#she was actually female first try! shes got an awful nature tho
divinemare · 1 year
-ˏˋ⋆ 𝔄 𝔠 𝔬 𝔲 𝔯 𝔱 𝔬 𝔣 𝔤 𝔬 𝔡 𝔰 𝔞 𝔫 𝔡 𝔪 𝔬 𝔫 𝔰 𝔱 𝔢 𝔯 𝔰 ⋆ˊˎ-
└──» ✎ 。 Azriel x Oc
part six
┊✧*。 ✯┊☪︎⋆✧*。 ┊
War had erupted. In what seemed like just months, chaos had put Prythian upside down. Or more like the majority of the Continent, as it seemed.
“This is are not just problems, are they,” Mareena sighed, looking towards the door with Morrigan sited beside her, they were both waiting for the same thing.
“No, no I don’t think so,” the blonde sighed as well, and just seconds after, the door finally opened.
Both females stood up so quickly, Mareena’s head began to spin, but she hid it just fine as one by one, Rhysand, Azriel and Cassian entered the cabin with heavy bags under their eyes and the shadow of tiredness looming in their faces.
“So…?” Morrigan gathered up the courage that Mareena didn’t feel to ask.
“Humans struck last night. Almost everywhere, as if…”
“As if it had been planned,” Mor finished the sentence for Cassian, and the winged male nodded slightly, his eyes lost in a blur of thoughts.
“So, it’s oficial,” Mareena said, trying her best to keep her voice from shaking, but failing miserably.
“Yes, it’s oficial,” Rhysand spoke for the first time, looking up with that deadly calmness of his that let Mareena —and everyone else present—, know there was a waging war going on behind those violet eyes. “We’re at war.”
Mareena had always hated slaves, or more like the awfully cruel concept of them. They were, according to some High Fae, nothing, less than nothing, liabilities good for work. And, growing up being told she was just that; a liability with a good set of powers that made her interesting enough to keep alive, she was more than capable to sympathize with humans, and so to feel a little rush of thrill at every little detail Rhysand snicked their way every now and then about the upraising rebellion.
For the last couple of weeks, tho, she had been subjected to awful enclosure. Not being able to leave the cabin nor for training or a morning walk or to even open the door. Why? Because i’m the last couple of weeks, the camp had been filled with more than a dozen people who, if they recognized, or find out who she was, would not even tremble to call upon her father. And, with everyone else having duties and opportunities to leave that damn cabin, well, she was all on her own for hours, and sometime, even days.
So, naturally, she had to look for ways of distracting herself, and that was beginning to be a whole ton of a challenge, to say the least.
She tried sewing, like Rhysand’s mother had tried to teach her, but every time she would end up with injured fingers and a crappy mood. Then cooking, which, she had actually thought at one point she was mastering, until Azriel tried one of her cakes, and although the tried his best to hide the sickness, and cheer her for her efforts, Mareena saw him gulp two glasses of water when he thought she wasn’t watching. She tried sparing with herself, practicing some moves; didn’t work, she almost severed Cassian head with a knife by accident when he entered unexpectedly through the door. She tried painting, and what a horrific idea that had been, she promised herself never to touch a brush again in her life. She tried dancing, and while that actually amused her and she got very good at, in time it turned boring, and even depressing, without a partner to dance with. And finally, when she actually believed she was about to lose her damn mind, she picked up a book.
Oh, what a wonderful idea that had been. Not for the book itself, but for the thousands of ideas that it gave her. And once she finished reading, she picked up a quill and some parchment, and started writing her own stories.
“What are you doing?” A deep voice startled her from behind.
She had been so concentrated in her narrative, she had not realized someone had entered the cabin. When she turned around, tho, her racing heart lowered its heavy rhythm when she saw Azriel’s face. She hadn’t seen him in, what? Two, almost three days?
Now, her heart leaped in excitement as she pushed from the chair and into his arms.
“Az!” The boy laughed softly, and the rich deep sound made Mareena’s entire body and heart warm.
“I’ve missed you too, Squirrel,” he hugged her tightly, letting her know he was speaking truth.
Squirrel, that awful nickname he had chosen almost two years ago. “Because you get distracted easily, and have a short attention span, like a squirrel.” He had explained when she complained about it. “Also because you usually fill your mouth with food when you don’t want to share.” He had also said.
“What where you doing?” He asked again once they broke their long hug, pointing to the stack of parchment at the table with his head.
“Oh, nothing, you know, just distracting myself for the awful truth of my lonely enclosure,” she sighed dramatically, and Azriel laughed again, shaking his head.
“You know I’m always keeping you company, even tho I can’t be here, Mare,” Azriel said with a soft gaze, one that mixed remorse with affection.
“I know, I know, you’re at my heart and all that.”
“No, I mean, literally keep you company.”
When Mareena furrowed her brows in confusion, he signaled the dark corners of the cabin, where light didn’t reach and shadows took place. And, now that she was truly looking at them, Mareena could have sweared they moved. Her mouth fell open, how had she not noticed before?
“Az, you…” She turned to look at him again, her heart giving a little, silly jump. “But, wait, doesn’t that take some power away?”She furrowed her brows again? this time in concern.
“Yeah, a little, but, it’s worth it,” he shrugged it off as if it was nothing.
“No, don’t argue with me, it’s the least I can do, Mare, I wish I could do more, but-”
Mareena quickly shut him up wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight hug, having to get on her tiptoes.
“But you don’t want to leave me all on my own, I know,” she whispered, then pulled away just enough so she could stare into his beautiful, mesmerizing eyes. “I just don’t want you to be unprotected, not with all that’s going on.”
He opened his mouth to respond, but just as quickly, the door bursted open. And with a swift move, Azriel moved her behind him while facing the door. He let out a sight of relieve —and annoyance—, when Cassian’s face came into view.
“Oh, shit, sorry, did I just interrupt something?”
Yes, you big-
“No, come in,” Azriel answered instead, and Mareena’s heart, yet again, like all the times before, sank to back to her chest.
“Sorry, Az, but we’re needed back,” he said with a frown of that same remorse Azriel had had before.
“It’s ok, go do whatever Illyrian’s do, I’ll be fine,” she smiled at him, and he gave him a sad smile in return.
Cassian got to her to give her a feet-off-ground hug and a kiss in her head before saying goodby and heading back out. Strategy, training, it all was gaining on them, she saw it in their tired eyes, but, as the exceptional warriors they were, they let none of that show, and Mareena could only sigh and pray to the Mother as she herself resumed her writing. Now, grinning with a heart-warming feeling at the shadowy corner next to her.
A week had passed, and Mareena had been day and night with a quill and ink. It was fascinating, actually, how her mind just couldn’t stop spinning with stories and plots and characters and so many other things.
“There you are,” a tired, male voice spoke behind her, and Mareena turned around with the biggest smile, dropping her quill to run towards Rhysand’s arms.
She hadn’t seen him in so, so long, the male had been incredibly busy at the Court of Nightmares he barely had time to breath.
“You’re here!” She beamed with excitement.
“Barely,” his laugh was dry, not at all like the Rhys she was so accustomed to.
“Oh, that bad?” Mareena took a step back, still grasping his shoulders and squeezing a little bit for comfort.
“That bad,” he nodded, and there, close enough to pay attention to his face, her own contorted in a worried frown for the big, purple bags under his eyes.
“Oh, Rhys…” She hugged him again, and the male let a deep sigh.
Ones they parted, Mareena hurried to prepare the delicious tea Alhena had taught her to make. At least, she didn’t sucked at preparing that, and actually did them pretty well.
“Here you go, I asked Az to bring me some new herbs the other day, so this is a new recipe I think you’ll-” when she returned to the living room, Rhys was sited at the table, reading the parchments she had left scattered around.
He looked up at her, and Mareena swallowed hard. She hadn’t showed her work to anyone yet —not that there was anyone to show them to, anyway, apart from the shadows that got closer and closer to her.
“They’re just drafts, some silly things that came to my mind when I was bored,” she quickly said, putting both cups of tea down and cleaning the sweat from her hands in her skirt.
“Mare, this are amazing, this one’s actually bloody genius, the grumpy bat? I wonder who that was inspired by,” a genuine laugh from Rhys that lighten up his tired eyes made her smile as well.
“Yeah, please don’t tell him I did that, I had to threaten the shadows with a blast of light for that one the other day.”
Rhysand laughed again, a sound so genuine that Mareena joined him after.
After some minutes, tho, of Mareena showing him her favorite stories, Rhysand’s face changed drastically from a smile to a worried frown, and he wasn’t quick enough to hide it before she noticed.
“What’s going on? I know there’s something you’re not telling me.”
“It’s nothing, I just…nothing,” he shook his head, and tried to pretend he was fully focused on the parchment in front of him.
“I met Tamlin,” he blurted out when Mareena put a hand on his tensed bicep.
Mareena backed away a little bit, in pure shock with her eyes wide open and her mouth suddenly too dry.
Of course she hadn’t forgotten that name, her brother’s name, in all those years. He had been a baby when she first met him and last saw him, since his mother had been keeping him away from her and the dungeon her father kept her at in his early childhood. But now…he should be, what, 15, maybe even 17?
“I mean, of course I had met him before, at court functions, but I mean, a couple of days ago I…I really met him, talked to him and…yeah. To say my father was pissed is an understatement.”
“And…how-how is he?” She asked with a shaky voice.
He had been an innocent baby when she met him, and could always hear his beautiful, childish laughter when the doors of her dungeon were opened long enough. The Lady of the Spring Court had done a good job at keeping her youngest out of the cruelty of her mate, at least in some degree.
Rhys looked at her like he was trying to look into her mind to read her thoughts, but she knew that he wouldn’t, so she tried her best to keep her exterior from breaking.
“He’s…good, and I mean, like in a good person and all. He doesn’t want to be a High Lord, and has as much of a good relationship with his father than I have with mine. His brothers make his life impossible for that, too, so he joined his father’s war band to get some training. I’ve been teaching him some things but…I really didn’t want to keep seeing before I talked to you, I should���ve never talked to him in the first place without talking to you first, I’m-”
“Don’t,” she interrupted, her face relaxing a little bit and her eyes softening despite the hot tears that gathered there, and she got a little closer to him again, putting a hand in his arm once more. “Don’t apologize for that, Rhys, I’m…I’m glad you did what you did. That way, maybe you can keep him away from my…his, father’s horrible ideas.”
“Are you sure? Because Mare, you’re my sister, I don’t want you to feel-”
“Uncomfortable? Scared? Paranoid? Don’t worry about me, Rhys. Tamlin never hurt me, he never had any part on the things his bother and father did to me, he was just a kid back then, and the Lady of Spring kept him away from me as much as she could.”
A silence stretched between them, not uncomfortable, just letting both think, specially Mareena to swallow and register the situation.
She wondered what he looked like now, he had been a beautiful baby back then, and had the most gorgeous green eyes and baby smile. She wondered if what Rhys was saying was true, and he was nothing like his brothers and father, and maybe, just maybe…
“Can you take me to meet him?” She said before actually thinking through her words.
Rhys turned to look at her in surprise, and didn’t found the words to respond for a couple of seconds.
“Are you…are you sure?”
“No, I mean…I don’t know, I just…if what you say it’s true, and he’s not like that bunch of awful males…sometimes I just feel like there’s a hole in me, Rhys. Don’t get me wrong, I love you and Cas and Az and Mor and every single one of you, you’re my family, and I love you and thank you every day of my life, it’s just…I don’t know…”
“You wonder if he could be your family too,” he finished for her, understanding and compassion shining in his violet eyes.
He had always looked at her like that, even when they first met, he was compassionate, and always understanding.
“Yeah, ok. I couldn’t help you find your mother, but maybe I can help you find your brother,” a smile stretched his lips, and Mareena jumped to hug him with a smile of her own.
They had tried to find her mother for years, they had done everything in their power to find her, but never got any answer in years, it was as if the female had disappeared from the Continent itself.
She had stoped thinking about it, tho, Alhena had filled that hole in her chest years ago, she was her mother now, and that was it.
“I’ll come to you when I’m sure it’s safe, ok?” She nodded with a smile, and Rhysand stood up from the table, kissing the top of her head.
He had to leave now, and even tho Mareena wanted him to stay a little longer, the trouble out there wasn’t gonna wait a minute longer for them.
“Oh, wait!” She stoped him before he could get out of the cabin, and Rhys turned around with furrowed eyebrows.
She gathered some parchment and molded them together with a bit of power.
“Here, take this one with you, maybe it can help you with a bit of a distraction when you need it. And, can you take this ones to Alhena and Valeria?”
“Oh, they’re gonna love it. Be prepared for mom to come and absolutely lose it with pride and Valeria to never let you live in peace again,” his laugh was full of love while he took with him the improvised books she tried to make. “By the way, nice trick, I didn’t know you were practicing your magic.”
A flush covered her cheeks, but she tried to shrug it off.
“Yeah, I’ve been practicing some with Mor, just to not be a total defenseless idiot, but…”
“You still feel uncomfortable,” he finished for her, another understanding smile in his lips.
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“Believe me, I get you,” and she knew he did, Rhys had told her before that he, too, couldn’t get a hold on his magic.
Then they said their final goodbyes, and Mareena sighed deeply, her chest filled with new emotions she didn’t know how to organize. Expectation, fear, uncertainty, emotion…too many of them. So, to distract herself a little from everything going on on her mind right now, she sat down on the again, pulled out a new piece of paper, and began writing a story about a little girl who had fled hell’s gates, and promised herself never to be afraid of it again.
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honeybunchesobees · 1 year
hcs about APF if they were POC, specifically black (please other POC make hcs like this im starving)
probably wears her hair natural, because her dad mostly did her hair. david HATES it
david treats her like a sterotype, so she acts like it around him to piss him off
cant be silent for a second, constantly making beats on anything and everything, or trying to spit bars (and failing) over any beat she hears
rap music listener, though is still very punk.
"thats some white people shit"
will roast the hell out of someone at the drop of a hat
POOR WHITEWASHED GIRL. james is black, rose is white, sera is black. thought she was mixed for the longest time.
james is very uncle-ruckus coded. massive coon. "pick me massa" ass individual.
rachel has been getting her hair straightened and bleached for so long its prolly soooo damaged.
james tried to keep her from being "improper" but chloe is like aw nah girl we gone get some culture in you one way or the next
its giving black girl magic. its giving black excellence.
all the dance challenges. all the hustles. turbo, cha cha slide, cupid, wobble, everything and anything rachel knows it
actually mixed! ryan is black, vanessa is white
"what you know about this?" to chloe, who is older than her.
is obsessed with historical photos of black excellence, she wants to be the first black SOMETHING, whatever a black female photographer hasn't done, she's gonna do it
naturally straighter hair, but still got a bit of volume (or it would, if she took care of it)
scared of saying the N word, dont worry chloe drops it three times as much for her
sorta disconnected from the culture, but then again so much of a shut in she's disconnected from EVERYONE (oops)
shyer about dancing and singing but does love it (tho she only does it around rachel and chloe)
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vaugarde · 2 years
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hi uh phone data doesn’t work anymore apparently, was trying to post but wasnt working. anyways sun and moon is still a good game
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casmybelovedass · 4 years
The Destiel Folder: Season 10
[Season 4; Season 5; Season 6; Season 7; Season 8; Season 9]
Episode 1:
Cas is slowly dying, practically naked, in a bed, and the first thing he says when talking about Dean is "I miss him" (6:35), with a soft smile. "Why would he just disappear?"
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... I'm sorry but If Cas Were A Woman, this would look like a scene from a movie or something, where the wife talks to a friend over the phone about her missing husband. JUST SAYING
Crowley: "The girl seemed nice. Slightly damaged. I could see the old you falling for that." (9:29) uhm... who else is "nice and slightly" damaged? I don't know... CASTIEL??!!!
So... these two men (actors Todd Mann and Brad Mann) we see with the DemonGang, are real life twins (9:14).
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At (27:18), Crowley states him and Dean did "extroardinary things to triplets" ... and, well, the only twins with a possible other sibling we see are... them
And this is not the first time we hear about Dean doing "things to triplets" with a buddy of his (15x07)... and the first time he was NOT a demon... so, there's that. And triplets don't necessarily mean "all females"
Cas, while talking about the good things that come with choices, mentions "hope, love, dreams" (39:06), and Hannah points out that "those are human things". Human things...
Cas is talking about his own personal experiences with creating chaos, so those are the things he felt after rebelling for... Dean... WOW. ICWAW, it would totally be read it as a reference to Dean. A romantic one. Fight me
Episode 2:
Cas is dying, just got back from a fight that left him wounded, doesn't have enough power to heal himself, is on a mission to restore Heaven, and once again he chooses to go save Dean (9:35), and the way rage builds in his eyes when learning Dean has become a demon. Look at this shit
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I might be crazy, but this feels like a touching metaphor to me:
"I think you don't know what you want. Tell me, Dean. What are you? A demon? [...] Maybe you're human. [...] Why don't you do us all a great, big favor... and pick a bloody side!" (22:22)
Episode 3:
We are reminded that, even tho in terrible conditions, on the verge of death, Cas is willing to risk it all to save Dean, and is devastated by the thought of Dean not making it (4:47 - 5:17)
This is so funny to me, I'm sorry, but Cas is so visibly uncomfortable with Hannah touching him, it's hilarious (15:58)
"I've been around humans for long enough to see how easily distractions occur. Emotions, feelings... They're dangerous temptations." (22:32) like rebelling against your own kind, destroying your home, falling... all for a human?
"I'm trying to keep our priorities clear." Moments earlier, Cas listed "Getting to Dean" (22:17) before anything else. In fact, Hannah says "I am very clear of my priorities... and yours." = Dean (23:00)
Cas is not sure whether the cure will kill Dean or not, and in any case, he wraps his arms around him, and softly says "It's over... Dean it's over." (35:40) as if hushing him to sleep, in what could have been their last moments together... wow. Think about this ICWAW
"Well, I can see his point. Only humans can feel real joy, but... also such profound pain. This is easier." (36:17) Look at the way Sam is looking at Cas looking at Dean
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POSSIBILE future Empty reference "real joy"
Cas already stated he misses being human, but knows how fragile they are in both body and spirit:
Castiel really wants to be with Dean. For real. But maybe he thinks (see season 9) him being an angel is an obstacle to their feelings.
Only by being human he can truly be happy (MMMMMMHH SEASON 15), but isn't sure he could handle the pain that comes with it. A possible rejection, the thought of Dean dying, him leaving Dean... MMMMHHHHH
"You look terrible." [...] "Well, you, on the other hand, you... *checks out Cas* Looking good." (39:09) full homo right there. Also parallel with Ketch in 13x18 ("You don't look good." "Yeah, well, you're not my type, either.")
The way they are looking at each other here... man.
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Cas is so happy to have Dean back, and Dean looks hurt about Cas leaving so soon.
"So... so, you're back?" "At least temporarily." (39:27) bitch, you know that's not what he ment.
In all of this, Cas is trying to make Dean feel better about the whole situation (DAT SMILE 40:18), and Dean replies with "I'm glad you're back, man.", basically no-homoing himself...
Cas starts walking out of the room, but stops and turns back [insert concerned husband here] (40:27), and Dean has that hopeful look in his eyes, like Cas is going to stay, and the hurtful look comes back as soon as Cas is gone
Episode 4:
"On your knees!" "Wow, I'm awfully flattered-" (34:33) SASSY BI DEAN IS THE DEAN WE DESERVE
Episode 5:
Fucking kill me NOW!!! Dean's reaction to Destiel is PRICELESS!! And even before he learns what that is, he just looks at the girls playing him and Cas and... freezes for a moment (13:18) And the eyebrow raise thingy at (13:34)... what's going on in your brain, Dean?
I'd like to point out that the Italian translation for "You can't spell 'subtext' without S-E-X" is, for once, AMAZING:
"It's just that... their bond is so strong it has subtext of a... sexual nature."
Also at (9:44) Dean immediately reacts to the implication of Wincest subtext, shutting it down and telling the girls to take a step back, but with Destiel he is like... alright
... this is so fucking cute, (25:54) Dean adjusts the girl playing Cas' tie so that it's messed up like the real Cas'. ADORABLE
SAM SHIPS IT (13:57) and is teasing the SHIT out of Dean, who reacts like someone being teased about their crush. Just saying (14:08 - 14:52) [AND THIS HAPPENS IN FRONT OF A PINK-BLUE WALL]
"I know I have expressed some differences of opinion regarding this version of Supernatural." (26:44) ... oookay meta? *turns to "Cas"* "And I want you to put as much sub into that text as you possibly can." ... oKAY?!
Episode 7:
Cas being extremely uncomfortable with women is too fucking funny to me (5:03 - 12:51)
Episode 9:
(15:13) Alright, so, this is a date... what now? Anyway, nice bi flannel, Dean. And the little sweet smiles you two are giving each other? So fucking precious (16:01)
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"I ain't exactly a role model." "That's not true." (16:07) how Dean looks at Cas right after that? BABIES!
"How are you, Dean?" "Fine." "*I-call-bullshit look*" "I'm great!" "No, you're not." (16:18) #MARRIED
As Cas is choke-holding a guy, Dean, clearly amused (almost proudly), says "I'd do what he says." (22:17) Like that time with Raphael in 5x03, Dean likes it when Cas gets rough
Episode 10:
Shut the fuck up and marry each other already so you can finally actually BE the old married couple™️ you ALREADY ARE (22:17)
This is the "My husband is so FUCKING STUPID" look (22:30)
"I was hoping you might reach out to her." "... Me? I'm probably the last person she'd want to hear from." [...] "All I know... is she won't talk to me." (23:03) #MARRIED, PARENTS, PERIODT
Shut the fuck up. Cas is the dad trying to figure out technology (23:36) "I'll text you her number. I like texting. Emotions!" DAD
Cas worries about Dean like a wife would with an alcoholic husband
Of all the things Dean could be MAD about at Metateon... the first thing he can think of is him stealing Cas' grace (31:33) (okay, maybe he is going in chronological order but STILL)
Episode 11:
Episode 14:
Have this deleted scene: Castiel and Crowley bitching over Dean, and Crowley calling Dean Cas' boyfriend
This is some hell of a goodbye-eye-love-making scene (26:57)
Cain compares himself to Dean... and CAS TO HIS WIFE COLLETTE [PARALLELS]
"You're living my life in reverse [...]
First you'd kill Crowley. You'd get it done, no remorse. (Cain had been killing his descendants, for whom he didn't care much)
And then you'd kill the angel, Castiel. Now, that one... that, I suspect, would hurt something awful. [And than Sam is Able, bla bla...]"
Dean gives the First Blade to Cas... oKAY (37:10)
Worried brother-in-laws (41:27)
Episode 16:
This is such a good source of hidden meanings scene! Dean starts his "confession" as a scam. Everything he says at first is to attract the spirit.
He starts talking about seeing lots of women, not being able to control himself, and being sick of it. Then the real confession begins...
Dean feels he's going to die soon, and fears not death itself, but what he would be missing from his life.
"There's things... people, feelings that I... I would experience differently than I had before. Or even for the first time." (25:28) and the priest believes Dean is talking about love.
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Well... "people, feelings"... who could he be referring to? Does Dean want love all of a sudden? People he wants to experience for the first time... uhmmmm... Is Dean opening up to his attraction to MEN??!! Or one angel in particular?
ICWAW we would guess Dean was talking about Cas
"Who mixes their blood and bones into paint? No woman has ever done that for me." (39:19) UHM- Dean, what about
6x20 "He has bled, died bla bla bla for us",
7x21 "I'm always happy to bleed for the Winchesters" or
9x22 "You just gave up an entire army for one guy"
ICWAW we would ALL roll our eyes at this statement and scream CAS
Episode 17:
About saving Dean from the Mark: "We won't- (free Metatron)" "Yes, you will... because you're desperate." (9:44) Hannah knows. Let's remark that
"All I'm getting from you is... colours." (14:26) bitch he is a walking 🌈PRIDE FLAG🏳️‍🌈
Notice how, when we get a Sam-Cas centred episode, we don't get the same interactions with Dean-Cas? Why this?
Dean is always ready to call Cas a "brother", but the only one true bromance here is Sam and Cas'. There are no longing stares, no weird sexual filled dialogue nor tension, NO LONGING STARES
Facts, my people. Facts
Episode 18:
"You killed my friend." "Oh, pff, Dean is fine, mostly. Can't you get past that?" "Never." (12:39)
Charlie being excited about meeting Dean's famous boyfriend is WHOLESOME (37:34)
To have Cas back, 100%, safe and sound, is a win for Dean (38:58) and the face Cas makes after Dean hits him with another no-homo "It's good to have you back, pal." is "UHH not this again". Charlie already ships it
Episode 20:
A #MARRIED couple and their daughter. NO ARGUMENTS VALID (7:06)
Look at how they enter the motel (16:22)
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OH MY GOOOOOD!!! #PARENTS coming back home from shopping!! THE HAND ON THE SHOULDER!!! Also
"Happy birthday. I got it at the Hot Topical" DAD
Dean: "Imma head back over there." Cas: "I'm coming with you." Claire: "I'm coming with you too." (17:24) #FAMILY
A fucking family comedy about a dad confronting the daughter's boyfriend and the other dad scolding him:
"What did you do to him?" "I didn't lay a hand on him!" "Dean, that isn't exactly true." "... Well, I didn't kill the guy." (17:14)
Surprisingly enough, this is not the first nor last time Dean acts like a dad to a lost child (AND TWO OF THESE TIMES THE KID IS SOMEHOW RELATED TO CAS) (21:54)
Episode 22:
C: "Claire, you are not going out there. [...] It's too dangerous. I can't let anything happen to you." D: "Claire, you're not going." C: "You're not either, Dean." D: "What?" (19:29)
"No fighting. [...] Both of you." AAAAAA
This doesn't fucking matter, but Dean just said "... for the ladies. Or the fellas. I don't judge." (36:23)
Cas' speech to Dean... wow. "So if there's even a small chance that we can save you... I won't let you walk out of this room." (39:20)
I hate this scene. (40:11)
Dean is overwhelmed by Charlie's death, Sam and Cas' betrayal, the Mark changing him and all the other shit.
The Mark is taking over, and Dean can't (and won't) help it. Cas knows it. He doesn't want to hurt Dean. He is not even resisting. Doesn't put up a fight.
And just like Colette with Cain, Castiel only asks Dean one thing: "Stop." (40:38) [9x11]
Parallel to 8x07:
The only thing that stops Cas from killing Dean, is him begging, clutching onto his sleeve.
"Dean... please..." (41:08) Cas pleading Dean, clutching to his arm, makes him resist the urge to kill him.
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Episode 23:
You can find gifs and the script of some deleted (destiel) scenes in this post by @charlie-minion
As the Mark eats Dean... he starts feeling guilt for the people he hurt... first on the list: Cas (14:54)
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(This gif is not mine)
Well... what a season.
[Season 11>>]
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exosmuttytalk · 4 years
Just Dance
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Characters: Chanyeol, female OC
Genre: Fluff, hurt and comfort (kinda?)
Word count: ~2400
Summary: Following a round of her favorite videogame, Chanyeol makes the best effort to prop his girl up.
A/N: Originally, this was going to go a different route with a different main character, but then I thought about my friend @blogmariasan​ and wanted to write something for her ~
How cute does he look in that gif tho
The rapid beating of your heart in your ears and the loud music coming out of the speakers were strong enough for you to miss the noise the front door made when it turned on its hinges. Or the rummaging at the hall as he left the keys at the usual spot on top of the dresser and hung his coat on the hanger.
“Oh, so that’s what you do when I’m not at home, hmm?” his voice came from the doorstep to the living room, where you had moved the coffee table out of the way to make enough space for your workout, standing in front of the TV. “Fraternizing with our enemies.”
The high amount of energy your body stored at the moment combined with his voice startling you sent you practically flying across the room and into the sofa that had been pushed backwards. Sweat dripped down your back and you could feel blood rushing to your already flushed face.
The subject of dance came up fairly often in conversations with Chanyeol, who would sometimes need reassurance when he compared his own dancing with some other of his band mates, but who you’d never let watch you dance. Not on purpose, of course.
Dance is one of those things that do not matter to normal people. Everyone’s been to a club or a party at least once, has made a complete fool of themselves and then has gone home, hopefully having had fun. Not you.
When you were a kid, almost all your female classmates had enrolled in some sort of dance classes: ballet, regional dances, hip-hop, you name it. You knew many people who were part of an amateur band that learnt and performed their favorite artists’ dances. You weren’t one of them. At those end of year performances at your primary school, you’d always be left at the back, fulfilling the inconspicuous roles of trees, random animals, or the time when you had gotten quite a share of the spotlight as a door knob in a musical version of Alice in Wonderland. Coordination was just not your forte.
Everybody who knew you knew that as well. Including your boyfriend, who had found out about your slight incompetence when it came to being a protagonist and to moving your body in a graceful manner quite early in the relationship, when he had taken you as his companion to a family wedding. As enthused as always, he dragged you across the room to the dance floor, and knowing many of his family members were scrutinizing your every move, you had no option but to dance with him. Thankfully, one of his uncles was a nurse and was able to examine your ankle and determined you had only sprained it. As soon as he heard that, all the worry he had been sporting on his face since he saw you trip and hit the ground, disappeared. It was instead replaced by a slight mocking expression that only grew bigger when his grandma patted him in the back and told him you were nice but he needed to teach you to keep a bit of balance. What a beautiful family introduction.
Wasn’t that funny though? You wouldn’t trade your life for anything in the world, but you would have preferred if dance wasn’t such an important aspect in your partner’s life. Being energetic as he is, Chanyeol would usually blast music while at home, didn’t matter to him whether it was his own music or someone else’s, and dance around while doing chores. He’d do it in the car as well.
“Dancing is very fun, baby, you still haven’t found the perfect song for you.”
Just watching him prance around the house made you unbelievably happy, but you never let yourself get into it. As much as you watched and enjoyed every single one of his performances, and for many of them, you’d learnt the whole choreography, you didn’t allow yourself to get carried away beyond a gentle sway.
The thing is you loved dancing. You actually loved to the point it was your main form of exercise. Who doesn’t love getting carried away with their favorite music? You just were aware of the quality of the movements you produced, so you refused to do it in front of other people.
“I wasn’t doing anything with your enemies! And they’re not your enemies, you’re just petty!”
You stood back up and forcefully pulled the sofa back to its original place. Then, you turned off the game console without even worrying to save your progress and left the controller on top of the table a bit more harshly than necessary and left the room in a huff.
When Chanyeol asked you to move in with him, you knew you wouldn’t have as much privacy as you used to do living in your tiny one bedroom apartment, but you didn’t particularly mind it. By that point, you had already spent plenty of time at each other’s homes and he was an easy going person, so you felt at home. Besides, his busy schedule kept him out of the house most of the day; so you felt at ease. Even more so when you discovered, in a party with his band mates where he pulled it out as an entertainment safe bet, that he had unlimited access to one of your favorite videogames. So now, whenever he was out and you wanted to exercise, you’d turn it on and dance on your own, enjoyed yourself and bumped into enough stuff around the house Chanyeol would always enquire about the bruises on your legs.
His brows furrowed when he heard your snappy tone and you made your way out of the living room.
“Babe? What’s wrong?” He followed you into the bathroom where you struggled to get out of your sweaty workout clothes while at the same time avoiding his gaze from scanning your flushed face. “You’ve already been living here for long enough, you can use anything here whenever you can, you know that?”
“It’s not that!” You responded, annoyed and in the verge of tears.
He waited for you to come out of your t-shirt to grab your hand and pull you back into the bedroom, where he sat in the middle of the bed, cross legged and making a space big enough between your legs for you to fit in comfortably. You flinched when his fingers started sliding down your still damp back in soothing movements, but couldn’t help but dive into his comforting hug.
“So now you’re gonna tell me what’s got you all up in arms today, hmm?”
“I don’t really want to talk about it.”
“Yeah, but you know keeping bad things in will get you nowhere. Why are you angry? You seemed so happy when I came in.”
“I am not angry…” you said in a low tone while you tried to hide your face against Chanyeol’s chest.
“So what is it?” He cupped your face in his hand and raised your head to look at you. As soon as his eyes fixed on yours, you felt another wave of heat hit your cheeks. “Are you blushing?” You could almost hear the gears grinding in his brain as he connected the dots. “Is it because I caught you dancing?”
You let out an undefined sound that served as an affirmation and took your eyes away from him.
“I remember how embarrassing it was for you at Hee’s wedding, but there’s no one else but me here. You can enjoy yourself without a problem!”
“It’s not that… I can’t dance in front of you.”
“But why not, baby? I will do it with you, it’s fun!”
“I just…” you hesitated, but the expression on his face as he waited was enough. “I am a bad dancer, okay? I know that.”
He nodded with caution, not wanting to make you feel worse with his acknowledgement.
“Is there a problem with that?”
“Of course there is a problem! You dance for a living”
“Well, I do other stuff too, but it’s a pretty big part. What does that have to do with this?”
“I love you, okay? I really like seeing you perform and I know you love what you do. But sometimes I wonder if I’m good enough for you,” you finally confessed.
“What?” his voice was higher pitched than usual to express his confusion. “Where is this all coming from?”
“I sometimes think…maybe if you see how bad I am at this, you will compare me to your other friends who also dance and think you can do better than me.”
“Are you really telling me you’re scared of me leaving you for someone who dances better than you?” his voice kept raising in disbelief.
“Well, if you put it that way! Just listen to me! You are always around people who are more talented, better looking and who have more interesting lives than me. I have none of that. How am I supposed to feel!?”
Chanyeol leaned back into the mattress and pulled your body along with his, so in the end, he was lying across the bed on his back with you on top of him, resting you face against his t-shirt. You rose up your gaze at him and saw him staring at the ceiling with a blank expression, while his fingers never stopped drawing random patterns against your bare skin.
“You know, when I first got into this I was an awful dancer.”
“Yeah, in comparison with Jongin or Sehun, there’s nothing I can do in terms of dancing even now. They were so much better than I was, and not just because of their natural talent. I’m a terrible dancer. My legs and arms feel too long to be controlled and collected as they are when they dance. All that you see now is the result of years of practice.”
“I have never been too self conscious about it because I trusted myself enough, but I remember there was this girl at the training centre who always made comments about my dancing. She was a bit older than I was and she used to tease me about it all the time. She wasn’t very nice.”
“Is she still mean?”
“Oh, maybe she is. I haven’t seen her in years, I ended up debuting with the guys but she never got to that point, despite the fact she had been training for years at that point.”
“That’ll serve her right,” you shrugged.
“Yeah, well. I try not to think a lot about it, because I can still hear her snickering while I performed.”
“I’m so sorry about that,” you hugged him softly from your position and his arms returned the favor around you.
“It’s okay. The thing about this is that I know how you feel. I know how hard it can be to face the world, expose what you have and to be confident enough that it’ll be good enough. But some people around us are more than willing to tear us down over our smallest mistakes, so it’s quite unfair that we do that to ourselves too. That’s what helped me get over it.”
“Yeah, but now you are a quite good dancer and get paid to do so! Why would I show something I know I am bad at?”
“Because you actually enjoy it! Allowing yourself to enjoy things is part of being kind to yourself, and that’s something you need to work on.”
You let out only a soft sigh as a response.
“You know you’re the most beautiful thing that’s ever been in my life, right?”
You propped your head up by resting your chin against his chest, looking him on, silently. His hand caressed your hair.
“Sometimes I have bad days too. Sometimes I’m sad or angry. Or frustrated, because I am not getting where I want to be. But then, I come home and see you around. Maybe you’re in the kitchen, or you’re working on your laptop, or playing with the dog. Doing whatever. Just by being there, you make my day brighter. You make me smile and laugh. You support me when I need to. You get me in ways barely no one else does and I get inspired by you daily.”
His confession left you speechless for a while. Of course, you knew you were in with Chanyeol for the long run. You’d gone through terrible enough times together when your relationship was made public, so now you weren’t going to give up and neither was him.
“You’re so beautiful and so good I don’t even care about other people anymore. Yeah, I have many beautiful friends and coworker. But they have nothing against you, doesn’t matter how much prettier you think they are. Besides, my grandma loves you very much despite your stellar introduction to the family; that can hardly be beat.”
A small tear managed to slide its way down your cheek when you closed your eyes and laughed wholeheartedly to the mention of his grandma, but he didn’t notice. Just seconds after he’d finished his speech, he’d sat up on the bed, kissed your forehead and started rummaging through the closet.
“Here, wear this one!”
He tossed you one of his older t-shirts, with the name of his group written on the back, worn out and soft, before stripping off his own work clothes and searching for more comfortable stuff.
“I’m a bit rusty lately, so it’s a good thing you were already working out, we can help each other.” You were still sitting on your bed, t-shirt in hand but in your underwear, not sure what to do. His head popped up behind one of the doors when he noticed you hadn’t moved and his eyes scanned up and down your poorly covered figure, with a cocky eyebrow raised and a smirk. “Or we could head into the shower and I could teach you some of the moves we do under artificial rain… but only if you want, of course…”
A/N: It probably wasn’t made clear enough, but the song OC was dancing at the beginning would’ve been a BTS one, if those were included in the game, which I’m not sure of. BTS and Exo are not enemies and they probably even get on fairly well with each other, so take it just as a joke
Other Chanyeol shenanigans 
Holidays   (OC/One Shot/Fluff-Smut)
Experimentation    (Chanbaek/One shot/Fluff-soft smut)
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dallonm-archive · 4 years
Lemon Teeth | Short Story Updates #2
cw for death and murder talk, and fire imagery (and one mention of sleeping pills)
Hello hello!
I’ve really wanted to share another short story update ever since I posted about Ammonite, but my process became a little ~messy~ since then and now - jumping between different projects and struggling to focus mainly, but I have a system now that’s working well. I’ve also been working a lot on redeveloping my initial collection idea from nearly two years ago. It’s been going great and I like where it’s headed, but my main struggles are a) title?? never heard of her and b) oops! I created a very broad but clear tone and atmosphere for this collection and started coming up with stories that go completely against that. I’m hoping to talk more about it in the next update as the next two stories I plan to draft next are very much in line with the idea I’m going with. But this story is as well, so for now lets talk about a house, an unhinged couple, and lemon cake! Because this post has been half finished in my drafts all month and it is! Haunting me!
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In Lemon Teeth, a house narrates the nights its inhabitants decide to burn it down, and struggles to understand the human condition.
Genre: literary short fiction, might be surrealist (?)  POV: 1st person present tense / inanimate narrator (the house)  Atmosphere: TV static in the background, dusty wood, stuffy summer air, overfilled ashtrays, cigarette burns, smoke inhalation, bitter citrus flavour, lemon cake
This was originally called Lemon Cake and Gasoline and that was the title for most of the drafting process, but I’d juggled between that title and Lemon Teeth with my only rejection for Lemon Teeth being that I had No Idea what it meant. But I always found that title to be much more interesting and with a story where not a lot makes sense, it’s actually a perfect fit and I’ll use the editing process to figure out it’s full meaning. This image has been in my mind for a year and a half now, of a couple standing in front of a burning house, and it remained stagnant until I realised it wasn’t just about the fire and that the narrator was the house itself. This draft ~sucks~. Finding lines I wanted to share was really a needle in a haystack moment, but I have a lot of hope for this story and I really like it as an idea! There is such a chaotic vibe to it that I really want to highlight in further drafts. Also it is 2020 and we are loving and embracing drafts even when they suck!
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I was designed for cosy Christmas mornings and ardent family dinners. For boisterous children who crayon the walls and grow up to be doctors and lawyers. But not everyone wants that. Some people thrive when they’re on fire.
(In this episode of oh my god just because the story is about fire doesn’t mean there has to be all this fire imagery but this part really cemented the house’s voice for me. This story also definitely takes inspiration from the American Dream and I wonder if the house dislikes its inhabitants not because they’re bad people, but because they reject expectations and traditions.)
The most interesting part of the process was creating a voice for the house - this is my first delve into inanimate narrators and I’m lowkey obsessed.  The house is petty, sarcastic, and looks down on the inhabitants - Lawrence and Frances. My idea was that the house’s knowledge is limited and only influenced by who lives there, but it knows everything about these inhabitants, how their minds work, and secrets they’ve repressed deep inside. I really like the cold, distance “observer” nature of the narrative, which leads the house to struggle to understand why Lawrence and Frances act the way they do, and why they decide to burn down their home. That’s where the heart of this story is: it’s full of contradictions, unanswered questions, and nonsensical decisions from the characters, and the aim is not to explain or justify any of it (not that I’d want to with characters like these two who are just. very morally fucked up).
Lawrence and Frances are awful people, but they are super fun to write.  They’re married, but they’ve known from the start that they don’t love each other in that sense. They shout, fight, challenge each other, try to kill each other, but they don’t hate each other. There is this sort of mutual respect between them, that they both know the type of people they are and have no interest in improving or redeeming themselves, so are perfectly content in this messy, tangled “harmony” they’ve found together. But also they would definitely kill each other for the life insurance?? And there’s probably an unspoken competition over who can get it first? The chaos of it all!
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Frances imagines baking Lawrence’s favourite cake - her famous lemon drizzle - and pouring the contents of his ashtray into the batter. She daydreams of crushing his sleeping pills into icing sugar. She’ll collect his life insurance with a funeral veil in time for New Years and kiss the neighbour’s wife at midnight.
Frances is textbook Unhinged Gal and one of my main goals to improve this story is to really push her boundaries because she already has little to none. She locks herself in the bathroom and pretends to fall asleep so she can berate Lawrence for not checking on her, she daydreams about poisoning him with baked goods, she has an affair with the neighbours wife. That being said I don’t think I’ve figured her out on a deeper psychological level, and I plan to focus on her specifically in the edits. The house takes a particular dislike to Lawrence because he only got the house via inheritance and is again, awful. Lawrence is a liar first and a human second but it’s like he doesn’t even try  to make those lies believable, my personal favourite lie of his being when he pretended to be a war hero to gain the respect of neighbours and be invited to parties so he could steal ashtrays and other little trinkets (pack it up magpie). He gives me the impression of someone who doesn’t care if he isn’t believed, because he probably believes the lies himself. 
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He grins to nobody, licks non-existent blood off his lips from non-existent prey.
My favourite part of the story is the ending even though it has been SO difficult to navigate and it needs the most work. What I love though is there’s a distinct tonal shift and it gets very intense. Not to go to town with the fire imagery but the story really feels like holding a lit match and not thinking much about it but the flame keeps growing and growing and suddenly its burning your finger and oh geez how did the fire get that big so quickly. But overall, very fun story, very chaotic, needs a lot of work. I don’t really know when I’ll go back to this, I’m lowkey dreading it, but I would love to give this messy story justice!
To summarise:
unhinged but it’s kinda hot?? 
good morning i am wake and ready to cause problems
literally would not endorse her in real life but like it’s my story and i’m allowed to have fun with the chaotic female characters
what if we were neighbours in loveless marriages,,,, and we are both girls?
makes a mean lemon drizzle cake tho
clown man 
literally being bullied by a bunch of wood  
was a magpie in a past life and now he’s not even that good at it
why is everyone mean to me???? all i did was be the worst 
honestly surprised he’s not dead yet either from his wife or his own dumbassery 
The House:
kinda savage
why do humans feel emotions they are so complicated and annoying
longs for the boring white picket fence but also it is a bunch of wood and cannot have dreams or desires and all of this is based on taught traditions and false ideas of worth 
??? what are the rules for when your oc is a house ???
there are none. go wild 
And that’s it for now! I would share the playlist but it is literally 3 songs, and all the moodboards are just Houses On Fire And Maybe A Lemon Tree. As I said this has post has been sitting in my drafts unfinished for most of September, so I’m just happy to get it out there. I do love this story a lot but it needs a lot of work, and I’m real excited to talk about the stories I’m working on currently and hopefully (!!) where my collection is headed. 
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monstaxdirtywonk · 4 years
Love Syndrome
Member : Wonho X reader
Genre : Fuff, some angst, some smut
Synopsis : A girl obsessed with Neurology takes an experiment on dating Hoseok, who has no idea this is a joke to her. Her experiment will turn against her when she’ll actually start falling in love...
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 You weren't like the other girls. Maybe this will turn out to be one of those memes online but no, you truly meant it. As a kid, you despised dolls and castles, pink and unicorns. You showed a great interest in mechanics, cars (mostly destroying them and notice their parts), puzzles and balls. Truth be told, you were proud of yourself and how independent you grew to be. Your friends were crying every once in a while for that hottie blondie who broke up with them, while you did your best at comforting them. Relationships were an unnecessary drama, one you did not want to take part in. You’re fine the way you are! An academic career is in front of you, traveling the world and finally, being what you always wanted...a woman of logic, of sense, of credibility. No drama, no annoying clingy boyfriends, no crying sessions. No. No. No. You know what's best in life and that’s what’s your way. 
Your friend Val was over for support. There’s been a month since she broke up with the ex and still can’t let go. After hours of fake sentimentalism, you’ve had enough.
“You know what...I’ve got the perfect solution for you.”
Val raised her teary eyes and looked curiously to your side.
“You can get a dog! Yes that’s perfect, I should’ve thought about it sooner,
“okay thank you for trying to make me laugh but it’s not helping.”
“This isn’t a joke. it’s a real solution and a much more practical one than me just telling you sweet nonsense of ‘comfort’. Dogs, when in contact with humans, release a chemical in our brain called oxytocin, just like when you are with your partner. Instead of having the side effects and ups and downs of a relationship, a dog is much more devoted and drama free. Boom, you’ve got double win.”
“I swear sometimes I feel like you’re Sheldon from Big Bang theory in a female form.”
“Thank you for that compliment but I am not as good as the flawless mastermind Sheldon himself is.”
“You know what, Ima leave before we fight, the least thing I’m looking for is this.”
“Okay fine but think about it.”
You said as you made your way to the door along her. Val grinned and left without a second word. I mean you were right, even you thought of adopting a cute poodle. It’s much better than ‘adopting’ a boyfriend. Plus dogs are always happy when they see you. Maybe a dog is a good idea.
You checked the watch and it hit you.
“Damn, I’m late!” you exclaimed and took your purse heading out of the door.
‘When in love, you experience a rush of hormones to the brain — including oxytocin, the “love hormone,” the “pleasure hormone” dopamine, and sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone. ‘
You aren’t the type to believe in coincidences but if they exist, this can’t be one. Out of all those subjects, did they have to talk about love’s effect on the brain today? Unbelievable. But interesting at the same time, no wonder everyone’s so invested in this called ‘dating culture’.  
“Y/N, we’ll be in the cafeteria downstairs. Don’t be too late.”
“I won’t I promise.”
The proffessor looked at you intensely. You noticed and moved your head upwards.
“Actually I’ll close the class! Sorry about that but I have my lunch break.”
“Ah totally. I’m so sorry Mr.Jones for ‘eating your time away’” You laughed at your own pun and he did too.  
You slow-run to the exit and the moment you reached the door, you collided with someone and your books fell to the floor.
“Oh I’m sorry I can’t believe I’m so careless at times.” his voice, a sweet sound contrary to his muscular physique.
“No, it’s my mistake actually. I wasn’t looking straight, per usual.” he laughed and colected your books.
“I mean, you didn’t have to.”
“It’s the least I can do for bumbing into you like that. My Hulk self should be a little more careful since I might knock out someone.”
You laughed genuinely after a long time. He noiticed and smiled in satisfaction.
“So, you’re studying Neurology?”
“Ugh? Ah yes I do! It’s very interesting. Some might find it boring but it’s so exciting to learn about the wonder our body, our mind is.”
He was staring at you in awe. Probably thinking of you as a terrible nerd. Judging by his looks, he seemed the gym guy, totally off your valley.
‘I’m sorry. It gets boring for some.”
“No. Not at all. I admire those that are so passionate with what they’re doing. I would just like to add something more to your sentence.”
“...and what’s that?”
“the wonder our body, mind and soul is.”
Normally you’d think of it as lame. Actually it was cheesy but he is a pleasant surprise. It was unfair to judge him based on his looks after all.
“I guess.” you answered semi-sure.
“Now you might excuse me but I gotta go. It was nice talking to you.”
“Bye” you waved cringing at the silly child-like act.
The library was surprisingly empty for a uni with so many students. You took advantage and went there to study further for your upcoming exams. Suddenly a voice interrupted your train of thought and you were this close to cursing.
“Hey!” someone shout out in excitment, earning himself agressive shhs from the few students sitting there. He murmured a sorry and came your way. It was the guy that bumbed into you a couple of days before.  
“Hey” you answered as quietely as possible.
“So..” he said obviously nervous by his hand movements and red tint on his cheeks.
“I forgot to tell you my name and that was rude, wasn’t it?”
You didn’t answer because it wasn’t rude.
“I’m Hoseok.” he extended his arm for a hand shake.
You felt his pulse rising to dangerous vibrations. He was nervous for sure. Maybe you’re reading into it too much...
“Nice to meet you Hoseok, I’m Y/N.”
“You know I feel sorry to interrupt you but I’d like to offer you a drink, as a way to apologize.”
“You don’t have to! It wasn’t anything disastrous.”
“Is that a no?” he asked with puppy eyes, eager for an answer. You didn’t want to let him down, plus he seemed like a nice guy.
“You know what, let’s go but I’ll pay for my drink.”
“I insist.” you smiled at his stubborness.  
“So..” Hoseok said while stirring his coffee.  
“yees..” you answered looking back at him with curious eyes.
“I was thinking...if you’d like us to grab a snack/drink from time to time.”
You nodded hapily. You wanted a new friend especially when it’s someone as good and funny as Hoseok.
“Ah yes totally! I’d love to be your friend. You’re so funny and all!.” you replied and touch his arm playfully.
Hoseok sighed and his face seemed a bit dissapointed.
“Oh so you view me as a friend?”
“Yes...isn’t that what you wanted too?”
He moved closer and took your hand in his. It was a brave move and even tho his eyes were uncertain, his body language said otherwise.
“I mean, actually dating. You and me, more than friends.” he said and left your hand, letting you to decide on your own.
This came out of nowhere. You weren’t expecting this to be said so fast but here he is, right in front of you, asking. Hoseok had every charateristic a girl would want. Funny,smart and what seems like high levels of testosterone judging by his muscular body and prominant jawline. But, you didn’t know if this was enough. Relationships aren’t for you and you don’t  want to take time off your studies. You don’t even have feelings for him in the first place. You don’t have feelings for anyone, they are pointless attempts of nature to make you birth offsprings and save the specie from dissapearing.  
He studied your face for any expression that might suggest your answer but there was none. You were lost in those rapid thoughts and didn’t know what to do. When you finally came out of it and saw his pleading expression you shouted out
“YES” you bought your hand in front of your lips to shush yourself.
Hoseok smiled the brighest and most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen. His eyes were sparkling in hapiness and felt relieved to hear you, his cheeks rosy again. His beauty made you forget, the horror you just said. Did you just said...yes? How can you do such a thing? You don’t even have feelings for him. 
You sighed and he noticed.
“Don’t feel pressured. We will take things as slowly as you want them to be.”
Little did he know that wasn’t it.  
“Ah thank you Hoseok for being so understanding. Now I gotta go because … I gotta go. See you later.”
“Talk to you later” he said
“Oh and I forgot, can I have your phone you know...”
Typical couple things  
«Yes» you said and wrote your number down.
“What do I do when we walk side by side?”
You asked Val while holding a notebook in your lap, making small marks to study later.
“Just be natural! Don’t study for a date too”
“How can I be natural? I’ve got no idea what’s up with all this dating thing you guys do like it’s breathing or something. I will watch Netflix series once you’ll leave, those stupid crybaby ones, to find out more.”
“Ugh, okay you hold his hand too? maybe?”
“hold..his..hand..too..” you repeated while writing it down. It’s not that hard after all, unless he takes things further which he said won’t be happening.
“Now you can leave or you can leave because I’ve got very important things to do.”
“Very important aka watching Netflix.”
“Exactly” you nodded while laughing.
“okay I’m not gonna stay any longer either you know...i’m prone to crying.”
“Yes I know plus your PMS makes things even worse, I mean it’s normal you know with all those chemical and hormonal imbal...”
the sudden sound caught you off guard, Val really didn’t seem like the type that wanted to learn. You sighed loudly and moved to the couch. You truly made a mess. You didn’t want to hurt him with saying no, but if you say no now, it’ll hurt him even more. It’d be best if he didn’t have feelings but according to his body language and days he’s been exposed to your pherormones, he is in and deep. It might be beneficial tho, it’s not the most humanatarian idea but you can make the best out of a bad situation. Maybe, if you live through a relationship, you’ll be able to grasp why it means so much to others. An experiment.
It won’t hurt anyone, right?
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peach-pops · 4 years
hi bby could i maybe get a romantic haikyuu matchup🥺👉🏻👈🏻 im a straight female w she/her pronouns. im just under 5'1 w medium-long straight blonde hair that i usually leave down or in 2 french braids and have blue eyes. in summer i wear flowy cute shirts and graphic tees w jean shorts and in cooler weather leggings and sweater, and i basically live in Birkenstocks lol. I love reading, playing video games (Pokemon, overwatch, Minecraft, Skyrim etc) sewing/costuming, acting/musical theatre 1/2
im v active/athletic & love hiking/backpacking, surfing, gymnastics, etc. Im often both the mom and baby of the group and always try to be available, helpful, & caring to the people around me esp friends. Im v responsible & respectful but when Im around friends it can def turn into crackhead hours. i look for someone who can make me laugh & puts in equal effort into a relationship, & tbh im probably a lil touch starved oop. My anthem would probs be everybody wants to rule the world hehe 2/2💖
I’ve never heard anything more relatable than “both the mom and baby of the group”. It makes no sense but at the same time, I completely understand. I hope you like your ship and btw Sweetheart,You’re Glowing is literally one of my fav Shinsou pieces 🥰 Matchups are open and you can find the rules here or in my bio!
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I ship you with Bokuto!
I don’t think just anyone can handle Bokuto’s chaotic personality, but your active personality is a perfect match for him. If hiking, surfing, AND gymnastics doesn’t wear you out, being with Bokuto is a BREEZE!
There will be occasional days where you two would lounge around and relax at home but for the most part, your weekends would consistent of leaving pretty early in the morning and then arriving back at home fairly late in the evening. 
I’m talking jam-packed dates that last HOURS cause ya know it’s always an adventure with Bo. There’s a nature ground not too far from where you two live so you can bet you both work it into your routine but no matter how many times you both hike, it’s always a diff experience each time
“ WOAH Y/N! Check this lil guy out!”
“ Wah- don’t touch it! You don’t know where that lizard has been!”
“ Aw but babe! It looks like Tsuki!” 
“ Bokuto that’s kinda rude- oh wait it kinda does...”
Also, lets take a moment to imagine Bokuto learning how to surf
I don’t think he’s too clumsy but I think he would have a hard time trying to stay up on the board BUT unlike volleyball, everytime he fell off (no matter how nasty of a fall it was) he would always swim back up and smile back at you like “ Ah one more time! I think I got it down!” 
The funniest part would be while you two are on your boards waiting for a wave and because this man can’t physically be quiet, he’ll say the weirdest things
“Babe-There are fish in here-like actual fish swimming and living in the water.”
“ Uh yeah dude, it’s the ocean.”
“ Do you have a favorite fish? Mine is an octopus but Kuroo says that they aren’t considered fish which doesn’t even make sense since they live in the water and swim-what do you think?”
“ Sorry Bo but Kuroo is right, an octopus is a cephalopod, ya know like a squid or whatever.” 
“...damn it...”
( to cheer him up, you bought him a lil octopus plushie and now, it’s his favorite so good job of feeding his addiction of animal plushies)
One day before a game of his, he INSISTED on trying to learn how to french braid your hair and you were a bit hesitant since it probably wouldn’t turn out the best but you can’t ignore a pouty Bo u just cant. 
Of course, you were right and the braids were a lil messy and he got sooo emo so to cheer him up, you told him you would wear the braids to his game (even tho yes they were REALLY sloppy) and I swear he visably swooned 
The best thing about dating Bokuto is that he really does his best to make sure you’re always happy and content. Whether it’s him asking a billion times “are you sure you’re not cold?” and then still giving you his jacket even when you say no or him trying to do terrible impressions of his teammates to make you laugh when you’re feeling down, he always puts you first
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iredreamer · 5 years
I really hope that we aren't bothering u with all this questions about Gentleman Jack and I don't know if you're in the mood for longer answers, but I would really appreciate it if u could tell us more about Ann Walker. Was her mental health really that bad? Did she really fall in love with Anne when she was 14? And other stuff like that. Idk, maybe u could just list some interesting bits you've learned while reading about Anne :) Also, are there any preserved paintings of Ann (that u know of)?
hey :) thank you so much for your message, and don’t worry, you are not bothering me at all, I love talking about these kind of things and I’m happy to share what I read and learn about Anne Lister (and Ann Walker). And I’m totally okay with long answers I just hope my english is good enough lol (I’m Italian). Okay, so, I’m gonna first answer your questions and then write some interesting facts about Ann Walker.
Miss Walker’s mental health was really that bad, yes, even worse that what we see in the show. It’s safe to say that she suffered from anxiety, depression (from a young age) and religious mania. She also seemed to have had some kind of anorexia (Anne Lister writes: “Back at five to dinner - she [AW] had put on an evening gown - & a sort of set-out dinner for me”, AW does not eat). By the end of 1832 Ann Walker starts showing symptoms of obsessive compulsion and refuses to go outside (she suffered from agoraphobia). In 1833 she has a mental breakdown (she goes in Scotland to her sister in February of that year). After all the things that happened to her (her parents’s death, the death of her brother, Mrs. Aisworth’s death and the death of an ex lover) and because of her relationship with Anne, she develops a fixation on her sins, she writes to Anne: “It is not only death in this world, but a far worse death that I fear. If ever the prayers of a so true friend may ever avail for another, may yours be heard for me this night, that the gate of Mercy may not be forever closed upon me, for I am wretchedness itself” (they do quote this letter in GJ episode 6). During this period Ann Walker couldn’t sleep if Anne wasn’t with her, she writes to her: “I will try to get over the night tolerably and pray that the ill I fear may not come upon me but it is very difficult without you. How I long to see you”. And she also was really indecisive, one minute rejecting Anne and regretting it the next, telling her she couldn’t travel and then saying the opposite for fear of losing her. This situation went on for months, Anne writes in her diary that she can’t stand it anymore, she’s tired and she’s hopeless because she doesn’t know what to do and how to help Ann. Ann Walker’s health really affected Anne Lister’s mood and when Miss Walker leaves for Scotland Anne’s sadness is mixed with relief. It is known that Anne was a really positive and optimistic person, the opposite of Ann Walker, she never dwelled too much on the bad things that happened to her, she always tried to move on as best (and as fast) as she could.
Anne Walker didn’t fall in love with Anne at 14, but they did meet for the first time around 1820; in 1822 Anne writes about Ann: “A stupid, vulgar girl indeed” (lol). Anne Lister didn’t like the Walkers because they came from new money.
Two small random things that are in the series that actually happened and that I love “(…) she asked me to dine with her at five & stay all night” and Ann Walker laughing after Mrs Priestley walked in on them: “Miss W- laughed & said we were well-matched – we soon got to kissing again on the sofa….” .
From what Anne writes, Ann’s sexual confidence really surprised her: “I had my arm on the back of the sofa – she leaned on it – looked as if I might be affectionate, & it ended in her lying on my arm all the morning & my kissing her & she returning it with such a long continued passionate or nervous mumbling kiss – that we got on as far as we, by day-light, mere kissing, could - I thinking to myself, ‘Well, this is rather more than I expected – of course she means to take [me]’” (October 4, 1832). And there are more entries about how Anne didn’t think Miss Walker to be the “passionate little person I find her”.
Ann also received anonymous letters warning her about Miss Lister but she didn’t really care much about them, especially when she was with Anne: “Miss W- much troubled with anonymous letters – said she would get rid of all troubles of cousins or letters when with me”. I find her behaviour really interesting, in these little things I can see how courageous and strong she was being in her own way, and how not easily scared she was by what other people may think about her. Very different from Mariana (Anne’s first and long lasting love) who was ashamed of Anne Lister and didn’t want to be seen with her in public.
After they married in 1834, Ann Walker moved to Shibden Hall. In 1839 Ann went traveling with Anne. When Anne died in 1840 in Russia, Ann Walker not only managed to transport her body but also the diaries back to Halifax (it took her six months). After Anne’s death, Ann Walker’s mental health was worse than ever. In 1843 Ann Walker was forcibly removed from Shibden by her sister, Listers’ solicitor Robert Parker, and a doctor friend. She was designated ‘a lunatic’ and put in an asylum (she didn’t die there tho). This is what they found when they entered Shibden: “Every room was locked, including Ann Walker’s Red Room. There were no keys, so they directed the Constable to open it which he did by taking it off the Hinges - the Room was in a most filthy condition, and on the side of the Bed were a Brace of loaded Pistols … The Shutters were closed - an old dirty candle stick near the Bed was covered with Tallow, as if the Candle had melted away on it … Papers were strewn about in complete confusion. In the Red Room were a [great] many Handkerchiefs shatted [?splattered] all over with Blood …”. Anne Lister had left her entire estate to ‘my friend Ann Walker’ and that’s why both the Walkers and the Listers wanted Ann out of Shibden: the Walkers didn’t want to have Ann’s money lost and the Listers wanted Shibden.
About the paintings of Ann, from what I know there aren’t any (no reliable sources ever talk about a painting of Ann in what I’ve read). There’s a painting of her on this site, I don’t know who posted it and from where it comes from so I can’t say if it’s actually her or not. EDIT: Anne Choma confirmed that the woman of that painting isn’t Ann Walker.
So, I guess this is it for now, this is pretty long and quite all over the place but I hope you found interesting things in here! And if you wanna know more specific stuff just ask away, if I can (if I know the answer), I’ll try to answer as best as I can! I’m probably gonna be able to tell you more once I’ve read Female Fortune which covers Anne Lister’s life from 1833 to 1836.
My sources: Gentleman Jack: The Real Anne Lister (Anne Choma); Nature’s Domain: Anne Lister and the Landscape of Desire (Jill Liddington); Presenting the past: Anne Lister of Halifax, 1791-1840 (Jill Liddington).
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floatingcatacombs · 4 years
In Praise of the Blonde Twink who May or May Not be a Trans Girl
12 Days of Aniblogging, Day 3
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There’s been something in the air recently. Last year, the New York Times’ fashion magazine published an article titled “Welcome to the Age of the Twink”, a 600-word LGBT hitpiece arguing that a new wave of “art twinks” are redefining what it means to be an ideal male. The author argues that the term “twink” is being broadened past just gay culture and we should slap it on every slim attractive straight white dude that we see in order to overturn toxic masculinity. Because there’s nothing more revolutionary than, er, fairly conventional western beauty standards.
The internet promptly responded by shitting on the author’s brazen attempt to export twinkness to the straight world. I too think it’s an awful take, but I get the feeling there was a satirical bend to the article that got edited out or otherwise miscommunicated. After all, the author is a gay man; why would he misrepresent and diminish his own community like that?
The broadening and appropriation of LGBT terminology is a touchy subject, so I’ll save it for another day. If taking gay terminology and morphing it into new definitions is en vogue nowadays, I’m happy to join ranks with Nick Haramis and add new meanings to “twink”. Let’s talk about twinks as Schrodinger’s trans girls.
Unfortunately, I have a type when it comes to media, and it’s twinks who I can project transness onto if I desire it. These characters are beacons of androgyny, male-at-birth characters with some connection to femininity via their appearance or their actions. Often, this connection is left unclear by the end of their series, leaving plenty of room for me to imagine “OK so they’re totally gonna be a girl for real now”. This archetype has proven a very useful crutch for me over the years. For so long, media about cis femininity was too intimidating and distant for me to even dream of consuming. During that time, I read lots of manga and played lots of games starring androgynes, allowing myself to project onto them as well as project their character onto girlhood. (see where this leads by transitive property?) Also, a lot of them were blonde (I’m not gonna read into this! My hair is closer to brown tho). With that out of the way, let me rip my heart open and highlight some of those twinks that I’ve latched so strongly onto throughout the years.
 Kuranosuke from Princess Jellyfish
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I’ve written a whole writeup on Kuranosuke, so if you’ve read that you should know where I’m coming from! Kuranosuke is graced with natural femininity and a desire to perform it, and lands himself into a situation where he must pass on a daily basis while designing fashion for the girls of the Amars house. Kuranosuke’s crossdressing is both effortless and extremely laborious, but it always pays off.
Kaito from Himegoto: Juukyuusai no Seifuku
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Himegoto is one of the messiest mangas I’ve ever read. Three characters spiral around each other while desperately trying to negotiate their orientations, gender presentations, and livelihoods with each other and with themselves. Kaito is the standout for me – a ‘guy’ who crossdresses in a desperate attempt to ‘mirror’ his ideal image of femininity. Kaito radiates extremely eggy energies, and it’s increasingly obvious as the plot goes on that all his justification is elaborate smoke and mirrors for his desire to simply be a woman. He begins by projecting his feminine ideals onto his tomboyish friend, but by the end of the manga it all comes collapsing back onto himself. The epilogue leaves it rather ambiguous, but one can only hope that Kaito figured it all out by then. 
Alucard from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night  
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Symphony of the Night is one of my favorite Castlevanias and maybe games of all time. I’ve always been in love with its hand-in-hand elegance and jankiness. Unlike Kaito and Kuranosuke, we’re going to have to stretch out of the canon to justify this placement, but I assure you it will be worth it. In Symphony of the Night, Alucard is a tall deep-voiced bishounen and that’s that. However, the eva problems classic “YOUR ASSHOLE DAD’S CASTLE IS BACK AGAIN” adds a sickening new twist onto the game: what if Alucard wanted to be a woman? This article retraces the full plot and route of SOTN, adding extra backstory and inner thoughts showing Alucard’s visceral bodily discomfort and twisted-up jealousy towards the female monsters of the castle. Eventually, she takes those terrifying first steps towards accepting oneself as a woman. It’s one of the most effective recontextualizations of a piece of media that I’ve ever read, and I’m not afraid to admit that it reassured and helped me with my own transition a few months down the line. Plus, the idea of Alucard But A Girl is somewhere near my ideal aesthetic. 
Ryo Asuka from Devilman
--devilman spoilers--
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Ryo is a bit of an oddity. A total weirdo, he doesn’t particularly demonstrate femininity throughout most of the series beyond just being kind of fluffy and cute in the 80s OVAs. However, this all changes in some of the final chapters, when Ryo is revealed to be Satan in disguise. Though every Devilman adaptation has a very different artstyle, Satan’s designed has remained the same: an androgynous fallen angel possessing both breasts and a penis. There’s a lot of associations and implications to unpack there, but I’m not going to do that in this article! While it doesn’t necessarily recontextualize Ryo’s human existence, he sure still is a twink with some Gender happening around him.
  Venus from We Know The Devil
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Ok, this one’s just a girl! No questions about it! Someone get her some hugs and a bottle of estradiol, stat!
Honorable Mentions:
Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2
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As much as I love slapping the “GIRL” label onto any blonde twink I can find, Raiden’s MGS2 arc of intense emasculation works way better if he's actually a guy. If there’s any further gender stuff happening with Raiden, it’s actually to be found in MGS4 and Metal Gear Rising, in which Raiden sheds his twinkish flesh to become a way more masc cyborg ninja. As The Cyborg Manifesto teaches us, cyborgs are one hell of a post-gender tool. Honestly, reading Raiden as FTM may work way better than parsing him as a trans girl, I just don’t have the specific background and ability to do that headcanon justice.
Lio Fotia from Promare
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Promare was maybe the first time I saw a blonde twink character and didn’t  immediately think it might be better if they were a girl. Amidst all its discussions of immigration, racism, and climate change, Promare finds time to be real gay, in a delightfully masc4fem way. Together, Lio and Galo stretch the full spectrum of male presentation, and I wouldn’t want to take that away from them.
 So that’s that! I hope you enjoyed the lineup of twinks who are dear to my heart, and maybe learned a thing or two from my ramble at the start.
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thechocoboos · 6 years
Cor with a Daughter HC
Hey guys, it’s ya girl, thechocoboos, here to deliver some Cor HC bc he’s great! 
In this scenario, that weird fucker Verstael makes female clones alongside the normal ones (so yes there are female MTs in this AU) and Cor steals one when he takes baby Prom away, so uh... It’s a mess, but it’s a cute mess.
So Cor was the one who stole baby Prompto away right? Right. So, turns out, Verstael made a female clone as well (that also means that in this au there are female MTs)
And guess what? Cor stole one of those too.
Just picture this: a scuffed up, young Cor Leonis on the run from the Empire with two little blond, freckled babies in his arms. I know. It’s cute.
Cor knew he was supposed to return both babies, but the second he looked into the girl’s cornflower blue eyes, he knew he couldn’t give her up
It hurt enough to give up the boy after getting so attached in only a few days, but when she looked into his eyes, he vowed he’d raise her as his own
She had been so calm, merely sucking on her thumb while her brother (what he could only assume was her brother) was wailing his adorable little head off
Even so, he saw the fear in her sparkling blue eyes and promised that she would never have to feel that fear again; Papa Cor was gonna raise her in a safe environment
And he did.
He turned baby Prompto over and had to watch as he was put in the foster system, but he quietly adopted the girl as his own with no one knowing where she came from save for Regis and Clarus
Everyone else? Well, he simply told them that she was the niece of a distant relative that was unable to care for her
“Aww, that’s so sweet of you!” or “Aw, look at you bein’ a big ole softee.” is what everyone said, and it was always followed by, “What’s her name???”
“Poppy.” she may be the same poppy from the actor au but who knows
Papa Cor raised Poppy well
He always gave her the best toys and always, always left work early so he could pick her up from daycare with a warm smile and all
He’d pick her right up in his arms, earning a cute bubble of laughter from her and he’d ask, “How was my little princess’s day?”
All the women in the area swooned (me too)
Unfortunately, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows
In the beginning, Cor was terrified. He had no idea how to raise a child, and he didn’t even have baby furniture for a week (not to mention his apartment wasn’t babyproofed either like y i k e s)
He only survived through the help of his elderly neighbor, Gertrude. She was the mother of four kids and had more grandkids than he could count
But she was always willing to help him. “It’s not often that I see a single dad tryin’ to make it on his own like this,” She told him a couple months after he adopted Poppy, “But it always warms my heart to see a young father trying so hard. Keep it up, young man.”
And he did.
He stuck through it--through the potty training, through the tears, tantrums, incessant babbles and the waking him up in the middle of the night
He stuck through it all and never regretted it
When Poppy said her first words, he practically shouted for joy and even called Regis and Clarus up and the day after? Oh man, the trainees were scared to see such a smile on Cor’s face (he actually went easy on them that day so it was pretty nice for them)
Cor kept pictures of her in his office and always had a small pic of her in his wallet and i swear to you, if he ever had the chance to bring her up in conversation, he would brag and brag away
Poppy really liked reading and wasn’t a big fan of athletics or fighting, much to Cor’s relief
He tried keeping her away from politics and such, didn’t want her questioning too much, ya know?
Still, he knew he’d have to teach her basic combat, just in case (plus he knew one day she’d start dating and he didn’t trust those teenage boys…)
And he did. And surprisingly, as much as Poppy hated it, she was really, really good at it
Cor figured her out-of-nowhere skills at combat were due to the Empire, but he was more relieved than not that she hated fighting; it gave him some reassurance that she wouldn’t ever abuse her skills
Although it wasn’t a big concern in the first place, his daughter was pretty damn soft-spoken and shy; she hated conflict and fighting more than most
Overall, she was a tame kid
She followed the rules, listened well, was a fantastic student… Honestly, Cor counted himself lucky that she was such a good kid
Although whenever he mentioned it to Clarus, Clarus would only chuckle and say, “Yeah, you raised her that way, Cor.”
It always seemed strange to him, that he--a gruff, tough soldier--could raise someone so sweet and shy, but there many more moments where all he felt was pride--pride for himself and pride for his daughter
Still, Poppy had her faults: she had too big of a heart for her own good
She was always trying to bring in hurt animals or asking if they could get a dog or a cat (Cor ended up relenting when she was 10; they ended up with an elderly cat named Haggus and Poppy swears he’s the kindest cat ever)
And then there was her trusting nature. She was incredibly trusting and understanding; Cor was terrified that she’d get taken advantage of one day (all though, deep down, he knew she wouldn’t. At the end of the day, she was a Leonis and he raised her to be reasonable and carry a healthy amount of suspicion)
Sometimes when she was still little, he would worry about her getting into some shit or something going wrong and when he did, it would bug him in the back of his mind until he went to pick her up from daycare (he always gave her tighter hugs on those days)
Cor raised Poppy as his own, but he also told her that she was, in fact, adopted when she was around 11. He didn’t want her to find out through someone else and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could avoid questions about her mom or the strange barcode tattoo (he always told her to keep the barcode covered, and he was always so firm about it that she never dared to do otherwise)
Of course, he didn’t tell her the entire truth. Yes, she was adopted, but he still stuck by the story that she was the niece of a distant relative and eventually, Poppy stopped asking
And as previously mentioned, Cor kept Poppy out of politics and the Citadel
Like, there were a few times when she went to balls or social events (and everyone would always coo over how cute she was) and sometimes Cor might take her to work with him (when she was young), but outside of that, she was never really in the Citadel, not even when Cor was training her
However, whenever she was there, she ended up being around Noctis
There weren’t very many kids there besides her and Noct--sometimes Iggy (maybe Gladio, but he was always with the adults), so they often ended up hanging out
She’d see Gladio around here and there, too, and was pretty curious about him, but Noctis was always super reluctant to go talk to Gladio (let’s face it, Gladdy was probably a dick as a kid and tried to act older than his actual age, so basically, no fun for Noct)
They’d giggle together and run around the Citadel, playing games and goofing off while the adults went around with their boring chatter
Despite how much fun they had, those few social events a year were the only times they saw each other and as they got older, Poppy was able to stay at home instead of attending
So then, they stopped seeing each other at all
Cor always felt a little bad whenever she would ask about Noctis, but he was determined to keep Poppy and work separate (something he was very good at doing)
Still, despite all of Cor’s attempts, Poppy and Noct ran into each other again in high school
They were pretty quick to befriend each other again after a few weeks of awkward small talk, and when Cor found out, he couldn’t help but feel a tad annoyed (I mean, he’d been trying to keep her away from politics and shit for years)
Of course, through Noct, Poppy got to know Ignis very well (he was often in the background of those damn social events when they were kids, so they knew each other existed for sure)
Ignis was fairly fond of Poppy. He always said that she might be a good influence on Noctis.
Gladio was aware of Poppy and she was aware of him, and tbh, they thought the other was pretty damn cute but they never really interacted beyond group outings that centered around Noct (tho they would become surprisingly close down the line)
And Prompto? It was a bit of a weird thing
In summary: their first meeting was weird as fuck
Noct was the first one to befriend Prom, and the first time they properly met, he was absolutely S H O O K
Prompto was so similar to Poppy. They had the same freckles, the same cornflower blue eyes, same shade of hair… They even seemed to have the same inflections in their voices
The longer Noct was around Prompto, the more similarities he saw between him and Poppy and tbh… it weirded him out
And theeen… Then, there was the day that Prompto and Poppy met
Noct offhandedly mentioned that Prompto would be joining them at the arcade, to which Poppy eagerly agreed. Noct had mentioned Prom quite a bit, so at that point she figured that she should meet him
“Oh! I found Prom!” Noct said later, nodding his head towards Prompto’s familiar silhouette, “Hey, Prom!”
Prompto turned around of course, beaming as he walked closer to them in the arcade, “Hey, Noct! And you’re Poppy, ri-” He froze when he saw her
Her mouth was open to speak, but she couldn’t help but freeze when she saw him only a few feet away
It was like looking at a weird, distorted version of herself
Noct kept glancing between them, “Shit, I didn’t realize how similar you guys were until now.”
Luckily, it broke whatever weird spell they were under
Prompto managed to laugh it off and they had a quick, very awkward introduction before moving onto the arcade
It was strange and surreal for both Poppy and Prompto, and honestly, at first? Awkward as hell
They didn’t talk much to each other and seemed to be avoiding one another as best they could
Poppy even ended up going home earlier than planned, giving Noctis an apologetic smile and saying something about how her dad wanted her to help him with some pie (Cor hated pie so it was a bald-faced lie)
That evening, Cor could tell something was up
“Thought you’d be out with the Prince until pretty late.”
Poppy tried to dismiss his statement with a shrug, but Cor’s steady gaze and open silence pushed her for more info. “Just wasn’t feeling it. Met another one of his friends and it was kinda weird, ya know? His name’s Prompto and he’s plenty nice enough but…”
It clicked into place, and with a stoic nod, Cor didn’t ask any more questions. Internally, however, he was beating himself up
He knew very well it was the same Prompto he stole from the Empire with Poppy and he knew something like this would happen with her hanging around the Prince so often
It was only a matter of time before she pieced together some kind of connection and honestly? Cor wasn’t sure what to do when she did
Luckily for Cor, it was a long time before that happened
In the meantime, however, Poppy and Prompto somehow got over their awkward avoidance of each other (it was defo thanks to Noctis)
They ended up clicking very well. They’d finish each other’s sentences, laugh at the same damn stuff, freak out at the same things, and they were absolutely fantastic at teaming up together
Simply put, they became best friends. Noctis and Ignis were surprised at how well they got along, especially after the rocky start to their friendship, but at that point, they were practically stuck at the hip
Cor was uneasy as hell when it came to Prompto
There were times when Poppy’s friends were over and he was strangely tense (although he would always tell Poppy it was just at surprise at seeing the Prince in his apartment with his advisor and bodyguard)
Still, it was only a year before Noct left for his marriage to Lunafreya that Prom and Poppy found out about their barcodes
They had been goofing around like normal before deciding to try their hand at making cheesecake in Poppy’s kitchen
She didn’t want to get her long sleeves dirty and rolled them up, figuring that Prompto wouldn’t notice her wrist in their goofing around
Unfortunately, there were a few minutes of comfortable silence when he did
And boy did he clam up
“Uh… Poppy, is that uh, a tattoo?”
Poppy freaked out about it of course, “Uh, no--it’s just one of those fake stick-on tattoos ya know?” She had tried to lie her way out of the situation
“Oh--that's, that’s cool…” He didn’t believe it completely, “But,” but he had to try, right? “I actually have a similar one! Haha,”
“You do?” The seriousness in her voice was enough to cut all humor out of the room
“Y-yeah,” and he showed her.
Poppy felt the closest to understanding her damn tattoo than she’d ever felt before
Neither of them knew what it meant, but they felt an intense sense of solidarity and there was an unspoken pact between them from then on
They never really spoke about it for a long time, and Poppy never asked Cor. She was almost too scared to; she didn’t know what it meant and didn’t want to break their small family apart trying to figure it out
When she finally did find out, she was worried that Cor secretly hated her and that she was an abomination
Of course, Cor ended that pretty quickly. She ended up having a breakdown one night, and it was all Cor could do not to break down with her
He knelt down to look her in the eyes, holding onto her hands with his own just like whenever she fell as a kid and he wanted to cheer her up
“Poppy, you’re my daughter. I took you from that place and raised you myself. The second I looked you in the eye, you had me wrapped around your little finger. I could never hate you, not for spilling my favorite beer or waking me up when you were little, and definitely not for where you came from. You’re my kid, Poppy, and nothing’s gonna change that.” He managed to give her a shaky smile and earn one from her too, wrapping her in a big, comforting hug and making all of her worries disappear
“I love you, dad.”
“Love you, too, kiddo.”
Look i just love this ok. Give Me Papa Cor or Give Me Death.
B/c I’m a slut for a happy ending: Poppy did go on that road trip with the bros but guess what?
Luna lived, Noctis lived, they both got married and had some cute kids
Poppy ended up in a relationship with Gladdy (he kind of fell in love with how cute and sweet she was, plus the fact that if she had to she would kick his ass--which she did on multiple occasions)
Cor became a grandpa and both loved and hated it. He also never stopped giving Gladio hell.
Prompto married a swell gal and had some kids. Auntie Poppy spoiled them rotten btw
Regis and Clarus were proud Grandpapas, Iris and Poppy got along really really well (Iris said that if Gladio didn’t marry Poppy then she would)
Ardyn lived and became a weird trash uncle who spoiled the family kids and no one knows where he got his fortune from
Anyways, everyone lived happily ever after
Hope you guys enjoyed and let me know if you want some more realistic plot hc!
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invaderzia1 · 6 years
Summertime Sadness (Reiner Braun x Female!Reader) (Modern Au)
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Not associated with that one song :) yo this was supposed to come out beginning of summer but look where we are now huh
Everything hurt. There was a distinct pain in the back of your throat and your nose was very clogged. As you began to awaken more, it became ever clear that this was your allergies again. The past couple days have been quite painful for you, but something about today felt different. Sitting up in bed, rubbing away the sleep from your eyes, you saw your boyfriend laying next to you, quietly scrolling through his phone. The burly male turned towards you, smiling up at you.
“Morning, sunshine.” He said.
You opened your mouth to speak, but only a faint croak of words came out. Your eyes widened as the truth of what was wrong set in. Reiner stared back at you, a dorky grin forming on his face. There was still a dull pain in your throat and a noticeable scratchieness.
“Babe, can you get me some water?” You croaked out, cringing at how your voice sounded.
Reiner held in his laugh, not wanting to land on your bad side, and simply nodded, quickly makin his way out of the room. From your bedroom you could still hear Reiner laughing as he made his way to the kitchen. A pout proudly made its way onto your lips, crossing your arms as you waited for him to return.
Reiner reentered the room after a few minutes, finding his girlfriend pouting at him. While he didn’t like to see her upset, she sure looked cute with that pout. He handed her the water she wanted and returned to his place in bed.
“Come on, babe. You’ve gotta admit you sound pretty funny right now.”
“Doesn’t mean you can be mean about it.” She mumbled, Reiner barely catching what she said.
Reiner roller his eyes and wrapped an arm around you. “How about I make you the best chicken soup you’ll ever eat and you turn on a movie and relax? Would that make you feel better?”
Not wanting to strain your voice, you nodded and made yourself comfortable in the bed. Reiner just sent a soft smile towards you as he got back up and left the room. You immediately missed the warmth of his body, but knew soup would be better than just cuddling today.
The pain in your throat was still ever present and making everything ten tones worse for you. The water was helping but not as much as you wanted. Hopefully Reiner would be able to find some for you when he came back. Reaching for you phone, you noticed several messages from one of your close friends.
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: yo you still wanna get lunch later???
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: wake up I need an answer soon
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: I stg I will burst into your house and get the answer myself if you don’t respond soon
Rolling your eyes at his brash nature, you began to type your response, hoping he wouldn’t be rushing into the apartment any time soon.
(Y/n): sorry, don’t think I can make it. Super sick rn :(
(Y/n): we can reschedule for later this week, hopefully I don’t die by then
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: boo hoo
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: what’s wrong? Fuckface give you the flu or something?
(Y/n): haha v funny
(Y/n): but no, my allergies are trying to close my throat currently. Can barely breath rn
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: sucks to be you
You sighed at his comment, used to the rough attitude.
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: do you need me to come over or something? Rather you don’t die tbh
(Y/n): nah, reiners here and making me some soup
There wasn’t a response immediately, probably due to Porco gagging at your boyfriends name. The two really didn’t get along, though it was more like Porco had some sort of vendetta against him. He was the one to introduce you and Reiner, but it wasn’t like he was trying to get you together, that was on both of you. The thought was quite amusing, remembering how much Porco scolded you when you first told him you were interested in the blonde male.
The phone buzzed in your hand, bringing you out of your thoughts.
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: ew
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: you’ll need to decontaminate your apartment after he leaves 😷😷
(Y/n): don’t be rude just cuz your jealous
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: Not jealous, just warning you . Tho you should clean it to get the pollen out I guess.
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: well, I’ll let you be. Stay well and sleep a lot.
(Y/n): peace, see you later
Closing out of your messages, you began to pull up the YouTube app and catch up on some of your videos. Half way through the video, you heard the unmistakable foot steps of your boyfriend approaching. As he entered the room you noticed him looking as adorable as ever. His hair was slightly messy and he was in a bright pink apron your grandmother had given you a few years ago. He smiled softly at you before spreading, leaning against the door frame.
“You okay back here? Want me to get you anything?” Reiner asked.
“Actually,” you started, the scratchy feeling making it harder to speak as your voice continued to disappear, “if you could grab some throat lozenges that’d be great.”
Reiner just nodded and ducked out of the room, leaving you back to your videos. You could hear him down the hall, tearing up your bathroom trying to find those lozenges. After a few minutes of Reiner tearing everything apart, he returned. He had a sheepish look on his face as he walked towards you.
“Soooo, I could only find one lozenge.” He said, drawing out the first part of the sentence. “But, I’ll go out and grab you a full pack of them!! And some candy!” God, he was like a cute puppy, just trying to make you happy.
“That’s fine, I just need some lozenges, I don’t need you blowing your entire paycheck on me.” You held out your hand for the lozenge as Reiner handed it to you. Quickly popping it into your mouth, you felt the relief almost instantly.
“I just want you to feel better, so if you need anything, and I mean anything, I will go get it for you, babe-“ Reiner was cut off by the sound an alarm going off, somewhere further into the apartment. “Shit, one minute!!” He yelled out, running out of the room and down the hall.
You couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, it was quite the sight as not too long ago he was teasing you and now here he was acting all cute and shit for you. You truly felt lucky to have him. You wanted to yell out to him and ask if everything was okay, but current circumstances stopped that from happening. Instead, you just stayed in bed and hoped everything was okay. Hopefully if the apartment caught fire Reiner would come in and save you, cuz there was no way you would be able to run far like this.
After waiting for what felt like an eternity, which was more like 10 minutes, Reiner returned with a bowl in one hand and a mug in another. As he placed it down onto the side table next to you, the smell of the soup he made wafted towards you. Dear god, it smelt heavenly!! You nearly melted right there, but Reiner quickly dipped the spoon in and brought it towards your lips. It tasted better than it smelt, taking you to a higher plane of existence.
“Mmmm, who knew you were such a good cook.” You mumbled in a state of bliss.
“Not many people, I try to keep it a secret.” He replied, taking a seat on the other side of the bed.
“What for? Such a talent shouldn’t be hidden.”
Reiner chuckled to himself, wrapping an arm around you. “I don’t need the guys to make fun of me for this, if Porco found out I don’t think I’d live it down.”
“Oh hush, it’s not that bad.” You jokingly scolded him, lightly nudging him with your elbow. Taking another spoonful of soup, you leaned into Reiner’s broad chest.
“So you feeling any better?”
“I can kind of get a sentence out now, so that’s something, but other than that still feeling pretty shitty.”
You grabbed the remote from the bed side table and turned on your television, switching to Netflix and scrolling down to the movie section. There were a few movies which caught your eye, but after a bit more searching a small squeal came from you as you stumbled on your favorite movie. Reiner rolled his eyes, yet kept his mouth closed.
“Babe, oh my god, we have to!!” You gushed, your voice cutting out here and there from the high pitch glee.
“It’s your choice, babe. Though, you have seen it like twenty times already.”
Ignoring his comment, you pressed play on the movie and snuggled against Reiner in a more comfortable position, continuing to sip on your soup as Reiner did the same.
Half way through the movie, Reiner began kissing down your neck, slightly pulling your attention away from the screen. His little kisses were sweet at first, but slowly you could feel his teeth scrape against the skin. It wasn’t long before he started biting down and sucking on the skin.
Letting a shaky moan escape your lips, you lightly pushed him off, wanting to focus on the movie. However, Reiner tightened his grip around you waist and left another mark on your neck.
“Reiner, stop!” You whined out.
Reiner just hummed out his response, not stopping his actions. His nose rubbed against the soft skin of your neck, placing a soft kiss on the dark mark he left.
Your breathing started to become heavy, due in part mostly to how swollen your throat was feeling, but your boyfriends nips weren’t helping either. Obviously, you weren’t in the mood for this, but you weren’t gonna just let him stop either.
Reiner wasn’t dumb either, he wasn’t going in for the kill, he just wanted to distract you from how shit you felt. But, he wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to mark you as his either. Turning to look at you, Reiner chuckled at your flushed face, finding it adorable at how embarrassed you seemed to get at his actions.
“Aw, babe, you look so cute,” Reiner cooed, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Not funny, ya big bear.” You squeaked out, crossing your arms. A cute pout made its way to your face, turning away from his face.
Reiner rubbed his face against the side of your neck, his eyes closed as he did. The scruffiness of his beard made you cringe, but the softness of the rest of his face was nice. He hummed out a response, enjoying how close you are.
“Stop,” You stuttered out, “It tickles!”
You tried to squirm from his grasp, but his grip was strong around your waist, effectively holding you in place. A few more failed attempts at escaping and pleading with him only made him rub his beard against you more, an evil smirk on his lips.
“If you want it to stop, then you’ll have to kiss me!” Reiner proclaimed, as if he was a Disney villain.
“Fine, I’ll do it. Just stop with the beard, you monster!”
Reiner loosened his grip and, as promised, removed his beard from your neck. He readied his lips for the kiss, as if he was a lovesick school girl waiting for her crush to man up and kiss her. Instead, he felt her lips press against his cheek, before pulling away. Reiner opened his eyes, pouting as he saw her nervously scratch her neck.
“You can do better than that, give me a real kiss this time.”
You purses your lips together, using your secret weapon on him. Puppy eyes. You knew that Reiner wouldn’t be able to handle the cuteness when you unleashed them.
“But.... babe, you said only one kiss.”
Reiner’s cheeks dusted with pink, already falling victim to your trick. Just looking at you, he felt his heart beat faster, finding you cuter than ever. He stared down at you, causing you both go engage in a silent battle to see who would win. Thought, Reiner didn’t stand a chance against you. He threw his hands up in defeat, covering his face as you cheered in victory.
Over exciting yourself, it felt harder than before to breath, causing you to let out several choked coughs. Reiner chuckled at your struggle, moving a hand away from his face as he did, making sure you were okay.
After that, you both returned to the movie. You cuddled into Reiners broad chest as you began to feel yourself grow tired, clearly your shitty allergies we’re making you feel weaker than usual. It wasn’t long until you feel asleep, cuddled up ti your loving boyfriend, who played with your hair until you passed out.
While your summer allergies may get you down, there’s always someone near to cheer you back up.
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Bellow the cut are my spoilery thoughts after watching season 2 of the Tick
I’m kind of glad Dot turned out to have a super power because being the only hero with no powers is sort of Arthur’s whole thing. I also like that she didn’t outshine Overkill and just step over him, but still looks up to him a bit and appreciates his approval. They feel like equals, and he’s still an awkward turtle socially.
THEY WERE SO CUDDLY AND AWKWARD ON THE COUCH, Overkill is def the kind of guy who can’t move if there’s a pet on his lap. He’s so soft I can’t...
I LOVE that we get to see more of Joan and her relationship to her family, she’s awesome and I love and support her. She’s just doing her best, and I hope those lobster babies come to visit.
Superian and Larry’s relationship continues to baffle me just a bit. Larry seems to just be a willing servant to cater to his whims I guess. I kinda hoped they were more buddy buddy than that. Apparently it makes Superian feel better to toss him way up and catch him lawl
The way Hobbs reacted when Tick broke the arm wrestling machine thing makes me wonder if Tick is actually the strongest superhero in the world, maybe second only to Superian ??? Or at least the strongest ever registered with AEGIS.
I really, REALLY like Sage. He’s fantastic. He’s also really attractive, is it just me? DAT VOICE THO. [take me on a wild nipple ride! jk omg I’m sorry]
That twin woman who was impressed with Arthur’s nerdy organization came off as REALLY OBVIOUSLY flirting with him, and his reaction was to just shrug it off like he wasn’t in to her, even though she was gorgeous, and Tick immediately picked up on it that she was flirting and got DEFENSIVE AS HELL like she was taking Arthur away and I just-- that’s pretty gay guys. That’s really... wow. And then she comes back and continues to hit on Arthur and he never once acts like he’s in to her, I don’t... I don’t know what to say but if Arthur suddenly starts pining over her in season 3 out of no where I’m gonna kms [not because he’s not gay but because it’s pretty clear he’s not interested in this woman. Don’t establish this and then force romance after we’ve seen there’s none.] Also when Arthur was picking out fancy clothes Tick had REALLY specific fashion descriptions and opinions on what looked good on him. He was like enjoying Arthur modeling clothes ajdlfdjas
Someone needs to draw Overkill being lovingly rescued by dolphins STAT
I honestly, unironically, think Edgelord’s entire look is cool and he’s very handsome. I think he looks like if Johnny Depp and Adam Driver had a baby.
SUPERIAN FEARS THE TUMBLRS. We’re his kryptonite. 
Dangerboat... plane... whatever he is, kinda deserved a little more attention toward the last half of the season. The episode centered around him was the most emotional and it brought everyone together more, I really dug that. It made me cry. ALSO WE STAN MICHAEL, HE WAS TOO GOOD FOR THIS WORLD. I’m so proud of Arthur for seeing Dangerboat more as a person and making an effort to connect to him as a friend. <3 good job Arthur-- at the same time--
I HATE they way Arthur acted like Dot has a specific thing she should or shouldn’t be that was out of character. It’s like the writers wanted the female character to undergo some sort of oppression to rise up against, some form of misogyny from her male family member that she had to point out. You shouldn’t have to tear down a good character because he’s male, to make the female look good. If misogyny was gonna come out of Arthur, let it come out another way other than “this isn’t want you’re supposed to do” like mother fucker, she’s been taking care of you your whole life, she’s done martial arts training, she’s a paramedic, she is way more qualified than you. He’s the last person to talk that way to anyone and it’s pissing me the fuck off. He’s the one struggling with mental illness and no phyical ability to fight anyone, it makes no sense.
Arthur’s actor Griffin Newman, he just does such a fantastic job. The whole undercover scene was so perfectly on pitch, like... just the right level of second hand embarrassment and pride came outta me. He was so close to  blowing it because he’s an anxious person by nature, but he pulled it off and came off more as just an awkward criminal with tons of money that was just believably nerdy. I loved it, it was so funny. Please give him all the awards. And that scene where Tick is on one side of Lint, way too close to her, and Arthur is on the other, and they just work her forking nerves was so hysterical. I died. I think they need to play up that comedic chemistry more often because Tick and Arthur bounce off each other really well when they’re not busy trying to solve serious problems. 
Ok so the whole human furniture thing caught my eye immediately. The pose we are first introduced to is an infamaously disturbing pose by a real life serial killer who ate people and posed their bodies in weird positions and used them for sex and I forget what else. Anyway I tried to brush that off as coincidence, but then later on Dot and Overkill go to where they think this Duke guy’s lair is, and his house looks exactly like John Podesta’s house that had a statue of that EXACT same serial killer’s victim in that pose, and podesta’s walls were covered in creepy pedo art of little girls and drowning women. And the walls of Duke’s lair were covered in creepy human furniture art. I mean there are all kinds of parodies this season that are in your face, but I don’t think anyone who didn’t follow pizzagate carefully would catch this one.
Speaking of parodies OMFG I lost it when Superian reenacted that Superman scene where he’s like “Can you read my mind?” as he’s dragging the screaming guy across the night sky. 
Ugh, I’m so sad that Tick and Arthur don’t get to keep those precious baby lobsters, and where did they get all the cute toys?? I wanna think Joan picked those up for them. Kawaii lobster voice: “Joaaan!” Tick is such a good dad...  A family can be a giant Tick man, a moth boy, a hobo, a mimaw, and a bunch of singing lobsters. "SHE'S THE MOTHER OF OUR CHILDREN!" Tick drinks respect woman lobster mom juice.
I think I don’t know what to make of the reverse Green Goblin twist going on with Ms. Lint. The creepy voice is telling her to become a hero I guess, but not really? I think the joke is we think it’s telling her to be a hero, but really it’s teaching her to be a  better villain LMAO
I’m glad kevin has a power and he was welcomed to come help even before said power was revealed.-- woah wait where tf is Karamozov?? I gotta tweet his actor he loves this show and he wasn’t in this season ???
I don’t blame Dot for being upset they want to defrost The Terror, but at the same time due process is a thing. I don’t know how that would work in a society full of super powers though. Because the moment you defrost him he’s going to find a way to escape. He’s the oldest, and the worst super villain of all time. This is why I’m ok with the death penalty and killing villains lol
I was expecting Walter to be some sort of MK Ultra sleeper agent, but the plot twist was, that’s what Overkill would become I guess. And Lobstercules. OH BTW I think she’s voiced by the same actress who played Captain Liberty in the old Tick sitcom! “Walter isn’t Walter? My feet don’t feel so good.” Aw Tick
Ty Rathbone drinks respect mothers juice.
Acting agent commander doctor agent Hobbs, honestly I suspected he was the main villain like the moment he was headed toward Lobstercules because something about the lighting and the camera work seemed to telegraph that.
I bet the reason Ty Rathbone feeds his black hole heart monster mice, is because it requires frequent blood sacrifice and that's the smallest sacrifice he can think of that he can quickly just put in there and placate it and go on with his day. I don’t know if he’ll be season 3′s villain or if it’s the aliens that just came back to reclaim Superian. 
Which btw, I called that shit from season 1 episode 1. Superian showed up crash landing inside Big Bismuth which is the only thing that could trap him. He was a prisoner, probably because he did some bad shit, and he told Arthur he helps humanity because he just wants to be a good person. Like he wasn’t one before and now he wants to try to be one.
I want to talk about these, nearly involuntary dance parties Overkill rewards himself with... but I uh... I still can’t compute that that’s actual canon. That that’s a thing Overkill and Dangerboat enjoy together and he... he can’t seem to control himself when the music plays... And also that Dot AND Overkill both know how to floss dance... I just... wow...
Oh and that hug with Overkill made me an emotional mess, he just... he really needed that, thank you Dot.
This concludes my rant and ramble.
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wintersoldeer · 5 years
ok here's some totally incoherent thoughts about endgame that i just have to write down or i might explode spoilers: i loved it also actual spoilers spoilers very spoilery spoilers
1. Steve and the goddddamn mjölnir!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!! when thor, iron man and cap were like 'aw yeahhh we're gonna fight thanos' i was like what the heckie is steve even doing there, supersoldier or not he's just a human. then thor drops his hammer and i’m like oh my gods please literally crossing my fingers. then thor’s fight is not going so well and oh no he definitely needs someone to save him! i’m like ohhhhhmygooddss. and THEN IT FINALLY HAPPENS I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR YEARS HELL YEAHHHHH
2. steve & peggy dance. yes. just yes. fucking finally. i love it. it was perfect i cried
3. clint should’ve died. (finally haha) he was my fave since before the avengers and i was so sure he was going to die back then, but then he didn’t and look what’s became of him since.......... i had a violent flashback to watching age of ultron for the first time and for the first time just hoping that my fave character (that would be clint) would just die, bc they’re screwing his character over so badly........ and most definitely it. should.  not. have. been. natasha. who. died.  that was such a bullshit i mean WHAT THE FUCK????  i mean maybe clint and natasha were the only remaining avengers that actually loved each other (?¿¿????¿¿¿?¿ tho that’s just flimsy, i’m just trying to....idek) and that’s why it had to be them on that stupid fuckin death cliff, but why did natasha have to die?? just because clint had a family (still with no actual characterization, not that i even care, or maybe i would if the movies had given me any reason to...) to return to and she didn’t??that fucking sucks and what sucks even more is that not only was natasha the only character that died (i’m not even counting tony, bc that was very Different) but she’s the only original female avenger AND it’s the same stupd fucking rock that the only original female gotg gamora died in such a bullshit way just last movie??? goddddd i hated that so much like maybe if she hadn’t been the first one to die and all the original avengers would’ve died as was i kinda hoping (tho i love happy endings so i didn’t actually hope that it would happen..), maybe then i would be okay with her being dead. now i am very much not okay, and that means very much not okay in a angry way, not in a sad way
4. speaking of death: to me tony’s was perfect. i might not be the biggest fan of how he always got the most screentime and a bigger role than other characters, but i can’t deny that he definitely is the heart of the whole mcu and it had to be him who saves the day in the end and what else could it have been that a very tony-like self-sacrifice..... god i cried. i loved that he got a funeral (even tho natasha didn’t...) and i loved his funeral with all the people and fricking harley and then the kid saying how much she likes cheeseburgers and the frickin ‘proof that tony stark has a heart’ and sfghkklkghhhh
5. i gasped audibly when i noticed that natasha was wearing the arrow necklace
6. i kinda forgot that vision ever even existed..... in the end i first thought that wanda was talking about pietro and then i was like ok well maybe not maybe she’s talking about tony or something WHICH MAKES NO SENSE LOL i don’t even remember what she actually said, but as was pointed out to me, she was probably talking about vision. who was a thing that existed... whoops
7. ugh i hate brucenat, i really thought we were over that shit already. i also very much disliked that they actually decided to go with professor hulk, but idk w/e i don’t care that much. but natasha’s death sucked tho and the one thing i do not want to see is bruce’s pain or whatever when the movie didn’t even give me the time or reason to actually grieve for her goddd that whole thing was such a bullshit
8. i did not like that thor was treated as a joke most of his screentime........
9. that stevepeggy dance tho. love it. it’ll probably take me at least another seven years to get over it
10. i fricking adored the whole going back in time thing, especially the 2012. the callbacks and the humor really worked for me, the elevator scene straight from cap2 but reversed and hail hydra and steve fighting steve and loki’s expressions when things go wrong and goddhhh i loved it all aaaaaaa, that was the moment when i was like ok i need to see this movie again immediately.... also the fact that their time travel rules were that they were just creating new paths or w/e i guess, and not actually changing what happened to them specifically... good. so many aus
11. that final battle was so perfectly epic
12. tho shouldn’t valkyrie’s (who really just doesn’t have a real name, now does she..) horse have died after being shot haha
13. i loved that clint had the gauntlet for so long, like he’s definitely the Least Qualified Person to keep it safe, why would that be his job, it was amazing
14. i hated natasha’s death with burning passion, but i loved how she and clint fought each other over who gets to throw themselves off that cliff. tho i really hoped that their ‘yeahh we know what we have to do’ would’ve rather meant that they decided to just throw red skull down bc who even knows if it even actually needs love sacrifice or w/e, a soul is a soul is a soul
15. i loved the human jarvis whatever-his-first-name-was cameo and i really need to finally watch/rewatch agent carter
16. i really liked the tony howard scene even if i thought it felt a bit iffy, bc i feel like there’s so much more to unpack w/ those daddy issues.... but maybe that scene means that there is that one universe where howard was actually a good dad. i want to believe that. yeah. (maybe not but let me dream)
17. i like how they totally forgot that sharon carter ever even existed
18. damn that moment when black panther comes through that portal
19. damn that moment when gi ant-man is giant
20. damn that final battle was so epic
21. damn that steve with mjölnir
22. this movie was SO GOOD when it was good and so mehhh when it was bad, and i’m really glad that it was just good enough that i can forgive overlook all of its flaws. (tho i will not forgive what they did to natasha, even if i can mostly ignore it when thinking about how good most of the rest of the movie was) but idk if it would’ve been perfect, maybe i wouldn’t have survived like there’s this One Huge Thing (natasha) that really brings down the movie that otherwise would’ve been just Amazing
23. i don’t know if my heart has ever beaten as fast as when steve finally picks up the hammer. never while watching a movie, at least
24. i love that carol has her short haircut, bc it bothered me so much in cpn marvel that she should not have been able to see anything when her hair was just constantly on her face haha
25. i feel nothing but seething resentment towards clint’s stupid family and that stupid family man role he is stuck with
26. why was natasha’s hair so weird and ugly. why can’t it just be red??
27. clint’s hair was weird and ugly too and i think i have finally kinda given up on mcu!clint (tho he has those small Very Good moments and i cry for what could’ve been.....we could’ve have it aaaaaalllll.... i think i’m going to watch swat (2003) again and still pretend it’s the clint backstory movie i deserve haha, it’s been ages since i’ve seen it idk if it would still work for me, i’m gonna try)
28. i love nebula tho
29. i loved the trip down memory lane! frigga!!!! the way the continuation of the avengers capturing loki just felt so natural and like it probably happened just like that! nebula and rhodey judging quill’s singing and dancing haha yes! everything! just as i was hoping it would be!
30. doesn’t really have anything to do with this movie but: i still firmly believe that coulson never died. i still firmly believe that pietro never died. 
31. falcon cap helll yeah!!
32. i guess i’ll never get my strike team delta movie with clintasha best friends soulmates and with buckynat and the red room.........  goddd there really should’ve been a black widow movie after cap2. like that was The Perfect Spot for a black widow movie, it’s really a crime that there isn’t one, and even if they make a black widow movie now, it’ll definitely be too little too late.
33. like..... a for effort..... for that female heroes girl power.... ughhhh.... scene, i guess, but that. does. not. cut. it. when you have just killed natasha
34. things i really wished they would say in some perfect moments: “hail hydra” “avengers assemble!” “i am iron man”. things they did say in those moments: “hail hydra” “avengers assemble” “i am iron man”, gogssgddd that was perfect (ok i also really did wish steve would’ve said the “i could do this all day” in the fight but couldn’t say bc the movie had just made fun of that.. i’m kinda sad but haha it’s not that big of a deal, maybe if he hadnt said it in civil war which i dont like but well...)
35. haha people are already complaining about the steve going back thing and how it’s definitely not moving on and erasing character development or whatever and HA. i finally got my stevepeggy dance i don’t care about anything else i am so happy!!!!!
36. i am so glad i managed to avoid any spoilers bc i hear that there was some pretty massive ones going around??¿?¿?
37. also: ok from here on out i am not here for any of you negative nancys complaining (probably very reasonable complaints idec) about the movie, god i really wish it was 2012 again
38. in final thoughts: i absolutely loved it and i love that it turns out that i’m apparently still very much marvel trash........ if natasha hadn’t died, especially in such a bullshit way, i would’ve been able to overlook everything else that was kinda meh about the movie and just purely and blindly loved it. i still did love it, a lot, but now there’s that bitter aftertaste.....
ok now, maybe that’s enough rambling and repeating myself....... i’m going to need to see it again asap
39. I FORGOT TO MENTION IT BC I FORGOT ABOUT IT but goooooooooodddd i loved nebula and tony playing that game in the beginning and tony letting nebula win ääääää
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daisydezem · 5 years
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Get to know me Tag
Wow this took longer then I thought it would! But thank you so much for tagging me @cruelhumanbean & @cloud-9-sims!  I’m gonna tag @deathbyhysteria, @rethasim, @shellisims and @king-mikeyy! I loved updating my simself. It has been a while but I still think she is way to pretty. I just can’t make real people. Then there are 125 questions answered in the cut down below! So it’s a long list!
1. what is your name? Daisy (Officially Dasy. My dad forgot the i -_-’)
2. what is your nickname? Dezem, Dees, Dee, Esseborre... anymore...
3. birthday? April 24 1990
4. what is your favorite book series? Harry potter... Or does Manga count? Then Skip Beat!
5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Aliens Yes! Ghost not really. 
6. who is your favorite author? UHM... I don’t like reading books. I’m dyslectic so the only reading I do is Manga and webcomics. For that I really like Yoshiki Nakamura. (from skip beat)
7. what is your favorite radio station? Veronica!
8. what is your favorite flavor of anything? Anything spicy!
9. what word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? In English - Awesome and in Dutch - Super... I know it’s also a english word but it’s used a bit different 
10. what is your current favorite song The sound of Silence - Disturbed
11. what is your favorite word? Inevitable. It has a nice tongue feel... Idk... Oh and In Dutch - Schatig. It means cute but it sounds really harsh for people that don’t speak Dutch.
12. what was the last song you listened to? Freak on a leash - Korn
13. what tv show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Battle star Galactica!!  Walking Dead Lucifer                          Supernatural Game of thrones          New Girl Dexter                          Friends More?
14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny it always cheers me up!
15. do you play video games? Uhmm... YES! 
16. what is your biggest fear? Being alone
17. what is your best quality, in your opinion? I know what I want and do whatever I can to get it. 
18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion? Being afraid of change. Being a control freak. Being a perfectionist
9. do you like cats or dogs better? CATS! I’m kinda afraid of dogs... pictures are cute tho:P
20. what is your favorite season? Spring I guess. Not to warm and hopefully dry. Everything get green:)
21. are you in a relationship? Yes uhm... 7 years now. And a kid of 4 (almost).
22. what is something you miss from your childhood? Believing in the good and magical things.
23. who is your best friend? Nouk! (Not her real name her nickname tho)
24. what is your eye color? Brown
25. what is your hair color? Naturally Brown... But I change it a lot!
26. who is someone you love? Hubby, Son, Mom, Dad, Stepdad, Stepmom, Siblings, Grandpa’s, Grandma’s, Nouk, And a lot more!
27. who is someone you trust? Hubby, Mom, Stepdad, Nouk.
28. who is someone you think about often? Rn? Uhm My little brother and grandpa. They are not doing so well.
29. are you currently excited about/for something? Yes! My son is about to turn 4 so after the winter/Christmas vacation he will be going to elementary school!
30. what is your biggest obsession? Tbh... Sims... haha I just think about what when how all the time:P
31. what was your favorite tv show as a child? Telekids!! It was a dutch kids gameshow between two school and in between cartoons! On Saturday morning!
32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? Well my hubby!
33. are you superstitious? Not really. I do know a lot so I pretend to be sometimes when it is convenient.  
34. do you have any unusual phobias? No!
35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Oh actually I like both! I like seeing pictures of the past because it brings back memories. But I do like taking pictures as well. And to be fair. I’m not good at both hahaha
36. what is your favorite hobby? Gaming!
37. what was the last book you read? The Hobbit
38. what was the last movie you watched? The new Incredibles! Is was... SUPER! 
39. what musical instruments do you play, if any? I play guitar, bass and drums. Bass best tho! I got a piano now so I’m trying to learn that if and when I have some time.
40. what is your favorite animal? Cats! 
41. what are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow? Oh god... I always feel horrible doing this. Because it changes all the time and well I like many more as 5. But okay let just do it! @cosmic-espie @pink-chevalier @brisberries @wildlyminiaturesandwich @plumpug. Okay yeah... There are many more! 
42. what superpower do you wish you had? Reading someones mind. Easier to know if someone lied.
43. when and where do you feel most at peace? At home.
44. what makes you smile? Weird stuff my son says or does.
45. what sports do you play, if any? I used to dance! Ballet, Jazz, Modern and Hip-hop... But can’t anymore.. Classical ballet is hell for your knees!
46. what is your favorite drink? A coke! (My addiction) 
47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? I can’t remember!
48. are you afraid of heights? Used to be. Then I went bungee jumping with a height of 169 meters (555 ft) and now I’m not afraid anymore!! (this is the bungee jump video is not me picture is tho!)
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49. what is your biggest pet peeve? When I’m at work and people start with a question instead of saying hello first or don’t look at me at all when checking their tickets!
50. have you ever been to a concert? Yeah! Greenday, Paramore, Billy talent, My chemical romance, Iron Maiden, Doe Maar and Infinite(in paris!) 
51. are you vegan/vegetarian? That’s a def no... 
52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher!
53. what fictional world would you like to live in? The Dragon ball Universe! 
54. what is something you worry about? The health of my grandpa and little brother. 
55. are you scared of the dark? No, I prefer the dark... 
56. do you like to sing? Yes! I was never allowed to sing in the band tho.. I was allowed to scream tho!
57. have you ever skipped school? Yeah.... Sssssst don’t tell my mom. She still doesn’t know. ;)
58. what is your favorite place on the planet? Home <3
59. where would you like to live? Where I live now. 
60. do you have any pets? Yes!
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61. are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night Owl!
62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets! If I ever see a sunrises someone will be dying... (the one that woke me up that early!)
63. do you know how to drive? Yeaaaasssss! I LOVE DRIVING! and yes also with a gearbox!!
64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones? In-ear earbuds!
65. have you ever had braces? No!
66. what is your favorite genre of music? Rock!
67. who is your hero? My mom!
68. do you read comic books? Web comics (rn the gamer and dice) and manga!
69. what makes you the most angry? People who did something wrong and then blame you.
70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Electronic. Real books are to heavy to take a lot of with you.
71. what was your favorite subject in school? Math and science!
72. do you have any siblings? Yes! Sister at my Moms and a Brother and Sister at my Dads!
73. what was the last thing you bought? Food:p But uhm as of last fun thing was the cam for the facecam on streams!
74. how tall are you? 171 cm (5′7 is that right?)
75. can you cook? Somewhat... I like cooking but I usually work during dinner time so don’t do it to often.
76. what are three things that you love? My family (incl my own and my parents, siblings and grandparents) Playing games (incl sims, final fantasy, dragon quest and stardew) My roomba! (I hate vacuuming) 
77. what are three things that you hate? Liars  Cleaning Waking up early
78. do you have more female friends or more male friends? I think male...
79. what is your sexual orientation? I’m straight.
80. where do you currently live? The Netherlands (HOLLAND HOLLAND HOLLAND) ;)
81. who was the last person you texted? My hubby!
82. when was the last time you cried? Today.... hahaha I hurt my back still went to work. Got worse and at the end of my shift I could barely walk. I felt like a wuss and that made me cry. 
83. who is your favorite youtuber? MATPAT (game theorists) Jen (xurbansimsx) Mage Masher and Jacksepticeye
84. do you like to take selfies? Sometimes...
85. what is your favorite app? Webtoons
86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like? Very good
87. what is your favorite foreign accent? German
88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? Seoul and Kyoto 
89. what is your favorite number? 4
90. can you juggle? No
91. are you religious? No (Maybe the flying spaghetti monster tho)
92. do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? OUTER SPACE! I love space! I’m a bit scared of the ocean tho
93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? No BUT if needed I will be. 
94. are you allergic to anything? No
95. can you curl your tongue? Yes :P
96. can you wiggle your ears? Yes that too! (Just checked btw)
97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something? Not that often... If proven wrong I would tho.
98. do you prefer the forest or the beach? Forest
99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? It will always be darkest just before it will get lighter again. (no matter how awful things seem it will get better)
100. are you a good liar? A very good liar... 
101. what is your hogwarts house? Gryffindor
102. do you talk to yourself? All the time!
103. are you an introvert or an extrovert? Both... I guess.. But more Extrovert.
104. do you keep a journal/diary? Nooooo I can’t! And if I do it’s for 2 weeks and then I forget!
105. do you believe in second chances? Yes but not in third.
106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Give it to the police.. I can’t keep it because I would feel bad...
107. do you believe that people are capable of change? Change... Not really. However I do believe in the adaptability of people. 
108. are you ticklish? Yes... unfortunately... 
109. have you ever been on a plane? Yes to Spain, Hungary, Italy and Malta
110. do you have any piercings? Yes I had more. Did you know if you get pregnant your body can just resist them? I lost 5 piercings because of that but gained a lovely little boy so everything is good. <3
111. what fictional character do you wish was real? Oeee this is hard... there are so many. But uh let me just say Gohan. I just love him. Strong, kind and smart. (Also my first crush when I was young hahaha)
112. do you have any tattoos? Yes 3! And I want so many MORE!
113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Changing jobs! 
114. do you believe in karma? No... I don’t believe in anything I can’t see or can’t be proven my science. 
115. do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses
116. do you want children? I got a kid already hahaha but Yes I would like a second child at some point.
117. who is the smartest person you know? I think it would be my sister @galaxymiep! She can do stuff I could never do. <3
118. what is your most embarrassing memory? Oh Idk... I’m not embarrassed easily. But I think I would be when my workpants had a hole in it and I didn’t notice until someone told me... 
119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter? So many times.
120. what colour are most of you clothes? Black
121. do you like adventures? Not really. I had my adventures days. I’m boring now hahaha
122. have you ever been on tv? UHmm... Yes... Local tv station about concrete blocks. Why?
123. how old are you? Old... hahaha I’m 28
124. what is your favorite movie quote? From the movie Moulin Rouge: “The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”
125. sweet or savory? Depends on my mood. But mostly Savory!
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kavurtz · 4 years
I like girls.
This mainly for me I can’t write this in my notes bc my mom checks it sooo yea. If you know me n you read this I don’t care lel
I think being gay ain’t a choice. As I grow I realize that shit isn’t I used to think it was and if you really wanted to if you were a girl you could just stop liking women or if your a dude you can stop liking a dude. As a child looking back I was fr in denial.
I like a girl on my bus. Her hair was naturally curly and she had a beautiful smile. She always wore cherry lipgloss and it made her face shine fr. She was kind..and always gave me a snack on the bus. She was a junior while I was a 7th grader.. and I know she was straight as a pole too. I thought about her a lot and uh well I would always tel myself why am I thinking of a girl gross. I suppressed feelings for girls through the whole year. If I saw a gay couple I would always tell myself to see that it’s disgusting and bad. Moving on into 8th grade year.
I was 14 and I invited a girl I liked to my birthday party! Her name was jada her skin glowed under the sunlight fr. Skin was smooth too and a nice dark chocolate. I really liked her personality she was super cool to talk to man and she was super funny I did everything with her. At the party you know my dumb self I can’t really hide if I like someone..maybe acting kinda flirtatious with movements and touchyness? Ion know lol. But my mom noticed. I was stare at jada just analyze her. That whole day felt everyone was moving in slow motion while I was going real time. After the party which was awesome btw my mom took me home..best birthday turned into the fucking worst one in 2 seconds
I remeber this day vividly. Shit was traumatizing. My mom sat me down at the dinning table said that she wanted to talk. That’s never good so I just sat down in fear. She asked me “Do you like Jada” in denial I obviously told her no and said stupid shit like being gay is wrong and I could never like a girl that’s against the Bible! My mom didn’t believe one word of it though. She said “if I find out you are gay like women or ever want to be a man or whatever you will be kicked out of this house and we will never accept you you will be a disappointment to the whole family” I stomached that awfully. I ran to my room bro lmao and just cried the whole night. I told myself I can choose to not like girls so I just kept telling myself bro you like boys boys are cool girls are nasty you could never date a girl. I always had that in my mind and it ruined me forever. No like actually that shit fucked me up I started doing shit I was not supposed to do thinking I was going around my feelings bro. Anyways FAST FORAWRD TO 9th grade
9th grade was actually a hella good year for me no cap. I met some awesome freinds and even have a new click with them along with many others. But there’s this certain girl bro NOW NOW WAIT let me tell you sim bro my taste in girls completely like FLIPPED I used to clown girls who wore like stripped crop tops and vans and those like boot shoes irl that softgirl awesthetic look. Something like that. But now that’s the type of girls I like. Dorky girls that dress like that. I used to like girls that were “bad” wore the most on brand clothes like Nike and shit like there fit was nice as hell. Now don’t get me wrong I still love that fashion I just prefer the other one WAYYY more. Yoooo anyway. I’m in 9th grade in band and like there’s this girl she play the clarinet and like she has grey blue eyes her eyes pretty asab I don’t care. She’s a dork lol she is goofy and dances funny out of no where idk why she does that but she does lol. Now listen man I’m not a creep! But I would just stare at her sometimes at like games for football just stare at her idk why but I did I liked looking at her eyes a lot bc they were pretty THATS it. She found out i liked her tho idk who the hell either told her or if she found out by herself but uh ye I didn’t really care tho cuz I was like I can’t like girls anyway that’s gross ha ha ha bull shIT. Bru it was even worse cuz she had a whole ass girl bro I did not give a FUCK 😂😂 nahhh fast forward again. Her and her girlfreind like broke up like her girl broke up with her. And I remeber getting that text and I always joke around saying if that happened I would YESSSIRRR AYEEE LETSSS GOOO but I was actually upset. I was like bro what the hell? I got to school n like she was there crying. I would have comforted her more but I just kinda stood down and said I was sorry and that everything would be alright. Everytime I saw that girl I was mad at her giving her ugly looks man I was so mad 😂😂 but why was I feeling like this bro idk! I just was! I still kinda feel bad but everything happen for a reason man but uh let’s unpack that that girl was the actuall like ACTUALL first girl I liked her fashion personality and all that shit was perfect 😂 we still go to school together I’m in the 10th grade I don’t like her anymore tho but she is a good friend of mine
ALRIGHT this for me. Listen man! As of right now today you are confused lol. You don’t really know who you are and you still teynna figure it out and that’s ok! You like girls and that’s ok. Do you know why you like girls? Let’s give all the reasons..reason 1 because you can reason 2 because you can reason 3 BECAUSE YOU CAN! It’s just how you feel it sucks hc you really tried running away from that truth saying I can choose to not but guess what you always end up right back here 😂 liking another female 😂😂 damnnn bro I know parents ain’t accepting and that shit is tough but maybe one day ONE day they will come around I hope man they are so homophobic it’s scary literally can’t even sing a song without my dad being transphobic.. nah but fr didn’t god make us this way..? Wouldn’t he know this was gonna happen? God makes no mistakes and here I am he made me a female but I feel like a boy I ask god everyday what is going on and what do I do am I supposed to be feeling this way? I have not gotten my answer yet but don’t worry god will asnwer I don’t feel comfortable being a girl that’s why we always pretended to be someone else and that shit isn’t cool nor good for us. I’m happy to say we stopped doing that shit and that we finally trying to be ourselves we even changed our HAIR to look more masculine ahaha we look good now time for the fashion. Go shopping with freinds because you can only shop comfortably with them shopping with mom sucks bc she judge everything you pick and say it too boyish ugh I hate that saying like god damn. I wish I could wear polos and tuxes n shit I hate wearing dresses and skirts bro it’s awful! NAH BUT LOOK BRO WE WORKIN ON OURSELF YEEESSSIR ! I’m logging that shit everyday! IM NOT TRYNNA LOOK LIKE LIL TECCA BUT UHHH MY LEGS AINT IT I HATE THEM 😂 we gettin their tho it take time by the time I a junior i want people to see a change 😂 one last thing is never do sum you uncomfortable with. You stay doing that for other people and it’s trashy 😑 ok well I’m going it’s uh 11/19/20 sooo yeeee! See you in 2021 Kayden ! Check back wihh ty me with the date
Ok no more
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