#so I'll just end here and make another post about how Flash is great and how Batman rogues would be better of with him
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
I subscribe to a Batman who is happy and CARES. To the Batman that after discovering Killer Croc killed two cops trying to protect homeless people from them, just let Waylon go scoot free. To the Batman that wants the Robins to not be like him. To the Batman that promissed Killer Tut that he wouldn't let the doctors/wardens in Arkham abuse him nor any of the patients again and meant it, that was sorry he wasn't able to do it before. To the Batman who helped Clayface rehabilitate and accepted him into his vigilante family. To the Batman that supported Harley and was glad she lefted Joker. To the Batman who say how tje Drakes negleted their son and aitomatically letted Tim move to the mansion. To the Batman who say a young kid steal wires and decided the kid needed support. To the Batman who failed Jason because he hoped that meeting his mother would help him. To the Batman who did his best to convince Clark to accept and raise Conner. To the Batman who started trying to garantee no lod would have to lost their parents and that realized that he wanted more than that, that he wanted a Gotham that people liked to love in. To the Batman who could've healed any other city but failed cause Gotham is cursed and still keeps trying cause he cares.
But unfortunally this Batman is rare. Specially after Miller and Nolan sucesses. We still have him from time to time. But not always.
And Arkham is Bedlam (fourth day reminding people that). The most important part of Batman's rogues gallery exists or because the system failed them again and again and people don't care about mental heath or - in the worst case scenario - because the writers see mental illness as a moral failure. Bruce is a hero cause he doesn't develops it. His vilans are evil cause they are crazy. (I do preffer the one who doesn't stigmatizes it and again a good Batman media is also a good critique of the instituions of power and the prejudice put over neurodivergent and mentaly ill people or just use the also huge but not so popular part of Bruce's gallery that is just capitalistic assholes and forms to preserve the corrupt system or just sane and evil).
Anyway. Batman is my favorite hero when portrait right. Wich is not soo often, but when we have it, it's beutifull.
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glassartpeasants · 2 months
another drabble for ya'll. happy easter lol
eustass kid/lufffy x gn!reader
warnings: ya'll are in a relationship with luffy, angst, implied cheating, pre-timeskip and all that jazz
Edit: I added more to this then when I first posted it cause I didn't like how it ended.
"Fuck this dumbass island, and fuck you, Luffy!" You say under your breath while walking towards the nearest bar. Your overwhelming anger makes you kick rocks around with your shoes. Dust flies up in the air as angry tears slip down your face and onto the ground below.
Once again, after reminding him several times, he had stood you up.
It was aggravating and embarrassing. You felt like a total idiot for waiting at the park for 2 hours looking around, waiting for your 'boyfriend' to show up. The amount of pitiful looks and whispered words directed at you only made you want to hide in a hole and never come out.
He's always done this. You can't imagine a single time when he was on time for something where it was just supposed to be the two of you. While he'd always apologize after realizing it, it was just too often for you to ignore.
The rest of the straw hats told you that Luffy was just like that. To not take it personally. But how could you not? He was always on time for other things, so why could he be on time for once in his life when supposed to be on a date with you?
You remember telling your woes to Nami, and while she was a great listener, all she could do was yell at Luffy for forgetting once again. It wasn't like she could force him to hang out with you.
It's just that each time, it's the same thing he's told you.
'Oh, I promise I'll remember next time!'
'I promise it won't happen again!'
'You can count on me to be there! I promise!'
He is always making promises he can't keep. It's like he thinks those words are something you can just throw around. Well, to you, they weren't.
Thankfully, you can drown out the loud voices in your head when you see the sign of a local bar in your eyesight. It looked sketchy, but you could handle it yourself if anything were to happen.
Entering the bar, you see everything in between pirates, commoners, and most likely bounty hunters, all downing alcohol like it was their last day on earth.
You manage to see an empty booth in the far back of the bar. It was probably the closest you'd get to being able to drink alone and undisturbed.
Walking towards the back, you sit down at the booth. Putting your elbows on the table and holding your head in your hands, you watch as a waiter or bartender approaches you.
"Can I get you anything to eat?" Despite the dingy bar, the smile of the man asking for your order calmed your suspicion.
"Strongest alcohol you've got and a basket of fries."
"One of those days?"
"Like you wouldn't believe." Rubbing your eyes, you hear the man walk away. The sound of the crowd laughing and roaring makes your heart heavy. Everyone is hanging out with their buddies while your here alone. Just as you were about to rub your eyes, you saw a bright flash of red on your right.
Moving your eyes to the color, you see a man laughing with what you assume is his crew. He was drinking like the alcohol was simply water to him. His pale skin against the lights of the bar made him slightly glow compared to how dark the bar truly was.
His hair was such a vibrant red that it was hard not to get caught just staring at it. It was held up by what you can only assume are goggles based on how far he was away from you. His jacket looked somewhat soft despite the spikes that lay around the collar.
"Here ya go. And your fries should be out in a minute." The waiter's voice knocks you from your trance as you hear him set down your drink.
"Oh, thanks. But before you go, do you know who that man with the violent red hair is?" You nod your head in the direction of the man you wish to learn more about. The waiter's head turns and shows a look of shock before looking back at you.
"You don't know who that is?"
"Can't say I do. I don't read the papers much."
"That's Eustass 'Captain' Kid, the most infamous pirate of the new generation. He has a bounty worth 350,000,000 berri's. He's known for being hot-headed and not very civilian-cautious. He's also known to have eaten a devil fruit that allows him to control metal."
"Is that so?" You're surprised to have never heard of him if his reputation is that bad. If what the waiter told you was true, then he wasn't someone who you wanted to be on his bad side.
"Hey, give him another of whatever his last drink was. I'll pay for it. Tell him that I think he's cute. I'll give you a big tip if you do." The waiter looks at you in surprise before laughing.
"Trying to get on his good side?"
"Perhaps. That and he is cute regardless."
"Well, if you die, don't blame me."
"Wouldn't dream of it." You watch the waiter leave and go to wherever he kept the alcohol. Leaving you alone in your mind.
'Why did I do that? I have a boyfriend. I shouldn't be flirting with trivial captains. ' Letting out a sigh, you rub your face. Your frustration with your current situation got the best of you, and now you're playing with fire just because your boyfriend doesn't know how time works.
Turning your glance towards the ruthless captain, you see the waiter giving him the drink before pointing at you. You can feel your heart beat against your ribs as you watch the man stand up and make his way over to you.
The aura he gave off certainly fit his bounty, as it felt like you were going to encounter death himself. But there was just something so interesting about him—the confidence and how he held his head high, not caring about what anyone else thought of him.
'Okay. Play it cool.' You managed not to jump in fright when the man you had looked at only seconds ago slammed his hand on the table you were sitting at.
"So, you're the pipsqueak who sent the drink, aye?"
"That'd be me, yes. I just thought someone as cute as you deserved a free drink." A smirk plastered onto Kid's face as he looked you up and down. You swore your heart echoed through the entire bar when you watched him sit on the other side of you.
Having him closer than before, you managed to catch a glimpse of his eyes. Their amber color really complemented the red lipstick along his lips. You can also see the freckles that you weren't able to see from so far away earlier. If you were to get closer, you'd probably be able to see different types of constellations that hide among them.
"You're starting there, pipsqueak." You could practically hear the smugness in his voice.
"Sorry, Captain. It's not every day I get to ogle at the most infamous pirate of the worst generation. Especially up close." You were probably inflating his already massive ego, but it was better than being crushed by some random metal.
"You're not half bad for a straw hat. Does your captain know you like to chat up other rival captains?"
"I'm sure he won't mind just this once." Just then, the fries that you've been waiting for finally show up and is placed between the two of you
"Oi! Grab me a drink while your at it." The waiter only nods before scurrying away to fulfill Kidd's request.
"So what brings you to this dingy bar Captain?" You look at the man in front of you while internally screaming at yourself to not give into the temptation that Kidd brought along with him.
"It's out of the Marines sight, and I thought I might as well get drunk before dealing with a bunch of nobodies at that auction house." Kidd's laughter echoed in the bar and caused your heart to thump rapidly.
"Anyone ever tell you, you have a pretty laugh?" Putting your head in your hand, you tilt your head slightly while smiling. You watch as Kidd freezes for a second before going back to normal. His pale skin supporting a light blush across his freckled face.
"You trying to suck up straw hat?"
"My name. It's (Y/N)." Taking a swig of your drink before continuing.
"Thought you might like to know it." A smirk plays onto Kidd's face before he cracks his knuckles.
"Hey, what do you say we get outta here? My ships not to far and I'd like to give you your own personal tour." You could see the lust in his eyes and the way he spoke. You knew what he was implying when he said 'personal tour'. Even though you knew you should deny the offer given you were already in a relationship, there was just something alluring about him.
"I'd love too." What Luffy doesn't know wouldn't hurt him right? After all, you'd still be waiting at the park right now.
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respectthepetty · 12 days
Pride Petty Watch - LiTA (Rain/Payu) 1
Because I'm petty, I had the crowd pick which blacklisted shows I would watch for the month of Pride. I had planned to space them out more, but due to wacky weather over here (tornadoes, thunderstorms, softball-sized hail, and flash flooding), I had plenty of time to binge watch the first show, Love in the Air, which perfectly aligns with my real life theme of stormy weather, so I'm posting my random thoughts in five parts, two for each couple and the special episode.
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I'm seated, I'm watching, and I'm being petty.
It starts at "2:00 AM" - Oh no. Nothing could happens at 2 in the morning, and the time just keeps going. This event isn't even going to begin until 3 AM?! Take me home, NOW! I don't care how fine these men are. I'm stopping for mini churros at Jack in the Box on the way home and going to bed. I'M OUT!
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I've seen plenty of pictures of Boss in the past two years, but I still lost my breath a bit when he took off his mask because he was looking delicious in the rain.
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Out of everything I saw about this show, NOBODY mentioned that Rain was trying to get a girl. I'm shook. That's a huge part of the plot I never saw mentioned. There were rumors of the actor (Noeul) being with Milk (of MilkLove), and I saw more of THAT in connection to this show than about him liking a girl within it. Where are y'alls priorities?! *looks at Tonnam and breathes deeply*
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Payu's room is IN the garage? But what about the fumes? What about the noise? What about a good work/life balance?!
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I don't care if this boy is snuggling in his sleep, Payu is on my shit list! Instead of being like "oh, I misunderstood the signals," he pushed harder then got upset. Even if Rain secretly does want him, I need a verbalization. This is the end of the first episode, and I'm mad as hell at a bisexual on the first day of Pride. Damn.
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Start of episode two and I know Rain's voiceovers are there to make me not be upset at Payu, but . . . I'm pissed at this man! He did all of that work, said it was free, but now there is "another" charge, then he shows up at this boy's school when he could've just talked to him at the shop, and feels him up in the bathroom stall. I am BIG mad!
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I will admit, this is hot. Still very mad at my fellow bisexual for him saying he wasn't trying to force himself on Rain (even though he was about to mark a map on that boy's neck), but they got chemistry.
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My fellow Slut for Christ, only God can judge you, but know that I am too.
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All racetracks look the same so Pit Babe and Cutie Pie could have been filmed here for all I know, but I have this at 1.5 speed, unmuted, so I hear this is a legit hype rap song. WEARETHEGOOD's "Threat" with these colors?! Energy? Matched.
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I don't kink shame but both people should be willing participants in this endeavor. Then just to drop him on the floor like that?! That does not inspire trust! This is not Blue Boy behavior, sir! But this lecture after is. That is what I need from you. Remind him that this isn't some petty school shit but actual gangstas he is messing with. Remind him that he can't be reckless. THAT'S HOW BLUE BOYS GET KISSED!
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Now it's a competition? Payu wants to fuck Rain so badly he looks stupid, yet Rain is over here saying he is going to make Payu want to fuck him, what? harder? What is this all about?!
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What do you mean you didn't want to show Rain your bad side? Has all this been your good side up until this point?! Cause, dead ass, this side ain't looking that great either with you being upset you weren't sleeping with him on the first night and stalking him. So you're going to get worse?
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Y'all can't sucker me in with red and blue colors. I Told Sunset About You tried that, and I'm still being petty about it. But whose house are we at now?! This is a different room than before. Payu got multiple places?! In this economy?
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Prapai strolling in all happy because he had a good night . . . Sir, I'll get to your ass soon because I know how you got that happiness, and you are on the same shit list as your fellow bisexual bestie.
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I am Sky and our judgement cannot be measured.
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All this blue between these two yet they are straight up lyin' every two seconds. The fuckery.
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I would've let him turn it in, but I appreciate that he looks so good while looking so sad with that warm glow.
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Payu gets one positive point for leaving his arms open for Rain to come to him, but now that warm glow feels sus like maybe I should be paying more attention to Rain's yellow/orange backpack.
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And now for a negative point because even though I keep seeing black x white, Payu stays morally grey by playing with this boy's emotions and hiding from him in his own shop! These after scenes are not doing Payu any favors.
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Payu, do I like you? Do I hate you? Do I wanna fuck you? Do I wanna kick you in the balls? All of the above?
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Guess I'll find out in the next three episodes.
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mooncello · 3 months
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What a fun Sunday so far. ⚡ thank you for the tags @bookish-bogwitch (LOVE seeing some of your writing process), @shrekgogurt (still haven't recovered from ch 13 of ikabikam in the best way possible), @emeryhall (happy anniversary!) & @you-remind-me-of-the-babe (anguished Baz is such a vibe fr).
For today's update:
Enter Niall & Dev.
Truly one of the most unexpected delights of writing this fic has been the insistence of Niall and Dev to show up and take a prominent role in the story. I adore them. I adore them as individual characters, and I love who they are for Baz.
Here's a little from chapter 2 of lost boys. This chapter will publish next week! I'm traveling this week, so I'll post once I'm back.
Under the cut because of length. It's a 30+ sentence Sunday, y'all.
Baz POV, 16 yo, year 12 (school).
Towards the end of lunch, I hear a familiar booming laugh across the canteen. I figure I have two minutes until impact. I tuck my sketchbook and pencils away and twist the lid back onto my thermos of tea. “Just a head’s up,” I say to Niall, who is still contently working away, “we’re about to be interrupted by the demon of chaos hims—” “Bazza!” There’s the solid thump of a hand against my shoulder and the dramatic collapse of tall, muscular limbs into the seat beside me. “My favourite nerd. How’s it going, cuz?” Dev flashes his white, perfect teeth at me before snatching my remaining bourbon biscuit. His fingernails are painted turquoise today, his dark hair is swept away from his face, and he’s wearing eyeliner. The bastard looks amazing. Despite being cousins, we never really hung out as kids. Always kept to different social circles. Which is to say Dev constantly had a roving pack of friends, and I had nobody (save for the lost boys in my dreams). But when I got outed this past spring, Dev decided to take a more active presence in my life. He even convinced me to join the football team with him. He’s charismatic and popular in his own way, and so unabashedly and loudly himself that even the nastiest bullies don’t bother him. It's been nice, having Dev in my life. Even though it means I now deal with his chaotic, abrasive personality all the goddamn time. “Dev, this is Niall.” I make a small sweeping motion to the boy across from us. Dev raises his chin in greeting. “New kid. Hey.” Niall smiles faintly. He looks rather disoriented. Possibly awestruck. I don’t blame him. Dev tends to have that effect on people. I’m almost envious of it. Another smack hits my upper arm. “Did’ya hear about practice this afternoon? Thirty minutes later than usual.” “Yes, I received the same team-wide notification, Dev, thank you.” Dev is now peering at Niall’s drawing tablet without shame, while continuing to talk to me. “A bunch of us are getting ice cream after the match on Friday. Wanna join?” “That’s a very solid maybe,” I tell him in a tone that communicates I’d rather eat grass laced with slug poison. I like playing on the pitch, but I’m not about to huff dairy with a bunch of footballer lads. “Great.” Dev stands, all six feet of him, and squeezes my top knot. I sigh and bat his hand away. Clearly I need to have another conversation with him about acceptable physical contact. “See you at practice then. Nice meeting you, Niall.” He’s off in a swirl of flair and overpriced body spray. “Sorry about him,” I murmur to Niall. I really hope he’s not scared off.
hellos & tags! xoxo
@thewholelemon, @best--dress, @facewithoutheart, @cutestkilla, @whatevertheweather, @artsyunderstudy, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @fatalfangirl, @youarenevertooold, @raenestee, @orange-peony, @ileadacharmedlife, @nightimedreamersworld, @rimeswithpurple, @iamamythologicalcreature, @shemakesmeforget & @arthurkko (your merwolves ... still thinking about your merwolves)
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Thanks for tagging me, @wishingforatypewriter!
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Before I begin, there may be spoilers below!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 142! But a lot of them are one-shots.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? It's 355,968, surprisingly. I'm pretty sure I've seen individual fics longer than this. But also, I think that's a pretty big number for me considering..
3. What fandoms do you write for? Only and only, exclusively Avatar, The Legend of Korra.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Chaos: Chaos was my first ever multi-chapter fic. It stars Lin Beifong, no surprise there, thrust with this eclectic group consisting of her "found family". Primarily focused on Linumi (Lin x Bumi), the fic actually serves as a post canon fix it.
Soul: Soul quite literally is written from the soul. It mostly focuses on the relationship between Lin and Tenzin (ofc, it's LinxTenzin) and explores their connection beyond the physical realm. It's not just about two people who fell in and out of love over the course of time, but about two souls that ache and burn for the other.
The Pledge: This was supposed to be a Lin x Tenzin one-shot of Tenzin falling victim to some kind of out of body, false-memory-confabulation situation where he just quite literally forgets that he wasn't married to Lin. I really wanted to leave this fic as is, but a lot of people asked for a part 2 and the people pleaser in me didn't wanna disappoint. I didn't love how the fic turned out, but oh well. I love the first chapter though.
Abscond: Another multi-chapter! This one is Lin x Mako. It's a series of events that led to Lin and Mako finding commonality and having this flirtatious banter that neither could control. It's a little dramatic, but fun nonetheless.
Laws of Physics: This one's different. It's my Lin x Bumi modern AU, they're both college professors in their late 30s, early 40s respectively. Like chaos, it features almost every character (not all in great detail ofc), and it's been so fun to re-imagine everyone in this modern setting.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, always! I may be a little behind sometimes, but I always make it a point to respond. I love, love, love, love comments!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? There might be a tie here: So Many Signs: It's a post-breakup Linzin fic where they see each other for the first time at a gala. A hundred percent based on Exxile by Taylor Swift. Chimera: I'm not sure it fully comes across, but Bumi has this recurring dream about drinking with Lin where they play games and kiss- turns out, this dream is what's flashing before his eyes as he's drowning in deep waters to his death. Yeah, whoa. Why did I write this?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Okay, I think they're all happy!
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Okay, but jokes aside, I think It's Time To Make Time kinda gives everyone a very happy ending. Oh, and Ghost of Weddings!
8. Do you get hate on fics? I have gotten hate maybe once or twice on AO3. It's not typical. But it's there- and it's funny. Everyone on Tumblr hates me though lmao.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have attempted smut a few times! I'll be honest, it isn't great. I've read some fantastic smut so I just know I don't fall in the "smut writer" category. I mostly write a lil bangity-bang-bang for Lin. That's about it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Do crossovers between my real life and Lin Beifong fanfiction count? If not, then no I haven't written crossovers. But if yes, then it's Exhaustion. Way to expose myself lmao.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but I wouldn't be opposed to it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I would love to! There's some really wonderful authors out there and I would LOVE to write with them.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? It's a three way tie between Linzin-Linumi-Linzolt. I can't pick. I do love other ships from other fandoms, but let's stick to what we know lol.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I'm going to be greeted with pitchforks for this one, but it may wind up being Waging Wars. I kinda forgot what my initial premise for the fic was (should've written it down, I know), so I'm gonna focus on stuff I have mapped out instead. I'm sorry. I will try my best coming back to it though, I promise.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think my ideas are pretty good. The way I can visualize or imagine up these situations often take me aback too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? The writing part of it. The more I get out of practice, the more I struggle- which leads to taking insane amounts of time between chapters.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I guess if it fits the characters/story/universe, it's fair game. I've never done it though.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Ha! Avatar The Legend of Korra.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Ummmm that's a hard question. Here, you tell me yours.
I'm tagging @orangepanic, @risingsoleil, @superliz6 and anyone who wants to participate!
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
You’re safe with me
*Authors note~ so after posting "They still haunt me" on here and tumblr a part 2 was requested. I am happy to oblige with this after speaking to the original requester. So please if you ever have any prompts or requests feel free to shout at me and I'll do my best to make them happen read on darlings*
Trigger warnings ~ mentions past abuse , panic attacks
Prompt ~ part two for they still haunt me ~ aftermath of r finding Lesso's letter and the conversation that follows.
When you felt your body rouse from the land of sleep you were confused. Light seeped into the room through the small gap in the curtains, seemingly highlighting a piece of parchment that laid neatly on your bedside table. You hadn't left anything out? What happened last night? Cautiously, you reached out to grab the parchment gasping in shock when you caught sight of the unmistakable penmanship."Dearest y/n come and find me in the morning I wish to speak with you about what you've been going through and find a way to support you, just know you're not alone and won't ever be alone again. You are safe here little one. You're safe with me. Lady lesso"
You read over the words in shock, that had really happened last night. How embarrassing! You had appeared so weak in front of the great Dean of Evil. If it had truly happened you had seen a side of the women you didn't truly know and that absolutely terrified you. In your experience people were only nice when they got some kind of benefit from that. Where was the benefit of last night? Maybe this was all a cruel joke? If your mother taught you anything in life, it's that you can't trust anyone, no matter how nice they portray themselves to be.
You still couldn't help the tears that spilled at the thought of the women possibly somehow enjoying your display of weakness, yet you were unable to forget the kindness she showed you and the feelings she brought out in you. It was frustrating and scary and ultimately all you could feel was the overwhelming need to hide.  And that's exactly what you did. You got yourself ready for classes that day and made sure to try and relax, her kind words flowing round your mind constantly reminding you of the exact issue you were avoiding.
Somehow throughout the day you managed to seem more irritated if that was even possible. Your panic rising as the day trickled on. Each lesson closer to hers. Do you go? Do you stay? Do you seek her out at all? You had no idea what would be best. On some level you wished to confide in her, lay all the secrets bare for her to see. But on the other hand, you wanted to run away and hide, never to face Lady Lesso again. The internal wore you were battling continued to rage on throughout the whole day. By the time your Curses and Death Traps lesson was due to start your anxiety was at an all time high. How on earth were you going to make it through this lesson sane?
In your panicked state you did the only thing your exhausted brain could come up with is to run. And run you did. You completely evaded anyone who could possibly interfere, running in a desperate attempt to quell the internal war. You ended up running up your very own little hide away. To your knowledge no one knew of this little space. It was tucked away in the tallest spike of the building. The compact space soothed you as if it were a waited blanket. The walls laid bare showing how unused yet simplistic this space was. Another calming fact to the room was it held no disturbances for you. The one place you truly felt safe. Here in your nook no one could harm you. You often wonder if this is how your childhood should've been. And that was the thought that caused your break down.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~flash back~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You were cowering away hidden between your bed and the small set of draws that held your clothes, tears streaming down your face and your little mind tried to understand what was happening. Your chest heaving, feeling as though rocks were weighing it down, all you could do is cover your mouth with your sleeve in an attempt to muffle your cries.
It really wasn't your fault. Honestly you knew that you hadn't caused this. But her words, well they were convincing you otherwise. Your mother had not long met her boyfriend, the mere thought of his name disgusting you, and she had introduced you to him instantly. Thinking back you remember how terrified you were to meet a strange man. You wished for your mother's happiness so you gave it your best shot, you were polite and respectful but something about him meant you couldn't trust him. Soon enough he proved that feeling right.
When your mother was out what he did, the way he treated you was most certainly not okay. Even your smaller self knew that. At first you kept it a secret I mean would anyone believe you? You weren't so sure. Your mother was constantly furious with you for not getting along with him which made it all so much worse. Her punishments for that would quickly become physical and you grew to have a strong dislike for the women she was turning into.
Then you tried to tell your trusted therapist. As a child of divorce you attended regular sessions and she had become some what of a friend to you. Do you opened up, showed her the bruises and relived all the despicable things you had experienced. You thought she was in your side, that she believed you, that you were safe. But oh how wrong you'd been.
No. The therapist broke toe confidentiality rules, she went to your mother and disclosed everything you had told her. She explained it was simply you dealing with the split between your mother and birth farther and children your age often tale fibs as a coping mechanism. Which wasn't true! Why didn't anyone believe you when's you we're literally covered in the proof? What else were they waiting for? You didn't know. All you knew is that no one, absolutely no one is trust worthy. If you were to make it out alive you'd have to do it alone.
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You could feel your mind being pulled back from the painful memories but unsure why. After all you were the only one who knew this place existed. Or where you? It was the voice of Lesso that was pulling you back. Only then did you notice the irregular breathing, tears streaming down your cheeks and unrelenting shaking.
Lesso had been looking for you after you didn't arrive in her class. Worry trickling away below the surface as she tried to maintain her usual facade. As soon as the rest of the Nevers flocked from the room she set off in a search. Where on earth were you? And more importantly were you okay? She searched all the usual places you where known to hide. Yet you weren't there. Panic now rising, she picked up her pace and stalked around the castle scanning every possible hiding place she could think off. Until she came to the tallest point of the school. Now she made a habit of not telling her students about this, it was sort of her sanctuary, being just the floor above her office it just made sense. So you can imagine her utter shock when she spots you curled up in a corner clearly having a panic attack.
"Little one? Can you come back to, follow my voice darling, that's it good girl" she cooed on a repeat hoping to provide some sort of comfort. She truly cared for you and that's the moment you realised. You threw yourself into her arms, In which she wrapped around you instantly. "Hush little one I have you. You're safe. It's okay. I'm not mad." She reassured while bringing her hand to mess with your hair in a soothing manner. You didn't know how long you sat in her embrace, soaking up all the reassurance you could. And there seemed to be a never ending supply of it which allowed you to hide for a while.
Only when your breathing had completely evened out and the tears had now dried did she pull back to see you. You were broken. A broken dove sat in her lap, looking up at her with those pleading eyes. You needed help. And she was determined to give that to you. But if anything Lesso knew what it was like to hide, to keep secrets and too feel alone so she knew that if she pushed too hard you'd leave. Although patience was not something Never's normally practice, Lesso sat and waited for you to broach the conversation. And you did in your own time. You broke down once more, explaining everything to her while in the safety of her embrace. She never once interrupted you, just allowing you to let it all out while she rocked you. Only once she was sure you were done did she speak up and reassure you that you'd always have her and could trust her implicitly. Lesso would never allow you to be hurt again. And when she said those words, cradling you in her embrace, for the first time you actually believed them
Word count ~ 1607
Taglist~ @lestrange188
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animeaandp · 1 year
MHA Prompt
Pairing: Aizawa x reader
Note: I considered making this an entire series/multiple part story but decided to leave it as this for now. I've been working on so many stories at once, I needed to get something posted. Maybe I'll continue by doing a prequel/flashback/backstory type thing later. We'll see and then we'll know, won't we.?
Warnings: Character death, talk of depression and suicide.
Quirk: Energy redistribution- Can absorb or intake energy, then either redistribute that energy as another form of energy, leave it as is and simply redirect it, or hold onto the energy and use it for yourself until it runs out. The greater the energy intake the more difficult it is to contain, control, and change, and consumes your energy to use. Taking in too much and holding it for too long, or pouring absolutely all of your energy out could kill you. Is a great quirk for the defensive but can be used for attacks; absorbing energy to heighten your natural physical abilities as well as redirecting attacks onto others. You prefer using your quirk for the former.
You're in class 1A and as much as Aizawa admires you, he has to worry. In order to help save people, your quirk requires that you sacrifice your own wellbeing in the process. There's a day he's called out of class and hurries to the hospital. During your internship, a villain was giving the police a hard time; causing mass mayhem, damages, and multiple casualties. You and the hero you're with are nearby and answered the call for support just in time. The villain's quirk involved explosions and before he can take out a crowd of fleeing civilians, you jump in the way and take the hit yourself. It's been a long time since you've taken in this much energy and after successfully managing to send it back to the villain; disabling him, you collapse. The hospital alerted the school who then alerted Aizawa. He could have waited another hour or so when the school day ended but not being able to know the details until then, other than you have yet to wake up, wasn't something he could handle.
Maybe it was just the result of your quirk, but you were the type of person who was always ready to throw yourself into the crossfire if it meant at least one other person didn't have to get hurt. Aizawa knew first hand that no matter how righteous a person's intentions could be, self-sacrifice was rarely worth the cost in the grand scheme of things. But that damn smile of yours you'd flash at him while swearing everything was okay, he folded every time; a literal ray of sunshine that he couldn't bring himself to snuff out. It's the same story when you woke up the next day to a disheveled Aizawa slumped over the side of your bed. He's ready to chastise your foolishness, slap you with punishments and consequences for being so reckless with yourself, threaten a suspension-"I'm happy you're here, Shota." "...Me too." He cradles the hand on his cheek, thankful that it's still warm, and bypasses the lecture to see how you're feeling. Your answer was all he focused on in these moments, that and your smile that always reassured him.
Today, that smile haunted his every waking moment.
His mind taunted him with it.
Possessed his dreams and thoughts.
was seeing this really worth it you're a selfish man how can you live with yourself this could have all been avoided it's your fault
Drives him to almost take the half a step that could end all of it.
The half step he found himself about to take as often as the days passed by now.
He used the cumulative pto he's built up over the years to disappear in hopes of either returning to a classroom where the seat front and center never sat empty; that this had all been some fucked up joke,
or, in hopes that the half a step could be taken in peace, now that people weren't hanging over him, watching his every move, holding him back from getting too close.
Whichever came first.
and Aizawa had countless pto days saved up but Snipe's gun only until they finished tracking him down.
He'd be long gone by then hopefully.
Your smile, voice; things he'd grown to curse and resent, would be gone.
The guilt would be gone.
Almost gone.
The bundle of swaddled blankets he'd be leaving behind, most likely being looked after by Midnight right now, condemned him to a well deserved hell of it's own design.
One that he doesn't pull this trigger, and instead guilts him into finding the nerve to live.
To live and continue pouring life into the life you left behind with him.
To one day explain why they didn't have a mother.
To explain that she was a great hero, who ended up dying a great death, fighting a great war.
That it was their own father who encouraged this, and was to blame.
"Y/n did not entrust you with y/c/n for you to pass your grief onto them."
"...We can."
Whether he wanted it or not; Present Mic slides the gun from his best friends hand, choosing the path of hell for him, then walks through it with him.
(y/n= your name) (y/c/n= your child's name)
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
21 + post-Upright Lucio? 👀 (angst? fluff? up to you, I'm just starving for adventuring era Lucio content)
I would be more than happy to write adventuring era Lucio content!!!!!! I am also always looking for that post-upright Lucio content haha. Thank you so much for requesting! I truly appreciate it! Here's a bit of fluff and a bit of angst! All rules for this event are here, my requests are open!
Tearful Kisses with Post-Upright Lucio (The Arcana)
Lucio flinches as you press a clean strip of cloth to his injured abdomen. His wound is deep, but not mortally so. He's lucky the blade hadn't plunged any deeper, or the two of you probably wouldn't be huddled around a campfire, tending to one another's injuries.
"You need to be more careful," you scold, voice riddled with worry. You try to inject some irritation into your tone, but you're too shaken. Mercedes rests her head on her papa's lap, while Melchior snoozes near the crackling fire. You managed to escape with just a couple of scrapes and bruises, unlike your reckless companion.
"I'm fine," Lucio grouses, before he gives you a cheeky wink, "Those bandits were no match against the great Lucio and his magnificent magician."
He flashes a bright smile at you, which turns into a grimace when you pull his bandages tighter.
"A little snug there, dontchya think?" he retorts, but you ignore his commentary, frustration welling up inside you. You've been on the road with Lucio for several months now. Things have been going relatively smoothly, save the occasional shady character that tries to harass the two of you. Most of the time, you're able to diffuse the situation, but every once in a while, like today, things escalate. And then there's the added stress of Lucio always throwing himself in front of you without thinking.
"You can't just keep jumping into the fray like that," you go on, tossing unused bandages back into your pack and shoving everything else back into place, "You're going to end up getting yourself seriously injured. Or worse."
Lucio scoffs, pulling his shirt back over his head, fumbling a bit with the sleeves.
"I'm fine!" he reassures, still not understanding just how shaken you are, "Besides there's no need to worry! Not even death can stop good ol' Lucio!"
He puffs his chest out proudly and you're suddenly reminded of the days you spent with Lucio when he was a ghost. Still trapped in this idea that he's invincible, immune to the natural order of things. Lucio has made a lot of improvements since his days as a Count, but there's still a lot of work to be done.
"You can't keep thinking like that, Lucio," you retort, unwilling tears stinging the corners of your eyes, "You and I- we've each both escaped death once. That's more times than anyone else has. I don't think-"
You sigh, shoulders slumping as Lucio gives you a bewildered look, "We're not going to be given the chance again. And-"
"I don't wanna lose you," you almost whisper, tears rolling down your cheeks. Lucio's silver eyes gaze at you, glimmering brightly in the light of the fire.
"I- I didn't mean to make light of it," he returns, staring down at the ground, brows crinkled with worry, "I just- I guess I just don't wanna think about the danger. How maybe, if I make a bad move- One misstep, I might- I might not make it. You might not make it."
"I don't know what I'd do if I let anything happen to you," he murmurs, glancing back at you. His lip quivers, eyes glazed with tears.
You yank him into a crushing embrace, feeling his arms wrap around you with equal fervor. It's been a long, tense day, and it all comes out in sobs and quiet weeping into one another's shoulders. Lucio pulls back occasionally to lay teary, desperate kisses against your lips. Your fingers tangle in his hair as he pulls you in closer. He cups your face, the pads of his thumbs passing across your cheeks, wiping away your tears.
"Sorry I was so upset," you apologize between breaths.
"I promise I'll be more careful," he whispers, sincerity in his voice. The two of you cling to one another. Lucio's gentle heartbeat, the warmth of his embrace, the tenderness of each kiss he lays against your lips: all of it is a reassurance that you're safe, that you're alive. And you want to cherish every sacred moment you have with him.
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ctrsara · 5 months
Fanfic asks
Thanks to @mossrose10 for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?.
Only Marvel (so far) and mostly just Irondad.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Emergency Contacts Flash gets a hold of Peter's phone at a party, and can only access the emergency contacts. Parker has a "Dad" listed in there, but Flash knows his dad died. As a joke, in the heat of the moment, he texts a ransom message to that contact. He didn't expect a very angry Iron Man to show up minutes later.
Cutting Remarks Peter Parker's field trip ends up being at Stark Industries, thanks to a little push from Pepper. Peter makes Tony promise to stay out of it, but Tony has never been great at keeping his distance. FRIDAY basically calls him a stalker. Kids are mean. Peter is self-sacrificing. You know, the usual.
Better Than I Was Rhodey makes it down to the Tower for a visit, and to meet the "intern" Tony has been so busy with, and is surprised by what he finds there.
Sick Day Shouldas Tony gets a call from Peter's school, asking him to pick Peter up because of a migraine, which turns out to be a result of his senses being haywire.
Outside Insights Since he had a head injury that prompted observation for 24 hours, Peter ends up having to shadow Tony as he attends to some SI business. It happens to be "Family Day," and lots of people are confused about the relationship between Mr. Stark and the kid he brought with him.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try hard to respond to every comment. But sometimes I get woefully behind! :( (Like right now!)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Do any of my fics have angsty endings? Not really... Maybe Near-Arctic Adventures would count with Rhodey's musings at the end, and looking at the series possibly ending in "Infinity War" happening.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings... I'm going to randomly pick Birthday Breakout.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far. A little constructive criticism here and there. :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have not. I don't usually read them either.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, though we've talked about it a bunch of times, haha. I've co-brainstormed a bunch, and written a few of those!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
The platonic Peter Parker & Tony Stark one is probably my favorite, but I've liked lots of them in the past. :) Lois/Clark in Lois & Clark: the New Adventures of Superman, Edward/Bella, Jasper/Alice, Spock/Uhura, (that was cheating, wasn't it...)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any WIPs I don't think I'll finish, unless it's the AU of my soulmates AU that I started. I don't know if I'll ever post it, therefore I'll probably never finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Grammar and spelling, attention to body language, fun dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Rambling about things that aren't that interesting, not great at cutting stuff out after I write it. (I'm crap at "killing my darlings.")
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I do some in Italian for Peter and Tony in Hardly Coincidence and the rest of the soulmate universe, but I usually switch to English and just indicate that they're speaking Italian for anything very long. (It has also inspired me to study Italian on Duolingo though, and I have a 225 day streak!)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I tried writing a Pern fanfiction (Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders) at least 20 years ago. It wasn't good. I didn't make it past the first chapter, and didn't try again until I was almost 40...
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
How am I supposed to answer that? If I was cheating I'd pick the whole Strands in the Rope series, but maybe Visiting Hours is my favorite standalone.
No pressure tags: @fotibrit, @spagbol99, @asyouleft, @opal-earrings, @niniblack and @cajun-fangirl (and anyone else who wants to do it!!!)
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So, it has been awhile since I've talked about my adventures through the various Arrowverse TV show so, here's an update. The last time I posted it was about the final season of Supergirl and how I did not like the ending and before that it was about the final season of Black Lighting and how I was glad that was over too. I just want to give my opinions on these shows and how they ended.
Well, since then, I have finished watching Batwoman and Legends Of Tomorrow, with The Flash not too far behind and I wanna talk about them.
Batwoman: Now, I'll admit that this is didn't have the length if other shows like Legends Of Tomorrow, Arrow, or Flash did to really get bad. But, I still did not like the ending and that because they didn't really wrap up things at all because they just kind of left off with some creature attacking people and that was it. Then, she shows up again in an episode of The Flash when they're dealing with Red Death and she makes absolutely no mention of anything from the ending of Batwoman. It's kind of similar to how Arrow ends with William getting kidnapped in the final episode. Mia then shows up in an episode of The Flash stating that she's still looking for William so, all that time since the end of Arrow and we still have no idea what happened to William. Yes, I know that there was some sort of spin off show that got canceled but they should not have banked on that going forward to answer the question of William's fate, much like the Batwoman crew should not have banked on another season to deal with the creature we see in the last episode. Easy to say that while Batwoman didn't really
Legends Of Tomorrow: Yeah, I am more than happy that Legends is over and done with, you have no idea. I swear that across three to four seasons I kept asking myself why I was still watching so, yeah, I am so relieved to be done. This show just had not been good since like season three which in itself was not a great season but, the show never really recovered from that and only grew worse and worse with each subsequent season. The problem here though is that, like Arrow and Batwoman, Legends did not have a conclusive final episode. The second to last episode was a decent wrap up with the Legends accepting that they have to retire from being heroes, go back to their normal timelines and move on with their lives and that should have been the last episode of the show. Sadly, they went with on with one more episode where, not only did we get a cliffhanger ending that will never be resolved but, they also introduced the character of Booster Gold. Now, what's funny to me is that there is a tweet from one of the showrunners for Legends saying that introducing Booster Gold was meant to excite the audience and also intended to save Legends from getting canceled because both Warner Bros and DC wanted the show to succeed. I find it funny that their attempt to save Legends went the opposite of what they wanted. Again, they really should not have put so much hope in the possibility of getting another season to resolve things because now we will be forever wondering why that group wants to arrest the Legends, who that group really is and so on. As much as I am glad that the show is over, I am also not happy with how the show ended.
Yep, that is the update on Arrowverse stuff for now. I'll be back with probably an angry rant post when I finish season nine of The Flash but, you'll just have to wait for that. I'll probably make posts for when I finish Stargirl, which will be soon. I also am on the third season of Superman and Lois, which has a fourth season on the way with no current release date at the time of this post. I also started watching Gotham Knights too. The Flash though is the end of the Arrowverse as we knew it since Superman & Lois, Stargirl and Gotham Knights are not apart of that same universe.
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shhhhhuuuush · 2 years
Join me under the cut because this will get long
I'm assuming you got here thru AO3! I'm sharing a couple snippets I edited out of The Very Real Adrien Situation:
(1) the original draft for the beginning of this fic, where chat noir comes through the window and instead of marinette jumping his bones they banter for a bit
(2) conversations about marinette's crush on adrien that I cut out
(3) some goofy banter I cut from the scene where marinettes going down on adrien, post-adrien-reveal
(4) the beginning of another sex scene that would have happened at the end of the fic but seemed like overkill and i didnt care enough to write it
Under the cut so this isn't crazy long:
[My original draft for the beginning of the fic - at first, the scene where ladybug + chat noir are tied up together didn't exist, and we just started at marinette's apartment right after margarita night]:
He's got a terrible idea.
A really excellent terrible idea. An idea that might be outrageously sexy.
He hears a key in the door and calls back his transformation. Marinette opens the door to a green flash, and says, "Were you hanging out detransformed again?"
"Just recharging," he says.
"Recharge in my bedroom, that way I can't walk in on you."
"I can always hear you coming, don't worry," Chat Noir says. "How was coffee? Ruined by the Akuma?"
"Completely," Marinette says, smiling. "Now I have to reschedule, and it's SO hard to get on my boss's calendar." She hangs her coat up, revealing her tight graphic T, cropped barely above her high waisted jeans. He can see her stomach as she lifts up her arms, meow.
"What was that?" Chat Noir says, cupping a hand to his ear and craning his neck. It makes Marinette roll her eyes and laugh. "I can't hear you," he says. "You'll have to come closer."
"I suppose so," Marinette says with an exaggerated sigh. She covers about half the distance to the couch and leans against the kitchen island. "How's this?"
"What's that? Pardon?"
She takes a couple exaggerated steps towards the couch, stopping about two feet away. "How's this?"
"I think I'm going deaf," Chat Noir sighs. "Or you're too quiet."
She covers the last step to the couch and collapses right on top of him. The suit makes it easy to take her full weight. She rests her chin on her hands above his breastbone, and says "I'll get you a hearing aid. Two sets of hearing aids, for both ears."
"Ah, there you are," he sighs, shifting a bit to situate his legs more comfortably in between hers. "I missed your pretty voice."
"I missed your sweet talk. How was the fight?"
"It made me think of you," he says, fluttering his eyelashes at her.
She laughs and says, "Translation, you spent the whole time looking at Ladybug's butt, and got yourself so horny that you can't let me walk through the door without lying on top of you."
"Slander on my good name! I'll have you know I spent the whole time fighting the akuma, and then afterwards, as a treat for doing a great job saving the city, I did look at Ladybug's butt."
Marinette laughs again. "And? How was it?"
"Same as always - perfect, and almost as good as yours." Chat noir snakes his hands over Marinette's ass and parks them in her jeans pockets. She wiggles invitingly under his hands.
"Mmm, you really are in the mood," she says, and her tone of voice says she approves. She starts to play with the open zipper at his neck. "Tell me you don't have somewhere you need to be in an hour."
"For you I have all the time in the world," Chat noir purrs, tilting his chin back to encourage her.
She pulls the zipper down just a couple inches, just far enough that her mouth can reach the exposed skin. She gives him a neat kiss on his chest, and says, "want to play superheroes?"
Temping, but Chat Noir has a worse idea.
"I have a counter offer," he says.
"I'm listening," she says, her fingers playing idly over the skin she's uncovered.
"It might be related to some intelligence I have gathered about your own romantic taste," Adrien says, unable to keep the teasing delight out of his voice. "Maybe about a past crush. Maybe a handsome celebrity model."
Marinette's fingers stop moving on his chest and she pales. "I don't know what you could possibly be talking about."
"Does the name Adrien Agreste ring a bell?"
[early fic conversations about marinette's crush on Adrien]
He grins at her, and leans her face towards him so he can kiss her mouth, with feeling. She sinks into it, but he doesn’t let her stay for long, so he can ask: “Fantasies? Please tell me you have a whole library of fantasies.”
“Of me with another man?” she teases.
“You’re not with another man,” he reminds her, and he lets his claws trace over her bare back so that she shivers.
She says, "I thought you’d be more jealous, to be honest.”
He laughs a bit at that. “I thought you’d never see me again after we started roleplaying Ladybug. I think I owe you one.”
She smiles at that, so he supposes he’s gotten out of the conversation safely. “Fantasies,” he demands.
“It would be different from how I fuck you,” she says. “With you… I’m never nervous. You make me confident. Maybe to a fault. But it’s easy to ask you to… touch me, to fuck me, anything.”
-chat noir action to show hes listening and break up the monologue-
“Adrien makes me nervous. Not like he used to, but sometimes there’s an echo of it – I want to impress him too badly. I want him to look at me a little too much. And I can’t always read him.”
“A mystery man?”
“A mystery dork,” she corrects. “But I could say the same about you.”
“You have a type,” he grins.
“I have a type,” she agrees.
“So how do you fuck him?” he says.
She laughs. “You won’t be distracted, huh?”
“I have to hear what the other fucking options are. I’m only getting the chat noir treatment. What am I missing out on?”
[in here: marinette starts to explain a fantasy by saying she wants adrien to "find her at a party, you know what I mean?"]
“Tell me what you mean,” he says, still playful with the laughter from a minute before.
“Something like... the lights are low, the music’s loud, and… I used to imagine, you know… I wanted…”
She gives him a look, but gets to the point. “He would see me through the crowd. And he’d think I looked so good that he’d come ask me to dance. And he’d pull me in really close, you know?” She’s pressed up against him. He has no trouble imagining. “We’d get to the dance floor and he’d have an arm around my back, holding me tight to him. Like right away. He wouldn’t even mind that I was a bad dancer, cause it’s just an excuse to hold me.”
She can’t get closer to him, but she shifts so he can feel her move. He winds his arms around behind her and holds her there, like she’s describing. She slips her arms around his neck.
“Like that,” she says. “Really close.”
“Hot,” Chat noir says encouragingly. “So he’s got you out on the dance floor. He’s snuggling up close to you. What would you have done? If he touched you?”
She fights a bashful grin and says, “I was too shy to do anything, really. But – if it’s a fantasy – if it went the way I wanted – I would have kissed him.”
“Just kissed him?”
“Oh no,” she whispers, flirting. “Nothing ‘just’ about it. I would drag him into a dark corner, and… I wanted him to drag me to a dark corner. And touch me more than you can do on a dance floor. Touch me like he couldn’t help himself. I—I used to…”
She trails off and he realizes he’s been sitting still, hanging on her words.
[sometime after the adrien reveal while marinette is being sexy at adrien]
She's admiring him. Her eyes wander up and down his body in an obvious way, and she gives him an approving nod, like she's the one putting on a show. It's intensely flattering, and sends a pulse of want through him.
He wraps his hand around his own cock, to give her something to really good to watch. She licks her lips as he strokes himself, but only lets him get a couple in before she sits back up stops his hand.
"Lie down," she says.
"Who do you want to lie down?" He teases.
"I want Adrien and Chat Noir to lie down," she says. "I want to fuck my two favorite men."
He laughs and bends over to steal a fond kiss before following instructions.
She takes off his jeans.
"See?" She says, while he gives in to laughing. "It's not that hard. Some people can take off their partner's jeans without being bribed with sexy talk."
"You sucked me off before you did!" he accuses, and she says,
"I didn't even make you ask once!"
"We took the same amount of time to de-jean each other,"
"I am still wearing a shirt! With my bra undone underneath it!"
"Oh woe," Adrien sighs, leaning back into the mountain of pillows that Marinette keeps on her bed. "The lady's suffering is deep."
"You ARE Chat Noir," she huffs, and he winks at her. She rolls her eyes, twisting her mouth to stifle a smile. It takes refuge in her eyes. "I can't believe I spent six years pining after a horrible dork."
"Seven, I think you said," Adrien supplies helpfully.
"Yes, thank you, seven years," Marinette returns. "We could have cut that down to a quick two if you had just tossed a couple puns my way in Collège."
"Oh no," Adrien says, propping himself up a little to get on her level. "Now I can't sit here and say nothing. Remind me who you let into your window?"
"I can't think who," Marinette says coolly.
"Remind me who you seduced with a little red dress?"
"I only like sophisticated, suave-type men."
"Remind me who - " Adrien starts, but she cuts him off by saying,
"Oh my god - I'm ridiculous - I'm dating both of Paris's most eligible bachelors. That's just greedy!"
Adrien laughs too. "You know," he says, "there was an article last year in Dimanche that compared us. I mean, compared me to me. Chat Noir and Adrien. The consensus was that Adrien is more handsome, but Chat Noir is more romantic. I'll show you - I bought the magazine and saved it, to show Ladybug someday."
"Oh," Marinette says. "I saw that, actually. That's... kind of sweet. That you saved it to show her."
Adrien grins. "I think she'll lose her shit when she finds out I'm a model. She already says I'm too much to handle, I'm going to get a good laugh out of her for this."
Marinette is looking at him fondly. It's an impossible reaction to talking about another woman. He supposes he doesn't have to worry that his reveal will change how she feels about Ladybug. About how he feels about Ladybug.
Of course it wouldn't - if she IS ladybug, she wouldn't mind at all, some traitorous part of his mind whispers. Stop it, he whispers back. down that road is disappointment.
Marinette says, "I don't think Ladybug would even have to ask. I think you'd have already taken off her shirt."
Adrien easily sets aside his thoughts to tease Marinette. He says, "Ladybug is a strong woman who can take off her own shirt."
"Ladybug wants some attention from her impossible model boyfriend," Marinette says, slipping easily into the roleplay.
[started to write them fucking at the end of the fic, but ran out of steam and couldn't justify it for the story so i cut it. here's how far I got]:
“Go again?” She says, all Marinette again, but still Ladybug. He almost laughs, she must know he does.
“Yes,” he says, answering her seriously anyways. “Definitely. Please.”
“Good,” she whispers.
“What’s the plan, my lady?” He asks.
She sighs. “Stay there. On me. I just want you in me.”
He kisses her deeply on the mouth, and then says, “great, I’ll remember that,” before he picks himself up off her and moves until he’s between her legs, and he kisses her deeply a second time, not on the mouth.
She laughs at his change in direction, so he digs his tongue inside her until she sighs, “Ooh, wow. It’s so much better without the suit. Next time I’m taking it off right away.”
“Oh no, not so fast,” Adrien says, raising his head at that. He uses his thumb to keep touching her while he talks, running soft, wide circles around her clit. “Marinette. You can’t. You know what that suit does to me. In excruciatingly private detail, you know what that suit does to me.”
She gives him some kind of bashful grin. “Yeah,” is all she says.
“Yeah,” he repeats, and it comes out much more serious than he intended, because he’s looking at her and she’s looking at him and she knows how much he wants her. “Yeah,” he says again.
“It wasn’t to tease you,” she says, as he lowers his mouth back to her clit, to replace his fingers. “When you told me about Ladybug. I wanted it. I really… wanted it.”
He licks her slowly, pushing his whole face into her, savoring the hot slide of her against his tongue. As sappy and romantic as he wants to be. Like he can sing her Romeo and Juliet poetry from right here, between her legs. Like he can hand her a rose, silhouetted by the moon, if he touches her right.
She settles her hands in his hair, and breathes, “I didn’t know I could have it.”
“Tell me,” he says, shortly, so he can bury his face back in her.
THANKS if you read this!! It's possible nobody did this is pretty hidden. But it can't hurt to make it available.
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drbatsponge · 1 year
Batgirl #62 review...
Disclaimer: this is another review I did on dead app (Amino) for Batgirl #62, copying and pasting it here to test the waters to see if my reviews do well here I guess.
Unfortunately some images I probably can't attach to the review here but I'll link the Amino version of the post at the end.
Hey hey! So continuing my Cass Cain birthday-athon or whatever I'm doing another comic review for you all!
I'll also see if I can get to my third blog today, if not we'll continue the celebration into tomorrow, lol.
Anyway, why don't we get right into this review?
Batgirl #62 starts off with Cass in a rather perilous situation as she's drowning, however she's also hallucinating during her near death experience, seeing the ghost of none other than Stephanie Brown.
How did Cass get into this situation? Well prior she had been beaten pretty badly by the Brotherhood of Evil of all villains.
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It's not known whether the ghost is actually the spirit of Steph or not, but I choose to think it's just Cassandra's mind playing tricks on her because Stephanie basically relays Cassandra's entire life story to her.
So basically it could just be Cassandra's way of reminding herself what she's fighting for.
Part of the reason I chose this comic to review is because it does a great job of retreading Cassandra's origin.
Also the retread has significance to the story beyond being just a refresh, because this is basically Cassandra's life flashing before her eyes, yet also telling her to keep going.
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I also love how the apparition of Steph reminds Cass of what she is despite all she's been through, a hero.
A thing I want to note is that at the time not many Batman related comics were exploring the impact of Stephanie's death after War Games and this was one of the few.
Like hell not even Tim Drake reacted this badly to the fact Steph was dead, it was really curious how Cass was the one who was the most impacted whether it be because of editorial or something else.
But yeah that's another reason I ship these two so much, like Cass was straight up devastated when Steph died.
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Cass is told to keep fighting by the apparition of Steph, making her way out of the water.
This leads us to a bit of a funny scene with Brenda Miller where Cass eats a hot meal.
I just love her reaction to the food in this one panel, lmao.
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Cass is then seen in her batcave or a batcave researching on how to defeat the Brotherhood of Evil, a goal she actually accomplishes.
It's actually really cool how she's able to defeat them all, a thing about Cass that I love is that she can handle metahuman types despite her being just an exceptionally skilled human.
Also some of my favorite Cass panels appear in this entire sequence, Ale Garza who is the artist for this issue is just amazing. Definitely one of my all-time favorite Cass artists.
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But yeah this entire issue is just really great.
It's one of my favorite Cass stories and one that I reread every now and then because I adore it that much.
So obviously I'm gonna give it a 10/10 if I had to score it.
I don't really think my scores matter I just like talking about the comic more than giving it a rating, but yeah lmao.
Anyways, I hope everyone enjoyed my review for Batgirl #62!
As always stay tuned!
Same bat-time, same bat-channel!
Amino version of this review can be found here:
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tranquilspot · 11 months
[S] John: Play haunting piano refrain.
[tell me if the track doesn't work]
Released August 9, 2009 by Kevin Regamey and Malcolm Brown The first ~50 seconds were used for this flash. Well that was a nice interlude. Showtime is such a memorable song, it appears later in different tracks, making it John's theme. Thanks to the Unofficial Homestuck Collection, some tracks even have the artist commentary! That's great, I'll be able to comment on it. Also, piano fingers go weeee~
Kevin Regamey: To be honest, I've fallen off the MSPA train pretty hard. This has undoubtedly been the busiest year (or two) of my life, and I am only now returning to reacquaint myself with what the heck is up.
Maaan if only I got more curious, I could have discover Homestuck way earlier. That wouldn't have change the fact that it already ended (or was about to) by the time I discovered Undertale first (back in 2016). Must have been wild to have experienced MSPA during its inception and golden age. That thing huge, so I understand it can be hard to keep up especially when you get off the train a while ago.
Malcolm wrote the chiptune version of Showtime first. I heard it, dug it, and created a piano arrangement just for the hell of it. Like Malcolm has said - earlier on, we didn't necessarily know what we were writing for, so we just wrote whatever spoke to us.
Creative process can be so various and unique from one person to another. They didn't really know in which direction or for what they were writing, but they did anyway. And the chiptune version came first! Crazy.
Tell me your secret guys, please 🥺
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I had posted a "Work in progress" version to the music boards, and I received some positive feedback. Positive enough for me to elaborate it into a full piece.
Fuck yeah, MSPA really did sound awesome! Too bad it closed. I mean we've got MSPFA, but I bet for veterans it doesn't feel the same. Is there a similar platform currently existing? Like you post a wip and you got feedbacks then it motivated you to post the full work? No no I'm not talking about Deviantart, been there, done that. Twice. Twitter doesn't showcase art properly, and Tumblr isn't much for like and positive feedbacks, if any feedback really ToT I have put some of my fan art here, but how to get people interacting with it? That'd always been a mystery to me.
As luck would have it, Andrew was finishing up the first playable page of Homestuck just as I posted the full version. As such, I was lucky enough to have the honour of first musical appearance in Homestuck,
Giga chad energy, what a winner!
but most of the credit should certainly go to Malcolm - for defining John musically at such an early stage of the game, and for being the sole inspiration behind this track.
Man, don't discredit yourself! You still did great, you're on the podium even if you're not first place. Yeah, having the skill and honor of defining a character theme is on a different level. But horizontally I would say. There's pride on both. If the chiptune version is well-known and catchy, the piano one is an iconic powerful track, mixing nostalgia, aimless yearning and tenderness. So much emotion that left a mark in each of us. Later to be magnified by the organ pipe version, by da man, James Roach.
Oh, side note: My midi keyboard was misbehaving when I wrote this, so every note of the piece was clicked into a sequencer. D:
I'm not familiar with such programs, but putting them one by one sounds like hell. Rip x) —>
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The Idolistic Producer ~ Chapter 5
Before we start the story I have a something to say. I am so sorry that I haven't posted in about a month I couldn't think of any ideas and was really busy. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story!
You left the practice room to find another group to look to join. Let's look at Hold Hands to see what groups have openings right now. The screen flashes, pulling up a page full of idol groups and the number of people in that group, along with small notes saying how each of the members are and how everyone interacts as a whole. While you were scrolling one unit caught your eye. UNDEAD. "Well, maybe UNDEAD could possibly be a fit for me." You were so focused on your phone that you didn't notice someone was walking up behind you. "Oh? Someone wants to join the UNDEAD?" Once you heard that you froze. Who was talking to me? Are they trying to make fun of me? So many thoughts were racing through your head that you didn't know what to do. So you thought that you should calm down and ask what the mystery person was wondering. "Hello? Can I help you- Oh." You just now realized that it was the person named Rei Sakuma that stopped you in the halls the previous day. "Sorry. I thought that you were a stranger." "Oh, it's fine, miss. So you want to join UNDEAD?" "Oh, I'm just looking for a unit to join because Valkyrie half-scouted me and I denied so I'm looking for a group that interests me. I was just going to see if UNDEAD interests me. That's all." "Well, would you like to see our practice? I'm going there right now so you could come." "Sure. I need to submit a unit submission form by the end of the week anyways." He took you to the practice room where you sat through another practice, and you were instantly hooked. You saw how calm the group was and how well they worked together that you thought that they might be your best bet in finding a group that could be for you. During the break, you looked through the list of units one more time to make sure that no other groups caught your eye before you ask them if you could join. Okay, it looks like none of the the groups look interesting to me so I could ask them but what if they don't want me and I'm imposing on them or what if I ruin their relationships with eachother... While you were lost in thought someone walked over to you. "Hello Luna~ did you like my performance~ ⁠♡" "Kaka, yes it was very good. Your group has a nice dynamic too." "So will you join our unit? We have an extra opening just for you~" "Wouldn't I just get in the way of your group though? I can't work as hard as other people and I'm not as good of a singer or dancer as you guys." "It's fine. You'll be fine. You haven't picked a unit yet anyways right? You need to submit your unit submission form in by the end of the week." "Yes, you have a point. I guess I'll join. What do I need to do to join?" Right as you said that last sentence you perked up the ears of the other members. "Oho, so you're joining after all?" Rei was quite glad because he knew your sister and he knows you will do great things. "Here, these are a couple forms you need to submit to the student council and you need to fill out your unit submission form." "Alright, well I guess I'll see you in class. Thank very much for allowing me to join!" You bowed and then left the room. Okay, I finally just joined a group... It's fine right? There's just a vampire-like person, a ladies man, a short-tempered "dog", and a calm person. Yes, it'll all turn out fine...
Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 6
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cherrykindness · 3 years
wild tweets |
pairing: Harry Styles x Actress!Reader
summary: as newlyweds, you and harry read thirsty comments for buzzfeed.
warning: it's thirsty tweets, so below there is adult humor 😳
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"It's a bright, sunny morning in Los Angeles, and there's nothing I want more than to be on BuzzFeed and read wild tweets alongside my husband."
"Thirsty tweets, babe." Harry corrected, laughing out loud with the producers behind the cameras.
"Thirsty Tweets." You said quickly, putting your hand over your mouth to stifle a giggle. "I'm terrible at that, I'm sorry. Can we start over?"
"Let's take a break for one to two minutes. You've given us a great introduction, Y/N."
You shook your head, smiling shyly before turning to Harry, who was already watching you with that easy smile at the corner of his lips. You liked how his hand remained firmly on yours, making those circular movements with the thumb that always served as a natural medice for your anxiety.
"You look so fucking beautiful."
The pleated dress with flounce sleeves fit you like a glove. You had made peace with the various shades of white since the wedding and knew that Harry liked to see you in that color too.
"Thank you, you're not too bad either, Styles."
You intimately suspected that Harry would always seem far beyond that "not bad" that came out as a euphemism from your mouth. He wore nothing but a pair of bell-bottom pants in a strong shade of blue and a soft vest printed with fluffy little sheep on a striped American collared shirt - in your opinion, no one could look better in farm animal clothing than Harry Styles and Princess Diana with her red "Black Sheep" sweater in the 1980s. In contrast, you knew your husband well enough to know that he was arrogant and knew exactly how hot he looked - you also made your thoughts clear enough when you kept him backstage beyond ten minutes in a rather heated kissing session.
"Are you anxious?" you asked curiously, remaining with downcast eyes fixed on the strokes that remained assiduous on your warm skin. "To read about how the whole internet dreams of fucking my wife?! Of course." Harry joked, leaning over to leave a small one on your cheek. "We agree on that, don't we? Although I'm a little nervous, I'm really interested to know all the crazy things they say about you. Everyone knows you're mine at the end of the day, that's enough."
At the end of the break, you and Harry made a silent agreement that you should be the first to pick up one of the scattered papers in the red pot. There were quite a significant amount of tweets, and as much as you were used to reading rather sordid things about your husband on the Internet, the excitement was there as if you were wading into uncharted territory.
"I would be a good girl all year round if Santa guaranteed me a threesome with Harry and Y/N Styles on Christmas Eve." You laughed, Harry staring at the camera with an expression close to the meme of the surprised Pikachu. "You guys are incredibly nasty, I love it."
"If that was the first one, I'm really worried about the next ones." Harry commented with a little corner smile, picking the next tweet out of the bucket. "I have an entire folder on Pinterest dedicated to Harry Styles' hands, and let me tell you why: those hands are art, and art needs to be recognized."
"What- Guys, you promised you wouldn't post my anonymous tweets here." You quipped with false reproach, laughing at your own stupid joke while everyone else in the studio did the same. "But I can't blame her, honestly." Shaking your shoulders, you opened another piece of paper. "Harry Styles finally confessed that he wrote Watermelon Sugar for Y/N!!!! Are you guys imagining the same thing as me?!!!!!! 🥵🍆💦"
"Exhausted emoji, eggplant emoji, and water emoji?" Harry frowned, staring at the tweet you held up. "I imagine you're in need of a vacation somewhere refreshing and you're craving a fruit that everyone eats like it's really a vegetable."
"That reminded me of that story-" You laughed, hiding your face on the table as Harry continued to offer a poker face to the camera, struggling not to keep up with you laughter. "I'm sorry, lovie, I have to share this with the rest of the world." You stated, wiping a few tears from the corner of your eyes. "Harry always wears those fancy suits to concerts, right?! Right! Turns out he looks really hot in some, like his ass molds perfectly into those tight pants and everything. I was home that night because I wasn't feeling well enough to face the big crowds, but I was still following everything on twitter. It was a concert in London, not so far from where we lived at the time, so it was obvious that he would come home after it was over. I follow some portals that do really fast updates of pictures, videos, etc; everything that happened at Harry's concert was on my timeline in a matter of seconds. When one of these profiles uploaded a picture of him with his back to the camera in a heavily accentuated black and white suit, I quickly sent him the image along with a peach emoji and then wrote "looks good tonight". He didn't reply to me until a few hours later, of course, but I obviously didn't expect a "ready for a Fifth Avenue peach salad for dinner?" and numerous cutlery emojis."
Harry rolled his eyes comically, indulging in laughter as did everyone else who occupied the backstage area.
"I'm against the eroticization of emojis." He said between uncompensated breaths, shaking his head negatively. "Let's go to the next ones, please, I'm already feeling exposed enough here."
"I like your old-fashioned spirit, baby." You assured him with a smile, laying on the sturdy shoulder hidden under the fluffy fabric.
Harry chuckled low, leaving a little kiss on the top of your head before selecting the next paper. The fans would die when that video aired, everyone was sure. You two easily forgot the cameras when you were side by side, and the public display of affection had never been a problem.
"My life mission is to look at someone the way Harry looks at Y/N and be reciprocated the way Y/N looks at Harry, then I could die happy." Harry read. "That was very good and healthy, thank you!" He smiled. "But don't settle for death in that case, please. Just make sure to keep that person around forever."
"Awn, we got so sweet now." You made a pout. "Thank you for sending us something so cute! I really hope you find the right person soon." Sending a kiss to the camera, you moved on to the next tweet. "I wouldn't want to get a golden ticket to visit Willy Wonka's factory, I would like to get a golden ticket to actively participate in Y/N and Harry Styles' Honeymoon.
"That was creative, so I will disregard the fact that you removed my last name from my wife's name." Harry joked.
"I will always be an Y/L/N." You flashed the tongue. "We had a great Honeymoon, but I know you guys already know all about it because there are pictures all over the internet of outings that I don't even remember existed."
"Even though we chose a rather reserved city, many paparazzi still managed to photograph some of our nights there." Harry agreed. "There was one particular day when we opted to have dinner at a restaurant near the beach. Y/N had found it even before the trip, it was pretty laid back and we could spend the evening at karaoke. I don't really remember what happened, but we woke up the next day with a terrible hangover, still wearing the clothes from the dinner and with several headlines saying that I was cheating on my wife in the middle of our Honeymoon with a blue-haired italian girl."
"That wig made me sexy, man." You blinked, laughing as you remembered the situation. "It's a shame the paparazzi only got low quality images, but I swear I looked really amazing that night. Italy, I miss you."
"We're coming to the end and I haven't had to ask production for a glass of water yet, thank you to whoever selected these tweets." Harry raised his thumb to the camera, smiling before turning his gaze back to the small paper he had chosen. "Y/N could literally punch me in the face and I would just bow down and thank them for it." He laughed. "She has heavy hands, so I would rethink that choice."
"It takes strong hands to be a superheroine." You blinked gracefully, referring to your works as a Marvel actress. "I move around a lot during the night, so I'll take this lovely opportunity to say that twitter can dismiss all the malicious theories about Harry always show up with a new bruise all over his body."
"Please stop making indecent assumptions while Y/N is aggressive with me at night only unconsciously, her father has access to social media."
You laughed, clearing your throat before reading the next obscenity aloud.
"I would sell all my possessions to have Y/N sitting on my lap for ten seconds."
"Oh my God." Harry laughed out loud, throwing his head back. "I should have said that in our wedding vows."
You shook your head, laughing low as you set the tweet aside.
"That was pretty funny and cheeky, I approve."
"Okay, looks like we finally got to the last one." Harry announced, waving the paper in the air dramatically before opening it. "Harry could literally crush me with those boots while fuc- I need that glass of water." He said dumbfounded, hiding his face between his hands after throwing the tweet over his shoulder. You laughed out loud next to the organizers, and meanwhile Harry leaned his head on your bust, staring at you still with wide eyes. "Please promise that we will be careful with our future children on the internet."
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disaster-j · 2 years
I came across an article from Celebestopnews on 21 March about Off allegedly confirming his relationship with Gun. On another platform (otakuart) another article appeared a day later talking about the same video and also confirming that they are dating. Now I don't speak Thai, so I have no idea what is said in the video that was attached to the first article, and I have at least sometimes the ability to be a bit critical of sources, so I don't think there is any truth in the articles - especially as I suspect the internet would have gone crazy if that were the case. But I would still be interested: Do you know more?
Thanks for having such a great blog!
Ugh yeah I have unbiased info.
Preface this by saying Off has leaned into the whole "offgun dating" rumours by making jokes about it for years now. It's basically a given that nothing they say about this stuff outside of an actual, official press conference should be taken seriously as confirmation of anythings whatsoever.
So here's what happened. Back in early 2020 (I think) OffGun were asked for the millionth time by an interviewer if they were dating/had ever wanted to date. They replied by explaining that their relationship is such that they already do many things that people who are dating would do for each other but that despite their closeness they've never actually said they wanted to date or should date. They left the possibility that it could happen someday open. Having seen that interview a couple times I can say that their response seemed to be a way for them to explain that they get that they have an unconventional relationship but it was not one where they were romantically linked. Although they weren't averse to the idea of someday ending up together, that was just not what they wanted from each other at the time. Now, people might say this is them doing fanservice or just saying it to fuel shipping delusions but to me they seemed pretty serious and genuine, like that really is just how they saw their relationship. They could date but they didn't feel any need to.
Flash forward to 21st March when OffGun were chatting with fans on video call and a fan brought up what they'd said then, asking if they were now ready to say they were dating. Off replied to this by saying something along the lines of "yes call a press conference I'll say it now" and then proceeding to give Gun a very exaggerated sniff kiss. Watching the clip it was very clear to me they were both just messing around because Off's tone was pretty playful and sarcastic, not serious at all, and they both laughed after.
As people who have both kept their dating lives extremely private over the span of their careers, even before the ship, it should be obvious that were they actually dating they would not joke around like this. They'd likely never actually announce it and if they did it would be a very clear announcement with official notices by their company backing it up because their status in the industry sadly would warrant that. I'm not quite sure why the joke was blown so out of proportion by the fandom, maybe it was a mix of a couple of things? OffGun have gotten closer than ever in the past year while becoming more and more private with a lot of their interactions. They use far more personal and affectionate pronouns for each other, they hang out all the time without posting about it or making it public. All this makes the fans think their relationship has changed into something even deeper than it was before. All of this happening as their possible last BL show with them as the mains airing is enough to stir the pot of rumours.
I won't say that it's impossible that they could be dating or could date in the future, simply because it isn't. But I will say that counting the joke as an announcement of their relationship is quite an odd thing to do. Especially for a fandom that has so far been quite respectful of the artists' boundaries. It feels invasive and unnecessary for fans to demand a label or more transparency from OffGun when their dating lives should never be any of our business. We should be able to just appreciate their wholesome relationship without needing to make it all about whether it's "real" or not. A label does not define whether or not two people genuinely love and care for each other.
Hope that helps clear things up!
P.S.- I would generally add links to the clips I mention but I'm currently waiting for a meeting and don't wanna risk opening videos rn xD but they can be found with subs on yt or twitter if you do a quick search
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