#rose posting witch content? it's more likely than you think
fairyysoup · 1 month
beltane honey lavender chamomile possets
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Blessed May!! I know I don't normally post about witchy things too much but today I figured, in the spirit of one of my favorite holidays, I'd share the recipe I made to celebrate (featuring a bit of kitchen witchery). Possets are a traditional dessert that date back to the middle ages, and utilize cooked cream with lemon juice, gelatin, or egg as a stiffener to create a custard like consistency. This one uses fresh lemon juice.
🌷 four cups heavy/whipping cream (fertility and abundance)
🌷 1/2 cup honey (try using local!!) (longevity and sweetness)
🌷 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice (you want that b FRESH squeezed directly from the lemon's teet iykyk) (purification and love)
🌷 1/2 cup lavender flowers (love and peace)
🌷 1/2 cup chamomile flowers (love and peace)
(i used dry flowers for mine but i recommend fresh flowers for more oomf)
1. Combine your cream and honey in a medium sized sauce pan and place over low heat. Stir until well combined, then add your dried flowers.
2. Bring cream, flower and honey mixture to a low simmer, and then allow to cook for 3 minutes. The cream may bubble quite a bit- continue stirring and reduce heat if necessary to avoid scorching!
3. Once three minutes is up, remove from heat and stir in lemon juice. Mix until well incorporated, and allow to cool for just a few minutes.
4. Strain out flowers and pour the mixture into small jars or parfait glasses.
5. Refrigerate to set- roughly two hours at least, but overnight is optimal. If you're really excited you could try popping them in the freezer but I haven't tried that myself so use your own discretion. You just want the custard to set.
6. Top with flowers if desired and go crazy go stupid 💕
Enjoy the holiday and please reblog with pics if you do this, I'd love to see 🫶
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Magic for the working witch
Hello friends! I recognize this is a break from my current content series, however I have been working like a dog recently balancing university, work, social life, and medical problems so I felt inspired to talk a bit about the magic I do while working!!
To preface: I work 3 jobs total! one of them requires me to travel, One is a remote desk job, and the final one is a waitress! While I don't recommend this lifestyle, it is the one that I and many others have fallen into as life has unfolded. First of all, to all my hard working witches, you freaking matter dude. Your boss may not see how hard you work, but trust me you guys are hustlers! Its hard to balance a spiritual life with everything else going on but today lets tackle that!
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How can I cultivate magic, even with work/school/etc?
First, we have to find where the magic is within us and this is easier said than done. In previous post I talk about magical frameworks and theories and this would be a good time to put this to use! I believe that magic is all around and within us, we can harness it at any time, enjoy it! Even simply reflecting on the magic in your heart can be enough to feel spiritually fufilled. We as humans like acknowledgement, and when we just simply reflect on the magic around us then we tend to feel more fufilled but that gets lost on us sometimes.
Got it! What ideas do you have for me?
Lets think about jobs for a second! We have all sorts of jobs out there, desk jobs, standing jobs, hard labor, etc. I believe there is magic for every profession, type, etc, but that is a looot of jobs. so lets narrow it down to the three types I have experience with!
Travel + Speaking
these jobs include teaching, public speaking, management, and more. These jobs often are a form of public service but require an element of writing, desk work, etc. It also is somewhat a form of authority in the aspects of people looking up to you for information, conflict resolution, and more. Usually this job has a commute, a level of strong responsibility, and traits like leadership and confidence are seen heavily.
Witchy ideas:
As you wake up, get ready, and commute, give yourself a pep talk as a form of glamour magic. Bonus points if you make it a chant
Enchant your toothpaste to help your words carry
Keep crystals like angelite, Rose Quarts, and Pyrite close
Create a weekly spread to give you insight into the week so you can prepare as needed
Wear bright colors for confidence
Wash your hair with the intention of unblocking flow of words, and making things run smoother
Public Service
Public service are jobs like waiter, bank clerk, and floor salesman. These jobs require you to be informational, polite, and taking on a lot of side work in the process. Your job is to get someone to purchase something and help facilitate that, resolve minor conflicts, and honestly team work with both your coworkers and customers.
Witchy Ideas:
When you can: Don't wear socks with your shoes. A lot of dress shoes and work shoes can have hygienic insoles, and this can help facilitate grounding!
Create an oil out of a carrier oil, basil, thyme, and rosemary and you get a general 'workplace luck' oil!
If you work for commissions: Eat a mint, tic-tac, or sugar packet before work to sweeten your words to customers and get more sales
If you don't work for commissions: Place Vaseline or lotion on your elbows and knees to facilitate swift work and smooth customer interactions
Carry obsidian, super seven, bismuth, or chrysocolla with you
Keep a 'talisman card' in your pocket, pick a tarot card that resonates with your goal for work. My go-to's are the queen of swords, king of cups, the emperor, and the magician
Remote Work
Remote jobs are any jobs that can be done at home, and after the pandemic these jobs became a staple so many companies kept the position. These jobs could be done day or night, internationally or locally, and so much more. The best traits to have would be organization, punctuality, and perseverance.
Witchy Ideas:
Maintain a home altar where you do work to induce specific energies
Before a virtual meeting discussing important personal goals, set up an online vision board of what you want
Have a prayer or chant ready during a project to help it move along
Create digital sigils to deflect crappy co-workers
Use Tigers eye, ulexite, and yellow calcite to help the work day
Leave a tarot card on your desk as a talisman.
If you guys need any tips, tricks, or questions feel free to leave them in an AMA or in the comments below! Thank You! Tip Jar
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make-me-imagine · 7 months
Hi. Can I ask for a, Merlin ship. I hope you've been doing good. I don't care if you Post this online or post it privately. Take your time when doing this. I know all of us online have things to do in real life.
Features: I am a short woman 4'9.  I have curly golden honey-blond hair which goes to my bra-strap length, I have dark chocolate brown eyes, and a little bit of chubbiness in my cheeks. I have a butterfly-shaped scar on my forehead which is from skin cancer from when I was 5-6 years old.
Age: 19.
Name/Nickname: Madison, Ma, Papillon (Which means Butterfly in French), Piccolo Guerriero (Which means Little Warrior in Italian. I am part Italian and French on my mother's side.), Little Butterfly, Sunshine, and Little Rose.
Disorder/Disability I have: Dyslexia, Epilepsy, and Anxiety.
Personality: I am a sweet, loving, stubborn, caring, gentle, and understanding woman but if you mess with me/hurt me, my family, friends, or the people I love I become scary-scary.
Likes/love to do: I love to drawing/painting, embroidery, reading (I am a bit of a bookworm), anime, cosplaying, doing any type of math, loves plants/nature, and baking in my free time.
I don't like/afraid/scared of: afraid of Spiders, don't like people insulting or making fun of family/Love ones/Friends, and I don't like being yelled at because it scares me from past traumas and anxiety.
Style: I love to wear, off-the-shoulder shirts, leggings, jeans, button-up shirts, dresses, and once in a while a shirt with a long skirt. My home aesthetic is a mix between astronomy and witch.
The only other thing is that I wear a heart-shaped ruby necklace around my neck which was a gift from my whole family. I never take it off.
Prompts: "I don't care as long as you're okay." " How's my favorite (nickname) and unborn daughter doing?"
Thank you for sending another Commission ship <3 I hope you like it!
(Suggestive Content Below, Minors Do Not Interact)
-Commission Ships Info-
I ship you with Gwaine!
At first I thought of Merlin (which is still a very good match btw!). But then I thought, Gwaine would ADORE you. He would find your shy and reserved side adorable, your caring genuine loving personality would make him have heart eyes any time he sees you. Plus, when he see's you stand up for someone (a loved one perhaps) and you get scary, he falls head-over-heels, because he was NOT expecting that.
You constantly surprise him in the best ways and he hates being away from you. He is the type to boast about you to others loving when they feel jealous about your relationship.
He is protective over you and is very caring wanting to take care of you and he just wants to make you happy.
I can imagine you having magic in this world, or being an Apothecary of sorts. When Gwaine learns this, he finds you even more entrancing, and will make sure to keep you safe from anyone who might try to harm you. (Personal body-guard boyfriend Gwaine *swoon*)
Anytime he has to go on a quest with the Knights and King, he always brings something back for you. Whether it be books, food, jewelry, etc. He NEVER forgets to give you something when he returns. He is always thinking of you, and will buy anything that reminds him of you, or anything he thinks you will love.
He would totally called you Little butterfly, Little Rose and or Sunshine. He LOVES a cute pet-name lol, especially if it makes you smile.
Gwaine never yells at you, and if anyone so much as raises their tone with you he is there with the protective boyfriend glare, ready to defend you if needed.
Gwaine is (not to secretly) afraid of spiders too, but he over comes the fear for you, to deal with any invaders in your home.
His most treasured items are a painting you make for him for his birthday and a handkerchief you embroidered for him.
Also, you are a lot shorter than him, which he LOVES. He is not above picking you up and carrying you around (or giving you piggy back rides).
He is not afraid of PDA but if you do not like it he will not do it. Though please let him hold your hand or he will be sad.
(Not quite NSFW, but definitely suggestive oneshot below) 18+ only please!:
Prompts: "I don't care as long as you're okay." + "How's my 'nickname' doing?"
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Your mind was distracted as you stared out the window of your cottage, your eyes wandered to the passerby's in the street. You fiddled with the necklace around your neck as your mind ran wild with various thoughts.
You were so distracted, that you missed the grinning face that spotted you as they walked past the window and towards your door.
But when there was a soft knock at your door before it was pushed open, you didn't have to guess who it was. You peered over your shoulder to see Gwaine's familiar grin as he closed the door behind him.
His eyes naturally raked over you as he stalked towards you, happy to see you after the long day at the castle. You turned to face him with an equally gleeful grin.
Wrapping his arms around you, he pulled you to his chest as he grinned down at you, "And how's my little rose doing then, hmm?"
"Fine, feeling lonely though." You pouted playfully at him in a way you knew he loved.
His arms pulled you closer as he leaned down and kissed you, it was brief yet slow, and full of the passion he held for you.
You gently played with the unbuttoned collar of his shirt as he stared down at you, his eyes grazing over your face as if he was trying to memorize every tiny detail.
Since you had learned of Gwaine's latest quest, which he would be departing on the following day, you had a tight feeling in your gut. He had been on many quests, but you always felt the same way.
You knew he was strong, brave, and skilled, but he could often be reckless too. The fear of the danger he might face is what had been clouding your mind since you learned of it.
Besides the danger, you hated being away from him. A few days was manageable, but over a week and you would truly feel his absence. And this time, you had no real knowledge of how long he would be gone.
Gwaine seemed to notice your change in mood as he gently brushed some hair from your face, and tilted your chin for you to look up at him.
When your eyes locked he smiled gently at you. "Are you worried my love?"
You knew there was no point in hiding it, so you nodded softly, while trying not to seem too downcast. As sad as you were of his parting, you never intended to make him feel guilty.
His smile held a sadness in it as he gently caressed your cheek. He was proud of what he did as a Knight, but he hated leaving you behind for his quests, and he hated how worried you would get. Though he knew it only showed him how much you loved him.
"I go on many quests, and I always return to Camelot, yes?"
You nodded up at him, and he continued.
"Do you worry what trouble I might get into with the others?" He asked with a soft teasing grin.
You rolled your eyes softly, knowing he meant heavy drinking, pub fights, and trouble that would lead to black eyes and bandage hands.
"I don't care as long as you're okay. And as long as you come back to not just Camelot, but to me."
He grinned as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. "I will always come back to you Sunshine."
You wrapped your arms around his neck, "You better."
Gwaine nuzzled his face into your neck, and you weren't surprise when moments later, he began pressing kisses to your skin.
Between kisses, he spoke, his voice breathy as he refused to pull himself away from you.
"You know I never like leaving you. I despise it. I used to love going o quests, but now I hate the felling of not knowing when I will see you again."
"Do you resent me for that?" There was a soft, almost teasing tone to your voice.
You knew he did not resent you, nor hate you in any way, but you liked to tease him.
He pulled away just long enough to playfully glare at you. "Never. I love you all the more for it. You give me more reasons to come back safely."
"Then of that I am proud." You smiled as you ran yours hands underneath his shirt, along his carved stomach.
Gwaine felt a shiver up his body as you did this, and he almost growled underneath his breath as his hands gripped you tightly.
The once soft and ginger pecks, became lingering kisses. His breath became a little heavier as he was now possibly leaving soft purple marks along your skin as his lips trailed down your neck and to your shoulder where his rough hands pulled aside your collar. His tongue and teeth nipped at your skin and you let out a soft sigh as his grip around you tightened once again.
You hummed absentmindedly and he smiled against your neck before he rose to whisper into your ear, sending a shiver up your body.
"Perhaps I can distract you from your thoughts."
You giggled as he started maneuvering you to walk you backwards towards the bed. You let out a soft grunt as you fell backwards, with Gwaine landing on top of you. He held his arms out to stop his full weight from crushing you.
He grinned down at you before pressing a slow, deep kiss to your lips. An then he started peppering kisses all over your face, before beginning to trail once again down your neck and to your shoulders.
A warm buzz rushed through you as he eagerly began tugging at your clothes, wanting desperately to remove them. One thing was for sure, Gwaine was certainly very good at distracting you. Not that you minded at all.
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Game Tail’s Infantilization
P.T 1:What is Infantilization
Infantilization is the process of treating a person who is not a child as a child which can lead to a sense of dehumanization.
This is what Infantilization means in the common definition. However in the sense of fandom it has a far different meaning.
In the sense of a fandom,Infantilization means when you treat a capable character who can take of themselves as though they are a child in the sense that they are extremely innocent,incapable of taking care of themselves,and are needing to be supervised.
This has been done many times in many fandoms with characters such as Papyrus from undertake,Ruby Rose from Rwby,and the one I’ll be talking about today Tails from The Sonic the Hedgehog series.
P.T 2:The Fandom
Well Heres the part where I get crucified. So yeah it’s no secret the Sonic isn’t the greatest fandom on the planet.Hell probably one of the worst.
This is not to say that every person in the fandom is terrible because that isn’t true. There are some really great & talented people in the sonic fandom.
But we do have some really big problems but we are only going to focus on the one in this post that being the infantilization the fandom makes Tails go through.
One example of this that I can find being the Sonic & Tails brother bonding done on almost every Wednesday. This is not to say I hate the Sonic & Tails Bonding cause I don’t I love it. What I don’t love is when the content between them is all most always being Tails needing Sonic’s help and be incapable.
Which sadly is almost all the content between these two and of course I like the idea that Sonic will always help Tails but I don’t like it when it comes at the cost of Tails being in able of fighting for himself.
For gods sake Sonic,and Tails are a duo of equals and brothers not Sonic,and his lamb that needs constant protection.
Another example is that whenever Tails is paired up with another character that isn’t Sonic,he is almost always the one that is following. It’s never the opposite way around.
I think this is more of an effect of Tail’s age and people thinking since he’s younger he needs more guidance. But like even that argument falls to pieces when you actually look at Tails history and realize even before he met Sonic he was fighting off birds attacking his home and an evil witch and her cronies.
Likes he been in this hero fighting game longer than the most of the others characters had been a thought in Sega’s head.
Like for gods sake he’s been around for longer than 30 years and he still hasn’t been a player character in the modern era since Sonic the Hedgehog 2006.
(Edit:Yes I know Frontiers is making him a player character but that has been the first time in the modern era since the game I mentioned)
A final example is how Tails is represented in most Fandom made material. What I mean is that whether it be fan game,fan comic,or mostly anything fan related he is an more often than not a after thought.
Like in the 3-D fan-games when they say you can play as “Tails” they actually mean that you can play as the Tornado in a usually crappy flying section.
In fan animations he usually downgraded into getting the crap beaten out of him just so that the new villain can seem like the baddest dude around even Amy would usually be that character.
But I can’t entirely blame the fandom for this cause the only reason Tails has gotten such a bad rep over the years is because the company that made him. Yeah it’s time that we talk about the terrible treatment Tails gets from Sega.
P.T 3:Sega
Dear god does Sega treat Tails like absolute dogshit compared to other characters. Like if there disrespect being done to a character more often than not it’s Tails whose being disrespected.
First example is that they are dead-set on the idea of Tails being fucking incapable without his tech even though in Sonic 3 & Knuckles Tails completed the adventure without using a single piece of tech. Hell in Sonic Prime the only reason Nine is as much of a threat is because he has his extra metal Tails.
But like yes Tails likes using tech and some degree he should but he doesn’t need it to fight. I mean for god’s sake he took down Eggman’s mech in Sonic Adventure 1 without any tech and with just his Tails.
Like you really think the guy that is one of Knuckle’s closets friends wouldn’t have at least been taught how to throw a proper punch.
(Sidenote:Bring back Super Knuckles & Super Tails. We haven’t seen them since Sonic 3 & Knuckles)
Another example is that Sega wants so badly for Tails to be the weakest member of the group when in actuality it would probably be Amy considering she needs to be saved in almost all her appearances.
Like most of Amy’s game accomplishments are because she had help and even rescuing Sonic from was only because Tails cleared the path and was actually going to do it himself.
Then there the fact that Tails canonically is one of the only characters that is capable of being able to keep up with Sonic without any assistance from any type of technology. Like since his first appearance he’s been keeping pace with the blue blur for 30 years.
Which leads me into another example that being Tails being forced to be around Sonic constantly and almost never interacting with other characters.
Over the years Tails has been forced to be with Sonic constantly so that all the other relationships with others characters have fallen to the wayside to be forgotten and never used again.
Give me more of Tails & Wave’s rivalry.
Give me more of Tails & Knuckles friendship.
Give me Tails & Marine finally reuniting like they promised at the end of Sonic Rush Adventure.
Give me Tails & Omega having a weird friendship.
Like you see how many interactions we could’ve had if Tails wasn’t chained down to Sonic and never be allowed to leave.
But thank god they are finally letting him move on and maybe become his own character again and get his own adventures.
But that’s all so I’ll see you another time and maybe ask me other things you want me to talk about and maybe I’ll answer and do them.
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hermionesslut · 2 years
(hermione granger x fem!reader)
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author’s note : hru all!! sorry for the inconsistency with posting, i’ve had no inspiration but hope u enjoy and tysm for 500 followers!?
some parts inspired by: hermione is hot 🫀
some academic rivals to lovers (soon) smut for you all <3
content warning : nsfw, some angst, a little pinning, first kiss with hermione
ps; a lot of this is going to be tell not show, im not writing a novel lol but i’d honestly like to make like a mini fic that’s more slowburn yk? lmk if it’s something you’d read :)
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“Couldn’t stay awake during class?” hermione snobbishly asks.
“Too busy studying for the OWLS.” you’re smug.
“yea, i’m sure you need it.”
you inhale, god it’s too fucking early for this shit. you fight off the urge to tell her off, luckily for you watch as her hips sway off, grabbing her books, heading for potions. you admired the way she walked, she walked with purpose, and the way her arms swayed, you didn’t walk like that. you simply put on foot in front of the other. she had wonderful presence, you had to admit. some parts of her intimidated you, the way her eyebrows moved incoherent to her lips and with the movement of the way she talked. despite all that, you absolutely hated her, she was snobby, and rather rude. for instance, she called luna, loony lovegood. luna lovegood was about the sweetest person you knew. luna had forgiven granger, withal had happened. so you felt obligated to, too. it was petty shit you still held against her. you heard she had been bullied in the past, even now. your mind couldn’t wrap around it. she still rather ticked you off. most things about her did. it was the way she was consistently stiff, she always rose her hands with such haste. she put you down, made you feel some sort of less than, dumber than her when that couldn’t br further from the truth. you two were top of your class. and now with this, you knew she was going to hold this over your head for the longest time. you never-ever fall asleep during lessons but with the literal constant studying and stressing, it was hard to fight with the tiredness in your eyes.
you grab your books from the desk in the library and start heading behind granger, sluggishly. you of course had class with hermione next so you carried your legs down to potions and gathered with all the other students, a bit late you sat down and awaited your directions.
“Hello, everyone.” Slughorn says . “We have the final project soon, so we all need to be prepared, passing this won’t be a simple task..” hermione scoffs. “So I’d like it if everyone would all partner up, preferably in pairs, and take your books and….” Slughorn went on and on about the project, you and your partner barely had any time to even depart. Nonetheless, the second brightess witch of your age being your partner definitely had it’s perks. Potions were brewing in atmosphere and you could smell the putrid mugwort and every-time you added an element to the potion you could feel Hermione’s eyes on you. Your eyes never left her either. The days she would tease you, you’d find that your cheeks flushed. Mostly in distinction to embarrassment—or something like that. All you could think of at this moment was the dream you had a not even an hour before. There were very few bits and pieces of it in your head, that it was hard to put together.
Once Slughorn dismissed everyone, hermione pulled you aside, she took your arm, and you were suddenly in the dark corner of potion class together. She whispers “I hope you’ll soon enough find the energy to work on this project together.”
“You know i could do this in my sleep.” you smile, whilst she’s still holding your arm. you realize this and insistently pull your arm back. Hermione almost looks offended.
Anyway, now it was a about a week later, you and granger STILL were working the project. And she and you spent time pinching herbs and concentrating oils, pretending not to linger on touches. She was waking up early on weekends to get some time with you..for projects—obviously. Hermione invited you to the library, late at night where no one is coming in or out, for the silence. You made light conversation, you noticed some things you’d never had before, for instance, her eyebrows quirked every time she spoke passionately. And her voice is rather deep, and she talks extraordinarily fast. Especially when she’s upset.
You were in the Gryffindor common room with Harry studying. It’s just past sunset, and most people had left by then. You and Harry had to cram for an upcoming test. He says “I think i’m gonna go to bed, before my eye bags get any darker.”
“Goodnight, Potter,” you taunt.
“Goodnight, y/n.”
You were the only person left in the common room, well besides Hermione. She was always, always staying behind late studying. Hermione looks up at you and smiles, you and her usually read in pure silence. It was comfortable. At first it wasn’t, but time has been kind. You want to talk to her again. She had let her curly hair down and seemed rather relaxed, she had on a pink button up that fit her perfectly. It was loose and rather long, but didn’t cover her pyjama shorts, coloured lilac and flannel pattern. She’d seem more welcome, at least visually.
“mione?” A few days after you were assigned partners, she asked you to call her mione, if that was ‘easier’ for you. She said it’s what all her friends call her.
“mm.?” she glances up from her work. you say, “can you come over here, please? I kinda need your help with something.”
“Wow, you really need my help? I thought you were the brightest witch of our age.” Same old granger.. your face tenses up a little. “Oh loosen will you, mm? it was only a joke, baby, i swear.”
“you know you’re the brightest with of our age, mione.”
“you’re making me blush, y/n.” she giggles.
“im, it’s just- i- this..um, unit (idk if that’s correct lol) ..in muggle studies, i just.. i dunno. Maybe you’d have a better chance than me.” She nods her head and starts to head over and takes a seat next to you. why are you stammering so much?
“Well, it’s quite complicated, so it’s okay to not completely understand.” she reassures you.
she breathes against you, her pale knees grazing next to yours. you wonder if she thinks about you when your not having an conversation. or if she thinks about you when she’s about to fall asleep. you wonder if you’re the first person that comes to mind in the morning. but what did it matter? that certainly wasn’t the case. and you most certainly didn’t feel that way about her. but to tell yourself this didn’t feel..true. you were fighting the deep desire to kiss her right now. and maybe that told you everything.
after a little while, you were still having troubles with your work. but hermione had patience with you, she calmed you down. she didn’t make fun of you, oddly. you were smiling and giggling and you couldn’t help but be distracted.
“you’re so pretty, y/n, i mean the pretty where my heart hurts when i look at you.” she should really stop saying these things, it made you so confused.
“are you blushing, y/n,” she smiles.
“i wonder all the time of what your hands feel like, don’t you?”
“of course.” you mumble.
"do you think of what my lips feel like?” 
“why are you such a big flirt, mione?” you smile, trying to hide your flushed cheeks.
“oh, cmon, i know you do. i can tell by the way you’re always blushing around me and i can always feel you looking at me in class.”
“you’re delusional.” you uttered.
“please.” hermione moves from the very close seat near you where your knees touched and she moved to sit on the table in front of you. “don’t you want to kiss me, y/n?”
‘Incarceous’ suddenly as you were in your chair rope tightened around your wrists behind the back of the chair.
you were about to say something but hermione held her thumb to your upper lip. “Shh”, she whispers. you look up at her through your lust filled eyes.
“Have you ever kissed anyone before?” Hermione asks.
“It’s okay, y/n.” She similes. "I can teach you.”
Holy shit, this was just like your dream.
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obeymeluv · 3 years
QUICK! KISS ME! [Bros x Reader]
A lead-up blurb before I go to bed.
School is killing me. This has been in the drafts far longer than I wanted.
No offense if your name is Bethany. It’s a name I picked at random.
The follow-up piece will have the kiss scenarios.
Some of Asmo’s friends may have used you to get into a special makeup event, but it’s okay! They bought you a lip gloss as a thank you! The shade ‘Sealed with a Kiss’ was not what you thought it’d be
Being one of the first humans in the Devildom could be uncomfortable and sometimes down-right dangerous! It also had its perks. To you, that meant being close with the Seven Lords of Hell (and Diavolo). To other lesser demons and classmates, you were kind of a ‘get out of jail’ free card.
Were they late to class? Oh, just helping the human out!
Caught sneaking in food or drink when they weren’t supposed to? It’s to split with the human, of course! They thought you’d love to try it!
Everyone was keen not to overuse it and you’d actually made good friends this way. It was starting to feel less like an excuse and more of a way to be included. You were the friendly, reliable human that had won hearts and saved some asses. As a thank you, one of your closer friends (a repeat offender for lateness), invited you out to an exclusive makeup release. She was a VIP member and had early access an hour before the store opened to the Devildom public. 
The fact that she chose you, a human, over some LITERAL century-old friends caused a bit of tension but she could care less. “I’ve seen them every day for over a hundred years. You get one year, and we’re going to make it awesome!” Bethany breezed through the store at a dizzying pace, picking through concealers and opening a box of mascara to look at the packaging. She moved at a pace only demons could manage; you thought you saw her by the nail polish display but when you looked again she was throwing sheet masks in her basket. Hooking her arm with yours, she picked up some foundation on the way back to the coveted display of lip glosses and lipsticks.
You weren’t totally versed in the differences between Devildom makeup and human world makeup. In all honesty, there didn’t seem to be a difference. Bethany swatched powdery cream lipsticks on her wrist and followed with ribbons of liquid lipstick. Every now and then she dotted them on your arm; she was adamant about finding a shade the both of you could wear as your thing.  
“This one,” she decided, waving the tube at you and booping your nose with it carefully. “This is our color!” she took you by the hand and joined the checkout line. She had two in her hand but refused to let you so much as hold one, wanting to pay for it first. It wasn’t technically breaking the purchase limit rule; if they tried to nag her she’d just say she was holding onto it so another demon didn’t bully you out of it. You didn’t know if it was her VIP status or the fact that her defense made sense, but you were able to check out without a problem.
A few sour faces and mean glares met you outside but Bethany ignored it all, eager to have a Devilgram-worthy celebratory snack break (snack victory? You know, since you got the makeup?) The plan was to eat, hold down a table at the nearby cafe while her other friends shopped, and have group makeovers (or try-ons) before calling it a day. That plan was interrupted three bites into a croissant sandwich when Lucifer summoned you back to the House of Lamentation. He’d gotten wind of all the girls you’d be with and didn’t feel totally comfortable letting you hang out with them,
Had Barbatos seen something? Did Lucifer feel spurned that you weren’t hanging out with the Seven Lords of the Devildom? He gave no answer, simply asking you to stay put while someone came to escort you back to the house. Bethany was put off by the turn of events but few people dared to complain about the Seven Lords due to their connections with Diavolo (she was no exception). “If we can’t get the full makeover, we’re getting the selfie!” she declared, deftly breaking the seal to her Sealed with a Kiss gloss and swiping it on with help from the front-facing camera on her D.D.D
You busied yourself with opening your tube. Before you could ask for her phone (since the camera was already open), she took the tube from you and tilted your chin up. She dabbed the center of your lips playfully before carefully tracing your lips with the color. The heat rose in your cheeks and she smirked. Being part succubus, she could draw energy from emotions like embarrassment and the feeling of being flattered. Her fingertips pulsed under your chin as she drew on that energy. 
Getting energy sucked could feel like a lot of things -- being light-headed, getting a rush of excitement, all prickly and tingly like your whole body was pins and needles. Whatever it was, it usually faded into drowsiness and kittenish contentment. She probably only touched your chin for seconds but the wash of coziness had you melting against your chair, your cheek cradled in her palm. 
Did she take the pic? What was happening? It felt like Asmodeus had materialized out of thin air, helping you stand and making small-talk with Bethany before pulling you away, out of her aura that was trying to suckle the vestiges of happy energy you offered.
“And what shade did you get on those pretty lips, hm?” the cotton fell out of your head and ears, allowing you to really hear Asmo now that the aura effects had worn off.
“Uh,” you fished around in your bag and looked at the packaging. “Sealed with a Kiss.”
Asmodeus stopped so abruptly it’d almost yanked you back to him. The two of you were barely tangled at the pinkies and now he’d completely laced your hands together. He held your hands captive, drawing them up in surprise and basically dragging you into his torso. You were forced to look up into glittering pink eyes and if you didn’t know any better, they looked a little panicked.
“How long ago did you apply it?”
“I don’t know.” you blinked helplessly at him. That energy suck thing had a way of making your brain tune out and turn to pudding. That aside, who knows how long Asmo stood there and talked to Bethany while you were being siphoned?! “Bethany applied it, not me.”
Asmo clicked his tongue, huffed, resigned himself to only holding one hand. and started scrolling on his D.D.D to find that selfie Bethany posted. You were being dragged along like a child as Asmo’s shoes clicked towards the House of Lamentation. It amazed you how well he could navigate his D.D.D with his long, painted nails. 
Whatever he was looking for, he found it.
Asmodeus tucked his D.D.D into his pants pocket, scooped you up in a way that terrified and amazed you (two people being supported by one set of heels?), and flew to the House of Lamentation. He didn’t always use his wings, as he preferred to decorate them and maintain them with oils, but the fact that he was flying made you nervous.
What had he found? What was the deal?
“Asmo--” you started nervously, the flapping of his wings nearly drowning you out as he pushed himself. Flying against the wind didn’t help. Your hair was a mess and the wind was in your face; the Devildom was always a little chilly but now it was enough to make your face tingly.
“She gave you enchanted makeup. There is a reason humans don’t use enchanted makeup.” Asmo’s pretty brows furrowed as he cut a hard angle and glided over a portion of the square. The tell-tale thicket of trees that lined the winding path back to the House of Lamentation were on the edge of the horizon.
“What’s going to happen?” should you ask that? Did you really want to know?
“You’ll feel something in your lips--some people felt tingling, some people felt pulsing, it can be anything, I think--and then they’ll seal shut.”
“SHUT?!” you yelped. It was enough to make Asmo wince. The startle carried over to his wings; they shuddered and locked; the two of you dropped for a heartbeat or two before he corrected himself.
“If I can’t get some makeup remover on it first.” Asmo panted, tucking his wings in and preparing for a quick descent. He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t thought to teleport first--the panic? Trying to one-up Bethany by walking home and being extra cute with hand-holding?--but a quick touch down could roll into a simple skip teleportation and everything should work out!
“But my lips are already tingly!”
“Ugh, Bethany! I can’t believe you! I mean, I can because it’s you, but really, Bethany?”
“Asmo, focus!” you’d already skipped several feet ahead, clearing the front yard in two teleports. The third put you in the foyer. “I don’t want my lips to seal shut!”
The House of Lamentation was huge but when the occupants had supernatural hearing, that exclamation turned heads. 
“What’s this about your lips sealing shut?” Lucifer appeared at the top of his stairs, his head already shaking.
“DID YOU MAKE A PACT WITH A WITCH?!” Mammon screamed down the hall, clearly not far behind.
Asmo scoffed, lowering his D.D.D with a pout. He was halfway up the main stairs, fingers working at lightning speed. “It’s the lip color!” he explained, stomping his foot. Noisy people were just so annoying! If everyone was talking he couldn’t explain! How rude! 
“All this over some makeup?” skeptical Satan peered over the banister, book and arm casually propped up on it.
“If two people apply the color and kiss, they’re locked in a makeout session until it dries down. When one person applies the lip color, they can use it like a cheat sheet to see who secretly wants to kiss them,” his words tapered out from authoritatively informed to quiet and shy. “It’s from their ‘Liquid Love’ collection.” he muttered into the stunned silence of the room.
You were trying to open your lips and ask why. The magic had already taken hold. Asmodeus could see you trying to move your lips and strain your chin. Luckily, demons could read minds. “It’s because Bethany is stupid.” Asmodeus rolled his eyes. “Ambitious, but stupid.”
“Please explain, Asmo.” even when using the dear nickname Lucifer couldn’t hide the demand. His demon aura was creeping up his body and slowly becoming jagged and suffocating.
“Bethany has had a HUGE crush on our little human here, and wanted to seal it with a kiss, so to speak.” Asmo’s cheeks got pinker and pinker as he explained. Mostly because he was mad he didn’t think about it. His heart did something funny at the thought of you kissing someone else. Lucifer also looked like he wanted to murder someone about now, and Asmo had to remind himself that he was being looked through, not looked at.   
“Just grab a napkin and wipe it off.” Mammon shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Asmodeus shook his head angrily. “It’s too late now. We need to find someone for them to kiss! Someone’s lips will break the seal on theirs...that’s kind of the point of the enchantment.”
“So they just pick someone to kiss?” Levi’s face was turning tomato red. Would it be him?! It would at least be one of them, right? What if your person wasn’t in the House of Lamentation and you NEVER SPOKE AGAIN?!
“Sort of.” Asmo patted your shoulders with his gentle, smooth hands. He started to rub them like he was trying to warm you up. Partly in encouragement and partly to get your attention because he could feel your brain spiraling down into panic. “They basically follow their mouth.”
“So that lip color is like a crush detector?” Satan abandoned his book at the top of the stairs and was now perusing articles on his D.D.D as he sauntered down the steps. It sounded like he’d found the one that sent Asmo flying to the House of Lamentation.
“Basically.” Asmo sighed. It was the stupidest way to confess to someone, he thought. Demon to demon, it was fine. Demon to human?! NO! The whole thing gave him a headache. The fact that Bethany thought she could just steal your little lips and be greedy with them was the biggest annoyance of it all.
“So,” Satan’s green eyes cut sharply from his phone to you. The corner of his lips curled up in a smart little smirk. He knew it was wrong to find your predicament so funny, but this was a very human thing to get mixed up in. “Who do your lips want? Who do you feel yourself being drawn to?”
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There's a saying that goes "It takes an amazing author to know an amazing author" and considering you are a really good author {who deserves so much more recognition than you get but don't worry I know you'll get there}
But can you recommend some of your favorite/most highly rated fics the genres don't matter? Some authors write good ones but some are just hella ooc and cringe.
i’m really flattered you think i’m a good author, i honestly can’t see it myself but thank you ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭
it’s been a while since i actively read fanfic, so this list probably isn’t as extensive as it should be; i’ll try to structure this to the best of my abilities and i might add more in the future ♡ there’s so much good content to recommend, my brain just flaked on me especially when it came to recommending fics specifically, so i probably forgot half of all the blogs and fics i want to recommend </3
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genshin impact ❀
@dustofthedailylife- my lovely moot but i promise i’m not playing favourites, her fics are really high quality; if you’re looking for a longer fic, check out her series ‘a heart of stone is a heart nonetheless’
@witch-hazels-musings*- i don’t think i have to say a lot about my fellow witch, hazel; if you haven’t heard of her blog yet, welcome to tumblr, it’s great to have you here
@genshin-karebear*- another talented author i’m sure you’ve heard of already (and if you haven’t, this is your sign)
@primofate*- wow i’m really just recommending blogs all of you already know, huh? not only does lena write for a multitude of fandoms, the variety of characters she includes is nothing to sneeze at
yours truly/ sincerely by @xiaowhore
subtle by @glazelilyy* (nsfw implications, so you get a star)
genshin boys as your prom knight by @alatusxiaoo
this theory by @zaneswhite
this helpful tidbit on scara’s hat by @kyquu
haikyuu ❀
@luvbub- if you’re looking for lots of cute and fluffy fics with some angst sprinkled in between, this cutie is the blog to go to
@toru-oikawas-milkbread*- looking for a wide variety of written fics and smaus? well look no further, kasey is here to save the day!
the flirt by @cutenimi (skater!suna makes my head spin)
victory high by @kewrai (honestly you can go through the whole masterlist, everything is good, why didn’t i just put you in the blog section of this post?)
cold brew by @meiansmistress*
what the haikyuu boys (realistically) wear by @ryoccoon (not technically a written fic but i want to mention it anyway; also, rose, if you see this, your blog is so cute and aesthetic~)
tokyo revengers ❀
you can basically look at my moots list and have your pick but i’d like to filter out @crown5* @softbajis* @feitania* @virtue-and-beneviolence*
bonten husband fics by @sukirichi*
trouble by @sakusins* (this one belongs in the blog section as well)
touch starved + feeling loved by @kshira*
this edit by @haruchyio* (i’ve seen this video in so many variations and it’s still so funny to me)
miscellaneous fandoms ❀
@demonfamilytherapist [obey me!] (i recommend especially the pact mark headcanons and aftermath of lesson 16)
@house-of-laminations [obey me!] (if you’re a sucker for world building like i am, this is a gold mine; i also recommend evolutionary biology 101 with prof. mc, i had a good laugh reading it)
@aemoonie and @k-rising [kpop, zodiac] (even if you don’t like kpop, their astrology content is still really interesting)
this case study on bakugou katsuki by @randommha
fanart ❀
i could go ahead and tell you that all their art is incredible and that i enjoy each and every art style found on this list but i honestly think you should go and see for yourself ✧.*
appreciation/ mail blogs ❀
not really fanfic blogs either but they allow people to send anonymous love to genshin creators on tumblr, which i think is such a cute idea it deserves to be mentioned ༊*·˚
*=this blog posts/ interacts with 18+ content
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this list has officially drifted away from being about fanfics, so i’ll end it here (as i said i might expand it in the future); i hope all of you don’t mind being mentioned here and i’m sorry to everyone i might have forgotten ♡
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lisinfleur · 3 years
Things I do for her
The request:
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Author’s Notes | I hope you can forgive me for how long it took to be ready. Loved this piece! I hope you guys like it too! Universe | Vikings Pairing | Alfred x Ivar’s Sister Reader Info | Viking Age AU, requested by anon for 5CW Ivar II, posted for HTGI Event Words | 1246 ⁑ Warnings: None
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"I could marry him."
She saw him what? Twice in a lifetime?
And there was my little sister: wanting to solve a whole conflict between Englishmen and our men by marrying that thin rag of a man the English had the guts to call "The Great".
Beyond the phlegm of looking me in the eye and smiling at that idea, I couldn't see what else in Alfred was really that great.
"It sounds like a plan to me."
The stupidity, maybe.
"Are you suggesting you would marry my sister for an alliance with my people, is that it?" I asked in disbelief.
"I'm saying I think her idea is pretty good once it would not only avoid unnecessary slaughtering between our people but, perhaps, establish a solid relationship between our crowns, my friend."
I'm not your friend! Don't call me "friend"! I wanted so bad to cut his belly open right there!
But Y/N was smiling so proud of herself and the recognition she was receiving from that stupid smile on his face... I couldn't do it.
Although it would be a pleasurable end for that content - definitely a thousand times better than seeing my sister getting married to that thin stick of a king! - I couldn't be the one responsible for the tears I would see in Y/N's eyes for him.
It was true that she never stopped babbling about Alfred since the first time she saw his slender figure.
"Have you seen his pale tone?"
"His hair is so beautiful!"
"Oh, he has a sweet smile!"
"His voice is so peaceful."
Fucking shit.
More praises and I would stab my own ears not to spend my time hearing about that Christian prince.
I knew her heart. Y/N's could have my eyes and my traces, but she wasn't like me. We were the perfect opposites, and I knew it!
She was placidity where I was wrath. Her eyes were the blue sky of a sunny day, while mine were the thin blue of the furious sea. And I knew it.
Her place wasn't beside me.
And, although it would hurt me forever, I knew it.
"What grants me my sister won't end up being burned like a witch by your superstitions bunch of Christians you call a people? uh?"
I knew it! But I wouldn't give up on her so easily!
"First of all, I'll make her the Queen of Wessex, which is already reason enough for her to be safe from the peasants," Alfred started.
"You're gonna have to give me more than that if you want me to trust you, my friend," I mocked the words. "You're asking me to give you my most precious treasure in exchange for something I could easily get by cutting your throat and slaughtering your men. Besides sparing me from the pleasure of the bloodshed, you're asking me to trust you will care for my sister and keep her safe the same way I have been doing since our father was killed. By your grandfather, by the way!" I remembered.
"Which is nothing but the second reason in my arguments, my friend. Ivar, we have been at war with each other since before we were born. Our fathers were enemies, our grandfathers before them would've been. But I'm not my father nor my grandfather. I recognize my ancestors wronged yours. And unlike them, I'm up to fix these mistakes."
"Go on," I said, bothered.
But interested in what he had to say.
He giggled, noticing my boredom.
"I've tried this first with the Danes and your brother Ubbe. But his power wasn't the same as it is yours. He wasn't the king of Kattegat. You are."
Massaging my ego won't make you come closer to my sister's skirt, my friend... I wanted to say that. But Y/N was there, beside me in my chariot. I didn't want to be... Unpolite.
"And from a king to another, I know your people want the lands I have idle around my town. I know your people have techniques that could increase our production. And I know pretty well, from my experience among the Danes, that our people can coexist. A marriage like this could turn real the dreams of your father and my own."
"And what are these dreams you call your own, King Alfred?" I asked, curious. "I know my father's dreams your kind many times has tried to use against us, to manipulate our people into believing in your God and the false promises of the same land you promise me now. But I know no dream of yours... Clarify me."
"What are the dreams of a king other than making his kingdom the greater, King Ivar?" he answered me.
Showing me some of that ambition I thought he didn't have behind that peaceful facade.
"Your people have been showing your military superiority throughout the years. Mine has the fields necessary to feed the armies, materials, and resources to supply them, the finest smithery to increase your power... Follow my thoughts, king Ivar. We've been fighting for years. What could we do together?"
Here was a fire I wasn't expecting to see inside that man's eyes. I leaned my head, looking at him with surprise.
And I rose my hand, mutely ordering my men to lower their weapons.
"I think you have something in mind that might interest me enough to make this matter something I want to discuss longer. Let us propose a truce among our men, my friend. Set the chess table for two and let us talk about these ideas of yours."
Alfred smiled, and so did my sister. His smile was full of hope. Hers was full of an amount of passion I didn't want to see in my sister's eyes towards a Christian.
"But I have to advise you..." I warned. "Do not invite me into your home planning a trap, my fellow king. I may have a huge army behind me, but I'm more than enough alone to make you pay for breaking my trust."
He knew I wasn't kidding. And Y/N knew I wasn't doing that by my own will.
But what would she ask me to do that I wouldn't do with a smile on my face? Uh?
"The truce is settled then," Alfred declared.
His men inverted the spears around us, showing the flags instead of the spikes as a sign we wouldn't make war.
My men did the same as I sighed on my chariot.
"We'll see each other again tomorrow," Alfred stated. "At the dawn, in my castle."
With what I agreed, although it was clear I wasn't willingly giving up on that fight.
"Chamomile, and wildflowers," I said, getting Alfred confused for an instant before I turned my chariot, looking at him from upon my shoulder. "Sweetened with honey. It's her favorite," I completed.
Rolling my eyes at the way Alfred's smile became a mirror of happiness reflecting my sister's blushed cheeks.
It would be hard to get used to how delicate my brother-in-law would be.
"Thank you, brother," Y/N's voice echoed right before her warm lips kissed my cheek.
Her body bouncing on her heels in that habit she inherited from our older brother Hvitserk to show up when she was happy.
I sighed. It would be hard indeed.
But it was for her.
I could change the whole Midgard for her.
I could do it.
For her.
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keyboardink · 3 years
“meet me at the witching hour”
Sarah and Hannah reunite in the forest to make love under the full moon.
pairing: sarah fier x hannah miller / media: fear street trilogy
genre: smut / word count: 1k / rating: mature / warnings: mild sexual content, religious tones
a/n: this isn’t really pre/post-canon, so just think of this as a deleted scene i suppose. this contains mild sexual content (not as explicit as my other works) -- i wanted to mimic the feeling of their sex scene in the movie, so it's a bit more about the atmosphere of it all than anything else. if you like this, please lmk or check out my other fear street works! i hope you enjoy :)
[link to my ao3 account]
Their meeting place was the stone, five feet tall with a divot on its backside, just deep enough to be a seat.
It was fifty-eight paces south of the blackberry bush, and west of the firepit where they would dance. They could hear the chatter of their friends in the distance, oblivious to their presence. Sarah said that Henry had grown suspicious of her sneaking out -- which wasn't untrue -- and that she wanted him to stay uninvolved, a good and clean brother who didn't dabble in the fruitful evenings -- which was still a truth. Her lie bent when she told him she would be attending the firelit dance anyway, despite informing Lizzie, Isaac, and the other knowing villagers that she would pass. Hannah's untruth stemmed from her father, some fable about memorizing scriptures in preparation for the upcoming holiday.
Sarah stood in the moonlight, eyes upwards as though speaking to the stars. A glow illuminated her, making the warmth of her skin appear cool, almost icy. Her curls looked a frostbitten blue. She turned her head towards her at the slightest sound, panic swimming in her eyes, until the realization processed in her mind. Her shoulders relaxed, eyes softened, lips stretched into a smile.
"I was beginning to think you wouldn't show," she said, drinking in the lovely Hannah Miller as she walked into the spotlight amidst the night, pale moonlight pouring over her fair skin.
"I would hope you know me better than that." Her smile was simply beautiful, there was no other way to word it. She stepped forward and took Sarah's hand, gently holding it in her own.
"It seems a flower has taken a liking to our meetings." Sarah pointed their joined hands in the direction of a red blossom, blooming at the foot of the rock. It seemed neon in the light, almost supernatural.
"What did I tell you last? If this were wrong, we would feel it, or the earth around us would decay, aye?"
"This appears to be the opposite," Sarah muttered, remembering her hesitation during the last time, mere weeks ago. This doesn't feel wrong. Do you feel it's wrong? Hannah had asked her then, and she had replied with a shake of her head.
"Precisely." Hannah cupped Sarah's face, softly tilting her chin up, asking for her attention. She pressed her lips to her forehead, a gesture to reassure that nothing had changed since their last reunion, that her heart was still beating for her. The kiss was worth a thousand words.
Hannah curved around Sarah's body, twirling them to sit on the stone. Sarah landed in her lap, sitting on one of her legs, as their lips met. The first kiss always felt earth-shattering, fire running deep within their bones from the lust and love that had gathered inside themselves during their time apart. It was as though their bodies realigned with the Earth and sky, fitting into the place where everything was supposed to be.
Hannah untied the twine of Sarah's shirt collar, letting the beige linen fall open. The valley between her breasts was revealed, the bruises from their last meeting completely faded, her skin clear. She kissed down the crevice, indulgent in the taste of her skin. Amber and pine filled her mouth. She tugged the cloth to one side and trailed her tongue over her breasts. Sarah's panting was lost in the breeze, rustling the leaves around them.
She felt Hannah's thigh beneath her, and recalled when she had woken up one morning with the blanket bunched between her legs, how she had accidentally discovered a sin. She pressed down, rocking against her leg, almost hissing at the electric sensation. Goosebumps rose over her skin, hardening the features under Hannah's tongue. Her body shivered, cold in the nighttime air with the exception of her chest, at the mercy of her mouth.
Sarah's hand slipped downwards, knowing it would be no use to pull up the hem of her skirt when she was sitting on it, but instead pressed between Hannah's legs through the fabric. She whimpered, her voice reverberating through her breast, sending shockwaves down her spine.
Hannah pulled away and motioned for Sarah to sit in her place. She knelt between her legs and tugged up the fabric, her skirt folding around her hips. Hannah kissed at the soft skin of her thighs, her tongue sliding into place at the center, knowing exactly how she liked to be touched. Her hands wrapped around her legs, fingers gripping at the muscle to keep her in place as the forest filled with her moans, branches creaking in time with them. Hannah savored her, as if attempting to make up for lost time, as if she was holding the Earth in her hands, trying to water it and make it bloom. She got lost in it, relished in it, for nothing else in the world felt more right.
As Hannah's tongue danced over her, her hips bucked and quaked, her feet pressed against the ground as her hands found stability in her hair. Fingers weaved through blonde strands and tugged, causing whimpers that pushed her over the edge, her body trembling as bliss pooled in the cool moonlight. Sarah felt it then, too, what Hannah meant by feeling like it was destined to happen. Nothing had given her as much comfort as when she was with her.
Hannah stood up as Sarah caught her breath. Their smiles were dazed, as if breaking out of a trance, bewitched in the act of it all. They switched places, desire flickering behind both pairs of eyes, silently agreeing to continue for more. Sarah was on her knees before Hannah, slowly dragging the skirt up her thighs, seeing the pool that had formed between pale legs and feeling her own deepen beneath herself.
She smiled against Hannah as her tongue twirled over her, the woods once again windswept with whimpers. Hands in hair, hips tense, eyes closed, lips parted as tension built like a flint-lit fire, the flames spreading over the sticks until they burned everything in its wake, delight taking hold of her body. She rocked against her mouth until the sensation subsided. Warm affection bubbled in their chests. Sarah wanted to freeze that moment forever -- how could something so heavenly ever be wrong?
They shared a same smile, sated and thick with elation. She pulled her in for a wet kiss, their lips drowning with love, tasting like the only sin she would never repent.
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pepperpills · 3 years
The Harvest - RE8 fanfic
The Harvest
A Resident Evil 8 fan fiction by Joana
Karl Heisenberg x Female Reader
NSFW content
Hi, guys, hope u're enjoying it and if u want, feel free to send a message and share your thoughts.
This is the second half of Part I, when The Harvest actually takes place, as I promised I would be posting it today. Part II will be out next tuesday and has more of Karl's participation.
Part I - Destiny (1)
Part I - Destiny (2)
The site was formed by four giant statues, each one in a corner, in the opposite side of the gate, a low stone fence protected people from falling from a cliff into the misty unknown that laid below. All of its surroundings were made of grey, antique stone, carved directly into the mountain. In the middle stood a symbol in the ground in the shape of an umbrella where the Giant’s Chalice was placed.
Mother Miranda was right in the middle, dressing her usual priest like costume, only this time her areola was bigger. The parents, your parents included, with their anxious expressions, were on the left side, forming a mid-circle. No other villagers were allowed in The Harvest except the children’s guardians, it was exclusive. You smiled to your folks reassuring them that you were okay, prepared. Your mom buried her head deeper in your father chest, but smiled insecurely back at you.
You couldn’t help the feeling that a couple of eyes were laid on you, you felt observed and finally gave up to your curiosity and stared at the lords. Closer to Mother Miranda, on the right side of the site, stood tall Lady Dimitrescu, the tallest person you have ever seen and also one of the most elegant. She wore a white dress that resembled the Greek columns with three black roses on it, red lipstick and a black wide hat. She seemed excited as she analysed the 20s.
Then followed Lady Beneviento, her face covered in a grief veil, she was all dressed in black, except for her doll, Angie, who wore an unclean wedding dress and was laughing almost hysterically for no reason. It would have given you the chills if you weren’t so strangely calm.
The next was Lord Moreau, forever bowed with that bone crown topping his head, he looked like he enjoyed the spirit of the festival, more entertained by its totality than the young people there.
And at last, Lord Heisenberg, a couple of steps from you as you all closed the circle. He was smoking a cigar, making a mess of bracing smoke. He was wearing round sunglasses even though it was already very dark there, his clothes were crumpled and even a bit dirty, but had an explorer’s charm to it as he wore a once-white half unbuttoned shirt, a worn hat, a camel-coloured overcoat and some kind of baggy pants.
You had the uncanny feeling it was his glance that caught you since you arrived there, but couldn’t be sure, once his eyes were hidden from you. The other thing you noticed was that he has kind of handsome with his somewhat grey hair on the height of his bearded chin. Overall, he seemed rough, a brute beauty, but beauty anyway.
The air became denser, like it was charged with electricity, however, scanning your mates, everyone appeared to be still bewitched by Beneviento’s powers, paying attention only to Mother Miranda. It had nothing to do with you disliking Miranda ever since you laid your feet in the Village. No, this was another thing. You were attracted by something else, tempted even to look to your right. Being too suggestible to battle this urge, you moved your head only to be certain that Lord Heisenberg was looking straight at you.
You quickly turned your attention back to Miranda as she played with a black liquid inside the Giant’s Chalice. She called you all her children and made a speech about destiny and natural forces that pull you to it.
“Night demands you, my children. The moon reveals your fate and today your sacrifice will be noticed.” Miranda chanted, her voice floating through all of you, reverberating the ground.
She blessed you, walking the circle and pinning a dot of the Chalice’s black liquid in your foreheads. It moved, itching a little, as her words filled the ceremony site.
“Very well.” She spoke. “Now I shall call your names, the ones I call, please step to the right part of the site, the ones I don’t, to the left.”
A shiver flowed through your spine, awakening every part of your body, bristling your hair, hardening your nipples making you feel completely unclad – which kind of reached the ceremony idea of a virgin blossoming. The sensation was curiously similar to electrical shock, even the iron taste on your tongue reminded you of the electricity discharge, nonetheless, for your surprise, it wasn’t exactly unpleasant, definitely made your feel alive and even dilatated your pupils.
When it happened, you swore your heard Lord Heisenberg chuckling alone, he was contained for obvious reasons, but it disturbed you to see a smirk playfully on his scarred thick lips. No one else appeared to be bothered though, they hadn’t noticed the man acting schizophrenic, but it also made sense, they were all absorbed by Miranda’s discourse and, somehow, that grin was intended, presumably, only for you.
Just then you realized that Miranda had already been calling names and people were actually moving around you. Two of the boys who came with you were now on the very right side of the site. You were getting tense, the magical feeling that drove you to that place was slowly fading away, giving space to the cold sensation of fear. The girl to your left got called, she lost her breath as she heard her name, but rapidly joined her new, and temporary, team.
You looked up to your parents, your mom had that overwhelmed expression lines on her forehead again and you were most sure she was crossing fingers as she is a little stitious, not super, though.
Right now, you don’t believe that any herb, crystal, sacrifice, nor witchcraft would have spare you from your doom. A part of you knew it, even at that moment, as Mother Miranda made your name thunder in the site. Your mom held a scream, your dad looked down. You must go on.
Trembling a little, you went to the right side, closer to Lord Heisenberg, as he was the last one on the lords’ line. Your mates were rigid, the other girl was holding tears, one of the boys had desperate written all over his face, but the other one preferred to show bravery and you chose to stay with him in his decision. It didn’t past unnoticed to Heisenberg, but he constantly peering at you wasn’t of your greater attention, so on you didn’t acknowledge his offbeat interest.
You weren’t going to lie to yourself, you were afraid. You didn’t want Lady Dimitrescu to use your blood in her famous Sanguis Virginis, neither to be with Lady Beneviento and her forever tea party, Lord Moreau frightens you, due to your thalossophobia and for Lord Heisenberg, his temper is well known and poorly spoken by the villagers, he tends to get angry easily, not to say that no one knows what goes on in that factory, the bridge that leads to it emerges from the water, activated by some sort of mechanism that is inaccessible from the Village, so no one goes in, no one comes out.
When The Harvest ended, the villagers were exempted before the Miranda and her family, and you were allowed to go home, the lords knew you were supposed to say goodbye to your loved ones, after all, they aren’t monsters, right?
Thus, you walked back home in your parents embrace, they didn’t let you go, neither you wanted it. Being held like that made it feel better as if you had a bad dream and that was all. Your mother even sang you your favourite childhood song about a girl who gets lost in the dangerous woods inhabited by four monsters and a malevolent witch, but in the end, her parents save her from the beasts.
In the dawn, no villager was asleep, so you spoke to a lot of people, all your siblings, friends and acquaintances. Some of them cried, others smiled and a couple encouraged you saying it was going to be okay. You doubted it, but didn’t say a thing, you were too shaken still trying to be brave.
When the sun rose, you heard the chicken starting their day. You got up, put on a Victorian black dress with long sleeves and a corselet for the thorax area, and packed your few belongings, taking good care of your bow and arrows that once were a secret and now, you thought, might be discarded, but you would still be stubborn and give it a try, maybe they would let you have it.
You left the bedroom, leaving behind your talisman made by the cabin people with a note to your younger sister. Once she was born in the Village, she didn’t know much about the cabins, but you were sure it would protect her after you were gone.
You believed you could go away unnoticed, but your mom was sitting in the kitchen table, waiting for you, looking restless, but she found vitality to smile a good morning at you.
“You look pretty.” She said as she walked towards you and twirled your hair.
“Thank you, mom.” You simply replied, thinking that touch was soothing.
“We will miss you.” She sighed. “I will miss you, deeply, my angel.” Your mom is one of the kindest people you know, she always took good care of you even when you got older, you will miss her too.
“I will miss you too, mom… I love you.” You added and hugged her. You must be strong; her smell of country flowers softened you tempting you to run away from your fate.
“Promise you will try to write.” She pleaded, staring into your soul with her woody-brown eyes.
“I promise.” You meant it and did afterwards.
“It is okay, angel, you may go now, I won’t make it any harder.” She stepped aside, giving you space to walk to the door, when there you looked back one last time and waved goodbye.
At the ceremony site, they said you should gather again at the Chapel. A part of the building is destroyed, you are not sure what was responsible for it, but there are parts of the ceiling and the ground that are missing and underground tunnels with Gods know what meandering under your feet. The others arrived not long after you and less than an hour later Mother Miranda joined you.
She spoke from the pulpit. This sight gave you an uneasiness. You never liked her manners, always thought she considered herself too much of a priest, but you were not sure for what gods she spoken, in addition, she was also very domineering. There were stories of her whispered by mourning souls saying that she would tear some locals apart while laughing and enjoying the bloody spectacle. Maybe she was crazy. Believing it or not, she didn’t please you at all.
“Children.” She began. “Destiny calls you. You must fulfil your role in this circle. It is a sacrifice for all of us, so we can preserve our way of life.” Miranda went on like this for some more minutes before getting to the point.
“Each one of you has been designated or requested by one of the four lords. I will now say your name and the name of your Lord.” She finally said.
Your heart rate was worrying, your anxiety levels were high. You breathed heavily, trying to regain composure. Miranda called the brave boy first, he went to Moreau. Two girls got sent to the Dimitrescu’s castle, one more boy went to Moreau, another girl went to Lady Beneviento. Thus, there was only you left and Miranda’s phrase reverberated through the Chapel with its angelical acoustic turning horrifying.
“Y/N. Lord Karl Heisenberg.”
Your stomach sunk. You didn’t know if you were relieved or even more preoccupied. But then you felt that shock sensation again, the iron taste made you salivate and you thought it might have been worst, maybe all he expects from you is some cleaning, laundry and your normal daily routine.
Still, one thing that Miranda said echoed in your head: did you get designated or did he request you? You didn’t know which one would be better.
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little-lemon-lattes · 3 years
The Scheme
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🌛Zelda Spellman x fem! reader
—Word count: 1.9k
— Triggers: Mention of murder and burning in a non-violent context
— Summary: We have part 2 to The Set Up! You and Zelda spend a blissful day together since kissing the night before, and make the most of being together before the mortuary fills with life- and typical Spellman scheming- again!
You were on Cloud-fucking-9.
The previous evening, you and Zelda had kissed. It had been truly extraordinary, even better than the few times you had allowed your mind to indulge in that kind of imagery concerning her. You had never felt that good with anyone before; well, minding that you had neither felt for anyone like that of which you had been trying to cover for the astonishing woman.
She currently lay in the grass next to you, cheek resting tentatively on your belly, as you both just watched each other in comfortable silence. Gosh, kissing Zelda had felt SO good that it had been hard to stop at just one. Like now. Her stunningly bright and beautiful green eyes were boring into yours, but you really couldn’t tell if she was trying to send you a signal or was just unwittingly that gorgeous on the daily. Probably the latter. You also had to remind yourself that, EVEN though you two already lived under the same roof, you would take things one step at a time together. The last 24 hours with Zelda had been like a dream, and the Spellman mortuary had a new air to it now that you knew where you stood.
That morning, you had woken just before dawn (which was much earlier than you preferred), likely still on a high from the feel of Zelda’s lips. Rather than lay there attempting to force yourself back to sleep, you rose from your pillow. Perhaps it was your always-lingering insecurity pulling some strings, but it suddenly seemed desperately important to you- then and there at 4:56am- that you find a way of proving to Zelda that she hadn’t made the wrong choice opening up to you the night before. Just one more bonus of Hilda’s disappearance that weekend being that the kitchen was inevitably free, within a few minutes you had decided to make a spot of breakfast to share. You would never admit it out loud, but you were also buzzing to showcase your culinary ability; of which had been somewhat hindered by the unspoken acknowledgement that Hilda was the kitchen witch of the house.
With that, you were out of bed and clothed in a black turtleneck and mom jeans, as you put the finishing touches on a French braid: all by 5:15. THe next two hours flew by as you whipped up black coffee, almond cake, black sausage, eggs, salmon, bagels, mushroom, and tomato. You were just laying out bloody-fleshed plums and yoghurt when you heard gentle footsteps on the landing above you. Smiling softly, you stopped to admire as the woman padded down the stairs, wrapped in a silky black robe and wiping bits of sleep from her eyes. She stopped dead as she spotted the food on the table, hand still raised to her eye.
“Surprise...?” you peeped.
Zelda’s hand flopped to her side as she tilted her head adorably, treating you to a giddy smile. And you were hopeless to try not to smile right back. That there was enough to have made the last two hours worth it. “
“What’s all this, y/n?”
“I, uh... breakfast?”
Zelda couldn’t help smiling a little more at the cute way you had made it seem like a question. “I see that,” she laughed, “but why?”
You forced an expression of mock pain onto your face.
“I am hurt, Spellman, hurt! Does there have to be a reason?”
All she did was raise her eyebrows in disbelief. You supposed it was probably best to build any chance you had together on honesty.
“Okay, FINE. I just... wanted to show you that last night wasn’t a mistake, in case you were having any doubts.”
Zelda trotted, cat-like, down from her post against the railing, and came to rest just half a metre in front of you.
“Why, there was absolutely nothing of the sort. I hardly slept a wink all night; your lips have something of a memorable feel to them, if I am honest.”
And this time, it was her that closed the space between you, snaking her arms around your waist to pull you closer. One long peck later, the bubblegum-pink shade of your cheeks matched hers in perfect unison, as if in competition.
Breakfast was sweet and long, spent thigh to thigh next to each other, chatting about all the things you had been too afraid to ask each other until that point.
The rest of the day was passed laying next to one another in the winter sunshine, beneath an age-old willow tree. After what felt like just minutes since you had arrived (but had really been hours), you pointed to the sky with the hand that wasn’t clasping Zelda’s.
“Look, the sun!”
You received a lazy “hmmm” in response. Twisting to face her on your left, you couldn’t fight your sigh of content. The High Priestess was laying with her eyes closed in utter bliss, the final rays of Sunday’s sunshine dancing across those glorious lashes.
“It’s setting, Zelda. Everyone will be back soon.” you murmured to her. It was as if you had thrown a bucket of ice over her. Cloud 9 disappeared with the snapping open of her eyes. The soft expression that had occupied her visage all day visibly hardened into her more familiar, stoic one. She leapt to her feet, snatching up the open novel beside her and swinging out her hand to you with force. Time and Space closed in around you the moment you took it, and, the next thing you knew, the two of you were outside the mortuary once more.
You turned to her sharply.
“What was that about?” you demanded. Standing silent for a moment, Zelda’s ears visibly pricked. After a few more moments, she seemed appeased, and swivelled to you. Her shoulders were tense, and you took note of her fingernails digging into her palm.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, “I didn’t mean to be so abrupt. I just... I am enthused about where you and I are headed, y/n, and I’m terrified that others may not share my enthusiasm. I want to enjoy things as they are at present for a while longer, before having to think about who needs to be involved in our business.”
It was understandable, you supposed, and admittedly: there was a certain appeal to keeping things 007-style, like that fantastic mortal film. You relaxed a bit, and instantly felt awful for raising your voice at her.
You reached for the woman’s shoulder.
“You’re right, Zelds. I understand.”
She looked unconvinced.
“Are you sure? You have every right to want to murder me right now, if you so wished. Although, only if you were to bury me in the Cain pit...” she added as an afterthought.
You had to giggle at that one.
“You’re safe for now, Zelda,” you teased, “now, come on! I need to find a good hiding spot for scaring the BANSHEES out of them when they get back!”
Hilda, Sabrina, and Ambrose literally stomped their feet in sheer disappointment when they arrived back at the house and hadn’t caught the pair of you locked in some form of intimate embrace.
“Aw man! What will I tell my friends?! I had Roz totally excited about y/n finally getting some action... Like, she seriously admitted that she had this big crush on her when she first met her; whiiiiich definitely earned a few looks from Harvey, to say the least. The take-away from it all is that we now know exactly how fragile that guy’s ego is, YIKES, is all I can say.”
All the while, Ambrose was muttering a consistent string of “fuck”s under his breath, and Hilda was deciding whether to scald Sabrina’s ass to Hades and back.
“Sabrina!” her aunt admonished in disbelief, “how could you be so careless?! If any of this gets back to your aunt Zelda, we should consider ourselves excommunicated from her presence for good!”  
All of them fought a cringe. Sabrina looked a bit sheepish.
Hilda turned to Ambrose.
“And what about you, mister? What’s with the constant profanities?”
Ambrose took a step back from his aunt, nobody was sure whether consciously or not. “Erm...hm. Yes. Well. I-” his sputtering was resembling a car trying to start up. Ambrose’s eyes suddenly seemed unable to reach past the witches’ knees.
  “-um. Damn. Hecate, yes, I have... just lost a particularly large sum of money to one Dorian Gray.”
Hilda’s eyes were ready to pop out of her head.   “I was so unequivocally certain that our plan would work! Now where I am supposed to come up with $1000?!”
He was a little manic. The only one of the three who seemed somewhat happy about Ambrose’s situation was Sabrina, sticking a finger at him. “HA! Now that makes what I did so much better!”
Her plum-coloured lips parted with glee, and without warning, her and her travel bag had disappeared. Ambrose made a furious mental note to pour formaldehyde in her evening tea for leaving him here alone. When he had finally built up the courage to look his otherwise cheery aunt in the eyes again, a flash of fear struck him at the murderous look in hers. A low growl exited her throat.
“Well,” she snapped, “I suppose there will be no more silly little attempts on our part to play Cupid.”
As quickly as it had started, her anger dissipated, and was replaced by a certain sadness. Her mouth raised just a fraction, into a tired little smile.
“ ’just thought that Zelds could do with something nice for once. We failed. It didn’t work.”
With that, she picked up her carpet bag and shuffled off up the stairs. Ambrose watched her go, now a lone silhouette in the entrance of their home.
Or so he thought. You waited until Ambrose had moodily trudged down to the embalming room before emerging from your spot in the broom closet. Sniffling a little from all the dust- those things hadn’t been flown for years, SO old fashioned- you felt a mix of emotion at what you had just heard. You hadn’t intended on becoming an audience to some type of scheme, and especially not one of which involved you.
At first, there was embarrassment. You hadn’t realised that your feelings were apparently so obvious! Paired with the fact that Zelda’s must have been too in order to warrant such a matchmaking scheme; along with that you had truly thought that you had done a superb job at keeping it all under wraps, you were left feeling a bit stupid. But then came the funny side of it all, imagining Hilda, Ambrose, and Sabrina sneaking about like the Pink Panther and holding secret meetings about your love life. And finally came the warmth, the realisation of exactly how much the Spellmans had grown to care for you- so much that they trusted you to love Zelda as much as they did.
The whole situation was entirely too much of an opportunity to just leave alone. Grinning with total delight and schemes cooking of your own, you rematerialised in Zelda’s study at the Academy. The loud CRACK that accompanied that particular piece of magic made the woman flinch. Her brow crinkled at the sight of you in front of her great oaken desk. She was a little taken aback, and (it delighted you even more) flustered to see you there.
“Zelda. I NEED to tell you what I just heard!”
A game was now afoot.
And your opponents weren’t finished yet either.
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willow-salix · 3 years
TAG MiniBang 2021
Because the combined bad influences of Flyboy and Sonata were at work here we also decided to bend the rules a little and post early...
I was privileged to work with one of my best friends on this project,  @misssquidtracy​ . We went a little rogue (seems to be a theme for us) and shared both parts of the challenge with both of us contributing to the art and the writing. Squiddy provided a beautifully done pallet knife piece as the background for my foreground art and we plotted the story together to ensure that it worked for both of us. We had been looking forward to sharing the writing but unfortunately, due to life constraints on her part she was only able to write a little of the fic but what she did add perfectly compliments the tone and style of my writing. 
Big thanks to @tagminibang ) @godsliltippy​ ) for organising this event.
So, here it is, our offering to the TAG Mini Bang. We hope you enjoy it. 
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Ting ting ting
“Not again,” Virgil groaned, hauling himself up the stairs from the kitchen to the lounge. He regretted ever giving Gordon that bell, he really did. Yes his brother had gone through a tough time, yes he had scared the hell out of them when the Chaos Crew had left him at the bottom of the ocean in his mangled craft, yes they were incredibly grateful that he was alive and mostly whole, but if they had to hear that dinging one more time they might possibly murder him themselves. 
“Yes, Gordy, what do you need?” 
“I’m lonely, and I’m hungry, come and sit with me for a bit?”
“But maybe make me a sandwich first?”
“A sandwich?” 
“Yeah, with extra cheese and a pickle on the side, not too large a pickle but not too small that it’s gone in one bite. I want to taste it, you know, but not be overwhelmed.”
“And can you get me a drink too? One of my special milkyshakes, you know, with the ice cream and frozen banana in it?”
“Coming right up,” Virgil sighed, heading back down to the kitchen again.
“Gordon still demanding everything and anything?” Scott asked as he jogged in from the poolside. His T-shirt was sticking to his chest and his hair was damp with sweat but he still looked like he could do it all again. Not that they would have time, they were lucky if they got to do any planned exercise at all, usually they were forced to skip it and work out on the job when a call came in.
“Of course he is,” Virgil growled, slapping a slice of cheese on a piece of bread with far more force than necessary.
“What did the cheese do to you?”
“It’s guilty by association.”
“Ah,” Scott said, like that explained things perfectly. 
A few slices of chicken received the same treatment and Scott wondered if the meat had actually been dead when it arrived on the island or if Virgil had simply smacked it into submission so well that the chicken had flown clear into next week and arrived as sandwich filling.
“Can you fix his drink?” Virgil asked.
“Can’t gotta shower this off before Grandma accuses me of stinking up the place again.”
“Any excuse,” Virgil scowled. “It would only take you a second.”
“A second too long, bro, I’m escaping while I can and you’d be wise to do the same,” Scott said, heading for the stairs and freedom.
“How can I escape when Gordon needs help?”
“You’re forgetting one important thing,” Scott told him wisely. 
“I am? And that would be…”
“John’s home.”
Virgil snorted out a laugh. “He’s less likely to do it than you are.”
“No, you're misunderstanding me. If John’s home that means…” Scott let his sentence trail off into silence heavily filled with insinuation.
“Sel’s here,” Virgil finished triumphantly, catching on perfectly.
“Give that Tracy a prize,” Scott grinned, shooting triumphant finger guns his brother’s way as he headed up the stairs. 
And they said that John was the genius in the family, they hadn’t seen Scott at his most devious. Virgil wasted no time in yanking out his phone and texting the witch to come and take over.
“Here’s your sammich, Squidward,” Selene cooed, plonking the plate down on Gordon’s lap while smacking a kiss to his forehead. “Virgil started it but I finished it for you, Brains called him down to his lab with some kind of air filter emergency so I took over. I brought you some of those crisps you like from my private stash too.”
“The cheesy curl ones?” Gordon asked hopefully.
“Yep,” she grinned, waggling a family sized bag of Quavers in his general direction.
“Did you bring my drink?” Gordon asked around a mouthful of chickeny goodness. Say what you wanted about Virgil but he made a damn good sandwich, even if Gordon could taste that this was made with a little less love and a little more impatience than usual.
“No, sorry, did you want one? Virgil didn’t say that. I’ll go get you something, just wait right there.”
"Not like I can leave if the mood takes me," Gordon grumbled as he opened the chip bag. 
She was already gone, only to race back in a few moments later with a can of coke.
“What? What’s wrong, boo?” Selene asked when she saw the pouting look of disappointment on Gordon’s face.
“It was supposed to be one of my special milkyshakes,” he whined.
“Right, got it, my bad!”
She was gone again, taking off to the kitchen where, upon closer inspections, she did indeed find the beginnings of a milkshake. There were two scoops of ice cream already in the blender, melting in the warmth of the room. A half peeled banana sat abandoned on the counter next to a carton of milk. 
“Typical,” she groused as she set about breaking up the banana, pouring the milk and setting it to blend as she tidied the mess away. Once done she poured it into a tall glass, added a straw and a few slices of fresh banana to decorate the edges, just as he liked it, and delivered it to the waiting aquanaut.
“Great, thanks, Sel,” he grinned, handing her his now empty plate and swapping it for the glass. She put the plate on the coffee table and sat on the couch opposite him.
“Anything else I can do for you?”
 “Sit with me and keep me company?” he begged, looking so miserable and pathetic that she couldn’t say no.
“Of course I will.” 
Gordon swung his injured leg up and she moved to sit next to him on the couch, placing a cushion on her lap for him to rest his cast covered foot on.
Gordon settled down with a contented sigh, sucking happily on his straw, the milkshake level in the glass steadily dropping.
“I’m bored,” Gordon bitched five minutes later.
“That peace lasted a long time,” Selene laughed, putting her phone down on the side table to give him her full attention. “What can I do to help? Do you want to watch something or play a game?”
Gordon made a face. “You’re crap at games, Sel.”
One eyebrow rose in disbelief. “I wouldn’t exactly say crap…”
“You tried to play with Alan and died three times in two minutes, lost all your lives and were forced to float along behind him as a ghost for the rest of his turn.”
“Anything is crap when you say it like that,” Selene huffed. 
“Only when it’s true.”
“Tell me then, oh great games master, what do you want to do?”
“Then don’t moan you’re bored,” she pointed out.
“I mean there’s nothing to do. No one is around.”
Selene gestured to her chest. “Am I suddenly invisible?”
“No, of course not,” he scoffed. “That would be far too cool, why don’t you have witch powers like that?”
“Because I live in the real world, not a movie?”
“Lame,” he declared, dismissing it.
“Back to the original point that I am, in fact, right here. Therefore your comment that no one is around is redundant.”
“I meant no one I can do anything with.”
“Thin ice, bub, thin ice.”
“I meant like my brothers or someone. Alan is busy revising for his final exams, Virgil’s with Brains and I’ve no idea where Scott is but I think he’s avoiding me, which is just mean if you ask me. I’m a delight.”
“Yeah, you sure are,” she drawled, not sounding too convinced. “You’re also forgetting a brother.”
“John? You know, gorgeous ginger love of my life that’s chilling in his room right this minute? That brother?”
“John? No way.”
“What’s wrong with John?” she squawked indignantly. Her man was the most perfect of people, amazing and fabulous, just all round awesome. Although she might be a tad biased.
Gordon shrugged, scrunching his nose up in a ‘meh’ kinda way that said everything and nothing.
“No, come on, tell me what you meant,” she demanded.
“No offence, Sel, but John’s a bit…”
“A bit what?” she asked, her tone warning him that he was in very dangerous territory.
Gordon, with the grace of an elephant and confidence of a man that knew he was injured and therefore wouldn’t get slapped, plowed on.
“A bit boring.”
“Boring?!” she hollered, her voice travelling to the four corners of the island so effectively that Alan lifted his head, wondering if some distant God was echoing his thoughts as he slogged through his history homework.
“How very dare you!” Selene continued, working up a good glare that Gordon was completely immune to. He simply sipped the last of his milkshake, smacked his lips and raised an eyebrow, daring her to do something about it.
“He is not boring.”
“Matter of opinion,” Gordon shrugged, handing her the glass to put down on the table. 
“Right, that’s it, you can besmirch my fun factor but I will not allow you to do so to my man. That’s a step too far.” She gently, for which he was thankful, shoved his leg off her lap and dragged his hover chair over from its spot beside Virgil’s piano.
“Get the hell in, hoppy, we’re going for a ride.”
"You deal with him, he's driving me nuts and pissing me off at the same time."
"Me? I'm the very picture of perfection, I could never drive anyone nuts."
John declined to comment on that one for fear of never stopping, he had twenty-four years worth of stories after all. 
“The pissing you off is subjective too,” Gordon finished triumphantly. 
"He's your problem now," Selene announced, shoving Gordon's hover chair further into the room before making her escape, slamming the door shut behind her. 
John closed his eyes, praying for patience. His fiancée was well known for her legendary patience when it came to pampering and mothering his family whenever any of them were sick or injured. She'd spent almost every day with Gordon since his run in with the Chaos Crew and had done so with relentless cheer, for her to have given up now was not a good sign. 
"What did you do?" 
"Nothing!" Gordon protested hotly.
"Are you sure?" 
Gordon averted his gaze, suddenly taking great interest in a dust particle dancing across the shaft of sunlight filtering in through the window, "Yes, I'm sure. I wasn't doing anything. That was part of the problem."
"Ah," there it was. "Is there anything I can do to help?" 
"I'm so bored," Gordon wailed. "And your girlfriend is being mean to me."
"Fiancée," John corrected him, not looking up from his work. 
"It's not my fault I hate sitting around doing nothing all day. I’ve gone from a physically and mentally intensive, fifty plus hour a week job, to sitting on my ass from dawn until dusk. Can you blame a guy for getting twitchy?"
"Unfortunately, you don't have much of a choice at the moment," John reminded him, quite needlessly he thought. 
"Gee, thanks for the reminder," Gordon huffed, trying to cross his arms although the cast and sling he was sporting prevented it. That just seemed to annoy him even more. 
"I can't do anything right now! How do you do it?" 
"Do what?" John asked, squinting through his magnifier at the small window frame he was carving from a piece of polymer clay. 
"Just sit around all day."
John raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "I don't sit around all day."
"OK, float around then. It's not like you're actively running around like the rest of us are."
"I'll pretend I never heard you say that," John scowled, wishing Selene had dumped his brother into the sea instead of into his quiet, peaceful room. 
"You're sitting around right now," Gordon pointed out, gesturing to the desk John was  sitting at, which was currently doing double duty as a work table for his latest project. 
"One day you'll learn to appreciate the benefits of a quiet, occupied mind and a still body," John told him. 
Gordon sighed, propping his good elbow on the desktop, his chin resting in his upturned palm as he watched his brother fiddling with tiny things that seemed utterly useless to him. 
"What are you even doing?" 
"Working on a series of book nooks for Sel's side of the bookcase," John answered, sounding slightly distracted as he measured the finished window against its place in an intricately carved brick wall. 
"Because she likes them."
"I mean why are you making it? Can't you just buy her one? It's not like you can't afford it."
"Where's the challenge in that? Besides, things are always more special when you make them yourself."
Gordon yawned and leant forward to rest his head on the tabletop. 
"Do you want to help?" John offered, although honestly Gordon's version of helping was always patchy at best. 
Gordon scooted closer to look over John's shoulder, eyes darting over the rectangular box that he was building the nook inside. About the size of two thick books sandwiched together, the nook already had a little cobbled street and two shop fronts in place. The tabletop was scattered with a selection of impossibly tiny screwdrivers, picks, scalpels and other instruments of possible torture that he couldn't hope to name. 
"Pass," he announced decisively, flicking the control of his hoverchair so he spun in a wide circle, pointing to the door. "I'm out."
"Peace at last," John sighed, flicking his magnifier back into place over his right eye as he set aside the window to be baked later and reached for a fresh blob of clay. 
"What ya dooooooing?" Gordon yodelled, slamming the bedroom door open so hard that it smacked into the wall and shook several picture frames. He scooted his way into the room without even waiting for an invite. 
"Gordon!" John huffed, clutching his heart where it was trying to leap out of his chest from the shock of his brother’s sudden, and very noisy, entrance. 
"Hi, I got bored, thought I'd drop in on my favourite big brother," Gordon grinned as he glided his hoverchair closer. 
"Are Scott and Virgil busy?" John asked, that would be the only reason Gordon would have promoted him to his favourite. 
"Yes," Gordon admitted, "but that's not the reason why I'm here."
John turned his head to shoot him a raised eyebrow of doom, clearly communicating without words that he didn't believe him in the slightest. 
"So, what are you doing?" 
"Working on this book nook," John replied patiently, holding up the small cauldron he was crafting. 
"The same one?" 
Gordon’s eyes nearly fell out of his head, "Still? It’s been four days!"
"Yes," John hissed out, starting to get frustrated by the constant questions. 
"Because it takes a long time. If you're going to do a project you should do it right."
"At the speed you're going it's gonna take forever," Gordon snorted, casting an assessing eye over the work John had already done. 
"That doesn't matter," John assured him. "It's not really about the time it takes or the end result, it's about the process, the journey to get there."
"Sounds lame to me," Gordon yawned. 
"Obviously," John drawled, rolling his eyes. 
"What do you mean by that?" Gordon demanded to know, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. 
"Because it's you."
"Hey! Rude."
"Accurate," John said, placing the little cauldron down and selecting another piece of clay which he placed on a ceramic tile. 
"Because it requires a calm mind. It's good to slow down sometimes and just be still."
"Says the console jockey." 
Console Jockey? He did not just say that!
"So you don't think my job is stressful? Or as tiring and important as yours?" John snapped, wondering if it was bad form to smack your injured brother around the head with a partially constructed book nook. He glanced at the nook, he had put a lot of work into it… It would be a shame to waste it. That thought alone saved Gordon. 
“Well, yeah I get that it might be a bit stressful, but it’s not like you have to do much that puts you in danger, not like us,” Gordon continued, digging his hole even deeper, a hole that John was looking forward to shoving him into.
“We all have our specialities, you couldn’t do your job without me doing mine,” John retorted, trying very hard not to let Gordon’s comments get to him. Gordon would never understand what it was like for him to be stuck so far away from the action, away from his brothers when things were going wrong. 
Gordon, thankfully for him, had been unconscious from the moment he had activated his emergency code. He hadn’t heard the frantic calls going out over the comms as the family mobilized to help him.  He hadn’t heard the desperate scramble as Thunderbirds took off, racing to the scene. But John had heard it all. 
John had been the one to stay on the line with Gordon, talking to him the entire time, knowing that he probably wouldn’t hear it but feeling that he needed to say it all the same. He wanted to know that if his little brother regained consciousness for even a second he would hear a familiar voice, that he would know that they were coming, that they would rescue him. He would know that he wasn’t alone.
 He knew what it was like for people that were in danger, knew the comfort they got from someone talking to them, listening to their stories, being there for them verbally if not physically. John was often the one that spent the most amount of time with those they rescued, keeping their spirits up as much as possible until his brothers got there. 
His brothers were seen by their rescuees as the real heroes, the ones that leapt in and plucked them out of danger, but John was the one that got them that help, the one that made sure the rescue played out as best it could, liaising and coordinating until the job was done. But Virgil, Scott, Gordon and Alan were the ones that got the thanks , the ones that got the hugs after they dropped their charges off, not John. 
Not that he minded too much, he knew that his job was just as important as theirs, maybe even more so because, when someone put out that call for help, when they sent their desperate plea out into the world, they deserved to know that someone would always be listening out for it, that someone would hear and that help would come.
He knew all of this, and he knew that Gordon did too, it was just the frustration of inactivity that was making him say the things that he was. John just wished that that knowledge made it easier to listen to. 
“I might not be doing the physical rescuing,” John continued, feeling the need to push his point home. “But I work just as hard, when you’re home you’re off duty until a call comes in, you can relax, swim, watch movies and laze around until you’re needed. When I’m up there I’m on duty 24/7 and even when I do manage to catch some sleep it’s not deep or particularly restful. Any little noise, any call that triggers the system's keyword algorithm gets transferred automatically, I have to go from asleep to awake in seconds to take it.”
Gordon was quiet for once, watching him closely. John didn’t like it, it made him feel like an exhibit in a zoo. And here we have the little seen Tracy, see how he stays inside his hide and hardly ever ventures out… he knew how they saw him, why they likely thought he had the easy job. 
“These help, they give me something else to focus on. I need to keep my mind active and challenged while still trying to relax.” John paused, trying to think of a way to explain his thinking that Gordon might understand. 
“These are almost like a meditation,” he started. Gordon understood meditation and finding your zone. “Creating something out of almost nothing. It keeps my mind focused, helps with finger dexterity and hand eye coordination with the added bonus of it relaxing me. It’s good to slow down and take some time to do something creative, you should try it some time.” 
Gordon listened to his brother and he tried to take in all his words, he tried to understand the meaning behind them, he really did, but it just didn’t make any sense to him. He understood about wanting to be lazy, to sit around and do nothing sometimes. He loved to laze on the couch with his snackies and an Into the Unknown marathon playing out on the holoscreen, but that was watching something exciting, interesting, to him that was relaxing. This...whatever it was that John was actually doing, made no sense whatsoever to him. The idea of trying to relax by actually thinking...that was the most alien concept of all. 
Gordon knew, probably better than his family gave him credit for, what it was like to be mislabelled. Within every sibling pool, there were the mandatory roles: the serious one, the caring one, the smart one, the funny one, the calm one, the angry one, the one who sang in the shower, et cetera. He’d proudly embraced the role of ‘the funny one’, and had diligently flown the flag for the humour camp for as long as he could remember. If a brother came home from a rescue in a slump and needed a cheery pick-me-up, it was Gordon who stepped up to the task, irrespective of his own mood. His smile and laugh were infectious, and he had yet to encounter a frown he couldn’t (eventually) turn upside down.
But with every ‘role’ came misconceptions. Scott was serious, therefore people were quick to automatically assume that he was a killjoy.  Similarly, John’s intellect and preference for solitude often went hand in hand with him being branded antisocial, since there was apparently no possible way someone could enjoy their own company so much, yet still pursue and maintain meaningful relationships with actual people.
Gordon was no stranger to this treatment. He liked to laugh and be spontaneous, and consequently, was often regarded as the Tracy who didn’t take his work seriously, the Tracy who had the attention span of a gnat (albeit a very handsome one), and the Tracy who couldn’t be trusted with anything that required delicacy, be it physical or emotional. His affinity for making people laugh, though an exceptional quality, frequently acted as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, his relentless optimism made him the most effective of the bunch when it came to emergencies involving children and young adults. On the other hand, it sentenced him to a fate where the bad jokes he cracked would always be two steps ahead of the secret deep thinker that lay within.
“Let me see it again,” Gordon sighed, trying his best to be a supportive and understanding brother, since he did feel a little bad about the things he had just said. He hadn’t meant to say them, they had just come out. That was the trouble with being laid up from an injury, not only were you out of action but you were in pain, and pain made you grumpy and less likely to monitor the things that came out of your mouth the way you should.
He knew that John worked hard, hell he knew that what his brother had said was right, John was never truly off duty. They were all aware that he didn’t get enough sleep, enough down time, enough time to relax and just be. They knew that if John was on Five he would consider himself on duty, at work, and therefore he’d never allow himself to take time out. Things had changed since Selene had blundered her way into his life, now he spent a lot more time on the Island, which meant that he was finally taking some time out for himself. If one of the ways he chose to do that was by crafting ridiculously tiny things out of clay to stick in a hollowed out box that was his business. Gordon wasn’t there to judge, he was there to spend time with his brother.
John moved aside a little so Gordon could get a closer look, trying to resist the urge to smack his hand away every time Gordon reached for a tiny piece that had taken him hours to perfect. 
“These are really small,” Gordon mused, poking at a window that John had just finished painting, leaving behind a smudged fingerprint. “Woops, sorry, Bro.”
“Maybe you should try making something of your own,“ John suggested, carefully removing the window from his brother's possession and picking up a brush in order to attempt a fix.
Gordon nodded and John passed him a ceramic tile and a miniature rolling pin. 
“How about you try cutting me out a few shop sign bases?” John suggested.
“Do I get one of those scalpel things?” Gordon asked, a little too eagerly for John’s liking.
“Maybe we can work up to that,” John hedged, subtly moving the scalpel out of his brother’s reach and passing him a square cookie cutter. “Use this cutter for now.”
Gordon shrugged and spent a few minutes rolling and squishing the clay trying to get the thickness to the exact measurement that John insisted on. It wasn’t easy or fun.
“Nope!” Gordon announced, giving up and pushing the tile away. “It’s still boring. Pass.”
He swung his hoverchair around and headed in the direction of the door. “Later, Bro.”
“Oh...OK...later, I guess,” John stuttered, wondering just what he had done to deserve such a chaotic family as his.
“Oh, hey, boo, where are you go- WAHH!”
John’s head shot up as Selene’s yelp rang out from the hallway.
“So you should be, you little shit,” she grumbled to his retreating back as she thumped into the room.
“What happened, love?”
“Let’s just say that if his chair had wheels I’d have lost a few toes,” she said, wincing in imagined pain. 
John scooted his desk chair back and patted his lap in offer, one that she happily accepted.
“So, why was Gordy doing his boy racer bit? What did you say to him?”
“Me? What makes you think I said anything to him?”
“Because I know you two?” 
“Fair,” he sighed, sliding his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. “I don’t know what to do to help him.”
Selene turned her head to look at him, not liking the helpless look on his face.
“Babe, you are helping him, you’re there to keep him company or talk to him if he needs it, that’s more important than anything. What happened to make you think that you weren’t helping?”
“He was asking me about these again,” John nodded towards his work area on the desktop. “But he didn’t seem to understand, that or he just didn’t want to.”
“He’s Gordon,” she sighed. “You know what he’s like, he’s full on, he’s in your face and he’s not at all subtle. Taking his time with things just doesn’t compute with him.”
“It would do him good though, if he doesn’t learn to embrace it he’ll be exactly the same as he was last time.”
“Was he really that bad?” she asked, concern lacing her voice. 
John nodded. “He doesn’t do inactivity well. When he had his hydrofoil accident his therapist talked him into signing up for a virtual college degree in Environmental Management of Rivers and Wetlands. It was supposed to take him at least a year as a part time course with ANU in Canberra, but he blew through it in the first semester and earned himself a distinction for his insights on the impact of Anthropogenic Noise on Wetland Habitats. His professor was so impressed he offered him a fully funded PhD, citing his time with WASP and the time he spent in the bathyscaphe as practical experience that would make up for his lack of degree. Obviously he turned it down, but he still likes to rub our faces in it now and then.”
“Wow,” Selene breathed. “Forget his professor being impressed, I’m impressed.”
“He has a phenomenal brain,” John said, a small but very proud smile on his face. “When he actually decides to use it to its full potential, that is. There is nothing he can't do when he chooses to focus on something, he’s all in. It really helped him to feel like he was gaining something and moving forward even though he was sitting still.”
Selene nodded, understanding completely. She knew that all of her boys were wicked smart, but Gordon always presented himself as the least academic. He was more of a doer, wanting to be out in the field, learning as he went, diving in head first to every situation. 
But as Selene and John both knew, appearances could be deceiving.
“If that’s what helped him last time, then we need to find a way to convince him to try something new,” Selene insisted. 
“I tried, he’s not interested.”
“That was with your things, babe. We need to find something that’s a little more him, and I think I know just the thing.”
“I have arrived!” Gordon yodelled, announcing his entrance in his own unique way. He slid his hover chair in through the open door like the boss that he was, bringing his shining presence in to brighten up his middle brother's obviously dull existence. “Didja miss me?”
“Like a hole in the head,” John grumbled, turning to look at the grinning face of his brother. His eyes immediately began to water as they were assaulted by the far too bright colours of the shirt Gordon was wearing, a tie dyed monstrosity that Selene had made for him for his birthday. 
“A little more gratitude, if you please," Gordon huffed. 
“Grandma finally released you?”
“Yep,” Gordon stretched out his injured leg and patted the air cast on his now slingless arm. “Got time off for good behaviour.”
“I find that hard to believe,” John teased, then nodded to Gordon’s arm. “How’s it feeling?”
“Not too bad, my grip still isn't great but Grandma promised me that once the bone has finished knitting I’ll just need to exercise it and build the muscle strength up, then it’ll be as good as new.”
“That’s great, it won't be long before you're able to go back out with Virgil and stop, how did Sel put it, 'haunting the house like the ghost of Christmas future'?"
"Can't come soon enough," Gordon sighed, butting his chair right up close to John's, knocking his arm in the process. "What you do- you're still doing that? Still? It's been a week!" 
"It's not like I get a huge amount of down time," John pointed out. "I'm only here now because Sel said she'd dump me if I didn't make an effort to come down earlier in the evenings so I could actually eat a meal with you all."
"You actually believed that threat?" Gordon laughed. 
"Of course not, she'd never dump me, but I thought I had better humour her and let her feel like she at least had a little sway," John shrugged, pushing aside the little piece of doorstep he had been painting. "Honestly, it's nice to come down for a meal and family time, I hadn't realised how much I'd missed it until it was happening again."
"I guess we all got a bit too caught up in International Rescue after we lost Dad," Gordon admitted. 
"Like we had nothing else in our lives," John nodded, completely understanding. 
Gordon fell silent and John let him, concentrating on mixing the perfect colour acrylic to add a few highlights to his stones. 
"Can I have a go at making something? I bet I could do it quicker than you," Gordon asked, reaching towards what Selene called the sharps tub. John smacked the lid down on it just in time. 
"Actually, we got you a present."
"You did?" Instantly distracted, Gordon sat up straighter, excited by the prospect of a gift. "What did you get me?" 
This," John answered, opening his desk drawer and extracting an interestingly shaped bottle, upright with a thicker, rounded bottom and a thinner neck, ending a cork stopper. 
"Wow, is that an original?" Gordon asked, taking the bottle carefully and turning it to  study it from all angles. He knew exactly what this shaped bottle was, there had been a collection of them in Commander Shore’s office that he would stare at every time he got called in for some reprimand or another.
"19th century," John nodded. "Sel found it in a little shop in Mayfair. They assured her it was a genuine, used on a ship, captain's decanter from around the time of the civil war. They hadn’t fully traced it when Sel bought it but they think it came from one of the ships that fought in one of the smaller skirmishes around 1861.”
“This is really cool, thanks,” Gordon smiled, still turning the bottle over and over.
“It’s to hold this,” John continued, drawing Gordon’s attention back to him.
Grinning, John delved back into his desk drawer and pulled out a rather faded and quite dusty box. He brushed the dirt off the top and slid it over to Gordon. 
"A ship?" Gordon frowned. 
"Yep, Selene and I thought that you needed a little project of your own, so she had the idea to get you a ship in a bottle. You don’t see them a lot these days, but apparently her Grandfather had a couple and they always fascinated her.”
“So you put the ship in the bottle?”
“Yep, instructions are inside, go nuts.”
“Pfft, instructions,” Gordon snorted. “No one needs instructions, they’re a waste of time.”
“Ouch,” John hissed, hopping in place on one foot as he bent down to pick up what looked to be a tiny piece of mast that had attacked the sole of his foot. “Gordon, why are there bits of ship all over my floor?”
“Because I dropped them,” Gordon replied, his voice muffled due to the tongue of concentration that was peeking out from between his teeth.
Huffing, John gathered all the pieces off the floor, both pieces of ship and bits that they had been cut out of, and deposited them on the desk next to Gordon.
“How’s it coming along?” John asked, settling in his own chair. He’d only been gone a day but Gordon had managed to take over the entire bedroom, spreading his belongings, bottles, snack wrappers, his phone and a discarded hoodie, all over the place, as well as half the contents of the vintage ship box.
“It’s ridiculous. I think it’s missing pieces or something, it’s broken.”
“Well it was an old kit, but we were assured that it was complete,” John frowned, sliding the tray over that Gordon was supposed to be storing all the pieces in. “Have you checked the contents list and matched each piece to make sure they’re all there?”
Gordon looked at him blankly, like he was talking a foreign language.
“Did you check that everything was there before you started?" John elaborated.
“Of course I did,” Gordon promised, crossing his fingers and hoping his brother didn’t see. 
“Against the list?” John clarified.
“I eyeballed it, OK?”
“Not good enough,” John insisted. “That’s not how you go about doing things like this, you can’t just slap them together and hope for the best.”
“Why not?” Gordon whined. It worked for him in almost everything else he did in life. 
“Because this happens," John gestured to the mess surrounding them.
“Fine, I’ll read the damn instructions.”
Leaving Gordon to it John slid his almost completed book nook over and picked up his paintbrush to start adding some finishing touches before he started on the wiring for the lights. He’d barely done more than five minutes when Gordon started huffing.
John waited a little longer, trying his hardest to ignore the ever increasing sounds of frustration and impatience from his brother. In the end he couldn't stand it a moment longer, he had to ask the most loaded question ever.
“What’s the problem?” John asked, pushing his own work aside.
“These instructions don’t make sense,” Gordon bitched, flapping the paper in John’s face. “Look at the little picture here, you have to stick this little pole into that hole in the deck but the deck doesn’t want to stay together and that piece there keeps sliding and the pictures make no sense.”
“That’s because you missed around eight steps in between,” John told him, praying for patience. 
“No I didn't, I followed the pictures exactly,” Gordon insisted. 
“The steps aren’t in the pictures,” John explained. “See right there?” he pointed to the words above the pictures. “The pictures are a diagram of each finished stage, not how to get there. They are for reference only, not instructions.”
“Urghhh, this is going to take forever,” Gordon pouted, crossing his arms. “What’s the point?”
“The point is that by the end of it you’ll have something unique that no one else does, something you can be proud of and know that you built with your own two hands.”
“I’m not sure it’s worth the effort,” Gordon muttered.
“It is,” John promised. “I’ll help. How about I read out the instructions and you follow along? We’ll get through it quicker that way.”
Gordon wasn’t convinced, but John looked so hopeful that he didn’t have the heart to refuse him, especially since he and Selene had gone to so much trouble to get the things for him in the first place. He might be a miserable little sod, but he wasn’t that ungrateful. He knew that they had gone out of their way to get something they thought he’d like, the least he could do was make the thing, even if he knew he wouldn’t enjoy it. Maybe John was right, working together they could get through it quicker, and that could only be a good thing.
“Alright,” Gordon agreed, “let’s give it a go.”
Slowly, methodically, John read out each piece that was needed and Gordon located them, storing them neatly in a wooden box that Selene provided when she popped in to bring them drinks an hour or so later. She stayed just long enough to steal a kiss from John and drop one on the top of Gordon’s head before she beat a hasty retreat, not wanting to get roped into helping. She wasn’t the best at following instructions and didn’t want to get grumped at.
By the time they had all the pieces checked and catalogued they had discovered there were indeed two pieces missing, but thankfully they were easy fixes, just a small , round piece of wood to represent a porthole, which they could easily make a replacement for and a piece of mast. One snipped toothpick later and that was sorted too.
John started with the first set of instructions, reading them out patiently as Gordon found and fitted them together. 
“So, how’s work been?” Gordon asked, like a chatty hairstylist, as he carefully dipped the end of a thin dowel into a small pot of wood glue. 
“Same as ever,” John deadpanned, “a bunch of idiots that got themselves into trouble and needed help, and only half of them related to us.”
Gordon sniggered, glancing at John, seeing the sly smile on his brother’s face. He’d forgotten just how amusing John could be when he delivered something sarcastically witty with such a serious tone. Gordon hadn’t realised how much he’d missed it, wondering just what his more serious brother would come out with next. John was always like that, he seemed so quiet and reserved but, when he was relaxed and in company he was comfortable with he’d take you by surprise by letting loose a zinger that you couldn’t help but laugh at.
“Let’s not talk about work,” Gordon suggested, “we haven’t hung out properly in ages, you’re either up in Five or there are other people around.”
“Is that your way of saying you’ve missed me?” John teased.
“Maybe,” Gordon allowed, “but if you ever tell anyone I said that I’ll deny it and tell Grandma you want her to make your birthday cake this year.”
John held his hands up in surrender, although he couldn’t hold in the laugh that bubbled up as he reached for the instructions again.
“OK, let’s get this done before we stop enjoying each other’s company.”
They worked slowly but steadily over the next few hours, putting together the structure for the first mast. Once it was done they called it quits and abandoned it for another day, the smell of something tasty coming from the kitchen proving to be too much to ignore.
 “Gordon, that’s my finger.”
“Oh, sorry, can you just like… I don’t know, yank it off?”
“If I wish to leave half my identifying fingerprints behind, yes.”
“Do you really need them?”
John didn’t dignify that with an answer, the look he threw at his brother communicated his thoughts perfectly. 
“OK, OK, I’ll get some dissolver from Virgil’s studio, wait right there,” Gordon instructed him, grabbing his crutches and hobbling his way out of the room. 
John sighed, keeping his hand perfectly still, the hull of the boat dangling from his fingertip. He was still there five minutes later when Gordon clumped his way back in, Selene hot on his heels. She had the glue dissolver under one arm, a large bag of chips under the other and a plate of sandwiches in each hand. 
She dumped the plates on the desk, then the chips, before turning to see the state her fiancé was in.
“Do I even want to know?” 
“Probably not,” Gordon winced, dropping down into his abandoned desk chair and reaching for a plate.
“Can you at least help me before you start stuffing your face?” John asked, waggling his hand, which made the boat sway violently from side to side.
“Can’t, eating,” Gordon mumbled around the massive mouthful he had just taken.
“What did I say?” she demanded to know. “No hurting the hands, you know how I feel about that.” 
John wiggled his fingers again, drawing her attention to his plight. He looked so pathetic with the half built little ship swinging from his hand that Selene took pity on him, intervening when he looked like he was about to grab the thing and yank it off himself, fingerprints be damned.
“Oh for the love of the Gods, let me do it!” Taking his hand she used a paintbrush to smear glue dissolver around the area of skin it was stuck to. She took her time, rewetting and using the brush bristles to push the dissolver under the boat, trying to  ease it free from his skin with minimal pulling.
“Thank you,” he sighed, sitting patiently while she worked. Thankfully it didn’t take her too long, although it took a lot of cursing under her breath and the odd ouch from him to get there. 
“One boat,” she announced, placing it triumphantly on the desk. 
“Fanks,” Gordon said, spraying chip crumbs as he did so.
“Welcome,” she said, brushing at her leg which had unfortunately been in splatter range. Still holding John’s hand she bestowed a kiss to each of his abused digits before releasing him. 
“Right, I’m out of here. Play nicely, you two, I don’t want to have to send Grandma in to babysit you both.”
“It won’t come to that,” John assured her, reaching for his own sandwich. “We’ve not got much left to do now. We just have to attach the rigging to the masts, check that they fold properly then insert th-”
“I’m out, I don’t need to hear anything about insertion, not after you just glued a boat to your hand,” Selene declared, her exit swift and to the point, the door shutting firmly behind her.
“She has a point,” Gordon admitted, swallowing his last bite. He pushed the chip bag in John’s direction, although there was barely more than a handful and a few crumbs left in it. 
“But we’ll never admit it to her face,” John insisted, steadily munching through the large sub she had brought for him. 
“Never,” Gordon agreed. 
Gordon sighed dramatically as he crutched his way down the hall from his bedroom. John’s bedroom door was open but his brother wasn’t inside. The ship, now fully rigged, sat beside the bottle on the desk, just waiting to be placed inside once some sand had been poured in as a base. Gordon had chosen all different shades of blue to represent the sea and had even watched a few videos on how to do sand pouring art, something he’d never expected to find even remotely interesting, yet he couldn’t bring himself to go in and make a start on it.
John had barely been home the past week and when he had it had only been for food and enforced sleep. Even then he had been known to sneak out of bed the second Selene was asleep, being discovered on numerous occasions sitting at their father’s desk until the small hours working on this, that or the other. 
Emergencies, and therefore the need for their services, had seemed to increase three fold, something Selene was blaming on the moon phase and mercury going retrograde and, for want of a better explanation, they were all inclined to agree. There was no rhyme or reason for the surge in idiots that were calling in at all hours of the day and night with trucks caught under a too low bridge causing a pile up, hands stuck down toilets, drunks climbing to the top of electricity pylons and repair men getting trapped inside ATM machines they had been fixing.
His brothers had been on the go near constantly, whether it was from rescue call outs or working on their plan to find their father,  but none more so than John. While Selene had always been good at what she liked to call Tracy Wrangling, none more so that when she was dealing with a stressed out Scott, even she had admitted defeat and left them to their own devices. Self preservation was key after all. 
John had been dealing with not only rescue calls and Chaos Crew sightings, but signal tracking, GDF liaising and general hoop jumping, all of which had kept him far too busy.
It had been over a week since they had done anything to their project and Gordon was feeling the loss. Not so much of the project, although that really had helped with his frustrations at his lack of physical ability, not that he would ever admit that to John, but in spending time with his brother.
Much to his surprise he’d found that he was reluctant to work on it alone, it had become their thing to do together. It was a time where they would hang out, shoot the shit, reminisce about childhood memories, times that they had spent together talking about their hope for the future where they would find their father alive and bring him home.
Both of them knew that it wouldn’t be easy, that if they did manage to find him there would be no telling what physical or mental state he would be in. Gordon knew from experience just how tough physical injury, limitations, and recovery could be on the mind and the body,  especially in someone who had been as active and viril as Jeff Tracy. 
They all knew, although no one seemed to want to talk about it, that as hard as it was going to be to actually locate him and hopefully bring him home, that would only be the beginning of what could potentially be an incredibly long and difficult journey of rehabilitation and reintegration into the family and the world as a whole. 
John had been right, taking some time to be quiet, to slow down and think while keeping your mind and hands busy really was a productive way to spend your rest hours and, stupid as it sounded, Gordon didn’t really want that to end. 
He was only a week or two away from potential cast removal and a return to physical activities like his beloved swimming and strength training in their home gym and, while he couldn’t wait to get back to it, he knew he’d feel the loss of his enforced quiet time. 
He glanced again at the abandoned ship on the desk and turned away, clumping down the hall towards the stairs. So it would take them a little longer to get it finished, Gordon was fine with that because for once he wasn’t feeling the need to rush.
“Remember to pour it slowly,” Gordon instructed as he held the funnel in place, its long pipe reaching right down into the bottom of the jar. “Start with the darkest one, that’s going to be our base colour.”
“I’ve got it,” John assured him, selecting the tub of midnight blue sand and scooping some out into a smaller pot to make things easier. At Gordon’s nod he began to slowly and steadily pour the sand into the open neck of the funnel. As he watched Gordon expertly directed the tube, allowing the sand to pour out to pool in the bottom of the bottle.
At Gordon’s signal John stopped pouring and waited while Gordon carefully removed the tube and used a long metal skewer to poke and prod the sand into something that looked vaguely like waves.
“The next colour up,” Gordon requested and John did as he was asked. They repeated the process four more times with different shades of blue, John pouring in a little at a time, Gordon directing the tube to deposit  more in one place than others, mimicking the movement of sea waves as best they could. In between each layer Gordon used the skewer to poke and mix the colours here and there, blending the layers into a smoother transition.
“That’ll do,” Gordon said confidently, twisting the bottle so John could see the full effect. 
John had to admit that he had been pleasantly surprised when Gordon had announced that he had ordered some coloured sand and looked up how to do sand art on the internet. He hadn’t really known what to expect, although he would admit, if only to himself, that he had thought that Gordon would be a little heavy handed and impatient, but once again he had proved him wrong. He really had done his research and the result was a beautiful mix of colours that really did give a perfect impression of a gently moving sea.
“That’s looking great.”
“I know,” Gordon grinned, modest as always. “Where’s that resin gone?”
“Here,” John answered, pushing it across the desk towards his brother. “Make sure you read the instructions and measure the amounts accurately or it won’t set and you’ll ruin the sand and the bottle.”
“Yeah, yeah I got this,” Gordon assured him as he did indeed read the instructions through properly. Once he had familiarised himself with the ratio of resin to hardener, he measured carefully and poured them into a mixing jug. Once it was fully mixed he slowly, gently, poured the mixture a little at a time into the bottle on top of the sand. With each little pour he waited for the resin to trickle down between the grains, slowly adding to it until all the sand was covered. 
“And now we wait,” John said, carefully placing the bottle in the patch of bright sunlight coming in through the window. 
“Wanna watch a movie?” Gordon offered casually, not really expecting his brother to agree. John hardly ever watched anything with just him, they had vastly different tastes in movies and John usually made some polite excuse to escape.
“Sure, sounds good.”
“Really?” Gordon goggled, his eyes almost falling out of his head. “You don’t have anything more important to do?”
“More important than watching a movie with my little brother? I don’t think so,” John grinned, retrieving Gordon’s crutches from where they were leaning against his bookshelf and tossing them to him one by one. “Come on, last one to the lounge picks the movie.”
“Hey, no fair!” Gordon yelled, scrambling to his feet as he fumbled with his crutches. “You’ve got legs like a giraffe and neither of them are broken!”
“Sucks to be you,” John tossed over his shoulder as he took off down the hall to victory.
“Careful,” John warned.
“I am being careful,” Gordon snapped. “I got this.”
“Your hand’s shaking.”
“Thanks for that, Captain Obvious.” He steadied his, only slightly shaky, hand by propping his elbow on the desk for stability. “OK, let’s do this.”
They both held their breath as Gordon maneuvered the body of the boat through the opening in the bottle, making sure each sail stayed carefully folded down and the strings remained untangled before he fed it down the neck and into the bottle.
“Phase one, complete,” John intoned in such a serious voice that Gordon couldn’t help the laugh that he snorted out.
“Pass me those long nosed tweezers?” Gordon asked, holding out a hand.
John slapped the requested instrument into his brother's hand like a nurse in an operating theater, provoking another burst of laughter.
Making sure the strings of the sails were still dangling outside of the bottle, Gordon carefully moved the body of the boat further down into the bottle with the metal skewer until the stern touched the top of the resin and sand layer. 
“Now the sails,” Gordon whispered, hardly daring to breathe as John moved in to help, taking over the holding of the strings while Gordon reached in with the tweezers.
Gently, working together, they started the delicate process of tugging gently on each string, unfolding the paper sails and locking them in place.
“String one.”
“Got it. Watch number four sail.”
“Yep, thanks...OK… can you just give string five a little pull? Perfect.”
“Sail three is flopping!”
“Gah, hang on, just got to tighten that...yep that’s got it.”
“Maybe if I gather…”
“Yep, that’s good, do that again.”
“This next bit is going to require a delicate touch, maybe I should-”
“Hey! I can be delicate!”
“It’s not coming up...back sail two is stuck, release it...careful!”
“There, saved it.”
John gently pulled the strings a little more and there it was, their ship, sails proudly upright and everything. He kept hold of the strings, while Gordon held on to the boat with the tweezers as they carefully lifted the bottle from its side to its proper upright position.
Using the skewer John maneuvered around Gordon’s hand and nudged the boat into a better position before he carefully released the strings. They both held their breath, hoping and praying that the sails wouldn't collapse the second the strings fell. 
The boat, with its sails, stayed strong.
“Yes!” Gordon cheered, holding up his free hand for a high five, grinning when his brother’s palm smacked against his own.
“Scalpel,” Gordon joked as John handed it to him so they could lop off a little of the trailing strings. Then, using the skewer, they arranged the strings around the edges of the boat. 
With the boat finally upright and in place, they added another layer of light blue coloured sand with a sprinkling of white to mimic the tips of the waves. They finished it off by pouring in a little more resin, both to set the sand and hold the boat in place, using the tweezers to make sure it was correctly positioned.
“Phew,” Gordon breathed, leaning back in his chair and stretching out his cast covered leg. “We did it. Go team.”
“We did,” John smiled. “And it looks damn good.”
“It really does,” Gordon agreed, shifting his head to look at the bottle from all angles. 
“Nothing left to do but let it dry and put the stopper in,” John said. “How do you feel now it’s done? Was it worth the time?”
“I still think we could have done it a lot faster if you’d just let me skip a few steps in the instructions and do it my way, but it wasn’t that bad,” Gordon admitted. “I’m oddly proud of it.”
“You should be, you did good,” John leant back in his chair, crossing his arms as he relaxed. “Are you going to stop teasing me about my book nooks now?”
“Pssh, no,” Gordon snorted. “Ships are cool, yours will always be boring.”
He didn’t see the bottle of water coming until it was too late.
Gordon walked straight to John’s room from the infirmary,  feeling oddly free without his crutches and casts. Six weeks was a long time, after all.
The bottle with its little ship sat exactly where they had left it in the center of John’s desk next to the abandoned book nook that was still not finished. It took him very little time to insert the cork stopper and pour a little of Selene’s spell bottle sealing wax around the top, a bright, cheery yellow wax that matched his beloved Thunderbird Four.
He smiled as he thought of his little craft, waiting down in her dock for him, ready to be taken out when the next call came in. It had been a long and frustrating time but finally, blessedly, that time was over.
He poked an experimental finger into the wax seal, checking that it had set properly. It had, and he couldn’t help feeling a little sad about it. It had been a project that at first he’d had very little interest in, but slowly it had turned into so much more. Not just something to wile away a few hours but a chance for him to reconnect with the brother he spent the least amount of time with. 
Years ago, back when he had been small, John had been his everything. When Alan had been too tiny to be of any use and Scott and Virgil had been too old to be bothered with him hanging around, it had been John that had been there for him. It was John that had patiently listened as he read aloud from his sealife books, who had watched movies with him, played with him, and spent the most amount of time with him. Back then, their three year age difference had seemed like so little but so much at the same time, an older brother that made him feel wanted and included when the other two saw him as an annoyance.
Gordon couldn’t quite put his finger on when things had changed, when they had slowly drifted apart. John had seemed to grow up so much faster than he had, Alan had welded himself to his side, looking up to Gordon as he had to John  and things had never been the same again. 
It had been too long since they had been able to just hang out, to laugh, to tease each other without things going too far and one of them getting annoyed. It had been nice and Gordon had realised that he didn’t want to go back to nothing but hollocalls to Five when an emergency came in or the odd family dinner and movie night where he had to share with the rest of the family. John was the only brother that Gordon didn’t spend one on one time with as standard and he realised that, no matter how much he might blame it on John being so far away, in reality it was as much his fault as John’s.
Gordon picked up the bottle, leaving a box in its place. The model kit of the Mercury Project space capsule and its launch pad had been hard to find even with his junker contacts. In fact, he had almost given up and  admitted defeat before he'd thought to look at the label on his ship box and sent the shop owner an email.
Smiling to himself, knowing that there was no way John would be able to resist that challenge, he took the finished bottle, with its little ship, to his room where it would take pride of place on his bookshelf, a constant reminder that even in the worst of times, positivity could still be found.
“Thanks, Bro.”
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"Tell who?"- Part 1
Remus smiled into his pillow. Why’s he so cute? He felt something rustle under his stomach. Reaching under himself, he pulled out a wrinkled piece of parchment. His resolutions list. Remus flipped onto his back and squinted at the letters. Warmth was pooling in his chest. Something is missing here. He patted the bed in search for his quill and ink, then wrote:
5. Fuck this I wanna tell him I love him
The paper slipped to the floor as Remus’ arms gave out and he drifted into an instantaneous, profound sleep.
The Marauders are in their 6th year at Hogwarts, it's New Year's Eve and Remus writes a New Year's resolutions list. Sirius finds it the next day. The story is written from Remus' point of view. It's wolfstar and lighthearted. Kinda inspired by this fanfic.
This is part 1 of the story. I will be posting the other parts separately here and also the full fic on ao3 (I will link everything when it's done, check this post for that in some time). Warnings: underage drinking and smoking, mentions of anxiety disorder.
Enjoy! :)
Part 2 Part 3
Remus sat on the windowsill in the 6th year boys’ dormitory rolling a cigarette with magic. Well, trying to. He carefully placed the tobacco and filter on the small paper and tapped it with his wand, but half of the contents plopped out. The spell needed perfecting, obviously. Remus had picked up the habit of smoking socializing with some muggle kids back home during that summer. He knew it was stupid, but he had thought it looked cool. Later, he also found out he quite liked the lightheadedness that followed smoking a cigarette quickly. And some more time after that, there was a boy at school to try to impress, but that's a little embarrassing to admit. A nicotine addiction was surely well on its way to becoming a reality, but Remus didn't like to think about that. And anyway, with the war looming over everyone's head, who cares if a 16-year-old werewolf is addicted to nicotine? The problem was that cigarettes were expensive and Remus didn't have a lot of money to spare, so he resigned to rolling as it was cheaper and lasted longer. With some practice, he'll be able to assemble them with magic effortlessly anyway.
"Hiya, Moony," James said, walking into the room, "you're not getting ready?"
"Yes, I am." Remus pointed at his cigarette rolling arrangement, although James was probably referring to the fact that he wasn't dressed for a party.
It was the 31st of December. The four of them were staying at Hogwarts for the entirety of the holidays, given that the full moon had been on the 26th. Well, that was the excuse they gave their parents. The real reason why they hadn’t gone to the Potters after the 26th, where they usually spent the Christmas holidays, was that Sirius had stumbled upon a flyer for a gig and party occurring in Hogsmeade that Friday. James and Sirius were ecstatic, but Remus was pretty apathetic towards the idea of going. With his crush on his best friend and all. In fact, he had been trying to steer clear of settings in which he was sure Sirius would look particularly, well, hot. However, there was a flaw in his thinking, he had realised. Day by day, Sirius was beginning to look extraordinarily hot to Remus in every setting, and there was nothing he could do about it.
When Sirius had arrived at their train compartment at the beginning of that school year, Remus was very, very confused. Sirius had run away from home and spent the majority of the summer at the Potters, but in the two months, he had changed profoundly. Although they had been exchanging letters the whole summer, nothing could've prepared Remus for the feeling of panic bubbling up in him when Sirius had stepped through the sliding doors. After finally being released from his family's clutches, the freedom and eagerness to express himself had been immediately evident. Sirius had let his hair grow out longer than usual, past his shoulders, messier and curlier, but all the better looking (if that was even possible). He'd gotten taller and his shoulders broader, his muggle clothes sitting flawlessly on his lean figure. He’d looked cool, to say the least- chunky black lace-up boots, black trousers, a small silver loop earring in one ear and, of course, a black leather jacket. Remus had been perplexed and silent the whole train ride. What is wrong with me, he had thought. It wasn't envy or disapproval. It was excitement for his best friend's joy after years of trauma, of course, it was. But what the hell was that lump in his throat and the inability to look Sirius in the eye? Later that week, as Sirius had stepped out of the bathroom with his shirt hanging loosely around his neck exposing his prominent collarbones, Remus had realised with a sinking feeling that it all impossibly resembled a crush. A crush on Sirius?? I am so fucked, he had thought as he swallowed a lump.
In the following months, Remus had been desperately attempting to push his feelings into the deep dark depths of his mind and just forget about it. Still, as it turned out, Sirius' natural charm and charisma were impossible to look past. He would casually sling his arm over Remus' shoulders on their way to class or wink at him when James said a sentence without picking up on the innuendo of it. And it made Remus' heart jump out of his chest. On top of all that, Sirius was, in all likelihood, the most handsome bloke in the whole of Britain. So much so that talking to him made Remus' stomach twist with nervous energy most of the time. Anxious talking to my best friend of five years... He felt completely off his rocker.
In the present time, Sirius threw the dorm door open, stepping inside with Peter following and Remus jumped a little. "Lads," he said rubbing his palms together, "tonight's the night. We're getting plastered!"
"No," Remus said, still struggling with the cigarettes, now resolving to roll them manually. He wasn't very keen on his big mouth outrunning his drunk brain as it so usually happened after a few drinks. And now he had a dangerous secret to keep...
"Oh come on, Moony! This is our night off the chain!" There wasn't much Remus could say no to with those big grey eyes looking into his. Before he could say anything, Sirius asked: "Mate, could you roll me a few?" He had picked smoking up from Remus, of course. Sirius had said it looked "wicked" and “punk rock”. Remus was more proud of that than he was willing to admit.
"Sure," Remus replied.
"Cheers." Sirius winked at Remus and his stomach flipped. "Right. I'm going to get ready. We gotta clear off when I get out," Sirius said disappearing into the bathroom.
Remus successfully rolled up enough cigarettes for him and Sirius and placed them into his case. Oblivious to James' and Peter's conversation, Remus contemplated how he would survive the night. He'll have his cigs and the music, he concluded. He'll be fine.
He changed into his teal sweater and dark jeans and plopped onto his bed, gazing into the wooden board above him for a while. He sighed. In a few hours, 1976 would die and the illusion of a new slate in the form of a new year will be born. Remus was aware it was silly, but he liked creating little lists of goals for himself for the following year. They were never anything revolutionary, just a couple of small and realistic things he would like to accomplish. He thought about it for a few moments, then reached into the drawer of his bedside table and pulled out some parchment, ink and a quill. He wrote:
1977 New Years resolutions:
1. Get mum that record she's been talking about for months now
2. Master the cig rolling spell
3. Improve on non-verbal magic
4. Complete that muggle reading challenge Lilly and I compiled
Sirius then came out of the bathroom dolled up and with very discreet lines of black eyeshadow around his eyes. The parchment and quill slipped from Remus’ fingers. The deep grey now stood out even further than usual. "Should we get a move on, then?" Remus rolled on his bed, pressed his face into the pillow and groaned softly, pretending it was because of his reluctance to go. He didn't know how many more of Sirius' little surprises he could take before his head imploded. This was clearly one of those times Sirius would look just exceptionally fucking fit.
"You're wearing that, Moony?" Remus picked his head up to look at Sirius, not being able to suppress the disappointment that was creeping up.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“Well, you wear sweaters every day, don’t you? This is a party we’re going to!” Remus sat up and peered at him silently, allowing himself to take a better look at the eyeshadow that suited him wonderfully.
“Where did you get that?” James piped in, finally noticing Sirius’ make up.
“Borrowed it from Marls. Now, Moony, let’s see...” He started rummaging through his wardrobe and emerged with a dark grey shirt with a band logo on it. “Here you go, mate.” Sirius held it up for him to look at, then tossed it on the werewolf’s bed. Remus loved that shirt, especially because it was one of Sirius’ favourites.
“It’s December,” Remus said, but excitement was swirling in his stomach at the thought of wearing Sirius’ clothes. “Well, wear your coat.” He flashed Remus a smile. As the other boys started pilling their belongings into their pockets and putting on jackets, Remus reflected on changing into the shirt. Then he did it, quickly. Heat rose swiftly up his neck and cheeks at the realisation it smelled like Sirius. It felt like he would melt into the carpet any second now. Maybe he could allow himself to simmer in his infatuation just for tonight.
“Looking good.” Sirius smiled at him in the mirror as Remus checked himself out. The blush intensified.
The four boys crept down hallways using the Marauder’s Map to avoid Filch and the teachers and made it safely to the One-Eyed Witch Statue on the third floor. Sirius and James were practically skipping down the secret passage leading to Honeydukes. Even Remus felt a little giddy, but that may or may not have been because of the shirt. They arrived at the pub without hindrances and made their way inside. The place was loud and crowded as they pushed their way to a round wooden bar table. There were decorative lights of different shapes and sizes everywhere as well as tiny glass lanterns with magical flames flickering inside. The atmosphere was bewitching.
“Right,” Sirius clapped his hands, “what’re we drinking?”
Remus wanted a Butterbeer, but it was decided on his behalf that he would be having Firewhiskey. After all, Sirius was now of age and this was his first opportunity to take advantage of it. And so, Remus was coerced into his first glass of alcohol. He downed it quickly when the first girl approached Sirius. This was nothing new, of course. He was showered in attention from girls at school all the time. What was different now was that it gravely bothered Remus. However, Sirius paid no attention to the lady and instead turned to Remus to ask for a cigarette. Sirius smoking was a work of art; Remus could testify to that.
After the first drink, it was no trouble following up with more and the boys wanted to try weird sounding beverages from the menu. Thick, white smoke covered their table when James brought over the Simison Steaming Stout. Later, Remus had a shot (or three) of something called Checker’s Quick Everclear which made him inexplicably snap his fingers a few times after swallowing it. It was incredibly amusing and enough to get him rather half cut. After that, things became somewhat fuzzy. The band was fine, so they danced and drank and Remus felt just swell. It could’ve had something to do with Sirius ignoring the girls or plainly the amount of alcohol in his blood. By the time people began counting down from ten, Remus had half lost his ability to comprehend what was going on. He caught sight of James hugging Sirius when the clock hit midnight as the two of them shouted: “Happy New Year!” A couple seconds later Remus felt hands around himself and realised James hugged him next, yelling the same words, frankly a bit too close to his ear. It seemed that James was either holding his drinks well or just hadn’t drank that much. Sirius’ eyes, however, were half-closed, Remus noticed, as he moved to embrace him. It was just a smidge underwhelming. Remus was numb all over and barely felt the touch of Sirius’s arms over the colossal spike of adrenaline that flashed in his insides. He likely held him tighter than necessary and reluctantly pulled away when Sirius did too. Their cheeks brushed briefly in the process. When Remus looked at him, Sirius was smiling. His hair was messy, lips full and smooth. The eyeshadow hadn’t moved. Remus almost leaned in, but chose to just smile back instead. I have a secret to keep. Big secret. Scary secret. He slyly avoided hugging Peter (who was really sweaty) as his stupid, drunk brain kept repeating: Big. Scary. Secret. Secret. But he had already forgotten what was so confidential. He was really fuckin’ pissed, wasn’t he? Remus sniggered to himself.
Sirius and James wanted to go to the dancefloor and Peter followed them. Remus, however, wasn’t quite sure he could stand very well without having a table to hold on to once in a while. So he stayed put, fetched a cigarette from his case, lit it with his wand and leaned on his forearms on the table. Reveling in the fact that that he was allowing himself to feel all his forbidden feelings tonight, Remus observed Sirius in a manner he hoped was subtle. Sirius was dancing with his eyes closed, smooth, controlled movements, face tilted upwards. Christ, Remus banged his forehead on the table, why does he have to look like that?! It felt strangely pleasant, so he stayed in that position for some time. His head was swaying lightly and he got an inexplicable urge to laugh.
“Alright, Moony,” a voice brought him back to reality. Remus forced his head up.
“Splendid,” he said. Sirius smiled at him.
“We got any more fags?”
“Yup.” He pulled out the case out of his back pocket and handed it to Sirius, just as he asked: “Having fun, Moony?” Remus’ mouth stretched into a stupid, crooked smile.
“Oh, I’m having a brilliant time.”
“Good.” Sirius struggled pulling his wand out of the pocket of his tight-fitting (Sigh...) jeans. Remus brought his own wand to the cigarette hanging from the other boy’s lips and produced miniature blue flames. Sirius sucked in the smoke, held it briefly, then exhaled. “Cheers.”
Remus downed whatever it was leftover in James’ glass. Then his mind blacked out. The next thing he was aware of was being dragged up the stairs by James to their dormitory. “You’re a miracle,” he mumbled, thinking how James could have possibly snuck him through the castle in this state without getting caught. James laughed softly.
“Okay, Moony.”
Remus plopped on his bed face first and let out a long, loud half-sigh, half-groan. He heard Sirius laugh from his own bed. “Nooo, we’re not getting plastered tonight! No waaay,” he said in a teasing voice. Remus smiled into his pillow. Why’s he so cute? He felt something rustle under his stomach. Reaching under himself, he pulled out a wrinkled piece of parchment. His resolutions list. Remus flipped onto his back and squinted at the letters. Warmth was pooling in his chest. Something is missing here. He patted the bed in search for his quill and ink, then wrote:
5. Fuck this I wanna tell him I love him
The paper slipped to the floor as Remus’ arms gave out and he drifted into an instantaneous, profound sleep.
Part 2 Part 3
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brandstifter-sys · 3 years
Carry On
Five Times Remus Swept Virgil Off His Feet (and One Time Virgil Returned the Favor)
That's a FOB title if I ever saw one
Word Count: 2927                          (Ao3)
Characters: all sides
Pairing: Dukexiety
Rating: T
Warnings: self-doubt, sex mention, swearing, mild gore mention, undertale references, dc comics references, charlie the unicorn references
inspired by @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes‘ post linked here
Sans. Virgil truly hated this battle, but he was set on finishing this run to get to the true ending the next time around. Too bad he was getting his ass handed to him by a punny pile of bones!
He growled to himself as his fingers frantically danced over the keys. He didn't care if anyone came into the common area while he was there, he couldn't afford the stress from his room and everyone knew to stay away from him or else.
Remus was not one of those sides who did what he was supposed to do all the time. So when he popped up in the common area, he didn't think twice about lounging on the couch next to his favorite emo.
"Oh come on!" Virgil snapped at his computer as he lost again. He clawed at his hair and let out a long, agonized groan before flopping back on the couch. His hands were shaking and his heart was racing. He was one more loss away from committing murder.
"Uh oh!" Remus giggled and got up. He closed the laptop and grinned at Virgil as the emo tried to murder him with his eyes.
"What do you want?"
"Me? Well I have to make a delivery to the Grand Duke of the Imagination! And you have what I need!" Remus hummed and wiggled his shoulders. Virgil scowled and crossed his arms.
"What are you talking about?" he huffed, ignoring the mischievous twinkle in Remus' eyes. That was a mistake!
Remus swooped down and scooped him up bridal style, laughing at Virgil flailing in his arms and squawking like a gull. He would never drop him out of nowhere! Silly emo could trust him!
"I'm taking you to the Grand Duke so he can spoil you and cheer you up! By any means necessary!" Remus purred and winked, bringing a delightful blush to Virgil's face.
"What the hell?"
"You are my damsel in distress and I don't even have to slay a monster to make sure you're okay—unless you want me to, there's definitely a monster I want to see, in your—"
"No. I am so done with monsters today. Don't even make that joke. Just do what you were planning," Virgil huffed and averted his gaze, no longer squirming to get away. Remus could live with that as long as he could keep holding this tall drink of water!
Remus was just polishing his morning star when he decided it was a good time to harass his brother and talk about the only thing they seemed to agree on: butts!
He appeared in the common area to the sound of a Disney movie, it would have been perfect, but Roman was not alone on the couch. Oh no, he could clearly distinguish a mop of purple hair next to the prince’s own preened locks. Neither one seemed to notice the duke looming behind them, which was good. Surprising Roman was way too much fun!
“How can you claim this isn’t romantic and charming?!” Roman grumbled as Prince Philip and Briar Rose began to dance and sing in the forest. Virgil snorted and shook his head.
“There’s nothing more romantic than a total stranger in his 20s swooping in and interrupting a 16 year old girl’s furry fantasy without an introduction or asking,” Virgil droned sarcastically. He snickered at the offended gasp that came out of the prince’s mouth and shifted in his seat.
“You wanna pause this and grab some popcorn? My leg fell asleep.”
Before Roman could move Remus struck.
“Hello there! The angel from my nightmares, the shadow in the background of the morgue!” he sang and scooped Virgil into his arms, twirling around with the brightest grin imaginable. Virgil squeaked and clung to him, more out of surprise than fear. He should have seen it coming.
“I think my point stands,” Roman teased, smirking at the pair like a cheshire cat. Virgil shot him a death glare, daring him to say anything more while Remus giggled impishly between verses.
“Perhaps you should take care of that leg and we can continue later. I would hate to rob you of a moment like this!” the prince continued, making Virgil flush and plot his end. Remus laughed and brushed Roman off.
“Looks like I’m the dashing heroic prince today! Better luck next time Hoe-man!” he sang and sunk out for some much needed cuddles. Roman rolled his eyes, ignoring the sleight in favor of appreciating how cute those two could be. Plus he could rewatch his movie without critique!
Virgil was exhausted. After a long study session for the next video, making sure that Logan knew his lines and keeping Janus from making them take a break, all he wanted to do was fall into a coma. But he was still in the common area and he would have company if he didn't move, but that meant moving. He drooped, letting his limbs hang off the couch, wishing he had the energy.
That was a mistake, and he knew that he would regret it. Especially when something slimy glided up the back of his hand.
"Gross," he grumbled, not bothering to look at the culprit. Remus giggled and licked his hand again before kissing it. He got off the floor and on one knee, smiling at his emo.
"You know you love me!" he teased and brought Virgil's hand to his lips again, "You're like my personal damsel in distress and I just love saving you and making you feel like a princess!"
"I'm not a damsel, just tired. Can I take a nap in peace?"
"Not out here, Scare Bear! You know it gets crazy with the others around!" Remus giggled and scooped him up without any struggle.
"If you take me to your dungeon to do horrible things to me in my sleep, make sure I have both kidneys intact."
"No promises, Charlie!" Remus teased and resituated Virgil so he could rest his head on his shoulder, "But I can promise you a comfy bed and the best snuggle buddy ever!"
"You're bringing Winary? Hellhounds don't make for great cuddles. They stink of brimstone," Virgil mumbled against his neck.
"Nope! You get to cuddle with a stinky dukey!" Remus countered and walked towards his room with his precious cargo.
"I'd rather cuddle with you," Virge mumbled and curled into Remus' chest.
"But I am a stinky dukey!" he said, fighting back the urge to squeal. Virgil huffed and wrapped his arms around Remus.
"I like your scent. It's comforting, like a puppy that likes mud."
"You Sir are exhausted!" Remus declared, "And you are taking a long nap with me so you can get that snark back!"
"You better be there when I wake up," Virge answered, barely able to keep his eyes open. Remus was happy and he was sure to be there the whole time.
"Virgil, you can't just call Remus every time something mildly inconvenient happens. He's not your footman," Janus huffed as Virgil curled into himself. He was going to summon Remus for a good reason. It wasn't his fault that the duke showed up every time he stubbed his toe!
"I know that, Snake-face," he huffed, "I don't actually summon him when they happen. He just knows."
"And you do nothing to stop him. It's not good for you to be dependent on him for everything. There's a fine line between self-care and sinking into bad habits."
"I'm not sinking into bad habits, Janus. I'm fine with being toted around if it makes him feel like he's being heroic instead of a villain."
Janus sighed and shook his head. Virgil had a point, Remus needed to feel wanted and needed. And who better to provide that for him than Virgil? Remus adored him!
"And I want him to show up right now," Virgil mumbled and hugged his knees. His skin was crawling and he was freezing. Was it too selfish for him to want to have Remus hold him and keep him close? Was he taking advantage of Remus wanting to be someone's hero? Was he even good enough to get that kind of attention from the duke?
"Remus!" Janus called out, rather than sit by and watch Virgil spiral. He sank out at the same time Remus appeared.
Remus got one look at Virgil and immediately pulled him into his arms. Virgil melted into him and let out a contented sigh.
"Scare Bear!" Remus cheered and spun on his heels, "My spider sense was tingling! What's wrong, Bitter Sweetie?"
"I just need some creature contact," Virgil grumbled, "and you're the most comfortable creature I know."
"So no slaying your demons or disemboweling anyone?" Remus giggled and dropped Virgil on the couch before flopping on him. Virgil shifted and wrapped his arms around Remus' waist.
"Nah, just don't leave. I need a Cuddlefish."
"And you got me for as long you want!" Remus giggled and nestled his head under Virgil's chin.
"You're gonna be here for a while," Virge hummed and soaked in the warmth Remus provided.
"I don't mind," Remus said, "I like it here!" And that was an understatement.
Remus was just going to the kitchen for a snack—he had some prairie oysters with his name on them! But he paused in the middle of the hallway when he saw Virgil on a step ladder, painting a wrought iron fence mural over his door. He was so focused, so pretty, Remus had to stare.
"You know, creeping on someone who's on a ladder is considered a bad idea."
"Do I look like the guy who has good ideas?"
"No, I should know better, you like me."
"No talking bad about yourself!" Remus growled and loomed closer.
"Oh, that's not what I meant. I mean you like the one guy who can kick your ass and you keep calling him a damsel. Last I checked, I saved you from the Dragon Witch twice this week alone."
"It was hot!" Remus agreed as Virge bent over to get more paint on his brush, carefully holding onto the wall, "But that doesn't mean you can't be a damsel too! You're like Dick Grayson—perfectly capable of kicking ass, but also very much in need of some saving every so often! Plus I think you'd make those shorts look good! Almost as good as I'd look getting into them!" Virgil jolted away from Remus as he was getting up again and lost his balance.
It felt like forever, falling backwards with nothing to grab onto. He was sure the impact would be annoying, but not terrible. If he were any higher up his instincts could have easily taken over and he wouldn't land on his back. But that impact never came. Instead he landed in a pair of strong arms.
"I knew you'd fall for me and my feral mojo!" Remus giggled down at him. Virgil stared at him for a second before swiping his paintbrush over Remus' nose.
"Sure, Puppy, you tell yourself that," Virgil said with a smirk, "It's not at all because you had the audacity to call me Dick Grayson when I'm more of a Jason Todd."
"You're more of a hottie who needs to snuggle with me after that kind of fall!"
"You really need to consider just asking like a normal person," Virgil jeered and kissed his cheek.
"Why would you ever consider that? Boring! You need some excitement in your life and that's where I come in!"
"I thought you came in—"
"Dirty jokes are my job!"
"I thought you came in like Peter Parker on a wrecking ball. Chaotically trying to save me from every mild inconvenience," Virge reiterated and wrapped his arms around Remus' shoulders before kissing his cheek again. Remus was a happy boy.
And then...
It was just perfect! Remus was so excited to finally have a gift for Patton that he would like! He appeared in the common area in the kitchen, just out of sight of the duo watching Looney Toons. Patton and Virgil were in for a treat!
He set Fluffy on the floor and motioned towards the couch. The little thing sprinted off in a pale pink blur and Remus waited for the cooing and squealing from Patton.
His heart shattered when all he heard were horrified screams coming from the father figure. He sank out to his room and fought the urge to cry. Fluffy would be able to get back to the Imagination without him.
Virgil paused the show and watched Patton scoop up the hairless cat with tears in his eyes.
"Look Virgil!" he cheered and held up the cat like she was Simba, "A kitty I can pet!" Virgil blinked twice, confused as to how a cat found her way into the commons. That's when he spotted the green collar around her neck and the silver tag hanging from it.
"Can I keep her Virge?" Patton pleaded as Virgil checked the tag. He had a hunch that Fluffy was meant to be with Patton.
"You're asking me?" he jeered and got up, "Let's find the guy who made her and ask him. I'm pretty sure Remus set her loose to find you."
"Remus? He made this little angel?" Patton gasped and cuddled her to his chest. She purred and kneaded his hoodie, getting him to squeal again.
"I'll go get him, and let you two get to know each other," Virgil said with a half-smile. Patton beamed and him and sat on the couch, cuddling his new best friend. Virgil sank out before the cuteness became sickening.
But any mushy feelings faded when he appeared in Remus' room. Amid the weapon racks and canopic jars, Remus was curled up on his bed, hiding his head between his knees.
"Octopuppy?" Virgil asked softly and sat next to Remus. The duke looked up at him with his makeup running down his cheeks.
"Scare Bear?"
"What's wrong?" he asked and brushed a stray piece of hair from Remus' face. Remus shook his head and let out a ragged sigh.
"I can't make anything good."
"Your dog is not gonna be happy to hear that."
"She's a hellhound with three heads. She's not good or normal. But she's a good girl," Remus grumbled and wiped his eyes. He was not about to cry again. Virgil coaxed Remus into his lap and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"What makes you think you can't make anything good?"
"I made a cat for Daddykins and I really tried to make her perfect for him. But he screamed at the sight of her. You know, you were there," he pouted and hid his face in Virgil's hoodie. Virgil pouted and held him closer.
"Can I show you something?" he whispered, "Something that can prove you can make something good."
Remus nodded and clung to Virgil as he stood. The emo cradled him to his chest and smiled down at him.
"Looks like you're my damsel this time," he teased and sank out, adoring the blush that crossed Remus' face.
They appeared in the common area kitchen to the sounds of giggles and cooing. Remus looked to Virgil for answers only to get a smirk in return.
"Hey Pat!" Virgil called out and carried Remus into the next room. Patton was curled up in his hoodie, using the string to play with Fluffy. Remus had never seen him so genuinely happy.
"Virge!" he cheered, only to coo at the sight of the gruesome twosome.
"I found Remus, so go ahead and ask."
"Remus, can I keep Fluffy? Please? I'll take good care of her! I promise!"
"I made her for you, so yeah, of course you can," Remus answered, completely stunned. Virgil knew that tone all too well. He had only a matter of seconds before a tsunami of feelings crashed over the duke. He would need cuddles.
"Thank you so much Remus!" Patton squealed and hugged Fluffy, "I'm gonna show her my room!" He sank out, leaving the pair to claim the couch.
"You good, Pup?" Virgil asked and hugged the duke, leaning into the cushions. Remus nodded and nuzzled into his chest.
"Good, because right now you're stuck cuddling with me until my legs fall asleep," Virgil mused and kissed his head. Remus shuddered and his breathing hitched.
"I did good," he whimpered, "I finally did a good and made a good thing."
"Finally? Remus, you make a good thing every day—you make me feel loved. You're my knight in slimy armor."
"That's just cuz I love you."
"I love you too, and I think it's only fair that I get to be your dark knight for a while. Because it's okay to need a little help, even if you don't think you deserve it."
"Who taught you that psychiatry crap?" Remus pouted and hid his face in Virgil's hoodie so no one would see him crying.
"You might know him, he's a wily little imp with a lot of passion, a flair for the dramatic, and macabre tastes. He's a handsome sweetheart and don't even get me started on his butt."
"He sounds like a pain in the neck!" Remus giggled.
"Only if he bites," Virgil snickered, "and he's my hero. So don't you dare try to talk shit about the Grand Duke of the Imagination."
Remus giggled and clung to him. He couldn't ask for a better boyfriend and he was pretty sure he didn't want to either.
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jammatown919 · 3 years
Amongst The Crowd
Anon requested: Scylla’s pov of the rally! I still have two more Motherland requests but they’ll probably take me a couple weeks each. 
Scylla hadn't dared to hope that she'd ever see Raelle again. She didn't see how she could, considering everything that stood between them. With the war, the lies, and the fact that Raelle wished they'd never met, the chances of a reunion seemed slim to none.
But then the Army opened up a testing center for young witches, and the two managed to find themselves at it's grand opening.
Scylla was eternally grateful that Raelle, even from her vantage point on the stage, didn't notice her amongst the crowd. As much as she wanted to think that they could reconcile if she made herself known, she knew how unlikely it was. There was a much higher chance that Raelle would alert Alder to her presence, and she couldn't have that now.
That didn't make it any easier, though. With Raelle so close, Scylla's impulsive heart was screaming at her to abandon the mission, to make eye contact and let her girl know she was there. She wanted to rush onto the stage and throw herself into those familiar arms, to beg for forgiveness and say everything she should have said when she'd had the chance. But she still had some sense in her, so instead she hid.
She ducked behind people and signs, doing everything she could to stay out of Raelle's sight without making it obvious to the people around her that she was using them as shields. She sincerely hoped that she wouldn't have to do this for long, but it seemed that luck was not on her side today.
She spent hours waiting for something to happen, wishing that The Camarilla would just make their move so she could focus on literally anything other than her ex-girlfriend.
It was after dark when she began to notice a shift in the atmosphere. The crowd around her seemed angrier now, pushing closer to the side. Concerned, she followed the flow of movement, weaving through protestors that were jeering and shouting at something she couldn't see.
Once she got to a section of the crowd that wasn't moving, she peered over a man's shoulder and just about jumped out of her skin. Approximately three feet in front of her was Raelle, desperately trying to calm the protestors. Scylla ducked behind the man, glad that his attention was on Raelle and not the girl pressed up against his back.
She couldn't hear exactly what Raelle was saying, but she got the gist of it. Basically just a load of bullshit about how great the Army was and how the witches recruited today would be taken care of. Frustration welled in Scylla's chest at the thought of Raelle really believing that.
I wish I'd gotten you out of there before they convinced you that was true, she lamented. I would have if I'd known you'd be safe.
"Someone once told me," Raelle called into the crowd. "That I had to let the Army make me strong."
Scylla froze. Was Raelle talking about her?
"And she was right."
I was right?
Scylla's heart lifted a bit. Raelle still valued what had been said on their first night together. Maybe she still valued what they'd felt for each other, and all the time they'd spent together. Maybe she didn't hate her.
Scylla didn't have much time to ponder it, though. The crowd moved again, toward Raelle, and she had to duck behind someone else as her shield stepped away from her. Briefly, she considered stepping up in Raelle's defense, but she couldn't afford to blow her cover.
Reluctantly, she retreated farther into the sea of people, unconsciously slipping her hand into her pocket to clutch the picture she'd swiped from Willa. Somewhere ahead of her, she could just barely hear someone screaming Raelle's name.
Before she could even register what was happening, Scylla was suddenly thrown off her feet, vaguely aware of the same happening to everyone around her. She landed on a stranger's legs, and another stranger promptly landed on top of her. For about twenty seconds, they all lay in a stunned heap, trying to work out what the hell had just happened.
A sound bomb, Scylla realized. That had been The Camarilla's move; to attack the rally in a way that, until recently, only a witch could. To frame the Army, or maybe the Spree, and push the idea that witches were Public Enemy Number One.
As soon as the stranger who'd landed on her rolled away, Scylla scrambled to her feet to survey the damage. Most of the people were starting to rise as well, though some remained half-dazed on the ground. Automatically, she began to search for Raelle.
The other witch hadn't been blown far; only about ten feet away. At this distance, and with fewer people to hide her, Scylla was in plain sight, but she couldn't bring herself to move. She'd come here thinking that Raelle would never want anything more to do with her, but after that speech, she wasn't sure anymore. She wanted to know how Raelle would react to seeing her, even if just for a second.
She stood there, frozen, as Raelle rose and dusted herself off. For a moment, she considered running, but her feet were still planted firmly to the ground. Slowly, Raelle turned in her direction, her gaze flicking through the crowd as if looking for something.
Scylla's breath caught in her throat as their eyes locked. She wasn't sure if she'd been expecting anger, relief, or something else entirely, but she knew it wasn't there. All she saw in Raelle's expression was a kind of numb shock, which was admittedly one of the better reactions she could have gotten.
As Raelle stepped toward her, Scylla slipped the picture out of her pocket, gently playing with the edges. She couldn't stay longer than a few seconds, no matter how much she might want to, but she could at least leave something behind. That way, Raelle would know her eyes hadn't been playing tricks on her. With a final glance at the young, happy face of the girl she loved, Scylla let go of the picture and let it fall to the ground.
When she looked back up, she realized that Raelle's head was turned in another direction; a perfect chance to slip away.
I love you, she thought as she turned and vanished into the crowd. I hope I'll see you again soon.
------- If you enjoyed this piece, please consider reblogging to share it with others! Likes unfortunately don’t do anything to help posts circulate, so the best way to let a content creator know you appreciate their work is to reblog it and let more people see it!
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judediangelo75 · 3 years
Claws To Wings
Welcome one and all~
I did say I was going to be working on the Talith lore, so here’s another installment of that. So I did some tweaking to the storyline that Jam City had. So the first Valentine’s Day happened in 4th year instead of 5th (because you can unlock I think both Valentine’s Day TLSQs in the same year and it didn’t make too much sense to me). 
Plus there are future true events that happen in 6th year, if you’re already familiar with the Without You/The Man Behind the Necklace series than you already know. During that time, Judith and Talbott are together and have been for quite some time. But before that, they have been pining after each other for years. 
In my first story, “The Scent of Love to the Heart of a Loner Poet”, Talbott is coming to realizing how deep his feelings were for Judith (whose been crushing on him since 3rd year). Between then and now, those feelings have grown and they’ve been dancing around each other. 
There’s gonna be some details here that are definitely gonna be new (because it’s part of a super old character reference I created for her when I first started posting about HPHM content here).
Anyway, enough rambling. On with the story! Enjoy! 💛
MC friend: David Willows ( @that-scouse-wizard )
Talbott stood before his mirror, readjusting his tie for probably the fifth time.
He was trying to soothe his nerves. Why you may ask?
Because of the Ball.
The Valentine’s Day Ball.
In his right mind, he would avoid such social gatherings like the plague. But it’s fair to say he hasn’t been much of his right mind ever since he met her.
Judith Harris.
A Hufflepuff witch with pale gold eyes and a heart of gold to match.
He met her alongside her best friend, David Willows, early third year. When they came to him seeking help on becoming Animagi. He was quick to shut both of them down. While David glared and protested, Judith eased the bullheaded Hufflepuff and gave him a shy sad expression along with an apology for disturbing him.
At the time, he wasn’t sure why he suddenly changed his mind to help the two. But as he got older, he did realize it was because of her.
Something about Judith was familiar. And…
He didn’t like the sad look into those bright eyes…
After the two achieved their forms and helped him find his feather necklace, Judith and Talbott became closer. Even to the point where he followed her out to the cemetery and learned about her dead father, Kendrick, on the anniversary of his death.
That’s when he learned that she was a part of his past. 
That single day of his childhood where he made a friend. And developed a bond on a girl who he thought was unique with her long pretty locs and Caribbean accent.
With it being their 5th year, Talbott has gone on two dates with her. Their very first date out by the Black Lake and last year on Valentine’s Day when he learned that he has deeper feelings for her outside of a friendship.
He can still remember the sweet blush on her face after he shyly gave her a kiss on the cheek after gifting her with a heart statue.
Giving her a physical representation of his heart.
He fiddled with the ring she gifted him that day. He always remembers seeing it on a black chain around her neck on occasion. Judith was a person who cares about sentimental value so it’s very likely she gifted him something that has a level importance to her. But he was so stunned when she slipped it onto his finger, and that it fitted perfectly, while announcing that it was her Valentine’s Day gift to him that he forgot to ask…
Maybe today he will. After all, after the Ball, he had a special surprise for her.
Of course, there had to be some last minute changes when he realized a certain Slytherin witch ALSO planned on using the Library and two fairies also got into a squabble. He had at least a day to make the arrangement work and the “Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts” actually might of done him a favor.
It would be nice to revisit where their tale began.
Talbott sighed, looking over his appearance once more before turning on his heel and leaving his room.
‘I hope she likes what I planned. She’s the only who deserves to see this side of me,’ he thought as he made his way to the Great Hall.
“C’mon Little Tigress! We’re gonna be late,” David huffed, knocking insistently on his best mate’s door.
“I look ridiculous! I’m not going anymore!” Came the stubborn reply from the other side. David rolled his eyes at Judith’s behavior.
They’ve been busting their asses to save the Valentine’s Day Ball from a lonely Madam Pince by using a pining Mr. Filch. However, due to all the planning and finally asking out Merula and Talbott (after Judith finally got over her initial shyness), they didn’t have time to style an outfit for themselves. So they went to the resident Style Wizard for help. 
David’s pick was easy.
Judith however… not so much.
It was fair to say that Judith was more than disgruntled as she looked in the reflection for the suit Andre put together.
“You lost your damn mind Egwu if you think I’m going to the Ball like this. I look like a mom in her mid-30s looking to speak to your manager to file a complaint.”
David was on the floor in tears when he saw the offended look on the Ravenclaw wizard’s face. To be fair, the suit plus the pixie cut that Andre magically put together wasn’t doing his best mate any favors.
However, she didn’t step out to show the dress to them. She tried it on, switch back into her normal clothes, and left without much of another word.
Now David was curious to what could be wrong with Andre’s design for her to believe she looked “ridiculous”.
“C’mon Judith. What’s wrong with it? Surely it can’t be as bad as that suit Andre design,” David coaxed.
“…It’s… a lot…” David wasn’t sure what to make of that and they’re gonna be late if Judith kept this up.
“Judith, it’s either you open the door willingly to show me what you’re talking about or I break into your room to see for myself. We don’t have time for this right now,” David huffed. He didn’t want to late with for his dance with Merula.
Silence ensued and David was half considering going through with his threat when the tell tale sound of the door unlocking hit his eyes. David turned the knob and walked in.
He paused when he took in the sight of his little friend.
Judith was wearing a short black dress decorated with pink and red roses. A small slit can be found on her right leg. White 3-inch open toe heels were on her feet. Her usual ear accessories and earrings were present. A familiar dark red lipstick, dark eyeshadow, and black eyeliner made an appearance on her face. Her hair was out from its normal twists, curls and coils tumbling down her back and a bang swept over her right eye.
“David,” Judith mumbled awkwardly as her friend stared at her. That seemed to have broke the spell on the wizard as he shook his head to recollect himself.
“Well I’ll be damned… you look far from ridiculous, Judith. You look beautiful,” David said with a smile. Judith blushed and rubbed the back of her neck.
“You sure? It’s kind of revealing, don’t you think,” she asked. David cocked his head to the side, rescanning the girl from head to toe.
He could see her point, but it wasn’t as bad she probably thought it was.
The dress fitted her like glove, revealing the curves she was developing as a young woman. While the dress did show quite a bit of skin, it was still respectable.
“No, not really. To Bill and Orion, possibly but they’re big brothers who naturally want to keep every perverted wizard away from you. Hell, I may end up breaking someone’s teeth in if they think they can disrespect you like that. But you look beautiful Little Tigress, don’t think otherwise. Talbott would definitely agree with me,” David stated, watching his fellow Hufflepuff blushed at the name of the boy she’s been crushing on since third year.
David has been watching the two dance around each other since Judith admitted that she fancied the Ravenclaw wizard in the Charms classroom when practicing the Memory Charm. He was waiting for the two to finally get together already.
“If you’re done worrying, we still have a Ball to get to,” David said with a raised brow.
“But-EEP!” David already saw the protest in her eyes was quick to walk across the room and throw Judith over his shoulder. He only resorted to such measures when she was be difficult, and she was definitely being difficult.
“C’mon Little Tigress, your bird boy is waiting for you,” he said as he made his way out of her room. Judith spluttered over her words, mainly out of embarrassment at both what he said and the unnecessary position David has put her in.
“DAVID! Put me down, you brute! I’m in a dress for Merlin’s sake,” she protested loudly, wriggling in David’s unforgiving grip.
‘Damn demon lineage...’ she thought with a grimace.
“I'm well aware, we can clean you up when we're there with a spell, I not missing my chance to dance with Merula,” David said breezily. Judith gave up, allowing herself to be carried off like a sack of potatoes.
“Bloody sap... stupid dance,” she grumbled under her breath. David chuckled at her disgruntled mood.
“You’ll thank me for it by the end of the night, trust me,” he said. Judith pouted.
‘Assuming I don’t hide in a dark corner somewhere first...’
“Do that and I'm casting Lumos Maxima so there's nowhere for you to hide,” David said suddenly, nearly scaring the girl half to death. Judith mentally slapped her forehead out of exasperation. 
She should know better not to think aloud around David, seeing how they’re both Legilmens.
Damn it...
“Fine,” she huffed. Luckily for her, they finally arrived near the entrance of the Great Hall. David finally set her down, and casting a spell that made her look presentable again.
David offered his arm to her.
“Shall we, Little Tigress?” Judith felt her cheeks heating up at the thought of the person waiting on her inside the Great Hall before letting out a sigh. She took her best mate’s arm.
“I guess we shall...”
Talbott was chatting alongside with Merula, twirling a red rose between his hands when he heard a whistle. Both turned to make out the figures of their dates not too far from them.
David separated himself from his fellow Hufflepuff to walk up to the two. David gave Talbott a smirk and nodded over in Judith’s direction before stealing Merula away.
Talbott only raised a brow at the Hufflepuff wizard’s behavior before walking up to his date for the night. As he stood in front of her, any words that he was going to say to her, died at the tip of his tongue.
Talbott stared at his date, heart racing with a blush on the high points of his cheekbones as he looked at her from her curls to her high heeled shoes. The silence was starting to unnerve the Hufflepuff witch as her long time love interest stared at her without saying anything.
“Y-you clean up quite nicely, Talbott,” she blurted. She mentally smack herself immediately afterwards.
‘When did I become this awkward, goodness…’
However, seem to have done the trick and snapped Talbott back to reality.
“S-sorry, little bird. I-I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I-It’s just that…” Talbott shook his head, trying to focus.
“It’s just that,” Judith echoed slowly, biting her bottom lip. She was worried that David might’ve been wrong and she looked like a fool in front of the boy she had feelings for.
Talbott stepped closer to her, tilting her head up by her chin so she could look at him. He offered a shy smile.
“You look beautiful, Judith. More lovely and temperate than a summer’s day,” He said softly, placing the rose he had behind her left ear. Judith blushed as she felt her heart race at his barely there touch.
“I-I… thank you, Talbott…” The Ravenclaw wizard smiled at the shy response. Behind them the instruments started seemed to be warming up to play the first song.
“May I have this dance,” Talbott asked, mock bowing to the girl. Judith giggled behind a red manicured hand.
“You may…” Taking her hand Talbott led Judith close to the center of the dance floor, with David and Merula standing not too far from them. The fairies that were lighting up the room swirled around the students, leaving them in awe at the magical moment. In the midst of this, David gave his friend a wink, who in turned returned it with an unimpressed glare. Judith returned her attention back to her date once she felt him take one of her hands
“I’m not usually one who likes public displays, but… I quite like this one… almost as much as I like you,” Talbott quietly admitted as he looked into pale gold eyes.
‘Is it possibly to pass out from blushing so much? Because I think I’m close…’ Judith thought as she ducked her head with a smile. Talbott was being so sweet and kind to her, she wanted to be wrapped up in his arms and dance the night away.
Judith looked back up at him with a teasing grin.
“I hope you like dancing too, because it’s our time to shine…”
Talbott was smiling at the laughing girl in his arms as he spun her around. The two have been in their own little bubble ever since the dance started.
Their shy exteriors melted away leaving behind something much warmer and intimate. Anyone with eyes can see that they were clearly smitten with each other. Which were plenty watching them on occasion.
Red eyes darted around the Great Hall, finding the person he was looking for. He gave the Headmaster a subtle nod which he returned with a knowing smile. Talbott stepped back from Judith to clear his throat with a smile.
“All this dancing is making me thirsty, I think I’m gonna get a refreshment,” he said. Judith smiled at him, making his heart stutter in a lovestruck sigh.
“A refreshment sounds great, actually! I’ll go with you-” 
“N-no need! I-I’ll get one for you! Just...  stay right there,” Talbott stuttered before taking off. Judith’s brows furrowed in confused as she watch Talbott disappear in the darkness.
Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning, she saw the cheery smile of David.
“Cheers, Little Tigress! I see that I was right about you enjoying yourself,” he said with a grin. Judith glared and punched his arm.
“Cheeky bastard,” she growled. David laughed good naturedly while rubbing his arm.
“I’m surprised you’re not with Synde. Seeing how eager you were to get here and be with her,” she retorted. David shrugged.
“Mer said she going to get refreshments for the both of us. She actually suggest I go find you to see how your night was so far,” David replied. Gold eyes narrow out of suspicion.
“That’s a little odd. Talbott just let to do the same thing...”
“Was it? I found it very typical  of Miss Synde and Mr. Winger,” a third voice said. David and Judith turned to see the amused face of their Headmaster.
The pair chatted with Professor Dumbledore for a while when Judith noticed something was amiss.
“It’s bit awhile since Merula and Talbott went to get refreshments. Surely it can’t take that long,” Judith pondered out loud. Dumbledore smiled.
“Clever eye, Miss Harris. That’s because they’re no longer here and they personally asked me to distract you,” he chuckled. David and Judith glanced at each other before looking back up at Dumbledore.
“Professor,” David asked warily. Dumbledore chuckled.
“Mr. Willows, you can head to the library. Miss Harris... while Mr. Winger wasn’t explicit with the location for you to go to, he did say ‘Remember our first date’ as a clue. Enjoy the rest of your storybook fairytale night, you two. You deserve it,” Professor Dumbledore informed the pair with a knowing smile. 
Judith blushed walking out of the Great Hall with David. The two said their goodbyes as Judith made her way outside. Transforming into her Black Sparrowhawk, she couldn’t help but wonder what Talbott had planned at the Black Lake...
Judith landed on the shore and transformed back, only to be surprised to find who was waiting for her.
“Lily,” she asked as the little fairy flew around her, buzzing out of excitement. 
What was her little friend doing all the way out here?
The magical creature took ahold of her hand, tugging her to the Boat house. 
“Okay, okay, I’m coming. Just slow down, I am wearing heels after all,” she laughed gently. Judith followed the excited fairy inside only to freeze at the door way.
Standing inside was Talbott. The place looked to have been cleaned out. Numerous fairies including her own lit up the Boathouse in a soft glow. Rose petals scattered the floor, along with some candles. A large heart made up of different colored roses was hung up behind the Ravenclaw wizard. A small table with some chairs of some of the food and drinks form the Ball sat in a corner. Somewhere in the background, there was soft music playing as well.
Talbott walked up to the stunned Hufflepuff witch and took her hand.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, little bird,” he spoke softly. Judith shook her head out of disbelief. 
“W-what is all this, Talbott,” she asked. The young man bit his lip.
“I-I... I may have been planning this while I was at the Owlery... I wanted to surprise you. While I did originally plan to do this in the Library, someone else had the same idea... So I’d figured the Black Lake was the next best thing. I did have some help putting this together,” Talbott admitted.
Lily buzzed, as if she was giggling at the two. Judith rose a brow at her Fairy’s cheeky behavior before chuckling.
“I just thought that... after everything you’ve done for Hogwarts, for me, you deserved a storybook romance,” Talbott said. Judith rescanned the room before offering a smile.
“I had no idea that you could be such a romantic, Talbott. But clearly you are.” Talbott blushed, scratching the back of his neck.
“I guess all that poetry paid off...”
The pair sat and ate, chatting in between. Talbott giving going as far to feed Judith a bit of a cupcake. He ended blushing when he felt her lips touch his fingers tips as she let out a pleased moan. 
Currently they were slow dancing in the middle of the room, listening to the music softly playing in the background.
“This is really amazing, Talbott,” Judith spoke up, daring to look up at red eyes that reminded her of rubies.
“You’re the amazing one, Judith. I was simply following my heart,” Talbott replied, squeezing her closer. That foreign yet familiar scent that clung onto the Hufflepuff filled his nose.
“O-Oh stop it. I am not,” Judith insisted with a nervous laugh. Having Talbott so close to her was causing her heart to beat faster than normal. Talbott stopped dancing in favor of holding her hands. His gaze was unwavering.
“I mean it, little bird. You made this Valentine’s Day  perfect for everyone, even Flich and Pince... And especially for me,” Talbott confessed. Pearly whites flashed at him.
“All I wanted was a magical Valentine’s Day with my date,” Judith started, glancing down for a quick moment to gather herself before looking back up at Talbott through her lashes.
“...And... And I’m so happy that date is you...” And she was. Truly. 
Talbott was the picture perfect gentleman. And the fact he went through great lengths to make Valentine’s Day memorable for her reminded her of happier times from her childhood. Except now it was with someone who likes her for her. 
She hasn’t felt this special in years...
Talbott urged his heart to calm down as he reached for his wand.
“I feel the same way, Judith. And I... made something for you...” Stepping back, Talbott casted a spell, causing a book to appear. Judith blinked out of surprise at the book that hovered between them. Carefully reaching for it, she opened it to a random page somewhere in the beginning.
“...The loner poet listened to the Howler professed the words he wasn’t aware that lived in his heart. Speaking of a deep longing for a girl with otherworldly pale gold eyes. To never leave him because when he looks into her unique irises, he can see future. A future where he would wake up to them every morning. A future where he would look at child with the same eyes as her. A future that would lead to forever together.
He felt his heart stall in his chest, itching to cast a spell to light the Howler ablaze to prevent its words being heard by unwanted ears. It was then he smelled her before he heard her.
A hint of sea breeze that made him feel like he was standing so close the never-ending ocean. Chocolate that reminded him of her skin tone. A variety of fainter sweet scents, most he couldn’t name but the one he could pick out was honey.
Her melodious low voice sung to his eardrums:
“Hey, what did your Valentine Howler say?” He swiftly turned to find pale gold eyes curiously looking up at him. He could feel his heart speed up when he connected the dots.
It was her.
She was the one his heart longed for.
Everything that has transpired that day and this revelation became too much for the loner poet to take. He was quick to deny that his Howler hasn’t said anything, using the opportunity their teacher has created to leave the classroom. 
He needed time. Time to think of what to do next...”
Judith was so engrossed in words written on the page that she didn’t realize that Talbott was now standing behind her.
“It’s not finished, more so of a... work in progress for an ongoing story...” Judith jumped a little when she felt his breath ghost over her visible ear.
“This is about you,” she whispered, releasing the book to float again. She turned to find Talbott staring down at her with half lid eyes.
“It’s about you and me, little bird,” he whispered, cupping one of her cheeks. Judith closed her eyes, leaning into his warm touch. 
There was a shift in the air and she nervous but secretly excited to where this could lead...
Talbott withdrew for a moment forcing Judith to open her eyes again. She notice a heart shaped key necklace in his hand.
“What’s that,” she asked quietly.
“This is the key that unlocks the book. I made it be this way so you can wear it like a necklace. So our story would always be with you,” Talbott answered, carefully placing the it around her neck. A full body shiver raked Judith’s body when she felt the tips of his finger ghost over the sensitive skin.
“I... I never had someone put this much effort for me. To bare your feelings like this, Talbott... I... I don’t know what to say,” Judith confessed quietly. She could barely hear her own voice over the roar of blood rushing to her face combined with the sound of her heartbeat pounding against her eardrums.
Talbott caressed her cheek again.
“I don’t expect an answer from you right away little bird. I’m more than happy to do this for you. You’re the only one who deserves to see this side of me...” Talbott leaned closer aiming to place a kiss on her cheek. Much like he did last year.
What Judith did next surprised both of them. 
Turning her head ever so slightly, she caught Talbott’s lips with her own. This stunned the pair, both remaining motionlessly for a few moments. Just as the Ravenclaw wizard was about to pull back, Judith held him there by his tie, pressing against him. Her painted lips moved against his unresponsive ones slowly, testing the waters and his resolve.
After a moment of deliberation, Talbott gave in and returned the unexpected kiss. With one hand cupping her face, its twin finding refuge on her lower back, pushing her closer still. Judith released his tie in favor of wrapping her arms around his neck, melting in his embrace. Both of them were placed under a cloudy haze as their lips continued to move against one another.
The pair broke apart for air, foreheads resting against one another. Talbott silently licked his lips, picking up the taste of vanilla.
‘She tastes just as sweet as she looks. Good Gods help me...’ came the helpless thought as he found himself at the end of Judith’s sultry stare. 
‘What are you doing to me, Talbott? Why do I feel this way towards you...’
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Talbott,” Judith whispered, placing a soft kiss against the corner of his lips. Talbott shivered at the sound of her voice, which has dipped down an octave. Her accent came out, loud and clear. His hands, which has migrated to her waist, squeezed down on the curve for a few seconds.
He could listen to her speak to him like this for hours...
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Judith... Thank you for being my valentine...” Judith let out soft chuckle, pulling him in for another kiss.
In the midst of this an involuntary thought passed through her mind. One which would shatter the Hufflepuff witch later on.
‘I love you, Talbott...’
Some time has passed since the Valentine’s Day Ball. Judith more or less went back to her life as per usual. 
With occasional outing with Talbott when classes and working for Rakepick became too much for her.
It was late at night and she was at the shore of the Black Lake, practicing her spellwork. She always wanted to remain sharp on her skills and it was a way for her to prepare for the upcoming O.W.L.S., which was approaching fast.
She decided to practice the Patronus Charm, seeing how she hasn’t casted it in awhile.
“Expecto Patronum!”
What came out of the tip of her wand shocked her.
Instead of her usual Siberian Tiger was a-
“G-Golden E-Eagle?!” Her eyes watched as the avian predator flew above her before disappearing. 
She shocked her head, not believing what she just saw.
Over and over again, she casted the spell, waiting to see her beloved tiger. Only to watch the animal that came out soar its wings above her.
Her legs gave out from beneath her. 
“No, no, no! How can this be happening?! Patronuses don’t change,” she panicked. A vague memory came resurfaced in her mind.
“Though I have heard of Patronuses changing forms after falling in love...” Judith’s eyes widen.
That voice belonged to Tonks when they were dealing with the Dementor threat from last year.
Another memory surfaced, however, much older...
“Gift this ring to the one your heart desires above all others. It will only fit and accept that one person, anyone else, it’ll reject and return to you...” Tears ran down her cheeks. When she realized what memory it was.
“Gran-Gran...” came the broken whisper. Her grandmother gifted her a magical blue and silver ring before she died. The same ring she gave to Talbott just a year prior. She didn’t remember her dear grandmother’s words when she gave it to him. 
Now that she thought about it, the ring never returned to her. And it was on Talbott’s left ring finger the night of the Ball.
Even as she kissed him, those three words that haunted her since childhood has crossed her flowery dazed mind.
She couldn’t do anything but face the truth. To speak the words that haunted her in form of a Boggart from third year.
“I love Talbott Winger...”
And she was secretly terrified.
Because she knew if he were to confess the same, she was done for.
Her heart would be his. 
And risk breaking if he were to ever leave...
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