#she'll see right through the bullshit
konfizry · 7 months
You know what, fuck it. Konishi talking about his favorite line, but it's (poorly) subbed in French
(you can check out the whole event by clicking the link on Darkhymns' post; this particular bit is from part 05)
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honeybulldyke · 2 years
the people i hang out with at the uni are so boring i only truly like one of the ten people in that group
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ptq3000 · 11 months
top or bottom??
nsfw!! minors, do not interact.
> bakugo is a top unless you had enough and try to top him. he finds it so attractive when you top him, so please do. definitely leaves bruises and hickeys on you in the most obvious places
> kirishima is a switch, a soft top or bottom. he's only super dominant if it's jealousy sex. or unless you ask..AND OMG. kirishima's aftercare is just. the. best. soft kisses, him apologizing for being rough on you, and cuddling right after.
> denki says he's a top, but everyone knows that's bullshit. he's such a bottom. he's literally so clingy and he's jello the second you give him affection. but the second he's jealous or you want to explore, the sex is very rough. bruises, edging, and zaps from his quirk all night long.
> sero is a switch, through and through. he mainly tops you, but once in a while, he's bottom. he thinks it's cute when you try to top him, but unless he lets you, you're still the bottom for the night. definitely uses his tape to tie you up which is how he found out that he's got a bondage kinkk
> mina is a top. no doubt. we love her, we stan her, but she's such a brat in bed. edging you, quick kisses that leave you wanting more, teasing your *cough* uh yea *cough* with her tongue. she has you whining for more and eyes glazed over with lust. she'll make you feel good, but she's gotta mess with you first. bc like.. where's the fun if she doesn't?
> jirou, baby, she's a bottom. she may look mean and stuff, but no. she's super soft and sweet in bed. the tough exterior fades behind closed doors. she loves your chest, always wanting to mark it. do let her, it'll make her fuzzy inside.
> izuku is a bottom. he's just way too shy to be a top. but that's ok bc you still love him. he's a little inexperienced, so you gotta show him how to please you. don't worry though, he's a fast learner
> shoto is a switch? i don't really know. i feel like it would depend on how you start it bc baby..shoto has no fucking clue what he's doing. he's very inexperienced, so you gotta guide him. but it's ok, it's ok, shoto will please you once he gets the hang of it.
> uraraka is a bottom, but she definitely knows how to do everything. she says she doesn't watch any porn or anything, she just hears things. but like..baby, im pretty sure she does watch porn to learn how to please you first. i mean, in bed, it definitely works,..
> tsuyu is a bottom. she has a little knowledge on how to please you, but you gotta slowly teach her. she's a little clueless..but don't worry! she quickly gets it and it feels euphoric.
> iida is a switch. soft dom and bottom, just like kirishima. he's always focused on making you finish first. he's a little stiff in bed,, so when you take over for him, he's cumming so quickly. he admires you and he absolutely loves you, so even if he says he'll be fine without you pleasuring him, you gotta return the favor :((
> yaoyarozu is a BOTTOM. ik some people think she's a top and i can see it, but NO. she's a bottom. she is putty in your hands after the first kiss. she's a little tease, but she doesn't really realize that she's doing it, which just makes the situation a little bit better
> shinsou is a top, always working to make you feel good in bed bc he's scared you'll leave him. no matter how many times you assure him that you won't, he still got doubts. vanilla sex all the way, it's usually never rough. sex is like a comfort for the both of you, limbs tangled and skin close as you both love through the night.
> monoma is a bratty bottom. he won't make it easy for you and sometimes to make things even more difficult for you, he tops you. please control this man's mouth, omg.. he's so noisy in bed. grunting, moaning, whining. you have to gag it with a cloth and tie his hands above his head so he stops taking it off...great, now he's got a bondage kink
> shindo is a top. through and through baby. he's definitely used his quirk on you in bed before, which caused you to let out a really loud moan. he teased you for it later, don't worry. omg, and this man is constantly leaving you with marks all over, whether it's from spanking you or just being so rough it caused bruises.
> tamaki...my baby..bottom. he's a bottom. obviously. he's so shy abt your first time doing it together, and he's so careful. he doesn't want to hurt you too much, so you take the lead. and once he's comfortable, he's moaning into your ears so loud. you have to kiss him to reassure him that he's doing perfectly. honestly, it's a very wholesome experience considering it's sex :(((
a/n: AHHH OMGGG. im super nervous abt posting this, but it's okk.. it's ok. i do hope you enjoy this one though <33
edit #1 - i totally forgot abt my baby tamaki, so fixed that for you babes
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spamgyu · 4 months
COLLEGE!Mingyu drabble – late night facetimes and fake flirting
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no bc college!mingyu as someone who lives down the hall from your dorm and you always run into him doing something questionable
College!Mingyu Masterlist
She was desperate.
She knew putting off her research paper until the very last minute was a bad idea. Though, in her defense she only did this because she was failing miserably in her micro-bio class and chose to direct all her energy to that, rather than a paper for a class that she was doing exceptionally well in.
Y/n had no choice but to stay up all night to complete her assignment.
Tapping away on her screen, she facetimed the one person she knew would be up at this ungodly time — wanting some company as she bullshitted her way to ten pages of "research".
She had no choice but to call him. He wasn't her first choice, okay? She just... had no one else she could think of.
"Sup." He nodded at her.
"Are you going to be awake for much longer?"
"Do you need me to be awake?" Mingyu sat up in his bed.
"Just for a bit," She sighed, using her water bottle to prop her phone up as she turned her attention back to her laptop. "I'm pulling an all nighter for this stupid paper."
"Ah.." He nodded. "Library?"
"Need company?"
"Facetime is fine."
"Okay." He nodded, allowing for the soft murmurs of others in the background and the sound of her typing away on her keyboard to fill his ears.
Y/n was two paragraphs in when she felt it.
He may have been behind the screen but she could feel his eyes cutting deep into her skin. She could see from her peripheral as he kept his gaze in her all while he absentmindedly played with his lips; a habit she had caught on to in during their many other calls.
School related of course.
She had caught him staring multiple times but chose to dismiss it as him being
"Let me know when you're almost done."
"If you're sleepy, it's okay. You can hang up."
Mingyu shook his head. "Not sleepy. Just wanted to time you. Let's see if you can get this done in two hours."
"God, I wish." She snorted. "I'm only two pages in."
"Get to typing then."
Mingyu was right.
Within two hours, she had managed to bullshit her way through her paper – not bothering to take a second glance at the word vomit she had typed out.
What was the worst that could happen? Get a B?
She'll manage.
"I'm going to hang up now." Y/n announced, reaching to touch the red button on the screen.
"Wait wait wait!" He cried. "I'm walking to 7/11 to get a drink, keep me company."
Y/n was just about to protest but the voice in her head had reminded her that Mingyu had been kind enough to stay on the phone with her – despite the evident yawn and sleepiness he tried to suppress.
"Fine." She huffed, gathering her belongings.
Y/n was fully prepared to make the journey back to her dorm all by herself – that's what the pepper spray and a pink taser her parents purchased for her was for.
Besides, she had Mingyu on the phone. If she were to get murdered, he'll be able to pick out the attacker from a line up.... hopefully.
She stepped foot out of the five story facility, gripping her phone in one hand the taser in another when she caught sight of a familiar face.
"I thought you said you were going to 7/11."
"I lied." He shrugged.
Mingyu knew if he had offered to walk her back, she would simply make it difficult for him – possibly spitting out a few threats. It may have just been a short walk from the library back to their dorms but it was more than enough distance for any creepy stranger to possibly attack her.
And he didn't want that weighing on his consciousness.
"If I had known you would show up, I would have dragged you here with me."
"Why didn't you?"
"I didn't want to bother."
"Never a bother." He shook his head.
"Please it's 3 am. Can we push the fake flirting to tomorrow?" She yawned.
"Who said it was fake?"
Y/n held her hand up. She never knew when he was being serious, and it was far too late in the night for her to entertain any of his jokes. "Don't start."
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@thegirlwhoimagined @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @vanillacheol @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @bubbly-moon @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @jenoxygen @niktwazny303 @aahvii
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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five-miles-over · 2 months
Hi Mun 👋🏼 just found your blog off some tags lol
I would love it if you could do an age gap hc for joker? How would Arthur deal with developing feelings for a partner who is 10 or even 15 years younger than him?
Thank you so much!
Thanks for your patience, anon! I truly appreciate it. Also, Arthur's head canon turned into a bit of a fic, so I apologize for that.
Headcanon: Arthur Fleck Having an S/O Younger Than Him
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"ID Please."
While Arthur accompanied you to the grocery store after your shift at work, you bought a bottle of wine to enjoy with the dinner you planned to cook for Arthur. He was coming over to your apartment for the first time, and you wanted to spoil him with a recipe you saw on a cooking show. So you bought all the ingredients, and a bottle of red.
The cashier glanced at you. "You're twenty-two huh? You look like you should be in high school."
You shook your head, flustered. "Um...thanks?"
After paying, you quickly left the store with your bagged groceries. But just when you reached for Arthur's hand, he flinched.
You didn't think much of it at first, but when you tried to talk to Arthur about something, he simply shrugged it off and said it was nothing
The truth is that, Arthur was still processing the fact that you were in your early twenties.
He knew you were a young beautiful woman, smart and kind. A total catch. And that part of Arthur, the part of his mind that told him he was an outcast and fed him nothing but negative thoughts, constantly said, "She could do so much better than you. You don't deserve her at all. She's the whole package, and what are you? Just some guy who can't even take her out to dinner."
He tried to hold it back as he saw other, bigger guys in Gotham walking with their partners, giving them bouquets of flowers wrapped in shiny plastic and other gifts, telling himself that someday he would do exactly that with you. But knowing that you were at ten years younger than him? That was just more fuel to the fire burning inside him.
"She's got her whole life ahead of her. She's going to find someone better, wait and see." The negative thoughts materialized again. "She's just with you out of pity. Date the sad clown, maybe she just wants to fool around. Wait and see. She's going to meet someone with a lot of money, a lot of status...She'll marry him, and when they're all sitting around at cocktail parties, she'll laugh about the time she dated a sad clown. And say she dodged a bullet."
"Arthur?" You tried to get his attention, and repeated his name a couple of times. "Arthur?"
Arthur, seemingly lost in thought, didn't respond until you stood in front of him, stopping him from crossing the street. "What happened?"
"Nothing," he lied. You crossed your arms, not having any of it. And this made Arthur laugh a bit, not out of amusement but out of fear. "Nothing, really," he lied again between laughs.
"Just tell me."
After a few moments of silence, Arthur simply asked. "Are you really twenty-two?...You're twenty-two."
"Yes. I am."
"That's young."
You shifted your weight to one foot. "I know that."
Arthur mirrored your gesture and swallowed. "So...well, I don't care. It's just young."
"I'm not that young," you rebuffed.
"Young enough that the cashier thinks you're in high school."
You put your hands on your hips, still carrying the bags of groceries. "Is that what this is about? He wasn't hitting on me!"
"No, but someone will," Arthur raised his voice a little. "You're young, what the hell do you know?"
"I know that you're my boyfriend and I love you. I don't care what some cashier says about me, and neither should you."
He shook his head. God how he loved the way you'd get so stubborn about your opinions. It was one of his favorite things about you, but right now, in this moment, it made him even more annoyed. How could you say such a thing, lying through your teeth? And with those three special words? "Bullshit," Arthur muttered, walking away from you to cross the street.
You followed him, huffing with your groceries. "Arthur Fleck, what is wrong with you?! Can't you just...Why are you so mad? Nothing happened! I'm still the same person I was twenty minutes ago."
"No. You're twenty-two." He turned around and lashed out. "You're twelve years younger than I am. What the hell's wrong with you? Hanging around with some old clown, waiting until some rich guy makes you his wife and you can leave me behind!" Your eyes widened. "Is that what you think of me?" Your lips quivered and tears formed in your eyes. "Is that seriously what you think this is, just...hanging around? Oh my god." You looked down as you felt a tear roll down your cheek.
Arthur visibly softened, reaching his hand out but stopping himself just before he could touch you. "I'm such an idiot," you sniffed. "You're right, what do I know?" "I'm sorry," Arthur sighed. "I didn't mean to make you cry." Arthur looked down, into your eyes. "I...was just shocked that you were younger. I thought it would...I don't deserve you. You're great, you're a perfect girl and I don't deserve you." He added, "I love you so damn much."
"I love you too," you looked up. "And I don't want to leave you." He laughed for a few moments with pain in his eyes, and bit the inside of his cheek to quiet down. "I'm so sorry," Arthur repeated and put his hands on your shoulders. "Oh my god, please don't cry. I'm so sorry." He took your grocery bags in his hands. "Let's go."
You and Arthur went back to your apartment, and didn't talk about your age for the rest of the night. But you did spend the evening together, telling each other - and showing each other - how much you really loved each other.
Joker Having an S/O Younger Than Him Would Include...
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In complete contrast to Arthur, Joker finding out you were ten or fifteen years younger than him would excite him
He'd turn it into a complete kink, calling you his "personal little baby doll"
Whenever you'd go out, you'd be on his lap, him stroking your thighs and your hair.
Unless you were absolutely against the aesthetic, Joker would love to dress you in coquettish clothing - plaid mini skirts, knee-high white socks, white and pastel blouses that he would ruin with grease facepaint while making out with you, and corsets he would rip off you before having his way with you
And if you ever called him "daddy"? Watch out and be prepared to be dragged into the most private area by the Joker. Hope you didn't have any plans for the next...hour
In general, the Joker would be extremely protective of you, keeping his arm around your waist while you walked.
He'd spoil you with anything you ever wanted, acting almost like your sugar daddy while you window shopped.
And when it got cold, he'd put his red suit jacket over your shoulders saying, "Daddy's not going to let his baby doll freeze."
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thewritersaddictions · 7 months
Drabble: Call Of Duty- Body Talk
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How might they react to finding out you don't like a part of your body?
John Price Bravo
"Do you think I'm pretty anymore?" You ask your husband of ten years. Price nearly scoffs at you, but when he looks up through your standing mirror, the look on your gives it all away. He can see the sadness behind your eyes and how you look at yourself with disgust in the mirror. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, love." He says, standing up to around the bedroom and standing behind you.
There's a bit more pudgness on your thighs, tummy, and even your arms, but you forget you've had two kids, and that comes with it. It also happens with simply aging. "But I don't feel pretty anymore, John. I feel disgusting, and I hate the way my body has become, and no amount of working out or eating right seems to fix it." Your voice is cracking, and Price knows the tears are coming. "Love, you're beautiful. Every day I look at you and wonder how the fuck I managed to be so damn lucky. I don't care about anything other than loving you and our kids." He says it, and he means it with all of his heart.
You let go of a large, heavy sigh. He wraps his arms around you. Your skin is cold in contrast to his warm hands and arms. "Anyways, it gives me more to hold to when I'm makin' love to you, baby," he says with a kiss on your cheek. You giggle finally, the happy noise filtering through the room. "You come here, and let me show you how much I love your body for you?" Price asks, looking at you through the mirror. You'll never be able to deny him.
Simon Riley Ghost
You never break, not in front of your teammates. Never show your true feelings until you are behind closed doors. This time, it had just been too much. In the field, you had been trying to get a family out of Hassan's territory. They had nothing to do with the bullshit going on. Your heart broke when the little girl walked out without her parents or siblings. You had picked her up in a fell swoop and taken her with you. You aren't sure how the hell she managed to escape the fire and collapsing house with nothing less than a mark on her face. She had held onto you for the entire ride back, and it wasn't until you got back to the hideout that you had to give her off to the medic.
Ghost had been watching you the entire time. Your sniffes didn't go unheard by him, so he watched longer. How you nearly ran off to bunks when you had to give the poor girl off to the medic. That's where he found you, in the bunk room, crying your heart out. The knock was not heard, and neither were his footsteps. "Athena," Your sniffles stopped, "yeah, how's the girl?" You ask, "That girl is fine, but how are you?" He asked. The worry was in his voice, and it was directed towards you. "I'm okay." You say, stuffing your emotions back in your chest. "You don't seem like it, love. You seem like you're falling apart." He countered. "I'm just, there's only so much I can do, but the weight is sometimes too much to bear. That girl has no family now. None at all because we… I wasn't able to get there in time." You say your hands on your head.
The silence is hard to tell, but then Ghost speaks. "Here's what you don't know: that girl is alive. Yes, she might not have parents, and she'll go into foster care, but she's alive. All because you grabbed her and pulled her from the fire. That counts for something, Athena." Ghost said as he sat down next to you. "you're allowed to break down; this is a physically and mentally-wearing job, so I'm offering you something. A shoulder to lean on. To cry on, to laugh on, to forget on. Whatever you need." "Thank you, Ghost." You say, "Call me Simon, now let's go check up on that kid, yeah?" He says, reaching out his gloved hand to take
John McTavish Soap
You had literally searched all over the internet about how to get rid of pregnancy stretch marks. The marks at the bottom of your belly where killing you to look at. Not the mention all the other shit you were now dealing with after your pregnancy. The milk pump sometimes worked, and other times it just didn't, which caused you significant discomfort, and then the massive fucking put-together pad you had to wear for the next two weeks. You just felt disgusting, so this added thing was just not needed.
The knock on the bathroom door made you shriek. "Shit, love, I didn't mean to scare you. Just wanted to tell you that baby girl is down." Johnny says as he enters the bathroom. Your hair is wet, and you only wear a pair of panties and a sports bra. Staring at yourself in the mirror. "Love, where are you at right?" The concern is clear in his words. "You can't help but crumble at your husband's soft Scottish accent. "I'm not… my body…" "What about your body?" He asks, obviously worried about you. "I don't like it anymore." His brows furrow together. "What do you mean?" "I'm ugly now, and these fucking stretch marks, and let's not add the other shit on top of it." "Hang on a minute now, sweetness." He says, moving to look in the mirror with you but you look away.
"You grew a whole human being in your body for the last nine months. You grew a fuckin' life. You are the most wonderful thing that happened to me, along with baby girl. I know you're not liking your body right now, but I'm telling you right now, you're still just as beautiful as you were the day I met you as you are now." "But…" "But nothing. You are the mother to our daughter, and I won't have you thinking poorly of yourself." Johnny smiles as he takes your hands together and rubs your ring with his thumb. "Together?" He asks, "Together," You responded.
"Fuck Liebling, you might be the death of me," Köing says as he shifts on the bed, making room for you to lie down next to him. You were up, grabbing two glasses of water for the both of you. Padding around in a pair of Köings boxers from the drawers and his t-shirt. Nothing was more a beautiful site than you right now in front of him. "Here you go." You stand, handing the glass of water off to him. The afterglow of sex sticking to your body still. He takes it graciously from your hand and rests it on his side table before pulling back the covers and waiting for your return to the bed.
It's hours later; while he's rubbing random shapes into your thighs, he feels something. At first, it doesn't concern him, but then he realizes what they are. Straight-cut lines work themselves up your thigh. How he had never noticed before blew his mind and the thoughts of what the small lines meant. You aren't asleep. Instead, you are catching up on your most recently purchased book. Köing couldn't help himself. "what are these?" He asks. "What is love?" You request not understanding where this line of questioning is going. "These marks on your leg. I can feel them." He says, rubbing gently.
You aren't shy about it. You've had them for years. You ensured they weren't in a spot where someone like your parents could see them. So your thigh was the best place. You bookmark your book before setting it down and pulling the covers off your legs. Köing moves his hand, and you start to explain. "I had really, like, horrible depression when I was a teenager. My family didn't really believe in medication or anything like that, so I didn't know what else to do. Sounds shitty now that I say it out loud since it was so long ago. But that was self-harm because I had no other outlet." You tell Köing, who's eagerly listening to you. "And you haven't done it since?" His words hold concern. "Don't worry about me, baby; I've got my meds, therapist, and you. I'm all good now." You say, trying to push away the sad thoughts that are trailing through your boyfriend's head.
"Don't worry, Schatz, I'll fuck the depression right out of you the next time. No need to cut up this beautiful skin." Köing words make you laugh.
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Completed on: 11/16/23
Posted on: 11/20/23
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acewithapaintbrush · 21 days
A gift for @emthimofnight who's Sonadow fankid Stellar has stolen my heart. Inspired by this comic and my firm believe that Sonic is a little shit who would definitely hold something like that over Shadows head forever
“Should I… leave?”
Stellar jerks her head around and stops rummaging through the cupboards. She doubts she'll find the shoes she is looking for anyway. They had grown a bit tight the last time she'd worn them and her Papa had given her a suspicious side eye when she'd still refused to get rid of them. 
He hates clutter. Says her Dad is messy enough for all three of them. 
And anyway! The shoes are pretty much immediately forgotten the moment her friend's words reach Stellar’s ears. 
“Why?” she asks. “I thought we'd spent the day together?”
Camellia only spares her a quick glance before she looks away again. She is wringing her hands the way she does when she is nervous about something. Stellar wonders what could have caused that and follows her gaze. She tilts her head with a frown. All she can see are her parents being… well. Her parents. 
“I mean,” Cam gestures helplessly at the other couple, keeping her voice low. “This is obviously a bad time.”
Stellar joins her side and keeps looking between her friend and her parents. She has no clue what has gotten into Cam. 
Across the room her Dad crosses his arms behind his head and taps one foot up and down. His grin is playful, much like Stellar’s own when she is in the mood to tease but his voice has an edge to it. 
“You know I'm right, Shads! Just admit it!”
Her Papa scoffs and crosses his arms in front of his chest, a perfect imperfect mirror of his partner. Sometimes Stellar marvels at the fact that two hedgehogs can be so similar and so different at the same time. 
“You? Being right? Haven't seen any pigs fly lately.”
“Oh. That comeback was almost witty. Have you been practicing?”
Ah. They are arguing. Again. Or maybe still? She vaguely remembers a friendly conversation over breakfast about an old mission or something slowly turning into a heated debate about who took down more Badniks. Are they still on about that? 
She sighs. Seems like it's going to be one of those days, huh? Stellar ignores her parents and smirks at her flustered friend. She is so uptight sometimes. Kinda cute. 
“They are just squabbling. Don't tell me your parents never do that.”
Cam blinks, surprised, before she sniffs a little, nose in the air and all. “My parents never argue. Certainly not in front of guests.”
“Yeah, sure. The hedgehog with the giant hammer and temper issues and the literal cat with fire powers never argue.” Before Camellia can swipe at her arm Stellar continues “And anyway, you are not a guest, you are practically family.”
Her friend's face is suddenly as red as a tomato and she turns away to delicately cough into her hand. Stellar raises an eyebrow. Cam is acting super weird today. 
Her parents have kept arguing meanwhile. It's pretty much just white noise to their daughter after all these years. Stellar tunes back in just in time to hear Papa insult Dad’s memory which has obviously suffered from too many hits during fights. 
And Stellar knows that glint that enters her Dad's eyes, the way his smirk grows deceptively soft. She can do nothing but groan and slap a hand against her forehead as the blue hedgehog sighs and saunters over to the mantelpiece. She has seen this song and dance one too many times to think she can stop what's coming next. 
He picks up one of her baby pictures and presses it against his chest. “Maybe you are right. Maybe my memory isn't as good as it used to be.”
Stellar is as always reluctantly impressed with the way her Dad is able to put so much emotion into utter bullshit. He sounds like he is on the verge of crying and Stella can hear Cam gasp softly in dismay.
Maybe they should have left after all. 
“The memories begin to fade,” he laments and are those tears in the corners of his eyes? Ugh. “But you know what memory will never fade? My most precious one?”
Papa grits his teeth. She thinks it might take all his strength to not jump across the room and do something he might (a very slight might) regret. 
“How Stellar called me Dada first.”
It's a favorite story of his and he pulls it out every time Papa annoys him or he feels like he is losing an argument. 
And her Papa is smart and strong and level headed and cool. But he is also super bad at hiding how much that ‘betrayal’ still eats at him. 
“You are never letting this go, are you? You are pathetic!”
“Pot meet kettle. And why should I? One of her precious first milestones and it was all for moi!”
“I taught her how to walk.”
“And I taught her how to ride a bicycle, which is even more difficult.”
“I taught her how to swim, something you actually need for survival.”
“Oh yeah, if you call throwing her into the deep end and telling her ‘to figure it out’ teaching.”
“That's not how it happened!” Papa turns to Stellar proving once and for all that both are aware of their audience and don't care. They probably enjoy embarrassing her in front of her friend, the sadists. “That didn't happen!” 
She rolls her eyes. “I know, Papa.”
“Oh right!” Dad cuts in, outraged. “That was me! Your beloved husband!” 
“We are not married.”
“For good reason!”
Stellar does her best to ignore the two of them. Camellia still looks bewildered but there is a reluctant smile blossoming on her face, as if she can't help but be amused despite the awkwardness. 
“Now I know where you get it from.”
Stellar gasps and clutches her chest. “How dare you!” She pauses and her pretend outrage turns a bit more genuine. “Wait! What do you mean? Get what?”
Cam has the audacity to snicker at her and it is not a beautiful sound to Stellar’s ears, nope, not at all! “Oh. You know.”
She doesn't. She totally doesn't. 
She is about to demand some answers when the expression on Cam’s face stops her cold. She turns back to her parents and… oh no. 
Why is she even surprised anymore?
Papa has crossed the distance and has the back of Dad's neck in a tight grip. He is growling and flashing his teeth. 
“I think it's time for you to shut your mouth.”
Dad just leers and leans closer, pressing his chest against the other hedgehog, tangling his hand in black and red quills. 
“Why don't you make me?”
Stellar grabs Camellia’s hand and pulls her out of the room as fast as she can. 
“Oh-Kay. That's our cue to go. Go go go! Don't look back!”
“Wait what? Why? Shouldn't we stop them? What if they hurt-?”
“Nope! You do not want to get between them right now.” She shudders and quickens her steps. “Trust me!”
There is the sound of a muffled crash behind her, like two bodies falling to the floor, her Papa saying something triumphant, her Dad laughing. 
Stellar loves her parents. But God! They can be so embarrassing!
They are the worst, I love them! This was supposed to be really short and grew into this... Hope you like it❤️
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months
I know Sevika has her way with cards in a gambling sense but how about being a tarot card reader. It’s a shady business ofc but she’s just genuinely super good at reading people and bulshitting her way into people’s heads. She’d definitely pull the lovers card to get reader to go out with them. Oh and she’s HELLA charming, instead of scamming reader to buy some shit she’s “scamming” reader into going on a date with her.
this is SO cutelas;djf;laskdjf
men and minors dni
the markets of zaun are a wild place. whether you need a mercenary, exotic fruit, poisonous animals, or supernatural powers: you can find it all in the filthy, crowded, markets.
sevika learned at a young age that the key to surviving zaun was all about marketability. nobody in the under-city gives a fuck if someone;s fat or skinny, but they'd take interest in hearing that someone'd make a good bouncer or could fit in the tight spaces in the mine shafts.
nobody's going to pay an artist to paint-- but they might pay them to tattoo their skull or draw a caricature of them.
sevika's always known she's good at reading people: she just never knew how she could sell that to someone.
and then she discovered tarot cards.
within a month of her getting her first deck, she'd made enough money scamming people to buy her own storefront in the markets.
and now, she's running an incredibly lucrative business.
despite the fact that her store is decorated with various silky fabrics and crystal columns, despite the astrology posters on the walls and the candles and insence always burning: sevika uses no psychic powers in her readings.
it's mostly bullshit. occasionally, the 'official meanings' of the cards will line up with what she says, but she mostly just says what she knows her customers want to hear. (and sometimes what they need to hear.)
it's easy. the customer comes in, sevika takes one hard, good look at them, and nine times out of ten, she's able to figure out what they're hoping to hear.
then, once she gets them talking and gets the details out-- she's able to bullshit some pretty accurate guesses about their lives, just to convince them they're in the presence of a 'true psychic.'
some people need encouragement-- to quit their jobs or to ask someone out. some people need a 'sign'-- that their deceased love one is protecting them, that things will be okay. some people just want an answer, stuck on a pointless question and unable to move on until they get closure. sevika's happy to supply. especially for how much they're paying her.
you work at the exotic pet store a few shops down from sevika's.
you're the only one who can see through her bullshit.
she's in love with you.
each day, around one in the afternoon, she takes a smoke break at the little table in front of her shop, waiting for you to walk by on your way to lunch.
each time, you smile at her, roll your eyes, and ask, "scammed anymore innocent believers today sev?"
"made three hundred bucks since we opened." she boasts. "want me to take you to dinner with the earnings?" she asks. you laugh and flip her off, continuing your walk.
sometimes she'll come visit you when her days are slow. if you're not busy, she'll 'give you a reading' at the counter of the shop, whispering so neither of you alert your manager that you're not working.
she has to shuffle and organize them before she comes in, because each and every time she's 'giving you a reading' she pulls the lovers, and grins at you. "looks like you've got a blossoming love interest." she says. you snort and roll your eyes.
"oh, do i? pull another, tell me what they're like."
sevika grins, pulling three more cards. "oh. i'm seeing here that she's... tall... strong... hmm... definitely rich..." she says. you snort, and sevika peeks one eye open at you. "half ponytail... her name starts with an 's' sound... ssssarah?" she tries. "no... that's not right..." she blinks at you for help, and you burst into laughter.
"get out of here, my manager's gonna be back from lunch soon." you say. sevika blows a kiss at you on her way out.
you can't deny that she's charming. you understand why so many gullible customers trust her with their lives. you watch her walk back toward her shop through the window, biting your lip as you watch her ass sway.
she finally asks you out after a few months of you guys flirting.
all day, you have people coming into your shop, finding you, and handing you flowers. each time you ask them why, they shrug, simply saying that their psychic told them to give flowers to the 'closest beautiful woman' they could find.
most of them assume that you're going to fall in love with them the second they hand you the bundle of flowers-- not knowing that their psychic is using them and their desperation for love to secondhand hit on you. you just thank them, smiling sweetly before letting them down gently, encouraging them to try the next girl they see.
you're exhausted by the end of the night, and about ready to strangle sevika.
but as you leave you bump into her. at the sight of her, all your frustrations from the annoying little prank she pulled melt away.
she's in a fancy suit, her hair neatly combed behind her ears, her eyes nervous-- darting around and never quite meeting your eye. she holds no tarot cards, only a single red rose that she thrusts into your chest the second she sees you.
you stare sweetly down at the rose, sighing softly before speaking. "you're so fucking annoying." you say, warmly. sevika chuckles nervously.
"do you want to go on a date with me?" she asks. you smirk, looking up from the rose to admire her.
"well, i should probably ask my tarot reader-- i trust her with my life." you say. sevika grins, reaches behind her, then pulls the lovers card from somewhere behind her back. you burst into laughter.
"the cards say yes." she says. you roll your eyes, reaching out to smack her shoulder, melting a bit at the sweet smile she shoots you. "...so?" she asks.
"fine." you say, giggling. "i guess i can't go against the cards, huh?" you ask.
sevika just grins, swooping in to kiss you.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
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resi4skz · 7 days
Title: Mi Amore (oneshot)
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Pairing: nonidol!Chan x Grace (OC)
Warnings: swearing in italian, smut
This is for @gracebang143 (i cannot tag her in it, stupid tumblr)
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"Ugh, for the last time, Steph!" I exclaim as I put ice in the blender, chatter of customers in the background. "Olivia is my cousin and he's her boyfriend!"
"So?" She says and turns at the till, smiling at the customer. "Thank you for choosing Stat Lost, have a nice day!" She turns to me as she closes the register. "Look, we both know what of a person Olivia is. She's probably moved on to the ne-"
The sound of the small hanging bell on the door cuts her off. We both look at the front door at the same time to see my cousin, Olivia and her boyfriend, Chris.
Or Chan, as I like to call him. He was dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans, topped off with a black cap.
Why did he have to be so damn attractive?
Olivia walks over to a vacant table as Chan approaches me. I put on the biggest smile, as if he isn't my regular. "Hey, you're back."
"Yeah," he replies, taking out his wallet. "She'll have a macchiato with a cheese scone and I'll have a-"
"BLT with extra bacon and a watermelon lemonade?" I finish his sentence.
His eyes light up, giving me a small smile. "Yeah. Wow. You even remember customers orders?"
Only yours, is what I wanted to say. "Sort of. Since you're a regular here so I took the liberty of memorizing your order."
I tap on the computer screen taking his order and scan his card before giving it back. "Your order will be with you shortly."
When I turn around, Stephanie is looking at me with a smirk on her face. Rolling my eyes, I start on his sandwich. Just gotta get through it. You can do it, Grace.
Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain on my finger. "Cazzo!" I glance down and see a small cut on my finger. Great, just I need. Quickly cleaning my hand, I gently wrap my finger in a bandaid.
"Everything alright?"
I jump at the voice before turning around. He needs to stop being so god damn good looking. "Yes. Your order is ready. Give me one moment." I put their order on a tray a d hand it to him. "Thank you for choosing Star Lost, I hope you enjoy your order!"
He chuckles, nodding. "Thank you, Grace."
My heart does that thing again. Oh wait, that's my stomach. I groan when he sits at the table with Olivia. "Have you maybe tried confessing?" Steph asks from behind me.
"What good will that do?"
"Maybe he'll realize what a crappy of girlfriend he has right now and maybe likes you back?"
Hanging my head in defeat, I walks towards the back door. I need a break.
But when I come inside, I hear Steph and Olivia in a heated argument.
"What do you mean I can't have a free muffin? It's my cousin's bakery!" Olivia shouted.
"Because if we started giving away free muffins," I state stepping behind the counter and face her, "We'd be out of business. And it's not my bakery. Steph and I are partners."
"You're greedy. Why can't you just say that?"
"Babe, maybe we should-" Chan began.
"No, you stay out of this!" She brushes him off.
The fuck.....did she just tell him off? My blood boils, my nerves lighting on fire. "Olivia, simply just leave before you piss me off anymore."
"What?" She blinks at me. "What the fuck is your problem?"
"You want to know what my problem is? You might need a notepad because the list is long."
"Fuck you," she spat. "I hope this shitty place rots."
"Ah, the words from the famous home wrecker Olivia James," I say.
"Home wrecker?" Chan says as he looks between Olivia and I.
"Chan, don't listen to he-"
But I cut her off. I've had it with her bullshit. "Let me ask you something, Liv. Did you also try to lure him into your trap so he would give you money? Or are you fucking his buddies too like you did with Mr. Stanley?"
Mr. Stanley was our neighbor and his lovely wife, Diana would always bake these pecan pies that was mouth watering. One day, Mr. Stanley came to our house to drop off a pie and Olivia was the only one home. One thing led to another, once Olivia saw he was loaded, she seduced him and ended up sleeping with him. Many, many times. It wasn't until Diana saw them going at it in her home, on the kitchen table because she had gotten off work early.
Safe to say, Diana is divorced and thriving by travelling the world with her friends.
The look on Olivia's face is priceless though. "You...bitch!" She lunges at me from across the counter but I was quick to dodge.
Chan pulls her back and shoves her back before facing her.
Steph elbows me and whispers, "$10 says they break up."
"It all makes sense now."
"Chan, babe. Please listen to me." Olivia pleads. "She's lying."
"No," Chan says firmly. "You're always putting me second. You're always asking to go to expensive restaurants and to think I was spending so much on you. Tell me something," he takes a step towards her, completely towering over her. "Did Jake treat you well?"
"Did he tell you to come here with me? Did he also tell you I was also going here?"
"Wha....what are you talking about?"
And then I see a different person come out. A new person who I wanted to know so desperately about. He runs his hand through his curls and smirks. The man actually smriked. "Why do you think I wanted to come here, Olivia?"
"You asked me on a date," Olivia replies. "What does this have to do with-"
"I know about you and Jake."
Oh shit. I watch Olivia's face turn into horror as she opens her mouth. "You're the one always yapping about your music all the time. I don't get what the big deal is, you're never going to make it."
I saw red. My blood was boiling. "Fermati!" I march over to Olivia as she blinks at me. "You do not get to judge a person based on their profession. You do not get to make assumptions. YOU do not put negative things in their mind to the point they want to end their lives."
But she rolls her eyes. "Please, you just had a scratch-"
I shove my shirt up on my arm, showing her the long scar going up to my elbow. "Does this look like a scratch to you that YOU caused?"
"What the..." Chan says and looks at Olivia, who's seething in anger. "I though you said she fell."
"She's lying," Olivia replied, her eyes narrowed at me.
"Oh, so you're saying that I magically got a knife and stabbed myself, making a huge line on my arm?"
"You bitch!" Olivia lunges at me but Steph stands in front of me and pushes her back.
"No one is fighting in our cafe, okay?" Steph announces then points at Olivia. "As for you, get out. You're no longer welcomed here."
"Better yet, you're black listed from this cafe."
Olivia huffs and stomps her way out of the shop. "You alright?" Steph asks
"Yeah, thanks," I smiled and she gets behind the counter, immediately apologizing to the customers.
I slightly jump at his voice and turn around.
"Are you okay?"
"I should be asking you that."
He scoffs. "I'll be fine."
I nod. "Alright, well. I gotta get back to work." I make it two steps when he calls my name.
I turn. "Yeah?"
He looks at me, almost as if he wanted to ask me something. But he just shakes his head. "Nothing. Have a good day at work." And then he's gone.
It was Friday and rush hour was just finishing when something catches my eye outside. "Che due coglioni?" I watch as Olivia tries to kiss Chan and he keeps pushing her back.
"Is she for real?" Steph says.
"I've had enough of this," I snap, taking my apron off and walking towards the door. When I open the door, I hear her crying.
"Chan, please. You've gotta believe me," she wails.
"Olivia, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I say.
Chan's eyes flicker towards me, almost lighting up making my heart skip a beat. "This doesn't concern you," Olivia hisses at me.
"Porca miseria, questa cagna!" She blinks at me surprised and I stand in front of her. "This man," I point to Chan, "has been nothing but loving towards you, has given you the time he should've spent elsewhere other than your stupid ass. You," I jab at her chest, "do not have the right to control someone as kind as him. You," I jab at her chest again making her stumble back a step, "do not get to do that to him."
"Grace," I hear Chan say from behind me.
"Do you even realize how hard it is to chase your dreams when no one belives in you? Of course, you don't because all you get to do is use others and degrade them till they have nothing left in them."
"What?!" I snap as I turn around, sniffling. Was I crying? But I don't get to touch my face as I feel a pair of warm hands cup my cheeks. "Cha-"
His lips. Oh my god his lips. My hands stay at my sides because I don't know where to put them. As he lets go, I look up at him. "I've been meaning to do that."
"What?" I blinked, perplexed.
"She's gone," Steph's voice makes us jump apart a step away from each other and she comes to my side. "Jeez, she's like a lizard, always coming in between."
I snort which leads to laughter as she beams at me. "Come inside! I'll make you guys something to drink!"
I watch as she heads inside before turning to him. "So..."
"What did you mean by what you said earlier?" I asked.
"Why did you kiss me?"
He sighs. "I never liked Olivia. She was just there, I guess to fill that void," he flicks his eyes down at me, "but that void was never filled."
I scoff, not believing what he just said. "So you mean to say, that you dated her-"
"I never da-"
"-just so you could dump her and then coincidentally you thought that a kiss would solve all the problems?"
"Look, Grace-"
"No," I say firmly. "You look here, Chan. I'm not the one to messed around with. And you were the least out of all the people I knew that would do something like this." His eyes widen at my comment and raises his hand but I put my hand up, stopping him. "No. I can't look at you right now."
And with that, I turn around and leave. Steph gives me one look once I'm inside and immediately gives me space as I go back to refilling the ice machine.
A few weeks later, I finally had a few days off. I wanted to destress and just chill and relax in my apartment. But what I didn't know was that Chan would be standing at my doorway looking like he had been run over by a truck while I was in a tanktop and pj shorts with a bag of chips on my hand.
"W-what are you doing here?" I asked, clutching the chip bag.
"Can I...can I come in?" His voice trembled.
"Yeah, come in," I stand aside to let him in. As he walks by me, the same vanilla and smoke scent fills my nostrils, making me a bit dizzy.
"Do you want anything to drink? Water? Soda?" I ask, closing the door behind me.
"Water, thanks," he replies taking a seat on my couch.
Fuck. Never in my 22 years of my life, I imagined a man in my living room. Let alone Chan, the 28 year old man that I had been crushing on since I was 19. I hand him the glass of water and sit beside him.
"Nice place."
"Thanks," I replied. After a beat, I say, "So, what brings you here?"
"Olivia paid a visit."
"And smashed all the windows of my car."
"What?!" I knew she would stoop low but to this level? "Are you okay?"
His eyes flicks up at me. "That's funny."
"Huh? What is?"
"Olivia would've asked if my car was okay. She wouldn't even ask me if I was alright."
"Well, she's a bitch," I huff, crossing my arms.
He snorts. "She did teach me one thing though." He turns his body sonhe's facing me. "To never take what's already in front of you for granted."
Holy fucking greek god. Why does this dude have to be so damn pretty? "You're lucky you're attractive, Chan. Any woman would be happy to have you."
"Look, about the kiss then-"
But I stand up. "I'm going to make some tea." I hurriedly walk into the kitchen and immediately fill the kettle with water. It was a good distraction-
An arm snakes it's way around my waist. I gasp, dropping the kettle in the sink and turn around. "What are you doing?!
"Why do you think I kept coming back to your cafe?"
"Because you like the cakes we make?"
"I came to see you, even on busy days where I could catch a glimpse of you working behind the counter refilling stoxk items. Once, Steph caught me staring at you and made me buy 10 pastries," he explains snorting. "Let's just say my friends got a piece each."
"Why are you-"
"-telling you?" He finishes my sentence. "Because I like you."
"I'm sorry, what?" My ears are deceiving me.
He giggles, poking my cheek. "I like you, Grace. I have for a long time now."
"How long?"
"3 years."
I blink at his answer. "I..I... don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything."
I look at him. "But you just told me you like me. How do you expect me to not say anything? To say that I like you as well?"
"Grace, you're not obligated to say- wait, what?" Turning his head, he blinks at me.
"What?" I try so hard to not smile.
"You just said you like me."
"No, I didn't," I lied, hiding my smile.
"Grace," his hand comes to cup my face, lifting my head to meet his eyes. "Tell me before I lose my mind."
"What happens if you lose your mind?"
His gaze hardens. "You don't want to know."
I wet my lips, partially opening my mouth. "Maybe I do." I hear him growl before he smashes his lips on mine. This time, neither of us push away. His tongue darts out and I open my mouth. His hand rub my arms, up and down. "Channie," I whimper, heat pooling between my thighs.
"Yeah, baby?" He says, his thumb brushing my lower lip.
"Can we, uhm, can we take this to the bedroom?"
He chuckles as he slides his arms around my ass hoisting me up. "Say less."
He practically sprints into my room and gently lays me down on my bed. His eye catches my blanket, the pink poka dots on the white colored sheet. "What?" I ask.
"Nothing," he shakes his head and takes his shirt off.
My breath hitches in my throat. Holy fuck. I knew he was fit but this.....holy fucking shit. Then his takes his jeans off, leaving a lot for my imagination when I see the buldge in his boxers as he takes those off too.
"Now you."
I sit up and take my tanktop off. My breasts bounce as I had no bra on. "Fuck me, Grace. You're beautiful."
My cheeks heat at the compliment and my arms come up automatically to hide myself but his hand stops me. "Don't hide yourself," he said as he hovers above me. "Fuck, I'm trying so hard to hold myself back."
"Don't," I gulp. "Don't hold yourself back."
"You sure? I don't want to hurt you."
I narrow my eyes and pull him down by his neck. "Channie if you don't fuck me in the next 5 seconds, I'm going to burn your clothes so you'd have to walk back home, butt naked."
"Feisty, damn," he groans as he takes my shorts off leaving. "As much as I would love to taste you, I need to feel you around my cock."
"Please," I whine.
He smashes his lips on me again, this time with desperation as he settles in between my legs. I feel the tip at the enterance of my cunt. "Ready?"
I nod. He lines himself before slowly pushing in. "Oh, shit- you're fucking tight."
I close my eyes, feeling the delicious burn as fully bottoms himself inside. "Mm, Channie. You feel so goo-" I get cut off as he pulls back and slams his hips.
"Yeah, fuck, you cunt feels so good," he pants and grabs my left breast. "And I love these, fuck, perfect."
He sets a fast pace and doesn't stop snapping his hips. He pinches my nipple, causing the familiar knot to form in my lower belly. "Fuck, I feel you clenching. Are you close?"
I moan in response and his thrusts pick up speed. The only sounds resonating in the room was the snap of his hips. "I'm going to cum," I moan. He brings his hand down to my clit, rubbing it with his thumb. And that was all it took for me to go over the edge. "Channie!"
"Oh fuck, milk my cock, baby. Make a mess," he groans as his thrusts become brutal and I'm pretty sure my poor cervix is bruised. "I'm coming, fuck, I'm gonna fill your tight little pussy. You want that? You want me to fill you up and make you mine?"
"Yes, yes! Make me yours, Chan."
"Fuck," he voice becomes strained as veins protrude in his neck and he stills, emptying himself inside me, painting my inner walls.
As we catch our breath, I notice he hasn't pulled out. "What are you doing?" I ask, still out of breath.
He suddenly grabs my thighs as I feel him harden. "Oh my god."
He grins, licking his lips. "Up for round 2, mi amore?"
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A/N: this was for @gracebang143 hope you enjoy :)
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elekinetic · 1 year
hey asshole. maybe that's a shitty way to start a letter, sorry. i'm pretty on edge. obviously. getting stalked by a psycho maniac with powers will do that to you.
this is weird. i don't really know what to say. not exactly a letter i thought i'd ever be writing, but—despite it all—we're friends, so you deserve closure.
i don't think you and i ever really clicked. not the way i thought we might've when we met. and i get it, between will and el and everything that was happening with the mindflayer, i get why you didn't want some random girl coming in and messing everything up. i think we're the same in that way, with change. i don't like it. i can tell you don't either.
i don't know how to say this without sounding pathetic, but. hey. if you're reading this, i'm dead, so you if you think i'm lame then you're a total shithead.
i wanted you to like me. and that's so stupid because like, you're you. c'mon. but i wanted to be a part of what you had. i think it was because i was jealous of you. you had this like, perfect family with a perfect older sister and perfect friends and not in that like, superficial-high-school-way, like, actual, real friends who care about each other. and you just walked around like you didn't know how lucky you were. like, i know why now, i do. i get it. it was just so hard to watch you get everything i wanted and not even think twice about it, and then slam the door in my face every chance you got.
and calling me annoying was kind of a bitch move.
i know this year has sucked for you too. i don't know everything about your relationship with el, and you and will are a web of shit i don't even want to try to untangle... but i know it's been hard. i'm not exactly in a position to be giving life advice (ha), but again. i'm dying, probably, so. listen up wheeler.
you have to talk to her. and shut up, i know what you're thinking. it's different. or maybe it's not, but it doesn't matter. i don't have time to fix my shit. you do, so you better fucking do it.
i know you love el. and i know i don't talk to her as much as i should, and she knows i'm sorry. (for what it's worth, i'm not gonna stop being sorry) but she deserves better than whatever bullshit is going on between the two of you right now. and you'll get through it, because you'll finally talk to her and actually say what you're thinking instead of assuming you already know how she'll react, because you don't. but someday you guys are gonna have another argument, and you're gonna fix it before it gets out of hand, do you hear me? she deserves honesty.
you have to trust her. you have to trust her. you think you're protecting her, and sometimes it works, but it's not fair. she's not someone who needs protecting or hiding or teaching. and listen to me, its not because she can do shit with her mind, okay? it's because she's her own person who is smart and capable and strong in like, a human way. you have to know that, you have to understand that.
just... understand that.
i haven't done the best job of showing it, but i do care about you. you're my friend, and i hope... i hope you're able to find happiness. like, real, lasting, forever-type shit. you deserve it. seriously.
okay. i'm running out of space and i still have like, seven letters to write. i don't know why i thought it would be a good idea to do separate notes for everyone. I should've just done one page that said "see you later, assholes." that would've been smarter. quick, sweet, to the point. i mean, i was never the writer of the group. maybe if i'd done that, you guys would just know what i needed to say. four easy words. maybe you guys would understand the shit that i can't write down.
see you later, asshole.
— max
p.s. watch out for lucas. please.
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genericpuff · 9 months
I can't remember exactly what chapter but early on when Persephone went to talk to Hades during the "one day of the year the citizens get to see their king and file complaints" and side lines it (and the citizens time) to talk about Tori and Alex and his missing eye and they eat lunch... didn't Hades just conjure food instead of making them lunch or am I misremembering?
so this ask sent me on a bit of a ride because i went to go find the scene you were talking about, i knew exactly where it was but i had actually completely FORGOTTEN about the whole lunch bit that came with it
and oh, my fucking god-
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and yes, he does basically magic it out of nowhere because he casts an 'illusion' to change her outfit and they're basically in a secret room right now. So he definitely didn't prepare this by hand or ahead of time (unless he lied about the whole 'illusion' thing and he really did knock her out and change her clothes against her will, oh god no-) And yet despite this being the "woman of his dreams", he STILL feeds her like a squirrel.
This is more proof as to why Persephone was never plus-sized rep and is written purely through the male gaze. For some reason Rachel is DEAD SET AGAINST feeding this poor girl or letting her chew food onscreen, and that's just the BARE MINIMUM of like, healthy fucking behavior.
Seriously, stop reading this post RIGHT NOW and ask yourself, "When has Persephone actually eaten a meal onscreen?"
Go ahead, I'll wait.
The CLOSEST we've ever gotten to her eating a meal was that time she ordered takeout (fucking Chinese takeout???) and we never actually see her eating it. She's stirring it around in one panel and then by the end of the conversation, the food is gone.
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Even in scenes where you'd think she'd be eating, like in the scene where she stays at Hera's for dinner, they come up with some random excuse as to why she can't have a full meal.
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(I just noticed writing this up btw that they're all eating the same thing she is so why are they so apologetic as if they're all feasting on meat and she's just eating lettuce and cheese??? But it looks like all they're eating is greens and toast, what the fuck is happening-)
It's astounding to me at all that a Greek family wouldn't have anything more in the house for a vegetarian to eat than lettuce and halloumi. Need I remind you that Greek food is Mediterranean, it is primarily vegetarian. Beans, veggies, fruit, breads, and cheeses make up much of the foundation of Greek food so why don't they have anything else in the house; and why in the world is Zeus being all judgmental over her being vegetarian when most of what he eats - AND WHAT HE'S LITERALLY GOT ON HIS PLATE RIGHT NOW - is vegetarian???
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And when she DOES eat, it's always the tiniest morsels, like she's a squirrel or a delicate little baby who's never seen food before and whose teeth haven't grown in yet. She'll be holding utensils, she'll have a plate in front of her, but will she eat the food? Will there even be food on the plate?
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Anything we see her legitimately consume is juice. Happy little baby needs her juice, her sippy sip.
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This is honestly so indicative of how Americanized LO is. From the lack of actual Greek food to vegetarianism being treated like an inferior diet to the main female character not being allowed to even CHEW food onscreen let alone eat, like... what year is it ??? Being a vegetarian isn't a radical idea anymore, and for fuck's sakes, Greek food is readily available even in North America so it shouldn't be this hard to get right! Can we please throw out this 1950's misogyny bullshit of the man stuffing his face with steak while the woman eats nothing but grapefruit skins, hard boiled eggs, and wine??
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isa-ghost · 3 months
isa my bestie. do u have any tallulah and phil headcanons
Always famsquad
Other qPhil headcanons
Take one look at this man and tell me with your whole chest he's confident. NO HE IS NOT. He gets so insecure about being a good adoptive dad for her. He internalizes the full extent of it but oh my god is he terrified she thinks he loves her less than Chayanne or only took her in out of obligation or isn't good enough for her in general
She makes him laugh SO MUCH. Her dramatics, her comedic timing, the Mexican culture things/memes she shares with him once in a while. Even when she doesn't intend to, she makes him laugh so often. Genuinely she makes The Horrors more bearable for him.
He hates not being great at words bc he feels like he isn't the best advocate for her that he could be. Example: when she was wary of the new eggs. He didn't know how to vouch for her beyond reassurances she'd come around. He wishes he could've articulated himself better bc he Understands her but can't put it into words to other people to the degree he'd like to.
He will literally never look at flowers the same way again. Tallulah literally overwrote his association of them with Rose. Now his first thought is "peepoHappy Tallulah!!" Instead of Rose. Rose is now second.
Tallulah genuinely brings out a gentler side to him. This man is hardened by survival and bloodshed and at least one death in his past. He's a bit closed off and suspicious out of second nature. She brings him out of that shell so easily, he doesn't even realize it's happening.
She can see right through his bullshit and it's so fucking funny. "I'm doing fine m8" and she's just like "[cocks gun] Doubt. Bitch. Try again." She WILL cure this man of his emotional constipation.
I firmly believe she'll be the one to motivate Phil to finally build smth on a Hardcore Project scale one day. Somehow. He'd do it for her.
If he ever says he doesn't like when she acts like a little shit, don't listen to him. He's lying through his teeth. Tallulah being a little shit amuses him endlessly.
Tallulah doesn't swear a Ton, at least not as often as he does. He wishes she did, bc whenever she does it's super funny and usually perfectly timed.
Her wing hugs mean the fucking world to him they make him so ;-; every time
Tallulah has somewhat adopted Phil's over-caution. She's a bit more traumatized by The Nightmare than Chayanne is. The "abuel" sign haunts her
Phil will sing stupid songs along to her flute until she hits him for his goofy nonsense lyrics
Speaking of her flute, her playing Sweden unironically gives him nostalgia and kinda soothes his nerves. It's like his cue of "the kids are okay, they're safe and happy." The first time he heard it again after Purgatory & the eggs' recovery, he cried a little (I'm projecting)
One of the reasons he was most salty about The Reset was because it meant they can't go to Tallulah's botanical garden, her farm in the wall, or any of her other cool builds
Phil found her the purple striped hat she has in Phil's chat emote. She has it fr so she can be Just Like Papa :D
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seulgiwifeee · 3 months
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Bad Influence || Yeri
♡ Member: Neighbor*Enemy*Yeri x Femreader
♡ Theme: Drama, chaotic
♡ Warning: Underage smoking/drinking(just a reminder that I don't encourage any of this or anything hectic that goes on in this story, obviously lol, and you’re both in high school but legal adults) lots of cussing, and Yeri’s just a menace
♡ Description: What should've started and continued on as a day of just you and your neighbor, Yeri, babysitting your younger sisters ends up in an absolute chaos and nightmare for you.
Word count: 5.8k (good lord..)
"Again, thank you Mrs. Park for inviting me over and allowing me to babysit the girls again. I promise you that I and Y/N will take great care of them!" Yeri flashes your mom a bright and innocent smile, bowing down honorably.
"Oh, I don't doubt it!" your mom teases with a soft smile and lightly pats Yeri on the shoulder, appreciating the well-mannered girl. You on the other hand can't help but to roll your eyes, not caring one bit to hide your annoyance while you side-eye Yeri as she continues playing out her innocent act.
It physically pains you how oblivious your mom is with Yeri because you can see right through her facade, you know all the types of trouble that girl truly is, yet each time she slips up your mom always turns a blind eye to her and never seems to notice? It's bullshit, honestly.
"Bye, girls! I'll be back later this evening so have fun!" Your mom steps halfway out the door, but peeks her head back inside, eying at you specifically. "Oh, and Y/N, can you ever take that nasty look off your face? Please treat our guest with respect. Try to make her feel welcome here for once."
Yeri snickers from her remark once the door fully closes, turning to face you as she twirls her curls. "Yeah, Y/N,” her tone mocking, “listen to your mother. Learn how to treat me with respect for once, make me feel welcome here because I sure never feel any of it."
Oh, please.
"Oh, shut up," you say between gritted teeth, turning your heel and storming off into the kitchen, not in any mood to deal with her nonsense today. Yeri's not far from you, tagging closely behind and smirkingly menacingly like she's already prepared to cause you a difficult time today. "You know, there's no need to be so hostile."
"Yeri— just.. don't talk to me. Leave me alone! I don’t even want to look at you! Just go be useful and watch my sisters upstairs or something. They'll probably want to play with you anyway since you're obviously their favorite." You sigh heavily as you grab a soda from the fridge and flick it open with a crisp snap.
"Well I mean you are correct about me being their favorite, but.. I don't think I'll be doing that today." Yeri snatches the soda from you and begins to chug it down like it's her own.
Your eye twitches at her, struggling not to lose your cool so soon. "And what do you mean by that?"
Yeri clears her throat from the carbonation and carelessly places the can on the counter, practically throwing it and almost having that sugary sticky nightmare spill all over you. "I mean, that I'm not watching anyone today. I'm leaving. Right now."
You hum confused, cocking an eyebrow once she turns around to exit. "Woah woah there!"
Yeri gasps as you unexpectedly grab onto the back collar of her shirt, forcing her to stop in her tracks. "You're not doing this shit again, I swear—"
Yeri tugs away from you until she's out of your hold, which doesn't take many tries, and rolls her eyes, folding her arms with an unfazed look. "You swear what? That you'll tattletale on me like a baby to your mom? You know, she'll never believe you anyways," Yeri taunts, a mischievous glint sparkling in her eyes.
"Oh, but she will. I won't let you get away with anything this time." You cross your arms, shooting her back a look of determination.
"Oh, and how you do suppose you're gonna do that?" Yeri asks, clearly unimpressed with your attempts at threats and trying to look bigger, tilting her head with a look of challenge as she raises a brow.
"Oh, I don't know," you retort, your voice dripping with sarcasm, "I'll just get pictures and videos of you sneaking out. You know, because she totally wouldn't say anything about it if I showed them to her." You smirk confidently, thinking you finally slapped her with a "gotcha" moment, thinking this would so obviously have her rethink her actions, but your smug expression's wiped away with a confused face once you see her instead laugh at you. "Oh, and how do you think you'll take pictures of me?"
"With my phone, obviously?"
Yeri continues to laugh some more. "With what phone?"
You tilt your head at her, lost by her words and slide your hand into your back pocket only for your eyes to go wide, feeling the now hollow space where your phone once took place in not too long ago. You frantically feel through all of your pockets, making sure you didn't just misplace it, but the ongoing emptiness further confirms that you indeed do not have your phone on you.
You look back up at Yeri, your eyes growing furious once you notice her holding your phone up high in one hand as she silently flips you off with her other, and that stupid.. stupid oh-so-evil smile still displayed widely on her lips.
"How did you even— Give it back!" You reach out at her, clawing out for your phone but she continues to back away from all of your weak attempts, taunting it away from you in the air and behind her.
"You're not getting this back until I come back."
"Like hell!" You furiously lunge at her again, clutching onto her arm forcefully which causes her to lose grip and drop your phone on the kitchen tiling.
You both freeze, suddenly realizing what just happened and continue to stand in this awkward position, staring each other down intensely, making sure to watch each other's every move.
Silently, you two maintain eye contact, slowly backing away from each other,
continuing to maintain eye contact, slowly easing your way downwards,
continuing to maintain eye contact, your eyes burning fiercely into each other's souls..
..until you both quickly reach down to grab the phone!
You're this close to claiming it before Yeri's hand knocks it out of your unstable grip and snatches it up. Almost falling back, she flips you off once again and takes off down the hallway.
You chase her throughout your house, huffing furiously and out of exhaustion at her teasing words, calling you "too slow" or "that's all you got?" if she swerves you. The younger girl is only around a foot smaller than you, probably not even that, but that extra shortness definitely, and unfortunately, is a major benefit for her tiny legs, giving her an unnecessary boost of speed.
"Yeriii!" you shout as you watch her make her escape through the front door. You get ready to follow her out without any second thought, your rage blinding you, but stop yourself at the entrance once you realize your younger sisters are still upstairs in their room.
You can't just leave them in here all alone?!..
you can?..
It’s only going to be for a second!
You bite your lip, hastily going back and forth with yourself until you eventually end up running out the door, making sure to close it behind you just so the girls don't try to get any ideas.
You take a brief scan around the neighborhood, trying to figure out which way Yeri could've gone until you then spot her in her driveway sitting in the driver's seat of one of her parent's cars.
You sprint down the road, making it to her house and run up to the car. "Yeri!" you growl, repeatedly pulling on the door handle and knocking on the window.
Yeri laughs at you, the window silencing her voice, while holding your phone up against the glass teasingly and forms an 'L' with a thumb and pointer finger to her forehead.
You yell out for her more, aggressively pulling on the door handle. "Yeri, I swear! If you don't unlock this door right now.."
Unlike you, Yeri only finds amusement in this situation and your anger, continuing to taunt you for a while until your yelling gradually starts to go from funny to annoying to eventually just unbearable to the ears, and honestly became quite a pathetic sight to look at. She slides the window down not even halfway. "Alright already! Calm down, sheesh! Don't break anything now."
You bang your fists on the window one more time out of spite before crossing your arms. "Yeri, give me my phone right now, this isn't funny!"
She taps her finger on her chin, looking up in thought and humming purposefully loudly as if this was just such a huge decision for her to ponder. "Fine. I'll give you it.. only if you decide to come with me, though."
You scoff, placing your hands on your hips, "Are you crazy? Do you really think I'm going to leave my sisters home all alone just so I can leave with you to do god knows what? Are you trying to get me killed?!" Specifically talking about your mother here, but knowing Yeri, whatever the hell she's trying to do also just might end up killing you first.
"Oh calm down. I've already let your sisters know beforehand all about this and told them to behave while I'm gone and you know.. they always listen to me so if I tell them to not cause any problems, then they won't. And of course, they wouldn't snitch on an amazing person like me, unlike other people.." Yeri mutters the last words, throwing obvious shade towards you.
You huff, knowing Yeri's correct about your sisters only ever listening to her authority even when you'd both be watching over them, but you still aren't convinced in the slightest that this is a good idea. Yes, they love Yeri and they'll mostly always listen to her, but to what extent? Who's to say they still won't end up blabbering everything to your mom even after "promising" to her?
"And how are you so sure they won't end up telling on you, despite that? You know, kids have loud mouths and those gremlins probably have the worst," you remind Yeri, but all she does is shrug you off, bubbling a confident laugh. "Oh trust me, Y/N, they won't say a word."
You bite your cheek, believing her to some degree, but your patience is running thin and you groan in annoyance, not caring much about her reasonings because either way they still don't change the fact that you don't want to go to wherever she's trying to sneak off to. "Come on, dammit! I just want my phone! Give me it!" Yeri rolls her eyes at your continued attempts as you begin to tug at her door handle once again.
"Welp, if you're not coming then I guess you're not getting your phone back." And with that, Yeri rolls up the window, purposefully ignoring your intensified movements with your continued assault on the car. You slam your palms into the glass, death glaring at Yeri's side profile.
You don't know what to do at this point, knowing that you have very few options to choose from, and absolutely none of them are to your liking at all.
You glance back and forth between Yeri and your house, thinking hardly about what you should do. You knock again on the window more calmly this time to grab her attention, and once she turns to you, you aggressively motion your finger downwards, signaling her to lower the window.
Yeri rolls her eyes, reluctantly rolling the window down. "Hm?"
"Where are you even planning to go?"
"It's just a little house party."
You scoff, even more annoyed now that she's being so selfish trying to leave for something as little and unimportant as this.
"Really? You're serious about to leave me all alone for a stupid party? Don't you go to enough of them as it is already?!"
"Not enough, actually," Yeri quips.
"Also.. no need to get so worked up because I already know you wanna come too."
You're suddenly confused. "Huh?"
"Don't look at me all stupid and oblivious. You can try to deny it all you want, but I've read you for a while now and I can see that deep down you want to be active and adventurous just like me; I know that you secretly crave the thrill, always wanting to sneak out of that boring house and live life, wanting to be a rebellious teen and have some fun like me.
Besides, admit it. I add a spark to your life because if you really think about it, your life is literally crickets when I'm not around: lame, so boring. I yawn just thinking about it." Yeri fans her hand over her mouth, exaggerating a forced yawn.
You shake your head firmly, denying all of her words.
"Come onnn," she trails in a teasing voice, "It's like a win-win benefit once you really think about it; you don't get to watch over any annoying kids and you can go enjoy yourself doing your own thing while I do my own once we make it there. We'll be back before your mom comes home, and if she tries to check up on the girls while we're still out then your sisters got us covered. I already taught them a plan for dealing with situations like that so they'll just alert me, me and them will do our thing and you won't have to worry about anything.
And also, just live a little for once, god. I promise it'll be worth it. Just give in to what you know your heart really desires.”
You stare at her blankly, groaning internally because as badly as you don't want to admit it, she's right. She's spot-on about every which way you're feeling and boy does that make you annoyed. Like ugh, why does she have to know you so well?.. And why is her convincing actually starting to work on you?
You turn to your house, glancing at it for a quick second before turning back to Yeri, throwing your head back with an exasperated groan. "Stay right here." You sprint down the road to your house again.
You open the door, peeking your head in and briefly look around the silent house before stepping back out, carefully closing the door and locking it.
You run back over to Yeri and knock on the window again. She turns to face you and rolls the window all the way down this time without saying a word, letting her knowing smirk speak for her.
You take in a deep breath, clutching your fists.
"You better not make me regret this."
One of your biggest mistakes this day was trusting Yeri to drive. The music blasting through her car speaker was deafening, she was speeding down the roads although she tried to convince you she was "right at the speed limit," there aren't even enough fingers on your hand to count how many times she almost drove a red light and when she did stop at one of them she unbuckled her seatbelt and casually just started to strip her clothes, revealing the crop top and shorts she was wearing underneath..
She had to have been insane.
After a twenty-minute drive of what felt never-ending, you and Yeri finally pulled up to a grim neighborhood; all the houses barricaded with wildly grown trees, years' worth of uncut grass, busted windows, worn-out furniture thrown out on the lawns and gained nothing but eery vibes.. Where in the world had Yeri taken you?
"Yeri.." you mumble, feeling uneasy as she pulls up into the driveway of the least flattering house, of course.
Yeri giggles, haphazardly parking the car and swings her head to face you with a devilish smile. "We're here!"
You stare at her, silently spamming the lock button and shake your head. "And where the hell is "here?!" A secret location for serial killers to hide bodies?"
Yeri snorts, "Dramatic much?" She pulls down the driver's mirror and neatens up her hair. "This is where me and my friends meet up all the time, so as someone very experienced around this area, I can assure you that nothing dangerous goes on."
She steps out of the car and walks around to your side, swinging open the door. "Come on!"
You fold your arms, looking past Yeri and analyze all the naked trees, the beyond dead grass and the grayness of the sky only adding more to the bleakness of this neighborhood. Yeah, this place isn't promising in the slightest.
"Where's my phone?" you demand, choosing to stay put.
Yeri crosses her arms. "I'll give it back to you when we go inside."
"No! You only said that if I come with you then you'll give me back my phone. I came with you, and now we're here so give it!"
Yeri takes a step back, tilting her head. "Well, I changed my mind then."
You groan into your palms, leaning your head back and drag your fingers down your face, pulling down roughly on your skin. "Why are you like this?"
Yeri only laughs in response and walks away from you while you continue to whine and complain until you eventually bring yourself to step out of the car.
Yeri gets ready to approach the front door but turns back around. "Oh wait!" She skims over to the trunk and lifts it open, casually pulling out a mini dress moments later. "Put this on!"
You scrunch your eyebrows as she throws it so confidently and carelessly in your arms.
"And why do you expect me to wear this?"
"Because I don't need my friends to think I hang out with lame people. Since you don't have the right personality then maybe you at least can get the looks.”
You stare at her with your mouth fallen ajar, not knowing how to even respond to that insult.
"Now, go change in the backseat.”
"Fine," you huff, opening the door to the backseat and slip inside, "Don't look."
"Oh, I promise you I didn't plan on doing so." Yeri turns her back to you once you slam the door and covers her eyes. Quickly, you change from your sweats to the dress and slide out of the seat. "Done," you announce to her dryly.
Yeri flips herself around to face you, instantly smiling widely. "Woah! You already look tens times better than whatever you had on before.."
Her quips are going to be the death of you. "Oh, shut it."
Yeri goes on and makes her way back over to the front door.
Right after ringing the doorbell the door almost immediately opens for her, and she's about to walk inside until she realizes you're not with her. She turns around. "Hurry up! We don't have all day, Y/N!"
You let out your final groan of the day and approach the strange house, tentatively walking inside after Yeri.
The second you step in your nose is whacked with the strong odor of weeks worth of stale cigarettes, musk, must and other.. questionable things you don't want to figure out. You look around seeing a dark, empty living room with only the accompany of empty boxes piled on each other.
You fall into a coughing fit from all the dust particles, promptly covering your nose from the dank smell and glance over to Yeri confused and grossed out.
"Don't worry, we're going downstairs." Yeri doesn't waste any time waiting for you and walks off down the narrow hallway.
You follow close behind her through this maze of a house until you two finally make it to another door leading to what you assume is the basement. She forces it open and walks down the stairs with ease, disappearing into the darkness. You warily follow behind her, quickly catching up with her steps so you're not too distanced from each other.
The stairs dreadfully creak with each step you two make, fear continuing to eat at you as the squeaking gets so loud that it makes you believe this had to have been the first time in decades someone had been down here.
Fortunately, it doesn't take long for you two to make it to the bottom, and you continue to follow her through the darkness until you approach a closed door.
With a gentle turn of the knob, Yeri opens the door and instantly you two are greeted with low music, dim red lighting and the cheers of Yeri's friends calling out her name.
"Hey guys! Sorry that I couldn't arrive sooner, I had to deal with a few things earlier, but I'm good now. Also, this is Y/N"
The scattered people speak out in many "wassup"s and "hey"s while some wave at you. You quietly wave back, not able to see anyone clearly in this lighting.
"Okay, I'm gonna go do my own thing now. You can go do whatever.. or something. I don't know. Just don't do anything embarrassing." Yeri takes a few steps forward but turns back to you. "Oh, and here's this."
You look down seeing your phone finally being given back to you. About time. You narrow your eyes at her, biting back a remark before silently accepting your phone.
Yeri walks off to a random corner, so now you're left standing here all awkward and alone, looking around, trying to focus on anything that's going on. From the looks of this place, it just looks like an average bedroom, just way bigger. Hopefully, no one actually lives down here, though. It smells a little better down here too.. but it also reeks of weed, beer, and tryhards.
But hey! At least it doesn't smell like literal death like upstairs.
Not knowing what to do after standing here for a while, you follow the direction Yeri had gone before until you spot her and a few other people sitting crisscross on the ground with a half drunken bottle of soju comfortingly sitting in her hand. She places the bottle to her lips as she turns to look at you, sighing and patting the space next to her. You look side to side awkwardly, but comply, squatting down until you shiver from touching the cold floor.
After a few seconds of sitting silently to yourself, you avert your eyes low beside you, noticing a tattooed hand held firmly around Yeri's waist and trail your eyes up until you're left locking your eyes on the figure of a large man sitting on the other side of her. A man looking old enough for this gesture to seem very scandalous.
You choose to ignore it, though. You know, because that’s absolutely none of your business and you don’t want to make it yours so you just continue to sit in a longer silence.
As Yeri’s talking with her friends, she notices you in the corner of her eye, seeing how bored you look scrolling away on your phone. She turns over to you and taps your shoulder to steal your attention while offering her other hand out to you.
“Want some?"
You look down seeing Yeri holding out the soju.
You narrow your eyes at her.
Yeri narrows her eyes back at you.
“Hey! I’m just trying to be nice, so don’t look at me like that, trying to act all innocent 'n shit. I know.. you know you like to drink and you can't even try to deny it! Don't think I don't remember you and your little friend at homecoming that one time—"
You roll your eyes and place two fingers over her lips to shut her up from talking any further. Okay yes, you can admit, you might sip on alcohol from time to time if it's present at a function, but you have to go home right after this. There won't be any time to get rid of the smell and who knows how you'll act if you get too drunk? "But what if my mom notices or finds out I drank?"
"Who cares about your mom?" Yeri snaps.
"You're here right now and that's all that should matter or be on your mind. So just relax and let loose. A sip won't hurt you." Yeri teases the bottle closer to your nose, luring you in with the intoxicating peachy musk.
You know you shouldn't be doing this, you really know you shouldn't be, but before you can realize it, you're already chugging the remaining of the bottle. Her friends around you cheer you on as you down the last swig of that peachy goodness and soon before you know it you're already on your next bottle.
Quickly, your nerves are cooled and you start to warm up around Yeri's little friend group, doing nothing much but talk, sing along to music and drink.
You're not much of a lightweight so you can feel yourself gradually getting drunker as the hours roll on, but not drunk enough to where you're easily about to let Yeri slide you a cigarette.
"Woah woah— I don't want that! I've never even smoked before!" you say, pushing Yeri's hand away. Her sensitive body slumps back into the wall from your light push and she groans, slurring out incoherent nothings under her breath. "Come on, Y/N!" Don't be lame! There's always a first time for everything!"
You hesitate at her words, slowly reaching your hand back out and taking it. Well.. you've already come this far, right? How much could a little nicotine hurt you?
Yeah, your faded mind at the moment doesn't realize how horrible that sentence actually sounds.
On your first try you completely fuck up, inhaling the hot smoke way too quickly and immediately get attacked with violent coughs. You reject Yeri's offer on giving the cigarette another try, but you eventually give in and follow her lead this time.
Soon, you pick up the steps, catching on quickly and you're now a natural like Yeri, so you continue on the rest of the afternoon getting wasted and smoking more of your brain cells and dignity away.
After hanging out with everyone and getting to know more about Yeri you start to consider that maybe.. Yeri isn't as annoying as you thought she was? She’s honestly really chill so maybe..
..Just maybe.. you two could actually become friends?
                              {Hours later}
You groan, feeling a sharp pain in your neck as you sit up from the wooden ground.
You rub your eyes with a sigh, realizing you must've passed out and look down at your watch, adjusting the blurriness of your eyes as you try to make out where the hands are pointing.
"9:05 p.m..." you mumble drowsily to yourself, resting your wrist back down and lean your head against the wall. It takes but a few seconds later for your clouded mind to realize what you’d just said, immediately sobering up and force your sore body up once more, glancing around the room in a panic. "Holy fu— oh my god, Yeri! It's past nine! We need to go, like now!"
You crawl over to the knocked-out Yeri and violently shake her until she shoots her eyes awake in a blurry panic. "Wha— what?!"
"Yeri, it's NINE. P.M... You said we were already supposed to be back home way earlier than this!
We need to leave before my mom finds out!" You seize hold of her wrist and quickly drag her up to her feet, not considering beforehand on how feeble and weakened her body state is from all the earlier intoxications. She inches closer to you in a staggering walk, struggling to catch her own feet. "Calm down," Yeri slurs, "I doubt she's even—"
Her reassurance is interrupted by the repeated buzzes of your phone vibrating on the ground. You quickly reach down to grab it and once you turn the screen over to check what’s causing it your eyes are sunken to a look of horror.
30 missed calls. 25 message notifications. 2 voicemails. All from 'Mom.'
Your face goes ghostly pale, your heart beats irregular patterns as your legs jitter beneath you.
It's already too late.
"What?.." Yeri mumbles cautiously once she notices your sudden change of face.
"My.. My mom.." you respond with a shaky voice.
"I'm fucking dead."
The two of you anxiously walk up to the door, you being more of a nervous wreck, and hesitantly lift your fist to knock.
You place your hand back down out of fear but it doesn't save you from the anticipated confrontation once the door suddenly swings open, a pissed mom immediately coming into view. It's like she was summoned.
You don't dare to look at her, keeping your head down in shame as you drag your feet inside, Yeri promptly following behind you.
When lifting your head slightly, you can spot your sisters sitting on the couch, all looking directly at you with mischievous grins.
You knew it! You just knew they were going to rat you and Yeri out to your mom!
At least this time Yeri can finally get her long overdue karma, even if it costs you getting punished too..
You and Yeri stand side by side, looking down with guilty faces as you wait for someone.. anyone to say anything! The tension is palpable, the atmosphere so thick you could probably cut it with a knife, the room sits quieter and it seems as if you can feel your mom's fiery stare boring into your soul.
"You two better get to explaining. Right now."
You open your mouth to try defending yourself, to muster anything, but nothing comes out, no matter how hard you try to form a sentence.
You turn to Yeri, your eyes seeking her out for any assistance to help calm this mess down. She looks at you with fear in her eyes, but nods understandingly and turns back to your mom.
For a few seconds, you finally feel relieved, but your short-lived happiness is ripped into tiny shreds once your heart sinks, the next words coming out of her mouth leaving you speechless.
"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Park! I didn't want to leave, I promise, but Y/N kept egging me on and pressuring me to go out, she even stole my phone and kept it until I was given no choice but to sneak out with her to this weird house party in some odd neighborhood!"
"—Yeah. Y/N told us that she was sneaking off to a party and didn't want us to tell anyonee!" one of your sisters suddenly decide to add in.
"What?!" you gasp, looking around in confusion, like you were suddenly taken into a different universe.
You mean, you have to have been, right?..
Because there's no way in hell you're actually being put to blame for all of Yeri's actions right now..
"She got me into smoking and drinking with her even though I've never done a thing like that a day in my life! I wanted to call you and tell you about this sooner, but she was acting insane and didn’t allow me to! At some point she somehow convinced me that none of it was a big deal, stole my phone again and made us stay at that place for hours and hours! I was so nervous and scared!.." Yeri feigns a sob, a singular tear rolling down her cheek as she looks at your mom with pleading eyes.
You can't believe your ears.
Your mouth is fallen in shock, looking at Yeri in disbelief. Not only is she flipping this whole story on you, but she’s adding more things that she herself didn’t even do to you and exaggerating these things and the things she actually did to the point that it makes you look like an actual monster!
Your mom turns to you, absolute fury embedded in those squinted eyes. You can try saying she's "disappointed" in you, but nothing can downplay the anger boiling deep inside her. You can practically see steam fuming out of her ears. "I can't believe you, Y/N."
She can't believe you? You can't believe her! Your mom is really falling for Yeri's lies.
"What? No! Yeri's lying right out of her ass! She did all of these things, from taking my phone when I was the one trying to call and let you know that she was sneaking out, to persuading me to smoke and drink with her!
Look, we both know I’ve never been the most perfect daughter, but even you know that I would never do such horrible things like that to anyone.. so why are you believing her so easily?" Your voice cracks, struggling to hold in the tears of betrayal and anger.
"Yeri's the devil! She's a good-for-nothing bitch who does nothing but always try to make me look like the villain! I've done nothing!"
Your mom struts over to you, taking a hold of your wrist and storms off with you toward the stairs.
"I'm beyond sick of this disrespect, Y/N!" her grip on you tightens, "You lie on Yeri for your wrongdoings, you're trying to teach your younger sisters to lie for you, you're sneaking out and leaving your sisters at home all alone for hours, you've been smoking and drinking behind my back so now you're trying to bring Yeri down to your level so that you don't have to be the only one at fault?
How can someone be such a bad influence?"
Your mom throws you into your room. "Give me all of your electronics because you're grounded. And you can forget about going to any more school events for the rest of the year too."
You burst into tears, pleading and insisting to her that you didn't commit any of these actions, but she just won't open her ears. It's insane how she's more in favor of believing this brat who she's known for barely a year rather than her own daughter.
Your bleary eyes look through the space between your mom and the door, noticing Yeri standing at the bottom of the stairs eavesdropping on you. You two make eye contact for only a second, but that short period doesn't stop you from seeing that devilish glint in her heartless eyes and that devious smirk on her lips, full with the intent of nothing but evil. Not an ounce of sympathy to be found.
You zone out for the remainder of your mom's fuss, your face gradually contorting into a glower, thinking deeply about how tricked you feel.. how betrayed.
You always knew Yeri was a troublemaker, a menace, but never did you think she'd go this far with you, especially right as you thought the two of you were finally getting along.
But it's okay because now you understand that you've been too easy with her..
letting her get away with ruining too much stuff..
so as of now, this has become war.
A war of revenge.
And you're going to do everything and anything you can to let karma bite her back in the ass so painfully that she'll never want to mess with you again.
— Seulgiwifee ໒꒰ྀི♡˵ᴗ͈ . ᴗ͈ ꒱ྀི১
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lilyrizzy · 9 months
34. washing the other's body
I promised you some girl daniel lin, I hope you like it ❤️ set right after this Daniel also breaks her hand
The sound of running water has been seeping under the bathroom door for almost an hour now. Normally, Daniel showers with the door open, and Max gets to see the steamy shape of her through the glass, gets to be soothed by her familiar movements. Something homely. Sometimes, he sits on the closed toilet lid and they discuss weekend plans, and other times they shower together.
Tonight, she'd shut the door.
For half an hour, Max had distracted himself by checking in on Gianni's live stream on his phone, dropping a few funny comments into the chat that were bound to get a few more viewers. Then, he'd shut it down and paced into the kitchen, placed their premade meals onto microwavable plates, ready for when Daniel came out.
Now, he's got nothing left to distract him from his worry.
"Daniel?" He calls to her as he knocks on the door. When she doesn't answer, there's a momentary lurch of fear in his chest, his stomach, his entire body that has him pushing it open.
Inside though, there is no horror scene. Daniel is sat in the bath, cast hanging over the side, as the taps gush out a steady stream of water.
Even from the doorway he can see that her eyes are red rimmed when she looks at him, but he knows better than to ask a question he knows the answer to. If she wants him to acknowledge her tears, she'll make a joke about them.
"Max," she says, voice sounding a little wobbly. Then, after a beat, "turns out I use this hand more than just to wank with."
With her good hand, she points to her head. Her curls there are darker with the water, and an uneven smattering of suds. The shampoo is still open, perched on the edge of the tub, and the hairbrush she has always told him was so important to use for maximum girl boss, curl boss power hasn't even been taken down from the shelf.
"I see," Max says, already moving to grab the brush. "Well. It is a good thing you have a boyfriend who is trained in curl care."
She snorts, but doesn't protest when he crouches down besides her and starts to brush. Usually, she tells him he can tug harder than he does, that it doesn't hurt, but he can never bring himself to do it. This time, she doesn's say anything, and he keeps the strokes of the brush smooth, teasing out the knots at the bottom, working his way up.
"I'm such a fucking idiot," she says eventually, just as he is lathering shampoo into his hands, rubbing it into her scalp. "I should have- I should have avoided Piastri. I should have taken my hand off the fucking wheel at least, I- I know fucking better than that."
Max hums. It's no use telling her the truth everybody knows, that where was nothing else to be done in such a quick flash, because she knows it also. It would be worse to tell her Max's truth, that he is glad it is her hand, because another time, another session, there is always the risk it could have been her neck.
"Really," She laughs bitterly, "I'm meant to be proving I still got it, and instead I'm out here binning myself into walls, it's- It's fucking embarrassing."
She shakes her head viciously, and Max uses the hands he has there to still her, to press a kiss to the crown even if it means a mouthful of soap.
"You are not embarrassing," he says firmly, tucking a hand under her chin to tilt her head backwards. He kisses the curve of her nose too, while she looks up at him warily. "If you think this is enough to change Christians mind, then the only thing you are proving right is the IQ test we took in bed last week. Remember, the one that said I was smarter?"
There's a pause and then a startled laugh escapes her lips. Max grabs the cup where they keep their toothbrushes, side by side, to fill with water and rinse off her hair, laughing too.
"That quiz was bullshit," she's insisting, "I told you I wanted a rematch," and Max is nodding like they'll do anything other than curl around each other to sleep when they finally make it between their sheets. "Besides, I gotta convince Marko too, you know that."
It's true, she does. For now, Max tries to distract her from that fact by doing an extremely poor impression of an Austrian vampire, until she's making the water slosh over the side of the bath with her laughter, soaking him in the process. When her giggles have subsided, she looks up at him again with softer eyes.
"What?" He asks.
"You're right, Maxy," she says, "I am lucky to have you."
It takes Max a beat to retrace where in their conversation he said that.
"For the curl care?" He checks, rubbing conditioner into her hair even as he says it.
"Sure," she says, and her smile seems like a secret made for only the two of them to share, "let's call it that for now."
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angstysebfan · 6 months
My Roommates Boyrfriend - Chapter 6
Pairing: Bucky x Female Reader AU: Modern
Chapter Summary: The next morning the reader reads something that makes her question everything. We finally get to Seattle! Warnings: Angst, implied Bucky being an asshole, cursing
Series Masterlist
You lay naked under the sheet, your head on Bucky’s chest, his right arm wrapped around you drawing shapes on your back with his fingertips, and his left hand playing with your right hand. He kisses the top of your head softly as you sigh in content. You've never felt so happy in your life. You were sure that you more than liked Bucky at this point, but you still didn’t want to do anything more until you spoke with Nat. You already went too far, but right now you didn't care.
“That was amazing,” you say softly with a smile on your face.
You hear and feel Bucky’s chuckle, “Yeah, it was. Best I've ever had,” He says kissing your forehead softly when you looked up at him.
You laugh, “I highly doubt that,” you say looking down at your hand in his.
Bucky lets go of your hand and cups your face so he can look into your eyes. “Really baby. I mean it,” he says before kissing you again on the forehead, nose, and then lips. 
You run your hand through his hair, staring into his beautiful eyes before snuggling into the crook of his neck. Suddenly your eyes start feeling very heavy. Before you knew it, you fall into a deep sleep in Bucky’s arms. 
You're awoken by the alarm on his phone. Bucky groans as he reaches on the night stand and turns it off. He then wraps his arms around you and nuzzles his nose into your hair placing soft kisses on your head. You blink several times, trying to get your eyes to stay open.
You yawn, “We should get going if we want to spend some time with Nat today,” you say. Suddenly you sit up in a panic.
“Oh my god, what're we gonna to tell Nat?” you shout in worry.
Bucky sits up slowly and rubs your naked back. “We'll talk to her. I know she'll understand. Trust me,” he says, kissing your shoulder.
You shake your head and cover your face, “I can’t believe I just slept with my roommates boyfriend!”
“Well technically I'm her ex-boyfriend,” Bucky says, grabbing your face to look at him. “Please don’t over think this. I know she'll be ok with this. If you wanna wait until further down the line when we're officially together then that's ok too,” he says.
You can’t help but smile, “You plan on datin' me when we get back to New York?” you ask.
He laughs and gives you a peck. “Oh most def'nitly! Though we should probably go a little slower than last night,” he says with a laugh, kissing your lips again. He feels addicted to your lips.
You both finally get up and go in search of clothes. You grab your phone to text Nat, to inform her that you'll be in Seattle in a few short hours, but your phone won’t turn on. 
“Damn! My phone's dead, and I wanted to text Nat to let her know we'll be in Seattle soon.”
Bucky threw his phone over to you. “Use mine. I’m gonna use the bathroom and change,” he said as he walks into the bathroom and closes the door.
You look down at his phone and realize he has a text message open to Sam. You want to quickly close it to open a new text, but his text and Sam's response catches your eye:
Bucky: You were right, I owe you $50.
Sam: Man I knew it! How far did you get?
Tears rush to your eyes. He made a bet on getting with you?! What the fuck kind of bullshit is that? Everything he said was a lie! Why? Was it to get back at you for the misunderstanding a year ago! You feel the tears blur your vision, but quickly wipe them away. You want to walk into that bathroom and punch him in the face, but decide to just finish the trip, go home, and never see him again!
You quickly sent Nat the text telling her you will both see her in a few hours and that your phone is dead, but you will charge it in the car. As you place Bucky’s phone on the nightstand, he comes out of the bathroom, giving you a warm smile. You look down at your hands for a moment, before walking back over to your side of the bed to finish packing your stuff. 
“We should get going,” you say sternly.
Bucky furrows his brow at you, “You okay?” he asks.
You look at him, with no emotion on your face. “I’m fine, can we just go please?” you say, putting your duffle bag on your shoulder.
You walk out of the room and head for the elevator, with Bucky’s hand on your lower back. You shrug away from him as you get into the elevator. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks concerned.
You ignore him, keeping your eyes on the doors of the elevator. Bucky starts to panic internally. Were you regretting last night? Did you blame him for what happened? Is this just your guilt? He decides to leave you alone for awhile to sort out your feelings, but he can’t help but be hurt with the way you're treating him.
You're an hour outside of Seattle, and you haven’t said two words to Bucky since the hotel. Once your phone was charged, you started looking up flights back home. Originally you were going to stay in Seattle a few days, but right now, you don’t want to be anywhere near Bucky Barnes. 
The earliest flight is 1 am this evening, which you quickly purchase. You know Nat'll be disappointed, but you'll just plan a solo trip out to see her another time. You feel Bucky glancing at you every few minutes, but you refuse to look at him. You just keep your eyes on your phone, or look out the window.
Bucky continues to have an internal war with himself. Should he confront you about the way you are acting? Did you hate him for last night? He really didn’t plan on sleeping with you, he just wanted to hold you again. But he definitely doesn't regret it, in fact he felt pretty good about it, until now. He hates that you're acting this way now. It makes him feel guilty and bad. 
When he can’t take the silence anymore, Bucky clears his throat, “Are you sure you're alright? You’ve been acting weird since the hotel,” he says carefully.
You don’t say anything, don’t even look at him. Bucky’s heart starts to race, and panic sets in. You're definitely pissed at him.
“Okay, did I do something to upset you? If this is about last night, I’m sorry. We can tell Nat, and I'll take the full blame,” he says.
You scoff, but still say nothing. Bucky starts getting irritated and pulls over to the side of the road. When he puts the car in park he turns his body to look at you.
“Y/N, please tell me what is wrong!” he begs.
You have your arms crossed over your chest and you keep staring in front of you. “I don’t understand what happened. We were great this morning! We had an unbelievable night that I never want to forget, and now you're freezing me out. Are you regretting last night?” he says, panic and frustration evident in his voice. 
Still you say nothing, but look down. Do you tell him what you saw on his phone? Should you give him a chance to explain? No! Why hear another excuse! You look at him for a moment then look back in front of you. “Please just get us to Seattle,” you say, emotionless.
Bucky continues to look at you with pleading eyes. He reaches for your hand, but you flinch away. His heart breaks. “You regret last night. I get it… I… I thought we were on the same page after our talk this morning, but I guess… I guess I was wrong,” he says sadly. Your heart breaks slightly at the sound of his voice, but you stand firm.
Bucky turns back forward and pulls back onto the highway. You hide the tear that falls from your face, but when you glance at Bucky again and see a tear fall down his. You want to reach up and wipe it away and kiss him, but all you keep thinking about is that damn text message. This is all part of his damn plan! He's a master manipulator and your done falling for his bullshit. You know once you got back to New York, he'd probably ditch you anyway.
Bucky decides to just give up on trying to talk to you, for now. He feels miserable. This hurts worse than breaking up with Nat, which says a whole lot on that relationship. He shakes his thoughts out of his head. Once they get to Seattle, he will have a few days to corner you and get you to talk about this. You have to tell him how you feel, you have to.
Bucky pulls up in front of Natasha’s apartment building. Natasha is there waiting, since you texted her telling her you guys entered the city. You can’t help the huge smile on your face as you get out of the car. You run up to Nat and you both embrace!
“I know it’s only been a week, but I’ve missed you!” you say into her shoulder.
She laughs, “I’ve missed you too!” she says.
She releases you and runs toward Bucky, giving him a big hug as well. Bucky keeps his eyes on you, and you can’t help but notice the sadness in them. When they release, she grabs both your hands and leads you up into her apartment.
“With my new job, I can afford a place on my own! I mean it’s nice to have my own space, but I miss having someone to hang out with all the time,” she says with a light laugh.
You smile at her as you look around the small one bedroom apartment. You walk into the living room and put your duffle bag down, and sit on the couch.
“Y/N the couch opens up into a full size bed and is comfortable, so you should have no problem sleeping there, and Bucky you can stay with me in my room,” she says looking between the two of you.
You and Bucky meet each others gazes for moment before you look back at Nat with a smile.
“I have the whole few days planned for us! You're both in for a treat! Tonight we'll go to a great restaurant downtown, and then this club for drinks and dancing. Tomorrow I found this cute brunch place we can try, and then–” 
“Oh, uh, actually Nat, I'm going to head home tonight,” you say softly. 
Nat looks from you to Bucky, who is staring at you in disbelief. You’re leaving tonight?! “Why? I thought you were going to spend a few days,” Nat says concerned.
You look at her and can’t help the tears that are coming to your eyes. “I-I know, but I got an email from work that they need me to come back sooner. I'll just have to plan another trip out here to party with you, alone,” you say.
“Bullshit!” Bucky says. You and Nat both snap your heads to him. “That's complete and utter bullshit and you know it!” he says angrily.
Nat puts her hands on her hips. “Ok, what's going on?” she says to both of you. You keep your head down, staring at your hands. You hear Bucky sigh.
“Look Nat, Y/N and I slept together last night. She's regretting it now and is back to hating my guts. I don’t know why though, because we were fine when we woke up this morning. But I think that's why she's leaving tonight. She wants away from me,” he says.
You glare up at him, before you look guiltily at Nat. She looks surprised, but you're shocked to not see betrayal in her facial expression.
“I’ll let you guys talk. I'm going to head down the street to that liquor store I saw,” Bucky says before leaving the apartment.
You look back down at your hands, not wanting to look Nat in the eye. Yes, you felt guilty about what happened with Bucky, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Nat sits back down on the couch and looks at you. “Y/N?” she says quietly.
You feel the tears sliding down your face and you choke on a sob. “I-I’m so sorry Nat. I'm sorry I slept with Bucky. I know you guys are technically not together, but I shouldn't have done it. And I guess the joke was on me because….” you can’t continue through your tears.
Nat slides closer to you and hugs you for a moment. You can’t help but sob into her shoulder. She rubs your back for a moment, which makes your feel worse. Why is she comforting you? You pull back and look at her, “Nat, I slept with your boyfriend, you should be angry at me, not comforting me!” you say.
Nat smiles softly at you and again wipes some of your tears. “Y/N, why do you think I had you both come out here together?” she asks.
You sniff and shrugging your shoulders. “Because you were tired of our fighting? I don’t know,” you say.
She nods, “Yea, I've been tired of your fighting for a long time, but it was because I knew you both had secret feelings for each other. There's no reason you both shouldn't see if something could come out of this,” she says. You look at her like she has 5 heads.
“Listen, if I was still home, I’m sure Bucky and I would have stayed together for a while longer, but he's not my forever. I know that and he knows that. I enjoyed my relationship with him, and, yeah, I'll miss him and his amazing body, but I’m not it for him,” she says.
“So because you know he isn’t it for you, you wanted to give him to me?” you ask confused.
She laughs, “Not exactly. After you told me how you were attracted to him that first night at the bar, I knew that you still had feelings for him. I mean he was an asshole to you, but I saw it in your face, and I saw it in his too. When he wasn’t looking at me… he was looking at you.”
You shake your head, not wanting to believe it. She sighs, “He told me about what Sam told him at the bar about you the other day after you talked to him about it. Of course I knew the truth and told him that, but that’s when I realized I was right. He was always meant to get with you that night.” 
You laugh, “Nat, seriously? You/re throwing fate into this? You know that's bullshit.”
She shakes her head. “Is it?”
You shake your head again. You're so confused, but glad Nat isn’t mad at you. She looks at you with concern, “So tell me the truth. Why are you really leaving early, because Bucky's right. Your excuse is complete and utter bullshit. Is it because you regret sleeping with him?” she asks.
You shake your head. “No, it’s not that. Th-this morning when I realized my phone was dead, he let me use his to text you. When I looked down I saw a test he had with Sam. He... he told Sam he owed him 50 bucks and Sam wanted to know how far he got,” you say, tears falling from your face again.
“He fucking played me! He lied to us both, because he doesn’t have feelings for me, Nat! He made a stupid bet that I would hook up with him!” you say.
Nat says nothing but holds you while you cry. She kept whispering it’s okay over and over. You pull back and wipe your eyes. You are so tired of crying because of Bucky Barnes. You just want to go back to New York and never see him again.
Bucky is walking back to the apartment with a small bottle of whiskey in his hands. He occasionally takes a drink from it, the burn feeling good as it goes down his throat. He hopes to God that your talk with Nat went well and that she'll talk you into staying. How was he supposed to talk to you about both your feelings if you're not here?
Just then his phone buzzes. He looks and sees it’s a text from Nat:
We need to talk. Now.
Chapter 5 / Chapter 7
Do you think the text is about the reader? Would you have reacted the same way? Feedback is appreciated.
Permanent Taglist: Permanent Taglist:  @rebekahdawkins @marajade1974 @missvelvetsstuff @phillygirl77 @pattiemac1 @winterslove1917 @vampire7595 @unkasworld @midnightramyeoncravings
Story Taglist: @unaxv @kandis-mom, @igotmajordaddyissues, @millercontracting, @thesoundresoundsecho, @kentokaze, @tornraltos, @bisexualnikkisixx
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svltzmans · 11 months
she's just not into you - r.b.
robin buckley x fem!lesbian!reader
steve has been looking at y/n y/l/n for months, to no avail. she just seems to have no interest, even with steve's kind gestures. he doesn't understand why. robin does.
hi!! omg this is the first time i'm ever writing something like this! i hope someone sees it and likes it lol :) pls ignore any grammar mistakes i tried my best!!
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"i can't believe you managed to score a date with the hottest girl in all of hawkins after my millions of failed attempts", steve remarks, his hands running through his almost-too-long coffee-colored locks. "you've seen it! she just isn't into me at all."
"well, you're not exactly tom cruise or anything", robin responds sarcastically, still lugging her trumpet case from the pep rally.
"tom cruise probably couldn't even pull y/n y/l/n anyway."
"but i could."
"don't remind me!"
the two best friends continue down the halls of hawkins high, robin's heart still pounding remembering what she had managed to pull off minutes prior.
she has a date. a real one.
with y/n y/l/n.
she feels like she'll always remember the exact moment y/n's lips lifted into a smile as she accepted her offer.
the hawkins high pep rally was one of robin's least favorite events of the year.
she loved playing the trumpet. she actually really did.
but playing it in front of her high school full of judgemental jocks and cheerleaders wasn't quite her speed.
nonetheless, she knew she would get to see y/n y/l/n in the crowd. and that made her confidently apply a little extra makeup in steve's car, despite the background noise of steve's babbling.
robin's heartbeat kicked up the second steve pulled into the hawkins high parking lot. she scanned the crowd, but caught no sight of the girl she wanted to see.
that was, until she stepped into the stuffy gym and began to ascend the bleachers.
"robin!", a familiar voice sang.
"oh, y/n! hi!"
"i'm excited to hear you play. i'll be right near the band section!"
those words make robin's stomach start to twist.
"i'll make sure to play as best as i can then!"
y/n laughs in a way that makes robin's cheeks flush a red so deep it's almost maroon.
"oh, y/n, i wanted to ask you a question actually."
oh god, it's happening.
"what's up, robin?"
it's actually happening.
"can you meet me below the bleachers at the end of the pep rally?"
robin's heart pounds while she waits for a response. sure, y/n doesn't know her plans, at least not yet. but simply the thought of her and y/n in privacy makes her feel nervous.
"yeah! i'll meet you there!"
robin simply smiles genuinely, nods, and starts the short walk to the band section of the bleachers.
the pep rally flies by in a blur. robin almost forgets the songs she has to play countless times, her mind only focused on what she wanted to say to y/n.
finally, the student population starts to file out of the gym, and robin makes her way to the bottom of the bleachers. to her surprise, y/n is already standing there, leaning against the wall.
"hey rob!"
the nickname sends a chill down robin's spine.
"y/n! you beat me here!"
"i couldn't keep the best trumpet player in hawkins waiting."
robin's face falls flush again, her hands nervously folded in front of her.
"i guess i'm okay. lots of practice."
"no, robin, you're really good at it. i know a pep rally is supposed to be about school spirit and whatever other bullshit, but i was watching you play. and trying to listen despite how loud everything was."
robin is shaken by how genuine y/n sounds. she knew y/n was kind. she had just never experienced it this personally.
she knows she can't hesitate any longer.
"y/n, do you wanna maybe go get a coffee with me tomorrow? after school?"
she had done it. she had asked one of the most coveted girls at hawkins high on a date.
countless hawkins boys had asked y/n out. robin had even witnessed some of the rejections y/n had dished out, noting the guilty look on the girl's face.
and steve was right. he had tried, quite a few different times. y/n was always kind to him, but never in a more than platonic way. he didn't understand why. had he done something wrong?
"of course i will, robs. that sounds like a lot of fun."
robin then understood why.
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