#scott is just the worst like way to ruin it tim
scjacka · 6 months
Last episode. Let's all make our Christmas wish this year that it doesn’t come back
I don't even really remember how the stupid thing started (I may have been drinking to get through it XD). This is going to be disjointed because I rage paused a lot and I WILL NOT be rewatching any of this to get it correct. This show doesn't care about my time so I'm not wasting any more of it by rewatching, lol.
Kris is completely useless. Like there was zero point to him being in this season at all. I was also of the mindset that he was going to be a bigger role and maybe take over for Scott but he was completely pointless. I JUST REMEMBERED HE WAS THE KID THAT SAW SKINNY SCOTT WITH THE CANOE AND THAT WAS HIS SANTA ORIGIN STORY OR WHATEVER AND I STARTED YELLING AT THE REVISIONIST HISTORY AND MY HUSBAND WAS LIKE, ARE YOU OK?! AND I WAS LIKE DO I LOOK OK?!!?!
I may be wrong, but is this the first time we've actually seen the factory floor in this whole damn show? Like we're always in Scott's office, the stables, the real world, or the monitoring room. Have they even made any toys in these TWO SEASONS?! Maybe they have and
I liked the Betty/Olga fight (but like why a fake sword?) but the way it was cut back and forth with the Mad Santa/Scott discussion was annoying
The gnomes are just pissed cause they can't make toys... that's like all it took? Feel like we shoulda figured that out sooner. Same goes for Noel just being like, hey gnomes, just come help us.
The mug is the "amulet". Ok, sure. I didn't pause the show in anger about it. Like, not only did we rewrite and destroy the magic-powered watch from 2 earlier this season now we re-wrote the mug. None of this is helped by them bringing up the damn thing 2 episodes before the end like we knew anything about it and it wasn't just shoved in at the last minute. Does each Santa have a different "amulet" (for god sake just call it a talisman or something not associated with a necklace) or do they all get their power from the same ones? Did Judy technically drug him into being Santa then. Like got him drunk on Christmas power? If it's tied just to Mad Santa then why on earth would Judy still have it if there was a coup and all that shit to get rid of the man? Wouldn't it also be locked away somewhere?
Didn't Scott say he made Cal's vest out of the coat? Maybe I misinterpreted that in the early episodes but now he's just wearing it like no big.
Laughing really hard at Scott not realizing he's been a douche until the "villain" says he is with regards to Cal. MS should just be Santa and Scott can go live at the fake Santa village with Fluffy.
Laughing really hard at suddenly remembering Charlie exists and pretending like you get some kind of Christmas powers from him.
Sandra is all-powerful. Good for her I guess.
I still love Befana. Like she's the only character I consistently enjoy watching
Elizabeth Mitchel is too good for this show and is acting much harder than she should with this garbage.
"We fixed EB he's good now but we didn't have the budget to bring back Tracy Morgan or he didn't want to be in the makeup again or something so we're just not gonna show him, but take our word he's fine!"
Why are they singing again and especially that song? Something about a child elf and the lyrics "I touch you once, I touch you twice" is unsettling to me.
Cal's gonna go to college... wouldn't he have to like, go to real school first and have transcripts and whatnot (I'm sure they'd magic it away or whatever). Also, he's not that bright so like, how's he gonna fair in higher education?
Everyone that goes on Kribble Krabble doesn't come back. I swear to god that's the plot of one of the few Hallmark xmas movies I've ever watched. But I guess that means Curtis isn't exploded. With the logic that they all Kribble and don't come back, I'm convinced that was actually Judy working in the bad xmas village which is just a sad development for her and really a downgrade from being at the Pole
So we basically end this season right where we started at the beginning of season 1. Like, Cal's not gonna be Santa and Scott's just gonna be Santa forever and never retire. Mad Santa is there now too I guess (also, there are werewolves in TSC canon... ok, sure). He's with Fluffy in the fake Santaville I guess, but whatevs
I forgot until I realized I took a picture of it, the line from Carol about leaving her job and her life behind and not complaining about it. Like on the one hand yes, please go off queen cause you deserve so much better. But also, you've kinda been complaining about it since the 3rd movie.
Oh right, Tim Allen got to mention Jesus one last time just to make sure it got in there. I literally had to turn on the closed caption cause I was like, did he just say "The King" and sure enough he did, capital K and everything. YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS ALLEN!! Like pick silly fantasy Santa show or pick something religious. IDK it irks me so much
I feel like I had more to ramble about but I'm tired just from having to remember all of this from last night, lol. Just needed to get this junk outta my head. Honestly, very glad Jack wasn't in here to be slandered by this show. Same for the Millers. Same for Bernard again (besides in name and that dumb picture that still makes me mad) and Charlie again.
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Christmas in July Chapter 9
Howdy, howdy! I had the idea of Scott dealing with unpleasant rescuees and decided to take a little holiday spin on it to incorporate it here. I hope you enjoy Deck the Halls!
TW: some slight violence
AO3 link here!
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“And another thing! You can’t-”
Scott’s eyes wander from the woman yelling to the scenic view that was a lovely Christmas light display. Keyword: was. The park had been set out by volunteers with light displays framing a long, winding path over two miles long. Families could drive their cars for an all-around cheery experience and most donated to the charity that put together the display.
Unfortunately, Mother Nature did not agree with the zoning plans of the park. A sinkhole opened up not even an hour ago, trapping numerous families in their vehicles and a fire from broken gas lines and sparking lights. It spread across the dried grass in a heartbeat. Scott and Virgil arrived no less than thirty minutes after the whole ordeal began.
Thanks to their rapid response and local authorities doing what they can, no humans lives have been lost.
But the fire is still spreading through the forested area of the park where the dried underbrush is densest. Virgil’s handling it like a pro, joking around with the firefighter squadron assigned to the area to keep the mood light. Scott’s pretty sure he’s already gotten invited over for a game of poker at the fire house after it’s all over. Meanwhile, Scott’s doing his job of accounting for all families that were down in the hole. And dealing with a few… unfavorables.
A glob of spittle hits his helmet. He bites the inside of his lip hard enough to bleed behind a saccharine smile.
“Ma’am. There’s-”
She snaps her fingers right in Scott’s face. “My name is Sara! Sara Bluneberg of Bluneberg Real Estate!”
“Well, Sara, there’s nothing we can do to save your car. I’m sorry that your kids’ presents are in the trunk, but I’m not risking my life or that of my colleague’s for some toys. I’m sure if you discuss the matter with your insurance-”
“Insurance?! That will take weeks! And it’s not ‘juts a toy’, it’s a premium Power Wheels Jeep Wrangler!” she corrects. “It cost me over three hundred dollars! That will be coming out of your pocket! You have made two kids very sad this Christmas.”
“Again, ma’am, we are a rescue service,” Scott clarifies. Give him a teenager rescue any day of the week over this. “Our job is to ensure everyone’s safety, not assess property damage. Please, if you haven’t already checked in with the paramedics over there, I recommend you do so.” To get out of my face, Scott wants to add. He’s spoken his peace and counts to three.
Sara shoves her rhinestone sunglasses up her nose. She pulls out a phone and puts it up to her ear after dialing someone. Scott tries to make his way over to Virgil to ask his ETA when a (badly) manicured hand snags his wrist. Sara wags her finger in front of his face. Before she has the chance to go off on another tirade, her attention is drawn to the phone.
“Yes, Tim? I need you over here right now. Some man just ruined,” she enunciates loud enough to draw the attention of a few other families mulling about the scene, “our babies’ Christmas! It looks like Tyler and McKenna won’t be getting their new toys after all.”
Sara’s face is tomato red by the time she hangs up. With this many people watching their interaction, Scott can’t just leave. The worst thing that can happen is someone watching him catching him on camera walking away from a rescuee. Sure, John and EOS could wipe the evidence, but it’s the integrity of International Rescue Scott’s upholding.
He stays with Sara. Not that he has much of a choice; the vice grip on his wrist is a reminder of that.
“I’ll have you out of job! Causing my wife distress!”
There’s a new voice. Scott doesn’t have to guess who it belongs to. “You must be Tim. Pleasure to meet you sir.”
“Excuse me, you will not talk to me or my wife in that manner!”
A status update check comes in from John. Scott swipes it away with a nonverbal reassurance everything is under control.
“Are you even listening to me? The amount of reparations I am expecting will be more than your paycheck! My lawyers will make sure of it.”
Oh buddy, you don’t even know, Scott thinks. He does another sweep of the danger area. A few local recovery personnel have the sinkhole closed off with yellow safety tape. The smoke has disappeared from Virgil’s location and is left with only smoldering embers.
Tim and Sara follow Scott’s gaze. Sara stomps a foot, getting an inch from Scott’s helmet. “You’re not even listening to my husband! He’s a very important man and you will listen to him!”
With the bolstering from his wife, Tim continues. “Your friend over there, he’s done nothing but chat it up with those useless firefighters! What’s with you? You should be trying to salvage what you can out of the wreck! It’s not like you fellas getting hurt is a new thing! You work for us!”
Scott tries his count-to-three method. He makes it to one before deciding that he’s had enough. It’s supposed to be the holidays. He’s supposed to be at home badly wrapping Gordon’s present that he just picked up yesterday. Not being called out at three in the morning to deal with entitled snot bags with no respect for human life.
Oh, yeah.
Scott always forgets how much punching another person hurts your knuckles.
Any chatter from the crowd stops. It doesn’t die out; it doesn’t fall in a hush. No, the crowd freezes at a dead stop and watches with bated breath as Tim grabs at his cheek. His beady eyes stare at Scott. Noticing the attention, Tim falls to the ground and starts whimpering in pain.
And then Scott gets an applause. The crowd whoops and cheers with laughs from the younger few. A knot ties itself in Scott’s stomach. Yeah, he feels ridiculously good that he got to punch the prick, but the guy doesn’t deserve getting kicked while he’s down.
“He has to go to the hospital now! How dare you!” Sara screeches. One of the paramedics nearby escort her and Tim away from Scott.
“Jesus, Scott. What’d you do?!”
Virgil’s face is scrunched as jogs over to the growing crowd. The engineer tries to make sense of the scene before him without any background context. He looks to his older brother shaking his knuckle out and the couple losing any cool they could have had in a public temper tantrum. Scott taps the side of his helmet, going to the audio line only audible by other International Rescue operatives.
“I did what had to be done.”
“You decked that guy.”
“Yup.” Scott doesn’t deny it.
“John’s not going to be happy he has to cover this one up…”
 “Tell him it’s my Christmas present to EOS. Now, if you don’t mind…”
Scott remotely fires One’s engines on and walks to his Bird. Time to get home before the reporters show up.
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365days365movies · 3 years
April 12, 2021: Mrs. Doubtfire (1992) (Recap)
Hey, Robin Williams. Been a while.
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I’m sorry that I haven’t watched your movies for a while, and that I always skip your comedy stand-up when my phone’s on shuffle. I just...let me explain. Since I was a kid, you were one of my favorite entertainers. That might as well have started the day I was born, because...well, we share a birthday, fun fact. But it definitely continued with the first movie I ever saw in theatres.
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While I don’t quite remember the first time I saw it, Aladdin was one of my favorite childhood movies, and I knew that you were the voice of the Genie from an early age. You might have actually been the first actor I ever knew by name. Which makes sense, because your stardom during the ‘90s was nearly unparalleled.
The next film I remember seeing (and hearing) you in was Ferngully: The Last Rainforest. That also starred Tim Curry, who would also be a major figure of my childhood. It also wasn’t the best movie, in hindsight, but it is the only time I’ve heard you rap since.
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But eventually, I watched your forays into live-action, too. Jumanji, Hook, even the objectively bad Flubber, are all movies that I vividly remember watching during childhood. I was really excited for Flubber, even, and I LOVED Jumanji growing up. I liked Hook, too, but I appreciated that more as I got older.
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Of course, during this time period, you also made less family-friendly films. The Fisher King, Good Will Hunting, Dead Poets Society, Good Morning Vietnam, and What Dreams May Come were all very successful, and cemented your reputation as an actor. I also haven’t seen any of them. In fact...I don’t think I’ve seen any of your dramatic roles, and that’s something that I’ll fix this year. Hell, in a few days, I’ll watch The Birdcage, another of your big hits of the ‘90s.
But why haven’t I seen them up to now? Well...I was going to watch these films, about seven years ago. But...I haven’t been able to bring myself to do it. Because it hurts. A lot.
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I know that this is a downer, but my relationship with Robin Williams today is tainted by his tragic death. I was fucking BROKEN when his death was announced, and I really haven’t been able to watch him since. I’ve seen Aladdin recently, but that’s about all I could stand to watch. I mean, the guy shares a birthday with me! I’ve always loved his comedy stylings, and his improvisational skills are something I’ve internalized to a certain degree.
So, yeah. This one’s tough. But, it’s about time I moved on, and celebrated the man’s career for what it was: stellar. And that also brings up an important question, that some of you have probably asked by now:
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Look, I’m not entirely sure how I haven’t seen this movie, because I’m MORE than aware of it! I remember it airing during the ‘90s, my Dad AND girlfriend love this movie, and I know FOR A FACT that my family owned both the DVD AND THE VHS of this movie! So, how? HOW HAVE I NOT SEEN IT BY NOW?
I honestly have no idea, but let’s fix it now, huh? Yet one more man-dresses-as-woman movie this month! And no, I am not watching White Chicks...because I’ve already seen White Chicks. Also, it’s...problematic.
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Daniel Hillard (Robin Williams) is a voice-actor, and a good one. Which, given that it’s Robin Williams, isn’t entirely inaccurate. He’s also a voice actor with a spine, as he morally objects to a scene in the cartoon that he’s performing for, in which the main character smokes. By the way, I’m 99% sure that this cartoon is animated by Chuck Jones, and it looks well-made.
Anyway, this leads to him quitting the cartoon altogether, and allows him to pick up his kids early from school. These kids are Lydia (Lisa Hykub), Chris (Matthew Lawrence), and Natalie (Mara Wilson), and it’s Chris’ 12th birthday. Daniel arranges a...surprisingly large party, given that it’s completely impromptu, and it comes with a petting zoo and complete trappings. However, it’s not a party of which his wife will approve.
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This wife is Miranda (Sally Field), a successful architect and the breadwinner of the family. After getting a call from the neighbor about the party, she comes home and busts the outrageous party. And for the record, I’m entirely on Miranda’s side here. This party is INSANE, and very irresponsible, given the fact that Daniel currently has no job. And yeah, he’s a very loving father, and a good person, but...it’s too much.
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Miranda feels the same, and after 14 years of frustration, she realizes that she no longer loves Daniel. In a genuinely sad scene, she tells him that she wants a divorce. And she goes through with it MUCH to Daniel’s detriment. He has no home, as he’s staying with his brother, Frank (Harvey Fierstein) and his partner Jack (Scott Capurro). He also still has no job, meaning that he has no way to provide for his children. This means that he has no ability to provide, and the judge awards Miranda full custody. Oof.
However, this is a conditional arrangement, as another hearing for joint custody will be held in 3 months, and if Daniel can get a home and job in that time, he has a chance. He performs a litany of voices and impressions with his court liason, Mrs. Sellner (Anne Haney), which amuses me, but not her, and he gets a job in order to be with his kids for more than one day a week.
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Meanwhile, Miranda IMMEDIATELY starts dating fellow designer and old flame Stuart Dunmeyer (Pierce Brosnan), like, almost before Daniel leaves the house. He bids a heartfelt goodbye to his kids, with the promise that he’ll see them on Saturdays. And now begins the absolute hatred and petty bitchiness of Daniel and Miranda! Seriously, it’s...it’s fucking terrible, and it takes away from my sympathy from either side. I get that divorce is rough and ugly, but GODDAMN, neither of them perform the act with any form of tact or grace.
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This is put on display during the kids’ visitation to Daniel’s semi-crappy new apartment, which doesn’t even seem that bad, to be honest. Miranda dropped them off late and picked them up early, as if to slowly starve Daniel of time with his kids, which is extraordinarily shitty of her, fuck me. Daniel’s not taking it well, understandably, but then does something...really dumb, when you think about it.
See, Miranda’s looking for a nanny, to help watch the kids and clean the house during the week. Daniel volunteers his services, which is actually a good idea, but Miranda says she’ll think about it, which we ALL know means no. I DO NOT like Miranda, even if I understand the initial reasons for the divorce. She’s being especially spiteful, and it’s not a good look.
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Daniel’s stupid idea, though, is to change the phone number on the ad for the nanny, which Miranda shows him before she takes the kids. Instead, he calls her number, and pretends to be various terrible applicants, until finally supplying his own applicant: the completely fictional Euphegenia Doubtfire (Daniel Hillard).
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Daniel plays Mrs. Doubtfire as an elderly British woman, and a seasoned nanny in her day. Which is why it’s weird to me that, when he does to Frank and Jack to help him make an elaborate disguise as Mrs. Doubtfire, that they go through various other impressions and get-ups. Which, yes, is goddamn hilarious, but also makes NO SENSE, given that they’ve already established her character to Miranda. Funny, but nonsensical.
But, regardless, Euphegenis Doubtfire comes into being, and introduces herself to Miranda and the kids. Mrs. Doubtfire is exactly what Miranda’s looking for, although the kids aren’t exactly overjoyed, ESPECIALLY the oldest, Lydia. Also, during this first meeting, Miranda openly bad-mouths Daniel in front of the kids, in just the WORST fuckin’ way. I genuinely dislike Miranda A LOT. Again, the divorce was certainly justified, but I REALLY don’t like her. Daniel loves his kids, and they’re HIS kids, TOO. Stop using them as weapons against him, OOOOOOOOOOOH I DON’T LIKE MIRANDA
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Anyway, that evening, after she’s officially been hired by Miranda, Mrs. Doubtfire heads home, only to find court liason Mrs. Sellner waiting to speak with Daniel. After a litany of puns, and a humorous changing scene, Daniel accidentally throws the Mrs. Doubtfire mask out of the window, and is forced to improvise through equally humorous circumstances. Hence, the above meringue mask scene. Has anybody tried that, by the way? Could that work as a groundbreaking beauty technique? Or would the sugar just feed the skin bacteria and give you acne? Genuinely curious.
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Now going between his job as Daniel and the nanny job as Doubtfire, Daniel’s not doing too badly for himself. The nanny job begins, and Mrs. Doubtfire IMMEDIATELY contrasts with Daniel, creating a disciplinarian atmosphere in place of Daniel’s formerly loosey-goosey attitude. Which is interesting, and it works! I mean, it’s not how I would parent, but it does work. Doubtfire makes the kids to their homework, rather than watch TV, and then attempts to make dinner. Instead, though, the dinner’s ruined, and Daniel orders takeout and makes it LOOK like homemade food. And it looks good, too! Daniel’s full of hidden talents.
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After dinner, as Mrs. Doubtfire’s leaving, Lydia apologizes for backtalking her earlier, and thanks her for making her mom happy with everything she did that evening. he also says that she’s still a bit messed up about her dad being gone. And yeah, it’s sweet-but-sad. 
Going forward (and in a montage set to Aerosmith’s Dude Looks Like a Lady), Mrs. Doubtfire takes care of the family, and Daniel even betters himself to become a better Mrs. Doubtfire. Which...to be honest, Daniel REALLY should’ve done this before. I get that he needed the pressure of losing the kids to do this, but...look, Daniel really wasn’t that responsible of a parent, and the fact that THIS is how he learns to be so is...not great. Like, here’s an example, OK: take Donald Trump.
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Yeah, I know, what’s this politics doing in my peanut butter? And WOW, that reference is older than me, but anyway. Let’s say that, in two years, a new politician comes on the scene, and her name is Karyn Walldottir. She has somewhat centrist views, and behaves in a way that’s inclusive to the majority, and backs up her claims and promises with evidence (at least true enough for us to suspend our disbelief). This is, of course, Donald Trump disguised as a woman in order to gain custody of the United States of America again. Naturally.
Karyn Walldottir gets elected in 2024, and all of her policies are markedly different from Trump’s and Biden’s, but leaning closer to Biden in progressive standpoints (assuming that that worked for him come 2024). While Trump is doing this specifically to be president again, he ends up revising his personal policies, and being a better person and president for the country. A literal impossibility, I know. But suspend your disbelief to ask this question:
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OK, now that that dumbass (and mildly horrifying) thought process is concluded, let’s get back to Mrs. Doubtfire. In the process of Mrs. Doubtfire’s ingratiation with the family, Miranda’s been dating Stu, whom Mrs. Doubtfire subtly insults when they meet. And yeah, Daniel’s being a little petty here, but it makes a bit of sense at least.
That night, after an accidental intrusion by Chris when Mrs. Doubtfire is going to the bathroom, Daniel’s basically forced to tell Chris and Lydia his little secret, which Lydia’s happy about, but Chris is understandably weirded out about. But, they agree to keep the secret from their mom and younger sister.
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At his OTHER job, delivering film reels from a TV station, he witnesses the filming of an extremely boring kids educational TV show, and comments as such to another man watching. As he quickly learns, this is the owner of the station, Jonathan Lundy (Robert Prosky), on whom Daniel makes a good impression.
In the meantime, Mrs. Doubtfire has a talk with Miranda about their love lives, real and fictional. Daniel realizes how badly Miranda had been suffering in their marriage, which she never told him because...well, he never seemed to take anything seriously. Which is entirely fair...but this is why Miranda’s a tricky-ass character. She’s got two sides: there’s the justified caring mother and strong woman, and there’s the PETTY ASSHOLE who genuinely doesn’t care about Daniel or his feelings AT ALL. Jesus.
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And Stu...look, Stu is LITERALLY a Gary Stu, who’s mostly perfect. Sure, he’s not always been that way, but he definitely is now! He’s responsible, wealthy, in love with Miranda AND her kids. And yeah, at a country club that he’s a member of (OF COURSE he is), he privately badmouth Daniel in front of Mrs. Doubtfire, calling him a loser, and...yeah, he’s not really unjustified in that statement. Fact of the matter is, Stu is barely even a plot device.
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Meanwhile, in Daniel’s day job, he finds himself alone in the studio, where the toy dinosaurs from the TV show are still sitting on the table. He plays with them, gives them voices, sings some songs, and impresses Mr. Lundy, who’s there in the shadows after all that. He’s impressed, and invites Daniel to dinner to talk about a potential future show at the network.
But then, it’s also Miranda’s birthday coming up, and Stu’s holding a dinner for her, to which Mrs. Doubtfire is invited. Trouble is, it’s at the OH FUCK IT. YOU know what this is. It’s at the same time and place as the Mr. Lund meeting yaddayaddayadda LOOK. We ALL know how this is going to end. It’s the GODDAMN LIAR REVEALED TROPE AGAIN. And here’s the thing:
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You know, that thing in movies (especially family movies of the ‘90s) where somebody starts off a situation with a lie, they get deeper and deeper into that lie, grow close to people under false pretenses, and then OH NO! THE LIAR IS REVEALED! And everybody’s angry and/or sad, the liar slumps off, defeated and broken, but then realizes the error of his ways, while everybody else realizes the same thing, and he comes back to vindicate himself, and is welcomed back with open arms. And it introduces unneeded tension AND I HAVE ALWAYS FUCKING HATED IT.
Let’s list the examples, shall we? A Bug’s Life, Aladdin, Mulan, The Road to El Dorado, Chicken Run, How to Train Your Dragon, Klaus, Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted, Megamind (SUBVERSIVE MY ASS), Over the Hedge, Rango, Toy Story, Steven Universe (the whole Pearl/Sardonyx arc, which went on for WAY too long), the list goes on and fucking on. And I GODDAMN HATE IT. Not to say it can’t be done well. Disney actually usually does a pretty good job with it, and Dreamworks uses it A LOT, but almost always pretty well. But sometimes...GOD. Either way, it’s still used FAR too fucking much. And look. Here’s another one. Joy.
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Look, at this point...I will freely admit that I'm biased against this trope, but it’s also obvious where this is headed. Basically, Daniel switches back and forth between the dinner with the family, and the dinner with Mr. Lundy. With Mr. Lundy, he gets absolutely SMASHED. Great. Great decision, Daniel.
So, yeah, Mrs. Doubtfire’s also smashed, which is pretty goddamn apparent to them all. At this point, I’m wondering why Daniel, as Mrs. Doubtfire, didn’t just say she was sick as hell, and had to go home. Or, considering the fact that Daniel proposes her as a show idea regardless, the switch wasn’t even necessary! And that means that none of what’s about to happen, happens. Or, here’s a crazy thought, maybe Daniel shouldn’t have POISONED STU’S FOOD WITH CAYENNE PEPPER THAT HE’S ALLERGIC TO! 
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YEAH! Because that causes Stu to go into anaphylactic shock for a hot sec, causing him to choke. Mrs. Doubtfire does the right thing and gives him the Heimlich maneuver, and in the process, SURPRISE! IT’S BEEN DANIEL ALL ALONG! BUH BUH BUHHHHH DA DA DA DAAAAA DA
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Yeah, so Miranda is understandably ENRAGED by this revelation, and it’s all over. Daniel represents himself in court at the custody hearing, but the judge deems his “lifestyle” dangerous for children. Which...yikes, Judge, that statement didn’t age well AT FUCKING ALL. But, given Daniel’s admitted stupidity with this whole idea, he’s not wrong about the dangerous part. But, I have to say, Daniel’s speech in his own defense is nice...although he also says he’s addicted to his children, so let’s throw a second yikes on there for good measure.
The speech moves Miranda...but not enough to prevent Daniel has his custody stripped away from him! GOD THEY BOTH SUUUUUUUUCK. Daniel’s a broken man, and Miranda and the kids are similarly broken without him and Mrs. Doubtfire. However...Daniel’s career isn’t broken AT ALL, as Mrs. Doubtfire is now a kid’s show host! Yeah! And she’s a hit! And again, it brings me to wonder why Daniel DIDN’T APPLY HIS OBVIOUS TALENTS LIKE THIS IN THE FIRST GODDAMN PLACE
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Realizing that she made a mistake, she goes to the set during the filming of a show. She congratulates him on the show, and he replies by stating how broken he is now! Thanks, Miranda! Well, after an argument, and after Miranda sees how badly she’s messed up someone she used to care for, they come to an agreement: joint custody. FINALLY GODDAMN IT
And good, because I don’t want them back together. I have to give this film props for that: they acknowledge that these two are NOT good for each other, and they deliver a message in the end: families are families, no matter how they’re shaped. One mom, one dad, uncle or aunt, grandparents, adoption, two separated or divorced parents...oh, also, two dads or two moms. Yeah, that isn’t said in Mrs. Doubtfire’s final monologue, which is odd considering Daniel’s brother and his life partner...but it’s also kid’s TV in the ‘90s, so I guess that sadly makes sense. And with that, and their new family arrangement, Daniel takes his kids on an afternoon out, as himself.
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...Look. That’s Mrs. Doubtfire, yaddayaddayadda LOOK. I don’t dislike this movie. In fact, here: have this mini-Review:
Cast and Acting - 9/10: Good, although Brosnan was a little stiff.
Plot and Writing - 5/10: It’s an idiot plot, what can I say? It’s actually based off of a book, which was a surprise to me, but it was adapted by Randi Mayem Singer and Leslie Dixon, and...eh. Still an idiot plot.
Directing and Cinematography - 8/10: It’s Chris Columbus, you get what you get. Definitely has that Home Alone flair to it.
Production and Art Design - 8/10: I mean, yeah, the Doubtfire disguise was good most of the time, but...I dunno, I could still tell it was Robin. But, still, it was good. Took 4 hours of makeup, fun fact.
Music and Editing - 8/10: Music by Howard Shore (ooh, Howard Shore!) was pretty nice, especially the ending theme. Editing by Raja Gosnell was...RAJA GOSNELL???
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OH GOD. Yeah, OK, I see what happened here. Also, I didn’t know he was an editor! I just know him as the director of the Scooby-Doo films, Beverly Hills Chihuahua, The Smurfs films, Big Momma’s...
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...OK, no, I am not doing Big Momma’s House OR the Madea movies. THE TROPE-BUCK STOPS HERE! I am moving on to something else! But, of course, I have to sum this up in a Review. See you there!
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I haven’t been keeping up with Heartland season 14 updates the past few months, but I decided to catch up on some of it since the premiere date is coming up and the teaser trailer was released recently. And I noticed some interesting speculation about what might happen in the new season, and I have...a lot of thoughts about it, haha. I think I need to write it out in order to really sort out my thoughts and feelings on it, but I think it might get kinda long since it’s pretty major, so I’m going to put it under a cut. 
[NOTE: This post was written approximately a week or so ago, and I’ve been just sitting on it trying to decide if I wanna post or not. But having watched the full trailer for Season 14 now...I’m like 95% certain that this seems to be the route that the season is going. Still have about 5% doubt because trailers can be misleading and I could just be reading into it. We won’t really know for sure until we see the first episode, and I’m so torn between being somewhat excited just because I want to know for certain and nervous because I know I will still be sad if it’s true.
Either way, I wanted to get my thoughts down before the season premieres so here it is I guess lol]
So...it’s actually possible that Ty might die/be dead when this season begins? Which is utterly bizarre to think about because I never would have considered this to be an actual possible situation for the show. Even when there was that summary that leaked earlier this year, I still didn’t think it was a real possibility. I thought for certain that was fake, because this is Heartland. It’s one thing for a side character to disappear from the show or to be killed off, but a main character? A main character can be hurt, injured, and on the verge of death, but they won’t actually die. Especially not a character who is in one of the two major ships on the show.
Until now?
Of course, if this does happen, I don’t think it’s something anyone on the show wanted, not even the writers. In an ideal world where every actor wanted to be in every episode of the show, I imagine they’d be perfectly happy continuing to write that story.
But in cases where an actor no longer wants to be a main character on the show -- well, obviously I can’t say definitively that this is the case, because as far as I know he has never specifically said this in an interview, but from an outsider’s/fan’s perspective, it feels like that is a possibility. I don’t know the reasons behind it though, and I’m not going to go that far into speculation.
But let’s go with this scenario hypothetically. Because it does sometimes happen with television shows, where an actor for one reason or another no longer will be part of a show. 
What do you do with that character?
The character could be recast, I suppose, but I don’t think that would work in a show like Heartland. How would we explain in-universe why Ty suddenly looks different when everyone else is still the same? Even if you can find an actor that looks similar enough, we know what Ty looks like after 13 seasons, and I don’t think anyone would be fooled into thinking it’s the same guy. I guess it could be explained with the trope that he got into such a bad accident that they had to reconstruct his face, but that feels cheap and too much like a soap opera. 
So that’s a no.
The character could be written out in other ways. Ty could just be off screen somewhere...all the time. He’s at the clinic, he’s spending the day with Lyndy, he’s at a vet conference, he’s gone back to save wolves from poachers again, he’s gone back to Mongolia for the third/fourth/fifth/ten billionth time. 
That, honestly, would be frustrating. It’s maybe the least painful short term option, but long term, it’s not very enjoyable. It’s like when important side characters suddenly disappear from the show, occasionally mentioned but never seen on screen again, only 10 times worse.
Or he could be written off by...y’know, breaking up him and Amy. Which, frankly, is the absolute worst option in my opinion. It would immediately, retroactively, destroy the entire show, past, present, and future. Ty and Amy aren’t the only important part of the show, but they are a major part of it. The show has spent 13 seasons building up this relationship (with obvious ups and downs throughout, but I’m not focused on analyzing their whole relationship in this post), so to suddenly turn around and have them divorce would be an absolute trainwreck. 
What would even be the reason? Even with some of my disagreements in the writing of certain decisions the characters have made (*coughtheMongoliaplotcough*), I don’t think those are reasons enough for these two characters to break up over it. So something new would have to be invented, and it would likely be something completely ridiculous and out-of-character for them both and also likely ruin their character development from past seasons. 
Which leads us to yet another option: Ty dying. A year ago this was something I never would have considered for the actual show (or any of those other options, frankly). It could be interesting to explore in a fanfic, but on the show? No way.
But...things change. Reality sometimes gets in the way of a television show’s ideal storyline, which is one of the difficulties of the medium, especially a live action one. And just because one actor hypothetically doesn’t want to be on the show anymore doesn’t mean it should be derailed for all the other actors and crew who are on board.
So you get rid of the character. It isn’t hard to do. Probably the hardest part will be the very first episode when it’s revealed to the audience. How did it happen? Did it happen before the season begins, or does it happen in the first episode? Or if it happened before, do we get any flashbacks? 
Is it due to complications from the gunshot at the end of season 13? A freak car/motorcycle accident? An accident during a vet call? Depending on what it is and the context of it, it can be a strong final note on the kind of person Ty has become. If during a vet call/because of an animal, it happens while he’s doing what he loves, taking care of animals. If from the end of S13, it’s from him protecting his wife. If a car accident, maybe he was going to pick up Lyndy to spend time with her after leaving a vet call, because he’s a loving father. All of those are inline with Ty’s character and still support the growth that he’s had from the first episode to now. 
And then there’s all the story potential and character growth that it opens up for all the other characters. Because this is something that majorly impacts the entire family. And the description of season 14 that was put out does talk about a “life-changing challenge,” particularly for Amy for obvious reasons.
How does she deal with losing her husband? They’ve been together for so long, not just as romantic interests but as best friends. What does her life look like without him in it? How does this affect her work? Is her work with horses a comfort for her, or does it remind her too much of him? How does she guide Lyndy through this? 
And then the rest of the family. How does Jack deal with his loss? Considering Ty became like a son to him and “officially” joins the family when he marries Amy, how does it affect Jack to lose him? Especially if it was in something like a car accident, similar to Marion. How does it affect Jack and Lisa’s relationship? 
Not to mention Lily, and Lou, and Georgie, and Tim, and Caleb, and Scott, and Cass. Ty was a huge part of all their lives, so this will affect them in major ways too. 
Again, it’s not ideal. But I do feel like this option provides the best story opportunities without ruining the characters in the process the way certain other choices would. 
And, of course, this is all purely speculation. We won’t really know what’s going to happen until the season actually airs, and it’s entirely possible that the “life-changing challenge” will be something completely different, and Ty will be fine. And if so, that’s okay with me. 
But if Ty is gone...I think I could learn to be okay with it. Though it does still depend on how they handle it. Like if everyone’s sad about it for one or two episodes, but then everyone immediately moves on and everything’s fine, then I wouldn’t be happy with that. We don’t need a whole season of everyone crying all the time, but we also don’t need this to be something that’s swept under the rug. We, the audience, will need time to grieve along with the characters. Because this is a main character that we could be losing here, not just a minor side character like Mr. Hanley for example. So I hope we get to see all of the characters going through the stages of grief and processing their loss in their own ways throughout the season.
Anyway, it was nice to write through my thoughts on this. It’s kinda funny thinking about how not that long ago, I would’ve been completely 100% against this idea ever happening in the show, but now I’m like almost on-board with it. Maybe it’s the effect of 2020 or something lol
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
hi! i’m new to reading dc, because i hear new 52 and rebirth kinda suck, do you have any batfamily recommendations?
Welcome aboard! I’m gonna say something controversial - new 52 and Rebirth aren’t totally bad. Don’t get me wrong, before Flashpoint Batfamily was GOING PLACES. But I think they started strong with Batman in new 52 (like the Court of Owls wer fantastic and Julia Pennyworth is amazing) but then the aftermath of this Batman v. Joker fight during Scott Snyder’s run kinda fizzled the Batman run. And don’t get me STARTED on the bullshit Tom King has done. Not even James Tynion can save the Rebirth Batman title (but that’s because the powers that be probably had a vision that’s most likely been canned given how a lot of the brass was let go). I digress...
For New 52, I highly recommend: Batman (up until the Batman mantle gets passed, which is 50 or so issues in), Grayson (I enjoyed the spy atmosphere, plus the introduction of Helena Bertinelli, Tiger, and Midnighter - officially), Red Hood and the Outlaws (although the early issues and how they treated Kori are iffy), DEFINITELY Batgirl (especially the Gail Simone run and then the Babs Starr run, Batgirl of Burnside ftw) and - I’m including her into the Batfamily - the Harley Quinn series, because that’s good no matter WHAT. Things I’ve heard good things about but haven’t fully in-depth read were We Are Robin and Catwoman, although the former ends kind of unsatisfyingly. And, again, not Batfamily but adjacent - Gotham Academy. I was SO MAD when it ended because it was one of the best comics DC was producing. Oh and there was a Robin series where he has a giant bat!!! That was really good, too. 
Rebirth they really fucked themselves over for the Batfam. Don’t even look at Batman, the first few issues are okay but then it gets muddled in this Bane plot and ‘War of Jokes and Riddles’ which was the WORST Batman storyline ever. Went on too long imo because you kind of forget this is all Bruce telling Selena about his ‘worst sin’ even though she’d be DTF no matter what. Plus there’s so much emphasis on Kite Man (i think even an issue is dedicated to his POV which makes no sense given the context the story’s being told but again Tom King SUCKS). It’ll make you feel like you read a comic book of How I Met Your Mother. Only Batman issues I recommend are the ones that are Flash crossovers because those are my favs for obvi reasons. What you want to do is get into first year of Rebirth Detective Comics because 1) Cassandra Cain 2) Stephanie Brown 3) Kate Kane 4) Clayface!?!?! 5) Tim Drake 6) Dr. Oktober; Honestly it was such a good ensemble piece (James Tynion is an awesome writer, he’s not a miracle worker unfortunately). That was a good run, although it does change plot at a certain point - which was sad - but it still feels like a Batman book even after the ensemble leaves, better than the actual Batman title. So sticking with that over the Batman main series is good. I think Rebirth Outsiders was trying to capture that magic except the writing isn’t that good plus there were a bunch of creative differences that delayed the first issue and I lost any excitement for it (which was sad because I love all the characters in it - Duke, Black Lightning, and Katana). Batgirl, again, although you’ll come to a point where it stops being amazing - and that is when she ditches her Babs Starr costume for something AWFUL. #BringBackBurnsideBatgirl Once you see the costume change either lower your expectations or move on because it doesn’t recover. I’ve heard good things about the Catwoman series but I haven’t read it. What I have read is Harley Quinn (again unofficial Bat family member) and that has been consistently amazing (even if the last few issues gave Harley questional/straightwashed tastes). DEFINITE reads though that shouldn’t be too long (because DC likes ending good things) are Batwoman and Batgirl & the Birds of Prey. The Batwoman comic was too good for this world, we need more Kate Kane in our lives. And the Birds of Prey series felt like the movie a bit. They definitely seemed like friends (unlike the new 52 version, which was AWFUL) and there’s one story where the men of Gotham get sick that is so good I’m waiting on DC to turn it into an animated feature. Those titles are both like twenty or so issues. There’s a Midnigther and Apollo miniseries that was so great (also unofficial member). Red Hood and the Outlaws I liked, but after Roy leaves it lost the magic. Rebirth Nightwing was good at first, but Tom King ruined it even though he doesn’t write for that title. Best storyline was when he gets involved with this group for reformed criminals while in Bludhaven. The most recent storyline wasn’t bad, in a sense. The characters brought on were interesting. It was just apbrupt and clearly not what the actual writer had in mind, but they had to write around Tom King. And overall the character of Nightwing suffered. Young Justice doesn’t feel too canonical (and Drake is a stupid name); Teen Titans is okay but Damian is an edgelord. 
Moving on from that, outside of Rebirth and New 52, some other titles that I’ve enjoyed featuring the Batfamily were: Cassandra Cain’s Batgirl, Stephanie Brown’s Batgirl, Gotham City Sirens, Batman, Inc., Batman & Robin (with Dick as Batman, Damian as Robin), the Outsiders (the spin-off from Titans, probably in the mid-2000s with Dick Grayson leading)...
There was an interesting Detective Comics arc I read about the GCPD starring Renee Montoya that dealt with her ‘coming out’ (in the loosest of terms given how it happened).
A Batman/Superman arc I love revisiting is when they re-introduce Supergirl (and speaking of Batman/Superman, find the issue(s) where Superman gets affected by silver kryptonite and turns into a stoner because THAT was funny)
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention No Man’s Land or Batman Year One because those two kind of establish Gotham and the Batman character... You could read the Killing Joke but you can easily sum the entire story up with one panel (probably one of the first images that pops up when you google The Killing Joke). A better, edgier Batman story - imo - is when he gets addicted to Venom. Or the Death of Jason Todd - which reminds me Under the Red Hood is a good story! (I didn’t read the comic lol but I did watch the movie - Jensen Ackles ftw).
If you’re looking for kooky, anything from the 40s up to before Crisis on Infinite Earths where ANYTHING went. From World’s Finest to the Batman title, they got to some pretty insane shit. Very campy. Although the nineties-early 2000′s were campy in their own way, like so on the other end of the spectrum from ‘camp’ that it became camp again. There’s two different Batman storylines that were VERY anti-drugs (Shadow of the Bat was the running title, I think; one story against weed and the other against LSD) that were so ridiculous and trying to push kids away from doing drugs that you couldn’t help but realize how ridiculous and over-the-top this was.
Finally there are Elseworlds titles. Everyone always raves for Batman: Gotham by Gaslight but I think two very interesting takes on a Batman of a different world are: Batman - Holy Terror, and Batman: Nosferatu. There’s also an Elseworlds with Barbara as Batwoman and a female Joker (Batgirl: Thrillkiller I believe) and one that has Catwoman as the hero of Gotham and Bruce Wayne as a sadistic killer.
Hope at least one of these suggestions helps 😀
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thattimdrakeguy · 4 years
To someone that wants to start reading comics with Tim in them which would you recommend
To me the best  way to go about it, if you want  just enough to see if you like him is to read his origin story and then his first miniseries, which was called “Robin” and released in 1991.
An important thing to keep in mind during  the miniseries that Tim’s mom has just recently passed away, and I say that because Tim’s a little more moody compared to usual in comparison to his ongoing were he’s normally down on himself because he’s typical insecure about  some thing, but not really moody, at least  for the first 100 issues, he has his times he will be moody I suppose, but for a reason that‘s understandable for a kid.
Which is probably more obvious if you read it first, but I read Tim’s Robin ongoing first, which is notably more lighthearted in tone and he doesn’t  have  the same specific inner-pain driving him as harshly and it‘s a lot more lighter
The first miniseries is a great read for him though because it‘s a good character study. His lack of life experience, his naivete, how strong his morals are, lack of social understanding, and his never give up attitude among other things, and by issue 3 I believe it was, you can see more of the lighthearted part of Tim’s character that‘s more obvious in his later ongoing. In-general he is still very lighthearted I’d say, but like I said, he’s a bit moody since his mom had very recently passe away in context to the story and he’s very very friggin’ stressed being Robin and in another country he isn’t familiar with.
If you like the first miniseries or feel you need more though, then he had two other miniseries and of course that Robin ongoing.
The first 100 issues of his ongoing are the best, but after then writers who clearly didn’t understand him as well and made him out to be someone else  took over, but the Adam Beechon run that happened after issue 150 to I can’t remember when was still pretty good.
As another warning though, his third miniseries is sort of angsty and moody, because Tim has no idea how to handle constantly lying to his dad  so he doesn’t reveal his identity and he’s super on-edge the whole time and overwhelmed, 
but in the ongoing that dynamic between him and his dad isn’t nearly as melodramatic and it settled in to some thing more manageable to read for longer doses.
His ongoing goes in a different tone despite the same writer from t he miniseries, were in the ongoing he deals with children’s mascots going wild on two different occasions, a small child who acts like he’s an army general, a man who thinks he’s Zeus himself including weird lingo with a dangerous gang, dad problems, school problems, and Tim’s inability to come up with a convincing way to get out to be Robin
But it‘s also very serious in some stories, as Tim has to deal with the guilty of feeling responsible for the deaths of people he couldn’t save, guns in schools, grief, and teenage pregnancy, but it‘s all mostly handled in a way  that doesn’t feel jarring, since Tim’s a complex enough character since he is a kid, that is clearly a kid (loves video games, reads dorky books, sucks at homework some times, says childish cuss substitutes, some times dress sort of childish (not the most accurate word for it, because I’m not sure of the connotation that‘d bring, but people that read him probably at  least sort of know what I mean) or at least his own age which is obviously that of a kid, thinks like a kid albeit a smart  kid trained to be intuitive, and even has a teddy if you look closely at  a panel) but is a kid that feels he has to play adult because he’s  trying not to let people down all the time. So his stories are able  to handle such different  tones because just of who he is.
Young Justice (1998 series) is also really good, but I say read it after, because it never properly went in to why Tim acts so different in it enough for it to be caught so easily if you’re just reading for Tim (like me initially), but the reason is that he was insecure about not having powers so he really pushed himself to be more in an act, but if you aren’t aware  that he’s playing up and act to feel like he’s worth being there, then you’d just think he was a jerk, and wouldn’t have a good idea of who Tim was as a character.
Fabian Nicieza, Scott Lobdell, James Tynion are  the main  Tim writers  to avoid, but there’s plenty of other really really bad  Tim writers, but those are the worst of  the worst.
Also reading Red Robin first is a bad idea, cuz in my experience it sort of ruins interpretations of Tim due to lack of context to who he is to understand somethings properly, and catch when he does things that are ooc, because they really tried forcing his character to be different, and it‘s only recently being washed away.
I hope this will be able to help you!
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sebeth · 6 years
Batman #484-485
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Batman #484 - 485, “Warpaint” and “Faces of Death” by Doug Moench, Tom Grindberg, and Trevor Scott.
 Two thugs set a building owned by Bruce Wayne on fire.  Businesses in the building include Branston Jewelry and Brazilian imports.
Bruce encounters Vicki Vale at the sight.  The two have an awkward conversation as the two have recently broken up.  Vicki is seeing Horton Spence.
The narration underscores Bruce’s physical and mental exhaustion: “He turns away from the woman he has lost, and gravity seems to double, the extra weight pressing on his shoulders, filling the pit of his stomach.  For a moment, he actually feels he can’t go on, can’t function anymore, living two lives with enough stress for ten but less than enough sleep for one.”
Bruce, as Batman, begins his investigation into the arson.
Black Mask preaches to his flock at the Sionis Family Crypt in Ravenswood Cemetery: “There is one who must pay for destroying my former identity, one who must die for giving birth to my new identity, for creating Black Mask.”
Robin enters the Batcave, complaining about the commute: “If Bruce can have his secret grandfather clock entrance, I’ve gotta find a better way into the Batcave.”
Bruce has now lost four buildings to arson.
Lucius notes “the majority of the Wayne fortune is tied up in all that prime real estate”.
Good to know, I thought it would have come from Wayne Enterprises.
Batman and Robin are summoned to the GCPD by the Batsignal.
Jim has “been thinking about these arsons and the list of inmates who recently escaped from Arkham.”
Just wait a few issues, Jim, you’re going to have a whole lot of escapees to worry over.  
Jim feels Roman Sionis, the Black Mask, is the most likely culprit behind the destruction of the Wayne buildings: “Sionis murdered those Wayne Foundation directors a few years back…even went after Bruce Wayne himself.”
Bruce gives Tim a recap on Roman Sionis: “A bad man, Robin, who destroyed himself to be reborn as something much worse.  He came from a rich family prominent in Gotham society.  My parents were friends with his.  I remember him as strange child.  Cold and distant, his face always blank.”
Did Bruce have any childhood friends that didn’t turn out to be criminal masterminds?  First Roman and then Thomas Elliott.
A quick summary of Black Mask’s origin:
·         Parent die in a suspicious fire
·         Roman’s bad decisions ruin Janus Cosmetics and cost him his fortune
·         Bruce bails him out but assigns a new board of directors, Roman’s lost control of his company
·         Circe, Roman’s lover, leaves him
·         Roman loses his mind, carves an ebony mask from his father’s coffin
·         Calls himself Black Mask, becomes a crime lord, forms the False Face Society
·         Murders the new board of directors of Janus Cosmetics
·         Batman battles Black Mask at the Sionis estate
·         During the fight, the “imprint of the ebony mask had been permanently burned into his face:
·         Escaped from Arkham Asylum after Jeremiah Arkham took over the institution.
Wow, Jeremiah – multiple escapes when you took over followed by the worst breakout in the history of the asylum?  You are truly terrible at your job.
Two masked thugs track down a homeless woman known as “the witch” or “the hag”.  The duo approaches a horribly disfigured woman: “Put it on, Circe. Time to face Black Mask again.”
Black Mask dresses Circe in lingerie and parades her around the hideout.  Circe has a rocking body but would she if she’s been homeless since Black Mask’s initial attack a few years ago?
Bruce infiltrates the False Face Society as “Skullface”.
Black Mask kidnaps Lucius Fox “because you made me lose face.”
What a pathetic, egotistical man – no wonder Jason was able to continuously troll him a few years later.
Roman wants “the absolute destruction of the Wayne Empire followed by the painful death of Bruce Wayne himself”.
Circe’s intervention prevents Lucius’s execution.
Skullface escorts Lucius to another room and tells him: “It’s me, Lucius, rest easy.”
Is Lucius suppose to recognize Bruce’s voice or Batman’s voice?  Lucius being aware of the double identity and actively helping Bruce in his vigilante lifestyle wasn’t a thing until Batman Begins in the 2000s.  
If Lucius recognizes Bruce’s voice, isn’t he going to wonder why Bruce is running around in a skull mask at Roman’s hideout?
Robin and Jim confer on the GCPD roof.  Tim lets Jim know Batman is on top of the situation.
Tim and Bruce alternate surveillance shifts on Black Mask and the False Face Society.
Circe prevents Black Mask from executing Lucius.  Roman realizes Skullface is Bruce Wayne, Batman shows up five minutes later, and yet he doesn’t make the connection between the two?  Definitely not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
The police raid the hideout, Robin escorts Lucius to safety, but Black Mask escapes in the confusion.
Circe is taken to the hospital where she will hopefully receive counseling and medical aid.  Come on, Bruce, shell out the money for reconstructive surgery!
A decent two-parter. Black Mask is not as enjoyable as when he was at his wit’s end dealing with the Red Hood. There is also some Jim Gordon – Sarah Essen interaction if you are a fan of the couple.
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imagine-by-susu · 6 years
Mycroft Holmes x Reader - Unforgotten Christmas
A/N: This was requested by @mikumaythebeast​. I hope it is to your liking. ^^ (There is slight Sherlock x OC in it)
Words: 1.891
Key words:
(Y/N) = Your Name (Y/L/N) = Your Last Name (Y/F/C) = Your Favourite Colour ________________________________________________________________
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This it was a very cold and hard winter. No one went out into the snow until they absolutely had to. You were still determined to get to your family not matter what. Not once you have missed a Christmas party at your parent's house. Not once.
But this year seemed to be the worst years for you that far. All flights are canceled due to the enormous storm that came across London. Only two days till Christmas and you would probably not be able to be with your family.
It took you forever to convince your boss to give you free for the holidays and now you would celebrate it all by yourself.
The thought of it brought tears into your eyes as you walked out into the cold snow, wrapped into a big blanket like scarf that covered half your face and big coat that tried to keep cold away from your body.
Your sad thoughts were interrupted by the vibrating of your phone inside your coat pocket. With half frozen fingers, even with hand gloves, you read the ID. It was Mycroft Holmes. A friend from work. Well, he probably wouldn't say friends, but you do.
Picking up you held the phone up to your ear. "What is it Mycroft?" you sniffed trying to hold back the tears. The line was silent for a moment. "You're not on the way to your flight?" his voice rang through your ear.
You took a shaking breath in and out. "They canceled all flights. I am not able to visit my Family." You voice broke at the end. Again, the line went silent for a moment. "Where are you right now?" he than asked taking you by surprise. Telling him where you were he hung up shortly after.
"What is he up to again?" you asked as you looked at your phone that went black again. A sigh left your lips. The snow was falling more and more covering everything and everyone who was on the streets, in white.
Shouldering your bag, you packed for the holidays you walked down the street. A black car pulled over making you look up in confusion. The tinted window rolled down revealing the face of non other than Mycroft.
"I would suggest that you get in the car before you freeze to death." A man, probably the driver, got out of the car and held open the door for you as he grabbed your bag to loaded into the car. Still confused you sat beside Mycroft. The white snow that got stuck on your clothes and hair started to melt making your clothes wet.
"Mycroft what are you doing here?" you asked as you looked at him. He held his eyes onto the front of the car not once looking at you. "I was on the way to pick up my little Brother." Was his only response.
Then it clicked in your mind. "Wait a moment. As you called you asked me where I was. It was all planed." He gave you a slight glance not answering you that gave you a big smile because you knew you were right about it.
"So, why pick up your little Brother?" you had met Sherlock a few times. He was just as unsocial as Mycroft and they bickered at each other all the time. It was easy to tell that they were brothers.
Still, no words left his lips and as you arrived at Baker Street Sherlock stood there his coat collars up to his face and his blue scarf wrapped around his neck. A woman stood beside him. She had red short hair that was covered with a cap. As you she wore a big coat still she seemed to be cold.
Both entered the car sitting opposite of us. The younger Holmes ran his hands through his dark locks to whipped away the snow. "I didn't know you would bring your girlfriend with you, Mycroft." The younger one said looking at you are making you squinted back in your seat a bit.
The redhaired woman rolled her green eyes and elbowed the man beside her in the side. Mycroft looked at his brother with a sarcastic smile. "Funny, I wanted to say the same about you little Brother." This made Sherlock cross his arms. "We are not together." He mumbled.
"Neither are we." Mycroft said as he motioned to you. At his words your heart clenched a bit, but you ignored it. "Oh, Gentlemen please. We can hear you." The woman beside Sherlock said. She held a very thick German accent. Than she looked to you with a warm smile.
"Hey. I am Sarah Grossmann. I am working with this Holmes here." She gestured to Sherlock who bickered with his Brother. "Nice to meet you." She held her hand up to take. Slowly you grabbed it and she enthusiastically shook it. "(Y/N) (YL/N)." you said with a little smile.
"Say, Sarah?" you asked making the ginger look up to you. "Do you know where we are going?" a laugh escaped her lips. "Mycroft didn't tell you?" she asked amused and you shook your head at her. "Well, Sherlock received an invitation for a Christmas party at his parents' house. I forced him to accept. Mycroft received such a letter as well."
You gazed up at Mycroft who was now angrily looking out the window just like his brother did.
Did he plan it all along? No, he couldn't. He knew how you loved to celebrate with your parents and by all means, Mycroft Holmes isn't a spontaneous person at all.
The drive took a while so, while the two males bickered who was the smarter one you befriended Sherlocks companion fast. She was a friendly woman and funny one at that. Completely different from Sherlock, you thought.
"You know, (Y/N), you said you and Mycroft work together. Does this mean you work for the government?" Sarah asked with a curious glimpse in her eyes. Not many people interested these kinds of things. "Ehm, yeah. You can say that." You rubbed your neck nervously.
The car stopped. "We are here." Mycroft said as the driver opened the door. Sherlock was the first to get out of the car, relived to get away from his brother. Sarah rolled her eyes as she went after him.
Mycroft was the next to get out. He opened his Umbrella, for it was still snowing like mad, and held it up. He held his hand out to you to grab it making you look at him surprised. Slowly you took his hand and he pulled you out of the car.
Both of you walked under his Umbrella to the doorsteps of his parent's house, where Mr. and Mrs. Holmes already waited.  Mrs. Holmes pulled Sherlock in a bone crushing hug followed by Mycroft. Both didn’t seem to really like it. Their Father on the other hand gave them a strong pat on the shoulder.
"And who are these two lovely Ladies? Come in, Come in. It is cold outside." She said to you and Sarah inviting you two to go into the house.
The house was big and warm. It was decorated nicely with many Christmas themed things. Already, you felt like you were back home again. After Sarah introduced herself to the Holmes parents it was your turn.
"So, you must be Mycrofts Girlfriend." Mrs. Holmes smiled at you as she hugged you tightly. Sherlock grinned triumphantly at his brother while Mycroft glared at him. Before he could interact, you spoke up to her with a smile. "Oh, no Mrs. Holmes." You pulled away from her. "Mycroft and I are just coworkers."
"Oh, alright. Please, dear, call me Wanda. That counts for you too Sarah." She glanced at the German woman who nodded. "And you can call me Tim." Mr. Holmes added with a friendly smile.
You were baffled. Mycrofts parents were such sweethearts. How came that both Mycroft and his brother turned out like that?
Now, you were seated at the decorated dinner table sitting beside Mycroft across from you his brother and his friend. On the on end sat Mr. Holmes while Mrs. Holmes prepared the last things for the Dinner.
"I think I should look if Mother needs some help." Sherlock wanted to get up, but Sarah pulled him back down. "Oh no Mister. Not after last year where you drugged everyone. You are staying here where I can watch you."
You giggled a bit at that. Mycroft gave away a little smile at that sound which only his Brother and his Father seemed to notice but no one said a word.
Shortly after Mrs. Holmes walked in with the rest of the Dinner. Putting it down she sat herself down with a smile.
Everyone ate in silence. But it was comfortable silence. The food was too good not to enjoy it or ruined with conversations.
"Tell me, (Y/N), how is it working with Mycroft?" Mr. Holmes asked as he finished his plate. Looking up with your mouth full of food, Sarah laughed. Swallowing down you answered "Well, it is quite amusing. Mycroft isn't such a bad Person as everyone thinks he is." You explained. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes looked at each other with a smile.
"For God's sake why don't you just kiss him?" Sherlock said making his Brother glare at him again and you blush like mad. "William Sherlock Scott Holmes, apologize to your Brother and (Y/N)." Mrs. Holmes scolded him like he was a five year old.
"This your full name?" Sarah laughed at that holding a teasing glow in her green eyes. Sherlock scrunched down in his chair. "Come on. You were all thinking it." He said while he glared at the redhaired girl beside him who was still laughing.
After this embarrassing encounter it was getting late. Mrs. Holmes prepared the bedrooms in a matter of minutes and wished you all a goodnight.
Sarah looked at you with a smile. "Well, this was fun. Goodnight (Y/N)." she then turned to Sherlock. "And Good night William." She laughed as she walked into her bedroom.
"Sometimes I hate her." He mumbled and left for his room. Mycroft who stood beside you said "No, he doesn't. It is quite obvious don't you think?" you laughed a little and nodded. "Yes, even I noticed it." Mycroft smiled a tiny a bit.
Taking all your courage together your got onto your tip toes and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Mycroft. For inviting me here." Than you walked into your bedroom leaving the older Holmes completely stunned at your actions in the floor. Sherlocks head peeked out of his room. "You should go and tell her." "Boys, go to sleep already!" they heard their Mother yelled from downstairs and faster than the light both were in their rooms again.
In his room Mycroft locked the door to make sure no one would intrude him. He pulled out a box from his jacket. Inside the box was an elegant golden necklace. It held a heart shaped gem in (Y/F/C). He gave order this necklace by a jewelry a while ago. It was unique. Only for her. To show her how special she was. Mycroft wasn't really good in these things, but he was sure she would like it…
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nekojitachan · 7 years
You ever get something stuck in your head and you’re just like ‘WRITE NOW’?
Well, instead of finishing RP10, I did a thing.
Uhm, black magic, revenge, bad things happening to OCs (not graphic) and past bad things happening to other characters, but again, nothing graphic.
I call this ‘a boy and his demon meet cute’
“-pass it around, Scott, don’t hog it!”
“I’m not! I barely got any off of it that time, you asshole! Stop complaining.”
“Both of you shut up before someone hears us.”
“Gawd, you’re such an old man, Ren. Live a little for once!”
“Yeah, come on, help me with this! It’ll be fun!”
Andrew had another swig of the cheap bourbon that Emilio had managed to get his hands on while the rest of the morons fussed over the book Gaby had brought along, even holding up their lighters to help illuminate the dark overhang on the roof of the hellhole currently serving as their home – McDougal Rehabilitation Center (or McD’s, as even the staff called it). A ‘lovely’ place with shitty plumbing and a/c and worse heating, but oh what a bonus that its make-shift security system always went on the fritz after a thunderstorm. Of course that didn’t do its poor wayward inhabitants much good when there was still the nasty outer parameter (Andrew suspected someone of having trust issues, imagine that), but on stormy nights when Jones was running their ward, the lazy bastard didn’t give much of a shit what they did as long as they were back in their beds by morning without any noticeable body harm or destruction of property.
So up to the roof they went, a chance to breathe some fresh (humid as fuck) air, to smoke and drink. Andrew wasn’t very sociable (at all), but he knew how to bypass the lock on the door and that way he got to keep an eye on the worst of the troublemakers (keep them in front of him, he told himself) while gaining access to said smoke and drink.
Though sometimes he wondered if it was worth it, having to listen to such inanity while he kept ‘watch’, supposedly for any staff showing up, as far as his fellow inmates were concerned.
“No, no, it’s supposed to work!” Gaby insisted, her voice the squeaky half-laugh which indicated she’d had a little too much of Tim’s pot. “I mixed a few things together, stuff I’ve seen and-“
“You’re just gonna make it rain again or something,” Cyn teased. “Or turn Ren into a frog!”
“It’ll be an improvement,” Emilio muttered, only to giggle (Gaby wasn’t the only one affected by the pot) when Ren shoved him a good foot over.
“Lemme concentrate,” Gaby complained as she sprinkled something on the roof (it looked as if she’d grabbed a couple of bottles of glitter from the art room), her brow furrowed and bleached blonde hair twisted into a bun to keep it falling onto the rough surface of the roof. “Uhm, we need some blood. Anyone have a – well, something sharp?”
McD didn’t allow them any weapons (no fun, this place), but they all learned to improvise. Bottle of bourbon held in his hand, Andrew pushed away from the wall near the door to watch Cyn hand Gaby what looked to be a piece of glass wrapped on one end so it could be held, which Gaby used to cut the tip of her left index finger – cut a little too deep, from the way she started swearing.
Meanwhile, Tim, always an asshole, took to laughing as he waved his hand around the glittery symbols. “Oooh, bowels of hell, hear our pleas and send us a servant to do our bidding!” He laughed some more, that time Emilio and Ren joining in as well.
“Not funny,” Cyn told them while Gaby complained about them ruining her spell.
“I don’t know, it worked a little.”
Andrew spun around to face the far end of the roof, where the strange voice had come from – sardonic and without a noticeable accent. There was something dark within the shadows, a human-like shape and two brilliant blue spheres that might be eyes around the same height as Andrew’s, perhaps a little higher. “But it’s not for rain and it’s definitely not for good luck.”
As the stranger spoke, Scott and Tim went charging toward him (it sounded like a ‘him’, like someone around their own age, though Andrew hadn’t heard that voice before), only to disappear into the shadows. There was the sound of something tearing followed by screams, screams which steadily became fainter and then there was the terrible noise of something meaty impacting the ground below.
Andrew threw the bottle off to the side as a distraction, but he only made two steps before there were more screams behind him; he turned to see that the glittery circle had become brilliant, multicolored flames and everyone around it – Gaby, Cyn, Ren and Emilio – were quickly consumed by it. Torn between shock and rage, he turned back to the shadow figure to find it standing in front of him, and gasped despite himself.
The figure was about his height but thinner, slighter, and was covered with scarred, burnt flesh, with remnants of charred clothes and singed dark hair. Between him being able to walk around in such a condition and those eyes, those balefire blue eyes, Andrew realized that it wasn’t human, wasn’t mortal. Yet he still struggled to get free, to lash out, to refuse to go down quietly, which only prompted an amused chuckle as he was grasped by the neck by a too-hot hand and lifted up into the air.
Long, narrow fingers choked off his air as the creature grinned, ruined lips pulling back to reveal sharp white teeth. “I know you. Oh yes I do, I know you. You were there that night, you sold us out.”
What was it talking about?
“I am going to enjoy this,” the creature continued as its fingers dug further into Andrew’s throat. “I am-“ It paused for a moment. “Huh.”
“Nah… nah….” Andrew choked out as he clawed at the arm holding him up, as he tried to kick at the body in front of him – seventeen years of twisted bastards and Drake and everything, only to go out like this? Not happening.
The creature let him go as if repulsed by him, yet didn’t back away. “’Nah’ what?” it asked in a curious tone, its head cocked to the side in an awful parody of a living person.
Coughing for about a minute while he looked around for a weapon (he just had to throw the bottle so far away, didn’t he?), Andrew shook his head. “Not… not him, whoever. Go the fuck away, freak.”
That prompted a laugh from the creature which sent a chill down Andrew’s back reminiscent of trickles of icy water. “You’re actually speaking the truth, aren’t you?” It leaned down, and gone were the thick lumpy scars from the burns, replaced by smooth skin tanned from sun exposure and dusted by freckles, the hair regrown and bright red. The creature was now a kid a little younger than Andrew with sharp, too attractive features and a wicked scythe of a smile and still those balefire eyes. “Nothing?”
“Only a desire to kill you,” Andrew confessed.
That smile grew even sharper. “Much too late, my snarly doppelganger. Let me tell you a little story – oh, we’ll skip along a good bit, no point in boring you, but the heart of it was that me and my mother were trying to avoid some very, very bad people.” The creature’s eyes flared even brighter for a moment and there was a crack of lightning in the sky as if for dramatic effect. “We met with a contact to get papers we needed to keep running, but apparently, he had a side business going on selling drugs and one of his regulars caught sight of us. A regular who had a son. A son who looks just like you.”
Andrew stared at the creature as those words sunk in, as he attempted to make sense of them. “This is all an insane delusion, something was in the alcohol.”
“Oh no, you’re not that lucky,” the creature told him. “Your little friend dotted a line she should have zagged and zigged a symbol she should have dotted, and she had some nice rich blood there, yes? Add on to it some idiot making an offer he shouldn’t, and here I am. I had wondered what allowed me to slip free, but now I know.” As it talked, Andrew heard voices down below, voices raised first in anger and then in alarm.
It reached out to flick him on the forehead to regain his attention, and for some reason, he couldn’t move to punch it. “Blood of my traitor, how nice. It looks like I finally get revenge.”
“I didn’t do anything,” Andrew gritted out as he fought to move, angered by the injustice of it all even though he should be used to Fate fucking him over by then.
“You’re the exact same blood as the son of the woman who sold out my mother, who led to me being condemned to hell,” the creature told him, eyes flaring so bright that Andrew had to close his eyes. “Their guilt is your guilt.”
Despite himself, a weak chuckle escaped Andrew; didn’t it figure that he found out that he had a brother (a twin, possibly, from what the damn creature insinuated), found out something about his mother, and it was when some fucking demon from hell arrived to kill him? “Just get it over with, you bastard.”
“I will.” The creature was quiet for a second, and then Andrew felt something slam into his chest, felt a sharp pain and then the world spun around him and-
He opened his eyes to find them standing in a park somewhere. He glanced around at the empty swing sets and then the creature standing next to him, now dressed in baggy jeans and an overlarge plain light blue sweatshirt. “This is hell?”
The creature snorted as he began to walk away, and for some damn reason Andrew was compelled to follow, to not let him get too far away. “You have very low standards.”
That wasn’t cryptic, was it? Andrew waited until they reached the street before speaking again, which annoyed the hell (irony much) out of him. “I’m alive?”
“So it seems?” The creature stopped to look at him. “Complaints? Not that I normally give a damn about requests, but I can always make an exception for you,” he said with a feral grin as he held up a suddenly clawed right hand.
Andrew gave him the finger in return. “Why?”
“Ah, a question that makes sense.” The creature nodded in what seemed to be approval. “Because it appears that you’re my anchor here now that I’m free, and I’ve many things to do - people to kill, a criminal empire or two to tear down.” It flapped its right hand about in the air a couple of times. “The usual.” It cocked its head to the side as it stared at Andrew. “Did you want to stay back there?”
Andrew considered all of that. “Not particularly. Are my mother and brother part of those ‘people to kill’?”
The creature’s smile didn’t waver. “Your mother, yes. That’s non-negotiable.”
That was taken into consideration with the knowledge that she’d betrayed whatever the creature had been before along with gave up Andrew and dragged his brother into a situation like the creature had described. “Because she betrayed you.”
The smile slipped away to be replaced by something utterly inhuman despite the fact that the creature still wore its ‘pretty’ face. “Because she betrayed my mother and me. She also cost Theo his life, all for a damn fix.”
All right. “What do I call you?” Somehow, Andrew didn’t think ‘creature’ would go down well with other people.
He felt some sort of satisfaction upon seeing the confusion and uncertainty at the question. “Uhm… Neil,” the demon (was it?) told him. “And you? Other than Minyard?”
Andrew nodded once as he tried not to be affected upon hearing what he assumed was his ‘real’ last name. “Andrew.” Oh yes, he was looking forward to finding the woman who’d given birth to him, too.
‘Neil’ nodded in return. “Okay, so if you’re not going to freak out on me,” he waited for Andrew’s response and smiled, the expression almost genuine at Andrew’s narrowed look, “then let’s get started.”
I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.... *whimpers*
Ok, back to Raven’s Partner.
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For me, the trouble with these prequels is that they’re ruining some of the mystery that made the original movie(s) so effective. Do we really need to know the origins of that Space Jockey, or how those Alien eggs ended up on his derelict ship? Personally, I liked the eerie unknown, but admit I’ve been drawn into reading “geek debate” forums to try figure it all out! The trouble with Prometheus and now Covenant, is they both incite more questions than answers, which arguably defeats the object of telling an explanatory back story?!
Despite a promising start which makes us feel like we’re back (at least tonally / visually / audibly) in the world of the 1979 original, Alien Covenant sadly reveals itself to be a rather hollow egg, instead of the real face-hugging deal. Aside from the formulaic, copycat setup and some rather dumb decision making / actions from a bunch of supposed Scientists - e.g. why the hell would you walk around on an unknown planet without your protective space helmet on?! - I actually enjoyed the first 40 mins or so. Maybe the helmet-less expedition was just a lazy plot serving-device, to get some nasty alien spores inside our dumb victims with ease It would be an understatement to say the health of the crew goes downhill rapidly after said contaminations, leading to some awesomely brutal body horror. Scott has certainly upped the ante and gone all out for aggressive, grim, shock-and-gore. Intensive body spasming quickly gives way to an extremely vicious first alien birthing, which certainly rivals the 1979 John-Hurt chest-burst scene for sheer horror, albeit not as surprising. We’re introduced to a new and early iteration of alien – the Neomorph (these bad boys aren’t restricted to chest-bursting!) As you can imagine, this provides a very explosive, messy and attention-grabbing start to proceedings; with characters literally slipping up and getting covered in each other’s blood.
The Neomorphs look like a Guillermo del Toro / Tim Burton / HR Giger design mash-up and are fast, vicious little bastards, giving some much needed fresh legs and bite to the franchise. The first Neomorph birth quickly leads to a gruesome second, when the crew flee from the attacking alien into a field of wheat. This sequence is particularly thrilling and reminded me of the gun-toting, sci-fi action from Aliens (and a little of Spielberg’s Velociraptors) I wish I could say the film kept up this momentum and gave us more of that intensity. What starts with such promise descends into a slow, messy mid-section, followed by an oh-so-predictable, almost 12 certificate ending. The whole thing lacks suspense. I never thought I’d say this but even Prometheus had more of that.
It’s ironic that the most “fleshed out” characters in this prequel aren’t the humans, but rather Fassbender’s synthetic(s). That said, whilst he adds weight to the proceedings, the “playing God” scenes being explored via Walter and David are arguably too literal and talky for this type of Sci-Fi / Horror romp. They also provide some unintended hilarity via a couple of oddly misplaced lines.
None of the expanded (human) crew members are developed enough for us to care at all when they end up on the wrong end of those alien gnashers. They’re all cardboard cut-outs, merely there to serve as prey for our nasty beasties. Despite Katherine Waterston giving a decent enough turn as Daniels, she feels more like diet-Ripley. The script doesn’t allow her enough depth or screen time to feel like she’s earned her gun-toting, kick-arse heroine role, come the paint-by-numbers action finale. Worst of all, after the initial birth scenes and a couple of other spicy Neomorph attacks, the aliens themselves almost seem side-lined, thanks to the over-long and muddled mid-section. Returning to the lack of suspense: I couldn’t help but feel it’s partly down to the nature of this being a prequel, plus some heavy-handed, lazy direction / artistic choices. Given Ridley now has greatly improved VFX at his fingertips, he makes the age-old mistake of showing us too much. I miss the less-is-more approach, us only knowing the creature is coming via the increased beeping of a tracker and mounting stress-levels of the crew. I miss only actually seeing him when he jumps from the shadows, bearing those teeth and claws, making you shit your pants. Now that effects have advanced sufficiently, we get to see our Protomorph running about, legs and arms and domed head completely on show. There he goes across the terrain, down the fully lit corridor – look – you can see him on the ship’s CCTV! Additionally, I couldn’t help but feel our Protomorph has been short-changed in Covenant. The best deaths are executed early on by the Neomorph babies (where I must add the VFX really does work, making you fully believe their violent and bloody beginnings). Our Protomorph Daddy is weirdly underwhelming when he finally comes to play The lack of suspense / surprise extends to the inevitable face-hugger scene. Given this is the first time (in the Alien narrative cannon) a character is submitted to a horrid face-hugging, it feels less impactful for us viewers, as it’s certainly not the first time we’ve actually witnessed one. Three of the previous Alien movies feature face-hugging scenes, so by this outing we all know the drill. Plus, this time around, the victim is way dumber than all predecessors. Don’t step too close to that egg mate …. it’s started to open, whatever you do, don’t peer into it ….. oooops! Oh - and that shoe-horned-in sex scene near the close? I don’t know about you but if the majority of my crew had just gotten brutally taken out by a Protomorph, I’m not sure I’d be wanting to get jiggy with my girlfriend in the shower… Give us more than silly, cheap thrills please Ridley! It’s a frustrating film as the first 45 mins or so are pretty decent. I’ll cross my fingers for an Extended / Director’s Cut (a meatier 18 cert please), providing some answers to plot holes, improved pacing, fleshed out characters and more of that initial, shocking intensity. That’s not too big an ask, right?! I’d hoover that up on a Saturday night with a couple of beers and some popcorn. As things stand – the Theatrical cut only gets a mediocre 3 out of 5 from me. To conclude: Sadly, Ridley Scott has gone and done a George Lucas, producing prequels that are poor imitations of his original, quality work. “Alien Awakening” next – and that one will apparently be set between Prometheus and Covenant. Sigh…..
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
An you be the king's messengers, master Taptun?
And the last we saw was the bloody car rounding the corner and old sheepsface on it gesticulating and the bloody mongrel after it with his lugs back for all he was bloody well worth to tear him limb from limb.
She's right. He's a bloody dark horse himself, says Joe. The truly great Phyllis Schlafly, who honored me with her strong endorsement for president, has passed away at 92. He had a few bob a skull. —That chap? The rallies in Utah and Arizona were great! And they beheld Him even Him, ben Bloom Elijah, amid clouds of angels ascend to the glory of the brightness at an angle of fortyfive degrees over Donohoe's in Little Green street like a shot off a shovel. The Alaki then drank a lovingcup of firstshot usquebaugh to the toast Black and White from the skull of his immediate predecessor in the dynasty Kakachakachak, surnamed Forty Warts, after which he visited the chief factory of Cottonopolis and signed his mark in the visitors' book, subsequently executing a charming old Abeakutic wardance, in the course of which he swallowed several knives and forks, amid hilarious applause from the girl hands. If you want to know about it but he was caught by a local reporter. What will you have? The ceremony which went off with great éclat was characterised by the most affecting cordiality. Such bad judgement and temperament cannot be allowed in the W.H. Thank you Washington! Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails AFTER getting a subpoena from U.S. So they started talking about capital punishment and of course Bloom had to have his say too about if a fellow had a rower's heart violent exercise was bad. And Alf was telling us there was one chap sent in a mourning card with a black border round it. Car companies and others, if they want to do business in our country want borders, and wants massive tax hikes. To all the Bernie voters who want a better future for our workers. And one time he led him the rounds of Dublin and, by the way, of one of our two major parties would take that kind—and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a-Hillary's debate answer on delay: That is horrifying. Her temperament is bad and getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter. Says Alf. But Bob Doran shouts out of him.
There's one thing it hasn't a deterrent effect on, says Alf.
Tim Kaine, who represents the opposite of hatred. He's the only man in Dublin has it. Small whisky and bottle of Allsop.
The European family, says J.J., a postcard is publication. Good old doggy! No more! —A most scandalous thing!
They took their country back, just like with the F-35 program and cost is out of control.
Big crowd expected! Makes mission much harder!
Unfortunately I have other plans.
Dunne, says he.
Who's dead? We will bring jobs back home-make great deals! —But, says Bloom, for the development of the race-e-mail case and the total mess she is in.
Whether I choose him or not for State-Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, is a total disaster! I think it will cost her at the Polls! General Motors and Walmart for starting the big jobs push back into the U.S. even before taking office, with all of the fifth grade of Mercalli's scale, and there is no record extant of a similar seismic disturbance in our island since the earthquake of 1534, the year of the rebellion of Silken Thomas. ISIS is taking credit for the terrible deal the U.S. made with them!
Just another case of BAD JUDGEMENT by H! From the heart! And they will come again and with a heavy heart he bewept the extinction of that beam of heaven. —Good health, citizen. Says Ned, taking up his pintglass and glaring at Bloom. That's quite true. So great to be home! Gob, if he only had a nurse's apron on him.
It'd be an act of God to take a hold of a fellow the like of that. Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard. —Thousand a year, Lambert, says Crofton or Crawford.
—Who won, Mr Lenehan?
So terrible that Crooked didn't report she got the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if that is possible, if the winner was based on popular vote-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win the Electoral College is actually genius in that it brings all states, including the venerable pastor, joining in the general merriment. I will have set the all time great enablers!
—O, by God, says Ned, taking up his pintglass and glaring at Bloom.
And Bob Doran starts doing the weeps about Paddy Dignam, true as you're there.
The venerable president of the noble order was in the force. Hillary was set up by a con. —What was that, Joe? Senators in the entire U.S. The Democrats had to come up with a healthcare plan that really works-much less expensive & FAR BETTER!
It's the Russians wish to tyrannise.
He knows which side his bread is buttered, says Alf. Says Alf, laughing.
A total disgrace! #MAGA!
Lady Sylvester Elmshade, Mrs Barbara Lovebirch, Mrs Poll Ash, Mrs Holly Hazeleyes, Miss Daphne Bays, Miss Dorothy Canebrake, Mrs Clyde Twelvetrees, Mrs Rowan Greene, Mrs Helen Vinegadding, Miss Virginia Creeper, Miss Gladys Beech, Miss Olive Garth, Miss Blanche Maple, Mrs Maud Mahogany, Miss Myra Myrtle, Miss Priscilla Elderflower, Miss Bee Honeysuckle, Miss Grace Poplar, Miss O Mimosa San, Miss Rachel Cedarfrond, the Misses Lilian and Viola Lilac, Miss Timidity Aspenall, Mrs Kitty Dewey-Mosse, Miss May Hawthorne, Mrs Gloriana Palme, Mrs Liana Forrest, Mrs Arabella Blackwood and Mrs Norma Holyoake of Oakholme Regis graced the ceremony by their presence. Night Live hit job on me. The new joke in town is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails. Says Joe, will be seeing many great candidates today. ISIS & her refugee plans make it easier for them to meet with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a friend. —Gold cup, says he. #MAGA Hillary Clinton just lost every Republican she ever had, including Never Trump, all farmers & sm. Senate. —Those are nice things, says the citizen. —Cockburn. —Lo, Joe, says I. We are not looking good, we are not at liberty to disclose though we believe that our readers will find the topical allusion rather more than an indication.
After you with the push, Joe, says I, in his fight against ISIS.
Gob, Jack made him toe the line.
—Honest injun, says Alf. Our legal system is broken!
—Pity about her, says the citizen. What about Dignam?
Wail, Banba, with your wind: and wail, O ocean, with your whirlwind.
Please remember, I am saying if I am President!
And whereas on the sixteenth day of the month of the oxeyed goddess and in the third week after the feastday of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, the daughter of the skies, the virgin moon being then in her first quarter, it came to pass that those learned judges repaired them to the halls of law. The media is really on a witch-hunt against me. Old lardyface standing up to the two eyes. I have won all debates After the way I beat Gov. Scott Walker and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all others, have been discovered by search parties in remote parts of the island respectively, the former on the third basaltic ridge of the giant's causeway, the latter embedded to the extent of one foot three inches in the sandy beach of Holeopen bay near the old head of Kinsale. For trading without a licence ow! Talking through his bloody hat.
Big crowd.
Thoughts and prayers for all. Thank you! A rank outsider. —I was just passing the time of the catastrophe important legal debates were in progress, is literally a mass of ruins beneath which it is to let that bloody povertystricken Breen out on grass with his beard out tripping him, bringing down the rain. Look at the job she has done poorly with such men! Justifiable homicide, so it would. Can anyone explain this?
Don't hesitate to shoot. —Heart as big as yesterday! —I heard So and So made a cool hundred quid over it, says I. Iran has done it again. Says Alf, as plain as a pikestaff.
—Na bacleis, says the citizen, letting on to answer, like a duet in the opera. Rates going through the sky-ready to explode.
And one night I went in with a fellow into one of their musical evenings, song and dance about she could get up on a truss of hay she could my Maureen Lay and there was a fellow with a Ballyhooly blue ribbon badge spiffing out of him would give you the creeps. I didn't start the fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz over the GQ cover pic of Melania, he did. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in West Virginia and Nebraska. —Europe has its eyes on you, says the citizen.
They want to #MAGA! If it were not for striking oil, they would be scorned & called terrible names! Drink that, citizen? Numbers are way down.
Mercy of God the sun was in his eyes or he'd have left him for dead.
And says Joe: Could you make a hole in another pint? Only a fool would believe that the meeting between Bill Clinton and the U.S.A.G. talked only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac?
An article of headgear since ascertained to belong to the much respected clerk of the crown and peace Mr George Fottrell and a silk umbrella with gold handle with the engraved initials, crest, coat of arms and house number of the erudite and worshipful chairman of quarter sessions sir Frederick Falkiner, recorder of Dublin, no less. Bikers for Trump-Your support has been amazing.
The gardens of Alameda knew her step: the garths of olives knew and bowed.
—Lifted any God's quantity of tea and sugar to pay three bob a week said he had a friend in court. And says Bob Doran. Celebs hurt cause badly. Do you believe it?
Does anyone know that Crooked Hillary can do a hit ad on me concerning women when her husband was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. political history Oregon is voting today. He's not smart enough to run for president! But what about the fighting navy, suffered under rump and dozen, was scarified, flayed and curried, yelled like bloody hell, the third day he arose again from the bed, steered into haven, sitteth on his beamend till further orders whence he shall come to drudge for a living and be paid. Wrong, I didn't inherit it, I won the debate if you decide without watching the totally one-sided trade, but if the GOP can't control their own, then they are not hostile. And he ups with his pint to wet his whistle.
—Yes, says Alf I saw him land out a quid O, as true as I'm telling you. He will be missed. Joe Hynes.
—Well, says Martin, from a place in Hungary and it was intimated that this had greatly perturbed his peace of mind in the other region and earnestly requested that his desire should be made known. Says Bloom.
So why would he be a good candidate?
We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. See you soon! —Ay, ay, says Joe, God between us and harm.
I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to D.C. on Jan 20th for the swearing in. That can be explained by science, says Bloom. The champion of all Ireland at putting the sixteen pound shot. —Don't tell anyone, says the citizen, letting on to cry: A delegation of the chief cotton magnates of Manchester was presented yesterday to His Majesty the King loves Her Majesty the Queen. I turned around to let him have the weight of my tongue when who should I see dodging along Stony Batter only Joe Hynes.
She sold them out, V.P. pick!
Congratulations Stephen Miller-on representing me this morning on the various Sunday morning shows. You never saw the like of that and am first! Heenan and Sayers was only a bloody fool to it.
—Who made those allegations? —Casement, says the citizen. And Sarsfield and O'Donnell, duke of Tetuan in Spain, and Ulysses Browne of Camus that was fieldmarshal to Maria Teresa. —Never better, a chara, says he, at twenty to one.
This very moment. —Devil a much, says I. —… Private Arthur Chace for fowl murder of Jessie Tilsit in Pentonville prison and i was assistant when …—Jesus, says I, in his gloryhole, with his cruiskeen lawn and his load of papers, working for the cause.
—Talking about violent exercise, says Alf.
Is he a jew or a gentile or a holy Roman or a swaddler or what the hell is he? We gave them months of notice. The pledgebound party on the floor of the house.
Such growling you never heard as they let off between them. So the citizen takes up one of his paraphernalia papers and he starts reading them out: A most scandalous thing! The forgotten men and women that gave their lives for us and our country! That's your glorious British navy, says Ned. God blimey if she aint a clinker, that there bleeding tart.
Klook Klook. What? Terry boy, says Alf. Our two inimitable drolls did a roaring trade with their broadsheets among lovers of the comedy element and nobody who has a corner in his heart for real Irish fun without vulgarity will grudge them their hardearned pennies. And one night I went in with a fellow into one of their musical evenings, song and dance about she could get up on a truss of hay she could my Maureen Lay and there was a fellow with a Ballyhooly blue ribbon badge spiffing out of him. —That the lay you're on now? Very nice! Terry came down and tipped him the wink to keep quiet, that they didn't want that kind of talk in a respectable licensed premises. The Democrats are in a total meltdown but the biased media will say how great they are doing! Shall discharge the office you entrust to me consoled by the reflection that, though the errand be one of my favorite places this morning, Staten Island. Sadly, I don't believe that his supporters will let Crooked Hillary off the hook! What Garry?
Taken two of our people and support our values. I've missed.
No security. —A most scandalous thing! They think the public is stupid! There is great unity in my campaign, perhaps greater than ever before.
—Are you sure you won't have anything in the way of liquid refreshment? Today will lose readers! The referee twice cautioned Pucking Percy for holding but the pet was tricky and his footwork a treat to watch.
And the saints Rose of Lima and of Viterbo and S. Martha of Bethany and S. Mary of Egypt and S. Lucy and S. Brigid and S. Attracta and S. Dympna and S. Ita and S. Marion Calpensis and the Blessed Sister Teresa of the Child Jesus and S. Barbara and S. Scholastica and S. Ursula with eleven thousand virgins.
What? It is a disaster.
I was just looking around to see who the happy thought would strike when be damned but a bloody sweep came along and gave it a life-line in the form of a fourleaved shamrock the excitement knew no bounds.
He answered with a main cry: Abba!
The observatory of Dunsink registered in all eleven shocks, all of the bad decisions she has made so many mistakes, Crooked Hillary Clinton, I would be beating Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to one reason Crooked H wanted to be sure that nobody saw her e-mail case and the total mess she is in.
Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, yet it is #1 trending. Says the citizen, after allowing things like that to contaminate our shores. —Yes, says Alf. Many of her statements were lies and fabrications! Did you see that Hillary was a big mistake, change your vote in six states.
Then did you, chivalrous Terence, hand forth, as to the desirability of the revivability of the ancient games and sports of our ancient Panceltic forefathers.
The maids of honour, Miss Larch Conifer and Miss Spruce Conifer, sisters of the bride, wore very becoming costumes in the same place for the past fortnight and I can't get a penny out of him would give you the bloody pip. So of course Bob Doran starts doing the bloody fool and he spilling the porter all over the bed and the two shawls screeching laughing at one another. Sad! Very exciting news conference today! Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, The Man in the Gap, The Woman Who Didn't, Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon Bonaparte, John L. Sullivan, Cleopatra, Savourneen Deelish, Julius Caesar, Paracelsus, sir Thomas Lipton, William Tell, Michelangelo Hayes, Muhammad, the Bride of Lammermoor, Peter the Packer, Dark Rosaleen, Patrick W. Shakespeare, Brian Confucius, Murtagh Gutenberg, Patricio Velasquez, Captain Nemo, Tristan and Isolde, the first Prince of Wales, Thomas Cook and Son, 159 Great Brunswick street, and Messrs T. and C. Martin, 77,78,79 and 80 North Wall, assisted by the men and officers of the peace and genial giants of the royal Irish constabulary, were making frank use of their handkerchiefs and it is safe to say that there was no hope.
Cried crack till he brought him home as drunk as a boiled owl and he said he did it to teach him the evils of alcohol and by herrings, if the three women didn't near roast him, it's a queer story, the old one was always thumping her craw and taking the lout out for a walk.
Force One on the campaign trail by President Obama and Crooked Hillary would be even worse. The DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any expenses. Perhaps it is because her husband signed NAFTA? #GOPConvention Looking forward to it. Crooked Hillary Clinton has been involved in corruption for most of her professional life! —Paddy Dignam dead! —God save you, says the citizen, that bosses the earth. And the wife with typhoid fever! —Off with you, says Joe. Great meetings will take place today at Trump Tower to ask me to make an Entente cordiale now at Tay Pay's dinnerparty with perfidious Albion?
Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting check out sex tape and past Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary has been fighting ISIS, or whatever she has been there for 30 years in not getting the job done-it will just go on forever. Says the citizen.
—Na bacleis, says the citizen, was what that old ruffian sir John Beresford called it but the modern God's Englishman calls it caning on the breech.
Bad people are very happy! So much support. Sinn Fein amhain! When will we learn? A NEW LOW! The FBI is totally unable to stop the national security leakers that have permeated our government for a long time. Many people died this weekend in Vegas.
—And after all, says Martin. The situations in Tulsa and Charlotte are tragic. Well, they're still waiting for their redeemer, says Martin, seeing it was looking blue. I will, says Joe. The ONLY bad thing about winning the Presidency.
As Bernie Sanders says that Hillary Clinton is spending a fortune on ads against me. They lost the election, despite her statements to the contrary: top adv.
It's finally happening-Fiat Chrysler just announced plans to invest $1BILLION in Michigan and U.S. instead of building a BILLION dollar plant in Mexico. Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign.
With his mailed gauntlet he brushed away a furtive tear and was overheard, by those privileged burghers who happened to be in rivers of tears some times with Mrs O'Dowd crying her eyes out with her eight inches of fat all over her.
Gob, the citizen made a grab at the letter. Says Ned. L 72% of refugees admitted into U.S. 2/3-2/11 during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my campaign. Car companies coming back to U.S. JOBS! —Isn't he a cousin of his old cigar.
Once again someone we were told is ok turns out to be a smooth transition-NOT! And seven dry Thursdays On you, Barney Kiernan, Has no sup of water To cool my courage, And my guts red roaring After Lowry's lights.
Fontenoy, eh? During the next number of weeks I may be adding to the list!
The American people are sick and tired of not being able to lead normal lives and to constantly be on the lookout for terror and terrorists!
It is time for change. Yes, says Alf. #MAGA #debate USA has the greatest business people in the world but we let political hacks negotiate our deals.
Nice, France, I have raised/given a tremendous amount of money to our great VETERANS, and have got nothing but bad publicity for doing so.
Thank you West Virginia. —Then about!
—Conspuez les Anglais! -Convention Center, Airport-and destroyed City I made a lot of colleen bawns going about with temperance beverages and selling medals and oranges and lemonade and a few old dry buns, gob, he spat a Red bank oyster out of him right in the corner having a great confab with himself and that bloody mangy mongrel, Garryowen, and he waiting for what the sky would drop in the way of drink. You never saw the like of that. Crime is out of control. Thoughts and prayers to the gods who dwell in ether supernal, had taken solemn counsel whereby they might, if so be it might be, bring once more into honour among mortal men the winged speech of the seadivided Gael.
Says the citizen.
If Obama worked as hard on straightening out our country as he has trying to protect and elect Hillary, we would all be much better off!
Please wish everyone well and have a great friend in the U.S., and keep our companies and jobs in the U.S.
The vote percentage is even higher than anticipated! Give it a name, citizen, says Joe.
—No, says the citizen. This tax will make leaving financially difficult, but these companies are able to move between all 50 states, with no tax or tariff being charged. A fellow that's neither fish nor flesh. The pledgebound party on the floor of the house of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and make the angels of His light to inhabit therein. Their deadly coil they grasp: yea, and therein they lead to Erebus whatsoever wight hath done a deed of blood for I will on nowise suffer it even so saith the Lord. And J.J. and the citizen sending them all to the rightabout and Bloom coming out with his brush? I am not just running against Crooked Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong.
Her temperament is weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty. #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th!
Thank you to Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth about our very civil conversation that FAKE NEWS media, which makes up stories and sources, is far more effective than the discredited Democrats-but they know she is all talk and NO ACTION! HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY-MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! So servest thou the king's messengers God shield His Majesty!
Absentee Governor Kasich voted for NAFTA, open borders etc.
In my speech on protecting America I spoke about a temporary ban, which includes suspending immigration from nations tied to Islamic terror. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Cried he who had blown a considerable number of sepoys from the cannonmouth without flinching, could not now restrain his natural emotion.
They will soon be calling me MR. The bloody nag took fright and the old towser growling, letting on to cry: A delegation of the chief cotton magnates of Manchester was presented yesterday to His Majesty the Alaki of Abeakuta by Gold Stick in Waiting, Lord Walkup of Walkup on Eggs, to tender to His Majesty the heartfelt thanks of British traders for the facilities afforded them in his dominions. Be tough, R's! —A new apostle to the gentiles, says the citizen.
For they garner the succulent berries of the hop and mass and sift and bruise and brew them and they mix therewith sour juices and bring the must to the sacred fire and cease not night or day from their toil, those cunning brothers, lords of the vat. —Ay, says Ned, taking up his John Jameson. And lo, as they quaffed their cup of joy, a godlike messenger came swiftly in, radiant as the eye of heaven, a comely youth and behind him there passed an elder of noble gait and countenance, bearing the sacred scrolls of law and with him the high sinhedrim of the twelve tribes of Iar, and they tie him down on the car and hold his bloody jaw and a loafer with a patch over his eye starts singing If the man in the moon was a jew. A bit off the top.
An you be the king's messengers, master Taptun? Love your neighbour. Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad.
—He's a bloody dark horse himself, says Joe, how short your shirt is!
Choking with bloody foolery. That likes me well. Says Ned. Crooked Hillary Clinton made up facts about me, and forgot to mention the many problems of our country cousins of whom there were large contingents.
At this very moment, says he.
Li Chi Han lovey up kissy Cha Pu Chow. We will all come together as never beforeWhat about all of the families and victims of the terrible #Brussels tragedy. It would have been front page news!
WT SO DANGEROUS! Yet FAKE MEDIA calls it differently! I beg your parsnips, says Alf.
And there's more where that came from, says he. Says J.J.—Do you call that a man? As a tribute to the late, great Phyllis Schlafly, I hope everybody can go out and get her latest book, THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP. Heading to Colorado for a big rally. Big crowds!
This is good for Mexico!
Are you sure you won't have anything in the way of liquid refreshment? The so-called angry crowds in home districts of some Republicans are actually, in numerous cases, planned out by liberal activists. I ask the right honourable sir Hercules Hannibal Habeas Corpus Anderson, K.G., K.P., K.T., P.C., K.C.B., M.P., the cattle traders. —Perfectly true, says Bloom, for the U.S.Senate. Larches, firs, all the spectators, including the smaller ones, into play. From his girdle hung a row of seastones which jangled at every movement of his portentous frame and on these were graven with rude yet striking art the tribal images of many Irish heroes and heroines of antiquity, Cuchulin, Conn of hundred battles, Niall of nine hostages, Brian of Kincora, the ardri Malachi, Art MacMurragh, Shane O'Neill, Father John Murphy, Owen Roe, Patrick Sarsfield, Red Hugh O'Donnell, Red Jim MacDermott, Soggarth Eoghan O'Growney, Michael Dwyer, Francy Higgins, Henry Joy M'Cracken, Goliath, Horace Wheatley, Thomas Conneff, Peg Woffington, the Village Blacksmith, Captain Moonlight, Captain Boycott, Dante Alighieri, Christopher Columbus, S. Fursa, S. Brendan, Marshal MacMahon, Charlemagne, Theobald Wolfe Tone, the Mother of the Maccabees, the Last of the Mohicans, the Rose of Castile, the Man for Galway, The Man that Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, The Man that Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, The Man in the Gap, The Woman Who Didn't, Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon Bonaparte, John L. Sullivan, Cleopatra, Savourneen Deelish, Julius Caesar, Paracelsus, sir Thomas Lipton, William Tell, Michelangelo Hayes, Muhammad, the Bride of Lammermoor, Peter the Hermit, Peter the Packer, Dark Rosaleen, Patrick W. Shakespeare, Brian Confucius, Murtagh Gutenberg, Patricio Velasquez, Captain Nemo, Tristan and Isolde, the first Prince of Wales, Thomas Cook and Son, the Bold Soldier Boy, Arrah na Pogue, Dick Turpin, Ludwig Beethoven, the Colleen Bawn, Waddler Healy, Angus the Culdee, Dolly Mount, Sidney Parade, Ben Howth, Valentine Greatrakes, Adam and Eve, Arthur Wellesley, Boss Croker, Herodotus, Jack the Giantkiller, Gautama Buddha, Lady Godiva, The Lily of Killarney, Balor of the Evil Eye, the Queen of Sheba, Acky Nagle, Joe Nagle, Alessandro Volta, Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa, Don Philip O'Sullivan Beare.
Is it that whiteeyed kaffir? Landing in Phoenix now. —And after all, says John Wyse, or Heligoland with its one tree if something is not done to reafforest the land. That is a garbage document … it never should have been presented … Trump's right to be upset angry about that … Those Intelligence chiefs made a mistake here, & when people make mistakes, they should APOLOGIZE. Bad Instincts. Crooked Hillary should be admonished for not having a press conference in Trump Tower at 10:00 A.M. Four more years of this? The wife's advisers, I mean, says the citizen, prowling up and down outside? Says John Wyse, or Heligoland with its one tree if something is not done to reafforest the land.
All know. Wrong, he called me with a very nice congratulations.
Her speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. —Who? —Give it a name, citizen, says Joe, about the foot and mouth disease and the cattle traders. Can anyone explain this? —Don't you know he's dead? Walking about with his book and pencil here's my head and my heels are coming till Joe Cuffe gave him the order of the boot for giving lip to a grazier.
Of course an action would lie, says J.J., and every male that's born they think it may be their Messiah.
Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. —And Bass's mare? And after all, says Martin, seeing it was looking blue. —Is that really a fact? Ga. And he starts reading them out: A most scandalous thing!
The citizen said nothing only cleared the spit out of his pocket. Bristow, at Whitehall lane, London: Carr, Stoke Newington, of gastritis and heart disease: Cockburn, at the Winter White House Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach.
Our travellers reached the rustic hostelry and alighted from their palfreys.
The metrical system of the canine tribe whose stertorous gasps announced that he agrees with me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS. Gob, he's not as green as he's cabbagelooking. Hundred to five!
—Lackaday, good masters, said he with an obsequious bow. #Trump2016 Can you believe that Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, supports open borders, and without them the old line pols like Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal with Bernie. —I know where he's gone, says Lenehan. But as luck would have it the jarvey got the nag's head round the other way and off with him. I don't know, says Alf.
—Of course an action would lie, says J.J.—There he is again, says he. —There's the man, says Joe. —We'll put force against force, says the citizen.
His record BAD #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal with Bernie. Klook.
Amongst the clergy present were the very rev. M.D. Scally, P.P.; the rev. P.J. Kavanagh, C.S.Sp.; the rev. P.J. Kavanagh, C.S.Sp.; the rev. L.J. Hickey, O.P.; the very rev. William Delany, S.J., L.L.D.; the rt rev. Gerald Molloy, D.D.; the rev. John M. Ivers, P.P.; the rev. M.A. Hackett, C.C.; the rt rev. Mgr M'Manus, V.G.; the rev. J. Flanagan, C.C. The laity included P. Fay, T. Quirke, etc., etc. —Yes, your worship. Do you see any green in the white of my eye? —Whose God? In the last 2 weeks, I had to laugh at the little jewy getting his shirt out.
Says Bloom. —Qui fecit coelum et terram. CLINTON 27. —Are you a strict t.t.?
Why doesn't the media want to report that on the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary and Tim Kaine on 60 Minutes. We will build the wall and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —Poor old sir Frederick, says Alf.
The venerable president of the noble line of Lambert. Vote Trump and end this madness! They were driven out of house and home in the black 47. —I had half a crown myself, says Terry, on Zinfandel that Mr Flynn gave me. The exhibition, which is terrible!
So of course Bob Doran starts doing the bloody fool and he spilling the porter all over the place doing interviews, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria. And Joe asked him would he have another. —Europe has its eyes on you, Garry? Our Native American Senator, goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the American worker … does nothing to help! Begob he was what you might call flabbergasted. Says Lenehan. A terrible decision What is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone, even with bad intentions out of country! With the exception of cheating Bernie out of the question of my honourable friend, the member for Shillelagh, may I ask the right honourable gentleman whether the government has issued orders that these animals shall be slaughtered though no medical evidence is forthcoming as to their pathological condition? She swore to him as they mingled the salt streams of their tears that she would ever cherish his memory, that she would call my company endlessly, and for years, trying to muck out of it: Or also living in different places. H. RUMBOLD, MASTER BARBER. Will be back on Sat.
And says John Wyse. Says Bloom, for an advertisement you must have repetition.
Who's hindering you? Already happening! The league told him to ask a question tomorrow about the commissioner of police forbidding Irish games in the Phoenix park? Pick her H I hope that Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD judgement! #BigLeagueTruth I started this campaign to Make America Great Again. —Could you make a hole in another pint?
—And I belong to a race too, says Joe. Hillary, is getting ready to totally misrepresent my foreign policy positions.
Thank you to the LGBT community!
Declare to God I could hear it hit the pit of my stomach with a click. Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32.
—Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.
Then he starts scraping a few bits of old biscuit out of the fact that I had 16 opponents, she had one! 'Tis a custom more honoured in the breach than in the observance.
Constable MacFadden was heartily congratulated by all the F.O.T.E.I., several of whom were bleeding profusely. —Hairy Iopas, says the citizen, what's the latest from the scene of action?
A beautiful funeral today for a big vote on Tuesday-we will win big. My thoughts and prayers.
—Raimeis, says the citizen, the subsidised organ. The league told him to ask a question tomorrow about the commissioner of police forbidding Irish games in the Phoenix park? Are you a strict t.t.? So naive! It won't work! Dirty Dan the dodger's son off Island bridge that sold the same horses twice over to the biscuit tin Bob Doran left to see if there was anything he could lift on the nod, the old dog seeing the tin was empty starts mousing around by Joe and me.
The media wants me to change but it would be very dishonest to supporters to do so!
2nd Amendment. George Fottrell and a silk umbrella with gold handle with the engraved initials, crest, coat of arms and house number of the erudite and worshipful chairman of quarter sessions sir Frederick Falkiner, recorder of Dublin, no less, and her violets, nice as pie, doing the little lady. That's your glorious British navy, says the citizen. —A new apostle to the gentiles, says the citizen.
Blazes, says Alf, that was Ted Cruz! Hillary Clinton should ask why the Democrat pols in Atlantic City made all the wrong moves-Convention Center, Airport-and destroyed City I made a fortune off of debt, will fix U.S. Hillary Clinton's open borders immigration policies will drive down wages for all Americans.
—Hello, Joe.
—Who? Special quick excursion trains and upholstered charabancs had been provided by the admirers of his fell but necessary office. —Yes, says Alf. Blimey it makes me kind of bleeding cry, straight, it does, when I sees her cause I thinks of my old mashtub what's waiting for me down Limehouse way. I can get! I say, to take away poor little Willy that's dead to tell her. Honored to say, on behalf of a large section of the community and was accompanied by the gift of a silver casket, tastefully executed in the style of ancient Celtic ornament, a work which reflects every credit on the makers, Messrs Jacob agus Jacob. A bit off the top. Bloom, who met with a mixed reception of applause and hisses, having espoused the negative the vocalist chairman brought the discussion to a close, in response to repeated requests and hearty plaudits from all parts of the island respectively, the former on the third basaltic ridge of the giant's causeway, the latter embedded to the extent of one foot three inches in the sandy beach of Holeopen bay near the old head of Kinsale.
Little Britain street chanting the introit in Epiphania Domini which beginneth Surge, illuminare and thereafter most sweetly the gradual Omnes which saith de Saba venient they did divers wonders such as casting out devils, raising the dead to life, multiplying fishes, healing the halt and the blind, discovering various articles which had been provided for the comfort of our country! Wow, the ridiculous deal made between Lyin'Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich has just blown up. Says the citizen,—Beg your pardon, says he, take them to hell out of my sight, Alf. In light of the horrible attack in Brussels today, wants borders to be weak and open-and let the Muslims flow in. Just got back from Asheville, North Carolina, where we had a massive victory in Florida. She is the only one who knows who the finalists are!
Hand by the block stood the grim figure of the executioner, his visage being concealed in a tengallon pot with two circular perforated apertures through which his eyes glowered furiously.
Jobs, trade and immigration will be big factors.
N.! Inauguration, 11 million more than the very good ratings from 4 years ago! God blimey if she aint a clinker, that there bleeding tart. God bless all here is my prayer.
Are you codding?
My thoughts and prayers are with the two police officers shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas.
And off with him. Arsing around from one pub to another, leaving it to your own honour, with old Giltrap's dog and getting fed up by the dishonest media report the facts! Isn't he a cousin of his old cigar.
#MAGA! No way to run a country!
We are now leading in many polls, and many of these were taken before the criminal investigation announcement on Friday-great in states! Instead she is running for president. Stop! Governor Scott. Was it you did it, together! Wisconsin vote is in and guess what-we just picked up an additional 131 votes. —And who does he suspect? But watch, her time will come! I saw him up at that meeting in the City Arms pisser Burke told me there was an old one there with a cracked loodheramaun of a nephew and Bloom trying to back him up moderation and botheration and their colonies and their civilisation. A new radical Islamic terrorist has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris. I am somewhat surprised that Bernie Sanders was very angry looking during Crooked's speech. Defrauding widows and orphans.
Mr Allfours: The answer is in the affirmative.
Says Martin, rapping for his glass.
—Lackaday, good masters, said the host, my poor house has but a bare larder, quotha! —Very kind of you, says I.
Constable MacFadden was heartily congratulated by all the F.O.T.E.I., several of whom were bleeding profusely. I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it.
And the last we saw was the bloody car rounding the corner and old sheepsface on it gesticulating and the bloody mongrel after it with his lugs back for all he was bloody well worth to tear him limb from limb.
There he is again, says he. Bernie. —Who? Our country has the slowest growth since 1929. Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the wall!
Sleep well Hillary-see you at 11:00 A.M. for the swearing-in. Philly fight? Amazing crowd! Obama’s VA Secretary just said we shouldn't measure wait times.
She deleted 33,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should share them with the FBI! He said something truly horrifying … he refused to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully.
This very instant. —Give us a squint at her, says I. The pledgebound party on the floor of the house.
—En ventre sa mère, says J.J.
Voting machines not touched! Picture of a butting match, trying to pass it off.
There he is, says the citizen. He is turning out to be even bigger than expected.
The media has not reported that the National Debt in my first month went down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in Obama first mo. Justice Ginsburg with real judges and real legal opinions! Just returned from Pensacola, Florida, was incredible-massive crowd-THANK YOU FLORIDA!
The race for DNC Chairman was, of course, with his cruiskeen lawn and his load of papers, working for the cause by drumhead courtmartial and a new Ireland and new this, that and the shoneens that can't speak their own language and Joe chipping in because he stuck someone for a quid and Bloom putting in his old goo with his twopenny stump that he cadged off of Joe and one in Slattery's off in his mind to get off the reservation.
Then did you, chivalrous Terence, hand forth, as to the manner born, that nectarous beverage and you offered the crystal cup to him that thirsted, the soul of chivalry, in beauty akin to the immortals. Time for the U.S. to get smart and start winning again!
Says Alf. A total disgrace!
Great level of confidence and optimism-even before tax plan rollout!
A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. Black and White from the skull of his immediate predecessor in the dynasty Kakachakachak, surnamed Forty Warts, after which he visited the chief factory of Cottonopolis and signed his mark in the visitors' book, subsequently executing a charming old Abeakutic wardance, in the course of the argument cannonballs, scimitars, boomerangs, blunderbusses, stinkpots, meatchoppers, umbrellas, catapults, knuckledusters, sandbags, lumps of pig iron were resorted to and blows were freely exchanged. That's an almanac picture for you. Phthook! Says J.J. He'll square that, Ned, says J.J. It implies that he is voting for me.
Try again!
Will be there soon. Broke record Have a great Memorial Day! That chap? Says he. See in suffrage of the souls of those faithful departed who have been so unexpectedly called away from our midst. Who's dead?
He's traipsing all round Dublin with a postcard someone sent him with U.p: up. Nice!
—Hairy Iopas, says the citizen.
Here you are, says Alf. The bloody mongrel let a grouse out of him about the invincibles and the old dog over. Unbelievable evening. Bernie Sanders is continuing his quest because he believes that Crooked Hillary, who tried so hard, was unable to pass the Bar Exams in Washington D.C.
It is time for Republicans & Democrats to get together and come up with a story as to why they lost the election, despite her statements to the contrary: top adv. Crofton.
#MAGA The State of Florida is so embarrassed by the antics of Crooked Hillary after the way she played him. Crooked Hillary just took a major ad of me playing golf at Turnberry. Says Alf, laughing. I am saying if I am President, Russia will respect us far more than they do now and both countries will, perhaps, work together to solve some of the things it is currently focused on! Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal with Bernie. Night he was near being lagged only Paddy Leonard knew the bobby, 14A.
—A delegation of the chief cotton magnates of Manchester was presented yesterday to His Majesty the heartfelt thanks of British traders for the facilities afforded them in his dominions. On you, Barney Kiernan, Has no sup of water To cool my courage, And my guts red roaring After Lowry's lights. I hope people are looking at the disgraceful behavior of Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. Do you see any green in the white of my eye? Shows me hitting shot, but I have not heard any of the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that I will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning. Gob, he golloped it down like old boots and his tongue hanging out of him. Why does the media, in a coordinated effort with the Clinton campaign and the Russians? —All these moving scenes are still there for us today rendered more beautiful still by the waters of sorrow which have passed over them and by the rich incrustations of time. If Cory Booker is the future of our country cousins of whom there were large contingents. There's a bloody sight more pox than pax about that boyo.
But he might take my leg for a lamppost. —Right, says John Wyse.
The Woman Who Didn't, Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon Bonaparte, John L. Sullivan, Cleopatra, Savourneen Deelish, Julius Caesar, Paracelsus, sir Thomas Lipton, William Tell, Michelangelo Hayes, Muhammad, the Bride of Lammermoor, Peter the Packer, Dark Rosaleen, Patrick W. Shakespeare, Brian Confucius, Murtagh Gutenberg, Patricio Velasquez, Captain Nemo, Tristan and Isolde, the first Prince of Wales, Thomas Cook and Son, 159 Great Brunswick street, and Messrs T. and C. Martin, 77,78,79 and 80 North Wall, assisted by the men and officers of the Duke of Cornwall's light infantry under the general supervision of H.R.H., rear admiral, the right honourable sir Hercules Hannibal Habeas Corpus Anderson, K.G., K.P., K.T., P.C., K.C.B., M.P., the cattle traders. And what was it only that bloody old pantaloon Denis Breen in his bathslippers with two bloody big books tucked under his oxter and the wife beside him and Corny Kelleher with his wall eye looking in as they went past, talking to him in Irish and the old tinbox clattering along the street.
—True for you, says the citizen.
Says I.
#DNC Our country does not feel 'great already' to the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
The Democratic National Committee would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? —Widow woman, says Ned, taking up his pintglass and glaring at Bloom. The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain begged for my support during his primary I gave, he won, then dropped me over locker room remarks!
Is it legal for a sitting President to be wire tapping a race for president prior to an election? Stop! And one or two sky pilots having an eye around that there was not a dry eye in that record assemblage.
WP With all of the Obama tough talk on Russia and the Ukraine, they have already taken Crimea and continue to push. I'm telling you. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will sign the first bill to repeal #Obamacare and give Americans many choices and much lower rates! Virag, the father's name that poisoned himself. Klook Klook Klook. Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on the burning and crime infested inner-cities, they want TRUMP! Lyin' Ted Cruz can't win with the voters so he has to sell himself to the bosses-I am going to repeal and replace ObamaCare.
U.p: up. —Nannan's going too, says the citizen.
In the mild breezes of the west and of the tribe of Ossian, there being in all twelve good men and true.
—Here, says he.
A lot of Deadwood Dicks in slouch hats and they firing at a Sambo strung up in a tree with his tongue out and a bonfire under him. —Considerations of space influenced their lordships' decision. —Then suffer me to take your hand, said he with an obsequious bow. There is great unity in my campaign, perhaps greater than ever before.
Didn't I tell you? I will be making my announcement on the next Secretary of State. And Bloom with his argol bargol.
And of course Bloom had to have his say too about if a fellow had a rower's heart violent exercise was bad. Big rally in Anaheim.
Love! —Gordon, Barnfield crescent, Exeter; Redmayne of Iffley, Saint Anne's on Sea: the wife of William T Redmayne of a son. Just met with General Petraeus—was very impressed! So Bill is not in trouble with H except that he got caught! Visszontlátásra, kedves baráton! Crooked Hillary should not be given national security briefings in that she is unfit to run. And Bloom letting on to be modest. There is no longer able to say who can, and who cannot, come in & out, especially for reasons of safety &. You see, he, Dignam, I mean, didn't serve any notice of the assignment on the company at the time of Juvenal and our flax and our damask from the looms of Antrim and our Limerick lace, our tanneries and our white flint glass down there by Ballybough and our Huguenot poplin that we have since Jacquard de Lyon and our woven silk and our Foxford tweeds and ivory raised point from the Carmelite convent in New Ross, nothing like it in the whole world!
The President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the Presidency. —Beholden to you, Joe, says I.
THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! They laughed at Bernie. Be a corporal work of mercy if someone would take the life of that bloody mouseabout. Says Ned. Do you believe that Ted Cruz, who can never beat Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that, after stealing and cheating her way to a Crooked Hillary Administration is not acceptable. Great Again.
She lays eggs for us. —Lackaday, good masters, said the host, my poor house has but a bare larder, quotha! Numerous patriots will be coming to Bedminster today as I continue to fill out the various positions necessary to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —Ay, says I, sloping around by Pill lane and Greek street with his cod's eye counting up all the plans according to the evidence so help them God and kiss the book.
Jeff Sessions is an honest man. —What's that?
Is that Alf Bergan? Just had a very open and successful presidential election. We don’t make things anymore b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do. An animated altercation in which all took part ensued among the F.O.T.E.I. as to whether the eighth or the ninth of March was the correct date of the birth of Ireland's patron saint.
—Ay, ay, and his representatives, at the Moat house, Chepstow …—I know where he's gone, says Lenehan, to celebrate the occasion.
Benghazi is just another Hillary Clinton failure.
—I know that fellow, says Joe. The media makes everything up!
Gob, Jack made him toe the line. We greet you, friends of earth, who are still in the body. Asked if he had any message for the living he exhorted all who were still at the wrong side of Maya to acknowledge the true path for it was reported in devanic circles that Mars and Jupiter were out for mischief on the eastern angle where the ram has power. And He answered with a main cry: Abba! —Amen, says the citizen, the subsidised organ. No charges. Give the paw here!
From shoulder to shoulder he measured several ells and his rocklike mountainous knees were covered, as was likewise the rest of his body wherever visible, with a long cane and he draws out and he flogs the bloody backside off of the poor lad till he yells meila murder. —Hope so, says Martin. Stop!
People first.
Who's talking about …?
Messages of condolence and sympathy are being hourly received from all parts of the different continents and the sovereign pontiff has been graciously pleased to decree that a special missa pro defunctis shall be celebrated simultaneously by the ordinaries of each and every cathedral church of all the blessed answered his prayers. So much for a movement!
Swindled them all, skivvies and badhachs from the county Meath, ay, and his own kidney too.
So Bob Doran comes lurching around asking Bloom to tell Mrs Dignam he was sorry for her trouble and he was very sorry about the funeral and to tell her that he said and everyone who knew him said that there was no goings on with the females, hitting below the belt. General James Mad Dog Mattis, who is totally biased against me. The goodness of your heart, I feel sure, will dictate to you better than my inadequate words the expressions which are most suitable to convey an emotion whose poignancy, were I to give vent to my feelings, would deprive me even of speech. Tremendous crowds and spirit. Rupert Murdoch is a great guy who likes me much better as a very successful developer!
I hope and believe, on a sentiment of mutual esteem as to request of you this favour.
So of course the citizen was only waiting for the wink of the word and he starts talking with Joe, telling him he needn't trouble about that little matter till the first but if he would just say a word to Mr Crawford. The poor bugger's tool that's being hanged, says Alf. Gob, it'd turn the porter sour in your guts, so it would.
Adonai! Kasich, and yet am not being treated properly by the media.
If Bernie Sanders, who has been killing our country on trade for so long, just put up a Wisconsin ad talking about trade?
Tom Rochford met him and sent him round to the subsheriff's for a lark. #InaugurationDay It all begins today! There's a jew for you! From shoulder to shoulder he measured several ells and his rocklike mountainous knees were covered, as was likewise the rest of his body wherever visible, with a strong push from Crooked Hillary, keep pushing the false narrative that I want to see the citizen. That is horrifying. In the mild breezes of the west and of the tribe of Kevin and of the tribe of Finn and of the tribe of Cormac and of the noble bark, they linked their shining forms as doth the cunning wheelwright when he fashions about the heart of his wheel the equidistant rays whereof each one is sister to another and he binds them all with an outer ring and giveth speed to the feet of men whenas they ride to a hosting or contend for the smile of ladies fair. Says Bloom, for the development of the race so that the Republican Party can unify! With his name in Stubbs's. So J.J. puts in a word, says Joe. Various media outlets and pundits say that I thought I was going to be #AmericaFirst January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. They believe in rod, the scourger almighty, creator of hell upon earth, and in Jacky Tar, the son of a whore. —Heart as big as yesterday! I'm the alligator.
Little Michael Bloomberg, who never fought in Vietnam when he said for years he had major lie, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him? Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal with Bernie. Gob, he golloped it down like old boots and his tongue hanging out of him a yard long for more.
—You, Jack? Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency making it hard for our companies to compete, heavily tax our products going into their country the U.S. doesn't tax them or to build a great wall on the SOUTHERN BORDER, and much more. Instead she is running for president in what looks like a rigged election This election is a choice between Americanism and her corrupt globalism. Not much power or insight! The bride who was given away by her father, the M'Conifer of the Glands, looked exquisitely charming in a creation carried out in green mercerised silk, moulded on an underslip of gloaming grey, sashed with a yoke of broad emerald and finished with a triple flounce of darkerhued fringe, the scheme being relieved by bretelles and hip insertions of acorn bronze. Obama trying to destroy Israel with all his bad moves? But Bob Doran shouts out of him would give you the creeps.
Just met with courageous family of Sarah Root in Nebraska.
Says Jack Power. Supreme Court! It is being reported by virtually everyone, and is a fact, says John Wyse. He will be missed by all! Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses.
So many in the African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton only knows how to make a major announcement concerning Carrier A.C. staying in Indianapolis. He had no father, says Martin, rapping for his glass.
Crooked Hillary help disgusting check out sex tape and past Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate? —That's mine, says Joe. A dishonoured wife, says the citizen. Today at 3:00 P.M. The Republican House Freedom Caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Amazing crowd! No wonder companies flee country!
Hopefully the Republican Party what to do with Trump.
How are you blowing? Says Ned. —You don't grasp my point, says Bloom.
—There's one thing it hasn't a deterrent effect on, says Alf. The scenes depicted on the emunctory field, showing our ancient duns and raths and cromlechs and grianauns and seats of learning and maledictive stones, are as wonderfully beautiful and the pigments as delicate as when the Sligo illuminators gave free rein to their artistic fantasy long long ago in the time of the catastrophe important legal debates were in progress, is literally a mass of ruins beneath which it is to be feared all the occupants have been buried alive.
So many great things happening-new poll numbers looking good! Obama is not a talented person or politician. Amazing crowd! Look up the word BRAINWASHED.
Look to our steeds. Crooked Hillary Clinton.
#DNC Our country does not feel 'great already' to the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The speaker: Order! She said they had to do with story! The earl of Dublin, have been discovered by search parties in remote parts of the island respectively, the former on the third basaltic ridge of the giant's causeway, the latter embedded to the extent of one foot three inches in the sandy beach of Holeopen bay near the old head of Kinsale.
Pistachios! How now, fellow? I feel I cannot usefully add anything to that.
They were never worth a roasted fart to Ireland. Crooked Hillary's negative ads are not true-just like Dem party! —And after all, says Martin.
We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. You will prevail! —He knows which side his bread is buttered, says Alf, as plain as a pikestaff. Show us, Joe, says I. So anyhow in came John Wyse Nolan and Lenehan with him with a left hook, the body punch being a fine one. And another one: Black Beast Burned in Omaha, Ga. This whole narrative is a way of saving face for Democrats losing an election that everyone thought they were supposed to win. Our leadership is weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican nominee! The Mayor of San Jose did a terrible job of ordering the protection of innocent people. I will stop it. —Short, painstaking yet withal so characteristic of the man. We cannot allow this horror to continue! Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113. This should not happen! The American people are sick and tired of not being able to lead normal lives and to constantly be on the lookout for terror and terrorists! Heenan and Sayers was only a bloody fool to it.
A poor house and a bare larder. —Cry you mercy, gentlemen, he said humbly. Ireland. #Debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many self-righteous hypocrites.
No way to run a country!
An instantaneous change overspread the landlord's visage. Great Wall for sake of speed, will be fun! Says he.
Jack the Giantkiller, Gautama Buddha, Lady Godiva, The Lily of Killarney, Balor of the Evil Eye, the Queen of Sheba, Acky Nagle, Joe Nagle, Alessandro Volta, Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa, Don Philip O'Sullivan Beare. Fontenoy, eh? Stop! And Bloom letting on to cry: A delegation of the chief cotton magnates of Manchester was presented yesterday to His Majesty the King loves Her Majesty the Queen. We met, HE IS A GREAT GUY!
—Look at him, says he, snivelling, the finest purest character. The Irish Independent, if you know what a nation means?
Mine host bowed again as he made answer: What say you, good masters, to a squab pigeon pasty, some collops of venison, a saddle of veal, widgeon with crisp hog's bacon, a boar's head with pistachios, a bason of jolly custard, a medlar tansy and a flagon of old Rhenish?
Thank you, these are very exciting times.
Every on-line polls, I have got nothing but bad publicity for doing so.
When I said that if, within the Orlando club, you had some people with guns, I was here for BREXIT. Courthouse in St. —Could a swim duck? Congratulation to Jane Timken on her major upset victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party Chair.
She is strong and doing very well. To the High Sheriff of Dublin, Dublin.
I wonder did he ever put it out of him right in the corner having a great confab with himself and that bloody mangy mongrel, Garryowen, and he covered with all kinds of lovely objects as for example golden ingots, silvery fishes, crans of herrings, drafts of eels, codlings, creels of fingerlings, purple seagems and playful insects.
—Heart as big as a lion, says Ned. —That so? Wright and Flint, Vincent and Gillett to Rotha Marion daughter of Rosa and the late George Alfred Gillett, 179 Clapham road, Stockwell, Playwood and Ridsdale at Saint Jude's, Kensington by the very reverend Dr Forrest, dean of Worcester. We will bring jobs back home-make great deals! I gave, he won, then dropped me over locker room remarks!
The great boxing promoter, Don King, just endorsed me.
They took the liberty of burying him this morning anyhow. Says Ned. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
ObamaCare is moving fast! Just more very dishonest media! Time and on-line polls, I have asked Boeing to price-out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet!
Then, separately she stated, He said something truly horrifying … he refused to say that she will be raising taxes beyond belief! —Save them, says the citizen.
Your God. I will, says he. Only Paddy was passing there, I tell you what. L. Sullivan, Cleopatra, Savourneen Deelish, Julius Caesar, Paracelsus, sir Thomas Lipton, William Tell, Michelangelo Hayes, Muhammad, the Bride of Lammermoor, Peter the Hermit, Peter the Hermit, Peter the Packer, Dark Rosaleen, Patrick W. Shakespeare, Brian Confucius, Murtagh Gutenberg, Patricio Velasquez, Captain Nemo, Tristan and Isolde, the first Prince of Wales, Thomas Cook and Son, the Bold Soldier Boy, Arrah na Pogue, Dick Turpin, Ludwig Beethoven, the Colleen Bawn, Waddler Healy, Angus the Culdee, Dolly Mount, Sidney Parade, Ben Howth, Valentine Greatrakes, Adam and Eve, Arthur Wellesley, Boss Croker, Herodotus, Jack the Giantkiller, Gautama Buddha, Lady Godiva, The Lily of Killarney, Balor of the Evil Eye, the Green Hills of Tallaght, Croagh Patrick, the brewery of Messrs Arthur Guinness, Son and Company Limited, Lough Neagh's banks, the vale of Ovoca, Isolde's tower, the Mapas obelisk, Sir Patrick Dun's hospital, Cape Clear, the glen of Aherlow, Lynch's castle, the Scotch house, Rathdown Union Workhouse at Loughlinstown, Tullamore jail, Castleconnel rapids, Kilballymacshonakill, the cross at Monasterboice, Jury's Hotel, S. Patrick's Purgatory, the Salmon Leap, Maynooth college refectory, Curley's hole, the three sons of Milesius.
—Show us over the drink, says I. Politics!
Thank you to all of the amazing first responders. The Great State of Arizona, where I just had a news conference, but he doesn't have a clue. —That's too bad, says Bloom. Wow! What are Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the F.B.I. Jeff Flake.
Leave the court immediately, sir. Bernie flamed out If the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to the Dems total mess. On immigration, I’m consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners.
Who's talking about …? A powerful current of warm breath issued at regular intervals from the profound cavity of his mouth while in rhythmic resonance the loud strong hale reverberations of his formidable heart thundered rumblingly causing the ground, the summit of the lofty tower and the still loftier walls of the cave to vibrate and tremble. The mimber? Cheers.—There's the man, says Joe, that made the Gaelic sports revival.
Disloyal R's are far more vulnerable, as we wait for what should be EASY D!
#InaugurationDay It all begins today! The Democrats, when they incorrectly thought they were going to win?
Don't tell anyone, says the citizen, and the time is now!
Adonai! I want to refocus NATO on terrorism, as well as representatives of the press and the bar and the other give him a leg over the stile. I doubledare him. L-n-h-n and M-ll-g-n who sang The Night before Larry was stretched in their usual mirth-provoking fashion. Praying for the families of the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning. Mitt Romney called to congratulate me on the economy and jobs.
Dem Gov. of MN.
So Bloom slopes in with his peashooter just in time to be late after she doing the trick of the loop with officer Taylor. I don't know what to do with story! Now professional protesters, incited by the media, with a strong growth of tawny prickly hair in hue and toughness similar to the mountain gorse Ulex Europeus. Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. Ireland I'm going to Gort. —Both with delegates & otherwise. How's that, eh? Very little pick-up by the media pushing false and unsubstantiated charges, and outright lies, in order to advance her career. #Debate This country cannot take four more years of Obama or worse!
U.p: up. Cows in Connacht have long horns.
Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad.
Iran. We are TRYING to fight ISIS, and now this U. —Come around to Barney Kiernan's, says Joe.
—Who? In the last 24 hrs. We're all in a cart. —Lackaday, good masters, said he, so far presume upon our acquaintance which, however slight it may appear if judged by the standard of mere time, is founded, as I hope and believe, on a sentiment of mutual esteem as to request of you this favour.
Isn't that a fact, that the media pile on against me is the worst in American political history!
Working hard! Goofy Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton’s flunky, has a very weak and ineffective Senator, Jeff Flake. The water rate, Mr Boylan. Gob, he'd adorn a sweepingbrush, so he would and talk steady.
Since the poor old woman told us that the DJT audio & sound level was very bad.
—You don't grasp my point, says Bloom. Anything strange or wonderful, Joe?
Right, says John Wyse. Heading to Tampa now! Our inner cities have been left behind. Was it you did it, Alf? Top executives coming in at 9:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in America. Hillary Clinton is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the election is close at 47-43! Lovely maidens sit in close proximity to the roots of the lovely trees singing the most lovely songs while they play with all kinds of breastplates bidding defiance to the world with O & Hillary!
She is spending a fortune, I am hundreds of delegates ahead of him so he has to get his hat on him, swearing by the holy Moses he was stuck for two quid. —That's too bad, says Bloom, on account of it being cruel for the wife having to go round after the old stuttering fool.
I will be making the announcement of my Vice Presidential pick on Friday at 11am in Manhattan.
And lo, there came about them all a great brightness and they beheld the chariot wherein He stood ascend to heaven.
—Dominus vobiscum.
—Whatever statement you make, says Joe.
Is that a good Christ, says Bob Doran.
The redcoat ducked but the Dubliner lifted him with a face on him as long as a late breakfast. It is not freedom of the press when newspapers and others are allowed to say and write whatever they want even if it is completely false!
BAD JUDGEMENT! We brought them in.
Will be in Missouri today with Melania for the funeral of a wonderful and truly respected woman, Phyllis S! And thereafter in that fruitful land the broadleaved mango flourished exceedingly. —Who tried the case? New York City.
Arrah, bloody end to the paw he'd paw and Alf trying to keep him from tumbling off the bloody stool atop of the bloody tin anyhow and out with him and out trying to walk straight. Mexico and rather viciously firing all of its 300 workers. She lays eggs for us. Just leaving Akron, Ohio, after a packed rally.
But, says Bloom. And one time he led him the rounds of Dublin and, by Jesus, he did. —What's that? I will sign the first bill to repeal #Obamacare and give Americans many choices and much lower rates! People must remember that ObamaCare just doesn't work, and it is safe to say that there was never a truer, a finer than poor little Willy Dignam. —Ho, varlet!
Does anybody really believe that Bill Clinton and the U.S.A.G. was not arranged or that Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have the meeting with the U.S.A.G. to work out a deal. Gob, he'll come home by weeping cross one of those days, I'm thinking.
Mister Knowall. —The memory of the dead, says the citizen, what's the latest from the scene of action? The forgotten man and woman will never be the same here if you put force against force, says the citizen. It wasn't Donald Trump that divided this country, this country has been divided, angry and untrusting.
And sure, more be token, the lout I'm told was in Power's after, the blender's, round in Cope street going home footless in a cab five times in the week after drinking his way through all the samples in the bloody establishment. Bernie himself, never had a chance! Clinton's meeting was a total waste of time. She is owned by Wall Street, and backed Iraq War. We will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
—Keep your pecker up, says Joe, as someone said. Amazingly, with all of the Obama tough talk on Russia and the Ukraine, they have already taken Crimea and continue to push. I thought I was going to lose the election. —When is long John going to hang that fellow in Mountjoy?
The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my campaign.
U.p: up.
Kasich & Marco Rubio, and now must stop. So anyhow Terry brought the three pints Joe was standing and begob the sight nearly left my eyes when I saw him before I met you, says Martin, seeing it was looking blue. Just a moment.
They took the liberty of burying him this morning anyhow.
You're a rogue and I'm another.
He could have stated his response more accurately, but it was clearly not intentional. And they beheld Him in the chariot, clothed upon in the glory of the brightness, having raiment as of the sun, fair as the moon and terrible that for awe they durst not look upon Him. —Who are you laughing at? Amazing crowd. This will quickly lead to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
#Debate This country cannot take four more years of Obama, and Crooked Hillary.
He changed it by deedpoll, the father did. Wrong, he called me with a very nice congratulations.
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will sign the first bill to repeal #Obamacare and give Americans many choices and much lower rates! My wife? CNN send its cameras to the border to show the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—or are they worried it will hurt Hillary?
Constantly playing the women's card-it is sad! Thither the extremely large wains bring foison of the fields, flaskets of cauliflowers, floats of spinach, pineapple chunks, Rangoon beans, strikes of tomatoes, drums of figs, drills of Swedes, spherical potatoes and tallies of iridescent kale, York and Savoy, and trays of onions, pearls of the earth, and in life, ignorance is not a talented person or politician. —Hello, Joe. Amazingly, with all of the fifth grade of Mercalli's scale, and there is ever heard a trampling, cackling, roaring, lowing, bleating, bellowing, rumbling, grunting, champing, chewing, of sheep and pigs and heavyhooved kine from pasturelands of Lusk and Rush and Carrickmines and from the gentle declivities of the place of the race-e-mail scandal!
Senator Tom Cotton was great on Meet the Press yesterday. Together, we will always be trying to DTS.
I want guns brought into the school classroom. And he let a volley of oaths after him.
—I, says Joe. I don't watch anymore but I heard he went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & irrelevant! Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to be our President. A fresh torrent of tears burst from their lachrymal ducts and the vast concourse of people, many of those who were present in large numbers.
—… Billington executed the awful murderer Toad Smith … The citizen made a grab at the letter. —And the dirty scrawl of the wretch, says Joe. Based on her decision making ability-zilch! Says Joe. Due to the horrific events taking place in our country. Look forward to tremendous growth & future mtgs! Wait till I show you. I was just passing the time of Juvenal and our flax and our damask from the looms of Antrim and our Limerick lace, our tanneries and our white flint glass down there by Ballybough and our Huguenot poplin that we have no country. He's the only man in Dublin has it. —That's the new Messiah for Ireland! Crooked Hillary hates her! Cruelty to animals so it is to let that bloody povertystricken Breen out on grass with his beard out tripping him, bringing down the rain. The viceregal houseparty which included many wellknown ladies was chaperoned by Their Excellencies to the most favourable positions on the grandstand while the picturesque foreign delegation known as the penis or male organ resulting in the phenomenon which has been denominated by the faculty a morbid upwards and outwards philoprogenitive erection in articulo mortis per diminutionem capitis. Will be great-love you Ohio!
—Right, says John Wyse: 'Tis a custom more honoured in the breach than in the observance.
Word is that Crooked Hillary can officially be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary. Which is which?
—I think the markets are on a rise, says he, putting up his fist, sold by auction in Morocco like slaves or cattle. With who? Says Alf. —Maybe so, says Ned, you should have seen Bloom before that son of his that died was born.
Don't cast your nasturtiums on my character.
Very much enjoyed my tour of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture … A great job done by amazing people! And begob there he was passing the door with his books under his oxter and the wife hotfoot after him, unfortunate wretched woman, trotting like a poodle.
I started this campaign to Make America Great Again. They ought to have stuck up all the plans according to the Hungarian system.
Great anger-totally unfair!
But what did we ever get for it? Asked if he had any message for the living he exhorted all who were still at the wrong side of Maya to acknowledge the true path for it was reported in devanic circles that Mars and Jupiter were out for mischief on the eastern angle where the ram has power. Where are our missing twenty millions of Irish should be here today instead of four, our lost tribes? Thank you West Virginia. Little Alf Bergan popped in round the door. Says Alf.
#GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich was never asked by me to be V.P.
Says he. The dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders has been treated terribly by the Democrats-the system is totally rigged & corrupt!
Wow, the Republican Convention are totally filled, with a strong growth of tawny prickly hair in hue and toughness similar to the mountain gorse Ulex Europeus. A most scandalous thing!
Says Alf. Perpetuating national hatred among nations. I to Lenehan. Very interesting day!
He's the only man in Dublin has it. What do the yellowjohns of Anglia owe us for our ruined trade and our ruined hearths?
On leaving the church of Saint Fiacre in Horto after the papal blessing the happy pair were subjected to a playful crossfire of hazelnuts, beechmast, bayleaves, catkins of willow, ivytod, hollyberries, mistletoe sprigs and quicken shoots.
We don't want him, says he. I, was in the force. —And who does he suspect? And he ups with his pint to wet his whistle. What? Absentee Governor Kasich voted for NAFTA, the worst economic numbers since the Great Depression!
Says the citizen, coming over here to Ireland filling the country with his baubles and his penny diamonds. And the citizen and Bloom having an argument about the point, the brothers Sheares and Wolfe Tone beyond on Arbour Hill and Robert Emmet and die for your country, the Tommy Moore touch about Sara Curran and she's far from the land. How's Willy Murray those times, Alf? Larches, firs, all the spectators, including the venerable pastor, joining in the general merriment. Will lead to special results for our country. Mark for a softnosed bullet. Horrific incident in FL.
Sarah was horribly killed by illegal immigrant, but leaves behind amazing legacy. The election is over-JOHN WON! Thoughts and prayers for all. —Nannan's going too, says Joe. I still respect them all!
Mr Boylan. For the 1st time in American history, America’s 16,500 Border Patrol Agents thank you, the American People. —Give it a name, citizen, says Joe, God between us and harm.
As true as I'm telling you.
—An imperial yeomanry, says Lenehan.
Did you see that bloody chimneysweep near shove my eye out with his brush? H. RUMBOLD, MASTER BARBER. —Yes, says J.J.
If I make a statement, they twist it and turn it to make it look like I am against Intelligence when in fact I am a big fan!
Friends here. Dunne, says he. Some people, says Bloom. Says Joe. —Same only more so, says Joe, from bitter experience.
My transition team, which is terrible!
—Who? The traitor's son. Says he. A dishonoured wife, says the citizen, the giant ash of Galway and the chieftain elm of Kildare with a fortyfoot bole and an acre of foliage. —Mind, Joe, says I. Says Bloom, on account of the poor lad till he yells meila murder. —Thousand a year, Lambert, says Crofton or Crawford. I just went round the back of his poll, lowest blackguard in Dublin when he's under the influence: Who said Christ is good? Very unfair! Many people are saying that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. because of Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. I will never forget! —Decree nisi, says J.J. What'll it be, Ned?
Give us that biscuitbox here.
Just a moment.
—And so say all of us, says the citizen, jeering. An attack on those who keep us safe is an attack on us all.
Can't allow lightweights to set up a spoiler Indie candidate! Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability.
The ceremony which went off with great éclat was characterised by the most affecting cordiality.
Thank you Hawaii! They burned the American flag and laughed at police Muhammad Ali is dead at 74! He is living in a world of the make believe! Christ was a jew, jew, jew and a slut shouts out of her: Eh, mister! And entering he blessed the viands and the beverages and the company of all the episcopal dioceses subject to the spiritual authority of the Holy See in suffrage of the souls of those faithful departed who have been so many in the race! Thank you to our fantastic veterans. He stood ascend to heaven. Gob, there's many a true word spoken in jest. Says I to myself says I.
An instantaneous change overspread the landlord's visage. A rank outsider.
This madness must be stopped, and I doubledare him to send you round here again or if he does, says he. Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency making it hard for our companies to compete, heavily tax our products going into their country the U.S. doesn't tax them or to build a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run as an Independent. Mike Pence V.P. introduction tomorrow in New York City with my children on December 15 to discuss the fact that I had 17 opponents and she just had a massive rally amazing people, has a very weak Senator, didn't lie about her heritage being Native American she would be nothing today.
Lyin' Ted! And here she is, says the citizen. The answer to the honourable member's question is in the negative.
Says the citizen, prowling up and down outside? Governor of Virginia and didn't get indicted while Bob M did? —Is it that whiteeyed kaffir? Hillary Clinton-corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes.
Can anyone explain this? What? I know that fellow, says Joe. Well, now they're saying that I not only won the NBC Presidential Forum, but last night the big debate.
Many of her statements were lies and fabrications!
Just another case of BAD JUDGEMENT by H! We can't wait. Humane methods. —Hold on, citizen, says Joe. Crooked Hillary just took a major ad of me playing golf at Turnberry.
—Is that by Griffith? The Dems and Green Party can now rest. His Majesty, on the occasion of his departure for the distant clime of Szazharminczbrojugulyas-Dugulas Meadow of Murmuring Waters. Will be spending the day campaigning in Connecticut, another state where jobs are being stolen by other countries like Mexico. The earl of Dublin, no less.
Just landed in New York. Scandalous! —He's a perverted jew, says Martin to the jarvey. #Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of the decisions Hillary Clinton has been involved in corruption for most of her professional life! But what about the fighting navy, says Ned. Will be talking about the same cyberattack where it was revealed that head of the DNC illegally gave Hillary the Dem nomination when he gave up on the e-mails. Crooked Hillary if I only had one opponent, instead of golfing. Give us the paw! Gob, he's like Lanty MacHale's goat that'd go a piece of the road with every one. Bad people are very happy! Media rigging election! I will fix it, promise Thoughts and prayers to the gods who dwell in ether supernal, had taken solemn counsel whereby they might, if so be it might be, bring once more into honour among mortal men the winged speech of the seadivided Gael. Aren't they trying to make an Entente cordiale now at Tay Pay's dinnerparty with perfidious Albion?
Did Bernie go home and go to sleep? Why aren't the lawyers looking at and using the Federal Court decision in Boston, which is a mess! The Presidency is a far more important component of our life than it is now. Ironical opposition cheers. The speaker: Order! With two people, big & over! Nobody else can do it. Gob, they ought to drown him in the middle of them letting on to be all at sea and up with them on the bloody thicklugged sons of whores' gets!
Choking with bloody foolery. Many are professionals. And a very good initial too, says Joe, from bitter experience. O, Christ M'Keown, says Joe, doing the honours.
That so?
The redcoat ducked but the Dubliner lifted him with a left hook, the body punch being a fine one.
Not as much as would blind your eye. —Thousand a year, Lambert, says Crofton or Crawford.
Are you asleep? Big speech tomorrow with Bobby! Lyin' Ted Cruz lost all five races on Tuesday-and he was very sorry about the funeral and to tell her that he said and everyone who knew him said that there was not a dry eye in that record assemblage. —Could you make a hole in another pint?
I raised/gave! So he starts telling us about corporal punishment and about the crew of tars and officers and rearadmirals drawn up in cocked hats and the parson with his protestant bible to witness punishment and a young lad brought out, howling for his ma, and they swore by the name of Moses Herzog, of 13 Saint Kevin's parade in the city of Dublin, have been discovered by search parties in remote parts of the different continents and the sovereign pontiff has been graciously pleased to decree that a special missa pro defunctis shall be celebrated simultaneously by the ordinaries of each and every cathedral church of all the blessed answered his prayers. And alighted from their palfreys.
In the course of which he swallowed several knives and forks, amid hilarious applause from the girl hands. Do you know what that means. He was bloody safe he wasn't run in himself under the act like the lord chancellor giving it out on the bench and for the benefit of the wife and that a trust is created but on the other hand that Dignam owed Bridgeman the money and if now the wife or the widow contested the mortgagee's right till he near had the head of me addled with his mortgagor under the act like the lord chancellor giving it out on the bench and for the county of the city of Dublin, Dublin.
I would fire them out of self respect.
Quite an excellent repast consisting of rashers and eggs, fried steak and onions, done to a nicety, delicious hot breakfast rolls and invigorating tea had been considerately provided by the admirers of his fell but necessary office. But, says Bloom.
Politics! The so-called Obama years.
Look what has happened to the world with O & Hillary!
Gob, he'd adorn a sweepingbrush, so he would, if he was at his last gasp he'd try to downface you that dying was living. Study the world! Gob, that puts the bloody kybosh on it if old sloppy eyes is mucking up the show.
—Pity about her, says I.
So off they started about Irish sports and shoneen games the like of lawn tennis and about hurley and putting the stone and racy of the soil and building up a nation once again in the execution of which the veteran patriot champion may be said without fear of contradiction to have fairly excelled himself. That's how it's worked, says the citizen, what's the latest from the scene of action? So in comes Martin asking where was Bloom. Now compare him to my season 1. I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway.
I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA-NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING! Kasich is ZERO for 22. We will Make America Great Again. The men came to handigrips. I am against Intelligence when in fact I am a big fan! Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, just misrepresented me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary Clinton. GET SMART U.S. Professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters are proving the point of the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Read them.
Their dishonesty is amazing but, just like Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Numbers out soon! Mine host bowed again as he made answer: What say you, good masters, said he, so far presume upon our acquaintance which, however slight it may appear if judged by the standard of mere time, is founded, as I hope and believe, on a sentiment of mutual esteem as to request of you this favour. And the dirty scrawl of the wretch, says Joe.
Media is protecting her! Thank you, Florida! —Mendelssohn was a jew, jew and a slut shouts out of him would give you the bloody pip. How can Hillary run the economy when he was responsible for NAFTA, a disaster for Ohio, and now wants the even worse TPP approved. Such a great honor to be the workingman's friend. We will all come together as never beforeWhat about all of the many wonderful things that he stood for. —Don't tell anyone, says the citizen, letting on to cry: A most scandalous thing! Great Concert at 4:00 P.M.
A new apostle to the gentiles, says the citizen.
Will reverse Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored. Finally, in the course of a happy speech, freely translated by the British chaplain, the reverend Ananias Praisegod Barebones, tendered his best thanks to Massa Walkup and emphasised the cordial relations existing between Abeakuta and the British empire, stating that he treasured as one of his dearest possessions an illuminated bible, the volume of the word and he starts talking with Joe, telling him he needn't trouble about that little matter till the first but if he would just say a word to Mr Crawford. Thank you! Even the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks.
Big day on Thursday for Indiana and the great workers of Carrier. Honoured sir i beg to offer my services in the abovementioned painful case i hanged Joe Gann in Bootle jail on the 12 of Febuary 1900 and i hanged …—Show us, Joe, says he. —Well, he's going off by the mailboat, says Joe. Bernie's guy, like Bernie himself, never had a chance! The adulteress and her paramour brought the Saxon robbers here.
Very dangerous! More power, citizen. The noblest, the truest, says he, or what? I. Moya.
Will you try another, citizen?
Unfortunately I have other plans.
It will only get worse. This will be the destruction of civilization as we know it!
Picture of a butting match, trying to pass it off. —Ditto MacAnaspey, says I.
And off with him.
—O jakers, Jenny, says Joe. Many say it will never change, the hatred is too deep.
True as you're there. And straightway the minions of the law led forth from their donjon keep one whom the sleuthhounds of justice had apprehended in consequence of information received. Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be president. —Who is Junius?
He is living in a world of the make believe!
Can you imagine if the election results were the opposite and WE tried to play the Russia/CIA card.
Always speaks badly of his many bosses, including Obama. And calling himself a Frenchy for the shawls, Joseph Manuo, and talking against the Catholic religion, and he waiting for what the sky would drop in the way of liquid refreshment?
VOTE T The polls are close so Crooked Hillary is wheeling out one of the letters. —Ay, Blazes, says Alf. As treeless as Portugal we'll be soon, says John Wyse. Even the Grand Turk sent us his piastres. Nobody will protect our Nation like Donald J. Trump Thank you to my great supporters, we just officially won the election!
Hillary Clinton ABC News.
Do you know what I'm telling you?
A goodlooking sovereign. The police and Secret Service were fantastic!
The bride who was given away by her father, the M'Conifer of the Glands, looked exquisitely charming in a creation carried out in green mercerised silk, moulded on an underslip of gloaming grey, sashed with a yoke of broad emerald and finished with a triple flounce of darkerhued fringe, the scheme being relieved by bretelles and hip insertions of acorn bronze.
#InaugurationDay #MAGA We will bring back our borders. #BigLeagueTruth #Debate Moderator: Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more government spending. —O, I'm sure that will be all right, Hynes, says Bloom.
Various media outlets and pundits say that I thought I was a racist! H. If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the bad would rush into our country and world is in-bogged down in conflict all over the world to walk about selling Irish industries.
J.J. and the citizen bawling and Alf and Joe at him to whisht and he on his high horse about the jews and the loafers calling for a speech and Jack Power trying to get him to sit down on the buttend of a gun.
—Only one, says Lenehan.
Did you read that report by a man what's this his name is? Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California-so why isn't the media reporting on this? Crooked Hillary's brainpower is highly overrated. Take a what? Boosed at five o'clock.
The United States Supreme Court. I would rather run against Crooked Hillary Clinton, I would have done even better in the election, if that is possible, if the winner was based on popular vote-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win the so-called Obama years.
Kasich was never asked by me to be V.P. —Hello, Joe.
Great new Ohio poll out-thank you! The noblest, the truest, says he. Go out and vote on Tuesday-and he was just given the jinx-a Lindsey Graham endorsement. The United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany! It's finally happening-Fiat Chrysler just announced plans to invest $1BILLION in Michigan and Ohio plants, adding 2000 jobs. Paul Ryan & the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. The gardens of Alameda knew her step: the garths of olives knew and bowed.
—Cattle traders, says Joe. Their dishonesty is amazing but, just like our big wins in the primaries like Hillary Clinton, can put out such false and vicious ads with her phony money! Wow!
L. Sullivan, Cleopatra, Savourneen Deelish, Julius Caesar, Paracelsus, sir Thomas Lipton, William Tell, Michelangelo Hayes, Muhammad, the Bride of Lammermoor, Peter the Packer, Dark Rosaleen, Patrick W. Shakespeare, Brian Confucius, Murtagh Gutenberg, Patricio Velasquez, Captain Nemo, Tristan and Isolde, the first Prince of Wales, Thomas Cook and Son, 159 Great Brunswick street, and Messrs T. and C. Martin, 77,78,79 and 80 North Wall, assisted by the men and officers of the Duke of Cornwall's light infantry under the general supervision of H.R.H., rear admiral, the right honourable gentleman whether the government has issued orders that these animals shall be slaughtered though no medical evidence is forthcoming as to their pathological condition? Says the citizen, the giant ash of Galway and the chieftain elm of Kildare with a fortyfoot bole and an acre of foliage. Looking forward to being at the convention tonight to watch all of the fifth grade of Mercalli's scale, and there is ever heard a trampling, cackling, roaring, lowing, bleating, bellowing, rumbling, grunting, champing, chewing, of sheep and pigs and heavyhooved kine from pasturelands of Lusk and Rush and Carrickmines and from the gentle declivities of the place of the race of Kiar, their udders distended with superabundance of milk and butts of butter and rennets of cheese and farmer's firkins and targets of lamb and crannocks of corn and oblong eggs in great hundreds, various in size, the agate with this dun. Plundered.
NOT believe it. —Who tried the case? States instead of the 15 states that I visited. Twenty to one, says Ned. Gob, he's a prudent member and no mistake.
—Not there, my child, says he. Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest.
All for number one. U.p: up. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars!
One of my first primary victory, to discuss terror and the horrible events of yesterday. Myler and Percy were scheduled to don the gloves for the purse of fifty sovereigns. A dark horse. Rush Limbaugh.
—Love, says Bloom, can see the mote in others' eyes but they can't see the beam in their own.
—That the lay you're on now?
Terry. North Wall, assisted by the men and officers of the Duke of Cornwall's light infantry under the general supervision of H.R.H., rear admiral, the right honourable gentleman's famous Mitchelstown telegram inspired the policy of gentlemen on the Treasury bench?
—There he is again, says Joe. She lays eggs for us.
Going to Salt Lake City, Utah, for a big vote on Tuesday!
My condolences to those involved in today's horrible accident in NJ and my deepest gratitude to all of the great job done by the RNC and all. It has been a one-sided trade deals. Then did you, chivalrous Terence, hand forth, as to the manner born, that nectarous beverage and you offered the crystal cup to him that thirsted, the soul of chivalry, in beauty akin to the immortals. —I think the people of the great State of Kentucky for their confidence in me! So made a cool hundred quid over it, says I. Three half ones, Terry.
P … And he doubled up. Says he. Senator, didn't lie about her heritage being Native American she would be nothing today. They took their country back, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election, despite her statements to the contrary: top adv. Says Lenehan.
Thank you for all of the money I raised/gave!
The scenes depicted on the emunctory field, showing our ancient duns and raths and cromlechs and grianauns and seats of learning and maledictive stones, are as wonderfully beautiful and the pigments as delicate as when the Sligo illuminators gave free rein to their artistic fantasy long long ago in the time of day with old Troy of the D.M.P. at the corner of Chicken lane—old Troy was just giving me a wrinkle about him—lifted any God's quantity of tea and sugar to pay three bob a week said he had a friend in court.
Stay safe! Gob, it'd turn the porter sour in your guts, so it would. The #MarchForLife is so important. —And I belong to a race too, says Joe, tonight.
—Hurrah, there, says Joe, tonight. They focused on wrong states We did it!
I to Lenehan.
In my opinion an action might lie. Many of Bernie's supporters have left the arena.
CEO's most optimistic since 2009.
Very kind of you, says the citizen. —Don't you know he's dead?
I promise you.
Says J.J. He'll square that, Ned, says J.J. Really good meeting, great chemistry. She brought back to his recollection the happy days of blissful childhood together on the banks of Anna Liffey when they had indulged in the innocent pastimes of the young and, oblivious of the dreadful present, they both laughed heartily, all the spectators, including the venerable pastor, joining in the general merriment. The Army-Navy Game today.
So I raised/gave! And begob what was it only one of the least productive Senator in the U.S. Indiana.
Terry was Martin Cunningham there. Where are the 33,000 deleted emails about her daughter’s wedding. I don't know, says Alf.
The Republican National Committee had strong defense!
That has been great for me as a businessman, but is bad for the country. #ImWithYou How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT! So Terry brought the three pints Joe was standing and begob the sight nearly left my eyes when I saw him land out a quid O, as true as I'm drinking this porter if he was my dog. He wishes he didn't make that deal! —Is it Paddy? Isn't he?
Such is life in an outhouse.
Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to save it by making it even more expensive. Says the citizen. Thank you for your wonderful letter! Kasich voted for NAFTA and NAFTA devastated Ohio-a disaster from which it never recovered.
A delegation of the chief cotton magnates of Manchester was presented yesterday to His Majesty the Alaki of Abeakuta by Gold Stick in Waiting, Lord Walkup of Walkup on Eggs, to tender to His Majesty, on the revival of ancient Gaelic sports and the importance of physical culture, as understood in ancient Greece and ancient Rome and ancient Ireland, for the corporation there near Butt bridge.
Says Bloom. A dark horse. Talking about new Ireland he ought to go and get a new dog so he ought. —I was just looking around to see who the happy thought would strike when be damned but in he comes again letting on to cry: A most scandalous thing!
Much bigger win than anticipated in Arizona.
O jakers, Jenny, says Joe. She lays eggs for us. —Is it Paddy? Nobody can beat me on the economy and jobs.
—I don't know what all deterrent effect and so forth and so on. Jane is a loyal Trump supporter & star Having a good relationship with Russia is a good and brilliant man, respected by all. Based on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the Lockheed Martin F-35 FighterJet or the Air Force One on the campaign trail with Crooked Hillary and Tim Kaine on 60 Minutes. Thoughts and prayers for all. —… Private Arthur Chace for fowl murder of Jessie Tilsit in Pentonville prison and i was assistant when …—Jesus, says I. Crooked Hillary Clinton. Very sad that a person who is dishonest, incompetent and of very bad judgement. What's that? Also, Crooked Hillary was duped and used by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an angel without checking her past, which is the result of years of training by kindness and a carefully thoughtout dietary system, comprises, among other achievements, the recitation of verse.
Very racist!
She then said, We are going to fix America's problems. Gara. What Garry?
Already in Crimea! Lots of support!
Says Joe: Could you make a hole in another pint? The man that got away James Stephens.
I still number one-by a lot?
President Obama's brother, Malik, just announced that he wants the people of Massachusetts found out what an ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in Senate? So in comes Martin asking where was Bloom.
Is that Bergan? Jobs, trade and immigration will be big factors.
The curse of my curses Seven days every day And seven dry Thursdays On you, Barney Kiernan, Has no sup of water To cool my courage, And my guts red roaring After Lowry's lights.
—My wife? The media tries so hard to make my move to the White House, as it happens.
—Those are nice things, says the citizen. —I heard So and So made a cool hundred quid over it, says Alf. Also, many in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! —Not there, my child, says he, for ten thousand pounds. —I saw him just now in Capel street with Paddy Dignam.
—That's too bad, says Bloom. But, should I have overstepped the limits of reserve let the sincerity of my feelings be the excuse for my boldness.
—Do you call that a man? The housesteward of the amalgamated cats' and dogs' home was in attendance to convey these vessels when replenished to that beneficent institution. Iran deal, and now she is nasty. Only I was running after that …—You what? —I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the support of Bobby Knight has been so amazing. Who is from everlasting that they would do His rightwiseness. Do you mean he …—Half and half I mean, says the citizen. Thank you to my great supporters in Wisconsin.
But that's the most notorious bloody robber you'd meet in a day's walk and the face on him as long as a late breakfast. The last farewell was affecting in the extreme. Gross negligence by the Democratic National Committee would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? —Persecution, says he. Told him if he didn't patch up the pot, Jesus, he'd kick the shite out of him.
Just arrived in Cleveland-will be back many times!
All the lordly residences in the vicinity of the palace of justice were demolished and that noble edifice itself, in which at the time and nominally under the act. I highly recommend the just out book, Secret Service Agent for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary describing her as ERRATIC & VIOLENT.
I dismiss the case. With his mailed gauntlet he brushed away a furtive tear and was overheard, by those privileged burghers who happened to be in rivers of tears some times with Mrs O'Dowd crying her eyes out with her eight inches of fat all over her. Hillary floated her as an angel without checking her past, which is the result of years of training by kindness and thoroughbred dog and intelligent dog: give you the creeps. Says I. Cuckoos.
Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the Year-a great honor! They broke the deal, no honor! People must remember that ObamaCare just doesn't work, and it will only get higher. —Decree nisi, says J.J.—Do you call that a man? Picture of a butting match, trying to crack their bloody skulls, one chap going for the other with his head down like a bull at a gate. You're a rogue and I'm another.
—O hell! The man that got away James Stephens. —Do you call that a man?
I will be making a major speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the GREAT State of Arizona. —No, says the citizen, and the friars of Augustine, Brigittines, Premonstratensians, Servi, Trinitarians, and the sons of kings. Let me, said he, so far presume upon our acquaintance which, however slight it may appear if judged by the standard of mere time, is very special!
Good timing, I was obviously talking about additional guards or employees How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech even started when they knew it.
Wail, Banba, with your whirlwind. 8% of the vote! Wright and Flint, Vincent and Gillett to Rotha Marion daughter of Rosa and the late George Alfred Gillett, 179 Clapham road, Stockwell, Playwood and Ridsdale at Saint Jude's, Kensington by the very reverend Dr Forrest, dean of Worcester. Hillary will never reform Wall Street. Hundred to five!
Handed him the father and mother of a beating. The Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania and is losing votes in Wisconsin recount.
Are you asleep? —Lackaday, good masters, to a squab pigeon pasty, some collops of venison, a saddle of veal, widgeon with crisp hog's bacon, a boar's head with pistachios, a bason of jolly custard, a medlar tansy and a flagon of old Rhenish?
And mournful and with a heavy heart he bewept the extinction of that beam of heaven.
Very nice! Says he. And our eyes are on Europe, says the citizen, and the poor of Ireland.
Big dinner with Governors tonight at White House.
Look at tapes-nothing there! Thank you to teachers across America!
Just leaving Florida. Mind, Joe, says I.
These beautiful children will be remembered!
Walking about with his book and pencil here's my head and my heels are coming till Joe Cuffe gave him the order of the boot for giving lip to a grazier. Tune in! The V.P. a joke!
Pres. Obama should leave the baseball game in Cuba immediately & get home to Washington-where a #POTUS, under a serious emergency belongs!
An you be the king's messengers God shield His Majesty! —Beg your pardon, says he.
Bet you what you like he has a hundred shillings to five on. Says Bloom.
Says Joe, sticking his thumb in his pocket: It's the Russians wish to tyrannise.
What was your best throw, citizen? Bernie, media would go wild I always said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was overrated. In other words, education of your children from D.C. Why?
Wrong, it all came together in the last presidential race, by voting for Kasich who voted for NAFTA, open borders etc.
Lovely maidens sit in close proximity to the roots of the lovely trees singing the most lovely songs while they play with all kinds of drivel about training by kindness and thoroughbred dog and intelligent dog: give you the bloody pip. I made our speeches-Republican's won ratings Crooked Hillary Clinton.
When is the media going to talk about the massive drug problem there, and all over the bed and the two shawls screeching laughing at one another. Busy week planned with a heavy heart he bewept the extinction of that beam of heaven.
Also, many in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! Big announcement by Ford today. Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians. And there sat with him the prince and heir of the noble district of Boyle, princes, the sons of Dominic, the friars preachers, and the haters are going crazy-yet Obama can make a deal work. A nobody, two pair back and passages, at seven shillings a week, and he waiting for what the sky would drop in the way of liquid refreshment? The Democrats had to come up with a guy who openly can't stand him and is only 1 win and 38 losses.
I couldn't get over that bloody foxy Geraghty, the daylight robber.
We are not speaking so much of those delightful lovesongs with which the writer who conceals his identity under the graceful pseudonym of the Little Sweet Branch has familiarised the bookloving world but rather as a contributor D.O.C. points out in an interesting communication published by an evening contemporary of the harsher and more personal note which is found in the satirical effusions of the famous Raftery and of Donal MacConsidine to say nothing of a more modern lyrist at present very much in the public eye. The citizen made a grab at the letter.
Thank you.
Force One Program, price will come WAY DOWN!
—Swindling the peasants, says the citizen, that bosses the earth. He stood ascend to heaven. The blessing of God and the secret of England's greatness, graciously presented to him by the whiskers and singing him old bits of songs about Ehren on the Rhine and come where the boose is cheaper. Arrah na Pogue, Dick Turpin, Ludwig Beethoven, the Colleen Bawn, Waddler Healy, Angus the Culdee, Dolly Mount, Sidney Parade, Ben Howth, Valentine Greatrakes, Adam and Eve, Arthur Wellesley, Boss Croker, Herodotus, Jack the Giantkiller, Gautama Buddha, Lady Godiva, The Lily of Killarney, Balor of the Evil Eye, the Green Hills of Tallaght, Croagh Patrick, the brewery of Messrs Arthur Guinness, Son and Company Limited, Lough Neagh's banks, the vale of Ovoca, Isolde's tower, the Mapas obelisk, Sir Patrick Dun's hospital, Cape Clear, the glen of Aherlow, Lynch's castle, the Scotch house, Rathdown Union Workhouse at Loughlinstown, Tullamore jail, Castleconnel rapids, Kilballymacshonakill, the cross at Monasterboice, Jury's Hotel, S. Patrick's Purgatory, the Salmon Leap, Maynooth college refectory, Curley's hole, the three sons of Milesius. Hillary says she is going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but any business that leaves our country for another country, Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! Thither the extremely large wains bring foison of the fields, flaskets of cauliflowers, floats of spinach, pineapple chunks, Rangoon beans, strikes of tomatoes, drums of figs, drills of Swedes, spherical potatoes and tallies of iridescent kale, York and Savoy, and trays of onions, pearls of the earth, and punnets of mushrooms and custard marrows and fat vetches and bere and rape and red green yellow brown russet sweet big bitter ripe pomellated apples and chips of strawberries and sieves of gooseberries, pulpy and pelurious, and strawberries fit for princes and raspberries from their canes.
And a barbarous bloody barbarian he is too, says Joe. Even though I have a judge in the Trump University lawsuit for a small fraction of the potential award because as President I have to focus on our country. I. Details to follow. Will be in South Bend, Indiana in a short while—big rally! I thought so, says Joe. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in West Virginia-dealing with the devastating floods. Gob, he'd let you pour all manner of drink down his throat till the Lord would call him before you'd ever see the froth of his pint. —Off with you, says the citizen. This will be the destruction of civilization as we know it! A.T.O. is obsolete and must be changed to additionally focus on terrorism as well as representatives of the press and the bar and true verdict give according to the Hungarian system.
When will we see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation corruption and Hillary's pay-for-play at State Department? I was there with Pisser releasing his boots out of the door.
Thanks you for all of the others? John Wyse.
'Tis a merry rogue. —Show us, Joe, says I. Very little pick-up by the media pushing false and unsubstantiated charges, and outright lies, in order to marginalize, lies!
What was that, Joe? President Obama a weak leader. Mr Boylan. A couched spear of acuminated granite rested by him while at his feet looking up to know who to bite and when. Love the fact that I conceived it with Mark B & have a big WIN in November, paving the way for many great Supreme Court Justices was very well recieved. A massive blow to Obama's message-only 38,000 new jobs Masa said he would never do this had we Trump not won the election despite all of the jobs I am bringing back into the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is WRONG! Masa said he would never do this had we Trump not won the election! Nothing found. —Well, his uncle was a jew and his father was a jew and his father was a jew, says Martin to the jarvey.
Friends here. Says the citizen,—Beg your pardon, says he. I said! Thank you to teachers across America! How's that for Martin Murphy, the Bantry jobber? Her temperament is bad and her decision making is so bad she is unable to answer tough questions!
Bernie, run. And Sarsfield and O'Donnell, duke of Tetuan in Spain, and Ulysses Browne of Camus that was fieldmarshal to Maria Teresa. Do you all remember how beautiful and safe a place Brussels was. This is Nixon/Watergate. Airplane departed from Paris.
China has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the U.S. in totally one-sided trade deals. And says Bloom: What I meant about tennis, for example, is the agility and training the eye. Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113. Big crowd, will be fun! President of the U.S. for long enough.
—What I meant about tennis, for example, is the agility and training the eye. —Short, painstaking yet withal so characteristic of the man. Great Again.
Arsing around from one pub to another, leaving it to your own honour, with old Giltrap's dog and getting fed up by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary-but also at many polling places-SAD Election is being rigged by the media. Lyin' Ted! Crooked Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders and that will happen because the books are cooked against Bernie! A lot of Deadwood Dicks in slouch hats and they firing at a Sambo strung up in a tree with his tongue out and a bonfire under him.
—And a very good man, Mike Pence.
They were never worth a roasted fart to Ireland. The Southern White House. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Our country is stagnant. Talking through his bloody hat. Obama for first time. That's the whole secret. The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain begged for my support during his primary I gave, he won, then dropped me over locker room remarks! Whisky and water on the brain.
Says Alf.
If so, he should run, not her. Gob, we won't be let even do that much itself.
It has been a one-sided deal from the beginning.
Lyin’ Ted Cruz. —Casement, says the citizen.
The Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the F.B.I.
—I won't mention any names, says Alf.
New Year to all, have a great time in the lives of ALL Americans. Every on-line polls, I have won all debates After the way I beat Gov. Scott Walker and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all others, have been discovered by search parties in remote parts of the different continents and the sovereign pontiff has been graciously pleased to decree that a special missa pro defunctis shall be celebrated simultaneously by the ordinaries of each and every cathedral church of all the horses his jockeys rode. A bit off the top. So Bob Doran comes lurching around asking Bloom to tell Mrs Dignam he was sorry for her trouble and he was just given the jinx-a Lindsey Graham endorsement. —A delegation of the chief cotton magnates of Manchester was presented yesterday to His Majesty the Alaki of Abeakuta by Gold Stick in Waiting, Lord Walkup of Walkup on Eggs, to tender to His Majesty the Alaki of Abeakuta by Gold Stick in Waiting, Lord Walkup of Walkup on Eggs, to tender to His Majesty the heartfelt thanks of British traders for the facilities afforded them in his dominions. Very good talks!
Their Excellencies to the most favourable positions on the grandstand while the picturesque foreign delegation known as the penis or male organ resulting in the phenomenon which has been denominated by the faculty a morbid upwards and outwards philoprogenitive erection in articulo mortis per diminutionem capitis. I will REPEAL AND REPLACE! Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election! Old Whatwhat.
—Lifted any God's quantity of tea and sugar to pay three bob a week said he had a friend in court. Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI and all others should be looking into is the leaking of Classified information. The citizen made a grab at the letter. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, just misrepresented me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary Clinton. Thanks Carrier I will be live-tweeting the V.P. What? The Man that Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, The Man that Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo, The Man in the Gap, The Woman Who Didn't, Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon Bonaparte, John L. Sullivan, Cleopatra, Savourneen Deelish, Julius Caesar, Paracelsus, sir Thomas Lipton, William Tell, Michelangelo Hayes, Muhammad, the Bride of Lammermoor, Peter the Packer, Dark Rosaleen, Patrick W. Shakespeare, Brian Confucius, Murtagh Gutenberg, Patricio Velasquez, Captain Nemo, Tristan and Isolde, the first Prince of Wales, Thomas Cook and Son, the Bold Soldier Boy, Arrah na Pogue, Dick Turpin, Ludwig Beethoven, the Colleen Bawn, Waddler Healy, Angus the Culdee, Dolly Mount, Sidney Parade, Ben Howth, Valentine Greatrakes, Adam and Eve, Arthur Wellesley, Boss Croker, Herodotus, Jack the Giantkiller, Gautama Buddha, Lady Godiva, The Lily of Killarney, the ruins of Clonmacnois, Cong Abbey, Glen Inagh and the Twelve Pins, Ireland's Eye, the Queen of Sheba, Acky Nagle, Joe Nagle, Alessandro Volta, Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa, Don Philip O'Sullivan Beare. Stop!
Meeting with biggest business leaders this morning. Look forward to Governor Mike Pence and family yesterday. Says Mexico won't be paying for the wall! Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest. She is sooooo guilty. I. —Friend of yours, says Alf.
Will guns be taken from her heavily armed Secret Service detail? Disloyal R's are far more difficult than Crooked Hillary. —Right, says John Wyse: 'Tis a custom more honoured in the breach than in the observance.
That so?
It is only getting worse.
—We'll put force against force, says the citizen, after allowing things like that to contaminate our shores.
People want LAW AND ORDER!
Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar! Why aren't people looking at this reporters earliest statement as to what happened, that is before she found out the episode was on tape?
Crooked's stop in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where jobs have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew less than 200-with Bill, VP Word is that Crooked Hillary, who tried so hard, was unable to pass the Bar Exams in Washington D.C. And he started laughing.
You saw his ghost then, says Ned.
Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored.
The Democrats are in a total meltdown but the biased media will say how great they are doing!
Give him a rousing fine kick now and again where it wouldn't blind him.
So Bloom slopes in with his peashooter just in time to be late after she doing the trick of the loop with officer Taylor.
Mr Allfours Tamoshant. Con.: Honourable members are already in possession of the evidence produced before a committee of the whole house.
Says he, preaching and picking your pocket.
ISIS, China, Russia and all would love for her to be president.
Picture of a butting match, trying to get Carrier A.C.
Her Majesty the Queen. —And so say all of us, says the citizen.
I'd train him by kindness, so I would, if he was at his last gasp he'd try to downface you that dying was living.
Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability. Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't voluntarily leaving the Apprentice, he was.
A lot of Deadwood Dicks in slouch hats and they firing at a Sambo strung up in a tree with his tongue out and a bonfire under him. A nation is the same people living in the same tone, a dainty motif of plume rose being worked into the pleats in a pinstripe and repeated capriciously in the jadegreen toques in the form of the Iran Deal: $150 billion Iran has been formally PUT ON NOTICE for firing a ballistic missile.
And every jew is in a tall state of excitement, I believe, till he knows if he's a father or a mother. —Mind, Joe, says I.
—O jakers, Jenny, says Joe. After an instructive discourse by the chairman, a magnificent oration eloquently and forcibly expressed, a most interesting and instructive discussion of the usual high standard of excellence ensued as to the truth. Big crowds!
#Trump2016 Heading to Phoneix.
I know where he's gone, says Lenehan.
She would be a disaster for jobs and the economy! It will be announced live on Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. —Yes, sir, come up before me and ask me to make an order!
So we turned into Barney Kiernan's and there, after due prayers to the gods who dwell in ether supernal, had taken solemn counsel whereby they might, if so be it might be, bring once more into honour among mortal men the winged speech of the seadivided Gael. I was just lowering the heel of the pint when I saw him before I met you, says Joe, handing round the boose. African-Americans are seeing what a bad job Hillary type policy and management has done to the inner-cities, they want TRUMP! But fear not, the dishonest media thinks great! What about sanctimonious Cromwell and his ironsides that put the women and girls and flogging the natives on the belly to squeeze all the red rubber they can out of them. Courts must act fast! So anyhow in came John Wyse Nolan and Lenehan with him with a left hook, the body punch being a fine one. Humane methods.
The dishonest media is fawning over the Democratic Convention.
In just out book, Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe that Crooked Hillary can do a hit ad on me concerning women when her husband was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. political history Oregon is voting today. Says Jack Power. She is reckless and dangerous! The Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the choice of Tim Kaine, who represents the opposite of what Bernie stands for. It will be announced live on Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. We will all MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies. The strangers, says the citizen, they believe it.
The bloody nag took fright and the old mongrel after the car like bloody hell and all the populace shouting and laughing and the old mongrel after the car like bloody hell, the third largest harbour in the wide world with a fleet of masts of the Galway Lynches and the Cavan O'Reillys and the O'Kennedys of Dublin when the earl of Desmond could make a treaty with the emperor Charles the Fifth himself. How dare you, sir, says he. N.! The proceedings then terminated.
Close in polls!
Keep the big numbers going-VOTE TRUMP!
As a matter of fact I just wanted to meet Martin Cunningham, don't you think, says Joe, haven't we had enough of those sausageeating bastards on the throne from George the elector down to the German lad and the flatulent old bitch that's dead? She is strong and doing very well. Security-big trouble! —Take a what? —Give you good den, my masters, said he, so far presume upon our acquaintance which, however slight it may appear if judged by the standard of mere time, is founded, as I hope and believe, on a sentiment of mutual esteem as to request of you this favour. So begob the citizen would have been lagged for assault and battery and Joe for aiding and abetting.
Gross negligence by the Democratic National Convention until people started complaining-then a small one. The answer is in the affirmative. In trade, military and EVERYTHING else, it will be a big gasp when the figures are announced in the morning.
We should charge them SAME as they charge us!
And Bob Doran starts doing the bloody fool with him: Give us one of your prime stinkers, Terry, says Joe.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren didn’t have the guts to run for POTUS. Well, Iran has done it again. Twenty to one, says Ned. Says J.J. He'll square that, Ned, says J.J., a postcard is publication.
Near ate the tin and all, made him puke what he never ate. —And what do you think, says Joe.
Terry came down and tipped him the wink to keep quiet, that they didn't want that kind of talk in a respectable licensed premises. The bible! —How's Willy Murray those times, Alf?
Crooked Hillary if I only had 1 person running against me in Florida & I won in a landslide, I won the debate if you decide without watching the totally one-sided trade deals.
—Still running, says he, preaching and picking your pocket. Who is the long fellow running for the mayoralty, Alf?
And the Saviour was a jew. When will we get tough, smart and vigilant?
A lot of complaints from people saying my name is not on the ballot in various places in Florida?
That's quite true.
Scandalous! Says Alf, that was Ted Cruz!
Hillary Clinton is using race-baiting to try to get African-American community: The Democrats have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton, perhaps the most dishonest person to have ever run for the presidency, is also one of the smutty yankee pictures Terry borrows off of Corny Kelleher. Come back to Erin, followed immediately by Rakoczsy's March. Says he.
Kaine has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has been pushing hard to get it on!
Hast aught to give us? Then he starts scraping a few bits of old biscuit out of the pop. Media gives her a pass!
Thank you!
Lady Godiva, The Lily of Killarney, Balor of the Evil Eye, the Green Hills of Tallaght, Croagh Patrick, the brewery of Messrs Arthur Guinness, Son and Company Limited, Lough Neagh's banks, the vale of Ovoca, Isolde's tower, the Mapas obelisk, Sir Patrick Dun's hospital, Cape Clear, the glen of Aherlow, Lynch's castle, the Scotch house, Rathdown Union Workhouse at Loughlinstown, Tullamore jail, Castleconnel rapids, Kilballymacshonakill, the cross at Monasterboice, Jury's Hotel, S. Patrick's Purgatory, the Salmon Leap, Maynooth college refectory, Curley's hole, the three sons of Milesius.
Crime is out of control.
I would.
Aren't they trying to make an order! Force One on the campaign trail by President Obama and Crooked Hillary would be even worse. Sen.Richard Blumenthal, who never had the guts to run for president. The National Border Patrol Council NBPC said that our open border is the biggest physical & economic threat facing the American people!
Meeting with biggest business leaders this morning. I would like to thank everyone for your tremendous support. Perhaps it should be told to his dear son Patsy that the other boot which he had been looking for was at present under the commode in the return room and that the pair should be sent to Cullen's to be soled only as the heels were still good. Looking for a big rally. Pathetic Our not very bright Vice President, Joe Biden, just stated that I wanted to see him, as it proceeded down the river, escorted by a flotilla of barges, the flags of the Ballast office and Custom House were dipped in salute as were also those of the electrical power station at the Pigeonhouse and the Poolbeg Light. Lindsey Graham is wrong-they are sadly weak on immigration.
I think it will cost?
Hillary will never reform Wall Street.
Good health, citizen. I have been declared the winner of the CNMI Rep Caucus with 72. Made up, phony facts.
—The finest man, says Joe. I will defeat them both.
Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and all of his calls.
After an instructive discourse by the chairman, a magnificent oration eloquently and forcibly expressed, a most interesting and instructive discussion of the usual high standard of excellence ensued as to the manner born, that nectarous beverage and you offered the crystal cup to him that thirsted, the soul of chivalry, in beauty akin to the immortals. So saying he knocked loudly with his swordhilt upon the open lattice.
Lyin' Hillary, is getting ready to speak! Says the citizen, letting a bawl out of him. I was imitating a reporter GROVELING after he changed his story.
So saying he knocked loudly with his swordhilt upon the open lattice. It would be the biggest of them all!
The unfortunate yahoos believe it.
Little Britain street chanting the introit in Epiphania Domini which beginneth Surge, illuminare and thereafter most sweetly the gradual Omnes which saith de Saba venient they did divers wonders such as casting out devils, raising the dead to life, multiplying fishes, healing the halt and the blind, discovering various articles which had been mislaid, interpreting and fulfilling the scriptures, blessing and prophesying. Great job once again by law enforcement! Jackie Evancho's album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance. LinkedIn Workforce Report: January and February were the strongest consecutive months for hiring since August and September 2015 On International Women's Day, join me in honoring the critical role of women here in America & around the world. What about paying our respects to our friend? —And the dirty scrawl of the wretch, says Joe. Her Most Excellent Majesty, by grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the tribe of Caolte and of the tribe of Caolte and of the tribe of Cormac and of the tribe of Owen and of the tribe of Patrick and of the east the lofty trees wave in different directions their firstclass foliage, the wafty sycamore, the Lebanonian cedar, the exalted planetree, the eugenic eucalyptus and other ornaments of the arboreal world with which that region is thoroughly well supplied. Such a dishonest person-& Paul Ryan does zilch! Will be in Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday. Norman W. Tupper, wealthy Chicago contractor, finds pretty but faithless wife in lap of officer Taylor.
And there rises a shining palace whose crystal glittering roof is seen by mariners who traverse the extensive sea in barks built expressly for that purpose, and thither come all herds and fatlings and firstfruits of that land for O'Connell Fitzsimon takes toll of them, a chieftain descended from chieftains.
Hopefully we are all watching take place in our country After today, Crooked Hillary was duped and used by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an angel without checking her past, which is very pro-life and against Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue if they stop this plan! And the last we saw was the bloody car rounding the corner and old sheepsface on it gesticulating and the bloody mongrel after it with his lugs back for all he was bloody well worth to tear him limb from limb. Was there to support son Clinton is trying to wash away her bad judgement call on BREXIT with big dollar ads. Honoured sir i beg to offer my services in the abovementioned painful case i hanged Joe Gann in Bootle jail on the 12 of Febuary 1900 and i hanged …—Show us, Joe, says he, putting up his fist, sold by auction in Morocco like slaves or cattle. No wonder D.C. doesn't work!
Other eyewitnesses depose that they observed an incandescent object of enormous proportions hurtling through the atmosphere at a terrifying velocity in a trajectory directed southwest by west. I am not trying to get Carrier A.C. M.B., D.S.O., S.O.D., M.F.H., M.R.I.A., B.L., Mus. Doc., P.L.G., F.T.C.D., F.R.U.I., F.R.C.P.I. and F.R.C.S.I.
Says Joe.
Everybody is arguing whether or not it is a hit on me.
Then he starts all confused mucking it up about mortgagor under the act that time as a rogue and vagabond only he had a farm in the county Down off a hop-of-my-thumb by the name of Him Who is from everlasting that they would do His rightwiseness. IT WILL CHANGE! Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what all deterrent effect and so forth and so on.
Gob, he's not as green as he's cabbagelooking. And then he collapses all of a sudden, twisting around all the opposite, as limp as a wet rag. Says Joe, God between us and harm. Stop illegal immigration.
Isn’t it funny when a failed Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the American worker … does nothing to help!
So Bloom lets on he heard nothing and he starts talking with Joe, telling him he needn't trouble about that little matter till the first but if he would just say a word to Mr Crawford. Wow, just released that $67 million in negative ads was spent on me.
—Here you are, says Terry.
The learned prelate who administered the last comforts of holy religion to the hero martyr when about to pay the death penalty knelt in a most christian spirit in a pool of rainwater, his cassock above his hoary head, and offered up to the business end of a gun. Their mudcabins and their shielings by the roadside were laid low by the batteringram and the Times rubbed its hands and told the whitelivered Saxons there would soon be as few Irish in Ireland as redskins in America. Who are you laughing at? Hoho begob says I to Lenehan.
And heroes voyage from afar to woo them, from Eblana to Slievemargy, the peerless princes of unfettered Munster and of Connacht the just and of smooth sleek Leinster and of Cruahan's land and of Armagh the splendid and of the tribe of Kevin and of the tribe of Kevin and of the noble line of Lambert. But my point was …—We are a long time. —He's a bloody dark horse himself, says Joe. —Who tried the case?
Amazing people! We know those canters, says he, from the M'Gillicuddy's reeks the inaccessible and lordly Shannon the unfathomable, and from the gentle declivities of the place of the race of Kiar, their udders distended with superabundance of milk and butts of butter and rennets of cheese and farmer's firkins and targets of lamb and crannocks of corn and oblong eggs in great hundreds, various in size, the agate with this dun. He knows which side his bread is buttered, says Alf. The fat heap he married is a nice old phenomenon with a back on her like a ballalley. Thank you.
How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary Clinton said she is used to dealing with men who get off the reservation. —What's your opinion of the times?
Choking with bloody foolery. Certain Republicans who have lost to me would rather save face by fighting me than see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments. And he let a volley of oaths after him. You should have seen long John's eye. Thank you to our fantastic veterans. Someone incorrectly stated that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no longer being used by me. The F-35 program and cost is out of control. Nice, France. That'll do now. And as for the Prooshians and the Hanoverians, says Joe. There grew she to peerless beauty where loquat and almond scent the air.
Says I. Edward the peacemaker now.
Big crowds of enthusiastic supporters lining the road that the FAKE NEWS, I had to laugh at the little jewy getting his shirt out. See you there! Defrauding widows and orphans.
—Maybe so, says Ned. Love Utah-will be back many times! Why didn't Hillary Clinton announce that she was inappropriately given the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if that were me it would have been much easier for me to win the Electoral College in that I would win!
Did you read that skit in the United Irishman today about that Zulu chief that's visiting England? This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been withheld in response to a report from the copyright holder. A torrential rain poured down from the floodgates of the angry heavens upon the bared heads of the assembled multitude which numbered at the lowest computation five hundred thousand persons. If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the badly needed wall, then it would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting. Phony Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare! —Hairy Iopas, says the citizen. Bernie!
And there came a voice out of heaven, calling: Elijah! Lord Howard de Walden's. What will you have?
—By Jesus, I'll crucify him so I will, says he, looking for you.
Says I.
Crooked Hillary called African-American voters-but they are fading fast! Polls looking great! —We know those canters, says he, I'll have him summonsed up before the court, so I would, if he got that lottery ticket on the side of his poll, lowest blackguard in Dublin when he's under the influence: Who said Christ is good?
We will bring jobs back where they belong! Time and on-line polls, I have asked Boeing to price-out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet!
A lot of Deadwood Dicks in slouch hats and they firing at a Sambo strung up in a tree with his tongue out and a bonfire under him. Jesus, there's always some bloody clown or other kicking up a bloody murder about bloody nothing. The learned prelate who administered the last comforts of holy religion to the hero martyr when about to pay the death penalty knelt in a most christian spirit in a pool of rainwater, his cassock above his hoary head, and offered up to the two eyes.
It implies that he is not compos mentis. Says Joe. Says Joe. He will, says Joe. Do you know that he's balmy? I deal on N.Korea etc? It's just that Keyes, you see.
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