#seijoh x male reader
nuvoloso · 1 year
What's Happening?
Oikawa x m!reader (he/him/his)
A blind date? Why the hell not. Y/n is a wing spiker that plays city volleyball, not for the school, and Iwaizumi decides to play matchmaker.
The ~~ means a change in view or time.
Word Count: 4465
Why the hell is Iwaizumi so insistent on this? Y/n thought, as the volleyball player had begun berating him about going out with one of his friends. Iwa had been doing his damn best to get y/n to agree to a blind date with someone on the volleyball team, but he'd seen the guys on that team and nobody had really piqued his interest. Yet, here he was, again, for what felt like the thirtieth time.
"Just say you will, just go out to dinner or a movie or something simple. I've just got a feeling you'll like him, plus you've got nothing to lose. Nobody approaches you anyway." Y/n scoffed, giving Iwa a good shove in the process. He only laughed, "Oh what, you're mad I won't lie to you?"
"I'm mad you said that so loudly, we're in the middle of the hallway." Y/n complained, Iwa only rolling his eyes.
"Well if you'd just accept my invitation I wouldn't have to gloat about your terminal loneliness." Y/n couldn't even think of a witty response to match the absolute destruction Iwa brought with every word he spoke. "So, you're in?" He asked, y/n finally giving up and accepting his proposition.
Iwa grinned triumphantly, and nearly turned to leave, but y/n grabbed his arm, and stuck a finger in his face, "But I swear to god, if this goes south I will break every single one of your fingers so you'll never get to play volleyball ever again." Iwa let out a long whistle at y/n's threat, obviously not very feeling very threatened by it.
"I wouldn't be trying so hard if I didn't think it'd be successful. Just give him a chance, his first impressions aren't the best." Fantastic. "I'll send you details when I confirm with him, ok? Does after practice tonight work for you?" Reluctantly, y/n nodded and let Iwa go. They parted ways and headed towards their classrooms then, y/n's anxiety skyrocketing at the thought of going on a date with someone he didn't even remotely know.
He tried to relax during classes, telling himself over and over that it would be ok because Iwa must be close friends with whoever it was, but the pit in his stomach just kept growing. What if he actually liked whoever it was, but it wasn't mutual? What if he couldn't make conversation and it was just super awkward the whole time? A swarm of 'what ifs' crowded his mind and he didn't get much work done. When the day finally ended, he about booked it out of the classroom, hoping that getting to his practice would help take his mind off things.
In his rush, he ran straight into the back of someone just barely taller than him who'd randomly stopped in the middle of the walkway.
"Shit, sorry. Are you ok?" Y/n asked the stranger, helping him pick up a handful of flyers he had dropped at the collision. He looked to be around the same age as y/n, messy brown hair and gentle features, he looked incredible. There wasn't a single mark on his fair skin, and even though his hair looked untamed, it seemed to fall exactly where the stranger willed it to. He also had a pretty lean build, y/n thought he'd probably be really good at volleyball if he didn't already play it.
The stranger flashed him a smile, "I'm alright, I shouldn't have stopped like that, sorry. Thanks for the help though, you can keep one of them if you'd like." Y/n looked down at the papers he was helping pick up and noticed they were flyers for the volleyball club's match this weekend against Shiratorizawa.
"Are you on the club team here?" Y/n asked, though he felt it was a stupid question given that he was promoting it by hanging up these flyers.
The stranger took no offense to his question though, and nodded. "I'm actually the captain, and the main setter."
"Uh, wow, I'm sorry I'm taking up your time, I'm sure you're busy." He shrugged, the two of them soon standing after having gathered all the loose flyers. "If you want," He offered, "I could take some of the flyers and hand them out to guys on my team, I'm sure they'd like to watch." The captain gave him a slightly confused look, but happily handed him a small stack of the papers.
They started walking towards the main entrance of the school and continued talking about volleyball, the captain immensely interested in y/n's team.
"So you play on a team composed of people from all around Miyagi, not one neighborhood or school in particular? And its aged 16-24?" Y/n nodded in response to each of his questions. "That sounds like it could be a lot of fun, but who do you play against? How do you guys practice if everybody's spread out?"
He explained it the best he could, their system was slightly more complex than the school's. "Those of us that live close to each other practice everyday, and once a week we choose somewhere in Miyagi to meet up and practice as a group. There are other groups in Miyagi that we play against, and some from other prefectures too. City league sports are actually pretty popular, but a lot of people don't know they exist because they're wrapped up in their school's club."
They kept going back and forth until they'd reached the separation point, the stranger headed over to the gyms, and y/n headed out onto the sidewalk to get to his own court.
"Before we go our separate ways, what's your name? I'd like to join one of your practices sometime if that's ok." Y/n was honestly elated to hear that from the captain. Sure Iwa had told him all about how great their team was, and even a little about this captain, but y/n really wanted to see it for himself.
"You can just call me y/n, I'm in class 3-B. What about you?" He replied, extending his hand.
"Oikawa, Tōru." He stated, firmly shaking y/n's hand. "I'm in 3-A, It's nice to meet you y/n, I look forward to playing with you sometime." Oikawa left, off to his gym, and y/n off to his court. He was contemplating texting Iwa to cancel his blind date, not wanting to go out with someone on Oikawa's team after having just met him. He'd rather just go out with the captain, but with the way he looked? There was no way he didn't have a girlfriend or something already.
Y/n tried to keep his mind off the date and the captain, he just wanted to play his game without any distractions.
He was unsuccessful. He was a wing spiker for his team, and he missed well over half of the sets he got. Luckily it was just a regular practice, not the full group one, that was in a few days still. He repeatedly apologized to his teammates, but they didn't hold it against him.
"You seem pretty lost today, what's going on?" His setter asked, while everyone was getting some water.
Y/n sighed, looking up at the sky and taking in the clouds. He loved that they practiced outside, it was so much nicer than being stuck in a gym. "A friend of mine who's on the volleyball team at school has been begging to set me up on a blind date with someone on his team, and I finally agreed to it. It'll be just after we're both done today."
"That sounds like fun! Why aren't you more excited?" Y/n shrugged,
"I met the captain of their team today, and he's everything I could want, but there's no way someone like him is single. I just think it'll be weird if I go out with someone on his team while we just met, I don't know." He mumbled, but his teammates understood his unease about the situation.
One of the older guys on their team, he'd just turned 21, clapped him on the back. "You never know, maybe he's the one you got set up with!" Y/n hadn't even thought about that, Iwa did talk about that captain pretty often...But there was still no way he was single, surely. "Just don't think about it to hard, it's always been your downfall. Live in the moment, y/n!" He weakly smiled at his teammates, thanking them for the confidence boosters.
They got back to their practice shortly after, and y/n's tact started returning.
About an hour and half later his practice had come to an end, and he finally got to start freaking about his blind date. When he got home, he destroyed his closet looking for something to wear, not loving any of his options. He stared at his clothes for several minutes before he realized they weren't going to change by him staring at them. He opted to take a shower and come back, hoping he'd maybe get an idea along the way.
When he'd finished, he threw on a pair of sweats and went back to his room, where he was surprised to find someone sifting through his clothing pile.
"Iwa?" He questioned, guessing that it was his friend by the back of his head. The spiky hair wasn't hard to miss, and soon the intruder had turned around and waved to him.
"Your sister let me in, I figured you'd need help finding an outfit." Y/n rolled his eyes, but didn't get in the way, secretly grateful for the help. "You should wear this, you're going to dinner so it's better to be like business casual. I know that's what he's going for..." Iwa mumbled, now kicking through Y/n's shoes until he found something he liked. Y/n took the outfit from his hands so he could more thoroughly dig through all of his belongings.
"I'll go put this on I guess...?" Iwa was too captivated by his current task to say anything, so y/n just disappeared back into the bathroom to change. He'd picked out a black button down that y/n had forgotten he owned, and a pair of pleated off-white slacks. When he'd assembled it, he actually quite liked it, albeit a bit surprised by Iwa's ability to style an outfit.
He went back to the room, Iwa complimenting him on how it looked. "Now, just add some accessories and keep a few buttons undone and you'll be ready. I set shoes by the door for you, so let's go." Y/n nodded, quickly putting on a few of his favorite rings and a small silver chain, leaving a few of the buttons on his shirt undone like Iwa had told him.
Iwa lead him out the door and they walked for a few blocks, y/n soon knowing where they were going. He'd seen the restaurant a few times, not actually having gotten a chance to try it yet. Iwa sent him off on his own once they were across the street from the restaurant.
"Good luck! Don't take it too seriously, have some fun ok?" He vigorously shook y/n's shoulders before pushing him towards the crosswalk. Y/n gave him a final wave, and made his way to the restaurant.
Oikawa checked his watch, he was pretty early. He didn't mind though, he'd be able to get a good table and get some time to figure out how he wanted to play tonight. He'd agreed to the blind date because it was Iwa suggesting it, he knew that despite the dick he was, Iwa wouldn't set him up with someone he wouldn't at least somewhat like. After earlier though, he didn't really want to do this. Bumping into y/n was the highlight of his day, he'd immediately found the guy more than attractive. He acted distant though, as if he didn't want to get close to Tōru for some reason, but he couldn't be sure, they'd just met.
You're not here for him though, focus. As much as he wanted the evening to already be over, he would entertain his date and ensure they both had a nice enough time. He'd hate for it to be a total waste of time and money so he told himself he'd stick it through no matter what.
Several minutes passed, and it was nearly the agreed upon time now, Oikawa becoming slightly nervous he'd be stood up even though they didn't know each other.
"Eh? Oikawa? What're you doing here?" He'd been looking at the menu, but the familiar voice jarred him. He looked over, and noticed the waitress was gesturing for him to sit, and saying she'd be back to take our orders in a few minutes.
"Y/n! I'm, uh-my friend set me up on a blind date, what a coincidence seeing you here. You must be meeting your boyfr- I mean your partner or something. You look great!" Oikawa felt his face heating up, he shouldn't have just assumed that y/n was queer, and now he'd made things weird, awesome.
Y/n didn't seem phased by his words though, in fact he started laughing. "That damn Hajime." The realization soon settled on Oikawa, y/n was his blind date. Here he'd been, hoping that it would happen, and he had gotten exactly what he'd wanted.
"Well, it's good to see you again, so soon!" Y/n smiled, "What're the odds?" Oikawa chucked, relieved y/n hadn't reacted strangely to his mumblings before. Y/n opened his menu, sifting through the options, but couldn't seem to pick one out.
"Can I recommend something?" Oikawa asked.
Y/n looked up at him and immediately closed his menu, setting his gaze on Oikawa, lightly laughing as he accepted his invitation. "God please, there's so much to chose from I can barely think." Oikawa giggled and pointed out a few options that had caught his eye, but he noticed that y/n wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying. He just kept his eyes on Oikawa while he spoke, it felt like he was more focused on his movements than what he was actually saying.
Oikawa quieted when the waitress came back and asked for their orders, y/n gesturing for him to go first. "I'll have a bowl of Nabeyaki Udon, please." She smiled at him, and moved her focus to y/n.
"I'll have the same, thank you." She nodded, and left the two once again.
"Not very creative, y/n." He commented, y/n quickly rolling his eyes.
"I couldn't decide! If it's good enough for you to eat, I'm sure it'll be more than fine for me too." Y/n nervously laughed, Oikawa noticing him shifting in his seat and playing with his hands. He was nervous. Oikawa couldn't decide whether he wanted to say to say something or not, he didn't want to make things worse by any means but he didn't want y/n to be that nervous to be on a date with him.
He pursed his lips for a moment, then did his best to offer the nervous a kind smile. "Why're you so shaken up? Didn't want it to be me?" He joked, hoping y/n would pick up on the tone in his voice.
Thankfully, it seemed like he had. "No, no, I'm glad it's you! I mean, it's not a bad thing that it's you. It's actually kind of nice since we already met." He rambled, but the nervous energy that surrounded him seemed to fade. "I just, I dunno, I couldn't imagine that you could possibly be...single, I guess." He said, Oikawa's eyebrows raising in surprise. "No offense! It's just that you're so, charismatic and uh, yeah you're- fuck." He buried his head in his hands, Oikawa chuckling at his state.
"It's ok, maybe I was just waiting for you to come along..." He smirked, y/n's head moving from his hands onto the table, the tips of his ears having turned pink. "Aw, blushing for me? I'm honored!" Y/n couldn't even attempt to look at Oikawa.
"Will you shut up for a few minutes so I can fucking relax?!" Oikawa laughed, and reached his arms out to rest his hands on y/n's.
"No." When y/n felt Oikawa's hands on his own, he immediately looked up at him. He didn't try to move his hands out from under Tōru's, which he was grateful for, but he couldn't seem to string any words together.
The waitress saved him, having reappeared at their table with the food they'd ordered. Oikawa retracted his hands from y/n's as his and the other's bowls were placed in front of them. They both thanked her and started digging into their food. Things were quiet for several minutes, neither really wanting to attempt conversation while they ate, but Tōru could tell the tension between them had largely dissipated.
After they'd eaten, they made small talk, about hobbies, favorite colors, all the usual. Eventually, the check came to them and Oikawa managed to pay for everything, much to y/n's dismay. They'd argued as much as they could've until the waitress had shown up again and Oikawa forced the bill out of y/n's hands.
"I'll pay next time, it's only fair." Y/n said as they were leaving the restaurant.
"Next time? Another date, you mean?" He questioned, hoping to see y/n change colors again. This time though, y/n put a sliver of confidence in himself and his response.
"Obviously, you couldn't keep your eyes or your hands to yourself. Of course there'd be another date." The way he raised an eyebrow at Oikawa reminded him a bit of himself, but he loved that y/n could dish it back to him. "Anyway," he ventured, "Can I walk you home? Unless you wanted to do something else."
Truthfully, Tōru didn't want the night to end. He longed to come up with activity after activity so he could stay with y/n, he had a calming presence which helped ease Tōru's ever-crowded mind. He was always thinking about volleyball and school, always about how he could be improving or what he'd been doing wrong. But tonight - tonight he hadn't thought about anything except for y/n, making him laugh or blush, or just listening to what he had to say.
"Hey, are you there? Did I scare you or something?" He looked up, now realizing he'd totally spaced out and didn't even know for how long.
He blinked a few times, and looked around. Apparently they'd ended up walking to some park he didn't immediately recognize. "Sorry, I just got distracted, my bad. Also, where are we?" Y/n lightly laughed and looked around, apparently also not having realized they'd kept walking directionless.
"This, oh this is the park where I practice! I guess I came here out of habit, the court we use is over there." He pointed over to where a net was set up and there was a rectangle of concrete with painted lines. "So, uh, did you want me to walk you home? Or...?" Ah right his question from earlier. Let's try not to forget to answer it this time.
"Well, I don't have plans for the rest of the evening, and it's not super late yet... But if you do, then we can totally-"
"I don't." Y/n interrupted, his clam gaze making Oikawa a bit anxious. Ever since they left the restaurant, the vibes had completely switched, Oikawa was forgetting who he was and what was going on while y/n flirted and stayed collected. "I've still got my keys, I could grab a ball if you want to hit a few." Finally, something Tōru understood. If there was one thing he couldn't look bad doing, it was volleyball.
"If you insist." He replied. "Try not to get too intimidated though, I'm one of the best y'know." Again, y/n didn't falter at his attempt to fluster him.
"But you haven't made it to nationals like Miya has, so why should I be scared?" MIYA? Y/n knew someone who played at the national level? Now he wasn't so sure about what he'd said. Of course he knew he was a fantastic setter, one of the best in his own opinion, but he'd not played against or with someone who was a regular at nationals.
At an attempt to collect himself, he waved off y/n's comment. "So what? Just because I haven't made it to nationals yet doesn't mean I'm not the best setter out there."
"I guess we'll just have to see." Y/n shot back, before jogging over to the storage shed near the court. He dug out a volleyball and tossed it to Oikawa, who gently received it without a second thought.
"You said you're wing spiker, right?" He asked, y/n nodded. "What kind of set do you like?" This time, y/n only shrugged.
"You'll just have to figure it out, 'best setter out there'." He sneered, walking onto the concrete platform and towards the right side. Oikawa scoffed and went off towards the left. I'll find out, on the first one. He told himself, though it wasn't the most realistic, but he always like a challenge.
Oikawa set, and y/n spiked over and over again, Oikawa priding himself on figuring out what y/n liked within his first (but likely his second or third) set. They only stopped when it had gotten too dark out to see very clearly over the net, both of them having a slight sweat. As y/n put the ball back, Oikawa asked him more about how he knew the person from nationals, it bothered him that y/n might have had a setter that he thought was better.
"Oh, Miya? God I don't even remember how we met, I think he plays for a city team in his spare time." Y/n said, "Yeah, we met at a tournament. His team beat us, but only barely, we did five sets and it was down to the last, the score I think was 20-22 in the end." Oikawa whistled, he knew how exhausting a game like that could be. "Anyway, after we played against each other, he approached me and almost begged me to let him set for me." He laughed to himself, but Oikawa's mind was everywhere. "We played a little after that game and became good friends, he always updates me on his tournaments and games."
Oikawa's fatal flaw was that he had a massive god-complex, and right now it was definitely being complex. His mind was about to take a total downward turn when y/n punched his shoulder.
"Don't look like that, you idiot." Y/n sneered.
"What? Look like what?" He demanded.
"Don't get jealous. Don't get upset just because I know some great setter, I can't even begin to compare you two and you've never even met him. Don't get your tits in a twist so quickly, now come on it's dark, we're both tired, and it's obviously past your bedtime." Tōru's mind went blank, even if he could think up a response, there'd be now way he'd bring himself to say it. He hadn't been put in his place like that before, sure Iwa gave him reality checks every now and then, but nobody could read him like that.
Y/n started walking, but turned to face Tōru and held out his hand, waiting for him to take it. He didn't say anything, just waved his hand around and stared at Tōru until he finally took it. Y/n's hand was warm, and strong, just like a spiker's should be.
"Where's your house?" Y/n asked him, his face void of any snark or ego that it had only moments earlier.
"It's up by the school, two streets north." Y/n nodded and confidently lead him in the general direction. "How are you so calm all of a sudden?" He found himself asking, the events of their date confusing him.
Y/n chuckled as he looked to the sky. "After you ripped the bill out of my hands at that restaurant, I knew you weren't as serious or intimidating as I had thought you were when I first met you. Our conversations and getting to hit your sets after we ate was so much more relaxed, I just felt like I could be myself. I don't like formal situations like sit down dinners at fancy restaurants, I didn't even know what to wear, Iwa picked this out."
Hearing that Hajime had picked out what y/n was wearing made Tōru feel better, he thought he was a total disaster today but he hadn't been alone. "I thought this was going to be easy, but you just keep making me forget how to think." He lightly squeezed Tōru's hand at the comment,
"That's probably a good thing, isn't it? You probably think way to much." He sighed,
"You're definitely right. Guess I'm extremely lucky for having you physically run into me today."
Y/n smiled, "You're so welcome."
They approached Oikawa's neighborhood, and he directed y/n to his house, y/n only letting go of Oikawa's hand when they got to his front steps. "Thanks, for tonight. It was fun, I'm looking forward to next time." Y/n said, a slight blush dusting his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.
"Me too, even though I'll probably see you again tomorrow, right?" Y/n's face dropped, he'd totally forgotten they went to school together.
Thoroughly embarrassed, he rubbed the back of his neck and tried to laugh it off. "Eh, true- our classes are neighbors." He took a deep breath and faced Tōru, "Well, I'll see you later. Have a good night, Oikawa." He barely got a chance to reply before y/n had turned around to leave, so he grabbed the shoulder closest to him, and turned the boy to face him again.
"What, no goodbye kiss? We're basically dating now right?" Y/n turned nearly purple at the comment, definitely not having expected it. He tried stuttering out some kind of response, so Oikawa put him out of his misery and tugged the gent towards him.
He could feel y/n's anxiety melt away as they kissed, his arms wrapping around Tōru's waist, his in return folding around y/n's neck. Y/n couldn't believe what was happening, but he was beyond happy that it was.
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falling-like-fall · 1 year
been thinking about timeskip y/n, matsukawa, oikawa, hanamaki and iwaizumi still being friends even long after highschool. Like, yea, the third years went their separate ways after they graduated but they still keep in touch. In fact, they invite each other to every thing they can. Holidays, birthday parties, random get togethers, and especially nights to just hang out if they're all free. And when they start families (if they do) you better believe that they're all gonna be absolutely unhinged. Not in the bad way, but in the "cool uncle" typa way. I'd like to think that Iwaizumi would be the most calm out of the five, then, surprisingly, oikawa, then hanamaki and then y/n and matsukawa. Yes, I love matsukawa. And yes, him and y/n are a power couple.
Anyways thank you for your time <3
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𝕚 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕔𝕠𝕠𝕝
haikyuu x m!reader
he was always just a sweet boy lost in his admiration..
a/n: hi! this is the same author from quotev before anyone asks :) i’m going to post my story here too so enjoy!
-> 000. prologue
-> 001.
-> 002.
-> 003.
-> 004.
-> 005.
  ↪ +profiles
-> 006.
  ↪ +profiles
-> 007.
-> 008.
 ↪ +profiles
-> 009.
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
Haikyuu x male manager reader fics
Tumblr Recommendations
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Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please like, comment and/or reblog their work!
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Get your fangirls away from our manager!
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Iwa-chan, Panic!
Iwaizumi x male! manager! Reader
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Nekoma’s Male Manager
The Cat’s Manager
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Get Even
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I only have eyes for you
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Foreign Exchange Student
Summary: Transfer student L/N Y/N meets Karasuno volleyball team through tutoring and Yachi.
330 notes · View notes
oukabarsburgblr · 2 months
honestly would love a continuation from the karasuno version, but like at the same time i want the seijoh version 😭😭
i cant choose huuu, tho whatever u decides to write im sure it'll be great (still tho karasuno continuation got me vv 🥴🥴)
Bullying the First Year Pt. 2 [ONESHOT] [HQ KARASUNO]
I'll give you both💜 but the seijoh part will probably take a few days since i dont want the seijoh ver. to be an exact replica of karasuno with diff names and i want to finish watching s2 so i can capture their character properly. I hope you enjoy!
Continuation of Part 1! Set in Season 2 during Away Games. Drabble!
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Find out more under the cut!
"Ne, Sugawara...Looks like you guys finally got along with (m/n) huh?"
The setter who was drinking from his water bottle turned to Tanaka. The second year glancing at the male manager who was being harassed by Hinata about how cool his spike was. Sugawara only tilted his head in innocent faux. "What do you mean?"
Tanaka hummed as he swirled his bottle. "Well...usually you guys have this weird tension. And Daichi doesn't talk to him but yesterday I saw the captain and (m/n) walking home together and they looked like they were fine." Ennoshita chipped in. "So I wasn't imagining it. Asahi seemed like he always tried to provoke (m/n), but now they're okay with each other. Did anything happen between you guys?"
Tanaka and Ennoshita only asked Sugawara because he was the most approachable out of all the third years. The second years have noticed the beef between their manager and the seniors although they only discussed it in secret. Currently, they're at their away training camp in Shinzen and everything was running smoothly, albeit their losing streak and the fact that (m/n) couldn't make it to their first training camp in Tokyo.
It was weird to think that (m/n), who was not even a player meaning he had more time to study, had failed two subjects and had to take the supplementary exam. Although he denied the offer of riding to Tokyo with Tanaka's sister with Kageyama and Hinata in tow. Daichi didn't give much of a response, only saying he would talk to the (h/c).
That same night they heard Kiyoko scolding, and the beautiful manager never gets mad, but oddly Kiyoko was reprimanding the rest of the third years. Although they couldn't quite capture why was she mad but apparently it involved luring and trapping someone?
Sugawara's face didn't falter as he waved off their concerns, assuring the second years that they had a minor misunderstanding at the start of their introduction and it was all settled.
Free practice ensued as Karasuno went on with their respective goals, Sugawara and Daichi doing a synchronization attack with the others although Asahi was nowhere to be found.
"Sorry! Got caught up with something." The ace sheepishly entered the gym, looking eager and fresh to hit some sets. Nishinoya glanced behind Asahi to see a panting (h/c) who was all sweaty. "What were you doing, (m/n)? You looked like you did a major workout!" He teased the manager who only scrunched up his nose and limped his way to the rest of the managers.
"Huh? Is he injured or something? Why is he walking like that-" "Don't mind him! The night isn't going to be young forever. Let's practice!" Sugawara cut off Nishinoya's sentence as he pushed the libero towards the court, his eyes flickering to Asahi getting smacked by Daichi.
"See (m/n)! Told you, you would get along with us!" Hinata cheered behind the (h/c), who didn't say a word as he accompanied Hinata to the third gymnasium, where Kuroo and Bokuto is playing as well as Akaashi and Tsukishima. "Although it seems that you're more close to the third years than I am. Even though I've known them longer..." The ginger mumbled as he twiddled his fingers.
Again, the manager didn't respond as they entered the gym and (m/n) helped them by collecting stray balls and tossing it to Akaashi. Tsukishima would glance at him a few times before getting lectured by the Nekoma captain.
Daichi stared at the gym doors where (m/n) had exited before turning to Asahi. "...I told you to go easy on him." "Sorry. Got a bit excited. He's cute these days, all fidgety around us." "Do you want to blow us over? Cover your tracks, you idiot." Sugawara hissed as he jammed his elbow into the ace's side.
"The others said that we look like we're all getting along, especially you Daichi." The setter spoke as he ignored the crestfallen ace on the floor. "Really? I didn't think there'd be that much of a difference." The captain tapped his chin, his lips pressed into a thin line.
"You were the meanest out of all of us. I guess he was scared of you the most." Asahi propped himself up as he spoke, ignoring the glaring ravenette.
"...he's obedient now. I prefer it that way."
The setter only laughed as he waved them off. "I'm getting dibs on him in the showers. Don't you dare try to join us." He hissed at the two before hopping off to drag Tanaka into another set, leaving Daichi and Asahi to themselves.
If any other normal person would have listened in on their conversation, they would've been creeped out with how normal they spoke as they danced around the topic.
The boy manager of Karasuno, (m/n) (l/n) who has been reduced to a quiet footman for the seniors. Daichi wouldn't say 'reduced' but more to 'tamed'. It was known that the (h/c) is a brash person, especially around people his age but he would watch his mouth more around his upperclassmen...until he gets angry that is.
When Daichi first saw him stumbling through the gym doors, making a scene, he was quite annoyed, reminded of Hinata and Kageyama's first introduction. He thought it would be another rude junior that would ignore him and the obligated seniority but he was impressed to find that he was a reliable manager and an overall pleasant person to be around.
Maybe he was in a bad mood on that specific day, but he wasn't up for playing 'nice' nor welcoming someone new. His players were already a handful, especially the four idiots and he simply lacked the energy to usher someone around in the already socially established club.
Usually, he would apologise the next day, saying his head was clouded but he saw how annoyed (e/c) leered at him whenever (m/n) thought he wasn't looking or the silent curses he would mumble. That ticked him off and he was cold ever since. And when he found out they were neighbours-
"Daichi. Don't you think you're being...malicious to the new manager?"
The captain turned to the long-haired ace. He didn't respond, only raising an eyebrow to Asahi. Sugawara cut in. "What he meant was why are you acting like a little bitch to our new member? Ignoring him and stuff. The others are starting to ask." He teased the ravenette.
Daichi didn't say much, he only stared at his gym shoes and glanced to the (h/c) who was conversing with the second years. He scanned his figure, his eyes wandering a bit too long on his face and frowned. "He's rude." Sugawara wanted to roll his eyes and spite the captain.
"I want to ruin him."
Both Asahi and Sugawara immediately turned their heads to the captain who held a nonchalant look, a foreign expression for him, while still staring at (m/n). "...Or to see him cry, at least." "..."
The setter scoffed. "I always knew you were a sadist, Daichi." The captain only hummed as he knelt down to tie his shoelaces. "Don't act as if you're oh so innocent, Mr. Refreshing." "Shut up." He stifled a chuckle and stood up again.
"So are we gonna do it?" Asahi turned to glance at the (h/c), gazing at his glistening (s/c) and his fluttering eyelashes on his (e/c) eyes. Sugawara rolled his eyes. "I think he already started it." Daichi was silent, his eyes unwavering.
He didn't think much of it back then. Bullying was always a functioning outlet anyways.
Slaps of skin resonated through the small clubroom with a crying naked manager who was too aroused from the heavy thrusts he was receiving. His back was sore against the wooden table in the middle of the room and his throat was parched from all the screaming and wailing he had done.
"You're so adorable, (m/n)." Asahi groaned into the manager's ears, holding him down and kissing down his neck. The (h/c) only squirmed against the strong brunette, helpless against his ticklish facial hair as his hips stuttered against Asahi's. "-'s too much-ngh! Too much fu- achkk!"
He choked as the brunette sped up his motion, increasing his tempo as he felt his release. "You're our junior and manager, (m/n)." Sugawara cooed as he jacked off the (h/c)'s dick. "This is practically your job, don't you think? Helping us release some steam."
(m/n) wailed as he felt Sugawara squeezing him, he shivered as he felt his hole filled and Asahi biting into his shoulder. His pants were getting heavier as he placed his hand across his face. "I-I don't want anymore..." He whimpered as fingers shoved into his ass, digging out liquids that were stuffed deep into him.
Daichi trailed his fingers over (m/n)'s neck as he took Asahi's spot, pulling the (h/c) closer by his waist. "Be good and we'll play nice with you." Partially a lie, the captain was talking about himself. If the manager was compliant, then he'll be gentle. Not that he hated the contrary.
The manager only cried into his hands as he shakily nodded, not that they could see. "Please b-be gentle to me...Daichi- hiks!" He wheezed as the captain pulled him onto his lap, his naked thighs shivering and Daichi only gripped his hair, already holding his favourite spot.
The captain didn't say anything, only crashing his lips on the (h/c)'s who mewled against his mouth, Sugawara and Asahi smearing their hands all over the pair, drowning them in debauchery and temporary bliss.
Ever since then, (m/n) had been more quiet and polite, especially around the third years. Hinata was confused when the (h/c) mentioned about a study group and at that moment something clicked inside the (h/c)'s head.
He tried avoiding the trio truthfully, it wasn't that hard outside of club hours but he dreaded stepping inside the gym or the clubroom. Sugawara was a clever person, always whisking him away to fuck him under a staircase or asking him to stay after practice and would double penetrate him with Asahi inside the storage room.
He would walk home with sticky cum running down his legs or being cleaned by Sugawara who would take his time with him inside the school communal showers. Asahi would only bother him when he was frustrated, either from studies or not being able to hit his spikes right.
Daichi wouldn't join on their frisky escapades. But Sugawara knew that the captain preferred to be alone with the (h/c).
Training camp was over, Coach Ukai finished the debriefing and everyone was dispersing to go home in their respective ways in the late night. (m/n) cursed to himself as he accidentaly slipped on a rock. A hand reached out to stabilise him and the (h/c) glanced to see the captain pulling him up.
"Be careful. It's dark and dangerous right now."
They did live close after all.
"...Thanks." (m/n) mumbled as he pulled his arm back, shoving his hands in his pockets as he continued his way. Daichi silently followed, two steps behind the (h/c).
Their relationship had progressed significantly, after...midterms. (m/n) didn't know what to call it. What he had with the other third years. And it was especially passionate with the captain.
(m/n) was sure his body would give out one day, or one of the second years would find out with how frequent they would pull him in an isolated area and was determined to make him cream his pants as much as he could. At first, he resisted and melted every time one of them would shove their deep fingers into his hole or fucked him nice and slow that would made all of his rebellion disappear.
Sometimes, he caught himself looking forward to those moments. Wondering when will one of his seniors pulled him so they could shove themselves into him, letting him drown in that sinful pleasure.
The grey area he was shoved into was suffocating and risky, but lust conquered all and it conquered him.
"Is anyone home?" (m/n) hadn't noticed that they had arrived at the front of his gates. He turned to see Daichi looking at him, the streetlamp next to them illuminating his handsome features. The captain rarely divulge himself with (m/n), not as frequent as the other two. The scariest of the third years definitely had something in his mind.
"Urmmff- mmng haa ah ah anghh!!" (m/n) moaned as he Daichi pounded his penis into the (h/c)'s hole that was so wet and puckered from the unnecessary amount of lube and fingering the captain did. He definitely appreciated foreplay.
Both of them were in (m/n)'s room, on his bed missionary and only the (h/c) was fully naked as Daichi immediately ripped off all of his clothings as soon as they stepped inside his room.
(m/n) wasn't sure why he let Daichi step in his house. His family was gone, visiting their relatives up north while (m/n) was away at training camp. He could've lied to the captain. Rejecting his advances although he wasn't sure it would be as effective but the fact that he willingly let Daichi enter through the gates of his home and let him follow to his room wasn't so much of a wonder.
Daichi huffed as he gripped one of (m/n)'s thighs, giving it a slap as he watch the flesh bounce from the impact. The (h/c) had his arms around the ravenette's neck as his legs was pushed upwards. His hole tightened around Daichi's cock as he cried when the captain began to shove himself in harder and deeper, going in as far as balls deep inside (m/n)'s puckered and reddened hole.
The captain gazed down at the (h/c)'s face, his eyes wandering and scanning his features as he felt his release nearing. "(m/n)." The manager huffed as his own (e/c) stared down black ones.
Daichi leaned down to kiss the (h/c), pressing his lips oddly in a gentle manner but pushing his legs to his shoulders roughly. "I think you should raise your tongue a bit more." The captain stated as he fucked the manager faster.
(m/n) stuck his tongue out with a confused face although his bottom was shaking from all the sex Daichi shoved into him. The ravenette licked and pressed his tongue all over (m/n)'s who was whimpering feverishly.
The (h/c) doesn't know what to do. What to do of him. What to do of them. But for now, all he could do was to play the nice little junior for them. He was also no longer allowed to show support for his cousin at any volleyball event.
Daichi pushed (m/n) into a mating press, making sure his cum filled the manager all the way in, not wanting for any of it to go to waste. The (h/c) whined as his own penis spurted white semen.
The manager could not see him running away from the third years any time soon.
Afterthoughts :
I am literally falling asleep as I write this but I wanted to post it asap. I will fix it dwdw although I felt this didn't align with the first part very well. I'll add tags tmrw. Next up is Seijoh
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nkogneatho · 6 months
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ೀ kuroo x fem!reader ft. iwaizumi
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—cw: exhibitionism, blowjob, webcam sex, male masturbating, pet names (kitten), cum swallowing, deepthroat.
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—a/n: this was supposed to be a small blurb but oh well. Also this was supposed to be just kuroo but being the hajime whore i am i had to include him.
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Tetsu made sure to give you all his time and attention. He was there when you needed a shoulder to cry on, arms to hold you into and of course a dick to fuck you stupid when you were horny.
But today he had a meeting with Iwaizumi to discuss the financial aspects while funding and sponsoring the volleyball tournament the recently partner for. He wasn't close to Iwaizumi, more to the former captain of Seijoh, but Hajime and Tetsuro clicked during their first proper meeting. They even went out for a few beers and shared laughs. He told him about you so since then Iwaizumi would always ask how you are. You met him once during a party Kuroo organized and the man looked big. Bigger than Kuroo but you love your rooster head too much so you don't care about any other man.
You walked into the bedroom to find kuroo in his sweats. He had tight wine red tshirt on with black sweats and you peeked to find iwaizumi wearing a black compression shirt. It was obvious he was an athletic trainer the way his body flexes at ecah move. But your eyes were fixated on your man. Or rather his grey sweats. Shit. The fabric was loose but the way he sat, you could see his dickprint. Shit. shit. shit. You didn't know what plagued over you—maybe lust, maybe desperation, but you carefully drop to your knees and crawl to him. He doesn't notice you, his eyes fixated on the calculations he was writing on the desk, that until your freshly manicured nails trace his dickprint and his eyes shoot to you.
"Shhh." you gesture putting your pointer on your lips. "don't want him to find out baby," you grinned. Kuroo pushed his chair a little forward dragging the wheels from his weight. If he wanted to, he would've excused himself, turning off the camera and tell you that he'll let you do whatever you want later. But the man has always fancied adventures.
When you start stroking his boner, he lets out a heavy sigh, audible enough to catch the attention of the man on the other side of the screen.
"Is everything alright?" Hajime's processed computer voice pulls Kuroo's attention back to the meeting.
"Y-yeah yeah. Dude, I just had a pretty tiring day," he replies.
"It's 12 pm, man."
"Ah, right. I meant morning—fuck." He wasn't someone to lose his composure so easily but the last fuck was something he needed to moan because now your mouth was wetting his dick, taking him inside.
"We could've just resched—uhm...Kuroo," Hajime's tone shifted. Drenched in curiosity, drenched in something dark. "I can see her head."
You stopped. You literally stopped while he was still inside your mouth. You expected Kuroo to make up an excuse. He always handles these thing easily, right? Only now this man decided to drag the chair a little backwards so the man on this laptop screen had a clear view, a clearer angle to see what was happening. You peer up at him with a dumbfound expression.
"Don't look at me like that, kitten. You're the one who wanted to play games while I am working." His fingers wallowed in your hair, pulling you further close to his inner thighs. "Don't you dare run now." And you didn't. You obeyed him like a pet wanting to impress his master.
"Aw shucks. Would you mind turning sideways, Kuroo? So I can see her take that dick in clearly."
"I wouldn't mind," he shifted you to the side, turning his chair. "Enjoy the Show."
You started bobbing your head up and down. Even though his hands were in your hair, he didn't force you down his cock. Atleast, not yet. Your tongue tasted a hint of sourness, probably his precum. As you moved, your eyes prompted to the corner to find Iwaizumi's cock full on display as he stroked it with his big hands. Your cheeks burnt up immediately. Tetsuro caught the change in your expression and his pupils were fixated on you. He didn't know you enjoyed this so much.
"Don't call me—ugh that," he spoke in between moans.
"Aw c'mon. Why not? Shit, baby no teeth. You've seen my cock so I guess we're pretty close now."
"I am more focused on her. Ngh—look at her. Now I know why you call ker a kitten. fucking hell. lapping her tongue and all'at" Iwaizumi's balls were tightening. He was getting closer and closer. You knew because his gruntsbstarted getting heavier and louder. You were a few meters away from the laptop but it felt like he was right their, groaning in your ears.
"ah! fuck. yeah. Keep going, kitten. I am close. He is too—gorgeous fucking girl. yeah. fuck fuck. shit. ah! ah!" Now was the time when his hands started pushing you further down his cock till your nose bumped in his crotch. "fuck yeah. yeah. yeah 'm close. ah ah ngh—" tetsu's hand held your held in one place, forcing his dick until all his seed spilled down your throat. he knows you alwayd swallow it like a good girl. and you did. Noticing you gulping down his cum, gave Iwa the sweet release he was chasing.
"NGHH! Holy fuck," hajime cursed. You looked at the screen to find thick white ropes spilled all over his knuckles. Some even managed to shoot up to his black compression.
"Hmm," Kuroo chuckled. "Wanna say something to him pretty? Go ahead." You bit your bottom lip, still gazing at his softened cock. It looked big even when it was soft.
"Wish I could taste your cum too, Hajime." And his dick sprung up again. He didn't expect you to call him by his first name let alone say nasty things like that. That innocent image of you in his head was gone.
"Haha. See? Isn't she so cute?" Kuroo petted your head. "Aw look. Our meeting time is almost up." Hajime looked a little disappointed but Tetsu knew better. "How about we reschedule...in person?" And the smile at the end of a sentence confirmed that he was not going to discuss anything even remotely related to volleyball in the next meeting.
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calqlate · 11 months
SUMMARY: You are the side character of someone else's fairytale and you fall in love with the male lead of her story. You think, "Can a side character get their happy ending?", and you hope you can.
PAIRING: iwaizumi hajime x gn! reader
GENRE(S): angst (with a happy ending) + pining (one-sided) + second choice syndrome
CW(S)/TW(S): coarse/foul/strong language used
WC: 4657
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In all cliché love stories, there would always be a love triangle between the protagonist, the good guy, and the playboy. The protagonist would always choose the bad boy, no matter what, and the good guy would always be there as moral support. That was simply the unspoken 'rule' that posed itself as a trend in all novels.
In your life, you felt that you were definitely not the protagonist. If your life were a movie, you supposed, you would probably be one of those good-natured side characters who appeared in the film from two to four times, maybe even an extra in a story. You know, the kind chef that appeared on page sixteen of the storybook, or the dutiful store assistant who was moving boxes in the back.
Now, you might be wondering who the protagonist was. It was Sawabe Nagi: skinny, fair-skinned, and popular. She was bubbly, well-liked, and beautiful to boot; she was practically born to be the main character. Like the typical protagonist she was, she chose the bad boy, Oikawa Tooru, the dashing heartthrob of Seijoh. The good guy here was then Iwaizumi Hajime, who happened to be the playboy's best friend and childhood friend.
Before the plot was written, the good guy had a backstory with the side character. (Perhaps this story would change the course of the actual story? We would never know.)
You walked into class with your earpieces plugged in as you scrolled through your Instagram feed. As you sat down, you happened to come across a ridiculously hilarious post, something like a text post regarding your favourite band, and you tried so hard not to laugh. The pressure of holding it in was so great that as a result, you snorted out loud. Your eyes widened in surprise and you immediately clapped a hand over your mouth, hoping no one heard it. Unfortunately for you, your desk neighbour Iwaizumi Hajime had heard you, and he threw you a curious glance.
A sudden thought popped into your head: Huh, Iwaizumi really almost never smiles. Almost timidly, you decided to show him the post that had caused your earlier embarrassing outburst. Cautiously, you slid your phone over onto his desk and said, "Look at it."
The tan ravenette looked up at you from your phone, meeting your gaze. You simply tilted your head towards your phone as a response, and he raised an eyebrow at you. He still looked back down at your phone anyway, after angling the device, and looked at the post. Slowly, his lips formed the grace of smile. Shortly after, a chuckle resonated from his throat.
"Seriously, Iwaizumi, you should smile more," you commented casually, pulling your earpieces out of your ears, "It suits you."
"You think so?" Iwaizumi asked, somewhat shyly, handing your phone back to you.
You nodded, taking your phone from him, then tucking it carefully into your blazer pocket.
"I'll give you my number so you can send me more of these, then," he said.
You stopped mid-movement, then you laughed slightly. Very smooth, Iwaizumi, very smooth.
Ever since that day, the two of you would talk, laugh at ridiculous posts either one of you found on the internet or social media, eat lunch, and do usual things friends did. Slowly, through the passage of time, you realised a few small things: how you looked forward to your mini rendezvous during lunch, how you automatically lit up whenever Iwaizumi smiled, laughed, or complimented you, and how you found yourself wanting to know him inside out and as well as the back of your hand.
The final epiphany settled in: through the passage of time, you had undoubtedly fallen in love with Iwaizumi Hajime.
Your world was filled with endless joy, dizzying euphoria, and pure bliss: you would spend the rest of your remaining high school years with Iwaizumi. There was, indeed, a small part of you deep down that was afraid to come clean with him, to tell him how you really felt about him. However, you decided that it was better to keep him in the dark. You would wait for the right time to tell him everything. Your desire could wait.
That was, until he told you that he liked Sawabe Nagi — that was what burst your unknowingly fragile bubble of innocence. It was as though your ideas of your future dreamlike days with him had simply disintegrated into thin air.
However, you decided to put your friendship first before your selfish wants: you put on a brave smile, hid your sadness and slight jealousy, and wished him all the best in courting Sawabe.
You continued to hang out with him, though it pained you knowing that he never felt the same way you did. It was definitely difficult to feign smiles and speak comfortably with him. You had also once considered putting some distance between the both of you, but your better judgement convinced you otherwise as you did not want to dump your pain onto Iwaizumi like that. It would not be fair to him at all.
One day, after an afternoon of rigorous training, you walked out and was heading to the gate when you spotted someone sitting with their head low under the tree, just near the gates. The figure's silhouette was unmistakable to you; it was none other than your spiky-haired deskie.
"Iwaizumi?" you said as you approached him cautiously, watching his every movement with great focus.
"Oh, hey," he said as he glanced up to look at you, smiling slightly as if — no, definitely — trying to hide his earlier gloomy mood, "You're done with practice?"
You noticed that his characteristically mesmerising deep charcoal eyes were rather red and puffy, with dried tears on his face — a seemingly vulnerable look you never thought you would see on his being. A somewhat glassy look was in his eyes, as if he was looking into the fog, desperately searching for something far away.
You knew that you were not that something he was looking for.
"Were you crying?" you asked as you sat down next to him, eyes still on him, not daring to break away for just a breath.
He knew there was not really any point lying about it, for he knew he was easy to read, especially with you since he spent most of his time with you these days, and he nodded in response. He dropped his gaze to his hands, which were balled into fists on his thighs.
"What happened?" you asked, then added hurriedly, "If you don't mind telling me. I won't judge, I swear."
"Sawabe rejected me," he said softly as more tears formed in his eyes, the painful words getting lodged in his throat, "She... she told me she was sorry, that she... likes Oikawa instead."
"I'm... sorry to hear that," you whispered, not really knowing how you should be feeling. A part of you was overjoyed by the thought of Iwaizumi not standing a chance with Sawabe, and another part of you was disgusted at yourself for feeling this way. However, one could not stop the heart for desiring what it wanted.
Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to envelop him in a hug to console him. Iwaizumi wrapped his arms around you in return and gripped onto your uniform tightly, burrowing his face into your shoulder and staining his tears on your blazer. You rubbed small circles on his back to further comfort him, not knowing what else to say but let him cry his heart out and let time soften his sobs.
"It seems like no one'll fall for me," he muttered in self-hate after he could not seem to cry any longer since his throat was getting raw and his tear ducts seemed to run out of tears, then he began to dry his tears and rest his chin on your shoulder as he chuckled dryly, "Not like it's that surprising, really."
"Are you kidding me?" your outburst was incredulous, with you pulling him away from the embrace and staring at him with widened eyes and furrowed brows, "I can't believe you thought so lowly of yourself; I fell in love with you within these two months, you know!"
Once those rambling words left your mouth, you turned red, slapped a hand over your mouth, and bit your lower lip. You began to berate yourself internally, What a wonderful time you chose to confess!
An awkward silence settled between the both of you, and you decided that he was officially disturbed by your sudden (and inappropriate) confession.
"S-Sorry, I should really get going," you muttered, then mumbled a flimsy excuse and dropped your hand to your side, gathered your belongings up, and prepared to leave. You were very much ready to get home to cry, wallow in your misery, and eat a tub full of ice cream.
"Thank you," Iwaizumi said suddenly which caused you to whirl your head at him, a small yet empathetic smile tugging at his lips, "It made my day."
Suddenly, you had this strong urge in you to say something ridiculous that popped up in your head, something that you knew only worked in Korean dramas, not real-life scenarios. However, it was worth a shot, right?
"Listen, Iwaizumi," you said, choosing your words very carefully, "I know this may sound stupid and one-sided, considering how you got... you know." You waved your hand in the air vaguely, not wanting to verbalise what Iwaizumi had been through a couple of hours ago, then continued, "Anyway, I'm sure I can treat you better than her, and I'm sure I can help you get over it."
There was a moment of silence.
Have I gone too far? you thought, fiddling with your thumbs nervously, Maybe I should just tell him to forget what I just said—
His reply cut you off mid-thought, "Then let's date."
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"Seriously, [F/N], if you want to look at videos of corgi butts, do so when you're not walking," Iwaizumi sighed as he sat next to the bed which you were currently sitting on in the infirmary.
You, being hooked onto this never-ending list of corgi underside videos a friend had recommended to you, decided it would be a great idea to watch them while walking towards the indoor sports hall. It just so happened you were walking down a rather steep decline while doing so, did not see that you were about to trip over a sizeable pebble, and went tumbling down the hill. Luckily, you were not too high up the hill, so you managed to not sustain any severe injuries other than a twisted ankle. You were even luckier Iwaizumi was nearby, because he had been trying to find Oikawa who seemingly vanished from his classroom ("Probably to flirt with other girls," Iwaizumi would always say with a massive eye roll).
"You really are a good boyfriend, Hajime," you said with a grin as he simply shook his head at you.
It had been about a month since both of you started dating, and you had been trying your best to help Iwaizumi get over his rejection. The first step in your relationship was to address each other by your respective first names (which was your idea). Both of you were a little bit awkward at the initial stage, but soon got over it and became a second nature to the two of you.
"[L/N]? Iwaizumi?"
The curtains separating the both of you from the next bed was swept open by the school nurse, revealing a very pale Sawabe. Her dark hair made a stark comparison to her unhealthily white complexion. To finish off the staggering look, there was a pair of eye bags circling the bottom of her eyes.
Iwaizumi froze in place, like a deer caught in headlights. You immediately noticed this and contemplated whether you should reach over and squeeze his hand gently as a form of reassurance. After all, his hand was now (fortunately) close to yours.
"I guessed it was you guys judging from your voices," Sawabe added with a little laugh (even though no one really asked her).
You did not take the chance and your hand remained glued to your side. Iwaizumi's hand was now drawn back to his side as he stood up.
"Sawabe? What happened to you?" Iwaizumi asked, walking up to her, an even more concerned expression taking over his face compared to the one he had given you, "Where's Trashikawa?"
"Tooru said he was busy and couldn't come, because he said he had some extra volleyball practice he wanted to put in," the brunette replied, "As for me, it isn't anything serious. Just a couple of things went wrong. I'm fine now."
You averted your gaze from the pair, clenching your hands into fists. You knew it was fine for Iwaizumi got get worried over sawabe since they were friends, but you could not help yourself and felt jealous. The way they conversed sounded as though they were dating, which seemed like a punch to your gut.
This also seemed to further highlight your incompetence in the whole point you and Iwaizumi were dating in the first place. Iwaizumi still seemed to hold a special place for his former love after all.
You then knew, I can't hold a candle to Sawabe.
Slowly, you slipped off the bed and limped to the doorway as quickly and quietly as you possibly could. You wanted to leave while you still had some control over your emotions, before it was too late and you started crying and made both a scene and a fool out of yourself.
Iwaizumi never noticed your disappearance, and you never felt your heart ache so badly before.
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After practice, you switched your phone on to see a few messages from Iwaizumi. Earlier, you had turned it off after you fled the scene in the infirmary, not wanting to hear anything from Iwaizumi or anyone, really. Since you had busted your ankle, you could not take part in track activities, so you sat by the bleachers and finished up some of your biology homework. In the end, the coach told you to go home and get some rest.
Tentatively, your thumb hovered over his name in your inbox before you finally decided to read his messages.
Hajime: Are you at practice now?
Hajime: Why did you leave so suddenly?
Hajime: I'm sorry, I won't be walking home with you today. I have to walk Sawabe home since Trashikawa is still practicing and no one's home to fetch her.
Hajime: Text me when you get home, okay?
Kissing your teeth, sighing inwardly, and not wanting to answer, you put on some music and shoved your phone into your blazer pocket. Subconsciously, you knew Iwaizumi would still be worried over Sawabe. Your heart twisted in jealousy at this.
When you arrived home, you decided to switch your phone to aeroplane mode to refrain from any distractions while you were revising. The first exam was coming in a month's time; you could not afford to relax. You put on your Spotify playlist meant for effective studying and locked yourself in your room for a solid hour.
After a good hour of revision, you checked the time on the digital clock which stood on your table: 6.45 pm.
The thoughts of Iwaizumi walking Sawabe back home flooded your mind. Did he really move on, or does he still have something for her? Your eyebrows furrowed as your brain spiraled further into confusing thoughts, everything getting tangled in a chaos.
Not wanting to waste any time thinking about it, you buried your face into your arms as you crossed them on your desk, closing your eyes and willing yourself to stop worrying. Before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.
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Knock knock. Knock knock.
The sound of gentle knocking woke you right up. Rubbing your eyes and blinking, you caught sight of someone at your window, fist to your window panels. You squinted at the rather well-built figure hovering by your window before your eyes widened in recognition. 
Quickly, you rushed over (all while limping) and opened the window to let him in. Panic filled your veins as you opened the grilles.
"What are you doing? This is the second floor!" you berated him as he tumbled inside and onto your bedroom floor, "Why didn't you use the front door like a normal human being?"
"N-No one answered when I rang the doorbell, so I decided to climb up instead," he answered, and you noticed he sounded out of breath.
"Why are you breathless?" you asked, "Did you run over or something?"
"Yeah, I ran here since I got worried about you," he answered as he tried to catch his breath after sitting up, watching you carefully, "You left my texts on read and didn't read any of my new ones."
You just let out a soft sigh and said, "Come on, let's go downstairs and I'll get you something to eat."
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Iwaizumi helped you down the steps (since you were injured, after all) and to the living room and was told to sit down, only he refused, because he pointed out you were still limping. You did not bother to argue with him and let him follow you.
The two of you then headed to the kitchen to get some biscuits and two glasses of milk, which Iwaizumi insisted on carrying. Both of you headed back to the living room with your snacks and sat comfortably on the sofa, with Iwaizumi balancing the plate of biscuits on his thighs.
After a few moments of hearing the sounds of crunching biscuits, he said, "Hey, let's play a game."
"Alright, fine," you said, reaching for another biscuit, "What do you have in mind?"
"Truth or dare," Iwaizumi replied simply, chewing his biscuit thoughtfully, "Now, truth or dare?"
"Truth," you answered without hesitation, popping the biscuit into your mouth.
"What do you think of our relationship?" he asked, then pointing between both of you, "You know, us."
There was a short moment of deafening silence (not even the prior sounds of biscuit chewing was heard) before you answered with a defeated look in your eyes, "There was never an 'us'."
He raised his eyebrows in curiosity, What do you mean?
"I love you," you proclaimed suddenly, turning your head to meet his gaze heads-on in determination.
No response. He just could not bring himself to say it. The words were lodged in his throat, being barricaded by an unknown force from escaping his lips, which were tightly shut. This silence confirmed your suspicions; this silence was as loud as a lion's deafening roar, an obvious statement of impending heartbreak and goodbyes.
"See?" you said softly, tears threatening to spill from your eyes, and you immediately looked away, "That's exactly what i mean."
Quickly, you wiped your tears away, put on your best smile, and said, "Okay, your turn. Truth or dare?"
He opened his mouth to answer, but the sound of his phone ringing cut him off.
"Sorry," he mouthed as he took his phone out of his trouser pocket and glanced at the caller ID (he looked somewhat scared, but of what?), then answering, "Hello?"
"Iwaizumi? Could you come back to keep me company?" Sawabe's voice was unmistakable from the other line, causing you to further shrink down in your seat, "I'm kinda afraid of being alone."
"I'm coming over," he answered without missing a beat before ending the call.
You whirled your head over and looked into his eyes, yours full of hurt and sorrow. Though you knew he had probably never genuinely loved you like a true lover from the start, you never expected him to ditch you for someone else, that someone being the previous apple of his eye.
Though, could Sawabe still be counted as 'previous'? Iwaizumi cared about her; he clearly still had her as his number one priority, it seemed.
Your head started to spin with wild thoughts as you watched him place the plate of remaining biscuits on the table: Was he really going to her? did he never get over her? Did he ever see me as his significant other?
"I'm sorry, [F/N]. I really am," Iwaizumi said, a look of sorrow and regrets gracing his face (the very face you came to love), before giving a slight bow and exiting the house.
You sat there, eyes hollow, head silent, heart broken. You did not know what else to think. The only thing you knew was that you were tired. You were tired of chasing someone who had another goal in their eyes. You were tired of trying to be the missing puzzle piece in someone else's life. You were tired of illusionising yourself that the one you truly loved reciprocated your feelings.
In the end, the joke was on you. You were left alone with nothing else, just you and your broken heart that had been shattered into tiny shards that lay around your feet.
In cliché romance movies, the protagonist gets into a messy love triangle and falls in love with the bad boy.
And in this film, you were just a side character who liked the good guy, but never had your love acknowledged.
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You walked into class with your earpieces plugged in, muting the unpleasant world that surrounded you. Life still went on even though bad things happen, but you can still angrily say "Fuck you" to the world who bestowed empty promises upon you and wallow in self-pity.
In all retrospect, you had been thinking about how your relationship between you and Iwaizumi had been, and by judging the latest (dramatic) turn of events, it was not going to get far in the long run.
Once you placed your books and materials on your desk, you could hear a muted voice saying through your earpieces, "Good morning."
Though it was faint through the loud dance music you were playing, you still knew the voice's owner. After all, it was the voice you had come to love, too.
"H — Iwaizumi," you said simply as you took out your earpiece, cursing yourself mentally for the slip of your tongue. (You cringed inwardly at your second action following your response; you probably looked way too excited when you heard him call out to you. Bad habits were indeed hard to break.)
"I-I'm really sorry about yesterday," Iwaizumi muttered, looking down at the floor with his hands shoved in his pockets, not daring to meet your gaze on him that you were actually imposing yourself to do.
Without saying a word, you grabbed his hand and led him out of the classroom. Class was not going to start until another thirty minutes or so, anyway. You had more pressing matters at hand to discuss with him rather than something that was going to be forgotten in a few years.
You swiftly pushed past the hordes of students who were either gossiping about Oikawa, talking about a weekend party, or some other useless junk, bringing him to the school rooftop.
The school rooftop seemed like a secret haven: free of students' chatter, free of judgement, free of suffocating criticism.
You let go of him and walked a few steps forward, your back faced towards him.
"Are... you okay?" he asked tentatively. You had never behaved like this before, so this was completely new for him.
Without turning around, you said, "I've been thinking a lot since last night."
You turned around and looked into his eyes, hoping that what you were doing was right. You did not want to say it (you never would if you had the option to), but you wanted to spare yourself from the torture and did not want yourself to do this any longer. After all, it proved that your attempts to get him to move on failed. Love can be such a powerful force.
"Let's break up," you said simply, trying to keep your gaze levelled and not let your emotions take control and ruin this any further.
"What?" Iwaizumi coughed out with widened eyes, a little dumbfounded by this twist of events. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect you to break up with him. After all, you were the one who asked to date in the first place.
"This relationship is one-sided, and it's going nowhere," you stated, "So there's really no point continuing it. It's hurting both of us. Besides, it seems like I didn't help you get over her."
You took a quick and deep breath and continued, "It isn't good for any of us. so, let's break up and spare one another."
Feeling tears sting your eyes, you quickly strode past him, not wanting to let him see you break down. You willed yourself not to cry until you made it past that door back into the campus. It was going so well, too, so why—
Suddenly, you felt a warm and larger hand take hold of your wrist. The same hand pulled you back into someone's arms. It was Iwaizumi, of course, bringing you into his embrace, just like how you had done for him when you found him near the school gates being upset over Sawabe's reveal of her true feelings a month ago.
"You did help me," he said gently, "You're very special to me, and you've brightened my life. You've made me see the world in a different light, a different perspective, and for that, I want to thank you."
That was not exactly what you wanted to hear, but it still made you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. Before you knew it, you found yourself wrapping your arms around his torso and you leaned further in, your head pressing into his chest and you could hear his steady heartbeat resembling a siren song.
"If you would give me a second chance, I will tell you those three words one day," Iwaizumi said, with sincerity embedded in his words.
"So you're going to force yourself to love me?" you asked, breaking the embrace and looking up at him with a somewhat offended look, "Because I don't want you to. It's not right to the both of us."
"I'm not," he answered quickly, then explained, "I'm unsure of my feelings as of now, but if you would give me a second chance..."
He reached for your hand, encased it within his larger one, and continued with sincerity in his eyes, "I'm sure I won't hurt you again."
You bit your lip as your heart struggled to make a decision. The rational part of you wanted to refuse and say no, to put an end to this tragic tale. However, the lovesick fool in you convinced you otherwise. A second chance would not hurt anybody, and maybe there would come a day where Iwaizumi would really say those three words you longed to hear with a sincere heart.
"Alright," you stepped forward and squeezed his hands, "I'll wait for you."
"Thank you," he wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into the crook of your neck, warmth spreading throughout his body. Moving on will be difficult, but for you, he was willing to do it and free himself from Sawabe's grasp.
In all cliché romance films, the protagonist gets into a love triangle and chooses the bad boy. The good guy supports them and thinks he is unloved, when there is a minor side character wanting and waiting to be with him, for him to extend his hand and accept their love, but never getting their happy ending.
It seems like, in this romance movie, the side character does get their own happily ever after after all.
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Good mood
Pairing: Oikawa x Male Reader Word count: ~ 2 600 Genre: Fluff / Enemies to lovers if you look really hard Summary: Oikawa meets Seijoh's former ace.
A/n: ty @jxtblacksoc00l for the support
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“Hi, hi, sorry!” Oikawa chuckled a little as he scratched the back of his head, expecting the chorus of complaints from the rest of the team about him being late once again, but it never came. He furrowed his eyebrows whilst dropping his bag by the side. Where was Iwa-chan, anyway?
“Oikawa-san!” Lev smiled. “You’re late again!”
“Heh,” Oikawa breathed, tilting his head, “had a... problem.” He twisted his mouth a little at the unusual amount of girls on his way right when he wasn’t in the best of moods.
Lev raised his eyebrows lightly, but his face softened. “Well, I believe you still didn’t lose the best of it. (Y/n)-san just arrived!” He motioned to behind him, and right behind the back line, a guy stood holding a ball up while his other hand simulated and moved around explaining the type of serve he explained to... Iwaizumi. So that’s why Oikawa wasn’t being spammed with a thousand messages asking his whereabouts nor received a ball on his head when he stepped in the court.
“Who...” He mumbled, narrowing his eyes, but Lev’s—and even his—attention was on (y/n)’s serve. It was a lot like Oikawa’s, at first, but the strength it contained was a lot greater. Cheers coming from his teammates filled the court right after the deafening sound of the ball hitting the ground. They all stood there, watching what was going on instead of having all those balls that littered around in actual action. Even Irihata laughed, with his arms crossed over his chest.
“What are they feeding you there, boy?” Irihata patted (y/n)’s back.
(Y/n) laughed, shaking his head and took a step aside at the moment he noticed Iwaizumi getting ready to try the same serve. The ball didn’t hit the ground with the same force as (y/n)’s, but Oikawa could see a difference there. (Y/n) commemorated, clapping before high-fiving with Iwaizumi.
“Hiya!” Irihata grinned. “I’d like them to see you in a match! C’mon, everyone! Usual team A and team B formation! (Y/n) is going for serving, team B!” He clapped his hands, immediately receiving a ‘yes’ in unison from all the players while they started moving. “We just need—”
“Hi!” Oikawa waved with a smile.
“Huh— Oikawa!” Irihata clicked his tongue. “You better not get late like this for the serious matches, you listening?”
“Yes!~” His face remained the same as he walked away, telling his teammates they’d start with the first rotation. He stretched quietly, observing Iwaizumi and (y/n) decide who was going to start with the ball—Iwaizumi tossed him the ball, having Oikawa smile on his way to behind the back line.
The other coach—Mizoguchi—blew the whistle once everyone was in their right positions and, after he did it a second time, Oikawa bent his knees lightly, a smile forming across his face as he spun the ball between his hands before throwing it in the air. Right under his infallible aim, (y/n) received it with a firm dig.
Oikawa wouldn't admit it, but he wasn't really expecting this. The game was tight. Not like the usual when they play against each other, but something he could compare to playing against Shiratorizawa. It wasn't enough to use all of his weapons—he had to be constantly aware of his opponents and his own team, every millimeter they moved. And yet...
The sharp sound of the whistle filled the court again while the coach extended his arm to team B. Oikawa's eyes went from him to the board, twisting his mouth at the A 18 – 20 B displayed on it.
"Whatever," he mumbled as he followed the rotation.
"You must be Oikawa."
He looked up from the board to see (y/n) through the net, smiling—his eyes roamed over Oikawa from head to foot.
"Yes..." Oikawa narrowed his eyes with a pout. "And you?"
"Oh, right, you weren't here when I arrived and introduced myself. Irihata-san said you're always late." His lips parted into a grin, in a tone that Oikawa wasn’t quite fond of—it made his cheeks heat up, hence he had to look away for a moment, taking a deep breath.
"Where are you from, anyways? Nekoma?"
(Y/n) had a proud glint in his eyes. "Yonan university."
Oikawa's eyes widened. "Yonan?" He could remember some great sport highlights coming from there, including the cycling club that went to the nationals and a rising volleyball potential.
"I remember watching Seijoh against Karasuno last month," (y/n) said, "then I immediately needed to contact Irihata-san."
"You're saying I caught your attention?" Oikawa blinked, placing his hands on his hips as he threw his nose in the air. "You see, I—"
(Y/n) stepped back at the same time Oikawa's head lunged forward harshly.
"Iwaizumi!" Oikawa shouted, staring at the owner of the 'serve', but all the other did was to stare back coldly. Mizoguchi blew the whistle again, arm extended towards team B. "What do you think you're doing to waste a point like this?"
(Y/n) laughed, making sure Oikawa met his gaze before he moved on. Fuck. Oikawa opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, but fell silent. Whatever he had to say, it wasn’t the right time nor place. He had to put his mind into the game; he could talk to (y/n) later, maybe even ask for his number... Fuck, it was all about that, right? After all, he was in college already and could work as a good contact to help him into opportunities, help him train. It was all of it that made him feel like he needed to have (y/n)'s attention on him the whole time, right?
Oikawa swallowed dryly as he watched (y/n) talk with Hanamaki, making a few hand gestures. The sharp sound of the whistle put ground under his feet again and he pursed his lips. The game. Focus on the game.
A 35 – 33 B
Oikawa’s hands rested on his knees, his calves and upper arms aching a little more than normal. He ran a hand through his hair to get the strands of hair unstuck from his sweaty forehead, breathlessly thanking the manager for the towel they reached out to him.
Now, (y/n) would want to come talk to him, for sure. He had contacted Irihata because he liked his game, right? It was because he was interested in him, he could help him improve and— Wow, (y/n) interested in Oikawa... fuck, fuck, fuck.
Still, he just stood there with Iwaizumi again. Whatever he was explaining, he needed to move his hands around constantly—sometimes Oikawa could identify he was acting as if holding a ball. Was Iwaizumi really even paying attention? His knowledge would have much more use with Oikawa, for sure.
(Y/n) smiled, pride swelling in his chest at how Iwaizumi immediately started practicing what he had explained and it seemed like it wouldn’t take long until he mastered a new technique. His eyes wandered around the court—the team members continued their activities, practicing and eventually looking over at him. All of them were into something. All of them but Oikawa. He almost laughed at the sad lump in the corner of the court. Oikawa didn't seem to be that dramatic at first sight—couldn't even notice (y/n) approaching.
"You alright there?"
"Huh?" Oikawa's eyes widened at the moment he recognized the other, and immediately put himself up on his feet. "Hi—" He clicked his tongue. The towel that hung on his head fell on his face with the sudden motion, leaving him in a cursing mess as he removed it to place it around his neck instead. His cheeks were probably red, but he didn’t have anywhere to run away now, so he just sighed. "Um, yes, I'm fine! Just a little..." He tried to play it off, smiling, with a hand on his hip.
(Y/n) narrowed his eyes. "Riiight..."
"Did you study here, (y/n)-san?"
"Yes, ‘graduated two years ago! Irihata-san used to be my coach as well," he answered, looking around the court with nostalgia heaving in his chest. "But must I say, he is doing a good job with you!" His eyes met Oikawa's with a smile. "I didn't expect you to give me so much work! That was a nice match! You got a lot to explore there." He punched Oikawa's shoulder playfully, having the other blush.
"You think so?" Oikawa hummed, a hand over the place he had been punched, but soon turned his expression into the best smug one he could, with his eyes on the ground and a shaky smile. "Well, yeah, you're not wrong!"
"Well, you—"
Oikawa cleaned his throat, pointing at (y/n). "Would you like my email? My phone number? We need to get used to playing with each other so we don't lose any time when I get to Yonan."
(Y/n) scoffed and stared at Oikawa long enough to make his attitude falter before he finally pulled out his phone.
"(Y/n)-san!" Hinata's voice echoed through the court among the sound of balls hitting against the ground for the warm up, making Oikawa want to curl up, but... (y/n)?
They had been texting each other for quite a while now, even if (y/n) always answered him either early in the morning or late at night nor answered every single message. It was a little annoying, but it still made his day when he spotted the little compliments and little hearts among the messages. Still, the thought of talking with (y/n) in person after all of that had a knot in his throat. Did he catch on to Oikawa's attempts to flirt? He never said anything about it through texts; maybe he preferred to tell Oikawa in person that he should stop.
"Tooru! Set, come on!" Iwaizumi clapped his hands in an attempt to get his attention.
"Iwa-chan!" Oikawa whined, pouting as he nodded towards (y/n)'s direction, holding the ball close to his chest.
Iwaizumi huffed. "He will come talk to you, don't worry. I'll kick his ass if he does anything wrong. For now, just do your job!"
"You're so evil to me! You know I'm in such an emotional state and you keep pushing!" His bottom lip trembled, but it was a matter of time until Iwaizumi threw a spare ball at him.
Focusing wasn't that easy, not while he could hear (y/n) talking with Ukai, Hinata and Suga in an enthusiasm that was still strange to Oikawa.
"Oops!~" Oikawa clicked his tongue, ignoring the glare Iwaizumi shot at him. "Sorry, Iwa-chan, mistakes happen!" He shrugged and left behind a complaining Iwaizumi so he could go after the ball.
"Ohh, hi!" (Y/n) grinned at the sight of Oikawa approaching him—he had in hands the ball that had been accidentally thrown his way. "I was just going to talk with you after finishing here!"
Hinata raised his eyebrows, mouth half open. "You know each other, (y/n)-chan?"
(Y/n) hummed with a nod, tossing the ball back to Oikawa.
"He went to Seijoh! No wonder he'd want to know how the current team is doing." Ukai crossed his arms, adjusting his stance once Aoba's player took a place next to them, almost a contrast to Suga's modest greeting.
"Needed to know if my legacy is being taken seriously!" (Y/n) stared at Oikawa with a smile tugging on his lips.
Oikawa rolled his eyes, mirroring the grin as he leaned over to (y/n) to throw an arm around his shoulders, letting the ball fall to the ground. "You should be worried about it being replaced, actually."
Ukai laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, good luck!"
Whatever they said, Oikawa only had eyes for (y/n). The older one had his arms crossed over his chest as he eyed Oikawa from close, pulling him out of his trance by bumping their foreheads together.
"Stop talking shit."
Rolling his eyes, Oikawa was about to speak up when Hinata cutting in had him actually huffing.
"(Y/n)-chan, please don't fight!"
(Y/n) shook his head and patted Oikawa's back as he moved away from him. "As if I would lose," he chuckled, having fun with the glares he received in response. "Anyways, I'll be back later. Why don’t you come with me to grab something to drink, hm?" He placed his hands on Oikawa's shoulders to push him lightly, waving at the others as they walked away.
"What are you doing here, again, hm?" Oikawa asked as they left the court, met with the silence of the outside that was only interrupted by the birds occasionally chirping with the soft sound of the wind through the leaves of the nearby trees. Not many people were out and around during the week of recess, which thankfully granted them a lot of peace and space for the training matches. "Did you miss me?"
A smile traced (y/n)'s face, his eyes lingering over Oikawa as he walked over to the vending machine, standing in front of it with his hands on his hips. "What do you want, hm?"
"Uh— Me?" Oikawa hummed, moving to next to him, and pointed to one of the drinks behind the glass. He was about to mention he didn't have any money when the other just paid for everything, handing Oikawa his drink. "You didn't answer my question."
(Y/n) didn't react at first, instead opening his drink to take a sip of it, almost making Oikawa question if he had heard him in the first place. "Well, I did want to see you again, does this count?"
A soft red tone took over Oikawa's cheeks—he hummed in an exaggerated, thoughtful manner. "Well, of course! I'm sure having me in your mind was extremely tiring. Must have taken away some of your sleep." His answer earned him a chuckle he couldn't quite read.
"I'm not the one who answers the other in less than a few seconds even when the messages are sent at 3 in the morning."
Oikawa couldn't help but pout at (y/n)'s words. "Why are you so mean, (y/n)-san?" He whined.
"Ah, c'mon," (y/n) chuckled, throwing an arm around Oikawa again, "'m just fucking with you."
At first, Oikawa's intention was to bump their foreheads together like (y/n) had done, but it happened with less force than expected and just had him resting his forehead against (y/n)'s instead. His breath hitched as he noticed what he had done, but he preferred to remain silent. (Y/n)'s breathing fanned over his face, warmth irradiating from him.
"Who would say someone that smug would turn out to get flustered so easily?" (Y/n) raised his eyebrows lightly. His hand slowly dropped from Oikawa's shoulder to his waist to pull him a little closer—Oikawa blushed, placing a hand on his chest, though he ended up unconsciously holding tightly onto it, knuckles going white with the grip on the part of the shirt he had wrapped his fingers around.
Oikawa could barely think about anything properly. "I— Please—" He received a hum in response before (y/n)'s lips pressed against his softly; it took Oikawa a little to react, hence (y/n) was already pulling away when he locked their lips properly, letting the tension slowly slip away. His fingers instead met (y/n)’s neck as he allowed the other to deepen the kiss.
The sudden sound of steps had Oikawa pulling away immediately, cheeks deep red, and opening his drink with an awkward cough. Kuroo raised an eyebrow at them on his way to the vending machine, mostly questioning (y/n)’s laughter.
“Good mood, (y/n)?” He hummed, eyes narrowed at the products lined behind the glass.
(Y/n)’s lips pursed into a smile. “You could say that.”
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curtsycream · 3 months
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Agere Safe Masterlist
• <- Agere Fic
! <- Female Reader
~ <- Male Reader
* <- NonBinary Reader
+ <- Angst
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Little!Reader
Daddy’s Touch•!
Poly!Nope Squad x Little!Reader
Attention •!
BabySpace •!
Missing Stuff •*
Kyotani and Iwazumi x Reader
One More Reason To Love You *
TanaNoyaMoto x Reader
Hair Day *
Tiktok Trend 1 *
Studying For Midterms *
Meaningless Words *
Mornings With Them *
Relationship Headcanons *
DaiSuga x Little!Reader
Safe With Us •*
BakuKiriDeku x Little!Reader
Hide n Seek•!
What Makes Them Happy•!
Baby Voice•!
Missing You•!
Pacifier Complications•!
When Sleep Won’t Come•!
Platonic!TF141 x Child!Reader
Their Daughter !+
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Stranger Things
Eddie Munson x Reader
A Lesson in Bat Boyfriends !
Seijoh Four x Reader
The Way To My Heart…Oranges !
Rainy Days !
No More Victorious *
The Awareness We Need *
Marauders Era
James Potter x Reader
I Promise !
BakuKiriDeku x Little!Reader
Mama Bear•!
Favorite Blankets•!
Snow Days•!
Lay Your Head Down•!
Broken Vase•!
SeroKiriDenki x Reader
Self Doubt *
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nuvoloso · 1 year
Captain's Quarrels
Oikawa x m!reader (he/him/his)
I've been sitting on the idea of Oikawa falling for the so-called 'heartbreaker' of the school, the guy to avoid at all costs unless you wanted to end up hurt, at least according to everyone he knew.
These guys, ~~, usually mean a switch in view or time passing, it's more obvious as it goes.
Word count: 3,802
It was lunch at Aoba Johsai, and y/n had decided to sit with his team instead of by himself like he usually did. What he immediately noticed was that the cafeteria was far too loud, and the people where obnoxious; it reminded him of why he always sat outside by the field.
But, he was trying to be more social in an attempt to maybe sully some of the rumors going around about him. He was a naturally flirty person, and not one to change his whole personality to fit what others wanted him to be. So, he found himself being spoken about around the school as something like a playboy.
Truthfully, he hadn't had many partners during his life so far. He was a third-year in school and he'd had a few short-term relationships but nothing more than that. He always felt like people came to him just because of the way he looked, not because of anything else, so he would playfully flirt with them but not have it go anywhere.
He looked around the cafeteria as he ate, noticing the different groups of people gathered, some stealing glances his way, others doing their best to avoid him. One group was making quite a bit more noise than the others, though y/n couldn't figure out who they were just by looking at them.
Lightly elbowing one of his team mates he asked, "Who're they?" His teammate looked a bit surprised to have received the question.
"You seriously don't know? That's the volleyball team, don't you pay attention to anything else here besides our club?" Y/n shrugged off the slight insult. He watched them for another moment, one of them catching his gaze. Y/n panicked a bit, he hadn't meant to make eye contact with any of them, so he just played it like he always did.
He cracked a smile at him, even going so far as to offer him a wink before turning back to his team to finish eating his food. He didn't think about it again, he did the same routine to girls all the time to get them off his back for a few minutes. His teammates that had noticed chided him, but he ignored it.
As lunch concluded, y/n got up to head back to class but he was blocked before he could get very far. It wasn't the guy he had winked at, but rather someone who looked much tougher. He had spiky near-black hair, and green eyes that pierced his own.
"I know who you are." The stranger said. "And I don't need you messing with my captain's head, winking at him and shit." Y/n raised an eyebrow at him, curious to what the other's reaction had been when he'd winked at him.
"Hey, I've got no intention of messing up your captain. He just caught my eye and I thought I'd give him a gift since he's so pretty." The corner of y/n's mouth lifting into a smirk. The stranger frowned.
"You just play with people's feelings, and Oikawa doesn't need or deserve that. Leave him alone." The stranger didn't give y/n a chance to reply as he took off towards where this 'Oikawa' guy was waiting for him by the doors.
Oikawa's eyes met y/n's again, but only briefly before the stranger dragged him through the doors and away from y/n.
Oikawa didn't understand what was going on. The hottest guy he'd ever laid his eyes on had been looking at him during lunch, and Iwa wasn't even letting him talk to the guy! Instead, Iwa had gone to talk to him, though it didn't seem like a very friendly conversation.
"Why are you being so...protective?" Oikawa asked his friend, who had dragged him out of the cafeteria only moments earlier.
"Because," Iwaizumi replied, "He only plays with feelings, and you were his next victim. I was making sure he wouldn't go after you." Oikawa stopped in his tracks, shock plastered on his face.
"You mean to tell me, that you stopped the hottest person in our school from talking to me?? What is wrong with you!" He was actually a bit angry, Iwa had known about his thoughts about the captain of the soccer team for quite a while.
He had never talked to the other captain, but he saw him often both during school and in passing after or before practices. He was easily one of the most attractive people in their school, but that wasn't the only thing that held his captivation. Whenever he saw the captain during practices, he looked happy, happier than whenever he was talking to the girls that swarmed him or to the other boys he flirted with. He could also see the pride the captain felt whenever he played, the seriousness with which he directed the team.
Iwaizumi took his time coming up with a response. "You don't deserve to get played with, Oikawa. I know you like him, and you think things will be different since its you, but I know you'll end up hurt if you go after him." He offered no more explanation, and Oikawa thought about what he'd said.
Sure, he had heard the rumors about the soccer captain and the games he played with his admirers, but Oikawa was determined that things would be different with him. Not just because he was way better than everyone else that tried to pursue him, but also because he understood how it felt to have people obsess over him because of his looks. He thought that because they were similar in that sense, that maybe he'd be able to get to know the real captain.
Their classes came and went, the school day coming to an end. Oikawa's teammates had been quick to leave class and head off to practice, usually Oikawa being the same way, but today he decided to take his time. Unfortunately, y/n wasn't in his class. But, he was in the class next door, which meant if Oikawa timed things right, they'd walk out to where the gyms and soccer field were at the same time. If everything went to plan, Oikawa would have a chance to talk to the captain and maybe get to know him.
As he left his classroom, Oikawa looked around the hallways, greeting his friends as they passed him, though not seeing the one he had hoped too. He was about to start heading down the stairs towards the main doors, when a voice greeted him from his left.
"You look lost. You need some help finding the gym?" Oikawa swiveled his head towards the velvety voice and found y/n smirking at him. Oikawa's stomach fluttered a bit, being so close and finally hearing the voice of the person he'd watched for so long. "You just gonna stare at me or are we going to have a conversation?" He asked, snapping Oikawa back into reality.
"Ah, sorry. I guess I just got...distracted. You're headed outside right?" Y/n nodded, and they started down the stairs together. "So," Oikawa started, "You're the captain of the soccer team, yeah?"
Y/n smiled, his eyes only set ahead of him. "Yeah, same for you right, in volleyball?" Oikawa nodded. There was a moment of silence as they walked before y/n spoke again. "Why'd you wait for me? I always see you walking with that bold guy." Oikawa took notice of his word choice, he always saw him with Iwa? Oikawa thought today was the first time he'd noticed him.
He did his best to reply smoothly, though it was hard for him to keep his composure explaining why he wanted to walk with the other. "I just thought that we should get to know each other, since we're captains." He added quickly. Y/n eyed him carefully, the usual playful flirt missing from his gaze if only for a second.
"Your bold friend wouldn't like that. He chewed me out earlier for just looking at you, are you guys dating or something?" Oikawa nearly choked on his own saliva; date Iwa? He couldn't picture it.
"No, no, Iwaizumi and I could only be good friends, we established that a while ago. He's just protective, I guess. He's heard some stuff about you..."
Y/n laughed, interrupting Oikawa's train of thought. "Of course he has, nearly everyone has. So let me ask you again, why did you wait for me?" Oikawa didn't know what to say. He didn't want to just outright tell him that he liked him, he thought it would come off shallow. But he wasn't sure what else to say. "I see." Y/n said during Oikawa's silence. "You like making your friends and fans jealous."
Oikawa laughed, "Well I mean yes of course I do-"
"And that's why you wanted to talk to me. The incredible volleyball captain was going to play with the attention of the school's heartbreaker, so his fans would have a show." Y/n stated, his tone holding slightly more malice than it had earlier.
As soon as he said it, Oikawa realized how he'd sounded in his response. "No, wait that's not what I meant. I just,"
"No, it's ok. I get it, to prove to your fans that you know how to play the game as well as I do, you go behind your friend's back and do the very thing he told you not to. I guess I'm the one who got played this time, I thought for a second you actually wanted to be friends." They had made it outside when y/n had made his statement, his expression more tired than anything else.
"Y/n, please that's not how I meant it!" Oikawa tried, but y/n had turned away from him and was heading towards the soccer field.
"I'll leave you alone, Oikawa. Just do me the courtesy of the same." He called back, afterwards breaking into a jog so Oikawa didn't have a chance to say anything else.
He cursed himself as he watched y/n jog away from him, he was careless. He should've known y/n would be curious as to why Oikawa bothered to wait for him, he should've said something instead of staying quiet like an idiot. Frustrated, he made his way to the volleyball gym where he knew his team would be waiting for him, upset at his tardiness.
"There you are, where the hell have you been? I didn't think you could walk so slowly!" Iwa scolded him, but Oikawa just rolled his eyes. He wasn't up for Iwa's shit right now, after all it was kind of his fault that things went so south earlier. If he hadn't talked to y/n during lunch, Oikawa might have had a better chance. "Oi what's wrong?" Iwa asked, but again Oikawa ignored him and went to the locker room to get changed.
Throughout the practice, Oikawa's sets were off and he couldn't rile up the team like he usually did. He couldn't help but feel that he had to make things right with y/n. When practice finally ended, Oikawa was the first one out of the building, and instead of heading towards the gates to the school, he went off towards the soccer field. Several of his teammates had called out to him, asking what he was doing or where he was going, but he didn't answer them.
As he approached the soccer field, he saw that they too were wrapping up practice, everyone putting their jackets on and moving their equipment into a nearby shed. Everyone, that was, except for y/n who was currently talking to their coach, still dressed in workout clothes. It had looked like the coach wasn't much a fan of whatever y/n was saying, but he eventually gave in and left the field with the rest of the team. Y/n remained with a few soccer balls and other equipment, continuing his practice.
Oikawa decided to wait until he was noticed, not wanting to interrupt y/n while he was so focused, but after fifteen minutes, he wasn't sure it was going to happen. Y/n had just been taking shots on goal, not breaking until he was satisfied with what he had done. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he approached the sideline to take a break, then noticing Oikawa's presence. He stopped before reaching the sideline, confusion playing on his features.
"Uh, hey." Oikawa sputtered out, slightly embarrassed.
"How long have you been standing there?" Y/n asked.
"Longer than I should've without saying something, that's for sure." He replied. "Would you hear me out for just a minute? I want to apologize for earlier."
Y/n didn't look enthusiastic, but there wasn't much he could do to get away from the situation. If he just up and left the field as it was right now he'd get chewed out by his coach for leaving equipment out, and he'd never be allowed to stay late again.
"I didn't wait for you after class because I wanted to make my friends or 'fans' jealous, I wanted to talk to you." Oikawa said, putting as much conviction into his words as he could manage. "My friend, Iwaizumi, had said that you were bad news, but I've known about you for a while." He confessed, "I know people are obsessed with you because of your looks and your position as captain of a team, and I understand how annoying that can be. That's why I wanted to talk to you, I wanted you to know that not everybody is like that...I guess."
Y/n watched him while he spoke, it was obvious he was trying to figure out if Oikawa was just talking to talk or if he meant it.
"You know you'll have to do a lot more than just talk to get me to even somewhat trust you." Y/n said, Oikawa immediately nodding.
"Of course. But you'll have to do the same, I know how you treat most people." Y/n was hesitant, but slowly agreed to his terms. "Ok, cool. So, what should we do?" Oikawa asked.
"You can let me finish practicing since I only get to have the field for about another hour." His face was blank, no malice, no friendliness. "I'll see you tomorrow." He turned and went back towards the goal.
Oikawa was a bit surprised, he thought that since they'd cleared things up that maybe he'd want to go to a convenience store and get something to eat, or at least chat. He wasn't expecting to essentially be shooed off the field. He tried not to be disappointed, after all, y/n had said he'd see him tomorrow, all wasn't lost.
Y/n could hardly keep it together when he'd seen Oikawa on the sidelines during his practice. When they'd spoken earlier, he had actually gotten a bit upset at Oikawa toying with him, sure he was used to dishing it out but it wasn't usually out of pure spite like that. He'd cleared things up when they'd talked, but it was hard to believe that Oikawa actually wanted to be something like friends with y/n. He couldn't think of any real similarities between them, sure they were captains and both adored by people at their school but that was all he could think of.
Of course, there was the fact that Oikawa was, to his right, a very attractive person. One of the only in the school that y/n had actually been so intrigued by, it lead to him acting slightly more genuine towards the volleyball captain. Usually, y/n went with the 'they can't hurt you if they don't actually know you' kind of stance, since everyone already thought of him one way. If he just stuck to it and Oikawa turned out to be nothing more than a piece of shit, it wouldn't affect y/n as much as if he'd been genuine with him.
He finished up his practice, mulling over his thoughts while he worked. Eventually, he packed things up and went home where he ate a meal and passed out, exhausted form the day's events.
The following morning, y/n was quick to get to school, feeling slightly anxious about seeing Oikawa again. He'd arrived just before classes were going to start, so he quickly made his way up the stairs to his classroom. He glanced into what he knew was Oikawa's as he passed, barely making eye contact with him before he disappeared into his own. The time passed much too slowly for y/n to handle, but eventually lunch came and he quickly left his classroom hoping to beat Oikawa to the cafeteria.
As he was heading down the stairs though, he heard his name called from a voice not far behind him. He turned to see Oikawa waving at him, and waited so he could catch up.
"Should we eat together? Maybe not with my team though, they don't like you that much..." Y/n cracked a smile, Oikawa nervously laughing.
"Sure, I'll follow you." He said, his voice unwavering, the anxiety he felt managing to stay hidden. Oikawa smiled and led the way, they got their food and Oikawa took him outside where there was a bench that resided under a large tree.
"This is the spot I always go to when I want to eat in peace, isn't it nice?" Y/n nodded, with the slight breeze and the sunshine, it was beautiful. He wasn't ever super talkative, especially when he didn't know people very well, so he just let Oikawa talk on and on about volleyball. A few times, Oikawa would ask him a question but his answers were always short and to the point, Oikawa always reverting back to volleyball.
Hearing him talk about the sport he loved so much was actually quite peaceful to y/n, he felt the same way about soccer. It was nice to know that there was at least one other person who was as committed to their sport as he was. Things went on like this for nearly twenty minutes before Oikawa realized that he'd been talking the entire time.
"It's definitely your turn to say something, you've finished your food and I've hardly touched mine." Oikawa scolded. Y/n laughed at the pout on his face, though with the sunlight highlighting his features, it was hard for y/n to keep his eyes off him.
"It's no wonder you have such a fan club." Y/n said suddenly. Oikawa was a bit thrown off by the slight compliment, though the confusion he felt showed on his face. "You really are quite a pretty boy, you know." His internal nervous system couldn't believe the things he was saying out loud.
Oikawa's face was immediately a darker shade at y/n's words. It was just then that y/n realized Oikawa might actually feel slightly differently towards y/n than he had originally thought. Sure blushing at flirty stuff was normal, but Oikawa was supposedly the king of flirting amongst his fans and even his friends. He wouldn't get so worked up over a small compliment unless there was something... deeper.
"You're not really a 'heartbreaker' or a 'playboy' are you?" Oikawa asked, trying to change the subject.
Y/n shook his head. "Not really. I just don't like all the attention I get for how I look, so I play a little game to get everybody to back off. But since I don't go out of my way to get to know other people, assumptions about me just run rampant." Oikawa's expression changed, he seemed more relaxed now that he knew that y/n wasn't what everyone thought he was.
"Why don't you try to make more friends, get a new narrative about you going around?" Oikawa asked him, though y/n had a difficult time coming up with a real answer. He thought maybe he was just lazy, and it was only high school, he didn't care all that much. In truth though, it was likely because he didn't want people to know who he really was; it was easier to get hurt if people knew who you were.
"Guess I just don't trust anybody. Something like that anyway." He looked up to the sky, watching the leaves of the tree they sat under wave in the small breeze, clouds ever slowly making their way across the blue.
Suddenly, he felt Oikawa's hand on his jaw, carefully turning his head so it was facing the other's. Y/n was confused at the action, but when he saw Oikawa studying him so intently, he realized what was going to happen next. Oikawa's face approached his own, and y/n soon felt Oikawa's lips brush against his, gentle but determined in their path. Y/n leaned into the kiss, bringing one of his hands to the back of Oikawa's head, bringing the volleyball captain as close to him as he could. The kiss didn't last for as long as y/n longed for it to, as Oikawa pulled away from him he held his gaze. As Oikawa leaned back to where he had been sitting, y/n's hand fell from his head returning to his lap.
"I shouldn't have done that out of nowhere, sorry." Oikawa muttered, blush dusting his features like it had earlier. His gaze had dropped from y/n's, and he was starting to get up as if to leave.
"I'm not sorry." Y/n said, hoping to keep the brunette for just a few more moments. "I don't regret it." Oikawa looked surprised, which y/n didn't understand, he had kissed him back hadn't he? Why was he acting like y/n would be upset?
"What do you mean?" Oikawa asked, y/n standing so that they'd be eye level. "What do you mean you're not sorry?" Was he scared? Is that what y/n heard in his voice?
Instead of saying anything, y/n grabbed the collar of Oikawa's shirt and pulled him into another kiss. Oikawa melted into his touch, whatever tension or anxiety he had been feeling when he had first kissed y/n disappearing. When y/n pulled his lips from Oikawa's, he brought the other into a tight embrace, Oikawa's head resting on y/n's shoulder.
"I guess you're the first person I trust, Oikawa." Y/n mumbled, one of his hands in Oikawa's hair, playing with the small knots his fingers found.
"Tōru." The other said, "Call me Tōru if you're going to kiss me like that." Y/n lightly chuckled,
"Whatever you want, Tōru."
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sleepy-exe · 1 year
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Let me know if you want on a taglist! I'll tag you when I post new parts of whatever series it is you want to follow. 🖤💜
That goes for either btw or even the for one shots from particular series!
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You Never Learn
f!reader x Iwaizumi Hajime, shapeshifter au, strangers to lovers, fluff, slice of life, anxiety, slow burn, background Atsumu/Sakusa
MC lives with her cat in a high-rise apartment in Osaka, enjoying the sunset each evening. Her friend Atsumu keeps her company enough and work occupies her most of the day, but nighttime is her favorite. When the sun goes down she frequents a forest just outside of the city where she's free from onlookers to shapeshift into a wolf and run her stress away. Or at least until she gets spotted by a certain athletic trainer. (not a/b/o)
But Can I Fix It
f!reader x Kyoutani Kentarou, mechanic au, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst/comfort, mental health struggles, sexual content, background Tendou/Wakatoshi
MC spends her days as a mechanic in a male dominated workforce, but she won't let that stop her or her love for cars. Between the highs and lows of dealing with customers, and herself, a particular stoic man catches her attention.
Keeps Me Up
not a reader insert, female mc, Karasuno, Seijoh, and Inarizaki boys, violence, angst, hurt/comfort, lab-created shapeshifters on the run from their creators and the government, found family
Haikyuu One Shots
Initial D One Shots
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oukabarsburgblr · 16 days
Tongue Twisting [Dare AU]
An annoying setter dares you to suck someone's face. Good thing your hot teammate walked in at the right time.
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Short but too detailed for a drabble? has haikyuu characters as fillers because I'm too lazy to make up other ocs, voyeurism, making out, profile
Find out more under the cut!
"Still don't understand your point, Oikawa..."
(m/n) spoke with a lazy but confused grin, his eyebrows furrowing as he leaned forward from his chair he was sitting in. The brunette, standing tall in front of him had his hands on his hips.
"I'll give you the keys if you do it. It's not that hard for you, (m/n)." Oikawa smirked, his fingers spinning the bundle of keys he stole from the (h/c)'s bag earlier. Matsukawa who had dragged a chair to sit beside his standing captain quirked an eyebrow.
"If 'Zumi gets word of this, he's gonna get so pissed at you." "But he won't if (m/n) does it quick!"
A training camp had been set between Keio Shiki and Aoba Johsai for the Volleyball Men's Club. (m/n) and Oikawa both positioned as their captains of their respective teams and ever since (m/n) step foot onto the training camp's venue, Oikawa had a grudge on him seemingly for petty reasons.
(m/n) (l/n) had also been a third year setter, and a captain whose team had gone to nationals regularly representing the Saitama prefecture so Seijoh's coach had stated that the Shiki VBC team was the 'better' version of them and that got Oikawa pissed. It didn't help that Ushijima acknowledged (m/n) as a fantastic setter so he felt threatened with his position.
Since then, Oikawa would bother the (h/c) with small things, such as asking him to help clean his side of the gym, criticising his sets and serves or just straight up taking and using his stuff. Iwaizumi would knock some sense into his captain but it just so happened that both vice captains of both teams had to go run errands. Perfect.
(m/n) would have his meals in a more private area rather than the mess hall mostly due to him having to finish other duties on his laptop but Oikawa decided to infiltrate his booth and Matsukawa saw and just followed him in. His request was outrageous to say the least.
"Make out with someone."
(m/n) who was about to slurp his bowl of noodles visibly paused in his tracks and glanced at the annoying setter. He couldn't believe this was the man he was constantly compared to.
"Make out?" Oikawa grinned, seemingly proud of himself as he dangled the ring of keys he had snatched from the (h/c)'s duffle bag. "Or I'll throw this away." "...You do realise in the end, you'll get in trouble right?"
Matsukawa who had just stepped inside the lounge, froze and deadpanned at his captain. "Oikawa, what the fuck?" "Shut up, Mattsun! If you won't back me up, then leave." He whined as he tried to push the middle blocker away but the ravenette only decided to pull up a chair as (m/n) finished his meal.
The keys were access to all of the gyms and several other sections that were to be used by the volleyball teams on the property and (m/n) was in charge of keeping them safe and locked when they weren't using it and Oikawa was annoyed on how he wasn't picked.
How come he's athletic, smart, has good looks and has a nice personality?? FRAUD-
Oikawa couldn't accept someone with such a caliber existing and he was determined to find a foible somewhere in the (h/c). He continued to pester (m/n) and was about to dump the keys in a paper shredder until the (h/c) agreed. Although he doesn't exactly look mad?
"So do I have to get someone or you're picking?" (m/n) smoothened his pants, still sitting in the wooden chair as Matsukawa gaped at his relaxed expression. Even Oikawa was shocked he had agreed. "A-Anyone. Except your boyfriend!" "I don't have a boyfriend." The (h/c) deadpanned.
The setter suspected (m/n) was dating at least someone on his team, with the way they idolised and admired him. Especially his ace and his vice captain.
"How about you then?" (m/n) winked at the brunette, his finger made a 'come over here' taunt and Oikawa screeched. "You're shameless!" "You asked for it."
Matsukawa and the (h/c) was laughing at the flabbergasted brunette until the door behind them slid open and revealed an intimidating redhead. Keio Shiki's ace.
"What?" Sousuke deadpanned, confused as to why was there Seijoh's captain and annoying middle blocker in (m/n)'s private lounge, usually he would sneak away to spend time with his favourite person/crush but instead he found a grinning (h/c) and two other players from their rival team, his stomach tightened with jealousy.
Oikawa gestured to him and (m/n) laughed. "He wouldn't." "Wouldn't what?" Sousuke questioned, moving behind the suddenly cautious brunette to grab a chair, dragging it to sit between Matsukawa and (m/n).
"Would you have sex with your captain?"
Sousuke felt his heart dropped as he froze, his eyes on the ground and he heard (m/n)'s voice in the background. "He said smooching not fucking." What? Smooching not what?
The ace was confused as he peered to see the one who had asked him, Matsukawa smirking at him. "...huh?" Sleeping with his captain would be a dream come true. Hell he tried to woo the (h/c) for years if it wasn't for a certain cockblock VICE CAPTAIN-
"Like I said he wouldn't do that." (m/n) waved Matsukawa's teasing off, his eyes glancing at the redhead as he chuckled lightly. Sousuke frowned.
"I beg to differ." Oikawa was staring at the redhead, his eyes glinting as he crossed his arms, the bundle of keys nowhere to be seen. Sousuke reminded the brunette of Kyoutani, their playstyles and brash behaviour was similar, only Sousuke's style was more refined and he had been tamed by the (h/c). "If not, then I'll get someone else-"
"No." Sousuke grunted out, his fists clenching as he glanced at his captain, who was staring at him with a neutral expression. "I'll kill anyone who touches you."
"Calm down, hermano." Matsukawa whistled. "It's just kissing." The ravenette noticed the protective behaviour Sousuke had for his captain, pulling his shirt down if his skin was exposed, urging him to wash up quickly in the communal bathroom. He almost punched Oikawa in the face one time if it wasn't for Iwaizumi holding him back.
(m/n) gazed at the redhead, his eyes scanning his tense figure before he reached out and pulled his hand. "Then do you mind?" He smiled at the redhead whose cheeks flared. "What?" "Make out with me for a bit."
Oikawa's body was trembling, holding in his laugh as he slapped Matsukawa on the back repeatedly, the middle blocker cupping his mouth with his hand in excited shock. Sousuke's hand that was in (m/n)'s hold shuddered for a bit before he took a hold of himself.
"Are you going to do it with someone else?" (m/n) hummed, tapping his chin in mock thought. "Well I'm doing it for something..." He peered at Oikawa who was grinning. "Either way, if I have to then I'll have to." He nonchalantly stated, observing the agitated redhead.
"I might break their hands, (m/n)." Sousuke whispered to his captain, his hand now laying on his shoulder. "Then just swap spit with me." The (h/c) winked.
Sousuke stared at his captain for a moment, the gears in his brain moving and locking in as he grabbed his chair to sit and scoot directly in front of the (h/c) whose smile reached his eyes. Oikawa was hollering in the background and Matsukawa was holding in his cackle.
Bet he's a bottom. Oikawa didn't have a clear cut objective in his plan. He just wanted to see (m/n) melt one way or another. Sousuke was an added bonus, he was so annoyed with how good chemistry they had on the court.
Hazel scanned the (h/c)'s body, his eyes moving upwards to catch (e/c) staring at his bottom lip before they locked together. (m/n) smiled and tilted his head. "Don't regret this." "..."
Sousuke placed his hand on (m/n)'s bicep as he slowly moved forward, his breath held in. (m/n) chuckled as he closed his eyes, leaning in and he gripped the redhead's thigh, rubbing his thumb into his ace's pants.
The redhead's heart was racing, he stiffened his trembling hand as he gripped the armchair and he felt his world turned into bliss when his lips pressed against his captain's.
Sousuke was rigid as he nervously opened his mouth, panicking internally when he felt no response. "Let's go slow..." (m/n) cooed as his other hand moved to cup the redhead's jaw, his nail teasingly scratching his neck.
He flinched before humming awkwardly, closing his lips and letting his captain have his way. (m/n) gently lapping up the redhead's rough picked lips, his tongue softly swiping against the redhead's clenched mouth. His grip on Sousuke's thigh tightened.
Oikawa was laughing and taking a picture secretly, Matsukawa was hiding his smile with his hand, amused at the current scenario in front of him. A certain middle blocker is gonna be so pissed when he finds out.
The redhead cautiously opened his mouth, poking out his tongue and (m/n) seemed to stammer when it met with his. Sousuke could taste a lingering salt on (m/n)'s tongue. "Noodles for dinner?" "You know me." (m/n) chuckled before holding Sousuke's face with both of his hands and clashed their teeth.
Sousuke grunted as his breath stuttered when the (h/c) entered his mouth. He moaned when (m/n)'s tongue pressed againts his hard palate and he heard his captain's quiet laugh.
The butterflies in his stomach was raging as he forced himself to stop acting so nervous, his hands finally moved to hold (m/n) by the waist, rubbing his sides up and down. He had to swallow more than normal with how generous the (h/c) was licking his tongue, the taste of soup placating his buds and their saliva mixed.
Moving forward, Sousuke's chair scratched against the floor as he forced it closer to the (h/c)'s, desperate to have more. He couldn't believe that he was doing this. What kind of miracle did he walked upon? If any other man had sat in his position, he would have had his neck wrung.
"Nggh- hah!" He pulled his face back, panting with spit drooping down his chin. His penis was undeniably hard, the outline stretching against his jeans. Sousuke's face was hot, his cheeks red and he felt even weaker seeing the (h/c)'s expression.
(m/n) was smiling shamelessly and licked his lips, his heart fluttered and light. His own cock was also erect but he couldn't show that. The (h/c) wiped both his and Sousuke's face. "You had enough?" "..."
The redhead stayed quiet, swallowing his saliva. Sousuke wanted more, (m/n)'s tongue and drool in his mouth, or even his in the (h/c). Either way, it could never be enough. He had gotten a taste and Sousuke was Adephagia.
His hand gripped (m/n)'s lower waist, dangerously close to the plump of his ass and the (h/c) let out a quiet groan while biting his bottom lip. Half-lidded (e/c) eyes glared at burning hazel. (m/n) smiled as he felt Sousuke pulling him into his lap.
Sousuke kicked the (h/c)'s chair away as he held the captain on his lap, his left hand fondling down his back and his other rubbing (m/n)'s thigh. Their mouths were connected again and Sousuke immediately took the chance to thrust his tongue past (m/n)'s lips.
The taste of udon was more apparent now as he intruded his captain's mouth, pushing his wet muscle against the (h/c)'s. (m/n) moaned as his teeth scraped and he tried to push back. His hands are now in Sousuke's red locks, pulling and roughing them up.
(m/n) (l/n) couldn't say he never meant to end up in this position, sitting perchly in his ace's lap while sloppily making out with the redhead. Oikawa annoyed him and if the only thing that got him to shut up was for him to swallow someone's spit, then so be it. It was a plus for him too, how long had it been since he let loose anyways.
Sucking Sousuke's tongue was a different story however. He knew the redhead's obsession- passion for him. His intent gaze lingering over his figure, his rough fingertips brushing against his face and it didn't help he was handsome and so compliant under his will too. (m/n) could no longer hear the two Seijoh players laughing when Sousuke pulled him onto his lap.
His heart undeniably was pounding against his chest and now he was fiercely face fucking with his ace, Sousuke's hand dangerously hovering over his ass. (m/n) could feel the hard dick under his bosom, teasingly grinding on top of the rough jeans the redhead wore- fuck he shouldn't be doing this.
"Mmng ahh-" He pushed Sousuke away, the redhead frowning and panting with his tongue slack against his bottom lip. "We should hah- finish-" He was cut off when the redhead lapped up his jaw, making the (h/c) mewl and squirm in his hold. "Don't wanna." Sousuke mumbled, letting his tongue drag across (m/n)'s jaw.
The (h/c) huffed as his hands trembled, he leaned back, unintentionally exposing more of his neck. Sousuke brushed his fangs over (s/c) before he bit down, making (m/n) gasp and whimper as he rolled his hips.
"Y-You..." (m/n) frustratingly whined, his arousal was painful as he pressed himself down onto Sousuke's. "Hah...hah..." The redhead pulled away from the (h/c)'s neck, lust and want evident in his desperate eyes. (e/c) melted with equal need staring back.
"...my room." Sousuke immediately picked him up and walked out of the lounge, (m/n) locked his ankles around the redhead's torso. They both were still making out by the time they were out of the Seijoh's sight.
Oikawa was silent, not knowing what to say. Matsukawa was palming his face. "You should've expected that. That red hair guy was basically eye-fucking him everytime they're on the court." "I just....wanted to see him submit...not hooking up with someone."
Matsukawa raised an eyebrow. "Was this supposed to be a kink? That's gross, idiot-kawa." "I JUST WANTED TO SEE HIM LOSE FOR ONCE??" "Whatever it is, he definitely won tonight." The middle blocker secretly adjusted his pants, Oikawa's face was red and blushing.
"Why the hell are you guys in here?" Iwaizumi questioned, stepping into the lounge. Hanamaki poked his head in as well.
"...nothing." "Oikawa made a horny dare." "I DID NOT!!"
Iwaizumi cringed at the setter, disappointment etched onto his face. "DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT-" He wailed and Hanamaki looked to Matsukawa for an explanation.
The middle blocker only raised his hands in mock surrender, his mind wandering to the Shiki pair. Sousuke might show up but (m/n) will definitely not be attending practice tomorrow.
Afterthoughts :
Wow me posting🤩 the last part is a bit hanging, was supposed to be more slurping but i got sleepy. I wanna ask u guys to like a post that will help my team advance in an engineering innovation competition but that will be most likely indirectly doxxing myself hm😔
I have so many long drafts...like i legit have an almost finished jinx au but goddamn i lost the spirit. Ive been neglecting daisuke ik🥰 ill come back to my big tiddy man soon.
Just finished watching the haikyuu movie yesterday and kenma is terrifying wtf. I see why ppl like him now. The first year fic boutta go crazy
Taglist :
@tehyunnie @rainnyydaysworld @webwanderer @a-short-ass-disappointment @chikai-k @mello-life25
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awhiteishrabbit · 2 years
hi !!! could you write some seijoh x ftm male reader headcanons (fluff) please? it's fine if not though,, ty and i hope u have a great day/night <33
Lol, as you saw i did already have one but hey, I'd do the same thing 💀 If you want to look at my request form (pinned post) I'd be happy to write something else for you!
0 notes
anystalker707 · 8 months
Read before requesting
Requests' status
Meet the author
⋆ Haikyuu!
✯ Good mood | Oikawa x [male] Reader
Genre: Fluff / Enemies to lovers if you look really hard Summary: Oikawa meets Seijoh's former ace.
✯ worship | Nishinoya x [male] Reader
Genre: Smut / Comfort Summary: Nishinoya tries to prove his boyfriend that he is attractive.
♡ Creepypasta | Jeff The Killer
♡ From the heart to the blade | Jeff The Killer x [gn] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: You're simply obsessed with Jeff, but maybe he doesn't share the same feelings. Kind of content: Explicit violence / Obsession / Gore
☽ Jujutsu Kaisen
✧ Stop playing | Geto x [male, amab] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: Halloween night. Suguru has been teasing you for a while, but this is the last straw - he dressed up as your new fictional crush, König. That's personal. Tags: Bottom suguru / light choking / in the club's restroom / he thinks he's cool
★ Midnight sneak-outs | Paul Atreides x [gender-neutral] Reader | Oneshot
Summary: You've just moved to Arrakis. Some distraction is nice, even if it involves your hidden relationship being discovered. Tags: he's very sweet / lots of kissing / hand job / this is not about 15yo Paul
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
could you maybe do something real fluffy with a male reader who is part of the Aoba Johsai team and is sleepy all the damn time? he does fine while playing but after that he’s falling asleep on his team and shiz
Always Tired - Headcanons
Warnings - One curse word
Note: Small fic at the bottom
Male Reader
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You confuse the team so much
Except Matsukawa, he respects the non-hustle
No but seriously
You'll be bringing your A game in practice
Being good at your position n all
And The team will be like "Hell yeah that's our (y/n)"
And then in the locker rooms you'll be fast asleep??
It's like you use all of your energy in practice
Cause if any of the team members are in your class, you'll be sleepy there too?
Once Oikawa was going over some stuff with the team
And he looks over at you for input
Ofc Hanamaki finds it hilarious
Eventually the team gets used to it though
You could probably sleep in the most uncomfortable places
On the bus, in the locker rooms, at your desk, on the school steps
They take turns waking you up
Imagine they had like a whiteboard up with whos day it is
It's wonderful
Some of the team places bets about where you'll fall asleep
Iwaizumi tries to make sure that you're getting enough on your own
mother hajime <3
And Oikawa just doesn't care as long as it doesn't interfere with practice.
The team doesn't really care too much after a while though
Unless they wanna pull some childish shit while you're sleeping like drawing a moustache on your face or smth
What a bunch of tools
Short Fic Time Babyyy
The first time the team found out about your sleeping habits was a little rocky.
Practice had gone very smoothly. Everyone had done their part, no clear problems were presented, and there was no threatened violence by Iwaizaumi.
Everything was just right until the end of practice. Everyone was putting stuff away or getting ready to change, though you were nowhere to be seen.
"Hey Captain," Matsukawa sauntered up behind Oikawa. "You seen (l/n) anywhere?"
Oikawa shook his head, frowning at the oddly prosthetic smell on his hands that came from the volleyballs. "I'll go find him," Oikawa said, dusting his hands off on his shorts in an attempt to get rid of the weird scent. Matsukawa shrugged and walked off to help Kindachi with the net poles.
Oikawa huffed and went to the locker rooms to see if you were already changing, to no avail. He checked the club room, the showers, even the hallways outside of the gym. He was starting to get a little confused. If not any of those places where the hell could you have gotten to?
He was about to go yell Iwaizumi before he stopped dead in his tracks.
The storage closet. He turns and bolts to the storage closet. The door was slightly ajar, and Oikawa could hear soft breathing. He slowly pushed the door open. He acted like it was a horror movie, so imagine his let down when he saw that it was just you in the corner of the storage closet, sound asleep.
"Well isn't that something," Matsukawa practically materialized beside Tooru. Oikawa smiles, confusion weaved throughout all of his features.
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caatfaace · 2 years
I saw your requests were open and really like your writing and was wondering if I could request Seijoh x male reader x Shiratorizawa, plot is in their first year Oikawa got mad at reader and slapped him(like the Tobio incident except Iwazumi couldn’t stop him in time) and reader moves away. Later Seijoh has a practice match against Shiratorizawa and sees reader, Oikawa feels guilty after seeing reader happy.
Sorry if this is too long! Take care of yourself
What Should've Been
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Multiple (Seijoh 3rd years; (mainly) Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, Hanamaki + Ushijima + Tendou) x (male) reader
Oikawa wanted one thing, to win against Shiratorizawa in a match. You were who he wanted to take with him to victory...but how could he do that when you sided with the enemy?
!!WARNINGS!! Oikawa is toxic, my sorry attempt at angst, VERY long (almost 5,000 words)
Relationship(s): Written with romantic intention, but never explicitly stated. (Could be read as platonic)
Extra character added to fill in an important role!
Nagata Junichiro: A tall, lanky third year who was the teams starter setter before Oikawa came along. Tanned skin with dyed hair and brown eyes.
Do NOT interact if you use she/her or she/they. You have your own fanfiction, this is not for you. YOU WILL BE BLOCKED.
You vividly remember whining to your (parent/guardian) that you didn’t need any friends other than the stuffed toys you had piled in one corner of your bed. That you didn’t need to go and meet some stranger kid simply because your (parent/guardian) happened to know his mom. Little did you know that the stern insistence by your (parent/guardian) would lead to a lifelong promise of friendship between you and that kid you had met that day. Oikawa Tooru was his name; a rather skinny kid with brown hair, brown eyes, and the type of pretty face you’d see on child actors on TV. You remember that his room was decorated with a multitude of space related decorations. Especially aliens. With books littering the floor with space related storylines that were of every genre from romance to mystery. He was very clearly obsessed with aliens.
You thought it was weird.
You remembered that the two of you had clicked rather quickly and soon enough you both were stuck to the hip. It was no surprise that you got along well with Iwaizumi as well when you both finally met. It was almost destiny that the three of you became a well known trio around the neighborhood and it was the same when you all got into volleyball. Playing makeshift games at any chance you three had. Oikawa found himself liking the setter position best and Iwaizumi was always a pretty good spiker, especially since he and Oikawa already had a good connection. You acted as a blocker or libero for them, you didn’t really have the choice. It was simply what was left to do.
You never admitted it back then but, in all honesty, you were much more interested in the setter position.​​ You would practice your setting at any chance you got. You loved it. But you felt you could never tell Oikawa. You saw how aggressive and petty he would get with people he deemed a threat. You didn’t mean to put yourself on a pedestal but you felt you could stand toe to toe with Oikawa as a setter. You felt you could be a threat. You had been practicing just as long as he had and even if your setting styles were different you knew that you were equal to him.
He would never find out though. Especially after the fight with that one milk-kid from junior high. You avoided even knowing the kids name due to the fact you didn’t really want to bother with the drama. You didn’t want to think about how he'd react if he had found you out.
By the time you, Tooru, and Iwaizumi had made it on the volleyball team in Seijoh you played as a middle blocker. In no way were you bad at it. But it felt so limiting to you. Like trapped in a box. You wanted to be a setter… but you couldn’t bring yourself to admit it aloud. You didn’t want to take anything from Oikawa. You didn’t want a repeat of last year.
After practice, you would go outside, setting the ball against the wall of the gym. You always did this. A tradition you started years and years before. After every practice and every game. All the blocking made your taped fingers tingle desperately for a ball to set. It was a lot of work to not get caught but you felt it was worth it–it let you do what you wanted and let Tooru get the chance to set for the team. It was a win-win.
You thought you had a good system, until the inevitable. Your team's old setter, the one Tooru had replaced, had caught you red handed. He was rather impressed with you and gave you a gentle smile. He felt so, so different in comparison to Tooru. He looked at you, someone in the same position, someone with the potential to be better than him, he looked at you with a certain shine in his eyes. He swept you up and took you under his wing. He saw something in you. It was amazing but you couldn't help but ask yourself...why me?
Nagata Junichiro was an average setter but a good teacher. You knew Tooru was a better setter than he was, even if Tooru was in his first year. Nobody could compare them and not say Tooru was better at setting. But Nagata was a much better teacher than the same old videos and tapes you would watch endlessly. It was the only way to teach yourself before. Nagata was always so patient with you. Everything was going so well. You were getting better, you got to actually set to a person and not just a wall, and, most importantly, you didn’t have to compete with your closest friend.
But good things don’t last forever.
“Why are you a middle blocker when you have such a talent for setting?” Nagata asked you one gloomy day. His hazel eyes staring at the ball he held in his hands. You couldn't tell what expression his freckled face was wearing. Was it guilt? Envy? Or could it be admiration? Only he would know.
“I can’t do that to Tooru.” You spoke honestly while fiddling with the end of your shirt nervously, “I am his ally, his friend. Not another hurdle for him to get over.”
Nagata hummed and moved his colored hair from his face, looking you straight in the eyes. “Sometimes a healthy rival is what Oikawa needs to become a better setter.”
You blinked and shuffled uncomfortably. Would Tooru think the same as Nagata? You snatched the ball from Nagata’s hand, very eager to go back to your private practice session and stop talking about this topic. Thankfully, your upperclassman dropped it and didn’t mention it again.
You thought back to how Tooru reacted to that one kid back in Junior High. A violent reaction, a broken one. The sight of Tooru crumbling. You knew it had a huge effect on Tooru. He was so different for so long. You knew he still wasn’t over it. You couldn’t be the reason that happened again.
Your daily private training continued without major issues until the 3rd official match of the season. You weren’t on the starting line for this game, for whatever reason. You didn’t bother asking why. Tooru teased you endlessly for being a benchwarmer and you laughed it off. If it meant your team would win then you’d sit on a million benches.
It was the 2nd set when Tooru was called to the bench by the coach. You felt your stomach twist anxiously. Oikawa Tooru hated the bench. Your heart clenched at the pure look of distraught and panic in Tooru’s eyes. You peeked to the setter you were sure would replace him that game, Nagata shot you a smile. It wasn’t their usual one. It was a smile, but it wasn’t Nagata’s smile. You had no time to even ask him if something was up. Coach had spoken up.
“Head on out there, L/N. I know you have been practicing your setting. Show everyone what you can do.”
Your whole world slowed and you could feel Tooru’s shock in your own heart. Your hands clenched into fists at your sides. Any movement you made was one you didn’t want to make. You looked to Tooru, at the blank stare that was so filled with emotion that nobody but you could see. I’m so sorry, Tooru. A silent apology was the best you could do and hoped that the message would reach the brunette…but the look on his face was one that wouldn’t forgive any apology.
You jogged onto court and stretched your arms out in front of you. The sweat of your palms would inevitably mess up any set you’d make. You knew it would. You knew the trembling in your fingers and the shaking of your legs would embarrass you. In a way–you thought you would deserve it
“You never said you could set.” Iwa grunted, smacking you upside the head. You gave a nervous laugh in response but didn’t say anything. You couldn’t say anything even if you wanted to. You were so ashamed, were you a horrible friend? Ignoring the spiral of worries you stepped up to serve and, not wanting to show off, did a rather simple one and the game continued.
You tried to ignore the cold eyes of Tooru burning through your back and focused on the game. You kept your eyes on the ball, on the other team, on your team, on your spikers, and when the libero gave you a good receive...you set it to your fellow first year Matsukawa Issei.
The ball slammed the floor on the other side of the net and a cheer erupted around you. You knew it was out of relief that it was revealed that you could indeed set to an actual, breathing person–and, more importantly, you were good at it.
Matsukawa smiled at you cooly, “That was a good set, you got a talent.”
You felt your cheeks heat from the compliment and stared at the ground. Finding the tips of your shoes suddenly incredibly interesting. Your bashfulness from the compliment made bystander Hanamaki Takahiro laugh from beside you.
“Looks like the cats out of the bag, kitty-kun.” Hanamaki snickered with a sideways grin. Your prior bashfulness melted in an instant and you deadpanned at the nickname. Hanamaki stepped down–but it was odd to you. He would never shut up even if you got down on your knees and begged.
Any question was quickly answered when you turned to take a quick peek at Tooru. His expression made your heart freeze. A blank face, eyes wide, and sweat dripping down his face. You guiltily looked away and faced your teammates, preparing to return to the game. That’s why Maki shut his trap. You thought to yourself dryly and turned away. You had a game to worry about…Tooru would want you to think about the team before him either way.
“Let’s kick some ass!” You smiled and Maki whooped in agreement. The rest of the game went on without any major conflicts. Ball was received, you set, someone spikes, get a point, then repeat. Repeat until victory. And victory came, 24 to 18 with Seijoh in the winners circle. Happy “Whoo! We won!” feelings couldn’t last. The ride back to school was an uncomfortable one.
You had tried to sit next to Tooru but the boy only gave you the cold shoulder. Placing his gym bag on the seat beside him so you couldn’t sit there. You bit your lip and turned away and walked to the back with bricks for shoes. You plopped down and glared at your reflection in the window. You were angry at yourself, but why? Did you even have a reason to be angry? No. You didn’t
You turned and stared at the back of Tooru’s head, who was now slouching with Iwa sitting beside him. You didn’t need to hear them to know they were talking about you. Why were you even chosen to be a setter when you never even consented to doing so? You rested your head against the window and watched as Iwa got up and moved to sit beside you.
You both sat in silence, an mutual understanding that neither of you were in the mood to deal with the issue right now. It was an issue you could easily handle on a different day. Right now? You both needed the comforting silence and company of each other. Eventually your after game exhaustion got to you and you nodded off with your head on Iwa’s shoulder. The comfort of a childhood friend was the best kind of comfort to you. It was a shame it was always more him and Tooru than him and you.
By the time you woke up you noticed Hanamaki and Matsukawa snickering. Hanamaki also held his phone up. You were about to comment but the brief flash of the phone's camera answered your question. He was, indeed, taking photos of you and Iwa using each other as comfort pillows. You felt yourself heat up and smacked Iwa’s face to wake him up. You knew that your fellow first years would be terrified of the wrath of an angry Iwa. Even you were terrified of his angry puppy glare. If you weren’t so embarrassed maybe you would have found it entertaining.
You left Iwa to handle it and leaned back into the seat. Briefly meeting the gaze of Tooru who huffed dramatically and turned around so his back faced you again. You grunted and your guilt of upsetting your friend was starting to be replaced by annoyance of the childish pettiness Tooru was known to have by anyone who knew him.
Matsu said “Stop pouting so much.” right before sitting next to you, “You look better when you’re smiling.”
You let out a smile and gave him a genuine smile. It felt good that during this tough time between you and Tooru, you would at least have people there to support you.
Days and days went by. Everyday was the same thing; try to apologize and get ghosted. It was getting frustrating so quickly and you were burning with the need to storm into the gym and tell Tooru just how childish he was acting. His pettiness was causing 2nd hand embarrassment at this point
For that day’s practice you noticed Tooru stayed back in the gym to practice longer. It was a habit he had since junior high that only worsened when that one milk kid came along. You hated that habit the most…you hated how he overworked himself. But most of all…you hated how all rage melted away.
You bit the inside of your chin and fiddled with your fingers, “Tooru?”
Tooru stiffened at the sound of his name and the grip on the volleyball he held tightened to the point that his knuckles paled. You noticed how tense the boy had seemed. You walked closer and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
Tooru only whipped his head over to you. His eyes narrowed and he stared at you like you were less than a stranger. You pulled your hand away but Tooru grabbed your wrist, holding it tightly. You opened your mouth to protest the manhandling but wouldn’t get the chance.
“Don’t you have some special training to do?” He hisses, meeting your eyes. Daring you to push him away, to say anything to defend yourself. You frowned and attempted to tug your hand away.
“Dude?” You grunted, “I’m worried about you...I want to explain myself--”
Tooru didn’t let you finish your sentence and pulled his hand away. He rubbed his face with his hands and took a few shaky breaths. You were just about to approach him and try to talk to him again but the brunette had turned around and got dangerously close to you–so close you tried to step back but misstepped and fell onto your bottom.
“Tooru! Let’s talk about this–”
“I don’t want your excuses, I don’t want your comfort–” His voice strained with overwhelming emotion, “Why would you hide that from me? Why would you try to replace me? Why did you betray me!”
“What the hell! I get you’re upset but that doesn’t even make sense–do you want me to talk or not?” You tried to scramble to your feet but you were knocked down when Tooru grabbed onto your collar. His face looked so pained, filled with anger but regret and shame over his own actions..
“Why didn’t you tell me? Why do you want to take my spot? I worked so hard for this…” Tooru loosened his grip and let out a cry into your shoulder. You didn’t move for a few heartbeats…letting the tears dampen the fabric of your shirt.
“Look, Oikawa-san. I get your upset–but this was uncalled for.” You spoke dryly, “I get you have your issues but…but this?”
Tooru–no, Oikawa’s back tensed at the sound of such an unfamiliar name. Only unfamiliar because it was you who had said it. So unnatural for you too. It felt like you had to force it out. But eventually Oikawa stopped crying. He was completely frozen but he breathed in…staying like that for a few moments before he speaked up.
“Are we still friends?”
You hand reached to pat his back but you stopped and pulled yourself away. Refusing to even look at his face. “No. Not after this, Oikawa-san.”
You turned and walked away. You left him to deal with the broken pieces of that friendship you once shared.
That was the last thing you said to him that year. Not because you were so petty you refused to work alongside him as a teammate nor was it because you weren’t willing to work it out. It was because you had an offer you couldn’t possibly let up.
“N/N!” Tendou dragged out your name while poking your cheeks repeatedly. Ushijima sat right beside him with his usual intimidating exterior. He seemed very interested in the hayashi rice that he ate calmly while Tendou seemed rather interested in disturbing your lunchtime nap.
Regardless, you raised your head and rubbed your eyes tiredly, “Sorry–I must’ve fallen asleep.”
“You were drooling.” Ushijima commented bluntly before taking another bite of his lunch. You rolled your eyes and chuckled lightly.
“Ha, thanks Ushijima.”  You hummed, wiping your chin with the end of your school uniform sleeve. Hoping that whatever drool was cleaned away to avoid any more comments on it.
Ushijima stopped eating and blinked at you, “I did not say something that warranted a thank you.” he spoke with his usual tone and returned to his meal. Your grin widened and you gave Ushijima an awkward thumbs up.
“Ha, sure Ushi.”
You were in your third year now and it has been a few years since you last spoke or saw Oikawa Tooru–at least in person. You watched your childhood friend's success from the sidelines. You would watch many of his games…not only to show how you still supported the boy you used to support so much but for the other friends you met that year.
Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki had all grown to be amazing players. You all still kept in touch, mainly because they knew that you were transferring Shiratorizawa before the end of the school year.
Speaking of which…you had become a student of Shiratorizawa and played as a setter. You were rarely ever put in a game though. So you were more of a benchwarmer than anything. You were scouted for your talents yet you never contributed much to the team. You considered yourself lucky that your grades were enough to keep you in.
Tendou always argued you did plenty for the team. You helped sharpen not only Kenjuro Shibaru’s skills but helped middle blockers up their skills as well. You were like a smaller, younger, and less angry Washijo for the team. You were appreciated.
Today, however, was different. You were playing as a setter for a practice game. Apparently some cold was going through the team and somehow both Shibaru and Eita got it. Meaning, by order of setters, you’re filling in.
The thing is…you also had no idea which team you were going to play against. Which also meant you had no idea what sort of mental preparation you would have to do.
“N/N,” Tendou leaned forward and bent his head awkwardly. “You’re zoning out again! What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing important.” You shrugged, leaning back in your seat. “Thinking about the practice game we got planned.”
Tendou’s eyes widened with glee and pleased his chin onto his palm. “Ahhh! Thinking about how to defeat your old teammates? Hm?”
You choked on nothing from the sheer shock of his statement. Old teammates? Seijoh? Iwa?
You cleared your throat and rubbed your hands together in hopes to calm your spiking anxiety. It will be okay, won’t it? You chose to ignore Oikawa as much as you possibly could while going to their games. You swore you seemed like a celebrity, sporting a facemask and baseball cap to hide yourself. Oikawa was observant, he’d notice no matter how much you changed over the years. You just hoped the creepy getup was enough…
“Yeah, well…at least I have the advantage of playing with them before.” You forced a chuckle and stood up from your chair. This was such an uncomfortable situation and you needed to get out of here. Set some balls against a wall or something while lunch was still going.
Before you left you turned back to your friends and grinned, “I don’t plan to let them get a win.”
Wakatoshi Ushijima, 3rd year, ace, captain, and rockheaded. Satori Tendou, 3rd year, middle blocker, and an absolute monster. Both were your friends. Tendou was pretty eager to be friends with you and you couldn’t really tell what Ushijima was even feeling or thinking. All you know was that you fit like the final piece of the puzzle for the duo.
Ushijima could be a bit blunt about your talents in comparison to Oikawa but you knew he never meant it rudely. You remember the one time he complimented you. You were so shocked you froze and Tendou being Tendou, accused Ushijima of “flirting” with you. You laugh at it now, even if it embarrassed you. After that day you were more patient with Ushijiima and knew he never saw you as someone weak.
Your relationship with Tendou was like the opposite, close but never deep. Showering you with compliments and clinging to you like a koala. When you found out about Tendous' old bullying situation you found a new appreciation for the love you were showered with everyday.
No matter what happens with this practice game, you knew you would be ready. They had your back.
“Make sure to stretch yourselves out! I want no stiffness on the court!”
Oikawa Tooru had grown into a fine captain and an even better setter than he had been in his 1st year. After you had left he practically threw himself into volleyball, never doing anything else. And it was like that until he injured his knee so much that he struggled to play…it was like that until Iwa dragged him by the ear.
Oikawa didn’t want to apologize, he didn’t want to admit he was wrong. He was stupidly stubborn. That thing never changed. But he contradicted what he thought by how he felt. Constantly asking Iwa where you were, where you went, what your social media was, anything about you. Iwa always smacked him upside the head after every question. He never said a word…but Oikawa didn’t give up.
Today was a particularly difficult day. Practice game with Shiratorizawa this afternoon and a dream of you that night prior. Two things that Oikawa swore would give him gray hairs one of these days.
The bus ride there was a quiet one, well, quiet when you considered who was on this bus. Maki and Matsu were quiet, Iwa wasn’t scolding, the 1st years were napping, and Oikawa? He was staring outside the window. Thinking about anything and everything.
The ride there was a blur, the preparations were a blur, everything was a blur until lineup.
There you stood. Playing as setter for Shiratorizawa. You had grown to be an attractive young man. So different yet the exact same. For some reason, you were exactly how Oikawa thought you would be.
Well, almost.
The game started and you played as a setter, playing toe to toe with him. Despite the fact you never played in a game before. He would have noticed you if you were starter. You were not equals on this court, and maybe that’s what Oikawa got wrong 1st year. On that court? You both were equals. Played as equals.
What role you played shouldn’t have changed that.
The game went on and on one particularly impressive score from one of Ushiwaka’s bone shaking spikes, Oikawa noticed the joyous smile you had on your face. Quick compliments between you and Ushiwaka before the game continued for everyone but Oikawa.
That smile was one he got to see all the time, a smile that drew him in when you were kids, a smile that he thought about when he walked by your old house. Where had that smile gone? Where had he gone?
“Hey dumbass, get your head in the game.” Iwa grunted after the first set had gone and went. It was a usual scolding and on any other day Oikawa would have retorted with his own witty comment but this time he only gave a small smile.
“Sure thing, Iwaizumi.”
“Huh? Did you get knocked on your head too hard?” Iwa replied snarkily, Maki leaned in with a shit-eating grin.
“Y/N is awesome, isn’t he?” He snorted. Oikawa glared and took a swig of water. Focus! You have to focus.
Glancing over to the other side of the court where you were grinning at some comment said by the creepy redhead. Was that how you looked? He should’ve noticed. He shouldn’t have let his pride get ahead of him.
The rest of the practice game went by with every set lost to Shiratorizawa. Maybe Seijoh would have gotten at least one if Oikawa wasn’t so clearly distracted.
While the rest of Oikawa's team went to pile into the bus Oikawa went over to you. You had already changed out of the practice jerseys and a towel rested over your shoulders. Oikawa missed this.
“Y/N–er, L/N-kun.” Oikawa stepped up and held your gaze. You looked back at him with an expression he couldn’t read. Moments went by, moments that felt like hours, like years. The brunette took a deep shaky breath before raising his head.
“I’m sorry.”
You were taken aback by the apology. You figured he would never bother to apologize. If he did, then he would've sooner. Right? Why now?
“I was wrong–I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I put myself before what you wanted. I was an idiot and I deserve whatever you have to say about my own shitty behavior.” Oikawa sniffled and held back tears that threatened to overflow. You looked to the ground for a moment before you gave an answer.
“I didn’t want to be a setter, if it meant you wouldn’t get to.” You answered bluntly, “I should’ve been honest from the start. I…I was scared. I didn’t want to be the next Kageyama.”
Oikawa listened to your words and cringed at the memory. It didn’t matter if you didn’t want to, he forced you to be like Kageyama. He forced his own idea of your dramatic “betrayal” for what? Attention?
“I am so sorry, L/n. I hope…I hope you believe me. I’m so glad you’re happy and healthy–you’re on a pretty ass kicking team.” Oikawa forced out a laugh and looked back at you.
Your face was soft but he didn’t know what that meant. Were you pitying him? That didn’t matter. He said what he needed to say, he did what he should’ve done years ago.
It was up to you if you accepted that apology or not.
Want to request? Read this!
OH BOY I finally finished!! I was tempted to make this a 2 parter due to how long it was but I figured it would work : )
thank you so much for the request! For the sake of this being mainly Oikawa I won't be tagging everyone that was included
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