#shh i know im late shhh
evilmageclub · 11 months
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fatt pinup week day 2: blasphemy/devotion
hadrian waking from a late autumn dream
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olive-fics · 9 months
Abby Anderson comforting you on your period *giggles and twirls hair*
-Simple Abby headcannons and how she would comfort you on your period. Fluff
-Mention of blood ofc don't act surprised.
For the girls and the gays, Men DNI !!!!!!! (Please)
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-Abby is the type of girl to come over at any given time of the day just because you texted her you feel sick from your period. "Abby,My cramps hurt so bad-” “On my way princess.” anything. JHFDJKGHNDF.
-Abby would tell you a time she’d be there and end up late, why? Because she was looking for one of her hoodies you enjoy so much and she was at the local Walgreen’s picking up your favorite snacks, drinks, tylenol (cramp relief meds), pajamas or a throw blanket for you. (Walgreens is a drugstore btw!)
-Comforting Abby would let you sit on her lap, lay on her, anything. She wanted you to be comfy.
-Abby could handle blood unlike many who find it gross. Abby thought that was ignorant and rude and she wants you to always be comfy around her. She adored you. <3
-As much as Abby always gives you her full attention, she always makes sure to give you more attention when aching like this. She knows how needy or clingy you can get, Abby would shower you with kisses, hugs, and sometimes gifts.
-Omfg I feel like Abby would give the best like back rubs or scalp massages with her muscular fingers. Abby wouldn’t stop after like 5 min either with the lame excuse of like “My hands are tired..” She would keep going until you either fell asleep or told her enough.
-Abby would carry you literally everywhere, bathroom, Bedroom, Kitchen too if you didn't already make Abby get you everything.
-Abby didn’t mind your mood swings if you even got them around her, she would take them calmly, never yell back and always let you come back when you’re ready. (Idk if that makes sense but like she’s giving u time and that’s hot LOL)
-Back to the Abby not minding the blood, If you mentioned any concern about bleeding on her or in her bed she would shush you so fast. “shh..Shh..Shhh..I don’t care My love.” or something sappy to make you giggle.
-Abby knew your attention span on your period was VERY limited so to keep you happy Abby always brought her Nintendo switch to play Mario kart. (duh.) every time you and Abby played Mario Kart it was like sports to you two. Abby normally picks Dry bones or Bowser.. But guess who also did? You. It was like a damn race alone to just see who could pick it first. Of course you both could be the same character but you liked to see the different characters plastered across the screen. In desperate times like this though? Abby would always ‘accidentally’ miss-click so you could always win and get the character you wanted, Abby just loved to see you laugh at her.
-Yk how Abby said she would do anything for you? She meant literally any type of relief to ease your pain.. even if that meant-🧛
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My friend gave me this idea and it made me think..so..
Reblogs are appreciated!
I have anonymous requests in my bio! Send me SFW. requests! Head-cannons on TLOU characters or smth idk LOL.
Okay Drink water girls. <3
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iaeriy · 3 months
okay! we’re trying out an image for the first time..so just LET ME KNOW if i did this right..
reader and joão just like almost done having sex and hes panting like crazy, all sweaty, hair damped. you feel tingly and just about to give up, your body is limped. since you were near squirting. joão secretly likes it.. he smirks looking down at you like the brat he is and pulls out leaving u confused and whinning, “why’d u stop? i-i haven’t cummed yet..!” you said, he grabbed his length rubbing it all over your clit. you cried out a moan gripping the sheets, his dick kept pressing down on your clit rubbing his length all over. “j-joão!” you screamed breathlessly squirting all over him and his length, he groaned cumming all over your tummy at the sight of you. you sniffled wiping your tears, and you sat up looking at him. “what’s up with you and this squirting thing of yours lately? t-thought you never liked it, you said. “shhh…shh..it’s cute just because of your reaction..” he spoke, squishing your ass playing with it. “joão!” you said smacking his arm, he chuckled painting your face with kisses.
Pls its late and im writing a fermin smut and i thought of this thanks to a friend of mines aka joaofelixsgirlfriend ☺️☺️, so uh..yeah!
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Emily Prentiss x Baby Daughter Reader
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Summary: 3 year old Y/N is sick so Mama Emily calls on two people to help her look after her sick child.
Third person pov...
Loud crying wakes up Emily Prentiss, the black haired woman, jumps up form her bed gun in hand, the crying was coming from the room her kid was is, yawning the Mother tucks her gun into her waist band.
She then makes her way out of her room and to the room next to hers, she turns on the night light by the door before walking up to the crib in the middle of the room, the woman does a quick look around before bending down nad picking up the crying child.
"Shh Shh your okay, your okay N/N it's me it's mama" she whispers to the child. Y/N had snot running down her face, so Emily grabbed a tissue and whiped her face, but the snot keep coming which made the child cry even more.
Emily holds the child to her hip and rubs a hand up and down her back trying to calm the three year old down, soon Y/N was only sniffling slightly.
Thw three year old was sucking her thumb with her had leaning against Emily's bare shoudler, she now realised she was only wearing a tank top and short knowonder she felt cold.
"Whats wrong N/N can you tell Mama?" Emily asks the baby in her arms, Y/N shakes her head and cuddles closer into her Mama still sniffling. "head hurt" came the mumbled croaky voice of Y/N.
Emily frowns, "oh no poor baby" she coos as Y/N cuddles more into her,  Y/N is only this cuddly when she isn't feeling well, Emily touches her hand to Y/N forehead, it felt a littler warm, Emily looked closer and saw a red ting to Y/Ns cheeks.
"No need for the hospital yet" mumbles Emily, she then lifts YN head up and listens to her breathing. "Sounds a little chesty" Emily was at a loss at what she should do.
The woman stands rocking Y/N for a minute before remembering who else has kids. "Of course Hotch and JJ" she exclaims grabbing her phone from her room and bringing up her contacts.
She paused, who should she call JJ or Hotch, both have kids ans both should know how to help. She then looks at the baby in her arms.
"Who should I call Y/N?" She asks thr three year old, the E/C eyed baby looks up at her Mama and coughs loudly before she starts bawling again.
Emily comforts her  "Ohhh ohh shhh shhh it's okay N/N, your okay" she whispers kissing her daughters head lovingly, she then clicks on JJs contact, she then put the phone on speaker and waited for JJ to pick up.
As she waited Emily looked at the clock on her desk, it read 3.30am "sorry JJ" she mumbles realising JJ would be a sleep still, then finally said Blonde woman answered the phone. "Emily is everything okay?" came JJs worried voice through the phone.
Emily then grabbed it and held it up to her face. "Hey Jen, sorry for calling so late, its Y/N i think shes ill but im not sure what to do" explained the black haired woman, silence is hear before JJ starts laughting.
"baby troubles, thats what you called me for" laughed the blonde making Emily blush. "well it was either you or Hotch because you both have kids" pouted the Black haired woman as JJs laughter died down.
"okay, so Y/Ns ill, have you checked her forehead for a fever?"
"yep done that she did feel a little warm, also she has quite chesty coughs as well and she complained of a headache. im not sure what to do JJ" whines Emily, she was clueless and hopfully JJ might be able to help her.
"okay okay i get it, Have you given her any medicine?" askes JJ
Emily face palms internal, the one thing she didnt think to give her 3 year old. "no i havent done that it didnt even cross my mind" confessed Emily, she was greeted with JJ laughing at her misery. 
"of course, its natural you're a first time parent, it takes time to learn to be calm during these kinds of situations" JJ says, Emily begins walking to the bathroom to get some nedicine for Y/N. 
"yeah thanks for the help JJ"
"of course Em, good night"
"night Jen" 
Emily then ends the call and puts her phone in her pocket and uses one hand to riffle through the medicine cabinet. she soon finds some paracetamol, she then grabs the right amount for a three year old, the then went to the kitchen and filled a cup of water for Y/N.
Emily then pried her arms away from her neck so she could sit on the counter and have the medicine, Emily crushed the tablets into half and gave them to Y/N, the baby whines but swallows them.
once she was done Emily whiped Y/Ns nose again and picked her up. "hopefully that will help your head ache N/N" she mutters before walking back upstairs and into her room knowing Y/N will want to sleep with her.
once they were both under the covers Emily made sure Y/N was breathing before falling asleep, herself. It was only an hour later she was once again woken up to crying, the mother bouced awake and turned around to see Y/N bawling her eyes out once again.
Emily then sits up with Y/N in her arms, Emilys tired to comfort her but nothing will work. "what should i do, i cant call JJ again" mumbled Emily before groaning the only other person she could call would be her Boss.
She looked down at her still crying child and gave in for Y/Ns sake, she turned on her phone and clicked on Hothes number, Emily rubs Y/Ns back comfortingly as the girl cries and coughs, it breaks Emilys heart.
A few rings later and Hotch answers. "Prentiss? is everything okay" he asks as Emily shhhes Y/N. "Hey Hotch sorry for calling so late i jsut really need some advice" she yelled over the crying.
she could practically see Hotch raising an eyebrow. "of course that that would be?" he askes
"Children advice, pacifically when they are ill" she say, Hotch goes silent before he speaks. "it Y/N okay?" he asks worried about the baby.
"thats the thing Hotch, i don't know whats wrong with her, she has a small fever, she complained of a headache, shes coughing alot, runny nose, possible sore thraot" says Emily listening of Y/Ns sy,toms. 
"sounds like she has a cold to me Prentiss" says Hotch
"of course the most simplest thing and it went completely over my head, sorry to bother you with this Hotch" Says Emily now she felt bad waking him up for a cold.
she hears Hotch laugh slightly over the phone "its all okay Prentiss i understand, first time parent is hard especially when your child is sick, you could make a honey and lemon water for her to sooth the sore throat" said the man.
Emily thought about it. "sounds like a good idea, thanks Hotch sorry again" says Emily before ending the call, she looks down at the child who finally stopped crying and fell asleep in her arms.
"finally" she whispers before deciding to stay in her positions she didnt want to wakw up Y/N again.
the end!
i hope you liked this ineshot! and as usual so sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes.
requests are open!
word count: 1235
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kaeyx · 8 months
Thinking about stepping on catchuus dick while he’s in heat. Hes in heat but hes too embarrassed to communicate that! (Poor babys really good at masking his emotions and needs) The look of shock in his eyes when you push him down to the floor one day out of pure irritation. Bros like “•.•” cause he cant process that youre being rough with him. Where did his kind master go, the one who put up with him even at his worst days?!!? The only way to get him to admit hes in heat is to edge him until hes whining like a desperate whore!
• chuu has been acting up lately for no apparent reason!
•feels way to embarrassed to initiate sex
•so embarrassed that you might wake up with bruised thighs from him humping them at night!
•ever since you took him in my poor baby hasn’t been able to get himself off without some kind of physical touch from you
•even when hes dry humping you at night, its so shameful. Hes been going at it for hours only in the end to have the weakest spurt of cum spill out of his aggravated tip!
•but the night he goes too far is when hes being a little pervert and watching you shower trying desperately to get himself off
•you catch him and inquire about what he was doing
•”awh baby were you touching yourself while watching your master clean himself, y’know you can come in and ill help you”
•He scoffs “y’know you’re not even that pretty. Don’t get ahead of yourself sir, i wouldn’t be that desperate in a million years especially not for you.”
•obviously he doesn’t mean a word of this! He was just so embarrassed that you caught him that he said the first mean thing he could come up with.
•however it doesn’t matter if he didn’t mean it, you’re seeing red
•” what. the. fuck. Did you just say to me”
•chuu fucked up big time
•you get out of the shower and push him down to the ground rolling your heel against his obvious boner
•”if im so ugly then why are you acting like such a fucking whore, i might not have a dick but i know they dont get that hard for just anyone”
•he’s only used to praise from you, but he’d be lying if he said you losing your control didn’t turn him on
•”Ngh! Fuck~ master please m’sorry!” He cries out
•when you try to interrogate him about why he said those things to you he just looks away with furrowed brows and flushed cheeks. (He is quite literally tucking his tail between his legs)
•it goes on like that for at least an hour. But he does break eventually
•hes humping the ball of your foot youve so generously offered while crying out and telling you how he forgot to take his heat repressors and how he was humiliated and didnt want to let you know
•tears running down his cheeks and an embarrassing amount of precum leaking from his tip
•”shhh its okay baby thats all you had to say”
•you whisper sweet things into his ears, but the praise you’re giving him doesn’t match up with the rough manner you’re stroking his cock
•he comes. HARD.
•thick white ropes of cum spilled one after the other from his weeping head
•cums so hard it almost reaches his neck!
•hes now desperately clinging to you whimpering and whining apologies
•”s-sir m’sorry! Jus’ wanted you. Youre so pretty sir, the best master i could ask for!”
•normally hed be to embarrassed to say these things, but hed just had one of the most intense orgasms of his life
•you rub his hair cooing “shh i know baby, jus’ dont do it again”
•falls asleep purring in your arms, slinging to you like he did when you first took him in
AOUGH okay okay I'm putting this under a cut since the ask is long
Nah bc you're right, he'd be so good at hiding his heats. Or we can throw in some a/b/o and give him heat suppressants, sure! Either way you've never had to think about when heat season is coming, or you might not even know about it unless he's commented on it for whatever reason.
Also yes yes yes Chuuya snapping at someone when he's taken by surprise or feels defensive is so real to me. Crossing his arms and huffing even though his cheeks are red and you can see the outline of him in his pants, he's just going to double down and storm off. And try to finish himself off the second you're out of sight of course. Even if you'd had sex before he's suddenly initiating a lot less, not trying to coax you in for a kiss or anything at all, but always deflects when you ask him what's wrong.
Him grinding against your foot or leg is so hot too...or the heel of your boot even... clawing uselessly at the floor and bucking his hips, whining whenever you press down, dripping steadily onto his stomach. All that pent up cum shooting out far more violently than usual as he pants and moans so pretty, deep in his chest. Finally getting relief after so long of trying to rut into the space between your thighs while you slept.
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wildflowwer · 4 months
Hey I saw ur post asking for ideas so here's mine ??? Idk if ita any good tho so feel free to ignore this.
I'm a sucker for the reverse comfort trope istg. So maybe something like (any bts member) is feeling insecure about their body/weight bc of comments online or smth and reader comforts them and maybe sum body worship and soft pegging or u can make it totally fluffy upto u 💕.
heyy cutie. I hope you don't mind me being a day or two late and I hope you like this one<3
I added sum more stuff too, hope you don't mind and I hope it's the way you wanted it to be and the way you imagined ❤️
Warnings: sub jungkook, dom reader, pegging, nipple play, body worshipping, nicknames (mommy, pretty boy, my love, baby),jungkook is feeling insecure so reader try to make him feel better. There's more ig, let me know if I missed anything and excuse any spelling mistakes<3
it was 11pm when you came home from work. You expected to see jungkook running to you and hugging you like every other day but thus time it was quiet in the house. You wondering if he was asleep already so you didn't really think much of it. You went to the kitchen to grab a class of water and went upstairs.
you heard quiet sobs coming from the bedroom as you panicked and opened the door. You saw jungkook sitting at the edge of the bed, crying. You rushed and wrapped your hands around him
"Shhh jungkook. It's okay its okay baby shh" you patted his head trying to calm him down.
"y-yn" sobs loudly and hugged you back
"Im here jungkook, it's alr." Wipes his tears away
"What's wrong baby? You can tell me. I'm here"
"d-do you think I'm too heavy for you." Sobs
what escaped jungkooks mouth broke your heart. you hated how people make him feel this way. Jungkook was the type of person who always try go be perfect and enough for people. When someone mention his weight, look or anything like that he always take it in a bad way and think he's not enough. That literally breaks your heart.
"noo jungkook, look at me baby"
Jungkooks looks at you with teary, puffy eyes.
"Who said that? You know it's not true my love. No matter what you do people always will judge baby" holded his hands in yours.
"y-yn.. but what if it's true? what if I'm too heavy and overweight" looks down
"jungkook no my baby, youre beautiful. You're so so beautiful my love."
jungkook looks up at you
"make me feel beautiful yn. Please?" Jungkook said with a sad voice. He needed to feel beautiful again. who else can make him feel that way other than you hm?
You smiled, placing a kiss at his lips, then his cheek ,down to his jaw line and to his neck without stopping.Jungkook moaned softly, holding into your hair messily.
"I will make you feel so beautiful mu love" you opened his button up shirt, take it slowly off him and throw it somewhere in the room. You lean down kissing his neck once again, slowly pushing his body down.
you kissed down his chest, whispering sweet words between each kisses, telling him how beautiful he was and how enough he really is.
Jungkook almost cried out of happiness.
you stoped kissing him when you reached his pants, looking up at him with a smile.
"May I take this off?"
"Yes please" jungkook relaxed his body, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
you took off his underwear tossing them somewhere behind you. You placed a kiss on his pretty cock making him whimper.
You smiled at his reaction and got up to get your strap on. You wanted him to feel good. So so good that he will forget about those hated comments and thoughts.
"W-where are you going?" Jungkook said slightly panicking, thinking you will leave him like that.
"just to grab something real quick " smiled at him looking at his face relaxing a lil.
you came back with the strap wraped around your hips tightly. You went between jungkook legs, holding them up a lil so you can easily place yourself inside him.
"ah p-pleasd make me feel good mommy" jungkook said looking up at you, bitting his lips
"Oh I was planning to anyways baby" lean down to place a kiss on his lips. Jungkook deepened the kiss, wraping his legs around your waist, moaning into the kiss.
after a good short make out you pulled out and grabed the lub from the night stan drawer, putting sum on your fingers to prep your pretty boy before fucking him.
"Hold your leg up baby so I can prep you"
jungkook wraps his hands around his legs, holding them up letting you easily put your two fingers inside his hole,slowly moving making jungkook let out a whimper.
"a-ah~" mewls
"How's that baby?" Looks at him
"s-so good~" arch his back at the feeling of your fingers moving inside him.
he whimpered when you took out your fingers but quickly replace it with your cock. You put a lil more lub so you won't hurt him. You pushed it slowly in and started moving in a slow place.
"Oh god" jungkook lets out and rolls his eyes back.
"my beautiful boy, look at you taking my cock so well" the praise made jungkooks toes curls. He let out a whimper, pulling you closer to him and wraping his arms around your neck.
"p-pleasd move faster, I need to cum so bad~ please fuck your pretty boy" jungkook said between moans. He was so cute how he called himself your pretty boy. He really is your pretty boy tho.
You speed up your movement, jungkooks moans filled the room and the sound of skin agains skin slaping.
"Oh g-god please don't stop-ahh~" jungkook arched his back moaning loud as he was about to reach his orgasam
You started playing with his nipple, taking him at the edge. His nipples are so sensitive, so playing with them while fucking him really does drive him crazy.
"How beautiful you look right now jungkook. So beautiful just for me my love" you took his nipple in your mouth, circling your tongue around it.
"YESS~ just for you mommy!~" jungkook melws
"yeah baby? Is my pretty boy going to cum?"
Jungkook nodded his head
"Go ahead baby"
jungkook trowed his head back,eyes closed, mouth open in a silent scream, as he reached his orgasam making a mess all over him.
"A-ah fuck~" jungkooks body relaxed down on the bed, his eyes still closed.
You pulled out the dildo taking it off of you and putting it down on the drawer so you can clean it later or tomorrow.
"my beautiful boy" you said making jungkook smile softly and throw his hands around you, hugging you.
"are you okay my baby?"
"mhm, thank you sm yn"
"Ofc my love, one thing tho. Don't let those comments get into you again because you know they are not true and as I said, what ever you do people will always judge you for it"
"yeah.. you're right.. im sorry"pouts
"No baby it's not your fault, no need to be sorry. I just want you to ignore those comments. I'm always here with you no matter what and if you would like, I can always make you feel beautiful" winks making jungkook laugh
"You know yn, I'm happy to have you" smiles
" me too my love, I'm the most happiest person ever alive" smiles " I love you jungkook" pecks his lips "I love you too yn" smiles
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toxicbrothel · 3 months
embarrassing chores incident
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WARNINGS: Body horror, protag is stick figure, NO SMUT
"shhh, relax, honey. does it hurt?" Lincoln looks down at me with grave concern and guilt.
I'm hyperventilating face down on the floor. "Take it out, take it out."
"I'm tryin' not to rip ya."
"you're such a fuckin neat freak you couldn't wait five seconds for me to leave," I complain.
"I didn't know it was gonna --- look im real sorry." He gently tugs at my limb which does nothing to help free me.
Useless. "You're gonna have to take apart the-"
"What's goin' on in there?" Raider's voice is close outside.
Lincoln starts to move toward the door like he has a death wish.
"Stop!" I whisper. "Don't need you bleeding all over."
"Nothing," I answer raider. "Just a sec." I shoo Lincoln away toward the secret stairs.
Raider picks the lock. I can't see from where I am but react, "really dont have any boundaries do you?"
"Am I supposed to?" He asks earnestly as he lumbers toward my voice.
"Shit!" He gasps when he sees my whole lower left stick sucked into the vacuum. "That motherfucker," he mutters as he kneels. "ill deal with him later."
"Thank you. Open the--"
He rips the vacuum apart before I finish the sentence. "I've got ya, you're okay." He gently cradles my stick and wriggles the roll out from its grip. Finally, I feel free. Just a little stiff. I start to roll over on my back.
"No!-wait," he tries to stop me, but it's too late.
I can see my stick all coiled up like a purple slinky. My eyes well up in tears.
"It's okay, shh, it's okay--CARTER!!!!" He booms.
"No!!!! Are you crazy"
"He's the best one to-"
"I dont want him seeing me like this!"
Raider rolls his eyes. "It ain't gonna happen. He don't like'em this skinny."
"Oh yeah? Well he came to spank me one time and he got a boner and he let me su.." I trail off as Joel's brow furrows.
"Why'd he spank ya?"
I shake my head. "I don't remember," I lie, not wanting raider to find out about the river of dreams AU. "Oww," I fake cry to distract him. "Just put me in the bath or something."
"What, it's gonna loosen up like boiled pasta? CARTER!!!"
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cloudy-zephyr · 2 years
Hi hi! I was wondering if I could please request a Caregiver! Kirishima with a Little! Reader and the reader is having a bit of a rough day? If not, that‘s completely fine!
Have an amazing day!! <3
Aah yes of course!!! Thank you so much for the request aaahh it makes me so happy that everyone is enjoying my work!!! I hope you enjoy :D
Have the loveliest of days yourself rosy!!! <3
Pro hero! Caregiver! Kiri + little! Reader (gender neutral) a little self indulgent with the job I gave reader haha,, customer service is no joke guys 😭 it's hard out here
Possible cws: harassment, slight panic attack, usage of papa for kirishima
It hasn't been, the best day. You woke up late and were late for work, and everything has been just annoying you. Finally, you get a break and get to text Kirishima.
Red riot !!!: hey cutie!!! Wanna have a movie night?
Pumpkin 🍼: yes!! I'll let you know when I'm done :)
You smile down at your phone, only an hour left.
"Well at least things can't get worse," (spoiler, they can and will if you jinx yourself,, like that)
As if the gods themselves heard that and decided to make it a challenge for you, there's a customer at the counter who seems to already have an attitude.
"Hi how can I help you?" You smile politely, but it fades when the customer starts yelling at you.
Your breathing picks up, and you look to your coworkers for help. Eventually your manager comes up and deals with them, but you're still shaken and you're allowed to go home early. As you grab your things to leave, still crying from the encounter you pull out your phone.
Pumpkin 🍼: im heading home
Red riot!!!: early? Is everything okay?
Pumpkin 🍼: someonenwas mean 2 me
You wipe your eyes and leave through the back door, feeling a fuzzy sensation grow on you.
Red riot!!!: aww,, im sorry baby :(( need me to pick you up?
Pumpkin: yes please papa :( wanna go home
Red riot!!!!: okay, little one papas on his way
Feeling incredibly little, you know its not best to walk home or use public transport in this state. About 5 minutes or so, Kiri pulls up in his car and gets out.
You run up to him and he gives you the biggest hug, "aww let's go home kiddo."
You nod and get buckled in his car and he takes you back home to your shared apartment. As soon as you're inside he carries you to your room and helps you change.
"What jammies do you want, love? We have polar bears or puppies??" he smiles and holds up two pajama sets for you to choose from.
After choosing, he helps you dress and get comfy in the bed.
"Papa?" you ask shyly, "can I has my blankie, an' sippie?"
He smiles, "of course my baby can!!"
Kiri leaves the room and he's gone for a while, you start to whine and cry a little bit. Regressing down to your youngest age is hard, all you can do is cry out for your papa.
"Hey shhh shh,, im here. Papas right here, okay pebble? I'm not leaving," he holds you tight and gets his own pajamas on, then crawls into the bed also.
"Look, I got you some mac and cheese and strawberry applesauce! Oohh, the macaroni is shaped like puppy paws how silly is that," he looks at you and scrunches his nose as you giggle.
Once a movie is picked out he feeds you the small meal and gives you your sippy cup of your favorite juice/milk. You start to doze off, and curl into his chest and he holds you.
"Love you, papa" you mumble sleepily and pat his chest and hold on tight.
"And papa loves you, my sweet little baby," he kisses your head and covers the both of you up, the only light coming from the TV as you drift to sleep.
And thats my first ask!! Thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoy!!! Tbh this is my favorite stuff to write for,, its so comforting and I hope you guys think so too!!
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redrydersrequiem · 1 year
The red assassin
Forgot i had this idea so im finally getting this story out. It’s a little late but here it is.
I love aemond so i wrote this. Took a bunch of things from HOD, assassins creed, and eragon so yeah ❤️😁
Updated this 5/6/2023
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The red keep was silent as the queen marched towards her eldest bedroom. Throwing the door open
“Aegon, wake up!”
The boy grumbles, turning over in his bed to mutter “What is it?” the boy states trying to find sleep once more his mother not liking that and throwing the covers off of him
“What is it, what is it is that all you have to say for yourself”
“Has something happened” aegon replies groggily
“The serving girl.”
“ hmmm”
“For god's sake the servant girl Aegon, the one you sent fleeing from your company, the one I've had to have thrown out of King's Landing to keep up your reputation.”
“Oh please it was harmless fun, she didn’t need to get upset about it.”
“Think of the shame on your wife on me, how can you keep carrying on like this, especially on a day like today.
“Why?what is today?”
The queen just shakes her head at her eldest son
“You are no son of mine
“I did not ask for this. I've done everything you’ve asked me to and I try so… I try so hard but it will never be enough for you or father..”
“Well guess what you’ve got it. You were born into it and you're lucky the girl was young and knows no one from outside kings landing. Now pull yourself together.”
The queen exits the chamber, her words ringing true in the air. Well almost true, for you see Dyana did know someone from outside kings landing, she was a legend going around Westeros.
The Red assassin
An assassin for the people here to put wrongdoing nobility in their place. To remind them that without the commoners they treat so poorly they would have nothing.
Many stories of them ranged from how they had a dragon like the Targaryens, how such noble creatures picked the assassin to carry out their deeds, others where they were simply a rogue mercenary that does as they like, Either way Dyana ran straight to the hide away of the assassin.
Girls she had known had gone there before to seek justice so she knew the way. And just as the night sky had started to appear a lone cottage comes into view amongst the thick foliage of the forest. A single lantern outside and a red ribbon flapping in the wind.
The assassin was home.
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Assassins pov
“Come tell me again what happened little one.” I say, staring at the trembling young blond in front of me.
“I was a servant for Aegon the second and his wife helena. I was a good servant i kept my head down and did as i was told, then the other morning i had my back turned tiding things in the room when aegon came up behind me and (sobs) “ The girl breaks down into tears again and i feel the ache in my chest at her pain.
“Shhh shh its ok i can only imagine what has befallen you but you must not worry for i will help you”
‘You will?”
“But he's a prince, he's not like others nobles it’s the royal family they’ll hunt you down and kill you if you harm him.”
“You're right and while that will be entertaining to see them try but till then, we'll see what the gods have in store ok either way i will make sure aegon never looks at another women sideways let alone touch them. So here.” I hand the child a sack of coins and a bag with some clothes and other niceties.
“I have a woman coming in the morning she'll take you with her and help give you a good life ok. I trust her and I know you’ll be well looked after”.
“Thank you, thank you” the girl hugs me once more till a loud roar has her snapping her head up in fear.
“Easy there it's not the royals after you”
“But it was a dragon. They are”
“Dragons don't just belong to the Targaryen’s.”
“So the stories are true.
“I just smile knowingly at her and send her off upstairs to rest for the night. I have a mission to plan.
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After all the drama in the day the greens and the blacks both come together for dinner by order of the king
“How good it is to see you all tonight…..together” The king toast before stumbling back into his set, his family all looking on with worry. No one says anything until queen Alicent chirps up
“Prayers before we begin?”
“May the mother smile down on this gathering with love, may the smith mend the bonds that have been broken for far too long. And to Vaemond Velaryon, may the gods give him rest.”
A chuckle falls from Daemon’s seat but he’s silenced by the nudge Rhaenyra gives him. Aemond can’t help but smile at his uncles theatrics. He had agreed with daemons approach. If anyone spoke ill of his wife and family he to would make sure they never spoke another sound. The king pipes up again.
“This is an occasion for celebration, it seems. I've been told my grandsons Jace and Luke have agreed to marry their cousins Baela and Rhaena, further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young princes….and their betrothed
“ I want to say something to aemond if i may”
“Go on child”the king states to his eldest grandchild,
“Since this night is about trying to mind relationships, myself and my brother Luke would both like to apologize to you.”
Aemond is taken aback by this. But keeps his stone face on
“We were all children, we where, are family, we where raised together we shouldn’t have teased you about your dragon, and we shouldn’t have started the fight that lead to your eye being lost”
“Jace,” rhaenyra quickly tries to stop her son
“No mother this needs to be done”
“I'm sorry , aemond.” Luke no chirps up. “You’ve become a great fighter and a great man and we were blinded by lies and mistrust to see that you and I am willing to take any punishment you see fit to resolve this.”
After a time aemond breathes out and stands to address his nephews”.
“It’s been a long time since I've wished to receive validation from the night. You are right you shouldn’t have mocked me for being dragonless, a pause goes though the room waiting for a string of harsh words to fall from almonds sharp lips. “But I shouldn’t have mocked you for the rumors surrounding your birth. I also shouldn’t have claimed my dragon during its rider's funeral. You are correct we are family and i apologizes to you baela and rhaena , i did not think of your grief, all i thought was of myself and my want for a dragon”
“It is forgiven” balea states rising from her seat. “All has been rectified, we must move forward. We all are the new generation, we must stand united.”
All the elders look around with awe and pride at their children. They can see the strings being mended between the two houses.”
“Boring” aegon lets out. To drunk to appreciate the moment happening around him. His mother tries to shush him but to no avail he simply stand to make a toast.
“Lets us toast to jace and his future bride, you do know how that act is done I assume”. Aegon chuckles at his own drunken stupidness
“Aegon, sit down!” Aemond says loudly from his spot. Ser Criston comes forward slightly in case he is needed. Aegon just laughs more and goes to pick up an apple to go with his fourth drink of the night. But before he can bite into it an arrow flies through the shadows and pierces the fruit out of the prince's hands and into the wall behind him.
Everything goes silent as heads all turn towards the source of the arrow. They see a small cloaked figure walk out
Ser criston goes to move towards the threat but two arrows fly towards him pinning his armor to the wall behind him leaving him pinned to the wall the arrows piercing between his armor in strategic spots to where he was unable to free himself quickly
“Guards guards” Otto Hightower yells out into the night.
“It’s no use yelling sire” a delicate voice pierces the now silent air.
“The guards are preoccupied at the moment. Don’t blame them though men never suspect those they deem unimportant. It just took a quick pinch and they’ll be asleep for a little bit unless they have underlying medical issues then in that case my apologies they probably won't wake back up .”
The girl moves fully from the shadows. She’s cloaked in black from head to toe
( think something like this without the thigh slip cause why you can be sexy and covered)
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Assassins pov
Who are you?” Daemon asks from his position near rhaenyra. Slightly guarding her with his Body
“Who am i… hmmmm, I’m a shadow, your grace, a shadow here to deal with an eye sore hiding in a drunken stupor, being protected by the royal family.”
“You dare spea…” Aemond goes to say
“Sit down my prince this does not concern you, only your brother. Besides I hear you are of great character please don’t disappoint me and tell me those tells are wrong. I would be most upset?”
Aemond just stares at the girl, too entranced to say anything further as she turns towards his mother keeping Aegon in her view.
“I must say, my queen, I’m saddened for you. To raise a son with no respect for women at all. Although you're not alone, many mothers fail in the same category. Which is why it takes someone like me to put them in their place.”
“I do not understand why you are here, miss?”rhaenyra asks
“ You can simply call me Scarlet, Princess as I have no faults with you or your family. In fact I quite admire you.” I walk around the room a little closer to rhaenyra, daemon obviously not likening that steps closer to her. I simply put my hands up in defense as I just reached to take a steam of grapes off the table.
“You know I wish I could have been there the day of your corantation. I’ve been told You positively sparkled as you made your way in the room. I especially liked the part when all those old bastards had to kneel to you, that most have been a grand sight. And from all the stories of your family your boys are well mannered,kind and fair to those in your court.”
“If you are not here to kill anyone then what are you here for if i may ask.” The king chokes out
“Well your majesty the king i'm here for a simple warning. A mercy really. As i was thinking of just killing him but I feel like no mother who clearly loves her children should have to witness them die so maybe this will be a wake up call for prince aegon here. Next time you force a woman, hell next time you even look at a woman the wrong way and you use your status to cover it up, I'll slit your throat.”
The queen tenses and I can see she and her father have put the pieces together as to why I'm here. Rhaneyra and her family to their credit stand tall despite their confusion.
“The royals are supposed to be the foundation of society. Try to fix that, because without those people outside these walls your family would be nothing.”
And who are you to comment on royalty might i ask” daemon states.
“Shes the red assassin” Otto Hightower finally speaks
I simply turn to him with a smile on my face bowing dramatically
“I'm honored the master of spies has heard of me.”
“It’s said you help the common folk, that your a weapon for hire to anyone”
“That is correct, as long as they are in true need i try to help, in fact that's another reason i'm here today.”
“Oh?” Rhaenyra asks
“Yes you see while you all are held up here those crab feeders have been making an awful big mess. All mad that they lost the war. Well the people didn’t like that so I helped you all out.” I go over and take out a sack and throw it to the floor in front of them. Aemond had freed criston from the wall as Otto gave a nod to go open the bag. He blanches once he does
“That would be the heads of the leaders of the rebel army. They’ve been destroying those towns east of here and I refused to let them go further. That took me four days, Want to see what I could accomplish with actual backing behind me.”
“What is it, your proposing assassin?”
“Hmm i don't know yet, all i know is that i want the good of the people and if that takes joining you lot I will .”
“The good of the people hmmm? Then tell me is the other rumor true”
“Which one?”
“It is also said you ride a dragon”
At that everyone’s eyes go wide. They don't flinch at the bag of heads but the mention of a dragon. I simply chuckle at the looks on all their faces. I hear the guard outside start to groan and notice my time is coming to an end. I step over to the window opening it. Taking out my whistle I blow into the air before turning back to the confused family.
“Now you can’t believe everything you hear sir, but if i was would that scare all of you. Hmm would it come to reason that the mighty Targaryen’s aren't the only ones who can tame dragons.”
“So you have one.?” aemond asks me, curiosity and wonder shining in his eye.
“I'll have to show you sometime, my prince.”
A light blush coats his cheeks as i smile warmly at him
“But for now I must be going, please consider my offer. You all need to stop the in fighting before worse people come an upserp you. If you need me send a message here. And to show another sign of good faith my king. I present you this”
I take a baggy out of my belt and set it on the table
“Its medicine, it should help your health without having to be doped up on poppy milk. It will ease the aches and help with the pain. Do have your maesters look it over.” I throw a scroll to rhaenyra. And bow. The guards have all woken and rushed into the room. A familiar roar fills my ears and I know it's my time to leave.
“Until next time your highnesses.” I say before bolting across the room and jumping out the window.
Daemon, aemond, jace and rhaenyra all rush the window to see my fleeting form landing on a dragon. Different in shape then any of there’s and glinting silver in the pale moonlight. Its wings are almost angelic as it whisks its rider away from the red keep.
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“We can’t allow this insult to stand your majesty.” Otto Hightower yells on in the counsel chambers
“It’s barely an insult” daemon states crouched in his chair like it’s a throne picking dirt out from beneath his finger tips, rhaenyra sat beside him, shaking her head and hiding a smile at her husband's antics.
“You call an assassin coming into the royal palace and almost killing the first prince not an insult. Well do tell us lord what is”
“How about a sniveling snake talking untruths into the king's ear or”….
“What daemon means to say is that while yes this girl making her way inside could have gone wrong I believe it presented us with an opportunity.”
The small council that is gathered simply stares at the princess as though she's grown two heads. Daemon, rhaenyra and Jace are sat on the left of the king while the greens consists, of Otto, Alicent and aemond. Aegon was unsurprisingly absent. All sit on his right.
“Your highness, we must do something about this girl.” Otto once again requested the king.
“Excuse me” Otto asks the room doubting his ears
“That girl as you keep calling her grandfather her name is scarlet, i was merely correcting you.”
“My nephew is right, she, I mean, Miss/lady scarlet is not just some person with a knife aimed at us, Not only did she make it all the way through the castle, past all of our guards and make their way into the royal chambers without so much as breaking a sweat.”
“Exactly prince daemon, that act alone can not be tolerated, we must retaliate, we can not allow an assassin as such to continue to exist.”
“Ha your foolery truly knows no bounds lord hand.”
“Why is that lord daemon?”
“Prince daemon but I will let your slip of the tongue slide for now. Your foolery astounds me because that assassin didn’t do anything to us but assist us.”
“How so”
“Tell me my lord how long have you been fighting with the low lands since I conquered them so long ago.”
“It hasn’t…”
“It’s been almost a year since the fighting in the lowlands started back up again uncle. Aemond answers with honesty for his grandfather.
“Thank you for answering honestly brother.” Rhaneyra says warmly towards Aemond
“Yes thank you dear nephew, as i was saying not only did she successfully get through the Castle undetected but she came here for a reason. To warn us about behavior in the royal family that needed to be corrected.as well as delivering us the heads of our enemy’s afeet that has bested our grandest soldiers”
“Your point princess”
“Her point, you old cunt is that we need the girl on our side.”
“Uncle is correct grandfather. Having her come to us and join our court would be most beneficial. Not only does she have the support of the common people but she is also highly skilled, we can also not deny the fact she has a dragon”
“Yes nephew, that is also a gigantic advantage as well. A dragon rider who as far as we know is not a Targaryen. So the question is how did she do it.”
“I agree with my brother”the king finally speaks out. Alicent is visibly taken aback “But my lord this girl attacked your son.”
“My son was in the wrong, we should be thankful she didn’t kill him, she had plenty of opportunities”
“She did indeed brother, but i must say if you’ll allow a brief pause, you look much livelier today.”
“Yes I do feel better, which is another thing we must thank miss scarlet for.”
“My lord, are you telling us you took the medicine the girl left.”
“Yes i did”
“What? What if you had died husband what then?”. Alicent grasps out clutching onto Viserys hand.
“I've felt dead for the last Fortnight my dear, I figured I had nothing else to lose.”
“Father” rhaenyra chides also going up to Viserys and clutching onto his shoulder
“Calm my dears for I feel revitalized. The tingling in my limbs has disappeared and unlike with the poppy milk i don't not feel dazed or heavy. I've had the maesters take the drug for analysis but also to replicate it. I also must say that if they are unable to, I myself would like to speak with the girl again.”
“It seems we all have just cause now to re invite lady scarlet back.”
Everyone agrees with a nod except for otto hightower (of course)
“I do have a query?”
“Yes what is it?” daemon answers sassily back”
“What are we to offer the girl to make sure we have her loyalties or even then to maintain her loyalties”
“Whatever she wants master hand” daemon chuckles out from his seat
“Do not fret Otto, we will summon her and go forward with proper negotiations. Now all worry no more of this.” The king states to the room
“Rhaenyra dear, would you reach out to her as she left the scroll with you”
“Of course, father, I will do it within the day.”
The meeting comes to an end and everyone leaves to attended to whatever business they had. Rhaenyra and daemon go to return to their quarters when a voice halts them. Turning they see aemond coming towards them. Since the night of the dinner they could feel a change in the young man. Hostility doesn’t roll off him in waves any more.
“How may i help you brother” rhaenyra ask the young man
“I wish to be the one to invite the lady” Daemon and rhaenyra share a quick glance a knowing look in their eyes
“And why is that dear nephew?”
“Must i explain that to you of all people uncle. Or can you simply take my sincerity in wanting to be the messenger of the royal house.”
Daemon merely chuckles while rhaenyra pushes him off before his sharp tongue starts something.
“I think that would be the most gracious idea. How else to show we mean business then sending a member of royalty to call upon her. And from what i've seen you can be a very level headed advisor. It would be an honor for you to bring the girl here brother, come we will write out the correspondence and map your trail.”
With that the three leave to complete that task of bring the red assassin into the Targaryen house.
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Trash party! Trash party! Hmm, I dunno what your DNWs are but I'm feeling for some Somnophilia and starker? If you're up for it 😱 Consensual, DubCob/Noncon, up to you 💗 and if somno isn't your thing, I'll send something else 😮
Oh I can make almost anything my thing. Cracks knuckles I've never written somno before but I am excited to practice writing new things! It's hard for me to decide who'd be the sleeping one though. Because it can def go SO many ways. But tonight I am in the mood to go dark! UPDATE: Im sorry it took so long. I didn't expect to write so much. I also am aware it kinda sucks, but I am trying! My goal is to get better while writing new things! <3 Also WARNING: Because there is somnophilia and DubCon! ------- Tony knew it was wrong watching Peter sleep in his bedroom through JARVIS's impressive surveillance system. It started as an accident really. A few drinks into a late-night depressive episode left him checking the cams, and stopping on the cute brunette sleeping sound in his bed. "JARVIS... enhance image," Tony mumbled into his glass of scotch. Even though a screen Peter's skin looked so soft and subtle. It was the first time the inventor touched himself to the thought of sneaking into the boy's bedroom. The next three times were not accidental. Neither was the night he finally decided to silently enter Peter's room. ---------------- "JARVIS... lock the door, and enable sound barriers," Tony whispered as to not wake the teen. Up close Peter looked beautiful. Skin just as soft as it looked on the screen, and his eyelashes resting upon his naturally rosy cheeks. The billionaire was already hard in his slacks as he simply traced his fingers along Peter's sleeping form, careful not to wake him. "Aren't you just so pretty..." He hummed softly, slowly moving the blanket off of Peter and to the side. Peter was fast asleep in an oversized t-shirt and a pair of red boxers. Tony liked to think Peter's underwear was red because he was always such a huge fan of him, not simply because red was a common color for boxers. It wasn't supposed to go any furter than that. Tony had fully intended on leaving the room! At least it was the lie he told himself, because if he really intended on leaving, he wouldn't have locked the door and enabled the room silincing. "Forgive me sweetheart..." Tony licked over his bottom lip as he carefully looped his fingers beneath the elastic of Peter's boxers and slowly slid them down Peter's thin hips. His heart was pounding hard against his chest when he sucessfully got Peter out of his boxers. "So beautiful.." He groaned, palmbing over his growing erection before unzipping his slacks to free his cock. It was wrong. Tony knew he should stop and turn around now. But there was no way he could stop. He was in too deep, and he wanted to be inside of the sleeping boy now. He carefully crawled onto Peter's bed, parting his legs to get a better view of the goods. Everything went smooth for the older man until he traced spit coated fingers over Peter's tight ring. Peter began to shift and gasped when he felt a sudden intrusion. "A-Ah.. Wh-What..?" "Shhh.. You're dreaming, sweetheart... Love having a nice good dream don't you?" Tony said softly, smirking to himself as his little words of encouragement seemed to lull the boy back into relaxing. "That's it... keep your eyes closed and keep dreaming, Peter..." Tony couldn't wait any longer as he removed his fingers and lined his cock up to Peter's only slightly toyed with hole. "Deep breath sweetheart... dreams feel so good if you give them a chance... I know you know hot to take cock, sweetheart.. Keep dreaming.." His large hands took hold of Peter's hips, breathing slowly as he pushed his way into the small teen. "Fuck." Tony moaned lowly at Peter's tight heat. He could hear Peter whimpering and shifting again. "Shh.. You're okay. You've always drempt of this haven't you? Having your mentor balls deep in your little ass... Something that you dream so well it feels real doesn't it..?" Tony was beyond caring how wrong it was to be rocking his hips against the sleeping teen. All that mattered was getting what he wanted, and making the boy think it was nothing more than a wet dream. His hands gripped at the boys thighs to lift his legs so he
could rock deeper into him. "So good.." He grunted, biting back his moans as he increased his pace. It didn't take long for his hips to stutter as he shot his load deep into the "sleeping" boy. He honestly didn't know if Peter was truly asleep, or simply pretending at this point. But he didn't care one way or another as he pulled out and watched as his cum dripped from the boys used hole. "Goodnight, Peter.." Tony whispered as he slowly got off the bed and tucked himseld away, then made his way towards the door to leave. Only pausing to smirk when he heard a faint "G-Goodnight Mr. S-Stark"
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daddy-parker-1972 · 3 years
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I promise {I lied}
Warnings: character death, mentions of Joshua Parker, blood, car crash.
Summary:you and Kai were on you're way to kill Joshua, but he knew you were coming and things took a massive turn.
You and Kai had gone to kill Joshua that day, the day you lost it all, the day you lost him. It was planned that you would drive to Portland together the night before everything started. And that's what you did.
"Ready to go?" He asked
"I was born ready." You smirked
"Should I be concerned on why you're so happy to be killing somone?" He asked as his brow raised
"Not just anyone, Kai. Joshua! The man who made your life miserable! I should be concerned on why you're NOT happy." You said
"I will be happy, once we get it done, and not a moment before." He said
Kai hated talking about his father especially with you. He didn't want you anywhere near him. But you being you convinced him to let you come and kill that pig. You and Kai had been married for about a year and becoming a Parker meant that you also had they're burdens. Which was fine, you loved him so much that it didn't even matter. He made your life complete.
"Alright, let's go." He said as he walked to the drives side of the car
You got in the passengers seat, buckled up, and prepared for a long ride to Portland.
"Why are you in a bad mood?" You asked
"I'm not in a bad mood, Y/N." He said
"Yes, you are, you're aura is bad." You said seriously
"Wth is an aura?" He laughed
"I don't know I made it up. But you called me Y/N instead of baby so something is definitely up." You said
"Its just....I don't want you getting hurt in case anything goes wrong." He said worried
You grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers with his.
"Everything will be ok. I promise." You said as you kissed the back of his hand.
He smiled at you and kissed your cheek. You loved his smile. Its one of the reasons you fell in love with him. H̸e̸ w̸a̸s̸ a̸l̸s̸o̸ v̸e̸r̸y̸ g̸o̸o̸d̸ i̸n̸ b̸e̸d̸
But, three hours into the drive to Portland a black SUV was behind us following us every step of the way.
"Who the hell is that?" Kai said
"He must've know we were coming. Try loosing them." You said
He sped up and lost them. About 20 minutes later they found us again. Only this time they were trying to run us off the road, and they succeeded. The car flipped into a ditch. Before you could process what was happening you passed out. When you woke up Kai was nowhere to be see. You're head throbbed and there was tons of blood. You checked yourself and you seemed to be ok other than the blood dripping from your head and the large gash on you're arm.
"Kai?!" You called out but no one answered.
You stepped out of the car and looked around. You couldn't see him anywhere. You limped further out into the woods and you saw him. Only, it wasn't something you wanted to see. Kai was laying of the ground was a chunk of glass embedded in his chest. His arms were cut up and his head was bleeding. He was loosing blood by the minute. You hurried to him.
"Kai!! Oh no, no no no no. Stay with me baby." You held him in your lap and applied pressure to his wound.
"Kai? Can you hear me baby?" You said tears streaming down your face.
"y/n.." he said struggling to speak.
"Shhh shh hold on for me ok?" You looked for you're phone but couldn't see it anywhere.
"I'll be right back ok? Don't you dare die on me. We've come this far. I can't loose you now." You placed a kiss on his forehead hurried to look for your cell phone.
You crawled into the flipped car and looked for you're phone that you put in the glove compartment. You reached for it and successfully got it out. You rushed back over to Kai and to you're relieve he was still breathing.
"Ok, I'm calling help ok baby?" You whispered
"G-ood b-b-ecuase I th-think im bleeding." He laughed
"Now's not the time Malachi." You said seriously
First, you called 911 then, you called the Salvatores and anyone who could get there in time.
"Helps coming ok?" You said
𝖶𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖲𝖺𝗅𝗏𝖺𝗍𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗌:
"What?! Y/N slow down. Ok, ok were on our way." Damon said
"Who was that?" Stefan asked
"It was Y/N her and Kai need our HELP NOW LETS GO!" He rushed.
With Y/N and Kai:
"Keep talking baby." You said
"R-r-emember our f-first da-te?" He smiled
"Yes, how could I forget? It was the day I realized you would be my future husband." You said still a sobbing mess.
"Y-ou had o-n a b-ueatiful dress. You w-were gorgeous." He smiled tears streaming out of his eyes.
"Don't cry baby." You said as you wiped his tears
"When we get you healed up were gonna go on a bunch of dates. And were gonna have kids, and build a family, and be happy until we grow old and die. Ok?" You sobbed
"S-sounds am-azing." He said
He closed his eyes and finally, he let go. He was gone. Right in front of you're eyes. You screamed and cried and weeped into his body begging him to come back to you.
When damon and stefan got there they were too late. They found you on the ground holding his hand with no expression on you're face. You looked shattered.
"Y/N?" He said
You didn't answer. You were completely stiff. You didn't even acknowledge them.
"I'll get Kai. You get Y/N." Stefan said.
Damon agreed and picked you up. He set you in the car and gave you a blanket and water.
"Do you want some blood? It'll heal you right up." He asked
You didn't answer. So he shut the door and got in the car.
Meanwhile stefan began putting Kai in the trunk. He felt horrible and broken because of what his friend was going through, but mostly, because he knew the reason she was going through it, was because they weren't fast enough.
"I'm so sorry." Stefan said to Kai.
He got in the car and they began driving away.
"I lied" You said
"What?" Damon questioned
"I lied to him". You sobbed
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dearest-kibble · 4 years
yan kenma who has you locked up in his apartment- it’s been some time and you’ve given up escaping but you know he live-streams so you kind of start living small clues that you’re there in hope someone will figure it out? but instead of a viewer kenma finds out; and instead of stopping you he just decides to taunt you and play along to the point his viewers make it an inside joke- the emotional rollercoaster that would be? he wouldn’t have to punish you- the crushing despair is enough alone
This is so deliciously fucked up I love it,,, thank you anon, Kenma hits so different. I love him thank you so so so much. i am working on so much,,, thank you for being patient with all my uhhh lateness? this kinda became something a little different than the prompt but hopefully thats good?
Kenma Kozume x Fem reader
tw: Typical yandere-ness, humiliation? Sexism? Mentioned stalking, (If im missing anything please let me know my brain isn’t functioning rn)
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You’re sitting on his lap, camera angled so that no one’s view is obstructed by your body, but so that all his views can clearly see you. You’ve been here so long, any hope of leaving, ironically, has left you. But, the thought crept slowly, surely, deeply into your brain and hasn’t left. You turn around on Kenma’s lap, straddling him and you’re sure the live chat is going a little crazy at the thought of Kodzuken having someone in his lap while he streams and he’s probably going to tell you to get off soon, but you’ve got the chat’s attention, and you are going to work with it. You tap Kenma’s cheeks, slight squish on them and you know he hates that it’s on camera all the same, you drum three fingers on his cheek, smiling at him for the camera as your fingertips meet his clammy skin. He doesn’t tell you to stop so across his cheek you swipe your thumb three times as tenderly as possible. As you stand from his lap, you pat his cheeks, three times delicately. You look into his eyes, still as calculating as when you met him, a deceptively warm amber with the tiniest hint of frustration (and somewhere inside, you know it’s probably with you but you can’t care.)
“I’m gonna sit on the couch, ‘kay?” You call softly, hoping you were subtle enough with your plea.
“Oh, okay,” And you think you’re free before he calls a “Wait! Come back for a little.” You’re even halfway to the couch before the words rope you back in. He beckons you to lean down, and whispers into your ear. “I noticed you trying to sign to get out. Morse code isn’t as subtle as you think, you might as well just ask them to get you out,” You chance a quick look towards chat.
“Was that morse code?”
“Holy shit! Yeah, I think that was SOS.”
“You think they actually need to get out or it’s one of those ‘my bfs terrible’ jokes?”
“You see the way they were straddling? Def not a hate my bf sorta thing.”
“See?” He’s still whispering into your ear, game forgotten in lieu of what might be called humiliation.  “They won’t believe you because you want to be here. Regardless of what you say, you would’ve left already if you didn’t.” He smiles at you and affectionately pats your head. Like he’d pet a cat. The idea is still in your mind, though perhaps a little shallower. You glance at the chat once more, someone is still talking about it, but Kenma pushes you away with a “I’ll get you when I’m done, okay?” You end your night on the couch with Kenma. He smiles at you and puts your legs on his lap.
The next livestream is two days after the last one. You have something planned once more, hopefully more effective.
“I’m playing minecraft today, I could set up your computer, and we could play together?” His small smile is back. And though a kind gesture, all you can think about is how easily you could make a point.
“Okay!” The earlier plan is immediately forgotten, and thoughts of what you could do in a game, fills your mind. “Will I have a mic?”
“No, I can’t have you telling them can I?” And it clicks, because of course he’d taunt you. But it’s like your brain grew claws that cannot lose their hold.
“Will I have a camera?” And you know the answer, but Kenma might still surprise you. You’ve already had one shock tonight, maybe you’ll get another.
“No. Sorry. You have chat though.” He pats your head again, ruffling your hair. “I’ve already got you set up, c’mon.” He tugs at your hand, pulling gently.
“Thanks Kenma.” He’s put another computer across from his desk on a much smaller table made for playing cards.
“You’re all set up.”
“Yeah.” He clicks the mouse a few times, waves at the camera to his right. “Can everybody hear me?” He waits a few seconds for chat’s response. “Chat is saying yes, so let’s get right in?” He smiles sheepishly to his camera.
“Hi everyone, I’ m Kodzuken and today we are,” He pauses to look at you with honeyed amber eyes. “Playing Minecraft with my partner.” He nods in your direction. You just open the minecraft tab, the only shortcut that seems to be on the computer.
“It’s a LAN server, click that, okay?” So you click it and say nothing. You start to go through the motions of chopping a tree, making sticks, making a crafting table. Kennma is narrating what he does, and you’re not even sure where he is in game until you're knocked back and turn your mouse to look at him.
“Yeah, I know - she should be relying on me.” He’s responding to something in chat, he’s gotta be. You type a quick,
“What’re they saying?”
“Oh, that my girlfriend shouldn’t be so independent, you rely on me - I'm your boyfriend.” Kenma says it so casually, so acerbically that you immediately take off sprinting from the forest in game.  
“She has these bouts - you saw them last stream - where she likes to try and ‘get away’.” Kenma laughs softly; little glockenspiel notes falling from his mouth. “It’s a really cute joke honestly! Anyway, I’ll put my minecraft bed next to hers later, right now...” You stop paying attention and start planning how you’d try to get your point across more clearly. You could make signs, say “Get me out!” Like Kenma suggested.
“Hey! He looks over the screen at you, piercing eyes staring right through you. “Don’t go off on your own, we’re staying together alright?”
“No.” He’ll have to deal with chatting, possibly hearing you by himself. And you continue through the coded forest. It goes pretty smoothly, though you’re sure Kenma is trying to find you, you’ve already created a mine for yourself, and made a little sign with instructions that reads: “Get me out!”
“Her voice is quite cute, isn’t it? I’ll get to hear it for the rest of my life.” He continues humming out yes’s and no’s to his audience that sit captivated in a land of blocks and pixels.
“Hey, I’m going to use the restroom, is it alright if my girlfriend takes over for me?” He stands, and waves you over into his chair that’s been made for gaming and padded with red accents. He watches you with his cat-like eyes as you sit down and pats your head. “I’ll be right back Kitty, behave.” And you hear his soft footsteps get farther away and the creak of the door twice before you finally look at chat.
Woa, Kudzu got lucky huh?
“Please,” You don’t sound nearly as someone might think you would. You’ve been here too long. “Get me out of here?”
Sure sweetheart, just come over to my place first.
“Just - get me away from him please!”
Girls are so whiny huh?
Hey man, its funny at least amiright?
“It’s not a joke -”
She’s really committed to this bit huh
Damn iim staartin to feel bad for ken
Me to :(
“I’ve been here for year and I don’t want to-”
Wow. what an ungrateful bitch.
Ikr? She’s got a bf and everything and she wants to get out?
“No- it’s not like that - he stalked me for months I-” And the familiar desperation you thought hoped beyond all hope that you had lost bleeds back into your voice all repression surfaces like the tide in your eyes.
Oh fuxxx we made her cry.
relax bet she’s just on her period or smth
“I am not!” A bubble of snot pops from your nose and mucus drips uncomfortably to your lips. “I just-”
What could you want that you don’t have.
“My house! My job! My friends!” And your voice breaks
She wants to go back to a job?
Crazy lady huh.
She wants friends when all she really needs is a man? smh.
“Kitten, what-”
“Leave me the fuck alone!” It’s an outburst that you’ll regret later, for one reason or another. But for now it’s a small comfort to speak your mind. With your voice wavering and congested, you choke out a “Let me go home.” Kenma’s eyebrows furrow but his eyes are still the calculating, cold amber they always are.
“Shh shh, it’s okay.” Instead of the quick pats he’s so fond of, he strokes your hair and massages the nape of your neck like he’s picking up a kitten who's gotten into a fight. “I’m going to cut the stream, okay?”
Who’d want to leave Ken, he’s cutting the stream short to help his gf.
I feel bad.
“You should. Please don’t make her cry.” A few clicks later and the stream cuts. “Do you want me to upload that one?” To get your message out? You’d do anything.
“Yes please…” Someone will have to see it. How miserable you are.
“Then it’ll go up, okay?” He pats your back twice, and he stands again to sit at the computer. Out of the blue he speaks again. “They’re right.” No no no no no. “I’m lucky, i’m so glad you're here with me and that you won’t leave.”
“I will get out!” The proof of your white hot anger is breaking the dam built in your throat.
“Where will you go? Your friends don’t know where you’ve gone, they won’t be happy with you coming back unannounced.”
“My parents-”
“You can rely on me, you don’t need anyone else.”
“But I-”
“Shhh kitty, you’re overreacting let’s get you to bed, you’ve had a stressful day.” And so he walks you back to the room you share that's covered in pictures, and he tucks you under the covers and dries your tears with a blanket. He whispers words to you, faint little nothings about games he’s going to play that you’ll enjoy watching and little bits of trivia about what “Kuroo” is up to. Eventually you fall asleep, with his hand in your hair and a chair pulled up close so he can stare. You both know it but no one will admit, some part of him will always enjoy how you lose hope so quickly.
once again! This should not’ve taken so long,,,, and it kinda deviates from request but! there we are! also,,,, you can’t tell me that like,,,,,,, kenma hasn’t been at least exposed to incels and or like,,,, really sexist guys he streams on twitch or youtube or something so- also thank you anon,,, i really like this one
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trashgoblin81 · 4 years
A Friendly Visit
Summary: Harry and Y/N get it on in there friend’s bathroom
Warnings: Smut, Cussing, etc
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It all started when I got a call from one of my closest friends. Ella called me to tell me that she had gotten a new house with her husband, Jake, and she wanted to know if Harry and I would be interested in taking a house tour, of course i agreed. 
So when we lost track of time, i grabbed the first thing that i was nice looking to wear. It was a red sundress that stopped right below my knees and made my ass look nice. 
“Harry we are going to be even more late if you don’t get your ass down here!” I screamed up the stairs to our little white house with green walls. And when Harry finally got down the stairs he gave me a look, I just brushed it off, I didn’t have time for him to tell me to change. I grabbed the keys to the car, “Lets go.” I said.
When we arrived at this big house, i couldn’t believe my eyes. It had to be a two story mansion. It was brown, with a green tin roof. When i stepped put the car, I saw Ella and Jake standing right in front. 
“ I thought you said it was a house?!?” I said surprised. 
Ella turned around and gave me a smile. She walked over to Harry, she gave Harry a hug first and then gave me a hug and said “I’m glad you guys could make it”
Jake then walked over and shook Harry’s hand. “ How’s it going mate?” Harry asked as Jake gave me a hug. 
“It’s going good, here come with me, let me show you the bar in the back” Jake said while starting around to the back of  the house. Harry gave me one last look and then followed him.
I stood right beside Ella. “This is beautiful! And Huge” I said. Ella started to walk into the house.
“It was expensive, but most definitely worth it.”She said opening the door for me. When i walked in I was met with the sight of a big chandler and dark hardwood floors. The walls were painted white and blue.
“Holy Shit” I said, this place was breath taking. To the right there was the kitchen and to the left was the living room. Right in-front of me was the stairs, right against the wall, they lead to the bathrooms and bedrooms. 
“right, let me show you the kitchen!” Ella said taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen. We walked in and it was pretty, it had marble counters and a huge fridge. 
We heard footsteps coming into the kitchen. “It’s very pretty guys, I really like it.” I heard Harry say as i walked around to the back of the counter. 
“Thank you-Oh shoot, Jake can you come to the bedroom with me, I think that picture is in there, i want to give it to Harry while it is still on my mind.” Ella said while dragging Jake out of the room. 
I started to look at the counter top, it was a really pretty house. I suddenly got the felling that i was being watched, when i looked up i met the green eyes of my boyfriend. He gave me a look that he usually gave me when he was horny. 
“Really? Now?” I whispered to him. He came over to me and put his hands on my ass. 
“It’s honestly not my fault that this dress makes your ass look fantastic-” He said, then he slapped my ass. 
I gasped,”Harry, n-no, what if they hear?” I asked as i started to feel my panties get wet.
“That hasn’t stopped you before, love, remember when we were at my parents house and-” 
“Yes i remember, but i was really loud and we almost got caught-oh fuck me” I interrupted him as he put his hand in my panties. 
“Yeah, looks like someone wants me. What if i put my hand over your mouth? Made you quiet while i ruin this little pussy?”Harry said. That made my knees weak. He smirked, he knew just how to tease me. I felt him stick two fingers inside me. 
“F-fucking shit, Fine, fine!” I whispered, not wanting to be too loud. That is when we heard them coming back. Harry took his hand out of my panties as fast as he could. “Follow my lead.” 
“I swear it was up there?” Ella said looking at Jake then Harry. 
“That’s fine, i have to use the bathroom.” I said as I looked at Harry hoping that he would catch on.
“Of course, once you walk up the stairs, it will be the first entrance on the left.” Ella said.
I looked at Harry as i walked out the kitchen and made my way over to the stairs. I followed Ella’s instructions and made it to the bathroom. The bathtub was fairly big. There was a walk-in shower right after you walked in, there were two sinks and the toilet was about 2 feet from the tub.
i heard someone knock on the door. “Who is it?” I said then the door opened and Harry walked in and shut the door quickly. “What did you tell them?” I said 
“Some lame ass excuse.” Harry said as he lunged at me. Once he got his hands on me he kissed me with a passion and stuck his hands back down my panties and stuck his fingers back inside me. He pushed me up against the bathroom door as i let out a moan. 
“Shh, We don’t want them to hear us do we?” I moaned even louder. Harry took his hands out of my panties and i took the opportunity to turn around and pull my panties and bend over the counter.
“Just fuck me already, Styles!” I said. He pulled his pants down and line up with my pussy and pushed into me with a hard and fast rhythm.
He felt so fucking good. “F-fuck me!” I nearly screamed and grabbed the counter to hold me steady. Harry put his hand over my mouth and went faster. 
“Shhh, What did I say kitten, Unless you want them to hear us?” I clamped down on his cock, at the thought of them walking in on us. “You naughty little thing. You like the thought of them catching us? You like the thought of them coming in and watching me pound into the tight little pussy of mine?” My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he started pounding into me.
“Oh fuck, Im gonna cum kitten, your gonna make me cum, cum with me baby.” Harry whispered in my ear while using his free hand to rub my clit. I felt my stomach start to tighten. 
“That’s it kitten, cum on me, cum for daddy” I lost it, I came so hard my legs started to shake, Harry was right behind me, burying his head in my neck so he wouldn’t make that much noise as i felt his cum paint my walls. 
I stood up and made eye contact with him in the mirror. we were both breathing heavily, “we should clean up, they are probably wondering whats going on.” I said. 
A/N: here is another Smut that i wrote, please give me feedback if you can
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goldencherryhaz · 4 years
It’s okay baby
In which y/n is beyond stressed after having to revise and do exams and essays, she just needs some comfort and love for her boyfriend, who just so happens to be her English Teacher
Slight age gap y/n:18 Harry:24
No warnings: just very fluffy
A/n this is my first imagine, I’m excited and nervous,but I hope you enjoy!! There are probably some punctuation and spelling mistakes! Please don’t copy my work!! Tpwk ♥️
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(This gives me teacher Harry vibes 😍)
Word count: 2.2k
Y/n had truly had enough. For the past few weeks she had been revising for her exams and doing countless essays, she had just sat a chemistry exam and even though she had revised for hours every night for the past week, even going into the early hours of the morning, she just felt like nothing had sunk in and she couldn’t remember anything, leading her to having extra time, when even then she just sat there and stared at the blank page in front of her, this made her late for her last class of the day, English.
Now English had to be her favourite lesson, not only because she loved writing and aspired to be an author of a top selling novel one day, but it was the beautiful man teaching it. Harry Styles, or Mr Styles to everyone else, was the love of her life, and had been for the past 2 years, ever since she first walked into his classroom as a new college student, the man with the curly brown messy hair who was wearing a formal black suit and a white button up shirt uttered the simple word ‘hello` in his deep and raspy voice and that alone had her weak at the knees
After that day she dreamt of him every night, at first she thought it was a bit weird that she had feelings for her English teacher, but little did she know that Harry was feeling the same. When he first layed eyes on her, he instantly wanted to get to know y/n, he thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and he could see that she was kind, hardworking and just generally happy, she was like a ray of light whenever she was in the room and he sometimes felt himself loose his breath at the sight of her, he tried to ignore it because he knew it was wrong to be so wrapped up around one of his students, but after two many stolen glances, well more like stares, he realised that he had to do something about it, so he asked her one day after school to help him grade some papers that he was struggling to catch up on, to which she happily obliged, and after that day grading papers in his office,the rest was history, they got to know one another to the point where they knew everything about each other, soon they became boyfriend and girlfriend, they trusted loved and cared for each other with all of thier heart, it was as if they were meant to be, and they soon came to the realisation that they couldn’t live without eachother. They didn’t care that there was a six year age gap between them or that Harry was y/n’s English, they were just in love and both agreed age was just a number.
They had made a solid agreement early on in their relationship, that they had to keep thier interactions to a minimum while at college, to keep suspicions low, because not only could it ruin Harry’s career it could ruin both of their reputations, but as she hurriedly walked down the English corridor with tears in her eyes from the amount of stress, exhaustion and the headache settling in her brain, she wishes nothing more than to run straight into her loves arms and cry her heart out, all whilst Harry was comforting and shielding her from the world, but she can’t and she knows it.
As she stands in front of the classroom door to compose herself she mutters to herself ‘go to college they said, it would be fun they said' it was almost funny but right now it felt like nothing could make her smile, she wiped the tears threatening to spill from her eyes with the sleeve of her or Harry’s hoodie (she’s never sure these days) and walks into the classroom.
Harry had started to worry when y/n hadn’t turned up to his class, you would be able to tell from the increasing frown on his face, he decides to start his lesson anyway, just hoping she had just got caught up with another teacher. When he is explaining one of the exam questions to the rest of the class, he sees the door handle go down, and it’s as if he can sense it’s y/n, she walked through the door quickly and finds her regular seat, she looks up to him and gives him a small smile, Harry can tell that it’s fake, he can see her glassy eyes and her cheeks red from trying not to cry, he can see her tense shoulders and her slightly shaky hands from the lack of sleep, he gives her a worried look as he knows how hard she has been working, and revising until the dead of night, he knows how much pressure and stress she puts onto herself to get everything right and pass her exams, even though he know she will ace them. After about 5 minutes of being in the classroom room it all becomes too much for y/n, she starts to feel very overwhelmed, when her shoulders start to shake Harry instantly notices, when the people around her ask it she’s okay Harry wants to shout ‘well no, of course she’s not okay` but he knows he can’t, even though he knows her better than anyone else in the room. He needed to teach his class but he’s beginning to care less and less, because out of anything right now his babygirl is the only thing he is worried about, and he knows that she needs him right now.
‘Y/n would you like to step outside, I will be out there in a minute` Harry says, and as soo as y/n hears it she grabs her bag and practically darts out of the room.
Harry announces to the rest of the class that he will organise for someone to cover his lesson as his pupils already knew what they were doing,he sends a message to a random teacher on the cover list, he didn’t care which one, he just needed to be with his girl, and then speeds out of the room.
When he reaches y/n outside the door he immediately guides her to his office with a hand at the small of he back, she already knows where his office is, as she had been there countless times, but her vision was blurred with tears.
When the couple reach the office Harry quickly unlocks it and leads them in, quickly locking the door again so they could be in complete privacy, y/n at this point is trying to hold back her sobs, she hears the sound of keys hit the floor and she feels a pair of hands grip her arms and she is pulled into an all to familiar chest. She then let’s go. She just sobs with no intention of holding them back. ‘Shh shh it’s okay, I’m here now, everything’s going to be fine, im not going anywhere’ Harry coos gently. His arms wrap tighter around her, as if trying to protect her and rid her of her stress, she wraps her arms around his torso almost saying not to let go of her. Her crying gets soo intense she’s now struggling to breathe, and Harry can tell from her short breaths, he knows what state she can get herself into, so he pulls away, and sits her down in his office chair, and kneels down in front of her she wimpers at the loss of contact ‘no petal, I’m not going anywhere I promise, can you look at me please baby, yeah ,just need you to breathe for me, can you do that princess,in through you nose and out through you mouth` Harry says demandingly but oh so softly, when she starts to repricate his action she starts to calm down Harry wipes away the flood of tears on her cheeks with his thumbs, he truly hated seeing her like this, it made his heart ache, he just wanted his lovie to be happy, he didn’t understand how this could happen to such a amazing and kind girl, she didn’t deserve it, he wishes she could take away all of her stress and worries in the blink of an eye.
I-I just wanted to do really well on my chemistry e-exam, but I couldn’t r-remember anything Harry, nothing! Y/n stutters out, Harry grabs he hand and runs small circles on the back of her hand in attempt to soothe her.
‘It’s because your overworking yourself baby, you need to take a break every once in while and stop stressing and worrying so much, you are so amazing and clever, you would probably get top grades without even revising` Harry says sweetly
‘But I just wanted to make you proud` y/n replies
Harry frowns at this, why would his princess need to make him proud, y/n alone makes him proud, she is so amazing and beautiful and is the most kind hearted and caring person he has ever met, Jesus she was the reason Harry was breathing!
‘Baby that’s nonsense I don’t want to hear that ever again, you always make me proud, you are like a ball of sunshine lovie, you light up my world, and I’ll love you no matter what grade you got on a stupid exam, I don’t care, I only care that you are okay and happy, I hate seeing you cry, it really breaks my heart’
Y/n sniffles at Harry’s sweet words and starts to get emotional all over again ‘shhh petal non of that, don’t want you to be sad, was trying to make you smile` Harry then grips both of her hands firmly and pulls her up to stand from his chair and swiftly sits down, before pulling her down onto his lap, in which she snuggles into his chest and wraps her arms around him, Harry’s tom ford tobacco and vanille invades her senses, that, mixed with Harry’s body heat, the sound of his heartbeat right in her ear, made her head feel all fuzzy, and the first time in 2 weeks she felt calm and content, in that moment she felt her worries had been lifted, all because of the beautiful man underneath her. She gets so caught up in her own thoughts she finds herself grinning.
Harry looked down at her and caught that beautiful moment, he wished he had a camera because his lovie looked absolutely adorable, she was all curled up, face squished into his chest, the lids of her puffy and red eyes softly closed, and there gracing her slightly chapped and anxiously bitten lips was the most beautiful smile, her cheeks were tears stained but he didn’t care, his angel was smiling’there’s it is, there’s that gorgeous smile` Harry says whilst leaning down to kiss her forehead, then her eyelids, her nose and practically every inch of her face, resulting in a giggle from her. He finally landed and planted a heavy and passionate kiss to her lips, she immediately kissed back, straddling his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. His hands cupped the sides of her face, thier bodies were soo pressed together that a piece of paper wouldn’t have fit between them. They eventually pull away all flustered and gasping for air,she gives a shy grin and buries he face into the crook of his neck to which Harry giggled at.
She couldn’t comprehend how she deserved this man, who basically put his job on the line for her, who cared and loved her like no one else ever had, who she wished to spend the rest of her days with, he was he rock, her sanity, and her lovie, nobody else’s. ‘I love you Harry` she whispers into his neck, she wanted to say so much more to him but honestly couldn’t find the words to but she hoped those three word were enough, which they were. ‘I love you so much baby, you feeling better now` he asks.
‘Much better, all thanks to you bub`
It was now Harry turn to give a shy smile as he his face in her hair, he had a real soft spot for the nickname, he pressed many kisses into her hair concluding that he loved this woman with all of his heart, and even if other people would think that their relationship was weird, he knew he was going to marry this girl one day.
They were in love, he was her bub, and she was his baby, and they wouldn’t have it any other way!
I really hope this was okay, in feel like it was a bit jumbled and a bit of a ramble, I just really liked the concept, but hopefully you get the picture, notes and reblogs are very welcome!! Thankyou soo much for reading 😁💕
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scholarlypidgeot · 3 years
15 for fear?
My last clear memory of my father was our arrival at the safehouse. I didn’t understand much of what happened that night so far, just that my father was afraid, very afraid, and that I had never seen him so much as flinch before. A four-year-old doesn’t ask many questions when a person she trusts to protect her is scared of whatever’s following you.
I’ve been back to that safehouse since I’ve grown up, and I’ve walked every step of it trying to remember what went on that night. It was an abandoned apartment, but I remember it being clean and sturdy, not the decrepit ruin it is today. After it was compromised, the Hunt cut off all resources to its upkeep. It wasn’t a valuable asset anymore, so they cut it off. Part of me, the part that’s bitter, tries to tell me that my father became a compromised asset to them, and so they cut him off, too.
I didn’t know any of that then, though. All I knew was that we went into a big building with lots of rooms. My mother cried and hugged me. I don’t know why I don’t remember her face all that clearly. Uncle Jack told me her name was also Miriam, and that was why I was called Eva, but for the longest time I just knew her as my mother, the woman who wept as my father, stronger and faster, carried me upstairs with my siblings in tow. The twins were herded into another room and told to stay put until our father got back, and then left while he continued upstairs with me. I don’t know if he made it back to them in time, or at all.
By this time it was probably the witching hour, and my scattered memories might be the result of me dozing off in my father’s strong arms. He must have let me sleep the first few minutes up the stairs, because when I remember him next, we were in a little room. He set me down long enough to pull open some loose boards in the floor, and then lay me down inside. I might have been crying. I don’t know. All I know is that when I tried to curl up into a ball, he stopped me.
“Shhh, shh, sh,” he said. “I know it’s late, Eva, but you can’t fall asleep yet, okay?”
He tried his best to smile as he cupped my face in his hand.
“Stay awake, okay, we’re going to get out of here. Just stay awake for me. I’ll be back for you. We’ll see each other again. ”
I must have asked, “Promise?” because he answered with a choke, “I promise.”
I don’t think my father was a liar, but with children of my own, I now know why he said that, even when he knew that he’d never come back. Even as he disappeared behind the floorboards he reset, and even as his footsteps creaked out of the room and the door closed behind him, he knew he wouldn’t come back.
But that promise that he’d come back gave me hope. It kept me waiting. I couldn’t fall asleep until my father came back. Every time I’d nod off, I jerked back awake, I can’t go to sleep until daddy gets back.
Now, you have to understand. These are old memories, the kind that you forget until you try to think about them too hard. I know they’re as real as my memories of yesterday- but for a long time, they were buried underneath a mix of fear and hope. I forgot that my father never came back to find me. But remembering it now, I grieve somebody I don’t even think I know. Not because he’s my father, but because he promised to come back, and I didn’t know better than to believe him.
Time to pull a Patrisia and forget her traumas to focus on that of somebody else - in this case, Miriam Eva Blake! Feel free to ask more questions about her, specifically, because fun fact! This story she's telling is the seed that would eventually lead to Prism.
@a-beautiful-crow @bespectacled-ghost @borgesperovago @distance-does-not-matter @irishironclad @mad-ad @ps-im-blind@that-catholic-shinobi - if you'd like to be added to/removed from this list, please let me know!
Thanks for the ask! The list for this prompt can be found here. Feel free to send more!
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Stressed Out
You were escorted into the arena by two guards, they each had an arm on you and were pushing their way through the crowd of screaming fans who had collected outside while you were arriving. People were pointing, recording, and taking pictures of you, all while trying to grab onto you and follow you inside. Your body was exhausted, mentally and physically. You were beyond stressed and you felt as if your body was losing the battle of life. You made it inside and took a breath, leaning against the cold brick wall. The guards stood nearby, giving you space but making sure you were okay. Harry hadn't arrived yet, but you wish he had gotten there first. You wanted nothing more than a warm hug and someone to tell you everything was going to be okay. Your body was shaking, your heart rate had doubled and you felt as if you could barely breathe. 
You slumped to the floor, your back still against the wall, your face buried in your knees. You closed your eyes and thought back to simpler times. The days where Harry would surprise you at home, he would walk in carrying flowers and cupcakes, the biggest smile on his face. You would stay inside and watch movies all night while ordering pizza and laughing while he told you all of the dad jokes he had come up with on the plane. You would sleep in until noon, snuggling in bed most of the day and catching up on everything you had missed while he had been gone. In the afternoon you would get dressed only to go out to your favorite park and walk around, ending up at your favorite ice cream parlor where Harry would sample each and every flavor until deciding to get the exact same one he always got, Christmas Pudding. Those were the days. The days when your relationship was still private and fans only speculated what was going on. 
You and Harry had been dating for over a year now, and originally your plan was to keep the relationship a secret and as private as possible. Of course Harry’s fans were dedicated and involved, they had quickly speculated that the two of you were dating but nothing had been posted or confirmed. Thats the way you liked things, you could still go out to the store and not be swarmed with people or have to have guards tag along with you. It had been a month or so ago, you and Harry had gone out to dinner and a pap caught the two of you mid kiss. The news spread quickly and then Harry had confirmed it in an interview and then also mentioned you would be touring with him. Now halfway through the tour, you were breaking down. Fans had taken quite the liking to you, which at first you had been grateful for, but now it was a little overwhelming for someone who wasn't quite used to being in the spotlight and was considered “normal”. 
“(y/n)!” Harrys concerned voice echoed through the walls backstage. You looked up, tears in your eyes as he knelt in front of you. He opened his arms and you climbed into them, breaking into sobs. “Shhh...its okay love.” he whispered into your hair. “Are you okay? What happened?”
You tried controlling your breathing but were struggling. You gripped him tighter and tried explaining. “Th-they-they-they were all around us and-and-they -they wouldn't let go. They just kept pulling on me and I-I couldn't see where we were going. Everywhere I looked-there was -there was a phone recording me and-”
“Shh...Im sorry babe. I should've been there.” Harry pressed a kiss to your forehead and just held you until you had calmed down a little. Your breathing had improved and he had pulled you to your feet, escorting you to the dressing room. You sat on the couch and looked in the mirror. You had big black bags under your eyes which were now red and puffy from crying, you looked a lot thinner, and you almost didn't recognize yourself.  Harry was running his fingers through his hair, you knew you were the cause of his stress which only made you feel worse about everything. He looked at you and sighed, walking over. “I think you should try getting some rest...I have rehearsal but after we can get dinner okay?” You nodded and he wrapped his blanket around your body, tucking you in. He kissed you softly and smiled, “Get some sleep babe, it’ll make you feel better.” you smiled and whispered I love you as he walked out. As soon as the door had closed you sat up. You hadn't actually gotten more than an hours worth of sleep every night for over a week now. Part of it was due to stress, the other part was that you just didn't sleep well when you weren't in your own bed. Normally when you were traveling with Harry he slept with you, making you feel at home and sleep fairly normally. This tour however had been different. He would go from performing to writing and recording, leaving very little time together. On top of not sleeping, you hadn't really been eating either. The thought of food made you feel sick, you felt like someone was always either judging what you were eating, how you were eating, or why you were eating. You had been judged on your weight, your body, and your looks more than you could count. You received more comments on your body image than you ever thought possible and it had made you extremely self conscious. 
A little over an hour later you heard a knock at the door. You stood up confused, Harry would've just walked in... You opened it and found a man smiling. “Hi, you must be (y/n)?”
“I’m Dr. Ken. Mr. Styles talked to me earlier.”
“Okay...is Harry okay?”
“Harry’s fine yes, I’m actually here for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes, Harry was a little concerned...he mentioned you may have been feeling overwhelmed lately. You may not be sleeping well, or eating...” 
You didn't answer just crossed your arms and stood in the doorway. “I’m sorry but-”
“Dr. Ken.” Harry’s voice cut in from around the corner. He was sweaty from rehearsal, his shirt slung over his shoulder. Harry shook Dr. Kens hand and invited him into the room. You stood in the doorway not moving or talking and he came over with an exhausted look on his face. “Babe...”
“Harry what the hell.”
“You're not okay! You need to talk to someone, you are actually scaring me. I worry that one day you're going to drop over dead from not eating or not getting any sleep. Its not okay...I don't want to lose you...I don't want you to go home..but you cant continue on like this. I cant watch you kill yourself. I cant lose you.” You bit your lip, tears forming in your eyes. You had no idea Harry was so worried. You hadn't even realized that he had realized you weren't doing well. Harry hugged you and gripped your hand tightly while pulling you over to the couch. “Let him help...” Harry whispered. 
You looked into his green eyes and nodded. You never wanted to hurt or stress Harry out. Dr. Ken sat next to you taking your vitals. He seemed a little concerned but didn't say anything. Harry stood behind the couch pacing anxiously. “(y/n) your body is extremely dehydrated...when was the last time you had some water today?”
You thought about it, and weren't exactly sure. Normally you drank more water than your body every needed but you had no idea the last time you had taken a drink. “I’m not sure..”
“Harry, why don't you grab her a water. She needs to get fluids into her body..” Harry nodded and grabbed two bottles of water. He handed one to you, and dropped the other next to your side. You took a sip, appeasing Harry for a moment. 
“So why don't you tell me a little bit about how you've felt the past few weeks.” Dr. ken asked. You looked back at Harry anxiously. You were afraid at how he was going to react.. you knew he loved you but what if he thought you couldn't handle the spotlight...what if that was the end of the line and he ended things with you because of it. Dr. Ken sensed your apprehension and nodded to Harry. Harry didn't want to leave, he was very reluctant but after an encouraging nod from Dr. Ken he sighed deeply. 
He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I have to get ready for the show. If you need anything, don't feel bad about interrupting okay?”
You nodded and he kissed you softly. You smiled and watched him leave. Dr. Ken looked at you again with a gentle smile. “Lets try again, what have you been feeling lately?” You sighed and let it out. You told him about the stress with fans, your body image, being perfect, being someone Harry should date. You told him about not being comfortable on tour, not spending time with Harry, your anxiety about being overcrowded when out and about. Everything building up in your body was spilling out. You felt a weight roll off your shoulder. Dr. Ken said nothing, he wasn't taking notes, wasn't judging you. He was just listening. He listened to you talk for almost an hour. You shared how you were afraid to talk to Harry about everything because you thought he would leave you. You mentioned how you felt that you couldn't live up to fans expectations. You cried about missing simpler times with Harry. He handed you a tissue and smiled. “(y/n) has Harry ever seemed unhappy with you?”
“No, but-”
“Has he ever said anything about fans not liking you?”
“Have you talked to him at all about these fears?”
You sighed. “No.”
“And why’s that?”
“I don't want to stress him out. I don't want to throw off his game while on tour. I don't want him to hate me...”
“Has he ever said anything about hating you?”
“(y/n) I think something that might make both you and Harry feel better is talking to him about everything.” You nodded and looked down at your feet. “I also think that you may benefit from going home and not continuing on with the tour..” You didnt say anything. You knew he was right about both things. You needed to talk to Harry. You also needed to go home. You couldnt continue on like this anymore. 
“I know..” you sighed. He smiled and patted your hand.
“Your health is more important than up keeping his expectations of you. If he's that upset about you leaving...he's not the one anyway.” You smiled sadly at him and nodded. 
“You're right... Thank you.”
“You're welcome. I’m going to leave you my number. Call anytime okay? I mean it..even if it's just to complain about Harry. I don't want you holding things in like this anymore. Understood?”
“Understood.” you smiled as he stood up and collected his things. “Thank you Dr. Ken.”
“Anytime.” He walked out, leaving you alone in the room. You waited for Harry patiently, trying to think of what to say. You were so involved in your thoughts you almost didn't hear him walk in. He sat next to you and ran his fingers through his hair. “How was the show?”
“Not my best...I had other things on my mind.” He smiled sadly and you nodded. 
“Harry I need to talk to you about some things...” Harry looked sick, but he nodded. You grabbed his hands and looked at him. His green eyes were searching yours for clues. You took a deep breath. “I think...I think I need to go home.”
“Go home? Like as in leave the tour?”
“Yeah...” you bit your lip and Harry looked confused. 
“No...Haz I really need to get everything off my chest. The last month has been so hard-like harder than I ever thought. I don't feel like we have spent any time together...you don't even sleep with me...On top of that, I don't feel like I can live up to your image. I cant make fans happy. I’m not pretty enough for you...”
“Babe thats insane.” Harry cut in. “You are beautiful. I love every part of you. And you make fans happy, they all love seeing you-”
“Harry. People send me death threats daily. They say I’m ugly and fat, and they say I bring down your image and well maybe they are right maybe I-”
“You make me the best person I can be...You are the most beautiful thing about me (y/n)...I’m sorry..I didn't realize this was happening but I want you to understand that none of that is true.” you smiled and nodded.
“I know but it's been hard. I feel like I want to be better for you, and I know you love me. I know you think I’m beautiful. But in this environment I just feel like I need to be more. I cant get away from people. I cant even go out to lunch without people taking my picture and posting it somewhere online. I know thats a part of you. I know you're used to it but I’m not.” You took another breath. “I don't want to leave...I really don't. But Harry I cant go on like this. My body feels like its giving up and I-”
You were crying. You wanted Harry to understand. He pulled you into his arms and cuddled you closely. “I understand.”
“You do?”
“(y/n) I want you to be okay...I want us to work and if you need a break from this...well I am going to support that...”
“Youre not mad? You don't hate me?”
“I could never hate you. I don't want you to be stressed out all of the time. I want my happy, smiley, goofy, girl back. I want to see you stuffing your face with cookies and fighting me for the last piece of pizza.” You laughed and nodded. “If going home helps bring that back, I’m all for it. And I’m sorry I’ve been absent...I should have spent more time with you.”
“It’s okay...I know you're busy.”
“Thats not an excuse though...”
You kissed him softly and smiled. “I think-I think I want to go home tonight.”
He nodded and nuzzled your cheek with his nose. “Then we will get on a plane tonight.”
“I cancelled the last few shows of the tour...you're more important. I want to be home with you...I want to make sure youre okay. I want us to get back to where we were. If I have to take some time off, then thats worth it to me.”
You smiled but shook your head. “But the fans?”
“They will understand...”
“(y/n) Its not negotiable.... We are going home.”
You nodded. “Let’s go home then.”
This was a request. Idk how I feel about it yet lol
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