#scammy talks too much
scammydoesstuff · 4 months
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Alright, I should prolly clarify; this is all just my opinion and I just wanted to draw out my general reactions while we've been watching TYBW. They're mostly sentiments shared by my boyfriend, John, who's been watching it along with me and drawing these just made us laugh. So take it with a grain of salt. I'm not here to argue right now.
But if you're really curious about my actual opinion (and without going into too much detail): I just don't particularly like Yhwach as a villain and the motivation of the Quincies in general are mostly lost on me. Granted, I haven't read the manga for this and maybe it's better explained there, but that's why I'm talking about the anime and not that. In the anime, the villains suck in terms of motivation and literally only feel like they exist and are doing the things they're doing just so we can watch our favorite characters do really badass shit. Like, that's all I'm getting from them. I don't feel like our characters are really growing any more than they already had from previous arcs and it doesn't feel like there's any real point to all of this past 'look at how bloody and gorey we can get with this show. In't it cool?'
I'm pretty much at a point where I'm only still watching cuz I really love Urahara as a character and I really want to see his Bankai be animated. There are a few other things I've been enjoying, but that's the biggest reason I keep watching at this point. It's just nice to see him again.
But I'll leave it there. I am gonna give it the benefit of the doubt and wait till the anime has finished before coming to any final thoughts. This is just a very brief summary of how I've been viewing it so far and just something I did to make myself and my boyfriend laugh. I only share it because I like the lil doodles. I think they're cute.
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tenjikubaby · 1 year
you have one (1) new message!
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s62 (+ kakucho) texting/messaging HCs
Rindou: The “whats up” guy
Fair emoji use, texting abbreviations, and slang. Can’t care less about proper capitalization or spelling words correctly unless he really wants you to leave him alone. He can be a bit dry as a texter because he prefers to tell you stuff in calls or in person. Usually takes hours or even days to reply unless you’re special to him (you only need to wait minutes if so). Being an extrovert, I think many people messaging him so sometimes your messages might get buried under everyone else’s, and he’s usually too lazy to check everything. 
Ran: The “Good morning. How are you?”  guy
He wants to sound formal and intelligent over text, so he’s got complete sentences, good grammar, proper punctuation and capitalization even if you’re close. Rare emoji use, and if he uses one it’s only the basic smiley/sad faces because he’s too lazy to check out the other emojis outside that. Would likezone you on Messenger or send you those sparkly gifs and it doesn’t mean anything! He’s just kind of a boomer. Leaves you on read often but that also doesn’t mean anything because he might have a) fallen asleep, b) started zoning out, c) just forgot to reply. 
Shion: The "WHAT" guy
WACKY. Lots of emojis (his favorites are the fire, 100, and devil emojis), abuses Caps Lock, may spam you when excited. Sometimes, you might wake up to 35+ new messages from him, a lot of them different variations of “[NAME] WAKE UP BRO CHECK THIS OUT 🔥🔥🔥” (and it’s just a screenshot of a scammy “Congratulations you won a new iPhone!!” message from a free movie website. He already put his details in.) Reply speed is FAST unless he's in a fight or meeting. Laughs at the memes you send like 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA' because he doesn’t believe in lol or lmao or rofl. He’s quite fun to talk to because his reactions are so enthusiastic and extra. 
Izana: The “yes? 🤯” guy
Heavy emoji user. Uses emojis that sometimes mismatch the tone of his message so he can be confusing to talk to. It’s just one of his quirks though. You’ll know immediately if he likes or dislikes you because if he doesn’t like you, he just sends something like “shut the fuck up 😄”. Doesn’t abbreviate too much, but adheres to proper punctuation and types complete sentences. The type of person to respond to you with pictures instead of typing. (Like, if you ask “Where are you?” he sends you a close-up of his face and just above it you can see the sign of the restaurant he’s about to enter). Likes to send memes and reaction pics as well.  Reply speed is quite slow but doesn't exceed a day. 
Kakucho: The "hello :)" guy
Refuses to use emojis, prefers to just type out his smileys/sad faces. No caps. Abbreviates a lot of words but still uses proper punctuation because he doesn’t want to sound monotone. His texting is quite informal but still very much polite unless you’re close friends (he’ll be less polite then). He apologizes if he took too long to reply to you, which happens every time because Kaku isn’t on his phone much. If it’s really urgent, you’re better off calling him. If you send him a meme, he might not get it because he’s also not much of an internet person (unless you sent something that’s universally funny, to which he’ll reply “haha :D”). 
Mocchi: The "sup" guy
It’s really much better and easier to talk to him in person or just call. This guy’s phone is almost always dead. He plays lots of mobile games and spends so much time on YouTube, then forgets to charge his phone. When he does reply, he sounds so lazy: 1-3 words and little-to-no-effort in continuing the conversation at all. You see abbreviated words and no emojis, punctuations and caps. This is not because he doesn’t like you, but it’s because he prefers to talk to people face-to-face. 
Mucho: The plain "Hi" guy
Sounds way too serious in text. He’s not one for perfect grammar and punctuations in text, but you still feel his seriousness. Another slow replyer���barely on his phone because he actually touches grass. He prefers to talk through call, but when you do call, make sure it’s really important or you’d hear a deep sigh on the other end before he says goodbye and hangs up. Would likezone you just like Ran because these two are boomers deep down. Leaves people on read if he thinks the message is not worth replying to. 
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nakedbibi333 · 1 year
HEYY so this is a wake up call, WAKE UP EVERYONE THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE NO TIME FOR DOUBTS JUST MANIFEST BABES, SIMPLY AFFIRM AND PERSIST AND LIVE IN THE END!!!! before stumbling upon loa i came across law of attraction first and i manifested a lot. Here are some of the things i remember:
1. desired college (twice)
2. desired grades (many times) (this one time i did so bad and i just knew i couldn’t fail because i’d have to repeat a year but nope i didn’t🧿)
3. desired phone (twice)
4. desired laptop
5. money when i was in need lol
6. desired situations (many times)
7. desired hair
8. desired gifts
9. parents make more $$$
10. resolved family fights through vetala’s family sub countless times
now i did all this by scripting, I LOVE SCRIPTING and whenever fear crept my mind i kicked that thought out and replaced it with what i wanted to happen. If only i knew about loa when i was younger cause my confidence then was unshakable but now as i grew older this word logic came up a lot but if there’s one thing i know in my heart and soul, even with doubt when push comes to shove i just close my eyes and repeat my affirmations over and over again when i’m on a time crunch like instantly when i want things to be in my favour i say i’m peace i’m love i’m the creator and the feeling i get as i affirm puts me in ease, because at that moment i know nothing should stress me out because it all works out and spoiler alert: it does, always. Now i have sabotaged myself a couple of times when i think against my desires and IT HAS ENDED UP HAPPENING so please know, thoughts are everything, always think positively. I have heard thoughts manifest into sickness and other shitty things. I have seen enough to know that loa is as real as you and i. but i’ll be honest i haven’t manifested my dream life yet and truth be told it’s because i’m lazy and want it to be “effortless” i just want it to be like a switch which is why i want to get into the void. I have tried multiple times and i have gotten so close but this one time i was so close i was floating but then my foot just twitched out of nowhere and i wasn’t floating anymore. Because i got there I KNOW THE VOID IS REAL, i know what i felt and it was all in place for me to get my “the” success story fr fr, people who meditate talk about this state all the time, and let’s be real, do you really think all these success stories you’re coming across are fake?? c’mon babes that’s just too much, you’re either a hater or you don’t believe in yourself, you’re scared (been there) orrrr you’re just too caught up with something called logic (i don’t blame you, i was there too) but this is as real as it gets guys, magic is real but you can’t see it daily, can you? many things are real even when you can’t see it and that’s the beauty of it. I could come up with more examples but no magic is my fav unseen thing to talk about so moving on. now i thought i would only type this when i would get my void success story and just log off. i’d just come back once in a while to see all the cool things people have been manifesting but i’m typing this here now because i don’t agree with scammy when it comes to the void, cause that was so much bs and also this another blogger who kept saying she’d go to the void but kept delaying it (i don’t blame her i just want people to wake up realise the only thing they need to manifest their dream life is their own self THAT IS ALL) you all deserve to live your desired lives, no drama babes. I AM CALLING MYSELF TF OUT HERE, GIRL STOP GOING TO SLEEP AND STOP THINKING ABOUT RANDOM PEOPLE WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO GET INTO THE VOID, THEY ARE NOT THINKING ABOUT YOU, YOU OWE YOURSELF YOUR DREAM LIFE, STOP SAYING TOMORROW IS THE DAY IT’S NOW, NOW!!!!!!! i don’t care how tired you are tonight, it’s a meditative state and you’re going in. THAT IS IT. YOUR LIFE CHANGES FOREVER AND IT IS NOTHING LESS THAN A DREAM. Whenever i come across a success story especially a void success story i get so happy because i know that’s going to be me soon and it’s well deserved. I have talked to someone who manifested her dream body in just 20 minutes by listening to slade’s shifting sub, just affirmed and meditated. That’s all. Please don’t complicate it. It’s so simple. Also, i don’t want to hear any void slander at all, i understand if it’s not your cup of tea but i want to experience it and if i have a desire, it’s meant to be fulfilled. PERIOD. I hope this gets to as many people as possible. I want to see all of y’all win!!!! I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE MY FEED WITH JUST SUCCESS STORIES, no questions, no doubts, NADA!!!!!!! only congratulations and i’m so happy for you❤️‍🩹 GO GET IT!!!!!! because i don’t want to spill my real name and i don’t want to use emojis lol can i be ami🤭sending to 5 bloggers
So happy for you, Ami !!! <333
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Submitted propaganda under the cut
Wren - 1
fuckin okay i get Save The Planet is noble or whatever but do you understand i'm MAYBE tired of being told to change Everything abt how I live when everything i could ever do is a drop in the ocean compared to corporations and i dont want to micromanage my entire life for the sake of the planet and its ALWAYS the leftist youtubers shilling it as The Best Most Selfless Thing you can do. like. dude. i am tired. i dont get paid enough to have the energy to care.
RAID shadow legends - 22
I caved and downloaded the app, played three levels and holy shit it’s so boring
I don't think I need to explain myself here.
Every Youtuber has been sponsored by them at some point and they are infuriating
It’s everywhere and it’s a shitty game that feels like the kind of low quality shit you’d see in a mobile add, because that’s exactly what it is
I have not seen a single sponsorship that makes this game sound like anything but a waste of time. Plus, their sponsorships are always sooooo long lol. At least a full minute, sometimes two.
the sponsorships and ads are everywhere yet ive never actually seen anyone outside of the ads enjoying it or even talking about it
They say the exact same thing every time so much that it's become a memorized phrase used as a meme
the art is mid, but not only that, but none of the characteers were designed by someone truly unhinged and horny. giving out that many free summons just makes them look like a scam, like those scammy crap gacha games with promo codes that have one digit repeated (example: 1111, 777, 888, and so on). there's nothing you can do there that other games haven't done better, and there's no overlying premise that draws in fans of stories (talk all the crap you like about food fantasy, at least the lore was fucking WILD). raid shadow legends is like fruit gushers in that it's massively mediocre and wildly overhyped. sure, you *COULD* inflict it upon yourself without hurting too badly, but why would you want to?
You KNOW why
Annoying, constant, bs, dumb, pay to play, badgering, I hate them. My friend ended up spending over a hundred dollars on this game bc their advertising occasionally works, and when it does, that's not great!
They don't pay the fucking people they ask to talk about them half the time. Also the game is ugly.
scammy as hell wtf is that game
Do I even need to explain? It's not a helpful product, it's just a dumb mobile game no one needs in their lives.
It’s bad
Everyone’s heard of it. Nobody likes it.
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peccaberry · 7 months
i saw your tags on the post about the v*da app and i cant believe they dm'd you over a neg review! i already didn't trust them since they are a mental health app that uses AI (I've seen how other b*tterhelp did ppl) but the fact they went out of their way to dm you seals it even more! did they want you to delete what you said or what? it's so sketch that tumblr is promoting an app like this
To be fair they were very polite (mostly just trying to convince me no they were a very good app actually and I wasn't giving it a fair shot. )
They did not ask me to remove the message but it was implied they were upset about it. I think they tried to offer me assistance if I wasn't able to pay for it (that really was not the problem I had) but I did not invite them to DM me and it pissed me off.
I told them respectfully to stop dming and they did. Why a **company** is trying to argue against tag criticism by dming people is beyond me but it was unprofessional regardless of how polite they were.
Unfortunately I deleted the conversation from my inbox because being DMED by a freaking company (derogatory) creeped me out and I didn't want to keep seeing it in my dms so I can't tell you exactly what they said but I'm sure some of my followers remember me reblogging a post they blazed and tagging it saying it seemed scammy.
I actually looked back and I think they somehow managed to get my tag taken off that blazed post because I couldn't see it anymore. I feel like they are super sensitive to criticism and I'll be interested to see how this all turns out. I'm not convinced they intend on being scammy but from what I saw on the app when I downloaded it to check it out and their behavior I don't trust them.
Anyway don't pay a mental health app that uses AI for advice and uses a subscription model to "help" LGBT people. They are claiming to be LGBT themselves but I don't think that changes much about the nature of these kind of "self help" apps being a bit predatory. They give off this really weird new-agey vibe too (idk if that makes sense but it's the way they talk that seems off.)
Also save your money for actual professional help if you need it and not an AI app. Especially not one being promoted by Tumblr who loves shoving scams in our faces. (Tumblr live shout out)
You can find much better LGBT support and understanding within your own community without it being sold to you. Lots of love to everyone struggling and real help is out there even if it's probably not this app that's gonna do it.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Hello!! Congrats on ur exam btw! can you do dateables ( side characters) as ur internet lovers and you get to finally meet them? ahh then doing it sound so impossible ahaha, pls take care always!!
Hi! Thank you! I did not expect to pass that exam but here we are. Anyways, here's your request. I hope you like it!
the side characters are mc's online lovers
-> side characters x mc (no luke)
a/n: In this fic, the topic of meeting up with online friends comes up. Please remember to stay safe and be careful if you actually intend to do this one day.
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: meeting up with online people
you play online games with leviathan a lot, and he is part of a 'group' of a few people
let's just say you got a little close to one of them
one day, when you were chatting with your mystery lover, they mentioned they would be willing to meet you
and they attend rad too, so you decided to meet up in the cafeteria the next day
you did not expect this person to be diavolo, prince of the devildom himself, neither did he expect it to be you
regardless of the initial surprise, diavolo is happy he was playing all those games with you the whole time
you met each other through a mutual devilbook group
the two of you hit it off, and eventually started chatting in private
sadly, this other person wasn't online much, but when they were, you'd always have a great time
they mentioned the reason they're offline a lot is due to work
one day, you told them you want to meet in person, and they agreed to do so on their next day off
the work thing made so much sense when you found out it was barbatos the whole time, and expect him to basically act like your butler too
mammon thought he could earn a lot of cash by creating a devilgram account for tech support, and made you the co-owner of the account
like, somebody would dm the account with their question, you'd help and charge them money for it
honestly, you thought this whole thing was a little scammy, especially when there was one person who frequently returned
you offered to help him via your own backup devilgram account instead, but eventually you just ended up chatting regularly
one day, you decided to video call, and that was quite the revelation
you were mutuals with this account on devilgram
the two of you really hit if off when you talked through dms
one day, when you were chatting with them, you smiled a bunch at your ddd, piquing the interest of asmo
you told him there was this really nice person online, and when you showed asmo their account he told you that's solomon's second account
so, you rushed over to purgatory hall, to spend time with the mystery lover who was in front of you this whole time
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mutualaidforalll · 11 months
Hello hello!
I am Mod Vash- one of a few mods part of the system that will run this blog.
Mod Vash needs a New Car
We made this blog because we want to help boost other disabled peoples posts for aid.
Under the cut we'll include some info about ourselves, but let's get some info about the blog done first!
What we'll do:
Reblog mutual aid posts
Allow submissions for mutual aid
Allow asks for mutual aid
Reblog various posts for awareness on various disabilities
How we'll do it:
We know theres a lot of scammy posts around here, and we cant avoid all of them, but we will try our best. Generally, we'll do a quick check of the blogs- make sure theyre more then a few days old, or if theyve mentioned their disability before. If not, or if its brand new blog, its generally a scam.
We'll try to reblog around 2-3 posts a day in the que, maybe more, maybe less, depending on us and our energy levels and schedule- we are disabled too after all.
We are based in America, so if you aren't American, please include in your submission your currency and what app you prefer for payment since not all of them work internationally!
This post will likely be updated as we go, but for now thats all I can think of that isn't about us, so the rest will go under the cut!
About us!
We're a system in a disabled body- and all of us identify with the disabled label. We will not talk about our origins, nor tolerate any gate keeping or discourse.
We have POTS, brain damage, autism, and a couple other things we would like to keep private for now, thank you in advance for respecting us.
We all use he/him pronouns, and are all queer in some way.
Currently, we need a wheelchair but can't afford one due to being out of work for so long and having unexpected bills arise- giving us the idea for this blog. Realizing how much help we needed made us truly realize we could help others too by giving them a platform.
The body, and all of the members (except for one who will not be active in this blog) are all adults and are ok with submissions being a little "TMI" or "gross" since its natural with being disabled.
We'll all sign off with our names, and for those of us who have gifs of us, we might use gifs as well!
Our activity depends on our spoons, so it might not be consistent all the time. Please be patient with us.
I'm having some bad brain fog rn so I'll clean this up later but this is the general gist of it!
-Mod Vash (he/him)
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remcycl333 · 1 year
Okay so this story is of when I used to doubt everything, every success story I see ( ik you all had that phase too) now that i remember I used to find so many things fake about that scammy ingram.... I wanna point those out YEAH I WANT ALL ANONS HERE TO STOP SEEING HER
1. Her followers success story : she said she manifested 85k followers 🤡 then I was like okay!? Then once she posted that she is manifesting her followers on insta to grow. Then 2 days later she posted another story that her followers suddenly increased by 12k and saw us the sc of 97k and in next story she wrote that because of insta algorithm we all can't see increase in followers immediately she thinks it may take few days to show up _
I waited _ after some days we talked about it in our insta loa gc when someone pointed it out and I started doubting her so I asked her directly in dm and she said "let them talk whatever they want"
Now I recently remembered this incident again and went to insta to check her followers they are 95k 🤡🤡 it was 97k I remember when I saw it last time few months ago and can you believe she increased her followers by 10k in 3 years 🤡🤡🤡 and 85k in sometime? And what about the likes she gets on her posts? 2k / 95k people like her posts? Her account is not business account which needs reach?
And i don't think I need to explain her house and weight loss success stories? She says she just wanted to lose some dress size and she did it? 😭 ohh gosh 🙂😮‍💨 when I used to binge watch her she literally talked about "she is manifesting weight loss" For a year fr... People like me who know her from very beginning of her shitty career know what lies she has played here 🤡
Though such a shitty scammy lady being top manifesting couch sucked for me but i never minded much until the recent drama.... I can argue against her for a year period.
wait HUH?? 😭 she said y’all just couldn’t see her follower count go up on ur end ? 😭😭😭 that is so fucking FUNNY
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I have some thoughts on the midnights release, & what sparked this is some theorizing I saw about 1989 tv. I've been complaining about it since forever but I haven't seen anyone else talk about it. it might be more talked about here on tumblr but I wouldn't know cause I've been spending too much time on tiktok 😬 im gonna put it all under a read more bc its 1989 tv drop night & i dont wanna be a party pooper. if you don't wanna hear someone be pissy about taylor swift, then just ignore this
it really really frustrates me that there isn't a widely available physical copy of midnights w ALL of the songs on it. not to be harsh, but I would even go as far to say that it feels really scammy how the taylor swift brand spent months advertising the midnights variants to us & then 3 hours after it was officially released, we get told that there are 7 Extra Songs that are not on Any of the variants that millions of ppl prepaid for. that's horrible! it got spun as this really cutesy surprise for all of us but basically what we were told after the midnights release was that 'hey! all that money you spent on all those variants? they aren't even technically the full album! hope you like them!'
maybe it's just not a big deal to other ppl. I really love collecting the physical cds but the way midnights was done is just ridiculous. I'm not going to pay for an album that has 2/3 of the total songs on it. at least from speak now to 1989 era, she released a deluxe album alongside her regular album so you had the choice of getting extra songs. but midnights has nothing of the sort except for a variant sold at the merch stands of one show? (& maybe I'm wrong on this, but I think some ppl said even that didn't have all of the songs on it.) & this choice was just insane. like if you can make the cds to sell at a show, which was famously impossible to get tickets for, why not make the cds widely available to your entire audience?
& the fact that she only has a digital copy of that version in her store but it was never more widely produced. it's just stupid. why would I pay for only part of a full tracklist.
& I've seen some ppl saying maybe the 1989 variants will each have their own different bonus songs or whatever & it gives me a freaking migraine. I don't want that At All. I won't buy a physical copy unless I can have all the songs. I just don't see the point in getting it otherwise. I still havent bought a single copy of midnights bc of it.
I don't want to be rude & I don't like criticizing taylor. tiktok swifties downright refuse to say anything bad about her ever honestly. I still love her music & her abilities 1000%, but this specific thing makes me feel so upset. I tried to make this sound mature & not super angry, but genuinely that whole situation still makes me mad.
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scammydoesstuff · 2 years
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Gremlin Scammy is a Goddamn Nuisance
Kinda like regular Scammy, but I digress!
One more thing to post today. During my breaks at work, I've been doodling this nonsense. It's based on this Co-Optional Podcast Animated; and, more specifically, this part:
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Just made me laugh, really. I did consider going more stylized with Heisenberg or just…drawing myself as I tend to, but I thought it was funnier to draw the lil gremlin along with the way I try to draw him (emphasis on 'try').
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This is one I drew on sticky notes when it was dead af at work and I was trying to pass the time just doodling shit. As such, they were very much off memory for him, so I did go stylized with him for that one. The sticky notes themselves were lost/destroyed, but I got a photo of them before that happened and decided I might as well clean them up digitally. So here's that.
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llatimeria · 7 months
i need some ebay advice
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about a week ago i ordered this listing with "beanie buddy" (the larger version of a beanie baby) in the title
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$29+$9 shipping plus like $4 in taxes came out to an order total of $40, which i only felt ok spending because it was a present for rosie*
anyways it arrived today and I was really excited for it but when it got here it was. beanie baby. not buddy. baby. baby size for babies
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with some somewhat superfluous packing peanuts that idk if they were there to purposefully make the package look bulkier or what
so i looked at the listing again to make sure i didn't just completely misread it and found. the title DEFINITELY says beanie buddy. but the images also unequivocally show a beanie baby, including a close-up on the tag
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so i just. i don't know what happened here or what kind of claim to make, if any. because this listing was overpriced for the same kind of beanie baby:
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So I ended up spending $40 on a toy worth more like $15-20. which isn't the worst, but it still feels like a bit of a ripoff. however. the pictures do really clearly show a beanie baby. the seller only slightly overpriced and very slightly mislabeled their listing in a way that feels like it could be an honest mistake, but it also feels like they very well could've done it on purpose to trick people into paying a very slightly higher amount than is normal for a niche collectible. but if it was a trick why not go whole ham and list it for $50 to $70, like these:
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i guess because it doesn't have the hang tag, but if you're gonna be honest about the lack of the hang tag why would you also intentionally pretend it was a buddy and not a beanie, and then also include a close-up picture of the tush tag that definitively proves he is not a buddy
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idfk. it's my fault for not looking more closely at the images before ordering, but i still feel like the seller might've been being intentionally deceptive, but also they might not have been and just made a mistake, so. what do i do. i don't even really want to return the thing (rosie's attached now 🥺) so I don't want a full refund, I just. like. If they were being intentionally scammy, I want to go scorched earth and just get a full refund, but if it was an honest mistake on their part i'm willing to just eat the fact that i made a mistake also and paid very slightly too much and just learn the lesson for next time. what do i tell ebay. should i talk to the seller. what should i say. help
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chaletnz · 1 year
Manuel Antonio to Jaco
The next morning I was feeling great after such a relaxing night so it was easy to get packed up and ready to catch the bus from Manuel Antonio to Quepos. The bus arrived after just one minute of waiting and I arrived in Quepos in time to catch the 11am bus to Jaco. The cafe I'd planned to chill out in was actually closed so I had time for a quick cappuccino with cinnamon at Tentacion cafe as the only open alternative, which was fine and had wifi and a decent toilet. With my ticket in hand I climbed aboard the bus among a group of Israelis and it was a short ride to get to Jaco. The bus didn't have any aircon so I was glad to hop off on the main street of Jaco and make the short walk to my hostel where luckily they were able to let me check in early. The room I had booked was a 4 bed dorm but when I got to the room I discovered it was actually and 8 bed dorm with 4 beds on either side of a partial wall. And only one bathroom with shower and toilet together. There were no other bathrooms in the common areas. At least it was cheap because I hate this kind of layout! There was a lady in the room just lying around and I suspect she was living there because all of her possessions were in disarray around her bed. I prepared all of my things for tonight and tomorrow and put everything in the locker then headed out to explore the town. I checked out some souvenirs and art galleries, and got a coffee at Jet Fuel which was okay just too much foam. I went down to the beach and then over to Jaco Walk which was a more upscale kind of mall. I bought some souvenirs which totalled $13 however the sales assistant charged me $15 and when I questioned her on the $2 extra she made out that she couldn't speak English although she had been talking to me just fine before that. It just worked at winding me up further over the amount of scammy people in Costa Rica thus far. I took a break to get a churro filled with dulce de leche and then looked around the restaurants with dinner and lunch tomorrow in mind. I walked back to the hostel on the other side of the street and checked out more shops on the walk back and then had a rest to write some of my blog and browse menus of nearby restaurants to decide the evening's plans. I first walked to the bus station to buy my bus ticket for tomorrow back to San Jose, and to my surprise there was a 3pm bus although I had been expecting to have to take either a 1pm (rushed) or 5pm (too late) but this one in the middle was perfect so I paid my 2950 colones and secured my seat. For dinner, I'd chosen Tacos Locos and went with the cochinita quesadilla paired with the local drink - Fresca. I'd been tossing up on tacos but they all had onions so the quesadilla was a safer bet. I sat outside near the river to people watch and then went back to the hostel to plan my day around the ATV tour I had booked for tomorrow.
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jovalencia · 2 years
20, 26, 39 🥰
omg yay hiiii!!!
20. favourite things about the night?
oh my god so many things. actually just went down to get some water before I even saw this ask and I was like wow this is awesome. stood at the stairwell window and watched some raccoons. anyways I love how peaceful and quiet it is and how it can sometimes feel like you’re the only person on the planet. and I love how when you’re driving you can see the houses and you know who’s asleep or awake because of the lights and yeah I just love it
26. fave colour and why?
blue because uh. idk I just like it. it always has been and it probably will be forever. I don’t have any reasons other than I think it’s pretty!
39. youtuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
oh my god I’ve been obsessed with so many youtubers you don’t even know. I’ll spare you the laundry list and just give you five. let’s start with rhett and link because I started loving their videos at around the same time my dad moved out so like. draw your own conclusions from that. I was also obsessed with strange æons for like. three months. and when I say obsessed I mean every waking second I was watching her videos. I still watch all her videos but for those three months every day I would come home and watch a ton of her videos. why? well I was very very lonely. I had a phase where I watched like ever single proper people video because urban exploration was just the mood I was in that month. I’m not even gonna name these  youtubers bc it’s genuinely so embarrassing to think about but it was like this group of them that would just. do stupid shit. and their content was very clearly made for like. children. like jake paul-esque but with less encouraging kids to buy merch. but this was like. 8th grade maybe? beginning of freshmen year? both I think but yeah idk what that was. I knew it was embarrassing when I was watching the videos too but I think I enjoyed it so much because it was just like. friends having the absolute time of their life. and just to clarify it was Not david dobrick and his cronies. and, of course, tana mongeau. she sucks. I know. she is a bad person. however. she is such an entertaining bad person. and like. hot take incoming but she has like actually no influence like who gives a shit what tana mongeau does. and she isn’t like bigoted or something which is when it would be a problem. all she’s doing is like. what? cheating on people and being annoying and selling overpriced scammy merch? which shes done multiple times and like. fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on you but it’s happened like five times and people keep buying her shit like cmon guys. anyways I like watching her because it’s like. how can you live a life like that. parties every night dating Bella Thorne hanging out with the guy that played carl in shameless. I’ve talked about this question for way too long my bad as you were. also bonus answer shoutout to my guy ethanimale you know he’s my bff
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the-blackest-blue · 12 days
It's so fun to retrospect bands I used to listen to. I feel like I actually understand what they are talking about lol. I miss less produced music. Stuff is so over done today to try and hypnotize there listeners. Alot of the notes I don't think the singers are hitting and when you hear them live they sounds like a completely different band which feels disappointing and scammy.
Indie acts also sound like what they produce so you know what your getting. Atleast from the different things I've been looking at. And I'm not talking about lip sync either.
80s baby and idk.. I love all kinds of music. I grew up on motown and oldies cause my mom listened to alot of the and blues. And then later I loved alot of radio rnb and pop. I love early 90s hip-hop but that later radio rap was mostly trash. I mean of course ppl Missy Elliott and stuff where p innovative at the time. The Canadians introduced me to pop-punk and hard rock. I didn't like it at first but once I got used to it couldn't get enough. Just listened to Linkin Park yesterday for the first time in ages. There was a jazz scene where I grew up, big electronic techno/house scene too. I feel like 90s/00s really still pulled from the plethora of the 60s/70s/80s style and musical expression. It's a good time.
Even the goth/industrial area from 90s onwards where awesome. Idk. There's so much to like!
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givereadersahug · 9 months
2023 August Goals - Books
Here are a few books I'm hoping to get to this month. Some I started a month or two ago, but am still working my way through. Others has been on my TBR list for awhile now and I'm using this as a push to get them off the pile.
Dreamwidth Post
2023 August Goals - Films & Shows
📚 Flawless: Lessons in Looks and Culture from the K-Beauty Capital by Elise Hu
This is an in-depth look into the history & culture of beauty in South Korea. I actually been reading this for awhile now, but I needed to take many breaks. It's very informative and the history nerd in me loves the culture and societal impacts, but man. It is such a depressing state of things if you think too much about it. How looks drive society, how you must attach a photo to your resume, how strangers remark without prompting your looks and how you can fix it (and usually the first bit of small talk you engage with), how so much pressure is placed on women's bodies and how they are presented. Youth dominates and plastic surgeries are given as high school graduation gifts. I don't think I'll fit well mentally and physically if I were to live in South Korea.
📚 Easy Money: Cryptocurrency, Casino Capitalism, and the Golden Age of Fraud by Ben McKenzie, Jacob Silverman
A book about cryptocurrency! And from Ryan (The OC) of all people. 😯 I've listened to a lot of podcasts about crypto & its ups and downs. Definitely very interested in the topic and how many are drawn into this world in what I consider a very scammy MLM/pyramid scheme by another name.
FoldingIdeas did a great video essay on the subject, if you want to know a bit about this world: Line Goes Up – The Problem With NFTs
📚 Run Towards the Danger: Confrontations with a Body of Memory by Sarah Polley
A collection of essays by the brilliant Sarah Polley. I've enjoyed her films (the ending of Women Talking had me sobbing) and I heard great things about this book, so I'm excited to dive in.
📚 Pageboy by Elliot Page
Does this memoir need an introduction? I'm sure everyone has seen or heard about this and, like Run Towards the Danger, I can't wait to dive in.
Not sure how it happened, but my fiction picks for the month are all YA fantasy and with a female lead! I hardly ever read YA nowadays, but the following are from my favorite authors or I heard a lot of buzz, so I am intrigued.
📚 A Face Like Glass by Frances Hardinge
Frances Hardinge!!!!! Her stories are *chef's kiss*. Complicated, has depth, definitely weird, imaginative, and freaking AMAZING. And have you read the description for this novel? *grabby hands*
📚 The Robber Girl by Franny Billingsley
Franny Billingsley wrote Chime, which is a book I re-read every year. This novel is the first book she has written since Chime and after a decade hiatus. I am going into this blind and I'm trying to tamper down my expectations, but AHHHHH. I can't wait to be lost in Franny's world again.
📚 Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher
What if Prince Charming was the big bad? Want a dark and twisty fairy tale? Yes! Sign me up, please! (Well, all the fiction on this list could be described as that. 🤣)
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boyette47tarp · 2 years
replica kelly bag 9
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If you wait months and at last communicate with you, another drawback with colours could come up. The requested web page "/replica-hermes-kelly-bag/" couldn't be discovered. It is estimated that will probably be fired for a while. For example, London bond st, the service perspective is simply too bad, went to so many stores, the worst. I can only say that I am nonetheless unfamiliar, and I have bought more. As lengthy as it isn't a purchase, look for a SA, search for him each time he goes, he's waiting for him at the reception. In the lunch break, wait for him or wait for an additional. This means folks will slowly be good to you, and you know that you actually want long-term relationships. Sometimes there's merely a hazy dividing selection amid the buying stylish and getting out dated. Hermes firm based mostly by Thierry Hermes in 1837 has come a really good distance from creating saddle luggage to get its horse riders for producing couture replica handbags for star girls. Each replica purse is an entire masterpiece, even as a result of it requires longer that 24 hours at creating only one single purse. Quite obviously that produces these handbags exceptional and fairly dear. The tribe lately broke floor on a tower, largely funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, with pilings buried 51 toes in the floor and two elevated platforms that might hold lots of of individuals. The most appropriate choice may be to get on a rooftop or to climb a tree. But most of the region’s buildings weren't constructed to resist such a quake, let alone a tsunami, which might be hurtling vehicles and logs and different debris at objects in its path. With so many various replica Hermes luggage to choose from you will have a tough time making a call about which replica purse or replica pockets is best for you. But at prices much decrease than the unique genuine bag you'll make a selection. Cleo Patek is one of those shady shops that seasoned New York consumers have discovered to keep away from, however can easily sucker in the less savvy as well as gullible tourists. They have been around for several years now, establishing store in popular purchasing areas and promoting purses of questionable quality at a steep discount from high, pretend "authentic" prices. We have all the time found their continued, and even increasing, scammy presence to be irksome. What make hermes bags and hermes scarlf attractive to peoplehermes purses are ready to endure the modifying pattern as properly as reside for virtually any extented long run. A number of well-renowned luxurious manufacturers have released new luggage after being impressed by well-known girls. Louis Vuitton seemed to fashion icon & actress Audrey Hepburn to create the Speedy 25. Gucci named their “Jackie bag” after Jackie Kennedy. kelly bag replica I’m prepared to consider that I’ve obtained issues wrong. I talked to a few of the identical individuals Dan Wolken did in the course of the Schiano mess and I advised them exactly what I advised you guys, that it was an terrible rent. You can certainly agree or disagree with my opinion, but I’m not advocating my place to try and curry favor with anybody or ensure they return my emoticon textual content messages. Third, the rationale I always tell you to learn media aggressively is as a result of I know how the sports activities media sausage is made. The replica I have just reviewed is an honest one and admittedly it could cross as the original one in any given state of affairs. If you comply with the above pointers I am sure that you too will have the ability to acquire a stunning and good high quality Hermes Birkin Togo replica bag. What makes these Cameron satchels top-of-the-line Hermes replica handbags is that is created from saffiano. This sort of sturdy leather will forestall your bag from getting easily scratched and damaged. Plus, it features 14K gold carat hardware which provides this bag a luxe end. Hey Meri, I bought it several years ago from pursevalley. wikipedia handbags I loved your evaluation of get 2 lux.cn and decided to order from them, I wish to share my expertise with you/your readers. I was kind of sceptical at first as there could be a lot of dupes and fakes on the market, but because her bag looked so good , I was prepared to only try and see. I kept on eyeing it to determine whether or not it was faux or actual, btw I own a basic flap in black so I know my chanels very nicely. Hi I know a vendor in London who has superb bags. For many mere mortals the dream of owning a Hermes replica bag is unrealistic, with the fee merely far too excessive however here at Replicashermesoutlet.com we provide stunning replica bags for just some hundred dollars. Fakehermeshandbags provides you an astonishing variation of choices. 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