#slow cherry
shirubiaowo · 4 months
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sy5t3merr0r · 6 months
shout out to characters with pink hair
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Gotta be one of my favorite genders
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suffarustuffaru · 4 months
so i talked a bit about reinjulisuba on this blog in the past like in this one ask but now ive made a quick and easy diagram summarizing their whole deal <3
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cooperhowardswife · 2 months
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Smut | Violence | Swearing | Drugs | Addictions | Alcohol | Non-Con/SA | Adult/Mature Themes
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Angel had let you borrow a skimpy and tight black dress. You had no clue how you were going to walk in it without the back of the dress lifting and your ass being revealed to the whole club. He also lended you some black heels. You didn't have anything to wear to a club in your closet.
When you finished getting ready, you walked out of the room and into the hallway. "How do I look?" You said, placing your hand on your hip.
"Babe, you look awesome!" Angel cheered you on, jumping up and down. It was a fair reaction as you guys hadn't gone out in a long time.
You and Angel left the hotel and soon arriving at the club. You are both sat at the bar, buying rounds.
"I haven't seen you guys in 'fuckin ages!!" Cherri appears out of nowhere and exclaims throwing her hands up in the air.
You didn't expect her to scare you like that but you act like you didn't just jump out of your seat. "Hey Cherri." you wink at her and she winks back.
Angels just run off to get some free drinks from guys checking him out. Cherri soon after gets a room with a guy after you both talk and dance on the floor. You're alone now. You slam your hand on the counter, getting the bartenders attention, and harassing him for more drinks. You're on the verge of blacking out, but you continue on. When you get your drink, you get up and move to the dance floor. Your body begins to sway to the music, your hips roll and shake. The cup in your hand has alcohol spilling from it, you take sips in between your dancing session.
Suddenly, a guy comes behind you and wraps his hands around your waist, grinding against your butt. "Hey there, what's YOUR name?"
You turn your head around to look at him, placing your hand on the side of his face. "(Y/N), what's your name?" You bite your lip.
"Whatever you want it to be, let's get a room." He drags you across the club and you dropped your glass at some point without realizing. Eventually, you and him are in a bedroom. He sits you down at a table where there are baggies of cocaine and paper laid out. He sits across from you, grabbing the mini bag and opening it, pouring a little onto the table in front of you. "Have some. Don't be shy." He smirks, leaning back and watching you.
You pick up the tiny piece of paper, and roll it up. You lean your head down to the table and place the rolled paper to your nostril.
"Does anyone know where (Y/N) is?" He questions.
"Angel and her went to the club a few hours ago." Husk lifts his head from the counter of the bar and says to Alastor.
"Great! Thank you, Husker!" Alastor sinks into the floor and disappears. He reappears in front of the local and nearby club. Fixing his bowtie, he walks in. 'She doesn't seem to be here?' He thinks to himself. Alastor walks up to someone in the club, "Excuse me, have you perhaps seen a young lady with (H/C) and wings of a bat?"
(You look and take the form of a bat.)
The man he went up to runs off screaming. 'Pathetic. I'm just asking a simple question.' He sighs out loud. Beginning to think he would not be able to find you, as he had an important matter to discuss.
|| 𝒀/𝑵 𝑷𝑶𝑽 ||
You scream and kick as your hands are now bound above your head. You're pinned against the bed by the man who had led you to this room. You may have been completely out of it, but you knew you did not want this, or at least him.
A shadow rises through the floor of the room and immediately disappears, sinking back through. The door is flung across the bedroom by Alastors tentacles, he makes his way in. Alastors tentacles launch at the man on top of you, grabbing ahold of him and crushing him into nothing but blood and flesh.
You shriek, the mans blood is all over you, along with the bits of his flesh. Of course you were in Hell, you were use to seeing people be murdered. But something you couldn't handle, is their remains on you.
"You're wreck-less, (Y/N)." Alastor gritted through his teeth, straining his smile, he was clearly frustrated with you.
You said nothing, tilting your head down to avert looking at him.
"Can you walk?" Alastor sighs.
In response, you get up and immediately sway left and right and then collapse onto your knees. You feel weird.
Alastor lifts you with his tentacles and then transferring your almost limp body into his arms.
"I'm sor-" You attempt to apologize.
"Don't say a word until we're back at the Hotel." He interrupts.
You're embarrassed, humiliated even. This Joker wanna-be had to come rescue you and see you in this pathetic state.
When you both are back at the Hotel, he brings you both to your room and sits you down on your bed.
All you can do is look at the floor and fiddle with your fingers.
"I want to make a deal with you." He says, staring down at you.
You lift your head and look him in his eyes. "What?"
"I want. To make. A deal." He breaks his words up so you're able to process what he's saying.
"Like what?" You ask, placing your hands on your knees, as you continue to stare at him.
"I can protect you, and in order for me to, I need to own your soul."
You look at him as if he's dumb. "What?" You repeat.
He kneels down and grabs your face with a tight grip. "Listen to me. Pay attention."
You feel butterflies in your stomach, that sure did something to you and you have no idea why, maybe it's just because of how fucked up you are at the moment. You lean into him and cup his face, closing your eyes and pressing your lips against his.
Suddenly, he pushes you off and backs away. "What are you doing?" His smile is strained and his eyes are wide.
You say nothing and turn away.
Alastor walks off, slamming the door behind him.
When you wake up, you'll have to deal with everything that just happened that night.
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edenfire · 4 months
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🗡❤️ Hazbin Hotel Buttons ❤️🗡
I finally have my new set posted up in my shop!!🥰💘💞 if there's any characters that you'd like that I don't have yet, pls let me know~🌸
> shop <
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chrollohearttags · 11 months
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happy 4th of July! 🦅🧨😤
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psycho-betty · 1 month
chapter two - the talk
[the ghoul x lucy maclean]
He started to cough, he didn’t know if it was because she had caught him off-guard or if it was solely his usual ghoulish habit. Either way, he took a hit of his inhaler before continuing, “How do you know about that movie?!” “My dad used to show me holo-tapes of Cooper Howard's films!” Oh god, she was a fan. “He said he got them from Vault 31, but he probably kept them wherever Vault-Tec stored his body for the last two hundred years. I enjoyed watching them! I had a bit of a crush on Cooper, especially in ‘A Man and His Dog’ he was really cute when he was younger-”
Chapter two is now up on ao3!
Don't expect me to post this much ever. again.
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cherry-froggie · 1 year
Hiii!! I see you 👁👁 I love love what you've been writing so far!! They're so fun to read and so intricately written I justxidhsigid ❤❤
Mayhaps,, request? If you write for Ayato! If not, you can just ignore this ❤❤ when Ayato was younger, there were times he'd sneak out,, and he made a friend (reader) ! So they'd always play (sometimes with ayaka) when Ayato manages to have time, and this went on for years, reaching up to their teen years when reader says they have to leave for a bit for whatever reason, promising they'd come back.
But!! News arrived that the ship you were boarding was hit by a horrible storm and sunk :( he was devastated bc his childhood bff and long time crush probs died ,,, fast forward to the present, someone drops by their estate looking for Ayato,, and lo and behold, reader! Still alive with scars they got from the ship sinking,, just v fluff hurt/comfort hehe >:)
Have fun writing! No pressure ❤❤
eternal devotion
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pairing — Ayato x gn!reader
summary — Every year, since your disappearance, on your birthday, Ayato would leave his duties as the head of the Kamisato Clan to remember you for a day. So, when you finally reunite, will you still remember each other?
tags — fluff, hurt/comfort, more emotional than me when my cookies fall on the ground accidentally, also really long and tall like xiao
notes — @maaarshieee!!!! thank you so so so much for your request!! i really hope you like it! i did my best!! i really really love your works as well!!! I'll talk more at the end!!
words — 3,5k
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As Ayato stepped out of the Kamisato estate alone once more, his eyes drew to the grandeur of Inazuma's landscape. The lush forests stretched out before him, their leaves rustling in the wind like whispers of secrets. The rivers that flowed through the land sparkled like diamonds, reflecting the sunlight. Ayato couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom as he ventured out into the wild, like a butterfly breaking free from its cocoon.
During one of these escapades to the city, Ayato met you, the child of a relatively wealthy family. You were out on a walk with your family when you stumbled upon Ayato and his sister, Ayaka, exploring the city. You initiated a conversation, and before you knew it, you had become friends.
Together, the three of you spent your days exploring the natural wonders of Inazuma. You climbed towering cliffs that seemed to reach the sky, told stories of the gods and goddesses who watched over the land and wandered through verdant meadows filled with wildflowers.
Kamisato Ayato was a vision of grace and poise. As he walked, his lengthy, pale blue hair flowed behind him like a stream of moonlight. His eyes, a light purple, sparkled like amethysts in the daylight. His skin was as smooth and fair as porcelain, and a small mole under the left corner of his mouth added a hint of charming imperfection. He moved with a certain elegant ease, like a dance between the wind and the leaves. His smile was warm and inviting, like a ray of sunshine on a cold winter's day. He was the embodiment of beauty and nobility, and when he looked at you, it felt like everything around you melted away, leaving only the two of you in a world of your own.
As time passed, Ayato's responsibilities as the eldest son of the Kamisato Clan and future head of the Yashiro Commission began to weigh heavily on him. Despite this, he always found time to sneak out in the dead of night just to be with you. The regret of not being able to see you as much as he wanted led him to often find himself staring at the clock, counting the minutes until he could see you again. You became inseparable, and Ayato found solace in your company as you provided a much-needed getaway from the pressures of his future position.
But, when you reached your teenage years, you were forced to leave Inazuma to visit your family in other regions of Teyvat. You promised Ayato that you would return, but fate had other plans. News reached him that the ship you were on had been preyed on by a terrible storm and sunk in an unknown place, leaving Ayato devastated, believing that his childhood best friend had perished.
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Years passed, and Ayato became the head of the Kamisato Clan and the Yashiro Commissioner, but he never forgot about you. He buried his feelings deep, knowing he could never be with you again. He threw himself into his duties, dedicating himself to the people of Inazuma and ensuring that the land remained prosperous and peaceful. But every night, before he closed his eyes, he would think of you and the memories you shared. The smell of wildflowers in the meadows, the sound of the river rushing by, and the warmth of the sun on your faces. These memories were like a balm to his soul, providing a moment of respite from his duties.
He would often find himself wandering the streets of Inazuma's city, lost in thought, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. The hustle and bustle of the marketplaces, the laughter of children playing in the streets, and the smell of fresh bread baking in the ovens. These were the same streets you had explored together as children, and they reminded him of the person he used to be, the person he was before the responsibilities of leading a clan consumed him.
But even as he dedicated himself to the people of his country, he never forgot about you. He searched for any information about the ship that had sunk, hoping against hope that you had somehow survived. He sent out search parties, but they all returned with nothing but disappointment. As the years passed, he came to accept that you were gone and that he would never see you again.
He built a life for himself, one filled with duty and responsibility, but there was always a part of him that was missing. A part that could never be filled by anything or anyone else. He knew that he would always carry a piece of you with him, and that piece would be a reminder of the love he had lost. But even though you were gone, you were still a part of him, and he would always hold you close to his heart.
He had tried to move on, but, like a seed that's trying to grow in rocky soil, he had never been able to let go of the memory of you. In the back of his mind, a voice constantly reminded him you were no longer by his side.
Every year, on the day of your birthday, Ayato would leave his duties as the head of the Kamisato Clan and the Yashiro Commissioner. He would make his way to the same areas and fields where you had once shared laughter and joy while feeling a profound ache in his chest. He would sit by the river, watching the water flow like his memories, remembering your happiness. He would visit the forest, where you had told each other stories of the gods and goddesses that protected the land. The tall trees seemed like a silent witness to the bond you had created, feeling the weight of your absence with each step he took. He always ended that day in the place where it all ended. His memory never let go of the exact words you spoke to him, the promise you had made to return as soon as you could so you could be with each other again, the garments you were wearing, how your beauty turned even the most beautiful star into a blur in the background. He would stand there, lost in memories, feeling the emptiness of your loss, holding on to the hope that you would return to him one day, but knowing deep down that it was unlikely.
Ayaka had watched her brother's heartbreak unfold every time since you were pronounced dead with everyone else inside the ship. She had seen the facade of perfection that Ayato constantly kept slipping away on that day, and there was nothing she could do but stand by and comfort him when it became too much for her to bear. Somehow, Ayato could never let go of you. Like a bird that had lost its wings, he felt lost, alone, and incomplete. He would often sit in silence, staring at the night sky, searching for the star that represented you, the one that would guide him back to you.
One day, an unexpected visitor came to the Kamisato Estate. The guards, used to the usual faces that frequented the estate, were taken aback by the appearance of a stranger at their doorstep. The person, who introduced themselves as [Name], was searching for the head of the Yashiro Commission with a sense of urgency in their voice as if the matters they had to discuss were of life and death importance.
The guard who stood at the door was skeptical of the stranger's claims, unsure of who they were and what business they had with the head of the Kamisato Clan. He couldn't shake off the uneasiness that crept up his spine as he asked Thoma to notify the Head of the Kamisato Clan of the visitor's arrival. The response he received was nothing short of a surprise, as the head of the Kamisato Clan wished to see this person immediately.
And so, as you walked through the gardens, memories of your childhood flooded back to you. They were still as lush and vibrant as you remembered, the flowers still as fragrant and beautiful as they had been all those years ago. Your heart ached with longing as you remembered all the days you had spent here, laughing and playing with the Kamisato siblings.
The closer you got to the door to Ayato's study, the more your nerves began to get a hold of you. Your hands were shaking, and your stomach was in knots. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but it was no use. You were about to see the person who had been your best friend, your confidant since childhood.
Thoma announced your arrival after the guard opened the door, and you stepped inside. The room was well-lit thanks to the orange hues of the afternoon sun. Ayato sat at his desk with his head bent over a stack of papers. He looked up as you entered, and for a moment, you thought you saw a flicker of recognition in his eyes as he stood up from his seat and walked to the middle of the room before stopping in his tracks. He then dismissed the guard and housekeeper and asked them to leave the room, leaving you alone with him.
As the heavy door closed behind you, the room was enveloped in the thick silence, as if the air was holding its breath. The light filtering through the window caught the dust particles in the air, making them dance like fireflies in the day's end's glow. The rich wood of Ayato's desk seemed to shine in the warm light, and the delicate irises on his windowsill seemed to come to life.
You couldn't take your eyes off of him. He stood tall, his eyes fixed on you, taking in every detail of your appearance. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and your mind was racing with everything you wanted to say to him, but as you looked at him, you realized that words were not enough. The emotions you had kept hidden for so long were threatening to spill over, and you couldn't shake the fear that he might not recognize you, that he might not remember you after all this time. But you recalled those light purple windows to his soul that still held the same warmth and kindness that you had fallen in love with so many years ago.
You couldn't help but notice the way his tailored attire seemed to hug his frame, accentuating the strength he had gained from years of sword practice. His every move was calculated and controlled, but you could see the emotions swirling beneath the surface.
As he gazed into your eyes, the longing and love he felt for you stirred within him like a tempestuous storm. His chest felt heavy, and his throat constricted with the weight of unsaid words. He wanted to pour out his heart to you, to express the depth of his love and the extent of his eagerness to touch you, but the words refused to come. Instead, he stood there, silent and motionless, lost in you, conveying everything he couldn't put into words with a single, yearning gaze.
He took a step toward you, and it felt like time slowed down. You could see the way his chest rose and fell with each breath, the way his hands twitched as if he was struggling to contain himself. And then, he was in front of you, and the world seemed to fade away.
He reached out and took your hand, intertwining your fingers together, and you felt the warmth of his touch spread through your body. The tears you had been holding back spilled down your cheeks, and you couldn't help but let out a soft sob. He pulled you into his arms and held you tightly, and you felt like you were finally home.
His scent, the sound of his heartbeat, the feel of his arms around you - it was all too much. You clung to him, tears streaming down your face. You could feel his cries dampening your hair.
As the two of you stood there, the world around you seemed to fade away. The elegant office of the Yashiro Commissioner, with its expensive furnishings and décor, was nothing but a distant memory. The past and the future didn't matter at that moment, all that mattered was that the two of you were finally together again, and nothing would ever be able to tear you apart.
Ayato's grip on you tightened as he whispered your name, his voice choked with emotion.
The light filtered through the window, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the two of you as if the gods themselves were blessing your reunion. As the tears dried on both of your faces, you looked up at him, and he looked down at you. The love in his eyes was undeniable. You leaned in to kiss him and it was as if all that was left in the universe was you and the one you loved.
It was a kiss filled with all the yearning, passion, and pain that you had both kept storming inside for so many years, a kiss that sealed the promise of a lifetime together, a kiss that marked the start of a new chapter in your lives, one that was the answer to all the prayers and wishes you had ever made.
Slowly, you pulled away, taking another moment to stare at each other's faces as if you couldn't get enough of them. With tears glistening in his eyes, he reached out to touch your face, his fingers tracing the contours of your cheeks and jawline as if memorizing every inch of your front. His thumb brushed away a tear that had escaped down your cheek, and his eyes met yours in a gaze so intense it felt like it could set the world on fire. He held you like the most precious and delicate bird, "I never thought the day would come when I'd see you again. The thought of you never left my mind, even for a moment." he managed to choke out, his voice barely above a whisper.
As Ayato pulled you into another hug, the quiet room was bathed with the echoes of your breathing. The sound of his heart beating against his chest was a soothing lullaby, the rhythm steady and strong, a reminder that you were finally back in the safety of his arms. The familiar scent of his clothes enveloped you, a mixture of earthy spices and the brittle freshness of the outdoors, a comforting reminder of the past.
You began to tell Ayato your story, while he listened intently, taking in every word, every detail. His heart raced as you spoke of being swept away by the storm that had hit Inazuma all those years ago. He could feel the suffering and despair in your trembling voice, and it broke his heart to think of the struggles you faced.
With each word you spoke, the vivid memories of the storm that had hit Inazuma all those years ago came back to torment you, the trauma still fresh in your mind. You remembered the deafening roar of the winds as they battered the ship, the feeling of being lifted off your feet, and the cold envelop of the ocean as you were swept away. The next thing you knew, you were waking up on a distant shore, the waves lapping at your feet and the sand gritty between your toes. You were alone, and everyone else from the ship was nowhere to be found.
You described how you had stumbled upon a kind fisherman who had also taken your parents in. His small cottage was nestled on the edge of the beach, and the smell of saltwater and fish filled the air. He had been your savior, nursing you back to health with the help of his wife, who had provided you with a warm bed and a hot meal. He had even provided you with his boat, so you could journey to the closest place to your relatives.
You explained how you had heard the news that everyone had survived the shipwreck, but no one knew where they were or how to return home, scattered across multiple small islands in the middle of the ocean. The fisherman had helped you navigate the treacherous waters and eventually brought you to a nearby village, where you had sent word to your relatives about your survival. However, it seemed that the Kamisato estate had not received the news yet.
When you finished your story, tears streamed down his face as he muttered apologies, tears of sorrow for the pain you had endured, and tears of joy that you were back in his arms.
His head hung low with his expression filled with regret. The light coming from the windows cast shadows on his face, highlighting the lines of concern etched deep into his skin. He couldn't bring himself to look at you, consumed by the thought that he should have been there to protect you, to keep you safe from the storm that had taken you away.
You reached out, your hand gently lifting his chin until his eyes met yours again. "It's not your fault," you whispered, your voice soft and soothing. "You couldn't have known what would happen."
The warmth of your touch seemed to break through the shame that had consumed him, and he let out a deep sigh, the tension in his shoulders releasing. He looked at you, taking in the sight of you, so close and yet so far. It was as if he was seeing you for the first time, the memories of the past flooding back in an overwhelming wave. He closed the distance between you with one more kiss.
As Ayato's lips met yours, your fears seemed to vanish. The sun had just begun to set, casting a golden light over the Kamisato estate. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze, and the distant chirping of crickets. At that moment, it was just the two of you, lost in each other's embrace.
His arms wrapped tightly around you, pulling you closer to him. You could feel his heart beating in sync with yours, and it was like the two of you had always been meant to be together. You ran your fingers through his hair, feeling the soft strands between them. You could feel the warmth of his breath on your face as he deepened the kiss, and you knew that you never wanted to let go.
The two of you stood there, lost in the moment, for what felt like an eternity. The kiss was filled with all the love, longing, and longing that had been building up for years. The love that had been there since the day you first met. You could feel the tears streaming down your face as you finally let go of the pain and sadness that had been a part of you for so long.
When the kiss came to an end, Ayato pulled back, looking into your eyes with tenderness. He whispered to you, his breath sending shivers down your skin "My heart has been yours since the day we met, [Name], and my love for you has only grown stronger over the years. I cannot bear the thought of being separated from you again."
You promised him that you would stay by his side for the rest of your life, and you meant it with every fiber of your being.
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Long after the moon rose, Ayato led you to a spot on the estate with a small pond surrounded by trees and bushes, and the water was so clear that you could see the fish swimming below. You sat down on the wooden deck, and Ayato sat beside you.
The two of you sat there for hours, talking and laughing, and it was as if no time had passed at all. He told you about everything that had happened while you were away, and you could see the dedication in his eyes to keep Inazuma even better than when you left.
As the night began to come to an end, Ayato turned to you and took your hand in his. He looked into your eyes and promised to love and protect you for the rest of his days. He swore that he would never let anything come between the two of you again and that he would spend the rest of his days making up for the time you had lost.
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WOW this was LONG LONG, i really wasn't expecting to write this much, so i really hope everyone enjoyed it, especially maaarshiee!!!
you really have no idea how much time this took, i literally didn't do anything else today LOL so I'm REALLY hoping this is a masterpiece of the century jkjk, but i think this could've been much better, there's a lot to improve, but i hope you enjoyed it anyway!
i'll be honest, i was never the biggest fan of ayato, but, you know, writing this made me feel a little something i might start reading some more ff about him
anyways, besides me being a fangirl, i would like to thank everyone for your continuous support to my blog!!!!!! if you like my writing and genshin impact, i'd encourage you to see my masterlist! you might find something you like!
if there are any mistakes, i'll correct them tomorrow, I'm really tired rn!
thank you so much for reading!! have a great day/nigh, whoever and wherever you are!
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obadiavanille · 4 months
Had a small argument with myself when being notified that Husk’s pupils dilates whenever he looks at Angel because, yes, they DO appear bigger, BUT, it’s always when his eyes are in the far most corner of his eye, where they may have just made his pupils larger for convenience sake.
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I saw this!! In both frames his eyes are in the far most corner, but when looking at Sir Pentious, his pupils are normal.
I just love little details like this and watching Husk’s body language show he’s growing a very soft spot for our resident lovely Spider.
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cherrylssues · 5 months
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Haarlep walking back to Mephistar like 😎✨
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gianttol · 12 hours
how big of a farm does Beth has?
Howdy :3
I'm verrrry bad at distances and measurements, but I'm a visual person. So I drew up a ROUGH size and layout for Beths farm.
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Dark green - trees Light green - grass Pink - buildings (Beths house is the very bottom) Blue - lake She also has access to the fields off the right of this doodle, that's where Moomoo runs off to when she can. And the road at the bottom leads to the highway where she met Cherry.
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rosymushrooms · 9 days
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little red trinkets i’ve made recently ❤️ these are all pins/brooches!
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peppermint-whiskers · 2 months
imagine pentious sees cherri again and he adores her but doesnt know why cause god took every memory and god feels SO BAD seeing him struggle to try and remember cause this lovely lady clearly remembers him but thats impossible yet he feels like he should remember her too, same with his other friends
pentious really loved cherri, they had something real special going on and god only then realizes he took away not only the bad but also that pure sweet love when he took pents memories
He hits her with the "I would like to buy you a drink" bit and she's like "oh shit not again-"
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forestgreenivy · 3 months
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Since my move back in September, my life has been moving 90 mph. I obviously enjoy the beach during my work days, which is awesome. But for almost 6 months I have had plans, functions, trips and the like planned for 95% of my weekends. While my day-to-day life has been extremely more peaceful - I have been absolutely exhausted.
I took full advantage of enjoying Colorado, but I was SO excited to come home. BECAUSE I have no more weekend plans until the end of May. So I get to fully enjoy rest this spring at home. I get to enjoy my vegetable and herbs on my patio and I can start living slllooowww.
Here’s to days just walking along the shores with no weekend responsibilities above watering my plans and feeding Ophelia. I feel so rested today.
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
to the anon thinking they’re cute, sending hate abt those nails to my inbox..I’m not responding you, no you can’t eat my pussy and I got ur IP address. keep it up if you want to :)
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psycho-betty · 1 month
chapter one - the atomic rule
[the ghoul x lucy maclean]
She stood in front, admiring the flower, “I don’t get it. Why roses?" "Well, sugar, if you're so dead set on knowin', you're gonna have to rustle up the answers yourself. If you're half as sharp as you like to think you are, you'll figure it out. Cause I've got a couple of centuries of memories and such stored up here, so the nitty-gritty details? They tend to fade like paint in the sun.”
Now on Ao3! "Cherries and Nuka Cola" is my first published fanfic and is slow-burn multi-chapter fanfic for Lucy Mclean x The Ghoul.
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