#tartaglia ff
p4latinus · 2 years
crimson jade | childe/tartaglia x reader [angst fanfic]
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characters: childe/tartaglia
genre: !gn, angst fanfic
tw: sfw! infidelity/cheating
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he was made of cerulean blue eyes and saltwater kisses. the summer you yearned, and the winter you grew with. he was the air you breathed and the flower that bloomed. the raging tides that saved you through every storm. ajax had always been your everything.
the morning dew traced his face - his beautiful face. oh how lucky you are to wake up next to him every morning. your fingers grazed over the fading cuts and healing wounds on his bare back. if only he’d be a little less reckless, you thought to yourself. it wasn’t easy being fatui harbinger. you saw every ounce of toll it took on his body. you recall his fear in confessing this grave, dangerous secret, that he fought to keep from his family.
a family that acknowledge you as your own.
anthon, tonia, teucer and the others had always welcomed you. back when your unkempt hair swayed after a busy day at preschool with ajax, right up until your small, intimate engagement with the renowned fatui harbinger. his father loved you with every beat of her heart, and his mother had always dreamed of a lovely person like you meeting ajax.
everyone noticed how you had always brought out the best of him. even through his savage behaviour, slaughtering for debts and unwavering devotion to the tsaritsa. despite their fear in him, they knew you kept him levelled. the same man who would write to his family diligently, sending herbs back to his father. they knew you kept him grounded through your childhood, right up until your adult years.
with a gentle smile to yourself, you folded his clothes and placed them into his wardrobe. you stayed up for 3 hours to scrub away blood and resew torn pieces of fabric. his nose crinkled at the slightest noise and disturbances.
“i thought a fatui harbinger would be too tired to wake up at this time.” you cooed, stretching your tired arms above your head.
“never too tired to spend a moment with you, my love.” he breathed into your hair, sinking his weight around your body.
“don’t forget we have a dinner reservation by the palace.”
“i won’t forget.” his voice muffled into your neck. his strong arms wrapped around your waist.
carefully, you turned to face him. your fingers crept into his tangerine locks and you lured him closer for kisses. soft, passionate kisses that grew with a blazing flame. you had only heard of eternity through his visit to inazuma, but you knew that this was the eternity you desired. an unchanging world between you and ajax.
“i’ll be back. i’ll be with my dad.” he broke away in a whisper. a devilish smile stretching across his face. “what?” you smiled back with curiosity.
“nothing, i just think you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen.”
that was arguably unrealistic, but you believed him anyway. he had seen you through your rough days and best ones. even on days when you cried over scraped and bruised knees - he had always been there to protect you. fighting over a crayon? he would let you have any colour you wanted so you wouldn’t cry. he loved you through your childhood.
and what about your adulthood? he wrote letters to you diligently, every single week. he talked about his travels and everything you would love. he wrote about how strenuous work was, and how much he missed your jasmine scented hair. he missed everything about you - and a man who was in love, would never put you in a position to lose you.
hours had passed since your last embrace with ajax. you and his mother were handling laundry loads, pile after pile. it felt endless but the both of you settled with hot peppermint tea and some stew. she helped you get ready for a promising night; picked your outfit and taught you about the varied wine available by the palace.
bedazzled by your beauty, he stood by the door. ajax leaned against the frame, smiling at the sight of you and his mother laughing. you were too engrossed by the many embarrassing stories of ajax to notice that he cleared his throat, saying, “darling, it’s time to go now.”
you nodded politely and thanked his mother. she winked at the both of you, leaving you two in each other’s arms.
“you are breathtaking, did you know that?” he whispered into your ear.
“you’re quite a catch too, my love.”
“i will never find anyone like you.”
his chest rose and collapsed again as he spoke with such sincerity.
no one had ever loved you the way he loved you. fabric swayed as he took your hand, guiding you to a chariot. everything had been a fairy tale with ajax. your eternal life, your fantasy. he was the prince you had read about during your early years. never could you imagine such a lucky encounter - that the man of your dreams was, in fact, your reality.
the journey to the venue felt too short despite the distance. snow blanketed carefully along the sidewalk. snowflake drifted swiftly with snezhnaya’s bittersweet winds. the breeze scraped your skin but you were used to the cold, unlike ajax whose nose burned for warmth. he pressed a sweet kiss onto your hands, then using it to warm himself. “that’s a laugh i’ll never get tired of hearing.” he uttered to himself, low enough for the hush breeze to listen.
“good evening, we have a reservation under the name ‘tartaglia’.” you watched him flash a heart-throbbing smile at the hostess.
“ah master childe, back again so soon?” the hostess queried, gathering menus for you and him.
“i can’t leave my darling waiting for too long. i knew i had to return to the motherland.” he slipped a hand around your waist.
“with another darling for the week i see.” she tutted, guiding the both of you to a secluded room.
another darling for the week? that did not make any sense. he had only been back for a week. he had spent the entirety of his trip with you, otherwise with his father. and his father had accounted for every moment spent.
your heart quickened at the thoughts of him meeting another person.
he secured a firm grip on your hands, slipping his fingers to meet with yours. the gentle compassion when he intertwined his fingers with yours - it was enough to prove that he loved you, and only you.
you had never, ever doubted him before.
the hostess dissolved your thoughts as the curtains drew.
illuminated by a crystal chandelier, you caught glimpses of mirrors and the doting smile from ajax. the secluded room surrounded you with plush, crimson walls. the seats were crafted with the finest workmanship and velvet. tablecloths had soft, faded symbols of the fatui and the tsaritsa’s court.
“have a look at the menu, dearest. there are exquisite wines here.” he pulled a chair out for you.
“i know, love. mother was just speaking about these. especially this one, under krasny.”
“oh? krasny is fancy. i didn’t know my darling liked luxurious brands.”
“i mean, how often do i get to see you anyway, darling? also—“ you cleared your throat and took a deep breath, “what was the hostess talking about?”
“oh love, don’t worry. i was here for a while after fishing with my dad. i had to meet with a client.”
“oh, but you didn’t mention it to me.”
“i know. it was an insignificant meeting. she was asking about debt collection processes and if the laws would apply in liyue as well. she could’ve literally just asked any fatui member.”
“when did you meet this client?”
“oh, it was today.”
you nodded. it would explain why he was so hurried.
a waiter took your order as you both gazed lovingly at each other. his callused hands and fingers slipping over your engagement ring. a glimmering jade, rimmed with intricate gold and diamonds. it probably costed a fortune - but money was infinite when it came to you.
“why did you choose jade?” you queried.
“it reminded me of the story we read as children - about the dandelion sea.” he replied, watching your lips curl at the sweet memory.
“speaking of which… i have another present for you, my love.”
ajax presented a silk pouch from his suit. as he slipped it into your hands, you noticed the unexpected weight. it felt like a shard of cor lapis. incredibly heavy given its minuscule size. however, reluctance taunted you for an argument. you shifted uncomfortably at the sight of the generous gift, still a hidden mystery under a fine layer of silk. ajax has bought you expensive presents and given you something new almost everyday. it wasn’t unusual of him to pamper you however you did find it excessive. nevertheless, you were grateful and accepted everything graciously.
“is something wrong?” he asked, rubbing his thumb reassuringly over your hands. the present - you hadn’t opened it yet. no wonder he questioned your well-being.
“nothing, my love. i was just thinking about how much you’ve spent on me. but thank—“
“shh. i will spend as much as i can on you, and our family. so now open it.”
another ring.
crimson agate stemmed at the core, rooting its blood along the band. carefully carved dragons decorated its side. strangely, the ring was temperate. almost like a summer i could carry with - its iridescence and warmth was indescriable. it was breathtaking. such a unique and beautiful ring.
“you don’t have to wear the jade one always, my love. you can use this one instead whenever i am away. it’ll feel like i’m holding your hand.”
“ajax, thank you. i love it.”
he removed the jade one, replacing it with the crimson agate ring. it complimented your skin - an eternal glow of youth, happiness and belonging. that the burning desire you felt in your heart only belonged to him. the youth that stemmed from endless laughter. indeed, he was the deepest source of your serendipity.
sounds of clangs and scrapes interrupted your train of thoughts.
an assortment of dishes arrived. crispy, aromatic cheese dishes with a variety of meat. delicate pastries flaked with the slightest movements and crumbled in your mouth. every bite was sinful yet deserved after waiting tiresomely for your fiancé. the both of you had a pleasant dinner with heartfelt laughter and conversations about the future. he spoke of his travels; proverbs and knowledge from different regions; how to apply them for your future family and his recent encounters with archons.
you truly are beyond lucky to be with him.
nightfall fell gently with snezhnaya’s breeze as you both journeyed back home. you shut your eyes and rested your head on ajax’s lap. his gloved hands stroking your hair, tracing greying strands that sprouted from stress. truly, his absence was taking a toll on your emotional and mental well-being. you craved for him with every minute apart. but you understood his obligations; he couldn’t ever just come back when he felt like it. not when he had to represent the tsaritsa and fulfil his duties.
afraid to wake you, he shifted slowly to slip his arms under your legs and back. he carried you back to your shared bedroom. the familiar scent of rosemary, jasmine and winter’s musk filled you. ajax placed you carefully on the bed, changing you into comfortable attire and removed your shoes. he took the liberty of cleaning your face as well - he always took the best care of you.
finally, his cold lips met your forehead. slightly chapped, but you felt his warmth on your skin.
“can we go now?” a voice whispered. “where is it?”
“it’s in my pocket, darling.” he responded.
your heart stopped for a moment.
curiosity gnawed.
despite your tired eyes, you jolted yourself awake…
to watch him slip the jade ring onto a blonde girl’s finger.
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thank you so much to staris1 for this request <3 i really hope you enjoy this!! stay safe & have a lovely day!!
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kreuzwalt · 1 year
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reach the gods
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eclecticmiasma · 11 months
Size Gap (Foul Legacy Childe x Reader)
Working through Childe's trauma by literally riding it out.
[Warnings: tooth decaying fl*ff my lord, a bit of cumflation]
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By the time it happens, you're none the wiser until it's all too much to bear. It occurs in the dead of night, during the rare moments where Childe is truly vulnerable with you. The moments where he's fresh from the kind of assignment that plucks at his nerves rather than energizes them, where he's buried his face in your neck and wrapped you so tightly in his arms that you feel nothing but his presence.
Whatever happened earlier this evening must have opened old wounds. The typically boisterous man falls into you without a word as soon as he enters your bedroom, desperate to get your bare skin on his own as soon as possible. His rough palms splay across every inch of your heated flesh as if he's memorizing every curve by hand.
When he does speak, his words are nonsense in your ears. Frenzied, babbling praise. Precious thing, so good, so incredibly good, dushen’ka**, so tight, my love. All of it comes flooding out as your body accepts him, as you desperately ride the waves of his outpouring of sincerity together.
Secretly, this is the Childe you prefer. The Childe that doesn't remove his length for even a second for fear of leaving the safety of your body, but rather drags it along your walls with such deliberation it's as if he's trying to meld your bodies into one. The Childe that groans so sweetly in your ear that his voice becomes hoarse and shattered. The Childe that wets the pillows beneath you with saliva and, though he'll never admit it, tears. Even though you can barely breathe with how strongly he holds you close as he takes you, the feeling of his heartbeat reverberating through your chest is sheer bliss.
Just as that familiar feeling is building in your gut, right before you tangle your fingertips in Childe's fiery locks and drag his lips to your own, a strange sensation hits you. A twinge of pain around your opening. Your hands still, but Childe continues thrusting into your wet heat as if everything is right with the world, nearly whimpering with pleasure. In fact, he hasn't noticed that your moans have ceased, your body's movements with them.
You feel it again, a stretch. This time accompanied by pressure in your lower abdomen.
"Ch-Childe," You breathe, unsettled. A sound that you've never heard your lover make meets your ears as he releases a guttural growl into your shoulder and continues rutting his hips as if his life depends on it. His body feels heavier somehow, crushing you beneath its weight as you struggle to inhale. Every thrust strikes deeper, and deeper. Your lower back stings where Childe grips you, almost as if his nails are pricking into your skin. This time you whine as the pressure in your abdomen suddenly builds again and searing pain begins, "Ajax!"
As a last ditch effort, you shout his given name and beat on the Snezhnayan's sweat-slicked back, enough of a shock to jolt him into reality for long enough to still his hips. When he looks up at you time itself seems to stop.
Blue. It's the first word that comes to mind and the only word that rattles around your reeling brain as you search his features. One of Childe's eyes is glassed over and a brilliant, dazzling blue. The other is wildly flitting between your face and his own body as he scrambles, sitting himself up and cursing loudly.
Your neck strains as you look up at him with something between horror and curiosity nagging at the edge of your nerves. He must be a full head taller than usual, half of the skin over his rippling muscles blackened and charred. Childe's hair flows behind him, shoulder length and the color of sunset. Hulking, frightening, beautiful.
"Y/n," He says, voice cracking, "I..."
The source of your discomfort is obvious to you now, as your eyes trail down Childe's abdomen to meet where your bodies intertwine. Though your own body had forced most of your lover's hefty member out as it grew, its tip still sits snugly just past your opening, stretching it open painfully. You swallow hard at the sheer size of it, certain that even wrapping two of your hands around its girth would be a struggle.
Childe's grip on your waist releases as he shifts to unsheathe himself, shame written in his movements. In a split second decision your hand flies to his own, intermingling with his clawed digits and squeezing hard.
When Childe told you of his time in the Abyss, it had been the closest you felt you would ever come to understanding him. Through haunted eyes he spoke of the trials and tribulations, of the mentor who helped him through, and of the self-proclaimed monster he could become as proof of the taint the Abyss left on his soul. He spoke of it with clear disgust, and something akin to fear.
"Stay here..." You plead softly. Childe looks down at you in disbelief. Though he has made it very clear that you were to never see the physical manifestation of his trauma, a secret desire to do so has always floated in the back of your mind. To love someone is to love every part of them- and you couldn't love what you couldn't see.
For the first time since you met him, Childe looks uncertain. His eyes, both glowing and not, dart from your face to your body to his own mutated hands. He starts to shake his head, crestfallen, and you know what you have to do.
It hurts, Archons does it hurt, but you shift your hips just enough to stretch the seeping opening of your cunt slightly. Childe makes a strangled noise, voice deepened by the change in his body, and a jolt of arousal hits you over the pain. Despite everything in you screaming to pull away, you want to hear it again.
You squeeze his hand for dear life and move again, gasping as your hole is stretched to its limits. Childe's massive length slides in millimeter by millimeter, and through your ministrations your lover begins to change more. His skin darkens further and hard scales flare out over his chest. His other eye becomes clouded and glows as he watches you spear yourself along his throbbing member, a mesmerizing sight for the both of you to behold. You sweat as his cock finishes its transformation, growing ever so slightly larger still.
"Y/n..." The hulking man sighs deeply. He lets you move along him at your own torturously slow pace, wrapping his massive clawed hands around your torso and pressing his lips to your cheeks, eyelids, and neck. His long crimson hair falls over your brow, and as you inhale through it all you realize he smells inexplicably like the universe itself.
It isn't easy and it isn't graceful, but Childe's baritone grunts of pleasure lead you to finally, finally bottom out. For several moments the two of you simply breathe together, the sweat from your bodies soaking the bedsheets beneath you. Even Childe's cock is warm inside of you, as his new form seems to radiate heat. It pulses in anticipation and you cling to your lover's back, ready for whatever is to come.
What happens next is a blur. Childe trails wet nips and kisses all the way to your lips. He pauses, giving you a look so full of adoration you feel that you might burst. You card a hand through his crimson locks and bring his lips to your own, opening the floodgates.
As Childe begins to unsheathe his enormous girth, his tongue slides past your teeth and nearly down your throat. You moan desperately around the intrusion in response, gripping the man's shoulders for dear life as he completely and utterly takes you.
At first, it seems impossible. The painful stretch of your cunt around him is almost too much to bear. Childe is so lost in the pleasure that you barely have room to breathe, his lengthened tongue and his cock wrecking you from both ends. You'll split apart, surely, or suffocate around the wet muscle that bullies down your throat in the process.
Just as your consciousness starts to fade at the edges, Childe drags his tongue from your pharynx and growls your name against your open mouth. His length stretches you open again and again as he ruts into your heat, thrusting so deep it feels as if your stomach is in your chest.
"...[Y/n]...[Y/n]...Archons..." The pain subsides as pleasure slowly takes its place, and the way your abdomen bulges with every snap of Childe's hips has you practically screaming his name. No one had ever seen Childe like this, his rawest and truest emotions manifesting in the creature you lay with now. To know you've brought this out of him, you alone, it fills you with unparalleled elation.
Your back arches as your muscles tense. As you clamp down on Childe's cock like a vice, he eagerly fucks you through your orgasm so hard you see stars. He sputters on about how beautiful you look, how good you are for him, how much he adores you. Tears wet the corners of your eyes as a second wave of spasms hits you, and you sob into the crook of his neck all the way through.
Childe uses his massive arms to pull your spent body off of the bed and spears you bonelessly on his girth like a ragdoll. All you can do is feebly wrap your own arms around his neck and let him, sobbing as he somehow cants deeper and deeper.
It takes every ounce of energy to stop him when he announces his own climax, pulling halfway from you before you force your cunt to slide back down to the hilt. You want him, all of him, even to be filled to the brim with his release.
Childe's semen spurts out of him in thick ropes, warmer than anything you've ever experienced. You moan and gyrate your hips in his lap, milking every last drop and gasping as it seeps out around your swollen hole. His nails dig into your skin as wave after wave of spasms wrack his heaving form.
When he finally stops shaking, gazes down in awe at the swell of your abdomen. It deflates as he begrudgingly lifts your trembling, a flood of white fluid coating his cock as your womb empties.
Exhausted, Childe flops down next to you and immediately wraps you in his arms. Though he's returned to his usual self, he still radiates a warmth that invites you to entangle your sticky, sweat-slicked body with his own. Dazed, weary, and floating on feelings of pure love for your partner, you ignore the aches and pains starting to make themselves known and fall into a much needed slumber.
Childe says it when he's sure you're fast asleep, quieter than most would be able to register just in case. Two words that he's found nearly impossible to utter since his fall into the Abyss all of those years ago.
"Thank you."
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**my soul
*do not edit or re-upload. please consider reblogging, as mature content is often buried by Tumblr!
[Genshin Masterlist]
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blood-orange-juice · 5 months
ok so ive never properly played genshin and don’t plan to but i know a bit about it’s lore and characters and i think it’s really neat. however i have thousands of hours on ffxiv. on that note please explain why graha and childe are similar. i only have very basic knowledge on childe and i gotta know
Fellow ffxiv enjoyer. <3
(anyone asking me about G'raha has a 100% chance of getting a wall of text and I'm not apologising for that. enjoy your wall of text)
I'm not entirely sure I'm not a case of a person with a hammer to whom everything resembles a nail, but I do think they are the same archetype.
Sweet characters who could have been perfect sidekicks (who still are perfect sidekicks) but listened to too many epic tales as kids and found themselves in a wrong place at a wrong time and now have to play a key role in some universe-changing story.
Both are defined mostly by their stubborness, they are not very suitable for the roles they've chosen and fail over and over again until they do it somewhat right (barely).
No matter how badass they look, their power is not their own, G'raha is a glorified technician of someone else's miracle and little else than a living key, Childe wields an art of old Khaenri'ah without fully understanding it. It's all borrowed from someone else who needed them to achieve a goal.
They do look badass, but mostly because they larp. I'm honestly not sure which one enjoys theatrics more.
Civilisations that created the magic they use specialised in perversion of the natural order of things. They try to use it in relatively noble ways and mostly hurt themselves but the flavour is there.
Both are unbelievably tragic and both somehow make their stories seem almost lighthearted. Complete absense of self-pity. I think that's what makes them both so charming, it's a rare trait.
Both have an incredible capacity for loyalty and love and an incredibly twisted view of what relationships look like. "I'll cross time and space for you, I'll die for you, I'll build a city for you, I'll live for you but please don't ask me to share my plans." "I'll sacrfice my own health and respect of my subordinates to keep my brother's happyness, probably my humanity too, but don't expect me to actually interact with him."
Both have something that looks like self-sacrificial tendencies bordering on suicidality while being, if we are honest, a self-serving trait (partially born out of low self-esteem but still self-serving). They want to live in an old myth and sacrificing oneself is a perfectly reasonable price for that.
Huge egos. And I mean Huge Egos. It's a bit less obvious in Graha's case but I know the type, you see guys like that in PhD programs a lot.
Huge dorks. Both of them.
Both are stuck somewhere between human and non-human and, hmm... their ability to remain human is the most astonishing quality of both. By all accounts, neither should have. They somehow did.
Both are incapable of lying to the point where a third of each fandom headcanons them as autistic. Both are somewhat all right with tricking people without technically lying (although Childe had more practice).
Both are secretive because no one would understand anyway.
FF XIV is a kinder story, so it's easy to overlook, but technically G'raha is a case of body horror, accepts the role of a villain for a while and hides from the player way too much. Hmmm... Where else have I seen it. Hmm. Oh right. That ginger guy from Genshin.
Minor things:
Both are little shits and enjoy annoying the hell out of people they dislike.
Abysmally bad fashion sense. There should be a name for this particular type and level of bad. I don't think I've seen this anywhere else.
And then there's the colour scheme. Red+black+white+blue and red+black+light grey+blue (it's an "anime magician" color profile, I think. black-red-white as alchemy colours + blue as pure magic/something elemental). Childe doesn't quite fit but still the combination is rare.
They way they talk. Dear gods. Who the hell talks like that.
Here's where the similarities end.
One is morally grey but ultimately a good guy (technically. I think the point of ShB was that Emet and G'raha are almost the same), another is a morally grey but still (kind of) a bad buy.
At every step of his story Graha is surrounded by people who love or at least appreciate him, Childe is pretty much on his own and surrounded by people who are either shitty or clueless.
G'raha is kind. Truly and astonishingly kind, in a doomed world he chooses to love everything he touches. Silly little priest of hope. Of all the things he has done this is the most wondrous, I think. Not the time travel, not the city he founded, just being able to remain kind after everything that happened to him.
Childe is... well, Childe. I think he is a deeply decent person (to the point of having a visceral distaste for any kind of unfairness) and he's idealistic but he's indifferent more than he is kind. Empathy usually develops only when someone has shown the person empathy first and, as far as we know, he didn't have much of that in his life.
Also G'raha builds things. Childe breaks things. Childe breaks pretty much everything he touches.
One is an archeologist and a mage and another is a warrior.
I think these differences are caused mostly by the settings they were put into. Childe raised in Sharlayan would have been a very different person. G'raha trained by a voidsent and shipped off to Garlean military would look very much like Childe.
G'raha also has a beautiful character development arc. I love his ShB role. He has this huge ego in the raids and is insufferable and then we see an older and wiser him with a bunch of actual achievements and a bad case of impostor syndrome (trying to do anything real always humbles a person, we all know that real world is held together by sticks and scotch tape. honestly, this change alone is beautiful). And he gets to be an actual hero when he abandons all hope to be Important and resigns to die as a nameless villain if it saves everyone and spares his loved ones from heartbreak.
Childe's character development is yet to happen and I'm not hoping for much but we'll see.
The only difference that definitely isn't created by setting is that G'raha is naturally manipulative. In a kind-hearted way and mostly for the sake of better larp but he isn't that straightforward. Childe is spectacularly blunt for all his mysteriousness.
As a bonus, they both compare main characters to stars, but in completely different ways.
"No doubt your heroism will be the star by which I chart my course," says G'raha to the WoL.
Childe mentions the morning star, which is, of course, pretty and a good companion to a lonely traveler, but also it's not a celestial body you can chart your course by.
It's a guy whose signature weapon is called "Polar Star" and his first artifact set was full of nautical themes, so I think he fully understands what he's saying. "You are my friend but I won't change anything in my life for you."
So I don't think his story will be anything like G'raha's, his life took a different turn very long ago. I do think they used to be similar as kids, bookish boys who dreamed of adventure and being special. So it's fun to compare.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. <3
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dead-scorpio · 1 year
Actually, every author who ever wrote angsty "Zhongli used and betrayed me, I'm so sad" Childe, while very conveniently forgetting that Childe used Zhongli too, owes me an apology.
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bbykento · 2 months
does anyone know that one childe fic where he was royalty or something & he neglects reader then theres kaeya who kidnaps sweet ljttle reader?? 🥹
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caramelrxses · 10 months
One rhythm
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Duo dancing wasn't your favourite. You were a solo dancer, and you took part of the formation, but duets weren't your things. Especially not when you were forced into a duo. You got an ultimatum from your coaches. You were told to choose. Between your carrier as a dancer, and your pride. Of course you would choose your carrier, no? Even when there's a certain ginger senior who ruins everything in your life again?
"At least give it a try. You've been put together by choice, not by accident. Everybody knows you two were an incredible duo – act like it."
You're comeback was ruined with that duet. At least that's what you thought. Because, how could Childe save your carrier after that accident?
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Pairing: Childe x Fem!reader
Used pronounce: she/her
SFW, romance with angst
Main trope: childhood best friends to enemies to lovers
Warnings: mentions of arthritis, not so detailed, slight swearing, mentions of other ships – not specifying them (Kaebedo, Haikaveh, Cynonari, Eimiko, etc), others will be added
Author's Note: Childe's being the daft ginger he is, reader is a bit egoistic and self-centered, but that's forgivable;) – I think music is important in this fic, so songs will be added to the chapters.
That's my first series here, I appreciate any feedback about my writing, grammar or other mistakes. I'll organise this mess as soon as I get my laptop back 'cus it's broken lmao
Plus I'm not a dancer, I don't have experience in it. I do have personal experience with arthritis, I write it down as I experienced.
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
(It'll be updated)
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‘Hot Soup for the Cold Weather’
Childe x reader
‘The Snezhnayan man himself brings himself back to the snowy land of the Tsaritsa’s after 5 years of constant war that he calls “trivial”. He can finally settle in peace when he returns to the place he considers as home’
W.C: 1.3k
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A trail of hollow footprints...
Falling snowflakes...
Snow covered pine trees...
and crystallized lakes...
It’s been awhile since Childe’s been here. How long has it been? The orange haired man guesses to be several years. He doesn’t remember much of the place, but stepping in the icy realm brought familiarity and nostalgia. 
Childe ceases his tracks and breathes in the minty air. The chillness of the air flowing through his lungs as he finally exhales. He can see the condensation of his breath. 
He realises that the tip of his nose has turned into a shade of red. He sniffs. Since when has he ever been affected by the cold? Back in the days, the cold never bothered him. It really has been a long time. He must’ve gotten used to the blazing weather in Liyue. 
Childe continues to walk through the woods. Many of the trees became bare and naked to the world. Necklaces of ice decorated the tall trees and they shimmer and gleamed through the night. His boots crunches the snow below him, indenting the icing layer. 
At long last, he finds the starting point. The beginning of his journey to his desired destination. He grasps the straps of his bag and jogs to the pathway with the curve of his lips. 
‘Just follow this path and you’ll make it there Ajax’
He thinks as he follows the path. Suddenly, the wind howls and big gust of wind transpires causing him to almost loose balance. Unluckily, his trapper hat escapes but he manages to catch it in time before it hits the ground. He begins dusting his hat before putting it back on and securing it. 
All of a sudden, another squall occurs in which, this time, knocks him to the snow, face planted. Once again, the sound of nature howls as the trees dances along. Childe groans. At least his trapper hat is still on. He gets up and sees his features moulded in the layer of snow. He only squints at it.
Childe turns to look behind him and sees his stuff scattered. A sigh of discontent left his freezing lips. His teeth continuously clicking against each other as he rubs his gloved hands. He stares into the sky. The day will start resting as the night awakes. 
He quickly stuffs the fallen items into his bag until he finds a precious picture frame. His eyes softens as he gazes the picture in front of him. It was him and his girlfriend with two brats making ugly faces. He chuckles as he recalls the memories of his kids. They were getting bored of making well mannered faces so they decided to add a sprinkle of fun ones instead. He remembers the scolding you gave them but all the kids did was try holding back their laughter.
He lowers his arm and stares at the never ending path (for now). He misses them, he admits. Several years later and his heart still yearns for them. He wonders if they’re still there. There's only one way to find out.
As every minute ticks, the darker the sky shades of grey. The lone man has already lit up a lamp he had brought with him. He wavers the thin burnt out stick and tosses it elsewhere. Now he feels a bit warmer. He carries on his trip, persevering through the frigid temperature.
By now the particles of snow swirls around with the wind. He covers the lamp with his hand to make sure the fire wouldn't blow out.
In the distance, he makes out an outline of a cottage. His eyes turns glossy at the sight as he begins to make a run towards it. He's finally here. He's finally going to see them!
Childe nearly trips on his way home. His feet digging into the crisp snow. The cottage before looms closer and closer as it grows in size in his perspective. He can discern light from inside.
He slows down as he reaches the porch of the cottage. He catches his breath, knees bent and his arms supporting his upper body.
Later, he stands up straight and begins knocking on the door. His heart starts pounding. The man doesn't know why he is nervous. He's going to see his family again. He should be excited.
Without him even noticing, the door creaked open, allowing the fiery light to seep out. A wave of warm air exited the cottage. Childe shuddered at the unexpected temperature change.
When he hears the voice, Childe ultimately looks at the young man before him. Orange hair; blue eyes; freckles... They look nearly as identical to his own facial features. The boy must be in his teens with that height of his as well. His eyes widen at the view of his father. 
They continue to look at each other as if they’re doing a staring competition. The silence breaks when footsteps can be heard from behind. It was another boy, much younger looking and features also similar to Childe’s. 
He’s about to well up some tears upon seeing his flesh and blood. It has been far too long he realises. Both of them grew up well. They were once kids and now beginning the next phase of life. The atmosphere becomes sentimental all of a sudden... That is until someone decides to let out a snicker.
“Are you still a cry baby, Dad? Big bro, if he sees mom he’s going to start crying... haha”
Of course, it has to be the younger one of the two brothers. Some things just don’t change. For some reason, Childe doesn’t feel like dropping tears anymore. He swiftly curls his arm around his younger son’s head and ruffles his hear. It’s a lot more darker than his. More like the colour of red. He playfully manhandles him whilst the other titters, enjoying the action. It didn’t feel like he was gone for 5 years. At all....
Just then, you walk by and stop your track. You were dressed in a common Snezhnayan outfit holding a tray with a bowl of hot soup. You gasp as you stare at the orange haired man. The older brother swiftly grabs the tray before you even drop it. Childe’s heart ceases for a moment. You still look as gorgeous.
‘This must be a dream...’
“I- ack!”, he rubs his arms after the quick smack you give him. Your hands ball up into fists facing the floor with an angry pout. Childe feels as if his imaginative ears folded back. 
“Bastard”, you mumble. Instantly, you wrap your arms around him. How many years has it been since you felt this way? “I thought you were-”. He can hear the sniffles. You finally let your emotions out. For so long you’ve always wondered if he’s even alive at this point. 5 years without him. 5 years without a single notion about him. And suddenly, he appears out of nowhere. With him in your embrace, you’re assured that this is the real him and not some illusion your mind made up. 
“Hey... I’m back now”, he says as he strokes your soft hair. “You know I wouldn’t end it all just like that”. You wipe the salty essence that trickle down your face and snuffle your runny nose. “I know you wont, but...I just can’t help but worry. Waiting for you all these years without knowing if you’re living or not...scares me to death...”
The atmosphere quietens. The sky has gone completely dark. The celestial ball settles high in the night with armies of shimmering stars sifted by the gods. They illuminate the darkness and the icicles distinguishes themselves competitively for who shines the brightest. 
You gently pull yourself away from the Fatui. Your hands rises to reach his pearl-like face. Caressing as he closes his eyes to the soft touches your hands are gifted with. 
The sound of your voice he can hear. Like little melodies that will linger in the core of his memories. He misses your voice. He’s glad to be alive. 
You give him a comforting smile.
“Welcome home... Ajax” 
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sosorrynotsorrylol · 10 months
"We're perfect, love" -- childe x yn >.<
so this is mostly not rly like a romanticy thingaroo this is just a cute lil fluff thingy :33 so yea js wanted to clear that up~!!
It was a windy, cold night in Snezhnaya. Rough winds have been terrorizing Snezhnaya these past few days, and locals have no idea why. It's not like Stormterror is out. You shrug it off and go to your house, but you hear somebody sheathing their sword on your path. A whistle followed after, leaving you confused. "Anyone.. there?" You silently asked. Not expecting a voice, yet, wished there was one. A mysterious voice chuckled. "Maybe." You heard, come from a nearby bush. He walks over to you, as you slowly tilt your head to him. "Wh.. who.. a.. are yo.. you..??" You asked. You were filled with fright. Your hands were shaking.
"Oh hello, comrade. I see you have not yet met me. I'm Tartaglia. Who might you be, traveler?" Tartaglia said. He was tall, and he had a smile on his face. "Me? I'm... I'm Y/N." You said, taking deep breaths. "Are you lost? May I lead you to your destination?" Tartaglia said, he was nice for a stranger. He looked familiar.. Too familiar. Yet you just shrugged it off. "May I know more about you before I trust you.. On this cold, windy night?." You ask, Tartaglia responds with "You may. I'm a warrior who must always be ready to face any challenge with his blade. The outcome of the battle is irrelevant — what matters is that you learn from the experience." He said, proud and loud.
You chuckled, saying "I like your playful attitude, Childe." smiling. Childe chuckled and nodded. "May I ask, what's your vision, Y/N?" Childe said, while tilting his head. "..I don't have one." You say. Childe eyes widened a bit. "None..? That's.. fascinating.." He says. You can hear the more cautious tone in his voice, after learning an interesting fact about you. He doesn't mind it, he just hasn't seen such a civilian with no vision whatsoever.
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littlepawpads · 2 years
Here We Are Once More.
ZhongChi/ChiLi/Guizhong angst fic
Warnings: mentions blood, death, i wrote this in 10 minutes and I apologize in advance
379 words
1662 characters (excluding spaces)
Fic under cut! I’m not confident in my writing abilities, in fact I’m pretty sure they suck, but I’ve been working on it and need to build some confidence so, behold~
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You know, being a God, my emotions are quite… dimmed. I know what anxiousness, sadness, happiness, jealousy, and such is supposed to feel like, but for a very long time it was hard to comprehend. These emotions are far more prominent in humans.
Then I met her. Guizhong, of course.
In a field of glaze lilies sat the most beautiful being I had ever seen, a gown of blue and gold silks, a beautifully crafted Jade brooch to complement the dress, the hair piece, the field of lilies around us, and most of all, her. The wind grazed her so gently. A flawless image that will forever remain in my mind. A lovely contrast to my blood stained robes and body fresh from war.
The more we spoke to each other the more these feelings within me grew, for the very first time, I felt love.
Then on that darkened day, where Guizhong was cruelly taken from Teyvat, those feelings within me quickly fell prey to erosion, I became more of a shell. I took in everything about this world, everything about my then new purpose as an archon, and I tried to fill that hole within me. Now, my love had eroded, just as my purpose and my journey had. I never thought I’d feel like that again.
But, history tends to repeat itself in the funniest of ways. “Isn’t that so, Ajax?” For the second time in Zhongli’s very long life, he held his lover in his arms, once again, blood soaked coat, weapon thrown to the side, Ajax’s tattered body laying there, limp. Zhongli gently caressed his cheek, just as the wind had once done many times before.
“So here we are once more” He looks down at Ajax, someone who had given him a new purpose, snow kissed his pale face, and once again, in the field of glaze lilies, a new contrast of deep red blood and fresh fallen snow. Picking one of the glaze lilies around them and placing it in his hair, he kissed him one last time.
“Goodbye, my love.” Grievances and rage seeping deeply into his soul. Closing his eyes, he stood up, and he stood tall, the ground shaking beneath him.
Whoever did this will definitely be paying a hefty price.
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tinyshootingstar · 3 months
Specchio di neve
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✩Personaggi: Childe (Tartaglia) / Lumine
✩Estratto: Una cosa, però, Lumine l'aveva ben insinuata: Tartaglia provava una sincera attrazione per Dragonspine. La neve, il ghiaccio, il silenzio... tutto di quell'ambiente spoglio e selvaggio era in qualche modo specchio di Snezhnaya.
✩Status: Completa (965 parole)
La vista al di sotto del ponte era completamente offuscata dalla fitta nebbia che avvolgeva i monti tutti intorno: solo le silhouette dei rilievi e degli alberi erano visibili e la tenue luce azzurra della statua di Barbatos, che dominava sulla vallata sottostante, rischiarava appena il limitare del ponte distrutto. Come centinaia di aghi che pungono la carne esposta, il gelo di Dragonspine bruciava la pelle su cui i tanti piccoli fiocchi bianchi si posavano. Sulla sommità del capitello, l'archon di pietra pareva vegliare su un ragazzo dalla chioma rossa che, con le mani nelle tasche del cappotto bianco, osservava in silenzio la neve cadere sulla pietra nuda della statua e del pavimento.
«Sbrighiamoci, non dovremo stare al freddo per così tanto.»
Una voce femminile, calda e incalzante, fendette il silenzio e il giovane, buttando così un ultimo sguardo giù nel burrone, la seguì verso le rovine a cielo aperto alle loro spalle. Appena sotto un'architrave crollata, tra vecchi cocci rotti, Tartaglia si posò con la spalla contro una colonna crepata e osservò Lumine procedere rasente al muro per sottrarsi alla forte corrente che soffiava dal buco al centro del pavimento. Sorridendo alla vista delle sue guance arrossate dal freddo, incedette a grandi falcate lungo lo stesso percorso della ragazza, la quale sparì dietro l'angolo. Svoltato quest'ultimo, la trovò vicino al rifugio di un Seelie dalle calde sfumature rosse e gialle, a braccia tese verso l'esserino in cerca del suo tepore.
«Senti, signorina» le si rivolse sornione, guardandola dall'alto con le braccia incrociate sul petto. «spiegami, perché continuiamo a tornare? Ci sono parecchie cose che potremo fare e sono tutte molto più stimolanti che venir qui a dar da mangiare alle volpi.»
Lumine, da risposta, sbuffò appena mentre si sfregava le mani al petto.
«Perché è il desiderio di Joserf e io voglio esaudirlo*» disse poi, non con poco disappunto. «E poi, credevo ti piacesse venire qui.»
Senza degnarlo di un ulteriore sguardo, la viaggiatrice si rimise in cammino verso l'entrata della caverna poco distante, dove la neve era andatasi ad accumulare per via delle forti raffiche di vento – che soffiavano ad ogni ora del giorno – e il freddo aveva formato grosse stalattiti e stalagmiti di ghiaccio. Il perché la ragazza si ostinasse tanto a risalire la montagna ogni giorno, tra le intemperie, a Tartaglia non era per nulla chiaro; la gentilezza che spingeva Lumine ad assecondare il desiderio di qualcuno che neanche conosceva sfociava ai suoi occhi in un'inutile perdita di tempo: cosa gliene sarebbe venuto in tasca ad aiutare quell'uomo? La mancanza di un qualsiasi guadagno non sarebbe mai valso lo sforzo, eppure lei era lì, in una remota grotta a dar bacche alle volpi della montagna...
Una cosa, però, Lumine l'aveva ben insinuata: Tartaglia provava una sincera attrazione per Dragonspine. La neve, il ghiaccio, il silenzio... tutto di quell'ambiente spoglio e selvaggio era in qualche modo specchio di Snezhnaya. Se avesse chiuso gli occhi, di certo gli sarebbe parso di sentire le grida gioiose di Teucer o i vani tentativi di Tonia che, pacata come sempre, tentasse di contenere la sua smisurata energia di bambino. Fu così che, mestamente, Tartaglia tornò col pensiero ai suoi fratelli. Ormai non contava più i giorni in cui lo avevano confinato a Liyue, lontano da loro, e le lettere di Tonia non bastavano più: voleva solo riabbracciarli, tornare a giocare con Teucer, a pescare con Anthon sul lago ghiacciato alla periferia della città e ascoltare Tonia parlare per ore, raccontandogli tutto ciò che nelle sue lettere non trovava spazio.
Osservò l'architrave di ghiaccio e perfino lui, forgiato dalle basse temperature di Snezhnaya, trasalì quando una forte raffica di vento e neve gli piombò sul collo. Si voltò verso l'entrata per osservare quella che in principio era una leggera nevicata diventata ormai tormenta. Respinse i visi sorridenti dei fratelli per entrare a gamba tesa nell'accampamento, dove Lumine stava acquattata a terra a carezzare la testolina di una volpe bianca. Un paio di altre sue compagne, invece, si stavano servendo delle bacche che la ragazza aveva offerto loro in un logoro piatto di ferro.
«Fuori il tempo è peggiorato, compagna» esordì il ragazzo, tornato con il suo caratteristico sorriso sbarazzino in viso. Indossò una maschera perfetta, tanto che Lumine, in un primo momento, sembrò non accorgersi del groviglio di malinconia che aveva preso a vorticargli dentro. Invece, scattò con la testa alle spalle del ragazzo, dove i fiocchi avevano iniziato a trapelare dall'entrata della caverna e il ruggito del vento rimbombava sulla roccia.
«Allora sarà meglio accendere il fuoco, preparo qualcosa di caldo.»
Con un'ultima carezza, la ragazza si alzò da terra, scrollandosi la neve dalla gonna. Con il fuoco acceso, tirò fuori quel che era rimasto nella borsa e lo gettò nel pentolone, dove la neve che avevano raccolto si era sciolta e aveva iniziato a bollire. Il ragazzo, dal canto suo, guardava la brace ardente come rapito. Chissà se anche i suoi fratelli erano riuniti intorno al fuoco... anche loro stavano pensando a lui?
«Ehi, Ajax...»
«Qualcosa non va? Sei stranamente assente.»
Tartaglia, seduto a gambe incrociate vicino a Lumine, posò il gomito sul ginocchio e la guancia sul palmo della mano. A guardarla, con uno di quei piccoli animaletti in grembo a prendersi le sue attenzioni, pareva in apprensione. A memoria, Tartaglia non ricordava di averla vista una sola volta preoccuparsi per lui. Pensò fosse perché, probabilmente, non gliene aveva mai dato occasione: troppo impegnato a pavoneggiarsi della sua forza, con la mente sempre impegnata e rivolta a nuove sfide e battaglie, le nascondeva il lato più fragile di sé. Doveva essere quel posto ad averlo fatto esporre così: la neve non faceva altro che ricordagli quanto desiderasse tornare a casa.
Sorrise: «Aaaah, mi chiedevo se anche a casa mia stia nevicando.**»
* World quest “Lost in the snow”, Mondstand
** Line di Tartaglia (Childe) “When it snow: foreign country”
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brainrotpot · 2 months
Hello! I am Gear, I am 20, and this is my writing blog. I primarily plan to write smut, but I will occasionally write fluff too.
Here is my masterlist! My requests are: closed!
⇀What I Will Write:
A/B/O (also known as Omegaverse)
Platonic stuff
DISCLAIMER: Yes, I will write about terrible shit but I do not like the terrible shit that happens IRL.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: I am a gay transmasc dude, so my horny/romantic posts 99% of the time will be about men. I'd prefer not writing smuts for women (feels awkward bc i am not attracted to them) but I am not eliminating it off of the table.
⇁What I Will Not Write:
Incest+ Stepcest (I also block these posts/users on sight)
NSFW of minor/minor coded characters (please read my characters I won't write for list)
Vomit/basically any bodily fluid that isn't blood or cum
Minor x adult ships
Here is my list of characters I won't be writing for.
Team Fortress 2
JJBA Parts 4-6
Trigun Stampede
Pokemon SWSH/SV
Fire Force
Honkai Star Rail
Stardew Valley
These are not all of them, but the ones I will probably be writing the most for.
Baizhu, Beidou, Bennett, Chongyun, Diluc, Heizou, Freminet, Furina, Kaveh, Shinobu, Layla, Lyney, Neuvillette, Kokomi, Tartaglia, Tighnari, Venti, Wriothesley
Argenti, Aventurine, Dr. Ratio, Gallagher, Gepard, Hanya, Jingyuan, Lynx, March 7th, Misha, Sampo Koski, Silver Wolf, Topaz, Xueyi
Kira, Reimi, Rohan, Mikitaka, Okuyasu, Tonio, Yukako,
literally the main cast, Diavolo, Melone
literally the main cast again, Donatello, Pucci
SWSH: Allister, Avery ,Bede ,Gordie ,Leon, Marnie, Piers, Raihan, Rose
SV: Arven, Dendra, Grusha, Hassel, Jacq, Larry, Oretaga, Rika
Arthur, Benimaru, Joker, Shinra, Takeru, VIKTOR, Vulcan
Elliott, Penny, Sam, Shane, Sebastian
I currently do not have any consistent schedule planned! I also plan to mainly do oneshots, no long stories. Have fun reading!
If you're interested in following my main it is @mistergear! I typically post there more often but do note I can go days without posts
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skayleay · 1 year
lee!Tubbo and ler!Tommy
lee!Tommy and ler!Aimsey (ff fanart)
lee!Ranboo and ler!Crumb (ff fanart)
lee!Ranboo and ler!Tommy (ff fanart)
lee!Ranboo and ler!Clingyduo (ff fanart)
lee!Ranboo and ler!Tommy (ff fanart)
lee!Ranboo and ler!Wilbur
lee!Niki and ler!Wilbur
lee!Ranboo and ler!Aimsey
(and that's the last one, now I'm Genshin Impact only focused)
Genshin Impact:
lee!Kuki Shinobu and ler!Arataki Itto
lee!Childe and ler!Zhongli
lee!Xiao and ler!Venti
lee!Zhongli and ler!Childe
lee!Wanderer and ler!Nahida/ler!Aether
lee! Alhaitam and ler!Kaveh
lee!Wanderer and ler!Aether
lee!Aether and ler!Wanderer
lee!Cyno and ler!Tighnari
lee!Zhongli and ler!Childe
lee!Zhongli and ler!Childe
lee!Alhaitham and ler!Kaveh
lee! Aether and ler!Xiao
lee!Childe and ler!Zhongli
lee!Venti and ler!Aether
lee!Scara and ler!Nahida
lee!Alhaitham and ler!Kaveh
lee!Venti and ler!Zhongli (fanart)
lee!Albedo and ler!Aether (COMMISION)
lee!Heizou and ler! Aether
lee!Childe and ler! Neuvillette
lee!Childe and ler! Wriothesley
lee!Childe and ler!Scara
lee!Zhongli and ler!Childe
lee!Wriothesley and ler!Clorinde/ler! Neuvillette
lee!Venti and ler!Diluc (COMMISION)
lee!Lumine and ler!Tartaglia
lee!Gaming (COMMISION)
lee!Xiao and ler!Venti
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blood-orange-juice · 8 months
*still procrastinating 6.5*
I love how FFXIV "Fiend" lyrics is literally Childe with the exception of the god's name and identity.
While we still can't connect those to anything in FFXIV.
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Company Policy (Genshin Impact x BSD)
Read on AO3
by ArianneTrivia
Some of Teyvat's vision users and Archons live in the modern world after thousands of years, visions no longer exists and barely any god remains. Teyvat is a well-known company all around the globe stationed mostly in asia, rumors surround the company as it's owner has complete control over this trillion dollar business, little do they know that it's run by not only one person but a few dozen all with exceptional skills and abilities.
Dazai is working together with Kunikida on a recent case that involves serious investigation, deciding their first suspect to be a higher up from Teyvat company, they sought out the acting CEO.
The company deals in casinos, weapons, mercenary, food, drinks, cosmetics, research, wine, alcohol, medical institutions, schools and more but something feels off about the people with high authority.
The ADA and Port mafia as well as the other organizations is Yokohama believe that a good amount of the company's workers are ability users, let's see if they find out.
{GI x BSD ff}
Words: 7, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Venti (Genshin Impact), Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Raiden Ei | Baal, Nahida (Genshin Impact), Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Kaedehara Kazuha, Shikanoin Heizou, Kong | Aether (Genshin Impact), Kamisato Ayaka, Kamisato Ayato, Diluc (Genshin Impact), Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Albedo (Genshin Impact), Klee (Genshin Impact), Qiqi (Genshin Impact), Baizhu (Genshin Impact), Xiao | Alatus (Genshin Impact), Hu Tao (Genshin Impact), Kaveh (Genshin Impact), Beidou (Genshin Impact), Ningguang (Genshin Impact), Chongyun (Genshin Impact), Sayu (Genshin Impact), Yun Jin (Genshin Impact), Diona (Genshin Impact), Bennett (Genshin Impact), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Kaedehara Kazuha/Scaramouche, Kaedehara Kazuha/Shikanoin Heizou, Kaedehara Kazuha/Scaramouche/Shikanoin Heizou, Scaramouche/Shikanoin Heizou, Kong | Aether/Xiao | Alatus (Genshin Impact), Beidou/Ningguang (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Nahida & Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Beidou & Kaedehara Kazuha, Raiden Ei | Baal/Yae Miko, Albedo & Klee (Genshin Impact), Albedo/Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Raiden Ei | Baal & Scaramouche, Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ozaki Kouyou/Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kamisato Ayato/Thoma, Kamisato Ayaka & Kamisato Ayato, Jean/Lisa (Genshin Impact), Barbara & Jean (Genshin Impact), Baizhu & Qiqi (Genshin Impact), Hu Tao & Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Xiao | Alatus/Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Alhaitham & Kaveh (Genshin Impact), Cyno/Tighnari (Genshin Impact), Chongyun/Xingqiu (Genshin Impact), Chongyun & Shenhe (Genshin Impact), Albedo & Sucrose (Genshin Impact), Collei & Tighnari (Genshin Impact), Amber & Collei (Genshin Impact), Collei & Cyno (Genshin Impact), Edogawa Ranpo/Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Crossover
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iwant-fuitgummi · 11 months
Inazuma Headcanons pt. 2!
(pt. 1 here)
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Transmasc, Bisexual
Family: Yae Miko (FF Mom), Gorou (FF Brother)
Best Friend: Charlotte
I don't know why but transmasc Kirara is so real to me.
Kirara is penpals with Collei. He's since developed a small crush on her.
Talks to Charlotte all the time! They bring her new cameras as a gift and in exchange, Charlotte gives them
He's epileptic, so he always has Yoimiya warn him beforehand if she's gonna have a firework show.
I don't know much about Kirara yet so there's not much I can really say about him.
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Kuki Shinobu
Cisgender Woman, Bisexual, Polyamorous
Dating Kujou Sara and Sangonomiya Kokomi
Family: Ms. Kuki (Mom), Kuki Miyuki (Sister), Arataki Itto (FF Brother), Akira (FF Brother), Mamoru (FF Brother), Genta (FF Brother), Granny Oni (FF Grandmother)
Best Friend: Shikanoin Heizou4She often goes to Watatsumi Island with Itto to visit their respective partners. If she can't find Kokomi, she'll head to her secret hideout. Oftentimes, Koko is asleep at her secret desk. Shinobu takes off her jacket and puts it over her shoulders as a blanket before either heading off to find Itto or just sitting down in the corner with one of Kokomi's books and waiting.
She always thought that Sara was beautiful, even way before they first started talking. She often referred to her as "the Pretty Tengu" when talking to Itto. She eventually began to talk to her (outside of getting Itto and the gang out of jail) and slowly became smitten.
She has a small shrine in her home that's dedicated to the Oni. She hopes that, by praying to his ancestors, Itto will be a little bit safer. she doesn't take the best care of it, since she hates the idea of being a shrine maiden even if it's her own shrine, but still.
Her right leg is a prosthetic. She was born without it. She also wears braces on her arms and often uses elbow crutches.
She always has a first aid kit on hand. Even though she heals with her vision, she uses the first aid kit for herself. She also uses it for minor injuries that don't warrant elemental healing.
She has selective mutism. Itto, Heizou, and Sara are all pretty good at understanding her body language and are usually able to communicate for her if needed. She also has communication cards.
idc if it's not canon. Shinobu has scars on the sides of her mouth like Iguro Obanai from Demon Slayer. She also has a split tongue and lots of piercings.
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Shikanoin Heizou
Genderqueer, Pansexual
Dating Kaedehara Kazuha
Family: Sayu (Sister)
Best Friend: Kuki Shinobu
Honestly I didn't change much about Heizou. I love him as is.
Autistic. They hyperfixate on cases until they're solved.
He has OCD, too. If things aren't done in the right order, he starts to panic.
She keeps a personal copy of each case she's ever solved, just in case she needs to go back and recheck it.
They pack Sayu's lunch every morning before she leaves to do ninja things. It typically consists of two katsu sandwiches, two onigiri, sunsettia slices, and a juice box. They also add in some sakura shrimp crackers for a snack. The lunch is the exact same every day, since Sayu is a picky eater.
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Naganohara Yoimiya
Transgender Woman, Bisexual
Dating Kamisato Ayaka
Family: Naganohara Ryuunoske (Dad), Tartaglia (FF Brother)
Best Friend: Arataki Itto
Her right leg was amputated after she blew it up in a firework accident. It is amputated mid-thigh and is now a prosthetic.
They are partially deaf in both ears. Working with explosives will do that to ya. They know sign language, and so do Ayaka, Thoma, and Itto.
Pep has type 1 diabetes and wears an insulin patch. Pep wears it on pep stomach, and has it decorated to look like a fish. It matches with some of the tattoos that pep has covering pep body.
She is autistic and has trouble regulating her volume. Being partially deaf doesn't help, and neither does the fact that she's constantly shouting over fireworks!
They have competitions with Itto to see who the kids of Hanamizaka like better! The kids know about this and milk it, getting both Yoimiya and Itto to be as awesome and fun as possible. Sara's had to intervene to stop Yoimiya from shooting off fireworks in the middle of the day in the city.
Okay so like. In a modern world, Yoimiya's definitely a decora girl. That's it. That's the headcanon.
Pep has a service dog named Kingyo! She's a boxer who helps with peps diabetes.
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Kaedehara Kazuha
Genderfluid, Asexual, Panromantic
Dating Shikanoin Heizou
Family: Beidou (FF Mom), Ningguang (FF Mom), Xinyan (FF Sister)
Best Friend: Gorou
Kazuha is always tired. They're narcoleptic. Beidou always makes sure that there are multiple comfortable places on the Alcor for them to sleep if needed.
Kazuha's perfect idk what else to say :/
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