#self diagnosis tw
actuallyverynormalbtw · 7 months
i dont like to talk about self-diagnosis because i dont enjoy people making assumptions about me, my illnesses, and my diagnostic status. but i will say:
i have self diagnosed and gone on to be medically validated with an official diagnosis. multiple times actually. i was never wrong about my self-diagnoses.
however, i have been misdiagnosed by professionals FIVE TIMES. and let me tell you, a professional diagnosis being wrong is far more harmful than a self-diagnosis being wrong.
if your self diagnosis is wrong, maybe you used the wrong language or put yourself in a box or now feel invalid and whatnot. but if your professional diagnosis is wrong, it can lead to abuse, medical trauma, panic attacks, issues with medication, even suicide.
i was misdiagnosed with BPD when i was 15 by a psychologist that i spoke to for hardly even 10 minutes. this diagnosis was based on my parent's description of my reactions to abuse, and the diagnosis was used to validate and excuse their abuse.
i was misdiagnosed with MDD when i was 12 and put through several different types of anti-depressants. we never found anything that worked, because it was actually ADHD and dissociation, but i did end up with panic attacks and insomnia all throughout middle/highschool!
when i self-diagnosed with autism however, it saved my life. it took me out of active suicidality because i was able to finally able to accept myself after years of feeling like i am just "being a person wrong". i had the knowledge to accomodate for myself and the language to advocate for myself. this was life changing. even if i was wrong, which i wasnt, i dont see how it couldve caused any harm.
my opinions on self-diagnoses arent black and white, and im not entirely settled on them either, but i do think this is important to understand. doctors and psychologists are not all knowing. we live in a time where we can access thousands of dollars worth of university level education on the internet, even the same exact resources medical students use. plenty of people are capable of interpreting themselves and that information to come to a conclusion about what they are experiencing and what might help.
sure, self-diagnosis might be biased. but a professional is most likely going to be just as biased, and possibly less aware of it. its just silly to use bias as a primary argument when it is an inescapable feature of human psychology. there is a reason ADHD is underdiagnosed in women. there is a reason anxiety disorders are underdiagnosed in men.
an incorrect self-diagnosis wont take away resources or your space in your comminities. but professional misdiagnosis can cause real damage.
(i am not trying to fear-monger about professional diagnosis, moreso responding to the fear-mongering surrounding self-diagnosis)
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Exclusionists: Self diagnosis isn’t valid because only a doctor can diagnose a mental disorder. It doesn’t matter what traits you have. Only a doctor can do the complex work of sorting out what traits indicate a disorder.
Also exclusionists: All aplatonics and aplspecs have a personality disorder. All of them. No, I’m not a doctor, but I’m still qualified to say that about them. Personality disorders are just lacking friends and nothing else, right?
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
Late Diagnosis/Discovery
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sappy-sabbath · 2 months
as a society can we stop making mental illness/neurodivergency trendy and romanticized. i know more mf who faked claim than ppl who actually had the condition. at the end it just makes the people who are diagnosed with the condition the butt of the joke or look disingenuous.
ALSO IF I MAY be real for a sec!!! it’s because of the “destigmatizing XYZ 🥺” tiktoks and self diagnosing that make this happen, i know they are good intent and not all people have resources but its one thing to be concerned about your mental health and another to claim to have a disorder that you haven’t been diagnosed with!
autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, BPD, bipolar disorder, psychosis, OCD have all became quirks than serious debilitating condition and as someone with ADHD and psychotic depression IM SICK OF ITTTT, it’s different with things like depression and anxiety bc you experience that at least once in your life but it’s getting out of hand
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snakeautistic · 6 months
You think you might be different. You see other people talk about what it’s like to be neurodivergent. You think… that sounds like me. And then you discard the fact. It’s ridiculous. You’re being offensive to people who are ACTUALLY autistic just by thinking this. You’ve been told your whole life that autism is a terrible disease, one that should be lamented and looked down upon with pity. You haven’t had it hard enough. This is serious. You can’t just come up with an excuse for your behavior. Maybe you’re just a loser. People would have KNOWN if you were autistic. They would have been able to see. You aren’t like autistic people. Again, it’s a terrible, SERIOUS condition. God, you’re so stupid for even considering it. You should be ashamed. You couldn’t be, right? But it won’t leave your mind.
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pleaseletmeexist · 2 months
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systempolling · 2 days
Just a small PSA:
I do not want discourse or drama but I also do not tolerate fakeclaiming and spreading misinformation about self diagnosed people.
It is a privilege to have access to mental health care. I am thankful daily that I have a psychiatrist and therapist who listen to me. I am lucky.
To anybody out there who has self diagnosed their CDD: I see you, I respect you, I know how difficult it is. You have spent long periods of time doing research, finding out what is going on, etc.
You also cannot accidentally fake CDDs. Faking is an active choice. Very rarely will someone confuse their symptoms and that is okay, that still doesn’t mean you are a bad person.
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livingfictionsystem · 5 months
Let me guess: You're "self-diagnosed"?
Lemme guess, you "Tell it like it is"?
Why are you even trying to act like this line of interrogation will change the course on how you view us? Just tell us what you think you know about us better than our therapist, say that psychology is a lie, and bounce.
To everyone else, I could post a nice official-looking doc to have the own on Random Harasser #91. Buuuuut the fact is that the process of getting diagnosed costs hella money and having it on your record can fuck you up on judgments and custody battles and such, and people like this will still treat you the same. Nothing I say, from posting documented proof, to having my therapist call them and sing my dx's to the tune of Old McDonald is going to stop this person from harassing people living their lives with mental illness.
If you're thinking about putting yourself through that just to stop being fakeclaimed, don't. People see us a few steps above being institutionalized and think they've been bamboozled lmaoooo
-Sparrow 🧷
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aesthetictanuki · 1 month
I don't speak about it really, because it's kind of personal, but maybe I need to get through the journey with others... and I have some stuff to talk about.
Because yeah, when I first saw that an autistic criteria fit me, I just thought "oh, but that's just one haha, whatever."
And another one. And another. And another.
Every one.
I remember wondering why I felt like no one likes the actual me.
Why it feels like no matter what I do, they hate me for it. Why it feels like everyone's on the joke that I'm not a part of, but the butt off.
Why I cried while my mom brushed my hair because it hurt me so much; why upon touching certain textures, I can feel them in my bones and in the pores of my skin until I touch something I like, or distract myself with my interests; why my parents couldn't play a certain show when I was around, because the intro felt like it was drilling into my ears and I'd cry and panic every time. Why when I want to interact with what I like, sometimes excitement caused palpitations so heavy that I have to pause and calm myself down somehow.
Why I couldn't control (still can't really) the volume of my voice; why I can't feel the space around me and where I'm in it; why I talk about certain topics so much and to such an extent that it's exhausting and creepy to others, but it feels physically painful not to, and also because small talk - or talking about something I'm not interested in- feels so exasperating. Why simply kicking a rock, for example, made me feel genuine remorse for the inanimate object, feeling like I just kicked a dog; why when my routine is broken or something unplanned/unprepared happens, I'm panicking, shaking and paralised at the same time. Why since early childhood, I had this haunting feeling of being observed and perceived, which caused anxiety. Why I had to drop out of college and I've never been able to keep a job, because it all feels like it's eating me from the inside.
Why I feel like, as someone online put it, "a fish out of water and forced to act like a mammal"- why I take stuff literally every time; why I have to follow rules that are illogical and have no grounds in reality; why people are offended when, in my eyes, I state a fact; why I had to practice my expressions in the mirror, because I still don't know what to do so I don't hear "oh, you don't like it?" and "damn, you're that mad at me for it?" during Holidays and my Birthday. Why during a confrontation/stressful situation, my voice no longer works and I have to physically force myself- and that eats me alive (and still doesn't have to work), not to mention hitting and biting myself when it's too much.
And so many more.
So many why's, and maybe that's the answer. My whole life did feel like fitting to others was like putting a mask I hated. It's still hard to act/be the way I trully am. I want to have friends too. I just want to be accepted. And I do question myself constantly...
But I also live in a place where diagnosing is expensive, not to mention doctors in my country still have a lot to catch up on- because that one time I tried, I got suggested BPD (I don't even fit the criteria), because diagnosing AFAB people sucks.
I'm just trying to figure it out, and deep down I wish it's not the case due to the treatment of others I see irl and online. I just want to be happy while also understanding myself and my needs.
But deep down, I know, I think. It's hard not to doubt yourself when so many people made you feel like crap and now it feels like you've been performing for them your entire life- and it's very difficult to stop, because I still remember how the kid me was treated for being me.
I am just simply trying to find the answers for all the why's in my life.
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“i’m an ally to disabled people!” mhm ok so you’re still masking then? oh you’re not? interesting
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"The additional expectations of young autistic women in terms of social ability, self-care, education and independence may lead to more visible mental health difficulties during this time. Peer rejection and loneliness lead more autistic females to be referred for professional support than autistic male counterparts (Tierney et al., 2016). They may develop obvious signs of anxiety, self-harm or eating disorders, which may not be linked with autism by professionals as this may not have been diagnosed yet. Some of these behaviours can be incorrectly attributed simply to puberty and treated in a way that does not address the underlying stress involved in living as an autistic person in a non-autistic social world."
--Sarah Hendrickx, PhD, "Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum: Understanding Life Experiences from Early Childhood to Old Age", Second Edition
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the fact that you have to be diagnosed with an eating disorder to get access to resources and support a majority of the time kills people. having to meet a certain bmi to be diagnosed kills people, having to reach a certain level of severity to be diagnosed kills people, needing a diagnosis to be taken seriously kills people. self diagnosis for eating disorders is beyond valid; self diagnosis for eating disorders saves lives
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pandoresque · 3 months
Istg I hate having autism so much... I wish those self diagnosed ppl would stop trying to pretend they relate to me. If you actually like being autistic I'm gonna assume you're not actually autistic because this is hell. I wish I could be ignorant and pretend I don't have autism, but I can't, especially with this diagnoses. No matter what I do I don't think I'll ever relate to another human being, let alone feel like I am one.
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b-theshittyhuman · 2 months
I'm a smart little self-psychologist.
When ppl reprimand me on how I'm not doing work, my fallback excuse is I try to do it, but I just can't move.
Turns out that's bullshit
I'm not trying to do my work.
I'm trying to try...
bc I've already given up.
That's why when the teachers offer their help, I dont take them up on it. That's why when anyone tries to help, I push the away.
I've given up on myself, and I'm just trying to convince them to do the same.
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headbuds · 1 year
Alright we're gonna continue the series. Stupid things that Fakedisordercringe says/does with Mark! Part uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(Good news, Systemcringe was banned, even if they have a small ban evading sub. So that's good at least...)
(edit: It's not small.)
Now, let's see what's new with FDC.
1. Being upset that Wednesday Addams has a personality that a lot of autistic people were bullied over. They don't like how people are calling others out on how they like Wednesday but then treat autistic people like weirdos.
2. 11 year olds being able to recognize things like hallucinations, paranoia, and thoughts of self harm, even if they didn't get the terms correctly, makes FDC angry.
3. Transgender system, diagnosed, exists and makes memes, and that makes FDC angry.
4. It may or may not be satire, but it feels satire to me. A person with BPD gets told that they make it their entire personality and they say "I have tourettes too, bitch." Now, we've never been good with satire, but that felt very satire, but it gets posted anyways I guess.
5. Autistic people make memes. Suddenly bad I guess?
6. A ND person makes a meme. Also evil I guess. :(
7. Person has a lot of disorders and symptoms of disorders. Most come from trauma or neurodivergency. Who would have thought that someone can have a bunch of other trauma disorders if they already have one extreme one and multiple other things that can make it easier to get traumatized? Certainly not FDC, that's for sure.
8. LGBTQ autistic person exists! Gets posted on that basis! Let's see, that makes , like the trillionth example of FDC being homo/transphobic.
9. Transgender system with nonhuman alters exist, FDC gets mad again, comparing it to being trans-species, which isn't- that's not really what trans-species/alterhumanity is???
10. Polyfrag system with 2000+ alters. I don't think FDC knows what polyfrag systems are.
11. System is laughing at FDC about being posted on there, FDC gets pissy and posts them again.
12. They make fun of stimming again. (The post about dance stimming. Y'know the one where the person stims using dancing? A valid way to stim? Because stimming is self-stimulation?)
13. They brought SCP into this oh god Jesus Christ no. (I will shred their limbs. -Jack)
14. FDC hates self-dxing again
15. A person, fictive, was groomed by another fictive from their source. And FDC laughs at them. That's just fucking cruel.
16. Add another tally for times FDC hates autistic people joking about their own autism
17. I don't even know what their problem was. A system was venting. That was literally it.
18. Self-dx hate part uhhh... I lost track.
19. An openly Trans system with in-sys relationship exists peacefully. Not peacefully anymore of course.
20. If I see one more post where they complain about autistic people joking about their own autism I will screech.
21. Same as 20 but with hating on Self-dx
22. Complaining about the rise of trans systems being open about themselves online. Again. How original. (It's like onejoke all over again. -Jonah)
23. FDC doesn't like a fictive ask blog.
24. System jokes about system things and gets posted
25. Ahh, found the post where they posted one of the people on here that we know. Who is Prof dxed. Fuck FDC.
26. Complaining about transgender systems being open about being transgender systems again, I swear to God.
27. ⬆️ But not trans specifically
28. ⬆️ But fictives specifically
29. Making fun of stims again, love to see it
30. Systems can't be minors suddenly. Y'know. A part of a disorder that forms in early childhood.
Alright, we'll end it off here for the sake of mental health. Have a good night everyone and stay safe from that hellhole! 👍
If you're willing to help, people are trying to get FDC banned for good. Here's a post on AHS (againsthatesubreddits) about it.
Edit: nvm it got taken down... :(
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cateatingdove · 1 month
Imma rant and I'm going to be explicit as possible
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I don't know why these bitches act so surprised when they get harassed for dating a 15-year-old girl while being a grown-ass adult and their self-diagnosis doesn't work for shit. Do you think I'm not going to call you out despite you being a self-diagnosed ASPD dumbfuck? Bitch I thought you said you have no morals so when I treat you like you deserve to be then you bitch and whine? Also, you started spamming me with useless and pathetic attempts at harassment in my asks and comments because I showed screenshots of you being a disgusting bitch.
To the little piece of shit cum dumpster stupid ass incubator whore that's 15 but to be quite frank looks 30 at best. You send your pedophile boyfriend after my ass and have him change his profile layout because he got harassed and also because you're too much of a pussy and cock slut to have a conversation with me. I hope you rot, Even if you post an apology which, to be frank, is going to be mostly you whining and talking about how much of a “bigger person” you're being to get the air up your puss and cum filled battered abused cunt. How pathetic do you have to be to fake disorders for sympathy points when you get in trouble? I don't give a fuck if you're a victim you're still a piece of shit and I'll treat you like it. Fuck y'all feelings.
Also sending your friends to send me hate in my inbox when using anon is a low fucking blow. You must be a neanderthal to do that dumb shit. You also don't want to separate fiction from reality maybe because you're mentally slow.
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