#so be patient okay i'm trying my best sniff
homkamiro · 3 months
sniperscout marriage 🥺
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"Man, if we've been dating for so long...does it mean we will have to get married?"
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inkbybambi · 7 months
best friend!simon riley picking you up from a bad date —
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words: 2.2k rating: nothing explicit apart from a brief mention of sex, just some light angst and comfort. my blog is 18+ so minors please dni. warning: hurt/comfort, fluff, pet names, insecurity/doubt/worry, mentions of sex, simon is the softie we all know he is notes: originally written for @ghosts-cyphera ♡ we all need a bestfriend!simon in our lives who's so sweet and gentle with us.
one thing you love about simon — besides everything — is how reliable he is. strong, steadfast, there when you need him. even when he’s not physically there — his work taking him away for weeks or even months at a time — you find yourself reading over the messages he’s sent, the little sticky notes he’s left, whatever memento you’ve kept of him tucked away in the drawer in your bedside table.
not that you’ll tell him that.
you hate asking him for favors — asking anyone for favors, really, but him especially. whenever you ask someone for help, it's always accompanied by a long-suffering sigh or a roll of the eyes or some very clear indication that they'd rather do anything else.
except for simon.
which is why you're hesitant to ask him more than you absolutely need to. you don't want to push your luck too far, less he eventually tires of you as well.
losing people hurts, always assuming it's you that caused the problem. you've come to accept this, even if the dark feelings of being too much or a burden claw at the edges of your mind.
but losing simon? you don't think you'd ever get over that.
it's just after 9pm, the sky dark and clouds threatening, with thunder rumbling steadily in the sky. your hand shakes as you fumble your phone from your pocket, trying to hold your tears at bay as you scroll through your contacts.
your call log is all simon.
some appointments here and there, but simon everywhere else.
you hiccup, the tears spilling from your eyes as the sky finally opens up, joining you in your mourning.
you don't have any other choice, really, so you click his number before you can talk yourself out of it and walk home instead, bringing it up to your ear as it rings.
he answers before the third ring.
"i'm so sorry to bother you," you sniffle into the phone, before he has a chance to say anything. you take in a sharp breath, blood turning to ice. "am i bothering you?" you sound so meek and small and tired.
“no, dove, you’re not,” comes his calm, reassuring voice. you’re only half-convinced.
"i'm sorry," you begin again. your heart falls to your stomach, convincing yourself that this is his final straw. you're overtaken by a wave of nausea, despite not having eaten anything since lunch. "i didn't know who else to call, and i lost my tram pass, and i don't have an umbrella, and — "
“dove,” he says, his accent soothing to your ears — he's so endlessly patient and kind. you ache.
"i can just walk home, i-i'm sorry," you whimper out, unable to stop the tears blurring your vision, feeling pathetic and weak and so, so alone.
“darling,” he says, a little stern. not angry, never angry. trying to focus you. “what’s wrong?”
“u-um, my date stood me up,” you sniff, swallowing hard. "i waited an hour," you mumble, looking to your shoes. "messaged him too, y'know. but he just. didn't show."
you think you hear simon curse over the line and your heart lurches, feeling like you're about to be sick.
“where are you?”
there's a rustle of fabric, the clink of keys, the heel of his boot walking across his floor. you manage to tell him the name of the restaurant, voice cracking.
“twenty minutes,” he says, and you’re about to protest but he beats you to it. “sit there and be good and patient and i’ll pick you up, yeah?”
"okay," you whisper in agreement, before the line clicks dead and you allow yourself to cry, huddling under the awning as some protection from the rain, now coming down in thick, sharp waves.
thirteen minutes later, the headlights of his truck shine through the dark, pulling up to the curb. you make a mad dash for the passenger door, still getting drenched in the process.
you can't even look at him, hands shaking as you buckle the belt, trying to make yourself as small as possible.
he says your name gently. you take in a shuddering breath and let it out just as shaky, looking over towards him. he's wearing his balaclava, but his eyes — even in the dark, you can make out his beautiful eyes. assessing you, worrying.
"i'm sorry," you croak out. you can't help it. it's burned into your tongue, driven into your mind to make him understand you didn't want to bother him. he doesn't have to forgive you, but as long as he knows, that's enough.
"love," he says, and there's... something in his voice, as he reaches over for your hand, holding it gently in his own. his eyes never leave yours. "'m never gonna be mad about you askin' for help." your eyes flit away, but he squeezes your hand and you reluctantly look back. "you know me better than that," he says, as if he can read the treacherous thoughts swirling in your head, drowning you and making it hard to breathe.
you can only nod, not trusting your voice at the moment. he hums, bringing the back of your hand up to graze his covered lips over the back, pulling out to drive you back.
"this is your flat," you say, fifteen minutes later as he shuts the car off. you were too busy looking at the window, watching the rain drops race down the glass, to notice that he wasn't driving the familiar route to your place.
"yes," he replies, as if it's obvious he'd bring you here. "you really think i'd let you stay home alone?"
his eyes are so fucking bright. it startles you, and you hate how your heart twists and thumps at how intently he's looking.
"i..." you start, chewing on your bottom lip for a moment. his eyes flicker to your lips, snapping away just as quick. "i was gonna eat ice cream and drink shitty, cheap wine," you say.
"as if i don't have either of those things here," he replies, opening the door and effectively ending the conversation. you scramble after him, eager to be inside in the warmth and burrow yourself into his couch.
"go get changed," he says, voice clear as he removes the balaclava and bends to untie his shoes.
you hesitate for a second, until he looks up to you and there's that something lingering in his gaze — the same something that was in his voice.
"go on now," he repeats, softer, and you ditch your shoes and your uncomfortably wet jacket by his.
his flat is as familiar as your own — you could walk through it blindfolded at night and you wouldn't knock into a single thing.
you might knock into a corner or two, but that's not a vision thing. it's a you're a bit clumsy thing. simon finds it endlessly amusing, poking at the bruises that blossom on your skin while you bat his hand away.
his bedroom is familiar as well. which is why you don't think twice before you're shimmying out of your clothes — undergarments as well — and rifling through his drawers, finding your favorite shirt of his and a pair of his boxers.
you take a moment to smell the collar, taking comfort in the scent that lingers. you’ve been dressed in his clothes many times before this but it feels different this time.
as you pad back out to the living room, simon’s already on the couch. your favorite blanket is draped across his lap, two bowls of ice cream and a bottle of cheap wine sitting open, glasses filled far more than you would’ve. but you’ll indulge him, mostly because you have the sneaking suspicion that he’ll have you sleep here anyways.
his balaclava is off. the last dregs of tension drain from you as he looks over to you, face soft in the lowlight of the lamp, tv already ready with a show you’ve watched a thousand times that he watches with you without complaint.
“knew you’d choose that one,” he says with a bit of a smirk as you crawl on the couch, burrowing yourself into his side, his arm slinging across the back of the cushion.
“am i that predictable?” you mumble, a small ‘thank you’ as he hands you a bowl.
he doesn’t answer, but you feel the burn of his stare before he snorts, flicking the tv to start playing, the familiar theme relaxing you further.
the silence with him is comfortable, lingering in a hazy in-between of awake and sleep, empty bowls and mostly empty glasses sitting on the coffee table.
“were you going to fuck him?” he asks, three episodes in, bottle empty.
you blink, not sure if you heard him properly as you pull back to look at him. you can’t read his eyes. something hot twists in your gut.
“i-i don’t know, simon,” you start, the weight of his stare heavy. “maybe?”
he doesn’t say anything and you chew your lip for a moment, fingers curling to play with the blanket. “depends how the date went, i suppose. doesn’t matter much now,” you snort. his gaze hasn’t changed. “why?”
his jaw clicks, taking a deep breath. “you deserve better ‘n that.”
a confused frown pulls at your mouth, unsure how to reply. “i know how to be safe,” you tell him, voice soft.
he seems to be weighing his words in his head, lowering the volume of the show. you feel sick.
dark eyes rove over your face, taking in every minute detail. you bite at your nail, just for something to do.
“don’t think there’s a bloke in the world that’s worthy of ya.”
your frown deepens, breaking your eyes from his, twisting your fingers in your lap. relationships aren’t easy. being that vulnerable with someone isn’t easy.
you never want someone to pay for you, and even the smallest gestures like opening the car door or pulling out your chair feel like it’s too much. you don’t deserve that kind of attention. after a while, they’ll get tired. you’ll become a burden to them like everything else in your life.
it’s easier to be by yourself. the only person you have to worry about bothering is you.
“love.” he tilts his head, eyes trying to catch yours. how hasn’t he tired of you yet?
a hand under your chin forces your gaze up, and you try to shrink yourself against the back of the couch. your voice catches in your throat, words stuck there.
“what’s goin’ on in tha’ pretty head f’yours?”
you swallow thickly, finding it damn near impossible to keep your eyes on his.
“‘s not like it matters,” you start. his brows furrow, but he stays silent. “no one would want me anyways.”
“‘n why would you say that?”
frustration burns the back of your throat. isn’t it obvious? you can barely call him in a dire situation without thinking the worst of yourself. how can he think of you as anything but a nuisance? how could he think anyone else would put up with it?
“you wouldn’t understand,” you say, defeated. you crumble back into the couch.
“make me understand.”
heat flashes at the nape of your neck. he takes your hands in his, cradling them in his warmth. your name sounds so soft in his voice.
“how aren’t you tired of me?” comes your whispered question, nose tingling and eyes threatening to water. you look at him. hesitant. scared.
the silence is loud. his frown deepens. it takes a few painful minutes, but you see the moment something clicks in place.
“you know i’d do anything for you, yeah?”
your lip quivers, sniffling as you beg yourself not to cry.
“because you do the same for me,” he continues. you doubt it, mind going blank of every time he’s come to you for something.
his touch moves to your elbow, tugging you forward gently until he can arrange you in his lap. he slips his hands beneath the hem of his shirt, thumbs rubbing on your hips where the waistband of his boxers start.
you slowly brace your hands on his shoulders. firm and broad and safe.
“you apologize so much. you worry so much.” the tears slip down your cheeks, throat aching, but now you can’t look away from him. one hand moves to cup the nape of your neck, thumb rubbing gently at the skin behind your ear.
“you’re allowed to ask for help.”
you shake your head, a “no” caught in your throat, tears blurring your vision.
“oh, love.” he cradles you into the curve of his neck, arm wrapping around your waist and keeping a gentle hold at the base of your skull. “you have me wrapped around your finger ‘n you don’t even know it.”
he lets you cry into his neck, dampening the collar of his shirt. but his cologne is soothing and you eventually slump against him. you’re so tired.
his lips graze your temple, his soft touch lulling you to sleep. you’ll talk about it tomorrow, but for now you want to stay wrapped up in his arms, held by someone who genuinely loves you.
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angelofsmalldeaath · 11 days
If i could be extremely indulgent i’d love to request a fic.
Reader in in the last few weeks of her internship (nursing) and also graduating. Mentally and physically so tired but a lot left to do. Andrew starts making her food to take with her, when she falls asleep on the couch in the evening takes her upstairs or just listens to her rant about the horrible assignments left.
ps. I love your stories they bring me such joy
okay so i'll be really honest, i have no idea how nursing internships work. i've tried my best to look it up but i'm sure this is riddled with factual errors. regardless... i hope you enjoy ♡︎
cw: nothing i can think of apart from brief mentions of food, fem!reader
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“can i come in, darling?” he knocks on the door softly, peeking in first to make sure she’s awake. she is. barely. trying to shield herself from the sunlight streaming in by hiding her face in the pillow. the sight makes him smile. “i got you something to eat.”
a lump shuffles under the blanket, a head peeks out followed by a soft hmph. 
“come on, darling, it’s four already,” he closes the door behind him and walks up to her. then he sets the bowl on the table and sits on the bed. 
“fuck, already?!” she grumbles, and moves away from the pillow only to squish her face in the side of his thigh. 
“can i have five more minutes?”
“are you sure you can afford that?”
she groans again, louder than the last time. “i hate this internship!”
“no, you don’t.” he laughs and slides some of her hair off her face until he can see at least a bit of it. “come on, now. if you get up now you can eat in peace before you have to leave.”
with great effort, she peels an eye open and looks at him, blinking against the sunlight. “what did you get me?”
“why don’t you get up and see?”
“ugh,” she pouts, “traitor.”
he waits patiently after that, stifling a giggle when she hisses against the direct sunlight on her face and stretches like a cat before propping herself up against the pillows. his heart aches a little too—there are bags under her eyes and tired lines etched onto her face. the last few weeks really have been the hardest on her. 
“gorgeous,” he smiles, and kisses her head softly. 
she grins at him, toothy and infections and looks to the nightstand for food. her eyes fall on the bowl, a gasp echoes in the room. 
“you peeled me a pomegranate?!”
“two pomegranates,” he corrects proudly. “they were quite small.”
“awww,” she grabs his face, kissing him sweetly, “you’re a mother hen!”
he watches her when she pops a few seeds in her mouth—six, just like persephone. even though it’s not enough to make her stay. “good?”
for a while, she’s quiet, eating spoonfuls of the pomegranate seeds. he declines when she offers him some. these are for her, he’s just content watching. 
“when will you be back?” he traces a circle on her knee and takes the bowl from her once she’s done eating. 
she pouts again, this time in earnest. “not until tomorrow. 8 am i think.”
“you have to sleep alone tonight. and…what was that? the birds—”
“don’t chirp,” he finishes for her, laughing. “the colours dim. it’s a proper tundra.”
in the quiet of the room she buries her face in his chest. he can even hear a little sniff, but he doesn’t tease her about it—for one he’s busy burying his nose in her hair until all the air in his lungs smells like her shampoo. 
“thank you,” she whispers. 
“for the fruit?” 
she snorts and nods. “sure. and everything else. for carrying me to bed when i fell asleep on the settee, for letting my cry out my frustrations.” she pulls back a little and cradles his cheek. “for taking care of everything in the house so i’d have time to rest. seriously—”
he tuts when she chokes a little and swallows roughly. “you’d do the same for me. you have done the same for me. when i’m so close to album deadlines i don’t even have the time to breathe, when i’m so tired from being on the road i can’t even lift my head. we are a team, sweet girl.” 
she nods, lets him steal a kiss. her skin is sun-warmed by now, gorgeous and glowing in the golden light. she need to get up and start getting ready if she has to leave on time. but the thought of letting her out of this bed breaks his heart. 
“a few more weeks,” he whispers in her hair and kisses her head again. a few more weeks. it’s for him just as much as it is for her.
“and then it’s over.”
“you’ll miss it when it’s done,” he teases. “i know you.”
“i can still complain about it now though!”
he laughs at that, kissing her knuckles one last time when she finally gets out of bed, groaning and stretching, on her way to get ready. “as much as you want,” he smiles. “i’ll sit here and listen.”
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80pairsofcrocs · 30 days
baby scarab || 67
A/N : its finally done- and its a small filler for whats about to come!!
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : omg you guys have been so mf patient, but you are finally being fed!!! i enjoy writing again and im back in my moon knight summer so HERE YA GO!!!
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader, casper hart(OC) x reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, mentions of violence, language, small smut scene minors dni, kiss and make up type shit idk, let me know if i missed anything
you were next to jake on the couch, frenchie on the other side of you as you sob your heart out into jakes chest.
you were just angry at the situation, and the more you thought about what casper said the more it affected you.
jake rubbed your back while glaring at his phone, debating on calling the poor kid and cussing him out.
frenchie was kind of out of place- he has kids, but none above the age of 10.
he just kind of sat on the other side of you offering silent support.
after you calmed yourself down, jake looked down at you and sighed. "i'm so sorry, mi vida"
"it's fine.. i know he didn't mean it" you sniff a few times before wiping your nose of your sleeve. "i just don't know what to do"
"i have an idea" frenchie speaks up, making both you and jake look at him. "..you can just talk to him you know? get to the bottom of why he acted out?" he offers and you nod slowly.
"i think that's my best option.. thank you frenchie" you say, and frenchie smiles.
jake nods at the man and looks back to you. "feeling a little better?" you nod at his question.
"yeah.. just.... really hungry all of a sudden"
"you should really get some fluids in you, you cried too much" steven pipes up and you sigh.
"can i have some pop tarts and juice?" you ask and jake nods, so you get up to move to the kitchen.
after you leave the room, jake grabs his phone and hits casper's contact, waiting for him to pick up.
frenchie gives him a disapproving look as casper answers.
"you better apologize to my daughter, i mean it. she came home crying because of you" jake says as calm as he can.
it's silent for a moment. "i- i know, sir i- i feel terrible. i'm bringing her flowers and more pop tarts tomorrow"
jake sighs. "good.. listen.. i...... i know you're a good kid. just let her- us help you okay?" casper nods even though jake can't see him.
"okay.. i'll explain everything to her i promise"
"good. she'll see you at school tomorrow then"
"thank you, sir"
"my name is jake and you know it"
"right- sorry"
jake lets out a singular laugh. "goodbye for now, hart"
"okay.. bye jake-"
jake hangs up before casper could get the rest of his words out, coincidentally as you walk back into the room with your snack and your juice.
you sit back down in between frenchie and your dad, opening your package of pop tarts.
"do i have to go to school tomorrow?" you ask and jake nods, making you groan.
"i don't want to though- i- ill clean the house just let me stay-"
you glare at jake and eat your pop tarts, taking sips of your juice every now and then.
it was an uneventful rest of the night. you were talking frenchies ear off, though he didn't mind.
you reminded him of his first daughter, unable to ever shut her mouth.
he means that in the nicest way possible.
the next morning was hell though.
you basically fought all your dads while trying to convince them that you're sick, or dying so that you could stay home.
you were sadly out the door on time.
you clenched your fists in your pockets as you walked on the sidewalk, until you heard rushed footsteps behind you.
you turn around to see casper, with a box of pop tarts and a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
you unclench your fists as he stops in front of you, just staring at you.
"i.. i'm so sorry y/n.." he starts and you rush forward to hug him.
"i know.. it's okay" you assure him.
"but it's not- i took my anger out on you and that wasn't fair.. i should've just told you what was going on-"
"hey.. it's okay. you are doing the right thing" you let go of him to look him in the eye.
"i never stopped loving you, not even for a second. i- i was just so- so mad" he says.
you nod and smile gently at him. "we can talk about that later okay..? at my place?"
"can we uh.. actually go to mine. i don't want to leave allison and mom alone for too long"
"of course. i just have to call my dads after school" you nod at him and he sighs.
"i got these for you.." he holds up the flowers and the pop tarts.
you smile and hug him again. "thank you. you didn't have to do that"
"i wanted to. it's only fair" he responds and you let go of him to take the flowers.
"they're beautiful" you smell the flowers, taking your free hand and holding his.
"not as beautiful as you-"
"okay, let's get going" you laugh, dragging him along towards the direction of your school.
"but i was just saying-"
you cut him off by laughing, which makes him glare at you before raising an eyebrow, deciding to leave it alone.
it was already after school, and you were waiting for casper right outside your school while dialing your dads number.
"what do you want?" marc asks as soon as he answers and you scoff.
"hello to you too, dad" you start. "i was wondering if i could-"
"yeah, go ahead just be home before 10"
"why are you encouraging it? what if i wanted to bone him, would you still be okay with it?"
marc sighs. "just be home before 10. i love you"
"i love you too" you laugh before hanging up.
you wait a couple more minutes and the last few people come out of the school, your brows furrowing when you don't see casper.
you do see your math teacher though, so you approach her.
"uh- mrs. harper?" you tap on her shoulder and she turns around.
her long blonde hair swings behind her as she turns around. "oh, y/n, shouldn't you be heading home?"
"yes, but casper- did you see him in there? i've been waiting for him out here and he's not usually this late" you explain and she frowns.
"no, i'm sorry y/n. i haven't seen him, i would check inside, he could be talking to another teacher" she offers and you nod.
"thank you" you say and you rush inside as the teacher smiles to herself, seeing that chivalry wasn't completely dead.
you rush through the hallways, checking all the open classrooms, but not finding him.
that's when you hear a 'thud' come from the nearby boys bathroom.
you walk over and press your ear to the door, hearing muffled voices. you crack the door open, but don't look inside.
"casper..? is that you?" you ask into the air and you hear another voice.
"say anything, and you're dead" you recognized that voice. it was that ferret boy, and there was no doubt he was giving casper a hard time.
you roll your eyes and enter the boys bathroom, seeing that casper was on the floor, leaning against the wall while holding his arm.
and the ferret boy, he was standing a few feet away from where casper was, both looking over at you in shock.
"come on, this is pathetic" you say. "why can't you just leave him alone- he didn't do anything to you" you move to help casper up when the blonde blocks your path.
"well, now that i have both you freaks here, i think it'll save me some time" he cracks his knuckles and you narrow your eyes at him.
before he could do anything, you trip him over and pin him to the ground, keeping a knee on his back to keep him down.
it all went by so fast, and the blonde lets out a shaky breath. "wh-what the fuck is wrong with you?!" he yells.
you roll your eyes again and get off of him, helping casper up and rolling his sleeve up to see a large bruise on his arm.
the blonde gets up and brushes himself off. "you'll pay for that.." he rushes over again, and you push casper out of the way so you could stop the blonde from hurting him.
you catch his fist in your hand and twist it, causing him to wince.
you let go and back up a step, as if challenging him to do it again.
he just pants and reaches his arms out, and without thinking, you shoot a web out to stick his arms to the wall.
everything goes silent.
"shit.." casper whispers, grabbing onto your sleeve.
"you- you're her! you're arachnid!-" the blonde yells and you shush him.
"oh my god- no- this can't be happening-" you put your hands on your knees, hyperventilating.
casper puts a hand on your back. "please- jones-"
"..how do you know my actual name? i know you call me 'ferret' behind my back" he argues.
you scoff. "we've been going to school together since middle school-"
"and then you disappeared and became weird" he interrupts.
casper steps in front of you, glaring at jones. "she's not weird, it's just a mental illness- and it's not even an illness-"
"casper it's fine- just- jones please- you can't tell anyone.." you plead, feeling ultimately stupid for letting yourself slip up like that.
jones just scoffs. "i've just discovered your deepest darkest secret. you think ill just keep it to myself?" he asks sarcastically, trying to get him arm feee from the wall behind him.
you stare at casper uncomfortably, unsure of what to do.
"dude, this could get her arrested!" casper tries and jones just rolls his eyes.
"so i wouldn't be able to help people anymore.. and my parents would be alone" you answer coldly.
"we have moon guy for that" jones replies and you shake your head.
"not to be self centered, but without me, 'moon guy' would go underground again" you respond and jones sighs.
"...i'll keep your secret. but it will cost you" he says and you roll your eyes.
"i get inside information on your little rendezvous', and i want to know the whole deal with your 'dads'" he says and you tilt your head.
he wants to know about you? strange. but it's negotiable.
"alright.. deal-"
"uh, no." casper interrupts. "you are not-"
you take casper's arm and lead him a bit away from where jones was still stuck to the wall.
"casper i'm in no position to not take that deal.. you understand i've- i've killed people, right?" you say in a hushed voice and he sighs.
"i just don't want him taking advantage of you.." he admits and you take his hands in yours, squeezing them reassuringly.
"i know, cas. listen, i love you, but i have it handled" you give him a nervous smile and he sighs again.
"if you're sure.. and i love you too" he smiles back and you nod before turning back to jones.
you take the webs off of jones arm. "we have to leave.. there's a back entrance right outside, we can't let a teacher see us.." you lead the way, sneaking out of the bathroom, the two boys following you.
once outside, jones speaks up. "so.. do the webs come out of anywhere else?"
casper chokes on air. "dude-!"
you sigh. "no. every single person that knows has asked me that, and the answer is always a hard no" you answer.
"did you grow extra limbs?" jones asks, a bit out of character.
"interesting question, but no" you look to him for a split second, then you turn to casper who was on the other side of you, looking all jealous that another man was talking to you.
boo hoo, ghost.
you just silently held his hand while the three of you walked up to this gorgeous mansion.
"this is my home- i'll see you guys tomorrow!" jones uncharacteristically smiles and rushes inside his house.
you blink a few times and turn to casper "that was so weird.."
"yeah" he responds shortly and the two of you begin your walk to his house in a sort of tense silence.
you arrive at casper's house, and once you both go in grace looks to the door, visibly relieved to not see her husband.
casper goes over to grace, hugging her before you approach the two of them.
"grace.. i know it's not my place but we can help you.." you start and she smiles gently at you.
"i think i'm ready, as well as my children.. we will accept anything from you and your family" she says and you nod, also relieved.
"whatever you need, we can give you" you say to her, and she tears up a bit.
she smiles and rushes over to hug you tightly. "god bless you, y/n.." she whispers as you hug her back.
"i uhm- im going to take allison to the park.. we- we'll be back in an hour" she suddenly pulls away, going to allison's room.
"allison has been stressed lately, the park calms her down" casper explains to you, grabbing your hand and squeezing it.
grace comes back out with allison and her eyes light up when she sees you, rushing over to hug your legs before waving quickly and running out the door, leaving grace to also wave and catch up to allison.
"well i hope they have fun.." you sigh, taking off your shoes as casper does the same
"so... what should we do now?" casper asks as the two of you stare at each other awkwardly.
"maybe start packing essentials..?" you offer and he nods, both of you going to his room.
"come on- just stick your hand back there it's fine!"
"no! i don't want my hand to be icky-"
"it's not that bad"
"then you do it-"
"but i can't reach"
you and casper had been arguing about who was going to reach behind his dresser to unplug his lamp, the dresser in which was bolted into the floor as it came with the house.
"...you're openly admitting your arms are shorter than mine?" you ask, smirking as you hold your arm out, and taking casper's to compare arm length.
he scoffs and yank his arm away, rolling his eyes.
"do you think i'll need to pack my pillows and stuff?" he asks and you hum.
"i've seen the place before, you'll be all set.. but i would still bring it. it'll be your new home after all" you tell him carefully, in a gentle tone.
he looks to you, taking your hands in his. "y/n.. i'm scared" he confesses, his voice shaking.
your brows furrow as you two step closer, so that you could cradle his face in your hands.
"i know.. but you're so strong, cas. i know this is the only home you've ever known but.. i really think you and your family will benefit. just think about your mother- your absolute gem of a mom- she will have the freedom she deserves- we already have job interviews set up for her.. does she like libraries? or uh- coffee shops because i-"
casper puts a finger to your lips to pause your speaking.
"y/n i love you. so so much- you don't have to do this for us-"
"i want to, casper.. we want to" you assure him, smiling gently.
he smiles as well, visibly relaxing.
"now quit moping around, i want to see what you have hidden in the back of your closet" you let go of him to stumble through piles of utter junk while he protests.
"y/n, baby, sweetheart, please don't-"
you pick up an old record player, sitting in the corner of a shelf. "what's this..? you have records?" you ask, genuinely curious.
"a few..." he scratches the back of his head, helping you out of the closet and putting the record player on his empty nightstand.
he opens his top dresser drawer and pulls out a frank sinatra record, the album being 'nice n easy'.
"awww cute" you hug casper from behind as he carefully puts the record onto the record player, adjusting the needle as music starts playing quietly.
you recognized it as 'fools rush in', and that's when you start swaying along with the music, still having your arms wrapped around casper.
he chuckles airily and turns around in your arms, grabbing your wrists gently and putting one over his shoulder and holding the other.
"you're so sappy, love" you rest your cheek on casper's chest as you both slowly dance around his almost empty room.
"you're the one who started this, dear" he responds, and you purposely and proudly step on his foot, making him pinch your side.
after the small interaction, you go through quite a few songs, just enjoying swaying along with the music and being in each others presence.
you bring your head up to rest your forehead against casper's, closing your eyes.
casper leans forward, capturing his lips with yours, slowing the dancing even further as he moves his hands to your waist, and you move yours thrown sloppily around his neck to keep him close.
you feel bold and slide your tongue against casper's bottom lip, making him open his mouth slightly for you to lick up into his mouth.
it gets steamy pretty quickly, and before you know it, your shirt is halfway across the room, and your straddling casper's lap on his still made bed kissing and sucking at his neck.
casper lets his eyes close as he breathes out slowly and shakily, running his hands up and down your sides, fingers nearing your bra clip.
you tug at his shirt as he unclips your bra, both of you sitting up to take said items off, casper's hands finding your breasts, kneading them as he pinches your nipples between his thumb and forefinger.
you let out a breathy moan as he does so, lightly tracing casper's bare chest with your fingers, circling around the scars on his abdomen.
he notices your stare at the healed wound, taking your hand in his and looking up at you.
"hey.. we don't have to do this right now-" he starts but you cut him off by delivering a quick kiss to his lips.
"i want to- sorry i.. i got distracted for a second.." you apologize, cleaning your head. "i really, really want to do this-"
casper chuckles at your eagerness, flipping the two of you over so that your back is flat on the bed, casper already untying the band on his sweatpants.
you do the same with yours, and it leaves you both nearly bare to each other, only being covered by your lower undergarments.
casper takes the band on your panties gently with his fingers, slowly pulling them down along your legs.
you're both looking into each others eyes when me leans down to kiss you, instantly moaning and letting his tongue explore your mouth.
casper brings a hand down to your sex, circling your clit with his thumb while gently pushing his middle and forefinger through your wet folds, making you let out a shaky breath before moaning into casper's mouth.
you feel his hard on press into your thing, making you break the kiss. "wait- do you have a condom here?" you ask, and casper reaches into one of his packed bags right by the bed.
"of course i do, we're too broke to be teen parents"
you laugh before focusing more on the moment as casper rips the condoms package open before throwing it to the floor, sliding the condom onto his hardening cock.
unbeknownst to you, casper bit his tongue to prevent himself from finishing just by you touching him. 
you just blink down at him, smiling as he gently flips you both over, now having your back on the bed while casper hovers over you. he smiles back, positioning himself over you so that the tip of his cock was lined up with your entrance.
taking in a deep breath and holding it, casper cradles your face while starting to push into you. "breathe, y/n.." he reminds you.  
you feel your eyes roll back into your head as casper sinks fully into you, and you let out a lengthy moan while your arms wrap around his neck, nails digging into his shoulders. you both stay still while casper reminds you to breathe again, and you nod when you're ready for him to move.
casper slowly starts thrusting himself in and out of you, and if you were in a different headspace the noises of it would have bothered you. your nails dig almost impossibly deeper into caspers shoulders, and he leans down to start kissing your neck.
you lean your head further back, letting casper suck hickeys on every inch of you he could reach. your legs tighten around his waist as his thrusts get deeper and slower, hitting your sweet spot perfectly every time.
"cas- i.. i'm close-" you whine, leaning forward to hide your face in caspers neck, biting down on his shoulder as his breathe hits your ear.
casper lets out a lengthy moan into your ear, his thrusts becoming more erratic before he brings a hand down to start circling your clit again. you bite down harder on caspers shoulder as you moan, legs starting to shake violently before you feel yourself release.
your eyes close as you move your head away from caspers shoulder, laying it down on the pillow below you as you catch your breath.
casper finishes a few seconds after, almost collapsing on top of you while he softens inside of you. he brushes a few damp strands of hair from your face, planting a kiss on your cheek as he slowly moves off of you. a whine bubbles up from your throat at the feeling of him leaving you.
"come on, hon, let's get you cleaned up. i think there's still some towels in the bathroom" he tells you, lifting you to sit up and wrapping your shoulders in the blanket that was folded on his bed. he helps you stand and he wraps the blanket tighter around you as he leads you to the bathroom.
"thank you cas, i love you"
"i love you too, y/n/n"
you and casper had showered together, cleaning each other of any proof that you had done coitus. everything had been cleaned, and certain things had been thrown away as well.
you were now helping casper, grace, and allison unpack their things into their new house while jake and layla went to get the last of their belongings.
"how do you like your new room?" you ask allison, putting up the last poster for her. she smiles up at you before hugging your legs. you grin from ear to ear as you pat the top of her head. grace peaks into the room, eyes softening at the sight, her tense shoulders sinking into their more relaxed form.
"ms ha- grace- will you guys be alright here?" you ask and she instantly nods. "i've never felt safer.." she says with a smile.
you nod and allison lets go of you, letting you go to the front door ro get your shoes on. casper meets you there, handing you your jacket.
"i'll see you at school, cas" you say, putting your jacket on.
"of course, my love" he wraps his arms around your waist.
you snort and scrunch your nose a bit. "you're getting more corny by the second" you say out loud, wrapping your arms around his neck.
casper rests his forehead against yours. "anything for you, my darling honeybun-" 
"get off me"
"no- y/n- baby i'm sorry-"
"no, we are breaking up"
you press a small kiss to caspers cheek before opening their front door.
"i love you, see you tomorrow" you laugh, turning to leave.
casper laughs as well. "yeah, i love you too. dork" he mumbles to himself, knowing you could hear him.
you simply smile and begin your short journey home.
you unlock your door and go inside, expecting to see one of your dads and layla since they finishes helping with caspers family and their stuff a bit ago. yet, you didn't see or sense anyone.
and frenchie was gone as well..
that's when you felt it... the tingle, but it was sharper than usual.
and that's when khonshu and taweret appeared right in the middle of your living room.
A/N : cliffhanger. sorry not sorry. i truly love each and every one of you :)
~~~ taglist -
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee @certainchildmentality @yikesitskennawrites @alexisabirdie @zlatolait-writes @thursdaywritings @izzzzy-the-amazing @angrykitsune01 @kult6 @deadthings-pdf @0scars1saac @jones89 @idontknowicomefromtwitter @yeetskeeter @romanoffsurvives52
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crabonfire · 2 years
Mercs when your sick :(
warnings: none!!
characters: all mercenaries
note: sorry if these sicknesses r badly described,,usually whenever I get sick my Asian household gives me a cup of tea to drink and oil to rub on my stomach to feel better...and it works? so I'm not very into how Americans or other people do it 😭😭
• usually, you and him would have breakfast together so you'd have time with each other before matches start. So when he waits for you to wake up and notices your still in your room, he gets a bit worried.
• he'll knock on your door waiting for an answer. When he doesn't get one, he'll force himself in. did you die??? are u good
• then when he notices your stuffy nose and irritated expression, he goes full on panic mode.
• he's never had to care for sick people before...uhh...
• "Shit, you don't look too good Y/N...uhhh fuck-"
• asks you what's wrong, lists every little thing you say and runs off to medic.
• "Ah, a common fever, a cold, nausea...alright. Just make zhem drink zhis before zhey eat anything. If zhey start to experience headaches too, give zhem zhese."
"Thanks doc, I mean it."
• he runs back to you and starts explaining, "UH so uh...the doctor said-"
• insert really poorly explained explanation
• after he's done that, he will stay by your side all the damn time until you feel better.
• "You uh...ya feelin' any better toots? ya need anything? Water? No? Okay, just checkin'."
• after he realises your okay, just a bit under the weather, he pretends like he wasn't worried as hell. But it's pretty obvious, I mean the man is clinging on to you and cuddling you in bed. The way he's holding you feels like if he let's go his whole entire world will collapse, man is he clingy.
• after a few, if your still sick he'll beg you to get better. Why? he can't kiss you. if he kisses you, he'll get sick too. He said "What? I can't kiss you??? Why not...I don't mind being sick with you." But also "...wait but if I'm sick then who's gonna take care of you?? Goddammit!"
• he will pepper your face with kisses all over your body, just not receiving any back. Will try to make soup for you and does a surprisingly decent job. Will MURDER anybody who even thinks of bothering you.
• "Get well soon okay? I miss not being able to make out with you. Its weird...but also I just don't like seein' ya sick. so get well soon okay? and-ask me for anything. Let big strong scout take care of you, got it?"
scout make out with me challenge
• he's the first to wake up at 5 in the freakin morning and wakes everybody else up by yelling into their doors. he always goes last with you though, letting you get that 5 minutes of extra sleep.
• when he does get to your door, he knocks slightly less aggressive than with the others. "WAKE UP CADET! WE HAVE A FULL DAY AHEAD OF US. ITS TIME TO WAKE UP!"
• you groan loudly and wake up, stepping to the door. He's quite confused to be greeted by you, yet you have a stuffy red nose and you look like you slept in a dump. Oh boy, what happened?
"Solly, I think I'm sick- sneeze oh there it is sniff."
• he's super dramatic about it, even more than you thought.
• carries you bridal style and runs off to Medic's medbay before Medic is even in there. He places you onto the patient bed and runs off to get Medic.
• "Soldier, did jou really have to barge into my room? I was very busy in zhe bathroom!"
"I'm afraid that's not how it works, but I will do my best."
• will not let you leave your room, he stands guard infront of your door to make sure nobody even dares to step foot near it.
• he checks in on you a lot, asks Engineer to make you some soup.
• once he's sure nobody is going to bother you, he's holding you tightly and making sure you feel comfortable. it's surprisingly quiet but he doesn't want to irritate your head, from time to time he will ask how your feeling and if he needs to get more soup or medication.
• he will be very wary of you now, after you get better he will inspect what you eat and how you feel so that you don't get sick anymore.
•assure him your okay please, he will not stop this for weeks.
solly?!?!??! faints
• you and him cannot be separated. even in matches, so when you come back looking sick he's very very worried.
• "hhudda hhuuddhaa mmddhh??" (Are you okay??)
" sniff I'm feeling a bit sick, now that you mention it."
"HHUDYDA?!?!??!" (SICK?!?!?!!)
• doesn't know what to do but first thing he does is lock you in your room, then running off to engie for help.
"Woah easy there buddy! Calm down-calm down. Hmm..oh! We could make some soup for them? Soup helps with sickness usually. Would you like if I made them some soup?"
" HHHUDA!! :D" (YEA!! :D)
"Great, I'll start workin' on it. You go ask Medic for some medicine."
• as soon as engie says that he will RUN GALLOP FUCKING FLY OVER TO THE MEDBAY.
"Ah, hello pyro-AH-"
Pyro has both his hands on medic's shoulders, shaking him aggressively.
• Engie overhears this and stops his cooking to give Pyro a lecture on why you should not yell and grasp your hands while you shake them aggressively, begging them for medicine. He understands and apologises, as Medic huffs and gives him the medication you need.
• when he finally unlocks the room he has a bowl of nice warm cream soup for you. He sets it aside on the table by your bed as he runs back out to get your assorted medication.
• he will spend the entire day with you, drawing cute pictures of you together and writing get well soon notes non stop.
• if your not well by tomorrow or stay sick for longer, he will leave you sweet messages while he's out on the battle field.
"Get well soon sunshine :) -pyro"
"I miss you!!! -yours truly"
"I just set 3 people on fire and all I could think about was you, love you. -pyro"
also ppl infantilize him a lot when I think he'd be a very corny partner, pyro my beloved.
• You usually come by to check up on him every night to see if he's drinking too much or getting into trouble. Sometimes he'd get super drunk on purpose just for you to take care of him.
• but your not there, in fact now that he thinks about it he hasn't seen you all day. hmm...u good?
• he goes over to your room, half sober and notices your slumped body on the table. Your asleep? But you seem annoyed. He notices how red your face is, and presses the back of his palm gently on your forehead. My god, your burning up!
• he's been taking care of his mother for a long time, so of course he knows how to take care of an ill person.
• he'll gently carry you and place you onto your bed, then get a cold wash cloth. if you wake up in the process, he will greet you softly. this man may be half drunk right now, but he knows when he needs to sober up!
"Hiya lassie, ye slept on the bloody desk and I can tell yer burnin up! Stay in bed for a bit for me, ok?"
• he will give you a kiss on your forehead, before heading off to your bathroom and preparing you a lukewarm bath. while you both wait for the water to fill the tub, he sits on the side of the bed, placing the cool wash cloth on your forehead.
• "Heh, how could ye get sick like this? Ye must've not been takin' care of yerself eh? No worries, I'm here."
• he makes sure your super comfortable, even refusing for you to walk as he carries you into the bath. letting you undress, he waits by the tub to make sure everything feels right.
the waters not too cold right? it shouldn't be, it should be lukewarm. do you want a sponge bath instead? No? okay. that's fine.
• once you get out of the bath, he gives you everything you need. Getting you light clothing, even making you a cool drink to rid of your fever. He won't stay in bed with you, because he doesn't want to crowd your sickness. But once he knows your asleep, he will smile and leave you alone.
• if your still sick by tomorrow? he will try extra hard to make sure your feeling better, anything you want he will get. After you do feel better, he will take you out to a fancy dinner. ( some ppl keep forgetting tav is rich and I find that so funny tbh) and treat you the entire day, giving you a free day as a treat for you.
man I love tav sm
• you two were having lunch together after a long match, you were absolutely killing it on the battlefield! though you made the mistake of not showering right after the match, making your body become drenched in sweat.
• "Ah...ACHOO!"
"...Y/N...are you ill?"
"Nah...probably just got something caught in my -ACHOO!"
• oh no!! you got a cold :(
• he gets a bit worried, but he has taken care of his entire family once when they were sick, so this is no problem.
• does not let you out of your room.
• makes you tea with some honey, and prepares you some delicious chicken noodle soup!! the best soup for colds :)
• will stay in your room with you for the day, asking you every couple of minutes if your okay. though he knows rest is important when in a cold, so he usually just stays quiet reading in your desk while he makes sure you don't wake up in the middle of the night or anything similar to that.
• honestly like...like super duper strict yet he's so sweet. if cold gets worse, he will get some medicine from Medic. Some to soothe a sore throat, some to clear a stuffy nose, all that jazz.
• "lisichka, are you feeling better? if not, Heavy is always here to help. please do not be shy to ask."
• makes sure nobody bothers you, if anybody comes to knock on your door at night all he will do is glare at them and shush them. "No, They are sick. If you do not stop bothering them I will rip your tiny head from tiny body. understand?"
• not much to say other than the fact he's not leaving your side for the day. he makes sure your 100% back in tip top shape before he even THINKS of leaving you alone while your sick.
• if you don't get better for a while, he will be extra diligent...and worried. He knows he's overreacting, he's usually someone who never does that, but what if you get sicker? a rougher disease? he wouldn't know what to do.
• though when Medic assures him its just a cold that's lasting longer than usual, he's more content with himself and tries not to worry.
• before you sleep, he will always give you goodnight forehead kisses. I can see he isn't a very romantic type of person, so moments like these is when he feels truly vulnerable with you. He blushes every time, this adorable man.
• "goodnight moya lyubov, get well soon."
I'm gonna kiss heavy💯💯💯 REAL!!!
♡Engineer ♡
• you two were relaxing in your room, he was talking about his latest invention and you were happily listening.
• but then you felt a weird feeling in your stomach, like you wanted to throw up. And...you did. You gagged and ran straight for your bathroom, throwing up in the toilet seat.
• he was quite shocked, and came after you. As you threw up, he kneeled next to you and rubbed circles on your back. "Hey hey, that's it let it all out..."
• when you finish, he's super duper worried. "Sugar-cube...are you alright? You seem a bit sick...did you eat anythin' funny?"
"Now that you mention it...Scout did give me a weird tasting can of bonk earlier."
"That scout...tell me, what do you feel?"
• he will write in his head about the things your feeling, and go straight to the doctor.
so a cold, sore throat, and slight nausea? cool cool, he's got it covered.
• "Sit tight honey, I'm gonna get some medicine for ya."
• is pretty calm honestly. he doesn't get sick a lot but when he does, he usually takes care of it so he can go straight back to work. So he's not worried or anything. he's a smart guy, of course he'd know it's best to take care of yourself.
• rest is crucial to cure a cold, so he will insist on leaving you to your room. he will check up on you every couple of hours, if your awake he'll ask if you need anything and if your feeling better.
• if you get worse, he will stay with you the entire time. leaving his work unattended just for a bit.
• very caring. each sneeze you let out or the way your tired eyes struggle to stay open makes his eart ache just a little.
"You don't need to force yourself to be awake, darlin'. I don't mind watchin' over you."
or something corny as fuck like "Even when you got that puffy red nose and those weary eyes, ya still look adorable."
• not much to say other than that honestly, just a sweet, caring and calm lover when your sick.
engie my beloved
• he knows your sick without you even telling him
• will randomly tell you to get onto the patient bed.
"Medic...what are you doing?"
"Checkup! Jou are sick mein schatz, I just need to know exactly vhat sickness it is. places gloves on now, relax. "
• checks on your eyes, mouth, all thay jazz. Once he does he asks you some normal questions.
like "How have jou been feeling lately? Any dizzyness while working?"
• after a small checkup, he writes it all on his board and gets some medication from his drawer.
"Alright, jour body temperature is unusual and from jour sore throat and lack of sleep jou may be getting a fever tomorrow or tonight. Once jou do, I want jou to take zhese. Take zhem after jou eat, three times a day, and zhis before you sleep tonight. If it does not cure by the next two days, I will give jou more to help with it. Understand?"
"Yea..thank you medic."
"Of course, take care of jourself more...and get more sleep for God's sake mein liebe."
• are you surprised he guessed your fever before it even occurs? Yeah. are you complaining? oh fuck no.
• it's amazing how he could guess, because as he said, by tomorrow morning you had been feeling terrible. As you placed your hand on your forehead, the heat it radiated was absolutely irritating.
• when you got out of the room to get yourself some food, to your surprise medic was in the kitchen...making food?
• "Ah mein schatz jour awake, guten morgen!"
"Morning medic, what'cha makin'?"
"Breakfast of course! I am making chicken noodle soup! With the help of heavy, I cannot cook haha."
outta nowhere, Heavy just appears 😭😭
"holyshit-hi heavy!"
Medic begins to explain your diet for the day, what to eat what to avoid, what to do and what to not do, etc.
As he does, Heavy is cutting up fruits for you. Medic says fruit is good for fevers.
Once the soup is done, Medic sits you down and let's you eat. "How is it?"
"Mmm...this is soooo good babe. You and heavy did a great job, thank you!"
"Thank you Y/N. "
"I'm glad jou like it, remember your diet, okay?"
"Yeah yeah, just leave me to eat this soup already."
With a hearty laugh, he gives you a kiss on your temple as him and heavy both go their separate ways.
• he won't really spend a lot of time with you, he doesn't want to distract you so for the entire day he let's you rest up in your room as he continues his work.
• not a very passionate man when your sick, but he really just wants you to get better, don't take it to heart.
medic cannot cook LMFAOOOOO
• you went into his camper van already feeling a bit nauseous, but you decided to ignore it because you wanted to spend time with him.
• as he was ranting about how scout stole his kill, you very quickly felt the pressure build up and ran to the door, throwing up on the ground.
• he was very much surprised, it took him a second but he got up to check what happened.
• "Oh...uh...are you okay?"
"...mundy I just threw up-no, no I'm not."
"Sorry... uh...."
He's gotten sick but his parents are the ones who take care of him...HE DOESNT MMOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF OTHER PEOPLE!!! HES A SNIPER HE TAKES CARE OF PEOPLE BY SHOOTING THEM.
• runs off to medic, who is very concerned to find a distressed sniper.
"Doc...uh...Y/N...is uh...throwing up a lot. uh..."
insert awkward pause
• takes him to you as you sit by the camper with the most sad face anybody has ever seen.
• "Are jou alright? What are jou feeling?"
You tell him what you feel, bla bla all that jazz. Medic nods as you do and prescribes you with nausea, and a cough. pretty basic stuff.
yet...sniper is so worried. again, it's common illness! But...he's never taken care of anybody. Even as an adult without his parents usually he'll just let the sickness pass without a thought in his head.
He's a bit ashamed to say the least. Ashamed he can't take care of a common illness his lover is going through.
• will stay with you all day and make sure you have everything you need. if you feel like throwing up again he'll get you some ginger tea to help soothe it.
• will go to medic personally while your chilling and ask for tips, and medic ends up rambling about illnesses to sniper. sniper is intrigued but weirdly interested??
"And for colds, jou want to make sure zhey are warm. BUT NOT TOO WARM! rambles on"
"Ah..." He says as he nods along.
• sniper tells medic he feels a bit ashamed not being able to take care of a simple illness, Medic comforts him and tells him it's fine and reassures him that it's nothing to be ashamed of. (this is a weird friendship ik but it's cute hehe)
• he does everything medic tells him, and does a really good job! Thanks to them, your all well now.
• mundy doesn't need to be worried because now he knows how to cure the ill!! Yayyyyy
he doesn't know how to take care of a sick person LMFAOOO LOSER (make out with me mundy)
• you hadn't left your room all day, heck he didn't even know if you were awake or not.
• feeling a bit worried, he knocked on your door.
knock knock
he waits for a bit, then the door shuffles to open revealing you. but, you look different.
the red puffy nose? those tired eyes? and the way you so loosely stood? oh your sick, doesn't take an idiot to figure that out.
"Y/N, are you sick?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"It's a small flu, it'll pass Spy."
"Hm, no."
• will ask if he can come in and as he does, you both sit down on the edge of your bed as he asks you tons of questions.
"Have you drunk any medication?"
"Yeah, once I woke up I felt pretty sick so I went to medics and he said it was best for me to rest."
"Good, have you eaten yet?"
"No, not yet."
"..I see."
silence falls between you two until he stands up and walks out of the room without a word.
"Spy? Uh...Spy where are you going?"
"Save your voice cherie, I'm going to make you a meal. Do not leave the room."
"Oh! Uh...okay."
• then he goes, leaving you in the room. it's a bit endearing how quickly he is to make you some food just by hearing the fact you need to eat.
• meanwhile, spy is in the kitchen making the most tasty chicken soup any man has ever laid their eyes on. oh my god just describing it is making my mouf water rn...yum
• scout and demoman walk into the kitchen, scout starts to bother him and demoman is trying to get a taste of the soup.
"Didn't know you could cook, Spy. You could've been making us food all this time but you really put Engie ta do all da work? wowwww, what a friend you are." rambles on
spy is too focused on his soup to care at the moment, chopping up vegetables to put in it
demo is drooling rn trying his best not to just take a big spoonful sip of it
In the end, spy just goes off with the soup and whatever is left he stores safely and threatens anyone that eats it a butterfly knife to the back of their heads. (He's saving it for you incase you want seconds.)
Now he's back in your room, a tray in his hands with soup and a fucking tea kettle with a cup.
He places it on your bedside table, as he hands you the soup. When you take it, he starts to gently pour some herbal tea into the cup for you.
When you take a sip of this soup, all your five senses activate and its like going through a delicious savory heaven of flavor. He's such a good cook, whyd he hide that talent?
The tea stays on the tray, as he leans by the door to watch you eat, smirking as your expression turns from tired into a happy one. He's quite proud of himself.
"Spy...this is so fucking good. What the hell...cook for me more? Oh my god...im drooling."
He chuckles, his voice low. "If you ask nicely then maybe I'll oblige, mon couer."
You almost splurt out your soup, he manages to make your cheeks heat up even when your sick. What kind of man says that sort of thing? Spy, spy is.
• will listen to you blabber and compliment his soup expertise, when you ask for seconds, he gets very giddy on the inside.
• for the entire time you get sick, he comes to you when you need a meal or when you need anything. You need tons of rest when you have a flu, he knows that. So, as much as he wants to hold you and cradle you in his arms, he has to leave you be.
• He doesn't want to get infected, if so, who will take care of you?
• though after, he will envelop you in kisses. Saying how much he missed your lips on his. Buys you a gift for being so well when your sick. Honestly, this guy is crazy with gifts.
spy 💘
sorry if some were longer than others!! I probably just didn't know what to add. Anyways, SORRY AGAIN for not posting much. Shit has been TOUGH man. But, I'm gonna write a ton for the next couple of weeks so leave your TF2 requests in my inbox!! I'm always up for ideas :)
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mango-fizz · 11 months
16 and 22 with, Shiver of course :)
why did u give me the hardest questions djfhsjfbsjrhwnfbsb ok for 22 shiver's lowest point is whatever the fuck happened here
second for number 16 i dont know if i have any childhood hcs ? honestly? i think theres some backstory stuff but idk how much is canon and how much is fanon, but one hc i do have is that shiver's tentacles were longer when they were younger and they cut them. i think thats it sjfhsjdhsbd i did write this one vent fic a while ago ahaha i guess it could count as a hc ! (???)
"Hey, Shiv!" Frye hoists herself up and sits cross-legged on the windowsill. 
Shiver is at her desk sobbing into her hands.
Frye frowns. "You good?"
Shiver looks up at her through her tentacles, face scrunched up and streaked with tears. She starts crying again at Frye's expression and buries her face in her arms. 
Frye furrows her eyebrows. She lowers herself from Shiver's window and approaches the desk. The paper closest to her is marked with a big red 96%. Frye recognizes it as the essay assignment from last week.
She spots another one, this one marked 82%. Another, 91%. Lastly, the paper in front of Shiver is half-written, somewhere along the first body paragraph, but it's hard to tell with them sobbing all over it.
"It's awful," they blubber. 
"But all of these are good, though."
"No, they're not! I've never written a worse essay in my life."
Frye briefly skims the papers. "Looks pretty good to me. You got good grades on all of these."
Shiver pulls at their tentacles, "No. I hate it, I hate writing essays so much. I knew I would be struggling with this class but I didn't think it'd be like this." They press their forehead against the surface of the desk. "It didn't used to be this difficult. I didn't used to struggle like this. I was always just… good at everything."
Frye doesn't really know what to say to that. Luckily, she doesn't have to, because Shiver keeps going. She sits next to them patiently.
"I was good at everything, so I never had to try. And now I'm actually struggling, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to do this," Shiver gestures at the paper in front of her.
"A-and- and I feel terrible for thinking that way, y'know? I feel lazy. I feel so fucking disappointed in myself. I didn't used to be this lazy. But if I really was lazy, it wouldn't bother me this much, right?"
She wipes her eyes. "My mom wants me to take more difficult classes. Where they make me write more essays. And I hate writing essays more than anything. But she keeps saying I have so much potential, and that I can do it if I just try," her voice cracks. Frye hands her a tissue. She accepts it gratefully.
"She says I can do it if I just try, but I'm tired of trying. I'm tired of the expectations. I'm tired of always feeling like I'm just waiting to disappoint someone. I just want to be average for once. We argue a lot about this, and that makes me feel worse."
"I don't think you necessarily have to be the best. It's okay to just be you," Frye smiles encouragingly and pats her arm.
Shiver sniffs. "Thanks." 
"It's also okay to not want to take harder classes. I mean, no one wants to, so I totally get you," she adds with a giggle. "Tons of people don't take em, and they turn out fine."
"But I'm not just anybody, Frye. I'm-- I'm perfect--"
"Nuh uh! None of that!" She grabs Shiver by the shoulders. "You'll be fine. You don't wanna take hard classes? That's fine! You don't wanna write essays? That's fine too! I don't either! So please don't be too hard on yourself. You're only looking out for your health, I promise you're not disappointing anyone. We'll figure it out, okay?"
Shiver nods.
"Speaking of which, we're gonna be the freshest new band in the Splatlands, so who cares what your mom says!? You don't need essays to be cool!" Frye pumps her fists in the air. Shiver smiles slightly.
"Thanks, Frye. I appreciate it, really." 
Frye smiles back. "That's what friends are for, right? Now c'mon. Forget those papers and let's go practice our vocals." She gets up and rips one of the sheets in half.
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 9
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Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
For the first time in your life, you awoke in your own pool of sweat and with the fresh thoughts of Bucky as he managed to scoop you up with his strong lean arms and take you right then and there at the kitchen counter in your wild, vivid memory of dreams.
You blamed Nat for this. If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't even have inappropriate thoughts towards Bucky. Yes, you did notice his strong masculine exterior, jaw sharp as a killer's knife, body as strong as a boulder, and legs that could easily kill but did you have any thoughts on advancing towards him? No, absolutely not. He was Peter's stepbrother for crying out loud. But last night, something changed in the laws of physics. It was as if two resting bodies silently reacted to one another without a sudden force acting upon the two.
That morning, you didn't dare find out if Bucky was still in your apartment. You skipped your morning run and headed up towards the rooftop using the ladder right outside your window with a hot cup of coffee in your hand (which spilled a bit on the way up, by the way) and enjoyed the scent and sight of the dirtier part of New York City -- all its damp, cigarette covered pavements.
For the next few days, you saw no sign of Bucky. He hadn't been in the bar or in your apartment, as much as you wished he would stop by once in a while. But then, you would hear Peter talk to him on the phone every single night.
You never thought Bucky's lack of presence would start to bother you. It wasn't just the feelings of sudden desire you had for him but also the weird time you shared together -- as if you were just old friends catching up. You found it absolutely crazy how a lot of things just happened in the course of a day.
You wanted to ask Peter about Bucky's whereabouts, just a casual slip of "Hey, where's Bucky?" but you never dared to ask. So when Peter blabbed during a movie night that Bucky had been way too busy managing some business meetings, gatherings, and whatnots ever since he got back in the city, you were more than glad.
Nat had been coming to the bar every night ever since Tuesday, picking up extra shifts. She kept badgering you about Bucky this and Bucky that. She was one of the reasons why you couldn't keep Bucky out of your head. Her sudden long shifts at the bar wasn't only because she was so invested with your nonexistent dating life or, to her, a possibility of one with Bucky, but because she and Steve were secretly hooking up. Of course, she didn't tell you that. It's not like she needed to, anyway. It only took one sniff of Steve's strong scent on hers for you to find out.
Every passing day at the bar felt so slow and the same. The only thing that changed was Peter rejecting a drink on one Thursday night.
"Woah, what got your knickers on a twist?" You asked as soon as he approached the counter.
"I'm just not in the mood, y/n." He sighed. "Can I just have a glass of water, please?"
"Of course. Coming right up." You slid the glass of water on the counter towards him, your fingers drumming against the thick wood. "So, what's bothering you?"
He looked up at you with sulky eyes. "Oh god, you really are a bartender."
"And your best friend. So, what's up?"
He shook his head nothing, sipping the glass of water like a scotch.
His little act was unconvincing. Especially that he didn't try hard enough to conceal whatever he was feeling.
"Parker." You insisted. "Come on, what's up?"
"You see right through me, y/n."
"Don't flatter me too much," you rolled your eyes, "you're just easy to read."
But Peter was also stubborn as a bull. He wouldn't budge or give you any clue on what was bothering him. You thought that leaving him as you tended to other bargoers would eventually give him time to change his mind but you were proven wrong. It itched your brain that he wouldn't tell you whatever it was. You usually told each other everything. But then again, you haven't really been open with him with your growing desire for his stepbrother -- which, you hoped you never would, as you hoped all those feelings would eventually go away and keep it in a state of latency.
Peter stood by his ground, consuming no ounce of alcohol and keeping his mouth shut the rest of the night. You knew when to keep away from other people's business, even if it was your best friend's. You did try to make his evening lighter though, checking up on him and telling some old, classic bartender stories, seeing as he was clearly in an uncomfortable state but all he kept telling you was: "You're killing me, y/n. You're absolutely killing me."
You felt a heavy feeling on your chest with his surprisingly fierce tone. You urged him to go home after that, so he did.
"Dick." You mumbled after he left.
Nick walked towards the counter. "What's wrong with your roommate?"
"Wish I could tell you."
You and Nick have been getting along well despite you rejecting him. Nat kept telling you it was a way of manipulating you or some sort, to get you close to him but nothing has really happened ever since he asked you out. There wasn't a change in mood in the atmosphere, or even the way he treated you. Just some good colleagues working together.
The next night, Peter was more in the mood and even apologized to you for the way he behaved last night. "Now, for some great news."
"Does this mean you're having a drink?" You asked.
He nodded eagerly and patiently waited for his beer. Once he got his cold sip, he continued talking: "So, I've been really in a slump lately because I'm kind of lovesick. But then -- "
"Wait, what did you say?" You knitted your brows together, catching the last word he said. "Did you say lovesick? You son of a bitch, are you in love?"
"Language!" Out of nowhere, Steve yelled over the buzzing noises inside the bar. You snickered and he just gave you a look before he disappeared back into his office.
He is such a grandpa.
Peter chuckled. "To be honest, I have been for a very long time."
Your jaw dropped on the floor, ears all perked up, wanting to hear every detail of this. "And you never thought to tell me? Parker, I've been your best friend since forever. Why the hell wouldn't you tell me?"
"Because..." He trailed off, avoiding your stare. "It's not that big a deal."
"Okay, was this after that bitch Denise?"
"Actually, waaaay before that."
"Oh wow, that long, huh?" You replied. "Oh my god, is it someone we know from college? Shit, is it MJ?"
"No, it's not!" He replied. "And I'm not telling you who because I don't have actual plans on pursuing her." He sighed through his nose while taking a big sip of his beer. He brought down the bottle on the counter with a loud thud.
"So, it's a girl."
He grunted in reply.
You laughed. "So, why not pursue her?" You asked while multitasking. You handed a bowl of peanuts to the man beside Peter who was asking for it. "Is she taken? Does she have a boyfriend? A girlfriend?"
"No, she doesn't."
"So, why the hell not, Parker?"
You impatiently waited for an answer from Peter as it took him a couple of minutes to do so.
"Because I don't think it's a good idea. I don't think it will ever work." He answered, scratching the label on his beer bottle with much frustration. "I've thought about all the probabilities, but every single one of them ends the same."
"And what is that?"
"That it won't work out."
The thing about Peter was he never dive into things headfirst. Even though he was a dumbass, he was always a man of intellect who calculated everything in his head before committing to something.
"Why is it always statistics and probabilities and all that crap with you?" You let out an exasperated sigh. "What if for once in your life, follow your goddamn heart? You keep treating everything with a business mind. Go with what your gut tells you to do. Don't think too much about it because the heart wants what it wants, Parker."
Peter gazed at you for a few moments, perhaps finding the right words to say but he just shook his head and fought against his feelings. "I can't do it, y/n. I badly want to, like, it's already at the tip of my tongue. I badly want to tell her but I can't. I don't want to know what's gonna happen next. I'm just scared of what's gonna happen. I don't think I can take it."
As much as you wanted to convince him to go for the girl, you let it go. You've said what you had to say but it was always up to him whether he takes your advice or not. "So, what now?"
"Well now, I'm going to tell you the good news, the one you robbed me off when you batted in."
You rolled your eyes. "What's the good news, Parker?"
"Me and my colleagues will go on a corporate retreat for at least a week!"
You raised an eyebrow, writing a confused expression on your face. "How is this good news?"
"I'll be gone for a week, away from the city, away from my love problems and all that. I think it'll be good for me." Then, a smile started to form on his lips. "There, I'll leave all my worries behind."
"Parker, it's just a one-week corporate retreat, not a sabbatical." You grimaced, unimpressed with the whole thing. "You're not gonna get over this thing in just seven days."
"You don't know that." He scoffed. "I'll be a new man once I get back. You'll see."
"Sure." You replied, a hint of sarcasm laced in your tone.
"Oh, one more thing!"
"What, another corporate retreat?" You snickered, amused with all the clever remarks you were throwing at him. Peter, on the other hand, wasn't.
"No!" He gave you a look. "Bucky will look after you while I'm gone!"
Shock crossed your face. "Bucky?"
"Yes, me."
And on cue, a figure emerged behind Peter.
You were so bewildered with Peter's troubles that you hadn't noticed Bucky creeping up towards the counter. He was wearing what seemed like a navy blue tailored Hugo Boss suit, paired with a nice, sleek tie. His whole fit, illuminated by the iridescent lights made his blue eyes pop even more. Like last time, he opened up a button on his waist, tossed the end flaps in the air and sat down beside Peter on a high stool.
Watching him, you could feel the air around you tighten, paired with a clump of saliva caught in your throat. He placed his elbow on top of the counter and tucked his chin on his palm.
"B-bucky," you finally breathed, silently choking up on your own saliva, "hey, it's been quite some time."
"Hello, doll." The vowels on his words seemed to drop, accompanied by that rhythmic sound he usually does when he speaks. Oh god, one day with Bucky and I've already picked up on that, you thought. "Missed me?"
You felt some blood quickly rushing to your cheeks but you played it cool. "Don't flatter yourself, James." You pretended to get quite busy, wiping some clean glass off the counter then faced Peter. "So, what's this thing about Bucky looking after me?"
"Well, I'll be gone. You'll be alone. Bucky will look after you." Peter tried to "expound." "What's not adding up, y/n?"
You rolled your eyes at the two and scoffed, placing the glass on the counter. "No, thanks. It's just one week. I can take care of myself."
It was true. You once spent a two-week vacation all by yourself to California after high school and you came home in New Jersey without a scratch -- like a brand-new car. You walked around the place as if it was your turf, and blended in with the locals while basked in the glorious heat of the California sun.
"Bucky insisted." Peter chimed in defensively.
"Oh. Bucky insisted." You said, your gaze averting to Bucky's eyes. "Again, I appreciate the offer but I can handle myself. I'm not a baby."
Bucky, clearly amused with the whole situation, leaned back with careful eyes fixed on yours. "Come on, y/n, don't you want some company?"
"Aren't you busy with your company?" You retorted.
"Yes, I have been but not anymore." He replied. "Unless something comes up. A week without Peter must be somewhat lonely. Come on," he insisted once again, "it's also for me. It'll give me something to do for a week."
"Wait, what?"
"You guys could get to know each other better and get along!" Peter blurted. "And without me around, Bucky won't have someone to hangout with. Please, y/n? I'd feel so much better."
"Hang out? What are you guys, like sixteen?"
Your mind was still set on Bucky's last choice of words but you saved it for later.
You sighed, knowing you could never refuse your best friend's pleas. "Fine."
"Just for the record," you said, holding up a finger, "I'm just agreeing because of Peter, not because I can't take care of myself."
Peter rolled his eyes while pulling out his phone from his pocket. "Yeah, yeah, you're an independent woman. Okay, I gotta take this call. I'll be right back."
And all then there were two: you and Bucky. While making two grasshoppers for a couple of girls who just entered, you could feel Bucky's intense stare towards you. Your mind, clouded with thoughts, wished it could tap into his and take a sly look at what was going on inside.
You locked eyes as soon as you handed the girls their drinks. Bucky wearing such a neat, tailored suit made you forget about all his child-like ways in Peter's countless stories. All you saw was a man favored by all the gods and at the same time sent by the devil to test you in so many ways imaginable. You wondered if he felt the same. Of course, you weren't like him or any other people carved perfectly by the gods, but his vehement stare said otherwise.
"Are you gonna order a drink?" You asked, breaking the silence, and also your train of thoughts.
"No." He replied. "I'm good."
Peter, where the hell are you?
"Hey, y/n?"
"You look beautiful tonight."
A plain black tank top, paired with some old jeans, minimal makeup and this man just told you that you looked beautiful. "Well not just tonight. You've always been beautiful. I just hope you know that."
"Okay what has gotten into you? You're being... weird."
He shrugged. "I'm just stating facts."
You hummed, a look of confusion spread across your face. "Thank you, I guess. Y-you look good yourself. Very different from when I first met you." You chuckled.
"Well, I was naked the first time we met so yeah."
Peter got back from his phone call and for the whole night, you spent your time working your shift while Bucky and Peter moved on to play some billiards and darts as well. Nat kept shifting her eyes between you and Bucky and you just shrugged her off, flipping your middle finger on her in which she reciprocated.
The next day, Peter was all set for his corporate retreat, surprised he didn't need any help from me at all. You helped him with some of his bags towards the sidewalk ("Jesus, Parker, are you going out of the country?"). While you waited for his Uber to arrive.
"You better take care of yourself, Parker." You said, standing beside him on the side of the street. "I'm gonna miss you."
"Really? I'm gonna miss you too."
"Well, yeah, of course. You're like a little brother to me." You smiled, ruffling his brown locks even though he was taller than you.
He looked down on the pavement with a tight-lipped smile. "Right, right."
Smiling, you grabbed his hand and leaned your head on his surprisingly broad shoulders. "Come on, cheer up. You needed this, right?"
"Yes, I definitely do." He whispered. "More than you know."
A few seconds later, the Uber arrived. Before climbing in the black vehicle, you were pulled into Peter's embrace with a soft, fluttery kiss landing on your forehead. Taken aback, you just smiled at him and watched the car get tinier and tinier as it drove further.
You got back in the apartment and five minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Behind it was a smiling Bucky wearing some casual clothes. "Good morning, doll. Missed me?"
You rolled your eyes letting him inside the apartment. Closing the door behind me, you replied: "You've already used that line last night. Pick another one."
"Aw, you haven't heard the rest of it."
You went to the kitchen, grabbed some water from the fridge, and took a drink. "Which is?"
"Miss me, miss me, now you gotta kiss me."
With unsteady hands, you choked on your water and felt the liquid on your skin as soon as those words left Bucky's mouth. Great now I spilled the drink on my chest.
You turned around only to be faced by Bucky. "Now I gotta what?"
His laughter echoed in the kitchen as he backed away from you. "I'm just messing with you. So, what's for breakfast?"
He left you there standing flabbergasted, with some water dripping down your top and shorts, down to the floor. You bore your eyes into the back of his head as he turned on the television.
Bucky tilted his head towards you, eyed you up and down and finished it with a swipe of his tongue on his lower lip.
Oh, this was going to be a long week.
A long, agonizing week.
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knockknockchicagopd · 3 years
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❚❙ REQUEST BY @supervalcsi: Yayyyyy requests are open!!! Can I pretty please get random prompt #13 with my man Kevin Atwater? Thank you, so much love!!! 💕❤💕💕
❚❙ Prompts: “You could have gotten yourself killed!” “But… I didn't?”
❚❙ WORDS: about 1.2k
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to the author.
❚❙ Tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes @scarletsoldierrr @mondefantastique @that-chick212 @enbyamaro @inlovewith3 @ocetevasgirl @destynelseclipsa @jadakiss13 @mcgreads @graniairish. If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a message.
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When you woke up this morning and noticed how cold was the other side of your bed, you knew something was wrong. The lack of texts or a call from Kevin was the confirmation. You have been dating for the last three months, but you already know him better than anyone. Whenever he's not working or having a break at Molly's, he is with you. He told you he had to go to see a friend and after that, he would drive to your house. But he never came. That's what took you to the twenty-first District. You didn't know anyone there, beyond what you had heard from your boyfriend, but you were aware of who you were to look for.
Walking to the desk, you waited patiently for the old woman to attend to you. Platt. Kevin had talked about her a lot of times and, in your opinion, she didn't look that grumpy.
“How can I help you?” She asked, putting down her glasses.
“I… I need to… talk with Adam Ruzek”.
She raised an eyebrow with curiosity, quickly noticing your nerves and the way your eyes became crystal, at the edge of the tears. Her gesture turned abruptly, nodding with parted lips before stepping out from the desk to guide you upstairs through a fence. You were almost shaking when you reached the top floor. Recognizing Kevin's best friend instantly, after seeing some pictures together, you ran towards him to wrap your arms around him. You broke into bitter crying, while your boyfriend's partners looked at Platt waiting for an explanation.
“Huh… you okay?” The man asked confused, stroking your back in an attempt to calm you.
Hardly sniffing, barely breathing, you pulled yourself away trying to form a phrase with sense to explain your paranoia. A brunette girl offered you a kleenex, as a blonde one helped you to sit on a chair. Burgess and Upton. You were very sure. The other men at the other extreme of the place were Dawson, Olinsky, and Voight.
“I am… Kevin's girlfr—girlfriend. I think he's missing”.
You cleaned the tears wetting your cheek, while Kim squatted close to you. Everybody was confounded and disconcerted because of your affirmation. Because of both.
“He texted me telling me he'd go to see a friend and the—then... he'd come to my house. But he didn't come. He didn't text me or anything. I… I know how it sounds. I know it sounds crazy, but… he never shut his phone off…”
“What hour was when you talked to him for the last time?” Ruzek whispered thoughtfully.
“Eight o'clock”.
Your eyes went straight to the sergeant, to his boss. He saw the desperation in your eyes. He saw you were telling the truth and, for him, it was strange that Kevin hadn't come to work yet. It was almost ten in the morning.
“Burgess, stay with her and give her something warm to drink. Everyone else; I want Atwater's phone and car signal. Let's find him”.
Soon, the whole department was patrolling the city, even looking under the stones. Officers walked from one place to another making phone calls, checking security cameras, triangulating every move Kevin could do last night… Anything to locate him and bring him back. Apparently, all his friends agreed with your paranoia, turning it into reality when Adam received a call on his undercover phone. But Burgess didn't let you hear it, closing the door after abandoning the small kitchen separated from the work zone.
You were a bundle of nerves not being able to stop sobbing, feeling a strong headache growing in the center of your forehead. Just by thinking that something had happened to him, the pressure within your chest contracted your lungs and closed your throat. No one noticed before you did. What if you hadn't given it any importance? Sitting on the sofa and nailing your elbows on your lap, you covered your face with both hands. You couldn't hold the furious and frustrated tears for any longer. Even if you didn't have a reason to, you were feeling guilty.
The incertitude was driving you crazy as the hours continued passing away without any news about Kevin. You could see his Unit working through the large window, trying to read lips to figure out what was happening. But nothing. You were good at serving drinks, not being a detective. The sensation of being useless was killing you. The only thing you wanted to do was to help, but Kevin's boss asked you to wait there for them before leaving the building.
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It's almost noon when you hear voices and steps again coming closer, going upstairs. You can't help but jump from your seat to open the door of the kitchen, trying to recognize Kevin's voice, but you don't. Their partners appear on the scene with satisfied smiles on their faces and you don't know what it means until they open the way for your boyfriend, walking behind them. He looks exhausted, but he isn't hurt. Your lips start to tremble about to cry when he raises his eyes towards you and you can't feel your heart stopping for a second.
Taking some steps closer, you don't question why their friends leave you alone continuing their way through another door at the right of the stairs. You want to say sorry for coming to the District because maybe a call would be enough, but you couldn't wait. Even so, you're aware that if it hadn't been for you, he probably would be missing yet.
“I was worried”. You babble rubbing your hands and biting your bottom lip.
But Kevin doesn't reply, going straight to you to place his arms around your body, embracing you with the strength he has left after all that has happened. You break into a soft cry, a happy one for finally having him back. Safe and sound.
“It's okay, baby… It's okay”. He whispers trying to comfort you, tilting his head to place some kisses on your temple. “I got you really spoiled, uh…? I don't text you and you think I've been kidnapped”.
Gulping a loud laugh, you nod pulling yourself away a little. Luckily, you weren't wrong and his friends didn't think you were crazy.
“Why did you go alone? You could have gotten yourself killed…”
“But I didn't”. He jokes drawing a funny gesture, turning it after in a brief smile. “You were protecting me, weren't you?”
“Kev… I just…”
“You did the right thing coming here, okay? I'm not angry, or upset”.
Your boyfriend cups your cheeks onto his palms, leaning forward to press his lips on yours, pecking them once and once before spreading kisses all around your face.
“Lemme take you home, alright? You've earned all my attention for today”.
“I will take care of you today”. Shaking your head as you sniff, you hug him again as much tightly as you can, not wanting him to be separated from you another time. “I… I love you, Kev”.
“I love you too, (Y/N). You can't really imagine how much. What you've done today… I'm sure other girls would've thought I just ghosted them. But you came here and put my friends to work”.
“I'm more like the psychotic kind of girlfriends”.
“Yeah, you have mobilized more than eighty cops to find me. Should I be scared?” The jokingly on his voice, while he raises both eyebrows, makes you laugh cleaning your tears with the fist of your sleeves.
“Maybe just a little…”
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Look!! Another dead bird for you!!
Okay, have you seen Wolf Children? Because that's my thought process here. One of Jekyll's parents was a cat-shifter and Jekyll inherited that ability. When he gets emotional he can start transforming, so at times he might have to hastily smooth his hair back in an attempt to hide a sudden cat ear or something. Nobody knows what he is because his human parent was kinda sorta ashamed about him, so he's hidden it all his life.
Just.. Cat Jekyll napping in Maijabi's lap. He feels so guilty because no one knows it's him but Maijabi pets so gently and coos at him in a language he isn't quite fluent in and he feels so safe. Cat Jekyll going to injured Lodgers to purr and nuzzle them. Cat Jekyll pointedly knocking things off of tables that could very well end in Lodger stupidity if left intact. Cat Jekyll climbing Adam/Creature and he is so enamoured with this little animal that doesn't fear him in the slightest.
Okay but also Jekyll slipping up in human form. He slow blinks at Jasper and Maijabi and Zosi and everyone else he likes. He starts to purr whenever he's happy and scrambles to cover it with a cough. He plays with string and gets tangled in it. He hears someone mention that Jekyll Jr. looks a bit funny with his curled ears and bob tail and just grumbles 'that's a standard appearance for Highlander cats, you arseholes-'
Does he bring people dead animals? Does Hyde? Hyde definitely would, just 'oh there's Rachel! I'm gonna put a dead mouse in her pocket :3' and she gets a feelimg of deja vu because it feels like Hyde's pranks but cats don't prank do they?? Cat Hyde showing off his new injuries proudly to the others then trying to run away when they try to patch him up because NO, he wants them to SCAR so he can look TOUGH.
If you go the Jekffin route, maybe Griffin's cat is normally skittish of others but just.. adores Jekyll. They're always rushing to greet him and rub on his legs and Jekyll just understands their body language and needs so well and is so patient with them and ah FUCK, he's crushing on Jekyll, god this is the worst-
Y'all at this point I get so many dead critters from you guys I could make a tiny graveyard sdfsdf
I have not seen wolf children but in all fair honesty, it looks like something my weeb-friend-trying-to-force-me-to-watch-anime would force me to watch <3 ANYWAYS. Still love that idea. Ooohohoho I don't know what's better, his father being the catshifter and his mother being deeply ashamed of the relationship combined with the premarital stuff bc of societal rules (hence why she was immediately scolding Henry for that dead bird) or his mother being the catshifter in a classic fairytale-esque way but being ashamed of it herself or knowing the father is ashamed about it, trying to hide all cat-ness with both her and Henry... Mmm, angst and parental trauma my beloved <3
...My brain immediately started thinking Henry's father getting seduced by a catshifter, accidentally fathering Henry, only for the catshifter to leave bby Henry on his doorstep and then just... Fuck off into the woods again. Does not make sense bc Henry has a mo- NO WAIT. OOHOH I GOT A BRANCH IDEA. His father already being married when Henry was born or his father marrying when he already had Henry, but telling Henry that his wife is his mom and that Henry was cursed from birth and that's why he can transform into a cat? Idk if Highlanders can be black but especially if he is a black cat??? ohoohohhoho ...Maybe that's why Morcant took such a liking to him immediately when they met, because he was supernatural? oohohoOHOO
I also just want to imagine that, despite his catness, his parents still loved him, even if they were a bit ashamed of who he was. Bby Jekyll having nightmares and it made him so upset he is stuck in cat form for a bit, creeping down the stairs to find his parents in the living room in front of the fireplace, him slowly creeping up on them and his parents immediately cuddling and doting on him when they see him... <3 (also this is just a bit of a branch, any other idea /idea for how Henry's relationship w his parents are welcome! <3)
I'm half if Maijabi should know about Jekyll being the cat bc of his spirit eye or not, bc that is used so much in my aus that it's kinda becoming cliche so I'm going to use the route that he doesn't. Just finding this lil cat with funny ears and a bobtail and immediately taking a liking to it. Debating adopting him because he knows that Jekyll would not have had the heart to kick Jr out if he has already adopted him. Scratching him under his chin and being the only one allowed to rub his belly. Henry getting so used to Maijabi's cuddles that the moment he is near him (in cat form) he stands on his hind legs and reaches his front legs up like a child wanting to get picked up and Maijabi always chuckles and picks him up, resting him against his shoulder. Henry sometimes getting a bit possessive bc Maijabi is his favorite lodger and tries to groom his beard and hair because it's always so wild. Maijabi just getting used to carrying a basket around or an extra shirt where JR can hang in bc he is so clingy and always wants attention. The Lodgers joking that Jekyll JR can sense sadness like a shark can smell blood and immediately rushes towards them to cuddle the everloving fuck out of them. The Lodgers cooing over him and telling him that he is so smart when he accidentally saves them from disaster, making sure to give him extra treats. Henry prowling the Society where he suddenly meets Adam. Adam stops dead in his tracks, having never seen this tiny cat before and being thoroughly confused as to why he isn't running away from him. Henry immediately walking up to him and rubbing his face against his leg, Adam hesitantly crouching down and reaching out his hand and Henry continues to happily sniff them and rub his face against them in that "I'm going to rub my teeth against your hand so you are mine now and you can't do anything about it" kinda way, Adam being close to tears bc this is the first time a living thing hasn't immediately run in fear away from him, Henry immediately using him as a stepping stool and climbing his arm until he can lounge over his broad shoulders, which quickly becomes his favorite nap spot.
(Adam secretly being very very amused when this tiny lil cat loves him immediately but hisses at Frankenstein)
Catboy Henry my beloved <3 Henry often not noticing how long he lets his nails grow until he accidentally scratches a Lodger (or the Lodgers clip his claws in cat form and it suddenly feels like his nails are going down to his bone. He never forgives them for that, even if he reluctantly accepts the treats). Loving to run his hand through his own hair with the perfect excuse that he is just making sure it doesn't get in his eyes. Him being so caught up in an experiment he doesn't notice that happy little butt wiggle he makes when he is focused. Him just being very loud and very yelly whenever someone isn't listening or giving him attention (although it's much more whiney and "PaaaaYyYYY aaaAAaAattention to meeEEeEEeEEE" kinda way). Just... Oh my god. Such an adorable lil bastards sjdfhsjdfh jshd <3<3<3
I have a feeling his instincts would get the best of him and he would start hunting the rodents around the Society when he is bored or hungry. Sometimes he sees a Lodger staying up late and the cat in him decides that they are not taking care of themselves and if they aren't taking care of themselves, they need food. Or that they have done such a good job and they deserve a reward. Maybe the longer he stays in cat form the more he gets into that "cat mindset" and doesn't realize what he just did until he is human again. Just... Drags a dead mouse over to a Lodger, jumps onto their table, proudly sets it down, and yells for them to get a snack. Maybe he would do a good job at hunting the invisible mice around the Society? Hyde definitely would hunt and bring in dead animals just because, although mostly bc he wants to show off his hunting skills. Him parading injuries and running away when people try to help him is so on brand sdfsdfsdfs
Griffin's cat loving Henry more than Griffin my beloved <3 Griffin realizing quite quickly that if he can't find his cat, they're with Henry. Griffin being so confused as to why his cat was never scared of Henry when they were even scared of Maijabi and Lavender. Griffin wondering if his cat genuinely fell in love with Jekyll JR bc he always finds them cuddled up together. Would Henry be able to understand Griffin's cat and be able to speak with them? Would he understand other animals as well? Jekyll and Cat having a deep conversation about the best lodger to cuddle or who gives them the best treats <3
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cherry-gemz · 3 years
The City by The Bay: Part IV
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Summary: Fates push you and a handsome and known stranger into each other's paths. His chivalry and good looks make you take a leap into his world and more.
Catch up HERE
Pairing: Keanu Reeves x Y/N (F!Reader)
Word Count: 4k
Rating: Mature, N*FW, 18+ only please, TW Motorcycle accident
A/N: Was thirsty AF and ended up smutting this fic up 😂. We take a turn that I was not expecting...
A/N2: Excerpts from an interview are in bold, taken from here: https://www.keanu-reeves.net/post/162864242206/abdominal-scar-keanu-reeves-first-big-spill-came
Who might be interested: @whiskeyslullabye ​ @marissat1998 @aestheticallywinchester ​ @fookingbetch
It all happened so fast. The rain felt like pellets on your back and the wind sprayed the droplets onto your face, making the strand of your hair stick to your forehead. You had to close your eyes for just a second and that's when Keanu swerved out of the way as a black BMW ran the stop sign ahead. He maneuvered the bike as best as he could. With all his years of training, he was the best probability if ever you were to be in an accident. 
But as he jerked to the right, the slickness of the pavement made the grip of the tires useless and he lost control. 
"Keanu!" You yelled and held tight to his waist and buried your face in his jacket.
"Hold on!" He shouted back and slowed down as best he could. He released his grip and instead grabbed you into a tuck and roll. He grasped you in his possession and shielded you from the fall. 
You felt the impact to the ground instantaneously and prayed that the pain that seared through the impact would be temporary. You heard him grunt loudly as he took the majority of the fall for you. The scrap of metal reverberated in your eardrums and you grimaced at the thought of damaging his beloved motorcycle. The rain pounded harder onto your laying bodies on the street. You could hear cars whizz by and the splash from their tires against the curb. You were frightened, out of your element. But also reassured from his protection. He had given up the bike in efforts to make sure you were safe. You felt a sense of relief that he cared like that, but then also remorse as you were worried about his favorite motorcycle. 
He groaned as he held you tight, "Y/N? Are you okay?"
His voice shaken as you nod and sniff, the helmet heavy on your pounding head. He let out a sigh of relief. 
"What about you?" 
He nods, "Yeah...I'm alright." He groaned again and you could tell he was saving face. 
The two of you lay there for a few seconds and you hear people slowly approaching. 
"Omigosh, are you guys okay?" A stranger asks.
"That guy came out of nowhere!" Another pipes up. Keanu says you are and the tinnitus hits for a second and you're unable to hear what is going on. 
The garage door’s rollers rumbled as it closed and you both walked into the house, sheltering yourself from the downpour.
Keanu peels his leather jacket and places it in the foyer as well as his boots. You slip your shoes off and place your purse on a chair and slip off your jacket, laying it next to his. 
"This day is just out of this world," he says and shakes off the excess rain from his hair. He groaned as there's a stiffness to his shoulder blade. He massages it with his hand and tries to loosen the muscle unsuccessfully. 
"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? I'd feel a lot better. They could take a look at your shoulder and check for any internal bleeding…"
He shakes his head no, "It's okay, Y/N. I've been in far worse accidents in my lifetime. I'm just glad you're okay...I don't know what I'd do had you gotten hurt."
You smile slightly at his endearment, but feel guilty still. 
"And the bike, it's not too much damage?"
"Nah, just a little buffering out here and there," he replies as he holds his shoulder with his opposing hand. 
“Let me start a fire and give you some extra clothes. By this time tonight you’ll have gone through my whole wardrobe,” he jokes as you snicker. 
He gazes at you momentarily and you shiver slightly, springing him back to reality. “Be back.”
You nod and peer down the hallway admiring some architecture photographs of the house. 
You’re reminded this isn’t his actual house, that he’s most likely renting it while on his project, but you’re still enamored. You're still in his presence. No one will believe your serendipitous encounter with the movie star. It all feels like a dream anyway. You rub your forearm and try to gain some heat, but your jeans are soaked and it’s difficult to move around.
“Keanu?” you call out down the hall.
“Yeah?” he shouts back.
“Sorry, I’m just freezing…” you cringe and you feel like you’re being a nuisance.
He appears around the corner, changed into black sweats. He's kept his white t-shirt on from earlier and even though he's in a casual form, it's intimate. 
"Here, I found some extra sweats," he says and hands you a pair of grey pants. "Do you need a sweater?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty chilled," you reply as you accept the pants. "I'm just gonna go change, that okay?"
"Sure, by all means. I'll be in the living room with that sweater," he says and you turn around to go change your clothes.
A short while later you walk down the hall in his oversized sweats, still wearing his black shirt from before as well and you bite your lip from beyond belief that you're spending the whole day with him. 
You hear the crackle of the fireplace as you enter the open spaced living room. He's sitting on the leather couch facing the fire with a glass of red wine in hand.
He turns his attention to you as you enter, "Hey." He gets up slowly as you can tell he's in a bit of pain and hands you a black ARCH hoodie and a glass of red wine. 
"Thank you," you flirt as you pull the hoodie over your senses and are enlightened with the hint of his cologne: woodsy, warm, and ephemeral. You could die right there and be in bliss.
"Not too early for wine, is it?" He asks genuinely. 
"No, definitely not," you smile and bring the glass to your lips and take a sip. 
"Good, I think we deserve it from what we've been through."
"Thanks for this...and the fire. It's all very inviting."
"Of course. I'd be beside myself if you caught a chill on my account."
You nod and he ushers you to the couch, placing his hand gently on the small of your back.
"My sweatshirt looks good on you," he says and you notice some blood on the back of his shoulder blade. 
"Oh no, Keanu…" you say and place the wine glass on the end table. 
He takes a sip and looks back to you, "Yeah?"
"There's...there's blood on your shirt. You hurt yourself from the fall."
"Really? I didn't feel anything," he peers over and tries to take a look. 
"Do you have a first aid kit?"
"I think there is one in the kitchen…" he slowly gets up and you grab his forearm. 
"No, let me. You have given me enough hospitality to last a lifetime. It's the least I can do. Drink your wine and relax."
He grins and relents as you head to the kitchen. You rummage around and finally find a kit underneath the sink. 
"Alright, now are you going to be a good patient?" You say and cock your brow. 
"No promises," he laughs and shakes his index finger at you. 
You sit next to him on the leather couch, "Alright, let's see the damage."
He peels his shirt off from the collar as all men do, least they are aware of how sexy the act is. You try not to hitch a breath, but your eyes wander as the peep of his ab muscles are exposed and his shoulders are defined and hard. 
You see the cuts from his shoulder and open the kit for an antiseptic. 
"What's the verdict, doc?" He asks as he holds his crumpled shirt in his hand and drinks his wine with the other.
"You'll live," you kid as you grab a cotton ball and apply the antiseptic to it and lightly dab it on his cuts. 
He flinched slightly, but refrained from making any movements. 
"So tell me about your other accidents," you ask as you continue first aid.
"Hmm, well once as I was going through the canyon, I lost control and got this," he points to a thick scar rising vertically up his stomach.
You frown and continue to gently cleanse away the blood from his back. 
"That was in LA?"
"Yeah, I call it a demon ride. That’s when things are going badly. But there’s other times when you go fast, or too fast, out of exhilaration.” 
"Were you speeding? I heard that canyon has insane blind spots," you ask and add an ointment to his cuts.
"Heh, you could say so. The turn I hit was unexpected. I remember saying in my head, ‘I’m going to die.’"
"Shit, Keanu…"
He shakes his head,“I remember calling out for help. And someone answering out of the darkness, and then the flashing lights of an ambulance coming down. This was after a truck ran over my helmet. I took it off because I couldn’t breathe, and a truck came down. I got out of the way, and it ran over my helmet.”
"So why do you still ride?" You laugh. "That would have scared me for life."
"Well, it taught me something. Something not to do, y'know? Something that taught me how to react with what happened today? Today I leaned into the turn when the car came out and released the break. If I hadn't had that experience in the canyon, I wouldn't be the rider I am today."
"Well I'm glad you're okay...from that ride...from any ride you have trouble with."
"Thanks...I'm glad, too. While I probably have some wild rides left in me, I wouldn't ever want to place you in danger."
You both are still and quiet from his words. The fire continued to crackle and you looked through the kit for gauze and tape. 
You cough into your fist and are slightly embarrassed that he would say something so sweet as that to you. You hardly knew each other, but he had a sense of genuine care and kindness towards you. Your feelings for him grew, he obviously was very handsome and kind. But he had a sense of an old soul in him that you wanted to get to know further. You hoped in your heart that this wouldn't be the last time seeing him.
"I find your presence extremely comforting, if I can say so," he turns his head to you.
You ask as you place the gauze over his injury and seal it with surgical tape. Your fingertips lightly graze the outer parts of the tape where it meets his skin and you savor the moment. "All done here."
"Thank you," he smiles and reaches for your hand. 
"I know we just met, but you're so easy to talk to Y/N. I know I have a persona that people see being a celebrity and all, but while that is a side of me, there are also other sides. And I'm not afraid to show them to you."
As he leaned in and turned his torso, it caught your breath. The first aid kit wobbled in your lap as you sat on your knees. 
"What I want to say is that, I like you...I think you're very beautiful and incredibly sexy…"
"Keanu…" you whisper as he continues closer to you. 
"Y/N...I'd like...I'd like to kiss you..." he turned his neck and looked into your eyes and then at your lips. He was so subtle in his movements, a gentleman. You nod, without having the ability to speak at the moment, and close your eyes as he places his lips onto yours. 
There is heat surging through your body; jolts of excitement and wonder encompass your surroundings. He cups your face with his large hand and you instantly melt. He tastes of wine and rain: two of your now favorite things. The unexpected feelings engulf your inner core and you want more. He invites your tongue and opens his mouth slightly, changing the sweet kiss with more intensity. Both of his hands cup your face now and your hand roams down his biceps to his torso. 
"This isn't like a normal thing for me," you say in a heavy breath as your lips separate from his.
"What isn't?"
"Kissing someone I just met…and definitely not this..." you gasp as he kisses the nape of your neck. 
You sit up slightly and the first aid kit tips over and drops to the floor. Unphased, you wrap your legs around him into a straddle on the couch. He's surprised by this move, but doesn't relent and lightly bites your bottom lip. His hands roam from your face down to your neck and you crane it back, giving him ample opportunity to relish the soft, sensitive spot. 
He does so and places his lips on your skin, making you moan his name. 
"I don't normally do this either...but I can't help myself with you," he says. 
His other hand continues down your body and through the thickness of his hoodie, he slinks his way under your clothes and touches your breasts. 
"Uhnnh…" you moan again and he watches your enjoyment from his touch. You quickly peel off his sweater and his shirt, allowing your breasts to be fully exposed to him. Your now slightly dried hair hangs over your shoulder and he brushes it aside, giving it a kiss. You close your eyes and relish the fact that he has his lips on you. Your senses are in overload and you’ve never wanted anyone more. In the moment there is lust and the excitement of pleasure you’re wanting to experience, so you decide you want to move further. 
He trails his kisses and peppers them over your collarbone to your chest, and you hold him right in embrace. You hand lightly grazes the recent bandage and you give it a light kiss. 
"Y/N," he rasps. "Do...do you want me?" He bites your lip and you roll your eyes back for a moment. 
He brings his face back to yours and you reply, "More than you know."
A huge grin escapes his lips and ignites a growl deep within him. 
"Thank God, I want you so badly," he rasps as he holds you tight against his body. 
"Where do you…?" 
He continues to kiss your neck and his hand drifts down to your center. The baggy sweatpants give enough slack as he dives his hand and inserts his fingers. You mew and hold onto him as he tenderly tours your folds. 
"You feel so soft…" his ministrations ramp up and he enjoys watching you unfold. His deep, brown eyes locked into yours and you crane your neck back as he hits all the spots and encircles his thumb perfectly over your little nub. 
Your mind starts to spin as you let go any restraint and close your eyes as he pumps his fingers in and out. Things become a blur and a mix of sensation and pleasure intensifies; you grind against his lap and can feel his excitement grow and it only turns you on more.
“I-I’m…” you stutter as you’re close to climax and then he slowly releases his fingers. “Why are you stopping…?”
"Can I taste you?" 
Never in a million years you thought you'd ever hear him say those words. It startles you and you freeze, brushing your hair away from your face to gain composure. He plants more kisses on your chest and cups a breast in his hand. 
"Let me taste you, Y/N. I want to taste you…" he whispers and begs. The heat between you two is almost unbearable. He's ignited something within your core and you want him, you need to give into your desires or you might explode. Wild, breathless kisses are exchanged and provide ample savour.
“Yes, please,” you ask and you unhook your legs as he gently lays you back on the couch. He kisses your taught stomach and runs his large hands over your hips until he finds what he is looking for. He hooks your thigh over his good shoulder and buries his face between your legs. You buck your hips from the intense sensation of his tongue and scream out his name as the rain and thunder roll outside. 
After what feels like an outer body experience, you are able to finally breathe and lay on the couch in disbelief. 
He smiles with a cocky grin and gets up to clean his face. You rub your eyes and stretch your toes. It had been awhile, well maybe never to have experienced that sense of euphoria. He was attentive in all the right places and relished at the fact that he loved the taste of you. You discreetly blush and reach for the throw blanket to cover up. 
As you sit up, he returns with the bottle of wine and tops your glass off. 
“Thank you,” you say and make eye contact. “And thank you…”
He chuckles and kisses you tenderly on the lips. 
“I should be thanking you, I very much enjoyed it, too.”
“I can thank you in other ways, you know,” you purr and run your fingers through your hair. 
He waggled his eyebrows, “Is that so? I’d like to see in which ways…”
You take a sip of your wine and return it to the end table. As you stand, you let the throw blanket drop and expose your body to him once again. You’re braver now. What you experienced was an intimate moment together and your walls were down. You felt comfortable, sexy, and beautiful. You grab his hand to pull you closer and passionately seal your lips on his. 
He responds and holds your neck with his hand, while the other hand grabs one of your globes. His kiss is fervent and heeding; his lips are insatiable and the tongue explores your mouth. You open your eyes and as does he, with one swift motion you jump into his arms and straddle his waist. He grasps you by your inner thighs and walks down the hall to his bedroom. 
He carries you into his room and his kisses become sloppy and wet, it’s a hunger that you can tell burns within him. 
As he lays you on the bed, he trails his lips to your ear lobes and sucks on it and your eyelids flutter. 
“Keanu…” you breathe heavily as you display your sex on his bed. 
He quickly slips his pants and boxers off and you reach for his hard member and stroke it within your fingertips. He’s soft to touch and large in a way that you anticipate pleasure that will come. He grunts in approval and bites your neck softly. 
“Y/N...I want all of you...you’re so beautiful. What do you want, baby?”
You practically orgasm at the sound of him calling you baby and you moan in approval as he delves two digits into your folds. 
“I want you, too, Ke…”
He smiles, “Ke...I like that. I like you...a lot. I want you to scream my name just like that.”
You nod as he pumps harder and tantalizes your clit, sending waves of intensity all over your body. 
“Oh, yes! Ke!”
“Do we need protection, baby?” He asks earnestly and you shake your head no. 
“IUD,” you state in a breath and he nods in approval. 
He releases his fingers and you whimper softly as he slowly rubs his cock along your wet lips. 
“Uhhh, yes…” you moan and he watches the way your silky entrance throbs for him. He rubs his head in and out and you cannot take the heat that is building up inside you. 
“Baby…” you rasp and writhe as he teases you in the most sexy way. He enjoys unraveling you, the thought that he can make you unfold in his hands is his own viewing pleasure. 
He cascades his hand to your hip and then hooks your leg over his shoulder, giving him full access to his prize. He continues to rub his thumb over your clit and then with a few thrusts, inserts himself in you. Your eyes widen as your walls stretch for him; it takes a few seconds to completely allow him to go deep, but he’s given plenty of foreplay and pleasure that you invite all of him to enter you. You arch your back in agreement with his thrusts and you both moan in pleasure. 
“Ke…” his name rolls off your tongue as he picks up his pace and thrusts harder. He leans over you, still holding your leg on his shoulder and kisses your calf tenderly. It’s a beautiful moment and you love how he caresses your leg, all in while thrusting in and out in a rhythmic game. He holds your ankle and continues his kisses until you pull him to you and plant your lips on his. 
“C’mere,” you coo and rake your fingers through his hair. Besides the few grunts you both make while becoming one, the rain hits the window pane and is seared in your memory. 
“I love your breasts,” he says as he watches them playfully bounce with his set pace of thrusts. 
You cock your brow and cup them in your hand, “Do you?” you ask devilishly and massage them as his mouth widens in a state of complete adoration. 
“That’s not fair, let me…” he responds and replaces your hands with his mouth. His thrusts become faster and harder, each time stretches your walls and the euphoria kicks in. 
You shout and let go all inhibitions as your toes curl in utter bliss. Your walls tighten further and your body shakes as he rides you through, a tidal wave of pleasure surges your body. 
 He holds the small of your back as you arch yourself on the bed and murmurs praises into your shoulder as he comes and releases himself. He crashes his lips onto yours and stays in you as you both recover. He brushes your hair away from your face and looks deep into your eyes and smiles. 
"That was amazing," he grins and slowly pulls out. He collapses next to you and breathes in heavily. "Are...was everything alright?"
You giggle at his concern, "It was far better than alright. It was perfect."
He rolls to his side and props his head with his bicep. You cuddle yourself next to him and wrap his grey duvet around your body. 
"You're pretty perfect," he replies. 
You blush and he trails his finger up and down the side of your arm.
"I was not expecting my day to be so damn fantastic," he laughs. "Who knew running into you would lead to this?"
"Me, too. I can't believe this all happened."
"But you're glad?"
"Of course," you reply and give him a kiss. He holds you close and doesn't let go. You both listen to the sound of the rain for a moment and relish being in each other's arms. You're enjoying how he is so intimate and appreciates a cuddle afterwards. 
He kisses your forehead, "I'm going to go get the wine. Do you want anything?"
"Hmmm...I'm kind of hungry."
"What? You are? We just ate!" He laughs. 
"Well I mean, you made me work up a sweat!"
"Okay, okay," he says and holds up hands. "Let me see what I can muster up. I think there is some imported cheese in the fridge. Maybe some crackers with the wine?"
"That sounds divine," you reply. "But let me."
"What? No, you're my guest."
"I insist, you have an injury," you say and place your hand on his chest, rubbing it in a circular motion. You point your finger to his face, "Stay right here. I have all day and intend to spend it in this bed, mister."
"Whatever the lady desires," he smiles and watches you saunter out of the bed. "Take that shirt if you want," he points to a battered shirt on the chair.
"Don't want me walking naked around your house?"
"There are a lot of windows," he laughs. You not and reach for the shirt.
"Be right back."
"Sounds good."
You give him a kiss and walk out of the room, knowing quite well his eyes are on you as you leave with just his shirt on. You realize your underwear is still in the living room and head over there before the kitchen. As you slip them on, you grab your glass of wine and sip it in a felicitous manner. 
You daintily skip over to the kitchen as you recall the past hour and you are cheeky and find yourself blushing. As you open the fridge, you spot the cheese and grab the bag and open it up to sneak a little piece. You hear the front door open and the ring that alerts when it does. You quizzically think to yourself why that occurred and you closed the fridge door to see a woman standing in front of you holding a manila folder. 
Your mouth stuffed with cheese you almost choke. She looks you up and down as you are wearing panties and Keanu’s shirt. 
“Um, who are you?” She demands and places her free hand on her hip. 
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"Jaskier" means "Buttercup" in Polish, and Geralt is a man in black. Princess Bride AU please? I'm new to this fandom, but yours was the first name I thought of for this. Love your works!
(okay so I almost made this a multichapter au once...here’s the first bit)
Ciri settled back against her mass of pillows and stuffed animals with an indelicate sniff, eyes squinted down at her video game console. Animal Crossing was probably the only thing getting her through this horrible cold alive. Well, Animal Crossing and some of her adoptive mother’s vile homemade ‘cold cures’. Another of which she could hear approaching up the stairs. As she suspected, a soft knock sounded at the back of her door and she heard Yennefer’s voice calling softly, “Are you awake in there?”
“Yeah,” Ciri rasped. “I’m still alive, too.”
“Thank goodness,” another familiar voice chuckled. Cirilla’s face lit up and she dropped the Switch into her lap, Tom Nook’s million-bell debt quickly forgotten. 
“I’ve been invited to visit the little patient,” Vesemir smiled indulgently, pushing the door open and stepping inside. He held up something rectangular and covered in plain brown parchment paper. “And I brought a present.”
“Cool!” Animal Crossing was tossed to the wayside as Vesemir handed the hefty gift to Ciri, who ripped the paper from it with wild abandon. “Nifty! It’s a book.”
“Yes, it is a book,” Vesemir nodded. “Wonderful observation my dear. It’s the same book that my father used to read to me when I was young and sick in bed. It’s a family tradition that I now get to pass along to you, sweet girl.”
Ciri’s eyes wandered across the cover. Curling golden script spelled out The Princess Bard. “What kind of book is it? Are there any fights? How about horses? I’ve been reading a lot about sports lately, are there any sports?”
“I’m not sure about sports, but it has fencing, fighting, torture, poison, true love, hate, and revenge. There are giants, hunters, bad men, good men, beautiful ladies, escapes, chases, passion, and yes of course, there are horses. Does that sound interesting enough for you to give it a try, little princess?”
“Grandpa,” she whined, which only led to a coughing fit. He handed her a strawberry cough drop and watched as she popped it into her mouth. The relief was instantaneous and Cirilla sighed, flopping back against the pillows again.
“True love is the best thing in the world except for cough drops.”
“I guess you can read me the book,” she mumbled around the soothing candy. “And I’ll try to stay awake.”
“Very kind of you. Alright, here we go then,” Vesemir nodded. He settled into an overly large beanbag with armrests and opened the book on his lap. Ciri grabbed her favorite stuffed animal, a small brown horse, and began to stroke the faded fur as she listened to her grandfather read. “Jaskier was raised in a small castle in the country of Redania. His favorite pastimes were riding his horse and tormenting the stablehands that worked for his family. The man’s name was Geralt, but Jaskier never called him that. Isn’t that a wonderful beginning to a story?”
“Yeah, I like it,” Ciri nodded. She closed her eyes and let herself imagine the story as her Grandpa told it.
“Nothing gave Jaskier as much pleasure as ordering Geralt around…”
‘Farm boy, polish my horse’s saddle. I want to see my face shining in it by morning.’
‘Hmm. As you wish.’
As you wish was all Geralt ever said to Jaskier. 
‘Farm boy,’ Jaskier would order with that light, breathy voice of his. ‘See these buckets? Fill them with water. Please.’
‘As you wish.’
The young man was happy to realize that when Geralt said as you wish, what he really meant was I love you. He was even happier to realize that he truly loved the stablehand in return.”
Ciri blinked her eyes open. “Does it get exciting soon?”
“Just eat your cough drop and let me read, child. We’re only at the beginning.”
“Geralt had no money for marriage, so he packed his few belongings and set out to seek his fortune across the Continent. It was a very trying time for Jaskier. 
‘I fear I’ll never see you again.’
‘Of course you will,’ Geralt comforted him. 
‘But what if something happens to you? What if you never return?’ Jaskier cried, burying his face in Geralt’s neck. 
‘Hear this now,’ the man declared, holding the younger man close and looking deeply into his cornflower blue eyes. ‘I will always come for you.’
‘How can you be so sure?’ Jaskier demanded, clinging even tighter to Geralt’s shoulders, as if breaking the hug would make him disappear.
‘This is true love, do you think this happens every day?’
But Jaskier’s worries proved correct; Geralt never reached his destination. His ship was attacked by a fearsome pirate, the White Wolf, who was known to leave no captives alive. When Jaskier heard the news that Geralt was murdered-”
“Murdered by pirates is good,” Ciri perked up, resting her cheek against her hand. Vesemir shook his grey head and continued.
“Jaskier was heartbroken. He locked himself in his room and neither ate nor slept for days. He swore to himself and his parents that he would never love again; Geralt’s loss had been too painful. His heart would never be able to recover from such a blow, he was sure. 
Alas, fate had other plans for the boy. Five years after Geralt’s death at the hands of the White Wolf, the people of Nilfgaard gathered before a great castle to hear of Prince Emhyr’s recent engagement. 
The Prince stood on a great balcony, smiling widely down upon his people. The mass of bodies in the square had him high on the feeling of power and Emhyr made a grand gesture towards a small gate. ‘My people! A month from now our country will have its five-hundredth anniversary. On that day I shall marry a man who was once a commoner like yourselves.’
The gate opened and a young man stepped through. He was dressed in a light blue doublet and matching trousers. His hair was deep brown and swept back from his wide, emotionless blue eyes. Jaskier stood before the commoners of Nilfgaard, wondering how in the world he’d let himself get in this position at all. Then again he already knew the answer. He heard the Prince’s booming voice again and tried not to flinch at the sound of it, ‘I give you, Princess Buttercup!’
Jaskier was no princess. The title was merely formal, after all. A result of his engagement to Emhyr. The young man’s emptiness consumed him. While the law of the land had given Emhyr the right to choose any bride he wanted, Jaskier did not love him.”
“But...Geralt comes back, right?” Ciri asked, eyes bright with concern. “Jaskier doesn’t have to marry the prince he doesn’t like?”
“Well, let’s find out.”
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Beast Choices Chapter#5 Sister Promise (Special Part 2)
★-†Before starting this chapter, I'll recommend you to have any snack with you because this chapter is going for long, without nothing more to say.. Enjoy the Chapter!†-★
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The Next Day
Pacopolis Airport 6:00 am
All the Spheros family with the Plizetxki sisters taked a Plane to Pac Mexico
They, except by Rotunda.
During the travel Stratos had to sit next to Yeena where both meet eachother.
Stratos: So... You're Muriel's Older Sister?
Yeena: That's right, Yeena Plizetxki
Stratos: Stratos Spheros... Uhm for how Long time you didn't saw your sister?...
Yeena: i don't remember so well.. i kinda think 5 or 6 years but we were still in contact.
Stratos: Wow.. that's too long time.
Yeena: I Know we both had to focus in our own careers, we both have doctorates, me on medicine and she in psychology.
Stratos: so, you're a doctor in medicine?
Yeena: That's right.
Stratos: How many lifes did you saved?
Yeena: Hmm.. interesting question.. I saved 10 Pac persons in total, it's not much but I'm satisfied with that.
Stratos: You sound like a really Good Doctor.
Yeena: I'm not a perfect doctor because I didn't managed to save at least 5 Pac persons, I know it's less but I'm not happy for it because of how much the families of the deceased suffers for them.
Stratos: That most be frustrating and hard for you, did ya?
Yeena: It is, for it I'm always trying hard in doing my best in my work to save more lifes.
Stratos: That's really good.
Yeena: And tell me about you?
Stratos: Well I'm actually working as officiant in a company
Yeena; That sounds good, good luck with that, maybe you can be a good president for Pacopolis.
Some Hours of Travel Later..
Pac Mexico City/CDMX
12:02 PM
The Family have finally arrived in PacMexico city airport and then taked 2 Taxis (Stratos, Rotunda and Santana in one, Betrayus, Muriel and Yeena and other) to the hotel where they would stay, all of them were so tired of the travel.
Muriel: Dude I'm Hungry...
Betrayus: You too, Mury?
Yeena: Yeah.. I'm Hungry too...
Stratos: what if we go to dinner, the Hotel has an international food banquet at this hour.
Rotunda: Ohh~♪ in that case, for me it's fine, let's go Stratos.
Stratos: Yes Mom
*Both leave*
Betrayus:*mocks* Ohh~♪ Yes Mom I'll go with you~
Santana:*chuckles* Betrayus!
Muriel: Admit it.. it's funny hehehe..
Yeena: hehehe what we are laughing for?
B&M: Nothing~...
Yeena: uhh.. okay?
After the dinner the group went to rest to their respective rooms by couples: Rotunda and Stratos, Betrayus and Muriel and Yeena and Santana.
Pac Mexico City
8:25 pm
Room 69
Yeena: Are you Serious Muriel!? Oh my gosh I feel so honored!...
Muriel: Yep Girl, this is more special because you always where there for me and never gave me the back as my father and Yoona,so tell me.. would you accept to be my godmother?
Yeena: Y-Yes!! Thank you Muriel!
Muriel: No Yeena, Thank you very much for all you did for me.
Yeena; *sobs of Happiness* Muriel.. I love you.
Muriel:*hugs Yeena* and I love you too Yeena.
Santana:*sniff* you girls are so touching~
Muriel: Heheh what can I said? Yeena was always being the emotional one.
Yeena: and you the rude Muriel.
Santana: Awww...
The night passed out..
The next day, The group taked different Taxis to Xochimilco, The girls where in the same taxi with Roxy preparing Muriel for the wedding.
Roxy: and Done~, girl estás que ardes~.
Santana: I agree with you girl
Muriel: Thank you Roxy.
Yeena: What did she said?
Roxy: Oh sorry, I said girl you're in fire but in Spanish.
Yeena: Oh I see, sorry I just speak English and Korean.
Roxy: understandable.
Muriel: oh gosh.. Thank you girls.. I'm so excited but I'm nervous too.
Santana: Don't worry, just be yourself, my brother likes you as you are.
Muriel: I know.. it's just..
Suddenly Muriel's hand was trembling and becoming fluffy, Yeena noticed that and holed up her hand to comfort her as well covering her hand.
Muriel:*whispers* thanks Yeena..
Yeena:*whispers as well* you're welcome..
The taxi finally arrived to the place.
Roxy: And we arrived first than the boys!
M&S: Oh Yuss Girl!
Yeena: Excuse me.. Ms Taxi girl.
Roxy: Roxy, at your service.
Yeena: Ms Roxy, is there a restroom around here?
Roxy: it's in front here.
Yeena: Alright, thanks Roxy.
Santana: where are you going?
Yeena:.. I need to speak with my sister in private
Santana: Oh, okay
Muriel: Where are we goi-
Yeena Quickly taked Muriel to the restroom, she seemed so nervous and worried for her sister.
Muriel: Yeena.. what's wrong?..
Yeena: Muriel.. please take this.. *she said while she was holding a peace brazalet*
Muriel: a Peace Brazalet?, For what...
Yeena: too avoid that you can't transform into.. you know..you don't want to scare your future husband, did you?.
Muriel: Hehehe, what are you saying? My lover knows about my secret.
Yeena: W-What!? Oh no no this is bad?
Muriel: Bad for what? He accepts me with all and puppy, even so.. he has a secret like us but I can't tell you exactly what it is.
Yeena: Well... that's so good to hear but surely others would surely be afraid of you.
Muriel: Yeena, do you actually think that I can't lost control and transform into the puppy?...
Yeena: Well yes, I'm afraid that if they know about that would surely kill you as many did it with our race..
Muriel: Uhuh... And?
Yeena: And... And..I don't want to lose you, Muriel! You're the only thing I have of.. mother.. *sobs* Oh Muriel.. you're all her....
Muriel:*sighs* Yeena.. *Hugs her* you're all for me too, but you're underestimating me.. I know you want to.. take care of me and you have no idea about how much I appreciate that..but I can take care of myself without or with the puppy inside me... That's all thanks to my psychological career and most special.. you.
Yeena: Muriel.. but aren't you nervous?
Muriel: I Know I'm nervous but having you with me and knowing I choosed the best person for me comforts me a lot.. so don't worry I'll be okay
Yeena: Promise me you will be okay..
Muriel: I'll promise Yeena.
After that promise, Betrayus and his brother and mother have finally arrived, Betrayus saw Muriel went out the restroom completely brilliant with her black wedding dress and holding a lot of red roses.
Rotunda: Agh, black? You're wrong, this is your wedding not a Halloween party..
Yeena: Hey! How dare yo-
Muriel: Calm down Yeena, I'll take care of this,.. indeed is our wedding not yours, and as our wedding we can dress as we like if we want it.
Betrayus: OHHHHHHHH!!
Muriel: Oh my..
Rotunda: How Dare you!?
Stratos: Hey!!.
Santana: Admit it Brother.. Muriel is right, behave yourself Mom this is the wedding of one of your children so please I recommend you to be respectful.
Rotunda: Santana! I am your mother, you have no rights to speak with me in that tone.
Santana: and you have no rights to judge my Brother and his Bride in their wedding, or you stay with us and be respectful or you can go back to the hotel.
Rotunda:...hmp.. Fine.
Roxy: Alright Toxic Family, let's go!.
The Group went to the trajinera and Roxy started driving while she was Telling them legends about Xochimilco, to then after a long ride around the lake, they stopped in the Creepy Doll Island, There was a sorcerer waiting for them
Stratos; Wait a Minute... From what religion is this guy.
Sorcerer: A Satanist one
Rotunda: What!?.
Sorcerer: Just Kidding.. uhum
Betrayus and Muriel walked together in front the sorcerer waiting for the prayers.
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Sorcerer: Ladies and gentlemen.. we are reunited here to unite this 2 souls in marriage... Before starting this is there anyone who wants to avoid the union of this souls, speak now or shut up forever.
Rotunda: Me!
Stratos: Mom!!
Y, S & R: Ugh.. Sit Down old Lady!!
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Sorcerer: Well.. uhum Betrayus Spheros, do you accept Muriel Plizetxki as you wife and love her, in the health and the illness until the death.
Betrayus: with all my heart and for all she did for me... She is the woman who make me get up..for being there were almost no one was for me, For it.. I Do.
Sorcerer: Muriel Plizetxki, do you accept Betrayus Spheros as your Husband and love him, in the health and the illness until the death.
Muriel: My First and number 1 patient, for accepting me in your heart and make me get up too, because our imperfections make us unperfectedly perfect.. I do.
Sorcerer: perfect, with the blessing of the Moon.. I declare you Husband and Wife, you can kiss the bride now.
Betrayus and Muriel selled their union with a Kiss while the others (except Rotunda) where clapping completely happy for them, after that Muriel threw the flowers and surprisely it was catched... By a Squirrel.
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Muriel: Well at least the squirrel will be happy.
Betrayus: That's something good~.
Santana: Dank Squirrel....
After many hours of party and that Yeena ended falling in the lake but she was fine because she can swim,
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and a lot of drinks, the wedding finished and the group went back to the hotel, all of them completely drunk except for Rotunda which went to a room alone, Betrayus and Muriel went to their room to start the fun while the rest.. Uhh..
Well Stratos went to Santana and Yeena's Room, Yeena was the only one there, both were so drunk so they started their fun too.. Santana was still in the Taxi with Roxy, both where drunk.
Santana: Hehehe it was fun..
Roxy: Heheheh are you sure you don't want to go to your room?..
Santana: Heheheh no.. I want to stay with you~ *Kisses Roxy*
Roxy: Hmmm~ Good girl~
And yes they have their fun too, don't ask how.
2 Days later, Yeena went back to Pac Korea, Santana went to work in Pac Tokyo, Betrayus, Stratos, Rotunda and Muriel went back to Pac USA to Continue their lifes, Specially the couple which would continue their lifes as know a happily married couple.
3 Months Later...
Muriel: Hey Sunlight, i have a gift for you~
Betrayus: what kind of gift?~
Muriel:*gives Betrayus a tiny Box*
Betrayus: hmm i wonder what is it
Betrayus opened a box and take out his rabbit plush but repaired
Betrayus: Aww Muriel, you found it! And did you repaired it too?
Muriel: yes and take a look inside the box
Betrayus: Huh?
Betrayus looked inside the box, it was a note Wich says "Hey Daddy" next to a positive pregnancy test
Betrayus: Oh my!... Really?...
Muriel: Heheh Yes... Surprise Daddy!!
Betrayus: Mury! *Hugs her* I'm so so Happy!!
Muriel: we're going to be parents! And as celebration.. It's movie Time!!.
Betrayus: Yeah Girl!!.. uhm Mury can you still can transform into animals but without affecting the baby?.
Muriel: That's right, you want me to transform into a Rabbit?
Betrayus: Yes :3!
Muriel transformed herself into a pregnant and Fluffy Arctic Hare to then Betrayus taking her carefully and watch movies while he was petting her.
Betrayus: Aww just look at you, you're so small and fluffy~ *scratches behind her bunny ears*
Muriel: Hmm~♥ *Twitching paw* more there please~
Betrayus: *pets her bunny belly* Aww who is my fluwy gurl?, you are!~♪
Muriel: Heheheh Sunlight~♪ that tickles!~
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Yeena had left the restroom of his work with a positive pregnancy test.
Yeena: Should I tell him?... Uhh Nah..
Too long travel and i was so drunk that day and if i can remember there where more guys around there so it can be from anyone else... Oh man what a dumb i am!
She said while she went to her car to drive off completely mad
Yeena drived to a mall to buy some home stuff to then went to a building.
At Opening her apartment she was received by her only fluffy pal.
It was a Maine Coon Cat.
Min-Ki: Mreww~
Yeena: Aww Hello big girl *pets her*... Good news... We will have new pal here..
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Yeena said to her cat while she was holding her stomach. She was nervous but as well she was excited for being mother.
To be Continued..
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xxisxxisxxis · 3 years
Gateway Drug | Part Ninety-Three [PT.2]
Words: 4.2k
Warning(s): explicit language, violence, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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It's incredibly quiet and filled with tension as Amber looks at Nikki and I, curiously. 
We haven't been to therapy in over a week. 
Nikki hasn't come back to fucking rehab until yesterday and it took me threatening divorce again. 
"Well," Amber starts, smiling at us. "How was your time together?" 
"Good." We both lie simultaneously and Amber raises her brows. 
"Yep." Nikki says, flatly. 
"Like we're dating for the first time all over again." I add, unenthusiastically. "Exactly how it was when we first started dating. Just minus the sex." 
Nikki huffs out a breath. 
"Jesus fucking Christ, Vivian--"
"--Don't bring Jesus into this. Jesus isn't anywhere to be found in this situation."
"It was one night, Viv, cut me a goddamn break." 
"I've been cutting you a break for the last six years, Nikki, I'm done cutting people breaks. You need to cut me some respect--"
"--Some respect? After the shit you pulled, are you fucking me right now?" 
"No, I'm not fucking you right now, no more than you've fucked me the entire time you've been home." 
"Oh, my God."
I slowly start being pulled from my sleep when I feel a tickle up the side of my foot, my ankle, up the back of my calf then my thigh, my hip, up my spine...I feel my body jolt awake only to be trapped under someone for a moment. 
"Shh, shh, it's just me." Nikki assures me in a whisper, looming over me. 
"Oh," I mumble, sighing when he kisses my shoulder blade. 
I try to go back to sleep but my eyes force themselves open, and I look over my shoulder. 
"Why the hell aren't you in rehab, Nikki?!" I ask him, sharply, confused. "How the fuck did you even get in here?! How did you even know where I live?!" 
"I checked out for a few days so I could see you." He explains. "And Sharise let me borrow her key and gave me directions. I wanted to surprise you."
"You what?!" 
"Wanted to surprise you?" 
I sit up and he falls beside me, stretching out over the bed. 
"You checked out of rehab?!" 
"I missed you and Tommy and Vince missed their girls so we just decided to check out for a few days and visit and then we're going back Monday...like a four month long weekend." He explains. 
"You can't do that!" 
"It was highly advised against it by our counselors but let us leave." He shrugs. "And you know what? I've been back in L.A. for an hour and I don't feel the itch to go party like I used to. I think rehab's working." He tells me. 
"...You checked out of rehab…to come home...and you're going back?" 
"Just like that?" 
"Just like that." 
"Like you won't be tempted to do anything you're not supposed to do?" 
"I won't be because I'm gonna be with you the whole time." He shrugs. 
"You do realize how arrogant you sound right now, right?" 
"I'm not interested in drugs or anything anymore, Viv. I've gotten past that." He states. 
"Nikki," I start. 
"Don't say it like that." 
"How else am I suppose to say it?" I ask, raising my brows, looking at him, pointedly. 
He just rubs his lips together and smirks. 
"I know a few ways you can say it." He runs his hand up and down the side of my leg and I raise a brow. 
"You left rehab to get your dick wet." I tell him, knocking his hand off of me, laying back down. 
"No, I didn't." He denies. 
"Okay, then go sleep on the couch." I suggest. 
"No." He argues. "I wanna hold you." 
"Oh, please, Nikki, we both know what that turns into." 
"What does it turn into?" He asks, knowingly. 
"You know what it's gonna turn into." I state. 
"Vivian, baby," he slides his hand over my hip bone, squeezing it for a second, making my skin prickle and heat up. 
"Don't, 'baby,' me." I can't bring myself to push his hand away this time, I just turn my back to him. 
It's quiet for a moment and I feel him shift beside me, before his lips press to my bare shoulder, then my jaw, then my temple, and I'm rolling to my back, my lips brushing against his, my fingers going to his soft hair, a smile coming to my lips as I say, "couch," and push him away from me, turning back over to face away from him and snuggling into my covers. 
He mumbles under his breath and grabs the pillow from that side of the bed, leaving me alone. 
After a moment of trying to go to sleep, I can't bring myself to. 
I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. 
I pull my blankets off and drag a throw with me as I go to the living room. 
He's taking up the entire couch, and his eyes are closed but I know he's not asleep. 
I crawl on him and he groans, looking at me with furrowed brows.
"Your knee is in my thigh." He grumbles as I try to pull my blanket around myself. 
I just blink down at him. 
"Fine." He winces, sitting up as best as he can, helping me pull the blanket up around my shoulders before he's sliding his hands to my waist and we both lay down. 
I lay my head on his chest and he rubs at my scalp with his fingers. 
"I've missed you, too." I say to him quietly. 
"I know." He replies. "The Sixxter tends to have that effect on chick--ow!" He hisses, tensing up. 
"Oh, sorry, didn't realize your junk was there." I lie, playing off me digging my nails into his crotch was an accident. 
I knew him leaving rehab, even for a few days, posed a threat to his road to recovery. My biggest fear was his dealers hearing he was back. They'd sniff him out and lure him in and I'd lose him again. I couldn't let that happen, and it terrified me to think that it could. But it also made me feel better to see him in a setting that didn't involve stail coffee, therapists, and other recovery patients near by. There wasn't any privacy in rehab--not that we really needed any.
The next morning I'm waking up to the smell of food, good food. Being that I burn most anything I try to cook now (I blame my pregnancy brain), it's nice to be able to smell breakfast without the heavy blanket of charr attached to it. 
I stretch where I've been left on the couch under the fluffy blanket I brought in last night, sitting up and pulling it off of me before going to the bathroom and making myself look somewhat presentable with a toothbrush and a hair brush, hoping and praying that whatever he's cooking up doesn't make me sick. 
I get in the kitchen and see him in front of the stove, and I wrap my arms around him, pressing my cheek to his shoulder blade, and I feel him rub at my arms that are tightly around him, chuckling. 
"Good morning," he says, looking at me over his shoulder. 
I stand on my toes and kiss his cheek. 
"Good morning." I reply, pulling away, grabbing a glass and getting some water. 
I take advantage of him not paying attention to examine any changes. 
I noticed the other day he'd been working out. I see now exactly how much alcohol bloat he's lost, and how much muscle he's built back up. 
His hair and skin even looks healthier, he's gotten his "glow" back to his once pale, sallow looking appearance. 
I reign in my hormones, chugging my water and getting another glass full. 
When he turns around to get the sausage out of the pan and onto a plate, I eye his crotch area, seeing that he's obviously not wearing underwear under his shorts and I'd be lying if I said I don't stare.
"I hope you still like sausage." He comments, oblivious to my eyes on his goods, not even looking in my direction, too busy with trying to get breakfast done. 
"Oh, I do." I comment, taking another few gulps of water, letting my eyes trail down his thighs for a moment. 
Sweet Jesus. 
He is certainly fearfully and wonderfully made. 
"Ahem," he clears his throat and I flick my gaze to his face. 
I've been caught. 
"Whatcha looking at?" He asks me and I shake my head a little. 
"I like those shorts." I lie, shrugging it off. 
"Mmhmm." He doesn't buy it for a second. 
"I do!" I defend myself. 
"I'm sure it's the shorts you like." He comments. 
"Well...I like what's inside the shorts." I blatantly correct myself and he squeezes his eyes closed and laughs. 
"Welcome home, Nikki." He says to himself and I finish my water as he turns the stove off. "It's ready if you wanna make a plate." He offers. 
"Maybe we should give it a few minutes to cool off." I suggest, slowly getting closer to him. 
"Um, I think it's okay." He brushes it off, shrugging, not paying attention. 
"I think we should let it cool off." I state again, my fingers teasing at the top of his shorts, and he looks at me. 
"Get away from me, you freak." He laughs out, shooing my hands off of him.
"Oh, I'm the freak?" 
"You were trying to blow me before therapy the other day and now you're trying to get it in while I'm trying to eat." He points out, still laughing. "I know I'm a lot to handle but just chill out." He smiles, raising his brows. 
"I don't know if you're being serious right now or not." 
"I'm being serious." He points at me. "Now get a plate and let's eat." He adds. 
"You don't want to mess around?" 
"I didn't say that." He states.
"Okay, then food can wait, c'mon," I grab his hand and try to tug him out of the kitchen.  
"Viv," he says as I plant my feet on the floor and use both hands to try to tug at him, my socks sliding against the tile but I try my hardest to get him to move. 
He waits patiently before I'm falling on my ass after slipping, still holding his hand, letting out a breath. 
I let his hand go and lay on the floor, groaning. 
"Are you done?" He asks me, raising a brow. 
"I'm horny." I say it flatly, staring at the ceiling. 
"I can see that." He says, looking between my legs where I feel a wet spot in my panties. 
"Nikki, you're being difficult." 
"I wanna fool around, you wanna fool around, we should just fool around. But you don't want to, even though you just said you do." 
"I haven't gotten thrown around and fucked into a coma in over six months." I blurt, crossing my arms, looking up at him from my place on the floor. 
"...He couldn't scratch that itch after all, huh?" He asks, amused, smirking, and I cut my eyes at him. 
"Because he has morals." I reply. 
"Interesting." He replies. 
We sit in silence for a second, and he nudges me with his foot. 
"Are you gonna survive without jumping my bones?" He asks and I sigh, sitting up. 
"I guess." 
He helps me up and we get our food and sit on the couch while we watch cartoons and eat. 
I notice him staring at me every once in awhile, but I don't pay any attention to him. 
My feelings are hurt, as childish as that sounds. 
It usually doesn't take much to get Nikki into bed, and he's always been up for it whenever I hinted at anything...or blatantly told him I was horny. 
But now things are different. 
A part of me thinks its because he sat down and really thought about the fact I cheated on him.
Maybe that makes me disgusting in his eyes. 
Maybe it's because I'm pregnant--even though I'm only starting to show. 
Maybe it's because I'm pregnant with the dude's baby that I cheated on him with. 
I can see that ruining his libido. 
I just try not to pay much attention to it, but it's nagging me slowly. 
After I finish eating I'm taking my empty plate to the kitchen and heading to my bedroom. 
"Where you going?" He asks me as he puts his plate in the sink, too. 
"Back to bed." I tell him. "I'm really sleepy." 
"Oh," He replies, not looking all that convinced.
"See you when I wake up." I add.
"Yeah, I'll see you then." He says back. 
I shut the door and crawl into bed, wiping the growing tears from my eyes before they even hit my cheeks. 
I wake up a little later and stretch out, hearing the shower running in my bathroom. 
I just lay in bed for a few minutes until I hear it turn off and in a couple minutes, he's coming in the room with a towel wrapped around him, his hair wet.  
He notices I'm awake and grins, coming over to the bed. 
"Hey," he leans over me, pecking me on the lips. 
"Hey." I reply, my voice still tired, his hand running over my side. "What time is it?" 
"Like, one o'clock, maybe," he replies, about to move away from me. 
"Wait, c'mere," I grab his hand and he furrows his brows. 
"What is it?" He asks me.
I don't say anything, just looking at him, and he chuckles. 
He reads my mind and leans down, lips catching mine before his tongue slips into my mouth. 
I softly hum, my hand going to his hair, his hand fumbling through the covers to find my hip and dig his fingers into it. 
My hands soon go to his towel, about to tug it off but he pulls away and catches his breath. 
"I'm gonna go get some clothes on and head to the store to get some things for dinner tonight...you want anything?"  
Yeah. Sex with my husband. 
"No, thanks." I reply, calmly. 
"Alright, I'll see you later." He kisses me one last time and leaves the room and I rub my hands over my face.
"There's nothing to get so pissed off about, Vivian, it's not a big deal." 
"For once in his life Nikki Sixx doesn't want to hump something, even when his own wife tries to start something, so yeah, to me it is a big deal." I argue. 
"No, it's not, it's not that serious." 
"Do you not understand what it's like to be pregnant and hormonal and just wanting to have a good time with the person you love and they don't want anything to do with it?"
"Oh, c'mon, Vivian. Me not wanting to have sex with you doesn't have anything to do with you in particular." 
"Pretty sure it does since you've had no problem screwing other women behind my back when I couldn't do a good enough job." I throw at him. 
"Woah, woah, woah, that was fucking months ago, Vivian, and I was fucked up and sick." He snaps. "And it wasn't because you couldn't do a good enough job, it was because you wouldn't even try to do a job at all. You'd just lay there and be uninterested, like you were just waiting for me to get the fuck off of you. Matter of fact, I distinctly remember you actually saying, 'are you finished yet? I'm getting sleepy.' And I get that you were depressed and in a funk but shit like that happened multiple times, sometimes for weeks, over the course of our marriage. You know how that made me feel, thinking I couldn't even please my own wife?" 
"Oh, God, Nikki, I can't even imagine that pain. Thinking, 'why am I not good enough? Why am I not attractive to my spouse? Why am I not still desired'," I start, sarcastically. "Oh, shit, actually, yeah. Yeah, I fucking can imagine it because I tortured myself with the same questions anytime you chose going out with your buddies over a night in with me, anytime you chose hiding in your closet with drugs over coming to bed, and not to mention the time, gee, I don't know--I found out you had a mistress, who I was friends with, that you would fuck in our house!" 
"Think you got pretty even with me on that being that I found a couple used condoms  that didn't belong to me, under our bed!"
"That can't possibly be my fault being that me and him never used condoms!" 
"You don't fucking say!" He motions to my stomach.
"Fuck this." I state, harshly, standing up and grabbing my purse. 
"Vivian," Amber starts. 
"No. No. No. Fuck you, fuck him, fuck this. I'm fucking done. We tried rehab, we tried therapy, obviously it's not working or he wouldn't have come home and fallen off the wagon!" 
"Ever considered maybe I fell off the wagon so early on because you kept nagging me for days on end?!" He stands up. 
"You didn't want anything to do with me fucking sober, but as soon as you were under the influence of something, I'm suddenly so fucking beautiful and you're wanting to 'fuck the shit outta me'?! Do you not realize how fucked it is that you only want me when you're fucking on something?!"
The next few days consists of me being unable to keep my...urges...barely at bay, all while Nikki has no problem ignoring my hints--more so blunt statements at times--that I'm in the mood. 
He just laughs it off or teases me about it or pretends he doesn't know altogether. 
I just do what I've been doing: being my own lover. 
But there's just some things he can do to me that I can't and it's hard to accept that reality. 
I raise my brows when I peek my head into my bathroom, seeing Nikki fixing his hair, only wearing boxers. 
"Where you getting dolled up to go?" I ask, crossing my arms. 
"Me and Tommy are going out." He tells me and I raise my brows. 
"Oh." I reply, rubbing my lips together. 
I don't know how to tell him I'm having my surgery tomorrow to have my uterine abnormality taken care of...I've been meaning to tell him but just can't. 
I was hoping he'd still be in rehab and wouldn't even really have to know I got it done until later. 
I don't want him to worry. 
"You wanna come with us?" He asks next, grinning at me in the mirror. 
I don't know if that's a good idea." I mumble, that article written about that open letter from those anonymous roadies flashing through my mind. 
"C'mon, baby, it'll be fun."
"I don't feel good enough to go out on the town right now." I admit. "What are you guys gonna do while you're out?" 
"Probably go to the Tropicana or something." He shrugs and I raise my brows. 
"Like I said, Viv, you can come with us." He turns and looks down at me and I just smile as best as I can and shake my head. 
"No, I'm okay." I assure him. 
He looks a little disappointed but brushes it off, leaning down and kissing me, wrapping his arms around my waist, his hands smoothing over my ass, and I giggle as he pulls me up to snake my legs around him, kissing my cheek and my neck before hugging me to him, making me squeeze him to me tightly. 
"I love you, Nikki." I tell him, closing my eyes. "I really do."
"I know, Viv." He says back. "I love you more."
"And like always, it's Vivian's fault Nikki's a fucking addict! It's Vivian's fault Nikki's drinking so much! It's Vivian's fault Nikki's so unbearable to be around! It's all that slut's fault because she's a fucking crazy snake-cunt, she-satan that steals, kills, and destroys, and he's left with no choice but to try to numb himself to get outta her grasp!  It's all her fucking fault, even when she's pregnant!" 
I storm out and slam the door behind me, stomping down the hall. 
"Vivian Sixx, don't you fucking walk away from me!" He shouts after me, following me. 
"Vivian Kinston! I don't wanna be a fucking Sixx anymore--I don't wanna be associated with you, you fucked up prick!" I scream back. "Matter of fact, I'm glad I didn't have any of those goddamn kids of your's or else I'd be fucking answering to you the rest of my fucking life!" 
I wake up when I hear the front door open, my eyes shifting to my clock. 
"Fuck," I hear him whisper to himself, dragging his feet to the kitchen…
The sink turns on, a cabinet slams open, a glass shatters on the floor. 
"Fuck." He repeats, cutting the sink off. 
I furrow my brows and sit up in the bed, slowly slipping off the mattress, tip-toeing out to see what he's up to.
"Do you--do you have a broom?" He asks in a slur, motioning to the broken glass on the floor. 
"Yeah, I do." I tell him. 
"Okay, I um, I…" he trails off, eyes on me, drifting down my bare legs, holding his gaze on my lace panties. "...I need it." He finishes, hand reaching down to readjust himself. 
"Have you been drinking?" I ask him, leaning against the doorway.
"A couple shots, nothing I couldn't handle." He replies, walking closer to me. "Something else I can handle, too." He says more so to himself and I take in a breath when his hands grasp at my hips. 
"You smell like tequila." I tell him. 
"It was just a couple drinks." He insists, leaning down, pressing his lips to mine. 
"Just a couple?" I ask when I pull away, and he nods, pulling me back to him, kissing me again, our tongues meeting. 
His hands are tugging at my tank top, pulling it over my head. 
"You're so beautiful." He tells me, licking up my neck and I let out a soft sigh, running my hands down his back, tears in my eyes…
I close my eyes and my mind flashes back. All those times he'd come in drunk or high or both...either telling me how wonderful I am, or wanting to fight…
"Nikki, wait," I force myself to pull away from him as he trails kisses over my breast. 
"What is it?" He asks me, trying to get me close again. 
"You're drunk, Nikki, alright? I don't want to do anything while you're like this." I admit and he just stares at me. 
"Excuse me?" 
"You're drunk. I don't want you to--"
"--You bitch at me all fucking week about your fucking sexual frustration but as soon as I wanna piece of ass you're suddenly too good for me?" 
"Nikki, you're drunk." I state. "I'm not too good for you, but I'm not just gonna be the cumrag you get off on and pass out in a drunken stupor." 
"You never complained about it before." He states. "All the other times you were on your knees with your mouth wide open begging me for it like a cock-starved whore." He adds. 
"That was before. You aren't even supposed to be drunk, Nikki." I sneer. 
"Well, I am,Vivian, you wanna fucking crucify me over it? Huh?!" 
"All of your hard work the past weeks...gone." I remind him. 
"Fuck off." He shoves past me. "If you're not gonna give me any pussy--"
"--Maybe I would if you were sober, asshole, ever consider that?" I snap. 
"I wanna fuck the shit out of you, I've considered that." He states and I feel my face heat up. 
"You're being a pig, right now." I ignore him, turning to go back to bed, pissed and tired. 
"C'mon, baby," he complains from outside my locked door and I roll my eyes. "Baby, seriously, can't we talk about this?" He asks next. "Baby!" He calls. 
I open the door and bitterly mock his voice, "'oh, baby, I'm so sorry, oh, baby, you're so beautiful, oh, baby, just gimme a blow job and it'll completely wipe away the fact that I'm a fucking drunk, ridiculous, asshole, oh, baby, baby, baby, baby'!" I slam the door back in his face. 
"...Well, I never said I was fucking sorry!" He says next. 
"Fuck off, Nikki!"
He snatches me by my wrist, and I see him raise his fist from the corner of my eye as I turn to face him, and I tense up and expect him to hit me but his fist collides with the wall by my head, my hand coming up to my mouth to keep from being too loud in my hysteria, tears rolling down my cheeks as he gives three solid punches to the painted cement bricks. 
He's crying, too, and his hand loosening around my wrist, his face red, his body shaking as he lets out a pained noise and heaves out breaths, his eyes closed.
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I'm going to post this on tumblr instead of wattpad cause I'm like that, but this will be a collection of fanfic one shots from Draco's perspective giving him a redemption arc cause he deserves! Please let me know if you do want more after this.
The Train:
Eleven year old Draco Malfoy was standing on Platform Nine and Three Quarters hoping for a glimpse at the boy who lived. He like everyone else in the Wizarding world had grown up hearing his name. The story was one of legend and he wondered if Harry remembered it all. He was interrupted in his thoughts by two rambunctious red headed boys who brushed past him laughing loudly. He heard his father give a sniff of disapproval.
He pitied the boys even though he knee nothing about them. His father, Lucius Malfoy, was notorious for making sure none of his enemies were around to stop him. Draco had always wondered about the company his parents kept much perfering to stay in his room whilst they had any  visitors at all.
"Draco darling," that was his mother. He sauntered over to where she was and listened to what she had to say. "Draco remember no matter what happens at school your father and I love you very much. We will write you as soon as we get home and eagerly await your owl. Chin up, back straight. Malfoys and Blacks do not slouch."
Nodding his head Draco says "Yes mother. I love both of you too. And I can't wait to see the castle with the lake and my classes. Mom, do you think people will like me? What if I can't make any friends? I don't want to hang out with Blaise or Crabbe and Goyle or Pansy. They're mean and stuck up to people."
"Just be yourself darling and remember what I told you. Go see your father." Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy, formerly known as Black, was a thin woman who demanded respect when she walked into a room. No one ever knew what she was thinking, but one thing they knew was she loved her family dearly. She would do anything to keep her son safe and away from harm.
Draco walks over to his father. "Draco, while you're at Hogwarts please try to remember we are not like the others. We are of noble blood and we must be treated as such. Do not let others get you down. You are a Malfoy and the name of Malfoy has demanded respect for centuries. Do not mess it up. Have fun at Hogwarts, but do not forget what I have told you. Get on the train."
Mr. Lucius Malfoy did not have the best childhood and when Narcissa became pregnant he vowed to protect his son from harm. He did this by only letting him intermingle with those of his own kind. Pureblood was what Draco was so pureblood it was. He made sure his son had a normal childhood. Well as normal as he would let him.
After hugging and kissing his mother and shaking hands with his father Draco runs excitedly onto the train waiting to see if he could make any friends before he even got to Hogwarts. After looking into one compartment on the train he shies always from that one. It had really tall, really loud people in it! He didn't want that at all.
Another compartment had only girls. His only experience with girls his own age had been Pansy and he wasn't eager to find out if all girls were like her. She was enough to deal with. He wanted a group of guy friends. Crabbe and Goyle did what he said because his father was the boss of their fathers. They weren't his friends. They had to do whatever he said and he didn't like it. He wanted to have stimulating conversations like he had with his mother over tea.
Whenever Pansy and her parents came over she was so mean to the poor house elves Draco always went and apologized for her behavior. The house elves were sad to see him go off to school, but they were excited too.
Draco was not excited to leave his only friends behind. His parents had always taught him to look down on the house elves, but he was nice to them in secret. He didn't feel nice knowing he had to be mean to people. Elves were just like witches and wizards only different and way way shorter.
"Excuse me. Coming through. Lee has a trantula for us to look at. Budge along." It was the two rambunctious red headed boys who had brushed him going onto the platform. When they got to where Draco was their patient look turned sour.
The one on the right looked at the one on the left and said "Pardon me your Highness. Will you let us pass to get to our compartment?" Draco didn't like the tone he used. He wasn't doing anything wrong. The train hadn't even started to move yet!
"Oh yeah," Draco pressed himself up against the wall to let the two pass. He didn't like these two and hoped he wouldn't have to interact with them in class. They looked older though like they were definitely not first years. In fact all of these people looked a lot older than he was.
Draco was starting to get scared and started to stumble along the long, velvet carpeted, hallway separating the compartments from the platform.
With each peek into a compartment, he was getting worried. He had yet to see any people who looked like first years. At one compartment he saw Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy and immediately lurched past with his head down.
Shaken up at seeing them he stepped into a random compartment and was relieved to see a round faced brown haired boy with a toad sitting next to him. This boy looked like a first year like him.
"May I sit down?" Draco asked politely.
The boy looked to Draco and jumped in surprise. "Yes, yes you can. My name is Neville Longbottom and this is Trevor." He gestured to the tod sitting next to him. "Sit down and close the compartment please, Trevor might escape like he's tried four times already."
Grinning at the warm greeting, Draco complied. He stuck out his hand and said, "I'm Draco Malfoy. It's really nice to meet you Neville! I hope we can be friends!"
At the name Malfoy, Neville shot up in his seat in alarm. "M-mal-malfoy?! As in the Death Eaters?!" He started to fidget and panic.
Draco looked at the poor boy in utter confusion. "Former Death Eaters. Are you okay Neville?"
Eyes wide in fright Neville grabs Trevor and huddles at the furthest edge of the compartment. Away from Draco as if he had a disease. Draco wanted to cry. Here was a first year boy who looked terrified of him because of his name. He didn't understand why Neville was so scared. His parents weren't Death Eaters anymore and they only did it because He - Who - Must - Be - Named made them! All he wanted was a real friend!
Draco on the verge of tears turns to go. As soon as he opens the door he's met with a mane of brown, frizzy, bushy hair. He falls backwards in shock and hears a whimper from Neville.
"Hello. Everywhere else is full. They're about to depart so would you mind letting me into the compartment they would be wonderful." The bushy haired girl says with authority. "I would like to be seated when the lurch is felt. Excuse me."
She pushes past him and Draco stands up and when he's turned around the scene he looks at is chaotic.
Neville stands up to leap after Trevor, who with the door open, makes his way hopping faster than Draco expected towards freedom.
All else forgotten Neville screams "Grab him!" The bushy haired girl lunges for the toad and misses. Now it's Draco's turn to redeem himself in Neville's eyes. He too lunges for the toad and manages to grasp his left hind leg before he falls flat on his face his grip loosening on the toad who hope away unaware of the chaos he is about the cause.
Neville's face is distraught. "My great uncle Algie gave me Trevor when I got accepted into Hogwarts. See they didn't expect me to get in. I didn't show any signs until I got pushed off the Blackwell Pier. They expected me to drown, but I didn't!"
Draco and the girl exchange concerned glances. Draco knows that any Wizarding family will have almost all of their family members accepted unless they're a Squib and he's sure his family tree doesn't have any Squibs.
"So you're a pureblood?" Draco says cautiously accidentally falling into the girl who just sat down as the train gives a lurch just as the girl said.
The girl huffs and moves to give Draco room to sit and he smiles gratefully at her. He's never seen her before and she seems to give off the same air he does and he wonders if she's a pureblood from another country. As she speaks again he realizes they sound the same.
"Oh purebloods! I've read about them. They're the silly witches and wizards who think that half-bloods and Muggleborns are scum. I find that absolutely atrocious as I am a Muggleborn myself," the girl turns to Draco. "My guess is you're a pureblood?"
When he nods she starts to lecture him. "You all should be ashamed of yourselves! I read that if you guys didn't marry outside of your circle you would have died out! The mindset is completely rubbish and shouldn't even be put into practice. And at a school no less!"
Neville and Draco look at her shocked. For such a tiny girl she can inflict fear into anyone with that tone. "I'm Hermione Granger. And what House do you hope to be in? Personally I want to end up in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor as Slytherin seems filled with selfish and mean people and Hufflepuff seems filled with pushovers." (please don't hate me I adore the Houses remember she is basing them off of what she read in Hogwarts: A History it was really hard to insult my own House HUFFLEPUFF for life 💛💙💚♥️ fair House representation)
At this Draco swells. "Excuse me! My whole family has been in Slytherin for centuries and I can tell you we are not selfish and mean people! We care for the greater good!" (Just so you know I do not condone this type of thinking. This is just so wrong on so many levels this is just how he was raised remember that)
Neville seems to shrink into his corner again at the last three words and Draco instantly regrets. He wants Neville as a friend and now maybe he won't want to be his friend!
Hermione turns towards him so fast her hair slaps him in the face. "You sound like Grindelwald! He sounded like you! Are you a supporter of He Who Must be Named?! They were both awful men! How can you sit there saying that when they did such horrible things!"
Fear starts to creep into his eyes. These two do not like him. He is only repeating what he's heard his parents say! Should he say that? The words pop out before he can stop them. "My parents taught me that and I'm sorry if that was wrong all I want are real friends for once! Please give me a chance!"
Hermione looks at Neville and walks over to him. They converse in hushed voices. Draco's heart begins to sink. Will they give him a chance to be their friend?! All he wants is a real friend he count on! He doesn't think he wants to be a Malfoy if this what the name gives him.
The waiting is agonizing. It seems like forever when they suddenly turn to him and Neville says, "How do we know you're not lying? Your mom's sister made my parents insane! I had to be raised by my grandma! I love her, but I miss my parents!"
Hermione rubs his back and looks at Draco. "Okay, we don't trust you, but we are willing to give you a chance. Now, please help us find Trevor. He's special to Neville and he doesn't want to start Hogwarts without him. Please help us look for him."
Draco sensing a wonderful opportunity stands eagerly and nods. "Where do you want to start? Should we split up or stay together? Personally I think we should stay together because all of those people out there are scary."
The two stare at him in shock. They were not expecting him to jump up so suddenly and agree wholeheartedly.
Hermione says split up and Neville agrees, but then Draco pointed out no one would tell him anything since almost everyone knew who he was anyway. Finally it was agreed Neville would go on his own and Draco and Hermione would ask together.
Neville heads off to the left towards the front of the train because that's where he thinks Trevor would have gone. Hermione and Draco head towards the back of the train.
The first few compartments they encounter will only tell Hermione if they saw Trevor or not and ignored Draco completely. He wants to cry. Is the Malfoy name really making people not like him?! But they don't even know him! How are they supposed to know they don't like him if they don't know him?!
The last compartment holds two boys: one very red headed and one with round glasses and black hair. Draco had learned to hang back while Hermione does the asking. When she asks, they say no. The red headed boy pulls out a wand and Draco inches closer to see a real spell done. His mother made him promise not to use his wand until his first class because he could hurt people and he agreed.
The red haired boy says something about rats, daisies and yellow. As expected the rest does not turn yellow. Hermione scoffs and then fixes the black haired boy's glasses.
When the red haired boy introduces himself as Ron Weasley, Draco wrinkles his nose. He can't help it. His father says the Weasleys are blood traitors and Mugglelovers. He was always taught they were bad, but now he's not so sure.
Then when the black haired boy says his name is Harry Potter, Draco surges forward. As he comes into view Ron turns away in disgust and he deflates a little bit. He's going to have to be careful in how he says things. "Hello! My name is Draco Malfoy and I'm also looking for Neville's toad. I'm assuming since this is the last compartment he's not here. Hermione, I'm going to head back to the compartment to see if Neville found him."
With a smile and wave goodbye he leaves the three of them stunned into silence. The smile falls off his face as he trudges with a heavy heart towards the compartment to put his robes on. He realizes he should only stick to the people he has already met and he vows to steer clear of Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy for as long as he can and since they'll be in Slytherin like him it'll be hard. He'll manage.
He puts his robes in in the empty compartment and waits for Neville and Hermione to come back. Hopefully they will since their trucks are here. Smiling to himself at the he stares out the window already imaging what fun things he can do with his new friends!
Thank you for reading it! I hope you enjoyed it!
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars LXV (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I’m soft and EXCITED cause we’re starting book four next week and you guys have no idea what’s coming -Danny
Words: 1,798
Warnings: None! Tooth rooting fluff
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Book IV
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Chapter Twenty-Four: Good Omens.
Dumbledore left when Harry walked out of Lupin's former office, he stopped when he noticed Mel was outside.
"Oh," He said, "I thought you'd be with Ron and Hermione."
"I was talking to Dumbledore," She replied simply. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes," He moved to where she was standing. "I talked to him too, when you left the office..."
"You did?"
"I was... I told him that I felt like our mission hadn't made a difference," He explained. "He told me I was wrong... sort of."
"Sort of?" She smiled.
Then Harry told her everything. Including the prophecy Trelawney had told him on their last day of exams. She had to admit, it sounded terrifying, but their teacher was known to be a bit dramatic. Still, the part about the dark lord rising... she didn't like that bit at all.
"What he said about the people that loves us never leaving..." Harry frowned, trying to put his thoughts in order. "They help us when we're in trouble, one way or another... I'm lucky to have you, Ron, and Hermione. Emily, and Sirius... they care and they'd help me if I needed them to... Not everyone is that lucky, though."
"I suppose so," Mel tilted her head, patiently waiting for the rest of whatever he was trying to say.
"Erick," It was the second time he'd mentioned the boy's name and it still sounded completely strange coming out of his mouth. "What you said about his family... he doesn't have many people helping him. I guess... I understand why'd he go out of his way to talk to you... You're brilliant and all..."
"What I mean," Harry pressed on, having a hard time expressing himself. "What I want to say is, I think you're a good friend and you're right– I shouldn't judge people without knowing their story first, that's what made me think Sirius was trying to kill me... I'm sorry I reacted that way, my interactions with the Slytherins haven't been nice, but I get that not everyone has to be the same. I trust you–"
Harry's speech was interrupted when Mel threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly (no kisses this time, though- She wasn't going to do the same mistake twice) and apologized profusely.
"I know... Mellow, I can't breathe!" He complained.
"Sorry!" She stepped back. "Sorry..."
"So... I'm your hero now, right?"
"What?" She frowned.
"You said that whoever made the dementors disappear the other night was your new hero, turns out it was me," He smirked.
"I was also there!" She exclaimed. "That was my Patronus too!"
"Well, you can't be your hero!"
"Says who?"
"It doesn't make sense!"
"I say it does. I'm my own hero," She teased. "For all I know, I saved your life this time."
"I've saved your life before," He pouted.
"Now you're just being pretentious..."
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"I went to see Professor McGonagall this morning, just before breakfast. I've decided to drop Muggle Studies," Hermione commented once they were settled on the train's compartment.
"But you passed your exam with three hundred and twenty percent!"
"I know, but I can't stand another year like this one. That Time-Turner, it was driving me mad. I've handed it in. Without Muggle Studies and Divination, I'll be able to have a normal schedule again. Besides, I asked Erick and he told me he'd be happy to tell me all about what he studies in class."
"I still can't believe you're friends with him," Ron rolled his eyes. "And I still can't believe you didn't tell us about the time-turner. We're supposed to be your friends."
"I promised I wouldn't tell anyone," said Hermione. "And you know how important it is to keep secrets when you're not the only one involved..."
She looked at Mel, who was looking at Harry, who was looking out the window with a sad expression.
"Oh, cheer up!" said Hermione.
"I'm okay," Harry jumped lightly. "Just thinking about the holidays."
"Yeah, I've been thinking about them too– Mel, Harry, you've got to come and stay with us. I'll fix it up with Mum and Dad, then I'll call you. I know how to use a fellytone now —"
"A telephone, Ron," said Hermione. "Honestly, you should take Muggle Studies next year..."
"Or ask us more about muggle life, like Erick does," Mel teased.
Ron ignored them.
"It's the Quidditch World Cup this summer! How about it, Harry? Come and stay, and we'll go and see it! Dad can usually get tickets from work."
Harry did cheer up at that.
"Yeah, I bet the Dursleys'd be pleased to let me come... especially after what I did to Aunt Marge..."
"I'd love to see the World Cup!" Mel said excitedly. "I can picture it already, all the wizards from around the world..."
They wasted a whole hour playing and talking when Hermione pointed out to the landscape.
"Harry– What's that thing outside your window?"
It was the smallest owl Mel had ever seen. It dropped a letter onto Harry's seat and began zooming excitedly around the place. Hedwig clicked her beak while Grey and Crookshanks sat up, following the owl with their eyes. Ron caught the owl safely and threw a disapproving look their way.
"It's from Sirius!" Harry said happily.
"What? Read it aloud!"
'Dear Harry, I hope this finds you before you reach your aunt and uncle.
I don't know whether they're used to owl post. Buckbeak and I are in hiding. I won't tell you where, in case this owl falls into the wrong hands. I have some doubt about his reliability, but he is the best I could find, and he did seem eager for the job.
I believe the dementors are still searching for me, but they haven't a hope of finding me here. I am planning to allow some Muggles to glimpse me soon, a long way from Hogwarts, so that the security on the castle will be lifted.
There is something I never got around to telling you during our brief meeting. It was I who sent you the Firebolt —
"Ha! See! I told you it was from him!"
"Yes, but he hadn't jinxed it, had he?– Ouch!"
'Crookshanks took the order to the Owl Office for me. I used your name but told them to take the gold from my own Gringotts vault. Please consider it as thirteen birthdays' worth of presents from your godfather.
I would also like to apologize for the fright I think I gave you and Mel that night last year when you left your uncle's house. I had only hoped to get a glimpse of you before starting my journey north, but I think the sight of me alarmed you. I am enclosing something else for you, which I think will make your next year at Hogwarts more enjoyable. If ever you need me, send word. Your owl will find me.
I'll write again soon. Sirius
P.S. Mel, if Remus tells your mother what happened during the school year, will you please send her my regards? I miss her, I'm hoping I'll find a way to communicate with her soon.'
"I absolutely will," Mel smiled widely. "What else did he send, Glasses?"
Harry looked inside the envelope. She saw his eyes grow in surprise and then he was grinning, handing the small piece of parchment to her.
'I, Sirius Black, Harry Potter's godfather, hereby give him permission to visit Hogsmeade on weekends.'
"That'll be good enough for Dumbledore!" said Harry.  "Hang on, there's a second P.S."
'I thought your friend Ron might like to keep this owl, as it's my fault he no longer has a rat.'
Ron's eyes widened.
"Keep him?" he repeated.
He looked closely at the owl for a moment; then, he held him out for Crookshanks to sniff.
"What do'you reckon?" Ron asked. "Definitely an owl?"
Crookshanks purred.
"That's good enough for me," said Ron. "He's mine."
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"You know," Mel said to the boy once they arrived at the station. "I'm really sorry you can't live with Sirius, but there's a good side!"
"Which is?"
"I'll still be your neighbor!"
"I thought you'd be happy," He teased. "Finally getting rid of me, a well-deserved break."
"I was happy because Sirius cares about you and you would've had a good life... besides, I get to see you in school, which is almost the whole year."
"Well," Harry put an arm around her shoulders. "We'll still have to stand each other for the years to come."
"I think I can live with that," She chuckled.
"I'll call about the World Cup!" Ron yelled after they parted.
Mel saw her mother standing a few feet away from the Dursleys and ran to meet her.
"Hello!" She said cheerfully. "Do you think we can stop by that place we like to get lunch? I'm– You know everything, don't you?"
Emily was looking down at her with such a severity that Mel prepared herself for the impact.
"Time-turners, dementors and sneaking out of the castle after curfew," Emily whispered angrily. "Helping a convict escape, attacking a Professor–"
"Snape had it coming!"
"Are you trying to drive me insane?" Emily hissed. "I swear, every time I get a letter I feel like I'm about to hear you murdered a teacher!"
"You're exagerating–"
"Watch me overreact all the way to our house, young lady!" She retorted.
"Very well," Mel sighed. "Can I tell you two things first?"
"What things?"
"I spent a whole year having a normal period -dreadful and gross, not reccomended– but that means I can take the potion now! Second, Padfoot says hi."
Emily's mouth opened and closed, her eyes never leaving her daughter's face.
"How do you–"
"Didn't they tell you the whole story?" Mel asked. "I'll have to do it myself, then..."
"What's that?" They heard Mr. Dursley spat at Harry while they walked past. "If it's another form for me to sign, you've got another —"
"It's not," Harry smiled brightly. "It's a letter from my godfather."
"Godfather? You haven't got a godfather!"
"Yes, I have– He was my mum and dad's best friend. He's a convicted murderer, but he's broken out of wizard prison and he's on the run. He likes to keep in touch with me, though. Keep up with my news... check if I'm happy..."
Mel and Emily shared a look and left quickly, holding back their laughter until they were safe inside their car. There, both of them laughed until their stomachs hurt.
"You know," Her mother said breathlessly. "Prongs would've been so proud of his son..."
"I know," Mel smiled, looking out her window and watching Harry's gleeful face as he walked out of the station with a terrified uncle following close. "We all are..."
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Next Part —>
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papellie · 4 years
MC's a nurse in the hospital that Jumin's child was rushed to. Memories of the past hits Jumin because of something familiar.
Read this while listening to Once upon a dream by Lana Del Rey
After that 16 hours shift all you wanted to do was take a shower and sleep on your bed. That felt like heaven in your head so you hurriedly packed your things and said goodbye to your colleagues that was on the night shift. You looked at your watch it was 11 PM already the hospital hallways were silent. You have just been working in this hospital for two months but the people already respects you because your best friend is the child of the owner and because you're from abroad.
Suddenly, one of the patient's room opened. A boy about 5 years old stepped out, squinting his eyes while approaching you. You knelt down and pat his head.
"Hey Ha-jin, why are you still awake?" you asked.
"I'm scared, Nurse MC. They were running after me *hic* the monsters" he suddenly sobbed and hugged you.
"It's okay, I'm here now Ha-jin" you picked up the crying boy.
One of the nurses that was doing rounds saw you and hurriedly approached you. "Oh, I'm sorry miss MC! Let me take him. You should go home your shift is over." the other nurse insisted.
"It's okay, I'll just walk him around the hospital until he's asleep." you turned down her offer and walked away still holding the boy and his IV pole. Looks like your bed will have to wait.
"Did the monster get to you Ha-jin?" you asked the little boy that was still sniffing on your shoulder.
"No *sniff* I woke up. I went out because I don't want to wake up uncle Yoosung." he held tight to your scrub suit.
"You should go back to sleep, Ha-jin. Your uncle will be really worried if he found out you went out of your room in the middle of night. Don't worry I'll be with you until your asleep." you comforted the child.
He rest his head on your shoulder while you rock him and hummed a lullaby. "Can we go to the lobby? Maybe daddy will be there." The child requested.
You felt sad for the boy. He was one of the patients that was always going in and out of the hospital because he has a weak heart, you read from his medical records. You don't know why he was attached to you instantly. He just said he liked your lullaby.
Once the elevator doors opened you walked to the lobby and sat on one of the chairs. Humming and rocking the child on your arms.
"Mr. Han, wait!" his assistant called. Jumin almost ran out the car. He needed to see his child immediately. His whole flight he was drowning in worry because his child was rushed to the hospital again. He thought the little boy was getting better because it has been 6 months since he last had an attack. If he knew this was going to happen he didn't even thought of flying half across the world. Even if the doctor told him that his son was okay he still can't stop worrying until he sees his son.
"I know you I walked with you once upon a dream~" he instantly stopped when he heard someone singing that song.
"I know you that look in your eyes is so familiar, a gleam~" His eyes landed on a familiar silhouette.
"No, that can't be." he said in his head. He tried to reach his hand to the woman.
"And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem~" Before he could reach her she stood up carrying a child one of her arms and held an IV pole on the other.
"But if I know you, I know what you'll do~" Jumin just stood there frozen, only eyeing the woman carrying his sleeping child to the elevator.
"You'll love me at once~" He moved on of his feet to try to reach the woman again. He can believe what he was seeing, he was so overwhelmed.
But his heart dropped when the woman finally faced him. "The way you did once upon a dream." Just before the elevator door completely closed their eyes met.
*DING* the elevator closed.
Jaehee was trying to catch her breath after running after her boss who was dying of worry for his child. But she saw him just standing in the middle of the hallway staring at a nurse who was carrying his child in the elevator. Jumin was known to be always calm and composed but when if it was his child they were talking about he becomes frantic. "But why was he just standing there when his child was in front of him?" she thought.
"Wasn't that Ha-jin, Mr. Han?" she asked. Jumin finally snapped out of his trace, shocked that she was right beside him. He looked so lost and scared like he's seen a ghost. Jumin was never like this.
"What the hell is happening?" she said in her head.
reposted this from @mystichubbies cause i just wanted to post all my stories here on the main.
Hope you enjoyed it!!!
edit: Yah it's the same story just changed the name of the bby.
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