#romanov rp
OOC: Looking for family rpers
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Anyone rp as Romanov family members!  Anastasia needs her family!
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themini-romanoff · 23 days
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im aware someone thought it was funny to take this pic of me
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white-wolf-actually · 5 months
Steve just asked to look at my blog to see what I've been doing. @not-a-poser WHAT DO I DO?!
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therealnickfury · 5 months
If I have anymore grandchildren or children please come forward. I need to finish this paperwork and I’m gonna need all of my family line after me.
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brooklynsspiderman · 4 months
@not-a-poser im taller than you
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arkngth · 3 months
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i finally have time to redraw some murder kitties yippee
+ with their warrior names this time >:3c
old version :]
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widowschild · 2 months
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"Can my family please go five minutes without fighting or trying to kill each other? Is that too much to ask?"
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Naughty Student
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Summary: Y/n is failing prof. Romanoff's class and she would do anything to change her grade but when Natasha Romanoff asks for sex in exchange for a good grade y/n has a choice to make (readers age: 18 y/o)
Pairing: natasha x fem!reader
Genre: smut
Warnings: age gap (14 years), drinking, underage drinking, teacher x student kink, fingering, slapping, biting, pushing (if there's anything I missed feel free to tell me) A/N: hii this is thr first fanfic I have ever written so it might not be that good but any critisism is appreciated.
Word count: 2.5k
Proffessor Romanoff was strict and she valued morals and honesty, so i knew that no amount i sucking up to her would change my failing grade. I was rushing over to her classroom thinking that I was late only to find myself checking the time on my phone before class and realising that I was in fact 10 minutes early. Walking into the classroom I saw the proffessor sitting on her desk holding some papers in her hands and typing something on her computer. She raised her head to check who came in the classroom and seeing it was ne she ironically said:
"Didn't expect you here at this time of the day"
Ok, I deserved that. I am always late to my classes. I tried to smile off her comment when she looked at me very seriously and said, "I actually needed to talk to you about your grade."
I was afraid this would happen sooner or later. I walked up to her, and she gestured that I sit down in one of the chairs in front of her. As I was doing just that, Ms. Romanoff glanced over at the rest of the room to ensure that we were alone. Then she started talking.
"I am concerned about your grades. Mostly your grade in my class but I have also noticed that even last year you were on the verge of failing. I have already seen most of this year's grades, and I don't want my class to be the reason you have to repeat the whole year. But as I hope you can understand, I also can't ignore your lack of attention during my lessons, your poor performance, your attendance marks, or the fact that you are constantly late to this class.".
I just looked at her and sighed. I didn't know how to respond. I've had this kind of conversation with professors before, but something about this one seemed different.
"Now I know that the school year's almost over, but you can still try your best. We have one more test coming up. I'll officially announce it to the rest of the class next week, but I thought giving you some extra time to prepare might help you out." she continued.
"If I get a good grade, will I pass the class?" 
"That's hard to say y/n. But even if you pass my class, I don't think you have many chances of not having to repeat the whole year."
Good my only chance to get a better grade is a test. I hate tests. I'm horrible at them.
"And there's no other way I could increase my grade?"
Proffessor Romanoff gave me an "are you serious right now?" kind of look, so I just looked away.
"Thanks" I muttered. 
I got up and started walking away from her desk. As I was walking, I heard her sigh and she said "Unless..."
I turned around to face her, and when I looked at her I saw a quick wave of guilt washing over her eyes and she disappointedly continued "but no.. you wouldn't want to do that. Plus it's not right."
"No but I would! Just tell me what it is you want me to do! I'd do anything to not fail."
She looked across the room for a second time to see if any other students had come in and once she made sure that we were alone, she told me to come closer to her. I did just that, being completely unprepared for what was about to happen.
Look, y/n I have been having some trouble lately... like sexually and I just-" 
The sound of the door opening interrupted her. I turned my head to look and I saw a couple of students getting in the classroom. She looked at me and said quietly "so meet me at my office after the class?"
I nodded and went to my desk. 
A bit after that the lesson begun. 
".. I have been having some trouble lately.... like sexually....." I couldn't stop thinking about it. Why would she say this to me? What did she want? Advice? I wouldn't even be the right person to ask for that. I've only been with one person before and she was...well... a psycopath. I just kept thinking about it. The guilt in her eyes before she started talking, her fear that someone night be in the room and hear us talk....wait could this be one of these "a student got with a teacher" kind of things? I mean what if she wanted sex in exchange of a good grade? No Ms. Romanoff would never do that. She values morals above everything else, she's said it herself a lot of times. During the lesson I kept thinking about it. I couldn't focus and I was kind of nervous about meering the proffesor after the class. As the lesson finished I pretended to be looking for something on the ground until most of the students left. I but my notebook and my textbooks in my backpack and once I saw Ms. Romanoff doing the same I slowly got out of my seat and I walked towars the exit. She walked up to me and said loudly " y/n follow me to my office please, we need to discuss your grades." I did as she said and as we entered her office she locked the door behind us. "So as I was saying there is something that you can do in order to change your grade. But before I tell tou what it is I have to know whether I can trust you."she paused and looked at me I reassured her that whatever conversation we had would stay between us and so she continued " I was thinking maybe you could help me out... sexually?" I looked at her in complete disbelief. "I- I don't know" "that's fine honey maybe we can just go out for dinner and a couple of drinks and, you know, let things take their natutal course..."
Ok I know I have said that I would do anything to get my grade higher but this? I mean a lot could go wrong. She looked at me and said "You can go now y/n" You can get back to me on this offer later today or tommorrow before class. Here's my number." She gave me a piece of paper with her number on it. I just said "I'll think about it" "good." She smiled and started moving towards the door she unlocked and I got out of my seat. I was almost next to her she closed the door grabbed my by my waste and pushed her lips against mine. I pulled back and she immediately stopped. "Sorry" she said looking embarrassed "what was that?" I didn't actually expect an answer, so I was surprised when she replied with "just a sapmle of my abilities."
There's no way I'd have sex with proffessor Romanoff. I'd just go up to ger tommorrow and say that I tought about it and decided not to take her up on the offer. But while thinking about it I realised that I really needed that grade to go up I have already failed almost half of my classes and I'm not doing so well in the rest of them so this is actually the only way I can maybe manage to pass. And although I pulled away that kiss wasn't bad at all. Natasha's soft lips rubbing against mine, her hands grabbing my waist, the way her hair felt on my neck and her boobs pressing against my chest... Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. Maybe just going out for dinner like she suggested and trying things out would be good for me. I would step out of my comfort zone for once, do something new. In the end I let me intrusive thoughs win. I grabbed my phone and added a new contact: Natasha Romanoff. 
Natasha's pov:
I was sitting on my balcony finishing my second glass of whine when I got a notification:
(Unknown): Heyyy I was thinking about you. That kiss today wasn't that bad ;) 
She changed the name of the contact to: y/n
Natasha: oh really? 
I smiled at my phone. I poured myself another glass of wine while I was waiting for an answer.
Y/n: yeah you are a really good kisser...
Y/n maybe we should do it again sometime
I looked at the time it was only 5.30 pm
Natasha: well how about we go out tonight? 
Quite some time passed before I recieved an answer and I got a bit annoyed thinking that I'd get rejected so I just grabbed the wine bottle and started drinking until my phone buzzed again
Y/n: What time should we meet?
Natasha: text me your address. I'll pick you up at 7.00
I finished my drink and checked the address I had been sent. It wasn't that far away so I had time to get ready. I decided on wearing my short black dress which has never failed me and style my hair in some lose waves. I got in my car and it only took me 5 minutes to get to y/n's house. 
Natasha: I'm here
Y/n's pov:
I got out of my house and got into Ms. Romanoff's car. The car was black with leather seats. "So were are we going?" I actually had no idea where she was taking me. She could be kidnapping me for all I know. "Let me surprise you, won't you?" That didnt make me feel more at ease. "You look beautiful" she told me. "Thanks. You too" I wasn't sure but I thought I could smell a hint of alcohol in her breath. After a while she parked in the parking of what looked to be a very expensive restaurant " I don't think I can afford this place" I noticed "Don't worry about the money doll. Tonight's on me" I let out a sigh and she just smiled. She gestured that I stayed in the car and I did just that. After she got out of the car she walked up to the side where I was seated and held open the door for me. "Mm what a gentleman!" I said. She just let out a laugh. The date went great, turns out that even though we had a 14 year age difference it didn't affect us as much as I originally thought it would.
"Do you want something to drink?" She asked me after we finished eating. "Well.. this place only has alcoholic drinks and I'm still to young for that" "So you are telling me that you have never drank alcohol before?" I nodded. She gesured to waited and when he came she told him to take away our dirty plates and her wine glass and bring us two glasses of their most expensive champagne. "So what do you think of it?" She asked after I started drinking my glass of champagne "well it's interesting. It has kind of compicated flavour." It was kind of sweet and it had a fruit-like undertaste. "So you like it then?" "Yeah" after we got in the car she asked the question: "so..do you want to come over to my place?" I paused for a moment. I could feel her looking at me, waiting for my answer. "Sure that would be nice".
Natasha's pov: As I was driving back to my place I realised I was getting kind of tipsy. We made it to my house after a while and Started getting out of the car. Y/n also got out of the car but she seemed a bit different. "Are you ok?" I asked her "yeah I'm just a tired and I think the alcohol is getting to me" " You want me to drive you home?" " No, no it's not bad it just feels different." I smiled. "You'll get used to it". We were already in the elevator by the time I said that. The response that I got was: "how? Are you planning on giving me more alcohol over the course of this relationship" I leant closer to her and wishpered "yes I am". The elevator bell rang and I showed her to my apartment. Once we went to my bedroom I tackled her so she fell on my bed. She just looked at me and said "oh so you are into that kind of stuff?" "Yeah but I'll go easy on you" I took of my dress. Y/n pulled her mini skirt up her hips and took her underwear off as she opened ger legs. I took of my dress and before I could respond she grabbed my hand and pulled me so I would fall on her lap. "Someone's been a naughty student" I said. " and what are you going to do about it?" I leaned in and bit her neck she let out a little cry before she started kissing me, with her teeth bitting on my bottom lip. I pushed her so she'd fall on the bed and with one hand I sarted rubbing her clit while with the other i was squeezing her boob. She moaned and slapped my ass. "That's not what teachers do with their students..." I pushed my hand deep into her vagina and she screamed. "You have been a bad student and this is you punishment" I squeezed her left boob with all my strength. She let out a small scream and then rolled my over pining me down to the bed as she bit me on my neck. She continued biting further down my body, reaching my boobs. She started sucking on one of my nipples as I moaned. I waited for a while and then told her " go further down!" She looked at me and said with a smile "what if I refused?" I slapped her. "Go further down!" I yelled. Looking at me she started licking the rest of my body. She finally started licking my clit and soon enough she pushed her tongue inside of me. I let out a loud moan and an orgasm took over my body. "You shouldn't having this much fun with your students" she said after she took her tongue out of me. She grabbed me by my waist and turned me over so I was lying on my stomach. She slapped my ass harder than I thought she could. I got up quickly, practically throwing her off the bed. I grabbed her by the hair and ordered "open your mouth!" She shook her head. "I said open it now!" She just smiled. I pulled on her hair harder and she obeyed. I spit on my fingers and pushed them inside her mouth. She started licking me ang I pushed my fingers deeper in her mouth. She tried to scream and i just said " this is what you get for sleeping with your teacher." After I removed my fingers from her mouth she just sat there. Looking at me. " Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah" she said and she lied down on the floor. I sat next to her and asked "did I go too hard on you?" "No, it was perfect"
A/N: should I make this into a series? I kinda want to make it into a series
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y/n,a dumbass, firsts time at a zoo*
Y/N, looking around at the animals: What are they in for?
Natasha: Y/N, this isn't prison.
Y/N: So they can leave?
Natasha: No, but-
Y/N, pointing at a bird: I bet that one murdered someone.
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pulsarpuppy · 6 months
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*Shows you Nathanial who was just born earlier today* Nat, look. Also we’re babysitting cause Laura’s tired
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white-wolf-actually · 5 months
Intro Post, I guess:
Info on me as a character:
What to call me: Bucky or Buck is preferred, but I don’t really care if you call me James or Sergeant Barnes
Romantic Partner: Steve Rogers (it has come to my attention that in some universes he has left me? That did not happen.), we are engaged. He is @probably-steve
Pets: Alpine, my cat @wintersoldierscat
Pronouns: he/him
Age: physically, 33 - chronologically, 107
I have apparently officially been adopted to the Wakandan Royal Family (I have diplomatic immunity, but am not an heir or anything)
Captain America: In my universe, Sam (@samwilson-official) is Captain now, and I work with him. Steve has mostly retired. He’s only brought in for really big missions or when he gets bored. //most of FAWS did happen, but details like the timeline were tweaked//
Children: I so far have adopted
@mythomars - @totallynotmaxok - @a-rotten-chicken-nugget - @the-hombrearana - @wintersoldierscat - @marvelwhomps - @marvelwhimps - @marvelqueents - @peapea-0405 - @nervouseden
@little-lady-cecily @moongirlwidow @becca-barnes-official
Everyone came back from the snap after less than a year.
Natasha and Stark are fine.
Background/story development masterlist (not necessary, just little headcanons and such that I like)
NO NSFW (the person running the blog is a minor)
Cursing is fine
I will answer most questions
Please don’t be awful
I would prefer not to interact with any posts or questions involving recreational drug usage, deep trauma, rape, or explicit sexual content. I will make exceptions sometimes, usually when I want to help someone through something (no explicit sex stuff and triggering topics will be tagged)
I don't have a lot of time for long-term plot points, but I will do some, preferably with lighter themes.
This’ll be super random so be warned
if I don’t post for awhile it doesn’t necessarily mean I won’t come back
This Bucky is the one to picture, even though I use other gifs:
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therealnickfury · 5 months
Okay then let's ask them @not-a-poser @agent-maria-hill IS BLACKHILL REAL?!
I want the answer now too. Just curious 🧐
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real-bucky-barnes · 6 months
Favorite Avenger? Other than Steve
Ohhh this is a good one. Plenty of opportunities to piss people off.
Technically, Alpine is an Avenger. This happened because Steve realized that because Wanda was made an Avenger by Clint, Steve could make anybody an Avenger too. So once he made me an Avenger, we had the bright idea of making our princess one too.
But if we’re talking about human Avengers, I’d have to say Natasha. She always stood up for me, and understood what it was like to not trust your own mind. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her. She’s amazing. Nat, if you see this, I’m serious. I love you, and I really can’t thank you enough.
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takineko-arts · 4 months
Hello 3 people who watch NoPixel GTA RP
Ray Romanov sounds like he's on the verge of breaking down and telling Yuno he's in love with him and needs to be with him so badly, every single time they chat.
That's all, that's all I wanted to say. Thank you.
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pandorademos · 5 months
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so there's this senior citizen... 😳 (he's 34)
bro i've been so into nopixel recently. I've only just dipped my toe in, but im excited to see how everything plays out
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