#repeat with me 14 year olds are still children
kanzakurawrites · 1 year
What would you think if an evilized villain(maybe a wishmaker-like villain or maybe even a villain that's unrelated to the butterfly miraculous) caused Chloe and Zoe to switch bodies somehow, and nobody fully understands what's going on, so Zoe(in Chloe's body) is taken by Audrey back to London, despite Zoe desperately trying to explain things. But Chloe enters a fugue state(heavily due to trauma caused by the neglect of her parents) and genuinely thinks she's Zoe, and is even able to recall some of the things Zoe did due to being in Zoe's body. The class thinks "Zoe's" change in behavior is due to the psychological effects of method acting, since "Zoe" is playing Chloe in Astruc's new movie, but they gradually convince "Zoe" to let them help her relearn how to be "herself" again. Meanwhile, in London, Zoe is trying to get back to Paris.
The amount of absolute chaos this could cause...
I should say, while I have seen spoilers, I have yet to watch anything of season five but I kinda know what happens and it has me ticked as I love Chloe.
And this really could open their eyes, and even everyone else's eyes, to the difference in how the girls have been treated, to the trauma that Chloe (and probably Zoe in her own way) both hold. And showing different sides to the girls.
Zoe is going to see how their mother treats Chloe, how others treat Chloe, and what's been expected of Chloe. Their mother really seems to want Chloe to act this way and at the end of the day Chloe is maybe 15 by now? Like that's messed up on so many levels, and Zoe will get to see and experience that first hand. And that's not even mentioning Chloe's relationship with her father, with Sabrina, with Adrien. Like... there's a lot to unpack here.
And on the flip side, while in a mental break, Chloe is going to experience being treated differently. She'll learn more about her sister, but also herself. She'll be able to... find herself in a way, without others expectations on how she should act. Without being told, constantly, that she's a horrible person who will never change. Because the thing is, at 14, at 15, when you are told something over and over and over again you believe it. You can become what they are saying. And at the end of the day, Chloe has trauma. She was neglected by her mother, and abused by her. She was probably neglected by her father, and just given things to make up for it. And no one helped her. (The kids are obviously not obligated to, and she should have consequences, but the adults in her life are a whole other story)
So yeah, I feel like that could be a very interesting scenario. A way for both girls to understand each other, and for both to change in different ways.
Dang Anon, you have really given me something to think about. And I love it.
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princessbellecerise · 11 days
fire & blood rant: spoilers under the cut
Friendly reminder that there is no “Both sides are evil.”
MAJORITY OF TEAM BLACK ARE CHILDREN/YOUNG ADULTS THAT HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG. Let me repeat that: MAJORITY OF TEAM BLACK ARE CHILDREN. This is why I’m so adamant that there is no “Well both sides are in the wrong!” NO. One side is made up of children that are no older than sixteen and the other side has full grown adults committing war crimes left and right. It doesn’t matter which media outlet you consume—book or show, because the crimes that Team Black commit will never amount to anything that Team Green does.
They are not the majority of Team Black! They are only two people, and you cannot justify being Team Green or even neutral based off their actions alone. Because what are you neutral against? A woman’s throne being taken from her because of misogny? Literal children? The majority of people on Team Black have never done anything wrong. Baela, Rhaena, Jace, Luke, Joffrey, Aegon, and Viserys are CHILDREN. Rhaenys and people like Cregan Stark are good people. When I say I support Team Black, I’m supporting THEM. Daemon and Rhaenyra are NOT the only members on Team Black. When people say “Oh well Daemon did this, oh well Rhaenyra did that—” I roll my eyes because YES, they do some bad shit and unfortunately people use their actions as a reason to not support Team Black.
But what about Jace, who died trying to save his little brothers?
What about Luke, who refused to flee from Aemond despite being terrified—all because he wanted to be a dutiful son and make his mother proud?
What about Baela, who bravely fought Aegon and was the reason he could no longer fight with a dragon?
What about Rhaena, the last dragon rider for hundreds of years?
What about Cregan and all the men who followed him to King’s Landing, knowing they would die but not caring because it meant more people would survive the winter.
And the argument that “Team Green is more interesting,” is bullshit.
Because 19 year old Aemond killing a 14 year old Luke on his baby dragon is interesting? Him burning the Riverlands, never actually fighting a real battle, only going after children and old men who can’t fight back, and taking Alys Rivers as a prisoner of war after murdering the children she used to nurse is interesting?
Aegon usurping his own sister, throwing a feast to celebrate the death of a CHILD is interesting?
Alicent and Otto plotting to usurp Rhaenyra for no other reason other than of their own misogyny is interesting?
Incel Criston Cole, still upset that a little girl rejected him and takes it out on her CHILDREN is interesting?
Yeah, yeah, yeah but Daemon this, Daemon that—
No. Let’s face it, Daemon is the only person on Team Black that gives people a solid reason to not support them. But even then, there are so many other characters besides him. And there is no such thing as “Well both teams are morally grey!”
DAEMON is morally grey. Rhaenyra is neutral AT HER WORST! But Daemon is not the entire Team Black!
People use characters like Helaena to justify being Team Green, as she is probably the only “good” character to root for. But that doesn’t erase the atrocities of the rest of Team Green, just like Daemon being awful doesn’t and shouldn’t define the rest of Team Black as awful.
To make a long story short: There is no “both sides are evil.” That argument doesn’t make sense because majority of Team Black are children/good people that have never canonically done anything wrong and people only root against them because they’re incapable of realizing that Daemon and Rhaenyra’s actions do not define everyone else.
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Why you dislike legacy of the fire nation? Didn't read it but am interested
Iroh's characterization in it is honestly one of the worst things I've seen in my life. He goes from "Deeply flawed, but still mostly a kind, wise old man" all the way to someone that fully demonizes his 14-year-old niece that just had a mental breakdown due to years of emotional abuse, but still has tons of empathy for the man that put her through said emotional abuse. The same man that also emotionally and PHYSICALLY abused the boy Iroh sees as his own son.
All because "Well, he was an innocent child once. Maybe I could have done more to help him."
Iroh feeling compassion for his brother, evil as he is, would be one thing. But before he feels sorry for the child Ozai USED TO BE, how about he shows some compassion for the child that is in front of him right now, so he doesn't repeat the same mistake?
And as I've already mention once before, I also have an issue with him saying that Zuko beating Azula (again, the same Azula that was having a mental breakdown) in a fight was the moment in which he "became a man."
Really? The moment in which two children, two siblings were caught in a battle to the death, in which Zuko got another scar and had to see his sister in such a tragic state was when he "became a man" just because he won?
Not the moment in which he decided to risk it all to save the world from Ozai's evil plans? Or when he confronted Ozai for his years of tyrany and abuse? Or when he offered to let the Gaang have him as their prisoner if it meant being any help in stopping the war? Or even the moment in which he apologized to his uncle?
Give me a break.
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kirislovelygf · 5 months
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haunted pt. 1 (ronal x metkayina fem! reader)
content: you and ronal have been married for about 14 years and have lived with the metkayina happily ever since you left the forest. now imagine your surprise when your ex appears out of nowhere with the man she cheated on you with and the family they built together.
content also: ronal x reader, a bit of neytiri x reader, flirting, arguing, secrets, fluff, angst, and uhmmm ronal being the best wife
wrd count: 3.2k
a/n: this might be a two-three parter but i saw this idea floating around here somewhere and thought i’d make my own version without tonowari being part of it bc why. (can you tell i hate men)
꒰ 🥥 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
it was a perfect morning so far. ronal and i were at home, i was taking care of her. the kids were out and about.
tonowari was somewhere, i didn’t really care.
the sun was out and we were happy. until the outsiders came.
i was sitting in our shared marui, styling ronal’s hair while she sat in front of me. i hummed to myself while gently combing through her wavy hair.
“i have to train some of the children today. on the ilu.” i informed her.
“how fun.” she muttered.
i slapped her shoulder. “children respond easier when you don’t yell at them, my love.”
“if you don’t yell, they don’t listen. look at ao’nung.” she said, gesturing to her son playing in the water with his best friend.
one of them tackled the other info the water and was keeping them under the surface.
“that’s strange. when i ask him to do things, he does it the first time i say.” i said.
“yes, with you. i feel like i repeat myself 10 times everyday just to get that boy to listen.” she sighed out. i laughed slightly.
“he’s a teenager. he will grow out of that disobedience phase soon.” i put a finishing charm on the back of her head and then reached for the shell that ronal put on her forehead everyday.
i handed it to her to put on and i looked through my things for a mirror.
once i found it, i held it up to her face so she could look at her reflection. she held it and she started to touch her cheeks.
where her wrinkles were, her birthmarks. any sign of aging she could find.
“i’m getting old, my love.” she sighed out, putting the mirror down. she stands up and turns to help me up as well.
“no, you’re just growing wiser.” i smiled. she laughed and put my arms around her neck.
she hugged my waist closer to her body and kissed me. she pulled away and examined my face.
“you’re not getting any younger either, you know.” she muttered.
“wow. all you know is how to insult, don’t you?”
“i thought it was funny.”
“i’m sorry! you know i love you.”
“no, too late.” i tried to get myself off her, but she pulled me back into her embrace. she held my face up to hers and kissed me again.
i laughed against her lips and pulled away when a horn began to sound in the distance.
i turned my head to see the opening of our marui. na’vi we’re running past, diving into the water, rushing all into one direction.
“what’s happening..” i muttered to myself. ronal and i walked toward the tarp that covered the entrance and i pulled it to the side.
i asked one of the villagers why everyone was running.
“apparently other na’vi have landed on the beach.” he said simply.
i looked at ronal all excited to greet the newcomers. but she looked.. worried. and unpleasant.
“let’s go meet them. maybe they’re nice.” i shrugged.
“hmph.” she huffed. she walked past me and onto the woven pathways.
we walked together to the growing cluster of green villagers gathering on the beach.
tonowari, ronal’s ex-husband, had already approached them and was greeting them.
my heart raced when i saw ikrans. my ikran passed away from old age years ago and i hadn’t seen one since then.
“ronal, they’re from the forest! i wonder if they’re omaticaya like me. maybe we’re from the same clan.” i smiled excitedly, grabbing her hand.
“even if they are, they’re still outsiders.” she mumbled.
“ronal. please.” i sighed.
she rolled her eyes. i tugged on her hand to make her look at me.
“i was an outsider too. and you accepted me into the clan.” i said.
she stared with more sympathy. “that’s different.”
“how? you didn’t know me when i arrived. i could’ve been a threat. but you took the time to get to know me, and ended up loving me and who i am.” i said. her gaze softened as i spoke to her.
“please be kind to them, whoever they are. for me.” i nodded.
she stared and kept quiet for a moment. i just kept a smile on my face until she gave in.
i smiled and kissed her cheek. excitedly, i guided her by the hand through the group until we were at tonowari’s side.
in front of me was a na’vi man with long locs, a strong build, and a tired face and a woman beside him with a slim build and the same fatigue.
something about her looked familiar.
her face was mature, like mine.
she looked at me and her eyes struck something in my memory. the way she eyed me curiously, the way her entire family eyed me curiously.
“you.. you’re omaticaya?” the man asked me.
“yes! you come all the way from the forest to here?” i asked. i was astonished that this whole family came here in one piece.
i looked at the wife again and her gaze changed from curiosity to fear.
“y/n.” she spoke.
i tilted my head when she said my name. then i remembered.
i remembered the heartache and the anger i felt when i left home. all of it caused by them. my smile faded away as i spoke her name.
she sighed out. i look up at the man. the man who took her from me. he changes so much. he was bigger, stronger.
“jake sully.” i said.
“yeah, uh..” he looked at his wife and she was looking down at the sand, one hand attached to her small daughter.
her family was beautiful. two sons and two daughters. neytiri aged so gracefully. she looked happy. but right now..
“you can’t even look at me?” i said to her.
she said nothing.
ronal put her hand on my shoulder and i looked at her.
she asked if i was alright. i gave her a simple nod, excused myself, and walked away from the group.
i hadn’t seen neytiri in 14 years. i almost forgot what she looked like. she was regal now.
i stepped into the marui and started pacing the floor.
why in the world would she come here? why did she, of all the people in that clan, have to be here?
and oh course, she had to bring that stupid sky person with her. as if her leaving me for him wasn’t enough.
someone walked into the marui, bringing me out of my thoughts. tsireya looked worried and walked toward me.
“mama, what happened? i thought you would be excited for these people, they’re just like you.” she said.
“i’m sorry, tsireya. uhm..”
“what is it?” she asked kindly.
“i know these people. and i’m just a little shocked, i haven’t seen them since i left the forest maybe 14 or 15 years ago. but don't worry about me, i’ll be fine.” i explained.
“are you sure? because mother’s hissing at them.” she said.
“i’m sure she is. don’t worry, i bet your father is going to let them stay anyway.” i chuckled.
tsireya sighed out and i plastered a smile on my face so she wouldn’t worry.
“i’m okay.” i chuckled. i hugged her tightly. she looks up at me and i tuck a few stray strands of hair back into place.
“my little flower. always worried.” i muttered. i held her face in my hands before kissing her forehead.
“my father’s making us teach their children.” she said. i pulled away and held her hands in mine.
“oh, fun! how did ao’nung react?”
“he tried to argue and now he’s being
forced.” she laughed softly.
“aw, poor boy. well, at least you’ll make some new friends.” i said to her.
ronal pulled the tarp aside and walked inside.
“tsireya, go find your brother. i need to speak to mama.” she said kindly.
tsireya nodded and walked out without another word. she let the tarp down and walked toward me.
“what happened? you were so excited a moment ago and then you ran off.” she said.
“i’m sorry, ronal. i shouldn’t have left the way i did.” i sighed.
“is there something i should know about this family? i already know they’re half-demon. whatever you have to tell me can’t be worse than that.” she continued.
“well, i knew them. the mother and the father.” i said.
i never told her the full story of why i left the forest. it hurt to even think about it, so i always gave her the brunt of it whenever she asked.
i always said “i was in a relationship, it ended badly, and i left for a fresh start.” i never gave names or specifics.
“i would have suspected you did. you come from the same clan. that woman, neytiri, knew your name. and you knew hers.” she continued.
“she’s my ex girlfriend. except, she wasn’t a very good one. and it took me by surprise to see her here. i never thought i’d see her again.” i said to her.
ronal sighs softly. she picks up my hand and holds it.
“i wish you would tell me what was so bad about the forest that made you leave. i hate when you leave me in the dark like this.” she said.
i still didn’t want to tell her. i didn’t know how she’d react. ronal is a passionate woman. and her emotions can be a lot.
especially when she’s angry.
“i’m sorry, my love.” i pulled her close and hugged her.
i pull back and hold her hands. “you’ll have to tell me sooner or later. tonowari let them stay.”
“stay for how long…?” i asked.
she winced and hummed, hesitating to give me an answer.
“ronal.” i laughed out.
“well… they’re not leaving any time soon.” she shrugged.
“ugh, i’m going to kill that idiot.” i huffed, letting her hands go. i covered my face and groaned as she chuckled lightly.
“tonowari was being nice.”
“he’s always been too nice.” i grumbled.
i removed the hands from my face and sighed.
“oh right, i need to go. the kids with the ilu, uhm..”
“go. it’s fine. we’ll discuss this later, alright?” she smiled.
i smiled back and gave her a hug before tonowari walked in.
he held his arms out, looking all confused. “what happened?”
“ugghh.” i groaned loudly before walking past him.
“don’t speak to me. big-headed idiot.” i grumbled, holding my hand up to his face.
i did what i needed to do for the afternoon and made my way home in the evening as the sun started to go away for the night.
i walked past the marui that neytiri and her family were in. the tarp was pulled to the side so i imagine someone in there saw me walk by.
i confirmed this when i heard her voice call for me.
i looked back and saw her, one foot inside the hut and the other stepped outside.
i sighed out. i knew i’d have to face her sooner or later. i just didn’t think it’d be the day she got here.
“hi, neytiri.” i muttered.
she smiled weakly. she stepped out and pulled the tarp down, walking a bit closer. “i didn’t expect to see you here.”
“i could say the same.” i said as i crossed my arms.
“i know. so this is where you ran off to all those years ago.”
“mhm. thankfully, ronal didn’t threaten me when i arrived.” i said.
“oh.. you heard about that.”
“yes, i did. i also heard that tonowari let your family stay. i didn’t hear for how long though.”
her small smile faded away slightly. “oh.. well the forest isn’t safe for my family. i think we’re staying here for a long time. forever, even.” she winced.
i nodded. i kept my cool, but trust me, i was fuming.
“look, i know what you must think of me after what i did. but i felt really awful for how i treated you, and i still do. the fact that i couldn’t ask for your forgiveness had haunted me these past 14 years.”
“yeah. you hurt me terribly and i just couldn’t stand to be around either of you.” i shrugged.
“i get it.”
i glanced at the open window inside her hut and saw her children inside.
her son was holding her youngest daughter in his lap, both of them smiling and laughing.
“my kids asked about you. they were surprised to see another omaticaya here. of all places.” she said.
the young daughter spotted me and gave me a shy wave. the son said something to her making her look up at him before they both stood and walked away.
“you have a beautiful family.” i smiled.
“thank you.” she muttered.
“i’m sorry i couldn’t give you that.”
she raised her head to look up at me. she was confused and took a step toward me.
“oh, y/n-“
“that’s what you always wanted right? a family. obviously you couldn’t have that being with me.”
“that’s not why i left.” she said loudly. she looked like she said it louder than she should have and glanced at the window of he hit to see if she had caught anyone’s attention.
i just glared at her. i know i didn’t tell my family what happened but the reason she hadn’t told her was because she knew what she did was wrong.
“i didn’t mean to fall in love with him.” she said in a more hushed tone.
“what kind of excuse is that, neytiri?” i laughed out.
“i know how it sounds. i know i lied to you about jake and how i felt about him. and i’m so sorry.” she reached for my hand but i took it away.
“you didn’t just lie. you tried to convince me you two weren’t in love. told me i was crazy and jealous and how you couldn’t possibly love a dreamwalker.”
she sighed out and glanced at the hut.
“what? you don’t want your kids to find out you’re a liar-“ she grew terrified and grabbed my head, one hand holding it in place and the other covering my mouth.
“and a cheater!” i yelled into her palm.
“stopstopstop! please, i’m sorry. please don’t say it so loud.” she hissed.
i glared up at her. she removed her hand and winced.
“i’m really sorry.”
“oh you’re really sorry?”
“are you going to behave this way the entire time i’m here?” she snapped.
i shrugged. she sighed out and looked at her hut. “you’re still the same.”
“what is that supposed to mean?”
“you’re sassy and argumentative.. and getting on my nerves.” she snapped.
i laughed at how irritated she was getting.
“i’m going inside. will i have to see you tomorrow for training?” she asked, crossing her arms.
she sighed out.
“you’ll see my wife, though. have fun with that.” i smiled.
i left her there before she could respond to me.
the next day comes and everyone splits off to train with the new family.
tsireya and ao’nung were out by the ilu pen with neytiri’s children, tonowari and a few of his friends were training jake sully.
and ronal was getting ready to go with neytiri.
“are you sure you will be okay by yourself?” she asked me as she looked in a mirror, fixing her headpiece.
“i’ll be okay. i have friends besides you and wari.” i chuckled.
“that’s funny.” she said with a blank stare.
“i’d honestly rather have you help her than me.” she said as she stood up.
“why? we would just bicker and get nothing done. all neytiri likes to do is argue.” i grumbled.
“i know, but it’s awkward for us. your ex girlfriend being trained by her ex’s new wife. it’s just too much.” she groaned. i laughed.
“i know this must be so hard for you.” i dragged on dramatically.
“stay strong for me, my love. you’ll get through this.” i kissed the tip of her nose, making her deadly stare fade into a laugh.
“if you need me, i’ll be on the other side of the island.” i walked past her and left the marui, smiling at the sound of her laughter.
i had to walk past the sully hut to get to where i was going and i just did my hair, so i couldn’t dive in the water to just swim there.
i sighed out and walked past really quickly, trying my best not to look inside.
i turned a corner and a little girl was staring up at me and standing in my path.
“oh!” i muttered. it’s neytiri’s youngest daughter. wow, she looks exactly like neytiri when she was that age.
“hi, little one. are you lost?” i asked.
“oh… no. i’m not.” she answered.
“uhm.. okay.” i nodded. i hesitantly walked past her but her stare never let up. i start walking away when she calls for me. “wait!”
“yes?” i looked back at her.
she starts nervously fidgeting with her hands.
“are you.. omaticaya?” she asks.
i smiled softly. “yes, i am.”
“really?! i knew it! i told my mom but she didn’t believe me!” she exclaimed.
“aw, well.. now you know.” i shrugged.
“i’m tuk! how long have you been here?” she continued.
“uh.. hi, tuk. i’ve been here a long time.”
“wow.. dk you like it here? i like it here a lot, but i miss home. do you miss home?” she spoke super quickly and it made me laugh.
“uhm.. yes i love it here. and i miss home sometimes, but it’s okay.” i told her.
“you’re very pretty.” she smiled.
“aw thank you! so are you, little one.” i said, putting a bright smile on her face.
“tuk? tuk!” her mother called. i grew horrified but quickly changed my face when i remembered her daughter was standing in front of me.
“your mother’s looking for you.” i said.
and just in perfect time, neytiri turned the corner to find her daughter and i. her eyes grew wide before looking down at tuk.
“tuk, come.” she held her hand out.
“okay..” tuk takes her moms hand but looks back at me.
“bye.. uhm, what was your name?” she asks.
“oh..” i glanced up at neytiri who avoided my eye contact like the plague.
“it’s y/n. i’ll see you both around.” i bowed my head slightly before quickly walking away.
“don’t look back, don’t look back, just keep walking,-“ i muttered quickly as i sped up.
-neytiri’s pov-
“tuk, come.” i said to her.
i watched y/n nervously and tried to get tuk away as quickly as i could but i know she can’t help her curiosity.
“okay.. bye, uh.. what was your name?” she asked y/n.
y/n glanced at me and i tried so hard not to look at her.
she told tuk her name before leaving and we walked back to our marui.
“mama, you should be friends with y/n. you will enjoy having someone like us here.” she said sweetly.
she smiled back at me before jumping back into the marui. i sighed out.
“i think you’re right, tuk.” i smiled at her.
i looked up at the sky before muttering. “i’m sorry for lying to her. i’ll tell her when she’s older.” i prayed.
eywa might strike me with lightning.
꒰ 🥥 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
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teymars · 9 months
Imagine reader giving birth to twins boys
they become 14YO, and they are famous in the clan as troublemakers and Neteyam and reader have to deal with them ..
Ah isn’t that CUTE!!!
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-no warnings, just some fluff, family dynamics & sweet Dad(dy)!Neteyam (also mentions of bullying + fights if that counts??)
Loud caterwauling blasted throughout the camp, reaching you and Neteyam from within your family-hut. You glanced at your mate, resisting the incredible urge to roll your eyes, there were only two possible candidates for the source of that noise.
“Pshh, I’ll go sort it out, again.” Neteyam sighed, chucking his hands up in defeat. He quickly rose from his spot next to you and hightailed it to the awaiting ‘crime’ scene. For the past few weeks, your twin 14 year-old sons had been causing fights consistently amongst the clan’s young trainees.
You crouched for a moment, subconsciously counting down the moments before your lover’s deep, authoritative voice boomed over the ruckus outside. “BOYS, GET OVER HERE!!” The scolding your two son’s were now receiving increased in volume as Neteyam dragged them both by the neck, back into your hut.
“Ma ‘Teyam-” he cut you off swiftly “How many times do I have to repeat myself to you two?? You can’t just go around fighting people!” Neteyam bellowed, his tail thrashing angrily behind him.
“Sorry, Sir. It was my fault.” Tsyalu, the youngest twin, piped up bashfully. He tried hard to avoid his fathers menacing gaze. “That’s bullsh- ugf’ come on bro, you and I both know Rahaylo deserved it!” The eldest, Myerìn, blurted without shame, barely managing to dodge using ‘foul language’ infront of both his parents.
“Enough, I don’t care wether it was ‘deserved’. Tsy, you have to stop taking the heat for this skxawng! And YOU-” Neteyam gestured to a smirking Myerìn “-need to quit causing trouble, you read me??” Both boys nodded silently before stalking off to different parts of the hut.
You had observed the scolding, originally aiming to hold back a chuckle of amusement, until something in Tsy’s gaze and the way he spoke left you irked. You sat quietly beside him, assisting in preparing the fruits for dinner. Thankfully neither him nor his brother had been injured in the skirmish, you noted.
“What is the matter, sweet child?” You cooed, stroking the side of his cheek as slight tears swelled in his defeated eyes. “It’s nothing, mama..” the boy assured you, trying to hide his face. “Don’t be silly Tsyalu, you can tell me what’s wrong.” You encouraged, faintly aware of your husband’s ears flicking in interest at your conversation, as he watched from his place by the fire-pit.
“Well, we only keep fighting-” he broke off in a quiet sob “-be-because Rahaylo has been bullying me..” Both you and Neteyam fell stock-still at his words, feeling an onslaught of guilt overcome you. “Yea, and Dad told us to stick up for ourselves, so we did.” Myerìn informed, rather nonchalantly. Neteyam looked almost shell-shocked, having realised the poor communication that led to all this.
He moved closer to where you and both your sons were now crouched, reaching down to rest a hand on each boy’s shoulder comfortingly. “I’m sorry, boy. I had no idea.. why didn’t you say anything about this though? Violence is not a good way to solve these issues.” Neteyam offered, sounding solemn. “I- we didn’t want you to think we are weak, we thought you’d be proud of us, because we are brave like you.”
“Oh, Tsy..” you whispered, feeling ashamed that your children ever had to feel that way. “I am proud of you, both of you. So is your mother.. we just don’t want to see you both fighting all the time.” Your mate assured them, providing both with a warm embrace. “It is okay to come to us when somebody causes you trouble, we will help you, I promise.” He continued, allowing you to curl up at his side, joining the family hug. They both hummed in understanding.
“We are pretty brave though, right Dad?” Tsyalu whispered. “Just like you?” Myerìn added, hopefully. “Of course you are! You’re the bravest little warriors this clan has ever seen.” You and Neteyam chirped, nuzzling both boy’s foreheads affectionately. The twins smiled contentedly, feeling relieved as they relished within their father’s hard-earned approval.
“Sooo, who won?” Neteyam mused, smirking at his sons pridefully. “Neteyam!” You chided, smacking the back of his head playfully.
“Oel ngati kameie, my sons.”
Sorry this is a little short, I hope it lives up to what you had in mind! 🤍
Neteyam be getting some insane flashbacks 😭
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wittyworm · 1 year
Ohoho you wanna hear about MY favorite naruto character?
Be me, just discovering manga for the first time as a extremely sheltered baptist 14 year old. I was obsessed. Naruto scratched an itch in me as a young repressed gay that veggie tales and 321 Penguins just couldn't reach. I would check out my highschool's book limit in naruto volumes, tear through them in one night, bring them back the next day, check out the next 6 volumes, rinse and repeat. Nothing would come in between me reading through these books as fast as humanly possible.
So when I was dragged out of my room to go to my new stepdad's company sponsored picnic, i was less than thrilled. But, oh well, a ninja should always be adaptable, so i grabbed my current volume and we headed off to the park.
Now I don't know if you've ever had the displeasure of experiencing the Corporate Sponsored Family Picnic, but let me tell you, even as a child it was a sorry affair. Small groups of pale middle aged men in khaki shorts and polos stood in circles clutching their solo cups full of sprite while their equally haggard looking wives wrestled wood chips out of the mouths of their redfaced toddlers.
I was more concerned about finding a quiet corner of the pavilion to read out of the reach of sticky fingered middleschoolers and curious siblings alike.
Staying quiet and undetected was the way of the ninja.
Well, wouldn't you know it, the company hired a clown to come and paint the faces of their employee's children. I loved facepaint but unfortunately being 14 meant that i was far too mature for the butterfly masks and spiderman faces of yore, so I kept reading.
That is... until i saw him.
The first time i saw Orochimaru I had two thoughts. One was gay panic, the other was complete and total assurance that this was the coolest looking character that had ever been made in the history of man. Looking back now I could probably have sited this as being the moment my egg cracked for me but u can't tell therapists that so moving on.
Right then I knew that I had to be him. Embody every bit of intimidation and power that came with his killer eyeliner. Smugly, I strode past all the unicorns and batman faces, knowing that I was about to become the ultimate ninja.
I slapped the open book onto this poor 40 something year old woman's table and just pointed.
"Are you sure?" she asked me, pleaded me, eyes squinting at the picture of a man vomiting a smaller version of himself up.
I nodded solemnly.
I stood completely still for the whole process, brimming with excitement and undiagnosed autism. When she was finished and showed me the result, I was so blinded with euphoria it didn't matter that several dads had begun to stare or that my very christian mother was already wetting paper towels as I hopped down off the stool.
For those brief few moments I was the most powerful sannin at that picnic
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thank u
nattou, this is the best fucjing thing ive ever read.
i have nothing to add. its perfection.
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rorywritesjunk · 4 months
I can’t tell where the journey will end But I know where to start
Prequel to my Kid Buggy fic, set about 11-ish years before that story.
Buggy meets you by chance when he needs his buttons sewn back onto his jacket. He’s young, up and coming, and he thinks everyone should cower before him wherever he goes, but all you do is smile at him.
Rating: PG-13ish just for some swearing. Warning: Buggy’s in his early 20s. I also gave him some anxiety and stuff because while he’s in love he doesn’t believe someone could love him back. He just has a lot of uncertainty with romance. A/N: Meet the Parents but mostly Buggy just being hella nervous because oh man, these are the parents. Why are they so nice to him?
Title comes from “Wake Me Up” by Avicii.
TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @ane5e @kingofthemfingpirates @the-angriest-angel @tiredemomama @valen-yamyam16 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @plethora-of-fickleness @uhnanix
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 + Chapter 16 + Chapter 17 + Chapter 18 + Epilogue
Chapter 15
You barely waited for the ship to dock and the ramp to lower before you were running down to the docks to greet the two waiting for you. Buggy trailed behind you, making sure he looked his best for a first impression. His clothes were clean, his hat looked flashy, and he wore his coat you had mended over and over again for him as you two got to know each other. You mended it as recently as the night before when a hole was forming in one of the pockets. After fixing it, you even stitched a little heart by it for him. Buggy did his best not to fall apart at that.
“Mama! Papa!” You squealed excitedly as you threw yourself at them. Buggy crossed his arms and watched you hug them, studying them as they hugged you. Your father was as tall as Buggy, his hair the same blonde color as yours and just as long, pulled back into a low ponytail. Your mother was shorter, stockier than your father. Her hair was a darker blonde, sitting just above her shoulders in length as it hung freely. Both had big smiles on their faces as they hugged you.
“Our Sunshine is home!” Your dad cheered as he swung you around in his arms. “I can't believe you're here!”
“And you're done with that apprenticeship, so you can do whatever you want!” Your mom chimed in as she stroked your hair gently. You grinned and pulled away to reach out to Buggy. Your parents shared a look before your mom asked, “Who's this, Sunny?”
“I know this is a surprise…” You took Buggy’s hand in yours, pulling him to your side. He was starting to regret this. You said your parents were nice so why did he feel like bait among some sea beasts? Buggy tensed up as your parents looked between the two of you. “But this is my fiancee, Captain Buggy.”
“Fiancee?” You dad repeated. 
“Captain?” Your mom looked between the two of you. “Really!” She laughed; Buggy felt his shoulders drop. “Our Sunny’s just like her dad, falling in love with a pirate and all.”
“She's not the only one, your sister did the same.” Your dad pointed out.
“Right, well, can we head to the house?” You asked, squeezing Buggy’s hand gently. “You three can get to know each other.”
Buggy jerked his head in your direction when you said that. Did that mean you were leaving him alone? Your parents nodded, leading the way up the path from the docks and to a row of houses with fields and some trees surrounding them. There were children of various ages running around, teenagers, and some young and old adults. Was this your family?
You didn't let go of Buggy's hand, squeezing gently as you smiled at him. That made him feel a bit more relaxed but he still wanted to know if you were leaving him with your parents. 
“So, Captain Buggy.” Your mom grinned as she sat at the table beside the kitchen, her husband sitting beside her while you directed Buggy in the chair across from them. “I'm Windy, and this is my husband Blue.”
“R-Right.” He didn't know what to say, but his mind was racing. He swallowed heavily, glanced over at you, then stood up suddenly, slamming both hands on the table. “Please let me marry your daughter! Please give me your blessing!”
“Buggy!” You were shocked he did that.
Your parents shared a look before Blue looked back at him. “Sure? Okay, if that's what you want.” He looked up at you before looking back at Buggy. “She can marry who she wants, you know.”
“But-” Buggy started but your mom cut him off.
“If you want our blessing, of course you can have it.” She chuckled. “Though I'd like to get to know my future son-in-law.”
Shaking your head, you took his hat off and kissed the top of his head before stepping into the kitchen to make some tea. You knew he was nervous about meeting them but you didn't expect him to ask for their blessing. It wasn't necessary, but if he felt he needed it to marry you then so be it. 
“How did you two meet?” Your dad asked. Buggy straightened up, the words were there but he didn't know how to speak suddenly. He glanced over at you, ensuring you were still there, before he looked back at your parents.
“Her… job.” He told them. “Uh, I was a customer.”
“Ha! Really.” Windy grinned. “I wondered if that would happen, y'know, sending our girl off to work with that Miss Pins. All the customers were pirates, it was bound to happen.”
“And how soon did you fall in love?” Blue asked teasingly; Buggy started to turn red in the face as he looked over at you again. You were leaning on the counter, beaming at him as the water started to boil.
“Almost immediately.” Buggy mumbled. 
“Aw, Sunny, he's so cute!” Your mom giggled. “Love at first sight, eh? Like me and her father.” She leaned back in her seat, giving him a look over while Buggy sat as still as possible under her gaze. “So, a pirate captain. Our daughter's doing well for herself.”
He straightened up and relaxed just a bit at the compliment. “Yes, I'm a captain. My crew and I terrorize anyone who comes across us in the East Blue!”
“Really! Y’know, Windy here used to be a pirate herself under Red Leg Zeff.” Blue told him. “I bet you two could have fun swapping stories about living at sea.” 
“He was an apprentice under Gold Roger.” You added in from the kitchen. Buggy straightened up and turned to look at you. He didn't want to talk about that. “Buggy is an amazing pirate.”
“Gold Roger, really!” Windy grinned. “That's impressive, y’know. Not many would have had that opportunity. I remember meeting him once, definitely leaves an impression on you. Though I don't remember seeing you when I met him.”
“You would have remembered if you saw Buggy.” You said as you brought over a tray of mugs with hot tea. “His beautiful blue hair is so memorable.”
Buggy turned bright red at your compliment but he appreciated that there was no comment made about his nose. So far. Would they say something? Your parents seemed nice so far but they didn't mean they couldn't make a comment or something about it. What if they did? These were your parents, he needed to be nice because he was so in love with you, but would you defend him if they made a jab at his appearance, or would you agree with them? His mind was racing once again, the what ifs taking over as he imagined horrible scenario after scenario of you deciding you didn't want to marry him in the end, that he was too pathetic for you, and he was so lost in his thoughts he didn't realize your hand was on his shoulder, trying to get his attention.
He looked up at you, eyes wide with uncertainty. You touched his cheek and smiled at him, feeling him relax just a bit. 
“Do you want anything in your tea, Buggy?” You asked. He just shook his head and you sat down beside him. Your parents were busy adding milk and sugar into their own that they didn't seem to notice that Buggy shut down for a moment. “Buggy was my most consistent customer at the shop in the last year. And my favorite.”
“That's so cute!” Blue exclaimed. “When are you two planning on getting married?”
Buggy didn't actually know. You two really hadn't talked about the wedding too much. He looked at you for an answer, but you shrugged and took a sip of your tea.
“We haven't settled on a date yet. I had wanted to wait to be engaged and everything until after my apprenticeship, but we decided not to keep waiting.” You said, and it was a half truth. You wanted to wait but Buggy didn't. He was afraid of losing you to someone else, and after seeing that Captain Kuro and how you two interacted, he was grateful he did it when he did. “But I'd like a small wedding, you know? Just you two for me and someone to officiate.”
“I'm sure we can manage that.” Windy replied as she sipped her tea, giving Buggy a look over. “Is there anyone you want at the wedding, Buggy?”
How did this suddenly turn into wedding planning? He thought they just wanted to get to know him. The question didn't sit quite well with him. He didn't have anyone like you had your parents. He could get some of his crew to come to it but other than that, he was alone.
“Just some of my crew.” He mumbled. If he and Shanks were still friends, he'd have him there, or if Captain Roger was still alive, or Rayleigh was around, but he didn't. “And uh, Sunny, of course.”
You reached over and gave his hand a squeeze. “It's been a long few weeks, I'm going to get us settled in my room and I'll help with dinner in a few hours once we've both rested.”
“Nonsense, we have others here to help with food. You two rest.” Your dad chuckled. “And don't make too much noise.”
You glared at your dad while Buggy turned bright red. Your mom slapped him on the shoulder as he laughed while you pulled Buggy to his feet and led him up the stairs to your room, mumbling something about embarrassing fathers. You led him down the hallway to your room and let him in.
“I'm sorry about all that, Buggy.”
He tried to play it cool, like he didn't feel so uncomfortable from the entire ordeal. “What? That was fine, babe. I can handle your parents.”
You squeezed his hand and sighed. “You're so sweet, Buggy.”
“Babe, babe, you tell me all the time.” He chuckled, hoping he didn't sound as nervous and anxious as he felt. “And besides, your parents were nice, what's not to love about me, y’know?”
“Silly.” You chuckled as you pulled him close to you, giving him a kiss. “I love you, Buggy.”
He hated that he was blushing again at your words. He just nodded, looking at you once more with wide eyes that seemed uncertain for a moment, but you just pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek, and he wrapped his arms around you before mumbling back, “I love you too, Sunny.”
Your bed was bigger than the one you had at Miss Pins, but Buggy made sure he was right there next to you. Your arms were around him, holding him close as you both rested. He was pretty sure you dozed off at some point but he didn't mind. Any time with you was important to him. He rested his head against your chest as he stared at the wall, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. 
You were going to marry him. You wanted to. He still couldn't believe it. Buggy never anticipated falling in love when he showed up at the shop that day, having you kindly take his coat and fix it for him. And every time he showed up since then, you greeted him with smiles and his name. It was hard not to fall for you.
And now he got to be in bed with you, your arms around him and holding him tightly to your body. He was so lucky. How did he get someone like you to fall in love with him when there were so many better looking guys out there? Even after one of your last customers showed up, asking you for lunch, Buggy saw how you smiled at Kuro and wondered now if you had regrets about accepting Buggy’s proposal. 
No, no, no, shut up. He sighed and tightened his hold on you. Was he always this insecure, anxious, everything when it came to life, or was it just since he met you and fell head over heels in love with you and was still surprised every day that you chose him over everyone else you'd met in your time at the shop? You really fell for him after his failed attempts at flirting, date failures, everything. You took care of him on his birthday, making sure he got back to the ship safely, even made him breakfast the next morning.
He looked up at you, studying you for a moment while you slept. You let him be close to you like this, trusted him even, and you were always so kind to him even when he felt he didn't deserve it.
No, that settled it. You did love him otherwise you wouldn't be taking care of him the way you did. You made sure he was fed, that his clothes were clean and in good condition, even made sure he at least bathed once a week. Your arms were always open for a hug for him and he appreciated that, having never experienced the love and safety of a hug before except once in a dream.
He couldn't wait to marry you and have you in his arms forever.
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vermillioncourt-if · 4 months
So we know how the older siblings feel/think of MC but what about all the younger ones ?
Hello! ❤️ By younger, I'm going assume you mean each sibling under Kenlu (who's 14), since I think I wrote about mostly everyone else?
If you meant like chronologically younger, so Zhouwa, Gaotang, Duanzu, Casao, and Kenlu, just send me another ask!
I also excluded Liangxu and Qiongkuai since they're MC's full siblings.
Lunsu to Kenlu - LINK
Sixth/Seventh Princess Nan Zhuanying - Zhuanying is Consort Xing's 4th child and is her "favored" daughter. As a result, Zhuanying doesn't really like MC that much, although it's more because of her mother's influence over her than her actual feelings. She's 10, so give her a little time to develop her own opinions.
Eight/Ninth Princess Nan Tuojiu - Tuojiu is Consort Dou's 3rd child. Tuojiu is actually a little scared of MC! MC hasn't done anything to her, she just has her mother's personality and all of her older siblings (Kenlu and older) are intimidating to her! She's 7 years old.
Seventh/Eighth Prince Nan Genbi - Genbi is Consort Re's 4th child and is the eldest of her twins. Genbi likes MC. Since Consort Re and Consort Huo are friends, he sees them fairly often. He likes to try to be "grown up" around them since they're one of the older siblings!
Eighth/Ninth Prince Nan Zhuibi - Zhuibi is Consort Re's 5th child and is the youngest of her twins. MC is one of Zhuibi's favorite siblings, so he likes them. He likes that MC is willing to let him be a menace, within reason.
Ninth/Tenth Princess Nan Quanying - Quanying is Queen He's 3rd child. Quanying is acquainted with MC, but she doesn't have any super strong feelings since she doesn't see MC too often, often with her nannies at Queen He's palace. She's 5, so she's still a bit shy around her siblings.
Ninth/Tenth Prince Nan Zuoya - Zuoya is Consort Xing's 5th child. He doesn't really have an opinion like Quanying. He tends to just repeat what Consort Xing says about the other consorts' children/the consorts, if asked, since he's 4 years old.
Tenth/Eleventh Princess Nan Tangye - Tangye is Consort Xing's 6th child. She doesn't have an opinion on MC since she's 1.
Eleventh Prince(ss) Nan Guangtian - Guangtian has not been born yet.
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toaster-trash · 2 months
Silly rant about how much I hate the school system but it’s long and angry so
School is so fucking insufferable, you’ll try talk to a teacher getting paid to teach you for two seconds and to complain about the workload and explain your other subjects and they’ll patronise you to death treating you like an overwhelmed 5 year old. I shit you not, I genuinely just asked to talk to two of my teachers for five fucking minutes to ask about them cutting back a bit on mandatory revision so I could do it during study leave to make time for more important subjects, and explained as factually and concisely as possible, and got told to “calm down and breathe” like 500 times while I was fucking talking. One of them I shit you not tried to get me to do fucking breathing exercises with her and repeat back what I was going to do, what in the actual fuck, I was genuinely getting so pissed off and I’m still mad about it lmao, all I need is a “ok 👍 I trust you, I’ll cut back on the mandatory revision homework for you and you focus on your other subject that’re pressing right now”, not to get treated like a first year in special ed.
Teachers have always been like this fr and it’s genuinely been getting to me for fucking years. You’ll go to them about anything trying to have a really really normal conversation and they’ll treat you like you’re completely fucking inept. Throwback to the time my vice principal told me off for “talking back to her” by telling her that a girl getting sexually harassed being her fault made no sense, to the time she found out I was suicidal and fucking schizing (recently actually) and went “are we not having such a good day today? :(“ and also asked if harming myself made me feel good and then went “no, I didn’t think so :(“. Oh and for good measure, throwback to the time the girls in my year were told they couldn’t wear leggings in PE bc it “distracts the male staff” and the time they called all the girls (or afab people lmfao) into the hall to tell us we were “asking for it” bc of rolling up skirts and makeup and made everyone who had them take off makeup/nails and roll down skirts one by one. And that shits just commonplace in schools fr it fucking makes me want to kill myself tbh although I vastly prefer directly insulting a full room of 14 year olds calling them whores to treating mentally ill or VAGUELY stressed people like actual fucking children. Call me a schizo freak and get it over with fr. Genuinely fucking thought this shit would end by sixth form, apparently not! Yeah everyone else in the school looks at me like an adult, and you lot keep saying we’re “young adults” now, and oh yeah sure I can legally get married, have a job, generally am above the age of consent, I’m learning to drive, but oh no! Still have to get not just treated like a kid, but baby-ed. At this point I don’t even feel patronised, I feel fucking insulted.
A different time one of those teachers asked me if I was going out with my female friend while I was trying to express concern for them because they’d pretty much gone missing (it’s complicated), and when I said no they then asked me if I wanted to, which I’ve never fucking gotten over bc why the fuck would you ask me that, but that’s by the by
Can’t wait to leave the school system behind forever fr.
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marambl · 2 years
Some folks still seem confused about the age difference with Eddie and Chrissy, the terminology about middle school, etc, even though Grace Van Dien has said at this point that Chrissy was 17/18. I worked in the US public school system for several years and have a masters degree in libraries and information, so researching is kind of my jam and I want to hopefully shed a little light on this because misinformation continues to be an issue.
First, US education terminology: “Middle school” in the US usually only refers to 6th-8th grades. “Junior high” is only 7th + 8th grade. High school is 9th-12th grades.
In 401, if we take the comments about Eddie repeating twice (“Didn’t you say that last year?” “And the year before that?”) at face value, here’s how the math works out with the academic calendar:
1979-1980: Eddie’s in 8th grade / Chrissy’s in 6th grade (this is the only year they could have been in middle school together)
1980-1981: Eddie is in 9th grade (freshman) / Chrissy’s in 7th grade
1981-1982: Eddie is in 10th grade (sophomore) / Chrissy’s in 8th grade
1982-1983: Eddie’s in 11th grade (junior) / Chrissy’s in 9th grade (freshman)
1983-1984: Eddie’s natural 12th grade (senior, aka “the year before”) / Chrissy is in 10th grade (sophomore)
1984-1985: Eddie’s first repeat (“last year”) of senior year / Chrissy is in 11th grade (junior)
1985-1986 | S4 : Eddie’s second repeat of senior year / Chrissy is also in 12th grade (senior)
So based on this, Eddie and Chrissy are 1-2 years apart and originally two grades apart. Like it or not, it was and is entirely normal for high schoolers to date other high schoolers who might be a grade or two below/above them.
High school ages: 14-18 are the traditional and normal age ranges for high schoolers. Sometimes a student may be on the younger side or the slightly older side (13 or 19), depending on when they were born, but it is not possible for Chrissy to be 16 and a senior. Why? Let me tell you about kindergarten entrance ages.
In 1975, Indiana’s kindergarten starting age was not standardized to 5 as the minimum age requirement - it was left up to the local education agencies. However, all four states that border Indiana had set age 5 as the state-wide kindergarten entrance age, so it’s likely that Indiana’s local districts also went by the “5″ rule. (And out of the five states that allowed children to attend kindergarten at age 4, four states required the child to be either 4 years and 8 months or 4 years and 9 months. My mom went to school in one of these states during this time period and was 4 years and 10 months when she started, in part because both her parents worked and there was no one to watch her, and she’s said people on the younger side like her was not the norm.) 
Chrissy’s file, which some folks are, bafflingly, taking as gospel for everything, says she was born in June of either 1968 or 1969. If we say she was born in June 1969 like some people are insisting (and really, it’s so fuzzy, you can’t definitively say which number it is), there’s absolutely no way she would have met the entrance requirement for kindergarten, having JUST turned four. Had she been born in March or April of 1969, they may have allowed her in (though seeing as Chrissy’s mom appeared to be a homemaker, there was no need to send her to school so early), but a June 1969 birthday puts her way too young to be starting kindergarten in the 1973-1974 school year. 
June 1968, on the other hand, lands her right at 5 years old, the exact age everybody else starts kindergarten, and makes her just 2-3 months shy of 18 in March 1986. Oh yeah, and why am I saying Chrissy is a senior? 
Besides the fact that Chrissy, canonically, is the head cheerleader - ie, cheer captain - and this role is only bestowed on seniors, they also coded her as one. Everyone in the show who associates with “86″ is a senior:
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In my opinion, a prominent prop that is part of the character’s costume is much more indicative of Chrissy’s senior status - rather than what is literally a throwaway prop that is barely legible, especially when this show is already riddled with production errors (most importantly/recently, Will’s birthday, not just once but twice).
This has gotten a big long (happy to share citations on anything if people want), so here we are. 
TLDR: the birthday listed on a (quite possibly unreliable) throwaway prop is pretty illegible and people see what they want to see. But we know Chrissy is a senior, and based on actual kindergarten entrance age reqs in the 70s, this has to put her birthday in June of 1968 (not 1969) — meaning she is 17/almost 18 during season 4, not 16. 
I get some people might not like the ship, and that’s fine - to each their own. But the age argument just holds no water, because Chrissy is clearly 17/18, so can we all just drop it and move on?
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opinated-user · 10 months
TW -grooming
This is not Lily flirting back but she is not telling Ginger to stop. (April 2015 - so Ginger is 14?)
I'm not sure if I fully understand does this mean.
(August 2015)
Bonus finds
FireRose (TW - grooming, TW - suggestive)
Lily making incest jokes about Elsa and Anna (again)
to refresh everyone's memory: Ginger was born in November 30th, 1999. LO was born in May 30th, 1992.
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in these posts ginger is 15. this is exactly what we all have been talking about when we say it was concerning of LO to only talk about children's media while being highly sexual herself. when you talk about children's media, children are going to be attracted to that conversation and you have to be conscious of that more than people talking about general media or adult media. LO never was. LO had many, many opportunities to tell ginger to stop or to just block her and make a general post to remind people to not interact with her on that way unless they are of age to not singled her out. even talk in private to tell her "i appreciate you like my work, but could you please do not act that way towards me or any adult you know for that matter? it's really not appropiate" would have been a fine option. instead, LO kept encouraging this behaviour until Ginger became of age and then started reciprocating by making her one of her partners. i repeat: it doesn't matter that LO didn't went to ginger and told her to continue the flirting. it doesn't matter if ginger never felt pressured to do so. it doesn't matter that LO never gave her even more attention than to any other fans. it doesn't matter, because from the moment Ginger started being more explicit on her flirting it was the responsability of LO to stop it as the adult. LO should have said no. LO had the duty to say no, stop that, and she didn't. that's how she groomed ginger. to put all of this in perspective, LO was 24 when having those interactions. she can't pull "i didn't know" because she already admited she didn't let ginger into her discord until she became 19, so she knew at least she was underaged. she was old enough to know this was wrong and still did it anyway. just picture any 24 year old adult accepting this kind of attention from an eager 15 yeard old child like how LO is doing, only to then date them a few years later, and then you'll understand what is wrong with all of this.
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missbyng · 2 months
been meaning to ask for awhile now and now I feel brave enough to, can I hear about the fanverse incident
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claps my hands together . so this might get long you’re just going to have to bear with me . some details may be foggy in my head because it’s been probably a year since ive cared or really paid much more attention than what my friends told me to it but this is , essentially , what i remember the most and what makes the fanverse a fucking disaster
so the fanverse predates the Republican donation stuff by about a year . when it was announced i think the games that stood out the most to people were the joy of creation , popgoes , candy’s , flumpty’s , and the fnaf 1 remaster ( that i’ll spend so much time on . there’s so much stuff on phisnom alone ) . TJOC and candy’s don’t really have a lot to say on them , because the creators are normal people ( ? ) who just wanted to make fnaf fan projects , and if they could make some money via assistance from Scott by means such as selling on steam and possible merchandise , of course they were gonna take it
i don’t wanna say that the cracks started to show when the creator of flumpty was outed as a pedophile and openly admitted to it and banned himself from any online space to go better himself or whatever , but i will say that you could probably guess things were only going to go downhill from there when Scott made no public statement . i guess if you’re a dick rider you can argue that fnaf has an audience of children who don’t really need to be hearing a lengthy statement from the series creator about how pedophilia is a bad thing because Obviously , but he Has made statements about that before . he cut ties with pinkypills ( supposedly ) because of her comics that portrayed william as a pedophile . this isn’t meant to come off as a defense of pinkypills because she’s a genuinely terrible person , but one would think that a real life human person grooming a minor and admitting to it would be worse than possibly having someone read a comic that would have others perceive your fictional character as a pedophile . moving on
popgoes is being developed by kane carter who’s his own brand of something . he has such a bad tendency of saying stupid shit on his Twitter and then when someone goes ‘hey man this sounds a little stupid’ he will bug out and post some heated rant before going nuclear and locking his account , rinse and repeat for however many years it’s been . <- that’s why i joke that i have beef with him . because he did that to me circa 2020 when i made a joke about his old sister location theory about it being an underground sex dungeon or something He just had to make sure i knew at 14 years old that he wasn’t serious ! and it was a product of lack of knowledge of the time or whatever . i don’t hold that against him btw i just think it’s objectively a little funny . i think in terms of fanverse reception popgoes is still held in a really high regard because it seems to be one of the only projects that’s still actually being fucking worked on . if kane carter wasn’t such a fucking bizarre guy on his Twitter im sure that he’d still have a crumb of good faith left to anyone other than the people who have been following him since he made popgoes as a one off thing and probably feel some sort of obligation to keep going
Stares At You . and phisnom . phisnom is a special guy . he was the one who was assigned to remake fnaf 1 but make it Scarier or something . i feel it’s important to say that phisnom has gone on record saying that redesigns ( such as the ones in analog horror ) that just take the base design but make it grimy and ‘scarier’ are lazy and don’t actually add anything to their base design . i don’t inherently disagree with his take but seriously look at this
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yeah man you’re really dodging the ‘making it scarier just because’ allegations with this one . i honestly think that aside from the joy of creation which is just like a really impressive fan game this was probably the second most hyped up one because it was being sold as a remake to the first and it was being funded by Scott’s money . objectively for the time it felt a little bit cool and i drew fan art for it ( which i still think is cute . i wish that phisnom didn’t suck so much fucking cock and balls so that i didn’t feel bad about looking at it but it’s whatever )
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where the problems with phisnom reach a head is that he’s a cunt . like really just a cunt i don’t know how else to put it . there’s nothing wrong with someone wanting to have an audience of adults or whatever especially if the thought of having an audience of children makes you uncomfortable there is Nothing wrong with that , but when you sign on to make a remake of FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDYS you need to know what kind of fan base you’re signing up for .
phisnom’s twitter is 18+ , but he would get interactions from minors all the time . whether or not you blame the minors is up to you i guess but Again , when you’re posting about your five nights at Freddy’s project unless its just straight up porn it’s kind of absurd to think that everyone here is going to be a strong hearty adult . like let’s be so for real we all know the adults in the room aren’t funding your fan game .
what you probably heard is that after he played the ruin dlc he didn’t like it . since the dlc had just come out it had its recency bias and a kid replied to his tweet about it and then phisnom quote retweeted them and inadvertently sent his audience who aren’t stalking him for fnaf over to this child and send him gore and porn . obviously a person can’t control what their fan base does but when people were like ‘hey dude your community is sending a child gore and porn’ instead of making a tweet like ‘i don’t want you guys to do that’ he posted an ‘apology’ that just led back to a rick roll . obviously at this point he kind of just looks like an edgy child and people go to their lord and savior Scott Cawthon to get something done
by the way , i didn’t mention this yet , but this phisnom stuff happened in like July-august of last year , so it’s not like this was that long ago . that being said you also have to wonder Hey . where’s fnaf+ by now . because that was also the question that a lot of people ran back to . so you’re getting funded by both Scott cawthon and an audience of fans who are expecting a project that the creator himself managed to shit out in about a month , while you’ve been given three years to recreate some source material and you’re not done yet ? what’s taking so long ?
all of this combined into one melting pot led fnaf+ to getting canceled . go figure . scott never released his own statement on it because he’s off doing god knows but phisnom did , which basically said he’s done with fnaf and don’t ask about it or fnaf+ as a project anymore because he’s not completing it and he would like to do other project .
im sure there’s stuff i missed because of the aforementioned brain fog all the way at the start but yes . the fanverse is a fucking disaster . the joy of creation and candy’s are pretty good though
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stopscammingartists · 9 months
it's so skeevy how glip n their community put responsibility on their victims to be completely infallible when daring to make a claim that they were abused. they have to walk on fucking eggshells because one wrong move and glip/the flora community just wont fucking read it and instead center an entire book about the 'wrong' statement instead. example being pengo not reading any of boo's stuff bc one sentence insinuated he lied about something.
this is such a classic manipulation tactic. the kind of thing an abusive cheating spouse does. "oh you caught me messaging someone? well you disrespected my privacy by going through my things!". that kinda shit. its abusive and only used to silence someone and intimidate them and they have to know this I mean. they cant be that dense.
anyway, pengo/glip/everyone here's a challenge. if you didnt read all of the allegations against you then dont bother responding them. nothing you say about it has any value unless you actually own up to what you did and better yourself or somehow refute it in a way that matters :)
Let me establish some context for anyone who doesn't know what happened with Lain/Spaggle and what her story is.
In 2014, Lain, who had just recently turned 14 posted to tumblr about how Marl approached her a few months ago in the Floraverse IRC and would talk about how he wanted to fuck Lain in vivid detail and send her pictures of dog genitalia.
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She would retell her story a few times on different platforms over the years. Meanwhile, Glip would respond by claiming they had logs of Lain insinuating that she likes to bait adults into a child porn charge.
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None of the logs Glip would ever provide will show this. Glip was simply lying. Glip, and Eevee both would make call out posts on tumblr continuing frame Lain as some insane 14 year old enchantress looking to entrap adults in a child porn charge. As if any adult, like Marl, who took this supposed bait wouldn't still be a pedophile. Glip and Eevee both would platform the anonymous testimonial they received about Lain from Lain's friend and, alarmingly, another adult who claimed that Lain "has done this before". Establishing Lain as a repeat-victim of childhood sexual abuse. Children who are sexually abused tend to never be sexually abused once.
Glip would continue to berate and slander Lain whenever she popped up until 2019. Propping up the words of the other adults who sexually abused this minor along the way.
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Meanwhile, privately, Glip and their inner circle where looking to do something they where worried would have legal ramifications to them if got out.
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According to @hexcryingwolf who was part of this group - Glip had obtained Lain's dox and had wanted to take legal action against the child who their then ex-husband sexually abused with photos of dog genitalia.
However, before Lain even came forward in 2014, Marl had convinced Glip to be filmed having intercourse with a dog, twice and was told by the person Marl cheated on them with that Marl had shown them pornographic content of their pet German Shepard dog, Apollo.
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So when Glip framed Lain as some enchantress trying to entrap men, as some lying parasite and was trying to go after this child in ways that where legally dubious, they knew from the very start that Marl was a zoophile and probably had dog genitalia photos to send Lain better then anyone else. Because, naturally, Glip is also a victim of Marl's beastiality.
When Glip says they did not know what Marl was doing, or what he was capable of - they are lying. Nothing more, nothing less.
So, let's jump to the present and actually address what @sc0rfanos is talking about.
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This is a 30-something adult who slandered, and silenced a 14 year victim of their shared abuser for nearly 5 years.
Glip does not get to demand that everyone else considers how they feel and how they're hurt, and how they're a victim while they wipe their ass with the feelings, pain and trauma they inflicted upon others.
Redirecting a point about how Glip abused Lain over the span of years to be about how Glip is a victim of said husband is fucking disgusting. Glip continuing the spout the words of the other adults who sexually abused this child in 2023 as if they matter or excuse their actions is fucking disgusting.
This only serves the purpose of redirecting the discussion away from Glip actions and the ramifications those actions have had on others into a discussion about how Glip is some sad lil' boo boo who was totally reasonable to do the things they did.
Eat dirt you disgusting worm of a person.
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Childhood Crush
Summary; Dean Winchester x Fe!OC -> Dean and Zoey grew up together, they lived across from one another when they were children and their dad's hunted together. But when time begins to move on, and they begin to see each other over and over and over again, will something grow from what they once knew?
Warning; FLUFF, spn hunts, spn level violence, fade to smut, love, swearing, long fic etc.
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Dean and Zoey had known each other since they were 2 years old. Of course, she had only been a baby at the time, but same difference.
They lived directly across the street, Dean's bedroom window looked directly across from Zoey's nursery. And, as they both grew up, every night Dean would get out of his bed once Mary and John had tucked him in. Dean would crawl off his bed and kneel on his window bench, open his curtains a little and wave. Zoey couldn't see him, but he did it anyway.
Except, when he was four and she was two...everything changed. John roped Michael - Zoey's dad - into helping him. Both of the men had a fansination with hunting.
The years that followed, Zoey would stay home with her mom until Mike deemed her old enough to come with them. But, even from a young age, she knew that there had to be something better than this. Something better than watching Dean raise Sam, better than watching both boys learn how to handle weapons rather than learn how to solve 5th grade math. Better than...this life. Hunting.
However, as much as she cared for the boys, there was something that always made her closer to Sam. They understood one another. They had their love for school and a normal life in common. Whereas, Zoey and Dean...well...they butted heads more than they got along.
It had started from a young age. How to clean weapons. Who was better in the Scooby-Gang. What life was better.
But there were two key moments both could remember where everything came to a head. The first was when she was 14 and he was 16.
John and Mike had gone out on another hunt and with Zoey's mom out of the country for a business meeting, it meant all three kids were staying at Bobby's.
"And Dean will be training you."
"Training me? Why does he have to train me? I don't need training."
"Yes, you do. And Dean's the best."
Meanwhile, John was giving the same talk to Dean. But rather than talking back, all Dean said was, "Yes, Sir."
But once they finally left, Dean would come to regret underestermating her and everything that he'd known about her.
Bobby watched from the kitchen window, fixing up some grub for them to eat for the night. Sam was sat in the living room with his english homework writing up an essay to do Gullivers Travels.
Every now and again, he looked up to see Dean and Zoey talking. Well, more like...arguing calmly. But after twenty minutes, Bobby cursed loudly, dropped the plate into the kitchen sink and ran outside.
Zoey had been sparring with Dean when all of a sudden, Dean got into a readied stance and Zoey shocked him by running up the side of a car, jumping over his shoulders and within a few moments found himself on the ground with Zoey stood above him, his arm twisted and her foot on his chest.
"Boy, are you okay?" Bobby asked as Zoey eventually let him go. She had to walk away, her rage still rattling her. Bobby helped Dean up from the ground who was just as shocked, if not more, than Bobby.
"What the hell was that?" Bobby asked, turning to look at her.
"That was sparring."
"No, that was nearly killing Dean!"
Zoey looked from Bobby to Dean, making a point of repeating his words back to him. "What? I thought he could handle my 'girly' fighting. Besides, isn't what this is meant to be? Us learning how to defend ourselves against those things out there? Because apparently school work isn't as important."
There was a hammered silence between the three of them. Zoey looked down with her hand on her hips, taking in deep breaths before she finally looked up. "I'm gonna go help Sam with his homework."
Once she was out of ear shot and inside the house, Bobby looked back to Dean and checked him over. He had a small cut on his forehead from where she'd cut him or where he'd fell and cut himself. Zoey had done everything so fast, Dean just really dropped to the floor without any warning.
"I've got a kit upstairs. You know where it is. Go and clean it. Did you know she had that in her?"
Dean just shook his head but soon regretted it because only now did he realise the ammount of pressure that was inside his head.
"No. I didn't even know she could punch as hard as she did."
"She punched you?" Bobby hadn't seen that part.
Dean had to let out a chuckle. If he didn't, he wondered if he might actually cry. "Yeah, earlier. I told her to take a swing at me."
"Did you try and stop it?"
Dean just shrugged at Bobby's question. But he wasn't asking it out of worry, he was asking it because he didn't think Dean was that dumb.
"What? I've never seen her punch anything before. I didn't know she knew how to fight! You didn't!"
"Alright, get inside. Grub's almost done." And as Dean walked away, all Bobby could do was remove his cap, fix his hair before replacing the cap on his head, shake his head and mumble. "Kids."
The second time everything came to a head and when Dean and Zoey came very close to killing one another was when he was 17 and she was only 15.
Zoey had voulenteered to go with Mike and John on the hunting trip. She was done with her mid-terms and Sam had been begging her to go and, if she didn't feel anything else towards his older brother, she would have wanted to go just to see him.
Zoey sometimes wondered if she did harbour a crush on Dean Winchester but then he'd do something that would make her want to kill him, or punch him, or...she didn't know. Embarrass him in front of the girls at school so maybe he'd actually listen to her.
Dean had a habit of that. Not listening to her.
One day, Mike and John had decided to take the kids into the woods to 'train' them again. It was fucked up to Zoey, and secretly to Dean. Dean was okay with doing it himself, but John making Sam do it? Mike roping Zoey into it? No. Absolutley Not.
They'd set up different traps and senarios for them to go around to make sure they could defend themselves in the best way possible.
They were soldiers getting ready for battle.
Zoey and Dean found themselves together on a team. Mike on his own and Sam and John together. It was the first time Dean had actually seen a smile on Sam and John's face in a long time. And they were smiling together. That made Dean feel happier than ever.
But, as they got around, Zoey and Dean found themselves cornered. Or lost. They didn't really know.
"We're lost." Zoey called out to Dean as she looked around but he just shushed her.
"What? It's not like they can hear us. This is probably apart of it. Get lost in the woods and find your way out and back home safely."
Dean shushed her again. Zoey just rolled her eyes.
"I can see you doing that."
"You're not even looking at me."
"But I can feel you doing it."
"That's not the same as seeing it. To actually see it, you have to be looking at me when I do it, Smart-Ass. And you weren't doing either."
"Would you just shut up for a second? Wait! What was that?" A branch broke.
Dean moved a step more.
Another one broke.
"I think they're out here."
Zoey stood back and watched him, "Seriously?" she asked herself and rolled her eyes again before calling out; "That you, you idiot!"
Dean looked down and behind him. "Oh."
Zoey now marched towards him. "Yeah, 'oh'. Come on, the motel's back this way."
"No it's not." Dean argued. "We came from the south."
"No, we came from the west."
"We came from the south. That's south." Dean said, pointing it its direction.
They were face to face with one another now, Dean towering over her slightly.
"No. That's East. That's South. And that's West. We came from the west." Zoey corrected him.
"No, it's not."
"Yes, it is." Zoey replied copying his tone. "You want me to make you a compass so you can see?"
Dean stared at her for a few moments before heading off in his direction.
"Where the hell are you going?!"
"Back to the motel!"
"You're going the wrong way! And they said not to split up!"
"You're welcome to join me!" Dean called back out, not looking back.
Zoey remained quiet for a second watching him walk away. He was going the wrong way and usually she would have left him but Sam would kill her if she did. So, with a loud groan, she followed him.
Dean heard her as she hurried to catch up, smirking to himself.
"You can wipe that stupid smirk off your face, while your at it."
"To see it, you have to actually be looking at me!" Dean called to her.
"Don't quote me to me. And, actually, I can see it. Every time you do that smirk of yours, it somehow makes its way into your walk."
Dean dropped the smirk and grumbled under his breath; "Smart-Ass."
"I heard that!"
It was a few months after that when all hell broke loose.
Dean was sat at the motel room table cleaning their weapons whilst herself and Sam were sat on one of the beds and she was helping him with his math homework.
"But how?!" was mostly Sam's reaction when it came to the answers. So she would go back and explain it again, and again, and again until he finally understood it.
Meanwhile, John and Mike were discussing the next case before John got annoyed and raised his voice turning to his son and Zoey.
"You don't even need that! What you need to be doing is research!"
Zoey, before realising she'd even spoken, spoke out in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah, because that's true."
"Excuse me?"
"What's that meant to mean?" John asked her.
Zoey looked between John, Dean, her father and then Sam before back to John. She'd been harbouring these words for a long time. Maybe it was about time someone told him what for.
"Okay." Zoey sat up, placing her pen down and her feet on the floor. "I don't believe your research, the stuff you want Sam to do, is what he should be doing."
"And why not?"
"Because he deserves a life outside of all of this!" Zoey said with a small scoff.
"Listen here, Lady-"
No time like the present.
Zoey quickly stood up before John could finish. "No. You listen. You drag these boys around the whole fucking country their whole lives. No stability. No hope. Just plain, brutal killing. That's it. No family. No care. No love. No Life! You expect them to know everything before they've already done it and you expect the best!"
"As I should-"
"You expect them to be the best Hunters. Not students. Not kids. Not men. Hunters. Soldiers. Soldiers for your own sick and twisted crusade of finding the thing that killed your wife!"
John now stood. "Don't you dare-"
"Talk about Mary?" Zoey asked. "Why? Why should I? We all knew her didn't we? She's their mother! She was your wife! She was his best-friend. She was my mom's best-friend. Why shouldn't we talk about her? She's what this is all about, isn't she? She's why you do this, isn't it? Why you drag Sam and Dean from school to school, from hunt to hunt, with not a care whether you live or die. Whether they live or die! Because if you pulled your head out of your ass-"
"Zoey!" Mike scolded. But there was no stopping her.
"Because if you pulled your head out of your ass for just two fucking seconds, you'd realise that this isn't what Mary would have wanted for her boys! Right now! Right now Dean should be thinking about college or work-"
"He is working!"
"He's cleaning weapons! Guns! Something he's been doing since he was 7 years old. And that's only if he's not raising Sam because you can't be bothered to even look at your son's as son's rather that soldiers!"
Dean now stood up, annoyed, angry and frustrated. But at who? He didn't really know.
"Hey! Don't talk about me like I'm not here! And who said I even wanted to go to college?"
Zoey now looked at him, directly. "Yeah, but should at least get the choice."
After a quick second of silence that felt like it lasted a life time, she looked back to John and Mike.
"You both sit there, day in, day out, solving other people's issues because you can't fix your own. Right now, Sam should be in a bedroom, with a desk, worrying over his math homework there. Not in here being surrounded by crime scene photos that have been illegally obtained. I understand you think that there is a point to this, that you think that by putting yourself in danger that you're protecting others but did you ever think, just for two seconds, about the people you should be protecting? About who should come first in your life?" Zoey was now moving around the room, unable to remain still. She was too angry. Too enraged.
"You have a family." Zoey told John before looking to her own father. "You both do."
That hit home.
"What you should be doing is protecting your children, your families. You should be thinking that you have someone to come home to and if something happen to you, that there are people who would be lost without you. And I'm sorry, but none of this should be happening! God, you say that you're doing this to avenge your wife but in fact it's nothing more than an excuse to take your anger out on your children for being the ones that lived. Taking your anger out on other people because they weren't hurt. I'm sorry John, but Mary wouldn't want this! And you finding this Demon won't bring her back! She'd dead, John and maybe it's about time you accepted that!"
However, just as Zoey finished, she found herself in Dean's hands as he dragged her back and was about to pin her to the wall only, a roar ripped out from John and Mike and, sort of, Sam since Zoey wasn't about to be the one on the wall.
Instead, Zoey was dragged back but quickly flipped the control and Dean, shockingly, found himself as the one trapped.
Both were breathing heavily and deeply. Zoey's voice became calmer as she looked Dean in the eyes. His body language said he was angry. He was ridged. Stern. But his eyes. Zoey could see the truth.
He was hurting. He was breaking.
"I'm sorry, Dean. I really am. No kid should ever have to go through what you and Sam did. But this isn't right. You and I both know it." The pair kept their gazes on one another and she felt Dean's body under her arms relax a little, so she did the same in return.
"Mary's death was an accident. Or maybe it was fate. But it couldn't be prevented. And I know that's what you think this is. Hunting: Preventing other accidents. But the truth is, when time is up, it's up. You can't stop it. You can't slow it down. It hurts but you can't just alter the world with a click of your fingers or a shot of your gun. Sometimes things happen and we have no power or control over it and letting others try and beat it out of us to say that you can...it won't work. It doesn't work." Slowly, Zoey let Dean go and stepped back.
The entire room was silent. No-one moved. No-one said a word. Not even John.
After holding Dean's gaze and seeing the truth in his eyes, Zoey turned to look at her father.
"You finish this hunt and finish all together and come home, or you don't come home at all." Zoey told him, her gaze locked on his eyes. There wasn't a raise in her voice. She was steady. Ready. She'd accepted what she had to do and it was his choice, but either way she was ready. Zoey was ready to either hold on to him or let go. It was his choice.
"I've see the fear in mom's eyes every time the phone rings. I'm not going to be apart of that fear. I'm going home. I'll either see you there or we say goodbye now and I tell mom that your not coming home. That way, she can move on and not live in fear anymore." Zoey explained. "You took vows to protect her and any children you'd have together. Are you going to break them?"
There was that silence again.
"Okay, then."
Zoey moved over towards the bed and pulled her bag out from under the bed, packed the last of her books into the bag, grabbed her jacket and swung the bag strap over her shoulder.
Zoey made it to the door, opening it up when Sam stood up. "Wait!"
Zoey looked back and was greeted with Sam's body colliding into hers, hugging her tightly. She smiled, kinda sadly, and hugged him back just as tight.
"Please don't go." Sam whispered.
"I'll be seeing you." Zoey smiled at him. The only people close enought to see her eyes were Sam and Dean.
Dean didn't move from his spot but they made eye contact as Sam stood back from the door to let her go. Zoey gave a sad smile towards Dean and a small nod before it dropped as she looked to John and Mike.
And without another look, she grabbed hold of the door handle and closed the motel door behind her. She caught a Greyhound 40 minutes later and was on her way home.
After a week, Mike decided to go home. Hunting wasn't worth loosing his wife and daughter. Zoey had made her point and she wouldn't have to make it again, ever.
John understood but cursed him out all the same. That night Mike drive home and arrived back at 7 in the morning the next day. Zoey looked at him and after a few nervous seconds on his end, she rushed to him and hugged him.
Over the years, Sam and Zoey kept in touch but with John always being by Dean's side and making a point that they should never talk to them again, Sam never told anyone.
Zoey passed her exams and headed off to college, eventually graduating as a certified Vet.
But, even by the time Sam left Dean and John to go to college, he didn't see Zoey.
Yet, Dean did.
It was about a year into Sam being at college and Dean was on his own hunt. A couple of spirits possessing a few bodies around down.
Only, with the spirits he'd miscounted, he had a job on his hands.
It was the dead of night when Dean finally broke into the family funeral-home thing and after about an hour, the attacks started coming but just as he finally, maybe, found the thing that was tying them to the world since their bodies had be cremated, a spirit come to attack him and just as they were about to throw a marble slab into his face, a match was struck and the spirts all appeared and bust into flames.
Behind the real flames, Dean saw a face he recognised. It was a little older but still held the same beauty and anger as he'd know before.
"That's the last time I save your ass, Winchester."
Zoey said no more and walked outside. Dean was quick to scramble to his feet and follow after her.
"What- Why are you here?"
"I live here."
"In...Applewood Cemetary?"
Zoey looked back to him with her eyebrow raised and rolled her eyes. "In town, idiot."
"Did you follow me here?"
"I did. Spotted you coming out of the computer room in the library. Gathered you were looking into the deaths."
"You knew there was a case here?" Dean asked. "Did you even think about checking it out?"
"I have a day job, Dean." Zoey sighed. "That I also do night-shifts on. I have others to look after, Dean."
"Not once-"
Zoey zipped around to look at him. "You could just say 'Thank you' and we can part way again."
"Why did you save me?"
"Because I'd rather not be accused of murder. Also, Sam would kill me if I let you die." Zoey pulled out her car keys and unlocked her car.
"You still speak to Sam?"
"Yeah. Heard about how it went down. Sorry." Zoey said before getting into her car. "But, you should call him. He misses you."
"He could always call me, too."
Zoey rolled her eyes and got into her car, rolling down the window before starting the engine. "You're both too stubborn for your own good. Call Sam! It will be good for both of you!" Zoey called out to him before pulling out of the cemetary and heading home.
Dean stayed in town an extra night, watching as people came in and out of the Vet practice across the street. They looked happy. Zoey...Zoey looked happy.
Dean looked to his phone again, Sams contact bright on the screen. Maybe he should listen to her for once. She had always been complaining that he never listen to her when she should.
But as he went to call Sam, his phone screen flashed.
Maybe listening to Zoey for once would have to wait.
And he did. For another few years.
The world had almost ended 50 times over by the time Dean saw Zoey again. They'd gone from moving around motels to finally finding the Bunker.
It had been pretty quiet recently, going back to their Moster-of-The-Week hunts. And they had to admit...they'd missed it.
But it was one Tuesday morning when Dean was going filling up Baby's engine and spotted someone from the corner of his eye.
He had just been looking around, wondering if anyone was watching him. He couldn't be too careful. That was when he saw a woman. She was a few years older now, but still as beautiful. Her hair was pulled back in a messy pony tail whilst she wore green scrubs and running trainers on her feet.
She had rushed into the gas n' sip, smiling at the person who held the door open for her. "Thank you."
Dean watched as she rushed inside and grabbed a sandwhich from the back fridges, a couple bags of chips and finally a drink before paying at the counter, running back across the street where she narrowly avoided being run over -- so many times she'd stopped Sam, and Dean, from doing the same thing when they were younger. Dean watched then as she ran inside a clinc style building.
She had a practice in Witchita? 20 minutes from the bunker?
Moments later, Dean pulled up outside the Bunker and rushed inside.
"You'll never guess who I've just seen." Dean began, seeing Sam sat in the Map Room on his laptop.
"Amy Adams?"
Dean placed the plastic gas n' sip bag on the table, unloading the food. "Zoey."
Sam looked up. "Zoey? Wait- Zoey-Zoey? Our Zoey?"
Dean nodded. "She's working at a practice in Witchita."
"Seriously?" Sam asked.
Dean nodded again. "The lady at the counter said she came into town a few weeks ago."
"Do you know where she's staying?"
"No. My guess is in the motel down the street."
"Should we...I don't know...check in on her? I mean, we haven't seen her since...since I was, what? 18?"
Dean had never told Sam that he'd seen Zoey after he was 17 and when she saved his life. Now, he didn't know why. It just never really came up.
"I mean...we could try? But I doubt she'd want to see us again."
"Do you seriously not remember how it ended?" Dean questioned his brother. "She was tearing a new one into dad and then she nearly beat my ass to the ground again before she left. She looks happy, Sam."
"I say we go and see how she's doing."
"I can tell you how she's doing. She's happy."
Sam chuckled. "Dean, come on. It's not like we're dragging her back into the game or asking for her help. We want to see her."
"We do?"
"I do." Sam said. "Do you?"
Dean didn't answer right away. Did he want to see her? He hadn't thought about for in a long time and then today he saw her and...
And with that, they were driving around town looking for her motel. Sam went into the practice just before it shut, asking for Zoey but the girl at the reception desk said they'd just missed her but she would be back in the morning.
But, eventually, they found her motel.
"There's got to be reason she's here." Dean whispered under his breath.
"There is." Sam smiled, looking up from the laptop on his lap. "She's got her own practice here, man."
"But don't you find it...I don't know...freaky. We don't see her for years and then suddenly, she'd in the exact same town we are, no more than a 20 minute walk from the Bunker?"
Sam just smiled. "No, Dean. I don't find it freaky. It's just a fluke. Look."
Sam turned the laptop so Dean could see. "She's a renound vet. All her clients love her and so do their owners. She's got her own practice in five different states. This one is her new one. Maybe it's just fate."
"Do you not remember the last time we dealed with fate? She tried to kill us!"
"Fate tried to kill you?"
Dean, slightly embarrassingly, let out a small scream as he heard a voice from behind him. Both of the brothers had jumped and turned around to find Zoey, leaning down and looking into the car.
"Zoey." Sam said with a smile of relief.
"Hi, Sam." She smiled back before looking at Dean. "Fate tried to kill you?"
"Yes." Dean answered. "But an Angel saved us." Dean answered honestly and quickly before he looked around Zoey and found that she and they were the only ones in the parking lot. "Wait. How long have you been watching us?"
Zoey looked to her watch, estimating. "About half an hour. I was in the diner across the street when I heard your car. I've got grub if you want some. I'll be inside."
Without another word, Zoey stood up and walking into her motel room, leaving the door open for the brothers. Only, they were a little slow catching on.
So, standing in the open door way, Zoey held up a bag of food. "It's getting cold! You can either sit out their and freeze your asses off or you can come in! It's your choice!"
"Alright, alright. We're coming."
By the time they made it inside, Dean shutting the door behind them, Sam and Zoey were already hugging.
"God, you're so tall."
"Yeah," Sam chuckled awkwardly. "I kinda shot up after you left."
"I think that's an understatement." Zoey joked. "Food's on the table. I got your usual order. Chicken burger and a side salad. Got your's too, Dean." Zoey held it up. "Double bacon cheeseburger, extra onions."
"You remembered our orders?" Sam asked.
"Figured you'd both be hungry."
"How've you been?" Dean asked.
"I've been good. I heard about your dad...I'm sorry."
Dean nodded but Sam answered for him. "Thanks."
"I heard through the grape vine that you boys nearly ended the world and then fixed it again so...thank you for that." Zoey was unpacking some of her groceries into the mini fridge.
"You're welcome." Sam said just before Dean asked; "How'd you find out about that?"
As Zoey finished cleaning up the side, she turned around with a sigh and folded up the dish towel.
"After dad came back...it wasn't long until he went back out again. Just a couple of investigations here and there but he went back to it. I yelled at him. Mom yelled at him. He yelled at us. Mom kicked him out. I saw him at my graduation and he said he wanted to see me. He missed having his family. I told him it was too late. Over the years, a couple things came up and other hunters came to deal with them. Then, I got a call. Windigo attack. DOA. So, they brought him home. He had a Hunter's funeral. Bobby called me. He gave his condolances, I asked about you two. He said that you two sons-of-bitches were being a pain in his ass."
Dean chuckled. "That was Bobby for you."
Zoey smiled. "He updated me on everything and would call to check in with me once in a while."
"He never told us that."
Zoey nodded. "But he told be all about you two. Also, do you two ever stop to live?!"
Oh, boy.
"I understand him not listening to me," Zoey began pointing to Dean. "But you, Sam? Seriously?"
"Okay, okay. You may have a point."
"Oh, I have a million of them."
"But we're alive right now. Look. See."
The conversation soon turned to something else. Zoey told them all about her practice and could see Dean was still weary about the fact that she suddenly turned up in the same town as them.
They told her about everything else. About Lucifer and Michael. About meeting their Grandfather and how they're legacies. The whole story.
"Why are you living here anyway?" Dean asked, looking around. "If I remember correctly, you use to say we all needed a proper home."
Zoey nodded. "I've been looking but none of the houses are right for me. Even apartments. I went to look at one last week, the plumming was done so the toilet was in the middle of the master bedroom and that the electrics in the living room switch the oven on in the kitchen. Another, I'd be living in between a crazy cat lady and a guy who hangs outside his neighbours door, upside down. And don't even get me started on the upstairs neighbour."
"What if you lived with us?" Sam asked before looking to Dean. "I mean, you wouldn't have to pay. The place runs on magic as it is. It's warm and you wouldn't even have to have neighbours if you didn't want. There's like 50 rooms. An entire library, and we're usually away hunting. And it's warded so no-one can get in. You'd be safe. At least until you find a place you like?"
Zoey was surprised. She looked to Dean who seemed to agree with Sam. Why not? The Bunker was nice place, she'd be safe, she was just down the road from her practice and she wouldn't be living in a motel for the next year and a half.
It took some convincing but eventually Zoey agreed. It would just be like old times. Except, with less of the training and less of the whole out-of-fashion-even-for-the-70s vibe.
In the months that followed, everything ran pretty smoothly. Sam and Dean still continued on as they did, except when they came back from a hunt they actually had someone who knew how to do stitches and avoid infection.
Sometimes, like usual, Zoey would scold the both of them for getting hurt or not listening to her. She knew the lives they led meant that the chances of getting hurt were slim to non, but they could at least try.
Zoey walked to work every day and if she got back before the boys, she'd cook or if they were back before her, they would, well...Dean would.
Sam typically cooked breakfast since he was up at the crack of dawn.
But, as the months passed, it wasn't long before Zoey met Charlie.
Charlie had called. She had a week off work and she was due a major binge of tv, snacks and catch up with her two favourite hunters.
But, the boys had sort of forgot to mention that they had Zoey staying with them. And Dean couldn't have regretted it more. It would have at least avoided Zoey finding out about the Supernatural Books.
It was around 3 o'clock that Charlie got in, and after a long catch up on when she had been doing and what the boys had been hunting, they all turned as they heard the Bunker door open and saw Zoey walking down in her green scrubs and coat with her hair, once again, tied back in a messy pony tail.
"Oh, my god."
"Uh...Charlie. This is..Zoey. Zoey. This is Charlie."
Zoey smiled. "Hi."
But Charlie smiled back, although more star-struck than ever. "Oh my god. Zoey? This is Zoey?" Charlie looked to Dean who was a little confused. "This is the Zoey that beat you in training? The one you had, like, a major crush on?"
"What?" Zoey asked, looking slightly worried, flicking her eyes between the red head and Dean.
Dean flushed bright red as he walked backwards. "What? No. No. No, no. She- Huh - She's uh...She's just kidding. I - I'm gonna go and check on Sam."
"He's not cooking is he?" Zoey asked.
"What? Oh, no. We've ordered pizza."
"Oh, thank god."
By the time Dean slipped away and towards the kitchen, Zoey hung up her coat before turning to Charlie.
"It's nice to meet you. Sam told me your guys met on a hunt? Before Dean ended up in Purgatory?"
"Oh, yeah. I was working for Dick Roman at the time. Well, a Livaithan, but I thought it was Dick Roman and..." Charlie trailed off in the conversation and by the time Sam and Dean came back in from the kitchen with pizza boxes and beers, both of them stopped in their tracks.
"You guys have books written about you?" Zoey took a beer from Dean.
"The Supernatural Books?"
"Charlie." Dean scolded.
"What?" Charlie asked, innocently. "I thought she already knew about them."
"Can I find this books?"
"They're on-"
"No. Absolutley not." Dean warned to Zoey but she just laughed and smiled back.
"No what?"
"You are not reading those books."
"And why not?" Zoey asked.
"Because it's...weird. They're weird. Look, just...promise me you won't read them."
Zoey could see a look in Dean's face that intruiged her. There was something, or maybe many things in those books that they both wanted to hide. But...she nodded.
"Fine. I won't read them."
"It's okay, I have! I can tell you everything."
Dean took hold of the back of Charlie's chair and pushed her down the hall away from Zoey.
"I'll take it that I'm not allowed to either, then!" Charlie called out from down the hall before eventually rolling herself back.
Charlie left a few days later and they all went back to how they were before. Only, there came a time when they'd needed Zoey's help.
They'd been on a hunt about an hour away from the bunker. Nothing was adding up until eventually it did.
There was a werewolf pack experimenting. On humans, babies, animals. Turning them all. Sam and Dean had called Zoey on as much information as they could get about putting animals to sleep, just for a while - like they'd do in surgery.
"Dean, I swear, if you're about to do something stupid-"
"You know me. I'm careful."
"No, you are not. Look, do you need my help? Because I can-"
"No. Zoey. I didn't call you to bring you back in."
But she went back in anyway.
Sam and Dean had found the back, gathered together for a meeting in a barn just south of town. They all fought, they all either got hurt or were the ones hurting and just as one of the wolves sent off two shots of Dean's gun, by the time the third one was done, Dean found that it hadn't hit him but he had been hit by something.
Sam came behind the final wolf, killing him dead when the two brothers turned and found Zoey lay beside Dean.
Dean didn't have time to think as he turned to help her get into a more confortable position and called out for Sam to get the first aid kit.
Zoey had put one in their car just a few days after she moved into the Bunker. Dean had found it on their next hunt and it made him smile.
"What ever happened to 'that's the last time I save your ass, Winchester.'" Dean was worried as he looked for the wound in semi-darkness.
Zoey felt okay. It hurt but she would be okay.
"Well, this is definitely the last time." Zoey half-joked.
She could feel Dean beside her, looking for a wound when she took his hand and placed it to where it was bleeding.
It hadn't hit anything too serious. And the bullet wasn't that deep. She was lucky. They both were.
"Can you stand?" Dean asked after a sigh of relief.
"I think."
Dean carefully helped her up to her feet. "Here, put your weight against me."
Dean got her outside to her car and sat her on the rim of Baby's trunk. "Can I?"
Zoey nodded. "Sam, can you drive my car back?"
Zoey gave him the keys before Dean gave his brother a reassured look. "We're okay here. Go on ahead."
Sam nodded and headed off, driving Zoey's car back to the Bunker.
"I thought I told you to stay home."
"And I thought I told you to be careful. You almost got yourself killed, Dean! I wasn't just going to stay at home and wait for Sam to tell me he's sold his soul this time."
Dean cleaned out her wound and patched it up as best as he could. "I need to clean this place out before we leave."
"I'll help you-"
"No, you will sit there and not go dying on me. I'll be back soon."
A few hours later, Dean was finished and they were back at the Bunker. They all got a good nights sleep, waking up mid-day. Thankfully, it was a Sunday and the practice was shut for the day so Zoey could sleep in without a worry.
As the day passed, Zoey cleaned her wound and patched it up but was struggling to get the bandage to stay since every time she twisted, it only hurt her more - what with the bullet having hit her side.
"Zo? Zoey?"
"In here!" Zoey called out from her bathroom.
Dean walked in further until he found her. "Sam finished the ironing so I brought your clothes- What are you trying to do?"
"This...it won't stay. Everytime I twist it just-"
Dean placed her clothes down on the bed and moved over to her. "Come here. Stand still."
Zoey stood infront of the mirror and watched as Dean pulled the bandage gently around her waist and back and forth until it was secure.
Only now did she realise she was stood in her joggers and a sports bra. It was the only was she could see the wound without her t-shirt getting in the way.
Dean tied it securely around her middle before standing back up straight and meeting her gaze in the mirror.
Zoey smiled. "Thanks."
Only, as Dean smiled back, he looked down realising his hands were still on her shoulders and arms. But, a second later, that was when he saw something.
A scar.
Old, but still there.
Zoey seemed to notice as his gaze changed from whatever that moment was to seeing her scar. Swiftly, she moved around and smiled. "Thanks."
Zoey quickly zipped from his side and out to her room to grab a freshly warmed t-shirt.
Everything in Dean wanted to know where and how that had happened. How had she been hurt? When had she been hurt? Was if a pet with anxiety or was it something else? Was it a hunt?
But he could tell that she didn't want to talk about it. Or she would have mentioned something by now.
She kept her back to him as she put her t-shirt on. "Thanks for bringing my clothes."
"You're welcome. I- I'll see you later."
"Yeah, see you later."
Dean left after a short moment and once he did, the door closing behind him, Zoey sat on her bed.
Before he spotted her scar, there had been this feeling in her stomach. Usually, she wouldn't have cared about what she was wearing. Clearly Dean didn't. He didn't even notice. But she did. And when he looked at her in the mirror...his face when he saw the scar.
That scar played on Dean's mind for two months. He wondered if she'd ever tell him. Maybe it was nothing? Maybe it was just a pet she had been looking after? But her reaction...how she tried to hide it...it couldn't just be nothing.
But, he finally got his answer after two months when himself and Zoey were staying in a motel together.
She was checking in on one of her other practices since the very first client of hers had another pet and only wished to see Zoey. A puppy with a broken paw.
Dean decided to go with her since Sam was going to see Elieen for the weekend, so he would have just been on his own.
"Hey, how was it?" Dean asked as Zoey came in after almost 14 hours of being out of the room.
Zoey collapsed onto the bed. "All done. I have to go back in and check on him in the morning but he's sleeping for now. I need a shower but I don't want to get up."
Dean chuckled. "Well, there's chinese in the fridge if you want some."
Zoey was up at that. "Ooh."
She hadn't eaten since this morning.
Around 2 hours later, she had eaten and found the energy to have a shower before she finally came back out in her pjs. She hadn't put her jumper on yet since her hair was dripping wet.
Dean watched as she sat on the edge of the bed and towel dried her hair. And that was when he spotted it again. The scar.
"What? Sorry." Dean realised he'd been staring.
"You can ask, if you want to."
"I didn't know if you'd want to tell me."
Zoey moved her hair back and moved her shirt, showing him. She called him over and he sat beside her on the bed.
"How'd it happen?"
"About two years after I last saw you." Zoey answered. They were both so close to one another than it caused them both to speak just above a whisper. "There were a couple hunters in town. They had a spirit case. They called me and begged for my help. I got there and one of them was bleeding out. But, they hadn't burnt the body yet so the spirit was more pissed than ever. It threw me against a tree before I came crashing to the ground. Threw in a book of matches and then saved the guys life."
Dean traced a finger, gently across the scar, scared he'd hurt her. But she just smiled and whispered; "It doesn't hurt."
Dean chuckled softly. "Sorry."
The scar finished at the back of her neck and as Dean's finger stopped at the top, he looked to Zoey.
There was that look again.
It was the same look they had shared before he noticed the scar in the first place.
Their eyes searched one anothers for a small moment before they flicked to the lips and back up. Before either of them knew it, they were moving in closer and finally met in the middle.
Their lips met in a soft kiss. Gentle. New. Unfamiliar yet...like forever. Like they had done this forever. That it should be done forever.
They both pulled back, their foreheads pressed against the others, their eyes still shut.
Eventually, they opened their eyes and found they were both smiling. And it wasn't long until they kissed again. Zoey's hand was placed gently against Dean's cheek whilst the hand that had play at the top of her neck moved around and held her in closer. They each smiled into the kiss.
This is what they had been waiting for.
The passion behind the kiss, they could feel growing. Dean pulled her flush against his chest before they found their bodies moving for them.
Slowly, Zoey found herself on her back, Dean crawling to be over her body before he was above her.
They both pulled back in need of breath.
Just simply looking at her was enough to make her blush. Dean moved a strand of her hair from her face and behind her ear before he let his hand rest of her cheek. Even in partial darkness, he could see her loving blush. But that wouldn't have mattered because he could feel her smile and blush through his palm.
Slowly, he moved back down. Looking from her eyes to her lips and back again for confirmation, she nodded before Dean kissed her again.
Zoey hands pulled him in closer by his face, feeling the kiss deepen, and deepen and deepen.
It wouldn't be until the next day that either of them would talk about it, but even when they did, they already knew the answer.
Zoey's alarm went off at 6 and Dean groaned.
She quickly shut it off and lay back down, Dean moving himself to hold her closer against him. He was like a human heater for her as he did so and she didn't want to leave.
"Wait." Dean grumbled when she tried to move.
But, as much as she wanted to stay by his side, she had a puppy to check on.
So, she used her initiative to make sure she could get out of bed. Even if what she was about to do would make her want to stay.
She leaned up and pulled Dean closer kissing him, his arms around her becoming more secure as she made sure he stayed down until finally, she kissed him a final time and rushed off the bed.
Zoey just laughed and rushed into the bathroom. "You're welcome to join me!"
A while later, they both left the bathroom, this time Dean wrapped with a towel around his waist and Zoey in some fresh scrubs.
Dean pulled her back in before she left, and kissed her. "Be careful."
"I thought I was meant to be saying that to you." She smiled.
Zoey kissed him again but slowly backed out of his arms and rushed to the door. "I'll be back soon."
It got to around mid-day when Dean strolled into her practice. No-one was in since the place was shut for the day so, he called out and heard Zoey call back.
"Back here!"
Dean came through carrying a couple of sandwiches and coffee. "Thought you could use a break."
"Ah," Zoey smiled, closing the cage of the kitten she had been checking over. "You are a life saver. Both literally and metaphorically."
"Shouldn't I be saying that to you, you know, since you took a bullet for me?"
"I don't mind hearing it."
But Dean kissed her instead. The kisses peppered a little and she smiled. "Even better."
"Thank you."
"So, Sam called. He said he and Eileen are gonna be staying at the cabin for a few more days so I was thinking maybe, before we go back to the Bunker I take you somewhere." Dean smiled.
Zoey looked at him as she took another sip of her coffee.
"Oh, god. You're not about to kill me, are you?"
Dean chuckled, "No. Just...once you've finished up here meet me back at the motel."
Zoey smiled and leaned over to kiss him. She placed down her coffee and wrapped her arms around Dean, him doing the same with her with his hands on her hips.
The pair shared a kiss that only deepened. Both Zoey and Dean smiled into the kiss before they let go, but they still held onto one another, smiling.
They'd both waited a life time for this.
Eventually, Zoey shut the practice for the night and met Dean outside the motel. He'd picked up food for both of them and had already packed the car up.
"Ready to go?"
"Yep." Zoey smiled before Dean pulled her in for another kiss, not that she minded.
Dean drove the few hours towards their home town. As much as Dean wanted to avoid this place years ago, he'd found a happy memory to focus on now.
Eventually, he pulled into a small field and turned to his side. Zoey was fast asleep in the passenger seat, her head against the bench.
He watched her for a moment. She looked so peaceful. He felt peaceful. Right now, there was no worry. There was no hunt or moster of the week. It was just them and no-one else. Nothing else. Just them and a billion stars in the sky.
Gently, he shook her awake.
Zoey fluttered her eyes open and looked around, a little confused.
"You are going to kill me."
Dean just smiled. "Come with me."
"Okay, but if you kill me? Sam will kill you. And so will all my clients."
"Just come on."
Streching, Zoey got out of the car and followed Dean from where he grabbed the blanket from the trunk and lay it down on the ground a little further away.
However, as she looked around Zoey realised where they were.
"We're in Lawrence?"
Dean nodded.
Zoey joined him on the ground and lay her head on his chest as he covered them both with another blanket.
They lay there in silence for a while, looking above and watching the stars.
"When I was a kid, I'd get out of bed every night to wave at you from my window." Dean admitted as they lay there.
He hadn't hought about it in years until last night.
Zoey moved herself so she lay her head on top of her hands that lay on his chest, so she could look at him.
"Mom would tuck me into bed and the moment I heard her door close, I'd bound out of bed and sit under my window and wave to you. Every night."
Dean now looked to her. Zoey could tell every word he'd just said was the complete truth.
"I knew you couldn't see me but I waved anyway."
Zoey smiled and leaved over to kiss him. It felt different than the others. More...intimate. More...thankful. After all this time, she might never have grown up across from him. They might never have met. They might never have fought or loved. They might never have had this life together.
"Thank you for telling me that." Zoey said, her voice quiet.
"You were my first crush. I was so embarrassingly in love with you."
"I thought I was a pain-in-the-ass?"
"Oh, you were that, too." Dean teased. "But you were still you. You could beat my ass to the ground within three moves. Better than any damn hunter I know. And you were right, that night, about what you said before you left. We shouldn't have gone through that as kids, but...for some reason, part of me is glad we did, because I got to be with you. And Sam. After all of it...you and Sam made it worth it."
Zoey could only smile.
Even when she was younger, as much as Dean never listened to a word she said and always did the opposite of what he probably should have done...he was here. With her. And, once she took away all the moments of him being her very own pain-in-the-ass, maybe he was her childhood crush too.
But they were both more than that, now.
They were grown adults. They were living their lives, and sometimes it would be more dangerous than the typical life, but they couldn't focus on that right now. They didn't need to focus on that right now.
All they needed was each other. And they couldn't have been more happier.
Zoey moved closer, the kiss starting out soft and slow before she whispered against his lips. "I love you, Dean."
He pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear and smiled. "I love you, too."
They both smiled lightly before moving in closer and sharing a kiss. Zoey's hands came to his face. She could feel the stubbled beneath her hands. Dean's own hands pushed through from her cheek to the back of her head, through her hair. His other hand was against her hip as she moved upwards and straddled his hips.
A moan came from the back of Dean's throat as she did so. Zoey pulled him closer and he soon found himself sitting up, pulling her closer if that was even possible.
All they needed was one another. And they would have, for the rest of their lives.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Okay thank you for liking my Jrpg idea. Actually during the launch of Diablo 4, a lot of og Diablo fans realize the age gaps between them and the new blood is that many new blood around their own kids ages.
Hell I knew about Diablo because my dad played the second game on the family computer.
Meh, dystopian Ya novels died in the mid 10’s. Also this
“Hey writers, maybe try writing and working out a solution occasionally, like, as said, patching up a familial relationship issue.”
Well Encanto did that, yes yes the running gag that the big fantasy is elder members apologizing.
Hmm given the abuse my stepmom put me through and my little sister, who was raised by her since the age of 6, develop depression so she can’t join the navy. And the bitch said my little sister said she faking it
Also keep in mind my stepmom is 14 years older than. So she a millenial, like yes she an incest survivor and came from a broken family. Sliver lining she isn’t a misandrist
But I can smell her toxic ass in modern “abuse survivor groups” like on tumblr
So when you see people on social media and the entertainment industry have the same toxicity and try to INFANTILIZE such garbage because they are women with a hard life.
You get pissed.
Oh sorry have to get it out, but the reason why say family healing from a mess is rare in modern media.
Welll a lot of modern writers have unresolved parental issues and treat the audience like their therapists. But feel hard when the writers still think they are the abused child with no power vs the insufferable manchildren that want to take away our human rights
And omg can we go back to HEALING abused children vs INFANTIZING them?
Like this idea that abused people need to be docile for the rest of their lives. Huh, explain a coworker of mine out of the kindness of his heart got me a GameStop gift card
Okay this anon is weird, but I often go
“Okay can we all stop acting like we are an abused character in a kids cartoon? Yes we don’t repeat the same cycle as our abusers. We still have toxicity we need to control…unless you believe you don’t have any.”
I send a better Jrpg, now I shouldn’t have been on here at that age…
I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable with the dehumanization and Nazis level stuff tumblr had towards white people. Like these was from fellow blacks and non whites. So them calling white people subhumans that need to be wipeout
Can for the love of god anyone explain to me why a 13 year old black child who just managed to make sure I never in the same house as my abuser (who never got punished. Enjoy your lonely death when your youngest daughter ditched you in a nursery cunt!) have more empathy and compassion to humans than people who were in their late teens or in COLLEGE?!
What the FUCK cause me to have better morals than the fuckers who grew up on BTAS and ATLA during it height of popularity?
Hell I knew about Diablo because my dad played the second game on the family computer.
I bought 2 a few months after moving back to CA from FL was the only video game I had for like 8.5 years till I got FF6 on steam a couple months back, love that game, both of them. Can't do 3 I get vertigo, never tried 4.
Meh, dystopian Ya novels died in the mid 10’s. Also this
I'm old things run together for me at times as a result, that and people keep bringing them up all the time.
“Hey writers, maybe try writing and working out a solution occasionally, like, as said, patching up a familial relationship issue.” Well Encanto did that, yes yes the running gag that the big fantasy is elder members apologizing.
Fantasy is that because young writers blame their elders for every problem in the world even the ones that predate them.
Hmm given the abuse my stepmom put me through and my little sister, who was raised by her since the age of 6, develop depression so she can’t join the navy. And the bitch said my little sister said she faking it
And here I thought white women were supposed to be more willing to accept mental illness as a thing others have.
But I can smell her toxic ass in modern “abuse survivor groups” like on tumblr
That's the other option ya, social media points
And omg can we go back to HEALING abused children vs INFANTIZING them?
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Like this idea that abused people need to be docile for the rest of their lives. Huh, explain a coworker of mine out of the kindness of his heart got me a GameStop gift card
That's the therapy right there, it's different for different people, and genuine kindness, like learning about rome, or building a shed, or many other things can be therapy.
Reese Witherspoon did a movie called Wild, based on a memoir by Cheryl Strayed who afaik that's the only thing she wrote, apparently looking I'm wrong, but she did a 1100 mile hike up the pacific crest, and it was therapy, woman from my church who's husband just died of cancer recently is doing something similar in Europe except it's a pilgrimage walk and nowhere near as isolated, still 8 weeks and therapy.
“Okay can we all stop acting like we are an abused character in a kids cartoon? Yes we don’t repeat the same cycle as our abusers. We still have toxicity we need to control…unless you believe you don’t have any.”
Gaslight the trauma away, or maybe realize it's not so traumatic after all, or things in between too.
Can for the love of god anyone explain to me why a 13 year old black child who just managed to make sure I never in the same house as my abuser (who never got punished. Enjoy your lonely death when your youngest daughter ditched you in a nursery cunt!) have more empathy and compassion to humans than people who were in their late teens or in COLLEGE?!
You were less concerned with how people perceived you where as they felt the need to dehumanize other people and bring them down below their level in their minds so they could feel superior.
Short version even with all the trauma you had/have more self esteem than they do.
What the FUCK cause me to have better morals than the fuckers who grew up on BTAS and ATLA during it height of popularity?
For me it's Mr Rogers and Sesame Street, going with church upbringing that never made me feel lesser for being who I was is another primary one that ran longer than watching Mr Rogers, breaks my heart people got my saviour so wrong as to use him as a hammer to harm others, that ain't who he is.
Fundies may think they're getting the rules right but they forget that the greatest commandment is love, Jesus is the carpenter let him take care of the hammer.
For you it may be that you actually took what you learned from those shows to heart, lots of people did and lots of people got it right, lots of people loved Steven Universe too, and then they nearly bullied an artist to suicide and formed online hate mobs over other peoples opinions and interpretations.
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popculturebuffet · 11 months
Sam and Max Save the World Retrospective Finale: Bright Side of the Moon! (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy freelance police and after a short delay, we're finally back with the final chapter of telltale and skunkape's SAM AND MAX SAVE THE WORLD! Rest assured as the fact i've often called this the sam and max telltale retrospective shows, i'm nothing if not consistent, this isn't the end of the road as we'll be going onto it's sequel, Beyond Time and Space, next month and The Devil's Playhouse whenever the remaster comes out. If I need to stall for time we've got PLENTY of other sam and max content to shove down your ravenous max sized gullets.
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But the future is the future and the past is a rainbow colored cult leader our heroes have to stop in order to Save the World. It's been a long strange trip.. and honestly some of the most fun i've had doing these reviews. As I said in the first chapter of this retrospective, and I feel bears repeating now we're at the end... I often don't quote jokes.. because there's so damn many. Trying to do reactoin images recently I had to rely on a best of montage because the game is around 7 hours long and just.. DENSE with quotable lines. And even with that I've had to pace myself and only done about half an hour simply because the writing is that sharp. The level design is also fantastic for the most part, and the puzzles aren't that obtuse and this again being the internet age, when they are it isn't a problem. That also brings me to a few odds and ends about the game as a whole I haven't really talked about. The first is the hint system. See I did try this in the first chapter, but felt max was just rambling and it was a joke.
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Yeah the hint system is very helpful, it's just sometimes you have to ask twice because it's max we're dealing with. Kev told me it was and I just.. plain forgot for most of the game till this chapter. I was so used to the gameplay loop of trying it myself then using the guide I genuinely forgot I had an in game helper there. I still required it when I got stuck on one puzzle, but for the most part it makes the game so much easier. And of course being a professional I took the fact there was a really helpful tool I could've been using this whole time like a pro
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The other thing is the dialouge changes to the remaster, waited on till now so I didn't run into any spoilers I hadn't already run into years before doing this retrospective. And look I know a lot of longtime fans of Sam and Max aren't fans of the changes... but they were necessary. The game was 14 years old at the time and none of these jokes had aged well. And in a LOT of cases the replacement joke is better. To use an example in Reality 2.0 originally the googles they have for max were desgined for "special needs children"
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Yeah it wasn't funny THEN, should not have been made in the first place, and has only aged worse with time. By contrast the replacement is the COPS emphasising you can use it for various sporting activities. It's a more sam and max joke than "Hey let's laugh at children with disablities!". There were other just.. outright gross jokes like asking "Why the sex change" when bosco crossdresses in the final chapter (More on that later), and bosco implying he pretends to be an underaged girl online. which just
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NONE of that was funny to start with, so taking it out of the game dosen't really hurt it. It only dosen't work when they don't sub in another joke, and that's more "If your going to all the trouble to edit out these lines, re-record the dialouge and fix stuff up why didn't you make a new joke when you have for OTHER lines you cut out?" And even then i'm sure there's a rational explination why Skunkape didn't. It's fine to touch up your work for a rerelease especially when said work is simply something your not proud of anymore. If it's okay for them to touch up the textures, add needed accesiblity options, and other neat stuff.. why isn't it okay to get rid of some offensive stuff that simply dosen't really fit sam and max?
Now those odds and ends are out of the way it's time to return to the moon to put an end to this hypnosis scheme, reconnect with some old friends, and save the world. Goody!
Chapter wise, Bright Side of The Moon is a strong contender for my faviorite. It is REALLY hard to pick betweent his one and The Mob, The Mole and the Meatball. Writing good as usual, but there's an epic scope, a genuine tension and unease, and it really feels like a grand finale to everything you've done up to this point, while still keeping the level design tight. The only real issue is the long walk from the blister of tranquility back to your car. And having to walk back a bit when you need to get back to sam and max's street is a common issue it's just emphasized here. But overal one hell of a finale gameplay wise. let's get into the story.
We open with Sam catching up ot the audience.. by complicated deduction, he figures out Hugh Bliss is behind things, and finds out from the Chief where he is: THE MOON ALICE... I mean the giant face was kinda a big clue. So our heroes head back to the moon! I covered their previously moon adventure recently if your interested. It's in large part because Bad Day on The Moon is one of the only two stories pre-telltale explictly refrenced in this trilogy, via the photos in the boys office, the other being Meet the Road, from which both bosco's this season and stinky's next season come form, simply fleshed out into fully explorable places here. There's nothing saying the other Freelance Police comics or tv show aren't canon, and it's likely light on call backs outside of hit the road to be accesible to new audiences. And possibly rights issues ala the tick, which REALLY needs a proper comics refresh that brings it all together. But that's a retrospective for another day (and if anyone's intrested let me know).
For now our heroes head to the moon, and we see our first of MANY character returns, as , fitting a season finale, at least one major character from every previous chapter shows up on the moon, now having joined Prismatology. The only exception is the soda poppers...
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It's a mildly weird omission but I get why: they only needed four call back characters for the puzzles, their terrible and I hate them, and their the only group present on the moon that didn't intersect in some way with Hugh's plan, so there's no real reason for him to care about them.
And we do find out his plan.. and I like how it's revealed: you can just casually find out in the gift shop. That's it. Hugh just has his plan up there.
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It also is a shockingly well thought out one, as each plan had a contegency.. and as we find out this episode Hugh had both a moon base and a final plan should all these fails. You gotta admire the guy for being through. And each one in the previous chapter was a seroius threat to the world, an amusing as hell one sure, but if our heroes hadn't stopped it Hugh woudl've likely conquered the us and eventually the world. And even if he couldn't do that last part , his controllign the us would at least stall for time long enough for him to carry out his masterstroke with no one to stop him.
You might also be noticing that Brady.. is absent. And that's because his plan, while kicking off our heroes knowing about hypnotisim.. wasn't planned. It's also nicely set up that way: unlike the others after ther'es never a reveal of a larger part of the conspiracy and his plan does nothing to help Hugh in the long run. It's just to make BRADY feel better and bigger, with his minons being chosen.. because their show was succesful and his wasn't. As for how Brady stole the protype goggles, also from the gift shop, hence Harry Mole now working as security. Thankfully he ONLY checks sam so we're able to smuggle a telekinesis talismen out in max... though we'll have to get it out later.
The TK Talismen is one of several we'll collect but first we have to get past sam and max's oldest and most dangeorus foe: DOORS!
Yes once again Agent Superball is guarding one. This time it's a bit easier though, as he gives us a unicorn which tests one's prismatology level. It also allows you to ask everyone "Want to touch my unicorn" which is just the best. Sam gives you the solution, pointing out how it likely works like a cheap mood ring, so you simply need to heat it up.. and I figured out HOW quickly... All it requires is a quick jaunt back to earth, as we start the adventure on the moon. Before we check in on Sybil and Bosco, I check the closet.. and also get the coat hanger for the tv again. Sadly... the last trophy room item is pretty weak, just the vr gag. There's a great and entirely close to home gag out of how they destroyed the internet
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But it feels like a let down after the presidents head and leonard> Leonard is plot relevant this time as Max fed him the deed to america. Like the talisman we can't get it YET, but we shall. So it's time to check in with Bosco but before using his micro we see his deal for the episode: He's become his mother!.. no really he's pretending to be her and unlike most of his personas which are just a shoddy accent, he commits to the bit and it's hilarious. Gratned Sam and Max being.. shocked by this as much as they are has aged like wet cheese on the titanic, he's just wearing drag, but Max's frustration Bosco won't break character and eventually buying into the bit is comedy gold.
Anyways Bosco is selling an earthquake machine but as usual we can't buy it yet. We can however use his Microwave to cheat the system, and I do like that Bosco's various conviences are something that commonly come up to solve the puzzles. It's something you'd think of instantly given their always there, especially after the ketchups come in play twice and instead of calling you a dum dum for thinking that they just.. let you be right.
Before we go back to the moon though we check on Sybil and for her final random job.. and i'm goign to miss these as I didn't realize till Kev told me that next season your quest buddies change. Sybil and Bosco aren't written OUT, but I will be sad to see them not around as much.
WIth Sybil though I kinda get it as it's entirely hard to top her FINAL JOB... QUEEN. OF. CANADA. Yes really. It's both so entirely random and such an escalation from her previous more mundane jobs as dating service person, carbondater and beta tester. It's a cermonial thing but it's still just a heck of a reveal and a lot of fun with canadian sterotypes. I assume Red Green is her minister of ducktape and her minister of annoyance is of course.. Lorne
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I assume he was one of Max's presidental pardons. I also assume one of the cofnidtions was he was shipped in a crate second class. It had at least one airhole though.. maybe... so that was nice of him.
At any rate this will naturally be useful to us later. It does give me a chance to talk about the gameplay loop though.. and how it works. You'd THINK after 6 chapters of "go to sybil or bosco to move the plot along" it'd get boring.. but honestly.. no. The writing is sharp, and each time things are radically different. I mean across these 6 chapters Sybil gets locked up by a patient, gives you a psyche eval, needs her death faked by you without her realizing it to save her from the toy mafia, has a dating service, gets her heart broken by you two via the lincoln memorial, beta tests and finally becomes queen of canada among some other shenanigans we'll get to. While with bosco he takes on various disguises, has some new doodad set up or someone hassling him, from jimmy twice, once as a skinbody once as himself, to whizzer.. you'll ALWAYS need to visit these two.. but they'll always have some funny stuff to say and something fresh. It's a way to recycle the enviornments sure but it dosen't feel stale. I can see why they swap them out next time: as sad as I was to find that out it DOES make sense to change your item buddies each game to keep things fresh.
Anywho, now we can get through the door via our bright red unicorn horn
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So we're on to the next part of this episode and it's fairly straight forward: Hugh Bliss is in the deepest part of his blister of tranquilty, which is a very close second with Ted. E Bears to my faviorite setting of the game. It's weird rainbow amusment park complete with a roller coaster, a shark floating in acid, and as said earlier a gaggle of familiar faces from each chapter, each having a new prismatology talismen that grants a psychic power we need to get to the final section of the chapter. Starting with the most familiar of faces, we have Abe Lincoln, whose not really happy to see the guys who blew him up real good a few chapters ago. Hilariously though it's not any of the obvious reasons: he's fine being just a head, and as for loosing the presidency only a "grade a psyschopath" would want the roll. Max is naturally touched> I mean grade a. His real beef is that they ruined his chances with Sybil... deciding he wanted to get back out there. Max has.. several questions about that.. questions we thankfully don't here as otherwise the rest of this review would just be me rambling incoherently from madness. Not the BIGGEST difference mind but I like to at least have the illusion of quality control here.
Our heroes are happy to help and thus we get one of the funniest sequences in the entire game as the two have to feed abe lincoln pickup lines. It's easily the best of these long strings of "answer it right or go back to start" puzzles, as there are just enough options to get a LOT of great comedy out of Lincoln's horrible pickup lines and Sybil's annoyance, but not so long it becomes frustrating like the midtown cowboys stuff in episode 2. You successfully get the head of abe lincoln laid
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And get us the talismen. The next one is an eye that can see through stuff and it's with our old friends the C.O.P.S. who are a TAD mad about our heroes taking away their goodhood, but allow them to beta test their game. Which once again and not with hyperbole, is one of the best jokes in all 6 chapters. Seriously the writing for this chapter is the peak of Save the World: In a post apocalyptic hellscae only the strong survive. Can you face the challenge of TIC, TAC, TOE?! Well you shouldn't as you need to loose. luckily the game just sorta. .had me loose. I was genuinly trying to win but either the game was rigged for me to, or the switch futzed it up. Either way , another talismen got. Now before we get our last one we need to open our present from the gift shop. Getting it out of max was easy, just use the gastronomy talismen, which I already had when I had him eat it. The hard part.. is getting the thing open. It took me ages and was the one puzzle that REALLY got me for this chapter. I looked it pu and it turns out it's simple. There's a lunar landar outside you can get into, using your coathanger, netting the key. You simply place the talismen under it, activate the lander which can only go up an ddown and boom, telekensis kyle. Well specifically bending anything similar to a spoon, which is clever. Is the puzzle frustrating? yes. Is the prize worth it? yes. So with that our final talismen, which allows you to pull jimmy out of a hat. Just him. To get it we talk to Philo Pennyworth, the most welcome return of all. I mean I fucking love the COPS but i've got minor spoilers they'll be in the next two games. I don't think Philo shows up nearly as much so his long awaited return was appricated. He can pull jimm y out of his hat but since jimmy's clinging to a parking meter to avoid more shenanigans from our heroes, we have to bend him off. With that philo pulls him out and is disgusted enough to let us have his talismen.
With that we can enter hugh's sanctum, which is neat, using the spoon bender to open the door, the eye to see so we can bend the door and jimmy to hit the switch.
Normally this would be where our heroes confront our villian, violence and some puzzles and jokes ensue... but in a clever twist on telltale's part... Hugh KNEW they were coming, would likely do some shenanigans to get into his sanctum and presumibly what htey had for lunch. For the record it was a hamsteak with extra gravy and extra ham and an all dress flavor stygian being of questionable origin. It also turns out our heroes are too late as while Hugh didn't do it 25 minutes ago.. his plan is already set up: to use a crystal thing with him in the center to make EVERYONE on earth Hugh bliss.
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As for WHY he'd do that, it turns out he's a sentient colony of plankton and eats emotions, a neat and utterly batshit twist, and his translucent look he takes on for a second is genuinely unsettling. Really Hugh's entire demeanor post turn is unsettling as he's still got that squeaky sing song voice, think Regular Shows Pops if he snorted hellium.. but instead of being just.. blindly happy and a tad hammy, you can also sense his malice and pride at what he's done. Sure guys gotta eat but he's just so gleeful. Now granted you could poke holes in this , say there were easier ways than mass hypnosis to get a free emotoinal meal, etc etc... but you have to remmeber what game we've been playing for the past 6 months
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So it REALLY dosen't matter and the fact Hugh went to all this lengths is likely part of the joke. But the one thing that can stop endless bliss? Max. His chaos is the one thing that can possibly upset this plan... so Hugh lured him here to steal his bliss... so he takes out his sloth, hunger and violence, leaving Max a shell, Sam disturbed and our heroes needing to round up three other maxes to restore him to proper zaniness and resotre the world. First up is Red Max, all of max's anger and violence.. and he's SHOCKINGLY disturbing. Usually max' s violent tendencies are played for laughs, the violence done off screen. This max.. has a gun, laughs manically and is geninely creepy. Dispatching him is nicely tricky but not too bad once you think it out: being a max, red max jumps around, jumpsa round, get up get up get down.. and his stalking grounds just so happen to be right next to the roller coaster. This.. really just gives him a fun ride, but luckily there's a big ole chekov's spork on the track, and since it's spon adjacent, you can bend it, send Red Max for a ride.. and disarm him. Or dishand him. Max gets his rage back and we're on to our next one.
Our next max to collect is the Green max, who being the embodiment of max's endless hunger for sentient planets and artifical cheese, is currently terroizing boscos. Suprisingly you DON'T use the gastrolgy talismen which is good as i'm pretty sure the contents of Green Max's stomach at this point would get Telltale brought up on obscenity charges. The solution is no less horrific though: you FEED HIM JIMMY. Yes you have him eat a rat.. which to be fair i'm sure Max's has done at some point but is still pretty .. eeeuuugh. We use the magician's hat from fethearly to pull him and max's stomach out which is way less graphic than it sound but still will haunt my nightmares for many moons to come, and thus max has his hunger back.
All that's left is sloth which, while max is OCASIONALLY lazy is the only one tha tdosen't quite fit. This max just... lays on the moon. To get him we finally give Sybil her due in one of the funniest callbacks of the game. So you remember how max was feeding the deed to the united states to leonard?
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Turns out you need to get him to cough it up, give the deed to Cybil and canada now owns the untied states!
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Seriously I.. don't see a downside. With that she gives us the money for bosco who charged a zillion dollars this time. I also love his justification "All I know is I keep making up the biggest price I can think of and you guys keep paying it, now tell me, whose crazy?". With that we have the earthquake machine.. aka the last of his satlite network. I'd also be remiss if I didn't point out the finally "do you have any" gag. See the rest are all just a great stream of Sam asking Bosco for random stuff. This one though.. turns out EVERY ONE is a solution to a previous puzzle. It's fucking glorious especially with Max's mounting bafflement that in all the things sam asked for he never asked for these when heneeded them. Bosco DOSEN'T have hugh bliss tied up back there, but can't blame Sam for trying. It's a brillaint payoff to what's already one of the best running gags in the series.
So with that we head, whoah oh, back to the moon again, and use the satlite to flip lazy max over, take his tale and max is' restored. With that we're FINALLY to the finale, with Hugh, mad they were able to beat him, deciding to put on a show.. specifically putting Sam thorugh a ton of magic stuff while max watches from the crystal chamber thing. It's easily the best climax of the whole game: tense, fun, and using every talismen you've gotten so far to turn the tables on hugh before using the lunar lander to finish him off. Hugh Bliss is no more. Problem is.. the machine goes off so now everyone is maxified. Our heroes naturally have a solution for that though... PUNCH EVERY PERSON IN THE WORLD. I'm.. not exagerating or underplaying it. That's how season 1 ends. Our heroes are happy, the world is saved and Max is going to punch every last person to de-max them. And that would honestly be a perfect ending to a perfect season of gammery.. but this being sam nad max they took it one last step further for the credits.... which is max punching EVERY single character we've seen, or most of them at least to the games best song. I didn't think you could top War.. but .. here we are
It both beautifully sums up max, and is a relaxing and hilaroius way to close out a relaxing and hilaroius game. I can't stop listening to it, not that i've tired very hard. It's so damn good. It utterly baffled me when I saw it, but I still loved it. I can't belivie THIS I show they ended it.. but I can't imagine a more perfect ending to this game. As an added touch the menu music for the remaster is an insturmental of this so it makes a nice bookened for your adventure.
So with that we've closed out Save the World.. and this may be one of the funnest experinces i've had reviewing. It not only opened me up to finally reviewing games, with more to come, but I got to play a game i'd long craved to , got paid for it and enjoyed every second of it. All thanks to kev. While this only ends the first third of this project.. it dosen't make it any less special or hard to say good bye to this game. This was true fun and I thank so many of you for reading... and see you next month for round 2.
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