpled up your face and rolled over onto your side to face him, murmuring in your sleep.
“...fair,” you said. “Sh...fair.”
He looked down at the hand closest to him, palm upwards across the bed. His own fingers twitched at the sight. He remembered how it had felt to hold your hand at Ego ; how you had trembled as you followed him through the club. At the time he had dismissed it as excitement, but now that he knew you better he understood it was nerves.
“Shouta,” you murmured, eyes closed and words slurred from sleep.
“I’m here,” he said, putting your phone down on top of your book.
“Sh…” you said again. “...un.”
He pulled the blanket across your body and you snuggled into it, a peaceful smile breaking out across your face. He wanted so badly to wake you up, but couldn't bring himself to. He knew he’d regret it later, though had no idea how much.
“Sleep tight,” he said, stepping back out of your room and switching off the light.
He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked back towards the entrance, oblivious to the fact that he was being watched.
Mina Ashido had gone into the washroom to brush her teeth and comb her hair and noticed your open door on the way back. Initially she had wandered over to wish you goodnight, but froze on the spot when she saw Aizawa tucking you in.
She clasped her hands over her mouth as he walked out of the door, pressing herself against the corner of the wall to remain out of sight. She was curious, yes, but not so curious that she was willing to risk even more remedial classes.
She rushed into the girls’ dorm room the moment he was gone and slammed the door shut behind her.
“Everyone,” she hissed, as the others groaned and rubbed their eyes, far from impressed at the early morning interruption. “Wake up! You’re not going to believe this!”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I know what I saw!”
News of your late night interlude with Aizawa was the talk of the 1-A breakfast table, even if everyone was divided. While Aizawa’s presence in your room definitely raised questions, there was no evidence it had been anything other than innocent. Mina had seen him tucking you into bed and nothing more, leaving the events of that night up to personal interpretation, of which there were many.
“I’m telling you,” said Mina, “he was smiling . It was weird.”
“She could have told him a really good joke,” shrugged Kaminari.
“In her sleep ?”
“Remember that time I told Professor Aizawa a knock knock joke?” Sero said, grimly. “He made me do laps.”
“It was a pretty bad joke,” chuckled Tsuyu.
“You’re all wrong,” said Hagakure. “She’s dating Present Mic!”
“Present Mic?” said Uraraka, sounding more than a little confused.
“They do seem to get along well on his radio show,” said Deku. “That doesn’t mean they’re a couple, though.”
“Maybe she’s dating both of them,” shrugged Kirishima, to which everyone began to chatter in uproar.
“In any case,” said Iida, bellowing over everyone as he lowered his orange juice, “it’s inappropriate to speculate on the private lives of our teachers.”
“But that’s what makes it fun ,” said Mina, who was more than a little put out that people still didn’t believe her.
She glanced over at the teacher’s table, where you and the Pussycats were deep in discussion and Aizawa and Vlad compared notes on their lesson planning.
She knew what she had seen, but had no idea how to prove it.
The third day of training passed just as quickly as the first. You rushed around the grounds, handing over bottles of water and offering words of reassurance. It felt like a workout even though you weren’t the one training and you breathed a sigh of relief when it finally came to a close.
You mopped your brow and peered out over the horizon, taking in the golden sunset.
It was almost time.
Shouta...I’ve been thinking…
We need to be honest with ourselves. You aren’t Hizashi and Hizashi’s not you. You aren’t each other’s substitute and it’s unfair to everyone to pretend you are.
You frowned as you took a sip of soda.
You’d been lost in thought ever since you’d arrived at the midpoint with Ragdoll, going over and over everything you wanted to say to Shouta. In many respects you felt guilty, for you knew you weren’t paying as much attention to the ghost walk as you should.
You didn’t notice the thump of heavy footsteps nearby until Ragdoll herself hopped to her feet to listen.
“What...is that…”
“Is it a student?”
Ragdoll squinted and moved closer to the trees. The footsteps had slowed, but were still audible in the distance. You got up yourself, but she motioned for you to stay where you were.
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” she said with a smile. “Maybe Pixie Bob made one of her earth creatures for extra scares.”
She walked towards the trees, disappearing into the shadows and out of sight. It made you nervous, though you didn’t know why. You tapped your foot against the ground and chewed your bottom lip, listening as both Ragdoll’s footsteps and the heavy ones fell silent.
It lasted only for a second, though it felt like years. You reached for the satchel of extra gear the two of you had packed and rummaged inside of it for a torch. You knew you shouldn’t leave your post, but you wanted to feel just a little safer.
“R-Ragdoll?” you called out, fiddling with the switch. “Are you-“
The footsteps started again and you froze in place, watching as something emerged from the trees. You dropped the torch and it flashed on when it hit the ground, illuminating the enormous creature stumbling towards you.
Your heart froze in your chest and you took a step backwards, insides turning to water.
You recognised this sort of creature from Tsukauchi’s investigation of the events of USJ, though had only ever seen them in photos. You shivered as you took in its exposed brain and dead, fishlike eyes, watching helplessly as Ragdoll thrashed in its grip.
“Get out of here, (Name),” she called out, the creature squeezing her body until the radio fell from her head. “Tell the others!”
You knew that you should obey her, but you were frozen to the spot, unable to do anything but watch as two other figures emerged from the trees. One was a young man with a patchworked face; the other wore a black and white costume that hid any identifying features from view.
The man with the patchworked face glanced from the creature to you, examining you from head to toe as if coming to a decision.
“Hmmm,” he said. “You aren’t on the list.”
You had no idea what list he was talking about, nor why you weren’t on it. You wondered if he was talking about the list of attendees to the summer camp, though prayed you were wrong. The camp’s location was a secret, or rather, was supposed to be one.
“Run!” Ragdoll screamed again and this time you obeyed, sprinting away along the dirt track and back towards camp.
The patchwork-faced man turned languidly to face his companion and shrugged.
“Twice,” he said, “make a copy. We can’t have her alert the others.”
“Right away! Just leave it to me!”
“Honestly, we only just got here and already you’re telling me what to do.”
You glanced over your shoulder just in time to see two identical men with patchwork faces, one of which was beginning to follow you.
Shit, shit, shit.
You ran away, reaching into your pocket for your phone. You needed to warn the others, you needed to-
You stumbled over an uneven spot in the floor, phone soaring out of your hand and into the trees as your mouth filled with blood.
You rolled over onto your back and crawled over to reach for it, though the tumble had slowed you down significantly. The second patchwork man strolled towards you at a leisurely pace as if you hadn’t bothered to run from him at all. You pushed yourself up onto your feet, but your ankle throbbed and caved in, leaving you crashing back to the ground.
“Ow,” you muttered, shuffling back towards the trees and out of danger, though not remotely fast enough to get away.
“They said I’m not s’posed to hurt you,” he said, taking a step closer, “just scare you a little.”
He smirked, taking in your burst lip and grazed knees; your frantic rummaging through the bag of supplies.
“Looks like my job’s already been done for m-“
He inched backwards as you dragged out the thing you’d been looking for: a flare gun, packed in case of emergencies. It was harmless, of course, but in the darkness looked just like the real thing.
“Tell me,” you said, “are you a clone?”
He raised his hands in mock surrender, conflict visibly playing out across his face at the activation of your quirk.
“I am,” he said.
“Tell me,” you said again, far more forcefully, “do you share memories? Will you both remember this conversation?”
“I share his memories. He doesn't share mine.”
You didn’t know if the clone shared the original’s quirk as well as his memories and were more than a little aware that you only had a short window before he figured out you weren’t holding a real gun.
“ Tell me ,” you said. “Where is the league of villains? Where do they gather?”
He squeezed his hands together, blue flames rippling across his skin as he recited an address. You committed it to memory and then pulled the trigger, limping off into the trees as he dodged the red sparks.
You limped as fast as your legs would carry you, finally collapsing behind a tree to catch your breath. You reached for your phone with shaking hands, writing out the address in a message to Shouta and cursing under your breath when it failed to send.  
“Come on, come on, come on,” you said, tapping ‘resend’ over and over to no avail. You had to warn them, had to tell them.
You gave up on sending the message and used the tree as a guide to get back up onto your feet, wincing as almost every inch of your body ached in protest.
Come on , you willed yourself. Come on, (Name), you can do this.
You weren’t a hero, but none of the kids were yet. You had joined UA to guide and protect them and cuts and bruises didn’t change that obligation.
You froze in place at the sound of footsteps, clapping a hand over your nose and mouth, eyes darting around at your surroundings. The trees swayed in the evening breeze, the stars shone brightly overhead, seemingly oblivious to what was happening within the forest. You squeezed your eyes shut, heart pounding and skin clammy.
Why had the villains come here?
What was their goal?
You wished you had asked the patchwork faced man while you still had a chance.
The footsteps faded, their owner retreating in the opposite direction. You breathed a steady sigh of relief and peeped out behind you at the path you would need to take to get back to the main path. It would probably be faster to go through the woodland and you turned back to get your bearings, heart stopping as you found yourself looking into the mouth of another stranger, one who was currently dangling from the branch above you and grinning widely, revealing a set of shining teeth.
“M...meat,” he said, dropping to the floor and leaning back, one of his canines stretching from his mouth and slicing open your arm. “Fresh meat.”
You knew this villain. You remembered his court case; your father led the prosecution and landed him on death row.
You remembered going for coffee with your brother, who at the time was interning at your father’s law firm. It was his first real case and it affected him deeply. He refused to talk about it, even now that years had passed.
After seeing the villain in the flesh, you thought you understood why. He moved with inhuman dexterity, landing in front of you before you could so much as move.
You saw the blade coming. You heard it pierce the tree.
You didn’t, however, feel it go through your body, not until he jerked his head back in an attempt to free his tooth from the tree bark. You screamed in pain, the wound burning every time he moved.
“Show me,” he said, yanking his head, “show me how you look on the inside.”
His tooth snapped and he stumbled backwards, leaving you to flop forward, blood soaking through your shirt.
“Show me,” said Moonfish, stumbling forwards. “Let me taste your flesh.”
You opened your mouth to protest, ears ringing.
You didn’t know what you meant to say to him, only that you never got the chance. He stepped forwards to land the finishing blow, only to hear a noise in the distance. You heard it, too, eyes bulging in realisation.
The students still didn’t know about the attack and were continuing on the ghost walk. A pair of them were nearby, discussing the possible tactics of 1-B.
You searched your brain for the order, though struggling to settle on a single thought, skin prickling as Moonfish retracted his teeth and disappeared into the night, far more interested in a different sort of prey.
You tried to move, only to cry out in pain. The broken tooth seemed to have gone right through not only you, but the tree. If you tried to pull it out, you would almost certainly bleed to death far faster, but if you stayed there it wouldn’t just be you who bled.
You snatched up your phone and frantically dialled everyone in your phone book, blood soaking through your shirt and shorts.
You dialled Shouta to no avail.
You dialled Hizashi, who was in the middle of recording his radio show.
You dialled Nemuri, who was filming an interview on a late night television show.
“Someone,” you murmured, vision going dark and limbs going floppy. “Someone…”
You looked up towards the sky, taking in the bright stars with a bitter smile.
You knew it was impossible, and she was far away, but you could feel your mother pinching your cheeks.
Of all of the heroes in all of the world, Eraserhead was perhaps the most mysterious. What few people knew of his existence knew even less about the man. He was a shadow, venturing out of the darkness only to ambush would be criminals and vanish just as quickly as he came.
He worked best after dark where he could travel unseen. Ironic, therefore, that on this night in particular he stumbled over his feet. He sprinted through the undergrowth, phone pressed to his ear.
Hello, this is (Name). I’m not around at the moment, please leave a message!
“Come on,” he hissed, coming to an abrupt halt and dialling again.
Shouta glanced around at his surroundings, entirely in his element, yet powerless to act.
After returning Kota to the lodge, his phone had exploded with missed calls and messages.
“What is it?” Vlad had asked, noticing the blood drain from his face.
“I’m forwarding an address,” he said, copying one of your messages. “Pass it onto the police when they get here.”
“An address? What-”
“Just pass it onto them! It’s important!”
He had no idea why it was important, of course, only that you wouldn’t have sent it to him so many times if it wasn’t.
Your phone went through to voicemail again and he swore under his breath,
“Idiot,” he hissed. “What did I tell you about facing unknown villains?”
He remembered the night you got him with pepper spray.
Why would you try and confront a villain without help? You could have gotten yourself killed.
“You better not have done anything stupid,” he said, dialling your number again to distract himself from the fact that if you had gotten that information by using your quirk, you must have gotten close to a villain.
“Over here!” Tiger yelled nearby. Shouta followed the sound of his voice, arriving at what had previously been the midpoint.
His ears began to ring when he saw what remained of it: an abandoned table, soaked with blood, an abandoned torch flickering on the ground.
“This...this is Ragdoll’s radio,” said Tiger, lifting it up from the floor. “Oh my god…this...this is blood!”
“This blood’s cold,” said Shouta, dipping his pinky finger into it and glancing across at the radio in Tiger’s hands, “most likely hers.”
“There’s so much,” said Tiger, voice breaking, “that idiot...her quirk isn’t suitable for combat. She knows that.”
Shouta crouched down to pick up the abandoned torch.
“There’s no blood on this,” he said, turning it over in his hands. “Whoever dropped it wasn’t injured.” He fiddled with the on switch and turned to face the table, where Tiger had picked up Ragdoll’s abandoned radio. “They were frightened, though.”
“(Name),” said Tiger, picking up his train of thought. “Ragdoll...she must have told her to run.”
Shouta cursed and followed the dirt track, dialling your number as he went. He froze on the spot when he spotted an abandoned flare in the mud.
“This way,” he called out, rushing over and crouching down to examine it.
By then, it had largely burned out, but that wasn’t what caught his attention.
Generally speaking, people fired flare guns into the sky. This one had pretty clearly ricocheted off a tree. Whoever fired it had done so in self defense, as a distraction.
“Did you find anything?”
Shouta glanced over his shoulder to see Vlad arriving from the opposite direction.
“Did you see anyone on your route here?” he asked, stomach churning at the head shake he got in response.
“They’ve sent out a helicopter to track down any stragglers,” said Vlad, pointing to the sky. “We’ll soon have a better idea of what we’re dealing with.”
“There’s not enough time,” said Shouta, dialling your number.
He had a pretty good idea of the sequence of events so far and didn’t like it one bit. You and Ragdoll had likely been ambushed by multiple villains. Ragdoll had almost certainly told you to run, not only because you were a civilian, but to raise the alarm. Someone had followed you to this spot, but what had happened next?
He got his answer a few seconds later, for somewhere to his left a phone started to ring.
“That way,” he said, sprinting in that direction, Vlad not far behind.
He couldn’t seem to move fast enough; his legs felt heavy, as if he was wading through water.
He followed the sound to its source and froze on the spot at what greeted him.
It was you, impaled by a long, jagged piece of metal that ran all of the way through the tree behind you. Your hands, lips and clothes were covered in blood, cell phone still ringing in your lifeless hand.
He couldn’t move, couldn’t say a thing, not even as Vlad arrived behind him.
“(Name),” said Vlad, dropping to the ground and examining your wounds. “(Name)...”
He turned to Shouta, ready to tell him that you were still warm, only to fall silent at the sight of him standing there. His mouth opened and closed helplessly, an expression of unspeakable horror and dread across his face.
He clasped a hand over his mouth and turned away from the scene, the scent of blood and smoke making him retch. He remembered every time you had asked to talk to him; every time he had chickened out of saying how he really felt.
Vlad was calling out to him, but he couldn’t make out a word, too lost in memories to be at all coherent.
He remembered you tapping a wet cloth to his face so many months ago. He had been furious then, though it all felt meaningless now.
You need to be more rational in these things. Running head on into danger gets people killed.
Good job I had a big, strong Eraserhead around to protect me.
“Aizawa,” said Vlad, “Aizawa...she’s…”
He didn’t get an answer, though, just a yell as Aizawa dropped onto his hands and knees.
They were in the forest, but all he could hear was rubble crashing to the floor, silently taking Shirakumo with it.
To this day, he still wasn’t fast enough.
Vlad turned back to you and tucked your hair behind your ear, face dropping at the muffled mumbling coming from your lips, intertwined with the muffled sobs coming from Aizawa that he would later pretend he didn’t hear.
“Shouta...it’s unfair...unfair...un...fair.”
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ushidoux · 3 years
A Life Well Lived - Bokuto x Reader (Pt. 1)
Summary: An immortal meets a human she’s meant to care for temporarily. ‘Care for’ and ‘temporarily’ are not well defined. (1.7k words)
Warnings: these will change by chapter, but for this one, I guess alcohol
A/N: Hey yall, it’s your girl starting yet another mini-chapter fic, please bear with me. This popped into my head and I got excited, let me know what you think or if I should continue.
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When you gaze upon your human the first time, you’re genuinely surprised. 
He is terribly young, to the point that it shocks you, although you’re not sure you’ve ever really experienced ‘shock.’
You cannot estimate exactly how old he is (from your studies, humans age extremely variably) but from the looks of it, he’s somewhere in his early to mid 20s. He looks healthy and happy too, you note, as you sit perched on a large tree, enhanced vision allowing you to pierce through the very ceiling of the large restaurant in which he’s seated and laughing boisterously while he enjoys a dinner with friends that seem to love him dearly.
You scratch your head before turning to your hovering aide called a Companion, a bouncing bright light not unlike any of the stars that hang above in the night sky. Your Companion is a semi-sentient link to the celestial realm from which you were born and is similar to what humans would call pets, albeit more intelligent and able to quickly provide you information; yours, however, tends to be on the quiet side unless you ask it questions. 
Your first question is to confirm that you are indeed looking at the right human. It would be embarrassing if your instructor found out you had been tagging along behind the wrong subject the entire time, leaving your true human defenseless, but you couldn’t say it was the first time it had happened in the history of GA training. Guardian Angel trainees weren’t always selected for promotion strictly based off of their attentiveness, even if it was a crucial requirement for the job. 
<< Companion, am I surveilling the right human? >> You ask, tentatively. Your lips don’t form words, but rather think thoughts that the Companion understands. The light seems to glow a brighter gold then retreats to its normal luminance before replying to your question.
<< Bokuto Koutaro is the one you have been bonded to. Your eyes rest on the correct subject. >>
You frown. It’s not a good thing to have a young subject as a trainee. Trainees work on stints of two to three years maximum, which means that this young man, so full of life and cheer, will not be long for this world if you truly are meant to be his keeper. The fact is a bit upsetting, but you remember that this is the nature of the role you were created to fill. Two years, ten years, twenty years of life was not very much time in the grand scheme of things, anyway. Mortals live relatively short lives regardless.
The moon above you is full, and you continue to watch him carefully in the light, still settled weightlessly on the same tree branch and humming quietly to yourself as the night progresses. He’s drunk, you realize once he finally leaves the building, and a young man whose name he mumbles intermittently - Akaashi, is it? - is all but carrying him into a cab and leading him home. You giggle as Koutaro burps loudly into Akaashi’s face while he attempts to push him into the vehicle. 
Humans are so funny.
When the car starts to leave, you stretch out your wings and glide through the dim sky, your Companion besides you, to follow your human to his home. 
It turns out to be a short trip towards a modestly sized apartment building, and Koutaro stumbles out and makes his way safely to the elevator and all the way up until his front door. He struggles to find his key card in his wallet, which he drops more than once, but eventually he makes his way in. You notice a couple of loose bills he drops on the ground and decide to pick them up for him and drop them on his kitchen counter. 
Koutaro does not take off his shoes at the door, but he kicks them off right before he collapses onto his couch instead of his bed, and they go flying in your direction, you phasing in and out of your physical form just in time so that they don’t hit you square in the chest. You think that you probably shouldn’t stay in this form, but you’re bored of floating and sit instead on his kitchen counter.
He falls asleep almost instantly, laid on his belly and snoring loudly, one arm dangling off of the couch.
You’re surprised he can slip out of consciousness that quickly, but he really is quite inebriated. Usually at this time, you can give yourself a little break and allow your Companion to monitor for any sudden changes while you find something else to do to pass the time other than stare at him, but instead you watch him sleep a little longer.
The young man is fascinating. Granted, you haven’t had experience with tons of humans before this, but he’s notable. First of all, he’s larger in frame than the average human, and his hair is an unusual color and shape. His eyes, when open, are gold like your Companion, and his smile is warm. 
His snore is really quite loud though, but suddenly it stops and for a moment you are nervous he’s stopped breathing. You go over to check and roll him onto his back, not bothering to shroud yourself in invisibility immediately thereafter because there’s absolutely no way he’ll wake up with how soundly he’s asleep.
Until he does.
Bokuto’s golden eyes shoot open in the dark, and suddenly he’s staring right at you, and those same eyes become wide like saucers.
He gasps and you gasp, and immediately out of panic, you disappear.
You jump up in the air, letting your wings flap once to create distance between you, even though his frantically searching eyes can no longer see you now that you’ve shrouded yourself from view, and you watch him sober up immediately as he tries to come to terms with what he just saw.
He flips on all the lights, looking frantically for the spirit appearing like a young woman who just hovered mere inches from his face, and his heart is pounding - you can hear it from here - while you continue to float, unsure if you should leave him alone for now and escape back to your realm.
You’ve royally fucked up. Maybe he’ll forget because he’s drunk, you hope, biting your lip.
Instead, he calls a friend.
“There’s a ghost in my room!” He yells. Your ears are tuned to the other end of the phone where you can hear a groggy, exasperated voice remind him that it’s 3am and hang up the phone promptly. It’s the same friend from earlier; it seems like his fright today is not out of the realm of his usual antics.
Bokuto looks absolutely panicked now and sits back on the couch, legs pulled into his chest. You wonder if he’ll actually die from fright, so pale he now seems as he looks around, unable to sleep.
Maybe you take a little bit of pity on him, because you turn off your Companion who helps you but also monitors your every move, and decide disaffectedly to break the rules again. It’s only meant to be for a moment, just to assuage his fears, and you drop yourself back to the ground and reveal yourself.
“Don’t be afraid,” you say in a small, gentle voice, as you stand before him. “... I’m not a ghost.”
You’re not exactly sure what more to say after that. The young man’s eyes are wide, incredibly wide again, and his mouth takes the form of an O as he takes you in.
Your wings are not very large but they’re not small either and they’re untucked, and you realize he’s staring at those rather than your face.
“... Angel?!” He exclaims.
You nod, perhaps too solemnly, and he looks like he’s about to faint.
“I’m dying, aren’t I? I’m fucking dying! I drank too much and I’m fucking dead! I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead!” He is now wailing, no longer looking at you, but burying his face in the couch cushions dramatically. 
You approach slowly, not sure what to do with a crying human, and he gets up suddenly and looks at you pitifully.
“Heaven or hell?”
“What?” You repeat, and he doesn’t seem phased by the fact that you, a stranger with wings and a halo are speaking to him, but rather that his life is coming to an end.
“Am I going to hell? I think I shoplifted once when I was a kid… Some grapes! I stole some grapes and I’m going to hell for that, aren’t I?!”
His lower lip is quivering and he’s waiting for an answer, but before you can speak, he is wailing again.
“Give me another chance!!! I didn’t know better and I was hungry!”
You’re stunned, and then a little flustered. For goodness’ sake...
“Y-you’re not dying!” You finally exclaim.
He’s back in sorts for just a moment, and blinks, looking at you with surprise.
“I’m not?”
Not yet, anyway, you think. You clear your throat.
“I-I’m your guardian angel.”
As soon as that comes out of your mouth, you wince, because you already know that you’re breaking too many rules at once, even if your Companion is turned off and can’t report you. You’re not exactly sure why you’re telling him the truth like this in the first place, but the sight of the crying human gets to you, especially since you feel bad for what is yet to come for him.
Before you know it, he’s reached out for you surprisingly fast, and to your shock, he now holds your face in his hands. His hands are large, gentle and warmer than anything you’ve ever felt in your life. You can hear his heartbeat through his palms. It pounds.
You don’t have a heart, but if you did, you think it would have stopped. There’s a split second of wonder that you detect from his golden eyes as he drinks your face in, confirming that you are indeed real and he is not dreaming. Even in the dark, you can see redness form on his cheeks anew, still from the alcohol that he consumed too freely hours earlier. Probably.
It occurs to you that something again is very wrong, this feeling of doom that seems to arise from inside you, even though you are immortal and this is a human destined to die.
He’s too bold. There’s too much intensity in his eyes.
You fade into nothingness and disappear for the night.
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missyoumaybank · 4 years
I lost a friend
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Law of acceptance- I lost  A friend p1.
Not my gif^
Word count- 1.6k
Warnings- mentions of panic attacks, swearing, overall angst
JJ Maybank x Routledge reader!
Ever since John B and Sarah disappeared In the storm, things haven’t been the same for the pogues. They’d still hangout every day and hope that the pair would give some sort of sign or clues that they were still alive, but amongst all the drama circulating with ward and the young teens, things started to fall apart quite easily. It was like a disaster waiting to happen.  
JJ went rogue, his current ways heightening to a point beyond belief. Every second day, you’d be down in the station bailing him out for something stupid. ‘’C’mon, it wasn’t even that bad!’’ He’d say pleadingly, trying to coax you into feeling guilty for him, and you did, every single time. Along the way, your friendship with jj began to fall apart, constantly arguing and avoiding each other when possible, rather than sorting things out. It was getting unbearable and you hated it. The chateau was currently occupied by you and JJ, refusing to go back to his fathers after taking the phantom.
   Although you and J were only friends, there was unacknowledged feelings for one another, you felt a need to care for him and he cared for you more than anything else. It was always you and J against the world. There had been moments between you, such as your firsts, first kiss, first time etc, and some out of the blue moments. It confused you, you didn’t know what you were but every time you asked, it was always ‘’Best friends’’.  John B had encouraged you to shoot your shot, despite jj being your brothers bestfriend.
It was late in the evening, the sun beginning to set and you began getting nervous, taking note of the time and jj still wasn’t back from work. Agonizingly, you sat out on the porch with a blanket wrapped around you, fidgeting at the feeling of the scratchy material.
You didn’t mean to pry, but when you saw jj come home from work with a black eye, and dozens of cuts, questions flew around ‘’Can you please stop being up my ass for 2 seconds? Literally, its like you’ve nothing better to be doing other than being a bitch’’ He huffed, wanting to just shower and sleep, slamming the door behind him. As you stood there in shock, you decided not to follow, settling yourself in the hammocks instead. Tears pooled in your eyes, your heart breaking by the second.  You wanted the old jj to come back , but unless John B came back, there was no way in hell that was happening anytime soon.  
JJ was cursing himself, knowing you hated being called out for caring about others, suffering enough as you grew up with constant worry that one day she might lose someone she loves. She worried too much about others rather than herself and jj would constantly remind her to be selfish once in a while, but she never listened.
In your sleepy state, you felt jj climb in the hammock with you, quiet sniffles coming from the blonde boy. Turning to face him, you saw his blotched face, tears glistening against his skin. You wiped under his eyes, clearing away the tears. Wrapping an arm around him, his face rested in the crook of your neck, cuddling into your side.
‘’Im sorry’’ he mumbled quietly, playing with the string from your top. Nodding without saying anything, you covered the blanket over the two of you and kissed his forehead, soft snores coming from him in an instant.
 As the summer came to an end, one last kegger was thrown and it was deemed to be the best one yet. The gang sat around the fire pit, basking in the ocean breeze and the atmosphere they wouldn’t see until next summer. There were a bunch of kooks who surprisingly weren’t causing any trouble and the last of the remaining tourons as the season came to an end.
J was acting weird with you, not like it was much of a surprise, but none the less , it made you feel uncomfortable. You couldn’t bare his behaviour and outbursts anymore, it took a huge toll on your mental health, but as always, you put JJ and the others before yourself. Kie snapped her fingers in front of you, breaking your train of though. She looked at you with a questionable expression , indirectly asking if you were okay. You nodded at her, but it was a lie. Panic began building up inside of you and you didn’t know what was causing it. JJ gave you a glare, seeing your leg fidgeting and it seemed to annoy him, just like everything seems to nowadays. He knew what was happening but he didn’t seem to give a damn, just as your breath hitched.
You didn’t want to cause a scene in front of the others and you grabbed the person that was closest to you, which happened to be Pope , while you began breathing eratically, feeling as if you couldn’t breathe. Pope was confused as to why you were reacting this way and kept asking what was wrong, but you couldn’t hear him.
For sure, you knew you were having a panic attack, but again you didn’t want pope to worry. ‘’I’m fine nevermind, go back its fine’’ you stuttered, not grasping the feeling in your hands. He sat down beside you, and grabbed your hand, starting to tap his finger tips on yours. As you started to calm down, your breathing regulated itself. ‘’It helps me calm down when I have panic attacks’’ he said sympathetically, wishing everyones pain would disappear. Looking up at him, seeing the sad look on his face, you sobbed and broke down.
The sobbing continued, feeling like the whole world was crumbling around you and awaiting the impact. Pope embraced you, trying to calm you again before getting worked up all over again. Without paying attention to what was going on around you, jj stumbled up to the pair and felt a burning pit in his stomach, seeing you in popes arms.
In that time, jj stormed up and had swung at pope, clearly not in the right head space .’’What the fuck jj? He exclaimed, pushing him, which led to them throwing digs at each other.  ‘’Why are you so loved up around my girl?’’ he slurred, putting extra emphasis on ‘my girl’
You scoffed at his words, him turning to look at you with a narrowed expression.
‘’Your girl?
He nodded at you as if you had said the dumbest thing in the world. Shaking your head, you moved closer to him. ‘’Why are you making ‘your girl’ feel so shit then? ‘’ she pried, finally done with his attitude. He laughed tauntingly. ‘’I’m making you feel shit? Have you seen the way you’ve been treating me y/n?’’
She couldn’t believe the boy in front of her, accusing her of making him feel terrible. ‘’Have you stopped and maybe think for a minute jj, that everything is going to shit because of you?’’ she inquired, genuinely intrigued by what he has to say.  He didn’t answer, but you kept pressing at him, wanting him to own up to his shit.
‘’Fuck you little routledge! It should’ve been you on that boat instead of John B!’’ He screamed, his blood boiling with hatred for the girl he loved.
Everything was quiet, the music was off and a circle had surrounded the 3 of you. JJ’s chest heaved, out of breath from his remark. You looked at him with pure disgust and tears blurring your vision.
‘’I hate you Jesse Jameson Maybank!’’ You roared, rushing towards him to slap him. Kie had grabbed you at your waist, preventing you from making a bigger mistake that you’d regret.
‘’And I fucking hate you too little routledge!’’ Jj smirked, getting the reaction from you that he had expected. Although he had said all that, he didn’t mean it. He did it to protect you.
 The morning after last night’s events, y/n was wallowing in a state of depression, spiralling out of control. She loved jj but by god did she hate him also. She wanted nothing more to be wrapped in his arms, but after that, she doesn’t think she ever would be again.  A loud knock on the door disrupted her thoughts. She pushed herself out of bed to go to the patio door. Immediately, seeing who it was, she turned around not wanting to see him.
‘’Y/n, please im sorry!’’ He pleaded, his voice cracking.
‘’That was the last straw jj, im sick of it and im sick of you’’ she stated, not looking at him. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. ‘’Can I make it up to you somehow?’’ he muttered, knowing full well he could never make it up to her.
‘’The best thing that you could do for me right now is to never speak to me again’’ vocalizing the harsh reality, she felt bad, but she needed to.  His mouth widened in shock, not believing her words.
‘’but what about us? You know? The infamous blondies?’’ His voice wavering at the thought of losing you. He couldn’t believe he was losing you that easy, like a set of keys.
‘’I can’t do this anymore j’’ she cried, wanting things to go back to the way they were at the start of summer. He fidgeted in his spot, not knowing what to do.  ‘’Where am I meant to go?’’ whispering quietly, looking up at you. You could feel the guilt build up but you couldn’t stand down.
‘’I’m sure Ms.Lana would love the company’’
He looked at you, looking for any sign for him to stay, while he saw the pleading look in your eyes for him to stay, he knew he had to do the right thing.
‘’I guess this is it then’’
‘’Bye jj’’.
@afterglowsb-tch13​ @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar​ @lavendersunflower​
 this chapter is a mess im sorry
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