#small streamers unite
wingeddrifter · 3 months
Tomorrow is Journey's anniversary event, and I'll be streaming it!
Come stop by for a chill stream :)
Sometime in the afternoon CST
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amseltv · 4 months
This is going to be a prerecorded minecraft project debuting this October! Applications are up now! Content Creators and 18+ only!
If you’ve wanted to try out voice acting or acting in general this is the project for you! Streamers of all size are welcome! And filming will be this spring/summer! More info in the application! Applications will be open February-March 2024!
Apply Here!!!!
If you don’t have experience don’t worry! I’m just trying to make something cool and have fun!
If you haven’t watched Chapter 1 of SMPTV dont worry! This is an anthology project so you don’t have to know anything about the past projects to be a part of or enjoy the next ones!
And if you want to keep up to date with everything SMPTV follow the Twitter here!
And or join the community discord!
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dickdebonair · 4 days
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SATURDAY, dyvone-blog & I have been talking about this for YEARS and it's finally arrived.  We got WORKING "Blood on the Sand" CO-OP and it's time to run through 50's latest & greatest adventure together! Come by & test our vitamin water knowledge. 
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sleepynubis · 11 months
Super late again and this time no excuse but heres vargas camp trey unit review.
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lightshapen · 2 years
I'm part of a twitch Minecraft smp server thingy, and sometimes people make art... And draw me. It always melts my heart a little with the pure wholesomeness. I don't think anything compares with the pure joy it makes me feel!
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savviistore · 2 years
August 11th 2022
Hi all, It has been tough with the heatwave recently to get any work done, but I would like to take the time to thank everyone who has liked or bought something in the meantime. I have more content for the store to come out but also working on a YT channel as well. There are some more panels on their way, including emotes.
At the moment it is just too hot to turn my laptop on for long periods, as this little potato is the perfect radiator for winter, making it a pain for summer. As I begin to make money from my content creation, whether through Etsy, YT, Twitch, TikTok, etc, then I will be able to upgrade the gear I use so there won't be so many breaks in the future.
I know a lot of people would say to enjoy the sun, which I have been trying to do, but it's that kind of heat where you sit outside for 15 minutes and you're already melting and sweating. I take short periods of time outside, not for so long and I don't want to damage my skin.
I hope everyone is looking after themselves, keeping hydrated, enjoying the little things and staying humble. Thank you, Savvii
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heelmarcus · 2 days
Marcus Alford Stream | Episode 692024 | Battleground
Big time Sunday! Phillies say goodbye to London. NXT Battleground. Game 2 of the NBA Finals. EA Sports FC run as we go thru the US Open Cup and the MLS regular season. This Month’s birthday fundraiser is with the Lupus Foundation of America. Its the 5th year that Marcus has done it and he happy to help an organization that it looking to tackle something that has been apart of his family for a…
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ablankmask · 1 month
Streaming some Pokemon Unite!
Twitch embedding is broken for some reason, so click above to come vibe!
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tarastmichel · 1 year
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sunnskulldream · 2 years
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xoxoemynn · 5 months
For OFMD Tumblr friends who want a S3 and are scared of Twitter
First, no judgment from me. I very much get it. I resisted Twitter for a long time, and even though I'm now a bit more comfortable on it, it's still not my Fandom Home. There are a TON of valid reasons not to be on Twitter, but if you REALLY want to keep OFMD visible right now and help its chances of returning for a third season, Twitter is the best place to do it. Like it or not, Twitter is still the best social media platform for raising awareness and for instant news updates.
Tumblr posts don't make headlines. Topics that have been trending on Twitter do. And if we want this show to come back, we need to make OFMD impossible to ignore.
By now you've probably seen just how close we came to a S3, and if you're like me, you are RAGING and donning your battle jacket. But I get it can be intimidating to get on Twitter for the first time, so I thought I'd address some common anxieties I see. I'll put below a cut because this got a bit long, but I promise it's a quick read.
I don't know what to say! Where do I even start? That's okay! You don't have to create your own tweets (although it's great if you do). Amplifying other people's posts is also important. Go ahead and like/retweet/reply to other people's posts. This may also help you get an idea of what you may like to say in your own tweets.
Hashtags...yes? Yes! Although don't use too many or you may get flagged as a bot. The biggest one that seems to be emerging is #SaveOFMD. Other popular ones are #RenewAsACrew, #RenewOurFlagMeansDeath, and of course, #OFMD and #OurFlagMeansDeath.
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Should I just be tagging all the streaming services? Per @renewasacrew, no. It's counterproductive. You'll want to tag one streamer at a time and be specific. Below is an example of a tweet I made the other day -- use specific reasons why that that particular streamer may benefit from picking up OFMD.
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I'm scared. People are mean. Yeah, people are mean. But I will say the vibes over at OFMD Twitter are currently the best I've ever seen them. People seem to have united for the greater good and are being overwhelmingly positive and just trying to do whatever we can to save the show. (That said, again, I already had a pretty curated feed, and was very liberal with blocking users/terms I didn't want to see, but I've been able to spend so much more time in the For You tab than I ever have without being jump scared by something.)
But I don't know anyone there! Wouldn't I just be shouting into the void? Not if you use the hashtags! Fans are being really good about following those and engaging with the tweets. Plus, [Stede voice], I'm your friend. I'm xoxoemynn over there as well, I'll follow you back and engage with any of your posts that I see. Plus, what's been REALLY lovely to see is that SO many lurkers have come out of lurkerdom to support the efforts, and they are being welcomed with open arms, so you will not be alone. Again, I am telling you, vibes? Best I've ever seen them.
I can't get sucked into another social media platform, I don't have the time. The beauty here is you don't need to spend a lot of time. I've been on Twitter more in the past week than I have in the entire year I've had an account, and I'm still only on for maybe an hour total the entire day? I open the app, I check a couple accounts, I engage with a handful of posts, and I close the app. It takes all of five minutes. It's an extremely small lift that can have a very big impact.
My bet is on Zaslav expecting us to be upset, and that there may be a day or two of outrage, but then we'd move on. I'm sure right now he's trying to convince everyone that this is a fluke, and that it'll blow over soon. Don't let him win. Keep OFMD in the news. Be loud (but polite) and make Max and other streamers take note of what a passionate, loyal fan base this show has. Make their stocks continue to drop. Make it clear this is NOT just a fluke, it is NOT business as usual. It's a BIG fuck up with lasting consequences.
Twitter, for all its sins, is the best place to do this.
Now let's get our damned show back.
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reythenerdypisces · 3 months
things that I overlooked in PJO the first time / small, funny things I noticed during my reread
Part 3: The Titan's Curse
The truth was I was kind of disappointed to hear that she liked her new school so much. It was the first time she'd gone to school in New York. I'd been hoping to see her more often.
I tried to concentrate on little things, like the crepe-paper streamers and the punch bowl - anything but that fact that Annabeth was taller than me, and my hands were sweaty and probably gross, and I kept stepping on her toes.
"The General?" I asked. Then I realised I'd said it in a French accent. "I mean... who's the General?" I want this part to be in the show
"Sweet! Let's go! [to CHB]" said Nico. this breaks my heart. he was so excited in this book
Tyson thought Annabeth was just about the coolest thing since peanut butter (and he seriously loved peanut butter).
"How would you kidnap an immortal goddess? Is that even possible?" "Well, yeah. I mean, it happened to Persephone." "But she was like, the goddess of flowers." Grover looked offended. "Springtime." you tell him grover
"That's some serious danger you're facing." Connor Stoll said. (I liked how he said you and not we.) I'm just imagining the rest of the campers not bothering to go on quests cause it's always the same few demigods and they don't care, they're just chilling safe at CHB while Percy and Annabeth do their things
The creature looked at me sadly. "Moooo!" But I couldn't understand his thoughts. I only speak horse. Percy Jackson speaks two languages: English and Horse
With a shiver, I realised that five hundred or a thousand years from now, Bianca di Angelo would look exactly the same as she did today. She might be having a conversation like this with some other half blood long after I was dead but Bianca would still look twelve years old. ouch
"It wants to kill us!" Thalia said. "Of course." Grover said. "It's wild!" "So how is that a blessing?" Bianca asked.
"That's us," he said. "Those five nuts right there." "Which one is me?" I asked. "The little deformed one," Zoe suggested.
When she smiled at me, just for a moment she looked a little like Annabeth. I know everyone talks about this part but I can't help but bring it up again, they are so cute
"Woah, first of all, I never said anything about love. And second, what's up with tragic!" little does he know. also, Percy is so incredibly insightful in this book but he's also so jealous of Annabeth and Luke and so upset about the idea of her joining the hunters yet still can't figure out that he likes her
"Seven hundred feet tall," I said. "Built in the 1930s." "Five million cubic acres of water," Thalia said. Grover sighed. "Largest construction project in the United States." Zoe stared at us. "How do you know all that?" "Annabeth," I said. "She liked architecture." I cannot explain how much this little bit means to me.
The girl I'd just tried to slice in half yelped and dropped her Kleenex. "Oh my god." she shouted. "Do you always kill people when they blow their nose?" Rachel's here!!! I love her
Five minutes later, Zoe had me outfitted in a ragged flannel shirt and jeans three sizes too big, bright red sneakers, and a floppy rainbow hat. someone draw this and tag me. what an outfit
Suddenly it occurred to me: this had happened to her before. She had been cornered on Half-Blood Hill. She'd willingly given her life for her friends. But this time, she couldn't save us. How could I let that happen to her? he is the most empathetic, wholesome guy, I love Percy
"Can't this go any faster?" Thalia demanded. Zoe glared at her. "I cannot control traffic." You both sound like my mother." I said. "Shut up!" they said in unison. I kind of wish we got more Thalia and Zoe interactions... they would've made such a great enemies to lovers dynamic, if Zoe didn't die
"Get away from my daughter!" Dr Chase called down, and his machine gun burst to life, peppering the ground with bullet holes and startling the whole group of monsters into scattering. "Dad?" yelled Annabeth in disbelief.
Grover went off with his satyr friends to spread the word about our strange encounter with the magic of Pan. Within an hour, the satyrs were all running around agitated, asking where the nearest espresso bar was.
"No," I said. "I choose the prophecy. It will be about me." "Why are you saying that?" she cried. "You want to be responsible for the whole world?" It was the last thing I wanted, but I didn't say that. I knew I had to step up and claim it. "I can't let Nico be in any more danger." I said. might I remind you this boy is 13/14 and has the whole world on his shoulders (both literally at some point and figuratively)
I feel like these are just getting longer and longer but again, I will be back for part 4!
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taevolu · 4 months
Parasocial [Part Two: Night to Remember] 18+
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Brief Summary: she was a streamer that liked to play games for fun and to meet new people. Her fanbase was growing more and more and she loved to interact with her fans as much as possible. However, someone wanted something more than just online interactions. He wanted her, needed her and would do anything just to be with her.
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader 
Genre: Smut, Thriller, Drama
Word Count: 3,984
Warnings: yandere tae, taexdom, obsessive/possessive tae, stalker, masturbation, home invasion, alcohol, drugs, rape, kidnapping, murder
Parts: Part One, Part Two
***I do not portray any of the members to act like this in real life as they do in this story, this is all fictional!***
Taehyung looked over to his phone to check the time, 17:30, the time you usually got home from work. He saw you walk over to your front door, closing it behind you. He slowly walks over to the window that was beside the door, watching to make sure that the coast was clear of you. Once he saw you head over to the bathroom, he used the same fingerprint and slowly entered the unit. He carefully walks over to your bathroom, hearing the shower turn on. There was a small crack in the door, big enough for him to see you removing your clothes and entering the shower. He bites his lips as he watches you wash your body, eyeing your perked up breasts.
He sees you grab the detachable shower head, switching it to the jet setting. You slowly aim the water onto your clit, your body twitching at the sudden pressure. You close your eyes while leaning onto the wall of your shower, circling the water around your clit. Taehyung’s cock throbbed in his sweats, so aroused that it hurt. Taehyung continues to watch you play with yourself , releasing his cock from his pants and smoothing his pre-cum all over his dick, pumping while he hears your moans.
You were about to get out of the shower, telling Taehyung that it was time to leave his position. He quickly moved over to your gaming room, knowing that you would go straight to your room to get ready. He sees you walk through the hall to enter your room, leaving your door wide open. He sees you drop your towel onto your bed, seeing your body once again and fighting the urge to run over to grab your body, but he couldn’t do that just yet. He eyed you while you clothed yourself with a tight fitting red dress, drooling at the sight as it wrapped your body nicely.
As much as he wanted to stay and watch, he looked over to his phone to check the time, 18:20, it was time for him to finally get dressed. He waited for you to head over to another room and with timing being so perfect, you made your way back into the bathroom to finally do your hair. He slowly walks over to your front door to leave, silently closing the door to not get your attention. Taehyung found it very attractive that you masturbated often, loving how he was able to see you in action every time.
It was risky to be at your place while you were still awake but he couldn’t help himself, he was obsessed with you. He wanted to see you everyday, wanted to see every inch of you, because to him you were perfect for him. 
It was now 20:30 and you began to head out of your unit but as you were heading out, you saw a familiar figure. It was Taehyung. He was also on his way to head out. You quickly gathered your things and walked over to him.
“Hey! Nice seeing you here.” You spoke aloud which made Taehyung slightly jump.
You giggle, “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” You say.
Taehyung chuckles nervously, “It’s okay.” He looked a bit nervous.
“Are you okay?” You ask. He turns his body towards you, his eyes roaming your body then back to your eyes.
He gives a smile, “I’m okay, just a little anxious going out with you for the first time.”
“Don’t be!” You start, “I’ll make sure that we will have fun today.” You gave him a smile to reassure him as he smiled back at you.
Both of you walked up to the elevator but you remembered that earlier you invited Mael to join in as it was a night for only you and Taehyung and haven’t mentioned it to him yet, “Oh and I did invite Mael to come with us to the club. He kept annoying me at work about being ‘safe’ so I just invited him so he could shut up.” You shook your head as you were still annoyed about Mael, but Taehyung just laughed.
“It’s okay. More the merrier I guess.” He says. Taehyung was annoyed that Mael ended up tagging along as it  ruined Taehyung’s plans of having you for himself today.
Taehyung offered to drive the both of you to the club, you didn’t mind as you did plan on getting a couple of drinks to loosen up a bit from work. It was a quiet drive as you admired the city lights brightening the night. Taehyung did open up a conversation about Mael, wondering about the relationship between the two of you. But you and Mael were just best friends and had no intentions of being with each other whatsoever since you both did grow up together.
Taehyung notes, a bit of relief flushing his body as he now knows that you didn’t have any deep feelings for Mael.
After a while, the both of you finally got to the club. On the way to walking in, you see Mael sitting on one of the couches waiting for you and Taehyung. Mael looks up and finds your eyes in the crowded room, standing up to walk over to you both.
“Took you guys long enough.” He shouts to be heard over the blasting music that was filling the place.
You roll your eyes, “Loosen up dude and find yourself a girlfriend or something.”
Mael shakes his head, “I’m sticking to you guys.” You knew that Mael was trying to ‘protect’ you from Taehyung which irritated you but you didn’t want to start anything. It was your night to finally get your mind off of the stress of work.
You begin to walk over to the dance floor, Mael and Taehyung following like dogs on leashes. You start to dance and motion the two to do the same. They both looked uncomfortable and very stiff while doing so, making you laugh at the sight.
“You guys need some drinks.” You start, “Mael, can you buy us some please? I’ll pay you back.” Mael nods and leaves you and Taehyung on the dance floor.
You danced carelessly to the music, arms up while swaying back and forth, and Taehyung watches in admiration. You try and talk Taehyung into dancing with you, he hesitates a bit but slowly starts to move with you, making you giggle at his small movements. You pull him closer to you, placing your arms around his neck to manipulate his movements to yours.
“Follow my moves!” You shout. He moves his hands over to your hips and begins to sway along with you, “That’s it!”
As the two of you continue to dance, you feel Taehyung loosening up a bit under your touch. You remove your arms from his neck and turn around, your ass right in front of his crotch. You begin to give him a lap dance as he remains with his hands on your hips, biting on his bottom lips as he stares at your ass.
But the two of you were interrupted by Mael as he showed up with the drinks, “A long island for the lady and a whiskey sour for Taehyung.” You straighten up your posture and grab the drink from Mael, drinking already half of the glass.
“Slow down there y/n.” You hear Taehyung say.
“She loves her alcohol.” Mael states, Taehyung chuckles at that fact.
“Come on, drink! We are here to have fun!” You see the two men shake their heads but take a sip of their drinks.
The three of you, now with four rounds of alcohol in your systems, are dancing together with another group of people and having the time of your lives.
Taehyung decides to leave for a moment to go get another round of alcohol, whispering in your ear before he leaves. He already knew that you were already tipsy after the fourth round which led him to start his arrangement. He walked over to the bartender to order the drinks and once he did, he walked over to a corner that didn’t have much of a crowd. He reaches over to one of his pockets, revealing a bag of ketamine already in powdered form. He sprinkles the powder into your drink and mixes it in so it is unseen. He walks back to where the group was and handed you your drink and Mael’s undrugged drink. Per usual, you start to drink the glass without any care on the taste. Taehyung watches you as you dance away to the music, looking at his phone to keep track of the time the drug will start to kick into your system.
A couple of minutes in, you were already showing symptoms. Your dancing became more inconsistent, your words becoming more slurred and you started to feel a bit drowsy. Taehyung notices that it started to kick in, however, Mael runs over to you as he also sees that you were a bit off.
“Are you okay, y/n?” Mael shouts over to you. Words weren’t able to leave your mouth, only a hum to respond to the anxious Mael. Mael shakes his head in frustration as it was your fault of not being able to control your alcohol consumption. Mael walks over to Taehyung with you around his arms, holding you up so you don't fall to the ground.
“I am going to leave and bring y/n home. She had a bit too much.” Mael clicks his tongue as he sees you with your eyes barely open and laughing as you caress Taehyung’s face.
“Okay, thank you, Mael.” Taehyung responds, but he wasn’t going to stay much longer either. He watched you and Mael walk out of the club and begin to leave as well. He slowly walks over to the parking lot, waiting for Mael to start his car and leave, then Taehyung follows behind.
He watches Mael carry you into your unit as you were too unconscious at this point. Taehyung waits for a few minutes, waiting for Mael to leave your apartment. A couple seconds later, Mael leaves and heads to the elevator. This was finally Taehyung’s time.
Taehyung begins to walk to the door of your apartment, opening the door slowly as he silently walks over to your room. There you are laying on your bed, still wearing your little red dress. He closes your door shut, waking you up from the loud thud.
“Is that you Mael?” You murmur in sleepiness.
“Yeah, it's just me.” Taehyung says as he tries to imitate Mael’s voice.
You just hum in response, immediately snoring. Taehyung sighs in relief as you go back to sleep, hoping that you’re down for good.
He walks closer to you, scanning your body from head to toe, admiring your perfect body. He extends his arm to lightly caress your face, you flinched a little but it wasn’t much for you to wake up.
It was time.
Taehyung begins to lift up your dress to expose your black laced panty. He wraps his fingers around the hem of your underwear, pulling them down to uncover your pussy. He leans in to take in the whiff of your smell, a moan escaping his lips. He unbuttons his pants and quickly removes them to reveal his cock, already hard from the sight of you. He reaches in his pants to pull out a lube bottle that was inside his back pocket and opens it to apply the lube onto his cock. He positions himself, his cock now in front of your pussy. He slowly enters you, moaning from the warmth and tightness of your pussy. He begins to thrust back and forth as your pussy slowly becomes wet, your juices coating his already lubed penis. A shiver runs down Taehyung’s spine as he was waiting for this moment for a long time, to finally have you just for him.
He loved you so much.
He quickened his pace while grabbing onto your breasts, pounding into you as you moan in your sleep. He was close to his orgasm but he didn’t want to cum just yet as he wanted to savor this moment with you. He pulls out and repositions himself, his face in front of your wet pussy. He uses his hands to spread your lips apart to reveal your pink pussy, playing with it as he loved the way your pussy sounded when it was wet. He moves closer to you to lick your juices up, slurping every drop of you. He hears you silently moan, making him smile to himself as he eats you out. He gives you one last kiss on your pussy and straightens himself up to thrust his cock back into your pussy. He wished that you were awake to see you in pleasure because of him, to hear your moans filling up your room, but he couldn’t have that yet. All that matters right now is that he was able to finally feel the way your pussy wrapped so nicely around his cock.
“Fuck, you feel so good y/n.” Taehyung whispers to himself as he pumps inside you.
He starts to pump faster as he comes inside of you, but he doesn’t stop. He continues to thrust into you as he sees his cum oozing out of your pussy, creaming everywhere, the sight he wanted to see. He pulls his cock out and reaches for his phone to snap a picture of your creamed pussy.
It was a shame that you weren’t able to cum along with him but he knew that it was going to happen at some point, he wasn’t going to give up on you.
You were woken up by the sun shining down your windows, head throbbing from the night of the club but there’s another unusual feeling. Your crotch was in pain and you felt stickiness in between your legs. You reached down to your pussy to find out what it was, only to realize that you didn’t have your panties on. You slide out of bed, your body sore from the night before, your crotch in pain for reasons unknown. You limp your tired body to the bathroom and check yourself in the mirror seeing dried cum around your pussy, you were raped. You start to panic as you couldn’t recall anything that happened the night before, regretting your decision of being wasted. You begin to think about the people you were with. You knew that Mael and Taehyung cared too much to take advantage of you, but were you right?
You suddenly hear your doorbell ring, removing you from your thoughts. You grab your robe that was hanging on your bathroom door and head to your front door. You look through the peephole only to find Taehyung outside of the door. You open the door to reveal Taehyung with your usual, a warmed croissant and a chai. You give him a weak smile, Taehyung giving you a worried expression.
“What’s wrong, y/n?” He asks with concern. Hearing his words makes you burst in tears, Taehyung welcoming himself in to lead you to your living room.
You try to speak but words weren’t able to escape, Taehyung bringing you in for a hug to comfort you in distress.
“It’s okay, y/n, I’m here.” He rubs your back as he hugs you, your body beginning to relax as you hear his soothing words.
You gently pull away, looking at Taehyung as he keeps his arms by your side, “I think i was raped last night, Taehyung.” You say, your voice cracking.
“Do you know who it was or recall anything that happened last night?” You shake your head in response, tears starting to roll down again. You feel Taehyung’s hand on your face, wiping away your tears.
“I don’t recall anything that happened last night, Taehyung. All I remember is dancing in the club.” You stutter, “Do you remember anything from last night?”
Taehyung looked to the side and sighed, “You were a bit wasted last night and Mael decided to take you home for the night but that’s all I know from there.”
Your eyes widened in realization. You start to remember a glimpse of you going back home with a man, placing you on your bed and feeling the way he used your pussy that night. You shake your head in disbelief, your head spinning from the information. It couldn’t be, right? Mael couldn’t have done this. He was your best friend for 14 years, he couldn’t have taken advantage of you.
“He couldn’t have done this to me.” You say in a whisper. Anger now taking over your body, “He couldn’t have done this to me!” You begin to yell. Your hands find their way over to your head, hitting yourself from the pain, the broken trust by your own best friend.
Taehyung forcefully grabs your arms, stopping you from continuing on, “Y/n, don’t do this to yourself.” He starts, “I know it hurts but he isn’t worth it to be hurting yourself like this.”
Your body calms down a bit as you look into Taehyung’s worried eyes, Taehyung pulling you in for another hug.
“I will talk to Mael, okay? Try to relax and rest up a bit.” He says with a hum. You nod into his chest, tightening your grip on him. Taehyung made you feel safe and you are glad to have met a man like him.
He releases his body from yours, your body cold from the lack of warmth from his body, “I will come back to check up on you later, okay?” You nod again, your head blank from words. You watch him leave your house, waving you goodbye as he closed your front door.
As he left your apartment, he smiled to himself. The plan of having you for himself was only getting started.
Taehyung walks his way to the closest hardware store, to buy plastic gloves, plastic sheets and trash bags before heading back to town. It was already 19:00, closing time of the cafe. Taehyung makes his way to the back door, waiting in a bush for Mael to make his way out. A few minutes later, Taehyung hears the door click open. A metal bat in his hands, he slowly stands up, hitting Mael unconscious. Taehyung runs his hands into Mael’s pockets to find his keys, opening Mael’s car and throwing his limp body into the trunk. Teahyung hurriedly gets into the driver's seat and drives off out of town, far enough away to kill time. By the time he gets to his destination it’s late at night, streets empty and silent, only the buzzing on the street lamps being heard.
He shuts off his headlights before going behind an old abandoned building right next to the train yard. He jumps out the car in excitement grinning to himself as he walks over to the trunk of the car, opening it to reveal Mael’s still unconscious body. Teahyung reaches to his rear beltline pulling out a knife he had bought previously and presses the edge of it onto Mael’s cheeks
“Oh how I wish you could be awake for this…” Teahyung says, heart beating rapidly 
He moves the knife over to Mael’s neck getting ready to slice, then stops himself, “I’m getting too ahead of myself… can’t leave evidence of foul play” Teahyung says to himself and chuckles.
He rushes over to the back seat of the car to put on plastic gloves and his protective coveralls to protect his clothes, then walks back over to the trunk trying his best to tuck the plastic sheet he had to catch the blood once it was over and without hesitation he cuts deep into Mael’s throat, Mael’s eyes instantly opens as he grips his now severed throat gasping for air.
Teahyung places the blood covered knife over Mael’s lips, hushing him, “It’s all over now,” He pauses, “I won.” Teahyung says in a mocking voice, an evil smirk slapped onto his face. He grabs his knife and wipes the blood using Mael’s shirt, placing it back in his beltline.
Taehyung stares at Mael’s now lifeless body lying in the trunk, “You never deserved y/n and she never deserved you.” He scoffs
Taehyng stands up straight, looking over to the empty trash bags next to him and sighs, “Now the boring part.”
Taehyung reaches over to Mael’s body, grabbing the handsaw and the plastic bags, taking everything to the abandoned building. He begins sawing off bits and pieces of Mael’s body while throwing his limbs one by one into the trash bags. He walks over to the train yard, plastic bags in each hand. He finds an empty train cart and tosses one of the bags in a cart then moves on to another empty cart tossing bags of Mael’s body parts in multiple train carts till he has no more, leaving the train yard and walking back to Mael’s car as he takes off his blood stained gloves and protective coveralls, bundling them all together in a mess. 
Teahyung walks back into Mael’s car, shoving his blood stained protective gear into a plastic bag and ties it up. He starts the car up and drives to the nearest bus station, driving in silence . He turns his way into the parking lot, sitting in the car for a moment to monitor his surroundings. He gets out of the car with the bag of evidence, walking to the nearest trash can to dispose of his things. But before throwing Mael’s phone in the trash, he decides to send you a little ‘goodbye’ message.
Goodbye Mael, you won’t be missed.
You scrambled to your phone as you heard it ring in the distance, hoping that it was Taehyung checking up on you after being gone for a hours. But after seeing the name on your phone, your stomach drops. It was Mael.
Mael [22:31]: Taehyung and I had a talk earlier today and I just wanted to say that I am sorry for what I have done to you. You didn’t deserve to be used in any way and I regret making that decision in my life because you were one of the best people I’ve ever met. I am sad to say that I will be moving away to not make you relive that moment and to start something new. Again, I am sorry and I hope you live a happier life without me.
Your heart sank after reading the text. You were filled with mixed emotions, not knowing what to feel as you were now angry and upset about the whole situation. You sit there for a moment staring at his message before turning your phone off and tossing it aside. You begin to feel disgusted of your body, overwhelmed from the event and tired of not knowing what to really feel. You reach over grabbing your phone to message Taehyung that you needed him by your side, needing him to help you control your emotions. Moments later, you hear your doorbell ring, Taehyung in front of your door. You pull him into a hug, smelling his cologne through his shirt. In return, he wraps his arms around your body, caressing your back for comfort, making your body and mind finally relax from the situation.
“I’m glad you’re back Taehyung.” You say, your head buried into his chest. You feel him giggle underneath your touch, making you smile.
“Don’t worry, y/n. I’ll always be here with you and will never leave your side.” He tilts your chin up, making your eyes come into contact.
“And you will always be safe as long as you’re with me.”
Writer’s note: My husband helped me write this part of the story! He wrote the murder scene and got inspiration from the show ‘Dexter’ so bless his heart for helping me because I got stumped multiple times lmao. Also, thank you for reading Parasocial as this is the last part of this story!
PLEASE do not copy, translate or post my writing on any other platform without my consent. ― taevolu🤍
Inspired by trivia-yandere and the parasocial game by chillas art
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thesmpisonfire · 10 months
Okay. I don't wanna be left out of sappy times
I'm really so fucking happy to be part of qsmpblr, i rlly am. I wasn't that hooked on qsmp at first bc of my college schedule and bc none of the streamers managed to keep my attention for long (its due to adhd thingie no worries) i was mostly learning about it through osmosis and checking the tag from time to time bc i was still interested
But then??? My childhood youtubers were added??? Cellbit, Felps and Tazercraft??? (I didn't know Forever at the time!) And i was IMMEDIATELY hooked back out of pure curiosity and, ngl, a bit of fear
I didn't know what to expect about the merging of communities and honestly? As a c!fundy warrior i was already tense and ready to fight if anything wrong happened, was about to give it all to explain everything my lil guys did to everyone bc i was so sure id be alone on this bc no one else would care
And then!! Y'all cared!! Y'all fell in love for my guys!!! And everytime i analyse and theorize and post about them, yall interact and love my guys even more!!! I never felt so safe and welcomed for the whole community this way, it always had been me and my small lil group against the world (Yipblr i love you so much <3) that being this loved was rlly surprising
The qsmp tumblr tag is rlly special to me, coming from the dsmp tag experience were i could never rlly hope to get anything good out bc no one was this united, it was each small community against the other and barely any communication happened. Here? I trust i can open it and meet almost everyone's pov and livebloggings and know whats happening all around, i know we can momentarily get into a small squabble but we will talk it out calmly and hearing each others opinions
Idk, i think i lost myself a bit in the middle. Anyway, thank you so much qsmpblr community <3 i love yall
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sleepynubis · 1 year
Honestly think this might be how i go about things, other then getting some upgrades like comissioning things to make it all look smoother but yeah, text info of the spell's, maybe add that for the buddy info for the characters too but this was a rush job so skipped out on that. With icon's for the team building section being used(tho for some reason my video editor was being weird when i was trying to s ize them as the same size for some reason sorry about that.)
I'll start working on Ortho's this week so i can have it done early and maybe experiment more on refining the videos with this format showing as much info as i can in the screen.
Gotta improve transitions on my obs so i can transition the picture mid recording and not just cut me off for the unit picture covering everything make it look more like a power point, maybe add some text boxes so it looks smoother and not just text over the picture. Please let me know what you think like always.
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poetryandfluffycats · 4 months
A Producers Reward
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A/N: im sick so this is mainly just mugi brainrot. also first real time writing smut so cant promise it will be amazing
Pairing: Tsumugi Aoba x fem!producer reader
Warnings: NSFW, tipsy sex, oral sex(f receiving), penetrative sex, petnames(princess, baby, good girl), breeding kink, praise, light amount of teasing, very light spanking, semi-public sex(in a closet), mildly ooc Tsumugi(hes drunk soo), soft dom Tsumugi
Content: You attend the release party of a new album from Switch, the idol group you produce. A very tipsy Tsumugi finds you during the party, desperate to show you how much you mean to the unit.
Words: 2.2k
NSFW oneshot under cut!
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Voices boomed from throughout the party venue, which had been decorated with an abundance of green and white streamers and ribbons. This was what made your job as a producer worthwhile-witnessing your idol group, who had spent all their hard work and energy on their new album, be showered in praise at the release party. Seeing the bright smiles and looks of achievement on the members of Switchs faces made all the stress worth it.
You sat down on a sofa, swirling your wine as you watched Natsume make a speech up at the microphone. You could see Sora sitting down close to the microphone, staring up at his senpai with much admiration and respect. He looked adorable in his little suit-like a real cutie-and you couldn't help but feel a smile tug at your lips as you looked at the younger idol.
"Enjoying yourself, producer?" The couched dipped slightly as a familiar face came and sat down next to you.
"Ah, Tsumugi. Yes, its lovely" You took a sip of your wine. "I'm glad everyone is enjoying themselves"
"Hmmm, yeah. Its all thanks to you, producer" Tsumugi hummed whilst taking a sip of his own drink, his eyes not leaving your form. "You put so much effort into our group"
You couldn't tell whether it was the alcohol or Tsumugis gaze that was making your cheeks red and hot, and you were grateful for the dim lights of the room. "Its a team effort, really. I only play a small part in your success" You waved your hand dismissively, trying desperately to ignore the butterflies in your stomach.
Tsumugi took another long sip of his wine, his intensive gaze washing over you again. A shiver ran down your spine. You'd never seen him look at anyone like that before, let alone you.
"I think you don't give yourself enough credit" His tone suddenly dropped, a stark contrast to the cheerful one you were used to hearing. You could smell the alcohol on his breath as he shuffled closer and your whole body tensed up.
"Switch would fall apart without you, (name)" His large veiny hand met your thigh, gently stroking the plush skin.
You bit down hard on your lip, trying to suppress a soft moan from escaping your lips. The sensation of his fingers running up and down your inner thigh was enough to drive you crazy.
"You work so hard for us. You reward us so well, but who rewards you? Who takes care of you?" He cooed, his breath tickling your neck as he leaned in closer. His voice was full of lust, laced with the desire to take you right here on the sofa. It was as if the wine had released some carnal urge in the blue haired idol. "Don't you think you deserve a reward?"
"A reward?" It was getting hard to think coherent thoughts as Tsumugis slender fingers gazed over your clothed cunt. You could feel your wetness pooling inside your panties, soaking them.
"Yes, a reward" He placed a sloppy kiss to your neck, biting down softly. "Don't you want a reward, princess?"
The petname went straight to your core. There was no way you could resist him now.
"Please! Please Tsumugi, please reward me!" Your words came out as a rushed moan as he continued to rub up and down your soaked clothed cunt, a lustful smirk appearing on his face.
"Good girl"
With that, he pulled you up. His grip on your wrist was tight-nearly painful-as he dragged you through the party. The two of you received many strange glares and glances as you rushed through the crowd, probably due to the arousal you could feel dripping down your leg and Tsumugis painfully hard member straining his suit pants. You didn't care though. The only thing you cared about right now was Tsumugi.
You gasped as you were thrown into a storage closet. Tsumugi very swiftly shut the door, clicking the lock into place. It was pitch black in the closet, the sound sounds being the muffled music from the party and your tiny whines and pants.
"Shhh, you have to be quiet baby" Tsumugi purred at you, one hand snaking around your waist to pull you close and the other being placed over your mouth silencing you. You couldn't see him in the darkness, but you could feel his hard cock pressing up against your thigh. "If you can be quiet, I'll make sure to fuck you real good, okay?"
You nodded desperately, tears beginning to prick the corners of your tears because of how desperate you were for his touch.
Tsumugi grinned and removed his hand from your mouth, replacing it with his lips. He wasted no time brushing his tounge into your mouth, the bitter taste of red wine filling your taste buds. The kiss was sloppy and uncoordinated, his movements were almost animalistic as he devoured your mouth.
His hands began to roam across your body, sitting comfortably on your ass. You groaned into his mouth and arched your back as he kneaded and squeezed the soft flesh through your skirt, giving it a light spank.
"Such a sluty little outfit, such easy access for me" Tsumugi murmured as he pulled away from the kiss, a string of sailva drooling down his chin. Delivering another soft spank to your ass, he chuckled slightly. "Just begging to be fucked"
"P-please, need my reward..." You muttered, reaching for his belt. He slapped your hand away, causing you to whine and pout.
"Ah, Ah, Ah. You need to be patient, baby" He tutted, sliding his fingers down the waistband of your skirt.
In one swift motion, he pulled down the garment and got down on his knees. He buried his nose into the warmth of your panties, breathing in deeply.
"You smell so good" He cooed, lapping up the wetness that was dripping from out the lace. A sinful moan escaped your lips as his tounge slid over your clothed clit. Your legs felt as if they were turning to jelly. "Tastes good too"
He quickly ripped the thin layer of lace off your body and discarded them on the floor beside him. You didn't even have time to be embarrassed of your nakedness before the idol buried his mouth onto your clit, sucking it harshly.
"Fucking hell" You cried out, your hips bucking at the contact. You could feel his grin as he continued to suck and lick your sensitive bud. The sensation was enough to drive you crazy.
Suddenly, he pushed his middle and index fingers inside your sopping cunt. He trusted them deep, scissoring them and hitting all the sweet spots inside of you. He began to niddle softly on your clit, flicking his tounge up and down. Your legs shook as you grinded your pussy against his face like a dog in heat, desperately chasing your orgasm.
"M-mugi~ close-Ah!" You whined as he increased the speed of his fingers, smirking against your clit as he silently added a third digit. You were a complete mess. Sweat was dripping down your face and thighs, mixing with the juices down your leg. Your body trembled and shook violently.
"Cum for me, princess"
With one final flick of his tounge, the knot in your stomach snapped. You threw your head back and arched your back, screaming out Tsumugis name. White clouded your vision and you swore you saw stars as he continued to fingerfuck you through your high, your walls clamping down against the digits.
"Such a pretty girl" He retracted his fingers from your hole, making you whimper at the loss of contact. He brought his glistening fingers up to his mouth, licking off the slick and allowing some of it to drip down his chin. "You're so good for me, (name)"
He stood up, pulling you in for another sloppy kiss. The mixture of the taste of your own jucies and the red wine was intoxicating in your mouth. You couldn’t help but reach for his belt again, trying to undo it. Your movements were clumsy, long gone any of your previous patience.
"Need you...need your cock now" You whined into the kiss as Tsumugi moved his lips down onto your neck. He sucked and sunk his teeth hard into the skin, no doubt leaving countless hickies and burises.
"I know baby, I know" Tsumugi cooed, licking the pluse of your neck. "I'll give it to you, don't worry. Gonna stuff that pretty little hole of yours and breed you nice and good"
"Breed me!~ Need it so bad!" Any shred of dignity you once had had disappeared, leaving you a horny mess. You tugged harshly at his belt, causing the idol to chuckle and swat your hand away again.
"So needy for me, aren't you princess?~" Tsumugi purred, finally helping you undo his belt and letting his trousers fall to the floor. The outline of his bulge was more visible through his boxers. The sight made you clench around nothing.
He pulled his boxers down, his erection springing free and hitting his lower stomach. You couldn't see such in the darkness of the closet, but you could tell he was big, a very prominent vein going up the shaft. A small puddle of precum was gathered on the tip, leaking down.
You didn't have much time to admire though, as Tsumugi quickly grabbed your waist and slammed you up against the wall, using his own hips to sandwich you between him and the cold brick.
"F-fuck, Mugi!" You cried out as he rutted his throbbing length up and down your folds, coating it in your slick.
"So wet for me" He purred against your ear, nibbling the shell of it. "Do you want it inside?~"
"Please! I need your cock!"
He lined his tip up with your entrance, pushing it in agonisingly slow and drawing out a low moan from your lips.
"G-god, you're so fucking tight baby" Tsumugi hissed into your ear as you wrapped your legs around his waist, forcing him in deeper. Burying your face into his shoulder, you chanted his name like a prayer as he stretched you out. It burned slightly, but it was the best pain you'd ever experienced.
"So big-Ah!" You babbled, digging your nails into Tsumugis shirt and holding on for dear life. He bottomed out inside of you, his tip kissing your cervix and his balls flush against your skin. You felt so full.
He gave you a few seconds to adjust to his size before giving you a sloppy kiss on the lips. "Can I move, princess?" He muttered, hot breath tickling the side of your face.
You nodded frantically, "Please!~"
That was all the prompting he needed. In a swift motion, he pulled out, leaving only the tip inside before thrusting back in brutally and bottoming out again. He set a rough pace, the sound of his balls slapping your skin filling the room along with the squelched noises of your hole.
"Such a good girl, t-taking me so well" He praised you, peppering kisses across your face. "So beautiful"
You tried to reply, but all that came out was a straggled moan as Tsumugi hit that sweet spot inside you. You clawed at his back, the pleasure taking over your mind.
"Yeah? Right there?~" The blue haired idol teased, angling his hips to continue abusing your g-spot. Tears pooled in your eyes, you had never felt this good before. "You like that baby?"
"Yes! G-god, love it s-so much!" You groaned, pulling him in for another heated kiss. You could feel the knot in your stomach threatening to snap again. "Needa cum!"
"Gonna cum for me princess? Gonna milk my cock dry?" Tsumugi's thrusts were becoming more uneven and messy, he was close too. "F-fuck, you drive me crazy. Wanna fuck you every chance I get. Fuck you round with my kids. You want that baby? You want my cum?"
"Yes, yes, yes! Wanna be a mommy, wanna carry your babies!"
With one practically hard thrust, the knot in your stomach snapped for the second time that night. Your whole body spasmed, vision going blurry and your walls clenching and milking Tsumugis length. A loud moan ripped from your throat and you were sure everyone outside could hear you.
"Fuck, (name)!" Tsumugi came not long after you, coating your walls white and filling you to the brim with his cum. He continued to slowly rock his hips against yours as you both rode out your highs, panting heavily.
The two of you stayed in that position for a moment, catching your breath and enjoying eachothers warmth. You felt his member soften inside you.
"Are you alright?" Tsumugi broke the silence, gently pulling out of you and helping you to the floor, sitting down in front of you. "That wasn't too rough?"
You shook your head, resting it on his shoulder, "No, it was amazing. You were amazing"
"Good, I'm glad" He placed a soft kiss to your forehead, rubbing circles on your back. "Do you wanna go back out there?"
"Hm, can we stay like this for a bit longer? My legs are sore"
"Yeah, of course, princess"
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