#same thing goes for james ivory
glass-crabs · 8 months
very inconsiderate of e.m. forster to not consider how maurice (by e.m. forster) would affect me emotionally after reading it
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ivory-woods · 2 years
ivory opinion hour™ (yes I’m coming for Angie’s gig)
I’ll start with the bad so I can end on a high note. and also because there is a lot of bad.
E39 and E40 were an absolute cluster. the writing was sloppy, everything happened and then was resolved so quickly, and it all just felt really unfulfilling.
I absolutely buy that Bruno would let a newcomer get in his head. seeing his girl chosen for two dates would have him on edge already, and then her coming back from her second date with the first guy? he was stressing. so when Dylan tells everybody it was a great date and says you want to recouple with him, Bruno would have spiralled. I fully bought into that part.
HOWEVER, the fight goes from 0 to 100 no matter which options you choose, and all LIs react the same way. it doesn’t matter if you’ve done anything with Dylan or Oliver, if you’ve been with your LI for one recoupling or all of them, if they’re a confrontational person, or if you decide to argue with them in the kitchen. your choices have zero impact. you’re in the doghouse and sleeping on the daybed. and like I’m sorry, but Bruno would never. loyal king Bruno who dotes on MC and treats her like a fucking princess? absolutely not. I buy into the fight, but he would have sent himself to the daybed if he wanted “space”
and the fight is just the tip of the iceberg. after the fight, that’s when the writing gets even sloppier.
Angie is my BFF and her dialogue after the kitchen fight is so un-Angie that it made me cringe. those lines were clearly written for Thabi, and coming from Thabi that scene would have been really sweet. but Angie? Angie would have come over demanding to know what was going on, whose ass she had to beat, and then pulled us aside for an Angie Opinion Hour. there is also a zero percent chance she would have let us sleep on the daybeds alone after that. Thabi, sure - she’s got a new man she wants to spend time with. Angie is single (and in love with us), what else does she have to do? it was all a setup for the Dylan scene, and it just screams lazy lazy lazy.
(I obviously skipped the Dylan scene, but I read the scripts. small dick energy confirmed as canon)
the conversation the next day is… fine, I guess. by the time I got to this scene I was over the volume as a whole and I just wanted my Bruno back, so I chose all of the understanding/forgiving options and would you look at that, when the game lets us TALK we actually WORK THINGS OUT.
I didn’t kiss Hazeem on my main account because I’m down hard for Bruno, but I’ve heard your LI gives you grief for this? now? really? and regardless of who you’re with? I get James being mad if you’d been with him since the beginning, but Bruno? we would have been coupled up for five minutes at that point. Will? would have literally broken up with us earlier that day after high-fiving us for kissing the new guys. Tom? WE DID NOT KNOW THIS MAN EXISTED.
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moving swiftly on, my last complaint is that they made a point of saying we had “mascara clumped in our lashes” but then had us walking around in our crusty evening dress all day? and Angie was in her swimwear in the evening? fb please. I’m not asking for a lot. I’d just like a wash and a fresh bikini and weather appropriate outfits.
NOW for the good
telling Dylan off 🤙🏼
watching Bruno tell Dylan off 👌🏼
watching Youcef tell Dylan off 🤌🏼
Angie’s confession 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
I give these episodes a C+
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mortalfaerie · 3 years
To Fake an Engagement (M.F.)
part 2/?
matthew fairchild x (fem) reader
word count: 1904
synopsis: part 2 of this series. after james and cordelia marry, matthew is being a bitter idiot, and reader goes to talk some sense into him. later, they go to anna’s party and things get a little flirty. no coi spoilers.
You hadn’t expected the next year to amount to much. Certainly, Matthew would forget the deal, ask for his ring back, and probably wait for Cordelia to divorce James to try to romance her. 
But, Matthew Fairchild surprised you. He had engaged you for walks, written you letters, and seemed to often hover to your side whenever you were in a room together. For the two months to follow, he even seemed to drink less. 
However, after the wedding, he seemed to slump back, drink more, and refuse company. Finally, sick of his dramatics, you went directly to his house and demanded he see you. When he came down to the parlor after being called by Charles, he was disheveled and obviously hungover. He had flushed despite himself when he saw you.
You had glared over the rim of your teacup as he idly stared into his. Finally, he muttered, “I’m sorry.” You were frustrated, but managed to ask, “Sorry on what account?”
He shot you a glare briefly and replied, “You know what. Shall I spell it out? I disappointed you. I am a disappointment, Y/N."
You softened, and schooled your tone. “You are right that I am disappointed, Matthew, but that does not make you a disappointment. I am disappointed that you have neglected my letters, that you seem to have scorned my company. I am disappointed that you will not accept my attempts to comfort you when I have so freely given them.”
He nodded, not meeting your eyes. “I admit to that.” he replied.
“And I am hurt, because I have become so fond of your company in recent months and you have-” you shook your head in exasperation, “ripped it from me without ceremony.”
Your voice had broken on the last word, so you took a long sip of your tea and collected yourself. When you again looked up, he was looking at you with a soft, sorrowful look. “I am so, so sorry, Y/N.”
“I would prefer your commitment to change to your sorrow.” You said in clipped words. Mathew raked a hand through his golden hair, the light catching on the piece of silver on his third finger. Your family ring, still in place. 
“I can make no promises.” He said finally, meeting your eyes again. He did truly look remorseful.
“Then promise me you will try, Matthew.” you said, gesturing to his disheveled state. “I am not asking that you quit your vices entirely, I can hardly say I am without vice myself, but I am asking that you try to control them.”
He was looking into his cup of tea when he replied, “I can try.”
“Thank you.” you breathed, and set your cup down. Matthew was seated across a small, circular table in the parlor, and you reached over to cover his hand with yours. He looked up with surprise, and you offered a small smile.
“I did not come entirely to schold you.” you said. Matthew smiled wryly, and it was good to see his face not in a mask of brooding and contemplation. “You came for Oscar, then?” he asked, and before you could respond, he lifted his free hand to his lips and whistled a high tone. You could hear a thump noise upstairs, followed by the patter and clacking of clawed feet on the floor, and saw a flurry of yellow fur bounding down the stairs and into the parlor.
You laughed, your hand still over Matthew’s and offered your other to Oscar, who happily sniffed and licked it. “Hello, old chap.” you cooed to the golden retriever, who thumped his tail of the carpet in approval. Eventually, he went to go curl himself around Matthew’s chair, comforting his person. 
You smiled, but answered, “No, I do love to see Oscar, but not him.” you drummed your fingers on the table and continued, “I want you to come to Anna’s party with me.”
He raised his eyebrows. “You want to schold me for my drunkenness and then have me escort you to a party?” 
You playfully glared at him, but squeezed his hand to ensure he knew you were only kidding. “Yes, I want you to take me. I want to have fun with you and my friends. No flask, though.” you added. “I would not stop you from drinking Anna’s liquor, but you needn’t bring reinforcements.”
Matthew mock pouted but conceded. “Oh, very well. You shall have naught but gentlemanly propriety from me.”
He laced his finger through yours over the table, and tapped your ring finger with his free hand. “I see you still have my ring.” he commented. 
You nodded. “I have upheld my end of our deal. I keep it in my pocket at home, as to not have my parents suspect you are courting me in earnest, but I wear it in private.” 
He pressed a kiss to the ring, and said, “You wound me, Y/N. I am courting you in earnest. Was an engagement not the prize of our bargain?”
You blushed. “Well, if they are to think that, it will be when there is an engagement.”
Catching you in your words, he grinned. “When indeed.” 
The night of Anna’s party, Matthew, regally and ostentatiously dressed as always, arrived on time in his carriage to escort you. Your parents had known Matthew to be a good friend of yours for 2 years now, and thought little of your sharing a carriage alone. Once inside the carriage, he pointedly showed you his pockets were empty of his flask, and you were pleased he had remembered.
You made an interesting pair upon arrival- you, dressed in an elegant but sensible blue party dress, layers of chiffon secured with a cinching midnight belt, and ivory lace sleeves and collar peeking out beyond the hems. Matthew, on the other hand, wore a brilliant purple waistcoat and evergreen colored blazer, which he quickly discarded in the heat of the party. 
You both drank, though it was clear Matthew exercised effort to be moderate in his drinking, but it was enough for you both to lose inhibitions as he turned you about the makeshift dance floor in Anna’s parlor, you giggling when he dramatically turned you and to your surprise, lifted you off your feet. The two of you staggered away from the dancing couples, laughing, both red faced, as he pulled you against his chest and your laughter was muffled in his shirt. 
He hummed to the piano music, where a vampire had seated herself and begun to play jaunty country dance music from the previous century, but to your surprise, he made no move to release you from his embrace. Neither of you did, really. When you had contained your laughter, you had contentedly rested your cheek against his chest and listened to him hum. He was warm, and the smell of him- clean linen, sandalwood, and the hint of wine that you both had earlier, was at once rich and comforting. You stood like that, lost in the rightness of the feeling of his arms around you, for probably 5 minutes before a voice caused you to jump apart.
“Matthew! Y/N! I take it you two are enjoying yourselves?” Anna asked, sauntering up to your corner of the room. 
You blushed, and busied yourself with adjusting your skirts as Matthew, quick and cunning as ever, invented a story of how yes, you were enjoying yourselves, but you had a sudden dizzy spell and had to leave the dancefloor. He had been steadying you, he claimed, and you nodded along. Anna, an older sibling herself, was a master of seeing through invented stories and gave you a look that said she didn’t believe it for a moment, but it was all good fun. Her attention was grabbed by another partygoer, and she moved on quickly.
You shot Matthew an incredulous look when she passed, and he gave you a bemused smirk. “Horrible thing, corsets? Making girls everywhere faint and swoon.” 
You scoffed and playfully nudged him, but he laughed in response. “I recall you were the one insisting we leave the dance floor.” You pointed out.
“Yes, because you were laughing so hard you could barely breathe!” he exclaimed. 
“Because you-” you set in, but quickly realized you couldn’t remember what had started you two in laughing, and the both of you began laughing again. 
Falling into a comfortable silence, the two of you leaned against the wall behind you, watching other couples dance, drink, and be merry. At some point, you leaned your head against his shoulder, but he didn’t move away. Instead, you felt him shift his weight and rest his head on yours. After a few moments, you yawned, and felt him chuckle beside you.
“Oh Cinderella, has midnight come so soon?” he teased, and you wrinkled your nose in mock disdain. 
“I think it is well after midnight now, and you are hardly Prince Charming.” you retorted.
“Is that so? If I am not, why have you danced only with me all night? If this were a ball, people would say we are in love.”
You were glad then that he couldn’t see your face, because you felt the hot rush of blood invoked by his words. You cleared your throat. “Well, this isn’t a ball.” you pointed out.
“And thank the Angel for that.” he remarked, and drew an arm around your shoulder. “Otherwise, I’m sure you standing alone with me in a corner- and, touching, my Lord,” he feigned shock, and continued, “would be the scandal of the season.”
You laughed. “I think James and Cordelia took that honor already with her confession and their swift marriage.”
You felt him stiffen at the mention, and he replied, “Ah, yes. That would be difficult to beat.” and there was a hint of bitterness in his voice. Wanting to take his mind off of it, you turned out of his grasp and extended a hand.
“Dance one more set with me, and then you may take me home.” You said.
“Methinks the lady doth command boldly.” he said, an eyebrow playfully cocked.
“I believe it is the waltz.” You smiled and added, “And now you can hold me as close as you like and no one will breathe a word of scandal.”
There was a strange, momentary burst of color in his cheeks, but he nodded and took your hand, letting you lead him again onto the dance floor.
On the carriage ride back to your house, you were seated on the same bench beside each other, despite having room to sit opposite. You were drowsily leaning into his shoulder, and he was tracing patterns on your hand with his, when he again tapped the ring on your hand. 
“I think you should hide this away before your carriage turns back into a pumpkin, Cinderella. Otherwise your parents will think I am courting you in earnest.” He mused playfully, echoing your earlier words. You yawned and deposited it in your pocket, immediately missing the feeling of it.
“Oh, yes. Thank you for reminding me.” You murmured sleepily. He hummed pleasantly, and then said, “You know, if you did become Y/N Fairchild, we could cause all the scandal in London and no one would be able to scoff.”
You laughed, and replied, “I will consider that when you make your proposal.”
“When indeed.” He remarked again.
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thekisforkeats · 3 years
TMA Changeling AU Setting Overview
Yeah, so I’ve decided to write this thing up because it’s taken hold of my brain and I figure someone else might like it. So here is the first bit of my “Magnus Archives, but they’re in Changeling: the Lost” AU:
There is only one freehold in London, which is, naturally, called "the London freehold." It was created over decades of smaller freeholds merging into larger ones, until there were only two left. In the 1980s these two freeholds merged, creating the current freehold that covers most of the Greater London area.
How do the Lost of London stay safe when there are so very many of them in one freehold? Well, that's where the Ivory Tower comes in. The Hedge-side Hollow of the Autumn Court's stronghold at the Magnus Institute, the Ivory Tower towers over the London Hedge. From the Panopticon at its top, the Autumn King and his subordinates can keep an eye on everything in the London Hedge, and thus keep its denizens safe.
(Well, mostly safe. There are the Tunnels, but we'll get to those later.)
The Autumn King is Jonah Magnus, a nearly two-century-old changeling who currently goes by the name Elias Bouchard. He has spent decades in the pursuit of his goal of uniting London under a single freehold, ever since the creation of the Ivory Tower in 1867.
Even the highest-ranked among the Autumn Court do not know the true methods Magnus uses to keep the Others at bay. Or at least, any who suspect keep their mouths shut. People who cross Jonah Magnus have a way of disappearing or dying. And anyway, London is safe, its freehold renowned for its security given its large population. If the price for that safety is that a few people go missing... well... why rock the boat?
The main freehold Hollow, the one that cycles between the Seasonal Courts through the year, is based in Camden Market. The Hedge-side of the Hollow looks like a jumble of buildings stacked atop each other, a huge and sprawling mess. The Camden Freehold was the final holdout against the Ivory Tower north of the Thames, and when they joined together in the 1920s, the deal was that the center of the freehold would move from the Magnus Institute to Camden Town. The northwest London location might not be truly central, but Hedge gates take care of that. Besides, it's the only place big enough to hold full Court functions like the Seasonal Crown hand-offs at the solstices and equinoxes.
The last freehold south of the Thames was made up of all the others who had existed before the 1920s that banded together to keep from falling under Jonah's sway. That freehold was long controlled by Winter, through the Lukas family. Jonah Magnus (as James Wright) made a deal with Peter Lukas, who was hoping to wrest Winter's crown from his father, to unite the freeholds. In so doing, Magnus sort of threw his own Winter Court under the bus, but in truth they'd been weak for a very long time, many Winter changelings deliberately heading to the stronger Court south of the Thames.
The other thing that prompted the merge was the Tunnels. The London Hedge actually consists of two main portions--the above-ground portion, which is fairly normal for a city Hedge, and the Tunnels. Above ground you can hardly look up without seeing the Ivory Tower, as it's visible from pretty much everywhere in the City. There are other landmarks as well--the Camden Hollow can be seen from some places, and there are the Bridges, huge spans across deep canyons whose floors are littered with the bones of those who've strayed too close to the edge. But aside from the Tower looming over everything, it's a fairly normal place, thorns and brambles and hobs.
Beneath the ground is the Tunnels. Despite being underground the Tunnels weave in and out of the real world in a much more chaotic and unpredictable way than the Hedge above. The Hedge has (mostly) defined exits and entrances; the Tunnels simply seem to fade in and out, and even the most experienced Hedge-walkers can't always tell when they're in the Hedge and when they aren't, down in the Tunnels (and when, frustratingly, it's really both at the same time.)
Most London Changelings avoid the Tunnels. They're undoubtedly the fastest way to get anywhere in London, but while the well-trod paths are safer than any part of the above-ground Hedge, the rest of the Tunnels are horribly dangerous. There are monsters lurking down there, and sometimes the left turn that should take one to the real world turns out to lead to one of the Gates to Arcadia.
The Tunnels run under all of London, north and south, without regard to geography. It’s entirely possible to enter the Tunnels on one side of the river and exit on the other without getting anywhere near anything one might consider a river. And so, given that the Magnus Institute takes direct responsibility for keeping the Tunnels safe, it was a major factor in every merger Jonah Magnus made that created the current London freehold. Hollows that thought themselves safe and fully above-ground would find themselves attacked from below, hedge-walkers would find their usually safe routes diverting into the Tunnels, and who knew how to keep them safe? Jonah Magnus. And so, one by one, they joined up, until he was King over all of London for a quarter of the year, and an advisor to the other Seasonal monarchs for the rest.
The central portion of the Tunnels, the most confusing part that has gates to every part of London and far beyond besides, directly under the Magnus Institute and its Ivory Tower. There are rumors that there is a stable Gate to Arcadia here, and that's why Magnus built the Tower there. To fuel the Tower, to use the Tower to keep the gate sealed, for some darker purpose--the rumors vary, but most London Lost assume that's why the Tower is there.
In reality, though, it's a different Hollow that opens right onto the center of the Tunnels. The Magnus Institute Archives is a separate Hollow all its own, and it is the duty of the Archivist, in part, to keep an eye on the Gates down there. The motley that currently claims the Archives Hollow is still getting used to the Tunnels, of course, the new Archivist not even having understood that's most of what Gertrude Robinson was doing over the course of her life. Fortunately, things are quiet down there... for now.
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maraudersbiitch · 3 years
my tears ricochet {s.b}
 -“You wear the same jewels that I gave you”
description - reader’s family forces them to get the dark mark, on a mission they end up fighting with the order.
warnings - sad, angst, betrayal 
 word count - 1.7k 
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You’re dragged out of your bed at midnight, kicking and screaming because you know what’s next and you’re dreading every second of it. You push through the dark, giant french doors and are met with the blistering cold and the aura of pure evil.
Instantly straightening up, refusing to show any weakness in front of the people that would kill you without a second thought and bathe in your screams and blood. Putting on a brave face projecting willingness upon taking the dark mark, when in reality you’ve been threatened, your friends have been threatened, a baby has been threatened and you would be damned if you let your godson get hurt. 
“Ah, Y/n I assume you’re ready to pledge your allegiance to me,” The man with the beady red eyes and the pale face spoke. You hated him, others feared him but you despise him with every inch of your being. You don’t fear the coward, you fear his ideals. 
“Yes My Lord, I am ready,” speaking with a powerful voice meant nothing, on the inside you were quaking with anger, the only things keeping you calm and collected on the outside were the fact that Sirius and Harry could be kept safe, you could protect them better if you knew what Voldemort and his followers were planning. At that moment you couldn’t care what happened to you, you just had to protect them. 
As they say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer.
With the ivory wand pointed to your forearm you watched the black ink bleed into your skin, forming the snake and skull, the mark of darkness, the mark of evil. 
Pain is all you felt in the moment, you may have felt like your blood was boiling before but now you were almost certain you could feel bubbles pop under your skin. Dizziness washed over you as you fell back into someone’s arms.
You awoke groaning as the light that invaded your room attempted to blind you, sitting up in your bed you recall the events of the day prior. Horrifying, that is the only way you could possibly describe it. You hated being in a room full of people with such horrendous views, ones you didn’t agree with in the slightest. 
A loud pop beside your bed startles you nearly making your heart jump out of your chest. The house-elf you’ve come to know as Dotty rushes to pull your body out of bed. 
“Miss the dark lord, request your presence this instant,” she said, scrambling around your bedroom pulling out clothing for you to wear. 
Eyes drifting to your still stinging forearm, you wince at the sight. The dark mark, something that you could never remove, something that would most definitely get you thrown in Azkaban.
As you get dressed the elf pushes you out the door, rushing to pull you to the meeting room. Standing outside the doors you mentally prepare yourself for what’s to come. 
Entering the room all eyes turn towards you “ Ahh our newest recruit, I see you're doing better,” the deathly pale man says. 
You gulp “Yes, my lord thank you” he nods pointing to an empty seat at the large table.
“The Order is going to be in the forbidden forest tonight looking for something that they think could weaken me,” he scoffs, “how pathetic” a few of the death eaters in the room chuckle. 
“ Ten of you will be chosen to meet them there and defeat them,” he says looking at the table. “The following Death Eaters will go,” you drone out his voice focusing on keeping your mental shields up, not risking Voldemort penetrating your mind. “ And the last one is Mis y/l/n” 
He looks at you “This will be your first and only chance to prove yourself, don’t disappoint me” 
Refusing to meet his eyes, you respond “Yes, My Lord thank you”
Harsh spells are whizzing past you, Unforgivable curses being shot by death eaters. So far you’ve managed to block three fatal curses directed at order members. You couldn’t let them get hurt, you refused to.
Thankfully the mask blocked your face or else all of your friends would be able to see your face. None of them knew you were forced to become a death eater you didn't think they’d understand. 
“Bombarda!” you heard a voice  yell from behind you. Knocking you off your feet, Falling to the ground you internally curse yourself not wanting to turn around and see one of your friends. The last thing you wanted to do was fight one of them in risk of hurting them, you could never forgive yourself for that. 
Pulling yourself together you stand up and whip around and point to the person's chest. You lock eyes with the person and you feel your knees start to wobble. Sirius. 
He looks down and eyes your wand suspiciously before looking back up at you not noticing what your true identity is. You know he would hate you if he found out, he would feel betrayed and honestly you wouldn’t blame him in the slightest.
Fighting with sirius was horrible, you hated every second of it. Only using defensive spells because you couldn’t bring yourself to hurt him. 
You feel someone come up behind you at the moment Sirius sends a painful spell to your chest, sending you back a bit. As you stumble back you feel someone put cuffs on your wrist then the nauseating sensation of apparition.  
You’re shoved onto the ground harshly, vision still slightly blurry from apparating. Someone pulls you from the floor on to a chair, tieing you there. Looking up to see who it was, you see an emotionless expression across Rumus’ face. 
Keeping your head hung not bearing to meet any of your friends eyes knowing the hurt they’ll feel when they take your mask off. Familiar apparition pops surround you.
“I see you got one of them,” one chuckles. You know that voice anywhere, you didn’t even need to look up to know that it was James. 
“Yeah, we were waiting for you guys,” Sirius says “We haven’t taken their mask off yet” he states. 
“Oh I want to do it,” Lily says as she walk up to you, her hand reaching out to pull your mask off. They would never think about you the same and you knew that but you didn’t know how to explain the situation. 
Her soft fingers grasp the edge of your mask as she slowly hooks them around the end pulling it of completely. 
Sharp gasp can be heard from throughout the room as Lily loses her grasp on the mask letting it drop to the ground with a thud. Her hand goes up to her mouth in a feeble attempt to muffle a sob that tries to escape her lips.
Your head drops shielding your tear-filled eyes from your friends, “Y/n, how could you” this time it was Remus, his usual stoic expression gone with only pain and hurt on his features. 
“I’m sorry” was all you could get out without breaking down. “What do you mean you're sorry, you betrayed us” Sirius exclaimed with rage rolling off his tongue “You betrayed me!” he exclaimed this time, with hurt. 
You scoff “You really think I wanted this, I hate them and I’m one of them. Do you really think I did this willingly Sirius, how daft are you?” You say looking into the eyes of the one person that you hoped would believe in you. 
Sirius drags you through the rain, puddles splashing under your feet but you didn’t care. Both of you are giggling like maniacs, utterly in love maniacs. 
He picks you up by your waist and twirls around, peppering kisses on your face. 
“I love you,  I love you, I love you” he exclaims in between kisses.  
“Always and forever?” you ask looking up at him through your lashes which are weighed down by rain. 
“Always and forever” He confirms pulling you into his arms.
The tension between the two of you was painstakingly obvious, as you glared at each other, both with tears in your eyes. 
“Why, then Y/n what possible reason could you have for this” 
You sighed “He threatened Harry, he said he’ll kill him If I didn't join” you looked up at them all having uncertainty in their eyes clearly wanting to believe you but still unsure. “You don’t believe me do you” pain is obvious in your voice. 
“I'm sorry y/n but I'm not sure,” James says as he inches closer to you, holding up a small vial of a potion. You nod knowing where this situation goes next, Tipping your head back and opening your mouth slightly for James to drop the potion in. You grimace as you swallow the bitter liquid.
They ask you again, the same story spilling off your tongue. 
“Please tell me you believe me now,” you sobbed, shame and disgust pooling in your chest. You hated yourself in that moment.
Both Lily and James ran to you and engulfed you in a tight bear hug “Thank you so much y/n thank you for saving him,”lily said as she sobbed into your shoulder.
Sirius cleared his throat from across the room, the non-verbal request was clear. Remus, James and Lily left the room leaving you and Sirius alone. Your head hung in shame and he walked behind you and undid the bounding on your wrist.
“You still wear it” 
Your head shoots up looking at him with a questionable glance. “You wear the same jewels that I gave you,” he says, referring to the dainty necklace sitting comfortably between your collar bones.
You nod, “I’ve never taken it off and I don't intend on taking it off, ever,” he pulls you into a hug.
“I'm sorry I didn’t believe you” he says as he rests his head in the crook of your neck.
You dip your head down to rest on his, “Always and forever” you feel him nod “always and forever he says in response. 
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Can I have 🎶 recs (from you), 🎥 recs (again from you; I'm needy and desperate, sue me) and ❤️ (cym as your favourite quotes or Marvel villains)
Also a freebie, this is a question I want someone to ask me but I really wanna hear what you think about this: Do you believe in Hell and Heaven?
Ilysm, congratulations once again darling✨
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So music recs? Okay..
Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce
Man of the Woods by Justin Timberlake
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
Billie Jean by Michael Jackson
and No Choir by Florence + The Machine
It's okay I got you lol
I really like a lot of movies tbh but I always ask people to watch
Black Swan dir. by Darren Aronofsky
Call Me By Your Name dir. by Luca Guadagnino
The Battle of the Sexes dir. by Valerie Faris and Jonathan Dayton
Little Miss Sunshine dir. by Valerie Faris and Jonathan Dayton
And over a few weeks, I watched (who am I kidding? REwatched) some other movies so I guess I really like
The Social Network dir. by David Fincher (stop please lmao.. no i'm not laughing i'm crying)
Luca dir. by Enrico Casarosa (dese fish gay, gud for dem)
God's Own Country dir. by Francis Lee (yeah def should stop)
Maurice dir. by James Ivory (yeah imma stop lmfao)
Dorian Gray dir. by Oliver Parker (as you might see or must have already seen, it's pretty book incompliant in a few places and like it ACTUALLY makes me hate Dorian like a A LOT more than how i hated him in the book. he was KINDA bearable in the book but Ben makes me wanna murder him lmao)
Brokeback Mountain dir. by Ang Lee (i fell down the hell hole again lmao, no i'm crying rn too)
The Shape Of Water dir. by Guillermo Del Toro (came for Alexandre stayed for Doug and Sally lol. honestly, it's a wonderful movie)
And that’s it lol. These are all in my mind rn. I’ll add on in your inbox if I remember more.
Cym as quotes I love… okay
@tamaraheartz as "In case you ever foolishly forget; I am never not thinking of you."
@lucian-evander as "Behind every exquisite thing that existed there was something tragic."
@shit-thats-true as “Good decisions come from experience and experience comes from bad decisions."
@ghost-spidey as "There are no beautiful surfaces without a terrible depth."
@just-a-donut-who-reads as "Thinking is my fighting."
@johermione as “Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."
@star-dust-2317 as "In the end we are nothing more than love and space dust."
@the-girl-who-cried-wolf as "We are never alone. We are all wolves howling to the same moon."
Honestly? I don’t believe in Heaven and Hell because of religion. I know, I know, religion MADE them but they destroyed the entire concept of it. I don’t believe in Heaven because it claims that only the “good people” go there. Well? Didn’t the Gods themselves claim that nothing was black and white? Didn’t they themselves commit sins? I don’t believe in Hell because of the same reason and one more. Hell claims that it takes people who are “bad”. Well, then it also happens to take people who aren’t “normal” or “sane”. I mean, being gay is wrong, so you go to Hell? Pretty simple right? Now think about Alan Turing, the man who stopped the war and saved millions of lives; he was gay; I don’t think even God could muster up the courage to send a man to such a place after he saved these many people, knowing that he was himself in danger. But people frown upon it like God didn’t realise what he was doing. God works in mysterious ways, right? What if this is one of his mysteries? Why would he create something he didn’t like? God loves EVERYTHING he made. And THAT is why, I don’t believe for a second that there is any Heaven or Hell. I say we’re made of matter but there is some power that keeps all this going. So I believe in that power, not in “God”. I believe, we die, and because we are made of energy, we convert into its purer forms each time we die and change shape, somewhat like dilution. Like Keating said, “fertilising daffodils” and “food for worms”. Yeah, that’s it. One form of energy to another. See? Life goes on this way. And God made it this way. Because he wanted everything to live, but die too. You know how we die? By giving life to something else. Anything. Literally ANYTHING ELSE. Like an idea, a beginning, an end, anything really. That’s what it is. We don’t go to Heaven or Hell when we die. We become something else. Like the energy of our body becomes a plant, or an animal, a bird, a bed or a book too (like a tree from our remains grows up and then is cut down to make stuff). Seriously guys. We never die. So there is no point of Heaven or Hell. We are born and reborn and that cycle keeps going and we keep changing shape. I think, this was the idea of reincarnations but it just got muddled up with translations. Because I believe this and solely this.
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oddlyhale · 3 years
Why Qrow Shoulda Not Been Involved After Vol3
I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again:
I think Qrow would’ve been saved from being stilted in his development if he did not show up after vol3. As much as I love the absolute mess out of the man, Qrow really would’ve been better off not travelling with the kids.
I had said before that Qrow should’ve stayed behind in Atlas, with Ironwood. After Beacon’s Fall, Qrow decides that he’s better off helping Ironwood with getting the communication towers up, help locate the other relics, etc. with other things that’d happen in Atlas.
While the kids can have their own independent development / adventures without Qrow’s influence, and just try to do everything together as a team, Qrow and Ironwood are working together. Not only are they working on their tasks at hand, but also their sour relationship.
They don’t hate each other, but they definitely couldn’t stand each other. But it didn’t stop them from working together. With Oz gone and Glynda staying in Beacon to fix everything, Qrow and James only have each other to rely on.
Que the two having their usual spats and bickering, only for it to eventually develop into understanding when they come to realize that they’ve only each other to lean on for help. Yeah the Ace Ops and Winter are their, but the magnitude of this type of mission(s) weighs heavily and mainly on both men.
As they focus on each other more, the more Ironwood can gradually begin to stop relying on his fleeting hope that Ozpin will return. Qrow doesn’t have to suffer with the truth yet, keeping his upbeat attitude, but it can tone down a bit as he also feels a sense of emptiness without Ozpin. But nonetheless, the two men share a type of fear that’s more emotional, redirecting their attention onto each other. At least being each others’ crutch, things were admittingly more bearable.
And as time goes on, experiencing their highs and lows among their missions and side-quests that pull them aside to attend to, Qrow and James could call each other friends. Ironwood respects Qrow more than before, but he won’t admit that out of pride. Meanwhile Qrow is warming up to James, still being a little shit but he’s being more playful than painful.
I wanna say SOMETHING happens in their story together, a big changer that causes the two men to be a tight duo. It could be a villain that caused this closeness, or some type of life-threatening mission that pulls them closer. Whatever started it, it ended it with Qrow and Ironwood becoming way closer than before, finally trusting each other to have each others’ backs and trust their actions with no worries.
Ironwood had finally let go of his need for Ozpin, as well as Qrow. They’ve become each others’ equals, comfortably reliable and thoughtful of each other. Qrow is always seen with James, as is James with Qrow.
It finally leads into where they reunite with the kids. There’s no fucking mecha fight in vol6 because one of the kids (probably Weiss) uses her big brain and writes a letter to Ironwood to get them access into Atlas.
Qrow meets the kids first, appearing in glorious fashion to kill the Grimm that raided Mantle. Ruby and Yang have a reunion with their uncle, he leads them to Atlas’ ivory tower, reuniting with James again.
During their time there, Ruby and Yang take note of just how close Qrow and Ironwood had become. They would’ve brushed it off as mere friendship, but the stolen glances they make at each other and the way they stand so close together, makes the girls think their own uncle is having a thing for the general. It’s weird at first, because of how they’re unsure of trusting Ironwood. But they completely trust Qrow, which makes the general trust dynamic a little awkward.
While the kids could find it easy to tell a lie to Ironwood, Qrow knows when his nieces are not telling him the truth. Especially Ruby, who couldn’t lie to save her life without stumbling. He drills them for the truth, to which Ruby cracks and tells him everything. Oz is alive, they’ve lied about the Relic, and they know the truth of Salem’s morality.
Qrow’s the one to be stunned and horrified, but he’s keeping his cool. He can handle news like this, and to not freak out his nieces, but he’s already trying to figure out how to tell Ironwood. He tells them that he’s telling Ironwood regardless, and while they protest, Qrow did not want to hide the new info from his friend. (So think of it as the girls feeling bEtRaYeD by their own blood.) But Qrow’s only doing it to help build the alliance with James that they’ve should’ve made the moment they got to Atlas.
So Qrow does, sitting James down and tells him everything. He roughly begs James to not freak out, after seeing the pang of terror on his friend’s face. James feels a multitude of things all at once, only being able to ask why the kids weren’t truthful from the start. Qrow explains their reason, James feels more unsure of himself again. This is where James’ mettle starts to fester, and Qrow is fully aware of this passive semblance. At least now, openly acknowledging James’ semblance can help James try to control it and not let it overpower his reasonings. And now, he has Qrow to hold him to it.
So James knows now, though he is obviously ashamed of the kids for not telling him anything earlier. But out of respect that he has from Qrow, he’s not going to cast them aside to pursue his own plans. He works with them, but now he’s much more critical about what they do. While Qrow can tell that Ironwood is more sour towards the kids, he at least appreciates that he’s still willing to work on new ideas to save Atlas.
James doesn’t hold them back from doing whatever they can for Mantle. If anything, he still feels no need to do much for the city below, but he let’s the do as they wish. It could still paint him as being villainous, even though he’s not really doing much to be a villain. If anything, he turns his attention to Atlas and starts planning to help his people, evacuations or surrendering the Staff.
It puts a strain on the family relationship. Team RWBY knows Qrow’s relationship with Ironwood has been thorough, yet they feel betrayed that their own uncle is choosing James over them. Qrow isn’t doing such a thing, still wanting to help both his nieces and his friend at the same time. Knowing RWBY they’d pressure Qrow to make a tough decision or else. He doesn’t want to lose either, and thinking of choosing one over the other causes him to retract within himself, drinking more than he needs to.
A lot of angst, lot of hard feelings, lot of bad thoughts.
(I’ll reblog with more ideas later, I just wanna post this now bcuz it’s long.)
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wyattvsmusic · 3 years
Dave - We’re All Alone In This Together ALBUM REVIEW
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At such a young age, Dave set the bar so high for himself with his 2019 debut album PSYCHODRAMA and has continued to dominate the UK Hip Hop scene ever since with amazing features and one-off singles. Anticipation for his new album We’re All Alone In This Together has been very high and now it is finally here and Dave is continuing to build on the incredible potential that he showed on such an amazing first album. Dave really sets the tone for this new album with We’re All Alone. The thing I love the most about this song is how he changes up his flow. I have felt that he has his go-to flow but he has shown that he is capable of doing different flows which he does on this song and it ends up being really good. Straight out the gate, he comes through with an amazing line where he raps “I had dreams of doin' architecture or sittin' through a Harvard lecture / How the fuck I end up bein' Harvey Specter?” and then from there goes into a scheme about Suits. The Gryffindor line was hard too. Dave raps about realizing the effects of his music on others and the position he’s been put in. This is only the intro but easily some of the best rapping he’s ever done. Verdansk is a good song but sounds exactly like his song Titanium. It has lots of good one-liners on this song like “I drop YGs, do it like Kehlani.” Dave always sounds great over drill beats and this Stormzy collab Clash is no exception Stormzy killed it and I love how the beat changes to a more grime-sounding beat in the middle. I did not see In The Fire coming at all. It’s a posse cut featuring Fredo, Meekz Manny, Ghetts and Giggs and it left me speechless. That is one of the best beats I have ever heard in my entire life, it’s so soulful and I loved how the drum patterns change for certain rappers’ verses. The sample is absolutely beautiful and each of the five rappers incorporate bars about fire or use fire as a larger metaphor for hardships in their respective upbringings which is so amazing. Everyone does their thing on it but Ghetts absolutely shelled it. He raps “So accustomed to the fire, I get shivers when I'm naked in the sauna.” Giggs is not always the most consistent but when he really tries he does great things on tracks and that is exactly what he does on this song. Every time he and Dave link up they make fire and he really showed up to rap on this song. I loved that line where he raps “Is this n***a trusty Or Sideshow Bob when he's creepin' on Krusty?”Dave has the last verse and really brings it home with an incredible verse. One standout line from his verse is “I could've been deported / That's the definition of a "Fight-or-flight.” We have not ever heard a posse cut like this in UK rap history so In The Fire is definitely a historic event. It truly is its own moment. The production on Three Rivers reminded me of Black. The song tackles the treatment of immigrants in different time periods over the course of three verses. The first is about Caribbean immigrants in the UK during the 60s, the second is about eastern Europeans in the 90s and the third is about ongoing conflicts in the middle east. I am assuming that the three rivers correspond to each region that is discussed in each verse. He does such a great job on speaking about how immigrants are treated in these three verses in a very precise manor but with great detail. He raps: “And every day the sun rises a little later / That's how it is when your oppressor is your liberator” He was spitting when he said that immigrants are “key workers, but they couldn't even get in the door.” Three Rivers to System was an odd transition but System marks a run of three Jae5-produced afrobeats-style bangers. Nigerian GOAT Wizkid joins Dave on System which is such a vibe and definitely one of the songs of the summer for sure. Wizkid never misses, especially coming off Made In Lagos which has become one of my all-time favorite albums in a very short period of time. I loved that clever line that Dave had about how “She wanna do SMS / Not save my soul, that's spend my savings” but then he quickly switches to talking about how the system is built against him. Lazarus is an instant favorite. This song has a beat so good that I have to wheel it up every time I turn it on. Jae5 deserves an award for this beat. I had never heard of Boj before this song but he did an amazing job on the hook, which is in Yoruba. I don’t understand it but for me, when it comes to enjoying music in different languages it’s all about the delivery and how you use your voice. I really liked Law Of Attraction. This collaboration between Dave and Snoh Aalegra. It’s a good change in vibe and Snoh sounds amazing. The one thing I didn’t like about this song was the line that Dave had where he says “I put your name on a necklace / That's a chain reaction.” That was a little corny. After that song, the album reaches a more subdued level compared to songs like Clash and Lazarus. Both Sides Of A Smile is a collab with James Blake who sounds amazing on the song about the two sides to a failing relationship. It reminds me of Wretch 32’s song His and Hers. I liked how when Dave was rapping from the woman’s point of view, he had a woman rap a portion of it as if she was talking to Dave. Twenty To One is definitely the worst song on the album. I didn’t like the hook at all. It’s not a bad song though. I liked that line about how “A good girl [is] like Pokémon / Easy to see, but hard to catch.” Heart Attack is a heartbreaking song about knife crime in the UK. Dave raps for nine minutes uninterrupted without a hook over a very minimal beat that cuts out for a portion of the song so Dave is just rapping acapella. Describing it is one thing but when you actually listen to it, you’ll understand what I mean. Survivor’s Guilt is a fantastic note to close on as he raps about feeling guilty about celebrating his successes because his friends that he came up with are no longer there to celebrate with him. He also talks about having anxiety as well as ending a relationship with an Albanian woman due to cultural differences. He raps “My ex has got ivory skin / Which is funny 'cause it's really the elephant in the room” as well as this gem: “Rum and Red Bull, it's a culture clash.” Jorja Smith contributes vocals to the song as well. We’re All Alone In This Together definitely differs from PSYCHODRAMA in terms of lyrical content but the albums share some similarities in terms of production which I guess is Dave’s sound. The production is great but both albums have the balance between hard-hitting bangers and afrobeats-style vibes along with long and reflective songs about how he lives in his own psyche. He also talks about relationships as well as more complex political topics as well. These albums are definitely not the same though. He gave so much of himself through the lens of his brother on PSYCHODRAMA whereas on this album he is in a different place of fame and notoriety where he is able to bring light to issues regarding the treatment of black people and immigrants as well as speak about his own mental health which has helped his constantly-growing fanbase. He may feel alone as David but he’s alone in this world together with his fans.
Fav Tracks: We’re All Alone, Clash, In The Fire, System, Lazarus
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1505issue · 3 years
Call Me By Your Name
Monologue | Elio's Crying Scene | Accolades
At the Oscars 2018, Call Me By Your Name won the Best Adapted Screenplay by James Ivory.
Evidently, this particular scene seeped through my soul as we witnessed a father and son relationship which may not existentially coexist back during the years of 1970ws. By that I meant, due to the nature of the relationship between Elio and Oliver, Elio’s father is the epitome of an understanding father taking into consideration the time and year of era they were in. Simultaneously, it is evident that in the monologue scene, Elio’s father somehow admitted to have been in a similar situation.
This monologue scene has got to be one of the best scenes that took place in the film. As much as the ending was not what we all desired, I love the depiction of reality, the raw emotions and how the whole production adds more tense ambiance to set the scene and, certainly, the relationship Elio has with his father.. It makes us human; vulnerable as any being can be.
Elio's Crying Scene
Timothée Chalamet confessed to get the bulk of emotions out of him, he wore earpieces which were being CGI-ed by the editing team! Frankly, this confession made me more adamant that Call Me By Your Name is one of the best films that has been produced over the last ten years ( Just my two cents of thought). Maybe it's due to my nature of being fond of films that bring out the real emotion in us henceforth, my takeaways may decipher from yours.
In the commentary track of Call Me By Your Name, Timothée Chalamet shared that to mirror the structure of the scene he as a matter of fact, was listening to Visions of Gideon by Sufjan Stevens which in the film was crooning in the scene.
Chalamet said:
"Sufjan's song was playing in my ear so I could mirror the structure,"
"It was bit of an acting experiment. I was grateful I had enough personal experiences to draw from. I don't wanna do that all the time... With the camera this close and the take being as long as it is — it felt like anything else would ring false. The camera was just in the fireplace. There wasn't anybody behind it."
Explaining the relationship between Elio and Oliver, a relationship so raw and realistic set in Italy. Over the course of the film, you’ll witness Oliver proffering subtle hints of his liking towards Elio. Look, maybe I am inexperienced in this “field” to the point where I didn’t get it at first! Only when the scene cut to their small “lovey-dovey'' talk then it all made sense.
Upon the countless times I watched the film, a myriad of thoughts always scattered.
What made the film sound so rustic, crisp and clear? How was the cinematography visually appealing; the colours, scenery and so on.
KODAK shared that the film was shot on a KODAK 35mm camera which answered my long impending curiosity after all these years. Additionally, cinematographer Sayombhu Mukdeeprom, filmed CMBYM which is a giveaway as to why it was monotonously a feast to my eyes. Alright frankly speaking, I had no idea who he was. However, through my research, it is noted that he goes by his philosophy of, “My principle is that I cooperate with people, I let things happen, I go by the environment.”
That set the pedestal as to why CMBYN was the way it looked throughout the entire film; clean and beautiful. The way he worked with the camera seamlessly resonates not only in CMBYM but the films he has worked on.
We cannot end this without talking about the director Luca Guadagnino, Timothée Chalamet, Armie Hammer and the soundtrack. But, I will have all that information for another day!
The film has tied 11 accolades to its name out of the 35 reputable nominations.
The coming-of-age drama is based on André Aciman's 2007 novel of the same name, which was written by renowned filmmaker James Ivory and filmed by DP Sayombhu Mukdeeprom. It concludes Guadagnino's thematic Desire trilogy, which began with I Am Love (2009) and ended with A Bigger Splash (2015), both of which were shot on 35mm film.
Directed by: Luca Guadagnino
Cast: Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer
Screenplay by: James Ivory
Cinematography by: Sayombhu Mukdeeprom
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365days365movies · 3 years
February 16, 2021: Call Me by Your Name (Review)
This movie actually managed to turn me around mid-way!
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I mean it, because when I found out that this movie involved a 17 year old kid involved with an older guy, I had my...trepidations about it. But somehow...it did end up winning me over! I was invested in their relationship, and emotionally felt it when they parted ways, and when it comes to an official end at the official end of the movie.
So, yeah, credit for actually getting me into it by the end! It’s another tragic coming-of-age love story, and a well-written and acted one at that. But I’ll get into my full feelings on that in just a moment. Review time! Recap is here and here if you wanna check that out first!
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Cast and Acting: 9/10
Here’s the deal: Armie Hammer is OK. OK, that’s a little unfair, he’s GREAT, but he doesn’t disappear into the role as much as others seen this month, at least not for me. That’s just my opinion, but he’s still fantastic in the role of Oliver. And also, to address the elephant in the room, I have heard of Hammer’s, uh...proclivities, as revealed of late. And while that’s besides the point, I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge that that information didn’t color my perceptions of Hammer juuuuuust a little. But, yeah, outside of that, he’s still fantastic. As is the chemistry between Oliver and Elio, obviously, but...I’ll get back to that.
Holy SHIT, Michael Stuhlbarg! Hell of a supportive father, and an amazing actor in this film. And that’s not saying anything against Amira Casar or Esther Garrel, both of whom are also fantastic in this film. Seriously, strong-as-hell supporting cast. But, uh...that’s not the main point here, is it?
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Well. I get it. I FUCKING GET IT, TUMBLR. Timothée Chalamet, HOLY SHIT! Yeah, he deserved to be nominated for Best Actor at the Oscars, even if I don’t think he beat the winner (because Gary Oldman in Darkest Hour was...fuck me, man, he was AMAZING). But DAMN! Dude vanished into this role, and there was only Elio, and Elio was a real, fully fleshed out, three-dimensional character that felt more real than many. Holy shit, was he great! So, yeah, Tumblr, I get it! From the acting standpoint, anyway; he’s not my type.
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Plot and Writing: 9/10
Good plot, GREAT writing. In truth, it’s not overall the wittiest, or the most intriguing writing, but it is VERY real. This feels like something that happened, and that goes for the entire movie. No artificiality anywhere near this one, and it’s a romantic film that exists squarely within the sphere of corporeality that I’ve been missing this month. No overly-fantastical story, and all the sort of thing that you would see in an adolescent romance. It’s...it’s genuinely just a well-written story. Credit to André Aciman’s original story, and to James Ivory’s Oscar-winning adaptation of it!
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Directing and Cinematography: 9/10
Luca Guadagnino hasn’t done many films that’ve made the jump to the USA, and none of them have had as much critical and public acknowledgment as this one. nd he’s great! He’s not my favorite...and I don’t know if I can say he’s the best this month...but he is great! Same goes for the cinematography by  Sayombhu Mukdeeprom, a Thai cinematographer with similar levels of popularity overseas. Some amazing shots in here, though, and I did notice them.
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Production and Art Design: 9/10
This film definitely was definitely more visually chronistic than Brokeback Mountain was, but was still not overtly so. You had to look sometimes, is what I’m saying. And while this is therefore somewhat timeless, its thematic conflict does still revolve around the time-period to a certain degree. And because of that, its dilution is still kind of an issue for me. Might just be a me thing, though. Other than that, it’s great!
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Music and Editing: 9/10
...Yeah, doesn’t quite pass the soundtrack test for me. IT’S REALLY GOOD, I SWEAR. But it’s also not on my iPhone right now, even if it is pretty great. It’s funny because it’s not exactly a soundtrack composed for the film, either, so that may be a major part of this opinion of mine. But it’s still great, and the editing is pretty good, too (credit to Walter Fasano there). Just not perfect for me.
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For Call Me by Your Name, that’s a solid 90%!
Not as good as Brokeback, but still great! It’s a movie that I’ll recommend if anybody asks!
So, that’s two major romances involving two men as the leads under the belt. OF COURSE there are more, but we’ll stuck with these two for now. Let’s change it up, shall we? Let’s try two women, rather than two men. Although, now that I look it up, that leaves more options than I’d thought. Still...there’s only one choice to start with...Harold.
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February 16, 2021: Carol (2015)
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renee-writer · 3 years
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The Surrogate Chapter 3 Ned
She dresses in her best suit, with her hair in an up-do and minimal make-up. Today, she is meeting with the Fraser’s and their lawyer to sign the papers.
He pulls on a dress shirt and jacket. Gee pulls on an ivory dress. “No tie?” she looks over at her husband.
“I think it would be overkill.”
“Overkill! This is our child we are talking about.”
“I have known Ned forever. Come, we don’t want to be late.”  She grabs her purse and follows him with a pout.  Good. She doesn’t always have to have her way.
She sits nervously at the desk. The kindly looking lawyer gives her a smile.  “Don’t worry lass. I represent you as much as them. Your best interest are theirs. The interest of the bairn are paramount.”
“I feel the same.”
“Very good. They should be here soon.” She nods and tries to prevent her hands nervously drumming on the table.
“So sorry we are late. Was trying to talk James into wearing a tie.” They hurry in a few minutes later.
Ned stands. “Jamie hates them and knows they aren’t required unless we are going to court. Have a seat.” Jamie internally sighs as Geneva takes the seat closed to Ned leaving him to sit by Miss Beauchamp.
“Maybe so but..”
“Let it go Gee.”
“On to why we are all gathered. As I was explaining to Miss Beauchamp, I represent her interests and the interest of the potential child also. As all your interest combine. Do you agree?”
“Aye.” He is trying not to meet her eyes, trying to keep focused on why they are here. So he looks to his wife instead.
“Well yes.” Said reluctantly but Ned, no dummy, takes the win and moves on.
“Very well. Let’s get the big stuff out of the way first. Miss Beauchamp, by law, you have ninety days to change your mind but the Fraser’s would like to take their child home right away. I assume you have no problem with this?”
“None at all.”
“Excellent. Now, they are also asking for frequent ultrasounds so any issues can be discovered and dealt with. “
“What do you mean dealt with?” surprisingly, this come from Jamie.
“You didn’t agree Jamie? Geneva asks for me to add an abortion clause to..”
“No, I didn’t know.” He turns his stern eyes to her.
“Come Jamie, we don’t want to raise a handicap child.”
“You presume to speak for me.” Said in a low voice but they all hear the rage.
“So you do?”
“I will. We will  take as God gives. Take it out Ned.”
“No leave it in.”
“Seems you are the tie breaker, Miss Beauchamp.”
“Yes. The law is clear. She can agree or refuse.”
“I, ahh, can’t sign papers agreeing to an abortion. My raising won’t allow it. Nor my medical knowledge.”
“It goes then.” He sees the look of disgust on Geneva’s face. “Unless you wish another surrogate?”
“No, strike it but you are my witness that I won’t be raising a handicap child.”
“So noted. Okay then, where were we. Ah right, I assume we can all agree that Miss Beauchamp will refrain from alcohol, smoking, and illegal and legal drugs unless prescribed or advised by a physician to take?” Nods and yes’ all around. “Excellent. Now, the Fraser’s wish to attend child birth classes and your doctor’s appointments, have access to your medical records..”
“Wait. What? All of them?”
“Do you have something to hide?” Geneva asks.
“No. Nothing but, look I can see you being able to see things related to the baby. I have no problem with that but anything else seems an invasion of privacy.”
“I tend to agree. We will limit it to the baby.” Jamie adds.
“James, don’t you think we need to know if their was any past family issues?”
“I believe a complete history is taken at the first doctor’s visit. I am also sure Miss Beauchamp would divulge any history of cancer or mental illness in her family.”
“I would. Mrs. Fraser, I swear, I am healthy, my family is. I wouldn’t be doing this otherwise.”
“Everyone okay with limiting the medical scope to things related to the pregnancy only?”
“As long as nothing come up in the first appointment.”
“Nothing will.” Said with a sign.
“Alright, moving on…”
An hour later, the papers are all signed. Claire will go for a pre-pregnancy physical then they will start the insemination process.
“I will go get the car.” Geneva says as she leaves the room. They all breath sighs of relief at her parting.
“I am heading down to wait on my mate. Thank you Mr. Gowan.”
“Ned dear. You are welcome.” She walks out and Ned watches his eyes follow her. “Are you  sure Jamie. Adoption would be..”
“I know but Gee wants our own. Trust me when I say, I have had this argument. You know how stubborn she is.”
“Yes. I am glad you stood up for yourself and the bairn.”
“Thank you Ned. When it is important. I best go. She will be waiting.”
“Yes. I am here.”
“Thank you.”
He hurries towards the door and stops when he sees Miss Beauchamp by it. “To cold to wait outside. My mate will be here soon.”
“You have no car?”
“Oh I do. It is just in the shop. Part of the life of a medical student. Crummy cars and long hours.”
“What are you specializing in?”
“Surgery. I have a long road ahead.”
“But will be worth it in the end.”
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mininovaroyals · 4 years
Introducing the Mininovian Royals
Over the last hundred years, peace from a country at war with itself was restored by the Royal Ivory family. Not much is known about how this family overtook both territories, the North and the South, but the united citizens are finally at ease.
The Ivory House
Her Majesty Queen Madeline May Ivory
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After forty two years of rule, Queen Madeline has refined the Monarchy into a precise yet loved symbol of greatness. As Queen of Mininova, Queen Madeline has never had a toe out of line. No stories were taught to her, her mother wasn’t very nurturing, so it made sense that she wasn’t the same way with her land or her children. She rules the land with an iron fist, it is her only real job. At the tender age of 18, at her first Fairhearts Ceremony, she met her current and only husband, Prince Fredrick, Duke of Ivory. They have two children, Prince Edward Charles, Duke of Auburn and Princess Cecilia May, Duke of Ebony and four grandchildren.
His Royal Highness Prince Fredrick Peter, Duke of Ivory
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Prince Fredrick Peter is the first son of the Gallen family, a high ranking aristocratic family. On his third attempt of love, he was recruited to be one of the four partners of the royal family’s Fairhearts Ceremony. The then Princess Madeline was secretive and hard to get to know, but it only took one dance for Fredrick to fall in love with her. Rumour has it, he still thanks her everyday for choosing him.
The Auburn House
His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Edward Charles, Duke of Auburn
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Prince Edward, the Crown Prince of Mininova, is loved by the entire country. First in line, he was a partier in his youth, but that wasn’t the thing that won a warring country over: it was his ability to break barriers and most importantly, the rules. He often escaped to the North to help with sea faring floods under aliases and disguises. It was there did he realize the state of the untouched North and started a charity to help with effected areas of seasonal flooding. His new adventure into charity is with the help of MentalM, the leading nonprofit organization in destigmatizing mental health. He has three children with his wife Princess Evelyn.
Her Royal Highness Princess Evelyn, Duchess of Auburn
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Coming from a low ranking aristocratic family, Evelyn caught Edward’s eye by her wit. After meeting the prince in a University history class in their second year, they commonly met in study groups and the library. In their engagement interview, the young Evelyn admitted that she was “surprised to get an invite” to the Fairhearts Ceremony, much less be one of the contenders! Princess Evelyn often volunteers at the University where she met her husband and has a special monetary grant where students can apply for in the history department.
Her Royal Highness Princess Eleanor May Auburn
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Princess Eleanor is the first born of Prince Edward and Princess Evelyn and the second in line to the throne. At her young age, Eleanor has achieved a bachelors in art history and literature. She is a patron of a charity under her own name wherein she advocates for ecological cleaning of the Southern sea. She is recently engaged to Kaiden Knight, a bachelor who’s known to have a wandering eye.
His Royal Highness Prince Joshua James Auburn
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Branded by the media as the Hidden Prince, Joshua James, who goes by James, is rarely seen in public events. Not much is known about him other than his position in the royal family and the fact that he is Queen Madeline’s favourite grandchild. His Fairhearts Ceremony is upcoming after his recent breakup with his longtime girlfriend, Delilah Daries.
His Royal Highness Prince Julien Joseph
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Young and lively, Julien is the last born of the Auburn family. He’s currently enrolled in the highest ranking school district in the South East. He is fourth in line to the throne.
The Ebony House
Princess Cecilia, Duchess of Ebony
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Cecilia lives a quiet life with her husband and son. She resigned from senior role duties at the age of 27 after a kidnapping attempt. She still attends major events that her mother, Queen Madeline, permits. She still retains her duchess title at her mother’s request.
Thomas Holt, Duke of Ebony
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The Holt family holds an estate 50 acres away from the Ivory Palace. Thomas and Cecilia both met on a horse ride gone awry. They married three years later in the same spot.
Nicholas Holt-Ebony
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Nicholas is sixth in line to the throne despite the lack of senior roles. He is known to the media at “Naughty Nick” as he frequently breaks royal protocol and traditions by living a lavish life in the public eye instead of privately. He can be often seen in the streets driving his Ferrari and perhaps, if you look closely enough, you can see James following meekly behind him in a club.
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thedreamsmith · 4 years
How (Not) to Seduce a Blueshirt (Chapter 4)
@atc74​ @alleiradayne​ @arrowsandmixtapes​ @captain-s-rogers​ for #OC appreciation day 2020
Warnings: Swearing, mild sexual situation 
Pairing: Jim Kirk x OFC
Chapter summary:  Jim is allergic to first dates.
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For some reason, Bones had not been thrilled with his news. In fact, he had let out a stream of particularly foul expletives and pinned Jim with a glare that by all accounts should’ve set his hair on fire.
Even so, Bones had agreed to help him pick out something to wear to dinner. For all his CMO loved to jab him with hypos, he was the perfect Southern gentleman and he had the manners and fashion sense to match.
Once Jim had swallowed his pride and comm’d Bones, the good doctor had strode into his hotel room within ten minutes, taken one look at what he was wearing and ordered him to strip because ‘Good God man, you’re not going on a first date to a nice restaurant with a pretty girl wearing that.’
Personally, Jim had thought what he’d been wearing hadn’t been one of the worst getups he’d tried on before Bones got there, but he deferred to the older man’s judgement anyway.
Between the pair of them they had finally agreed on an outfit and that was how Jim found himself standing in front of the mirror, watching his reflection eye the dark jeans, white shirt and dress shoes that Bones had talked him into. They had compromised on the leather jacket, but only because Jim had threatened to reprogram every computer on the ship (besides Spock - he hadn’t quite figured out to rewire him yet) to address Bones as ‘snugglebunny.’
Mirror-Jim looked as nervous as he felt.
How had he convinced himself he could do this? He was a playboy hick from backwater Idaho. Reyne had a medical degree, no criminal record, standards…
It felt as though a metal band was squeezing his chest; growing tighter and tighter as the chrono ticked closer to when he was supposed to meet Reyne in the plaza.
The room was too bright, the hum of the city outside too loud and his reflection had gone blurry.
‘Lights at fifty percent.’ He managed to choke out, though his throat felt like it was closing over. ‘Bones…’
Jim spun towards his friend, stumbling as he struggled to catch his breath.
‘Think ‘m having an allergic reaction.’
And then Bones’ was gripping his shoulders, hands firm and steady as he pushed him towards the bed. He barely registered as his friend waved the tricorder over him once, twice. The frown lines on Bones’ forehead deepened as he checked the results then flicked his gaze back to Jim and the way his shoulders heaved, trying to draw enough oxygen in to stop the room from spinning.
McCoy drew in a deep breath before he spoke, his medical skills diagnosing the issue even as his knowledge of Jim Kirk insisted that this was highly unlikely.
‘Outta all the things you’re allergic to, I doubt that proper first dates are one of them. You’re havin’ a panic attack, Jim.’
Jim briefly interrupted his breathe in, breathe out, don’t-throw-up cycle to shoot a poisonous glare at his friend.
‘Just breath, Jim. You’ll be alright.’ Bones kept his hands on his shoulders, grounding him. ‘Hell, Ree was chattering about this date with my nurses the other day – had to shoo her from the medbay so they could get anything done.’
Jim raised his head a little, expression hopeful.
‘Yes, really. So quit being an idiot and keep your head between your knees. I don’t need you passing out before you’ve left your room. I had enough of carrying you back to your room at the Academy.’
Reyne was already in the plaza when he arrived. She was in conversation with a couple of Enterprise crew members. He recognised the taller, darker of the two men as one of Bones’ best nurses – distinctive for the sleeves of tattoos that disappeared beneath the cuffs of his civvies. The other was fair haired and shorter, also sporting tattoos and the same Scottish earth accent as Scotty and Reyne. As the trio turned to face him, he placed the shorter man as one of Scotty’s crew, a brilliant electrical engineer he’d picked from the Academy himself. Ensign Josh Watt.
Ensign Watt smirked and murmured something to her that made her blush and laugh as she waved them off.
But all thoughts of Reyne’s friends left his head as she stepped around nurse Stephen, towards him. Laughter danced in her eyes, a few shades darker than his own, as she took him in. In a navy, knee length dress, her curves could’ve stopped ships at warp speed.
The artificial lights of Yorktown had been dimmed to mimic sundown, and the lamps overhead illuminated her ivory skin in a warm glow.
‘You look amazing.’ Oh great, Jim. Thirty years old and that’s the best he could do?
‘Not too bad yourself, Captain.’ He glanced up from his own shoes to see that Reyne was smiling, amusement still glimmering in her eyes as she stepped closer.
Bolstered by the knowledge that he hadn’t cocked it up in the first five minutes, Jim let his features slip into a crooked grin. With slowly-returning confidence, he grasped her hand, bringing it up to his mouth and pressing a lingering kiss to her knuckles.
Reyne’s eyebrows shot up but she didn’t pull her hand away.
‘I promised Stephen that I’d let you know that I’m armed.’ She delivered the line with such casual amusement that his heart nearly stopped in his chest with a painful thud. But she tightened his grip on his hand before gracefully looping her arm around his waist. ‘Don’t worry, I don’t intend to use it. I very much want to be here.’
Her grin was warm as she tilted her head to one side, and her height meant that she didn’t need to raise her gaze far to meet his eyes. ‘I want to be here, Jim.’
‘You’re terrible.’ He draped his arm over her shoulders, enjoying the warmth of her body tucked against his side.
Reyne shrugged slightly, the movement shifting his arm. ‘I only own one knife. If you think that’s bad, you should meet Stephen - he always has at least two on his person at any given time. Legal carries, of course. Although there was that Cardassian hunting knife he was looking at last shore leave…’
She trailed off as she registered the expression of disbelief that must’ve shown on his face.
‘My friends are weird.’
‘I think Scotty and Jaylah would take offence to that.’ They passed storefronts and restaurants; lit with strings of jewel-toned lights and orbs that floated above the heads of passers-by.
‘Scotty was exalting the virtues of deep fried mars bars and pickle sandwiches yesterday. I don’t think he gets a say in this.’
‘That seems fair.’ Jim laughed, feeling lighter than he had in a long while. ‘So I have to ask, where are you keeping a knife in that get up?’
Reyne’s gaze slid slowly over to him as a wicked smirk lifted the corners of her mouth.
‘A lady never tells, Captain.’
It was well past midnight by the time they made it back to the hotel that most of the crew were staying in. His face hurt from the grin that he’d had on for most of the evening and his fingers were tangled with hers.
Too soon, they reached her door and the conversation petered out as they both silently acknowledged the choice that lay before them.
‘I really enjoyed tonight.’ It would seem that his sparkling wit had failed him once again tonight. He fumbled for the right words to convey what he felt, a way to secure another night like this and maybe another after that. ‘I just mean, I had expected to, of course, despite the panic attack I had earlier.’
‘Panic attack?’ Concern laced Reyne’s voice, brows kitting together as she searched his face.
Shit. He hadn’t meant to say that. Quick, Jim, think.
‘Right, here goes nothing.’ He forced himself to hold her gaze, to watch for her reaction. ‘For most of my life, I’ve never tried particularly hard when it comes to dating. Usually all it takes is an introduction and my reputation does the rest but with you, that doesn’t work cause you just don’t care. You’ve never fallen at my feet and you want more from me than a quick fuck and some pretty words. And that terrifies me. I panicked ‘cause I don’t believe I deserve someone like you, Reyne.’
‘You’re right – I don’t care about any of those things. I said yes because you’re also the Jim Kirk who regularly attempts to sacrifice himself for his friends; who actually died to save a ship full of people he barely knew. I said yes because underneath the charisma and the recklessness and the batshit crazy, even without knowing you all that well, I’ve seen and heard glimpses of a heart of gold and an intellect to rival Commander Spock’s. My point is, you’re multifaceted, Jim; and are much more than you think you are. Plus, the package it’s all wrapped up in doesn’t hurt.’ A smirk lifted the corner of her mouth. ‘I’m aware you don’t have the best track record when it comes to long-term partners; but if you’re willing to try, then I’ll happily boldly go where no one else has before.’
Well, if that wasn’t an invitation then he didn’t know what was…
The sound of the Captain’s Oath falling from that mouth was downright obscene, but it was all Jim could do to lean forward, a silent answer to a question she hadn’t asked out loud. He closed his eyes, held his breath until he felt the warmth of her mouth against his. Reyne pressed slow kisses to his lower lip, lingering too long for it to be called chaste, but far too reverent to be lewd.
Jim found that it was nice to share a first kiss that didn’t taste of alcohol – that wasn’t fast and hard and needy. Not to say that there was no lust there, just that he was perfectly content to lean against the door of her room and continue this slow exploration of lips and tongues and teeth.
A whine escaped him as she pulled away; spots of colour high on her cheeks, lips ever-so-slightly swollen from the kiss.
‘You’re terrible for my self-control.’
‘Who needs self-control anyway?’ Certainly not James T Kirk. His grin was twelve kinds of filthy as he gazed at her with heavy-lidded eyes. ‘I might not be Uhura with her fancy xenolinguistics degree, but I’ve been told that I have excellent oral sensitivity.’
A beat of silence followed, before Reyne’s face crumpled and she doubled over with laughter, the sound rich and sweet and deeper than he had expected. Jim decided right there that Reyne’s laughter was his favourite sound in the entire galaxy and he would gladly make a fool out of himself just to hear it every day of their 5-year mission.
Dark eyebrows knitted together as she fought for breath, and she could already feel herself flushing to the tips of her ears. She thought back to the one time she had seen Jim shirtless in the medbay after an away mission – the man had a body made for pleasure and sin and even then, she had decided that no one should be allowed to be so goddamn beautiful.
‘And not just oral sensitivity,’ Jim pushed his advantage, never one to miss an opportunity. ‘Let’s not forget dexterity, flexibility, stamina-‘
The Many Virtues of Jim Kirk were cut short as Reyne grabbed the lapels of his jacket and yanked him down for another kiss – this one decidedly more heated. Her clever tongue flicked along the seam of lips before gently tugging his lower lip between her teeth, earning a low groan from Jim.
Jim tangled his fingers in her thick, dark locks, tugging hard enough to elicit a gasp from the doctor.
‘Is this your way of telling me to shut up? Cause if it is, you can tell me to shut up anytime.’ And Jim found that he was entirely open to this kind of positive reinforcement, especially when it involved a hotter than Hell medical officer and her unholy way of finding that spot on his neck that – fuck.
Reyne bit down and his hips jerked involuntarily. Her thigh was a solid presence between his legs, the seam of her jeans enough to produce a maddening amount of friction against him and dammit he was the captain of Starfleet’s flagship, not some overeager teenager getting to second base with a girl for the first time.
Her smile took on a distinctly naughty cast and he’d be damned if it didn’t go straight to his dick – like he needed any help in that department. A pleasant daydream of an unruly science officer in need of punishment, pulled up in front of her captain for insubordination filled his brain.
‘I don’t put out on the first date, Jim.’ Her voice was soft, a gentle reminder. ‘It’s late, I’ll see you tomorrow?’
‘Yeah, see you tomorrow.’
With one last smile and a quick peck on the cheek, Reyne tapped in her room code and disappeared into the darkened room, leaving Jim to sag against the wall.
She had him wrapped around her finger already.
He was in so much shit.
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teamoliv-archive · 4 years
(If you’re still accepting these at all lol) What if Atlas never became such a thing? If atlas just stayed as Mantle? (For any!)
Let’s play “What If?”
For this I want to add on a few hypotheticals to this what if. We’re going by what would happen if the kingdom of Atlas was never founded and as a result I’m going to make the following assumptions:
Because a brand new kingdom isn’t created to balance the arrangement, the Atlas Military also isn’t instated and Mantle is set up more like a traditional kingdom.
As a result, the wealth disparity between Atlas and Mantle isn’t nearly as drastic and it’s only one region with less barriers between social classes.
Technological development in Atlas remains the same and James Ironwood is still elected to the position of headmaster of Atlas Academy (May as well let the academy keep its name.) This is mostly for the sake of the show’s consistency.
Knight and Paladin robotic units are still in production by a council-subsidized company and sold as privatized security (and in heavy use by the Mantle council, bringing its own controversies) and the SDC still maintains a monopoly on dust.
With all that in mind, let’s see how this affects Team OLIV’s story.
For starters, let’s go into how this affects the people who benefit the most from Atlas’s wealth and are crippled by Atlas’s lack of it.
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Without the creation of a hyper-wealthy upper class, the Baskerville family isn’t nearly as powerful. With sympathetic ties to the previous Mantle regime ideology and nowhere near as much of an upper-class bubble, Cassandra’s family remains little more than an old-money family like many other non-business Atlas families with old histories. Without as much security in her position, she is in less of a position to talk up Tyrael opening an investment business when they meet and eventually marry.
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The Cheshire Financial Group is still founded, but in a more mellowed political landscape and with Cassandra having less justification to shut out Tyrael’s old team, the company also heavily finances its partner service- Blood Brothers LLC which Tyrael never leaves in this timeline. Redmond is still hired as an analyst and accountant on Cassandra’s behest.
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Without the Atlas military to enlist in, Cobalt also remains with his old team as the mercenary group’s fourth member. He still meets Poppy Goodfellow and marries into Shin’s family, now that the financial base of the company remains in Mantle. Blood Brothers LLC becomes a renown elite huntsmen company that charges premium rate and is often only hired for the most dangerous of jobs. They still charge millions for their services with no questions asked.
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The Goodfellow family, without the wealth disparity of Atlas and Mantle nor the military getting preferential treatment on huntsmen missions to stop them, grow up in a more middle class environment than before and the need for money is lessened, Robin is not recruited by Jade out of desperation and without Jade to act as an enabler for Robin’s baser impulses, he instead becomes a heavily-respected huntsmen in Mantle much like his parents. Violet is also never attacked in a panic to keep her away from Jade as a result, giving her more confidence going forward in Atlas Academy.
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With the Cheshire Group not having to worry about illicit means to make a lot of money, Tyrael never meets Jade and Ivory instead grows up like any other upper class girl in Mantle. However, she still joins Atlas Academy when she’s old enough, growing tired of the lifestyle, something both her parents and the core Blood Brothers Group support fully. They give her private training, leaving her just as skilled as when she enters Atlas in the canon timeline, on genuine huntress internship this time.
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Jade, for his part, is struggling more than he would have. Without Tyrael’s financial backing the Red Arena remains an elusive small-scale red room operation and has no resources to go beyond Mistral’s seedy areas and doesn’t cater to wealthy criminal interests especially without Robin to rocket the bloodsport up to noteriety. While events aren’t kicked off to start the Red Arena plotline as in canon, Jade remains a present and dangerous element of the Mistrali underground despite his lesser role in it.
However, this butterflies away several major events:
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Because Jade’s primary players are never recruited, Cassandra Cheshire isn’t killed and Lilac never goes on her crazy revenge ploy. She doesn’t test her weapons out in the mine by Pineyard, freeing Lapis and Lazuli from their entire situation. She and Morado have an uneventful wedding without anyone exploding.
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Lapis enters Atlas Academy without the major chip on his shoulder or the horribly negative view of his peers. His sister follow suit and they eventually begin travelling back and forth to Mantle to help their home village. Lazuli is slower to realize how her semblance works, however, and it takes her quite a long time to really learn how. As a result, she initially fails out of Atlas Academy two years after she enrolls before seeking private tutors and leaning on Lapis for support in the meantime.
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Team MINT doesn’t go through the horrible trauma they faced at the Red Arena and are significantly more adjusted when they eventually enroll in Beacon Academy.
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Because Jade’s reach never goes to Vale, Officer Melina Briar is never declared dead, no is her family ever attacked. Molly and her older sister, Clover, both attend Beacon Academy with Molly graduating with honors. She never meets Ivory or Team OLIV, but her status as the daughter of one of Vale’s most celebrated cops helps her and Clover’s careers greatly.
However, things aren’t all good for everyone:
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Onyx Cheshire never existed. The young Jett was still captured by Mistrali slavers and sold to Jade’s operation where he grows up in a more bloodthirsty and unhealthy environment than even the cutthroat politics he does in canon. Auburn still spends her formative years with her neighborhood being terrorized by crime and rackets and only barely manages to make it to Mantle’s prep academy like in canon. However, she stays to attend Atlas with Lazuli, but finishes graduation. Once that is done, Auburn returns to her home to try and exact vengeance on the people who ruined her life, resulting in a long-standing hatred between the two cousins. Auburn is maimed much like she was in her canon fight with Onyx and vows to see Jett and his master either jailed or killed.
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Lucianna never joins the Atlas Military as it doesn’t exist, but becomes a formidable huntress. Instead of the failed mission that caused her injuries and cost Cobalt his arm, she is injured in a separate mission and retires early to a live of contemplation and prayer in the Consecration. Again, she adopts a radical doctrine and rises to the head of the church. However, without Atlas to use as a target for her new crusading ideals, she extends her doctrine to Mantle at large, insisting they have lost their way and that the kingdom must be purged much the same as in canon.
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Without Violet leaving her home for a few years due to the events of the Red Arena, she is indoctrinated alongside her old friend Sapir and joins Lucianna’s ‘purification’, a choice that puts her at odds with her family who are now around to oppose the high priestess’s ideals.
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lovetorn · 5 years
Time Jumper [AU] – Part 5
- Part 5; Black Lake
In which Y/N goes back in time, using the infamous time-turner, on a mission to change the fate of James and Lily Potter. In the midst of this, she catches the eye of a certain Marauder.
Young!Remus Lupin X Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: omg I’m so sorry I haven’t updated in like 6 months! I’m in my last year of school and have uni next year so this series had to go on hold for a while. I hope you enjoy this chapter as I would love to start writing it again.
Warnings: swearing????
Please do not copy or steal my series in any way. I do not own any of the characters, but I did create the idea of my series. I would appreciate if you didn’t copy and paste this elsewhere. Thanks!
Series Masterlist
Ignoring Remus Lupin was probably the hardest thing to do. Everywhere she went, Y/N heard his laugh or saw his smile. He was happy without her.
Y/N had only known the Marauders for three months, but it had honestly been the most exciting and overwhelming experience she had ever had. She had become closer to Sirius and James during this time, Peter was quite closed off, so it was harder for her to get close to him, not that she would. Traitor. Remus left the room or broke away from the group when she was with them, she won’t admit it, but it hurt. It hurt her a lot. But that was an understatement. She lay awake some nights, gasping for air as her lungs closed and her eyes stung. Her throat burning from screaming into the darkness of the Forbidden Forest. Not about Remus, but about Harry and Hermione and her parents. She wished she could go back home, but she already was. She wondered what was going on back in her time. Was everyone okay? Did they still remember her?
Walking through the halls towards Potions, Y/N was stopped by a familiar towering figure. Sirius had grabbed her shoulders, a large grin spread across his cheeks. Y/N gave him a questioning look before he started whispering.
“Black Lake, after Potions” it was more of a demand rather than a question, “and bring your swimsuit” and with that, he was off, heading towards the southern end of the castle. Y/N smiled, shaking her head as she continued to Potions, wishing for time to pass faster.
Racing out of Potions, Y/N sped towards her dorm room, throwing her belongings on her bed before removing her robes and grabbing her swimsuit. The girl skipped towards one of the large Oak trees that resided next to the lake. She eyed her friends under the tree and raced towards them. Quickly but silently, Y/N jumped and wrapped her legs around the waist of a certain inky-haired boy whose back was turned towards her. He grunted as he suddenly caught her.
“Well hello to you too” He chuckled as Y/N waved to her other friends. Lily, James, Peter, Remus. Her eyes moved around the group until they landed on the last person sitting down. Melissa Ackley. Over exaggeratedly rolling her eyes, Y/N hopped down from Sirius’ back. Dusting off her skirt, Y/N sat comfortably next to Lily, who passed her a bread roll. Thanking her friend, Y/N glanced over at Remus and gave him a small wave. So much for ignoring him. Her heart sunk when he didn’t return it and turned towards the blonde girl next to him. Sirius glared at the lanky boy, shaking his head before plopping down next to Y/N. The group chatted amongst themselves for a while. Y/N watched the couple across from her as Sirius and Lily engaged in a conversation about Herbology. Remus looked uncomfortable and awkward and Y/N couldn’t help bursting out in a fit of giggles. Melissa stopped her talking to Remus and slowly turned her head, a look of disgust evident on her face. Sirius and Lily both looked at Y/N like she had 3 heads and James and Peter laughed with her. Remus blushed deeply as he knew exactly why Y/N was acting the way she was. Gasping for air, Y/N had bent over, holding her stomach as her body shook with laughter. Sirius eyed Remus and Melissa suspiciously before he realised what one of his best friends was laughing at. He then snorted loudly, pointing at the two as his laughter escaped. Y/N and Sirius had triggered Lily to start giggling slightly as well, the five of them erupting in glee. Remus and Melissa looking at the group in confusion, Melissa a bit more irritated than Remus. He couldn’t help but feel left out of the jokes and fun his friends were engaged in. Melissa rolled her cat-like eyes before snatching Remus’ hand and pulling them both up. James was the first to calm down and open his eyes, realising the couple was leaving.
“Hey, hey, now, where are you going?” He shouted at the couple that has amassed a few metres since they got up.
“Away from you immature children!” Melissa yelled back, tugging Remus along.
“Oh, come on! Come back!” Lily exclaimed. The two stopped abruptly, Melissa had her arms crossed as Remus stood next to her like a lost puppy. Y/N’s eyes swam with sympathy for the boy, getting to her feet and making her way towards him.
“It’s just a bit of fun Melissa, no need to get your knickers in a twist” Y/N gleamed as she took Remus’ hand. He looked at her stunned with his leaf green eyes as they made their way back to the tree, the girl trailing behind slowly.
The group had finally gotten into their swimming attire and made their way towards the lake. The group stood on the edge of the water, everyone complaining about the temperature.
“Don’t be pussies” Y/N had scolded before dipping her toe in the water and immediately retracting it.
“Who’s the pussy now?” Sirius snickered as he ran towards the water full speed before diving in, splashing everyone.
“Prick” The girl mumbled as she followed in suit. Y/N rose to the top of the water with Sirius as the two looked at the rest of the group on the shore. One by one, each member slowly made their way into the lake. Y/N looked over at Sirius, his silver eyes telling her to go over to the lanky boy. She only raised an arched eyebrow before slyly swimming over. The closer she got, the more Y/N realised how imperfectly perfect Remus John Lupin really was. The way his delicate, ivory skin shone in the sunlight, highlighting the rosy scars that covered his face and torso. The way his unkempt, tawny brown hair stuck to his forehead after he rose from the water. The way his whole body shook when he laughed. She would pay to see him laugh, even smile again. All of this because of one girl. Melissa Ackley had taken away his happiness and his overall beaming personality. The bitch. Y/N swam over to the two who were muttering to each other.
“Hey guys” Y/N smiled, making it as believable as possible. Melissa squinted her sharp eyes, giving Y/N a closed-lipped smirk, “Hi”.
Y/N’s eyes skimmed over Remus, hoping for some sort of greeting, but instead, he turned away and faced Melissa. Y/N only scoffed and made her way back over to Sirius and the rest of the group that accompanied him. A soft tear made its way down Y/N’s velvety cheek as she approached them. Sirius suggested that it was best if they got out of the water, so they did. The group was fuming, Lily especially, nobody messes with her friends. Lily was about to yell something at the couple when Peter, surprising, took over.
“You know she likes you, you prick!” He shouted, the group looking over in disbelief. Tears stung Y/N’s eyes in embarrassment as she grabbed her uniform and ran across the grass, back to the school. Sirius hit Peter’s arm in an attempt to scold him before running after Y/N, not realising the conversation that had arisen between Remus and Melissa.
“So, you’re going to pick her? Over me? How thick can you get?” The compact girl yelled, making her way towards the shore. Everyone rolled their eyes when she approached them, her giving them the cold shoulder. Remus returned to shore slowly. His eyes hooded and his body cowering before his friends. Lily only shook her head, grasping her belongings as she pursued towards the castle, James trailing behind her. Peter and Remus remained on the grass under the tree, the two remained in silence.
“How do you know?” Remus’ voice was quiet, almost impossible to hear if Peter wasn’t listening already.
“It’s obvious mate, and I know you feel the same about her”
Remus exhaled deeply as he nodded.
“What did Melissa say to you?” Peter’s dull eyes met Remus’.
“She told me if I dated Y/N then she would tell everyone about our secrets” He covered his face as Peter glared at him.
“You seriously told that bitch about you being a werewolf and us being Animagus’” Peter couldn’t believe it. Remus nodded solemnly, tears threatening to escape his eyes. Peter gave him a look of disappointment as he got up from his spot on the grass and headed back to the school. Remus wiped away the tear that had fallen and threw his fist against the large oak tree, causing it to crack and tremble.
Part 6?
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@elsie2018 @mikariell95 @in-diepop @savcks  @siriuspadfoot14 @princessvulpecula13 @imaginedreamwrite @cosettewinchester @thecurlyhairedwinchester @thequeenoflatinos @pappu-cant-dance @lilaccoveredteapot @socialfake @evyiione @katiesalmondxo @jasmiw @paracii @popcrone818 @thebookwormfairy @puppycat714 @strangenerdsstuff @lupintales @moarfandomtrash  @lexi-laz  @courtofbookss @sunshineinbooks @weasley--girl  @ya-girl123 @th3maraud3rsmap @xxsophie-raabxx @2o-done @xacora​
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writingdotcoffee · 5 years
#80: A Day In The Life Of A Writer
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The alarm goes off. I pick up the phone, hover my hand over the cancel button. I’m pretty sure that morning is happening a few hours earlier than usual. I hit snooze instead and drift back to sleep. The alarm goes off again 10 seconds later. What the—oh was it 10 minutes already?
I crawl out of bed, brush my teeth and take a shower. Somewhere on the way out of the bathroom, I do 30 pushups. I get dressed and sit cross-legged for 10 minutes on the floor by the bookcase, listening to the long, wailing tones of a flute (that’s what you get when you search for meditation on Spotify), trying to focus on my breath for 10 minutes.
The coffee machine startles me awake when I turn it on. Every morning, it surprises me just how loud it is. when it's done, I take the coffee and my overnight oats to my writing room which doubles as laundry room and storage. I shut the door behind me.
I spoon the porridge out of a jam jar with a handful of blueberries on top. Breakfast is over in about 49 seconds. I put my earbuds on and open my laptop. I sip the coffee while writing into my journal. Nothing specific, just words in the exact order as they come to me. Nobody ever gets to read my journal. Not even me. That makes writing it much easier.
I stretch my hands when I’m done, then pick up my phone. I have about 35 minutes before I have to leave for work. I take a sip of my coffee without realising that the cup is empty. I slide it further away so that I don’t do it again. I set the timer on my phone to 35 minutes. My chest tightens, resistance slowly creeping in. A tempting stack of unread books rests on the desk beside me. Briefly, I consider reading one of instead. I’m sleepy. Maybe I can leave the writing for the evening?
I wrinkle my nose and start the timer anyway. I’ve been doing this for a while, and I know an excuse when I see it. I may be tired now, but I’ll be exhausted by the time I get back from work. Writing in the evening means not writing at all today. Nice try, resistance.
I do say resistance a lot, I think. Maybe I should give it a name? Like Roger. Perhaps something more stigmatised would fit better—like Adolf or Donald? I can hear the clock ticking all the way from the kitchen. I have 30 minutes left, and I haven’t written a word.
I reread the last few paragraphs from the day before, have a think, then start typing. I stay focused until the timer goes off again. I select what I wrote to count the words. I’m not a fast writer, but on a good day, I can do 500 words in 30 minutes. Today, the tally comes down to a rather modest 194. I sigh, but there’s no time to ruminate. I have to go.
The laptop goes to my backpack along with paperback of A Gentleman in Moscow. It takes me 3 minutes and 17 seconds to get out of the house and a further 10 minutes to walk to the station. I’m lucky. The Central Line train pulls into the station as I pass through the ticket gates. I get on and read until we reach Liverpool Street. I alight and weave my way out of the station, listening to Factory of Faith by Red Hot Chili Peppers. I never liked the song that much, but it’s grown on me.
At work, things go at the usual pace. I go to meetings, then get things done. I finish one of my tasks at 12.30—the perfect time for a lunch break. I head out to the cafe downstairs with my laptop and order a latte. My usual spot is occupied, so I take it to the narrow table by the window. A part of me wants to relax, enjoy the coffee and watch people pass by, but I have things to do.
There’s a new short story on Tor.com by Annalee Newitz that I want to read. It takes me a while to find the right tab in my browser, but I get it eventually. The story explores the relationship of two characters from the Autonomous universe—a human and a bot. I hit the favourite button below but don’t leave a comment. With 15 minutes to go, I switch to the text editor, set the timer on my phone and start writing. When it buzzes, I have no new words. I started rereading what I wrote in the morning and got stuck rewriting a few sentences. Oh, well.
The afternoon in the office goes pretty well. It’s dark outside by the time I am to leave, and I’m exhausted. I trudge back to Liverpool Street. At a quarter past six, the station is as busy as it gets, the concourse a maze of people mesmerised by the giant overhead LCDs showing departure times. Eventually, I get on a train.
I make a stop at a supermarket to buy milk and bread and a few other things. It’s almost seven when I get home. The flat is nice and warm. I appreciate the timed switch on the boiler that turns the heating on an hour before my arrival.
The first thing I do is change to my running kit. I really, really don’t feel like going for a run, but I down a glass of water and begin stretching anyway. It’s the only way to survive a sedentary job, I console myself. The first 10 minutes are a pain, but then I find my stride and the remainder of the run goes well. By the end of it, I’m glad that I went.
I take a shower and eat whatever I can find for dinner. Then I sit behind the same table in the storage room. I read ten pages of A Gentleman In Moscow, then another twenty. My eyes are closing, by now but I keep going until I’ve realised that I’ve been trying to read the same page for 30 minutes and finally give up. It’s time to go to bed.
What I Am Reading
I finished listening to Autonomous by Annalee Newitz. It was so good that I ordered the hardback for future reference. Apart from all the cool ideas around tech and open collaboration and AI, the book has really well-balanced characterisation. At times, you don’t know who the bad guy is.
I’m still reading A Gentleman In Moscow by Amor Towles. So far so good. It's engaging and exceptionally well written.
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In parallel, I picked up Atomic Habits by James Clear which I wanted to read for some time now. It’s not the first book that I read on habits, but I really like James’ perspective. Well worth giving this one a read.
Short Stories
I also read the following short stories this week:
Home Economics by Andrew Lloyd-Jones
A Stay-at-home Dad Documents His Sex Life on a Fitbit by Ryan Shoemaker
Something About Her by J. L. Higgs
Old Media by Annalee Newitz
Articulated Restraint by Mary Robinette Kowal
Ill Seen In Tyre by Steven Saylor
A Cargo of Ivories by Garth Nix
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Past Editions
#79: Not Feeling Like It, February 2019
#78: Becoming Polynovelous, February 2019
#77: In Praise of Bad Fiction, February 2019
#76: The Negative Review Paradox, February 2019
#75: Winter, January 2019
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