#seeing them just beaming and hearing them sing makes my fucking heart burst
non-un-topo · 21 days
I'm actually still in shock my partner and I saw Laura Jane Grace last night for the second time and after the show she came to the merch booth to hang out with everyone and she talked to my partner immediately and just gushed over their battle jacket (which they were feeling very self conscious about earlier and regretting that they didn't wear a different one) and my partner was just smiling in total shock all the way home
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fairyaali · 3 years
felix and luka ( separately ) with a fem! s/o who has that pastely soft aesthetic and has the matching personality to go with it ! ( naive , kind , caring etc etc ) but can get very very bitchy when angry!
 HELLO! I’m super sorry about the wait but here it is hehe <3 i tried to make it as accurate as possible so i hope you like it ! 
Pairings: Luka Couffaine X Reader , Felix Graham De Vanily X Reader.
Warnings: swearing! 
 Felix Graham de Vanily has never imagined the day when he would be actually in love - but it actually happened and he wasn’t even prepared for it.
Needless to say, it hit him like a truck and sent him to heaven.
This was his heaven, being on a big bed with you and playing with your hair while you watched your favourite show on Netflix.
“I told you he was going to be the bad guy! I knew it all along!” You exclaimed and jumped up, startling him but ultimately, making him smile.
“It was quite obvious my love.” He chuckles and you pout, crossing your arms while you plop back down next to him.
“But he was my favourite character Felix! And he’s probably going to die now too.” You look up at him and he can’t help but smile at your adorable, pouting face.
He cups your face in his hands and you instantly smile when you see his smile. It was contagious. He rarely smiled so you just feel so much joy bubbling inside of you when the blond smiled at you and you couldn’t help it.
He quickly kisses the tip of your nose and you giggle before crawling on his lap, peppering his face with kisses and completely ignoring the show you were watching.
The room was filled with little kissing noises and giggles coming from both of you.
His hand moves from your waist to your thighs, caressing the fabric of the white thigh high socks you were wearing beneath your pink tennis skirt.
His touch comforted you and you close your eyes, resting your forehead on his and humming gently.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers out of the blue and you gently open your eyes, staring right into his.
A blush creeps on your cheeks and you part your lips, inching closer to his face to kiss him.
A thought bursts through your head move your lips could touch and you smile brightly.
“Can we go feed the ducks again?” You ask him, your eyes bright and excited at the memory of the last time you went with him.
He took you to the park last time and you fed the ducks together because it was something he enjoyed doing as a child with his nanny. You didn’t know that such a simple activity could bring him so much joy and you were looking forward to the next time you two did it.
His face lights up and he nods, “Of course darling.” He replies and you excitedly hop off of his lap. “Wait you meant right now?” He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.
You were already lacing up your boots so you look at him over your shoulder and pout. “Yes?” You question.
“I thought we were going to..you know..” He looks away sheepishly.
You smirk at him. “Don’t worry Felix, you can have me all to yourself later, I promise.” You say and finish with a wink.
He nods and blushes, letting out a small chuckle.
You finish up putting on your boots and wait for him to get ready before the two of you head out of his house hand in hand.
You two walk through the park, his hand in one of your hands and in the other hand you held a small paper bag full of bread for the ducks.
Children were playing all over the park and people were chatting around you. It was nice to get out of the house with him sometimes, even if he does prefer staying at home.
“Oh look it’s Felix.” A male voice said which was followed by laughter.
You feel Felix tense up and he freezes.
You were quite confused as to what was happening so you decide to turn around and see two guys around the same age as Felix and you.
“Please ignore them my love, let’s go.” He whispers to you and you furrow your eyebrows at them before nodding to Felix.
“I see you got yourself a little girlfriend.” They speak again and you can hear their footsteps behind you. “You’re making a big mistake dating that little pansy babe, come with us and we’ll show you what a real man is like.”
You were livid.
You couldn’t control yourself so you turn around, letting go of your boyfriend’s hand.
“A real man huh?” You say and cross your arms over your chest, walking up to them. “I’d rather die than date one of you hideous mother fuckers.”
They were taken aback, wide eyed, probably not expecting you to talk back.
“Felix is more of a man than you ever will be.” You stare right into the bully’s eyes. “When was the last time you ever got some huh?” your lips curl into a smirk.
“I-i…uhm, well..” he stutters and the other nudges him, mouthing something.
“That’s what I thought.” You say and turn around. “Don’t ever come for my boyfriend again.” You state and grab felix’s hand, looking up at him.
His face was beet red, his eyes were wide and you couldn’t help but grab the back of his head and kiss him right then and there.
He smiles against your lips and you pull away before the two of you walk away from them.
“That was..” He clears his throat. “hot.” He blurts out.
You cover your mouth with your hand and giggle.
The two of you continue your day near the lake, laughing and throwing bread for the ducks to eat.
He made you feel safe and now you were at peace knowing you did the same to him too.
 You’ve been waiting for this night for a long time.
Your boyfriend’s first opening gig with his band.
It wasn’t something grand and big – I mean, it was just a small pub downtown but you knew this was a big night for him and so it turned out to be a big night for you too.
You were ready to show him all your support and love, wearing your favourite flowy dress and his lucky guitar pick hanging on a silver chain around your neck.
Your friend Marinette was by your side, she even designed the costumes for everyone so both of you were super psyched for what was happening.
You made your way to the back stage and saw your boyfriend, Luka, sitting down on a chair and tuning his guitar, nodding his head to the beat.
“Luka..” You whisper and tap his shoulder.
He opens his eyes and looks at you, a smile instantly making it’s way on his face.
“There’s my favourite girl.” He says and gets up, hugging you tightly while you giggle. “I’m so glad you could make it.” He says quietly.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” You say and kiss him on the cheek.
He kisses you on the forehead and pulls away from the hug, wrapping an arm around your neck.
“Hey Marinette.” He says and smiles at her.
The bluenette grins at the two of you. “Are you excited?” She asks.
“More like nervous.” Luka replies and let’s out a heavy breath. “I’m not usually this nervous but damn, I can’t believe we finally got a gig.”
You look up at your boyfriend with adoring eyes. “Don’t be nervous Luka, I know it’s going to go great.” You reassure him and he smiles down at you, nodding.
Luka is a really calm person so seeing him nervous means that this really means a lot to him. He has been practicing for weeks and you couldn’t be more proud of how far he’s come.
You gasp at the sudden realisation of something and move away from his grasp, rummaging through your little back pack.
“A-ha!” You say and pull out a blue bracelet that you made yourself.
You look up at Luka and smile before handing it to him.
“I made this for you and I want you to wear it tonight for goodluck.” You say, your cheeks heating up when you look at him as he stares at the bracelet you made. “Since you gave me your lucky guitar pick for me to wear, I thought I should give you some luck of my own.” You look down at your shoes sheepishly.
“You’re an absolute angel, have I ever told you that?” He says and grabs your hand, making you look up at him.
You glance down at his wrist and see that he already put on the bracelet.
You get on your tip toes and give him a small kiss on the lips.
“Thank you.” He whispers and tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Guys get ready in 5” Someone says from the curtains and Luka instantly stiffens up.
You give him one last kiss on the cheek before walking next to Marinette.
“Goodluck.” You say and give him a reassuring smile as you wave at him.
He nods at you and runs a hand through is hair before grabbing his guitar.
You and Marinette leave back stage and make your way to your seats.
The pub was small so it easily got crowded with people.
You sigh and play with your hair. “I’m so nervous for Luka, Mari.” You tell Marinette.
She rubs your shoulder to calm you down and shakes her head.
“He’s going to do just fine girl, you’ll see.” She says and gives you a bright smile which comforted you.
The background music playing in the pub fades away and the lights start to dim.
“La bulle proudly presents, Kitty Section!” A voice says over the speakers and whistles and claps fill the room.
The curtains open and it reveals the band in their designated places.
You glance at Luka and smile at him before the music starts.
Rose was in front, singing her heart out to their original song and Luka was behind her, nodding his head as he played the guitar with passion.
You admired him and his talents, he used to write and sing so many songs for you, little did you know that one day he would actually be performing in front of a real audience.
Luka was vocalising to the chorus with rose and his eyes suddenly find yours.
He looked amazing.
The clothes that Marinette styled them with, his skin glistening under the lights and a few strands of hair stuck to his forehead because of the sweat.
You bit your lip as you kept looking at him. He was so into the song, so immersed in everything and it was so fucking hot to you.
He noticed this and his lips curled into a small smirk.
“Wow.” You breathed out quietly.
Marinette was beaming at the band and clapping. “I know right!” She laughs happily.
You grinned and sat up as they ended and clapped.
The whole pub was clapping for your boyfriends band and you were so happy for them.
Everyone was walking to talk to them of greet them and all you had on your mind was Luka, you just wanted to hug him and congratulate him and maybe even make out with him in the bathroom.
“Excuse me.” You mutter as you try to make way towards him.
Your eye catches a blonde girl in front of him, talking to him and laughing.
You freeze and something bubbles inside of you.
You weren’t the type to be jealous but you couldn’t help the feeling.
You decided not to think much of it and gulped, continuing to make your way toward them.
“Can you like, sign my boobs?” You hear her say and giggle.
“Pardon?” Luka blurts out, looking at her with wide eyes.
Nope. That was it.
You quickly move between the last few people and walk up to them.
The girl started to unbutton her shirt and you furrowed your eyebrows.
Before anything else could happen you made your way to Luka and grabbed his shirt, kissing him.
The girl stopped her movements but held her hand on the buttons of her shirt.
You pull away from Luka and watch him as he blinks a few times, dazed as to what just happened.
“go show your boobs to someone else you skank.” You spit out, narrowing your eyes at her.
She scoffs at you and flips her hair before walking away from you guys.
You clench your jaw and Luka grabs your hand.
“Hey, are you okay?” Luka says and you huff.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You look away from him and frown.
“You know, I wasn’t going to sign her boobs.” He says and shrugs.
You look at him and roll your eyes. “Yeah.” You murmur.
“Didn’t know you could be so jealous.” He says in a teasing voice.
It was your turn to scoff and you look at him. “I wasn’t jealous.”
“Uh-huh.” He says and you stare into his eyes for a moment.
He was smirking at you, so calm, while you were red and angry inside at the thought of some bitch showing her boobs to your boyfriend.
Next thing you knew though, you were sitting on the sink of the pubs bathroom, making out with your boyfriend.
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ptergwen · 3 years
no sleep
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pairing: singer!reader x tom holland || w/c: 1.6k
warnings: swearing and many many many suggestive jokes
summary: you’re on jimmy kimmel to talk about your music, but he has other plans
a/n: y’all i’ve literally always wanted to write singer!reader and this idea just came to me and i had to get it out because it’s so cute :,) i really hope ya like it
jimmy kimmel invited you onto his show to promote a single from your upcoming album. you stepped out of the spotlight for a while, so this is your first official appearance of the year.
“my first guest tonight...” there’s a cheer from the audience. you grin to yourself, waiting for jimmy to finish announcing you.
“you wanna say it for me?” he chuckles and stands your picture up on his desk. “my first guest tonight surprised fans this morning with her new single ‘no sleep.’ it’s currently number one in over seventy countries.” jimmy holds for applause, which you get a ton of. you cover your hot face with your hands.
“she’s here to talk to us about the song and her short hiatus. please welcome y/n y/l/n!”
the music plays while you walk onstage, followed by more cheers and clapping. you’re beaming as you wave to everyone. you give jimmy a quick hug and exchange hello’s over the noise.
you’ve been in the industry for a few years, but you’ll never get used to responses like this. all the love really warms your heart.
“thank you!” you giggle out, taking your seat on the couch. the audience yells some more when the music dies out. “thank you so much! oh my god,” you make a face at jimmy, who laughs and gestures to everyone. “they clearly hated the song,” he jokes to you. “i was gonna say,” you agree, smoothing your dress down.
you look out at the crowd with a pout. “no, seriously. you guys are so cute.” jimmy copies your pout, earning a playful eye roll from you.
you’ve been on the show a couple of times before, so you two are friendly. tom has also brought you to chill backstage with him when he was a guest. you would’ve brought him this time if he wasn’t away for filming.
“so, you took most of the year off from making music,” jimmy starts the actual conversation. “mhm, i did,” you hum and cross one of your legs over the other. “how was that? was it weird not being in the studio?” you scrunch your face up, then he adds another question. “what did you actually do with yourself?”
“i mean, music is obviously a big part of who i am. making it, loving it, all that stuff.” a small smile crosses your face. “so, yeah. it sort of felt like something was missing at first.” jimmy nods along, you shrugging one of your shoulders.
“at the same time, i really needed to take a minute and just breathe. come back with my shit more together. i think i have,” you let out a reflective sigh. “it didn’t have anything to do with your boyfriend? a mr. tom holland?” jimmy teases, you waving a hand at him. “no, don’t give him all the credit.”
your break genuinely was for yourself. no one needs to know that tom was also off, or that he spent all his free time with you. that was just a plus.
“are you sure? because, it seemed like you two were getting really cozy.” a picture from your instagram pops up on the screen. it’s of tom under a blanket. he’s reaching out for you with a lazy smile. you lean over on the couch so you’re off camera, another giggle escaping you.
jimmy flips to another picture. “that was exhibit A. here’s exhibit B.” the whole audience coos, jimmy raising his eyebrows at you. this one is a mirror selfie from tom’s instagram. your arms are slung around his neck from behind, and half your face is hidden. tom is doing his signature eye crinkling smile into the camera.
“aren’t they just adorable?” jimmy asks the audience, making them erupt in more cheers. you sit up again and clear your throat. seeing those is bittersweet for you. “he’s very cuddly. anyway, back to the music!” you do a small clap. little do you know, there’s much more to come.
“yes, yes. back to the music. talk to me about ‘no sleep.’” the song is one hundred percent about tom. you’re not sure you should say that, considering the... explicit content in it. you and tom did get very cozy over your break, as jimmy would say. it was the only time you weren’t relaxing.
“well,” you plaster on an overly happy smile. that earns more laughter from jimmy. “it’s about what you do in bed when you’re, um, not sleeping,” you explain. “and who do you do those things in bed with?” jimmy glances up at the screen again. “you’re choosing violence today, jimmy,” you say under your breath.
there’s a chuckle from backstage that sounds eerily similar to tom’s. it must have been a PA. all this talk about him is seriously fucking with your head.
“well, everyone in my life inspires my work in some way. they’re such angels,” you dodge the question, thinking you’re clever about it. jimmy won’t let you get off that easy. “friends? family?” he asks you. “yeah, everyone,” you exhale in relief. jimmy widens his eyes at you. “so, that means ‘no sleep’ is about your mom?”
your mouth falls open. he’s really going to make you spill the details of your sex life.
“what the fuck, no!” you squeal, looking out into the audience for help. they join in your laughter. “it’s about tom,” you finally confirm so jimmy doesn’t suggest anything else. “it’s about tom, my god. next topic.” you’re smiling despite yourself.
“why? don’t you wanna tell us more about your lover?” jimmy glances off to the side. what is going on back there? you sit up straighter in your spot. “no, this is my interview!” you’re half joking, half serious.
although you and tom aren’t private at all, you’ve never talked about him this much. it’s overwhelming. besides that, this is making you miss him a lot.
“that’s too bad. we thought... we thought you might like to share it,” jimmy is already grinning about whatever he has planned. this isn’t supposed to be part of your segment. “huh? i’m literally so lost.” you furrow your eyebrows at him, lowering your voice. “we didn’t talk about this.”
he pats the arm of your couch. “they say there’s no time like the present. ladies and gentlemen, tom holland!”
on cue, tom runs out from backstage. the audience practically roars with how loud they are. people even jump out of their seats. you clasp a hand over your mouth in pure shock. this feels like a prank, like jimmy is about to say sike. then, tom comes up to the couch. you almost fall over, jimmy proudly watching on.
tom grins so wide it takes up his whole face. “happy release day,” he murmurs as you get to your feet. you’re not able to speak just yet, only staring up at him with glossy eyes. he brings you into a tight hug. his hands rub up and down your back, your arms snaking around his middle.
“tommy,” you try to whisper the nickname. you forgot your microphone is on. everyone “aw’s” at you both, including jimmy. “my love,” tom’s lips brush your cheek briefly. “hi, baby,” he speaks into your ear. you hide your face in his button up while he rocks you side to side.
he’s been away for a couple of months working on the third spider-man. this is the first time you’ve seen him since he left.
“shouldn’t you be in atlanta?” you ask louder this time for the audience to hear. you’re still doing an interview. “today’s a big day. i had to see you,” tom gives you one last squeeze. “in person,” he adds, before you can say you already facetimed.
the fact that him and jimmy put this whole thing together is making you emotional. you’d be fully crying if you two were alone right now.
“she doesn’t want you here, though. remember?” jimmy chimes in, tom breathing out a laugh. he sadly lets go of you. you flop back onto the couch, tom pointing behind him with his thumb. “i’ll just be on my way. five hour flight, no big deal.” “no, no, no, no. stay,” you whine and make grabby hands at him.
that’s all it takes for tom to slip into the spot next to you. he bites back a smile, putting an arm around you and the couch. you don’t want to annoy everyone with too much pda, so you subtly curl into his side. the people actually love you and tom together. jimmy claps his hands.
“we’ll be right back with y/n y/l/n and tom holland!” he says into the camera, the band playing more filler music. he steps out from behind the desk to greet tom. tom stands up, the two of them giving each other pats on the back. the camera stops rolling.
“hey, man. thanks for doing this,” tom puts a hand on jimmy’s arm. “anything for the happy couple. i’m gonna get some water, see you in five.” jimmy shoots you another smile on his way to his dressing room. you return it. that leaves you and tom to yourselves.
“baby,” you say in a sing song voice, dropping your head onto tom’s shoulder. “i’m so happy you’re here. i real life almost peed when you came out.” tom snakes his arm around your waist. “that would be upsetting,” he mumbles, his index finger drawing circles on you. “it would’ve ruined your very pretty dress.”
“you like it?” you knowingly tug at the form fitting material. tom shifts in his spot. “i’ll tell you what,” he leans in closer to you with a smirk, his breath tickling your ear. “we’re getting no sleep tonight,” he sings from the chorus of your song. you burst into a giggle and squeeze your eyes shut.
he ends up being right.
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
maybe like a part 2 where the reader was a singer!
but maybe like everyone in the marvel cast goes to the sweetener world tour to suprised them n congratulate them?
Thank you for the request, hun! I appreciate you for reading my other stuff and suggesting a part 2! Now that I think about it, I might make the whole singer thing into its own series of imagines and headcanons! Just a thought🥰 Happy reading!❤️
A/n: I’ve never been to an Ari concert, so I don’t know the set list, but enjoy my loves❤️
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(She’s so pretty ugh)
You looked at yourself in the mirror. You leaned forward making sure your makeup was all good and to check if your lipstick has smeared onto your face.
“Everything good, hun?” Your makeup artist, Perrie, chirped from behind you. You took a step back, getting one more look.
“Yes Ma’am.” You turned to her and she was holding up the familiar bottle of setting spray.
“One more spray for good measure.” She motioned for you to close your eyes and you did. You breathed in through your nose as you felt the vibrations of the arena. The mix of the music playing out on stage mixed with the cheering of your fans added to your adrenaline.
The tour was finally at Inglewood, California, the last stop of the Sweetener World Tour. You had been traveling around the world for the past 10 months, performing every night in a different country or state. As tiring as it sounded, you absolutely loved the experience. Not only were you traveling and seeing new places, you were meeting your fans from different countries and doing what you loved. After 101 shows and 3 tour legs, it was finally coming to an end. The ending of tour was always bittersweet. You’ve been traveling with multiple people and crew who have grown to be another family. You were going to miss them so much but it was time for you to go back home to your real family. Not only have you missed your parents and siblings, but you also needed the rest. 10 months of nonstop traveling definitely took a toll on you. But nonetheless, it was all worth it.
“All done!” You opened your eyes to see Perrie smiling at you.
“Thank you so much!” You pulled her into a hug as your eyes began to water. You groaned playfully and tilted your head back.
“I’m gonna miss you doing my makeup everyday. Ugh, I haven’t even gone out on stage yet and I’m crying already.” You laughed through tears as Perrie began to protest.
“(Y/n), I swear if you mess up your makeup, you’re never going to hear the end of it. Cry later!” She laughed as she tried to get you to stop the tears from falling.
She gripped onto your arms and yelled, “NO TEARS LEFT TO CRY REMEMBER?” You bursted out laughing at her reference. You waved your hands at your eyes and when they finally felt normal, you looked straight.
“Okok, I think I’m good.” You released a breath as you smiled sweetly at her, “I love you!” You giggled pulling her into another hug.
“I love you too, darling. Have fun out there, you’re going to do amazing like always.” She squeezed you tight before letting you go. Victoria, one of your dancers and friend, peaked her head into the room.
“You ready? They’re waiting for you in the circle.” She informed you holding a hand out. The circle was like a pre-show ritual you had backstage with all the dancers and crew. You took her hand as you all walked out the makeup room. Your heels clicked against the floors, echoing in the hallway. The closer you got to the stage the louder the fans got and the stronger the vibrations got.
The circle was already gathered with all the dancers and crew. When Scott, another one of your dancers and friend, noticed you he began to cheer. Everyone followed along as you entered the circle. You were tucked in between Scott and Brian, who were twins. The two have been your dancers since the beginning and still are how many years later. You were truly grateful for them and everyone who was included in your Sweetener family.
“Damn. Last show ya’ll!” You began causing them to all cheer. You waited till they quieted down, shyly laughing, before continuing.
“Um, I don’t wanna get all emotional and shit right before going on stage. I’m gonna look like a mess out there with my mascara running down my face. Perrie I’m sorry!” You laughed. “I just wanna say, thank you to every single one of y’all. You guys have been the most fucking amazing people to work with. You guys have been working day and night to make the show as spectacular as it is and I love you all so much. You guys are my family and I can’t wait to write another album so I can tour with y’all again. I just want to hug every single one of you, you guys mean so much to me. Like literally, from the bottom of my heart I love all of you so much. I know I’ve said that like multiple times, but I really mean it. Y’all are gonna get a fatass check after this.” You finished making everyone laughing again. By now a few tears have made its way down your face. You even saw a few people’s eyes well up.
You laughed as you heard a chorus of “I love yous” as everyone squeezed in for a group hug.
“Alright! That’s enough crying, let’s get this show on the road!” You cheered to help everyone from crying. Everyone moved out the circle and got into places.
Before you can get in place, Perrie pulled you aside to fix up your makeup. Your stylists began smoothing out your skirt and making sure your knee high boots were securely on. Next was to get your earpiece on while one of the stage hands gave you your mic. From backstage you could hear the intro to the concert playing causing the fans to scream louder.
You got into place as you got the signal to start singing. You sang the opening lyrics of Raindrops (An Angel Cried) and began to smile as your fans sang along.
The platform began to move up when you finished and the beat of God Is A Woman began to play. You were now on the stage, the sea of white lights looking back at you. The adrenaline was still running through your veins. You performed the song, acing every move of the dance you’ve learned 10 months ago.
When the last note of God Is A Woman played, all the lights turned off except for the red lights on the stage.
“INGLEWOOD!” You yelled into your mic, your fans cheering even louder than before. You shared an excited smile with Brian.
“Welcome to the Sweetener World Tour!” And with that the opening notes of Bad Idea began to play, the show finally kicking off.
You were in the middle of singing R.E.M which was part of Act 2 of the concert. You moved towards the pit to see familiar faces beaming up at you.
“Boy, you’re such a drea— oh my god!” You squealed as you saw the pit full of your Marvel cast mates. You saw all the Chris’, both of the Tom’s, Robert, Scarlett, Elizabeth, almost everyone you’ve worked with in Marvel was there. You got down to your knees to touch their outstretched hands.
The fans screamed as the camera from stage panned down to the pit where all the actors were. You took the mic away from your mouth and leaned down to them.
“What are you guys doing here?” You asked them through the loud arena.
Scarlett, Brie, and Lizzie were the nearest to the stage.
“We’re here to surprise you! It’s your last show and we wanted to be here for it!” Scarlett yelled over the track that was playing.
“We’ll catch up later, keep going!” Lizzie urged you to continue the concert with a toothy grin.
You held onto Brie’s hand as you sang to them, “Inglewood let me hear ya’ll! Excuse me um...”
“I LOVE YOU!” The fans sang back to you, including your cast mates. You dusted your knees off and continued to walk around the ramp. Before you could leave, you sent an excited wave to Brie and the rest of them.
~After the show~
You hopped off the platform that brought you down from the stage and were greeted by a bunch of congratulations and cheering. You and your dancers shared another group hug.
“(Y/N)!” You heard a familiar voice yell. You follow the voice and see Anthony waving at you with his infamous grin. He was accompanied by the rest of the cast behind him. You run towards them and jump into Anthony’s outstretched arms.
“I’m so sorry, I’m sweaty, but I’m so happy to see all of you!” You wrapped your arms around Anthony’s neck as he spun the two of you around. He let you go and you were suddenly being pulled into hugs by everyone.
When you got to Robert, a proud smile was on his face as he cradled your face, “Sweetheart, that was amazing. You’ve outdone yourself.” He pressed a fatherly kiss to your forehead and pulled you into a hug.
“Thank you.” You laughed, your eyes welling up with tears once again. Next was Chris (E) who playfully shoved Robert.
“Stop it, you’re hogging her! Let me hug (y/n)!” He childishly whined. He gasped when he saw your eyes watering.
“And you made her cry! C’mere.” His arms enveloped around you as he hugged you tightly.
In your ear his whispered, “You absolutely killed it.”
You thank him and move on to Scarlett who already had her arms out for you, “Surprise!”
“This was your idea?” You asked her as she hugged you. A cheeky grin quirked on her lips.
“Maybe” she teased dragging the ‘e’. You hugged her again as she laughed into your shoulder.
“Thank you, Scar. This means so much.”
“It’s not a problem, honey. We just wanted to see you together while you did your thing up on stage.”
You were now full on crying through a smile as your Marvel family showed you mass amounts of love. You stumbled into Tom (Holland) who instantly grabbed you into a bear hug. Tom’s actually seen your show in London with his friends and brothers, so this was his second time seeing you perform.
“You know what’s so crazy?” He asked you leaning down to your ear so you can hear him.
“It’s literally just as great as it was in London. Like everything looks the same, you sound exactly the same, everything! The show was fantastic!” He looked at you with wide eyes with so much amazement on his face.
You laughed at him and patted his shoulder, “Thank you, Tom.”
Suddenly there was a commotion a few feet away from you. You saw Robert standing on one of the cases your crew used to store equipment in.
“ATTENTION EVERYONE!” When everyone backstage was looking at him Robert sent them a sweet smile and was handed a megaphone.
“Alright, so I gotta say, (y/n), you definitely know how to throw a show. Everyone who was part of this tour, your hard work pays off because that show was the most fun I’ve had in a while! (Y/n), you keep surprising us everyday with your talent and I hope you get to do more of what you love in the future. As my way of thanking you all for throwing such an amazing night, I want to take out every single one of you for dinner! I just rented out a whole restaurant just for all of us and I hope to see all of you there!” Robert said into the megaphone. A round of cheers and claps were heard from everyone at the announcement. As everyone began to file out, you were being called to get out of your costume.
Before you can turn to leave you hugged Robert and looked at all your cast mates who showed up for the night.
“Thank you guys for being here, it really means a lot.” You sniffled, wiping a tear from your face.
“And you, I can’t believe you rented out a restaurant for my crew, thank you Robert.” The older man just waves you off as he slung his arm around your shoulder.
“Not a problem, sweetheart. We wanted to be here and we are all so proud of you, you’ve come a long way, (y/n).” He gave your shoulders a squeeze.
“Now run along now, you still need to get changed and I’m starving. Go.” He teasingly turned you towards your stylists. You rolled your eyes as you waved at all of them.
“We’ll see you at the restaurant!” You heard Brie yell after you. You quickly turn back, “OK, I LOVE YOU!”
The further you got you heard Evans scream, “I LOVE YOU TOO!” You turned down the hall, your laugh echoing against its walls.
That was definitely one way to end a tour.
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halfabreath · 3 years
Holster goes on Survivor after graduating, part 2
here! we! go! part one here, tag here
so Holster's got a strategy to update and an ex lover to deal with and like. He and Esther didn't end great.
I feel like we don’t talk enough about why Holster’s chirped so much for hooking up with Esther in canon? Like there’s mention of a rash and a saga that requires an email but we don’t really know?
but essentially Holster likes Esther and is made fun of for it and I can’t imagine that feels good for her? And they probably didn’t do it in front of her but surely that’s not great for anyone’s mindset
Holster and Esther start dating after Winter Screw and she’s so enamored with this sweet dork who sings to himself while he brushes his teeth but the second he’s around his friends she feels like he doesn’t change per se but he showcases such different parts of himself and she likes what he doesn’t show! She’s into that! But that’s Holster like a large percentage of the time and Esther’s got a life of her own so they’re on again off again, Esther doesn’t come to kegsters or games and things fizzle and reignite a couple of times until Holster becomes a captain
Esther knows in her bones Holster will never ever ever ever ever ever choose her over his team (especially Ransom, like what’s the deal there?) and honestly Esther Does Not Enjoy having intimate conversations about how things make her feel and she’s really good at talking her way around her problems so when They break up Esther’s trying to articulate how she feels around SMH she says “I hate who you are when your uniform is on” and for Holster, who’s entire identity rests on being on A Team (literally his position on the team is being part of a tiny two person team within the larger team) this is his life this is what makes him happiest this is how he feels most himself so Holster hears “I hate the thing that makes you you”
So yeah! They broke up and then avoided each other and didn’t really get closure but also neither of them are bitter, it just felt kind of like “man I miss hanging out with them but yikes who was I at that point??”
of COURSE the first challenge involves the exes having to work together in pairs for their tribe and it’s a clusterfuck and Esther is downright cold to him. She’s sending him all the bad vibes in the world and Holster’s now legitimately worried he destroyed her life with their breakup because there’s some tangible animosity there and then they lose the first challenge and Holster’s wondering why he even got out of bed this morning when Esther pops up behind him and says “come with me, I need your long ass arms for coconuts”
The SECOND they’re out of earshot from the camp Esther‘s like “I’m really sorry I was so mean but I think it’s a huge advantage for the rest of the exes to think we hate each other so they don’t suspect an alliance”
Holster: So you don’t hate me? We’re good?
Esther: Good isn’t the word I’d use, Adam
Holster: That’s fair, I wasn’t a very good boyfriend. But I’ve got your back and we’re going to the top three, you good with that? Here, have a coconut wait let me open it for you
Bada bing bada boom, alliance
Don't get me wrong, it's awkward. Like, really awkward. The vibe of this island is uncomfortable and the near-constant rain for the first five days certainly doesn’t help and their tribe loses three immunity challenges in a row so this alliance is TESTED but Esther and Holster always surreptitiously check in by having lightning fast strategy sessions by the well or when everyone has left camp and they’re SO careful to maintain the illusion that they hate each other when they’re actually earning back trust day by day
Holster’s SUPER helpful around camp. He always offers to carry heavy things and makes people laugh and always knows exactly where the machete is and delivers coconuts to people when they’re resting but it’s miserable
There’s this SWEET moment where, after watching Esther shiver for three days straight Holster takes the machete to the woods and cuts off the bottom half of his sweatshirt to make a scarf/towel/wrap for Esther and they pretend like she did it out of spite and honestly? It’s a power move that helps Holster gain access to this smaller faction of people so they have more intel because the other contestants are like this helpful strong idiot need someone to look out for him
It also means Holster’s running around this island in a cropped sweatshirt and compression shorts
The Himbofication of Adam Birkholtz is complete
And even though Holster’s constantly surrounded by people, hungry, wet, participating in incredibly strenuous physical challenges, and at Tribal Council every night it’s still better than having to hear Ransom say they’ll never be together
Esther can fully tell Something Is Up. At first she just thought it was the stress of the game and the circumstances but then during a challenge she and Holster are on a platform way out in the water waiting for their turns on a relay race and they’re actually completely alone for the first time in days and she absolutely uses that time to interrogate Holster because she’s efficient, damn it
And Holster’s annoyed she’s taking his head out of the game and he’s exhausted and hungry and he’s the last leg of their team which means if he loses they all go to Tribal AGAIN and he can’t let his team down, he really can’t so the whole thing bursts out because he just wants her to stop and it goes like:
Esther: Look, I know you’re annoyed but you’re not telling me something and I think you can see why that would be concerning to me given the fucking context
Holster: It doesn’t have anything to do with the game, you know I’d never jeopardize this for us
Esther: No, that’s not what I think it’s just -
Holster: Holy hell, all I did was tell Ransom that I’m in love with him, are you happy?? NOW SWIM, SHAPIRO
Esther, while diving: I FUCKING KNEW IT
Holster, under his breath: that makes one of us, you could have told me. saved me a lot of time. Rude.
So now Holster’s just admitted this before his ex and 7 million viewers and oh yeah he’s gotta swim through an obstacle course so he and his team can eat today
And finally, FINALLY, their tribe wins. Holster gives it everything he’s got to gain ground (water?) and win it for the team and he’s just laying in the sand, trying desperately to catch his breath, Jeff Probst screaming in the background, while his whole tribe swarms him and if he closes his eyes he swears he can feel the ice under his feet and hear the clack of the sticks and pucks and it’s the first celly he’s earned in years and it feels incredible but it makes him ache for Samwell
Jeff notices that he’s tearing up and of COURSE asks what it’s all about and Holster’s swallowing back tears when he says “I’ve spent my whole life playing on one team or another and after graduating from college I suddenly wasn’t? And I didn’t know how much I missed it until I was on a team again and I even though I love my friends I think this is the first time I’ve let myself admit that things aren’t like they used to be and that I’m not, either”
So Ether’s watching her ex cry on national television and for the first time she understands exactly how deeply he loves his team? And how hard he tries to make them proud of him? And suddenly a lot of their relationship makes a hell of a lot more sense
After the challenge Holster’s laying in a hammock and Esther rolls into it with him and just says “We’re good. Top three?”
Holster, beaming: Bro! Top three!
Esther: What did I tell you about calling me bro when we’re cuddling
Holster: I thought that only applied to post-coital romantic cuddling? Unless of course you’re trying to tell me that you’re ARDENTLY in love with me
Esther: shut up
Holster: a heart full of LOVE a heart full of SONG NO FEAR NO REGRET A NIGHT AS BRIGHT AS DAY -
Ether: Hi, guys?? can someone vote me off this island please?
Part 3 coming soon!! This is so much!! But I fuckin love it!!
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Eve, I LOVE binging your masterlist. I was wondering if I could request a short lil story where someone reminds Jules that since Remus + Sirius got married, then Sirius and Reg are his brothers now too and Jules gets really excited about having TWO more older brothers after Coops' wedding? If not, totally fine!! Have a great year!!
Part 2 of the Coops Wedding series! It’s finally here after my computer was possessed and deleted the first version--this one is just over 4k words, so I hope that makes up for the delay! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
Preparations II Part 1
Remus had never been much of a dancer—despite his speed on the ice, he had two left feet and only the barest hint of rhythm. However, dancing at his wedding was a different story.
Sirius twirled him in a small circle, smiling from ear-to-ear as their friends and family spun around them to the beat blasting through the speakers. They still had three hours until sunset, and Remus was planning on spending every second of it with Sirius’ hand in his own. He pulled him in for another kiss—our tenth today? Twentieth? One hundredth? Who cares—and pulled away with a laugh as Jules and Katie bumped into the backs of his thighs.
“Watch it!” he called, ruffling Jules’ hair as they passed in a dramatic tango. Katie shrieked with giggles as Dumo swept her into his arms, spinning her around with a broad smile. Hope took Jules’ hands while Phil Collins began to sing about love, happiness, and everything Remus was already holding in his arms.
“Hey!” Sirius said over the music, giving Remus a squeeze.
“I love you!”
“I hope so!” Remus laughed, spinning Sirius under his arm before reeling him in to bump their noses. “Not bad for a wedding we planned in six weeks, eh?”
Sirius shook his head, grinning. “We were engaged for ten months. How did we put that off for so long?”
“Because we’re busy all the fucking time.”
“We’re not going to be busy for three whole months,” Sirius said giddily as he picked Remus up a few inches with ease. He paused for a moment, scanning his face as if he was trying to memorize it.
“What’re you thinking about?” The were close enough that Remus hardly had to raise his voice above a murmur.
“We get to do this every day for the rest of our lives.”
His words hit Remus like a semitruck of affection and tears prickled his eyes as he leaned down for a kiss; Sirius set him down to kiss him properly, hands gently bracketing his jaw. “You are the most incredible person,” Remus said against his lips. “How the hell did I get so lucky?”
“I could ask you the same.” Sirius smiled and rested their foreheads together. “Come on, I think Celeste wants to cut the cake soon.”
Remus looked over at the folding table on the other side of the dance floor and stifled a laugh; Celeste, in her pretty blue party dress, was adjusting the cake by millimeters and glanced at her watch every few seconds, as if she was afraid people were going to leave. “I’m dying to know what she eventually decided on for the flavors.”
Sirius hummed his agreement and pulled Remus along by the hand—they didn’t even have to say anything before the rest of the small crowd followed them and gathered around the table. “Wait, wait, wait!” Celeste gasped, taking her phone out of Dumo’s pocket. After a few seconds of quiet, she nodded and centered it on them. “D’accord.”
“Ready?” Remus set his hand on top of Sirius’ and the hilt of the knife, pushing slowly down as it cut through the white frosting in a smooth glide. It was perfectly baked; not a single crumb stuck to the blade as they pulled it out.
“Here we go,” Sirius muttered as they took the first piece out. “Vanilla!”
“Orange, actually,” Celeste said, beaming. “The next layer is chocolate.”
“Celeste.” Remus gave her a tight hug before passing her along to Sirius, who bent down so she could kiss his cheek.
“Merci, maman,” he said quietly. “C’est parfait.”
“Surprise!” She did little jazz hands before handing them two forks from the end of the table. “Oh, this is so exciting. You have to try it, I don’t know if it’s good. I’ve never made an orange cake before.”
“Hurry up, Cap, we’re hungry!” Logan called from the back of the crowd. Sirius pulled a face at him and carefully slid the piece onto a paper plate before linking his elbow with Remus’.
Remus took a forkful of the cake and held it to Sirius’ mouth—just as he went to eat it, Remus scooted it to the side. “Ope, a little to the left, love.”
“Oh, you almost had it! Not quite that far.” He could hear Jules giggling and grinned, moving it two inches to the right as Sirius tried to get it a third time.
“What? It’s not my fault you can’t catch a fork!”
Sirius finally grabbed his elbow and held it in place to get the cake into his mouth, narrowing his eyes at Remus. “Only you would be mean to me on our wedding day.”
“I’m not being mean.” Remus kissed his nose. “Just keeping things interesting.”
“Yeah, yeah, alright.” Sirius got his own bit of cake and held it up. “Close your eyes, sweetheart.”
The second his eyes shut he regretted his decision, but before he could shout a full paper plate of cake smacked into his face with a splat. Everyone gasped, then burst out laughing as the plate fell back down onto the table. Remus slowly wiped frosting from his eyes, flicking it down onto the grass. “That was mean.”
“That was payback,” Sirius corrected.
“See, I would believe you, except I know you’ve been planning to do that for at least three days.”
“Honestly, I’m surprised you didn’t do it first,”
“C’mere, you.” Remus reached half-blindly for his tie, pulling him in for a sugary kiss and feeling around with his other hand for the plate. He pulled away and, before Sirius could open his eyes, smushed the leftover cake right onto his forehead.
Sirius licked his lips. “Celeste, the cake is fantastic. Do you think it’ll moisturize?”
She was laughing too hard to respond, but she blew him a kiss in between drying her eyes. Remus took a napkin of his own and wiped his face off, licking as much of it off his hands as he could. “Oh, please don’t wait for us to clean up,” he said, motioning the still-laughing crowd forward. “We’ll be here for a while.”
“Whose fault is that?” Sirius teased.
They ended up ducking into the kitchen to wash up while Dumo and Celeste passed out slices of cake. “I hope there will be some left over for us,” Sirius said as Remus washed the crumbly frosting from his hair. “From the little I got, it was amazing.”
“Yeah, she nailed the orange flavor.” Remus leaned on the front of the sink, watching people mill around or return to the dance floor for one more song before enjoying their cake. The buzz of their mingled voices dripped with joy and he smiled to himself, soaking in the feeling of his family’s happiness.
Warm arms encircled his waist as Sirius’ chin rested on his shoulder. They said nothing and waited in utter silence until Remus laced their fingers together and headed back out into the summer sunshine.
An hour later, a dozen mismatched plates of food laid decimated on the folding table with a quarter of a wedding cake left as James headed toward the dance floor alone, clutching a piece of paper. He stopped just in front of Remus and Sirius’ table and winked at them.
“Hey, everyone. If you don’t know me, which I find difficult to believe for a number of reasons, I’m James Potter, the groom’s best friend. Yes, both of them.” He paused for a moment to let the laughter roll through. “However, I didn’t want a fight to break out over who got to have me as their best man—”
“There was no fight,” Remus corrected with a grin. “The loser got you, Pots.”
“And a lucky loser he is,” James shot back playfully before clearing his throat. “I met Sirius Black six and a half years ago, when he was eighteen and awkward. We were both awkward, actually, but he had this uncanny ability to make it look cool while I tripped over my own feet.
“The minute I met Sirius, I knew we were going to be friends. He was quiet, a little shy, and didn’t really know how talk to people. In that way, we were exactly alike.” The laughter was even louder that time and Sirius shook his head. “Ah, who am I kidding. I adopted Sirius as my best friend because I thought it would be hilarious to corrupt him.”
James glanced down at Sirius with a smile. “While I attempted to make an extrovert out of him, I learned several important things: number one, he is the least extroverted person I’ve ever met. Two, he is one of the kindest, funniest people on the planet. And three, my life had been severely lacking without him in it.”
A soft ‘aww’ washed over the group and Remus ran his thumb over Sirius’ knuckles.
James looked back at the other tables as he continued. “Sirius Black is known to most of the world as one of the best hockey players of our time. To me, he’s the dorky little brother I never had, and I am so, so proud of him. I’ve had the privilege of watching him open up, not only to me, but to everyone else on the team that he loves with that big soft heart. When my son was born—you all know my son, right? I think I have a picture here somewhere—”
“No!” half the group shouted as James grinned.
“Just making sure you’re still awake. Anyway, when my son was born, naming Sirius godfather was literally the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I kinda sat back went ‘hmm, who is the first person I can think of to entrust with my child’s life?’ and the only natural decision was the one who is terrified of children.”
“Terrified is a bit of a strong word,” Sirius complained, though his eyes were shining.
“My bad, you’re petrified by children,” James corrected. “But in all seriousness—sorry, couldn’t resist—in all seriousness, I couldn’t think of anyone better suited to the job. I think that tells you everything you need to know about Sirius, actually. Even when he’s scared to death, he goes out of his way to help people when they need it.
“Sirius, however happy you are right now—and you’re basically glowing—I need you to know that it’s one tenth of how happy you have made the people you love.” James’ voice got a little tight and Sirius took an unsteady breath. “You are a natural leader and a great hockey player, but most importantly, you are an outstanding friend. You deserve every good thing coming your way, today and for the rest of your life. As your best man and your best friend, I’ll be there whenever you call.”
Sirius sniffled as James wiped his cheeks dry and turned to Remus. “Loops, take care of my little brother, alright?”
“You got it, Pots,” Remus said, barely above a whisper.
James nodded, then raised his glass of champagne. “To Sirius and Remus, and all the happiness they deserve.”
A loud cry of “cheers!” went up, followed by thunderous applause as Sirius got up and wrapped James in a full-body hug, nearly knocking them both over. They separated after a moment and James stood on his toes to kiss the top of Sirius’ head before they went back to their respective places.
“You okay?” Remus murmured, linking their hands together again.
“Fuck, I knew he was going to make me cry.” Sirius shook his head with a smile and sniffled once again. “Yeah, I’m alright.”
Lily raised an eyebrow as she stood James’ place. “Y’know, Re, I seem to recall you promising me a microphone if I did this.”
“Sorry to disappoint!” Remus called back, feeling a flutter of nerves in his stomach. Lily had refused to share any of her speech with him; when he tried to sneakily grab it once, she shoved it down her shirt and glared until he left the room.
“I’ll get over it.” She rubbed her fingers along the edge of her paper and sighed. “I’ve written and rewritten this speech about a dozen times since Re asked me to do it, but just being here—” She took a moment and blinked back tears. “It’s different. Just ignore me if I cry, okay?
Lily cleared her throat and turned back to the paper. “I met Remus Lupin six and a half years ago, on the same day James met Sirius for the first time. Personally, I think we should make that day a national holiday, since it irrevocably changed the course of both our lives. James found his best friend and little brother, and I found my Remus.
“One of the first things you will notice when you meet Remus is that he is friend shaped.” Several murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd and Lily winked at Remus as he flushed pink. “Told you so. Honestly, Remus is one of those people who just exudes kindness. When I found out I was pregnant, he was the first person I told besides James. I knew Remus would not only keep my secret, but also be there in whatever capacity I needed because he cares. Truly, madly, deeply.”
Lily looked over to them with a soft, fond expression that made Remus’ stomach twist into knots. “In Sirius’ vows, he said you were sunshine through dark clouds, which is quite possibly my favorite descriptor of all time. It’s really sappy and cute, for one thing, but also true. Re, you bring light and warmth wherever you go. As someone who has been on the receiving end of that light, I can tell you that it is absolutely overwhelming in the best way. There are few places I feel safer than around you.
“And now we’re here, where you just married the love of your life.” The first tear slid down Lily’s cheek, dipping into her dimple as Remus’ own tracked down his chin. “God, Re, this is incredible. You two get to be together for the rest of your lives, and the rest of us have the best seat in the house to one of the greatest love stories of this century! I mean, c’mon, how many people can say they’ve made it through everything you did?”
Lily sniffled and raised her glass, though she maintained eye contact with him the whole time. “To Remus and Sirius, who remind us all what it looks like to be in love, even when the whole world tries to stand against you.”
A second ‘cheers’ began, but Remus was already on his feet and crashing into Lily, pulling her close as she clutched the back of his suit jacket. “I love you, Lils,” he choked out. “That was fucking incredible.”
“Love you too, Re.” She pulled back and carefully smudged her hands under her eyes to keep her makeup intact. “Ugh, sorry if I ruined your jacket with the waterworks.”
“You’re in good company.” She kissed each of his cheeks and fluffed the front of his hair up, making them both laugh as she took her seat again and Remus moved past his table with a last look to Sirius.
His mother’s eyes grew shiny with unshed tears as he held his hand out and guided her to the dance floor, where they swayed back and forth as Here Comes the Sun started to play, gentle and smooth. “Oh, you,” Hope managed as the lyrics began and Remus twirled her slowly. “I bet your father’s crying even though he’s not dancing.”
Remus glanced over to their table—as always, she was right. “He is. God, you’re good.”
“That’s what happens when you’ve been married for twenty-seven years,” she said, eyes crinkling. “Someday, that’s going to be you.”
He huffed softly. Don’t cry on mom, don’t cry on mom, don’t cry on mom. “You can’t just say stuff like that. It’s like kicking me while I’m down!”
“Little darlin’, it seems like years since it’s been clear,” she sang with a grin, tapping his nose. “Here comes the sun, dodododo, here comes the sun, and I say…”
“It’s all right,” Remus finished under his breath. The dance was over in an instant and after a thousand years at the same time—all too soon, people were clapping as they made their way back to the tables and Sirius walked over to Celeste.
She covered her mouth with her hands as he offered an arm, then nodded and accompanied him to the dance floor. He whispered something and she laughed, looping her arms around his neck with a bit of a stretch as a French song Remus had never heard came through the speakers and softened their smiles.
They talked quietly as they danced; Celeste was as elegant as ever and Sirius could be quite graceful when he put his mind to it. She traced his cheekbones with her thumbs and he closed his eyes, looking utterly at peace. Remus’ heartstrings tugged at the sight and he rested his chin on his hand, letting the waltz roll over him.
More applause followed their dance as Celeste held him in a tight embrace until a more upbeat song began and couples mobbed the dance floor. Sirius downed half his water in one gulp before sitting down with a heavy sigh, and dropped his forehead onto Remus’ shoulder. “You looked good out there,” Remus said, running a hand through his hair.
“So did you. I can’t feel my feet anymore.”
“I think we’re supposed to dance at our wedding.”
“I’m so hungry.”
Remus groaned; between the endless congratulations and conversations after the ceremony, they had no time to enjoy the assorted dishes people brought. “Same. We should go somewhere after this.”
“Other than home?”
“Home…” Remus trailed his lips to Sirius’ ear. “Is for other plans. Food happens elsewhere.”
“Good plan,” Sirius said, a little breathless as he sat back up and stood with a stretch. “Come on, sweetheart, the dance floor awaits.”
Thirty minutes after the sun set and Adele’s perfect fairy lights lit up the backyard, the party finally started winding down. Finn had fallen asleep with his head on Leo’s shoulder about ten minutes prior, but nobody had the heart to wake him; as the best dancer of the group, he had been a hot commodity for anyone looking to show off in addition to whirling both his boyfriends around.
Jules stumbled over to Remus and curled up in his lap without warning, snuggling his face into his chest with a jaw-cracking yawn. Regulus came up behind them a moment later, resting his hands on Sirius’ shoulders and scaring the daylights out of him. “Jesus f—frick, Reg!” he yelped, holding a hand over his heart.
“Sorry.” He didn’t look very apologetic as he turned to Remus. “Jules has been asking for you.”
“Oh, yeah?” Remus looked down and brushed the soft bangs from his eyes. “What’s up, buddy?”
“I love you,” Jules mumbled. “You got married. That’s so cool.”
Remus smiled. “It really is. Thanks for being the ring-bearer, by the way. You did a great job.”
Jules made a muffled noise before wrapping his arms around Remus’ waist with a sigh. “Mmkay. G’night.”
“You can’t fall asleep yet!” Remus tickled his side lightly. “We’re almost done, I promise.”
“What time is it?” Jules cracked an eye open and fumbled for his wrist, turning Remus’ hand over to check. “It’s not even ten! Why am I tired?”
“You’ve had a busy day. Do you know where mom and dad are?”
“Still talking.”
Remus surveyed the crowd and quickly spotted them next to the cubs, sipping water and sharing a piece of cake. He stood carefully, making sure Jules was steady on his hip before heading toward the table with Sirius and Regulus in tow. “We’ve got a tired munchkin,” he whispered when they arrived, depositing Jules into the chair next to his mother; within moments, Jules laid his head on the table.
“Love you, Re,” he said as he tucked his arms under his head. “Best big brother.”
“Best of all three?” Logan gasped in mock-surprise.
“Three?” Jules sat up straight and gave him a confused look. It was made extra adorable by the crooked cowlick decorating the whole right side of his head. “I only have one.”
“Now that Remus and Sirius are married, you’ve got two more big brothers,” Logan reminded him. “Regulus and Sirius count.”
“That’s crazy,” Jules yawned, cocking his head at the brothers. “Re is still my favorite, but you’re awesome and I love you, too.”
Regulus made a soft sound and Sirius kissed the top of Jules’ head. “Don’t tell anyone, but you’re my favorite Lupin,” he stage-whispered, laughing as Remus rolled his eyes.
Jules frowned. “You married one of us, and it sure wasn’t me.”
“Alright, second favorite,” Sirius conceded with a grin as the rest of the table laughed.
“Mama, I’m tired.” Jules traced the bead patterns on Hope’s dress.
“Okay, lovey, we can go home soon.” She raised an eyebrow at Remus and he nodded. “Do you want to say some goodbyes first?”
“We’ll see everyone tomorrow. ‘s okay.”
Lyall gathered Jules into his arms, then turned to Remus and pulled him close with a kiss to his forehead. “So proud of you, kiddo.” He looked over at Sirius for a moment. “Take good care of him, eh?”
“Sir, yes sir.” Sirius pressed a kiss to Remus’ temple as they separated, then moved aside for Hope.
She scanned his face for a moment, then touched their foreheads together. “Good luck, baby. Not that you need it, but you deserve it anyway.”
Remus pulled them both back in for a family hug, feeling Jules drape a drowsy arm around the back of his neck. “Thank you so much for being here. It means—it means everything to me.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Lyall whispered. “Now go, you two haven’t eaten anything tonight.”
“Thank you,” both of them breathed at the same time, sending the whole group into a fit of laughter.
They said a few more ‘thank you’s and goodbyes until the other Lions started a loud, incoherent cheer and all but chased them toward Sirius’ car, where a small ‘Just Married’ sign had been stuck on the back window. They were planning on keeping the wedding a secret from the media as long as they could—the reaction would be even more hilarious the longer they waited.
“What if—” Remus broke off into snickering as they pulled out of the Dumais’ driveway. “What if nobody notices?”
“What? That we’re married?” Sirius gave him a disbelieving look. “People are going to figure it out so fast, no matter how many times Pots changes the subject.”
Remus hummed and rested his hand on Sirius’ thigh as he drove, tapping along to the rhythm of the radio; the route was familiar to them both, even after the chaos of the day. A slow, unstoppable smile made his cheeks hurt. “We got married.”
“Damn right, we did.”
“Scuse me for a moment.” Remus rolled down his window and cleared his throat, then leaned out and whooped loud enough that people in the next state would probably be able to hear it. He calmly closed it once more, fighting down a smile. “Sorry, I just had to get that out.”
Sirius slowed and rolled his own window down, sticking his head out into the empty night air. “I got married!” he shouted at the top of his lungs with a wild grin. “I have a husband now! Just thought you should know!”
“Husband,” Remus mused as the car started moving again. “Hmm. I like the sound of that.”
“Me, too.”
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ssa-sugar-tits · 4 years
i missed you
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request : this one
pairing : derek morgan x cadet!reader
summary : an fbi cadet reader asks her old friend, derek morgan, to help her train and suppressed feelings surface.
content warnings : annoying time jumps (leave me alone), swearing, awkward ass reader, insecurity, good old sexual tension
gif credit : @rewrotethestars
All it took was a call to an old friend. One who'd left for the FBI not long after you'd met. Communication didn't completely fizzle out, every once in a while you'd see how the other was doing. You'd crossed each other's minds as something that could have been but simply weren't-- and that was okay. So why did you reach out? You can't really say.
Derek's phone rings in the back pocket of his jeans, barely noticable over the blaring music of the dim lit club. The name appears in large letters and he redirects his attention with dark furrowed brows, earning pouts from the women fawning over him.
"Y/N?" His deep voice questions and you almost hang up. He doesn't sound very happy to hear from you.
"Hey Derek, it's me. I mean clearly it's me, since you already saw my caller ID. What I mean is..." you trail off, fumbling over your own words. Surprisingly he chuckles and puts you at ease.
"It's nice to know you're still you, hot stuff. So what's up?"
Hot stuff.
His stupid nicknames always felt like home in an odd way.
"Sorry if you're busy but I'm finishing up my time at the academy and I was wondering if you'd help me train." God, you sound ridiculous. "S-Since you're all badass and built and I'm not, you know?"
You wince at your sentence. Why didn't you stop talking? A warm laugh escapes him and you can hear a smile in his voice that makes you smile too, despite the fact that it's probably at your expense.
"You think I'm badass and built? I'm glad that's what stuck in your mind about me after all these years. I'd be more than happy to help you, just let me know when."
"I will, thanks Derek."
And you did. The rest is history.
Derek was ecstatic to hear from you. Your presence always lingered in his heart like a beautiful ghost.
"Okay, spill." Penelope's flirty tone sings to the unsuspecting profiler in the elevator.
"Spill?" Derek cocks an eyebrow.
"Spill about where you've been so excited to go. It doesn't take a profiler to figure out when someone captivates the Derek Morgan."
"It's not like that, babygirl. I'm helping a friend in the academy train, that's all."
That's all? Rich, Morgan.
"A female friend I presume? One who makes the sexy biceps of your heart flex?"
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that last part but yes, Y/N is a woman. It doesn't mean anything."
An exaggerated sigh leaves the blonde and she taps a finger on the desk.
"Whatever you say, twelve-pack. Just know that your girl's rooting for ya. Not that she'll be able to resist you exercising."
Derek laughs heartily at her wink and steps out of the building.
"Is that her?" she gasps, seeing you leaned against his car awaiting the dark man. "She might just be sexier than you are."
You wave innocently and give a hopefully not too awkward, tight lipped smile. Penelope smirks at Derek's obvious awe of you, taking in the sight as if you were a vivid sunset about to disappear. You'd never guess that though, would you? Why would a man like him want you? The answer is he wouldn't. But a girl can dream.
"Took you long enough," you laugh and turn to the brightly dressed woman beside him. "You must be Penelope? Der's mentioned you before."
Der? Penelope taunts with silent feline eyes.
"The one and only! I've heard about you too, Y/N."
"Oh!" you're startled when she brings you into a hug and whispers, not at all subtly.
"Have fun training."
Derek scrunches his face in embarrassment. You must know why she's teasing.
"Goodbye lovelies, enjoy yourselves!" She waves goodbye.
"She was... interesting," you say playfully. "I like her."
Is that all you have to say? Judging by the way you open the car door and plop down, yes. Yes, it is.
Arriving at the Quantico gym, you turn to your new trainer and beam.
"Alright. Where do we start, teach?"
"The fitness test is going to put you through core challenges and test your overall endurance out in the field. It's best to take this at your best level so we'll start wherever you want."
How does he make an FBI qualification sound sexy?
"Uh... core is a good place to start. Give me a sec to change."
"No problem."
Of course he'd change too. But it still catches you by-- very pleasant-- surprise when you return to see him in gym clothes. His dark, toned arms are completely exposed and the built pecs of his chest are barely covered by his tank top. It grips to his abs and the shorts he's wearing... they do not leave his calves to the imagination.
"Like what you see?" he teases confidentally, showcasing his perfect white teeth. Shit, he caught you staring. And of course had to taunt you.
As if he isn't enjoying the view too. Your sports bra and active wear shorts aren't exactly modest.
"No! I mean yes! I was just admiring, you're very fit."
You want to cringe at yourself. Way to go Y/N, not creepy at all.
"Not so bad yourself, Y/N. Why don't we start with stretching?"
"Okay," you nod and follow his movements. Bringing an arm up over your head, you turn and gasp lightly at the sight of his tank top lifting. If one thing hasn't changed, it's those fucking abs. Being distracted while exercising isn't such a good thing however and you topple over into his arms.
"Woah! I got you," Derek reassures and steadies you.
"Yeah I'm alright-- thanks."
His eyes are so pretty. They scan yours with a love you wouldn't comprehend. So chocolate and ocean like. You could lose yourself in them... Oh god. You are losing yourself in them.
"So, what now?" you blurt, jumping back from his grasp and almost making him frown. He'd rather be close to you but he'd never let you know. A womanizer, isn't he? He's on Reid's level of charm when it comes to you. You're different, somehow, some way.
"The best core exercises to begin with are crunches and sit ups, we can move on to variations afterwards." he explains, lips moving with silk precision.
"Got it!" you nod enthusiastically. Derek lays on his back for a demonstration, allowing you to enjoy the show as his arms bend behind his head and his body curls up to his knees.
Always the charmer, always the angel.
Something about him right now, whatever it is.
It's too much to ignore anymore.
With a burst of confidence and passion, you hop onto his lap and rest your hands on his racing chest.
"I really missed you Derek."
As scandalous as this would seem to anyone who walked in right now, the moment was nothing if not pure.
"I missed you too baby."
You lower your body and gently brush his lips with yours. His hands find their rightful place in your hair and his tongue guides yours into bliss. Tilting your head, you melt deeper into the long overdue kiss and breathlessly pull back.
"Training's a lot more fun than I thought it'd be." You whisper and rest your head against his.
"We should do it again sometime." He returns.
"Is that a promise?"
He chuckles and brings music to your ears.
"It always has been, pretty lady."
And it always will be.
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sunsetcurveofficial · 3 years
can I request ot3 or even all 4 sunset curve soulmates drabble 🥺
this... is so much longer than a drabble, i’m so sorry. it was only going to be a fraction of this but then... i kind of liked this universe and kept going lol
anyway, here we go, 2k of sunset curve ot3 soulmate goodness 
also available on ao3
It’s weird, this soulmates thing. Alex has always thought so. So people are born with random sentences scribbled onto their skin, and they’re supposed to be the first words your soulmate ever says to you. It sounds all beautiful and easy enough, and really, for most people it is. He supposes it’s nice to know you’re actually supposed to be with the person you may or may not fall in love with. Most soulmates do, he knows. But not all of them. Some remain platonic, because some people are not made for romance and that’s okay. He knows that platonic love isn’t any less important than romantic love. Generally speaking, he does think that the soulmarks make sense, too. For most people. 
His, however, has never made any sense at all. 
Because his soulmark says Hi, I’m Reggie. Reggie says you’re killing it on the drums, man.
It doesn’t make any sense. It never has. 
So, he met Reggie when he was 13. And Reggie said the first part of his soulmark to him. Which makes sense. The second part, however, remains unsaid. And it doesn’t surprise him that it does. Because why the hell would Reggie tell him that Reggie says he’s killing it on the drums? It doesn't. Make. Any. Sense. And frankly, it makes Alex a little anxious to think about. Does he have two soulmates? He used to think that is something that only happens in fairy tales. 
The weirdest part, however, is the fact that half of Reggie’s soulmark also remains unsaid. Reggie has the words Oh, hello, I’m Alex. Dude, you shred on the bass! tattooed onto the skin on his forearm. The first part is self-explanatory and makes perfect sense, but Alex didn’t even know Reggie plays bass when he first met him. 
He and Reggie have spent hours and hours dwelling on what it all means, and why both of their unsaid halves are related to their instruments, but to no avail. They have no clue. Having two soulmates is rare, but your soulmate also having two soulmates is close to impossible. Neither of them have ever heard of that happening before. Except maybe in fairytales or TV shows. 
On Alex’s 14th birthday, they agree that there isn’t any point in agonising over it, because they would inevitably find out, eventually. So Alex tries not to dwell on it anymore and focus on his new boyfriend instead. Because while he and Reggie have assumed they are soulmates of the platonic kind at first, they have since figured out that kissing is much nicer than it looks on TV, especially when they’re doing it with each other. 
They’re 15 when it all starts making sense. Except it still doesn’t, and it’s completely insane. It’s a perfectly normal Wednesday and Alex is waiting for Reggie by his locker, idly going over his maths notes, when he hears Reggie’s familiar laughter reach his ears. He looks up with a smile, and he finds Reggie walking towards him, dragging another boy he’s never seen before along by the hand. There are a couple of thoughts raining down on him all at once, approximately in this order:
“Why is my boyfriend holding hands with another guy?”
“Who is this?”
“Don’t be jealous now, Alex. He’s your soulmate.” 
“Fuck, that new guy is pretty. Almost as pretty as Reggie.” 
“Stop staring, Alex.” 
“Alex! Alex!!” Reggie says excitedly when they reach him. He’s beaming, his smile almost blinding, and Alex wants to cry a little bit because he loves him so much. “You gotta meet Luke! He’s just moved here, and I just met him in music class. Also-- no, never mind, later. Luke, this is Alex.” Reggie is jumping up and down a little, and he’s so bubbly, he almost seems nervous. Alex faintly wonders what that’s all about. 
Alex stares, feeling a little overwhelmed by an onslaught of emotions he can’t really place. Luke nods at him. 
“Reggie says you’re killing it on the drums, man,” Luke says casually, and Alex swears his heart stops. No way. His whole world is closing in on him, and he stares at Luke open-mouthed, unable to say a single word. He blinks, and forces himself to look away from Luke - his soulmate, his freaking second soulmate - and meet Reggie’s eyes instead. Reggie looks like a deer in the headlights, and at least that’s an emotion Alex can relate to. It’s eerily quiet for a long time, the chatter of the students around them drowned out by Alex’s own heart hammering against his ribcage. 
“Umm… are you two okay?” Luke asks, and somehow the sound of his voice snaps Alex back to reality. Right. He has yet to say anything. Has yet to say the words written on Luke’s skin somewhere. Oh dear. What is he going to say? Why does he feel so pressured to say the right thing when it’s already been decided anyway? He feels himself panic a little. He should just answer Luke’s question, right? Easy. Isn’t it? Except he doesn’t even remember what Luke said. Fuck.
“What the fu--” he starts muttering, eyes widening as he stops himself, “I mean, no, I can’t say that-- no, that’s awful, oh my god, I messed this all up. Fuck!” His eyes widen even further when he realises just how badly he fucked up. He looks back at Luke and blushes.
“I am so sorry, man,” he says, and he means it. Luke stares at him for a long moment before bursting into loud laughter. He holds onto Reggie’s shoulder to keep himself upright, and something about the sight and the sound sends a flutter to Alex’s stomach. Reggie is laughing too, and he keeps eyeing him fondly. It helps to calm Alex some. 
When Luke’s laughter ceases into a grin, he picks up the hem of his sleeveless band shirt and reveals a perfect tattoo of Alex’s rambling. It’s not all there is, though. Above it, there is a line saying, Thanks, I also happen to shred on the banjo. 
Alex blinks. It fits perfectly with Reggie’s second half. And Reggie does shred on the banjo. No. That can’t be real, can it? They can’t all be soulmates, right? That doesn’t happen. He looks up to meet Reggie’s beautiful green eyes, and he’s beaming at him. Then he meets Luke’s, and the stranger - because that’s what he still is to him - grins from ear to ear. 
“Well, boys. Nice to meet ya. Soulbros, or some shit.” 
Alex makes a face. Reggie giggles and shoves at Luke’s shoulder. 
Alex faintly wonders if Luke is straight and makes up for the platonic part of their little triangle. Luke raises an eyebrow, grinning. 
“No? Okay, well, that’s good. ‘Cause I think you’re both like, insanely cute.” 
Alex blushes, he knows he does, and he’s comforted by the fact that Reggie blushes, too. Red blotches appear all over his cheeks, and it’s the most beautiful thing. 
Luke seems to have no qualms about anything, and Alex thinks that makes sense. He and Reggie do still need a little more confidence between them, and a little more of a doer, since they both tend to be talkers if no one pulls them along. 
“Uh, yeah, Reggie and I are already dating,” Alex says. Luke nods as if he likes to hear that. He’s definitely adjusting to this weird three-way situation much faster than Alex is. 
“Sweet!” he says and beams at them. “Also, boys! We can start a band. How cool is that?”
Alex stares again, feeling like he’s missed something. He and Reggie have been talking about starting a band with their friend Bobby for so long, but they’ve never done it. 
“I play the guitar,” Luke explains, “And I sing, and write music.” 
Well, Alex thinks, that makes more sense than anything he’s ever heard before in his life. Just like their soulmarks suddenly make the most sense in the world. 
 Reggie falls for Luke first. Alex sees it happening right in front of his eyes, and he wonders if he should be jealous, but he stomps out that spark before it can be set aflame. They’re all soulmates and it was bound to happen. It’s not like he doesn’t feel it too, the magnetic pull towards Luke. Luke is wonderful. He lives and breathes for his music, he’s driven and passionate, and kind. There is a depth to him, too, and Alex thinks he can’t wait to explore it. Alex would say he’s the most beautiful person he’s ever met, if it wasn’t for Reggie. They are so different in so many ways, but that’s one thing they have in common. 
“I think I want to kiss Luke,” Reggie says one afternoon when they’re 16 and hanging out in Alex’s room, listening to music and waiting for Luke to pick them up and take them to Bobby’s place for their band practice. “Is that okay?” 
Alex smiles at him and pulls at his arm to make him straddle his hips. He reaches up to brush a loose strand of hair off Reggie’s forehead. 
“Of course it is,” he tells him. Reggie beams, but Alex can see another worry crease appear on his forehead.
“You don’t want to yet, do you?” he asks carefully. Alex shakes his head. 
“I’m happy to kiss just you for now.”
Reggie smiles again and leans down to press his lips against Alex’s. Alex wraps his arms around Reggie’s neck to keep him from pulling away as he deepens their kiss. Alex loves kissing Reggie. He thinks it’s the best feeling in the world.
They’re still kissing when Luke bursts into the room. Reggie startles so badly, he nearly falls off the bed, and Alex knocks his head on the headboard. 
“Aw guys, without me again? I’m really starting to get a little jealous here,” Luke pouts. 
Reggie gives Alex a look, and Alex nods, encouraging him to go on. So Reggie jumps up from the bed and takes a few strides across the room to step into Luke’s space, push him until his back hits the door, and then kiss him right on the mouth. Alex expects jealousy, but he only finds himself feeling warm all over. He loves them both, he knows, even though he might not have any desire to kiss Luke just yet. It’s mostly just due to his nervousness anyway, but even that makes no sense, because it’s not like Luke would reject him. 
He watches Luke kiss Reggie back eagerly, his hands roaming over the other boy’s back as he keeps him close and tilts his head for a better angle. 
When they pull apart, Luke smiles happily, and Alex feels that flutter in his stomach again. He knows he won’t last much longer. Especially now that he’s seen Luke kiss Reggie. Maybe he kind of… wants a taste anyway. But not just yet, even though Luke is giving him a longing look over Reggie’s shoulder and it does all sorts of funny things to his chest. 
 They’re 17 when he finally gives in and kisses Luke in the middle of one of his impassioned rants about the song he’s working on. Luke gasps in surprise, but immediately lets go of his guitar to bring a hand up to the back of Alex’s head. He kisses him back the way he plays music. He gives it his everything. It’s the best feeling in the world, right on par with kissing Reggie. 
When Alex pulls away, Reggie is grinning at them from his spot on the floor where he’s idly plucking at the strings of his bass. Luke is smiling happily and promptly wraps his arms around Alex’s waist to hug him, holding on tight. 
“Dude, you had me so worried. I was half convinced you didn’t want me like that. That this part of the triangle is strictly platonic for you or something!” he says. 
“I told you, babe,” Reggie comments. “He just needed time.” 
Alex shrugs. 
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. I just-- I get so nervous sometimes and--”
Luke interrupts him by pulling him into another kiss. 
“I know, you dork,” he says, then turns towards Reggie, “You’re both dorks.” 
Reggie doesn’t even look up from his bass when he says, “Yeah, but you love us anyway.” 
“That’s fair. I really do,” Luke says, shrugging, then clears his throat, “Well, soulmates. Let’s get to work. We got an important gig to rehearse for.” 
 -  End.   -
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Cause Somewhere in the Crowd (There's You) (Diamond Chaney) - Plegdoctor
A/N: Not much to say for this one really, just a short Diamond Chaney girlband au based off Super Trouper by ABBA. Enjoy!
The other girls were more excited than she was, unpacking the van and chatting animatedly while all Lawrence could do was stare around. The building in front of her was imposing in more ways than one ��� physically huge, towering over her and casting a shadow on the otherwise sunny day, but also mentally imposing. Lawrence can still remember walking into it when she was a small girl in primary school, brown hair in neat plaits and eyes as wide as saucers as she hung onto her best friend’s hand and gaped.
Now she’s standing in front of it, brown hair dyed a vibrant purple and thrown into a ponytail at the top of her head, her eyes wide as saucers, and her hand empty.
It had all gone a bit too far really, starting with Bimini slamming their fists on the table in year 12 and excitedly suggesting they start a girlband (“Well, three girls and me innit”) and Lawrence can’t trace her finger along what happened next to lead her to standing in Glasgow, a sinking feeling in her stomach as she realises what she’s doing there.
“You alright babe?” Lawrence turns to look down on Bimini, standing next to her with a concerned frown on their face. “Excited to be back in your hometown?”
Lawrence forces a laugh, a fake smile slipping onto her face in an action that more natural than she would care to admit. “Loving it Bim.”
Bimini grins. “Good. Just think, it’ll be like facing 20,000 of your friends.”
Lawrence’s snort is genuine at Bimini’s words, her eyes rolling fondly at the never-ending optimism of her tiny friend. “I don’t think there’s quite that many seats, babes.”
Self-proclaimed monarch of the PMA, Bimini simply shrugs and pivots to run towards Tayce who is three seconds away from dropping the crate full of water on her foot. Lawrence watches the scenes with a hint of amusement, the weighted feeling in her stomach settling. Her mind goes back to Bimini’s words, the thought of facing 20,000 of your friends. There’s only one friend that Lawrence wants to face when she’s on stage tonight – and that friend is currently on the other side of Scotland in her hairdressing salon.
The thought weighs on her mind until it’s pressing against her cranium and cracking her skull by the time she’s thrown herself across the hotel bed and sighed for approximately the 50 millionth time.
Lawrence loves what she does. She does. She loves her friends, Bimini, Tayce, and A’whora. She loves the process of writing new songs, long hours locked in the studio throwing harmonies and lyrics around until it just sounds like pure gibberish. She (secretly) loves learning the choreography that Tayce insists they must do, repeating the wee steps until her body finally moves in the right way and Tayce enthusiastically high fives her. She loves getting into costume and makeup, the process transforming her from Lawrence Chaney who got picked on in school into international popstar Lawrence Chaney who regularly performs on the biggest stages all around the world with her girlband.
They’ve worked hard for what they have too. Lawrence likes to tell people that becoming a household name is no overnight feat. From the day that Bimini first suggested it, to the joyful tears rolling down their faces as they came second on the X Factor, to their first single blowing up. They’ve worked hard every step of the way and been rewarded for it.
So why does Lawrence feel so ready to give it up? Part of the success that never ends is continuing to work, but for the past two months Lawrence has done nothing but eat, sleep, and sing. Her throat is raw and at moments she thinks she’s going crazy.
Her eyes catch her phone, dressed up in the delightfully tacky pink phone case that was a gift from Ellie for her last birthday. She picks it up and the screen flickers to life, displaying a picture of two girls with their heads close together and identical smiles.
Lawrence hasn’t spoken to her in far too long. Recently the whirlwind of life has swept her up to much for her to even think straight let alone have a conversation with a human being who is not also obsessively repeating lyrics under their breath.
It’s a lonely word.
“Hey. It’s good to hear from you.”
Then Lawrence hears that voice, that accent that is so soft in her ear, and she could cry.
“I didn’t disturb you did I?”
“No hen, it’s fine, I only jumped so much at the ringing of my phone that I shaved some wee granny’s curls off but I’m sure she’ll forgive me.”
Ellie’s bored and matter of fact tone makes Lawrence burst out a laugh. “Poor Doreen, she’s really got to stop trusting you with those clippers.”
She can only imagine the way the corner’s of Ellie’s mouth might turn up at her teasing. “How is the salon anyway?”
“It’s in good hands. But babe, forget the salon, how’s your tour going?”
Even Ellie, the girl who knows her better than anyone else in the world, is excited for Lawrence and that only breaks her heart more. She grins ruefully, despite the knowledge that Ellie can’t see her.
“Honestly? I’ve been wishing that every show was the last show.”
Ellie’s little high-pitched noise of protest comes from her throat, her mouth undoubtedly in a little O shape with her eyebrows sliding upwards. “But you’ve only just got to Glasgow! You wouldn’t want to miss that!”
“Do you remember that trip to the theatre in primary school?”
A beat of silence at the other end of the line. “Of course I do. The one where I almost threw up on the bus because you fed me too many sweets?”
Lawrence chuckles. “Aye. Love how that’s the thing you remember about it.”
Miles away, Ellie shrugs cheekily. “I never forget friend abuse.”
“You’re such a wee cow, you know that right?”
“All part of my charm.”
“Anyway, being here is just making me realise how much I miss home. Tour is great Els, but I miss everything. I miss you.”
Ellie laughs. Lawrence shoots up in the hotel bed in outrage. “I just poured my heart out to you and you laugh at me?”
“First of all, not sure saying you miss me is pouring your heart out.”
She’s glad she chose to do this alone in the room and not anywhere near the other girls. She can’t begin to imagine the way that A’whora would pounce on her flushed face.
“Second of all, I wasn’t going to tell you this but I have a surprise for you. Listen.”
Ellie switches the phone to speakerphone and holds it away from her ear. In contrast, Lawrence presses her ear against the screen harder, knuckles white as she grips the pink case.
At first she can’t hear anything, just the faint murmuring of people talking in the background. She strains to listen for the sounds of hairdryers and flowing water. None of that comes and Lawrence lets out a huff of frustration.
“Ellie, explain to me exactly what the fuck I’m meant to be listening for?”
This train will depart at Glasgow.
Lawrence’s mouth dries completely.
“You’re coming to Glasgow?”
“No, just got on the train there for a bit of fun, I’m going straight back. Might not even get off the train it’s so comfy.”
“Get to fuck Els, I’m meant to be the funny one in this relationship.” Her mouth might be dry but her eyes aren’t, small jewels of tears welling up and threatening to spill over with every shaking word.
“I’m taking that title for now. I just need you to be the famous one in this relationship. You can do that, can’t you?”
“Ellie, for you I would do this entire tour all over again.”
Closer to her than she realises, Ellie smiles. “Good. See you on stage.”
“I’ll be thinking about you only.”
The call ends with a smile on Lawrence’s lips and a single tear sliding down her cheek. Suddenly she feels alright. And it’s gonna be so different when she’s on the stage tonight.
“Alright slags! Lawrence’s hometown so we’re gonna rock it just as hard as we always do. Hands in and United Kingdolls on three! One, two, three, United Kingdolls!” All four of them cheer, hoisting their hands in the air.
Their little preshow chanting may seem silly to other people but they’ve always done it. Even when it was only them singing covers with Ellie doing their hair and makeup, and A’whora ripping through charity shops to find decent costumes. It feels only fitting that they still do it now when they’re singing their own songs in professionally made costumes and makeup done by a professional artist.
Lawrence still keeps the style of her hair the same though. It’s changed colours a few times over the years, but it’s always in the same curls that Ellie brushed through minutes before the sixth form talent show.
Lawrence inhales as the music starts. The beat is steady and familiar, but tonight it feels so much more electric. She knows that the minute she’s on that stage she’s going to get blinded by that one beam of stage light that always finds it’s way to her eye, but she won’t feel blue like she always does.
When she gets on stage her eyes roam the massive crowd until she sees, in the very middle of a group of screaming girls, a head of baby pink hair. The sight of her proves to Lawrence that she’s still alive, and Lawrence uses that spark of energy to throw everything into her performance. She hits every note perfectly, her body moving in perfect harmony to the choreography that she usually fucks up at least once.
There’s a massive smile on her painted lips and she hopes that Ellie can read the smile, know that because of her, Lawrence is having fun on stage for the first time in months. There’s four of them in the band, but tonight Lawrence feels like a number one. The lights do not blind her but find her instead, shining like the sun.
They finish the first song with a flourish and Lawrence ignores the hundreds of screams to find Ellie’s. They still have the rest of the show, but Lawrence knows that they’re going to get through it and give Glasgow the best concert they’ve seen in years. Then she can stumble off stage and go from popstar Lawrence to Ellie’s Lawrence, falling into her arms and holding her tight. It’s gonna mean so much more tonight.
Because, somewhere in the crowd, there’s Ellie.
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ptergwen · 3 years
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w/c: 4.6k
warnings: some swearing, suggestive tings, and a pretty bad ending
summary: it’s the last night of your world tour, and tom has the perfect way to celebrate
a/n: i know y’all have been waiting for this one! everyone really loved when worlds collide but i ran out of ideas for it lol sorry... anyways my solution was to turn it into a oneshot :D based off the au!! i’m honestly nervous about posting this cuz a lot of you asked for it and i don’t wanna disappoint but i tried my absolute hardest to make it special <3 please enjoy
“thank you so much! we love you!” you shout to the audience, laughing breathlessly when they shout back. one of your dancers pulls you into a side hug, you throwing your arm around his neck. “we’re so fucking lucky you chose us, that you came all the way here. i’ve seen some of you back at night one. wow.” your voice gets wobbly, thinking about how loyal your fans are.
the tour started in new york, and they’ve followed you here to london.
tonight is an emotional night for everyone. you’re about to wrap your last show before you continue again in the summer. touring the u.k. has been a dream, and you’re just as thrilled to travel the rest of the world after your break. it’s bittersweet because you’re going to miss the hell out of your crew and the millions of lovely faces you’ve sang to each week. but, you do get to spend your time off with a special someone.
he’s watching you from the sound booth, sending fond smiles and loud cheers your way. thanks to you, tom has been at every show you’ve played in england. he brought harry along this time because he’s also a fan and wanted to see you. well, tom is more than a fan at this point. you’d say he’s more of a boyfriend. you haven’t discussed labels just yet.
your dates have mainly been over facetime, since you live on opposite sides of the world with insane schedules. a heartthrob actor and international popstar is quite the combination. you’ve only seen each other in person a couple of times, the first being pretty recently.
zendaya brought tom along to hang out with you in los angeles. he happened to be there recording some lines for a movie. she saw your concert earlier that night and invited him to crash the dinner plans you’d made, resulting in the best surprise and most fun you’ve ever had. the other time you enjoyed each other’s company was one weekend in paris. that was... something.
besides those two miracles, everything between you and tom happens through a screen. you’ll down bottles of champagne or keep warm under blankets while talking about your days. it’s nice, having someone on the other end who listens and actually hears you. tom gets it. you both do.
finishing your tour in london is convenient because not only will you have tom to comfort you, but you get to stick around for a while. he’s invited you to stay at his place. you can’t wait to meet the other holland’s, his friends, and obviously tessa.
“fuck, i’m gonna cry. i’m already crying,” you announce to the crowd, though they can tell from the tears streaming down your face. more dancers huddle around you and turn your single hug into a group one. you’re laughing and sobbing and holding on tight to everyone. fans bawl their own eyes out, the fact that this is it starting to settle in. the onstage crew even gets choked up, seeing you like this.
tom pouts from where he’s watching. he wishes he could run up there and squeeze you tight, but he’ll have to save that for when you’re done.
“i love you all so much, literally every single one of you in this room,” you tell everyone for the nth time tonight, swiping a perfectly manicured finger under your eyes. “my lighting crew, sound crew, my band, my fearless fucking dancers-“ a hiccup cuts you off. people burst into fits of giggles, which is a much needed tension breaker. you adjust your headset so the mic doesn’t pick up any other bodily noises.
grinning, you rest your arm on a shorter dancer’s shoulder, then go on. “sorry, sorry. i just wanna say, like, three more thank you’s before i get out of here.” there’s a chorus of no’s and encouraging whistles at the mention of you leaving. you blink back more tears to delay the breakdown you’re going to have. “thank you to my friends who always show up for me.”
with a knowing smile, you glance over at tom. “and, thank you to my more than a friend.” he smiles back, both hands held over his heart. harry elbows him in congratulations. more screaming erupts from the crowd as they realize where you’re looking and who you’re looking at. this will be sure to spark some headlines. whatever, you’re used to trending on every possible social media platform by now.
“this is the big one,” you preface, taking in a breath while everyone quiets down again. “thank you to you guys. for trusting me, for caring about what i have to say in any way. i feel your love. i really do, and i hope you feel mine.” your fans yell that they love you back, dancers gently swaying you side to side, emotions on high. there’s one last song, and it’s over.
“this has been the sensation tour, and i’ve been your host. was i good?” you try to lighten the mood, earning a bunch of what sound like positive shrieks. the earpiece you have in makes it hard to tell. “y’all were even better.” exchanging looks with your dancers, you pull out of the hug so you can get to your mark for the finale. they follow your lead. music comes through the speakers.
“i’ll see you again soon, okay? i promise. here’s sensation,” you introduce the song, immediately bursting into more tears. it’s torture to say goodbye. thankfully, you have the most incredible fans on earth, so they sing along with you at the top of their lungs. that includes tom and harry, your ultimate stans.
when the show is over, you run right off stage and over to tom. he’s waiting on the side with actual heart eyes for you. you practically leap into his arms, a hand cradling the back of his head, both his arms draped low and tight around your body.
“you were so amazing up there! absolutely smashed it, darling,” tom breathes out. his face is smushed between your neck and mostly bare chest. “thanks, tom. seriously, thanks for being here tonight and every other.” you smile a tired smile and wind your other arm around his neck. he presses some light you’re welcome kisses to your skin. “mm, thanks for having me. how’s it feel to be done?”
you sigh, fingers running through his curls. “like the biggest relief, and also really sad.” you’re such a mess that you could cry again on the spot. tom senses it and lifts his head up to see if you’re alright. “super depressing,” you surprisingly reiterate without the waterworks. “i know the feeling. you’ll be back soon, though. you said it,” he murmurs, a grin on his lips as they brush against the corner of yours.
you’re about to kiss him properly, then one of your dancers comes up to you. you’d forgotten that there are still stage managers and security everywhere, too. you get completely lost in tom whenever you’re together.
“you killed, babe,” coco greets you, linking your arm in hers. tom takes the hint and lets go of you. he watches on with a smirk. “nah, you murdered,” you send the compliment back and bite your lower lip. “i dunno, i feel like someone murdered me!” there’s coco with her dramatics. she’s genuinely hilarious, your shared sense of humor playing a huge part in your friendship.
she brings your free hand to her heart. you gasp at how fast it’s going. “that shit is really beating, coco. are you, like, okay?” “probably not. it was the freestyle that got me.” coco went a lot harder than usual tonight, since it was her last big dance break for a while. she puffs air from her cheeks and nods to tom. “this your man?”
“yeah, you could say that. i’m tom,” he answers, holding out a hand for her. “coco.” she pulls it like you would in a handshake. you beam at them, one of your best friends and unofficial boyfriend finally meeting. “sounds promising. i approve,” coco mutters to you. bumping your hip into hers playfully, you take one of tom’s hands in both of yours.
“aw, we have your blessing or something? your permission?” you coo and get a push at your shoulder from coco in return. tom chuckles, his thumb running over the back of your hand. “no! i was gonna say you should bring him out back,” coco clarifies, like it was obvious. you’re not sure what she’s on about. “uh, what’s out back?” you question. “an axe?” tom teases.
coco gestures to the nearest exit. “we’re having a little goodbye party in the parking lot. fire pit, snacks. remember?” nope, you’d completely forgotten. the idea first sounded like the perfect way to end your night, so you agreed to go. that was before you were dripping sweat and mentally exhausted. now, all you want to do is unwind with tom and tom only.
the superstar life is one you’re happy to lead, just not at this exact moment.
“i do now.” you muster up your most apologetic smile for coco, tugging on tom’s hand. “i’m sorry, co. i think we’re gonna pass.” her jaw drops. you’re never one to skip these things. “aw, for real? it’s our last night!” tom threads his fingers through yours while you talk. “bro, we’ve been together for almost a whole year,” you laugh out, nuzzling your cheek into tom’s chest. “get sick of me.”
“never,” coco deadpans. she catches you gazing up at tom, relaxing as his arms hug your middle. she’s known you long enough to tell what’s a fling and what’s real love for you. this is something special, and she can’t get in the way of it. she’ll let you navigate this yourself. “ok, just for tonight. you’ll text me?” coco gives you a real smile, raising an eyebrow at tom. he gathers that’s a good thing. he’s in.
“mhm. maybe we can hang out tomorrow,” you agree and let your eyes flutter shut. all that’s keeping you up are tom’s strong arms. “tell everyone i love them.” “i think they know.” coco shakes her head lightheartedly. tom laughs at her. “be good,” she tells him and means it, rubbing your back on her way to the lot. that leaves you and tom alone at last.
custodians are cleaning up the arena, fans are piling out, and you’re clinging to tom while his steady heartbeat grounds you. this is the only after party you need.
“harry’s got the car when you’re ready,” tom mumbles, tucking a piece of damp hair behind your ear. you loop your arms around his torso with a hum. “i was kinda wondering where he went.” “yeah?” he gives you a small smile. “gotta ask what he thought... of the show.” yawns are creeping past your lips, tonight’s events catching up to you.
“i like feedback from the fans, or stans,” you elaborate in your sleepy state. tom uses his fingertips to tap your temple. “what about me? i’m your biggest.” “i’ll, um, follow up with you later.” your words are slurring. “right now, home.” warmth spreads throughout tom’s entire body, his house becoming yours for a bit. “your chariot awaits,” he affirms before helping you to your dressing room.
after collecting your things, you follow tom out to the car. harry is in the driver’s seat, and you two slip into the back. he exchanges a look with his brother through the mirror while you settle on his shoulder. you’re hugging his bicep, his lips pressing to the side of your head.
“thank you for driving,” you speak softly to harry. he starts to pull out of the spot with a nod. “no problem. get to say i was y/n y/l/n’s chauffeur.” tom clicks his tongue even though harry is joking. you snicker at his remark, joking back. “you want the job? better be a five star ride, then.” your banter brings yet another smile to tom’s face. his family is everything to him, so seeing you get along so well means the most.
“right, right. did you have a good time?” harry wonders, twisting to see behind him while he turns around. he also peeks at you snuggled up to tom before facing forward. “great, actually. did you?” you check, the grin clear in your voice. harry goes into full stan mode. “no shit! you were brilliant, y/n. god, every note was just like how you did it the studio.” he’s raving, which is much appreciated by you.
“good answer.” tom shoots his brother a wink. “‘s that what you wanted to hear?” he asks in reference to your conversation earlier. your response is a kiss to his shoulder. “yay. i’m happy you liked it, harry.” he buzzes with excitement, having his favorite artist care what he thinks.
not much is said for the rest of the drive. tom and harry make some hushed conversation about golfing this weekend while you struggle to stay awake. they’re obsessed with that damn sport. it’s honestly nice to see, that tom has something he likes to do when he isn’t shooting hollywood’s biggest movies. your free time will finally give you the chance to discover other hobbies.
you stumble out of the car upon arriving to the boys’ place, a backpack on your shoulders and tom’s hand held tight in yours. you’ve got only a few essentials with you for tonight. the rest is on the tour bus, so you’ll gather it after your hangout with coco. besides, everything you need at the moment is right here.
“home sweet home,” tom announces as harry unlocks the front door. his words bring a tired smile to your face. “finally,” you exhale, keeping your fingers laced with tom’s and following the two of them inside. “i could show you around a bit, give you the grand tour. or-“ tom stops talking, feeling your weight on him. harry huffs at how oblivious his brother is.
“mate, she’s falling over. save it,” he suggests and kicks the door shut lazily. you’re done in. you’ve been having to lean on tom since the show ended. “another time, then,” tom mumbles, securing his arm around your waist. “there is one thing i wanna see.” your voice is low, body curled into tom’s side. he raises an eyebrow. “and that is?” “your room.”
tom takes that in a suggestive way, like he does most things. “we’re getting right to it, are we?” he questions, harry gagging and you nudging his arm with your head. “not like that, dummy. ‘cuz i’m sleepy.” there’s a beat of silence. “ask me again in-“ “wow, look at the time!” harry interrupts so he doesn’t have to hear the details. he’s sure he’ll witness enough after it happens. “off to bed i go! goodnight.”
he rushes to get to his room, yelling out, “great show, y/n!” on the way. “thank you! night!” you call back, tom letting out a sigh. “div of the century,” he says under his breath. “must run in the family,” you playfully retort. that gets you a firm poke at your side. “where’s everyone else?” you glance up at him. there should be two other idiots and a lovely, furry lady running around.
“tuwaine’s gone to the pub, harrison’s filming late, and tess is at mum and dad’s,” tom fills you in, grabbing your arm and draping it around his middle. doing him one better, you hug him with both. you squint in confusion about the last part. “they watch her when i’m out,” tom answers your unspoken question. “ah,” you nod, then deflate ever so slightly. “i wanted to meet her, though. the other boys, too.”
tom smooths the pad of his thumb over your cheek. “you will, darling. it’s only for tonight.” he kisses the same spot reassuringly. “we’ve got loads of time.” “yeah, we do,” you agree, instantly cheering up and letting your head fall onto his chest. “now, where’s your room?” “just upstairs. you need some help getting in?” he’s only playing around, but you accept, tightening your arms around his neck.
“show me the way,” you beam at him. “happy to.” tom wiggles his eyebrows, you jumping up. your legs wrap around his waist, his arms holding you against him. with a satisfied hum, you squish your face into his insanely soft shirt. “what a diva,” tom sarcastically complains while taking you to the staircase. “doesn’t even say please. no manners from this one.”
“you try dancing in six inch heels for two hours,” you shoot back, patting the side of his neck. he moves one hand down to your thigh for a better grip. you’re nearing the top of the stairs. “think i’ll leave that to you,” he decides and squeezes your thigh. “look at me, carrying the whole music industry.” your face easily gets hot and your words turn to murmurs. “shut up. you should listen to other songs.”
you’re on the second floor now, tom going for the first door. he frowns at his rejected compliment. “no, i like yours. they’re my favorite.” “really?” your muffled laugh sounds from his chest. “what was the first thing i ever said to you?” he asks, a toothy grin on him even though you can’t see it. you recall the faithful night he slid into your dms while he carries you into his room.
he’d tripped over his words somehow, the fangirling fool. before that, he tweeted to the whole world that he wanted to see you in concert. it was a huge thing, and people were freaking out about it, even more so when your online interactions became routine. that’s nothing compared to where you are now.
you’re currently living with him and basically dating. possibly, in love. the base of it all really is your music.
“that you love me.” you pause for the ellipses. the corners of your lips turn up. “but, you really meant to say my work.” “both apply.” tom passes that off like it’s a side comment, carefully laying you down on his bed. you look up at him with a curious glint in your eyes. “what does that mean?” his cheeks flush, and he bites back the smile that’s growing. this was supposed to go... differently.
you sit up, breathing out a laugh at tom’s boyish behavior. he’s precious, truly. “you do love me?” those three words will change everything if he says yes. he takes both your hands in his and holds them between you two. you meet his doe eyes. “yeah, y/n/n. i do.” so, you were right. “i love you... and, that wasn’t how i planned on saying it.” signaling for him to elaborate, you tilt your head to the side.
tom sits down next to and faces you before continuing. “it was supposed to be romantic, right?” he rolls his eyes up to the ceiling, annoyed he ruined this. “candlelit dinner, flowers, that sort of thing. seems more fitting for the occasion.” you shift closer to him until your knees are touching. your face is lit up, voice dropped to almost a whisper.
“since when do we do things the way we’re supposed to?” you point out and set your hands on his shoulders. “we’ve gone straight from online dating to me moving in. that’s usually not how it works.” tom chuckles lowly. his own hands find their place on your hips. you’re so good with words. then again, you are a singer. “guess you could say we’re, um, spontaneous,” he agrees, fingers drawing circles on you.
you and tom have explored some of each other’s most intimate places, yet you’ve never shared a moment quite like this. it’s like meeting him for the first time again. he’s too tongue tied to spit out what he wants. you somehow know, anyway. what you cherish most about your relationship is that you two completely and totally understand one another, on every level.
“tom?” you speak quietly, butterflies filling up your body. “hm?” he hums back. this is one of those moments where it all just clicks. “i love you. i really, really love you.” you giggle out of the pure happiness that consumes you, tom joining in your laughter. “i love you, too.” he sounds like he’s said it a million times and he’ll say it a million more. he leans over so his forehead rests on yours. “really, really love you.”
your warm breath hits his face, eyes darting from his own to his lips. “i want you to be more than...” you trail off, unsure of how to phrase it. “more than... more than a friend?” tom pokes fun at what you said during the show. there’s less and less space between you with every second. “you mean, like, a boyfriend?”
“exactly. be my boyfriend,” you all but demand. you’re half asleep and desperate to be able to call him yours already. “bossy, bossy, bossy,” tom chastises, swiping his thumb across your bottom lip. how he goes from being shy and giddy to the cockiest person alive in minutes, you’ll never know. “please?” you throw in to sway him. your hand locks with his, slowly moving it off your face.
you run your tongue over your teeth. “at least kiss me.” “you don’t have to ask,” tom breathes, lips now ghosting over yours. “i was going to.” true to his words, he closes the microscopic gap between you, you pushing forward against him as you kiss back. your first kiss in love. his lips taste like the chapstick he always uses, and he moves them softly.
he places a hand on your knee, you opening your mouth so he can have access to it. instead, a yawn exits. tom pulls back with a breathy laugh. “you must be exhausted, yeah? let’s get you to bed.” he pecks your lips once more. “my girl needs her beauty rest.” that confirms your relationship. you scrunch your nose and grin wide. “and, she’s gonna get some with her boy.”
you’re reminded of how sweaty you are when you catch a whiff. “oof, wait. do you think i can take a shower first?” you grimace, fanning at the air for emphasis. tom uses the tip of his nose to nudge yours. “absolutely. need help in there, too?” he’s not asking in that way, only so nothing happens. the hospital wouldn’t be the most pleasant place to spend your break. plus, he doesn’t want to be without you too long.
“you know what? yeah.”
that’s how you end up intertwined under the hot water, letting it cascade down your back as tom hugs you close to him. you sigh in content and tangle your fingers in his fluffed over curls. you’ve learned that he’s super into having his hair played with. it’s endearing, how he instinctively leans into your touch, eyes closing as you tug on the roots.
he drops his head down to kiss your shoulder, dragging his lips to your collarbone in a way that tickles. they land on one of your breasts next. there isn’t anything sexual about it, only loving. just in case he gets too excited because it’s not uncommon he does, you gently put a finger to his lips. tom takes the hint and lets up. you continue combing through his wet hair while you step out of the water.
“do you ever sing in the shower?” he questions, drawing your naked body in closer to his. “sometimes, yeah. i honestly feel like i sound better there,” you admit and slide your hand down to the nape of his neck. tom’s tongue darts out to lick his lips. “not true. you sound beautiful everywhere, and don’t fight me on this one.” he smirks in satisfaction, you groaning at your loss.
“i really enjoy hearing your voice when it blares through an arena, though,” tom keeps buttering you up. you shake your head and settle both arms around his neck. “man, i just love you so much.” “i love you, sweetheart,” he murmurs back, you switching places so he can give his hair a final rinse. you watch him and his glowing body, admiring the sight.
“what a sensation you are,” you say mostly to yourself, which doesn’t stop him from hearing. “i see what you did there.” he eyes you while you do the same to him. your arms still around his neck pull him back to you. “tommy? do you sing in the shower?” you meant to ask him before, then he started throwing all those compliments at you.
tom scoffs, walking you back so you’re against the wall. “i don’t sing anywhere.” “what?” you gasp and put a hand on his chest. “you’re lying, you have to be. wasn’t billy elliot a musical?” he narrows his eyes at you as he tries to gage where you’re going with this. “that i did a decade ago, and way before puberty. couldn’t sing a word without cracking after that.”
your mouth is left hanging open in shock and disappointment. you bet he has a nice voice, and he’s downplaying it. “y/n,” tom begins, cupping your jaw with his palm. “since we’re living together now, there’s a lot you’re going the learn about me. good things, weird things.” he shrugs casually. “this is one of the weird things.”
“only because you make it weird! come on, let me hear you,” you request and wrap a leg around his waist. you’re giving him a hopeful smile. “god, no. you’ll hate it,” he almost laughs, a hand on your thigh. “i’m literally a singer. how could i hate something i love?” you refute, batting your lashes at him. “especially when someone i love is doing it.” “i love you, too. but, i’m not.” he’s quick to shut you down.
“drop a bar!” you try to coax him, which he already has a comeback for. “you first.” “i can’t. my throat is all scratchy from earlier,” you lie. tom presses his lips into a line, feigning pity. “aw, you know what’ll make you feel better? tea. i’ll go get you some.” he turns to shut the water off, so you grab his shoulders. “no, the steam is working. you can stay.”
“love,” tom addresses you in a warning tone that you can’t take seriously. he can’t either, a giggle escaping him. “my voice is shit. ask anyone, and they’ll tell you.” “i won’t believe them,” you hum, pushing back curls sticking to his forehead. “sounds like you just have stage fright. we can work on that, though.” “how?” he tightens his arm around your middle.
“i’ll bring you on for my next show. we’ll do a little duet.” you’re joking, though that would definitely be interesting to see unfold. “uh, never. what happened to you being tired?” tom cleverly deflects and digs his fingers into your side. you look down in defeat. “i forgot about that.” “yeah, yeah. no, seriously. we should really get to sleep, y/n/n.” he’s back to his sweet, attentive self. “‘s been a long night.”
giving in with a nod, you capture his lips in yet another kiss. tom never gets tired of them, and neither do you. you break it after a few seconds, lips lingering on his as they detach. “carry me?” you ask again, not caring how whiny you sound. tom presses a quick kiss to your forehead. “oh, you’re adorable. of course.”
well, you’ve found something to keep you occupied until the next leg of tour. you’re going to discover the many layers your intriguingly unusual boyfriend has.
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powerosewaterpuff · 4 years
this idea for a fic/short fic came completely from a tiktok from @ fixation_or_infatuation on tiktok who has such awesome content so P L E A S E go check them out!! and thank u so much for the idea bc legit this made me so happy hehe
“-uce. Bruce? Bruce! Bru-uce! Bruce, I adopted a chihuahua and named her Georgina, what’d you think of that?”
Bruce shot his head up, realizing he had made the foolish mistake of zoning out through an infamous Dick Grayson tale, that always required every form of attention necessary at all times. He could feel himself chuckle inwardly, as he saw his ward’s little pout as he chewed away at his tortellini, directing a solid stare of expectation at Bruce.
“You really need to sleep more, do you know that?” Dick hummed, raising a little eyebrow at Bruce, which was a facial expression that looked far too adult on his baby cheeked face, and it looked far to Bruce-esque for his own liking.
“Even if I didn’t know that, I’d always have you to remind me, don’t I?” Bruce teased, stirring up a bright giggle from Dick that simply filled his chest with a rush of warmth that he had never really felt before. He loved hearing his laughter, no matter where or when and whether it was a rarity or not, but it always felt just a little bit more special when Bruce had been the one to cause it.
“At this point, I would consider myself your own personal alarm cloc-Bruce, can I please wake you up singing Christmas carols tomor-Why? I have a beautfiul and spec-tac-u-lar voice, thank you very much!”
Bruce didn’t bother suppressing a teasing eye roll, as Dick’s voice sounded like glass being rubbed against a cheese grater when he tried to hit all of Mariah Carey’s notes. He did, however, nod slightly at Dick to congratulate him on his proper pronounciation of ‘spectacular’, which was a word that Dick usually had a hint of trouble with. It was a small action, but one he hoped Dick would understand.
“Anyways, can I ask you a question?” Bruce’s eyebrows curved upwards in question, just a smidge, as he pushed his plate of food aside and leaned closer across the table to give Dick his complete focus.
“You already did,” Dick rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to retort but Bruce cut him off, “However, what’d you need?”
Then, there was something Bruce never really thought he would see for as long as he would live. It was Dick Grayson, the beam of passionate sunshine himself, squirming shyly in his seat and chewing on his bottom lip. If Bruce wasn’t the master of supressing emotions then he would’ve been throughly surprised by this display.
Dick Grayson was simply not shy, not in the very slightest. He was bolsterous and bold with just a hint of cunningness behind it, but he certainly was not shy. This, of course, caused Bruce to begin categorizing all the possible problems there could be. He ran through them over and over in his head, trying to suppress an inexplicable feeling of dread and fear that was coursing through his chest only slightly, but still present.
Dick took a deep breath, and Bruce could feel himself holding his almost inadvertently.
“When Superman comes today, d-do you think I could get an autograph,” Dick spluttered out, saying it almost too fast that Bruce barely understood what had been uttered. He did feel himself take a massive sigh of relief, even though what replaced the dread in his heart was just a prick of bitterness. Dick had never asked for Batman’s autograph.
“If Clark’s alright with it, then I don’t see why not, chum.”
Then, like a burst of light on a cloudy evening, Dick jumped out of his seat and went around the table straight into Bruce’s arms for a full koala hug.
Bruce, who still wasn’t fully accustomed to such open and loving acts of affection, froze for just a slip of a moment but then melted into Dick’s hold, as he usually did. There was just something magical, dare he say, about his wards (sons) hugs.
Dick then propped his head onto Bruce’s chest, and beamed up at him with stars glittering in his eyes, “Thank you, B!”
Bruce yearned to say something, to say anything along the lines of; Of course, I would bring the moon down if you asked me too or I love you so much that your very laugh eases this knot in my chest that has never been able to budge.
Bruce only managed a meager, “No need to thank me, chum.”
Dick, who had been completely content with the answer given even though he shouldn’t have been, placed his hands onto Bruce’s shoulders and flipped into a handstand position. He then curved his body around enough to sit onto Bruce’s broad shoulders, which in full honesty, didn’t surprise Bruce at this point. He had become labelled as the ‘jungle gym man,’ which was a nickname graciously given to him by Dick himself.
“Now, ride my steed! To Alfie!”
Bruce prayed inwardly that Clark wouldn’t have to be a witness to this mayhem, because it really would lessen his fearsome status in the Justice League.
Bruce was not jealous.
He simply was not and it didn’t matter how many side eyed stares Alfred shot his way, Bruce was a perfectly fine without a sliver of jealously.
It’s hero-worship, it’s just complete and utter hero-worship.
From the moment Clark Kent had stepped through the Cave’s doors, Dick had been unable to contain his sheer excitement as he bounced on the balls of his feet. The two had hit it off better then anyone Bruce had ever seen before, gabbering on about nothing and everything all at the same time. Now, Bruce was not upset about this, because Dick deserved someone who could give every inch of love he so generously gave back to him. Clark was just that person, as the Boy Scout himself matched wits with Dick far easier then Bruce had ever been able to do.
That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt any less.
“Master Bruce?”
Bruce swiveled his chair to face Alfred, as he sorted out the rest of his paperwork.
“Have you seen Master Dick since our guest left? I’ve been unable to locate him since then.”
His jaw clenched slightly, as he racked his brain around everytime he had seen Dick between the forty minutes since Clark had left and that moment. He felt his heart sink when he realized he hadn’t seen a trace of Dick since the Kryptonian had left.
Bruce hurried up to the third floor of the Manor, and felt his heart that had sunk into his gut shatter at the sound of a faint whimper slithering up to his ear from the bathroom across the hall. He gently walked towards it, slowly but surely turning the knob only to peer his head in, as not to startle Dick.
Dick was curled up into a ball across from the sink, small sobs heaving from his little chest as he desperately tried to push the oncoming flow of tears away with his palm. His cheeks were marred with fresh tear stains and his eyes were a leaning towards the pinker side as fresh tears began to bubble to the surface.
Bruce wasted absolutely no time as he skidded to the floor in front of Dick, gripping his wards shoulders tightly. Dick raised his head slightly, looking all the more ashamed for being caught crying which weighed down on Bruce like the weight of the ocean.
“Dick, what’s wrong?” Bruce whispered, wishing he could erase every inch of sadness off his face, “Please tell me what’s wrong, chum.”
Dick bit his lip, chewing on it for a bit, which Bruce recognized as one of Dick’s nervous habits. He made a note of that, just in case.
“I-Bruce, it’s stupid, alright? I-I’ll get up, I’m sorry for sitting on the bathroom flo-.”
“Dick,” Bruce huffed, firmly pushing Dick back onto the ground as he moved his hands to cup Dick’s cheeks, still filled with baby fat, “Nothing you say is going to be stupid. I want to know what’s wrong, alright?”
Bruce was not one to plead nor grovel, no matter how much life pressed its dirty heels into his back he never swayed. However, seeing Dick crying was such a weak point to him that it unnerved and horrified him. (It was probably why his nightmares had all had one consistent theme of Dick being in some sort of danger that Bruce could not save him from.)
Dick practically melted into Bruce’s hold, and nuzzled his face into his palm as Bruce wiped away stray tears. Fuck. Bruce needed to hug Dick more, or just show any shred of affection. He just wasn’t used to having to show an abundance of physical affection to someone, and had forgotten how much he had craved for it when he was younger, starving and hungry for shreds of affection he wasn’t expecting to receive, until he simply became numb to it. Dick really deserved someone better, and Bruce knew this more than anyone else.
After taking a shaky breath, Dick peered up at Bruce as he blinked away tears, “Promise you won’t think it’s stupid?”
“I promise,” Bruce vowed as he rubbed his thumb across Dick’s cheeks comfortingly.
“Do you remember how I wanted Superman’s autograph?” Dick mumbled softly, sniffling slightly. Bruce nodded but mentality cursed himself a thousand times for not realizing that Dick hadn’t asked a single time for an autograph from Clark.
“I-I really wanted to ask him! I kept waiting and waiting but I just couldn’t do it, b-because I thought he might find me annoying. I really, really wanted him to like me, Bruce! I thought he might get upset or get annoyed by me because I talk so much, so I just couldn’t do it and I don’t even know why I’m crying! He was so nice to me but I just really got scared a-and my tongue got tied like-like a knot! Does that make sense? My tongue was like this big heavy knot and it was stuck to my mout-Why am I crying!”
Dick tried to suppress a rising sob, as he covered in his eyes in shame. Bruce gently let go of his cheeks and spread his arms out gently, with the offer standing clear. Dick flung himself into Bruce’s waiting arms and buried his face in the crook of his neck, as he continued to try to mumble out a few words and hiccup. God, it was enough to make Bruce’s chest ache, as he rubbed soothing circles into Dick’s back softly.
“Clark would never find you annoying, not in a million years. Dick, can you look at me for a second? Clark would never find you annoying, and I don’t know a single person who would,” Bruce stated firmly, as he cradled Dick in his arms and shifted him so he would be facing him, “Dick, Clark would give you a thousand autographs if you asked, and do you want to know something? There’s nothing wrong with being a little shy, and you have nothing to be ashamed of, nothing at all.”
Dick sniffled a bit, as he snuggled closer to Bruce but he stayed quiet, which worried Bruce more so then it should’ve.
“You know, I get shy sometimes too,” Bruce confided quietly, as if it would provide some sort of comfort to Dick. It proved to work as Dick sat up with a start, glancing up at Bruce wirh furrowed brows.
“It’s never this emotional, but you know what? I think it’s better you let it all out, then trying to bottle it up inside,” Bruce murmured, pushing Dick’s fringe back. He saw a pensive look set into Dick’s features, and was met with another soft hug.
Dick was going to being the reason Bruce’s heart burst, he was sure of it.
“You’re the best, Bruce.”
Oh well, Bruce didn’t need a heart anyway. Not if he had Dick with him.
Bruce leaned over his phone, dialing a number into it as he kept his ears open to the sound of the tap shutting.
He had gotten Dick to wash his face a bit, with Alfred stepping in to look after him while Bruce made some executive calls.
The phone beeped for a bit. Beep. Beep. Beep.
“Hello? Bruce?”
“I’m going to say this one singular time, are we clear? You are going to fly over here and give Dick the best goddamned autograph you have given a person but you are going to let him ask for it first, then you’ll be on your merry way unless he asks you to stay for dinner, clear?”
Bruce ended the call, satisfied with the answer he was given. It still stung just a bit that Dick wasn’t demanding a Batman autograph, but he would make sure his ward (son) was as happy as can be, even if it meant letting the Boy Scout take his place as Dicks, ‘Favourite Adult.’
It was worth it, if he could make sure that brilliant smile was always there.
(P.S. Later that night, when Bruce was tucking Dick into bed after shutting The Vevlveteen Rabbit and setting it onto the nightstand, he noticed Dick was happily gripping the signed Superman card tightly in his hand. He shoved back his exasperation, but couldn’t help but give a raise of the brow when Dick asked if he could buy a Superman backpack.
“You already sleep in Superman pajamas, I think the commodities can stop at that,” Bruce suggested, ignoring the fact that Dick probably had no idea what that word even meant, “Would you not want any other hero?”
“Nope, he’s my favourite. Oh-Besides you, of course!” Dick hummed, as he used his other arm to grab Zitka from behind him, as casual as could be.
Bruce, on the other hand, had just had a bombshell dropped on him. A happy bombshell. A pleasant bombshell. A bombshell nonetheless, though.
“I wouldn’t get your merch, though. I have the real thing, and he’s my bestest friend in the whole wide world. Don’t tell Wally that though!” Dick exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at Bruce like the most important part of that sentence was the warning of not to tell Kid Flash, and not that Bruce was his ‘bestest friend in the whole wide world.’
(Not father. Never his father.)
Bruce was silent, but leaned over to give Dick a peck on the forehead and a rare but soft smile. One he really only reserved for Dick and Alfred. He couldn’t afford to be selfish, this was enough for him. This was absolutely enough for him.
Dick returned his smile with one that shone brighter then all the suns Bruce had seen in his life.
Bruce really adored this kid.)
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cycwrites · 3 years
Switching Gears Part 10 - Family
Here it finally is, the last chapter. I don't know if I would've finished this without the support of a lot of people, @tiny-maus-boots and @kimmania being at the top of that list.
Thank you to everyone who has taken this journey with me. I love you all and hope you enjoyed the ride! (Ha, dirty.)
Staubrey with side Bechloe.
Words: 5,500ish
Rating: No smut in this one - does that make it Teen+?
AO3   FFN    Tumblr Master Post
“Did I hear Chloe correctly this morning? You’re all going to be moving in together?” Emily threw popcorn towards Stacie’s mouth and gave a fist bump when it made it in. “Because I actually think that would be awesome.”
“No, you did not.” Stacie said once she finished chewing. “You overheard the end of a conversation about another conversation Aubrey and I had last night while naked and distracted.”
She was feeling very content, very playful and extremely relaxed after spending a few more hours naked with Aubrey after her last class. Not to say she didn’t want to drag Aubrey off into her bedroom for round whatever count they were up to, but she could wait until the rest were gone tomorrow.
“Oh my god. Gross!” Emily slammed her hands over her ears and squeezed her eyes shut, hunching down into the armchair. “Why did you have to say that?”
“You asked,” Chloe said as she came walked into Stacie’s living room with the stack of pizza boxes that had just been delivered and set them in the middle of the coffee table. “Of course she’s going to answer. Oops, we need plates and napkins.” She turned to the kitchen.
“Because I didn’t know the context! I wouldn’t have asked if I had!” Emily complained to Chloe’s retreating back, setting the popcorn bowl on the table as well. “I could’ve lived without the context.” She picked up another piece of popcorn and threw it at Stacie. “You are a terrible cousin.”
Beca was walking back from the bathroom as it arced overhead and she snagged it out of the air and popped it into her mouth. Just as neatly, Stacie’s arms reached out and yanked Beca down to sprawl across her lap.
“Hey!” Beca flailed for a second before realizing she wasn’t falling anymore. “I am not Aubrey, why are you cuddling me?”
“You were there and stole my popcorn.” Stacie shrugged, not knowing what spurred her impulse but happy with the outcome. Beca’s head drew back and she stared at her, wide eyed and Stacie’s lips twitched in amusement.
“Even if it weren’t already chewed and swallowed, I would not be giving you back the popcorn from my mouth!” She blinked at her and then at Aubrey when she pulled Beca’s legs into her lap where she was seated on Stacie’s right. “Seriously?” But she didn’t get up and that acceptance made Stacie happy.
“You three look adorable, by the way. The real question is,” Chloe asked as she rejoined them with a stack of paper plates and a roll of paper towels. “Would you have tried to hand it back to her or let her come after it herself - without using her hands?” She set them down on the table before sitting cross-legged on the floor next to it in front of the empty spot on the couch where Beca had originally been sitting. “And can Aubrey and I watch.”
“Why did I agree to this?” Emily groaned and dropped her head into her hands. “I knew not a single one of you would behave. Each of you individually are worse than the sum of all the sex crazed teens in my high school and now that your powers are combined you’re unstoppable.”
“I wouldn’t say we’ve combined yet,” Chloe said and then, in the same breath, “Here’s some pizza, Em.”
Sighing Emily dropped her hands and took the offered plate. “I am still totally leaving after the movie, by the way. I am not staying the night in the hormone hotel.”
“But you’ll miss out on Aubrey’s French toast in the morning!” Beca rubbed her belly. “No one should ever turn that down.”
“It’ll be okay, Em. You and I can share Stacie’s bed, Stacie can have the couch and Beca and Aubrey can have the spare room,” Chloe said, handing a loaded plate to Aubrey.
“Why do I get the couch?” Stacie pouted, squeezing Beca like she was a stuffed animal.
“Because it’s your house, Bucky, and we’re the guests.” Beca patted her arms then reached for the plate that Chloe was holding out. Chloe caught Stacie’s eye and winked in amused affection as she looked up at the two of them. “It’s only polite.”
Bemused, Stacie pushed her lip out in a pout. “But why can’t I share my own bed with Emily and Chloe? We’ve done that plenty of times.”
“So Aubrey can sneak out and share the couch with you, obviously.” Beca paused with a slice of pizza halfway to her mouth as she realized they were watching her. “Why are all of you staring at me?”
“Because we’re wondering how long it’s going to take you to realize you’re still in Stacie’s lap,” Aubrey told her sweetly.
“I’m what?” Beca looked down as the rest of them burst into laughter. “Holy shit. Why… how… the fuck?”
“Because she’s comfy to snuggle with,” Emily told her, beaming. “She used to hold me when I was sick and sing to me. It’s the only time I felt better until it had passed.” She sighed mournfully. “I really missed that when she moved.”
“Okay that… is adorably cute,” Beca pointed at her. “And you’re not wrong about the comfy. But I am not eating pizza in your lap. Can I have my legs back, Aubrey?”
“I suppose,” Aubrey sighed dramatically and lifted her arms as Beca set her plate on the table.
Stacie helped Beca out of her lap and to her feet, swatting her rear since it was right there and she was never one to pass up opportunity. Beca spun around to glare at her, giving Aubrey the chance to reach out and pinch her while Chloe ran a hand up the inside of her thigh. Beca yelped and jumped backward, thankfully missing the coffee table though only by mere inches.
“I hate all of you.” She went the long way around the table. “Except Emily. She hasn’t assaulted my person.” She took her seat next to Aubrey and shoulder bumped her. “Can you hand me my plate babe?”
As Aubrey leaned over to get it she shared a smile with Stacie. “She loves me.”
“I know I do,” Stacie said softly, tucking a strand of Aubrey’s hair behind her ear as she handed Beca’s plate to her.
“Yeah?” Aubrey turned back to her with a shy smile. The rest of the conversation swirled around them but Stacie ignored it for the moment as Aubrey leaned back toward her. “Then you won’t mind if I sneak out to the couch to make out in the middle of the night?”
Stacie tilted her head and leaned forward the extra inch to slide their lips together. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.” She hummed as several throats cleared around them. “I think we’ve got an audience again.”
Aubrey shrugged. “I’m getting used to it.” She sat back up and they both ignored the grins they were getting.
Chloe had settled against Beca’s legs and gave Stacie a quick wink. “Okay, but Emily does have a point.”
“That you’re all too horny for my mental state?” Emily stuck her tongue out when Stacie flipped her off.
“That we should all live together.” Chloe took a drink of her soda when Beca snorted. “Ever since you said it this morning it’s been in my mind.”
“I actually… kind of agree,” Aubrey said thoughtfully.
“You do?” Stacie turned and brought her leg up underneath her to face Aubrey fully. “You sound actually serious.” Not that she was against it and in fact had loved the idea since the night before. It just felt right and made so much damn sense to her. But she had thought the others had considered everything they’d said this morning as just four friends goofing around and teasing each other.
“I am,” Aubrey shrugged and wiped her lips with a paper towel. “I mean, think about it. It may be too soon to be this sure about things, but I get the feeling you and I are going to be spending more time together than apart, at one of our houses. Life would be simpler if we moved together.”
“Okay, okay. This is faster than even the worst lesbian U-Haul joke,” Beca pointed out. “You can’t be serious.”
Chloe turned and put her arm on Beca’s legs. “Are you saying you don’t want to be with me as often as possible?” She gave Beca a patented Chloe Beale Pout that never failed to make Stacie cave and it looked like Beca was going to be no exception.
Beca made a face. “If anyone else had said that to me I’d already be out the door calling an Uber. That is a danger sign of clingy and I don’t do clingy.” She reached down and stroked her fingertips through Chloe’s hair before curling a lock around her finger. “But since you said it… It’s barely been a day but… you’re not wrong and I don’t think I can argue too much.”
“Not right away, of course.” Aubrey said after another bite. “But like, maybe in six months we see where things stand and think about it then.”
“You think you’ll get tired of me in six months?” Stacie pouted again, not even remotely serious and making sure it showed. She had no doubts that they were on the same page there. Something this big required a lot of real conversations, serious ones, despite the fact that her heart said they weren’t necessary.
“Never know,” Aubrey said airily. “I could find someone better in bed.” Beca almost choked on her mouthful of pizza and Aubrey turned to pat her on the back. “Sorry Beca.”
Beca coughed for another few seconds then gratefully took the can of soda Chloe handed her. “Never try to ugly laugh while you’re eating pizza. The cheese tried to go down the air hole and that’s a bitch to get back out.”
“Did you just say ‘air hole’?” Chloe let out a giggle and shook her head. “That’s your go to? ‘Air hole’?”
“It’s so much easier to remember in the moment than ‘windpipe’,” Beca shrugged and took another bite, chewing carefully. “When I was little I called it a blowhole because my parents took me on a whale watching boat once and their spray was the coolest thing I’d ever seen.”
“You… are priceless and I am definitely in love with you.” Chloe tilted her head up and without hesitation despite the instant blush to her cheeks, Beca leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. “So you’re not allowed to choke on food in your air hole anymore.”
“Aw,” Emily cooed. “This was almost worth the mental scarring I know I’m about to get tonight.” She batted away the paper towel Chloe threw at her without looking.
Aubrey leaned against Stacie’s side. “So, for the record, since we’re in front of our best friends and family.” Stacie looked at her, brows knitting in confusion. “I will forever be grateful that you were the one who innocently parked your bike in my slot.”
Beca let out a high pitched snicker that she quickly muffled with her napkin. “Sorry.” She set down her pizza and waved with her other hand. “Sorry.”
“No you’re not, B. You said it that way just to trigger her gutter mind, didn’t you?” Stacie laughed when Aubrey only grinned at her. “But you still want to wait six months before living with me?”
“It’s the sane thing to do,” Aubrey sighed. “While I’ve talked to Emily and Chloe for a couple years, that’s still different than really starting to get to know them this past day. And you…” Aubrey put her left hand on Stacie’s thigh and squeezed. “I know we said it earlier but really, we’ve only spent maybe a combined 24 hours in each other’s presence.” She gave Stacie a soft smile that caused her heart to pang and beat faster. “But… no. I don’t want to wait. It’s stupid and impulsive but I would move in with you tomorrow if it were possible.”
“I mean, it is.” Beca shrugged when they all looked at her. “You just have to figure out which house you want and sell the other. The bitch is that you’d still have to pay for it until it sold.” She sat back, her plate on her lap. “Which is ultimately the same thing you’ll be doing even if you kept separate houses anyway – you’d just lose the safety net of having a backup house once it sells.” She pursed her lips. “Suppose you could always do short term rentals to folks if you’re really worried about compatibility and don’t want to lose the house. But if we’re really going to do this – and honestly it sounds like fun until it goes horribly wrong – might as well just wait and we all move at once. I think I’ve only got three months left on my current agreement anyway.”
“A good point, Starfish.” Beca made a face as Stacie looked down at Chloe, struck by a thought. “You also like to somehow take up more than your share of the bed –”
“Which is ‘fun’ when the three of us have a sleepover,” Emily added with a roll of her eyes. “Somehow I wake up with Stacie’s arm over my face or her knee in my back.”
“Sorry, Em.” Stacie said contritely though she smiled at the memories. “But I was more just curious how that’d work when you’re both fighting for maximum sprawl space.”
“Just means we’ll have to get a bigger bed,” Chloe said easily. “I may have gotten bored at work and done a casual search after talking earlier.” Beca perked up and opened her mouth but was interrupted.
“Nope.” Emily said immediately. “I don’t need the exact context to know I don’t want to know.”
“Probably best,” Chloe patted her leg comfortingly. “But… back to Aubrey’s point about waiting.”
“I hate that I made it,” Aubrey sighed. “It’s that stupid lawyer part of my brain that thinks things through to the point where it’s all mapped out and there’s no spontaneity. Getting away from that is why I moved.”
“That was an impulse that worked out.” Beca turned to her. “And not just because you met me and I’m fucking awesome. You’ve made a new life here and I know how much you hated your old one as a drone.”
“I love how confident you are,” Stacie said through a laugh.
“You’re saying I’m not fucking awesome?” Beca’s eyebrows went up.
Stacie decided to answer that as stated and not as her brain wanted her to because Emily would laugh first but probably just get up and walk out the door. “I didn’t say that. I knew from the second we met that we were going to be great friends one day.”
“You mean ‘day one’,” Beca nodded with satisfaction. “I feel the same about you, Bucky.”
“One of us needs to have the ability to hit the brakes,” Chloe offered. “And it’s going to take us a while to find a place that would suit all of us.” Aubrey started nodding slowly. “Assuming we all agreed to actually do it.” She shifted so she could look at them and Emily equally without having to crane her neck around. “And I’m in, by the way – I’m so in. I think it would be fun to have you all as roommates.”
“What about you, Em?” Stacie asked, reaching for another slice of pizza and setting it on her plate while she leaned back.
“Me?” Emily shook her head rapidly. “No, no way.”
“What?” Stacie frowned. “Seriously?” That definitely wasn’t the answer she had expected.
“She does sound Dixie Chick Serious,” Beca said casually, not even flinching when Aubrey thumped her in the leg. Stacie smiled as she remembered singing what she’d already begun thinking of as their song to Aubrey before falling asleep.
“Unless my bedroom had the best soundproofing in the world, there’s no way I would live with the four of you.” Emily shook her head. “While I will be over almost every single night, I will definitely be going home to sleep.”
“What about a house with one of those detached in-law apartments or guest house?” Aubrey said reasonably and the room fell silent as they all considered.
Stacie had been about to teasingly whine about wanting her favorite cousin close but all she could do was look at Aubrey in awe. “Oh my god you’re brilliant.” She got a shy grin in response and a pat on her thigh.
Emily chewed thoughtfully on the last of her crust. “Actually… that’s… not a bad idea.”
“Woo!” Stacie held up her hand toward her cousin, just out of reach. “Air high five!”
“You two are such dorks and I love you,” Chloe laughed as the two of them slapped the air in front of them. She lifted the lid of the pizza box so Emily could take another piece.
“Between the five of us we should be able to afford something like that, right?” Beca frowned. “Not that the shop makes a ton of money but I can afford more than the apartment I’ve been renting.”
“We’ll revisit tomorrow, once we’ve all had some real sleep?” Chloe looked around as they nodded. “And probably several more conversations over the next few months.”
“Because as much as I am into this idea,” Beca agreed. “There are a lot of things to be worked out before we start looking.”
“Figuring out a price range, how many rooms… I know Beca’s going to need space for storing gear and… oh god we’re going to have so many cars.” Aubrey shook her head. “I used to laugh at those listings where they had three bedrooms and three garages but now we’re going to need to be those pretentious assholes. Can we afford that?”
“That’s not something we have to figure out tonight. We save it for another day,” Stacie offered. “Who knows, maybe this won’t even work and this magical house doesn’t exist.”
“It does.” Chloe interrupted. “We’ll find it.”
Emily was nodding before she’d finished. “Now that I can picture it safely from a guest house, yeah. She’s right.” She bounced in her chair. “This is gonna be awesome!”
“This definitely calls for a toast,” Stacie said, wiping off pizza grease from her fingers. “Mixer for the coke or should I break out the wine?”
“Vodka please,” Emily said through a mouthful of pizza, belatedly covering her mouth while she chewed. “Sorry.”
“Gross.” Stacie shook her head. “I know Aunt K taught you better than that. You three good with that or want something else?” She stood to a chorus of ‘yes please’ and headed to the kitchen, aware that Aubrey had followed her in.
“Glasses are in that cupboard,” Stacie pointed as she opened the freezer and took out the bottle she kept there and a small bag of ice. Aubrey moved past her with a kiss to her shoulder blade and began taking five glasses out and setting them on the counter. “So, living together already?”
“Once the kneejerk fear was out of the way,” Aubrey turned and leaned against the counter. “Doesn’t it feel like we’re supposed to?”
“Yes.” Stacie closed the freezer and turned to set the bottle beside the glasses and the bag in the sink. She took a step forward and pressed against Aubrey. “Almost anyone else and I’d assume that I was in that ‘new love’ feeling that leads to all the U-Haul jokes and never seriously consider it but…” She leaned forward and found Aubrey’s mouth already parting for her. It was slow but deep; a dangerous combination despite their time together earlier in the evening. She felt Aubrey’s hands shift to her waist, always pulling her ever closer and Stacie’s pulse sped up.
“Don’t make me send Beca in there after you,” Chloe yelled at them. “Who knows what’ll happen this time.”
“Hey!” Beca objected. “I’m not drunk yet; I might be able to pry them apart without being affected by their lust aura.”
Chloe’s laugh filled the living room. “That’s totes the best way to put it but also I don’t know if you can.”
“Nothing,” Emily yelled back over Beca’s indignant squawk. “Nothing will happen because I can see into the kitchen from here and I know where the knives are.”
Laughing, Stacie pulled back and rested their foreheads together. “So, we’re really in this?” Stacie thought she could spend a lifetime looking into the eyes so close to hers and never be able to name all the shades of color she could see in them.
“With each other?” Aubrey smiled. “Or with them?”
“Yes.” Stacie said simply. She wanted it all. She wanted Aubrey. She wanted her best friend, her new friend and her cousin all living with her. That feeling of need and belonging wasn’t something she had ever wanted before and she felt she should be terrified at wanting and needing anyone this much but all she felt was equal measures of calm and excitement at the prospect.
“We’re all going to kill each other, being underfoot like that,” Aubrey pointed out. “You are aware of that? You’ve seen me; I can be a little… irrational… sometimes, when I get an idea stuck in my head.”
“You’re not alone in that. Chloe’s been known to have a good freak out or three, and -” she raised her voice. “Sorry Beca, but I’m sure I’m going to find something annoying about you eventually.”
“The first time you wake me up on a day I get to sleep in,” Beca promised. “Wrath. You will know it.”
“Looking forward to it,” Stacie assured her and forced herself to take a step back from Aubrey. “I’m certainly going to have my own moments where you’d like to strangle me… But I really think between those times we’re all going to be laughing our asses off because we are all fucking amazing.” She took a deep breath, trying to find words to explain the certainty she felt. “And I don’t know how but we all seem to fit together perfectly and I think we’ll balance each other out.” Stacie shrugged. “And Emily will be there to referee if needed and keep us in check.”
“If we can find a place and if we all still agree.” Aubrey ran her hand down Stacie’s arm. “There’s a lot that has to happen and we might not.”
“We will.” Stacie didn’t know how she knew but she could feel it in her bones that it would happen and probably a lot sooner than any of them thought possible.
“Then yeah, I’m in.” Aubrey nodded once. “I am so fucking in with all of you lunatics.”
Stacie kissed her again, quickly because if she let herself linger she wouldn’t be able to stop, and forced herself to turn away to dig the ancient drink mixer she’d gotten from her grandfather out of the silverware drawer.
“Aubrey,” Chloe sighed from the living room. “You of all people should know you can’t say fucking in front of Beca.”
“Is she giggling like a nine year old boy?” Aubrey grinned and helped Stacie add ice to their glasses.
“She’s turning red trying to hold it in, but yes,” Emily answered when Chloe started laughing.
“I can’t help it!” Beca defended herself. “Aubrey rarely curses and I love it each and every time.” There was a pause. “Plus it drops me into the gutter.”
“You never leave the gutter, let’s be honest.” Aubrey carefully picked up four of the glasses and headed back to the living room. Stacie put the ice back in the freezer and snagged a 2 liter of Coke from the fridge. Picking up the mixer, remaining glass and bottles, Stacie followed her out. “You’ve lived in the gutter as long as I’ve known you.”
“Guilty,” Beca said as they came back in. “It’s all part of my charm.”
Aubrey set the glasses down before sitting back down next to Beca. “You keep telling yourself that.” She poured the remainder of her can of Coke into one of the glasses, the rest following suit.
Stacie pulled the cover off the pour spout and began adding a generous amount of vodka to everyone’s glass. As she put the cover back on, Emily was already topping them all off with the 2 liter and Beca had picked up the mixer.
“Holy shit, I haven’t seen one of these in years!” She pressed the button on the side and the diamond shaped end began to spin. “My grandpa had one of these and I always loved it!” She stopped it for a second and put it in her drink and turned it back on, her smile turning wistful.
“Gramps had a whole bar set up downstairs,” Stacie smiled back at her. “He had a pool table set up in the middle of the room, a fireplace along one side, a piano in one corner and along the same wall he had a full bar.”
“One of us would play bartender and we’d pretend to order drinks.” Emily added, smiling when Beca handed her the mixer. “Used playing cards as cash.”
“Did you ever actually sneak the booze?” Aubrey asked, leaning back against Stacie.
“Nope,” Stacie laughed. “We never even considered it. It was all 7-Up or Pepsi and make-believe. God those were good times.” She smiled at her cousin and the memory. “Several of our families would gather for the big holidays in their narrow ass two story duplex. We never fit but somehow we made it work.”
“Most of us kids would spend the time downstairs, pretending we could shoot pool.” Emily handed the mixer to Chloe who took care of Stacie’s and Aubrey’s drinks before her own. “We’d even eat our dinner at the bar. I still don’t know how we didn’t drop our plates going down those death trap stairs.”
“Youthful luck.” Stacie reached out and handed Aubrey her glass and then took her own. Lifting it, she looked around at her newly forged family. Sentimental, sure, but that didn’t make it less true for all the speed in which it had happened. “A toast?”
“How about to new friends?” Emily lifted her glass.
“New family,” Chloe corrected, always able to read Stacie’s mind in a way she should have found worrisome.
“You guys better not make me cry before I’ve had enough to drink to blame it on,” Beca said. “I gave up on family long ago. Then Aubrey found me and now you guys…” She shook her head, blinking a few times. “To family.”
They all clinked their glasses together and took a drink.
“And,” Aubrey said, raising her glass a second time. “To the joys of house hunting.”
After they’d clinked and sipped, Stacie angled a little so she could see Beca. “Hey, Beca. I hear you know karate.”
“What?” Beca made a face. “That’s a physical activity and I make it a point to avoid physical activity.” She held up a finger when Aubrey drew breath. “Riding bikes and sex do not reside in the same level of physical activity that kicking people in the face does.”
“It does it you do it right,” Chloe said as she grabbed another slice of pizza.
Stacie eyed her cousin but Emily only shrugged. “I can’t argue even if I don’t want to hear my sister from another mother talk about it.”
“What is this conversation? Why do you even think that?” Beca took another drink and eyed her warily.
“Aubrey told me that you were up and ready to defend her honor at the slightest sound while she was injured.” Stacie grinned when Beca groaned at her.
“You told her?” She nudged Aubrey’s knee with her own. “Snitch.”
“Well,” Aubrey drawled. “I was actually telling her about forgetting I couldn’t put weight on it and that I dropped to the floor like a marionette with its strings cut. Telling her about waking you was just a bonus.”
Chloe and Emily were looking between them but Chloe waved her hand. “Care to fill us in?”
“I yelled when I fell, breaking a lamp in the process and woke Beca up,” Aubrey explained. “She was on her feet before her eyes were open and her hands were in prime chopping position.” Aubrey lifted hers and demonstrated. “I’d have expected fists to punch like a scrappy boxer but I’d have been wrong.”
“Maybe your new nickname should be Karate Kid,” Stacie declared. “But I will likely shorten that to just Kid.”
“Aren’t I older than you?” Beca asked, exasperated. “I accepted Starfish but I think I even prefer Boobs McGee over Karate Kid.”
“You don’t get to choose nicknames, Beca,” Aubrey admonished sweetly. “They’re given by those who love you and know you well.” She leaned over and kissed her cheek. “It means a lot that you are willing to defend me in my time of need.”
“Yeah yeah,” Beca muttered though her lips twitched into a grin. “You’re my person.”
“See? You love me.” Aubrey leaned over and pulled her into a hug. “You’re my person too.”
“Aw, that’s so cute.” Emily hopped out of her chair. “Movie time!”
“Nothing sappy,” Beca pleaded as Aubrey let her go. “Can we have action and explosions? And definitely not Karate Kid?”
“Sure,” Emily said easily, looking through Stacie’s collection. “Popcorn movies are fun and it gives me an excuse to make more before I have more pizza.”
Aubrey slid over and Stacie put an arm around her. “We’ll find a romantic drama you’ll like one day, Becs.”
Beca snorted. “You should know better by now than to say such things.”
Chloe looked up at them. “Is there room for me on the couch?”
“There’s maybe some room between Beca and I,” Aubrey said. “But it’s up to you if you wanna squish in or stretch out across us.”
“I’ll squish,” Chloe said as she stood. “Though that really almost leads to a horror movie cuddle, since I have someone to grab on either side.”
“Ooh!” Emily swiftly pulled a case from shelf and stepped to the TV. “An even better idea.” She stopped and turned to them. “Unless you guys don’t do horror?”
“Aubrey laughs her ass off,” Beca said as she scooted to the arm of the couch so Chloe could sit down. “So we’re good.”
Emily sighed. “I usually jump but we’ve seen this one enough that I have most of the jump scares down. Have you seen Cabin in the Woods?”
“That’s actually one of my favorites,” Aubrey laughed. “If you get freaked out you can have my spot and cuddle your cousin.” She paused and shrugged. “Or lay across our laps, I suppose.”
“Deal.” Emily put the disc in the player and turned off the lamp in the corner, leaving the room lit by the TV and the kitchen behind them.
“Did you know,” Chloe said idly as she reached for her drink again and took a sip. “That they have beds you can buy that are twelve feet across?”
“Chloe, you and Beca are the shortest people I know. What on earth would you need with an expanse like that?” Stacie laughed then broke off when Chloe shot her a sly grin and wiggled her eyebrows. “Oh my god, woman!”
“Dirty bird,” Aubrey said in admiration. “You’ll have to tell me more.”
“I’m out,” Emily declared and popped up out of the armchair she’d just settled in. “You’ve now put the forbidden image in my head and it’s all I’m going to see when I look at the four of you.”
“Wait wait,” Chloe laughed and reached over Beca to grab her wrist as she went by the couch. Stacie had seen the grin Emily tried to hide and knew she wasn’t going to leave. “I’m sorry, I’ll behave. I’ve just been sitting on that since this afternoon and couldn’t hold it in anymore. Come cuddle with us.”
Stacie picked up the remote and started the movie as Emily allowed herself to be pulled back around the couch. Beca had already pulled one of the throw pillows from behind her back and set it on her lap. As Emily carefully stretched out across their laps, Stacie felt like the Grinch as her heart swelled with affection and gratitude for the women in her life.
It wasn’t that she hadn’t loved and felt love in return before now. It was that she hadn’t expected a family beyond Emily and Chloe. She’d never found it important before pure chance had brought it into her life and now she couldn’t imagine her life without them.
She was in.
She was so fucking in.
A/N: One day I may revisit this series because we all know the four of them end up together. I have some very vague ideas about a secondary plot line about training to beat DSM in a race - I know nothing about racing so I don't know if I could pull that off convincingly even if it takes place behind the scenes. Obviously main plot would be them finally figuring things out but... I don’t know if ya’ll would be interested in more of this world?
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litwitlady · 3 years
Date Nights (4/5)
Read on Ao3.
‘Are you really going to chop down a tree?’ Alex eyes him warily from the opposite side of the Chevy’s bench seat. ‘There’s plenty of lovely trees that have been pre-chopped.’
Michael climbs out of the truck, reaching into the bed to grab his shiny new ax. ‘Yes. I am definitely chopping down a tree today.’ He settles the ax’s handle over his shoulder and sets off in the direction of the neatly planted fir trees.
Alex trudges after him, stepping carefully through the melting snow. He catches up easily because Michael keeps stopping at every single tree to assess its ‘curvature’. ‘This one looks perfect.’ He points to the tree behind Michael, and it earns him an exasperated frown.
‘The bottom is not bushy enough.’ Alex furrows his brow, and Michael motions around the tree like he’s going to hug it. ‘The circumference is lacking.’ He circles around the tree to further make his point. ‘I didn’t move your heavy ass keyboard out of the way for such a sad, puny little Charlie Brown Christmas tree.’
The ‘sad, puny’ tree is literally eight feet tall.
‘You mean when you moved my heavy ass keyboard with your brain and didn’t break a sweat?’ Alex smirks at him fondly.
‘That’s not the point.’
Alex snorts. ‘I’m going to go get some apple cider. Want any?’
Michael’s already moved three trees down, but he shouts yes over his shoulder and throws in a request for an apple cruller. ‘I’ll find the perfect tree, Alex! She’s here somewhere.’ He’s now nothing more than a disembodied voice.
The line for apple cider isn’t terribly long. Alex scrolls through his text messages while he waits, rolling his eyes at a vaguely threatening message from Isobel demanding their attendance at her pre-Christmas dinner in a few hours. He responds by telling her they’ll try to be there knowing exactly what her face will look like when she reads the word try.
He buys the largest-sized cider, pays for two crullers, and heads back toward the spot he’d left Michael. The tree farm is much busier now - kids laughing and running zigzags through the trees, chainsaws roaring, and couples everywhere arguing over which tree is best. It takes him ages to find Michael, deep down a row of giant firs and talking to a man Alex doesn’t recognize. The way he towers over Michael sets every nerve in Alex’s body on high alert.
The stranger has his back to Alex. He’s tall, broad-shouldered, and olive-skinned. Like Michael, he’s got a cowboy hat situated on his head and dusty work boots on his feet. Alex doesn’t need him to turn around to know the man is unfairly gorgeous. All he needs to see is that familiar lopsided smile spread across Michael’s face and the way his eyes keep dropping bashfully to the ground. Out of habit and maybe a pinch of something far more complicated than jealousy, he assesses the man’s body for hidden weapons, but there’s no way to truly know what’s under his burly, fleece-lined coat.
‘Got the cider. Who’s this?’ He steps beside Michael and turns to the stupidly attractive bear of a man. Big green eyes and a smattering of freckles putting a scowl on Alex’s face.
‘Ah, this is Jamie Whitley.’ There’s uncertainty in Michael’s voice and that sets Alex even more on edge, hackles raised. He passes off the cider and crullers to Michael, ostensibly to shake Jamie Whitley’s enormous hands. But really he just feels better and more prepared with both his hands free. ‘Jamie and I worked as ranch hands together a couple of summers a few years back.’
‘Had a real shitty foreman. Seems like we were always in some kind of trouble. But we were also the best workers that man had. Maybe ever.’ His voice is gruff, smoky. The kind of voice Alex has always envied when he’s singing. Jamie beams at Michael while he shakes Alex’s hand, grip firm and unyielding. Alex assumes it’s a warning and squares his shoulders, unconsciously sliding a step closer to Michael.
Michael reaches out and squeezes Alex’s elbow. ‘Jamie, this is Alex Manes. My boyfriend.’ It’s the first time he’s heard Michael call him that to someone other than their circle of friends. He says it so sure and certain that Alex takes a deep breath and lets go of some of the tension in his shoulders.
Jamie’s eyes dart to Alex, obvious recognition flooding his features. ‘The Alex Manes?’ He narrows his eyes at Alex, sizing him up differently now that he has a name to go along with the face. ‘I used to hear a lot about you.’
‘I’m sure I deserved most of it.’ Alex’s jaw clenches, and Michael digs his fingernails into his bicep.
‘Well, it was a long time ago. People change. And this one always loved you, no matter what.’ He leans in to hug Michael goodbye, forcing Alex aside a couple of steps. Michael’s arms flail out to the side, hands still full of cider and cruller. But he smiles gently at Alex over Jamie’s shoulder, and Alex returns the smile, starting to feel a little silly. ‘It’s great seeing you again, Guerin. You look good. Real good.’
With nothing more than a nod at Alex, he disappears from sight.
‘So you two definitely fucked.’ Alex takes one of the crullers from Michael’s hand. He does his best to keep anything remotely negative out of his voice. But he knows he hasn’t been entirely successful.
Michael gulps at the cider. ‘On and off. But mostly, Jamie was a friend. It was after you left for Afghanistan. Your second tour.’
Alex nods. ‘That was a rough goodbye.’
‘They were all rough goodbyes.’ It’s said so low Alex almost doesn’t hear him. ‘Look, Alex.’ He stares after Jamie’s footprints in the snow. ‘That was weird as fuck and -- ‘
‘Hey.’ Alex places what he hopes is a calming hand on Michael’s chest. ‘It’s fine. And I should have been friendlier. I’m actually really glad you had someone. That giant man wouldn’t have necessarily been my first choice, but -- ‘
Michael laughs, still a little uneasy but his shoulders relax. ‘I found the perfect tree. She reminds me of you.’ He swallows his cruller in three bites and then grabs Alex’s wrist, dragging him through a few rows of trees.
They stop in front of the biggest tree on the lot. At least fifteen feet tall and slightly terrifying in its girth. ‘How exactly does this tree remind you of me? I feel like it’s going to eat us.’
‘Well, yeah.’ He elbows Alex playfully in the ribs. ‘Protective. Strong, slightly imposing, barrel-bodied. And beautiful.’
‘The shit that comes out of your mouth sometimes, Guerin.’ But he’s smiling and Michael is smiling and then they are kissing. Easily losing themselves in each other as is so often the case. Only barely managing to stay on this side of public decency before they are interrupted by two kids bursting through their tangled legs as they chase each other around the farm.
They both grin after the kids and turn back to Michael’s perfect Christmas tree. ‘You know, my ceilings aren’t tall enough for this tree.’
‘That’s okay. This is the patio tree. Once I chop this one down, we can start looking for our indoor tree.’ He grabs the ax he’s left sitting under the tree and rears back to take his first swing. Alex walks several feet away and watches Michael wedge the ax into the trunk, barely making a scratch. ‘Huh. Harder than I thought. I should probably just go find someone with a chainsaw.’
Alex snorts his agreement, taking the ax from Michael as he sets off to search for help. He reaches up to tug on one of the Douglas fir’s branches, a little overwhelmed at the idea of spending their first Christmas together. But good overwhelmed. Like the first time he’d left the ground in an A-10 Warthog, the sky opening up so vast and endless. The sun only a heartbeat away.
He loves Michael. And Michael loves him. These nine weeks of work they’ve put in to get them to this moment, where Alex can stand in front of a Christmas tree with pure joy in his heart rather than abject terror, are the best nine weeks of his life. Standing in front of this tree - their tree - he vows that come Christmas morning, Michael will know with every fiber of his being just how much Alex loves him. And Christmas will be theirs forever, happy and so filled with joy that even the Evanses will be sick with envy.
It’s not the most gracious thought Alex has ever had. But then again, he’s never been the most gracious person. And for once in his life, he decides that’s okay.
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anathewierdo · 4 years
Call of the Ocean  Chapter 13: When Reality Hits
Pairing: CEO!Mechanic!Dean Winchester x Mermaid!Reader
Word count: 6260
Chapter summary: After Y/N’s incident, Thasman is wary towards Dean. Dean finds out just how little time he has to be with Y/N. Thasman begins his driving lessons.
Series summary: CEO of Winchester Auto Dean Winchester has had enough of the office life. With his father keeping him from what he wants to do, which is work on the plant floor, Dean decides to leave for a quiet life. In Matagorda, Texas, he finds something he never thought he would, a chance encounter with a mythical creature.
Call of the Ocean Masterlist
A/N: God I love Saturday’s. This series is a collaboration with @flamencodiva​ , the text dividers were made by the awesome @talesmaniac89​ 
Next chapter will be posted on Wednesday, September 30
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Y/N took a bite of a pastry called an eclair. The sweet taste of the chocolate, mixed with flakey pastry and the cream on the inside made her moan in delight. 
“Dis is goof!” she forgot her manners for a few seconds speaking with her mouth open.
“I know,” Dean smiled at how cute she looked. He was reminded of himself. While pie’s will always be his favorite, he did have a sweet tooth for other sweets. 
“Sorry,” She blushed, swallowing the last bit of the eclair. “Ellen did say I have to mind my manners.”   
Dean shrugged it off. “It’s fine. After all, it is your first time trying all of this, so might as well enjoy it!”
“How many are there left?” she asked around the last piece of the eclair.
“Well”, Dean began, “You still have… two whole boxes to go.” he chuckled.
Y/N slumped into her chair, groaning, “So much good sweetness, and not enough space in me to eat it.”
Dean snorted at her choice of words, laughing his ass off and making Y/N start laughing too. 
After a few moments, Dean was able to get a grip on himself and sighed away the remains of his laughter. “Ok, I think we should go back to Ellen. She–” he chuckled again, recalling Y/N’s comment once more. “She’s gonna be pissed if we’re not there on time.”
Y/N nodded and stood up to help carry the small boxes filled with pastries to Baby while Dean went ahead to keep the door open so she could put them in the seat. 
“This was fun,” she smiled at him. “Thank you.” 
“It was--” Dean cleared his throat as he looked over at her. His heart seemed to skip a beat as he watched her tuck some of her hair behind her ear. “It was nothing. Although you did scare me last night. Are you sure you’re okay now?” 
“Yes. Thasman and Ellen took care of me… Thank you for helping me, Dean."
“It was nothing,” Dean shook his head. “I was just worried, you seemed to have been running a high fever. Not even Sam gets that hot when he’s sick.” 
“Sam?” Y/N tilted her head at him. 
“My brother,” Dean beamed. “I used to help my mom take care of him whenever he was sick.” 
Y/N nodded, “I see. The closest thing I have to a sibling is Thasman. We have both known the other from a very young age.” 
“Huh,” Dean licked his lips. “So you two really aren’t--” he trailed off. 
“Aren’t what?’ Y/N tilted her head to the side. It gave her the most innocent look Dean had ever seen on a girl. 
 “A couple,” Dean breathed. “He’s… he seems very attached to you and… maybe he might even--” 
Y/N bursted out in laughter. “Thasman and me?” She continued to laugh. “I’m sorry,” she wiped away a stray tear of laughter. “No, I promise Thasman is only a really good friend. Albeit a bit overprotective, but he and I will never be more than friends. I think I told you that, right? When we met?” 
“Oh,” Dean chuckled at her reaction. “Yeah you did. I-- I guess he must be a really good friend to get a reaction like that. But I am glad you are doing better. You did scare me there for a minute.” 
She shook her head, smiling softly. “Don’t be. I’m ok now.”
“Alright, then let’s get you back to Ellen’s,” Dean turned on the ignition and backed out of the parking spot. 
The drive back to Ellen, Dean turned on the radio singing to the song. 
“This is fun!” Y/N yelled over the music. “I never heard this kind of music before!” 
“You’ve never really lived until you know Rock music, sweetheart. It’s the best thing ever.”
“I would love to listen to more of this!” She smiled brightly. 
Just hearing her say that made Dean smile to the point that his cheeks hurt. Not even Cassie tolerated his music, and to find someone like Y/N made it seem like a dream. 
They arrived at Ellen’s a little too soon for his liking. “Alright,” he took the keys out of the ignition. “We’re here, Y/N.”
Ellen received them with a knowing smile and a hug. “You guys had a good time at Al’s?”
“We did,” Y/N held up the two boxes full of pastries. “We have snacks to last a long while!” 
“Did you buy the whole bakery, Dean?” Ellen raised an eyebrow at him. “Or are you trying to fatten up my little Y/N, here?” 
He helped her set the boxes down on the kitchen table and showed his hands in surrender. “She had never tried any kind of pastries! What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t let her live one more day without knowing about the existence of pie, Ellen!”
Ellen laughed and nodded, “Well I do have to give you that.” she looked between Y/N and Dean and smiled. “I’m going to go call Bobby and check on Thasman. I’ll leave you two to continue talking.” 
“But what about the homemade pizza?” Y/N called after her. “You’re still going to show us how to make that, right?”
“I will, you just have some more fun with Dean. I’ll be back.” Ellen disappeared into her room. 
“So Ellen is going to show you how to make Pizza?” Dean rocked on his heels. 
“Yeah,” she affirmed. “Thasman and I have been wanting to make one for days now.”
“So let me get this straight: no rock music, no pastries, no sweets, no cars like Baby, and you don’t know how to make a pizza.” he counted. “Well, to be fair, I don’t know how to make one either, but sweetheart, how did you even get here from someplace that sounds completely cut off from the world?”
“I-- well,” Y/N licked her lips. “Thasman and I traveled by boat. And honestly, our customs and traditions are very archaic. I mean… in just six days I have to go back and well… pick a husband--” 
Just like that, reality had smacked Dean across the face. Because of course, of fucking course everything that had been going so great would have to be taken away from him when it came to her. 
“You’re shitting me.” he found himself mumbling in shock.
“I don’t want to,” she whispered. “I hate the stupid tradition and would love nothing more than to stay here and live. But--” she licked her lips, “But I’m next in line to become an important person for our community and… I can’t… I want to name someone else but I know it would be difficult.” 
“So what is this?” he gestured around her. “Some sort of last wish vacation before responsibility takes over?”
“I don’t know,” she avoided his gaze. “I just wanted to experience something different and bring back what I have learned.” She closed her eyes before opening them to gaze into his green ones. “I didn’t mean to insult you or offend you. I just… It was nice of you to show me Al’s. I-- I’m sorry.” she could feel the tears begin to form in her eyes. 
“Hey, no,” he rushed towards her, “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m not mad at you. You didn’t insult me. I just find it really hard to believe that you are going to be forced to marry someone in the twentyfirst century.” he explained. “And how does it work? Do they just put a bunch of people in line and tell you to go nuts?”
Y/N wiped her eyes and smiled, “No, I guess. They have a tournament of sorts. So the winner gets to marry me I guess.” she frowned. “It’s archaic and I hate it.” 
“Because you’re the prize.” he realized. “And you can’t just… not marry anyone and go on with your life doing whatever it is you have to do back home?”
“I wish it were that simple,” she turned away from him and walked towards Ellen’s porch to look out to the sea. “Everything I do, I do to make my father happy. He knows I hate it, but I’m his only daughter and there is no one else.” 
“Now that I get,” he grumbled. “It sucks. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Y/N sniffled a bit, “Not your fault. I--” she let out a laugh. “I guess it’s the tides that control my life. There is no changing them.” 
He nudged her softly. “Hey, if you guys are leaving, would you mind if I hang out with you and Ellen tonight? Help you guys make some pizza? I could use the cooking lessons.”
Y/N laughed, “I think that would be nice. You can never have too many friends.” She reached out her hand for Dean to shake. “At least that’s what Ellen says.” 
Dean laughed as he took her hand in his, ignoring the familiar electricity flowing through him. The way her hand just seemed to fit right in his made his heart skip a beat. The look in her eyes, he wanted nothing more than to keep that happy, smiling look on them. Neither of them noticed Ellen watching them with a smile on her face before barging in. 
“Alright you two,” She poked her head out the door. “Thasman’s going to be a bit late. His driving lesson is um… well let’s say it took an interesting turn.” Ellen chuckled. 
Y/N’s eyes widened. “Is he alright?”
“He’s fine,” Ellen waved her off. “Now, let’s start making some pizzas!”
Y/N and Dean made their way back into the house and towards the kitchen where Ellen was grabbing what they needed. Y/N couldn’t shake the giddy feeling that overwhelmed her. She could feel her heart pound in her chest. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling, but whatever it was, she didn’t want it to end. 
“Hey,” Ellen snapped her out of her thoughts, “come back to Earth darlin, we need you to measure out the flour,” she looked to Dean. “You’re going to grate the cheese and cut up the pepperoni into slices. And don’t be stingy on the cheese; I want to see lots of it!” 
“Yes ma’am!” he smiled. 
Y/N grabbed the measuring cups and began measuring out the ingredients needed for the dough. She looked at the small packet labeled ‘yeast’. And tilted her head. 
“Not flour,” she mumbled. “Where is it?”
“Here it is hun, but you are going to need that yeast to help the dough rise,” Ellen pointed to the packet after putting the container of flour in front of her. 
Y/N nodded, looking at the flour and yeast like they were the strangest things ever. “Ok”
Y/N let her tongue stick out of her mouth as she looked at the recipe that Ellen had laid out. She grabbed the luke warm water that Ellen set out and followed the instructions for the yeast.  Following the rest of it she grabbed a separate bowl for the flour measuring the ingredients as the yeast mixture began to froth up. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Dean called out to her as he was cutting the pepperoni. 
“Ye--” as she was answering him, Dean placed a piece in her mouth. 
“How’s that?”
Y/N held back her laughter as she chewed on the piece, “It’s delicious!” 
“I know,” he nodded, popping a piece into his own mouth. “Ellen got us the good stuff.”
“She knows just how to get the best meat,” Y/N smiled. Moving closer to Dean, Y/N began mixing the flour into the yeast mixture. “I wonder how this will taste when it’s done?” 
“Amazing.” He answered. “Pizza is always amazing.”
“I can’t wait,” she smiled. “Most of the food we eat are fish, seaweed soup and kale.” she sighed. “If we hadn’t met Ellen, I never would have tasted Prime Rib.” 
Dean stood in silence for a moment and turned to give her an incredulous look. “No sushi?” 
“Do you need a tissue?” Y/N reached for the box of tissues that Ellen kept by the sink. 
“What?” Dean let out a chuckle. 
“You just sneezed, didn’t you? Do you want a tissue?”
“No! No. I’m talking about sushi. It’s food.” Dean stopped cutting the pepperoni and mimicked what Sushi looked like with his hands. “ It’s food rolled up in kale and rice and you’ve eaten fish and kale your whole life but no sushi. I’m not the biggest fan but it’s decent… Oh man, Sam would freak if he met you.” He laughed.
“Well, we eat raw fish, but we do not have any rice. It can’t grow where we’re from.” She smiled and continued to knead the dough.  
Dean could see she was having trouble and moved behind her. 
“Here let me help. I used to watch my mom do this and she always used the heel of her palms. Like this.” he demonstrated. “Now you try it.” 
He put his hands on her shoulders, sliding them down to her forearms. “Use more force. You got this, sweetheart.” 
Y/N felt a shiver down her spine as he touched her. She remembered the recipe said to add more flour if the dough was too sticky. As she went to reach for it, she could feel she grabbed too much and flour went everywhere. 
“Oh no,” she gasped. “I’m sorry I--” she stopped and laughed at the flour that covered Dean. “That’s-- wow.” 
Part of his face had ended up covered in flour somehow, along with his wrists and hands. She watched him blink away some of the flour that had ended up in his eye.
“Wha?” he asked, giving her an accusing smile. “Are you laughing at me sweetheart?” 
“No,” Y/N shook her head but failed at suppressing her laugh. 
“Why don’t I believe you?” he commented sarcastically, reaching out a hand towards the bag of flour. “Ya know what? I think you could use a little bit more white. It suits you.”
He threw the flour to her face, making Y/N squeal as she tried in vain to save herself from the attack from there it turned into a small flour war. With Dean and Y/N throwing small bits of flour at each other. Dean and Y/N began chasing each other around Ellen’s kitchen island. It didn’t take long for Dean to catch her and begin tickling her sides. 
“Would you two children stop messing with my kitchen?!” Ellen laughed, interrupting their fight even if she couldn’t exactly see them with her back turned due to her cutting up another chunks of meat. “You’ve had your fun, but this pizza is not gonna make itself.”
They froze in place, Dean’s arms still around her his face close to hers. They both stared at each other for what seemed to be an eternity. Dean reached up and cupped her face, his thumb cleaning off a bit of flour from her face. His eyes shifted  from her lips back to gaze into her eyes. Licking his lips, Dean could feel himself leaning forward, bringing his face closer to hers.
“Sweetie, are you done with the dough? We have to put it in a bowl to let it rise.” Ellen called again.
Y/N broke out of her trance and gently pushed away from Dean. “Yes, Ellen! I have it in the bowl ready to rise.” 
“Thank you, hun. Dean? You got those pepperonis nice and sliced?”
Dean blushed at the thought of what was about to happen between them, “Yeah Ellen, although I might be eating a few if you don’t get in here.”  
Ellen turned around, giving him her best glare and toughest mom voice. “You will do no such thing if you want to eat pizza, Campbell.”
“Okay, okay,” Dean gave her a devilish smirk as he placed the pepperoni into a bowl and placed it in the fridge.
Thasman adjusted his low bun and sighed as Bobby stared at him. The lessons were not going off to a good start. Plus Bobby was upset that Thasman doesn’t have what the humans called a ‘learners permit’. Apparently it’s what would help them learn to drive large metal deathtraps. 
“Ellen has some nerve,” Bobby huffed. “Alright, so, we need to start with baby steps. Now Ellen says you are leaving in six days back to your home?” 
“Yes sir,” Thasman nodded. “The Pr… I mean Y/N has her birthday celebration back home.”
“Well, I have my work cut out for me, don’t I?” Bobby ran a hand across his face before grabbing Thasman and sitting him in front of the computer he owned. “You need to learn the rules of the road and get your learner's permit. Now, I’m going to call Ellen and get your info from you. Mind you, all this will be coming out of your pay.” 
“I--” Thasman sighed. These humans had strange customs and traditions. “How long will it take?” 
“Longer than what you are here for,” Bobby sighed. “Do you have a birth certificate with you? Or even a passport. Your country had to have given you a form of identification so you could get your license right?”
“Well… we… our country is very late in receiving modern things like identification.” Thasman tried to cover. 
“What country did you say you were from again?” Bobby crossed his arms as he raised an eyebrow at Thasman.  
“Sindarta,” The young merman said as he smiled. “It’s very remote and a very small community.” 
“I bet,” Bobby huffed. 
“I think maybe I should head back to Ellen’s,” Thasman sighed. “I’m sorry to be a burden to you.” Thasman offered him a sad smile before making his way towards the door. 
The old man rushed to his side, putting a hand on his shoulder to stop him. “Boy, don’t be like that. I didn’t mean anything by what I said. I’m just surprised.”
“I’m surprised by your way of life too, you know?” Thasman frowned. “Y/N and I have only known a tiny part of your ways, and it is really confusing, scary and exciting at the same time for us.”
Bobby’s expression softened. “I know,” he conceded. “I guess I forgot that not everyone gets to live like us here.”
“Yeah,” Thasman nodded. “It happens.”
Bobby guided him back towards the old machine he was trying to get Thasman to drive. “I never did show you each part and how it works, right?” Thasman shook his head. “Ok. Let’s start from scratch.”
As Bobby pointed to the different things in the car, he couldn’t help but smile at how Thasman absorbed the information. The kid was as sharp as a whip. As they worked together, Bobby saw a small gleam of metal hanging around Thasman’s neck. It looked familiar to him somehow. The chain seemed to be silver with a small medallion at the end. The chain itself was threaded through a ring of aquamarine gems. Clearing his throat Bobby looked at the time and sighed. 
“I think that’s enough looking under the hood for one day,” Bobby grumbled as he stretched his back. “You seem to be getting the hang of how to look under the hood.”   
Thasman chuckled nervously. “I’m not really sure of what I’m doing, Bobby.”
“Let’s get you back to Ellen’s,” Bobby tossed him the keys to the truck. “You’re going to drive nice and easy. I think you can handle it.” 
He nodded, opening the driver’s door and getting into the car. He mumbled to himself with every action that would wake the metal beast and smiled excitedly when he heard the engine come to life. 
“That’s it, boy,” Bobby praised. “Now, go slow. No pressure.”
As they drove down the road, Bobby glanced over at thasman. The poor boy was too tense and driving at the speed of a snail. 
“You’re doing fine,” he’d assured every once in a while. “By the time you have to leave you’ll be a natural at this. Maybe we can get Y/N to drive too.”
Thasman smiled, “I think she will like that.” 
“So,” Bobby tapped a finger on the dashboard as Thasman slowly picked up speed as he gained more confidence. “What’s your mother like? Must have been one heck of a woman to raise a good son like you.” 
Thasman gulped and felt his grip on the wheel tightened. “I actually never met her.” He confessed. “I asked questions… how I got there, who was she… It was like I just… appeared. There was no sign of her.”
“So Y/N’s family took you in?” Bobby inquired.
The young merman shook his head. “Not exactly. Some time after I showed up, this woman, a friend of my mother apparently, returned from a trip. They assigned her to take care of me and she couldn’t exactly refuse, but she wasn’t opposed to the idea either.”
They had reached another one of the lights that humans put in the streets. The circle on the top glowing a bright red, indicating that Thasman had to stop the metal beast. Trying to follow Bobby’s instructions and lessons from before, he stopped the car. He took his hands off the wheel when the car fully stopped, running them through his hair. 
Bobby’s frown seemed to get bigger in confusion and concern. 
“So, this woman… she at least treats you right?”
Thasman let out a big smile, “She’s tough,” he admitted. “But she is the only mother figure I ever knew. She always cared for me and was proud when I was chosen to be Y/N’s bodyguard.” 
“The light’s green again, boy,” Bobby pointed out.
“Oh, right! So… yeah. That’s all there is to know about that. You said the turn to Ellen’s house was where again?”
“Just take the next left, Thas,” Bobby said as he pointed the way. “You’re Y/N’s bodyguard? Is she important where you’re from?” 
“Very,” he confirmed. “Her father is… they’re important. I’m not just a guard. I’m her friend. But it’s my duty to make sure she’s alright. That nothing happens to her.”
Bobby hummed. “I guess that’s where you get your strength from.” 
“Comes with the job,” he shrugged. “I’m– ok, you said I’m supposed to do what now?”
“Turn the wheel to your left right here, and do it gently. Brake slowly and just turn the wheel.” Bobby instructed as he pointed to the turn.  
Thasman did, and in no time, man and merman found themselves once again outside of Ellen’s house.
“Do I just– do I turn it off now?”
Bubby grumbled, “Well it isn't going to turn itself off.” 
Thasman nodded as he turned the truck off after putting the car on ‘P’. Giving Bobby the keys, Thasman got out of the car and made his way up Ellen’s porch followed by Bobby. As they opened the door, Thasman and Bobby came in to see Y/N and Dean cleaning up the flour from the small fight they had. 
“Poseidon’s fury!” Thasman exclaimed as he walked up to Y/N and touched the flour in her hair. “What happened?” 
The green-eyed man put a rag back in the sink, smiling as he crossed his arms. “We had a little bit of a disagreement. You came in just in time to see us get the pizza really started.”
Thasman frowned at the man as he walked to Y/N and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Princess, are you alright? Did he hurt you? What is this stuff?” 
“I’m fine, Thas,” she whispered back and shrugged him off. “It’s just this powder. It’s completely harmless, I promise. We used it for the pizza dough!” 
“Why is he here?” Thasman had yet to trust the green-eyed man. “Shouldn’t he be in his own dwelling?” 
The last bit seemed to be caught by said intruder. “Ellen and Y/N invited me. I could still go if you want?” 
“No!” Y/N shouted and cleared her throat as she blushed. “Please stay. You helped in making the pizza it’s only fair that you get to enjoy it as well.” 
“Y/N…” Thasman looked at his friend. 
“Do you have a problem with me?” Dean huffed and looked at Thasman. “I have not nor will I ever hurt her. You keep looking at me as if I’m going to attack her or something?”  
“Last time you were with her she got sick.” 
“You know very well that it wasn’t his fault Thasman!” Y/N growled. “Stop it now.” 
Thasman took her forearm, and gently led her away from the prying eyes of the humans, stating they would be right back. 
“What do you actually know about him?” He prodded. “Besides his name, besides the fact that you have seen him once before we got here. Y/N/N, please think about it. We barely know him.” Thasman closed his eyes in frustration and sighed, already knowing he wouldn’t win this. “I don’t trust him.”
“He has a brother named Sam,” she countered. “He drives a beautiful ‘67 Chevy Impala that he calls Baby, and he listens to what they call Rock Music. Which I found I liked. Thasman he is just becoming my friend please. He helped me last night, he probably saved my life.” 
A tense silence settled between them. Y/N watched as little by little, her friend’s face went from rock hard seriousness to defeat. Thasman groaned, and watched her with a deadpan look.
“You know, you make me look like the worst guard to ever exist. What would your father say if he knew this?” He asked himself.
“You are not the worst guard to exist!” Y/N said as she punched him. “And besides, you are helping me experience a bit of freedom before I am forced to stay in the ocean forever.” she sighed dramatically. 
Thasman chuckled at her theatrics. “If they ever know about this, I’m dead.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Y/N said as she made her way inside. “He would imprison you in the dark caverns.” she joked and rushed inside laughing.  
“Oh, so much more comforting.” 
Dean tilted his head at the interaction between the two. He could tell Thasman was not liking him. He didn’t want to be a wedge between the two friends, and he liked Y/N. He really, really liked her. As Y/N made her way to him, Dean motioned for her to come over. 
“Are you two okay? I don’t want you to lose your friend.” Dean looked at Thasman and offered him a small smile.  
Thasman rolled his eyes, although Dean was able to catch a small smile there this time. “Yeah, we’re fine.”
“You want to roll out the dough, Thasman?” Ellen offered trying to ease the tension. 
Thasman nodded, heading over to her, already immersed in her instructions to do it correctly. 
Dean watched as Ellen guided Thasman on how to roll out the dough. The merman smiled as he saw how easy it was. Dean couldn’t help but smile at the fact that the man who could despise him, was having fun rolling out pizza dough. He looked over at Y/N who seemed to be studying Thasman’s work. There was something intriguing and innocent about how Y/N would observe something new. He wondered what it would be like to show her how to work on a car?
“Okay,” Ellen smiled. “How about we put some topping on this pizza!”
“Oh!” Y/N exclaimed excitedly. “What goes first?” 
Dean laughed, finding her excitement completely adorable. “The sauce, then we put the cheese, and then we go from there.”
Thasman and Y/N nodded, the latter mumbling “awesome” to herself.
Time seemed to fly when you had eight hands and a running commentary from Bobby to help get the pizza done. Thasman preferred to stay quiet for the most part, focusing on doing things right and every single movement Dean made. 
He noticed, of course. It was hard to ignore the blank stare that seemed to be trying to look into his very soul as he tried to talk to Y/N and listen to Bobby’s jokes. Eventually, the pizza was put in the oven, and Ellen popped open a few bags of chips for everyone to munch on while they waited.
“Thasman,” Bobby called, “how did you end up as Y/N’s bodyguard?”
“Bodyguard?” Dean looked from Thasman to Y/N. “You said your dad was an important man, but I didn’t realize he was that important that you needed a bodyguard.” 
Thasman wasn’t pleased at Bobby’s question. The old man was just curious, he knew that. The unexpected guest was the problem.
“Y/N’s family is very important back home.” He answered.
“Thasman had to go through rigorous training at first,” Y/N smiled remembering when Thasman was at the academy to become a guard. 
“It was a nightmare,” he recognized, still somewhat reluctant. “I went from being a simple boy to a guard in training. It took a few years for me to be officially named a guard.”
“It was on my 21st birthday when Thasman was appointed to me. It was funny. I kept running away!” Y/N laughed at the memory of swimming away from Thasman and hiding to get away.
“Yeah,” he sighed smiling, “I thought it wouldn’t be so hard, since I’ve known her my whole life… but no. Little Miss Rebel made it clear the second I showed up it wouldn’t be easy.”
“Oh?” Dean straightened at that. “She’s a rebel, is she?” 
“She is. To an extent, she is.” Thasman looked at her, a fond smile on his face as he spoke. “Us being here is her biggest scheme yet.”
Bobby whistled at that. “How did you get the money to get here?”
“I--” Y/N looked to Ellen for help. 
“I know a friend of theirs!” Ellen smiled. “Thasman’s guardian is a good friend of mine and she told me of them coming over. We arranged for it. Since Y/N’s father is a big shot on that Island of theirs.” She passed a quick wink to Y/N. 
“Yes,” Thasman smiled. “Ellen knows my guardian Liara.” 
“So, you took a plane or a boat?” Dean asked as he took a bite of a chip. 
“A plane.”
“A boat.”
Thasman and Y/N shared a look as their answers collided, then turned to Ellen for help. She could only mirror their expressions, and urged them to think fast with her eyes. 
“We took a boat to land,” Y/N took over, “it was a short journey to the nearest island with an airport, then took a plane to America and we just… we pointed at random and landed here.”
“Uh-huh,” Dean and Bobby both responded at the same time. 
Dean cleared his throat as he looked at Y/N. “So you had a really long trip?” 
“It wasn’t as bad as it sounds,” Thasman stepped in. “It felt a lot shorter than it actually was.”
“I’m not big on flying on planes,” Dean smiled. “I prefer to be closer to the ground.” 
“That I can agree on.” Thasman grumbled. 
“Didn’t you say the trip wasn’t that bad Thasman?” Bobby pressed.
He shrugged. “I never said I was conscious for most of it.” 
“I had to put him to sleep for a good amount of the trip,” Y/N smiled as she winked at Thasman. 
Before anyone could ask anything else, a loud ding sounded through the house, alerting everyone that the pizza was finally ready. Dean helped Ellen take the pizza to the table and before long everyone was enjoying the home cooked meal. Dean tried to talk to Thasman more but realized that the young man would not become his friend easily. With the pizza gone, Dean realized he had to go home. Benny and Cas would most likely ask him questions about his day.  He was headed to the door when Y/N appeared behind him. 
“Can I walk you home? I think it’s only fair since you helped with everything today.” She blushed slightly ignoring the looks Thasman gave her.
The huge smile that made its way across his face was inevitable. He opened the door, then stepped back, motioning for Y/N to go through. “After you, sweetheart.”
“Thank you,” she smiled as she walked down the porch steps and waited for him. “I hope it’s okay though. I know it’s usually the man who walks the woman home.” She brushed a hair behind her ear. 
“I promise you, Y/N.” He said as he gestured between the two of them. “This is more than okay with me.”
“Then on to your dwelling!” she laughed and skipped a bit in front of him. The sea air blew in her hair as she laughed. 
“Why do you call houses' ‘dwellings’?” Dean asked as he watched her having fun. Her laugh was music to his ears. 
She turned back to him with her hand on her hip, “why do you call dwellings ‘houses’?” 
“Shit,” he laughed, “touché, sweetheart. I have no fucking clue.”
“Maybe we can find out together someday,” She waited for him to reach her before she took his hand in hers. “You have big hands! And they are not smooth.” She studied them for a bit. “What do you do that makes them slightly hard?” 
Dean snorted at her remarks, “I like working with my hands. I work on cars mostly.” 
“Cars like Baby?” Y/N asked as they stopped right in front of the black Impala. 
“Among other things,” He said as he turned to her. “I had a really good day today. You helped me relax and forget some of my troubles.” 
“I enjoyed today as well,” Y/N sighed contently. “I have six more days before I must return home.” she whispered sadly. 
“Then maybe I can find some time to take you out. And you know, Thasman could join in too.”
“He is my bodyguard,” she chuckled. “Maybe we can find him someone nice to distract him?” 
“That’s not what I meant, sweetheart.” 
“Oh? How did you mean it?” Y/N tilted her head innocently. 
“He’s your bodyguard, yeah, but he’s your friend too, right? He cares a lot about you from what I could see today alone.” He gently ran his thumb along the back of her hand as he held it. “I just thought, you’re not the only one who needs to try all the pastries we bought.” he said giving her a small smirk and a wink. “I wanna show him around too, so you can both have fun and… well, if I get a few brownie points on the way, what’s the harm in that?
“Brownie points?” Y/N whispered. “Do I need to give you brownies?” 
Dean chuckled, “no, no, sweetheart. It’s a figure of speech. It refers to getting into someone’s good side.”
“Oh!” Y/N let out a laugh and blushed. “Well,” she bit her lip and glanced at him. “You have gained a good amount of brownie points for today.” 
“Hopefully,” he sighed, “You know? We start renovations tomorrow. It’s gonna take two whole days– maybe three, if we really want to open the garage before you guys leave. Maybe you could come around? Bobby and Thasman will be there, most likely, and my friends too.”
Y/N nodded. “I’ll try to, what’s that you say? Swing by if I can.”
“I would like that,” Dean said as he took a step towards her. 
He lifted his hand and reached out to caress her cheek. Her skin was soft against his calloused hand. 
“Y/N?” Dean whispered as he brought his face close to hers. 
“Yes, Dean,” Y/N whispered as the tip of his nose touched hers. 
“I’m starting to really like you,” His green eyes looked into her Y/E/C/ eyes. 
Y/N’s heart clenched at his words. “Me too, Dean,” she sighed, “I’m really going to miss you when I go back.”
The reminder of her leaving felt heavier this time. For a moment, they were back at Ellen’s house, and he could still see the hurt in her eyes at the thought of marrying whoever she’d have to marry when she got home. She was leaving in five days, and Dean had really, truly realised just now, that it would most likely be the forever kind of leaving.
Last wish vacation, her biggest scheme so far… they took a very different meaning once he truly understood how trapped she really was.
Instead of letting himself go and find out what the lips of the woman of his dreams felt like, he kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly against him. 
“I’m really going to miss you too, Y/N.” Dean muttered into her hair as he squeezed her once more.
“I should head back,” Y/N whispered before kissing his cheek. “I’ll talk to Ellen about swinging by tomorrow.”  
Dean pulled away and smiled as she began to walk back towards Ellen’s house. Taking a deep breath, he walked up the steps and opened the front door in time to see Benny and Cas rushing away from the window. 
“Not a word,” he grumbled as he made his way towards his room.
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Well holy crap! We’re thirteen chapters in already! I wanna thank everyone who has liked, reblogged, commented and sent asks about the story. Every single one of you has made my day <3
Any and all types of feedback is greatly appreciated :D
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Call of the Ocean tag list: (if your username is in bold italics, that means tumblr didn’t let me tag you)
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mordoriscalling · 4 years
Stay or Sail Away (1/6)
Here comes part one the modern AU fake dating Geraskier fic that I talked about in this post. I’d like to post each part daily. Tagging @geraskier-trashh as requested! :D
It’s not that Jaskier has any problem finding someone, thank you very much. It’s just that he’s busy. Busy with concerts and composing, meeting fans at various events, travelling, internet dramas involving Valdo (it’s always fucking Valdo). There’s no time for a relationship, only for occasional one night stands that sometimes that leave him heartbroken because he actually manages to fall in love with someone in the span of a few hours. It’s fine, though. Heartbreak inspires him like little else.
Jaskier's never complained about lack of bed partners, when he seeks them out. He’s charming, after all. Still, the moment he hears “commitment”, he flees. It’s just not his way. Or perhaps he’s never found anyone fascinating enough to commit to; it takes a lot to keep his attention.  He wasn’t even looking for someone like that. Not until recently.
His troubles began a week ago, during a phone call with his mum. She reminded him of his father’s 65th birthday party and asked if he would bring anyone with him. This was followed by a series of questions about his love life because, as his mum put it, “you’re 35, Julian darling, and you’re always working so hard! I worry you’ll end up alone”. In order to placate her, Jaskier might’ve lied a little tiny bit about some things. As a result, because of all the twists and turns of the conversation, he made his mother believe he had a fiancé.
A fucking fiancé.
Wanda Pankratz was ecstatic, wishing to know everything about her son’s relationship, but he dodged all the further questions by saying that she would meet his love soon enough. She left it at that but, of course, told half the family about it, if the texts and calls from his sisters and aunts were anything to go by.
Hence, The Post.
It’s a bit pathetic and desperate, Jaskier can freely admit, but he has no other choice. His personal guard Zoltan almost pissed himself laughing when Jaskier asked him to pretend to be his fiancé, and not one of his friends knows anyone who would want to do this. Not even his agent Triss could help him out.
It all drove Jaskier to log on his anonymous Facebook account (he is a pretty big name in the UK; better be safe than sorry) and post in one of the big London groups.
“I need urgent help from someone who’d be willing to act as my fiancé during a family party on February the 24th. The only thing I expect is the ability to sing praises of our love and to compliment my aunts. It’ll take around 4 hours and then we end our relationship. Age from 35 to 40. It’d be great if you knew something about the sea because I intend to introduce you as a sailor who’s never home and afterwards, you die. Can anybody help?”
Since yesterday, the post has got more than a thousand reactions (mostly the laughing one and likes) and hundreds of comments. Many people tagged their friends as a joke, which is not helpful, but Jaskier still scrolls down and down, trying not to let his hope die. Nobody seems to think his request is for real and he’s received no serious offers so far. Then, one of the newest comment threads catches his attention.
Lambert Rivia:    Geralt Rivia Destiny!
                              Geralt Rivia Fuck off
                              Yennefer Vengeberg Omg 😂 Cirilla Vengeberg-Rivia Eskel Rivia you must see this!
                              Cirilla Vengeberg-Rivia Yesssss!! This is perfect! ❤️
                              Eskel Rvia Do it Geralt
                              Geralt Rivia No.
Intrigued, Jaskier decides to check out these people’s profiles. Lambert Rivia is a handsome red-haired man who wears some kind of black military suit in his profile picture. Looking at his bio, Jaskier already knows why Lambert didn’t volunteer himself – he’s in a relationship. Eskel Rivia is blond, even more handsome than Lambert despite facial scars, and also has a photo in a black suit, together with a white cap on his head. There’s no information on Eskel’s relationship status and Jaskier is intrigued indeed. Yennefer Vengeberg is a terrifyingly beautiful woman who, judging how professional her profile picture appears, must work in some serious profession. Cirilla Vengerberg-Rivia is a lovely teenage girl with white-blond hair. Jaskier reckons she’s the daughter of Yennefer and one of the Rivia guys.
He left the poor Geralt’s profile as the last to look at, but now that Jaskier has seen the rest, he checks this one too.
His jaw fucking drops.
Geralt Rivia is a ridiculously handsome man. His face seems practically unreal because, surely, people as beautiful as Geralt don’t actually exist? The man’s long white hair (which makes no sense considering his apparent age), as well as his brown-almost-golden eyes, only add to his otherwordly, stunning appearance. Double stunning in that black military suit he’s wearing in his profile picture, just like Lambert and Eskel. The suit looks familiar and Jaskier has a nagging feeling he really should know what kind of army it is. Google helps him out and he quickly puts two to two – Geralt, Eskel and Lambert serve for the Royal Navy.
He bursts out laughing.
This is too good.
He wonders what he should to about this. Now that he knows about Geralt’s existence, he can’t really miss the chance of meeting him, however slim. His gut feeling tells him not to let the opportunity slip and well, who is Jaskier not to listen?
When he’s in the middle of debating what to write to the man, his phone pings. There’s a new messenger notification... with Geralt’s name. With a racing heart, Jaskier opens the message.
FEB THE 18TH AT 06:14 PM Hey. Everyone’s telling me to message you and won’t leave me alone. Is your request for real? Please say no
Jaskier chuckles and replies:
Hi! I’m sorry they’re bothering you and I’m also sorry to say that my request is very much for real. I’d be forever grateful if you helped me 😁
To this, Geralt responds with:
They really won’t stop until I agree They think it’s so fucking funny
Jaskier purses his lips, already suspecting this isn’t likely to work out. He'll have to face his loving mum and admit that he lied to her about fucking having a fiancé. She’s going to be so disappointed. At the very prospect, bad mood overtakes him, but he still types what he hopes to be a cheerful answer.
Damn, so sorry mate I won’t push you but, again, I’d totally owe you one if you agree  ☺️
What would I get?
Jaskier tries to reason with his hope to calm the fuck down and replies:
Money, or a favour of some sort, I have many connections Could be free tickets to my concerts  Even my company for the night 😏 Just whatever you want I really need help
For a minute or two, the three dots next to Geralt’s photo disappear, and Jaskier’s hope plummets in a  dramatic fashion. Then, more messages from Geralt show up in the chat.
Free tickets seem fine My daughter loves going to concerts She’d like free tickets but I never heard of you
Jaskier starts begging any god out there that Cirilla is Geralt’s daughter. Teenagers make up a large part of his audience (which is great, actually; teenage kids are amazing these days). If she’s a fan, the free tickets are a major bargaining chip.
Well, Julian AP isn’t my stage name I don’t use it on fb
What is it? Your stage name
I’d rather not say here And you must promise me you won’t tell anyone about it too Well, anyone but your daughter
 Can you call me? It’s better to talk about this on the phone anyway
Jaskier sends Geralt his number and waits for the call. In other circumstances, he’d congratulate himself on getting a man like that to call him so easily, but he’s too anxious. His hands itch for his guitar but he doesn’t get up from his bed. He begins smoothing his hair out with his palms, praying in his mind that Geralt hasn’t changed his mind.
After the agonizing wait of six minutes, there’s an incoming call. Jaskier takes a deep breath and picks up.
“Hello,” says a gravelly baritone voice so pleasant that it sends shivers down Jaskier’s spine.
“Uhm, h-hi, Geralt,” he replies a bit breathlessly, “so, my name’s Julian Alfred Pankratz but I’m known to many as Jaskier.”
There’s a beat of silence. “Jaskier?” Geralt repeats, “the one who sings Her Sweet Kiss?”
Jaskier beams, his chest swelling with pride. “The very same.”
“Fuck,” Geralt growls, “Ciri wants to blast this song whenever we drive somewhere.”
Jaskier laughs. “She would love free tickets to my concerts, wouldn’t she?”
Geralt says no more. Jaskier has to swallow down to sop his throat from constricting. “So?” he asks, “Can you do this for me?”
The silence on the other side is deafening and Jaskier doesn’t even breathe until Geralt finally speaks up. “Fine,” he grunts, his tone indicating it’s anything but fine.
Air leaves Jaskier’s lungs in a whoosh, replaced by a flood of such sheer relief that he may as well cry. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” he babbles, heady with joy, “Gosh, you’re my saviour!”
“Just don’t tell anyone about this,” Geralt grumbles.
“Not a soul, Geralt, not a soul.”
“Send me the details about when and where and let’s get this over w–”
“No, wait!” Jaskier cuts in, “My family’s very perceptive, they’ll know it’s a ruse. We should plan everything carefully.”
“You’re making me regret this,” Gerlt growls.
“I’m sorry!” Jaskier hastens to say. “Just... at least tell me a bit about yourself?”
Geralt lets out an irritated sigh. “I’m forty, serve for the Royal Navy with my brothers. Eskel’s the nice one and Lambert’s the prick. My ex-wife Yennefer works for the government.” Jaskier actually shudders at this one because he already can picture it. Yennefer seems exactly powerful like that. “We have a daughter,” Geralt goes on, his tone softening, “Ciri. She’s fourteen. We live in London but I’m away often.”
“Oh, lovely,” Jaskier says with a wide smile because, really, this man’s love for his daughter is so clear and endearing, “this is something we can start with.”
“Just make everything up about our relationship and send it to me. I’ll play along.”
“Thank you,” he breathes out, still amazed at his luck. Jaskier is almost high on the success of his ingenious scheme and his obligations are therefore non-existent, so nothing stops him from teasing Geralt. “Though, to be completely honest," he says cheekily, "you don’t strike me as the type to sing praises of our love and compliment my aunts.”
“Hmm,” Geralt replies. It doesn’t sound like a negation. “Yen says I’m not that bad if I try.”
The fondness with which he said Yennefer’s name is a cold bucket of water poured on his enthusiasm. “O-oh, ok,” he stutters out, thrown off-track, “So, uhm, would you be willing to try for me?”
For a moment, Geralt says nothing, then answers, “If you give Ciri an autograph.”
Jaskier laughs out loud. “Not a problem at all! Whatever she wants.” He pauses. “Whatever you want,” he adds more seriously.  
Geralt only hmms, in a way that Jaskier’s prone-to-romanticism mind would almost call warm. Silence falls between them but it doesn’t feel awkward somehow. “Have to go,” Geralt says.
“Okay,” Jaskier replies quietly, “Thank you again. I’ll text you, yeah?”
After Geralt hangs up, Jaskier huffs out a shaky breath. Deep down, he already knows.
This is going to mess him up.
Part 2
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cognitivefunk · 4 years
Under the Sunlight
I’m terrible with titles. So here is DAY 2 of the smut writing prompt! I wrote this just now in the evening hours! I hope you enjoy 
Title: Under the Sunlight Prompt: Sunscreen Fandom: Ikemen Vampire Pairing: Le Comte x Female Reader  Rating: 18+ Explicit Warnings/Tags: Smut, I butcher the French language, passionate sex, consensual, oral sex, I ended this with a VERY corny line Word Count: 1,778
#summer of smut & #summer of smut writing challenge
The sun was beaming down in all its beautiful intensity and you decided it would be a nice day to lay out it the sun to relax. There wasn’t any sort of air conditioning in the mansion, and it was starting to get stuffy inside. There was a warm breeze that rustled the leaves in the garden and you brought a thin blanket with you to lay on and soak up some rays.
The only thing was, if you were going to spend any length of time in the sun you knew you needed to put on a bit of sunscreen. You were able to apply it to your face and arms, but your camisole left part of your back exposed and you were having trouble reaching it.
Unbeknownst to you, Le Comte had been watching you from across the garden, amusement twinkling in his deep golden eyes. He was waiting to see if you could actually stretch that far, but your struggle was adorable in its own right. He shook his head to himself, setting his drink down on the garden table before walking at his leisurely pace until he stood behind you.
“Ma chérie, let me help you with that,” his warm breath on your ear startled you, and he had taken the bottle from your hands, opening the cap to apply a small amount to his fingers. “Comte!!” you exclaimed, a flustered expression hiding none of your surprise. His long fingers splayed out over your neck, dropping down to rub the substance over the top of your back, guiding you with his free hand to lie down on the blanket. “It’s a beautiful day; we wouldn’t want you getting burned now would we?”
Flustered as you may have been, you didn’t argue with the pureblood, laying down on your stomach and allowing him to work his fingers over the flesh of your back. “Thank you, I really appreciate it! I wasn’t sure who to ask since it’s kind of awkward,” you explained. Though in the back of your mind you knew you could have asked Sebastian without much issue, given how cordial he was.
“Oh? Is that so?” he feigned indignation, a warm smile on his lips, “Ma chérie, you can ask me anything, especially matters such as this,” he leaned closer to your body as he ran his fingers over your back, the softness of your skin drawing him in. “Tu es parfaite… “he whispered under his breath. You couldn’t quite make out the words, but your mind reels, hoping against all hope that you heard him correctly.
He took a deep breath, the intoxicating aroma of your scent mixed with the smell from the sunscreen caressed his senses and a flower of desire blossomed in his chest. To him, you were the sun, the breeze, and the dazzling stars in the night sky. You were everything, and yet he couldn’t bring himself to tell you. He had taken the opportunity to give himself an excuse to touch you. To feel your velvet skin beneath his fingertips. He wanted to just melt into you.
He cursed at himself internally, chastising himself to behave as he fought against his urge to explore more of your body. “Hm? Did you say something?” you asked, hoping he would clarify his statement. Your voice, your sweet melodic voice, brought him back to reality. His hands paused, but did not leave your body. “Ah, just admiring what a beautiful day it is,” he mused, the corners of his eyes crinkling with one of his cryptic smiles.
You had turned to watch him from the side of your eye, propped up on your elbows to get a better look at him. When your eyes met his, you thought you saw a deep longing for a glimmering moment, and your heart fluttered. Given his keen senses, he was made all too aware of your quickening pulse, and it only made your scent more alluring to the man. “Do I make you nervous, ma chérie?” he inquired while gently moving your hair off of your shoulder so that it would not stick to the freshly applied sunscreen.
You swallowed visibly, a small chill running through your body where he touched. You turned to face him, sitting up so you could look him in the eye. The last thing you wanted was for him to think that you feared him. “NO! No…not exactly,” you worked through your thoughts, your feelings making your brain a jumbled mess.
“Not exactly?” he repeated your words back to you, suddenly feeling quite emboldened. He observed you patiently as you sorted out what you were trying to say. He fought the urge to cup your cheek and bring you closer to him.
‘Je veux être avec toi pour toujours.’
"Comte…” you start, fidgeting your hands in your lap. You take a deep breath and try again, “When I’m with you, my heart races and I can’t think straight.” You wanted to look away after your simple confession, but he couldn’t hold back the urge to cup your cheek any longer. He brought your gaze back to his, a smoldering fire on the surface that bore into you, showing you a glimpse of the depths of his yearning for you.
“Shh, ­­­­­____,” he whispered against your lips, drawing you closer to his as he closed the distance between you. His lips were soft as they moved against yours, and you couldn’t help but sigh dreamily into the kiss. He needed to taste you, to take but a part of you as this hunger grew within him. His tongue was soon tracing your lower lip, seeking entrance into your sweet lips which you gladly granted him with a soft gasp.
Your tongues embraced in the intimate kiss, enjoying the sweetness of one another under the afternoon sun.  He pulled back, only to kiss the underside of your jaw, running his tongue along a particularly sensitive spot that made you sing out for him. “J’ai envie de te faire l’amour…” he whispered sensually against your neck, bringing you into his lap.
You felt flush, your body temperature rising at his words, knowing full well he was asking to make love to you. “Let’s take this inside?” you were breathless, and didn’t want to break the trance the two of you were under, but you also did not want to be caught by one of the other residents having a mid-afternoon tryst in the garden.
Le Comte wrapped his arms around you, lifting you with him to retreat back to his bedroom where he could lay you down on his luxurious sheets. The two of you barely made it through the door before you began unbuttoning his shirt and loosening his tie, using it to pull his mouth closer to yours, pouring your passion into your kiss. He responded tenfold, grabbing your ass tightly against him, and pushing you up against the wall to roll his hips up into you.
You could feel how worked up he truly was against your most sensitive area. He captured your earlobe between his lips, biting your soft flesh teasingly before placing his lips right against the shell of your ear, hissing, “J’ai envie de toi.” I want you.
He attached his mouth to your neck, mindful of his fangs, and began his work of leaving his mark in you. You were putty in his hands, moaning and arching against his touch. “Oui, mon chéri, je veux que tu me baises.” Yes darling, I want you to fuck me.
Hearing such vulgar language spill from you for him almost made him drive his fangs straight into your neck to keep you forever. Or at least to extend your life and keep you by his side, but that was a decision that would have to wait for later. For now, he wanted to indulge in you. He moved you from the wall to splay you out on his satin sheets of his bed.
“You are perfect,” he breathed, undressing you and leaving kisses along your skin as he slowly unwrapped you like a present just for him. “___, you’ve no idea how long I’ve waited to have you like this.” He trailed his tongue down your abdomen, worshiping every inch of you. Not a single patch of skin was left untouched, he gazed lovingly at every part of you, enraptured in your beauty. You were the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on, and he wanted more. More.
“I must have all of you,” he hissed, grabbing your legs to bring you closer to the edge of the bed, delving his tongue into your folds. He looked up from his spot between your legs, making smoldering eye contact as he drew his tongue up the length of you slowly, flicking it against your clit at the end for good measure just to watch you writhe.
“Then take all of me,” you panted, your arousal leaving you a mess. A smirk spread across his lips and he slid a finger into your dripping pussy, sliding it in and out with care, curling his finger inside you, searching for that magical spot to make you fall apart for him. “If you, my beloved, are offering then I will gladly take all of you.”
He pressed his lips to your thigh, watching as you began to tremble beneath him, your impending climax building like a dam ready to burst. He would gladly drown in all of you. “Ma chérie, give your everything to me,” he groaned, pressing his lips to your soaking core as he placed a second finger alongside the first, still curling up to press against the spot that made all thoughts leave your mind. You could only moan in response, bucking up into his waiting mouth, his tongue bringing you over the edge with a sharp cry. You arched off of the bed, holding onto his head to ground yourself as he continued to slowly pump his fingers in and out of you, tasting you on his tongue.
Your body twitched at the overstimulation, your nerves firing on all ends as he finally pulled his fingers from you to clean off with his tongue, making sure to put on a show by licking up each digit individually before delving them into his mouth to suck on. He stood at the end of the bed, trailing his fingers down his body as he removed the rest of his own clothing, partially undressed by yours truly just moments before.
“You’re going to be late to dinner, ma chérie, I am going to spoil you with dessert early.”
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