#soulmate tattoos.
tiktaalic · 10 months
most of the time i have zero understanding for the want to read bad nromance novels im like. why would you do that. what do you get out of that. but last night i was going thru the markwardo tag on ao3 and i was . utterly and completely charmed. by how many were like. eduardo works at a coffee shop on campus and mark sits in the corner till close on his computer! au where they're born with their soulmate's most important words on them! au where they get stuck in a timeloop and mark spends it trying to give eduardo the most romantic day possible so that he can always remember it and be happy!
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evyltalks · 6 months
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Little rosekiller for you 🌹🔪
(First real barty and evan art hope you’ll like it)
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angeliclovely69 · 4 months
Soul Ties - 1
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Pairing: Lute x Fem!Reader
AU: Soulmate(You are born with matching tattoos)
Warnings: Angst, Fighting, Spoilers?, Adam being Adam, Gay, kinda similar to ACOSF, implied drinking problem
Summary: A relatively young Seraphim is forced to train with the Exorcists after breaking the rules. However, when she realises just who will be training her, she doesn’t mind. She enjoys the view.
Note: I have never read A Court of Silver Flames, but my friend said this is pretty similar. In what ways, I’m not sure, but I can assure you it is not intentional. Also, it wasn’t supposed to end in smut, but I couldn’t deny myself.
Stars. You fucking hate them. Pretty as they are, you have never seen anybody else with them marked into their skin. The black signature ran down your back, four stars in a line imprinted on the skin of your spine. They burn as you walk into the training ring.
She is waiting there as you were told, talking to who you know to be Adam, the first man. You only catch the last part of their conversation, the woman’s words. “Yes sir.” Adam’s eyes meet yours, “I forgot you were hot, little Seraphim.” He laughs at his words, you don’t, and neither does the lieutenant.
You are the second youngest Seraphim, only older then Emily by a hundred years. Not young in the grand scheme of things, but young for a high ranking angel. Everyone knows your age is why Sera allowed you to get away with your disobedience for so long. She figured you grow out of it, but when you came to work hungover, she had no other option. She had to punish you, if only for the sake of her reputation. She gave you two terrible choices.
Fall or train.
Simply no choice at all, really. Falling means admitting you failed. You can’t, that would mean everyone was right. Training isn’t going to be easy, you have never worked any muscles besides your wings, and even that was just from flying.
“Lute, this is who you’ll be training.” Thank god goodness he said her name because when Sera mentioned it you’d still been hungover. “Pleasure.” The white haired woman met your eyes now, her own sharp, determined. She doesn’t answer your statement, simply blinks as if thinking too hard to process.
“Do I have to?” She directs her attention to Adam, who just flips her off and flys away. “Fuck.” She mutters. Her eyes close for a moment, then she directs her full attention back to you. “Can you do a sit-up?”
“Can you actually try?” She is getting frustrated. Terribly so. You are making her job harder. You have been sitting watching her do her workouts for about an hour. You don’t answer, just look around the room. You trained for about 20 minutes with Lute before the space began to fill with other Exorcists.
You are embarrassed, to put it simply. How are you supposed to want to train when literal warriors surrounded you. You are stubborn, and she is mean. She doesn’t care if you fall. Why should she put in all the effort when you don’t even bother to do anything?
“I will not train here.” You really aren’t trying to be difficult. Sure you don’t want to train at all, but you aren’t the type of angel that would ever make someone’s life harder, well…ignoring Sera.
You want her to understand. She doesn’t. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Your words go unanswered as the white haired lieutenant leaves, angry and confused. She understands this wasn’t your choice, but why the fuck can’t you do anything?
Lute asked Sera how you usually act when she originally told about the arrangement. According to Sera you could be stubborn, a little headstrong, but you would behave to the best of your abilities. Not only so that you wouldn’t be punished, but also because you hate making people angry. Any time you did, you ended up crying. Even Sera.
Sera had assured Lute that you’d try, but she couldn’t be sure how you’d react to the training, or Lute herself. Lute doesn’t know what the last part meant, but it doesn’t matter. She is going to end this arrangement. If you don’t care, she doesn’t either.
“How’d it go?” Sera asks, voice almost cracking. She is scared, Lute notices. “She didn’t do anything.” Bluntness laces her tone. Sera frowns. “Really? Nothing?” Lute wants to nod, but hesitates. “She did train at first, but then other exorcists came in, and she stopped. She just stared at me while I trained.” Lute rants.
The seraphim’s face seems to lighten, as if realising something Lute hasn’t. “What?” Lute doesn’t understand why you are the way you are. Doesn’t really care. Sera does understand, though.
You grew up as almost a younger sister to Sera. You aren’t related, but something about you draws Sera in. Draws everyone in, to be completely honest. You are, in a way no one could place, different. Not in the conceited way. No. Your soul just doesn’t belong where it is. You were almost too kind. Too gentle. Sera hates that she has to punish you, but you’ve been going through something she can’t handle.
“When the others came in?” Sera questions, confirming a thought process Lute still hasn’t caught on to. “Yes! I said that already.” Her tone is harsh, and one look from the high seraphim, has her nodding a silent apology.
“Did you not question the reason?” The seraphim’s voice is gently coercing the answer from the lieutenant. Lute simply shakes her head, her frustration growing again. She knows the reason, you are a lazy brat.
“Tell me, have you ever been embarrassed?” Sera’s smile is light. “Yes.” Lute’s single word was harsh. The seraphim gives her yet another pointed look. “Sorry…”
Lute has never been able to tame the frustration that always bubbles underneath her skin. A type of frustration that doesn’t belong in Heaven. Rage that killed hundreds. That was her purpose. Death and retribution. Her very soul screamed anger, pure uncontrollable rage.
That’s why Adam has chosen her. Chosen her over everyone else. Made her his lieutenant. His right hand. She obeys orders and allows unnecessary demands. That’s what this arrangement is. Unnecessary.
“Then do you understand?” Sera is calm, too calm compared to Lute’s frustration. Lute shakes her head. Not trusting herself enough to not let the frustration show again. “Do I need to explain it to you?” A nod. Short, subtle.
“In the simplest of terms, she’s embarrassed. Classical trained soldiers. Heaven’s greatest. The universe’s greatest. Compared to a girl who can barely walk up stairs without losing her breath. She’s probably the most proudly stubborn person I’ve ever met. She doesn’t want to fall on her ass.” A nice- no. Lute processed the information slowly. Sera asks if she understands. Another nod.
Lute doesn’t say anything else, just leaves the room. She isn’t sure where to train you if you are uncomfortable in the public space. Unless, she let’s you use her personal space. No. That isn’t happening. She’ll just have to make do.
It doesn’t work. The next day you do the same thing. For the first 20 you are engaged, then the others fill the room, and you sit off to the side.
“Fuck this!” Lute yells in the locker room, slamming her fist into the mirror. It shatters. “Fuck!” She yells again. You left a while ago, and Lute had to stay. You aren’t her only assignment after all.
Her back is burning. Her entire body is burning. Rage is practically seeping from her skin. She takes off her shirt in an attempt to cool down. It’s late, extremely late, and for once the training area is empty. At least it should be, it was a bit ago. Now, though, she can hear panting. Distant, airy. She debates putting her shirt back on, but she shrugs the thought off. The Exorcists have seen her shirtless before.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, the woman doing sit ups in the middle of the ring isn’t an Exorcist. It’s you. Panting. Sweating. She stares for a minute. Can’t stop herself.
When she finally catches herself, she walks over to you. “Shhh. Don’t talk.” Her tone isn’t soft, but it’s no where near harsh either. Improvement. Your eyes widen in surprise. You didn’t realize she was there. Fuck. How long was she there? Was she judging you?
She catches herself liking the look in your eyes. Liking your eyes in general. It takes a moment of staring for her to blink. “Go to bed. Ah. Sh.” She cuts off your attempt at an argument. “Go to bed. For training tomorrow meet me at my private training area. This time. It will be there from now on.” She doesn’t say anything else as she walks away.
She silently thanks god for it being dark. She doesn’t need you knowing anything about her.
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Text: Soul Bonds must be trusted, even if you hate your partner. You are one body in two parts, feeling what they feel, signal tattoos transferring with a brush of skin, a silent messaging system.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Tattooed Steve, pt. 2
Part 1 here
Soooo I ended up writing more tattooed Steve. I couldn’t resist. I also realized that Eddie would be the first person to find out but like…other than Robin. But I didn’t count her because Steve and Robin are the same person honestly at this point. Anyway I hope you like it! Pt. 1 is linked above.
It’s two weeks after Vecna when he gets his first one. It’s unexpected, impulsive even, but Steve needs to feel something. He has just spent the past week and half waiting for Eddie to wake up, staring at his pale form, wishing away the anxiety with every beep, beep, beep that comes from the heart monitor. Begging for this stupid, stupid man to wake up.
He isn’t really sure why he wanted Eddie to wake up. Sure the ruggrats love him, and there is the general sense of not wanting any innocent person to die on his watch, but Steve knows deep down it’s about something else. Or more like the potential of something else. He tries not to think about it too hard.
So during that first week and half of watching a comatose Eddie, Steve takes his time studying the man. Learning every curve, and every scar. And eventually, every visible tattoo he can see. They are interesting, not all of them good, but all very Eddie. It somehow makes them better. Some of them are messed up from the bat bites (ironically the bat tattoos remain untouched), but they add to his aesthetic if Steve is being honest with himself.
When Eddie wakes up after that week and a half, groggy and confused (especially towards the fact that Harrington is practically holding vigil at his bedside), the first thing Steve says to him is “Oh thank god you’re awake.” The second is “What the hell were you thinking?” Before Eddie proceeds to pass out again.
Later, when all of the doctors and family and friends have had their time with him, the third thing Steve says to Eddie is, “Tell me about your tattoos.”
And despite the fact half of them are mangled, Steve doesn’t think he has ever seen anyone light up that bright in his life. And when Eddie starts waving his hands in excitement, Steve can’t help but think that he’s never been so close to the sun before.
So, two weeks after Vecna, Steve makes a decision. Or again, if he’s being honest, an impulse. He finds old books in the library about tattoos (which aren’t very helpful), and finds zines hidden between the pages (much more helpful) on stick and pokes.
Steve shows up with supplies from Melvad’s (for a probably very dangerous tattoo kit) at Robin’s doorstep. “Robs, I need you to give me a tattoo.” Then she proceeds to spit all of her morning tea on him.
After a lot of shouting “Did you hit your head again dingus? Oh my god did you get into another fight? Are you having a break down? SPEAK STEVE.”
And a lot of convincing, “Robin I’m fine. No I’m not having a breakdown. Robs, Robbie, Birdie, I swear nothing happen. I just want to do it.”
The end up on Robin’s bathroom floor (because of course all important things happen on the bathroom floor), with a look of deep concentration on her face. “I can’t believe you’re letting me do this, with only twenty minutes from a zine you smuggled out of Hawkins Library. I can’t believe they even have zines.”
“I don’t think they were aware of it honestly.” Steve snorts. His shirt was off, a patch hair already shaved off right where is heart is placed.
“Do you know what you want?” Robin asks, head tilted.
“No, not really. I was hoping you would help.”
Robin hums, like she’s resisting the urge to point out how impulsive he’s being. Like she knows he needs to do this. “Tell me what made you decide to want one.”
So Steve does. He tell her about waiting for Eddie to wake up. Wondering why Eddie got them. Wanting to own himself again, to actually like something new on his body. Put something there he had control of. His curiosity of if it were painful. His interest behind the stories of Eddies tattoos. How Eddie lit up so bright when asked. Wanting to feel like that. Wanting to be close to the sun again.
Robin mercifully didn’t look too deeply (or at least didn’t push on it) about the interest in Eddie himself. “Okay, I think I got it. Just…hold still.”
Twenty minutes later, after three passes with pen ink and a needle, Robin disinfects his tattoo. Before she covers up, she asks “Do you want to see it?”
Steve nods his head eagerly. The tattoo had painful, more painful than he expected, but he found it sort of grounding. Something to keep him aware of himself, almost as if he was able to grasp parts of himself he wasn’t conscious of before.
When Steve stands up to look in the mirror, there he sees off center on his chest, a wonky little sun. It was something a preschooler could have drawn, but it was one of the most beautiful things Steve had ever seen, and it was made by one of the most important people in his life.
Robin says shyly at Steve’s speechless state, “You said you wanted to be close to the sun again.”
Steve scoops Robin up in an instant, ignoring the stinging both on the outside and inside of his chest. “Thank you Birdie.” Which translates, you are the only person I ever need etched in me forever.
“Always, Stevie.” Which means, you’re never getting rid of me anyway.
They pull away with tearful smiles, and silent promises. Steve can start to feel maybe not much like his old self, but somewhere on the way to who he truly is.
Then Robin says, “Okay, me next.”
okay I wasn’t sure if really anyone wanted more, or if I was going to do it but I actually really enjoyed where this ended up. Also I apologize for any tense changes. I quite literally type this on my phone and say screw it, without looking it over. Let me know if you want more maybe? Send me prompts even. Thanks for reading :)
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Blue and Gold.
A little illustration for a (sort of Soulmate Tattoo) fic I'm working on.
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panickedpenguin · 6 months
A harringrove soulmate mark au where Billy goes into a tattoo shop to get the mark on his shoulder covered. He wants a grayscale skull smoking a cigarette. Tattoo artist Steve says sure, lemme see the mark. Billy takes off his jacket to reveal a sleeveless shirt, built shoulders and pink swirl of a mark. It could be a flower or strawberry ice cream or maybe a woman's vulva. Steve knows this because he's thought about it a thousand times, looking at his own mark on his own shoulder.
Steve sees the mark and begins to break down, biting his lip and clutching his arm and trying desperately in that moment to keep it in, he is a professional! But no, Steve can't help it, can't stop it, and absolutely explodes with a roar of laughter! He laughs and laughs and cackles and snickers into his hands until he can compose himself once more, only to look Billy in the eye and start all over again.
Billy scowled at the reaction. Frowned until he huffed and turned around to leave. Steve called wait wait wait, wait!
Billy only fully turns around when he realizes Steve is taking off his button down, revealing tattoos across his chest and arms and something winding down his hip and into his pants. Steve turns sideways and lifts his arm a bit, indicating where to look, and once Billy sees he really can't look anywhere else. For right there, on Steve's shoulder, opposite arm to Billy's own, is his matching mark.
The match to Billy's mark is on this guy's shoulder, circled in a bright sun, spiraling out in a gorgeous mandala effect to highlight the pink mark itself. Billy stared and stared until he looks up to meet Steve's eyes. Billy is roiling in emotion all at once, overrun with fear and finding himself shifting minutely into a defensive stance.
But Steve is just smiling. Smiling and smiling and saying I'll give you the tattoo for free if you have dinner with me.
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barbra-annbunny · 3 months
Oh God, does it hurt when a lover is in pain; especially when they are out of reach from your touch.
They stared at the mirror in silence, a shared understanding of what they were seeing going unsaid. Instead of a reflection of the two men being shown in the mirror, there sat a person in a strange room. They were bent over a desk drawing on a peculiar tablet with a white stylus. Their long braids were laid flat against the back of the chair, tamped down by weird-looking earmuffs. This person wore a long shirt, a pair of shorts and not much else. Along their wrist was a hodgepodge of bracelets of all different kinds, these bracelets were nestled against the base of a tattoo. This tattoo was of a Chrysanthemum and Lily of the Valley, nestled side by side on the softest part of their inner forearm.
The men’s eyes widened before looking down to their own wrists. Upon the taller of the two’s inner forearm lay a Lily of the Valley and a Carnation nestled beside each other, as if in a warm embrace. Similarly, the blonde man had a Chrysanthemum and a Carnation laid in a similar embrace on the inner forearm. These men looked at each other again, blue meeting black. 
“I think I have a new dream,” The pirates said at the same time.
“Better than the All Blue?”, the green haired man smirked.
“Better than becoming the World’s Greatest Swordsman?” The other replied, as he put out his cigarette.
They looked back to the mirror and answered each other’s question in tandem, “Definitely.”
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Carnation - January primary birth flower (reader)
Lily of the Valley - May primary birth flower (Sanji)
Chrysanthemum - November primary birth flower (Zoro)
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Here’s a little blurb i wrote about Sanji and Zoro learning that their soulmate is in a completely different universe. I haven’t decided if I will expand this, let me know if you would be interested!
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fizzytoo · 7 months
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hey, soldier
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Oh, Edge of Great guitar riffs and matching harmonies, ilysm
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xi-xi-chen · 10 months
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I made this a while back, so it's very rough, but I guess I finally found some courage to post it. It's a soulmate tattoo kinda thingie I thought about. I'm not sure if I'll make the next part.
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evyltalks · 22 days
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sharing is caring
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causeilikelix · 10 months
Inked - Yang Jeongin Smut
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↳Pairing: Tattoo artist!Yang Jeongin x afab reader
↳Words: 6.5k READ on my AO3 HERE
↳Warnings: SMUT, oral (f. receiving), reader gets a tattoo so mentions of needles and some blood but not in a sexual sense, softdom!Jeongin, suggestive, not full sex,
↳Summery:  Starting at the age of 21, the search for your soulmate begins. Once you find them, you know by first touch. At that very first touch the intense carnal urge to consummate the union overwhelms you. You don't expect to find your soulmate in the man you chose to do your very first tattoo. And he, well, he wasn't expecting to stay after closing time but the second he sees you he can't complain.
↳Taglist: @letsmpuppy, @siewoon, @magical-butterflies, @ohmy-moonlightx, @junebug032, @giyusatorou, @skzfelixlove, @kittkat44, @nap-of-a-starr, @ventitto, @blankdyean, @lethallyprotected, @poisonivy21, @nobody3210, @chuuswifereal, @hisokasimp1
↳Notes: The first installment of my soulmate smut au series!  Enjoy.
“THANKS, MAN, I really like it!  You do great work!”  The man thanked Jeongin with a strong handshake that made the glossy new motorcycle tattoo on his bicep flex. 
“Anytime.”  Jeongin flashed him a smile that dented one of the dimples in his cheeks.
“Let me know when your books open again, okay?  I already have ideas for my next one!”  The man handed Jeongin a wad of cash.  He quickly counted it out and thanked the man for the generous tip before sending him on his way. 
Once the man left the small shop, Jeongin sat down hard on his stool and let out a colossal yawn.  The time on the clock indicated that it was well past closing time but he had to finish up the piece he was working on.  Now all he had to do was clean up his space and disinfect his tools and he could go home and pass out.  As the only person in his small studio, he could set his own hours but he still had to do enough pieces a week to keep the lights on.  
It also meant that he didn’t have time to finish the sleeve on his arm that he was working on.  When he wore an athletic tank top like he was today, you could see swirling patterns of ink starting at his shoulder and down to his elbow.  He had a few tattoos on his other hand and forearm but not one single sleeve.  It was only a matter of time but he barely had any to speak of. 
Speaking of time, he had to get cleaned up.
Jeongin rose to his aching feet and started to disinfect the chair where his clients sat.  He wiped it down thoroughly and made sure to get a few dried droplets of ink and blood off the seat.  Tattooing was messy work, to say the least. 
Next he gathered all of his tools and threw them into a warm bath of disinfectant.  While those soaked, he figured he should mop so he wouldn’t have to suffer doing it last.  He made his way to the back to prepare the mop water when he heard the bell over the door jingle.  He cringed, realizing that he had forgotten the most important thing about closing the tattoo parlor.  He’d forgotten to actually flip the sign and lock the door.  
Jeongin turned around and headed back into the main shop.  He ran his hands through his mussed hair and sighed.  He didn’t want to deal with asking whoever it was to leave but he had to sleep sometimes. 
“I’m sorry, but I’m actually closed up for the day and-” Jeongin started to explain but he stopped dead in his tracks when he laid his eyes on you.
You stood in the entryway to the shop with your wide eyes taking in the art examples hung all over the shop walls.  You gripped the strap of your small bag so tightly that your knuckles were about to turn white.  You were wearing the world's cutest little white pleated skirt that hugged your curves and your thighs and that stopped mid-thigh, a blush pink blouse, and a cream and pink patterned button-up sweater that brought the whole look together.  A soft blush adorned your cheeks.  
The skirt hugged your thighs beautifully, accentuating your legs and making them look long.  The blouse cupped your full breasts tenderly and let just a bit poke out through the top.  They heaved when you drew breath and his eyes flicked down to them without even thinking about it.  Your arms hugged your body a little bit, perhaps for warmth or maybe just to calm your trembling nerves.  This action helped push your breasts up a little more.  Your makeup was lightly done with soft pinks and creams while your lip tint was a stunning cherry red. 
Jeongin just about broke. 
How did someone as sweet as you end up in a place like this?
“How can I help you?”  Jeongin asked instead.  He could stay open a little longer.
“Oh, um… I’m sorry, if you’re closed then I’ll just-”  You made a move as if you were going to leave, but Jeongin couldn’t let you.  Not yet.
“No, I’m not closed yet!  Is there something I can do for you?”  Jeongin smiled warmly at you, which he hoped would entice you to stay.  He had so many questions.
“I… well…”  
You eyed him up and down, your mouth watering slightly at the sight of him in tight black skinny jeans and a workout top that left relatively little to the imagination.  His black hair was in a fluffy black mop that covered his eyes a little, but it was parted just enough to show off his eyebrow piercing. 
“I want a tattoo.”  Your voice came out stronger than you expected it to. 
“A tattoo?  Of what?”  Jeongin’s gaze raked down your body, wondering just what you wanted to put where on your pristine, untouched skin.  He could already imagine all of the artwork he wanted to put onto your body.
He inched his way closer to you, akin to the way a tiger stalks its prey.  His slender fox-like eyes raked over you and you let out a small gasp as if he was actually touching you.  Rather than shrinking back, like most prey would, you shifted half a step closer.  
You had no idea why you were drawn to his shop in the first place.  You had other options lined up in case this one didn’t work out, but his style called to you somehow.  When you first laid eyes on him, it was like it made sense for his art to belong to him.  You couldn’t explain why you wanted to be close to him, but your body ached for him to be near.
“Oh, um…”  you fumbled in your bag for your phone to present him with the picture.  You’d worked hard to pick something out that would be simple and beautiful, even though it was a stark contrast from the artwork on the walls. 
To say the least, you had no idea why someone would want to tattoo a naked woman on themselves but she certainly was artfully done. 
“I was hoping for something simple like…”  You pulled up the picture and tilted the screen so he could see it.  Jeongin tore his eyes away from your face to your phone screen, which displayed a simple flower design that included some simple geometric shapes all interwoven through a crescent moon.  “The, um, the flower is a violet.  It’s my mother’s birth flower, so…”
You stumbled over your words a little and cursed yourself silently for getting so flustered.  Your ears burned and you wondered if it was hot in here or if it was just him.  
Jeongin smirked as he took in your form and he couldn’t help himself.  To hell with the hours.  The design was simple enough and shouldn’t take long anyway.  Besides, he had to figure out why a young and innocent girl would come to a place like this. 
“Looks great.  What’s your budget?”  Jeongin should have cared, but he didn’t.
“Oh, um… I want to stay under two-hundred, if that’s okay.”
“I can do it for a flat hundred.  Sound good?”  He grinned and tilted his head at you, reminding you of a young puppy or an eager schoolboy.  The muscles in his shoulders and arms were an obvious reminder that he was neither. 
“Um, yeah.  Perfect.  We can schedule a time or-”
“Wanna get started now?  I gotta finish cleaning my equipment but we can do it now if you want.”
“Now?”  You gaped at him, “Like… right this second?”
“Don’t you want it?  I mean, my schedule is pretty full at the moment and I don’t think I’ll have an opening for another month or two unless there’s a cancellation.  I have time right now, so do you wanna go for it?”
“Oh, um, if you’re busy then don’t worry about it!  I can come back another time or ask through the proper channels or-”
“Nonsense.  If you’ve thought about it long enough and you’re sure then let’s go for it, yeah?”  
“How long do you think it’ll take?”  
Jeongin nodded towards your phone again, signaling for you to show him the image once more.  He hummed thoughtfully for a few minutes as he thought about how he could possibly draw out the visit.
Jeongin didn’t have a soulmate yet, but he figured to hell with it.  Surely that was something made up by the media to get them to sell romcoms.  Sure, he wondered if the draw he had to you was due to that but he’d been drawn to other people before without the carnal urge to fuck them into the next century.  
Maybe he was just curious.  He wondered if the small bit of cleavage that peeked out of your top was on purpose to entice him or just a happy accident.  Either way, he loved it. 
“Forty-five minutes tops.  An hour if you want me to be particular about the shading.”  Jeongin shrugged.
“Oh… okay, let’s do it!”  You nodded confidently and the small amount of innocent enthusiasm you displayed went straight to his dick.
“Great.  Why don’t you email that image to me so I can make a trace of it and fill out my liability agreement while I finish cleaning the equipment.”  Jeongin made his way over to the desk near the front to grab his drawing tablet and an extra one for you.
You obediently followed his instructions and emailed the picture to the address he gave you.  He prepped the small tablet with the paperwork and set it on the counter for you.  He didn’t dare touch you yet.  The suspense would kill him at this rate.
“Have a seat in the chair and I’ll be ready with the stencil in about fifteen minutes, okay?”  Jeongin gestured for you to sit in the navy leather chair to wait for him.
You followed his suggestion and got settled.  Jeongin stared down at the email from you on his tablet, taking particular interest in the signature at the bottom.  It was clearly automatic but it gave your name and your contact information, including your cell phone number.  He made a mental note to ask for it later.  He didn’t wanna use it without your permission, but he also wanted to ask you out properly so he’d have to ask you for it.
He couldn’t be the only one feeling the attraction, right?
As he worked on cleaning off his equipment, he couldn’t help but think back to your precious pink cheeks and your perfect thighs which he was about to mark as his own.  Something about the idea of him leaving something on your skin forever made his jeans grow a little tighter.  Sure, he wanted to leave so many hickies and bite marks that you couldn’t wear shorts for a month, but those would fade with time.  The ink that he was about to put on your skin would be there forever.  Even if you didn’t end up being his soulmate, you’d always have something of his to remember him by.
Once his tools were clean, Jeongin got to work on drawing your tattoo.  He doodled on his tablet to make sure that the lines were clean and that he had some room for error if need be.  He was good at his job and he hadn’t made a mistake in many years, but it was still important to have a failsafe.  Also, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to concentrate when he finally got to be close to your thighs.  
For a moment, he considered handing you off to another tattoo shop.  Maybe his attraction to you would cloud his judgment.  However, when you set the tablet down and settled back in the chair, he knew it was way too late.  
“Alright, one more decision to make,”  Jeongin made his way back over to you and plopped down on a nearby rolling stool.  He moved a little closer, but not close enough to where your knees would brush.  
“What’s that?”
“How big do you want it?  The smallest I could do would be about…”  he lifted his hands to demonstrate, “this but I can go as big as you want.”
“Oh, um,”  you glanced down at your thigh and he followed your gaze.  He licked his lips at the sight of your legs on full display for him.  All he wanted was to be squeezed between them as he rode you through your umteenth orgasm of the night.  Something about that damn skirt drove him crazy.  “About the size you have there is okay.”
“Perfect, I’ll print out the stencil and we’ll be good to go!”
Jeongin stood up and made a beeline for the counter at the front of the store.  He began the printing process and in the meantime he went to the front door and flipped the sign to “closed.”  White he was at it, he also shut off the neon sign in the window.  He thought about locking the door but figured that you would feel safer with it unlocked. 
You, however, would have been okay with anything.
From the moment you stepped into the shop, it was like lightning struck you to your place.  As soon as you laid eyes on him you knew that you’d come to the right place.  First of all, his work was immaculate.  His style was exactly what you were looking for.  However as soon as you saw the artist himself, it was as if you were glued to the ground.  He was positively, show stoppingly gorgeous.  He spoke with a slight Busan accent, which you found incredibly endearing.  His face was boyishly cute but his entire demeanor made up for that.  He looked as if he wanted to eat you alive and you would probably let him.   
You’d be the first to say you weren’t the most innocent person in the world.  Many people only ever slept with their soulmates, but not you.  You didn’t have a soulmate, but you still felt sexual urges on occasion.  You’d only slept with a couple of people, but even at the time both of you knew that it wasn’t right.  The sex was nice, but it wasn’t soulmate sex.  According to your best friend, who’d somehow lucked out and found her soulmate the day she turned 21, soulmate sex was unmatched.  
You could only hope that was true. 
Watching Jeongin walk around the shop was torture.  His skin practically glowed in the dim lights of the shop and the fluorescent lights from the signs on the window.  His muscles flexed as he worked on the stencil and your mouth watered at the sight.  How had you landed the hottest tattoo artist in the city on the first try?
Before you’d settled on his shop, you’d followed a bunch of different tattoo shops in order to gauge the different styles.  You’d looked for months to try and decide which artist would be the best.  That being said, the moment you came across Jeongin’s Instagram, you knew immediately that you loved his style.  
However, now you were liking something else about him entirely.
Jeongin strode over to you with the stencil in hand.  He shot you a boyish smile that somehow looked sinful coming from him. 
“Where do you want it?”  He asked.
Using one foot, he pulled up a rolling stool right next to the tattooing chair and he plopped down right next to her.  He held the stencil between his thumbs and forefingers, waiting for her to give him instruction. 
“Oh, right here.”  You lifted the hem of your skirt slightly and Jeongin’s eyes greedily followed the motion.  You used two hands to show him where you wanted it to be. 
Then came the moment of truth.
Was this incredible man your soulmate?  Or was he destined to just be your tattoo artist?
Jeongin leaned in closer and carefully lined up the stencil with where you wanted it.  Slowly, he lowered his hands towards your skin.  He glanced up at you as if to ask if you wanted him to touch you.  Your skin practically ached for his touch and you involuntarily lifted your leg to be closer.  Even if Jeongin wasn’t your soulmate, you knew there was something between you. 
The back of his knuckle grazed your thigh.
For a moment, nothing happened. 
Then, your core throbbed.  Hard.  
It was him.  This man was your soulmate.
Jeongin’s hands wavered but he slowly pressed the stencil onto your skin and carefully smoothed it out.  The pads of his fingers ran across the skin of your thigh, slowly mapping out the smoothness of your skin.  He bit back a gasp as his jeans tightened.  Both of his palms rested on your thigh now, under the guise of smoothing down the stencil but he knew better.  
Arousal licked up his spine and turned his ears bright red.  His cock strained desperately in his underwear, begging him to push it into the space between your legs.  The veins in his hands twitched as he gripped your thigh.  He bit down on his tongue to keep from shoving you down on the chair and taking you right that very second.  He just knew that you would feel perfect.  However, he had to be professional.
As gently as he could, Jeongin pulled the stencil back to reveal the rich purple ink staining your skin.  He stared at the design on your leg for a few long seconds before forcing himself to look up at you and he about came in his pants. 
You stared down at him with hooded eyes and blown out pupils.  Your glossy lips were parted as they eyed him up.  The arousal between your legs pulsed in waves.  You squeezed your knees together in an effort to keep some dignity.  After your shower this morning, you’d gotten dressed in a rush and forgot one of the most important articles of clothing.  The one that was the barrier between you and the outside world.  The one that should be between you and the man, your soulmate, who was about to tattoo your skin. 
Moments too late, you realized you’d neglected to put on panties. 
The space between your legs began to feel sticky.  Jeongin made no move to look away from you. 
“Is the placement okay?”  Jeongin’s voice sounded strained but he still managed to hold eye contact.  Your eyes flicked down to the ink once more.  It looked fine to you, so you nodded.  Jeongin smirked.  “Come on, darling, use your words.”
“Yes, it’s great.”  You blurted.  The space between your bodies was too vast.  In reality it was maybe two feet but in your mind it was like there were football fields between you. 
“Come on, you have to really look at it.  After all, it’s going to be on your skin forever.”  Jeongin cocked his head at you. 
Surely he was feeling the same brutal arousal as you, right?  Surely he understood what that meant, right?  You wanted to scream at him. 
But his gaze left you glued to his seat.  Suddenly, you were ready to follow orders.
You tore your gaze away from his to look down at your thigh.  The purple ink stained your skin in a bold preview of the tattoo you wanted.  The placement genuinely looked okay to you.  After probably the longest five seconds of your life, you looked back up.
“It looks great.  Let’s do it.”
“Awesome, ready to get started?”
You stared at him for a few seconds, willing your throat to cooperate. 
“What’s your name?”  You blurted.  You knew him solely by his Instagram handle, which was his shop name but you couldn’t remember your own soulmate's name.  He only grinned. 
“Jeongin.  And yours?”
“What a beautiful name, Y/N.”  Jeongin moved away from you just long enough to put on some blue latex gloves and some other supplies.  “Since this is your first tattoo I’m going to just do one of the smaller stars first.  If you don’t think you’re up for it after that, we can stop there, no judgment.”
“Okay.”  Your voice shook and you wondered just how he was staying so composed.
  On the contrary, Jeongin was so painfully hard that he was worried he’d cum if he moved the wrong way and applied just the right amount of friction.  
However, he shifted in his seat and prepared the tattoo gun.  He put on a pair of rubber gloves and leaned over your thigh.  He swallowed heavily before he placed his palm on your upper thigh.  As gently as he could, he placed the tip of the gun against the outline of one of the smaller stars on the design.  You winced when the needle began to do it’s thing, but didn’t stop him.  He gently traced the first small line of the tattoo before pulling away. 
“How was that?”  Jeongin asked you, but he couldn’t look at you in case his voice would quiver. 
“Stings but… I can take it.”  You chose your words carefully.  Jeongin tensed.  
“You can take it, huh?”  Jeongin’s grip on your thigh tightened.  Your core clenched around nothing. 
With that, Jeongin got right back to work.  He traced the pattern with his tattoo gun as slowly as possible.  Partially to draw out the visit but also to give you room if you needed to twitch or adjust.  Getting a tattoo for the first time was no joke, and while he wanted you to sit in his chair as long as possible, he also wanted your first tattoo experience to be as minimally traumatic as possible.  He had to remain as professional as humanly possible.  
However, that’s when he smelled it. 
Or to be more accurate, that’s when he smelled you.  
It was as if his sense of smell was heightened with his arousal, or maybe it was because your arousal was so strong.  Either way, when you shifted in your seat he got a strong whiff of it and if anything it made him harder.  The scent was so rich and sweet and it took everything in him not to part your legs and stick his face between them. 
His large palm squeezed your thigh gently, and in response you squeezed your thighs together.  With the realization that you were getting wetter and wetter with each passing second, you were determined to keep your legs locked shut so Jeongin couldn’t sense your arousal, but he had other plans. 
“Relax your thighs a little, darling,”  his tantalizing voice shot up your spine, “I can’t tattoo if you’re all tensed up.”
“Shouldn’t we talk about this?”  You blurted suddenly.  He blinked in surprise at you and your face flushed with embarrassment.  Maybe you’d gotten it all wrong. 
“Talk about what?  Your tattoo?  I’ve already started but we can certainly-”
“Are you trying to tell me that you don’t feel anything right now?”  
Jeongin’s shocked expression slowly melted into a smirk.  He squeezed your thigh tightly and pulled your leg towards him.  Your legs parted and exposed you to the chilly air of the tattoo shop.  The cold air licked up your core and you shivered. 
“Keep your pretty legs open for me while I mark you and maybe I’ll give you what I want,” Jeongin challenged as if his dick wasn’t throbbing in his underwear.  
“I- what?”  Your face flushed with embarrassment at the idea of being exposed to him, but at the same time you had a feeling that if you closed your legs he wouldn’t give you what you wanted. 
Jeongin got back to work.  One hand gently massaged your thigh when he wasn’t wiping away excess ink.  The tattoo gun stung as he traced the design, but you could barely feel it over the wet throbbing in your core.  You were positive that the inside of your thighs and the chair beneath you were doused in your slick.  You tried desperately to appear normal but you needed him inside you, like, yesterday. 
It became increasingly clear that Jeongin knew exactly what was going on.  The more you watched him, the more you should see him shifting in his seat to try and conceal the massive bulge in his jeans.  Deciding to test the waters a little bit, you spread your knees apart a little more.  
Jeongin had to pause and take a deep breath to keep himself composed.  The scent of your arousal was driving him absolutely mad and he was ready to get rid of the idea of having your tattoo take as long as possible.  Now he wanted it done as soon as possible so he could put his fingers inside you and let your taste coat his mouth.  He wanted to drink you up until you were shaking.  
“You’re doing so well for me, baby,”  Jeongin praised once he was halfway done.  He wiped the tattoo with a damp paper towel to get rid of some of the excess ink.  Your thigh was a little swollen but that was to be expected.  Your skirt fell delicately just enough to cover your core from him. 
“So you do know who I am?”  Your voice came out strained.  The more he touched you the more turned on you got.  You wondered if the entire shop smelled of your pussy. 
“Of course I do, angel.  I knew it from the second you walked in here.  Do you need a break?”  Jeongin cocked his head innocently once more. 
“N-no.  I want you to be done soon.”
“Why’s that, Y/N baby?”
Yeah, you were done for.  Any and all proprietary got thrown out the window.
“I need you inside me immediately.”  You couldn’t believe you’d just spoken that way to a stranger, but your pussy wanted what it wanted. 
“Then I’d better get back to work, huh?  I’m eager to see what’s mine.”
With that, Jeongin went back to it.  The sting of the needle and the blood didn’t bother you.  You had no idea how you could still be so wet while being in that kind of pain.  You didn’t think you were a masochist, but something about Jeongin made it seem normal.
You wanted to cry and beg for him to fuck you already, but you had a feeling he wouldn’t if you acted desperate.  
Instead you let out a pathetic whimper when a particularly empty clench made you shiver.  Jeongin paused and raised an eyebrow in question but you nodded to assure him that you were okay.  The tattoo wasn’t causing you any pain at this point.  The ache between your legs rivaled any and all pain you’d experienced thus far. 
The only sounds in the shop were the buzzing of the tattoo gun and your heavy breathing as you tried to get your arousal under control.  You had a feeling you’d cum the moment he finally touched you.  If he finally touched you.
“You’re doing so well for me, baby.  Keep your legs open, I want the chair to be soaking before I even give you my tongue.”  You shivered.  “Oh, you’d like that, huh?  I bet you’ll taste even better than you smell.  Your pussy is already crying for me.”
“Are you almost done?”  You asked and Jeongin tsked at you and pulled the tattoo gun away from your skin to wipe at the raw tattoo.
“You’re so impatient.  Do I need to teach you the rules?”  
“Wh-what are the rules?”
“The rules are that you sit still, legs open, and you don’t touch yourself.  When I’m done and if you’re good, maybe then I’ll give you my fingers, got it?  And I am going to take as long as I want to get this pretty tattoo done for you.”
“Yes, sir.” 
“Already so obedient,”  Jeongin smirked, but dropped the facade for a moment to reassure you, “If you need a break just tell me, okay?  Tattooing can be hard.”
“Got it.”  You nodded, letting him know that he could get started again.  You were glad that, despite the dominance he was showing, he would give you a break if you wanted. 
However, you were pretty sure you wouldn’t need one.  From your perspective, it looked to be almost finished but you weren’t the artist.  You had no way of knowing when he would be done.  Especially since it was explicitly clear to you now that he wanted to take his sweet time with you.
A particularly sharp stab of the needle made you wince but you didn’t tap out.  At this point you needed literally any kind of friction to soothe the pounding in your core.  You could feel your heartbeat in your pussy. Your parted legs were a window into you and your smell overpowered the tiny shop.  
You thought this couldn’t get any worse.  That was, until Jeongin started speaking.  His voice sounded sweet and boyish but his words were anything but. 
“Baby, you smell absolutely divine.  I can’t wait to shove my tongue into you and drink up your sweetness.  I can’t wait to see your sweet, tight pussy.  I need to be inside you so bad but I gotta make you feel good first.  Baby, you’re mine forever.”  You clenched at this, hard.  Jeongin smirked at this.  “You like that, my love?  You like the idea of being mine forever?  Angel, your little pussy is mine.”
You were reduced to a whining, whimpering mess at his words.  You wanted to slip your fingers beneath your skirt and through your folds.  You figured that even the smallest touch would send you over the edge.  The desire and need you had for him was going to drive you crazy. 
“Please,” you begged and Jeongin smirked.
“Please, what, my love?”
“Please touch me or let me touch myself.  I need it.”
“You need it?  Sounds desperate.  Are you desperate for me?”
“Yes!  I’m so desperate for you!  I need your fingers!  I need your tongue.  I need your cock, please!”
Your hand slipped down to grab the hem of your skirt.  The tips of your fingers grazed your soaking folds and you moaned on contact.  Rules be damned, you needed relief and you needed it now.  The tip of your finger prodded your swollen hole.  
“What did I say?”  Jeongin pushed your hand away, “The tattoo is almost done.  Be patient or your slutty little hole gets nothing.  Do you even know what your body is craving so badly?  Have you ever had anyone else in you before?”
“No!  I swear, no one else has ever touched me.  But… I know what I want.”  Your eyes darted to the tent in his pants and your mouth watered.  Jeongin smirked.  
“Perfect.  Then you’re all mine to ruin.”  
A shiver ripped down your spine at his words.  
After what felt like an eternity, the buzzing of the tattoo needle stopped.  Jeongin wiped the tattoo a few more times, cleaned it, then applied a thin plastic protective film over it.  Every single touch of his hands on you made your body ache for more.  At this rate, you wondered if people could die from lack of touch.  
Once the film was applied, Jeongin tore his gloves off and raced to wash his hands.  He sat back on his stool almost before you’d realized he was gone.  
“I’d go over tattoo aftercare but I can barely think right now,” Jeongin admitted, swinging the stool around so he was sitting directly in front of you, “Y/N, baby, tell me this is okay.  I want you so badly but I won’t do anything if you say no.”
“If you don’t touch me right this instant, I’ll die.”  Your declaration made him chuckle.
Then, his hands were on you.  Without the gloves, the feeling of his skin on yours was borderline orgasmic.  His veiny hands grabbed your knees tightly and pressed down, forcing your legs open even more.  His gaze dropped from your eyes, down your body, to the hollow space between your legs.  It was barely covered by the thin material of your skirt but it was still like he was exposing you to the world. 
His hands moved up your legs, massaging your thighs along the way with deep presses and firm squeezes.  His eyes darkened the moment his nimble fingers flipped up your skirt and revealed your glistening core to him.  
“Y/N, baby, you’re so wet I think I’ll drown.”  Jeongin’s voice dropped an octave.  You could only whine and lift your hips up a little to entice him closer.  
“Jeongin, please, please touch me.”  You begged shamelessly.   He smirked at your neediness. 
“Next time I’ll punish you for being needy, but this time I’ll reward you for being so patient while you got that tattoo.”  
Jeongin’s hands landed on your inner thighs.  He slowly moved his hands closer, rubbing small circles as he inched closer to where you needed him the most.  Then, his fingertips grazed against your swollen hole and you let out an embarrassingly loud moan.  He circled upwards until he found your clit.  He knew he found it when you gasped and your knees opened a little bit more.  The second his finger made contact with your clit, intense sparks of pleasure shot through your veins.  
He rubbed in tantalizingly slow circles and you had half a mind to knock his hand out of the way to get off yourself.  You could feel your heartbeat in your pussy with how badly you needed him. 
Finally he moved his hand back down to your entrance and prodded it with his index finger.  He smirked when you moaned and pushed your hips up.  Then, he finally pushed his long digit into you and your core clenched onto him hard.  
“Oh baby, does that feel good?  You like it when I finger you?”  Jeongin cooed and he pressed a second finger into your dripping cunt, “I can’t take it anymore.”
Before you could register his words, Jeongin was shifting.  He pressed his free hand to the inside of your knee for stability as he leaned down and latched his mouth onto your glistening folds.  He sucked you into his mouth, slurping on your juices and moaning at the taste.  His lips latched onto your clit and sucked. 
You could feel his smirk against you as you moaned freely.  He played and pleasured your cunt as if he’d been doing it all his life.  He curled his fingers within you just the right amount as he searched for the gummy spot inside of you.  It didn’t take him long before the pad of his finger pressed into it and you let out a sob. 
“Please, please, please,”  you begged, though your brain was too clouded to remember what you were begging for.  
Jeongin lifted his head from your cunt to chide you, “Aw, baby, are you already drunk on my fingers?  I haven’t even given you my cock yet.  What do you want, angel?”
“Cu- cu, I wanna,” you lifted your hips a little to entice him back to your center.  Jeongin leaned down to lap gently at your clit and you moaned at the pleasure that ripped up your spine.
“I want to give you what you want, so just tell me, baby.”
“Cum!  I wanna cum!”
“You wanna cum?  How?”  He tilted his head innocently as if his chin wasn’t dripping in your arousal. 
“In your mouth.  On your tongue.  Please, please!”  You cried.  Your hand reached up to curl into his hair as you guided him back to your center. 
You were sure Jeongin would punish you later for touching him without permission, but right now he needed this as much as you did.  Jeongin’s lips latched right back onto your sensitive clit and got right back to work.  
He licked and sucked on the sensitive bud like his life depended on it.  Jeongin’s eyes slipped closed as he let your taste overwhelm his mouth.  Every gush of arousal on his fingers made his dick harder and harder.  He was sure he would blow untouched.  He removed his fingers from the depths of your core and you started to whine at the loss but he made up for it by immediately shoving his tongue into you and lapping up every single drop of arousal.  
The warm, wet muscle inside of you wiggled and sucked at your dripping hole.  Jeongin ate you as if he’d never tasted anything so good in his life, and to be honest he probably hadn’t.  He wanted to savor every moment between your legs, and as much as he wanted to eat you out until the sun came up, he also needed to cum.  Like now.  But you had to cum first. 
He pressed lightly just above your clit to push the bundle of nerves out a little bit.  Once it was exposed to the air, he suffocated it with his lips.  He latched on and sucked like his life depended on it.  Every suck and every lick got you closer and closer to the edge.  
He moaned into your cunt and the vibrations made you shiver.  Your core began to clench and spasm around nothing.  Almost as if he could tell, he plunged his fingers back into you.  The friction of his fingers and the suction of his mouth overwhelmed you but in the best way. 
You meant to warn him, you really did, but your orgasm grew and crashed over you before you could even register what was happening.  You moaned louder than you had all night and the grip you had on his head tightened.  Your cunt clenched and rippled around his fingers and he moaned as he drank up your release.  Pleasure pulsed through your body in waves.  Your cunt sucked his fingers deeper into you as he worked you through the most intense orgasm of your life. 
All of the ones you’d done yourself were nothing compared to how Jeongin made you feel.  
Despite the sharp pang of overstimulation, Jeongin kept sucking at your folds and at your hole to get every single taste of your orgasm that he could. 
It wasn’t long before the pleasure began to mount again and a second orgasm washed over you as Jeongin tenderly lapped at your cunt.  The second orgasm was less intense but it left you empty and craving even more of him. 
“Cock,” you announced and he pulled away from your cunt and raised an eyebrow at you.
“Please, I’m so empty, I need your cock,”  you couldn’t believe the bold words that were coming out of your mouth, but Jeongin didn’t hesitate. 
“You want my cock?  You think you can take it?”  Jeongin removed himself from you and sat back.  The outline of his thick cock showed right through his tight pants.  You salivated at the sight. 
“Very well then,”  Jeongin rose to his feet and began to undo his belt and the zipper on his pants, “Alright, soulmate, let's have some fun, then.”
One thing was for sure.  If your cunt felt even half as good as it tasted, Jeongin would never let you go. Thank goodness for Soulmates.
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cookiesupplier · 6 months
Every Rose Has Its Thorns Masterlist
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. Not that it is any easier for the soulmate in question. Thus is the fate for Ricky and Talia (and everyone else involved). Sooner or later, however, life is bound to collide, but what will happen when it does?
author’s note: I know, two series at once but I couldn’t let this one go and I want to start it.. Plus I want to dip my toe in MIW fandom. I could be horrible, I could be, but I’m going to try. I have ideas!
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tags: @faceless-mirror @missduffsblog @tamtam-elizabeth @witchyweeb34 @tearfallpixie
@wild-child-7747 @shilohrosechicken @lacktoesandtoddlerants @blackveilomens @valiantroeagleangel
@bngurngheart @dominuslunae @collapsedglasshouses @embracethereaper42 @emmmm127
@sunsshinesunny @spicywhenspeaking @dontdiganothergravetoday
If you would like to be added to this tag list please see THIS FORM
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((Smut✨)) ((Other Potential Triggers, read notes carefully❗❗))
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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lunanight2012 · 4 months
Its been freezing raining since last night. I am unable to go to work due to this as my neighborhood is covered in ice. The paths, cars, and road. So I'm just chilling at home. And i know i have a poll going on for The Tale of the Other Vinsmoke. But how about one for Tattoo for the Soul?
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You may forget the whys and wheres Of the old tattoo on you forearm there, But you usually recall the day you got one.
(The Soulmate Tattoo AU saga continues) (previous part)
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