E' facile mentire ad un bambino.
Prova ad imporre ad una persona Adulta, istruita che, anni fa, un semi-dio è morto, e poi, dopo qualche giorno è resuscitato: giustamente, ti invita ad andare a quel Paese; nei bambini le assurdità, le palesi menzogne religiose, fanno breccia, perché essi si fidano ciecamente degli adulti.
La 'fede' non viene proposta per sviluppare coscienze, ma per rendere le persone fragili, labili; abbindolabili al punto da rendere possibile, ancora in quasi tutti gli angoli del mondo, che qualcuno diventi ricco da sciamano, da politico o da 'volontario', commettendo truffe.
La religione è mitologia: nella fase primordiale, non essendosi ancora sviluppato il pensiero scientifico (che si basa su prove, evidenze), gli esseri umani hanno inventato spiegazioni invece di cercarle; da qui nasce la superstizione, cioè la religione: dall'ignoranza.
Le cattedrali, i templi in generale, NON sono opere d'Arte, quanto non lo sono i dipinti religiosi realizzati: è mera propaganda politica; se 'dio' esistesse, non sarebbe necessario renderlo 'concreto' attraverso una massiccia edilizia, allora quanto oggi, pagata dai poveri.
La Cultura non porta ad avere 'fede': non è affatto colto chi crede a questioni su cui non esistono prove; non sono Intellettuali e nemmeno onesti coloro che si prestano a fare proselitismo, ma truffatori che, pur non essendo sacerdoti, speculano sull'altrui ignoranza e fragilità.
Ogni religione è pagana, 'barbara', secondo l'altra; ogni setta si considera ufficiale, l'unica, e portatrice di 'verità'.
Nel mondo esistono 'milioni di cristiani' (gente registrata come tale) perché la religione cristiana NON si sceglie: si viene obbligati, attraverso un battesimo imposto da neonati, a diventare adepti di tale setta; anche così tale superstizione/Ignoranza sopravvive al Progresso.
Lo sciamano cristiano, detto 'prete', che vuole farti credere che in un pezzo di pane si concretizzi il corpo d'una semi-divinità NON è diverso da chi legge le carte, fa oroscopi, vende numeri per lotterie 'sognati' e da chi faceva 'predizioni' scrutando le viscere d'un animale: è sempre lo stesso tipo di TRUFFA.
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jakuwais · 10 months
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Please reach out to your local hitojaku fan because it’s a good chance we are not well
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apotheotic-cravings · 2 years
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What was meant to be a sketch of Harrow in formal wear quickly devolved into a shitty comic of perhaps my favourite scene in htn
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 3 months
Dio's right hand man, everyone! He's fruity, he's fabulous, he wears a leotard, and he will send you to the void if you make him mad
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Semi realism evolution!:
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It took him a few years to process what you just said-
And he decided to put on a little more makeup and body glitter
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Ayoo— I have a Series going on!
i apologize for being kinda dead here, but this is why, I'm literally obsessed with jjba rn and I can't focus on literally anything else. So, I'm making a yandere series over on my Wattpad that will cover all parts of JoJo, 1—9. It's called the Journeys Across!, series! Phantom Blood is out rn. So it'd be cool if y'all checked it out! 🙂
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dinopepitah · 1 year
-points at you- dibuja el diseño de tu Spamton Neo tal vez?? <3 o un simple Spamton chikito comiendo un kromer xd /also greetings fellow spamton enjoyer
Sure!!! No se si quedó bien el addi tuyo eso si aaa pero intente lo mejor con las refs que habia dicho en anónimo ;u; igual, muchos saludastros zerguette! Y muchas eñes para la buena suerte skdjsd
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
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It’s funny how 10 of the greatest anime villains of all time are…
A bioweapon based off a cicada eith the DNA of the strongest warriors
A Blonde sexy version of Dracula
An ant with godlike power that played checkers with a blind girl
A buff ass motherf**ker
A wife guy and local bad father
Creature removes sins from himself and tries to become god
Satan #1 and local RANCID mother
The most entertaining psychopath on here
A psychopath
Satan #2
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truly-deceitful · 2 years
no les miento pero me gustaria que la relacion entre los dioses y vegetta se explore un poquito mas osea, en canon me dices que le ponen una mina a vegetta el primer dia, le rompen la puerta y al siguiente dia es mas dificil hacer minas? si tiene algun tipo de tratado con los dioses tambien explicaria porque rubius que era el cura en k4 se llevaba muy bien con el vato este.
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pupuseriazag · 7 months
Me: ok so you see the water has a faint light blue color that glows, but not enough to help guide you in the dark, you can feel the water inviting you to drink it
Player: ... Im not gonna drink that.
Me, who gave him a healing fountain: 💀 ok, sure.
Me: checking the stands you find a bottle with the same misterious liquid.
Player: im keeping that one
-some other minutes later, against a mimic-
Player, who is only at 2 HP: I take some steps back and I throw the bottle at the mimic.
Me who knows whats going to happen: sure :) roll the dice.
Player: -gets a 5-
Me: ok, you attempt to throw the bottle, however it slips through your hands and it falls close to you, breaking in pieces and the liquid splashes on your body. And you start feeling like the strange liquid heals you a little by 5 points
Player, realizing he almost healed the mimic:
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 4 months
Taking care of his girls (part 1)
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x reader (y/n)
Warnings: none
a/n: another girl dad Carlos because I just can't get enough
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Y/N's pov
The newborn stage is extremely challenging. Sleep deprivation caused by countless sleepless nights, lack of energy, baby crying even though she ate half an hour ago, trying to figure out the cause of her crying, colic, baby not latching, painful feedings or lack of milk production - all that and much more comes when you step into motherhood. Trust me, it is exhausting both physically and mentally and anyone who says otherwise is lying!
However, not much is talked about how demanding and tiring and difficult it is when you are burning with a fever and can barely stand on your feet, and you have a two-year-old daughter who also has a flu and who, in addition to all of that, is a very stubborn daddy's little girl and doesn't really like to listen to anyone except her dad. That two-year-old is our little girl Bea. Bea is a very stubborn and smart girl who is very attached to her dad and loves spending time with him. She is completely enchanted by him and whenever Carlos returns home from the race, she does not separate from him.
We've only recently started taking her to the races, but since she tends to run around the paddock and starts screaming when it's time for Carlos to get in the car, we've decided that we won't be able to follow Carlos everywhere he goes.
This time we could not attend the Grand Prix in Italy for another reason, and that reason was because I caught a flu, which almost knocked me off my feet, and two days later Bea was burning with a fever as well.
Being alone with her while I was sick, doing all the housework, cooking and taking care of her was very difficult and exhausting. I was very worried about her because she had a high temperature, she was very weak, she didn't want to eat much, she was crying all the time and she just wanted me to hold her in my arms and cuddle her.
Carlos returned from Italy to our home in Madrid yesterday and we both couldn't wait to see him. When he came back I could finally breathe a little, sit down and rest because he decided to take care of both of us.
It was the same today, even though I felt a little better, Bea was still coughing a lot and her nose was blocked, so I decided to go to the pharmacy to get a children's inhaler. Carlos decided to stay with her and fulfill all her wishes, and today the wish was cuddling and watching cartoons in the living room.
It took me quite a long time to get to the pharmacy, make the purchase and get back home, so I only returned after 45 minutes. The sight that greeted me when I entered the living room brought tears to my eyes, but happy tears full of gratitude.
Bea was lying curled up on Carlos' chest, his arms wrapped around her as his head fell back against the back of the couch his lips slightly parted as both of them were fast asleep while Dora the explorer begged for help in the background. Carlos tied her hair into a small ponytail on top of her head while her baby hairs were messily sticking out. For a moment I just stood next to the couch and watched them smiling and thinking how did I get so lucky?
"Babe" I approach Carlos from the back of the couch and whisper into his ear. "Babe, wake up." It took him a minute to realize they had fallen asleep and to wake up.
"Ay dios mío.." You could also hear the tiredness in his voice because he didn't sleep at all last night. He demanded that I rest and that he would look after Bea overnight.
"Let's take her to bed okay?" I say quietly trying not to wake her up.
"What time is it?" He asks.
"It's only 7 p.m. I'll take care of her tonight, you get some sleep okay?" I say caressing his cheek.
"No, no I'll do it You still haven't fully recovered amor and I want you to." He says leaving a kiss on my thumb. Just as Carlos slowly straightened up from a semi-lying position on the couch, Bea startled and started crying.
"Shh cariño, no llores." (shh darling don't cry) Carlos immediately began gently shushing her and rubbing her back as I sat next to them.
"Do you want to go sleep in mommy and daddy's bed baby?" I asked her placing a kiss on her hand. She doesn't usually sleep with us, but when she is sick we always let her.
"No" She rubbed her eyes nervously, still crying and burrying her head into the crook of Carlos neck. "Papa, mama" She whined extending her little hand towards me, but not wanting to leave Carlos' embrace.
"Está bien mi amor, mamá y papá están aquí, no te preocupes." Carlos said tightening his grip around her with one arm and with the other pulling me closer to them.
We quickly gave up on trying to talk her into going to bed because we realized it would only upset her even more so we both decided to curl up to Carlos.
"Mis princesas." I leaned my head against his shoulder wrapping my arm around our little bean as Carlos kissed both of our foreheads.
Part 2 here
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flowercrowngods · 11 months
Max delivery!
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He's a sleepy little burnt croissant. I hope you're having a good day!
only burnt croissant i’ll respect!!
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kiame-sama · 11 months
Tender Love and Care- (Yandere!Miguel x sick!reader)
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Warnings; reader is bed bound by illness, helplessness, obsessive miguel, mention of kidnapping, yandere behavior, yandere tendencies, lovesick yandere, semi-soft miguel, scolding, confusion, fever, mention of death, possessive behavior, slight objectification,
"Reckless and stupid, that's all it was! Do you not understand how stupid it was? Truly? You could have caused the multiverse to completely collapse!"
Miguel hissed as he paced in front of the three most recent spider-people to let him down. He thought that they would be able to handle a simple mission, but it was clear that he put far too much faith in those standing before him. Keeping the multiverse from collapsing was no easy feat, but so far it seemed like Miguel was the only one holding things together.
"But, Sir, the parameters of the mission were to deal with the anomalies."
"And did you deal with them? No! Ay, madre de Dios, now Noir and Spider-punk have to deal with the extras you all missed. If I have to step in again on another botched mission-"
The soft sound of coughing made Miguel fall silent, his head turning to the door at the back of his office where his most treasured possession lay. A soft whimper and croaking noise made his brow furrow in worry. The other spider-people standing at attention exchanged a look of confusion before his attention snapped back to them.
"Do better next time or there won't be a next time. Dismissed."
He held his stony demeanor for a moment longer as they shuffled out of his office with their heads bowed low, red eyes trailing the group with precision. The coughing sound came again, this time closer than before. Low ragged breaths were being gasped down as the raspy sound of labored lungs fought to inflate.
"(Y/n)," the dark haired man turned on his heel and approached the now open back door, "you should be in bed resting."
Despite their sallow and sunken features, he still found his dearest to be the most beautiful person he had ever seen. It didn't matter how many universes he had to look through before he found them again, he was going to keep this version alive. Of course, the constant canon events were trying rather hard to take them away, but he wouldn't let that happen.
The current problem was a rather debilitating illness that wracked the body and lungs of his beloved, leaving them gasping for every breath. Each cough struck his heart with pain as Miguel heard the following whimpers that came with any fit. If he could only lift away the illness that plagued his dearest, he would happily do so. However, all he could do for them at this point was keep them comfortable and hope their immune system could fight off the worst of the virus they were plagued with.
"Come on, you need your rest."
They didn't argue or fight against his gentle touch as he herded them back towards the large bed in the room. Though the room had once been for Miguel alone, it was now less sparsely decorated and seemed to have a bit more life to it thanks to the new life he felt he received from his darling. Miguel was careful to keep an eye out for any sign of stumbling or struggling so he could catch his darling before they had a chance to fall.
As their foot caught on the corner of a carpet, he quickly caught them in his arms. He may not have the spider sense like many others did, but he was no less observant of his surroundings. His muscled arms were hardened after years of training and fighting, so lifting his darling the rest of the way into the bed was an easy task for Miguel.
The other spider people knew Miguel had someone in his room, though they didn't know the true origin of how that person came to reside in the room. Not that Miguel would tell them, but he had scoured the many universes for any incarnation of his beloved and only found them after months of searching. They were laying in bed, rendered helpless by the pandemic illness that consumed that universe. He couldn't just leave them laying there without any help or defense.
His universe had already mostly eradicated the virus in question, so he knew they would be better off with him instead of in their dying universe riddled with the aggressive virus. Sure, he hadn't exactly asked if he could take them away, but in their delirium they weren't exactly able to deny thier savior anyway.
Once he got them back to his home, he endeavored to keep them safe and sequestered until the virus passed. Lyla was both supportive and judgemental of Miguel taking and keeping his beloved from their universe, she also knew how it would destroy Miguel to lose them again. She brushed off any questions the other spider-people asked her and simply said Miguel was allowed to keep his personal life away from his work life.
The hoarse whine of his dearest drew him back to the present as he finished tucking them into bed, resting a cool cloth over their forehead. They rest their cheek against his hand, nuzzling into his touch affectionately as they stared up at him with a kind of feverish delusion. He let the small smile tug at the corner of his lips as he stared lovingly at his darling.
"Rest, I'll wake you up later with food, alright?"
"Te amo, (y/n)."
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messylustt · 11 months
Lowkey I genuinely want to have a zesty HC of Miguel's, Hobie's and i feel bad he doesn't get enough attention Ben Reilly's reaction to s/o reader surprising them in the wee bunny suit lingerie
omg plss. ben really doesn't get enough attention. he deserves it :(
( nsfw ) marks smut. praising. reader wearing lingerie. slight pet play. bj. brief mention of overstimulation. dry humping. (i actually made ben kinda subby here…also I’ve never written him before and don’t know his character a heck of amount but i wanted to try <3). semi unedited i apologise.
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okay...cause miguel o'hara would of course be working.
you having had enough of his over busy schedule and lack of free time, resulting in short lasting kisses and quickies that always made you want more.
miguel would be fucking you, hair damp, praises easily tumbling from your lips..."dios, mi amor...that's it...doing so well for me...making me feel so fucking good...your tight little pussy taking me so well...carajo...you're so wet, letting me slip in whenever I want...yeah?"
and you'd be nodding, body pushed up, legs wide for him against a wall or a table.
but then his wristwatch would buzz, calling him in for another mission, saying 'something's gone wrong', and miguel wishes he could stay fucking your sweet cunt, but he can't.
which results in barely finished orgasms and an ache for so much more than what he can give you right now.
so, now you walk, hips slightly swaying with an air of indifference.
his office is always empty, miguel liking keeping the space to himself...and of course you.
so when you casually wander in, body adorned with a cute little bunny lingerie set that screamed innocence, miguel's gaze finally left his work...and he freezes.
god, did his eyes dart, everywhere they could go. no section of your half exposed body got free from his heated eyes.
but you act as though what your wearing is a simple shirt and simple pants, walking in saying you "accidently left something on his desk"
and as you go to step closer, moving your body torturously and languidly, miguel's eyes begin to darken.
you tapped your fingers along his desk, humming to yourself in fake thought. "i wonder where it is?" "maybe i did leave it back in my room..."
and you can hear the buzz of his wristwatch but when you glance at him his eyes are nowhere near his wrist, his gaze focused entirely on you as he stood, switching the wristband off with a flick of his fingers.
you go to step out of his office. "maybe you should take that...i'll go find phone in my room...i'm sure it's back there..."
but miguel is not gonna let you leave, swiftly webbing you towards him, and making you tumble into his chest with a small gasp.
then he's backing you up against his desk, as you're forced to press hard against it, miguel's arms caging you in as a small snarl edges his lips baring his fangs to you.
"are you sure you don't want to get that?..." you glance at his turned off wristwatch. but his large hands are grabbing your thighs and lifting you onto his desk, spreading your legs wide as he stands between them.
his hands brushed over the bunny lingerie, as he harshly pulls you closer to him, his mouth hitting your ear. "i don't think i will take that..." he meets your gaze, holding your cheeks between his clawed fingers. "i think..." he hoists one of your legs higher up, pulling you even closer, so that you covered pussy rubs against his hard on.
your mouth would fall open as miguel would speak to it. "...i think i need to fuck this pretty little bunny, who just wandered into my office..."
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now you and hobie brown have tried many different kinks in bed.
many on his call, his lack of consistency making him suggest all sorts of new things he can do to your body. "come on, babe...i know you'll like it." he'd say with his signature side smile and teasing tone.
you'd always give in, and as promised it would feel so...good. "thank christ, hobie..." "yeah? that feel good, luv?" he'd be thrusting his long, ringed fingers inside you as your wrists would be webbed behind your back, your legs shaking with overstimulation. his fingers having fucked you for hours on end. "but don't thank the lord, babe...it isn't his fingers inside this...pretty lil pussy."
hobie loved the feel of your warm cunt clenching around them. and as he'd finally draw his fingers out of you his tongue would lick them clean.
now even though hobie was perfectly comfortable with expressing his kinks, you felt a little more nervous doing so with your own.
so when you had the idea to suck hobie off in a little bunny lingerie set, (leaning close to petplay) you on the floor as you licked his throbbing cock, you felt that familiar nervous flutter in your stomach.
hobie was lounging on the couch, legs spread as he watched something random on tv.
you were too shy to straight up tell him your ideas, so you instead decided to show him.
walking out of your room, the bunny lingerie on, with its little cottontail, and white fur features, you spotted hobie first before he looked to you.
"oi, luv, can you—" but the words would die in his throat upon seeing you, walking in...and looking like that.
you would walk up to a gradually turned on hobie as you moved to stand between his legs, a small shy smile spreading across your lips.
hobie's breathing would turn shallow as he quickly reached to touch you and pull you onto him. but you moved to your knees, placing your hands gently on his thighs and spreading his legs further.
hobie would be staring down at you, tongue coming out to lick his lip ring as you shuffled closer to his bulge. "i just wanted to...try something" you would say as your pretty fingers would drag along his hard on, making his hips slightly jolt.
"bloody 'ell, luv..." hobie would breathe out watching as you would take out his cock, your little bunny tail now at an easy view for him to see. "mm, dressed up as a cute lil bunny...is that for me?" he'd tease out, just as your tongue would quickly lick out, tasting his pre-cum, and letting the tip glide along the piercing there (yes i'm saying he's gonna have one).
his hands would fly to your head, as his legs would spread further.
you then begin to wrap your lips around his cock, going at a torturous pace, making hobie groan out little phrases... "oh, fuck...you're like ma' own lil pet...on your knees for me-'ell, luv...your tongue feels bloody good doin' tha'..."
and when you'd finally fit his entire cock into your mouth, the metal piercing hitting the back of your throat, his words would get worse (better). "don' stop...that's it...suck ma'-ah...my pretty little bunny...doing so fucking good...mm feel s'good." and in that moment hobie realised his slight kink for you being his pretty pet.
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ben reilly would be stunned. eyeing your lingerie-clad body.
it had been a surprise. he had been working soo hard on special missions and destroying anomalies’ chances of evil doings.
you wanted to give him a break. you’d both never actually had sex yet, you guys taking it at a slower pace.
but now as ben stared at you, you moving to take a seat on the couch, as you stared at him, the concept ‘take it slow’ just didn’t seem register.
he moved fast, his muscled arms coming to wrap around your body, as his eyes continued to stare at your half exposed body. “what’s this for?…” but he didn’t really care for the reason, his hand already wandering your furry bra, while his body rested between your widened legs, that had begun to wrap around his hips.
“i thought you could use a break.” you say innocently as ben’s chest began to heave. “did you…fuck.” he’d hiss, his mouth moving to kiss your collarbone, as he pressed himself further into you.
you’d slightly shuffle your hips so that your lingerie would rub against his suit. a small moan would slip from his lips as his kisses would turn open-mouthed. “can I— can I fuck you?…god can I please fuck you?…i can’t wait anymore…”
he’d be shaking his head, slightly grinding down onto you as you’d bite your lip at his almost desperate tone. your hand would move to slightly play with his blonde hair, weaving through the strands. “you don’t want to take it slow?” you tease out.
“no, fuck no…I wanna touch you…all of you…please.” his grinding became nearly feverish, his want to just rip your bra off heavily prominent.
“since you asked so nicely…” you’d say unclipping your bra—ben couldn’t let your body go for the rest of the night.
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 11 months
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"One by one, one after the other... I, Vanilla Ice, will scatter your atomic fragments across the dark recesses of the void."
(semi realism retry, comparison under the cut)
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(I'm probably going to redraw this every year or so and check on my progress!! The only thing I'm pretty proud of is the eyes and the lips. I was told by others that the nose, jaw, and neck definitely need a lot of work. I decided to post this anyway because I'm pretty proud of it and for progress purposes. I'm still learning where everything goes and how to draw certain aspects of the human face/body 💪)
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jadeysjasmine · 3 months
YOU BOUGHT A DUCK? - Alexia Putellas x Reader
A/N: first fic I’ve wrote in a while so kinda rusty😂just a random idea I had that wouldn’t let me go to sleep until I wrote it. Not proofread. 1588 words.
Tags: Fluff
Summary: you spontaneously buy 3 ducklings without telling Alexia, how hard could it be to keep your secret?
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You were in a predicament, unsure how long you can to hide this from Alexia or even how to hide it. Admittedly it wasn’t your plan this morning to buy ducklings, seeing them while you browsed the dog toys, forever spoiling Alba’s dog.
You didn’t even plan on getting them and just went in to have a look at them but a sob story from the store owner about how the were abandoned on the side of the road was enough of a pull on your heart strings to take them, so off you went home with 3 new ducklings and all the supplies you could possibly need.
Arriving home you had set up the ducklings new home in the far corner of the garage, where they would still be safe but there is minimal chance of Alexia finding them.
“Hola amor, I’m home,” your girlfriend calls out as she enters the house, she notices your on the couch and comes over to greet you, sweetly pecking your lips before flopping on top of you.
“Alexia you’re all sweaty, get off!” You struggle under the strong grip of the Spaniard, clearly she hadn’t showered - hoping that she can shower at home with you.
“Remember Bebita, Mami and Alba are coming for dinner later.” You go to reply when a peep comes from the garage, Alexia looks at the door confused before she turns to you, you try your best to stay calm, hoping to play this off.
“¿Qué fue eso?” She questions, already making her way to the door that connects the house and the garage. You scramble off the couch, catching up to her before she can open the door, “Probably nothing. You said your Mami and Alba were coming for dinner soon so you need to shower, I’ll join you,” you smile suggestively, hoping to divert her attention from the noise she heard. It seemed to work as she picked you up, throwing you over her shoulder as she raced off towards your bathroom.
Later on you were sat around your dining room table, dinner long finished as you continued laughing and talking with Alexia, her mother and her sister, the ducks completely slipping your mind as you spent quality time with your favourite people.
Eli was halfway through a story on one of the many pranks Alba used to play on Alexia when they were younger, through laughter she told you how Alba had put semi permanent hair dye in Alexia’s shampoo but told her it was permanent causing the captain to try murder her younger sister. The story brought to a halt when a quack was heard, all 3 women stop and turn to the door, you hope they think they had just misheard but right on cue another quack was heard, much louder and clearer than the previous one.
Alexia stood from her seat, not even giving you a chance to stop her before she made her way to the garage and barging through the door; you, Eli and Alba not far behind.
When you arrived you saw her standing in front of the chickens box, staring at it with her jaw clenched.
“Al-“ you couldn’t even finish your sentence before she was turning to you, “YOU BOUGHT A DUCK?”
You heard Eli and Alba gasp behind you, Alba pushing past to go see the duck as you smiled sheepishly at your girlfriend, unsure how to weasel your way out of this.
“Ducks, there’s three,” you corrected her. That was not the right thing to say, you heard Alba snicker but your girlfriend was far from pleased.
“Dios mío, were you even going to tell me? where did you even get ducks? how are we even going to take care of them?” Your girlfriend rapidly spewing out questions along with a few Spanish curse words, although those were silenced when Eli sternly told Alexia off for her language.
“I got them from the pet store, they were just dumped at the side of the road and had no one to take care of them,” you decided switch tactics, you knew Alexia was infatuated with you, forever being teased about how in love with you she truly was and how she would do anything for you.
She was still hesitant so you whipped out the big guns, the puppy dogs eyes, you only use them on rare occasions because they were her kryptonite but you never had to use them, Alexia always more than happy to bend over backwards for you without needing them.
You heard her sigh, as you threw your arms around her and you chanted thank you, knowing you had won and the ducks were staying.
You pulled back slightly, standing on your tippy toes to place a sweet kiss on your girlfriends lips, although the kiss had ended too soon for her liking, bringing her hand to the back of your head to stop you pulling away, she placed a longer, less family friendly kiss to your lips. Only pulling away when you heard Alba groan followed by a “Not in front of the kids.”
Turning around, you chuckled when you saw Alba using her hands to cover the eyes of the ducklings, Alexia rolled her eyes before trying to kiss you again, whining when you pulled away, her big hands grabbing at you and trying to bring you closer to her.
Eli and Alba had left hours ago, Alexia having to basically drag Alba away from the ducklings as she didn’t want to leave them, Alba left with a promise that she will be over to visit ‘her’ ducklings.
You and Alexia were now snuggled up in bed, the captain having pretended to not like the ducklings but you could see her gradually falling in love with them, like her sister, Alexia had to be dragged away from the ducklings. You loved the sight of her with them, she was so gentle and caring and it you loved this side of her.
She had chosen the names, decided to name them Huey, Dewey and Louie after your favourite movie growing up, one you used to watch with your grandparents all the time and you had to stop yourself from crying at the sentiment and the fact your girlfriend had remember the story you told her.
The next morning you woke up, rolling over to bury yourself in the arms of your girlfriend but were met with cold sheets, internally groaning, you threw the covers off your body, immediately regretting it as the cold hit your barely clothed body.
You threw on one of Alexia’s hoodies before making your way out of the bedroom, you call for your girlfriend but you don’t get a reply, you are very confused, she is not in the living room, your home gym nor is she in the kitchen so you’re baffled at where she went. You were just about to call her when you heard her.
You race into the garage to see Alexia had set up the kiddie pool you had for when your nieces and nephews came to visit for the ducks, you had to hold back a laugh when you see her kneeling next to the pool, clearly having just been soaked as Huey was flapping in her arms.
“What happened amor?”
She glared at you, clearly unimpressed with your failed attempt to hide your smile at her current predicament.
You trailed over to her, taking the flapping duck from her arm and placing him into the pool with his siblings, all 3 happily swimming around. You took one of the towels she had set aside before helping her dry off, she gratefully pecked your lips and mumbled a thank you.
You both spent your morning with the ducks before you made breakfast together, Alexia had shown you all the photos she took of the ducks and told you about their different personalities. You were staring at her, not really paying attention to anything she was saying, more looking at how passionately she was talking.
She noticed your dazed look and the occasional hum and smirked, “Are you even listening to me bebè?”
You felt your cheeks heat up, covering your face with your hands as you heard her laugh.
Your moment ruined when your heard pounding at your door, you looked at Alexia confused but she looked like a deer caught in headlights, that made you more confused she you went and answered the door, shocked when you noticed most of the barça squad standing at your front door, Mapi of course at the front.
“Hola,” she grinned, “We came to meet the ducklings, Ale sent a photo.”
You glared at your girlfriend who winced at the look, it was too late now so you signed before wordlessly directing the to the garage, opening the door wider as the sea of football players rushed as fast as possible.
There were a few at the back, not rushing, you noticed it was Frido, Ingird, Marta, Caro and Sandra. You smiled at them before you led them to the garage where the rest were.
As you entered you saw them all crowed around the pool, watching intensely, cooing when the ducklings do something relatively cute. They were quieter than expected, probably already warned by Alexia and not wanting to get on their captains bad side.
You stood near the back next to Alexia, content with watching your friends gush over your duckling, eternally gratefully for your friends and your girlfriend.
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momotonescreaming · 5 months
Teenage Dream - Part 4
AKA - the Jeff and Eddie have crushes on jocks series Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Jeff let his body sag as soon as he shut his bedroom door behind him, relaxing against the wood, hard and smooth behind his back. Tossing his bag in the general direction of his desk, not caring where it lands, and flopping over his bed. Still in his jeans and leather jacket, not caring in the moment.
He was finally alone.
No one watching him, no one judging him, he was finally free to relax. To think, and to feel, and to let his wandering mind loop back to Chrissy. She had talked to him. Had borrowed a pen and learnt his name. It felt impossible, a meet-cute from one of those rom-coms his mom watches. She was cute, and was right there. It felt like the start. A change. Something new. It only took until his senior year.
Even if it didn’t lead to anything — Chrissy talking to him — it still happened. The head cheerleader acknowledged him, talked to him, and was kind. She didn’t sneer, or call him a freak, or call him the wrong name. Chrissy wouldn’t, she would never — but the fear was there. Of course it was. They came from very different worlds.
Sighing, sounding entirely too wistful about it, Jeff is tempted to just continue laying there. Melt into his mattress, denim and leather digging into his skin, mind wandering. Let all the energy seep out of his body. But he knows that if he doesn’t get up now, he never will, and wearing his leather jacket to bed is going to kill his muscles. The buckles digging into his skin in the most uncomfortable places.
So he gets up, grunting at the effort, taking off his jacket and swinging it over the back of his desk chair. Lets the momentum carry him to the pile of semi-clean washing he has dumped on the floor by his laundry basket, kicks off his jeans and changes into a pair of grey sweatpants.
Absently wonders if Chrissy would let him drape his jacket over her shoulders, to keep her warm. Smelling of leather and cologne and very faintly of weed. Of Jeff. Like a distorted letterman jacket.
And then Jeff’s standing in the centre of his room, alone, sighing into the stagnant air. There’s no way that’ll ever happen. Dust swirling through the room like little cyclones, twisting and floating around him like thoughts of Chrissy.
He wanted to keep it to himself, his meeting with her, but now it all feels a little too much. The silence ringing in his ears. Buzzing under his skin. Itching and clawing its way out.  Sighing, breaking the silence, Jeff goes to sort through his tapes. If he’s going to lose his shit thinking of Chrissy, at least he won’t do it in silence.
Flips through them, focusing on the sound of the plastic cases clicking together as he decides. Eventually settles on a Dio tape — one he had bought on a trip to Bloomington with Eddie. Puts the tape in his stereo, listening to the familiar sounds of the machine, as it clicks the tape on.
Lets the sound of Stand Up and Shout wash over him, as he flops back onto his bed. Laying askew, feet hanging off the edge and his head resting below his pillow. Whatever. Good enough.
The music is familiar, easy, washes through him and scratching that itch in his brain in a way that other music didn’t quite achieve. The guitar, the drums, the speed, the energy. The slow shit, modern ballads and all that was just noise. Didn’t hit quite the same. Didn’t fill the empty spaces in his brain. Each to their own, but metal was something else.
What does Chrissy listen to, Jeff wonders. Does she listen to pop, new wave, does she venture in to rock? Does she have favourite bands, sounds she can’t get enough of? Or does she listen to whatever’s on the radio? Does music move her the way it does Jeff? Or is it just something to kill the silence. What does she listen to when she works out? Does she strap on a walkman as she goes for a run?
If Jeff made her a mixtape, would she listen to it? Would she try and see what Jeff sees? Would it make her think of him?
He’d include a lot of the more chill metal songs, he thinks, ease her into it. Songs with melodic instrumental sections. A sick guitar riff so he could brag that he learnt how to play it by ear. Songs about community, and of finding yourself. Songs that hit Jeff to his very core. Songs about love.
He hasn’t wanted to admit that to himself, say that word — love. It feels strong, too much, but the emotions swirling in Jeff’s chest feel too strong for just like. It wasn’t just a passing fancy, thinking she was cute, or hot, or nice to look at. She was kind, and sweet, and Jeff was falling into infatuation. He wanted to date her, to hold her, to give her flowers and watch her cheer. He wanted to make her a mix tape and introduce her to metal.
Gareth once said that if your crush got an ugly haircut, and you still liked them — it was love. If your crush got an ugly haircut and the feelings faded away — it was just a a crush. Just like.
If Chrissy dyed her hair green and shaved half of it off he’d still think she was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. It wasn’t just her looks (hot as she was), but her personality too. In the library she was nice to him. She smiles and waves at people. Compliments them. She was like no other.
So yes, Jeff thought she was hot, but he was trying so hard to be normal about it. Trying not to drool over her like those skeezy jocks from the wrestling team. Trying not to let his thoughts stray into territory it couldn’t come back from. She was taken. She had a boyfriend, who she loved — if their interactions around Hawkins High were anything to go by.
She blows Jason kisses from across the hall, she holds his hand as they walk through the parking lot, he holds open doors for him and she giggles.
The perfect couple. Couldn’t be Jeff, as much as Eddie tries to hype him up about it. High School is only the start, yes. Teenage relationships don’t always last, yes. But cheerleaders don’t dump their popular jock boyfriends for DnD nerds in metal bands.
He’d go to college, meet some jock girl there who doesn’t look past him, and that’s when his life would start. Him and Eddie, getting out of Hawkins. Finding people who liked them back. Because who was Jeff kidding, his type wasn’t nerds. It was jocks, and preps, and girls who were everything he wasn’t. At least Eddie was in the same boat. Made it better, knowing he wasn’t alone.
That while he was sighing over Chrissy in her cheerleading skirt, Eddie was drooling over Steve Harrington in his basketball uniform. That while he was daydreaming about holding doors open for Chrissy, about walking through Hawkins hand in hand — Eddie was dreaming about being wined and dined by Harrington, about flowers, and being swept up into his arms.
The pair of them, absolutely pathetic. Sighing, Jeff gets up to turn the tape over. Flops back down on his bed, continuing to ignore bis bag thrown onto the floor, on the homework he needs to do. He really can’t be bothered. He’s got time, he rationalises, he’s fine. He can do it in his free period tomorrow. Chrissy won’t sit with him again, he’s not that lucky. He can sit down at his same table, and work. Churn through his worksheets, draft his English essay.
So now what. He could listen to more of his tapes, try not to think about the songs he’d pick out for a mixtape. He could pick up his guitar, practice, run through songs to clear his mind of thoughts of her.
Or, he considers. He could call Eddie. See if he’s home.
He thought he wanted to keep this to himself, something special, just for him — but Jeff feels like he’s loosing his mind a little bit. He can’t stop thinking about her and he feels ridiculous. Like a hopeless romantic. A horny teen. A pathetic nerd.
Maybe talking about it will help. Quiet his mind, clear his thoughts.
He does have his own phone in his room. He’s an adult now, he said, and his dad had agreed. He needed that little bit of privacy. Security. Space just for him to talk with his friends without being interrupted. And thankfully his mom had agreed with his dad, in the end. Considering how much both his parents used the phone — and how annoying his shithead younger brothers were about it — the private line was needed.
Jeff did not want to talk about crushes, and sex, and Eddie’s big gay crush where his family could hear.
Fuck, he’s calling Eddie, isn’t he. Dialling the Munson’s number entirely on instinct, Jeff picks the phone off his bedside table and adjusts his position on his bed so he’s not tangled in the cord. He listens to the phone ringing in his ear, and tries not to fidget with the cable, stretching it out.
“Munson,” A gruff voice answers, cutting off the ringing of the phone.
“Hey Uncle Wayne,” Jeff greets the older man, hearing him scoff a laugh down the phone. He’d been calling him for as long as he’s known Eddie. The man didn’t seem to mind, and Eddie himself thought it was hilarious, so Jeff kept doing it.  Calling him just Wayne felt weird. Mr Munson even weirder. So Uncle Wayne it was. “Is Eddie in?”
“Sure is,” Wayne replies, voice deep but humour evident even through the tinny phone speakers. “I’ll grab ‘im for ya.”
He assumes Wayne puts the phone down, or holds it away from his face as Jeff can faintly hear Wayne call out for Eddie. It sounds like he’s yelling through the trailer. Or over Eddie’s loud music. Probably is. Speaking of — Jeff leans off his bed to turn the volume down on his stereo. “Boy! Jeff’s on the phone.”
A rustling, a mumbling noise, and then Eddie is breathing into the phone. “Now what can I do for you, my dear Jeffrey.”
“Role reversal,” He replies, manoeuvring himself back down onto his bed. “I’m the one losing my shit today.”
“Damn,” Eddie replies, and Jeff can tell he’s smiling, even through the phone. Eddie has always been expressive — physically, verbally, emotionally — and Jeff had known him long enough that he was confident in his ability to read his best friend. “Already? Let me get comfy then.”
He huffs a laugh, an exhale of air directly down the speaker, and listens to the sounds of Eddie getting comfy, rustling papers, the screech of a chair against lino floor. He’s sat right at the trailer’s little dining table, right across from the kitchen. Always piled high with coupons and letters and other odds and ends the Munson’s hadn’t sorted through yet. It was nice, knowing exactly where he was, knowing that he knew him that well.
Eddie lets out a noise of satisfaction as he sits down, like he’s just taken a drink of ice cold water on a hot day. Jeff snorts as Eddie continues. “Now lay it on me, Jeffster, why are you losing your shit?”
“So you know how I go to the library in my free period?” He starts, laying the scene. Rustling his sheets as he props himself up on his bed.
“Like a total nerd, yes,” Eddie says immediately, although Jeff can tell he’s joking. Can hear it in his voice.
“Says the guy on his third senior year,” Jeff jokes back, entirely without malice. He hears Eddie bark a laugh, as he continues. “But anyway, it was crazy busy for whatever reason and I heard someone ask if they could sit with me because I was at the only empty table, and…”
Jeff lets the words drag off. Plays up the drama, the suspense. He wouldn’t consider himself a dramatic person, not all that outgoing, but Eddie brought it out in him. Made him braver. More willing to put on the act. Fake it ‘til you make it.
“And?” Eddie prompts, dragging out the word.
“And it was Chrissy Cunningham.” Jeff finishes, and he can feel himself smiling. Cheeks flushing, lips pulling back over his braces.
Eddie fucking shouts down the phone, not moving it away from his face to muffle the sound any, and Jeff just laughs. Absently wonders if Wayne is listening in. Can hear Eddie shouting. He probably can. He’s probably used to it.
“No fucking way dude,” Eddie replies, practically giddy with it. Jeff can hear the squeak of the chair underneath him. Can easily picture Eddie rocking in place, smiling like a demon, perched with one leg up on the chair, leaning on the table. "You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“No shit!” Jeff replies, laughing along with Eddie. “She sat at my table the whole period. Right across from me.”
“I told you! I fucking told you!” He replies. “Did I not fucking tell you?”
“You did in fact tell me.” Jeff sighs, knowing he was going to admit that Eddie was right and he was going to be so insufferable about it. He quickly continues before Eddie could say anything else. “But it’s not going anywhere, so calm down. She’s taken.”
“I will not calm down.” Eddie adds, still giddy. “This is a big moment for freaks like us. Was she nice? Did she know your name? Come on man, enjoy it. Embrace it.”
A pause, silence, as Jeff breathes down the phone before continuing. “She was super nice. She was kind, and looked cute when she giggled. Didn’t know my name though, I had to introduce myself.”
“Well they can’t all be winners,” Eddie comments, grunting as he shifted position. “Five bucks says Harrington doesn’t know my name either.”
“You know what,” Jeff replies, thinking it over. “I’ll take that bet. Henderson has absolutely mentioned you to Harrington before. If they really are as close as he says they are. He’s gotta have told him he was going to Hellfire with you.”
“Oh it’s on, Jeffward.” Eddie says. “Money on the table, shake hands, it’s on.”
Part Five
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