#but yeah flashfamily is the healthier dc hero familily
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
I subscribe to a Batman who is happy and CARES. To the Batman that after discovering Killer Croc killed two cops trying to protect homeless people from them, just let Waylon go scoot free. To the Batman that wants the Robins to not be like him. To the Batman that promissed Killer Tut that he wouldn't let the doctors/wardens in Arkham abuse him nor any of the patients again and meant it, that was sorry he wasn't able to do it before. To the Batman who helped Clayface rehabilitate and accepted him into his vigilante family. To the Batman that supported Harley and was glad she lefted Joker. To the Batman who say how tje Drakes negleted their son and aitomatically letted Tim move to the mansion. To the Batman who say a young kid steal wires and decided the kid needed support. To the Batman who failed Jason because he hoped that meeting his mother would help him. To the Batman who did his best to convince Clark to accept and raise Conner. To the Batman who started trying to garantee no lod would have to lost their parents and that realized that he wanted more than that, that he wanted a Gotham that people liked to love in. To the Batman who could've healed any other city but failed cause Gotham is cursed and still keeps trying cause he cares.
But unfortunally this Batman is rare. Specially after Miller and Nolan sucesses. We still have him from time to time. But not always.
And Arkham is Bedlam (fourth day reminding people that). The most important part of Batman's rogues gallery exists or because the system failed them again and again and people don't care about mental heath or - in the worst case scenario - because the writers see mental illness as a moral failure. Bruce is a hero cause he doesn't develops it. His vilans are evil cause they are crazy. (I do preffer the one who doesn't stigmatizes it and again a good Batman media is also a good critique of the instituions of power and the prejudice put over neurodivergent and mentaly ill people or just use the also huge but not so popular part of Bruce's gallery that is just capitalistic assholes and forms to preserve the corrupt system or just sane and evil).
Anyway. Batman is my favorite hero when portrait right. Wich is not soo often, but when we have it, it's beutifull.
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