#so lovey dovey sickening
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when you fall in love with your general and his not-so-secret wife but they also fall in love with you so its a win win win situation
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duahauuoplanh · 1 year
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Junho x Yoona in King the Land newest trailer
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vampiretendencies · 1 year
concept!! jj noticing you getting jealous over random girls talking to him and he reassures you and acts all lovey dovey 💭
noticeably, jj maybank is a sight for sore eyes. half the girls on kildare throw themselves at him, though he’s made it advantageously clear that he’s unavailable.
hell, the new intern at the local barber thought she had a chance merely because he left her a forsaken tip. since then she’s been giving him free haircuts in hopes that jj would at least acknowledge her existence.
naturally, jj doesn’t bat an eye at the poor girl. because his vision is set on his one and only.
his only message to those that made it their mission to wear at the seams of your relationship was, ‘look, i’ve finally fell in love and forgotten who you were.’
with that, you knew you truly didn’t have anything to worry about because the man is practically a lost dog on a leash, under your compulsion. that’s why you are nearly itching, trying to resist the temptation of jealously at its brink. it was supposed to be date night, with the location being the wreck for dinner, and as he’s at the bar trying to convince them he’s old enough for a glass of beer two girls swarm him like clockwork. it’s irritating the way one of their gently polished hands dust over his shoulder and the other is talking to him a little bit to close for your liking. chatting him up like he has no where to be.
it’s sickening that they’d take great lengths to earn nothing but an irresistible smile in the end. nothing more, nothing less.
“no luck on the beer baby, can you believe them— i mean i definitely look twenty one—“
“why were they talking to you?”
his pure features turn flat from that sudden interruption. even has his large hand letting go of your small one from across the table to adjust his hat as if he didn’t hear you correctly. you don’t mean for your face to turn downward, with an expression like you’d just smelled expired food— stomach churning and frown evident.
“them?!” he points their way, scoffing mixed with a chuckle in disbelief. the jealousy and envy are written on your forehead.
“yes them, who else?” you cross your arms, jj doesn’t appreciate the dismissal so he leaves from his side of the booth and squeezes into yours. a close as can be so you can’t avoid eye contact, whilst he’s trying to make things right.
“she’s heard that i work on cars here and there and asked if i could fix hers, her friend just happened to be there. nothing else, baby you know that.”
“has she also heard that you have girlfriend?
“mhm, she’s heard that m’fuckin crazy about my girl too.”
your irrationality is beneath you upon a grin trying to creep it’s way past, you really didn’t want to but it’s beckoned unfeasible around jj— he’s contagious.
“now go ahead bite my head off some more baby, i love it.”
he’d known true jealousy would be unavoidable, it took a lot for you to get here though— it’s always so painstakingly obvious how devout he is to you.
you shoved his chest a bit; playfully. whilst he pulled you into his lap with ease. peppering many kisses as he can between words. in public and all, whoever wants to stop and watch the show let them. up until your neck he feels the need to worsen the jealous trail by saying ‘get jealous more often, you looked so fucking hot pretty girl.’
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fauustic · 1 year
a second chance
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gender-nonconforming reader x miguel “spider-man 2099″ o’hara
angst. comfort. a bit of fluff. miguel o’hara breaks up with you for your safety, but the universe gives you both a second chance.
warnings: description of violence.
word count: 7358
Somehow, the city seemed even more suffocating out the window of Miguel’s apartment, lights of every color on the spectrum peering into the room as highly advanced cars skimmed by. The millions of people inhabiting such a place had their own problems, but for a moment you wished you were someone else. On their way to work in a tip-top business suit, an old person trying to make the most out of every passing day– anything other than here was more appetizing.
For a moment, you wish you were ignorant to the burden of these powers, the powers Miguel was forced upon and the powers you greedily accepted like a little kid in a candy shop.
It was all too much.
You’ve never seen Miguel so emotional, his knees meeting the ground before you could even shut the door.
There were glimpses of what let through, the broken state of his mind that he so desperately tried to keep together like grains of sand falling through fingers. Late nights he would break down sobbing in your grounding hold, chanting and repeating broken phrases of what had him so upset. Other times these fits you slowly grew accustomed to would be set off from your kindness, actions so deeply rooted in your routine that when it started creating disturbances in your relationship. It was painful, being the glue that held him together.
At the beginning of your relationship, it was something magical. Like one of the romance comics you’d skim through as a teenager, or a romcom movie that had you pining for the lovey-dovey side character.
Miguel was set in his ways no matter what he was faced upon, and making a statement on how serious he felt about you was no different. He’d court you with the utmost respect, swaying you with gifts and flowers that reminded him of you. His affectionate nature came to fruition as you crumbled all his walls in mere months, destroying the years of progress that he enforced to keep others out.
Yet, those nasty habits Miguel formed when he had no-one else slowly peeked through the crevices of your time together. Soft red flags that waved in passing roses he’d give after bad arguments of “your safety,” a bad feeling in your gut whenever Miguel mentioned something along the lines of, “they can’t hurt you too.”
The few months leading to the end of it all was messy, as secrets he precariously kept away from you fell right at your feet. Literally, and figuratively.
Waking into your shared home, all that was on your mind was preparing a meal for you boyfriend who always seemed to come home late. The scent of the apartment washed over your exhaustion-ridded body, cracking your shoulder with a pained hiss.
Distinct woody fragrances wafted throughout the cozy décor, Miguel’s aroma of Sambac jasmine combined with cedar and praline met your senses as a familiar comfort. You wondered if Miguel experienced the same after a long day, your magnolia and orange blossom washes relieving him of the stress of work.
Miguel was overwhelmed, sickened by his work at his lab. You’d always try to help him through his struggles with a massage, which he'd melt under your touch in mere seconds, but the moment you attempted to get him to speak about his troubles he always found an excuse. 
So you stopped, having to face rejection so many times by the man you adored put so much wear on your own mental health too.
Getting home a bit earlier, you situated your suit in your over-the-shoulder bag before fully stepping into the apartment. As your entire being was surrounded by the reminder of Miguel, guilt slashed through your consciousness at keeping your own secrets away from him as well. But he was worried sick always, whether it be about his own duties or confusingly about your safety.
Yet, when your sneakers you changed into moments before entering the house slipped onto something haphazardly thrown against tile floor– the façade Miguel tried to feed into to "keep you away from harm" came crashing down. 
It felt like an earthquake within your own home, rattling your heart around your ribcage like a feral bird stuck in an aviary. You were quiet, the gasp where sickness soon followed escaped through your stifling fingers wrapped against your mouth. It was terrible, being exposed to the truth in an act caught red-handed.
Curiosity snatched up your brain, the urge to prove what the mask strewn against the floor truly meant. You knew what was bound to come, but you couldn't help but think of a million different excuses in the time you tiptoed through the hallway and met the sight of his scarred back sitting upon the table.
His suit was torn off in a hurry, you assumed, by the state of how the half of his suit was rolled down to his waist and his mask was ripped off and thrown down carelessly. Finally catching him in such a vulnerable position, your heart seized and shriveled just to be rolled out again as his groan in pain cut you away from your thoughts.
 You were upset. You know you had no right to be, but as every lie he fabricated to allow the space to have this second life pushed to the forefront of your mind, a choked sob erupted through your throat.
Why did he suffer through this burden alone? Is this what kept him from letting me in? Your brain became muddled with questions, tears clouding your tired gaze. Miguel was in the middle of tightening a gauze against a nasty cut on his forearm, curls damp with sweat and blood, when the choked cry that escaped your lips caught his attention like a spooked animal.
"Miguel," you sobbed harder as he continued to try and make excuses,
"Cariño, it isn't what it looks like–" 
Your voice raised as heightened emotions threatened the atmosphere, your grasp on your bag tightening because you had your own secrets and second identity. Why wouldn't honesty escape from your mind and rid the ache in your chest? 
You settled on being mad. Being absolutely furious as you reminded yourself of the lies he'd conjured, make you worry about his job as a chemist and even embarrass yourself by going up there and filing a complaint. Knowing it was all an act and you were just a side-character to his play, a mix of disappointment and betrayal fogged your mind. "I'm not blind, O'Hara!"
Stomping back down to swipe up the mask, lens broken and flimsy under your manhandling, you waved it around the air like you were showcasing an audience. Miguel only groaned, pinching his nose as his own frustration clouded his critical thinking. "I know exactly what I'm looking at, Miguel, really? Is this why you act like you're so fucking scared of something?"
He repeated your name this time, cold and calculated. Like you were a villain on the battlefield Spider-man– he– just destroyed earlier, spitting out the criminal's tag like it was worse than the dirt he stepped on. "¡Mierda!" He seethe, standing up only to shuffle closer, but you only stepped away. "Do you think I enjoyed keeping this fucked up secret away from you? No estoy orgullosa de mí misma."
Tell him you have the same problems.
"Were you ever going to tell me?" You cried instead, and his hands reached to cradle your cheeks but you pathetically swiped them away. 
Tell him you have to worry about living until the next day for the sake of protecting others.
He was frozen stiff, his hands– claws you've never noticed before, unsheathing in and out of his palms. "I.. was. But I was terrified."
Tell him you're scared of others finding out who you really are too. Tell him you relate, and there was no reason to hide anymore. 
But you didn't, instead you wiped away your own tears with sweaty palms, struggling to keep yourself from staring at Miguel's broken expression. He looked like a kicked puppy, his arms reaching out to you subtly to show if you walked into his arms he'd never let you go.
"Scared of what?" You tried your best to sound as furious as before, but all that came was a meek whisper. 
Miguel's own tears fell onto the floor, catching your eyes as you stared at his mask in your clutches. "I'm so, so fucking scared of losing you. Tú eres mi vida, the air I breathe. You're the one constant I've had in my life, having it ripped away from me would kill me."
He's finally being open, and for a moment you saw light at the end of the tunnel. A turning point for the man, a second chance at being transparent in your relationship. It gave you the courage to come clean about your own second life and to apologize for your irrational words. But he spoke before you, rough and etched with hurt.
"But I don't know if we can keep this up."
"What?" The trance he was putting you under was shattered.
He laughed at nothing, his stare tinted with animalistic craze. Miguel's claws dug into his curls, "We need to break up." 
The mask in your grip fell, a stunned silence settling over the two of you. He had just said he couldn't live without you, how he wouldn't know what to do if you were ripped away from him– and now he's proposing a breakup? 
"You, what? Is this some joke?"
He turned away from you, pacing in unsaid panic. You knew he didn't want to do this, yet once he had a plan in his mind you also knew that he'd sacrifice anything to do the "right thing."
Miguel repeats your name the second time that night, your composure thrown off at the lack of pet names he would utter like honey from his tongue. He sounds hollow, dissociated from himself to make this discussion finish quicker. "They, I'm scared– okay? Scared shitless that they're going to come after you." He wheezed out another dry laugh, his bruised knuckles coming to kiss his eyes to blind his vision. The loudness of your voice from before must be giving him headaches. Because you were struggling with the same thing too.
"I can fend for myself–" you began to counter, hands coming in contact with the spider suit in your bag before his booming voice shook you to your core.
"No, no. You don't understand." Sobs choked his words, a flood of tears he couldn't bother to rid staining his cheeks and rolling down his jaw. "You can't! They're coming for me, and the ones I love. And the only one I love is you." Miguel emphasized himself by grazing your chest with a talon, exactly where your heart beat lurched and pattered like a broken down engine. "They will target you, and they will kill you."
Desperate, you were the one now begging for him to walk into your embrace. But he only turned away, his marred back facing you. The image burned itself in your mind.
"Who are they, Miguel? Why, even now, you won't tell me anything?" You sank to your knees, crawling towards him in despair. It couldn't be over.
"Hemos terminado. We're done, over." Miguel's tone steeled over, icy and painful and jarring. "Get out of my house."
He stood there like a statue, one arm holding himself only for his free hand to be pinching the bridge of his nose. Miguel didn't move as you quieted down your wails, and storm through the house to take what was yours and what you needed.
No words left your lips as you would steal a glance at his unmoving figure, the only giveaway that he was even breathing was his wavering composure. His attention stayed fixated on a corner of his apartment, head turned away from you the entire time.
You didn't care that you were still leaving so much of your stuff as your legs tripped over themselves to finally leave his apartment. You had more than enough money to live on your own, to buy the barebones like a toothbrush and necessities all over again.
Miguel O'Hara would now be a thing of the past, and all of the things tied to him could burn down in the apartment he held you. 
Your senses could tell that once your sneakers squeaked down the hallway of his apartment, thinking you would never be able to notice– Miguel's knees met the floor of his apartment with a heavy thud.
Fighting the amount of bags in your hands while simultaneously pushing the button of the first floor repetitively, the last memory you have of Miguel was his unfiltered sobs filling the apartment floor.
With time, you found yourself.
Whether it be from the new body wash you had bought for yourself or the different commute you began to take for work, a niche engineering project you've stumbled upon after the breakup– and it coincidentally helps you test materials that you could incorporate into your suit. The constant reminder of the man you brought to your knees didn't hurt that much anymore. Progress was being made, or so you thought.
Every time your back met a brick wall from the force of some outer-dimensional monster turned sentient who all of a sudden wants to get back at the human race, the thud that echoed from the impact would knock you right back to the apartment filled with sweet praline and magnolia. His sobs trailing behind a screech of pain from your enemies, causing hesitation in your combat.
The cheers below you snapped you out of your daze, civilians chanting for your victory or screaming in fear as they ran away. After the breakup, you've found yourself with the leniency of being able to suit up whenever your heart desires because you weren't keeping a secret away from another anymore.
You bit your cheek in frustration, upset at how you handled the situation because you had done the same and you were mad at him for doing exactly what you were doing. All these months have passed, and you still can't help but feel guilty.
But it's in the past now.
Another screech met your ears, back shivering as a chill washed over your spine. With the fast reaction speed you were able to build, you swung out of the way to another rooftop before the alienistic creature side slammed you. The web slinger you have tinkered with enhanced your ability to shoot out organic webs at a consistent pace, working as fine as a charm when you swing back towards the vicious monster to crunch your knuckles sickeningly into its slimy flesh. It glitched disgustingly.
It withered away with ease, falling off the skyscraper it had leaped upon in an attempt to finish you off. Throwing a device onto the being, it was trapped into a vibrant hold it couldn’t get out of.
Your soft cream-white suit glistened with its green blood, covering the black trim you painstakingly painted in the dead of night.
The appearance you kept up as a Spider-person upgraded with time because you didn't exactly mind the limelight. Not staying in the shadows anymore since you didn't have to worry about O’Hara finding out about you, your suit became something you adorned with confidence. It was a part of you now, as cheers sounded out from below at your entertaining brawl with a slime monster that totally wants to eradicate the city. 
But yeah, go ahead and cheer you poor ignorant souls.
You never really came up with a name, but as you began incorporating little trinkets on your newly added combat satchel like a stray feather and charms of swans because a little girl said "your suit reminded her of one," the news generously graced you with the title "Spider Swan." On some bad days on the broadcast, though, the name would easily become a tomato show for jokes like "baby bird couldn't flap its wings," or "someone left the nest a bit too early."
It was infuriating.
The headgear installed in your mask allowed you to pick up on police waves, listening into calls and urgent matters so you could have a better idea of where you were needed and how you could help.
It rang through the noise of webs slinging from a glass window to a neon billboard, the police urgently requesting backup on a city street not that far away from you. It was describing a creature just like the one you obliterated, slimy and green and totally not from your universe. A scream pierced the radio waves, encouraging a sense of a little more urgency in your movements.
Becoming more involved with this line of work, you began to understand Miguel's worries. Corrupt organizations would pray for your downfall, threatening everyone you should probably hold dear to your heart as your spurred shoes met the slide of their faces. Other times skilled criminals would form alliances with one another and try to dig up your true identity as a way of blackmail.
It never worked and they're now where they need to be, but you suppose after you hear so many threats you begin to take it with nonchalance– and suddenly it isn't an empty threat– the panic that overwhelmed O’Hara was perfectly reasonable.
The beautiful lights of the underground city lit up against your lenses like a wildfire, a visual feast you’ve never been able to get enough of. Swinging throughout the tight spaces of Nueva York, you neared closer to where you were needed. A gunshot veered past you, presumably from a dumb cop, and you had to flip in the air and roll onto the street before picking up speed again.
Hissing out in pain, a quip escaped your lips when you neared the police force. “Did anyone here train to do their job? The last time I was here you almost shot me in my good eye–” Before you could even finish your sentence, two rookies pulled their guns in a defensive stance. With a heavy sigh, you easily subdued them with your webs before swinging into action.
The monster looked as if it was already struggling, turned away from your figure and groaning in its mother tongue, oozing with a gross slime that littered and disrupted the flow of traffic down below. It was relatively larger than the one you had just captured and suddenly the device in your hand feels a little too small. Nonetheless, as the villain flailed lazily, the heel of your foot met the crunching sensation from one of its many eyes. You almost gagged as it exploded onto your white suit, but the navy blue lenses meeting your contrasting white made time stop. It wasn’t until one of the many tentacles belonging to the creature yanked your ankle– soaring you violently towards a skyscraper– that the trance from the one you had been avoiding was interrupted with a shock.
He had been trying to find you like a fox finding a bunny, you knew that. Waiting in the shadows, you always see him stalking beyond the darkness. And now you’re right here, finally coexisting in the same space after months of a cat-mouse game. “Can’t exactly talk here,” You yelled, deepening your voice in a pitch that made you cringe. “Let’s put a raincheck on what’s going on here and focus on the weird dimensional-octopus that’s currently beating your ass.” Spider-Man, with a groan of frustration that was just so familiar, noticeably squinted in your direction that had you sweating bullets as he right hooked the head of the monstrosity.
You knew everything about him. He knew nothing about you.
“I’m supposed to be the one and only Spider-Man of this–” He dodged a tentacle aiming for the head, only to unsheathe his claws and start ripping into the flesh of the villain. The smell, something similar to the stench of Sulphur mixed with radioactive chemicals. It burned your enhanced senses, tipping your balance before you caught yourself. 
“Well obviously, you’re not.” Steadying your emotions, the calmness of your tone contrasted his irritability. “You know it’s not impossible–” Webs meeting tentacles, the screech of the glitching excrescence interrupting your words before quickly silencing it with another heel to the eyes. Pointing up and then at the watch around his wrist, you gave him a pointed look and a shrug. Nothing was said, but at the exasperated howl at your accusatory gesture– he obviously understood the unsaid. 
“I’ve been speaking to you for a minute–” Another punch. “And I’m already finding you the most annoying out of all of them–”
You rolled your eyes, webbing the tentacles of the monster together like shoelaces stuck together. “Gee, thanks tough guy.” No response.
The monstrosity the two of you had been grappling against grew more frantic with its movements, growing more aware of its losing battle by the moment. With defeat in tow, the tentacles split into multiple. Green juice splattering excessively over the city blocks, it screamed horrendously in pain. The dimensional monster was imploding into itself, never allowing it the chance to return back to its universe.
Being so close to the glitching, dramatic death of the slime monster– Spider-Man pushed the heaving half-corpse’s weight off his own in a flurry. Always having to be quick on your feet in this field, you webbed the monster in the air so it could hang uselessly– the death of the anomaly would not be able to interfere with anything amongst Nueva York. 
Being on your own despite having so much at your finger-tips, the separation between you and O’Hara made things difficult. You were on your own despite being at the core of everything. 
Head buzzing with spider senses, your attention snapped towards the man that is tangled with your entire being– a useless game of push-and-pull that neither one of you are giving into. 
Spider-Man miscalculated the leap away, his claws trying to find purchase in the metal beams of the building. But something was wrong, the slime running down his forearms ruining his suit’s resistance. 
The structure O’Hara clung to was threatening to crumble due to the constant strain of the battle, doused in the greasy muck that pixelated and discolored by each passing moment the villain was close to combusting entirely. Before you knew it, the construction of the building that was so complexly fabricated was coming down and shifting into rubble on the borough down below. 
Your limbs began moving on its own, your mind racing into a frenzy of saving the people down below and the man you revolved around like the sun and moon– unknowing forces pushing the two of you together but never touching. 
Until now.
The collision lasted only seconds, but to you it was as if the eclipse was forever. Skin sizzling with nerves you didn’t even know you could feel ignited aflame, the pads of your feet coming into contact with the building’s crumbling walls– diving into spaces and using the webs you shot as a catapult. 
Your hold came into contact with a body before you knew it, warm and intimate like you were back in his home. Tucked away in the softness of his duvet, your arms wrapped around his skin like an anchor against the raging waves. Memories came flooding in, lightheaded with your spider senses crying out in danger against the puzzle pieces that placed O’Hara on a pedestal. The first rose he gave you floated through the crevices of your brain, an astray petal landing softly on a memory you forced down. 
The radioactive spider that latched its fangs into your skin on the night you met O’Hara, pain mixing with anticipation. 
It's like the city lights grew more vibrant at the realization, soda blue mixing with dragon fruit pink– lime green swirling with sunny yellow. Everything fits together. This was how it was supposed to go, despite all the pain.
Strength you’ve built up allowed yourself to heave him onto your shoulder, breathing heavily at his weight crushing yours. But determination and adrenaline pushed you further, swinging through the shadowed city until you found a safe perch– laying him down gently. Time was running out, but you had to do what needed to be done.
Ripping on the tattered mask upon your face, you scooped up his head into a soft grasp. Right hand behind his neck and the other leaning the back of his head towards your unearth identity, his lenses tiredly widened at the abrupt reveal.
Tears you didn’t know you had in you– not shedding a tear ever since the day the two of you broke up– flooded your eyes and rolled down your sliced skin. Salt mixed with flesh, the pain kept you wide awake and aware.
“Still the most annoying one you ever met?” You couldn’t help but try to ease the tension in the atmosphere, yet failing with obvious reason.
O’Hara whispered your name like a blessing, claw upon his chest meeting the dirt on your cheek in the softest graze he’s ever bestowed against you. “You– you’re here.”
“I’m here.” You echoed, resting your forehead against his own. His suit caressed against your skin, and the world stopped. All that you could hear was his soft wheezing of breath and your own, and suddenly everything felt okay.
“¿Cómo puede ser eso?” He muttered aloud, “How can this be? How are you here?” he became a mumbling mess as nervousness clutched his rationality. O’Hara’s hand swiping against your jaw shifted to the small of your back in a hug. It was like nothing had ever happened, and you were about to fall in the ravine of his presence before a ear-blasting trill of beams breaking pulled you back into reality. You stood up, rolling your mask back on before looking down below. A miracle was going to have to happen for everything to turn out okay, but you were willing to take that risk. He called your name, reaching the hand not clutching his side out in desperation. “Don’t do this– you can’t change–”
You kept your back turned, shooting your webs onto a piece of rubble falling for leverage. “Don’t you dare fucking move.” Was the last thing you said before you plunged into the chaos that was unravelling Nueva York from the inside out.
The abrasion of concrete rubbing against your skin carved into your skin, until it didn’t. Dust threatened to enter your lungs as you weaved in and out of obstacles created from the fissures of collapsing high-rises, bodies clasping onto you like a lifeline– until that ended as soon as you started as well.
Everything made sense finally, and then it stopped. Paused as soon as it strengthened, disentangling memories and causing fragmentation.
Lips met yours, the firm grasp of palms against your hips. “Cariño, you don’t understand how much I’ve thought about my mouth on yours since we last met.”  A familiar voice whispered into your ear, kneading into your flesh as each syllable rolled out lazily. But the warm breath fanning the side of your face never came, and the wisps of hair that met your forehead never tickled you.
The touch of an elevator button against your index ignited your senses, bags dragging down your tired form. The thud of knees meeting tile followed, before ending with sobs echoing in the corners of your mind.
Darkness enveloped your mind, the vibrancy of neon lights that grew so comforting never came. 
Cold metal met your limbs, grazing your chest and the beeping of a scan met your ears. Orange hues painted the darkness for just a moment, before vanishing like a hallucination. Little bits and pieces of words would echo throughout the chamber you’ve found yourself in– “When do you think,” – “¡Mierda! Are you even doing your job correcting?!” – “Let me take over,” “You have no idea what you are even looking at, Miguel!” – “But you do?!”
It was like this for a while, until the words grew closer and the colors overlapping pitch black spread like webs. 
The first thing you felt was a weight on your leg, thigh trapped under the pressure of something breathing and shifting ever so slightly. The covers lying atop your form was nothing close to the softness you were used to, instead the scratchy fabric brushed against your skin and the thin gown you felt as you twitched.
Your muscles ached, both out of stiffness and the strain of what you remember: the buildings collapsing around you, rubble piercing your skin. Your throat felt dry, the lights overhead intruded against your eyelids. The metal sensation from before, cold and icy, trailed along your arms as you woke.
Peeling your gaze open, your spider senses went into overdrive. It feels as if your body had sunken into the pit of an ocean, drowning and heavy with salt water flooding your pores. 
The first to catch your eye was the spider-shaped robotic machinery tending to your wounds, scabbed and bandaged with care. Your fists curled into the bed you rested against; the smell of chemicals embedded within the fabric burned at your nostrils. The luminescence of the lamps on the bedside counter were dimmed low as your gaze adjusted to the sensory intake, breathing deeply in a way to calm yourself.
This place was nothing you’ve ever seen before, but with an abundance of spider-themed gadgetry adorned along the wall and medical systems– alongside the hyper-technologically advanced computer interfaces connected to the tubed legs of the metallic spiders accessing the wounds you had, you assumed it must have been the Spider Society HQ you’ve heard in passing. The building above the greenery beyond Nueva York, a vision you were only able to get glimpses from riding the train.
Holding your breath, you looked at the weight atop your thigh. 
A tuft of combed-back brown curls met your stare before tracing the few strands hanging delicately over his forehead. His eyes were fluttered shut, eyebrows furrowed as if he was having a bad dream. Deep stress lines you desperately wanted to thumb away rested in-between his brow, leading you to the circles under his closed eyes. Deep and prominent against olive skin, O’Hara was now in a slightly modified, upgraded version of his navy blue suit that had none of the previous damage from the battle you stumbled upon.
His head lay against your thighs heavily, breathing in your scent deeply as he dozed off. Every few snores, he’d stutter in his sleep as if he was about to shock himself awake– but he easily settled back in the softness of your muscle after his hand upon your stomach would grab the flesh of your stomach softly. 
You took a moment to study him. There’s been a few times you’ve sighted him in the streets, usually his mask covering his identity always. This is the first time you’ve truly had him so close and the realization of it all made your palms sweat and your stomach churn. The usual quips and your homemade spider-mask could not save you now, you were in the den of a lion’s. He quite literally had you in his grasp.
The knowledge you had of this place was limited, not being a part of the Spider Society because you had to avoid him– and now that everything has been revealed in regards to both of your secrets you had no idea what to do from here. Not like you could do much right now though, your bones feel fragile and your muscles feel weak. How long have you been holed up in this cage?
A groan escaped O’Hara’s lips, a frown contorting his features. Under the spell of sleep, he looked much more soft. The rigidness of his stoicism couldn’t plague his expression as dreams consumed him, but as his frown deepened and the lines between his eyebrows became more prominent,, you couldn’t help but slide your hand underneath his. Squeezing it, his scarred fingers subconsciously intertwined with yours without a moment’s hesitation. 
A smile bloomed onto your lips at the sight, your heart running a marathon at the closeness you were allowed. All the anger festered up from that night ebbed away with time and understanding– having the role as a Spiderperson since the split made you candidly comprehend the stress and dedication one has to have. With the experience, the hardness O’Hara had on himself and others suddenly made sense, and as the confusion cleared– love remained. The man within your reach finally, has always been in the corners of your mind, memories unearthed by every little thing in your life. You may have changed your route to work, but then you started to pass his favorite restaurant. You may have changed your body wash, but the scent of praline underlined the floral smell of ocean breeze.
He was always there, one way or another.
Silence enveloped the room, minus the soft beeping and the slight hiss that escaped you whenever one of the freaky looking medical spiders zapped skin back into place. Yet, as you sat there quietly while looking outside the window, tracing flying cars with your gaze or simply admiring the amount of green you’ve possibly ever seen before– a shaky voice met your rhythmic, soft breathing.
Your name was the first thing he said, disbelief lacing his tone before both his hands scooped up the clutch you held onto him with delicacy, like he was hiding away a treasure in the palm of his hands. “Can’t believe anything any of this–”
“How… how long was I out, O’Hara?” Your voice didn’t sound like your own, fragile and meek. It made you feel pathetic– being able to save so many people in less than two minutes and suddenly you couldn't even bring yourself to speak. Without a word, he reached over to the bedside table to fiddle with a water bottle and a straw. He set the straw to your lips, grabbing your chin to take the straw.
He sighed, tutting like a worried mother hen. “Don’t use your voice so much, cisne. Drink.” It’s been so long since you’ve been waited on hand-and-foot that it almost made you annoyed, but you did what he said because you are bedridden after all. And in a way, it made you feel like he cared. The way O’Hara’s thumb swiped your lower lip when water trickled down your chin was calculated, as if he was trying to embed the feeling into his brain again.
“You had been slipping in-and-out of consciousness over the past week and a half.” He murmured, leaning into your space as your free hand patted on his chest to indicate you had enough water. A soft frown threatened at his lips, worry evident in his gaze.
Coughing from choking down so much water, the question tumbled from your mind without second-thinking. “And how long have you been here?” You felt your cheeks hearten due to the lack of filter, but a part of you really wanted to know.
Your embarrassment transferred to him as soon as the question hung into the hair, his gaze ripping away from your own. His frown wobbled at getting caught within the act, vulnerability showing through for once between the amount of time the two of you have shared. “I’ve..” Having an internal battle with himself, he exhaled with stress in defeat. “Been here since you got here.” Your eyes lit up, and he only groaned at your obvious excitement. 
“You were worried.”
“I was– I was not worried– dios mío–”
You sat up further on the pillows behind you, pointing into his chest as he leaned further away in lighthearted mortification of finally having to talk about his feelings. “O’Hara! You were! You were worried!”
“If I admit it will you stop repeating yourself–”
O’Hara’s brow furrowed as if he was in physical pain, leaning back into the chair he sat right beside your bed. His hands still stuck firming around your sweating ones, his head leaned back in exasperation. “I was worried. I am always worried about you. I was scared shitless sitting there on that ledge while you dived into the unknown.”
Breath stuttering, you held the air within your lungs for a long second. It felt like a dream, having the Miguel O’Hara hunched over with his hands around your own like a delicate doll, flushed and embarrassed because he finally has to admit his feelings. The urge to kiss him overwhelmed you, and if you had the strength to lean forward and do so, you would. But exhaustion was dwelled deep into your limbs, and you didn’t want to overexert yourself.
“And, and– stop calling me that. Jesus, it’s like hearing a teacher addressing me.”
This caught your attention as his scarlet eyes met yours, swirling with a flurry of emotions that screamed of intensity. “Calling you what?” You asked, trying to sound indifferent when truly you were just teasing him. But he was more than observant– and when he caught you trying to play him like you were a guitarist and he was your bass. This only riled him up more.
“O’Hara?! I’m Miguel to you, Miguel.” His hands tightened around your own as he repeated his name twice, almost like a plea. “Stop making me act like a child, I have a reputation to uphold–”
“You became O’Hara the day you broke up with me.” Low blow, and quite petty– but you wanted to test if he truly had changed.
The rant you cut off halted without another word, O’Hara’s forehead meeting your thigh as if you just slapped him atop the head when you knocked sense into him. “I didn’t know what else to do.” His voice choked up almost instantaneously, his emotions as high as ever like he just processed you were truly here and talking to him. “And look at where we ended up.” The latter didn’t sound like he was speaking to you, more like he was stuck in his head someplace far away. “Your safety was what mattered the most to me– and back then these people, these people threatened to remove you from here. Wipe you off the plane of this universe like you never even happened.”
You were silent as his hands kneaded into your thighs gently, fingertips trailing up your stomach like he was trying to remember every part of your body again unconsciously. “I didn’t want to lose you, and for the longest time I pushed it away as much as I could until I couldn’t anymore.”
Your brain clicked and churred, gears rolling back in place in your post-coma fog. “.. Is that why you were so stressed, so different throughout the end of our relationship?”
Miguel sighed heavily, tears threatening to fall as if an entire world was lifted off his shoulders. “.. Yes. Yes, I’m not proud of it. I’m really not proud of myself.” He repeated, confessing his sins like you were the pastor and he was a sinner. “I just was terrified for you to be gone.”
“.. I’m tired of having so much loss in my life.” It was barely above a whisper, but you heard it.
His shoulders raised, stammering as if he was holding himself back. Without a word, you shrugged your hand from his own. Scarlet gaze meeting yours in surprise, fangs on display unknowingly as his mouth slacked– your arms raised towards him and instantly he allowed himself to melt into your embrace.
“I didn’t know.” Was all you said.
“I didn’t want you to know,” He murmured against your cheek, breath fanning your ear and arms meeting your back strongly. Just like your dreams. Miguel’s words trailed off anxiously, before concluding with something you haven’t heard in a long time, “mi cielo.”
Tears soaked your shoulder sleeve, but you didn’t care. “But I want you to know everything now. I want you to be a part of my life now, we can get through it all–”
A small frown met your lips, heart clenching at his words. “I, I can’t– 
“Mi pajarito, please,” Miguel breathed in deeply, “I really, really have missed you.” His hold surrounding you tightened subtly. The buzz of floating cars whizzed by as silence enveloped the both of you, the noise of watches sounding throughout the hallway kept you grounded. Drilled it into your head that this was truly happening, that you’re here with Miguel with both of your secrets unveiled. Under each other's protection. 
“Miguel, I.. I can’t be hurt again.” You wanted him, wanted him more than anything. But something snatched your heart up and forced it into an aviary. It raged against the railings of its captor, fluttering with desperation. You were scared of rejection again, the repressed emotions flooding your senses and making you sob. Miguel held you as you cried and continued to do so, tracing shapes into your skin like all those months ago. “Please don’t leave me again.”
The plea escaped you through tears, Miguel promised and promised and promised as he swiped away the wetness amongst your cheeks, his cold exterior he kept affront during your relationship crashed down in waves as his own tears pressed into your skin. “I’m so sorry. Please, please like you gave me– give me a second chance.”
His fingers trailed up, grasping the nape of your neck while the other caressed your cheek with a shakiness you’ve never seen before. Always so confident, it reminded you of the brokenness you witnessed on the last night you were together. But this felt genuine, the looming fear and despair hanging over his head all those months ago were fanned away with time. This was Miguel’s honest attempt at vulnerability.
You stared into his tearful eyes, a smile playing at your lips as your hands sat upon his own holding your face. Leaning in, your nose brushed his as your eyes fluttered shut. Your lips, chapped and cold, met his contrasting warm and refined touch. Miguel presumably did not care, as his fingers intertwined with your hair and grasped your chin with a sparked need. The kiss was short and sweet, as the two of you breathed into each other’s mouth. Relishing in the moment, you pushed forward again as desperation seeped into your rationality.
Your hands moved from his own to his shoulders, pulling him deeper into the kiss and he just consumed whatever space you gave him. Miguel was aware of every muscle he pushed against you, but as the both of you clawed into each other’s flesh Miguel’s resolve to stay gentle ebbed away as his spit swapped with yours. It was if you were a struggling flower, and he was both the air and sun and water combined. He was everything you needed, and he was everything you wanted. To you, he was the sun and you were the moon– seeing one another in passing but never touching until today. 
But to him, you were the stars that littered the sky. A comet passing by, beautiful and alluring. You were in each neon sign of Nueva York, where he stared a little too hard and could see a figure of you that was constructed from the little imagination he had left. 
He saw you in the headquarters he overworked himself in to forget you. He saw you in the shadows of the city he protected. Miguel saw you in everything he believed in, yet everything he went against simultaneously. 
But he’ll learn to make exceptions with himself and the rules he place, because as his fangs dig into your lower lip and the noise that erupts from your throat wraps him around your finger– Miguel tries to understand how he ever let you go.
“Miguel, you kiss me once and you’re already trying to bite me–” You begin to scold in your little way, until Miguel shushes you with another kiss to the lips.
“It’s all out of love, cariño.”
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jakescaravel · 3 months
A Lovey Promise
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader
Word Count: 4,718
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, being tipsy, friends to lovers, kissing, fingering, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, dares, teasing, dom Jake, hickeys, praise, very very slight allusions to pain (only briefly), orgasm denial, 18+ MDNI!!!
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Summary: Your best friend, dripping with a level of confidence that slightly annoys you, delivers an offer, a bet that you simply can't refuse...
6 empty shot glasses sit on the coffee table in front of you thanks to you and Jake’s ongoing tradition. That being shots and a movie, always picked at random (that part being very important), at least once a month although it usually ends up being more.
You lay on the couch curled into Jake’s side underneath a warm comforter. Your hand softly rests on his chest, feeling the gentle beat of his heart along with the subtle ruse and fall of his chest. His arm wraps around you, cocooning you in your shared world of peace, calming you in a way only capable by Jake. It’s so easy to feel safe with him like this. Sometimes when the two of you hang out, you forget that anyone else exists at all. Just the two of you in his small, old apartment.
The cuddling is entirely platonic of course. Not many people understand you and Jake’s friendship, but to the two of you, it makes perfect sense. Sure you guys cuddle and hang out constantly, and maybe you’ve shared a few makeout sessions after having one too many, but those were just “mistakes”. He’s your best friend. And nothing more.
You’re definitely feeling the alcohol and Jake must be as well due to his slightly slurred speech and uncensored Jake commentary.
“Whaddyou think ‘bout the movie Lovey?”
You can feel his head turn towards yours when he speaks, chin resting atop your head, although you can’t see his face. His use of your nickname warms your heart. Especially because of the way it floats off his adorably inebriated tongue. You had earned that nickname after buying a boyfriend of yours flowers years ago- an act Jake thought to be silly and just plain backwards. (“You’re such a hopeless romantic, you’re so lovey dovey, it's honestly sickening. What, does this guy not buy you flowers? Do I need to have a talk with him? Bet he doesn’t fuck you right either…)
The name stuck ever since, but of course you love it. 
“I don’t really know what's going on to be honest.”
“Yeah… itsnot very good.” He states matter of factly before a yawn passes his lips. “Oh look, they're kissing, finally some action!”
Huffing a laugh at his almost childlike revelation, you sit up a little taller and turn your head back toward the screen. The two characters, nameless due to your lack of attention, sit on a couch, hands chasing after each other. She moans into the kiss, parting her lips for him as he lays her down on the couch. Your thighs clench together on their own accord and you could have sworn it’s subtle, but Jake lets out a giggle.
You decide to ignore him completely with your eyes still glued to the screen. Jake’s remarks have stopped, telling you he’s watching just as intently as you, and all of a sudden you’re very aware of how close you are to him. His breathing, his hair ticking your face, his smell. He always smells so good, fresh and clean, but buried below a layer of sweat and musk. So Jake, so perfect. 
You wonder what he's thinking about. Maybe if he too notices the proximity of your bodies, or the way your breathing has slowly picked up.
The man’s hand drifts down as the girl let’s out another overly dramatic moan. Of course the screen doesn’t really show anything, but it sure leaves a lot to the imagination, letting your mind wander without hopes of stopping. 
Jake shifts on the couch, his hand falling from around your shoulder to land around your hip. He pulls you closer to him and speaks again, but this time the playful quality to his voice is gone, and all that’s left is a low grumble.
“Do you think she’s enjoying it?” His other hand comes to your chin, pulling your face to look at him.
“What?” You try to look away from his eyes, the heated stare overwhelming you in your current flustered state, but his grip tightens forcing you to stare straight into his piercing brown eyes.
“Do you think that girl is having fun?” His lips curl into an alluring smile when he sees your slightly panicked state, releasing his hand from your chin, but not before quickly letting his thumb dart over your cheek.
You force yourself to maintain the contact, his dark gaze pulling you deeper into your thoughts and he offers you a smile that too closely resembles a smirk. You curse the heat growing between your legs at just the sight of that stupid smug look you want so badly to wipe from his face. Taking a grounding breath, you answer as if he hasn’t affected you at all. 
“Yeah I mean she’s moaning like a pornstar so it can’t be that bad.” 
He turns back to the screen nodding slowly, his lips pursed. “Well this guy is clearly not experienced.” 
You look back to the screen, questioning it for yourself. You guess you haven't really been paying attention to the details. It’s funny how anything slightly erotic just shuts off the brain, causing it to act like a horny sex zombie.
“Yeah this guy has no idea what he’s doing.” He states again, an air of confidence in his tone that amuses you. 
“Oh really? And you’ve got it all figured out right?”
“Well yeah.” He quips back.
You can’t help the laugh that trills out. All guys think the same; they all think they’re the best in bed, and they all think they make their girl cum when really… they never have.
“What, you don’t believe me?” A stupid grin paints his face and he pokes your cheek, making them instantly flame.
“No Jake, I don’t think you could please a woman any better than this guy.” You point to the small screen again, rolling your eyes.
“Oh reallyyy.” He drags out the last syllable as he sits up to face you.
You turn to him, cutting your eyes at his sneering face. He reaches for the bottle of vodka on the coffee table, taking a swig straight from the bottle. You force your eyes away from his bobbing adam's apple as the liquid goes down. He doesn’t even wince.
“I could make a girl cum with just my fingers.”
You roll your eyes again, trying to ignore the warmness that has made its way to your cheeks. When you look back to Jake, you can tell that he’s made no joke, no silly remark. He’s being serious.
“What, you don’t believe me?”
“I could prove it to you.”
You let out a slow shaky breath after realizing you had been holding it in. You extend your hand to reach for the bottle. Taking a generous swing of the burning liquid, you return your attention to the man in front of you.
“You could prove it to me?”
“I bet I could make you cum with just these.” He holds up his hand, wiggling his fingers in the air.
“You really don’t believe me huh Lovey? You’ve never heard what they say about guitarists?” He raises his eyebrows suggestively.
His voice is low, dripping with sex and his tongue comes out licking a slow line along his bottom lip. He smirks when he notices you staring. And god, that little nickname, what used to seem so innocent now having a playful bite.
“I bet I could make you cum three times with just my fingers.” He holds them up again, reaching out to touch your face. You jump back and he laughs at you.
He stares at you, waiting for a response. Your mind is racing along with your heart. There’s no way he’s being serious… but the look on his face tells you otherwise. He raises his eyebrows again in question.
“Is that a bet?”
“Maybe it is… and you know I never lose.”
He’s referring to his competitiveness by nature. It’s true that as long as you've known him, he won’t stand losing. It’s a part of being a Kiszka you’ve figured out by now. They always bend the rules in their favor, making sure they’re on the winning side of whatever bet, whatever contest. 
“I don’t think you’re winning this one Jakey.” You mean for it to come off as condescending but the second you hear the words come out of your mouth you wish to pull them back in. You can tell he’s taken them as an even further challenge as his eyebrows raise in question.
He leans forward on the couch, planting his hands on his knees until you can feel his breath.
“Well I wouldn’t lose, but just to humor you, I’ll bet you whatever you want.”
A low tingle has formed inside your stomach. A familiar feeling - the anxious excitement. The thrill of the flirt, although you still can’t tell just how playful it is, and that thought alone makes you want to hurl or pounce on him, you still haven’t decided. 
“I get whatever I want?” For some reason, confidence is building inside you. Maybe it’s the way he’s looking at you - so sure of himself that you have no choice but to match the energy. Or maybe it’s because deep down, you know you want whatever he’s thinking of giving to you.
He gives you a slow nod, smiling again at your new slightly eager tone.
“I want you to admit that you’re not some guitar god, you’re just another guy. You need to stop acting so full of yourself, you need to be humbled.”
He laughs again, a genuine laugh that reminds you of your best friend, although it doesn’t seem that’s the person sitting in front of you right now.
“Sure y/n, and if I win, you have to call me ‘The Sex God.’ ”
The nervous laughter bubbles out of you as you cast your eyes to your feet. The worst part of this is that he’s acting like such a douchebag, but you don’t hate it. In fact you find yourself wanting to know what it’s like to sleep with the sex god, as stupid as it sounds.
“Why do you want to so bad Jakey?”
“Well first of all, don’t act like you don’t want to, I can see it written all over your face. You forget I know you better than anyone. And second, don’t act so naive.”
“What do you mean?” You ask, simultaneously nervous and excited for the answer.
“I love you and care about you, so much, you’re my best friend, but don’t act like we’re above all that. We’ve kissed before y/n, you really think we’d never go farther?”
“Well… I’m not really sure. I guess the thought crossed my mind… maybe I thought it would happen eventually.”
Your own confession slightly shocks you, but as soon as you say the words aloud, nothing has ever made more sense. You look back to him and he looks almost proud of you, and it makes you want to jump into his arms and suck the praise right out of him.
“That’s my girl.” He smiles again, flashing you all his teeth, making your heart melt all over again.
“Come on, don’t overthink it.” 
He starts to stand up, making the whole situation seem very, very real. You close your eyes for a moment, just in case this is some sort of dream, but when you open them, you’re even more sure that this is what you want. You want him. You want your best friend, and as wrong as it might be, it's the truth.
He extends his hand, a simple gesture, an invitation, and you take it, letting him lead you into unknown waters.
He pulls you in front of him, letting you lead the way to the room you’ve slept in a million times. His hands meet your hips as you walk, the touch feeling searing hot and trickling down until you can feel the wetness between your legs.
Your mind is simultaneously racing and completely empty. How is it that an act so forbidden could feel so right? So simple?
The curtains are pulled back on the window allowing a sliver of moonlight to poke into the room. Aside from that, the lights are off and you almost ask him to turn them on but then decide it’s probably for the best.
Once he reaches the bed, he turns to face you and his features start to come into view as your eyes adjust to the darkness. He wears a smug grin as he extends his hand for you to grab once more. He sits on the bed, shuffling backwards as you grab his hand, letting him pull you to meet him. 
He rests his body along the headboard and you crawl closer, stilling in front of him on your knees, unsure of your next move. Thankfully he does the thinking for you.
“Turn around.”
Without second guessing it, you turn around so that your back is to him, and impatiently, he pulls your hips back, reminding you of his strength so that you rest, slotted in between his extended legs, back flush against his chest.
Taking a deep breath, you allow yourself to melt into his touch, after all, it is familiar. Your head lays back in the crook of his neck and his lips ghost over your ear.
“Can I take off your shirt?”
His voice is barely above a whisper and sends a shiver down your spine. Without saying a word you lift up your arms and allow him to slide off the thin fabric. Having chosen to skip the bra this morning, your chest springs free to which he hums in approval. 
“Can I touch you?”
Carefully, his fingers slide against your skin, trailing along the top of your breast before kneading into the soft skin. He emits a low growl in your ear as your back arches, chasing his touch.
Before he has the chance to ask, you lift your hips off the bed to slide your pants down, along with the lacey panties you had chosen this morning - such a shame he isn’t able to see them. Upon your eager initiative, Jake grants you a kiss to the exposed flesh of your neck, traveling up to whisper in your ear.
“Good girl.”
The proximity of his voice, the words he speaks, the rush of it all makes you utter a small moan that doesn’t go unnoticed. He seems to suck it in along with the small mark he makes just below your ear. You savor the feeling of his wet mouth on you, hoping it never leaves as his hand starts to slide down your stomach.
Your legs part for him as his hand reaches your mound, stilling there, garnering anticipation that makes you hold your breath, releasing it when he slides an inch further.
Finally, like the first gasp you take upon emerging from water, his fingers slide over your clit to your entrance to gather up the evidence of your arousal. A small moan is muffled through your gritted teeth as his fingers slide through you, he laughs against your ear. 
“All this for me?”
His breath tickles you and in an act that makes your head spin, he sucks gingerly on your earlobe while plunging his middle and ring finger deep inside you. The sudden pressure causes your head to push back even further as you arch away from him. His other hand wraps around your waist, pulling you back to meet his chest as his fingers push in even deeper, testing the limits of your tight walls.
Whines and moans surpass your lips as his fingers start to curl inside you, pulling in and out as they tuck in. Have his fingers always been this thick? This heavy? Watching him play guitar they always seemed so nimble but now, now you aren’t so sure. 
The mere stretch of only two of them makes you wonder what it would feel like to have a third, a fourth or perhaps to have his cock instead. How it would feel stretching you out even further.
With his hand picking up a steady rhyme, his lips are back on you, biting and licking their way up to your ear to whisper sweet praises. He moves back to the skin of your shoulder, marking you in a way that may make you feel ashamed tomorrow, but today, all you feel is the pure ecstasy he’s supplying you with.
“How does it feel, baby?”
“Good.” You manage to choke out, hardley comprehending what he’s saying as his fingers jolt inside of you.
“Just keep on feeling, I'll get you there.”
He licks a stripe up to the skin behind your ear, circling it there as you push your head deeper into his touch. Your legs start to tremble, feeling as if the pleasure is too much while being not nearly enough. The slow build starts in your stomach and travels to your chest, tightening while your muscles contract, flowing to your toes as they gently curl and flex. 
“That’s it, just give it up baby.”
Your moans become sporadic and in mere seconds you feel almost there, except he slows his fingers down to which you whine in protest. His low gravely laughter hits the shell of your ear going straight to your core as he picks the pace back up, reminding you of how close you were.
Your hips arch away from him again but this time his hand travels to the flesh of your breast, squeezing and pulling you back to him. It almost hurts as his fingers pinch around your nipple, but at the same time, pain feels like a foreign concept entirely. You scoot back too, feeling his rock solid cock threatening to burst from his pants. You want to see it, want to touch it, taste it. However your thoughts are cut off when it finally explodes inside of you.
You can’t hear the sounds you’re making as your legs thrash against the sheets, head turning and arching as his fingers work away inside of you. It washes you over, seeming like it has no end, making you feel like this was the best decision you’ve ever made. 
However as soon as it starts, it slows, letting you still feel the pleasant buzz as your legs calm down, still twitching and jolting with every slowed movement of his strong fingers.
“Number 1.”
He hums in your ear. He sounds amused, like you're only a toy he gets the pleasure of playing with, however you have no problem with that if it means you get to feel like this.
“Can you give me another?” He poses it as a question, but you know it's really a demand.
His fingers don’t stop inside you, threatening to pull you into overstimulation as they continue to deliciously curl inside. You turn your face to his, whining against his lips which he presses into yours, for just a split second before pulling back - like he regrets the action, however you don’t have enough time to process it.
The fizzling orgasm picks back up, this time coming from deeper within, almost sizzling white hot, making your legs shake even harder. It hasn’t started yet, but it’s coming. Bubbling up slower so that you hope it can be over with, to save you from the burning anticipation. 
“Jake I- I can’t… it’s too much.”
“No it isn’t, just relax, feel it. You’re so close, let me have it, I want it.”
Fuck. The greed he so shamelessly emits. The greed for you, for your cum. It’s enough to make your mind go blank as you force yourself to just feel the feelings he’s giving you. 
He pushes his hand back so that the crook of his thumb rubs against your clit with every drag of his fingers. One of two swipes and you’re rocking your hips into his them, chasing the feeling as it washes you over again.
His name falls from your lips until it’s the only word you know, and in the far distance you can hear his own struggling moans of pleasure, his own ragged breathing as you tremble against him.
When it becomes too much, your legs shut around his hand, but his feet lock over your ankles, pulling your legs apart and overpowering them with his weight until you’re spread even wider while his hand finishes the job. 
Finally, before you would have fallen into the waters of bliss, drowned forever, his hand slows and fingers gently slide out of you. You watch them, glistening with the moonlight as they rest on your heaving stomach. 
Your legs are still open as they jolt and shudder. A single nip is given to your neck before a kiss is placed in its spot. “You did so good for me, so so good.”
A small smile makes its way across your face, although he can’t see it. You want to find the right words to let him know how good he can make you feel, better than anyone else, but your lack of words must do for now. You can’t help yourself as you turn your face to tuck into his neck, breathing in his intoxicating scent.
His other hand pets your hair as you take a few deep breaths, grounding yourself. Before you’ve barely regained your footing, his hand is drifting lower, you can feel the wetness it leaves in its path before a single digit circles your swollen clit. You yelp in surprise as it presses in further. You bite the skin of his neck, listening and reveling in the hiss he makes that flows out of him like a soft whine. It’s delectable and reignites that flame inside you.
“Can you give me number 3?” He whispers to you, like he’s scared to wake you even though you’re far from asleep. You give a slow nod and pick your face up to watch his soaked fingers drag further down your slit until three of them tease at your entrance. 
You bite your bottom lip as they start to slide in, stretching you with every inch, stinging in the perfect way when he pushes them deeper in, relying on a little force to press them all the way in. A chokes out moan struggles out of you, filling the room in a way that should make you feel ashamed, but in this moment, you feel nothing of the sort. 
Once his fingers reach in as far as they'll go, he wastes no time in picking up a merciless pace. It's hard to even register the speed as they pump in and out, filling you up in the most satisfying way you’ve ever experienced.
His mouth is on you again. Hot. Wet. And strong as he licks and sucks with no real purpose, only to satisfy his needs through watching you like this.
“Cum for me Lovey, make me win, I wanna watch it come out of you, soak my hand even more. Come on, let me have it… fuck Lovey…”
It’s something about that stupid nickname falling from his lips so desperately as his dominant demeanor falters, showing you his true need for you. It’s not hard to give it up as it builds faster than before. It feels like it springs out of nowhere until you're screaming into the otherwise quiet room. You’ll surely get strange looks walking from his apartment in the morning, but it doesn't matter, nothing matters. You feel on fire, perfect, fulfilled.
His teeth drag along your skin as your head thrashes in the crook of his neck, legs threatening to break free from his grasp as he struggles to hold you there. His hand works relentlessly as you moan and whine while your hands twist into the sheets, toes curling, eyes rolling back as you lose sense of the world around you.
His other hand snakes down to tease over your sensitive clit as his teeth bite into the flesh of your neck. Your whole body is numb the second he touches you there. The white hot pleasure is enough to make you cease to exist. You’re just a body floating in a colorless void with sounds in the distance you aren’t sure you're making. 
His voice raises in volume until it breaks through your void, allowing you to hear him. He’s choking on his words through a cloud of lust, “Come on Lovey, you can give me one more, give me number 4.” It sounds like he’s never wanted something more in his life. Sounds like he needs it more than you do. His voice is quivering through painted breaths as his hands move even faster, working you with perfect opposition. 
His tongue darts out, licking into your ear before teeth come to bite around your earlobe, enough to make it sting, enough to make you want more. And then it burst out of you. The only sense - touch, the warmness seeping in from under you. Your legs threaten to break the bed as they break free from Jake’s grasp, clenching around his hands that show no sign of stopping. 
You feel it around your legs too, the warmness, the flow, the wetness. His breath is on your neck again, you can hear him moaning into your ear. 
“That’s it Lovey, good girl, good girl baby. Just give it up, come on, that’s it, soak me, yeah just like that…”
A few more seconds and he slows his movements down until your legs fall from around his hands. They lay defeated on the bed as he removes his fingers from you. Your chest is heaving up and down as you come back to earth to find a dark spot sitting on the bed beneath you.
When you realize what it is you cast your eyes away, hiding once more in the crook of his neck, but he sits you up taller to pull your face away.
“What's wrong y/n?”
You don’t answer, don't speak. There's nothing you could possibly say to him, that is until you meet his eyes, once dark with lust now turned sweet, and you can almost see them shine in the moonlight.
For some reason, in this moment, the air of seriousness breaks and your face erupts in laughter. It doesn’t take much for him to join in and soon you’re laughing together, just like old times, but it doesn't feel wrong. Not in the slightest.
“I’ve never done that before.” You finally speak up, looking back to the ruined sheets.
“Well that. Was easily the hottest fucking thing i’ve ever seen.” “Really?”
“Yes. Without a doubt.”
You stare at him for a moment, letting yourself blush and smile as he repeats the action. The sweet moment is short lived however when he turns it back to the bet.
“So if making you cum 3 times makes me the Sex God… then what does 4 times make me?”
“Oh shut the fuck up Jake.”
“Well I won the bet. You better uphold your side of the deal.”
You stare at him angrily before muttering under your breath, but of course that isn’t enough for him. His smile, despite being covered by shadows, lights up the room with his pride, flowing off of him like sex.
“You’re The Sex God.”
“What was that? Couldn’t really hear you.”
“You’re The fucking Sex God Jake, I swear to god if you make me say it one more time.”
“Okay thank you. I’m satisfied. By the way, do you want to put some clothes on?”
You look down, blushing once more at your exposed skin. Before you even have time to have any shred of decency to cover yourself up, he's lifting his shirt up and handing it to you. You thank him and slide it over your body before stealing a quick glance to his smooth chest. You quickly look back up to his smirking face, and roll your eyes once more.
“Oh uh by the way.. I know this isn’t the best timing but uhh I don’t have any extra sheets so we’re gonna have to sleep on the couch…”
Part 2
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yuellii · 10 months
summer's in the air, heaven's in your eyes
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𝐘𝐎𝐔’𝐑𝐄 𝐀 memory from innocent times; or, in which they fell in love with you prior to becoming a fatuus
feat. childe, la signora, scaramouche, dottore
note. reader’s gender unspecified, ajax & reader are kids in his part only ( he was 14 when he fell into the abyss )
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CHILDE. ajax
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Whether it was summer or winter, spring or fall, you could never tell from your surroundings alone.
Hailing from Natlan meant you were so used to the heat all the time, and your classmate Ajax always called you “the sun” for standing out so much in the snow. You were the only one who shivered, the only one who wore such thick coats; and yet, he’d still argue that you were warm like the sun itself.
On your twelfth birthday, he gave you a scarf. “It’s red and warm, just like the sun, just like you!”—that was what he said with the toothiest of grins, and perhaps you teased him about the color of his hair in return.
But he was right; it certainly was warm, and now the red tint on his face made him feel like he would always match you. He, with his bright orange hair; and you, with your bright red scarf. Maybe it was the preteen years that still have him a childlike joy, but if the sight of you wearing the scarf kept giving him this fluttering feeling, then he’ll take it.
Although , for some reason, the days seemed a little brighter now whenever your face was buried in your scarf during school days. Mornings seemed a little warmer when you offered to share your scarf with him. Afternoons seemed a little sunnier when you walked with him home from school.
Maybe, this was what your hometown in Natlan felt like. Or, maybe, everything was so cold without his sun to melt his young heart into a puddle by your shoes.
And now, looking back, with the ends of this red fabric all worn and stretched around his neck—he still thinks it looks just like you.
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LA SIGNORA. rosalyne
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Perhaps it was an over-speculation on her part.
Perhaps, you weren’t as bad as she initially thought under this lovely morning light, or with your sweet perfume clashing well with the withering books of the akademiya library. And perhaps, maybe you weren’t a rival in her thesis if your hand felt so nice atop her own ( even though you were reaching for the same exact book ).
“You’re also researching liquid flame?” you perked up, sending her the most nonchalant of glances that made her flustered you even remembered her. The question implied you had no idea she was writing the same topic as you were for her thesis—it implied that you really had no malicious attempt against her at all. Suddenly, she thinks she doesn’t hate you at all, with your hand still over hers on the book, even after the nights she spent obsessively studying to finish her paper before you do.
“Yes,” she says, and there’s quite the chance she forgets how to speak properly. But her senses spike the moment you smile in such a supportive way, completely void of any rivalry to writing the same paper.
Then out of nowhere, she finds herself at a table with you, hunched over this singular book—and perhaps this is the first time she struggles to focus on the words on the page. Because you’re so smart, and somehow even more attractive than she formerly realized, she may think she’s diseased with an admiration she had not even researched before.
The feeling is akin to what she’s read in romance books, but she never had time for it back in Mondstadt or even here in the akademiya. It’s a bit sickening, but it makes her feel so light in the head in this lovey-dovey way she wishes would stay forever. Being so close to her, hunched over a book like this—she can’t wait to see you at your next class together.
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SCARAMOUCHE. kunikuzushi
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“So many lavender melons!” he laughed wholeheartedly once he saw the pile of the purple fruit on the floor.
And he laughed with his whole chest, smiling with his whole face—so full of joy that he could trick anyone into thinking he was born with a heart. When he knelt down in front of you, too, the human excitement on his face was ever-so present and clear as day, even as the fabric of his hood fell over his eyes.
“You know, my hair was made from lavender melons,” he eagerly shared, nothing but everlasting enthusiasm in his gaze when he tilted his head back up to look at you.
Show him even the slightest bit of interest, and he’ll ramble on for days. So you simply asked, “Your hair?”
“Not my hair specifically,” he began to explain, “but the color—the dye!” And when he pulled his hood back, you couldn’t help but stare. He looked just like your archon, even the same length of her hair. How could a doll so perfectly made still act so human? “At Konda village, there’s a traditional art to turn the fruit skin into dye. My mother used it for my head,” he almost smiled to himself.
It’s pretty, you could always tell him that again. But of course a man-made set of hair was pretty, for he was more perfect than human. So you bit your tongue, instead moving across the lavender melon pile to sit next to him and grab a few strands of his hair. It was so long, so smooth… “Have you ever thought of cutting it?”
“Huh?” he perked up. A sudden look fear stuck onto his face for just a moment, and you worried you might’ve said something wrong. “Cutting it…? Like, short?”
You only hummed in affirmation.
He stayed silent for a moment, but you didn’t know if he was pondering or close to crying. “Will it… make me look less like a girl?” You were quick to understand the true meaning of this.
‘Will it make me look less like my mom?’
“Yes,” you smiled. He practically threw himself into your arms in excitement.
⎯ ✧ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
DOTTORE. zandik
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Intelligence was so attractive.
And intelligence in mechanics was even more attractive.
That was his standard, at least. The name Zandik was already widespread and known throughout the akademiya as the one to avoid, as he is on the brink of suspension. It was kind of annoying, being well into his studies here but still being threatened with getting expelled before he could even achieve his massive breakthrough.
And you were there, too. You, who he somehow secured a date with tonight. It was odd, really, how you accepted his proposal so easily. Well, to him it wasn’t odd—but to the rest of the student community it surely was, simply because he’s the weird kid.
But regardless, he took pride in this. And he was going to take you to his most favorite place in all of his home nation: The gigantic ruin guard robot sitting at the mountains south of Sumeru.
He was a type of person that didn’t realize he rambled on too much, but he was also someone that didn’t like being shut up, either. It took a certain type of patience just to not throw him off—and unbeknownst, you either had that patience, or maybe he just liked you enough to look past it.
But it was odd, it really was. How he caught himself staring at you as you were so deeply etched into your work at the akademiya’s mechanical lab. He swears he’s never seen you before, and that’s how his obsessive, hyperfixated researching leads him to find that you’re a new student who doesn’t even know of his name or his deeds at this school.
And though he’s never cared for reputation, it somehow feels so relieving, like for once in his life he cared about someone else’s thoughts on him. And, ah, it was almost time to pick you up. He hoped you liked robot gears in the shape of flowers.
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pre-fatui harbingers will always have my heart 💓
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gemini-sensei · 6 months
@sensei-venus imagine Hawk and chubby!Reader are expecting their twins but someone has eyes for them 👀
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Hawk is always on her. He puts his arm around her. Holds her hand. Rubs her belly. All in public. He wants everyone to know he did that, he got her pregnant, that's his babies in there. He loves it. He loves them. He loves Reader.
They're the grossest couple ever in the best way possible. Their friends pick fun at them for being all lovey-dovey in public,; kissing, hugging, cuddling. They're so in love, its sickening.
And then there's Demetri.
He's watching them wishing he could be a part of that. He wants the kisses and the cuddles and the nights together. He wants to rub Reader's belly and be able to say that's his kids too. He doesn't just want what they have, he wants to be in that.
He'll never say it out loud though. He doesn't want to ruin what they have. He doesn't think it would be a possibility for him to be a part of their relationship, their growing family.
But Reader sees the longing looks. Hawk hears the deep sighs. They know. They know he wants them. And they want him too.
It's just a matter of bringing him into their relationship without him thinking he's intruding. But this is Demetri they're talking about, he thinks he's undeserving. If only he knew...
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c-t-r-l14 · 2 months
This Audio Is SICKENING.
Ya’ll—I don’t even know where to begin.
When I tell you that I physically FLINCHED upon seeing Alex’s face in the thumbnail, the way my heart started beating, the way I started SHAKING while putting my AirPods in—you guys would’ve thought that I’ve gotten some terrible news or something. And—I don’t even know what’s CRUELER—the fact that Saku posted this audio on April Fools day, making us go back and forth between “is this cannon?” or “nah, this is definitely a joke!” Or him making it all lovey dovey at first, giving us a false sense of security—waiting for us to finally let our guard down so he could get ready to strike. But I do know that it broke me, and made me feel for listener even more.
I think one of the biggest reasons why it broke me so much was because we can see how much listener blames themselves. How much they think the breakup is all their fault.
And you can see how much its impacted them.
You see the thing with Alex is that he is really, really bad with communication. He’s rather quiet about how he feels, and doesn’t voice it out loud. A person like this—who doesn’t talk about their own feelings, who’d rather stay silent—usually are alone with their own thoughts. And that’s when things get rocky, especially in a relationship. One of the things that I noted in the break up audio (besides all the gaslighting, manipulation, and reality distortion), was the fact that Alex has had that argument on his mind ever since it happened, and not ONCE has he said something about it until the day they broke up. He was alone with his thoughts the entire time up to that point—mulling over the argument, his feelings, his future—and I feel like him doing this, instead of actually talking to listener to see how things can work out deadass lead him to believing that they couldn’t be together, which lead him to not tell them about the job offer until the very last minute. I wholeheartedly believe that if he sat down with them, and told them—“hey, I know you said sorry, but I still feel like shit because you made me feel this way,” if the thoughts got to be too much, then maybe things would’ve been better. But he didn’t—and just like listener, he assumed the worst, and on top of that— gave up without even trying to fight for the person he claimed to love so much. Instead, all he did was make excuses, act hypocritically, gaslight them, and blame them for everything—all the while not realizing that there was a whole bunch of things HE could’ve done better too.
And we can see how much it took a toll on listener—considering the fact that they were ridden with so much guilt that can’t even sleep well at night.
I can feel how much they hate themselves through Alex’s words as he tore into them, and this is honestly partly Alex’s fault, because he reduced them to a mistake they made. Dream Alex (who will now be referred to as DA from now on) was taunting listener—and throwing the words Alex said to them during the break up back to them. He kept on reminding them of their mistakes, and that THEY are the reason why he left. He kept on reminding them of the worst parts of themselves—and that’s high key what Alex did during the break up too. I feel like we all need to acknowledge that what DA said to listener in this audio is most definitely not a reflection of the way the real Alex would talk and act—simply because DA is a figment of listener’s imagination. And since listener is filled with so much hurt and heartbreak right now, of course their own guilt and self hatred is going to distort how things operate in their mind. So, let’s not take the things he has said at face value.
Listener has a lot to work on. Their trust issues left a wound that ran deeper than they initially thought. In a way, they are too much in their own head as well—and do end up going to the worst case scenario, and this behavior stems from the trauma they sustained from their former partner. This leads them to do irrational things, like invading Alex’s privacy and accusing him of stuff that only happened in their head.
Both of them have a lot of shit they need to work on. Alex needs to learn how to actually talk about how he feels, learn how to take accountability for the things he’s done wrong, and maybe grow a damn backbone, and listener needs to go get some damn therapy, get their trust issues sorted out, and learn all the facts before they come at people with any assumption they might have about them. I feel like this dream was kind of the point where listener realizes that they simply just can’t let their relationship end like this, because through this dream sequence, they realize that there was still a lot of stuff that was left unsaid, and are now seeking for some closure. I think now it’s the best time to go for it, considering that Alex apparently didn’t go to NYC and stayed in London instead (this is still very much unclear). And I am hoping and praying that his ass has the same nightmare listener had as well. Listener can’t be the only one who has a wake-up call (pun intended).
Their downfall was caused because these two idiots don’t know how to convey their emotions to each other properly. They could’ve had it all if one just actually opened their damn mouth to speak, and the other would just simply think before they open theirs.
This confrontation can go two ways: they cut each other loose and go about their own lives, or they find a way to make it work, (granted that they are BOTH willing to work on themselves).
Do I think their relationship is a lost cause? I don’t know. Something tells me that this probably isn’t the end, and a part of me (as much as I talk shit about how much I want listener to be an absolute bad bitch and leave him to drown in his regret), doesn’t want it to be the end.
With this being said, I still don’t like Alex. It’s gonna take much more than a damn walk down memory lane with a bizarre, brutal, dream version of him to get me to like him again.
Oh and by the way, Saku if you’re reading this—sleep with one eye open tonight.
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our-aroace-experience · 3 months
I am perhaps the most confusing aroace to exist, 1st because I've become high libido since I started transitioning, but I am still extremely averse to others' approaches, romantically or sexually. Also, I am aego, and don't mind enjoying erotica of all sorts on my own, but I absolutely loathe being caught up on others' conversations about sexual topics, and feel very uncomfortable when people push me or fool me into talking about sexual topics with them (like with double entendres, which I am very slow to pick up on). Also, I am very averse to romantic things, finding it annoying and sickening how much romance is a common thing around me, getting irritated at PDA from others, and absolutely loathing when people try to drag me into convos about love or whatnot, both because I don't care and I don't want to care about it. But I still get attached, in some way or another, to others in a way that is similar to romantic but I still don't want any of that icky lovey-dovey stuff. Also I have actually experienced actual sexual attraction very few times in my life, to people I've never met IRL, and I'd never even approach anyways because I respect strangers' privacy (different from the sorts that come onto me). When I try to explain this to people just gets them raising all eyebrows and even wondering if I've got something wrong in my head, and even I think at times I've got something wrong, because like, a paragraph to explain my experience feels excessive and complicated and dumb, like I'm overcomplicating things or whatnot, and I've gotten called all sorts of things, from cold and uncaring, to supposedly "obviously just deeply depressed", to judgemental and even "religiously repressed" (I am not religious and couldn't care less about Christianism or the existence of God). It's annoying, and I tend to just not talk about it and try to avoid it all together, and ditch people who push me on those topics, because I hate having to explain myself this much.
i’m sorry you have to explain so much, you’re still valid!
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masterofengene · 8 months
Names I think Tomorrow X Together would call their significant other.
Sorry for that hiatus, for a while I had lost my inspiration but it’s slowly coming back.
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He seems like the type to be very playful, but also sweet. So most likely he would call his s/o “baby” or “sweetheart”
Most instances he would settle for “baby” once he called you that he would never call you by name again so. Did he forget your name? Maybe. But to be fair, in his mind you were baby to begin with.
He would only really call you “sweetheart” when he feels lovey dovey and/or he wants to tease you. You’ll know when he wants attention by the way he clings onto you and let’s put a long drawn out “sweetheart”
He seems like the sweet and innocent kind of boyfriend so I think he would stick to the more cute pet names like “angel” and “muffin”
His every day nickname for you would be “angel” because to him your a gift from above so it just makes sense in his mind. Why would he call you anything else?
And to be honest, he would only call you “muffin” when he wanted something from you, or wanted you to do something with him.
He would certainly stay on the silly goofy side when it comes to pet names. He is the kind of boyfriend to keep the mood light-hearted, but don’t misunderstand him, all the pet names that he gives you will have a special hidden meaning that only the two of you will understand.
His favorite nickname to call you in public would be something along the lines of “pookie” or “sweetie pie.” Something sickening sweet. And of course he does it to embarrass you, but he does it out of love
But generally when he is just talking to you he would call you “Moa” or “mine” or “my baby” because in his mind you are his biggest supporter, his biggest MOA
Let’s face it. Taehyun is a classy guy, he sticks to the traditional pet names. Thinks that they are sweet and calming. Just like you.
He has two pet names for you. “My love” and “lovely.”
Because if anyone overhears the two of you talking, he wants them to know the following three things.
One, that you two are taken. Two, that he loves you. Three, that you are the loveliest creature he has ever seen.
Huening Kai
He is shy when it comes to love, lets face it. He probably wouldn’t have much experience in relationships before you came along. He is still learning the twisting ropes of romance.
He probably sticks to calling you by name, most the time. But the way that he says it, it is enough to give you butterflies.
He says your name with so much emotion, like you are his goddess (in his eyes you are)
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Imagine teasing Sokka and Suki for being embarassingly romantic and them getting revenge when they realise you like Zuko
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Sokka and Suki were a great couple, their only flaw however was the sickening things they said to each other publically. You were travelling to Ba Sing Sei and ran into Suki who waited precisely 5 minutes before flirting with Sokka. “Look at you sleeveless guy, been working out?” Suki asked Sokka. You gagged loudly drawing Suki’s attention but Sokka didn’t seem to hear you. “I’ll grab a tree branch and do a few chin touches every now and then” he bragged and you snorted “more like a twig, you couldn’t lift a tree branch if you were a wood bender”. Sokka and Suki shot you a look but Katara and Toph laughed. You hated romance and anytime someone was sweet or soppy you couldn’t be in the vicinity. Unfortunately Sokka and Suki (mainly Sokka) turned into lovey-dovey messes around each other every single time.
The rest of the gang all thought you were being dramatic apart from Toph but that wasn’t much consolation considering her feelings were driven by her crush on Sokka. You tried to tolerate as much as you could but sometimes they were just downright sickening. You thought you were the only person who hated romance and then Zuko arrived. Apparently you were just from the wrong nation. Zuko quickly explained how affection and love ballads weren’t a thing in the fire nation. People expressed themselves but usually in more subtle and private ways which suited you perfectly. So reassured you weren’t crazy you relaxed and became eager to find out how suited to the fire nation you actually were. To do this you spent time with Zuko learning about his nation. You were fascinated by everything he told you and absorbed everything he told you about his culture.
“I’m moving to the fire nation after all this” you announced one evening when Zuko told you dancing also wasn’t a thing in the fire nation. “It turns out they’re my people so why waste any time? After this invasion business is wrapped up I’ll be moving into a fancy house right by the palace, right Zuko?”. Zuko smirked slightly at your tone and nodded “I promise once this is all over if you want to move to the fire nation I can arrange that, fancy house and all”. Zuko then excused himself to make some tea and you smiled watching him. “Man it’s good being friends with the prince” you smiled leaning back on your arms and Sokka rolled his eyes. “Sure friends...” he smirked and you frowned “we are friends, just because Zuko hates most things doesn’t mean he hasn’t warmed up to me”. “Ow I’m not doubting he’s warmed up to you, i’m merely suggesting that’s not all”. You sat up, getting angrier by the second at Sokka’s tone and sighed “just say whatever you’re hinting at, I know you’re dying to”. Sokka laughed “you and Zuko...you like each other romantically”. You laughed in response “no we don’t! Where did you get that idea from?”. This time Sokka laughed “ow I don’t know maybe by how you stay up late together by the campfire trading stories or how you stare at him transfixed when he tells you about the fire nation”. “Because i’m interested in other cultures!” you cried and Sokka smirked “nice try y/n but we all know you’re interested in more than Zuko’s culture” Sokka said suggestively and you blushed vividly making him laugh loudly. “You had no idea what you’re talking about!” you cried and stormed away.
Although you denied Sokka’s accusations they planted a seed in your head and you began wondering if your feelings for Zuko were more than a friendship. It had surprised you how well the two of you got along and you did find yourself drawn to him more and more. Maybe Sokka, shockingly, was right.
You couldn’t sleep, Sokka’s words were still in your head so you went for a stroll. From your vantage point you spotted movement. It was Zuko and he was climbing up on Appa.  You frowned and part of you wondered if Zuko was trying to steal him but only a small part. You thought it much more likely something else was going on so crept your way to Appa and waited. Not long after Sokka appeared. Zuko scared him making him fall hard. “Well that was dramatic” you commented from your hiding place and Zuko jumped following Sokka on his fall to the ground. You grinned seeing both of them rubbing their heads staring up at you and jumped down “so what’s going on?”. Sokka soon explained his plan to save his dad from prison and you and Zuko managed to convince him to let you come. You left a more convincing note for the others explaining your absence than Sokka’s “went fishing” idea and took off.
You and Sokka decided to nap seeing as you wouldn’t arrive till morning and Zuko agreed to keep watch. You woke a few hours later to see Zuko still stood in the same position staring out at the scenery. “Hey” you smiled “you okay?”. “Yeah i’m fine” Zuko said softly and you raised an eyebrow. “Really? Because you haven’t moved from that position in hours”. Zuko turned to face you fully “don’t worry I’m fine, just keeping watch that’s all”. You nodded and looked out at the sunrise. “So how are you feeling about heading back into the fire nation?” you asked. Zuko shrugged “indifferent to be honest, the idea doesn’t really bother me. I just hope we all get in and out safely”. You nodded but Zuko hadn’t quietened your worry “aren’t you concerned about someone recognising you? What if we see someone you know...maybe this is too dangerous for you?”. “I’ll be fine y/n” Zuko said simply and went to move away again when he paused “but thanks for your concern for me”. You locked eyes and panicked over what to say. “Err no problem” you blushed “just don’t die”. Zuko chuckled “I’ll try not to” and turned back to manning the ship. You stared after him blushing when Sokka appeared suddenly “what time is it, did I miss much? Wait why are you...”. “Nothing shut up” you cried and went inside the cabin so Sokka couldn’t see the vivid blush on your face.
You landed the ship and soon snuck into the prison. You couldn’t find Hakoda but you did manage to find someone else. “It’s Suki!” Sokka cried and you sighed “ow god...get ready for it” you whispered to Zuko who frowned “ready for what? Who’s Suki?”. “Only the most amazing beautiful wonderful girls in the world!” Sokka yelled and you shot Zuko a look “that”.
Once you found Suki everything fell into place. Hakoda arrived and you’d worked out an escape plan and not a moment too soon as Azula, Ty lee and Mai arrived. Azula and Ty lee were hot in pursuit and you managed to dodge most of their attacks but all it took was one. Azula sent a large attack at you and there was nowhere to dodge it on the narrow platform. You winced as Azula’s flame pushed you hard into the wall and heard Sokka yell your name. Zuko reached you first and you groaned trying to move your arm “somethings wrong with it”. “Can you move it?”. You shook your head and Zuko frowned “I think it’s dislocated”. “Dislocated?” Sokka cried “what do we do?”. “I can fix it we just have to get her to the barge, y/n can you stand?”. You nodded but groaned as your arm moved. Zuko grabbed onto you and placed your good arm around his shoulder “is this alright or do you need me to carry you?”. “This is fine” you blushed and Zuko nodded helping you get to the barge. Once inside Zuko started working on your shoulder, talking you through what he was going to do softly.
“It's gonna hurt but just try and focus on something else okay?”. You nodded and honestly it wasn’t difficult. Zuko was staring at you, filled with concern, as he tried to gently fix your shoulder. You were more focused on not blushing than your shoulder and it didn’t help that the others were watching everything. Sokka seemed to have a smug smile despite the circumstance and you reminded yourself to kill him later.
After Zuko set your shoulder you drifted off to sleep and awoke back at the temple where Katara was overseeing Zuko’s work. When they realised you were awake they both rushed to you but Zuko got to you first. “You’re awake!” he cried “how are you feeling?”. “Okay...” you replied tenderly “my shoulder feels a bit sore”. Katara nodded “that’s to be expected, i’d rest it for at least a week and make sure you don’t do any heavy lifting with it okay?”. You nodded and Katara excused herself with a smile. “You’re really okay?” Zuko asked and you nodded “yeah, sorry I guess I wasn’t much help in the final fight, did everything go okay?”. Zuko shook his head “don’t be silly you were hurt! We were all just worried about you more than anything. We got away fine with some help and all made it back in one piece”. “Wow that almost sounds too good to be true, we got lucky”. Zuko nodded “we really did” before he smirked mischievously. “And to think after all that warning about it being too dangerous for me, you’re the one who tried to take on my sister alone” Zuko smirked teasing you and you struggled not to blush. “Yeah well you are the prince of the fire nation remember, I just have really bad luck”. Zuko smiled “sure you do, either way be more careful next time okay?”. “Only if you are” you retorted and Zuko nodded “deal” gripping your hand in promise. His gaze lingered on you for a few seconds too long and he abruptly stepped back “erm I’ll leave to let you get changed and freshen up, I’ll come visit you later. Get well soon”. You nodded and searched for something to say back. “Thanks you too!” you cried before realising that didn’t make sense at all. “Wait I didn’t mean that, you don’t have to get well because you’re fine...I don’t know why I said that”. Zuko chuckled as your face reddened and he smiled softly “don’t worry it was funny” and he walked away. You breathed in a deep breath before you heard laughing. “Who’s there!” you cried and Sokka and Suki stepped inside the tent from the opposite doorway, laughing hard. “What’s so funny?” you asked and they both smiled widely. “Nothing....we just find it ironic that’s all” Suki smirked and you frowned “what?”. “Well you’ve spent this entire time acting like you were better than us because romance is for losers and then Zuko shows up and you’re the one blushing and laughing at his jokes. “WHAT” you cried “I am not...we’re just friends, we have the same sense of humour and we’re both the eldest so of course we’d gravitate towards one another”. “Sure and that has nothing to do with you finding him attractive? Just a coincidence?” Suki asked. “I don’t find him attractive why would you even say that?”. “Huh guess we were wrong” Suki shrugged “see you around y/n” and they sauntered away.
After the air temple’s position became compromised you moved to a house Zuko’s family-owned and you were greatly enjoying home comforts as opposed to bare caves and temples. So you let your guard down and didn’t see the attack heading straight for you.
“Y/n come quick! Aang’s in trouble!” Suki yelled. You dropped what you were holding and ran as fast as you could into the courtyard. You shot around the corner and narrowly missed getting hit by a jet of fire.You blinked ready to counter the attack when you saw Zuko and Aang staring at you confused. “Y/n? What’s wrong why did you do that I could have hurt you!” Zuko cried and you blinked “Suki said...” you glanced around and saw Suki and Sokka sat on a bench across the yard smirking at you. You were confused why they seemed so smug, all they’d done was made you embarrass yourself in front of everyone, then you realised Zuko wasn’t wearing a shirt. “Suki what was that?” Zuko asked coming to stand in front of you and you looked away “nothing it was just a prank” you cut in hoping Zuko would drop it. Zuko seemed confused but he shrugged much to your relief...then he carried on coming closer. “It's not a funny prank if you get hurt, I didn’t burn you did i?” he asked reaching out for your arm. You moved your arm out of his grasp immediately your cheeks flushing “no i’m fine! Not a scratch on me”. “Are you sure because burns need treating right away or they’ll...”. “I’m fine Zuko” you said sharply and he paused at the harshness of your voice. You immediately felt guilty as Zuko stepped back “okay”. An awkward silence fell and you were getting ready to retreat but Sokka and Suki weren’t done yet. “Hey Zuko didn’t you say you wanted to show y/n how to fight a fire bender given what happened at the prison?” Sokka called. Zuko nodded “I do but i’m training Aang this morning”. “Yeah but maybe we could end it there for today? Honestly I’m exhausted and could use a break” Aang sighed. Zuko frowned looking up at you “well okay but if now doesn’t work for you we could do another time?” Zuko asked timidly and you again felt awful for snapping at him. “Now’s great” you smiled softly and Zuko smiled back making you blush vividly and you heard Sokka and Suki laugh. “Let me know when you’re ready” Zuko told you grabbing a bottle of water and drinking deeply. You watched as some water spilt over and ran down his neck. “You okay there y/n?” Suki asked and you glared going bright red. You marched over to them furiously “you two think you’re so clever but I know exactly what you’re trying to do and it won’t work!”. “Won’t it?” Sokka asked “you’re pretty red y/n, sure you can handle shirtless Zuko?”. You blushed at his word choice making them before erupting into laughter again. “Y/n?” Zuko called and you paused “yeah?”. “We should probably get started soon that way we can get an hour in before the sun becomes too intnese. You nodded and with a last glare came to stand across from Zuko. “So I think the reason Azula’s attack was so successful is because you fought it head on rather than manouvering it, fire is life, it isn’t solid like a rock so you can be more flexible with it, how is your flexibility?”. “My flexibility?” you asked blushing as you heard Sokka break out laughing. “Yeah...” Zuko said confused looking from you to Sokka “good hip and foot movement can really help you dodge attacks”. “Yeah y/n how’s your hip movement?” Sokka called and you glared at him before turning back to Zuko “okay I think...”. Zuko nodded “okay well try dodging some attacks and I’ll give you some tips?”. You nodded and focused on Zuko. You dodged his attacks and Zuko nodded “good but try being lighter on your feet and guard your centre more”. “My centre?”. “Yeah, so you place your arms beside your body but try moving them infront, that way if you need to dodge it’ll be easier”. When you moved your arms confused Zuko smiled “here like this” and he helped place them correctly. You blushed as he reached around you and both Sokka and Suki smirked widely. “Got it?” Zuko asked and you nodded staring straight ahead, pointedly not looking at him “yep”. “And maybe loosen up a bit, you seem tense”. “I wonder why” Suki muttered and you broke stance “okay that’s it...” when Sokka stood up. “Don’t worry we’re going, it seems like you two need some privacy anyway” Sokka smirked “that way you can train more intimately”. “Have fun” Suki grinned “although not too much y/n” she cried winking at you. The door closed and Zuko turned to you “not too much fun?”. “Erm Suki just knows I love training that’s all she meant...shall we begin?”.
You spent most of the day training with Zuko and while it got a lot better when there was no audience, the minute you stopped all your shyness returned. You could barely look at Zuko and just wished he’d for the love of god put on some clothes.
You just finished training as the others returned and they all shot you smirks as they walked past you into the house. Sokka and Suki seemed very smug and you seriously doubted they’d actually gone into the house. You glanced around the yard wondering where they’d think to hide when you realised Zuko was also staring at the house with a frown. You immediately grew worried that he’d gotten suspicious of all their teasing but luckily that wasn’t the case. “Damn I was hoping to sort out all this training stuff before they got back” Zuko said gesturing to the training equipment around you “Sokka really hogs the shower”. You laughed very familiar with Sokka’s intense pamper regime. “Well why don’t I sort all of this?” you asked. Zuko paused “no I can’t make you pack all of this away on your own”. “It’s fine honestly” you assured him “plus if you don’t move now Sokka will be in there for like an hour”. Zuko nodded “that is true...okay, thanks y/n you’re the best”. You smiled blushing slightly “no problem...”. Zuko smiled back “thanks again and good work today” Zuko added before rushing inside.
The second he was gone Sokka and Suki emerged from a hiding spot just like you figured they would. Before they could speak you held up a hand “Don’t even speak”. “What we weren’t going to say anything” Suki smiled “just you look a little red that’s all”. “Yeah good session?” Sokka asked “or did Zuko work you too hard?”. Suki laughed and you glared. “That’s it! If you two won’t quit then fine I admit it! I like Zuko! He’s stubborn and dramatic and has a short temper which are all things I shouldn’t like but I do because I’m the exact same! But he can also be sweet and shy which makes him adorable considering he’s literally royalty. He’s also really funny in his own way and I love how awkward he is. Not to mention how incredibly attractive he is! His hair alone makes me weak but seeing him shirtless and sweaty today...I barely got through training without passing out so are you both happy now? You’ve driven me to insanity with all your teasing! I like Zuko, I’ll admit it because I can’t think of anything else but him!”. Silence settled and Suki went to talk when a small voice asked “you do?”. You turned to see Zuko stood in the doorway with a very confused look on his face. “Zuko....did you hear all of that?”. Zuko nodded “I forgot my shirt so I came back...you like me?”. You blushed “kind of...” but when Zuko frowned you sighed “I mean yes, I like you...but I don’t expect anything in return I mean you’ve got so much on your plate right now and I know you just saw Mai...”. Zuko didn’t talk or even react to what you said he just stared down at the floor thinking. “Zuko?” you asked after the most uncomfortable seconds of your life passed “please say something”. Zuko sighed “I don’t know what to say...I mean we get along well and you’re all of those things you said about me and more but I think I need time to work out how I feel, is that okay?”. “That’s totally fine take as long as you need” you nodded and Zuko nodded “thanks y/n” and walked away. Zuko left and Sokka and Suki looked at you “Y/n we’re so sorry!” they both burst. “We didn’t plan that at all we just wanted to tease you a little bit we promise” Suki cried. “Exactly! I’ll go explain it all to Zuko about how we pushed you to say all that” Sokka offered and you sighed. “No it’s okay...I mean he was bound to figure it out eventually, it’s probably better he knows I guess”. “Y/n we’re really sorry is there anything we can do?” Suki asked and you shook your head. “It wasn’t your fault and actually all this teasing has made me think. I was rude and cruel to both of you before so i’m the one who should apologise to you. I made fun of you just because I have a different idea of what a relationship looks like but that doesn’t make yours any less valid. I should never have teased you guys for showing affection just because I’m not like that. I’ve been an awful friend...can you ever forgive me?”. “Of course we can!” Sokka cried and Suki nodded “we knew you never meant any harm”. “I know but actions matter more than intentions so I’m really sorry”. “Hey if you can forgive us for outing you to your crush then we can forgive you for teasing us” Sokka said hugging you and Suki joined in “what are friends for?”. You still felt utterly humiliated but at least you had your friends to comfort you.
As time passed and Zuko never mentioned that day to you again you figured his silence spoke louder than any words. He didn’t return your feelings and that was fine. You understood Zuko didn’t have to like you back or want anything more with you just because you got on well. You respected his friendship enough to not be bitter or rude to him for his choice. All you wanted was for him to be happy and if that was with Mai or another person then you were happy.
You put everything in the past and managed to win the war. Aang defeated Ozai and Zuko, with Katara’s considerable help, defeated Azula becoming Firelord. You were so proud of all your friends and stayed in the fire nation for a while to celebrate. Things had been awkward between you and Zuko at first but now they were back to normal and you were pleased your friendship had survived. You hoped to remain good friends with Zuko and thought that seemed likely even with your encroaching departure.
One day before you were due to leave Zuko found you in a spot in the palace you liked to read in. “Zuko” you said surprised “what brings you in here? I thought you had Firelord things all day?”. “I did but I heard you were leaving and I need to speak to you, can we talk?”. You were instantly confused and nervous but nodded standing up “okay...”. Zuko led you to an empty study and closed the door. He was breathing very quickly and was playing with his hands nervously. “Zuko are you okay...” you started when he cut you off.  “I like you” Zuko said suddenly and you froze “you do...but it’s been so long since...are you sure? If it took you this long to come to the realisation maybe you’re just feeling pressured? Zuko I won’t be angry if you don’t like me”. “No that’s not why it took so long” Zuko assured you “I knew I liked you the day I heard you say all those things about me”. “You did?” you asked and Zuko nodded “well really I knew long ago but after hearing you say it I thought about it and realised I liked you too. But y/n we were living in as fugitives with the odds stacked against us. Any of us could have died or been captured, our future was so uncertain that I didn’t want to start anything in such an unstable situation. So i waited, I thought I’d wait until after the war and see what happened. By some miracle we all won and I became Firelord” he said as if the very idea was still hard for him to get used to. “As soon as the war was over I wanted to tell you but I barely got a second alone with you so I kept putting it off for the perfect moment. I didn’t want it to be rushed or forced but I took too long and so when I heard you were leaving tomorrow I knew I had to tell you. Please tell me it’s not too late and I haven’t ruined everything?”. You shook your head “no Zuko, you haven’t ruined anything”. “So...you still like me?” he asked cautiously and you rolled your eyes. “I may not be overly affectionate but don’t let that fool you, everything I said about you is still true”. “Really?” Zuko said blushing “because you said a lot of stuff i’m sure other people wouldn’t think”. “Well it’s their loss” you smiled and Zuko smiled too “and my gain I guess” taking your hand. “I’d like to think so yes” you agreed and Zuko chuckled before touching your cheek softly. He leant in to kiss you and you closed your eyes. You kissed him back and separated after a few seconds. You laughed softly under your breath and shook your head. “What is it?” Zuko asked “laughing isn’t usually a good response after a first kiss”. “No it’s not you, it’s just Sokka and Suki are going to be so smug after this”. Zuko laughed “let them” and leant in to kiss you again.
Sokka and Suki were indeed smug but you didn’t care. Zuko was more than enough compensation.  
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I have been having this thot for a while
just imagine hoshi having a crush on cheol's gf, keeping it a secret from everyone, being hurt whenever he sees them together acting all lovey dovey with each other.
he knows that they love eachother but he cant help but think that if, what if it was him insted of cheol, loving u, kissing u, taking care of u, making love to u.
he didnt realize when his soft pure feelings for u turned into this intense passionate lust to make u his and his only.
having wet dreams about u two having this almost animalistic sex, he cant help but jerk off in the middle of the night.
oh....oh my.. the more i read on, the messier this got and yet i can't help but wish i found myself in a situation like this.... let me write you all the closest we'll get to this. and anon pairing: soonyoung x reader (indirectly) warnings: soonyoung is downright delulu for oc, shit ton of jealousy, fantasies of infidelity (fucking another man's girl), use of the nickname (sooyoo) and pet names (baby, sweetie, honey) NUMEROUS times, oc has size kink(loves how big sooyoo is, with that said...), dig bick soonyoung, "oblivious" cheol, lowkey not so humble bragger (loves letting everybody know 'you're his' type shit) cheol, jihoon & jeonghan feature, alcohol consumption, sorta subspace soonyoung??? (not proof read)
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Open Arms - Kwon Soonyoung
soonyoung lazily turned the front door knob to his dark and cold apartment. The silence that enclosed him in the space made it all the more apparent that for yet another night, he was lonely and you were far from being his. the smell of his spirit-tainted clothes and mouth, clinging to him the way he'd hoped your body would've by the end of the night.
it's not that soonyoung wasn't happy for his friend seungcheol... actually, that's exactly what it was. he himself was taken aback by just how sincere-sounding his laughing along with everyone throughout dinner was, as you recalled how seungcheol had forgotten to transfer yours and his photos of your recent vacation from the disposable camera before he absent-mindedly threw it away this morning.
"well, excuse me, miss 'let's get a disposable camera to embody a true traveller's lifestyle' tsk" he pitched his voice a few octaves higher to mimic your statement from two weeks back. "ok bitch, first of all, I don't sound like that," you pinched seungcheol's cheek, leaving him scrunching his face in what the rest of the group members couldn't help but laugh off and interpret as pure agony "ow! damn what'd you pinch me for?" soonyoung rolled his eyes, "sickening..." he murmured to himself, dragging out a sip of his chilled bourbon, "and secondly, it's not my fault they haven't figured out a way to make 'em automatically transfer to your phone?! you'd know if what you had bothered to read the instructions token, mister" you playfully huffed.
"yeah, well, that'll teach us to never buy a two-dollar camera again. besides, I've got all those pretty pictures of you engraved in my mind" he chuckled, coming teasingly close to you, soonyoung with a frown less than containable, paying careful attention to the hand that danced its way around your waist from above the table. the hold on his glass visibly tightening, "ehem..." jeonghan pulled him from the boiler room of his thoughts. "you know, I never took you for the jealous kind." he jeered. "oh yeah? that obvious is it?" he placed his glass down on the table, the ice having burned his hand from how long it cupped it. "well, we've changed the conversation about three times and you've been staring at the...lack of a gap between cheol and y/n's waists for the past three minutes or so" his eyes now back to momentarily facing the place of general conversation, returning to see a ticked-off soonyoung. "c'mon aren't you of all people even a little grossed out by the excessive amount of pda right now?" he gestured his hand to the direction of yourself and seungcheol, who currently were giggling to yourselves about whatever seungcheol fucked up this time around. "I dunno, I think they're kinda cute" jeonghan teasingly knocked his shoulder against soonyoung's. he lived for the sole purpose of annoying his friends, and soonyoung was no exception. "I'm gonna go get some fresh air." he abruptly stood up from the table, all eyes now on him, a mix of unphased and all-the-more apparent confusion splashed across the table's faces. "everything alright, sooyoo?" your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, glossy pillowy lips turned down all just the same. oh, how his heart ached and his ears perked all at once at the nickname. expression softening at your concern "just peachy!" a wide grin making its way unknowingly across his face, "let us know if you need anything bud." your boyfriend just couldn't help himself could he. always feeling the need to butt in and ruin things. the sweet gaze you'd bestowed him, he'd quickly tattooed in his mind, now turned bitter by cheol's genuine remark of concern. "will do." soonyoung thumbed up, not even turning to face cheol as he walked out the door.
"what was that about?" jihoon now sat adjacent to jeonghan, filling soonyoung's seat, "mmhhm," he shrugged, "something about bitter and sweet..." it had only occurred to him now as he replayed the night's events that he'd never actually turned back and had gotten all the way home. "fuck..." he muttered. too drained physically and emotionally to turn back and apologize for taking long, even though the bar was across the street. "what's that asshole have that I don't?" he thought, taking his shoes off before placing them on their spotlit shelf before hurriedly moving to the primary bathroom. now disrobing himself and hopping into the shower, the tension leaving his body as the steam fogged up the glass of the box and mirrors. he thought the anxiety had fully rid itself from him, only for it to creep back once he'd made his way out of the shower to see two notifications from you, one being a missed call. his mind raced, thinking of how upset or hurt you must've been for him to have walked out, judging by the time, he was almost certain dinner was long over by now. he hesitantly played the voice note, only to be pleasantly surprised with your honey-coated voice and the soft humming of the car. "hey sooyoo, you left your coat on your seat and you weren't back by the time dinner wrapped up so cheollie and I took your coat for you." a humph of satisfaction erupting from him but your boyfriend's nickname left a bitter taste in his mouth. "hey bud,' the male's voice interjected, blaring through the phone's speaker, turning the volume down in annoyance he continued to listen "y/n thought about dropping it off for you but we'll swing by tomorrow. i told her, knowing your rowdy ass, you're probably not even home yet so we figured we wouldn't bother you." he chuckled, to which soonyoung involuntarily rolled his eyes in distaste. "anyways sooyoo, drink some water and get some rest. we'll see you tomorrow around noon-ish... if you ever need anybody to talk to...I'm here." he was in agony. oh, how badly he wished you wouldn't speak to him as a mere friend, how he craved for there to be space to drop the formalities, so desperate for you that he'd let you speak to him wherever and however you wanted. he loved your cute voice, how it deepened a bit in your fits of rage, how raspy and raw he'd imagine it to be if you had chosen to spend the night with him. in all the apparentness of his loneliness, the closest he had to physical consolement being his silk pjs and his weighted blanket. their respective embraces only prompting him to shift deep into thought.
how he wished it were him instead of seungcheol whose arms you found solace in. how he wished you'd laugh at his jokes with nearly as much relish as you did your boyfriend's. how he wished you wouldn't have to enlighten him of your support of him, how if it was you and him, you'd be there with open arms, and without the exchange of a single word, he'd fall into them as you encasing him tightly with your plush arms. he yearned for your kisses peppering his face as tears rolled down his soft cheeks. he ached for your words of comfort.
"it's ok baby, i'm right here." you rubbed his head, pampering him with soft pats and rubs along his back. "I'm all yours, I promise." you spoke softly to him, not wanting to break the intimate bubble encasing the two of you. "mine?" he sniffled staring into your eyes, the eyes that only softened when they saw him. the eyes he got lost in frequently upon your encounters. wanting nothing more but to drown in your pupils. "mhm." you agreed with a soft smile which only ever melted his heart. you found yourselves in his bedroom, standing at the foot of the bed, angling your head to close the gap between the two of you "but what about seungcheol?" the feeling of jealousy now replaced with genuine concern "like I said baby, I'm all yours." hesitance soon forgotten as he leaned in, your lips even softer than that of what he imagined, hints of cocoa now smothered on his top lip from your gloss, not that he minded.
he was in ecstasy, the one person he ached for most in this world, was right in front of him. he'd long forgotten seungcheol whose obliviousness he chuckled at, as he replayed your words in his head "yours..."
soon after, your figure was sandwiched between his thighs. his towel licking a long stripe up his length, your doe eyes staring up into his through your B9 false lashes, too lazy from the night's festivities to remove your makeup, you summoned the remainder of your energy to make him feel special and feel special he did, the maintenance of eye contact sending a shudder along his spine. "you're so nice and big honey, " you tease, leaving a kiss on his tip, staining it with your lip gloss "can barely fit you in my hands, let alone my mouth." soonyoung's chest heaving in desperation at this point. you'd teased him for what had only been a mere 45-second interval but to him, resembled a century. "please baby, don't tease." the sight of his own tip flushed an angry pink tone, precum threatening to leak and splotches of your glittery lip gloss had him ready to explode.
"so impatient..." you slapped his thigh lightly, his abs flexing upon the sting post-contact. before he could get another word in, you sunk your mouth onto his length for the first time that evening. "oh fuck," the sight of you so eager to please him, and so abruptly too had him in a frenzy. "I knew your pretty mouth was good for more than just talking" the globs of spit that remained on the sides of his cock each time you glided up soon forming a pool at its base. you collected some and used it as lube to tug at the parts of him you couldn't fit. "just like that, sweetie" he praised you as your hand and mouth worked rhythmically in unison. the pet name had your pussy drooling. you were so cock-hungry, the portion of him you already had filling your mouth wasn't enough. you took it upon yourself to push yourself all the way down on him, nose touching his pelvic bone and his tip reaching the far back of your throat "fuck that's it, baby, fuck-, just like that sweetie" soonyoung was nothing short of a gentleman, he wasn't one to be a pusher but he couldn't help but to be eager. especially when you sucked him off so good.
tears welled in your eyes as you repeated the motion, you wanted your baby to feel good, judging by how his hitched breathing and whines got more audible, you were doing a great job. "fuck sweetie, I love you so much" the rambling mess he'd become was a clear indication he was close, a few more tugs of his cock and you had him cumming all over your pretty face. the sight made his cock twitch. being the freak he was, he wanted nothing more than to kiss you, creamy white goodness and all.
the only thing stopping him was the sudden knock on the front door. pulling him into a void of post-nut clarity, allowing him to open his eyes to the pathetic sight of his empty, now un-fitted sticky bed sheet, with the only token of gratitude, he imagines you to have left him being a new stain on his favourite ivory satin sheet.
"well shit..."
AN: AHHHHHHH my first full length fic, fucking hell i'm so excited for you all to read this. like WHAT? I ACTUALLY LIKE MY WORK FOR ONCE (I'll definitely come back to proof-read my work in the morning and be like "what the fuck?"). to the person who mad this request. thank you so much my love, you;ve helped me regain my confidence and I'm so very sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, I know you asked me in the early parts of this year and I just couldn't pull myself out of this slump. thank you and I hope you like it. much love to you all and keep requesting! xoxo, gossip girl... just kidding 1-800-ye0sangspr1ncess.
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zenniettlino · 2 months
"I Love You Too.."
(Han x Reader, Hyunjin x Reader)
(Reader as 'Jiyeon')
TW: blood, self-harm, cursing, slighlty violent?
(This is my first fanfic, kindly mention if I missed anything!)
It was a cold winter day. As falling snow danced with the wind outside, Jiyeon and Hyunjin were chatting nonsense on their desks, hitting each other playfully. Hyunjin then noticed Jiyeon’s slight shivering. Hyunjin took his sweater off, leaving him with his uniform on. “Here, wear it.” He spoke, offering it to her.
“You’re cold, wear it”
As she clothes herself in the sweater, Hyunjin can’t help but develop a smile on his face. Watching her cutely getting warmed up. An unfamiliar feeling took over her body, as Hyunjin felt the same.
His focus then landed on a girl, walking along the hallway. His eyes glistened from her beauty, as Jiyeon stared at him with a slight look of jealousy.
If only he knew how much she liked him.
End of Flashback
She snapped back to reality, as Jiyeon’s friend, Han, waved a hand in front of her. “Are you even paying attention?” he asked her playfully.
“My bad,” Jiyeon responded almost emotionlessly. Noticing it, Han decided to speak up. “What’s on your mind, pouty face?” He spoke teasingly, causing a slight smile to form in Jiyeon’s face. “Shut that ass.” she spoke playfully, as they continued their playful interaction.
As soon as the bell rang, Han and Jiyeon raced to the classroom, as papers flew by. Han gripped on the classroom door’s door frame, panting as Jiyeon sighed in defeat, lightly hitting Han playfully on the shoulder. After the two shared their moments with laughs, they stepped into the classroom, only to be greeted by the not so pleasant scene of couples on desks. Being all lovey dovey while the teacher was still absent. “Get a room..” Han muttered, as Jiyeon giggled at his comment.
As they sat on her desks beside each other, Jiyeon’s focus landed on Hyunjin, her once ‘close’ friend, the friend whom she had feelings for, now laughing, and hugging with SunHee.
Jiyeon watched with jealousy, as she buried herself on her crossed arms, with her sweater’s sleeves producing warmth. My bad, Hyunjin’s sweater. As a frown planted on her face. “Hey,” Han lightly tapped her shoulder, with a concerned look on his face, “you alright?”
Han noticed it, he wrapped an arm around her, to attempt to comfort her. He softly held her hand, as Jiyeon tightly gripped on it, with watery eyes.
Jiyeon couldn’t help but feel cold. It hurts. It’s painful. Her heart ached, at the sight of them happily interacting. Jiyeon tightly gripped her sweater to the sight of Hyunjin kissing Sunhee’s cheek.
“C’mon pouty face, don’t focus on them” Han spoke, as Jiyeon uttered “Sorry..”
Han’s thoughts started to produce rapidly. ‘Why even worry about him when you have me? Why choose him over me? What makes him so special? What does he have that I don’t?’
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Classes are dismissed. As Jiyeon closed her locker, her vision fixated on Hyunjin and Sunhee. Jiyeon’s coldness grew, as Hyunjin wrapped an arm around Sunhee’s shoulder, whispering ‘I love you’ over and over.
How can she hate her? She's prettier, smarter, and more talented than her. She’s an angel sent from heaven. It’s obvious why Hyunjin developed feelings for her. That’s none of her business.
“Ji?” Han called her by her nickname, earning the attention of Jiyeon. Noticing her gaze on Hyunjin, Han grew cold, as Jiyeon’s gaze lasted.
‘Stop that. Stop aiming your attention on him. Why not me? I love you too, you know?’
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The two were walking to their shared apartment. The wind picked up its pace, as strands of Jiyeon’s hair danced in front of her face. Han tucked her hair behind her ear, causing their vision to be focused on each other. The contact broke after several minutes, both having a tint of red on their faces.
As sunlight hit Jiyeon’s face, Han couldn’t help but admire her beauty. Butterflies moved rapidly in his stomach the more he gazed on her, mesmerized by appearance. The two held hands, avoiding any more contact as they continued to walk.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Why her? Why would you choose her over me? Why is that? Why? Why? WHY? …..why does she even exist?”
Jiyeon screamed, catching Han’s attention from downstairs. Jiyeon continued to curse under her breath, tightly gripping on the sink .
“…Fuck this shit”
She aggressively punched the mirror, as her fists became red with blood. Tears swell in her eyes. “Why…why can’t I be her?” She spoke angrily, as she threw a shard across the room.
Han gasped lightly as he opened the door to the bathroom. “Ji! What the hell?!” Han screamed, quickly, as he obtained an aid kit.
“Sorry…I’m…sorry…” Jiyeon faintly uttered, as tears continuously fell from her eyes. “Please, don’t do that ever again Ji, you know I hate it when you get injured” Han spoke with concern in his tone, as he treated her gently.
After some comforting and crying on Han’s arms, Jiyeon began to slightly doze off. Han quickly obtained a blanket, and covered the girl to keep her warm. Han kissed her forehead lovingly, which Jiyeon responded with a smile.
“Don’t ever compare yourself to anyone, you’re perfect, Ji”
He spoke with a soft voice, as he laid beside her, as they both wrapped their arms around each other, as their hands tightly grip on each other.
“I love you, Ji”
“…I love you too”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jiyeon then woke up to her husband, Hyunjin, kissing every inch of her face. “Jagiyaa~ wake up~” he spoke, with a tone filled with softness, and warmth. Though, Jiyeon wasn’t touched by the warm feeling at all.
Jiyeon’s head aimed in every direction but Hyunjin’s, as confusion stirred. The surrounding atmosphere was unfamiliar. ‘What happened?’
“What’s wrong, love?” Hyunjin spoke with concern, cupping and kissing her cheek, which caused anxiety and confusion to collide.
This isn’t right.
Where’s Han?
. . .
‘Don’t complain, you wanted this to happen.’
(1.1k words)
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cecilxa · 2 years
take me into your loving arms
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summary: a first dance shared between newly-weds had to have been something special.
contents: lovey-dovey childe, married childe is now a clingy childe, your love is so obvious it's kinda sickening ngl /j, set during a first dance but not many details about the actual dancing taking place, reader is implied to be shorter than childe, gn!reader
cw: none i can think of, let me know if you find any!
recommend listening to: thinking out loud by ed sheeran
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There’s no such thing as a perfect day. Both you and Childe believed this. But why does this feel like a dream? Why do you want this moment to last this forever? A sky of stars, glimmering and sparkling, couldn’t compare to the everlasting beauty of your love. Any onlooker would know this.
A baby, swathed in cloths and special clothing, even without knowing how to talk, would be able to understand the love that you two share. It’s in the way you gaze at each other. It’s as if you’re able to communicate through longing stares and exhilarating glances.
A six-year old child, fresh-faced and youthful, sitting uncomfortably in their seat, would be able to understand the love that you two share. It’s in the way you care for each other, even when nerves threaten to extinguish the gentle flames of your passion. It’s this passion that drives you towards each other, it’s in an emotion so huge it’s impossible to put into words.
A twenty-year old student, taking a break from their university lectures, would be able to understand the love that you two share. It’s in the way you comfort each other, through thick and thin, however treacherous and bleak. Whenever Childe thinks that’s he’s messed up, or however you think you’ve made a mistake, you always come back to each other. Always.
A forty-year old parent, makeup subtly covering up unwanted eyebags, would be able to understand the love that you two share. It’s in the way he holds you, it’s in the way you hold him. Gentle, soft and ever-caring. You’re a reminder that in touches, great or small, love exists.
A seventy-year old couple, holding their hands, similarly entwined like yours, would be able to understand the love that you two share. It’s familiar. It’s homely. It’s domestic. The couple sigh, and lovingly gaze at the both of you. Youngsters these days, maybe this is what hope in the future looks like.
Childe understands the love that you two share. It’s in the way your back feels against his hands, it’s in the way you cook him his favourite soup when he’s sick. It’s in the way he takes a spare coat whenever it’s raining, just so that you don’t get cold. It’s in the way both of you laugh together. It’s in your smiles, it’s in your tears and it’s in your joyous and disastrous moments. It’s in the way your eyes meet and he feels like he could get lost in them forever. He feels like he could get lost in you forever. He’s willing to, just for you, anything for you. You’re his. His heart thumps loudly, and he thinks that it’s amazing how you’re able to make him feel such things.
And now you’re here with him. One arm’s around your waist, another’s clasping your hand so tightly, it’s as if he doesn’t want to let go (he really doesn’t). He’d willinging hold you forever, if only you’d let him. Your other hand’s on his shoulder, and it fits so perfectly, Childe thinks that it’s destiny. Music’s playing in the background, but neither of you care. You hear it, but do you really? You both know he’s more concentrated on you. You’re more concentrated on him. Nothing else to think about but each other, in the present, where you’re meant to be.
Childe spots the ring on your left hand and is reminded of the promises and vows you gave each other, just a short while ago. He holds you impossibly tighter and leans down, still gently rocking you, your breaths intermingling, noses touching. He thinks of growing older together, he thinks of being together forever, he thinks of being able to wake up in the morning and remembering that you’re married. You’re married. Childe now grins, smile somehow reaching the apples of his cheeks. His eyes are fully downturned as he flashes all of his teeth. You’re married.
Neither of you believed in perfect days, but today, maybe you were wrong.
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pristinekanesays · 1 year
 🦋 Life Is Strange: Petnames.
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🦋 What do they call their partner, what do they like to be called?
 🐺 GN!Reader, no specific pronouns are mentioned!
🦋 Warnings: nathan prescotts issues, sappy stuff and my never ending beef with nathan prescott
 🦋 A/N: Bored, tired and severely sleep deprived. I'm sticking to actually posting for once? Shocking! The word petname has me giggling like a kid and I've got no idea why.
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 🦋 Chloe Price:
 💓 Chloe would probably call you the basics like babe, baby and hey maybe even babycakes as some classic comedy. She seems like the type to just make the coolest petnames in her head and spit 'em out in a split second. (She'll probably call you dude, regardless of your gender.)
 🤍 She'd deep down enjoy those real sappy, cute and sort of cringe petnames. Like pumpkin and sweetheart, you know? Maybe even puddin' but in a southern accent, apart from that she doesn't really care.
(Chloe's just a big softie, come onnn!)
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🦋Kate Marsh:
💓Kate, katie, literal angel, and she'd probably call you her angel as well! She'd also call you darling, dearest, my love and probably hon/honey.
🤍She'd enjoy and appreciate it if you were affectionate with petnames like the way she is, so probably darling, angel and my love if I were to guess.
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🦋Max Caulfield:
💓I get huge calling her partner broski and dude vibes, no matter your gender which is probably gonna be a little like Warren's headcanons. Calls you by your name and maybe sweetheart or greets you after a while like `Hey there, cowboy!` (again, regardless of your gender.)
🤍Doesn't care what you call her, lovey dovey and insist on calling her the most sickening, romance novel petnames? Okay, it's what you like and she probably doesn't mind.
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🦋Rachel Amber:
💓Petnames are mandatory, MANDATORY!! Am I the only one getting the vibe she'd call her partner baby girl/baby boy or..?
💓Apart from that it's angel, love, sweetie and maybe babe. Probably reminds you that you're handsome or pretty nearly everyday because she's a theatre kid and DRAMATIC, or maybe she just wants to show you sum love.
🤍Call her what she calls you or add some little sappy nicknames in there cause she deserves better and just wants to feel the good old romance in the air.
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🦋Victoria Chase:
💓Okay big old bully:( She's the good old classic mean girl in public but with you? She's like a totally different person, I mean forget all those horrible, awful things she's done..ahem..
💓If you're super popular and everyone knows who you are, she'll call you babe and hon in public. If you're not as popular as her, she might not put the best effort in but she's still got your back!
💓In private it's my love, babe, baby, hon/honey, all types of sappy stuff.
🤍Isn't a big deal to her what you call her just be affectionate dude (don't call her dude, she'll be like wtf)
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🦋Warren Graham:
💓Is for sure calling you dude, bro and broski like yeah you're in a relationship but he didn't ask. Take it or leave it, broski! Refers to you as his partner no matter what, he'll be struggling to call you anything else and that has me laughing a little. (favourite nerd)
💓I feel like he'd jokingly call you dumbass, if you're okay with that probably.
🤍LOVE, AFFECTION, ADORAAATION! Put some effort in, like yeah he barely calls you anything romantic and cute but like leave him alone okay?! He's trying his best!
🤍Call him anything cause he'll eat that shit up daily for every meal, he loves you and just needs SOMETHING!
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🦋Nathan Prescott:
💓It's dickhead again, let me just pull out my book of problems! Comedic purposes..very hilarious but he's got some intense issues and this is gonna be like one of those shit love stories.
💓He's not big and open about your relationship so he doesn't call you anything in public (especially if you're a guy, sorry dude but he's got denial issues up the ass).
💓He might call you babe or somethin' else, he's an asshole struggling with affection and other things.
🤍Call him what you wish just don't try it in public because he'll get all pissed off and act like he's never seen you in his life. Like, how dare you be affectionate and loving?!
🤍He's the problem.
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brighttears · 1 year
hi i hope you’re doing well!! i want to start off by saying that i’m loving the dusk series so far!! like always your writing is just so captivating. I’d like to send in a request, but first, what do you think joel’s love language is? i think it’s definitely physical touch and words of affirmation (or quality time). The request is maybe some scenarios(for lack of a better word) where we see the reader find out Joel’s love language and show joel love the way he likes. I thought it could be a cute drabble, please take any liberties you’d like, and if you end up writing this then thank you so much :)
I decided I’ll just do drabbles (just learned that word lol) for each (except for gifts) and put all my opinions and reasoning at the bottom because it's kind of a lot. Also oh my god “show joel love the way he likes” 😭😭😭 PLEEEASE
I feel like I don’t see a lot of this!! I LOVE VULNERABLE JOEL!!!  LETTING HIMSELF BE LOVED WITHOUT ANYTHING IN RETURN!!! GOD DAMN I JUST WANT THE MAN TO BE ABLE TO RELAX!!!! Also thank you for the request and the praise I appreciate you so much ❣️❣️❣️❣️ (sorry this took so long, writer's block Took Me Out for a couple days)
no physical description, gender neutral, no use of y/n
Warnings: mentions of sex, pet names (baby, sweetheart, lovey dovey, honeydew (sickening i know))
Word count: 2k
Joel is known by what he does for others. At this point, it’s basically half of his identity. He’s a father, a protector, the one who will give you the shirt off of his back, take both watches so you can sleep, catch a bullet without blinking an eye. This is one of the things that attracted you to him in the first place, how he wears the love in his heart on his sleeve, even if he doesn't talk or touch much. When you started really seeing each other, you began learning his eyes and the words behind closed lips, and you found so much below the surface. To his core, Joel is a giver, that has always been the case, but he tries to never let on his needs, his wants. You have found it in his eyes, though, especially at the end of a long day. 
Today is one of those days. Joel walked in with tense shoulders and tiredly drooping brows. He barely mumbled a ‘hey’, just plopped down on the couch next to you, rubbing the heels of his hands into his eyes.
“Hey honeydew,” you move to slide your hands around him and rest your cheek on his shoulder, “Long day, hm?”
“Mhm.” he replies, leaning into you, his hands still in his eyes. You stay quiet to see if he wants to talk about it, but he doesn’t, so you stand from the couch, wrapping a hand around his wrist to lightly tug him to his feet, and then lead him into the bedroom. He follows and lays down for you, eyes already closed. Silently, you undo his laces, pull his boots off, he lays still as you pull his pants. You undo the buttons of his flannel and pull off his undershirt, and then you tuck him into bed. You draw the blinds to keep out the afternoon sun and lay next to him on top of the blankets until his breathing slows to sleep. Then, as quietly as you can, you remove yourself and gather his dirty clothes to wash. 
It took awhile for him to let you do this for him, and the first time he did, when you’d tucked the blankets around him, he cried. Some days he’ll give you a look that tells you to get in with him, and then turns his back for you to wrap yourself around him. He goes out like a light when you do that. 
This is the only thing you’ve seen Joel willingly let someone do that is just for him, without him needing to do anything in return, just for what he really needs and wants. He has tried to crush the notion that he wants or needs anyone to do anything for him, shut down the craving to be taken care of, but you’ve weasled your way into it. Joel is the most giving person you’ve ever met and you’re just glad to be able to give something to him, even if it’s just clean clothes and a warm, comfy nap. Nothing is as gratifying as being able to hold Joel the way he wants to be held.
The sun was shining in the forest the first time Joel slipped his hand into yours. The leaves were a bright light green, the path’s dirt almost gold in the sun. He didn’t say a word or look away from his boots on the ground. So, you didn’t say anything either, just held his hand, smiling wide, and kept walking. 
He didn’t say anything the second time either, only barely glanced to you at his side, then looked back down to hide in his footsteps. That time, you started to swing your clasped hands a little, and you could tell he was smiling just as wide as you were. 
At night, he started by just resting a leg over yours, only after you’d been laying for a while, eyes closed, without a word. You experimented by putting your hand in his open palm one night, just resting it there. The next night, he pulled you in. The night after that, you woke up to him wrapped around you like a monkey on its mothers back. And the next night, he held you like that but from the front, his slow deep sleeping breaths warms on your neck.
It felt wonderful. Not only because it was him, but because of the nature of it—it was for you to be holding him. You wouldn’t have known that that was something he wanted, he presents only as a holder, a big spoon, but really, he’s the baby. Just about every night after that, you’d come to him first and wrap him up so all he’d have to do is squeeze into the embrace (sometimes he makes a little hum as he does).
The sex changed after you started doing this, too. It’s more intimate, deeper, he’s loosened up and it’s become more fluid. He’s more vocal, too. The first few times like that he couldn't last more than half as long as he usually does, but he cums a lot harder and it’s just as hot to you as it must be for him. It’s just pure intimacy. 
He started doing more outside of the covers at night, holding you from behind when you were standing for awhile sometimes, sneaking a kiss to your head here and there, and he likes to walk close enough to you that you bump and brush against each other as you go. 
He does all of this without saying a word. There’s no need for him to, he’s telling you clearly through all of this touch that he trusts you completely and loves you deeply.
The first time you said something to him, Joel paused, and when he looked back at you, asking, “Really?” his eyes were lit up. You caught on and kept slipping in praise here and there, watching him break out in big goofy grins. 
Tonight you’ve seemed to have caught a bug of it, crowding him on the bed and showering him in it.
“I love you so much handsome man,” you peck his cheek as he turns it away, grinning pink and humming laughter, “You’re so good, you’re so special, lovey dovey, I’m so proud of you,” he giggles, eyes closed, “You’re my world.” Kiss his cheek, “baby I’m so glad I found you,” kiss, “you’re so strong and brave,” kiss kiss, he laughs, “you’re so funny, you’re my goofy guy,” he laughs harder and you can’t help but laugh with him. “I love seeing you happy.” You get yourself on top of him, folding your arms over his chest to see his plump, rosy face, still smiling ear to ear, eyes half lidded as he looks back at you. “My beautiful,” you peck his lips, “beautiful,” you peck and he starts laughing again, holding your waist lightly, “gorgeous,” kiss, “dreamy,” kiss, “handsome man.” kiss, “I love you.” 
“I love you.” He coos. He blinks, thinking, and just looks at you for a while, smile fading but not leaving. Then, in the softest, most innocent tone you’ve ever heard from him, Joel says, “Thank you.” 
Joel seemed pretty cold when you first met him. He barely ever seemed anything other than annoyed at best. So, you assumed he hated you. When you found yourselves left alone somewhere, usually to keep watch for something or other, it was for a while completely silent. It wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable, but it made you sad. You didn’t know him and, yeah, he seemed like just a massive grump, but you’d watched him with people he was close to, and you wanted that kind of attention from him. 
Maybe it wasn’t, but it felt like you found yourself alone with him often. You were ready to just stay quiet and not bother him while he waited out this time with you, set on your idea of what he thought of you, but then he started making small talk. At first, you, again, assumed he was doing it through gritted teeth, but then he started laughing with you, and then you were trading stories. Then you started seeking each other out to be alone together. 
You started taking walks, but you’d get so caught up in conversation you’d  have to stop, and found a spot on a large, fallen dead tree by the water. Skipping rocks, you'd talk about the past, he’d follow you around while you trailed away to pick flowers, then let you teach him how to make crowns with them. 
The fallen tree by the water and flowers became your place of solace to go and be alone. Just you and him, him and you, with each other until the sunset, or he’d wake you up early so you could go watch it rise from there, side by side in silence. 
You talked about anything and everything, sometimes nothing at all. Silent in the grass, you’d watch the clouds or the stars. It’s just nice to be around each other.
He told you so today, and it made you think of how he looked when you first met, the stone cold downcast eyes, hands ready on his rifle, hardly moving except to chew on his lip or grind his jaw. Today his eyes are soft, golden in the sunlight, an earnest, innocent smile playing at his lips, lax face showing off his cheeks, crows feet highlighting his contentment.
“You know, I thought you hated me the first few times we… hung out, as in, got stuck alone somewhere.” You admit. 
“No, sweetheart,” Joel’s eyes twinkle and neither of you are able to twist away your smiles, “you just made me nervous.”
“Why’d I make you nervous?” You laugh. 
“Well,” he looks down, still smiling, “I just wanted to find the right thing to say. Wanted to impress you I guess. Not anymore though,” he looks back up at you, “don’t feel any kinda nervous around you. I’m lookin’ for all the time alone with you I can get.”
“Well I’m glad we still have all day…” you tilt your head, “and tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. If you’ll have me.”
He shifts a little closer, “I’ll have nothing else.”
Don't ask me questions unless you want a mini essay lol i’ve always been that bitch
Omg. I think about this while writing and it's an interesting thing to explore bc what is hidden under there? What was he like before? Very fun to play around with.
(Side note I have only seen the show, I have not played any of the games so that’s where I get all of my context from) They didn’t show a lot of pre outbreak Joel obvi, and I’m kind of nitpicking the shit out of it, but what Joel initiates with Sarah is quality time. Although there was also physical touch, and I saw a post about Joel and Sarah’s closeness when they’re watching the movie, where they so naturally move into each other, and I dig that, but I feel like the focal point was spending time together for his birthday. 
Pause to say that I don’t think that gift giving is his love language because he gets the watch here and that's the only gift giving like ever, also the other gift was a movie to watch together, that’s why I didn’t write for it.
So my automatic thought is that his love language is acts of service, but the more I’ve thought about it I want to say that that as a priority has been an add-on. Like he forgot to get the pancake mix when he was supposed to, the cake, he got home late—he broke these promises he made to Sarah, and now, I think the pressure on acts of service is one of the lasting effects of her death. I bet he feels guilt for those promises he broke that day, and now he doesn't want to ‘let her down again’; he couldn't save her (ALL THAT MAKES ME SCREAM AND CHEW THRU MY ARM BTW), and now he craves control over things like that, so he does everything he can to try to make up for it, to protect the ones he loves. 
Joel doesn’t really talk much and he’s said he’s not very good at it. He delivers some killer fucking lines but they’re only big moments, so I think that one would be the hardest for him. Also, I can count on one hand the amount of physical contact he had at all, not all of them he even initiated. However, I DROOL over the idea of him re-discovering that he loves physical touch.
The one thing Joel always does is he is always there. Simply that it is his number one priority, and then he fits other stuff into it, like talking more and being more open, letting himself touch and be touched, etc. (although part of it is he literally has to be with Ellie all of the time, so that complicates it a little, but still)
So my big two are acts of service and quality time but I think his core love language is quality time.
Lol im sorry im just straight up disagreeing with you but for real for real, I think that’s one of the most beautiful things about all this, being able to take these things and run with it; we get to chew through all of this stuff and share all these different thoughts on it and it’s really cool to be on this platform and hear some thoughts that never would have occurred to me and that is so fucking exciting and fun to me. I think it is so cool to be able to take this art and explore more of it and just keep pumping life into it ykwim. So if you are reading this far thank u very cool 2 be here
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