#rwby choosing sides au
rocknroll7575 · 2 months
I think it's funny that I have one story idea where Jaune is Ozma's first body he reincarnates into and then I have another story idea where Jaune is Ozma and Salem's 5th kid and Jaune has ghost sisters who can take physical forms and help him.
Like one is two people struggling to co-exist while dealing with an ancient evil that Salem and Ozma defeated a long time ago who wants to end the world.
While the other one is just a huge Family Fight with emotional drained and tired father, an evil mother who wants to end everything, and 5 kids trying their best while struggling with their own issues.
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professorspork · 11 months
I’m Supermonaman from AO3 & I had a question about ships I think it’s clear that bumblebee is your favorite ship but what are 5 other ships you love if you don’t mind answering? Also what is your opinion/what do you think about the Sunnybees or Blake/Yang/Sun? It’s a guilty pleasure ship/crack ship I love that I think makes sense/works in my mind it’s similar to the Weiss/Blake/Yang in some ways.
I certainly do not mind answering! I thought about writing this out as a list of five and like, that sort of falsely put everything on the same level in a way that didn't reflect my feelings, so.
We must begin with Nuts and Dolts. Honestly this might be my All Time RWBY Ship in terms of like-- the scope! the themes! the longing! the intimacy the belonging the SCALE of it the TRAGEDY of it!! THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS THE SPINE OF THE WHOLE SERIES. But also like, while it's So Big it's also so terribly small, so dependent on the smallest and most innocent moments and touches. I haven't had the ambition to tackle them the way they deserve to be written about but oh my god, iconic sensational perfect I have no words they are SO IMPORTANT
I adore Renora, and while I've rarely sought it out I'm very intrigued by every permutation and side-leg of the Weiss/Pyrrha/Jaune polycule. No polycule will ever do it as hard as whatever the fuck STR had going on bless their unhinged souls and bless Qrow for mostly staying out of it; Seamonkeys are delightful though I rarely seek them out on their own. I am an Emerald/Ilia truther and I am certain that as soon as they meet in canon it's going to be OVER FOR ALL OF US, just you wait. Oh, and of course add full JNPR polycule and the Happy Huntresses group marriage to my list can you see I hate choosing and love togetherness
Which brings me to your final question! I don't ship any bees poly ship as much as I ship the two of them with each other, but you're very right about Sun and Weiss having very similar "beekeeper" energy. This is why my bee's schnees tag has always been "ot3: the parent trap" because my primary conception of their dynamic will always be 'weiss is on the outside looking in and trying to curate and help, and little does she know she's not nearly as subtle as she thinks she is and also they're noticing her right back.' I generally tend to think of Weiss as aromantic and more looking for Her People than she is looking for partners, which I think comes across pretty strongly in Newsbees AU-- a world in which Blake and Yang would JUMP at the chance to give Weiss her first kiss if only she'd ask them and meanwhile she's got a spray bottle on hand to make sure they don't. but who am i to turn down monochrome braintrust or freezerburn divorce?
as for sunnybees, I'm particularly partial to it in terms of like Blake's Beacon Daydreams when she just. lets herself have fun and be a person and experience desire in the theater of her own mind, even if she's not quite brave or secure enough to try and act on it in reality. I don't tend to think of Yang as someone who's attracted to dude-identified people, so that one is more of a "Blake has two hands" situation regardless of timing than it is a fully-balanced equilateral triangle (at least in my heart of hearts).
but also I'll give just about anything a try if I like the author or if the summary seems promising, so!
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sytokun · 1 year
Sun is one of the few characters in RWBY without loads of baggage. He left the show before the writers could truly tarnish him. Unfortunately they left that to the book author, who magnified Sun's existing flaws to ridiculous levels in an OOC manner to the point the narrative itself was putting him down. Of course he ain't perfect. His lack of character beyond serving as a springboard for Blake to bounce her ideas off and be a potential love interest leaves much to be desired. Sun can be bad at reading people and situations but he means well. He's a goofy himbo, with a badass weapon, and easy on the eyes. How he opened Blake up with patience and understanding while always being there to support her is something anyone would be lucky to have in a friend or boyfriend. Not to mention his talk with her after his near death showed he was able to be serious when needed. Arguably they flanderized his silly side for comic relief after Beacon more than I would've liked but it's not like he was the only one who experienced character derailing. He remains my favorite after MKEK ruined the others. Monkey boy is the GOAT.
I did hear bad things about how EC Myers treated Sun in the novels. Unfortunately I haven't read the books and don't intend to spend money on any more RT products, but from what I hear from other, bigger Sun fans than me, it's not a flattering picture.
But yeah, there is a charming simplicity to Sun. Same blonde hair, sunny disposition and motif... he's kind of like Yang without the baggage - which has its pros (he's a very stable, likable character) and cons (he's pretty static and not very compelling unless paired with someone).
Talking about AUs and rewrites, if one were to tackle Sun in their fanfic, they do have to somewhat account for the fact he and Yang occupy a very overlapping role towards Blake - a cheerful, more extroverted foil who keeps her from withdrawing into herself and infecting her with their positivity.
For most, if they had to choose between the two to prioritise, it typically lands on who they like or ship with Blake more. I do like the idea of giving Sun a lot more substance and make him more of his own character, with a life beyond just being Blake's support. It's not common though, but I do admit I need to look into more Sun-focused stories when I can. If any followers know of any fics that explore Sun more - like his past and motivations, feel free to reply!
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howlingday · 2 years
tragic backstory (tm) au) while in the village a grimm swarm comes out of nowhere atlas is on the way but jaune and team must fight a desperate rearguard action to keep the fleeing villagers safe until the battleship can arrive. rwby is used as scouts picking off small groups of grimm and letting jaune know where the main group is before jaune rallies the men of the village and his own team to hammer and anvil strike the main body. the villagers might not have aura but the weight of several hundred knights in full plate with couched lances are more than enough to kill the grimm so long as they don't get bogged down that is. but while the brave heroes fight, something stirs within the forgotten dungeon of the keep the abandoned
Knight and Slay
See, when I think of the best two...
Jaune: Luna Tribe? (Groans) Don't tell you believe that rumor, too!
Path: No, I can't say I do. But then again, I was not in charge of keeping track of slaves.
Jaune: So what do you want?
Path: You are in grave danger, and you must rally your troops together.
Jaune: Danger? Troops? I- What are you talking about?!
Path: (Shushes, Cups ear) They are listening. If they learn of your awareness, they will strike first. (Points to a corner) There.
Jaune: (Looks, Squints) A rat hole? Why would I care about a-? (Looks to window, Finds a note)
"Your oldest foe will use her oldest weapon."
Jaune: Oldest foe? What? (Door slams open) GAH!
Ruby: (Panting) GRIMM! (Runs away)
Jaune: So much for sleep. (Runs after)
Goodwitch: Team CFVY, you're up.
Coco: (Yawns) Of course we are. Not like beauty sleep isn't a thing. (Goodwitch glare) I'm kidding!
Goodwitch: There's a Grimm attack at Mallet. So far, it's only Beowolves, but that could easily change. You will provide ground support in the south.
Coco: Got it. (Walks away)
Goodwitch: Team CRDL. Step forward.
Cardin: (Walks near Velvet, Blushes)
Velvet: (Blushes)
Yatsuhashi: (Rolls his eyes)
Goodwitch: There's a Grimm attack at Mallet. and we've spotted more moving close to Beacon. You will provide ground support for Professor Port on the north side.
Cardin: Yes, ma'am. (Walks away, Scroll buzzes) Hm? (Rounds the corner, Checks his scroll)
Velvet: (Scroll message) Please, be safe.
Russel: Ooh! What's that, Cardin?
Cardin: None of your business. (Flares his nostrils)
Russel: Hey, no need to get so hopping mad! (Laughs)
Cardin: (Tightly balls his fist, Sighs) You're not even worth it.
Russel: Huh?
Jaune: So, uh, that's the plan. Ruby and Pyrrha will provide fire support from above on the church tower, where the villagers are taking shelter.
Ruby: Got it!
Pyrrha: We'll protect them at all costs.
Jaune: Blake and Ren, you thin out their numbers from the roof top. If anything Grimm gets past the tree line, we're all counting on you to put an end to it. Don't let them reach the alleys.
Ren: Understood.
Blake: (Nods) Roger.
Jaune: Everyone else is on the ground with me. We have two objectives. First is to protect the townspeople. Second is to kill all the Grimm. Everyone ready? (They nod) Let's protect the town! (They all leave) How was that?
Ozpin: You were shaky at first, but you grew more confident. In time, you'll be able to give orders with great confidence.
Jaune: Really? Thanks, Professor Ozpin!
Ozpin: But next time, try to save the panic attack after the Grimm are dead, not before giving the brief.
Jaune: Y-Yes, Professor.
Path: Thank you for humoring me.
Raven: As if I have a choice with you freaks.
Path: You could always choose to walk away. That is what you are best at.
Raven: What? Do you? Want?
Path: I simply ask that you guide the king on the right path.
Raven: I'll tell you the same thing I told Oz. This is your mess, you clean it.
Path: Ah, yes, the old man. Are you aware he is with the king as we speak?
Raven: All the more reason for me to walk away. Find someone else to play mentor in your game of chess. I'm not getting involved in this.
Path: (Sighs) Such a shame, but then again. (Decapitates an Ursa behind him) Cowardly fools seldom fight their own battles.
Jaune: Weiss, Beowolves on the east!
Weiss: On it!
Jaune: Yang, Ursa to the west!
Yang: You got it, boss man!
Jaune: Nora-
Nora: Way ahead of you, Jaune-Jaune!
Jaune: Okay, that just leaves the south. Emerald, Mercury, and Cinder are in the town hall with Professor Ozpin and the villagers. (Looks up) Pyrrha and Ruby are providing cover fire. (Looks around) Blake and Ren are providing cover on the perimeter. That just leaves me here in the courtyard. Alone. As the last line before the doors.
Ruby: (Via mic) Wrong~!
Jaune: Huh?
Pyrrha: Your mic was on. We heard everything, and we think you're doing a wonderful job as our leader.
Jaune: Thanks, Pyrrha.
Ruby: Professor Ozpin chose you for a reason, Jaune.
Jaune: And that reason is...?
Nora: You're the king!
Jaune: (Groans) Anything on the south side, Ruby?
Ruby: No, nothing yet.
Jaune: That's weird. (Looks at the map) The south is the least guarded perimeter of the town, but there aren't any Grimm? Hm... I'm gonna go check it out.
Pyrrha: Be careful, Jaune. It could be a trap.
Jaune: Maybe. (Approaches the south, Sees a crack in the ground) Huh? Hey, guys, I found something weird.
Yang: What'd you find?
Jaune: A crack.
Yang: Pretty sure that's your butt. ...Oh, don't get mad! Still, a crack isn't something to worry about is it?
Jaune: Maybe, but it just doesn't feel right. Not when there are no- WHOA!
Yang: You okay, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah, I tripped. And... Holy crap.
Yang: What's up?
Jaune: I can see a set of stairs through the crack. I think there's an underground passageway.
Yang: To where?
Jaune: I don't know. But I'm going to find out.
Yang: Alright, be same Vomit Boy. Wouldn't want my brother to kick it on his first mission in charge.
Ruby: Yang!
Yang: 'Sup, Rubes?
Ruby: Have you seen Jaune?!
Yang: He's at the sound end, checking out some stairs. Why?
Ruby: What?! Why didn't he tell us?!
Yang: What do you mean? He just talked on the common line.
Pyrrha: The last thing we heard was he was going to investigate the south. We can't see him, or the stairs you're talking about.
Yang: Oh no...
Pyrrha: Do you see him?
Ruby: No, nothing. If he's close to the building, he might be hiding in the shadows.
Pyrrha: Have you ever considered buying a scope?
Ruby: I did, but I just can't find anything for what I need.
Pyrrha: What do you need?
Ruby: Something all-purpose. Nightvision. Infrared. High zoom.
Pyrrha: You could buy one and switch between them.
Ruby: (Sighs) I could, but I barely have enough saved up for just one.
Pyrrha: Hm, well, I could lend you mine until you find what you're looking for.
Ruby: Aw, thanks, Pyrrha! (Into her scroll) This is Rose Tower. Has anyone seen King?
Ren: This is Lotus Bishop. Negative.
Blake: Seventeen.
Ren: Nineteen.
Blake: Twenty. Something's off.
Ren: What do you mean?
Blake: We're gambling on who can kill the most Grimm.
Ren: You've never done it before?
Blake: Once, when I was bored in the White Fang. But that's my point. The Grimm are so far and few inbetween, it's boring. Sure, there were dozens, maybe even hundred at the start, but only just enough are gathering to warrant our barest attention.
Ren: You think the Grimm are planning something?
Blake: The worst weapon the Grimm possess isn't their teeth and claws, but their tenacity and creativity.
Ren: Professor Port's first rule of Grimm.
Blake: Never underestimate them.
Nora: Thunder Queen, we haven't seen him, or Yang.
Weiss: It's Dragon Tower.
Nora: What is?
Weiss: Her code- (Scoffs) Dragon Tower, this is Snow Knight. Do you copy?
Yang: (Via mic) What's up, Weissy?
Weiss: Snow Knight! Have you found King yet?
Yang: No, not yet. I'm heading down the stairs now.
Weiss: Please hurry, or else something worse than these rats start showing up.
Yang: Rats? What the worst rats could do?
Weiss: Nothing, I hope, but I've seen fifteen rats in the last two minutes heading into town.
Yang: Into- BLAKE!
Blake: Cat Bishop online.
Yang: How many rats are there?
Blake: Rats? Only a few, but I don't see... Oh no.
Soldier: I'm here to relieve.
Guard: I'm ready to be relieved.
Soldier: Anything new with the prisoner?
Guard: Nothing yet. He just sits in there, occasionally growls, then falls asleep. Almost never changes his seat.
Soldier: (Yawns) I'm not surprised.
Guard: Are you alright? Can you even stand your watch?
Soldier: I'll be fine. I'll have my coffee.
Guard: If you say so. What's going on out there?
Soldier: Grimm attack in Vale. Looks like it might be a big one. Enough to merit a battleship.
Guard: Yikes, well, (Yawns) good thing we're (Yawns) guard... duty... (Slumps into relief)
Soldier: (Slumps into guard)
Adam: (Looks up) And who the hell are you?
???: (Hooded figure, Tight leather and cloth ensemble) I am your salvation, should you accept my offer.
Adam: And what is your offer, human?
???: Become my shadow, my disciple, and my key to our mutual vengeance.
Adam: Mutual vengeance? Against who?
???: I will reveal all when the time is right. For now, (Grabs guard's hand, Presses it against the palm reader) let us take the first step together, and prove that you are a worthy student. (Door beeps once, Opens)
Adam: (Stands) And what should I call you, my mystery savior?
Wei: I am Wei, Grandmaster of the Luna Tribe Moon Dancers. And I can sense great things coming.
Blake: They're going for the statue!
Ren: Everyone, converge on them!
Nora: There's Grimm everywhere!
Weiss: Protect the village!
Pyrrha: No, please, no!
Jaune: What is this place?
Yang: There you are!
Jaune: Yang? What are you doing here?
Yang: I could ask you the same. I thought you told everyone on the common line.
Jaune: I did! (Checks his scroll) Yeah, see! I haven't touched it since the mission started.
Yang: Then how did- Nevermind! We have to head back up now.
Jaune: Why?
Yang: We got duped by the Grimm! We were too focused on the Beowolves and Ursa, we didn't notice the rats were Grimm, too!
Jaune: Damn! I left my post and this happens. What's everyone doing?
Yang: I don't know. Nobody's contacted me since I got down here.
Jaune: (Hears a large crash from above) What was that?!
Yang: I don't know, but we need to... to... (Pales) Holy shit...
Jaune: (Turns, Sees a fiery red orb three times his size glare down at him, Gut drops, Shivers) ...Oh no. Yang, RUN!
Wyvern: (Screeches to life)
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aceironwood · 2 years
Hi again! About Ozpin in your AU, why did you choose the name Morokat for him in it? I've searched for it, and the closest thing I could find is about Typhoon Morakot, with Morakot meaning "emerald" in Thai. Why a circus background for him? Would his parents play any significant role, no matter how small or minor it is, in this fic? What allusions do you have for him, other than canon's Wizard of Oz? What relationship do you have in mind for him and Amber? Would he still get possessed by Oz, or do you intend that fate for someone else? What weapon form does Wonder Magi have, complete with actual weapon names, and what does it look like?
Morokat comes from the Khmer word ត្បូងមរកត transliterated as tbaung morokat and meaning emerald (at least as far as my researching could find, I do not speak Khmer so if the websites I checked were wrong, so am I) in reference to the Emerald City. Originally Monty was going to voice Ozpin, so because of that I based his ethnic background off of Monty's-- meaning that he's Cambodian, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese
And with him being from the circus, that's something I chose based on his allusion to the Wizard of Oz. The Wizard was originally a magician working at a circus, so I wanted to represent that. He doesn't have any extra fairy tale/legend allusions at the moment tho
With relationship stuff, I do think that his parents will appear briefly, tho it probably won't be a super significant appearance just because the focus in mainly on Beacon and they're out and about. They do have a significant role imo in who Ozpin is at the time though (bcs at some point he will still begin merging with the Ozcarnations), with them giving him a lot of the values he has. And in terms of his relationship with Amber, it'll always be platonic, though maybe with some big sister and little brother vibes. She's a lesbian and he's ace-gay, so they're definitely not romantically compatible lol
Wonder Magi has an assualt rifle, longsword, and double sided axe functionality. I'll be honest, weapon design is something that kicks my ass i have designed exactly one rwby weapon and i do not think i will be able to do more lol, but here's the description I have of it from my character bible
The sword is reasonably sized, being a dual edged longsword that's about 40 inches long. Either side of the blade can move downward to form a double sided ax, and the blades can further be retracted into an assault rifle mode. He tends to favor the assault rifle form, and that's usually the form it stays in when he's outside of combat
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rwbyremnants · 26 days
A long time ago, the Schnee family was attacked by the growing militant faction of the White Fang. In the midst of the chaos, a young Faunus boy saved an equally young Weiss from meeting a grisly fate. Now that years have passed and she is at Beacon Academy, Weiss has lost all hope of ever seeing him again.
WARNINGS: topics of homophobia, disability, corrective infant surgeries, and murder. Also, smut.
NOTE: All characters are trademarked to their respective owners. This story was initially written in 2013-2014, before Volume 3 debuted and the characters’ parents were introduced, as well as Winter Schnee; please treat it as an AU. I edited some things to line up with canon but some things I left as they were.
Dedicated to an old friend who called this one "Monobutts Ribbons". If she ever finds this, I hope she enjoys rereading it and revisiting her ship.
Welcome back! This is another mothballed fic I wrote with BangAYang about 10 years ago (wow, time flies!). I've been meaning to finally get it posted, and at long last, here it is! This first chapter is more like a prologue; we'll get into the good stuff in chapter 2, I promise. Hope you all enjoy!
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=Chapter 1
[Warning: character death ahead.]
"Protests aren't enough anymore. Tonight, we take action! Tonight, we strike at one of Remnant's most powerful assets and give them a message they won’t easily forget!"
Those were the words that were spoken deep within the White Fang camp, hours before they had gathered outside the huge building. Schnee Manor. There seemed to be a grand celebration taking place; lots of fancy hovercars, so many suits and elegant dresses, all clear to view through the large windows of the mansion. Blissfully unaware that forces were gathering to see a swift end to their lovely evening.
Something didn't quite sit right about this with one of the White Fang's youngest members, Blake Belladonna. In the last protest, things had gone horribly wrong. Not only were there riots, but countless were battered to death by the brutal military forces. 
One victim being her mother. Had it not been for her death, the girl would not have built up the courage to attend this particular gathering. She would have likely stayed in the very bushes they were all hiding in and waited for the madness to end.
Second thoughts were creeping in. Something about the choice of this particular night made her very uneasy. Why would they choose to thieve on a night when there were so many people inside? Surely, there was more risk of getting injured, of hurting people by accident.Another riot did not seem wise when their numbers had been so severely diminished by the last raid. Were they really getting this reckless and desperate? 
"What's troubling you, Beebee?"
The question came from the tall, raven-haired man crouching on her left-hand side, a white mask with red markings securely in place in front of his bushy beard. The shaggy locks scarcely reached his shoulders, but they were still longer than Blake's. Even as she watched, he turned to favor her with a small smile. "Come on, out with it."
"Why are we doing this when there's more people here than normal?" she asked. Blake was only ten years of age, but she wasn't stupid; anyone could figure out that a raid would be a lot easier to pull off when no one was around, or at least when most people were asleep. "Won't we get seen? It's not even dark in there, so we can't use our night vision!"
The man's mouth drooped slightly. "Beebee, we've talked about this before. Remember? How they're not paying enough attention to our actions and demonstrations? We need to be seen stealing and resisting, or they will simply sweep it under the rug again. They won't understand that we mean business."
"But this many?" she asked, her own ears pinning back in fear. The more she stared at the people inside, the more she began to doubt herself. If they intended to be caught, there was too much security for them to get away. They would be injured on sight - maybe even killed.
"It'll be fine, sugarplum," he soothed her as his hand trailed through his daughter’s shaggy, cropped locks. Paired with the many light scratches and bruises she received in her training, and the fact that she was too young to have grown into her figure yet, the haircut made her look like a young boy, but he didn't have the heart to tell her as much. "Just remember everything we taught you and there'll be no problems – and don't forget to watch Adam. I know he's young, but he has the makings of a fine leader."
"…Okay, Dad," Blake sighed, finally getting back to her feet again. Adam Taurus had only been taking charge for a short amount of time, right after the protests went so badly wrong. His speech had certainly seemed to rouse everyone tonight. Still, this would be the first major strike he had organized. The success or failure would potentially affect his status of leadership. Blake wasn’t sure she liked his style, but this wasn’t really up to her.
There: the signal. It was time to move. As all other members were making their way toward the building, the girl couldn't help but stare down at the mask she held in her hands. Was she really ready to turn herself into a monster?
    Weiss Schnee had suffered through quite enough stuffy parties to last a lifetime. This was the third such event she had been forced to attend in the same month, and she no more enjoyed herself this time than she did the other two.
The clothes were the only perk. Weiss loved dressing up in such finery, all taffeta, silk, and lace, especially with the elegant black bow she had perched in her hair to complete the ensemble. Her mother had protested that the bow didn't match, that a white one would be more in line with the outfit, but she had insisted and eventually won her way when her little sister Winter came in crying about a toy that had broken.
Still, that didn't mean she was any happier to listen to her father delivering yet another dull speech to his dull business associates. This was why she was merely sitting in a chair nearby, kicking her shiny white shoes back and forth above the floor and waiting for it to be over.
"And I am more than pleased to announce that thanks to these efficient new machines, our overall production has increased with a lesser physical labor requirement, therefore boosting our profit margin by a staggering ten percent!"
The room filled with cheers at the announcement. Such words would of course mean nothing to a young girl like Weiss, but for the company, it was a great step forward. Perhaps they wouldn't need to hire as many people, or force them to work as hard, at least. Mostly, she just hoped there would be less ungrateful people gathering outside her home and her father’s work, saying mean things about her family.
This was usually the point when he would continue, when he would begin with “I would like to thank my wife…” and other sickeningly sweet sentimentality toward his wife and daughters, but no such gesture came that night. In fact, when the man did catch a glance of his wife, it almost seemed to be a glare of anger rather than a heartfelt gaze.
Weiss noticed the look on her father's face, but paid it no mind; she was used to seeing him in a sour mood. Instead, she merely went back to kicking her shoes and staring down at the floor, waiting for someone to tell her she could move. Or eat. Or talk. Or do anything besides look like an ornamental piece designed to endear him to his investors.
Taking a seat by the small girl's side, a warm hand was placed onto her shoulder. That of her mother. She smiled warmly down at her daughter, able to sense how awkward she felt about the event. There was no one else here her age, and Winter was still sulking about her plaything being ruined. Still, her gaze went back to the black bow.
"I do wish you had worn the white one, honey; it would have gone so well with your little dress."
"This one was prettier," she replied petulantly. "And I'm a Schnee; if I say the black one goes with the white dress, everybody else has to agree with me, don't they?"
"Well, you aren't wrong. You look pretty no matter which one you pick." The woman smiled. Noticing the comment didn't help her daughter's mood, the smile slipped a notch. "I know your father has been organising a lot of these social occasions, but don't think too badly of him, dear. He's just helping us as a family, making the world a better place."
Weiss heaved a dramatic sigh. "I know. The Schnee Dust Company works for the good of all mankind, and Father has to be the best so the company can be the best." Her words had all the soul of a religious recitation.
"That's my girl." She bent down, kissing her daughter's forehead. The hand on her shoulder softly stroked back and forth along her arm. "Tomorrow, we'll go out somewhere. Would you like that? Just you and me, we can go shopping!"
"Shopping?" A small smile pulled at the corner of the girl's mouth. "Ooh, can we get gelato afterward? You know Rodrigo's gelato isn't as good as the stuff they make at that little place in the shopping mall."
"Of course we can, darling. But we shouldn't tell Rodrigo that we got it. You don't want him to give the 'I've been the family chef for many years' speech." She tried to mimic the man's thick accent when quoting him, even putting on a gruff voice while doing so in the hope of amusing her daughter.
Snorting, Weiss grinned and elbowed her mother. "Silly Mommy. And Rodrigo's a Faunus, he should just be glad to have a job at all."
As soon as the words left the young girl's mouth, her mother's expression darkened slightly. It was like hearing something direct from her husband's lips. Clearly, he had been talking badly about Faunus around their children, something that time and time again she had begged him to avoid. She shuffled slightly on her chair. One hand slipped under her daughter's chin, picking it up so their eyes would meet.
"Honey, you shouldn't talk badly about people like that."
"What?" Weiss's eyebrows drew together in confusion and mild fear as she stared back into her mother's dazzling blue eyes, unable to escape the instinctive feeling she was in trouble. "About… but Mommy, I didn't talk bad about people, just a Faunus."
"A Faunus is a person, sweetie. They're no different from you and me."
"Of course they are! They have weird ears, and tails and stuff! That's why we call them 'Faunus' instead of 'normal people'! Why are you being so weird?"
After hearing such atrocious words, she allowed a moment of silence to fall. Certainly, there was a reason for the Schnee matriarch's strange mood. This gala was not the ideal venue to address something like this, but she couldn't stand to hear her own daughter spouting such nonsense another second. The woman swallowed, gaining her breath to talk again.
"Darling, there's something I need to tell you."
"You're scaring me," Weiss said softly, brows drawing together. "Mom, wh-what's-"
There was no time for her to complete the sentence, or for her mother to tell her whatever had been weighing on her mind. That was the moment the White Fang chose to attack.
The lights cut off. Right away, the room was filled with concerned gasping, even the odd yell from the squeamish and cowardly attendees. But the ordeal was about to get worse. Those few screams started to increase in number as the room began to fill with various other noises. Sounds of metal clashing against the tiles, grunts of anger or outrage, or pain. The odd report of gunshots and flashes of light, though not bright enough for a human to see what was happening.
"Mommy!" Weiss wailed, her white-blonde head flipping back and forth as her eyes slowly adjusted to the low light. "Help, what's happening?!"
Thankfully, she had kept hold of her daughter when the lights cut off, and managed to throw her arms around her when the screaming began. There was no way she would be able to see an exit in time on her own, as her eyes had yet to adjust to the darkness.
But perhaps her daughter could. "I-it's going to be alright, sweetie! We're just going to go to… to your room! Yes, let's find your room! Tell Mommy where to go!"
"What do you mean?!" Weiss screeched in alarm. "I… I don't know where to go, I'm n-not a grown-up! What do we do, Mommy, what do w-"
At that moment, the girl was torn from her mother's grip by a lithe and imposing figure and cast carelessly aside. In his other hand was a chainsaw, and below his mask was a deranged and bloodthirsty grin.
"Mrs. Schnee, I presume?"
"WEISS!" she yelled out in terror, eyes finally beginning to compensate for the lighting… and the sight before her was not one she wanted to see at all. Despite being trained in combat, once upon a time, her weapon was absent. She assumed she wouldn't have needed it in the middle of a formal affair. 
How wrong she had been. But her daughter's safety was her priority. As she looked back over to her, she shouted, "Hide! And don't come out until your father or I come to find you!"
Nodding frantically, Weiss started to edge away – only to see the chainsaw flash toward her mother's chest, catching just slightly on the sleeve of her gown and rending it open. The man sneered and took aim again.
"NO, MOMMY!" Weiss shouted, flinging herself forward-
Only to feel a blinding pain when the back of his gauntleted fists collided with her face. He did not strike with excessive force, he did not turn to attack her again. It was a very basic strike that routed a momentary annoyance. But far too much for a child to weather. Weiss crumpled to the floor in a tiny heap, sobbing and clutching her face.
And that was what made her mother snap. Immediately, the woman crouched low, darting aside away from any frontal attack, only to then deliver a swift kick to the back of his knees. No, she didn't have her weapon, but that didn't mean she was going to let anyone harm her daughter.
"Don't you dare touch her!"
A growl erupted from the man's throat as he went down on all fours momentarily, but he didn't stay that way long. Executing a quick forward roll, he sprang back to his feet and whirled to face the Schnee matriarch, teeth bared.
"Feeling protective of your clan, are you? Interesting. I'm very protective of mine, as well. That's why I'm going to make sure you, your husband, and everyone else at this party never live to see tomorrow."
"You think you can just… waltz in here and kill a Schnee?" she scoffed, slowly pacing around the man before her. Although it would seem she was trying to intimidate him, the truth was that she merely wanted to keep his sights away from Weiss. If he was bent on eliminating her, the last thing she wanted was for her daughter to get caught in the crossfire.
Meanwhile, Weiss was beside herself. Her first thoughts were for her mother and father – though she couldn't seem to locate him in the mayhem. Briefly, she worried about Winter, but she was safe up in her room, being too immature to conduct herself in such social situations. Therefore, all she could do was hold her hand against the stinging cut on her face and look on in horror as her mother battled this strange man and his ominous weapon.
"I think I can try," he growled, surging forward and lunging for her with the point of his weapon. She leapt aside, just barely avoiding the rotating blades as she felt the air being pushed by its movement against her shoulder. This time, there was no strike back. There was only time for her to flick a sharp word back at her daughter.
"Do as I say! NOW!"
A frantic nod. "Okay, Mommy! Be careful, I love you!"
The words tugged at her heart. It rendered her motionless. To see her daughter in so much fear was enough to bring tears to her eyes. Especially when realizing she didn't know what the outcome of this night would be.
"I love you too, my darling – now go!" she shouted. Although time seemed to slow down for her, it certainly would not for her bloodthirsty opponent. She was completely off guard in that moment. As Weiss ducked between two patrons struggling with two White Fang members, the man stalked toward her mother and raised his weapon, teeth bared.
"For equality."
    Blake was right to have been afraid. She was right about this not being a normal raid. This wasn't even thievery at all; it was a bloodbath! As more and more bodies hit the ground, Blake found herself staring out over the room, holding herself perfectly still. Shock was keeping her frozen in that spot as the chaos ensued around her. Not even the sound of guards marching toward the commotion was enough to make her move. She could barely believe the sight before her. Humans were dying right in front of her eyes. 
No – people . People just like her. What had been advertised to their ranks as a protest was nothing but pure, unapologetic slaughter.
"Blake, do your best, but remember to stay down and out of the way whenever possible," her father was still coaching her as they fought off a few of the battle-challenged patrons. "You're only along to observe and get hands-on training wherever you can, not to prove yourself! What do we say about pride?"
Her gaze turned back to her father. She heard him, but with the amount of chaos ensuing around her she barely understood a word. All the girl wanted to do was run, run as far away as she could and hide.
But she couldn't. If she ran from this conflict, what would happen during the next, or the one after that? Even so, she couldn't force herself to fight, either. Instead, she quivered on the spot, her top set of ears firmly pinned back in fear.
"D-daddy… I d-don't… this isn’t r-right…"
"No time for fear!" he snapped angrily. Not just angrily – worriedly. All too well, her father knew that fear could only lead to a hard downfall. "Fight! Fight the fear, and fight our enemies! Show me you're a Belladonna!"
“I… c-can't!" She clenched her eyes shut, hands grasping her ears as tightly as they could, pulling down on them hard. Her cat ears were extremely sensitive to sound, and hearing the gunshots and screaming didn't help at all. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't block it out.
One scream in particular caught her attention. It was higher pitched than the rest, and more of sorrow rather than of pain. That could only be a child! Why was a child at an official company function?! Finally, she managed to move her legs again, running straight in the direction of the sound.
    Both of Weiss's eyes were round as saucers as she stared at the ungodly sight of men and women hacking each other to pieces all around her. Over and over, she saw the bloody flag of the White Fang, felt it burning into her retinas. They were responsible. Everything her father had said about them was true; her mother's sweet words about them just being people had been wishful thinking. 
Never again would she forget what these monsters were capable of.
Screaming again as a platter sailed past her ear, she tried to duck under a table, to crouch there until the fighting passed, but a few seconds later it was toppled by an errant kick, leaving her exposed again. Breathing hard, she backed away from them, eyes scanning for a way out, for anything that could make this nightmare go away.
And that's when the Faunus girl saw the pampered heiress. Somehow, in the midst of all that carnage, another youngling of similar age to her, too terrified for her own good, was trying to escape. What kind of monsters would allow someone so young to go through so much fear?
"For equality." The words echoed around her mind again. This wasn't a plea for better treatment, this was doing to them what they had done to the Faunus. Revenge. It was reducing them all to the very monsters they so vehemently insisted they were not. It was letting the humans win. With those thoughts running through her mind, and the image of another White Fang member slowly closing in on the girl, Blake ran toward her.
Through tear-soaked vision, Weiss could just make out a younger boy running toward her, one with an unruly mop of black hair. Was he there to help her or hurt her? Maybe it didn’t matter anymore. She had taken a couple of preliminary fighting classes; if no one was going to save her, she had to do what she could. The back of her arm raised up and brushed away her tears as she stood shakily, prepared to fight in any way she could. 
Finally, she could make out the velvety ears amid the black hair; he was a Faunus. Instantly, her heart froze; he was going to attack her the same way that man had attacked her mother. The small dagger swinging at his hip seemed to attest to this.
"Y-you stay away," Weiss breathed as she began to back away, one hand raised in front of her. "This isn't… my father will kill you if you so much as harm a single hair on my head, Faunus!"
More fear began to settle in yet again. Someone would kill her if she touched this girl? But if she didn't, she could be killed, anyway! Just behind the tossed tables, one thing had caught her eye; a possible avenue of escape. Maybe for both of them.
"I-I know where we can hide!"
"Where we can-" Then she realized the Faunus was trying to get her to go with him. "As if I would go anywhere with you! Y-you just want to kidnap me!"
"Don't be stupid, why would I care about kidnapping you? That's-"
When another table was hurled just behind her, the ears immediately pinned back down against her head. Quivering returned to her legs while her eyes scanned the room – and then the man with the chainsaw was standing over both of them. Now, blood smeared the blade of his weapon, and he grinned darkly at the two small forms before him.
"The rest of the men are ransacking the mansion," he informed Blake moreso than the white-haired girl. Then he turned her attention to her. "And you, Schnee heiress. We should ensure that your father's tyranny and oppression will not be passed along to his descendants, I suppose. You're next."
"I… what?!" But she watched with wide, pale eyes as the blade rose higher and higher, aimed straight down for where she crouched, tiny and insignificant and a complete waste of space. All that training her parents had been coaxing her to participate in, all those times she had refused, or pouted, or put in half-hearted efforts to appease them before skiving off to do whatever she wanted. Squandered potential. Her handful of classes weren’t going to protect her against this killing machine. 
"P-please… please, no! I- I’m sorry, I didn’t- I don’t wanna die!"
Before the saw could slam down onto her, the other youth had dashed forward between them. Immediately, the smaller Faunus spread her arms and legs wide, trying to seem as big as possible, though it would make little difference compared to his size. Teeth were bared, ears pinned back, and whatever fur she had stood on its ends. She let out as loud a hiss as she could.
The chainsaw hesitated, head canted slightly to one side. "Kitten, you had better get out of the way. Grown folk are working here."
Another hiss followed, her amber eyes narrowing further. The pupils were now thin slits as her anger only grew. Anger that was replacing her fear.
"She's… a… child."
"She is, and so are you. Now, out of my way." Blake did not move. The man slowly raised his chainsaw, flat pointed in the direction of the young cadet. "Out of my way or you'll taste the same as she will, stupid brat!"
Everything was telling her to run. Her father would have told her to, as would her mother. Her brain was shouting it as loud as it could. But her heart said otherwise. Her hand reached to the small dagger in her belt as she ran toward the Faunus, leaping into the air before he could strike. The man's arm swung up to counter the swing of the tiny blade, but he was too late. It impaled itself in his shoulder, and he let out a strangled cry.
Behind Blake, Weiss screamed again, scrabbling backward on her hands until her back pressed against an upturned table. So far, so good; she had protected her. Instinct took over. Once the blade was deep in the flesh, the girl managed to yank it clear again, only to slam it down into his back. Thankfully, her strength wasn't enough to drive it deep… but she didn't do it just once. Her vision distorted, her hearing muffled as she drove the small dagger into his skin again and again, her own actions now beyond her control.
"NO!" came the loud voice directly into her ear as her father's hands curled around her wrists, stopping her flailing body. "Beebee, enough, he is down! Why are you attacking one of our own, have you lost your mind?!"
Unable to continue her assault, the girl started to breathe heavily, slowly allowing her vision to return to normal. Then she saw what she had done. The large White Fang member who was once her comrade was laying face down on the cold floor. Unmoving, with so many wounds in his back she couldn't even count them. Pressure was building in her stomach. The girl wanted to be sick, and made a choked retching sound as she trembled.
"No time for that," her father said, seeing that she was on the verge of losing herself in the confines of her own mind. "You need to hide; there are more guards here than we expected, and I can't fight properly thinking about your safety if you can’t focus. Take your friend and hide somewhere, I'll be back for you soon."
"Wh-what?!" Weiss burst out, shaking all over with twin tracks down her cheeks. "Friend? H-he's a Faunus, and he hurt that other man! I'm not going anywhere with anybody, I'm staying right here!"
The man glanced over at her. He? Who was he? Then he noticed her pale, elegant features and expensive dress: “A Schnee.” This was one of the daughters. A minor detail in the current moment, however. "You will go and hide if you want to survive this day. I'll leave that up to my pride and joy. Now move!"
"D-Dad…" She looked up with teary eyes at her father. Fear was setting back in once again, but hiding was still the best option. Not only would it protect Blake from any human guards entering, but it would protect the young girl from any other White Fang who might think her a prime target. Plus, as he had said, her father would have to spend far too much effort on protecting her if she could no longer fight. It was the only way. 
Grasping the younger girl's wrist, she dashed toward the wall as fast as her legs could carry her, managing to pull off the flimsy cover of a nearby air vent with a firm pull.
"In here!"
"Wait, let go of me, let go!" But Weiss did not truly put up a fight, and soon she was being tugged behind the ventilation grille and watching the Faunus youth replace its cover after them.
For a long moment, she took in the features before her. He was certainly a slender boy, with delicate features that didn't seem to fit with the fierceness of his amber eyes or the severity of his haircut - or the blood smeared all over his face and clothes. The white-and-black outfit seemed to be made up of rags and patches. A true peasant, and one who may or may not have had a bath in the past week.
Despite having protected her from the mighty chainsaw wielding member not long ago, the Faunus seemed to no longer be concerned with the young heiress. Instead, his gaze was fixated through the vent. He watched fearfully as two guards entered the room, both holding their guns at the ready as they searched the area.
"You see a Faunus, kill it on sight."
"N-now you'll get it," Weiss hissed quietly. "Eventually, they're gonna find you and get you for trying to attack my family."
"Shh!" Blake snapped, concentrating on watching what would happen just outside the vent. But to her horror, the guards were walking closer to where her father had started to hide. If ever there was a moment she wished people could read her mind, it was now.
"Dad, run," she whispered, ears beginning to lower in fear.
"Wh… why did you do that?" When Blake didn't respond, Weiss crawled forward and whispered, "Boy… hey, why did you hurt the other Faunus?"
"S-stop falling me 'boy'!" she snapped, turning immediately to face the heiress head on. Big mistake. This time, the voice of the guard was obvious.
"I just heard something over here, by this rubble!"
"But isn't he your friend?" Weiss asked, oblivious to the impending danger. "You're both Faunus, but when he came over, y-you hurt him instead of letting him hurt me. I don't understand."
"Shush!" she couldn't help but snap, glaring angrily at the girl for a short moment. That was until one of the guard's legs was suddenly blocking half of the light into the vent. Then a hand joined it. They were about to be discovered!
A blade shot forward and gouged into the arm of the man who had come within inches of discovering them. When the man whirled, keening in agony, Blake's father brandished his weapon again. "Long live the White Fang!" And with those words, he dashed away, the guard giving chase.
"Wh-what?!" Weiss burst out. "I- what just happened?!"
"Dad!" Blake screamed. Once again her ears had pinned back as she tried to spy out of the small spaces between the vent slats. It didn't take superior hearing like hers to catch the rain of gunfire that followed once he had run away. She wanted to run back out, to help her father. But how? If anyone saw her, she'd be dead. The thought was enough to make her grasp her ears tightly again, pulling them flat against her head.
The words were very quiet now from the delicate girl with crimson blood smearing the left side of her pale features. Even as Blake spared her a brief glance, she swallowed and whispered, "That man, who stopped you from stabbing the other Faunus before… he's your father?"
Her breath began to come faster again as she gazed out worriedly. Swallowing the lump in her throat back down, she stuttered out, "Y-yeah. It was just… supposed to be stealing… I-I didn't want to… to kill anyone, or… it wasn't supposed to be like this!"
Weiss inched closer, tugging at her rescuer's sleeve. "Boy, did you really do that t-to save me? I need to know that! Because if you did, I'm in debt to a Faunus, and th-that's unacceptable!"
The feline ears on her head perked back up again. Yes, she saved the girl's life, but apparently this was not just any girl. The comrade she killed had said something before he was about to strike: 'Schnee'. She had just saved the life of the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company. The very company the group had set out to bring down.
"…I saved a Schnee?"
"You did. For me, you… and now they're going to get you. Because you were with them." Fat tears were sliding down Weiss's cheeks. Balling up her fists, she snapped, "Why did you have to attack my family, anyway? Why can't you just learn your place, I… I don't like that we got attacked just because we're successful!"
"You think that's why we attacked you?" the Faunus snapped, her own fists clenching tightly. "Out of jealousy?! Does your daddy show you who he forces to work in the mines? Didn't you always wonder how your company was producing so much before these machines were built, despite him not having very many human employees?"
"Because he's a leader and a smart businessman!" Weiss shot back, folding her arms over her chest. "I… what do you mean, how they produce so much? The Schnee Dust Company pays their employees, and they mine the Dust! That's how it works, you know!"
"You think it's that simple?" Of course, that's what the world also thought. That's what they knew. But there was far more to it that was hidden from public. "The humans stay above the ground, collect the Dust, and refine it to be sold. They don't mine anything themselves. Your daddy forces us into the mines, down into the deepest most dangerous caves to go mine it. We barely get paid, but we have no choice! It's that, or starve!"
True anger vibrated in Weiss's limbs as she crouched behind the vent with an enemy of everything her family stood for. "At least we'll pay you, filthy Faunus! You should be thankful for it instead of… of talking about my father that way! He's trying to help! Why are you so ungrateful? It can't be that bad down there, anyway!"
Blake's ears pinned back once again, hair stood on end as she glared evenly into the blue eyes before her. "Two years ago, a cave collapsed. Do you remember how the papers said no one was killed, and yet production slowed rapidly afterward? That's because there were six hundred Faunus in that cave. Six hundred of us were… were gone. And he hid it! Covered it up and pretended it never happened!"
"Six hu…" The fury faded, but Weiss's words were still clipped and irate, even as her face slackened in utter shock. "No. No, you're lying – more lies meant to advance the Faunus agenda. Th-there's no way… not six hundred of them. That's too many."
"That's how many were found…" Now the bite in her own words started to soften. She found tears starting to well up in her eyes, having to sniff to keep herself from crying. "There were probably more. Up until then, your daddy wasn't going to pay for those machines. It was only when the caves were investigated he was suddenly interested in making them!"
“No, no, Boy, don't cry!" she whispered frantically. "You're wrong, but I don't want you to cry! Stop it!" When he only continued to glare at her, sniffling, she put her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry about those people, b-but you have to be wrong about my father, okay? He didn't… he wouldn't do something like that."
“Then where is he now?" she asked. Any father would have shown up the instant they thought their daughter was in trouble. "Why is it me, the Faunus, saving you? Why didn't he?"
At those words, Weiss looked down at the bloody palm of her hand, where she had been holding it to her face a moment before. Weiss's father always had his weapon at hand. There was no reason for him to have not been present. "He… he must have had other things to do. Mommy protected me, though – and just because you saved me doesn't mean you're good and he's evil! That's not fair!"
"I'm not good! N-not anymore…" She looked back down at the bloody knife in her belt, ears folding. A tear fell from her cheek. "I'm a murderer, and… they're going to kill me, aren't they?”
The heiress knew the answer to that. It was written all over her features; no matter how much she tried to pretend that the Dust Company was a paragon of virtue and could never do any wrong, she wasn’t completely naive; if they got hold of a blood-spattered Faunus child, things would not look good for said child no matter who spoke on their behalf.
"You don't even look very Faunus. Just… those floppy kitty ears."
At that comment, Blake reached to grasp her ears again. She had never been concerned about them before, they were something most of her family had. Her grandfather, and mother, and now her. They were beautiful in her own eyes. But now, they were a death sentence. If any of the guards were to see them, she would be done for. No matter her age.
"Okay." Weiss had made her decision. As she reached up and began to unravel the bow from atop her head, she said, "Just to be clear, by no means does this make us friends, but… I don't want you to get killed when the only reason you're still here is you were trying to help me."
"W-What are you doing?" she asked, staring at the ribbon now in Weiss's hand.
"Repaying my debt," Weiss said while draping the ribbon around her ears, tying it very carefully into another bow. "Maybe they won't notice anything else – but you'll have to leave your sword or they'll get suspicious. Maybe you can come get it later, though."
"I don't want it… not anymore." Almost instantly, she took the blade from her belt, only to throw it down onto the floor of the shaft. Why would she want it? Why would she want to harm more people?
Weiss fell silent as they listened to the echoes of the sword bouncing in the shaft until they faded. "H-hey… you did what you had to. You saved my life." Then she seemed to realize she was defending the Faunus and finished tying the bow, stepping back. "Ooh… wow."
When her hands had left, the Faunus’s own reached up toward the material covering her ears. It was as if they were never there; her ears weren't big enough for the bow to look odd or misshapen. In fact, it felt rather comfortable. Perhaps that would make her seem more feminine, as well.
"D-Does it work okay?"
"It does." A slight rouge crept into her alabaster cheeks. "You almost look like a girl with that on. Pretty Faunus." Then she seemed to come back to herself and glanced through the slats of the ventilation grille. "Y-you'd better get going; the faster you get out of here, the safer you'll be. Maybe I can explain to my father that you saved me, and you're younger, so he might let you go – but we have to get to him first instead of the guards. He'll listen to me."
Despite wanting to correct the girl about her gender, the Faunus said nothing. She only smiled when she headed back toward the vent, pushing it back open again. Her gaze turned immediately to the doorway which not too long ago, her dad had run through to lead the guards away. The sounds of gunfire had long gone. Perhaps he got away?
"What about my dad?"
Though she didn't seem to believe her own words, Weiss said, "He'll be fine; he's an adult. Okay, ready?"
The noisy little Schnee was right: her father was the Ghira Belladonna, and one of the strongest, most skilled warriors the White Fang had seen in decades. She knew he would be alright. Eventually, she turned back to the white haired girl, nodding. "Lead the way."
Taking a deep breath, Weiss stepped from the air vent and took Blake's hand in her own, steering them through the waiting crowds. A warmth spread through her chest when she did so; something about being with this Faunus felt right to her, made it seem as if everything would be okay again before too long. That puzzled her, but she tried to ignore it; they had to find her father.
And they did. As she deftly avoided a man being carried away on a stretcher by two medical personnel, she saw her the spindly, white-haired man talking to one of the senior guards about the situation and waved in his direction as she raced ahead, letting go of her saviour's hand in the process.
"Father! Father, here I am!"
Any normal father would have turned to the voice instantly. Would have ran over to her as fast as they could and lifted their daughter into their arms, grateful to find them alive and well. But this was Jacques Schnee. And, as per usual, business came first.
"I want every Faunus in this building dead, do you understand?" It was only after giving the command that he turned to face his daughter, a smile slowly perking to his lips. Too slowly. "Weiss… Thank goodness!"
"I was so scared!" she grunted as she collided with his legs, burying her face in his stomach. "Th-the man attacked Mommy, and then another Faunus stopped him, and then another Faunus stopped that Faunus from hurting the first Faunus too much, a-and I-"
"Slow down, darling! It's okay. The guards are getting rid of all of them now." Jacques knelt down, wrapping his arms tightly around his daughter as she nuzzled her face into his neck. "I'm so glad you're alright."
Weiss took a long moment to soak in the warmth and safety her father's presence afforded her. Comfort after a traumatic experience. Then she pulled back and said, "Oh! Father, I want you to meet the boy who saved me! He's right…"
But the Faunus with the bow was nowhere to be seen. Weiss craned her neck this way and that, but to no avail. She opened her mouth to call for him – and then realized she couldn't remember his name. He was like a prince from a legendary tale, darting into her life to save it and then away again, fading without a trace.
"I never got to say 'thank you'," she breathed.
'He' was long gone. Blake ran as soon as Weiss's father made his promise to get rid of every Faunus in the building. Sure, she was allegedly safe due to her disguise, but her father was in great danger. There was no way he could hide himself when he was wearing a White Fang uniform, and had been seen fighting against the Atlas guards.
"Daddy?!" The screams echoed through the hallways as Blake darted her way through. The manor seemed to be a maze; it was huge. What if she never found him?
The sound was coming from behind an overturned grand piano. One hand was visible beneath its bulk. When turning toward the weak voice her eyes widened in horror. 
"DAD!" The girl ran faster than she ever had before toward the destroyed piano, hands frantically pushing away the broken pieces of wood and metal springs to free him from the rubble. But the sight would only worsen.
The sheer amount of blood soaking through the man's shirt was enough, but added to that was the darkness still seeping from a hole in his shirt. Small nicks covered his face and hands, and his breathing was shallow and ragged. The hand not holding his stomach together reached up to grip Blake's thin shoulder.
"Listen to… me." He paused to hack violently before continuing. "Blake, you have to make it back to… the hideout. The foot locker; take… Gambol Shroud. Your mother would want… you to have it."
Her amber eyes stared right back into his, tears pouring forth from her cheeks, head shaking slowly. "No… no, you have to get up! We have to go home!"
The smile was so resigned that it was literally painful to look at. "Sorry, Beebee. It's not going… to work out that way. But you be strong for me, okay? You…" Again, he broke off to convulse, turning away so he wouldn't spray red droplets onto his daughter. "You can't trust humans, but don't do… what happened here today. This was wrong. You be strong. Always fight the Grimm, and always fight oppression. Train hard. Make… me proud. Make us all proud."
"Please don't leave me! I don't want to be alone," she begged, this time wrapping her arms around his shoulders, nuzzling into him. She didn't care about the red that would permanently stain her clothes, nor that anyone could come around the corner and see them. She needed the last of her father's warmth.
As he embraced her for the last time, he whispered, "That bow… smart thinking. You look beautiful in it, Beebee-girl."
"Daddy…? Dad?!"
The arms wrapping around her turned limp; the movements of his chests ceased. His eyes closing one last time. Shaking her head frantically, she grasped the collar of his shirt, trying to hold him up, to shake some sense into his bones. But Ghira was already gone.
"Wake up! Wake up, please, you have to! DAD!!!"
0 notes
itsclydebitches · 2 years
If you could choose any member of RWBYJNPR - including Pyrrha, let's assume an AU where she's alive - to replace Oscar as Oz's host, who would you choose?
Cool question! Having given it some thought, I think I'd have to go with Ren. For a bunch of different reasons that, when combined together, I think could potentially work well:
It's another guy host so we dodge the complications of slamming Ozpin into one of the girls' heads (something that, while compelling, isn't an issue I think RT should tackle)
But this time it's someone the fandom is already familiar with and, though a background character compared to Team RWBY, Ren is already well established while also being kind of a blank slate? Pre-revenge arc Ren was still pretty open-ended in terms of characterization while simultaneously having some basic traits that fans enjoyed. He seems like a good balance between someone the fandom feels like they know and someone whose personality we wouldn't mind changing a bit as a result of the merge
Immediate reason for why Team JNR is sticking around for the war/helping our primary protagonists when arguably the story should have left them behind by now
Interesting tension between Team JNR and Ozpin where they have to reconcile their teammate housing the man who (according to Jaune) is responsible for Pyrrha's death. Take the hints we got for that in the canon — anger at the fireside, accusing Oscar of being Ozpin in disguise, etc. — and expand it into an actual arc for Ren
Imo Ren is one of (if not the) most level-headed in the group. He's a good candidate for dealing with this kind of nonsense
On the flip-side though, tie that into his "My semblance is literally shutting down my emotions, so guess how well I'm handling the erosion of my identity? Not well, thanks!"
Back in Volume 4 Ren demonstrated an interest in souls, semblances, and how powerful skills reflect one's identity. Move that conversation back a bit and like Blake's book, it could serve as foreshadowing
Literal orphan whose entire family now consists of Nora and (to a lesser extent) the rest of the RWBYJNR team, so we're not left with any questions like, "Oscar just ditched his aunt and she's never mentioned again? Really?"
Also unlike Oscar who lacks long-term goals, Ren is established as wanting to be a huntsmen. Much like Pyrrha becoming a Maiden, this is (presumably) just a different way to achieve the primary end goal of helping Remnant, though the merge could be used to delve into the specifics of what Ren is looking for in his life
It's Ren who shows up on Ruby's doorstep post-Fall of Beacon, looking for Tai and Qrow so that Ozpin can get his cane and regroup. Handy that his new host knows the daughter/niece of two inner circle members! Cue Ruby eavesdropping on the conversation and deciding that she's going to get involved in whatever all this is
Perhaps an arc where Ren and Nora separate/don't officially get together because Ozpin has now made this into a trio. Personally, I like Renora as a couple and yeah, we saw in flashback that Ozpin has been in relationships before, but it's still different when it's the young adults in the flirting stage of the relationship managing their ancient headmaster as a third wheel. Nora still decides to figure out who she is without the both of them and ideally (for me anyway) Ozpin gets his own body/is released from the curse by the end of the story, giving them the freedom to come back together now that they're more mature, more experienced, and know that this is indeed what they want
Ideally Ren's Volume 8 views on them screwing up could be handled respectfully, with the added bonus of that being a very "like-minded soul" moment. Out of everyone thus far, Ren has displayed the most willingness to both accept fault ("I have made more mistakes than any man, woman, or child") and think about their actions on the large scale. Prior to being convinced that he was wrong, Ren is 100% the kind of guy who can step back, take stock of where his good intentions went wrong, and make changes moving forward
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fallinglikemagic · 3 years
Penny, obviously
Penny my beloved 🥺
Favourite thing about them: wait I have to choose just one- uhhhh let me think. Does it count as 'one thing' if I say her entire personality? She's a sweetheart and she cares so much about people but also I love how she doesn't hesitate to stand up for herself. Like, she's kind but she's not a pushover - she gets angry, she gets annoyed (V8E5 is a great example), she's a sweet gentle angel but at the same time if you hurt the people she loves she WILL fight you. The duality of Penny 😌
Also I just always love robot characters
Least favourite thing about them: pLEASE STOP DYING MY HEART CAN'T TAKE THIS orz
Favourite line: "Do hugs always make you feel this warm inside?" is a big one, very emotional, very sweet. But at the same time I also really love "That doesn't bother you?" and "I do not see what is good about any of this" from Volume 7, when she and Winter are on the way to take the Maiden powers from Fria. Also shout out to her "Trust me" to Jaune in the finale being one of the lines I cling to a lot in terms of hope and theorising about her revival.
brOTP: All of Team RWBY. Gimme that 5-person team dynamic please-
Also Penny and Winter are sisters and you can't convince me otherwise
I also really adore the concept of Penny being close friends with (either AU or post-redemption) Cinder. I just feel like they have the potential for a really fun and interesting dynamic (also I do have a theory about Penny being involved in Cinder's redemption arc, I've discussed it in servers a couple of times with friends, if enough people are curious I might try to put together a post on here? A lot of it is barely comprehensible rambling but honestly that's how most of my theorising goes)
OTP: Frosen Steel all the way, my favourite ship in the whole show, just *chef's kiss* I love them so so much. Very close second place to Nuts & Dolts and Frostbyte, though that's probably not exactly a surprise
nOTP: Other than the illegal/uncomfortable ones...I'm not super comfortable shipping Penny with Winter due to the fact that I very solidly see them as siblings. Like, objectively there's nothing wrong with the ship but my perception of them as practically sisters makes seeing them in a romantic context kinda weird...
Random headcanon: She calms herself down by stimming with her hands, usually rubbing them together but sometimes running her hands over soft textures (sometimes with gloves off but sometimes keeping them on because otherwise it'd be sensory overload). One of her favourite ways of doing this is by running her hands through Ruby's hair.
Unpopular opinion: Penny is not and never has been human. Just because a creature bleeds red blood does not make it human and I will die on this hill.
Also she's definitely not staying dead, she's gonna come back and I think she's most likely (from a narrative/storytelling perspective) going to tend up being some kind of mix of organic and robotic in her final body. Idk how unpopular this is but I'm including it anyway
Song I associate with them: [looks at the notes I wrote about why I chose certain songs for my RWBY playlist and how 158 of them are ones I connect to Penny] uhhhhh... [looks to the other side to see all the analyses in my head of how at least half of the songs on the RWBY soundtracks can apply to Penny in some capacity] uhhHHHHHHH
Okay so, aside from Friend, some big ones are Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons, Battle Cry by Beth Crowley, Fix You by Coldplay (Ruby perspective but talking about Penny), and many more
Favourite picture of them: Honestly this entire scene is just beautiful
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For that ask game: Z, V, and L -⭐️
L:  Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging to write?
Honestly nothing gets to me that much. I’ve got a very good separation between myself and my fics, waxing poetic about rage aside. I think the one scene that’s made me genuinely respond to the words on the page is the one in Rewind in which Isshin silently comforts Ichigo while Ichigo is suffering from a PTSD-fueled nightmare.
V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you?
God, so many. On the funny side there’s that one that called Adam Batman and I still haven’t recovered lmao. On the other hand, one of the few people who reviewed Odds of Survival mentioned how one particular scene gave them chills. I love hearing people’s physical reactions to my writing, so that one stuck immediately. Pretty much everything the person who read and reviewed nearly every chapter of the Deus trilogy said. One person left an essay on a Rewind chapter and I still think about their analysis of how I write future!Ichigo. Genuinely their review made me a much more self aware writer and I can’t thank them enough for that. It’s a blessing that I have so many to choose from 😊
Z: Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?
What fic writer doesn’t have one of these lol. I think Continuum is pretty slept on now that it’s complete. Outside of RWBY I’d say To Ignite the Stars is very overlooked, but it’s also a pretty drastic and niche AU that I haven’t updated in a while so i can understand it.
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bmblboop · 3 years
Struck Like Lightning
    (Contains spoilers for RWBY Volume 4)
Absorb Electricity. He felt something, not an emotion, just a gut-instinct. With everything that had happened; every coincidence that led Nora, that Grimm, and his family to Kuroyuri that night, he knew, somehow, that this phrase on his arm was connected to… something. It must be important.
The following is the introductory chapter to a Semblance-Soulmate AU in which a name or description of someone’s semblance will appear on their soulmate’s skin. The concept of a ‘soulmate’ is discussed in-universe and is treated as less of a one-and-done deal (nothing is 100% predetermined in RWBY). I plan to elaborate more on the Semblance mechanics if I end up finishing more chapters.
I am posting this in commemoration of Renora Week 2021 because this chapter features Ren and Nora! Let me know if you enjoyed it!
The days and weeks after the fall of Kuroyuri allowed Nora and Ren time to readjust and explore new parts of themselves. Ren’s sudden companionship had brought out a new side of Nora; she had someone to talk to, someone to bounce ideas off of. Someone who didn’t judge her or pretend she didn’t exist. Nora often took the lead when following the trails and roads, in hopes of finding them someplace else to stay. That town had never felt like a home to her, but to Ren, it was everything he’d ever known. He was quiet, but observant, and getting better at his newfound abilities, which gave them both a sense of comfort. They didn’t have to fear the dark so long as they had each other.
One restless morning, the two were walking east, caught up in conversation.
“…so that’s why I think I like my hair short. Not that long hair is bad – it just gets tangled up in everything. You’re smart Ren, keeping it tied up like that.”
“-huh?” The sudden praise had caught him off guard.
“You pull hair up to keep it out of your face! I have no patience for that, so that’s why mine is short!”
“Oh, yeah. Do you think we could take a break soon?”
“Sure!” She scanned the treeline for a spot. “Ummm, let’s sit there.”
They made their way to a small boulder under the shade of the trees. Nora climbed up and sprawled on top of it to stare at the sky. Ren sat at the rock’s base and scratched his sleeve. His arm wasn’t itchy, but there was something-
It must have been the light of the fire playing tricks on my eyes he thought. He gripped his wrist tighter.
But something was nagging at him, something deep in his soul. To look again, to make sure it was just nothing. In broad daylight, surely if there was anything there-
Pulling his right sleeve back, Ren balked. On the inside of his arm were two words.
Absorb Electricity
“What? What is it?” Nora pondered, sitting up and leaning over.
“Absorb-? What do those words mean?”
“What words?”
Ren turned around. Nora was looking at his arm too, with a quizzical expression on her face.
“Those words!” he pointed to inky writing on his arm.
“I don’t see anything?”
Ren did a double take; looking at Nora, then back to his arm.
“If you’re making a joke, I don’t get it.” Nora deadpanned, head propped up in her hands.
You don’t-? But it-? I’m not-? Ren dropped his arm and pushed the sleeve down. “It’s fine, I must be seeing things.”
Nora shrugged and turned back over, watching the clouds gather above.
They found a rocky overhang to camp under for the night. Nora passed out pretty fast; she had gotten a lot more comfortable sleeping through the demon-filled nights with someone by her side. Ren just stared at the embers of the fire and let his thoughts wander.
I know they weren’t there before I met her. Before… that night. So where did it come from?
A distant shriek echoed over the valley, and Ren could feel his heart beating in his ears. Immediately, he was awash with the calming greytones of his semblance. The scream turned to baying. A Beowulf then, probably alone and several miles away.
Exhaling slowly, he returned to color, the gears in his head returning to the question of the mysterious words. He looked at Nora, her deep sleep undisturbed by the distant Grimm calls.
I also never had this power, this courage, before that night. I feel like there is something…
He gripped his arm. Absorb Electricity. He felt something, not an emotion, just a gut-instinct. With everything that had happened; every coincidence that led Nora, that Grimm, and his family to Kuroyuri that night, he knew, somehow, that this phrase on his arm was connected to… something. It must be important.
And what does electricity have to do with anything?
Climbing over a mountain in a thunderstorm was never their intended route, even less so when a stray bolt pierced the heavens and struck true.
Nora collapsed, and so could have Ren from the shock. Without thinking, he ran toward her - her body lying still and crackling with electricity. To both of their surprise, Nora was alive. She sat up, singed but supercharged, and no worse for wear other than some temporary hearing loss. (Which she demonstrated when she inadvertently screamed in his face: “Wow Ren, I lived!”)
Together, they settled into a rocky alcove further down the mountain to wait for the storm to pass. Once out of the rain, the pair took the time to laugh away the adrenaline. Safely out of the storm, Nora shouted to the sky, taunting the Gods that had tried to kill her and failed. The thunder only grumbled in response. She traced the thunderbolt-shaped markings the impact left on her with her fingers, and watched them fade away over the next few days.
It felt dream-like, the week following the storm. Perhaps it was just the stress of surviving something so scary, but Ren felt stronger and closer to her than before. One night, curling next to the fire, he began to lay his head on his arm to go to sleep. Out of curiosity, he pushed back his sleeve and stared at his arm.
By the light of the campfire, his skin was blank - the words were gone.
Perhaps, he pondered, that was just a warning. It told him that lightning was going to strike, but she would be okay. Perhaps the words disappeared because they were fulfilled, like a destiny that had come to pass? He was too tired for this, his eyelids were growing heavy. He pushed the thoughts away and drifted to sleep.
Years later, when the two survivors worked their way into Beacon Academy, did all the stars align. It was at lunch, with their team and their friends of team RWBY.  Pyrrha had brought up the importance of balanced meals when Yang interjected that Jaune had taken all the chicken nuggets.
“I did NOT!”
“Then why is it the only thing on your plate?”
“BECAUSE, um…”
Ren looked back at the textbook, tuning out the argument and glancing over the chapter’s topic for next class. His preemptive studying was interrupted with an elbow jab to his ribcage.
“What?” he said.
“We should be social, you know.” Nora scolded under her breath before turning to the group and gesturing with a boisterous “HEY!”
A sinking feeling in his gut began to form. If there was one thing Ren could never figure out about Nora, it was her immunity to social anxiety.
“Not that taking down a monstrous Nevermore and giant Deathstalker isn’t bonding enough, but I think we should get to know each other better!” she exclaimed. “Anyone know a good ice-breaker?”
Their leader Jaune perked up, “Ooh, how about everyone’s favorite movie or franchise?”
“Too broad.” Weiss replied.
“How about our weapons? I bet everyone has a cool story about theirs!” Ruby added with a glint in her eyes.
“We could talk about our favorite books.” Blake offered.
“Ha, everyone knows the best ice-breaker is sharing semblances,” Yang smirked, “and your semblance-soulmate.”
Pyrrha choked on her salad. Ruby groaned and leaned back in her seat. Blake visibly stiffened.
Breaking the silence, Jaune scoffed. “C’mon, not everyone knows that.” He then rushed to clarify - “It’s not like it tells you their name. You could walk right past them and never know!”
“Yeah,” Ruby pouted, “and maybe some of us don’t want to deal with that extra layer of existential dread.”
“Aw, but that’s what makes it exciting!” Yang teased.
“That’s what makes it agonizing!” Ruby retorted, “Knowing you have a compatible life-partner somewhere in the world and your only hint will disappear when you meet them?!”
“Hang on a second.” Ren interjected, “I thought we were talking about semblances?”
“We are, but y’know…” Weiss was tapping the inside of her arm. “…the Semblance mark.  It can only be read by the person whose skin it appears on, so sharing that knowledge would be another way of bearing your soul to the world.”
“It’s highly personal.” Pyrrha nodded in agreement.
Yang put her hands up in defense. “We don’t have to share them. I just suggested it because it’s so personal. It’s like the fastest ice-breaker in the world.”
Yang’s awkward laughing aside, Ren was still lost. Luckily, Blake picked up on his uncertainty and continued the conversation fluidly.
“It describes the semblance of a person you are destined to come across. According to popular belief, that person is your equal – your other half so to speak.” Blake’s voice then dropped into a hushed monotone, gripping her wrist. “Of course, some people believe strongly in it, while others prefer to forge their own path.”
“Right,” Jaune jumped in, “there’s no rule about marrying them or anything.”
“So it’s more of a suggestion, then?” Nora asked in confusion.
“I find it all very poetic.” Pyrrha said. “I’ve heard that your soulmate mark will disappear after you meet them. After that, it is up to you to forge that bond in person. Nothing is set in stone; it’s a path you can choose to take.”
“Whoaaa.” Nora mused. “Wait, how come I never got one!?” Nora was on her feet in surprise. “Is it possible I didn’t notice?”
Ren was only half listening to the conversation now as the puzzle pieces aligned and clicked together. Words. Semblances. Partners. Those letters he nearly blocked from memory, blocked with the rest of Kuroyuri... didn’t they mention something about electricity?
Two semblances tied together. Two souls cross paths and find each other’s company.
It is pretty poetic, isn’t it?
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rocknroll7575 · 8 months
Jfom club ozma salem daughters thoughts on Adrian as your new step brother.
Wynona: *Holding Adiren like a stuffed animal* We love him, We always wanted a baby brother!
Aurora: Yeah! Though... I have this strange feeling that we do...?
Serana: Yeah... me too...
*Meanwhile in the "Choosing Sides" Universe*
Jaune: *Sneezes* Ugh, are you guys thinking about me?
*Floating around him were much older versions Wynona, Aurora, Serana, and Odeletta watching him eat while also doing their own things*
Odeletta: We're always thinking about you Baby bro!
Wynona: And always watching!
Aurora: Well, except when you're alone with that girl, who we're still very hesitant to let you date, mind you!
Jaune: What's wrong with her!? I think she's great!
Serana: Jaune... she tried to rob you the first time she met you
Jaune: Ok, so we didn't meet on the right terms, but that doesn't mean anything!
Wynona: May I remind, dear brother, that she left you for dead when you were face to face with White-Fang
Jaune: She came right back!
Odeletta: Oh gods he's like father!
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mikotyzini · 3 years
The club credit skimming case from today's chapter of CoI reminded me of a side quest from Mass Effect, and now I'm curious:
I'd you were to write a RWBY crossover AU with any other fandom or whatnot, what might you choose?
If I was writing a crossover crossover (incorporating the other show's characters too), I'd probably go with something like She-Ra or LoK so that I can add more wlw relationships! I think that'd be a lot of fun.
Or Harry Potter. But like...just the universe, not those characters.
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spectralscathath · 2 years
First Lines Meme
Tagged by @jadekitty777! Thanks so much this was fun!List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns, and choose your favorite opening line. Then tag up to 10 of your favorite authors!
Currently all rwby fics, oops.
20. “What’s in it for me?” He asks, breath catching in his throat and tasting like blood. The heat of the fire devouring his home is on his back, eating away at every memory held in those walls. Setting it on fire wasn’t what he meant to do, but he can’t regret it.
Regret was for the weak, and Mercury Black wasn’t fucking weak. (Talaria- Mercury Black Introspective)
19. Ren sat in silence, his father’s dagger off his arm and held in his hands where he could observe it, gently tracing the curve of the blade with his eyes. He could feel Nora’s presence in the room and felt more uncomfortable with it then he had in a very long time. (Highest Fall You'll Ever Grace, vol7 Lost Licence AU)
18. Tyrian practically skipped along, tail swishing in the air behind him as he reached the end of the hall. He turned to survey his trail of destruction, robots and prison guards turned into an art form of anguish and shreds. He clapped to himself, a giggle bubbling up in his throat as he went back to grab himself a souvenir, blood clinging to the bottom of his boots as he stepped in a sluggishly growing pool of it. (Remember That I Am Thy Creature, FrankenClover AU)
17. Robyn looked out the front window as the van slowed to a halt, barely holding back a curse when she saw Clover Fucking Ebi standing in front of their truck, bold as brass. “Alright, rookie. Looks like we’ve got an obstruction of justice in our way. Keep an eye on our six, but stay close. I’ll do the talking.” (Foxglove, Lucky Shot Roleswap AU)
16. Tai always found it ironic to the extreme that in a world where pretty much everyone was named after colours, everything was always monochrome unless a hilariously specific set of conditions were met. Namely, someone had to find their soulmate, if said soulmate or mates existed. Even then, soulmates were a tricky business. (Everything's Grey 'Til it's Painted Blue, Irontai soulmates AU)
15. James kept his pace as he left his office behind, leaving his Ace Operatives to keep team RWBY under control while he set off to oversee his plan. He pressed the button on the elevator doors, stepping inside as he ran through his options, trying to see clearly through the aftershocks of terror that still gripped him. (Without Regret, I'd Offer Up My Life, Fria Ironwood AU)
14. “This is Dr Victoria Shell, lead scientist on the R.O.S.E project.” Victoria talked into her recorder as she looked over the blueprints laid before her, all the notes given to her at the ready and an ample supply of material she could turn into this proposed android. “I have compiled all of Dr Polendina’s and Dr Watts’s notes on aura and prosthetic construction in order to streamline the process. Summer Rose agreed to donate a sample of her genetic material, which we will be attempting to infuse into this creation in order to access the Silverlight Mrs Rose can produce.”
She set her recorder to the side, rolling on her gloves. “Let’s begin.” (The Personal Recordings of Dr. Shell, ROSE-6 AU)
13. Hazel had left the room.
Mercury stayed perched in the alcove he'd lodged himself into, the Grimm muscle pulsing around him as he used the flesh and sludge to hide where he could in this place. When fighting and running failed, Mercury fell back on hiding. (Run Boy Run, This World is Not Made for You, Mercury Black Introspective)
12. Cold.
No. Not drowning. The blood had rushed out of him too quick to drown.
Thick liquid sat heavy in Clover’s maw, and he didn’t need to breathe. Pain was his world, tearing him apart and putting him back together again, making him anew, better than before. (Clover Leaves and Fallen Trees, Grimm Clover and Maiden Elm AU)
11. She wakes up and it is quiet.
Just silence. A pale sky. (What Does It Mean, To Be Unyielding, Villain Elm AU)
10. “Loyalty always matters!” James’s voice cracked as he yelled at Weiss, his panic reaching a fever pitch as everyone else snapped and snarled at each other, raised voices all he could hear as his hand fell to his gun.
The bag on his desk exploded and his gun was pulled from the holster in an instant, his weapon trained on the threat before he even registered there was a threat. The grimm’s tentacles lashed around the room as it floated high above his head, red strands writhing and coiling as everyone darted back from the creature, the brewing arguments falling to silence in their shock.
General Ironwood... (The Devil and The Huntsman, Irondeath)
9. "You're giving the lamp back to us?" Ruby asked, brows furrowing in confusion as James held out the relic. He thought it was a good idea, at least until the vault could be safely opened.
"Who better to safeguard it than the people who already protected it?"
Ruby reached out, hand resting on the relic, before she shoved it hard against his chest, looking aghast as she darted back like it had burned her. (Fria's Day Out, Fria Ironwood AU/Crack)
8. Ozpin felt the tugs of Ozma's magic at the corners of his mind, the limbo of their incarnations finally broken as a like-minded soul was bonded with.
He awoke in the back of someone's mind, still bleary as though he was physically waking up from a deep sleep. The mindscape was quiet with a forced calm, tension like pulled strings threading through the soul of this new individual and ready to snap at the slightest touch. (Like-Minded Souls, Indeed?, Oz!Mercury AU)
7. Yang stared at the picture of team RWBY, running her thumb over the image of Blake as she sat on the edge of the bed. She could hear the birds outside, light streaming in through the windows as she heard her dad and Sun chatting outside. Heels clicked on the wood outside her room, a soft knock on the door forcing her eyes away from the picture. (Without a Trace to Lead Me, Solarglare)
6. Weiss blinked awake, a quiet inhalation the only outward show of her nightmare. She took a moment to calm her racing heartbeat, trying to focus on her breathing before it corrupted into sobs. She reached down, a hand clasping over the pale scar through her ribcage to affirm that there was no wound, no blood. (Through It All, Freezerburn)
5. Mercury scowled as he rifled through his mail, dark circles under his eyes from another sleepless night. He could see the names of other tenants that had gotten mixed in with his mail, placing those on the reception desk of the apartment building. Junk, junk, something for Jaune, restaurant advertisements aka more junk, and a bill. Whoopty-fucking-doo. (Drawing Silver From Stone, 88 Days Modern AU)
4. Blake watched as the last rays of light shone over Menagerie, cutting through the tree leaves with a gold sheen that was almost tangible. She sighed to herself, looking down at a scroll empty of signatures. Still nothing. No matter how much she tried, it seemed that the people of Menagerie just couldn’t bring themselves to worry about a human kingdom.
Even though she understood the reluctance, that didn’t mean she had to like it. (There's Starlight in Your Smiles, Blacksun)
3. Raven is the leader of the Branwen Tribe, and she is invincible. She’s stronger than anyone else. She’s stared death in the face and made death blink first. (Just Close Your Eyes, Raven branwen Introspective)
2. The Patch landscape rushed by them as Yang changed gears, Bumblebee’s engine roaring as the motorcycle sped up. Ruby clung a little tighter to her sister’s midsection as they leaned into the next turn together, grinning wildly. “Faster, Yang!”
“You got it, sis!” Yang revved the engine as the motorbike weaved through the trees, racing through the patches of sunlight that broke through the foliage above. (Antares, Scorpion!Ruby AU)
1. "So you're his son," Cinder mused as Mercury's home burned behind him. He could see the lights dancing in her eyes, turning vibrant orange to hellfire. The girl next to her looked at him in disbelief and wariness, her eyes flicking down to the body at his feet, Marcus’s grey shirt stained the same bloody crimson as her gaze by the end of it all.
"More or less," he shrugged, every part of his body aching, forcing himself to stand upright instead of crumpling on damaged legs. Marcus’s son.
It wasn't technically a lie.
Wasn't true either. (M80-495, Clone Merc AU) *coming soon*
So it seems that I tend to have a preference for immedately setting something up, whether it be scene, tone, or simply making sure the characters are immediately clear off the bat. Starting with a punch is good but optional, but what matters most is getting the personality across, whether it's a fast fun action romp or a slow introspective.
My favourite is probably the opening line from Like-Minded Souls Indeed, because Ozpin (and his magic) is a very fun perspective to write in but anything in Mercury's PoV is great too.
If you want to try this, you're tagged!!
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oscar-lime · 3 years
Evil Oz / Salem reincarnates AU?
I'm not super sure what to call it yet... info under the cut because I've been planning this one for awhile now.
Feel free to ask me any questions about it!
• The rules for immortality are different. Salem maybe ends up in a soul different from hers that is meant to help her learn and grow. Maybe Ozpin has to live forever to learn a certain lesson as well (trust? Honesty? Just based on something he is known for doing wrong... I'm not sure on this one yet.)
• Instead of a merge, the more dominant soul in the body will eventually gain most of the control. The other will start to struggle to be in control at all until they are just a voice in the back of the other's mind.
• Salem took control of most of her lives by force... she hated not being in control. Oscar was her youngest host, and she ended up thinking back on her children... so she is now trying to make sure he is himself, and trying to make sure he ends up the body's main soul for a change. Even a heartless monster sometimes feels bad when she realizes her next life is a child.
• Oscar can control grimm, but it takes time and practice. Salem's magic is also extremely powerful, so he struggles to hold it in now since he does not know how to control it at all. (She just really wants him to hit the point where he can control the hound.)
• When using Salem's power to control grimm, Oscar's veins temporarily turn red/black (it's a gradient of both colors)
• "Hello Oscar, I'm Salem. Now leave this sad little farm and go to my castle." "*loud screaming*"
• Hazel is the one to realize Oscar is the next Salem. He has her inner circle. She gained them in slightly different ways in her past lives.
Hazel: Ozma sent his sister into another kingdom, then staged her death and made it appear to be a murder to cause conflict between the kingdoms.
Tyrian: Salem wanted someone ready to kill and cause destruction when she needed it. So she offered him the opportunity to kill whenever he wanted (as long as he followed her orders and didn't kill any of her allies.. she always provides him with grimm or prisoners to harm) and for her to hide him away from the law.
Watts: He could make whatever he wanted and she would provide the materials, but in return he had to help her with technology anytime she requested.
Cinder: She was offered revenge. Salem explained what huntsman and huntresses truly are to her, and offered to help her become strong enough to take revenge on the ones who ignored her when she needed help the most.
Emerald, Mercury, and Neo all still followed Cinder.
Roman was actually hired by Ozma for that whole thing with the trains, along with Adam and the White Fang. Ozma chose to destroy his school like that KNOWING it would cause conflict.
• Ozma is immortal. His inner circle is not actually aware of what he is planning. He wants to watch humanity tear itself apart.
• Of course even if they learn of Salem's existence and unite, it still benefits him since they would be fighting against her, and he could use the tension to draw in more grimm and doubt between the nations
• Oz is ALWAYS subtly feeding Ironwood's paranoia. He hopes James will cause a war for him amongst humanity.
• STRQ originally, like every other huntsman and huntress, believed they were doing good. They had no idea Ozpin had been manipulating all of humanity and the academies just to do his bidding. Some "criminals" are truly innocent. They just stood against Oz in someway so they were wanted dead or alive. If he gets them alive he makes sure to make them regret even daring to stand against him... and of course he doesn't want word spreading.
• Raven left when she found out Ozma's true intentions.
• Tai just settled down with his family and is staying out of it. He figures he has time before the world ends, Ozma can't work that fast right? His kids would totally have time to grow up. (He was heartbroken hearing them say they want to go to Beacon)
• Summer actually discovered Ozma's plans, and was killed for trying to fight against him. She wasn't aware of Salem, so she stood up to him on her own.
• Qrow couldn't believe Oz was bad, not after everything he'd done for them. So he stayed around. Ozma has his inner circle tricked into believing he is saving the world.
• Oz still gave out his magic. Two watchbirds are very helpful after all. The maidens are human, the potential they have to cause chaos and destruction is amazing! Plus then the relics are hidden, so Salem CAN'T summon the gods.
• Jaune died. Pyrrha found out something was fishy when she was supposed to be getting the maiden powers, so she got out of the transfer machine with her semblance when she and Jaune realized. She started out fighting Ozpin, but Jaune ended up taking her place because he had the big shield and told her to go warn the others about what was going on.
• So after the fall the group still travels on, just now they want to get the relics AWAY from Oz and to a safe place. They join up with Oscar + Salem's crew eventually
The lamp is the reason Qrow turns against Oz. When they ask what he is hiding the backstory reveals how he began to hate humanity with time, and the joy he took in watching them fight and destroy each other. Qrow is shattered by the truth since he was supposed to be the one hunting the kids down, but he then decides he has to protect them... and apologizes for not believing them.
Oz still has the upper hand though. Salem only has the fall maiden (the one with the hardest to find relic anyway), some henchmen, and a bunch of children. Oz has humanity already starting to argue and nations not trusting one another, plus the academies at his command. Atlas is going nuts because Ironwood is much more paranoid since Oz has been feeding into that.
• Leo did actually still have connections to Salem. His family was sent to live in her castle for their protection, and in return he snuck her team into Beacon. She gave the orders in her old vessel from her castle. But she made her way there around the fall because she wanted her team out safely. It's not always easy for her to find new minions after all, and she didn't want to lose the fall maiden.
• She had a team in the school to try and figure out what Oz is planning, exactly how he tricks the students, and where the relic might be hidden.
• Leo ends up killed by Qrow (poor bird man), as he is one of Ozma's most loyal followers before he turns and considers what Leo did a horrible betrayal.
The Atlas arc goes EXTREMELY different. Penny is sent to actually hunt down RWBY and co at first, but when she sees it's them she doesn't fight them very hard. She doesn't want to take them... they get away, and encounter her again when they head to Pietro for Maria's eyes. She prepares to fight them, but Maria and Pietro quickly stop both sides. After a long explanation of everything, Pietro and Penny are on their side (since Pietro already could see something was fishy just from his work on the inside)
The happy huntresses recongnize the main cast as fugitives right away and absolutely love them. They weren't sure what these kids did, but placed more blame for the main groups criminal status on authority instead of the kids. The group was happy to have allies to stay with and work with behind Ironwoods back.
Monstra pulls up (Atlas was raised, unfortunately) and RWBY, NOPR, and Qrow are like "Yeah that... that is our ride."
There was definitely still some bloodshed in Atlas. Qrow almost convinced Clover of the truth... buuuut then Tyrian happened and Qrow had the same reaction...
Now the group can't leave Atlas because Mantle is struggling and Qrow and Robyn got arrested.
Oscar is kidnapped by Ozma. He is trying to learn what Salem is planning, where she is hiding the relic of knowledge, and where she is keeping now her two maidens. Out of Oz's inner circle, he chooses to trust Glynda to do the right thing since for obvious reasons, Hazel is not torturing him this time around.
Oscar's outfit is different this time. Orange is his main color, so he keeps the orange. Maybe he gets some sort of cape, but with long sleeves for the cold he tosses over his farmer outfit. He could be influenced by Salem since she is a part of him without realizing and maybe change the gloves to red, and have some red (or red and orange) on his cape. I'm not sure the exact colors yet. Basically though his little cape thing is a jacket that just... doesn't really go past the sleeves. It was the only thing I could think of that wasn't just another hood, and the cape seemed fitting because of Salem's subtle influence. (Oscar does not want to kill people, Salem has no problem killing people. She will forcibly take control of him if she feels he is in danger.)
Silver eyes work a bit differently here. They are basically angels, and their power works best on grimm. However, if they begin to truly believe a human is just as bad as a monster or see them in the same light (even without realizing) they can do a bit of damage to them as well (Maybe turn a bit of them to stone, blast off part of them, badly burn them, etc.).
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Looking Back
[Lasting Embers au spoilers]
A constant in life is that life is constantly changing; a concept known to any huntsman that were worth their salt on the battlefield. As well as anybody who chose a dangerous life style. For Adam, it was the second constant in his life. The first was the stary void that dawned over him with its trillions of stars. It might be the only real perk of night watch. It was his turn to keep an eye out for any enemy that could’ve been following him and the rag tag fever dream of a team he found himself with. When Jacquelyn told him life is a story that goes the way each person decides, he never imagine somehow he had written a story that would lead him to helping members of team RWBY, their families, and his as well. Crazy for sure but hey, crazier had happened. This didn’t even make the list.
Yang approached him from behind with two mugs in her hand. The both of them were ordered to watch the forest clearing from the tree line. Ruby was dead set on making sure the two of them were in sync enough to fight together if things got hairy. Yang could think of a million other ways to spend the night but she wasn’t about to complain and handed him the coffee.
Yang:One coffee, black. If you’re going for something gross to keep you awake then I understand.
Adam:I told you black so you couldn’t slip anything in it.
Adam:Joking, I wasn’t serious. Mostly.
Yang:Your humor is more bitter than your drink. *sips* you should try to be more grounded.
Adam:That was terrible. We can’t both be bad at this or I might die from boredom alone.
Yang:Stabs to the chest didn’t end you. I doubt puns will. I’d be upset; could’ve gotten rid of you a long time ago if they did.
Adam:What can I say? I’m one lucky bastard.
Yang:I’ll say....
The blonde bruiser sat down with her head supported by her hands. Being here was awkward, too awkward. Neither of them really continued speaking. One watched the fields whil the other star gazed. Adam would sometime steal glances at Yang’s arm before going back to mapping out the sky. Yang let out a long and over the top sigh. At this point, talking to Adam couldn’t be as unbearable as saying nothing.
Yang:We should play a game.
Yang:You heard me. It’ll pass the time. Besides, I’m positive Ruby will keep sticking us as partners if we don’t even pretend to get along.
Adam:Who’s pretending? I made my peace with my thoughts on you a long time ago. If I hadn’t then I wouldn’t have entertained the thought of looking over your daughter for over a decade.
Yang:Hmm is that right? Well, can’t say I’m not entirely over that hump.
Adam:This makes the fourth of fifth time you’ve told me that. You need new material. Freeing Jackie, me, when I showed up at your home, the train ride; I get it. Messaged received.
Yang:Tsk, no need to sound smug about it.
Adam:I’m not. I just don’t see a reason for you to state the obvious. You don’t forgive someone who shouldn’t be forgiven. What, are you upset because people like your sister don’t share the sentiment?
Yang:Why bring Ruby up and not Blake?
Adam:Like I said, stating the obvious. How are you two though? You’ve had plenty of time to properly bury that hatchet.
Yang:We’re just fine. Even before this whole cult shit.
Adam:Good. It’s already insane you two “killed” me and didn’t get together. I’d feel some type of way if you weren’t even friends. Talk about a let down.
Yang:You’re the reason- ugh, why the hell am I even trying to hold a proper conversation with you? I might as well pull my hair out...
Adam:....The hate game.
Adam:It’s the game I wanna play. You and another person take turns talking about something you hate about the other.
Yang:That....sounds so stupid.
Adam:That’s the spirit, I’ll go first. You’re really loud all the time. Ever heard of a inside voice?
Yang:That’s rich coming from the screaming goat. All you ever did was scream Blake’s name.
Adam:All you ever did was scream in general. I hate how you always seem to butt into everything. It’s one thing to help a friend but you like act like you have a right to have an opinion on people you know by association.
Yang:I don’t need to know much about a terrorist to know you’re terrible.
Adam:I hate how you haven’t realized this is the first time you’re judging me by the crimes I committed for the first time, instead of claiming I was nothing but fake towards Blake and Ilia.
Adam:Everything is personal with you.
Yang:Says the hypocrite.
Adam:I won’t deny that. You feel better or you got more on your chest?
Yang:We’d be here for years if I said it all.
Adam:Then say the important ones I know you wanna say. “I hate that you’re still alive.” Or is it “I can’t stand your dismissive attitude?” The fact anybody like me was given a second-
Yang:I hate that you’ve spent more time with Yujin than me...
Adam:Oh....hmm. *lays back*
Yang:Got nothing smart to say, jackass?
Adam:Hey if you raised my kid with me barely around, I’d hate you too. Can’t fault you for that one.
Yang:It’s a twisted joke really. So many people to look over her from afar and it’s you. What was Sun thinking?
Adam:We were under staffed and things got ugly really fast. Decisions had to happen quickly. Plus the threat was clearly too unknown and dangerous to half ass anything. They killed two of you after all.
Yang:It would be wise to keep that incident out of your mouth. Ruby might tolerate you but that’ll change before I can even lift a finger.
Adam:Now you’re warning me? I thought your sister stomping me out would make your day.
Yang:Dude...shut up.
Adam:....What happened to your uncle and friend was terrible, sorry.
Yang:Ugh, even you saying that feels so wrong.
Adam: Please, thank you, and I’m sorry aren’t that hard. It’s not even new. The white fang wasn’t all snarls and chanting like you think. For awhile I pretty calm there.
Yang:The key word being “awhile.” You murdered your own.
Yang*grits teeth* That’s all you say? People keep saying you’re different left and right and yet you don’t seem even a little regretfull. You’re sipping coffee and staring at the stars as if you hadn’t spent most of your life ruining other’s! What part of that sounds like a change of heart!?
Adam didn’t break his attention away from those stars. If he did, Adam would’ve no doubt seen how irritated Yang was. Her eyes burned red as she waited for an answer. Yang’s coffee was even boiling.
Adam:Regretting doesn’t bring them back, or the most heartfelt apologies. It just stirs anger. You wouldn’t feel better about your arm if I apologize.
Yang:So you choose to not even try.
Adam:No, I’ll just convince Jacquelyn to get the relic of creation whenever we eventually go to Atlas.
A perfectly good cup of coffee falls out of Yang’s hand. Did she hear that right? Adam just said he planned on creating an arm with a relic, for her!
Adam:What? It made me an eye. Making an arm is far less complicated than that. I’d say that would be better than any words I could say that you wouldn’t believe anyways.
Yang:....It’s your turn again.
Adam:Ah, let’s see. Well, if I were to be honest I guess...it really bothers me how similar you are to your daughter.
Yang:The hell does-
Adam:Let me finish before you break my ribs. That kid of yours pretty feisty and passionate about so many things. She bugged me to help train her until I finally said yes. Yujin gets frustrated easily and gets really sensitive about certain maternal subjects; yet it isn’t like she doesn’t want to avoid those conversations altogether. Seriously, your daughter is a little bit of a mess, but a fun mess. That bothers me because for a split second I can’t help but wonder that maybe if you and encountered each other on the same side in the beginning...maybe we’d be decent acquaintances or something.
Yang:D-Did you just say what I think you just said.
Adam:Who knows? I suck with words. I’m gonna rest for a little bit.
He turned his back to her to avoid eye contact. Yang couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Was he embarrassed? Did he actually try some roundabout way of saying she was a good person? If only Blake was here for that. She would’ve flipped. Yang looked up the sky then back at the field; still nothing. When her guys went back to the stars it was curiosity.
Yang:Hey, were you staring a constellation in particular or something?
Adam:You can see Capricornus well from here. I joke all the time with Jael about that one since she’s into a shark faunus. Looking at it made me think about her is all.
Yang:Jael is your second daughter right?! I can’t believe I didn’t know that. I remember the first one for sure.
Adam:You were a little preoccupied to notice anything regarding Jael. Her and Yujin share a birthday.
Yang:No foolin!? Well how about that.
Adam:Yeah, life sure does like it’s jokes. I get a lot of flack if I’m not around for one’s birthday. Jael will get pouty and your daughter gets fussy. “You promised!” I’ve heard that too much.
Yang:Hehe, Jin might get that from me. It’s natural for your kid though. I know I wanted my dad around for mine. Even when I grew up and acted like I was too grown to really care, I wanted his birthday breakfast. Your kid looked like a real beauty.
Adam:Thanks, definitely got that from her mother.
Yang:Haha, don’t feel bad. Seeing Yujin with short hair made me think Jaune had another younger sister I just never met. His genes are way too strong.
Adam:Trust me, I’ve seen her with long hair and in the middle of a fight. I might’ve called her your name a few times.
Yang:Oof, that must’ve pissed her off.
Adam:No....she was actually surprised more than anything. Yujin never hated you Yang. Despite how she acted whenever your name was mentioned. I think she just wasn’t sure how to feel about you besides feeling lonely. I’m not any better with Jael. You wanna talk regrets, I don’t think I spent enough time with her the way I should’ve. Hopefully I’m wrong.
Yang:It’s very telling that you don’t regret your past but you regret something like that.
Adam:My past is terrible and dark, but it led me to my wife and kids. It feels wrong to regret it, so I’ll just accept it and carry on. Otherwise I don’t think I’ll ever have time to live in the present.
Yang:Geez, ever the drama queen. Though I can see a little bit of that view point. Still a spit in the face to people and yourself if you asked me.
Adam:The world thinks I’m dead and has made their mind up about me a long time ago. I go around taking down other terrorists and orginizations to keep them safe as a way to give back. I don’t owe the world anymore than that. I’m simply a remnant among Remnant. My regret is my kids have me as a dad. A kid should be able to talk about their parents and be proud.
Yang:Can’t argue with that. At least you stayed and are apart of their life. I can barely say that.
Adam:Helping save Remnant from another shadow war is a pretty strong excuse. Especially when the group has actually killed your family members. You’re just protecting them. Jaune and Yujin understand that.
Yang:....I hate that you’re not as terrible anymore. Reasonable you is too...
Yang:I really hope I don’t have with this for another ten years.
Adam:I give it two, tops. You have a maiden with you this time and me. I’ll just hit you so you can get stronger and wreck shop.
Yang:Hit me and I hit you.
Adam:I’ll block, now we’re both wrecking shop.
Yang:Jacquelyn must have the patience of a saint to deal with you.
Adam:Yep, she’s pretty great. Saved my life, saved my soul. Couldn’t ask for more. You two would probably get along.
Yang:Nah, we worked together once. Wasn’t the best experience.
Adam:I was kidnapped and you were both pregnant. I’m not the smartest person but I’m positive that was a recipe for disaster. She thinks you’re cool, really respect your virtues. Sometimes it feels like she’s quoting you unfortunately.
Yang:Oh, glad I left a good impression. Maybe I can have her whisper regrets into your ear. Seriously, I regret things like lying to Ruby about tiny things yet you don’t really regret anything?
Adam:My regrets take place before the white fang. They remain in the work camp I escaped from. It’s funny, Yujin reminds me of my little sister, Eve.
Yang:Are you telling me that you, Adam, had a sister named Eve?
Adam:When you live in a place devoid of hope or faith, you cling to it in any way can. So my mother named us to help maintain hers. Probably had something to do with the loss of our father. Can’t say, never met him.
Yang:What was your mother’s name?
Adam:Don’t know. I called her mom and the gaurds called her by a serial number. Even that’s a little hazy. Anyways, sis got caught in an mining incident; mother was gunned down because I furious at a gaurd that stopped me from saving Eve.
Yang:Wow that’s umm, heavy stuff. Is that how you...*point to face*
Adam:Yeah, called it my punishment for disobeying. As far as regrets go, it would’ve been nice to be a son and brother; one that got to actually have proper meals.
Yang looked at Adam stare deeply into the void of space. It was strange. Yang has never seen Adam look mournful before. His eyes seemed to get more lost in thought by the second. A part of her felt....sorry for him.
Yang:I’m sure they’ve watched over you since day one. Who knows? Maybe they’re the real reason you’ve survived so long? If I know a thing or two about little sisters and mothers, they’ll never let you rest until you clean up your act, hehehe. Ruby can vouch for that. I bet both of them would be proud of your end result.
Adam:That’s funny. It kinda sounds like you just tried showing me compassion.
Yang:Pfft, I think you may have brain damage you didn’t know about.
Adam:Oh it’s possible. Neo and Mercury have put me through some shit.
Both of them laughed and continued to chat aimlessly, unaware that Ruby and Raven were watching from their own vantage point.
Raven:Well look at that? Maybe the gods haven’t abandoned us if people like those two can chat like that.
Ruby:Looks like our colorful team has gotten a little more stable. Now if only Weiss can get used to Nora’s snoring.
Raven:That’s seriously on your to-do list?
Ruby:I refuse to lead my team poorly this time around. I’ll do whatever I can whenever I can.
Raven:Qrow and Oscar would be proud to see you back on your feet, the right way this time.
Ruby:Can’t mourn forever. This is the mission to end all missions. I’m going full throttle...
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briandthemoon · 4 years
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Surprise! I’m free of illness, my crops have been watered, and I finally coloured this! I dunno if anyone’s super into any changes or lil details that got removed/ added/ edited or not, but just incase, I’m gonna link to my original sketches post and just put any new corrections and such below!! https://briandthemoon.tumblr.com/post/611256006572408832/uploading-this-wip-here-too-you-can-see-both <<< [link to sketches and a buttload of character info] So the changes [though lets be honest, I’ll probably have made MORE changes in the final picture too]:
- For the purposes of the AU, I’m not sure how to tackle Deceit’s name considering the naming rule outside of ‘Deceit’ being just the alias he uses, but I have considered that he goes by a mix of “Eden”, “Ethan”, or “Peyton” when he has to give one. If his name gets revealed at some point, I’ll def update.
- I’m definitely going to rename Remus’ weapon to better fit his aesthetics, I was a dumbass not to realise it’d be better to link him to a villain like Ursula with all the tentacles. So yeah, his weapon will likely be renamed Ursula. Either way, I’ll work it out by the time I have their individual info cards done.
- I’ve also changed Deceit’s Semblance to be a bit more dastardly; he can just outright possess someone but it’s a lot to handle, so if he activates Trust In Me within 15 feet, he has full control of a victim [only one at a time in all cases mind you], if he’s up to 40 feet away with an unbroken line of sight, he can either control movement, or voice, but not both. The maximum time he can do either ranges up to an hour if he’s at peak health and is willing to take a hell of a recovery after for the former. And for the latter, it’s only for a few minutes at a time. Victims have no idea whats happening unless they’re face to face with Deceit at the time, of course.
- Logan’s semblance will be renamed to just BLU-Screen so it’s easier. Also I changed his hair, I just.... I love slicked back hair Logan. He’s precious.
- Not so much a change as an addition, but Virgil’s semblance is a nightmare to escape from, and he can choose how much it effects whoever he has trapped inside it. I.E. if it’s just to keep someone out of a situation but not hurt them, it’d just be like a box, however, he can absolutely make far more terrifying ones. It DOES really sap his aura but like.... it’s Virgil, self destruction is kind of his thing. 
_______ PLEASE DO NOT: - repost my art at all - you are not permitted to colour the lineart - you are not permitted to use this art as an icon or profile pic - do not steal these designs, I put a lot of work into them ;; _______ Sanders Sides © @thatsthat24 RWBY © Monty Oum & Rooster Teeth The art is mine! I hope y’all appreciate ‘em, I had so much fun ;w; 
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