#it’s not even a matter of making new friends cos I have a good number of wonderful friends!!!! but no one close enough or free enough to
rowanhoney · 1 year
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crystalandbow · 1 month
HIII! Today we will dive into how you can manifest anything, whats the technique for you, what can you do to accelerate the process, etc. SOOO.... lets begin!
note: paid subliminal requests/ custom subliminals are available. and also paid tarot readings are open, for more details dm!
pick a barbie character 👇🏻
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if you're wondering how you can manifest things super quick & easily, you are at the right place!
the answer is: simply by asking and letting go. some methods i'd recommend are the love letter method, or any letter / paper method (specifically anything that has to do with folding paper) for that matter. the 17 second methods and the surrender method.( you can either ask me doubts/questions about this in the comments or search them up on yt)
you are the people that think of the first case scenarios first. y'all overthink sm, which is obv not good. and i'd say that you shouldn't supress those negative thoughts but rather face them. 2 major things for you guys is facing your fears and doubts, 2- letting go and trusting the universe/spirit/god (whatever you believe in) also you guys could resonate with the little mermaid's story.
ask and surrender. believe in the universe (444) and you've LITERALLY got this.
Okie so if you're wondering how you can manifest things super quick & easily, you are at the right place!
the angel numbers that you see are not just co incidences, no, nope. they mean something. they are a reminder! they are a sign!!
the way that you guys manifest is through emotions my dear empaths. like even before i started your readings that is something i picked up upon, and if you want to know a litlle more scientific stuff about it then do check out barbara fredrickson's broaden and build theory. that will help you know what i mean. . whatever you feel within is what you attract, so think of good stuff, happiness, celebrate small victories.
some manifestation methods i'd recommend are gratitude, crystal work, green witch kinda stuff? water manifestation (especially sun water) , fake it till you make it, journaling & shadow work.
hello! if you're wondering how you can manifest things super quick & easily, you are at the right place!
you are my prayer peeps, doesn't have to be very religious but you do believe in the power of prayers or asking the universe.
right off the bat you guys are my socially? "weird" people. the kids that are creative and different. yall are ENTHUSIAISTIC fssss. sm energy,sm passion ong. and the way you can manifest is through directing that energy into the right place. yall seem mis-directed in some way. another way you can manifest is through talking and connecting? writing? something around those llines like sharing your work/thoughts in some way.
i think you guys should read about ancient greek wisdom.
old literature and ancient knowledge will guide you towards an entire new perspective/world.
also calm tf down, like yeah we get it you want to have that thing rn/in a week but calm down my friend, ground yourself. also y'all need to relax & guide your mind it seems veryyy excited. its good but NOOO (its not helping atm)
basically redirection,taking steps, community, sharing knowledge & gaining knowledge, anient related stuff, prayers and staying happy/motivated, being free spirited, working with animals?.
some manifestation methods i'd recommend are vision boards, prayers, ancient manifestation tricks/methods? connecting with people/ sharing your knowledge., having a white pet could be lucky for you. or white is your lucky color and color magick too and taking actual actions/steps!!.
i think that you guys are pretty good at manifesting already, its more like a confirmation? (okay i fucking just realised y'all chose the weird barbie, its so reallll)
lmk your thoughts!!!
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wordycheeseblob · 5 months
*Clinks glass with spoon*
I've seen a couple of people so this and wanted to say a few words as well.
Tumblr dot com is the first and only place where I learned online connections can change lives so much or be so genuine. It's never about numbers. Each blog breathes life of the unique person behind it. So many colorful personalities brought together...
And we've been through a lot.. the great bot purge of 20', the AO3 siege, the battle of Halloween on Christmas eve, Auburn shipping wars....
I never knew I could know such friendship. I wish I could tuck in each one of my moots and give you a goodnight kiss, a hug when you're in a dark place, and scream into the void together about our interests (because what am I if not an enabler :) )
You've changed my life in so many ways and you have no idea
My wonderful artist friends, I've wondered how can the same hands that create such disaster (affectionate) manage such breathtaking art @clavissionary-position
And breathe so much life into the canon world with their own enthralling iteration (seriously somebody let him on the Devs team) @devonares I don't see you two so often around here anymore but I do hope we meet again some sunny day
thank you @mllorei for being the ride or die friend i never had, and an amazing talented writer (and artist!) And co-conspirator. Listen, this word count is severely limited for all I want to say (*whispering* like fix your sleeeeep goddamit) @krenenbaker you're a puzzle I will crack some day... A mystery yet to be solved. An evil little box of pandora. A secret mastermind of destruction *squints* but for reals, from what I've seen you're a direct and genuinely good person with a shared passion for historical fashion! (or ARE you...? Hmmm)
@venulus man you're just so iconic I have no words
@dove-da-birb another fantastic writer, I got to know you and @azulashengrottospiano somewhere at the same time. Hehe what the latter doesn't know is I orchestrated most of the shipping wars hee hee :3 and Dove, at first I wanted to bully you a bit with crowleg (please forgive this peasant) but then I think I accidentally adopted you. You, @keithsandwich and Lorei are the best crocheters I know <3
Myara's gold handiwork is honestly out of this world. Also thank you for sending me stuff and thinking of me, I really appreciate that.
@vivislosingitagain and @vioisgoinginsane 's sistership is of legendary status, and I think Vio is like a sister to Vivi. (They're clones they're clones)
Isn't it wonderful how through billions of people on earth, you've found eachother?
@thewitchofbooks my literature loving friend! (And I found out recently, great artist too??!) I hope to see you more this year, I get so happy when we interact you won't believe it...
Thank you @violettduchess for always making me smile and persevering in the face of hardship. You're strong, stand proud. @leonscape I wish you a year full of Leon, don't give up! He may not be everyone's cup of coffee, but he is to you and that's what matters.
Thank you for always being there, I see you around a lot and just wanted to thank you and wish you a new years too! :]
@candied-boys @altairring @otomefreak876 @solacedeer @this-is-war-peacock @here-for-gilbert @dear-sciaphilia @chi-the-idiot @serynhe @katriniac @mymumisasquid @olivermorningstar @caffedrine
@happy-pup you helped me a lot, I will never forget you ^^
And my new friendos here @v-anrouge @saint-garden (the gremlins) @ikemendrew @officialdaydreamer00 @jade-s-nymph @crheativity and @nuttytani I hope to see more of you this year too!
Phew... I hope I didn't forget anyone, that's a lot of people! Even a small act of kindness here has made ripples throughout the world, it reached so many people... Many things will pass but I sincerely hope,
if you're here or not, I hope this new year treats you well. And you continue with a newfound strength into the future
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minimallyminnie · 1 year
Gift for @enassbraid!!!
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Summary- Rui just thinking about you. Wait…maybe a bit too much about you…
Gn Reader, Rui Kamishiro x Reader, Fluff, really fluffy, like little to no angst, no tw needed! Pre relationship, huge crush.
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My Thoughts Shall Follow You.
Rui isn’t the type of person to really focus on someone who isn’t he friend
Unless it’s the lovely and amazing audience of course!
The people he really focuses on is his parents, Tsukasa, Nene, Emu, Mizuki and co.
But any random person who might judge him?
Nope! Not his problem!
But. He met you.
You for some reason, didn’t judge him in a bad and weird light.
Saying strange things to him…
“Nice robot Kamishiro! It looks great!”
Or just saying a nice greeting to him
He scanned you in case you had some sort of strange virus or something
Even analyzing your intentions
But, you genuinely wanted to get to know him…
What on earth is the matter with you?!
He’s the “weirdo kid”. Your reputation is going to get ruined like what happened to Tsukasa!
Well Tsukasa was already excluded like them but still! He’s weird!
But you continued to ask him questions, not crossing his boundaries
Even talking to Tsukasa and Nene!
One day, during lunch Tsukasa called you over to the rooftop to eat with them
Course you didn’t say no
He put up his guard in case you were messed up but even so, you just talked normally to the two of them
“Do you think I should play an evil villain in our next show to try something new or a shining hero?”
“Hmm…why don’t you try a play in the perspective of a villain to show their side of the story? That way, it’s something new but you have a clearer image of a misunderstood villain.”
“That’s actually a good idea! Rui! We must do this idea! As a shining star, if this is what our audience could like, our job is to make them smile!”
“What do you think Kamishiro?”
It’s actually a good idea…you have a real smile of curiosity on your face…
“Fufufu~ I think it’s a wonderful idea! Let’s talk it over with Nene and Emu later though. Wouldn’t want them to be surprised by this unexpected direction!”
Tsukasa high fives you and you look really happy at the fact that he liked your idea
When they go with the idea, he invites you along not expecting you to actually go
But you did, in the front row with Emu’s showtime pass (You two had met after one of the days at school, the girl happily tackling you to the ground as she thanks you for helping with the show.)
During the show, he sees how your eyes twinkle with delight and how amazed your expression looks
The flowing movements and dramatic shifts, the well written story…you just had to!
He thinks some people in the audience teared up at the villain’s backstory just like you
In the end, when they all bow to the audience, he can see you stand up and cheer for them
You go backstage and congratulate all of them, smiling at them with bouquets for all of them…
…Your smile is the only one he really focused on during the show, wasn’t it?
He trades numbers with you and let’s you call him by his first name afterwards
Your messages consist of many things
You: Rui, what did you do to Tsuka?
Cheshire: Well! I misheard him and heard him say “We should put on these ants.”
You: Next?
Cheshire: I gave him pants with decorative realistic ants on it!
In reality, he said we should put on these pants like the ones with cloud on the cuffs but he fainted when he saw those ant pants!
You: Is he okay?!
Cheshire: Yes! He got caught by Nenerobo!
You: Jfc Rui, you’re going to give him a heart attack one day 😰
Cheshire: New inventor of black plague?
You: NO
Cheshire: [|87
But you always go with him, and slowly he lets down his walls carefully
And inside his walls crawls his thoughts of you.
Leaking into the main core of his heart.
Your shining expression when you see one of his shows.
Your attempt on trying to replicate one of their dances alongside Tsukasa.
Your kind words to him and his friends family.
The laugh you give that plays his heartstrings.
You’re engraved in his head 24/7.
He’s sitting in the stage taking his lunch break when all of a sudden he thinks of you. A startled look on his face.
“Rui, are you alright?”
“Tsukasa-Kun, is it normal for me to be thinking of the same someone randomly everyday?”
“Randomly? Hmm…I don’t think it’s randomly. You think of things that you like, you don’t randomly think of someone.”
Rui’s blushes just a tiny amount
“If this person…makes me feel weird…is it..?”
Tsukasa looks at him with surprise before grinning at him with genuine excitement
“I think you’re in love with that person then!”
And Rui’s eyes widens as he blushes, no words coming to his mind for once. He feels Tsukasa happily laugh as he pats Rui on his shoulder.
He’s in love.
He’s in love with you.
And oh, his smile is wider than ever as he classifies it.
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Yhhshshsjsj just a random gift for my moot
Fluff and stuff for her favorite man
No, Tsukasa does not have a crush on Rui or Reader, don’t take it like that man. I’ll say something if he does 🤨
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friendlessghoul · 6 months
Hey there!
So not having read many biographies of Buster, how did he feel about being teamed up with Jimmy Durante? I know Buster got along with Roscoe Arbuckle and was good friends with him, but I'm curious to know if he and Durante got along.
Hey! Sorry for the delayed response, but here is what I was able to find. There isn't a whole lot in the books, but we do get an idea of how he felt, with additional context and all that.
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James Curtis - A Filmmaker's Life -
(Pg 416) - Keaton heard that Mayer was out to build up Broadway acclaimed Schnozzola at his expense.
(Pg 418) - From the outset, it was clear to Keaton that he and Jimmy Durante lacked chemistry. “He tried hard, and I tried hard, but our styles, our timing, didn’t jibe.” Each extended the utmost courtesy to the other, Durante making no attempts at upstaging and Keaton giving him all the room he needed, even to the point of suggesting retakes on scenes where the Schnoz appeared to be overshadowed. 
(Pg 419) “Durante just can’t keep quiet,” Buster complained. “He’s going to talk no matter what in the thunder happens. You can’t direct him any other way.”
Tom Dardis - Keaton the Man Who Wouldn’t Lie Down -
(Pg 202) - Some people felt that Durante was brought in to fill out Busters pictures, to give them an extra dimension, but this was firmly denied by Weingarten.
No. Keaton was doing a certain amount of business. And we thought that Durante… in this particular role, would be fine, that’s all. We weren’t thinking of bolstering him. There were a number of pictures made, we tried our best. If it wasn’t good enough, that’s another thing. But we didn’t set out to destroy Buster….  
(PG 204 - 205) - Buster was unhappy working with Durante for two reasons. He was aware that Mayer had high hopes for “Schnozzola,” and that he was being given parts in Busters films as a showcase for his talent. Buster was quite sure that he and Durante didn’t belong in the same picture: 
Then of course, when you give me a Jimmy Durante— they brought him in there to play a part in a picture with me. Well, Durante just can't keep quiet. He’s going to talk no matter what happens. You can’t direct him any other way. Louis B. Mayer liked him very much; it could have been that he was brought out to replace me, I don’t know….
(Pg 205) - Buster disliked working with Durante for personal as well as professional reasons. Durante invariably punctuated all of his conversations with Buster by punching him on the upper arm and chest. Since Durante was, in Buster’s words, “strong as a bull,” this constant rain of punches really hurt, but Buster was simply too polite to tell him to stop. The punching continued unabated for the next year.
(Pg 221) - What did bother him was that MGM was no longer under obligation to star him in his films; the new contract made a point of the fact that he could be starred or co-starred as the studio saw fit. This contract made it possible for MGM to have Jimmy Durante as the official co-star of their films together.
MGM considered Durante fully Keaton’s equal and wanted to be able to indicate it on the film credits.
Buster Keaton & Charles Samuels - My Wonderful World of Slapstick -
(Pg 236) - The experiment I know most about was the one made by Louis B. Mayer when he teamed up Jimmy Durante and myself in a series of features. There is no one in the world like Durante, bless him, but in my opinion, we just did not belong in the same movies.
(Pg 237) - At any rate, as I see it, there was no way to mesh, match, or blend Durante's talents with mine. Yet Jimmy would have been great in the pictures that we did together if he would have been merely to do spots of comedy instead of playing a character all of the way through.
However, he was very good in the one picture we made together that had quality. I think this was because the character he played was very much like the real Jimmy Durante. The picture was Speak Easily, which was based on a Clarance Budington Kelland story and had a sound plot.
From the time Jimmy and I were teamed up I heard rumors that Mr. Mayer was planning to build him up at my expense. This didn't worry me much, although I can't say I liked it. With my record of successful pictures, I felt I was a fixture at M-G-M. I couldn't imagine anyone there wanting to get rid of me. If Jimmy Durante could replace me, it would be on his superior ability. Like a lot of men, the world considers modest and humble I had unshakable confidence in my talent and ability to hold the place that I had staked out for myself. Dana Stevens - Camera Man (Pg ) Though the two were friendly offscreen, Keaton admitted years later that Durante’s constant rain of chummy punches in the arm actually hurt. 
It doesn't seem as though there was any animosity towards Durante. Buster appeared to make the best of the situation as MGM was forcing them together and there wasn't much else he could do. He acknowledged that their style just wasn't meant to mix and that was all there was to it. They took plenty of photos together for publicity but not much else? There's probably more information out there but this is the extent in the books that I have. Their personalities didn't mix on or off the screen but it didn't cause any issues between them. I'd imagine partially due to Jimmy's boisterous friendly attitude and Buster being passive and never speaking up. Though I don't think there was much for Buster to have complaints about, other than being hit constantly.
Hope this helps and thank you for the ask! And now photos -
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loycspotting · 1 month
8. Ewan McGregor Movie Review: Emma (1996)
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Plot: "Emma" is a movie based on the Jane Austen novel of the same name. It boasts a large cast of talented, recognizable actors. The titular character, Emma, is played by Gwyneth Paltrow. Supporting actors include Jeremy Northam, Toni Collette, Alan Cumming, Sophie Thompson, Polly Walker, Greta Scacchi, and of course, Ewan McGregor. Several of these actors will go on to work with Ewan again in future projects. The movie is about Emma Woodhouse, a young socialite. Although she is an available bachelorette, she enjoys secretly matchmaking couples in her town instead of finding love for herself. She believes greatly in her matchmaking skills, though her pride and naivety cause her to fumble more often than not. When Emma befriends Harriet Smith, a debutante with unknown family heritage, she makes it her mission to find her new friend a fitting husband. Instead, she finds herself more trouble than she knows what to do with.
Ewan Review: Ewan plays the character Frank Churchill. Frank is the stepson of Emma's friend and former governess, Mrs. Weston. He is a charming young man who thrives on being the center of attention. When he arrives in town to visit his father, the townswomen immediately become enamored with the handsome bachelor. Even Emma, who previously thought she was not interested in marriage, can't help being swept off her feet by the gentlemen's advances. Ewan wears a wig in this role I believe because his hair would still be short from filming "Trainspotting." It's not a bad wig but there were some moments where I had to squint and say "yeah, I don't think that's his hair" lol. He uses an English accent for this role and honestly, it doesn't sound very good. He's done English accents before but this one just doesn't sound natural especially compared to his co-stars. He sings twice in the movie! He performs two duets and the first one always makes me laugh because of how he randomly jumps in. He's also in a dance scene which was really fun. As far as his performance, it's nothing special in my opinion. Again, maybe it's because he was surrounded by a large cast of talented actors, but he didn't seem to shine like he normally does. Or maybe he was tired from filming four movies back to back and the fatigue had begun to set in. Luckily, since his character is a minor one, it doesn't really matter and I still had a good time watching him.
Screentime Percentage (numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number): Ewan is on screen for a grand total of 13/121 minutes making his SP 11%.
To Ewan or not to Ewan: Is the movie worth watching for Ewan content alone? My opinion is no. He's a fun perk that you get with the movie but I wouldn't turn it on just to see him. Is the movie worth watching in general? Yes! It's fun. It's cute. It has a happy ending for everyone. It even won two Oscars for best movie score and costume design. It's a calm, low stimulating movie that's still entertaining.
Where to Watch: "Emma" is currently available for rent on YouTube and can be streamed on Amazon Prime Video if you have a subscription.
Conclusion: If you like period pieces then I think you'd like "Emma". It's a beautiful movie and a nice change of pace from the overstimulating movies of today.
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jacscorner · 4 months
My Mom Spanked Me AND My Bully
"Help, help! I'm being assaulted!" My name is Hisame. I just got a job at a Black Company. And right now, I'm watching my mom spanking my co-worker, Kuroha. How did I get into this mess? Well, it's a bit of a long story, so we need to rewind a bit to about a month ago... You see, I work in the accounting department of my company. My job is simple; to crunch numbers for clients. Recently, we got a new girl joining our department; Kuroha. When on break, I tried to be her friend over tea. I even offered to pour a cup for her. But...
Kuroha: Help, help! I'm being assaulted!
She yelled it so quickly that I was just left dumbstuck. Before I knew it, our co-workers ran in and Kuroha ran to them.
Kuroha: Save me! She tried to sling hot tea at me when I just asked her to pour me some!
Hisame: W-what?! That's not what happened! They didn't know who to believe. Human Resources had to get involved, but ultimately, they just told both of us that fighting isn't tolerated. They couldn't really do anything about it since it all came down to 'he said, she said'. I tried talking to her the next day while in the locker room. We were both in there alone, and...
Kuroha: Help, help! I'm being assaulted!
Once again, our co-workers came running in while I was left there, stunned.
Kuroha: She threatened to steal my street clothes if I didn't give her my money!
Hisame: W-what are you talking about?! That's not what I said!
HR got involved again, but this time, they made sure to tell me to stop harassing Kuroha because she's new. I couldn't believe I was told that. Looking back, I guess it makes sense to assume I'm the aggressor; Kuroha made herself out to be so nice and I think everyone was already liking her. And the idea of a sweet new girl getting bullied is an easy story to swallow than the reverse. From that day on, I did my best to avoid being around Kuroha. I never wanted to be with her if I could help it. Thankfully, our job didn't require to work with her closely. And when on break, I never let myself be alone with her - or alone for that matter. But at least once a week, when i let my guard down, she'd spring up behind me.
Kuroha: Help, help! I'm being assaulted! Hisame just slapped me!
Kuroha; Hisame stole my lunch from the communal fridge!
Kuroha: My stapler's missing; Hisame took it! There was never proof, but with how much it was happening, rumors were starting to spread. It was getting so bad that everyone started to avoid me! Which meant that Kuroha could keep sneaking up on me, getting us alone, and calling foul! It got so bad that the office decided to start an investigation into all of these bullying accusations. Which means they were definitely investigating me and my actions. Which means they were definitely trying to find definitive proof to fire me. I went home that day feeling miserable. But just when I thought things couldn't get worse... Kuroha: So, this is where you live?
Hisame: Eh?! What are you doing here?!
Kuroha: Oh, I heard something really interesting about you, Hisame~ That you don't live alone.
Hisame: What are you-
Before i could ask what was happening, the door opened.
Kurumi: Huh? Hisame? Who's your friend?
This is my mom; Kurumi.
Kuroha: Miss Kurumi, thank goodness you're here!
And once again, Kuroha was putting on the crocodile tears.
Kuroha: I came over to maybe talk with you about Hisame! She has been bullying me all month! Ever since i joined the accounting department! It's been horrible!
Before I could say anything, my mother's glare was right on top of me. And when she has that look in her eyes, I just can't bring it in me to speak. I didn't matter if I was a child or an adult.
Kurumi: Hisame, come inside. Now. We need to have a word about your behavior.
Inside, the house was filled with the rhythmic sound of slapping.
Hisame: WAAA! Mama! Stop!
The familiar sound of me getting spanked...
Kurumi: I don't know what has gotten into you, Hisame! But you are not too old to be spanked! Especially when you live under my roof!
I couldn't exactly hear it at the time, over the sound of my own wailing and crying, but I managed to catch Kuroha's condescending smirk looking down on me as she got a front row seat of my humiliation.
Kuroha: Ha, ha! This is what you get for being such a spoiled brat and hogging all the guys' attention!
Hisame/Kurumi: ...What?
The spanking (thankfully) stopped immediately and the both of us were staring at Kuroha. I watched that big smirk on her face slowly fall as she realized what she said. My Mom let me off of her lap and she immediately marched over to Kuroha.
Kurumi: Excuse me, but...what?
Kuroha: I-I mean, uh...i-it's her fault! When I got to the department, she was friends with almost all the guys! It's not fair! Girls like that are sluts and they hog all the good men for themselves! You should punish your daughter every day for- OW!
Kurumi: You. Come here. Now.
And that's how we got here...
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Kuroha: Stop! This is assault! Stop it!
Kurumi: That's not gonna work here! And you are going to march right to your HP Department and tell them exactly what you did!
Kuroha: What?! No way! Y-you're not the boss of me!
Kurumi: You're going to do it or I'm going to beat your ass with THIS instead!
Then my Mom pulled out a bat! Where she kept it, I don't know, but it was covered in nails and looked more like a demon's club than something to spank someone with!
Kuroha: W-wait, wait! You...you wouldn't do that!
Kurmi: Don't try me...
So, the next day, my Mom actually walked me to work and one look from her got Kuroha to run to HR and turn herself in. The HR Manager apologized for not believing my previous testimonies. My reputation was quickly apologizing; everyone was sorry for what they did. My Mom was especially apologetic for spanking me like she did the other day and said she'd take me out to my favorite restaurant to apologize properly.
I told her I'd be happy to, but if we could postpone a little bit. Until I can sit comfortably again...
This commission was brought to you by someone who liked my last Etra-Chan Saw it pic and decided to commission something based on a similar YouTube Channel's characters: Mona Lisa's Silly Talk. I'd be watching them if, you know, I could read Japanese. ^_^;;;
Nonetheless, I had a lot of fun both drawing this pic and writing the fic to go with it. And I hope everyone else likes it!
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aajjks · 4 months
mommy issues!JK
you’re a good teacher, a great teacher.
fortunately (or unfortunately depending on where you stand), you’re a teacher to the best age group, which are kindergarteners. everyday, five days a week, you teach basic mathematics, tracing, shapes, letters, numbers, and even practice english with your class of 4-5 year olds and it’s a lot of fun. tedious at times, but it’s fun.
watching your students excitedly come to your class gives you the best feeling because you want your students to be excited to learn and know that besides being a teacher, you’re a friend too. when your students have bad days, you bring them to your emotions carpet and converse with them try to brighten their day. you’re a lot of fun too. everything you teach has something fun to it. cartwheels outside to test science theories, math scavenger hunts, candy as rewards; you just want your kids to be engaged.
you don’t consider yourself the best teacher but you definitely consider yourself the most compassionate because no one in this building understands or loves your kids as much as you do. however, that “love” you share with each of your students has sometimes become a bit difficult seeing as your newest 5 year old is a little possessive over you.
introducing jeon seol, your newest student who just turned 5 years old and is such a cutie. before i share the bad news, let’s talk about the good:
seol is a social butterfly..sometimes. he’s a vibe kind of child and if he feels as though you’re nice, then he’ll open up little by little. he’s very friendly and polite to his teachers no matter who they are even if his distaste for them can sometimes be a little obvious. besides being an expert with dinosaurs, he wants to be a scientist one day. he’s also very smart and does really well with all of his schoolwork (he’s a little stubborn too. he likes figuring things out on his own to make you proud).
now let’s go over the bad:
lately, seol has been hitting his classmates. at first, you let it slide because he’s only 5 but when he hit a child so hard it left a bruise, you had to mark it in his behavior chart. he throws small tantrums when you don’t always acknowledge him. he’ll pout, cry, or sometimes shut down like a computer if you don’t butter him up and the last thing is, he calls you mom and well, you’re beginning to feel like one because tending to his needs and his desire for you constant attention makes you feel like you’re more of his mother than teacher; blurring the lines a bit.
don’t get me wrong, you love the kid regardless but you also love ALL of your kids and if seol doesn’t stop then he could end up being suspended.
“good morning nabi. good morning hanuel. good morning jihye and jimin! make sure you guys hang your stuff up and sit in your assigned seats” you tell your students as you wait at the doorway to greet more of your students.
you gasp “good morning seol!!”
the little boy basically runs into your arms and who are you to deny such a warm hug.
“are you excited for school today? you are? that makes me so happy” you smile “good morning, mr. jeon”
if you think seol is a cutie then let’s introduce the man who created the adorable rascal, jeon jungkook. the day he dropped off his son, he immediately turned heads and became the talk of the school. your teachers couldn’t get enough of the man even now as you’re talking to him you can see your co-teacher, chaeyoung, pretending to “hump” him.
you don’t know much about mr. jeon but you won’t deny his attractiveness. he’s got a baby face paired with a body made by gods buuuuuut, business and pleasure doesn’t mix well. you’re his kids teacher and judging from the rumor of his ‘wife’ or ‘baby mother’ you’re steering far away from him. he’s already the talk of the school, you don’t want to be the topic of conversation next. but it’s hard to not be the topic when he brings you gifts or sweet treats to apologize for his son’s behavior, just like now.
“mr. jeon” you gasp “you shouldn’t have. i told you to stop doing this because i feel in debt to you”
from afar, chaeyoung can’t help but listen in on the conversation you both are having. it’s so obvious he’s got a crush on you. she could see the hearts in his eyes from the moment he approached you.
“i think seol is adjusting well but i need to talk with you after school about his behavior chart. do you mind coming back to see me? of course if you’re too busy i can send an email”
He’s always so eager to see your beautiful face in the morning, it may be one of the reasons why he gets up so early to get his son ready for school.
Jungkook wasn’t really the kind of man who would get up early in the morning but ever since he had his baby! he’s a changed man.
Just as now, as he stands in the doorway while you pick up Seol from the floor, he smiles as seol cuddles into you so easily.
“Hi Ms yn!!” he cannot help but blush because everyone is staring at you. But that is not the reason why he’s blushing. He’s always blushing whenever you talk to him or Look at him. Jungkook almost scoffs when you tell him to not bring you any gifts.
How can he not bring you any gifts? You’re a gift from God yourself. “Oh please it is the least I can do.” He bows, smiling, like a fool.
Although he’s looking really carefully at you because you’re just so beautiful and he cannot help but stare at you, “what? Oh okay sure!!! I’ll be there!” Are you giving him a golden opportunity right now?
He will get to see you once again, and talk to you even more privately, this is a good day. Although he is Not sure about what you have to say about his sons behavior. He hopes that everything is good.
Jungkook nods, as he says bye to seol, who doesn’t really care that his father is leaving because now he’s in your arms.
Seol thinks you always smell so pretty, just like his father says. “Ms yn… I’ll be back in in a few hours.. be good, champ, yeah?”
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xardoth · 2 years
Slayer Zine #8 (1990) | Pelle Ohlin and Øystein Aarseth
Hey! Posting another interview. This one's decently long (3? pages in the zine) and it's both Dead and Euronymous answering. As before the interviewers words will be in bold and the answers will be in italic! (D: Dead, E: Euronymous)
"Do you think we can expect a new lp from you guys during 1991?
E: Yeah, we are now working hard on new trax for det next lp, and at this moment we need about 3 1/2 more before we have the 9 trax which are necessary. This time it won't be more delayed, if not something extreme happens, like if Hellhammer (drums) disappears again, Dead cuts himself too much on a gig, or I lose my passport in Albania or something....
About your lp, will it be a concept dealing with this book "De mysteriis dom sathanas" only?
D: No, it won't be a concept lp. Only one song on it will have to do about the book. But to explain a bit closer about that particular song would be weird 'cos it wasn't enough evil and it didn't fit. So we saved it to be the last book itself. I must find it before some wimpy mainstream jerk will do that I think I'll have an expedition on my own around the world to find it. It's so dark, darker than death.
Since you (Euronymous) have a certain political view, would you ever to consider to write about that in some lyrics?
E: No, that will never happen. Even though I'm active in the most extreme communist party here (Albania inspirations), I leave to the Punks to write about that in the lyrics. Nowadays tons of bands are writing "social awareness" lyrics and they still dare to call it Death Metal. BULLSHIT! I play in a Death Metal band, or maybe you should call it Black Metal, and the most important thing then is Death! Bands who claim to play Death Metal and are not into Death itself, are fakes, and can start to play punk instead. It's a big trend today to look totally normal with these goddam jogging suits and sing about "important matters", and call it Death Metal. These people can die, they have betrayed the scene. Death Metal is for brutal people who are capable of killing, it's not for idiotic children who want to have funny hobby after school. I'll write more about this later. I'll just end up saying even if I'm personally very much into studying the great works of Mao, Stalin and so on. I think the band is much more important, and Death and Black Metal is my life.
For a long time the band didn't have a rehearsal place, what did you do during this time?
D: Good question........ After that we couldn't be at the old VOMIT's place anymore we had for a very short time our own place (2 weeks or so) before they cut of the electricity and later on tore down the whole place...... By then Hellhammer had joined the band. What we did then was to find somewhere to live (well, some things go before rehearsal place). We could stay for some month mostly at each place and those have been at friends, half broken down houses, forests and camping places etc.......... But luckily it's much better now, even if we can't stay here so much longer. For really long time we were out of any place to rehearse at all and what we could do then for the band was not much else than replying on the mail.
Now much material have you written which you have thrown away? How many songs do you have now?
E: Probably 50-75% of all the riffs I make will be thrown away sooner or later, because after a while it is not good enough. I don't want to make any mainstream music, so each riff must be something special, and then it takes very long time to make the music. We have five new songs now ("Funeral Fog", "Buried By Time and Dust", "The Freezing Moon", "Pagan Fears" (and one new without any lyrics), but if you're thinking about the total number of songs which we have and will play live, it's nine songs + this new one which we will not play live before some time.
At certain times it seems like the band is living on the edge of starvation. How long can you live the life you do?
E: It's true that we've been through some hard times, generally we have very little food, but we can eat at least some bread each day. And sometimes we just don't have anything at all, and must go out to steal food to survive. These periods fortunately don't last more than a couple of weeks. It's very frustrating to live like this. It's been like this for a couple of years now. I don't know how long we can keep it going. It better change soon, or we might get some line-up problems again. I now hope the record label will help, in the last month I have been able to buy some food because of the label, and that's great. When we get some more records out, it will be better, especially when the MAYHEM lp comes.
Euronymous: what do you think of the current situation in Eastern Europe? Do you think it is good what happens??
E: "The question is a bit difficult, because there are two answers. All the revolutions you have seen in E.E. are just as they could be taken from MARX/LENIN/MAO, and the party I'm in is totally supporting it, because of the communism means total freedom, and that it should be the people who decide things, not the government or the capitalists. But on the other hand, I'm personally very fascinated by the countries like Albania, North Korea or Kampuchea, which have been running a very hard line and which have closed for the rest of the world. I really regret that I didn't get the chance to go to Romania while it was like in the old days, but at the least I'll be going to Albania soon. OK, I didn't think Romania was a very good place for people to live in, but there were other reasons for that than Ceausescu. You see, the main reasons for the problems in the Eastern Europe have been their big foreign debt and alot of corruption. Romania owed lot's of money to other countries, and Ceausescu decided to get rid of this debt quickly. So he shipped everything the country produced away, and in a couple of years he would actually have got rid of that foreign debt and Romania would have been very rich country. He could of course have avoided building himself a palace to himself, but that's the same the big capitalists do over here, and they have also got rich by exploiting people. Ceausescu was a very popular person before, also here in the West, and I still consider him as comrade.
Why do you think so many bands are trying to copy NAPALM DEATH, CARCASS, MORBID ANGEL or DEATH? Aren't people creative anymore?
E: No, creativity disappeared in the middle of the '80s. I think 95% of the bands today are worthless shit. There are just a few who manage to capture the brutality and Evil which the ancient bands like SODOM, DESTRUCTION, BATHORY, POSSESSED, VENOM, HELLHAMMER/CELTIC FROST and so on had. It's very important that the music is filled with dark moods and that the music smells of destruction, but no bands manage to do that. (Well....ED). But instead, they suddenly occur in the scene and rip off another band like ND, which has made something original. Take a bands like DECIDE. They play so incredible standard, their music is really meant for all the idiot children who started to listen to METALLICA after "Master of Puppets". The last NAPALM DEATH lp is also a part of this extremely boring mainstream which people dare to call Death Metal. I think MERCILESS (Sweden of course) play much more brutal than most of the so called Death Metal bands do today. MERCILESS really play music which feels like a jackhammer in the brain. I thin the main problem is that Death Metal is now commonly available and accepted. The underground is dead. In the ancient days, it was extremally unpopular and extreme it play in a band like MAYHEM. Most people hated us, and each time a new lp came out, it was something so raw and evil that you were freezing on your back, and you really got a kick from listening to it. Now Death Metal is commercial, and bands like CADAVER have even played played gigs for their parents. This is not good. This does not help the underground. It's killing it. Real Death Metal should be something normal people are afraid of, not something mothers can listen to. Ask any 12 year old idiot on the street which bands he or she listens to, and the answer will probably be GUNS & ROSES, METALLICA, NAPALM DEATH and MORBID ANGEL. It's all a big boring trend for idiots, and unfortunately all these idiots always start to play in bands or make a zine. When bands like MASTER'S HAMMER, ROTTING CHRIST or MERCILESS makes demo's/records. I'm happy because they bear the spirit from the ancient days when Death Metal was something evil. And I refuse to have anything with to do with all the mainstream trendies in the scene today. If I had played in a band like NAPALM DEATH I would have been so angry that I would have split up the band immediately as a protest. Death Metal should not be played on MTV or be on TOP 10, because that is killing the scene. If this ever happens to MAYHEM, if we become a trend band (which is very unlikely to happen), then I'll stop playing. That's a promise. I don't want to see MAYHEM records in supermarkets in USA like you can with ND and MORBID ANGEL.
You obiously don't like so much Hardcore. Does that include the people who plays it, or is it the music you dislike only?
D: I don't listen to Hardcore. And I don't like the people. I don't hate Hardcore itself, but what it later became when all those "attitude" which seemed to include bermuda shorts, baseball caps, and so fuckin' on. I think it was trend and I hated it til those vegetarians switched to make something else fashionable instead. Which was the same such crap of course, but then I didn't hate Hardcore anymore.....
Now something about your label. What do you listen to when you decide to sign a band?
E: I just have to like them alot. If I like them, it means that they are not one of the mainstream idiot bands, and that is enough for me. If the bands look like old SARCOFAGO/HELLHAMMER, it is the best of course, but I give the bands total freedom concerning everything. I generally hate bands who wear light clothes and jogging suits and shit like that, but even if a band looks totally boring, I'll sign them if they make really good music. MERCILESS.....they don't look exactly brutal, but I just love their music so much. If I had to choose between signing them and MORBID ANGEL, I'd sign MERCILESS without delaying a second. Also I love Satanic bands, but I don't care if they sing about eating carrots, if the music is great.
What kind of deals do you give the bands?
E: We pay all the recording and pressing costs, and then we split the profit 50/50 with the band. That's the only fair way of doing it.
Do you have any written contracts and so on?
E: Yeah, we always have written contracts. There are two things which are good when we do it that way: Both sides will know exactly what they can expect of the other, so no misunderstandings can occur. In the contract it will be written how much they get, when the get it and so on. It's the best for the band.  It will be written that we have total copyright and ownership of all recorded material, cover and master tapes. This is of course not to prevent the band using this material themselves, but if they get signs by some  capitalist label some day, the label will of course try to get the rights for themselves so they can suck more money out of it. And it's this which we will prevent. After we released the MERCILESS lp, MERCILESS were contact by Active Records (who have released CANDLEMASS, ATHEIST etc), who wanted to buy the rights. If they had done that, we wouldn't have been able to sell anything at all, and we'd lose tons of money and maybe we couldn't have continued the label. Because we had the contract, Active had to contact us instead, and we refused of course, even though they offered us alot of money. I think we should get about $30000, but we told them to fuck off. On the contract with MERCILESS we hadn't thought about getting the rights for the cover, and this has now resulted in that CBR (the label MERCILESS is signed to now) has made t-shirts with the cover, and we can't do anything about it. We always learn from the faults we do, and we'll not repeat that on the next record. So the contract is not for controlling the band, it's for avoiding being ripped off by money hungry labels.
How many copies do you reckon to sell of each release?
E: It's a bit hard to say, because we have only released one record which has not been on the marked for a very long time. I'm sure about selling somewhere between 4-6000 records, but I hope for 10.000!
In how many countries do you have distribution?
E: So far we have been concentrating on Europe. We've sold quite a lot in France, Germany and Greece, and Sweden of course. I've also sent some records to Japan. 60-70 I think, and a few to Australia. But lately I have started to send some packages to South and Central America as well, and will continue with that and expand into North America soon. I've contacts in about 55 countries now, but not all of them are possible to send records to the Eastern Europe, USSR, and the poorest countries of Asia/South America, because the records are extremally expensive for them, even if I give them the cheapest price possible. It's realistic to think that I'll be selling records to about 45 countries, and more later.
You have produced the MORTEM ep "Slow Death". Is this something you will do again? Producing, etc...?
E: I don't know. If someone wants me to help, I'll of course help them as good as I can, but I'm not a good producer as I haven't been much in the studio myself. But there is one thing I'm aware of which professional producers are not, and that is that it is not enough to give the band clear and good sound. You must also put forward the identity of the band so they don't sound like all the other bands. This really lacks on all the new records today. Just listen to MORGOTH, OBITUARY and so on. All the producer has managed to do is to rip off Death and make a standard sound. It's important to get a totally special sound like the first albums of SEPULTURA, BATHROY, DESTRUCTION, SODOM, POSSESSED, CARCASS, SARCOFAGO etc. had. It sounds much more brutal that way. Listen to SODOM or SEPULTURA now. One thing is that their music stinks, but the sound is weak and polished. I think it sounds shit.
Are you still planning to record your lp in France? Wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to record it in Sweden or Norway?
D: No, we won't (record it in France). According to the delay of more than two years many plans for recording as well as touring have screwed. When I had the idea of going to that studio in France, it was 'cos we'd heard they got some promotion from somewhere and it would be almost free to record anything there. That was why. Now, we just hope we will make it with "Kællen", the dude who engineered for CADAVER, as the producer. It will probably be in Norway.
Have you been in contact with our friend Marci lately?
E: This is very irritating, because we have just heard that he has moved to Chicago! How he managed to do that is a mystery, but our revenge will hit him there as well. Unfortunately, the poison we gave him wasn't strong enough to kill him, but I won't rest before he is dead. Coming to America was his dream, and we hate that he probably is happy now. But we also know that the poison caused him pain and that he suffers a lot from it, and in the end he'll also probably get cancer...... if we don't kill him before that. He's going to die.
Dead, did you think of Mayhem before you joined? Do you think you have changed the musical and lyrical direction of Mayhem?
D: When I heard "Pure Fucking Armageddon" it's no bullshit that I thought it was the most brutal I've heard, and I think it still is. You know that at that time Necro's lyrics were Black Metal. It's not the same on "Deathcrush", and then it wasn't only Necro who wrote the lyrics. The "Deathcrush" lyrics aren't bad at all but they are later what became gore or trendy. I'm now writing what I think is Black Metal from my view. But I must say that I think my lyrics are different from eachother. So far I've been the one to write the new lyrics, except for some we dropped. I hope this will change, but we have some problems to cooperate. Necro + me will do a better try to work something out in the future. It must be black metal! I think everything has drifted away from what it once was, or should be. After VENOM'S "At war with Satan" the scene died and the trends clone bands and mainstreams appeared instead. Everything comes from our Almighty VENOM so no one can say their influences come from something else. Even if they think they are something original by wearing "normal" clothes and succeed in looking 100% boring. Wimps shall die and only VENOM was real. That was the scene! And that is what I try to pick up in lyrics, what I think black metal was.
As we know, Death Metal is the new trend, but do you think it will fade away like crossover and grindcore once did?
E: All trends will sooner or later die, and I will welcome the death of the trendy "Death" Metal people who are just fakes in my opinion. I think and hope that in one year, only the true people will be left and the others have gone back to disco or whatever they listened to before they "discovered" MORBID ANGEL. I'd like to see a scene where the music is something gruesome and evil that normal people fear, and where the people in the scene all look like HELLHAMMER or old SARCOFAGO, spikes and chains rule! The scene must also be out of reach for normal idiots, because I think it only should be for extreme people. If someone thinks this is stupid and that the scene should be openminded, have various attitudes etc etc...then he is one of the persons I don't want to see our gigs. I don't mind if most of the idiots in the scene hates me and think I look stupid in corpsepaint, black clothes and spikes, because MAYHEM is not for them. My parents don't like MAYHEM, but I think this is how it should be. Just the same - it's not the idea that every idiot shall like us either. If all idiots in the scene, or if my parents liked us, then something would be wrong. Sore throat and ENT are right - the scene is dead. I'd just like to save the rest of it and create a new one with only brutal people. Everyone else - Fuck off. Our music is just as much for you as for my parents.
Do you like Norwegian bands? Do you think the Norwegian bands are a bit more original?
E: I like BALVAS, CADAVER, DARKTHRONE and IMMORTAL (Ex Amputation). THY ABHORRENT is also ok. By the way, watch out for a possible lp of IMMORTAL on DSP. If you want to listen to bands that are really original, then listen to ROTTING CHRIST! Their music is so Dark, so BRUTAL!! ARGH!
What will be the ultimate goal for MAYHEM? What is what you think you will manage to do during your career?
E: I don't know if we have any ultimate goal, for me it would be perhaps to play live in Albania, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam or Kampuchea. But the other guys may have other ideas about this. I'd also be happy if we could continue to release records without too much problems, and manage to make a living out of that + the label without having to sell records to mainstream people. This lowlife should not have any access to Death Metal.
Finally, do you know what the ex members of MAYHEM are up to now?
E: Yeah, we have more or less contact with all of them, but some of them live their own lives and we see them only rarely. This especially goes for Manheim and Messiah. Manheim is married with an idiot chick and is working in an insurance company. He has become a totally normal person. Messiah is only into Hardcore as far as I know, and he has some strange Hardcore band (Within' Range) I don't even know where he lives now, but sooner or later he will turn up again. Yesterday I got the new IMPOSTOR demo where he does the vocals, so he still lives. The Vomit guys are playing in a band called BØRRE OG BLØDERNE which is some kind of strange punk. I haven't seen them for quite some time either. But Maniac has been in regular contact with us, he was here some weeks ago, he's still the same old dude."
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euryalex · 1 year
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Joey tries her best to get used to Raccoon City, but it seems trouble - both old and new - seems to try and get her.
Series Masterlist | AO3 link
Let me know if you want to be tagged when the next chapter releases!
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Chapter 3: When The Past Comes To Haunt You
The red plastic basket of fries felt hot to the touch when Kevin handed it over to her. Joey immediately put it in her lap as she dipped a fry into the small bowl of ketchup while Kevin jumped back into the driver's seat.
"So, what do you think of Raccoon City so far?" he asked before taking a big bite from his hamburger.
Joey hummed. "I'm not sure yet," she confessed, "I've lived in Montana all my life, so this is different."
"Good different or bad different?"
"I haven't decided yet," she chuckled, "How much do I owe you?"
Kevin waved his hand, "My treat, to welcome you."
"Damn, really trying your best to make me love this city, huh?" she laughed, and he snorted, "Can't blame a man for trying, can you?"
Joey missed her friends from Great Falls – and her colleagues. But, most of all, she missed Danny. He wasn't just her partner against crime. He was her friend. She could count on him, and he could count on her. Simple as that. No one could ever replace Danny. Not even Kevin.
But that didn't mean Kevin was a lousy partner. If anything, he was great. So far, they'd only worked together for three days – if you can even count Joey's first day, which ended poorly.
She should've expected that Chief Irons wouldn't be any nicer at the end of the day, but Joey felt like she had to report what happened at the motel. At first, she wanted to inform S.T.A.R.S., but the office was locked when she tried to enter. Thus, she decided to take her chances with Irons, no matter how much he seemed to dislike her already.
And as she predicted, Chief Irons wasn't exactly happy to see her. Even less so when she told him about the situation at the motel. He went from claiming she was making up a story to insinuating she imagined the whole thing due to sleep deprivation.
So, if there was a chance Irons didn't completely hate her guts by then, he sure did now. The feeling was mutual.
Unlike Irons, though, the rest of her co-workers were nice. Just in case, Rita had already given her phone number (although Joey was convinced it was mainly because Rita was glad to have more women on the force), and Marvin was a tough yet kind boss. Kevin was a great partner who seemed to make it his duty to ensure Joey felt at home in Raccoon City, and she'd be lying if she said it wasn't working.
Once they finished their lunch, Kevin drove them back to the precinct, ending their relatively calm patrol. Life in Raccoon City (so far) was peaceful. Alarmingly peaceful. Tens of thousands of missing person posters littered the city streets, but when Joey asked Kevin about them, he made it clear that Irons forbade them from looking into it. Allegedly, they were all dead ends that couldn't be tracked, or they were flukes, or… Irons apparently had a lot of reasons.
"So the West Squad is going out for drinks after work today," Kevin announced as he parked the car, "Wanna join?"
"On a work night?" Joey snorted, to which he shrugged, "We don't get drunk. Just… hang out and make sure no one's hangover the next day."
"Sure," she eventually decided, "I'd love to."
Yeah, she was lucky with colleagues like them.
The police station was as calm as ever. The officer on front desk duty had made himself comfortable in the black leather office chair by kicking his feet up on the desk. Kevin put his finger over his mouth, a cheeky grin on his face, before sneaking over to the desk. Then, after making sure the officer was still sound asleep, he started banging on the desk, chanting, 'Wes, wake up!'
Poor Wes was startled awake, nearly tipping over his chair. "Jesus Christ," Wes gasped, resting his head in his hands from the shock.
Kevin laughed, "Sleeping on the job?"
"Fuck you," Wes cursed, which was then followed by a chuckle.
"Sometimes I wonder why we're even here to begin with," Kevin sighed, "Look at this place. It's empty!"
His friend sighed, "Pft, you wish. Eric and Elliott were called for a dead body just a few moments ago. From what I've heard, this time, it was cold-blooded murder – none of that Spencer Mansion bullshit."
Joey had heard of the Spencer Mansion before – at least, some things. The Spencer Mansion was a large home built in the Raccoon Forest. While there were different accounts of who lived there, one thing was known: the Trevor family was last seen visiting the mansion before they went missing. She may have also caught a rumour or two about how the mansion is used as a front to hide sinister experiments. Joey wished she could brush it off as a dumb conspiracy theory, but after what happened to Danny, she couldn't help but believe it just a little bit.
"And they sent Eric? He can barely figure out how to put his shoes on in the morning, let alone solve a murder," Kevin rolled his eyes.
Joey probably would've scolded him back in Montana, but it seemed Kevin's attitude had started to rub off on her.
"Yeah, well, he's the only detective around," Wes frowned, "That's right, Emmett quit."
"Wait, what? Since when?" Joey asked. She hadn't really known Emmett well because he was part of the East Squad, but she'd run into him a few times, and he seemed to love his job. Not only that, but he was a great detective – the type who'd see details no one else sees. So while she didn't really know him, she understood he wouldn't just quit out of nowhere.
Wes shrugged, "Just heard the news this morning. So, Eric's all we got."
"As if we don't have enough cold cases already," Kevin grumbled, walking past Joey to return to the West Office. Before Joey followed, she eyed the computer behind Wes. It was mainly used to check cases whenever someone came by to ask questions, but with the Sunshine Motel still in the back of her head, she wondered if she could find something.
"Hey, mind if I look something up real quick?" she asked, nodding towards the computer.
He followed her gaze and shrugged, "Go ahead, just don't tell Irons I slept on the job, alright?"
She chuckled, "You got a deal."
Joey walked around the massive desk and unlocked the computer. She opened the search engine and began typing in the motel's name, followed by the city's name. Once the results loaded, Joey clicked on the first link that caught her eye.
'MOTEL BURNS DOWN: Fifteen dead, twelve injured'
She looked back behind her to make sure no one was watching her. Sure, she trusted Wes, but she preferred not to take risks. Once the coast was clear, she clicked on the link.
The site slowly loaded, and Joey could feel herself grow more nervous with every second.
'RACCOON CITY, Illinois – Early Tuesday morning, a fire broke out at the Sunshine Motel, just outside of Raccoon City. Fire officials claim faulty wiring in a desk fan is to blame. So far, there have been 15 casualties, and twelve people are still in the hospital. The motel's owner, Courtney Golden, was amongst the 15 casualties.'
Tuesday morning, Joey realized, not even a full day after she informed Irons. Something was up. Maybe she knew that already, but she was forced to confront it this time.
The door slammed open, and, in a panic, Joey closed the browser. A man with gaunt grey eyes and thin, light blond hair ran to the front desk, leaving the main entrance wide open behind him.
"I-I received a call- did you find her?" he asked, breathless.
Wes stood up from his chair, leaning closer to the man, "Sir, calm down and tell me who you're talking about."
Joey had to give credit where credit was due – Wes knew how to handle stressful people. When he wasn't sleeping, at least.
"Clarissa, Clarissa Myer," the man said, "I got a call th-that she's been found. Is she alright? Where is she?"
Wes stayed quiet for a while.
"Joey," he finally said, "Would you mind taking Mr Myer to Officer Hamilton in the East office?"
Joey muttered a quiet 'of course' and began to lead Mr Myer to the East Office. That was another big difference from working in a smaller Sheriff's office. She was used to knowing everything about every case. Now, though, she was told to do things and couldn't even know why. Case in point: she had no clue why this Mr Myer was so important.
"I don't get it," the man stammered, "I just want to see my daughter? Why isn't she in the hospital?"
"Sir, I promise you, Officer Hamilton will answer your questions," Joey replied, smiling despite the awkwardness. Luckily, it seemed to calm the man down enough until Joey introduced him to Tyler Hamilton. When she returned to the main hall, she immediately made her way over to Wes.
"Who was that?" she asked, and he leaned closer to whisper: "Clarissa Myer? The girl he mentioned? It was her body that was found this morning. She's his daughter."
Joey gasped, and he nodded, "Yeah, hope he has some info 'cause he's a suspect right now."
"In that case," she murmured, "I hope they find her murderer soon. Anyway, I should get back to work. Bye, Wes."
She left rather quickly, but Mr Myer's distraught face still haunted her. She knew she should've expected the city would bring more gruesome cases – the most she'd seen so far was a family murder that ended in a murder-suicide. It shocked the entire town at the time.
But Raccoon City had seemingly seen its fair share of murders and worse crimes. Joey knew she had to be prepared for that. But what she didn't know was why these cases were treated like this. Something fishy was going on, and Joey wanted to get to the bottom of it. She had to find a way to do it without Irons finding out because she felt he wouldn't appreciate her snooping around. 
When work was done, and Joey changed back into her regular outfit, Kevin waited for her in the parking lot. He waved at her from his car.
"Where are you taking me?" she asked as she jumped into the passenger seat.
He started the car and said: "Bar Black Jack, it's only a few blocks away."
He was right. After barely a five-minute drive, he parked the car on the side of the road. Joey recognized the street because her apartment building was only a short walk away. Part of her was relieved. She could probably walk home later. In between the many buildings stood one establishment, marked with a neon sign that said 'Bar Black Jack' 
The bar itself was small, but it felt cosy. There were only a handful of tables and a single booth next to the kitchen where Rita, George and Marvin were waiting. Once they noticed Joey and Kevin, they waved them over.
"There you are!" smiled Rita, "About time."
"Yeah, yeah," Kevin rolled his eyes, "You guys ordered yet?"
Marvin shook his head, "No, we were waiting for you. First rounds on me, though. What do you want?"
"Ah, you know me," Kevin replied, "Just a beer for me."
"Got it," he said before turning to Joey, "You?"
Joey took a quick glance at the laminated menu and decided: "Just a Coke. Hold on, I'll help carry the drinks."
Rita snorted, "At least pretend you're not kissing ass!"
"Haha, fuck you," laughed Joey as she followed Marvin to the bar.
Joey slowly got used to Raccoon City. Work wasn't as good as she expected, but her colleagues sure were. For the first time since arriving in the city, she stopped thinking about Montana. About Danny. But she'd always remember why she came here in the first place: to find out what really happened to Danny.
It was about eleven PM when they called it quits – at least Joey did.
"It's been fun, but I should head home," she yawned, putting on her jacket. Kevin immediately stood up as well, "I'll take you home."
"Oh, you don't have to," Joey shook her head, "I live a few minutes away. It's fine."
"No, no," Kevin insisted, "It's late and dark outside. I'm just making sure you get home safe."
Finally, she relented and let him lead her outside.
Right outside the bar was a bulletin board with more missing person posters. Joey had grown accustomed to ignoring them, but one poster partially covered by others caught her attention.
Familiar eyes stared back at her. Stephen was, in fact, an old co-worker of hers. He was the Chief Deputy Sheriff of Great Falls, but he quit shortly after his wife passed away. No one had ever seen him since.
"Joey?" Kevin called out, joining her side, "Oh, him. His daughter would come to the R.P.D. once a day to report him as missing, but Irons always shut her down. She stopped coming a while ago."
Joey took a step closer and brushed another poster aside. Next to Stephen McDaniel was a woman in the same picture, smiling brightly as she hugged him. Joey recognized her too. It was her best friend in high school before she left for Helena.
Evelyn McDaniel.
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justcallmefox89 · 1 year
The Royal Romance: Cinderfella’s Adventures in Cordonia - Chapter 10
An AU of The Royal Romance with a male MC and a bisexual prince.
It’s been over a year since Callum fled Cordonia in disgrace and went into hiding, but now some familiar faces are back in New York and searching for their missing friend.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven 
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
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“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Hana asks, nervously fiddling with the bracelet on her wrist.  “I don’t think we should ambush him like this.”
“It’s not an ambush, Lee,” Drake mutters.  “We’re just stopping by to say hello.”
“To someone who doesn’t know we’re coming.  That we haven’t talked to in over a year.  Yeah, you’re right.  That’s totally not an ambush.”  Maxwell rolls his eyes as he hurries to keep up with Drake’s quick pace.  The crowded New York sidewalk is difficult to navigate, and more than once Maxwell crashes into a stranger as he struggles to keep pace with Drake’s long-legged stride.
“Look.”  Drake stops in front of a run-down bodega and gestures for Maxwell and Hana to come closer. “This is our last chance.  Liam is going to marry Madeline in eight days. Eight.  Fucking.  Days.   And we all know that if he goes through with it, it will be the worst mistake of his life.  Seeing Callum again could be the thing that tips the scales and convinces Liam to call off the wedding.”
Maxwell can’t keep the skeptical look off his face and Drake scowls at him.
“What if Callum doesn’t want to see Liam again?” Hana frets. “This feels like we’re going to be manipulating him.”
“It feels that way because that’s exactly what Drake wants to do,” Maxwell replies, deadpan.
“I want to stop my best friend from making the biggest mistake of his life!” Drake snaps.  
“And you want to use Callum to do it!”
“Please don’t fight.”  Hana’s eyes worriedly flit between the two men. 
Drake sighs scrubbing his hands over his face.  “Look,” he sighs.  “We all know that there was something between them.  Something real.  What’s the harm in putting them in the same room for five minutes so they can talk?”
“So much harm,” Hana answers.
“Literally all the harm,” Maxwell says.
“If you both think this is such a horrible idea, why did you come with me?”  Drake throws his hands up, exasperated.
Maxwell steps closer and places his hands on Drake’s shoulders. “All we’re trying to say, is that if someone changes their phone number, moves out of their apartment, completely ghosts their job and old co-workers, and deletes all their social media… maybe they don’t want to be found.  And that showing up out of the blue to talk to this alleged person might cause said alleged person to freak out.”
“We’re just worried,” Hana says softly.  “About you and Callum.”
“Also, how did you even find him?” Maxwell asks.
Drake flushes and stares down at his boots.  “Just… research,” he mumbles.
“What kind of research?”
“Does it matter?” he tries to deflect.
He wilts under Hana inquisitive stare.  “I asked Bastien to find all clubs and bars Callum’s family owns.”
“Go on,” she encourages.
“Then I searched through their social media accounts and the accounts of any customers who mentioned them until I found someone who mentioned a bartender who’s description matched Callum’s.  Then I narrowed my search to that particular bar’s Instagram page until I found him in the background of a few regular customers’ tagged pictures.  I think he might be working there.  Or at least visits there sometimes.  Either way, someone will have to know who he is and where we can find him.”
Hana flounders, opening and closing her mouth, trying to find a response. Maxwell has no such compunctions.
“So you stalked him,” he says, frowning at Drake in disapproval.
Drake glares at him, the tips of his ears turning bright red. “No!”
“Callum doesn’t want to be found!  The fact that you had to go so far to even get a hint at where he might be proves it!  That’s literally the definition of stalking!”
Drake’s shoulders bunch up around his ears, and he muscles past Maxwell, charging down the sidewalk.  
“This is so fucked,” Maxwell mutters, running his hands through his hair.
Hana rubs her hand between his shoulder blades in soothing circles. “I miss Callum too, but this feels… personal for Drake.  More so than just trying to keep Liam from marrying Madeline.”
“Everything’s been so messed up since Callum left,” Maxwell sighs. “This is all my fault.  If I hadn’t convinced Callum to come to Cordonia none of this would have ever happened.  Drake and Liam would still be getting along, Callum wouldn’t have had to give up his life -”
“No,” Hana sternly interrupts him.  “None of this is your fault.  None of it.  And I don’t want to hear another word about it, do you understand?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he says meekly, nodding.
“Good.”  She links their arms together.  “Now let’s catch up to Drake.  I have a feeling he’s going to need our support tonight.”
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whatwouldvalerydo · 1 year
Rebel year - ch 2/6 - Rumour mill
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Gareth has a new mission, or a few, as he waits for the gears to be set in motion, discovering who the mysterious Ruby Taurus is. As he dives deep in the rumor mill, he is stunned about the number of things people know, or don't.
Characters mentioned in passing belong to: @kc-and-co @lifeofkaze @the-al-chemist @usernoneexistent
Characters Ominis, Poppy and Sebastian belong to the HPHL fandom.
As soon as he received the message from Jin, Gareth meet him one early morning in the Great Hall right before breakfast started. Suppressing a yawn, the young royal stretched as he made his way towards the Ravenclaw table “You look fresh as daisies. At what hour did you wake up?”
Checking the page number, Jin closed the book, placing it on his lap “I did not sleep.” Lifting his hand, he stopped the question before it was even addressed, instead focusing his attention on the letter he produced from his pocket “As requested my young friend.”
“Brilliant.” He said snatching it as he sat next to him “As least this will ensure Quidditch will be back.”
Cackling lightly, Jin shook his head “I do hope you have more than a false letter planed. Headmaster Black will call it off before the first broom lifts off the pitch.”
Leaning in, Gareth smirked “And here is where you are wrong. My dear, darling papa is an avid fan on the sport and a rather generous donator to the school. One word and he will force the hand in favor of my wishes. I am after all the last heir.”
“A tragic loss…” Jin spoke softy, however was abruptly interrupted by Gareth.
“Do not even say it, I do not require pity.”
Wiggling his nose lightly, Jin inhaled slowly through his nose “Death is a tragedy, a great loss. There is no shame in sadness, believe me, I know a thing or two about grief, I am after all older than you.”
Lilting his head, Gareth cocked a brow “We are in the same year. I do not recall you failing one. Did you join later?”
“Never mind. So now what?”
Slapping his hand against the table, Gareth looked around as some students started making their way to breakfast, two girls passing them, giggling as they waved, Gareth rolling his eyes, while Jin immediately looked at the floor “I hears some rumors about this new fifth year, Ruby Taurus. Who is she?”
Turning around to prepare some tea, Gareth poured himself a cup of coffee, Jin shaking his head at the habit “You are far too young to be drinking coffee.” Sniffing the air, he frowned “Or smoking for that matter, honestly, you only get a good set of lungs.” Seeing how his advice was ignored, he indulged him “The rumor mill is deep that is certain and quite abundant. You never know what is true or false, however I hear she dabbles in dark arts and this ancient magic that is a secret and somehow not. That is all I know.” Glancing at a table, he shuddered “Perhaps I am not the right person to actually be of help in this particular situation. Far better would be miss Fraser and Hexley. Might also get them off my back for a while.”
“You need to learn to speak to girls.” Gareth snickered as he searched for the girls with this eyes.
“All in due time.” opening the book back up, he sipped his tea “All in due time.”
Catching the aforementioned ladies after breakfast, Gareth greeted them both, not dogging any corners as he asked about Ruby.
Ethel looked at Selene, searching her mind “Isn’t the new transfer student a guy?”
Selene frowned slightly as she lifted her brows also trying to remember “No, no. Ruby is the one with the outlandish hair color, you know.”
“Oh right, I remember, her. The one that flies on a broomstick backwards but still managed to beat Imelda.” The girls laughing while Gareth watched them confused.
“No, not that one, Ruby is the one that doesn’t sleep in the common room, but in the forest. Rumor has it she’s a fairy.” Selene informed, only for Ethel to step in again.
“Was that not Leila?”
“Right, apologies my friend, it is far too early. Ruby is the one that the Sorting hat put in Gryffindor but she requested to be transferred to Slytherin because she has a crush on Sebastian Sallow.”
“Exactly. What she sees in him I cannot fathom.”
Clicking his tongue after looking left and right between the girls chatting, Gareth politely excused himself. None of what they said made sense, but then again rumors were hardly a solid ground.
So he continued his search asking students left and right, taking notes all that varied from. Winona was adamant about this one “Ruby? No that’s not hear real name.”, another swore “I hear she sneaks into the kitchens late at night in order to juggle house elves.” to a girl batting her eye lashes at him, swearing Ruby had a wooden eye and that she had personally seen in.
He went as far as to ask Sebastian on a break about her, however he knew nothing of the girl mentioned. His friend Ominis Gaunt was not so civil “Do I look like a know every student inside of this school? Find her yourself Farr and let me finish my homework.”
Poppy swore that Ruby was a nice girl on the outside, but she had heard that she can talk to Puffskeins and that she had a plan to call upon them to infiltrate the Prefect Bathroom for some reason after asking Gareth is he wanted to help her feed the animals.
Close to dinner time, he circled the word “who” on his parchment multiple times since many had not even heard of her. His favorite one that almost made him laugh was that she was actually a long distant relative of professor Binns, or his daughter somehow, he even forgot the logic behind it, Gareth thinking she must have been very boring if that was the case. But he was on a mission and he knew Sallow infiltrated the library with someone and since he had to wait on other things, this was his latest favorite past time.
Seeing Angela walking down the hall with a package in her hand, he offered to help carry it, just to try his luck “Ruby? I heard about her but I don’t know much. I hear she can’t walk in a straight line and is very clumsy, always bumping into people.”
“Perhaps she is short sighted.” He offered his thoughts casually.
Shrugging her shoulders, she smiled “I don’t know, perhaps. Though I heard some mean girls saying she does it for attention and that she dates guys only to break their hearts. Currently the bets are on Weasley.”
Making a face, Gareth almost gagged “I am certain professor Weasley is not interested in a student.”
Gasping, she slapped his shoulder “Garreth Weasley, not our professor.”
Sighing, she took the package from him “Thank you for the help but I’m not able to help you more. If I hear anything else I’ll let you know alright?”
Nodding, Gareth headed to the pitch to hand back the broom to Oliver, who was surprised to actually find it back in one piece and polished even “Care to tell me what you did now?”
“No, I prefer to keep up the suspense. Do not fret, you will know soon enough. I will even wink at you from across the table when it happens.” Deciding to try his luck since he had nothing to lose and also some time to lose as they were making their way to the Great Hall, he also asked him about Ruby.
“Can’t say I know about her, why? Do you fancy her?”
Scoffing, Gareth smirked “Please, I am not like you.” Looking at him offended, Gareth only rolled his eyes “You are trying too hard. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two.”
“I don’t need your help.”
“A bet then. I bet you that by the end of the year, I can get more ladies than you. You do not have to answer now, just make sure you do not choke on your food this evening. Enjoy your meal Oliver.” He said taking a seat next to a girl at the Slytherin table, leaning in to whisper something in her ear, the girl laughing as she blushed.
Once back in the common room, Gareth checked his notes. Fairies? Vampires even? What was or who was Ruby? However there was a name that continued to be mouthed alongside hers. Someone just as deep in the rumor mill, someone standing close to the windows, pale hair covering her features.
Approaching, he spoke “Good evening miss Hellebore, might I have a word?”
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cartograffiti · 1 year
Kinds of fan creation events and how they work!
Challenges, including calendars and bingo
This is the broadest event type. Many challenge types have distinct own names and format designs, but all involve a time limit and a theme. The best way to organize one is to pick a subject or format with a medium degree of specificity, like supporting characters or drabbles, but big fandoms can get more granular and still have a great turnout. I recently ran a 6-week challenge encouraging a fandom with a lot of new growth to “weird the tag,” and that was a blast!
One popular subtype is calendar challenges, mostly aimed at artists. These are classically daily prompts for a month, like Inktober and its many riffs, but some more narrow prompts like mermaids for Mermay have widely been reinterpreted to make a single, substantial piece during the right time. Bingo cards are also fun for all mediums, though they can be tricky to balance—whether you’re issuing everyone the same card or letting them be generated from a pool (like in Bad Things Happen Bingo), a funky distribution of difficulty can make a line hard to complete.
There are very few stumbling blocks in a challenge. If you don’t finish, you just try again another time! They’re also easy to run, as most of the work is preparation. They tend to be less social than many events, but that can be a blessing, and they’re very new creator-friendly.
Prompts, including timed events and kinkmemes
Timed events with prompts work a lot like challenges, but with works being submitted under a given prompt instead of simply responding to the general theme. Usually multiple people can fulfill the same prompt, and nobody is assigned to any particular one.
Sites with nested commenting, especially LiveJournal and Dreamwidth, work best for hosting prompt lists with no deadline or end date. People list prompts they’d like to see in the fandom, and when someone has posted a work fulfilling it, they reply directly to let OP know. These can be called promptmemes, but they’re more often called kinkmemes, even when not specifically sexual.
Bangs, including big bangs, mini bangs, and reverse bangs.
In a big bang, a group of writers submit summaries of a wip to the event mods, and the mods anonymize them for a group of artists to name their favorites. The mods match them into pairs so the writer-artist team can collaborate to complete an illustrated fic. Everything gets posted on a set day or period of days, so it’s like an explosion of new work (“bang!”)
Big bangs usually have word count minimums in 5 digits and sometimes ask artists to complete multiple pieces, while mini bangs do the same process with a lower minimum, usually a 4 digit number, and consistently ask artists for a single piece. Reverse bangs have artists create an artwork first, and then writers are paired with them to write an accompanying fic inspired by the piece.
All types of bang really shine for pulling together different corners of a fandom. In addition to introducing people who work in different mediums, because submissions for matching are anonymized and wips are kept secret until posting, there’s a leveling effect: big name fans and newcomers share the shine, and it’s hard to game the system to get paired with your friends. Most bangs make a chat group for co-working (Discord or elsewhere), so it’s easy to bond with other participants!
They’re a bit complex to run (matching is real work!), and deadlines matter a lot, since there’s at least one other person relying on you to finish. I’ve seen the bang format criticized for reminding participants of business transactions by emphasizing these timetables as a commitment. Good mods always frame it as fun, but if you don’t have a handle on how fast you work, or how to gauge the size of a new project idea, it’s easy to bite off more than you can chew.
These are often fic-for-fic or art-for-art, but many are mixed. In all exchanges, participants choose some tags (subjects they’re willing to offer), and some they’d like to receive. They then create a work for their assigned recipient, respecting wants and do not wants (DNW), and receive a work from the person assigned to them. These are almost always different people, but it’s common for people with shared interests to get assigned into “loops” (A wrote for B, B wrote for C, C drew for A) even when matching is done by Ao3 code.
Exchanges are really exciting since there are waves of anticipation—what have I been assigned? What did I get? Who wrote my fic, if authors were kept anonymous for a week? They work great for any size of group, and for multi-fandom or single-fandom events. The tags to choose from can be assembled by event mods, or submitted by interested folks and then approved, so it’s easy to see what directions people are interested in before you sign up, and solicit people to join you. Exchanges also have a strong culture of “treating,” writing additional fics for requests that caught your eye, or your friends, even if you didn’t formally sign up.
Like bangs, there’s a greater degree of commitment to finish on time because someone else is counting on you. Well-run bangs have rules about when you can default without penalty and let a “pinch-hitter” take over the assignment, how to get off the blacklist if you didn’t follow through, and what they’ll do if anyone doesn’t have a gift when the collection is meant to open. Sometimes exchanges that are having trouble finding a pinch-hitter for someone whose assigned gifter had to drop will delay reveals (“hold the collection hostage”). If you struggle with things not happening on time, stick to larger exchanges, since they’re less vulnerable to this.
Fandom parties
In a party, everyone is grouped into teams to make the greatest number of fanworks during the event. They usually run for a week, with broad daily prompts (like a character name, season number, or motif), and every work submitted is a point. These works must be put together, from beginning to submission, within the 24-hour period of the prompt.
The first time I did a party, it rewired my brain chemistry for the better, because it pushed me to let go of some perfectionist and self-critiquing habits. I’ve put out more fics I’m proud of ever since. Better still, the party culture emphasizes inclusion of fan creations beyond the big two: Gifs! Edits! AMVs/fanvids! Cosplay! Crochet! Filk songs!
The competition and short turn-around can be hard on those with a tendency to overwork or blame yourself if your team falls behind, so they require some self-awareness to stay fun. Parties often allow submissions to count for points without being publicly posted, which can help! (For example, you might submit an unpolished fic and post the revision later, or submit a cosplay despite not wanting your face on that blog.) My experience with team rivalries has only been low-stakes and appropriate, but it’s another unusual element to not be caught off guard by.
These are most popular with any kind of project or fan labor that involves the word “edit.” Video, gif, and screenshot editing; podfic recording; fandom wiki and resource brush-ups; sharing your wips around and leaving each other feedback.
They usually run between a few hours to a week, and often don’t carry any expectation of being done at the end. They’re more about making progress, camaraderie, and sharing techniques.
Zines and e-zines
This is the trendiest event format right now! They spun off the broader culture of zines: self-published arty magazines and short books, popular for sharing ideas in the diy, punk, and queer scenes as well as fandom spaces. Outside of fandom, they’re usually printed by the creator physically operating the machinery in limited runs. In fandom, they’re usually digital (e-zines), and when they’re physical, the organizers have usually paid a printer to do the run for them.
Unlike any other format on this list, fandom zines usually work on an application and approval process. Instead of signing up and being for sure in, the mods choose a selection of interested people to proceed with their pieces and be included in the zine. Unfortunately, this means the barrier to participate is higher, with big name fans and personal favorites or friends prioritized. I do like that they’re more art-forward than many formats, even often art-only, and it’s fun to be in a group exploring an interest or making a point together.
E-zines are often free, and physical zines almost never are. Either way, profits might be given to charity, donated to the creators of the canon (such as in the case of indie podcasts), or split among the contributors. Whether you’re applying or buying, read carefully about paid zines to make sure you’re comfortable with where it’s going, and know that there’s always risk involved. Scams and mismanagement do happen.
Fandom auctions are charity events, raising money for organizations or sometimes the fandom’s own community members in need. Like parties, auctions put more than usual emphasis on fan edits, and also labor such as bookbinding, sensitivity reading, and proofreading.
Usually, participants donate their time by offering a small number of tasks and fandoms, and their resulting work is a gift in acknowledgement of bidders’ donations, with their preferences in mind. It’s a lot like exchanges, but instead of getting a gift back, the creator gets satisfaction from raising money for a good cause.
Like with paid zines, when there’s money involved, you need to read the details with care. It’s also easy to fall into the trap of thinking of bids as what your work is “worth” to people, and you really need to have a backlog of completed projects for bidders to see your style, so this is better attempted after you’ve been around the block a few times and feel confident in yourself.
Other games (masquerade, round robin, art rotations, exquisite corpses...)
A lot of other fun games are worth knowing about if you’re thinking about an event for a small or existing group! One I love the sound of is masquerades like this one, in which people disguise their styles and even imitate each other, and then have a round of guessing. Round robins involve sending a fic wip to a succession of people, who each write a suggested amount of words (usually in the hundreds) to further the story that’s there. Have people volunteer to be the beginning and end before you start! Art rotations aren’t actually a coined name, I’m inventing it on the spot. This is when a pair or trio of artists each do a different layer of a drawing (like one does lines, the other does colors, or a trio does pencils, inks, colors) so that they have the same number of finished collaborations as people in the team. Exquisite corpses are drawings, stories, or image sets where you only see what the previous person did (or a sliver of it) when adding your part.
I’m sure there are others I’ve overlooked, but hopefully this helps inspire you to look out for or organize some new events in your fandoms!
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Himbo vs. RA Virgin Killer
In a surprising reversal of roles, the recent transfer student finds himself the center of attention. The formerly all-female university student body knows all about the football player, Eijiro Kirishima. As big and bad as he looks, he's nothing but a gentle giant. When word leaks out that he's never been with a girl, Y/n gets it in her head to have fun with him.
All characters mentioned are aged up. Subsequently, Eijiro Kirishima is 19 with Y/n as 21. I do not write for or about teenagers. Don't like that? Don't read. Don't come for me unless I send for you.
Content: virginity loss (male), handjobs + blowjobs, cowgirl, slight Domme/sub interactions, unprotected sex
🔞NSFW Content Below the Cut! 18+ Only! Minors DNI!🔞
As dorm advisor, it was Y/n's duty to make sure that the ladies under her guide behaved themselves during the Great Migration. The university decided to open up to all genders, which included a number of dudes from the local college which had recently filed for bankruptcy. The university had been planning the switch from all-female to universally accepting all genders for a couple of years, but compounding the neighboring college's closure, some of the male student body put in applications months in advance of the fall semester. Dorms were renovated, remodeled, and reassigned to compensate the incoming students. No longer would Y/n's be an all female. It was a nightmare and a dream to be in charge of a co-ed dorm. She only hoped that the dudes coming in would respect her authority as RA, resident advisor.
Fall classes started in three days, which gave new students enough time to settle in and start to make friends. Several girls in Y/n's dorm waited along the halls to watch the new male student body find their rooms. Y/n herself watched to make sure nothing untoward happened, though mostly she joined in the fun of watching muscled hunks bring in bags and boxes of their stuff to a section of hallway that had been reserved for them. As of yet, no male student had come forward to serve a RA, which left her "volunteering" to watch out for them along with the female students already under her charge.
"Oh my god," Mina giggled as one of the football players lugged in a plastic tub already overflowing with clothes. "How much do you think he can benchpress?"
"Do we even have a football team?" Asked Ochako.
"Something tells me we'll be getting one soon. Question is, where are they going to play? All we have is the soccer field," said Tsuyu.
Mina was the most boy-crazy of her circle of friends. They were juniors, just a year below Y/n. Female students were allowed to move in early so to not "distract" the new transfers. It really should have been the other way around. Even Y/n, discreetly, participated in the ogling while pretending to care about her duties as RA. It didn't help matters that the new students were hot. Like, really hot. She should be setting a good example by acting like a good girl, but she couldn't help but wonder what each of the new guys were like in bed. They weren't exactly shy about showing off their muscles in front of a bunch of girls. One of them even smiled and winked past Y/n on his way to his new dorm room.
"How long do you think it would be okay to ask one of them out? Two days?" Mina asked out loud once the boys were out of earshot.
"What's stopping you from doing it now?"
"I don't want to be a bitch and overwhelm them!"
"Did you see the blonde with the scowl? He looks so mean but so hot!"
"The guy with freckles seemed nice," said Ochako.
"Not to mention how great his ass looked," said Mina, resulting in Ochako turning bright pink and covering her face.
The horny college girls continued to gossip and gush over the new student body. Y/n was there to keep the peace, although she too had an ulterior motive. It'd been so long since she last had a good fuck and being at an all-girls university put a damper in pursuing hot one night stands. Any number of the new transfers were eligible, but failed to catch her eye. Too skinny, too muscular, too blonde, etc. It seemed hopeless until...
"Pardon me, ladies. Coming through!" Said a cheerful voice from down the hall.
A six-foot tall red head strolled down the hall carrying luggage and a desk chair all by himself. He was broad as he was tall. He grinned from ear to ear. His hair was long and tied behind his neck in a ponytail. The young man smiled at the girls in the hallway.
"That's Kirishima from the football team!" Said one of the girls as soon as he was out of range of hearing her.
"No way," said another.
"So he's a football player, so what? We just saw a whole bunch of them. What makes him special?"
"I heard that he's a virgin!"
Y/n's ears perked up. Virgin? A football player with the sculpted body of a Greek statue was still a virgin? Unheard of, unorthodox, how completely absurd. The image of him appeared in her mind's eye. He was handsome, to say the least, and tall as he was broad. He had a polite and cheery smile despite the sharp, shark teeth. Wouldn't recommend asking him to go down, but there were other ways to get one's rocks off with a body like his.
"That's enough gossiping, girlies," said Y/n. "Why don't you go to your own rooms and unpack yourselves. Classes start in three days."
The group of young women sighed and meandered down the hall to their respective rooms. Y/n stayed out to supervise the new students. She left her post to wander into the hall dedicated to the transfer students. They were remarkably well-behaved as far as college guys go. She kept her eyes peeled open for a certain new transfer and was rewarded to find him at the end of the hallway. Y/n slotted herself into his doorway and knocked.
"Hey, I'm Y/n. I'll be your RA. I know this is going to be a big change for you and us since this is the first time guys are allowed on this campus. I'm down the hall if you ever need anything."
"Oh. Thanks. I hope we're not causing too much trouble," said Kirishima.
"It'll take some getting used to that's for sure," said Y/n.
"Do you know what time the cafeteria opens? I'm starving."
She looked at her watch. "I'd said give it another hour and they'll open for dinner. I can walk you down there if you'd like?"
"Thanks, Little Miss RA. You're a lot more helpful than the last advisor I had."
"It's not a problem at all," Y/n smiled.
She stayed in the doorway for a moment longer to watch him. While he unpacked and moved boxes around, the muscles in his arms flexed. Y/n licked her lips while Kirishima wasn't looking.
Three days was more than enough time for Y/n to discover anything and everything about Eijirou Kirishima. Thank god for scholarships because while he wasn't stupid, he wasn't the brightest. Sweet and kind, it was his size that intimidated people, which was the reason he couldn't keep a significant other for very long. And, yes, he was bisexual. It didn't bother Y/n in the least as long she wasn't taking him away from somebody else. There was already enough chaos on campus to deal with, she didn't need to add the guilt of getting a guy to cheat on somebody on top of all that. Eijirou was free as a bird to pursue relationships, though he was a bit shy around girls. No matter.
"Eijirou, how are you settling?" Y/n asked him in the cafeteria.
He was surrounded by his friends who were all eating. Eijirou's plate was piled high, no doubt to fuel his massive body.
"It's going great! I don't think I'd be able to survive without your help," answered Eijirou.
"That's great. Hey, listen, there's a party tomorrow night as a welcome for the new students. I'd love to see you there."
"That sounds awesome. I'll try to make it!"
Y/n gave him the time and address. She walked away with a smirk on her face. Daring a glance behind her shoulder, Y/n saw Eijirou turning pink in the cheeks.
On the night of the party, Y/n wore something not as gawdy as you might think. Nothing too tight or scandalous, just something that made her look good. A tight pair of jeans and a blouse that showed off her midriff. Combined with more natural makeup, the look was casual but flaunted her good looks. She arrived fashionably late to keep Eijirou anticipating.
She found him on the first floor, a red solo cup in hand. Uh oh, that's not good. He was red in the face alright, but he didn't reek of booze. Any minute now the party was going to get shut down.
"Have you been drinking?" She asked, suddenly taking on the role of RA even for a short while.
"What? No. This is just fruit punch I swear!"
Y/n grabbed the cup and gave it an initial sniff. No booze as far as she could tell. She found the source of the fruit punch and tasted it for herself. Sure enough, still no alcohol. She felt a little better about things with that finally settled. There was no annoying guilt settling into her stomach when she grabbed Eijirou's hand and guided him over to the nearest couch.
"Do you like girls?" Y/n asked.
"Y-Yeah. I mean, I like girls and guys. Is...is that going to be a problem?"
She shook her head. "No. Not by me anyway. I like honesty, Kirishima. I like that you're open about it and you feel comfortable telling me."
"Eijirou. You can call me by my first name."
"Well, Eijirou, since I know you're not drunk, can I kiss you?"
His face turned red. Y/n watched his Adam's apple bob as he gulped.
"I haven't kissed a lot girls," he admitted. "Is that okay?"
"Let's find out."
Y/n leaned forward and locked lips with Eijirou. His lips were surprisingly soft. Y/n pressed her body a little closer, just enough to feel his warmth waft over her. She placed her hand on his knee. When Eijirou hadn't moved it, Y/n moved her hand higher to this thigh. Even his legs were well-built, she could feel the muscles twitch under her fingertips.
"Is this okay? Are you sure you haven't been drinking?" Y/n asked.
"Y-Yeah. I haven't had anything to drink, I swear. I-I don't mind if you touch me either." Eijirou blushed.
Y/n kissed him again. The kiss evolved into making out on the couch with a bunch other students watching. Y/n faintly heard the male students whistling as she and Eijirou shoved their tongues down each other's throats. Y/n, and to a extent Eijirou, ignored them. After a while, Eijirou picked her up by the waist and sat her down on his lap. She straddled his beefy thigh while barely breaking mouth to mouth contact with him. Hands, tongues, and mouths went everywhere. Y/n ground herself against his leg and brushed her knee against his crotch. With very little effort, Eijirou sported a tent in his ripped jeans.
Y/n broke away from the kiss, panting for breath. "Do you want to go upstairs?"
Y/n climbed off his lap and took his hand. She guided him up the stairs where couples were climbing or descending the stairs. She grabbed the first empty room she could find, a spare room that stored a ping-pong table and an assortment of banners and plastic chairs. She kissed Eijirou again, shut the door, and locked it behind them. With their lips locked together in a steamy kiss, they fumbled towards the game table. Eijirou stopped when his lower back hit the table. Y/n moved her hands from Eijirou's waist to his hips and swiftly found their way to the heavy belt buckle. She broke away from the kiss to look him in the eye as she unbuckled his belt, unfastened his jeans, and reached inside his boxers.
Her eyes bulged when she felt Eijirou's cock in her hand. Her fingers couldn't touch as she wrapped her hand around him.
"Holy shit," she murmured.
"Is that bad?"
"Have you ever...you know had sex?"
"I've made it to third base. Does that count?"
Y/n pulled his boxers and jeans further out of the way. Eijirou's cock jutted out proudly. She stroked him and leaned against his body. She watched his face scrunch up with pleasure. Eijirou started to pant and buck his hips against your hand.
"Does it feel good?" Y/n asked him.
"So good," Eijirou moaned.
"Has anyone gone down on you before?"
He shook his head.
Y/n sank to her knees in front of him. Eijirou sucked in his breath as she licked the underside of his cock. Y/n kissed and licked him all over before taking him into her mouth.
"Holy fuck." Eijirou gritted his teeth.
With one hand, she stroked the base of his cock, what she couldn't take into her mouth. Her other hand held on to Eijirou's thigh. Y/n bobbed her head up and down on his cock, slathering it with her spit. She moaned as she sucked him off. Eijirou's calloused hands reached behind her head to push her mouth all the way down on him. Y/n gagged and sputtered around his cock, but didn't struggle. She released his cock with a pop and a string of saliva sticking to the head of his cock.
"What? Why'd you--"
Y/n guided Eijirou over to an old couch and made him sit. She pulled her skirt up, where it bunched around her waist. She didn't even bother taking off her panties, and merely pushed it out of the way. Y/n climbed into Eijirou's lap. She reached between their bodies to take his cock in her hand once more.
"You want me to put it in?" She asked.
"Fuck, yes. Please." Eijirou groaned.
"Beg me some, baby. Tell me how much you want it."
"Please, please, put it in. I want to be inside you so bad. I really need to feel you. Please, fuck."
"Since you asked so nicely." Y/n sank down on his cock.
She rested her hands on his shoulders as she began to ride his cock. Eijirou put his hand against the back of the couch. The moans coming out of his mouth were the prettiest sounds Y/n heard. His cheeks were pink and his eyes were screwed tight, lost in the pleasure of your cunt sheathing his cock. Eijirou's hands curled into fists at his sides as if he didn't know what to do with them.
"Touch me, Eijirou. Touch me. I want you to touch me." Y/n panted.
His hands hesitated in gripping her hips. They glided up and up until they found her chest. Eijirou slipped his hands underneath Y/n's shirt, pulled it over her hand, and pulled the cups of her bra away from her breasts so they bounced freely as she rode him. He gave her nipple a tenative lick. He couldn't bite or suck as he might have wanted to because of his teeth, but that didn't mean he couldn't use his tongue. Eijirou lapped at her nipples and skin. Y/n's nails dug into his skin.
"Yes, yes, baby. Just like that. Keep going," Y/n cried out.
Eijirou lapped at her skin and thrust his hips forward to meet her. The friction of his cock rubbing Y/n warm, wet cunt didn't make him last long. He grabbed her hips to drive his cock deep inside her.
"Fuck," he groaned as came.
Y/n kept riding him despite his cock going limp. She rubbed circles on her clit, finishing to completion. They clung to each other, a sweaty, panting pair of almost naked bodies. In the rush to get somewhere to ride him, Eijirou's pants and boxers slid past his knees. Y/n's shirt had been thrown halfway across the storage room. She gave him a sloppy, tired kiss before pulling herself off his cock.
"How was your first time, big boy?"
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bobsfic · 2 years
3, 11, and 29 for the writers ask game!!! ☺️
SOF!! HI ❤️ ooooh these are good ones!!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Hm... this might be a tie! There's two that immediately come to mind. The first is 'can't get you off my mind' which was the first bingo fic I posted and the first fic I wrote after joining the gc. I feel like I discovered my voice through that fic and I tried some new things (cough some slight smut cough). I wrote it mainly while I was on vacation and am really proud of the way it turned out - I feel like the whole process of creating, writing, editing it helped me to grow so much as a writer!
The second isn't fully finished but Diana (@jojameswinter) and I are collabing on a fic right now and we just posted the first chapter. I've never co-wrote with anyone and the entire experience has been the actual best!! But I am so proud of the little world we created that I cried when we posted chapter one.
11. What work took you the longest to write?
I think that would have to be 'i'll look after you'. It's also the only multi chapter fic I've ever attempted so that makes sense! I started writing it in September but the idea had been in the back of my mind since March. The final two chapters have really been a struggle to finish - they've been written for months but have gone through multiple versions/rewrites, so that's taken longer than I planned. But the end is in sight for chapter 5 anyways!
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
OH. Hm... that's such a tough one because I don't remember specific lines off the top of my head. But here's a few that I like:
From chapter 2 of 'leave the lights up':
The world slows to a crawl, the cheery holiday music muted, everything else blurry except JJ, who’s so stark and clear it’s like she’s summoned him to life with just her desperate thoughts.
From 'find my way back':
She crashes into him with a force he’ll feel for the rest of his life, her body colliding with his. She’s warm and solid and whole and he’s never fucking letting her go, not ever. His arms close around her tightly, one around her lower back and the other reaching to cup to her shoulder. She throws her arms around his shoulders and buries her face in his neck. He can feel her shaking under his hands, and she’s talking, whispering something that he can’t quite make out, her breath hot against his skin. It doesn’t even fucking matter because all his brain can seem to comprehend is KiaraKiaraKiara.
And the beginning of an unfinished mess of a demon hunter au that I quite enjoy the snarky tone of but haven't gotten the inspiration to get back to:
Kiara knows who JJ Maybank is. 
Of course she does.
He’s a blonde, surfer type fuckboy who seems to be allergic to shirts with sleeves. He lives on the Cut with his two friends, giving the metaphorical finger to any forms of authority.
They’ve never really met in person. She’s never spoken to him before, but she’s heard the stories. How he can seduce anyone into his bed with a wink and a crooked smile. That he’s good with his hands and he knows how to put his pretty ridiculously toned arms to good use too. 
And of course, that he’s one of the most exceptionally talented demon hunters that the world has ever seen.
ao3 wrapped [writers edition] - send me a number and I'll answer that question!
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chaosbled · 1 year
* FUMIYA / @dcfygraviity
To say that Fumiya wasn't having a good time would be the biggest understatement of the century. The last few hours had been a liveshow of some of Fumiya's worst nightmares all collected together and played one after the other with no commercial break in between. His adopted sibling had been kidnapped and very likely tortured (if the pseudo zombie apocalypse was anything to go by) and his twin brother had been sent to retrieve them. Alongside Dazai, which really did not put Fumiya's worries to rest in the slightest. He didn't know all the details of Chuuya's history with Dazai, but it was enough to be on edge. But all he could do was sit back and hope for the best. Dazai had already made it back with a sleeping Yumeno, but had disappeared before Fumiya could ask anything about Chuuya's whereabouts, so he'd distracted himself checking and fussing over his little sibling before tucking them into bed, with Yoshiyasu curled up beside them. Good pup. With Yumeno safe and sound, all he could do was wait for news. He'd tried calling and sending a few messages but got no response. That was going to be a fun night, who needed sleep anyway? He must have dozed off at some point because he was woken up by the first few notes of Brother (the personalized ringtone he had set for Chuuya's number) playing from the phone still in Fumiya's back pocket and he had his phone out and hitting the 'accept call' button before the first lyric of the song could even start.
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"Chuuya! Thank fuck you finally called back, are you alright?! The shitty mackerel didn't tell me anything...!" Chuuya's rasp of a voice had Fumiya shutting up almost immediately, heart sinking and blood simmering with barely-restrained anger at his brother's words "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming to pick you up right away, hold on tight...!" You're a dead man Dazai, I'll kill you myself, just wait until I get my hands on you! Fumiya cursed against his co-worker in his head even as he sent a quick text to the ADA group chat, asking if someone could come over to look after Yumeno (who was still sleeping last he'd checked) since he had a 'family emergency'. Atsushi showed up less than a minute later, bless his soul, and Fumiya thanked him profusely before rushing out to hop on his bike. Chuuya's phone must have been on its last leg because Fumiya lost its signal before he reached his destination, but by then he was thankfully close enough to spot his brother even from a distance, covered in blood and barely conscious. Corruption always left him worse for wear, Fumiya only ever felt the backlash through the few Arahabaki cells that had been injected into him forever ago (enough to make his body stronger than average but not for him to be able to use Corruption) and he felt like he'd been chewed up and spat out. Chuuya must have felt a hundred times worse. "Don't fall asleep yet, Chuuya, I need to drive to your place and you know I can't drive a car..." Fumiya forced himself to be gentle and handle his brother with care as he checked him over, even when all he wanted to do was pull him into a relieved, bone-crushing hug, all too aware that it would only worsen Chuuya' condition. "I've got you, little brother, it's gonna be okay, I promise..."
Corruption always did a number on his body because using it, in fact, was eating away at his body. A lot of people didn't know this — mostly just family members, his ex-partner, a couple of close friends & of course, the Boss. The use of Corruption would basically burn through every bit of Chuuya's physical energy & start eating away at his nutrient reserves the longer it went on. If he suspected he might have to use it soon, he typically started eating more frequently because the extra fat storage worked as fuel for Arahabaki; the more it had to burn, the less quickly organ damage set in when he was in that state.
Unfortunately, no matter what he did, it would eventually wreck havoc on his body, the question was just how bad it would be, which varied by usage. Right now? His pain level was probably at about an 11/10, there was no way he was going anywhere, anytime soon, without help.
He dozed in & out of consciousness for a bit before he found himself waking up to gentle, worried hands running over his body, & the familiar heat & the energy that seemed to tingle beneath his skin in recognition told him it was Fumiya, his 'twin' for all intents & purposes.
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" F-Fumi... " He breathed out, his voice hoarse & crackling with relief. Thank the Gods. Chuuya would never admit it, but deep down was always the lingering fear that he would die in some abandoned dump some day because of the beast inside of him. The thought of dying didn't scare him as much as it probably should... but dying alone? The thought shook him to his core. " Wasn't... asleep..." he insisted.
He bit back a whimper as his arm was pulled up over Fumiya's shoulder to help him stand up, his vision blurred in & out of focus & he took a deep, shuddering breath. " I'll stay awake..." he mumbled, a bit slurred as he did his best to remain upright while his 'older' brother lead the way. Every step sent wrenching pain up through his body which persistently reminded him he should just curl up on the ground & perish. It sounded like a good plan honestly, but he doubted Fumiya would agree.
When he saw the hot magenta motorcycle he snorted a little bit. His brother was so edgy. " ...'Miya you gotta learn how to drive a real vehicle eventually. " he teased, or tried to. It would've been more playful if his voice didn't sound like he'd been swallowing razor blades for the fun of it. Still, Chuuya knew the routine by now, & obediently albeit clumsily slid onto the motorcycle, wrapping his arms around the identical man's waist & pressing his forehead against the back of the shoulder as the bike rumbled to life.
Fuck, he just wanted to sleep.
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