#sirius black fest 2022
siriusblackfest · 2 years
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CLAIMING IS NOW OPEN AT @siriusblackfest
Claiming Closes: October 31 Submissions Due: November 01 Posting Begins: November 03 PROMPTS: https://bit.ly/2022-SB-PROMPTS  SIGN UP HERE AT: https://bit.ly/2022-SB-FEST 
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fruitcoops · 2 years
First Burn
Fic O'Ween Day 4: Bonfire! This is part of a firefighter/ EMT AU that I said I would write about a year ago (oops), and it fit this prompt too well to pass up. Character credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW implied sexual content, mentioned injury (not to any main characters), intense flirting
“This feels a little heavy on the irony,” Remus mused.
Next to him, Sirius took a long drink of his beer with a wry half-smile. “What, having a bonfire party for a bunch of people who run into burning buildings on the reg? Just a bit.”
“I don’t run into burning buildings,” Remus corrected. Something hotter than the embers warming his legs flared in his stomach when Sirius finished his drink and crushed the can easily beneath his thick-soled boot. God, I wish that were me.
“Best to leave that one to the professional whackjobs, eh?”
Sirius grinned at him, impish and altogether too attractive for someone Remus was absolutely not supposed to be into. Straight teeth, a crooked nose, one picture-perfect dimple just by his red lips—it was like Sirius had been manufactured just to drive him out of his mind. It didn’t help that Remus could see the flex of his broad shoulders even under a thick jacket to chase off the cold. He wanted to grip those shoulders. He wanted to lick them. He wanted to watch Sirius come apart.
Fuck, he really shouldn’t have let Leo talk him into a third beer.
Remus scrubbed a hand over the back of his neck and turned back to the fire, which hissed and popped in perfect ambience to the voices of his coworkers as they milled about. It was just Sirius and him by the fire, now; he caught a faint glimpse of Leo in the lanternlight, chatting up a lanky firefighter in a denim jacket. He was wearing what Remus had affectionately dubbed his ‘slut shirt’: a medium-sized tee with the EMT logo on it that looked more like an extra-small when stretched over Leo’s chest and arms. If he was looking to pull tonight, he definitely could.
And if Leo was doing it…
Remus snuck a glance at Sirius out of the corner of his eye. He was clearly relaxed, legs kicked out in front of him while he leaned back against the makeshift bench with hooded eyes. His cheeks and neck were pink from alcohol; his fucking massive hands toyed with one of the patches near the hem of his jacket. The firelight flickered off his cheekbones like it was made for it.
Don’t fuck your coworkers. An unspoken (and oft-broken) rule. Drama amongst hookups was the last thing they needed when saving lives. But it didn’t really count if it was Sirius, did it? After all, Remus wasn’t a firefighter. It would be a different story if he was thirsting for another EMT, and he took his job too seriously to risk that.
But here he was, thirsting hopelessly. He couldn’t even blame it on the beer. Sometimes life really did bite him in the ass.
One of half a dozen logs broke and sent up a cloud of sparks; they both jumped, Remus reaching instinctively to pull Sirius back from the edge of the bonfire. “Shit—”
“Easy, Lupin,” Sirius laughed. Remus felt something in his chest go ka-chunk and wondered briefly if he should consult Leo about that.
“I—your feet,” he managed lamely. “They were too close.”
Sirius held his gaze while he bent his long legs, still casual, still laid-back in a way Remus so rarely saw in their daily lives. “Better?” he asked, low and sweet.
Dry mouth. Caused by medications, radiation, frequent tobacco or alcohol use, or nerve damage. Remus swallowed. “Much.”
“You can let go if you want,” Sirius continued. That ridiculous grin curled at the corner of his mouth again. “I promise not to fall in.”
Remus looked between them and felt heat rise to his neck when he saw his hand twisted up in the sleeve of Sirius’ jacket. “Stop, drop, and roll if you do.”
“Thanks for the fire safety lesson, doctor.”
“Any time.” Was it just his imagination, or was Sirius sitting closer than he had been five minutes ago? Remus tilted his head toward the bonfire. “Figured you could use a refresher.”
“Not enough arsonists lately,” Sirius agreed. “And people are getting too good at remembering to turn their ovens off.”
Remus licked his lips and watched silver eyes track the movement. “There’s always room for ambulance drivers.”
“Can’t be too different than an engine.” It definitely wasn’t just Remus’ imagination anymore. One lean from either of them and their noses would be touching. In his periphery, he saw Leo wandering away from the picnic table with his redheaded catch in tow.
“Different enough.” Am I doing this? I’m doing this. Oh, god, I’m doing this. “Engines don’t usually have screaming people in them.”
There was the goddamn dimple again as Sirius held back a laugh. “Is that how you reel in all the boys, Lupin? Stories about screaming people in ambulances?”
“Only the ones I like.” It was a good thing Sirius was CPR-certified, because Remus could hear his heart pounding in his ears and it was not calming down.
“Sounds like you might have to show me how to drive, then.” Their shoulders brushed and Remus’ breath rushed out in the span of a second. Sirius ducked his head slightly. “If it’s that much different than an engine.”
He smelled good, like the smoke from the bonfire and whatever cologne always made Remus want to bash his face into the break room cupboards. You have reattached someone’s arm without throwing up. You can flirt with a hot boy. He hooked his finger in the leather band of Sirius’ bracelet and heard his breathing stutter. “Name your time.”
Dimple. Infuriating grin. Arch of one dark brow. “Tonight?”
Remus leaned close enough that his mouth brushed the lobe of Sirius’ ear. He felt him shiver. “You better not be on-call tomorrow morning, ‘cause you’re making me breakfast.”
“Deal,” Sirius breathed, and then he was gone, pulling Remus up with him in one quick motion before they were sprinting for his hatchback like the hounds of hell were at their heels. Remus was breathless with it, burning hotter than the fire they were leaving in the dust. Don’t fuck your coworkers*.
*Exceptions may occur.
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jfleamont · 2 years
@jilytoberfest's 31 prompts
Prompt 7 - Sirius meddles with Jily
Do You Want To Know A Secret?
Read the full fic under the cut or on AO3
“I knew it. It was bound to happen.”
Lily sat down in the booth - Sirius had chosen the one in the corner, right next to the window - with very little grace, almost spilling the cold butterbeers as she set them on the table. The Three Broomsticks weren't particularly crowded that Tuesday afternoon. Everyone preferred Diagon Alley on summer days like this one, where they could get ice cream and go shopping for new clothes.
(The fact that they wore uniforms nearly 80% of the time didn't stop her classmates, especially now that they were about to start their last year at Hogwarts).
Which is precisely why Lily was here instead. She had asked Mary to hang out, but she deemed Hogsmeade too quaint, too provincial for her... So she had opted for Sirius, who was more at ease in a place like this, away from London and at a safe enough distance from his estranged family.
“What?” he said, before chugging nearly half of his drink in one go.
She hadn't told him he was her second choice— it would have been too cruel. Besides, even if he had been keeping her secret for a while, she wasn't willing to test his limits.
“Running into one of James' old flames. Sometimes I forget how small the wizarding world is.”
Cornelia Kettleburn was sitting on a stool, all long hair and even longer legs, sipping elegantly on a drink Lily didn't recognise.
Sirius' eyes travelled across the room with curiosity. “Who are you talking about— oh, her.”
His eyes narrowed imperceptibly - Lily didn't bother asking why, the less she knew about her, the better - and spoke. “At least it's one of his recent ones.”
“Recent ones?” Lily frowned. She had last seen them together at Remus' birthday party in the common room, and they were now well into July.
“... Yes?” He said, one eyebrow raised, looking every bit the aristocrat that he was. “Evans, James hasn't seen anyone since— well, in ages.”
Lily knew that, and it was James himself who had told her. He wasn't looking for serious relationships, he had confessed one day while Slughorn explained the effects of Amortentia. “Sirius wouldn't be too happy if I cheated on him, anyway”, he had joked. She also knew that Quidditch and NEWTs were keeping him very busy, so she hadn't questioned him further on the matter. She hadn't done so for another reason: her growing feelings - of which she wasn't aware of at the time - had prevented her from asking questions she wouldn't have liked the answer to.
“I know he doesn't date, Sirius.”
He rolled his eyes, as if she were a little child and he was holding onto of his last bit of patience. “No, I mean— fine, he hasn't shagged anyone since March.”
“Since March?”
“Since March.”
Lily shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “Mmh.”
“You wanna ask me why.”
Was he a Legilimens as well as an Animagus? How dare he know her so well?
“No. I mean, yeah. But that's none of my business.”
Sirius tapped his glass, and it was once again full. “Actually, I'd argue that it is very much your business”, he paused, looking at her poignantly, “but I'm still not going to say anything.”
“Out of loyalty”, she said matter-of-factly.
“I mean, not no, but...”, at this, Lily snorted and relaxed a little bit. “You're my friend, too, Red. And you should ask him directly. It's exhausting to hear you two complain to me all the time. I'm not built for this.”
“First of all, I don't complain all the time—”
“Prongs does.”
Lily sighed, but didn't hide her amusement. “And secondly, you love it. You're a right gossip, Black. Rita Skeeter doesn't hold a candle to you.”
Sirius pulled a face, cringing at her comparison. “I offer my services freely and this is the treatment I get? What an ungrateful woman you are. I shall warn my brother about you.”
Lily knew he was only joking, but she knew her new, tentative friendship with James hadn't erased their past. “James knows better than anyone how awful I can be.”
Sirius considered her words, and for once there was no hint of malice in his expression. “That's true. I'd even go so far as saying that he enjoys that side of you more than the nice one.”
“What, he likes it when I'm mean? Did he tell you that?” She added jokingly, trying to sound casual and not at all desperate for something to hold onto, a sign, a reason to keep hoping for something more.
His eyes, that had - up till then - been fixed on her, were suddenly drawn to a spot behind her, and a slow smile spread across his face.
“No. But you can ask him yourself... He just walked in.”
Lily paled and slowly turned her head and there he was, wiping his glasses on his muggle t-shirt as he squinted at the menu. What an idiot, she thought, he's blind as a bat. She was equal parts endeared and terrified... And perhaps a little turned on, as she was now staring at his exposed stomach. She wasn't worried about being caught by him - he still hadn't put on his glasses, so she was safe - but when she heard Sirius' snicker, she looked back at him and fixed him with a death stare.
“Traitor”, she hissed.
Sirius simply grinned.
“You, Sirius Black, are a dead man.”
“Aw, you sound like mother dearest.”
Lily ignored his remark. “You will pay for this.”
“Empty threats, Mrs. Potter, empty threats.”
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lumosatnight · 2 years
Untagged Fest 2022 Favs!
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I'm a little late to the party, but I wanted to make a list of some of my fav fics from Untagged Fest 2022 run by the HPFC server. All of the stories were originally published without tags, so it was a WILD ride reading them the first time. You never knew what you were going to get! It was such fun fest to be a part of, and I'm super excited to share my fic as well :D
🔒 we begin in the dark by @allalrightagain [Regulus/Peter, T, 3.5k] 🔒 Such a good angsty AU. Regulus and Peter make quite the pair in this. I love how they work together behind the scenes. 'For the greater good' indeed.
“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” — Albus Dumbledore …there are those who would beg to differ.
🔒 The measure of monsters and their men by @bluesundaycake [Remus/Severus, M, 4.6k] 🔒 One of my ABSOLUTE FAVS. The atmosphere, the Victorian Era grime. Such a great detective story featuring Snupin and monsters roaming the streets.
What makes a monster, and what makes a man?
🔒 Where You Belong by @bluestringpudding [Severus Snape, T, 6.1k] 🔒 Creepy, disturbing, may give you nightmares. Would I read it again? HELL YES. In this fic, Severus Snape sees and, yet, doesn't see.
When Severus sees the Marauders acting even more suspiciously than normal, he decides to keep an eye, and a note of what they are up to. But some things are better left unseen.
🔒 Reset to Default by @mugsdontlie [Antonin/Thorfinn, NR, 6.3k] 🔒 The pairing I never knew I needed and now I'm OBSESSED with. Bad boy Rowle is my new aesthetic, as is pining Dolohov.
Hermione obliviates them, then what happens?
🔒 Where the Wild Thyme Grows by Lunatik_Pandora [Sirius Black, M, 7k] 🔒 Detailed world-building, The Witcher vibes, fantastical setting. I'm waiting praying for a sequel!
Everything has its price - the question is whether one is willing to pay it.
🔒 Child's Play by @nanneramma [George/Oliver, M, 1.9k] 🔒 The formatting of this fic is so creative. I feel like I discover something new on every read-through!
A game of Quidditch, and some news.
🔒 Introducing: Dead Poets Society Comedy Club by Halliwell19 [Harry/Ginny, M, 3.6k] 🔒 BEST TWIST! BEST HUMOR!
What happens to Harry when Ginny takes him to the new Comedy Club in Knockturn Alley?
🔒 Undone by @diana-skye [Pansy/Ron, E, 3.1k] 🔒 The smut is HOTTTT. We love a bossy, yet caring, Ron and a Pansy who's a bit of a mess.
Or, perhaps she’s just as evil as before — she looks at him with the same glare, won’t stop insulting his dancing, and doesn’t even apologize when she treads on him with her stiletto — but it’s more that he doesn’t mind. Suddenly she’s less vicious snake, more lightly homicidal kitten. Practically cute.
And I can't forget about my fic for the fest! Genderbending galore with Detective Dumbledore getting ensnared in Professor Riddle's web. I had a lot of fun coming up with names 😂
🔒 Wicked Hearts and Calculating Minds by @lumosatnight [Dumbledore/Riddle, T, 5.2k] 🔒
There’s a serial killer on the loose in Magical Britain. Detective Dumbledore is brought in to apprehend them, but she didn’t expect for things to get quite so complicated or for the new DADA professor to be quite so… intriguing. Can she catch the killer in time? Or will she be caught in the process?
Read more fest fics in the Untagged Fest 2022 collection on AO3!
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mooncat457writing · 2 years
Can’t You See That It’s Just Raining
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Written for HP Drizzle Fest 2022.
Rating: M
Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Prompt: 37. Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson - just a slow, sleepy rainy morning, one character taking care of the other.
Summary: Rainy days are perfect for post-full moon recovery, especially when your fiancé is a healer.
Word Count: 2.3K
Read on AO3.
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twosweaters-twoboys · 2 years
Fic: midnight train going anywhere (in upstate New York) | Cruel Summer Fic Fest 2022
Title: midnight train going anywhere (in upstate New York) Creator: wearegods Link: ao3 Rating: T for teen Warnings: n/a Major tags: college AU, first meeting, first kiss Word count: 3,935 Prompt for @cruelsummer-ficfest: "I'm only me when I'm with you" Summary:
Sirius is a legacy kid who just transferred to Remus' university. Remus has noticed him in a few of his classes, but they've never talked. Heading home for the weekend, he finds himself on the same train with Sirius.
“Just a small-town boy and girl. Livin' in a crazy world.” - Taylor Swift “Just a small town girl. Livin' in a lonely world. She took the midnight train going anywhere.” - Journey “It’s 1:30 in the morning and I’d like a hot chocolate from the snack car on this train. Thanks.” - Remus Lupin
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hpcestfest · 2 years
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HP Cest Fest: Fic ☕️ 📖
Title: i can feel your blood pressure rise (fuck this tension) Author: ??? Prompt #: Self-prompt Ships: Sirius Black/Harry Potter Additional Ships: background Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/James Potter/Harry Potter, background James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Rating: Mature Wordcount: 1.5k Warnings/Tags: Underage, Non-Explicit Sex, Professor Sirius Black, Teacher-Student Relationship, Student Harry Potter, Pseudo-Incest, Pottercest (Harry Potter), Consensual Underage Sex, ages are kept vague, Age Difference, Uncle/Nephew Incest, Uncle-Nephew Relationship, Implied/Referenced Incest, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Dry Humping, Swearing, Jealous Harry Potter, Lily ignores when her boys get up to shit, Fade to Black
Summary: A student meets his professor after hours. A nephew meets his uncle after hours. A boy meets his lover after hours. [Or: Harry and Sirius, when night falls at Hogwarts.]
Read on AO3
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hpdrizzle · 2 years
DRIZZLE FIC: Full Moon, Falling Snow
Title: Full Moon, Falling Snow Author/Artist: @patriceavril Prompt: # 73 (It's winter and the Marauders run under the moonlight while it snows so very beautifully.) Pairing(s): Gen: Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter Word Count/Art Medium: 3715 Rating: T Summary: The Marauders enjoy their first snowy full moon together.
(Full Moon, Falling Snow)  
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hpfacultyfest · 2 years
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HP Fuck the Faculty: Fic 📚 📖
Title: No Tears to Damn You Author: tenrousei_kuroi Ship(s): Regulus Black/Albus Dumbledore, Regulus Black/Horace Slughorn, Regulus Black/Sirius Black Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 17k Warnings/Tags: Underage Sex, Sexual Coercion, Blackmail, Rape/Non-con Elements, Mutual Non-Con, Teacher-Student Relationship, Brother/Brother Incest, Caning(it's not kinky it's cruel), Out of Character(no shit), Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Lap Sex, First Time Blow Jobs, Explicit Sexual Content, Protective Sibling Sirius Black(after he's had some sense knocked into him), Slow Burn, can a two-shot be a 'slow burn'?, Regulus is 14
Prompt: Albus Dumbledore, Horace Slughorn, Marauders Era (1971 - 1978) Dumbledore/Regulus, Slughorn/Regulus (Regulus's brother won't be expelled on his watch)
Summary: Professor Dumbledore nodded sagely. “And yet it is not Sirius Black’s friend who stands before me now, begging me to let him stay.”
Read on AO3
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hp-mcd-fest · 2 years
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Day 10
Read on AO3
Title: Turning tides Characters/pairing: Sirius Black  & Severus Snape Rating: M Word count/length: 3560 Warnings: MCD, Grafic Depictions of Violence Summary: When Sirius Black is caught, Severus is worried. He is the secret keeper of his beloved Lily. If he spills the information, she will die. But Black has a plan and he is desperate enough to help with it. Chapters: 1
Make sure to leave a kudo & comment, and share with all your wretched friends 💜💀💚
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siriusblackfest · 2 years
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PROMPTING IS NOW OPEN FROM AUGUST 10-20. Please use this GOOGLE FORM to leave a prompt. One prompt per form entry, no limit to how many prompts you leave! For questions, please send us a message! 
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fruitcoops · 2 years
hii if you’re comfortable could you write remus & lily wine-drunk watching reality tv or something? I love their friendship and I think their drunken commentary would be fun
Fic O'Ween Day 7: Spiderweb, for an iconic duo <3 Character credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW alcohol, drunkenness (in a fun, silly way), reality TV
“There is no way—” Lily gasped. There was the faint sound of someone shifting to get more comfortable on the couch. “Oh, that bitch!”
“Kendra’s going to lose her mind,” came Remus’ reply, more disappointed than anything. “You know, I had such high hopes for them.”
Lily’s answering hiccup made Sirius and James share a look full of stifled snickering. “I didn’t.”
“Knock, knock!” James called, kicking his shoes off in the entrance. “Honey, darling, we’re home!”
“Am I ‘darling’?” Remus asked.
“Always!” Sirius answered as he hung his coat up. “I take it you had a good afternoon?”
A good afternoon, indeed. One wine bottle sat empty on the kitchen countertop, and another wobbled slightly in Lily’s hand as she refilled their glasses. Her hair had come out of the ponytail Sirius remembered from a few hours prior and cascaded down one shoulder—Remus was similarly disheveled, pink-cheeked and missing his hoodie.
He leaned his head back against the couch when Sirius approached, staring up at him with significantly less focus than usual. “Hey,” he said, one hand toying with Sirius’ sleeve. His accent was thicker on his loose tongue, warm and rounded on the vowels. “You’re not gonna cheat on me with a lady in rhinestone glasses, are you?”
“No,” he snorted.
James frowned. “I don’t have rhinestones on my glasses.”
“Hey,” Remus repeated through his laughter. “You’re not gonna cheat on me with Pots and his boring-ass glasses, are you?”
“No promises.” His forehead was warm under Sirius’ lips; not feverish, but pleasantly tipsy. He left a kiss on each cheek and the point of Remus’ nose before moving back to raise a brow at him. “It is six in the afternoon.”
“We waited until four to start,” Lily scoffed. “Who do you take me for?”
“Someone who gets my fiancé into too much trouble.”
Remus tugged on his sleeve. “I bet we could get into some trouble, hmm, baby?”
“Okay, timeout,” James interrupted. “No bench talk in the house.”
Lily pulled her lip between her teeth and whispered something in his ear that made him turn vivid red—she looked far too satisfied when she settled back on the couch and raised her glass to Remus with a wink. “They love it when we talk, Lupin.”
“Amen,” Remus said, though his eyes were still fixed on Sirius. It would have been sultry if he could go more than thirty seconds without hiccupping.
Sirius smoothed his hair back with a chaste kiss to the freckle on his temple. “Time to go home, loup.”
“No,” Remus whined, brows pitching. “Ada just seduced Jason and Kendra’s going to flip shit. And we haven’t finished our wine yet. Oh, and there was a lady in fuckin’—she had these crazy spiderweb tights on, I wanna see what she does.”
“Fishnets,” Lily corrected. Her eyes were half-lidded from the steady comb of James’ fingers through her hair. “She was wearing fishnets. Her name was Krista.”
“Krista.” Remus nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, no, it’s real important. We think she’s hookin’ up with Brandon, but they haven’t said anything.”
“Love Island,” Lily sighed into the rim of her wineglass. “The modern-day gladiator arena.”
“God, you’re so right.”
Sirius glanced to James, whose shoulders were shaking from quiet laughter. Lily and Remus could make fun of them for their terrible decision-making all they liked, but everyone knew who the real problem children were. Honestly, some days he couldn’t understand how people thought he was the troublemaker of the relationship. James had convinced him to ride a shopping cart down a hill more than once, but at least they didn’t day-drink and watch trash TV.
Glass shattered on-screen and all four of them jumped. Remus reached over to whack Lily’s pajama-clad leg. “I told you she’d lose it! I told you!”
“Fuck me, she’s got an arm like Roger Clemens,” James muttered.
“That’s Kendra,” Lily explained with a vague gesture. “She’s been after Jason since, like, the first day, but he’s interested in anything that breathes. He’s the one with the shit haircut.”
Sirius squinted at the screen. “They all have shit haircuts.”
“Well, yeah, but he’s got the really bad one. Red shirt, cargo shorts. Ada—that’s the one with the distress signal glasses, she could flag down the Coast Guard with those things—gave him the time of day and then they lost $10,000.”
“Ten thousand dollars?” James and Sirius chorused.
Sirius looked down at Remus, though his attention was fully back on the show. “How did they lose ten thousand dollars?”
“Made out for five minutes.”
“That’s the point of the show,” Lily groaned. “Here, sit. I’ll explain. Jamie, can you turn the hall light off?”
“We should…” Sirius trailed off at the hopeful look on Remus’ face. He was awfully cute and cuddly like this. James had already trotted off to do Lily’s bidding, which meant there was no real reason to rush out. And with Harry at a sleepover with his grandparents, there weren’t any time constraints, either…
Remus made a happy sort of sighing noise when Sirius sat between him and the armrest, then burrowed into his side. They would stay for the lady and her spiderweb tights. That’s it. He refused to spend his evening watching people make poor decisions, no matter how relaxing it was to let his brain tune out while Remus cuddled him. One glance told him James was already hooked—there was no way Sirius was going to let himself fall to the siren song of reality television now. He had to stay strong in the face of adversity.
The four of them woke just past 11 pm, cottonmouthed and sore, some ad for collapsible pasta strainers filling the quiet house.
“Oh, Jesus,” Remus mumbled as his back cracked in about six different places.
Lily groaned into James’ shoulder. “Jesus can’t help you now.”
Sirius closed his eyes and prayed for swift deliverance.
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schmem14 · 11 months
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Another year, another birthday! Normally I don’t draw much attention to it, but it’s been a rough year, and I want to celebrate my surviving of it by recommending 10 works from mutuals that live in my head RENT FREE forever! Please enjoy them with me, and feel free to shout at me about them in the DM’s, it will make my day!
1. Devil’s Snare All The Way Down by @malpal132​
Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Neville Longbottom Rating: E This is a gorgeous Pansy Parkinson character study, spanning her younger years to post-hogwarts. She becomes reacquainted with Neville Longbottom and discovers who she’s meant to be in this slow-burn ETL. 
2. Down a Hill at High Speed by @tepre​
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy Rating: E This 8th year fic is the BEST sex-pollen trope story I’ve ever read. Period. Tepre is a genius with sexual tension. 
3. May Contain Nuts by scoradh
Pairing: Harry Potter/George Weasley Rating: M This is the fic that I REFUSE TO SHUT UP ABOUT (sorry if you’ve been caught in the crosshairs.) George is trying out a new line for XXX products at the joke shop. Harry is George’s go-to for product testing. Contains found family, dubious sweets, broken George, and NUTS of course! *Note the Archive warning for MCD is in reference to Fred, I think. No Harrys or Georges are harmed in the making of this fic. 
4. Savour by @mignon-chignon​
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Rating: E This is just pure PWP. And all my favorite kinks. Definitely not safe for ANYTHING but a quiet room, a glass of your favorite beverage, and a favorite toy. Mind the tags. 
5. Like a Brother Would by @wolfpants​
Pairing: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley Rating: E This Deathly Hallows AU explores the posibility of Ron returning back to the tent that night in the Forest of Dean.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read and reread this. I’m obessed with this friends to lovers pairing, this vulnerable and delicious fic.  One of the best Ronarry I’ve ever read. 
6. The Luxury of a Regret by @swoontodeath​
Pairing: Horace Slughorn/Regulus Black, Horace Slughorn/Sirius Black Rating: E IT’S A DEAD DOVE, FOLKS! But it is so creepy and beautiful. I CANNOT stop thinking about it. Imagine if this were canon, Slughorns obession with Harry would be THAT MUCH CREEPIER. 
7. Hate, Lead the Way! by oh_black_sparrow
Pairing: Walburga Black/Orion Black Rating: E One of the Rare Pair fest 2022 stories I fell head-over-heels in love with. We know her as the shrewish shrieking portrait permanently stuck to the wall in 12 Grimmauld Place, but in this rage-filled story, she’s a force to be reckoned with. 
8. Manufacturing Consent by onefiftyeight
Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Hermione Granger Rating: E HEAR ME OUT. I don’t normally go for this pairing, but THIS FIC is deliciously sinister. A masterclass in gaslighting and manipulation. A breeding kink extravaganza. Crack at its finest. Give it a chance, I promise you won’t regret it. Mostly. 
9. Hot and Bothered by @roseharpermaxwell​
Pairing: Ron Weasley/Draco Malfoy, background Dramione Rating: T Who’s the better kisser? Only one way to find out… (Guys. This is reason #1 why Dron is amazing. Mic Drop.)
10. I Like Your Skirt by @the-francakes​
Pairing: Ron Weasley/Harry Potter Rating: E Aside from the fact that Fran is lovely and wrote this gift for me, RON AND HARRY are SO YUMMY IN THIS!!! Dual POV, Friends to Lovers, flirting, pining and no small amount of filthy content. The epilogue chapter (bonus smut) is to die for. It will forever reside in my wank bank. 
Stay tuned for part 2... (self-recs!)
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consistentsquash · 6 months
Hp Rec Fest 2023 Recs by Squash
AO3 collection for the recs I made during this fest!
The fest mods deserve everything <3
Rec masterlist - links are for my rec blurbs.
31. A fav among favs: Almagest by eldritcher (2018). Harry/Voldemort
30. A precanon fic: The Unspoken and the Unsent by hollycomb (2013). Dumbledore/Elphias Doge
29. A postcanon fic: Candles Lit Against the Dark by perverse_idyll (2023). McGonagall/Grubbly-Plank
28. An underrated fic: A Cliff in July by Miss M. (2013) Millicent/Marietta.
27. A Muggle AU: Commonplace Magic by Acid, Sinick (2010). Snarry
26. A fic with an ending you can't stop thinking about: In Infinite Remorse of the Soul by perverse_idyll (2011). Snarry, Snape/Dumbledore.
25. A fic rated T: On Wednesday by Tryfanstone (2006). Snarry
24. A holiday fic: 10 Snarry Holiday fics.
23. A soulmate fic: Inch by Inch We Crawled Toward Each Other by Chatter (2017). Fleur/Hermione
22. An unfinished fic: The J. Alfred Prufrock Arc by vain (2003). Snarry.
21. A thought provoking fic: Brown Sugar by eldritcher (2018). Voldemort/Tom Riddle (Diary).
20. A G Rated fic: The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife by eldritcher (2021). Snape/Giant Squid.
19. Hottest smut fic: Both Sides Now by Predatrix (2006). Snarry.
18. A fairytale fic: The Lost World (short version) by perverse_idyll (2013), Snarry + Omphale by eldritcher (2015), Harry/Voldemort
17. A fic that made you cry: 10 Snarry fics to make you cry
16. A fic that made you laugh: 10 Snarry fics to make you laugh
15. Most recent bookmark: De Aegypto by squibstress (2023). Minerva/Rolanda
14. A fav series: Pandemic by eldritcher (2021) Harry/Voldemort
13. A fic over 100K words: Catullus 16 by eldritcher (2014) Harry/Voldemort
12. A WIP: Year of the Thestral by perverse_idyll (2022) Snagonagall, McGonagall/Hooch
11. A dark fic: King of Fat by rinsbane (2006) Snarry
10. A fest fic: A Matter of Time by danpuff (2022). Snarry
9. A rarepair fic: Extraordinary Lengths by MaxWrite (2009). Percy/Barty Crouch Jr.
8. A canon divergence fic: When the Rose and the Fire Are One by perverse_idyll (2010). Snarry
7. A canon compliant fic: Storytelling by kellychambliss (2010). Hermione/Minerva McGonagall
6. An unreliable narrator fic: Remember Me to Cheetham Hill by Delphi (2021). Snape/Filch
5. A non AO3 fic: Down the Rabbit Hole by RaeWhit (2008). Snarry
4. Fic + art: PS, I love you by mywitch and groot (2022). Snape/Hermione
3. A podfic: [Podfic of] Bad Girls, Bad Girls, Whatcha Gonna Do by wilfriede (2023). Minerva McGonagall/Rolanda Hooch + [Podfic of] Plenitude by wilfriede (2023). Amelia Bones/Hermione
2. A comfort fic: Epic of the Forgotten by eldritcher (2017). Viktor Krum/Voldemort + Sexing the Pumpkin by ratherbrightred (2007). Snape/Sirius Black
1 . A fav fic under 5000 words: Corresponding with Snape by asnowyowl (2010). Snarry
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magicaltrans · 1 year
Tumblr media
Our beautiful banner is by the wonderful @babooshkart
Come in for the Hot Toddy, Stay for the Bubble Bath by SebbiGrey | @crying-lightningx (Trans Sirius Black, Sirius Black & James Potter, 2.6k words, Mature)
Not Forever (and that's okay) by doshu | @vdoshu (Everyone’s Trans, Fleur Delacour/Nymphadora Tonks/Bill Weasley, 900 words, General)
T, four T by Piarelei | @piarelei (Everyone’s Trans, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/Peter Pettigrew/James Potter, 2.3k words, Explicit)
Them by Basicallyahedgehog | @basicallyahedgehog (Everyone’s Trans, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 900 words, Teen)
Name: Draco by @yomarius (Trans Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 300 words)
The Brightest Star by Basicallyahedgehog | @basicallyahedgehog (Everyone’s Trans, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 750 words, Teen)
(got my love to keep me) warm by beyondtheclose (BeforeEternity) | @beyondtheclose (Everyone’s Trans, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 1.1k words, Teen)
A list of all stars by remolupini | @remolupini (Everyone’s Trans, Regulus Black/Remus Lupin, 600 words, General)
In open arms by webofdreams89 | @the-kellephant (Trans Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, 2.2k words, Teen)
Five Stolen Moments with Hot Drinks and a Fight by SleepyElephant (Everyone’s Trans, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, 3.5k words, Teen)
Colour Outside The Lines by Basicallyahedgehog | @basicallyahedgehog (Trans Harry Potter, 400 words, Teen)
waltzing lights by Piarelei | @piarelei (Everyone’s Trans, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 3.7k words, Teen)
end of the world by softlystarstruck | @softlystarstruck (Everyone’s Trans, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 1.3k words, Teen)
some kind of magic by miss_interpretation (Everyone’s Trans, Pandora Lovegood/Lily Evans Potter, 900 words, Teen)
Divine Diana in Firelight by DontStopHerNow (Everyone’s Trans, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, 350 words, General)
in a small spaceship light years away from anything by beyondtheclose (BeforeEternity) | @beyondtheclose (Everyone’s Trans, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 2.7k words, Teen)
and a spoonful of sugar by amorsindolor ,corvuscrowned | @corvuscrowned , secretartlair (SoldSeparately) | @secretartlair (Everyone’s Trans, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 7.7 k words & Artwork, General)
PIPING HOT CUP OF T(4T) by @digthewriter (Everyone’s Trans, Millicent Bulstrode/ Parkinson)
name choosing by @unfathomable-understanding (Everyone’s Trans, Draco Malfoy & Pansy Parkinson)
elysium by Samyiswriting | @samyistrying (Everyone’s Trans, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Mature)
Tradition by @unfathomable-understanding (Everyone’s Trans, Harry Potter & Parkinson)
TRADITION by @digthewriter (Everyone’s Trans, Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley)
the charm of a mistletoe by Samyiswriting | @samyistrying (Everyone’s Trans, Luna Lovegood/Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley, Mature)
Amalthea & Peter by @unfathomable-understanding (Everyone’s Trans, Amalthea Malfoy & Peter Parkinson)
SNOW FLAKE by @digthewriter (Everyone’s Trans, Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley)
We’re excited to tell you that 27 wonderful works were created for this years Fest! (Chapters are counted as a separate work, the post regarding our donation will follow soon)
A huge thank you to all the participants! You’ve blown us away with all your trans creations and love!
Click here to visit the 2022 ao3 collection and here you’ll find the official post for the Fest!
And now go read some of these incredible fics, look at the stunning artworks, and don’t forget to leave some love for the creators!
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dramioneasks · 1 year
HP FESTS: Dreomione Fest (Part 1)
Dreomione Fest 2022:
Secret Moments, Crowded Room by slytherindiaries - E, WIP - Theodore bloody Nott is who Hermione has to share her dorm with for all of Eighth Year. In the first few hours since living with Theo she’s learned that for one, the handsome, dark-haired Slytherin is a relentless flirt. And two, where there is Theo Nott, there is Draco Malfoy.orWhere Head Girl Hermione Granger learns that Head Boy Theo Nott is a flirt and a meddler and is dating Draco Malfoy...and they want to date her too.
Transfer Student by SarahFraser - E, WIP - Ilvermorny student Hermione Granger is expecting to start her seventh year, but instead her mom is shipping her off to live with her dad and his wife, Lily, and her step brother, Harry. Needless to say she's unhappy about it and not expecting much of a good year. Enter two hot bisexual Slytherin boys.
Treasured Skies by sobsinashell - E, WIP - Draco Malfoy was a student during the Wizarding War. Now a professor at Hogwarts, the threat of war rises again with the return of Lord Voldemort and he fears for the safety of the students, particularly a Muggle-born Gryffindor witch and her Slytherin wizard.
A Surrogate Story by SarahFraser - E, WIP - There was only one thing in the world that Theo Nott couldn't give his husband, and that one thing was a baby. With the help of his co-worker turned friend, Hermione Granger, the dream that had been slipping away finally became possible. And when she appeared in his home, Theo is quickly faced with the realization that maybe he needed more than just her friendship.
In The Wake Of Things by Stein048 - G, one-shot - A bittersweet one shot, where Theo loses his memories.
Out of the Dark by greenappleofhiseye - M, one-shot - Still reeling from the war, the 8th years are blindsided when they face a house resorting upon their return to Hogwarts.Amidst dealing with their grief, Draco, Theo, and Hermione are still facing unresolved demons as they navigate this new world. Could they be what each other needs to crawl out of the darkness?
Scents & Insensibility by Ceilidhchaos, SarahFraser - E, one-shot - Theo Nott and Hermione Granger were made into werewolves in an Auror operation gone wrong post-war, resigning from their Ministry positions after they discover they are mates, and they live a quiet life in a cottage deep in the forest, until Hermione runs across Draco Malfoy in Diagon Alley and discovers that she has a second mate. Chaos ensues.Includes Art by Roseheira
Snake Lords and Wolves by Ceilidhchaos - M, WIP - Hermione Granger is sorted into Slytherin in 1991.Twenty years earlier, Sirius Black was also sorted into Slytherin.Canon Divergence.Main Pairing: Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott/Draco Malfoy
Revenge Beckons by Ceilidhchaos - E, WIP - At the end of Freedom Calls, Hermione, Draco and Theo were living safely in their castle in the Carpathian Mountains after an especially blood soaked escape from Azkaban. Hermione had just discovered that she was expecting the triad’s first baby. Her nervousness about being a new mother found a place of fixation, keeping her baby safe by making sure the people responsible for her partners going to prison were punished…appropriately.
Salvation and Ruination by KiraAnn (Know_It_All_2008) - E, WIP - Draco and Theo meet the Dark Lord's Daughter. She's nothing like they expected her to be.
Drawing Conclusions by swishand_fics - not rated, WIP - It just so happens that the shop comes with a tattoo parlor attached- and a pair of interesting attendants.
Under Their Protection by Stein048 - E, WIP - Draco and Theo return to London after being retired to the country for several years, only to find out that things are not as they were. A twist on ABO;She felt hot. Her body was on fire. Skin glistened, her shirt damp and clinging to her skin. “Shh, we got you,” Theo purred, fingers tangling into her curls and tilting her head back, as if to soothe her. Her heart raced, beating against her chest. Her pink tongue darted out to lick her lips. “We’ll take care of our perfect little Omega,” Draco crooned, catching her pleas with a heated kiss.Tags will be updated/edited as I go. New chapters posted monthly.
Portions for Foxes by grrrranjolras - E, WIP - “Malfoy?” “Granger?” They stared at each other in horror for a beat before Hermione realized that she was still standing there in the nude. With a panicked yelp, she ripped a blanket from the pile to wrap around herself. “What are you doing here? Why am I naked?” “You? Why am I naked?” The pile of blankets began to laugh. Hermione’s eyes shot down, the sound clearly not having come from Malfoy. A tousled mop of curls with a lethal smile and ridiculous dimples emerged next to Malfoy’s shoulder. “It seems we’re all naked.”
Nott A Wise Arrangement by Ceilidhchaos - E, WIP - Theodore Nott was an evil man. After all, he had committed patricide at sixteen to take control of the family business.He'd done one good deed his whole life: sending Draco Malfoy away from the violent world they had both been raised in.When Narcissa's death brings Draco and his girlfriend, Hermione Granger, back to Los Angeles, Theo decides that his good deed deserves a reward. And Theo knows just what his reward is going to be. He won't let what he's always wanted slip through his fingers again.A Mafia AU - Dark Romance -Main Pairing: Theo Nott/Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger (WARNINGS: VIOLENCE, RAPE/NON-CON, CHARACTER DEATH)
On Holiday by kayoh - not rated, 2 chapters -  A lot of History Many idiots Can they find love?
This Close to Love by dodgerkedavra - E, WIP - Much like nature, magic loathes emptiness. A thing’s existence also creates a corresponding absence. A gap that must be filled. Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, the Chosen One, vanquished the Dark Lord, and…What? The world moved on? Magic didn’t notice an absence where there was previously a presence? Everything was rebalanced, just like that?No.The Dark Lord was replaced.Draco took his place.Unless it's all just a twisted fantasy...
What If It's Him? by dodgerkedavra - M, one-shot - One question haunted Draco and Hermione through their very public and very commented-upon engagement, and through their private wedding ceremony that had nonetheless been commented on by every single person in the Wizarding World.And that question was:Where was he?He, being one Theodore Nott, who had disappeared three years ago, just after a night they’d all spent together at Draco’s townhouse.
Lollipops And Pigtails by MirabelleCherry - E, one-shot - In the land of Gods and Monsters, I was an angel looking to get fucked hard...A brief moment in time, a punishment, a lollipop and a turning point...
No coward soul is mine by SmallSherbert - M, one-shot - Returning to Hogwarts should be easy and eighth year should be the easiest yet; No Voldemort and no looming threat but Hermione finds that a normal teenage life is far scarier than facing dark wizards and saving the world. Her logical brain is no match for rampant hormones and a fickle heart.Or the one where Hermione's life is turned upside down and she decides to fall in love with not one but two wizards.
Love and War by Highladylily - E, WIP - "Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop." - H.L. MenckenTags will be updated consistently with each update. Please check them and take them seriously. The dove is dead.
Stars By The Pocketful by MirabelleCherry - E, WIP - Glimpses at a relationship and how lives entwine set to music.
Bon Anniversaire by Ivy_and_right - E, WIP - no summary
Elements of Time by tiny_reader - E, WIP - Five Years after the Battle of Hogwarts, four people come together to try and fix what was broken. The bonds they've created with each other will make them stronger than before, but what secrets will they uncover in the past? Who can they really trust to help save their world?
Metanoia by Ngida - M, WIP - Metanoia (noun): The journey of changing one's mind, heart, self or way of life.Or the story of how three minds, hearts and selves change their lives for one another.
Shadow of a Dragon by Ceilidhchaos - E, WIP - After the war, Draco Malfoy marries Astoria Greengrass, but their marriage is anything but happy.The loneliness feels like it might kill him.Dreomione end-game
Wicked Relief by Motherof4dragons - E, one-shot - “My boobs hurt,” I whine and press my arms tighter against myself. “Now we’re going to be late because I have to go pump.”“You knooowwwww,” Theo starts, and my eyes snap to his.They’re glittering, his lips tipped up in a naughty smile. It makes butterflies burst in my belly and my breathing hitch in my chest. I never thought I’d be such a weak-willed woman that a man with a pretty smile would get my knickers in a twist. Of course, that was before I met him.He’s so bloody beautiful, and he knows it too, and the rat-bastard uses it to get what he wants.Right now…“I could help you out if you wanted.”
Obliviate by Forgive_Me_Severus  - M, WIP - Barrister Hermione Malfoy-Nott is a forced to be reckoned with, in and out of the courtroom - until a vengeful pureblood stuck in the Old Ways causes her whole world to collapse with a simple twist of his wrist.-An Obliviation Story-
Mother's Milk by KiraAnn (Know_It_All_2008) - E, one-shot - Theo and Draco come to Hermione to ask a sexual favor of her. She finds she can't refuse her boys.
Part of Their World by WritingFicariously - M, WIP - In a world where the Wizarding World and the Muggle World are kept completely separate, one girl dreams of what could be.A modern retelling of The Little Mermaid.
Masked Shadows by Jadezdominion - E, one-shot - The war has been over for 10 years. Light has reigned over the Wizarding World and peace abounds for the most part. So please explain to me why two Death Eaters are looming over me in full robes, masks, and are abducting me at wand point?!? How is this happening to me? Where are my husbands?(My Prompt Choice was: CNC Death Eater abduction) (WARNINGS: VIOLENCE, RAPE/NON-CON)
In-Discretions by Most__Ardently - E, one-shot - Draco comes home from a week away to find his pets have disobeyed him and broken a few rules as well. Punishment must be doled out.
Of Deceit and Lies by KiraAnn (Know_It_All_2008) - E, one-shot - The Dark Lord punishes his daughter. Unknowingly, he uses her boyfriends to do it. Read the tags and authors notes.  (WARNINGS: RAPE/NON-CON)
the present is worth it by Mariana_Monteverde - T, one-shot - It was just a party, their oldest's birthday party, but some news will change their lives forever!
Others United by Jadezdominion - E, one-shot - It’s been four years since the fall of Voldemort. Hermione has watched as everyone moved forward with their lives yet it seems the United Wizarding World she envisioned and fought for was a fairy tale. The ‘others’ as most call them are still left to fend for themselves, ignored, or ridiculed. Hermione is sick of her day job and the bigotry. What is it she fought for again? Then she sees him and hears what’s happened. That’s the final straw.
Leave the Night Behind by Severus_please - M, WIP - “What do you mean you aren’t going, mate?” Blaise’s voice drips with incredulity, or maybe it’s just the copious amounts of firewhiskey he’s been drinking since we all settled in here at Malfoy Manor. “What was the point of even coming back to Britain?
Freedom Calls by Ceilidhchaos - E, one-shot - The war lasted for seven years and spies like Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott and Severus Snape were instrumental in finding the horcruxes and ending the war. Despite that, after the war the Ministry decided on a zero tolerance policy for those that bore the Dark Mark.So Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott are serving life in Azkaban, and Hermione Granger is about to sacrifice everything to get them out. Dark!Hermione. (WARNINGS: VIOLENCE, CHARACTER DEATH, RAPE/NON-CON)
For Want of a Vanishing Cabinet by Ceilidhchaos - E, one-shot - Events of 5th year don't happen until 6th year as Harry’s occlumency lessons are more successful. Voldemort doesn't manage to trick Harry. Sirius lives. The prophecy remains in the DoM. Instead at Bill and Fleur's wedding there is a Death Eater attack. Kingsley and Moody are killed, but Lucius and Thoros Nott are arrested and taken to Azkaban.Seventh year becomes the new sixth with the vanishing cabinet drama and the plot to end Albus Dumbledore. However it's not just Draco who has been tasked with the vanishing cabinet, Theo is forced to help as well. Hermione doesn't believe Ron and Harry that Theo and Draco are Death Eaters despite their father's actions. And this is where we find ourselves.  (WARNINGS: RAPE/NON-CON)
Go hell for leather by prima_vera - E, 2 chapters - Hermione Granger loves racing but she doesn't affiliate herself with any of the club houses scattered over London, not even with Harry's own fraction. However, meeting two handsome men she was competing against might just change that.
Stick Shift by mrschanandlerbong - E, one-shot - Theo, Draco, and Hermione take a drive in the country one summer night.
Darker Roses by Honeyfraggle - E, WIP - Hermione is on sabbatical from her old life and not looking to return. Draco and Theo sow seeds for a plan to see if their obsession could be a happy ending for everyone. No kittens are harmed as the story unfurls.
Need You Now by AuroraNyx - M, WIP - a twist on the ever popular Hogwarts 8th year fic.a romance begins to bloom the summer before 8th year after a chance encounter between Hermione, Draco, and Theo. But with Hermione off to Hogwarts for her 8th year, Draco forced to stay home as part of his probationary terms, and Theo caught somewhere in between, will absence make the heart grow fonder or will this potential triad fizzle out before it really has a chance to begin?Written for Dreomione Fest's 8th Year Prompt
Club for Uniquely Neglected and Tempted Souls by AlaskaDiGioia - E, one-shot - Hermione Granger only wanted two things - well, three things.1. To cure her favorite schemer of a painful magical injury with the help of her two roommates. 2. Her roommate: Theodore Nott 3. Her roommate's boyfriend: Draco MalfoyWith close continuous contact with two unmated alphas causing her to present as an omega, she might just get her wish.Two out of three isn't bad.
A year and a day by emotionalsupporthufflepuff - E, one-shot - Theo is living happily with Hermione Granger when he gets the notice that Draco is being released early from Azkaban. He loves them both, but will they be able to get along?
Queen of Infinite Space by Severus_please - T, one-shot - Theo's POVIt’s still dark in the bedroom when the noise wakes me, Dray’s arm heavy across my chest. The sheets on the other side of the bed are still tangled up but are cool to the touch. Mia must have been out of the bed for a while.The noise is coming from the kitchen and as I wake a little more I realize there are smells coming from that way as well.A look toward her Muggle clock by the bed shows 3:17 in big blinking numbers.Oh Merlin.
Shadows of the Rose Court by KiraAnn (Know_It_All_2008) - E, WIP -The Rose Court is rising. A prophecy has been spoken as the Dark Lord Returns. A triad looms on the horizon. As the Dark Lord's daughter finally takes her place in his court, intrigue and mystery surround her as she starts to build a court of her own.Do you feel that? That electricity in the air? The raw power emanating from Scotland that scares even the Minister of Magic? That's the power of the Rose Court.
Accidental Bonds by Ceilidhchaos, SarahFraser - E, 5 chapters - A drunken one night stand with the Golden Girl and two Slytherins has more consequences than they intend.
Petrichor and Vanilla by Ceilidhchaos - E, WIP - Theodore Nott comes into his creature heritage. Heading back to Hogwarts for eighth year, he discovers that he has not one but two mates on the Hogwarts Express.
Present for Three by SapphireBee - E, one-shot - Theo arranges a sexy Christmas present for himself and the two people he likes to fuck the most. Only, his favourite woman is not allowed to know who his favourite man is.
Red Wine by niuniul89, Vera_Verto - E, one-shot - ”I've never shared with another man… in any way.” Draco muttered, more to himself than to her. Hermione nodded in understanding. ”And I‘ll admit, I might have a problem with that.” ”I understand, but I just wish you would dare to do something new and... maybe even crazy. Besides, you know that if you don't like it, all it takes is one word and we can back out, okay?” He raised his head and glanced at Hermione blushing. ”Just trust me, as always.”
Crimson Kiss by KiraAnn (Know_It_All_2008) - E, WIP - There's a vampire or two lurking at Hogwarts. An offer for an extended education program as well as the Head Girl position. So why is Hermione so entranced by the journals of Morgan le Fay when she has so many other things to deal with? 
Handcuffs by BexYZ - M, one-shot - Blaise's care package comes with a few surprises.
Five Golden Rings by smokyquartz - E, one-shot - Draco wakes to an alternate reality where he is married to much more than he bargained for.
O Christmas Tree by Highladylily - E, one-shot - Theo wants to decorate the Christmas tree after work. Draco didn't bank on what kind of tree it would be.
Whisper to a Scream by riddikulus_puff - E, one-shot - Hermione Granger wasn’t the vanilla and innocent girl that many people think she might be. She had sought out therapy after the Second Wizarding War and then soon after she found herself in love with two Slytherins from her youth at Hogwarts, the redeemed Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott. But, Hermione wanted more in their relationship. She wanted to explore more things within their sexual relationships and test to see how far the two men would go to please their curly-haired witch.
Its Complicated by SarahFraser - E, WIP - Hermione Granger's life has taken a bit of a turn. After completing her eighth year at Hogwarts, she's gone on to become one of the most talented healers that St. Mungo's has ever seen. Along with her partner, Draco Malfoy, professionally her life couldn't be better. Her personal life, however, leaves little to be desired. She feels stuck in an engagement to Ron Weasley, all because they share a child together. While Hermione loves Rose dearly and Ron is an amazing father to her, Hermione doesn't feel that spark when she looks at the man. She does find that spark however, on a late night, with another wizard. After finding herself falling into bed with her partner, Hermione wakes up in a rush to find none other than Theodore Nott sitting and watching her, and he's decided that he also wants her, and Hermione wants him. To make this situation worse, Draco is also married and has a son just a few months younger than Rose. And to top it off, Hermione finds herself sitting in her bathroom looking at the diagnostic telling her that she's pregnant, and she's not entirely sure what wizard is the father.Needless to say, its complicated...
Mt. Ypovivázo by Ivy_and_right - E, one-shot - It is said that a man can want for too much. In King Draconis’ case, it was true.He’d demand for his servants to fetch wine made from the rarest grapes, drape him in the richest hand-woven fabrics, uncover precious gems for his crowns and find him the most beautiful women to take to bed. And they would do so loyally.Those servants loved their king dearly and showed their appreciation for his fair hand in any and all materialistic ways they could think of.One of his liege lords even handed over his own son, Theodoros, for the King to do with as he pleased.But King Draconis' head was easily turned and on a visit to the Altar of Hermione, his War Goddess, Draconis fell over his feet with lust for her, needing to make her his too. To corrupt her to the ways of man.Who could have predicted that his meddling with the Gods would end in punishment? Rough, endless, degrading and humiliating punishment. Though what nobody expected was for him to enjoy it.
All Purebloods Must Die by Sniper_Jade - E, one-shot - When Voldemort was abandoned by his mother in the orphanage instead of growing to resent his muggle father he instead resented his mother and grandfather. He vowed to eradicate all purebloods.On that dark and stormy night on the 31st October 1981 the child he went to kill was Draco Malfoy. The pureblood scion of the Malfoy line.Now almost 16 years later Voldemort has come back into his power. Purebloods are hunted and persecuted. Treated less than human. Theodore Nott and Draco Malfoy are on the run and in hiding. They fear for the life of their muggleborn friend Hermione Granger and the delicate line she walks in the new regime.
The Imperius Experiment by Dark (Chelonie) - E, one-shot - Theo Nott is fascinated by the Imperius Curse. He convinces his partners to use it on him.
Two Pink Lines by Ceilidhchaos - E, one-shot - Hermione didn't expect to end up on the Head's bathroom floor staring at a muggle pregnancy test. She also didn't expect the test to be positive.
Snow on the Beach by RavenclawGreen28 - E, one-shot - It's Hermione wedding day. She's almost ready when two people sneek into her room. Neither one of them her groom. Draco and Theo want her to leave her fiance Thorfinn at the alter. Have her come home with them so they continue what they had. Can they give her a reason not to marry Thorfinn?
Found by sobsinashell - E, one-shot - For his crimes during the war, Draco was exiled to the Muggle world. Theo followed him. Hermione found them.
Let It Be Time by Ivy_and_right - E, WIP - Three months after the end of the war, Hermione writes to Draco to ask if she can come home to him. He wants nothing more only, while she's been in hiding, he has sought comfort in the arms of Theo who has no knowledge of any of it. Not even the little boy who shares Draco's eyes.
It's A Match! by GardenAtTwilight - E, one-shot - Hermione decides to download Tinder and swipes right on Draco & Theo.
Burn by Ceilidhchaos - E, one-shot - Hermione returns for 8th year as a changed woman with two lovers of similar taste.
The Gryffindor, In the Broom Closet, With a Blindfold by ghanima77 - E, one-shot - Theodore Nott has a surprise for Hermione in the broom closet. One that she is very excited to receive.
Broomsticks, Dragon's Breath, and Teenage Boys by JCOBryan1990 - E, one-shot - One person doing the whole eye rolly breathing thing at her was one thing, all four of them... No Hermione Malfoy-Nott quits, she just quits.
Little Pink Things by fairyofthesnakes - E, one-shot - One week without magic, that was the bet. Magic for work was allowed, any unnecessary magic during that one week would count as an automatic loss. Unknowing to Draco, his consequences for losing the bet are better than he imagined. A dirty Dreomione one shot.
Chrysanthemums by Ceilidhchaos - T, one-shot - Chrysanthemums A Darker Languages of Flowers Story June 30, 1997 Chrysanthemums represent optimism and lost love.
One Witch, Two Wizards by Dawn_2020 - T, one-shot - Hermione, Draco, and Theo attend the Hogwarts 10 year reunion and surprise everyone
County Road by JCOBryan1990 - E, one-shot - While waiting out a storm that ruined their picnic Draco, Theo, and Hermione find an interesting way to pass the time in the back of Theo's new muggle SUV
A Secret Among Stars by Ceilidhchaos - E, 5 chapters - Hermione, Theo and Draco have kept their relationship and family secret for more than ten years. What happens when Hermione's former best friend uncovers their secret?
Threo by Ivy_and_right  - E, one-shot - Theo believes himself lost or broken, wanting and desiring a chance to see himself in the flesh with his own eyes. He's terrified for what the loves of his life might think of his request - to discover what it's like to be with him in every sense - but he discovers something far more essential to his being. Something that he now knows to have been there all along.
This fest is ongoing.
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