I had lost myself trying to please others, but ever since I've started to put me first I've started to be more myself and my inner child is happier.
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sappy-witch · 11 months
Art Magick 🎨✨
Hello darlings 🥰
Today, let's explore the magical world of art and how it can become a powerful tool for self-expression and spiritual connection. Whether you're an experienced artist or just beginning your artistic journey, art magick can open new doors of inspiration and enchantment. So, grab your brushes, pencils, or any artistic medium that calls to you, and let's dive in!
🎨 Tap into Your Intuition
When engaging in art magick, trust your intuition to guide your creative process. Allow your inner voice to speak through your art, expressing your emotions, desires, and visions. Let the energy flow and guide your hand as you paint, draw, or sculpt.
🎨 Set an Intention: 
Before starting your artistic endeavor, set a clear intention for your artwork. What message or energy do you want to infuse into your creation? Whether it's love, healing, abundance, or any other intention, consciously align your art with your desired outcome.
🎨 Sacred Space for Creation
Create a sacred space dedicated to your artistic practice. Clear the area of any clutter or distractions, and infuse it with positive energy. Surround yourself with objects that inspire you and invoke your creative muse. You can also incorporate crystals, candles, or other symbolic elements to enhance the energetic ambiance.
🎨 Meditative Art 
Engage in meditative art practices to deepen your connection with your inner self and the creative process. Focus your attention on the present moment as you create, allowing your mind to quiet and your intuition to speak. Let the act of art-making become a form of meditation, a gateway to higher states of consciousness.
🎨 Ritualize Your Art Sessions 
Infuse your art practice with ritualistic elements to amplify its magickal potency. Begin by grounding and centering yourself, perhaps through deep breathing or visualization. Invoke your spiritual allies or deities, seeking their guidance and blessings for your artistic journey. Offer gratitude for the creative gifts flowing through you.
🎨 Exploring Symbolism
Delve into the realm of symbolism within your art. Incorporate meaningful symbols, colors, and imagery that resonate with your intentions and spiritual path. Each stroke of the brush or pencil becomes a language of the soul, weaving a tapestry of energy and meaning.
🎨 Share Your Magick
Once your artwork is complete, consider sharing it with others, whether online or in person. Your creation carries a unique vibration and can touch the hearts and souls of those who encounter it. Spread your magick and inspire others through your artistic expression.
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The wonderful thing about all this is that there are no rules in art magick - only the freedom to create from your heart and soul. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, healing, and enchantment that unfolds as you merge art with spirituality. 
May your creative endeavors be a portal to infinite possibilities  🎨💕
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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zymzalchemy · 4 months
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Self-Strokes: Empowering Portraits
High resolution images, where you can find more of Stacey and the other Graffiti Girls.
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inkdollmafia · 11 months
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Welcome to our vibrant community of inked girls and those who love them! 💕✨ Dive into a world where body art meets beauty, self-expression, and empowerment. 🌺🖌️ Join us as we celebrate the artistry and individuality of tattooed women, showcasing their captivating charm and unique stories. 💃🌟 Get ready to be inspired and captivated by the allure of ink! 💥🔥 #InkedGirls
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ancestralvoices · 1 year
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Such a powerful timely message 💜 #Reposted from @xavier.dagba Every change you make on yourself affects the collective psyche of humanity. It affects the field of information that surrounds us all. When you liberate your Self, you leave energetic imprints, pathways of self liberation for others. You don't need a stage in order to be a wayshower. Your life is your stage. The empowered changes you make within yourself when no one is watching, echo in all of creation. They leave a blueprint in the collective psyche of humanity for everyone else looking for the same degree of empowerment. This is how potent the work you do on yourself is. These incremental changes, these atomic improvements, they all matter. The more you build the emotional body and the mental capacity to embody your gifts and to unleash your expression, the more you widen the bridge of collective transformation. Keep going. Much love, X. Leave a ❣️ below if this resonates with you and tag a friend who needs this. . . . . . #selfliberation #shadowintegration #goldenshadow #selfexpression #integration #authenticselfexpression #embraceyourgifts #creatorenergy #consciouscreator #wayshower #wayshowers #selfsabotaging #wisdomkeeper #wisdomkeepers https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAE3cvD2Ak/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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autism-unfiltered · 8 months
Autism and Art: A Window to the Soul
Today, I want to touch upon a subject that is very close to my heart: Autism and Art. Art can be a powerful medium for many of us on the autism spectrum to express ourselves, process emotions, and understand the world around us.
Why Is Art Important?
Art provides a non-verbal form of communication that can be particularly valuable for those of us who struggle with traditional communication. It allows us to share our thoughts, feelings, and perspectives in a way that words sometimes cannot.
Different Forms of Art
There are many different types of art that can be therapeutic:
Painting and Drawing: Ideal for those who think visually.
Music: Can help meet sensory needs and regulate emotions.
Dance and Movement: Provides a way to use the body in a new and creative manner.
Tips for Getting Started
Find Your Medium: Experiment with different forms of art to find out what suits you best.
No Pressure: Art should be a joy, not another source of stress. There's no "right" or "wrong."
Share Your Works: If you're comfortable, share your art with others. You never know who you might inspire!
Closing Thoughts
Art is not just a pastime but an important tool for self-discovery and expression. I'd love to hear from you: What role does art play in your life? Do you have any tips or experiences you'd like to share?
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harmonyhealinghub · 28 days
Harmonizing Health: Exploring the Power of Sound Healing Through the Human Voice Shaina Tranquilino April 16, 2024
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In our modern world, with its bustling cities and constant technological noise, it's easy to overlook the profound impact that sound can have on our health and well-being. Yet, for centuries, cultures around the globe have recognized the therapeutic potential of sound, harnessing its power to promote healing and restore balance in mind, body, and spirit. Among the diverse array of sound healing modalities, one stands out as both ancient and deeply personal: the healing power of the human voice.
The concept of sound healing through the human voice is rooted in the understanding that every sound carries a unique vibrational frequency, and these vibrations can influence the energetic systems of the body. Just as a skilled musician can tune an instrument to produce harmonious melodies, practitioners of vocal sound healing use their voices to create specific tones and frequencies designed to resonate with the body's natural rhythms and promote healing.
At the heart of vocal sound healing lies the belief that the human voice is a powerful instrument for transformation and self-expression. Whether through chanting, toning, humming, or singing, individuals can tap into the innate resonance of their own voices to create a therapeutic experience that transcends words alone. By vocalizing specific sounds and syllables, practitioners can stimulate the body's energy centers, known as chakras, and facilitate the flow of vital life force energy, or qi.
One of the most widely recognized forms of vocal sound healing is chanting, which has been practiced for centuries in various spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Chanting involves the repetition of sacred words or phrases, known as mantras, often accompanied by rhythmic breathing patterns. This rhythmic chanting can induce a meditative state, quieting the mind and allowing practitioners to connect with their inner selves on a deeper level.
Similarly, toning involves sustained vocal sounds, such as "ah," "oh," or "mm," produced with a focus on resonance and vibration. By experimenting with different pitches and timbres, individuals can explore the subtle nuances of their own vocal expressions and discover the healing potential within their voices. Toning can be practiced both individually and in group settings, fostering a sense of community and shared intentionality.
Humming, another simple yet potent form of vocal sound healing, involves the sustained production of a low-frequency sound, typically with the lips closed. This gentle vibration can have a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. In addition to its therapeutic benefits, humming has also been shown to improve respiratory function and support overall vocal health.
Singing, perhaps the most intuitive form of vocal expression, offers a dynamic outlet for creative self-expression and emotional release. Whether belting out a favorite song in the shower or participating in a community choir, singing engages the body, mind, and spirit in a harmonious union of sound and sensation. Research has shown that singing can enhance mood, boost immune function, and even alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
While the scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of sound healing through the human voice is still emerging, countless individuals have experienced profound transformations through their own vocal practices. Whether as a complement to traditional medicine or as a standalone therapeutic modality, vocal sound healing offers a holistic approach to health and wellness that honors the innate wisdom of the body.
The human voice is a powerful tool for healing and transformation, offering a direct pathway to the deepest recesses of our being. By harnessing the vibrational frequencies of sound, we can tap into the inherent wisdom of the body and unlock the potential for profound healing and self-discovery. Whether through chanting, toning, humming, or singing, the practice of vocal sound healing invites us to listen deeply, speak authentically, and harmonize with the rhythms of life itself.
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duvecofficial · 1 month
✨ Embracing beauty one stroke at a time 💄💋
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mystical-poetry · 3 months
Why worry of others ?
Be content with you
You’re unique expression is to be honoured
Not suppressed
The jewels of your eyes
Show me a beautiful guest
A new lens to see.
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slowly-unspooling · 11 months
Hi Everyone!
Hey there! I'm Aspen(it/he) and I am the writer, director and an actor in Slowly Unspooling and it is my brain child. I'm thrilled to enter the world of podcasting. With over a decade of writing experience under my belt, I'm excited to expand my creative endeavors and bring my work to a whole new medium.
As an agender trans masc individual, I love to explore the diverse experiences within the LGBTQ+ spectrum. By sharing my own journey and experiences, I hope to foster a sense of connection and representation for others.
In addition to my identity as trans masc, I also identify as aromantic. This aspect of my identity informs my writing and allows me to explore different facets of relationships, love, and connection.
Some of the best comments I have ever gotten on my work were about how something I wrote was the first time someone felt seen or understood in media. So a part of me has gone into each character just so others known they are seen.
When I’m not interacting with a variety of podcasts and writing, you’ll often find me cuddling my cat Jonah or tending to my many many plants. I am also an avid d&d player.
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creatorjewels · 6 months
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Hey there, beautiful gems! It's a relaxed afternoon, and we're about to elevate our beauty game during my Get Ready With Me (GRWM) session while enjoying "Spy x Family." 🕵️‍♂️👨‍👩‍👧
In this experience, I'll share my beauty transformation secrets with a hint of silliness. Of course, we'll also dive into "Spy x Family."
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Prepare for our reactions and musings as we embark on this anime adventure. It's not just about our shared love for this series; it's about celebrating self-expression and transformation as we enjoy the afternoon.
Let's create a friendly atmosphere in the comments, discussing beauty tips, makeup tricks, and our favorite moments from "Spy x Family." Feel free to ask questions, and let's make this "Spy x Family" journey even more engaging and enjoyable. 💄🎉
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If this adventure speaks to you, show your support with a like, follow if you're new here, and don't forget to ring that notification bell to stay in the loop. Join me for this "Spy x Family" escapade, and let's make our afternoon more enjoyable in the comments. See you there, lovely gems! 📸💖
Find the 4k version and anime here; patreon.com/CreatorJewelsPatreon
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fashionfables · 9 months
Deconstructing the Message of Barbiecore
Hey there, lovely readers! Welcome back to "Fashion Fables," your go-to source for insightful commentary on fashion through a multidisciplinary lens. Today, we're delving into the fascinating world of Barbiecore, a viral fashion trend that's been making waves recently. We'll be dissecting the underlying messages of two articles that shed light on this trend: "The Long, Complicated, and Very Pink History of Barbiecore" by Cady Lang on TIME and "What Is Barbiecore? Everything to Know About the Viral Fashion Trend Inspired by Barbie" by Skyler Caruso on PEOPLE.
The Long, Complicated, and Very Pink History of Barbiecore by Cady Lang
In the article by Cady Lang on TIME, published on June 27, 2023, we are introduced to the concept of Barbiecore. Lang discusses how Barbiecore is a fashion trend inspired by the iconic Barbie doll, known for its pink hues and glamorous style. The article unravels the history of Barbie, how it evolved as a symbol of beauty standards, and how it has influenced modern fashion. Lang emphasizes that Barbiecore's resurgence signifies a shift in embracing individuality and subverting traditional notions of femininity.
What Is Barbiecore? Everything to Know About the Viral Fashion Trend Inspired by Barbie by Skyler Caruso
Skyler Caruso's article on PEOPLE, updated on July 19, 2023, further explores the Barbiecore trend. Caruso highlights the aesthetic elements of Barbiecore fashion, such as bold colors, retro-inspired outfits, and playful accessories. The article describes how social media platforms have contributed to the trend's popularity, as influencers and fashion enthusiasts share their interpretations of Barbiecore. Caruso also touches on the inclusivity aspect of Barbiecore, where individuals of all genders and body types can participate in the trend.
Identifying the Mediated Messages
It's crucial to recognize that all media messages are constructed with a creative language. In the case of these articles, the authors use language and visuals to convey the essence of the Barbiecore trend. They also present the trend in a specific light, reflecting the values and perspectives of the platforms they represent.
Deconstructing the Content
Cady Lang's article on TIME unravels the extensive history of Barbie and how it has influenced the emergence of the Barbiecore trend. It traces Barbie's evolution from her inception as a toy to her transformation into a cultural icon. This article highlights the intricate relationship between Barbie's legacy and the resurgence of pink-hued, nostalgic fashion.
Skyler Caruso's piece on PEOPLE takes a more contemporary approach, providing a comprehensive overview of the Barbiecore trend. The article breaks down the trend's key characteristics, from its emphasis on pink aesthetics to its celebration of nostalgia. It also discusses how influencers and fashion enthusiasts have embraced Barbiecore as a form of self-expression.
Both articles construct messages that celebrate the Barbiecore trend, albeit from slightly different angles. Lang's article on TIME emphasizes the historical significance of Barbie and the trend's potential to challenge beauty norms. It connects Barbiecore to a broader cultural shift towards embracing diverse forms of self-expression.
On the other hand, Caruso's article takes a more visual approach. It highlights the visual elements and accessibility of Barbiecore, catering to a younger, trend-focused audience. The inclusion of social media as a driving force behind the trend speaks to the influence of profit and power in shaping fashion trends through digital platforms.
Presenting Key Ideas
These messages can be further deconstructed as we delve into the key concepts and ideas presented in these articles:
Constructed Narrative
The construction of narratives in media plays a pivotal role in shaping how we perceive trends like Barbiecore. Both articles construct narratives around Barbiecore. In Cady Lang's TIME article, the narrative skillfully weaves together the history of Barbie, the evolution of fashion, and broader cultural shifts. By connecting Barbie's legacy with contemporary fashion, the article suggests that Barbiecore is more than just a trend – it's a culmination of decades of influence. This narrative appeals to readers' sense of nostalgia and appreciation for cultural history, positioning Barbiecore as a bridge between the past and the present.
On the other hand, Skyler Caruso's PEOPLE article takes a more immediate approach. It frames Barbiecore as a viral sensation rooted in nostalgia and self-expression, highlighting its current popularity and the way it has quickly captured the attention of fashion enthusiasts. This narrative capitalizes on the fast-paced nature of digital media and social trends, portraying Barbiecore as a trend of the moment that's reflective of current attitudes and aesthetics.
Embedded Values
Both articles subtly embed certain values associated with Barbiecore. They celebrate individuality, creativity, and the empowerment of embracing one's unique style. By spotlighting how individuals interpret and embody Barbiecore, the articles champion the idea that fashion is a form of self-expression and a way to assert one's identity.
However, there's also an inherent consumerist value that's embedded in the articles. As they discuss the popularity of Barbiecore, they indirectly promote the idea of purchasing items to fit the trend. The more attention the trend receives, the more likely it is to lead to increased sales and profits for fashion brands. This consumerist value is intricately tied to the commercial nature of the fashion industry.
Diverse Experiences
One of the fundamental principles of media literacy is recognizing that different people can experience the same media in diverse ways. Readers of these articles will likely have varying reactions to Barbiecore based on their personal backgrounds, cultural perspectives, and fashion preferences. Some might resonate with the nostalgia and find the trend empowering, as it allows them to connect with a beloved childhood icon and express themselves through fashion.
Conversely, others might perceive the trend differently. They might question whether Barbiecore perpetuates traditional gender norms due to its association with the iconic Barbie doll, known for its portrayal of femininity. Though today’s idea of Barbie and Barbiecore presents a more inclusive and empowering narrative; there are still critics who think that its just another “woke” trend. These diverse interpretations are important and we should engage in conversations that explore different viewpoints.
Profit and Power
In today's media landscape, it's evident that articles are often structured to engage readers and generate profit for media platforms. The choice of headlines, visuals, and language is carefully curated in both the articles from TIME and PEOPLE to capture attention and encourage clicks, which in turn increases ad revenue or website traffic.
As readers, it's important to be aware of how media messages are strategically designed to influence our perceptions. While the goal of these articles could be seen as to open a dialogue about Barbiecore, it is not just that, its also to maintain the financial viability of the platforms. This awareness prompts us to consume media critically, recognizing that the presentation of information could be influenced by underlying bias, motives and agendas.
. . .
By deconstructing the narratives, values, diverse experiences, and underlying profit motives of these articles, we enhance our media literacy skills. We become more adept at deciphering the complexities of media messages, developing a well-rounded understanding of trends like Barbiecore as presented in the articles, and engaging with content in a more informed and critical manner.
Wrapping It Up
In conclusion, exploring the articles about Barbiecore reminds us of the intricate interplay between fashion trends, media messages, creativity, values, and commercial interests. As fashion enthusiasts, it's essential to engage with media critically and appreciate the multifaceted nature of trends like Barbiecore. By critically analyzing and deconstructing the narratives presented in these articles we gain a richer understanding of how different sources can convey similar messages with distinct nuances. We enhance our ability to perceive the layers of meaning within the Barbiecore trend and develop a more informed perspective on the multidimensional world of fashion.
Stay tuned for more thought-provoking insights and fashion stories right here on "Fashion Fables"! 
Until next time, keep rocking your unique style!
Signing Off,
Sonaxi Satpathy
Your Friendly Neighborhood Fashion Blogger
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poetryovertime · 7 months
Fresh Wounds from an EMT
I check my follower count on IG, not because I'm vain or shallow, but to ensure that you persist to sit on that list But what have you done to deserve my ongoing attention that you, ironically, aren't even aware of? You showed me affection, decency, chivalry, or at least what registered in my mind as such. Not after a year or months, but rather after a measley three weeks and the attachment had been forged. But the scripture was not solidified until you pulled away, made my stomach sink and my mind race with uncertainty The disturbed peace ignited a firey passion within me To continue to pursue a man I thought I knew, but how could I? The surface can be a vicious serpent, and it indeed was, whether or not you meant the malice or had good intent With your sugar coated words of redemption False hope that the corners of my cognition cling to when I'm not feeling preoccupied with tasks or chores or activities of enjoyment My inner person slips into a moment of… desperation? No. It's not longer that wild and free. But rather I as an individual am learning to be. I don't quite know what it is. Your smirk I could see through the glass, that my eyes only witnessed twice yet is etched, albeit temporarily, in my mind's eye. I'm writing this as a restraint, so as not to force contact, like I'd already done thrice. You threw me a bone once, and you haven't given me good reason to think you continue to deserve the space you occupy in my skull I can't wish you well yet, since I'm still working on healing myself But I'm starting to let that transition take place, in which the seriousness you asked me about and I latched onto is traded in for my happiness and the peace that I deserve.
Please note, the title of this poem is METAPHORICAL. No physical harm, self inflicted or otherwise, is involved.
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autism-unfiltered · 10 months
Embrace your special interests! 🚀 For those on the autism spectrum, special interests can be a source of joy, comfort, and self-expression. Don't be afraid to dive deep into what fascinates you - it's part of who you are. Plus, your passion could be the key to future career opportunities or academic pursuits. 🌟 Tip: Try connecting with others who share your interest; it can be a great way to build relationships and improve social skills.
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tachi46 · 7 months
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