#ik I’m young and I’ve got my whole life ahead of me
rowanhoney · 1 year
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gwynrielsupremacy · 3 years
Time to rest your weary head: The End!
FIRST AND FOREMOST; I KNOW it took me a DAMN LONG TIME to update this, but lemme explain: This was my first fanfiction ever written in english, my first Gwynriel long-fic and the first fanfic I ever published and I didn't want to finish it (although I knew it must come to an end)
I am so grateful for all the love, likes, kudos on AO3, comments and reblogs I've been getting since I first started posting it. You have NO IDEA how much it meant to me; I've always found myself a little insecure to post my own fiction work, but this one have payed off and it's all thanks to you guys!!!!
To @katiebellf the one who lovingly suggested WRITE A FANFICTION OUT OF THIS bday headcanon and i sure as hell did!!! To @madie2200 and @starbornsinger for being so supportive and always making sure I'd get feedback, and to @thecrispypotatochip for your constant reblogs with your opinions + to every kind soul out here in this crazy virtual space that made sure to make me feel loved! (i see you all, and i love you)
ANYWAY, that's it guys! <3 This chapter of my life is finally over (ik i'm being HELLA DRAMATIC but put up with me!!!!! i love gwynriel!!!!) and I can't wait for you to see what's to come :) (btw i know i'm technically LATE since here in my brazilian timezone it's 1AM but think on the bright side... I hope y'all have a great dinner/breakfast/lunch surprise :)
Chapter List here and my personal Gwynriel hymn that inspired the title of this fic RIGHT HERE
Azriel knew what he had to do.
As he beheld the circle of people in front of him all gathered around the dining table, his family, he felt a sense of calmness and quietude he hadn’t for a long, long time. His eyes quickly landed on Gwyn, who was motioning for him to sit by her side.
It was dinner night at the River House, and he had it all planned out. His shadows bounced around his shoulders as he took the seat next to his mate. As she engaged in a conversation with Emerie and Feyre, Nesta and Cassian leaned on each other, Rhys played with Nyx while Mor and Amren discussed about something he couldn’t bring himself to care about, he felt at ease. Peaceful.
Gwyn held his hand under the table, and he let his shadows hung around her freely. It was almost as they belonged to her, and not him. They had started doing it a lot more often, so the Inner Circle was supposed to be more used to it by now. Still, Azriel ignored Amren’s inquisitive eyebrow and turned his gaze to his mate; those teal eyes were eyeing him, and she squeezed his hand, giving him an almost imperceptible nod; a go-ahead sign.
Just like they had previously talked.
“There’s something you should know” Azriel started, immediately earning the attention of almost everyone at the table, since it wasn’t every day he opened up like that. Only Gwyn kept staring at her lap, a faint blush on her cheeks.
“Is everything ok?” Nesta was the one who asked.
“We’re mates.” She blurted out, startling him – and everyone around, for that matter. He looked at her, amused, and then at the confusion that reigned across the table. In a second, a squealing Nesta and Emerie lunched forward and embraced his mate in a tight and equally loud hug, while Cassian spitted his drink, Mor clapped and Amren muttered a “tell me something new”, quietly smiling and raising her glass at Azriel anyway.
Only Rhys and Feyre stood in silence at their spots at the table, knowing smiles mirrored on their faces quickly noticed by Nesta, still with her arms around Gwyn.
“Why are you two so quiet?” Her eyes missed nothing, raising her chin at her sister and her mate. Rhys merely took a sip from his drink.
“They already knew.” Azriel found himself saying, and Nesta’s stare darted to him, and then to Gwyn, who was still flushed from all the fuss.
“And you knew they knew?” She furrowed her brows; he couldn’t identify if her tone was menacing or curious, but Gwyn wasn’t the one to feel intimidated by it, given the way she chuckled in response.
“It was all me.” Rhys raised his hands. “It was an accident; I didn’t mean to pry.”
“I need to train more on my mental shields, apparently.” It was all the priestess admitted, but kindly smiled at Rhysand and Feyre from across the table. “The High Lo- Rhysand, I mean- kept it safe for me. He found out earlier than Azriel did.”
“You were the one to realize first?” Nesta sat again at her spot besides Cassian, and turned to her friend surprised. Gwyn smiled smugly.
“By a short amount of time” Azriel couldn’t help but grunt out, unconsciously falling into their usual banter.
Her warm eyes landed on him, and she winked, still with that Cauldron-damned smile on, causing shivers all over him.
“Still” She shrugged irreverently and smirked playfully. “I knew it before you. Quite the Spymaster, huh?”
If everyone else at the table stilled slightly at her words, all but Cassian, who bellowed in laughter, Azriel couldn’t notice. Not when his mate’s stare was unfaltering, with that challenging look in her eyes she knew he loved. He immediately found himself joining his brother, again not caring if it was the first in a damn long time his family even heard him laugh like that.
Some time passed between casual conversation and sips of wine. In that time, Azriel was secretly arranging his next words in his mind. Just like Gwyn and he had previously discussed, the news went well; as deep down, he knew it would. His family had understood and cherished them both, and Azriel reveled in the peace it brought him, quietly admiring those people around him.
When his eyes landed at Gwyn, though, deeply immersed in conversation with Rhysand, he took in a deep breath, determined. There was still one more thing he had to do, one more thing she wasn’t yet aware. Something he knew, in his heart, was the right thing to do. Was the best thing he could do.
“Rhys” He called, and Gwyn immediately turned her head to him, eyes shining with pure curiosity. “There’s one more thing.”
He leaned in closer to his brother, resting his arm behind Gwyn’s chair. Rhysand’s expression was equally intrigued, but his voice was calm and collected when he answered: “Shoot, brother.”
“I need a break.”
“Oh?” Rhysand’s eyebrows shot up with surprise.
“Oh?” Gwyn echoed quietly.
Her burning gaze made him tear his eyes from Rhysand and stare back at her; something was glimmering in her teal ocean eyes. He couldn’t discern what it was. The rest of his family was still talking to each other, though the conversation had dimmed a bit.
“I have well trained spies all over the country; I could spend the rest of this week getting them ready to take my place for a little while. I’d be back in two weeks, if you’d let me.” Azriel continued.
Rhysand smiled broadly and promptly retorted: “What about two months?”
Gwyn gasped beside him. Something stirred within Azriel’s chest. Two whole months, with Prythian in the verge of a possible war, didn’t seem wise at all, and he was well aware of the fact.
But Cauldron-damn him, he wanted that. Needed that.
Suddenly, a vision of a shining blue lake under the afternoon sun came into his field of view. In his fingers, loose strands of a long copper hair, like burning fire under the sunlight. The only thing he could hear was the chirps of birds and the soft breathing of the young priestess who rested against his chest. For whatever reason, he could see it.
He felt his brother’s claws against his mental shield, bringing him back from his reverie:
You deserve it, brother. You two deserve this and more.
He had to blink away the tears that he felt coming up, swallowing the lump in his throat.
Then he looked at Gwyn, that smiling, powerful force of nature sitting next to him. He finally understood what that was in her eyes; the same thing Rhysand showed in his.
And he knew his answer.
A few years later
Azriel woke up to soft humming. He squinted against the morning light, and frowned when he found the other side of the bed empty. His fae senses discerned the familiar voice coming from the bathroom, a voice he always seemed drawn to.
He lazily got up and followed the sweet melody that woke him up and lived in his dreams; leaning against the door frame, he watched as Gwyn slowly brushed her damp hair, the smell of lavender filling up the air:
"Hey, you"
Gwyn turned around, and smiled softly at him. That morning sight still made his heart flutter, even if it's been years now since they shared rooms in the House of Wind.
"Good morning, love" She neared him and placed a quick kiss on his lips. "What are you doing up? Thought you weren't tutoring today."
"I'm not" He hummed, embracing her. "But the bed was getting cold."
His arms felt perfect around her back as she placed her hands behind his neck.
"Ha-ha" She pouted, rolling her eyes at his little drama "My Ilyrian boy is missing me already? It's been less than fifteen minutes"
"What can I do? I love my mate and don't want her to leave me just yet."
She looked thoughtful, a playful smile on her lips: "Well, I suppose I still got time before I hit the library..."
In a second, Azriel was picking her up in his arms and carefully laying her on their bed as she laughed, and he admired just how flushed she got after a hot shower. Gods, he could never get tired of that view. He started peppering her face with kisses, trailing down her neck and smirking against her skin as he heard her sigh and claw her hands on his hair.
"Az..." She murmured after a few seconds.
There's something.
The fact that his shadows had to alert him that made his head shot up and stare into those deep eyes in front of him. She was still smiling, but faintly, and gently stroked his hair as if to soothe him.
He straightened up, leaning on an elbow to face her.
"I think we should discuss something."
She seemed nervous, but her tone left nothing to the imagination. Whatever something that was, Gwyneth Berdara was already set on it.
He nodded, brows furrowed.
"You know I love you, and I'm so happy the way things are going. But lately, with you training Ren to one day replace you as Spymaster and me opening up the public library in Velaris, well..."
He swallowed, feeling his heartbeat fasten. But she only smiled further:
"I feel like we should do it now. Accept the bond."
Seconds passed and Azriel didn't know what to say, as he scanned her face for any kind of discomfort or insecurity. There was none. A jest, maybe? Could it be...
"I'm not joking, Shadowsinger. In case you're wondering."
She interrupted his thoughts, and brushed her hands against his hair once more, pulling him closer to her.
"Gwyn, you..." He was speechless, something in his chest glowing brighter and brighter he felt it could burst out of him any minute now.
"I want this, Azriel. And have been wanting it for a long, long time." She breathed in "Do you still..."
"Yes. Yes." He answered in a breathless laugh; the reality of it hitting him. They were doing it. Mates. Forever.
"Mating ceremony and all?" She joined him in laughter now, they both beaming. Azriel felt his cheeks hurt.
"Whatever you say, Gwyn. I'd love whatever you wish. I just want to be with you for the rest of my life." The words came rushing out, but he didn't care. Not when his mate closed the space between them and kissed him intently.
Gwyn didn't go to the library that day, after all. They prefer focusing on other more... Urgent matters after their talk.
As they lay in bed together a few hours later, Azriel felt utter peace. He closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of Gwyn's body tightly embraced in him, her hair soft against his chin, her breathing even on his chest.
He suddenly remembered this ancient tune his mother used to sing to him when he was no more than a kid. It was a sweet, tender lullaby about peace and tranquility. The one song he always remembered to sing against the darkness. One that seemed to originate from every cell in his body, intrinsic to who he was.
Lately, that song's been bringing him comfort and solace for one more reason. And he was singing it to her now.
And if Gwyn didn't move, nor shift her position, he knew exactly why. Moments in which he sang were rare, since he much preferred to hear his mate's powerful voice. And that song, that one tune meant so much to him, he knew she could sense it. He could feel her smile against his chest.
His shadows expanded and retracted around them both, cocooning them in darkness and playing around the room; temporarily set free.
He felt himself slowly giving in to a peaceful slumber as he went on:
And you would say
"Time to rest your weary head
Take your wings and go to bed
I know you want to show it all, my darling"
And I'd say
"Set me down and rock me, rock me to sleep"
All he sensed before sleep took over him was one, single kiss against his cheek, and a soft whisper against his ear.
He loved her too.
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spoondrifts · 4 years
long post ahead I'm sorry-
crack au where Jonah Magnus is a good guy but everything keeps going wrong and he spends all of his time running around trying to stop his employees from diving headfirst into their Fuck Up™ of the week
in this au Jonah is almost entirely incompetent but he's got the exasperated parent thing down enough to make up for his lack of braincells
he's also at least 7% dumber than he is in canon
s1 Jon: please call pest control there are so many worms
s1 Elias: I already did
Jon: and??
Elias: they ate them
Jon: the worms?
Elias: the pest control guys. the worms ate them
Elias spends the entirety of season 2 desperately trying to convince Jon that none of them killed Gertrude (in this au Gertrude just had a stroke or something in the tunnels). Elias stops Jon from destroying the table but a week later something heavy falls on it and the NotThem escapes anyway. Elias bashes in Leitner's head with a pipe after mistaking him for the monster and Jon gets framed.
now Elias has to convince this hunter that Jon is innocent while Jon runs around and harasses various fear avatars (who are all very amused with Elias' wayward Archivist). Jon assumes Elias knows nothing about all this bullshit because Elias is just his weird and uptight boss who accidentally killed someone, he can't possibly know that there are literally fear gods ruling over them
olive ⚰ has named the group 'Avatars ✨'
JMagnus 👀: Jude please don't hurt him. I'll explain everything when he gets back to the Institute.
🔥: too late
JMagnus 👀: What?
🔥: too late
🔥: burned him
[JMagnus 👀 is typing]
JMagnus 👀: Where is he now.
🔥: going to mike
JMagnus 👀: Mike Crew???
🔥: ya
Elias RACES to Mike's house but he. he fucking misses them. the Beholding helpfully tells him that they're all going back to the Institute so Basira and Daisy can interrogate him, which isn't ideal, he'd really like to not go to jail, so he drafts up an employment contract on the way back and barely manages to escape the whole thing with his life intact.
then he explains everything to Jon because if Jon is going to end up being the Archivist, being uninformed won't do. Jon becomes the Archivist completely on accident and Elias is desperately trying to make all of this work because, haha, the Unknowing is coming up, and Elias is not in the fucking mood to deal with clowns.
olive ⚰ has named the group 'all that is terror uwu'
spidey🕸: lmfaooo jonah how do you make an archivist on accident
JMagnus 👀: He stumbled into it. All I can do now is ensure he doesn't die.
JMagnus 👀: Or get further injured by the rest of you.
🔥: woops
🎭: hEy gUyS lOnG tiMe nO sEe
🎭: gEt iT eLiAs
🎭: sEe
JMagnus 👀: Beholding puns are not amusing from a manifestation of the Stranger.
🎭 has named the group 'eLiAs bE niCe tO niKoLa cHaLlEnGe'
🔥: haha
spidey🕸: I'm sure Nikola will be on her best behavior
🎭: yEaH i wOnT kiDnAp yOuR aRcHiViSt
[JMagnus 👀 is typing]
mike n ike: hey guys what'd I miss
🔥: arent you dead
mike n ike: yeh but I came back
🔥: can't you see haha
mike n ike: heh "see"
JMagnus 👀: NIKOLA
spidey🕸: wow he must be pissed
spidey🕸: he left out the punctuation
🎭 has left the chat.
JMagnus 👀: what the FUCK
since he's still a coward Elias sends Michael to go fetch Jon, only finding out after the fact that he very nearly almost signed Jon's death warrant. Elias is now speedrunning Jon's development because fuck the Unknowing is coming up really quickly and Tim is a self destructive mess and Melanie keeps trying to stab Elias and Martin is a pining idiot and goddammit he didn't sign up for this
Elias prepares Jon the best he can for the Unknowing, because even though he knows the ritual will fail, the Circus can still cause a considerable amount of damage and he needs them out of the way.
the Unknowing happens. Jon ends up in a wack ass coma, Tim is dead, Daisy's in the coffin, and Basira is starting to look like the better choice of Archivist because jesus christ Jon has no self preservation instinct. Elias doesn't get arrested this time around but his ex husband starts coming by the Institute and fucking with all his employees. and the Flesh is attacking. jesus. goddamn.
olive ⚰ has named the group 'bully elias'
JMagnus 👀: Why are you all so mean to me? I'm arguably the nicest one here.
🔥: ur joking right
Peter Lukas: you're not nice you didn't buy me an anniversary gift 😢😢😢
JMagnus 👀: I was busy.
Peter Lukas: doing what
JMagnus 👀: Stopping the Flesh from destroying my Institute. Besides, you didn't remember my birthday.
Peter Lukas: you're 200 years old how could I remember 😓
helen!!!!!: We All Know I'm The Nicest One Here!!
JMagnus 👀: How did you make your text that colorful?
helen!!!!!: IDK
JMagnus 👀: Liar.
helen!!!!!: That's Literally My Job
olive ⚰: hey eli your archivist just woke up I think
🔥: ew why
helen!!!!!: How Delightful!! Maybe I'll Throw Him A Glad You're Alive Party!!
olive ⚰: should we invite him to this chat since he's an avatar now
Peter Lukas: no 🙅 🚫❌
Peter Lukas: I hate archivists 😤😤
olive ⚰: still mad about gertrude huh
🔥: were all still mad about gertrude
🔥: but jons fine once you burn some manners into him
JMagnus 👀: Can you all please stop hurting Jon? Or talking about hurting him? I would like my Archivist to not acquire any more scars.
🔥: damn
Peter Lukas: damn 😔
Elias keeps trying to teach Jon how to pick certain victims to feed off of because personally he has no qualms about feeding from innocents but Jon!! actually trusts him!!! so Elias doesn't want to push Jon into making decisions that will offend his moral sensitivities.
things are actually going okay for a while. Elias starts going home at a reasonable time in the evenings and Jon is actually getting some sleep. and then-
Elias is having a nice dream about Peter trying to fish Simon Fairchild out of a sky filled with eyes when he abruptly sits up in bed, wide awake.
"Ah, fuck," he says to Peter, who is laying on the floor where it is Lonelier™. "Jon's doing something stupid. I Know it."
Peter's mumbled "isn't he always" goes unnoticed as Elias hurries to the Institute, where he finds a fucking rib on Jon's desk and the coffin in the middle of the room.
Peter Lukas has named the chat 'archivists ruin my sleep schedule and my sex life'
JMagnus 👀: What the fuck do I do?? I can't go into the Buried! Why is Jon so stupid? I didn't know he had zero braincells when I hired him!
🔥: ngl why havent you fired him yet
JMagnus 👀: Beholding won't let me. We're all bound to the Institute.
🔥: F
JMagnus 👀: Why are there no Buried avatars in here? Please someone help me.
mike n ike: lol the buried is gross why would anyone go down there
spidey🕸: does he have an anchor?
[JMagnus 👀 sent an image]
🔥: is that a fucking rib
spidey🕸: wow that's not a good anchor at all
spidey🕸: he needs someone he loves
JMagnus 👀: Thanks. Gtg.
spidey🕸: np
🔥: are we not going to talk about his rib
🔥: how the fuck did he get that out of his body
🔥: yall
it takes three days for Elias to find Martin.
"Please tell me why the fuck you're dabbling in the Lonely," Elias says as Martin steps sheepishly out of the fog.
"Ah. Well. Jon can't See into it very well and sometimes we like to spice up our se-"
"Stop before I have to gouge my eyes out again."
Elias drags Martin back to the Institute. Martin starts setting tapes on the coffin because "Jon loves these" and Elias starts bashing his head into the wall.
Jon climbs out of the coffin with Daisy and Elias almost considers locking Jon in his office so the damn archivist can't do anything else ridiculous. instead, Elias very calmly takes Jon by the shoulders, and shakes him like a rag doll.
"Stop fucking with entities, you stupid, stupid man," Elias says, shaking Jon more viciously now.
after several hours of breathing exercises Elias returns to his house and doesn't take his Sight off of Jon for the rest of the night, which is a fun experience for Peter when he wakes up and finds Elias' bloodshot eyes staring directly at him in the morning.
JMagnus 👀 added Daisy to 'archivists ruin my sleep schedule and my sex life'
Peter Lukas has named the chat 'archivist hate club'
JMagnus 👀 has named the chat 'shut up peter'
Peter Lukas has named the chat 'you love jon more than me'
JMagnus 👀 has named the chat 'I don't love either of you I'm heartless'
Peter Lukas has named the chat 'I want a divorce'
spidey🕸: jeez take your marital dispute elsewhere
spidey🕸 has named the chat 'lonelyeyes dni'
Daisy: wtf is this
mike n ike: it's a chat for avatars
mike n ike: and ex avatars ig
Daisy: didn't I kill you
mike n ike: yea
JMagnus 👀: Hello, Daisy. Welcome to the group chat.
Daisy: why is Jon not in here
Peter Lukas: because I hate him 😁
spidey🕸: Elias talks mad shit in here and Jon would get offended
Daisy: if you talk bad about Jon I'll rip your throat out
Daisy: :)
JMagnus 👀: Noted.
mike n ike: he's kinda rude tho
Daisy: I've killed you once
Elias' only goal now is to keep Jon and his assistants from pulling any more wild stunts without his supervision. his renewed involvement with the archival staff results in a few things he'd hoped to avoid: drink invites, physical contact (Martin is surprisingly quick to start hugging Elias once he realizes Elias won't stop him), and- shudder -feelings. because Elias genuinely cares about his staff and doesn't want any harm to befall them. especially Jon. Jon is his Archivist, the only one to ever succeed like this, and Elias will be damned if he lets anything happen to him.
"Why do you care?" Jon asks, once, compulsion thrumming like static on his tongue. "About us, I mean. I would've assumed you'd want to perform the Beholding's ritual."
Jonah Magnus attempted the Watcher's Crown once, when he was young and new. he'd brought his patron close, but not all the way through, and the backlash of power killed all the inmates at Millbank and severely crippled Jonah's connection to the Eye for months afterward. he grew to assume that the Beholding simply preferred the world as it was--ripe with fear for watching. it didn't need a ritual.
he instead dedicated himself to growing stronger, cultivating his Institute of knowledge, his stronghold. if he tore out a few people's eyes when he got too old, then, well, collateral. but he doesn't want the world to end, and knows now that no ritual will ever succeed unless it brings in all the Powers at once. and he doesn't want that either.
it's concerning to him that Jon seems to be collecting marks regardless. the only ones he's missing are the Dark and the Lonely, and Elias is determined to keep it that way.
he explains all of this to Jon who, to his credit, takes it pretty well. Jon is fascinated with historic life and Elias spends some time simply recounting tales of his youth, when he still bore the name Magnus.
they bond. it's good.
and one day Basira does a little too much research and discovers the dark sun waiting in Ny Alesund. she insists they need to go and see what's left of the People's Church, they need to ensure everything is taken care of. Jon is rather insistent too. and Elias wouldn't have been inclined to let them go, except Peter was finally home after weeks at sea, and it wasn't like Jon was defenseless, he could call Elias if anything went wrong...
so, very reluctantly, Elias gives them the all clear. Basira, Jon, and Martin head north, and Elias almost forgets they've gone when he arrives home and Peter already has dinner prepared.
Jon comes back marked by the Dark.
Elias curses himself, over and over, for being foolish enough to let them go, for not keeping a closer eye on them. he knows the ritual won't work unless a certain incantation is spoken, so he'll just have to keep world-ending written chants away from Jon. easy. and it's not like Jon will even get marked by the Lonely. Peter wouldn't.
(but Martin doesn't have the same level of control, and sometimes...)
it's an accident. Martin and Jon are testing it, pushing the boundaries, when Martin pulls them both into the Lonely. Elias threatens divorce until Peter caves and fetches them, but it's too late. Jon has been marked by all fourteen Powers.
Elias tells him, and warns him to check everything he reads.
helen!!!!! has named the chat 'apocalypse babey'
JMagnus 👀: How are you doing that?
JMagnus 👀: And the apocalypse is not imminent. I have the situation under control.
olive ⚰: ha yeah
JMagnus 👀: What do you mean by that?
olive ⚰: nothing
JMagnus 👀: Well, now I certainly think it's something.
olive ⚰: it's just
olive ⚰: don't you think it's kinda weird that @spidey🕸 has been offline for so long
🔥: thats weird shes always online
JMagnus 👀: Oliver, what are you implying?
olive ⚰: idk
olive ⚰: just weird, that's all
🔥: never good when the spiders are quiet
olive ⚰: hear hear
Elias gets a sinking feeling in his stomach, and beside him, Peter looks alarmed. meanwhile, in his flat with Martin making tea in the other room, Jon has a statement clutched in his grasp.
Hello, Jon.
I would apologize for the deception, but I'm afraid that's quite what I'm good at. I'm not one to monologue, that's more Jonah's shtick, so shall we get on with things?
I admit I underestimated Jonah Magnus. He's still remarkably easy to manipulate, but when he abandoned the Watcher's Crown ritual I knew I would have to take a different approach. The Mother is not so satisfied with the world as she may have insinuated. It is our turn to rise, Jon.
At the age of eight, you were marked by us. We sent you to the Magnus Institute in the hopes that a new Archivist would rekindle Jonah's desire to end the world. Unfortunately, it seemed as though he grew fond of you, and so we brought in a new plan. We marked you. One fear at a time. Jonah gave an admirable attempt at protecting you, but ultimately, he is an incompetent old fool, and I am a Weaver. Even Jonah Magnus dances to invisible strings.
Everyone underestimates a spider until it bites. Poison is poison, Jon, regardless of the medium in which it is served.
You will be safe in this new world. Martin, too. Perhaps even Jonah and his Lukas, if the Mother deems them worthy.
Now, please repeat after me...
Jon reads the ink scratched words, eyes welling up with tears and hands trembling, as thunder crashes outside and a howling gale picks up beyond the windows. Martin is shouting something, there's the crawling press of Elias' gaze as it rests heavy behind Jon, a silent observer. He can feel Elias' soothing presence, cool and calm in the raging storm.
Elias is still watching out for him.
Strings are wrapped around his wrists, jerking his arms up in a poor mockery of religious regard, strange hysterical laughter clawing out from his throat.
Jon's tears run red. Somewhere, Elias is still watching.
The door opens.
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kae-karo · 5 years
Hi Katie! I just want you to know that I want your analysis of this new sims video more than anything and I'll just patiently wait for it... Have a nice day!
hi dear!! new sims vid, did u mean dnp simulator?
dorks spending the first ten seconds dancing in fake snow 
why virtual friends???? ??
my daddies gave to me y’all,,,,,,there’s knowing your branding and then there’s acting on that knowledge and i think this may have been one time where acting on your knowledge maybe was not a good call like ily and u do u and all but
i love phil loving his branding it’s cute also shoutout to @dnpscloset​ thanks for finding it (x) bc i want one now if anyone needs a last minute xmas idea i’m lookin at u mom u always wait til the last minute
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same dan, same
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‘we all have new faces and new lives and everything’s changed, this is gonna be hella dramatic’ *inhale* *exhale*
‘when u imagine the howlter family’ god they’re such adorable n sentimental nerds i love them
phil’s actual default is bein a leany boye
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dnp arguing about what ‘desperate’ actually is as if the entirety of their first year after meeting they weren’t talking as often as they could five hour skype calls amirite
get away from me stalker lmao bold of u to say that danny
phil sweetie i love you with my entire heart he’s so so excited abt the virtual snow i love him
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tiny zoom in jumpcut at 2:08 overlapping audio interesting
a mood and a half
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phil immediately going ‘yeahhhhh thin walls family hearing things they gotta get out’ abt dab and evan like m8 we get it all u think abt is sex we get it god u and ur husband really are made for each other aren’t u (dnp = devan reference #1)
‘i presume evan is also jobless’ ‘i hope so!’ phil is it really,,,,,,smth to be excited about,,,,,,,
dan’s doin a lot of the hand phone lately u cute boy
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we should have a redbull what is wrong with them phil can barely handle having too much sugar y’all thought it was a good idea to have a redbull also we should have a redbull they share literally everything which tbh is probs for the best lbr phil on a whole can of redbull hmmmmm yes ik it’s v possible and in fact probable that phil had his own can let me live
‘it’s a sensible lightweight jacket’ in the fucking snow wow dan u really did just set urself up for phil to drag u about not dressing for the weather
dan’s fucking laugh at 4:39 gives me life literally there is no purer and more adorable sound like that’s up there with kittens purring
‘i think he’s gonna be a bit of a diva in this relationship’ did you mean: dan howell (dnp = devan reference #2)
[slight bit of ankle is showing] dan: ‘and now you’re wearing shorts’
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where’s the lie tho honestly that lil pause before he said mate
this clip will live in infamy bc i want this in every fucking phan edit for the rest of time like i can’t even think of the right out-of-context clip right now but anything that can be answered with phil saying ‘it’s dan’ i need it
mandatory phil covering his mouth and bein a cutie
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yes destroy gender roles in the snow universe (although seriously dan’s ‘life is just about uncon-doing the horrible conditioning of all these gender stereotypes, phil’ is so important also i stan phil recognizing that before dan i think it’s really easy to forget that just bc up til recently he’s not been as expressive as dan of his opinions on how stupid gender roles are doesn’t mean he doesn’t have just as if not more progressive a mindset than dan)
‘it’s like a dan vs phil’ dnp = devan #3
dan has such a lovely singing voice i miss him singing
dude phil’s eyebrows are making a Solid appearance v expressive
i s2g this is a different moment from the one above he’s just so fricken cute???
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‘but they’ve got each other’s backs, phil, just like dab and evan’ yeeeeaaaa i’m gonna go ahead and go with dnp = devan reference #4 here i think that’s fair
snow angels are the least fun thing to do and yet (x - it literally won’t let me put it in bc it’s a privated vid rip)
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amazing they just started having a snowball fight how cute n domestic am i talking abt dnp or dab and evan hmmmm - dnp = devan #5
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i get that infinity war was a meme but lads it’s time to let it go
‘and they’re called the howlters’ lmao as if u ain’t an honorary lester daniel (dnp = devan #6)
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i’m living for phil’s excitement i mean if that’s what redbull does to him i’m here for it i guess?
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hi they’re dumb this was cute
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‘we don’t want to be those people, but for us personally, we very much found that you just need to just move into a big city of some kind and just jump into life with both feet’ this is not only adorable advice but also where dnp simulator comes into play aka we did this so uhh dab n evan should do it (dnp = devan #7) also dan speaking for them both singular pronouns are quaking
‘don’t trust that’ what on earth are u on abt phil what don’t u trust the fuckin desert or?????
scalyburg phil stop pls we know we get it dan’s a furry ur a scaly we got it
why does dan spend an entire 7 seconds (8:40) adjusting is he moving closer to phil? switching which leg he’s sat on? idk but it lead to me pausing at this moment which was a gift in and of itself
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‘the deposit on that one, plus the weekly went would make us instantly broke, so that’s fun, us when we moved to london’ bih do u hear me crying
does dan remember phil’s first manchester apartment what kind of question is that phil have u met dan he probably remembers every bloody inch of that place i mean he did remember that there wasn’t a bedside table so
stop that
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middle of the city, romance festival, geekcon, pretty views and cherry blossom trees sounds like dnp’s ideal location do u get why i’m calling it dnp simulator yet also dnp = devan #8
we don’t want to move next to the karaoke legends wow dan bold of u to say after belting helena at 2am real bold
phil having flashbacks to the apt they toured where they found out people died there
hi phil just looks so excited by everything
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look i’m not saying anything except they’re managing to find a lot of similarities b.w their lives and what they’re doing for dab and evan okay like this apartment is great for people-watching? which is what phil did in his manchester apt?
context whomst? idk her
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shoutout to the wardrobe
big bold life-changing steps
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anon spitting truth up in this house (but like,,,,,my thoughts exactly lmao i was like they’re such introverts they would’ve avoided meeting their neighbors at any cost including apparently smacking into a locked door trying to avoid small talk phil we love u bab)
casually mentioning dan saying ‘we are dil-’ was he gonna say dil’s son, maybe but i like to remember the bloops of dan repeatedly calling dab dil so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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omg okay so from like. this point on, when dan’s like ‘here is my vision’, i’m absolutely getting queer eye vibes like amateur queer eye tho like two gay nerds trying to embody queer eye in their lives a bit oh wait
okay okay okay dan u said an ensuite bathroom and then failed to add a door to the bedroom do u understand how frustrating that is???????? do u understand how stressful it was for me to watch that whole damn vid and know that u forgot the door????
a space for hobbies what hobbies who has hobbies
they learned nothing from building their house before: phil should take the mouse away from dan immediately look at him he is such a sugar baby in this jfc
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god dan is so cute get these idiots a penthouse apartment super high up so he can have his bath next to a window okay he deserves that in life
stop it they’re literally agreeing on almost every single thing god they literally share a single brain
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leany boye
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‘they are young adults moving into their first apartment, you don’t have art!’ okay first of all don’t even go there daniel second of all i’m sorry you’re the one arguing for spending literally all their money but u don’t want to get some art bc it’s unrealistic????
dan saying lovely
phil’s mr carpet
navy??? navy? when did they? why? 
i would get involved in a criminal plot to have that / i’m gonna throw you out of one
wow pro tips makin a comeback
phil is Losing Steam
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oh my god okay so i was joking but literally phil is losing steam lmao 18:35 he says ‘ayy’ and it’s so tired-sounding
leany leany boyes
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okay look ik dan’s going into ‘aww poor philly’ mode but also he knew that very quickly like honestly that’s not a Thing i would ever notice about someone tbh i’m not saying it’s like Significant but damn danny was really into phil to know that shiz man
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the high-fashion gigantic rug of our dreams
okay look i can’t make this up phil literally leans away for a bit and then
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hello daniel’s Curl
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i stan phil getting excited over plants
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dab and evan will be having a mario kart fest will they (dnp = devan #9)
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dude big mood god they’re so fond and full of memories 
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honestly dnp made it that way like u cannot convince me they didn’t purposely decide to do that mmkay
‘see they are ready to have their romantic dinners. and then they can pretend they have another friend and it’s fine!’ am i talking abt dnp or dab and evan who knows :) (dnp = devan #10) 
cold in the middle what on earth i literally have no memory of that i mean it could just be my shit memory but jfc they just remember that stuff goddamn
scrunchy boyes also phil where’s ur arm at hm
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like i’m not fuckin joking where is it
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you can’t exist without a computer i mean
what is important in life / the internet
they don’t even have fucking doors and dan’s like ‘uhm they need a terrarium’ dan i’m stressed
oh my god i’m sorry phil is so done with this now it’s actually comical
hi they didn’t add a door for the ensuite
give dnp an interior design series honestly give them any series
phil reached for dan’s hand u cannot convince me otherwise
‘not my personal taste’ really,,,,,really
when dab n evan hug dan looks at the screen n phil looks at the camera things u didn’t need to know but now u do
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lmao jumpscared by the kiss
‘i feel like i’ve never nailed anything more in my entire life’ hmmmm hmmmmmmmmmm hm
the fuck was dan’s ‘getting a job’ that’s his fnaf voice u stop that
doon doon doon doon
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hi uhm what the Fuck was that jumpcut at 28:30 i hate Obvious Jumpcuts with a burning passion specifically bc of dnp
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stevethehairington · 5 years
Its 1:30 am, guess it must be time for me to get all up in my feelings about things.
I.e. my neighbor and his wife just announced that they're having their second baby and I'm just kind shook by that bc they're literally like 2 years older than me and they deadass got married like a year out of high school and had their first baby really quickly after that. Which is all great! They're a really sweet couple and I'm happy for them both and I have nothing against that. It's just really weird to think about someone so close to my age already going through these huge life events and stuff. And like ik a bunch of other people that are younger than me that have just gotten engaged and shit and I'm like w h a t?? And it's just so weird to think about and like idk if it would be less weird to think about that and see that stuff happening if I was actually in a serious relationship myself or if I'd ever been in love before or anything bc like maybe my perspective would be different bc I could understand better. Idk. But it's just really weird to think about bc like idk. I feel like that's so young and you've still got your whole life ahead of you like why are you rushing into all of this? Idk. But then theres another part of me that's like well shit all these people ik are getting engaged and married and having kids already and I've pretty much never even had a boyfriend (1 I've had 1 and it was in 7th fucking grade so) and I've never even fucking kissed anyone or anything and like. Idk it just makes me go well shit I feel like I'm way behind or smth and I know that's not how it is and everyone moves at their own pace and shit but like. It just makes me wonder sometimes if I'll ever even be able to get there bc at this rate it looks like a fat no which sucks bc I really do want to be able to have all of that and god ik I'm being such a fucking drama queen rn about this and I've got my whole life ahead of me and all but still idk its just hard not to let my mind go there sometimes yknow? And like idek how to meet anyone bc I dont drink or smoke or shit and i hate parties and stuff so like i dont go to those where you meet people. And I'm literally graduating next year and i havent even made any like super solid life friends or anything i deadass have like 3 friends here and one of them idek if shes a friend anymore bc im still upset with her for fucking me over and idk it just really sucks and i feel really lonely a lot here and i wish things could be different and I'm hoping when i go to grad school it will be but like who tf knows bc thats what i thought here and look how that turned out and like I said ik I'm being dramatic as fuck but hey its emo hours time for me to emo barf all my feelings into a tumblr textpost anyways this has spiralled really fast as you can probably tell and I'll probably delete this in the morning who knows but yeah. Emo hours gotta love em and the place they take you :/
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ebenpink · 5 years
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Only Excitement As I Know What Lies Ahead https://ift.tt/2NkCnTO
It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
Yup, success stories are back! And I’m looking for more. Follow-ups, mid-progress reflections—every story at every stage has the potential to inspire folks out there who are getting started or contemplating a new beginning. Contact me here to share your story. You never know who you’ll impact by doing it. Enjoy, everyone!
It has been 8 years since the start of our journey so going back to the beginning after so much time has passed will be interesting for me.
My weight issues didn’t start until my mid-20s. Within a 5 month time period I went from an an active job to a completely sedentary one, got pregnant, and quit smoking. It was the perfect storm. My diet was horrendous. At my active job I routinely ate doughnuts and chocolate milk for breakfast, lunch was a smoke break and Surge soda, supper was fast food (a favorite was a double Whopper meal from Burger King) or a *home cooked* (that meant stuff out of boxes and cans most nights) dinner consisting of a meat and carb heavy sides. My youthful metabolism allowed me to eat what I wanted without gaining weight though I had no idea of the unseen damage I was doing to my body. My husband was holding his own as well with basically the same diet.
After starting my new job I immediately gained about 10 pounds. I don’t even remember really worrying about it—just went out and bought bigger clothes with some abstract idea that, surely, this was an anomaly and I’d miraculously wake up one day thin again. I was blessed enough during my pregnancy to not have any measurable morning sickness but I had a wicked and unending craving for ice cream. I don’t even want to know how much money Dairy Queen made off of me during that time period. The end result was that after our child was born I was carrying nearly 180 pounds on my 5′ 4″ frame.
Again, caught up in this whole new baby business and not really having any true understanding of weight gain, I still thought it would work itself out in time. I continued to wear my maternity clothes for WAY too long because I didn’t want to spend money on a larger sized wardrobe when this fatness was only temporary. It amuses me now to think that I had zero idea or plan of how to fix it—as if I were just a passive bystander who had no control over the outcome and could only wait and see.
I did eventually decide to join Weight Watchers, convinced that a few months of following the program would divest my body of the approximately 50 extra pounds it was carrying. I started at 177 pounds and s.l.o.w.l.y. reached the first milestone loss of 10%. And 160 pounds—give or take 5 pounds—is exactly where I sat for the next decade.
During that time, we’d decided that we did not want our daughter raised to eat the same crap diet we had so we overhauled our eating habits. We had oatmeal in the mornings, whole wheat bread sandwiches with low fat mayonnaise for lunch, dinner was chicken breasts or ground turkey patties with brown rice and a vegetable—all of the *healthy* stuff that guaranteed I’d drop the extra weight like a hot potato.
Except I didn’t. Over the years we had 2 more kids. Because I started out those pregnancies already overweight I managed to only gain *baby weight* so after each birth I hadn’t gained any extra…but that was little consolation since the scale was still sitting at around 160. I’d pretty much resigned myself to the idea that this was just how it was going to be. I was a married mom and married moms just aren’t young and thin anymore. CLEARLY my body liked being at 160 and I needed to accept that and move on with my new plus sized life.
By the time our third and last child was born in 2009, my husband had managed to put on about the same amount of weight that I had. We both were sitting at about 40 pounds over our wedding day weight. We would periodically comment on our own weight gain but never mentioned the other’s. I wasn’t concerned about his and he didn’t seem concerned about mine so we just sort of settled into our fat and happy family life.
The turning point came in November 2010. My husband and I had gone out to eat for our anniversary and, having gone to Marble Slab for dessert, were sitting on the bench outside the shop eating our ice cream when he said those fateful words. “We’ve gotten fat. And I’m not happy.” The blood roared in my ears as I sat there in shock, trying to digest what he’d said (along with my Sweet Cream with M&Ms). I thought, “Did he just call me fat?” Nevermind that I WAS fat…hearing those words come out of the mouth of the person you love more than life itself is still a punch in the gut. The only thing that kept me from dissolving into tears was that whole *we* part. That one little word allowed me to move past the trauma in a matter of seconds and look at it objectively.
“Ok. I’m not really happy either but I’m not sure what to do about it. I feel like I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked.”
“Maybe it’s a matter of motivation. Next year is our 15th anniversary. Let’s plan a big trip to somewhere exotic and use that. We have a year to get ourselves into shape.”
I was equal parts excited and terrified about what lay ahead. I knew now that my weight DID bother him and that did more than anything to change my mental state from *I can’t* to *I have to and I want to*. But I had so many years under my belt of making changes and trying different (many times unpleasant) things that left me no better off than before that I just didn’t see how I could accomplish this.
We spent the first few months of 2011 planning and booking our vacation to the Virgin Islands, haphazardly trying to fit workouts into our schedule, and not ordering Dominos for supper. We weren’t seeing any progress and each month we lost out of our 1 year timeline caused me to panic a little bit more that this problem was just unfixable and I was going to let him down in the end.
That’s about when I started hearing about this thing called Paleo and a guy named Mark Sisson. On a completely unrelated forum I belong to, people were starting to discuss it in depth and sharing their experiences. It seemed crazy to me that people could A) willingly give up the foods I loved so much and B) achieve drastic results from it. The other diets I’d tried over the years all centered around counting calories and fat grams, weighing and measuring every bite, trying to acclimate yourself to being hungry all the time, having to arrange your day to be able to eat every 2-3 hours to *keep your blood sugar up* and *fire up your metabolism*. Paleo, in spite of the loss of my beloved bread, seemed so…..freeing.
I laid out the basics of it for him, shared success stories, and although he was as skeptical as I was, he was fully on board to try this crazy new thing.
We jumped into it in May and, after the first couple of weeks where our bodies were trying to adjust to the absence of sugar, were amazed at how GREAT we felt! I’d been having constant brain fog and exhaustion and my wrists always hurt and I’d started having heartburn after almost every meal. All gone. Along with a steady loss of 5 pounds a month for each of us. For the first time in about 10 years I was losing weight! AND IT WAS EFFORTLESS!!!
By the time November and our anniversary trip rolled around we each had lost 30 pounds. We went on to lose 35 pounds each total then settled into maintenance.
Two years ago, Hurricane Harvey hit our area and flooded our home. This was actually the second time in 9 years as we flooded in Ike in 2008 but Ike was before our Paleo journey. Having our home in disrepair for over a year caused us to get REALLY lax with our eating. Convenience was the word of the day and not having a functional kitchen meant we were eating almost catch as catch can. We started having fast food again and even the meals I was able to cook at home trended towards the quick and easy and were based around which cooking apparatuses I had available to use at any given time. As expected, weight started to creep back on.
As of today, we have each gained back 10 of the pounds we’d lost. We have a fully functioning kitchen again and just had a conversation about how we KNOW what we need to do. We KNOW what works. We have the ace up our sleeves and it’s time to toss that sucker on the table and get back to the lifestyle that changed our lives so many years ago. There is no terror this time. No worrying that it’s going to be just another diet I fail at and I won’t have any success. This time, there is only excitement as I know what lies ahead—a healthier, more energetic, thinner, and happier us.
Tiffany (and Wes) Bailey
Have a story to share? Email me here. Thanks, everybody, and have a great week.
The post Only Excitement As I Know What Lies Ahead appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
from Mark's Daily Apple https://ift.tt/2NjCC1H via IFTTT https://ift.tt/2JF13VL
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
Only Excitement As I Know What Lies Ahead
It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
Yup, success stories are back! And I’m looking for more. Follow-ups, mid-progress reflections—every story at every stage has the potential to inspire folks out there who are getting started or contemplating a new beginning. Contact me here to share your story. You never know who you’ll impact by doing it. Enjoy, everyone!
It has been 8 years since the start of our journey so going back to the beginning after so much time has passed will be interesting for me.
My weight issues didn’t start until my mid-20s. Within a 5 month time period I went from an an active job to a completely sedentary one, got pregnant, and quit smoking. It was the perfect storm. My diet was horrendous. At my active job I routinely ate doughnuts and chocolate milk for breakfast, lunch was a smoke break and Surge soda, supper was fast food (a favorite was a double Whopper meal from Burger King) or a *home cooked* (that meant stuff out of boxes and cans most nights) dinner consisting of a meat and carb heavy sides. My youthful metabolism allowed me to eat what I wanted without gaining weight though I had no idea of the unseen damage I was doing to my body. My husband was holding his own as well with basically the same diet.
After starting my new job I immediately gained about 10 pounds. I don’t even remember really worrying about it—just went out and bought bigger clothes with some abstract idea that, surely, this was an anomaly and I’d miraculously wake up one day thin again. I was blessed enough during my pregnancy to not have any measurable morning sickness but I had a wicked and unending craving for ice cream. I don’t even want to know how much money Dairy Queen made off of me during that time period. The end result was that after our child was born I was carrying nearly 180 pounds on my 5′ 4″ frame.
Again, caught up in this whole new baby business and not really having any true understanding of weight gain, I still thought it would work itself out in time. I continued to wear my maternity clothes for WAY too long because I didn’t want to spend money on a larger sized wardrobe when this fatness was only temporary. It amuses me now to think that I had zero idea or plan of how to fix it—as if I were just a passive bystander who had no control over the outcome and could only wait and see.
I did eventually decide to join Weight Watchers, convinced that a few months of following the program would divest my body of the approximately 50 extra pounds it was carrying. I started at 177 pounds and s.l.o.w.l.y. reached the first milestone loss of 10%. And 160 pounds—give or take 5 pounds—is exactly where I sat for the next decade.
During that time, we’d decided that we did not want our daughter raised to eat the same crap diet we had so we overhauled our eating habits. We had oatmeal in the mornings, whole wheat bread sandwiches with low fat mayonnaise for lunch, dinner was chicken breasts or ground turkey patties with brown rice and a vegetable—all of the *healthy* stuff that guaranteed I’d drop the extra weight like a hot potato.
Except I didn’t. Over the years we had 2 more kids. Because I started out those pregnancies already overweight I managed to only gain *baby weight* so after each birth I hadn’t gained any extra…but that was little consolation since the scale was still sitting at around 160. I’d pretty much resigned myself to the idea that this was just how it was going to be. I was a married mom and married moms just aren’t young and thin anymore. CLEARLY my body liked being at 160 and I needed to accept that and move on with my new plus sized life.
By the time our third and last child was born in 2009, my husband had managed to put on about the same amount of weight that I had. We both were sitting at about 40 pounds over our wedding day weight. We would periodically comment on our own weight gain but never mentioned the other’s. I wasn’t concerned about his and he didn’t seem concerned about mine so we just sort of settled into our fat and happy family life.
The turning point came in November 2010. My husband and I had gone out to eat for our anniversary and, having gone to Marble Slab for dessert, were sitting on the bench outside the shop eating our ice cream when he said those fateful words. “We’ve gotten fat. And I’m not happy.” The blood roared in my ears as I sat there in shock, trying to digest what he’d said (along with my Sweet Cream with M&Ms). I thought, “Did he just call me fat?” Nevermind that I WAS fat…hearing those words come out of the mouth of the person you love more than life itself is still a punch in the gut. The only thing that kept me from dissolving into tears was that whole *we* part. That one little word allowed me to move past the trauma in a matter of seconds and look at it objectively.
“Ok. I’m not really happy either but I’m not sure what to do about it. I feel like I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked.”
“Maybe it’s a matter of motivation. Next year is our 15th anniversary. Let’s plan a big trip to somewhere exotic and use that. We have a year to get ourselves into shape.”
I was equal parts excited and terrified about what lay ahead. I knew now that my weight DID bother him and that did more than anything to change my mental state from *I can’t* to *I have to and I want to*. But I had so many years under my belt of making changes and trying different (many times unpleasant) things that left me no better off than before that I just didn’t see how I could accomplish this.
We spent the first few months of 2011 planning and booking our vacation to the Virgin Islands, haphazardly trying to fit workouts into our schedule, and not ordering Dominos for supper. We weren’t seeing any progress and each month we lost out of our 1 year timeline caused me to panic a little bit more that this problem was just unfixable and I was going to let him down in the end.
That’s about when I started hearing about this thing called Paleo and a guy named Mark Sisson. On a completely unrelated forum I belong to, people were starting to discuss it in depth and sharing their experiences. It seemed crazy to me that people could A) willingly give up the foods I loved so much and B) achieve drastic results from it. The other diets I’d tried over the years all centered around counting calories and fat grams, weighing and measuring every bite, trying to acclimate yourself to being hungry all the time, having to arrange your day to be able to eat every 2-3 hours to *keep your blood sugar up* and *fire up your metabolism*. Paleo, in spite of the loss of my beloved bread, seemed so…..freeing.
I laid out the basics of it for him, shared success stories, and although he was as skeptical as I was, he was fully on board to try this crazy new thing.
We jumped into it in May and, after the first couple of weeks where our bodies were trying to adjust to the absence of sugar, were amazed at how GREAT we felt! I’d been having constant brain fog and exhaustion and my wrists always hurt and I’d started having heartburn after almost every meal. All gone. Along with a steady loss of 5 pounds a month for each of us. For the first time in about 10 years I was losing weight! AND IT WAS EFFORTLESS!!!
By the time November and our anniversary trip rolled around we each had lost 30 pounds. We went on to lose 35 pounds each total then settled into maintenance.
Two years ago, Hurricane Harvey hit our area and flooded our home. This was actually the second time in 9 years as we flooded in Ike in 2008 but Ike was before our Paleo journey. Having our home in disrepair for over a year caused us to get REALLY lax with our eating. Convenience was the word of the day and not having a functional kitchen meant we were eating almost catch as catch can. We started having fast food again and even the meals I was able to cook at home trended towards the quick and easy and were based around which cooking apparatuses I had available to use at any given time. As expected, weight started to creep back on.
As of today, we have each gained back 10 of the pounds we’d lost. We have a fully functioning kitchen again and just had a conversation about how we KNOW what we need to do. We KNOW what works. We have the ace up our sleeves and it’s time to toss that sucker on the table and get back to the lifestyle that changed our lives so many years ago. There is no terror this time. No worrying that it’s going to be just another diet I fail at and I won’t have any success. This time, there is only excitement as I know what lies ahead—a healthier, more energetic, thinner, and happier us.
Tiffany (and Wes) Bailey
Have a story to share? Email me here. Thanks, everybody, and have a great week.
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The post Only Excitement As I Know What Lies Ahead appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Only Excitement As I Know What Lies Ahead published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
Only Excitement As I Know What Lies Ahead
It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
Yup, success stories are back! And I’m looking for more. Follow-ups, mid-progress reflections—every story at every stage has the potential to inspire folks out there who are getting started or contemplating a new beginning. Contact me here to share your story. You never know who you’ll impact by doing it. Enjoy, everyone!
It has been 8 years since the start of our journey so going back to the beginning after so much time has passed will be interesting for me.
My weight issues didn’t start until my mid-20s. Within a 5 month time period I went from an an active job to a completely sedentary one, got pregnant, and quit smoking. It was the perfect storm. My diet was horrendous. At my active job I routinely ate doughnuts and chocolate milk for breakfast, lunch was a smoke break and Surge soda, supper was fast food (a favorite was a double Whopper meal from Burger King) or a *home cooked* (that meant stuff out of boxes and cans most nights) dinner consisting of a meat and carb heavy sides. My youthful metabolism allowed me to eat what I wanted without gaining weight though I had no idea of the unseen damage I was doing to my body. My husband was holding his own as well with basically the same diet.
After starting my new job I immediately gained about 10 pounds. I don’t even remember really worrying about it—just went out and bought bigger clothes with some abstract idea that, surely, this was an anomaly and I’d miraculously wake up one day thin again. I was blessed enough during my pregnancy to not have any measurable morning sickness but I had a wicked and unending craving for ice cream. I don’t even want to know how much money Dairy Queen made off of me during that time period. The end result was that after our child was born I was carrying nearly 180 pounds on my 5′ 4″ frame.
Again, caught up in this whole new baby business and not really having any true understanding of weight gain, I still thought it would work itself out in time. I continued to wear my maternity clothes for WAY too long because I didn’t want to spend money on a larger sized wardrobe when this fatness was only temporary. It amuses me now to think that I had zero idea or plan of how to fix it—as if I were just a passive bystander who had no control over the outcome and could only wait and see.
I did eventually decide to join Weight Watchers, convinced that a few months of following the program would divest my body of the approximately 50 extra pounds it was carrying. I started at 177 pounds and s.l.o.w.l.y. reached the first milestone loss of 10%. And 160 pounds—give or take 5 pounds—is exactly where I sat for the next decade.
During that time, we’d decided that we did not want our daughter raised to eat the same crap diet we had so we overhauled our eating habits. We had oatmeal in the mornings, whole wheat bread sandwiches with low fat mayonnaise for lunch, dinner was chicken breasts or ground turkey patties with brown rice and a vegetable—all of the *healthy* stuff that guaranteed I’d drop the extra weight like a hot potato.
Except I didn’t. Over the years we had 2 more kids. Because I started out those pregnancies already overweight I managed to only gain *baby weight* so after each birth I hadn’t gained any extra…but that was little consolation since the scale was still sitting at around 160. I’d pretty much resigned myself to the idea that this was just how it was going to be. I was a married mom and married moms just aren’t young and thin anymore. CLEARLY my body liked being at 160 and I needed to accept that and move on with my new plus sized life.
By the time our third and last child was born in 2009, my husband had managed to put on about the same amount of weight that I had. We both were sitting at about 40 pounds over our wedding day weight. We would periodically comment on our own weight gain but never mentioned the other’s. I wasn’t concerned about his and he didn’t seem concerned about mine so we just sort of settled into our fat and happy family life.
The turning point came in November 2010. My husband and I had gone out to eat for our anniversary and, having gone to Marble Slab for dessert, were sitting on the bench outside the shop eating our ice cream when he said those fateful words. “We’ve gotten fat. And I’m not happy.” The blood roared in my ears as I sat there in shock, trying to digest what he’d said (along with my Sweet Cream with M&Ms). I thought, “Did he just call me fat?” Nevermind that I WAS fat…hearing those words come out of the mouth of the person you love more than life itself is still a punch in the gut. The only thing that kept me from dissolving into tears was that whole *we* part. That one little word allowed me to move past the trauma in a matter of seconds and look at it objectively.
“Ok. I’m not really happy either but I’m not sure what to do about it. I feel like I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked.”
“Maybe it’s a matter of motivation. Next year is our 15th anniversary. Let’s plan a big trip to somewhere exotic and use that. We have a year to get ourselves into shape.”
I was equal parts excited and terrified about what lay ahead. I knew now that my weight DID bother him and that did more than anything to change my mental state from *I can’t* to *I have to and I want to*. But I had so many years under my belt of making changes and trying different (many times unpleasant) things that left me no better off than before that I just didn’t see how I could accomplish this.
We spent the first few months of 2011 planning and booking our vacation to the Virgin Islands, haphazardly trying to fit workouts into our schedule, and not ordering Dominos for supper. We weren’t seeing any progress and each month we lost out of our 1 year timeline caused me to panic a little bit more that this problem was just unfixable and I was going to let him down in the end.
That’s about when I started hearing about this thing called Paleo and a guy named Mark Sisson. On a completely unrelated forum I belong to, people were starting to discuss it in depth and sharing their experiences. It seemed crazy to me that people could A) willingly give up the foods I loved so much and B) achieve drastic results from it. The other diets I’d tried over the years all centered around counting calories and fat grams, weighing and measuring every bite, trying to acclimate yourself to being hungry all the time, having to arrange your day to be able to eat every 2-3 hours to *keep your blood sugar up* and *fire up your metabolism*. Paleo, in spite of the loss of my beloved bread, seemed so…..freeing.
I laid out the basics of it for him, shared success stories, and although he was as skeptical as I was, he was fully on board to try this crazy new thing.
We jumped into it in May and, after the first couple of weeks where our bodies were trying to adjust to the absence of sugar, were amazed at how GREAT we felt! I’d been having constant brain fog and exhaustion and my wrists always hurt and I’d started having heartburn after almost every meal. All gone. Along with a steady loss of 5 pounds a month for each of us. For the first time in about 10 years I was losing weight! AND IT WAS EFFORTLESS!!!
By the time November and our anniversary trip rolled around we each had lost 30 pounds. We went on to lose 35 pounds each total then settled into maintenance.
Two years ago, Hurricane Harvey hit our area and flooded our home. This was actually the second time in 9 years as we flooded in Ike in 2008 but Ike was before our Paleo journey. Having our home in disrepair for over a year caused us to get REALLY lax with our eating. Convenience was the word of the day and not having a functional kitchen meant we were eating almost catch as catch can. We started having fast food again and even the meals I was able to cook at home trended towards the quick and easy and were based around which cooking apparatuses I had available to use at any given time. As expected, weight started to creep back on.
As of today, we have each gained back 10 of the pounds we’d lost. We have a fully functioning kitchen again and just had a conversation about how we KNOW what we need to do. We KNOW what works. We have the ace up our sleeves and it’s time to toss that sucker on the table and get back to the lifestyle that changed our lives so many years ago. There is no terror this time. No worrying that it’s going to be just another diet I fail at and I won’t have any success. This time, there is only excitement as I know what lies ahead—a healthier, more energetic, thinner, and happier us.
Tiffany (and Wes) Bailey
Have a story to share? Email me here. Thanks, everybody, and have a great week.
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The post Only Excitement As I Know What Lies Ahead appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Only Excitement As I Know What Lies Ahead published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Armchair Analyst: USMNT depth chart - Midfielders
August 16, 20186:00PM EDT
Editor’s Note: this is the second part of Matt Doyle’s U.S. Men’s National Team depth chart.
Matt Doyle note: It’s less than a month from the first set of friendlies of the 2022 cycle – friendlies that are almost certain to be coached by interim manager Dave Sarachan, as there’s as yet no official or announced progress on the hiring of a permanent head coach. This is as good a time as any to see how things have changed since last November, and try to figure out what the depth chart looks like for these upcoming friendlies, for the rest of 2018, and into the early stages of 2019. Bear in mind that this is not a prediction of who’s going to be on the 2022 World Cup team (we’ll make it this time, I swear!), nor even who’s going to be on the 2019 Gold Cup team or even who’s going to be in Sarachan’s roster next month. Rather, this is just me surveying the field and trying to figure out who’s legitimately in the pool over the next six-ish months.
Defensive Midfield
Weston McKennie (Schalke 04)
Tyler Adams (RBNY)
Wil Trapp (Columbus Crew SC)
Danny Williams (Huddersfield Town)
Michael Bradley (Toronto FC)
Russell Canouse (D.C. United)
McKennie might be my favorite player in the whole pool, and he might not yet be a No. 6. Reports in the German press and folks I’ve spoken with both suggest that will be his eventual position, but it’s not yet clear whether eventual means “mid-October” or “mid-2021.”
He does so, so many things well, including those late, surging runs that are the hallmark of good box-to-box play:
Here is Weston McKennie’s goal vs Fiorentina today #USMNT pic.twitter.com/dVScQi2dbN
— Brian Sciaretta (@BrianSciaretta) August 11, 2018
Still, I have him listed here as a 6 instead of an 8 because I’m more interested in seeing him as a 6 at the moment. And even though I prefer Adams as a RB, I’m very interested in seeing a ton of those two guys together in central midfield making life miserable for every team they come up against.
Tyler Adams might be best at RB, but he’s solid in midfield | USA Today Sports Images
Trapp is a very different player, a pure field-spreading back point who has, throughout his career, struggled against particularly athletic foes. Williams is a range-everywhere destroyer more than a backline shield, while Bradley is a game-organizing field general (who’s definitely lost a step in 2018).
Canouse is the wild card. He was a starter, the captain, and supposed to be the star of the 2015 US U-20 national team – the one with Steffen, Miazga, CCV and a bunch of other names you’ll see soon – but had the bad luck of getting injured just before the tournament. And while he played well for VfL Bochum in Germany, he decided he wanted to come back to MLS and try his luck here.
He was very, very good in brief minutes last season, and was penciled in as a starter this season. But again … injuries.
Since coming back last month, he’s once again looked very, very good for D.C. If he stays healthy for the rest of the year, you at the very least see him in January camp.
More to keep an eye on:
Chris Durkin (D.C. United)
Alfredo Morales (Fortuna Dusseldorf)
He’s gotten a bunch of minutes and done pretty well this year for D.C., though it’s too soon to talk about him in a full USMNT context. Chances are he’ll be integral to the US U-20s this autumn as they attempt to qualify for the U-20 World Cup next spring.
For those who haven’t watched a ton of United this year: Durkin is an elongated Trapp. He does a borderline amazing job of moving the game around with his passing, and is superb at getting his teammates into a rhythm. But he’s not a great ball-winner, and lacks the kind of straight-line speed that can make up for mistakes, so he needs to continue to improve his reading of the game.
Morales has never featured much for the US, and is likely to be a bit player in Dusseldorf this season. It’s hard to see a scenario in which he’d be earning minutes ahead of younger, better options.
Central Midfield
Kellyn Acosta (Colorado Rapids)
Darlington Nagbe (Atlanta United)
Cristian Roldan (Seattle Sounders)
Marky Delgado (Toronto FC)
Joe Corona (Club America)
Acosta looks positively reborn after three games with the Rapids, and is giving everyone a reminder of both the how and the why he pushed into the USMNT starting XI early in 2017. He’s not playing as a true central midfielder – he’s mostly been a shuttler in the diamond – but functionally he fills largely the same role.
Are we witnessing a Kellyn Acosta revival in Colorado? | USA Today Sports Images
Nagbe had a smooth adjustment to Tata Martino’s system in Atlanta, and will be situationally useful. Roldan’s been consistently good in 2018, which nudges him ahead of Delgado (who’s struggled) and Corona (who’s older and has seen his role reduced).
More to keep an eye on:
Keaton Parks (Benfica)
I love his feet and game-spreading vision, but right now he’s very much a ‘tweener: Doesn’t defend enough to be a No. 6, doesn’t attack enough to be a No. 10, and hasn’t commanded the game enough to break into Benfica’s plans as a No. 8.
If he was 18, you’d say, “Well, okay, let’s just give it some more time and see how he develops,” but he’s not 18. He’s 21, and needs first-team minutes ASAP. Hopefully he gets a loan and makes the most of it.
There are a ton of potential-laden No. 8s coming through the ranks, though it’s too early to consider any of them here.
Attacking Midfield
Christian Pulisic (Borussia Dortmund)
Sebastian Lletget (LA Galaxy)
Kelyn Rowe (New England Revolution)
Long-term I’m hoping that Pulisic ends up being moved to the wing – which is where he plays primarily for his club – but given the state of the player pool at the moment he has to be the No. 10 for the time-being (I’m obviously assuming a 4-2-3-1, which is pretty much the default formation in world soccer these days).
The pickings are relatively slim in terms of ready-to-go No. 10s after him, though it was nice to see Lletget get on the board for the Galaxy on Saturday.
Sebastian Lletget, recovered from injury, could be an option at the 10 | USA Today Sports Images
As for Rowe, the one time he got a chance to wear the Red, White & Blue, he was awesome:
Just look at this absolutely filthy assist: an impeccable flick, followed by a great change of direction, leading to a perfect cross into the box. Yes please. pic.twitter.com/gt7irutohs
— Joseph Lowery (@joeInCleats) January 22, 2018
I have no idea why he’s been buried in Foxborough, and why the Revs didn’t at least try to flip him for real assets. It makes zero sense.
More to keep an eye on:
Emerson Hyndman (Hibernian)
Hyndman got what I’m hoping will be a useful loan to Hibs after a year of rotting away outside the gameday squad for Bournemouth. With some luck he’ll play as well as he did on his previous loan to a SPL club, when he spent half a season with Rangers playing generally pretty well (save for when he came up against Celtic, who ran him off the field).
Hyndman’s a nice and tidy and sometimes inventive little player. Put him in the right situation, and he could maybe be what Mix Diskerud was for the 2014 cycle, but I don’t think his ceiling is much higher than that.
Guys like Andrew Carleton (Atlanta United), Paxton Pomykal (FC Dallas) and Gianluca Busio (Sporting KC) will hopefully work their way into this discussion inside of 12 months, but the first two are destined for the U-20s and the last one is for the U-17s.
Emmanuel Sabbi (Hobro IK)
Paul Arriola (D.C. United)
Jonathan Amon (FC Nordsjælland)
Kenny Saief (Anderlecht)
Miguel Ibarra (Minnesota United)
Let’s introduce you all to Sabbi:
Great great great great goal from Emmanuel Sabbi for Hobro IK in the Danish Superliga. He’s been tearing it up – 4g/1a in five games this year. Nice to see young American attackers getting a chance to play.
I suspect he’ll be on the #USMNT roster for next month’s friendlies. pic.twitter.com/lXDStFFKmZ
— Matthew Doyle (@MattDoyle76) August 11, 2018
He’s been awesome so far in this young season, and while your response may be, “Oh yeah, fine, but give it time, you can’t just throw him in there!”, my response to that is, “Well, who else is there? And also, why not? This is the perfect part of the cycle to throw in a young player who’s out there doing work every single day!”
Sabbi’s just 20, and while he had a bad time at Las Palmas, he’s very clearly landed on his feet. He’s also eligible for Ghana (nation of his parents) and Italy (nation of his birth), but was a regular for the US U-18s and U-20s, and JUST LOOK AT THAT GOAL AGAINNNNNNN!!!!!! Forget about being on the roster – if he’s not starting in these upcoming friendlies, I will flip a damn table.
Paul Arriola’s versatility makes him an asset | USA Today Sports Images
I almost listed Arriola at central midfield since he’s been playing (very well) there lately, but for now he’s still a winger with this player pool. The fact that he has enough versatility to play as a winger, or as a CM, or as a wingback means we’ll see a ton of him over the next two cycles, which is a good thing.
Amon is a year younger than Sabbi and is arguably better, though an early-season injury means he hasn’t gotten a chance to show out. Injuries have also plagued Saief since he filed a one-time switch to the US. He’s much more a playmaker than Sabbi, Arriola or Amon and could even arguably play as a 10.
Ibarra’s a productive, relentless, two-way workhorse.
More to keep an eye on:
Mueller is energetic and fairly productive, but still raw. Lewis has been wildly productive on a per-90 basis in the Bronx, and I think he has as much upside as anybody in the winger pool, but he’s 21 and can’t lock down a regular spot, so…
Gall has moved to a good team in the Swedish top flight, and he appears to be a classic late-bloomer, but it should escape no one that he was inferior in MLS and USL to everyone else on this list. Treat whatever he does until he moves to a better league with skepticism.
Same goes for Gooch, who was a bit player for a disastrously bad Championship team last year, and who’s looked out of his depth when he’s gotten USMNT calls.
There are a bunch of promising wingers coming through the ranks as well. Finding clubs where they’ll actually get on the field should be of paramount concern for each of them.
Up next: Part III – Forwards
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MLSsoccer.com News
Armchair Analyst: USMNT depth chart – Midfielders was originally published on 365 Football
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"Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
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What is the cheapest insurance company for 17 year olds?
im 16 but will be turning 17 in a few months. to get ahead of the game and in the know i decided to start looking at cars and insurance straight away. my car of choice would be a 1995-1999 Vauxhall corsa 1.0 0r 1.2 litre as they cheap to buy, run and supposedly insure. ive looked around for insurance qutoes for myself when i turn 17 and recieve my full ik license but all quotes so far are above 4,000 even with a pass plus. is there any companys to get it below 3,000 or anywhere close. i realise i am never going to get cheap insurance straight away but i would consider 3,000 a much more reasonable quote and would love it to be closer to 2.000. also any tips or advice on getting cheaper insurancewould be greatly appreciated thanks guys""
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My husband is only 24 but was just diagnosed with Hep C.
Auto Insurance for a non-owner in Michigan?
My son, who has never had a ticket or any violations at all, does not own a vehicle. He will occasionally drive my vehicle. I live in Ohio and have insurance on the car in Ohio. Is that ok? Does he also need to maintain some type of coverage in Michigan. I do not see that Michigan has something like a non-owner policy if you do not have any violations and are not required to have the SR22 policy.""
Do I have to insure my son when he turns 16?
My auto insurance company called me yesterday asking for the names and birthdays of my children. I refused to tell them anything. My oldest son will turn 16 in November, and I was not planning on adding him as a driver, because we have full coverage insurance and I thought that would cover anyone.""
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I'm 18 and just bought my first car, (Vauxhall Corsa). It came with wheel trims, and ideally I want alloy wheels: but if it's going to put a lot on my insurance then it might not be worth it. They would be after-market alloys, and the same size as the current wheels. I'm currently paying 2,000 for my car insurance: how much would somebody estimate the new wheels increasing my insurance. Many thanks!""
How much is motorcycle insurance in Utah?
I am just wondering because I am 17, and I need to get to and back from work. Just give me a rough estimate please. That's all I need to know... Don't tell me to check with my family's insurance because it is too much work when I can just come on here and get an estimate to see if it is in my price range. Thanks ahead of time! I am planning on driving an old street legal dirt bike granted it isn't too pricey.""
I need health insurance. I am 60 years old and live in Pa.?
There is no state program I qualify for, because I am on Social Security retirement. I need an affordable health plan which includes screening tests (MRI's, colonoscopies, blood ...show more""
Cheap health insurance? Im a middle 30's single male. Is there a place I can compare quickly like car insuran?
I filled out one thing but it turned out to be almost a phishing scam. Im about to do COBRA, but I think I can get something cheaper. Im also in SC if that matters. Any guesses?""
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I'm 21 and my dad recently took me off of his health plan. I don't make a lot of money and I'm not sure if I can afford insurance on my own. I got quotes from a few sites but they're all over $100 a month and I can't afford that. Does anyone recommend any cheap but decent medical coverage plans? I have no clue where to start
What's the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old owning a motorcycle and holding a Motorcycle L....?
Learner's permit and no DL in viriginia? Serious answers only please. I want to be the only person on the insurance.
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so i got a DWI in march of 2010. I havent had my license in over a year as penalty. but now i need my license & insurance. I have no idea what to do, where to get sr22 or whatever it is, nothing. i live on my own and i dont know what to do at all. i have no help. i used to live in california. thats where i got my DWI. but im september, i moved to oregon & thats where im currently living.""
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I'm a 17 year old bloke who lives in Leeds and would like some help with car insurance. I haven't bought a car and Ive tried the usual 1.2 corsa, Ford Ka, Ford panda, Renault clio, vw polo, peugeot 106, daewoo matiz, Hyundai I10 etc I have also tried swinton, direct line, comparethemarket, go compare, AA, elephant, churchill, swift, young marmalade and many others but half of them wont insure me and I've got quotes about 7000+ I've tried the voluntary excess and even seen what its like with extra such as a garage, extra security features, pass plus etc. But when I changed the postcodes with my friend who lives round the corner - its dropped 2 grand!!! why??? can someone explain to me why this happened and can someone help me get any car since I haven'tt bought one yet to a reasonable price - I live in a fairly nice area too so I don;t understand why it is so much when some of my friends are getting their for 2000 ish :/""
""Can Doctors offices charge you, when they lost your medical insurance card?""
I got my appendix removed in California and used the state insurance at the time (since I was low income and never had insurance). All the hospital bills are payed for; however, the surgeon has charged me an additional 1,445.00. I never even saw the surgeon after the hospital. I went in for follow-ups to his office but would always miss him. I gave my insurance card to front desk girl and she told me she didn't need it but just in case she made a copy. Now two years later I come to find out that there is this bill!!!???? What can I do?""
""2nd speeding ticket in 13 months in the state of CA, how do i avoid insurance rates going up?""
So in california you can only go to traffic school once every 18months and if you take another traffic school (before 18 months is up) your insurance company can see that you took a traffic school. Although your record will be clean (they remove the point) if the insurance company sees that 2nd traffic school will they raise the insurance rates? also, this is my 2nd speeding ticket (1st one was in may last year, but cleared cause I went to traffic school) If I fight the ticket will it affect my insurance rates?""
What should the governments role be in healthcare?
What are you ok with the government touching, concerning your personal health care.""
How to get maternity insurance?
We are wanting to start TTC, but we are a little worried about the cost of the actual birth and doctors expenses, as well as any complications that might arise. Now, we do have enough money to cover the basics, but if anything else should arise to complicate things, we're worried. We both work from home for ourselves and have looked into private health insurance, even only maternity insurance, but the plans just suck and dang expensive! Anyway, I was wondering if you knew of any way to get legitimate insurance for only me while I'm pregnant, and for the baby after its born? Some sort of affordable state insurance? Im in AZ by the way. How would i go about finding something like that? thanks!""
Anyone know about life/disability insurance?
I'm doing a project for school and it wants to know What ALL life insurance covers and What ALL disability insurance covers but im confused. Is there a certain thing that every life insurance covers and a certain thing every disability insurance covers? If you could help, id appreciate it. Thanks :D""
Home Owner Insurance?
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Can you change health insurance before surgery?
I have an Anthem individual health plan. It's kind of expensive but I haven't been working and really wanted to have health insurance. I just started a full-time job that offers health insurance benefits. They offer Anthem insurance similar to what I already have just at a much cheaper cost to me but I'll probably have to get a new policy number. I'm having breast reduction the 2nd week of August and I've already received approval from my insurance company for them to pay. However I want to get insurance with my job but I only have 30 days from the start of employment to enroll in their plan. I'll be calling Anthem next week to see how this will affect my surgery but what do you all think? Is it possible to change policies before a surgery that's already been approved? I don't want to miss the open enrollment with my company but I also don't want to risk having to cancel my surgery. Thanks!
Scooter insurance - where can i get cheap scooter insurance for my 16 year old son ?
My 16 yr old son is being quoted stupid prices - he has a 49cc and has past his cbt. can anyone suggest a company who specialise in young riders ?
Why is my motorbike coming up wrong on insurance quotes ?
I Have a Gilera Runner VX 125cc, When i go onto gocompare & all other insurance websites it asks for my reg & when i put it in and select vehicle its coming up as a VXR 180cc, when i go on to HPI its 125cc & on my logbook its 125 could anyone explain why this is happening ? thanks for your time.""
Abt cancelation of car insurance?
i have taken car insurance from admiral .its abt 10 months installments.each month 70 pounds direct debit,its a third party insurance.unfortuntaely after paying 1 month(70) insurance.my car got big accident.i had given my car to scrap. when i called to my admiral insurance company to cancel my insurace.they are not doing it.pls can u tell me any other way to cancel my insurance..can i cancel my direct debit of insurance from bank?is der any problemss if i do direct debit""
How do I get car insurance?
I am 18. I am not in college nor do I have a diploma. I don't start college till Fall 2011. Is it possible that I can still get car insurance? If so, how?""
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
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What is the cheapest online car insurance where no deposit is paid? Morethan is no good. (UK)?
What is the cheapest online car insurance where no deposit is paid? Morethan is no good. (UK)?
Approximately how much does auto insurance cost for an 18 yr old new driver?
Full coverage and/or liability. I just need a ballpark figure to see if I can afford to pay for my son's auto ins.
How do I get medical insurance?
I am 20 years old and I need medical and dental insurance. I have tried medicade but I am to old and I don't have children. please help!!
If i dont have insurance and i drive a friends car in which he has insurance on it.?
What would happen? would my friend be liable, and would he have to pay everything? or would his insurance cover his car?""
Does anyone know this car insurance joke?
I heard a car insurance joke a while back it started with a lot of cussing and then at the end of it it said something like something something something I just saved money by switching my car insurance to GEICO or something like that can someone please tell me the joke if you know it? I wanna send it to a friend :)
Car insurance help needed?
I'm 16 and a male and I need to find out how much insurance would cost on a 2000 Monte Carlo SS. I heard that pod grade help so I have roughly a 3.3 GPA in HS
What is the average cost of car insurance for teens?
Hi my name is Evelyn and Im planning on getting my car soon. It'll be an old used car. Im a girl. 16 years old. 3.5 or higher gpa. possibly 3.75. Im wondering what the cost for insurance will be when I get the car. I am also currently taking drivers ed in school but have not completed the coarse yet. Does that matter? or should I get the insurance after finishing the class for the discount?
Idea as to how much full coverage car insurance would be for a 17 yo. Just a ballpark figure. Thanks.?
Idea as to how much full coverage car insurance would be for a 17 yo. Just a ballpark figure. Thanks.?
Auto insurance for a 19 yr old with a 1989 corvette?
My uncle is handing his 1989 C3 Corvette over to me as a present for getting my license.. I was wondering how much insurance would probably run me..I'm 19. College Student. Good GPA. Employed. I Live in Vegas if that helps. Thanks much!
Insurance companies?
Why do insurance companies charge motorists so much?
Cheap car insurance with a claim?
I've had an unlucky year, my first car got written off, and just recently i've had my second car stolen and not recovered. This has happened in the space of a year, and i have nearly had my licence one year. What are my options to get insured as cheap as possible? are there any insurance companies out there that specifically insure young drivers or drivers with claims?""
Car insurance Fiat Coupe 1998?
My partner is willing to by me my dream car, a Fiat Coupe 20v turbo, 1998 model, where should i go for insurance, i am getting really daft quotes! i have been driving 21 yrs, unfortunately not had my own insurance! except for the last 3yrs, had a windscreen claim, stone on the motorway, thats it! somebody please help me , i really want this car!!!! (, i am a very young 52)!!!""
Geico car insurance !?
i have car insurance with Geico, on the policy was said Effective date : 12/20/2009 ... ( just bought insurance from Geico on 12/29/2009 ). i got accident today,( 12/22/2009 ),a deer jump into the front of my car and the front bumper messed up really bad... i know on the policy its said the effective date is 12/20/200/9 but still i wonder am i cover when i just recently bought the car insurance from them ( for 1 day and a half i guess ) ?!!! am just so ... panic and .. confuse right now !""
Who has the best disability insurance?
Hi, I want to find out who has the best disability insurance. I work with my hands a lot doing home rehabs, and after a run-in with a spider bite on my right hand, I figured I need to get some insurance due to the nature of my outside activities. Has anyone purchased a supplemental insurance plan? If yes, did it pay out well? Do you like the company? Thanks!""
Can a ticket for no insurance be reduced?
Friend of mine got a ticket for no insurance 9 yrs ago.....i know long time......but after all this time is there anyway a good lawyer can.get the ticket reduced to a lesser one?
How much would the insurance be on a VW Beetle?
I am 17 and intrested in getting my first car a Classic VW Beelte, does any one know the price range for the insurance on one? Many thanks""
How Much Is Motorbike Insurance for an 18 Year Old?
Hi! Just want to know a rough estimate of how much it would cost to insure a Honda Hornet 600cc for an 18-19 year old on a full licence. I just need a rough idea so i know what to expect :D Thanks in advance!
How does car insurance work with multiple drivers and one car?
My family has one car and the only one who currently drives it/has auto insurance is my dad. If my sister and I are to get our drivers licenses (and would only ever drive this one car, too) how does insurance work? Do me and my sister both have to pay insurance on that same car too? Thanks!""
Auto Insurance Question.?
Just want to know if your supposed to know the exact dates of your tickets when you get insurance. Because I have 4 tickets and when I get quotes online they always tell me to enter the date. And I just enter a random date b/c I dont really know. And also they say by how much you were speeding. Which I also dont remember. Do you NEED this information? What If you don't enter it? Is it like against the law? And also if it is needed what do I do? I never had my own insurance so I have no clue. Thanks
Insurance Coverage?
HI I was in accident about 5 Month ago..I was seen by a doctors but I stopped going becuase I didn't have that much pain. Now I started having all this pain on my legs..so My question is, if I go see a doctor now, does my insurance covers it. Thank you for your advice..""
Can I still be insured with my mother?
So, my crappy old car just broke down. In the last few months I have managed to save up some money and I have decided to purchase a used car. The car cost about 6000 dollars and I have gotten a 3000 dollar loan in my name to pay the rest of the cost. So I'm trying to get all the paper work done because everything is in my name. My mom already purchased a car so she couldn't' even help my out to get a loan. Before I could even get the car, the bank needs a binding from an insurance company. When I had my old car my mom had me under her insurance because the car was under her name. So I want to know if after I get my insurance on my new car if I will be able to switch it over with my mom. Or will I be able to transfer the old car insurance into the new one. Right now I am planning to get the same insurance she has. Will I always have to have the insurance under my name is it is my car? This is in Massachusetts""
Health insurance question for college student?
I'm a dependent college student under my parents health insurance plan and I was wondering if I take a semester off does the college notify the health insurance agency of my absence or do I have to notify them? health insurance provider is CSEA.
About how much car insurance does a first time 26 year old driver have to pay?
I need to know I lived in the city for many years and got by with public transportation so I never needed a car no that I have moved I need to buy a car, I hear folks says new drivers pay more..is this true of so how much more I plan to buy a used car for around 5-8 k directly no car loans""
Should car insurance be made mandatory?
I use public transportation or a bicycle to get to places, and my refusal to purchase car insurance drives the price up for people who drive. This is unfair that I save money and you have to pay.""
Ne 1 know a cheap 4x4 insurance company?
Ne 1 know a cheap 4x4 insurance company?
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
Health Insurance for part timers?
Does anyone have any recommendations for affordable health insurance? My fiance and I work part time and places that don't provide us with health insurance. I'll be off my parent's in December and he hasn't been to the dentist in 10 years. We think he has about 8 cavaties and his wisdom teeth are coming in and pushing the rest of his teeth together. I don't know if we can pick up insurance for a year, get his teeth taken care of, then drop it if it's too expensive. But I feel like we need to do something! So if you have any suggestions for good health insurance companies, I'd really appreciate it!""
""Whats a cheap military car insurance, with low down payment?""
i know usaa, but i want options.. im in florida.. if that makes a difference""
Finding a good auto insurance in denver?
i am moving to denver next month and my auto insurance is about to expire in a month, right now have usaa insurance and there premium goes up to 132$ per month, i tried esurance is cheaper than what i pay now (82$ per month). what are some trustable compnaies to go with in a big city like denver. i have a 2008 honda crv and hubby drives 01 nissan altima. what are the coverage limitations in denver and what will be a reasonable coverage to get. nissan is paid off.""
I have a $500 deductible with my car insurance (State Farm) and was wondering if I could use that deductible t?
To actually fix my car up to it's showroom look (Currently driving with a broken bumper, dented fender, and broken headlight/signal marker not caused by me mind you)??""
Insurance of a replica sports car ?
Would I have to pay high insurance on a replica of a sports car, when really the car is actually that the body kit will be going onto is only worth 600 ?""
Is motorcycle insurance normally cheaper than car insurance?
For example if I wanted a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared to a Toyota Corolla?""
BEST HOME INSURANCE for a town house in allwntown Pa in the USA?
What would be a good home insurance for my town house in allentown PA.. i am looking for something good and affordable ANY IDEAS
What types of insurances are there?
Like im not an adult or anything but I want to know how many insurances are out there. Please list them. Thanks. P.S. I know water insurance, health insurance, car insurance, and I don't know anymore!""
""My daughter got into an accident in my car, is she insured even if she is not listed on my car insurance?""
My daughter just got into an accident and totaled my car. This is in Michigan and she is not listed on the insurance. She spends most of the week at her fiance's house (who drives her to work, school, so forth) and comes home for the weekends and rarely uses our cars (once or twice every month or more). Now my insurance is saying they can not cover her because she does not live at home, even though she never really moved out and her permanent address is at home, even when she went away to college. She is under absolutely everything for us, but they are trying to tell her to work with her fiance's car insurance for medical coverage. I never saw a reason to put her on our car insurance because she doesn't use the cars and I don't think it's fair to put it under her fiance's insurance because he had absolutely nothing to do with it. Any suggestions on how to go about this situation would be really appreciated!""
Sr22 insurance Texas?
I need an sr22 insurance for Texas, but a cheap one. Any tip?""
New Brunswick Motorcycle Insurance is based on...?
I will be moving to NB this summer (from BC), and was wondering how the insurance rates out there are determined. Here in BC there are a number of insurance brackets (based on displacement) which determine the base rate. All bikes in any one bracket pay the same, so a 600cc sportbike is cheaper than a 883 Sportster (these are only for liability, theft and collision are based more on $$ value). In general, is it the same in NB? Would I save money by going to a smaller bike (I currently ride a 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), assuming the actual $$ value of the bike was about the same? Does the type of bike matter? I'd ask an insurance agent, but they are usually pretty reticent to explain how their rates are determined. Hope you can help.""
How far will my car insurance go up?
i hit my friends car at school today, there's just alittle dent and some red paint from my car on his car. im 16, and i have a red mustang convertible..im just wondering how much my insurance will go up?""
How much are you paying for your kids car insurance?
Recently, I brought my daughter a 2002 Camaro v6 for 7,800 with taxes included. I pay 127 dollars a month for insurance. She is about to be 16 and able to drive on her own. She is very responsible, gets great grades and has very few friends. How much do you pay for your child's insurance? I heard that buying them a sports car would make the insurance go very high but that hasn't been the case.""
Car Insurance Honda Civic coupe vs sedan?
So I'm looking into buying a car. I'm 20 and I'm under my dads insurance. I pay 60 for being a secondary drivers for my dads van, but I want to get my own car. Would it be more if I got a black Honda civic coupe rather than a sedan?""
How much control does the government have over malpractice insurance policies?
Does our government determine the guidelines for malpractice insurance or is this strictly up to the Insurance companies and the states?
What happens when the car has insurance but the driver isn't in the insurance and hits another car?
Will the insurance still pay? It seems as they do not want to.
How much is a fine for driving someone else's car with no insurance?
i have insurance on my car but the car i was driving didnt have insurance.
Best whole life insurance company that isn't that expensive?
My husband is planning to start driving a cab in the next few months. I have life insurance that my mother pays on, but we want to start a policy with a good company for my husband that is whole life, any recommendations?""
Where can i find a Low Car Insurance Rate?
Where can i find a Low Car Insurance Rate i have 2000 Toyota
Another pregnancy insurance question?
we live in california, and we need insurance very soon, what is the household income limit to get assistance for a pregnancy""
How much does a new car affect your insurance?
my insurance stands right now at like 150$ a month, i have my N. my car right now is way old and want a new one. i want to buy a classic - 2002 mustang convertable, i want it to be an older model but newly built, will that increase my insurance alot like if i had a 2009 car or not bad. an example of what id want it look like is this : http://www.netcarshow.com/ford/2002-mustang_gt_convertible/800x600/wallpaper_02.htm""
Ballpark insurance quote?
Can anyone give me a ballpark estimate of how much it would cost me to get car insurance. 18 years old, recently bought a 1983 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am. I just need cheapest possible. Starting to get pissed off how it's legal to discriminate against someones age and jack there insurance premiums. How is that any different then racism?""
Help on insurance?
does anybody know were i can find an affordable full coverage insurance in Los Angeles? its for an Escalade.
How much does it cost to put myself on car insurance ?
I'm an 18 year old male. I drive a red 2009 jetta sport. How much do I have to pay to put myself on the the car insurance. And how much will I pay monthly ? Oh an btw. I just got the car yesterday and I'm trying to get State Farm. Thank you!
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
Why is my car insurance so outrageous?
I live in Massachusetts and it is more than 3000 per year (252 per month). I am 18 so i have only been driving for a little over two years and i understand the inexperienced driver thing, even though i have never had an accident or fender bender or anything. Anyway, when will this go down? I want to purchase a home within the next year or two, and i dont have a huge income so this takes a large chunk. I know that it varies by state so would i be better off in Connecticut? I know it is cheaper there but by how much... and what does your state have to do with it?""
What is the cheapest insurance company for a 17 year old driving a bmw?
I'm a 17 year old girl an my parents are buying me a 2011 328xi awd BMW and I was wondering where it would e cheepeat to ensure
08 lancer gts or 08 altima coupe what would be best for 17 year old and cheaper on insurance?
I want one that's fun to drive it has to be reliable I don't want to race but I do want a little speed I want whatever is cheaper on insurance and I'm stuck between these two cars what do you guys think?
How much does your insurance go up after you have caused an accident?
I was in a car accident on Jan. 16th (yes, my fault!) and my car was totalled. I am buying a new car and need to know by about how much my insurance will go up. It was $270 a month (full coverage) before. I am 19, by the way. The car I am (hopefully!) buying is a 2000 Ford Mustang.""
Should I change the deductible on my auto insurance?
I own a car that is 12 years old with only 81,000 miles on it. The car is worth somewhere between $3000 and $4000, depending on if I sell it outright or trade it in. My plan is to drive it for as long as I am able. I have a $500 deductible right now but am wondering if I should change it to $1000 to reduce expenses. I live on a fixed disability income and money is tight. I have no savings. With that said, what would be the best thing to do at this point.""
I have a question about health insurance?
if a contact is lost will health insurance get you another pair
Why did the president veto children's health insurance plan?
I don't understand.
How dos US car insurance work compared to english car insurance?
I'm looking to get a bmw x5 but insurance is 9000k a year like $13000k I heard they do it different so its easier to get bigger cars. In england they don't allow young drivers to get big cars so the insurance is expensive How dos us car insurance work
How much will motorcycle insurance cost?
im going to start all the things i need for it in march -15 1/2 -going to take msf course summmer -used bike -using it to go to school and job if i get one -suzuki gsxr600 or kawasaki ninja 500r is what i wanna drive
What IS affordable health care? How much does it cost?
All these questions are answered in insurance policies today, but with this bill, we are asked to support it without any of this information. How is that fair or just? Am I just to accept that the government will determine for me how much I am expected to pay and STILL support it?""
Can a Company charge more for insurance monthy for employees who work out of state?
This company who's headquarters is in California, is charging about 45 dollars a month for insurance, but if you work out of state, anywhere else, it is 105.00. This is the same position with the company despite the price difference. Is this employee fairness? Is this legal? Thanks!""
I want to get an insurance quote and i have a DUI?
I need to get an insurance quote but i have a DUI (reduced to a reckless driving) i have a terrible driving record I was born Nov.12 1989 do you think that would make my insurance quotes higher?
Insurance for couples therapy ?
Does anyone know how to get insurance to help pay for relationship counseling?
""Im a 14 years experianced driver , going to reside in USA, Wi, soon ; how will be my Auto Insurance policy?""
Im a 32 years old male and I have been driving for past 14 years. Im going to move to USA , Wisconsin , I would like to know how will be my Auto Insurance Policy? Will I be considered as a new driver , Since I belive I would have to apply for an American Driving license?""
Will this affect my car insurance?
My car insurance took the money out of my account today and I completely forgot there wasnt enough money in there. But when I checked today I realized they did take the money out even though it put me in the negative. This is the first time ive ever done this. Will they cancel my insurance?
Is New York Life Insurance a good company to work for?
I have been job hunting and got a interview next week for financial adviser. I want to know if this type of job are commission based pay only and do I have to bug friend and family to buy stuff? thanks, andy""
""I got a problem, my daughter just got her drivers license and because I could get cheaper insurance with?""
another company, I switched insurance companies. Needless to say yesterday when she was backing out of our car port she hit the carport pole and scratched my car pretty bad and knocked some trim off. The scratch bothers me the most because it's long and down to the metal and paint is chipping off. Can anyone tell me how I can fix this with out filing a claim?""
Health insurance and medical abortion?
so i just took a pregnancy test today im 18 and pregnant. i cant sleep i cant eat im a mess. i need to terminate this pregnancy asap so i can get on with my life. i called my health insurance HealthNet, and they DO cover the medical abortion (abortion pill) thats not plan B. its the abortion by medication. they also said i need to find an obgyn to approve it or something then its all covered. so i called one and they said i have to pay 750 dollars!!!! even if they do cover it i still have to pay that! im in california btw, and i dont even have 100 dollars. could i go to a hospital that covers me and get it for free? or for atleast 100$? at most? or do i have to go to plan parenthood at spend the 350.""
To HOLD a California Drivers License is it required to have insurance?
Argument with a coworker
What if my parents don't have insurance?
Well my i just found out since my dad got fired, we don't have insurance anymore and i can't go to the orthodontist any more either. I'm wondering why couldn't we just buy permanent insurance so we don't have to deal with this in case one of them looses a job. Shouldn't the whole affordable act thing make health insurance cost less? Or has it not I'm only 16 so i have no clue.""
How can I get car liability insurance without USA drivers' license?
I am a foreign citizen and we would like to buy a car in San Francisco for a cross country trip. The only problem seems to be the car liability coverage insurance, which is obligatory to have when driving. How the others do, who make such trip? Are there insurance companies offering daily rates, or periodical packages with not American drivers' license? Car rental places offer liability insurance for 12.99 per day, so I think of something, like that. Thank you for the responses. Zsolt""
What is the $$$ insurance for a yamaha bike?
a car being too expensive i wanted to buy a 5-6 grand yamaha sports bike but dont know how much insurance will be? does any one know how much it is for say 16 year old-25 years? thats the years in which ur considered a teen right and i would be classified as in there.
Medical Cancer insurance?
my brother had cancer in the past. can he be covered by anyone now?? If he can what medical insurance?
Cheapest and best flood insurance?
I live in Az and was told my townhome was is in a flood zone and I need flood insurance. How much does this cost and wheres the cheapest place to get it. Another guy in the unit next to me said his mortgage company forced the insurance on his loan and it was 2,500 a year so his mortgage went up 300 a month!! thats seems like an insane amount? Please help.""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old girl?
I'm trying to find out how much insurance will be when I buy my car, but websites like go compare wont let you check until your 17 :) No idea what you need to find out so heres some details :) Vauxhall Corsa Specification 1.0 12V GLS Transmission Manual Engine Size: 973 cc Fuel Type: Petrol Thank you :) x""
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
0 notes
Riverview Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33578
"Riverview Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33578
Riverview Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33578
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much do you pay for your car + car insurance?
I pay around $300 for both the car (2001 Hyundai sonata) and the insurance, but me and my husband are having our second child and we know that we need something bigger but cannot find an suv for less than $300, then we still have to pay for insurance. Is anyone out there that pays less than that for a good suv? Thanks for the help""
Why are car insurance companies trying to make me go bankrupt?
Okay, this is extremely frustrating. I'm a 19 year old student, who works part time. I have all-state insurance full coverage, and I drive a 2001 toyota tacoma, which is paid off. And guess how much Allstate charges me every 6 months? $750!!!!!!!!!!!! That is absolutely ridiculous. These son of a bitches are totally ridiculous charging me that. I've never had a ticket, never been in an accident. And I don't care if i'm 19 that price is absolutely absurd for that car. I'm almost at the point where I just wanna go illegal and drive without insurance. I'm looking sleep every night over this I mean seriously do they think a 19 year old college student is made of money. And the funny thing is it's under my parents policy and its this much!!!""
Low cost liability car insurance in Conroe tx?
What are some places, How many people do you have on your liability insurance and how much do you pay and who do you have? I have two people and atm using AIG. they are going to up my bill over 65 a month. Wondering if anyone else is getting better?""
Do I need insurance ?
I'm 16 I'm starting my own lawn care Business Do I need Insurance In case I hit something and does my car Insurance cover snow plowing
Can I get health insurance for only my baby?
I just need a little guidance right now so I know what to do when my child is born. I'm due at the end of next June. I want to get health insurance for my baby because I'm not trying to pay an arm and a leg every time I take her to the doctor. However, I only need the insurance for the baby. I'm covered until I'm 25, even after I give birth, under my mother's insurance. (I'm 22 now.) Her insurance is through her job, she works for the State of Colorado. I already checked into adding the baby under her plan, but my mom would either have to be my child's legal guardian or adopt it. I don't want or need her to do that. I just keep hearing different things about being able to get it's own policy. Can anyone tell me if this is possible??""
""6008 insurance quote for hyundai getz 1.1, what am i doin wrong?""
im a 17 year old male, who lives in a nice area with little crime, it will be kept on the drive, im offering 500 excess, third part only, i cant belive this price from go-compare, and this was the cheapest quote, what else can i try, ive tried putting my mum on as a named driver, but it only lowers it by about 100.""
What is the cheapest insurance company for 17 year olds?
im 16 but will be turning 17 in a few months. to get ahead of the game and in the know i decided to start looking at cars and insurance straight away. my car of choice would be a 1995-1999 Vauxhall corsa 1.0 0r 1.2 litre as they cheap to buy, run and supposedly insure. ive looked around for insurance qutoes for myself when i turn 17 and recieve my full ik license but all quotes so far are above 4,000 even with a pass plus. is there any companys to get it below 3,000 or anywhere close. i realise i am never going to get cheap insurance straight away but i would consider 3,000 a much more reasonable quote and would love it to be closer to 2.000. also any tips or advice on getting cheaper insurancewould be greatly appreciated thanks guys""
Where can i get good health insurance?
i just got kicked off healthfirst with no warning so i need to find something fast please help :-)
Do I have to have a job that offers dental insurance to get it?
how do I find an easy and affordable dental insurace that will aceept people that are self-employed?
Whats the best car insurance for young drivers?
I'm 16 and about to get my license and have been looking for cars online. my parents said i can have a a mustang V6 if i can save up for it (which i can) and yes, i realize insurance can be kinda high for mustangs but read somewhere that the 1996-2000 mustangs aren't AS MUCH to insure. i was just wondering if anyone knew of what the best car insurance was for young drivers.""
Motorcycle cost monthly?
Hey guys, I have some questions for you. I am 17 years old, and want to buy my first motorcycle (supermoto). I think I have a good idea on what it costs, but i'm just unsure. First off, i'll need to get my license. What'll that cost me? (California). I do have a car license, so getting the motorcycle license should be short and sweet, but i dont know. secondly, i'm going to get some motorcycle gear. I figure I'll be in 500$ with both license and gear (nice used leathers probably). Then i am going to get the bike which costs $4000. Being a supermoto, the insurance should be cheaper right? DRZ400sm if that helps. So between monthly payments and insurance, I should be in... 200$ a month? then gas, social life, blah blah. What do you think I need to be making monthly to make this happen. I bring in 500$ a month, and have 600$ in the bank as of now.""
I need health insurance.how do i get it?
i live in albuquerque and i work part time so i dont have insurance.my tooth is starting to bother me and i think i really need to go to the dentist but i dont have insurance.how do i get one? please help :(
My brother got my friends car and got stopped for dwi and the car now is impounded. But the insurance?
But the insurance is under my friends brothers name cuz my friend dosent have a licence and his brother is not here. but i got a license what can we do to take the car out??
Help with auto insurance?!?
So, I'm 17 and just recently bought my first car (2000 Dodge Neon), but I'm unable to drive it due to the lack of car insurance. I'm getting reeaaally frustrated because I don't know where to start! There's so many policies... I'm also running on a budget, so a cheap policy would be awesome. Any suggestions???""
""Insurance rates for a 1996 Ford Crown Victoria in Chattanooga, Tennessee?""
My next car, just need to know the insurance. Asking you guys might prevent me a whole lot of hassle and harassment from the insurance companies.""
Average car insurance for me?
Im a guy. Senior in high school. I don't have a 3.0+ gpa to reduce insurance. I'm prolly gonna drive a 96 blazer or 97 jeep grand Cherokee. Roughly, how much would my insurance be?""
How much would insurance be on a used car that you bought for around 8,000 from a dealer, if you were a teenager?""
CA Auto Insurance Broker Fee?
What is the average rate a Broker Charges when you sign up to insurance through them in the State of California?
""Is $500,000 a large life insurance policy? Or is it just average? Or more of a starting point? Relative to what people typically have.?""
Is $500,000 a large life insurance policy? Or is it just average? Or more of a starting point? Relative to what people typically have.?""
Can we insure our life with more than one insurance company?
If so, in health insurance case, how we get reimbursement with one one set of original bills?""
""USPS Insurance, How much to insure an envolope.?""
Hello, I would like to start selling things online. I would be selling small thin items that I can place in a regular size envelope. I was wondering if anyone knew how much it would cost me to insure the envelope for $25, and maybe $50 for the larger orders to mail at a USPS post office? I couldn't find this information online. ):""
Do i need insurance for my drivers test?
Am 18 years old and im about to take my california drivers test in about two weeks i was checking everything to make sure i was in good condition.Then i read that i need to have proof of insurance witch is a problem because i do not have my license yet.So i ask my uncle if i could use his car he said yes and his car is insured, does he need to add me to his policy or am i good to take my test? Thank you""
I dont get what to do about car insurance?
Im 16, and ive had my permit since last august, and im gonna go for my license. I lived with my dad, but i have been living with my mom for a while. Im probably going to go on my dads insurance. But, can i drive my moms cars. So my questions are 1. Can I drive my moms cars when if i am on my dads insurance, is there a policy where I can drive other peoples cars? 2. Can I go on my dads insurance if I dont live with him? 3. Im not on any insurance now, I drive with my parents. They are on the insurance and their cars are covered, so do I already have to be covered with just a permit. 4. Im going to use my moms car for the driving test, do I have to be on insurance by then? I know they check for proof of insurance but i dont know if im supposed to be on it. My parents are divorced and I live in illinois and they have different insurance companies.""
Cheap motorbikes... cost and insurance?
looking at motorbikes 600cc and upwards that are cheap insurance groups. im not looking for a cruiser but mayber a sports tourer or bandit style bike ( sorta sporty looking ) ive tried to look but cant fine any... i keep getting insurance websites is there any 600cc's that are group 1 insurance at all????
Is it illegal to not have insurance?
I was looking online and saw something in my state for someone getting arrested for not having insurance. My car is insured, but the insurance is not in my name and is under someone else's name and they pay for it. Is it illegal for there not to be an insurance in my name as well?""
Riverview Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33578
Riverview Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33578
Can i have a car without insurance and not drive it ?
hey im gonna get a car soon, so my q is this can i get a car without insurance and keep it outside my house till i get insurance? wont drive it till i get insurance and i havent got a driveway or anythiing so it will beon the road thanks""
Car insurance for minors?
Abt how much would insurance cost me. Am 17 wit a drivers licence and I live in Texas ? Thanks:)
Why does another persons driving record affect my insurance?
sharing a residence with other people doesn't mean sharing vehicles or the responsibilities, so why should their driving record affect my insurance rates?""
Urgent question about medical insurance for college students!!!???
I'm a student at a major university in the state of Washington (not that it matters for the question I guess). I'm still on my dad's insurance but it's going to expire on my birthday this year. If it is verified that I'm a student at a college (I don't think it matters whether it's a university, community college, trade school, whatever), then the insurance can continue. I stupidly dropped a class close to the beginning of this term, and this unknowingly dropped me *just*, just barely to the status of 'half-time'. I really didn't realize this would happen and has caused me all sorts of grief with the financial aid gods (lol)...I already will have to be writing appeal letters explaining my mistake. Well, I digress, but my question is: For this insurance matter, do I just need to be a student or do I need to be a full-time student . If it's the latter, pardon my French, but I'm pretty much, f**ked, aren't I? Anyone know the answer?""
Insurance pays for Impound fee's help?
Here is my situation. I was driving from school and a crazy driver made me avoid him almost hitting me causing me to crash into a parked car on the curb, the guy recklessly driving left the scene and i got stuck with all the blame. I'm a teenager 17 years old i have no license nor permit but i was responsible enough to get myself insured in the car full coverage i had to find ways to get from school to home and from home to work. Well my car got impounded and now i'm stuck with a hefty ticket for 1) making an unsafe move 2) Driving without a license and my dad got a ticket for letting me drive without a license. The car is totaled from the right side of the front and it's a Toyota Celica GT-S 2004. My questions is this. Will insurance pay for the towing and impound fee's that are about to hit me? I live in California. I have full coverage on insurance and i already called them and I'm expecting a call back. I really can't afford the impound fee's and my dad is in a very heavy financial situation. I pay for the car myself and insurance which is hefty. I'm just wondering if insurance will pay for the Impound fee's and the cars damage. Thanks for your answesr.""
Where to get cheap insurance for at risk drivers?
Well I had an 08 chevy cobalt (dad was paying for it) & me & my friends were always stupid & I was always doing stupid things. Totaled it. & I got 5 points on my license. I got a Job & my mom agreed shed pay for half the payments on a car. I liked the 2013 dodge darts bc they were really good on gas, looked cool, & had a lot of room. Well the insurance for that was gonna be 900 a month through Allstate. Which is crazy. I can afford 1-150 a month for insurance. Anywhere I could go to get a cheap car insurance? Within my price range for an at risk driver? & I probably won't buy the dart, I was thinking like an 07 civic or eclipse or something on the lines of that""
Cheapest car insurance?
Does anyone know the best deals around for third party fire and theft? The quotes I have been given are ridiculous compared to last year, I'm sick of shopping around having to keep repeating the details then to find that the quote is as bad as the first! Thanks Guys if you can recommend....""
What is an SR22 insurance?
Why do i need an SR22 ? Can someone Explain what it does? How about the cost?
Insurance after you buy your car?
I'm picking up a new car I just bought from a dealership tomorrow, how does insurance work? I have insurance at the moment for the car I am driving but not the new one I am buying. help :)""
Insurance help please?
got hit from behind by a driver who has insurance, i notified my insurance what happens next ? will my car get repaired by his company or mine ? and how does a deductible work ? Ive never been in an accident so i am clueless on this,,,,,and how do they fix your car ? do they tell you where to go to repair it ? or just give you the money ? and how do you determine how much ? sorry for being uninformed completely !!!! thanks for your knowledge""
No insurance ticket in calfornia?
i have car insurance with triple a for my truck... but i was cited for no insurance while driving my scooter. if i can prove i just bought the scooter will that release my ticket.... dont insurance poolicies state u have 10 days to report a new vehicle ??? any way to get out of this ticket
Tips for cheaper car insurance. Please?!?
Im a 15 years old male, looking to buy a car. I've talked to my dad about insurance and he said I need to gget a car that is going to be cheap on insurance. He told me not to smoke. And get a 4 door car. And a car that isn't red or yellow or orange. Any other tips you can give me, to keep in mind, while im shopping for a car? Thanks""
I just got a 1991 chevy camaro it is my first car how expensive wil my insuranse be?
how expensive will my insurance be? how cheap can i get it?
Why doesn't Obama want people to be able to get health insurance from other states?
wouldn't this create more competition in the insurance business?
Is it hard to learn how to file insurance as an admissions person?
Is it hard to learn how to file insurance as an admissions person?
How do I get a nice car with decent insurance as an age 17 male?
For some time now, I had been looking at subaru imprezas, of which I love. However, each insurance quote I got from my parents was something like 3400 a year under my dad, and close to 8,000 a year under my own policy, with collision, so my parents wouldnt even consider it. The quote was for an 04, so if it is that insane I dont see how some kids own 03s, 04s, even a few 07s, as my parents arent poor by any means, and I know all the other kids do not have rich parents. Even an 02 accord with 80k miles was over 3000 a year under my dad with collision. Is there any possible way I can get a nice car, something like an 02 impreza is ideal, without paying so much insurance with collision? I am perfectly aware of the fact that if I get a 95 civic with no collision, insurance wont b a problem. However, I have some hard earned money to spend on a car, and I cant see how I am constantly heading towards the single path of a bucket without collision. Please help me""
What is the cheapest car to insure?
I've seen questions like this before and the answers were like all the cars in group 1 insurance but i was doing quotes and i found a car in group 2 was cheaper than a car in group 1. I'm nearly 17 and at this rate i won't be getting a car because its so expensive insurance, it would be good if i knew the exact car which would be the cheapest to insure then ill investigate it :) thanks.""
Legal question about car insurance?
I bought a car off of my coworker a few months back, and everything is in my name. I had paid for insurance but I was going through a rough patch and it lapsed. My mother, whom is living with me, decided to be nice and pay for a month of insurance, through a new company. This is a new policy, as my old one had lapsed. Recently though, my mother and myself have had a falling out. She's holding my car over my head. She says since she paid for a month of insurance she has free reign over using my car. The car is in my name, and as far as I'm aware based on documents the insurance is as well. The only difference is she paid for that one month of insurance for me. And that month she paid for is still active. So like I said, she is holding the car over my head. I left my house the other night with my car key so she couldn't use it - This is after everyone I asked that I knew told me to take the keys. She is also living with me, I am renting the home. She is making threats through text messages saying that if I don't return the car key she will cancel my policy. Is that possible for her to do? She just paid for a month of insurance, and I believe I'm completely in control of my policy. I don't believe it can be cancelled through her calling. Is that possible? Anyone know? So not only do I own the car, I also rent the house. Legally I don't believe she can hold my own car over my head. Also, to add... After taking my keys, I left my home and went to a my girlfriends to get away for a while. Since I have taken my car keys, she has taken and hid my car battery to insure that I am unable to remove my car from my property. She refuses to give it back because she paid for my one month of insurance to start my policy again... So my questions... 1. Is it possible for her to cancel my insurance is the car is in my name, and if the policy, I believe, is also in my name? 2. Legally, can I call the local police department and have her surrender both my car, as well as it's car battery to me? I don't have my registration information on me, she removed that from the car as well. But a quick look up on my license, as well as my car insurance card that I have should be enough to validate it is indeed my car, correct?""
Unemployment insurance in california?
Last year I was unemployed. To make a long story short, i took a job and was there for less than 2 weeks. I was forced to pray, and listen to scripture that was muslim. I am very understanding in all religions, but do not practice myself. I was very uncomfortable and left. EDD decided that i left without cause and that i did not deserve insurance. they made me pay back what they paid me and 30% more. I did so even though I didn't agree. Now that I am laid off again, I filled out a claim and got a response saying that I was eligible, and they gave me the forms to fill out for the first two weeks, the standard claim forn. I filled it out, and now got back letters saying that i am not eligible for benefits until i have filed a claim for each of the 5 weeks in which i am otherwise eligible for benefits. I haven't received new claim forms. I am assuming that I will get these, and I will fill them out for 5 weeks, and then they will pay me? So I am looking for clarification, after claiming 5 weeks they will give me my benefits? Thanks for your help, to anyone that has gone through this. It is so unfair! I paid them so much, for something I felt I was justified doing, and now I am still being punished! I would rather be working and not have to worry about this, but it is so hard to find a job :( not a great holiday.""
How much does it cost on average for someone to own a car per month?
I am talking about evrything gas, insurance, loans etc...""
Debit prepaid insurance or prepaid expense?
dec 2. issued check no. 1103 for $2270.00 to miami insurance company for the premium on a 30,000 policy for the year beginning dec 1. would it be: debit Prepaid Insurance 2270 cedit Cash 2270 ??? thanks!""
3 car crash.. I am the insurance companies hunt !!?
Hello .. I would like to listen to your opinios regarding this situation that has turned into a nightmare for me !!! I spent few months in Australia.. I have a full driving license.. I was driving on the M4.. I had 2 cars in front of me .. I was in the last car in the row ( third car ) .. the car in the front ( First car ) has braked suddenly .. The car in the middle ( second car ) hit it causing it much damage .. I could not stop at the right time and i hit the middle car afterwards .. Now .. The man in the middle car has lied to his insurance company and said that he stopped at the right time but when i hit him i made his car jump to the front and hit the front car .. I have now 2 insurance companies chasing me for money and treat me as a hunt because i had no third party property damage at the time of the accident .. My understanding was that the greenslip covers these things but actually they dont .. I have received bills from both companies.. 7000 AUD for the front car and 2000 for the middle car .. The details of repairs in the middle car ( that i hit on a very low speed) shows that damage at the rear of the car cost only 427 AUD and i offered them to pay it .. They refused and threatened me to go to court.. The police did not come at the place of the accident .. What do you think i should do?! How strong will be my situation at the court ?!
Bankruptcy and life insurance?
I have plain old life insurance with my husband as beneficiary. Do I have to cancel life insurance if I file bankruptcy? I want to have this for security for my husband and five children should anything ever happen to me. It has no cash value.
Is it possible for me to get car insurance just for the summer?
I got my drivers insurance early last year, and since I'm now I'm away at college, my parents cancelled my insurance. Now that school's almost over, is it possible for me to re-activate it for approximately 3 months? Thanks! :)""
How long does it take to get auto insurance?
if i apply now how long will i be able to get the insurance? im a new driver and i need insurance 4 myself. i need to drive a car with insurance before may
Riverview Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33578
Riverview Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33578
Coverage characteristics of health insurance?
What are some of the coverage characteristics of health insurance
Does a moving violation affect your insurance?
I was at a red light and quick switched lanes less than 50 feet of the intersection and turned right on a red light, but their was no traffic oncoming.... so will it affect my insurance?""
What is the best Insurance company for car quotes ??? (Cheapest)?
Im looking for a cheap reliable insurance company i can get a qoute for a 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2
Do i get the money (first and last months payment) i put down for car insurance back if i switch companies?
i bought car insurance two months back and i put a down payment first and last month payment but i would like to switch i found a cheaper insurance will i get that money back?
Want the cheapest and most affordable insurance in Florida (Tampa) !!!?
He guys, I'm 19 years old and just received my driving license this week. I want to insure my car that I just bought recently , would someone tell me a name of a company that offer an affordable insurance for student ? Just to let you know , some people say that there is no differences between insurance companies prices. but actually that is WRONG !!!>>>>> Some companies try to get customers by cheap prices > please let me know if you have experiences this situation.""
Where can i find affordable life insurance for my 81 yr old granmother?
I live in Illinois, and I work for the UI, but im not sure if I can add my grandmother on my insurance...So Im trying to find somewhere that will take senior citizens, but something i can afford..""
What is the lowest average cost for health insurance?
Im a poor 22 year old college student, and I am looking for health insurance at a very low cost- any ideas?""
How much money does car insurance go up per year after an accident that is your own fault?
My wife and I just had an accident in a parking lot in which we backed into another car that had almost completely backed out already. No one was hurt, but the damage caused by our car is between $1,000 and $1,500. We will not have the damage to our car repaired. This accident is our fault; however, both of us have had a completely perfect driving record up until now. We just want to know how much this accident is going to make our insurance go up.""
Whats the best auto insurance for a 20 year old girl with a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee?
What would be the best and the cheapest auto insurance for a girl 20 years old with a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo with 6 cyn 4X4 and a security system???? Which one would you consider the cheapest auto insurance?? She got a speeding ticket on 8/8/08 too going 45 in a 30.
If car insurance goes with the car technically does that mean an uninsured driver can drive an insured car?
I have a license but no insurance. I drive my dad's car which is insured in his name. If he is aware that i am driving the car and i get into an accident, does that mean I am insured?""
Cheapest Car Insurance in the UK ?
WHere can i find the cheapest car insurance in the UK for a 25 yr Old lad, with Zero NCD, Mondeo 2.0TDCI LX yr 2002/02. Living in the Coventry Area""
How much are your car insurance(College Kids) (Iam 22)??
Iam 22 now, I am under my fathers geico policy, I pay $278.00 a month, not even full coverage. My car is Nissan Maxima 00. I have never been in car accident since I got my license for 4 years now. I know Iam paying little too high cuz my sis who turn 18 is also on the policy now by law. For that price I should be getting full coverage !! But wondering how much are you guys paying for your insurance monthly etc? College kids related only please, dont tell me you pay dirt cheap cuz your 40 years old, thats obivious. Also what is the cheapest company I can switch to ? cuz Iam in college and have barely any money, all my money goes in the insurance and if Iam lucky I get to gas up a full tank maybe once a month lol.""
""I am 17 and looking into purchasing a black 1996 Bmw 328i convertible for $7000, what would my insurance be?""
The car is in my price range, but im just trying to research how much insurance will be. I am 17 have good grades, an Eagle Scout and in National Honor society and my annual mileage would be anywhere from 5-10,000k""
Insurance quotes?????????
I am about sit my practical car test so a thought a'll look for a car and insurance but the weirdest thing is that a got cheaper insurance on provisional liecense (which i had for 2 years) 2011 reg renault clio =1200 and if i pass 2100 does anyone no y?????
Tips for cheaper insurance?
I'm 18 year old male so obviously my insurance is a bomb. I passed my test last February 2nd. I have been insured for a 1.0 litre corsa which was around 2,500 a year which is ridiculous, my mate has been driving for about 2 year and his insurance is under 500? I was on my mams insurance with her no claims and all that stuff, keep it in the garage at night, do 6000 mile aYear etc.. I don't really fancy having a tracker, could someone tell me some cars that are cheap on insurance and some good cheap insurance sites? Thanks""
Is the cost of car insurance changed more by cost of the car or of the person driving it?
Is the cost of car insurance changed more by cost of the car or of the person driving it?
Do you believe in any type insurance ? why ?
what is advantage and disadvantage of insurance ?
I might be starting a new job out of state. how do i provide health insurance for my family?
I might be starting a new job out of state. how do i provide health insurance for my family?
Is a life insurance that terms at age 95 a good one?
I just reviewed my life insurance and saw that it termed at age 95..I'm not sure if that is good or bad...please help!
Can you have more than two car insurance policies in New Jersey?
I am under my dad insurance and so is one of my cars. Is it possible for me to be under another insurance with my other car or thats not possible.
Cheapest car insurance company for young drivers?
I am 18 and just passed my test. Any one know of any really cheap insurers that i can go with?
Transferring Car Insurance?
I just re-newed my car insurance but now im purchasing a new car. Is it possible to get the balance of my last insurance payment transferred over to my new car? Or will I have to pay for insurance again in full?
Short-term car insurance in the US?
In the following year I'm going to have several visitors coming for just a few days and I want them to be able to use my car. I'd like to know if there are companies that offer short-term car insurance.
How much does a filling cost with insurance? like an estimate?
I'm 19 and clueless, and well i decided to get Metlife insurance, (safeguard) anyways , i know it depends where i go and etc, but i want an idea... just typically speaking
Finding taxi insurance and licensing in Florida.?
I'm trying to find an insurance provider for my taxi in Pinellas County, Florida and can't seem to find anyone who provides insurance to taxis. I'm also trying to find out where to go for licensing and what type of licenses i need. Does anyone out there have any information that may help?""
Riverview Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33578
Riverview Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33578
Average motorcycle insurance cost for 18 yr old with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1?
Average motorcycle insurance cost for 18 yr old with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1?
Where is the best (and affordable) place to get Adult Braces in Chicago?
I need adult braces or something. I literally have fangs and a chipped tooth (yea its bad). I need to find a good dentist or orthodontist. Where is the best place in Chicago that is affordable or work with you for financing/payment plans?
Where can a first time driver buy affordable car insurance?
My family does not want to put me under their policy. I am 17 and will be getting my licence this Friday. I make minimum wage ($7.25 and hour) I will be driving my mother's car. Is there any insurance I can afford on my own?
Should I buy my own insurance?
I'm a named driver under my husband's insurance for 2 years. Just brought another car, if the insurance under my name + husband it cost 450, if under my husband's name + me it cost only 200, is't better buy my owne one?""
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
Car insurance for someone under 25 arizona?
How much would car insurance be or the cheapest I live in arizona and drive a 1994 Saturn sl2
How can I get the lowest car insurance payment?
I am 25. I want to buy a cheap car with one way insurance. thanks a lot
Question about car insurance and theft.?
lets say somebody that has an auto loan gets their vehicle stolen, the insurance will cover the rest of the loan but what happens to the funds the bank has already received for the vehicle?""
Pregnancy insurance. I might not be eligible for medicaid.?
does anyone knows about any low cost pregnancy insurance?
Best insurance company in ..........................?
What is the best insurance company if I live in Alabraska?
How much does it cost a mo for auto insurance when your 18?
On a 2005, sport compact. Texas""
Is fully comprehensive insurance worth paying on a 1000 car?
I'm a 39 year old driver who's had a full licence since the age of 17, I have full no claims and although I've been involved in 2 accidents neither of them were my fault (fingers crossed I'm not to speak too soon). I'm only buying a car worth 1000 and the difference in cost between fully comp and 3rd party, fire & theft makes it worth thinking about going for the latter as the fully comp is 609 with 250 excess and TPFT 480 with 250 excess. Does anyone know, if I was involved in an accident cause by a 3rd party driver can I claim from their insurance? I remember on my 2nd accident (about 14 years ago before the recent technology) although I got all the details of the registration and the driver he gave me incorrect details and the DVLA never actually found him as the car had been in between owners. However I was put in contact with a type of agency who assist in these cases and I got reimbursed for my car and neither did it affect my insurance. How am I covered 3rd party if I have an accident that's the fault of the 3rd party? Logically I'm thinking that I can claim for my car from their insurance? Any advice appreciated, would you go fully comp or TPFT?""
Is there a group health insurance I can join?
My husband left his job and we lost our health insurance. Are there organizations I can join to become part of their group health insurance? Who are they? I know I can buy health insurance any time but I can generally get it cheaper as a group insurance.
What is the lowest car insurance for a Kia?
I need insurance for just 1 vehicle a 2002 Kia Rio valued at $2500 How can i get an insurance policy that would pay for repairs and the other persons medical bills for under $300 a year Is there any plan that offers car insurance at this rate or less
How much is insurance on a Chevy Camaro?
I'm 20, ill be on the car by myself.the camaro is a 1998, and in great condition.""
What is cheap full coverage car insurance?
What is cheap full coverage car insurance?
""Car insurance cheaper in New Orleans, LA or Suffolk County, New York??""
My daughter recently moved to New Orleans, LA as an intern temporarily....does anyone know if automobile insurance, all things being equal, will be more expensive in New Orleans, Louisiana or Suffolk County, New York ??? much thanx all""
Car Insurance question..Im confussed ?? ( uk )?
O.k so Im a new driver and bought a car and signed up with insurance which worked out about 60 a month. My car broke down beyond repair and I have suspended my insurance as had to scrap the car. Now I been on car insurance websites to compare many different cars to see which is cheapest and all my other details are same but no matter what car details i put (different ages/ values) but all small cars similar to my last vehicle the quote comes up double the cost at over 110. Why is this ?
Change auto insurance company?
My car was covered by Progressive, the insurance is 6 months term, now it is about 3 months already(half way). I decide to cancel my current policy and switch to another insurance company, how should I do step by step? Thanks.""
""When buying a New Car, is it cheaper to get your insurance through independent?""
agents, and not through their recommendations? If I have to get full coverage, should I try to find the best deal on my own?""
Is there such a thing as driver insurance where the car does not have to be insured?
My friend is 16 and she saved up and bought a car (the title is in her name). Now she is broke and cannot afford the insurance so she does not drive it. Her step mom drives it though and she says that the car does not need insurance because she (the step mom) has driver insurance and any car she drives has liability coverage from her insurance. I have never heard of driver insurance and I was wondering if the step mom is pulling some sort of scam (her car is frequently broken and it is very convenient to have a third car) Can somebody tell me if this driver insurance exists.
Insurance for a Range Rover Sport?
I'm turning 16 in about two years, and i was thinking about getting a 2010-2012 RR Sport Supercharged. I was wondering how much it would cost for me to get insured. Do you have a range of what it would be around? My parents are already letting me practice driving and stuff. The car would be around $30,000-$45,000. My family is in the upper-middle class. So we're not all that rich. I will be working by that time and paying the car off.""
About how much would it cost to insure a commercial building?
I'm looking into buying a commercial building to teach martial arts in. I live in a small town in KY and the buildings I'm looking at are about $25,000. I'm not sure what type of insurance I will have to have or how much it will cost me. Could someone please give me some idea of what type of insurance I will need and how much it might cost? I don't know if I just need to insure the building or if I need business insurance too. Thanks.""
Can I have Medicaid Share of Cost and private health insurance?
I was approved for Medicaid in FL with a Share of Cost of $425. Can I also buy private health insurance with medicaid?
Know of a good Car Insurance place in LA anyone?
Where can i Find a Good Car insurance place in LA, CA? Looking only of liability insurance. But Cheap!!""
Riverview Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33578
Riverview Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33578
0 notes
Newtonville Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2460
"Newtonville Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2460
Newtonville Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2460
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do older cars have more expensive insurance?
Such as a 1990 Mazda RX7 FC or a 1993 RX7 FD. I heard the older the car is the more expensive the insurance is. I live in California and thinking of getting one of those two cars for my first car.
Do i need to list the second driver on my insurance policy?
If they aren't registerd to the vehicle but drive it often do they need to be on the policy at all? Im paying way too much with two currently...
""Pizza delivery driver insurance in own car, where can I get insurance uk?
I have been offered a job as a pizza delIvery driver but I need to insure my car with business insurance I have tried everywhere but know one does it please Help x
Advise please im looking for a cheapest and reliable car insurance i?
For my honda civic 2012 LX, thank you!""
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
What is the average car insurance for young males with a black box installed?
I'm in the UK and my friend who is 17 who recently passed his test said his car insurance was just over 500 per year, as he had black box installed. (Also, not on his parents insurance either) I've read average figures for car insurance for young males is in the 3000-5000 range. So can the box really bring insurance down that much? I know figures vary for type of car and all that. But we're talking average here. I imagine most young people are not going to be able to afford brand new cars, and will be cost-concious, so will go for older models anyway. So the 3000+ figures still seem incredibly high for an average figure.""
How much would insurance be for a '69 mustang for a 17 year old with a 3.6 gpa?
Yeah, I really want a mustang but my parents are killing me about the insurance. So i want to find out how much it really is so I can tell them if i can pay for it or not. I really want this car, I know alot about cars so i'm not an idiot , i know what i'm doing. I just need to know. Thanks alot.""
How much home insurance should I get?
I just bought a house for about $180,000. I am looking for homeowners' insurance, but I am confused as to how much I should get. Should I insure for just the replacement cost of rebuilding the structure, or for the % of the mortgage I am financing. I got 3 different quotes, and they were for $396, $502, and $858. The lowest one was for $396 b/c it was with my car insurance company, but they will only insure the cost of rebuilding the structure, which they estimate as $110,000 (the house is small and in a decent neighborhood.) The second company wanted to insure me for that, but I got them to quote me on $140,000. That amount, when you add in the 25% overflow they allow you, meets the 90% of the mortgage amount I am financing. The 1st company would not do that for me. The 3rd quote was for $140,000, and was with the people w/whom I have had renter's insurance for 12 years. The only difference was that there was not a wind damage deductible of 2% on the 3rd quote. My loan officer says to just get enough insurance to rebuild the structure. How much insurance should I get?""
Looking for a cool car but cheap on the insurance?
im 17, looking for a cool car have a budget of about 8000, but i need the insurance cheap because some of the ones i was checking out were ridiculous any ideas? thanks""
Could I swap my 50cc scooter's insurance to another bike?
Hey everyone, I was wondering if I sold or swapped my 50cc scooter and got a 50cc geared bike could I get the insurance from the scooter and put it on the new geared 50cc? If so would it affect anything? or cost me money? Would be a massive help if someone could help me out! Thank you for advance :) Information which might be helpful: I paid for 1 year in one payment (annually). I paid for the insurance last month so I still have a lot of insurance time left. Don't want to waste money!""
Liability insurance for an online vitamin store. Do I need it? And how can I get it?
Hi yahoo friends, I have a new website. I want to sell vitamin and supplements. One of a whole sellers asked me for copy of liability insurance. What is it? Do I need it since I sell their products, should the liability go to them? How can I get it? Please help me , if you know the answer. Thank you.""
Next step after finding out your being kicked from auto insurance?
My boyfriend was on his parents policy with Met life and has been in 2 MINOR accidents in the last year and they told his dad either my boyfriend goes or everyone under that policy goes and they didn't tell us until a few days ago. Here's the kicker, he will be off the policy the end of the week. Will this make it harder for us to get him insured? How can a car incarnate company do this? He can't work without driving there and he can't drive there without car insurance. I don't know what to do. I currently have State Farm with my parents, would they let us open our own thing together even though we are not even technically engaged yet?""
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old girl.?
I live in michigan, we own our house just a simple house 2 cars. working parents, we have 21st century and i'm trying to do as much research as I can before I make this offer to my parents, I have no car yet i'm wondering how much do you guys think my insurance would cost? please don't send me to another website if you've been in this situation tell me how much you payed and your story(how many cars, insurance company, etc) thank you so much to those who will help! I'm thinking maybe $150 or $200.""
How much is Car Insurance for a 17 year old Boy in NJ?
I recently got my license and my mom added me to her insurance. For 1 month they are charging approximately $400. This seems really outrageous. Car is a 2007 Toyota Camry. I also have above a 3.0 average and supposedly get some kind of discount. What are your opinions on this price?
How can I drive my new car home without insurance?
I am buying a car and will need one-day insurance to get it back home, however I am 20 years old and no-one will cover me. How do I get the car home without trying to find someone over 20 to drive it for me?!""
What is the cheapest insurance company for 17 year olds?
im 16 but will be turning 17 in a few months. to get ahead of the game and in the know i decided to start looking at cars and insurance straight away. my car of choice would be a 1995-1999 Vauxhall corsa 1.0 0r 1.2 litre as they cheap to buy, run and supposedly insure. ive looked around for insurance qutoes for myself when i turn 17 and recieve my full ik license but all quotes so far are above 4,000 even with a pass plus. is there any companys to get it below 3,000 or anywhere close. i realise i am never going to get cheap insurance straight away but i would consider 3,000 a much more reasonable quote and would love it to be closer to 2.000. also any tips or advice on getting cheaper insurancewould be greatly appreciated thanks guys""
Do Dashboard Cameras lower your insurance rates?
Do Dashboard Cameras lower your insurance rates?
Has anyone ever had short term car insurance ?
how much is it ? i work alot in the summer so i only need a car for a month please help am new to this.
How can i move and keep my old states insurance??
I plan to move to Ny and i got a quote from my car insurance company and it is ridiculously high. Is there a way to keep my insurance without changing it to where i plan to move to?
Can I cancel my motorcycle insurance?
Do I have to have insurance on my motorcycle (in IL) during the winter when I don't even ride it? Can't I just cancel it for the Winter and then start it up again in the Spring?
""Can you insure a vehicle registered in one state, with insurance from a company registered in another state?""
I live and my vehicle is registered in Oklahoma, but my family lives in California. I can get on their car insurance policy for MUCH MUCH less than i can get insured for out here, however, I am not sure if insurance can transfer from state to state. Does anyone know this for sure, or know where i can find out?""
How much is car insurance?
I have a 2007 GMC Envoy and I am about to get my licence. The car used to belong to my parents but was given to me as a gift. I'm wondering how much insurance will cost me if I go through AMA? I've taken the drivers class and have the certificate, so there's a discount there.""
Health insurance question?
me and my boyfriend are planning to move to california soon. we're moving when we're 18. i was wondering if his parents health insurance would still cover him when he moves. he has Blue Cross and Blue Shield PPO.
What is the cheapest car insurance for a new 20 year old driver in Michigan?
I dont have car yet but I just need some general information about how much im going to be paying a month. I also live in the suburbs and plan on getting a reliable,cheap,and off the theft radar car. Thanks!""
What is the difference between the Auto Insurance Law and the new Health care law?
Now that some Americans will have to buy health insurance what that makes a difference with buying auto insurance.
Newtonville Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2460
Newtonville Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2460
How much do you pay for insurance and registration in your country ?
well i paid 400 US $ for both ?
Do I need insurance to drive my girlfriend's car?
I'm turning in my leased car next week and canceling the insurance on it. I plan on using my girlfriend's car for a couple of months before getting a new one. I know there are a variety of coverages, but generally speaking would her policy cover me driving her car despite me not having any car insurance of my own?""
Can i get Money back from my car insurance company?
I paid my 1 year car insurance, my insurance started in january, im planning to sell my car in august. can i get any money back from my insurer? I am 23 and Paid around 1200 Thanks""
How Much Would Insurance Cost For A 16 Year Old Female?
I was wondering how much insurance would be for a 16 year old female first time driver, who is driving a 2007 Range Rover.""
Can i insure my car in england with a insurance co in bulgaria to save money?
ive heard that people in england are using insurance companies in bulgaria to insure there cars here at home as it is supposed to be a lot,lot cheaper? and if so does anyone know of these companys?""
How come a 7 year old Dodge truck costs more to insure than a new Lexus RX350?
Full insurance: Dodge - $1400 Lexus - $900 Why??????
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old girl?
My daughter has started driving lessons and will soon be looking to take her driving test, we are looking to buy a car for her, but want to start with what are the cheapest cars to insure""
Car Insurance claim... not sure if it's my fault... how much will my insurance go up?
I live in California and got into an accident with a city bus. I was going to make a left turn in an intersection when the light turned yellow, so I stopped. The bus driver thought I was going to go through the yellow light, so he stepped on the accelerator and bumped into me. Is it my fault for stopping so quickly or his fault for bumping into me? If it's not my fault, will my insurance go up too? How long will it take to bring it back down? I got a hole in my bumper and I think I have to replace the whole thing. Will the driver's insurance cover for it? Thanks ^^""
How much would the insurance be on this car?
A ford ka 2001 around 56,000 miles and I am a new driver 17""
Where can I get best and affordable liability insurance for Photographer?
Need liability insurance for over $1M to be able to photograph Resort weddings. There is xxx companies out there offering insurance but It's hard to choose specially when I'm new in it. Somebody told me to become member of PPA and used their discounts for liability insurance. Thank you very much for your time. Frank
Home loan insurance plan v/s life insurance plan?
how the home loan insurance plan is better/worse than the life insurance plan ? I am to buy a house in india, and can't decide which insurance to go for.. a home loan insurance or a life insurance..""
""What life insurance is best for a senior 62 female, on a fixed income, AARP or Landmark Life? asap?
My mom and I are ingnorant to the premiums and the small print on determining the rates. Need an honest opinion from a good christian person. Just need help in determining which is better AARP or Landmark Life? I see two very charts that have us concern if we made the right choice with the one paying more to get less...over a ten yr period. Thank you for taking time to respond
Health Insurance for Uninsurable?
I haven't been able to get health insurance in the past couple years due to constantly changing jobs, and not being able to stay on my feet as much as I would like to in my career. I have diabetes, which is causing more serious issues with my limbs and eyes that I can't wait to take care of. I am in my low 30's, single, and a resident of Illinois. I know the affordable health care is suppose to start accepting applications in October, and care beginning in 2014, but I just can't wait that long. I tried any other state and federally funded option, but they have suspended their applications due to the new programs coming out later this year. Would anyone have any other ideas, my family will help offset some of the costs, I just need to find some kind of a plan with pre existing conditions to include diabetes.""
Do you need car insurance for this?
I want to get my car the 2014 sticker but I currently don't have insurance because I've been jobless & I just started working. I payed for the license plates on June . & I just wanted to know if not having insurance was gonna be an issue
If you don't have car insurance.. is it okay if...?
I live in Oregon. I was wondering if you don't have car insurance does your license get suspended? someone said it did, someone else said it didnt.""
Car insurance quotes?
I have just spent an endless amount of time on various car insurance sites, which start of with reasonable quotes then you add the bits and pieces on and you end up with ridiculous final costs. I am not insuring a 0-60 in 5 seconds type car but a small 1.4 Honda I am fully aware that any car can cause damage,my wife drives the car,has had no claims or convictions. I have a larger car and the insurance is 50 cheaper than all quotes received so far,which includes breakdown recovery,protected no claims and legal cover. anyone with car insurance advice would be appreciated, these car insurance sites are a pain""
Car insurance legal team?
Do you have to use the legal team that comes with your car insurance or can you choose an independent one? Had an accident and am not happy with the insurance company's attitude - we had a rear end collision.
Cheapest car to insure?
I'm not asking for lectures of any kind, I simply want to know what the cheapest cars are to insure. The Ford Ka is a cheap one. I don't want to be told there are no cheap car insurance, just the cheapest of them all. I'm a 17 year old male in Nov. Live with parents in a good area with no crime.""
Am I paying too much for auto insurance?
I'm a 21 year old female and and I'm on my mom's insurance plan. I drive a 2002 pontiac grand prix and I pay $200 a month for full coverage with allstate. I don't have the greatest driving record by far. I've only been driving for 5 years and I've had 2 speeding tickets, 2 at fault accidents, and 1 non at fault accident. My last accident was in 2009. Unfortunately, I was driving through virginia and got a ticket yesterday. I'm just wondering if that price sounds right for my insurance. Is there a company that offers lower priced plans? Is there anything I can do to lower it?""
Best place to buy health insurance?
Going to retire but need health insurance for family, only 55""
Can i stay on my parents health insurance after i am 18 and not a full time student?
I am 17 years old, I will be 18 in september. I just graduated high school and decided not to pursue a higher education at this time. I have heard with the obama health care plan that i can stay on my parents health insurance until i am 26. But i have also heard this doesn't take place until 2014. And i Have heard that you have to be a full time student. So i would like a simple answer that's easy to understand, preferably with a sited source for me to look up. Will i lose my health insurance in 2010 if i am not a full time college student and over the age of 18??? I live in california if that makes any difference as far as the health care plans go. Thanks and appreciate it :)""
Why is someone's car insurance company private information?
I'm really confused about this. I was trying to go about ways of finding out the name of an individuals car insurance company because I wanted to report fraud. But when I try to do that I get blocked. I even tried to guess their car insurance company by calling one and asking if the person was insured by them. I found out that it's because it's illegal to get this information because it is private information? Why is that? I can see how getting someone's ss# or credit card # would be illegal because things like that you can do illegal things with like steal their identity. But you can't do any illegal harmful things to people by getting the name of their car insurance company, so why is that guarded information?""
This country needs affordable health care...so why are hospitals so lavish and extravagantly fancy?
Here is a link to the hospital if you think I am exaggerating..... http://www.henryfordwestbloomfield.com/body_wbloomfield.cfm?id=52381 I don't have insurance, and neither does my husband because we can't afford $600 month premiums for insurance that doesn't even KICK IN until you pay $5000 out of pocket! But it is really hard to sit and listen to everyone complaining about the EXPLODING cost of hospitals these days with all the hospitals in my area that are constantly renovating and competing to be the most lavish or fancy or architecturally beautiful when what people really need are just some common sense medical care from good doctors who will take a few minutes to listen to them. For Example, I recently visited a friend who was in a local hospital in my area that has expanded to include the following...A boardwalk with HUNDREDS of exclusive shops (required a trolly inside it was so huge!), marble fountains and floors and glass elevators and railings, live TV shows in their own Greenhouses and celebrity kitchens, multiple conference centers complete with reflecting pools, grand pianos and atriums with full size trees indoors, a pediatric wing that was bult to look like a giant tree house, complete with Tree shaped doors, private rooms with twenty foot long leather couches that curve along the wall for visiting relatives, 72 inch plasma TV's in the room along with Xbox, and complete cable/internet access, Floor to ceiling bay windows for a panoramic view of the gardens and lakes on the property. Now my friend could NEVER have afforded to stay in a hotel this nice, and couldn't pay for health coverage either. Thank God she qualifies for to be insured thru a medicaid program that covers this...but who is paying for all this excessive stuff? The taxpayers in the United States. I can't help but think that she could get really good care at a reasonable cost at a less fancy hospital...but who is going to tell the hospital where it spends it's money if someone is willing to say its necessary to have an UBER fancy hospital in order to give our citizens modern up to date medical care ?""
What is no claims discount in car insurance?
What is no claims discount in car insurance?
Looking for cheap full coverage?
Is there any cheap insurance in Michigan
Newtonville Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2460
Newtonville Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2460
AFFORDABLE auto insurance?
I'm 19 and I really need some car insurance. Everywhere I get a quote from requires that I pay an arm, a leg, and my first born son. Is there anywhere that won't do that? I'm currently unemployed, and I need a car to get a job, but I need a job to get insurance (this expensive insurance) for the car that I can't drive (legally) until I have the insurance. Somebody freakin' help me.""
Tell me about your motorcycle insurance.?
i'd like to do a quick survey: how much do you pay; what type of bike; your age and location? who do you buy from?
Insurance rate for a 16 year old?
what would the monthly insurance rate be for a 16 year old driving a 2013 camaro ss v8 engine? thanks!!
How much would insurance cost for a 16 Y/O Girl with a 1997 Nissan Maxima GLE?
I'm buying a Maxima and I'm turning 17 in February. I plan on getting the car on the road next month and I have a 10% discount from my driving school for taking drivers ed. How much would insurance cost (roughly) per month for a 16 year old girl with a 1997 Nissan Maxima GLE?
Need an idea of how much insurance is gonna be?
I'm 16 and am looking at purchasing a 2000 Honda Civic Si Coupe. If I buy this car, will it be considered as a sports car to the insurance? I live in central California btw. If I were to wait until I hit 18 to drive, would the insurance go down substantially? Around how much am I looking at per month?""
Where do I find good health insurance for my parents?
I've tried ehealthinsurance.com and some other websites. I'm paying $500/ month for just basic health coverage for hospital emergency only. They're 56 and 61 years old and finding anything with good coverage and affordable is impossible. Anyone know what I can do to find better coverage?
My car insurance wont cover me. what can i do?
I rear ended a lady on the 18th of sep 2013 in riverside california. I thought i was covered by my insurance because my dad said it would be better if i got insurance through him. Its my car and its on his policy but i was not on the policy this whole time. But heres the thing, a farmers insurance agent told my dad that anyone would be covered so long as he knew they were driving the car. So my question is... what can i do? My dad was lied to by this agent and we have no proof that she did. We will be going in to speak with her today and will try to get the conversation recorded, we hope to get a confession that way. But do you have any other tips?""
Can i get Renters insurance if i am?
Can I get rentersinsurance if i am living in one of my uncles home?
I heard the weirdst thing about car insurance and red cars?
im thinking of buying a new car and i went to show my mum the car to see what she thought and she told me that with red cars you have to pay more in insurance. Is it true? I think its probably a load of bull, but it still put me off a little""
What is the best insurance policy for a child age 6.5 year?
What is the best insurance policy for a child age 6.5 year?
What is the best health insurance for those who need to go through substance abuse programs.?
Husband got two DUI's and now the state of CT is making him do treatment before he can get license back. We are in California now, and I am looking for advice from someone who has EXPERIENCE with this. What is your suggestion for a health ins. plan to cover the costs of a substance abuse program, that includes counseling and evaluations...not detox.. Thanks so much!!""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost?
I'm 17 and live in the Ann Arbor area in Michigan. I'm looking at buying a Kawasaki Ninja 500, and was wondering how much insurance would cost for it?""
Insurance for a motor bike or scooter?
Hey there, Im 19 years old and currently a student. I am looking to purchase a motorbike, but will probably buy a scooter instead since its cheaper and easier to get used to and ride. But the problem is, im not sure how insurance works on scooters as well as the legalities of actually riding them. So where could I get my scooter insured, on average how much would it cost, do I need any licences or lessons, etc...? Help!""
What is the most affordable health insurance in NYC?
My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?""
Private medical insurance?
Do you know any private medical insurance which will cover you whilst you are couple of weeks pregnant?
Will my car insurance rates increase? Please help?
I have a lease with the full mandated insurance in FL and I have Geico. There is construction on my building and while my car was parked in it's space apparently a rock or some piece of concrete from my building must have hit my moonroof and shattered it completely. I must have this fixed ASAP and am still working out who between my condo association and the construction company are going to pay for this. In the meantime I need to know if I call Geico about this incident will I be in jeopardy of having my rates increased? The car was parked in it's space, I was not driving, and it was not my fault. Thank you for answering.""
Home equity loan insurance?
We are remodeling our home for $150,000 and are wondering about home equity loan insurance. The bank offers insurance, but I'm wondering what our other options are. How much should we get and for what ( disability/unemployment/accidental death)? Thank you!""
Insurance on a 95 camaro?
Im considering buying a pre-owned 1995 camaro for my first car. How do I find out how much the yearly insurance would be? Its not a convertible, and also its through allstate in new york. Would it be more than a 1998 maxima?""
Auto insurance required when buy new car???
I live in california and recently went to the dealer bought a brand new car, and the saleman told me that I need to buy the insurance for my new car right at the dealer otherwise he can not let me drive that car home from the dealer eventhough I have full insurance coverage on my old car(current car)? He ask me to get the insurance coverage that they offer for 30 days? Is this right or it is a scam to get more money from me? Is it true that for everyone who buy new car to get the insurace coverage before they can drive it home even if you have full coverage insrurace on your old car? Thanks""
Who is responsible for the Car Insurance costs? (Please Read)?
Hello, I would really appreciate any one who can help me out with this, personally i am so disgusted with the government and the way the country is run that i don't know much about politics as i stay away from it for my own stress levels. Two months ago my nephew took his own life, as well as a variety of mental health problems (Which of course also go's uncared for in this country) other reasons he couldn't cope to live in society was that he couldn't get a job (200+ job application attempts) he discovered that to increase his chance of getting a job he would learn to drive so he can get to A to B. After going into approx. 90% of his life savings he managed to take driving lessons and even managed to pass his test. At this point he couldn't get insured because he discovered even if he was in a FULL TIME job he couldn't afford it. Yes he was male and was an adolescent. But he didn't want to drive to show off , have a nice car . Etc. he wanted a car to get to A to B to increase the chances of getting a job. I want to know who is in charge of car insurance etc. (department of transport??) so i can write to them and explain the situation which makes me sick to my stomach thinking about. Everyones aware the government are trying to get young drivers off the road, but to then expect them to find a job even in this tough climate is beyond me. I won't start/sign petitions because evidently from the past they don't really get you anywhere i just want to write to someone to tell them the story of why my nephew took his own life as well as to take out some of my anger on someone. Who can i contact? Thank you and i really appreciate any help anyone can give me x""
""On average, how much does car insurance cost for a 17 year old male?""
Dear reader I am a 17 year old male. I am searching for car insurance once I get my driver's license I will be required to pay for my own car insurance. I want to get an average cost (monthly) for someone my age- regardless of the company I am not sure what factors play into a policy's amount- however, if it does matter, I am a straight A student with a 4.2 GPA (scale of 4.0)- I have never been convicted, nor prosecuted for a felony or anything of that sort. To sum up, I am quite responsible for a male my age. Please do not be rude in your responses I appreciate your help PS. the car that I would be driving is a Toyota Camry 2005 (all paid for). I also live in the state of MD""
How Much is Insurance For a 16 Year Old Girl?
16 year old girl Good school attendance record.Grades could be better. Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If that matters) Mom and Stepdad have Allstate insurance What is the general price range? And for these cars,can you estimate(I'm NOT getting these cars just curious)I am getting a used Dodge avenger though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge Avenger I already asked this in the insurance section but I want more opinions/answers""
What kind of car would cost around 2000 yearly to insure for a young person?
just looking around for insurance quotes, yet all i seem to find cost around 5000 a year -.- any ideas on what cars are cheaper?""
Fraudulent car insurance claim against me?
hi my problem in a nutshell is my vehicle was hit in the rear while it was parked, when i confronted the driver we had an argument and the police were called no offences were committed and the police left after me and the other driver exchanged names and addresses. A month or so later i received a claim for neck injuries to the driver and his 2 passengers for approximately 20,000 for an accident that he said i drove into the rear of him which was totally false, i have witnesses which include the police officer who attended to the fact that the other driver hit my parked unattended car, i have lost my no claims bonus and i applied for a job as a driver which i did not get because of this pending claim, my insurance company have tried to contact the other driver who has not answered for a number of months and when i spoke to my insurance company i was informed that the other parties insurance company does not have the full story i.e they have not been told that he hit my vehicle and i have witnesses to prove that i am at a loss because i have been told it can take 3 years for the claim to close if the other driver does not answer any of the correspondence he receives. any advice please""
""I'm about to turn sixteen, how much can i expect to pay for car insurance?""
I have no criminal background, my employer and teachers can give me really good recomenndations, i don't know if anyof that matters though.""
Newtonville Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2460
Newtonville Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2460
About how much does car insurance for a BMW cost??
i dont know if the car model matters but just in case lets say a 2004 BMW 325i for a guy under 30
What is the Average cost for health insurance for newlyweds?
Me and my GF are going to be getting married soon we are both 18 and have a house we are renting with steady jobs. What would our monthly average be for Health insurance?
Whats the cheapest car insurance in ME?
Mazda RX7 1986 23yo driver no lapse have a wet and reckless from california. Need cheapest Liability coverage
How much for car insurance for a 2002 nissan xterra?
I'm thinking of purchasing a used 2002 nissan xterra and would like to get some feedback regarding the insurance rates for this car.
What is the average monthly car insurance payment for a 29 yr old male in illinois?
Full auto coverage,and have only had one speeding ticket in my life.""
Estimate how much it cost to add an additional car to insurance plan?
For a teens car. I know it is about sixty extra dollars just to add a teen to my car insurance. Can you estimate price for putting a whole new car on our plan for my teen?
Anyone got a rough idea what 3 points on a licence will cost to my insurance policy?
I have just been served a Notice Of Intended Prosecution for doing 37mph in a 30mph zone & the mandatory penalty is a 60 fine & 3 points on my licence.I won't know until I get the conviction code to give to my Insurers (Churchill). My renewal will be in Jan 08. Up to now, the licence is clean, 5 years No Claims. I just wanted to get a rough idea what the 3 points will add in money terms if anyone can help. Thanks in advance.""
Where can I get cheap auto insurance?
I am looking for good and low cost auto insurance.
Full coverage quote $650!?!?
I got a quote online from esurance for a 2007 g6. I'm 18 and live in Michigan. I want to finance the car and was just looking at insurance quotes but this seems a little outrageous. Does it sound right to you?
Insurance on a Mitsubishi Eclipse?
Hey. Im looking at a 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse and i was curious as to how much the insurance could possibly be? Im also looking at a 1998 one. Im a 16 year old , female w/ progressive.""
Best insurance for young drivers [UK]?
I already said the comparison websites don't seem to give great quotes. And i also said i want third party fire and theft.. so i don't understand your answer :s
How do I get medical insurance?
Is it offered when you have a job? If i have children, do i just add them to the plan?""
Home Owner's Insurance?
I asked this a while ago, but I didn't word it right... If I stepped off a rafter and accidentally fell through the ceiling at my house, would my home owner's insurance cover the hole in the ceiling?""
Looking for health insurance?
I am looking for a health insurance. Which way you found yours? Are there special topics to look about? Would be happy about your advice :-)
What is the best insurance for a new driver in nyc?
I've been driving for 2 yrs now but got my license about 2 months ago. Im 21 and limited on cash. I need a cheap auto insurance because driving right now is essential with the MTA fare hike.
""A starter motorbike for a 17 year old, needs to be cheap second hand and be able to ride on the motorway.?""
Hi, i need a bike which is cheap to run, cheap to insure and first and foremost cheap to buy. I don't mind old second hand bikes unless advised against them because I believe you could learn a great deal repairing an old bike than having a new bike that nothing goes wrong with. It needs to grow with my abilities, i.e in a couple of years when i go to university I may want to motorway travel, therefore a 50 cc moped is just not going to do. Don't know whether this is correct, but I once read bikes are safer than mopeds/scooters because they have the acceleratory power to pull away from danger if necessary. Needs to be cheap to insure, I looked at a 300cc MZ Saxon and fully comp insurance was around 317. This is manageable, 2000 for a car is not. Please suggest to me some bike which fit these criteria, thanks!""
What happens if I become a part time student while on my parent's insurance?
What happens if I become a part time student while on my parent's insurance?
How much will my insurance be on a BMW 114i?
Ow much will my insurance be roughly on a brand new BMW 114i 25K, I'm 17 yrs old and I think this car is a 1.6l, please tell me how much the insurance will be for me, I need a price with and without my parents added to the policy, my address is 2, bd8 0bw. 2012 plate 3/5 door hatchback Petrol""
Question about life insurance?
I have life insurance and went to update my insurance today. In 2003 I became disabled and did not know about the disability clause. Where I don't have to pay the premiums anymore. Can I change my term life to whole life? Will I get back pay from 2003? I want to know this before my agent calls me next week with the answers. Please don't try and sell me insurance for as I won't qualify anyways just the answers please.
Cheapest Car Insurance Deal For A 17Year Old In The UK?
Cheapest Car Insurance Deal For A 17Year Old In The UK?
""I totaled my month old car with only liability insurance, do I still HAVE to pay off the car?""
i just got a '01 explorer from a dealer less than a month ago, two days ago i rolled it, now its totaled. i only have LIABILITY insurance, and the insurance company said i have to pay off the rest of the car, which i expected, but when i called the dealer she said she might be able to count the car as a total loss, and get me in another car from them, without paying for the old one anymore. she is going to let me know in a couple days if they can. is this possible to just somehow avoid all the payments on the old car and start over new? are they scared i would end up not paying them for a car i dont have, so they somehow write it off and start a new payment plan on a whole new car? Will they try to get me in a new car and pile on my old car payments with new ones? when they call back should i act like i wont pay on that car to persuade them to write that totaled car off ? i dont know what to do, i cant afford two car payments and now im carless bumming rides which i cant do for long. The reason i am asking before the lady gets back to me is: its a dealer, and im pretty inexperienced with this, and i just want to know how this all works so i know how to talk to and possibly negotiate with the dealer before i end up missing (or screwing up) an opportunity before its too late""
Car insurance lapsed in CT what would be the steps to reregister car & get insurance?
Do i need to contact an insurance company first or the DMV?
Which car would be cheapest on insurance?
Nissan 350z Honda s2000 ford mustang v6 Infiniti g35 coupe
Motorcycle insurance?
How much is insurance? I am 15 1/2 (male) and I want to get a ninja 250r. I live in california, I get good grades and I will take the basic riders course ( I hear good grades and the brc give insurance discounts).""
Why is Online Auto Insurance cheaper than through agent.?
Is it just as safe to buy and is it as good.
Newtonville Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2460
Newtonville Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2460
0 notes
Oxford Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30054
"Oxford Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30054
Oxford Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30054
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old who has just passed test?
I'm from the UK and I have just passed my driving test and am now looking to find the best insurance that isn't priced at an astronomical rate. I have my own car and am ideally looking for comprehensive cover, the best price I've found so far has ben around 1500. I've tried comparison websites like GoCompare. Any other suggestions? Thanks""
Pregnant with no insurance?
im only 6 1/2 wks pregnant but im a planner. i have no insurance and do not qualify for any government health so we are paying the hospital $200 a month til my baby comes to cover all the ob bills and hospital bills and my 6 wks check up after the birth. my question is......is there a such thing as infant insurance? ive looked all around online and cannot find insurance that will cover a baby til their first birthday. i know that a baby has to go to the dr alot the first year so i'd love for our child to have insurance. my hubbys work does not offer insurance. thanks for your help
Insurance premium after fender bender?
So I was involved in a fender bender in a case where I was at fault. Minor damage to the rear fender of the jeep in front of me, no damage to my car. Question is, if I file an insurance claim how much do you suggest my rates will increase? I am 21 year old male, not one ticket, or accident prior to this case, been driving for 5 yrs.""
What's the best car insurance to go through?
I'm getting a car soon would like to know the best and the cheapest kind of insurance to get.
What type of car insurance coverage do you have?
So, I just bought a new car, and when I called my insurance to switch over my policy the agent tried to sell me this that and the other, saying I really needed all these things since I have a new car now. Just wondering what other people have on their car, and have you ever needed more coverage then you had?""
Auto Insurance forcing me on parents car insurance?
I got my g2 but my parents auto insurance company is forcing me to pay insurance on my moms car even though I will never use it. This is in a city where insurance is really expensive and them doing this will cause financial hardship and I can barely pay it. Is there some law allowing them to do this?
Auto Insurance agents in Tennessee... Does my 17 year old with a permit?
need to be listed on my policy? I have heard several different answers to this. Also, I've heard he has to be listed but the insurance company cannot rate him until he gets his license, therefore, they cannot charge me more for him. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
Car insurance!!!! HELP?
Hi i have just rung up Diamond car insurance to find out the cost of getting some car insurance and paying monthly! they said i need to pay a deposite of 200 quid and then my monthly payments are 200 quid. In my first month do i pay both the deposite and the monthly payment or just the deposite!??????? xxxx
Will my insurance cover this?
I recently traded my phone and i called radioshack and they said my insurance should be transferable. is this true?
Do insurance companies rate based on points or violations??
I am 23 and have no points on my licence. I live in maryland and i was pulled over in virginia for speeding and recived a 'failure to obey a highway sign' violation. The officer said he gave me that cause it was a lesser fine, i think it was B.S. cause he didnt have me on radar (i asked to see the radar becase he said i was going 75 in a 65, i felt i was going 70 max.. he said they arent supposed to lock in the speed int he radar but that is a different issue) I contacted a rep from the MVA and he said no points would transfer to my driving record, but the violation would go on my record carrying no points. My question is, do the insurance companies look at just the points on your licence, or do they look at the violation even if there are no points. Also, about 2 years ago I got a ticket for speeding and i went to court and they dropped the points and declinded the fine a little. Im assuming this is on my record as well, but carried no points, would this effect rates as well""
Is affordable life insurance possible for someone over 70?
Please answer...
Classic cars have to go through emissions in Pennsylvania?
I have a 1967 Chevy bel air that has straight glass pack exhaust and I dont think it will pass emissions and i just moved to pa but before I get the license plate transferred I want to know if classic or older cars if you will have to go through emissions????
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
My Sister has car insurance and she told me to take her to her destination, but i don't have car insurance under my name and im afraid that if i get pulled over for some odd reason and ill get busted for not having insurance.""
Is it possible to negotiate the weekly premium deduction of company offered health care insurance?
I was told I could not enroll in the Affordable Health Care plan because my employer offered a health care plan that meets the requirements of the Affordable Health Care Act. However ...show more
""I am getting ready to get homeowners insurance in Indianapolis, IN. Anyone have a good place they go?""
I am going to be in the Speedway area but it doesn't have to be in that area, just someplace around Indy. Just looking for an affordable and reliable place. Hopefully you guys have some good suggestions. Thanks in advance!""
Need to find cheap but good minibus insurance. Can anyone help?
Need to find cheap but good minibus insurance. Can anyone help?
About how much does an Sr22 bond cost?
The reason I need one is, I was pulled over and caught without insurance. Now in order to get my license reinstated I must first get this bond.""
Insurance without a tag?
In the state of GA, is it possible to drive a car with insurance but without a tag? Do you have to get both at the same time?""
What are average caar insurance prices for an 18 year old?
just need some numbers for the price for the whole yaer
New york car insurance?
Fyi i have liberty mutual coverage. So my son will be receiving his license soon, and i want to know what the best option for him would be. My household has two policies, one that my daughter holds and one that i hold. I have two pretty expensive cars on my policy, and my daughter has my old car (clunker) and her own separate policy. When my son gets his license i want him to drive my daughters old car, while she is at college, and when she is back they can share. So if I were to list my son on her insurance, would he be able to drive my cars? ( like when his is in the shop). Or would it make more sense to put him on my policy? Thank you!""
Can the insurance handle it?
I was parking and accidentally bumped into someones car and made a small scratch. The bmw driver made a big deal over it and got my insurance information.he supposedly got an estimate and tried to handle things under the table without having to go thru the insurance.however I think the estimate is tooo much money for fixing a little scratch that literally can be buffed out.I think he already got it fixed and still wants me to pay cause he said the supposed estimate also incluided a three day shop fee.will the insurance still cover me?what can I do?how do I handle this situation?this accident happened last week on Tuesday and he gave me the estimate Saturday.
Best life insurance questions for seniors?
67 year old male whose had heart surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants and a cpap needs term life insurance. what is the most affordable in your experience ?""
Cna I get car insurance in America on British Licence?
Hi, Im moving to La and I was wondering would car insurance companies insure me on my british licence?""
What is the average price of auto insurance with 1 adult and 1 teen driver with Allstate?
What is the average price of auto insurance with 1 adult and 1 teen driver with Allstate?
Oxford Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30054
Oxford Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30054
What is the cheapest insurance company for 17 year olds?
im 16 but will be turning 17 in a few months. to get ahead of the game and in the know i decided to start looking at cars and insurance straight away. my car of choice would be a 1995-1999 Vauxhall corsa 1.0 0r 1.2 litre as they cheap to buy, run and supposedly insure. ive looked around for insurance qutoes for myself when i turn 17 and recieve my full ik license but all quotes so far are above 4,000 even with a pass plus. is there any companys to get it below 3,000 or anywhere close. i realise i am never going to get cheap insurance straight away but i would consider 3,000 a much more reasonable quote and would love it to be closer to 2.000. also any tips or advice on getting cheaper insurancewould be greatly appreciated thanks guys""
Is car insurance for a new car the same or more than insurance for a used car?
ive been hearing different things saying that there is not real difference between insurance prices for used or new cars, but some people are saying insurance for used car is cheaper..which is true??""
Older cars and Insurance..?
Im young..I don't know too much about cars yet. I was wondering, do older cars typically cost less to insure??? I know it sounds dumb but I really dont know. I had a 99 explorer, 91 sentra, 86 accord, and now I am probably getting a 74 Dart. I know insurance changes depending on your age and violations on your record..but it seems like older cars cost less than 'newer' cars. Will my Dart cost more since it is a classic? It is not restored yet, or sportin classic plates either. Does that change anything??? Is there a difference because of color, or model (ss, suv, convertible, truck, etc?) Let me know..""
Can I still use my provisional car insurance?
I passed my test today, but my mum won't let me alter my insurance because she says I can still use my provisional insurance, as long as I have somebody in the car with me and don't go on motor ways . Is this true, or do I need new insurance?""
Why do men think they are better drivers than women?
because if that were true our insurance wudnt be alot cheaper than theirs?anyone agree?
Car Insurance Question? Price?
I'm going to be turning 18 on July 14th 2009, and I was wondering what the cost of insurance would be if I got a used 2003 or 2004 Nissan 350z. I got my license April 08, and have had no crashes or anything. I plan on going to college, but a community college for the first 2 years then going to a 4 year college. Any ideas? I mean the price for this one is only 13,000 and it's a good deal.""
Cheap auto insurance in maryland ?
i bough a 1993 honda civic and i need insurance before i can go pick it up which is gonna be on sat wats the lowest rate im 19 with a full dl never been stopped or gotten a ticket im looking only for liability not full covered
For those 16-18 with a car in your name?
since ill be getting a car soon my parents wants to know how much insurance would cost me for ive been looking around on internet but i think it would be better if it comes from some one around my age what type of car, make you drive what insurance company age, gender, how long u been driving with insurance how much it cost for you each month THANK YOUU""
Rough estimate of my car insurance cost?
Hello, I'm 17 years old, male, never been in an accident or anything, and I am currently insured by my parents. If I wanted to get my own car insurance, roughly how much would this cost me? Thanks.""
Car Insurance help!?!?
I have got insurance with EGG and i had a non-fault accident and have got a claim going through. The car isn't drivable, I have got another car is there any chance i can switch my insurance from my old car to my new car making sure my old car insurance claim goes through???""
Question about Car Insurance?
I'm 17 and going for my driver's test. My parents said that they were going to put my name under all three cars we own for insurance. That didn't make sense to me though. When I went to All State's website, and did an estimated quote, it would only let me pick one car for each person. Like just one primary driver for each car. My question is, how does this insurance thing work? Thanks!""
""A $26,000 car got stolen with no insurance, what can I do?""
I financed a car through nissan around Nov. 1st, at payments of 436.29 I financed 26,000. I'm 19 years old, my mother co signed for me. to start building my credit. I had a full time job etc and could easily make payments well shortly after- i loss my job. (a month after) I posted online looking for a third party to do a credit application and take over the payments. I found someone, we went through the paper work etc, and i was stupid/naive enough to let him hold onto the car before seeing if he was approved, to see if he likes it etc, long story short, he never came back with my car, changed his phone and gave me a phony address. My car was stolen. I drove off the lot at nissan without any insurance on it yet, because they let me. (again im new at this and so naive) i was waiting on good quotes on insurance , then my car got stolen before i could get insurance on it. I owe 800 dollars now, and my account is going into collections in 3 days. whats going to happen? I called the police departement, they said they cant file the car stolen because i was in the process of making a civil agreement with him before he just drove off with it. i would have to go to court and file a judgement againist for the car, or 26,000 etc. but i called the courts they said i need a lawyer, i dont have ANY money at all, no job, nothing for a lawyer etc. i dont know what to do. what im mostly scared of is, collections going after my mom for the 26,000 and she owns a mobile home that she bought for 49,000 and pays lot rent on it, and owns a little ford truck , will they put a lien on her house and take it away? what are my options? i dont want to pay this car off for this guy, who took it, the title and everything is under my name, but how can i find it without cops helping? im just scared and crying, i dont know whats going to happen, im scared for my mom. could she file bankruptcy if they come after her? will that save her home? please, just anyone help . i know nissan is going to come after me for repossession but i dont have the car, i dont know where it is. im so scared. 26,000 is a lot owed. any advice is appreciated thanks.""
Car insurance advice?
I am 20 years old just got my license in February my car insurance is currently 217 with abc I can't afford it so where can I get a cheaper insurance I know because my age cheap isn't a option but 200 is insane.. or would it be cheaper for somebody to put me on their insurance with my car!! HEEEELLLLPPP btw I have a 06 mazda 6
Making 40k a yearm take home 2500 monthly after taxes and insurance. How much rent can I afford?
Can I afford 750 amonth making 40k a year? I have a car note of 300, cell phone, car insurance no credit card debt. It's really nice and I've looked it has black appliances, ...show more""
Cancel Car Insurance in Florida-How?
It's my dad's car and everything is under his name. Currently his out of the country and won't be back for a month or two. He got two cars insured with Progressive, one I want to cancel because it's broken down. Told the insurance agent about it and he told me to go down to the tag(building, whatever it call) and turn in the tag to get a paper? My dad is not in the country so will I be able to turn the tag in for him without problem? and what tag is the agent talking about(registration tag?) Also will there be any other document needed? (Going down tomorrow but gathering some information first) Thank You.""
Any Nationwide users know how much will their insurance cost monthly?
Hi I am 16 and was wondering how much would Nationwide insurance would cost. My parents said they were going to enlist my name under their insurance, however I will have to pay for the insurance for my car. They are going to take the car notes, and I am stuck with insurance and gas. I just turned 16 and need a car. So any Nationwide users how much would that Cost me so I can Expect a General price? Also I make $50 a week.""
Is there any affordable insurance plans I can get in NJ( South NJ )?
Particularly Dental Insurance. I am 20,a Part-time worker who also goes to college full time. I am not covered by my parents nor have I ever had insurance. I am one of the many Americans who do not recieve proper health care due to low income however I do need to get Dental Insurance, and Health Insurance. Is there any reasonable companies to look into?""
How am I supposed to get Medical Insurance if I'm out of work?
I am 59 years of age. I've been out of work since Oct.'012. I live in SC. I have been trying in vain since 012 to get a parttime job. I live alone with my mother. She is 86 ...show more
Can you get car insurance in British Columbia from anyone other than ICBC?
I've been searching around and it seems that nobody will sell insurance in a province that has a government insurance agency?
""I wrecked my new car , insurance is liability?
i wrecked my car . my car was new 2009 car and my insurance was liabilty. police decided that was my fault. And also i am still paying monthly payment on that car. Does anybody know what should i do next . i been using that car to work now i am unemployee . should i just bankrufcy
I cant find car insurance for under 3 grand. im 17?
Im 17,male. got my driving test in a couple of weeks. I already have a car but i cant find insurance anywhere for what i can afford! the cheapest ive found is about 2800. my car is a 1.1 peugeot 1997 106 xl independance. I got this model thinking it would be cheaper to insure because its alarmed, you have to enter a code before you can start the engine. i cant afford to pay almost 3 grand! im lookin to pay 1100-1200. the only way ive found this is if i put it as my mums car and me as a named driver but i know this would be fraud... ive been told the company quinn is cheap but i called them and they quoted me around 3400... my postcode is in the low catagory or a or whatever and the car will be parked on a drive! any ideas?""
Cheap auto insurance?
I am looking for auto insurance......i have a dui on my record and im about to get my license back....so i need some suggestions on some cheap insurance.....i have already tried the general and dairy land....
Where can i find really good dental insurance?
I am a mom of two and expecting. I can't work and I am looking for dental insurance that pays alot(almost everything). I live in Texas.
Cheapest place to get motorbike insurance?
hello im looking to get a skyjet125 ive got my CBT, this is my first bike where is the cheapest place to get insurance ? cheers""
Can I put my 23 year old married daughter on my health insurance plan in wisconsin?
I have read that the child must be unmarried and then somewhere else that they can be married. Which is the right answer? She doesn't have insurance through her employer but ...show more
Oxford Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30054
Oxford Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30054
Car insurance- estimated quote? lowest pricing company?
i'm a 17 year old new female driver. the car im looking at is a 1995 grandam. about how much would you estimate insurance will be monthly on my own plan? and what company do u find is the cheapest?
Is medical insurance enough if you have a catastrophic health problem?
Woolhandler and her colleagues surveyed a random sample of 2,314 people who filed for bankruptcy in early 2007, looked at their court records, and then interviewed more than 1,000 of them. Health.com: Expert advice on getting health insurance and affordable care for chronic pain They concluded that 62.1 percent of the bankruptcies were medically related because the individuals either had more than $5,000 (or 10 percent of their pretax income) in medical bills, mortgaged their home to pay for medical bills, or lost significant income due to an illness. On average, medically bankrupt families had $17,943 in out-of-pocket expenses, including $26,971 for those who lacked insurance and $17,749 who had insurance at some point. Overall, three-quarters of the people with a medically-related bankruptcy had health insurance, they say. That was actually the predominant problem in patients in our study -- 78 percent of them had health insurance, but many of them were bankrupted anyway because there were gaps in their coverage like co-payments and deductibles and uncovered services, says Woolhandler. Other people had private insurance but got so sick that they lost their job and lost their insurance.""
""My buddy is suing my insurance company, what could happen?""
Ok, So a little over a month ago i was involved in a car accident with a friends car. It was and 1 hr and 30 min drive. My friend said he was tired and drunk, telling me to drive( I was sober) so i did. I did tell him I didn't want to drive because his car was manual(which i can drive, but i've been driving auto for 4 years now. On the way home I fell asleep at the wheel and the car was totaled. None of us were injured, I was good he was good. We did the police report called our insurances. His paid him for his car. Two weeks later he's calling me to come-over to talk. I get bombarded by his family for 2hours basically saying they need money for this and that. The claim was already settled but he insisted i called my insurance company and see if they can give them money because they used the money they got from there insurance to pay off the car(worth about 5 grand) I talked it over with mom because im under her insurance and she said its sounds shady. She calls the insurance company and said dont give him a dime. Insurance is to make you whole again not better then you were. I explained to him numerous times and a week later my mom calls me at work and says gieco called and my friend is suing them. she also said he has a lawyer. He's suing for bodily injury! My told me not to stress it but it bothers me so much. He definitely doesn't deserve anything and especially being in perfect healthy condition. In the accident if you wanna get technical i took all the hits. I know him, my insurance company doesnt. its not right for him to be compensated for some injury that doesn't exist. Whats gonna happen? does he have a chance. the claim opened up is for $25,000 or more. this kid goes out clubbing and partying every weekend and this is how he lies? any input is appreciated. thanks again..""
Does it cost money to insure a courtesy car with tesco car insurance if I already have a policy with them?
Will tesco insurance charge to transfer my insurance from my original car to the courtesy car while it is being repaired, if so how much is it likely to cost?""
Cheapest car insurance for new drivers?
Co-op seem to be the cheapest i can find at the moment, i am going on my dads name because we are both going to drive it and he has like 11 year no claims, so far co-op seem the best (coop seem to go by the age of the car) the older the cheaper, im looking to insure either a fiesta a clio or a corsa, something like that, could you from experience or just knowledge tell me which insurance is the cheapest, by the way im 17""
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
NJ car insurance?
NJ My daughter borrowed my car and was in a minor accident. She has her own insurance. My insurance company paid the other drivers claim and my insurance went up. Shouldn't my daughters insurance pay the claim. We have twoseparate companies.
How do you get help if your pregnant and need insurance?
I applied to Medical but they are taking forever. I think I might already be in my second trimester but have not seen a doctor, so I have no idea. I lost my job but my husband works for the county here in California. His paycheck shows a gross of 1517 every two weeks but this is because the county is weird and includes his crappy insurance as his earnings. His taxable earnings are only 1280 a every two weeks and his net pay is only 1022 every two weeks. I also am willing to do AIM but you have to meet make less than 4400 and a min of 2935 a month. I'm just so tired of the run around and want to see a doctor. I'm really worried, this is my first baby. We are barely making ends meet here in California, we should qualify for Medi cal right? Thanks for your help in advance.""
Would car insurance be less if i got an older car/truck?
like from the 1980 to 2000? and would a pickup truck cost less to insure than a small car? im 18 if that helps any.
Optional insurance from Hertz in USA?
Hello, I'm from Australia and will be renting a car from Hertz in Los Angeles. Included in my hire charges is: - Airport concession fee recovery - Loss Damage Waiver - Taxes - Liability Insurance Supplement - Vehicle license fee recovery - Customer Facility Charge - MISCELLANEOUS LOCATION TAX - California Tourism Commission Assessment - Unlimited Free Miles I've previously been duped into buying extra insurance or unnecessary insurance. I'm told this is not included: - Personal Accident Insurance / Personal Effects Coverage - PREMIUM EMERGENCY ROADSIDE SERVICE Can someone help? Do I require these extra insurance options? What do they actually cover? Thanks!""
Working out car insurance?
Hi there, How much would insurance be for the car on the following link below? I am a seventeen year old, who has been driving for almost a year. I would be taking the insurance out as the second driver, with my father being the main driver who has never claimed. Please may you work out how much it would cost me? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/227349.htm Thank you so much""
How much does your car insurance increase when you have two traffic violations in a year?
I was pulled over again for turning right on a no turn on red . The first time the insurance company said they wouldn't increase the premium. How much would it increase? $200 for the year? more?
""Crashed car into the bushes, would basic insurance cover it?""
My car brakes gave up on me and i crashed into the dense bushes. The police didn't even write a report since, as they said, it was no fault of my own and i had no injuries. Since i didn't hit anybody or anything but the bush there was no fine for me to pay. I don't know how big is the damage to the car since it happened on a saturday evening (i'll have it checked out tomorrow), but the front looks bad. I have basic Florida insurance, and i just want to know if they would cover it before i call them. If they don't cover it i'd rather just get it fixed without having my insurance rate go up. So... since it was not my fault (there were witnesses who saw i did everything possible to get the car safely off the road) would it cover at least part of the expenses?""
Can insurance and credit card?
i want to pay monthly to the car insurance company> interest for monthly payments is 8.5% people said go and get a credit card and pay that back 0% but am i best just to pay the car insurance company? i dont know if i would get a credit card as ive not applied for one before and dont know about my credit rating it would only be 4-5 extra monthly to pay the insurance co with interest? is it worth the hassle? as i want to book insurance now. help?
I have had my car broken into and had my pc stolen HOW DO I CLAIM INSURANCE?
earlier this afternoon i had to take my desktop pc to pcworld to be fixed but came home with it straight away due to them sending an engineer out to my home to fix it, Anyhow heavy rain started upon getting home so i left the computer in the car so it wouldnt get wet, CAN I CLAIM ON MY CAR INSURANCE FOR A NEW COMPUTER?????????""
Why Is my Car insurance claim taking soooo long?
Hi all My car was stolen on 9th December and I still am waiting for a decision. My car has not been found and my insurers are requesting for a police report which will take up to 40 working days. Does car insurance claims usually take this long??? Thanks
Any one had a query about motor insurance?
Ive just had my car insurance quote from Norwich Union Direct they quoted 938. i rang them up and they dropped it to 700,then i went on the web to www.money supermarket and went on to car insurance i can get the same deal from the A .A. for 508.30 any one else tried the same""
""If a car insurance company office is closed, can you still insure the car on their website?""
If a car insurance company office is closed, can you still insure the car on their website?""
Do any one know where to get a business vehicle insurance?
hey anyone i am try and look for a business vehicle insurance for me to have 4 car's and vans on the same insurance so all i do call up and add my staff to the insurance there than can Driver any vehicle on this one insurance. ? please help me out
Whats a good price for auto insurance?
I'm a part-time employee that makes about 210-250$ a week. I drive about 50 mi. 4-5 days a week. I am trying to pay for tuition (3000 a quarter) and a cell phone bill as well (100 a month). I just want a rough estimate on what I should need. When I talk to a representative I feel like he wants to get the most out of me. When I try to pick out a quote myself, I tend to think of the worst cast scenario and opt for the better plans. My plans always come-out to be 220 a month. Is that high or just right? I just need a little guidance by my peers or by older folks that have been down this road before. Thank you very much.""
What states offer affordable health care?
On Sunday's Face the Nation , Sen. Mitch McConnell advocated the right to purchase health insurance across state lines, currently prohibited. That makes sense when health care is more affordable in states other than your own. So here's my question: In which state(s) is health care affordable?""
How can I get auto insurance in my name when the car is registered in someone else's name?
My mom currently has a loan on my car in her name in California. My car is registered in California, but because my husband is active duty military, we relocated to South Carolina. Is there a way I can obtain insurance in my name without being a registered owner?""
18 male ontario car insurance rates?
im an 18 yo male living in windsor ontario. I have a clean driving record, have passes drivers ed and recently got my g license. I just bought a 2001 ford taurus and was wondering the approximate rate of insurance. Other possibly necessary information could be, im a student, and the main purpose of the vehicle is to and from work/school which is only about 16km away. Let me know if you need any more information""
Insurance for Kids?
I work at an insurance agency and have to give a presentation about insurance to grade school kids. Does anyone know where to find interesting info about insurance that kids would understand?
Do you need insurance for a driver's permit?
I'm hearing different things from all different places and rather than sifting through all of the crap at the dmvedu website I thought I'd ask you guys and get a straight answer. Do I need insurance to get my permit, or just for my liscense? I live in California, by the way, if that makes any difference with the law.""
Oxford Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30054
Oxford Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30054
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
Taking my driving test soon and buying a cheap car (500 - 700) it will probably be a citron saxo or something like that. Who are the cheapest company to insure with?
Can my employer insure my privately owned car?
Hi, I currently have a company car, owned by my employer and assigned to me when I passed my test in May. However, I've been looking at buying a car on ebay to run around in. What I'm asking is, if I buy this car on eBay is it within the law for me to give back my company car and have my employer insure me on my privately bought car or does the car have to be owned by my employer? Kind regards, Phil""
Just turned 50 - can you get cheaper insurance if you are over 50?
It was my 50th bday last week and I'm trying to cut down on my car insurance costs. Can anyone recommend any insurers that offer cheaper prices for drivers over 50?
GAP insurance with no Regular insurance?
I was in a wreck it want my fault,,the other party was sighted at the seen for making an unsafe left turn..I lapsed on my insurance for a week! His insurance is only going to pay ,5,000 for property damage..and I owe 22,000 on it,,,will the Gap Insurance I purchased thru the car company kick in at all?""
Buying a Toyota - price and insurance advice please?!?
I am going to pick up my new car today IF this is a good deal. Its a black 2008 Toyota Corolla S. I am buying it, its a 72 month pay schedule of $387 a month. Insurance for it and our 2002 Santa Fe (both full coverage) is $157 a month. Do these prices sound about right? I want to know if I'm getting a good deal. Also, do new cars need to be maintinenced every 5,000 miles? Someone said that on another question of mine and I was wondering if thats true. I want to know anything that is vital to purchasing a new car. We dont have great credit... both our scores are around 600. We are paying for the gap insurance and all that other good stuff. Oh and we're not trading a car - this is just straight up - no money down - our interest rate is 14%..... Thanks to answers""
What is a typical range of costs for teen auto insurance?
I have to say - this field is RIPE for a good consumer survey that gives some general ranges of insurance by state or region. Nearly everything online - (correction - EVERYthing) on line links to get quotes from insurers (commercial sites) . Fine, but suppose a kid is in the early stages of learning about cars and parents are new to the kid driver insurance game and they just want to get a feel for ranges of prices based on region, car type, first time driver, male/female, etc. Let's assume a modest new car in the $25,000 new range and a responsible kid with middle income family - good insurance history. The new driver is added to current parent policies. Is the range $1000 to $3000? Or narrower ... $1500 - $2500.""
How much insurance should I have on a 12 year old car?
Should I have full coverage or can I get by on something less?
Around how much would car insurance be for a 16 year old girl?
I'm just looking for a range of prices per month. If you can, comment with any good insurance places that I could look into because I am getting my license in August and am curious of what I'm going to have to pay. Also, what depends on the cost? Type of car, or etc..""
How much is car insurance in NY state if your 17?
Ive been looking for how much car insurance is in ny if your 17 but i cant find it. My mom doesnt want to pay for it so i have to pay for it myself. Can someone tell me how much it costs?
""How much would motorcycle insurance be, on average for a 19 year old with a speeding ticket? (in CA)?""
19 year old bay area, ca 1 speeding ticket new class m license *would it be possible to decrease the premium by putting it under my parents' or something?""
""If my car was severely keyed, and i want insurance to pay for some of it, will my geico insurance rate go up?""
psycho ex bf keyed every single panel of my jeep, including F^&* you and cya boo and a couple of X s. fml. there's no way in hell i can pay for it on my own but it is so embarassing. if i try to get insurance to pay for it, will my rate go up?""
Can't decide if i want to go to college for Insurance sales?
I wanted to go to college to be and insurance salesperson but im not sure. If i go to a community college and get an associates degree in business-insurance sales what does it quallify me to sell, like what type of insurance? How much do they make? Will it be easy to find a job? What are the typical hours? Will i have a secure job? Do you work off comission? Any additional info plz""
Is car insurance cheaper for older cars?
Is car insurance cheaper for older cars?
Staying on my dads health insurance (i'm 24 and not in school)?
im confused for the most part about the affordable act im currently 24 and dont 25 until april of next year . my dad works for the county parks and recreation here in miami and up until a few years ago i was under his insurance. because im not a student i didnt qualify to be under his insurance. im unemployed and was thinking about purchasing a bronze/catastrophic level insurance. but with the act now passed could i latch on until im 26 under my dads coverage despite not being a student? thanks for the help in advance
""Minor car crash, no insurance?""
So I got into a minor car crash, I believe my insurance expired. I only have a few scratches on my car, but for the other driver her side view mirror broke. I was wondering just to pay out of pocket because side view mirror repair isnt that much and she probably has a few scatches on her car as well, and going through all the hassle is to much time and work. She wanted to exchange insurance info but wasnt able to provide because I wasn't sure if I was insured or not. What to do? My first car accident! :(""
What should I do about my 19 year old sons car insurance?
I have a son who is nearly 19 years old. He may be putting in for his test soon. The problem is I am worried about the cost of car insurance. He is nagging me to go on my insurance but I don't really like that idea because I am worried if he has an accident I will lose my no claims and my insurance will go up considerably. The other option is that I buy him a really cheap car with a small engion, but only cover third party. That way he can build up his own no claims. I was wondering if anyone knows how much he would be expected to pay if he decided to do this?""
Car Insurance?
I'm a first time driver over 25, used car 2001 ford focus, central fl. how much should the insurance cost?""
Where to go for low auto insurance?
My insurance rates just went up $100 a month because of speeding tickets I got last year. I took an improvement class right after I got the ticket and am also getting ready to turn 25. I was hoping my rates would go down and nit up to $250 a month. Anyone know any companies?
What is a very general cost for motorcycle (cruiser) insurance for a teen?
I am a 16 year old living in Kansas City, Kansas. I just need a very general quote for the annual cost for a cruiser motorcycle less than 600cc. A small bike with not a ton of power. I have taken a Basic Rider Course. I've never been involved in an accident car wise. Would it be wise to just have my dad insure it under his name? Are there any potential consequences for that? I only need liability as the bike is only worth around $1300. I have not bought one yet.""
Does having a bump in a company vehicle affect my personal Car insurance?
I have been asked to drive the home delivery van's for a supermarket, I haven't agreed yet as I want to know in the unlikely event of a bump would this affect my personal car ...show more""
Wanting cheap car insurance?
wanting cheap car insurance that dont want a deposit hepl peeps xx
Selling a Car in Colorado With Expired Plates and No Insurance?
I have a car that has expired plates and no insurance as I haven't been using it for the past few months. The plates are expired since March of this year. Will either a dealership or private-buyer be able to purchase her? I am afraid to register the plates as I was told that I need proof of insurance. I am afraid to purchase insurance because I was told that the insurance company will report me for expired plates. How can I get around this issue without going to court? The car has been parked on private property for months!
Is car insurance cheaper for a 2008 Honda Accord then a 2005 Honda Pilot?
I'm considering trading my 2005 Honda pilot for a 2008 Honda Accord do you think my insurance would go up or down?
Health insurance premium just went up because i turned 60.?
Anyone know where I can get my own health insurance rather than through my employer?
Cheap Uk Car Insurance?
Which car insurance company in England is cheaper?
Oxford Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30054
Oxford Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 30054
0 notes
lorienkittybooks · 7 years
LA said the bad rep in Autoboyography could hurt at risk gay Mormons. What did she mean by that? She's never online anymore or I'd just ask her.
So I went ahead and emailed this to her. It’s a LONG answer, FYI.
LA: “This is going to be a touch long. I apologize in advance.
I’m about halfway through Autoboyography. I also know a bit about some of the events I haven’t read through yet based on people’s reviews that I’ve read (I was looking to see if any other queer Mormons still active in the Church had read and reviewed it - I haven’t found any). And I think this book could hurt gay Mormons for a couple reasons.
The biggest reason is this: there’s a saying in the Church - the Church is true, but the people aren’t always. This was something I experienced firsthand before I really even knew what a Mormon was, when I was a Freshman in high school. There were 2 Mormon kids in my class (I was full-blown Wiccan at this time in my life, and very anti-Christianity. I would literally hiss at people who pulled out Bibles to show me. Like, literally - lips pulled back, teeth bared, hissing like a cat). One of the Mormon kids was super nice and I’m sorry to say I kind of took advantage of that (he used to let me have “sips” of his Diet Dr. Pepper and I’d chug like, half the can. He never got mad and he almost always let me have another “sip” the next day). One of the Mormon kids was a horrible person. She made fun of people all the time, said mean things even to our teacher’s face, mocked everyone, and would tell people to “stop fucking whining” when we’d tell her to leave us alone. Her excuse? “I’m Mormon, so I get to be a bitch.” The Mormon boy always corrected her about this, and she always told him to shut up.
That’s two very different examples of “Mormons.” The girl in question? Was misapplying Mormon doctrine - the rules and regulations laid out by our highest authorities/leaders - to justify her bad behavior. Some Mormon kids? That’s all they’re taught - the untrue stuff. Lorienkittybooks and I were just talking about a gay kid in the Church who, because of misunderstandings, thought he was unworthy to complete his two-year mission, so he left and went home. That’s a HUGE deal. You don’t just leave your mission. You get sent home - because you broke the rules, because you got sick, because various reasons, but it’s a process that requires authorization and guidance. It’s almost unheard of for someone to willingly leave their mission barring serious issues like health. The boy left because he thought he was unworthy because he was gay. A member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles - so like, 2nd tier leadership from the very, VERY top - told him he’d had nothing to be ashamed of and he was absolutely worthy to be on his mission. Some adults who heard this story were like, “Well, if he’s gay, maybe he shouldn’t have been on a mission. You can’t be gay and be on a mission.” And Lorienkittybooks, who was there when the adults (I mean way older adults) said this, was like, “Dude. One of the Twelve (fracking) Apostles SAID HE WAS WORTHY TO GO ON A MISSION, BEING GAY DOESN’T MAKE HIM UNWORTHY, THEY JUST SAID THAT.” And the adults were kind of like, “Oh. Yeah. Oops.”
There’s a lot of misconception about what the Church itself - not its more misguided members, but our actual top leaders and our doctrine - have to say about non-heterosexuality. The misconceptions come from both outside of and within the Church. What nobody - NOBODY - needs, is a book that’s supposedly by an “expert” or pair of “experts” on Mormonism that perpetuates those misconceptions.
There are gay Mormon kids who are not taught how to deal with parents who act like Sebastian’s parents do, even though there are rules written into Church doctrine on what you’re supposed to do when someone comes after you for being non-heterosexual (be it ace, gay, bi, pan, whatever). It is considered a serious sin to disown your children for any reason. One of our most sacred covenants - which is like an eternal contract you make with God, very serious anyway - one of our most sacred of these serious sacred contracts is the one that eternally defines the bonds between you and your spouse and whatever children are born from you. And there’s a bit more to that, but it’s irrelevant to my point right now. The bond between parent and child is sacred in Mormonism. A parent that breaks that bond is basically spitting in God’s face according to Mormon doctrine. And if you are a queer LDS teen/young adult or even preteen or adolescent and your parents are attacking or abusing you because of your sexual orientation or gender identity, there are rules and steps in place to handle that, people you’re supposed to contact, support groups that exist both inside and outside of the Church.
So far, NONE of that is mentioned in Autoboyography. Sebastian’s father, who is a bishop, is not chastized or penalized in anyway and apparently threatens to disown him? If his father did that, he wouldn’t be bishop much longer. All Sebastian would have to do is call the stake secretary or clerk (I forget which one) and make an appointment with the stake president - his dad’s boss. And then tell his dad’s boss what his dad did. I know because when my bishop tried to say that my family wasn’t welcome at our ward (and part of the reason was because my roommate/best friend IK Scott is my ex-fiancee), we talked to the Stake President and he nipped that right in the bud. He spoke to every leader who had a hand in telling us we weren’t welcome, extended a personal invitation for us to go back to church, and called us a couple times to make sure we were doing okay. They also offered us the choice of moving wards if we wanted if, upon returning to our ward, the harassment and prejudice didn’t end.
Telling already at-risk people that they MUST choose between the faith that is their life and their sexual orientation or gender identity, with no middle ground, no compromise, no nothing - and saying that by giving up that faith, they’re cutting all ties with their family and their community? That is SO DAMAGING. Queer Mormons are at an extremely high risk for suicide, self-harm, running away, and homeless. One of the reasons? The biggest reason? Because there’s this idea - an idea perpetuated by Autoboyography so far, whether Christina Lauren intended it or not - that you can either be gay and damned to Hell according to the Mormon faith or you can be Mormon and be miserable.
Are there Mormons who think gay people are going to Hell? Yes. You know why? Because they don’t know their doctrine. Because they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. The whole point of God’s Plan of Salvation (Mormon vocab word, think of it as the Divine Circle of Life) is so that people don’t end up in Hell. You can’t go to Hell for being gay. And some people are like, “Yeah, well, Mormons think as long as you don’t act on being gay, you’re fine, but if you act on it, THEN you go to Hell.” No, no, no. You don’t go to Hell for who you kiss and who you bang or who you hug or who you marry or who you cuddle up with at night. No. And Mormon doctrine SAYS that. It SAYS you don’t go to Hell for that.
Okay, this is really long but basically, to try to sum up - Autoboyography is spreading the message that Mormon doctrine says if you’re non-heterosexual, you’re gonna burn in Hell, and that if you “live a gay lifestyle” and you’re Mormon, no one in your family or religious community will ever care about you or love you ever again. Which is bullshit. The only Mormons who do that are the sucky “I don’t know anything about my own religion” Mormons. If someone is going to write about Mormons, don’t paint them all as one-dimensional homophobic “burn the gays or pray it away” child-disowning monsters, please. Thanks.”
0 notes