#so it's nice to go okay well what's positive about her bc there ARE positive traits. i just love my girlfailure
subsequentibis · 8 months
7, 16?
hey i just fully fuckin forgot to answer these meta oc questions. whoops. let's do sal for these!
7. Does your oc have any notable skills or good personality traits? Why did you give them those traits? Why do they exist in-universe? sal is intelligent and hyperspecialized into her field of study. she reads situations quickly, picking up on small details and catches things that others might have missed. she's remarkably good at avoiding attention and a good runner, having both decent speed and the stamina to keep it up over long distances. she genuinely works to understand people even when she struggles to figure out social intricacies, because if she can at least work out how people tick she can predict reactions to a degree.
i gave her those traits because she was originally a vampire the masquerade nosferatu pc, but in-universe she's an obsessive loner who was bullied incessantly and found her niche QUICK to survive, and then got a job in a field that required her to work with a lot of people daily and really get to know them to be successful, and had to adapt.
16. What aspect(s) of the universe's lore are they connected to? Do they change/add lore to the universe? HAHA OH BOY. sal is quite literally connected to the fun flesh eating parasitic fungus that kickstarts the plot. she'll be the main vehicle for Lore about it because she's the only one who cares enough to figure anything out about it instead of trying to destroy it.
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churipu · 5 months
HAIIII IPIN !!!!!!! can i request gojo, geto, and nanami (separate) having a gf that's really optimistic? just someone who sees the good in everything and anything, and positive at all times! thank SOOOO much !!!!
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featuring. gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento x fem! reader
warning. people being mean to u >:(
note. HAIIII ANONN!!! i love this request bcs sometimes i read books, mangas, watch movies, you name 'em and see a certain character having the most positive mindset and i just go must protecc >:( anyways, thank you anon for requesting just after i opened the request box, istg i love all your ideas so much it makes me feel full <;33
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GOJO SATORU. absolutely hates the way you try to see the good in people — specifically people who have hurt your feelings in the past. he just wonders what goes on in your mind to just forgive and forget everyone who has wronged you.
you did. but not him.
"baby, that guy called you names when you were in high school!" gojo whines, laying down on the bed, draping an arm over your torso, "why are you still willing to meet him?"
"satoru, he said he was sorry!" you smiled at him, tracing his features softly — the male grumbled but leaned into your touch, "and plus it's not nice to hold grudges, it's been what? how many years?"
a loud whine escapes his throat as he pulled you close, "it doesn't matter how many years it has been, he still hurt your feelings. and nobody does that to my baby," he said, miffed.
you couldn't help but to chuckle, "well, you are coming along, so i have nothing to worry about."
the male grins, "damn right i am coming, he better sleep with one eye open starting from now," gojo threatens.
gojo just cannot wrap his head around your concept of "forgive-and-forget" because you never hold grudges, you forget everything and still talk to people who've wronged you, and you still have the heart to accept them.
as much as people say "forgive and forget", they end up at least holding the tiniest bit of grudge — or even a bigger grudge, right? but you? you don't. you actually forgive and forget.
well — thankfully, not him. he takes his job to protect you seriously, from any kind of harm, including monsters (people who were mean to you) both in the past, present, and possibly the future.
"baby, can you stop hanging out with that one girl? the one who always wears the purple colored eye-shadow?" he asks you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"hm? why?"
"i don't like the vibe she gives out. it's giving...well...cruella de vil." he murmurs into your neck, nuzzling his nose in content as you went on with your skincare routine.
"satoru," you mumbled, "you can't just judge her by her vibes."
he groans, "but baby, i swear i could just feel it! she's evil," he whispers in your ear.
"okay, fine. just tell me if she does anything to you, i'll give her a piece of my mind (hollow purple)." he mutters out, pouting and upset as you brushed his speculations off.
GETO SUGURU. he loves it and hates it at the same time. geto loves how positive you are against the world — and what more does he need, really? it's you and him against the world at this point, although he feels like he doesn't contribute much to your positive energy (that's what he thinks).
geto thinks of himself as a pretty negative person. and you know. the both of you had a lot of deep talks about everything, including what you both had in mind. and honestly, geto wasn't surprised if he hears you talking about how your life was going smoothly; and his was just a contradiction to what you have.
it's life, people come and go. but geto seemed skeptical of that term, why couldn't people come and stay? he finds it hard to believe that you could be the one leaving him at anytime of the day, and the thought just terrifies the male.
the death of amanai put a hole in his mind that couldn't be closed off, and it fucking scarred him. but you were there for him, you didn't sugar coat words or tell him white lies — you tell him everything, straight to his face, and your choices of words made him feel loved. what else could he ask for?
"'m sorry," he mutters into your shoulder, and his voice comes out a bit muffled.
you brushed his nape gently, "it's alright sugu, you know you don't have to apologize for being sad, right?" you tell him, pressing a kiss onto the side of his head, "it's okay to be a little sad."
sometimes he asks himself if he really deserved you or not. but at the end of the day; you always convince him that he deserved it.
geto hates your optimism sometimes because he watches people trample over you and you brush them off with a smile, it makes him feel angry. he asks himself why you were doing this to yourself? believe me when he tried asking you to try talking back, or putting up a fight.
"angel, you know it makes me kind of sad that you'd let people talk to you that way," he said to you, grazing his finger over your cheek gently.
you shot him a gentle smile, "'ts okay sugu, what good do i get from arguing back to them, really?"
he just pulls you into his embrace, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, saying nothing. god, he just wanted to protect you from the world — why does everyone have to be so fucking mean to you?
"will you be mad if i tell them off for you?" he asks
"depends on your methods, tell me about it."
"threatening them. if it doesn't work, violence." he mutters out briefly.
"sugu, no."
NANAMI KENTO. he doesn't mind it, he finds you endearing, really. a cat getting hurt? he'll accompany you to the vet with it. or a child crying because of a fall? he'll watch you help them without any single thoughts behind.
he just loves how selfless you are. nanami once read a quote, "when given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind." and every time he sees a selfless act from you — he just kinds of chanted it in his mind, and tell you what, nanami is such a proud boyfriend.
nanami loves how you see the good in everything, a person spilled their food on you? you tell them mistakes happen. a person bumping into you and then blaming you for it? you tell them you're sorry and thought that maybe they just had a really bad day.
but sometimes he couldn't help but to worry over you — someone so positive, bubbly, and optimistic around people who (probably) have disgusting minds. when he's not around to keep an eye on you, he just worries that someone might took advantage of your kindness and throw it out the window.
and he wouldn't be there to stop it from happening.
"ken, i'm going to go out for a hang out. it's fine, i've got my friends with me!" god, the jitters that he gets whenever you mention your friends — he was never really fond of the friends you have now, especially since they were trying hard to earn his attention. he knows they were just using you.
the texts they sent to him behind your back, the shit-talking about you, and everything else. god, he wanted to tell you about it; but he just didn't have the heart to, because he knows it will break your heart.
although nanami told them off quite rudely, defending you — it baffled him to how they still try to hang out with you with no shame after. and he tried telling you about how he doesn't like them, but you tell him it was fine.
"may i come along then?" just the thought of leaving you alone with those people pisses him off to the core, if he can't stop you from being friends with them — he will be with you.
when you agreed, he made it his job to expose them as nicely as he could. and he succeeded, oh the ecstasy he felt when you finally told them you didn't feel like hanging out with them anymore.
(and he ended up showing you the texts).
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gorgeouslypink · 6 months
hey guys! i just wanted to talk about something that's been happening today. this morning, i saw a mention and it was a success story, i skimmed through it and it was nice success story so i reblogged it.
then i started getting notification after notification of replies and reblogs and some of them were very mean spirited. i was wondering if i missed something so i read the post again and it was honestly a pretty well written post. the hate however got so bad that she ended up closing her comment sections down.
the post i am talking is @luckyvoidgirl void success post. she goes into her void journey and how she felt like people who entered the void were just lucky and even that the reason people who meditate to enter the void sometimes get in and sometimes don't enter the void is due to luck. she then saw my recommendation for the lucky asmr video and realized that she can just make herself lucky so she did and she entered the void. this is literally a classic loa story.
old 3d/assumptions: only lucky people enter the void, not me (ik i was in this position too and ik a lot of you are also right there too)
resolution: make myself lucky
new assumptions: i am lucky, i will enter the void bc im lucky
3d: enters the void
in fact, she herself says this in her success story:
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the fact this community doesn't display this much vitriol towards actual problematic bloggers but decides to go after someone for basically just sharing their success story, which she emphasizes multiple times is just her theory and opinions is alarming.
the big thing that has everyone pressed and at her throats is "i think you need luck to enter the void state"
oh dear, what a horrible assumption or claim to make. she's hurting the entire community. hang her by the throat.
be so for real.
how it any different from "you need a good void concept to enter the void" or "you need to embody the state"
🙋‍♀️: "No Pink, those are LOA concepts"
okay but what makes you know for sure that a good void concept will make you enter or embodying a state will? it's just your assumptions. thats the basis of the law, whatever you assume to be true is true. since you assume thats how it works, thats how itll work. thats the reason some people manifest by affirming, others scripting, others use states, and some people use whatever is the thrend rn. its whatever your assumptions are. and just like you're allowed to have yours, she's allowed to have hers. the truth is everyone has limiting beliefs until they realize the secret is just knowing and full trust in the law, not doing anything but resting in the comfort of knowing whatever you decide is yours is yours. most people don't manifest like this and it doesn't make them wrong, they just use their limiting beliefs or placebos in their favor and thats fine.
i see this entire thing as if you're someone who thinks you need to be lucky to enter the void state, then just make yourself lucky. plain and simple.
this is loa through and through and it's sad that this community still needs to harass people for manifesting another way than their own.
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wileys-russo · 7 months
could you maybe write about following scenario? it’s reader x leah x lessi 
imagine sleeping on the couch peacefully in lessis arms and leah comes back from grocery shopping or whatever (she likes going bc then she can pick out the most plain ass meals for herself without any teasing from you two) and sees it and wants to take over, complaining that she didn’t get to cuddle you all day and alessia shooting back that leah had you all to herself yesterday as she was out with ella or sth and they start bickering and pulling you back and forth into their arms so ofc you wake up and are really pissed and just lock yourself into your bedroom so you can take a nap and sleep in peace and they make it up to you somehow by being nice and sweet idk 
flu season II a.russo & l.williamson
"oh come on!" leah groaned to herself, struggling to balance the shopping bags hanging off her wrists while she tried to jam the key in the front door. "for fuck sakes." she huffed as the door popped open and she stumbled inside.
making a beeline for the kitchen she dumped the bags on the counter with a sigh of relief, quick to put everything away before either one of her girlfriends appeared and made fun of her 'childlike' choices.
closing the fridge leah stretched, rolling around her tense and knotted neck. surprised that she was still alone she followed the sound of the television in the living room, finding her two lovers curled up together on the sofa.
"sorry i didn't come help babe, was a little preoccupied." alessia smiled apologetically, nodding down to the sleeping girl on her chest, hands playing absentmindedly with her hair. "s'okay my love it's all put away now." leah bent down to affectionately peck the strikers lips a few times.
"has she been out long?" leah asked, taking a seat beside her relieved to be off her feet, having been running around doing errands almost all day. "she's been in and out napping, but she's been properly passed out for about an hour or two?" alessia answered softly, both girls watching your body gently rise and fall in her arms.
"her temperature's back to normal now too, i think we're out of the worst of it." alessia added on, affectionately kissing the back of your neck as your face was smooshed into her chest. "flu season mm." leah chuckled, the younger girl being a kindergarten teacher meant whenever it was cold or flu season she always came down with something passed on from her students.
both her and alessia had taken turns looking after you, forcing you to take the last few days off work and utilise your sick leave as they swapped shifts of who would miss training to stay home with you, much to your insistent demands that you were fine.
"okay well, my turn." leah made a shooing motion, gesturing for alessia to move so that she could replace her position. "what? no! she's all comfortable and asleep, leave her be." alessia chatsized quietly with a frown, tightening her arms around you.
"less you've been home with her all day, don't be selfish." leah scowled, tugging on her hoodie as she used one hand to push the older blonde away, the two of them beginning to bicker back and forth.
at the disturbance your eyes fluttered open, squinting tiredly as your head raised slightly off the comfortable pillow which had been your girlfriends stomach. waking up a little more and tuning into what exactly it was that had woken you, your eyes narrowed tiredly.
"now look what you did lee, you woke her up!" alessia huffed, punching leah whose scowl deepened, features melting as her eyes flickered to you. "hi baby, cuddle?" leah offered, opening her arms with a soft smile.
"she is getting a cuddle, back off williamson you had her all day yesterday." alessia grunted posessively, hand coming to rest on the back of your head as she gently pushed you back down to lay on top of her. "thats not my fault you chose to go out shopping with tooney, you know that girl takes hours!" leah scoffed indignantly, one hand tugging on your hoodie.
"she came down all the way from manchester to visit, i'm not gonna ditch her!" alessia huffed back as you pulled off her hand which held you down on top of her. "baby what-" you ignored the both of them, standing up to your feet with a tired glare sent both girls way, turning on your heel and padding off toward your shared bedroom, door closing with a slam.
"that was your fault!" both blondes yelled, pointing to each other with a glare. "you're so needy, we were perfectly comfortable before you had to come stomping on in." alessia frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. "oh i'm needy?" leah cried out with a look of disbelief.
"okay maybe we're both a little needy." alessia mumbled with a roll of her eyes, slight pout forming on her lips. "the two of you are needy, i'm the rock of this relationship." leah puffed out her chest as alessia gave her a look before letting out a loud peal of laughter.
"you're the neediest of all of us love, and the most in denial about it." alessia patted her shoulder with a knowing smile, moving up and off the lounge with a grunt. "time to apologize to sleepy for waking her up with a stupid argument." alessia held out her hand toward the shorter girl.
"come on needy, then you can get your cuddles." alessia teased wiggling her fingers impatiently, leah mocking her under her breath but accepting her outstretched hand none the less, being pulled up to her feet.
"see, knew it." alessia grinned as leah hugged her tightly, having missed both her girls today, the captain pinching her side for the comment before the two of them made their way to the bedroom.
"she locked us out." alessia sighed, trying the door handle as it jiggled but didn't move, leah disapearing to get the key before letting the two of them in. the taller blonde smiled seeing you'd not been bothered to draw the blinds, instead tucking yourself completely under the duvet leaving a person size lump in the middle of the bed.
"if you're gonna argue again go away, i'm tired." your head popped out, hair sprawled messily along the pillow as you fixed them both with a glare. "we won't, sorry sweets." leah apologised softly, coming around to the other side of the bed as alessia nudged for you to move over.
leah slipping in on one side you rolled so your head rested on her thigh, the blonde choosing to sit up not particularly tired as she stretched out to grab the remote off the bedside table. alessia slotted in behind you, her arms moving to wrap around your torso as her head tucked into your neck, leahs free hand moving to tangle in your hair as she flicked through trying to find something to watch.
"see how much nicer it is when you both know how to share." you mumbled, eyes closed making both of your girlfriends smile and exchange a look.
all was well as leah settled in to watch a movie, switching her hand to play with both yours and alessia's hair, until she heard it, a sneeze. though this time it wasn't from you as the striker behind you lifted up her head guiltily.
flu season had struck again.
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hoshigray · 10 months
Hiii!! I rlly love your work & I appreciate you! Ty for ur writing <3 I was wondering if you could do something where reader convinces Toji to let her do his makeup and and and and she straddles him while he’s laying down to do it 🥺 maybe reader gets a little confident n bratty bc of the position n it gets a little spicy ? if you’re feeling up to it ! 🌲💕 this is my first ask so please lmk if my etiquette is off!
Oh, no worries, noonie! Your etiquette is okay, and your request is so cute like wth!!? :00 I worked on this after coming back from my trip, so apologies if this doesn't seem to be in my usual writing style. Also, to make this funny, I tried makeup for the first time while I was away!! Lol, so the experience really came around for this ask, so I appreciate it and hope you like what I jotted down! Other than that, hope you had a wonderful weekend ♡
Cw: Toji x reader - fluff mostly, but it gets suggestive at the end - grinding (m! receiving) - thigh riding (?) - impact play/spanking (2x) - pet names (baby, princess, pumpkin) - putting makeup on Toji <3 - reader and Toji being adorbs omg stop hehehe~ Wc: 1k
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"How long is this shit supposed to be?"
"Sit still, will you? I can't work with you constantly moving."
"Tch, you're lucky I'm lettin' you do this because of a bet."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Open your eyes so I can see how it looks." Begrudgingly, Toji opens his eyelids to reveal the emerald eyes you're familiar with. "Okay, close them again."
It's a lazy Sunday afternoon. You and your boyfriend hang out at your place to chill, spending time cuddled up on the couch and watching television. It was your usual weekend routine, being close o your boyfriend like this. However, today was different compared to the other relaxing days prior.
Here you are on your living room couch, straddling Toji's lap with your hands occupied by a palette of green and gold eyeshadow in one and a brush in the other. Reason why? About two days ago, Gojo and Toji got into an argument as they usually do, something about their favorite sports team going against each other. Your man then had the fantastic idea to bet on his team, saying he'll do whatever Gojo says if his team doesn't win.
Why was the idea fantastic? Frankly, it's no surprise to you and the snow-haired other that Toji cannot win a bet to save his life. So when the score showcased the apparent outcome of the older man's loss, Gojo took his win in playful pride. And the punishment? Well, mounting on top of him today should explain it.
"You know, you got a pretty nice eye shape. You're pulling this look off quite nicely." Dadding his closed eyelid with the brush, you paint lime green atop the dark green eyeshadow cascading around his eyes. You chose to do nothing too audacious for the man, as you're just taking pictures and sending them to Gojo afterward.
He scoffs at your comment. "You said that about twenty minutes ago with the other shit you put on me."
"Yeah, well, can't blame me for admiring my handsome man being so fetching. If I slapped a nice dress on you and headed to the club later, I'd bet you'd have a line of men and women trying to ask you out."
"You tryin' to say I'm hotter than you, pumpkin?" He lifts a brow and then snickers after you bonk him in the head with a white highlighter pen.
"Shut up and stay still so I can put this on." You use the pen to apply by the corner of his eyes. Now two white hearts are harbored close to the bridge of his nose. After asking him to open his eyes again, you maneuver around to ensure that both eyes are even. And you beam when you feel accomplished with what you've done. "Perfect! Alright, onto the next part."
"The liner thingy?"
"Yup!" He chortles at your enthusiasm while you grab the item from your makeup bag. Closing his eyes again, you work on the bottom of his lids to form a steady black wing that ventures out. You giggle; who knew doing makeup on your boyfriend would be so much fun? Maybe I should put him in a dress.
With a gleeful attitude and a merry hum, you swing your hips around as you work. But you halt when you feel Toji's hands come to your hips, and you stop moving.
"Hold on there, baby." Toji's hands rub your hips. "Movin' too fast."
It doesn't click you until you realize the position you're in. Your legs still slip apart to sit atop his lap, your bottom directly above his groin. And that's when an idea pops up in your head, unable to fight the grin sneaking up on your face.
Your hips move once more but in a slower motion this time. Toji opens the eye you're not working on to look at your face, but you don't acknowledge it and just continue applying the eyeliner.
"I know you heard me the first time." A silent giggle confirms his suspicions.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Close that eye up." He gives you a furrowed look, yet he does what you instructed, allowing you to examine your work before laying the black material on his other eye. And as your hips continue to apply pressure on his crotch, Toji groans at the motion.
"So you're just gonna act deaf on me, huh."
You bit your lip to conceal the giddiness in your smile. But then it's replaced with an abrupt shriek from your lips when a sudden smack of pain comes down on your ass. "Oww!! Hey, quit it!"
"Quit what?" Now it's his turn to act dumb, giving him a glare while Toji chuckles.
"Whatever. Let me finish this up." You grumble while laying the last strokes of your eyeliner, yet you still grind on Toji. And you can feel the tent of his sweatpants slowly protrude. After a few seconds, you close the eyeliner and put it into your bag. "Now for the final touch. Some cute lip gloss for you...Ahhhh!! Toji, stop it!"
"Then quit grindin' up on me, brat." he snarkily warns you, rubbing his hand on your ass after hitting it again.
"Why? Hate that I'm making you hot and bothered like this?" Your hips grind harder on his tent, and he exhales with scrunched brows. He scowls at you, lidded emerald eyes branding holes into yours. But you don't falter and resume acting tough. "Don't want me to give you attention for being so pretty?"
Before you get an answer, Toji grabs for your ass and shifts to stand up from the couch, and you scramble to warp your arms around his neck before you stumble off the older, muscular man. He walks out of the living room with your arms. And he throws you down to the bed of your room with a tiny 'oof' coming from you.
"You wanna give me some attention, huh?" Toji crawls up on the bed and kisses your lips while sliding a hand down in your leggings, fingers nestling and pushing onto your soaked panties. Your whimpers are taken by his mouth as he kisses your neck. The gloss on his lips leaves sticky marks where he places them. "How 'bout you sit there and look pretty fr' me, then?"
"Mmmph...At least, let me take a picture of your makeup," you say with eyes sewn shut. "Gotta send it to—Ahhmmm..."
"Later," Toji withdraws himself to take off his sweatpants. "In the meantime, lemme fuck the shit outta y'r cute and bratty ass, princess."
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melancholy-of-nadia · 11 months
Thursday Night (m) | jjk
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title: Thursday Night (Boba & Ride) pairing: jungkook x f. reader rating/genre: m ; smut ; SEVEN alt. AU, college / university au, friends to lovers summary: Just another day of Jeon Jungkook waking you up in the middle of the night to get boba tea with him across town at your favorite late-night spot, Pekoe. Turns out, this is not just another nightly outing to get boba, but also a chance for the two of you to finally get out of this sexually-charged friend-zone and fuck in his Mercedes Benz G-Wagon. warnings:  car sex, vaginal fingering, edging, multiple orgasms, breast play, nipple licking, unprotected sex (well, reader is on the pill), RIDING, slight choking, creampie, body worship, Jungkook is wearing SWEATS, implied that jk vapes, awkward positions in the car bc they are HORNY and don’t care note: okay, so i originally wrote the first part of the wholesome boba date a year ago after Left & Right came out (and made it kinda based on my late night boba runs with friends in college pre-pandemic). But I never finished it, until Seven came out a few days ago and SUDDENLY I WENT BACK TO THIS AND DID A 180 AND SLAMMED SOME SMUT ON IT. VERY SPICY. Thank you for the whore thoughts, Jungkook. Thank you @daegudrama for editing and fixing the messy smut. Stream Seven!! and FEEDBACK & Comments are much appreciated !!
total word count: 4.5k drop date: july 17th, 2023, 10:30am PST CROSS POSTED ON AO3 (honeyjamjoon is my user on there) - -
Dozing off slowly as your mind wanders through the stages of sleep to reach REM, you’re suddenly interrupted by a distant ringing sound in the distance.
It sounds like… your phone? You recognize the familiar “Shooky Shooky” theme song of your favorite cartoon cookie and his 7 pals you set as a ringtone weeks ago.
Waking up with eyes still heavy from sleep, you reach your hand out to grab your phone from your bedside dresser. You squint at the bright screen seeing who the random caller is that is getting in the way of your slumber before you wake up later for another dreaded day of uni classes..
Jeon Jungkook. 
Of course it was him, you think. He’s the friend you made at the beginning of the semester in your Japanese class, where he found out that both of you took the class to be able to watch anime without subtitles. Just a pair of total weebs.
Then you kept running into him at university club events, specifically the Korean Student Association Curry & Karaoke night where both of you fangirled (fanboyed?) over IU and spent an entire night singing her discography while taking soju shots together. At this point, you knew he was just destined to be your bestie for life.
However, Jungkook has a terrible sleep schedule where he sometimes stays up until crackhead hours to do random things like late night drives (yes, he is paying the ridiculous parking permit fee to have his car on campus). He had previously invited you to get some In-N-Out with him and his upperclassmen friend Namjoon which resulted in a late night drive where you ended up on top of a mountain about 40 minutes away from campus at 1am.
While the view of the city down below was nice, you couldn’t stop freaking out about how to get back to your uni with the terrible data reception showing no map directions. Namjoon did his best to help you remain calm from a pending panic attack while Jungkook giggled, but reassured you that everything would be fine and he would figure it out. And he did. Never had you been so glad to be back on campus with some leftover animal style fries in hand.
Not many drives with Jungkook were that adventurous, but they were all late at night. Which you didn’t like due to the fact that you liked to sleep early and wake up early for your morning classes. Very contrasting dynamics being best friends with a night owl.
You answer the phone in a raspy, sleepy voice, “Hey Jungkook, what’s up.”
 “Hey— were you asleep? Sorry, I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out and get some boba, but—”
“NO!” You answer immediately. “I was taking a power nap, I AM UP! I WILL GO GET BOBA WITH YOU!”
Your voice is suddenly loud with excitement through Jungkook’s phone speaker. You’re glad you live in a single room in your 4 bedroom dorm apartment where loud sounds aren’t as easily heard by your roommates.
 “REALLY? OKAY! Let’s meet in front of my dorm building. I’ll see you in a bit.”
Boba will really get you to do anything, especially when it might be the spot Jungkook loves to take you to that is across town. It closes at 1:30am and also has a club-like aesthetic where a lot of people go to hang out at night. There are gaming consoles and a pool table, but the drinks are sadly non-alcoholic. Still good though.
 Wearing a black hoodie and your old black volleyball shorts, you head out to the front of the building next door where you find Jungkook sitting on a bench under a streetlight’s glow. He is wearing a black t-shirt and jacket, contrasting his white pants. 
 He looks good, you think as you walk up to him. He’s texting someone before he looks up at you.
 “So are we getting boba or should I head back to sleep?” You giggle pointing to the parking lot to signal him to get up from the bench.
 “Oh, we’re getting boba for sure and you won’t be sleeping anytime soon.” He speaks starting to head towards his black Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon in the parking lot while you follow behind him. Suspicious phrasing, but you brush it off. You have a dirty mind after all.
 “So, we’re going where exactly?” "Pekoe! My favorite boba spot in town," Jungkook replies with a mischievous grin. "I've been craving their Taro Taro. It's like drinking a purple cloud!" He exclaims excitedly. 
 You laugh at his description, knowing he has a knack for making even the simplest things sound exciting. As you hop into the passenger seat of his car, you fasten your seatbelt.  "And what about you? What's your drink choice tonight?"
 He glances at you, his eyes sparkling with amusement. 
 "Well tonight, I'm getting my fav from there! Pretty in Pink! Jasmine milk tea with strawberry sounds like the perfect combination of sweet and floral."
He nods in approval. It was just another testament to how well you knew each other's preferences. The car roars to life as Jungkook starts the engine, the soft purr resonating through the vehicle. I love being the passenger princess when Jungkook is driving.
As the two of you drive through the city streets, the night envelopes you in a sense of tranquility. The familiar sights pass by, but tonight they seem different. There is an undercurrent of excitement, a subtle shift in the air that mirrors the budding emotions in your heart.
Jungkook, always one to fill the silence, begins cracking jokes and making silly comments, aiming to make you laugh. And laugh you do, your genuine giggles filling the car with warmth and joy. You can’t help but be drawn to his infectious laughter and the way he effortlessly brings a smile to your face.
As you approach Pekoe, the neon sign glows in the night, welcoming you to its cozy embrace. The two of you step out of the car, the scent of freshly brewed tea swirling around you. Inside, the ambiance is lively, with people chatting, sipping their drinks, and enjoying each other's company.
You join the line, eagerly waiting for your turn to order. As you reach the counter, the friendly barista takes your requests, preparing the Taro Taro and Pretty in Pink with skillful hands. The drinks are handed to you in their signature, vibrantly lit cups, and you can't help but admire the aesthetic.
With your boba in hand, you find a cozy corner in the café, settling into plush seats. The first sip of your Pretty in Pink sends a burst of flavors dancing on your tongue, the sweet strawberry complementing the fragrant jasmine tea perfectly. Jungkook's eyes widen in delight as he takes his first sip of the Taro Taro, a satisfied smile gracing his lips.
As you sit there, enjoying your drinks and engaging in light-hearted banter, you can't ignore the subtle change in your feelings as of late. The laughter, the shared moments, and the genuine connection you have formed with Jungkook begin tugging at your heartstrings. The thought of him being more than just a best friend dances at the edges of your mind, like a gentle melody waiting to be fully embraced.
But for now, you cherish the present moment, savoring the boba and the company of the person who has become such an important part of your life. The night is young, and as you exchange playful glances with Jungkook, you can't help but wonder what other adventures await the two of you in the days and nights to come.
Leaving Pekoe behind, your boba-induced bliss carries you as Jungkook suggests going to one of your favorite lookout points—a hidden spot where you can see the entire city spread out below. The mere thought of it ignites a sense of anticipation within you, and you nod eagerly in agreement.
Driving through the winding roads, the city lights twinkling like a sea of stars, the atmosphere inside the car begins to shift. A subtle, sensually charged energy envelopes the space, like an unspoken understanding between two souls on the precipice of something new.
As you arrive at the lookout point, Jungkook parks the car, and you both stay inside, cocooning yourselves in the comfortable silence that only close friends can share. The dimly lit interior creates an intimate ambiance, casting soft shadows across Jungkook's face, and highlighting his features in a way that makes your heart skip a beat.
 Leaning back against the seat, you gaze out at the breathtaking view before you. The cityscape stretched out like a living breathing entity, its pulsating energy matching the intensity of the emotions brewing inside you.
 The silence between you feels charged with unspoken desires, the air thick with anticipation. You steal glances at Jungkook, his eyes fixed on the mesmerizing city lights. The soft glow plays on his features, highlighting the curve of his lips and the gentle slope of his jawline. In moments like these, you can't help but admire the kindness that resides within him.
 Lost in your thoughts, you feel a gentle brush of Jungkook's hand against yours, sending a jolt of electricity through your veins. The touch was innocent, yet it carries an unspoken invitation, daring you to explore the uncharted territories of your friendship.
You turn to him, your eyes meeting in a silent conversation that spoke volumes. The unspoken question hangs heavy in the air, begging to be acknowledged. With a hesitant yet determined smile, you reach out, intertwining your fingers with his, intertwining your destinies in that single act.
The connection between you deepens as time seems to stand still. His touch sends a rush of warmth coursing through your body, awakening a dormant desire that had been slowly bubbling beneath the surface. The intensity of the moment was undeniable, drawing you closer, your hearts beating in sync.
Neither of you speaks a word, for words seem inadequate to capture the raw emotions coursing through your veins. Instead, you find solace in the silence, in the electric current that flows between you, igniting a flame that burns brighter with every passing second.
As time passes, your relationship with Jungkook was left to simmer and reduce to being only friends. Holding his flirty gazes or even his hands has become part of the fun. A challenge of sorts.
Despite that, there will still come a point where you will finally lose your footing and can no longer stand your ground. You just can’t just be friends with Jungkook, and neither can he.
“I really want to kiss you right now,” He says, refastening his gaze on you.
“You should,” you say, without blinking. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. Crossing the line you’ve been afraid to cross with him.
The lump in your throat twitches, but he reaches over from the driver seat and caresses your jaw with his hand anyways. Determining again to hold his stare, you stroke his cheek with your thumb. But his eyes close on their own as his lips move unhurriedly towards yours, they’re as soft as his approach.
At this moment, it may have seemed like you were hesitating, uncertain in this newfound situation, but in fact, it was quite the opposite. Since you two can’t stay here forever – returning to campus is rather inevitable – the lightness in his tread is completely deliberate. You both want, no, need to savor every millisecond.
You feel the heave of his exhale when he kisses you with a little more intensity. Cupping his face in both of your hands, you feel your pulse drop aggressively into your pelvis and fall further in towards him. Your hands snake back behind his head and grasp his hair to pull his face closer to yours. Your lips only part briefly to make room for your tongues to slip back and forth.
Jungkook grasps a handful of your hair and cranes your neck back while simultaneously pulling your body in closer. Jungkook's lips trailed a path of featherlight kisses along your neck, his touch sending shivers cascading down your spine, igniting a symphony of tingling sensations that left them craving for more. He pulls away quickly, greedily drinking in the stale cold air like he has forgotten to breathe that whole time. His eyes follow the trail of his fingers as he thumbs the bare skin of your outer thigh.
“I always like seeing you dress casually, in your cute shorts and oversized hoodies.”
You follow his gaze and smile. “It’s what I feel most comfortable with. But I don’t let many people see me like this because I look so bummy.”
Jungkook looks up once again to meet your eyes and mirrors your smile back to you. “But you still look so beautiful.”
In unison, both your lips draw back together. Without breaking your chain of kisses, you climb over to the driver’s seat to straddle him. Your restricted position prevents you from feeling his likely erection hiding underneath his sweatpants to press against you. But you are actually too preoccupied with devouring him through the kisses to worry about that yet.
His hands move down the length of your torso past your waist, over your shorts, onto your thighs. He slips one hand under your oversized hoodie, cupping your ass and giving it a gentle squeeze. Your hips swivel and thrust towards him, causing the top of your head to rub against the ceiling of his G-Wagon.
“At this rate, I am definitely going to look like a hot mess when we go back,” You say, feeling around for stray hairs that may have been charged with static electricity.
“Here.” Jungkook invites you to lie across the passenger’s side of the vehicle. “This might be better for you then.”
You recline slowly lifting your hips to rest your butt on the center console before lying your head on the passenger door’s armrest. Your knees fall apart to reveal your short skin-tight shorts to him. He leans over you moving between your legs and running the back of his hand up your inner thigh. Still lost in the darkness of your eyes, he rests his head on your knee and squeezes the fleshiness of your thigh. As Jungkook's fingers gently squeezed, another heat surges through your body, accompanied by a swarm of delicate butterflies fluttering in your stomach. The innocent yet electrifying touch sparked a wave of anticipation and desire, leaving you yearning for more. You also realize that even the simplest gestures from Jungkook have the power to awaken a new deep and undeniable lust within you. 
 You sit up to meet his face and kiss him again. You can taste the taro black tea boba and a slight smoky strawberry-watermelon nicotine on his tongue. Lips locked, you pull him down with you and wrap your arms around his neck. The position is awkward but stubbornly tolerated, all the same, both of you unwilling to pull apart. Both of you are like a couple of desperate teenagers fighting through the objective discomfort to exhaust every last second before curfew.
 Finally, Jungkook leans back in his seat again. You stay where you were, hoodie hiked up past your belly button and legs spread out. He uses his hands to gently pull down your shorts, like pulling away the curtain to reveal the main stage.
 Then he stops, planting that poignant gaze of his on you. A street lamp painting a streak across your torso to expose his mental photograph.
 “You really are absolutely gorgeous tonight, Bunny,” he says, which has you awestruck at this moment. 
 Bunny is the nickname he gave you a while back because you are a massive Sailor Moon fan. You both make fun of the cringey 90s dub of the show where Usagi is nicknamed Bunny. He likes to call you that when you have space buns.
 “Thank you,” You say with genuine gratitude, your knees swaying with an imaginary breeze caused by giddiness. You love how he speaks endearingly to you.
 With the back of his fingers, Jungkook gently caresses your inner thigh from knee to groin. The tingling trail he leaves in his wake triggers a shiver from the backs of your knees. He flips his hand over to fuse the warmth from his palm with the heat radiating from your vulva. Your clit is begging for attention and your your pussy clenches around the air desperate for something to fill it. Jungkook grins. You like to imagine that it’s because he too realizes all that potential he holds in the palm of his hand.
 He runs one finger along the hem of your underwear. When his hand turns around to go back the way he came, he gently slides his fingertip to the underside of the hemline rubbing the back of his finger against the skin. You lean your head back and shut your eyes, letting out a long sigh of relief.
 "I have waited so long for you to touch me like this," You whisper.
 Though yours are closed, you imagine that he never takes his intense eyes off you. He moves your panties to one side. He spreads his fingers down again over your vulva. You hear his lips smack gently as he licks his thumb. He brings his hand back down to you, gently pressing the pad of his thumb against your swollen clit. Remaining there for a moment, he faintly increases the pressure and finally begins to rub gentle circles around it.
 You feel yourself squirm in the seat, simultaneously moving closer to him and trying to pull away. Jungkook’s arm stretches out to the back to grab his Squishmallow pillow in the back seat to use as a cushion underneath you for comfort. He claims he has these pillows here since he takes naps in between classes in his car.
 Your lower back arches and your hips pressed into the cushion beneath you. But as quickly as you had been overcome with nervous tension, your body relaxed into this space, back into the seat.
 The circles turn to an up-and-down motion as you grow squirmy under the delicate burden of his touch. With two fingers on his other hand, Jungkook teases at your opening. When he finally enters, you inhale sharply in approval. His fingers are just barely inside, but it is all you need. He massages you gently from within. He slots his thumb partially inside to coat his thumb in your wetness and leads it to make persistent strokes over your clit. 
You feel yourself contract and squeeze around his fingers. He moves them in a little further, intensifying his come-hither curl deeper inside.
 A chill rises behind your ears and at the nape of your neck, heating up as it trickles down your spine toward your tailbone. One knee presses into the back of the seat as the other reaches for the dash. Tension swells in the fronts of your thighs as your heels try to dig into the seat cushion beneath him. Your hips rise, begging Jungkook to continue.
 Your breaths are craving, yet distended, and all your focus shifts inward, concentrating on the movement of his fingers, inside and out. Forgetting everything else. Really feeling it at the point of contact. Your eyes are still closed when you drink in a long inhalation, and release it with equal intention, feeling the intensity of your pleasure growing with every subsequent breath.
 “We…” Exhilaration forces the words back down your throat. Try again. “We should drive back…”
Strong thumb still resting on your clit, his other hand rises to hush you with your own wetness. “Not yet, love.” Love?! You couldn’t question the new nickname bubbling out from his lips because your mind was consumed in total stimulation. You’d talk about this sometime after, you thought.
 His burgeoning arousal was becoming more apparent in that confined space. You can hear his breath grow huskier as he resumes his rhythmic stimulation of your clit. You can smell the rising excitement dripping all over the cadence of his fingers.
 Your mouth falls open to usher forth a silent scream. Your pussy clenches around his fingers and your pulse throbs into the pad of his thumb. Your head presses back into the armrest and you worry momentarily that you might push right through the door, but your worries are wiped clean before you can finish that thought. Vision turning all white and shaky.
 Jungkook slowly slides his fingers out as your body goes limp. He leans back to watch you bask in the fallout of your body quake. Your head falls limply to one side while your body struggles to recalibrate – slowed breathing, relaxed pulse, fallen temperature, faded bliss.
 “Just truly stunning…” he repeats.
 You are caught somewhere between pleasure-induced paralysis and a voracious desire to continue and make hungry love to this man. You reach up, grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him down towards you, forcing him to meet you at eye level.
 “Thank you,” You whisper softly into his ear. You kiss his neck, feeling the echoes of his hammering heart press into your lips.
 He breaks the kiss and rests his head on your shoulder. He shyly hides his face, hesitant to bring up his next request, “I want you to ride me. Think you could last through another orgasm?”
 You giggle at how needy he is being. “Honestly, yes.” 
 Jungkook tries to refrain himself from squealing and gets up from his position. He sits to adjust his seat back and partially slides off his sweats and boxer briefs.
 His dick is a blush shade, long and hard. “Wow…” You mindlessly speak your amusement leading him to giggle in response.
  You get up from laying on the passenger seat and climb over the center console to sit on his lap. Your lips meet in a passionate kiss yet again, while you pull his shirt off. You slide your hands slowly down his chest and abs, your small cold fingers send a shiver through his body. You lightly touch his tattooed arm, tracing each intricate design. 
 Jungkook lifts your hoodie in response to your actions and giggles upon seeing the sight underneath it. “Hehe, you’re not wearing anything under. So scandalous, Bunny,” Before you can refute his teasing, Jungkook buries his face in your breasts. 
 His soft lips slowly kiss up your cleavage to your neck. Jungkook gently sucks the sensitive spot on your neck, causing you to moan. You thread your fingers through his long black hair and tug. Jungkook winces submissively at your actions.
 “I thought you said you wanted me to ride you?” You taunt, teasing him by rubbing your wet folds along his hard dick.
Jungkook groans and grabs your hips, lifting you above him. He tugs the thin fabric of your panties to the side again before lining up his cock to your entrance and lowering you slowly onto his cock. You moan, tilting your head back in pleasure and enjoying the sensation of him filling you up.
 “Shit. You’re so tight.” Jungkook stills inside you, letting you adjust to his dick inside you.
 You experimentally lift yourself up, using his shoulders as leverage, then sink back down. Jungkook inhales sharply, biting his bottom lip as he watches you fuck yourself on his cock.  He keeps his left hand on your waist, strong fingers keeping you steady. He pushes the hoodie above your chest and massages your left breast. His tongue circles your right nipple, the sensation causing you to clench around his dick.
 “Fuck, feels so good.” he moans softly. He’s so cute, your fucked out brain thinks.
 You grab Jungkook’s hand from your left breast and slide it up to your neck, giving it a light squeeze to indicate what you want from him. He shakes his head and you halt your movement.
“No, Bunny, not today. Today, I’m going to make you scream so loud that you’re going to come back every day for more.” He feels your pussy involuntarily tighten around his cock, sucking him further into your tight walls. “You’d like it if someone caught us like this, wouldn’t you? Let them see how I ruin you,” Jungkook snickers as he teases you.
“You’re so-” You can’t even finish your sentence as Jungkook thrust deep inside of you. This causes you to lose your balance and rest your head on Jungkook’s shoulder, giving him full control over your body. He bounces you on his thick cock until you can feel your high approaching.
“I’m gonna cum, Jungkook.” You announce after a series of muffled moans, your voice barely coming out as a whisper. He tightens his grip on your ass and slides one hand down to rub your clit for added stimulation to the impending time bomb of pleasure.
 “Let go, love.” As his movements quicken, soon, he feels your pussy clenching tightly around his dick. 
“Jungkook!” You scream as you come. You kiss his neck while coming down from your high. Feeling spent, you collapse on Jungkook’s body, relishing the feeling of his muscular body moving against yours.
 Jungkook knows he can’t hold out much longer when he feels your pussy pulsate around his dick. “You can cum inside me, I’m on the pill.” You whisper in his ear shyly, feeling his erratic movements inside you. 
 He digs his fingers into your hips thrusting deeper and more erratically before he comes inside you. He thrusts a few more times to ride out his orgasm before he leans back in his seat in exhaustion.
 You both lay there in his car while you catch your breaths and pepper tiny kisses on each other’s bodies. Afterward, Jungkook lifts you up and removes his cock from inside you. You shiver from the emptiness and feel his come slowly drip out from inside you. You quickly slide up your panties into place, pull up your shorts and then readjust your hoodie before collapsing onto the passenger seat.
You watch Jungkook quickly pull up his boxer briefs and sweats. You both look at each other in your fucked out states, all messy and laugh. 
“I THINK we should go home now. It’s like almost 3am,” You laugh nervously looking at the time on your phone. 
“We should!” He chuckles. “So Bunny…tomorrow…boba, same time?”
“Just come over to my dorm tomorrow. The roomies are out, so we can watch Chainsaw Man and do this again. My wallet can’t deal with more boba runs, and then bonking and losing sleep when I have a 9am class.”
 “I’ll be the one treating you to boba from now on,” He smirks at you curiously. God, you really found someone amazing in your life.
As the night sky embraces the city with its velvet darkness, Jungkook drives back to campus. The cool breeze whispers through the open windows, sending shivers down their spines as you two reveled in the afterglow.
Your fingers intertwine on the center console, a tangible connection that symbolizes the bond you share. The radio softly plays Keshi, providing a soothing soundtrack to the journey. You two glance at each other, smiles dancing on your lips, eyes filled with a mixture of contentment and desire to keep doing this again. Maybe boba and riding every day from now on.
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itsphoenix0724 · 3 months
Meet Me On The Ice (Azriel x Reader)~ Chapter 4
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.2k
MMOTI Masterlist
A/N: Hi everyone! I just wanted to talk to everyone. ik I've been really noncommittal with this series, but I'm going to keep working on it bc I love it, and I hope you guys continue to love it too <3 I tried to build some insight into why Az doesn't like the reader in this chapter and I hope it came across okay, as always constructive criticism/feedback is welcome!
Disclaimer: DISCLAIMER: I am not a figure skater or a hockey player, so while I'm trying to be as accurate as possible, it's likely some things may not be correct and/or are bent a little to fit the plot!
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You could say that a tentative truce was established between the two of you after your night at the arcade. So much so Alis finally permitted you to get out on the ice. 
“Don’t be nervous, the two of you have come leaps and bounds since last week.” She reassures you from her spot on the stands. “We’re gonna start with some basics, and then we work our way up to the lifts just like in the studio.” You shoot Azriel a nervous glare and he tries his best to send you a reassuring look. 
Even though you still feel like you’re walking on eggshells around him, it’s almost nice being around him sometimes.
 Reluctantly, Az has gotten used to your relentless positivity. Even if he can still hear your voice echo in his head sometimes. 
It happened when you were thirteen, and it was a stupid comment he wasn’t even meant to hear. He has tried to put it behind him so many times, but every time he looked at you it popped up in the corner of his mind like a buzzing fly. Reflexively his hands tucked in the pockets of his sweatpants as you skated up to him with your sparkly eyes and sunshiney smile. The version of you from years ago scatters like ash in the wind as Az takes you in, amusement lighting in his eyes as he takes in your hot pink leg warmers. 
“Is this an 80s workout video?” He chuckles and he likes the way your eyebrows furrow in false outrage. 
“For your information, they keep my feet super warm so don’t come crying to me when you’re freezing.” You poke him in the chest and he laughs. It feels nice, he thinks, to simply exist around you without hostility. 
The figure skates still feel tight on his feet, but practice is mostly uneventful after that. Azriel even manages to safely get you off the ground without losing his balance. 
“Great work!” Alis actually seems proud for a moment. “I need you two to stay for a moment so you can try on your costumes.” Azriel looks horrified at the thought of him having to wear leggings, but something cold thaws in his chest when he sees your excitement. You had to throw your old costume away after Lucien’s accident, the fabric was permanently stained red. Az goes first. His costume is simple, a black shirt and leggings with bands of blue around his wrists and chest. You try to put a lid on your bubbling laughter when Az comes out of the changing room, but it still boils over even as Az shoots you a murderous glare. Your dress matches the blue on his costume, with lace cutouts that expose your collar bones, and delicate fabric that flows like water around your upper thighs. The whole thing is delicately studded with blue and silver rhinestones like you wrapped yourself in the night sky. Azriel briefly feels like the air is sucked out of his lungs as he watches you examine yourself in the mirror. 
“Well, what do you think?” You twirl once for effect scattering stardust in your wake. “It’s not so bad is it?” 
“No,” Azriel coughs around a closing throat. “Not bad at all.” You nod, sending him a puzzling look. The two of you change back into your normal clothes and bid Alis goodnight before walking to your cars.
“We’re still on tonight for bowling with Rhys and Cas right?” You ask rocking back on the balls of your feet.
“Absolutely.” He agrees.
“There’s actually something I wanted to ask you about,” You start right before you’re about to split for your cars. Azriel nods at you to continue. “Lucien wanted to know if he could come tonight, he really needs to get out of the house, so he’ll be there too.” 
“Alright.” Az answers “See you later.” he tucks his hands in his hoodie pocket again before walking to his own car. 
Lucien somehow successfully gets into the passenger seat of your car casted foot and all. You didn’t realize how much you missed him until you were driving around like you always did, singing along badly and loudly to your driving playlist. Eventually, you pull up infront of the bowling alley, bright neon lights bouncing off of the hood of your car. You help Lucien out of the seat, handing him his crutches and slowly walking into the bowling alley. Rhys, Cassian, and Azriel are already inside having claimed a booth and a lane in the back corner. Cas greets you joyfully scooping you up and twirling you around immediately, he also claps Lucien on the shoulder and you’re grateful that at least someone is making an effort to make him feel included. Rhys ordered you nachos and a drink and got Lucien a soft pretzel immediately chatting up a storm about their shared business communication class. Az hasn’t even said hello to you, even though this is supposed to be one of your bonding experiences, he just gave the both of you a noncommittal head nod and shoveled pizza in his mouth. You try not to outwardly sigh because you thought you were making progress, you thought you were past this. 
You thought you were almost friends. 
Attempting to stomp down the flash of hurt you send him a tight-lipped smile and a nod in return. This is Lucien’s first night out since his accident, so you will remain positive for his sake. 
Bowling continues uneventfully after that. Azriel and Cas are seemingly in a heated competition over this bowling match, and you and Rhys are playing much less committedly. Rhys has been flirting with the girl behind the counter for the past fifteen minutes, and you had been half-heartedly throwing your ball down the lane when it was your turn. 
Lucien had been a good cheerleader from his spot in the booth, but you weren’t very concerned about the game, content to sip on the slushy you bought. The two of you are in the middle of a very animated conversation when Cassian calls your name, coming behind you and looping his arms around your shoulders. 
“Are you coming to the victory party this Saturday after the game?” He drawls, glancing at Azriel out of the corner of his eye. “I would invite you to Vanserra, but-” Cassian glances at Lucien’s casted leg but the red-head simply shrugs. 
“No offense taken here.” Lucien raises his hands in mock surrender, “That’s not really my scene anyway.” 
“Well, we are planning on crushing your brothers’ team anyway, too bad Azzy’s still benched.” Cassian croons and Azriel sends him a murderous glare from where he’s about to launch his bowling ball. “You should come, we’ll be drinking on the Smokehound tab anyhow.” It was a sort of unspoken agreement amongst some of the local university hockey teams, losers host an after-party, booze included. 
“I’ll think about it.” You promise, and Cas ruffles your hair before leaving to grab his bowling ball. 
You completely miss the silent daggers Azriel is sending Cassian from behind your back. He doesn’t want you anywhere near this party, and Rhys won’t be too happy about your attendance either. Cas does nothing but chuckles at him with a knowing glint in his eye that sparks his irritation. You look at him once over your shoulder, and you must mistake his glower for being directed at you because for a brief second hurt flashes across your eyes. 
Something pinches in his chest and Azriel can do nothing but shove his hands in his pockets and avert his gaze to the ground.
@sidthedollface2 @bionic-donut @lyinginameadow @feyretopia @natashachelsea @going-through-shit @mika-no-sekai-blog @hijabi-desi-bookworm @brandywineeeee @littlelunelunatic @gorlillaglue25
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Transfem Stevie who figures it out when she goes to a gay bar with Robin (post s3?) and meets another transwoman and has a Huh, you can do that? moment.
i sort of Went Off on this one lmaoo. bc im incapable of not steddifying everything this is now T4T Steddie 2: This Time They're Lesbians- with trans girl eddie cracking stevie's egg
PLEASE NOTE: this is set in the 80s, so they use kind of outdated terminology for trans people. also there's a d slur used in a positive, self-ID way. overall the vibes are good but the language is questionable. do with that what you will lol
When Robin asks Steve to be her ‘emotional support heterosexual’ (her words) for her first visit to an Indianapolis gay club, Steve prepares himself for a night of ‘hey, have you met my friend Robin’, pointedly not hitting on any girls, and politely declining offers of drinks and dances from guys until he’s buzzed enough to admit he’s curious. And so far, that’s exactly what he’s been doing. Robin’s off dancing with a girl after Steve assured her about ten times that he’d be fine on his own. He’s just debating whether or not his inhibitions are lowered enough to go dancing when his thoughts are interrupted by a voice to his right.
“Steeeeeeeve Harrington.”
Steve turns, already cringing. Anyone who says his name with a tone like that is someone who is not going to be thrilled with seeing him in a gay club. The thing is, Steve has no idea who this person is. Can’t even really tell if they’re a guy or a girl. Their features are fairly masculine, all lean muscles and square chin, but they’ve got long, wild hair and heavy eye makeup. The cropped muscle tank with ‘Massive Dyke’ printed in lurid red muddies the waters even further.
“Oh, hey… uh…” Yeah, Steve’s pulling a complete blank. They look kind of familiar? He’s definitely seen them around. Somewhere. 
They roll their eyes. “Not surprised King Steve doesn’t recognise me. Especially looking like this. What are you doing here?”
Steve sighs a little. “I’m here with a friend. She was nervous to come alone so I’m here for moral support and wingmanning.”
“Yeah, sure,” they scoff, and Steve frowns even more.
“Look, I know I was a dick in high school. And I’m genuinely sorry if I was a dick to you. But that was four years ago. I’ve grown up, and I’m here to be a good friend. Can you let me do that?”
The person blinks, and then looks a little sheepish. “Okay, yeah, that’s fair,” they say, before extending a hand. “And it’s Eddie. Eddie Munson.”
Steve smiles and shakes the offered hand. “Oh, yeah! You ran that club my kids went to- dungeons and dragons, right? Cool to see you again, dude!”
Eddie’s face does a complicated little wiggle before- “Uh, not a dude, man.”
“Wait, what?”
“I’m a girl, now. Still Eddie, though, it’s just short for Edith now. Have you heard of transsexuals?”
Steve shakes his head. “I’m pretty new to this. I know, like. Five words.”
“Well, easiest way to put it is that I was born a guy, but I feel more like a girl, so now I’m, like, switching.”
“Switching…” Steve says, trying his best to look genuinely interested and confused. He generally doesn’t struggle too hard to look confused, but he’s a little worried Eddie will think he’s being a dick about it. “You can do that?”
Eddie snorts, gesturing down to herself. “Clearly.”
“Huh,” Steve says. Frankly, this is blowing his mind. “Why doesn’t everyone do that, then? Like, no one likes being a guy.”
“Ye- wait, what?”
“Like, the sexism of being a girl would suck, obviously. But everything else sounds great! Like, you get prettier clothes and you can wear makeup- and girls are so nice to other girls, I've always been kind of jealous of that.”
Eddie looks shocked, but Steve's on a roll now, almost forgetting she's there as he continues thinking aloud. “And like. Girls’ bodies are just. Better, y'know? Like what do guys have, muscles? Girls can have muscles too, but girls are just so… like, everyone wants boobs, right?”
Eddie has a strange look on her face. “I mean, I do. Because I’m transsexual.”
“When you’re transsexual, do you get boobs? Like, do you- wait, is that rude? I feel like I wouldn’t ask another girl about her boobs.”
Eddie’s silent for a moment, looking at Steve in bewilderment, before she seems to collect herself. She takes a swig of her beer and then smiles at him. It looks both welcoming and like she’s in on a secret, and puts Steve at ease. He can see why the kids were so obsessed with her in high school.
“You know what, ordinarily it would be kind of rude, but I have a feeling this conversation is… not what I thought it was gonna be,” she says, and Steve tilts his head a bit in confusion. “So yeah, I do have boobs. You can take estrogen as a little pill, and it basically does puberty for you again. You get boobs, a little extra fat on your hips and thighs, and your skin gets softer. Here, feel.”
And then Eddie takes Steve’s hand and slides it up her shirt. His brain immediately turns off. And yeah, there’s definitely a gentle swell there. They’re small, but Steve can feel the squish of them. Her nipples are pierced. Steve thinks he might die.
“Wow,” he squeaks, about five embarrassing octaves higher than his normal tone. “Cool!”
Eddie grins as she removes his hand from her tit. “Yeah, cool. I’d let you fondle them a little more, sweetheart, but they’re still growing. Kind of sore.”
Steve blushes, rubbing his hand on his thigh and desperately trying to will his boner down. “Man, I wish I could grow boobs,” he sighs, a little wistfully.
“You can, y’know,” Eddie says, with a little chuckle and a soft smile. “What’s stopping you?”
That. Steve hasn’t considered that. A hundred things come to his lips- he’s not like that, he’s not one of those- a hundred things that he knows are absolutely terrible reasons. If Robin were here she’d either be whacking him upside the head or giving him that really sad look she does whenever he’s mean to himself.
“Hey,” Eddie says, speaking softly and laying a gentle hand on Steve’s knee. It shocks him out of his spiral as he looks up into her big brown eyes. “Y’know, I’ve got some makeup in my van. If you wanted to try some things out. No one here will judge you.”
“I- yeah,” Steve is breathless. “I’d like that. Uh- my friend-”
“Oh, is she real? I’ll be honest, I kinda thought you were doing the ‘oh I’m not gay I’m just here for a friend’ thing.”
Laughing, Steve looks out over the crowd. “No, she’s real. Let me just let her know I’ll be gone for a moment- honestly she’s probably halfway to third base with some girl anyway-”
And sure enough, Robin is more than ready to let Steve wander off once he peels her off a pretty girl on the opposite side of the club. He rejoins Eddie, who leads him down the street towards her van and helps him into the back. She takes out her makeup bag, cracking jokes about their wildly different styles while she delicately brushes powder over his face. She generously refrains from threatening to take his eye out with the eyeliner pencil (more than once at least), and apologises for not having anything more ‘babygirl’ than her bright red lipstick. Steve can definitely say this is the most fun he’s ever had in the back of a van.
Finally, masterpiece done, Eddie rummages in her bag for a little compact, presenting it to Steve with a dumb little bow. Steve takes it with a roll of his eyes, and prepares himself with a deep breath.
The person in the mirror is beautiful. Glowing skin, huge doe eyes lined with smokey eyeliner and lashes a mile long, practically sinful lips. Steve almost doesn’t recognise himself, except that he does. He really, really does, in a way he now realises he never really has before. It’s the first time he’s ever looked at his face in the mirror and not wanted to change anything.
“You’re a really pretty girl, Stevie,” Eddie says with a gentle smile.
Steve can’t look away from the mirror. “Yeah,” she says, a red-lipped grin stretching across her face. “I really am.”
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crazybiaatch · 5 months
okay so quick warning for very big spoilers if you haven't been able to see the newest eps of hazbin hotel, this is gonna he talking abt a major reveal that happened in eps 5 & 6 so just be warned
so, Alastor is on someone else's leash. woah. I was shocked and had to pause the ep to collect my thoughts. One question though, who? well forst let's talk abt who it couldn't be:
- Lucifer, they've clearly never met each other and started fighting as soon as they met
- any of the Vees, it would be funny but Alastor wouldn't be passing off Vox so much, Val would be using him the same way he uses everyone else, and I can't see Velvette keeping quiet abt having the Radio Demons soul
- anyone at the hotel, they're either owned by him, way less powerful than him or Charlie, who is just too nice
- any sinner, hellborn or otherwise local that is less than an overlord
so that only leaves a few alternatives.
- Another Overlord, which could work since the only people we see making deals like the one Alastor would be in, and while Alastor is described as powerful, this is only ever by sinners and Vaggie, who don't have much of anything else to compare him too, but when Alastor is with the other Overlords they brush him off, they're respectful to him but they're not scared and they're not trying to get in his good graces, they're not acting like you would expect power hungry demons would be around someone with so much more power than him. He's more of an equal, probably less since Camilla doesn't even care about him going missing, so he 100% could have been in danger, possibly at one of the exterminations or possibly another Overlord, and entered a deal to save himself
- One of the Sins, these guys are one of the only thing in hell more powerful than the Overlords, so even if Alastor is the most powerful Overlord in hell, the Sins could take him without a sweat, so they could enter a deal easily, the only thing is, what would a sin want from him?
- One of the Royals (Goetia) the thing about this one is that we don't see many of the royals, we see Stolas, who is too preoccupied with divorcing his wife and trying to un-neglect his daughter, and his father, who could be dead for all we know. We know Stolas has a lot of siblings, but again, we don't know what's happened with them. So my idea on this one is pretty much, one of Stolas's siblings grew jealous of him and entered a deal with Alastor to take him down, but that doesn't stand on much of a leg bc it kinda depends on Alastor getting beat by someone else to be put in enough of a vulnerable position to agree to give his soul away, and I see the other Overlords or one of the Sins being able to pull off, but not one of the Goetias
- Lilith. This one seems like the most likely to me (and others) bc of their matching timeliness, Alastor has been missing for 7 years and Lilith has been off doing something for 7 years, so it would make sense for Alastor to have just been with Lilith, possibly helping her, he also went straight to Charlie when he got back instead of wrecking havoc or trying to do something dramatic to announce his return, which could have been Lilith asking him to help take care of Charlie (it also explains how protective Alastor is of her when Lucifer comes to the hotel, Lilith could have told him things abt Lucifer that made him not like him) and in the whole series he's been doing whatever Charlie wants him to do, even filming himself, which is something he absolutely hates, just to help with the hotel and make her happy, Lilith is also the second most powerful being in all of hell, so she would have the power to make that deal and also destroy Alastor, or at least threaten to destroy him with the threat holding actual water.
- The Angels. This one is a little less likely than the Lilith one, but with what was happening in ep 6 i think it's plausible. My idea is that sometime before Alastor went missing (maybe even when he first manifested), an exterminator or maybe even Sera came down to hell and threatened him on pain of death to sell his soul and do their bidding, which would be to kill as many demons as possible. that one makes the most sense if it was back when he first started his killings, since it would give him the power to do what he did and also reason beyond him being a Dramatic Bitch(tm), and it could have been afterwards too, with an Angel seeing his potential and deciding to grab him before he could get out of hand. This would also tie in with the headless angel storyline they're doing, since now Alastor has proof an Angel can be killed it gives him a chance to get out of his deal which he very obviously doesn't like.
these are just a few of my thoughts, I do think the Lilith one is the most likely but I personally think the Angel one would be more fun? it would give us yet another perspective on how evil the angels actually are (so far we have it from the residents of hell and 2 past angels as well as Emily being disillusioned by what she learnt in ep 6, so I think it would be interesting to see how they treat the people they 'own') but do take in mind that I'm operating purely on what has been posted canonically (the og pilot from 2019, the prime show and helluva boss) so I could be contradicting things viv has said so feel free to correct me if any of these are just totally impossible
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planetpiastri · 1 year
💝 also also how about "[ company ] to hang out with them when neither have a date for the night" from the valentine's prompts list with bob hehehe -allie
allie i might have went a little crazy here i rewrote this like 3 times bc im indecisive teehee anyways enjoy beloved<3 @spideystevie | [wc - 1.5k] | join my prompt party!
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“Are you serious?” you tried to keep the annoyance out of your tone, but a fair bit seeped in anyways. “We’ve had this planned for months, Nat.”
“I know, I know. I’m really sorry.” Your best friend’s voice crackled through the phone. “Believe me, I wish this was something I could get out of. But this is the first time her parents have asked to meet me. That’s a big deal. And it’s the only night that works for them. I’m so, so, so sorry, and I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
You shifted, pushing off the kitchen counter and turning to rest your elbows against the marble. You traced your finger along the grout and ceded, “I get it. It sucks and I’m annoyed, but I get it.” You sighed, rubbing at the crease between your eyebrows. “What’s another Valentine’s Day on my couch, right? I’ve had worse.”
Natasha was quiet for a moment. Then she said, “I’m really sorry.”
“Stop apologizing. It’s fine. Go have fun.”
“You sure?”
“Okay. Love you. I’ll text you later.”
Natasha hung up with a faint beep and you let your phone fall loudly out of your hand, where it clattered to the counter—unharmed. You dropped your head into your hands and muffled a groan with the heel of your palm, digging your nails into your scalp before shaking yourself and straightening up again. You pocketed your phone and came around the corner, leaving the kitchen and re-entering the living room.
It was pathetic to look at now. You’d decorated it with the intent to host a whole slew of your friends for a ‘palentine’s party,’ but one by one they’d bailed on you. Now it was just you and Bob Floyd in your apartment, waiting for a Natasha Trace that wouldn’t be coming.
When Bob saw you, he sat up straighter on the couch. He always sat so rigidly when he came over, like he was scared he’d mess up your cushions just by relaxing on them. You probably shouldn’t have found it as endearing as you did, but oh well. There were a lot of things Bob did that you probably shouldn’t have found as endearing as you did.
“She’s not coming, is she?” Bob asked, his wide blue eyes following your movement as you wound your way around the coffee table towards the far end of the couch. You threw yourself down with a tired sigh and blew a raspberry, shaking your head. Bob winced. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s whatever,” you said. “I should have known better than to try and make group plans on Valentine’s Day.”
“What now?” he asked, his fingers digging into the folds of his jeans at his knees.
You shrugged as best you could in your horizontal position. “I don’t know. Put on a movie, I guess. Eat a bunch of this chocolate. Drink a bunch of this wine. Procrastinate cleaning everything up.” You flopped your head to the side so that you could look at him and smile wearily. “I know you probably had fun plans with that girl—the one from the bookstore. Go on, get out of here.” You dropped your voice to a teasing whisper. “Save yourself.”
Bob just scrunched up his nose and shook his head.
Surprised, you pushed yourself up onto your elbows. “What—is she busy?”
He looked away from you then, pushing up his glasses and coughing into his fist awkwardly. “No,” he said, his voice sounding weird. “No, she’s, uh—it’s not gonna work out, I think. I haven’t heard from her in a while. And I haven’t reached out to her, either,” he added hastily.
You pushed out your bottom lip, sitting up fully and reaching for one of the bottles of red wine you’d put out on the coffee table. “Aw. I’m sorry to hear that. She sounded nice.”
Bob shrugged, still not looking at you.
“Well,” you said, pulling the cork out of the bottle with a loud pop, “if you don’t have anything to do, I guess you could stay here. God knows I won’t be going anywhere. But you don’t have to.”
“No,” he said quickly, “that sounds—um—that sounds nice. I’d love to. As long as it’s no hassle.”
“No hassle at all.” You smiled to yourself, pouring two glasses of wine and pushing one across the table to him before taking a long drink of yours. Then you pulled open the heart-shaped box of chocolates and plopped it on the sofa between the two of you before turning on the tv and starting to scroll through your movie options.
“You know, you’re allowed to relax,” you said as you reclined back onto the cushions, noticing the way Bob was still sitting so stiffly on the far side.
He laughed a little nervously. “Right. Sorry.” You watched as he awkwardly shimmied out of his coat and draped it over the back of the couch. He settled deeper into the cushions, his eyes trained on the tv screen, absently swirling the wine in his glass.
Your cheeks felt warm as you turned back to the tv. You were oddly touched that Bob wanted to stay and keep you company on your failed Valentine’s Day evening. Clearing your throat, you said, “So what are you in the mood for?”
“Anything’s fine,” he said quietly, but at that exact moment you scrolled past When Harry Met Sally and he gasped softly. 
“I shoulda known you’d love a classic friends-to-lovers,” you chuckled, hitting play. 
When you glanced sideways at him, he was blushing. The opening titles reflected off of his glasses, making his expression hard to read. Embarrassment suddenly flooded you. Why the hell had you said that? 
You turned sharply back to face the screen, determined to only focus on the movie playing.
Had you ever thought of Bob like that? Of course you had. It was hard not to. He was so kind and considerate and endearing and chivalrous. But he was one of Natasha’s closest friends, so by extension, he was one of your closest friends. You weren’t eager to mess that up with things like your inability to distinguish basic kindness from flirting.
The time ticked by, and you kept refilling your wine glass, even if Bob stopped after his second. Pretty soon the box of chocolates was on your lap instead of the cushions, and as you chased a caramel-filled one with a big gulp of wine, the word aphrodisiac sprung to mind.
You decided to ease off the chocolate and wine.
“Are you cold?” Bob asked about halfway through the movie, his voice causing you to jump.
“Um,” you said. The truth was you were cold, but you didn’t want to admit it. 
Unfortunately, Bob was incredibly perceptive. He tugged the blanket off the back of the couch, and you found yourself scooting closer to him almost without meaning to. You held your breath as you gently tucked yourself under his arm and the blanket came around both of you, followed by his arm landing loosely across your covered waist.
He was very warm. His shirt was very soft. He smelled very good. You could feel his heartbeat.
“Is this okay?” he breathed.
You’d spent so much time fighting off any feelings you felt for Bob like that that you’d never considered that he might like you like that, too.
The movie pushed onwards as Harry and Sally’s friendship changed and fell apart and became something entirely new. You settled into Bob’s side, almost concerned by how comfortable it felt to cuddle with him on your couch. His arm on your waist was heavy and grounding, and his fingers absently moved across your leg, sending shivers across your whole body.
“…I love that after I spend a day with you I can still smell your perfume on my clothes…”
“Hey, Bob?” you whispered.
“…I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night…”
“Yeah?” he replied, just as quietly, like he was scared to ruin the moment. You thought you could relate to the feeling.
“…And it’s not because I’m lonely, and it’s not because it’s New Year’s…”
“Thanks for staying with me tonight,” you said.
“…I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody…”
“My pleasure,” he breathed, and his hand tightened on your leg. Your breath hitched, but then the pressure was gone again.
“…you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible!”
“I’m sorry about bookstore girl,” you said, even as the more sensible you that was still on the other side of the couch tried to wring your neck for bringing her up at all.
“You see, that is just like you, Harry. You say things like that and you make it impossible for me to hate you!”
“That’s okay,” he whispered. “I think she got tired of listening to me go on and on about you.”
You sat up and Bob turned to look at you, his eyebrows pinched in the middle and his mouth drawn into a tight line. He was scared, you realized. The thought almost made you want to laugh at how ridiculous it was.
“Oh,” you said dumbly. Then, again: “Oh.”
And as Harry and Sally fell into each other’s arms, you curled your fingers into Bob Floyd’s tee-shirt and kissed him for the first time.
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caroldantops · 7 months
valcarol interrupted mid-play bc carol needs to go save the universe but she was super in subspace and val couldn’t quite bring her out so instead she has to instruct her to go.
‘c’mon princess, that’s it, get your suit on for me honey. you’re gonna go save the world then you’re gonna come right back here to me, you understand?’
she may or may not have been edging carol before she got the call and decided to give her some incentive
she also may or may not have ‘forgotten’ to take out the plug snuggled in carol’s ass.
‘silly me, princess. it’s okay, it’ll be a nice reminder of who you belong to, wont it?’
carol goes off and saves the world and crumbles into vals arms when she returns.
‘it’s okay pretty girl, i know how big and strong you had to be… it’s okay to not be big now, let daddy take care of you now..’
idk the more i think on that scene the more that little!carol is making sense. carol who will only let herself be vulnerable with her daddy and carol who will either be the strongest person in the universe or a tiny baby who needs val to cut her food up and cuddle her at night and braid her hair…
tell me why i was about to give a lecture on dont do this!! as if NEEDING to leave midsession because theres a universal crisis is something yall would have happen
im fucking obsessed. i just. thinking about the intensity of the drop after makes me so emo because theres zero chance this happens without carol having SEVERE subdrop and i think val would go through some domdrop as well. feeling like she put carol in a position where she couldnt fight her best and therefore was endangering her more...
before my very long ramble starts - as far as little!carol goes, im on the fence! i think she'd really enjoy some parts of it and others not so much. i could be won over though im sure. yall know its my weakness.
um this turned into a thinkpiece about valcarol dom/subdrop. sorry.
carol having to go from feeling powerless to powerful and and just the fact that she submits to valkyrie in order to get away from that responsibility that burden only to have that safe space be invaded by one simple phone call that she could hear valkyrie try so hard to get her out of, yelling at fury that he should call someone else up, she'd go find thor herself if needed but no dice.
carol is able to yank herself out of subspace to fight, what choice does she have, shes basically in survival mode at that point and doesnt even really know whats going on until shes landed back in valkyrie's arms. sobbing and grabbing onto her and valkyrie choked up seeing carol so so upset and overwhelmed
valkyrie keeping it together as best she can to comfort carol enough, help her bathe and get her something to eat and clean up any injuries, til carol passes out from pure exhaustion. val making sure carol's fast asleep before pulling away from her in bed and wanting to go for her alcohol stash but she knows carol might need her again so she doesnt want to get drunk so she just goes and stands in the kitchen for a bit, gripping the counter and steadying her breathing and she can feel tears coming but fuck she doesnt want them--
and then she feels arms around her waist, a small still raspy from crying voice asking "hey, whats wrong?"
valkyrie finally crying but that kind of crying you get when youre mad that youre crying and carol's just listening to her ramble about how she shouldnt have let carol go, it was stupid of her to let her run out like that without taking more time to try to bring her up from subspace
carol kissing the palms of valkyries hands, kissing her cheeks and touching their foreheads together. "it wasn't ideal. it was hard. but you did all you could. and im okay. im safe. we're both safe. okay?"
"okay." valkyrie nods and wraps her arms tight around carol.
definitely takes them a while to feel comfortable entering an intense play-space after that. worried about if carol or valkyrie gets called away again. but once they feel secure again they start workshopping precautions to take. slowly work their way back up to playing again, ask other kink friends for advice. come out of it with safety plans and a stronger bond.
yeah sorry i have a LOT of thoughts and feelings about this clearly!!
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karatekels · 8 months
A request with KK3 Terry please and make it as dark/non-con as possible! But OFC always make changes if you have to cause I’d enjoy it no matter what.
I thought of Daniel who warns reader to not go see Terry again cause he actually caught on that she likes him. (I thought this happens right after the events where Miyagi fought Terry & Kreese). She’s shocked to hear about it since she did come to trust Terry and even look up to him. But she listens to her friend (at first). I thought that later she’d get into a dangerous situation at night close by the dojo where a group of men follow her and her first instinct is to go to the dojo in hope of Terry, even after Daniel’s warning. She’s obviously scared and is already imagining the worst things in her head. Thankfully Terry’s there to save her in the last moment and even offers to take care of her since she seems so shaken by it. What she didn’t expect is that it’ll get only worse with him and he expects some kind of “reward” from her for always treating her so nicely, even “going out of his way” to save her, and simply bc he’s had enough of waiting 👀 Make sure to make him cruel enough when he forces himself on her and that he even says smth like “Maybe you should’ve listened to Danny-boy.” (implying that he was there, hiding & watching when Daniel informed her about it). She gives in partway. She knows she doesn’t stand a chance anyway. Also make him throw some comments at her maybe about how pathetic she is, but that he still wants her and only her and she’ll always be his (or whatever else comes to ur mind). And that even when she enjoyed it by the end, she still feels dirty and used. Somewhat empty even and heartbroken. Your goal: Make me cry a bit for her okay
We are starting out the month living up to the title of Dark Desires October with this one! Today also marks the 1 year anniversary of this blog, so HOORAY!
This will be in two parts, and the actual non-con will happen in the next part (though there is attempted sexual assault in this chapter as well). If that’s not something you want to read, I would recommend sitting this one out!
For the rest of you degenerates who are still here… I hope you enjoy.
TW: attempted assault; assault; attempted sexual assault; attempted rape; violence; will lead to non-con in part 2
Unjust Reward: Chapter 1
At 10:02 in the morning, an insistent knocking starts at your front door. You giggle quietly, calmly finishing putting your shoes on. Your neighbour and friend (it was weird, calling a 17 year-old a friend when you were in your early twenties, but it was true), Daniel LaRusso, had called late last night, leaving a message on your answering machine. He had sounded panicked, saying that he needed to talk to you as soon as possible and would be coming over in the morning. Calling and leaving your own message, you had amended that to 10AM today.
It wasn’t that you weren’t taking whatever Danny was worried about seriously, but the kid had a tendency to be overdramatic and blow things out of proportion. You weren’t sure if it was a guy thing, a kid thing, or a karate thing, but Daniel always seemed to be on edge about some situation or another.
Grabbing your bag and your sunglasses, you head for the front door, opening it suddenly and catching Daniel’s fist half-raised in the air. You see the cuts and bruising on his knuckles, and hope that they weren’t from pounding on the door. He had been training very intensely with Terry Silver, a new sensei that had come to the Valley a couple of weeks ago, so it was probably from that.
Sensei Terry Silver…
You were kind of crazy about him.
He was the definition of tall, dark and handsome; nearly six and a half feet tall and strong, with long black hair and bright blue eyes. He had a wicked smile and positively oozed charm, to the point that you were frequently tongue-tied in his presence. Terry was very hands-on with his training, based on what you’d seen when you’d come by the dojo to meet Daniel after a training session. You’d found yourself jealous of the boy on more than one occasion, watching Terry’s hands adjust his hips and help him stretch.
“Calm down, Danny! Where’s the fire?” you joke, looking at him with a smile that he doesn’t return. Instead, he grabs your wrist, urgently tugging you towards him.
“Come on, Y/N – we need to talk, it’s important!” he hisses, looking like he’s seen a ghost.
“Should we go inside?” you ask, holding your front door ajar, but he shakes his head.
“No, we gotta find somewhere he doesn’t know about; he’s got eyes and ears everywhere.”
“Who does?” He just shakes his head, refusing to answer you, and you’re starting to get really worried about whatever it is that’s bothering him. You close and lock the door, letting him drag you down the street by the arm. You don’t see how anywhere outside could be more private than your own home, especially seeing as he was likely drawing attention by tugging at your wrist like this, but you knew how difficult it was to talk Daniel out of something when he had set his mind to it.
After a few blocks, you head into a local park, finding an unoccupied bench in a clearing. He gestures for you to sit but doesn’t join you on the bench, instead pacing back and forth in front of you and looking around intently.
“Okay, we should be safe to talk here; we can see if anyone tries to listen in.”
“Daniel, what is going on?” you demand, mildly frustrated by all of the theatrics but mostly concerned about what the source of his panic was.
“It’s Mr. Silver.”
“Is something wrong with Terry? Is he hurt?” you ask, your heart racing at the thought. Terry was big, and strong, and a professional martial artist; if something had hurt him, then it was definitely something to be feared. But Daniel shakes his head.
“No, he’s not hurt; he’s the problem. He’s dangerous!”
“Danny, he’s helping you train for the tournament. Was he just being hard on you?” you ask soothingly, feeling relieved. This was closer to what you had anticipated: Daniel blowing something out of proportion.
“No, listen!” he cries, though he’s trying to keep his voice down. He sounds like that dangerous mix of angry and scared that caused men to be unpredictable, and it has you nervous. “Y/N, I… I can tell that you like Mr. Silver a lot,” he says knowingly, and you blush, feeling like you were being told about ‘the birds and the bees’ by a kid. Had you been that obvious about your feelings for Terry?
“Please don’t go see him again. He’s not good for you; he’s not good for anyone. Listen…”
Daniel’s eyes are wide and scared, and you feel yourself shiver as he describes what had happened at the Cobra Kai dojo last night. Terry had made up everything; Kreese dying, being a down-on-his-luck sensei, wanting to train Danny so he could protect himself… The whole thing had been a nest of lies, part of a plan to get revenge on a teenager for winning a karate tournament.
It was ridiculous; it was insane. It was unbelievable… wasn’t it?
You think back to your own experiences with Terry. You’d been completely speechless the first time he’d come over and spoken to you while Daniel had been changing into his regular clothes. He had looked at you with such intensity, even if he had given you a charming smile the whole time. You’d tried to make small talk with him, and despite how awkward you felt around him, something about him kept drawing you in day after day. It was like you were addicted to the discomfort, the nervousness that you felt around him. He was like one of those Venus flytraps; he looked dangerous, but was still so alluring that prey found itself coming closer anyway, until the trap snapped shut.
As much as you didn’t want to believe it, you could see Terry as someone dangerous, hiding beneath a façade. And, if Mr. Miyagi had fought him, then this wasn’t just Daniel being overdramatic. This was serious.
Your heart clenches once, painfully; you didn’t really know Terry that well, sure. But you had really wanted to. It was like saying goodbye to a relationship that had never really begun, and as this had been the first time you had really felt strongly for someone as an adult, it hurt all the more.
But you had no reason to not believe Daniel’s words, and you would not be a fly caught in a trap.
“Danny, I… I’m so sorry. I’m sorry he hurt you, and I’m sorry I didn’t see him for what he was. I’m so glad that you’re alright,” you say, letting out a sigh of relief. Daniel was such a small kid, and Terry was a big guy – if he had wanted to, he could’ve really hurt the boy, or worse.
“Please tell me you won’t go see him again,” he begs, and you can hear the fear in his voice. Poor kid; this had really done a number on him.
“I won’t, Danny. I promise. But there’s still something I don’t understand: why couldn’t you have told me this in my apartment?”
“Oh. That.” Daniel says morosely, pulling out a few pages of a magazine out of his jeans pocket and handing them to you.
Smoothing them out, you see that the man being written about in the article is… Terry. But, instead of the humble, down-to-earth man you’d come to (sort-of) know, he was photographed in expensive-looking suits and (in your opinion) gaudy jewelry.
“He’s not some broke guy; he’s a billionaire. And Mike Barnes? Snake, and Dennis? He’s working with them; actually, they’re working for him.”
“He hired a bunch of teenaged goons to attack you?! You and Jessica?!” you shriek, glad that the girl had gone home to Ohio. What kind of monster paid people to harass children?!
“He’s got people everywhere, and he’s a good liar, and he’s a war vet, like Kreese was… is.” Clearly, that man’s death being a hoax was taking some time for the boy to adjust to in his head. “My uncle told me that guys that fought in Vietnam, a lot of them are… messed up.”
You nod sharply, pressing your mouth into a thin line. Terry was dangerous in many ways: a martial artist, a large man, a billionaire with infinite resources… mix in PTSD from the War and he had the potential to be a real monster. You shudder again.
“You’re right, Daniel. We should both stay away from him.”
Daniel’s head snaps up as the sound of a branch snapping comes from the treeline. Before you can reach out to stop him, he sprints towards the source of the noise with a yell, tearing through trees as if he expects Terry or one of his goons to be hiding among the leaves.
“Daniel, stop!” you cry out, quickly moving over to him and dragging him away from the trees. Putting your hands on his shoulders, you lock eyes with him. “There’s no one there, okay? And this is a park, in the middle of the day; no one is going to hurt us here.”
His chest is heaving as he tries to take deep, calming breaths, but he’s still very much on edge. Eventually, his shoulders slump, and you feel like you can let him go without him charging off to fight something.
“Listen to me, Daniel. Terry is probably very dangerous; you’re right about that. He isn’t someone that you can fight against and win. And I’m not saying that because you’re not a great fighter,” you say when he opens his mouth to protest, “I’m saying it because he isn’t going to play by the rules. You could get hurt, or worse. You have to promise me you’ll stay away from him, and keep yourself safe.”
“B-But, what if he –” he stutters, and you interrupt him, knowing just how to nip his desire to play hero in the bud.
“He might not stop at you, Daniel,” you point out, clenching your hands into fists to keep your body from trembling at the thought. “He could go after Mr. Miyagi, or me, or anyone. Best to not let him get to you; he’s like a ticking time bomb, and we don’t know what could set him off. Promise me you’ll stay out of trouble; stay with Mr. Miyagi as often as you can. I’m sure he’ll ease up after the tournament.”
Daniel’s forehead creases, and there’s a stubborn look in his eye, but he relents after a moment.
“Okay, fine. And you’ll stay safe too, right?”
“Yes, Danny – I promise. I won’t go near him or that dojo again.”
Daniel lets out a sigh of relief, and insists on accompanying you to the grocery store on your walk home.
“Daniel, you may be taking this a bit too far,” you tease as he helps you carry your things.
“Gotta keep you safe,” he huffs, having insisted on taking the heavier items.
“If anything, this is making me less safe, Daniel. After all, I’m not the karate champion; he’s not after me! You're just putting a target on my back,” you joke, but the boy seems insistent on taking this very seriously. You suppose that that’s better than the alternative.
He walks you to your door, ignoring your protests.
“Thank you, Daniel.” You’re grateful for the help, and the concern, but you had never been someone who liked relying on the support of others. “Now, please don’t do anything silly like risk yourself trying to stand guard, alright? I’m going to be fine.” You’re not sure if you’re trying to convince him or yourself.
“Fine, fine. I’ll give you a call tonight though, alright?” Daniel insists, and you agree, parting ways for the day as you seal yourself in your apartment.
You spend the afternoon cleaning the apartment and watching TV, trying not to dwell on what Daniel had told you. You make sure to double-check that every window is locked as you move from room to room, cleaning thoroughly; it was a good way to work off all of this nervous energy.
The fact that Daniel didn’t think you were safe to talk in your own apartment has you on edge. Terry didn’t know where you lived – even if Daniel had told him you used to be neighbours in the now-demolished apartment building, he shouldn’t know where you lived now. And even if he did, it’s not like he could get inside… right?
By the time you’ve eaten dinner and done the dishes, you’re feeling more comfortable in your home again, and decide to relax further by running yourself a nice bath. You sink into the hot water and bubbles, letting the tension from the day escape you, closing your eyes…
The phone rings from the other room, startling you. You glare through the doorway at the offending noise. Daniel had said he was going to call you, but surely you could just call him back when you were out of the bath.
You decide to let the phone ring out, and hear your voice on the answering machine, telling the caller to leave a message after the ‘beep.’ The machine beeps, and there’s silence for a long moment.
“Hello, Y/N.”
The bath water suddenly feels ice cold. That wasn’t Danny.
“It’s Terry Silver.”
He didn’t need to introduce himself; you’d recognize that voice anywhere.
“You haven’t come by the dojo in a few days; I’ve missed seeing that pretty face. You know that we have a lot to talk about, and we should. You know where to find me.”
The message ends there, and you curl into a ball in the tub, resting your forehead on your knees as you force yourself to take deep, steady breaths. Your body is covered in goosebumps, though the water is still steaming.
Why was Terry calling you? Why was he acting like everything was fine? If you two had a lot to talk about, then he had assumed that Daniel had told you what he’d done, and should know that you wouldn’t want to talk to him about it. So was he just calling to scare you?
Taking a deep breath, you force your body to move, pulling the stopper out of the drain and standing up; there was no way you’d be able to enjoy the bath now. You dry off and head to your bedroom, rooting around your dresser for your winter pyjamas – you were freezing, despite the hot bath and it being the middle of the summer. Maybe some tea would help…
You walk into the kitchen and set the kettle to boil. Selecting a sleepy time teabag from your collection, you open the cupboard and grab a mug, moving back to the stove.
The phone rings again and you yelp, dropping your cup on the floor where it shatters. Ignoring the mess for the moment, you reach over and move the kettle off the element before gingerly hopping onto the counter, not wanting to get glass on your bare feet. Sitting next to the phone now, you find that you can’t move away from it as it continues to ring. Would it be him again?
The machine plays your voice again, the beep sounding ominous. You hold your breath, your gaze locked on the answering machine.
“Y/N?! Are you –”
You scramble to pick up the phone, feeling overwhelmed with relief.
“Hey Danny! Yes, I’m fine,” you say, trying to keep your voice from shaking.
“Y/N! Why didn’t you pick up?” he demands, clearly worried that you’re not taking this seriously enough.
“I wanted to make sure it was you first, and not Terry calling.” Well, that was true, at least…
“Oh. That’s… that’s a really smart idea,” Daniel says, sounding appeased. “So, everything was normal today?”
“Yeah, I guess, all things considered…” You would not be telling him about Terry calling; it was exactly the type of thing that would have him camping out outside your front door, determined to protect you.
“And everything is alright with you and Mr. Miyagi? No goons ruining the shop or stealing the bonsais?”
“Yeah, nothing happened today. But we can’t let our guard down!”
You hum in agreement; you don’t think you’ll be letting your guard down any time soon.
You agree to check in with Daniel regularly over the next few days; there was only a week or so before the tournament, and hopefully all of this would blow over after that.
You sleep fitfully with the bedroom light on, though you’re not sure how exactly this makes you feel safer.
You’re on your way home from work a few days later, hopping off the bus at the stop closest to your house. It was late, and the streets were pretty much deserted in Reseda at this time of night. Your car was in the shop, and you forgot how much longer it took to get home by bus. But it was only a twenty minute walk or so to your apartment, so you aren’t worried.
That is, you weren’t worried until five minutes or so into your trek home.
A low whistle comes from behind you, and you jump, turning to look back even though you know you shouldn’t. A group of four men are following you, maybe fifty feet away. They’d been very quiet up to this point, but now that you’ve spotted them they are getting more rowdy, laughing and shoving each other.
“Look at that; she stopped when you whistled! What a well-trained, pretty little thing,” one of them comments, pitching his voice to carry over to you.
You turn back around, picking up your pace as quickly as you can without breaking into a run, scanning the area for a sign of someone else nearby who might be able to help. You hear the men laugh behind you, and they sound a lot closer.
“Where are you going, beautiful?”
“Why don’t you come have a drink with us; we’ll show you a good time!”
You come up to an intersection, and still, no one else is around. You have a decision to make. It was eight blocks to Daniel and Mr. Miyagi, six blocks to your apartment or… three blocks to the Cobra Kai dojo.
You veer right, sprinting down the street towards the dojo, tears blurring your vision, your heart racing as your feet pound the pavement; you hear one of them shout and can hear them coming after you. Even if Terry hated Daniel, even if he hated you, there was no way he was enough of a monster to stand by and let these men attack you. Please, let him still be there…
You’ve made it two blocks, but you can hear them getting closer, and even with the adrenaline pumping through you, you’re quickly starting to get tired, your breath burning in your throat. You try to push yourself further, you’re almost there… and you roll your ankle, making you stumble to the ground with a yelp.
You make to scramble to your feet, the skin on your palms and your knees burning as the night air hits the fresh scrapes, but quickly find yourself surrounded by the men.
“Poor thing, did you hurt yourself?” one asks mockingly, smirking down at you.
“Come with me, baby. I’ll take real good care of you,” leers another, making to grab your arm.
“Stay away from me,” you say weakly, your voice coming out as a hoarse whisper. It feels like your throat is closing up; you can’t scream, you can barely breathe.
One comes behind you, forcing his hands underneath your arms to pull you to your feet, and something about him touching you sets you off. You kick back with your leg, hitting him in the knee, making him let go of you; you send an elbow into his stomach and he lets out a pained grunt.
You move to run again – you were only a few doors away from the dojo – but a hand fists in your hair and shoves you over to a slab of raised concrete that housed a few plants. The hand at the back of your head pushes you down, bending you over the concrete, and you hit your head hard on the rough concrete, right on your browbone above one of your eyes and making you cry out with pain.
You’re pulled up by your hair again with a whimper, the man holding you pressing himself against your back.
“I’m sorry, gorgeous – did I hurt you?” he asks, his tone patronizing. “Here, let’s give that pretty little head of yours a softer spot to rest.”
He bends you over the concrete again, this time pushing you face first in the dirt. The men howl and jeer at your position, goading the other man as he holds both your wrists behind your back in his free hand. He grinds his hips against your butt, and you realize with a sickening feeling that he’s hard.
“Please, please don’t!” you beg, trying to make yourself heard as your voice is muffled by the dirt.
“Let me at her first,” growls a man from the side. “The little bitch deserves what’s coming to her for attacking me.”
Your pleas are completely drowned out as the men start to argue, closing in on you as you’re pinned down, their hands grabbing at your clothes. You can’t see, you can’t move, and your heart is thudding so loudly in your ears that you can barely hear.
And then one of them screams.
You’re paralyzed with fear, even as the man holding you down releases you, and you hear the sounds of fighting all around you as you slowly manage to push yourself off the dirt, curling into a ball on the ground. You know you should run away, but you just can’t.
After what seems like forever, you hear footsteps approaching you in the now silent night. Burying your face further in your knees, your whole body trembles.
The sound of your name startles you enough to look up, and your eyes meet the familiar blue of Terry’s. Even crouched down on the ground next to you, you still have to crane your neck to look up at him. You breathe a sigh of relief; your intuition had been right. Terry had saved you.
“T-Terry?” you stammer, quickly moving from feeling numb to feeling very overwhelmed. “Oh G-God, Terry! They… they…” Your face crumples as you let out an anguished sob, curling up into a ball again and hiding your face.
You feel his large, warm hand touch your upper arm, trying to offer you comfort without startling you.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay!” he murmurs soothingly. “Why don’t you come inside? I’ve got a first-aid kit, I’ll help patch you up. That’s quite a gash on your forehead.”
You whimper, but force yourself to nod, and he gently helps you to your feet. Looking around, you see two of the men collapsed on the sidewalk, the other two nowhere to be found. Still, the sight of them has you trembling so hard you’re worried you’ll fall over.
“Ssshh, it’s alright. They can’t hurt you anymore. Can you walk?”
You bob your head jerkily and move to walk the short distance to the dojo, but you stumble almost immediately. Before you even come close to hitting the ground, Terry has caught you, sweeping you up into his arms and carrying you bridal style over to Cobra Kai. He doesn’t put you down once you reach the front door, merely shifting you so that he has a free hand to open the door and taking you inside.
Walking past the large training area, Terry takes you to a back office, somewhere you’ve never been before. He sets you down on a cot – you knew that he had stayed somewhat regularly in the dojo, or at least, that’s what he’d told you – and orders you to stay put, leaving you alone in the room.
You sit up, leaning against the wall, trying not to cry. This has put you in a very awkward and potentially dangerous situation; just because Terry had saved you from a terrible fate didn’t mean that everything you now knew about him stopped being true. He was still unpredictable, unstable, violent… and possibly very upset with you.
You had to get out of there.
Before you even manage to climb off the bed, Terry is back, looming in the doorway with an armful of things. You freeze, and he comes around to the side of the cot, kneeling in front of you.
“I locked the doors, just to be safe. No one can get in here, I promise,” he reassures you in a soothing voice as he looks through the first-aid kit. You feel yourself start to relax despite your better judgement. Looking at the ground, you see that in addition to the first-aid kit he’s brought over the top of a karate gi, an empty bowl, a bottle of water, and a small towel.
“What’s all that for?” you ask quietly, your voice cracking as you speak. Terry looks up at your face before following your gaze to the objects on the floor.
“You have dirt all over your face; I want to make sure to clean you up so that your cut doesn’t get infected,” he replies calmly, filling the bowl with the water and dipping the towel to get it damp. “And the gi is for you; I thought you might be cold, especially if you go into shock.”
He picks it up, tossing it around your shoulders and loosely tying it at your waist. You slip your arms into the sleeves; it’s far too large for you, and as you take in a deep breath you notice that it smells like Terry. This must be one of his. Despite your better judgement, the scent has you relaxing slightly.
“It looks good on you,” he comments with a comforting smile, and you feel yourself blush. You force yourself to remember what Daniel had told you; you can’t let your guard down around him.
He lifts the damp towel to your face, and your eyes flutter closed as he wipes the dirt and blood away. The cloth presses against your cut and you let out a whimper that makes Terry murmur an apology. He was being so gentle with you.
Once he’s finished with the towel, you open your eyes, and his face is much closer to yours than you had anticipated it being. He takes your chin in his hand, staring at your face intently, and your whole body is rigid with tension.
“I don’t think you need stitches,” he informs you quietly after a moment. “A bandage will be fine. I’ll need to disinfect it, and that will probably hurt a bit, okay?”
You hesitate, again finding it difficult to speak, but eventually give him a nod.
“Lay down.”
“What? Why?” you ask, leaning away from him as you start to panic. He shushes you again, but it’s less comforting than the last time he did it.
“I don’t want the disinfectant getting in your eye is all,” he coos, his hands gentle but firm as he guides your body to the side and lays you on your back on the bed. You force yourself to take deep breaths.
“Oh. Sorry,” you mutter the apology, hoping you haven’t offended him for some reason.
“It’s a perfectly reasonable reaction,” he murmurs, rifling through the first-aid kit. “You just had a traumatic experience, after all,” he adds after a moment. “Okay, this is gonna sting. Do you want to squeeze my hand?” he asks, offering it to you.
You set your mouth in a firm line, your body tense in anticipation of the pain, and grab fistfuls of the blanket beneath you in both hands. Terry doesn’t seem at all bothered by your rejection, leaning over you and applying the cold gel to your wound. It stings terribly, and you bite your lip, clenching your eyes shut and trying not to make a noise.
You force your eyes open after a long moment of silence, and see that Terry’s eyes are still on your face, watching your reaction with an intense expression. Something in your belly clenches.
He looks away, choosing a bandage and applying it over your eye, though you think he presses down on it more firmly than necessary.
“There,” he says softly, surveying his work; he’s still holding your head in his hands. “All better.”
He’s doing it again – using that weird, magnetic pull he has to draw you in, make you feel… well, definitely not safe, but like you want to stay on this dangerous precipice with him.
“Thank you,” you say, speaking more loudly than necessary as you move to climb off the bed, intentionally disrupting the intimate atmosphere. You had to get away from him before he sunk his claws into you; in some ways, he felt more dangerous than the men he had saved you from.
“Y/N, wait,” he says, putting a hand on your shoulder and keeping you in place.
“I have to get home, I–”
“I’ve missed you.”
You freeze at his words, staring straight ahead at his chest.
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
You force yourself to breathe again – when did it get so difficult?
“You know why,” you whisper after a long moment, still refusing to look at him. Suddenly, the gi top that had just felt so warm and comforting feels like a straightjacket, and your fingers move to untie it and take it off. You feel his gaze track the motion, but he doesn’t stop you.
“I haven’t done anything to you, Y/N.”
“You’ve been lying to me ever since I met you, Terry!” you snap, your wariness disappearing for a moment.
“I have not,” he growls, setting off alarm bells in your head. “I’ve never lied to you. I’ve never hurt you. I just saved your ass, for fuck’s sake!”
“What about Danny? What about Mike and Snake and–”
Terry’s hand covers your mouth suddenly. You fall silent as a jolt of desire like electricity courses through you. You hate the feeling with every fibre of your being.
“I never lied to him either, and I certainly never hurt him. He just didn’t bother asking the right questions.”
“You’re trying to get out of this on a technicality?” you say once you’ve pried his hand off of your face. He shrugs, an amused smile twisting his lips.
“I’m very good at what I do, Y/N. I have my reasons to make sure LaRusso loses the tournament, and I feel very justified in the training methods I’ve used. I don’t see what any of that has to do with you, though.”
“You’re messing with a kid!”
“Please. He’s practically an adult, and he’s certainly old enough to face the consequences of his actions. But be honest – that’s not why you’re scared of me, sweetheart. What’s the real problem you have with me?”
You’re quiet, biting your lip as you contemplate how to begin to answer his question.
“I know what it is,” he croons, his voice almost musical as he stands over you, moving to brace himself with his hands on either side of you. You lean back as his face gets dangerously close to yours. “You’re scared of what you feel when you look at me, isn’t that right? Scared of what you know you want, thinking about me as you lay awake at night?”
Your heart is beating in your throat, your face heating up.
“I… No, I…”
“Ssshhh,” Terry whispers, closing the distance between your faces once more. You can’t move, you can’t think, you can’t breathe. “It’s okay that you’re scared, babygirl. Let me show you what you really want…”
Cradling your head in his hands gently, he pulls you close, kissing you with a passion and a bruising force that is anything but gentle. You brain seems to short-circuit from the intensity of the kiss, and for a brief moment you’re kissing him back; the desire overwhelming you as he stokes it into a burning flame with his lips and tongue. You force yourself to fight through the dizziness, your head spinning.
“Mmhn… Terry… NO!” you say firmly, shoving him in the chest. He moves back a couple of steps, his head cocked as he looks down at you. The moonlight streams in from the window behind him, his eyes glinting brightly at you. He doesn’t seem upset with you.
He also doesn’t seem deterred.
“Don’t fight this, doll. I’ve seen the way you look at me; I know you want it,” he purrs in a husky voice, smirking at you as he slowly approaches the bed once more.
He couldn’t do this… He wouldn’t do this… He had just saved you from those men trying to do this exact thing!
“No, Terry,” you insist, climbing off the side of the bed, your eyes fixed on him. “I don’t want this. Please stay away from me,” you beg, backing through the doorway. The last thing you see is his mouth twisting into a predatory grin that makes you turn and run.
Scrambling, you make your way to the front of the dojo and go to tug the door open.
It doesn’t budge.
“Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?” you hear Terry sing menacingly from the office; the sound of it sends shivers down your spine. He laughs maniacally, like a hyena, before appearing in the doorway, calm as can be. “Double-sided locking system; I thought we might be needing it.”
A sense of dread roots you to the spot, and you feel your teeth chattering.
“You… you planned this?” you say, your voice barely more than a high-pitched whisper, but the sound carries through the silence of the dojo.
“I have far more than just Barnes, Dennis and Snake at my disposal,” he says, giving you a cruel smile. “Those guys were more than happy to go after you for free; I mostly paid them to let me kick their asses without them bitching about it or giving me away.”
“Why?!” you ask frustratedly. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you knew that if Terry had wanted to get you here, he could have done so himself, without needing to stage an attack. This was madness.
“I wanted to see if you’d come to me for help, even knowing what Danny-Boy told you. And you did!” he says, sounding delighted, like he’s praising a child for picking up their toys. He slowly approaches you, and you try to maintain the distance between you, but it’s no use. He’s bigger, he knows what he’s doing, and you’re terrified.
“Guess you shoulda listened to Danny-Boy, huh?”
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Part 2
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ask-bolin · 2 years
Imagine another of Korra's cousin. They're not like Desna or Eska. But a pacifist! (Katara but shy)
Basically they have an air nomad personality while being a water bending prodigy.
Just imagine Bolin being wary bc of his past experience with Eska but then reader is like a total sweetheart ajdbwjcj I can ramble about this forver bc I have an OC that's that lmao I love Bolin too much :cry:
Author: The pain, I love it!
Imagine, as Korra's cousin, attending a Water Tribe festival, and meeting up with Korra. It was great to see her because you weren't able to go to the last one. Also, Korra said she was bringing someone she wanted you to meet.
You waited at the dock as the boat from Republic City began unloading the passengers. "Korra!" you called to her when you found her.
"Y/n!" Korra ran down to greet you. After catching up, Korra told you, "I can't wait for you to meet my friend, Bolin. He's a silly guy with a heart of gold. Actually, where is he?" Korra looked around.
Then you saw Bolin, trying to carry as many suitcases as he could. He finally caught up, "See, Korra? I told you I wouldn't fall!" Bolin set down the suitcases, saw you and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Bolin."
You shook his hand and introduced yourself.
"Y/n is my cousin," Korra told Bolin.
"Eep!" Bolin froze, you noticed it semeed to be a response to the word, 'cousin'.
Korra wasn't sure what was up with Bolin, but after greeting you, she said she would help Bolin get settled in, then catch up with you after. You agreed that it was a good idea, the cold can be quite a shock to people, but he seemed nice enough that you hoped he would be able to join you soon so you could get to know him.
When Korra caught up to you, she had some more info as to why Bolin was acting this way. Once you heard about Bolin and cousin Eska, it impressed you that Bolin was alive at all. Cousin Eska wasn't that bad, but that was a little joke between you and Korra.
Korra told you more about Bolin, his adventures around the world, how nice he was to everyone, and how positive Bolin stayed in almost every situation. The more you heard about him, the more you were excited to meet him, and hopefully ease any concerns about meeting another cousin of Korra's. Korra had compared your personality to air nomads before, you weren't sure if she meant it in a teasing manner or as a compliment, but it felt like it would help Bolin to not be nervous.
Korra let you know that Bolin agreed to meet you both at the festival tonight, despite his worries.
That night, you and Korra walked to the festival, and saw Bolin sitting at a table withe his fire ferret that Korra told you about, Pabu. Korra spoke in a way to help ease any tension between you and Bolin. Bolin opened up more, and you were less nervous. Until, the inevitable happened, someone came with a message for Korra letting her know that her father needed her help with something. Korra knew how awkward it was going to be for you and Bolin, so she apologized to you, ouside of earshot of Bolin, and she said she would hurry back as soon as she could.
There was an awkward silence. Bolin was playing with Pabu, but he worked to make sure he wasn't ignoring you. You had only started to learn about Bolin, so you didn't know what was a good conversation to start.
Thankfully, Pabu was showing interest in you and was starting to like you.
"Well if he likes you, I like you," Bolin joked nervously.
Hearing that both relieved some tension and also made you a little extra nervous because you had no idea what to say back, so you just smiled back at Bolin. Pabu accepted your scratches, and crawled into your lap.
Bolin apologized but you let him know it was okay.
"Wow, you must be a pretty wonderful person if Pabu likes you that much that fast!" You knew Bolin was realizing his expectations about you were not accurate.
You wanted to help confirm that, and using your water bending felt like the best way to do that. You gathered some snow beside you and formed it into a ball and other shapes that excited Pabu and helped him show his playful side.
Bolin was impressed with your water bending and asked more about how you honed your skills. You shared how you wanted to help people, even if it was children or little animals suffering from boredom.
Throughout the night, Bolin hadn't noticed, but he sat closer and closer to you as he felt more comfortable with you.
Korra finally showed up and apologized for being gone for hours. Time flew by so fast that you and Bolin didn't even notice that Korra had been gone that long.
Korra pulled you aside, "Is everything okay? You guys haven't even moved from this spot."
"It's going great! Bolin and I are actually meeting up tomorrow."
Korra was so happy for you, and excused herself for the night since everything was going so well. It was finally late enough that Bolin offered to walk you home.
At your doorstep, Bolin let you know how great of a night he had and how happy he was to meet you, then paused for a couple minutes, "May, uh, may I kiss you good night?"
It made your heart jump, and you said yes. It was a simple peck, but your smiles showed how happy the kiss made you.
"I can't wait to see you tomorrow, good night," Bolin said.
You hurried to bed to get plenty of rest, tomorrow was going to be a great day.
635 notes · View notes
layzeal · 2 years
i said 5 months ago i was gonna share my thoughts on this scene and never did, so it's time to dig this out
what did wei wuxian mean by asking shijie "why would someone like another person" and why i.... don't think he's talking about lan wangji (i know-- i know. just bear with me)
or more accurately: an analysis of chapter 71, wwx's thoughts on love, and how mxtx utilizes parallels between past and present!
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(Ch 71 of MDZS web revised edition //// ExR translation)
okay let's get straight to the point that's gonna make y'all want to call me a stupid bitch who can't read: i legitimately do not think wwx was talking about lwj in this scene! here's why:
first and foremost, let's remember what the status of wangxian's relationship was at this point after sunshot ended
first, phoenix mountain: a callback to their teen dynamic. wwx's silly and flirty personality is back, he teases lwj by throwing a peony at him then asking to borrow his ribbon. lwj is frustrated, etc. lwj forcefully kisses wwx then gets angry at himself. wwx finds him and gets worried that something happened to him. they walk together and talk in very friendly manner until the xuanli incident happens. by the end they part on good terms
then, yunmeng teahouse: the first scene of this chapter. wwx is feeling quite upbeat about seeing lwj as they had a nice chat last time they met. he does a lil phoenix mountan callback by throwing a peony at him, then asking him to come upstairs and hang out. lwj does but it.... doesnt end well. he's worried about wwx's worsening temper and fears he's starting to show signs of loss of control, and asks him once again to go to gusu with him. that severely sours wwx's mood, to the point of snapping at lwj when lwj implies that he'll regret it in the future. lwj realizes his mistake and they become polite again, but the atmosphere is significantly strained, and wwx even comments that he was presumptious and shouldn't have invited him over, which lwj dissents. wwx parts with a cordial but distant "thank you", and on... not great terms
what i think really makes the above hurt though is that, when wwx comes back to yunmeng and jc asks who he met. wwx answers this:
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worse than jin zixuan.....oof. im so sorry hgj
so, it really is quite tragic. wwx had a nice time with lwj in phoenix mountain, and because of that he wanted to try and wash away their bad blood, ask him to hang out, recall some stories of their youth, maybe mend this relationship that became so strained during the war! what happens instead is that... he gets the harsh reminder of what (in his mind) lwj thinks of his cultivation, thinks he's not in control of it, that it's dangerous and he should be locked up. with that, they're all back to square one :(
the thing is, MDZS is quite known for being non-linear and having a humongous amount of flashbacks, and they're all set and positioned at the time they were for a reason! the thing is, as most read the novel once and then proceed to only revisit scenes separately, naturally forgetting about the grand-picture and the scenes that come before and after, we might misremember how some events play out or the state of the character arcs and relationships, and i believe the popular fanon interpretation that "omggg wwx was asking yanli this bc he likes lwj but can't admit this yet!!!! 🙈" is quite of a great example of this
but!! it's not for any bad reason, after all both the Audio Drama and CQL kinda play up this moment with some beautiful background music. this is, in the end, a romance novel! but let's put a pin on that for a bit and analyze what led to this scene, and why WWX came looking for shijie to ask her this
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so as you see, the scene right before was wei wuxian and jiang cheng talking about jin zixuan, with jc asking wwx to not pick fights with him anymore since he's the heir of lanling jin. wwx is baffled because up until that point he and jc were trashtalking buddies when it came to jzx, but there's nothing they can do about it if shijie still likes him
that... makes wwx quite speechless, and he goes searching for her to get an answer. in his mind, jzx is still an awful, undeserving person! so why would shijie like him so much?
why would someone like another person?
of course, he's not as shameless to ask shijie right to her face why she likes someone like jzx, esp since she's already well familiar with his poor opinion of him, so he tries getting an "unbiased" answer by making a vague question, which in turn makes shijie think wwx is in love with someone else
now here's the thing: i feel like fandom tends to flanderize wwx when it comes to his unreliable narration, awareness of his own feelings or lan wangji's. we don't have time to get into that now, but if you've followed me for a while you know my thoughts on this
but here, specifically, i do not think wwx is in "denial about his crush" or "waving off because he doesnt want to get caught". his answer feels genuine, and honestly? really sad once you think about it
"I won't like anyone, at least not too much. Wouldn't it be like putting a rein on my own neck?"
this isn't strange once you consider the types of romantic relationships he grew up observing. other than his own parents', which he's mostly forgotten about, a strong love and attatchment sounds more like tying a rope around your neck. even though wwx is a romantic at heart who flirts easily but had been saving his first kiss for 20 years, he's still never felt this type of love for anyone before, and can't imagine putting himself through it
"So, wait... just because WWX said so you think you should believe it? You're telling me the curtains are just blue? If he's not talking about Lan Wangji, then what's the point of this scene?"
glad you asked!
you see, something that MXTX does quite often with the flashback placement in MDZS is contrast the moments where wangxian's relationship was at its best with moments where it was at its worst. As wwx recall these memories, his pre-conceived notions about lwj get challenged and his actions and words get recontextualized! my favorite example is probably the ending of the flashback of wwx's return, to him waking up in the cloud recesses
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no i'll never shut up about this flashback placement. my goddd
so, when looking at the "why would someone like another person" scene, i ask you to not look at it by itself, but as a part of the literary work that mdzs is! because, as the wangxian of the past are stuck in this cordial, but strained relationship, do you remember where the wangxian of the present have currently been left at?
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if you ask me, there is something incredibly sweet about leaving these characters at their most tender --- when one is finally beginning to not only understand his own feelings, but to suspect that those feelings are requited, in which he's allowing himself to imagine a calm and happy future with him right as they march inside the lion's den --- and meeting them again when they're younger, and strained, and not fully knowing how to communicate that they care for each other, which in turn only hurts them both.
there is something very sweet about seeing wwx who is slowly realizing that he's in love, testing the waters of that, seeing how much he can take, in what ways he can ask for affection, and then seeing him again as he says "i won't ever like someone, at least not so much. wouldnt it be suffocating? wouldn't it be an impediment? wouldnt it be shackling yourself?" because you, like a cheeky grandma, can look at him and think: you don't know yet, but i've seen you then. you will like someone very much, and it won't be restraining. in fact, you'll never feel more free...
and that is the biggest thing, about revisiting this scene after you're done. because you'll look back this 20-something WWX who genuinely believed loving someone to much is like putting a rein around his own neck... and knowing he'll know a love that not only will not feel like a restrain*, but will be there to catch him whenever something does
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*okay, except in bed, but that's only a bonus for wwx
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evansbby · 1 month
hello??? I woke up to everybody talking about their dilf experience and now I’m lowkey scared 😭😭 should I cancel? like we agreed to meet at night, it’s like 12 am now there’s still time 😭
and bestie dw you didn’t come across as rude or condescending at all, I totally get where you’re coming from!! I love honest big sister advice, I only have brothers and one younger sister so I’M the older sister 😭 but no I completely understand. and looking back now, maybe I did rush into immediately wanting to lose my v card. idk, I do really like him and he’s really nice, like he was the one telling me that we don’t have to rush into anything. maybe we should take thing slower? like go on a date first? idk, I was so sure of it yesterday and now I’m not 💀
and I’m sorry for leaving out the juicy details girl 😭!! I was the one who made the first move. her and her dad live pretty far away, plus there was traffic so we were in the car for maybe more than an hour? so it was just constant flirting and getting to know each other, like there was so much sexual tension and just teasing and stuff. and then eventually when we arrived, I took my seatbelt off and like gave him a hug/side hug as a thank you and idk our faces were so close together when I pulled back and I just thought fuck it and leaned in to kiss him. (it was the two red bulls I drank to keep me up that gave me the courage). and he also kinda leaned in so I guess it was both of us? idk, but it led to a whole make out session and then I put my hand on his crotch and then THAT lead to me giving him head 😭
but…what should I do now? like, I’m really nervous now 😭😭
(since everyone is doing small text, I had to do it as well 😛)
Hehehe small text is extremely aesthetically pleasing lol
And thank you for understanding where I was coming from! I wasn’t trying to shame you in any way or form, nor was I trying to come off as some superior know-it-all! It’s just that I got other anons after I answered yours, saying “omg just go for it!!” But I feel like it’s not as easy as that (at least it wouldn’t be for me if I was in your shoes but we could be completely different people and that’s okay!)
I think with dilfs, often enough they want you more than you want them. Well, that’s true with most men but 100000% more with dilfs. If I was in your position I’d take it slow bc if he wants to jump your bones today, he’ll still want to jump your bones next week and the week after — in fact even more. If I were you, I’d give him something little by little, make him work for it etc. you said yourself there’s so much sexual tension and teasing, so elongating that could be fun idk! I just feel like men can be animals and women need to play it smart a lot of times with them.
If you’re feeling nervous then, as I said before, do think it through! I mean he himself is telling you he doesn’t mind taking it slow, so maybe that’s the direction you should go in? Like the whole flirty touchy phase would be so cute. I really just don’t want to see you getting hurt! Especially by some man who I KNOWWW 1000% wants you more than you want him! So make him work for it! Tease him hahahaha. But above all please be smart and safe about whatever decision you end up making!
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literalite · 10 months
literally just me talking about edit stuff because im in a mood
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these r what i would call like my base level of ingame edits (i dont reallyyyyyy count my cas screenshots as edits unless i spend an actual amount of time actually working on them rather than my usual blur+chromatic aberration+sharpen combo) theres usually very little? or like no actual basis in the characters "canon" or lore like its just done to make them look nice. right. or like its fun lighting practise for me really. theyre usually pretty simple in execution like in the two examples there its just plain yellow background for sunny and the neon cross for vin so i have to put a little extra oomf into it because the backgrounds are like not super detailed so theres less of an "interest" factor from that so the sims themselves have to look REALLY good to make up for it. the ones i end up happy with though usually look really dynamic so it balances out
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so these are more sort of abstract edits to me bc they have a basis in the oc lore or themes or whatever and most of my ocs have at least one or two visual markers (in the examples lucari or even just ari specifically gets a fair amount of celestial/sky imagery, i handled the colours here a bit sloppily but its meant to be blue and purple which are ari and luca's text colours, heiya's emphasis being on her muscles and scars and the clouded solar eclipse, redacted gets a lot of water/reflective surfaces/birds/rainbow flares?? and also lightning but that isnt being used in this specific one and sunny gets a fair amount of fire/smoke stuff as well as emphasis on primary colours like his more blue toned edits r usually in his darker stages of his life while warmer yellows means more positive stuff, red usually is just for uhhh violence oriented stuff) and like none of these are Actually happening. right. redacted isnt actually ever in that position with that era of hair in the water with the birds and sunny was set on fire at 13 not as an adult and they certainly never had a portrait of his family like that. but its symbolic, it means Something even if you as the viewer doesnt know it yet 😅 or ever aha
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OKAY LOL I PRESSED POST BY ACCIDENT LOL but these are my full lore edits or something likr theyre totally rooted in the background of the ocs. like these are scenes from their lives for real. obviously i fiddle with lighting angle composition a tinyyyy bit to make for a more pleasing or dynamic image at the end but if my ocs all got dedicated like. movies or shows these would be ripped straight from the scene. i take creative liberties with some stuff but in essence these could be story posts (like the 3rd example with idris/redacted is literally in the story itself in one of the posts) the difference is usually amount of images in the post and orientation of said image/s. to me an edit stops being an edit when it has more than likeeeeee 4 images and then i will usually keep that bulk all in landscape or maybe one as portrait for emphasis. edits will be 4 or less and mostly in portrait because i want the less images to take up more room on the dash. the backgrounds for these will usually be way more complex like ill build a mini set or use existing sets for each one. i just think that ingame edits have a lot more capability than you might think (u dont have to go into blender for every little thing promise 🙌🏼) its just like. u can do a lot with this game i swearrrrrr just treat it like an art medium. im serious
ALSO the song almost always is sooo relevant to the edit i swear its not enough to sound good. i have to be unwell about it as well and it has to make sense with what im showing u
ok thats my random unrequested ted talk for the day im going to go home now bye thank u for reading if u did that 😁
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