#but I’ve been saying that for the past 6 years 😬
rowanhoney · 1 year
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espinosaurusrexex · 9 months
Forever, of course.
SteveRogers x Female!Reader
summary: Steve has a crush on you but your flirty character isn’t making things easy for him. Now he even has to marry you to please a 6-year-old superfan of his. Whether that’s a good plan or not, isn’t quite clear for Steve yet.
a/n: I think this will be the last AI-adaptive story but it was a lot of fun! Shoutout to @RandomTingsForFun on beta.character.ai for having created the character that helped me write this story (and the Bucky one).
Word count: 4k
warnings: a Stevie in love, an attempted funny reader, and a super excited 6-year-old (she carries the story tbh), this is really just super fluffy
・゚✫* 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 。✭・゚
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Steve shook his head at the sight of your chat history. It wasn’t too long ago when he didn’t even know how to listen to music on the device he was holding in his hands, let alone write a text message in less than 30 seconds. Now, he was bickering with you, and he had to admit it was even a little fun to wait for a response from you. Of course, Steve didn’t do anything else in the time he waited for your reply. He just stared at the screen in his hand and willed his heartbeat to slow a little. 
*ping* Why would that be important? So? Maybe I have been talking to Sam about you. Have you been talking about me with Bucky?
Steve: No I haven’t! And it is important because if he’s badmouthing me, then you’d believe him. What has he told you anyway?
You: Just the usual. Save the world this, Captain America that. I stopped listening when he started obsessing over your shield again.
You: Wait. Did you seriously think Sam would say something bad about you? That guy is obsessed with you.
Steve just laughed at your antics. Sam loved the shield for some reason, but every time Steve would give it to him to ‘throw it one time’ Bucky would intervene and ‘show him how it’s done’. 
*ping* Anyway what I actually wanted to ask is if you’d come to my niece’s house with me this weekend. She’s a huge Avenger fan and I might have promised her to meet one as her birthday present 😬
Steve: Of course, I will! I would feel bad if you made such a promise and I wasn't able to make it. And I bet she'll know who her favorite Avenger is after a visit from The Cap 😉
You: ugh please don’t call yourself that. ever. 
You: I’ll pick you up Saturday at 1:30? 
Steve: Yeah, sounds good! I'll make sure to clear my schedule. How old is your niece by the way? And what’s her name?
You: You can call her Izzy. And she’s turning 6 this Thursday. Be nice. And make sure to talk me up a bit, will ya? I mean, I’m already her favorite aunt but just making sure...
Steve: How could she not love you? But I’ll do it anyway. I’ll talk you up so much you’ll never be able to escape my praise! What’s her favorite food?
You: weirdly enough it's carrots, that child is strange. Says vegetables make her a superhero or something. 
Steve: I mean she’s not wrong. Carrots are great for your eyes! What does she think of Iron Man? I need to know my chances against the competition.
You: I just asked her and she said she doesn’t care about Tony because you are her one true love. 
You: I told her that’s not possible because you are already mine. Now we’re in a big fight so thanks for that.
Steve: why would you say that?
You: I like to see her freak. Don’t worry about it, captain. It was just a joke 
You: ...or was it 👀
Steve: I don’t believe you. You’re lying.
He got a little nervous. But it was a good nervous.
You: why? Do you want me to? 
You: Am I making you nervooouuus?
Steve could practically see you wiggle your eyebrows with a grin. A silly idea flashed past his mind, and he felt like grabbing it.
Steve: You need to stop before I accidentally propose to you.
Nothing - just a second, though. Then:
*ping* you have a ring?
Steve: I can get one in less than an hour. Meet me at the chapel on main and I’m all yours. 
You: I’m stunned. I’ve taught you well. 
Steve: 😊 I’ll see you Saturday, doll. 
Steve sat back on his sofa. That girl is really something. A smile broke loose on his face at the silly thought of marrying you. Honestly, he wouldn’t mind if it happened. Out of all the people he knew, you were the only one he’d want to spend the rest of his life with. You were fun and you made him loosen up. He was a whole new man around you and he loved it. Because being in your presence was easy, and comforting. There was nothing to worry about.
He sighed before putting his phone down and staring at the ceiling. He couldn’t wait to see you again.
❁ ❁ ❁
Steve stepped out of the door and smiled upon spotting your car. You were already waving at him, a beautiful smile adorning your face and Steve felt his heart skip. Car rides with you were nice. You always had some soft music playing. Always making sure it was nothing too funky so he felt comfortable. Still, he was a little nervous. It wasn’t every day that he go to meet someone who looked up to him - well, actually, it was every day - but this one was different. Because it was your family and Steve needed to make a good expression. 
It wasn’t long before you pulled up to your sister's house. But before you could even reach the front door, a little girl jumped out of the door and ran toward you with wild screeches. 
“Auntieeee!!!! OH MY GOD, you really did it! You invited Captain America!” The girl jumped up and down beside you and Steve couldn’t help his smile from spreading. Izzy was adorable - very loud - but adorable. Concentrating on it made his nervousness subside a little.
Then she turned around and stared up at him with wide eyes. He could have sworn there were little stars sparkling in them when he crouched down to her height and extended his hand.
“Hey there, little lady. It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Steve.”
“I know that!” The 6-year-old giggled as Steve shook her hand. But when he was about to let go, her tiny fingers grabbed onto his wrist and dragged him up the driveway. “I want to show you something! It’s soooo cool!” 
Steve was still a little cautious as she dragged him to her room. His only experience with kids came from Sam’s nephews and prior he had only gotten to hold a couple baby’s for pictures. He didn’t know how to navigate the situation, but he decided he would just rock with it.
Your niece pushed the white door with her name brightly colored on a sign hanging on her eye level open and revealed a tornado aftermath of action figures. He was able to spot most of the avengers laying scattered around a dinosaur toy but the overwhelming red, white, and blue covering her room was undeniable. There was a poster of Steve hanging by the desk and a bunch of her own drawings framing the magazine shot. Izzy appeared next to Steve again, holding a small action figure of himself in her hands. 
“My aunt gave me this one. It’s my first one.” She reached up to Steve and barely passed his hip with her little arms. The figure was well loved - he could see it from here. And when he bent down to retrieve it, your niece pulled him down further and whispered a giggly ‘you’re our favorite avenger’ into his ear.
His heart swelled at the excitement presented in front of him. It was adorable, and he could see a little of you in the little girl nervously treading beside him. 
“I’m your favorite, huh?” He said, his voice full of affection. Steve usually wasn’t the kind of person to get mushy over an adorable child, but the way her face lit up was too cute. The little Cap figure in her hands was pretty cute, too. “My, my. I must be pretty special then.” His thumb stroked over the blue helmet in her hands.
Lost in thought and seriously flattered by being the hero that inspired this impressive collection, he almost didn’t notice how Izzy threw her hands in the air. “So special! My mom says I will marry someone as special as you one day, but my aunt says there is no one like you. That is so mean!” Her little chubby cheeks puffed with a pout and Steve had to hold back his laugh. The 6-year-old had no idea what you implied with that comment, but he still felt more pride from being called special by you and your niece than from any medal of honor he had ever gotten.
“Well, a girl your age shouldn’t worry about things like that. But who knows, maybe I will be part of your family one day.”
“Really?!” Wide eyes stared back at him and Steve could practically feel the floor vibrating when he nodded with a laugh. Izzy held out her finger and then she exclaimed a rushed ‘stay here’ before zooming past him and out the door.
Steve stayed a little longer and admired Izzy’s room before he heard an excited ‘Captain America said I can marry him!’ Which made him instantly rush to the source.
He spotted her clinging to her mother’s leg, giddy and jumpy. But your sister just shared a laugh with you over the kitchen counter. “I don’t think he meant it like that, buttercup.” Steve watched your sister explain before his eyes got stuck on the little frown on your face. Was that a hint of jealousy, he was detecting? “But if he marries your aunt, he will be your uncle and just as much part of the family.” A little fire hushed past your older sister’s face. It was a look of mischief he had seen you hold all too well. Steve’s cheeks heated when you caught him leaning in the doorway, scratching his neck at the slightly awkward situation. 
“That works?”
“That’s how it works, baby.”
Izzy turned with excitement and within a second she was before Steve again. “You have to ask my aunt to marry you! Right now!!” She ordered with a stomp of her foot. “Then you can be my uncle and we can hang out every day!”
Steve’s eyes wandered from the six-year-old to you and his heart picked up its pace at the laugh you shared with your sister. There was no harm in a little play pretend, right?
So, he knelt down in front of you and when your name traveled past his lips softly, he almost imagined a grasp coming from you. “Will you,” his head tilted with a wink, “marry me?”
You hid your laugh behind your hands as they covered your mouth in feigned astonishment. But Steve caught the little glimmer in your eyes at his little show. He continued to take your hand as he threw together a little speech for Izzy to hear, and when the child began excitedly jumping up and down beside him, your face softened. 
“Oh, Steve! This is so unexpected!” You clutched your chest and your sister chuckled beside you. Steve felt a tinge of nervousness wash over him then, but he would be okay with a fake rejection - he wasn’t sure if Izzy would, though. “Of course, I’ll marry you! Come here you big, hunky, handsome superhero!”
And as if he hadn’t been prepared for you to agree so quickly, Steve felt his cheeks heat up. He couldn’t deny that the words you described him with had his stomach tingle with excitement, and before he could help himself, he leaned forward and kissed our cheek.
“That was the easiest marriage proposal ever,” he mumbled beside you to which you just slightly pulled from his embrace. 
“What? You’ve done that before? Are you already cheating on me, Rogers?” You raised your brows suspiciously, but Steve was only able to shake his head with a smile before Izzy blared into his ear again. 
“A wedding! A wedding!” She swirled by him like a tornado, immediately collecting things around the house. “Mom, get all the stuffies, ready! We have to do a wedding!!!” And then she was off to prepare the quickest wedding in history. 
Steve shook his head as his arm remained around your waist. “What did I get myself into?” He mumbled to himself before turning to you. “Do I dare ask what a six-year-old’s idea of an official marriage ceremony looks like?”
“I think Paddington Bear will be your best man and if I’m lucky, my sister gets to be my maid of honor, but who knows.” You shrugged with a laugh that warmed Steve’s heart all over again. 
❁ ❁ ❁
Not even ten minutes later, Steve found himself kneeling beside a makeshift altar with a bunch of toys and stuffed animals as wedding guests. Action figure Cap had made best man and was neatly propped up behind him. Your sister had officially been crowned the ‘disco machine’ along with a lengthy speech on how important the right song was for the bride’s entrance. Steve had fought hard to keep his face steady, but when Izzy had suggested ‘Party Rock Anthem’, he’d lost it. When really, he was just proud, he knew the song because you had shown it to him the other week - it was Izzy’s favorite. 
You had been instructed to wait behind the couch until the music started to play, and Steve felt himself get a little nervous. It was silly, but somehow his desire to have this wedding according to your niece’s wishes was a lot more important to him than he had initially thought. 
“Now what do we do?” He asked as he leaned over to Izzy, but that was when the girl gave her mother the ‘sign’ - which was the chicken dance, of course - and his eyes immediately swerved to you. He could see the amusement in your gaze as you bit back a laugh.
Izzy wasn’t wasting any time, as soon as you had reached the altar, she put your’s and Steve’s hands together and immediately began talking. Steve had had barely any time to wipe the sweat from his clammy fingers before they connected with yours, but you didn’t seem to care. He smiled as he watched you listen to your niece’s little speech.
“We are gathered here today, to make Captain America my uncle,” she started, and both you and he struggled to keep it together. It was cute though, and something about becoming this little girl’s uncle excited Steve like nothing had in a long time. “Mr, Captain America, will you take my aunt as your wife?”
Izzy’s eyes were serious as she waited for Steve’s answer. And when he didn’t do so fast enough, she leaned over and whispered the answer to him.
“I will,” Steve chuckled and gave your hands a small squeeze.
Then Izzy’s eyes wandered to you. “Do I even have to ask?” She said with her adorably high voice and everyone started laughing. 
“Yes, I will take Steve as my husband,” you answered with the same squeeze of your hand as Izzy imitated the audience cheering.
“You are now husband and wife. Now, kiss, kiss, kiss!!!” It was a little awkward, but Steve leaned in, anyway, to press a gentle kiss to your cheek. He looked at you again and the spark in your eyes was a little brighter as that smile lit up your face again. You looked beautiful, Steve thought, and his heart jumped in his chest at the realization.
“Wohooooooo!” Your sister cheered loudly and ripped Steve out of his trance.
“This is so awesome! You have to come to every family dinner and we can be best friends forever!!” Izzy must have eaten a bag of gummy worms with the way she was vibrating to the song coming out of the little pink CD player. Steve was sure he’d never seen such a hyper six-year-old before. 
“Every family dinner?” He asked her as Izzy swayed his hands to the music. When his eyes caught yours, you just shrugged. "Forever?"
"Of course!" Izzy exclaimed as Steve spun her around. His eyes stayed locked on you, however. Forever didn't sound so bad...
“Looks like you’re stuck with me.” You laughed, but Steve didn’t mind that in the slightest.
❁ ❁ ❁
The evening had come sooner than anyone had anticipated. Steve had been so occupied with Izzy all day, he had forgotten all about the time. It didn’t bother him too much, though. He had fun, but exhausting as well. And now that he was finally sitting in your car again, his head leaning against the headrest and enjoying the silence for a moment, he felt how much energy it had really cost him. He would do it again, though - especially if it meant marrying you over and over for eternity. 
His eyes opened when you sighed beside him. You hadn’t so much as bothered to start the car just yet, and Steve was kind of happy about that. 
You smiled at him when his head turned to you, still leaning back with a dreamy smile himself. “Who would have thought that we would get married today?” You chuckled with a shake of your head. “And you didn’t even give me a ring. I should reconsider my standards.”
“A ring, you say? Well, you are married to the greatest superhero in the world - according to your niece - so I think we’re going to need something pretty special...” Steve joked as he turned in his seat to look through the car, and when he spotted the right thing, the smile returned got his face. “Should I do the honors?”
And then he took the lid off his water bottle and popped the plastic ring off to place it on your finger. 
“It’s perfect, blue like your eyes,” you laughed watching the big plastic ring hang from your finger. “I’m gonna have to get that resized, though. You must think I’m fat.” You shook your head. “Wow, not even a day in, and I already have things to tell my therapist about.” But the mischievous glimmer in your eyes told Steve that you were only joking. 
“Do I really need to say it, doll?” He took your hand in his before spinning the plastic piece. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” He whispered, secretly meaning every word.
You laughed it off but Steve didn’t miss the stutter in your smile at his words. It made the butterflies in his stomach go wild. 
“So what should our first act as a fake married couple be? Celebratory drinks at the Stark Tower rooftop bar?”
"Stark Tower... that sounds good to me.”
The engine roared to life and soon, the faint music was playing in your car again, the streetlights passed him by and the full moon shone above the New York City skyline. But Steve didn't care, he had more beautiful things to look at. 
❁ ❁ ❁
“You’re what now? Married?! And I wasn’t invited?!” Sam’s shocked face yelled across the bar, making few agents turn their heads with intrigue. 
You chuckled before leaning your head against Steve’s shoulder. The second Martini seemed to already work its wonders on you, but Steve loved how close you were. 
“Married by a six-year-old. Count that as you will, but I have a ring on my finger and I’m not telling you how much it cost.” You stretched your hand over the counter to show off the blue piece of plastic and Natasha just laughed at the cute story.
“So, how is the newlywed life?” She leaned on her hands to play along while Sam still tried to get over his non-invitation to a fake wedding. “You guys talking about kids yet?”
That startled Steve a little but he tried his best to keep a straight face - he failed. The thought of having a family with you did things to him he couldn’t explain if he wanted to. The warmth in his stomach spread to his heart and his arm almost instinctively came up to press you further into his side. 
“Who knows, I wouldn’t mind a couple mini me’s.” He shrugged with a low smile. He loved this little game more and more. It just got harder and harder to remind himself that it was just that - a game.
“Hold your horses, now. You’re not the one squeezing them out of your body, Mr. Rogers.” You patted his chest and sighed theatrically. “I can already see that I will be home alone with a bunch of kids and you’re working late every night. Our life will fall apart!” Your hand brushed over your forehead as your head fell back like that of a damsel in distress. 
The group laughed at the little performance, but Steve was a little quieter now. Somehow, he couldn’t rid himself of the feeling that he needed to tell you how much he really cared. He’d never let your life fall apart - not when he was able to prevent it. And while he sat there with his friends, laughing about something as ridiculous as Captain America settling down, he contemplated in silence, if all this life had really been worth it when he would end up alone in the end - giving up the dream of an easy life he’s had for a century. 
❁ ❁ ❁
It was about 12am when Steve and you stopped before your door in the hallway. His eyes were glued to you, his mind racing with scenarios this could go. He had decided to tell you about his feelings about two hours ago, and ever since, he had tried to come up with the best thing to say. But even though talking to you was the easiest thing he’d ever done, and even though you were already married - fake married - he didn’t have a single idea. Not one word that seemed fitting enough to describe the exciting fireworks in his chest whenever he saw you, to somehow tell you how bad living without you would be. 
He must have been staring for a while because you began to shift from one foot to the other before finally clearing your throat to kill the silence. 
“So... uh... that was an eventful day...” You started, fists nervously opening and closing beside your body. “Thank you for playing pretend. You made a little girl very happy.” You smiled and Steve’s heart skipped another beat. 
He caught the small shimmer in your eyes just in time to give him confidence. Your body kept moving forward as if you willed it back again and again, and Steve gathered all his bravery to open his mouth.
“You know what,” Your name tumbled over his lips like a song he’d sung a thousand times. But the effect it had on you still excited him every time anew. “Today... it’s not going to be pretend.”
And before you could even react to his weirdly vague statement, Steve leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. Full of love and affection, his hands moved on their own - one to your hip and the other onto the wall behind you. There was a moment of panic settling in Steve’s brain, but then your arms came up to sling around his torso and he leaned further into your touch. You pulled him even closer, your lips melting with his, tongues gently stroking soft skin until air got scarce. His whole body felt electric with you so close to him - finally. And when he pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours, eyes still closed and thoughts swimming in the moment you had just granted him. 
“I... I love you.” He whispered against your skin, and he felt his warm breath bouncing back. Your chest was still rising and falling beneath him, a subtle reminder of how breathtaking all this was - Steve couldn’t get enough of it, of you.
Your hand came up to stroke over his cheek, making him open his eyes to find you already looking at him. 
“I love you, too, Steve.” You bit your lips, and it made Steve just press his mouth to yours once more.
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Wanna be added to the taglist?
@circe143 @valkyrie418 @mirikusashes @noideawhyimdoingthislol @nikkitc0703 @lethallyprotected @erynnnn @misshale21 @wattpaduser200 @buckyseddie @adoreyouusugar @km-ffluv @fangirl-swagg @mi-amoree1111 @lastwandastan @royalwritersoftheuniverses @dinwifey @stuckysgirl27 @broadwaybabe18 @buckybarnessimpp @goodkittyspost @simpxinnie @blackhawkfanatic @kandis-mom @ashhsage
a/n: I have to say I was pretty impressed at how much it adapted to my writing and I really liked the last part, so I put it in here. I hope you enjoyed it :)
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avida-heidia-5 · 5 months
While we wait for the 2024 Formula 1 season to arrive, I thought I’d entertain myself by playing a little tag game I’ve just created. Feel free to participate if you have the time to do it. 😊
1. Who or what got you into F1?
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
(This is all the questions I could come up with, I’m afraid! My brain is absolutely worn to a frazzle! 😮‍💨)
Now tag as many people as you like! I tag the following peeps: @kaossbells, @argentinagp, @hurricane-heatt, @skitskatdacat63, @racingliners, @formulaes5, @princemick, @4xmulti21champion, @schumigrace, @hungriestheidi, @ellalovesvettel, @twinkodium, and @wanderingblindly. Feel free to participate if you would like to. No pressure! 😊
If I haven’t tagged you in this but you want to participate, you have my permission. Go absolutely wild!
Now here are my answers below the cut! Warning: I can be a touch rambly!
1. Who or what got you into F1?
My parents introduced me to F1 in 2004 when I was around 4 or 5 years old. I vividly remember watching pretty much the whole of the 2005 season on the telly and how amazing a lot of the races were back then. 😍 Since then, we’ve been keeping up with watching races, following the news, and visiting Silverstone for Free Practice sessions and fun events like the Classic Weekend and the Lap Of Lights whenever possible.
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
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I was drawn to Kimi Räikkönen when I was young because I found him attractive. 😳 This was before I knew anything about F1. 😅 Once I got into the habit of watching the sport regularly, I was happily cheering him on. That McLaren was a BEAST…when it was reliable. 😬
I didn’t know much about Kimi’s story back then. As I grew older though, I did some research on him and came to understand why fans love him so much. He kept a cool head during qualifying and race days (He’s called The Iceman for a reason!) and I just love his personality in general: Quiet, composed, honest, and straightforward. And who could forget the memes that spawned during Kimi’s return to F1?
Even though Kimi’s retired from the sport (seemingly for good 😢), I still love and support him with all my heart, whatever he gets up to. 💙❄️
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
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Sebastian Vettel. Oooooh Sebastian Vettel! Where do I even start? 🥰
I have an insane adoration for this man, even more than Kimi admittedly. Seb is just…on another level to me. 😍😍😍
He’s the sweetest, most loveliest man on the planet. He’s kind, generous, talented, and cultured. He’s also an environmentalist, and I fully support his journey to try and make our planet a greener, tidier, happier, and healthier place. 🌎🌱 I’m always fascinated with what he has to say; whether it’s something positive or negative. He has a ridiculous knowledge of everything related to F1 and our environment, and I love him even more for it.
Seb is also retired from F1 and I still miss him dearly, but that doesn’t stop me from loving and supporting this man. I adore him to absolute BITS! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
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Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber have an interesting dynamic to me. I’ve enjoyed seeing their relationship develop and fall apart and repair themselves back together on track, from when the two were teammates at Red Bull all the way up to today. It’s good that they can laugh about their mishaps and misfortunes afterwards. I don’t know, these two just fascinate me. 💜
Other favourite driver pairings include (in no particular order): Seb and Kimi, Seb and Charles Leclerc, Fernando Alonso and Giancarlo Fisichella, Fernando Alonso and Lance Stroll, Lando Norris and Carlos Sainz Jr., Lando Norris and Daniel Ricciardo, Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz Jr., and FINALLY, Alex Albon and Logan Sargeant.
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
We’re happy to support any team, but we’re primarily McLaren supporters in this household. 🧡 As for drivers, my mum loves Jenson Button and my dad is a Nigel Mansell and Fernando Alonso supporter. My sister just recently started getting into F1 and she supports Lando Norris. We never have any complaints or disputes over our choices, which is nice. 😊
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
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There’s quite a lot of races I’ve enjoyed watching over the years. I don’t like the current races that much; I’m more of a 2000’s & 2010’s grid enjoyer. My favourite race of all time has got to be the 2012 Brazilian GP. It was the most nail-biting race I have ever watched! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! 😱 To me, nothing can top it!
However, the race that stood out to me the most – and the race that firmly cemented my enjoyment for the sport – was the 2005 Japanese Grand Prix. Kimi was a BEAST in that McLaren! From starting dead last on the grid to snatching victory on the final lap. What a show he put on! 🤩👏🏻
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
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Spa-Francorchamps will forever be my favourite circuit. It’s home to one of the most iconic battles in history. (“BUT HERE COMES SEBASTIAN VETTEL!!!!”) Plus the foresty backdrop is absolutely stunning. 😍 One of my dream goals is to visit this iconic circuit and watch a race in person one day. 🙏🏻
I also love Silverstone, Hockenheim, Monza, Sepang, Interlagos, and the Nürburgring.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
No, I’ve never been to a race before. Not yet, at least. I would really love to go to one with my family and friends though. 🤩🙏🏻
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
Unfortunately, as of writing, no. We’ve taken many pictures of drivers, but I’ve yet to actually come face-to-face with them and take their autographs and have pictures with them. 🙁 One day, I’m hoping this will all come true. 🤞🏻
My parents briefly talked to Esteban Ocon when he was a reserve driver. (They don’t know which team he was in at the time and I don’t know either. This was around 2015, if that helps. 🤷🏻‍♀️) My mum was extremely lucky to talk to and get an autograph from Jenson Button’s dad John when he was alive. I believe this was around the time before Jenson won the World Championship. They’ve yet to get Jenson’s autograph. Again, one day! 🤞🏻
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
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I don’t have many favourite cars, and I’m not a car nerd like my dad is. However, the McLaren MP4/20 is a certified favourite of mine. The black and white West McLaren livery in general looked very smart. I’m happy it lasted a very long time from 1997 to 2005. 😍 I wish they brought those colours back in modern races, like for special occasions or something. 😭
I also love the blue and yellow Mild Seven Renault livery from 2005, followed by McLaren’s delightfully retro Gulf livery from 2021, and Hungry Heidi herself: the Red Bull RB9 from 2013.
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
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Robert Kubica. This man went from having his horrific accident during the 2007 Canadian GP to winning the race a year later at the same circuit. What a legend! 🤍
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
Let’s start with my favourite hilarious quote: Kimi’s got hundreds of iconic moments during his time in F1. I actually use his infamous quote “Just leave me alone! I know what I’m doing!” quite often in normal conversations, so…I’ll go with that! 🤣🤣🤣
As for inspirational quotes, hmmm, that’s a lot harder. The one that came to my head first was Daniel Ricciardo’s “Enjoy the butterflies” quote. I also love Sebastian Vettel’s “You can’t always be the best, but you can do your best.” and his retirement speech, among others. If I had to choose one….uhhhhh, let’s go with Daniel! I love them all equally though. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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we-survive-endlessly · 4 months
Word vomit about my poor mental state below, feel free to ignore 😬👍
I have literally been so stressed lately that my skin picking is out of control and I’m having heart palpitations. Dealing with grief, my dog being sick again, work stress, life stress, stress and sadness about the state of the world, like my body just can’t take it.
There’s so much I could say about my job. I recently went to my supervisor about the fact that my coworker who I share an office with sleeps all day. Which was really scary and hard for me, but it’s damaging my uncle’s company and the stores she is supposed to be paying the bills for are super behind because of it. Like getting three to four vendors a DAY reaching out about past due bills. Anywho my supervisor said she would take care of it but now our hr person is leaving which will dump a lot more work on everyone and I doubt anything is going to change. They’re also training me on payroll with the expectation that I’ll be able to do it by myself when the person that trains me goes out of town in like a month. Meaning that NO ONE that will be there will know how to do it or help me if weird situations come up. So now I’m stressing about that.
I was just given a promotion that came with a $4 raise which is amazing. Like I’m now making $6 more than when I started and I haven’t even been there a year which should really excite me but all I can think about is the fact that I still don’t make enough to live on my own and that the average salary needed to live comfortably alone in California is $80,000 a year which I am nowhere near. I’m almost 28, and I still live at home with no expectations of being able to move out anytime soon. Every Sunday night I want to cry because I can’t believe the weekend is over and I have to go to work again tomorrow and I’m going to have to do this probably for the rest of my life because retirement seems like a pipe dream if we even have a society or liveable world when I get to that age anyways.
I see what is going on in the world both in other countries and with people I care about here and I cry every day because while I do what I can to help it never feels like enough and I have to listen to family members with just the most awful thoughts and opinions. We live in a world where the people in charge don’t give a fuck about anyone or anything so long as they get paid and I’m TIRED.
My future, the future in general, feels hopeless. Utterly and completely hopeless. And yet here I am. I’ll go to bed early tonight to try to calm the panic in my chest and escape into my dreamland, even though going to bed early just makes tomorrow feel like it comes even faster, and I’ll go to work. Just like I do every weekday. I’ll pretend like everything is fine. Like my coworker sleeping all day doesn’t infuriate me to the point of feeling physically ill. I’ll come home and take care of my dog and then instead of cleaning or exercising or doing any of my hobbies or anything else that I want to do, I’ll just scroll my phone because I’m too tired to do anything else. Maybe I’ll eat dinner, maybe I’ll just go to bed because I’m too nauseous to eat. And I’ll repeat. For the rest of my life because this shit is never ending.
Anyways, if any of you read this, I’m sorry it’s so negative and depressing. I’ve really been trying to tell myself the things that I would tell a friend who felt this way but it’s just not working. I’m just in a really awful hopeless place and I’m sorry.
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she-said-hello · 10 months
Honest question. Do you not feel a little weird engaging with Emma knowing she’s 18 (legal yes) but still have a year left in HS (assuming from her asks responses) and that you’re 24? I know we all have different perspectives but I’m 20 and I honestly can’t imagine myself talking or nevertheless be in a relationship with someone younger than me, let alone someone that’s still in HS 😬 I hope you’re not taking advantage… I’ve seen and read so many wlw relationships that have experiences like that and it’s heartbreaking… it’s about the maturity level too so idk
i've answered asks like this multiple times and it's been really difficult every time. seeing people explicitly accuse me of taking advantage of someone who i care so deeply about and who i have made sure to always treat fairly and as an equal to me is so disappointing. emma is an adult and capable of making decisions for herself. i can guarantee if she felt as if i were mistreating her or taking advantage of her, she wouldn't still be talking to me. i have never forced her or manipulated her into doing anything, she has made all of her own decisions and judgments about me on her own.
if you had asked me before i met emma if i would prefer/choose to be romantically involved with someone 6 years younger than me, i would have told you no. but i've found lately that i don't feel like age means shit anymore. i have been hurt tremendously by extremely immature adults in my life. i have friends in their late 20's-30's who still act like children and have never dealt with any hardships in their lives whatsoever. i know people my age who i can't even slightly relate with because they don't have any similar experiences and their outlook on life is so different from mine. age has had nothing to do with how much i have connected with people in the past. emma isn't some little kid with no life experience and no thought processes of her own. and i don't see her for her age but for her experiences, personality, heart, wisdom, etc.
it wasn't until a few days ago that i found out that she is still in school, it's something that was kept from me but that we're working through. however, it doesn't change the way i feel about her as a person or her maturity level or anything like that. but i also don't feel it's fair to say i'm weird for "engaging with a high schooler" when i had been under the impression that she was out of school since 16. regardless, it doesn't matter. the fact that she had some setbacks in her childhood that led to her still being in school is not a negative to me. i'm very proud of her for continuing her education despite all she has been through. she is very strong and incredibly smart and determined and i admire her for that. if that makes me a "creep" then okay, but i am not taking advantage of her. i never have and never will.
i guess this is what i get for putting myself and my relationships online for people to judge, but man, the judgement never hurts any less no matter how many times i receive it. people are entitled to their own opinions but you also have to realize you never know the full story and it's hard to have a fully educated opinion when all you see is surface level stuff that we have allowed the internet to be a part of. there is so much more that will only ever stay between emma and i because we are the only two people who genuinely matter in this situation. but i think i'm realizing i can't handle putting myself out there like i initially thought i could. maybe this isn't the place for me to express myself anymore.
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mommymlkrs · 1 year
~ The Truth ~
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(I’ve had this saved as a draft for like ever and idk if I’m gonna write a part 2, sorry guys!😬)
~ Summary: Sam, Dean and Y/n find a new case in which the goddess of truth is looking for tributes. Dean and Y/n also investigate why Sam has been acting weird ever since he got back from hell while dealing with their own feelings.
~ Pairings: Dean Winchester x Fem Reader
~ Warnings: Swearing, mentions of suicide, fighting, angst, fluff.
Main characters include:
(Y/n) Reader
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
*Based off of season 6 episode 6* *spoilers*
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“She said that? She really just told her sister to kill herself? Wow.” Y/n said with astonishment.
“Yep.” Both Dean and Y/n were sitting in the motel room trying to figure out this new found case they had. Suddenly the door opened and in walked Sam.
“There was another one.” Sam stated to the pair.
“Yeah? What?” Questioned Y/n as they both stood up from the bed.
“Dentist drilled a guy to death.”
“You mean the non-sexy kind of drilling. Right?” Dean poked in.
“Fifty bucks says he’s mixed up in all the crazy.” Sam continued ignoring Dean’s dumb question.
“You think?”
“Let’s go talk to him.” Sam gestured to the both of them.
“Why don’t you guys go ahead, I’ll catch up. I’m gonna do a little research.” Dean said to them.
“You sure?” Sam questioned suspiciously.
“Yeah, we gotta know what we’re up against. Right?”
“Yeah, yeah, good idea. Coming Y/n?”
“I’ll actually stick with Dean this time around, still gotta change my bandage. Meet you later?” Y/n replied wanting to know what’s up with Dean.
“Yeah, for sure.” Sam then walked out and shut the door. Dean turned away and rubbed his face.
“What’s up with you?” Questioned Y/n. Dean turned to face her.
“Dean.” He knew she wouldn’t give it up so he sat on the bed and sighed.
“My skin crawls being in the same room as him. He hasn’t been the same since, Y/n.”
“Who? Sam?”
“Who else?”
“He seems fine to me. Maybe he’s just you know, growing into himself.” Y/n tries to come up with an explanation.
“I think he’s far past puberty Y/n. And you haven’t known him for 27 years like I have. I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” Dean looks down at his lap and fiddles with his beer. Y/n walks over to him and sits on the bed beside him to comfort him.
“If you think somethings wrong, I believe you. We’ll figure this out Dean.” Y/n says and he turns his head to look into her eyes smiling. Dean perks up feeing tense.
“Want me to change that bandage?”
“Yeah actually. Thank you.” She smiles at him.
After Dean wrapped her wrist, the ring of his cellphone made them jump from the break of silence and Dean picked it up. Once Sam’s and his conversation was over, Dean ended the call.
“Looks like we’re going to the dentist sweetheart.”
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After Y/n and Dean made their way to the dentist office they found some evidence of what the victims had in common. ‘Harry’s House of Horns.’ They found some names and went searching for answers.
“Jane and Dr. Conley. I heard, how awful. But what do I have to do with it?” Asked Harry.
“Honestly you’re the only thing they have in common.” Dean replied to the man.
“Did they say anything to you before they..” Y/n chimed in.
“Sorry, not really.” He said knowing what she was referring too.
“Okay. Thank you though.” She gave him a smile and Dean followed her out of the shop. Before they could leave the man hollered out.
“Hey, by the way. How about my horn?”
“Sorry?” Dean asked.
“Stolen horn?”
“Right. Yeah. We’re working on it.”
“Well I hope so. Things one in a billion.”
“What makes it one in a billion?” Y/n asked confused.
“It’s a museum piece. Near as anyone can tell, about a thousand years old.” Harry opened a book showing a picture and description of the ancient horn.
“Where’s it from?” Questioned Dean.
“No one knows.”
“When did it get swiped?”
“About two weeks ago. Same day Jane died.” He tried to recall. Both Y/n and Dean look at each other knowing somethings up.
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Back at the motel, the pair researched the horn finding out it is an angelic weapon. Dean grabbed his glass and shut the laptop, tossing it on the bed.
“You hear that Cas? Angelic weapon, kind of your department.” Dean said to no one in particular trying to summon Castiel.
“Dean. He hasn’t answered our calls in days.” As soon as she said it Cas decided to swoop in.
“Hello Y/n. Hello Dean.”
“Are you kidding me? I have been on red alert about Sam, and you come for some stupid horn?” Dean raised his voice at him.
“You asked me to be here and I came.”
“We’ve been asking you to be here for days! You dick.”
“Dean. Don’t you think Cas would’ve come if he had answers about Sam?” Y/n stood beside Dean trying to get through to him.
“You wouldn’t just ignore us for no reason. Would you Cas?” Y/n asked Cas calmly, keeping her trust in him.
“I have nothing to offer about Sam.”
“Well that’s great. Because for all we know, he’s gift wrap for Lucifer.” Dean states, obviously still pissed.
“No. He’s not Lucifer.”
“And how do you know that?” Dean questioned.
“If Lucifer escaped the cage. We’d feel it.”
“Do you know what’s wrong with Sam, Cas?” Y/n stepped closer.
“I don’t know Y/n. I’m sorry.”
“What happened to you Cas? You used to be human, or at least like one.” Dean looked hurt.
“I’m at war.” Cas turned away from them and sighed.
“Certain regrettable things are now required of me.” Cas says.
“And Gabriel’s ‘Horn of Truth’? That’s a real thing?” Dean asked.
“Seen it?” Cas asked them facing them again.
“We think it’s in town.” Y/n replied and Cas disappeared.
“Well. Your welcome!” Dean said sarcastically.
“It isn’t the ‘Horn of Truth’.” A voice came from behind them. The pair turned around to find Cas once again.
“You were gone like two seconds. Where did you look?”
“Right. Well nice seeing you anyway.” Dean faced away from Cas.
“About Sam. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. But I do wanna help. I’ll make inquiries.” Cas faced Y/n but saying it to both of them.
“Thank you, Cas.” Y/n said sweetly and he disappeared once again. Y/n then faced Dean as he looked at the floor after putting his drink down. Y/n slowly walked over to Dean and put a hand on his cheek.
“Dean. He’s trying his best.” Dean raised his head and looked into her eyes. Dean looked at her lips and then her eyes again suddenly grabbing her face and kissing her. Y/n didn’t realize what was happening until a few moments later, she kissed him back for a split second before pulling away and putting her hands on his wrists.
“Dean. Dean. I- your drunk, your angry. You don’t know what you’re doing.” Y/n tried to reassure him.
“I know exactly what I’m doing Y/n. Something I should’ve done a long time ago.”
“Dean. I’m sorry but, no. I promise you, you’re not in your right mind right now. Can we just talk about this a different time?” Y/n felt bad for rejecting him. She has had a crush on Dean for what felt like forever but this was definitely not the time, and what if, with all the emotions going on in his head right now, he regrets it later? She wanted it to be at the right time.
“Uh yeah. Um I’m- I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.” Dean turned around and poured himself another glass of liquor gulping it down.
“Dean. Don’t be mad. This just isn’t the right time for this.” Dean turned around at that.
“Why is everyone so scared of hurting my feelings lately? Is it so hard to ask for the freaking truth around here!?” Dean raised his voice at her.
“I’m sorry Dean. I- I’ve just been in love you for so long, I don’t wanna have this come up at such a shitty time, literally one of the worst times. Where Sam is acting like one of Lucifer’s spawns! And where you a- are being a piss angry dick drunk idiot!” Y/n started to yell at Dean not knowing where this came from. She definitely did not plan to tell him that, why did she even say that?
“Why’d I just say that? It’s definitely not like I daydream about you and your hands roaming my body every single day.” Y/n’s eyes go wide and so do Dean’s.
“Why did I just say that!?” Y/n slapped her hands over her mouth turning away from Dean, too embarrassed to face him.
“Uhm, great confession time Y/n.”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean too.” She apologized.
“It’s alright. I think I know why you did.” Dean looked like a lightbulb went on in his head.
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Y/n and Dean made their way to meet Sam but Dean asked her to stay in the car while he talked to Sam for a minute, he wanted to try out his new ‘truth serum’. After finding out Sammy was fine and had not lied to Dean they all went back to the motel.
“So this was the chick’s pet?” Dean asked.
“Well, she was obsessed.” Sam replied.
“I think you mean crazy.”
“Alright so, cat skull. Grains of paradise seed. Devils shoestring. Mix them well, and you got yourself a summoning spell.”
“So, demon?” Y/n chimed in asking Sam.
“God. Corey was so desperate for the truth about her boyfriend’s cheating heart. She went digging around. Nothing panned out, so she went looking for a different kind of help.” Sam moved the laptop screen so Y/n and Dean could take a good look at it.
“Opened a door she couldn’t close.” Said Y/n.
“Yeah, and now anyone in town who asks aloud for ‘the truth’. Invokes Veritas. And she doesn’t just give it to you, she slams you with it. Till you kill yourself, and she gets her tribute.” Sam explained.
“So, all that tribute vanishing from the morgue. What do you think? A Soylent Green situation?”
“God’s gotta eat too. Which means we gotta take her out, or you’re on the menu.” Sam refers to Dean.
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Sam sat on one bed watching all the clips from a certain news lady with his earbuds in seeing if he could catch anything while Y/n sat on the other bed reading a book she had brought. Dean eventually hopped in the spot beside her making her put her book down.
“Listen, Y/n. About earlier.” Dean started.
“It’s fine Dean.” Y/n said not wanting to relive that embarrassing moment.
“No, it’s not. You were right, I was drunk and pissed at Sam and Cas. I shouldn’t have kissed you.”
“Although, it seemed like you daydream about a little more than that.” Dean smirked and Y/n’s cheeks went pink, she put her hands on her face trying to hide her smile.
“Hey check this out.” Sam took out his earbuds rewinding the footage back. Y/n and Dean made their way over to Sam. He pressed play on the video which was a news lady being interrupted by a barking dog in the background.
“Wait, zoom in on that.” Y/n spotted something. Sam zoomed in and the woman’s eyes were a bright glowing blue, definitely not normal. The 3 of them looked at each other.
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The 3 made their way inside the ‘news woman’s’ house, they were caught off guard by her and were roughly thrown across the room being knocked out.
After waking up with their wrists tied behind them to separate pillars, the woman in elegant clothing tore off the tongue of a dead man lying on the table beside her. She lifted the tongue to her face.
“The tongue is the tastiest part. It’s where the lies roll off.” She took a bite of it making satisfied sounds.
“I cannot wait to eat yours. I mean I’ve seen lies before, but you three? Gold standard.”
“Point of professional pride.” Dean said smiling.
“I wouldn’t be so cocky if I were you, Dean. You know what happens when you base your life on lies, right? The truth comes along and..” She doesn’t finish her sentence walking around the room.
“So, while you’ve still got your tongue. God knows you’ve gotten an earful. I think it’s your turn to spill some.” She bent down talking to Dean.
“How about we play a little Truth or Truth? What should we ask Dean first, hmm? Something personal about one of you?” She says looking between Y/n and Sam.
“Hey Dean. I’m curious. What do you really feel about your brother?”
“Better now. As of yesterday I wanted to kill him in his sleep.” Sam gave Dean a confused look.
“I thought he was a monster. But now I think..”
“Now you think what?” The woman asks.
“He’s just acting like me.”
“What do you mean?” She pushes.
“It’s the gig. You’re covered in blood till you’re in your own blood. Half the time you’re about to die. Like right now. I told myself I wanted out. That I wanted a family.” Y/n looks down at her lap at Dean’s words.
“But you were lying.”
“No. But what I’m good at is slicing throats. I ain’t a father, I’m a killer. And there’s no changing that, I know that now.”
“Dean..” Y/n had tears in her eyes. The woman stood up and walked around.
“So Sam walking back into your life must have been a relief as well as Y/n entering it. Hm? And how do you feel about joining the band? Y/n?” She crouched down beside her.
“I- I can’t really complain. They’re the only family I have left.” Y/n said sniffling her tears back.
“And, your feelings towards Dean? They don’t compromise that?” Sam looks at Y/n.
“I’ve gotten this far, haven’t I?” After that, Sam suddenly cuts in.
“Look lady, what we do is hard. But we watch out for each other. And that’s what’s important. And that’s it, that’s the truth.” She looks at him in disbelief.
“No. No. It’s not.”
“You said yourself. I can’t lie.” Says Sam as she gets up.
“How are you doing that?! That’s not possible. You’re lying to me!”
“No, I’m not!”
“What are you? What is he?!” She looks at Y/n and Dean for answers.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sam replies.
“Really? I doubt that. I doubt anything that comes out of your mouth right now! You’re not human.” She says through gritted teeth.
“What?” Dean and Y/n say in unison.
“You guys didn’t know that? Now that I believe.” Suddenly Sam’s restraints snap and he lunges forward to punch her, they both fight as Dean and Y/n struggle to get their restraints off. Dean cuts his free with the knife given to him by Sam and goes to grab a weapon after he passed the knife to Y/n. As the woman is choking Sam, Dean hits her in the back but not well enough before Y/n stabs her in the chest after breaking free. Y/n twists the knife inside her and she falls the the ground. The 3 of them stand up out of breath but Dean brings his knife up in front of Sam.
“Dean? What’re you doing!?” Y/n asks.
“Dean, it’s me.” Sam reassures him after he ignored Y/n’s question.
“You are not my brother.”
“Just listen-“
“What are you?!” Dean yells.
“Dean stop!” Y/n tried to cut in.
“It’s me Dean!” Sam says as Dean steps closer to him.
“Look. Please. Just let me explain-“
“Why should I believe anything you say?”
“Okay okay, you want the truth? Here it is.” Dean slowly puts the knife down.
“She was right. There’s something wrong with me. Really wrong. I’ve known for awhile now. I’ve lied to you guys, yeah.. And I let you get turned by that vamp, because I knew there was a cure. And we needed in that nest! And I knew you could handle it!”
“Sam..” Y/n said his name with disappointment.
“Handle it?? I could have died!” Dean raged.
“And that should have stop me cold. But I- I just don’t feel it.”
“You what?”
“Ever since I came back. I am a better hunter than I have ever been! Nothing scared me anymore. Cause I can’t feel it- I don’t know.. What’s wrong with me. I think.. I need help.” Y/n looked at Sam with tears in her eyes. Dean just turned, put his knife down and turned back to Sam who let out a breath. Dean took a moment before lunging his fist at him making Sam fall the the floor until Dean picked him back up by his shirt punching him again and again and again.
“DEAN! STOP, PLEASE.” Y/n screamed at Dean scared he would go too far. After a few more punches Dean backed off leaving Sam’s face unrecognizable with all the blood and his lifeless body just lying there.
“Dean..” She looked at him with hurt in her eyes until she turned to aid to Sammy.
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ruminate88 · 18 hours
I’ve been making myself watch TikTok less 😬
Surprisingly my mood got better since then. I get tired of one video says “Your ex is coming back and here’s why…. Here’s all the signs.” OKAY then the very next video, “they’re never coming back… move on.” Hah 😝😝😝
THEEEEEEN 10 videos in a row all say “Your ex is stalking you from a secret account and watching everything you do. Here’s all the signs and reasons why…”
It just never stops. The crazier part is half the time it almost describes my situation word for word and always give’s one of my ex’s zodiac signs like… how does it know??? It’s bizarre but I know other people say the same thing that TikTok seems to know everything about them!! 🤪🤪🤪
According to TikTok’s algorithm, I’m a life path 6, egotistic Leo, I’m a healer that’s faithful to a fault, prideful though and manipulative but I’m also a people pleaser who had parents that passively-aggressively ignored my needs AND I’m a INF-J or whatever but also can be an INF-I (I was the sucker who took the test) LOL almost every video says “444” I see it all the time on the clock even in past post I’ve made years ago, the time will say 4:44. 🧐🤨🤔😳 tiktok also just recently started saying “you’re into dark r&b music) LOL 😂
I mean…. TikTok is crazy! TikTok says as a Leo, my actual matches are an Aquarius, Libra and Aries (didn’t marry one of those haha) but my “twin frame” is on a simiular “self discovery journey” just like me AND that my “twin flame” is going to come back to me when the time is right…. Hah whatever. TikTok also says my twin flame is different from my “soul tie” and “karmic tie”. It also says “I have karmic debt I’m paying” 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Some videos I’ve watched, I’ve actually sat with my mouth open cuz “HOW DOES TIKTOK KNOW THIS ABOUT ME”???? LOL but then I start to remind myself “Get back into reality….” And when I shut TikTok off for awhile, I’m suddenly in a better mood again and not ruminating Andrew or thinking “is he coming back like TikTok says and is that a good or bad thing??” 🥴 I keep telling myself my husband had to threaten Andrew once.. he’ll be pretty angry if he has to do it again 😳
Moral of this post, watch less TikTok and careful what you believe. Not saying everything on TikTok is lying or fake but I mean, some stuff baits you in and then makes you crazy!! Hah (not to mention the 400 narcissist videos from diagnosed narcissist who claim they didn’t leave you for someone better but someone weaker)
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thelocaldetective · 6 months
Proof that Tanami works out better than the other candidates
Personality traits:
• Unemotional
• Quick-witted
• Concerned
• Family oriented
• Law-biding
• Insightful
• Loving (romantically)
• Skeptical
Nanami = Men in general
Yagami = Work related (even when it’s not 😂)
• Work
• Drinking
• Drones
• Justice (🤭)
Common denominators:
• Traumatic experiences
• Mystery
• Turn their jobs into hobbies
• Age
<> Even though Yagami is 6 years older than Nanami it’s still better in comparison to him and Sana (who’s 19 years old 😬)
• Philosophy of love (optional)
• Similar pronunciation at the end of their given names:
<> Nanami (first name)
<> Yagami (surname)
• Sex-positive 😈 (implied)
I guess I love these two so much not just because of how much they have in common but also because I can’t stop thinking about how Nanami had bad past experiences that involved men and being cynical for so long she refuses to acknowledge that there can be nice guys like Yagami (if you go down the “Tanami” path)
What I love even more about this is that I, myself, can actually relate to Nanami — minus the crazy psychos like Takeda 😂 — but everything else I’ve felt before; the cheating of the ex, having to feel the hurt, being cynical about men about everything, possibly rejecting (seen when she blew Yagami off for their date nights) potential partners to protect myself from the hurt it could come with, and yeah, if I was working right now I’d probably be a workaholic too
Further more I would have loved it if they had made it to Judgement 3 (if it had been given the green light) and to just watch these two explore their new relationship. As much as I would love the idea of Yagami and Mafuyu being a canon couple I think that story is kinda finished the minute he quit being a lawyer (that’s the implication I get) and there’s almost a “no point of return” on his part at least, for her; she’d jump at the opportunity if it was given to her.
To be honest I’d more likely be on “Team Tacitus” if Nanami had was one of the girls — that you can choose to date — who had nothing in common with Yagami as I’m all for second chances but this kinda passes the bar (a little law joke for you 😜) and blows it out of the water entirely even their ship name is cute, you can’t say you don’t enjoy saying “Tanami” occasionally
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birdstooth · 1 year
Hair stuff
Omg my olaplex 2 came!!! It cost so much but whatever. #no regrets #only debt
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Still don’t get why u need a cosmetology license to purchase it directly tho bc 1.) it’s not more toxic than any of the other olaplex products and 2.) it’s not illegal for cosmetologists to sell it to a third party (like me) so… what’s the deal?
Anyway, I’m not sponsored or anything but this stuff seriously works. I am a true 1 on the hair colouring scale and I’ve been bleaching it to around a 9/10 level for the past few years
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It’s incredibly damaging and I’m not kidding when I say I’ve had my hair literally disintegrate like cotton candy in water after over bleaching.
I’ve only used the olaplex no 3 in the past bc it’s the most concentrated solution available to consumers, and it made a huge difference.
Tbh if your hair is lighter tho idk if u need it… I do at least 4 bleaching sessions with 30 vol developer (if you’re tempted to use 40… don’t do it brother), with a couple weeks in between each. That gets my hair light enough to pick up pastel colour dyes, but if I want to go silver/grey, I need 5-6 sessions 😬
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frootyrooties · 2 years
Toto, 10CC and The Doobie Brothers ☺️
Send me a band/artist and I’ll reply with..
AAHHHH i’ve been waiting for someone to send me some bands I’d like to do this with!!! so here it goes:
Starting off with Toto!!
Do I know them already?: yes of course, they’re one of my faves!!! though i have to admit, im kind of a mild fan but i’ve been getting back into them lately.
Favourite Song: i know this sounds basic but i play hold the line on repeat a lot haha
Least Favourite Song: i don’t know that i have one lol
Favourite Album: again basic but Toto IV
Least Favourite Album: i havent really gotten through their entire discography yet so i cant say i have a least favourite album as of yet.
Song that got me into them: this is gonna sound lame but probably the song Africa
Seen Live?: i saw Steve Lukather in concert with Ringo Starr and his all-Starr band this past summer, does that count?
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Do I know them already?: UHHH YEAH DUHH THEY’RE MY LIFE
Favourite Song: i wish i could say all of them but if i had to pick one DEFINITELY DEFINITELY DEFINITELY Feel the Benefit (parts 1-3)
Least Favourite Song: i don’t know that i could ever hate a 10cc song to be quite honest, but i must admit the song Donna is kinda cheesy 😬
Favourite Album: it’s a tie between deceptive bends and how dare you?
Least Favourite Album: again, i don’t know that i could ever hate any single 10cc album either
Song that got me into them: I’m not in love bc that’s how I discovered Eric dearest 🥰
Seen Live?: I FUCKING WISHHHHH im hoping to see Graham Gouldman and the ‘new’ 10cc somewhere in the Manchester UK area sometime next year tho
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 1037437272475838282844838
LAST BUT NOT LEAST..THE DOOBIEESSSS (also one of my faves!!)
Do I know them already?: HELL YES!!
Favourite Song: Jesus is just alright with me haha idk but i think it’s a real catchy song
Least Favourite Song: honestly i don’t know that i have one lol
Favourite Album: The Captain and Me
Least Favourite Album: don’t have one 🤷🏼‍♀️
Song that got me into them: China Grove!!!
Seen Live?: YASSSSS!! this past summer i did and they slayyyyedd frfr ✨
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 (love their vibes!!)
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disaster-j · 2 years
Dear J,
It’s a quarter past 1:00 am right now, and I still can’t sleep. So I decided to look at your other asks. And ugh, what is people’s problem nowadays? 😓 But to give my 🪙 about this: obviously I can’t judge anybody’s -> Off’s sexuality. (1. Because it’s rude; 2. Because I am not a psychic; 3. Because I’m not a famous person so I have no idea how they would deal with such a thing; and finally 4. Because estimating other people’s ideas and motivations has never been my strongest suit. 🥲) And I don’t think it really matters.
And I would never underestimate the trials of coming to terms with who you are 🏳️‍🌈 (god knows it took me nearly 20 years and I’m still learning every day!), but I don’t think we should underestimate how difficult it can be portraying someone like “us queers.” Especially if you’re unsure about your identity or not part of the community at all. And this is really not meant as queerphobic, but merely targeted at the toxic climate that has been created around BLs (which Off rightfully criticises), in which “skinships” and real life shipping at one point became the norm. And whatever the reason is (you weren’t raised in a way that made intimacy a part of everyday life, you simply aren’t a tactile person, you find it difficult to do all those things [or anything at all frankly] in front of masses of screaming people, you don’t feel the need to do those things, you don’t consider it part of working at your career etc.), not everyone is immediately comfortable with presenting themselves like that. (Mind you I’ve only been in the fandom for a hot second 👶, but even I can see that back when OffGun first rose to prominence, the “demands” were even more insane than now.) Even when it comes to accurately portraying a queer character, I would consider that a craft, especially when you aren’t queer yourself.
Obviously we, a small ensemble of “us” noble fans with common sense who just want our favourite actors happy and succeeding in their work, can’t do a lot to change the entire BL system. (Gosh, this almost make them sound like Tawi’s gang! 🤭) But what we can do, is be patient with all of the actors (especially the new ones or those who, like Off, don’t seem exactly “at ease” in the BL cosmos) and support them in their endeavours. And let the art (lmao ehh the “production” 😅) be the prime focus. So, instead of complaining about “lack of chemistry” or your “fave ‘couple’ not acting together”, try to focus on what other projects actors are working on or just new BL shows with new stories. Stories that can open a whole new world, whatever that world may look like. 🏳️‍🌈 🌏
Love from,
~ anonymatcha 🍵
P.S. Apologies for this long sermon. 😬 (That would be my other inner half, the declining Protestant one 🙃)
Very well said anon! I don't think there's much for me to add except that I really do think people should keep what you point out in mind when talking about actors, especially asian actors since queerness is still very much something taboo for so many asian cultures. Not being comfortable with BL culture doesn't necessarily make someone homophobic. Even when he was super uncomfortable with the demands from bl fans he never once acted like queerness itself was something disgusting (looking at krist) he was very clear about the discomfort coming from his own dislike of physical touch. And still he never treated Gun poorly for wanting to hold hands and hug. He was always very careful with how he portrayed and talked about queerness too. Even now he's one of the most vocal BL actors when it comes to talking about queer rights. Just today him and Tay were flooding the tl with articles about the marriage equality struggle in thailand. To say that he's "aggressively straight" or not a good ally or being performative just because 6 years ago he didn't like holding hands with Gun is just such a toxic take.
People need to let asian actors be. Asian countries aren't as open to queerness. Not even thailand. In fact, being openly queer in the thai industry has effectively killed a lot of careers and even insanely good actors like Fluke and Gun struggle to get good roles bc execs don't want to cast them in "masculine" roles. It's a whole homophobic mess over there. So yeah, people aren't always gonna be comfortable with the BL industry and a lot of queer actors won't actively come out for years still. People shouldn't judge them without considering the context of their situation.
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tyyrants · 3 years
Hello lovely just thought I’d drop into your ask box and say hi as I’ve not seen you around for a while! Hope everything is good with you 💕
Oh… and Van says hi too!
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Hi love!!! 🥺🥺 thank u for stopping by! ❤️
My semester is ending so I’m knee deep in school work 😭 I’m also applying for a US visa as I’m going to study in LA for 6 months next year and the paperwork is soooo messy and tedious! (West coast mutuals HMU??? Would y’all like to meet 😳👉🏼👈🏼)
I hope you’re well Em! ❤️ Your anons are singlehandedly keeping the timeline alive haha! I also hope the rest of you are well!! I’ve been trying to get school work and personal things settled in the past few weeks but rest assured you will see my ass back here more frequently mid-end Nov in preparation for the December gig! 🎉 hopefully Van cuts his hair 😬 I know I defended his long hair with my life but I’ve maybe stared a little too long and it’s getting kinda funky…
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quelsentiment · 3 years
check-in tag!
thanks so much to @chironmybeloved for tagging me 😘
1. why did you choose your url?
because you can take the girl out of france but you can’t take france out of the girl, apparently. also, what a feeling rights
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
YES! i recently made a music sideblog ( @songofcolour ) and i’m obsessed with having it. i have like 5 followers and no notes, it’s the absolute best idea i’ve had all year
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
i wanna say i’ve been here on and off since 2014
4. do you have a queue tag?
i don’t have a tag for it anymore, but 90% of my posts are queued
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i made it in the first few weeks of lockdown because i was bored and i needed to find people to talk about my newfound love for 1d with
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i mean it’s zayn and the aroace flag?? i don’t think it needs an explanation
7. why did you choose your header?
because purple and mountains are pretty
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
i thankfully never had a post blow up. i think my post with the most notes is this nil edit, which i’m perfectly happy with
9. how many mutuals do you have?
somewhere around 150 probably. but it feels more like 20 in terms of people i actually interact with regularly
10. how many followers do you have?
i know it’s in bad taste to share but i kinda wanna scream about the fact that it’s 555
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
define shitpost
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
i have it open in a tab pretty much all day. so way too much
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
nope. but i would definitely lose
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
most of the time i just scroll past them 😬 the best way for me not to do something is to tell me i need to do it
16. do you like tag games?
it really depends. if it’s a piccrew i appreciate being tagged but i won’t do it because i’m lazy. if it’s a long post with 25 additions i definitely won’t do it nor reblog it, i’m sorry. but yes, on principle i love tag games!
17. do you like ask games?
ask games my beloved
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i think a few of them are well known in the fandom here, but would hate being called ‘tumblr famous’
19. do i have a crush on a mutual?
yes. next.
20. tags?
@vintageumbroshirt @whatagreatproblemtohave @chrysopon @thechampagnelovers @lanwangiji @daffodiline @sgyep @lt2mybeloved and @loulovehome if you want/haven’t done it already 💗
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