365footballorg-blog · 5 years
Can Scotland finally lift Hampden hoodoo in the Nations League?
Can Scotland finally lift Hampden hoodoo in the Nations League?
Scotland stand three wins away from a place at Euro 2020. To achieve it, at least one of those victories will have to come at their Hampden Park home.
However, has the old lady of Scottish football been the reason for Scotland’s long wait for an invite back to a major tournament?
In the 20 years before Hampden became an all-seated stadium in 1993, Scotland reached five…
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
Can Scotland finally lift Hampden hoodoo in the Nations League?
Can Scotland finally lift Hampden hoodoo in the Nations League?
Scotland stand three wins away from a place at Euro 2020. To achieve it, at least one of those victories will have to come at their Hampden Park home.
However, has the old lady of Scottish football been the reason for Scotland’s long wait for an invite back to a major tournament?
In the 20 years before Hampden became an all-seated stadium in 1993, Scotland reached five…
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
Can Scotland finally lift Hampden hoodoo in the Nations League?
Scotland stand three wins away from a place at Euro 2020. To achieve it, at least one of those victories will have to come at their Hampden Park home.
However, has the old lady of Scottish football been the reason for Scotland’s long wait for an invite back to a major tournament?
In the 20 years before Hampden became an all-seated stadium in 1993, Scotland reached five out of five World Cups.
In the period between that and the last stage of its redevelopment, Scotland made the European Championships twice and the 1998 World Cup.
But since Hampden was returned to Scottish football with a fancy new main stand in 1999, there has been nothing. Five World Cups, five European Championships, all of them missing the Tartan Army.
Here, BBC Scotland delves into the stats of Scotland’s national stadium, to see if the heartbreak of the Hampden hoodoo is close to being lifted.
The good old days
Between 1980 and Scotland’s goodbye to the old main stand in 1995, Scotland won 17 qualifiers out of 26, losing just twice. A win rate of 65%.
In the four years before it’s re-opening, Ibrox, Celtic Park, Pittodrie, Tynecastle and Rugby Park hosted competitive games. Scotland won all five of their home World Cup qualifiers on their way to France 98.
Post-France, Scotland won three of their four qualifiers away from Hampden. Then they posted a 3-0 victory over Lithuania in the first game back at the swanky new pad.
And then the new home became haunted by ghosts of the past.
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Click to see content: Scotland_World_Cup_qualifying_win_rates[1]
It all began with a 2-0 defeat by England at Hampden in the Euro 2000 play-offs. A 1-0 win at Wembley could not salvage qualification or indeed halt the downward spiral that would follow.
Scotland have played 46 competitive games at Hampden since its re-opening. They have won 22 of them, a win rate of 48%. The more telling statistic has been the 11 defeats.
In the three competitive home games played outside Hampden – two at Celtic Park and one at Ibrox – Scotland have won all three, scoring eight goals and conceding none.
In friendlies, Scotland’s record at Hampden is poor. In 17 games, they have won just four. Yet, in friendlies elsewhere – at Pittodrie and Easter Road – they boast seven wins from 10.
All in all, in 63 games at Hampden in front of the upgraded main stand, Scotland have 26 wins. A win record of 41%.
Signs for optimism?
Scotland were temporarily deposed from their home due to the 2014 Commonwealth Games. They boasted Euro 2016 qualifying wins over Georgia at Ibrox, Republic of Ireland at Celtic Park, and a friendly win over Qatar at Easter Road. There was just one defeat, in a friendly to England.
Back to Glasgow’s south side they went. A 6-1 thrashing of Gibraltar began a return to form in competitive games.
Nine games, five wins, three draws, and just one defeat – to the then-world champions Germany.
They have lost a few friendlies, but another three points against Israel would boost their win percentage to 60% in competitive games since returning to Hampden after the Commonwealth Games.
^ Click to see content: Scotland_World_Cup_qualifying_win_rates (www.bbc.co.uk)
BBC Sport – Scottish
Can Scotland finally lift Hampden hoodoo in the Nations League? was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
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Liverpool interested in signing Serbian World Cup star Liverpool have shown interest in signing Eintracht Frankfurt loanee Luka Jovic, The Bild are reporting. Club boss Jurgen Klopp has made his interest in signing the Bundesliga’s top players very clear, and he is now readying a bid for one of the league’s most potent forwards.
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
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Liverpool interested in signing Serbian World Cup star Liverpool have shown interest in signing Eintracht Frankfurt loanee Luka Jovic, The Bild are reporting. Club boss Jurgen Klopp has made his interest in signing the Bundesliga’s top players very clear, and he is now readying a bid for one of the league’s most potent forwards.
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
Liverpool interested in signing Serbian World Cup star
Liverpool have shown interest in signing Eintracht Frankfurt loanee Luka Jovic, The Bild are reporting. Club boss Jurgen Klopp has made his interest in signing the Bundesliga’s top players very clear, and he is now readying a bid for one of the league’s most potent forwards.
Jovic is currently on loan at Eintracht Frankfurt from parent side Benfica, and has a sensational record this season. In just 11 games, the Serbian has 9 goals, and is already on the way to scoring many more.
Frankfurt’s Luka Jovic pulls out the acrobatics for an utterly spectacular goal!
How??? 😱 pic.twitter.com/BiQh5pOQnf
— Football on BT Sport (@btsportfootball) October 19, 2018
In his home country, the 20-year-old is touted as having the ability to become one of the best strikers in Europe, and with his current record it would be easy to assume why. Jovic has scored five goals in one game against Dusseldorf this season, and has emerged on Klopp’s radar as one to look out for.
Jovic’s two-year loan spell will continue through the January transfer window, but the Reds will continue to keep tabs on him nonetheless. He is currently valued at around £20million by Benfica, but that could increase exponentially if he continues his goal scoring prowess.
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Liverpool interested in signing Serbian World Cup star was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
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Dortmund chief not planning Pulisic sale Borussia Dortmund winger Christian Pulisic has been linked with a January move to Chelsea but his club are determined to keep hold of him.
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
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Dortmund chief not planning Pulisic sale Borussia Dortmund winger Christian Pulisic has been linked with a January move to Chelsea but his club are determined to keep hold of him.
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
Dortmund chief not planning Pulisic sale
Borussia Dortmund winger Christian Pulisic has been linked with a January move to Chelsea but his club are determined to keep hold of him.
Christian Pulisic will stay at Borussia Dortmund until the end of the season according to the club’s sporting director Michael Zorc, who said rumours of his departure were nothing new.
Pulisic admitted that he could play in the Premier League “one day” amid speculation linking him with a move to Chelsea, while Liverpool and Tottenham are also said to be interested in signing the midfielder.
USA international Pulisic has made just four Bundesliga starts for Dortmund having struggled with injuries so far this season but Zorc said he is very much in head coach Lucien Favre’s plans.
Responding to suggestions that Pulisic could be a target for Premier League clubs in the January transfer window, Zorc told Kicker: “We’ve known these rumours for many years.
Pulisic https://t.co/H6D3MmHEfx
— Borussia Dortmund (@BlackYellow) November 15, 2018
“We’re planning to go with them until the end of the season.”
Pulisic’s current deal runs until the middle of 2020 and a transfer at the end of the 2018-19 season appears a possibility.
Despite facing a struggle to keep hold of one of their most promising players, Zorc said: “We will still need Christian significantly.”
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Dortmund chief not planning Pulisic sale was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
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What is your Scotland starting XI for the Nations League showdown with Israel? It all comes down to this game. In what feels like a long, painful and stress-filled campaign, Scotland's three games in the Nations League group stage has them one win from a play-off.
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
What is your Scotland starting XI for the Nations League showdown with Israel?
It all comes down to this game.
In what feels like a long, painful and stress-filled campaign, Scotland’s three games in the Nations League group stage has them one win from a play-off.
Beat Israel at Hampden on Tuesday, and Alex McLeish’s men are just two games away from a major finals for the first time in 20 years.
On the back of Saturday’s 4-0 win over Albania, who would you pick to face the Israelis? Have a go at our squad selector below.
My Scotland team to face Israel
Select formationConfirm team
BBC Sport – Scottish
What is your Scotland starting XI for the Nations League showdown with Israel? was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
Scottish Gossip: Alex McLeish, Scotland, Hearts, Rangers
Scottish Gossip: Alex McLeish, Scotland, Hearts, Rangers
<!–<!–[if lte IE 8]><![endif]–> FOOTBALL GOSSIP
Scotland manager Alex McLeish urges the Tartan Army to turn out in force for clash against Israel tomorrow after giving them “something to cheer about” against Albania. (Daily Mail)[1]
“The players that have pulled out of this double-header are with totally genuine injuries, there is no fabrication whatsoever,” insists S…
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
Scottish Gossip: Alex McLeish, Scotland, Hearts, Rangers
Scottish Gossip: Alex McLeish, Scotland, Hearts, Rangers
<!–<!–[if lte IE 8]><![endif]–> FOOTBALL GOSSIP
Scotland manager Alex McLeish urges the Tartan Army to turn out in force for clash against Israel tomorrow after giving them “something to cheer about” against Albania. (Daily Mail)[1]
“The players that have pulled out of this double-header are with totally genuine injuries, there is no fabrication whatsoever,” insists S…
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
Scottish Gossip: Alex McLeish, Scotland, Hearts, Rangers
Scotland manager Alex McLeish urges the Tartan Army to turn out in force for clash against Israel tomorrow after giving them “something to cheer about” against Albania. (Daily Mail)[1]
“The players that have pulled out of this double-header are with totally genuine injuries, there is no fabrication whatsoever,” insists Scotland boss Alex McLeish after a spate of call-offs. (Daily Record)[2]
Hearts are set to take French winger Killian Colombie on trial amid MLS interest in the 23-year-old. (Daily Record)[3]
Former Rangers defender Sasa Papac says he’s a phone call away if Ibrox manager Steven Gerrard wants any more scouting advice on the Balkan market. (Sun)[4]
Celtic and Scotland midfielder Ryan Christie insists he was “an innocent bystander” after being on the receiving end of a second headbutt in two weeks. (Daily Record)[5]
Ryan Christie urges Scotland to carry the feelgood factor from Shkoder to Hampden for tomorrow’s crucial Nations League game against Israel. (Press & Journal)[6]
Defender David Bates says he didn’t feel any pressure going into his Scotland debut in Albania, insisting the job is only half done. (Sun)[7]
Aberdeen and Scotland defender Scott McKenna remains grateful for the “pretty blunt” coaching advice he received as a youth from Pittodrie great Willie Miller. (Scotsman)[8]
Hibs winger Martin Boyle vows to repay Australia boss Graham Arnold after making debut against South Korea in Brisbane on Saturday. (Edinburgh Evening News)[9]
^ (Daily Mail) (www.dailymail.co.uk)
^ (Daily Record) (www.dailyrecord.co.uk)
^ (Daily Record) (www.dailyrecord.co.uk)
^ (Sun) (www.thescottishsun.co.uk)
^ (Daily Record) (www.dailyrecord.co.uk)
^ (Press & Journal) (www.pressandjournal.co.uk)
^ (Sun) (www.thescottishsun.co.uk)
^ (Scotsman) (www.scotsman.com)
^ (Edinburgh Evening News) (www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com)
BBC Sport – Scottish
Scottish Gossip: Alex McLeish, Scotland, Hearts, Rangers was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
Canada Player Ratings: Whitecaps' Rusty Teibert leads the way in St. Kitts
Canada Player Ratings: Whitecaps' Rusty Teibert leads the way in St. Kitts
Courtesy of Canada Soccer November 18, 201810:10PM EST
It was squeakier than fans may have hoped, but Canada sewed up a spot in next summer’s Gold Cup with a 1-0 win over Saint Kitts and Nevis in Concacaf Nations League qualifying on Sunday.
It’s Canada’s third straight victory, following an 8-0 win over the…
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
Canada Player Ratings: Whitecaps&#039; Rusty Teibert leads the way in St. Kitts
Courtesy of Canada Soccer
November 18, 201810:10PM EST
It was squeakier than fans may have hoped, but Canada sewed up a spot in next summer’s Gold Cup with a 1-0 win over Saint Kitts and Nevis in Concacaf Nations League qualifying on Sunday.
It’s Canada’s third straight victory, following an 8-0 win over the US Virgin Islands in September and a 5-0 defeat of Dominica at BMO Field in October. But Sunday’s affair, played at Warner Park in Basseterre, St. Kitts, provided John Herdman’s side with a much steeper challenge than those two prior games.
A competitive first half concluded with Atiba Hutchinson heading home a picture-perfect cross from Russell Teibert to, as it would turn out, decide the match.
[embedded content]
Despite some moments of individual magic from the likes of Alphonso Davies and Ballou Tabla, the Canadians couldn’t sustain a sufficiently cohesive attack to pad their advantage. But the slim lead never seemed in grave danger, as Les Rouges coolly saw things out against a dogged and determined home side.
Canada wrap up qualifying against French Guiana at a to-be-determined Canadian venue on March 26. That match will decide whether they will compete in League A or League B of the inaugural CNL competition next year.
Milan Borjan (6.5) – Faced hardly any stern tests on goal, but did help his side’s cause with useful distribution and his customarily reliable handling.
Alphonso Davies (6) – Playing in the left back position exposed a few moments of defensive naivete, but he compensated with his famous footwork, which nearly netted him a couple of goals late on.
Zachary Brault-Guillard (6) – Eager to join the attack, particularly in the early going, but also confidently kept the opposing attack at bay along the right side of defense.
Derek Cornelius (6) – Showed good strength in the air and a developing connection with central defensive partner Doneil Henry in their trickiest assignment to date.
Doneil Henry (6) – For a man who often finds himself at the center of big moments (and not always the good kind), this relatively uneventful night was a welcome occurrence.
Samuel Piette (6) – Seemed slightly unsettled by the patchy playing surface at first, but grew in assertiveness and precision as the game moved along.
Atiba Hutchinson (6.5) – Calm and collected as ever as Canada’s midfield engine, particularly when thumping home the seventh goal of his decorated national-team career.
Junior Hoilett (6.5) – Drew plenty of attention from opponents with his lateral movement, earning multiple free kicks and creating space for teammates in 70 minutes of action.
Russell Teibert (7) – Earned an assist on Hutchinson’s goal and could have had several more, with quality delivery to teammates throughout the night.
Ballou Tabla (6) – Full of stepovers and tricky runs, but didn’t find himself intimately involved in dangerous scoring opportunities in his 65-ish minutes of play.
Lucas Cavallini (6) – Exerted loads of energy over his 75 minutes of play, mostly on pressing the opposition and tracking back (albeit with an occasional surplus of aggressiveness).
Lucas Cavallini (R) with SKN’s Atiba Harris | Canada Soccer
Jonathan David (6.5) – Did what was asked in his 25 minutes, running at a tired SKN defense and nearly finding his fourth Canada goal, foiled only by the crossbar.
Liam Millar (5.5) – Got a 20-minute run-out that was more functional than flashy, helping to shepherd his side to its one-goal in with good possession play.
Cyle Larin (5.5) – Like David, he came on to help kill off the game’s waning minutes, and helped prevent the opponents from building much out of the back.
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Canada Player Ratings: Whitecaps' Rusty Teibert leads the way in St. Kitts was originally published on 365 Football
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365footballorg-blog · 5 years
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St. Kitts & Nevis 0, Canada 1 | 2018-19 Concacaf Nations League Qualifier Courtesy of Canada Soccer November 18, 20189:05PM EST The Canada national team edged a game Saint Kitts and Nevis side 1-0 at Warner Park in Basseterre on Sunday night to stay perfect in their Concacaf Nations League qualifying campaign, a thumping header from veteran Atiba Hutchinson proving just enough to bank a victory over the rugged hosts.
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