#so one day he waits for link to come to the garden and follows him out to the nearby town
amiharana · 1 year
sad boy hours. revalink but it's the bts smeraldo story.........
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
Protect and Forget // Mafia!Stucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: Life as the girlfriend of the Mafia boss and his second-in-command was not always smooth sailing, everything in life did not always go to plan. Two weeks before your birthday, a threat was made to your life. What happens when Steve and Bucky begin to push you away as they search for the threat?
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, threesome, angst (LOTS!), fluff, smut, death threats, crying/anxiety, begging, alcohol consumption, confrontation, arguing (kinda), hurt/comfort, body worship, oral sex (m and f), fingering, anal, double penetration, multiple orgasms, creampie, dirty talk, size difference, praise kink, squirting
Words: 9k (oops)
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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Steve and Bucky had been counting down to your birthday for the past month, leaving small hints for whatever it was that they were planning. This included travelling to a special destination and a multitude of surprises you could never even dream of. However, life as the girlfriend of the Mafia boss and his second-in-command was not always smooth sailing, everything in life did not always go to plan.
Two weeks before your birthday, a threat was made to your life. Luckily it only came in the form of a note, filled with threats and promises that neither of the boys would allow you to read. Nothing in the world was more important to them than your safety, this had been a priority since day one so this mean that for your protection, you were secured inside of your house until the target could be eliminated.
It wasn’t so bad, to begin with as the house you shared with Steve and Bucky was grand and the garden was your pride and joy but you were even banned from a simple walk. Even though there were multiple guards, cameras and security protecting the property, it was better to be safe than sorry in their eyes.
The loneliness only began to bother you on day 8. Like clockwork, as the morning alarms began to sound, Steve and Bucky would kiss your cheeks simultaneously before rolling out of bed, changing and leaving to continue their hunt to find whoever had threatened their girl, only returning in the early hours of the morning as you were fast asleep in bed. Luckily your bodyguard was stationed outside and he would regularly come in to check on you, spending hours talking about anything and everything just to keep you from going completely insane.
On the 13th day, you’d made it your mission to try and stay awake for the boys returning, a steady excitement humming in your stomach as it struck midnight and your birthday had officially begun! Then it was 1 am rolling around… and then 2 am, and still no sign of the boys or even a message. By the time 3 am was displayed on your phone screen, your eyes were almost burning with exhaustion, leaning your head on the couch arm, you began to drift into a light sleep from where you waited in the living room.
The light sleep soon deepened, enough so that you didn’t wake as Steve carried your sleeping body to bed as the mafia leader and his best friend returned at 4 am.
All three of you groaned as the phone alarm rang at 6 30am, the repetitive kiss on your cheek soon following the silencing of the alarm. Instead of falling back to sleep, you found yourself frowning, blinking a few times to clear the blur from your sight and then rolled over to look at them both. Neither seemed to acknowledge your questioning stare as they continued to get ready to leave.
“Steve…”, your voice was timid as you began to climb out of bed, sheets tangling in your limbs as you moved through the soft material.
The mafia leader’s head turned in your direction, eyebrows raised with surprise at seeing you awake. Steve finished buttoning his crisp white shirt as he approached the edge of the bed where you waited on your knees, his large hand enclosing around yours as you reached for him. “Morning baby, lie back down and get some more sleep”, he encouraged, his voice rough from its first use of the day.
Your shoulders dropped as you took him in, not realising just how much you had missed him and Bucky, both of whom had deep purple circles around their eyes through exhaustion but you could tell that just from the way that they were standing. You’d originally intended to find out if they were staying, it was your birthday after all and even though all the promises of travelling and presents were no longer happening, seeing them actually preparing to leave was not what you had expected. Your gut twisted in despair, feeling overwhelming guilt at being so selfish for thinking this, they were going above and beyond for your protection and safety but right now, you just wanted them to rest or even just acknowledge that it was your birthday, just some form of normality.
“Are you both really going in? I feel like I’ve hardly seen either of you”, you swallowed down the hope, trying to reach further up Steve’s body to hold onto his shoulders, attempting to pull him close.
Steve smiled sadly down at you, fingers gently easing around your wrists to pull himself free of your grasp. “I know Sweetheart, I’m sorry. We’ve found a trail of his whereabouts near Manhattan that we’ve been scoping overnight. We just need to get this son of a bitch and we’ll return to happy families”. 
You knew he was trying to make you better but it only confirmed the reality that they were once again both leaving for the day, your birthday. Had they forgotten? Or was it not as much of a big deal anymore that you had a special day, a day that was only once a year? Yes, there was a threat against you but it wasn’t like they were both doing the surveillance, surely this one day one or both of them could stay.
“I don’t think we’ll be much longer”, Steve continued, easing your body back onto the bed. “Get some more sleep, maybe see if Sam wants to watch one of your movies later, and order some takeout, make sure you use my card”. Giving a chaste kiss on your forehead, he returned to his section of the wardrobe, pulling out a navy tie, wrapping it around his neck and exiting the bedroom.
Before you could allow the sadness to take over, Bucky was approaching, wearing the same outfit as Steve’s except the shirt and tie were both black. “We’ll be back before you know it Doll, get some more sleep, get enough for the both of us”, he tried to joke but the light didn’t reach his eyes as he too kissed your temple and walked out of the bedroom door.
They were actually leaving, without so much as a proper good morning kiss or a ‘how are you?’, let alone a happy birthday. Attempting to still keep the tears at bay, you were swift to climb out of bed, following them out of the bedroom and down the stairs, seeing them both already at the front door, preparing to leave.
“Can’t one of you stay today? Just for one day?” your voice was laced with desperation as you paced towards them, hands reaching to grip the back of Bucky’s shirt. The man sighed sadly, expecting this from you at some point, there was only so long you could be kept inside, not realising that you were also upset about them missing your birthday.
Bucky turned to rest his hands against the top of your arms, pulling you away slightly so he could look into your eyes. You had to quickly bite your lip to hide the quiver as more sadness rocked through you at seeing the sympathy in the crystal blue eyes looking down at you, already knowing that there wasn’t any way that either Bucky or Steve were planning on staying with you today. 
“Sorry honey, we really need to get this sorted so we can get back to normal. How about we call you later? Can have a catch-up then, how does that sound?”
A phone call. You’d been promised a holiday, surprises and most importantly, time with just Steve and Bucky without work interfering and now, all you were receiving on your birthday was a phone call.
“I miss you both”, your eyes flicked before both men as they looked down at you, hoping for something, any kind of hope that they would stay but you already knew nothing was going to happen. Steve leaned over Bucky first, kissing your cheek, waiting a moment for Bucky to do the same before twisting open the door handle.
Bucky moved you out of the way of the open door, keeping you hidden from the outside world, still trying to protect you as he also kissed your cheek quickly once more, “We miss you too, we’ll talk later. I love you”. You didn’t respond, too scared of completely breaking down and not even knowing what to really say. So to try and refrain from guilt-tripping them with your tears, you held your breath, the technique used to suppress your emotions.
Turning on the spot, Bucky followed after his boss, shutting and locking the front door behind him and then you were once again all by yourself.
The air you’d been holding rushed out of your lungs as you released a heavy sob, the tears openly flowing down your cheeks now. It was one of those cries where you were almost choking on your breaths, ribs aching from trying to keep control and not hyperventilate but it was no use.
You cried and cried. For the loneliness. The silence in the house. The lack of touch and affection that you were craving. Even forgetting your birthday, something as menial as this still had you feeling devastated. There was nothing Steve and Bucky ever forgot about you, always being their sole focus. But now, your protection had become an obsession to the point where they were almost neglecting you and even themselves, with minimal sleep, you weren’t even sure of the last conversation that you’d truly had with either of them.
You stayed on your knees at the front door for over an hour, curled up in a ball and releasing all of the pent-up emotions but now that you had started, you couldn’t stop. But as your knees started to ache against the solid oak flooring, you forced yourself to stand and get a hold of yourself.
This only meant instead of crying downstairs, you were now crying in your bedroom, the sheets pushed to the end of the bed and your body still curled into a ball. Not even bothering to catch the falling tears you allowed the front of your pyjama shirt to take the honours of being your makeshift tissue and become soaked through on your chest.
Eventually, your sobs subsided, your eyes red and sore and feeling exhausted from the lack of sleep and turmoil of emotions.
Then suddenly the front door was opened, your heart thundering in the small hopes of the boys returning but then your bodyguard, Sam Wilson’s voice shouted from the floor below. “Boss lady? Where you at?”
Was it already midday? Glancing at your phone that was next to the bed still, your eyes widen to see that hours had already passed by unnoticed by you. In a rush, you were out of bed, trying not to stumble on your weak knees from being in the squished position for so long, and quickly hiding in the en suite bathroom, locking the door for safe measure.
You didn’t want Sam to see you like this, so hiding was the best option, even as you continued to silently cry, having had your hopes spiked for a second that they’d remembered what day it was and once again being let down.
“Sweetheart? You in there?” Sam asked on the other side of the door.
Trying to steady your breathing, you responded and hoped that your voice didn’t crack or give away the fact that you had been crying all morning. “Yeah, won’t be long.”
“Good, I’ve got a special cake out here that’s dying to be eaten!” You could hear the joy in Sam’s smile as you leaned against the door, the cool wood soothing your slightly swollen face from the immense crying.
“Cake?” you asked in a small voice, nearly a whisper.
“Yeah, a cake! Wouldn’t be a proper birthday celebration without cake, am I right?”
“You remembered…”.
Sam frowned at the bathroom door, noting the sadness in your voice, instinctively he stepped closer, “Of course, I remembered sweetheart, is everything ok in there?”
Your lip wobbled as fresh tears began to coat your face, “no…”. There was no point hiding it, otherwise, you’d be stuck in the bathroom all day and you needed to be with someone, not wanting to waste any more time by yourself
Unlocking the bathroom door, you opened it slowly, peeking around it to see Sam standing there. In one hand he held a gift bag and the string to an oversized birthday balloon, and in the other hand, he held what looked to be a chocolate cake with your name written across in cursive white icing. The smile dropped on his face as he saw your distraught, quickly placing the objects in his hands onto one of the dressers, letting the balloon float to the ceiling and then he was wrapping his arms around you.
You were instantly sobbing into his chest, hands desperately grabbing his shirt scared that he might disappear and leave you like everyone else seemed to be doing.
Sam rested one hand against your back, rubbing soothing circles and the other on the back of your head, keeping you close to his chest, giving you the time to let your emotions out. “Shh it’s ok, I’ve got you, I’m not going anywhere”.
He was so comforting and calm, but then he always was. Bucky used to be this crutch for you in times like this as he was previously your bodyguard but as your relationship with him shifted, you ended up becoming close friends with Sam.
Sam had already deduced what was wrong, from his quick glance around the house downstairs and the on his way up, with the lack of decorations and that he knew Steve and Bucky had vacated the house first thing in the morning, they definitely had forgotten about your birthday.
“Take a deep breath for me, that’s it, and another one. Keep breathing for me, sweetheart. Can’t have you crying on your birthday now can I?” It took a few attempts but you were able to slowly calm your breathing down until only small hiccups remained.
Sam pulled back from the hug first, moving instead to duck his head and cup your cheeks, wiping away the tears that remained on your first.
You laughed in embarrassment, trying to hide your face but he didn’t allow it so you just held onto his wrists, feeling ashamed, especially as you saw the mess left behind on his shirt, cringing at the sight. “I’ve ruined your shirt, I’m sorry”.
“I don’t mind, makes me unique to everyone else”, he joked for a moment before becoming more series, his facial features relaxing in empathy. “Did they forget about today?”
You quickly bite your bottom lip, feeling the emotions stirring once more. “Yeah, but it’s... It’s fine! I know they’re busy trying to keep me safe but… I feel like I haven’t seen them in weeks. I hate being stuck in here! I mean, this is the first hug I’ve had since they received that stupid letter, they’ve spent so much time at the office and then tired when they get back and I’m asleep anyway so I never get to see them. I haven’t even kissed their lips in two weeks Sam!”
Once you started your ranting, it all just came flooding out. At first, you were tentative with what you were saying, that guilt still lingering in your gut but the more you thought about it, the angrier you were becoming. Yes, you were in danger but that didn’t mean they couldn’t come home and wake you up, kiss your lips or even hug you properly.
As you came to the end of your rant, you had to take a deep breath, completely filling your lungs with air and then breathing out through your mouth, feeling the tension easing throughout your body.
“Better?” Sam asked referring to your rant, you nodded your head in response. “Good, come on let's go and eat cake and have a chat”.
You were on your second slice of delicious cake, a happy smile on your face finally, chocolate always made you feel happy though. Sam chuckled at your appearance, filling your glass of water that you’d downed in a few glugs, not realising just how thirsty you were.
“I’m not going to try and make excuses for my bosses for the way they’ve been acting but speaking as their friend, they’re scared. Scared of losing you and I know you understand that but from the brief times that I’ve seen them outside or on the phone, I just think that they don’t want to spend too much time here because they don’t want to get their hopes up that everything is ok. You make them feel whole and safe so spending less time with you, it's taking away that security for them, maybe they don’t want to relax and have affection when that asshole is still out there. Now, don’t repeat this to them because I’d like to keep my job but it’s a dumb way to go about this all, clearly. I don’t think they realised just how long it would take to find whoever sent that message to you”.
Sam’s explanation made sense to you. Steve and Bucky had never hidden their intense love for you, and would constantly remind you that they would do absolutely anything to keep you safe. They were proving this now but spending every hour physically possible to find whoever was trying to find you but the small punishment to themselves that they couldn’t hug or even kiss wasn’t just a negative for them but for you as well. You needed them just as much as they needed you.
It was a pitiful circle and today had been the icing on top of the cake, ironically.
“That makes sense”, you responded after another thoughtful bite of chocolate cake, already eyeing up a third slice, you were starving after having no breakfast or lunch. “So what should I do? Leave them to it? What if they don’t find whoever is doing this for weeks? I don’t think I can go that long without seeing them properly but then I also don’t want to confront them if this is their way of coping.” You admitted with a deflated tone. Even though you wanted nothing more than to call them and tell them to come home and simply just kiss and hold you but then you didn’t want to complain when everything they were doing was for your benefit in the long run.
“Well why don’t we-”, Sam was cut off as his phone began to ring loudly from his pocket. Pulling the device out, he saw ‘BOSS’ written across the screen. “Say his name and he will appear”, he joked before stepping away to answer the phone, not stopping until he was outside with the back door closed so you couldn’t hear the phone call. You didn’t think anything of it, knowing that it was probably just an update about the day, the same phone call that was had every day.
Lifting the phone to his ear, Sam was about to talk when Steve was cutting him off, “We’ve got him”.
Sam’s shoulders dropped along with the heavy breath he released. “Are…are you sure?”
“Yeah, his handwriting matched the letter and with some persuasion from Buck, he admitted to it. Scumbags excuse was that was the golden ticket to get to me, well he was damn right about that” Steve growled into the phone and faintly in the background, the man in question was begging for his life as Bucky brutalised him, something he had been hoping to do for two weeks. “We’ve actually got that asshole, Sam!”
“Thank god”, Sam sighed in relief, rubbing his eyes, looks like everyone was going to be sleeping well tonight. 
“How is she?” Steve asked, a hint of hope in his voice.
Sam chewed on the inside of his cheek, thinking about his next words carefully. You had made it clear that you didn’t want them worrying about how sad you were but then on the other hand, he was your bodyguard, and your best interest was key. Also, they’d caught the guy so would be coming home to return to the normality they were all desperate for.
“Sam?” Steve asked with more authority, his shoulders squaring up as he glanced toward Bucky who had stopped his skilled knife movements to look back at him, wondering why Sam wasn’t answering.
“She’s not good, Boss”.
“And what do you mean by that?” Steve asked, storming out of the interrogation room and away from the asshole's ears, not wanting him to hear. Bucky followed swiftly behind, wanting to know what was wrong with his girl. “What do you mean not good?” Steve repeated, putting his phone on speaker so Bucky could hear.
Sam sighed again, tilting his head back to look at the sky before checking that the back door was still closed and you weren’t within earshot. “Listen, Boss, I understand you’ve been busy and I’m so fucking happy you’ve caught the bastard who threatened her but she’s not good. She’s been crying all day, it took nearly 10 minutes for me to calm her down as she was hyperventilating. She misses you both. She also does understand why you’ve both been reluctant to be around her and getting your hopes up for things being ok but god damn, I haven’t seen her cry like this in years.”
Steve and Bucky were overridden with guilt, not realising just how much they had been pushing you away with their desperation to find the guy responsible for this entire situation.
“That’s not the only thing…”, Sam continued with a tone of regret that he actually had to tell them this.
“Go on Sam”, Steve encouraged, it couldn’t get any worse, right?
“It’s her birthday today”. Sam had to pull his phone away from his ear as Bucky shouted ‘fuck!’ followed by the recognisable sounds of him punching the brick wall. There were hushed tones following this as Steve and Bucky furiously spoke to each other, frustrated with each other for forgetting the one day that they’d been looking forward to.
Eventually, Steve placed the phone against his ear, his voice clipped and determined, “Can you stay with her until we get back? I don’t think we’ll be here too much longer now anyway and just…”, he contemplated what to say for a moment. “Just tell her that we got the guy and we’re coming back and that we love her, please Sam?”
“Sure thing, Boss”. The phone line cut off as Steve hung up, following Bucky back into the room to finish the guy once and for all.
Sam entered your home, finding you tucking happily into your third slice of chocolate cake, fork pausing halfway to your mouth as you looked at the expression on your friend's face.
“What is it?” you asked nervously, placing the fork back onto the plate.
“They’ve got him, sweetheart”. 
It had been almost an hour since Sam had spoken those precious words to you and initially, it felt like you were going into shock, your bodyguard having to remind you to breathe again before it truly hit home. You were safe. They had actually found him and you were safe.
But now, you were sat just staring aimlessly at Sam thinking… what was going to happen now? Sam mentioned that the boys wouldn’t be back late and that they loved you and even though it gave you such peace in your heart to know this, there was still the underlying sadness. They’d still been ignoring you for weeks and forgotten your birthday, were you supposed to just carry on like this hadn’t happened?
There hadn’t really been a time in your relationship with them both where you’d actually been angry or upset by their actions so you were conflicted between wanting to celebrate and also remaining confident with your emotions of hurt.
Sam left you soon after to prepare de-escalation of the guards around your home and also give you the chance to have a long soak in the shower and prepare for their return. You’d ask him what you should do and he encouraged you to do what you felt was best which you only realised was an answer to cover his own back to not being fired, of which he laughed at, saying you were correct.
After showering and pampering yourself, the nerves returned, souring your mood once more. What did you wear? Did you dress up and greet them at the door? Did you wallow in self-pity in your bedroom?
But then the sight of Sam’s balloon and present caught your eye. It was your birthday, the one day a year when you actually wanted it to be all about you and here you were panicking.
Fuck. It.
You weren’t going to waste the remainder of the day, you didn’t need to be lost in your guilt and you for sure were going to have some damn fun before the consequences of the past few weeks came crashing down.
Finding something comfortable to wear which consisted of grey pyjama shorts and an old white t-shirt of Steve’s. Then you returned downstairs, linking your phone to the TV to play your music - loud.
One glass of wine turned into two and with the music, you were lost in the distraction, becoming increasingly more at ease and free, letting your body sway with the song. As each song played, you became more carefree, eventually dancing around the living room, the happy hum of alcohol in your veins, your throat aching with how loud you were singing the words.
Every thought of the past few weeks were diminisheds, until it felt like you were being watched from where you were currently standing on the couch, arms in the air, careful not to spill your wine in your one hand. Turning towards the door, your arms dropped down, breathing heavily as Steve and Bucky watched your happiness with smiles that could only be described as unfiltered love.
Neither of you was sure whether to approach the other, just staring for a few beats of the song before you stepped off of the couch and pausing the music, the silence deafening and unsettling enough that you were swift to down the rest of your wine for courage.
For a moment, you looked between Steve and Bucky, at their handsome faces, the overwhelming sensation to run into their arms almost taking over your body as you stepped forward but you stopped yourself abruptly. Deciding to stare at the spot on the floor and before fully thinking through your words, you began to spill everything you’d been holding in for two weeks.
“I’m… I’m so thankful to you both, for always putting me first and finding the person who was threatening me but I can’t pretend that these past two weeks haven’t been horrible and I need to tell you both now before I lose my courage. I understand why you’ve kept me hidden away but please, don’t ever shut me out like that again. We’re supposed to be in a relationship, one that is open about our emotions and supportive but I’ve hardly seen you in two weeks and you’ve not even given me the opportunity to ask how you both are because you’re both gone again at the crack of dawn and-”
You could feel your emotions rising again so taking a steadying breath, you looked up at the both again, “I do appreciate everything you have ever done for me and I love you both so much but, I can’t ever have a repeat of these last two weeks again, we’re a team please remember that before you decide to do things in my best interest when it’s going to be negative on all of us”.
Finishing everything that you wanted to say, your gut twisted with unease as neither said anything at first but Steve finally stepped forward. You straightened your spine as he approached, clutching the hem of your t-shirt to hide your trembling fists, keeping your eyes on his, not entirely sure what to expect until he standing only a couple of inches in front of you, your neck aching from having to look up at his taller stature.
Then he was dropping lower and lower until he was on his knees before you, eyes full of remorse, hands rising to cup around your wrists, gently prying your hands away from your shirt so that he could kiss the backs of them before resting his forehead on them.
“I’m so sorry my love, I don’t want to come up with excuses as to our behaviour these past two weeks but I think obsession and delirium from lack of sleep have caused us both to only want to find this guy and in the process have ignored you which was never our intentions. It’s just that… I can’t lose you-”, Steve’s voice cracked with pure emotions and it took everything within you to not collapse to your knees and hug him.
“I know, I can’t lose you either, both of you!” you emphasised, looking between the top of Steve’s head and Bucky whose emotions were written all over his face, regret, sadness and love.
“Tell us what we need to do, for you to forgive us”, Bucky finally spoke, taking a few steps forward and joining Steve on his knees in front of you, hands lifting to rest on your hips.
Here you were, with the leader of the Rogers Mafia Gang and the Second-In-Comand, both on their knees, looking as if you’d just ripped their hearts out and stamped on it, begging for your forgiveness.
“Just promise me you’ll talk to me next time, don’t ever shut me out”.
Steve finally looked up, the whites of his eyes shaded slightly red from his raw emotions, making sure to look you directly in the eye, “I promise, on everything I love, on you, Buck, the entire gang, that I will never make you feel this way ever again”. Your shoulders sagged in relief at his words, raising your hand to cup the side of his head as Bucky also promise his life that this would never happen again.
“I’ve missed you”, your voice was thick with emotions as you finally dropped lower, desperately kissing Steve and then Bucky on the lips. You consistently moved from one to the other, desperate, emotional kisses that were long, breathless and hard. Concentrating on every little feel, smell and taste of them both, a hand on each of their shirts, gripping tightly scared that they would move away. But they didn’t, they stayed and put as much passion into their touches and kisses as you did until all three of you collapsed back into the couch.
You were extremely breathless, greedily sucking in air as your head rested against Steve’s chest and feet over Bucky’s lap, all three of your lips were swollen from the bruising kisses, arms trapping your body into theirs.
The feeling of contentment was strong as the three of you just stayed like that for a while, your body feeling light enough that you could have fallen asleep but suddenly Bucky shifted slightly, sitting forward on the couch so you could see his face.
“That’s not the only apology we need to be making today, honey”, Bucky stated, lifting your daintier hand up to his lips, kissing each of your fingertips before rubbing his cheek against your palm. “We’re sorry for forgetting your birthday, there are no excuses for this, my love, we’re sorry”.
“It’s ok, I know you’ve been busy”.
“No, there aren't any excuses, you shouldn’t be so forgiving with us”, Steve mumbled against your temple, his lips soft and plump against your skin. “We need to make it up to you and even though our original plans are out of the window, we’ll start tonight and first thing in the morning tomorrow, we’re getting on that plane and getting out of here”.
You couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face, feeling excited about the plans tomorrow but then you contemplated his words a bit more, sitting up slightly in his embrace so you could look him in the eye.
“What do you plan on starting tonight?”
Something flashed in Steve’s eyes, almost as if the iris had darkened, momentarily they dropped to look at your mouth before looking back into your own eyes.
“We have a very long list of ways to beg for our forgiveness and make it up to you”, Bucky then responded for Steve. Looking at the hulking man now, you could see that he too was looking between your lips and eyes, almost like he was ready to eat you whole. “And…we aren’t going to stop until you say the words ‘I forgive you’.
Words seemed to fail you for a moment as you knew what they were planning, knew from the hardening lumps in their laps, the suggestive glances with their eyes and oh the wicked words he was saying. Bucky was giving you the ultimate power, all you could want for as long as you wanted until saying those words and the thrill of being able to have sort of control had your insides clenching in arousal.
They moved almost as one as if they shared the same mind as each article of clothing was removed by your body, freeing you of the confines of the material. The two men remained fully clothed but loosened their ties and unbuttoned the top button.
Steve and Bucky then proceeded to utterly worship every inch of your skin and body. It was almost overwhelming with knowing where to aim your attention, with Bucky nibbling on your thighs or Steve licking the column up your neck. Your body heated at the touches, their hands stroking areas where their mouths had vacated, mixing between kissing, sucking and licking depending on how sensitive the area they were located. Then their teeth would graze you and cause your breath to stick in your throat in an attempt to beg and moan for more.
You wanted to touch them too, missing the way their muscles and abnormally warm skin felt under your soft fingertips, but for now, you were more than content with having their sole focus be on you. Savouring every sensation they had to offer, even down to the way their facial hair roughly scratches your delicate skin, only to be soothed by their wicked tongues.
Then Steve’s huge body is hovering over your mouth, lips only an inch away from touching yours once more but the glint in his eye, he was in the mood to tease as you tried to lean up to kiss him, only to have him move away, staying that torturous distance away. “Please kiss me”, you’re pathetically begging, already giving in to the desperation, wanting more than just his warm breath on your face that smelt vaguely of the coffee he’d downed earlier.
Steve’s full lips form into a smirk, fingers gracing over the skin of your shoulders, eyes subtly glancing towards Bucky where you can feel him kiss against your inner knee.
“I want to taste you”. Steve’s statement was said in such a smokey tone that your hips rolled just to be near that beautiful mouth of his.
Your boyfriends swapped places around your body. Bucky held up your upper half against his chest as Steve settled between your thighs already had a light soaking of your juices caused by their well-skilled foreplay. Watching Steve closely, admiring his handsome face for a moment as a slither of his blonde hair draped into his eyes, you wish you could have kissed him again, tell him how much you loved him but his next words had your thoughts consumed with something else.
“Do you want my fingers or my tongue?”
You released a heavy breath, mouth hanging open contemplating between the two before the smartest answer finally tumbled from your lips, “both”.
Steve seemed to like that answer as his face descended, along with his right arm. Not that you could see as Bucky then tilted your head back against his chest, dipping down slightly to thoroughly kiss you, tongue pushing between your lips, completely dominating you.
Bucky then absorbed every single moan and gasp into the kiss as Steve’s tongue delved through your folds, licking a strip the entire length, tasting your beautiful juices that he’d been craving for the past two weeks. As one tongue distracted you, whether it was your mouth or cunt, then the other would be stroking a certain nerve that had you twitching and praising the men surrounding you. Steve began to concentrate on your bundle of nerves, firming the tip of his tongue to move it in a slow, methodical circle before flattening his entire tongue and licking against it.
Your hands wound into his hair and with the scrunched-up position, your elbows pushed your breasts together, something Bucky noticed from the corner of his eye, his nimble fingers reaching around you to perk the nipples, tugging at the same time as Steve sucking your clit for a few seconds. You forgot just how much you loved the feeling of his metal fingers, so cold against the sensitive bud that he twisted and pulled.
Bucky pulled back from the kiss, wanting to hear the noises you were going to make and, seeing Steve’s fingers moving to tease your hole, circling the entrance a few times before pushing two of his rough long fingers within. “Ahhhh!” You groaned, back arching slightly wanting Bucky’s hands to cup your tits more whilst also, holding Steve close against your pussy.
“I will never get enough of you”, Bucky rasped, his eyes almost hungry as he continued to look down at your body wrapped in his arms.
You held his eye contact, feeling the coil tightening in your abdomen. “Don’t stop”, you choked, body tensing as Steve’s fingers steadily moved in and out, matching the strokes of his tongue.
The mafia boss chuckles, releasing your clit momentarily, “Oh baby, I’m going to fuck you until you’re too tired to even speak”.
The promise in his tone had you feeling such an intense thrill that your walls clamped down harshly around his fingers as you came hard, hips rolling against his face, Bucky also continuing to squeeze and play with your tits until the waves of pleasure subsided. The three of you remained in place, both men giving you a moment to catch your breath, enjoying the post-orgasm glow that graced your expression.
Then they were both moving, you weren’t sure where they were going at first until Bucky began to lie across the couch in the same position as Steve with your legs thrown over his shoulder and Steve was sitting behind you, holding you in an upright position. They’d swapped places and all you could do was look down at Bucky with wide eyes as he looked directly at your sopping cunt, “It’s my turn to taste, oh how I’ve missed this”.
He then swooped in to do exactly as he stated, his mouth devouring your cunt just as much as he had your mouth, his warm fingers pushing into your tight cunt, teasing the spongey spot within. Then Steve was tilting your head back with a firm grip on your jaw, biting his lower lip in anticipation before he too was taking your breath away as his mouth crashed into yours.
You could taste yourself on his lips, the scent of coffee completely gone and this revelation caused your body to heat further, finding it thrilling with how much of your juices he truly had lapped up. Steve’s big hands were then rubbing against your breasts, squishing them before teasing the nipples, each movement causing sparks of pleasure to go directly in between your legs to where Bucky was eating you out.
Your fingers were already in his hair, holding him there and helping to roll your hips against his face. You were already a little sensitive from the first orgasm, embarrassed to say that your second orgasm was already building with increasing pace, thighs trembling as you tried to not squish Bucky’s head.
It took only a few minutes and your eyes were rolling back, face dropping slightly, stopping the kiss from Steve so you could moan Bucky’s name. Your pussy clenched repeatedly around his fingers as he teased you through the entire orgasm, only stopping when your hips were jolting with overstimulation.
Bucky didn’t wait for you to catch your breath now however as he sat up on his knees, both arms wrapping around your body to pick you up, manhandling your body with ease. A second later, you found yourself kneeling on the couch on wobbly thighs, your body leaning over the back as Bucky pushed gently on your shoulders, forcing your arse to lift into the air. 
Unsure where Steve was for a second but then you didn’t care as Bucky pushed two of his fingers back into your cunt, his large body standing directly behind you. He begins to fuck you, in and out with his fingers, positioned at his pelvis so from the front it looks like he was fucking you, and oh he was getting to that part soon but he just wanted to see you cum one more time before that.
The muscles in his arm flexed beneath his black shirt as he began to fuck you quickly with his fingers, your body automatically rolling back to meet him halfway.
“Do you like fucking my fingers?” Bucky huskily asks, staring down with wide eyes, the pupils looking almost completely black with lust.
“Yes, they feel so fucking good”, you responded, holding desperately onto the back of the couch.
Bucky held onto your hips, squatting slightly to have a better view of your cunt before he began to curl his fingers, gently tugging on them with each thrust, massaging directly against your g-spot. “That’s it, hot mama, let go for me”, he encouraged, knowing exactly what he was doing with his special trick as splashes of fluid began to squirt out of you, coating his arm and the couch but neither of you cared.
Your body was convulsing, thighs struggling to hold up your weight as Bucky was now fully kneeling on the floor again, his tongue sticking out to its fullest length to try and catch any of your squirts, groaning as flecks of liquid coated him.
You were cumming through this entire moment, the sounds of the sloshing from your cunt caused my Bucky’s fingers were like music to Steve’s ears as he watched you completely explode through your orgasm.
This time, Bucky allowed you a few moments to gather your bearings, gasping for air as you tried to sit up more, your arm and head hanging off the edge of the couch as Bucky licked his fingers clean.
You were exhausted that much was true but you’d been so touch-deprived over the last few weeks that you couldn’t help but beg for more. “I want you to fuck me”, you sighed over your shoulder at Bucky.
The man smirked devilishly, taking his sweet time to undress completely, also giving you just that little extra time to gather your senses, trying to ignore the wet feeling under your knees from where you’d soaked the couch.
Then there were suddenly hands on your hips, helping to push you back up as a long thick cock was rubbing at your entrance. “Bucky…”, you sighed as finally, his cock was stretching your cunt, the sensation was so much more intense after the long wait and thorough foreplay.
“Fuck, you’re taking me so well, Doll”, Bucky praised as you took most of his cock, there still being an inch that never seemed to fit.
A hand began to stroke a gentle touch across your cheek as Steve was suddenly in front of you. As Bucky began to fuck you with long, strong strokes, Steve caressed your phase in a praising manner, letting you know he was there and even giving his thumb to suck on, the stimulation of which was causing your cunt to clench around Bucky.
Reaching out with a lazy hand, you attempted to grab Steve’s belt, wanting more than just his thumb to suck, no, in fact, you could definitely say, you needed to suck on his cock right now.
However, you groaned in annoyance as Steve pushed away your hand. “No, I’m supposed to be making you feel good”, he informed you as his large hand moved down your naked spine.
“But I want your cock so bad, please, I won’t ask for anything else ever again”, you exaggerated, knowing it was a complete lie.
Steve did too, even though he relented as he stood to his full height, “ok, Baby”. His fingers which were once inside of you, were now swiftly unbuttoning his shirt and undoing his belt and you watched in fascination as he began to undress. Fuck, his body was unbelieve, just as Bucky’s was over your shoulder. But then, all thoughts disappeared from your mind as you were suddenly eye level with the veiny, red hard cock of Steve, his voice low as he commanded, “Open your mouth for me”.
You do as instructed instantly, earning a soft stroke against your cheek in praise before he was resting his heavy tip against your tongue. His salty taste splashed around in your mouth, you swallowed harshly, wanting to taste more of him as you held your weight up with one hand, and the other gripped the base of his cock.
All the whilst, Bucky continued with his deep thrusts that also caused you to jolt forward, almost like he was doing the work for both of you as with each one, you were taking Steve deeper into your mouth. Your warm tongue was teasing the underside of his cock, taking special time to stroke against the area under the tip that had Steve gasping and holding the back of your head.
There were so many sensations going through you that you hadn’t even noticed that your eyes were closed until Steve spoke once more. “Let me see those eyes”.
Once again you did as instructed, opening your eyes to look at Steve. His eyes were flicking between what your mouth was doing and also watching the area where his friend was fucking into you.
“You look so good beneath me”, Bucky grunted, slapping his hips harder into you, his hold on your hips almost bruising but the mix of pleasure and pain was blissful. You gagged around Steve’s cock as he hit the back of your throat with the powerful thrust from Bucky, your eyes were instantly watering but Steve was quick to wipe away any tears that fell, whispering sweet praises down at you.
This was when Bucky licked his own thumb and began pressing it against your asshole, not pushing in straight away but allowing the momentum of his thrusts to slowly inch its way in. With the way you began to moan, the sensation vibrating around Steve’s cock, he knew you were loving it. Finally, his thumb slipped in and he stayed there, resting his other fingers on your lower back and almost using this as his grip to fuck you.
“You like sucking on his cock whilst I take you from behind?” Bucky asked, knowing you couldn’t verbally answer with your mouth full of Steve but the brunette smirked when he heard you groan in pleasure.
“You are doing so well”, Steve continued with his praises, the apples of his cheeks pink, mouth gaped open, releasing moans between his words. Bucky could feel you were adjusting well to his thumb, pulling it out and replacing it with the two fingers that he had been fucking you with earlier.
You felt so full in every hole, the sensation near overwhelming as you couldn’t prepare for the orgasm that consumed you. It took your breath away so much that you had to pull your face back and off of Steve’s cock to suck in air, a thin strip of drool connecting your lips with the tip of Steve’s glistening tip. “Oh baby, you’re drooling everywhere”.
Bucky had also paused his thrusts now, letting you calm down from the orgasm and the way your cunt was twitching around him, he nearly shot his load already. Attempting to sit up further on your knees, you looked up at Steve with a cock-drunk expression, eyes glazed, lips swollen and chin covered in spit.
“I want you both”.
Steve cupped your face, smiling slightly at you already forgetting about your declaration only moments ago that you wouldn’t ask for anything else. “Baby girl, we haven’t prepped you and it’s been nearly two weeks, you won’t be able to take us both”.
You make an annoyed face, “I can take it please! Please don’t say no to me!”.
Steve looks at Bucky over your shoulder, seeing what he thought about it and with the distraction, you purposefully clenched your cunt around Bucky’s cock, causing the man to curse and grip the globe of your arse in a firm grip.
“We’ll try but it if it hurts, we’re stopping”, Steve finally decided for the three of you and you couldn't be more thrilled, displaying a shit-eating grin across your face. Bucky was the first to move, snaking an arm around your waist and swapping the two of your position so that he was now sitting on the couch and you were practically sitting in his lap, your sweat-covered back against his toned abs.
Bucky was able to easily hold up your legs as the two of you watched Steve walk around the couch and stand between your legs.
Holding out two fingers under your mouth, you smiled before spitting onto his fingers. He smirked at your obedience, moving the wet fingers down to your asshole, and seeing as Bucky didn’t have a spare hand, he gripped his member, guiding it to your wet hole.
“Nice and slow”, Steve encouraged Bucky and you, watching your expression for any signs of pain as well as any tension that arrived in your body. However thankfully, you were so thoroughly aroused and had to couple of fingers from Bucky that it wasn’t painful. It did still take your breath away with how far you were being stretched but once he was past the thickened part of the tip, the rest slid in fine, even being able to take that extra inch with this position.
It was intense and you were thankful for the time they both gave you to adjust your ass was fluttering around Bucky as it tried to go back to its original size. “You’re doing so good for me”, Bucky breathes into your ear, kissing just below, showing his appreciation to you.
You nod to show that you’re good to carry on and Steve is lifting one leg next to Bucky’s hip on the couch, using it to position himself and gently ease his cock into your eagerly awaiting cunt, your juices naturally lubing his path.
The two of them began slow, mostly with Steve doing all of the thrustings, the sensation of his cock brushing against your walls and brushing against Bucky’s, even with there being a barrier, was enough to have you all moaning. But then Bucky began to tilt his hips up slightly, still holding up your legs in the process.
You’d felt full before but now, you were being stretched in all of the right places. Your hands rested around Steve’s waist, nails digging into his back as he moved at a steady pace, even though you didn’t need much prepping, you weren’t such that a hard fucking whilst being double penetrated would have been the best option right now.
Especially as with his perfectly timed strokes, you could feel every single drag of his cock along your walls and the way he rolled his hips meant that his pelvis brushed your clit. It was more than euphoric, feeling like you were constantly at the height of orgasm with everything being so stretched.
“Fuck, look at you, taking both of us like a good girl. Do our cocks feel good baby?” Steve asked in between pants, his body gleaming with sweat as he was trying to hold back his own orgasm but already knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.
“Yes! Feels so good”, you babble, lead lolling back against Bucky’s shoulder, loving the feeling of being sandwiched between their hard bodies. “Want you both to cum inside of me”.
Hearing such dirty words from your mouth had them both groaning deeply, their thrusts deepening slightly, Steve’s hand now resting gently against your throat so all you could do was look up at him.
Bucky came first, his fingers tightening around the hold on your legs as his thighs tensed beneath you, hips fucking up once more, “ah fuck!”, was all he was able to grunt as he coated your asshole in his cum.
Steve fucked you a little harder as he stopped holding back his own orgasm, his lips parting, “Gonna fill you up baby, fuck - yes!” You didn’t stop the eye contact as Steve came, his eyebrows furrowing as he too stilled, his cock hardening with each spurt of his seed, it spilling out around his cock and dripping into Bucky’s lap.
Your body felt completely useless as Bucky eased out, more cum dripping out and mixing with Steves, and gently he simply moved you onto his lap, cuddly you close, keeping you warm as you all attempted to catch your breath.
A smile crept onto your face however as one thing came to mind.
“I forgive you both”, you admitted and truthfully, you’d forgiven them the moment they had dropped to their knees in front of you but it was nice for them to give you the opportunity to decide when you’d forgiven them. They both kissed your temple, smiling against your skin.
“Happy birthday”, they both whispered, causing you to chuckle at the late hour at which they were saying it but at least they didn’t completely miss the day.
Steve reached to the floor, picked up his trousers and found his phone, checking the time, not quite realising just how late it now was.
“Let’s get you to bed, we have an early start in the morning”, he informed the two of you as he began to stand.
Glancing down at your body, you tried to move your legs but all they did was tremble as you still hadn’t the full sensation back from how hard you’d been fucked. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk in the morning”, you joked to them both.
Steve chuckled, bending down and placing one arm under your knees and the other supporting your back, lifting you up and into his arms. “That’s fine with me, I wasn’t planning on you walking anywhere over the next few days, I’ll just carry you on the plane”.
You smiled giddily at his words, arms circling around his neck, feeling fucked and dazed as he carried you up to the bedroom, Bucky smiling at you over Steve’s shoulder as the three of you returned to the comfort of your own bed.
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luvlyhyunjin · 3 months
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Eleven- Why is it always her?
(a/n: i was so excited about this part i had to post it as soon as i was done writing :D Enjoy!!)
wc: 4.7k(?).
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You have had a bad morning. If not the worst in a while. Your mom had gone a little crazy again. That’s how it always has been, your relationship with her was never stable. And deep down you know it will never be. but hope had always found its way into your heart. Blooming endlessly on the days where she is a little quieter, a little timid. So when you woke up this morning and saw her in the kitchen, a glass of red wine in her hand and a string of curses falling from her lips directed at one of the poor maids. The little garden of hope in your heart died as quickly as it grew.
Nonetheless you were still excited about today, the idea of finally watching the plan you have been thinking about come to life makes you all giddy.
“All done?” You ask, arms crossed on your chest as you watch Wooyoung jog towards you. A bright smile on his face and hair a cute fluffy mess on top of his head “Yes Queen.” You smile back at him as he takes his spot on the right, next to you. Leaning his head on your shoulder. He’s panting, trying to catch his breath “Good boy.” You untangle your arms, bringing your palm and caressing his cheek lovingly. And just like a cute puppy there’s a light pink tinting his cheek that he tries to hide, chuckling as he buries his head in your shoulder further.
“Are you a baby? Get off her.” Yeosang speaks from your left. Voice shamelessly dripping with venomous jealousy and a glare so dark if Wooyoung wasn’t so familiar with Yeosang harmless bullets he’d be running away by now.
“Your jealousy is showing again. Yeo.” Wooyoung spits back however with a lot less venom and more a teasing edge in his voice. He pushes it further by squeezing your arm a little harder, buries his face in your neck and watches out of the corner of his eyes as Yeosang rolls his eyes grumbling a ‘whatever’ under his breath. You end their bickering by linking your other free arm with Yeosang's “Thanks for coming Yeo, I know you hate these things.” And it’s true. Yeosang never participated in any of the little pranks you and Wooyoung liked to pull sometimes. So you were honestly surprised when Wooyoung greeted you this morning by your car with a grumpy Yeosang following right behind him.
He relaxes next to you, the few words dripping with so little sweetness seem to do the trick. "Anything for you, kitty." He replies, The frown immediately melts off his face and is replaced by a soft smile that he tries so hard to hide as well. Ducking his head as if you didn’t already catch it. Your heart can’t help but swell with harmless affection for the two boys.
“Are you sure everything is sorted out?” You ask again, eyeing Wooyoung beside you “Yeah we just wait for Yeji to appear, and the show shall begin.” He replies, eyes following the random students passing by and throwing glances at you. By now you were used to the attention, it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. A pair of eyes following wherever you went happens so much that it became the new norm for you. Although the attention does seem to be intensified simply because you and your friends are never seen around campus. Or at least not as much as people would like. Usually preferring to stay indoors and away from too many prying eyes. But just for today’s show specifically you thought an audience wouldn’t hurt.
You admit your last work was sloppy, leaving evidence behind and showing up at the crime scene so shamelessly. It’s no wonder Hyunjin doubted you right away. Although he couldn’t link it to you directly but no matter how many times you denied it, it’s not gonna change the fact that it was you after all and you had foolishly gotten caught by him.
You felt the need to redeem yourself today even though your little prank is still too childish for your liking for now childish pranks are the only thing you're capable of pulling. You knew if you wanted to pull anything….hardcore. You will need Hyunjin to be somewhere far from her and that seems a little impossible now. Since for whatever reason they always seem to be stuck together.
Hyunjin is another problem, ultimately you don’t care what he thinks and you’ll keep denying everything he throws at you but that doesn’t change the fact that having him on your back constantly is annoying. And knowing him and how stubborn he is he won’t let it go until he proves it’s been you all along.
Which is why for today’s show you decided to step back, watching from afar and letting someone else do your dirty work. Nothing a little batting of your eyelashes and money couldn’t get. Wooyoung flirting did help too, he can be quite charming when he's not acting like a dork.
However, your biggest advocate is definitely that gossip account. If anything happens to Yeji and Hyunjin doubts you, you can simply blame it on his crazy fangirls. It’s not farfetched for Yeji to get targeted after being the rumored girlfriend of the prince of jyp himself.
“They’re here.” Wooyoung whispers, nudging you with his elbow. You follow where his eyes are looking and as he said there they are. Yeji and Hyunjin walking side by side.
You try not to focus on the way their hands are brushing, the way that Hyunjin looks so relaxed next to her. Blonde hair blown by the wind, he looks like a dream. A dream that you seem to have every single night and more than anything a dream that is always far away from your reach. Your heart twists painfully when Yeji laughs, throwing her head back she puts her hand on his shoulder, so casually. You can’t help but be taken back to when this was you. When you were the one walking next him, when you were the one he’s smiling at.
You don’t notice how hard your nails are digging into Yeosang’s arm until he moves it, instead taking your palm and intertwining your fingers together.
On your right, you watch Wooyoung signal to the girl he seduced earlier this morning to begin the show. She pulls up her hoodie, hiding her face behind big square glasses. Grabbing her tray that has a plate full of spaghetti sauce on and very little spaghetti on it. She makes a beeline towards Yeji. Keeping her head down and just like Wooyoung had instructed her to do she crashes right into Yeji. The contents of her plate ends up on Yeji from head to toe. Too obviously purposeful that it makes you cringe at the poor execution.
Both of the girls end up on the ground from how strong the impact of them colliding. Wooyoung starts chuckling from beside you and you can’t blame him. Yeji has sauce all over hair, dripping down the side of her and her light beige shirt is now colored maroon, she looks pathetic. Embarrassed as the students around them stop whatever they’re doing to look at them. A small crowd starts to form around them but not big enough to block your vision, wondering whispers of what's going being thrown around.
A short laugh escapes you at the sight, you have thought about it all night but seeing her in front of you like is so much more better than you could ever imagine. Wooyoung starts laughing harder and you nudge him “Shh!” you attempt to shush him with a wide grin fighting its way on your face. He purses his lips, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth “I’m trying.” He chokes out between giggles.
From this distant you can’t really hear what they’re saying but from the shaking of Yeji’s head, waving her hand around in dismissive manner you assume that she was getting apologies thrown at her.
What a stupid girl.
And just like you predicted Hyunjin is there next to her, worry evident in the furrow of his brows and his habit of puckering his lips in a manner akin to a pout that it’s adorable. It’s the same look he used to shoot your way whenever you got hurt back then. It hits you again how that could have been you. You had thought it all night, all the possible scenarios orf Hyunjin helping Yeji. The way he would react, what he would say and what kind of expression would he make.
You didn’t know why but you knew you had to prepare yourself for it. You told yourself if you thought about it long enough you won’t feel anything when it really happens. Yet seeing him there, crouched next to her still felt like a dagger was plunged into your heart. And you can't understand the sinking feeling in your stomach.
Your smile falters when again just like you predicted Hyunjin helps her stand up, a hand on her shoulder. He’s so much taller than her, so much wider that when he starts guiding her to what you assume to be the restroom. It’s like he’s shielding her from the curious and shocked stares around them.
They pass by you and Hyunjin doesn’t spare you a glance, doesn’t even notice you standing there and you don’t realize you were holding your breath until they’re out of sight. Were you waiting for him to notice you? Is that why you’re feeling hurt? Is that why you’re so bothered by the fact that he’s so busy taking care of Yeji to even notice you? But you knew this was gonna happen it's only common sense so why are you feeling this way?
Yeji had looked so pathetic, so hilariously embarrassed reeking of food yet you didn’t even feel an ounce of satisfaction because Hyunjin was next to her.
“Is your other bitch in place?” You ask Wooyoung who shoots you an offended look “She’s not my bitch.” Seeming to notice your sour mood and your dark gaze, he sighs “yeah she is waiting for Yeji in one of the stalls.”
“Good.” You reply, untangling your hand from Yeosang and start walking the same direction where Hyunjin and Yeji went “Where are you going?” Yeosang yells after you “Taking matters into my own hands. Don’t follow me.” You reply looking back at both boys to show them how serious you were being before continuing your route.
You knew you had to get this dagger out of your chest somehow. Which is why you had to talk to Yeji yourself. You don’t care if she rats you out to Hyunjin anymore. You just want this heavy feeling in your chest to be gone already. And if these childish pranks aren't doing the trick maybe talking to her directly would.
You thought you’d find Hyunjin waiting in front of the restroom for Yeji so when you get there you’re pleasantly surprised to find the halls empty. However when you twisted the doorknob open you didn’t expect to find both of them inside. And you for sure did not expect Yeji to be topless with only a black bra on, her tomato sauce covered shirt is thrown on the floor and Hyunjin’s jacket is now over her shoulder leaving him only in his plain white shirt.
She turns to look at you and her eyes are red with tears and if this was in any other situation you’d be gleaming with happiness. Heck maybe you will start laughing in her face just to watch her cry more. But your heart only grows heavier at the sight of Hyunjin cleaning her hair for her, wiping it hopelessly with tissues that definitely will not get that sauce out of it. You only grow angrier, sadder at the fact that she’s so casually topless and is surrounded with Hyunjin’s scent.
Your original plan was to come in here and unleash your anger at her, pull this stupid dagger out of your heart and plunged it into her instead, But you can’t do that. Not when Hyunjin is right there. So you knew you had to improvise.
Your nails start digging into your palms hard enough to draw blood yet you widen your eyes in fake innocence, form your lips into a pout and walk towards them. Ignoring the way Hyunjin’s eyes sharpen, gaze turning into a glare in contrast to the way he was softly looking at Yeji two seconds ago.
“What do you want Y/N?” His tone is harsh, full of venom and it’s not like you expected anything else. You ignore him “Are you okay Yeji?” you ask, feigning concern. A single tear starts rolling down her cheek, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. She looks pathetically weak. The laughing Yeji from minutes ago is long gone. And in a sick way a sliver of satisfaction makes its way up your stomach.
You lean closer to her, your hand brushing her arm. She flinches and that’s when Hyunjin pulls her towards him, his arm comes up between you as if it shield her from you “Don’t touch her.” He spits through gritted teeth. The satisfaction you felt dies right away and the same anger only builds up more at the way he’s treating you as if you were some kind of wolf that’s gonna eat his precious little pet.
But you control your composure “I’m just trying to help.” You tell him softly, looking up at him through your eyelashes but Hyunjin doesn’t even falter. The ice in his eyes remain as cold as if he sees right through your act.
“It’s okay, jinnie.” Yeji speaks out weakly from behind him, hand on his arms and you try your hardest to keep your eyes from looking down at it.
Jinnie? Just who this girl thinks she is?
“Are you okay Yeji? Do you need any clothes? I have an extra sweater in my car.” You ask when Hyunjin steps back and away from both of you. He keeps his gaze on you watching your every move and trying to analyze if you’re being sincere or if this is just another stunt you’re pulling.
“I’m okay, thanks for asking Y/N.” She wipes her tears, sniffling and pulls at Hyunjin’s jacket to cover herself with pink cheeks.
So she’s feeling shy around you but not around him? Just how much of her have he seen?
The questions roaming around your head are too suffocating.
“Should I go grab my sweater for you?” You tilt your head in an attempt to appear nicer, smiling at her and leaning down to her level since she’s a little shorter than you. but she avoids your eyes. Focusing on something on the floor. She opens her mouth to speak but Hyunjin beats her to it “She already has my jacket. She doesn’t need your clothes.” You glare back at him and you guys stare at each other silently “you expect her to walk around with your jacket only and nothing underneath?” he keeps quiet, keeps his expression blank and when you raise a challenging eyebrow at him, urging him to argue back. He tsks, looking away.
You straighten your posture. Pushing your hair back with your hand you let out a sigh “God was that girl blind? How could she not see you?” You try to make conversation feeling the tension grow thicker the longer the silence stretches. You try to not think about the fact that this tension is only present whenever you and Hyunjin are in the same room.
But you can’t help but wonder if he feels it too? Or was it one sided like everything you’ve ever felt for him?
“It’s okay. It was an unfortunate accident.” Yeji says with the same dismissive waving hands she was doing earlier. An innocent smile starting to tug at her lips as she takes some of the tissues they have piled up on the sink and starts wiping the remaining sauce on her hair.
You stare at her blankly. An unfortunate accident? It was so obviously on purpose you could tell from a mile away. Was this girl really this innocent and stupid or was she just pretending? For the first time ever you couldn’t tell.
You find yourself unable to say anything back. Your anger wavering and unstable. You look in the mirror only to find Hyunjin already staring at you. He doesn’t look away when you lock gazes in the mirror, doesn’t budge and instead you’re the one starting to feel overwhelmed by all the confusing emotions clashing inside of you. It's like overwhelming draining cycle of you getting angry only to end up sad and disappointed. It's like no matter how much you try to get your anger out, to feel better you end up feeling more miserable. Today was supposed to be fun, you were supposed to be out there with Wooyoung and Yeosang recalling the pathetic look Yeji had on her face and laughing about it.
But all these expectations die and burn into nothing as soon as you see them together and then you're left there to pick up the ash and wonder to yourself what any of this means.
You don’t realize the blue expression that takes over your face and you don’t realize how fast Hyunjin notices. How his eyes start to soften because in that small moment of vulnerability you subconsciously showed he saw flickers of the old you. The you that he had fallen for so effortlessly. His heart starts hammering in his chest and his own emotions battle against each other.
This is exactly why he hated seeing you, he hated how every time he saw you, you somehow were the same person he loved yet so different that it only built stupid hope inside of him. That maybe you weren’t some vicious and a horrible person and maybe the sweet and loving you from high school is still there somewhere. It only built stupid hope that latched onto him and squeezed any logical thinking he had.
He lets out a sigh, looking away from you and your pretty innocent eyes that only seem to drag him deeper into your darkness. He refuses to be swept away by you.
“I’ll wait for you outside okay, Ji?” he says patting on her shoulder, a friendly gesture that only turn your insides into knots twisting and twisting tighter when he passes by you. Shoulders brushing but he doesn’t look at you. He doesn’t even glare at you this time like you aren’t even worth any attention from him. The negative emotions take over your entire body and they start eating you from the inside.
Silence settles between you as Yeji continues cleaning her self, the only noise filling the room is the sound of running water that she soon closes “I’m sorry about Jinnie,” she speaks first, her fingers fidgeting with a piece of tissue “I heard a little bit about what happened between you two.” She says weirdly nervous. Maybe because she knows how sensitive this subject or maybe it’s the undeniable intimidation she feels towards you.
“Is that so?” Your tone is no longer dripped with cheap honey, instead it’s lifeless. Cold and perhaps that’s why Yeji finally looks at you, eyes wide and concerned. Is she scared she upset you?
“Hyunjin is not a bad person. He’s just a little hard to deal with.” She pathetically tries to explain as if you didn’t know Hyunjin first. As if you weren’t his first love, first kiss, first everything. You almost want to scoff at her. Something akin to disappointment and a lot like heartbreak pulls at every part of you when you realize none of it matters. You were first but you are nothing now.
“I know.” Is the only thing that manages to escape your mouth. You smile at her a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes. The bubbling anger you felt is no loner evident in your bones and you’re no longer seeing red, Instead the only thing you feel is sadness clawing at you. Suddenly the sight of Yeji crying and looking pathetic is no longer satisfying the more you remember how through it all Hyunjin was next to her. Hyunjin is kind to her, he takes care of her. Speaks to her so softly and it’s the complete opposite to the way he treats you. And for reasons you’ll never admit. It kills you.
Yeji smiles back at you awkwardly, seeming like she doesn’t know what to say. Your eyes flit across the stalls, you see one of the doors slightly ajar. Guessing that’s where Wooyoung's girl is. You decide not to interfere and let the rest of the play go as planned.
“Mhm is there something there?” Yeji asks innocently, turning to look at where you’re looking and you shake your head “I’ll let you be.” You tell her and she nods at you slowly with confusion written all over her face. You leave the restroom, closing the door you find Hyunjin waiting outside, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. You share a short look before you start walking.
“what’s your deal?” He asks when you pass by him and you stop in front of him, turning to face him. Years of hardened tension seeps into the air around you immediately. You’re sure if you breath it in it’ll choke you.
“What?” you ask, tilting your head and looking up at him, and a strand of your dark hair falls over your face. And Hyunjin tries his hardest not to stare at you but you’re so pretty. So pretty it feels criminal. Fuck he was already fighting against the urge to stare at your thighs in that short little skirt but now that he’s face to face with you in so long. It’s hard to stop his eyes from trailing over your features, lingering a second too long at your plush lips. It's not like he didn't know you were pretty, you always had been. Always had this magnetic aura around you. But god the first time he saw you again was magical, he recognized you right away and even then you still stole his breath but in a different way. You had flourished in such a pretty flower, grown more into your feminine side. He felt bitter like the universe wanted to rub it in his face how much more beautiful you had become.
“What was that with Yeji just now?” his tone is nothing like his softening eyes, mean and monotone “I was just trying to be nice” you reply with faux pureness that the both of you know does not exist in you.
He straightens, keeps his eyes on you and you can tell he knows you’re lying. It’s not like you were trying that hard to hide it. A playful smile starts tugging at your lips but it vanishes right as quick as it comes when Hyunjin is taking a step towards you, you step back a little nervous but he keeps going until your back hits the wall. His arm stretch out and his palm is flat against the wall. Caging you. You’re breathless, startled and didn’t expect him to be all up in your space all of sudden.
“I don’t like these games you’re playing, Y/N” his eyes alight with pure hatred and another emotion mixed in there yet your heart hammers against your ribcage wildly, almost like it’s begging to be let out.
“I-I’m not playing any games.” You argue weakly, almost cringe at yourself for stuttering and if anything you just want to disappear because Hyunjin’s lips tilt in a smirk, suddenly taking in the situation you guys are in. He does admit that his inflated ego only grows at the sight of the unattainable Y/N blushing and avoiding his gaze.
“You seem a little nervous,” he comments sarcastically, tapping his index finger on your chin and you slap his hand away. Looking up at him with a glare that is not threatening one bit “You’re all up in my space I can’t breath.” You attempt to push him away with your hands on his chest, ignoring how hard it feels but Hyunjin doesn’t budge, Doesn’t move a single step and he keeps his eyes locked on you. Watching in amusement as you try to break from him. In that moment his mind runs wild and he can finally understand why Yeosang and Wooyoung call you kitty all the time. It suits you so well. You look just like cat fighting for their owner’s attention.
At the silence you look up at Hyunjin with a glare again, a string of curses dies on your lips when you notice that he’s unfocused. Instead his eyes are fixated on your thighs, the dark hatred in his eyes is slowly melting into lust and the lines are blurring between you two. You’re blushing, overwhelmed and confused by the way he’s acting but more than anything you’re confused by the flash of scalding heat that his stare sends through your body.
Your hands fall to your thighs, palms flat against them in a poor attempt to cover them up. Hyunjin notices, lets out a scoff and looks at you “Don’t worry. I’m not interested in you or your body.” His voice drips in mockery and your face burns in embarrassment and anger. You gather enough strength to push him again and this time he steps back, that same stupid smirk on his lips “Fuck off.” You grumble, pressing the back of your hand on your lips. Another poor attempt to hide your red face. Hyunjin can’t help but chuckle because he can’t take you seriously not when you look so much like an angry kitten. He couldn’t understand how he went from wanting to kill you to wanting to devour you in mere seconds. A part of him liked that though, he liked the fact that you always acted all high and mighty but was a blushing mess the moment he was a little too close to you.
If he knew how easy it was to break you he’d have tried this a long time ago.
Just then the door of the restroom busts open, slamming loudly against the wall and breaking whatever bubble the two of you were in. A girl runs out, almost tripping but picks herself right up and starts sprinting away. A disheveled Yeji follows, a panicked look on her face with Hyunjin’s now zipped jacket on her “H-hyunjin!” she starts crying and Hyunjin is by her side right away. Ignoring the fact that you were there again. Like he wasn't just staring at you like he wanted you moments ago “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” he asks frantically, hands on her shoulders and eyes scanning her body “someone-“ she chokes on her tears, a sob wrecking through her body “someone was trying to take pictures of me while I was undressing” it all happens in a blur, Hyunjin yelling something in anger that you block out and then he’s running after the girl. While Yeji stands there crying. She looks at you and you don’t know what kind of expression you have on. But she’s terrified and for some reason in that moment you know she somehow figured out you were behind all of this.
You watch as she starts walking away, running after Hyunjin as well. You stand there and think about everything, in the end everything went perfectly according to plan. Everything happened exactly like how you imagined, just like how you and Wooyoung talked. You embarrassed Yeji in front of countless students, made her cry and if anything she seems scared of you now. It's exactly what you wanted yet you don't feel good at all. In fact your heart feels heavier than ever and there's tears threatening to fall the longer you stand there.
You can’t help but feel like a piece of trash that has been tossed aside for something better, something nicer.
That night when you’re back home, you find your mom in the kitchen another glass of wine in her hand and a mess of papers on the kitchen island in front of her “What’s all this?” you ask, walking to stand next to her.
“Did a background check on your father’s little….” She staring blankly at the wall, eyes empty “little side entertainment.” She finishes. It’s specially moments like these that make you feel sorry for her. She’s just a woman who fell in love with a man who didn’t love her back. How ironic. You think to yourself as you wrap your arms around her waist and hug her. Head resting on her shoulder. She doesn’t really move nor hug you back. You didn’t remember the last time she hugged you back.
“I’m sorry mommy.” You whisper softly, and she pats your hands in cold touches that are loveless “are you still following your diet, Y/N?”
You nod against her shoulder “Yes mommy.” She sighs, untangling herself from your embraces and drinks the remaining last bits of her wine “Her daughter weighs 2.5 kgs less than you, so we need to work hard yeah?” she says cupping your cheeks and looks at you for the first time today, you force a smile on despite the feeling of your heart breaking for the second time today “Yes mommy.” You reply like you always do and she never smiles back and her hands are always so cold but you don’t flinch “Good girl.” She compliments emotionlessly and she leaves you there, alone to pick up the pieces of your broken heart. You bite your lips to stop your tears from falling, telling yourself not matter how shitty you felt today you will not cry but then you look down at all the papers laid in front of you and despite all the expectations you had for today you didn’t expect a picture of Yeji to be smiling back at you.
Why is it always her?
Synopsis: It girl, Queen Bee the most popular girl around campus Song Y/N was envied by everyone. She has it all, money, the looks and brains. After making a bet with her bestfriend Yeosang her life takes a turn to the worse, seeming to lose everyone around her she doesn't expect the only person to stick by her side to be her Ex-first love and long time enemy - Hwang Hyunjin.
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auspicioustidings · 1 month
Ae Fond Kiss - Part 4
A Prayer in the Prospect of Death
Summary: The years pass and you find out how Simon feels about you before a familiar face arrives. Words: 2.8k
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5
“Tell me luv.”
Simon had his fingers tucked under your chin to tilt your head up so you could no longer easily hide. Urgh he was so bloody perceptive. 
“It’s silly.”
“You’re always silly, now tell me.”
You fought the urge to blow a raspberry at him. He was truly the most stubbornly protective human you had ever met and he never just let things go if you said it was fine. He always knew when something was bothering you despite your attempts to hide it. 
“What am I supposed to do when Joey starts nursery?”
You sighed and dropped any attempt to hide how miserable the thought made you. When you and Johnny had gotten married you had decided that you’d be a stay at home mum. You didn’t have a career you were attached to and Johnny made enough to support the household. Honestly you had come to enjoy it in the last year. You decorated your home for every holiday, experimented in the kitchen until you were actually a very good home cook and baker, always felt safe and content with how well you knew your own space and how cosy and clean you kept it. 
It was never how you imagined yourself if you were honest, a homemaker. The idea of you actually sort of enjoying cleaning would have made you feel somewhat ill 5 years ago. But now you were in your own home with a toddler you loved to death and, though you often were reluctant to admit it out loud, a man you loved to death. You had been front and centre for all of Joey’s firsts and you wouldn’t trade that for anything. 
Simon missed his first steps. Johnny had been fine doing video calls while he was on base during off hours, but you didn’t even have the number of Simon’s work phone. It used to frustrate you that it felt like he didn’t even exist the moment he left for work, but he had spoken about his family on your first Christmas together and it made you understand. He would never carry anything on him as the Ghost that could link back to you, even in the relative safety of the base during downtime. 
Now Joey would be out of the house for most of the day. You could have waited, not sent him to nursery and just kept him home until school, but you knew it would be for your sake rather than his. He loved being around other kids and some of the friends he had made from you taking him to every toddler group in the area in an attempt to be a good mother would be starting nursery as well. 
Could you just do nothing all day? Between Johnny’s insurance and death in service benefits and Simon insisting on funnelling money in, you could certainly afford it now, but it felt so wrong when Johnny was dead and Simon was doing the exact job that had killed him.
“What do you mean? You do the same as you do right now if you’re still happy doing it but without him.”
“Lounge around and do nothing while you are out risking your life you mean.”
Simon considered, always careful to think the situation through rather than reply impulsively. He was annoyed with himself for not seeing sooner that you were undervaluing yourself, only considering taking care of Joey which was a full time job in itself as contributing. While it had been a source of bitter guilt in the beginning, he had started to forget how much younger you were than him. He really should have seen it, no woman in her early 20s saw her full worth. 
“Princess, you decorated this whole house while I was deployed and you’re the one that fixes things or organises for them to be fixed when they break. You cook almost all our meals from scratch and then make extra to donate to the community kitchen. The garden is immaculate because you follow the planting plan you made yourself and are out there doing maintenance every day. You do not now nor have you ever lounged about doing nothing, even if I would like it if you did.”
He already felt bad enough about it. When he was home he threw himself in, tried to take as much off of you as possible even when he was nowhere near as fast or good at things. If anything he was contributing nowhere near enough money to cover all the full time jobs you were gracefully juggling (only because it had already been a fight to accept any money at all, he gave you what you accepted and then put almost the rest of his pay into an account for Joey).
“Shut up!” you whined, battering fists against his chest as your face flamed. 
You had lived together now for just around 3 years. You had been intimately involved for 2. It still absolutely floored you when he was nice to you and made butterflies erupt in your stomach. It was so ridiculous to feel like some wide eyed teen with a crush when it came to this idiot. Unfortunately his favourite hobby was fucking with you when you were taken off guard like this.
“Aww baby girl, you know how much I appreciate everything you do for me and Joe don’t you? We’d fall apart without you beautiful” he said in a smooth rumble, peppering kisses across your cheeks and down your neck. 
It wasn’t fair that he could just tease you with a version of him that adored you. A version that you enjoyed even if you didn’t really think it was real. Sure there had been a maybe ‘I love you’ years ago after all that sexual tension broke and he seemed to be happy enough, but you could only imagine that if he ever knew how you felt about him he would run. The last 3 years you had fought at every turn to protect your heart, but you had stopped denying at least to yourself that it was pathetically his now.  
“Don’t do that.”
“You don’t want praise and kisses?”
He raised an eyebrow and tried to hide a small smile. You loved praised and kisses, he knew that because in the bedroom he could use that to turn you into a pile of obedient princess who did whatever he said if it would earn you his adulation. But it was just sex wasn’t it? 
“I don’t want you to pretend.”
He was confused by that and you wanted to sink into the floor to avoid this conversation. You had been avoiding it for a while now. 
“I… fuck. Simon, I don’t- it’s not just sex to me” you choked out, not sure how to put it into words without straight out admitting that you were hopelessly in love with him and wanted him in you and J’s lives permanently. 
“Christ, you pretty little idiot” he growled, grabbing your face roughly in his hands. “I love you. I am in love with you. I’m not Johnny, I don’t do big romantic gestures. I’m not the kind of man to tell you all the time how I feel. I’m the kind of man who is a selfish bastard because I don’t give a fuck if you deserve someone who does. You are mine. You have been for years. Do you understand me?”
You could only blink wide-eyed as your brain tried to catch up with the whole world restarting itself after the shock.  
“Do you understand me?” he snapped. 
“Yes sir.”
“Good girl… wanna get married?”
You stuttered out an outraged shout, feeling the tears that had been building drying up at the audacity of this man. 
“Johnny took me to the cabin. He made me a replica of the first dinner we had together and set the table outside during the sunset. He organised for fireworks!”
“Told you I don’t do romantic gestures.”
“Fine, let’s get married Casper. You’re the fucking worst.”
“Don’t I know it princess. I’m not wearing a tie.”
“Then I’m not wearing a dress.”
“Yes you bloody well are!”
“Wanna bet?!”
He did not wear a tie, but Joey did. Your dress was beautiful. Gaz officiated your wedding for the second time. Price said there was an emergency so he couldn’t make it - you weren’t really sure you believed him.
As you cleared up after the whirlwind that was breakfast in a house with a 9 year old late for school, you sighed and stuck on a heat patch. You were starting to wonder if being off birth control was maybe a little pointless because in the past 18 months it had only reminded you how much you hated periods after years of them being gone as a useful side effect.
It had been something you were speaking about since you got married. You had always wanted more kids. Simon had never even expected he’d have one. You were terrified of a repeat of your first pregnancy, he was terrified that his genes were poisonous. You had enough money with his hefty pay and your small business (you had started it up soon after Joey had started nursery and you got a lot of orders for events, birthdays and weddings for sets of biscuits. You imagined wherever Johnny was he was howling with laughter that you had turned into a home baker after all the kitchen disasters he had seen). 
In the end it had been Joseph who made the decision. One shrugged mention of how he thought it’d be nice to have a little sibling and that was that. There was not one thing in the whole wide world you and Simon would not give him if it was in your power. Although you were starting to think it wasn’t in your power at all. 
It wasn’t like you didn’t have an active sex life and in honesty it had only gotten more active from the breeding kink Simon had uncovered as soon as it was a possibility. But it just hadn’t happened. 
You wondered if it was better that it hadn’t, at least until Joey was 10. That was when you had agreed you would tell him everything. On advice of a psychologist you had told him that Simon wasn’t his biological father very early on, as early as he could understand the concept, although stressed he was still his dad. The only thing you mentioned about his biological father was that he had died even though that was very much against the psychologists advice, she had said to tell him everything about Johnny.
But in 4 months he would turn 10 and he knew that you would answer his questions then. It was shitty of the two of you really, to hide Johnny until now. Joey’s grandmother still saw him, but she never talked about her son or who he was. It was cowardice. Simon had been speaking with a therapist for years about how to let go of the idea that Johnny died because he couldn’t save him. You felt ill at the idea of your son knowing you had married his dead father’s best friend. Both of you were so scared of Johnny’s ghost that you kept him from his son for nearly a decade. 
Well sort of. Joey knew who Johnny was, just not that he was his father. There were photos of him in the house. Whenever Gaz, Price and their partner (that had been a whole drama, but you were happy the three of them finally worked it out) were around, sometimes they would reminisce about him. Well Gaz and Simon did, Price would just look pained and excuse himself to get a drink.
You could only hope that Joey wouldn’t hate you, but then he was such a great kid. A little wild, but incredibly kind and empathetic beyond his years. He had Johnny’s eyes. You thought that he’d understand when you explained it all. Maybe he’d yell at you for thinking he would blame you for falling in love with his dad, but he’d understand. 
You focused on cleaning up and getting the kitchen back clean and cosy how you liked it, deciding not to borrow worries from the future.
Price had told him to settle his arse down in the base and let him travel down and talk to him before he went anywhere. Johnny ignored him. He had just saved the fucking world, there was not one thing that was going to keep him from his wife and child one second longer.
He had debriefed already, been medically cleared to leave. He knew the paperwork was going to be horrendous given that he was legally dead, but frankly he’d leave it for the intelligence agencies to deal with given how much of a big bloody favour he had just done them. He got your address off of them given that Price hadn’t given it to him, just telling him to wait until he got there. Fuck that.
It didn’t take too long to get himself there. It was oddly comforting hearing all the English accents after a decade of hearing almost entirely Russian even if he’d be moving your pretty arse back North of the border as soon as he could. Not a chance was his family living in Carlisle. He wondered why you would move that far from the Highlands where his family was. You had always been no contact with your own family, maybe you had reconciled with them and moved to be closer? 
He would find out. Whatever it was he’d support you. God he loved you, he had missed you so fucking much. He had imagined the reunion for years, thought of your smile and your laugh when he needed to remind himself what he was fighting for, thought of your soft skin and tight pussy when he needed to relieve some tension with his right hand. Whenever he sent up a prayer in the prospect of death, it was for you that he prayed he would survive.
He thought of how he’d hold you for days when he got back. He knew you would have raised a wonderful son and he could not wait to meet the person he had become. He’d hold him as well, spend days cuddled up and watching movies with his family. 
And then he’d take you to the cabin and lose himself in your body. Fuck it was strange to think he’d have to consider it wasn’t just you two anymore. He didn’t want to lose any time with his son, but he needed alone time with you as well. He’d work it out. 
The house was nice, sort of quaint with the pretty flowers both real and painted on the door. It hurt knowing if he hadn’t been away you’d have something bigger. You would have had to for a growing family. 
He wished he had stopped and gotten a change of clothes and a haircut. He was in military issued sweats and a hoodie and his hair had grown out to curl around his ears. He really should have shaved as well, a task he hadn’t had time for in the chaos of the last few months. But fuck it, he was here and he couldn’t wait. 
It was almost like an out of body experience knocking on the door, knowing he was seconds away from you. He should have realised that there was another person around who could answer the door, but he hadn’t been thinking. The Joseph he knew was a tiny baby, not a bright eyed kid with a toothy grin in a football strip (a bloody Man U strip at that, Johnny just knew his uncle Simon would have had a hand in that and it made him grin knowing his best friend was still in his son’s life).
“Ye got big!” he belted, excited beyond proper introductions at seeing his son. 
The kid furrowed his brows for a moment before he brightened with recognition. Johnny assumed now was about the time for crying and yelling and hugging. He was unprepared for the alternative. 
“I know you! You’re dad’s Sergeant! I thought you died.”
His heart lurched, putting the dots together well before his brain could. 
“Joe hurry it up! We’ll miss kick-off!”
Johnny knew that voice. It was not yours. 
“I’m ready!”
“You better be! Right, who’s at the door then?”
The voice got closer and even though he wanted to run Johnny was rooted to the spot. It felt like the next 10 seconds as the footsteps and voice came closer was hours. The door swung wider open as a hand pulled on it from behind and then he was looking into the eyes of Simon Riley. The silence was deafening until Johnny broke it.
“What the fuck did you do Si!”
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vbecker10 · 2 months
Loki's Silent Sentry
(Part 7 - Final Part!)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Alt Ending (in progress - very sad, please read trigger warnings below and in the link)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (y/n)
Summary: You are not just a soldier in Asgard's Royal Army, you are Lieutenant Y/L/N, Prince Loki's personal guard, his sentry and you are not supposed to fall in love with him. If you followed your training properly, you should never have even spoken to him. As a sentry, you are expected to remain silent and invisible as you shadow your appointed member of the royal family or member of the court protectively throughout their daily tasks.
Rumors (that happen to be true) begin to circulate through the palace that you serve the younger prince of Asgard both outside and inside his chambers. There is little you can do once word of your off duty activities spread through every maid, cook, gardener and seamstress in the palace. You soon find even the soldiers in your own company are now questioning how exactly you had come to earn your seemingly quick rise to lieutenant.
As the annual Winter Solstice Ball approaches, you come to the heartbreaking realization that your relationship with Loki must come to an end if you are both to fulfill your duties.
Warnings: Angst, arguing, Thor trying to be a better brother, Odin being a terrible father... I promised fluff so fluff you shall have 💚
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"If you do this..." Odin walks slowly to the edge of the steps, "You will no longer be my son."
"If you force me to do this," Loki answers defiantly, "It is because you failed me as a father."
You hold Loki close to you to keep him from moving towards his father. You can feel him shaking with anger but his eyes are full of pain. Loki and his father had their issues, no one could deny that, but you never thought Odin would be so quick to throw away what is left of their relationship.
A silence settles over the room as they hold each other's gaze, each daring the other to say something else. Before it can escalate further, Thor draws everyone's attention to himself.
For the second time today, Thor calls to begin the voting. "The vote will determined by the majority. Those among you who are for upholding the existing law shall vote aye. Those among you who wish to revise the law, thus revoking Prince Loki's title and status, will vote nay. Is that understood?"
The members of the council, along with the king and queen agree to the terms Thor explained. Thor nods to one of the senior members of the council and in response, he steps forward to the center of the throne room. A young man follows him with an open book and quill, you presume to keep track of the votes.
The older man turns to the throne and asks the king how he will vote. Loki's eyes are focused on the king as you wait for his decision.
Odin waves his hand dismissively towards you and Loki as he sits back in his throne. "Nay," he says in an emotionless voice.
Loki lowers his head and leans into you as he sighs deeply. You rub his back hoping one day he will heal from the wound his father just inflicted on him.
The council member turns to acknowledge the queen and asks her for her vote. She smiles at you and Loki, "Aye."
Loki's body relaxes the slightest bit but he tenses again when it is his older brother's turn. It's hard for you to read Thor's emotions but he slowly smiles and says, "Aye," loudly.
Having two of the three royals say aye must help sway the council, you think hopefully but you honestly aren't sure. Will most of them still side with Odin purly because he is the king? Or will he allow the vote to continue only to overrule their judgment in the end? Your thoughts race but they calm for a moment when Loki kisses the top of your head.
The senior council member moves to the center of the room and turns to face the rest of the council. He asks for all those voting aye to raise their right hand.
You turn your head, burying your face against Loki's chest, suddenly too nervous to watch the voting. He holds you tightly and you can hear him mumbling quietly as he counts along. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath as a new thought forms in your mind.
The vote doesn't matter, you think. Whether they vote to uphold the law or not, you and Loki will be together. Either as prince and sentry or as two simple Asgardians.
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The doors to the throne room close behind you and Loki with a dull thud. You take a few steps down the empty hall then stop suddenly, barely able to breathe.
"Loki," you turn to face him. "Did that... did that really just happen?"
He smiles and puts one arm around your waist, his other hand resting gently on your cheek. He nods, "It did, love."
A wave of excitement floods through you as Loki bends to kiss you. You place your hands on his back, bringing him as close to you as possible. "I just... I can't believe it," you smile up at him.
He brushes your hair behind your ear and smirks, "The only concern we have now, is how quickly can you become a captain?"
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"You are dismissed for the night, thank you Lieutenant Y/L/N," the queen says as the two of you reach her chambers.
You bow, "Thank you, your highness."
She smiles as she opens the door, "Have a goodnight Y/N. Tell my son I will see him at tea tomorrow afternoon."
"I will, your highness" you reply.
"Frigga, when you are not on duty, dear," she reminds you warmly.
"Frigga," you repeat with a smile. "Have a goodnight," you tell her.
You walk confidently down the hall, excitement spreads through you as you see Loki waiting for you outside of your shared chambers. You had moved in the night of the vote, almost two months ago. Loki and you still rarely crossed paths while conducting your duties during the day, but you were able to spend every night together and you both cherished that.
You throw your arms around him and he kisses your forehead then your cheek and finally your lips. "I missed you today," he tells you as he holds you close.
You take his hand as he leads you into your chambers, "I missed you too." He uses his magic to help you out of your armor as always and he chuckles when you say, "That is one of my favorite tricks of yours."
A few minutes later, the two of you sit cuddled together on the couch. He plays with your hair gently while you rest your head on his chest and your hand on his thigh. "So... I have something to tell you," you lift your head a little.
"What's that, love?" he asks.
"You know that I went to the city on my day off last week?" you ask him.
"Of course," he answers.
"Well... I didn't tell you but I ran into one of my favorite professors from when I went to university," you tell him.
"Is there a reason you didn't tell me before?" he sits up a bit.
"I wanted to wait until I got this," you take a small scroll out of your pocket and hand it to him.
He looks at you curiously as he opens it. His eyes fall to the paper and he begins to read it, his lips moving slightly.
You anxiously wait for him to finish and when he does he looks up at you, a shocked expression on his face. He looks quickly back down to read it again. "Y/N, is this-" he starts to ask but doesn't finish.
You smile, "It's an offer letter from the university. She told me they were in need of a literature professor for the summer term."
"Y/N..." he says softly. "This is... this is truly amazing."
"I checked the class times with your mother and she says it won't be an issue to schedule your meetings around them," you add. "That was why it took me so long, I wanted to tie up all the loose ends."
"Y/N, you have no idea how happy you've made me," he says as he grips your waist, pulling you onto his lap.
You run your hand lightly over his cheek and kiss him. In between kisses you tell him, "All I want to do is make you happy."
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Two years later, you stand at the doors of the throne room in your dress armor at your promotion ceremony. One of the guards standing to the side of the door announces, "Lieutenant Y/L/N."
You walk down the aisle and stop in front of the royal family, kneeling in respect. The crowd gathered to either side of the room is quiet as Odin tells you to rise. He motions for you to come closer and he takes a few steps towards you.
"Lieutenant Y/L/N, you are being promoted to Captain as a testament to your commitment to protect and serve the realm. You have shown a mastery of your duties and the skills necessary to lead future soldiers," the king says loudly so the whole hall can hear him. He pins a metal to your chest and a bit quieter so only you can hear him, he says, "You will make a fine general some day."
You can't believe your ears but before you can focus too much on his comment he goes back to speaking to everyone in attendance. He explains to the crowd that you will no longer be a sentry, you will work at the academy training new recruits. He goes on to tell them you will be the youngest instructor at the academy and he will continue to expect excellence during the remainder of your career.
While he talks, your eyes wander to Loki as always. He smiles broadly at you as does his mother who is standing next to him. She whispers something to her son and he laughs a bit as he nods. You try not to make a face but you are now curious about what she said.
When Odin finishes, you kneel again and when you stand he gives you the smallest smile and says, "Captain Y/L/N."
You bow slightly as the room erupts in a series of applauds. You laugh to yourself when you look towards Thor who is clapping the loudest. He had truly become the older brother you never wanted but wouldn't give up for the world.
Loki looks as if he is going to burst with pride and his mother nods her head towards a particular section in the middle of the crowd. You glance to see where she is looking and you find your parents standing among the onlookers. You fight the urge to run over to them, it's been ages since you've seen them. They had been been assigned to guard a diplomat and his family who lived in another realm. After the shock and excitement of seeing your parents sinks in you look back towards the queen who discretely points at Loki to signal it was his doing.
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You stop and turn to look at Loki with a smile but your heart skips a beat when you see him kneeling next to you with a small black box in his hand.
After the ceremony you spend time with your parents, catching up on their lives and yours. They tell you how immensely proud they are of you how much they miss you. You promise to visit them now that you will have a better schedule with the academy.
Loki walks over to where you and your parents are talking and says, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but may I borrow the captain for a few moments?"
"Of course, your highness," your father bows.
"Loki is fine," he says in a friendly manner.
"I don't think that's going to happen," you tell him honestly with a light laugh.
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You hold his arm as he walks you through the garden slowly. After a few minutes, you stop to smell a beautiful burgundy rose and you are suddenly surrounded by a soft green glow. You giggle and spin as Loki's magic replaces your heavy armor with the same emerald and gold gown he had conjured for you at the ball so long ago.
"Loki?" you ask, your hand covering your mouth in surprise.
He smiles and takes your other hand in his. "Y/N, love, we've both waited so long for this moment, I didn't want to wait an extra second. I love you more then anything in the nine realms and I would do anything for you. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met and I-" he says but you interrupt him.
"Yes!" you tell him, nodding furiously.
He laughs, "You aren't going to let me finish? I had a whole little speech." You laugh and shake your head. "Ok, I'll skip to the end. Y/N, will you marry me?"
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You jump into his waiting arms, "Yes, yes! A thousand times yes, Loki."
He slips the ring on your finger and kisses you. Then he gets up, picks you up easily by your waist and spins you. You giggle and when he places you back down, you kiss him and tell him you love him.
Ok... so that was the end of this fic and I really hope you like it! It's been so long since I've written anything. I started working on an alternate ending for this based on a song I have stuck in my head.
I want to warn everyone that it will not have a happy ending. It will not be fluffy. One of the main characters will die. (I'm not saying which character cause I don't want to spoil it if someone actually wants to read it but if you message me I'll tell you who so you can decide if you want to read it)
I will have warnings on it when I've posted it but I'm just giving you all a heads up. I mostly just need to write it cause it's stuck in my brain and I have to get it out. I understand it's not something everyone will want to read and I'm totally OK with that.
I won't tag anyone unless you specifically tell me you would like to be tagged.
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@soubi001 @michelleleewise @harlequin-hangout @ace-of-gay @xorpsbane @mochie85 @sheris532 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @kkdvkyya @animnerd @peaches1958 @peachyjinx @lokiandbuckysdoll @winterfrostlovetriangle @high-functioning-lokipath @winniewings @pics-and-fanfics @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @crimson25 @goblingirlsarah @janineb86 @chantsdemarins @simone818283 @tonystank8 @im-briana-stan @foxherder @chantsdemarins @catsladen @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @dragonmurray @honeydew3064 @malfoycassimalfoy @kneelingformyloki @newtomofgods @rayne-the-god
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danikamariewrites · 8 months
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Vampire!Eris x reader
Summary: Eris Vanserra, King of vampires in Prythian, and his bride-to-be celebrate her decision to truly spend forever together. @erisweek2023
A/n: I give you king vampire Eris and his very devoted queen! Eris week has been so much fun, I’ve loved reading everyone’s fics/hc/posts/blurbs, edits, and art! This fandom is so freakin talented and I’m so happy to be on here with you guys❤️ I decided to add links to pictures from Pinterest that I pictured while writing this so don’t forget to click on those besties
Warnings: blood, drinking blood, murder, and I wanna say suggestive
Walking through the garden the skirts of my night black gown dragged over the gravel, my hand outstretched to graze over the soft leaves of the maze of rose bushes I'm following. Reaching the center of the garden I take in the vivid colors of the flowers in the sun.
Closing my eyes I lift my head to take in the comforting embrace of the sun one last time. Tonight is my Turning Ceremony. When Eris proposed last month he gave me the choice of joining him for true eternity as a Vampire, or staying as just Fae until I faded into the After World.
I didn’t think Eris would be able to handle my passing after only a thousand years together. And I couldn’t let my love be heartbroken forever.
Deciding to take a reprieve from the sun I head further into the garden where the roses reside. The white roses are my favorite. Along with the white marble and stone gazebo Eris had built for me when I first moved to the castle.
He took me in when my village kicked me out after accusing me of my fathers murder. I wanted to go somewhere that no one would follow. There had been rumors about the castle on the edge of the dark wood. People were terrified of the place, not even looking in its direction if they could help it. But not me. I had come up with my own stories about the dark castle as a girl. So that’s where I went.
Mine and Eris’s relationship took time. But it was well worth the wait. The King shows me nothing but love and kindness.
I stop and smell the roses. They look so lovely, reflecting the sun's bright rays. I suppose the next time I see them they will look more gray. I have no problem giving up the day time. I was always more of a night owl anyways. My parents constantly struggled to get me to go to sleep at a proper time.
Sitting, I close my eyes again and listen to the creatures of the day. I smile to myself at the buzz of the bees, the rabbits rushing through the brush, and the birds calling to each other. Letting my unbound hair rest behind my shoulders, letting the warm breeze wash over me. Days feel busy but peaceful. It’ll be nice to sit out here at night with Eris. In a quieter peace.
A male behind me clears his throat, one of the Fae day servants. I turn to look at the male over my shoulder with a small smile, “Francis, how are you?” He returns your smile, “Well my lady. And you? Your big evening is coming up.”
“Excited. I just want it to go well. For Eris’s sake.” Francis nods in agreement. “Speaking of the King, he requests your presence in his study.” I stand and let Francis lead me back through the garden and through the iron gate back to the castle grounds.
When we reach the doors to Eris’s study Francis stands to the side, letting me take it from here. Knocking on the door I hear Eris’s gruff voice tell me to come in. He must be concentrating on something.
I gently swing the door open and close it quickly. The grand chandelier and candles are the only light source in the room. I notice Eris has the heavy, dark velvet curtains pulled tight against the windows, not wanting to let a sliver of daylight in.
Eris’s study is one of my favorite rooms in the whole castle. It just feels so…him. He has items from things he is interested in scattered amongst the shelves, maps from ages ago, books that look like they would turn to dust if you held them.
The sofas were quite comfortable as well. When I first started getting to know Eris, and was comfortable being around him alone, we spent many nights here just talking. Enjoying a drink or two until one of us would call it a night. Or a day in his case. Mine soon.
I step up the raised platform where his desk sits and stand next to him, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder. Eris perks up and smiles at me. He takes my hand from its resting place and places soft kisses all over the back of it. “My sweet, how are you feeling today?”
“Happy, my love.” Eris’s smile widens at my words. He was overjoyed when I told him I would turn for him. I don’t think I had seen that much emotion from him. Eris hadn’t stopped showing me that joy.
Eris pushed his chair back, patting one of his muscular thighs for me to sit on. I drape my arms around his shoulders and sit, resting my head on his chest. “Are you nervous at all?” I adjust my neck to look up at him and start to play with the ends of his long auburn hair that’s tied back today. “A little. I just want everything to be perfect is all.”
Eris hums. “It will be my sweet. I will be there with you every step of the way.” Eris brings his hand to cup the back of my neck. His thumb brushed over the small puncture scars from his fangs when he marked me as his. I shiver at the touch.
“Thank you, Eris.” He kisses the top of my head and stands, placing me on the ground as well.
Cupping my face with both hands he stares deeply into my eyes. “I love you so much, y/n. I don’t say this enough, but you have made me the happiest male in the whole world. And I’m so happy it is you who will be by my side forever.”
I feel tears prick at my eyes as Eris rests his forehead against mine. “Oh Eris, you make me so happy too.” I rise up on my toes and connect my lips to his in a short but passionate kiss. It pained me to pull apart from him but I must get ready for tonight. The party will start immediately after sundown and the other lords are already on their way.
“I have to go, my love. I’ll see you later.” Eris gives me one last parting kiss after walking me to the doors. As I walk down the hall towards my chambers I wring my hands to get out my nerves. Tonight would be perfect. And everything will be fine.
Ophelia finished pinning my hair up in a soft, romantic bun with a few strands of hair left loose in my face. When she moved away I turned to check my dress one last time. Staring straight at my reflection I smooth down my red silky dress.
“It’s time my lady.” Ophelia said in a sing-song voice. She holds my door open for me and I float out into the hall.
As I get closer to the ballroom the chattering of our guests gets louder and louder. I stop behind the closed double doors and wait to announced.
I take one last deep breath before putting a stoic look on my face. To show that I’m ready and willing to take this next step.
Eris’s lead advisor announces my arrival and the doors open. Revealing the crowd parted down the middle of the room. Eris’s throne has been moved in here for the occasion. He sits at the end of the makeshift aisle. A long blood-red carpet separating us.
He looks otherworldly in his white suit. The gold embellishments glinting in the candle light that surrounds him. Eris smiles at me, beckoning me forward. Giving me a look that says, you don’t need to worry my sweet it’s just you and me.
I take a step, then another and another. Remembering to pace myself. To not look too eager or too hesitant.
I finally reach Eris with a stupid grin plastered on my face. All stoicism melting away. Before I could kneel at his feet and expose my neck to him he stood.
There were scattered murmurs among the crowd. I couldn’t be bothered to worry about what anyone was saying. Not when Eris is holding my chin between his fingers and looking at me like I’m the only person in the room. “Remember,” he whispers, “I’m here every step of the way.”
I give him a small smile and nod. “Ready?” “Ready.”
Eris turns me to the crowd. As he gives his speech about this being the first Turning Ceremony in two hundred years and he’s glad to give the lords and his subjects to celebrate, I look around the room. I take in the vampire lords for the first time. They’re all so different. I’ll have to ask Eris more about the different courts if I’m to be his queen soon.
As Eris finishes his speech and my attention is brought back to him. He leans down to whisper in my ear. “You smell divine, my sweet. Sinking my fangs into you this evening will be even better than before.” Eris noses down my neck, taking in my scent.
He stops right at my puncture scar and licks. I start getting impatient and push my neck subtly at his mouth. He lets out a breathy chuckle that tickles my skin. “Someone’s eager.” You tsk at him. “Close your eyes and breathe.”
I do as he says in anticipation of the feeling of his fangs sinking into me. After a few more seconds that euphoric pain spreads through me. The intimate scene taking place in front of everyone causing my cheeks to have a pink tint. I bite my lip to hold my moans back.
Eris sucks and sucks and I feel something else. This pain is different than when Eris usually feeds on me. This was the venom Eris prepared me for. It was excruciating. My skin feels tight and clammy. My brain going fuzzy. I feel my canines expand and become sharper.
Eris releases me, wiping at the blood still trickling from my neck.
I can already feel the venom affecting me. Changing my needs and instincts. My mouth feels dry and my tongue heavy. Like a lump of sand I can’t swallow in the middle of my mouth. The mingling of different scents overwhelms me.
Before I know it Eris is sitting me on his throne and snapping at two guards off to the side of the room.
They bring in a Fae female dressed in simple dark robes and force her to her knees at my feet. She looks up at me, closes her eyes, and tilts her neck for me. She must be one of the many Children of the Blessed who sacrifice themselves for these rare rituals.
“For you, my sweet.” Eris says, his voice echoing around the still silent room. I can practically hear everyone holding their breath in anticipation. “Drain her and complete your Turning.” Eris backs away to stand with the court Lords.
I don’t need to be told twice. I grab the female on both sides of her face. I yank her towards me with my new found strength and lean down to sniff her neck. Just like Eris did to me. Her blood is the best thing I’ve smelt in my whole life. Better than any dessert or meal. Better than my favorite white roses.
Without a second thought I bite down into her supple skin and drink like I’m new to the world. The nameless female I drink from occasionally screams from the pain I’m inflicting on her. In the haze of my feeding I’m sure I tried to tell her to be quiet.
Once I feel her go limp I don’t stop. I can’t stop. Not until she’s dry. Not until I’m satisfied.
I can taste the last of her blood coming up. It reminds me of the last of the liquid left in a teapot. I detach myself from her, letting her body fall to the floor. Blood dribbles down my chin and onto my exposed chest. Looking up I search for Eris.
Eris was staring at me with piercing, wild eyes. The corners of his pale lips upturned in a wicked grin. He was looking at me like he had never seen something so beautiful. The sight of me covered in blood, committing myself even further to him brought him joy.
I started to wipe the female's blood from my chin, smearing it on my hands. Eris was before me in an instant. His pale slender hand wrapped around my wrist bringing my hand to his mouth to lick. To taste what my first drink tasted like.
A low growl came from his chest as his eyes closed. I fell forward, still a little weak from the venom and feeding for the first time. My bloody hands leave marks on his crisp white jacket.
Cheers erupt around us. Our guests ecstatic to have a new vampire in their midst. I smile up at my stunning fiancé. The love of my life. My King. I feel like I’m seeing him in a whole new light. Like he’s brighter, more clear.
My smile shows off my fangs and the blood coating my teeth. “Hi.” I whisper at him. The party was in full swing now. Our guests back to chatting and enjoying the music.
“Hello, my sweet.” Eris thumbs at the sharpness of one of my fangs. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” His voice smooth and deep.
“Shall we join the party?” He shakes his head a little, “Not yet. I want to admire you like this for a bit longer.”
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neverchecking · 1 year
That recent Sage fic u wrote was MUAH BELOVED But now we can't get enough 🧍‍♀️so if it isn't much of a hassle and u still have some room, may I request a oneshot (it can be HCs too if u want) exploring how much of a.. hawk Sage is guarding and protecting Reader? It's like a follow up fic of ur last one
Look. Look. Y'all are straight up feral for this man and I love feeding you guys.
It's no hassle at all darling, and I always have room! I went with HC's bc they're easier when it comes to spitballing like this.
Also, me and @eeveelutionqueen1995 have decided that Wild (Blue Nightshade), Calamity (Silent Princess) and Sage (Sundelion) are now the Flower Garden trio. The council has SPOKEN-
I was gonna wait to post this tomorrow, but y'all can thank @lovanmari because their art of Sage had me BARKING- so have this as a treat from me to you.
Sage, for those new here, is TotK Link! So spoilers below!
The 'last' one can be found here!
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・❥・After resigning himself to your pitiful cause, Sage decides to get you to a stable first and foremost. He has no idea how old your injury is nor how well taken care of it, if at all, so he needed to get a grasp on that.
・❥・He couldn't risk losing his only support in this cruel world due to an infection caused by neglect by things far out of his control.
・❥・So, that was first. The stable hands greeted him with a smile-- shaky and unsure of his normally glowering features much less stiff as you babbled on about this group of yours.
・❥・They knew better than to push him though, simply giving you both a large berth after he snapped his glare at a stable boy that tried to offer you a water canteen.
・❥・He gave you his own while wordlessly daring anyone else to try that. He had no idea where that water came from. Whose to say this stablehand wasn't Yiga? What if it was poisoned?! He couldn't risk it.
・❥・He made sure your injury was wrapped and treated properly, before anything else, listening to you go on and on about something or another. He answered the questions you had ("What kind of flower is that?" "...Sundelion." "That's a huge Bokoblin! Do they all come that size?" "No, just the boss Bokoblins." "Those are thing? Are they tougher than regular Bokoblins?" "...Not anymore.") calmly and succinctly,
・❥・Just as he sat back to try and figure out the best route of action from this point on (His day to day life was so dangerous. He'd have to make some serious adjustments if he wanted to keep you within arms reach. There was no question after this that you were his- even if you didn't know it yet- and he couldn't very well just leave you at this stable. He did have a home on the outskirts of Tarrey town. No one would hear your screams or pleas for escape...) the sound of some sort of warbling caught his attention and yours.
・❥・He immediately jumped to action as he stepped in front of you, pulling out the Master Sword-- that he recently retrieved-- and holding out his shield. The Sage spirits echoed his stance as he allowed them to roam, your excited squeak making his ears twitch. He'd have to show them to you up close after the threat was disengaged.
・❥・In front of him, a portal of some sorts-- a dark purple with three straight edges--wavered in front of him, testing his patience as it remained frustratingly dormant.
・❥・"That's one of the portals I was talking about!" You called from behind him, running up to stand behind him with your hand, soft and free of blemishes, settling on his shoulder.
・❥・That meant either this supposed Dink (What a dumb name for a being of evil) or your damned group was making their grand (re)appearance.
・❥・He wasn't sure which option he loathed the idea of more.
・❥・The first one to pop through the portal was a tall blond adorned in armor and an eyesore of a scarf. Immediately, he could only see all of the weak points this...man showcased. (He had no protection anywhere near his thighs, nor his neck, meaning if he could fake a hit at either one he could quickly redirect a swipe at the other and hopefully nick an artery-)
・❥・He was just about to do just that when you stepped around him. "Wars!"
・❥・Ah. So you knew him. He was part of your disgraced group...Or was he?
・❥・Quickly grabbing your arm, he made sure you stayed close as you glanced back at him. He kept his gaze on the imposter. "Remember what I said about the puppets."
・❥・You thought for a second before frowning, stepping back behind him. He had warned you of Ganon being able to make lifelike puppets. So close to the real thing they almost fooled even him.
・❥・You took his warning in head even as the other turned to look at him. And you. Mostly you if the look of pure admiration written all over his features said anything.
・❥・"Oh, my precious Angel, you're safe!" He cried out, moving to step closer before Sidon's trident clanged noisily against Yunobo's Boulder breaker, creating an 'x' right in front of where he stood, pushing you behind him.
・❥・"Come no closer!" He barked at the startled man. "State your name and business, but come no further."
・❥・The man glowered at him, fingers twitching on the hilt of his weapon. The portal wavered behind him but it was forgotten as Link tightened his grip around the Master Sword.
・❥・"I am here for them. We were separated, but, as you can see, we've been reunited. Your...assistance is no longer needed." The other, Wars, growled out through ground teeth. "I'll take it from here."
・❥・"I'm sure you'd like that." He barked back, lowering his stance as his teeth bared themselves. He wasn't against charging teeth first and using his weapon as an afterthought.
・❥・Wars grimaced at the primal response. Then he seemed to remember himself, sending you a positively pitiful glance. "Angel, you have no idea how long we've been looking for you-"
・❥・"Y/n!" Another voice called, much younger and much closer than Link anticipated. A young boy, looking much like the other male-- same blond hair and blue eyes--ran right up to the Sage spirits. "It's me. Wind! You know me!" He cried, tears welling up in his wide eyes. "Don't tell me you forgot me!"
・❥・You broke free of his grasp before he could readjust it, running forward to cradle the youngest one to your chest. "I would never!"
・❥・Oh, this just wouldn't do at all.
・❥・"Y/n-" He hissed, stepping closer to retrieve you before a weapon was swung towards him. His own met it before it collided with his shoulder, pushing it off of him as he was met with an eerily familiar face. Riddled with scars and with hair too long to be practical, he realized he was met with another contender for your attention.
・❥・The scarred man snarled his own grimace, with his own teeth bared-- canines comparatively sharp to his own. His body language said everything he didn't. Back the fuck up.
・❥・He did not. He grew closer, getting up in the other's face. Not a chance in the fiery depths of hell.
・❥・"Move." Was all Link said, the other refusing to do so, before your hands were pushing against his chest. He followed the direction you pushed him in, as gentle and loving as you were with everything.
・❥・"They are not our enemies, Link." You whispered, eyes wide and pleading. He almost felt as if he had no choice but to listen.
・❥・And then there was a fucking small army behind you and he was on the offensive again. Who were these people, threatening to take you away from him?!
・❥・"Stand down!" A loud voice barked. The authority in it was present as he eyeballed the source. Tall. Blond haired and blue eyed with tattoos or markings of some sorts on his face. One eye was shut with a scar dragging over it with his own armor gleaming in the light. "We mean no harm." The gleam in his eye said otherwise.
・❥・He did not back down, but he did allow you to step in front of him. Even if he quickly wrapped an arm around your hips. That earned him a few glares. Good.
・❥・"He doesn't either!" You quickly reassured. "This is another Link!"
・❥・...I'm sorry, did you say another? Were these all...him? He sincerely hoped not. It seemed the rest of them agreed as another one, seemingly younger than that Wind character if his height was anything to go by, stepped up, pushing against Sidon's Trident, even if it didn't move. "My jewel, you know I would never doubt you, but...are you sure?"
・❥・You hurriedly explained everything to them, even going as far as to raise his hand that clutched the Master sword in front of them. He eyed their cautious expressions before another was stepping forward. He had some sort of white cape wrapped around him and was holding another version of the Master Sword, supposedly, in front of him. She didn't quite gleam like his did, but he supposed that was because his was fresh from a ten thousand year power nap.
・❥・"Then he wouldn't mind putting what you say to the test, would he, songbird?" The sword was offered.
・❥・In an act of pure spite, his own was sheathed as he kept his hand around your waist, reaching forward and wrapping his fingers around the blade. The blade let out a chime before an echo rung in his head.
・❥・'Welcome, Hero of the Zonai.'
・❥・...He was going to kill Hylia.
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oxymorayuri · 3 months
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝟷𝟺
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑝𝑎𝑡𝘩 »
𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑎𝑟 𝐷. 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
𝐿𝑎𝑤 ✘ ♀ 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓: ほろば いさ子
Story: The princess of Tanata
(Long Fic)
➽ Click on this link to see all chapters.
Spoiler: nope
Warnings: nope
slowburn with plot
Wordcount: 4535
Text in italics emphasizes the reader’s thoughts
Bold and italic text emphasizes Law's thoughts *~*
Tagging: @slytherinambitious - @sassyyassi - @norasincubi - @cottoncandyloverrrr - @one-piece-frvr7
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Being so deep in your thoughts, the voices of the two others sound like you're underwater. You haven't followed the conversation for a long time and you don't bother to join in as if it were just a normal day...
You can see a few servants working in the distance. Gardeners tending the plants and others going about their duties. Everyone has a smile on their face, the day is beautiful and life couldn't be easier.
So why do you want to leave?
As if you had some kind of urge. Your stomach feels heavy, as if you've eaten stones, but it's your gut that wants to tell you something. You just don't know what. You've always wondered why it's so important for the holy child to stay on Tanata. Why do we avoid the world?
Your reflection in the teacup shows you your tired eyes. You racked your brains all night but all you got from it was a nasty headache. Barely audible, you exhale deeply out your nose… who can give you the answers to your questions? With your head low, your eyes go carefully to your grandfather.
"Grandpa, can I ask you something?"
The conversation between the two stops abruptly and they both look at you, almost surprised.
"Of course my child, tell me, what's on your mind?" Your grandfather leans back, with a worried look on his face but with a touch of skepticism in his eyes.
"Did mother wanted to leave Tanata with my father back then?" Your voice a little colder than intended. Was she forced to stay too?
"No." The king laughed as he ran a hand through his beard. His gaze was distant, as if he had remembered something.
A little unsure, you try not to lose your composure. The king realizes that you are serious and clears his throat.
"Quite the opposite." His smile fills with pride. "She forced your father to stay!" He falls into laughter again. Your gaze goes over to Delia, who just nods at you with a soft grin. You wait silently for the king's laughter to stop.
"She told him, that she had a duty to fulfill, and not just as queen…" He shook his head with a melancholic smile.
"I was quite upset when she told him, 'she had a prophecy to fulfill'." His eyes find yours. It was the prophecy that the queen would give birth to the holy child. That she would give birth to you.
"But hey, what could I have done back then? After all, she was already the queen and I was retired." He throws his arms slightly in the air as if admitting defeat. He takes a deep breath and you hear the tone in his voice change.
"No matter what we tried to tell her, she ignored it and blindly trusted your father… I was surprised that your father was willing to leave his life behind, but I wasn't thrilled." His gaze drifted away. Yes, you are well aware that Grandpa wasn't exactly happy that his daughter, the queen, wanted to marry a foreigner. And you know that your mother was forced to listen to his lectures, but she ignored them all.
"At that time I asked her if she could live with the punishment for bearing the holy child, tainted with the blood of a stranger…" His eyes filled with sadness as he gazed into the void. "The punishment will come, I told her…" There was regret in his voice.
He blames himself to this day… He believes he gave the gods an idea with his words and brought out the misfortune. But you know, of course, that it was all down to the sick people. The greed in the pirates when they burned down the city and slaughtered our people… It wasn't the gods. They were demons in human form.
"She told me in her determined voice, that she would overcome any obstacle." His gaze turns empty.
Delia reaches for the king's arm.
"My king, you know it's not your fault." Your heart breaks a little. Everyone has lost many things, but the worst thing is, that your grandfather has lost his faith. He lost faith in the gods, in people and cut himself off from everyone.
It was only when you woke up from your coma that a renewed faith awoke in him. But this man, who is probably the wisest man in the world, cannot accept the fact that the gods did not send us these pirates as punishment.
"The gods had nothing to do with it. If the gods hadn't wanted it that way, Heraia wouldn't have given birth." Delia tries to remind him of the obvious facts. The huge man looked at her with a weak gaze. A look that is rarely seen in the king's eyes. Sadness, pain and blame.
You're thankful that Delia interferes in the conversation, because you're so scatterbrained anyway that you can't get a word past your lips. The confusion in your heart pushes you to the edge and if you were to speak, you would have to hear your own weak voice.
But that's not the only reason why you're grateful to Delia. Delia is the greatest proof that the gods were not responsible for the attack. After all, Delia is the Oracle of Tanata and as a child she heard the gods and saw your face. It's clear that the gods wanted it that way. It was just bad luck… a sad fate in your world.
"I'm sure the gods were looking for two very specific souls back then, and they were Heraia and Isaac… You know it, the eyes are the greatest proof!" Your eyes meet.
Long before you were born, Delia was the first to see your eyes and at the time she was very confused, because you didn't have eyes like everyone else. Here on Tanata, everyone has the same eye color, but you are the exception. You had your father's eyes.
"Your mother just did what she wanted. She listened to her heart, as she would say. She was reckless but I wouldn't say she made mistakes." He remembers her only too fondly.
How much he missed her, his daughter. There is silence for a brief moment and your grandfather closes his eyes. He finds it difficult to get the words straight in his head, because he has to admit that he made a mistake.
"I made the mistake." You draw in your breath, your chest fills until it squeezes. Tears are already gathering. Your grandfather never really talked about it, if anyone ever told you something it was mostly Delia. But no one ever talked about how your parents died. You know that they died in the raid, but you don't remember any of it.
"Parents have to be there, to protect their children and when you were in danger, she protected you. But I should have protected her too... but I couldn't." His fists clench so hard that his knuckles turn white. He can barely get it past his lips.
"Grandpa stop. Please…" you plead. The whole time you couldn't make a sound and when you spoke, your voice was almost strange and stiff. As if your voice didn't belong to you, but now? You can no longer watch your grandfather suffer and your voice takes on its familiar warmth. Even with sorrow all over his face, he doesn't shed a tear, he only feels shame.
"I was always proud of your mother. She fulfilled her duty in her own way."
You're all ears; Fulfilled her duty in her own way?
"So you believe that you don't necessarily have to follow that one path to fulfill all expectations?" Excited, you ask. You grip the armrests of your chair to prevent yourself from falling forward.
The king senses what you're getting at and exhales heavily. All the vulnerable feelings that were still visible on his face a short while ago, have turned into a serious expression.
"What are you getting at, y/n?" It's getting dangerous, he doesn't use your name often. You are visibly surprised by the change in tone and wonder what you said wrong. In a low voice, you try to explain yourself.
"You know, Grandpa, I can't shake this feeling that there's more out there. That my place is somewhere else..." Your voice almost trembles, you know that your grandfather won't like these words.
"What if there's something out there waiting for me. A much bigger task. I can't deny the world my powers." You muster up your courage again. You've always wanted to make the world a better place.
You remember exactly how lonely you felt when you woke up from your coma. When you found out that not only your mother but also your father and all his friends had died in battle. You couldn't understand how there were people out there who were so cruel.
You wanted to experience the world as your father had always described it. The wonders of the world, the different islands with their wonderful creatures.
"I don't want to hear about it!" he announced and smashed the table with his fists, which collapsed immediately. The food and your tea crushed on the ground and the maids quickly rushed to you, to clean up the mess.
Meanwhile, you and your grandfather stared into each other's eyes. His breathing quickened and his nostrils flared angrily.
"Your place is here y/n. It's always been that way and it will stay that way. There is no other route for you. Your mother was something else, but you are the holy child and must protect this place!"
You stand up angrily, your hands clenched into fists.
"But everything has changed! My father was a stranger, I can't use Haki… why shouldn't more things be able to change?" You squint your eyes.
"And who will protect the island if you're not here? How are you going to perform the ritual if you think, you have to chase after your foolish dreams?" His words come across as mockery.
He takes a step forward and comes close to you. A few shards of glass crunch unpleasantly under his shoes, but you are not intimidated.
"And what if I find a solution to this? Will you let me go then?!" You also take a step forward, you won't back down even if your chest is shaking in agitation.
You are already very frustrated and it's no surprise that it's now turning into anger. Your emotions get the better of you and your otherwise delicate features turn harsh.
The king looks at you with not a spark of emotion in his eyes. He studies the anger on your face. How your nostrils flare in small rhythmic puffs and your narrowed eyes wrinkle, but in your eyes he recognizes devastation.
He couldn't protect your mother, so he must protect you at all costs and if it meant locking you away, he would. He's not in a position to leave the country himself and he can't protect you from the things out there, even if he went with you. He knows that only too well.
Even if you were to find a way, which he has no doubt you would, he wouldn't let you go. He knows how sick the world out there is, you just don't realize it. He knows, from contacts unknown to you, how the world out there has developed and he wants to protect you from that, no, he needs to.
It hurts him that he has to oppose your wishes so strongly, but it's only for your own good, how can he make that clear to you?
"No." The growl in his voice goes through your whole body. You don't understand why he's so against it. Even if you find a way, he won't listen to you. He won't let you go.
You roar in rage and throw your leaf crown on the ground, between your feet and among the broken pieces of remaining teacups.
You turn your back on him and leave without saying a word. Tears roll down your cheeks. You don't allow him to see your weakness as you run away from the pavilion.
Your chest feels like it's running out of oxygen and as you run through the garden you press your hand to your chest to fight the feeling.
Some servants who saw you tried to stop you, to calm you down. They ran after you but you had no intention of listening to them, you didn't want to show your tears to anyone in this kingdom.
You would only feel bad if they knew that their beloved priestess was unwell. You are there to give people hope and life... you don't want to know how they would react, if they knew, that their holy princess cried because she wanted to leave the kingdom.
Arriving at your favorite spot, you drop to your knees in front of the stone bench, put your arms on the bench and cry with your face on your arms. You are alone here because hardly anyone comes here and even if a few people have seen you, they don't dare come any closer.
A princess should always laugh but all you can do is cry. You cannot, but be unhappy with the life you lead. You can only be yourself in your dreams.
"Hey y/n what's going on?" A woman's voice makes you look up. It's Nami looking down at you worriedly, just a few meters away from you. You quickly wipe the tears from your face and try to look as cheerful as usual.
"Nothing, it's all right." Your smile trembles and your voice tells Nami that nothing is 'all right' at all. She slowly approaches you as if she doesn't want to frighten a deer.
"Don't lie to me…" Her voice is very soft. She sits down on the bench and looks down at you. Your red eyes find hers and you can barely hold your gaze without tears running down your face. It's somehow relieving that you can cry in front of her, but why? Is it because Nami doesn't expect anything from you? Or because she is a stranger? Is it because you don't need to show her your sunny side? Your smile? An elegant wave? Your purity?
The words coming out of your mouth are so hard to understand that Nami has no chance understanding you. She strokes your head and tries to calm you down, but you can't get a comprehensible word out of your lips and in desperation you let your face fall back onto your arms, letting all your feelings out through your eyes.
How are you supposed to explain to someone how unfair you think your life is? Would they laugh at you? After all, you were born as a princess, in luxury and a lot of love on all sides. What if even Nami gets mad at you for your selfish thoughts?
Can you even express your true thoughts to someone when not even your family has your back?
It hurts Nami to see you so upset and she has the feeling that it won't be enough if she just strokes your head and waits for you to calm down.
"Hey y/n, I'll be right back okay? Please stay here until then and don't go away." With your face still hidden from her, you nod your head. You have no intention of leaving. Where are you supposed to go? This is the only place you'd disappear to anyway...
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Your wimpering and bawling attracts the attention of Law, who is flicking through some books in his room. He is a little annoyed that someone is disturbing his peace and as he reaches for the window to close it, he dropped his arm again.
For a moment, he just looks down at you as you let out all your tears. Furious, you bang your little fists on the bench and mutter 'Unfair' under your breath. You repeat yourself over and over again as your voice becomes increasingly blurred in the sounds of sobbing. [A/N: lol like a lil disney princess]
Law turns and lies back down on his bed, one arm behind his head and the book in his other hand. He tries to concentrate on the book but by now your crying has turned into swearing and he can't really overhear your words.
"Stupid old man!" you grit your teeth angrily, your voice a little shaky.
"I'd even come back!" you shout "…I just want to see the world…" you add, slightly whining.
Then it was quiet for a little while... and Law became even more attentive. The silence somewhat rattles him.
His book makes a muffled noise as he closes it in his one hand and throws it to his side. With both arms behind his head, he considers whether he should look out of the window again… and then?
Does he lie down again? It's not as if he knew what he could do, besides, he had heard Nami before and that she would be right back with her. Nami is definitely the better supporter at this moment. His thoughts wander a little and he reviews the last few days.
The people here are all very peaceful, harmonious and a strong community. It's like being in a Fairytale. Even if these people are not exactly up to date in general, they are far ahead of the others in their own way.
The people who helped repair the Polar Tang were constantly amazed like little children. Technologically they are definitely inferior to the world out there but over the days Law watched you for his own interest, which wasn't even that hard or conspicuous.
You're like a public figure here, performing your duties regularly in the community. You help people speed up the harvesting from the fields, heal the kids on the street when they get hurt playing and regulate the weather. He was quite amazed when you put out the huge forest fire outside the city walls. The whole town was in an uproar and many volunteers were on standby to help. The Straw Hats, being the people they are, immediately offered to help and in the end Law found himself in the forest too.
Their job though wasn't to put out the fire, no… their job was to rescue the animals and evacuate everyone to a safe place, so that you can heal them all in the end.
You took over the fire and it was a real spectacle. You had stopped time of this huge forest fire and suddenly the forest was calm again. The crackling and blazing sound of the destructive flames was muted and all the helping hands found themselves in front of a 'frozen' wall of fire.
You stood beside him and the Straw Hats, calm and unconcerned, and with a snap of your fingers you had turned the fire into smoke and fumes, as if you had jumped ahead to where the fire went out. If that's not superior to the world outside, then Law doesn't know what is…
They go about their lives so naturally and openly, do they even know that her power could become a target out there?
He thinks about how nice y'all are… almost naive. Even though they are strangers, pirates even, the people of Tanata have taken them in like old, beloved friends.
How foolish.
Law's thought is not mocking but rather concerned. They are good people and he has learned a lot here, especially about medicine. Herbs grow here that he has never seen in his life, not even in a book. Chopper and he have helped the herbalists a lot and shared their own knowledge in return, for which the people here were actually very grateful.
It is quite refreshing for Law, that despite his identity and pirate life, he is not resented or judged in this Kingdom.
With his mind full of you, the black haired man decided to get up and take a look. Maybe you're already gone anyway and then he could stop thinking about you… but you're still there. Only you're not crying anymore.
You just sit quietly on the bench and look at the pond in front of you. Law tries to take a look at your face but you're sitting with your back to him. He can slightly see the side of your face and how your gaze goes to the pond. Your gaze looks blank, but that's all he can see…
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You never thought your grandfather would be so harsh with you. Just what is that supposed to tell you? You can't shake the feeling that there was more in his eyes than just anger. You're not quite sure, but wasn't it fear?
Maybe you should just enjoy your time with them and when they leave, you'll keep this memory in your heart like an little adventure. But the thought still makes you sad. A dull ache appears in your chest and robs you of your joy.
How can I feel like this? Like I have to say goodbye to myself when they leave?
You sigh a little with a depressed expression as you stare into the reflection in the pond.
You flinch violently. You would have expected Nami, but not Law. Your body remains fixed to the front and you try to avoid eye contact, especially with Law. Somehow it makes you particularly uncomfortable that Law sees you like this.
You don't want to look weak… that would be totally not cool. You can hear his footsteps coming a little closer, but he just stands next to you. You glance at him out of the corner of your eye, but Law's gaze is fixed on the pond.
"Everything's fine with you." He asks you dryly.
It is at this moment, that you realize, that behind you is the Hera's palace and Law's balcony… He must have heard you… You're not really used to someone living here, because this area has been quite neglected for years.
"Yeah, sure, everything's fine and with you?"
"Liar." Came it promptly in a deep voice.
"Maybe so." Your voice harbored a wounded undertone. You hear him sigh and immediately tense every muscle as he takes a seat next to you on the bench.
Now you sit there, both of you with your eyes focused on the water. The situation is a little awkward for you because you don't know what to say. Silence is louder than anything else right now and you find yourself unable to make a sound.
What are you supposed to say either? And what if you can't stop talking? You don't want to have a complete meltdown on Law.
"You shouted earlier, that you would come back… Where do you want to go?" You glance over at Law.
Where do I want to go anyway? It's not like I have anything ready at the starting lines.
"I don't know. I thought I could come with you guys and you would let me out somewhere." You mutter the words a little quickly and fumble nervously with your hands.
"With us?" Law scoffs in surprise. "I don't think that's a good idea princess-ya." Even though he has a grin on his face, he furrows his eyebrows.
"But why?" Your words come out more desperate than you intended. Yayyy another one who wants to get in the way of your dreams.
"We're pirates, you shouldn't forget that. We are criminals." The depth of his eyes engulf you, as if he is looking into your soul.
"I know that." Any risk is fine with you and Law should have seen what you've got in store.
"You're a princess, do you really think you should turn your back to the crown and sail the seas with pirates?" He asks you almost challengingly, as if he wants to test you, as if he's eager to hear your answer.
"Absolutely." You turn your gaze back to the pond and whisper to him so that only the two of you can hear your reply.
"Here, I'm just the holy princess… but out there I can be whoever I want." Your gaze goes back to Law, who looks steady into your gorgeous eyes.
"I can be y/n… my own person." A slight blush settles on your cheeks as you look into each other's eyes. It all seems too poetic and intimate. Thalia may be able to say such things but somehow you find it a little weird.
Law leans down towards you, so close that you can take in his scent. You look up at him with wide eyes, but you don't have enough air to ask him why he's getting so close to you now. Normally you would push anyone else away from your face, but with Law you find yourself unable to move. His eyes move over your face.
"You've been crying." - "Well guessed." You laugh at him. You can well imagine how miserable you must look, after all, you gave it your all when you bawled.
"And now what?" He straightens up again, but his eyes are still on you. Before you can answer him, you hear a shout in the distance.
"Sorry y/n, unfortunately it took a little longer because Sanji couldn't stop cooking." The redhead came running to you.
"Hey Traffy, you're here too." she remarks casually. She's carrying a small picnic basket in her hand and you can already smell all the yummy treats hidden inside.
Your eyes light up as she opens the lid and the snacks sparkle at you.
"Awww Sanji made all of this for us?" A little tear gathers in your eye. Nami shakes her head with a gentle grin.
"No no, he prepared this for you! I thought maybe it would cheer you up a bit." She admits a little shyly. You are totally touched by her attention and jump into her arms.
"Hey Traffy, I'll take it from here, I think y/n needs girl power now." She winks at him as she pushes you in the back to shove you forward. You look down over your shoulder at Law, a little flustered because you were actually quite enjoying his presence but you can't bring yourself to say anything.
He just nods at Nami and without you being able to do anything about it, Nami drags you somewhere else.
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See you next time, kiss kiss ♡
➽ Next chapter
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raspberryfingers · 1 year
A Lion in the Garden -Tywin Lannister x Reader- (Part 25)
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A/N: I just feel the need to tell you guys that the dress I found literally made me gasp out loud when I saw it for the first time. I first saw it over a month ago and I knew instantly it had to be Lady Tyrell's wedding dress. Anyways, ignore my geeking out over how perfect the dress is and enjoy the chapter! (Especially because this one is 8.5k words)
“Are you nervous?”
I turned to Margaery, who was sitting at my table as all sorts of maids rushed around my chambers. The only thing I could equate this level of craze and urgency to was that of a battle.
Except, well, this wasn’t a battle at all. It was my wedding.
“A bit. I know nothing really changes after this, but somehow it does. Plus, the thought of kissing Tywin in front of every damned noble in all seven kingdoms… well, it’s somewhat intimidating,” I noted, looking myself over in the mirror again. My hair was done just as I liked it, and my grandmother had truly had the most beautiful dress in all of Westeros put together for the day. It was covered with flowers, both white, red, and pink. A perfect mix of the Lannister colors and the Tyrell sigil. There was jewelry too, of course, and it felt just as heavy as my sword at the moment.
“If it makes you feel any better, I had to kiss Joffrey. And Renly. And then Tommen, though he wasn’t quite so bad. Just a bit awkward, really,” Margaery recounted, making me laugh as I gazed at her through the mirror. I wondered who the last woman to marry quite so many kings had been. Perhaps my sister had been the first.
“Well, I’m glad one of your marriages is working out well. It’s about time,” I teased, taking a deep breath and walking towards the door with her. It was time for us to set off to the Sept of Baelor. 
“I pray that yours does much better. Come, father and grandmother should be waiting,” she said, linking our arms and walking with me through the halls. The servants who happened to see me as I walked through the Keep were all gawking, and I felt increasingly uncomfortable. 
“They’re only looking because you’re so beautiful,” Margaery whispered, seeing the look on my face as they stared. I looked over at her and smiled a bit. 
“I think the ugliest woman on earth would look beautiful in this dress.”
“Well, it especially flatters you. The Lord Hand is going to think so too,” she giggled, giving my arm a little squeeze. I only laughed, knowing she was probably right. Though, Tywin wouldn’t be so happy when the other men in the crowd stared just as much as he did. 
We finally made it to the carriage, and Margaery helped me inside, careful with my dress and hair. I sat down beside my grandmother, and Margaery followed suit, sitting beside my father. He was becoming slightly emotional at the sight of me in my wedding dress.
“You look lovely, my dear,” my grandmother commented, kissing my cheek. I smiled bashfully, giving a soft ‘thank you.’
“Your grandmother's quite right. My eldest daughter getting married, gods,” father muttered, smiling at Margaery who did the same towards him. I only shook my head, slightly overwhelmed with all the attention. I’d always been somewhat left alone by my family, as they knew I could take care of myself well enough, and now being under everyone’s gaze was making me anxious. 
My grandmother seemed to understand this, for as the carriage started she took my hand in hers and said nothing. 
When we arrived, I took my fathers arm and waited a bit for my grandmother and sister to go in first. Loras and Sansa were already in the sept, along with every other great house, it seemed. 
“Are you alright?” My father asked me after a moment, walking with me up the grand steps. I swallowed, nodding. 
“Being in front of so many people makes me anxious,” I said softly, dress clutched in my free hand so I wouldn’t trip.
“You seem to like being in front of crowds in the fighting pits,” he remarked, chuckling a bit. We had reached the double doors, and I had to force myself to take a deep breath.
“Well, that’s different. People cheer for me in the pits. But here… well, here they’re just staring,” I reasoned, looking over at him.
“You’ll be alright, my dear. You’ll see.”
The large doors were painstakingly pulled open, and I was met with the eyes of over a hundred people. As my father escorted me inside, I found the faces of all the Starks, of the Martells, of my own family, and nearly every other noble in Westeros.
But when I moved on from them, I found the face of the one man who mattered, and I couldn’t resist a smile. 
Tywin looked so handsome, dressed in the most ornate red coat I’d ever seen and standing tall at the altar. His hands were folded in front of him as he held the cloak, and he held my eye contact quite fiercely. 
Carefully, I descended into the sept with my father, and I caught the eyes of many people I was familiar with. Bronn gave me a nod and a smile, as did Robb Stark. The Hound met my gaze, and I saw a glimmer of gratitude in his eyes. The same went for Ellaria Sand, who nodded at me. 
It was rather odd to see so many I knew in one place, but the somewhat overwhelming nature of it was no longer relevant as my father brought me up to the altar. He gave my cheek a quick kiss before finding his spot along the crowd, and then I was faced with Tywin. 
He could not stop looking at me, eyes fond and happy. For once, he even appeared happy to everyone else around us. He wasn’t quite smiling, but his face was soft, and that was quite the thing.
“You look beautiful,” he whispered sweetly, making me smile far more than I should have. I took his arm and leaned in.
“And you look quite handsome.”
We went up the remaining steps until we stood before the septon, and I let go of his arm.
“You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection,” the septon said, to which I swallowed and turned away from Tywin. I heard him opening the large cloth behind me, and carefully, I felt the cloth drape across me. Tywin placed his hands on my shoulders, smoothing it out. I could feel his breath on my neck, and I felt heat rush to my cheeks.
When I turned around, we joined hands again, holding them out for the septon. It was rather lovely having so much experience at Margaery’s various weddings, as I now knew exactly what to do when. 
“We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever,” he continued, wrapping the cloth around our hands. It made me want to shake, as my heart was pounding quite aggressively.
More than anything, I wanted to look at Tywin, to at least express my love through my eyes if not through words. I felt Tywin stand a bit straighter, though, and I knew it was a sense of pride. I did the same, a smile tugging at my lips. 
“Let it be known that Tywin of the House Lannister and (Y/N) of the House Tyrell are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words.”
Tywin and I turned to each other now, the cloth having been removed during the septons monologue. At the same time, we began to recite:
“Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger.”
We then continued together.
“I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days.”
“I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days.”
Tywin could not pull his eyes away from mine, and I’d never felt such a deep love for him. My stomach was fluttering, and the color and intensity of his eyes seemed to make this reaction even more prominent. Tywin inhaled, not even bothering to address the crowd.
“With this kiss, I pledge my love,” he said firmly, loud enough for all to hear. Tywin stepped toward me, one hand coming to my face as he leaned down and pressed his lips to my own. My eyes closed as I laid my hand against his chest, and we held our position for a few more seconds. 
When he pulled away, we both grinned widely, and applause erupted throughout the sept. The serious, cold Tywin Lannister smiling at his wife, what a thought. I had once heard someone call Tywin as tough as Valyrian Steel, and while I had agreed years ago, I had since learned my lesson.
Even Valyrian Steel could be mended by a few select people. 
I found that I could not stop smiling, especially when I considered everything that had led up to this moment. If 14 years ago I’d been told I would eventually marry Tywin Lannister of all men, I would have lost my mind. Even if I’d been told 2 years ago, I would’ve done the same. 
It was hard for me to comprehend everything that Tywin and I had been through together, and how much our relationship had developed since the Battle of Blackwater. We’d bantered, flirted, given each other gifts, kissed, slept together, and even saved each other's lives. 
It seemed to me there was hardly a thing Tywin and I hadn’t been through, and even despite all that, our relationship had prospered. We had truly ‘grown strong.’
Tywin’s hand was linked in mine, and we finally faced the crowd, soaking in all their continued cheers and claps. I assumed Tywin would be courteous and stoic, but after a moment or two, I turned towards him to find him smiling down at me. At that moment, it seemed he had completely abandoned all formality and sense of reputation. He was simply too happy to care. 
As was I, for I reached for him again, tugging at his collar and kissing him once more as I laughed. He reciprocated without a single thought, and I was overjoyed. 
I felt his hands at my waist, and he was holding me like a starving man clutches at his first meal in weeks. I would never forget the brush of his stubble against my face, nor the feeling of his smile against my lips. 
There are certain memories that one cherishes for a lifetime, and as I pulled away and let my forehead rest against my husband’s, I knew this would most assuredly be one of them. 
For he was mine, and I was his.
The feast was just as grand as it ought to have been, and much to my surprise, Tywin did not complain about the costs once. Instead, he was in a rather good mood the entire time, talking with plenty of other nobles when he wasn’t by my side. 
Similarly, I had been making my own rounds. The first group of people I’d spoken to consisted of Jaime and Brienne, who was wearing a lovely blue dress. With the way Jaime was staring at her, I thought perhaps he’d inherited his father’s love language of gift giving. 
“Ser Jaime, Lady Brienne,” I greeted, placing a hand on each of their shoulders.
“Lady (Y/N), congratulations. The ceremony was beautiful,” Brienne complimented with a gentle smile. She was being rather courteous, which I understood due to our lack of any serious time together.
“My father’s jaw must be hurting, I haven’t seen him smile so much… well, ever,” Jaime jested, smiling and drinking more of the wine in his cup. I let out a small laugh, looking across the room to find Tywin laughing with my grandmother. Gods, what had I done to him?
“Don’t be rude, Jaime,” Brienne scolded, smacking his shoulder. His eyebrows raised with shock, as if he had not a clue how what he had said could be considered rude.
“I’m not. I’m telling the truth, gods forbid.”
I smiled even more now, knowing Tywin and I often bickered the same way.
“Lady Brienne, your dress suits you, though I will admit to being surprised to see you in a dress,” I remarked suddenly, knowing perfectly well why she was wearing it. 
“Thank you, my Lady. It- it was a gift,” she stuttered awkwardly, arms behind her back like they usually were. I smiled.
“A gift from who? If you’ll permit me to ask,” I questioned with a feigned innocence. Jaime gave me a playful glare. 
“I gave it to her,” Jaime remarked smugly, grinning at the tall woman beside him. She merely blushed and looked down. 
“You’re just like your father, Jaime,” I laughed, folding my hands in front of me. He tilted his head with a bit of curiosity. 
“How so?”
“Enjoy the feast, you two,” I smiled and left Jaime and Brienne alone, deciding it would be smarter to let them figure it out themselves. What was it with Lannister men and their warrior women?
I was making my way back to our table--more specifically my seat so that I might actually enjoy the dinner--when I noticed Cersei downing her wine in conversation with some lady. Despite all of our differences, I had figured Cersei out rather quickly upon arriving in King's Landing, and I knew the look on her face meant the woman in front of her was making her want to jump from the Red Keep’s windows.
Naturally and without thought, I drifted towards her and linked my arm with hers.
“Cersei! I’ve been wanting to speak with you all night. Excuse us, my lady, it’s rather important family business,” I said falsely, giving the woman a smile that made me look just like Margaery. I pulled Cersei away without hesitation, removing my arm from hers when we were far enough away.
“That woman was incredibly dull, yet she would not stop blabbering,” Cersei muttered bitterly, drinking more of her wine as we stood along the outskirts of the party. It felt like I was able to breathe for a moment, oddly enough. It was strange to consider that somehow, Cersei no longer hated me. At least, I didn’t think so.
Perhaps I’d cried out for the gods so many times in Tywin’s bed that they had actually begun to listen.
“You looked miserable. And I did want to speak with you… to- to thank you for helping me that night,” I said slowly, being precise and intentional with my words. I needed Cersei to know that I truly meant it. She swallowed, though there was no wine in her mouth.
“Y-You’re welcome,” she replied with no detectable malice. There was an odd look in her eyes, something I could only compare to that of an abused dog, wondering if the hand extending out might be different than the ones that had come before. 
“I’m glad he’s marrying you and not some dumb whore, you know. Most men fuck and wed anything with a pair of tits, but you’ve actually got a brain,” Cersei said after a moment of silence, not facing me but instead looking around at the crowd. I knew she meant it. 
“Your father is not most men. It’s precisely why I married him,” I told her softly, glancing at Tywin from across the courtyard. Gods, he looked so handsome today it was overwhelming. There were often times I looked at him and I found myself wondering why there was no crown upon his head, for he looked every bit the king.
“For a very long time I didn’t believe that you could actually love him. I love him, for what girl does not crave the affections of her father? But you? Why should you have any reason to love him, especially after hating him so much for so long?” She questioned rhetorically, playing with the hem of her sleeve. 
“I believed you wanted his power, or his money. Especially when you began to influence his decisions. My father is not a man that’s easy to love, and I suppose that’s why I doubted the two of you so much. But I- I was wrong, (Y/N). And I am… sorry for treating you so bitterly before,” Cersei said, struggling through it as if she had to force each word from her mouth. It was not natural for her to be so genuine, I knew. And it certainly wasn’t natural for her to apologize, which made me appreciate it even more.
“You thought I was inflicting harm upon your family for my own gain. I don’t blame you, Cersei. Tywin was hard to love. Often he still is. I had hated him for so long, yet our conversations always had me captivated and fueled. Despite my best efforts to hate him, I found that nobody has ever understood me so deeply. Nobody has ever managed to challenge me as he does, or to comfort me as he does. Tywin- well, he’s multiple people all at once. The husband is very different from the Hand,” I explained, unable to remove my eyes from him as he continued to talk with my grandmother. I could see in the subtle lines of his face just how happy he was, and it made me smile. 
“This is the happiest he’s been since… well…” Cersei went quiet, and I knew what she was thinking. I gave her a quiet nod of understanding. 
“Excuse me, (Y/N). I need a moment,” Cersei whispered, voice cracking a bit as she left my side. I frowned, knowing the subject of her mother was difficult. 
After a deep breath, I found myself looking for someone else to speak with. As I did, I noticed Sansa speaking with her family rather excitedly. Loras had informed me a few days ago that she was pregnant, and from what I observed, that seemed to make her happy. 
And on top of that, it seemed Tyrion and Rosalin Frey had also had some success. Tywin would be pleased that everything had worked out, although I remembered that the children still had to be the opposite gender. 
Either way, I was certain things would work out. 
I decided that I would join Loras and Margaery at the table, who were chatting happily as Tommen smiled and nodded along with them. 
As I began walking toward them, however, I was stopped by a certain Master of Whispers.
“Lady (Y/N).”
I turned, smiling at Varys as he bowed his head toward me, hands in his sleeves as they always were. 
“Lord Varys, have you enjoyed the wedding?” I asked politely, deciding I would let him say whatever he had approached me about after we exchanged certain pleasantries.
“I have, my lady. No expense was spared, and rightfully so. You and Lord Tywin make quite the handsome couple, especially dressed as you are,” he complimented, eyebrows raised with contentment.
“Thank you. I’ll admit, my grandmother has spent more than any sane person might consider reasonable on my dresses, but this is truly the nicest one I’ve ever owned. It’s rather symbolic too, I should think,” I noted, looking down at the gown before meeting Varys’ eyes again. He smiled politely.
“Certainly, my lady.”
After a moment, I decided to prompt him, as he would’ve considered it rude to discuss whatever subject he had in mind without me asking. 
“What do you wish to discuss, Lord Varys? I know you well enough.” 
He began to frown, letting out a deep sigh.
“I’m afraid it’s about Walder Frey, my lady. He’s rather drunk, and was overheard by quite a few people saying that it’s good his other sons aren’t old enough to marry you, for Lord Tywin had probably already ‘damaged’ you,” Varys whispered, leaning toward me so I would still be able to hear. I felt a distinct anger rising in my stomach, and I dug my nails into my palms. How dare he.
“I see. Does my husband know of this?” I questioned plainly, trying my best to avoid feeling so upset on a day that was supposed to be joyous. 
“No, thank the gods. Your grandmother has kept him quite distracted. However, I’m afraid Baelish was also present when he said it, and I have no doubt in my mind he intends to tell the Lord Hand.”
“And what would you have me do about that?” I asked him, my eyebrows raised with a slight annoyance. I certainly had no desire to put up with Baelish right now, and I shouldn’t have to. 
“Nothing, my lady, simply be aware.”
I looked around and found Baelish speaking with Catelyn Stark, or at least trying to. I prayed that it would keep him occupied for a while, especially because I knew that the moment Tywin received the news, things would certainly not go well for Walder Frey. 
I expected he would go white and quiver again, just as he had when Tywin was 10 years old. In a way, I was almost excited. 
“I’m glad you decided to take my advice, Tywin.”
“About what?”
“About enjoying something before you die. And about that something being my granddaughter.”
Tywin grinned and shook his head, waving your grandmother off. He was currently rather ecstatic, so much so that many of the lords and ladies in attendance were beginning to become uncomfortable. Why on earth was Tywin Lannister smiling?
“Yes, yes. You were right. Is that what you want to hear?” He scoffed, though lightheartedly. Olenna smiled. 
“Not at all. I already knew I was right, I’m simply informing you that it’s nice to see the two of you together now. For months you were going about like bloody fools trying to deny your feelings, it was rather annoying and droll for everyone around you. Plus, you’ve become quite the handsome—not to mention advantageous—couple. Few marriages in Westeros history can boast a love match and political power,” She said, looking up at your husband. He raised an eyebrow before looking away.
“Neither of those things are exclusive to us being married. You’re well aware that (Y/N) has been influencing me for quite some time now. Not to mention, Margaery is already married to Tommen,” Tywin pointed out, taking a sip of his wine as he did. He’d had multiple different kinds shipped in from all over Westeros, and even some from Essos, he figured he might as well enjoy it. 
“Yes, but Tommen is not the real power. You and (Y/N) are advantageous because it keeps the mutual interest of both houses in mind. Margaery has some sway as queen, but only as much as her husband. If Tommen has no power over you… well then…” Olenna trailed off, nodding her head at Tywin as she made her point. He was no fool, understanding her perfectly. He also had no problem discussing it, knowing that Olenna had no bad intentions. She was happy for her granddaughter of course, but it being a love marriage was only a nice addition to a strong match. 
“Plus, it gives me a chance of having even more great grandchildren. Loras and Sansa are expecting, I don’t know if (Y/N)’s told you yet,” Olenna mentioned, looking over at her granddaughter by law. She looked overjoyed to see her family, and your grandmother was happy she’d had the opportunity to. 
“She has not. We’ve been a bit preoccupied these last few days, understandably. I congratulate you, though I’m not entirely sure you should expect any children from us,” Tywin said somewhat apprehensively, setting his wine down before folding his hands behind his back. Slowly, Olenna tilted her head at him. Her lips were parted, and she had a certain degree of shock in her eyes.
“You don’t intend to have children? When we last spoke about the subject it seemed as though you hoped naming (Y/N) head of the Tyrell armies would convince her.”
“We haven’t discussed it. (Y/N)-“
Olenna laughed aloud at that, shaking her head and setting her own cup down. She faced Tywin completely, looking him dead in the eyes.
“You haven’t discussed children? You, Tywin Lannister, a man known for being obsessed with his legacy, haven’t discussed that subject with your wife? I find that very hard to believe,” she chided, tone sharp and rather annoyed. Tywin’s expression did not change at all, and if not for his periodic blinks, he could’ve passed for a statue. 
“No. I have not.”
“Well why in the seven hells not?” Olenna exclaimed, still absolutely astonished at that fact. Tywin inhaled before starting.
“Despite the fact that I think she would be an excellent one, (Y/N) has noted multiple times that she does not see herself as a mother, and I would not be so bold as to presume that those sentiments have changed. The subject did not need discussing,” he explained, though Olenna knew there was more to it than that.
“Again, in case you need reminding, you have always been so obsessed with continuing the Lannister line, yet suddenly my granddaughter mentions she doesn’t wish to be a mother and that becomes more important than the objective you have tirelessly worked towards? There’s more to it than just my granddaughter’s wishes, Tywin. Be frank with me,” Olenna rambled, hardly even blinking or breathing as she did. The Queen of Thorns was particularly sharp tonight. 
“There isn’t more to it than that. Even if there was, it’s not relevant to you,” Tywin replied, snarky as ever. Your grandmother gave him quite the look of disappointment. 
“Consider the topic done then. I don’t care so much that I would begin to upset you on your wedding day. If both you and my granddaughter are content then so am I,” She said after a moment, picking her glass back up and raising it to her lips. 
“We are,” Tywin said casually, all annoyance gone from his voice. The matriarch and the patriarch both began to look around, giving each other a knowing glance.
Time to continue the rounds.
“Have a good evening, Olenna,” he voiced, giving her a nod.
“Thank you, Tywin. I’m certain that you will,” she teased, making an obvious insinuation about the upcoming bedding ceremony. He scoffed, allowing a small chuckle before heading off. 
She certainly wasn’t wrong. 
Tywin found himself approaching his two sons, Tyrion with a cup in hand just as he always was. Though, he wasn’t drunk yet, and that was new. 
“Boys,” Tywin greeted, watching both of them turn their heads with a certain degree of surprise. Was something wrong?
“Father,” Tyrion replied, setting his cup down and wiping his mouth. Jaime merely gave a nod.
“Where is your wife?” He questioned, not seeing Rosalin anywhere.
“Spending time with her beloved father, I believe. He’s supposedly enjoyed the wedding a great deal,” Tyrion said, receiving a deep glare from his older brother.
“What?” Tywin questioned, sensing that something must’ve happened due to the obvious sarcasm.
“Nothing. The ceremony was beautiful, father,” Jaime said rather quickly, giving as genuine a smile as he possibly could in an effort to distract Tywin.
“Yes, it was, and so was your lovely bride. Her dress was rather fitting for a Tyrell marrying a Lannister,” Tyrion added, feeling odd in knowing that everything that had come out of his mouth was 100% serious. Not making sarcastic and crude comments in conversation with his father actually made him somewhat uncomfortable, he discovered. 
“She does look beautiful, just as always,” Tywin commented, looking around and finding you in your stunning gown within an instant. You were speaking with Loras and Margaery, and he knew you were telling a story simply because of how animated you were.
His sons observed the fondness in his eyes, and though it was slightly awkward, it also brought them a great deal of joy to see their father so content and relaxed for once. 
Jaime opened his mouth to say something, but then caught Tommen’s gaze. The king motioned for his Uncle to come over, and he did so without a second thought.
Tywin scoffed as he left, shaking his head. He would never forgive Aerys for naming his heir to the kingsguard. Though, as he looked at Tyrion, he had a strange feeling that perhaps giving him Casterly Rock might not be so horrible after all. 
He had done his duties by marrying and producing a child, not to mention, he certainly had a far better political mind than Jaime. It was as Genna had once told Tywin: Tyrion was the most like him. 
And unlike then, that thought did not upset him so much. It seemed his youngest child was finally becoming less of a drunkard and accepting more responsibility. 
Now, that wasn’t to say it was anywhere near enough for Tywin, but it was at the very least improving. 
“You really love her, don’t you, father?” Tyrion questioned after a moment, Tywin’s eyes still unable to break away from you. 
“Yes, I do.”
Tyrion paused, not entirely sure what to say in response. He swallowed before continuing. 
“I’m happy for you, truly. You’re at ease with her, I can tell.”
“She reasons with me. She balances me. It’s been decades since anybody has done that, and I’ve missed it. (Y/N) reminded me how to live,” he noted, finally looking down at his son. 
“Do you- do you still miss Mother?” He questioned carefully, not wanting to upset the Old Lion. Tywin instantly nodded, not even taking a second to contemplate.
“Your mother shares a lot of similarities with (Y/N), but also many differences. One of them being that she was a mother. Watching her with Jaime and Cersei had filled me with so much joy at the time. We were traditional. (Y/N) is anything but,” he explained, looking away in his moment of vulnerability. Tyrion hung onto each word, having never had such a discussion with his father before. 
“I was surprised to hear that you were going to marry, I wouldn’t have taken her for a woman that might’ve piqued your interest. For a long time I assumed the two of you were merely sleeping together, and though I might’ve questioned her a bit I certainly didn’t question you. I never thought it was… well, love,” Tyrion admitted, unable to resist the chance to make his father glare. No matter how ‘lord-like’ Tyrion became, the snide comments would never disappear. He thanked the gods for that, even if his father did not. 
“I would never have bedded her if I didn’t intend to marry her at some point, it would’ve been bad form. It was never about mere physical attraction, she’s always been beautiful, but if you can recall, we hated one another for quite some time. She was sharp and witty enough to capture my attention, and simultaneously challenging and difficult enough to keep it. I began to respect her, and over time our political discussions became personal. From there we became civil, then friends, and eventually we ended up here,” Tywin explained, a certain emphasis on friends as if somehow that was more embarrassing than bedding a woman. To him, it was. For a man to crave romantic companionship was one thing, but simply wanting enjoyable company seemed mundane and unnecessary. Even so, he had wanted your company, just as you had wanted his. 
“I see. Well, no matter how your feelings came about, I’m happy for you all the same. You’re much luckier than most men,” Tyrion said with a sigh, physically forcing himself to avoid drinking more. Tywin was about to say something, but was interrupted by the distinct chirps of a mockingbird. Instantly, both Tywin and Tyrion turned, finding Petyr Baelish standing before them.
“Lord Tywin, Lord Tyrion. Forgive me for interrupting, but I’m afraid there’s something you must know, my Lord,” Baelish said, looking at Tywin rather intently.
“It’s about Walder Frey, my lord.”
Tywin felt his blood run hot instantly, even despite the fact that he had no clue what had happened. Tyrion had made a comment about it, and now Baelish was coming to him. Walder Frey had obviously crossed some sort of boundary, and Tywin had no doubt people had discovered that rather quickly.
“What happened?”
Tywin’s voice was like pure ice, despite the fire in his eyes. Baelish might’ve faltered if not for the fact that this sort of drama was the kind he thrived off of. 
“I regret to inform you that he’s been heard making some rather unfortunate comments about your bride. He noted, both rather drunkenly and loudly, that it’s fortunate she did not marry his son and he has no sons old enough to marry her, for she has- she has probably already been damaged by you,” Littlefinger explained, feigning his sadness as he did. Truthfully, there were very few lords and ladies in Kings Landing who did not at the very least believe that you and Tywin were sleeping together. Most of them, of course, knew for a fact that you were. 
Nonetheless, to voice it aloud was to question your honor and ‘purity’, neither of which Tywin cared for, but felt obligated to defend anyways. Nobody, especially not Walder Frey of all people, would insult his wife.
More than anything—for he knew the statements would not bother you—confronting Walder Frey was an act of embarrassment. He would be put in his place, and that was what mattered. 
Tywin clenched his fists together, eyebrows furrowed with a passionate rage as he took quick, commanding steps toward the table he knew Walder Frey would be sitting at. 
To see Tywin Lannister storming by meant that something was about to happen, and all the nobles began to quiet down as they realized that fact. And as he reached the head of House Frey, it was so silent one could’ve heard a pin drop. 
“You would do well to refrain from speaking about my wife in such a manner, and to remember that your invitation was a courtesy, you don’t have any given right to be here,” Tywin scowled, voice low and threatening as he planted his hands on the table before Walder Frey and leaned over him. Though the old man tried not to, he had already begun to exhibit signs of fear. 
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re referring to, my lord,” Lord Walder replied, taking as relaxed a sip of wine as he could. Only Tywin could see the slight trembling in his hand, though he did not care to look for very long as he violently grabbed the chalice from his hand and slammed it onto the table, some of it spilling in the meantime. 
“Allow me to remind you. You expressed, rather loudly, joy at the fact that your own family members had not had the opportunity to marry my wife as it was originally intended, and while doing so, insinuated disgusting things and insulted Lady Tyrell’s honor,” Tywin said, anger rising as his jaw set in and his volume continually rose. Everyone was watching, and realizing why it had gotten so quiet, you were trying your best to push through the crowd of people watching and stop Tywin before he said something that might cause a conflict. 
“Let me make it abundantly clear that your statement is a gross falsehood, and that Lady Tyrell has in no way been damaged. Even if she had been, no foul, sluggish, and stupid son of yours deserves such a wife. And, understand that if you should ever feel brave enough to insinuate anything about my wife ever again, I’d be more than happy to-“
I finally reached him, placing my hands on his back and interrupting him before he could land the final blow of his insults. 
Though I was certain everyone present had been astounded to see Tywin’s unleashed ferocity as he had absolutely degraded Walder Frey, I knew that if he’d managed to finish his threat, it would make relations between House Frey and House Lannister irreparable until both of their patriarchs were buried. 
“Tywin please, leave him be,” I whispered, not loud enough to allow anybody else to hear. I pulled his shoulders back gently, and he relented rather easily, standing tall and glaring at Walder Frey for a moment more before fixing his eyes on me. 
“I will not allow anyone to insult you, especially not him,” he muttered through a clenched jaw, ignoring the whispers that had begun to sprout among the crowd. I heard someone say ‘he’s gone white’ and I realized they were correct when I saw the look of terror on Lord Walder’s face. 
“I know, Tywin, I understand. But he’s not worth it, and you’ve made your point rest assured. Dinner is about to be served, let’s just sit down and enjoy it, hm?” I suggested softly, still not letting anybody else hear what I was telling him. I had my hands placed affectionately on his shoulder and chest, and as he glared at Walder Frey one last time, his hands cupped over mine. 
Tywin finally nodded, letting me take his arm as we made our way over to the main table and sat down, not minding the shocked looks on people’s faces. Walder Frey had been sufficiently embarrassed, that much was clear. 
Realizing it was time for the feast though, people began to spread out and sit down in excited anticipation, and chatter continued on. I looked over at Tywin once there was enough distraction and allowed myself to smile. 
“You didn’t have to lie, you know.”
“About what?”
“About me being ‘undamaged’.”
“Well, it’s the truth. Every time I bed you I’m always the one who ends up tired and aching.”
I laughed rather loudly, smacking his arm and covering my mouth. Several people had looked over at the sound, and wore an awkward look on their faces when they saw me trying to contain my laughter and Tywin smiling rather brightly. 
“You shouldn’t say things like that!” I scolded playfully, leaning toward him and shaking my head. He smirked at me, drinking from his cup.
“Well I did.”
The food was brought out and placed before us, and Tywin and I continued to chat lightheartedly as we ate. 
“I saw you were having quite the conversation with my grandmother, what was that about?” I questioned, taking a bite and looking over at him. 
“Multiple things. Though I was laughing when she told me stories of your childhood,” he revealed, making me sigh and flush with embarrassment. I wasn’t even entirely sure I wanted to know.
“She told me of the time you poured essence of nightshade in the maester’s cup to avoid your lessons so you could go riding with Ser Elias, just to get bucked from your horse and need the maester’s assistance,” he said, watching me groan with a cheeky smile on his face. I knew he must’ve been reveling in the fact I’d always been a mischievous child. Not to say that I didn’t devote myself to my studies, as I had usually enjoyed them, but what child does not wish to spend a day or two doing otherwise? 
“And what else did she say?”
“That for about a year or so before you began training with real men, you would paint my face on your dummies.”
I turned to him, unable to hide my shock at the fact that my grandmother had told him such a thing. It was truthful, I had done it, but in all honesty I’d never even known she was aware. Tywin seemed rather amused by this, however.
“Yes, I did do that. It’s been so long since I’ve fought anything but real men I nearly forgot. It was quite satisfying to see your hideous face when I stabbed you,” I teased, watching him raise a challenging eyebrow.
“My hideous face?” 
“You’re rather handsome, Tywin, but that caricature was most definitely not. I never spent much time devoting myself to art and needlework, as you can imagine,” I explained, laughing as he realized what I’d meant. 
“I would’ve liked to see the look on your face if you’d known that in 14 years you’d be marrying me,” he said, chuckling and reaching for my hand under the table. I took it, giving it a squeeze and leaning over to kiss his cheek. 
“I would’ve killed myself. Thankfully, it seems everything worked out for us.”
“Yes, it certainly has.”
After dinner was finished, the pie was served for dessert and my father gave his speech. I found myself wondering if he was glad to be giving one for a child that wasn’t Margaery. After that of course, the music picked up again in a way that suggested Tywin and I ought to dance. 
Tywin stood from his chair, reaching a hand out to me with the gentlest of looks on his face.
“Will you dance with me, wife?” 
I smiled, instantly taking his hand and rising from my own seat. People had begun to quiet down in preparation, and I reflected that Tywin and I had come quite far since the last time we’d danced together. 
We made our way onto the floor, positioning our hands appropriately and beginning to move to the music. Just as they had been at Joffrey’s wedding, everyone was utterly captivated. 
“Do you think people will ever stop staring?” I asked quietly, not feeling compelled to bother looking at them. There was no reason to feel awkward now, we were married. 
“No, I don’t imagine they will.”
I smiled, moving closer to him as we began to float across the floor. There was something almost magical about dancing with Tywin, something that I’d never quite get used to. He was so confident, and so stoic that it made us look quite graceful.
As we danced, I found myself getting lost in his eyes. They’d always been the prettiest color, nearly teal, and I often found myself trying to decide whether or not they were really blue, for sometimes they looked green or even grey depending on the light.  
“What are you thinking about?” Tywin whispered, noticing the contemplative look on my face. 
“Merely how pretty your eyes are,” I replied softly, beginning to feel emotional for some strange reason. I was not an overly sentimental person, but being held in Tywin’s arms this way and knowing that he was my husband was certainly having quite the effect. 
“Yours are far prettier,” he complimented, kissing my forehead despite everyone’s prying eyes. As I felt his stubble brush against my face, I felt my throat begin to close up as my love for him became overwhelming. 
A few, subtle tears began to slip from my eyes, and Tywin noticed instantly. He did not have to ask me what was wrong, for he already knew that nothing was. Rather, he understood that I was crying because everything was right. 
Sweetly, he lifted his hand to my face and wiped his thumb across my wet cheeks. My lip had begun to quiver, and so he leaned down to whisper in my ear.
“Don’t cry, my dear. All is well.”
I took a deep breath, nodding and attempting to pull myself together. To show emotion at a wedding was not uncommon, but to show too much would be questionable. Or at the very least odd. 
“I love you so much, Tywin,” I whispered before being twirled, coming back to him quite eagerly. 
“I love you more than anything on earth, (Y/N). To finally, officially, make you my wife is the most joyous thing that has happened to me since the twins were born,” he said, holding my eye contact and still managing to recite the steps perfectly. Not that this was any difficult task for me, but plenty of the partners I’d danced with before seemed to be incapable of focusing whilst having a conversation.
“This is the happiest anything has ever made me,” I expressed, giving his hand a squeeze. He only smiled, twirling me once more before the song ended. 
People clapped quite passionately, and I couldn’t help the grin on my face when they did. The thought of the entire day being dedicated to our marriage was somehow wonderful, and I doubted there was anything that could stop making me smile.
“Time for the bedding ceremony!”
The yell had come somewhere from the crowd, but upon hearing it, I could see if everyone’s eyes a single motive: to rush towards Tywin and I. 
And among the men, I could see the hunger in their eyes, the excitement, and it made my stomach drop. Something that I had thought would be no problem at all suddenly made me want to cry and flee, absolute panic beginning to take over. 
Tywin, in the split second that people were beginning to rise from their seats, looked over at me and seemingly understood the look in my eyes. He understood that I was no longer relaxed, and that I was genuinely afraid now. 
“All of you sit down. There will be no bedding ceremony!” He shouted rather loudly, stepping in front of me and taking a protective stance. Tywin was glaring daggers at all the men in the room, challenging them to keep moving closer. 
“If any of you dare to lay a hand on my wife it’ll be the last thing you do. Now move aside, we intend to retire for the night,” he announced, offering me his arm and watching everyone clear a path with a sort of nervous fear. 
Tywin glanced down at me to make sure I was alright, and when I gave him a reassuring nod we began to walk, heading for the tower of the hand. Being free of the crowd was lovely, and as we made our way through the red keep it was oddly quiet. Despite the slight clanking behind us, which was of course coming from the Lannister guards escorting us. 
“Thank you, Tywin. I thought I would be fine with it, but-“
“No need to thank me, my dear. I saw the look on your face when they tried to advance, and the last thing I ever want is for you to feel unsafe. Over a year ago I promised to always protect you, and I meant it,” he assured me, our voices low as to exclude the men following a good three feet behind. 
When we reached the tower of the hand, Tywin ordered the guards to stop following us before picking me up and carrying me up the stairs. I was astounded, of course, telling him he ought to put me down. He merely shook his head, and I soon realized that it truly was of no difficulty for him. 
When we reached his chambers, he finally set me down, taking a deep breath and then offering me his arm once more. He was being quite the gentleman tonight, and it reminded me just how happy I was to be marrying him. 
His personal guards had let us in, closing and locking the doors behind us. It was nice to be in his chambers, which I’d spent so much time in I preferred them to my own. 
Leisurely, we made our way through the courtyard and reached his bedroom, stopping just before the door. I furrowed my eyebrows with confusion when Tywin did not open it, and looked up at him to figure out what was wrong.
He gazed down at me affectionately, licking his lips in preparation before speaking. He reached for both of my hands now, taking them in his.
“(Y/N), the moment we step in there my head is going to cloud with lust, so before we do, I’d like to say something,” he noted, looking down at the floor for a moment before finding my eyes again. He wore a look of utmost honesty, and I nodded to let him know I was ready. 
“I am so grateful to be your husband. I am so grateful to be the man you decided to give your love to, especially because for so long you felt quite contrary. There is no other woman in all seven kingdoms who could have managed to captivate me the way that you did. The way you do. You’re smarter than anyone I’ve ever met, not to mention witty and charming. You’ve helped me to see clearly for the first time in decades, and I am quite grateful for that too. What I am trying to say, (Y/N), is that saving your life at the Battle of Blackwater was the best choice I have ever made,” he said, not smiling but instead trembling as he said it. Tywin pressed my hands to his chest, and ever so faintly I could feel the pounding of his heart. Tears had begun to fill my eyes, but seeing that he intended to continue I remained silent.
“I remember quite vividly seeing you fighting that man on the beach. I remember watching him grab you, and for a brief moment I had turned away because I hadn’t fully processed that it was you. When I realized, I looked back and heard you scream. For a- for a moment, I wondered if perhaps I ought to let you die. But for some inexplicable reason, I felt an urge inside me telling me to go help you. The truth was, I hadn’t even considered the implications of you dying, and even once I had I realized if I’d truly not cared it wouldn’t have mattered whether or not you’d lived, Margaery would still have married Joffrey. In any case, I went to help you, and though I could have just let it rest when you’d passed out, I didn’t. Perhaps the gods had given me a chance, a fleeting urge that would push me towards salvation. And in retrospect, I understand that whatever made me feel the need to rescue you might’ve led to the best decision I’ve ever made.”
Tywin had been rambling, face full of expressions as he recounted the night that had likely bound us together forever. It was interesting to learn what had gone through his head at the time. He’d never told me any of this before. I had never known that he had considered not doing it and helped me anyways. I had never known that it was an urge, not a political decision. 
Though he would not say it, I knew what he was insinuating. Whatever had made him come back for me was fate. It was our destiny. 
“I love you, Tywin,” I whispered, cupping his face. He stared at me in contemplative silence for a moment, and then kissed me. 
“I love you so much, my dear.”
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roselensedeyes · 21 days
The Prophecy - Chapter Two
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Hello everyone!
Here's chapter two of my elriel x spyxfamily fic!
You can find it on AO3. Here's the link to chapter one and the fic masterpost.
I hope you enjoy!! Let me know what you think ;)
It was scorching hot. Beads of sweat were crowning her forehead. Small strands of her curled.
Elain lowered her hat, trying to block the sun’s unrelenting attack on her eyes. She angled her body toward Azriel. “Do you need any help?”
“No,” he gritted out. Elain simply raised an eyebrow and kept walking.
Letting out a low breath—he didn’t want Elain to hear him struggling—Azriel followed her, the weight of what felt like hundreds of luggages and suitcases. He was convinced that if he checked inside one of them, he’d find Elain’s entire house in it. That’s how heavy these bags were.
He almost cried with relief when they reached the docks. The ship that would take them to the Continent was already here. People were already gathered, waving their fans as they waited for the gangway to be lowered.
Leaving their bags in the loading bay, Elain and Azriel joined the group of eagerly awaiting people. Elain looked at them. She wondered if they were embarking for a vacation, or if they were journeying to visit a family member, like a newly-married daughter who settled in her husband’s home. She wondered if among them were people looking to start a new life in the Continent.
Her gaze landed on a couple a few feet away from them. The female—for they were Fae, if the pointed ears were of any indication—was hugging a small, light blue bundle against her ample chest. A few strands of pale hair stuck out. The male, tall and imposing, had his arm curled against the fair female Fae. Just then, he pressed a kiss to the top of the bundle, earning a happy wiggle from the baby. The light-haired female smiled softly, bliss painted on her features.
A pang of melancholy hit Elain straight into her chest. This could have been her, if only—
“Come, it’s time to board,” Azriel’s deep voice startled her. She blinked, surprised to see the family she had been studying just a few minutes before was gone. Adjusting her straw hat, Elain began making the walk up the gangway.
A rough, scarred hand landed on hers. “Here,” Azriel murmured. Elain looked down at their joined hands. There, on her ring finger, was a round diamond ring. It was big, but not so that it’d look out of place on her lithe finger. 
The brown-eyed female peered up at the Illyrian male. “What,” she asked, though it came out more like a breath than a question.
Azriel cleared his throat. “We’ll pick up our wedding rings once we’ve docked. I didn’t like the ones at the Jewelry shop in Velaris.” He withdrew his hand from hers.
She could have sworn a faint blush appeared on his cheeks. She dismissed the notion pretty quickly. It was an unrelenting hot day, afterall, and they had stayed under the sun for several minutes. Not to add, he had been carrying both their bags by himself.
With a nod, they boarded the ship.
Elain took a deep, calming breath. She closed her eyes, seeing her house garden behind her lowered lids. How colorful and beautiful her flowers would look, now that they were given leave to blossom. How tenacious they’d been, surviving the winter’s harsh and implacable weather. They’d seen their two paths of life when they were but seedlings, and had stubbornly latched on the one that would most bring them joy. How sweet, how fresh their fragrance would be. How calming it would be, to be among them. 
These thoughts brought her great comfort and confidence, although a little sadness permeated through—she wouldn’t be able to see them anytime soon, perhaps not until next year. She only hoped her sisters would remember to water them daily.
A profound sense of calmness she might feel. The male at her side certainly didn’t.
Azriel looked on the verge of exploding with several profanities at the sight before him. Elain sighed. She couldn’t blame him. Just a few minutes earlier, she had shared his thoughts. Rhysand and Feyre had played a massive trick on them. 
“It looks big enough for the both of us to not touch,” she attempted to soothe him.
His eyes darted toward her sharply. “It does not.”
She didn’t let his refusal deject her. “I’m sure we can fit without even noticing the other. I shall sleep on my side and feel like I’m by myself!”
When Azriel simply glared at her, his hazel eyes burning bright, she sighed and said, “I can go check if they have another room available.”
He nodded, his gaze once again fixed on the single, queen-sized bed placed under the porthole. 
When Elain came back, Azriel needed only to throw a quick glance in her direction to know she wasn’t bearing the good news he was eagerly awaiting.
“All the rooms are taken,” she announced, and sealed their fate.
They were to share this room, this bed, until they reached the port.
Elain left Azriel in their room and went to explore the ship. Azriel’s reaction had left her puzzled. Sharing a bed with him was not ideal, she had to admit, but his seemed to her an over exaggeration. Was there another explanation to be found behind his behavior? Did he find their arrangement too constrictive? His unhappiness with their situation was certainly enough of a motive, but he had agreed to it. They both had their reasons for entering this facade.
Elain cried out as she tripped over something on the ground. She lurched forward, her arms flailing to keep her balance. Her palms laid flat against the nearest wall.
Bringing a hand close to her chest, Elain looked down, trying to find the source of her almost falling. She could feel her rapid heartbeat beneath her fingers. She was in a long and narrow corridor, no person in sight. Only a rolling tray stood near her. She narrowed her eyes. She could make something out from under the white fabric. She froze as an unwarranted thought flashed in her mind. What if the Mortal Queen knew she was coming? What if the older woman, too, had a seer with her, tracking down Elain? What if she had sent someone after her, to stop her from reaching Rask?
Steeling her nerves and recalling all the self-defense lessons she’d had with Feyre and Nesta, Elain reached down and lifted the cloth.
A wide-eyed, pale-with-fear child was sitting on the lower tray, her arms hugging her legs tightly to her upper body. 
Elain’s light-brown brow furrowed. The Mortal Queen wouldn’t have sent a child after her, would she? She kept studying the child. Her blue eyes, still wide as saucers, were fixed on her, though they didn’t appear threatening. Her brown hair was done in two sloppy ponytails, like the person who made them took no effort. Two small, pointed ears stuck out from her hair, fluttering—she was Fae. Her skin, pale as—
The child was turning blue. “What are you doing? Breathe!” Elain urged her.
It was like she had been waiting for her permission. She let go of the breath she knowingly was holding, followed by several quick breaths to allow her oxygen flux to regulate.
“What are you doing there? Where are your parents?” Elain asked once the girl assumed her natural color.
“My parents are dead,” the child, who couldn’t have been older than five, replied with such pragmatic coolness to make the hair on Elain’s arms rise. With a furtive glance around herself, the little girl whispered, “I’m hiding.”
Elain nodded. “Why are you hiding?”
“I don’t want the bad people to find me.”
She stilled. What if this little girl was not sent to hunt down Elain, but noticed people who were? She moved almost imperceptibly, until her back was flushed to the wall. 
“They want me to put me in my room, but I don’t like it. It’s too big,” the child went on. The words were almost enough to relax her nerves, but she didn’t let her guard down. She wasn’t a novice to this job.
“Are you not staying with your…guardians?”
The small girl shook her head. “I’m here by myself.”
Elain cocked her head to the side. “Where are you going?”
“To an orphanage.” 
Her heart cracked at her words, spoken in a tiny voice yet with no small resoluteness. Right then, her stomach grumbled. She checked the hour on her pocket watch. It had been a gift from her late father. “I’m hungry. Do you want to come with me to the dining area? I can protect you from the bad people.”
The child scanned her from head to toe. Never would she have thought that being a child’s object of attention would be unnerving. She attempted a smile.
The girl threw herself at her. Elain barely had time to catch her.
The girl—whose name she found out was Tesni—was scarfing down her food like a starved man. It troubled her, to a certain degree. When was the last time she’d eaten? Why had no one bothered to make sure the poor child was being properly taken care of? Her parents were gone, but someone had arranged for passage to the Continent. 
The thought gave her pause. There were several orphanages in Prythian, thanks to the war a few years before. Why would they send her so far away, when other options were nearer?
Elain’s eyes widened. “This was your second serving.”
This time, the girl waited to swallow before arguing, “But I’m hungry!”
Elain shook her head. “No. You’ll get sick if you eat any more food. Then, you won’t want to eat for days.”
Tesni’s eyes widened with horror. 
A heavy weight plopped down next to her. “Hello, Azriel. Feeling any better?”
Silence followed her question. Then, Azriel froze. “Who is that?” He pointed to Tesni with his chin.
“That,” Elain answered, “is Tesni, my new friend. She’s traveling alone, so I’m keeping her company.”
“She’s three,” Azriel deadpanned.
“I’m not,” Tesni replied indignantly. “I’m five.” She attempted a glare. “Who are you, anyway?”
“I’m Azriel—”
“He’s my husband,” Elain interrupted him.
His head swiveled toward her. Elain stared into his eyes pointedly. This is a perfect opportunity to practice. Children can snuff out lies better than adults, at times. If we can convince her, we’ll have no trouble convincing everyone else, she seemed to say with her eyes.
The Illyrian male nodded slightly. He curled an arm around her shoulders. “Yes, this is my lovely wife.”
Elain grimaced. Tesni narrowed her blue eyes. “You don’t have a ring on,” she pointed out. 
“We just got married,” the Fae female cut in. “We’re moving to Rask, and we decided to honor our new beginning by acquiring our wedding rings in our new home.”
Azriel held his breath. If they couldn’t even convince a baby, his mission was over before it even started. He couldn’t allow that. Prythian depended on it, on him.
Tesni nodded. The table shook from the weight of Azriel’s relieved sigh.
Not a muscle in Azriel’s body moved.
He wasn’t even sure he was breathing. Sleep would not be within reach tonight.
The room’s ceiling was plain, simple wooden frames nailed together. He couldn’t see them now, but the two portholes were the only items in this room made of iron. The room was cast in moonlight, allowing several dark shadows.
Elain Archeron was lying next to him, in a deep slumber. Every now and then, she let out soft puffs of air. Azriel wondered what she looked like. Would her golden-brown hair hug her profile? Would they curl softly at her nape? Would her eyelashes lightly stroke her cheekbones?
These were dangerous thoughts. Ones he couldn’t allow himself to think about further. She was not his real wife. She’d never be. This was just a mission. He’d do good to remember that.
Gathering all his strength, Azriel slowly turned on his side. And found Elain staring at him.
He yelped, scrambling backward. His limbs tangled in the bedsheets, and he fell off the bed.
“Azriel!” She cried out.
“Are you trying to kill me?” He bit out harshly.
Elain blinked. Bit her lip. Then, a soft giggle escaped her. “I’m sorry,” she said between giggles. “The way you fell—Your squeal—It was comical.”
Azriel glared at her. “I do not squeal,” he said firmly.
She nodded, not believing him.
He opened his mouth to reiterate, when someone knocked on the door. They both froze, any trace of amusement vanished in the blink of an eye. Assessing iciness fell on the room. Azriel walked to the door on silent feet. The only sound came from the crashing waves against the ship. Neither one of them dared to draw breath.
He looked through the peephole and saw—nothing. No one was there. His brows furrowed, his hazel eyes narrowed. Just then, there was another knock. And then a young voice called, “Are you alright, Miss Elain and Mr. Azriel?”
It was Tesni, the child Elain had befriended earlier today. After supper, they’d brought her back to her room, and found out it was directly in front of theirs. He looked down and, sure enough, the little girl was there.
Azriel opened the door slightly. “Hello, Tesni.”
“Hello Mr. Azriel,” she greeted back, a little sleepily. She rubbed her eyes. “I heard screaming.”
“Ah—I—I had a bad dream,” he informed her.
Tesni nodded. “I get them, too. That’s why you need to have your best friend with you, always. He’ll always protect you.” She thrust forward her teddy bear and waved it in the air.
“You’re right. As soon as I can, I’ll get one.”
The little girl looked between him and her teddy bear. After a while, she said, “You can have him for tonight. But tomorrow you must give him back to me.”
Azriel’s eyes widened. “You’re so kind, but I can’t accept it.” When her face fell, he quickly added, “I have Elain with me. If I have another nightmare, she’ll help me through it. But if you have a nightmare, who will be there with you?”
Tesni thought long and hard about his words. “You’re right.” She yawned, and rubbed her eyes again.
“Go to sleep now, child,” Elain said from the bed. “If you need us, just knock again, alright?”
The child nodded and left. Azriel didn’t close the door until Tesni closed hers.
Elain was wearing a soft and almost melancholic smile when he turned to face her again. Questions burst in his head, but he shoved them away.
He laid back in the bed, and prepared for a sleepless night.
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luimagines · 1 year
Four Get No Mercy (600 Follower Raffle)
Our second prize winner of the 600 follower raffle was @justlovearts!
Which won’t let me tag for some reason but alright! They asked for Four where he gets teased and outs himself to crushing on reader.
Content under the cut!
You weren’t expecting much of the day.
It was quiet and peaceful. A typical day in Castle Town if you were being honest with yourself.
With nothing else to do, you decided to tend to your mother’s garden. She had to go run some deliveries for the people and hadn’t the time to deweed. So, you decided to take care of it for her. She was a hard worker and didn’t need to worry over something as simple as plants.
There wasn’t much for you to do otherwise anyway.
Until you heard some commotion at the front of your house. You had to wipe the sweat and dirt from yourself immediately. You ran to the front door and opened it in a flurry.
Your best friend was back! 
“Link!” You cried and wrapped your arms around him without any hesitation or second thought. “Oh, I missed you so much! Are you ok? Are you missing anything? Do you need help?”
He coughs and shakes his head. His cheeks are a bit pink again, but that’s been a more and more common occurrence when he’s around you. Link scratches the back of his neck and gestures behind him. “I came by with a few of my friends. I hope that’s ok.”
You pause. Your parents would be a bit miffed at strangers in the house, but this if Link. And you trust his judgment. It’s not like he would bring people to your house randomly anyway. 
You look them over. They’re taller than him, for sure. Each just as armed to the teeth and waiting for your reaction. You don’t want to give anything away so you swallow your nerves and step aside, letting the door swing open behind you. “Come on in! You know you’re always welcome here, Link.”
Link smiles and steps in, taking off his shoes as he’s used to doing. The others pause but proceed to do the same. You can feel the tension around your heart lessen a bit. They can’t be all that bad then.
“I thought you said that you weren’t going to be back for a few more months.” You start. “I wasn’t expecting this, Link. You’re usually a lot better with your estimations.”
Link flushes again and starts to play with the little decorations on the table. ”I know, I know. But we were closer than I thought we would be and I couldn’t resist the chance to see you again.”
“Are you the one he talks about all the time?” The one who’s easily the youngest asks. “He seemed very excited to be close to your house. He practically ran all the way here.”
Link coughs louder and seems to choke a bit on his own spit. The thought delights you and you turn to him with an easy going smile. “I’ve known Link since we were practically in diapers. If he’s not in his forge or with the knights and the princess, he’s here. He has his own drawer and everything.”
The one with a blue scarf snorts and barks out a laugh. “I see. I think I understand now.”
“No you don’t.” Four shoot him down. “Perish the thought.”
“So since Four practically lives here, does he have his own room too?” The one with a fur pelt asks.
You shake your head. “Nope. We don‘t have the room so he tends to just sleep in my room whenever he comes over.”
That earns a smirk. “Oh. I see.”
“No. Shush.” Link tries to stop.
You’re watching his reactions closely. You’ve had a thought for a while now and by the looks of things, these friends of his might get the truth out in the open a bit faster than you’ve ever been able to.
Link’s face is now cherry red, even if he’s obviously trying to save face. It’s cute. You smirk as well but hide it behind your hand. “Four?”
Shockingly, he turns to you. And immediately regrets it. “That’s their nickname for me. Don’t you dare start!”
“And tell me, where did they get that from?” You raise an eyebrow.
Link visibly falters and sags a bit. “They… um…”
“His sword?” The one with pink hair crosses his arms and leans against the wall. “I thought it would have been a bit obvious.”
You shoot a look at Link, eyebrow still raised but your smirk is gone. They don’t know?
Link shakes his head. No they don’t.
You hum and shrug.
“He’s the only one of us to not use the Master Sword.” The pink one continues. “Which was a bit strange but we weren’t going to deny him his title.”
You also straighten up. “The Master Sword? What’s that?”
One of them makes a pained noise. You look over and it’s the one with a white cape of sorts. He has made himself comfortable on your couch already but his head in his hands. “I didn’t even think of that possibility.”
You tilt your head and open your mouth to speak but Link is faster. “Long story. I’ll explain later.”
You nod. A moment passes and you remember your manners. ”Does anyone want anything to drink? Or eat? I can get some snacks.”
Link shakes his head. “Don’t-”
“Snacks sound great!” A simple traveler responds with a blinding smile.
You smile back and go to your kitchen to get it situated.
“Wait.” Link follows. “That’s a lot of food. I’ll help.”
“Go help the love of your life.” One of them calls out as you both step away. 
“Are we wrong?” Another one teases, but you don’t see who.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Link turns around, hissing at the offender.
You bite your lip, taking the chance. “And here I thought you liked me.”
Link freezes like a bucket of ice water gets dumped on him. “Of course, I like you. I like you a lot.”
Your smirk returns and you take his hand. “Oh?”
Link realizes his mistake instantly and finally loses his nerve. His grip on your hand tightens but Link can’t seem to meet your eyes. You pull him a bit closer and lean down to meet his eyes. “Link~ There’s something you’re not telling me.”
He bites his lip. “I like you a lot. I already said that.”
If he wasn’t pink before, his entire face explodes in color, enough to rival a certain fragment’s tunic. You grin and shake his hand a bit, waiting for his answer. Link finally looks up, despair and defeat on his face. “Like-like?”
You laugh and lean in to kiss his cheek. “You’re so dramatic. Come help get snacks like you said you would.”
Link tenses on the spot and nods robotically. He follows suit dutifully only after you’ve let go of his hand There’s multiple cheers and wolf whistles from his friends that saw the interaction but you can’t bring it to heart.
You were right in the end and there’s the possibility for you to talk some more after everyone gets situated.
You get the snacks and start passing them around, leaving some on the table in case anyone simply wanted to grab them and enjoy them on their own means.
You look back to Link and wink. He bites his lip again, holding back that goofy smile of his.
One of his friends knocks him over the head and you laugh. Four can’t seem to be bothered by it, he’s just happy that you didn’t reject him. If anything, he thinks he might have a chance.
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Taste of You [Loki x Female Reader] 18+
A link to my Masterlist is HERE     Summary: Your insatiable lover, Loki, just can’t get enough of the taste of you. When you need to decline him one morning, he surprises you with an unexpected meeting in the palace gardens. (w/c 3.1k) Warnings: Smut. Oral sex (F). Detailed descriptions of female anatomy. 18+ advised, NSFW, minors DNI!
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"I'll die, Y/N, is that what you want?" "'Loki, you will not die, you don't need to be so dramatic all the time", you said abruptly as you shimmied in to your day gown, casting your eyes over your shoulder and instantly regretting it.
The God of Mischief was stretched out on your four poster bed, the morning light inching through the curtain illuminating his facial features and chiselled body as he rested his broad shoulders against the headboard, brow furrowed in displeasure.
"And here was I thinking you liked it." he huffed, as he turned his gaze from you to face the breeze coming in from the balcony.
For a moment, you felt yourself step towards the bed to reassure him- then you saw the briefest twitch of a smirk as he registered your approach.
"Nice try, my Prince" you murmured, smiling. That had been close. Thwarted, he turned his full attention back to your direction, eyebrows raised and rising to rest back on his knees before you, completely naked with his hardening cock proudly displayed.
"Do you know how many ladies in this palace would move the nine realms to have my mouth between their thighs for just one night?" He edged closer, his knees sinking into the mattress as he reached forward and placed two large hands on your waist.
"And men too, I'd wager", you winked, "but I have to go. Of all people, I don't wish to keep your mother waiting. You know how much this consult means to me for the Vanaheim research."
You met his gaze, an endless sea of intermingled shades of green and blue stared at you widely as he searched for a gap in your resolve.
"Ten minutes." he pleaded, "I just need a taste of you."
"Loki, no...ten minutes becomes two hours, you know this! I have to go, I'm sorry. I'll see you later". You broke from his touch reluctantly, not risking a kiss which could easily spill into what he craved.
"Yes, you will darling...'" the husky tones of your lover followed you like a heavy scent as the ancient mahogany door clicked shut.
The columns of the palace halls stretched before you on the long walk between your humble chambers and the Royal quarters. Polished marble brushed against your draped sage green gown as it slid effortlessly across the stone, dancing around your feet. You had never really questioned why Loki relished giving you oral pleasure so much. The game of cat and mouse the two of you played for years within these very hallways had culminated one evening in the common room you were passing...now...the one with the fireplace the width of the bi-frost. It had been unseasonably cold and after lighting the fire with his magic, the two of you didn’t move from that room for two days. It had been the most exhausting two days of your entire life, but also the most precious. After you had settled by the fire to warm up, and it became clear that the games were over and his intentions to court you were made exceptionally clear, he had kissed from your mouth to your navel and then not re-surfaced from between your legs for three hours.
Whether learned or innate, he had a way of keeping you just before the peak of pleasure, teetering on the brink of absolution. The way that his lips and tongue played with you was a symphony, rising and falling with the needs of your body and mind. Comfort, lust, joy and need were travelled within his touch as he bore himself into you, knowing exactly when to move his tongue up or down, when to flatten and when to flick, where to touch your needful flesh with those purposeful hands as he tended to your soul in time with his own. His own arousal was ever-present, pressing against the flesh of your palm when you reached to stroke him, but he never gave in.
Delayed gratification was a strong drug. He enjoyed the chase of your orgasm, ensuring that every one was carefully cultivated within its own time and not merely stacked. He had his ways of circumventing your post-climax sensitivity, lapping at your sex just below your most tender spot to prolong the high while preparing for the next. It was utter freedom. Time was a sensation for him, not a rule, it rolled in circles like his light brushes of your clit. It didn’t exist when he was watching you writhe and sigh under the effects of his touch.
You nodded to Lady Sif as she strode past you, the ‘good morning’ which was forming on your lips dissipated as she blanked you, charging ahead with her sword clicking at her armoured back. You smiled. After her affection for Thor had turned to Loki, however fleetingly, she had never forgiven you for ‘stealing’ him from her grasp that night. You couldn’t blame her. Her presence made you realise that you were almost at your destination. Time flew when you were fantasising about your insatiable Prince, in your daydreams as well as in your bed it seemed. You smoothed the front of your gown, turning to the door where you knew Frigga would be seated inside waiting for you and resolved not to think of her naked and impossibly sexy son, who was waiting for you for quite a different reason, for the duration of your meeting.
 An hour later, you bid Frigga farewell and bowed lightly as you concluded your discussions. Her slim fingers reached out and brushed your cheek, smoothing over your jawline. You raised your eyes to meet hers, so like her son’s despite their patchwork family origins. "My Lady?", you questioned. Your relationship with Loki was known in some circles, but his parents were always a point of contention with him. He preferred to keep them in the dark in matters of the heart, fearing what trials exposure would bring. "Sometimes, my dear – the only person my son can effectively hide feelings from is himself’" You blushed, cursing that you had forgotten the power of the graceful Queen before you, "do not be embarrassed child. I am happy that Loki is opening his heart at last. I trust you will take care of him". You lowered your eyes again, a nod in place of words was all you could muster, "...as I trust he will take care of you." She winked. Did she just wink?
"He’s waiting for you outside by the way" she smiled, her eyes crinkling, ‘it seems you are much in demand this morning’. You felt blood rush to your cheeks again as you wished her a good day and made your way to the door, opening it gently to peer out before making your exit.
    The corridor was deserted. Could she have been mistaken? Was she playing a trick on you? Perhaps beautiful eyes were not the only trait they shared. A fresh breeze teased your hair from the open palace doors nearby – Loki wouldn’t mind waiting an extra ten minutes in your room, surely. 
   You made your way towards the palace gardens, down the spiral exterior stairs carved from the ancient foundational rocks which gaped over the waterfalls running to the lake below. The lush greenery around you sang with effervescent radiance, foliage wrapped around the stairwell columns that gently tickled your hand as you made your way down the steps away from the towering palace. A few minutes walk brought you to your favourite place on Asgard, a garden which was filled with spring blooms even in the depths of winter, protected by Frigga’s magic. Cherry blossoms brought from mid-guard rustled and swayed as you swept your dress to the side and sat on the stone bench in the shade of a huge lilac tree, closing your eyes and drinking in the heady scent.
‘Hello, darling’
You looked up to your right, trying to keep the surprise which would give him so much satisfaction out of your eyes as you drank in the sight of your royal lover leant against a wall not ten feet away.
He’s waiting for you outside
One day, you would need to find out how they did that.
‘I see you managed to tear yourself away from my chambers, were you not able to find my journal?’ you casually leant back on your hands, hoping that it was not obvious that the effect he was intending with his sultry stare was having the desired response from your loins.
He sauntered towards you, pausing a few feet away so you could take in the view, "Your journal? I prefer to read minds pet, much more interesting’" He was dressed in his casual attire, still looking every inch of royalty. His knee-high boots encased leather clad legs, his muscular thighs flexing underneath the fabric begging to be handled.
An emerald green silk tunic, fitted to perfection, clung to his chest with untied threads which dangled tantalisingly around his neck. His shoulder length hair gave no indication of the dishevelled state that it had been in early this morning after your strenuous late night activities, it was tucked behind his ears revealing his sharp jawline down to his smooth neck which still bore the love-bites you had placed there at the height of passion. He could remove them with a flick of his hand, but he chose not to. He wished to be marked.He reached out and put his thumb to your lips, his long fingers brushing your cheek and then sharply inhaled, ‘ooo, thinking of my pleasuring you whilst speaking with my mother – how... inappropriate’ he growled as his eyes flashed dangerously.
    You didn’t have time to respond as his lips crashed down to yours, propelling you backwards as his hand slid up effortlessly to stop your back hitting the stone. His tongue wove it’s way past your defences as a moan escaped you, your bodies melding to one from the top down as the kiss deepened. You would never understand how he caused you to completely lose yourself in him. Breathlessly, he pulled away, the bated danger in his eyes replaced by a deep longing, ‘do not decline my request again. I need you. I need to taste your essence on my lips, to bury my tongue inside your beautiful cunt, please do not resist me darling…’
You looked at him, stunned. You had never seen him this needy for you. His appetite for sex was legendary but oral sex in Frigga’s garden? That was something else. He kissed you again, harder this time and less tender, his hand moving to your hips as he looked to gain purchase on the folds of your dress.
‘Say yes’ he growled in your ear, his warm breath igniting the embers within you that had been smouldering since you left him this morning. ‘Yes, Loki’, you managed to squeak, the thrill of the location and his need for you overtaking your reservations. That was all he required. Suddenly he was a man possessed with want, a stranded desert traveller discovering a well of fresh water.
His weight left your body as he slid to the ground, his calves and thighs settling together as he adopted his favourite position to service you. He teased your dress, discovering the layers best placed to grant him access, finding a well placed slit at the side of the gown, ‘good girl’, he muttered, ‘you came prepared’. You were entranced by his concentration, not even noticing as the words slipped from your mouth, ‘all my day gowns are in this style, Loki’ and his face turned up to yours, the mischievous glint you loved so much shining brightly in his eyes, ‘Noted.’
Suddenly his hands were underneath the fabric of your skirt running up your calves, the cool air brushing over your exposed skin like clean cotton. He leaned in and placed a deep kiss on your inner thigh, sucking lightly as you moaned your approval. At his gentle coaxing, you spread your legs wider, just enough for him to lean into access what he craved. You heard him inhale as he drank in your scent followed by a low moan as his anticipation was reaching its apex, ‘darling you really are sensational’ he murmured as his eyes met yours as deep pools of lust, his black pupils eclipsing the nautical hues that usually adorned them.
    You closed your eyes, bracing for the feeling you knew was about to wash over you. You didn’t need to wait long. Loki flattened his tongue against your sex gently, allowing you to settle before he slowly swirled around your apex. The long strokes lapped from the back of your vulva to the top, circling round to suck your folds between his lips.
His flattened licks ebbed and flowed in pressure as he smothered himself into you, diving deeper before ascending, sending vibrations to your throbbing core which edged you higher and higher to where you knew he wanted you to be – on the plateau of climax. Your hips thrust to meet his mouth, urging him to go faster but he never did. Loki knew what he was doing. From your sitting position, you observed the sight before you as your body surged with need. Loki, Prince of Asgard, on his knees before you. His dark curls falling around his face, his face buried between your thighs with only his eyes visible, closed in trance-like concentration at the pleasurable task at hand, low primal groans escaping him as he lapped at the font of your lust for him, taking what he craved, suckling every drop of wetness you produced at his gifted tongue’s command.
   ‘Loki,’ you whispered breathlessly, ‘I want to see it, I want to see you…’, and he knew what you meant. Without missing a beat, he angled himself lower as you bent forward. Slowly and purposefully, his gaze never leaving the sight of you watching intently,  he licked once from your base, dipping his tongue inside your dripping pussy, then to the tip of your clit, stopping to gently suck and draw you outward before repeating it all. Fuck, he was so hot. The view of him eating you out was almost too much to bear.
You mentally recorded the sight of his pink tongue searching for your sex and landing, sliding purposefully inside you...the slight hollow of his cheekbones as he sucked at your delicate lips tenderly on exit, the flash of a furrow in his regal brow as his cock strained against its confinement below. You moaned, leaning backwards once again – the pressure building now spurred on by your mind spinning out of control with lust. Your hands wound into his hair, pressing him further into you with urgency, willing him to make you come before you lost your senses.
One of his hands snaked up to your chest and pushed you backwards in response, you did not resist. Next, when he raised your leg to rest your foot on the edge of the bench, you were undone with need, completely at his mercy. The cool breeze hit your core as your God continued his quest to outdo himself with the amount of pleasure he could bestow, his tongue sliding perilously close to your asshole with the deep angle. He was lapping intensely at your hole, tantalisingly close to your clit, creating the most exquisite build up that made you buck against him feverishly, your body begging for release. Your moans were louder now, his name dropping from your lips. You had forgotten where you were...or didn’t care.
You looked across at him, one arm was wrapped around your calf to keep it elevated, the other gently caressing your leg which was still planted on the ground, shaking gently.
His eyes met yours, feeling his lips curl into a smile against your pussy. Two moistened figures appeared at your delicate asshole, rubbing gently as you keened into him. "Lokiii…" you groaned with unadulterated pleasure, the overload to your sense was tangible. You were overcome with the need to come in his mouth, have him slide his incredible cock inside your pussy and make him flip you over and take you up the ass at the same time. In this moment he could take all of you, any way he chose. "Come for me, darling", he murmured from underneath you, "slowly".
   You slowed your breathing, focusing on his rhythmic ministrations, alternating between licking up your folds to the centre of your clit and dipping inside your heated core. You felt your tipping point approaching rapidly now that he had commanded it, like rolling down a hill. Your hands returned to his hair, grasping for purchase against the coming crescendo. Strong fingers interlaced with yours as he drew one of your hands down. Squeezing it, your nails dug into his knuckles as the wave of your climax began to break.
You came. Hard.
The arm encasing your bent knee braced against you, pushing you open as he helped you ride out your climax. He lapped firmly, savouring the hot cum flowing freely from you as your hips seized and pushed back into him. Pure pleasure rolled across you as you stared up at the sky, birdsong and moans of your lover intermingling with your own cries of ecstasy.
"Loki…", was all you could manage as he slowly rose above you, rearranging your dress and fluidly sitting you upright as you re-centred yourself. "I know, my love", he whispered..."but we have company, so I think it’s best we make an exit". You looked at him with marked concern as his eyes twinkled, his mouth and chin covered in your slick wetness. His hard cock was proudly visible stretched against the tightness of his trousers. From above you, in the direction of the staircase, you heard the familiar clinking of armour in motion, palace guards. "Seems you have created quite the security alert, my little screamer". He laughed quietly as you flushed even pinker.
"Loki I…what if someone saw? What will we tell them?" You fumbled with your dress in an effort to look presentable as his chuckle deepened. Two fingers heavy with your scent raised your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. "We won’t tell them anything darling, we’re going straight to my chambers. I’ve not nearly had enough of you yet."
And with a snap of his fingers, the two of your were gone.
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normatural · 2 years
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PART II - [previous part]
Summary: Reader is Aemond’s best friend and different from most of his family, she’s always by his side. Past, present and future.
Warning(s): death, violence, language. usual hotd content (if you find something trigerring, please let me know). There's a hint of Jacerys x reader.
A/N: This is nine years after the first part. For the sake of the story, Jacerys is 18 and please, let's pretend the Red Keep has a much richer garden, thanks.
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There was something so oddly peaceful about the garden despised whatever chaos was happening inside the bold stone walls of the Targaryen castle. All worries and headaches seemed to fade as soon as a foot was stepped on the open space. Which undoubtedly had become your favourite place, the vast library coming closely in the second spot.
It was another sunny day in King’s Landing and neither you nor princess Helaena could stand being another second in her chambers so it was why you ended up sitting on the soft green grass of the royal garden, reading her a book as she embroidered a beautiful blue butterfly on the fabric, glancing now and then at her children playing with wooden dragons. The only good thing she gained from the marriage with her unfaithful brother. 
“She will urns bright wild before blooming free” She mumbled and you furrowed your brows, turning to face her only to be met with the princess extending the embroidery to you.
The princess would often and randomly murmur unusual things and you’ve grown used to it after all those years along with her. Those things have often proved to be true but you would never dare to suggest to anyone that she had the gift of visions. It has been already hard enough to attract suitors being the way you were, it seemed, you wouldn't risk getting on the bad side of the Queen.
You smiled, tracing the contour of its wings as your heart raced. There were many nights in which you’d sit in this same place, under the large tree, wishing you could be free like a butterfly, to have your wings so you could fly to wherever you desired and whenever you wished but you were simply trapped like a caterpillar in a cocoon. A fancy and wealthy cocoon but a cocoon nonetheless.
“It is beautiful, Hela. Would you mind gifting me with one?” You looked at her when she placed a hand on your forearm, a girlish smile adorning her lips and you furrowed your brows before following her gaze to the other side of the garden.
Underneath the shadow of another red-leave tree and dressed in pitch black, Aemond’s slim figure stood quietly watching the both of you, far away for anyone to notice the slight tilt of his lips upward as his chest relaxed from the earlier meeting with the Council as it would usually happen whenever he caught even the smallest glimpse of you.
“Dear sister, would you mind if I stole Lady Y/N for a walk?” He nodded his head as approached the two of you, his eye focused on you as he waited for an answer despise not needing one.
The elder princess may be an innocent soul but she wasn’t blind to the soft gaze of her younger brother towards you and how he would make questions about your persona whenever he visited her. What she has been reading? Does she miss her home? Has she mentioned any lord?
Aemond offered you a hand and pulled you up, walking by your side in silence as neither of you felt the need to talk, finding comfort merely in the presence of the other. At the sign of the hedge maze, Aemond linked your arm with his, a subtle smile making its way to his lips as he saw your tinted cheeks. Watch you blush never ceased to bring him joy and forget, for a moment, what a disaster had happened to his face though it had been years since the prince stopped drowning himself in self-pity. He who rode the largest dragon, an intelligent and strong man, one of the best swordsmen in all of Westeros wouldn’t act like a sorry fool. At least, not when he could make you flustered.
“I saw something today that reminded me of you” He studied your face, brushing a rebel strand of hair away from your eye before he stopped, reaching inside the pocket of his jacket to take the chamois leather bag “Now close your eyes and turn around.”
You gave him a suspicious look, only turning around as he arched a brow, urging you to do as told.
His hand carefully pushed your hair away from your back. The brush of his fingers against the nape of your neck sends a chain of shivers down your body and you were sure he noticed the way your body slightly shook, fidging with your fingers before you finally caught sight of what was it that he got for you, gasping.
The necklace was a beautiful work of silver and seven small square emeralds circled like petals by even smaller leaf-shaped diamonds, cold and shining against your skin. The colors of the Hightower house.
“This is...” you blinked, softly touching the jewellery while trying to look down at it, hoping to ignore the insistent gaze of your friend.
“Beautiful” he hums, tracing the chain of rich stones on your neck before he could stop himself, not daring to turn his eye away from your face. Though his word wasn’t directed exclusively to the silver piece 
“It is and it is also expensive, Aemond. I can not accept it, maybe Hela or the Queen would like it as well.” Stepping away from him, you tried to reach for the hook behind your neck, knowing it wasn't an argument you could win it him.
“It is for you and only, Y/N” The prince grabs your arm before you can move further away or reach to unhook the gift “It bothers me how sometimes you speak as if you aren’t deserving of the finest things in life. You... You shouldn’t settle for less than your worth.”
"Thank you, A." You smile, placing your hand over his and squeezing it, ignoring the butterflies the touch seemed to awaken in your stomach "Though I must insist, enough with expensive gifts. Those should be reserved for someone more special. Your betrothed."
Aemond could only think that there was no other more special than you in his life and that deep down, he hoped you could be both: his best friend and wife but he should not go saying his heart out without too many thoughts. He was a prince and had duties to honour for his family. Unfortunately, marriage was one of them.
“Hmm." He hummed, playing with the tips of your fingers, the soft skin a loud contrast against his rough ones before he pulled his hand away to hold behind his back, eye looking at you again. "My father will be hosting a dinner for my... dear sister and nephews tonight. Can I save you a seat?"
It had been nine years since Rhaenyra and her children last stepped foot in this castle, a night after the eye of the prince was taken and the gap between the Queen and the Queen-to-be turned into an abyss that could not be mended ever again.
Such a thing was unspoken but you knew that the prince wasn't quite ready to meet the people who took more than a piece of him and your company would at least, keep him more steady. Little did you know your presence could also be the reason to wake the dragon in him.
“I’ll be there, my prince. Right by your side."
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The picture of the man’s head cut in half was still fresh in your mind, the dry sound of the body hitting the floor and the iron smell of blood that seemed to overtake the room.
“How did he do that, Aemond? With a single blow?” You whispered, holding the skirt of your dress to keep up with the pace of the prince’s long legs striding across the hallway.
“Valyrian steel is the sharpest and strongest material that our people has ever seen.” He can’t help but smirks as some servants quietly and hurriedly walk past them next to the walls, heading for the throne room to clean the mess that his uncle did. At least, someone in his family wasn't a complete bore.
“I often tend to say that Dark Sister was made for nobler tasks than slaughtering sheep. She has a thirst for blood.” The deep voice came from your side and you jumped, quickly bowing as you spotted the rogue prince leaning against the wall. His gaze fixed on something behind you. Aemond.
A silent threat or perhaps, a warning, for the younger Targaryen standing proudly across from him as both of them knew Aemond and his brother, Aegon, had more than their share calling the three dark-haired princes bastards.
“Prince Daemon.” You offered him a small smile as if he wasn’t the one who killed a man so abruptly an hour earlier but if you needed to be honest with yourself, the act had a romantic undertone for the prince was defending the honour of his wife and family. “Did Carrax come with you?”
An amused smile danced on his lips as he looked back and forth at you and his young nephew standing protective close behind you, chuckling as he shook his head. “Interesting.”
“Excuse me, Your Highness?”
“Nothing. I just thought the pair of you would be married already. I suppose I was wrong.”
Aemond groaned, walking to your other side in an attempt to escort you back to the dining room and you gladly accept. 
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“That is a beautiful necklace, Y/N” Alicent turned at you as Jacaerys sat down, hoping to calm the tension that seemed hard to dissipate.
“Thank you, my Queen. It was a gift” you smiled, your hand instinctively touching the piece as you could feel your cheeks burning.
Aemond had given you many gifts before but lately, it seems they have been growing expensive and often, you kept the items in your chamber for your eyes only, afraid of what other rumours could begin about your intentions and the nature of your relationship with the prince. The Gods knew you were already having a terrible time finding suitors.
Her eyes left the jewellery to settle on her son sitting by your side, who looked away from her as if the wall had suddenly turned interesting but she quickly decided to drop the subject as she could notice the slightly tinted cheeks on him. 
For years, the queen had been expecting the day her once sweet and caring son would walk to her and announce his desire on taking you as his betrothed and despise the union not being one to bring great benefits to the Targaryen name, she would allow it. If the prince wasn’t always ready and prepare to take on his duty and do what was needed for his family, which includes waiting until his mother and grandfather decided to find a beneficial match for him, Alicent would allow him the benefit of marrying by love.
Aemond’s grip tightened around his goblet as his nephew stopped in front of you.
“Would you join me for a dance, my lady?” Jaecarys bowled dramatically extending his hand to you as a boyish smile adorned his lips. Always the charming.
"I would love to, my prince" You couldn't help but giggle as the boy quickly pulled you onto your feet.
If any of you had minded taking a look at Aemond, would have seen how he turned his chair to keep his eye trained on you and noticed his knuckles turning white with a vice grip around the goblet that thankfully wasn't made of glass as the prince imagined it was his nephew's neck perhaps.
It brightened a fire in his veins, boiling him in a way he couldn't understand nor control. The sight of your smiles to his nephew, the way Jacaerys felt like he could have you, even for a dance. Aemond could burn a whole city at just the thought of you with someone else and the entire kingdom if this someone else ended up being a Strong bastard.
"You look beautiful, my lady" Jace smiled, grabbing a hold of your waist as you tripped on your skirt, chuckling as if his words didn't get you so off of guard "Though in my memories you weren't as clumsy as now."
Scoffing playfully, you narrowed your eyes at him before a mischievous smile appeared on your lips and for a moment, it was like time hadn't passed at all and the two of you were still innocent children playing around the Red Keep.
"Well... In my memories, Luke wasn't taller than you as well, my prince." at that, Jace places a hand on his heart, shaking his head as he smiles, his brown eyes staring at you under his lashes.
"However, my height pleases me. The sight is quite good from here." You could feel your cheeks burning like fire as he arched a brow at you, his hand touching your waist as he guided you to move to the other side in a circle, resting it in there a second too long and an eternity for Aemond.
You pull away, turning around at the sound of someone slamming on the table, staring at the silver-haired prince as he stands from his chair, almost making it fall on the floor as his gaze pierces you.
The music ceases and all the heads around the table turn to look apprehensively at the prince.
“A final tribute” He lifts his goblet, his eye moving to both his nephews and you take a deep breath, knowing nothing good would come out of it since the king was gone. “To the health of my nephews. Jace, Luke and Joffrey.”
You can hear the queen quietly calling her son but if he heard her, he simply ignores her. You shake your head at him, silently pleading for it to be stopped as you gaze at him but it is useless.
The following words that echoed in the room were responsible for dissipating the soft and fragile joy rarely shared among the family. The tension comes back thicker than the night when the royal family was parted in two.
“Each of them wise, handsome... Strong.” Aemond smirks stretched like a predator watching its prey and you felt like a fire was about to start as Aegon lifted his drink as well "Let us all drain our cups for these three Strong boys."
You cursed under your breath, trying to grab Jaecarys as he cautiously pulled you behind him before walking to Aemond, his hands bailed into fists.
“I dare you to say that again!" The younger prince didn't back away from his uncle, not caring about how well the sparring he had seen earlier. Aemond had no right to talk about his family in such a way.
Aemond arched a brow, taking a step forward. You tried to take a deep breath, only for the air to get trapped in your chest, remembering of what happened the last time their tempers got the best of themselves.
“Why? Do you not think of yourself strong?” as soon as he finished, the prince's Jaecarys fist found his face and you took a step forward but everything was happening too fast.
The next second, Jace was pushed to the ground as Aemond smiled like he had won a prize. They were ready to throw fists as finally the guards as Daemon stepped in, separating the both before blood could be spilt.
Casting a look at Alicent, you waited until she nodded to walk past the doors, muttering an apologize to Rhaenyra as you passed her. A pregnant woman shouldn't be dealing with all of this drama.
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“Why would you do that?!” You demanded as you burst inside his chamber, not bothering to knock “The boys were behaving despise Aegon's insistent provocations towards them. By the Gods, both of you are already men.”
“Watch your tongue, it is your princes you talk about!” He turned at you with his face contorted in anger – a very unusual look on the so-composed Targaryen.
You furrowed your brows, taking a step back. Never did he remind you of his position in the court.
“I apologize, my prince. It was hard to tell because you were behaving like savage children.”
In the blink of an eye, Aemond was in front of you, holding your jaw between his hand with more strength than he has ever touched you. His blue eye was almost black, with not a single sign of the purple flecks, hidden behind his anger.
“Repeat yourself.” his tone was harsh and his words were spelt slowly as if he dared you to do it on his face now.
“Aemond” you whispered, the skin under his digits beginning to ache.
Tears pricked your eyes as your heart hammered against your ribcage, telling yourself that your best friend would never harm you. You tried to take his hand away from your face but his grip was stronger than yours. Hands moving to his wrists, you rested them there in hopes it would make him stop, trying to pull him out of whatever has gotten into him.
The prince wasn't an easy person to read, unless when vulnerable which rarely would happen. Still, you could see the moment when realization fell upon his shoulders and he blinked, softening his grip to simply cup your jaw as his forehead rested on yours and he closed his eyes.
“Don't dance with him again." his eye desperately searched yours for any sign that it was something from his head - the blush, the giggles and your never fading smile to Jaecerys. Those were things meant for him and no one else, even though he couldn't bring himself to admit such a thing to you.
“What?" You blinked the tears away, furrowing your brows as you stared at him.
There was a brief moment of regret when Aemond saw the hurt and fear sculpting your delicate features, his blood seeming to turn into sharp pieces of glasses but it was all washed down by the decade-old anger and jealousy, which he would never admit, of his nephew.
He stepped away as if by lingering near you, the harm would come to him. Vivid in Aemond's mind was the way Jacerys gazed down at you, his imagination running wild with what comments he could have made to have you giggling and blushing, and how you allowed it all to happen without sparing a second thought. Perhaps, that's what you wanted.
 “You shall pack your belongings. I heard your honorable Strong boys are leaving soon. Maybe one of them will accept you as their concubine when they grew tired of their wives.” Aemond couldn't bring himself to look at you now, gazing outside his window to the full moon high in the sky as the feeling in his chest didn't cease to grow.
Chewing the inside of your cheek, you wouldn't allow yourself to cry as his words echoed in your mind and his rough touch was still fresh on your skin, shattering your heart to crumble as you stared at his back. It was hard to believe that it was your Aemond. The one with a gentle touch, nice words and unique gifts for you just this morning. Your best friend and the man you... It didn't matter now.
Was that what he thought was your worth? Being a whore to a married man? To be someone's second choice and dirty secret? Someone who would bring shame to your family name?
You had to bite on your tongue to don't add more, to say the words tickling your tongue to be freed and hurt him just as much as he was doing to do. At least, I would be fucked by the future king of Westeros. But you didn't. Despise the events, it wasn't on your wish list to be the next decapitated corpse of the night.
“As you wish, your highness” you made a curtsy, walking out of the room as fast as you came in, carrying a hurricane of emotions swirling mercilessly in your chest.
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Polar Opposites - Book 2: Earth - Chapter 16: The Crossroads of Destiny - Part 1
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Zuko and Iroh exit the carriage that had been sent to our apartment to bring the three of you to the Royal Palace before you do, Zuko turning back to you, giving you his hand to take so that he can help you out of the carriage. You take his hand with a smile. “Why thank you, my good sir.” you say as I grab your skirts, climbing out of the carriage. “You’re very welcome, my lady.” Zuko smiles back, pressing a kiss on the back of your hand. You blush harshly from his action as you link your arm around his, turning to face the large Palace in front of you, following close behind Iroh as he walks towards the large entrance of the Palace. “Many times, I imagined myself here, at the threshold of the palace. But I always thought I would be here as a conqueror… Instead, we are the Earth King's personal guests, here to serve him tea.” Iroh says, a smile appearing on his face. “Destiny is a funny thing.”
“It sure is Uncle.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” you agree, a smile on my face as Zuko turns to look at me with a smile on his face too.
As the three of you walk towards the main entrance of the Palace, your mind brings back everything that you’ve been through since you were captured by Zuko for the first time. The two of you have been through so much since then, and right now, you couldn’t be happier.
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The three of you are led into the garden - behind the palace - to a back house that has its own throne room. You’ve been seated at a small table in front of the large throne for about thirty minutes now, and you’re still waiting for the Earth King to show up. “What’s taking so long?” Zuko asks. “We’ve been waiting for half an hour.” you say lowly, looking around the room, wondering why the Earth King is taking so long to come have tea with the three of you. “Maybe the Earth King overslept.” Iroh suggests.
That couldn’t be right.
With the Earth King being one of the most powerful men in the world, one would think he would show up on time to have tea.
Just as you think that, a group of Dai Li agents slowly walk into the room, slowly surrounding the three of you. You scoot closer to Zuko as the agents make a circle around you. “Something’s not right.” Zuko says, eyeing the agents suspiciously. “Yeah.” you agree, while eyeing the agents suspiciously, just waiting for them to make a move. “It’s tea time.” A very familiar voice says mockingly.
Your eyes widen at the sight of The Fire Nation Princess walking into the room, her hands behind her back. “You have got to be kidding me!” you growl through your gritted teeth.
At the sight of his sister, Zuko quickly gets to his feet. “Azula!”
“Have you met the Dai Li?” Azula asks us. “They're Earthbenders, but they have a killer instinct that is so Firebender, I just love it!” she exclaims, a sinister smirk on her face.
“Get up.” you hear Zuko command softly.
Not taking your eyes off of Azula, you get to your feet, Zuko immediately pushing you behind him protectively. “I see that your little waterbender friend is still around ZuZu.” Azula says, her eyes landing on you. “I expected her to be long gone by now.”
Zuko clenches his fists and glares at his sister intensely. “Don’t.” you say to him as you place your hand on his arm, restraining him from doing something stupid, like attacking Azula whenever there’s twenty Dai Li agents surrounding the three of you. At your touch, Zuko’s body relaxes slightly, but he’s still glaring at Azula.
Iroh then stands up from the table, his cup of tea in hand. “I ever tell you how I got the nickname the "Dragon of the West"?” “I’m not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle.” Azula replies in a bored tone as she examines her nails. “It's more of a demonstration really.” Iroh replies back before taking a sip of his tea. As Iroh does this, Zuko turns his head toward you slightly, a smirk on his face. “Wh-?” You’re cut off by Zuko grabbing you and ducking both of you behind Iroh. Just like a dragon, Iroh begins to breathe Fire and attacks the Dai Li agents that surround the three of you. As the agents are distracted, Zuko punches a blast of fire at the wall, creating a hole for you to escape through. You, Zuko and Iroh rush out through the hole in the wall, the Dai Li on our heels.
The three of you turn a corner that ends with a dead end. That wasn’t a problem though, since Iroh shot a blast of lightning at the wall, blasting a hole through it. You quickly follow Iroh through the hole in the wall, landing next to him. After landing on the ground, you and Iroh look up at Zuko to see him still inside of the building, at the edge of the hole. “Come on! You'll be fine!” Iroh says from beside you. “No.” Zuko answers. “I'm tired of running. It's time I faced Azula!” he exclaims before he disappears back into the building. “No! Zuko!” you exclaim as you get to your feet ready to go back inside and help him against Azula. “No, (Y/N),” Iroh commands. “we need to go.” You sigh, before nodding in agreement and following out and away from the palace.
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After capturing a Dai Li agent and having him tell the two of you where you’d be able to find Aang and the others, Iroh leads you to the house that your siblings, Aang and Toph have been staying in since they arrived in the city. After all of this time, you can’t believe you’re going to be seeing your siblings and the others again. “Wait, someone's at the door.” you hear Toph’s familiar voice say from inside just before Iroh knocks on the door. “Actually, I know who it is. It's an old friend of mine and someone we haven’t seen in a while.” She says to who you assume are your siblings and Aang. “What do you m-” you hear Aang try and ask her before she slides the front door open. “Glad to see you're okay.” She smiles at the two of you. “We need your help.” Iroh tells them. “Huh uh!?” Sokka exclaims in surprise, probably from seeing Iroh. “You guys know each other!?” Aang asks Toph in shock, while pointing at Iroh. “I met him in the woods once and knocked him down. Then he gave me tea and very good advice.” Toph explains. “May we come in?” Iroh asks which makes Toph nod to him and the two of you enter the room. “Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se.” Iroh explains while you hug Sokka, Aang and Toph. “She must have Katara.” Aang says. “Katara?!” you ask in surprise and Sokka nods.
‘Great! Iroh and I just escaped from Azula and now, we have to go and save Zuko and Katara from her.’ you think.
“She has captured my nephew as well.” Iroh says to them which makes you look down at the ground at the thought of Zuko and Katara getting hurt by Azula. “Then we'll work together to fight Azula, and save Katara and Zuko.” Aang says to Iroh, crossing his arms over his chest. “Woah there.” Sokka interrupts. “You lost me at, "Zuko".” “Sokka, please, just hear Iroh out.” you tell him, pleadingly.
At your request, Sokka nods and you look to Iroh so that he can explain why you all should work together to save both Zuko and Katara. “I know how you must feel about my nephew. But believe me when I tell you there is good inside him.” Iroh explains as he places his hands on Sokka’s shoulders in a pleading way. “Good inside of him isn't enough.” Sokka states. “Why don't you come back when it's outside him too, okay?” he asks while he removes Iroh’s hands from his shoulders, shoving him away. “Come on Sokka,” you plead. “Katara’s in trouble. All of Ba Sing Se is in trouble. Working together is our best chance right now.”
At your words, Sokka closes his eyes and nods grudgingly, which makes you smile at his resolve. You place your hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at you. You give him a look that says ‘thank you.’ and he nods, a small smile appearing on his face. “I brought someone along who might be able to help us.” Iroh states before he walks over to the door, sliding it open and walking outside, you and the others following close behind him.
Outside you all find the Dai Li agent you and Iroh had captured to tell you all where Azula had put Zuko and Katara. Toph lifts him up by earthbending two stone slabs on either side of him. Iroh walks up to him and pulls down the cloth over his face so that he can talk. “Azula and Long Feng are plotting a coup. They're going to overthrow the Earth King.” The agent explains. “Our sister! Where are they keeping Katara?!” Sokka asks the agent angrily, pointing his machete at him. “In the crystal catacombs of old Ba Sing Se, deep beneath the palace.” The agent replies, causing you and the others to quickly run off to the palace.
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In the palace garden, Toph kneels down, her hand placed on the ground, seeing if the Dai Li agent was telling us the truth about the catacombs underneath the Palace. “Well whaddya know,” Toph says, causing you and the others to perk up. “there is an ancient city down there, but it's deep.” she continues, causing a smile to form on your face, happy that we’re going to save Zuko and Katara. Toph waves her fists outward, earthbending a small crater in the ground. “We should split up.” Sokka says to you, Aang, Iroh and Toph. “Aang, you and (Y/N) go with Iroh to look for Katara and the angry jerk…” he says to Iroh. “No offense.” “None taken.” Iroh shrugs while you roll your eyes at Sokka’s statement about Zuko. “And I'll go with Toph to warn the Earth King about Azula's coup.” Sokka finishes, explaining the plan. “Be careful, you two.” you tell them. “You too.” Sokka replies as Momo jumps onto his shoulder and the two of them run off towards the Palace to warn the Earth King.
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i-fondued · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 | Ghost - Sinners in Secret | Chapter 3 - The Confessional Booth Incident
Chapter Three - The Confessional Booth Incident
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x Reader/Sister of Sin x Papa “Terzo” Emeritus III
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: masturbation, fluffy smut, fingering, and google translate italian again
A/N: I almost just went for it at chapter 3 but I feel our players need more time to get to the point where they have a 3some so y’all gonna have to wait another chapter or two, please leave comments to encourage me not that I need it most time ehehehe
Chapter One - HERE
Chapter Two - HERE
AO3 Link - HERE
I spent the rest of my afternoon in my secluded space in the library, hiding from not only Terzo and Copia but the rest of the siblings of sin as well. Part of me was horrified about what had happened in front of the whole clergy, my face flushing with shame even thinking about it. 
Another part however wanted Terzo to do it again, thinking about the feeling of the warm wine as it hit my tongue. The sacrament tasting of a deep red merlot and something distinctly like Terzo. My belly buzzed with heat as I thought back on the lusty dark look he gave me before spitting the blood of Lucifer into my open mouth. 
I squirmed as I tried to focus on my translations and shook my head to try and clear it of all the dirty images and thoughts. I laid my head on the table, giving up on my work for a moment before I yawned softly. I closed my eyes for what felt like just a second before I was woken up by the chiming of bells and a soft hand on my back. 
“Sister?” Someone spoke soothingly, hand rubbing between my shoulders
I startled slightly, rubbing at the little patch of drool that had formed and looked up at one of the older Senior Sisters of Sin. She smiled warmly at me as my cheeks flushed.
“I’m sorry, dear. I just knew I’d find you here, dinner is starting soon. I didn’t see you come out all day so I just wanted to make sure you didn’t miss dinner too.” She spoke softly as I fixed the habit on my head and stood, nodding as she spoke. 
“Y-yes, thank you Sister.” I mumbled as I kept my gaze away from her face as I followed her from the library to the dining room. 
The minute I stepped into the space, the entire room burst into whispers. My face felt like it was on fire as I slipped to my normal table, I sat down in my normal seat and the two sisters of sin on either side of me turned up their noses before slipping from their seats and finding other tables to sit at. 
Ah, so the Terzo fan-club had found out what happened. 
I sighed as I began my dinner by filing my wine glass, knowing I was going to need to be borderline drunk to get through any of this. I drained half the glass before I began putting some of the dishes on my own plate, chicken and roasted vegetables from Primo’s gardens, when someone in red slid into the availability chair to my left. My heartbeat was thundering in my chest but I didn’t look at him. It was a huge break in protocol for him to sit with me like this, just adding fuel to the gossip fire at this point. 
“Sorella…” Copia’s voice was smooth, giving nothing away, however the stiffness in his posture broadcasted to me how he was feeling. He was anxious, something was bothering him. “I had been looking for you.”
“I spent the day in the library, Cardinal. Same as I always do.” I sighed, sipping my glass and still not looking at him as I began to slice my dinner. My mouth was watering, I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. “Was there something you needed my help with?”
I finally looked at him then, my eyebrows quirked as I fought to keep my face neutral. Copia looked concerned for me, his mismatched eyes filled with worry, as he began to reach for me before pausing and thinking better of it. He turned back to his plate, helping himself to dinner and his own glass of wine, before he spoke quietly so only I’d be able to hear him. 
“I wanted to check on you myself but I had been occupied with Seestor and Papa Nihil,” His tone sharp as he sliced at the chicken. “There was much to discuss after the little display in the chapel this afternoon.”
Oh. Oh. 
So that’s what this was about. I squirmed slightly in my seat, cheeks already flushed from the wine but they grew darker as I watched Copia out of the corner of my eye. I tried to think of something to say to him, but what was there to say? 
Oh I’m sorry Cardinal Copia, I love you madly but there is something intoxicating in the way Papa treats me. 
Please forgive me as I let him continue to spit communion wine down my throat like a common whore. 
Why don’t we just fuck all three of us so I can get it out of my mind? Or maybe we can just be together the three of us?
Something told me that it wouldn't go over as well as I imagined in my mind. I turned to say something to Copia just as he did the same. However I felt another person slip into the seat next to me and I groaned without thinking when I felt his arm rest against the back of my chair as he spoke.
“Che sopresa, Sorella! The Cardinale has decided to join us for dinner.” Terzo’s teasing tone set Copia on edge, I could see the narrowing of his eyes as I turned to look at Terzo. 
“Pap-” I started to speak before Copia cut me off. 
“Sorella and I were speaking, Papa.” Copia used a tone I’d only ever heard when I was being punished and adding in the wine I was nursing as things spun out of control, I was squirming in my seat. “Surely you must have other Siblings to spend your mealtime with?”
“Sciocchezza, Cardinale. Bella Sorella has been all I’ve been able to think about all day.” Terzo smirked, his face smug as I leaned forward to bury my face in my hands. “She is all I have been able to think about since last night.”
Oh. Oh no. No, he wouldn’t dare…
“Mi scusi…” Copia’s face was filled with a calm look of fury. I drowned the entire cup of wine as my heart threatened to fall out of my chest. 
“I had the strangest desire to read a book last night, you would know all about late night reading si Cardinale?”
“Terzo…” my tone was firm but my voice wavered slightly. Copia’s eyes drifted between Terzo’s smug face and my red cheeks before working out exactly what Terzo was implying. 
“Ci hai visto ieri sera, si?” You saw us last night, yes? 
Copia spoke, now only speaking Italian in his fury. Luckily for me most of the other siblings didn’t know italian. “Ci hai guardato, vero?” You watched us didn’t you?
“Non dirmi che ti senti timido adesso, Cardinale.” Don’t tell me you are feeling shy now, Cardinal. Terzo laughed, leaning back in his chair with his wine glass dangling in his fingertips dangerously. “Nessuno di voi sembrava cosi timido cazzo tra i libri…” Neither of you seemed all that shy fucking among the books…
My face was on fire, I could feel the rage radiating off of Copia and I felt frozen in place by Papa’s arm on the back of my chair. I couldn’t see anything good coming from any of this conversation, both men were territorial in their own ways and I felt like I was trapped in the middle. 
“Come osi…” Copia started before Papa cut him off.
“Vieni ora, questa e la Chiesa Satanica Cardinale, qui lussuria e sesso vanno di pari passo.” Come now, this is the Satanic Church Cardinal, lust and sex go hand in hand here. 
Papa’s smile turned predatory as he switched his wine glass to his other hand, the arm resting on the back of my chair reaching out to brush his fingers against my shoulder softly. I shuttered at his touch. “Tutto quello che chiedo e che tu e la sorella mi chiedete di unirmi a voi la prossima volta…” All I am asking is that you and Sister ask me to join you next time…
I choked on my wine, Copia sputtered while his cheeks flushed scarlet. I patted my hand firmly against my chest, coughing up the wine lodged in my lungs. This was it. Papa had gone mad and Copia was going to kill him in the middle of dinner. I heard the legs of his chair scrape against the floor as he stood, dinner growing quiet as the two men locked eyes and mental horns. Copia leaned over, his tone deadly and I couldn’t help the shiver that ran down my spine as he spoke.
“Vediamo, Terzo, chi alla fine riuscirà a conquistare gli affetti di Stellina, eh?” Let us see, Terzo, who can win Stellina’s affections in the end, hm?
“Proprio come ai vecchi tempi, Cardinale.” Just like old times, Cardinal. Terzo chuckled, tilting his head to Copia in a mock salute. 
The cardinal glared at him before turning his eyes on me, they softened instantly when he saw the look on my face. He took the time to cup my cheek with his hand, instinctually I leaned into his touch and he smirked before walking away, his dinner barely touched and forgotten. Terzo chucked, watching Copia walk away, before turning his attention back to me. 
“Please, scusami Sorella. Plans need to be made…” Terzo purred before taking my hand and kissing the knuckles, and he too left me in the dining room filled with whispers and the occasional unkind glare.
The minute I was done eating I dashed back to my rooms, unable to take the glares from the other Siblings. Apparently they thought I was getting too cozy with Papa, this hadn’t ever been an issue when I was spending all my time with Copia. No, of course it was now because Terzo was involved. 
I flopped into bed, glaring at the ceiling before slipping my hand under my pillow. I felt something hard and sat up, brows furrowed as I pulled out a black envelope, Tesoro was written on it in a handwriting I knew wasn’t Copia’s.
Meet at midnight in the confessional booth
I felt my belly flutter as I held the letter against my chest before crumpling it up and tossing in my trash bin. This was Terzo putting forth his plan, my face felt flushed as I thought what he could possibly get up to in one of the empty booths. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and made sure to set an alarm, I didn’t have to meet Terzo till midnight so I had a few hours to sleep.
It had taken me a little bit to calm the storm in my mind before I fell asleep, when my alarm went off it jolted me awake. I took a minute to wash my face and rebraid my hair, choosing to wear my normal robes without my habit to meet him. Wearing only my nightgown and my robe seemed too forward even though Terzo had already seen me in them the other night. 
I scurried down the hallway, hiding out of eyesight of a pair of ghouls that passed me briefly. I made it all the way to the entrance of the chapel, my mind reminding me what had occurred there only hours earlier tradorusly as I slipped behind the heavy wood doors. The incense thick and heady, the candlelight flickering slightly, the stained glass windows casting shapes on the stone floors as the moonlight filtered through it. 
I saw the confessional booth to my left, one of the doors already closed and a thrill ran down my spine. I slipped into the other one, the door already left open for me. The space was small and slightly humid, though that could be because of my anxiety and growing heat in my belly. There was a wooden lattice between the two rooms, my eyes adjusted to the dim light filtering into the booths. Vaguely I could see Terzo sitting on the other side, his white eyes standing out in the dark. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I bit my bottom lip to hold back as gasp, Terzo was wearing his full papal robes. 
It was such a rare sight part of me was giddy just to be able to see him like this. I hadn’t seen him dressed up in his formal robes since our last Yule holiday celebrations. He wore his Papal mitre, grucifix standing out proudly. Over his normal daily suit he wore his chasuble was black but the silk shone even in the low light, gold embroidery standing out proudly andrich purple lining showing from his cuffs. Instead of his normal white gloves Terzo was wearing his black leather gloves with gold pointed nails. He had his head propped up on one hand as he crossed his legs, ankle resting on top of his other thigh. He looked almost intrigued by me, a curious fallen angel taking in a human for the first time.
I kneeled in front of the lattice so close I felt like my nose was about to press against the wood. My breath was already coming up short, as my cheeks flushed as I locked eyes with him through the lattice between us. He smirked before giving me a small fake bow.
“Buona serata, Sorella.” Terzo’s voice was low and rumbling, shooting right between my legs as I squirmed. “Before Papa hears your confessione we set some ground rules, si?”
“Yes, Papa.”
“If you are ever uncomfortable with anything between us, you tell me right away. If things become too tense between you and the Cardinale, you tell me right away. If you are ever uncomfortable with anything between you and Cardinale, you tell me right away. This only continues as long as everyone is soddisfatta, including you Tesoro, si?”
“Yes, of course Papa.” I spoke, my voice wavered slightly but it was clear. It seemed to satisfy Terzo who seemed to relax slightly before smiling wryly at me. 
“The Cardinale and I…we have known each other a long time. Back when I was just a sacerdote, we were known to get in quite a bit of trouble with bellissimi fratelli del peccato.” He chucked, rubbing at his chin in thought before looking back at me. “Enough of the past, Papa will hear your confessione now, Sorella.”
Part of me wanted him to keep talking about the past, Copia was never all that open about what his life before coming to the church was like and I was desperate to know more about it. However another part of me was transfixed by the look in Papa’s eyes, broody and dark as he beckoned me closer with two fingers. 
“Forgive me, Papa, for I have sinned.” I spoke softly, my voice shaky as my pulse skyrocketed. 
“Papa will hear these sins, Sorella.” He purred, my breath hitching as my hands came together in prayer. 
“I-I have had lustful thoughts about a few of the members of the clergy...” I felt my face flush as Terzo chuckled darling, behind the lattice I watched his chasuble slowly slip up to settle in his lap.
“Avanti, Sorella…”
“I let a senior member of the clergy touch me intimately in the library the other night.” I watched, my mouth going dry, as Terzo’s hands began to brush against the growing outline of his cock in his tight trousers. My face flushed as I squirmed. “I let Papa watch us…”
“Are you looking to repent, Tesoro?” Terzo’s voice was rough as he seemed to hold back a groan, my thighs rubbing together as I tried to get any friction or relief. 
“P-please, Papa…” I whispered, my fingers curling through the lattice as I watched him. “L-let me…”
“Ah, ah. You have not yet earned that quite yet.” He chuckled and I heard the sound of the zipper of his trousers, obscenely loud in the tiny space. “Touch yourself, Sorella. Show me how you repent.”
My face flushed bright red, hand shaky as I lifted up the hem of my robes and lightly teased my slit over my underwear. I bit my bottom lip, whimpering quietly as my fingers tightened in the lattice. My fingers circled my clit lazily, my legs quivering as I spread my legs while kneeling. I could see Terzo lazily running his hand up and down his cock and I moaned quietly. 
“Papa…” I whimpered, licking my lips as I watched the leather of his gloves squeeze his length firmly.
“Brava ragazza, Sorella.” He grunted, my fingers picking up the pace and dipping slightly into my clenching cunt. “Use your other hand to fuck yourself.”
I panted as I spread my knees as far as I could without falling over, my front pressed against the lattice as I slipped two fingers inside of me. The wet, slick sounds in my booth felt louder than alarm bells as I rocked my hips against my own fingers. “T-terzo…” I moaned, pressing my face to the lattice. 
“Fanculo…” He hissed, I heard the swish of his robes and scrape of the chair against the floor as he came to kneel against the lattice. His fingers tangled with my own as I watched him pump at his cock. “Tell me, Tesoro, who are you thinking of with your fingers deep inside you.”
“I-I think about you, Papa.” I whimpered, I could feel his heaved breaths against my face and the lust in my belly clenched painfully as I moaned, cheeks flushed. “I picture your fingers inside me.”
“Curl your fingers towards you, thrust them harder.” He commanded, a groan following as he rocked forward into his own hand. 
“Papa, please.” I begged, the coil of my orgasm twisting tighter every time I heard Terzo moan my name. “Let me touch you…”
My fingers brushed against his, longing for him, all I wanted was to brush my fingers against his skin.
“Cara mia…” Terzo groaned, his hand pulling away from mine. I whined at the tiny loss of contact till the door of the confessional opened up. 
“P-papa?!” I stuttered, bewildered as my hands pulled away from my core. My face turned bright red as I looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Come to me.” He growled, taking my arm and making me stand so he could slip into the tiny room with me. Roughly, he cupped my backside as he walked me backwards against the wall, kicking the door closed, and slamming his lips into mine as my back hit the wall. 
I gasped into the kiss, my arms wrapping around his neck instantly as he ground his hips into mine. I arched my back and pressed myself as close as I could to him, my tongue teasing his bottom lip as he groaned into our kiss. It felt like the tension that had been building between us was finally being put to good use. I knocked Terzo’s mitre from his head, landing with a soft thump to the floor behind us, as my fingers tangled in his hair. His hands wandered from my ass to my waist, coming to caress my sides and breasts. 
“Terzo…please.” I groaned, pulling my lips from his as I felt his fingers tease my hardened nipples through layers of fabric. He pushed his knee between my legs, his thigh pressed up against my core. 
“Show your Papa how you would ride him, Si?” He purred, lips brushing against mine before he pressed a gentle kiss to my neck. I blushed furiously but I rocked my hips against his thigh, moaning when he rutted against me as I writhed. 
“Let me…” I sighed into Terzo’s ear, biting his earlobe sharply before letting my hand reach under his papal robes and grip his cock. He hissed, low broken italian as I gripped him firmly. “Show Sorella how you would fuck her, si?”
Terzo made a low desperate sound, his forehead coming to rest on my shoulder and his hot breath on my neck caused me to shudder. His hips thrusted to meet the movements of my hands, his movements causing more friction against my core and I moaned into his neck, my free hand coming up to curl around his neck and cup his face to mine. My orgasm was wound tight in my belly, I was panting as I rode Terzo’s thigh. I whined, back arching and pressing into Terzo as I fisted his cock. I felt him shudder as I picked up the pace, desperate to feel him come apart by my hands. 
“Terzo…Papa, I’m going to come.” I hissed, hips quickening as I writhed against him. 
“Vieni per me, Sorella.” Terzo purred, leaning back to cup my face tenderly as his eyes locked with mine. “Fammi vedere come appare la tua faccia quando cadi a pezzi.”
I rocked against him a few more times and I felt the coil of burning lust snap, my eyes never leaving Terzo as I came. I shuddered, hips rolling against him bonelessly as his thigh felt like it was the only thing keeping me from slipping to the floor. 
I didn’t stop my hand on his cock and after a few snaps of his hips in time with my own movements I felt Terzo hiss out some colorful italian words before he too fell over the edge with me, his hot seed spilling over my fist and all over his papal robes as both of us panting in each other's arms. He leaned heavily into me, our foreheads pressed together as he mumbled loving Italian words, feather light kisses dusting my cheeks as I smiled softly while catching my breath. After a few moments we parted, Terzo hesitantly rucking his cock away with an out of character blush staining his cheeks. 
“Forgive me, Tesoro, I did not mean to dirty your clothes.” He mumbled, peeling the soiled robes from himself and balling them up. I couldn’t help but giggle at his face as he tossed his robes to the side. 
“Unfortunately for you, Papa. I managed to come away clean this time.” I leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “I’ve got to head back to my room before someone catches me out of bed. The other Siblings seem to be more observant of me lately, I’d rather not get caught out of bed by Imperator.”
“Mi dispiace, Sorella. I had other plans for you tonight, but I agree. Seestor had some…comments about you and I today. I have a feeling she will be keeping an eye out for you.” He sighed, rubbing at his neck before kissing my temple. “I would walk you back to your room, come un vero gentiluomo, but I have a feeling that may make things worse.”
“Thank you, Terzo.”
“E stato un piacere, Tesoro.” Terzo smiled warmly as I opened the door, taking my free hand and pressing a soft kiss to the inside of my wrists. “Till we meet again, si?”
“I’ll be waiting…”
I practically floated back to my rooms, a goofy smile on my face most of the way back. Quiet as I could be I slipped into my room, closing my door as slowly as possible before I turned and almost shat out my soul. I barely covered my mouth fast enough to hold in the scream that had bubbled up.
Copia was sitting at my office desk, his face full of a combination of worry and frustration. He wasn’t wearing either his black or red chassock. Instead he was wearing only his black trousers, the ones that left very little to the imagination, and black undershirt. The shirt had the first few buttons undone, a patch of his dark chest hair clearly visible. Over the shirt was a pair of suspenders, he wasn’t wearing gloves either and the sight of his bare hands caused a blush on my cheeks. It was rare for me to see him dressed so casually, it was even more rare to see him in my room. 
“Copia I…” I started before he raised his hand, pausing my impeding speech. 
“I figured Papa had swooped in while I was occupata. Fair is fair after all.” His eyes were stormy, the white iris practically glowing in the low light, but when he looked back at me they softened. “I wanted to make sure you were okay, Stellina.”
My heart warmed at the thought of both of these powerful men concerned for me and how I was feeling, I smiled softly at Copia who suddenly seemed so unsure of himself. I walked over and cupped his cheek with my hand, he leaned into the touch as his own hand came up to press against the back of my hand. He turned his head to kiss my palm and I felt heat flair to life in my belly at the heated look in his eyes. 
“I’m okay, Copia…” I mumbled. “Ter-Papa wanted to make sure I was comfortable with the idea of him pursuing me too.”
“And..are you?” Copia’s tone gave away nothing, I wish he had made it more clear where he stood on adding in Papa to our mix. I wanted to know how he truly felt, not how he thought he needed to feel. 
“How do you feel about it, Copia?” I countered him, crossing my arms and sitting on my bed, our knees barely brushed with how little space there was in my room. “I want to know how you feel about all this.”
“I…I do not know how I feel about this arrangement, Stellina.” He answered honestly. “I want what makes you happiest, what makes you smile. But I am not normally someone who shares what they view as theirs.”
“If you aren’t comfortable with it, then we should tell Papa and be done with it. I’m not willing to lose you over this, Copia.” I sighed, placing his hands in mine. His face turned away from mine, cheeks flushed. 
“You misunderstand me, Bella. I normally do not share, but this is Terzo. Papa. He is like a brother to me, for this reason…it does not feel like sharing. He feels like he is just a part of me as much as you are.”
“Copia…” My cheeks flushed, taken aback by his little confession. “I understand. For what it's worth, I’m perfectly happy in this arrangement, in fact I think I get the better end of the deal.”
“If you ever are made to feel uncomfortable in this, by Papa or myself, you must tell me right away, Si?” He stood, coming to cup my cheek as he spoke and I nuzzled into his touch, mirroring what Terzo had done to me before I left him. 
“Of course, Copia.”
“Molto bene…” He purred, leaning down to kiss me softly. “Did Papa please you, amate?”
“He did, Sir.” I whispered, lips brushing against his as he laid me back against the narrow twin bed. 
He settled between my thighs, my robes hiking up my hips. I hissed between my teeth as I felt Copia drag his fingers slowly up my inner thigh before cupping my core, hips jumping up to roll against his hand. 
“Clearly not in the way you needed, Stellina.” He purred, a chuckle on his lips as I looked up at him with hooded eyes. His fingers pressed against my core, my underwear pulled down my legs and tossed to the side without a second thought. 
I felt his fingers grow slick as he slipped his fingers to caress my clit, his fingertips teasing my entrance before pressing firmly against me. Copia paused long enough to help me pull my robes over my head, bra following shortly after. I laid on my bed, fully naked and exposed to him. My face flushed as Copia kissed my neck, leaving a soft kiss on the welt he had left the other day before pressing featherlight kisses across my collarbones and down between my breasts. I squirmed under him as his tongue darted out to brush against my belly button as he settled between my legs. 
“Please, Copia…” I moaned as he threw one of my legs over his shoulder. His breath was hot against my inner thighs as his fingers continued to tease me, little soft moans slipping from my lips. 
“Sorella…” He purred, pressing a soft kiss to my inner thigh before I felt his tongue dart out to taste me. 
I slapped my hand over my mouth, muffling the moan that threatened to wake up the whole hallway of senior sisters. His mustache tickled my inner thighs as he devoured me, his nose brushing against my clit as I rode his face. My free hand slipped down to tangle in his hair, tugging sharply as he delved his tongue inside of me for a moment before replacing the wet muscle with his fingers. I moaned his name, my orgasm building pressure in my belly, and rocked my hips as I panted. Still sensitive from my earlier activities with Papa it wasn’t long before I was writhing in Copia’s hands. He was holding me by my thighs, pinning me to him so I couldn’t escape, as his fingers thrusted in and out of me roughly. 
“I’m so close, Copia…” I whimpered, fingers tightening in his hair as I felt the sharp pull of my orgasm behind my belly button. “Don’t stop…”
I was panting, writhing, and on the verge of tears of overstimulation when the dam finally overflowed. I felt my orgasm rock into me as Copia’s tongue flicked against my clit sharply. He reached up when he felt my cunt clench his fingers and covered my mouth with his hand as I keened, eyes rolling back in my head as I arched off the bed. I felt like I was floating while he lapped at me, letting me ride his face as I came back down to earth with a silly grin on my face. 
“So beautiful, Stellina…” Copia mumbled as he licked his fingers clean, my face flushing at the warm look in his eyes. He sat up on his knees as he leaned down to kiss me, my hands tangling in his hair as I pulled him down to me. I felt a heavy weight on my thigh and I smirked into the kiss. 
“You have too many layers on…” I teased, pulling away from his kiss to push the suspenders from his shoulder and pull his shirt from his trousers. “I want to feel your skin on mine.”
Copia had always been shy about his figure around me, why he thought I cared I didn’t know. I saw his face flush slightly when I pulled his shirt over his head and I placed my hands on his waist. 
“Copia…” I sighed, kissing him softly before speaking again. “I love every part of you.”
“Si…” He squirmed under my touch, my fingers wandering to run through his chest hair, down his barely noticeable tummy and to the edge of the waist of his trousers. I traced the outline of his painfully hard cock and he groaned into my shoulder. “I know…”
“I will always want you, regardless of what happens between Papa and I. It will always be you and I.”
“Ti amo anch’io, topolino…” Copia mumbled, pressing his forehead to mine as he helped me undo his trousers, pushing them down his hips and thick thighs before tossing them on the floor with his other clothes. 
I felt him slide into me, my hips lifting to give him deep access as he buried himself to the hilt inside me. I moaned as quietly as I could, wrapping my arms around him to pull him against me. My legs wrapped around his hips as he moved slowly at first, just barely rocking into me as he murmured all sorts of dirty and lovely Italian words. Copia slipped his arms under my shoulders and wrapped his arms around me tightly, crushing me against him as rolled his hips into me. I burried my face in his neck, gasping and kissing his pulse as he fucked me tenderly. 
I felt the flames of my desire gain heat, a slow building burning in my belly as we held each other and murmured soft words to each other. Copia leaned down to nip and suck at my breasts, my nails scratching at his back and urging him to bring up the pace. Slowly our rocking became more frantic, Copia’s hips snapping into me sharply. I cried out louder than I meant to before I covered my mouth, giggling slightly at the look on Copia’s face. We giggled together like a couple of teenagers worried about getting caught, he kissed me softly before leaning up to rut against me harder like he knew I liked. The hand that wasn’t holding him up slipped between us and teased my clit. I ached my back, my fingernails digging into his hips as my toes curled. 
“Vieni per me, Sorella.” 
For the second time tonight I felt the coil in my belly snap while a pair of mismatched eyes locked on mine, I arched up against him, my hands leaving his hips to cover my mouth so I didn’t wake the whole abbey. Another few staccato thrusts and I felt Copia’s cock twitch inside me as he came, filling me with his own seed. We rocked against each other through our aftershocks, breathless as he laid on top of me and pressed soft kisses to my skin. 
I brushed his hair away from his face as I caught my breath. After a few minutes Copia pulled out of me, moving to lay next to me on his side. I turned to look at him, cuddled close in the tiny bed. His eyes were locked on mine and I squirmed under the weight of his gaze. He sat up without saying, reaching for his clothes, before I grabbed his wrist. 
“S-stay?” I mumbled, cheeks flushed and looking to the floor. I felt his fingers slip under my chin to make me look at him, his face soft. 
“Anything for you, Stellina.” He mumbled, pressing his lips to mine before slipping under the covers I held out for him. 
It took a few minutes but we managed to find a comfortable position to settle into. I was curled up on my side facing Copia, my face buried in his chest as he cuddled me to him, our legs tangled together. His arms were wrapped tightly around me, his chin resting on top of my head. 
“Good night, Copia.” I mumbled sleepily, yawning his name. I felt him chuckle slightly, pressing a kiss into the crown of my head. 
“Buonanotte, amore.”
I woke late in the morning to the sound of urgent knocking on my door. I jumped awake, startled from my dreams, and looked around wildly. 
Copia had already left, he hadn’t woken me when he did but he had tucked me into bed tightly. All evidence he had been there was gone, the only hint he had spent the night was the smudge of black greasepaint on my pillow. I smiled softly at it, my finger running over it before the knocking picked up again. 
“One minute!” I called, grouchy from being woken up as I pulled on my robe to cover up my naked form. I pulled the door open, fully intending to chew out whatever junior sister had been sent to fetch me, and found Sister Imperator’s less than impressed glare. 
“S-Sister Imperator!” I squeaked, standing up straight and attempted to block her view of my room as much as possible. “I-I’m so sorry I overslept, I will head down to the library right now.”
“That won’t be necessary Sister, I’d like you to meet me in my office in fifteen minutes. Please make yourself decent.” Her voice, as always, was icy as she looked me up and down. I blushed bright red and nodded furiously. 
“Y-yes of course, Sister.” I stuttered, she waved me off as she walked away. I shut the door as calmly as possible and ran to the shower. 
I hadn’t gotten ready this fast since my trainee days, my hair pulled back into a low bun before pulling on my habit. I darted down the halls, practically sprinting to her office, not wanting to get in more trouble by being late. 
Precisely fifteen minutes later, I was sitting squirming in the chair across from Sister Imperator. Papa Nihil was sitting in the other chair next to me, my curiosity taking the back seat to my anxiety. 
“I’m sure you’ve been wondering why I called you down here-” Sister Imperator started, her arms crossed as she leaned back in her office chair. 
“If it's about oversleeping I can explain-!” I blurted out, Imperator cocked an eyebrow and I flushed bright red. “S-sorry for interrupting, Sister.”
“As I was saying, I wanted to see you to talk about something very important to the Clergy and the Satanic Church as a whole. Succession.” Sister Imperator paused and looked over at Nihil who, for his part, looked just as confused as me.
“I’m not sure I follow…”
“Sister…have you ever heard of a phenomenon known as Prime Mover?”
175 notes · View notes
Fandom: Elvis Presley, American Actor
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character
Characters: Elvis Presley, Original Female Character, Addison Goodwin, Joe Goodwin, Mona Goodwin, Jess Goodwin, Lisa Marie Presley, Gladys Presley, Vernon Presley, Minnie Mae ‘Dodger’ Presley
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4319
Summary: Addison and Elvis have made it through more than most but that was because despite everything they always had each other. As if their souls were tethered but what happens when the rope snaps.
Tags/Warnings: Flashbacks, Love, Established Relationship, Cuddles, Hugging, Arguing, Parents, Implied Death, Implied Sickness, Family Arguments,
Notes: I'm up watching the candlelight vigil so I might as well post!
This a fic that links to The Girl He Left Behind/Here You Come Again. Set after Here You Come again by quite some years.  Basically it’s the long and happy life Elvis deserved.
Special thanks to @ccab for letting me be such a masochist [and yes I cried writing it sue me]
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Addison could hear them arguing. She was sure she wasn’t supposed to, not given how her father had told her to stay on the porch swing until he came back out or how they attempted to say everything in harsh whispers, yet she could hear every word as it floated through the open window. And to make matters worse they were arguing about her. 
‘And who’s going to watch her?’ Joe said hands on his hips as he watched his wife rifle through her purse which she had just picked up off the hallway dresser. She was dressed differently from before, Addison could only see through a small crack in the curtains, but her robe was gone now, replaced by a sleek black dress and her shoes, the ones she had shouted at Addison for playing in earlier today - the reason her daddy had found her crying on the front porch - clacked along the wooden floor.
‘You’re her parent too y’know,’ Mona said her gaze never looking his way as she slipped a compact out of her purse and checked her appearance.
‘And when I have to go to work? When you traipse in at God knows what hour or better still don’t come home? What then?’
‘You’ll figure it out Joey you always do,’ Mona said sarcastically, blotting her lipstick with her finger before she snapped the compact closed and threw it in her purse and then finally looked up at the man in front of her.
‘I make it work because I have to! Because you make me-‘ he snapped, his voice growing heated as he felt his frustration mounting.
‘Make you?! I didn’t make you do anything! You wanted a kid, begged me remember? Now you’re trying to blame me for what you signed us up for,’ Mona said in a tight whisper making Joe push a hard lump down in his throat, ‘you wanted Addison. I wanted my life.’
‘Addison is our life,’ Joe said angrily waiting for his wife to say something, anything that might insinuate she agreed if even the slightest amount but she watched him, stony faced and unyielding.
‘I’ve had her all day you have no idea what it’s like,’ she said eventually.
‘What would you rather go to work? Bust your hump every damn day to put food on the table,’ Joe argued.
‘Be a damn sight easier!’ Mona snapped, ‘do you know what’s it like? She doesn’t want me, Joe. Every day is the same. I’m never the one she wants, it’s always Daddy this, Daddy that when I’m the one home with her all day.’
‘She’s a kid Mona! Kids push your buttons,’ Joe said.
‘Well she can push yours tonight,’ she said slinging her purse onto her shoulder as she headed to the door. 
‘So what you’re just gonna run out every time it gets hard? We need you Mona,’ Joe said following her. Mona paused, her hand on the door handle before she looked back at her husband, ‘and what about what I need?’
And before Joe could protest she wrenched open the door an flung herself down the garden path. Joe moved forward, standing in the door frame as he watched his wife climb into the cab that was idling in the middle of the street before it took off at speed. He only looked up when he heard a tiny voice speak from somewhere on the porch.
‘Is Mama mad at me?’ Addison said with a sniffle as she sunk back down onto her bottom pretending she hadn’t been kneeling up at the window, listening to every word. Joe looked at her, forcing a smile as he walked towards her sitting down on the swing beside her as she climbed onto his lap. 
‘No baby she’s not mad at you,’ Joe said placing a kiss on the top of her head.
‘Then where’d she go?’ she asked as she looked out at the garden in front of them.
‘She’s had to pop out to see a friend,’ Joe lied. 
‘But she’s coming back?’ Addison asked hopefully. 
‘Of course baby,’ Joe said though he wasn’t sure that was the case. 
‘Okay,’ Addison said quietly cuddling into him as he started to rock the porch swing with his feet. 
The sun was sinking in the sky now, creating orange and pink streaks above the houses across from them. And his baby girl was nuzzled into him, her little fingers playing with the chain he was wearing around his neck as he rocked them. 
Any other time it would’ve been a nice moment. But not tonight. 
He had just gotten home from a long day at work, back breaking labour he was hoping would be followed by a nice meal and maybe an ice-cold drink. But that wasn’t the scene he was greeted with when he got home. No, as he pulled up he found his little girl sitting on their front porch sobbing her heart out. She had been waiting for him and ran to him the moment he had put his foot on the garden path, burying herself in his neck as her tears made his already sweat soaked shirt damper. He had asked her what was wrong but she hadn’t managed to get her words out, every bit of speech broken by sniffles and erratic breaths as she tried to explain herself. 
But as he stepped over the threshold of his home he knew what was the matter. Mona.
He had placed Addison down and told her to stay on the porch until he came back out and though she was still sniffling and her lashes were clumped together with tears she had nodded allowing him to go into the house alone.
As he walked towards the back of the house he could sense something was up. Mona was flitting around the kitchen taking pots off the stove and decanting vegetables onto two plates on the countertop. It was a domestic scene that would be seen all over the United States tonight and yet their scene wouldn’t unfold like everyone else’s would. His wife wouldn’t kiss him as he greeted her. She wouldn’t serve him his dinner or ask him about his day. She wouldn’t put their little girl to bed, the pair of them making sure she was soundly asleep before they settled down enjoying one another’s company. 
No tonight would go as it had a thousand times before. Mona would throw a haphazard meal on the table and then she would leave for whatever good time she had managed to arrange. He would make sure Addison was fed, ask her what had made her cry which she would no doubt inform him to be something her mother had said or did, and then he would bath her and put her to bed wondering if his wife would be laying in the bed beside him in the morning. 
All of that had been put into motion the moment he had asked her why Addison was crying. 
That had been what had led him into the argument, it had been the reason the pair of them were now sitting on the porch swing both as broken as the other. The only bonus was that Addison seemed to have stopped crying, fresh tears didn’t even seem to come as she watched Mona flee from them as if she were leaving the scene of a crime. Yet that hurt in its own way. It hurt so much that he had to peel himself away from her. 
He needed time to rebuild himself, if only the ten minutes it would take to finish dinner, so he could be there for her when the inevitable questions rolled in.
‘Addie?’ he asked causing her large hazel eyes to look up at him expectantly, forcing a wave of sadness to flow through him at just how familiar they looked, ‘I’m gonna make dinner okay?’
‘Okay,’ she said as he moved her off him, placing a kiss on the top of her head before he stood up. 
‘You stayin’ out here?’ he asked earning a nod in response. It was a small relief, at least holed away in the kitchen he could let his emotions flood through him without upsetting her, ‘okay. But don’t go wanderin’ off ya hear me? You ain’t allowed out of this yard.’
‘I know,’ she said with a smile. 
And then he headed inside the house and out of sight. Addison watched him go before she sat back on the porch swing. She didn’t want to stay outside, it was getting late and a chill was flowing through the air making her shiver in her thin dress but she knew it was better to be here. If her daddy had wanted her outside whilst they argued he’d want her out of the way when he cried. 
She couldn’t hear it this time, he was deep enough in the house that she couldn’t hear anything but she was sure he would cry. Like he always did when him and her mama fought. She didn’t know why. She didn’t know how he could hold her and make her feel like everything was better and yet he couldn’t fix himself. How her mama could leave him so broken. 
It made her tiny heart hurt. 
She had heard how her Mama had complained about her wanting him and it was true that throughout the day she had asked for him nigh on a thousand times. It had gotten on her mother’s nerves and so she had told her to go and play though she didn’t say anything about staying out of her parents’ closet. She had been trying on one of her mother’s fancy necklaces and walking around in the shoes that clacked along the floor when her mother had found her. She had yelled blue murder, yanking Addison up until the shoes dropped off her feet and clattered onto the floor. And then she had shoved her through the bedroom door, screaming about how she could never have anything nice, how Addison was nothing but trouble.
It had made her cry and that had only seemed to make her mother angrier and so Addison had fled to the safety of the front porch, waiting for her dad to get home. He always made her feel better. He never made her feel the way her mother did.
That was why she wanted him around. She knew her Daddy loved her, her mother she wasn’t so sure about.   
As the sun continued to set and the chill got worse Addison got up from her seat on the porch swing, moving into a strip of sunshine that warmed her body in a way that made her feel a touch happier. She was revelling in the warmth as she watched a bug flit between the gap in the concrete of the porch floor, her finger chasing it as it ran into the shadows, but her attention was caught as she heard a chugging engine coming down the street and looked up to find a truck pulling into the driveway beside them. Addison scooted forward; her face pressed close to the wooden slats of the porch fence as she watched with curiosity. The house beside them belonged to Mrs Miller, a kind older woman who always gave her candy whenever she saw her by the fence. But Mrs Miller hadn’t been home for a while so this car pulling up was odd.
Addison watched as the car stopped and a man she didn’t recognise jumped out. He looked like her daddy, though where her daddy lacked a smile, he couldn’t seem to stop, especially as the rest of the car’s passengers started to disembark. Addison watched as a lady stepped out, not as smiley though she did brighten up as the man continued to talk gesturing to bits of Mrs Miller’s house. Addison watched as he threw his arm around her shoulders, kissing her temple as he spoke animatedly about the house in front of them. Though she could see how happy they were it made her feel sad, it made her wonder why her parents couldn’t be like that.
Then she was distracted as she heard the clunk of a car door and looked across to find a boy a bit older than her making his way around the back of the car until he was at the other side, opening the door and helping out an older woman until she was firmly on solid ground. As he helped her up the path that had become overgrown and unloved in Mrs Miller’s absence Addison watched him.
He wasn’t a teenager but he was definitely older than her. His hair was sandy blonde, though it seemed almost as brown as hers as it was combed tightly to his head, the product he had used to get it that way making it look darker. Addison leaned in closer, watching him as he took a spot beside the younger woman, finally making a larger smile play on her lips.
‘What are ya doing down there, baby?’ she heard Joe say forcing her to whip around so quick as though she had been caught doing something she shouldn’t. Though as he watched her his gaze travelled beyond where she was sitting, clocking the fact there were now people next door. Addison watched as he waved to them and found the man she didn’t know waving back.
‘You wanna meet our new neighbours?’ Joe asked. Addison looked towards the family for a second and then back at her daddy who was waiting patiently then she nodded. Joe offered out a hand which she ran to, his large one encircling hers as they walked down the front steps and towards the fence where the man was now waiting, the rest of them talking amongst themselves.
‘Found it okay then?’ Joe asked with a smile as he leaned across the fence to embrace the man, his other hand still holding Addison’s who was watching them closely.
‘Yeah, just followed your directions,’ Vernon said, ‘again I can’t thank ya enough.’
‘Oh you know it was no bother,’ Joe said, ‘Jack didn’t sting ya too hard on the rent did he?’
‘Nah,’ the man said, ‘I think he’s just happy someone’s gonna be lookin’ after the place.’
‘Well from what I hear his mom’s gonna be headed to a long-term facility after hospital so you never know he might make it permanent,’ Joe said.
‘I hope so,’ the woman said appearing at the man’s side as she offered her hand out, ‘Gladys.’
‘Joe,’ Joe said, ‘nice we can finally meet. Vernon’s told me all about you.’
‘Only good stuff,’ Vernon ribbed.
‘Likewise,’ Gladys said rolling her eyes at her husband before she noticed the little girl standing beside him watching her inquisitively.
‘Which means you must be Addison,’ the woman Addison now knew as Gladys said looking down on her with a kind smile. She smiled back but tucked herself behind her dad’s leg as a blush flooded through her.
‘Hey now who are you tryin’ to convince you’re shy?’ Joe chuckled stroking her hair, ‘say hello baby.’
‘Hello,’ Addison said quietly.
‘Hi there,’ Gladys said.
‘Hi sweetheart,’ Vernon said with a smile.
‘You want me to come over and show ya round? I think they’ll have switched the power and gas off at the mains but everything’s the same as ours so I can show you how to get set up,’ Joe said.
‘You wouldn’t mind?’ Gladys asked.
‘Of course not,’ Joe said.
‘Thanks man,’ Vernon said as Joe nodded and climbed over the small fence one leg at a time before he turned back to Addison. She let him pick her up but as he placed her down on the other side of the fence, she stopped realising the boy from before was watching her. He was leaning against the truck, his blue eyes watching her closely as she looked towards him.
Then she found herself moving, her shyness from earlier disappearing as if there was something tugging her forward. She only stopped when she was stood in front of him, her large hazel eyes looking up at him as she smiled.
‘Hi,’ she said.
‘Hi,’ Elvis said leaning up off the truck he had been resting on.
‘I’m Addie,’ she said.
‘Elvis,’ he said offering a hand out which he expected her to shake but she didn’t. Instead she dove headfirst into his midriff, her tiny arms wrapping around him though they didn’t meet at the back. His own hands moved to her back holding her to him though far more tentatively than she was hugging him. When she pulled back she smiled at him, offering her hand out for him to take which he did without thinking, unable to say no.
He could feel himself being tugged, his arm nearly wrenching out of the socket as she raced forward following the grownups. But it was more than that. The tugging didn’t feel as though it was coming from that small yet powerful hand, but from within them. Something tethering them together and for some reason he couldn’t help but smile.
As Addison pulled out of the memory she felt a tug deep inside her. She didn’t know why, after all that memory was a happy one and given that she was awash with all sorts of memories these days she should take comfort in the ones that were as nice as that. Though she supposed she shouldn’t be surprised, not when that tugging seemed to be a permanent fixture of her being these days, as if it was pulling her at the seams, trying to break her apart. Especially as she watched Elvis. He was lying in bed, his eyes closed and the book he had been reading on his chest though it slipped as he shifted, falling into the crevice of his arm and startling him awake. Though as he grabbed it he noticed her standing by the bathroom door watching over him and he smiled at her, that old familiar knee weakening smile – not changed by age.
‘What are you doin’ over there?’ he said quietly, ‘c’mere.’
Addison didn’t say anything but she obeyed his request, moving towards the bed and climbing on it until she was able to lay down beside him, moving the book as she nuzzled into his side, his arm going around her. He held her for a moment, his fingers tracing soft circles on her arm. Addison didn’t look up at him, soaking in his warmth as he held her, trying to commit this to be one of the memories that plagued her.
‘What are you thinking about?’ Elvis said after a moment.
‘The day we met,’ she said honestly, still staring out across the other side of the room though she felt him move his head no doubt looking down on her as he said, ‘yeah?’
‘Yeah,’ she said quietly.
‘The day at the fair?’ he asked.
‘No, the very first time,’ she said making him breath a laugh.
‘Jeez you remember that?’ he chuckled quietly, ‘I can barely remember what I had for breakfast.’
‘I don’t know how. It just…came to me,’ she said.
‘You were barely three years old,’ Elvis said.
‘I know,’ she said quietly. She didn’t know how she remembered it. How her brain had plucked something she hadn’t thought about for years out and made her relive it and yet she wasn’t surprised. It was something her mind was doing more and more. As a way to cheer her up or torture her she wasn’t sure. After a moment she said, ‘you know what I do remember?’
‘What honey?’ he asked knowing there was more to whatever she was thinking about.
‘My mama and daddy were arguing if you can believe that,’ Addison said making Elvis chuckle, ‘so I was trying to ignore them. Took myself out on the front porch so I couldn’t hear my daddy cryin’….and then I see this big ol’ truck pull up and this nice couple get out followed by this older lady and then this skinny little thing helpin’ her out of the car-’
‘Lean not skinny,’ Elvis corrected making Addison smile.
‘This lean little thing,’ she corrected before she continued, ‘and y’know they looked happy. The mom and dad were smiling and the kid he seemed so kind and I just wanted to run right into the middle of it. To barrel headfirst across my garden until I was in it. In the middle of all that love.’
‘Addie your daddy loved you more than anything in this world you know that,’ Elvis said holding her a touch tighter.
‘I know and I wouldn’t have traded him for the world but I always wanted to be a part of it,’ she whispered.
‘A part of what honey?’ Elvis asked.
‘Your world,’ she said trying to push down the lump in her throat as she spoke, ‘I was drawn to it like a rope tied around my middle pulling me to it. To you.’
‘I know what you mean,’ Elvis said. He had felt it too. Every time she had walked into his life there was this pull, something pulling them together until they were tethered. It hadn’t been an easy road but it was never one they could escape. That was why he felt his heart shatter as she spoke again, this time in barely more than a whisper.
‘What am I gonna do when the rope snaps?’ she asked. Tears were falling now, rolling down her cheeks and onto the cotton of his pyjamas no doubt creating damp patches he would be able to feel but she couldn’t stop them.
‘Oh Ads,’ he sighed. They’d had conversations like this before but he’d never heard the fear in his voice that was present now. She’d always kept herself contained, strong.
‘I mean it. What do I do?’ she asked with a sniffle, ‘because I know you keep saying you’re ready. I know you believe in whatever’s up there…but what if I’m not? What if I’m never going to be ready El? All my life you’ve been there in some form, the rope pulling us back together.’
‘You think I wanna go?’ Elvis said unevenly, he could feel his own tears stinging in his eyes but he forced them back. It was the first sign of vulnerability she had shown and he wasn’t going to make her take care of him, ‘honey I would stay here with you forever if I could you know that…but God…he’s got other plans.’
‘He should change ‘em,’ she said attempting a joke though it was barren of mirth.
‘Only you would be so stubborn as to ask God to make an exception,’ Elvis chuckled.
‘You know me,’ she said. She pulled back, placing her hand on his chest as her hazel eyes found his blue ones each watching the other with the same pained yet loving look.
‘You’re right. I do,’ Elvis said moving a strand of hair off her face, ‘and I know you well enough to know you’re strong enough to survive this. I know that you’ll know what to do. That you’ll look after our girls, our grand babies and anyone else who needs it. I know that you’ll take care of ‘em the way you’ve took care of me all these years.’
‘But I could take care of everything because I had you,’ Addison said, her voice breaking as a fresh wave of tears rolled down her cheeks.
‘And you will,’ Elvis said firmly, ‘do you think I’d every truly leave you? Baby I was always with you and I always will be. I’ll be with you in everything you do and then one day we’ll be back together. You’ll see.’
As tears fell she tried to contain herself but she couldn’t stop the sob that broke free at his words, at the thought of him not being beside her as he had been all these years. Elvis moved his thumb across her cheek, swiping the dampness from under one of her eyes as he watched her.
‘Tell me you believe me,’ he said. Addison watched him. She had been so strong up to now yet as their deadline seemed to grow closer she felt more and more doubt creep in. Even when they had been apart she had always had him, she had known he wasn’t too far away. And she wanted to believe that would still be the case, that what he believed would be right, but she didn’t want to find out. She didn’t want him to go. Not yet. Yet as his blue eyes watched her she couldn’t tell him no. She couldn’t allow her doubt to ruin him. Not if that brought him any ounce of comfort.
‘I do,’ she nodded.
‘Good, though I demand you take your sweet time,’ he jested.
‘When do I ever do what you tell me,’ Addison said allowing his joke to lighten the sombre mood.
‘You will this time you hear me?’ Elvis said, an air of seriousness running through his tone, ‘because this life it still has so much left for you Addie…so promise me you’ll make the most of it.’
‘I promise,’ Addison said, putting her head down on his chest again as he clasped his hand over hers, his heart beating steadily under their touch.
‘Elvis?’ she asked after a moment.
‘Can we just be us for now? No making the most of anything, no thinking about anything…just you and me?’ she asked. She had given him his comfort now she just hoped he would give her what she needed.
‘Whatever you want honey,’ Elvis said kissing the top of her head.
‘I love you,’ she said shakily.
‘I love you too.’
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