#sitting alone and watching all these groups of ppl have fun
rowanhoney · 1 year
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a man after midnight | p. gasly
pairing: pierre gasly x reader word count: 2.7k words request: nope. prompt: ice-cold cocktails + staying up till sunrise from this prompt list. warnings: not actual smut but like allutions to it, a loooot of abba and mamma mia! references (can you guess what i watched while writing this for inspo?) really really recommend listening to 'voulez-vous' and 'gimme! gimme! gimme!' whilst reading this lolol since this was inspired by the horniest songs in mamma mia (if this does well maybe 'lay all your love on me' could be a part 2 a/n: happy september first! happy return to hogwarts! august really slipped away into a moment in time. we have one summer fic left! (yes, i know summer is almost over buuuuuut, we’re about to enter seasonal depression and i feel like we all (me) need a little more fics about sunny days at the beach. (btw, after i’m done with the summer of love event i will focus all my energy into sorting out my masterlist) also! to all my french readers or ppl whose first language is french, the last sentence won't make much sense for y'all! sorry! (i mean, maybe? kinda? but like not in the way i meant it)
my masterlist / summer of love masterlist
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greece had been a dream. you’d been planning for that trip for so long, it had always been a dream of yours to visit a place with such rich history and a lot of views that seemed straight out of a movie. 
the first week had been dedicated to tourists attractions, athens, santorini, and finally, mykonos.
you decided to spend the last week of your trip there to wind down from the hectic and tiresome previous days. everything was perfect, the weather, the people, the food. one thing you still had to try out were the nightclubs.
you’d been sitting in your hotel, half past twelve, watching re-runs of a tv show. you had your window opened, the summer breeze was just cold enough to make the heat bearable. you’d been exploring the city early that day, and it had left you quite exhausted. once you got enough from the show you were barely paying attention to, you stood up, walking to the window and seeing the dark of the streets out. as you looked to the side, you saw colored lights, and through the distance, heard music playing. and it was like a lightbult went on over your head, like your prayers had been answered.
why were you all alone in your hotel when you could be enjoying a night out? even if it was past midnight, you were sure that the clubs in mykonos would welcome a tourist in need of fun, and you were sure you wouldn’t be the only one there.
you wore a black dress, one that hugged your body perfectly and made your confidence go sky high. your matching black heels clicked against the cobblestone streets as you made your way to a club, neon lights illuminated the dance floor, and the music playing wasn’t like the obnoxious booming the other clubs played.
you decided to go for it, if this place wasn’t to your liking there were many more options to go instead. after going through the bouncer, you smiled in relief. it was way past 1am, but there were not too many people, most of them were girls in big groups, and the guys there seemed decent at first glance. 
you approached the bar and asked for a light, fruity cocktail to get started. you smiled in thanks once the bartender handed it to you, you brought it up to your lips, wincing a little as you swallowed the ice-cold drink. it was good, though, and it brought a smile to your lips as it helped fight the heat. so far, so good.
you walked to the dance floor, keeping to your spot as you swayed to the beat. it felt nice to let loose every once in a while. you drank some more, with less than a half still on your glass. you decided to save the rest for later, wanting to avoid the hassle of returning to the bar. you wanted to focus on enjoying the night, and the people welcoming you to the dance floor.
your eyes met clear blue ones, on the other side of the club. you smiled at him, and kept dancing as you looked somewhere else. a group of girls to your right invited you to join them, you agreed, walking a few steps towards them. after a few minutes of dancing, one of them grabbed your arm and twirled you around. you laughed, feeling eyes on you once she let go of you. you looked back, seeing the same guy still looking over at you. he was talking to, who you assumed, were his friends, but every few seconds his eyes and attention drifted away from the conversation, traveling to you. 
you smiled, turning your back to him. in the dark of the club, with colored neon lights, he looked hot. 
you downed the rest of your drink, excusing yourself from the group and walking to the bar. 
“another one, please. ice-cold, just like the last one,” you asked the bartender, who nodded and started preparing your cocktail. you turned around, leaning your back against the counter, scanning the room for nothing in particular. 
“this one’s on me,” you heard, turning your head to the side, you came face to face with the guy you’d spotted minutes earlier. 
“oh, it’s okay, thanks,” you said, shaking your hand.
"please, it's just a drink," he insisted, "how about an exchange?" he asked, you raised an eyebrow.
"and what would you like in return?"
"how about your name?" he lifted a corner of his lips, his answer made you chuckle.
*smooth," you nodded your head, thanking the bartender. "(y/n)," 
“i’m pierre,” he said with a gleam in his eye.
“nice to meet you,” you said, standing on your tiptoes to reach his ear, so he could hear you over the loud music.
“it’s your first time here?” he asked, moving so he was in front of you, his breath hitting the skin of your ear and neck. you nodded, giving him a small smile. “what do you think?”
“it’s beautiful,” you couldn’t stop the sigh that left your lips as you thought about this place that took your breath away when you thought about it, “do you live here?” you asked.
“no, i’m here on holiday too. i’m from france,” your eyes widened, a hot french guy in greece. 
“i’ve been wanting to go there as well! but since i was little it’s been a dream of mine to come here,” you bit your lip as you looked into his clear eyes. “i don’t think i want to leave,” you admitted, laughing. pierre nodded.
“i come back here every chance i get. besides home i’d say this is my favorite place,”
“i haven’t left and i already want to come back,” you sighed, closing your eyes as you took a sip from the cold drink. “it exceeded all of my expectations. the movies don’t compare to the real thing.”
“let me guess,” he started, a smile on his face, “mamma mia?” he raised his eyebrows as his expression turned playful.
“guilty,” you nodded, “it’s one of my favorites.” you bit your lip, shrugging.
“it’s a good movie,” he lifted a shoulder, smiling. “do you want to dance?”
“with you?” 
“i’m a pretty good dance partner,” he smiled wide, your eyes instinctively drifting down to his lips.
“maybe some other time,” you declined politely, “i’m quite tired,”
“just one song, please?” pierre placed a hand on your arm, “you won’t regret it,”
“i don’t like this one,” you shook your head, aware that you were playing hard to get.
a lightbulb seemed to go on over his head, his eyes widened a little as a smile settled on his face.
“stay here,” he told you, and walked away, you lost sight of him once he mixed with the crowd of people dancing. you stayed there by the bar, enjoying the last of your drink. you paid for both of them, since it had been a few minutes and pierre still hadn’t returned.
you decided to go back to your hotel, stepping down the few steps leading to the bar. your head perked up once you heard a familiar song begin. the people on the dance floor recognized it as well, since they started cheering and dancing to the beat. you turned to the dj, to the guy next to him, who stared at you with a smirk on his face.
a song from ‘mamma mia!’ playing in greece. how predictable.
you laughed, shaking your head as pierre made his way to you. he offered his hand, a smirk on his face.
“you can’t tell me you don’t like this song,” he had a gorgeous shine in his eyes, that popped up against the white shirt he wore. the first three buttons were undone, letting you see a good portion of his chest, a golden chain reflecting with the lights.
“fine,” you gave in, letting him guide you to the middle of the dance floor, as you walked, grinning, you couldn’t help but think how fitting the words of the song he chose were to your situation. 
now is all we get. nothing promised, no regrets.
“voulez-vous?” you heard his voice in your ear as he twirled you around, keeping your back pressed against his chest. you chuckled, feeling a chill running down your back. you decided to play along this game, moving your hips side to side, placing your hands on top of his, drifting them down your body, settling them on your waist. he held on tighter, throwing caution to the wind and placing a kiss to your neck. 
you turned around, throwing your hands around his neck, fingers curling on his golden hair. 
“i know what you think. ‘that girl means business so i’ll offer her a drink. looking mighty proud, i see you leave your table, pushing through the crowd,” you sang, pushing your body closer to his, as he couldn’t help but smile, aware of the accuracy of the words. 
when you first landed in greece, the last thing you expected to do was dance with an attractive frenchman, who held you both delicately and posessively, who asked the dj to play a song from your favorite movie only to dance with you. 
maybe it was the lights, the drinks you’d had, the suggestiveness of the song, that gave you the courage to raise to your tiptoes and place a quick kiss to his lips. 
it took him by surprise, at first, but amusement filled his face as you moved your hands to grab his face, singing the next verse with your lips touching his.
“ain’t no big decision. you know what to do. la question c’est ‘voulez-vous?’,” you raised an eyebrow, almost daring him to make the next move. it felt like the rest of the club had blurred away, and it was only you and pierre, it didn’t matter that you two only met each other minutes ago.
it’s like the song said. nothing promised. no regrets.
his lips on yours felt like being lit on fire. it was hot and messy, full of need and curiosity. 
just one night. one night of being careless, of losing fear and daring to step out of your comfort zone, to experience something new. something without promises, without regrets and what ifs. 
“do you want to?” he translated it for you, his breathing was heavy and hard as he leaned back, one of his hands was holding the back of your head, something you missed as he kissed you.
the song encouraged you. take it now or leave it. now is all we get.
when else will you get a chance like this?
you answered by pressing your lips against his, your hand finding his as you walked back, leading him out of the club.
throwing your head back in ecstasy, a smile formed on your face as you felt pierre’s lips on your neck, placing quick kisses, combined with soft bites all over your skin. you were both breathing hard, trying to catch your breaths after three intense hours of exploring each other. 
everything ached. you dropped down on top of him, your breasts pressed against his chest as exhaustion took over your body. he circled your waist with an arm, turning you over so your back now rested against the mattress and pillows. 
“any regrets?” he asked, leaning his weight on his elbow as he stared at you.
“no, nothing.” you shook your head, a blissful look on your face as you bit your lip, thinking about the past few hours.
“good.” he said, leaning in to kiss your cheek. he moved back, leaving the bed. you took advantage of the view, not believing the amazing times you would’ve missed had you not agreed to go with pierre. “the sun is rising,” he said, bringing you out of your thoughts. you turned to him just in time to see him pulling his boxers up.
“no way,” you made a sound that was a mix of a gasp and a chuckle, “it’s 5:30am,” you looked down at your phone, “no wonder everything hurts,” you dropped your head down on the pillows, feeling the bed dip as pierre sat on it, you felt his face against yours a second later.
“i hurt you? you should’ve told me, i-”
“no, no,” you placed a hand on his chest, “you didn’t hurt me, it’s just… it’s been way too long since i, you know. and for so long, as well,” you reassured him, watching the way his face changed from worry to pride. “stop,” you placed a hand on his face, laughing as he grabbed it and pressed kisses all over it. 
“it has been a true pleasure, honestly,” his voice somehow got lower, huskier. 
“i can say the same thing,” you laughed as he dipped his head down to kiss your neck, throughout the night you’d noticed that he really liked that spot, and you were sure that the skin there was tender and most likely, red or bruised. not that you minded. the sun sneaked in through the windows of pierre’s hotel room, and you realized that was still something you hadn’t checked off your greece bucketlist. “i want to see the sunrise,” you said, your hands on pierre’s shoulders. he looked back, seeing the scenery through the window, and when he looked back at you he pressed your body against his, your legs around his waist instinctively, and carried you out to the balcony. bedsheets around you and everything. “wait,” you laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck, but he didn’t stop, he sat on the floor with you on his lap.
“ma belle wanted to see the sunrise, and that’s what we’ll do,” he smiled, proud of himself. you couldn’t hold back a grin, so you leaned your head against his shoulder, seeing the sky change colors, your head moved up and down to the beat of pierre’s steady breathing. “i had a great time last night,” he said after a few minutes of silence. your lips curled up as you lifted your head.
“me too. i mean, if it wasn’t obvious,” you chuckled, feeling heat rushing to your cheeks. “i’d never done something like this before,” you confessed.
“a holiday hookup,” you looked at the sky, watching as it settled into a golden daylight. the sky turning its usual shade of bright blue. 
“ah,” he laughed, “and what did you think?”
“i think you’ve ruined it for any other guys in the future,” you chuckled.
“well, that’s a confidence boost,” he leaned his head back against the wall, a cocky grin on his face.
“like you need it,” you joked, “i think i should get going,” you said, but made no attempts to actually get up.
“will i see you again?”
“maybe?” he asked, his hand playing with the skin of your back, trailing his fingers up and down.
“i haven’t left yet and you already want to meet me again?”
“yes. today, and tomorrow, and the day after that. i liked you. and i liked… what we did all night.” was he blushing? you swore you saw a pink tint on his cheeks. “and if that’s okay with you, i’d like to use the time we have here to get to know you better.”
you were left speechless for a few seconds, but the sincerity in his voice calmed your fears.
“don’t go sharing your devotion,” you leaned forward, brushing your lips over his. “tonight. same place. midnight.”
“okay. yes, perfect.” his eyes widened a little in excitement. “i will be there.”
“good.” you nodded, “i don’t have anything planned for today,” you raised an eyebrow, hoping he’d understand what you were trying to say. the way his eyes shifted from happiness to… want told you everything.
“you’re gonna love the bathtub, i think it’s big enough to fit us both,” he declared, standing up with you in his arms, walking you to the bathroom. he tossed the bedsheets to the side once he reached the door. “voulez-vous?” he asked again, you only nodded in reply.
since that night, you couldn’t listen to the song without thinking about pierre. and your friends and family couldn’t quite decipher why you came back home speaking more french than greek. 
@idkiwantchocolatee @yeolsbubbles @spideyanakin
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gothamslostboy · 2 years
The Lost Boys
How Dwayne Flirts
Very slow to introduce himself
It takes at least a week
In that week he spends most his time watching you
And for the weeks/months it takes until your living in the cave
He doesn’t mean to stalk you, but he does
Like at first he’s just following you around the boardwalk, but then you go home early one night
He wants to make sure you arrive safely and once you do he’s curious to see how you act alone
He’s not a creep or anything; if you’re not dating him and you change your clothes or do something that feels too personal he looks away
Eventually after you’ve been dating awhile and you know he’s a vampire he’s gonna tell you about the stalking
But he’ll be genuinely confused if it freaks you out
“I was just keeping you safe darling”
Enough about that though
When he does speak to you, it’s after he notices that you’ve been looking at him and getting flustered when he catches you
He comes over and introduces himself, but lets you lead the conversation
What he does next depends on where you are and you’re vibes
If he ends up not actually liking you he does some pick up lines and cheesy flirting until he can get you alone and feast
On the other hand, you manage to make him actually stay interested? Well now getting together is his number one priority !
If you’re more extroverted he lets you ask most the questions ppl say when meeting
“Where you from?” “What do you do for fun?” Etc.
He’d ask if you wanted to go to the concert or to meet his friends
He’s already noticed where you tend to go on the boardwalk and suggest those places to impress/ interest you
For an introverted person, he’ll think of one on one things to keep you comfy
Probably a bike ride so you’ll hold him w/o having to ask
Other options would be riding attractions, getting food from a stall and chatting, just walking around together, or if you seem comfortable enough he’ll show you the cave
Might ask the boys to stay back for a bit, then has to block out teasing comments in his head until he sees them again
He does a lot of little things, like paying for food or rides, holding doors, wiping food w/ a napkin, helping you on/off the bike etc.
Tries to be a full gentleman the entire time
You both go to buy or in his case steal the same thing
Or he sees you struggling to reach/ pick up something and helps
You make introductions and he carries your stuff as you walk around the store
He pays for your things & holds the door when you leave
Again he suggest activities based on your personality
He’s on a food run and sees you searching through your wallet/purse/bag for change
Steps up and pays whatever you hadn’t yet and places his order
Sits next to you and lets you lead the conversation while you two wait for food
When it’s ready, offers for you to come back to the cave and eat with them bc he wants to keep talking
If you say no then he’ll walk you out of the store and to your car or home if you’re walking
“Can I see you again sometime? Preferably when we don’t have to rush food home?”
If you say yes then he makes plans based off your vibe
Surprisingly chill if you say no
He’s not gonna stop stalking you, and after a little bit “bumps into you” again and puts on his full charm trying to sway you
If you’re still not interested then he does his best to move on
Defending You
Sees you looking uncomfortable around a group of Surf Nazis and steps in
Scares them off
Eats them later
Tells you not to thank him bc it’s “the decent thing to do”
If you want to repay the favor, he lets you buy him something from a food stall, as long as it’s cheap
Offers to hangout with you in case the surf nazis come back
Again based on your personality he chooses an activity
For all of these situations he is very gentlemanly and polite, later in the night he does light teasing once your both comfortable
Some people could mistake his flirting for just being nice, and that’s on purpose
If he or you ends up not into it he can just pretend he was being nice for no reason
After you establish a friendship he keeps doing Acts of Service and getting one on one time with you
Teaches you to skateboard if he thinks it could become serious between you two
It’s EXTREMELY important that you get along with Laddie & the boys
If you don’t get along with Star he’ll be a bit bummed, but it’s not a deal breaker
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averagetmntfan · 5 months
it’s crazy that 2023 is almost to an end! Another year that just flew by!
I’ll be honest, I was desperate to post my art somewhere. It’s been kinda a rough couple of years for me. And recently.
I was extremely sad last year. Around this time, actually. Let me paint a picture.
Last year, I switched schools. Which I guess doesn’t sound like a big deal, but it was to me. My whole life was at my other school. My friends. They were the best. As u can probably imagine, I starting at a brand new school is hard. Especially when everyone already knows eachother. This might come as a shocker, but I’m kinda Anti-social when it comes to ppl around my age. (Especially cuz ppl my age are such bitches Lmao) for the longest time, I coped using discord And tik tok. I Even made my own little group. But ofc, that had to come to an end too. after that, I was sad again. For the longest time I had all these ideas, but no one to really share them with.
(cuz none of my irl friends like nor watched tmnt) and recently I ended a friendship w/ someone. We were both in the wrong, I’ll admit. I did say somethings behind her back. Nothing too bad. But it did call her a hypocrite. Because she would always complain about our other friends leaving to hang out w/ other ppl. When she does the exact same thing. And I was alone. Alone at lunch. Just sitting there. She would treat me so..rudely. Just plain rude. I asked her a question (Idk what is was exactly) and she responded with such a rude response. And that was on fucking Halloween. (Which I was sick on) so that’s when the entire friendship fell to shit.
Since then I’ve been hanging out by myself in the library (well, the times it’s open anyway) so u can probably imagine how I feel. Then one day, it all changed. I discover this wonder escape. Tumblr. I signed up and made this acc. And I met such amazing ppl on it.
@allyheart707: has given me good advice on my little comic series, genially super nice, fun to chat w/. I think I’ve been mutuals w/ her for the longest.
@ghosty-0w0: very silly, I have so much fun doing art collabs w/ you!! Again, very nice and thoughtful. Mutuals for a bit but it feels longer!!
@mikey-rottmnt: the ultimate silly, whiteboard was to much fun (I’m gonna try and make another board for us lol), I have no idea how we became mutuals lmao. Very fun to chat w, always open to listen, caring and sweet. I enjoy having conversations w/ u!
@c00kietin: I had a lot of fun drawing u!!!, Irish gang 🍀☘️, that one time I didn’t get sleep was chaotic, very chill, a local amphibia fan!! I wanna talk more w/ u, cuz ur js so cool!!
I Hope y’all have an amazing new year! May the year bring u luck, kindness, adventures (hopefully) not artblock, and alot of ideas!! (Not that anyone of u need them, cuz ur so creative!!)
and dw..Hehe..I will make u all suffer w/ ANGST ANGST AND…fluff. JK MORE ANGST >:))
(no but real talk I will not js do all Angst I swear—)
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luffythinker · 9 months
THAT ONE ANON BACK AT IT AGAIN! it's almost monday so ima need something to distract me when im in a group session with some guys for work i always use reading your replies to me as so, so have some ships!
It started with Mina whining about how everyone is falling in love and she doesn't know what falling in love is, shes never felt it before TSU keeps asking people out but keeps getting turned down for some reason she isn't sure what it is or that everyone always has someone they like and she isn't it, she starts spending more time with her gal pals Toru Jirou and Mina Mina moreso than others cause everybody is always out with their boo or hanging out with their squads
Mina cant hangout with her squad all the time too much of Bakugo Kaminari Sero and Kirishima in one day is a headache and everyone needs a vacation from that LOVE THEM TO DEATH but ya know sometimes ppl be annoying AF
Tsu aggressively starts having feelings for Mina like she has to abstain herself to have a normal day
Shes watching for any opportunity to be close to her friend
Like she's looking at her differently in a new light she notices how pretty she is, that never used to happen before, if they go to the beach she's fanning herself not from the heat but from how Mina's bikini fits her
(I like to imagine Mina is built Mina is a little on the stubby side but shes got a figure and Tsu is super skinny but semi round hips because frog, so Tsu is tall and skinny while Mina is sort of short and fun shape )
she wants to do more than hug for long periods of time, she wants to hold a women it's Jenny darling your my best friend, im using your shirt as a pillowcase, i borrow your lipstick so often
Thats how deep Tsu really is
So oneday they are chilling in Mina's room and Tsu kisses her just for the hell of it she can't take this longing one anymore it's so agrrsive at first but it slowly melts into something sweet after that Tsu's sitting on top of Mina both of them are just sitting there looking crazy not knowing where to go from there and keep it between themselves like "THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN, THAT WAS JUST A ONE TIME THING"
Nothing at school is normal anymore it happens more often, they kiss at their lockers when nobody is around, they eat lunch on the roof and kiss there it's just a lot of kissing and not asking any questions
Not very sure how they could actually get together but tell me what you think
Next one IidaBakugo i think we talked about this one before?
BUT THINK ABOUT BAKUGO FINDING IIDAS RED EYES INTERESTING? like Bakugo caressing his face removing his glasses
ALSO Iida not changing any aspect of his person now that he's regularly associating with Bakugo, Bakugo isn't changing either they just kinda stay how they are both of them are very good at being professional around eachother and others HOWEVER
Bakugo wants to see Iida break he wants to see Iida slip up and do something "inappropriate" in front of others
things Iida deems inappropriate: PDA,Bakugo's language Especially how he talks to Iida when they are alone, the mouth on that one is something that gets him going badly it's his guilty pleasure to indulge Bakugo's behavior
Bakugo loves when the power dynamic is Iida in charge cause that's different, he loves when he acts out of his nerdy character
One day Bakugo keeps getting on his nerves all day long sitting on the desk little things like that, Iida just goes up to him and grabs his face speaking directly into his mouth ALMOST A KISS BUT NOT REALLY and tells him "Get off the desk" in his lowest voice it leaves several students in awe and Bakugo a blushing mess
Anything you have to add about these things TELL ME I WANNA HEAR THEM i honestly am trying to get more into Iida/Bakugo
Tell me how you think Iida/Bakugo could be? do you think Bakugo craves bad boy iida or do you think Bakugo would want him soft boy?
aaaa i'm so sorry i couldnt be here last monday but im here now, let's deep dive together!!
First, I really love that you gave us some background for Tsu, she's always looking for love and it's never the right time or the right person, she just wants to be loved and cared for but it seems everybody else can find their perfect person except for her For Mina, I don't think she has love in her mind like that, she has fun with people but she's not necessarily looking for serious stuff at the moment (or so she thinks).
But when their friendship starts progressing, I think both of them begin to realize they are attracted to each other, they believe the other is the prettiest girl in the world, and both of them love physical touch, so there are lots of hugs and hand holding but none of them ever says anything afraid to ruin it and misunderstand things.
idk why but I feel like mina would kiss first?? just like a peck and immediately pull back bc she's too afraid she just ruined everything but tsu gets her and kisses her properly!!
I think maybe they would unconsciously hide just bc they don't know how to define what they are yet, but everyone kind of knows there's something going on with them, and tsuyu is a Lover, so she eventually says she wants all the dating perks, she wants to be a Girlfriend, she wants all the sweet stuff and mina is in love, she finally realizes that she doesn't mind serious as long as it's with the girl she loves :((
I vaguely remember we talked about them, they are an interesting pair for sure because I think they both don't know how to process and express emotions properly?? like they're both in the same spectrum of "I don't know how to express I'm in love with you so I'm gonna scream"
Love them having dynamics based on challenging each other, bakugo wants to see him break, iida wants to see him be a bit more proper (kinda, bc he likes him the way he is)
POWER DYNAMICS YESSS, iida has so much potential as a more dominant partner especially with bakugo, and I do think bakugo craves that the most (he would never admit it tho). But yes, I can see iida being the only one who can really put bakugo in his place when he's serious about something. Iida would tease him not even consciously like, getting all up in his face and personal space to speak, but not kissing, getting bakugo to move by touching his back or waist but not actually holding him, it drives katsuki insane until he snaps and finally asks (screams) for iida to just do things properly!!!
i guess that's all i have for now with these couples, i love our conversations here so much <3
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zylian · 1 year
I’m thinking of an au where Subz doesn’t talk to others and keeps to himself times 1000 ((this is long btw))
So he is constantly alone and is just sad that everyone messes with him despite him minding his business and running to secret locations
Like he has no one, everyone’s constantly fighting but always end up killing him or destroying his stuff. He doesn’t get it and is super sad about it than when you switch perspectives literally everyone adores him and when they’re bored they want to find anything that reminds them of him
Like a beloved cat that they can’t find and of course no one knows Subz is sad at all.
They think it’s a fun thing between friends but in reality Subz never considered any of them friends (never crossed his mind)
Subz one day forgets to set his bed and gets jumped, he respawns at the centre of spawn and just gets super duper sad that he has to get a new base and travel again. So he just gives up and sits at spawn cause honestly he rather let himself get banned than go through all the effort but literally players seeing him at spawn shocks them.
It’s like a super sad character with extremely happy ppl who have never seen him like this so they start panicking and taking him places.
As he sadly walks through spawn with no armour random players show up and just take him to random places in an attempt to cheer him up. The group that killed him find him in iron boots at some lake with a broken build and just murder whoever he’s with but leave him alone.
He sits there sad and it just boggles there mind so they take him to more places. Ensue him hanging out with everyone on the server without getting in the crossfire.
Two teams are about to fight so one of them take Subz to the side and tell him to stay put before they fight. It’s like whoever wins the fight gets to hang out with Subz.
Soon it becomes a competition that the strongest player is who Subz hangs out with.
Subz of course finds it all fascinating and is learning a lot about everyone else through it. It’s like a a long side quest in his eyes cause he doesn’t have to do anything.
Some players who can’t kill certain teams resort to kidnapping Subz which ends up with Subz not being let out of anyones site.
————— Example of a long day —————
One time Clownpierce gets Subz from a huge battle but he doesn’t stick around long and likes to be solo so he asks Branzy to look after Subz but Branzy slips up and forgets resulting in Zam finding him. Zam who panicked takes Subz to his base to hide him cause Zam does not want to get jumped. They hang out the whole day until Zams anxiety spikes and takes Subz to spawn and leaves him there.
Subz gets sad again and is found by Parrot who asked how the hell he’s at spawn and what happened to which Subz reply’s that Zam didn’t want anything to do with him so he left him at spawn. Parrot tells Subz that Zam sucks and takes him to his base. Parrots walks by the team who were the ones who lost to clownpierce and immediately jump him.
As Subz watches the blood bath, Spoke taps his shoulder and secretly gets them out of there. Sitting on top of some build Spoke asks how Subz’s days been and if he knows any new information but instead Spoke laughs really hard as Subz explains how his day went which was clownpierce being awkward, Branzy dying to fall damage, Zam kicking him out due to fear, and Parrot not noticing blood thirsty enemies from 20 blocks away.
When the fight ends Spoke and Subz go follow the team that just murdered Parrot and end up in some underground base.
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littencloud9 · 3 years
hello here's part 1 of my satoglad headcanons because i love them and i can
| gladion’s taller than ash and constantly steals his hat to hold above his head
| ash steals gladion’s hoodie ALL THE TIME
| gladion’s ticklish but only ash knows that
| he’s also touchstarved as hell and ash is happy to provide for his needs
| ash introduces him to the og kanto gang and surprisingly gladion gets along best with gary
| they both blush around each other, but gladion’s more obvious. ash’s ears and neck usually turns the reddest
| lillie was totally the no. 1 satoglad shipper
| wicke and burnet would also gossip about them during work
| kukui thought ash and lillie would end up together but burnet bet on ash and gladion (she obviously won)
| umbreon was the first to notice something going on between them, closely followed by silvally and the two lycanroc. idk i feel like pikachu would be just as oblivious as ash. and torracat’s never really around gladion so
| they took forever to start dating. everyone knew they were dating except them
| they still have a hell lot of pokémon battles
| every year they’re always vying for league champion and most of the time it ends up as ash vs gladion for the finals. it becomes the most exciting battle because everyone in alola knows there’s always a hell lot of tension. there was once kiawe won the league but he decided he was more suited for kahuna
| pikachu and silvally bitch about their trainers together
| solgaleo and lunala randomly visit sometimes because why not. there was once satoglad had a battle with ash and solgaleo vs gladion and lunala and it was wild
| ash totally plays with gladion’s earrings
| and gladion plays with ash’s hair
| neither of them are very good at cooking. gladion can do basic recipes but ash is a disaster. that doesn’t mean they don’t try tho. and usually the kitchen ends up in a mess so most of the time they grab food at nearby malls or at mallow’s restaurant
| the alola gang are always trying to get them together. they purposely sit in a way that forces them to sit next to each other, or walk in certain formations, or split off into different groups on purpose. neither of them caught on because they’re oblivious as hell but they’re doing their best
| both of them are amazing with kids
| the first time they kissed was on accident. i’m not sure how or why but ash definitely did it and shocked both of them
| speaking of which ash loves to kiss gladion’s cheek randomly. he likes seeing gladion get embarrassed even after dating for years
| their favourite date idea would be chilling on the beach at night. they have a thing with being alone at night
| gladion can definitely play the guitar. he plays and ash sings and it’s enough to make anyone tear up
| stealing this one from paige but gladion (and lillie) totally have kalosian blood. or maybe galarian, but yeah
| neither of them are very materialistic. ash’s love language is prob quality time/acts of services while gladion’s would be physical touch or words of affirmation. they’re always trying to outdo each other with christmas gifts
| gladion literally lives at kukui and burnet’s. they now have two sons
| whenever they had another ultra beast mission, these two will flirt like hell to cope with the anxiousness. everyone is sick of their shit
| but they’re also a power couple and i stand by that (like, the two strongest in alola teaming up? unstoppable)
| both of them can and will kill you if you say anything bad about the other. they are protective™
| i like to think that at some point ash caught an eevee and it evolved into espeon so not only do they have the double lycanroc, they now have the double eeveelutions (and with the sun and moon themes too!! ksjdksdjsk)
| ash cannot dance but he tries for gladion anyway. they somehow have the waltz down decently
| they are the literal definition of red and blue gays i do not take criticism. ash’s fav colour is blue and gladion’s is red
| when they start dating and see each other more often, gladion and torracat (or incineroar but shut up i love torracat and lowkey wish it didn’t evolve ahsjddhshdjs) become super close. it’s like burnet and torracat. no one understands how it never scratches him, ever
| ash and silvally become best friends™ too
| the first few months they were dating, gladion would always give ash that Fond Smile. it only ever happens in private too, and ash melts everytime it happens
| they don’t really argue, but when they do, it’s always super serious like that nebby argument. they wouldn’t talk for like a week cause they’re both stubborn too and it worries everyone
| both of them always scold the other for not taking care of themselves even though they do the exact same thing
| lusamine is a 100% the oblivious parent that had no idea they even liked each other
| before they started dating ash is approached by a few ppl because he’s the champion and he’s fun and kinda attractive, same goes for gladion. they both don’t understand why they feel upset when it happens and it frustrates lillie to no end
| SPEAKING OF WHICH gladion definitely gets jealous more easily but ash is always there to assure him
| every time they battle they just yell compliments/tease each other. the sexual tension is so THICK you could cut it with a knife
| ash always tugs on gladion’s hoodie string when he wants him to lean down for a kiss
| this is literally in the ship name but the trust they have in each other is immaculate. they’re both insanely loyal and they know the other would never betray them and it makes me cry thank you
| gladion hates swimming because he doesn’t like his hair getting wet, so he usually hangs around the beach with torracat, the two lycanroc and rowlet. ash plays in the water with silvally, pikachu, zoroark and melmetal while he watches with an adoring smile
| also he totally got embarrassed seeing ash shirtless the first few times LMAO
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s stepkid
Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader
warnings: alcohol mention
a/n: i rushed these so bad i just wanted to post dhhshsnsna
prompt: y/n is pepper’s kiddo!
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it was just you and your mom for a long time
pepper and y/n potts
she couldn’t keep up with you sometimes, too busy dealing with the manchild that was mister anthony edward stark
speaking of—
“uh, who’s this?” -tony, pointing at you
“mr. stark, i am so sorry, the school closed because some kid set fire to the science lab and i didn’t have time to find a sitter—”
“no, it’s fine, no need to apologize. hey, kid, you wanna sit in the boss’s chair? i’ll let you run the company for the day!” *cue you nodding* “sweet, would you mind that, ms. potts?”
“oh? no, not at all” *mouthing* “thank you”
“so, uh, what’s your name? no, don’t tell me: ketchup.”
*giggling* “y/n”
“no way! that was my second guess!”
tony wasn’t used to being around kids
he had no idea that he was actually kind of good around them
despite a few minor hiccups
“you sit in my chair and im gonna spin you around, sound like fun?”
he spun you around WAY too fast and you were diiiiizzy, also you fell off the chair
“don’t tell your mom that we did that. she may be my assistant, but she scares the shit out of me. also, don’t say ‘shit’”
dude he just thought you were a cool kid!!!
“hey, you know, ms. potts, you dont really need to hire a babysitter anymore. y/n’s doing just fine hanging out here”
“how am i not surprised you befriended an actual child?”
she still took him up on his offer, you seemed pretty happy
when your mom worked late, you passed out in tonys office
tony and you had your own little secrets (like falling off the spinning chair), tony showed you around stark tower, and you practically lived there
“i got you a happy meal from mcdonalds!” -tony every day after your school
in all honesty, you weren’t the “popular” kid at school...not even close
but tony made up for it
“y/n! i found this old racecar toy in a box of old stuff, you wanna hold onto it for me?”
you kind of grew up in stark tower tbh? it was pretty cool
and as you grew up, you started to notice more
“mr. tony, do you have a crush on my mom?”
“do i what? no, no, i do—who the hell am i kidding? you caught me”
“called it!”
after that you did everything to try and get them together
when your mom was talking to tony, you would stand behind her and wiggle your eyebrows and just taunt tony endlessly
no! tony cannot remember your mom’s birthday for the life of him! you are his calendar now
“dude, why dont you just ask JARVIS to remind you?”
“i may be a genius, but that doesn’t mean i have common sense”
“wise words, sir” -JARVIS
when tony disappeared for 3 months you were so sad???? like you were not okay at all
and when he came back, he literally exited the plane saying “WHERE’S ‘T-POTT??’”
(your wonderful nickname. ‘t’ for ‘tony jr.’ and ‘pott’ for ‘potts’)
“my mom missed you”
“oh, i bet she did”
“you turned my child into you, tony. i will never forgive you for this”
“well, at least y/n was here to fill in for me, huh?”
tony wanted to show you the arc reactor but he was actually afraid of scarring you lmfaoooo
but he did let you in on the iron man secret (he knew you wouldn’t snitch)
and just to make sure:
“if you dont tell anyone, i’ll buy you a car when you turn 16”
“man, that’s like, forever away”
“good, maybe you’ll forget by then”
ur mom kinda maybe sorta found out abt iron man :/ she told you that tony was a bad influence
“mom! no, tony’s cool! he’s like a superhero”
“no, sweetie, he’s a rich guy with issues. we’re leaving”
that didn’t last long
not long at all
and soon they FINALLY got together
“jeez, i thought you two would never stop pining after each other”
“couldnt have done it without my wingman” -tony *fistbump*
“as thanks can i have my own iron man suit?”
“yes.” *pepper glaring at him* “no.”
sooner or later your mom and you moved into tony’s house and you got a really big room!!!!
it was completely decked out
king sized bed, flatscreen tv, mini-fridge, microwave, computer, your own bathroom with a smaller tv, a poster of tony??? (you vandalized it and put it in his workshop), and more!!!
okay you were spoiled
“do you like it here? are you sure i made the right choice?” -pepper
“are you kidding, mom? this is awesome! plus, you’re happy, i’m happy, tony’s happy, i think JARVIS is even happy!”
“i am, mx. potts. simply ecstatic” -JARVIS
pepper was really happy!! it was a pretty cool family
you started giving your school tony’s number if you ever got in trouble, you knew he’d cover for you
“mr. potts, is it?”
“your child, y/n, punched another student in the face today. we’re very disappointed in their behavior”
“why’d they punch the kid?”
“well, the other student punched y/n first”
“HAH! thank you for wasting my time. send y/n back to class and call me back if something important comes up”
he literally gave you a high five when you got home
“i gave him a black eye!”
“i couldn’t be more proud. i mean, i dont condone violence, but self defense is a whole other story”
a little help in the workshop, tony asks you to hold the flashlight
“why don’t you get one of your robots to hold this for you?”
“are you kidding me, you’re complaining? we’re having stepdad/stepkid bonding time! and dum-e can’t do anything right, i dont trust him”
youve had a few theme park trips as a family ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also tony has 100% told you to wait in the car and then left you alone for 2+ hours
“i’m not like a regular dad, im a step-dad. want some beer? you can have a little sip. i’d rather you do it in the house”
your mother actually does love how he actually cares about you!
“y/n is 12% my responsibility” -tony
“tony, you are impossible” -pepper
no avengering for you! pepper said no!!!!!!
disappointed but not surprised
iron man 3: y/n potts is put through the wringer
Text Message to Mr. Tony: bro you better come get your girl, me and happy are watching this other guy flirting with her. he’s showing her pics of his ‘big brain’
Mr. Tony: HE WHAT
Text Message to Mr. Tony: Tony he looks creepy i don’t want him to be my new stepdad do something!!!
anyways ur house kinda blew up and ur mom and you kinda got kidnapped and u were right abt that guy being creepy and thankfully no experiments were done on you but like your mom kinda almost died and her and tony were fine!!! all good in the end
you met mr. col. james rhodes that day
“aw, you’re the kid ive heard so much about” -rhodey
“you mean the coolest kid in the world?check.”
“you cant tell me you aren’t tony’s biological child, good god”
you got to meet the avengers later on too! (you’d already met natasha tho, only briefly)
“i know it can be a little overwhelming, right? meeting all these heros, legends even—” -rhodey
“oh, my god, is that thor? thor!!” -you, leaving rhodey in the dust
literally why does pepper trust you around tony something always goes wrong there were literally robots attacking, you were only at avengers tower bc your mom was busy with the company and she thought you’d be safe with the avengers. the AVENGERS.
“please dont tell your mom that i created a bad robot that tried to kill us. the robot will be the least of our problems” -tony
he made happy pick you up and you had to miss out on FUN and it sucked a lot
“it’s okay, y/n! i’m fun, too!” -happy
then your mom and tony took a break and your life got mega-boring for a while, but they weren’t separated for that long. you try not to think about it. it was brutal
Mr. Tony: Does she miss me?
New Message to Mr. Tony: I think so. Either that or she’s crying and drinking wine in the dark for no reason.
Mr. Tony: Damn it, now I feel bad. I miss her a lot. Oh, also, the Avengers say ‘hi,’ I’m in Germany with some bad news, I’ll explain later if you don’t see it on TV first, and I found you the perfect friend! His name is Peter and I think you’d like the school he goes to, it’s in Midtown. Smart kid school.
New Message to Mr. Tony: I’ll look into it, thanks. Also, I don’t like how those all connect. Please update me asap
watching the news to see several avengers arrested, cap on the run, and more!
“maybe it was good i didn’t fall in with the avengers”
tony and pepper finally got back together and you actually transferred to midtown high! peter and his friend group accepted you quickly, it was great. you and flash unfortunately had the most in common
you’d literally text happy right next to peter and he’d immediately reply to you. it hurt peter’s feelings
Momma: Sweetie! I’m working in the office late, leftovers are in the fridge, hope you have a wonderful day at school! 💕
👉👈the vulture tried to kill you for being tony’s stepkid, tony made peter promise to protect you
“y/n, you gotta stay out of harm’s way. mr. stark gave me an actual mission and it’s terrifying, i have to make sure you stay safe”
legit why the fuck was this old man tryna kill you bro grow up
anyyyywayssss your mom and tony got engaged!!
“wow, i thought the day would never come!!” -you
ppl told you tony isnt your stepdad bc ur mom and him werent married but who tf asked
why is the earth always in fucking danger
you and peter were just vibing on the field trip bus and all the sudden: space donut
“go! i’ll cover for you...FRIDAY, call tony”
“...hi there, little one”
“what the fuck”
“oh, so you see the aliens, too? well, at least im not crazy”
tony stark has left the atmosphere
you and your mom were kinda......not chillin tho
she and you didn’t sleep for a few nights, then ppl just straight up disappeared
plot twist: you survived the snap and your family was lucky to be alive, you even got a little sister who became a big handful!
only bad thing was all your friends dusted and you were pretty lonely
but watching morgan grow up kept you busy
“ahhh, shes so big!”
happy times in bad times
bad times!!!!! bc after five years thanos came back as thanos from like ten years ago. outdated thanos. obsolete thanos.
but you made your first and only appearance in the suit tony actually designed for you many years ago
you should have just stayed home tho bc that fight didnt pass the vibe check
“please dont tell me he...no, no, no, no, no”
you and your mom latched onto each other in tears, tony was one of the best people in your life, he made you and your mom two of the happiest people on earth
best stepdad a kid could ever ask for
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight //
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punintendoed · 3 years
Bringing y’all some lukadrienette fluff in these trying times
I wrote this out when we only had up until Gang of Secrets so the timeline is a little off for what we’ve seen so far, but here is a fun episode idea I had that could theoretically be the plot of episode 5. Our boy Luka needs his closure episode.
Immediate post gang of secrets, the real episode 5
-ladybug tells chat she told alya, chat is mad and hurt
-he removes ladybug from her pedestal in his mind, he realizes his feelings for marinette
-marinette has sworn off dating but adrien is not aware of this and tries to get closer to her and some ppl find out about his crush
-maybe he's talking to plagg in school about it (a somewhat secluded area) and juleka hears bc he doesn’t notice her being there (she's sitting on the ground waiting for rose to come back from a drs visit)
-luka catches wind from juleka that adrien is trying to pursue marinette and he decides that if shes gonna start dating anyone, it's gonna be him
-meanwhile marinette becomes v depressed when chat stops talking to ladybug/is super distant when fighting akumas and doesn't patrol with her anymore
-realizes how much she cares for him, that she maybe even loves him? But that she can’t even pursue it until they defeat hawkmoth
-adrien and luka trying to comfort her
-they try to hang out with her and bring her things and do favors for her
-luka writes her songs and adrien brings her fashion books from his dad's collection for her to look through
-lukadrien flirting as they scheme
-sometimes they both come up with the same idea like bringing her coffee in the morning and then they run into each other on the way to see her and get mad
-adrien wants to get the upper hand in the rivalry, can tell his attempts as adrien aren’t accomplishing much
-knows that luka has the advantage of knowing that marinette likes him back, adrien doesn’t know if she’s ever thought of him as anything more than a friend
-adrien decides to try to outdo luka by comforting marinette as chat, since she has liked chat in the past
-chat is “patrolling” alone and marinette is on her balcony and he checks on her
-marichat talk and chat takes her to a rooftop spot where he’s laid out a blanket and some candles and a speaker
-romantic/platonic shenanigans ensue
-marinette is so nervous at first about him being there but also so excited to see him again in a situation where he actually talks to her
-chat gives some insight to how he’s feeling about the situation which makes mari feel a little better
-marinette is in a much better mood the next day
-luka doesnt understand what happened
-how are adriens efforts working better than his?
-and why is he so smug when adrinette interactions continue to seem very platonic and not close at all?
-an akuma attack starts and once chat and ladybug have finished the job, ladybug tries to reach out to chat to talk but he leaves without even saying goodbye or doing “pound it/bien joué”
-that night marinette is super upset again and sabine can hear her daughter crying in her room
-in the morning, luka and adrien both come to the bakery to try and walk her to school
-sabine is tired of this boy business and knows that it must be one of them who’s causing marinette to be acting so sad all the time
-seeing them act oblivious to whatever happened the night before makes sabine mad
-sabine akumatized!
-major weredad vibes
-the akuma is hard to beat because sabine knows chat has been coming by too and she doesn’t trust him either
-chat hears from akuma!sabine about the ways in which marinette has been acting upset and he feels some sympathy for ladybug
-finally they overcome the akuma and chat decides to forgive ladybug after the fight bc he misses her too and knows she needs support like marinette does
-at the end of the fight he tells her he forgives her, they hug, ladynoir cheek kiss from ladybug
-later on
-we have a scene where luka and adrien r hanging out alone and playing music together and talking abt marinette and absent dad stuff
-they overcome the rivalry and realize that what she doesnt need is a boyfriend and constant attention, just some good friends who don't make her feel any pressure
-they're also like “dang u r so cool!” to each other and resolve to hang out more often
-luka is like “damn your dad sucks, you should just stop listening to him sometimes”
-start of rebel!adrien
-luka and adrien invite marinette out in a group (them 3? Them and alya? Maybe they plan it with alya?) (as opposed when they were trying to get 1:1 time) at the end of the week and play music as a duo and luka tries out the violin with adrien’s grand piano
-episode ends with lukadrien looking lovingly at each other while playing, they’re so excited to spend more time together
-alya watching the two of them with a knowing look
-marinette was honestly oblivious to the rivalry because shes too gd tired but alya is happy that it seems like things r going better
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
Hey!! Ok so about me ummm i have curly/wavy brown hair, a bit longer than my shoulders, and hazel eyes. My personality, im very talkative but still introverted and i get awkward at events where i dont know a lot of ppl (i still love partying and dancing w friends tho) so i am a fan of my down time that involves either reading, writing, or watching tv. i love talking to people and friends, I’ll always listen if someone needs to vent to me and I love hearing ppl talk about their nerdy sides lol. i also tend to ramble a bit in conversations and im open to sharing a lot of things about myself. I’m also a very honest person who keeps it real with people and is straightforward about how i’m feeling and i like honesty from other ppl as well. I sing in choir and love music, I’m also sort of into theater, I’ve watched a good amount of musicals and LOVE Funny Girl. I read a lot, mostly cheesy romance books like red white and royal blue or to all the boys i loved before. I also love Harry Potter and can talk about that for ages. Feel free to ship me w who you think is best I’ll love anything but if it helps, part of me kins todd bc of his anxiety, i really feel like charlie is my spirit animal at times, i just resonate with his vibe, and i love neil. Thanks!! :)
beth !!!<3 i hope i did justice with this and you like it just as much as the anderperry piece from the other night (; thank you for all you do. here it is:
going to ship you with the cutest little baby himself, todd anderson. even though you’re very similar in terms of personality, you were juuuust a tad more outgoing than him, which allowed him to open up really well because you showed him how (:
neil would love talking theater with you. he’d try to convince you to come tryout for the upcoming play, but when you refused nicely, he took it in stride, just grateful that he was able to geek out with someone about something that meant a lot to him
he’d be so, so supportive of you singing in choir and would always take initiative in planning how he and all the other poets would get to and from your recitals
you and todd would grow together so much in your relationship, moving forward with your social anxieties, and making your bond that much stronger (see: “grow as we go” by ben platt)
you and cameron got on fairly well, mostly he just helped you with any school work you would get confused on (and he always found you cute, but never ever said anything in respect for both you and todd)
consider you and meeks the hugest harry potter geeks in the friend group, charlie giving you guys a hard time about it. but once you lent him your books, he would join the discourse between you and meeks, wanting to know what house he’d be in and talking about hp nonstop
having to encourage todd to trust himself as a person and open up a bit more was a hard task at times, but he’d just watch your example of how honest and comfortable you seemed with yourself, and it got easier as the months went on
sitting in a room with knox, charlie, and neil listening to them rant about how much they didn’t want to follow in their dads’ footsteps, and only giving advice if they asked (they were just thankful that you listened to them)
todd would fully understand and respect your down time/alone time, asking if there was anything you’d need to have a nice afternoon to yourself
even if you didn’t say you needed anything, a new book and a couple of hand-written original poems would find their way onto your desk while you were out (:
charlie always giving you a “hard time” for how you were so quiet in class, but would talk nonstop when it was just you and the poets (“do you want me to not be comfortable around you guys ? because i can make that happen,” you’d say. to which his response [slightly panicked] would be, “no ! of course not, i’m merely making an observation and  commenting”
you and todd finding a nook somewhere on campus where you could just sit and read together, enjoying the silence and each other’s company
you and pitts would most certainly have a show that you would binge together; hours at a time. i mean seriously, to the point where meeks would have to check if you guys were still alive after he’d been in a study group all afternoon on the weekends
todd would also love to play with your hair because it was so pretty (i’m sure a description of your looks was utilized in countless poems of his)
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on the night of one of your choir performances, you had left the poets in the midst of an argument about how todd didn’t want pitts to wear his plaid blazer because todd wanted to wear his, claiming it was “his girlfriend’s performance and wanted to look good,” (which he always did in his plaid blazer and black slacks). neil was worried they’d be late, constantly checking his watch, and charlie was running around messing up cameron’s and pitts’ hair for fun.
by the time they had gotten to the performance hall and seated, the lights were dimming. neil was just glad that they got there on time, and todd was so excited to see you doing something you loved. needless to say, you were the star of the show, and todd’s eyes were gleaming as he watched you (later on he’d tell you that he’d never heard something so pretty come out of someone’s mouth ever). when the performance was over, they would cheer so loud, earning dirty looks from all the preppy parents in attendance. you’d be so excited to see the boys, but todd in particular. after you came out of the stage door, they’d all be waiting, todd holding a bouquet of flowers, and the other boys giving you a humongous round of applause (complete with “whoops”/shouts) and congratulating you on doing such a good job.
“you are amazing, beth,” charlie and neil would say, giving you big hugs. the other boys would agree, and you’d turn to todd who held the bouquet out to you, clearly speechless. he kept starting to say something, but could just give you the most humongous hug ever,
“you are everything,” he’d say quietly just so you could hear. he truly didn’t know how to convey just how much you left him in awe, but when you woke up to a poem about it on your desk the next morning, it meant that much more to have him in your life.
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lilyhoshikawa · 3 years
Nyanko didn’t specify so I’m gonna do this abt WKTD and u can’t stop me!!
🎥: Do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
I’m a basic Jupiter kinnie sadly so as expected. My favorite scene has gotta be the Red Ending 3am scene. There’s such a beautiful, horrible tension in the early moments- the anxiety and uncertainty over knowing that the least obvious among the trio is going to become the devil, the sad bargaining in lines like
“We don’t need to know who the devil is. It’s just a phase. …right?”
Which transitions into this pleading, and then
Venus: “I can feel fingers on my face and arm and everywhere.”
Jupiter: “Ahaha. Gross. I’m gross.”
And then the most iconic scene in this entire game, the most powerful and tiny act of the hair tie breaking, a piece of symbolism so small yet so monumentally significant. And then everything that follows, the entire speech.
“Don’t touch me. You shouldn’t touch me. I wasn’t born good.”
Talk abt lines that live in my mind rent free dhdjbdjd. Everyone talks about “I wasn’t born good” bc it’s a killer line and very relatable, but shoutout to some other stars:
“I can try hard, but I think… God knows my heart isn’t really in it.”
“Y’all are sweet. But don’t do that. I won’t be happy if you do.”
“I want to touch. I want to be touched. I want to hurt. I want to be hurt. And if you feel the same way, you’re as bad as me.”
“Won’t you let me feel like a real devil for a moment?”
And that’s all just. Amazing. There’s so much to say abt that from the perspective of religious guilt alone, of ppl who have experienced that unique kind of internal struggle with Christianity, let alone the compounded complications of being gay, trans, neurodivergent. It’s a really impactful scene especially for the game’s themes, bringing them all together in the perspective of your typical idealistic leader character, of the one who wants to be good the most (that’s also why it’s imperative you play this ending last).
💕: Tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
I have committed the grave act of hubris in answering that first category in-depth before realizing I already elaborated on my answer for this one. Oops! Oh well.
Obviously it doesn’t take much to figure out my fave of the trio but every character is really important and I don’t wanna get caught up in rambling about Jupiter knowing she seems to be most ppl’s favorite.
All of the trio have different reactions to trauma, in particular the trauma of their world in which Christian morality is the actual law of the land. Many ppl can relate to Jupiter’s need to go along with it and to “fix herself” but I find the other two equally compelling.
Neptune isn’t happy with the way things are, she’s furious, bitter and burned. It’s criminal that the writers don’t elaborate on it more, but she’s existed for this long in a system that has already judged her bad, has already decided her very existence is wrong, and to her, it’s horrific and baffling how many people are okay to sit back and accept the same. The pain she feels watching the other members of her group suffer, trying so hard to appease a system that has already discarded them. Neptune isn’t interested in offering platitudes to a system that has already tossed her to the side, deemed her bad and irredeemable. Frankly, she doesn’t even care. What hurts her, what bothers her, is seeing other people grapple with the guilt that isn’t theirs to own, to try and fix in themselves what was never a problem to begin with. It’s like seeing a friend suffer a tragedy and blame themselves every time.
And Venus, perhaps most interesting of all, also knows that. She’s aware that the system is stacked against her and everyone else, and she’s bitter about it, but she knows nothing else. She goes along with it, and all the bullying and pain and hardship that comes with it. She isn’t deluded into trying to overturn her odds and prove herself to be good like Jupiter is, she’s apathetic, she’s accepted the hand she’s been dealt. She doesn’t fight back against her bullies because she has simply accepted their abuse as a natural part of her existence. She wants more, wants better, and has glimpses of hope that it’s obtainable- perhaps if she does what she’s told, if she doesn’t complain, if she puts up with it, one day she’ll get what she wants, what she needs to survive. But she won’t, she never will. She accepts all the hardship, all the abuse, all the confusion or a world built for and around people who aren’t like her, who can’t understand her- and she does it silently hoping things may get better on their own.
All three worst girls mean so much, have such meaningful and interesting perspectives and tell such compelling stories on personal levels which are only made more powerful by their union, by their coexistence and the vague, awkward but hopeful clashing of their disparate realities, coping mechanisms and outlooks. It’s shaky, it’s difficult, but they provide for each other what they each lack- Jupiter receive permission to be enough as she is, Neptune receives validation and companionship, and Venus receives the accommodations she needs to be her authentic self, no longer hidden. It’s really powerful, for trauma survivors and the mentally ill and for LGBT+ ppl.
💎 Are there any fun facts or trivia you would like to share?
Something most ppl may know but that I almost missed is that the original demo for the game- titled “We Know the Demo”- is actually not just a shortened version of the game or anything, but a unique prequel story that fills in some more gaps in characterization and worldbuilding, which I found very valuable for my fic “The Light God Didn’t Make.”
It includes such scenes as Neptune being secretly unstoppable at dodgeball, Venus infodumping, Neptune pointing out the fact we all know that Jupiter would look cool holding a guitar, and also Venus singing. All of them iconic bits.
The demo is free off the developers’ website and functions basically the same as the game, with picking a duo of characters to interact in each scene, so it’s a great complimentary piece to play before or after, and it’s really helpful in developing a better characterization of the trio if ur looking for that.
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miioouu · 4 years
bakusquad and maid reader 2
Ok so part 2 of the Bakusquad and maid reader since some ppl asked. Also can i just say that that was the most difficult thing I've ever written! Like it's all over the place I'm sorry it's so bad!!
Warning: smut...
      Of course Kaminari made the first move, no one is surprised. Unwrapping the hand that was holding onto Bakugou for dear life, he took it in his much larger one, pulling you closer to him. Head resting on his chest, you can smell his perfume, citrus and minty, just like you'd expect. His fingers gentle running through your hair as you felt another pair roaming all over your body. Calloused fingers pressing on your exposed soft skin. Throwing your head back you were met with dark eyes, long black hair, Sero. Lustful smile plastered on his face, but you didn't get to stare too long as you felt a third person holding your cheeks, turning your head to the side, the pink girl was quick to mold her lips into yours. Passionate kiss leaving you breathless, as you felt the two young men's hand squeezing and grabbing every inch of your skin.
     Sitting back and watching the show, Bakugou was enjoying this more than he'd like to admit. He never thought that seeing his friends take you like that would make him that hard, in fact, he thought he'd get jealous, livid. Out of the. Corner of his eye, he could see someone who wasn't enjoying themselves as much as him. Shuffling in his place, Kirishima couldn't avert his eyes from the floor, but the tent in his pants showed how he truly felt. "Kirishima, come here..." Deep, dark voice making the redhead tremble, he couldn't but obey the angry blond. As soon as he was standing before him, he was pulled into his lap. Chapped lips pressing on his neck as pearly whites bite and scratched all over his tender skin. The shy demeanor slowly fading as his hands started exploring Katsuki's chest. Hard pecs and abs hidden under his tight fitting shirt. He couldn't help but grind a little, hips rolling and meeting with the ones underneath him. Shaky moan leaving his parted lips, making the other members' head snap in his direction, and slowly making their way next to the two boys.
      Mina was quick to sit right next to your boyfriend and pull you in, having you in the same position as Eijiro. Her delicate hands pinching at your poorly covered ass, as her mouth worked miracles on your neck. Sero behind you couldn't resist, tilting your head back as he started kissing you, tasting you. And Kaminari seated next to you, his hands finally finding your perked nipples, twisting and pulling and every now and then head dipping down to suck at them through the thin material of your costume. In the pleasure of it all, your eyes met with your boyfriend's vermilion ones, dark and lust clouded. Smirk evident on his lips as his hips kept thrusting upwards. His hand moving on its own will, finding purchase around your neck and, breaking the wet kiss you were having with Hanta, he pulled you closer. Mouth mere inches away from your ear "Don't embarrass me in front of my friends mm? Show them how good my maid is." Releasing you with a small push but his hand didn't leave you. Traveling down your body and looking for the zipper, locating it, he was fast to undo it, making the "apron" slide down. Happy with the new exposed skin, the rest of the squad didn't hide their joy. Kaminari finally being able to trace his tongue along the curve of your breasts. Sero leaving light brushes against your hips, making you shiver and squirm around. As Mina was taking care of the nipple that wasn't being sucked by the electric boy. Feeling a new pair of hand running through your locks, too soft to be your boyfriend, you knew it was his best friend. But you spoke too soon. Suddenly, he grabbed a handful of your hair, yanking you back as he pressed his lips to yours in a messy sloppy kiss, saliva running down your neck for Bakugou to lean down and catch it with his wet muscle.
       Having enough with the teasing, you hips were rolling in such speed against Mina's you couldn't help the whine that escaped your lips. "Please guys.... I need more!" Mina was the first to fall for your pleas, lifting you a bit only to take down your lacy thong and then hers following suit, thankful that she wore a skirt today. Glistening under the light, both of you. Rubbing against each other, every time your clit met hers it sent you to another dimension, head rolling back as your tongue lulled out. Taking that opportunity, Sero pushed the both of you to the floor. Standing above you, you could hear the sound of his fly being unzipped and the head of his dick slapping against your cheek, smudging his precum all over your face. Eager you couldn't wait any longer, taking him in your mouth. Eyes rolling back at his taste, hips launching forward to get as much friction against the pink girl. Kaminari giving her begging eyes, she obeyed him. Opening her mouth and letting him slide in. You could see Bakugou still on the couch with Kirishima in his lap, making out. Slowly his hands ran up his shirt, tearing apart as his hot tongue came to leave a wet strip all from his abdomen to his neck, making sure to make eye contact with you. Sending shivers down your spine, a low moan leaving your throat only to be muffled by Hanta's cock.
Finally deciding to join you all, Eijiro lifted himself, knees weak he almost fell if it weren't for the angry blond's arm wrapping around his waist. Feeling steady enough, he made his way to the group on the floor. Pushing Kaminari off a bit, and lifting Mina only to place her in his lap. Seeing her eyes roll back, back arching off of the strong male's chest, high pitched scream leaving her lips, you can only assume that she was being stretched open. The electric boy sliding back in in her gaped mouth. You couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, you wanted to be filled that good, so good you wouldn't be able to breathe, hands trembling as you tried to hold onto anyone, anything. Sending Bakugou a look, he laughed at you. "Take care of them, baby. We'll have our own fun in a little." Seeing that you failed at convincing your boyfriend, not that you thought it would work, but it was worth trying, you focused back on Sero. Relishing in the way he tastes, he feels. Tongue pressing on each of his veins, swirling around the head, letting the pre ooze right in your throat as he glid deeper into your wet cavern, hitting the back of your throat, earning him a few tears and cries. Scooting closer to Mina, mere inches away from her heat, but with every roll of Kirishima's hips, she got closer and closer, till your clits brushed against one another, sending shiver down both of your spines, adding pleasure to it all. Thrusting deeper into her, harder and faster, her walls clenching around Eijiro's, her throat swallowing around Denki's, You really weren't surprised by how fast it was for the three of them to reach orgasm, climax washing over their trembling body. The sight alone sending heat straight to your core, so much you can see your arousal dripping down and creating a little pool underneath you. Moans and groans sending vibrations straight to Sero's dick, with a firm grip around your hair, shaky breath and trembling legs, he pulled you closer to him, making you choke on his shaft as white ropes went straight down your throat forcing you to swallow.
Satisfied by the sight of his exhausted friends laying on his couch, trying to regain their breath, chest heaving as they came down their high. But that wasn't the only view in here. There you were on your knees in the middle of the room. Tears rolling down your cheeks from untainted pleasure, pleading eyes looking into his, chest covered in his peers cum, he couldn't help but lick his lips, as he finally pushed himself off the couch. Chuckling at the way your eyes lit up, hopeful look pooling in them, and innocent smile painted on your face as he approached you. Pushing you onto the floor, chest pressed against the cold ground, eyes looking between all four of his friends, you couldn't help but grind back against him. "Careful there maid, don't be impatient." deep voice making you shake. Slowly, he pushed himself inside you. So big, so good, your eyes rolled back, tongue lulling out as saliva dripped down all the way from your chin to the floor. The eyes following every move, loving everything happening before them, adding to the pleasure. Picking up his pace, going harder and deeper, every vein grazing against your walls, head finding your sweet spot with every in and out of his his hips, pressing so far into you. All the built up pleasure making the knot in your lower stomach tighten more and more. The grip on your waist getting more forceful as he leaned down, his chest pressing on your own back, lips so close to your ear "Cum for me babe, show them how good of a girl you are for me." And who were you to not listen to him. Knot finally breaking, voice getting louder and louder as you screamed his name, body giving up on you as it hit the floor, thankful for Bakugou's strong hold on you to keep you somehow up as he kept pounding into you, until he too, released, painting your inner walls white.
Finally every single one of you, came down from their high. Reality settling in the air as you all just realized what just happened. Looking at each other, yet awkwardness didn't exist, instead it was lust and need, you all wanted to do it over and over again until you forgot to end, but yet none of you dared to say a thing. Until a certain angry blond broke the silence. "So Y/n, you still hadn't show us your cleaning skills hm maid?"
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agoracactus · 4 years
Pt4.5 - the village of Blatta
this is a short (hopefully) story happened before you met Jaskier.
cuz i forgot to write this segment. and cuz im too busy to finish my long chapters in a week, and didnt wanna keep ppl waiting, if theres ppl waiting (hopefully lmao)
Pt.1  Pt.2  Pt.3  Pt.4
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x reader
Word Count: 1931
Warnings: lack of proofread, language, blood, death
Summary: im giving up on this part completely, names and summary, my two nemesis
You sat at the edge of the bed, staring at your feet, having a silent debation inside your head.
“You’re up?” Geralt pushed open the door, saw you sitting at the bed, “Good, it’s getting late, we should keep moving.” “Oh, ok.” you nodded, stood up to grab your bag.
You came across this nice little village last night, and everyone was surprisingly friendly and welcoming. People invited you to their house and share food with you. Some even offered you their beds so you can have a good rest. To be honest the hospitality scared you a little, you were used to people being mean for you’re traveling with a witcher.
Walking out of this shabby wooden house, the sun was warm and bright. Couple of folks greeted you with a smile. The village looked busy, people were walking around preparing for something looked like an event, excitement floating in the air. You returned the greetings, feeling flattered.
“Oh! You are leaving?” a woman was holding a basket full of dead chicken under her arm, blood seeped through the woven basket and dripped to the ground. “What a pity! The festival is around the corner, you should stay! We love having guests! There’s going to be a feast!” You sneaked a glance towards Geralt, he seemed to have no interest at all in this feast, “Thank you for the kind offer, but we need to go now.” you tried to be as polite as you can. Not every day you get to meet someone who’s nice to you.
“Hey, um, maybe we should consider staying for a few more days?” you suggested, watching Geralt handed out an apple to Roach. “No, we need to head south, that’s what the contract said.” “Yeahhh but, it’s a feast! Feast means food!” you tried to persuade him, “We could use some free food! People here are nice- How many times did you actually receive a warm welcoming from others?” “You can stay all you want, I have a job to do.” he gave you a stern look.
You bit your lower lip, looked back over your shoulder at the small village.
“You know what, maybe I should.” you finally made your decision, “I’m staying.” Geralt stopped to look at you, didn’t understand what you were up to this time. “I’ve been thinking about this for, quite a while now... Now that we came across a lovely place, people here are friendly and welcoming... Maybe it’s time that we part ways.”
He didn’t reply.
You couldn’t tell how he felt about this.
“Don’t get me wrong, I really like traveling with you... It was fun, the adventures... And you were nice to me... But I feel like you’d rather travel alone- I mean, I get it, I’m just a weak-ass human girl, who is better stay behind when you hunt instead of getting in your way... And sometimes I get you- us- into trouble-” you realized you started babbling, so you stopped to take a breath in. “What I’m trying to say is, you are such a nice person that you probably don’t even notice that I’m just taking advantage of you... And I don’t want that. So I’m breaking this little group up. For our best interests.”
“Very well.” he untied Roach’s rein. “...That’s it?” you frowned, “You’re not gonna say something?” “I said ‘very well’.” “...” you rolled your eyes behind his back, “...Well, I guess that’s it then?” “Mmm.” Geralt hopped onto Roach. “It was nice meeting you, witcher.” “You too.” he nodded his head. “Take care, ok?” “Farewell, y/n.”
“Have some soup sir, it shall warm you up.” the merchant handed the witcher a wooden bowl. The witcher thanked him. Everything was quiet except for the slight crackling from the fire.
“Where are you from?” “Sodden, sir.” “You’re going north?” “Kovir, got some business to do there.” “Still got a long way then? There’s a small village on the way to replenish if you follow along this way.” “Small village? The village of Blatta? No sir! No one should ever go anywhere near that place, especially during this time of the year.” “Why?” “Those who travel frequently on this path all know the village of Blatta. It’s the village of worshipers of the Dark Lord. They hold a grand festival in name of their vicious god every year around this season, using the blood of their livestock to attract monsters, making sacrifices of children and young women and any outsiders who happened to come across their way and call that a ‘cleanse’- Where are you going sir? It’s not safe to travel in these woods at night- Sir!”
He was late when he arrived at the village.
There was no light in any of the houses, all the doors and shutters were closed. The pungent smell of blood was drowning him. Several dark shadows were squatting around, he could hear the sound of munching, slurping and the nasty noise coming from their throat. He took out a small tube, uncork it with his teeth, drank it all up and jumped off of Roach. He took a few steps forward with the momentum, took out his sword and carefully approached.
The faint light from the moon was not a problem to his witcher eyes, he slowly walked closer to the necrophages, formed a sign with his fingers. Flame bursted out from his hand. The monsters screamed and ran away into the woods.
The witcher looked down. All the bodies had their wrists and ankles tied up, dried animal blood mixed with their own congealed in their hair. It seemed like the villagers poured the blood of their livestock onto these poor lives and left them here to be devoured by the necrophages.
To his relief, he didn’t see anyone resembling your feature.
He heard something inside the house. He turned and saw pairs of eyes peeking through the crack of the shutters. The witcher felt anger quietly rising within him. He held tight to his sword, picked up his pace to follow the trace of the monsters into the forest.
You were hurt, you couldn't tell where exactly you were hurt due to the burning sensation spreading across your torso. But you didn’t dare to slow down.
You tripped against a rock and fell hard to the ground. The pistol in your hand almost misfired with your finger held tight against it. You tried to get up, but your limbs were weak from the pain.
All you could hear was your heartbeat and heavy panting.
You thought you lost them. The monsters. But you couldn’t lose the sight of the screaming children. You shook your head to get rid of the image before it brought up more traumatizing memory, and struggled to get up.
You knew you were lost in this forest, every direction looked the same, and the dim light of the crescent moon was not helping. You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand, felt the moisture there which you couldn’t tell if its sweat or blood. You took a few deep breaths to steady your heart and picked a random direction, quietly walked towards that way, praying to whoever’s out there this is not the way back to that horrific village.
The witcher was panting heavily. Standing in the middle of a pit which was full of the bodies of the creatures he just slew, on a bed of human bones and pieces of cloths. The stench of rotten flesh and the necrophage was piercing through his nose to his brain, but he didn’t move. He just stood there, eyes glancing around frantically around the once-monster-nest.
There was a snap of the twig behind him, sounded like thunder in this deadly silent woods. He turned around sharply, wielding his sword, ready to strike out.
You were at the edge of the pit, eyes wide, face pale as a sheet. He saw cuts above your eyebrow and on your arms and legs, and smelled dirt mixed with blood and sweat.
“Oh my god...” you said under your breath, staring at him. He realized what he looked like now, under the influence of his potion. He instinctively turned his face away.
“Geralt...” you jumped down the pit, ran to him with effort, and threw your arms around him. Geralt stiffened. “Are you hurt?” you quickly released him, pulled back to look at his face, then gave a quick scan down his body--- but you couldn’t tell with the limited moonlight, so your eyes shot right back at his face, “Geralt?” “...No.” he stared right back at you, and didn’t see what he was expecting in your eyes.
“...I’m so glad I found you...” you hugged him again. He now realized you were trembling. He put his hand on your back, “You’re safe now.” You nodded against his leather armor, didn’t care it smelled like shit.
You released him once more, “Let’s get out of this hell hole shall we?” trying to make a joke, but failed with your now shaking, choked voice. He nodded, sheathing his sword, “Maybe next time find a better village?” You let out a nervous laugh, took his forearm to climbed out of the pit.
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xiaosmoon · 3 years
YAY congrats on your milestone!! i'm excited to see what's in store!! can i have a matchup please? i'm sorry if this was a lot or too little lol but thank you sm!!
i prefer she/her and i don't care what gender you would pair me up with but i do have a little more preference for guys lol. anyways i'm a gemini, isfj, and 6w5. i would probably use a polearm since i feel comfy with both long range and short range, and the many combos i could do would be cool!
i don't like insects, large public crowds, being up and active for too long since my social meter drains at different rates lol. i don't like ppl who are too overconfident/self-centered (like rubbing in ppl's faces a lot) and who judge ppl without giving them a try. i also don't like ppl who cant take a joke (but if they say they're uncomfy obviously i would stop).
i like joking around, being sarcastic, yet also the quiet times. i like mystery/horror games/movies/themes. i like being able to have fun with someone yet also be able to sit comfortably in their presence. they would also have to respect my alone time which can be quite often lol. i would love to be somewhere late at night just soaking up the atmosphere and/or being crazy with just a few friends. i would love to stargaze or go to an amusement park or rollerskate or drive-in movie with milkshakes or look over amazing sceneries. overall something where we can have fun and relax with at most a small group cause big parties a lot are not my thing lol. i love to listen to music, watch tv/movies, and sightsee. i am a big analyst and i love hidden meanings in work and it gets me hyped up to make theories. i also like to consider myself intelligent in studies but not so much in real life (ie. cooking). i also have a tendency to just try to escape reality and put myself into other people's shoes expecting to do more than i can lol (that got a bit deep im sorry). from that im also very insecure about myself but not too much where i bug ppl a lot.
your vision & s/o would be...
hu tao
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vision: electro
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okay pls you guys would be the cutest and such a power couple
for your first date, i feel like you guys would totally go for a spooky drive in movie!
you guys would get milkshakes and all the yummy snacks and just vibe
afterwards, you guys would drive up to a secluded area where you can see all of the stars shining very brightly and just star gaze, talking about life, theories, and over yonder
hu tao would always be your go to person if you had thought about a new theory at 3 am (she would always be up)
if you guys are ever in public and your social battery begins to run out, hu tao would get you out of there immediately and buy you ice cream after to cheer you up!
the two of you would go back home and she would let you recharge your battery while she finds something else to do
if you ever told her you were feeling insecure, she genuinely couldn't see what you were so insecure about. you're literally perfect??? what are you talking about???
overall, you guys give me a very halloweenish couple vibes! that couple who's always wearing the cutest fall colors, walking hand in hand with seasonal coffee and enjoying the change in color of the leaves.
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ayatosmlktea · 4 years
. can I have something where punk Levi, his s/o, and their little girl go the park. they watch their daughter play. since Levi looks intimidating with all his tattoos and stuff, all the other ppl were being all judgy of him which reader didn't like. Levi told her it was something she shouldn't get too bothered about, he didn't care about it. to their surprise their girl heard them and sassed the people who judged their father. Levi felt warm at his daughter's protectiveness, some fluff ya know
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕’𝒔 𝑴𝒚 𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍 ❤️
Levi was well accustomed to the judgemental stares of ignorant people, it never really bothered him that they would stare at all the tattoos on his body. He’d even seen an old lady sign a cross on her chest at seeing him walk into a grocery store. It had been more amusing than anything and if Y/N hadn’t been with him he probably would have given her something to really pray about just for fun. Y/N had also long given up caring at what people thought of her husband, if anything she would make it a point to shower him in overly gross displays of affection upon catching a stanky eyed couple clearly gossiping about them. Levi was not someone who looked like he was married, let alone had a child but he was the best husband and father that she could have ever asked for. What mattered to her was not how many piercings he had or how many tattoos covered his skin, but fuck was it hot, Levi was gentle. He loved Y/N and his baby girl more than anything in the world.
Violet was a daddy’s girl, there was no mistaking it. Sure she was just as fond of her mom but she shared a special bond with Levi that had Y/N’s heart grow two sizes bigger whenever they were together. Levi’s appearance was never shocking to Violet, she found it strange that other people’s dads didn’t have cool drawings on their arms. 
Levi had been upset the first time someone had commented on their relationship, it was something he had expected to happen but still made him angry nonetheless. Since then both Y/N and Levi had ignored useless jabs aimed to upset them, only stepping in if they directly affected his daughter. They tried their best to teach Violet how to be a good person, telling her that it didn’t matter what someone looked like. What was important was their heart. Levi would rather spend his energy on making sure Violet grew up in a loving household than arguing with every ignorant person who made pointless comments.
They had taken Violet to the park for the morning, neither of them had to work and took advantage of the rare time they had to spend as a family. Violet had no trouble making friends, her bubbly personality attracted even the shyest of children. Y/N’s head was leaning against Levi’s enjoying the warm summer breeze while she took occasional sips of her coffee. Levi’s arm was wrapped around her shoulders leaning back against the park bench. These were the days he loved the most, watching his daughter play carefree while he got to spend time with Y/N. Levi wasn’t paying attention to group of moms sitting near them, their side eye glances at him and Y/N going back and forth between Violet was beginning to piss him off however. Just one day it would be nice for people to mind their own fucking business.
“Goodness I feel so bad for that little girl” A typical Karen comments rather loudly.
“I know, and his poor wife. Probably forces her to stay with him” That comment had Y/N’s head shoot up from his shoulder, making no effort to conceal the look of disgust on her face.
“Probably a satanist too, I mean look at those tattoos. Disgusting.”
“What kind of values are they teaching their daughter?” The group of women around them all mutter collectively in agreement. These kind of comments were nothing new to either of them but having them spoken so loudly in front of their daughter was making his blood boil.
“Hey! Stop talking about my dad like that!” Violet shouts before either one of them can say anything. The women look appalled, neither of them had expected this reaction.
“My daddy is the best and he’s nicer than you brats” Y/N almost chokes on her coffee at Violet’s boldness. Levi’s brash nature was definitely rubbing off on her. His ribcage felt too small to contain the amount of pride her felt for his daughter.
“If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything!” Sticking her tongue out defiantly Violet rushes over to her parents, Levi holds his arms out to pick her up and set her on his lap.
“You okay baby?” Y/N asks, pressing a kiss to her temple. Violet nods, her tiny arms wrapping around Levi’s neck nearly crushing his windpipe with the force of her hug.
“That’s my girl” he chuckles. Her actions might not have been appropriate but he couldn’t help but feel his tough attitude melt at how much she loved him.
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uwumessenger · 4 years
Hey, could you do RFA and V reacting to MC who turns into a dog for one day? weird I know lol
yes!! and sorry for taking oh so long fjdjndnd if u see dis i hope u enjoy eht
let's assume u do understand english as a dog and dont think in dog language. also this is super silly haha i had a lot of fun with it while trying to make it realistic!
+ btw since some ppl asked, yes my requests are open ! im just going in order so feel free to continue sending them in !! i only have 5 requests in my inbox now as of 5/11/2020 so ill get around to yours soon :)
when he wakes up and cant find you he immediately panics
calls your name and lifts anything that can be lifted to find you
he even checks the fridge!! wink wonk
when he finally quiets down and hears your barking he goes into panic mode AGAIN
when he finally finds you (as a dog) his mind begins racing
wait...is it our anniversary?!?!!! what exact day did MC join RFA again? um um is it my birthday? is it MC's BIRTHDAY???
ignores you and does a group call with zen and seven, trying to figure out what is happening
seven verifies that it is not a day of any importance
poor yoosung is just SO CONFUSED
but how do u even tell someone u transformed into a dog
i dont think yoosung would ever find out you turned into a dog
everyone would help with searching for you, and of course panic again bc the way you met them was lit rally bc u walked into your own kidnapping
yoosung is the physical embodiment of panic
but he takes care of you normally (LUCKILY HE DOESNT TURN YOU INTO THE POUND OR SOMETHING–)
when u turn human after 24 hours you explain EVERYTHING
and now he feels better
a few nights ago, zen had a psychic dream that you turned into a dog so
he brushed it off as a nightmare and his symptoms appeared bc the AC was broken and it was extra hot that night
but when he woke up and opened his eyes to a whole ass dog next to him
at first he didnt know what was going on but then he remembered his dream
so he tells you to bark once for yes and twice for no
are you MC?
are you hungry?
this goes on for 25 more minutes until you stop cooperating and trot away
hes very glad that at least youre not a cat
he feeds you and allows you to go do your potty business outside by yourself then cleans up after ur finished
he doesnt want you to be alone with nothing to do while hes at rehearsals so he asks yoosung to watch you!
but doesnt tell yoosung it's you lol
when he comes back he just chills w/ u until ur back to your ol' human self :')
initially she'd be pretty calm, thinking that you had to leave early to go do something
but after checking her phone every 2 seconds and searching every nook and cranny yet not recieving a text/finding a note from you, she begins to panic
she calls all the others, wondering if they knew where you were or what you were up to
no one knew what was going on so everyone panics!!!!
tbh she forgot about dog MC until u start scratching her
eventually jaehee starts considering the idea of u turning into a dog....but....what are the odds...
after trying everything you could think of to tell her it's really you, you realize that she wont catch on
after shes done getting ready for work she starts to wonder how to care for you
eventually decides on just bringing you in to work and hiding you the whole day
luckily jumin had back to back meetings so he wouldnt have any time to check in on what jaehee was doing
she tries to feed you something you absolutely hate and when you refuse to eat it she says
wow, MC hates eating these too
you wag your tail, jump, can dogs nod? if so you nod your head, etc etc trying to tell her that IT IS ME IT IS MC!!!'sisj@;!/&:&82
wait...there's no way. am i crazy or did you turn into a dog?
jaehee decides to bring you home instead of turning you into a shelter just in case
when you turn human again you guys strategize a plan, should this ever happen to either of you again haha
when he wakes up and sees you (as a dog) and elizabeth playing he thinks hes still sleeping
intense eye rubbing
he calls for you and you keep running to him
but he doesnt understand :c
similar to yoosung, he double checks to see if it was a significant date or anything
now he starts to panic
on the RFA panic scale, he is at the tippity top eue
calls off from work and calls for all the help he can get
you can communicate with elizabeth i guESS so she helps you communicate with jumin
jumin looks crazy as hell rn with a cat and dog on his bed, trying to talk to them
elizabeth points at you then points at your jacket on a chair 900 times and then jumin finally connects the dots!!!
you and elizabeth are like ugh oh my gosh finally
jumin calls off all the emergency protocol stuff and simply chills with you and elizabeth until youre back to your human body
now you and elizabeth have a stronger bond...how beautiful.
luckily seven has security cameras, so when he sees you in dog form, youre sitting at his computer
the cctv footage of you somehow transforming into a dog plays and hes like oh what how is that eVEN POSSIBLE?
downloads the cctv footage to save it forever
unfortunately no dog food or anything there so he feeds you whatever is in the fridge and okay for dogs to eat
he has his fun, taking photos of you and imitating paris hilton
when vanderwood walks in to check on him, seven cant stop laughing as he explains the situation
he shares all of his photos with the rfa chat and no one believes him
and then he stops and starts thinking
??? MC are you naked? like when we sleep and you transform back....are you gonna be naked?
oh my gOSH
unlike the others he doesnt stay up and goes to sleep with you
whatever u do, do not let seven make a birthday slideshow of u </3
V would freak out, but definitely try to communicate with you as a dog before doing the absolute most
checks for human you everywhere, and when he realizes youre nowhere, he begins to consider the fact that you may have turned into a dog
googles it
he questions you, like zen does, and begins to think hes going insane
he texts you, just in case human you did go out and forgot to tell him
but while texting he scrolled up and saw a text you sent him a day ago while you were shopping
"if i were a worm would you still love me"
he picks you up and sits with you on the couch
worm, dog, human...i love you regardless. but not in an immoral and weird way. :)
spends the rest of the day taking you out to do dog things
like walking at the park and taking cute photos of you
at the end of the day he actually showers you, and talks to you until you both fall asleep
when u guys wake up he says,
i didnt waste $17 on dog shampoo for nothing...why dont we go out and get a real dog now?
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