#starkiller fanfics
bh-52 · 1 year
From Starkiller to Starbird - Chapter 41 is ready to read
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oonaluna-art · 17 days
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[First] [Previous (pt 58)] [Here (pt 59)] [Next (p60)] 
I want to finish this fan comic before I go to graduate school in September. Let's see if I can accomplish that goal. I apologize if I don't, as there will probably be a significant hiatus once I go to college. 
This update initially had six planned panels, but the perfectionist in me somehow added three more. 
I sometimes feel like I have such a weird hobby.
Assets Used:
Basic Throne by ljBeanie on CSP
Crypt b XMegatrolX on CSP
[This story on AO3] [My Ko-Fi] [Patreon]
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star4daisy · 4 months
new chapter
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fic: daylight
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veritas-scribblings · 19 hours
like the river runs
RATING: Mature
WORDS: 3, 325
SUMMARY: Voldemort never rose to power, but nothing is perfect and life is still a glorious mess. Snapshots--moments--tracing Sirius and Regulus’s relationship through time. Their relationship is fractured, but James Potter eventually places himself in the perfect position to orchestrate ‘the greatest reunification in wizard it history.’
NOTE: A one-shot collection inspired by a 30-day writing challenge I found and liked.
5. early morning
Regulus loves the buttered-toast warmth of his bed in the early hours of the morning. When he can see the sun rising through the thin fabric of his curtains. Hear the rustle of his bed clothes. The smell of James, which is overpoweringly rich and heady and oaky. When he thinks, for a moment, caught up in the headlong whirlwind of it all, IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou. When, for a moment, he can ignore how quickly (and embarrassingly) he has fallen for James. When he wants, so desperately, to live in this moment right here, forever.
[onwards to ao3]
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brizaj · 1 year
I wonder if people who studied Spanish read Spanish fanfics the same way that people who studied English read English fanfics
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reduserhologram · 21 days
day 1 of asking for a Cal Kestis/Galen Marek | Starkiller fanfiction
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njazzy123 · 8 months
To all my fellow Star Wars lovers out there:
Is there a Starkiller (Galen Marek) active discord anywhere?!?!
Now it doesn't have to be just Starkiller. It can be all star wars, but just one where he is actively in discussion/fanart/fanfics? Cause I want to start creating more for him but what's the point of posting it if there's no interactions.
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anyadarlingsdomain · 1 month
Part 2 of the AU. So the party is starting to have further individuals appear from Sephora’s timeline and they don’t entirely understand why or have control over it- as far as they know.
Part One
Sephora sighed in defeat.
Anakin and some of his men came into view.
“So..she’s your sister?” He questioned, giving her sister a uncertain yet interested gaze.
Cass saluted. “The names Cass, pleasure to meet you General Skywalker.”
Anakin looked skeptical.
“She seems more causal than you.” He noticed.
“She can be.” She admitted. “And yes she is my little sister.”
“So” Anakin said crossing his arms. “What’s your story?”
“Heh, my sister’s backstory is probably a lot more interesting than mine.” She admitted throwing a ball and catching it. “Believe me.”
“You’re force sensitive too?” He asked seemingly noticing it.
“Probably not as much as Clone supporter here.” She stated taking a bite of an apple.
The clones raised an eyebrow to the address.
“‘Clone Supporter?’” Anakin questioned.
“You know Clone General..I’m sure you’ve heard the story by now..or so I’m assuming.”
“We’ll yeah she mentioned it..but not like that.”
“I just have weird terminology don’t take it so personally.”
Anakin looked to be trying to hide a smirk on his face.
“You’re funny.”
“Glad you think so.”
Some of his men coughed.
“She‘s an interesting one.” Anakin admitted.
Sephora laughed. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”
“Why is he so tall?? Where did he get so tall?” She questioned our loud pointing a fork at him. “Where is the oddities to all of this??”
“Heck he looks taller then Seb.”
“He is.” Sephora confirmed.
“Poor dude..”
“Isn’t that your Commander?” Fives asked.
“Yeah that’s her Commander. Marshall Commander he’s pretty neat.” Cass admitted.
They all smirked to her talk.
“You’re a lot different from your sister aren't you?” He asked her.
“Just telling now?” She questioned smirking at him.
Some of them chuckled.
Anakin looked bemused. “A little..”
“Something you needed?” Sephora asked him.
“Just more questions..” he said kind of awkwardly.
“I kind of figured..nothing I need to worry about?”
“Not that I know of..unless you have something to tell me?” Anakin opened.
Sephora thought about it. “Nothing comes to mind at the moment..but if something does I’ll be sure to tell you.”
“Work with Commandos?” Cass suddenly asked him.
“Sometimes..why?” He looked a little skeptically at her.
Cass just shrugged. “No reason.” In fake innocence, smirking a little at the end.
Anakin gave her a skeptical look.
“So how old are you?” Ahsoka suddenly asked her.
Cass shrugged. “25 why do you ask?” She said winking at her.
Ahsoka shrugged. “Just curious how different you two are.”
Anakin smirked. “Now I got an idea..”
Sephora gave him a warning glance. “Don’t push your luck.” She warned.
The men in there chuckled.
“Why are you so against saying how old you are?”
“Because she doesn’t want to.” Cass butted. “You really are an ass aren’t you?” She questioned of him walking beside him- eyeing him up then easily forgetting about him and walked past him.
“Just want to say I think you’re hot and to keep slaying.” Cass said to Jesse.
Everyone seemed shocked by the comment. Cody just smirked.
“Umm..thank you..” Jesse said still not entirely sure how he should respond to that. Fives just looked amused by the exchange.
Anakin pointed at her sister. “That’s your sister?” He clarified.
Sephora face palmed.
“Little sister yes. Trouble maker compared to her? Yes. Will I end your life if you hurt her double, triple yes.” Cass said giving him a stealy glance.
Snickers could be heard behind them.
“Don’t try anything funny sly man I’m watching you.” She said deliberately, pointing at his eyes.
Anakin really didn’t know what to think of her.
“I think she’s neat.” Ahsoka admitted smiling at the pink Mando. “I like your armor.”
“Thanks kid.” Cass sweetly said patting her on the head- Ahsoka didn’t seem to mind though.
“- You would..” Cass glowered at him.
“She’s your polar opposite isn’t she?” Anakin asked carefully watching the pink clad Mando.
“You could say that yes.” Sephora admitted as Cass came to perch on the table alongside her again.
“So what’s going on?” Star announced coming up by them and leaning on the table similar to Cass eating a pastry. “God I haven’t had one of these in years…” obviously enjoying the treat. “It’s so good.”
The clones just looked amused to his announcement.
“Introductions, formalities you know the drill.” Cass answered.
“Oh yeah..the fun stuff. Do you like her? She’s pretty neat when she isn’t being a brat.” He stated.
Cass shoved him in the arm.
The clones looked amused to the spectacle and were trying DESPERATELY to keep their cool.
“Kriffing knock off..”
“-like that.” He expressed not even phased by her aggressive shove but simply went back and leaned against his part of the table.
Sephora gave him a pointed look. “Behave.” She warned.
Cass just looked disgruntled where she was.
“Who? Me or her?” Star questioned.
Cass scoffed. “Obviously you you snot.” She said hitting him again.
“Both of you.” Sephora reprimanded. Cass just rolled her eyes.
“No need to get nasty about it.” Star snided rolling his eyes. He retraced back from her hitting. “And quit hitting me- it’s hostile.”
Cass made an unintelligible noise. “‘Hostile.?’ You’re such a baby.” She antagonized. “You’re so irritating.” She muttered looking ahead.
Everyone looked mildly amused to the whole ordeal.
“I take it that this is fairly normal?” Anakin asked her.
“Fairly.” Sephora admitted, giving her duo an disappointed look.
Cass just looked bristled by Star compared to him being completely chill and eating his biscuit besides her.
“Well all the same to you. It’s nice seeing you all again.” He toasted to them. “Nice seeing younger faces of me.” He stated with a laugh.
Cass face palmed this time. “Gods..you're so cringe.” She said exasperatedly.
“What you got anything better to say back??” He challenged her.
“Enough, the both of you.” Sephora returned before she could. “We’re in a group here.”
Cass sighed through her nose.
“I don’t know, I'm kind of enjoying this.” Anakin admitted.
“Don’t influence them..” Sephora pleaded.
Star let out a laugh. “Yeah we could go -round and round.” He stated with a snicker.
This time Sephora threw her cape into his face. Some of the clones winced.
Starkiller placated her. “Okay, okay I’ll stop.” He said with a humorous chuckle.
“Moron..” Cass said under her breath. Star gave her a look.
“I don’t know…I kind of like them.” Anakin admitted.
“I’m glad you do..so what’s on your mind?” Sephora asked trying NOT to cause to much attention..yet it seemed that was all but futile now..
“Well I was speaking to Obi-wan about all of this and of course he spoke to the Council about it. We were kind of curious if there’s anything more you can tell us..like anyone else involved in this movement so to speak- if you know.”
Sephora sighed. “The problem is Ani..there’s no guarantees. Yes there are many similarities but I still can’t 100% say if who or what is going to happen here..yet something in me feels it may..” she said her tone foreboding at the end.
“So is there anyone you know?” He he questioned her. The room grew quiet.
Starkiller coughed, giving his General an uncertain gaze. Everyone watched this gesture interestedly.
Sephora sighed again. “It’s complicated…” she admitted.
Anakin crossed his arms. “Well I’m open ears.”
Cass gave her a worried look. “You’re not going to tell him- are you?” she whispered to her.
“‘Tell me what?’”Anakin asked skeptically giving them both suspicious looks.
The three looked to him uncertainty it was obvious they were uncomfortable if not wary.
“Anakin you must realize I come from a different time..where I exist and others that appently don’t exist here..it doesn’t mean the same will happen here.”
“Then why are you so hesitant to tell me?” He questions of her feeling the gravity of the situation. “Is it something I did? Someone in this room? Is that why you’re so reluctant to tell me??”
Sephora sighed rubbing her temples. But before she could reply to him someone walked in.
“Sir…we found this..clone wandering the grounds. He refuses to say his designation and won’t talk besides to General Norien- or another General.”
Everyone turned towards them then.
Sephora’s eyes widened, she jumped off her seat. “Seb!”
All the clones seemed shocked by this exclamation.
“That’s her Commander?”
“Hey- are you okay?” She asked him looking it him curiously.
Seb looked like he was gauging the situation looking around. “Depends on what this is about.” He admitted, he looked on the defensive.
“He’s fine. He’s my Commander.” She exhorted it the troopers holding him down. “You can release him.”
“Doyle, Comet do as she says.” Anakin stated. “He’s a Marshall COmMaDeR too.” He added.
They readily agreed after his word. It seemed they were shocked exchanging glances.
“Well...it seems you keep getting more of your people..” Anakin stated. “Maybe you’ll get more of your troopers soon.”
Sephora winced to that statement.
“So what. is. this. about?” Seb pressed glancing to them all having a steely look to him. Some of the troopers seemed a little taken aback by his severity.
“Somehow our realities seemed to mix.” Sephora stated. “Some of us as you can see have ended here- in a past that is very similar to ours- yet not the same. As far I as I know- we- you, our men do not exist here. 614th doesn’t exist as far as I know..yet everything else- seems to be vastly the same.”
Seb thought this over a moment. “So what does that mean?”
“I’m not entirely sure..but perhaps we can help this reality before..worse things happen.”
“About that.” Anakin cut in. “What were you going to tell me earlier?”
Sephora looked to him. “If I tell you..what happened..you won’t like what you hear.”
“I don't care. If it means it helps us here and the future I want to know.” He pressed. He looked a bit hostile.
“It doesn’t mean it will happen-“
“Stop diverting it.” Anakin snapped.
“General.” Rex reprimanded giving him a worried look.
“Anakin-“ sensing something she automatically seized up giving him a warning gaze. “Don’t. do. that.” She snapped.
Everyone seemed confused.
“Do what?” Ahsoka asked. “What did you do Master?”
“It’s nothing.” He said shaking his head looking a little guilty of what he just did.
“There are some things..that are not meant to be known.” She stated but almost made it sound like a warning.
“It's something I did isn’t it?” He questioned of her finally looking up. “Why else would you be hiding it from me so much..unless it’s someone I really care about?”
Sephora held her ground. “Don’t make this difficult.”
“You’re doing that yourself!” He scorned.
At this Seb shielded his General a little.
“Yeah it’s getting obvious now..” he said studying the party in front of him that seemed ither worried, in fear or defensive of his person atm.
“General..let’s just calm down.” Cody intervened stepping in between them giving Seb a bit of a wary look.
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vr-trakowski · 1 year
Being a Star Wars original trilogy fan, I was not overly invested in the sequel trilogy until the very end of it, when the muse perked up and went Hey! and thereby diverted my life (again). 
Still, I was not pleased when Han Solo got killed off.  I understood the reasons for it, thematic and plotwise and real life, but I didn’t like it. 
Well, one of the primary uses of fanfic is to fix canon.  This isn’t a story, it’s just a scrap of idea.  Someday I might take it further. 
The Empire, in its heyday, ran on some of the galaxy’s most advanced technologies.  The Death Stars, despite the humiliation of their destruction, had been engineering marvels undreamed of by prior generations.  Massive vessels, however, required massive crews, and even then there were only so many skilled workers available. 
So the Empire did what everyone else did, and used droids to handle the endless, myriad, menial tasks of repair and maintenance.  Sturdy and tireless, they were far more efficient than weak flesh, and could be programmed at whatever intelligence level was required. 
When the First Order rose up from those cold ashes, it outstripped even the Empire’s lofty ambitions, and modified an entire planet to meet its needs.  But there was no need to relearn old lessons; the power and control structures that had honeycombed the Death Stars were easily rebuilt, piercing Ilum to bring about its transformation. 
And in those depths scurried thousands of droids, ranging from simple cleaning units all the way up to command droids that oversaw entire sections.  They spent their entire existences in the depths of Starkiller Base, making sure everything ran perfectly, and dealing with whatever problems manifested.  
This included, of course, all kinds of debris from above.  Dust, moisture, loosened bolts, scraps of cloth and paper; dropped tools, helmets, and weapons; lost, doomed insects; garbage deliberately and surreptitiously tossed by lazy troopers. 
And, occasionally, bodies.  Fortunately for the clumsy souls who lost their footing or their grips high above, the repulsor fields of the shafts slowed their falls - bringing them to an undignified hover in midair near the bottom where they could dangle until collected by whatever droid was on duty nearby. 
So the arrival of one elderly human male was not a surprise to supervising unit N13-Z2.  It sent out the usual hoverdroids to snag and propel the limp form to safety.  His unconsciousness was not unexpected either - many humans fainted on the way down - but the severe damage to his body was. 
N13-Z2 triggered the emergency protocols automatically, obedient to its programming.  The male was whisked down a corridor and into a bacta unit in short order, medical droids convening on the spot at N13’s summons.  Life hung by a thread; a consultation was held at binary speed. 
The decision to transfer the injured human offworld to a medical facility that could cope with such overwhelming trauma was not routed through Starkiller’s protocol channels - the emergency was too high-level.  The senior medical droid requisitioned a shuttle and an ensign to pilot it. 
Some hours after the shuttle lifted off, Starkiller and its attendant droids ceased to exist.  And in the resultant upheaval of the First Order, there was no one left to follow up on the patient... 
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i was listening to this song and immediately thought about barty and regulus, and how they probably crossed paths a few times before they meet.
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bh-52 · 1 year
From Starkiller to Starbird chapter 40 is ready to read.
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oonaluna-art · 1 year
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[First] [Previous (pt 48)] [Here (pt 49)] [Next (p50)]  
Something that I really liked about Luke, which I feel wasn’t present in the Sequel Trilogy, was that he would risk everything to do what’s right. One of his first major actions as a character is risking his life to save his sister, who at the time was a girl he hadn’t met. I wanted to use some of that character aspect in this fic, so I decided Luke would come and rescue Leia first.
I’m back. While I didn’t plan to be gone as long, I think I needed a break from consistent uploading. Fun fact! This has been queued to post on my birthday! June 16, babey!
As much as I tease that the story is going into the final arc, this final arc is going to be pretty long. I still don’t have an estimate as to when the comic will be finished.
[This story on AO3] [My Ko-Fi] [Patreon]
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star4daisy · 8 months
Weekly fic snippet
from the second pt of Power Over Me
tw: slight nsfw
thx for the tag honey @curly-chip
The moment the sound of a belt buckle rings around them, Evan snaps sharply from the front. “Oi, no funny business over there, unless you want me to pull over and bend you over the car.” “Sounds fun.” Barty groans, letting James’ bottom lip out of his mouth with a pop. Evan laughs. “Not in the way you’d like, love. I’d paint your arse red.” James can feel his face burning, for a second there he’d forgotten there were more people in the car with them, but now that he’s spatially aware of them, it only makes him hornier, to think about Evan’s eyes on them through the reviewing mirror as Barty holds his face down while James chokes on his cock. He could already see the way Regulus’s grey eyes would turn darker with desire and he’d make that little whining sound he always let out when he was about to hump them, to beg them for their cocks to fill him. “He definitely deserves it.” “You’re just jealous I’m the one who got to cum in the back with Jamie.” Regulus twists his entire body to sneer at him. “You’re jealous I can suck Evan’s cock anytime I want from here,” he reiterated his claim by putting a hand alarmingly close to Evan’s crotch and squeezing his inner thigh. Barty scoffs. “He wouldn’t let you give him road head.”
np tags: @jaylienpotter @themuseoftheviolets @graveryavery @starchaser-lily @aster1sque @jamespottersmixtape @moonytoastandbowie
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siriuslythatbitch · 1 year
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Kinkuary Day 1: Accidental Stimulation
It's so Damn Cruel
Pairing: Regulus Black/Barty Crouch Jr. (Background Evan Rosier
Rating: Mature
Summary: Evan is dying slowly, but perhaps this death is worth it
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sketchnskribbles · 1 year
Okay, so I was going through all of my old writing wips and I found this awesome Starkiller one. Got super into it and then I reached the end and asked myself when the last update was. Went to check and realized
If I want it updated I gotta do it myself
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varmillions · 1 year
Starkiller is Here
This is something I’ve been working on for months. It’s mostly been brainstorming, listening to music, and letting my brain make up pictures, but I’m finally getting it on paper.
Last week I made a post addressing some basic things about Starkiller. If you want to catch up on all of that, you can click here! In that post, I cover what Starkiller is, what it’ll be rated, and which ships to expect.
Here’s where you can start reading Starkiller!
I’ve been so excited to share this with you all, and I hope we can grow along with Starkiller as we follow him around the Galaxy! If you want to get any questions or prompts answered, or just want to say something funny to Starkiller, check out @ask-starkiller! That’s the in-character ask blog to go along with the AU.
Oh, and here’s some new art to go with the launch:
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I’m so glad I can finally share this project with you, stay tuned for more!
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