#spray cheese
projectmayhem-stims · 2 months
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Francis Mosses (That’s Not My Neighbor) with just generally odd stims for @gmanwhore !
👁️ 👁️ 👁️
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iceeericeee · 2 months
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batfamscreaming · 2 years
Gaster, how does spray cheese affect dark matter and can i use it for ftl? - stranded and confused
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my disappointment is immeasurable and my entire day is ruined💀😭
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victor-mortis · 1 year
My government teacher had us draw american symbols.
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Closeups under the read more
Some have more effort put into them, but eh. Quick sketching practice is practice.
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luckystorein22 · 1 year
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f1-stuff · 29 days
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scuderiaferrari We caught you in 4k 🎥
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gayshitanddadjokes · 1 year
Cassie: Spray cheese is only good for one thing:
Kon: lube
Slo-bo: whippits
Cassie: I was gonna say pranks but I like your answers better
Red Tornado: *googling 'how to change career'*
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pa-pa-plasma · 18 days
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galaxii-star · 2 months
why is alan so malewife material
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thehellsystem · 9 months
the varigo is killing me rn.,,. . do you have head canons
WRITING A VARIGO FIC RN SO YES Varian just never stopped being afraid of blood. So, one time, Hugo got hurt during the trials. Bleeding all over the place kind of injury. "Did Varian help him?" "Did Varian support him?" Varian dropped like a rock to the ground and Nuru and Yong found them knocked out and one of them covered in blood and they were like "...what is WRONG with these adults?" Playing Pokemon Violet DLC,,,,, Varian would have a Galarian Zigzagoon and Hugo would have a Zorua. They hate each other Olivia was NOT for Varigo. She was over here going "Nope that is MY Hugo, I have had him all to myself for years and you can't have him" and Ruddiger was entirely ready to have another human to feed him apples so they were just fighting each other. Still very bitter about having to share their people, though. AUs... thinking about aus Specifically a Star Rail au where Varian is Mara-struck. That appeals to me. I could write that. But I don't want to share vat7k with people that like hsr because nothing is scarier than having a popular fandom in your fandom of like, twelve people. SPEAKING OF HOYOVERSE GAMES Varian would have a cryo vision. Since they stand for conflicted ideals most of the time, he'd probably get it during the snowstorm. His ambition was to save his dad, but he wanted to listen to his dad so badly. Hugo would PROBABLY have a pyro vision. I think he'd get it after Varian got posessed, because most of his life was spent doing mindless thieving. The second he could focus on something else, he realized how much he just wanted a calm life. He looked at his crush being posessed and went "I am NOT doing this again! Jesus!" Varian listens to Michael in the Bathroom on repeat at 12am every night and Hugo is So Tired of it. He's a Heathers fan and cried listening to Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise) from Mean Girls. They like horror movies but are both objectively afraid of them. In the bad way. Varian watches that one really fucked up episode of My Little Pony and is out for the rest of the year on horror movies. He kins Stygian.
Varian and Ruddiger copy each others expressions. Olivia noticed this and got EXTREMELY jealous, so she started doing it with Hugo. They both have their little vermin copying them. Hugo does not have Can Eat Spicy Food Swag. He only has White Boy Swag. Hugo and Rapunzel do white girl shit together. Rapunzel loves Varian very much, but she and Hugo are posing together for Instagram pictures and buying Starbucks and going to Target. Hugo with a braid is real to ME because I feel like that reminds him of Rapunzel. Varian thinks it's funny. ON THE SAME NOTE Hugo does not understand Rapunzel. He doesn't understand people who do nice things for no reason. If he's doing something nice, it's because he expects favors back. Even if the favor is just something like a kiss from Varian or a good pat on the back from Eugene. Rapunzel will give him little gifts and he panics because he doesn't know what she expects back from him. Varian has to explain that she's just That Nice. He's very concerned. They participate in actively sitting in each other's laps. Ask them when the last time they sat in an actual chair was and they stare off into the distance and have a flashback scene in their mind. Hugo is objectively uncomfortable to sit on but his scrawny twink ass is just laying on Varian whenever possible. Royal meeting and they don't have an extra chair for him? Don't worry gang, he already has one!
They are both deranged! Yippeeee!
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fidgetspringer · 4 months
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For a while now Røst has had some recurring issues with hotspots on his lower jaw and unfortunately they got worse while i was away this month. So right now we're doing a bunch of damage control to try and clear them up, which, for a dog that isn't a huge fan of handlig of any kind isn't very fun. And it doesn't help that i can't counter condition because the spots are in the drool zone and he turns sopping wet just at the suggestion of a treat. So all i can do it try to be patient and gentle when he gets anxious about handling, but i also do have to actually get things done, so basically i feel like the world's worst owner right now and Røst isn't exactly my biggest fan :(
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nintendoni-art · 1 year
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It's nice to have things in common with people ^^ -- Currently both my OC Zori and @bunniibones's OC Byte are going against each other in the @sonic-oc-showdown, and seeing how they also helped out with my AU redesign of Starline, I decided to throw together a little comic about two people who know the same person. Sort of.
[Seriously, go check it out, it's a neat little competition!]
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y’all I’ve been playing chapter 4 and- (spoilers IG)
Crowley gave MC a phone to contact him for emergencies and then just proceeded to turn his phone off??? While they’re basically being held against their will in Scarabia???
reason number infinity of why I’d make a shitty MC is id be putting magic toaster in bathtub way before this 😭😭😭
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pidgeypidge · 9 months
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Just a quick Mac sketch
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cheesomancer · 15 days
I’d like to make a request for the next time you have to draw an, uh, cheesey juice box. Try a Cheese Spray Can instead. it’s a bit more “shaped” for that kind of art
p.s. thank you it's genius shit but WHAT
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