this is another callout post for tumblr user circlebroken. i’m really sorry to be putting this on everyone’s dashes again but i am not putting this under read more because i want it to been seen in it’s full glory. i was just going to ignore her latest post about me but my friends and i both noticed some really weird things about her caps that i will discuss later on. i have also had 5 people step forward ( not including the other 2 + myself on the previous callout ) and talk about the completely shitty things em has done. i’m going to keep this as short and sweet as i possibly can. i and others have gone into more details about the previous shit HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. 
right now i’m just going to focus on the new things that have been brought to my attention. once again, i’m sorry for putting this on your dash but this behavior is absolutely disgusting and it needs to be addressed. it needs to be put to a stop. everyone needs to stop defending this abusive person and make her take responsibilities for her actions so other people won’t get hurt like countless others have. i don’t want anyone to send em hate. i just want her for once to be a half decent person and take responsibilities for her actions instead of the countless lies she spews out of her mouth on the daily to cover up her shitty behavior. 
firstly, lets talk about something you said in your reply to me. which i’m sure you’ll delete so you can find caps of it HERE. pride yourself on your unpopular headcanons? oh honey, name one. the only “headcanon” you’ve ever posted on your blog that’s not already literally canon or common traits and behavior is your cullen being asexual. except somehow despite having an asexual character you manage to sexualize him all the time. people have told you this makes them uncomfortable but you shrug them off not taking into consideration of someone who actually identifies in this way?? that’s so fucking gross?? and before you say “i don’t sexualize cullen!!” please just look HERE. before you try to use the excuse that “asexual people can have sex too!!” yes they can. however you writing shit like that about cullen is absolutely disgusting not to mention that all you do is talk about sexual things evolving him despite it making people uncomfortable and asking you to stop. 
i could go on and on but honestly, i’m too tired and pissed off to. i’m just going to get into the 5 people who were brave enough to come forward. i’m not going to try not add anything on to these. you read them and decide for yourself but honestly it’s fucking gross.
to begin, we have someone who used to be in the supernatural fandom with you. remember? the fandom you told me and several others that you were so loved there? well apparently that wasn’t the case. you can read this person’s full testimony through the links. (  X  X  X  ). honestly i’m not even surprised because this is the same exact shit she is doing now just with a bonus of stealing from me which i and everyone else can clearly see.
then my friend who previously used to talk to em was kind enough to tell em her story and share screens as well. read here (  X  X  ) view caps here. (  X  X  X  ) honestly not only name dropping like that when this person didn’t do anything is fucking gross but she also did the same thing to me but then refused to admit it when i had people constantly coming to me asking what the fuck her problem is. you claim you don’t want anything to do with me but if you could just keep your mouth shut about me and stop stealing my shit  we wouldn’t even be having a problem right now. 
only talking to people when they were attempting to write with me and some other shady shit. (  X  X  ) 
ignoring people despite their efforts, only to include them into a bias list later?? okay. (  X  )  
being extremely mean to people, spreading hurtful rumors, telling them that they are the worst blog ever made for their muse. (  X  X  ) 
but you know what em, you’re totally right. because all 7 of us are totally lying and trying to attack you?? please get the fuck over yourself, grow up and start taking responsibilities for your actions. if you are in contact with em, i’m not even gonna lie i strongly advise against it. i have heard so many horrible stories about what this person has done to people, most are terrified to even come forward because of her behavior but for some reason you want to be talking to her, be prepared that all of these are very real things that could happen to you, that will most likely will happen to you.
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THIS IS A CALLOUT POST FOR EM CURRENTLY AT: @uldredmarked and @chromeforged​
   Alright, here we go again. I’m sorry everyone has to keep reading all this drama on their dash, I promise this will be the last thing to be posted. However, this will be around for a while, and I deeply encourage you to reblog it as well if you care in the slightless about any of the ones involved on this mess.
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                          NO ONE EVER LISTENS, NOT UNTIL IT’S FAR TOO LATE.
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                          NO ONE EVER LISTENS, NOT UNTIL IT’S FAR TOO LATE.
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                          NO ONE EVER LISTENS, NOT UNTIL IT’S FAR TOO LATE.
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50 icons of CULLEN RUTHERFORD from DRAGON AGE INQUISITION.  please LIKE or REBLOG && establish CREDIT on your blog if using.
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harvestmere at skyhold.
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alright so, since my cullen muse has decided to come back fully after i announced a hiatus, i will be here still. however, you may notice that this blog will be extremely quiet but that’s because i’ve decided not to post anything until all my drafts are completed and then they’ll all be thrown into a queue. i’m sorry if this is an inconvenience to you but honestly it will help me be able to manage this blog so much better. my inbox has now reached 200+ and my draft count is at 70+ so this may take some time. please be patient with me as i do have other blogs as well. 
also, here is a list of my only active muses at the moment so if i’m not here, you can find me over on one of the following.
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announcement on the activity of this blog.
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okay so my mental health has been extremely poor lately and as you can tell, my activity across all my blogs have been close to nonexistent. due to the way this fandom is, i can’t handle it right now so i’m stepping away from this blog ( as well as all my other darp blogs ) until my new meds start to work. i will be back, eventually. for now, the only blog you’ll be able to find me on is my dexter morgan blog which you can find HERE. i’m sorry for disappearing on all my partners and making you wait even longer for replies, memes, etc. but my health comes first. i hope you all can understand and are having a great day and i hope to return to this noodle soon :’) see you around guys.
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i have a huge need to build relationships with cullen. feel free to like this post if you would be interested in plotting some out? whether it be romantic, platonic or even enemies. please note: if you have a male character and would like to ship romantically, i will only do this within his female verse. if that makes you uncomfortable, that’s perfectly fine but please respect the fact that i portray him as straight in his canon verses.
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like for a starter. verse and length may vary xx
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Wow, nice casual transphobia you got there.
laughs into the sun. i literally used the words ‘female verse’ because i know that most of the trans community gets offended by the term genderbend. making a female verse for a male muse or vise versa is not transphobic dude. i can see why the term genderbend would be but?? stopshitting on everyone’s parade. sending anon hate is so childish too.if you’re that offended by it, please unfollow me.
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           ' INQUISITOR       ? '
                     arms wrap tightly around the BEAST, struggling to                   keep hold on the feline as it squirmed within her grasp.
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                ' while i appreciate the gesture, i cannot afford such a DISTRACTION.                             i'm afraid i MUST insist that you find this creature a new home.'
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ay ay this is a STARTER CALL for LADY CULLEN inside cullen’s female verse. give a like if you would like to interact with her. xx
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alright guys, i’m going to be working on a DARP masterlist. it will be sorted by game && characters. if you are a rper in the DARP fandom, please reblog this post so i can add you xx
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“I need them.”
“I sold my soul.”
“S/He told me I was holy.”
“Make no sound.”
“This is what I live for!”
“I’m helpless.”
“I’m running out of time.”
“I let him climb inside my body.”
“I don’t belong to no city, don’t belong to no wo/man.”
“You tripped on LSD.”
“I find myself reminded to keep you far away from me.”
“Oh, baby, I’m begging you to save me.”
“Well, lately, I like ‘em crazy.”
“I’m searching for something that I can’t reach.”
“I like the sad eyes, bad guys, mouth full of white lies.”
“I swear, I hate you when you leave.”
“Where’d you go?”
“What happened to the soul that you used to be?”
“Got a million numbers, and they’re filling up your/my phone, boy/girl.”
“I’m off the deep end.”
“I love him/her, but I know I’m gonna leave him/her.”
“All we do is think about the feelings that we hide.”
“Would it really kill you if we kissed?”
“I’m high on legal marijuana.”
“I found God.”
“I found the Devil.”
“Now we’re lost somewhere.”
“I’ve got a lover.”
“A love like religion.”
“I’m such a fool to pay this price.”
“He told me that “I’d never”.”
“I found a savior.”
“He’s off to pay his crimes, and he’s got no time for mine.”
“I’m unforgiven.”
“Make a compromise.”
“I’m sick of all these people talking.”
“[pronoun/name]’s neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it.”
“I’m already choking on my pride, so.”
“There’s no use crying about it.”
“You should probably keep your pretty mouth shut.”
“Do you remember the taste of my lips?”
“I remember when my father put his fist in the wall that separated the dining room.”
“I won’t look back.”
“You’re only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope.”
“You’re a masterpiece.”
“I’m pulled apart at the seams.”
“I’ve only felt religion when I’m with you.”
“You’ll never be forgiven.”
“You put a fever inside me.”
“I’ve been cold since you left.”
“I’ve got a girl/boyfriend now.”
“I’m hoping you can save me.”
“You’ve got a fire inside, but your heart’s so cold.”
“I’ve done some things that I can’t speak.”
“You weren’t looking at me.”
“My mind’s like a deadly disease.”
“Please stop, you’re scaring me.”
“I can’t help this awful energy.”
“You should be scared of me.”
“I’m empty.”
“I must confess [insert here].”
“We’re the underdogs.”
“I’m in this world alone.”
“I’m a believer.”
“They can throw their stones.”
“I just wanna feel your lips against my skin.”
“This is right where it begins.”
“I promised myself I wouldn’t let you complete me.”
“Is there somewhere you can meet me?”
“I’m sorry, but I fell in love.”
“I didn’t mean to fall in love.”
“You’re looking like you fell in love.”
“Could we pretend that we’re in love?”
“Would you bleed for me?”
“You look so cool.”
“Let’s cause a little trouble.”
“You make me feel so weak.”
“I bet you kiss your knuckles right before they touch my cheek.”
“I’ve got my mind made up, this time.”
“Would you lie for me?”
“Cross your sorry heart and hope to die, for me.”
“Don’t forget me.”
“I wouldn’t leave you if you’d let me.”
“S/he’ll never love you like I could.”
“I’m begging you to be my safety.”
“I know s/he’s your’s.”
“I don’t have the time.”
“Would you believe me if I said I was drunk?”
“I want you to want me.”
“You saw the truth in me.”
“This is love in the fast lane.”
“I think I should leave.”
“We both could do better.”
“You see, I’ve got this boy/girl, and s/he don’t love me back.”
“Come back down to earth from wherever you are.”
“S/He puts the pain to ease.”
Halsey Sentence Starters
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     the blades edge had lacerated his chest, leaving an open GASH upon the breast.    a river of CRIMSON ran down the body as he removed the breastplate. he winces        at his own touch as the cloth is held against the injury with PRESSURE. hands     shake with uneasiness as they reach for the bottle of alcohol to cleanse the wound      of possible infection. in the privacy of his office, he attempts to treat himself. the            commander was not a man to let his suffering be know if he could help it. 
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                        ' if you give me a moment,                                        i will have myself collected.'
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