#samuel herondale
Back On My Next Generation Shenanigans
Angeline "Andi" Jocelyn Herondale: The first Clary and Jace child. She has curly blond hair, freckles, and green eyes. She's very charming, but she's also been going through this life long crisis that the Shadowhunter's are in a never ending battle with the demons that will never end through the generations, only ending when the demons win; she's a bit of a natural pessimist. She thinks a lot about society and such, looking into the mundane forms of government, hoping it would be better then the Shadowhunter ones and was just like these all kind of suck, society sucks, I should make up my own form of government. She fights demons with knives, like a strange amount of knives; she'll hold like seven at once and slice away, she'll throw them and then pull some more out of nowhere. Thanks to this existential dread for her and the future generations thing, she ends up coming up with theories on how to just kill all demons forever, doing all kinds of research and experiments. With this, things get kind of messy. She also is kind of thinking about starting a coup, to overthrow the Shadowhunter form of government and implant a better one, which also gets kind of messy. Like I said, she's very charming, so she forms a whole group of people. Honestly, since she's so ambitious and willing to do many things to fulfil those ambitions, I think she might end up as a sort of antagonist, which should give an interesting dynamic with her family and friends. I can also see Shadowhunter's being like 'is it really surprising considering her grandfather' even tho she has a completely different set of ideals.
Jasper Robert Herondale: The second clace child. He has curly red hair, freckles, and black eyes. Much to surely everyone's surprise, he's a very quiet person, and to nobody's surprise, he would rather die then share even a hint of his true feelings. He gives big gentle giant vibes; man's just over here looming in the corner freaking people out, but the people who know him are just like 'nah, he's fine, he's just happy to be here'. He's the only one that got the tall genes, standing tall over all his other short siblings. He fights demons with a sledgehammer. When he was little he got kidnapped, but instead of pulling a Mina, he actually got traumatized. It was a mundane that kidnapped him, which is why it took a while to find him because nobody thought it was just some random mundane that took him. The mundane was going to sell him and some other kids to some rich buyer, but when the Shadowhunter's stormed the area to get Jasper they freaked out and started killing the kids as some sort of last minute cover up, not wanting to be caught with ties to the market cause then they'll just be assassinated in prison. But his parents got to Jasper before they could kill him, now the last survivor. This resulted in Jasper having a bit of a savior complex, feeling like he needs to save everyone since he feels like all those kids died because of him and he couldn't do anything about it, him, a Shadowhunter in training. It didn't help that he was naturally protective to begin with, now it was just twice as intense. This complex should lead to interesting thing when Andi goes all rouge.
Samuel Lucian Herondale: The third clace child. He has curly blond hair, freckles, and green eyes. He's the artist of his siblings, often drawing made up, disturbing looking creatures, along with other strange looking things. He's got this ever growing, hard to understand imagination, and it makes him come across as a bit strange and awkward, but he does have a lot of cool comics he's drawn but never published, though he wants to. The way he ends up fighting demons is sort of unusual; turns out, some of those creepy looking creatures he draws he can make come to life to fight alongside him, his parents angel blood coming through. Though he does have a weapon as well, that being a seraph blade. Despite it being angel power, and despite everyone literally knowing his parents whole Angel deal, Shadowhunter's are still side eyeing him for how demonic his creatures look. They're literally pulling out his family tree like 'oh wow Tessa the warlock is your great great great great grandma I bet that's those demon powers' or whatever. He's basically gaslit into thinking he's a demon, despite his parents being like 'it's probably just our angel powers but even if it's demon powers that's okay too'. But Samuel was already insecure, and this just fed into it. But ironically enough, he can't hate this power, making friends with the little creatures he makes; he just hates himself. I think out of all the Herondale kids he understands the most of why Andi went rouge.
Marigold "Mae" Celina Herondale: The youngest clace child. She has curly red hair, freckles, and gold eyes; kinda looks fox like now that I think about it. She's very quick witted, can talk on and on for hours and never run out of quips. Super competitive as well; whatever she gets into she will work herself to the bone to be the best. Although when she gets competitive, it just feels fun to her really, something to get passionate about, but then most people end up taking it wrong and get all heated about it or feel overwhelmed or something of that like, and she doesn't know how to correct it, especially in the moment. She fights demons with dual machete's. Mae often struggles with that connecting to people thing, but then there was the time when she actually connected with a demon more than a person. It was some random demon that could talk, and they were fighting but they both got sort of competitive about it and one thing led to another and now she and this demon are sort of besties. This led to her having a bit of a crisis of her befriending this demon so easily when she can't do the same with people, wondering what that makes her and if she's even worthy of being a Shadowhunter. Then there's the whole sneaking around to see her demon friend and worrying about when it came down to it what side would she be on. Honestly, she's more worried about what Andi will do to her and her demon friend then the Clave.
Noelle Rebecca Lightwood: Simon and Isabelle's first child. She has black hair and brown eyes. She's very much a poised, calm person. She's an introvert to the point where people think she's rude, but really she just can't handle socializing for very long, making her words seem clipped in dismissive, which she always ends up feeling guilty about. But she has a bunch of random, niche interests, that if you get her going on one of those she'll talk your ear off. She fights demons with a bow and arrow; Alec taught her. She's a bit of a glass child really, as her two siblings prove to be a bit of a handful, and she's seen as the 'easy to handle one'. Simon and Isabelle of course don't do this on purpose, they just have their hands full with the other two, and Noelle ends up festering in this. This leads to her physically unable to ask for help, not knowing how or if it's even allowed. She has all these insecurities and feelings she desperately needs help sorting out, and other people are always like 'wow your so put together and independent', making her feel this expectation and driving her into further isolation so people don't know she's not put together or think she's too needy.
George Maxwell Lightwood: The middle sizzy child, who definitely thought his name was inspired by 'George Lucas' before they told him about George Lovelace. He has brown hair and blue eyes; Will's eyes live on once again. He tends to feel things very deeply, doesn't know how to take things causally. Everything makes him feel these intense emotions, and people tell him he needs to 'calm down', or even think he's faking it, but that's just how he feels. He's also big into movies; he remembers every detail of every movie he's ever seen, researching the background of the movies as well. He has a multitude of screenplays he has written that he thinks aren't good enough to go on to become an actual movie. But his ability to feel things deeply assist him in writing these screenplays, able to insert such feeling in his characters and the presentation of situations. He fights demons with a seraph blade. George secretly doesn't really want to be a Shadowhunter; he wants to go off and make movies and such. But he feels guilty about it, what with feeling like if he takes irf he's betraying all of humanity. And there's also the stigma of his dad, Simon, being originally a mundane. People would say things like it was in his 'blood' to be a mundane, and that attitude would also go to his siblings, so he keeps quiet.
Lorelei Maryse Lightwood: The last sizzy child. She has brown hair and dark brown gold eyes. She's very much a free spirit, always running off and getting into shit, always disappearing and coming back after some strange misadventure. She just could never find it in herself to stay in one place. Girl will literally be missing for like a week and show up with jar of blood or whatever and is like 'I can explain'. She's a drummer, a very good one, hoping from band to band because she always seems to get involved in the shittiest bands who she insists 'have potential' but then they always end up falling through. That's how she gets into a lot of her misadventures really; she gives people the benefit of the doubt way too much, she looks for and finds people's best selves, which while sweet, can get her involved with bad people. She fights demons with this spiky baseball bat. Like I said, this trusting nature of hers gets her into trouble, but the biggest trouble she's gotten in is when she accidently got involved with some small that worships the demons and think they should take over the world. Now she knows way too much about this strange, ridiculously over funded cult, and is trying very hard to stop them while not telling anyone she has ties to such a treason. Worse yet, she ends up falling in love with someone in this organization, which makes things all the more complicated.
Eleanor Jia Penhallow: Helen and Aline's first child. She has black hair, freckles, and blue eyes. This was a planned adoption, a Shadowhunter orphan whose parents died fighting demons, now in need of a home. She's a bit of an actress, being able to disguise as different people as well as characters of her own creation. She really throws herself into these roles, using it to find out information and such, a bit of a spy in her own right really, pulling information for the Clave and for her allies. She's quick and able to read situations and people quickly, adding to her ability to act in difficult situations. This also leads her to know more then she probably wants to know, even of her friends, which can make her feel like she's being intrusive even when she's just looking at them. She fights demons with a double edged blade. A lot of the time she has trouble pulling herself out of said roles, sometimes feeling like she doesn't have a true personality and that even when she's not in a role and she supposedly 'herself' that it's not really her, that she's still acting. This leads to a bit of an identity complex, not really sure who she really is at a 'default', if the way she is is just another role or if it's natural, because she doesn't know.
Edmund Liam Penhallow: Heline's next child. He has curly black hair and brown eyes. This was more of an accidental adoption, a Shadowhunter abused by his parents that ran away to the Los Angeles institute at the age of only 9, of whom Helen and Aline get very attached to. He's very cautious and observant. He likes research; he knows every bit of Shadowhunter history and Mundane history, he knows how to fight with weapons he doesn't even wield, he learns about random things that one would think would never come up in a situation but when it does he's ready to info dump much to everyone's bafflement; guy's just a bundle of knowledge about basically everything. He fights demons with this hammer and nail thing, both using the hammer to hit the demons and for hitting the nails at a long distance at the demons. His parents were very much not careful with him. They put runes on him too young, they threw him in front of demons too young saying that was his training, and so on. The final straw that caused him to run away was when they had somehow got it in their head that he had the potential to talk to ghosts. His parents had heard of the Herondale's connection to ghosts, and one time they saw Edmund muttering to himself so they were like 'clearly he has the potential to talk to ghosts as well'. Edmund tried to correct this, as he very much could not talk to ghosts, but they just threw him into some sort of morgue for 'training', refusing to let him out until he made some sort of connection to a ghost. He tried to lie, say he did, but his parents saw through the lie every time. Two weeks passed before he gave into hunger and began eating the only thing edible in that room; the dead bodies. Another week passed, and at that point he thought his parents weren't ever going to let him out, but then they did. It was then that he ran away, the taste of dead people never truly leaving his mouth. Honestly, the way he saw it, his parents jumped the gun a lot on him, doing things to him without properly understanding, being so reckless with him. So this sort of fed into his obsessive 'I must know every detail before doing anything' thing he does, as he doesn't want to be like them, and he thinks this will prevent people from being hurt. I also think the whole eating dead people thing definitely led to an eating disorder of some kind, unable to eat a lot of foods without tasting dead people.
Andrew "Andres" Blackthorn Rosales: Eldest kiearktina child, born from Cristina and Mark. He has curly black hair and golden eyes. He adores the forest life, wants to explore every part of it. Though, the forest didn't naturally like him back at first, as he didn't have that natural connection to it like the Fae. But he learned the ways of the forest, able to navigate it like no one else, and now the forest likes him back. He wants to travel the world and explore all sorts of different terrains, map them out, understand them all. The guy has crazy survivalist skills he's both learned about and discovered through trial and error, and he can and will go on rants about them at any given moment. He fights demons with this mysterious sword the forest gave him as a gift that definitely won't lead to any sort of plot line don't worry about it. The Fae disapprove of his entire existence, looking at him in a sort of 'what is he even doing here'. He's only partially Fae, and they don't consider that to be enough, even though Andres feels more connected to the Fae then he does with Shadowhunter's. They don't even really consider him to be Kieran's son, despite the many, many times Kieran has made it very clear he is. They pick on him and do cruel tricks on him a lot, nothing to permanently damage him physically, since he does have that amount of protection from Kieran's name, but it does take it's toll on him mentally. His parents know what's going on, but he never tells him who did it.
Juniper "Junie" Kingson Rosales: Youngest kiearktina child, born from Cristina and Kieran. She has curly blue hair and silver eyes. She's very much attracted to the city life, lowkey hating the forest life, not vibing in their cottage core lifestyle; very much the opposite of her brother. Girl is super into architecture, learns about the different styles from all over the world, she's obsessed. She has doodles of her own architecture, and she wants to make them a reality someday. She fights demons with a three balled flail. She isn't considered to be a true heir, as Cristina is considered a consort. But that's good for her because she didn't want to be the heir anyway; life in the fOrESt? Forever? No thank you. Give her that industrialization. But there does need to be an heir, and Kieran very much does not want to have a child with some other Fae woman just to have one, so as time wears on it's looking like an illegitimate heir is looking better than no heir. That would skip over her brother and to her, because even though Kieran of course sees them both equally as his children, she has Kieran's blood in her, so the Fae would consider her first. Of course, Kieran has siblings it would go to first, but even the slight possibility of it ever going to her puts her on edge. She feels it in the other Fae's eyes, that they hate her, but they'll take her as a last resort. She feels it in the way they talk to her, like they want to hurt her so bad, but don't just in case she does end up ruling over them. As such, being around most Fae make her uncomfortable, and would rather be with the Shadowhunter's.
Benjamin "Benji" Livia Blackthorn: The only blackstairs child; I'd imagine after raising all of his siblings, Julian might opt to spend all his energy into one kid rather then several. He has curly brown hair, freckles, and blue green eyes. He has a love for making weapons, not just weapons that already exist, but ones he thinks up himself. He'll experiment with new ideas and even fashion to better suit the individual person. He's very passionate about it, leading him to come off as very intense. He'll go out and actively seek out demons to test his prototype weapons on alone. It's a very dangerous thing that Emma and Julian have desperately tried to stop, but Benji is incredibly stubborn and tenacious, a consequence of having Emma and Julian's genes. But when he's fighting with other people, he's less likely to just test something he hasn't before, as he doesn't want to put other people at risk, so when he fights demons with other people he switches between a multitude of weapons he's tested before that were successful. People are very wary of Benji's weapons because they're breaking tradition; he's mixing metals that have never been mixed. People call it a disgrace to the Angel's gifts, saying he's basically spitting in the Angel's face; so as you can imagine, Benji isn't very popular. There was this one time when he was younger that he was told some kids were going to meet up, so he met up with them without telling his parents because he didn't think it would take that long, only for to be locked in a closet in their house for like a day before Emma and Julian found him. The kid wasn't trying to kill him, the kid was planning to let him out after a few days, but he didn't tell Benji that. It was a very traumatizing event, and he became rather claustrophobic and suspicious of people who are nice to him after that.
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 7 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
OC Halloween Challenge 2023 - Day 1: Life In Plastic
Elys Herondale | Marceline Seymour | Selene Carstairs | Theodore Clarke | Violet Lightwood | Samuel Milligan | Cassandra Blackthorn | Nico Lightwood | Vice Verlac
Insp: everyone else, who made this posters way before me
Taglist : @randomestfandoms-ocs @eddysocs @that-demigirl @impales If you want to be added send me an ask! 💚
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octaviasdread · 6 months
the day nobody laughs at will herondale’s ancient mariner jokes is the day I cease to exist
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1-800-c3dr1c · 10 months
requests : open! (will slowly but surely get to them, i have lots of unfinished ones at the moment.)
emoji anons always open! taken ones: none so far <3
if in bold i much prefer to write for these characters more.
if in italics i will only write sfw content of them.
let me know if you’d like to be in any of these character’s tag lists to be tagged whenever i post anything related to them, whether it be in a post with them, under this post, or my inbox asks! <3
also, please ask questions (if you have any) about what i will write below! i will answer them all to the best of my abilities, but currently, i’m obsessed with writing yandere characters. (I DO NOT CONDONE YANDERE ACTIVITIES/TENDENCIES OR ANYTHING ELSE IRL.)
theresa “tessa” gray. james carstairs. william herondale. magnus bane. cecily herondale. gabriel lightwood. charlotte branwell. henry branwell. jessamine lovelace. gideon lightwood. sophie collins. james herondale. thomas lightwood. cordelia carstairs. lucie herondale. anna lightwood. christopher lightwood. jesse blackthorn. grace blackthorn. matthew fairchild. alastair carstairs. ariadne bridgestock. charles fairchild.
kaz brekker. inej ghafa. nina zenik. matthias helvar. jesper fahey. wylan van eck.
adrik zhabin. alina starkov. david kostyk. genya safin. malyen oretsev. nikolai lantsov. tamar kir-bataar. the darkling. tolya yul-bataar. soya nazyalensky.
aether. albedo. alhaitham. amber. arataki itto. baizhu. barbara. beidou. bennett. candace. collei. cyno. dehya. diluc. diona. dori. eula. faruzan. fischl. freminet. ganyu. gorou. hu tao. jean. kaedehara kazuha. kaeya. kamisato ayaka. kamisato ayato. kaveh. keqing. kirara. klee. kujou sara. kuki shinobu. layla. lisa. lumine. lynette. lyney. mona. nahida. neuvilette. nilou. ningguang. noelle. qiqi. raiden shogun. razor. rosaria. sangonomiya kokomi. sayu. shenhe. shikanoin heizou. sucrose. tartaglia. thoma. tighnari. venti. wanderer. wriothesley. xiangling. xiao. xinqiu. xinyan. yae miko. yanfei. yaoyao. yelan. yoimiya. yun jin. zhongli.
percy jackson. luke castellan. annabeth chase. nico di angelo. grover underwood. clarisse la rue. will solace.
arlan. asta. bailu. bronya. clara. dan heng. gepard. herta. himeko. hook. jing yuan. luocha. march 7th. natasha. pela. sampo. seele. serval. stelle. caelus. welt.
9S. 2B. A2.
america singer. maxon schreave. aspen leger. marlee tames. celeste newsome.
newt. gally. minho. teresa agnes. alby. chuck. thomas. aris jones. brenda. frypan. sonya. zart. winston. harriet. clint. jeff. ben.
lavender brown. cho chang. fleur delacour. cedric diggory. seamus finnigan. hermione granger. neville longbottom. luna lovegood. draco malfoy. harry potter. dean thomas. bill weasley. charlie weasley. fred weasley. george weasley. ginny weasley. percy weasley. ron weasley. oliver wood.
eleven. mike wheeler. will byers. lucas sinclair. erica sinclair. max mayfield. dustin henderson. steve harrington. nancy wheeler. jonathan byers.
regina george. karen smith. gretchen wieners. cady heron. aaron samuels. janis ian. damian.
akane heiya. chota segawa. daikichi karube. hikari kuina. kodai tatta. mira kano. morizono aguni. rizuna an. ryohei arisu. shuntaro chishiya. suguru niragi. yuzuha usagi.
beatrice prior. tobias eaton. caleb prior. peter. uriah pedrad. eric coulter. christina. tori wu.
katniss everdeen. peeta mellark. rue. cato hadley. clove kentwell. gale hawthorne. primrose everdeen. finnick odair. johanna mason. young! coriolanus snow. sejanus plinth. clemensia dovecote.
seong gi-hun. kang sae-byeok. hwang jun-ho. ali abdul.
lee cheong-san. yoon gwi-nam. nam on-jo. lee su-hyeok. lee na-yeon. choi nam-ra.
daryl dixon. rick grimes. carl grimes. michonne. maggie rhee. shane walsh. glenn rhee.
shota aizawa. hizashi yamada. nemuri kayama. yuga aoyoma. mina ashido. tsuyu asui. tenya ida. ochako uraraka. mashirao ojiro. denki kaminari. eijiro kirishima. koji koda. rikido sato. mezo shoji. kyoka jiro. hanta sero. fumikage tokoyami. shoto todoroki. toru hagakure. katsuki bakugo. izuku midoriya. momo yaoyorozu. yosetsu awase. sen kaibara. togaru kamakiri. shihai kuroiro. itsuka kendo. yui kodai. kinoko komori. ibara shiozaki. jurota shishida. nirengeki shoda. pony tsunotori. kosei tsuburaba. tetsutetsu tetsutetsu. setsuna tokage. manga fukidashi. juzo honenuki. kojiro bondo. neito monoma. reiko yanagi. hiryu rin. mirio togata. nejire hado. tamaki amajiki. hitoshi shinso. mei hatsume. emi fukukado. camie utsushimi. keigo takami. rumi usagiyama. yu takeyama. tomura shigaraki. dabi. himiko toga. rody soul.
kenma kozume. yu nishinoya. toru oikawa. tobio kageyama. tetsurō kuroo. kei tsukishima. shoyo hinata. kiyoko shimizu. kōtarō bokuto. asahi azumane. koshi sugawara. hitoka yachi. tadashi yamaguchi. ryūnosuke tanaka. hajime iwaizumi. daichi sawamura.
giyu tomioka. mitsuri kanroji. obanai iguro. sanemi shinazugawa. gyomei himejima. muichiro tokito. shinobu kocho. kyojuro rengoku. kanae kocho. tengen uzui. kanao tsuyuri. tanjiro kamado. zenitsu agatsuma. inosuke hashibira. genya shinazugawa. aoi kanzaki. nezuko kamado. muzan kibutsuji. tamayo. yushiro yamamoto. susumaru. sabito. makomo. senjuro rengoku. hinatsuru uzui. makio uzui. suma uzui. kokushibo. doma. akaza. nakime. hantengu. gyokko. kaigaku. gyutaro. daki. enmu. rui.
emma. ray. norman. isabella. krone. don. gilda.
lucifer. mammon. leviathan. satan. asmodeus. beelzebub. belphegor. diavolo. barbatos. luke. simeon. soloman.
ayano aishi. ayato aishi. osana najimi. osano najimi. amai odayaka. amao odayaka. kizana sunobu. kizano sunobu. oka ruto. asu rito. aso rito. muja kina. mujo kina. mida rana. mido rana. osoro shidesu. osorō shidesu. hanako yamada. hanakō yamada. megami saikou. megamo saikou. umeji kizuguchi.
pete “maverick” mitchell. bradley “rooster” bradshaw. jake “hangman” seresin. natasha “phoenix” trace. robert “bob” floyd. reuben “payback” fitch. mickey “fanboy” garcia.
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carelessflower · 6 months
a little HC (ignore any inconsistancy)
Gadreel was the eldest of her family (she was the queen) her father gave her a land as a gift on her coranation , called Idris, however, she said that she would give her land to her disendants to whomeever wants it
Her younger brother, Raziel fell in love with Johnathan Shadowhunter and Gadreel being the Queen at that time refused to awknolwdge it as Raziel was a spiteful dick and Johnathan disevered a better man, when Gadreel died, Ithuriel who disendants are the Herondales took the Land and claimed it as he liked this person, but Raziel took it of him as he is the second born and gifted it to Johnathan Shadowhunter, Ithuriel and Raziel was banished from the Kingdom by his nephew Samuel Morningstar who was now King. However the Princes hid Idris from the King, so Samuel was unaware
However the disendants of Gadreel are Tessa, Magnus and Malcom Fade, the land rightfully belongs to either one of them
So Gadreel disendants are Magnus Bane, Tessa Gray, and Malcom Fade, including others which are unknown
Raziel took the name Shadowhunter and left and went into his own witness protection, the Shadowhunter family name was changed and is now found in East and South Asia,
Ithuriel fell in love with a woman who was an Herondale but left before he knew she was pregnant.
Johnathan Shadowhunter created his own government and gathered his closest friends such as the Lightwoods, Herondales, Morgernsterns, Fairchilds, Starkweather, Dragonway, Blackthorns families to alliance to form a secret country. The history of its country was left in the accords and securly locked away and only the president or some council can access this.
And Alec finds this all at the accords, and he goes and tells Jace, Jace decides its best to keep it silent and go through it later and discuss this with his mother, Alec takes the file home to show his mother, however baby Max was there, and a 2 papers slipped out talking about the Idris and Max picked it up and starting to draw, Magnus came a few minutes later to pick up Max, and he sees the paper, he takes the paper and hides it as Alec comes to greets him.
Maryse also tells Alec that its best to keep this silent, as thats the way it would be and that people wont like this
As Maryse goes to Jocelynn and they talk, about Alec bringing the papers outside of Idris, which Jocelynn just says that its for the best that they know about it, and that it wasnt fair for them to keep it a secret
Now back at the Lightwoods, Magnus talks to Tessa about the piece of information that he has, and that he still hasnt talked to Alec about it. Tessa suggests that they both talk to their fathers since they probably would know more about this, and their own history.
Alec notices that a page is missing, as he retraces his steps but cant find it, he then begins to worry and tells Jace he lost a paper, and Jace tells him not too worry since its just a piece of paper and that its nothing, which kind of puts Alec's mind at ease.
Now Tessa and Magnus have a talk with their fathers, as Asmodeus knew that Idris was a gift to his Great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother, and he knows that Samael has notes who also lives in New York
Magnus and Tessa visit their great Uncle who shows him the notes and that the the eldest son of the Shadowhunter (after its change) lives in Tokyo, so Tessa asks Jem if they want to go on this trip to Tokyo which he agrees, and Magnus ask Alec, leaving Max with his grandmother, and Mina with her uncle.
Now back in New York, Asmodeus goes to the Lightwoods and hands Maryse the paper, telling her that he knows, but keeping this a secret will probably anger his family as he can confirm that the romers are true, Asmodeus also tells her that Magnus is going to Tokyo to visit a great uncle, who knows more about this
Asmodeus babysits Max, as Maryse text Alec that Magnus knows but Alec has not seen it, so she tells Luke, who then says to get to Tokyo,
Max has the second piece of paper as he takea Asmodeus to his cot and and he shows his grandfather his drawing, which is the family tree and also the secret plan to overthrow Gadreel as her young brothers were both asshats at that time. Now Asmodeus takes the picture of the paper and sends it to Leviathan who is in Tokyo, and also to Belial who is on his way to London.
Asmodeus calls Magnus, but it gets disconnected, as Max begins to cry for food.
A few hours later, Tessa, Jem, Alec and Magnus are at Haneda Airport in Tokyo, however they both get off sepretly.
Magnus begings to tell Alec stories about his first time in Tokyo and also says he has visted Idris which is quite busy like Tokyo but small
Alec asks when he went to Idris, which Magnus says he only went once when he was a teenager
Tessa and Magnus say that they have a family living here, Magnus gets a missed call and a long text from his dad, while Tessa gets the image and nothing else.
Alec gets two calls one from his mother, and the second his father in law, and a text from his mom, saying that Magnus knows
Alec realizes he has no signal, but Magnus gets to his Uncle Leviathan's house, as Tessa and Jem head to Samael appartment
Leviathan is a popular influence, and also works for the British and Japanese Navy and is now an animator for a anime studio, also Simon loves him and has met him twice at anime conventions.
Magnus shows the image to Alec as Alec says he didnt know about it until now.
Tessa rings Magnus saying that before Gadreel tragic death, her younger brothers were plotting to take the throne and the empire
However, Gadreel has four children, and the eldest married twice one to Miran who was killed when their child was two a few weeks after Gadreel death, and the next marriage was to Lucas Morngingstar, Samuel took the name Morningstar after his mother and Wife death, and Samuel wanted to charge his uncles for treason, but banished them as they asked for forgivness, Idris was supposted to be his but that was changed by Ithuriel.
Tessa also tells Magnus that Robert Lightwood and Imogen Herondale must know and both are death, but Jace may know.
Magnus hugs Alec, and tells him its not his fault and that he was sorry for dragging him out, Alec and Magnus go on a week date in Tokyo before coming back, Alec decides that he would allow Gadreel disendants to enter and run alongside him, which angers a few citizens, Tessa and Magnus goes to talk to Jace, who says his grandmother never told him.
Magnus and Tessa decides its best to stay out of Idris politics and it wasnt really their home.
So Alec makes his father in law the vice and also a member of the council
anon i need this fic on my desk
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kcrev · 3 years
words of affirmation + waverly
does your muse like giving compliments?
A Waverly é uma pessoa muito mais de ações do que de palavras, então para ela é muito mais fácil demonstrar afeto e carinho de formas que não sejam com elogios propriamente ditos. Apesar disso, acredito que ela goste sim de elogiar, mas de forma bem aleatória e espontânea. Uma situação que eu vejo muito ela fazendo é parar de fazer alguma coisa do nada e ficar observando o Samuel por alguns minutos, até ele perguntar se está tudo bem e ela dizer que sim, que percebeu o quão bonitos eram os olhos dele.
how easy is it for your muse to say ‘ i love you’?
Definitivamente, não é algo que sai dos lábios da Waverly sem que ela realmente sinta aquilo. Mas, isso não quer dizer que seja particularmente difícil ouvir um eu te amo vindo dela. A primeira vez que ela disser pro Samuel também vai ser bem do nada, talvez depois de perceber que não está mais com tanta vontade de sair viajando pelo mundo sozinha, como sempre se sentiu.
what is one compliment your muse is dying to hear?
Qualquer coisa que tenha a ver com o seu trabalho, com certeza. A Waverly cresceu numa família muito rica e poderosa, de certa forma, então ela sempre foi subestimada. Por mais que se esforçasse, sempre havia alguém para dizer que não merecia o que estava acontecendo em sua vida, que seus pais pagavam por tudo (foi assim com seu diploma em direito e o de fotografia, suas viagens pelo mundo e mais tantas coisas). Isso certamente é algo que a incomoda muito, então um elogio sincero sobre seu trabalho como fotógrafa é uma das melhores coisas que podem dizer a ela.
what is something your muse loves being praised for?
Eu meio que respondi essa pergunta na anterior (risos). A Waverly é uma fotógrafa incrível, ela tem um olhar excepcionalmente sensível para capturar sentimentos e isso é uma das coisas que ela mais ama ouvir de seu trabalho, que ele tocou alguém de alguma forma.
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fan-demonium · 5 years
I am such a slut for a good bromance. Samuel and Guzman, Clay and Justin, Simon and Jace? Give me that shit
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mundanescantseeus · 6 years
The Mortal Instruments Fancast Part 2: The (young) Circle
Valentine Morgenstern (Lucky Blue Smith)
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Strictly based on looks, Lucky B is young Valentine. Tbh he’s my Sebastian too. He’s everything I associate w the Morgenstern boys. That hair. That look. He’s gorgeous but deadly.
Jocelyn Fairchild (Karen Gillan)
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I will always use Karen as a fancast whenever I can because I just love her so much. She’s beautiful, strong, smart, and young Jocelyn had all of that (I know older Jocelyn does too). Just look at that face. That “I’m going to take down my husband and take the Mortal Cup with me” look. She’s a badass.
Lucian Graymark (Logan Lerman)
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THOSE EYES. THAT HAIR. Logan is young Luke. He’s cute and sweet and honestly the best friend that everyone deserves. Need I say more?
Hodge Starkweather (Thomas Brodie Sangster)
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I think what a lot of people forget is that hodge was the youngest member of the circle (yes City of Bones movie I am talking ab you). Thomas has that boyish look to him. He has that cute “I want to make you proud of me” “I want to fit in” persona. Hodge is young and vulnerable and just trying to figure everything out and I feel that Thomas could portray that well.
Robert Lightwood (Tyler Hoechlin)
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Looks like he could kill you, could actually kill you. From everything we read ab Robert, we know two things. 1) he was intimidating (he went on to become the inquisitor for the Angel’s sake!). 2) he’s a Lightwood, which means he is gorgeous lol. And who better to fit that role than Tyler. (I mean have y’all seen him as Derek Hale in teen wolf?!)
Maryse Trueblood (Marie Avgeropoulos)
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We know from her role as Octavia on the 100 that Marie is fierce. She knows how to play that strong female character that I associate w young Maryse (well that I associate w Maryse in general).
Michael Wayland (Sam Claflin)
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Sam is just so pure. He has a sort of innocence about him. He also literally looks like an angel. And I picture Michael that way. If he were given the chance, I believe that Sam could really pull off this character.
Stephen Herondale (Xaviar Samuel)
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I’ve seen Xaviar fancasted as Gabriel Lightwood many times before but honestly I see him as a Herondale. More specifically I see him as Stephen. Stephen was the golden boy. He was loved by everyone but we also know from Tessa in the Bane Chronicles that he had a dark side. And I could just see all that when I look at Xaviar. He could pull it off.
Amatis Graymark (Alexandra Daddario)
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It drove me crazy when Alexandra was casted as Annabeth Chase in the Percy Jackson movie because her and Logan looked so much alike! I always thought she could play his sister. Same blue eyes, same dark hair. She is the Amatis to Logan’s Luke.
Celine Montclaire (Scarlett Leithold)
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Strictly based on looks, Scarlett is Celine. Whenever I first came across a picture of her I immediately thought of Celine. And I will always stick by that.
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magnusofglitter · 6 years
Ragnor Fell & Jace Herondale must team up to liberate Blackwell. It will end in glitter
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luciehercndale · 2 years
I was just thinking about the parallels between the Herondales and the Blackthorns about curses. Will thought he was cursed by a demon, but he wasn't - he had been tricked into thinking he was. James thought he was cursed because of his power. Heck, the poor guy thought he was damned. Lucie never openly discussed her power so far, so one may believe that she doesn't feel like her brother in this regard, but I just think she doesn't want others to worry about her like they worry about James. James and Lucie aren't troublemakers - quite the opposite. But they have been under scrutiny in the shadow world because of their heritage. They are half-warlocks, plus they have unusual powers. Everyone found out about James' power after the event at the Academy, but no one (except Jesse) knows that Lucie can also do something very shocking and exceptional for a shadowhunter and against their rules. Necromancy is forbidden by Shadowhunters, and it's also something against nature itself. So Lucie in this regard parallels with Will. Will never told anybody about his curse, except for Magnus and Tessa. Lucie never defined her necromancy power as a curse, and only told Jesse. Grace also participated in the 'let's bring Jesse back to life campaign' but she thinks that Lucie is helping her, and she doesn't seem to realize the extent of Lucie's involvement in the whole thing (as an animator of sorts - or better resuscitator! lol). Also, while Will didn't love anyone but Jem because he thought they would die, Lucie is in love with a person who used to be dead. Ironic, right?
While the Herondales believe they are cursed, the ones who really are damned are the Blackthorns. And, to some extent, they have been cursed by association to the rot side of the Lightwood family: Benedict and Tatiana. Benedict was cursed with demon pox and thus punished by turning into a worm, eating his son-in-law Rupert Blackthorn and damning his daughter to live a lonely life full of disdain, vengeance and bitterness. After learning Rupert is the ghost in SOBH, I want you all to read these lines from the poem opening chapter 7 of Clockwork Prince, which I believe illustrates his situation very well:
An orphan’s curse would drag to hell A spirit from on high; But oh! more horrible than that Is the curse in a dead man’s eye! Seven days, seven nights, I saw that curse, And yet I could not die. —Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
It's like Benedict's curse passed onto his daughter, who carried it on her children and, unknowingly to us, to her deceased husband. As we know, Tatiana's hatred brought Jesse to his death and Grace to being completely neglected. Both of them were used as a means to an end (stupid revenge). Both of them, in my opinion, are cursed. Not a literal curse. Jesse had been cursed to die young and to live half a life, while Grace had been cursed with a siren power to deprive others of their free-will. CoI ended with Jesse's life being restored into his body, although we still don't know to what extent... is he really the Jesse we've known so far or it's 'another' Jesse? As for Grace, she also seems to have realized she needed to turn to a new leaf, but we still don't know if she will do it in CoT. What I want to emphasize here is that: Will wasn't cursed but Tatiana vowed to 'curse' James with the gracelet by using Grace. James 'fell' for Grace but Cordelia, broke the curse with the power of love (sounds stupid but that's what happened bro). The question is, yet again, if Tatiana also vowed to 'curse' Lucie by pushing Jesse to make her fall for him or that was completely unexpected. I want to believe that Jesse falling for Lucie is real, as opposed to Grace 'falling' for James which was all fake, and that Lucie broke Jesse's curse with her love.
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 10 months
Shadowhunters Chronicles ocs Masterlist
See here my Shadowhunter Timeline!
Name: Alice Knight
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Witch
Era: TBC - TID - TLH - TMI
Quote: How terrible it is to love something that death can touch.
FC: Lily James
Name: Brian White
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Werewolf
Era: TMI
Love Interest: Lydia Knight
Quote: Feel the fear and do it anyway.
FC: Mark McKenna
Name: Cassandra Blackthorn
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Shadowhunter
Era: TMI - TDA - TWP
Quote: I read the rules before I break them.
FC: Malina Weissman & Emilia Jones
Name: Elys Herondale
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Shadowhunter
Love Interest: Jonathan Morgenstern; endgame Marceline Seymour
Quote: Never be so kind you forget to be clever, never be so clever you forget to be kind.
FC: Kathryn Newton
Name: Jack Herondale
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Shadowhunter
Quote: When you are young, they assume you know nothing.
FC: Walker Scobell
Name: Jackson Milligan
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Mundane
Era: TMI
Quote: There's got to be a reason that all this was happened.
FC: Tyler Hoechlin
Name: Lydia Knight
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Witch
Love Interest: Brian White
Quote: She wasn't fragile like a flower, she was fragile like a bomb.
FC: Vanessa Morgan
Name: Marceline Seymour
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Mundane
Quote: Home should be where the heart is.
FC: Holland Roden
Name: Nico Lightwood
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Shadowhunter
Era: TDA - TWP
Quote: Tell them you're strong, tell them you're enough.
FC: Finn Wolfhard
Name: Samuel Milligan
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Mundane
Era: TLH
Love Interest: Violet Lightwood
Quote: I've been trying to go home my whole life.
FC: Josh Whitehouse
Name: Selene Carstairs
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Shadowhunter
Era: TID - TLH
Love Interest: Theodore Clarke
Quote: I am no mother. I am no bride. I am King.
FC: Hailee Steinfeld
Name: Theodore Clarke
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Mundane
Era: TID
Love Interest: Selene Carstairs
Quote: The stars would be so proud to know their atoms created someone like you.
FC: Timothée Chalamet
Name: Vienna Lightwood
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Shadowhunter
Quote: Underestimate me, that'll be fun
FC: Shelley Hennig
Name: Vice Verlac
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Shadowhunter
Era: TWP
Love Interest: past Nico Lightwood
Quote: If you don't get it off your chest you'll never be able to breath.
FC: Charlie Gillespie
Name: Violet Lightwood
Series: Untitled
Story: Untitled
Species: Shadowhunter
Era: TLH
Love Interest: Samuel Milligan
Quote: Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness.
FC: Ella Hunt
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charmed-autistic · 7 years
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Victoria Konefal as Tessa Gray Samuel Patrick Chu as Jem Carstairs Gerran Howell as Will Herondale Rachel Redford as Cecily Herondale Thomas Doherty as Gabriel Lightwood Toby Regbo as Gideon Lightwood Zoe Robins as Sophie Collins Ashley Madekwe as Charlotte Branwell Harris Allan as Henry Branwell Laura Harrier as Jessamine Lovelace Lucas Adams as Nate Gray John Hannah as Benedict Lightwood Rutger Hauer as Axel Mortmain Boy William as Magnus Bane Kieron Richardson as Woolsey Scott Kristin Kreuk as Camille Belcourt
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We Wish You A Merry Christmas (Modern AU)
Cecily and Sophie conspire to get a Christmas card with all the Lightwood grandchildren from both sides, chaos ensues. The holiday fic no one asked for, but I wrote it anyway.
It was all both Cecily and Sophie had wanted for Christmas, as they had told their children. They just wanted a family photo of all the Lightwood grandchildren from both sides. Everyone had reluctantly agreed, which is why they were here now at Eugenia’s studio, since she had graciously offered to take pictures.
And so far it was a disaster.
They’ve had to change Jasper’s shirt twice, because he keeps staining it, even with both Thomas and Alastair watching him like a hawk.
Rosie keeps attempting to run off, giggling as she does so. Christopher was supposed to keep her with him, to make sure she didn’t, but she kept managing to slip away. So Anna took over and now Rosie is standing with her and Ariadne.
Harriet is feeling particularly shy today and doesn’t want to take any photos. In fact, she refuses to let go of her Baba, and starts bawling every time someone tries to pry her from Alastair.
The newly born Gabriel hadn’t stopped crying since he got there, despite everything Anna and Ariadne have done to get him to stop. They’re just hoping he’ll tire himself out at some point so they can take pictures.
Isidore has a cold and hasn’t been feeling well all day, which makes him cry and cling to Grace. His nose is all red and runny, his eyes pinkish and puffy from all his crying. He hasn’t stopped sneezing and every attempted picture has him covered in snot.
Immy is the only one who hasn’t really done anything, she was the most well behaved. Keyword was. Until about an hour into the photoshoot and she wanted to get out of her frilly dress. But since they hadn’t gotten one good picture, she couldn’t just yet.
All the parents were tired and even Eugenia was starting to get annoyed. Sophie and Cecily looked at each other and sighed. Everyone had been here for three hours now and they hadn’t managed to get one decent picture.
“Mum?” Thomas said and Sophie turned to look at him. Jasper was next to him holding Rosie’s hand, Harriet nowhere in sight.
“Yes? What is it, Tom?”
Thomas looked a little uneasy as he answered. “We’re going to have to leave. It’s past the girls’ nap time and Hettie is already asleep. You know we would stay-” Sophie cut her son off. She looked behind Thomas to see Alastair talking to Anna and Ariadne, holding the sleeping Harriet.
“It’s fine, Tommy. You and Alastair have your own family, I understand what it’s like. I had three children too, remember?” she said, reaching up to squeeze his shoulder gently. Her son shot her a grateful smile. “Just make sure you tell Alastair that I want to say goodbye to Harriet before you leave please.” Thomas nodded and Jasper and Rosie launched themselves at Sophie.
“Bye-bye, Nan!”
“Goodbye, Sophie!”
Sophie sighed at that, she’d asked Jasper if he wanted to call her “nan” like the other children did, but he’d politely declined saying it didn’t feel right. But still, she hugged them both and promised to see them at some point before Christmas.
Once leaving her grasp, Jasper had turned to where Alastair and been talking with Anna and Ariadne. “Lassie!” he yelled and Alastair started to walk over, saying goodbye to the other couple and their baby.
“What is it, Jasper?” he asked, shifting Harriet so her head was tucked under his chin. She made a small noise and wrapped her arms tighter around her father.
“You and Harryo need to say bye-bye to Nan, Baba. Nan told Daddy to tell you.” Rosie said. Alastair looked at Thomas and raised an eyebrow. Thomas shrugged in response, picking Rosie up and bringing her and Jasper to the car.
Sophie looked at Alastair and beckoned him forward. “You don’t need to wake her up, she’s had a very tiring day. I think she deserves this nap.” she said, reaching out to softly squeeze Harriet’s leg.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t get the picture today, Sophie, Cecily. Maybe we can try again soon?” Alastair said, looking a little bit guilty.
“It was just a bad day for the children, we couldn’t plan that. We’ll just have to try again, as you said.” Cecily assured him from her seat next to Sophie. Alastair nodded in response and said his goodbyes.
Slowly, everyone else had filtered out, as the afternoon had turned into evening and everyone needed to go home. Sophie and Cecily understood but it did make them a little sad.
“Don’t worry, Mum, Aunt Cecily. We can just try again next year.” Eugenia assured her mother and aunt as she started to put away her equipment.
“Yeah, there’s always next year.”
Now it was time for the annual Herondale Christmas party, which was in full swing. Everyone was laughing and having a good time, and there were children running around everywhere.
Rosie and Molly were sitting with Cordelia, Elliot, and Samuel-who had just started to walk-and playing with them. Cordelia and James’s two other boys had been running around the whole time with Jasper and Alexander, the four of them were up to something, but no one really knew what yet.
Little Gabriel had been passed around the room, everyone eager to get a look at the new baby. But unsurprisingly, the one who had been holding him the most, was his namesake. Gabriel had been on his fifth time holding the baby when Cecily had taken him and told her husband that he had to share, even if they shared a name.
Immy had found herself in the company of the Fairchild twins, the three of them sitting in a circle together and babbling, Lucie and Grace cooing at them from afar.
Even Harriet seemed to be enjoying herself, she had spent the first part or so of the party attached to Thomas, but had slowly unattached so she could play with Isidore.
It made Sophie happy to see everyone so happy during the party, even if she couldn’t get the picture that she and Cecily had wanted. She sighed and turned to the tree, where everyone had gathered to give presents.
She and Cecily looked at each other when Eugenia had given them matching gifts.
“It’s from all of us.” Was all she said before going to sit down.
Cecily had opened the box before Sophie had and gasped, making Sophie open her’s, and she too let out a gasp.
It was framed picture of all the Lightwood grandchildren, put into three squares.
The first said: The Lightwood-Carstairs with a picture of Jasper, Rosie, and Harriet sitting together. The girls were in matching dresses and Jasper was dressed nicely in a sweater and khakis. They were sitting on the front steps of their house.
The second said: The Blackthorns with a picture of Immy and Isidore together. They were in matching Christmas themed pajamas sitting in front of their Christmas tree.
The third said: The Lightwoods with a picture of Gabriel being held up by Anna and Ariadne’s hands. He was in a cute all-white onesie complete with a knitted hat and matching booties.
“How...?” Sophie trailed off, passing the picture to Gideon for him to look at.
Thomas shrugged. “We all felt bad that you couldn’t get your picture so we all took separate pictures and had Genie edit it together for you.”
“Thank you, I think I speak for the both of us when I say this was the best Christmas present ever.”
This is actually inspired by the Christmas card my grandfather and great-aunt had sent out this year. It was similar to what I described, except instead of three squares there were four. They had wanted to do it because of the pandemic and it was hard to take one big picture so they took separate pictures of us in groups and made one big Christmas card to share. I thought it was cute and decided to write a one shot based off of it.
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
Part 3 of inside TMI Gang's diaries
Clary: Dear diary, I may have blown up a ship, mom won't be happy when she hears about it, also there's a woman who says she knows how to wake my mom up, but I have to go to Idris. And Jace that bish left without me, and so I made a portal, Luke followed me, luke is mad at me. Anyways, I also met Luke's sister she is nice, gotta find Jace tho, he is gonna be sorry when I find his ass. Trying to protect me, I can protect myself, also I gotta save my mom.
*Later *
Dear diary I am back, Jace was just an absolute ass to me, sometimes I think he does it on purpose to make me hate him. But I am not going back, like he wants, this is something I have to do. Also this guy Sebastian he has something oddly familiar about him idk, he seems nice tho, and he has been the only welcoming one really here, so far. He's gonna help me find Ragnor the Warlock, to get the spell to wake my mom up. Oh, and Luke is gone, I wonder when he'll be back. I wish I had some coffee right now .
Jace: Dear diary, why, why, why, why does this stuff keep happening?, Clary needs to be safe but she keeps not listening, I can't keep her safe if she keeps running after dangerous things, oh wait is this how everyone feels about me? Maybe I am the problem? Idk anyway, Simon is here too now I gotta keep two people safe ughhhhhh, cause if I don't keep Simon safe Clary will be upset, also I was a total ass to Clary earlier and she probably hates me now, tho I guess that's a good thing. Anyway I don't trust this Sebastian guy. And my is angel knows where, Alec is distant lately, Izzy is Izzy, Max idk what he thinks of me anymore, it's funny how things can fall apart so easily huh? But hey I still look good right, hahahahahahaha, *screaming internally*
Alec: Dear diary, how did things get so complicated? Where did we go wrong? Also Magnus isn't returning my calls, that sucks. Clary is here and Jace is freaking out, Simon should be back in new york now, Izzy is idk, Max doesn't know what's going on. Magnus hasn't called me back. Sebastian seems suspicious and I don't like him that much, he seems like a nice guy but there's just something about him. Jace is probably off punching another window or getting himself into danger, honestly when will he stop this? Him and Clary are just hurting each other at this point and it's becoming unbearable. And I am afraid for Jace, nobody knows how fragile he is in ways, but I do. I need to call Magnus again, I need to talk to someone. Anyway stuff has gone to hell and I am tired.
Magnus: Dear diary, these Shadowhunters will be the death of me, and Alec is too caught up in Jace that he doesn't realize that I am serious about him. Honestly Shadowhunters were any dumber I think they would all be dead. and the Alec, my dear Alec you are so oblivious. Also biscuit is here and is gonna cause chaos, she also needs me to work on a spell to wake her mother up, Jocelyn will not be pleased when she finds out all the things little biscuit had been up to, but I can't be bothered with it. Shadowhunters and their drama is never a good thing. Ragnor is dead, I'll have to tell Catarina and Raphael, I am not looking forward to it. But I am sure Valentine will do some messed up stuff before that and knowing his evil doings it's gonna be big, he is terrible and loves to ruin everything. But also maybe I should call Alec back. Or maybe he'll finally make his decision, I honestly don't know why but there's something about this one.
Izzy: Dear diary, why is life throwing so much at us? Everything is a mess and I don't know if things can be fixed after this. also Simon, I still can't figure out why he intrigues me so much, he is idk. Clary is off causing chaos and dragging Jace along with her as usual, honestly that girl, I wish she knew how much distress she is causing Jace. Alec is to blind to see how much he likes Magnus, my brother I love him but his obliviousness is too much, sometimes you want to give him a push but he wouldn't appreciate that. Also who is this Sebastian and why does he seem too nice? Maybe I am just assuming but there's something about him. Valentine will probably be making an attack soon so better be ready for that, and honestly idk know why I am writing this I don't have anything to say, not really, other than I want things to go back to the way they were.
Simon: Dear diary, so first I got dragged along into Idris and now I am stuck in a prison, I may have been kidnapped again, these guys at the gard seem like bad people, I did make a friend tho, his name is Samuel and apparently he was with the circle, honestly Shadowhunters have so many problems, and I keep getting dragged into them. At least Clary is safe, but no one knows I am here, they all think I am back in new york, I am also hungry, vampire stuff, but I won't take blood from these jerks, I won't betray the Lightwoods. I miss normal life before all of this but I guess there's no going back. I wonder if Samuel has any good stories, or if they are all just about how the circle killed people. Maybe I'll just sing to myself in my head, or see if Samuel wants to talk some more.
Church: Dear Cat diary, I am in new york, the Lightwoods are in Idris, still no sign of Jem no matter how many times I call for him to save me from this drama fest, the Herondale is probably off still thinking he is not a Herondale, and probably doing shit for love. Clary is most likely off causing chaos and giving the Clave hell, I actually like the thought they need a good wake up. Alec is still oblivious to the fact that Magnus likes him a lot, honestly just get together already. Simon got dragged into Idris so rip I guess, he'll probably be fine, probably. Isabelle hmm perhaps she is breaking stuff, or maybe she calm who knows she could be either, all I know is she will eventually smash something cause of her frustration at her friends and family. Jem I miss you and I am once again asking you to save me, these kids are the most chaotic, please, they don't think things through. Also I want tuna.
(this one isn't as good as the others but I'll be doing another part for CoG cause there's too much to cover in one post )
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stefanssalvatoress · 3 years
taking requests for smuts, fluffs, etc. below the cut will be characters i write for and fandoms :)
FANDOMS I WRITE FOR: the vampire diaries gossip girl shadowhunters the infernal devices the dark artifices the flash DCs titans Baby ( Netflix ) Elite ( Netflix ) Cruel Summer ( Hulu ) Assorted Celebrities. Teen Wolf The Originals
CHARACTERS I WRITE FOR: stefan salvatore, elena gilbert, caroline forbes, tyler lockwood, jeremy gilbert, klaus mikaelson, rebekah mikaelson, bonnie bennett, kai parker, enzo st. john, kol mikaelson, elijah mikaelson, silas, nate archibald, blair waldorf, serena van der woodsen, carter baizen, dan humphrey, clary fray, jace herondale, izzy lightwood, magnus bane, camille belcourt, simon lewis, will herondale, jem carstairs, tessa gray, julian blackthorn, emma carstairs, barry allen, cisco ramon, niccolo govender, chiara altieri, ludo storti, samuel garcia dominguez, valerio montesinos, carla roson, lucrecia montesinos hendrich, guzman nunier, polo benvant, jamie henson, ( ask me about celebrities ), scott mccall, stiles stilinski, derek hale, issac lahey, lydia martin, allison argent.
CHARACTERS I DO NOT AND WILL NOT WRITE FOR: damon salvatore, chuck bass - they've assaulted people. its a big no for me alec lightwood - i just feel like i cant give him justice so i don't want to mess that up. and other people i'll add as i find those that make me uncomfortable.
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propsandmayhems · 4 years
96 with Matthew and James maybe?
Thank you for the request, here you go! I hope you enjoy :-) 
“Please get me away from him. He hasn’t left me alone all night and I am this close to committing a murder.”
Matthew Fairchild & James Herondale 
Matthew Fairchild was stretched out on one of the long, wooden tables in the library of the London Institute, wearing a deep purple waistcoat that brought out the dark green of his eyes. His jacket had been disregarded a few hours before, when he had attempted to backflip off the ladder that gives access to the higher bookshelves. He was semi-successful, only requiring an iratze to mend a twisted ankle. Now, he had one foot propped up on the toe of the other and his left arm thrown behind his head while his free hand was twirling a silver throwing knife he had stolen from Jamie’s belt. James sent a silent prayer to the Angel that his mother did not come into the library and see Matthew with his shoes on the table, as that was one battle James would have to let Math face alone. 
All evening, Matthew had been blabbering on about the difference between ties and ascots and attempting to convince James to get a new haircut, but all James wanted to do was read his copy of The Call of the Wild, which Jamie had just picked up on his bi-weekly trip to Hatchards with his father. The author was American, and Jamie felt he should make an effort to learn more about American culture as it is where his mother came from. Suddenly, the throwing knife thunked into the thick, wooden window frame, just barely missing catching any of his inky curls on its way by. “Jamie, are you even listening to me?”
Looking up from his book, he saw his parabatai sitting up with his legs dangling over the edge of the table, wearing an irritated expression. Well, at least his shoes are off the table, James thought to himself, before closing his book with a huff. “No, Math, I wasn’t listening. I was attempting to read.” Despite his blunt words, his tone was lighthearted. 
Matthew shot Jamie an exasperated look, “Oh, you and your books; it’s always Bram Butler this and Samuel Stoker that.” 
“Actually, it’s Samuel Bu-”
“My point exactly!” Matthew hopped up from the table and sauntered over to the window James was nestled in. “I was trying to ask you about your fiance - how is the wedding planning going?”
Before James could answer, the doors to the library rattled open and Lucie swept into the room, chattering away to what seemed like herself. Upon noticing she was not alone in the library, she stopped short. “Oh… hello,” she glanced around, a strange look of concern on her face. “Are you two the only ones in here?” 
Now that she was closer, Jamie could see that the edges of her skirts were caked in mud and her hair was beginning to come free from its plait. “Yes, we are - but, Lucie, where have you been?” He asked, unable to hide his brotherly worry. 
“Nevermind that,” she waved a hand, moving to take up residence on the table to her left. Crossing her legs, she continued, “What are you two up to this evening?” 
Pushing himself off the wall, Matthew began to reminisce on his antics of the evening, “-I was just trying to have a bit of fun, but Jamie here was intent on being a stick in the mud!” 
With a groan, James dropped his head into his hands. “Lucie, by the Angel, please get me away from him.” Ripping the throwing knife from the window frame, he brandished it in Matthew’s direction, “He hasn’t left me alone all night and I am this close to committing a murder.”
With a giggle and a swish of her skirts, Lucie moved from the table to Matthew’s side, and took him by the elbow. “Well, both you boys are in luck tonight! I heard Papa singing in the drawing room on my way in and I’m sure he would love your company, Matthew.” 
Matthew looked to his parabatai in horror, “Oh no, Jamie, please don’t let her do this to me! I promise you I will sit and be quiet.” 
James simply lifted his book back into his hands and cracked it open. “Take him away, Lucie.”  
With that, his sister dragged his parabatai from the library; James could hear Matthew struggling and protesting even after the doors banged shut behind them. Standing up and shoving the blade back through his belt, he made for the door to join his family in the drawing room. 
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