#source: @fecto
incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
EB: my husband is walter white, 𝄽 yo?
EB: the timing is so important.
TG: did you just type a fucking quarter rest
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sneaslerace · 1 year
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Fecto Elfilis, brandishing spear: I’m not responsible for what’s about to happen.
Kirby and Bandana Dee: YES YOU ARE!
Fecto Elfilis: Not if I give a warning first.
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azzie-tangerine · 5 months
I think if the entire Hyness boss battle can show up in Kirby and the devs don’t think twice, we should have creative freedom with kirby ocs
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tequitoclown · 1 year
I hate waking up early. Not because I have to wake up early, but because I lay in bed dreading it to the point where I don't get much sleep beforehand.
You can never win on this bitch of an Earth.
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cantheykillmacbeth · 10 months
Elfilin and/or Fecto Forgo/Fecto Elfilis from Kirby and the Forgotten Land?
Yes, Elfilin and Fecto Forgo from Kirby and the Forgotten Land could kill Macbeth!
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After some research, I've come to the conclusion that the game treats them both as separate characters from Fecto Elfilis, meaning they both apply for the Unconventional Birth Clause! Also, since Fecto Elfilis seems to only be referred to with they/them pronouns from the sources I found, these two will also count for the Birth Parent Clause! One could also make a case for the Gender Clause for either of them, though considering my source referred to Elfilin with he/him pronouns, Fecto Forgo (referred to with it/its) might be the only one of the two that could apply for it.
As for Fecto Elfilis, I couldn't find much information about their exact origins, and they seemed to be referred to as a primordial being, so I'm not sure about the Unconventional Birth Clause or the Birth Parent Clause for them, though they definitely apply for the Gender Clause as specified above. Thank you for your submission!
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friendshapedplant · 2 months
🔫🔫get go go gadget autisgmed again heehoo B] thoughts and interpretations on the Forgotten Land timeline? 👀
I don't got much but there ain't all too much to go with and I don't fw specififc times so don't expect no numbers jus sequences
Obviously the events we have established are Elfilis invades New World, is captured, tested on, Elfilin escapes, everyone leaves, Forgotten Lands Events. Can't quite remember if it's established they figure out the Warp Tech before or after Filin escapes or not and dont feel like checkin!
I'd say it took the people of the New World a few days to a week to subdue Elfilis and put it in a tube by Discovera. Invasive testing didn't start immediately as they didn't want to risk it escaping so soon after it's capture, they wanna rebuild shit first, but things like vitals and surface level samples were taken from Filis.
Give it a year or so and they in the Real research bizz! I feel they did more than just Warp Tech, likely not where they started, but they get there eventually, working with what they know bout this guy and buildin upon it. Willing to bet Filis was not a compliant test subject though and if not tranquilized shit often happened, but sometimes it needed to be conscious for things so! Risk n Reward.
Elfilin is born 30 years after Elfilis is captured (only actual timespan we have and I just learned is a ref to Kirby turnin 30 that year) during the first attempt to execute warp travel. I think something about either the shit they were puttin Filis thru or the sterile environment or an attempt at malicious compliance/escape caused the split. Elfilin is spawned not far outside the facility, first thing he sees is a bunch of people tryna grab at him which is scary! Thus he runs off to never be seen again, and Filis regresses into Fecto Forgo.
Some years after this event, the warp tech is perfected, and Lab Discovera finds the "Land of Dreams." What the hell that is I'm not sure but maybe its Everhood (joke). Research teams are dispatched to determine hospitality, then settlers are sent to establish colonies, and the population moves there in waves over afew years until no one's left but the animals, Fecto, and Elfilin.
About half a centruy later is where Forgotten Land picks up, enough time for the buildings to be overgrown but not entirely destroyed by mother nature. The Waddle Dees and a buncha Pop Star junk arrive and Filin aint too far! He never seen these guys before but knows in his heart they need his help.
The New World experiences time slower than Pop Star does, so over the course of a month or so, they set up a little town and make themselves comfortable with their circumstances, they're just Dees after all they can't do much, esp with no King around. There are many that also choose to explore the New World, but are unfortunately slowly captured.
Then of course their little town is located by the Beast Pack and the remaining Dees are capturing, Kirby finally making thru the portal and locating the village. And then the game starts from there yknow!
I think the entire game of Forgotten Land (about 10 hours) takes more like 10 minutes back on Pop Star. Everyone still over there just chilling until BOOM another portal opens above the planet and They get to witness Truck Kirby Live.
Also regarding Meta Knights presence, the English figure says he arrived before Kirby, while the Japanese says he arrived after, and yknow we prefer our primary sources here, the localizations are dodgy sometimes. (Susie I'm so sorry what they did to u girlie....) Bro came in a couple weeks late, set off on his own for a bit, but after findin nothin he left that to Kirb and decided to protect the Dees from attack. And beat up Gorimando one million times. For the Dees' safety.
Everything said here is Subject to Change in the future I've only been thinkin bout this stuff for like a week so yeyeye but thats it rn
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I'm almost running out of gay shit to post!
[text sources: veggie-lo-mein and fecto on tumblr]
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pumpkinnkidd · 1 year
HI HELLO i saw your tags on the beast galacta post and "I have an AU focused around it" 👀👀 I'd love to hear about it if you'd like to share!!
its very much still a work in progress and for fun, but the jist of it is: galacta knight is summoned by fecto forgo/elfilis a bit before the events of forgotten land. they are then extremely easily mine controlled by elfilis. my reason for why galacta is so easy for elfilis to control is one: close proximity by being summoned and two, the more important one: mental vulnerability. being in a crystal with deteriorating memories and a slowly fading sense of self REALLY messes with your head. it doesn’t matter to me how strong galacta is physically as mentally elfilis is very easily able to latch onto them. anywhoo! fecto forgo/elfilis then has galacta go haywire collecting power sources for them to power the lab. poor leongar, he is essentially holding a feral possessed not all there gala on a leash. galacta is then also responsible for the rifts being created around the forgotten land and eventually the one over popstar that brings everyones favorite friends over! since galacta is taking dedede’s role in this au, the dream team is all together as a unit!!! + elfilin as well! i could see the dream team splitting in two with half staying at waddle dee town to protect it too. maybe they alternate? i definitely have a preference for ddd, mk, and elfilin as a trio though just because their interactions with galacta sure would be interesting! very, verrry interesting indeed ( sinister grin >:)) ). the last thing about this au i have so far is how elfilis was able to summon galacta in the first place. i imagine it was very similar to how hyness did it. I also imagine elfilis and galacta have known each other prior too: either elfilis being a hero of yore or simply the two were friends? enemies? rivals? who knows! something suspicious is happening here though! galacta hates being used. more than that, they had having their power exploited and doing dirty work. all they want is to be free but they are only able to ever get so close… hopefully he’ll get a happy ending here
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desultory-novice · 1 year
I have a headcanon/theory I wanna run past you. It revolves around Marx, but there's A LOT of lead-up to it, so buckle up: Given what we know about alternate dimensions, rifts between them, and the nature of Elfilis' abilities, it's probable that the setting of Forgotten Land is not merely an Earth a long distance away from Pop Star. Rather, the fact that Shiver Star fills that niche already could imply that it and the New World are alternate universe versions of the same planet.
(Which means there's a fair chance there's an alternate Pop Star equivilent out there too, but more on that later.)
Elfilin & co. crossing over from a different universe would also explain why Kirby's home dimension doesn't have much history with a being like Fecto Elfilis. You'd think a hostile multiversal conqueror would be more of a Big Fucking Deal back in the day, but once the Ancients developed warp tech they just ditched it along with their planet and moved on to greener pastures.
Perhaps one reason the Ancients were split into two distinct camps was because the science-users from another dimension joined up with the magic-users from this one? This is just spitballing — but the point I'm trying to lead up to is that alternate universe counterparts may be similar in some respects but radically different in others: from mere pallette swaps to differences on a conceptual level (like science vs. magic).
Given that the full scope of Fecto Elfilis' abilities is different to most anything we've seen, it's safe to say that they run on a different power source than, say, Dark Matter does. Out of the four components of Void the progenitor — Dream, Dark, Soul, and Heart — if Dark Matter embodied, well, Dark, and whatever Morpho Knight's schtick is toys with Soul, then perhaps there are those such as Fecto Elfilis who hold dominion over Dream. Or over nightmare. Who can say?
Also Ripple Star is literally a giant fucking heart. Whether it's in the same dimension as Pop Star or not (since the Crystal makes star-shaped rifts as you pointed out) is up for debate, but Ripple Star's environment is a lot like Popstar's, having many of the same enemies and similar design. Maybe different worlds have different balances of the four humours i dunno.
Actually, yeah! Maybe different parallel dimensions come with a different balance/power dynamic! If Ripple Star is indeed a Heart-coded iteration of Pop Star instead of a Dream-coded one, then maybe the clade Fecto Elfilis belongs to is an antagonistic threat on par with Dark Matter within their reality of origin. Similar in concept, yet radically different.
With all of this context in mind, let's get to to the point I was originally trying to make. Take a look at the geometric style of wings posessed by 0² and especially Void Termina. Now take a look at Marx's wings.
Similar, yet radically different.
This is straying into pure headcanon territory, but I don't think Marx comes from our Pop Star at all.
Suddenly, a lot of things start clicking into place. His desire for control. The desire to remake Pop Star the way he wants it. His out-of-context nature compared with most other antagonists who are Dark Matter-affiliated or Dark Matter-adjacent (i mean, even Dark Crafter implies some link with those arts n' crafts witches). Marx is most certainly not tied to Dark Matter, but he could very well be tied to Something Matter, right? (Plus that one spin-off manga where I think he insists that he and Kirby were childhood friends??)
Basically Fanfic At This Point, But Picture This: Perhaps the New World wasn't the first planet Fecto Elfilis had invaded and rained destruction upon. Perhaps, before moving on to the New World, it first invaded the Pop Star equivilent that Marx once belonged to. Perhaps unlucky Marx was one of the few creatures left alive when the ashes finally settled. Perhaps he went hunting for a desperate hope. Maybe he made a deal with the devil; maybe he got those wings another way. Maybe he even went a little mad.
Perhaps this is when Magolor first meets him; invites him aboard. Tells a tale to Marx about clockwork stars from another era, in another universe.
Perhaps its best that Marx never gets to know Elfilin.
Cool Marx asks for Christmas! Hooray! Thank you...!
-"Alternate universes of the same planet..." Someone else who loves the alternate planets/same planet, different dimension theory to explain the New World and Shiver Star discrepancies! Yes, yes! I agree completely!
-"Distinct camps..." Ooh! That is a FASCINATING reason for two such divergent groups as scientists and magic users coming together! It reminds me that I've got a Parallel Halcandra theory of my own! (Although in my case, I've toyed with the parallel theory to explain what happened to it, rather than how it was formed.) But I really like your take on it too!
-Fecto Elfilis and Dream Matter being in the same sphere sounds pretty darn sensible to me! And yes, Ripple Star and Pop Star both being... for lack of a better phrase "children's cereal marshmallow shapes" almost has to lead to some kind of connection! (Love the idea that Eflilis is SOME universe's Dark Matter!)
-"Marx isn't from our Pop Star" Oh gosh! This is such a cool idea! It plays into all the fun of the various Mirror Marxs people have created, but leaves room for so many different and interesting angles!
Tangent, but one of my favorite retro RPGs is Tales of Phantasia. The bad guy is this fairly generic seeming pretty boy "Demon King" who just goes around wrecking the world and leading an army of monsters, yadda yadda. But the more of the story you uncover, the more you realize he's only attacking technologically advanced cities. And those cities only got to be advanced by syphoning power from the world's Mana Tree. By this point, the protagonists are pretty much locked into having to destroy him (time travel is involved) but toward the very end, you realize he isn't a "demon" he's an interstellar traveler from another planet. He's, in fact, the last survivor of his planet. An environmental scientist-type who campaigned to get his people to stop killing their Mana Tree, only to fail. His planet was utterly destroyed afterwards, and only he escaped. He just wanted to keep the protagonist's people from destroying their planet (and maybe find a way to save what was left of his) but miscommunication led to a war and him being demonized by the people...!
N-not saying Marx had such pure intentions, but I love that the possibility exists that his conflicts with the people of Pop Star come from those came kinds of misunderstandings! That he would wish on a star to get HIS Pop Star back!
I've been thinking of parallels to make the friend trio of Marx, Magolor, and Taranza make more sense, since while I adore the idea of the three of them interacting, both Magolor and Taranza have such history and pathos to them. I sort of liked the idea of Marx being the "Kagero Mansion" magician to balance things out, but this would maybe be an even better start for them to have more in common!
Thank you so much for this! I really enjoyed it! (The lead up was awesome too! So many great ideas!)
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fecto-forgo · 11 months
i need your know your thoughts on fecto elfilis in general bc i lovelovelove your interpretation from what ive seen and i wanna see More So So Bad
AKSYSKJSKS YOU!!! YOURE GONNA MAKE ME BLUSHHH ok ok elfilis thoughts lets seeee
-ive already said this before but i very much go w the interpretation their mind worked like the fermi paradox dark forest theory:theyre extremely paranoid of any other life forms and they see them as nothing but threats to their survival, so they exterminate whole planets therefore conquering them, the good in them was essentially overshadowed by their severe self preservation urges, their failed attack on the forgotten planet and resulting consequences also served as cementing their paranoia that other species are inherently dangerous
-their origins are completely unclear to them and theyve never met another of their own species, they simply came to be one day, tbh growing up as a planet warping alien without anyone to give you an idea of what a moral compass is and whos dangerous and whos not is probably the root cause of them growing terrified of everything and seeing everyone as threats and deciding that means everyone has to die before they can even think of hurting them
-elfilis personality is weird in my view? theyre on a weird line between conscious and having no self awareness, specially when attacking, if actually given a standard healthy environment to fully form it in theyd probably be a bit similar to a (tad mean) child mindset for a while, that did however not happen so their mind ended up splitting in two because it couldnt handle it together anymore after the lab experiments (ayy i found a way to work more plural metaphors into the split), ig in a way you could see forgo and elfilin as the two ways elfilis could have resulted, one grew up in the lab surrounded by people who saw them as a test subject and entertainment source w elfilis memories and the other actually got to bond with others and be treated well
-they did however when lucid (for lack of a better term) (i mean i already headcanon forgo as psychotic so lizzie probably was too) have a bit of an ego issue with being overly confident in how many successful invasions they had done, those were very much power and safety fantasies to them at times
-they can communicate normally w full sentences! thats a forgo exclusive issue having to do w its brain mal forming from the eternity capsule screwing with its reformation and growth from the elfilis goop
-their "species" (its just them theyre the species) are immortal and fully asexual and aromantic, i think their thoughts on gender and pronouns would range from the "we use he/him for him but he doesnt really care" meme to "stop perceiving me i am going to kill you."
-the accident with them was kinda like if you put a hamster in the microwave but instead of exploding it melts into goo.and the result was also their whole ass identity split into two new ones.
-this isnt rly a lis headcanon but i just wanted to bring it up to explain the previous point:the way i see the entire "oops we split in half" accident is their body melted and split, elfilin spent most of that time after escaping as unconscious goop that very slowly throughout the years after the planets population ascended into the stars formed into the the child version of elfilis again, forgo is a deformed overgrown fetus because they tried rushing their body stability with the tube fluids, which instead trapped them as immediately conscious in stasis while their body was stuck expanding the fetus form and not becoming solid at all (i actually see that the reason its right ear is losing shape is because theyve begun straight up deteriorating from being in the tube fluids for over a century by that point)
-a consequence of going w the interpretation forgo and elfilis are separate is theres not much to say abt them bc theyre essentially a character exclusive to the games backstory since their identity died after splitting into two.i miss them </3
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sneaslerace · 1 year
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everyone's at the cafe today
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incorrect-star-allies · 2 months
Fecto Elfilis: Wow. Once again, I am under attack simply because I have taken the lives of thousands of innocent people. How inconsiderate of you.
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theheroesofyore · 2 years
You May Now Ask The Four Heroes of Yore!
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Go back to a time before the fall, and before Void Termina, and see what the ancients world was like via the eyes of their strongest heroes before eaches unsettling downfalls. Also let me doodle my faves more k thanks. Descriptions of everyone under the read more it's a bit long, most asks will be answered in a quick sketch of the characters unless it's one I'm really excited about.
Once upon a time there were 4 heroes destined for greatness. Each representing one of the four matters. A hero of heart, a hero of dream, a hero of soul and a hero of dark. It is said that long after the end of these heroes- be it death or worse, four more will one day take their place.
There was Galacta Knight, an astral. Once known as Aeon. He was the hero of heart matter and the strongest warrior in the galaxy, a passionate soul filled with unending love and compassion and will to fight which often led to problems. Especially considering how.. Explosive, their temper could be.
Then there was Elfilis, a fecto. They were the hero of dream matter and a psychic with the power to rip holes within reality to make rifts for quick travel, they could even create their own little worlds with this power. They were slightly more morally ambiguous, and seemed to follow those they loved dear more than any cause.
And there was Morpho, another astral. They beheld unending power in being a world eater type astral, the embodiment of death themself though they had not yet become one with their element as a hero. They were the heros of soul matter. Calm and quiet and infinitely gentle from their words to their touch, but with the cold potential of a looming death over any enemy.
Finally, Queen Bastalor, a halcondrian. She was the hero of dark matter. The queen was a magical prodigy, an infinite magical energy source of which she created countless artifacts to hold her power, from the master crown to the clock work comets she was a genius within the field. Though she was always cheery and full of joy, she was too naive, too easily consumed in doubt and thus an easy pawn to manipulate by those who wanted her power.
They were the heroes to seal away Void Termina. To create a golden age for the first age ancients, the paradise they so longed for was within their reach.
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cwgames · 8 months
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The Deadly Dees: It's the local four-Dee band, the Deadly Dee! They love to jam in front of a crowd and start each request off with a "Wa-WA!" (Let's Go!) Band meetings at the café can get heated due to their different musical tastes, but when the tunes kick in, they fall perfectly in sync.
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His Primal Nemesis Forgo Dedede: the foul fiend standing guard at the bottom of the Redgar Volcano was... King Dedede again?! He calmed back down after you remove his menacing mask. So why did he kidnap Elfilin? He said he was being controlled, even before some strange beast put that mask on him!
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King of the Beast Leongar: Here sits the powerful commander of the ferocious Beast Pack. He's become a pawn for an invading specimen from beyond the stars, tasked with gathering food, capturing the Waddle Dees to use as a power source, and—most importantly—retrieving the lost subspecimen tagged as ID-F87...
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Invasive Species Fecto Forgo (Larva): When ID-F86 arrived, it began attacking all of the native wildlife. The creature was captured soon after and turned into a test subject. The native inhabitants used it to create tech beyond their wildest dreams. They eventually used that to leave the planet altogether, but ID-F86 remained forgotten and fractured.
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Invasive Species Fecto Forgo: The invading species, alone and incomplete without Elfilin, was trapped in the Eternal Capsule. Their only refuge was the realm of their dreams. Those dreams spread powerful waves of psychic energy all over the world, slowly taking control of the animals they reached. Escape would require more energy...
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Ultimate Life-Form Fecto Elfilis: The Elfilin we first met was born from a small, compassionate soul that hid behind greater, invasive ambitions. Without a soul to temper it's power, the creature's spatial-teleportation ability ran amok, opening mysterious vortices left and right. Now that they're whole again, they're already planning their next invasion...
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Strong-Armed Illusion Phantom Gorimondo: This illusory beast was created with powerful psychic energy in a realm of dreams. It's not the real Gorimodo—just a phantom made of negative thoughts—but it's still incredibly strong! Since it's based on memories of the real Gorimondo, it can't resist a fruity snack.
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Illusory Fronds Phantom Tropic Woods: This phantom in the form of Tropic Woods has grown mysteriously strong under the illsory sunlight of Forgo Dreams. Do you thinks its coconuts are illusions too? Wonder what they taste like...
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Illusory Leopard Phantom Clawroline: The real Clawoline asked Kirby to help her save Leopard. This phantom feline is a fake! Formed from negative thoughts and powerful psychic energy, this wild beast doesn't seem to care about Leongar at all. She may be an illusion, but her claws will cause real damage!
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His Illusory Nemesis Phantom King Dedede: This Dedede double is made of powerful psychic energy. It's an illusion of the King based on memories of his embarrassing turn under ID-F86's control, forced to work for Leongar and capture Elfilin. It has no memory of Kirby or the adventures they've shared... It's little more than a haughty, hollow husk.
Kirby Collection Vol. 4
Now we're getting to the final boss information.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Solidarity to the villain kins who are seen as plain evil in source but there’s so much more to them then what is shown.
Fecto Elfilis is my most recent kin and it drives me nuts seeing how I’m depicted as some villain that just wanted to invade and conquer the universe.
That wasn’t me.
I was a curious creature who travelled through the vastness of space and came across the planet that’s now known as the Forgotten Land. I found the humans fascinating but it was my biggest mistake ever getting near those cretins. They captured me and had me like their lab rat. I was subjected through so much by them I split and went into a coma. They used me and once they got what they wanted abandoned me in a lab for 30 years. All I wanted was to find and eradicate them completely once I awoke.
- Fecto Elfilis (Kirby) #🧣🔥🔴
(formally known as 🧣🔥❤️ but I’ve made a slight change to it cause I like the new tag more)
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