#say what you will about bnha it was terrible i know that but the todoroki family plotline was SO GOOD
when it comes to fictional romance i am SO picky but tragic siblings? i eat that shit up every time. no matter how crappy it is. i fucking love tragic siblings that shit makes me CRAZY!!
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vrisrezis · 2 years
The worst thing abt being with certain characters ? Write ur favs ! Bnha preferably
Bakugou is very jealous and not in the funny cute way. Sure, it’s funny and cute the first couple times but after awhile it becomes repetitive. It’s often, and it can be exhausting. You may feel like he doesn’t trust you as well because of it, in reality he’s just scared of losing you but he can’t confront it properly.
Kirishima tries so hard to do everything for the both of you. It’s sweet how considerate and selfless he can be, but you just wish he would let you shoulder his burdens like how he shoulders yours. He’s your rock, (literally) but on a whole other level and he won’t ever let you return the favor. It sometimes feels like he doesn’t trust you. Maybe one day he will open up, since being honest is manly.
Kaminari doesn’t listen and he forgets a lot of things. He tries to listen, he really does. But he just can’t sometimes. Whether it be because he’s too busy admiring how attractive you are or because what you’re talking about is too goddamn boring, he can’t focus on the words coming out of your mouth. He may forget important things that he didn’t mean to forget and it comes across as him just not caring. He cares so much but he’s extremely forgetful, unfortunately.
Todoroki is perfect. The worst thing about being with him isn’t even him, it’s his father. Even after he redeemed himself, he’s very hard on you. He believes his son deserves only the best, the strongest. You have to deal with his father constantly, it’s extremely tiresome and the worst part is you have to keep it to yourself.
Dabi lies, a lot. Even when he starts being himself and becomes open and vulnerable, that takes a very long time and he has a terrible habit of lying to you. If you’re not a villain alongside him, you have no idea about his double life. Even if you are? He doesn’t tell you what he’s up to while he’s gone. He truly means well, behind the mask is a soft and caring man, in his own way. But through and through he’s a liar. Even you don’t know his true identity for the longest time.
Shigaraki… where do I even begin? He’s exhausting to deal with, he’s childish to a fault. When you argue he expects you to apologize and he doesn’t ever think he did anything wrong. He’s extremely insensitive, and it takes a huge fuckup for him to realize he did something wrong and even then is too embarrassed to apologize. When he’s mad he’s not against yelling at you and saying he’ll kill you (even though he doesn’t mean it). Through and through you’re dating a man child.
Toga is pretty perfect in a relationship, if you ignore the fact she’s crazy. She’s very obsessive and jealous, and would definitely kill anyone that she felt showed any romantic interest in you, even if you two were friends. Makes her sound like a yandere but.. yknow.. I guess she kinda is? Her obsessive nature makes her overbearing to be with at times and it can feel isolating.
Hawks is swarmed by fans constantly, and many fans can be flirtatious. He tries to make sure the public eye likes him, so he often flirts back so there’s no hard feelings. You know he doesn’t like those people at all, but it can still be frustrating to see him flirt with random people. On top of this, he probably keeps your relationship a secret. He does it to protect you, but you can’t help but feel like this relationship isn’t important to him.
Sero is practically perfect, however when he’s feeling a particular emotion he assumes things. If he were to get jealous, it’s rare, but when he is he assumes you don’t like him anymore. When he’s sad he assumes you think he’s a pathetic failure, and etc. once you talk to him about it though, he tries to understand that it’s just in his head. It’s hard not to act upon these feelings though.
Mina is just .. a bit much at times. She constantly wants to go out and will not understand you if you just wanna stay home and chill out for once. Mina likes to be out and about, so you will find she lacks the understanding of just wanting to relax. But honestly is that really that bad compared to the others.
Jirou is not the most open and vulnerable, as it’s very hard for her to be. She will open up if needed but you have to coax her into opening up. She won’t voice her affections, and tries her hardest to remain stoic despite the blush on her cheeks. It may feel like she doesn’t trust you at times, because she’s very open with momo. However, she just had a hard time because she likes you so much.
Ochako gets very insecure, which isn’t a bad thing or anything until you consider the fact that she gets insecure over very small things. She gets insecure if you don’t call her certain pet names that day or something else pretty small and she thinks the worst possible thing and tries to avoid you.
Momo doesn’t do it on purpose, but she may make you feel guilty since she constantly wants to do things for you and constantly wants to buy you things as well. She absolutely refuses to let you do things for her at all, it’s only cause she loves you though, of course. But sometimes she makes you feel like she’s infantilizing you.
Monoma is just exhausting in general, but you kinda know what you signed up for when you started dating him. Due to his inferiority complex, he gets jealous very often. He tries not to resort to his.. usual self.. especially since he tries to act different when you’re around but sometimes he can’t help but gossip and shit talk people he’s jealous of, even if they’re close to you. It just gets exhausting to constantly hear about people you’re close to.
Shinsou is pretty much the perfect boyfriend so honestly the worst thing about dating him would probably be what people say about him and his quirk. It can be upsetting hearing people think of your boyfriend as a villain or somebody will villain potential, especially when you know him to be different and much more kind than what meets the surface.
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>They are really following the “saving child shigaraki” path 💀
No? Well, yes, but Deku seeing what happened to Tenko and talking to Tenko was always going to happen, it doesn't mean that only child Tenko gets saved lol. Tenko is Shigaraki's origin, his core, his genuine ideas, his honne (true feelings and desires). Of course Deku has to understand and save Tenko to save adult!Tenko, lol. Nobody seemed to complain when child!Ochako was talking to child!Himiko and etc., so what's up with some people's attitude now? 😭
I think the fandom is a bit paranoid because they really fear some theories.
I sometimes entertain those theories just to fuck around and create what ifs. It's a mere childplay. "Oh what if the school burned today and we all graduated earlier" type of mindset. The odds of it happening are non-existent, but c'mon. Unless you plan to burn the school yourself or you know someone will try, the odds are almost zero.
"but somewhere in the world a school burned—"
Sure, some mangas decide to end things the worst way possible only to cause shock, to fuck with fans, for money, sometimes simply because they don't understand their own stories. Even the big mangas is subjected to that. The author can go bananas for whatever reason and give you a terrible ending.
From my perspective, Horikoshi has rarely lost sight of the story he wants to tell. If he opens a plotline, he takes care to close it later. We got our traitor, we got the resolution with the Todorokis, we got AFO, class 1B, the villain comebacks...
Even when there were moments I knew Horikoshi went a little on the tangent (like Stars and Stripes) he was quick to return to the main issue. In bnha, to get an answer for your question you only have to wait for the manga to explain it— or in some cases, check the spin-off. If the answer is not in bnha itself, it normally is in the Vigilantes manga.
When someone asks me "Hey Shan, do you think that is possible?" the correct answer is always yes, because as long as the story is not over anything can happen. Objectively speaking, yes, it is as possible as anything else. As long as you're alive a lightning strike can hit you. A shark can bite you. An alien can come for you. The odds are there.
Now, is it probable?
No, not much.
Turning Tomura into a child to erase his crimes and resolve Deku's role within the plot is not only the lazy route, but also a disservice to the story. People don't resurrect out of nowhere in bnha. Limbs don't grow again. This is a story where the consequences are permanent. Even saving Mirio had a cost. There are only a few characters that can magically heal and their participation is soo little, it's almost as if they weren't there.
Each story has rules. You don't care about the real life rules or your own law code or whatever; you care about the inner rules of that story.
So far, Horikoshi has taken care of not breaking the inner rules of bnha. Why would he do so now?
Another bnha trait is that it doesn't stay stagnant on a plotline that is interesting yet irrelevant to the main story. It also doesn't hurry the story if it needs to go down a certain path. It will happen on its own time, after the events that need to happen had happened too. Example: saving Tomura has been a whole process. If Horikoshi were to turn Tomura into a child, why would he show all that he has shown us?
That's 'cause Horikoshi is explaining Deku's choice of saving Tomura. I know the trend of separating Tomura from Tenko, but it's absurd. They are one and the same. The kid is the adult and vice versa. You save the kid version, you save the adult one too. In order to save the adult one, you need to save the kid first. And if you went all the way to save that person, why would you want to erase all of it and turn them into a child again?
Isn't the story about how Deku giving little Tenko a chance? Isn't the story about Deku telling others they can do the impossible? Didn't Nighteye say that Deku could change the future and now we see him also changing the past, if only to allow the present to be a little more bearable? Livable?
I'll say this here: the theory that dictates that the heroes will turn the villains into kids to save them and the villains will stay like that has absolutely no foundation within the story.
If it happens, it's bad writing.
Horikoshi uses the kid images as symbolism. It is meant to represent the core of a person. It's the part of them that would never change, the part of them that dictates their dreams and goals, what they hate and love, who they are. It's the most basic of their forms, their essence, their soul if you want to speak on those terms.
Heroes are meant to connect with those parts of a human in order to save them, because the job of a hero is not only saving the body, but the human as a whole. To preserve hope, to heal past wounds and give people a reason to smile. To help people laugh as a kid again, to bring back their wonder and their innocence, to fight the apathy and the cynical part of themselves.
Bnha is fantasy. People have powers. The dead can communicate with the living. Of course that the heroes can talk with the childhood versions of the people to heal their past traumas.
Easy as that.
I can't say for sure if the villains will live or die. I only have my opinion (they'll live), but I am not the author. Horikoshi can have an epiphany tomorrow and kill everyone in the story with a meteor. Idk.
I can only say that Horikoshi has presented a cohesive and coherent writing, one that follows the lines it dictates to their natural conclusion. If things stay like that, there's no need to fear none of the crazy theories circulating the fandom. At the end of the day that's all they are, theories.
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codenamesazanka · 2 months
There was that joke in the fandom about Horikoshi looking through fanfics to see what theories to make canon like the "Dabi being Touya" or "the UA traitor" (even tho most of those were just stuff hinted at in the canon before hand). Since we're doing the whole "sharing memories" bit, the one fanfic trope he can definitely throw in the manga right now is the "Spinner tells Shigaraki he used to have a tail that got cut off by bullies"
Is that a popular trope? Enough to be a thing Horikoshi would pick up on. I don't think it's anywhere near the same level as 'Dabi is the lost Todoroki son' and 'UA Traitor is _____'… but it would be interesting if Spinner Tail Trauma is made canon.
Though at this late stage, I don't know if I want it, to be honest! If it's a memory, it's angst fuel to develop characters other than Spinner - guy wouldn't even be there for it. It would a real iffy choice to show something deeply personal and traumatic that happened to Spinner, something so unjust, without Spinner there—and really only for the benefit of the contrived connection between Shigaraki and Deku.
I guess because Spinner is still unaccounted for, he can still show up so it doesn't have to be just a memory, but. Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. HeroAca resolutions are less about the victims and what they're owed, and more about how cool and merciful the Heroes are for saving them. This would be that, but even more so, and infinitely worse.
Plus, it would make the heteromorph riot mini-arc even more of a mess. Not to say there's levels of suffering that can be compared, but in-universe and in story, Shoji is kinda framed as having been worst off - his parents weren't heteromorphic like him, he got bashed in the face with a rake and was heavily scarred for life after he saved a girl from drowning, then he even has to wear a mask to prevent people from thinking he's resentful for being the victim of a hate crime. All that, but he came out of it with a strong and golden moral core, ready to be a great and inspirational Hero who protects the status quo.
Shoji's positioned as being in the right: here was a kid who suffered terribly, but he still managed to overcome the odds and be a Good Person, who thought deeply about the Right Way to end discrimination and is putting it into action (which is being a model minority). So what's everyone else's excuse?
Meanwhile, Spinner's backstory is that he only gets sprayed with pesticides, succumbs to being a NEET hikikomori, and goes running off to join terrorists without a single original thought in his head. For the narrative to work, he needs to be the selfish, hypocritical loser who didn't try hard enough to overcome his hardships that were comparatively mild.
If Spinner was revealed to have a tail cut off by bullies, the bnha balance of heteromorphic good and evil would collapse. A young boy's classmates mutilates him as the apex of heteromorphobic bullying, and the victim was left to languish as a high school dropout shut-in? That's not something that can be fixed by waiting out generations (just wait for the adults to die! their mindset would go with them—oh, but the perpetrators are the new generation…) or having the victim change their behavior (there's just no excuse for chopping off a child's body part). That reveals something much darker in the fabric of society that Heroes' plucky 'work-harder! plus ultra!' optimism are unequiped to handle.
At the very least, it's something that "Stop holding a grudge" and "Sorry for not realizing earlier" (as the rando hero tells the PLF guy in Chapter 373) and "Shine bright until your torments feel ashamed" are utterly insufficient and unconvincing in resolving. Not quite as inspirational, you know?
I'm sorry anon! I know you were asking as a joke, offering a fun idea. And I do like it! I'm still not opposed to Spinner having that canon backstory if the writing around it was to suddenly radically change the story and expand it by 300 more chapters to fix everything. I still love the idea that Spinner had a tail. I just took it too seriously and overthought it. My apologies. Thanks for the ask.
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Vampire Quirk! Reader || BNHA x you
plot: the reader has a vampirism Quirk that they hide from everyone because they are afraid of being hurt. the reader doesn't let anyone get close to them until Aizawa convinces them to make friends. the reader befriends the dekusquad and reveals their quirk; hurt/comfort
tws: blood, bullying, murder, slight angst
Your first memory after being reincarnated was being covered in blood. You weren't a very lucky person in your last life, so naturally, it would transfer over to this one. Your parents in this life were caught up in some shady shit and because of that, it nearly killed you. It was at that time you received your Quirk.
One moment you were watching television with your family, and the next you were a murderer. It was shocking, to say the least. You didn't remember what happened. According to the autopsy, the blood of one man had crystalized and blocked the arteries in his body, leading to his death, the second was boiled alive, and the last was a mystery. The reports said that he was found impaled in several places and that you, a six-year-old, were found drenched in the substance and had consumed some of it.
It was shortly after that you realized that you had been reincarnated into BNHA. Aizawa Shota, aka Pro-Hero Eraserhead, was deemed your legal guardian and had trained you to become a Hero. You aced the entrance exam, thanks to the vials of blood you kept on your person, and landed yourself in Class 1-A. In fact, today was the first day of your second year.
"Oi, problem child." Aizawa's voice calls just before you leave for lunch, "You need to make friends. You can't be alone for the rest of your life."
"Don't give me the 'what if I hurt them' shit. You've got a good grasp of your Quirk. Go make some damn friends." The man grumbles, clearly concerned about you.
You reluctantly nodded. You kept how your Quirk operated a secret from your classmates, afraid of rejection and opening yourself up to being hurt. It's happened too many times in the past. You were bullied all throughout elementary and middle school because of your deceased family members and the Quirk you received. None of that was your fault but the words still stung.
Those words embedded themselves in your mind and built walls around your heart. After years of hearing it, you grew to believe those same words. You refused to talk to anyone outside of Aizawa and the few Heroes he was friends with. You never allowed anyone to get close to you. It was better that way... or so you thought.
When you mustered up the courage to sit with Midoriya a few weeks later, he was nothing short of kind to you. It was the same with Iida, Uraraka, and Todoroki. In fact, you grew closer to them over the next few months. It took some time to build up trust and find the courage to get over the fears of your Quirk, so when you finally took that leap, you were terribly afraid.
You were afraid of being shut out again. Afraid of being hurt again. Afraid of being rejected and having to build those walls back up. Nevertheless, you still did it.
"Do you guys... want to know how my Quirk operates?" Were the words you mumbled.
"[L-Last Name]-san, are you sure? You don't have to feel-"
"I'm sure." No, I'm not.
The table is silent for a few moments, giving you time to gather your thoughts.
"My Quirk is called... Vampire."
You take a deep breath, forcing your eyes down as you begin to explain. "I'm able to manipulate blood in its entirety. I can heat it up, chill it, sharpen it, harden it, and crystalize it. I'm able to move it around and form certain shapes. However, I'm only able to do this after I ingest blood. I carry a few vials of blood with me everywhere I go for that reason."
After you finish, you begin to fidget with your fingers. Your friends remained silent for a few moments, though it felt like hours to you. You knew what was going through their heads.
"I'm sorry, I need to use the bathroom." You stand suddenly, throwing out your lunch and making your way to the restroom. Slamming the stall door closed, you slide down the wall and cover your mouth with the back of your hand.
I'm so fucking stupid. Just because they aim to be heroes, why would they be any different?
Tears fill your lashline and spill over, carving a trail down your cheeks. The ache in your chest is back and you wanted it gone; You decided you'll just avoid them until you can patch yourself up again... and that's exactly what you did.
They tried texting and calling, but you never answered. You didn't even look at their messages.
They tried to catch you at school, but you always managed to get away somehow.
They tried to have someone else talk to you, but you managed to avoid them too. You didn't even look at them anymore. You just caved back in on yourself. You were so afraid of rejection that you didn't realize they meant well.
It was a few weeks later that they managed to corner you. You were already home from school and Aizawa said he'd be coming home late as he had some tests to grade. You didn't think he'd bring company.
"Oi, problem child. Come downstairs." Aizawa calls from the bottom of the stairwell. Heaving a sigh, you trudge down the steps, playing (mobile game). When you look up, all color leaves your face.
"W-What are you guys doing here?
Standing before you was none other than Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and Uraraka. They looked... pained.
This is getting ridiculous. I'm avoiding them for a reason.
"[Last Name]-san, can we talk?"
"Oi, don't give them a choice," Aizawa grumbles, turning to you. "You are gonna sit and talk whatever the hell happened out. You're not leaving this room until then."
With that, Aizawa leaves the room. You hesitantly take a seat opposite the four, wringing your fingers nervously as you direct your gaze to the floor.
"[Last Name]... why aren't you talking to us?" Uraraka's voice is shaky as she speaks. "D-Did we do something wrong?"
You remain silent for a moment, then whisper, "Why are you here?"
"W-What do you mean? We want to-"
"Are you here to get on my good side? If you are, you can just leave."
"[Last Name], what are you talking about?" Midoriya asks quietly. You notice the tears in his eyes when you direct your attention to him.
"I get it, I have a Villain's Quirk for fuck's sake. Terrifying isn't it? You guys don't have to worry about me hurting you because I'm not gonna repeat the past... So just fucking leave me alone. I'll be a hero and we'll go our separate ways after school. Just forget I even told you anything." You abruptly stand, making for the door.
"[Last Name]. You don't have a villain's Quirk." Todoroki says firmly. "There's no such thing as a 'Hero Quirk' or a 'Villain Quirk'. Your Quirk doesn't define you as a person and we never thought otherwise."
"Bullshit. If that were true, then why the fuck were you guys so fucking quiet when I told you."
"Because we thought it was cool! You have an amazing Quirk, [Last Name]!" Uraraka shouts, tears filling her eyes as well.
"It's not, Uraraka! I've had to hide this shit from everyone because it's a fucking curse! I've fucking murdered people!" Your voice booms, angry tears rolling down your cheeks.
"You were protecting yourself, [Last Name]-san!" Iida finally speaks up.
"Aizawa told us about the report. Your family was murdered and your Quirk manifested to protect you. Why can't you see how amazing your Quirk is?" Todoroki steps forward. "Why would we leave you because you protected yourself, [Last Name]?"
"Because that's what everyone does! Everyone has left me because of it! It's a fucking curse and I... I..." An ugly sob erupts from your throat, knees sinking to the floor. "I can't let myself be hurt again. Please, just leave me alone."
Silence ensues once more. Various sniffles and shuddering breaths are heard before you feel arms wrap around you. Then someone else, and someone else, until all four have their arms around you. The action causes you to cry harder, struggling to free yourself.
"Stop, please. I cant... You'll just hurt me again. I-"
"[Last Name], we aren't going anywhere. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. It wasn't fair at all, but we're your friends. We care about you so much. Please let us be here for you..." Midoriya cries. The five of you stay like that for a while before three bodies leave your side, settling on the couch. You feel someone shift in front of you, lifting your chin with two fingers. Todoroki's eyes meet yours, tears budding at his lashline.
"I love you, [Name]. I love you so much it hurts." His voice cracks, fading into a whisper. "I... Let me help you. Please."
Todoroki pushes your head against his chest, holding you close as quiet sobs rack through his body. He presses a kiss to the crown of your head, then rests his face in the crook of your neck, mumbling a string of pleas. Latching onto him, you mumble, "Okay."
The other three in the room immediately embrace you again, holding you tightly, afraid you'd close yourself off again if they didn't.
Just outside the door, a proud father smiles, pushing himself off of the wall, and heads to the kitchen to make some coffee and order dinner...
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jujutsukgojo · 1 year
The Less You Know, The Better
mafia Shouto todoroki x reader
“Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re not going to talk, okay?” He stalked toward you, graceful strides without a fault. “I know you won’t because you’re a good girl, aren’t you?”
What the fuck?
Right in front of you, he grabs your face. “The less you know, the better. You know nothing of tonight.”
He caressed your face. “What do you know?”
“Nothing.” Your response was quick.  “Good girl,” He placed a kiss on your head.
tw: mentioned gang violence, mentioned murder, idk
A/N: this is shit and it hurt my feelings to edit and post it i'm SCREAMING. i dont own bnha
shouto todoroki x reader, 4.8k
You look at the man that was once your classmate. His red and white hair parted in the middle with his red hair slicked back, scar prominent and beautiful, and eyes deceptively warm and innocent. He wears a tux so white, that it is like an angel's wing. You know better. You know that he'd never even get close to heaven to touch a divine being. You know him better than anyone, honestly.
His friends and family consider him noble, a little oblivious, goofy, and overall sweet and kind. That he in no way is he like his older brother. That is a bold-faced lie if you ever heard one.  
Shouto has held a candle for you since you met him at U.A. when he was openly cold. His eyes were piercing and unforgiving and his touch frosty yet fiery. Everyone forgave him for his hostility and helped him see the light of life. You were one of them, too.   
 He held doors open for you and slammed them shut on everyone else, he was gentle and courteous, during lunch he’d get up from his lonesome table and give you his sweets or his entire lunch if you forgot yours, so in return, you offered to just share it. All of these little things made you swoon and sit with him. During those times, you got to know Shouto for who he is. He never told you about his family life in depth, though. Not until Izuku got to him. Even then, the details were never fully explained to you. Some holes were never filled properly, and you never asked.   
 Second year came around and he was nicer than the last year, third year shared the same trend.    
The first time he proposed was later in your first year. You told him that the two of you couldn’t get married since you both were too young. Shouto reasoned with an ‘Okay, later then.’.  
The girls in the class squealed in excitement when he said that.    
This continued, much to everyone’s amusement. Soon it became sort of like a gag. Mina even had him recreate romantic movie scenes to get you to say yes. Once, Aizawa joined in and begged you to say yes so everyone could shut up as he tried to get the class under control.  
Sweet, sweet, Shouto showed his true colors a couple of months ago in the dead of night. You wish that you wouldn’t have walked into that restaurant and wouldn’t have come across the back alley.  
There Shouto was, standing tall, with blood coating his arms, men surrounding him, and terribly beaten and possibly dead people at his feet. For a moment you thought he was in danger and was just defending himself against assailants until you realized that these men in black were with him. Not wanting to believe your eyes and still needing to understand, you waited in secret. Shouto answered your question as he collected the money and showed that the men around him, three of them, collected the bodies. All except for one that lay on the ground.    
“A messenger is sometimes needed,” Shouto said while wiping his hand on a handkerchief that was given to him. If the blood wasn’t smeared all over it, the emblem on it would look like a mythological Chimera.    
The messenger was completely beaten yet still managed to limp with one leg not broken. He'd be screaming in agony had the adrenaline not kicked in. You curled up even more behind a box as he passed you. His eyes faced the exit with hope in his bruised eyes. You hope he didn’t see your bold-colored dress that stood out too much even in the night.  
 The three men disposed of the bodies by wrapping them up in plastic and tying a rope around them. The trunk of the truck is already covered with a bright blue tarp. The men placed the bodies inside and shut the double doors.  
One of the men get out various supplies and sprayed them on the ground. The drain collects the liquid happily. Because it is an alley, stenches, dirt, and every other disgusting thing, are normal. Perhaps that is why deep cleaning isn’t given, you presume.   
Either way, it is disgusting and scary. What you saw is evil and wrong on all levels.    
One of the three men, the one with a beanie on his head with one curl sticking out and a tattoo peeking from the back of his neck, opened the door for Shouto. “Nah, I'll walk.”    
The three men drive away. “I know you’re there, (Y/n).” Your heart stopped. Not waiting another moment, you backed away from the scene. “I want to talk to you.”    
You don’t answer him and instead, you shook your head as you leave in a crouched position. Suddenly, you’re grabbed and lifted to stare Shouto in the eyes. “I-I didn’t see anything, honest!”   
 Frozen stiff, you don’t fight when he lifts you completely and carried you bridal style. Your breath was short. The streetlights, despite the evil he committed, gave him justice for his beauty. Now revealing a terrible violent nature, he still resembles something angelic. Only this time, it is a vengeful angel rejected by God.    
 “Sh-Shouto, don’t.” You whispered. He said nothing in return. Minutes later, he says, “Keys.”   
Looking to your right, your door stands. He took you home. You didn’t even notice where he was going. Without hesitation, you jumped out of his hold and scrambled for your keys. Shouto pressed himself against you and dug inside your purse. Instantly, he held them and unlocked the door. Once you saw the door open, you jumped inside and closed the door.    
At least you tried to.    
Shouto’s foot sat in the way and helped him push himself through. “No!”    
“Stop.” He stood in front of you with the door closed behind him. For a moment neither of you speak. “You saw too much, you know that?”   
“No, I didn’t.” He scoffs and looks around your place as if he hasn’t been inside a million times. As if he didn’t help you move in and decorate. “Don’t play stupid.”   
You could have sworn you were quiet. Not a whimper or whine, not a creak or shuffle or a click of your heel. Hell, you didn't even breathe. At this time, you should have said that you wouldn’t tell anyone, but you can’t. How can you? You saw something horrific! People should know!   
 “Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re not going to talk, okay?” He stalked toward you, graceful strides without a fault. “I know you won’t because you’re a good girl, aren’t you?”   
What the fuck?   
Right in front of you, he grabs your face. “The less you know, the better. You know nothing of tonight.”   
He caressed your face. “What do you know?”   
“Nothing.” Your response was quick. “Good girl,” He placed a kiss on your head. With one bolt of courage, you said, “You won’t get away with this!”   
Shouto sighed and stared down at you. It made you remember that he has always been taller. No matter how tall you are, he’s about a head bigger if not more.    
As he leaves, he tells you to lock the door and windows. “It’s dangerous out here.”   
Since then, you’ve felt like you’re being watched. Bolting the doors and securing the windows is your priority. Because of what you saw, you want to march right to the authorities and tell them everything, but for some reason, you can’t. Fear and guilt are set deep inside whenever you think about it.    
Now here he is, at this stupid party or gala or whatever. In your face, asking for a dance. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”   
 Smirking, he places your drink in the waiter’s awaiting hand. “For you? A dance with me is always a good idea.”   
 He twirls you around the floor. Your dress that compliments your skin tone sways with the motion. The subtle designs on it shine in the light as he gently grabs your hand to show you off with every movement. Onlookers coo at you both and whisper ‘a lovely couple’. Those whispers make you warm.    
“I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever.”   
You look around and see your old classmates, bringing a certain comfort at the moment. You notice Eijirō standing by the door, Tooru shimmying her way around the guests being as nosey as ever, and surprisingly, Kyoka has her ears perked up, seemingly joining her.  
 Momo smiles and looks around, admiring the décor. She's got the right idea. It's gorgeous. A classic ballroom set: gold and red, a chandelier, delicious food and desserts, gorgeous flowers of roses and lilies, and even more beautifully, a bouquet of bluebells. All of it screams money, elegance, and symbolism. It's truly a show of wealth. A place like this is something you never thought you'd be invited to.  
 Everyone seems to be doing okay. They're a little off, but alright. It makes you smile, your old classmates. With them being around you feel a little better.   
“It’s only been a few months, Todoroki.” He firmly grabs your waist and loops your hand through his. The hold is secure and intimate.    
 “Todoroki? What happened to Shouto?” You roll your eyes and shake your head. “Don’t do that.”   
 He hums. “Well, it throws me off. The only reason you should be saying “Todoroki” is if it has a “missus” and your name.”   
 “Oh, come on,” You scoff in disappointment. “That was lame.”    
“Sorry, I'm rusty. I haven’t asked you to marry me in these few months, (Y/n).” You separate yourself from him for a moment. “I know good and damn well your ass did not-”   
He’s genuinely smiling at you.  “I haven’t even asked yet!”  
“And you’re not going to!” He laughs again, something he only does when he’s with you. It’s been that way since high school. You're the only one who sees that he has dimples.  
 “(Y/n), please marry me. I’ll treat you right.” He promises.   
“A damn dirty lie.” He pulls you close to him. A beautiful whisper is on his lips. “No, it’s not. You’ll be safe and loved. I’ll give you the world, my love. Just say the word.”   
That’s the first time he’s called you that. Usually, it’s ‘dove’, ‘beauty’, and most often, ‘soba noodle’. The last is a nickname he picked up in high school that was suggested by Sero.  
 “I am in love you, (Y/n). And one day, you’ll be my wife. Mark my words.” You suck on your teeth. “The devil is a liar.”   
  Now in your mid-twenties, Shouto still asks you to be his wife. This has been going on for what? Ten years or something?    
“Would you like to see me on one knee? Because I'll do it right here.” You step on his foot lightly. “No, you won’t, a public proposal is embarrassing.”   
He hums and moves to get down. You yank him up. “Stop that!” Embarrassed, you look around and see a few people watching. 
“This is why I don’t trust you.” That’s the gospel truth. At any moment he could turn on you.   
 “One day you will.”    
 You shake your head no. “You’re lying to everyone. All of these people, too. You are a shady bastard. What the hell is going on anyway?”   
“All you need to know is that I am still your Shouto.” You look up at him. “Which Shouto is that?”    
“All of me. Every side of me will love you beyond the end. Not a single part of me will hurt you, this I swear.” You stop moving. And really look at him. He is still Shouto, right? Can he be saved?  
“What have you gotten yourself into, Shouto? Is there a way out?”   
“The less you know, my soba noodle, the better.”  He kisses your knuckles as the song is over.   
He keeps saying that. And the more he talks the more it seems to be the best thing for you. Because, in an odd sense, it’s comforting. Whether or not it is in the worst way is up for interpretation.    
At night you hear the screams of people begging for mercy. You hear children weeping in the dark with no light to find them. Red is everywhere with Shouto in the middle of the room. He gazes into your eyes as you look around. Then, a single hand is extended towards you with Shouto giving you a hopeful look.    
This is the dream you’ve been having ever since that fateful night when you saw the side of Shouto you never wanted to see. One that you never thought was there had met you with a terrifying turn of its head.    
Before the dance, that dream started to fade. But then Shouto held you and it came back with a vengeance. Only this time, it feels more real than ever. Now you are waking up covered in sweat and checking around to see if there is any evidence of the dream. This can’t continue.    
You spy Izuku, Tenya, and Katsuki enter Izuku’s apartment building. This is the perfect time to free yourself of all of this.    
 You danced with Shouto and for a moment it felt normal. Then at night, you are reminded of what you saw. Shouto with rolled-up sleeves, blood on his arms, and specks on his face. Cold and fierce eyes and skin that kissed the moonlight, giving him a beautiful glow, that in the situation, looked more evil than it did angelic. Like an entity of darkness manifested in the moonlight. A rejected angel covered in blood rather than holy water. All of that came back to you when you saw him again.    
The way he held you reminded you of him before all of this. The way you knew him before he killed or before you found out he had this vicious side of him. Everything has changed now. And the only way to get rid of that vision of the rejected angel is to put him behind bars.   
This secret can’t be held any longer, not by yourself. It breaks your heart as you mourn a friend, hell, maybe even someone who you’d marry.    
You never saw yourself with anyone else. And now you are willing to end that future for everyone’s sake. Who knows who he’ll attack next, right?   
  This is your Shouto. The one whose laugh that only you know and whose smile that you keep in your chest. The one who makes your heart flutter. Your heart aches as you run to Izuku’s apartment building and run up the stairs. You stop midway and wipe your face as tears flow. You are cursing up a storm and praying that there won't be any evidence of your tears.  
 If anyone can stop this, they can. They're good people you have known for years. You may not have the strength to turn him in, but they do. 
 You knock on the door. “Izuku, it’s me! Open the hell up!” You hear nothing at first until Katsuki opens the door with a frown. “You shouldn’t be here, (Y/n).”   
Katsuki, despite his aggressive nature, has never been that way with you. At first he was prickly then after knowing you for some time, Katsuki just didn’t have an issue with you. 
“Katsuki, we need to talk, please.”    
He reluctantly lets you in and turns to his friends. “She’s here.”    
“Hello, (Y/n).” Tenya waves and asks what brings you here. There is something off about his voice. Maybe it is what Shouto did and the dance that is throwing you off. The atmosphere is different from what you are used to with them as well. It is reminiscent of the party but on a bigger scale. Like they are waiting on an eggshell or something? Shifting eyes back and forth at each other, waiting for you to speak.
Paranoia is to blame, surely. It is because for the first time in months, you had been with Shouto in what seemed like an innocent if not romantic dance. You were in the arms of a murderer, and it has been weighing on you like the mountain of bodies that is surely on Shouto’s list.
These are your friends. These are justice-loving people that will help you. They have the strength to do what you can’t.  
You hear the door close behind you. All three men wait patiently for you to answer. You’re jittery and pace around the floor. “I need help or advice or something.”   
“Like what?” Tenya sits back on the arm of the brown leather couch. Izuku comes out of the kitchen with a couple of mugs. He sets them down on the coffee table and waits for you to continue.  
Taking a deep breath, you answer him. “What do you do if you saw something bad months ago? I mean, what if the bad thing was caused by a friend, what do you do?”   
 All three men go stiff. Tenya is the first to speak. “Depends on the situation. Some things are better off unsaid.”   
 Izuku nods at Tenya’s words. “Some things just have to be sorted on their own.” Izuku adds.   
 These aren’t the answers you were looking for. You try to explain your case further.
“I saw Shouto kill a few people and this guy limped away. I don’t know what happened to him. I haven’t told anyone but I feel like I should. I know it’s unbelievable, but it happened. I saw it with my own eyes. ”   
You know that it doesn't sound like the Shouto they know. You are prepared to defend what you saw even though you don't have the slightest bit of evidence. 
“Don’t say shit.” You turn to see Katsuki cross his arms. His words confuse you even further, especially since it is someone who had such tremendous growth. Katsuki wants you to give up. You struggle to get your words out. “But-”   
“(Y/n), before you say another word, do yourself a favor and drop it.” Izuku, the sweet nerdy, righteous man, stares at you. His once joyous, green, round, eyes are absent and are replaced with something hard and cold. This is totally out of character. Never would he ever-  
Suddenly, it dawns on you. The entire thing is finally setting in.    
They're in on it. There is no way they would ever say for you to drop it if they weren't, even if their life were on the line or some shit. When you entered the apartment, it was a little off, but it is worse now that you have told what you saw. Now it is tense and even more unfamiliar with these friends of yours. Like confronting Shouto is an unwelcomed notion  and what you saw is something that they also need to keep secret.   
Recently, you’ve felt like you were being watched. And sometimes you turn around to see no one. Most often, however, it is a friend from U.A. When you saw them, you didn’t feel the least bit worried. You felt a lot safer knowing it was a former classmate, a friend, someone you hold dear.  
Now it makes sense. Every single classmate is in on it. The party or gala thing you went to was nothing but an inspection of the other attendants who may have been a part of something bad too.    
You accounted their behaviors at the time due to stress. Never did you think they would ever participate in such wickedness. Now that you are piecing everything together, you remember how your classmates were acting. Their positions at the party, and how only a few were mingling and dancing. They were working, and not a nine-to-five job. No, it was all for Shouto.    
The less you know, the better. Something a gangster would say to a mob wife or a yakuza wife. You don’t know fully.   
After a few moments, you take a guess, “Is Shouto the one in charge?”   
“Yes,” says Katsuki. “And it is best if you go home.”    
There it is.   
 “How could you guys? Tenya, what about the lost children?” You want to cry so badly.    
He always said he’d save the lost and crying children. So, how can he be this way? In a gang, mafia, yakuza type shit? What else could it be if everyone is in on it as a group? You admired him so much and were proud that he was your class president.    
How did this all come about anyway? Was Shouto born into it, or did he make it by himself? How did they get wrapped into it? How did you not notice?  
“Go home, (Y/n).” Izuku coldly says. He is usually so warm and thoughtful. So comforting and generous. Never would he talk to anyone this way. Especially you, who he considers a close friend. “Izuku...”   
“Come on, I’ll take you home.” Katsuki tries to lead you to the door, but you jump away from him.    
“Be honest you guys! What about the crying kids? How can you save them if you are the ones making them cry? Your guys’ fucking dreams of being some type of heroes?”    
 Izuku stalks towards you. “I am being nice. Go home.” He hisses. This whole thing is unbelievable. It is totally out of character for them, especially Izuku. Your eyes are getting watery. You're scared, too.    
“Be gentle, Izuku!” Tenya stands and comes to your defense. “Deku, you’re on thin ice. You know better when it’s her.” Katsuki warns.    
Izuku turns to his friends. “She won’t go if we don’t.” You get what he’s talking about. That you won’t leave if they aren’t rough because you’re in disbelief.  
You slowly reach for Tenya. “Tenya...”  
“There are different ways to being a good person.” Tenya replies, straightening his back. His eyes meet yours. An indigo color covered by glasses, like high school.   
You can't help but release a laugh. “What kind of a fucking good person kills people and collects money right after? I saw Shouto do that!”  Katsuki sharply calls your name and he comes towards you. Ignoring him, you continue. “What is going on? What is this?”   
You want to hear them say it. They need to confess what this all is or at least correct your theory. To say it isn’t so, to say that it is all a mistake, to prove you wrong and laugh about it as a joke. At this moment, you’re willing to be the victim of a prank, no matter how much you hate that.    
Katsuki sighs and runs his hand through his hair. “Shouto will explain it to you. Right now, you need to go home.” You shake your head no. “Tell me it’s a lie then!”   
 Izuku suddenly whips out his phone. He dials a number and much to your surprise, Shouto is on the line. “She’s here.”   
You gasp and back up. He's the last person you want to see right now. You look at Tenya and ask about the crying children again. All he does is stare at you dead on with an ounce of pity.    
“Katsuki...what about winning to save?”   
“I am winning.” You shake your head. “How is that possible? I saw him kill people. If you’re rolling with him, then-”   
Izuku catches your attention again. His glare is on par with Shouto’s in high school. You can’t hear what he’s saying because of the thumping in your ears. “You motherfucker...”  You curse.  
He’s telling on you. Wait, telling on you? Since when did Shouto become the authority for you?   
Izuku one last time says, “The less you know, the better. Trust us and go home.”  Trust?  
“I can’t save you and Shouto, can I?” Your lip wobbles as you see the three of them with their head down. Whatever they’re in, they are too far gone. Yes, you wanted to turn Shouto in. But you wanted them to do it since you couldn’t actually bring yourself to. It was too painful and even then it ate at you. You don't want this for them and Shouto. For them to be in that life.   
  They wanted to be some kind of hero. To be good people and stand up for what’s right. If that’s the case, then what is this?  
You can’t save him or any of them. You can’t bring yourself to turn any of them in.  What kind of hero are you?  
You take off, no longer wishing to stay in their presence, and demand answers. It hurts too much. The class of U.A. is your family. When no one loved you, they did, and you loved them just as much. They're murderers. Some kind of gang-type shit. Something you aren’t equipped for. You don't know what to do with this information now that you see the stain from the blood on their hands.   
Entering your home, you lock the doors and windows. You close the curtains and place furniture in front of the door. Turning off the lights, you head to a corner and sit down. Self-preservation is clawing at you to call someone but your loyalty and heartbreak prevent you from doing so.  
As you hold your phone, you think of Shouto. You think of the way Izuku was pushing you out to stop asking questions and Tenya and Katsuki’s scolding. You think of all of the ways you’ve felt safe with them.    
  Have they ever harmed you? No. However, they have harmed others. If they are with Shouto, then no doubt. Yet, they protect you, don’t they? The longer you think about it, the more you see it clearly. That sense of safety and not a single sign of aggression or hostility. Not a single person, classmate or not, has wronged you when they were there.    
I s this why you feel like a traitor? Have you always been loyal to them and most of all, Shouto? The phone in your hand starts to shake when you stop typing the numbers. It's not so bad to have friends like this. So far, so good, right? The thought starts to calm you down.  
“Why are you hiding?”   
You scream at the top of your lungs. His eyes have a confused look in them, and his head is cocked. Shouto rubs his ear and raises his eyebrow. “Damn, you have good lungs.”   
For only a moment, you freeze. Suddenly, the flight kicks in and you take off. Shouto calls for your name gently and runs behind you. “Stop! Just give me a minute!”   
  “No!” You turn a corner to your kitchen. How he managed to grab you when you had a head start, you’ll never know. “(Y/n), please, it’s okay.”    
 The deep voice that you have always been familiar with is calm and soothing. Against your better judgment, you stop. “How did you get in?”   
“You literally gave us a key years ago.” Shit, you did. How could you have forgotten. It was when you first got this place, too. So, all this time he could have just barged in here and you would have been totally clueless. Bummer.    
“That doesn’t give you the right to be here when I'm not.” He sighs. “Please, let me talk.”    
He guides you to the couch. Shouto looks for the words to say to you as he takes a deep breath.  
 “I know you’re confused. Just please listen to me,” He adjusts himself to face you. “Yes, we are a little different. But we are still us. We’re still your friends. We've never lied about our friendship,” Shouto hesitantly touches your hand as if he is afraid you’ll jump away or worse. “And I have not lied about my love.”   
You look at the ceiling and wipe your other hand on your pants. “I’m gonna die.”  
“No, you won’t.”   
“Ha! Oh yeah? What about everyone else?” You challenge, side eyeing him. He sighs and looks down for a moment. “Only when crossed, I swear. We aren’t beasts."  
You feel a tear stream down your face. The feelings are conflicting and are starting to hurt. “You’re still scary.”   
“I’m so sorry you saw that, honest. That's why no one ever said anything. I didn’t want you to think I was some kind of monster.” He whispers as his pinky grazes yours. He almost sounds as if he is ashamed. Some part of you wonders if he is. “You will never be harmed in any way. You are safe, on my life.”  
Somehow, Shouto's words start to work. Perhaps everything is suddenly crashing down. Maybe it is just reality settling in or you finally admitting your feelings for him rather than playfully keeping him on his toes. Despite your earlier reservations, your fear and worries melt away. You lean into his touch and warmth.  
You swing one more time. Just once more. "What is all of this, Shouto? How do you get out of it?"  
"(Y/n), the less you know, the better. Trust in me."  You start to believe those words. You start to believe Shouto.  
 If only for the moment.    
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lumilasi · 1 year
Hiiii I was reading FS series and so far AM LOVING IT!! (That ending doe whyyy imma cri (;—;) and just, wanted to ask how u even came up with it? Do u have favorite parts?? (Or least fave, can't imagine that personally thou (〃´∀`)) asdgfsssd sorry if this is random or weird I just really wanted to let u know I liked it a lot! Might've skipped sleep couple times ahahaha....(^—^);
Thank U for writing! Hope u have a great day!!!!!
Hi there, sorry for late reply! (got this last night basically lol) and don't worry! It's random but in a good way lmao
(Also, don't worry things get better if you continue reading the series, trust me C; But up to you of course! I know its a long ass story when you put all 3 fics together lmao)
Also pls don't skip sleep, sleep is good! Sleep is important haha
I can't recall exactly where the idea came from, I think I was just toying with the concept of "What if AFO WASN'T absolute horse shit of a parent & Somehow friends with Toshinori WITHOUT making All Might evil?" or something along those lines.
Hmmm....I do very much like that one scene, where Hisashi and Toshinori chat in a car, or more like Toshinori shares his woes with his friend, and Hisashi says something very simple, but it is very profound in the context of the story/their relationship. (I drew this scene and wrote a whole ass essay about why I loved the scene so much for some reason lmao).
Hisashi Kicking Toshinori outta hero form was also pretty fun, namely because you as a reader KNOW who Hisashi is (and Toshinori doesn't, yet), making the whole thing kind of ironic.
Also, Tenko pretending to be a starfish. It was just one of those cute kids train of thoughts moments I really liked writing. (Since I've drawn all these scenes in question, I'll plop the artworks here so this is not just a wall of text answer lol);
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As for least fave, it is actually pretty typical (at least in my case lol) that there's always something I feel like I could've written better. Don't get me wrong I very much still love FS, but even my favorite story has some things that in hindsight...if I wrote the fic now, I'd do differently. Call it learning what works/what doesn't/what could work better and all haha!
These things are:
How Hisashi's brother died. I now feel like how it went down doesn't...quite fit with the kind of character Hisashi became. It was meant to be tragic, kind of accidental, but, ehhh...maybe it doesn't feel enough like an accident? Admittedly this detail is something I could easily go and change as it's just couple of lines of dialogue and a scene, but finding those bits would probably take ages. (Will I do this small but kind of significant change? Who knows, maybe someday lol, I did rewrite an entirety of Reanimate at one point, or well one half of it back in 2020)
The whole Todoroki family sub-plot. Now, the way it was written came from the current understanding of Endeavor's character at that time (pre Touya flashbacks) which, kind of...ironically ended up making me write him worse than he actually turned out to be in canon, (Enji's still a terrible, abusive father and a person ofc, don't get me wrong, but he's def. violent sooner in my fic, than he was in canon) and now, I'd probably approach that plotline differently with the new info I have.
Maybe I wouldn't make a full on redemption arc for Enji as, well, I don't really care about his character much outside the impact he's had on his family, but def. wouldn't have written him as violent as he came off, given the timing of things.
Maybe The Midoriyas could've prevented things from going to that point it ends up in canon, and get Touya to see he has more value than just living up to his dad's amibitions, and MAYBE Enji starting to see his son as an individual, rather than his extension.
Or something. IDK.
Like said, Enji's one of the more boring characters in bnha to me, which makes writing him/focusing on him kind of difficult, hence IDK if I'd be able to pull off such an idea easily. I feel like he has very little interesting substance (to me, this is subjective OFC) outside the whole "bad dad" plot, and as a cherry on top, his design just... manages to combine a lot of things I tend to find kind of unappealing to look at in a character lmao. It's not even rescued by his writing, like what happens with All Might for example.
In fact, if I can get away with not showing Enji on-screen in a story (Without just killing him off/putting him in jail, those aren't my favorite solutions to issues like this, and have only used the former, once), while still showcasing the negative effect he's had on Dabi (and/or Shoto) I will do it. Quite obviously, I did not feel like it'd work for FS, not having him be on-screen at all.
....Well this is a long answer, this last part got especially rambly, but kind of fitting given how long my stories tend to be too haha! Hope it satisfied your curiosity :D
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mimuranda · 2 years
What is happening to shonen?
Ok guys so if you have seen my least post, you know I've been consuming a lot of anime recently, and mostly of that anime is shonen because well, it is my favourite gender among all the anime. So as I LOVED tokyo revengers, I did something I usually don't ever do, that is looking for the manga and I am currently reading it.
And I am not liking the latest arc. I am seriously starting to think it should have ended already, despite my love for the story and the characters. The main character should understand that not everybody can be saved.
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So ok. You did it. You saved the girl you are in love with, you managed to get engaged with her, saved her brother, Chifuyu and like 95% of your friends...you managed to avoid not only one aweful future but most of all the terrible consequences of ToMan turning into an evil actually adult crime mafia and everybody not only is happy but also evolved and moved on....and the only person you lost is Mikey, that also evolved but, dramatically enough, never was truly a good person, never wanted to leave the dark path of deliquence and will be there forever. Even Draken says so! It was heartbreaking but logic and it should have been kept like that.
Instead we have...I don't know exactly what we have....
I also caught up with Boku No Hero Academia and srl, I am seeying the exact same problem. So you have this amazing story, powers, characters (with real evolution, despite the cliches of shonen being displayed since the beginning) and NOW....it has been like 1000 chapters since any real things actually happening. Deku is stucked. The villains are not villains anymore, there are too much stories going on....and the only real plot progress we have is... well, let's talk about the last chapters of BNHA.
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So, I really, really love Bakugo. Yes, he is cliche, yes he is clearly the author's fav and all... but he is a very well constructed character that was NOT perfect and that made OH SO MANY MISTAKES and that was CHANGING and lord I loved his redemption arc (and yes I ship BKDK but that doesn't mean I want to be their relationship forced or whatever, I already found Deku's obsession over him a bit problematic so to be a shipper does not mean I want something bad written, that is for my own fandom consumption). So I was LOVING what was being done...and then he died.
And yes, it hurt, and yes, I did not want that, but I kinda enjoyed it. Why? Because 1. it was unexpected 2. It was a real hero death 3. there was consequences to be ahead
I wanted to see Deku reaction.
I wanted to see the students grief. I found Bakugo had still lots to do and he was still on his path to evolve, but yet, it was a good turning in events, and, if bound to accept his death, then it was an AMAZING death. Including the heaven all might's card passage and all.
Literally 1 chapter or 2 later, he is resurrected. WHAT THE FUCK.
Kōhei Horikoshi, if you don't want to kill him, don't do it. If you want to make us think he is dead because he is injured and disappeared but then turns out he is still alive, I am ok. Typical, but I enjoy the idea. BUT WHEN YOU HEART EXPLODED, YOU ARE DEAD.
This resurrection was shit. Firstly, forced resurrections are a lack of respect for the character and the reader. Secondly, what was all that for? What about Deku's teased reaction, if he is still alive? (and by the way Izuku is taking his time to fucking arrive). Thirdly, could it be more forced? Like seriously the convenient guy that turns into a heart was there? What the fuck.
I am very frustated with this manga. I already found the pace SO SLOW - first thought it was an anime thing, but then discovered the manga's pace is even slowler - but was enjoying it a lot. And then.... I am really starting to dread that, just as Tokyo Revengers, this last arc is going to be unnecessarily long and lame. And what about the Todoroky family story that was pure gold and seems to have been forgotten for the sake of endless new villains and never ending new substories?
I do not know. I am extremely disappointed, and I am sure I am not the first thinking like this. Still want to keep reading, but seriously, what is happening to shonen?
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kitsunefyuu · 2 years
I think the annoying thing about the bnha fandom is that either the villains should be hated and their attitudes repudiated or they become UwU baby who did nothing and all their actions are justified because their story is sad, this happened to me a lot in the case of Midoriya, Ochako and Todoroki, but especially Midoriya, because the most fervent fans of the villains seemed not to understand why Izuku had no compassion for someone like Tomura when until the arc of the war all the interactions were negative (usj , the mall, the camp, the kidnapping, the war until its last moments), for many people empathy has to appear out of nowhere and without logical explanation because Izuku, being the MC of a shonen, should have innate empathy about any person even if this previously threatened his life, funny they would call Izuku a Gary stu if this had happened because obviously, MC is morally superior and stronger, etc. Quite funny how the fandom complains that Midoriya seems to have no flaws but then he shows flaws and they also hate him because he has flaws like all the other characters.
However, going back to the point, the villains in bnha are interesting, many times more interesting than the side of the heroes, but the fandom makes them one-dimensional, AFO is a terrible being, but entertaining to see, he moves by his own interests and uses and manipulates the people around him, it's established that he uses his followers and finds them replaceable, he acts like a villain because he's a villain, one should not look for a moral to his actions but enjoy of the role he develops, the same with Tomura, he isn't a UwU baby who did nothing wrong, he's a wounded child who has seen the worst, has been manipulated and abused all his life but that doesn't take away from his actions, however we can still enjoy and suffer with him.
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Empathy isn't something people seem to understand. Empathy is the act of FEELING what the other person feels. Tomura has shown only contempt and rage, there was nothing to empathize with.
Just like there is nothing to empathize it is unrealistic to expect Izuku to immediately understand that this is someone hurting. When News flash Tomura is a murderer who literally told Nomu's just to destroy everything. Also, his first reaction to people he annoyed or hate is to use Decay.
They also forget something... ONLY WE KNOW THE BACK STORY.
The heroes are NOT seeing what we are seeing. The only one who told the heroes anything is Dabi who literally like LOOK AT ME!
Toga tried to talk to Ochaco but she misunderstood and made her cry. But I'm only seeing people calling Toga crazy.
Tomura certainly isn't telling anyone SHIT about his past only AFO knows about it. What are the heroes supposed to do? Let themselves get killed and murdered?
When comes to AFO... We just legit have no idea about anything. But you are right nothing can really justify his actions but I think it is quite fun to make theories, ideas, and guesses. Though I will say regardless he did do a lot of terrible things but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with enjoying or watching an unrepentant villain.
He's just fun.
On the heroes' side, they also aren't allowed anything really. Izuku had a cool arc and he was in no way weak. But everyone kind of ignores it at this point honestly I don't really care about others people's opinions.
The problem with Tumblr is that they all want to make sure you know their opinion and how they are right while you're wrong. Instead of accepting your interest.
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kharmii · 3 days
small apology here, my rant about fakers, fauxtism and all that.
Gotta admit that I have stopped BNHA a few years ago. Not because I thought it was bad. I still like the world building and characters and how a lot of the Quirks reflect the personalities from everyone, I just didn't fully vibe with the direction the series took when it shifted away a little to hard from the academy life and all that. But gotta agree on Todoroki on all the points you've made. And I reach out to you in sympathy to you. Considering everything you've likely been through you have become incredibly strong, even if a little rough around the edges but honestly considering how things online are it's no wonder... I really admire you for being headstrong and being above so much stuff. And from your examples I also see that it's also from others being "others" causing more harm than good.
I have my own catalogue of examples of others having caused my depressions and anxieties (on top of many other things) and sometimes my attempts to step out of situations were outright ignored or dismissed. Too often others CAUSE people to react certain ways. And it really is just insulting when I see people see medical conditions as an aesthetic or a quirky personality trait or worse a free pass to be an asshole towards others "you can't be mad at me cause of my autism I dont know any better" bs
either way just wanting to know I really appreciated you talking about yourself and Todoroki and if anything it made me appreciate you even more.
Thanks for this! Tell me if I'm wrong because I like to play armchair shrink, (and it's totally projection) but is some of the resentment over fakers/fauxtism because they make it look fun and easy? -Like look at me! I'm (neurodivergent/mentally ill) and am having this great time expressing my quirkiness and individuality! I'm expressing my asshattery in a sassy and quirky way that will by no means create a fallout worse than the condition itself! People find me interesting after all!
Meanwhile, suffering from the abuse survivor's form of the 'tism, I've got the thousand-yard stare of that person not allowed to be quirky a day in my life. The slightest bit of weird behavior immediately got smacked down, and sometimes I'd be going about my normal business and get attacked out of nowhere wondering what I did this time. Then I get labeled as being cold and soul-less, like wait...are you saying that I'm not allowed to express my individuality in any way, but when I get that much closer to achieving 'perfection', then I'm accused of not having a personality at all? There has to be some sort of middle ground that every human being on earth is allowed except me.
Then there's the old 'Why don't you (x) like other (x)?' from Stalker Guy that couple times when we were still good. It was never anything having to do with a personality, more like yet another person trying to play puppeteer molding me into an ideal.
I just got into BNHA in January and had to limit myself to 3-4 episodes a day so I didn't binge burn through them. The X-Men fan in me loved the idea of a society of complex mutants, even with a greater suspension of disbelief. The "Hellish Todorokis" were a draw. At first, Shoto was such a 'blah' character, but then there's the first good abuse analogy where he wouldn't use his fire side because he didn't want to be like the dad he was pissed at. Ironically, some of his personality might be from abuse, but some of his stoicism and coldness might be because he actually takes after Endeavor. That's part of why Endeavor could never have hoped to become #1 or breed a future #1. Maybe he didn't understand that the sensitive warm-hearted All Might was the symbol of peace because he was one-part superpowers and one-part good public relation skills. :-P
The Endeavor redemption arc was good, even though the fandom got worked up about it. Come on now, it's okay for people to apologize and feel regret for the terrible things they did (how refreshing of a concept), and it's not like his family was like 'all is forgiven; let's pretend like it never happened'. They were still angry and hurting but willing to work toward a better relationship going forward. That's realistic and reasonable.
Every so often, I'll think to google if Dabi is still alive, but I shouldn't hold out hope. -Or maybe one could see it like...if he has to live his life blind and missing an arm, he's better off deceased.
As much as I loved Todoroki drama, it was the Meta Liberation Army that really grabbed me. What a waste of potential they all were! Maybe kids might be bored with them and happy they were one-shot villains, but as an adult, I loved the politician who used 'incite' to get the useful idiots going, or the goofball CEO doubling as a secret cult leader, or the skulking creepy hacker in charge of intel. Then there's my Himura ship I'm not advertising as incest because, even if I couldn't care less either way if it was or not, I'm sick of the foaming at the mouth crazies getting worked up about it. A person could be trying their absolute hardest to write a decent story in good faith, and the antis will glom onto the stupid kink and make it 100% defined by it.
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shotorozu · 3 years
encountering a ‘pick me’ girl
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character(s) : kirishima eijirou, todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki (bnha)
warning : PICK ME GIRL, misogyny (?) pick me girl makes an off handed comment about your body but it’s not detailed at all
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, but they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, angst if you squint
note(s) : i made 2 versions of this post so,, if you’re reading this— then i probably decided that i liked this one more than the other one i made,, anyways, i used real life examples 💀
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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kirishima eijirou
i’d imagine that eijirou would have an idea of what a pick me girl is— i mean, there were probably 2 of those girls in middle school
but has he experienced it first hand? nahh.
though, eijirou didn’t think he’d encounter one when he was already in a healthy and committed relationship!
eijirou is practically friends with everyone— and yeah, even the most unexpected. so, he’s bound to accidentally befriend a pick me girl
him, being the nicest one out of all of the characters in this list, will still be nice to said pick me girl, despite wanting to snob them to the core
because really— you can’t really fight fire with fire in some cases
but, he can be everything but lenient when the pick me girl starts insulting you for doing certain things, and for absurd reasons too
like,, how you laugh, and how you take care of yourself (for example— if you wear makeup, or how you style your hair)
which is odd! everything about you is everything but the things the pick me girl has stated so.. he cannot stand by.
the girl giggles to herself after that snide comment leaves her lip gloss coated lips. eijirou shifts uncomfortably— honestly taken aback by the anything but subtle insult that was thrown at you
“like.. seriously! it’s honestly quite superficial if you look at it like that. who the hell would put that much effort infront of your boyfriend? i’d assume they’d see everything AND everything but.. i guess not.”
you blink. superficial? now that’s a new one. the girl infront of you has been babbling insults sugarcoated in boasts the entire time, and you’re just wondering if it’s about time you guys leave but—
“well that’s unfair,” your boyfriend laughs, “i put the same amount of effort as this cutie right here,” eijirou pokes at your cheek, earning a quick laugh from you— which he can only thank the heavens for that
“but that’s different. it actually looks put together when you’re doing it, eiji.” the certain glint in her smile makes you want to wipe it right off with a dirty mop, “it’s impossible to look put together with expensive clothes, but being built like a—”
the sound of the sliding of a chair is quicker than your actions, and it easily cuts her off.
“i’m sorry, but we gotta go, it’s totally not cool of you to say those things about Y/N!”
“what? but i mean.. it’s true, right? i’m looking out for them! they’re literally out here l—”
“bye!” eijirou waves her goodbye with your hand, dismissing the sour expression on her face— as he dashes off with you
you’d question how he’s just so nice to people like that, but when he turns around, you could see the distaste in his eyes
“so that’s what a pick me girl’s like,” shaking his head, his expression lights up with such a quick manner “i’ll never make friends that are like that again!”
safe to say, eijirou’s friend list has been a a person shorter ever since that incident
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bakugou katsuki
oh, so that girl’s bold bold.
if she thinks she could get away with being a not so subtle pick me girl infront of bakugou katsuki, then she couldn’t be more wrong.
it’s absolutely revolting— i mean, he hasn’t displayed any romantic feelings towards ANYONE that isn’t you.
also, they’re quite gutsy if you ask me. so congrats for having guts??
i don’t think he’d be friends with a pick me girl. he’s very selective of who he’s befriending, so it’s probably your friend that’s the pick me girl in this case
he wouldn’t know what a pick me girl would be, but he’d probably know the description of one.
over some time, he’d grow some resistance to insults directed at him, but when someone insults his s/o
oh boy. that’s not good. remember when i said that katsuki was almost like your scary and intimidating dog
this is what i mean
knows he can’t make a scene, so his first option is to be dismissive asf— but if said pick me girl literally can’t get it, he won’t be afraid of shoving some explosions into her face
because his hands are rated e for everyone
“so you wanna be picked or something, is that it?” he hates how you literally have the resistance of a rock— which is something he always liked, but in this case hated. if it weren’t for you— he would’ve blasted explosions into her sorry excuse of a face until it’s beyond recognition (that wouldn’t be hero like, is what you’ve said in the past, but he disagrees.)
but seriously? ugh. he just wants to leave this horrid place, and make some dinner with you in the comfort of his home. why are you even friends with her anyway? she’s not even trying to be slick at this point.
“p-picked? i’m not understanding, katsu.”
“it’s bakugou.”
“right,” her laughter is like nails on chalkboard, “i’m just watching out for Y/N, y’know? there’s no point in wearing all of that.. on their face.” and she’s obviously referring to your obviously very well done makeup
“it’ll make your skin terrible in the long run! and really— i couldn’t really understand on why someone would wear that much, when you could survive with i dunno.. lip gloss at most?”
you would’ve actually said something as a rebuttal, but your boyfriend is quicker, and a lot more direct than anyone else in the area.
“just say you can’t do makeup and fucking scram,” katsuki’s ice cold glare finally breaks out of the act he’s been trying to hold together for you
“their makeup is fucking bomb as hell, compared to your ridiculous spider lashes, lady. come back when you’ve watched james charles’ entire fucking channel.” he harshly states in similar bakugou fashion, despite the lack of screaming.
and if you squinted hard enough, you could see tears welling up in her eyes. but katsuki tugs your hand before anything else could be said
“let’s fucking go, you need better friends.”
he makes you cut ties with all of them, and he practically scolds your terrible choice of friends— but he goes quiet when you tell him that you’ve been friends with her since middle school
“good fucking riddance. next time, i’ll punch them as soon as they say something outta line, got that?” and next time (hopefully, there won’t be a next time) you’ll actually lash out— or maybe,, you’ll let him loose for once.
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todoroki shouto
now shouto might be,, socially unaware sometimes. but he can tell whenever someone’s trying to insult his s/o
like,, right away.
now— you both run into this person after a pleasant date, and she eagerly presented herself as your friend
so, her attitude catches him off guard because who’d have anything rude to say about you and towards shouto’s face? especially when it’s about something normal.
like,, wasn’t she your friend?? why is she even like this?
his hostility is very well known, so they should be scared.
he gets detached from the conversation, and he’ll immediately go cold— and shouto would probably go as far as walking away with your hand in his
doesn’t matter if he properly says goodbye or not— if a girl’s being rude to his s/o, they obviously don’t deserve his usually polite attitude. nope, that’s a luxury.
oh— and what more when they’re seeking for his validation. newsflash! said pick me girl won’t be get any from him.
shouto couldn’t stop the bitterness bleeding into his mouth, when the girl in front of him continued to babble and take up the valuable time he had left with his s/o
initially, she presented herself as your friend from middle school— but as of now? she seems to be more interested in him more than you, despite knowing you first.
she’d ask him a string of obvious questions with very obvious answers, like ‘is she treating you well?’ ‘is she acting correctly?’ and questions of the sort
“oh, sorry! i’d hate to cut this conversation short, but—” you finally decide that it was about time to leave, while shouto looks pretty,, deadpanned right now, you could tell that he was gradually starting to get irritated by your friend’s words.
“wait. thats.. kind of controlling, don’t you think? do you ever let shou make decisions?”
“uh.. controlling? since when??” you question at the accusation. this girl knows nothing about your relationship dynamic, and she’s already jumping the gun and making conclusions.
your gaze snaps back to shouto, who looks just as surprised as he could possibly be.
“yeah! it clearly looks like he still wants to talk” which is an obvious lie, shouto just wants it out of here “i wonder how you managed to snag such a guy like him,” she comments with a smile that looked anything above suspicion (yet, it makes your stomach churn)
you could see the way her hand gets gradually closer to him— and frankly, you’re not sure about what she was planning to do next, “you wouldn’t need to dress all expensive and fancy, if you’re with a girl with an already classy appear—”
“i think this conversation is over,” shouto grip is firm on the wrist that was attempting to grab his shoulder, shouto makes no attempt to even look at the girl infront of him “i don’t know what you’re trying to do, but it’s not humorous. at all.”
“what?” she stammers, drawing her hand back “i-it’s obvious they don’t know how to take a joke! this is why there are barely any good w—”
shouto’s next actions knocks her speechless, his hand rests at the small of your back, before gently guiding you forward— “love, what movie are we watching later?” he says, making an effort to press a quick, yet intense kiss on your lips
“oh,” you breathe out, surprised by this action. “don’t be so tense, love.” shouto comments on how tense your shoulders have looked, ever since she started running her mouth, “now.. what movie do you want to watch tonight? comedy? thriller?”
“you pick,” you laugh at the quick shift of topic. and when you look behind you, you could see shame and defeat welling up on her face. shouto finally feels like he could smile again, the bitterness dissipating from his mouth
after shouto questions you if that was what a pick me girl was, he makes sure that you guys won’t ever encounter such thing again
“you.. don’t have more friends like that, right? if you do— we could always do another friend list cleansing.” this statement makes you laugh but shouto is anything but joking
but being reminded of his reaction to that ‘pick me’ girl does puts a smile on your face.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
what i assume of u based on who u stan in bnha
a/n ;; this is a joke‼️ im clown do not take me too serious 🤨
deku - this answer is completely dependent on if you like or don’t like bkg. either way you’ve got main character disease and a deep-seated emotional attachment to men who are kind. probably bad experiences w dating or none at all. highly likely you’re into art. nice but mostly oblivious about your own short-comings even though you’re aware of other ppls to an alarming degree.
kirishima - high strung‼️ always very sweet but generally insecure about shit. probably started out liking someone else but fell into liking kirishima and stayed there (I’d bet bkg or denki). sometimes you project onto other people bc if you try to address things within ur self you might die. normally pretty athletic / in shape or has in interest in it. probably a sub or claims to be a switch but too nervous to dom.
todoroki - you need to be needed and desired more than you need anything else in ur life. likely with lingering childhood trauma (HIGHLY likely you’re first gen child of immigrants but not completely necessary). you probably spend a lot of time day dreaming about being someone else completely or running away. quiet and probably a little meek but people think ur mean. put a ton of pressure on yourself to succeed and prove ppl in ur life wrong.
bkg - the worst case of “i can fix him” disease in a person their could be. you have trouble standing up for yourself. think the only way you can be desirable is when you service or provide for others probably? the idea of mutual obsession is sexy to you but you would never say that outloud. hard time connecting with people outside of your hobbies and probably pretty isolated. desperately want someone to put u first like so bad.
shinso - depends on how much he simping is lust. if you want shinso romantically - you probably just desperately crave someone to find you endearing? or take interest in the things you like without you having to ask. been on internet for many years before you were supposed too, probably. a little dorky and probably a little jaded about something - likely school. you struggle with something a lot but no one close to you knows. ghost people on accident.
sero - you always like second male leads more than main ones and you be fighting for your life over that. you probably used to have a lot of crushes on people but you’ve only ever caught serious feelings for a few people or one person in your life. you struggle to regulate one of your major emotions. super funny and always making people laugh because that’s the only way you think people will like you. more self aware than you let on.
denki - you’ve got a romanticized idea of people in your head and feel disappointed when those expectations aren’t met. you’re easily swayed by other people but it’s subconscious. it’s hard to tell what you’re thinking. a tendency to be paranoid about how people perceive. shitty sleep schedule but you’re also weirdly honest with people. really good at giving compliment.
aizawa - you’re at a point in your life where you just want stability and find everything else to be kind of exhausting. you’re giving to almost a fault and you just want someone who will anchor you when you float away. terrible at flirting on purpose but do it in accident a lot.
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 2 years
okay so yk how in horimiya hori san is telling miyamaru that she wants him to slap her imagine reader asking bnha boys to slap her and what would be their reaction?
( can you do shoto, bakugo and kiri)
Asking BNHA Boys To Slap You
(Todoroki, Bakugo, Kirishima)
Everyone called you soft. Saying you can’t fight and you can’t take a hit. Being a pro heroes quirkless girlfriend only meant you wanted your boyfriend to protect you. You had enough. So the second he got home, you were up saying, “Hit me.”
He just walked in, hasn’t even taken his shoes off and he’s like… huh? “Why would you want me to hit you?” He asks. You explain, saying you know you’re not soft but you wanna prove it. “Just hit me it’s fine I can take it.” He laughed. Kirishima laughed and shook his head walking away. “So you’re saying you want me to use all my strength, and hit you” He clarifies. “Yes.” You say, with a straight face, completely serious. Kiri walks up to you, kissing your forehead, “No.” He says.
He explains how not only is that a bad idea cause that will really hurt you but also saying that he’s gonna get pinned as a woman hitter when you leave the house will your face messed up. “Then don’t hit my face hit somewhere else.” Yes, cause leaving the house limping is so much better. “Not like it hasn’t happened before for… other reason.” That’s completely different. He refused. But you being the stubborn person you are, didn’t take the no for an answer.
So later that night, when Kiri was making a midnight snack, you snuck up behind him and stood in front of the fridge door where his hand was right as he swung it open. Kiri was immediately at your side, trying to see the damage. “Baby, Baby, I’m sooo sorry, are you ok?” He asks. “Mhm. Mhm. Yeah. Fine” Tears, streaming down your face and blood coming out your eye. Needless to say, you had a black eye and crooked nose for 3 weeks. Kirishima felt terrible, waiting on you hand and foot.
“No.” He simply said no and walked away. You chased him. Explaining what happened and telling him to hit you. “Who cares about what those extras say. I’m not hitting you. And before you get smart and think getting on my nerves is going to make me hit you it won’t. End of discussion.” He was right, but it’s worth a shot isn’t it? What’s the worse that could happen?
One thing you forgot, you’re messing with Katsuki freaking Bakugo. He ended up pinning you down and putting tap over your mouth then got a rope and tied your hands together (perfect knot btw. Much much practice) and he threw you on the bed like a sack of potatoes, leaving you there until you calmed down. Once you did he let you lose and you laid pouting for the rest of the night while cuddling him.
This was a little more tricky and you knew it was a long shot. Shoto was always careful about certain things, thinking he could end up like his dad. But it was worth a try. You explained everything to him first and then told him to hit you. At first he looked sympathetic to how you’d been basically getting harassed, but the second you said to hit you that disappeared. “I’m not hitting you, Y/n.” And that was the end of that.
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zukuist · 3 years
𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬
1K followers special
“how they’d non-verbally ask for a kiss”
fandom/s: 僕のヘロアカデミア // boku no hero academia (bnha)
includes: several characters
your name is shortened to y/n, gender neutral reader
notes: thank you for 1k!! aaa i can’t believe im really at 1k. inside of my head, i still think i’m at like what.. 200 followers? this milestone means a lot, thank you! also, there’s no proofread since it’s literally 3am here haha, will edit in the morning!
izuku midoriya
as soon as he wants a kiss, his skin will heat up, and there’ll be a very obvious blush dusted on his face
izuku’s only worried about what to say, and the total approach. worried that he’ll come off as a total creep, and that he’ll scare you away. basically, he’s thinking about every single possibility of things going south. just thinking about it gives him a rather extreme case of butterflies in his stomach, the freckled boy doesn’t know how to convert his wants into words
lucky for him, you’ve noticed. he’s been pacing back and forth near your place for five minutes straight, and his terrible attempt at sneaking subtle glances at you only make his cheeks turn redder.
he’s totally embarrassed that he was standing around, staring into who knows what for the longest time, but he’s glad that you’ve noticed. at least he has his decent share of kisses now!
shotō todoroki
shotō’s incredibly blunt, and i mean that with all of my heart. he doesn’t really have an idea on how to dial down his bluntness, i mean.. no one has tried to socially correct him until his first year at UA. but, i may say that his bluntness does comes in handy at times.
he’ll tell you what he wants the moment you’re free of any sort of conversation, pointing at his lips with a certain look on his face. it’s practically a telltale of what he wants at that exact moment, and shotō won’t allow you to leave until you do plant a kiss on his lips. it fills him with satisfaction.
or, he might as well just say it, “give me a kiss first before you go,” “may i have a kiss?” “y/n, i want a kiss.”
he has no restrain so, you probably have to start getting used to it. it might look like he’s not the type to outwardly say stuff like that, but you’ll never know what to expect with shotō todoroki. you actually find it quite endearing
katsuki bakugō
well.. sorta. he really hates having to say the exact words that would have you all over him in a second, just because he can’t imagine himself living another day if he said ‘give me a kiss’
katsuki will stand infront of you, his eyes narrowing into slits, his glare’s intense. this action might’ve scared any other person away, anyone that wasn’t you anyway, but it only drew you closer. this action alone was actually really layered he only rolls his eyes when you ask him what he wants “you know what i want.”
he hates it when you ask him to say the ‘magic’ words. but in reality, that’s the only way he could get kisses pressed all over his faces until he’s satisfied.
but eventually, you decide to drop the entire teasing act, giving in what he wants without a thorough interrogation. but you must say, katsuki asking for kisses non-verbally is quite the sight. it’s new, compared to his usual self.
hitoshi shinsō
oo okay, let me explain. you know that thing where someone would lick their lips if they wanted a kiss? he’ll do EXACTLY that.
hitoshi’s great with speaking with body language, and his eyes too. one glance from hitoshi will have you hauled into another room for some sweet kisses. you’d assume that it was some sort of convenient attribute to his quirk but.. nope. it’s just hitoshi shinsō being an absolute magician. his actions managed to get you all flustered jadjsmdk
he’ll also do this thing where he runs the back of his hand along your back, whispering your ear in a very collected manner, even though his heart beat might say otherwise “you know what to do,”
hitoshi will rarely express what he wants verbally, because his body language and eyes speak a thousand words. but if you literally can’t get the hint, he’ll just say it upfront.
denki kaminari
let me just get one thing straight, denki gets SO nervous just thinking about kissing you. i mean, it’s not in midoriya’s way for sure, but the idea alone is a total dream to him. however, he doesn’t know what to say in the moment? so, he says all of these puns he found online he’s not so suave
“kiss me if i’m wrong, but do i have a water quirk?” “i can’t taste my lips, would you do the honors?” “i heard kissing is a language of love so.. would you like to have a conversation with me?” PLEASE HELP, he’s nervous. he’s basically spouting out the first thing that comes into his mind. you’d think that he wouldn’t be nervous, but when he’s in an actual relationship with a HOT ASF PERSON, then he’s going to be nervous
he doesn’t look nervous sure, but it’s the way his hands start shaking, it’s a sign that he doesn’t want to mess up with asking for something like kisses. but don’t worry, he does become a natural.
“kissing is th—” “okay, denki. come over here.” and he does gradually get less and less nervous about asking you. however, it’s his thing to ask kisses with those ‘lame’ puns of his. it’s endearing. and you’d assume that there was something wrong if he didn’t start things out with a ‘lame’ joke. it’s his trademark!
neito monoma
he’s always eluding on something. he could just outright ask you to kiss him, because he’s not ‘cowardly’ to chicken out and use subtle techniques on his s/o
BUT.. he really likes to pretend that it’s YOU that needs the kisses more than him, even though neito was the one asking about it first. “y/n! i think you need a little favor right now,” he’ll say before kissing you quickly, “y/n, you look like you need a kiss. it can’t be helped.”
you do catch on his little scheme though, because he’d NEVER ask you outright that he’d want a kiss, even though he most likely could. “neito, it looks like you need the kisses more than me.”
he’ll scoff and pretend that he doesn’t know what you’re talking about, even though he knows very well that he’s doing it as an excuse to get kisses from you, without saying the magic words ™️ bug him about it though, and you might get him to oblige. considering how you have him wrapped around your finger
eijirō kirishima
the only one that actually asks you out right, stretching his arms out to you “kiss!” he smiles, ushering you closer.
at first, he tried to signal you by taking kaminari’s advice (which was a horrible choice) and that was using body language. eijirō tried this method, and he ended up licking his lips a little too much to the point that you decided to buy him a tube of lipbalm. the explaining bit wasn’t so fun. so, eijirō decided to not follow kaminari’s advice, and chose to follow his own ways instead, a way that a lot more natural to him.
it’s quite adorable, i mean.. how could you not drop everything and give him a kiss when he stretches his arms out to you, the expression on his face pulling you closer for him to garner kisses from his loved one <3
the grabby hands is something he has grown accustomed to, but that doesn’t mean he’ll shy away from saying the magic words ™️
©️zukuist 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei, do not steal❕
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usertala · 2 years
Just like you
seeing their children have their bad (toxic and harmful) traits
Characters: Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki, Aizawa
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Bakugo Katsuki
It took him years to see his mistakes and how they affected people around him, and seeing his child go the same route as him was devastating. He doesn't want to see his child destroy themselves just to be on top. He talks to them about everything. What he went through, what happened with him and Midoriya, how badly everyone perceived him.
He hopes they will learn from his mistakes and listen to him.
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Midoriya Izuku
Now he knows how his mom felt when he was still in the U.A. He feels like fainting whenever his son comes home with bruises and blood covering his body. "But they needed help! I couldn't just stand there and let them get hurt. You'd do the same if you were in my situation, dad." That's what he'd always say. He feared someday he's gonna get seriously hurt and he wouldn't be there to protect him.
He tells his son how he doesn't always have to go through this alone. 
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Todoroki Shoto
His daughter had a terrible way of handling emotions, much worse than him. He wouldn't even know if she was upset or angry; she'd always masked it with a small smile. The only way he'd know is if he looked into her eyes, the same eyes he once had for his father's anger. He talks to her about handling her emotions and how it's not healthy to bottle them up, and how one day she'll be the one to regret it. 
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Aizawa Shota
He feels like he has a headache whenever he looks at his daughter. Doesn't she know this word 'rest'? Then again, he rarely had a rest day before he decided to have a family. He can see now why everyone kept telling him to rest and take it easy; seeing his child barely sleeping and eating tugs at his heart strings.
"I said I'm fine. I just need to finish this so when training no one gets hurt." He sighs. She'd been working on her classmates' costumes for hours. "Those are their costumes, not yours; they can deal with it on their own."
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
(about the endeavor stuff) things like that are the reason I say horikoshi has good ideas, he's just a terrible writer imo bc nothing ever DELIVERS he backs out last second when the narrative is winding up to be interesting and impactful bc ...? Idk really tbh but it's sooo frustrating esp bc his concepts and chara designs are so good. The best way to interact with bnha is just, as a vague suggestion imo lmao
*accidentally becomes a BNHA discourse blog I promise this is temporary*
goodness yes... BNHA is very much a "great set up can't stick the landing" kind of series. it establishes fun characters and an interesting world and then just... couldn't figure out how to deliver on them.
Like the "ramping up" part of BNHA, which is everything up through the Kamino arc, was really good. Then after All Might vs All for One it just felt like... the series could only bounce around aimlessly trying to figure out what it cared about. And you're totally right that narratives and characters just get dropped halfway once Horikoshi doesn't know what else to say about them.
If I had to identify one specific thing that I think really broke my interest in the series, it's that Horikoshi gets bored of his characters.
Iida Ochako and Deku were a really endearing protag trio until... Iida and Ochako just got nuked. All Might was a fantastic presence in the series until he just kinda got shoved sidewards. Now Mirio and Night Eye are main characters! Now they're not. Oh actually Deku Todoroki and Bakugou are the protag trio! Never mind no they're not. Now the whole SERIES is about the League of Villains. Now it isn't. Now Endeavor Hawks and Mirko are the main characters! Now they're not. Sudden fixation on Shigaraki! Sudden fixation on Lady Nagant! Four seconds of caring about Dabi now we don't! Best Jeanist is a protagonist now! Who's Class 1A? It's been a while since they were used for anything genuine.
(And okay okay I get it. I know what it's like to write something long-form that ends up getting you frustrated and tired of your own characters. The best way to deal with that is to step away from it for a while and Horikoshi can't do that, so his solution is just to completely rotate the character cast to new characters he does care about) but goodness does that hurt the quality of the overall narrative.
It's like I've watched everything and everyone get built halfway that I no longer believe there's a trajectory to the series I will care about. I believe at this point the conclusion to the series will involve wrapping up a plot thread that is completely new, the end result of a long chain of bouncing focuses, and ultimately captures nothing about what I originally cared about.
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