#silver linings
hisbucky · 5 months
Buck: You really need to stop using humor to hide your trauma, Eds. Eddie: Aww, thanks babe! Buck, distressed: It's not a good thing! Eddie, smiling: All I'm hearing is that you think I'm funny, so that's all that matters.
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estellaestella · 4 months
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Timothée Chalamet using Wonka candies as fashion inspo for Wonka PR.
(The umbrella one is a bw pic colourised & I've included the Tom Ford bown suit even though he wore it to an event for CHANEL BLEU. I think he had this ready for the Wonka events but wore it because the actors' strike was on & there was a possibility he wouldnt get to do any WONKA pr.)
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aro-aceattorney · 3 months
If you’re a dndads fan and HAVENT read silver linings by @cha1cedony you’re missing out!! It’s so based and grant pilled
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This is a scene from chapter 5 that absolutely BROKE ME and I just had to draw it!!
Read the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46377208?view_full_work=true
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kingpains · 9 months
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got to see the @narcissistcookbook in dallas, thoroughly enjoyed it
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Silver Lining 10
Warnings: non/dubcon, speech impediment, bullying and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: silverfox!Bucky Barnes
Summary: You have an unpleasant encounter with an older man.
Part of the Silverfox AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You turn onto the sidewalk, the world turning white with the snowstorm. Your boots slip, untied and loose on your feet, as you put your head down against the swirling flakes. All sound is dampened by the thick heaps on the ground and the continuous flurry all around.
It takes you a moment to get your bearings. You’re pretty sure you’re going the right way. You should’ve paid more attention on the drive over. There’s a lot of things you should’ve noticed before now.
You slip on a thick patch of snow and catch yourself on one knee. You blink as snow clings to your eyelashes as you peer around. Your ears are whistling but hot with the plummeting temperature and you can barely see the glove on your own hand. If the bus even comes, it won’t be for some while, and it will be at least one transfer to get back to familiar ground.
You squeak in fright as you feel a tug on the back of your coat, then a hand on your arm. You’re hauled back to both feet and turn to face your accoster. Bucky doesn’t wear a coat as his silver hair collects white powder and he squints against the wind.
“H-hey,” you try to pull away.
“It’s bad out. You won’t make it–”
“St-stop!” You holler in a pitchy tone, “I-I-I’m fine.”
“I can’t let you go out into this,” he insists, “look around,” he points to the house nearest but you can’t see much through the wall of white pelting down, “power’s out. Plows won’t be for a while. Come back, just until the roads are cleared.”
“N-no, I’m f-f-fine. I c-c-can take care o-of myself,” you wriggle free of his grasp.
“I know you can,” he puts his hands up as snowflakes melt into the fabric of his shirt, “please, they got travel warnings out. You can’t be out here right now.”
“Why w-w-won’t you l-leave m-me alone? Y-y-you don’t e-e-even l-like me,” you accuse.
He’s quiet, face contorted against the whipping snow, his cheeks tinged slightly with the cold. He shakes his head, “I never said that.”
“Y-you don’t g-gotta.”
“Well,” he grabs your elbow and yanks you around, “I don’t hate you.” He marches you down the walk, your soles slipping, making resistance perilous, “so get inside.”
“W-w-woah,” you stumble as he keeps a brisk pace, his soles mulching into the layers of snow, “s-slow–”
He takes you back down the walk towards his house. The pool of sick you spat up is already hidden. He shoves you ahead of him as you get to the steps and follows you closely, reaching around you, nearly flush to your back, to open the door. He points you inside.
You kick your boots off and clamour in onto the mat. You turn to face him as he snaps the door shut behind him. He combs his fingers into his hair, messing it up to shake off the snow. You ball your fists as you stare at him, dizzy from the suddenness of your return.
“You have no idea, do you?” He sneers. “You go out there without a thought. A storm like this is dangerous, you know?”
“J-j-jeez,” you chatter, “you s-sound like my dad.”
He growls as he rips his boots off, shaking his head, “sounds like a smart man.”
“B-B-Bucky, I would b-be f-f-fine–”
“I made you tea before the power cut,” he interjects, “drink it, wait for the storm to calm. Then you can tell me to fuck off. How about that?”
“I d-d-didn’t–”
“Are you so unused to people giving a shit about you that you can’t accept a single nice thing?” His voice rises, startling you. “I mean, I heard your mother on the phone, I hate to put my nose where it doesn’t belong but Jesus Christ–”
“H-hey,” you murmur meekly, but not loud enough to stop him.
“You’re a smart girl, you just don’t give yourself a chance because you got all these other idiots dumping on you,” he rants at you with his hand in the air, “you shouldn't listen to them. You’re thirty years old, goddamnit, and you wrote a damn good script.”
You blink at him dumbly. He cringes as he seems to remember himself, to recall that he’s a grumpy old man, and that you’re just some irritating bug flying around his head. He lifts his hand to the back of his neck and scratches as you sway and look at the carpet.
“Take your coat off and come get your tea before it gets cold,” he sidles past you, brushing closer than you expect. He stalks off behind you but you’re too nervous to look after him. You hear another raspy hiss, “fuck…”
You put your armful down on the low bench, your movements slow and slightly shaky. You wet your chapped lips with your tongue as you stare at the door. You shrug off your coat and hang it on the rack then leave your boots on the rack.
You turn to face the house and wring your hands. Somehow, he can make hospitality seem like an attack. You hear the gales battering outside the walls as the snow continues to trim the window frames. He’s right, you were just as stupid as ever to go out into that. You’ll never tell him that though.
You slowly traipse down to the kitchen and find him there. He has his elbow on the counter as he leans over a mug and a book. There’s a booklight clipped to the top of the page in the dim of the power outage. Another glow comes from behind him, a candle lit and flickering with the scent of burning wood.
As you approach, he slides a mug towards you without looking up. You thank him in a mousy voice and let the warmth of the porcelain soothe you. You inhale the scent, it’s an interesting flavour but still steaming too hot too taste.
“Gingerbread…” he intones without looking up, “it looked interesting…” he pauses and lets his eyes flick up, “seemed like a you thing.” He reaches to the front of his shirt, unhooking the wire framed glasses there. He wipes them with his sleeve before putting them on and refocusing on his book, “you can tell me if it’s shit.”
You’re silent. You don’t know what to say. You were more than prepared to disappear into the blizzard, but not this. The realisation slowly sinks in. You’re trapped here and not just by his indomitable will.
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rodrigobaeza · 8 months
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Harvey Kurtzman: Silver Linings daily strip original art (1948)
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karrenseely · 7 days
Silver Linings
I just realized something. I learned about the existence of Trans people when I was 12 or 13 I think. I learned about us in a medical encyclopedia. It wasn't a lot to go on, but it definitely was enough. Two things happened when I saw that entry. First I wasn't alone, second I could do something about this.
I absolutely wasn't alone or the only one AMAB who was a girl. That lifted a huge weight off of me, I wasn't alone. People who've never experienced the feeling that you're the only one in the world that seems to not be the way everyone around you is, have no idea how hard that is, I sooo identified with the Last Unicorn as a child. Growing up, I had no positive examples of queer people. None. I can't recall a negative example either that was explicitly queer. There was nothing for me to reference what I was going through. I was taught like all young girls in our society that being a girl is inferior to being a boy (why? Why does our society do this? Even today? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! We're not inferior to men, we never were, but for some reason some narcissistic AH somewhere decided this and then a bunch of other narcissistic idiots with power liked it and here we are living in a patriarchal misogynistic society, which is absolute BS). But I was also taught that being a boy who "wanted" to be a girl (yes I'm aware I was girl all along, though it took me a long time to understand that, because... society) was doubly bad and horrible.
So I was completely ashamed and terrified of anyone learning my secret because I was the only one and I knew it was a bad secret. I'm sure there are other things that happened that taught me this, experiences with my parents, peers, teachers. But I don't remember most of them, and I don't really need to go into it here, as the sadly important point is that I learned very young to be ashamed of myself.
No one ever talked about people like us. Ever. There were the occasional movies involving cross dressing and drag, usually men pretending to be women (notice that key word that differentiates trans people from cis people. Cis people when they cross dress in performative ways are pretending to be the opposite sex or a gender outside the binary. Trans people aren't pretending, we are the gender we identify with.) like Tootsie. I liked the movie, it was nice to see a man who could pretend to be a woman and enjoy some of it. But I never identified with that character, not in any significant life changing way. Because he was a man, he identified as a man throughout the movie and I was a girl forced to be a boy. And most other instances of crossdressing in media were treated as a joke, including Tootsie. "Hello [shame] my old friend, I've come to talk with you again." (1)
So learning I wasn't the only person in the world that felt this way was life changing. It gave me comfort, which I sorely needed. But the second part was just as important. I could actually do something about my body and I could be me. And that gave me hope. Which was sorely needed as I was spiraling downward rapidly at the time. Months later as the horrors of my body changing became more apparent I came out to my parents in desperation, which instead of recognizing me and loving and supporting me, was met w/ dismissal, and attempts to erase me and increased the shaming tenfold. But the one thing that kept me going. The one bright star in that horrible darkness was the knowledge that I could transition someday, not as soon as I'd hoped, not as soon as I needed, but someday. It felt like an eternity away, but it was there, telling me to keep surviving to keep going because I could be me when I got there.
Had I not learned of trans people, I honestly don't think I would have survived my first adolescence. I would just be another dead kid with everyone wondering why I was so depressed and weren't there any signs? (I often wonder how many of the children that manage to kill themselves are queer. Based on proportions of homeless youth, I imagine queer kids are a very large chunk of that statistic.) Just learning about the existence of trans people kept me alive. Knowing I wasn't alone and there was something I could do about it. It was horrifyingly frustrating that I couldn't do anything until I turned 18, but I would be able to do something about it. So learning about trans people saved my life.
Just that one concept, that trans people living their authentic lives existed, was enough to keep me alive. And here is the silver lining that occured to me. Despite all the negative, bigoted, horrible publicity, laws, and hate. Our existence is being talked about a lot. Which means, kids who need to know they aren't alone, that they are not the only one's that feel this way. Are finding out that we exist. Yes they'll need to do research and understand that we and in turn them are not evil, not monsters, not perverts, But beautiful amazing wonderful and caring people. And because of that, maybe. Just maybe, a few more trans kids will survive and maybe even thrive one day, because they learn they aren't alone and there is something they can do about it.
I hope so. I really hope that is the case. I also wish we didn't suffer so much that way, too many of us die. Maybe someday, that will change for the better. (1) Simon and Garfunkel, "The Sound of Silence."
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pleckthaniel · 9 months
I guess the thing that really interests me about WindClan is that it has a shit ton of Dark Forest trainees, more than any other Clan. Which implies to me that this is a community with a lot of embedded problems, that participating in the DF is just one possible response that individuals may have to living in such a toxic environment. And then there’s kind of a built in plot arc of the DF battle forcing cats to confront themselves and one another about what kind of community they want to live in, and how they need to behave to ensure a better future. The battle unearths problems that have been buried for a long time, and that’s something that’s kind of unique to WindClan. Also all of this happens offscreen because the Erins don't give af about them so canon doesn't contradict me on any of this
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starryluminary · 5 months
As disappointing as that was, Chris calling the network and asking if a decapitation was too much to air on tv was fucking hilarious at least
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dbaydenny · 6 months
Searching the damp mist
not sure the lining exists
finding silver dark
when there is such little light
I'm a creature of the night.
D W Eldred
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confusedcheesestick · 3 months
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uhhh lazy quick doodle idk
i dont actually ship this but if anybody wants to try and convince me to then go ahead im listening
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ghostingbrightly · 1 year
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here are my two “year in blorbo” spotify wrapped style posters!!
concept inspired by @ocxzone​‘s oc wrapped poster :-)
(click for better quality)
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calico-heart · 3 months
And how about something for Nahte and Naago, because she seems to be a new addition to the polycule? "In joy", please!
Thanks so much for the request! :3 I really enjoyed writing it! Sorry this took so long! 🙏
(Ask me for a kiss! Help me get all 50!)
Nahte came in on a midnight wind – and that might have been very romantic anywhere but Gyr Abania, where the sand stirred into desert blizzards, blotting out the moon and stars, and even the keenest dryland hunters took shelter to wait out the storm. 
The stablemaster dared not berate a Warrior of Light, but Nahte saved them the trouble of stewing on it and apologized nonetheless once he’d tucked into the relative safety of Rhalgr’s Reach. “It was a foolish risk. I’ll take the aetheryte next time.”
“Would be an unfortunate way to lose you, Master Vhia.” They replied, “Especially after what all else tried and failed.”
He smiled and nodded. Grani nudged him, and Nahte gave its plated hide an absent pat. A Familiar spun from the fabric of an old reality needn’t fear the desert like mortals, and there’d been no real danger astride such a fearsome beast not bound to the laws that governed spoken races. But that, like many other things, had become difficult to talk about of late. 
“Do you think she’ll be happy to see us?” He asked. 
Grani blinked. 
Nahte shrugged, and started walking. “I have time to think of what to say.” As if he hadn’t spent the entire ride out rehearsing. “She’ll be well asleep at this bell.”
Tail twitching, he kicked at a stone. Wind whistled through the rocks high above, scattering the waterfall before it made landing in the oasis at the center of the camp. Now so close to his nebulous goal, he felt the weight of it too keenly. “I should have written ahead. This was a silly impulse. She might feel pressured, she could be busy." A grimace. "She’ll definitely be busy.”
Grani snorted, eerie gaze following a few soldiers as they trotted in a line on the opposite shore. The clink of its metal claws rattled softly on the stone beneath its feet.
“I could leave. Save us both the trouble.”
“You’re right. The scouts will mention I came by, and she’ll know I was here. It’d be worse not to say hello. I’m sure I can find some excuse, something – that won’t look desperate. We saved the world, didn’t we? And all the Reflections. What have we got to be insecure about?” A scoff.
Grani blinked twice. 
“I just – I don’t want her to feel like an afterthought.” Nahte sighed, a slow sound against the race of his thoughts that darted like dragonflies between a myriad of half-baked potential failures, each at odds with the last. “But I’m a damn Warrior of Light, aren’t I?” A smile that showed teeth, as the Moonkeeper rolled his shoulders and scoffed. “Disbanding the Scions won’t make me stand out any less. I’ll never just be an Adventurer again. The others – even her – all have homes, callings, to return to, or chase, and I’m…”
Nahte drug a palm across his face, growling quietly deep in his throat. “What am I without all the rest of it?” 
He stopped, and Grani stopped with him. 
The pit in Nahte’s stomach grew cold. He had saved the world. He was supposed to be strong, stable, proud of his success and confident in his own future. The people who stopped him in the streets wanted inspiration. Something to look up to. A man to live up to his own legend. She deserved at least as much as them – more, even.
And here he was pacing himself into a nervous wreck, there would be no hiding it from the keenness of her gaze. “No, this was a mistake. She won’t want to see me like this. I’ll tell the gatekeeper something came up, apologize, and – OW!”
With a hiss, Grani coiled back its head, prepared to nip him again. 
Nahte checked his shoulder for blood. “Do you have any idea what a hassle that jacket is to stitch?”
“Well, it would be, if I couldn’t weave with aether. So.”
Splatters of light gathered around Nahte’s palm as he lifted the savaged elbow to mend torn fabric. “What’s gotten into yo–”
Hissing, Nahte jumped back in time to avoid another wardrobe-dismantling strike from his steed. “Hey!”
Grani galloped forward, and, not entirely sure how to counteract it without causing more of a scene, Nahte pitched backward to stay out of reach of the metallic fangs so suddenly eager to change his wardrobe. And possibly eat him. 
“Willyoustopit”, he scolded, ears pinned as they danced like matador and bull. 
Grani did not ‘stopit’, and instead lunged with sudden swiftness. Jaws clamped down on Nahte’s cape as it trailed behind and yanked him, hard. 
The beast sat, just as suddenly immobile, while its master struggled in vain to pull free.
“Did Emet let you get away with this?” Nahte snarked, tail lashing as he tugged the thick wool. He ears flicked against his skull, “Did Azem teach you how to do it?”
Grani lifted its head, attention shifting to something behind Nahte.
“Oh no, I’m not falling for that one.” He growled, releasing his hold to put both hands on his hips. 
“Domestic squabble?” Teased a familiar voice at his back.
Nahte turned, too fast because his cape was still taut in Grani’s mouth, and staggered ungracefully into the realization that M’naago had waylaid them. 
Grani released him, and no amount of Miqo’te grace could spare the Warrior of Light an accelerated meeting with the ground at her feet. “Shit.”
She giggled, squatting down to pull his hood up and see his face. “I thought the scouts were mistaken. Why didn’t you write ahead?”
Pushing up on his knees, Nahte met her gaze and smiled weakly, ears drooping. “Naago.” He purred, reaching for a hand to hold in his lap. “You’re up late. Or – early?”
She indulged him, eyes wide and pupils round in the gathered dark. “Lucky for me. It’s not every day you get to see someone best the fabled Crimson Liberator. They’ll write songs about this, I’ll make sure of it.”
“Anything’s better than the one about the gigantoads.” He threw a scathing glower of mock-scorn in Grani’s direction. “I thought I might trade him in for a griffin.”
“They’re no better.” She lamented. “At least Grani doesn’t leave smelly little gifts on your bags when its cross about something.”
“Eugh. Don’t give him ideas.” Nahte rolled his eyes, smiling a little softer. Then, “...I’m sorry I didn’t give you fair warning. I’m sure you’re busy, I won't waylay your time. It was… I’m glad I got to see you, at least.”
“Fair warning?” M’naago’s ears flicked with amusement, but something went taut in her smile. A little crease appeared between her brows. Nahte felt suddenly very conscious of the sleepless lines beneath his eyes, and the fact he hadn’t had a chance to groom properly before facing her.
She chuffed. “I ask for warning regarding storms, bandits, and sisters. You are always a welcome surprise.”
Something jagged in his heart clenched, and Nahte turned his gaze to the side to hide the tears welling there so inappropriately. He only needed some seconds to blink them back, and come up with a clever retort. 
M’naago tugged him to his feet, and her free hand put affectionate, insistent pressure at his jaw, urging him to look at her. “It’s good to see you, Nahte. We have a lot to catch up on, eh? But first – and foremost,” her nose pressed gently to his and she purred, eyes half lidded. “Can I kiss you?”
He staggered out a quiet laugh. “I’d like tha–mngh–”
A soft mouth pressed to his, tugging at a lip before he could shut his mouth and dragging a reciprocal purr out of him, as she ran calloused fingers through dusty hair. 
Grani had the decency to cover its eyes with a tassel of barding. But truthfully Nahte didn’t care who watched. He was just happy to be held.
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pleckthaniel · 9 months
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might be the funniest Antpelt line I've ever written and he wasn't even trying to be funny. brother No The Fuck You Don't
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theriu · 11 months
I am not glad for the bad situation, but I am glad for the good opportunity that the situation produced. I would rather have had the good opportunity without the bad situation, but I am still thankful that even a bad situation can produce opportunities for good.
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