#rejecting ur final form to be held
maybmila · 2 months
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Little excuse to draw them in their bishop form and then adding an excuse to why I won't draw it again :) ...and just a fluffy comic b4 I add to the ratau situation...
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hey 😳 idk if ur taking requests but if u are could u write brahms w a high energy s/o (fem) who’s really affectionate and also a bit touch starved 🫢 annnnnd not to be cheeky but could u add nsfw 👉👈 i want this man 🥹
brahms with a high energy S/O who's really affectionate and touch starved
a/n: thank you so much for the request, i literally love writing about my favourite wall boy so thank you for this! <3 i'm so sorry it took so long
pairing: brahms x fem!reader
warnings: slight nsfw
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brahms has always lived a pretty quiet life, with him being quite reserved and all. he's rarely ever been outside the company of his parents, so it's safe to say it takes time for him to get used to living with you
you still abide by his rules, but he never anticipated you'd be such a handful
after you put him to bed on a night, he'll sometimes hear you bustling around the house, preparing things for the next day
he once caught you sneaking around the kitchen one night, a cereal box held against your chest as you were on your way to retrieve a bottle of water
whilst he sometimes gets annoyed at the constant disturbances at night, there is something that he likes about you. you're extremely affectionate
you're always taking every chance to pull him into a hug, and he never complains about that
brahms loves to cuddle
he especially loves it when you're both lying on the sofa, his head on your chest as you run your fingers through his hair
you also find that you love how much brahms loves affection, because you've spent a large portion of your life alone, desperate for any form of human connection. it wasn't until you found brahms that you found that connection
you practically spend all your time with him, going through his routines of course, but also just spending time together
he sometimes hangs around the kitchen while you cook, leaning against you when you're not dancing around the kitchen that is
he sees you doing that a lot, dancing to music that he isn't familiar with, but he enjoys watching you, because seeing you happy makes him happy
in terms of the two of you being sexual, it surprisingly doesn't take brahms too long to be comfortable with it
he keeps the mask on most of the time though
but when he finally feels safe enough to remove it, he does and it only makes you love him more
you always make sure to hold his face when you kiss him and he still finds himself surprised when he feels your fingers skate along his skin
he's spent his entire life feeling rejected by people, first with everyone thinking he's odd, and then with his own parents caring for a doll the way they should've cared for him
you don't treat him like he's weird or unworthy of being loved
you make sure he knows how much you care about him, be it by the way you're so gentle with him when you're intimate, or when you find yourself inviting him to dance with you in the kitchen
you're both perfect for each other─two lonely people who have found love and acceptance in one another, and you wouldn't have it any other way
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lycanthrop-ee · 1 year
A doomed-by-the-narrative richboy?? Now ur speaking my language, tell me more abt quigley pls pls pls pls
HEEHEEHEE kicking my legs twirling my hair. for context sourceron quigley is my dnd character/oc. ok WELL he was born into a family that has been running this big fancy temple for generations and generations. no one really knows when it started but there's a legend that they're descended from the goddess they worship [eldath, goddess of peace]. the family has a long history of clerical magic, but it's been granted to fewer and fewer members of the quigley family over the years. they interpret this as some sort of Sign of. something. and certainly not that eldath just doesnt really like them finally sourcerons generation is born. and as they're growing up no one seems to have magic at all. the adults devise tests for them to try and draw out/provoke magic to present as soon as it develops, to no success. until sourceron is eight. once his magic presents, he starts to be treated like a prince. eventually, as rumors and interpretations and his parent's boasting progress, the general consensus becomes that eldath has chosen him to Bring Peace To A Violent World etc etc. he earns the title of Mouthpiece of Eldath. after years and years of such conditioning and being largely isolated from his cousins, sourceron leaves home at 19 to Fulfill His Destiny. somehow. at first, what this looks like is . poorly excecuted missionary work. he has, after all, barely left the relatively isolated temple in his entire nineteen years of life. and as he starts to travel and meets new people and is consistently rebuffed and, when people don't outright reject him, kindly told that he was raised in a cult and is not the Chosen One and is in fact just a largely untalented cleric. he slowly starts to realize that?? maybe his whole life was a lie actually?? maybe . he isn't a specialboy. and as he continues to Fail At His Destiny and there is no intervention from eldath no matter how bad things get for him. he has a wee breakdown. one may think "oh he's no longer a specialboy he can be redeemed and get normal now." you would be wrong! sure his entire life and everything that formed his personality was a lie, but that doesn't mean he can simply throw it away! he was Lied To! and because of this he became a self-centered, stubborn, angry person! he is not going to simply let it go. and if it was all a lie, who's making up the truth? if eldath has nothing to do with it, who's in charge? he IS the mouthpiece after all. they all trust him. so why not return home. no one can argue with anything he says. he can make the rules. he'd have the whole temple at his disposal. besides. doesn't he deserve a bit of revenge? so he does exactly that. he goes home. claims that eldath sent him a vision saying that he must start "enacting his divine authority." and they BELIEVE him. he becomes a sort of political figure. he participates in countless meetings about how to go forward, how to spread their reach over the surrounding towns, and how to keep their hold on them. months go by, but things are moving so quickly. to keep them from doubt, he continues to invent visions and omens. and eventually his father proposes an idea. if sourceron dies. he could be raised to godhood. what else could eldath have meant by "divine authority"? she would never let her favorite son just DIE. he would be a legend for centuries to come. and how can sourceron object? he is, first and foremost, stubborn. he is TERRIFIED. but he is stubborn. things move even faster. a huge festival is assembled, with sourceron at the center. its held by the ocean. just next to the cliffside. and once the celebration comes to a head and speeches are given, he is made to walk past his immediate family and fall off, showing full trust in the goddess who's never once spoken to him. at the time, he is no more than 30ish years old. and. well. what happens to him afterward is anyone's guess :]
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fandemoanium · 3 years
// Night Class // Shigaraki x reader x Dabi
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
I am having whore nee thoughts. I can’t fucking write but here’s a thing my cooch came up with, mwah.
Summary: ever since you joined the league of villains Shigaraki has had been pining for you, but this poor virgin bby can’t get over his self consciousness and fear of rejection so instead he’s just a pervy boy who mastubates to the thought of you. that is until he joins you and Dabi for a drink one evening, where things escalate and Dabi ends but teaching him how to fuck you, and joins in on the fun himself.
Tags/warnings: dubcon (cos of a bit of alcohol consumption but everyone is aware of wats going on, also cos it’s Dabi and shiggy, they always a bit sus with consent ngl but mostly it’s pre good), afab reader, she/her pronouns, sex in a public place, exhibitionism (? But not really y’all are just horny in a place someone could walk in) threesome, double penetration of ya vag, unrealistic sex cos it’s fiction babY, fucking on the floor, degradation, praise, reference to having a mommy kink but it’s not actually used, shiggy being self conscious about his body, Dabi being Dabi, Dabi is a bisexual menace, shiggy being a bit of a perv, virgin shiggy and experienced dabi, shiggy calls Dabi a brat, use of “good girl”, Dabi gets impatient and puts his boot on shiggy so y’all get to fucking quicker, I wrote them softer then I would think of them usually so some peeps might seem em as a bit ooc, there is mentions of aftercare at the end cos aftercare is important folks, I think that’s everything but let me know if there are more and I’ll add em.
Dabi is a whore with daddy issues, no ifs, ands, or buts.
You never took his flirtations very seriously; instead offering back your own lewd remarks and shit eating grin - in banter that an onlooker might label as friendship.
Innuendo only became more and more common between you too, as you grew accustomed to your life with the league — much to everyone’s anger. And when I say everyone, I mean Shigaraki. The mop headed man child, had been absolutely captivated from the first moment you where introduced.
It wasn’t uncommon for him to have to exit your conversations abruptly, feinting having something more important to do when really he was rushing of to a place more private; somewhere he could stick his hand down his pants, grabbing at his cock and imagining it was ur cute tongue, swiping away the steady flow of pre weeping form the tip, instead of his thumb.
Shigaraki ached for you. Your body, you voice, the way your eyes crinkled in amusement but never malice when he stumbled over his words.
Now, he may have been more inclined to do something about it — if I weren’t for the fact he was a virgin. It was because of that he always held himself back, silently resenting Dabi for his experience and ease of action. His eyes that drooped when you turned to talk to him. The scarred hand that would occasionally come to rest on your thigh, playfully skimming upward until you swatted it away. The way he knew that if given the opportunity, Dabi would know exactly what to do with you.
How Shigaraki ended up drinking with you and Dabi was quite the mystery. Maybe he’d finally plucked up the courage to hold a full conversation with you. Maybe he was just fed up with someone else playing with his toy. Either way, the three of you where in various states of sobriety.
Dabi, despite having drank the most, was still rather clear minded; the only tell tale signs of alcohol consumption being his lazy grin, and more relaxed posture. Shigaraki had drank the least, the alcohol burning cracked skin on his lips, much to Dabi’s mirth. You where probably the most drunk; still aware of yourself but definitely more than buzzed. The warmth spreading through your body as you traded comments with Dabi, progressively leaned more and more into Shigaraki —much to his pleasure (and horror).
“Babe have you seen me? I’m sexy as hell,” Dabi grinned lazily at you, sipping from his class.
“Mmm sorry, my list of kinks doesn’t include attraction to bacon,” you replied mock apologetically, batting your eyes at the ratbastard of a man you begrudgingly called your friend, and secretly did find attractive.
“oh yeah?” Dabi’s eyes flicked between you and Shigaraki, the way you were now fully leaning against him, his arm resting gently across your middle. The sight ignited a spark of mischief in his previously content gaze. “I’d wager being called mommy is on that list though. With the way you’re letting the crusty baby clink to you.”
“Hey-” Shigaraki started, blush intensifying as he jumped to defend himself.
“Maybe I do,” you interupted coyly. Feeling the way Shigaraki tensed behind you, you decided, in ur boozed induced haze, to tease the boys a little. Snaking you hand behind you and into the mans hair, and turning your head to lightly nuzzle at the textured skin of his neck, you spoke, directing your words at Dabi, “what’s wrong with wanting a baby boy to spoil, hmm? You’ve seen me round the base, are we really going to act surprised if my mom friend tendencies transfer over to the bedroom?”
Dabi chuckled as you turned to face him again, the spark of mischief had been fanned into a raging inferno. “Wanna play mommy with me darlin?” Dabi practically purred as he leaned toward you.
Whether you realised it or not, you had set something in motion that wouldn’t be stopping.
Shigaraki’s arm wrapped tighter around you. The alcohol he had slowly been consuming finally kicking in, “who said she wants a brat?”
“Oh? Calling names are we shiggy? where’d a virgin like you develope such interesting vocabulary? Probably some shitty porno where the bitch wasn’t even wet,” Dabi goaded with a chuckle.
“Dabi come on, Shigaraki isn’t a virgin, stop trying to pick a fight,” you defended with a light roll of your eyes. Behind you Shigaraki shuffled awkwardly and kept quite, prompting you to turn toward him, “wait really? Shiggy have you never had sex?”
“Dabi shut up.” Your attention was now fully on the shaggy haired man, his reddened face averted from your gaze.
“Yeah... he’s- what he said,” Shigaraki didn’t want to say the word. He was so caught up in his embarrassment he didn’t notice the way your gaze dipped to look at his slight pout, demeanour so different to how he usually acted while bossing the league round. So cute.
“Don’t worry baby, being a virgin isn’t something to be ashamed of. It’s ok if you want to wait to do it with someone you trust.” You brushed some of the hair that had fallen over his eyes to the side of his face.
“If the name he moans while jacking off is any indication, I think buddy boy wants to bump uglies with you darling,” Dabi snickered, “thin walls babe,” he said, winking at Shigaraki.
“Dabi SHUT UP,” Shigaraki half yelled, repeating ur earlier sentiment. God you must think he’s such a creep, a total loser, a -
“If you want to I’d be up for it.”
Your remark drew Shigaraki out of his spiralling thoughts. “You... would want to have sex. With me?”
You chuckled, “yes shiggy, I’d want to have sex. With you. You’re pretty attractive you know?” Shigaraki’s eyes flickered between you and Dabi. This had to be a set up. Him? Attractive?? But despite how many times he looked, all he saw was an entertained, somewhat courious Dabi, and an amused but sincere you.
“I- I wouldn’t know what to do,” Shigaraki blurted, yeah he’d watched porn but real sex was different. And he didn’t want to embarrass himself infront of you again.
“Don’t worry I’ll help you out. That is, if princess is ok with that?” Dabi turned his salacious gaze to you. Now it was your turn to feel your cheeks to heat.
“Um yeah, that’s cool.”
“Fantastic, don’t worry shiggy, I’ll teach you all there is to know. Come ‘ere darling,” Dabi beckoned you towards him.
“Here?” You asked surprised.
“Everyone should be in bed or asleep by now, if we move to one of the rooms they’re probably more likely to hear us.” Dabi grabbed you waist once you were within range, bringing you over to his side of the bar for the first time that night. “Besides, where’s your sense of adventure doll?” Dabi smirked at you, “clothes off.” You hesitated only briefly before deciding fuck it, and stripping down till your clothes piled on the floor. Shit you really hoped no one was still up and about.
Shigaraki was completely mesmerised as your naked form was slowly reviled to him, pinching himself just to make sure this wasn’t just another cruel dream. Grabbing your hips again, Dabi turned you to face the pale haired man, your back now against his chest, his large hand grabbed the flesh of your thigh, hoisting ur leg up a bit so that ur foot rested on the foot bar of the stool he was sitting on to give him better access. “Alright freak, you better come closer so you can actually see shit, I don’t like repeating myself.” At Dabi’s words Shigaraki got off the stool, quickly coming to stand in front of you. “I don’t know what you’re working, with but you should always start out with foreplay. Make sure you get her nice and wet before ya even think about sticking your dick in. Shit like, running your fingertips over her skin is a good place to start,” Dabi acted out the motion causing you to shiver, “kissing is also pretty good,” he said, voice taking on a huskier tone. One second you where looking into bright blue eyes, the next you where sucking on Dabi’s tongue, as he indulged in finally being about to touch you like this.
Shigaraki felt himself chubbing up in his pants as Dabi drew back from your mouth, a small sting of saliva connecting the two of you before it snapped and Dabi dove right back into ‘teaching.’ “Below the belt is where the good stuff is,” Dabi smirked parting your folds, “collect some of the moister from her slutty hole and then bring it back up to her clit, that’s what you want. Bitches go crazy when you rub their clit.” And, like the good little assistant you were, a small moan breached your lips as Dabi started circling the bundle of nerves. Fuck, you where so riled up. “Come one crusty, you try.”
Shigaraki ignored the nickname, completely focusing on you as he reached out to replace Dabi’s hand. he was so glad he’d opted to wear his special gloves when he’d decide to drink with you earlier. “So wet,” he murmured, fingertips brushing gently over you clit. “Yeah she is,” Dabi cooed “such a good little whore for us.” Taking Shigaraki’s hand by the wrist he guilded his fingers down, then pushed them inside you. “Once you got her a bit excited you gotta start stretchin her so she can take your cock.” Dabi patiently guided shigaraki through stretching you out, sucking marks onto your neck as the less experienced man began to get the hang of it.
“Please,” you whined, you were so turned on it was insane, all your sass from earlier had disappeared, replaced by an urgent heat, “please shiggy, need you.” The two men you were between made eye contact briefly before Dabi moved away from the bench and spun you to face him. “On the ground.” When you only blinked at him dumbly, he grabbed you by the face, squishing your cheeks. “I said. On. The. Ground. Lay on ur back, legs spread. I don’t like repeating myself doll.”
Sinking down, you lay back on the cold floor, as Shigaraki went to stand beside Dabi, waiting for his next instruction. Heat radiated from your body in embarrassment as you spread your legs for the two men looking down at you. “Fuck, isn’t she pretty. Good girl.”
“Good girl,” Shigaraki echoed.
Dabi turned to smirk at him, “your turn, clothes off.” Shigaraki hesitated, feeling a wave of self consciousness hit him, what if you didn’t like how his body looked? “Come one hot stuff, you wanna be inside her right? Do you need me to help you get naked?” With Dabi’s final remark, Shigaraki began removing his clothes, your hips bucked involuntary at the sight of wat was beneath. “Shit and I thought you’d have a shrimp dick, my bad man.” Dabi chuckled.
Sinking to his knees, Shigaraki leaned down to hover over you, hips nestled between your spread thighs. “What do I do now?” He asked Dabi automatically, gaze focused on you tits.
Dabi huffed, “you fuck her idiot. Penis in vagina.”
“Right, ok.” Shigaraki’s eyes caught yours, “you can call me Tomura.” And then he was right back to business, grabbing his cock in his hand, he ran the tip through your wet folds before lining it up with your entrance and beginning to push in. “Ah, f-fuck,” Shigaraki whine, stilling after only sinking the head in, “feels g-good.”
Dabi was finally out of patience for the night, “yeah well it’ll feel better when she’s taken all of it.” Placing his booted foot on Shigaraki’s lower back he pressed down, helping sink Shigaraki’s cock into your cunt. “Tomura!” You cried out as he slid in all the way. You both paused, panting.
And then Shigaraki was fucking into you. Lewd sounds coming from your pussy as he slide in and out, mouth crashing into yours as he fucked you on the floor.
You didn’t notice the sound of clothes hitting the ground, but you did notice when rough hands grabbed your thighs, how Shigaraki’s feral pace was halted as he was repositioned, making space for Dabi to also settle between your legs. When you felt as second cock pushing against ur entrance you yelped, “w-what are you doing?!”
“You think I was helping the virgin out for free? Nah princess, I wanted to fuck this pretty pussy too.” Dabi’s cock started pushing in next to Shigaraki’s causing the man to whine from the stimulation.
“Fuck- Dabi wait. Not enough space.” You gasped out as he pushed further in, the stretch starting to hurt.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make it fit in my little whore. Now come one doll, tensing up will just make it harder, relax.” With one hand massaging your thigh and the other rubbing at your clit, slowly, Dabi sank in till you were filled with both the boys cocks. “Fuck, that’s it, that’s my fucking girl. Good job.” hand moving to rest on Shigaraki’s hip, Dabi started to thrust into you, spurring the other man back into motion. Soon the two men where pistoning into you, both you and Tomura whined out your pleasure, no longer able to form words.
“Fuck, can’t fucking wait to see you leaking out cum doll, gonna be our ah- pretty little slut aintcha? ‘n don’t think you’re done with us after this either. Ya gonna spend the rest of the week with at least one of our cocks in you ah ah ah oh fuck, fuck.” Dabi’s words tipped you over the edge, your tightening walls dragging the boys with you.
You shook as they pulled out of you. Legs tingling and ears ringing as their combine cum spilled out of your abused hole. Tomura sat mesmerised as it dripped onto the floor, while Dabi quickly shoved his way into his pants, throughing Shigaraki’s at him. Stooping down he pulled his shirt over you, leaning into give you a kiss, hesitating briefly before pressing one to Shigaraki’s forehead, “good job.” He stood up with you cradled in his arms, and Shigaraki rose to join you. “Shower then bed, everyone in the same room, no fucking complaints.”
“That orgasm must of knocked me out. I have to be dreaming if you’re offering aftercare Dabi.”
“Shut the fuck up. I’m not having a shitty mood swing after my body calms down because you fuckers wanted to have sex. And if you can still sass me, clearly I didn’t fuck you hard enough, you wanna go again princess?” Dabi snarled and you shook your head quickly. Shigaraki laughed at Dabi’s grumbling as he picked up the clothes still lying on the floor.
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llamakenma · 3 years
Hiiiiii, can i req prompts 6 + 1 w/ tsukkiii with a little comfort (but that totally up to u) 🥺 luv ur works 💖💖💖
note: hello!! thank you so much!! here is your request,, hope you enjoy!
request: prompt 6 ("i'm sick of missing you when you are right here.") +prompt 1 ("It sucks. Because i want to hate you but i can't")
join my 500 follower event --> prompt list here!
' i like you tsukishima-kun! please go out with me!" you shouted, your face turning red with embarrassment every passing second. the bow you held started to took a toll on you as you shook with anticipation: he's going to say no though, what were you so excited about.
'okay. that's all right? i have to get to practice." he replied.
with an immediate raise of your head, you stared at the retreating figure that is now dubbed your boyfriend- he said yes, he said yes to you, when he had been rejecting countless of other girls left and right. you could not avoid the smile that was slowly creeping its way onto your lips: the tsukishima kei was now your boyfriend.
the first few days of your relationship was more than awkward to say the least, especially when you waited for him to walk back home together, not knowing that he was returning with yamaguchi. it was on the third day that yamaguchi caught up to the fact that you and tsukishima were a thing, how you ask? he was shocked to the bone from tsukishima's reply when he had informed him of the newly formed relationship.
and so, it came to the point where you would return with tsukishima, alone, everyday and attempting to start a talk, even if it were to be one-sided, in order to break the weighing silence. it went on like this, for a good week, give or take, until he started to crack jokes and make random comments about the topic. he would break a smile now and then, even laughing along with you at a silly moment you encountered during your day. you were getting comfortable around him, and even though tsukishima hated to admit, he was too.
he would bring you along with the volleyball team to get meat buns after school, or even to tutor the 'two idiots' just because you were slightly smarter than he had expected- slightly. it would eventually become a routine for you to cheer for him at his matches, and congratulating him after each victory.
you were content with the relationship you had, and you were more than happy that tsukishima was making time for you, you knew you shouldn't expect more than this, especially when you were still in doubt on whether tsukishima reciprocated your feelings. yet, the greed in you just wanted more, you wanted to hold hands with him, you longed to cuddle with him on the rainy days, and more than that you wanted to know him better, spend more time with him.
maybe it was a bad timing when you had asked him to spend his weekend with you, after their loss to aoba josai, just because you knew, despite him pretending not to feel anything, he was blaming himself for not being good enough.
'hey kei, do you want to spend the weekend with me?"
"no, y/n. you know i have practice."
then it went on, the same excuse went on, it had become repetitive to the point where you already knew the answer to your own question. it had become all about practice- it was always about practice. he didn't even have time to spare to walk home together with you - "go back home early y/n, i am staying late at practice tonight." even in class, you could see him spacing out the window, not even sparing you a glance when lunch time came around.
so of course, it was no surprise when exams were over and you still hadn't talk to tsukishima despite it being your 5th month anniversary.
he had to at least remember this right? you thought, but oh boy were you wrong. you somehow managed to find out that, not only did he not remember, but he was all the way over in tokyo, without even telling you that he was going. it was a training camp, they said, supposed to improve your skills by competing against other schools.
you scoffed, of course, it was about volleyball again. what made you believe that he would remember when he had not been around you for half the amount of time the relationship had started.
a week passed by in a flash, and it marked start of the new semester. you stepped into school, along with the thought of confrontation in your mind; you had thought about this the whole week, you really did not know how to reach out to him, all your efforts were all down the drain so far, and the condition your relationship was in, was no different from being single.
and that was how you ended up with tsukishima, at the back of the school, your fingers playing with each other. you had to say it to him, you had to tell him that the relationship was not working out and that you wanted to break up with him. but why does it feel so heavy now that you had to do it.
'go on y/n, spit it out. i still have practice.'
you bit your lips, practice still had to be included in this conversation didn't it.
'we're not working out kei. let's break up.'
it would be an understatement to say tsukishima was not expecting this at all- he had honestly thought he would never hear the words from you. he could feel his eyes widening in response to your words, and the panic rushing into every inch of his body. he was frozen in his place, his mouth trying to utter some words but none came out: you were breaking up with him?
the you, whose smile was brighter than the sun for him, whose eyes sparkled more than the glittering stars in the night sky, whose lips looked tastier than his favorite strawberry shortcake, whose personality never failed to bring a smile to his face. the you, who he had started to fall in love with?
no, there was no way he was going to let this happen, sure he feels more than guilty for avoiding you this past month, yet every time he saw your face the unsettling feeling in his stomach that made him want to jump around and scream that the most beautiful person in the world was dating him, made him scared. in addition to this, the unresisting urge to kiss you, and be with you all the time was making him restless. he could not pinpoint the reason for all these, until kuroo had forced him to talk everything out- even teasing him senseless about his love for you.
"wait, no... no y/n, let's not break up, i could do anything else, please let's not break up. let's talk this through okay, please."
"but kei, i'm sick of missing you when you're right here. i'm so so sick of being the only one who is trying to start up conversations and sparing time. it honestly feels no different from dating someone who did not exist kei. i feel so lonely."
tsukishima knew his ignorance would have had an effect on you, but it did not drive him to think about how lonely you must have felt in a relatioship without interaction, he did not think through about your feelings, and it made him uncomfortable knowing that he was the one at fault.
'i'm so sorry y/n, i promise i will make it up to you, so please y/n, please, please do not break up with me y/n, i have fallen for you to the point of no return y/n." he said, feeling more than desperate, as he pulled you into his arms. he could feel his shirt gradually getting wet with the tears you had finally shed.
your whines and sniffles made him more emotional than he thought it ever would, and he was so scared, he was so scared that he would lose you just like this, so he hugged you tighter, like you were going to disappear from his sight any second.
'then kei, please don't please me alone, i know i can't make an effort to break up with you the second time, and it sucks. it sucks because i want to hate you but i can't. "
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volleychumps · 4 years
Congrats on 3k!! SO its canon that Osamu loves onigiri n even opens his iwn shop in the future, I want to request a scenario where Osamu meets this girl who chill n nonchalant n loves onigiri(n all food!) just like him and isnt interested in him like all the other fangirls yk n hes just slowly falls in love yk hehe (set in high school pls!) Thank you!! I love ur blog!
Aight bet- I’m finally working on this piece skfkjdsfkjsdf
Genre: Fluff, one-shot 
Warning(s): mild cursing, mild nsfw themes at the end 
Foodie. (Osamu Miya) 
- the one in which your love for food perks Osamu Miya’s interest- 
“Whoaa, Samu- why so much today?” Suna sweat drops at the sight of his friend’s lunch box as the gray-haired boy runs a hand through his fringe, shrugging lightly as his friend pulls up a seat to eat lunch with him at his desk. Breaking his chopsticks apart, his voice falls to a casual tone. 
“Took ‘Sumu’s.” 
“Why would you take your brother’s if you have the opportunity to get like six bentos a day?” Suna poked a straw into his juice, tilting his head with a lazy smirk. 
Osamu visibly shuddered, pretending not to see the group of girls peering around the corner and into his classroom, knowing better. The first time he had accepted a bento from any of them, it had obviously been store-bought and rearranged to make hearts and such. The gesture would have been ignored and eaten if he didn’t find a few stray hairs in the octopus weiners, and the thought of someone’s hands rearranging perfectly good food made him queasy.
“I wish ‘Sumu’s rejects didn’t come to me.” Osamu mumbles, and Suna chuckles lightly, setting down his juice before peering to his right at the classmate who had settled back down in her seat from having her lunch in the courtyard. 
“Oi, Y/N-san. That looks good.” 
“You want the rest?” You offer, having made too much onigiri the night before, stopping the movement to put the lid atop your bento. You were done with it anyways, and the leftovers usually got put in the fridge to be forgotten about. 
Suna glances at the onigiri, shrugging before taking the two left in the box as you smile cooly at his thanks, putting in your earbuds before laying your head on your desk to catch some much-needed shut eye before class resumed. 
Osamu looks up, not really paying much attention to Suna’s interaction, with a now cleaned out bento-box as his dark eyes land on the now outstretched onigiri in Suna’s hand. The middle blocker shrugs, eating the pointed top of the onigiri with a content look on his face: it was good. 
“Where’d you even get that?” Osamu’s voice was on edge as Suna rolls his eyes, pressing the ball of rice further. 
“Some place safe, I promise. If you weren’t too absorbed in your food you would know.” 
Osamu looks at the onigiri in his hand warily, seeing there were at least no hairs on it before sighing and taking a cautious bite. Onigiri was something he loved most, and he hoped taking this mystery rice ball wouldn’t ruin his- 
Suna swore he could see stars in his friend’s eyes as Osamu took a second, larger bite, snapping his head up to meet Suna’s what the hell expression. 
“Where did you even get this?” He repeated his last question, staring at the onigiri as if it had to be sheltered, protected, and loved under his care as Suna lazily finishes his last bite. 
“Tuna mayo. I used special seasoning in the rice when I formed them.” You interrupt, yawning with a stray headphone out of your ear. “Turned out good, no?” 
“Oh. I’m not interested in dating right now, sorry.” 
The beat of silence that followed Osamu’s blunt sentence was heavy, and you amusedly look at Suna, who had the bridge of his nose pinched between his fingers. 
“Oh. What a shame.” The teasing tone filled your voice as Osamu arched an eyebrow, and you glance at the slightly glaring group of girls before connecting the dots. Still, you couldn’t really find the meaning in explaining that his assumptions were surely not the case, settling for sticking your headphone back in and resting your head back on your desk. 
Suna sighs as Osamu blinks, realization dawning onto him. 
“Wait...she wasn’t-” 
“No. She wasn’t. Idiot.” 
The bell rang as Suna got up to return to his desk, and Osamu Miya casts a glance at the girl who sat next to him, tiredly pulling her earbuds out again to listen to the next lecture. A part of him wanted to apologize, but the thought of that had sent an unexplainable heat to the tips of his ears. 
Instead, he rummages in his bag-
and you blink when a can of coffee hits the corner of your desk with a slight tap, Osamu pulling his notes out as if he hadn’t in the first place. He sits forward, feeling your confused stare as he flips open his notebook. 
“For the onigiri.” 
“Again? Another one?” 
“Don’t act like you don’t get them too.” Osamu sighs to his brother, shifting the letters around in his shoe locker to get his actual shoes. “This is all your fault, anyways.” 
“The little pigs never learn, do they?” Atsumu grins, and his twin rolls his eyes at the brashness of his words as Atsumu’s shoulder touches the lockers. “You coming to practice today?” 
“Do I have a choice?” 
“Nope.” Atsumu pops the p, spinning on his heel. “I’m going ahead, sweet brother of mine.” 
“Bite my ass.” Osamu replies evenly, shoving the letters deeper into his locker.
“No, mine is better. Thanks for the offer though.” 
The wing-spiker runs a hand through his silver hair, seeing out of the corner of his eye a group of girls hyping up the girl in the middle, looking in his direction as he witholds a sigh. He didn’t hold the brashness of his brother, but he did get tired of the endless confessions sent his way, based soley on his looks- nothing else. 
His mental preparation for rejecting her was interrupted when a hand reaches out, and dark eyes widen slightly when you lean into him, your hand resting on the area of the side of his body. Osamu arches a brow at your easy smile as your face remains inches apart from his own. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Give it...twenty more seconds.” You reply, and Osamu blinks in utter confusion, about to ask what the absolute hell you’re talking about before a series of footsteps run away, a few whimpers in the mix as you pull back abruptly. 
“They’re gone.” You say, opening up your own shoe locker before slipping the pair out casually. “Sorry if that made you uncomfortable, hope it was at least better than having to deal with another crying girl.”
Osamu remains silent as you tap the point of your shoe against the ground twice before glancing at him, slinging your bag over your shoulder. 
“You don’t have to be so...emotionless about it, you know? A simple apology afterwards would be enough. But hey, you don’t have to listen to a stranger.” You wink, waving backwards. “Sorry again, I thought I’d thank you for the coffee. It woke me up, Miya-san.” 
Your footsteps stop when he finally speaks. 
You glance back in surprise. 
“You can call me Osamu.” 
“Y/N.” You smile a little, nodding your head before continuing to walk. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Osamu.” 
Osamu didn’t reply as you walked out of the school, watching from behind you as you untangled your headphones in the midst of walking-
not understanding the foreign feeling of being on the other side of a crush, usually being the one crushed on all this time.
“Y/N, got any free food for me today?” 
“Suna, I swear-” 
Suna grins lazily at you as you cross your legs, rolling your eyes playfully as Osamu scoffs at the audacity of his friend. Today, you ate your lunch with the two boys in your classmates you had somehow grown closer to, ignoring the heated stares on the back of your neck. 
“I’ll trade you a tamago for a kaarage.” Suna says finally, and your eyes light up at the offer.
“Deal.” You say immediately, Osamu hiding the beginnings of a smile at your love for food behind his hand as he continues to eat. Suna easily swipes one of the pieces of chicken from your box, putting into his mouth before nodding as he chewed in appreciation for the flavor. 
The silver-haired middle blocker found himself not eating anymore when Suna held a rolled egg up to you on that same pair of chopsticks. You look at him strangely, and Osamu, the quieter one of you three, could only watch as you ate it anyways. 
“It’s good, right? I made it.” 
“Tell your mom I send her my regards.” You reply nonchalantly, and Suna groans at how easily you had figured out his lie before you notice that the quiet Osamu had somehow grown even quieter. 
Did...did you two just indirectly...?
You and Suna exchange glances, and the dark-haired boy simply shrugs before going back to his lunch as an idea pops into your head. 
“You want to try, Osamu? I won’t make you trade anything for it.” 
“Favortism, much?” 
The middle blocker feels his chest swell when you lift your own chopsticks up to him, grinning when Osamu’s spirits immediately lift. 
“You and food, it’s abnormal-” 
“Suna, no one likes your commentary.” You bite back, and you tilt your head slightly when Osamu takes your wrist, steadying your hand as he eats the kaarage at the end of your chopsticks.
You’re wide-eyed when he pulls back, chewing with the beginnings of a smirk on his features at the doe-eyed expression on your face. The place where his hand held was warm. 
“ S’ delicious as always. Thank you.” 
The sky swirled with dark clouds forming over head as you looked up, frowning while tightening your hands on your grocery bags. Osamu glances at you, the light patter of rain hitting the pavement as you look at him guiltily. 
“Sorry ‘Samu, I shouldn’t have asked you to come shopping with me after school.” 
The unlikely friendship had developed to the point where you and Osamu were really good friends, the silver-haired boy even seeing you home on some nights after an unplanned hangout with Suna after their volleyball practices. 
You even called him ‘Samu, and he didn’t correct you. 
....In fact, he liked it when you called him that. 
“Mm. Yeah, you shouldn’t have.” 
“I hate you.” You pout, and Osamu puts a single hand atop your head, shrugging while smirking a little. 
“No you don’t. Got anywhere to be tonight?” 
“Nah, no one’s home right now.” You chewed on your lip, knowing Osamu was watching you as you stared at the coming rain. He knew you hated storms, and in all honesty wanted to get you somewhere safe with people as soon as he could. 
“Want to come to mine? ‘Sumu’s practicing extra and my parents are working.” 
“...are you sure?” You say in unease, and Osamu clicks his tongue before taking the bags from your hands and setting them down, shuffling in his practice bag for a second.
“Here. We’ll run to mine, it’s not far from here. Pull the hood all the way up.” 
“Awh, do you care about me?” 
Yes. “Nah, don’t get your hopes up.” 
Osamu watched as you slipped the oversized material over your head, coughing to hide the smile that came at the sight. 
“You’re telling me we’re going to run? In the rain?” 
“Do you want to protect the food you bought or not?” 
“...you’re right, let’s go.” 
He could definitely get used to this. 
Almost immediately, Osamu had shoved you into the bathroom after turning on the hot water, ignoring your whines about how you were fine before setting a folded pile of one of his shirts and sweatpants in front of the door. 
It felt comfortable, the pouring of the rain outside, as Osamu mixed broth in a pot while knowing you were here with him in the safety of somewhere he knew you’d be okay. Months of friendship hadn’t made him take any particular advances towards you, seeing as you hardly noticed his feeble attempts anyways. Suna’s advice to just go for it, rang in his ears, the silver-haired boy becoming so lost in his thoughts he doesn’t see you enter the kitchen. 
His breath hitches at the bareness of your legs, his shirt covering down your form to mid-thigh as he quickly returns his attention back to the pot. 
“I left pants there, you know. Real comfy.” 
“They don’t fit.” You shrug, approaching the sink. “Do you need me to wash the vegetables?” 
He merely nods once, fighting to keep his heart rate under control as you do so, continuing to bring the broth to a boil. Still, he physically liked the atmosphere of you here in his kitchen, wearing his shirt while making dinner. Your hair was damp and pushed to one side, and you hum a light tune to yourself as you begin to chop carrots. 
“My curry is going to knock your onigiri out of the water.” 
“I’m offended.” Osamu glares at you as you giggle, looking down at the final product after an hour. You offer him a bit of the broth on a spoon, rolling your eyes at the cautious look on his face when he sips it. 
A pleasant look crosses his face before he can stop himself, and you grin, not really thinking about it as you put the spoon in your mouth to get a taste for yourself. You cheer, jumping up and down cutely as Osamu leans against the counter, crossing his arms with a small smirk as you open up the rice cooker. 
“Man, wish Suna was here. We made way too much.” 
A spike of jealousy flits through his stomach as he watches you begin to plate the food, his jaw clenching. 
He wanted this. He wanted your banter, your cooking, your love for food, and your nonchalant personality.
 He wanted you. He wanted you with no risk of losing you to anyone else, no matter how platonic. 
Just go for it.
“‘Samu, can you grab the-?” 
You never finished your question. 
Osamu took two wide steps across the kitchen, hand grabbing your waist to pull you into him tightly while his other hand rested against the counter top on your side. He gripped onto the stone countertop as he kissed you, roughly and impatiently, as you sigh into it as if you had been waiting for it. 
He deepens the kiss, his tongue slipping your lips as the hand on the counter moves to entangle in your hair. He uses his weight to lean into you, lifting you slightly to sit you on the counter as he stands between your legs, the smell of your clean skin filling his lungs in the now heated kitchen. 
When a sound slips your lips, he’s pulling back, wide-eyed at the fact that he had let every bit of pent up emotion spill out of him. You bite your slightly swollen lips, pulling him closer to you with your hand on the side of his neck. 
“It’s about damn time.” 
“Whatever.” Osamu says, the corner of his lips quirking up as he kisses down your neck sweetly, loving the way your bare legs tightened around him. All the sexual tension, every moment of heavy silence that seemed to say all the words he had feared to say, all combusted in this moment. 
“Samu?” You pipe up, pouting when his hand begins to slip up your thigh. 
“Can we eat first?” 
Osamu stares at you for a second before chuckling, resting his head on your shoulder as you kiss his temple. 
“Of course we can eat first. God, I love you so much.” 
General works: @takemetovalhalla @kasandrafaye @savemesteeb @dreebbles @yams046 @let-me-have-my-own-name @deadontheinsidebut @lifeisntjustblackandwhite @curiouslilbeast @aprettyfruit @wisepandaslimeland @h0ngh0ngh0ng @lmkjimin @therestless101 @orangegiraffe7 @dai-tsukki-desu @kac-chowsballs
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
hi love, it's me again! i just can't get enough of your writing... i'm sorry to be asking for another fic, i guess i just can't help myself. lately i've been obsessed with the fake dating thing, so i was wondering if you could write a fred x reader (basically same reader as my last request, gryffindor, same year as ron) with that? like, maybe george knows they fancy each other and makes a bet with him so they start fake datig but realise they're in love with each other? aaa thank you so much, ly
bets off // fred weasley 
a/n: i used the same pronouns from the last request, hope you don’t mind!! i apreciate u sm ur always so active w my fics ily <3333 this is the first thing i’ve written in a while that i’m actually proud of so i hope u guys like it :D
summary: Fred makes a bet with George that entails fake dating you for at least a month. He never expected to fall in love with you. 
Competition was healthy. At least, that’s what Fred told himself as he looked at George’s outstretched hand, a cocky smile etching the boy’s lips. 
“Two weeks?” Fred asked, looking suspiciously at George.
“Two. Weeks.” George answered definitively, smirking at his brother. 
Fred considered this in his head. Two weeks to get you, someone who had never previously shown any romantic interest in him, to date him for at least a month. He doubted it would be hard, for he had never had any trouble getting girls to swoon for him in the past. A few winks and charming sentiments and you would be putty in his hand. With this air of confidence, he shook George’s hand.
“You idiot!” Lee, who had previously been silently watching the exchange, called from across the table, a baffled smile on his face.
George laughed, leaning back in his chair and looking at Fred like he agreed with Lee.
“What?” Fred asked, the overly confident look still littering his features.
“You can’t win with this one,” Lee explained, shaking his head, “you either piss off Ron when this goes right, you piss of Ron when this goes wrong, you come out the git for breaking a girls heart, or you come out the embarrassed git who was rejected by your kid brother’s best friend.”
“Hey,” Fred said, faking offence, “I never agreed to ask out Harry.”
George and Lee rolled their eyes, hiding smiles as they continued their homework.
Fred was not deterred by Lee’s warnings, for he had a plan to avoid all of that. He was simply going to tell you the truth.
He found you on your way to the green house, pulling you away from a Slytherin girl you were walking with.
“He just stared at her? Like he didn’t eve-” you felt an unexpected tugging, “Ah!”
You squealed, feeling your feet stumble under you for a moment as you gathered your wits again. You looked down at the hand pulling you, following it up to the face. It was Fred, which was odd, because you two were not known for pulling at each other in hallways.
“You’re going to miss Herbology!” your friend called out to you, a worried expression on her face.
“I’ll meet you there, save me a seat!” you called back to her, turning away and following Fred as he still dragged you.
“Fred? What are you doing?” you asked him, making no effort to move from his strong grip.
“Got to talk to you,” he said airily, barely looking back at you as he pulled you down an empty corridor. 
He let go of your arm, smiling down at you as you waited for him to speak. He didn’t take the hint, just looking at you.
“What did you want?” you glanced at your watch, seeing you only had a few minutes before Professor Sprout would start class.
“I have a proposition for you,” Fred drawled, a mischievous glint in his eyes as per usual, “what do ya say?”
You squinted your eyes at him, frowning, “I have to hear the proposition first.”
“Do you?”
“Yes, thats how propositions work.”
“I hadn’t realized,” he replied sarcastically, dropping his cool demeanor and letting some desperation seep into his voice.
“What do you want?” you repeated, slightly more annoyed.
“I may have made a bet that heavily relies on your willingness to do me a huge favor,” he said, a hopeful smile coming to his face.
“Oh god, Fred, what did you do?”
“George may have implied that I was in a dry spell when it came to girls,” he said, smirking, “and obviously that’s just not true. So, he suggested a bet to see if I still had my skills-”
“Your skills?”
“-yes my skills, would you listen?”
Fred leaned closer to you, his eyebrows raising as you rolled your eyes.
“Back to what I was saying,” he drew in a breath, dragging out this entire conversation, “George suggested a bet to see if I could still charm the ladies,” he wiggled his eyebrows and you quirked one of yours.
“Long story short-”
You interrupted again, “That was the short version of that story? Fred can’t we do this later, I’ve got class in,” you glanced at your watch. “two minutes.”
“No! Give me a second,” he ran a hand through his hair, putting his strong hands on your shoulders to keep you in place, “I made a bet with George that I could get you to fall in love with me in two weeks and date you for a month!”
You looked up at the boy, thinking he had gone off the end. He had to, either that or he was messing with you. Or maybe he had been slipped a potion of some sort.
“Fred,” you started, your kind tone giving Fred the impression you would agree to the plan, “you just waisted the very limited break I have between classes, successfully pulling me away from a very entertaining story about Snape, and probably making me late for Herbology.”
Fred groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance.
“I’m serious!” 
You pulled against Fred’s grip, but he kept you in place. His face lit up, obviously coming up with what he thought would be a great plan. He released you briefly, digging his hands in his bag and moving crumpled papers around. He pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper, brandishing it like it was a diamond. 
“This, my love, is going to get you out of Herbology this class period,” he said, unfolding the paper.
He revealed a blank piece of paper with tiny sparkles floating on the page. As he held it for a second longer, words began to form on the paper, writing something.
‘Professor Sprout,
Please excuse Y/n from Herbology this period, she came to me with a pain in her stomach and I gave her a potion to fix it. She stayed in the infirmary during the period.
You had heard about these before, enchanted notes that were written in authentic handwriting and enchanted the reader to believe it, no matter what they said. Perfect for forging notes from teachers. 
You stared at the paper in awe, grabbing it from Fred’s loose grasp.
“Yeah, you’re welcome. That’s the last one I have,” he said, feeling a bit remorseful having to give it up. He had been planning to use it to get out of Ancient Runes tomorrow. 
You folded the paper again, putting it neatly in your bag and looking back at Fred.
“Alright, let’s go,” you sighed, allowing him to lead you to the great hall, through the courtyard, and out to the Quidditch Pitch where no teachers would be. 
You sat in the stands, overlooking the empty and wet field,
“You want me to date you for two weeks?” you asked, sounding reluctant.
“No,” Fred said, sounding annoyed, “I want to fake date you for a month, but we won’t start until two weeks from now.”
You squinted, looking out at the stands on the other side of the field. You were thinking about this, finding the cons to outweigh the pros.
“What’s in it for me?” you paused, hearing Fred’s groan from beside you, “I mean, this could ruin my friendship with Ron, I get the embarrassing reputation when you fake dump me in a month, I don’t see how this is benefiting me.”
“Ron won’t care, I promise you,” Fred said acting as if this was obvious, “he lets Harry ogle Ginny all the time. And as for our fake dumping, that can be totally on your terms. I just need to win the bet with George.”
“What do you get if you win?”
Fred had hoped you weren’t going to ask that, but he was realizing you were smarter than he thought.
“Three Galleons,” he lied, looking at your skeptical face in the corner of his eye, “fine, six Galleons.”
You looked expectantly at him, waiting for his offer.
“I’ll split it with you,” he finally gave in.
He was a little upset at having to share his future winnings, but once you agreed to the bet and squealed excitedly at the possibility of some Galleons, a smile spread on his face.
Fred began laying the groundwork the next day. He made sure to send you flirtatious smiles when George was looking, waving to you in the halls, and talking to you in the common room.
You, Hermione, and Ron sat at a table in the corner, the three of you poured over a chess match. Ron was successfully beating Hermione, watching her as she tried to remember the rules he had taught her over and over. 
“You can’t do that,” he said impatiently as Hermione tried to move a pawn backwards. His hand reached out and returned the piece back to where it was, and Hermione groaned.
You leaned back in your chair, closing your eyes and turning your head up towards the ceiling. 
“Hello,” Fred purred from above you, looking down at you.
You snapped your eyes open, not entirely used to Fred’s flirting yet. It took you by surprise most days, and he always managed to get you when you weren’t expecting it. You looked to Ron, gauging his reaction. His eyes stayed locked on Hermione’s frustrated face, arms crossed as he waited for her move.
“Hello,” you replied, turning your head to face Fred as he move to your side. 
He leaned against your chair, his hand supporting his weight as he wrapped it around the back of your chair. The top of his hip bumped into your shoulder, and you resisted the urge to lean away from him. It’s not that Fred Weasley was disgusting or anything, he certainly wasn’t, but he had a reputation. Fred wasn’t known to be faithful or respectful of the usual rules regarding relationships. He wasn’t tied down, and half the student body has seen him naked (or wanted to). You had gone through your phase of liking Fred, and that phase lasted longer than you’d like to admit. You refused to boost his ego, though, and felt determined to not let this fake dating get to your head. 
Ron was still busy with his chess match, now watching Hermione’s focused gaze turn into a nervous one as she became aware of Ron’s eyes on her. She bit her lip, tapping her fingers on the table.
Fred glanced down at you, quirking an eyebrow and nodding his head towards Ron. He was showing you that Ron wouldn’t care if you two dated, testing Ron’s limits.
Fred’s hand moved slowly from the back of your chair to your shoulder. His slender fingers pressed gently on your clothed arm, moving to brush a piece of hair from your neck. He twirled a piece of your hair in his fingers, raising an amused eyebrow at Ron’s lack of reaction.
“Merlin, Hermione! I’ve taught you 100 times!”
Hermione scoffed, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms.
“Ron!” she exclaimed back, offended.
“Look,” he moved his hand to one of her pieces. He whisked it across the board, then one of his pieces, and then one of Hermione’s, and then one of his own, “Check.”
“Maybe if you had patience and didn’t stare me down every time it was my turn-” Hermione started, glancing to you for support.
Her eyes widened when she saw the somewhat intimate position you were in with Fred, her sentence dropping. 
“If you didn’t take so long, I wouldn’t stare you down!” Ron huffed and pushed his chair back, standing suddenly.
He hadn’t even glanced at you and Fred, missing Hermione’s shocked expression.
“What are you doing?” she questioned Fred, sounding even more offended than when Ron was yelling at her a moment ago.
“What?” Fred replied nonchalantly, pushing his body away from yours and taking Ron’s seat.
He moved the chair closer to the table, purposefully brushing his knee against yours. You knew he was watching your face, so you kept a neutral expression.
“He was all over you,” Hermione whispered to you, as if Fred wasn’t right in front of her,
“So?” you asked, acting as if it wasn’t abnormal for Fred to ‘be all over you’.
You were internally cringing at the whole thing, at Fred’s forwardness, lying to Hermione, the whole situation.
“Something must be in the air today,” Hermione said to no one in particular as she stood from the table, “everyone’s lost their minds.”
She left you and Fred, leaving him with a smirk on his face.
“I think that went well,” Fred said, moving the pieces on the chess board around swiftly as he set it up for a new game.
You moved to Hermione’s seat so you were across from him, rolling your eyes. 
“This is ridiculous, Fred,” you said, and at the sound of your genuine annoyance his eyes were on your face.
The board in front of you was set anew, white closest to you. You let yourself sit in your frustration for a moment, looking down at the board and moving a pawn. Fred made no move to his own pieces, just staring at you from his side of the table.
“What d’you mean?” he said, watching your hand retreat from the board. 
“These public displays of affection- isn’t it a little ridiculous?” you said, locking your eyes on the game in front of you.
A look of hurt flashed across Fred’s face, not that you would have seen it, and he cleared his throat awkwardly. His hand lazily moved one of his pawns.
“I don’t think so, no,” he said, leaning back in his chair and still studying your face, “I think they’re quite effective.”
“They’re only effective because I’m playing along,” you moved another pawn, hoping Fred would take the bait so you could steal his pawn.
“Which I appreciate fully,” he said, leaning forward and moving his pawn exactly where you wanted him to.
You stole his piece, advancing on the board. He hadn’t even registered the game, frankly, only looking at you.
“I feel like-” you didn’t know what you felt. You hadn’t put it into words, but you knew you didn’t like it.
Fred, and older, charming, handsome boy, was showing you a new amount of attention. Fred, a boy you had a crush on almost the entire time you’ve known him, was sending you flirtatious winks in the hallways and being very affectionate. Fred, your best friend’s older brother, was trying to date you to win a bet.
“-nevermind,” you finished, realizing you could not say any of this aloud. 
Fred had a quizzical look on his face, watching you as you silently sat across from him. You met his eyes for the first time since he sat down, swallowing hard. You stared at each other for at least a minute, neither of you moving or breaking the contact. His eyes had an intensity in them that you had never seen before, but they were also gentle and kind. He looked soft, his face illuminated by the faint candle light and fireplace, casting a yellow hue over his skin. His hair was grown out and pushed off his forehead, falling easily on the sides of his face. He had taken his tie off, though still in his school uniform, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His mouth, usually in a resting smirk, was thin and straight, making him look rarely serious. 
You felt like it took ages, but you finally broke his stare and cast your eyes downward at the board. You looked back up at him, seeing his eyes unmoving from your face.
“Your move,” you said, raising an eyebrow. 
Fred’s eyes shot to the board, and he moved the first piece he saw. His mind was racing as he tried to collect his thoughts, all of which were about you. 
He had no idea what happened, but his heart was beating incredibly fast and his hands were sweating. Fred, a man who had never once done anything serious, was feeling very serious. He didn’t know what was going on inside his head, but all he knew was that he thought you were remarkably beautiful. You were perfect, really, and he could not wait for this game of chess to end so he could get the hell away from you. 
Fred had never been in any sort of serious relationship. He had never dated a girl for longer than a few weeks, usually doing something that offended them (that was often mentioning how hot another girl was, or, in the worst case, snogging said other girl). He didn’t care for anything long-term, anything serious, because he couldn’t be bothered to find anyone that interesting. You, however, made his hands sweat. No one had ever made Fred’s hands sweat. No one had ever made Fred’s mind run blank.
He blinked at the board, realizing it was his turn again, and felt like giggling like a school girl. He shot his head up, looking around the common room and pretending to be in a hurry.
“Have you got the time?” he asked, watching as you looked down at your wrist- eyes flickering to your hand, which he realized he wanted nothing more than to hold in that moment- checking the time on your watch and telling him. He sprang from his chair, “I told George I’d meet him in a few, can we continue this later?”
He hadn’t even waited for an answer before he was running through the portrait hole, nearly knocking a few first years off their feet when he bumped into them.
Fred disappeared from the common room, leaving you with the chess board.
For the next few days, Fred’s flirting was non-existent. He wasn’t ignoring you, but the entire dynamic between you had shifted; something changed. He wasn’t painfully arrogant, seeming to take more effort in the way he treated you. There was no inappropriate flirting, no lustful winks. You wondered if the bet was still on.
You found out soon that it was. 
You and Hermione left the library fairly late into the afternoon, but neither of you minded the time that got away from you. You spent the day doing very little actual studying, talking and laughing instead. There was a very few amount of people who could tear Hermione away from her studies, and she didn’t often like to admit that you were one of them. 
“Are you going to tell me why Fred was so-” she broke off, shuddering in some sort of disgusted way that made you laugh “-touchy with you the other day?”
Hermione had been pressing a little bit every time she saw you about Fred, and you had been avoiding it every time. 
“I still don’t know what you’re talking about. That was just Fred being Fred,” you insisted, rolling your eyes playfully. 
The guilt of lying to your friends left you a few days ago, instead you only felt overwhelming uneasiness as your schoolgirl crush for Fred resurfaced. You couldn’t help it; the hot older boy you had liked since your first year was suddenly putting himself in compromising situations with you. So, you couldn’t tell Hermione about Fred’ bet, because then you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself telling her about your genuine crush. 
“Really?” Hermione teased, bumping her shoulder into yours.
“Yes, really,” you insisted, turning the corner to the main staircase that was crowded with students wandering the castle on the weekend afternoon, “ I don’t get why your fixating on this, ‘Mione.”
Your words, however, fell on deaf ears. Her gaze was locked on something on the stairs beneath you both. You followed it, seeing the heavy stream of students starting to part. From your position, you couldn’t see much through the crowd, but soon the crowd thinned around you and you got closer.
Fred stood on the landing, a huge bouquet of flowers in his hands. You bit your lip, trying to hide the laugh bubbling in your chest. Such a grand gesture for a fake one-month relationship, this boy was determined to beat George and win those three Galleons. You felt Hermione clutching loosely to your arm, a dazed sort of look overcoming her features. You couldn’t help but laugh at this, prying yourself free from her grip and walking down the stairs to meet Fred.
He also looked sort of dazed, and with a quizzical expression you felt your face heat up under the stares of everyone in the stairwell. You came to the landing, looking up at Fred. His hand shook a little as he held the flowers, and he bit his lip harshly. 
“Want to go out with me?” he asked, a surprisingly earnest voice replacing his usual smug one. 
You glanced at your watch, moving to stand on your toes to reach him. You moved your mouth to his ear, speaking so only he could hear you, “You’re about a week early with this gesture, Freddie.”
He chuckled, and from being so close to him his chest bumped yours slightly. You fell to stand flat on your feet, still close to him. He looked down at you, holding the flowers between your chests. 
“I don’t like following schedules,” he said, grinning down at you.
You resisted the urge to wrap your arms around his shoulders and never let go, settling instead on a bashful smile. He handed you the flowers, the brown paper they were wrapped in feeling a little damp from how profusely his hands were nervously sweating.
When he made this bet with George, he had just planned on kissing you in some busy hallway to announce the start of your relationship, as he did with most of his relationships. Somehow, though, you felt more special. His stomach sank every time he thought about the limited and fake month he’d have to with you, but he forced his way through it. 
So he went to the field by Hagrid’s hut and picked the best flowers he could find, wrapping them in a brown paper and organizing them so they were perfect, because you were perfect. 
He looked down at you, watching you as you held the flowers up to your face and smelled them. Your eyes were light and filled with innocent excitement, giving him an enchanting smile that showed all your teeth; you looked incredibly and undeniably happy, and that made Fred happy. 
You had both nearly forgotten about the entire student body surrounding you both, watching the exchange. Fred, feeling unnerved by the vulnerability he had exhibited in such a large crowd, looked up and smiled smugly, wiggling his eyebrows. The entire staircase erupted in a somewhat jumbled mix of cheers and laughter, sending a deep red blush to your cheeks. Fred looked down at you, and in a moment of unfiltered happiness, brought his hands to your cheeks. He lifted your head from where you had ducked it to hide the blush, forcing you to look up at him with the embarrassed grin on your lips. Before he could think about what he was doing, his face was leaning closer to yours and his hands on your cheeks were pulling you closer to him. You barely had the time to register what was happening, only hearing the laughter and cheers around you get louder as Fred’s face was pressed against yours.
He was fast at first, passionate and quick as if he thought he only had a second before you pulled away. You couldn’t though, even though every bone in your body was telling you to. Your lasting feelings for Fred were telling you that this kiss was okay, that your friendship with Ron would take the backseat for a while as you let Fred press himself against you. Your thoughts were fading, being replaced with the hyper awareness of everywhere Fred was touching you. His lips slowed and his breathing became slower too. He let out a sigh through his nose, the air hitting your face and sending a brand new flush to your cheeks. His hands on your cheeks stopped pulling you towards him, now being a gentle and soft presence on your skin. His left hand was grazing your jaw, his calloused fingertips tickling the skin lightly. His right hand cupped your cheek firmly still, but his thumb rubbed against your cheekbone. You held the flowers in one hand, and it wasn’t until a few seconds into the kiss that you had even remembered you had hands. You rested your hand holding the flowers against his chest, tilting the bouquet so it didn’t hit Fred in the face. Your other hand snaked up his arm, clutching loosely at his strong forearm as it hung between your bodies. 
You were both at each other’s wills, you would do anything Fred and Fred vowed to himself that he would follow you to the ends of the Earth, if you asked him to. 
The spark moving through Fred’s body was nothing he had ever felt before. He didn’t feel it when he kissed Angelina Johnson, his first kiss, after winning a Quidditch match. He didn’t feel it when he drunkenly kissed Alicia Spinnet at a party. He didn’t feel anything close to this when he kissed Katie Bell in a game of truth or dare last year. You were completely new to Fred, and part of him already knew he wanted to spend every second with you from then on out.
You pulled away first, entirely and completely breathless. You looked up at Fred, mouth opening and closing like an out of water fish as you tried to find words to say in this moment. Fred just chuckled, bringing his hand on your cheek to graze his knuckles against your swollen lips. You closed your mouth, feeling okay with having nothing to say, and figuring it was better to not say anything anyways. 
The crowd registered in your brain, making you feel extremely embarrassed again. You shoved your face into Fred’s chest, hiding the flush all over your face.
“Alright! Shows over, you perverts,” Fred called out, smiling widely at the group.
You heard the shuffling of feet begin around you, the traffic beginning once again. A few wolf whistles reached your ears, and you didn’t remove yourself from Fred’s chest until you were sure everyone had moved on. 
Fred’s large hand rested on the back of your head, soothing down your hair. You found it oddly intimate, and you knew letting all of this happen was only setting yourself up for hurt when this bet was inevitably over, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Pulling away finally, your flowers clutched at your side, you took a deep breath. You were bringing your gaze to look up at Fred, but a group of redheads standing behind him caught your eyes and made them widen.
“I am so telling mum you have a girlfriend!” Ginny squealed, her voice easily heard in the now empty stairwell.
Fred turned to face his family, seeing Ginny, Ron, George, Hermione, and Harry looking at him as if he’s sprouted five new limbs.
Ron elbowed Ginny, sending her a wide-eyed look, “my bestfriend is not his girlfriend!” Ron said confidently, then turning to Fred with a threatening look, “My bestfriend is not your girlfriend.”
Fred smiled nervously, “I’m not dating Harry, Ron,” he attempted to joke, only earning a laugh from George and an embarrassed look from Harry. 
You peaked from behind Fred, meeting the group. You smiled at them sheepishly, meeting Hermione’s baffled eyes.
“I knew it!” she called, causing the entire group to turn their heads to look at her, “I knew you fancied her.”
Hermione looked quite proud of herself, but Ron looked fuming. Harry had sort of a ‘I-saw-this-coming’ look on his face.
“Guys,” you said, stepping towards them, “Ron.”
You gave Ron a pleading look, prepared to embarrass yourself and set the whole thing straight, even prepared to lose 3 Galleons. Suddenly, Hermione stepped between you and Ron.
“Ronald,” she said sternly, snapping Ron out from his angry mood briefly, “I hope you are not about to prevent a lovely relationship just because you have no emotional intelligence or maturity regarding these subjects.”
Your eyes widened from behind Hermione, casting a shocked glance to Fred. George and Ginny stifled their laughter, saving an embarrassed Ron some of his pride after being scolded by Hermione. 
“But he’s my brother!” he whined, his anger leaving him and instead being replaced by some sort of tame disgust.
You couldn’t take it, every part of you wanted to tell them it was a bet, the galleons be damned. You looked to Fred with a warning look, only to see him digging in his pockets.
“George,” he called out, removing his hand from his pocket and clutching something, “catch.”
Fred tossed six coins at George, and George caught them with surprise.
“Bets off,” Fred said, looking painfully serious. 
You felt your breath hitch in your throat, an immense feeling of guilt wash over you. You had cost Fred six galleons, even after the work he had put in. He had kissed you for the sake of it, and you couldn’t go one month. 
“Fred,” you stuttered, looking at him with guilt
His mouth broke into a grin, however, and he took a few steps towards you. George watched Fred’s movements, and began pulling away the group. Ron, still standing there with a confused look on his face, was tugged away by the back of his collar.
“I don’t want to fake date you,” he whispered to you once he was close enough, tucking his hands in his pockets.
“Well, that seems like a lot of work for nothing, then-” you started, only for his lips to fall onto yours and silence you.
You couldn’t help it, again, as you let yourself melt into him. He pulled away all too soon however, resting his forehead on yours as he looked into your eyes. 
“I want to date you for real,” he said, biting his lip nervously, “not as a bet.”
Your eyes widened, and once again you could not think of anything to say. You opened and closed your mouth, searching for the words, but gave up. You gave a relieved sigh, hearing the words you had dreamed of hearing since you were 12, and kissed Fred Weasley. 
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maybebanks · 3 years
Hurting - part 4
link to part 1
link to part 2
link to part 3
jj maybank x reader
Previously: JJ and Y/n’s relationship is tested after the mental and physical difficulties of Y/n’s secret. She’s been an expert at hiding them, but now, he knows, and she has to face all her demons, and letting JJ think bruises are hickies is what she decided to do, to avoid the truth.
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You didn’t need to get a job, because you were a ‘kook’ now. So what were you going to do with your summer? It had to be out of the house. And it couldn’t be with your best friends, the pogues.
You brushed the setting powder over your neck and jawline. Taking a deep breath before heading downstairs for breakfast.
You couldn’t face your mom, you were just going to grab some food and leave.
“Honey,” you heard a deep voice say.
You jumped and turned around, “um, yes sir,” you frowned, looking down at the ground.
“You’re mother took an early flight and I’m having a meeting here, so you need to stay in your room today,” your step father stated.
“W-wait, mom’s gone?” Your voice was shakey. You didn’t even get to explain the whole JJ situation.
“Yes.” He said impatiently, “look, doll, I don’t have time for you right now! My associate will be here any minute and if he sees you, we will have a problem,”
You didn’t understand, but you listened.
“Can-can I just get my bag? It’s in the front..um room,” you asked, meekly.
“Damnit you idiot!” He shouts, his fists clenching. You squinted your eyes on instinct, knowing he wants to punch you, knowing you were seconds away from pain.
The doorbell rang.
“Fuck. Get the hell out of my face,” he shoved you aggressively, then left your sight to get the door.
You stumbled, landing on the stairs, on your side. Cursing on impact.
You quickly got up, grabbed your bathing suit and ran out the door. Deciding to escape to the beach.
You put on your navy blue string bikini and quickly dove into the waves. It was weird because the last time you were here, you were with JJ.
He’s always been so sweet to you and you never knew why. Your first day on the island, when no one would talk to you, he came up to you. And being the established, well-liked person that he is, others followed.
You were very shy at first, and JJ didn’t know the real you until about a month in. But he didn’t give up, he was perfect.
You came up for air again. The salt not stinging your eyes.
Friendship. You’ve never had anything close to it until you met JJ.
But it’s too late. He’s gonna stop trying after what you’ve done, after what you’ve let him think you’ve done.
“You cheat on me?”
“Answer me.”
“JJ...I think you should go,”
In your head it was the right decision. But in your heart? You’d die without him.
“Hey! Catch any good waves?!” Someone shouted from the shore.
You turned around from wading on your surf board. Waving to the boy at the shore.
A head of shaggy, long-ish brown haired boy seemed cheery. He threw off his button up and jumped into the waves.
You sighed, you were going to have to talk to this stranger. You almost didn’t have the energy.
“Why haven’t you been...around?” John B asks. You were surprisingly comfortable around him. He was your friend, you just didn’t notice at first.
“Just some...family stuff going on,” you shrugged.
“Ohh right. JJ told us!” He remembered.
“He-he what?” You stutter, afraid of what he might know.
“Yeah, he said your mom was coming home and she hasn’t in a while. That’s really all he said,” John B shrugged, flipping his hair after.
You felt like crying. Your mom wasn’t coming home, she was visiting for less than 12 hours.
“Hey...what happened to your leg?” He asked, swimming closer to you.
“Nothing, haha don’t uh..worry about me. How are..how are you?” You changed the subject.
“Well...oh shit! Did I tell you! I fucked uppp bro! I kissed Kie-“
“You did?!”
“Yeah! And she totally rejected me,” John B admitted.
“Did she like swerve? Or like push you?” You asked, curious about a normal thing for once.
“Nah, we kissed and then she pulled away, and said the no pogue on pogue macking rule. Fuckin JJ found a loophole with that,” he joked.
“A loophole?” You questioned.
“Yeah. Because you’re technically a kook,” John B shrugged.
“I guess,” you sighed.
“Hey, wanna get out of here? The waves are shit,” John B asked.
“Yeah.” You sighed, finally feeling calm for the first time in a while. Afterall it was a good distraction from JJ and everything else.
You and John B swam to shore and you threw a hoodie over your head.
“How good does the Wreck sound right now?” John B chuckled.
“So good,” you laughed, imagining shoving fries in ur mouth right now at the best restaurant in the Outer banks.
When you arrived at the restaurant, John B held the door open for you. He wanted to see you smile. You did, a soft curl of the lips, but it faded suddenly.
Something was wrong.
John Bs chest collided with your back, he chuckled. Because you stopped walking and blocked his path foreward.
“What’s up Y/n/n?” John B asked.
“Shut up-“ you said abruptly, John Bs eyes widened.
“Um..sorry. I didn’t mean to snap, just...don’t say my name like that,” you mumbled.
“Why? It’s your nickname right? Are you not cool with me calling you that?” John B questioned.
“No, no. I didn’t mean..just..nevermind,” you sighed. You just didn’t like it when people said your name loud in public places, you didn’t want to be recognized by certain people.
“Okayy? Anyway, let’s do that table in the back,” John B suggested.
“Okay,” you answered, keeping your head down.
He walked you to the table, and to your surprise, Kie arrived to take your orders.
“Hey guys! Is this a date? Or...” she joked. Laughing.
“Very funny Kie. Are you trying to make me lose my appetite? Poor business tactic of you ask me-“
“Hey! You asshole,” you mutter. Dipping your fingers in your water glass and spraying it at him.
John B tried to duck, but then bumped his head on the table.
You and Kie laughed loudly as he groaned in pain.
She could barely stop laughing, “can...ah I take your orders?”
“Yeah...um I’ll get um...John B what are you getting?”
“A cheese burger with no Mayo,” he told Kie.
“Idiot,” she muttered as she wrote it down.
“You want the usual? Fries and-“
“Ooh yes I’ll just have fries and cheese please,” you smiled.
“Yup, you got it. Ok I’ll be back,” she winked before leaving.
“By the way,” John B began, “I just want you to know I’d never make a move on you as long as your with JJ. I mean-Kie was joking in all-“
“John B, don’t worry about it ok?” You interrupted.
“Yeah but...I also wanted to ask you, what’s going on between you and JJ. Eveytime I mention him you get defensive,”
“What are you talking about? No I don’t,” you responded.
“Uh huh,” he said sarcastically.
“Look, the truth is, I just don’t care anymore,” you told him. You knew in your heart it wasn’t true, but it had to be. You couldn’t take back the fact that JJ thought you cheated. So you had to go with it.
“That doesn’t sound like you,” John B said.
“Whatever,” you sighed.
“Oh shit,” John B said, staring at the door.
“W-what? Is he here? Did you invite him? I swear to God,” you said in a hushed tone. You didn’t want to turn around yourself, in case you had to look him in the eye.
“No, chill. It’s..isn’t that your step dad though?” John B asked.
Your moth dropped slightly, “John B don’t say shit like that, your-“ you were about to tell him he was scaring you, but you shouldn’t admit that.
“Look behind you,”
“No I don’t want to,”
“Just look,”
You sighed, and slowly turned.
“Oh-“ you started to respond, but you practically felt your heart stop. Instantly, your breathing picked up.
“What’s going on between you and JJ? Why wouldn’t you want him here?” John B said, trying to pull your attention back to him.
You shook your head, instead of answering. You could hardly form words. Maybe it’s the fact that if your step father sees you here, there’s going to be some contact.
“Whoa relax!” John B said, placing his hand on yours.
Immediately, you pulled your hand away.
He furrowed his brows, confused and offended.
“Sorry.” you muttered.
“You wanna...leave.. I mean ... you wanna get out of here?” You suggested, afraid he would say no.
“What? Why? We didn’t even get our food!” John B exclaimed.
“I..I know. I just..don’t feel like eating anymore.”
“That’s so weird, Y/n. C’mon we can’t leave. Just suck it up for a sec,” John B said shortly. Tapping your shoulder.
“Okay,” you responded. You thought back to JJ. He never made you do stuff you don’t want to. He was just so caring to you. Not that John B wasn’t, just that JJ knew you so well.
A few minutes later, your couldn’t shake the thought that the man you feared the most was behind you. You didn’t have eyes. You didn’t have JJ. You didn’t have anything.
“John B, I don’t feel well I think I’m gonna head out,” you told him, getting up slowly.
“You sure?” He said, analyzing your.
“I um...” for some reason, blurred vision erupted, and you started feeling like you were going to faint.
You stood up slowly. But things were getting worse, and your stance was unsteady.
You gripped the edge of the table for support.
“Y/n...what’s up with you?” John B asked. Sounding annoyed.
For some reason a tear escaped from your eye, you were sorry you were annoying him. So you muttered a quick, “I’m sorry,”
John B stood up, he was now right infront of you. And then, you collapsed. John Bs arms wrapped around you and pulled you into him as you fell.
He was shocked by this. Struggling to hold you up.
No one seemed to pay much attention, but anyone in their right mind would know that they should probobly take you to the hospital. But John B, as did many of the pogues, didn’t always trust authority.
So he took you back to the Chateau, where Sarah, who took a class in Lifeguarding was considerably the doctor instead.
“What happened?!!” Sarah exclaimed as she saw John B carry you out of the van.
“She just passed out. Hey can you help me carry her?” John B grunted.
“Uh..I’ll get JJ,” she said.
“Oh fuck. Wait! I don’t know if that’s such a good idea-“ John B began but Sarah had already called him from working on the boat.
He ran over, his eyes filled with worry. He quickly took you from John B. Carrying you without a problem bridal style.
Inside, he let you down on the couch.
You were slowly coming back to consciousness.
“Put this on her forehead,” Sarah said passing a towel to JJ.
“Hey...hey Y/n. Come back to me okay? Fuck baby. Don’t do this to me alright, wake up,” JJ muttered into your ear.
Moments later, your eyes started to flutter.
To witch JJ sighed in relief, taking your hand and holding it tight in his own.
“Let’s call her parents,” Sarah suggested, grabbing Y/n’s phone.
“Sarah no. Alright? Give me her phone,” JJ demanded.
“No! If I was her my parents would want to know! It’s not normal to just faint-“
“Sarah, give me the fucking phone,” JJ persisted.
John B frowned, “hey watch it, JJ. Don’t talk to her like that bro,”
Sarah frowned, and out of spite began typing on her phone.
JJs temper only grew, he only wanted to protect you.
He grabbed Sarah’s wrists and pulled the phone from her hand.
“Hey!” Sarah exclaimed.
“Dude!” John B interjected.
JJ returned the phone to his pocket.
“Bro, I’m gonna kill you-“ John B said.
“Wait,” you said meekly, “JJ was right, okay? It would only make it worse. Just trust me,”
“But why?” Sarah said concerned.
You shook your head, signaling you couldn’t answer the question.
Sarah sighed and wished you to feel better before leaving.
John B then stepped to JJ, “you’re lucky your girlfriend is so sweet. I would’ve kicked your ass,” John B threatened.
JJ didn’t want to cause a drive between any more of the people he cared about. So he just accepted.
JJ then sat by you, despite what had happened before.
“You really scared me, Y/n.”
“Wasn’t..my intention,” you stifled out, trying to get up.
“Whoa...whoa, can you stay to get some rest? Just stay here for me,” he insisted with a hand on your chest.
“JJ...” you sighed.
“I know it’s not true. I know what you’re doing.”
“Stop. Please.” You pleaded.
“You didn’t cheat on me. Those are bruises aren’t they. They’re not hickies. They’re from him trying to choke you.” JJ explained.
“JJ get away from me. We broke up. I don’t....I don’t-“
“You don’t what? You don’t love me?! Huh! Say it Y/n. Look me in the eyes, and I leave for good,”
“I don’t! I don’t deserve you! You can’t me with me. I’m used, JJ. You deserve a girl that isn’t so-“
“Broken? Y/n, I’m just as fucked up as you. You know my dad hits me right? He beats me. And it’s wrong. And I hate him. But I can’t hate you. Ever. Not for what that sick man has done,”
At this point, you were balling. Wiping tears as soon as they fell.
“JJ...I’m sorry. I’m sorry for lying. I thought you would leave.”
“It doesn’t work like that, when I love you more than anything in my entire life,”
“I don’t understand,” you stuttered.
“Understand what?”
“Even after you know what he does. How could you look at me, and still love me?”
“That doesn’t change all I’ve known as soon as I met you. And if you need me to prove it to you, I will.”
thx for reading ❤️
@mavelfanatic @my-therapist-hates-me @rudypankowswife @harrypottersgirl @themaddies-obx taglist
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palmett-hoes · 3 years
what's your take on the foxes mbti?
oh buddy ur never gonna believe this but i wrote a foxes MBTI post YEARS ago
im also not into mbti anymore and haven't been for many years so that post is probably still more accurate and in-depth than what i could give you now. i’m just gonna copy the whole thing but i read it over and it still totally vibes w how i understand the characters, like way more than i was expecting it to. i only made one edit (it’s marked) and it was to add a detail not change anything
i hope you’re really really into mbti otherwise this’ll probably be gobbeldegook
i used to be obessively into mbti so here’s an analysis based on cognitive functions mostly.
SKIP IF YOU WANT. for anyone with no idea how it works, here’s a quick rundown: cognitive functions are about the way people think, process, and prioritize information, not necessarily how they act, though people who think the same way often act the same. the 8 letters that make up a type represent how people process and prioritize internal and external stimuli. every letter actually has an ‘internal’ and 'external’ form so there’s Thinking (internal(ti) and external(te)), Feeling (internal(fi) and external(fe)), Sensing (internal(si) and external(se)), and iNtuition(internal(ni) and external(ne)) t’s always go with a corresponding and opposite f (like ti and fe always go together), same with s’s and n’s (ex: si and ne always go together). a set of  t, f, s, and n in a specific order makes an mbti type.
neil: intp (ti ne si fe)
neil has incredible analytical ability although it’s very programmed for survival but he’s also a fast thinker and very quick to adapt to new environments. he also approaches things from original angles that other people dont consider, all that sounds like high ti/ne. the lower functions fit well too. in times of stress, he returns to old habits and falls back on what’s familiar, that’s classic low si. his emotions are also very exterior. he’s bad with other people from lack of exposure, but he’s committed to harmony between those close to him and has an impeccable ability to read the emotional states of others while being completely oblivious of his own, and his sense of self is tied to exterior things like exy, friends, keys, and legal documents (lol) that’s fe
andrew: intj (ni te fi se)
ni is really hard to describe but it has to do with being able to draw conclusions from scattered input, which fits with andrew’s uncanny ability to spot lies and obsession with finding out the truth, especially with high te, which is about spatial order and logic, think of how prioritized he is with the physical order of things: who sits where, who wears what, etc. a lot of people want to make andrew infj i bet as like a “subversive reading” but he’s definitely not. i used to be really close to an infj and they have hyper-empathy, as in she would describe not just caring about other people and being able to read their emotional states but literally feeling the things the people around her felt. this is a common result of the ni/fe combo, and the reason why andrew is definitely not infj. tertiary fi fits very well instead because andrew is deeply attuned to his own inner emotional state. he’s self-confident and doesn’t care about other people’s perception of him, but he’s also very concerned with his own feelings and understanding them, even if they’re repressed. he’s also very aware of his physical surroundings, which plays into his deductive ability, although it’s not his focus. that’s low se
kevin: estj (te si ne fi)
kevin is a classic estj. he’s controlling, demanding, and driven. he tries to control the actions of those around him and gets very distressed when things dont run smoothly, as well as having strong feelings about improving efficiency. high te people make great managers. kevin’s whole story arc is about breaking old habits, which is a very si problem. it has to do with trusting and craving memory and familiarity, and explains kevins need for endless repetition. he’s innovative, though, coming up with new strategies and drills (ne), it’s just based on what’s already familiar, and you can see him spiral into creating all possible worst-case scenarios when he’s stressed (low ne stress reaction, they like to be prepared). finally, he’s a dick, but he cares about other people and wants to improve their lives, as well as being very reliant on other people’s perceptions of him to define his own self-image (low fe)
dan: esfj (fe si ne ti)
dan’s top priority, over everything else, is her team. she wants her team to improve, she wants her team to win, she wants her team to work together. it’s all about the collective. we also see that she’s very open with others and makes a lot of effort to both make new ties and maintain old ones, that’s high fe. she’s sentimental and attached to the past too (si)  esp the photo wall, but we also see her very unwilling to let go of the past ie the monsters but eventually willing to change and grow to mend team cohesion (ne). we also see the fight in underlying logic (low ti) with her: she knows the team needs the monsters to cooperate but she cant figure out how to do it
matt: enfj (fe ni se ti)
so enfj’s experience infj hyper-empathy too, but to a slightly lesser extent (primary fe is more group cohesion, secondary fe is more understanding others), and through this we see matt’s easy-going open friendliness and ability to befriend even prickly little neil, because he has an extremely good sense of what other people are feeling and need, it also explains why he doesn’t hold a grudge against the cousins in the same way dan does, because he understands where they were coming from. se is associated with a general boisterousness for life, as it’s about experiencing the world around you, which explains matt’s happy-go-lucky disposition and puppydog behavior. the ti aspects mostly go into supporting fe/ni empathic senses
allison: entj (te ni se fi)
i mean, allison’s controlling, both in that she orders other people around and in that her physical being and space are very planned and organized (her clothes, her hair, her makeup, etc) but at the same time there isn’t much sentimentality to her, like how she doesn’t care when her car was destroyed. she easily replaces things because she cares about the object’s purpose, not its history and that all smacks of high te/ni. and i mean, the se definitely contributes to her love of designer things and killer looks, because she cares about the world immediately around her, and why live if not in luxury? and fi? is there any character more aggressively self-confident than allison reynolds?? going against her parents’ wishes for her takes a really strong, independent sense of self, but we also see the problems that can come from not worrying about other people, in how she starts fights and can be abrasive and catty
renee: infp (fi ne si te)
okay this one was really hard tbh. a list of other considerations: isfp, istp, and infj. it’s very easy to read renee as high fe because she’s kind, but i think it’s a mischaracteration of why she’s kind. it’s not because it comes naturally to her, it’s because it’s a conscious choice that makes her feel better about herself. high fi people often read as fe because they’re so comfortable with themselves and in tune with their own needs that they can then go and provide for others. i associate her religion with ne, because contemplation and acceptance of the divine later in life is a very metaphysical undertaking that undoubtedly requires a lot of abstract thought. renee’s storyline also revolves a lot around using things from her past and putting a conscious effort into leaving things from her past behind (how she still uses the skills she learned from her past in new ways ie sparring with andrew and protecting the upperclassmen v/s how she held on to her knives even when she knew it was detrimental to her moving on) this sounds like si. her protective instincts also feed into the te need for order, but it’s a looser leash than say andrew, as it’s lower on her function stack but still present
nicky: esfp (se fi te ni)
godd nicky is like a prototypical esfp. i mean nicholas “sex, drugs, and parties” hemmick cant be anything but se dominant. nicky is all about living it up and living in the moment. like he’s sporadic and ive seen it lead people to think he could be enfp but he doesn’t think enough about the meaning of things to be ne dominant (like how he makes somewhat predatory jokes and such, he’s all about the here-and-now while ne is about the past and future simultaneously). also he of all characters has incredibly prominent fi, as his whole character is about living unashamedly as himself as a gay man and the immense self-awareness and inner strength it takes not only to come out to unaccepting parents but also to leave and start a new life when they rejected him. however, fi is also indicative of his communication problems with his family, as he’s unable to tell that the cousins are fundamentally different from him in their needs and boundaries, leading him to pushing them, making them uncomfortable, and being unable to help them, because he’s unable to understand them. the rest are much more hidden, but a party boy shopaholic like nicky would probably need some amount of te order in like an organized chaos fashion (and he’s often headcanoned as liking to throw parties) and you do see him become somewhat pushy, even controlling in those scenarios. ni is the hardest but could maybe be seen in how he’s attuned to the cousins reactions for all that he cant predict them/doesn’t do anything on his own part to prevent them (the way he handles andrew is like if someone poked a rattlesnake knowing damn well what it would do and then freaked out when he got bit)
aaron: istj (si te fi ne)
im a little iffy on this one and worry it might be an analysis based on his trauma instead of complimentary to it, but aaron’s arc is about breaking out of his habit of holding on to the past. he refuses to work towards moving on from his mother’s death, refuses to listen to things that contradict his preconceived notions, and refuses to make changes in his life that could improve it. that’s unhealthy si. he’s really a very unhealthy istj, and most of his traits manifest through his unhappiness with his life. take his te. that would imply that he needs control over his surroundings, but aaron is incredibly bitter and unhappy BECAUSE he doesn’t have control of his surroundings. he doesn’t get to make his own choices, he doesn’t get to control his space, and he hates it. his relationship with katelyn is also indicative of being an istj. it’s stable, not a passionate fling, but aaron is mocked for wanting that white picket fence, married with kids in the suburbs kind of life, and his relationship, which is his primary source of happiness, is built on stability, which is a very si thing to do. in terms of fi, it is aaron that ultimately forces change between himself and andrew. he may have been pushed but he ultimately came down to him knowing what made him happy and what made him miserable and acting on that. also, he’s an ornery asshole who clearly doesn’t care what other people think of him. fi. i dont really have anything to say in terms of ne, probably because he’s so unhealthy but also because he’s not too explored. heyy istj’s make great doctors
wymack: isfj (si fe ti ne)
okay this one was genuinely the hardest to decide on but ultimately i came to the conclusion that wymack, much like renee, is such a developed person that he loses many defining traits of the functions, and can be read in many different ways. so: wymack’s primary goal is the safety and betterment of other people (ie his team). he wants to help people overcome their pasts, which is a very atypical approach to si, but is si nonetheless. on a personal level, too, he’s never able to move on from people, and specifically never moved on from kayleigh,  continuing their shared dream of an exy team for abused kids long after her death. as ive said before, fe in a secondary position is about deep understanding of other people, and wymack’s ability to understand what other people are struggling through is legendary. the ti mostly serves as support to the fe, serving as the analytical backup in allowing him to understand others. as for ne: he is most definitely an innovator with unusual ideas, or the foxes wouldn’t exist
riko: estp (se ti fe ni)
riko is basically what happens when an estp goes bad down to the core. he’s obsessed with personal glory and immediate self-fulfillment (se) he has no impulse control or fear of consequences. interestingly, high se is often associated with athleticism, because high se people are intensly focused on their surroundings (exy). his ti is also super unhealthy as he gets obsessed with ideas that dont really work with objective reality, like his obsession with ownership and power dynamics despite them not actually being efficient, even backwards. the tertiary fe he uses to manipulate. he doesn’t empathize with others, but he can tell their emotional state and what’s important to them, and uses it to coerce them and destroy their sense of self, like how he knew he could get neil to the nest by threatening andrew. EDIT: /additionally, fe people especially in the lower half of the function stack tend to derive their sense of self from the perceptions of others around them, which riko very much shows in how he needs to be acknowledged as the best and won’t allow any competition for his title, as well as his desperation for acknowledgement from his family/. finally, that ni allowed him to keep multiple plans in place focused on one ultimate goal: getting kevin back. the sheer amount of schemes he sets up in order to fool and push people the way he wants is honestly kinda impressive, but he’s a toxic shithead and im glad he’s rotting. definitely not representative of all estp’s
this is honestly SO funny to read back a few years later bc HOOOOO boy was i way too into this stuff. and this was written a couple years after my Peak MBTI Obsession, which was honestly scary
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v-poreons · 3 years
kova's backstory is so sad, like I knew it was sad but reading that still :((( anyways more kova lore bc I'm invested
I can talk about the campaign he was in then! :))
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I'm so mad Tumblr deleted everything I wrote hold on while I try to fix this
Basically what I said before was so fucking long I simply can't rewrite it in as comprehensive a way i did before so this is gonna be a lot shorter I'm PISSED.
I don't remember everything that happened in the campaign because it was four years ago but the party was me as Kova, Asher (Wood Elf Ranger), Lan (Changeling ((in the form of a High Elf)) Fighter), Mislia (Tiefling Sorcerer), and Savory (Tiefling Monk, we had an inside joke that Kova spells her name Savoury).
We were on a job delivering some stuff from one town to another I believe when we were attacked by some goblins who we beat the absolute shit out of. Lan was checking one of the goblins when she found a ring with an eye symbol engraved on it. She put it on and it latched itself to her finger and shot a beam of light into the woods, presumably for us to follow. We hid our wagon and set up camp in a cave for the night. I don't remember who was on watch but we were ambushed by some Dark Elves who took us to the Underdark to their queen who welcomed us and decided to throw a party in our honor.
We were all varying degrees of intoxicated but Kova, who was nursing his first cup of ale since he hates drinking since it inhibits his reasoning skills and he was a little wary of the whole thing. Lan also was suspicious so the two chatted for a bit and planned to do some investigating together later. When we had been escorted to our rooms we found out that we had been magically locked in so we found a way to bypass the spell and sneaked out with the rest of the party, but we were caught and taken into the throne room where the queen revealed she had led us here for a reason. She activated a big rune on the floor and we all blacked out. Then when we woke up our skin was translucent and you could see our skeletons under our skin because plot twist we were dead and had been sent to the underworld (the reveal slapped so hard david if ur seeing this u popped off so hard)
We ended up having to do like a gladiator type match where Kova and Lan created the legendary knife cube combo (Kova casts cloud of daggers Lan throws enemies into the cube and theyre promptly turned into bad guy soup). We won and were brought before Hades and Persephone (Kova and Savory charmed her because they're both nice :) ) and then we were thrown in prison because Hades had a stick up his ass.
We met Brutus and Milquetoast in jail and decided to do a prison break I'm not sure exactly how it went but it involved the warden and a prison riot and Lan killed the warden and was inexplicably drawn to this dark spooky hallway which supposedly held Thanatos but when she reached the end of the corridor all that was there were empty chains.
We had a sick ass chariot race with Hades and Lan flipped him the bird as we escaped down a big cavernous hole in the ground. We woke up at the bottom and learned if we wanted out we each had to go through trials to judge our characters.
I don't remember the exact order we went in but Mislia's was a fight with their ex wife and ended with them choosing Savory's life over the ex, Savory's took place in her old monastery which she had been banned from, Asher's was a puzzle that ended in a fight with his former friend and leader (who happened to be his player's other character from a different campaign remember this it's important), and Lan's (which was the last trial and also the last session since we unfortunately didn't finish the campaign) took place in her childhood hometown but everyone but her had lost their memories and she had to convince us all to come with her and get our memories back.
Kova's was a quiz show type trial during which we would gain or lose things (body parts, knowledge/memories, items, etc.) The trouble with playing a character who's smarter than you is when ur DM asks you what the components are to an X level Wizard spell (something Kova would probably know but I sure as hell didn't) you end up spinning the bad wheel (a la taz suffering game) and losing Kova's harmonica which was a gift from his dead friends dead daughter. Also it got turned to ash :)
The game show host ended up being Medusa and we killed the hell out of her and Lan and Kova struck the final blows.
I ended up asking the DM what the campaign would have gone like from the last session and he said the twist would have been that Brutus was Thanatos and I don't remember how but he could not longer continue being Thanatos so Lan, who had the ring, would be given the choice to become the new god of death or not.
From there we have two endings:
The 'canon' ending, in which Lan accepts her role and remains in the underworld while the rest of the living party members return to their lives. Kova is alone and lonely returning to his travels but has healed somewhat and learns to accept people into his heart again.
In the ending where Lan refuses, the party returns to the living world and parts ways. Lan and Kova reluctantly separate since Kova wishes to keep traveling and seeing the world but Lan is exhausted by everything that has happened in her life up until this point and just wants to settle down. The two visit from time to time but reminisce on their past and wonder how they could have remained close and developed their relationship (art in the video is drawn by Lan's player lil.bunny.prince on Instagram)
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In both endings (and here's where you remember that importance regarding Asher's trial), because the story has established that it takes place in the same world as another campaign, Kova meets
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Gwyn, and becomes a father figure to her and essentially adopts her. They're perfect for each other. Gwyn was cast from her clan and disowned by her family, and now she finally has a solid adult figure in her life who loves and accepts her and helps her overcome her fears of rejection and accidentally hurting the people she cares about. Kova has lost so much and with Gwyn he is able to raise her like he would have helped raise Iris and learns to overcome his survivors guilt and both of their scars and trauma heal together I love them so much.
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Kova does outlive Gwyn by a couple hundred years (damn dnd lifespans) and whichever direction his life goes his endings are always bittersweet but he is able to heal despite always feeling a little sad and when he gets older he settles in a nice town and owns a library. And obviously his canon storyline isn't sad enough so I have aus for that (villain au my beloved). ❤
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imagine-lcorp · 5 years
Next to You (One Shot)
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1)Hey, I really love ur imagines❤ Can u do one for me plz? R is Lena's girlfriend. Maybe something like: Reign attacks Lena, and reader saves her but still got injured. Some fluff after that))
2)Hi! Can you write where somebody attacks Lena and reader without superpowers protects her and get injured. After that Lena is taking care of her girlfriend
A/N: Hello my beautiful beans, I’m here once again finally bringing you the LAST REQUEST on my long and overdue list of requestssss, I’m so happy i’ve been able to finish this and so glad because request will be open again, and i hope that you send some and trust me with your ideas although I might need over a year to finish them, but either way this has been fun and yes I’ll keep doing it. So thanks to the anons that sent their requests, i tried to fusion this two in my own take of that scene on season 3, you know which one, so i hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think! As always, I love y’all!!
Lena Luthor x Fem!R//Word Count: 1,471
"Wow, and I thought I had a good view from CatCo." You said as you approached Lena, wrapping your arms around her and taking in the sights from her window.
You had wished to stay a bit longer in bed with her, joining that peace for a moment longer. But the day was just about to start and you tried to seize every second you had with her before doing the things that had to be done and solved if you wanted to keep the city as it was. It certainly made you feel strange, how the world could end at any moment and yet you would have let it happen if it meant spending another moment with Lena in your arms.
"I like waking up next to you." Lena turned around and looked at you, moving her arms to wrap herself around your neck, and if Lena could have read your thoughts she would have agreed.
"Waking up by your side every morning is like my wildest dream."
"So you dream about me, uh." A little smirk appeared on the corner of her lips.
"Every night." You would have been lying if you had said otherwise and Lena smiled fully at your answer. "Serious talk, tho. Haven't you thought about getting your own place?"
"When I first moved to National City I didn't know if I was gonna stay. Lex was in prison, the company was in shambles. I didn't know if I was gonna put down roots, settle down... In case the city rejected me." She moved her arms hesitantly around your neck and started to fidget with the collar of your shirt.  
Lena looked down for a moment and you took her hands in yours, placing them on your chest. You could sense her nervousness. It wasn't the first time you had seen her like this while trying to talk to her about the subject. Even after all these years living in National City, and even with all the friends she had made since, she felt out of place.
"Well, it's been two years, and you have done so much for the city. I think it's safe to say you could sign your own lease."
"Even with Supergirl thinking the worst of me?"
"She'll have to get over it someday. She can't stay mad at you." You assured her.
"You think so?"
"She really can not. After all you told me last night, there's no way she won't change her mind. What you did, it was to help a friend. I'm sure she can understand that."
"What about the Kryptonite? Do you think she will come around that too?"
"That too. I mean, there's a reason why you needed it and it's not like you were using it to deliberately hurt her. Give it time." You finished softly.
Lena had unfolded all the truth of her complicated life last night to you, not wanting to hold more secrets. After what had happened, discovering that Sam was a Worldkiller, sending Ruby away, and being discovered by Supergirl, it was all building up inside of her. She had hesitated a moment before letting you know all those things but you didn't stop to question her reasons until she was done telling you.
She had feared your reaction but you didn't run away or accused her of any of the possible crimes any other would have claimed against you. Instead you listened, tried your best to understand the situation, never doubting Lena's intentions, and she loved you because of it.
"How do you always know what to say?" She couldn't stop looking at you with adoration.
"Maybe that's my superpower."
"I'm really glad I can tell you my secrets now."
"You always can." You saw her smile.
You had wished to stay a bit longer like this, looking into her beautiful eyes and letting everything else around you fade, but the day had just started and you were far from solving the end of the world. Proof of it was the sudden blast of broken glass that followed a moment later. You barely had time to react and protect Lena from the shards of glass flying into your direction.
"Where's the child?" Reign screamed after bursting into the room.
"Lena! Get do-!" You pushed Lena out of Reign's reach but got caught in the middle.
"You wouldn't happen to know where she is, would you?" Reign held you by the neck in a swift movement. Her hand closing around it until your lungs were out of air. However, she had no intention to keep playing with you. You weren't the person she was looking for and had no problem getting you out of her way.
"Where is Ruby Arias?" She screamed again, tossing you across the room. You hit the opposite wall and collapsed like a rag doll,  except you doubted a rag doll would have felt her bones break.    
Lena came rushing in a second, kryptonite sprayer in hand, ready to face Reign. "You will never find her."  
Surprised by Lena's attack Reign inhaled the kryptonite and had no other choice but to fly away before it caused her more damage.
It wasn't everyday you got to see a supervillian run away like a sprayed kitten so you let out a chuckle that unfortunately made your ribs hurt like hell.
"(Y/N)!" Lena dropped the spray and ran towards you. "You are gonna be okay, darling, help is coming."
You nodded slowly at her, trying not to move and concentrating on her words. The pain was becoming more and more evident with each passing minute. You hand't fully realized how bad your injuries were until Reign was gone but you still thanked the skies above you were still alive.  
A DEO team reached the apartment soon after and you were taken to the their medical bay as fast as it was possible to be attended. Lena had to stay behind, explaining J'onn and Supergirl what had happened, but you assured her you were going to be fine.
You ended up with a couple of broken ribs, a slight concussion, and Lena staying at your own apartment most nights. She had wanted to make sure you were following the doctor's orders and offered herself to help you at home. She would come after work to help you prepare dinner or help you out with some chores that you couldn't do by yourself, or that she would deem to hurtful in your current condition.
A few mornings were spent around the kitchen, a couple of late evenings trying to decide which movie to watch, and a few others with her reminding you to take your medicine as you both worked beside each other, still trying to find a solution to the Reign problem.
Somehow you knew it was an excuse for her to keep an eye on you and a form of apology for what Lena considered had been her fault but you were glad to have her around. It had been your wildest dream, after all, and Lena also seemed to have surprised herself. Domestic life wasn't something she thought could suit her but as she spent time with you she got used to your presence and the little routine you had managed to create.
"You're doing much better, it seems like you won't need me around anymore." She said one afternoon after you finished your lunch.
"Actually, Lena, I was hoping, uh, you may like to...stay with me?" You said a bit hesitant.
Lena looked at you across the table, not completely sure about what you were asking. "Are you suggesting I move in with you?"
"I know this isn't a five star hotel and it's far from being a mansion like the one where you grew up but," you took a deep breath before continuing, feeling a knot of nervousness in your stomach, "it would make me really happy if you decided to stay around more than often. Maybe for breakfast, and lunch, and dinner. You could take the right side of my closet and of my bed, or the left side, which ever you prefer. We could binge watch every episode of Friends until we fall asleep on the couch and, best of all, I could wake up by your side every morning."
Lena was staring at you and you knew by her surprised expression she hadn't expected something like this. You rambled without pause, worrying that if you stopped you wouldn't get it out or mess it all up. Then you took a deep breath and felt your cheeks burn up.
"You don't have to decide right now, just think about it." You finished.
A moment passed before she answered with the biggest smile you had seen in her."(Y/N). I really like waking up next to you too."
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edorazzi · 5 years
some thoughts on the Felix Thing™:
(as a warning ahead of time, i am going to be very rude about astruc. i don’t talk about him on this blog any more if i can help it because i’m just not interested in inviting that kind of drama, but i can’t really discuss my thoughts about the felix situation without being transparent in this area too. i also apologise to anyone on mobile because i’m pretty sure read-mores still open on the dash there and this is a CHUNK of messy writing)
- all we know currently is that It’s Happening, but without more than a brief plot synopsis it’s impossible to tell any more. where on earth did this come from? whose idea was it? the Who’s Responsible question is really baffling me.
- option 1: it was astruc’s call. he’s notoriously petty when it comes to the fandom and known for putting little things into episodes which purposely degrade characters/ships and undo development from other writers (e.g. admitting to adding the final scene of Despair Bear in which chloé totally rejects all her positive character development because she ‘just can’t stand being nice’). this considered, i absolutely would not put it past him to introduce felix to the cast with the sole purpose of framing him as an irredeemable villain, just because he still hasn’t gotten over the PV fandom existing.
- however, lots of people have been pointing out that astruc specifically said felix would never be in the show. that was literally the one thing he held over the heads of PV fans - that no matter how much we enjoyed the old project, it was over and done with and we’d never be seeing its characters among the canon cast. he was intensely smug about it. adding felix to the show completely scuppers this stance, so why would he choose to do it? has he decided the satisfaction of tearing him apart in canon is greater? has he finally completely lost it? i’m not sure.
- then we come to option 2: it’s zag’s call. this is what i hope. we know zag is fond of the PV (and likely had a big hand in creating it) and eager to appeal to fans, so i’d definitely believe he would pick up on felix’s long-lasting popularity and jump on the idea of adding him to the show as one of adrien’s relatives. VLD did it with sven as a little shout-out to old fans and it was great! we’ve also already had a little PV easter egg in the form of a dvd in alya’s home, which did make me hopeful that the show was open to referencing it more than once. maybe this is that hope fulfilled in an amazing way! maybe!!!
- a good chunk of me is still deeply suspicious of felix getting into the cast because i’m sure astruc would have had to give the OK (and why would he have agreed to it unless he’s got something unpleasant in mind?), but i remember how much of an obvious fight he put up against chloé getting a miraculous and joining the team, even flat-out stating at one point that she wouldn’t have one, and that still happened. this tempts me towards thinking that if zag really wants something for the show then astruc can’t do much to stop it, and that might be the case with felix, if we’re lucky.
- i really want to know who the writers are for this episode, too. zag and his team are most frequently found in the credits of Adrien Episodes (which it sounds like this is going to be, given felix is a relative), which tend to be the episodes that contain actual character-building, plot progression and give the stagnant show formula a little shake. astruc’s usual episodes are just 20 minutes of marinette with a few backup characters as cardboard cutouts/praise machines. it’s conceivable he’d want to be lead writer just to do as much damage to felix as possible if he has to appear, but he might just duck out of the episode altogether as he’s prone to doing whenever it has to be about adrien. that would be a blessing.
- at any rate, i just generally think it’s really goddamn unfair that we have to be so suspicious about this. if this is supposed to be a nice shout-out to a long-lasting group of fans then it’s unfair that we have to wait months completely uncertain of whether we’re being blessed or made fun of, just because astruc has been such a goddamn tool about this topic for literally years. his reputation is so sour by now that we automatically assume he’s out to get us when this could be intended as something amazing - like fuck, man. that’s sad.
- ANYWAY. in terms of the actual episode itself, i’m excited for it either way. we’re going to see felix! he’s going to have a character model and a voice and a place in the canon universe! even if astruc does his absolute best to rip his character to shreds he can’t do worse than lila and chloé, and even they have their groups of fans because their insecurities are clear and sometimes they’re just so awful it’s funny. i’d gladly accept felix as my little brat cat, if only to piss astruc off by actually enjoying what’s put out as the New Established Canon.
- however, if it IS a better writer handling it (help me mr zag ur my only ho), i want to have faith they’ll draw more from felix’s source material as someone who’s completely socially maladjusted - maybe gabriel is actually the softer side of the family? - and needs adrien to drag him out of his shell. i gather from the synopsis that he’ll manage to piss off alya, rose and juleka, but just because that sounds like a villainous thing to do doesn’t mean felix himself will be a villain (i mean i’m sure he will if astruc has anything to do with it, but just looking from all possible angles--). marinette’s pissed people off to the point of akumatization before and she’s our resident in-house angel!
- i also have to consider wayhem in Gorizilla - this episode was clearly written in two halves, and he was set up by astruc to, essentially, illustrate why marinette’s “stalker tendencies” were completely fine because adrien’s other fans could get so much worse. in the latter half of the episode wayhem is redeemed extremely effectively and actually ends up better than marinette (if you’re making it a contest) in understanding why his approach made adrien uncomfortable and having the confidence to apologise. he was a character set up for failure who got saved at the last minute when (it seems) another writer took the reins, so maybe there’s hope in that for felix too.
- anyway, above all, i checked the notes of my previous post and the amount of people reacting with “OH MY GOD!!!” or “AAAAAH!!!!” and various other happy things made me realise just how much of a positive effect this episode could have on the fandom if it’s done right. it’s not (entirely) about felix as a character - it’s about our little corner of fandom being recognised and taken seriously, and the confirmation that, after all this time, we were right not to let astruc bully us out of enjoying something we love.
- if it does turn out to be a whole episode making fun of PV fans, however, that crosses the line of absolutely unforgivable. astruc will have straight-up nuked any popularity he has left among fans. i don’t want to believe that’s the case, but i will be staying appropriately wary for as long as it takes to get some confirmation on what this episode is intended to be.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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mdelpin · 5 years
To Kill A Dragon - Chapter 5
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Previous: Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Next: Ch 6
Chapter 5: Be Careful What You Wish For
Gray Fullbuster sat by himself at the bar in the Fairy Tail Guild. It had been three days since his teammates had left for the Magic Library and he'd been left behind to wait for an offensive that had yet to materialize.
Gray had spent each day the same way, arriving at the guild hall the moment it opened its doors in the morning and staying until it closed at night. He wanted to be able to go the second they got a lead on Natsu's whereabouts. But as the hours crawled by with no news, his mood got progressively worse, covering him in a dark aura that alerted everyone to give him a wide berth.
Despite what Makarov had told him, Gray couldn't keep his mind from imagining what could be happening to his friend, and his fists once again clenched in rage at his impotence.
So he practiced his magic, hoping to keep himself distracted. Focusing his considerable will on making his creations as detailed as possible, Gray formed object after object, anything he could think of, save the one person he wanted to see the most.
Happy chose that moment to fly into the guild. The Exceed looked around and immediately headed to where the ice mage was sitting. He sat on the counter and watched Gray mold for a while before saying anything.
"Do you think he's okay?" Happy asked, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. The usually cheerful Exceed sounded much younger than his six years, waking Gray up to the fact that he wasn't the only one who felt terrible about Natsu's disappearance. They'd gotten so wrapped up in their plans to locate Natsu they'd all forgotten about the young Exceed.
Natsu and Happy were inseparable, yet Gray never once stopped to consider the guilt Happy must be feeling at not being there when Natsu was taken. He studied Happy, trying to think of something to say that would sound reassuring but coming up empty.
He started to plaster a fake smile on his face but thought better of it.
"I really hope so," Gray offered the Exceed a small smile and was rewarded with a weepy hug. He held Happy against him, patting his back and petting his soft blue fur gently, letting him get all his tears out.
He decided he'd step up and take care of Happy until Natsu returned. At the very least it would give him something else to focus on. Once Happy let go of him he suggested, "Would you like to stay with me until Natsu comes back?"
"Are you sure you want me to?" Happy looked at him hopefully, and when Gray nodded, he considered for a brief moment before agreeing, "Okay, but just until Natsu comes back."
They sat in companionable silence after that and Gray went back to molding, making sure to make some fish for Happy.
"What is that noise?" Gajeel asked irritably. The dragon slayers were all looking around the guild hall trying to pinpoint the source of the repetitive tapping they heard. No one else seemed to be aware of it. The more Gajeel focused on it, the more it sounded like it was coming from outside.
He got up to investigate, with Rogue following behind him. Gajeel opened the door, and something immediately flew inside. It looked like some kind of bird, but it was made entirely out of ice. It must have been tapping at the door with its beak trying to get inside.
The room immediately roared to life. Everyone ready for some excitement after the gloominess of the last few days. They followed the new visitor with interest wondering what it was doing there. After several sweeps of the large room, it finally stopped on the bar where Gray and Happy were sitting.
Gray hadn't noticed any of the commotions as he was once again deep in thought. He jolted when he felt a sharp pain in his hand.
"What the hell!" He snapped, furiously searching for the source of the pain. He looked down and saw a bird made out of ice pecking at his hand.
Gray stared at it in confusion, wondering if he'd somehow managed to use Active Make magic. Once the bird had Gray's attention, it dissolved, leaving a small piece of paper covered in writing on the counter. Gray looked at the paper with trepidation, it could only come from one person. He picked it up warily and read it.
Gray, Come to Lamia Scale right away. Come alone. Lyon
Why would Lyon want him to come to Lamia Scale, and why did he need to go alone? Sure, they'd made some strides in rebuilding their friendship since Galuna Island, but they weren't what anyone would call friends, at least, not yet.
The few times they'd interacted since his return from Tenrou Island had been awkward, and now there was a seven-year age difference to deal with. Then again, it was still better than sitting around doing nothing, and Margaret Town wasn't that far away.
He could take a communications lacrima with him, and they could get in touch with him if anything happened. Gray made up his mind and went to look for the Fairy Tail Master.
He knocked on the door of the Master's office and let himself in. He showed him the slip of paper he'd received from the bird.
"I need to go to Lamia Scale, Lyon needs to talk to me about something."
"Don't you think that's a bit unusual?" Makarov frowned as he looked at the note, "How did you get this?"
"Ice carrier pigeon," Gray grinned, both amused and proud at Lyon's cleverness.
"It still feels like a trap," Makarov pointed out, "Why would you need to go alone?"
"I don't know, but I'm not a dragon slayer, I doubt they'd have any interest in me."
"You're Natsu's teammate. You don't think they'd try to use you against him?"
"They have a shapeshifter in their ranks, Gramps, I doubt they'd need to take me," Gray shuddered as that was skirting dangerously close to the thoughts he'd been trying to suppress earlier.
"You know Lyon best, do you trust him?"
"I do, ever since we returned he seems more interested in being a mentor than anything else. I'll take a communication lacrima with me, and Happy can come. He can fly me out of any danger."
Makarov thought about it and decided to give his blessing. He knew Gray had been going mad sitting around. Having a distraction might be useful for him, it would undoubtedly be good for Happy. He watched them leave for the train station and hoped he wasn't making a mistake.
Gray and Happy walked into the Lamia Scale guild and looked around for Lyon. Even though Gray had only visited a few times before, he was sure it had never been this quiet. He wondered if something had happened to one of their mages.
Gray saw no sign of Lyon, but he recognized Jura Neekis and headed over to talk to him.
"Gray, I'm getting an awful feeling," Happy confided as he flew next to him.
"I know Happy, me too."
"Hey, Jura. Have you seen Lyon?" Gray asked nervously, "He sent me a message to come. Is everything okay?"
"Greetings, Gray Fullbuster," Jura smiled at him warmly and answered his unspoken question, "Lyon is fine, he's tending to our guest. I'll have Sherry get him for you."
Jura motioned Sherry to get Lyon, and she disappeared into a room Gray hadn't noticed on his other visits.
"Guest? Did something happen?" Gray immediately caught the way Jura had said the word guest. It fed into his feeling that something was off. He didn't know why, but the second he'd walked through the doors of the guild he'd been filled with a sense of foreboding.
Jura gazed at him wondering how much to tell him, but he was saved from answering by Lyon walking towards them.
"I thought I told you to come alone," Lyon snapped at Gray, his complexion becoming pale when he saw the Exceed standing next to his foster brother.
"I did," Gray protested as he looked his brother over with some concern. Lyon was covered in bandages, his skin appeared red and swollen. He looked like someone who had suffered burns recently, something rather unusual for an ice mage.
"What happened to you, Lyon?"
Lyon ignored his question and turned to Jura.
"Jura, do you think you could take Happy to get some fish, he looks hungry. Maybe give him a tour of the guild, too."
Jura nodded in understanding and motioned for Happy to follow him. Happy hovered unsurely, waiting for a sign from Gray before following Jura.
"I swear you're hopeless. Of all the guildmates you could've brought..." Lyon muttered. He took a deep breath and said with a jittery voice, "Let's get a drink."
Gray followed Lyon worriedly. He didn't know what he was expecting when he received the note, but this was definitely not it. They ordered drinks from the bar and Lyon grabbed a bottle and took it with them.
They walked towards the back of the guild and sat at a table that afforded them privacy. Lyon downed his drink and refilled it. He looked at Gray expectantly, bottle in hand as he waited for him to do the same.
"Can you please just tell me what the hell this is about?" Gray pleaded, his anxiety growing by the second. "You look like you're getting ready to tell me my best friend died."
Gray had meant the words as a joke, but instead of laughing or even scoffing, Lyon flinched.
Lyon rubbed the back of his neck slowly, he really wished that none of this had fallen into his lap. He knew how hard it was for Gray to let people get close to him.
Ever since Ur had died, Gray had closed himself off from everyone, and Lyon knew he was to blame for a lot of that. He'd rejected Gray when he'd needed him the most and sent him away, accusing him of killing their foster mother.
It had taken Galuna island for him to realize how selfish he'd been and he'd been trying to make amends ever since, but he knew they still had a long way to go to mend what had been broken.
Gray was stubborn, and he hoarded guilt like a treasure. Lyon didn't think being the bearer of this particular news was going to help. His brother already looked like he'd been put through the wringer, but Lyon knew he couldn't protect him from this.
"We were returning from our mission yesterday afternoon when we first noticed it." Lyon began, surprised by how calm his voice sounded, considering he felt anything but. "There was a cloud of black smoke, so large we could see it from the train. One of the old buildings near the river had caught on fire, it happens from time to time."
"The building itself looked like it had been abandoned for quite a while, but you know how these things are." Gray nodded in understanding, Magnolia was much the same. The buildings were all built on top of each other so fires had to be dealt with quickly or the entire town could be destroyed.
Magnolia, however, had something Margaret Town did not. They had a crazy fire dragon slayer who loved nothing more than to eat as much fire as he could. Gray's heart ached, he could see Natsu so clearly in his mind, and it irked him to not know where he was or how he was doing. Gray could feel Lyon's worried gaze on him, and he met it, prompting him to continue.
"Unfortunately, by the time we got there, the fire had already begun to spread. People were screaming and running to the river with buckets to try to put out the fire, but it wasn't enough."
Lyon paused to finish his current drink and pour himself another. He studied Gray, seeing the confusion and worry on his face. With a sigh, he pressed on.
"That's when we heard the screams coming from inside the building. I rushed in, trying to rescue the people that were trapped." Lyon looked down at his arms, not able to hold Gray's gaze for what was coming.
"I froze everything I could, but it was scorching hot, and my ice wasn't holding up as well as I'd hoped. There was so much smoke, I could barely see where I was going."
"I tried to save them, but I was too late. All I found were charred remains," Lyon bowed his head in shame, "I wasn't able to help any of them."
Gray grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently, being mindful of his injuries but still trying to offer him some comfort. It made Lyon feel ten times worse. He didn't deserve Gray's sympathy, not when he would be the one to hurt him once again. He just wanted to get through this, but the worst was still to come.
"I continued to explore the building, hoping I could help someone, and that's when I saw her," Lyon tried to think of how to describe the woman he'd seen, but no words came to mind that could explain the vast magic power he'd sensed from her or the aura of evil she'd exuded.
"In the middle of that blazing inferno, there was a woman. I rushed to get to her, but she wasn't the least bit concerned. All of her attention was focused on a magic sealing stone. She screeched in what might have been another language, and shot rays of light from her hands into it."
Lyon closed his eyes, trying to free himself from the fear that still gripped him when he thought of his experience. When he opened them again, he saw Gray watching him with concern, but also dread.
"Her power was like nothing I'd ever felt before, even Jura couldn't compare. Next thing I knew, I was filled with this paralyzing fear, and there was no doubt in my mind. She was evil. I couldn't think, or move while in her presence, I was literally frozen."
She stared through me like I was no more than an insect and started talking in this amplified voice.
Take care of him for me, won't you? I have some things I need to take care of but do tell him I'll be back for him and for what is mine.
Then she walked right through the flames like they weren't even there." Lyon shuddered as he remembered the encounter.
"Who was in the stone, Lyon?" Gray demanded, even though he had a pretty good idea.
"I think you already know."
"Where is he?" Gray shouted at his brother as he stood up and looked around the guild.
"Not yet, Gray," Lyon tried to remain calm in the face of Gray's anger.
"Where is he, Lyon?" Gray yelled even louder. How could he be so stupid? He should've realized who this was about the second Lyon reacted badly to Happy's presence.
"NATSU? Where are you?"
Gray started running towards the door he'd seen Lyon come out of earlier.
Happy flew towards him, "Natsu's here?" he asked , his eyes shining with a hope that tore at Gray's heart.
Gray ignored him and kept heading towards the door. He had to see Natsu, had to know he was alive. Happy flew after him continuing to ask questions. Yuka and Toby came out of the room and stood in front of the door. Their message clear. No one was going inside that room until Lyon said so.
"He can't answer you right now, Gray. Please let me finish."
"You don't understand, I need to see him. It's my fault he was taken."
"I highly doubt that. I promise I'll let you see Natsu once I'm done."
Gray glared at his brother furiously, but he could see in Lyon's eyes that he wasn't going to budge until he'd had his say. He grudgingly allowed himself to be led back to the table. Happy followed, looking confused and forlorn and Gray wrapped his arms around the Exceed, not sure which one of them he was trying to reassure.
"I entered the stone to see who was in there and I barely recognized him. If it hadn't been for his hair, I doubt I would have. Natsu was lying unconscious on the floor, his body covered in blood, and his arms and legs bound with magic sealing cuffs. I could barely feel his pulse." Lyon shivered as he remembered the state he'd found Natsu in, it had shocked him.
Lyon looked at Gray with compassion, he hated to do to his brother, but he needed to prepare him for what he was about to see. He let his words sink in before finishing the worst of it.
"He was tortured, and our healer thinks he was raped as well. He's lost a lot of blood, and she believes his magic was drained out of him. She's done all she can for him, but Natsu is still in horrible shape, and he hasn't woken up yet."
Gray looked at Lyon listlessly, his worst fears confirmed. Happy sobbed in his arms.
"He's going to be okay, isn't he?" Happy sniffled.
Gray didn't have an answer for the Exceed, he felt ready to vomit. His overwhelming guilt instantly curdled the contents of his stomach, but he tried to comfort Happy as best he could, holding him against his chest tightly and resting his head on the small Exceed's.
Lyon took one look at his brother's face and said, "Stop it, Gray. There is no way any of this is your fault. I don't know how Natsu ended up in this situation, but I do know there is no way you could've gone up against this woman."
He sighed, deciding he couldn't postpone it any longer, it was time for him to take Gray and Happy to Natsu. He hoped he'd prepared him enough.
"There is more I need to tell you, but I think it can wait until after you've seen him. Come on."
Lyon led the way to the door that Yuka and Toby were guarding which turned out to be the infirmary. They stepped aside and allowed the three of them to enter the room.
Gray gasped, covering his mouth with his hand when he observed Natsu lying on the bed. Happy started sobbing again, and Gray instantly regretted bringing him. Natsu looked so frail. They'd washed him up, so he was no longer covered in blood but in some ways that was even worse.
The healer was in the process of changing his bandages, so the blanket only covered his legs up to his waist leaving his chest exposed. It was covered in angry welts, cuts, and bruises that made it seem like his skin color was purple. It also allowed him to see that Natsu's breathing was very shallow.
The parts of him that weren't injured were so pale that Gray looked tanned next to him. Even covered in bruises Natsu's face looked oddly peaceful and Gray reached out his hand to run his fingers through Natsu's pink hair just to reassure himself that his friend was really there. The healer started telling him all of Natsu's injuries, but she gave up when she saw he wasn't listening.
Happy asked her if it was okay for him to sit on the bed with his friend and she assured him it was fine. When she was finished, she left them alone. Gray sat on a chair and placed Natsu's hand in his. He removed the communications lacrima from his pants pocket and called Makarov as Lyon looked at him worriedly.
"Lyon found Natsu," Gray muttered into the device and then handed it to his brother, unable to continue the conversation with his guild master.
"Gray?" Makarov's voice could be heard coming from the lacrima.
"Master Makarov, this is Lyon Vastia. Natsu is here at Lamia Scale. I found him yesterday afternoon."
"Is he okay? Why didn't you reach out to us earlier?"
"Natsu's in pretty bad shape. It looked like he'd been kept against his will, I thought it safer to keep his location secret until I could contact someone I trusted." Lyon could see Makarov nodding his agreement at his explanation, so he proceeded to give him a situation report.
"Our healer has done all she can, but we should probably make plans to move him to a better facility. Chelia might have been able to do better, but she's not scheduled to return for a few days. I know he suffers from motion sickness so I'm not sure what to do here."
"I should also probably come to you. There's a lot I need to tell you, and I'd rather do it in person," Lyon added, grasping at any excuse to be around his brother. He knew Gray would need as much support as Natsu to get over this.
"Is Gray okay?"
"Not really, it's quite a lot to take in, and it sounds like he holds himself responsible."
Makarov sighed. He'd been afraid of this.
"Lyon, I'm going to send Laxus and Wendy to Lamia Scale. They should be able to get there quickly. Hopefully, Wendy will be able to help heal him further. I'll contact the Magic Council to see if they'll lend me Doranbolt. He should be able to teleport Natsu back to Fairy Tail. Once he is moved, you can bring Gray back. I will contact you once the arrangements are made."
Lyon returned the lacrima to Gray who shoved it into his pocket without looking at it. Lyon continued his story in the infirmary since he understood Gray would not be leaving that chair any time soon.
"Sherry and Yuka were distraught when they saw Natsu's condition. They have great respect for him, and they wanted to help, so they went back into the building once the fire was extinguished."
Lyon wasn't sure Gray was listening, but he kept talking, hoping the sound of his voice got through and let him know Lyon was there for him.
"They found a room that had somehow remained intact. It contained a bunch of books and parchments which they collected and brought back here. I haven't looked at them much, but they seem to have information on dragons and summoning rituals. They might be helpful to figure out whatever you guys got yourselves into this time. They also found another magic sealing stone, but it was empty. Seriously, do you guys ever rest between crises?" Lyon tried to inject some levity to the situation, but it fell flat.
Gray didn't respond, and when the communication lacrima went off in his pocket a few minutes later, he handed it to Lyon without a word.
"Lyon, Laxus and Wendy should be there shortly. The Magic Council is trying to locate Doranbolt, so hopefully, he will arrive soon. I hope you can get through to Gray on the way here."
Makarov ended the call, and Lyon found himself muttering under his breath, "So do I."
Lyon didn't want to look at Natsu anymore, he'd already seen too much when he found him. He was sure he'd have nightmares about this whole ordeal for weeks.
He sat in another chair and scrutinized his brother instead. Lyon wasn't surprised to see Gray looked like he hadn't slept for days. He knew the two were close. As much as he liked to think of Gray as his brother, Natsu had more claim to the title than he did. They'd grown up together. He tried not to feel jealous by that thought. He had no one to blame but himself.
There was a knock on the door and Wendy and Laxus came in. Wendy immediately moved towards the bed whereas Laxus let out a curse when he saw the extent of Natsu's injuries.
"The old man didn't say it was this bad."
"Wendy, you'll be able to help him won't you?" Happy asked expectantly.
"I'm gonna try my best Happy," Wendy patted the Exceed on the head and gave him a hug before going back to Natsu. She activated her magic and scanned him to determine where to start.
Even though she looked resolute, she couldn't hide the tears brimming in her eyes. She began to heal the worst of the internal injuries first, but just dealing with that took most of her magic. She had to stop and rest before she could start on the broken bones.
Lyon gave her his chair and left the room to provide the members of Fairy Tail some privacy. He set about preparing all of the materials that Sherry and Yuka had found for transport to Fairy Tail.
"Hey Fullbuster, what did Vastia tell you happened?"
Gray didn't make any indication that he'd heard Laxus, just continued to stare at Natsu on the bed. Laxus started to shake the ice mage's shoulders, but Wendy stopped him.
"Just let him be for now, Lyon is coming to Fairy Tail. We'll find out everything then."
"Fine, I hope Doranbolt gets here soon. The old man was getting Porlyusica."
They heard a pained moan coming from the bed and turned to see Natsu stirring. He opened his eyes and looked around, his eyes locking with Gray's.
Natsu started to whimper and pulled his hand out of Gray's roughly. His eyes widened and darted around like he was looking for a way to escape. He saw Laxus and Wendy and begged them in a frantic voice "Please, please don't let him hurt me anymore!"
Natsu hugged himself and sobbed hysterically. Everyone stared in shock at the Fire Dragon Slayer.
"Gray, I think you'd better wait outside," Wendy told him sadly. It broke her heart to say that to the ice mage, who looked like someone had kicked him in the stomach. Tears streamed down his face as he came to terms with the fact that his best friend was now terrified of him. He nodded slowly, stood up and left the room.
Doranbolt walked past Gray as he entered Lamia Scale's infirmary. He thought the ice mage had been crying. What the hell was going on?
He saw Natsu as soon as he walked in the room. He blanched at the extent of the fire mage's injuries. He waited for Wendy to calm the distraught Natsu down and explain that he would be teleporting him and Happy back to Fairy Tail. Once Natsu had calmed down enough, Doranbolt picked him up, grabbed Happy and disappeared.
Gray had walked back to the table he'd been sitting at earlier. He drank the rest of the bottle by himself, not bothering with the cup. He'd never felt more miserable in his life than he did at that moment.
Gray couldn't get Natsu's terrified face out of his mind. He had done that to him. Even though Gray knew he hadn't been the one to actually hurt Natsu, he felt he might as well have.
The one time the flame brain had needed him, Gray had failed him, and some sick bastard had worn his face to hurt him. He suddenly remembered Lyon telling him that Natsu had been raped and he prayed to whatever gods he could think of that his doppelganger hadn't been responsible for that.
Laxus and Wendy went over to him, but he was far too drunk to talk. They looked around for Lyon and explained what had happened. Lyon winced at the news.
He assured them that he'd speak to Gray and get him back to Fairy Tail the following day. He handed them the materials he'd packed. They thanked him for all his help and left to report to Makarov.
Lyon headed back to the table only to find Gray had already passed out. He had no idea how he was going to get through to his brother. But he had to try, before Gray closed himself off again, this time for good.
A/N: Revised May 08,2019. Added about 1K words, but more importantly, gave Lyon some much-needed depth and edited the hell out of his retelling of events. Also gave more importance to the relationship between Gray and Lyon. I think it sounds better now.
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devilsknotrp · 5 years
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Congratulations, Maria! You have been accepted for the role of Abel Hawker (FC Change: Jeremy Irons). Woah. I may be biased, but I was blown away by your interpretation of Abel. He’s a human being made up of dichotomies and you found such a beautiful way to write him. His gentle yet terrifyingly stern manner of speaking, his war hero past, everything is perfect. We cannot wait to see what kind of Mayor your Abel will turn out to be! Please have a look at this page prior to sending in your account.
Name: Maria Age: 23 Pronouns: She/her Timezone: GMT Activity estimation: Every other day Triggers: REDACTED
Full name: Abel Byron Hawker Age : 05/08/1923 Gender: Male Pronouns: Him/Her Sexuality: Straighter than the Tennessee Line Occupation: Mayor of Devil’s Knot Connection to Victim: Abel Hawker knows pretty much everyone in Devil’s Knot, whether they realise it or not. The same could be said for the Goode’s. Though he never personally interacted much with Brian, Abel certainly positioned himself at the forefront of the search. After all, a Mayor has to take responsibility for the safety of his citizenry. In Abel’s case, he does so by putting pressure on the police on Ms Goode’s behalf. Not that she asked him to, of course. Alibi: According to Abel and members of the Chapter, he attended his regular meeting after church but left early due to a headache and went home. It was, like many evenings, the usual for the Mayor. Faceclaim: Jeremy Irons
The Michigan sun poked through the veranda, the soft, not too warm glow basked Mayor Hawker’s face in its orange hue. A curl of smoke cut through the clear blue skies as it wafted from the end of his thickly rolled cigar. He remained like that, leaning on his rocking chair, its long swinging creeks creating a lulling song that he could and had listened to most of his life.
It was his father’s chair, and his father’s father likely sat on something not too dissimilar. Carved from the wood of one of the many red oaks that lined the property, it represented everything the Hawker’s were about. Longevity, home-grown and standing the test of time. He fingers, rough and coarse from the years, ran over the expertly polished arms, just appreciating the craftsmanship as well as the weather.
As he sat, relaxing and looking out, a little song crept into his mind. It drew a slow forming, gentle smile on his lips, his crisp paper-like skin pulling with it. There was no one around, and that was just how he liked it in long afternoons like this. For a moment, he let his eyes closed, heeled shoe clicking against the hardwood of the patio, drumming the beat for an old ditty.
“I loved a girl in Saginaw, Michigan…” His voice was underlined with a faint croak that matched the eek of his chair, the tune rumbling deep in his chest to produce the consummate voice of an older singer.
An image began to form in his mind as he took another deep intake of his cigar. Him and his boys in the brushy fields of Pyongtaek, the beginning to the Korean war stretching out ahead of them. Benny banged his metal mug against the table with all the enthusiasm of Buddy Rich reborn, and Tony clapped completely offbeat as Abel and Ryan started up a song. It wasn’t this one, but that didn’t matter. He could still see them now, their eyes bright and ready to return home as heroes. It wouldn’t take long, after all, it was just some country folks who had caught up with the Russian’s red curtain, that’s what they thought. “The daughter of a wealthy, wealthy man…”
The image of Benny sprawled across the dirt floated up in Abel’s mind as the song continued. His guts had been a pollock-esque splash of reds and browns, glistening in the summer heat. Next to him, Tony was slumped with a bullet hole in the centre of his head.
“But he called me, that son of a Saginaw fisherman…”
And Ryan? Well, Ryan never quite came back right. They found him drowned in the river just two months before the end.
“And not good enough, to claim his daughter’s hand…”
The front gate creaked down the long garden path that led up to the porch, causing Abel to crack an eye open. He pulled the cigar reluctantly from his lips, licking the spot that it had sat on, its warm presence still a ghost against the skin.
“Now I’m up here in Alaska, looking around for gold…”
He continued, a little louder, letting the words drift towards his new guest. The flash of the Sherrif office’s brown uniform was all he needed to see, continuing to idly rock as if he hadn’t noticed anything at all. Only once the visitor was climbing the porch steps did he deign to speak rather than sing away.
“I was startin’ to wonder if you were gonna turn up, my boy.”
The youth was a rookie; it only took one glance to tell. Blonde hair and greener than the fields, the 20-something kid awkwardly grasped his belt and tried to stand straight, but it was evident with the uncertain flicker of his eyes around the large Hawker estate that it was all for show. Abel thought he recognised him, one of those good for nothing kids that got raised on the poorer side of town. Typical that George Adam would give these economic rejects a chance. “Urm…ur…Mayor Hawker, sorry to bother you sir but-”
“Aye, aye, I’m aware boy, you gotta do your due diligence and get the story of what I was doing that night.”
Abel slowly pulled himself off his chair, with all the speed of a seaswept turtle, which was entirely on purpose, as anyone who knew Hawker knows that the Mayor kept himself in good health. He gave the standard ‘ah’ that an old person was expected to give after completing menial physical tasks as if they had climbed the summit of Everest. With a wave, he gestured the kid officer to follow, pushing open his ornately carved front door and shuffling into the Hawker estate.
Estate was a polite word for it. It was a mansion in pretty much every regard, an ancestral home that would immediately put anyone at unease. There was just a vastness to it that put one on the back foot, as they look up at the ceiling that seemed almost as far as the moon, it’s large traditional beamed structure overlaying a pure white paint job. The walls were a half mix of beaming, polished to a shine, wooden panelling and delicate fleur-de-lis sprouting wallpaper that made it feel akin to a royal’s home.
Confronted by a large hallway that could easily fit three people shoulder to shoulder and a long, winding staircase that enticed one to see what the three upper floors held, the rookie police officer did what anyone would have - he froze.
Abel for his part kept walking a little down the way until he glanced over he shoulder, that grin coming out again. It was the full simper that belonged to a man a few decades his junior, but he wore it now just as he had in his youth, the life in it flashing in his eyes like claps of thunder. It that moment, it was as if he filled the space of the whole house, as grand and extensive as it was. “Come on boy, ain’t time for slack jaws, your boss will have your ass if you take too long.”
The cop shook his head free, quickly stepping after his guide. The house on its part kept an eye on the visitor, the walls lined with sprawling quantities of photos, whose subjects stared out to those passing. It went from old sepia constructs that desperately tried to fight the effects of ageing behind their glass windows to much more recent copies, showing the Mayor, his own children and a plethora of grandchildren.
Eventually, they turned into one of the adjourning rooms, revealing a parlour lounge. Abel didn’t waste a moment, his body immediately cut to the side of the room where a tray sat with a collection of alcohol, whiskey duly placed in a decanter. The rookie didn’t even have a chance to speak before the older man was thrusting a delicate crystal tumbler with the perfect amount of ice and bourbon in it.
“Ah..” The officer blinked after what seemed like an age, finally processing what was being offered and responding to it with a gentle shake of his head.
“I’m flattered sir, but I’m duty I can-”
“Hogwash.” Abel cut in. His voice had a sense of power to it, a thick with husky confidence that was at once both honeyed in Michiganian drawl and intense in its strength. It was almost like being hugged and punched at the exact same moment, it winded you, and you found yourself wondering what exactly happened.
“Ain’t your ma told you that it’s rude to refuse what is offered in a man’s home? It’s just one glass, ain’t no one gonna know.” He pressed the glass into the boy’s chest, and let it go, forcing the poor chap to hold it to avoid it following.
Abel turned around to sit on one of his lounge chairs, the movement hiding the sly smirk that drew across his lips. It always was so easy to play people to a fiddle. More often than not, all it took was a level of firmness, confidence that just begged people to question you and say no. Most people fold because humans, by nature, try to escape conflict. It only took fighters like the Hawker patriarch to know how to only bend to your own will.
“Aren’t you having some as well, sir?”
Perched on his old leather chair, Abel gestured at the boy again, his old veiny fingers beckoning him like a lazy puppeteer. He seemed almost like a relaxed king, his chin lifted in what could be confused for an old man trying to adjust his sight but was, in fact, concealed contempt. “Me? Oh no, I’m going on eighty, son, I gotta pick my battles with the booze. So, whatcha gonna ask me?”
Deputy took a sip of the bourbon likely to try to avoid causing offence and cleared his throat awkwardly before drawing closer to the Mayor. “Well sir, I just need to know your whereabouts and actions on the night of Saturday, 5th October.”
“Boy, if I told you about my whole day, we’re gonna be here till morn, how about you just give me some times to work with eh?”
A blush drew across the officer’s cheek, and he took a longer sip of the bourbon, trying to drown out the embarrassment. It was quite the social awkwardness to waste the Mayor’s time after all. “Ah yes well, any time in the afternoon would be helpful, urm, sir.”
“Well, I spend most of my evenings by the church, meetings and such with the local community. Wasn’t any different that way. I was doing an after prayer meeting at the church like I’ve been doing for longer than you’ve probably been alive.” It didn’t seem like a cutting remark, more just a flag clearly planted. It spoke clearly to the situation 'I’ve been doing this for a very long time. Have respect’.
“Yes, of course, sir, I’m sure the group will also confirm that, ah…um…” The poor newbie was struggling on the whole 'interviewing’ process, he juggled between his glass and getting a notepad from his shirt pocket. In what could only be described as an awkward tangle of limbs, the deputy eventually flicked to a page of notes and setting down his glass, he starts to write.
“Did you do anything after that, sir?”
Abel paused. It was just a minutia of movement, a brief hesitation that was entirely missable. He had to think about what he wanted to say for a moment, which was a rarity. “I got a headache, my age you know, soon as you get a whiff of a cold it hits you hard. So I came home early, and just…relaxed.”
“Of course, understandable, sir.” The youngster gave a nervous smile that likely was trying to be charming, though Abel barely gave it the time of day. Took more like cordial social interactions to actual gain his favour. He was at his heart, the sort of man that appreciated action over the frivolity of words.
“What’s your name, boy?”
The deputy blinked, and stared at Abel as if to ask 'me?’. The Mayor just raised a patient brow, a corner of his lips curled in a half-smile to encourage the boy.
“Urm, D-Deputy Roger Turner…sir.”
“Roger, old sorta name that. Did Sherriff Malvo recruit you?” Abel asked his questions with a gracious smile, but his tone was the kind that a police officer may have wielded ironically. It held a profound sense that answering wasn’t optional.
The deputy just nodded, putting his pad away and blinking away like an epiphytic deer in headlights.
“You know, I went to school with the Sherriff. I was older, but I knew him well enough. Still know him.”
Still completely lost on where this is going, the officer just bobbed his head along like a toy being shaken. His eyes were wide-eyed as if the prospect that his boss could know the Mayor well was surprising, even though anyone with even a modicum of a brain would expect it.
“I know, that if he knew one of his deputies, sent here to question me formally in the capacity of his office, decided to stand around and sip my bourbon, he’d fire them quicker than you could say missing kid.” It was said with the clinical cut of a surgeon. A master of the board calling out his checkmate, though Abel had to admit when it came to dimwits like Rogers, it so easy as to be boring.
The penny dropped. No, in fact, it tumbled down with the force of a loosen boulder, and just like that the naive youngster realised the brevity of his mistake. The only thing deputy could offer was a bumbling mess of words. “I well, you, um, I don’t…what?”
“It’s alright, my boy, I ain’t that cruel. I think we can come to an arrangement, make sure you can keep doing your good work. Take a seat.” To say Roger took the seat was being charitable, it was closer to collapse, the heavy browned leather of seat wrapping around him and making him seem like the 'boy’ that Abel had been calling him from the start. He just mutedly nodded, putting himself in the Mayor’s mercy.
The grin came back as Abel sat forward, a cat who had spotted its next meal. His eyes narrowed in conspiratorial slits a that broad smile of a kindly old man could now be seen to be what it actually had been, the deadly visage of a man who was unforgiving in exploiting your weaknesses. A game hunter in sight of prey.
“Now, why don’t you tell me all the hard work ya’ll have been doing. Don’t leave anything out.”
> Abel Hawker is a man of the draft. Not only did he serve in the Second World War upon turning 19 in 1943, but he then went on to make a second draft into the Korean war in his twenties. He’s a man who has killed and be trained to kill, causing violence to be no stranger to him. However, being a soldier has its price. There’s a simmering rage in Abel that’s hidden beneath his advanced age and small-town manners. It takes a lot to unsettle a man whose been in such brutal wars, but if you do, expect to find a hurricane of force that would rival many of Michigan’s infamous tornados.
> The Mayor was a loyal husband while he still had a wife, and can be quite the caring partner back in the days when he bothered with relationships. A sense of loyalty runs deep in him, and it spreads to his family. While he could never truly understand the interracial and liberal relationships that his children took on, he never removed his support (though he did spare a comment or two of opinion on it), because to him, family sticks together, always.
> No one is entirely sure of the source of the Hawker family wealth. It seems to be an accepted part of Devil’s Knot. The sun rises, the snow falls, and the Hawker family are wealthy. Only Abel and his father before him genuinely knows how the fortune was built and continues to be maintained. Make no mistake, the Mayor does not just sit on his inheritance, he grows it, to pass on to his son and his grandchildren. A tree after all, without the right care, only withers.
> The day of Brian Goode’s disappearance, Abel did indeed attend his usual Chapter meeting, he did also leave early. However, the bit he fails to often mention is that he had visitors to his house that evening when his grandson was seemingly long asleep. Man in dark coats and suitcases, who spent quite a few hours speaking to the Mayor about matters not uttered very openly.
> Mayor Hawker is quite the singer. Back in his day, in fact, Abel was part of a travelling band for a few years after the Korean war. It was just a hobby of boys trying to find work (Abel’s father was notoriously frugal), but should someone look hard enough, they may see old photos around Devils Knot of the band’s past shows. Still now, one can often catch him singing an old tune or listening to a recording on his record player. He surprisingly keeps up with more modern music too, but you’d never catch him admitting it. Perhaps in another life, he could have tried at it for real.
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ethxndolan · 6 years
Grayson Dolan Must Die (G.D.) Part 10
Summary: Grayson Dolan is known as the schools womanizer. His ability to make a girl fall in love with him, and drop her within a week is legendary. When a series of events peaks Grayson’s interest in Y/N, she is recruited by three of his exes to break his heart in a very public way and exact revenge for all the pain he has caused. However, nothing goes according to plan… and Y/N may be in way over her head navigating the whit and charm that is Grayson Dolan.
A/N: OMG THIS IS THE LAST PART thank u so so so so so much for reading it all i love u so much for it i hope u like the ending this def could have been like three parts but whatever THANK U AGAIN also writing this might be why im swerving into grays lane? but its fine im fine 
Word Count: 4,147
Warnings: probably typos but if you’ve read up to this part im sure ur super hip to that already 
Everyone was piling into the bleachers for the homecoming pep rally. I nervously took a seat as close to the stairs as possible, just in case our plan didn’t work and I had to get the hell out of there. I was completely engulfed in anxiety as I waited for the pep rally to start, knowing there was absolutely nothing I could do now. Either our plan worked, or it didn’t. I desperately wished that I could be with Gray right now, but as the captain of the football team, he had to be with the team on the field.
After everyone was settled, the principal finally stepped up to the microphone and started some speech about how wonderful our school was and how our football team was going to lead us to victory tonight. I didn’t hear a word of it.
My mind was all over the place, my eyes searching for every possible point of escape, should it be necessary, until Grayson stepped up to the microphone. He looked calm and collected, but I could tell by the way his fingers were twitching that he was anything but. I wondered if that had to do with speaking in front of our whole school or if he was nervous for the exact same reason I was. I wasn’t sure which option would make me feel better.
“Hey guys,” he said into the microphone, “You all better show up to the game tonight because we’re going to destroy the Herndon Falcons! I promise, as your captain, your quarterback, your favorite Dolan twin, and winner of dreamiest senior, that I will lead us to victory!” I couldn’t help but laugh a little at how ridiculous he was. “GO, BRONCOS!” he yelled. Everyone in the stands repeated his chant.
Next up to the microphone was Sabrina, the captain of the cheerleading team. Everyone seemed confused as to why she was up there, normally the cheerleaders never said anything at pep rally’s… they just cheered. Nerves and anxiety raced through my body because I knew what this meant.
I had trusted Grayson with so much, and I so wanted to believe everything he said to me, but there was a small, okay big, part of me that doubted him. There was just so much that could go wrong and he had been so vague about what he was going to do.
“Broncos!” Sabrina yelled, “A few girls and I have put together a special video to get us all hyped up for the game!” She nodded at Rachel who was standing off the side. My heart stopped beating as I watched Rachel press play on her laptop, which was hooked up to a projector. I held my breath as I waited for it to start. My body was tense and ready to bolt at any second.
As soon as I heard the moaning and heaving breathing, I let out a huge sigh of relief. Grayson had done it. He had switched the video on Rachel’s phone and convinced her that showing it at the pep rally was the best way to get back at me. Except the video wasn’t of me, it was some old cheesy porn from the 70’s.
My eyes searched out Grayson’s on the field, and when I finally found him, his huge grin was mirroring my own. He caught my eye and winked at me.
Chaos ensued right after the video had started. Rachel, Sabrina and Megan were all yelling at each other in complete shock. The Principal was sprinting towards them screaming at the top of his lungs for them to turn if off. The entire student body was cracking up when in the video a pizza delivery guy knocked on the door and asked to join the couple vigorously having sex on a coffee table.
Rachel's eyes zeroed in on me. “What the hell did you do?” she yelled, storming over to me. She was so angry her face was turning redder by the second.
I shrugged nonchalantly. “I didn’t do a single thing.”
“You fucking bitch,” she said pointing at me, “If you think this is the only way I can ruin your life, you’re dead wrong.”
I stood up from my seat and walked down the steps to face her. “Rachel, all your plotting and scheming in the world isn’t going to help you get Grayson. I know you went to him and told him all about the GDMD plan, do you know how pathetic it is that you had to orchestrate this crazy plan just to get a guys attention? Even with your psychopathic tendencies, I’m sure there’s some guy out there who can put up with you. But as for Gray? He’s mine.” Claiming Gray as mine was definitely not true, but she didn’t need to know that.
Her face twisted in rage as she let out an ear splitting shriek. She opened her mouth and was just about to say something as school security approached us. “Miss?” they said to Rachel, “You need to come with us.”
She shot me one final death glare before following after them.
Someone was finally able to pull the plug and the big screen went black, ending the wild 70’s porn. The students groaned in disappointment. Sabrina, Megan and Rachel were being escorted off of the field by school security, no doubt on their way to face punishment.
The Principal walked up to the microphone, looking extremely flustered and unsure what to do. “Well, uh…” he started, “That was… Well, I don’t really know what that was, but everyone involved will be expelled immediately. Um, GO BRONCOS… and go home.” Everyone started to stand up in the bleachers, “But come back for the game!” he quickly added, but it was mostly lost over the loud chattering over the students leaving.
I walked out to the field desperately trying to find Grayson. The principals threat about everyone involved being expelled made me nervous, I wasn’t sure exactly how involved he was. He didn’t tell me much about his part of the plan, just assured me that ‘he had it covered’.
I finally found him and his face broke out into a huge grin when he saw me. But, finding him was the easy part, getting to him was another task entirely as it seemed everyone wanted to wish him luck. I stood off to the side and waited as person after person approached him. The more time passed the more unsure I became. Did he want me to wait for him? Was whatever weird friendship we had formed done now because everything was over? I really didn’t want it to be.
A few minutes later he finally managed to get away and my favorite crooked smile was on his face made all my fears disappear, . “Hey,” I said.
“Hey? That’s it? We did it!” He exclaimed. He grabbed me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. “I was so fucking nervous, I can’t believe that worked.”
As much as I was enjoying having his strong arms wrapped around me, I took a step back, a little worried the hug had lasted too long. “You’re not going to get in trouble or anything are you?” I asked.
He dramatically gasped and looked offend, “Y/N, of course I’m not. You’re lack of faith in me is truly disappointing, we’re really going to have to work on that,” he said. “But, seriously, every conversation I had with Rachel was in person, and I know for a fact there was a group chat between her, Sabrina, and Megan detailing their exact plans to post the video. I also made sure Rachel thought the whole pep rally thing was her idea. So, if something does come up they have no proof, and I’m confident I can talk my way out of any situation.”
I rolled my eyes at his cockiness. “You’re a regular criminal,” I teased.
“Are you coming to the game tonight?” He asked. I wasn’t sure if it was the lighting or what, but his eyes looked hopeful. I opened my mouth to reply that I wasn’t, but he cut me off already knowing what I was going to say. “Come on, partner. You have to come. How can I win if your not there cheering me on?”
“ ‘I’, isn’t it a team sport?” I asked.
“I mean, sure, I guess you could look at it that way,” he said, “But I play a very important role, a crucial role, one could say. The only role that matters, one could also say. So you see, the victory and pride of our entire school rests on your shoulders. Are you going to come or not?”
Naturally, Grayson led our team to victory. Throughout the whole game I was plagued with anxiety because I didn’t know what to do. As I was talking to Grayson after the pep rally, and he was staring at me waiting for my response about coming to the game or not, I realized I was in love with him. It hit me so hard and so fast I could barely breathe.
I was in love with his stupid crooked smile, I was in love with his laugh, his giggle, his wheeze when he was laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe, I was in love with his dumb cocky jokes, the way his hair was always falling into his eyes but he refused to cut it. Most of all, I was in love with the way he looked at me, like I was the only person in the world, like this was the only moment that mattered. I was in love with Grayson Dolan and I didn’t know what to do about it.
I had no idea if he felt the same. I mean, it kind of seemed like it? Sometimes? He was definitely flirty with me, but wasn’t he flirty with everyone? Wasn’t that part of his personality?
 During the whole game I was so conflicted on what to do that I barely paid attention to what was happening. My mind was racing as I kept imagining telling him how I felt and him rejecting me. I thought about how much had already happened today, and how I stood up to the GDMD girls and how good that felt, and I knew that I had to do it, had to take the risk- no matter the outcome.
So that was how I found myself standing on the sidelines waiting for Grayson after the game. I knew I had to do it now or I would lose my nerve and never be able to do it. I kept telling myself that his answer didn’t matter, that if he didn’t feel the same way it would be fine, because at least I tried. But that was such a lie.
I watched as he pulled his helmet off, revealing his sweaty hair, that somehow made him look even more attractive. My heart caught in my throat as he looked over at me and smiled. He took a step in my direction before he was swarmed by a mass of people wanting to congratulate him. I stood off to the side and watched girl after girl give him a hug, a kiss on the cheek, squeeze his muscular bicep, and I watched the same smile he always gave me on his face as he looked at them.
God, I was an idiot. Of course he didn’t like me back. I quickly turned and took off to my car as fast as I could without attracting too much attention to myself. There was no way Grayson looked at me as more than his lab partner. And even if in some remote universe he slightly liked me just a little, he clearly wasn’t into relationships as evidence by his track record with girls. That was the entire reason I got pulled into the Grayson Dolan Must Die plan after all.
I sat in my car for a moment and thought. I could tell I was on the verge of a total breakdown, so I could either go home and cry, or go to the giant field party and get drunk.
I decided getting drunk was way more fun.
By the time I made it to the field the party was in full swing. In typical field party fashion, there was a bon fire in the center and cars spread out everywhere with their headlights on to brighten up the dark night. Although it seemed like most people were avoiding the lights and taking advantage of the privacy of the shadows.
As I walked around, my phone started buzzing in my pocket for the third time that night. I knew without checking that it was Gray, he had been the other two calls. I ignored them, not wanting to have to face him tonight. He would probably just forget about me as soon as some other girl walked by anyway. I knew talking to him would only making getting over him worse, and I needed to move on form him. And his stupid chocolate brown floppy hair that I loved.
I made my way over to the keg and started to fill up my cup with whatever cheap beer they had. As I was concentrating on not letting it get too foamy, Connor walked up. “Hey, baby,” he said.
“Go away, Connor,” I replied dryly, not even bothering to look up at him. Just being near him made me feel uneasy.
I finished filling my cup up and started to walk away. Clearly Connor had a different idea, because he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. “Y/N, I know you miss me. Can’t we put the past behind us and let our bodies have the release they so desperately crave?” His words felt like a thousand bugs were crawling all over my skin.
I started at him dumbfounded, “Ew, Connor, what the fuck? That’s so gross. I actually think I just broke out into hives.” I started to check my arms for dramatic effect. I looked back up at him in disgust. “I genuinely have no idea what I ever saw in you.”
He leaned in close to my face, I could smell the cheap beer on his breath and it made me nauseous. “I was just the first guy to ever tell you you’re pretty. Your pants came flying off after that, easiest lay I’ve ever had.” Arrogance was clear across his greasy face.
I was just about to go off on him, when Grayson beat me to it. “Shut the fuck up, you prick. Leave her alone, you should feel special she even let you look at her.” He walked up and stood right behind me, his chest pressed against my shoulder. He was freshly showered and wearing his football jersey, the scent of his body wash enveloped me and immediately relaxed me.
Connor shook his head. “Oh, Dolan. You should really stay out of things that aren’t your business. Especially considering your reputation with the ladies.” Connor’s eyes shot to me, “This is the guy you want, Y/N? This douchebag? Oh man, I knew you were a slut, but I didn’t think you were dumb enough to fall for his antics, he’ll play you worse than I ever did.”
Gray stepped around me and grabbed Connor by the collar of his shirt. Grayson towered over Connor by a few inches, the hard work Gray put in at the gym was clear against all the drinking and partying Connor did. “I thought I told you to shut the fuck up,” Gray said.
“Hey man, I mean if you want my sloppy seconds, she’s -“ Connor was cut off when Gray’s fist brutally connected with his jaw.
“That was for calling her a slut,” Gray said before hitting Connor a second time, “That was for calling her sloppy seconds.” Gray hit him a third time, and the sound of bone cracking was audible as Connor fell to the ground. “And that was for that fucking pervy little video, you twisted fuck.” Gray’s voice was so deep and guttural as he spoke.
At this point we had definitely caught everyone’s attention as Grayson was standing over Connor, who was groaning loudly in pain. It was clear the dispute was about me as everyone’s eyes were staring at me, which made me extremely uncomfortable.
I turned and walked away, wanting to get as far away from this situation as possible. I chugged my beer as I walked and then tossed the cup somewhere on the ground. I started heading towards the line of trees in front of me so that I could be alone.
“Y/N!” I heard someone call from behind me. My body instantly tensed up as I recognized Gray’s voice. I ignored him hoping he would take the hint and go away, but he didn’t. He ran up next to me panting a little, “Y/N, what the hell? Why are you ignoring me? I couldn’t find you after the game, and then you ignore my calls, and now you’re literally ignoring what I’m saying right now.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop. “What’s going on?” His eyes were pleading with me to explain, but I couldn’t tell him the truth.
“It’s not a whole thing like you’re making it out to be, I just want to be alone right now,” I said. I was looking anywhere but at him, knowing that it would be too painful to look him in the eyes.
“Why don’t I believe you?” he asked.
I shrugged and started to walk away again, “I don’t know, maybe because you’re conceited?” I instantly regretted it after I said it. I knew how upset Gray was with the way people viewed him, and it hurt me to think he would assume I was just like them.  
He moved lightning quick and stood right in front of me so that I ran right into his chest. I tried to take a step back to put some space between us, but he only stepped towards me again. “Do you really think that?” he asked, hurt clear in his voice. “I know you always joke around about stuff like that, but that always seemed like a joke, and I… this doesn’t seem like a joke.”
I sighed. “No, I don’t think that, I shouldn’t have said that,” I muttered, “I’m sorry. Now if you’ll excuse me,” I tried to step around him, but again he stood in my way. “Seriously, Grayson.” My voice was a lot stronger as I was growing annoyed with him. Why couldn’t he just let this go? Why did he have to be so stubborn?
“Seriously, Y/N, tell me what’s going on. I get if you’re upset about what Connor said, but I don’t get why you blew me off after the game.” His tone hinted at his anger, and his eyes were piecing into me as he silently demanded an answer.
“I didn’t blow you off, you were busy,” I shot back, bitterness clear in my tone. I hated how dramatic and petty I was being, but all I wanted was to be alone and he was clearly not giving up.
“I was trying to get to you, I thought you were waiting, and then I looked all over the place for you, but I couldn’t find you. Can you please just tell me the truth?” he begged, his voice and eyes growing softer. I knew I couldn’t lie to him, he would see right through it, but the truth wasn’t an option.
“It’s nothing, okay? It’s stupid, I’m stupid.” I was growing antsy, desperately wanting to get away from him. This conversation was far too painful and I was far too sober.
He firmly grabbed me by the chin and made me look at him. His eyes were intense as he said, “You’re not stupid. You’re anything but stupid, you’re the smartest person I know.” His voice was so confident that I almost believed him.
“Yeah, maybe at school stuff, but not at this…” my voice trailed off.
He dropped his hand from my chin and I instantly missed the contact of his skin on mine. “At what?” he asked, his face scrunched up in confusion, one eyebrow raised slightly higher than the other highlighting the scar between them.
I motioned between us. “This.” His eyebrow raised even higher in silent question. “This, relationships, people… and I’m not talking about Connor,” I elaborated, hoping he would understand without me having to admit it.
“Yeah, I still really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
I cursed under my breath, why couldn’t he just let this go? I couldn’t look him in the eyes and I said, “I’m stupid because I thought there was something between us, but it’s irrelevant because I’m aware there’s not so we really don’t have to talk about. If you still need help in chemistry I’m more than happy to keep tutoring you, but that’s it. Just tutoring.” The words came tumbling out of my mouth like I had lost all control.
“Do you want to go to the homecoming dance with me tomorrow?” he asked. My eyes shot up to his in surprise.
“What?” I asked, completely dumbfounded. My mind was blank as I stared at his sparking eyes, unable to come up with a logical reason for his question.
“I meant to ask you sooner, I just didn’t want to do it while you were nervous about the whole video thing. And I tried to do it after the pep rally, but so many people were around, and then I tried to do it after the game, but you took off… So, will you go to the dance with me?” His eyes were searching my face looking for an answer that I didn’t have. I could have sworn he looked a little nervous.
“I feel like I’m missing something here,” I said.
“You’re not missing anything, you’re not stupid,” he said. He took a deep breath before continuing, “Y/N, i’ve liked you since school started. You’ve interested me since freshmen year, but I can’t say I liked you then because I didn’t really know you. But I would always see you in the library, or reading at lunch, and I thought you were absolutely breathtaking and all I wanted was to get to know you. So when I found out we had chem together, I talked Mrs.Tyler into making us lab partners. I kept asking to copy your homework because it was the only way to make you talk, everything else I said you would pretty much ignore, but asking to copy your homework always got you fired up.” I stared at him in complete disbelief, and when I was just about to protest he cut me off, “I know Rachel and all them made you change and dress different and stuff, and at first I liked it because suddenly you seemed to be interested in me, but it doesn’t matter what you wear or how you do your hair, because I like you, Y/N. I more than like you, but i’m really not trying to freak you out right now and you’re wide eyes are really starting to freak me out right now because I’ve never given one of these speeches before and so I’m kind of nervous, I’m not really sure what happens now.” The honesty in his voice and the vulnerability in his eyes as he watched me intently, made me believe him.
“I’m in love with you,” I blurted out super quickly. He probably couldn’t even understand what I was saying it came out so fast and jumbled. I didn’t even know what I was saying.
“What?” he looked as shocked and surprise as I felt.  
I didn’t hesitate for a second as I clarified. “I’m in love with you,” I said slower, making sure each word was clear.
A huge smile spread across his face, his eyes lit up in the moon light. “I love you, too,” he said. He stepped forward and closed the gap between us, placing his lips lightly on mine. I wound my hands into his jersey and pulled him even closer and intensified the kiss. It was everything I ever wanted, my toes were tingling, I swear the forest animals were singing, and I about died when Gray’s hand slid up under my shirt to rest on the bare skin of my back.
I whimpered a little when Gray pulled back a hair. He laughed and quickly kissed me one more time. “So, will you go to homecoming with me?”
I stared longingly into his eyes as I replied, “Yes.”
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Distance - Part Six
Steve Harrington x Henderson Reader
Summary - Returning from college for winter break, Y/N is faced with the stinging pain left from her break-up with Steve Harrington.
Word Count -2,638
Warnings - mild swearing, fluff, angst, flashback
A/N - Part Six is here, and I have a feeling you guys will really like this one. I think it might be the longest part so far, so yay for that! There will definitely be one more part, but I’m not sure if there will be anymore after that. Please let me know what you think, because one of the best things about sharing my writing is hearing how you guys react to it. Enjoy :) 
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four Part Five
You sat next to Steve in Hopper’s office, a heavy silence filling the air. Steve had just beaten the shit out of Billy. You winced at the memories of flying blood and painful groans, goosebumps running down your arms.
“What’s the matter?” Steve said gently, placing his swollen, bruised hand on yours. Your concerned eyes met his as he squeezed gently, urging you to answer. You were about to speak up when the door flew open, both you and Steve jumping in your seats. You both stared at Hopper as he pushed himself down into his chair, taking his hat off and rubbing his eyes from stress.
He took a deep breath, then spoke, “Steve,” he folded his arms over his chest, leaning back in his seat, “why don’t you tell me why Billy Hargrove is passed out in the waiting room handcuffed to the chair before I put you back in handcuffs.” Steve rubbed his previously bound wrists, and sat up straight.
“Thanks for that, by the way.” He said, referring to Hopper requesting Steve be taken out of the cuffs when arriving at the station.
“Don’t thank me yet, kid,” Hopper said, waiting for an explanation.
Steve sighed, “Listen, Billy… He’s been a huge dick to the kids, alright?” Hopper leaned forward at the mentioning of the kids, realizing that Jane is one of them. “Last night, he threatened Max because of her and Lucas. When she fought back he kicked her out of his car, leaving her alone, in the dark, freezing cold. That’s when Y/N found her.” Hopper glanced at you before returning his attention to Steve, letting him continue. “We took Max home, and Billy came out of the house when we pulled up, and there was a small fight. Thanks to you, you thought. It could’ve been worse.
“Then this morning Dustin called me and told me he needed me, saying it was an emergency, that we had to meet at the Wheeler’s house. I got there, and they all wanted to figure out a way to get revenge on Billy, or something.” Hopper shook his head, knowing that would be something the kids would do. He swears, they think they’re invincible. “Jane offered to scare him... with her powers.” Hoppers face dropped.
“What?” He raised his voice, feeling the urge to rush to the Wheeler’s and make sure El was okay.
“No- no! She didn’t, we didn’t let her.” Hopper took a sigh of relief. “We told them we would handle it.”
“So, you handled it by basing his face in?” Hopper asked, giving Steve a pointed look.
Steve adjusted himself in his seat, “Well, I mean, yeah I guess. I ran into him in Benny’s parking lot and he threw the first punch. I was going to call you actually, thought you’d be better fit to handle it then me, but Billy didn’t give me a choice.”
Hopper took a long sip of his coffee, thinking over the situation. “Listen, kid,” he started, “You should’ve called me sooner, but I don’t blame you,” he set his mug down on his desk. “From what I’ve gathered, he deserved it.”
“He did,” you said finally, breaking your silence. Hopper nodded at you before standing up, placing his hat back on his head.
“I’ll handle Hargrove from here, you guys are free to go.” Hopper held out his hand to Steve, who hesitated for a moment before shaking it firmly. With that, he turned on his feet, walking out of the office to face Billy.
Steve gave you a small smile, relieved that he wouldn’t have to deal with Billy’s harassment anymore. More importantly, that Max wouldn’t. You looked at his face, turning darker by the minute as the blood from his broken vessels started to show, a deep frown settling into your own. “Steve…” you whispered, gently tracing your finger over the cut on his lip. “Your face, it looks terrible.”
“Ouch,” Steve responded. “I mean, I know we aren’t together anymore, but you really think I’m that bad looking?” You shook your head at him, unamused with his jokes.
“I’m being serious,” you said, dropping your hand from his face.
“I know, I know,” He grabbed your hand, gently rubbing his thumb over the back of it. “If you think this is bad, you should see the other guy.” You softly smiled as you rolled your eyes. “There she is,” he said smiling at you once again.
“How are you going to explain this to your parents?” You questioned, ignoring his comment.
“I don’t know,” he said rubbing the back of his neck, “but I won’t have to explain in tonight.” You looked at him in confusion, before he continued, “They went to a conference for a few days.”
You nodded your head, understanding. His dad was always away for work, and his mom usually tagged along to get out of the house.
You pulled your hand away from his and shoved it in your back pocket as you stood up, clearing your throat. “I should go pick up Dustin, it’s getting pretty late.” Steve followed your actions, following you as you began walking out of the office. “Are you gonna be okay, Steve?” You questions, referring to his minor injuries.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” he responded, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I’ll probably ice my face, don’t want it to get too bad.” He looked over at you charming smile adorning his face, “It’s the only thing I’ve got going for me.”
You shook your head, trying to hide your smile as the two of you stepped out of the police station.
“So Harrington beat his ass?” Dustin asked as you drove through the familiar streets of Hawkins, George Harrison’s My Sweet Lord humming through the radio. You nodded your head, keeping your eyes focused on the road.
“That’s awesome!” He cheered, earning a small laugh from you.
“He could’ve gotten seriously hurt, and it wasn’t the best way to handle things,” you said, making sure to make this a big sister teachable moment.
“Oh, come on, Y/N,” Dustin groaned, “You know that’s cool. Steve kicked Billy’s ass!”
“Yeah, I know Dustin,” you sighed, “I just wish it was handled in a non-violent manner. We should’ve told Hopper as soon as I found Max.” You looked over at Dustin, and he gave you a knowing smile.
“What?” You asked, confused by your brother’s sudden change in attitude.
“You know what.”
“No, Dustin, I don’t,” you let out an annoyed sigh, “I clearly wouldn’t be asking if I knew.”
“It’s obvious why your so upset about this violence.”
You rolled your eyes, “Oh yeah? Why is that Dustin”
“It’s because you loooove Steve. You don’t want Steeeeeve to get hurt because you love him,” Dustin said drawing out his words in a mocking tone. Your face turned bright as you tried to muster up an answer, although he wasn’t wrong.
“Yes, Dustin, I care about Steve. I don’t want him to get hurt,” you responded, avoiding eye-contact. You pulled into your driveway, turning it off as soon as you parked.
“You didn’t want him to get hurt, because you love him!” He teased again, pulling on your arm for dramatic effect.
“Shut up,” you mumbled, getting out of the car and rushing into the house to avoid any more awkward confrontation.
You fell on your bed as soon as you reached your room, heart racing from Dustin’s words. You did love Steve. You hadn’t stopped since the first time you admitted it to him.
Steve ran his hands soothingly along your back as the rain hit the large glass windows in his living-room. You two had plans to go to a party tonight, but his parents were away for the weekend and both of you agreed that some time alone was better than dealing with drunk, sweaty people that neither of you cared much for anyways. You had convinced him to watch Sixteen Candles, despite his protests. He had said it was to make you happy, but you really knew he was a sucker for chick-flicks on the inside.
You tried to remain focused on Molly Ringwald, but Steve’s hand was distracting. “Steve, you’re distracting me,” you admitted, causing his hand to stop in the middle of your back.
“Oh, am I?” He said, continuing his motions. You closed your eyes at the feeling, managing a hum in response. “Sorry,” he said, an idea forming in his head. “Maybe this will be a little less distracting.” You jumped as he tickled your sides, holding you in place as you tried to move away.
“St-Steve,” you breathed out in between tickles. “St- STOP!” You shouted, squirming under his touch. He pulled you onto his lap, laughing along with you as he continued his assault. You continued to protest, but nothing was working, so, you stopped him in the only way you knew would. His hands froze against your skin as you pushed your lips onto his. He immediately kissed back, figuring that it was a definitively better option than a tickle fight. He gripped your waist as you pushed your hands through his long brown hair, pulling lightly. You let this continue for a second, before pulling away breathless. He looked at you, brown eyes soft, a small smile pulling at his lips.
This was it, you thought. If you didn’t say it now, the courage you were suddenly feeling might go away and never come back. “Steve…” You breathed out, letting his hand run over your cheek. He hummed in response, brushing his thumb over your lips. “I think that- I mean I know that…”
“What?” He urged, curious by your sudden nervousness.
You took a deep breath, “I love you, Steve.”
Steve’s hand stopped on your face, shock settling into his features. Butterflies danced around his stomach in reaction to your words. He had been wanting to say what you just had, but he was scared. Nancy hadn’t loved him, and he feared being rejected by you if he had said it first like he did with her. But all of his worries seemed to fly out the window as soon as the words left your mouth. You loved him.
Why was he taking so long to respond? You felt like time stopped as soon as the words left your mouth, yet your heart continued racing. You were starting to assume the worst, until Steve finally broke the silence.
“I love you too, Y/N.”  You took a breath, relief filling your lungs. “God, I love you so much it scares me.” You didn’t know what to say, so you did something better. You kissed him, hard. The movie continued playing, but it seemed a foreign language to you as Steve suddenly became the only thing in the world that made sense at the moment.
You wiped the salty tears from your cheeks, sucking in a breath of air. How could Steve do this to you? How could he leave you, ripping apart your heart, his explanation being that it was what was best for you? How the hell did he know what was best for you? How could this be what was best? Lonely nights, crying in bed, knowing the only person who could comfort you was the one causing your pain. Sitting in the corner at college parties, ignoring all the boys who hit on you because they weren’t Steve. Heart feeling heavy every time something reminded you of him, and almost everything reminded you of him. This wasn’t okay. How could Steve make you think that that this was okay, that this was what was best?
Being led by your sudden anger, you stood up, grabbing your keys from your bed and rushing downstairs. You quickly slipped on your shoes, the sudden commotion causing Dustin to look up from his seat on the couch. “Where the hell are you going?” he questioned, “We just got home, Y/N.” You ignored him, nearly tripping over your feet as you pushed yourself out the door and into the car.
Knock, knock, knock.
Your foot bounced as you waited for Steve to answer the door, thinking over what you were going to say. Your head snapped up as the door opened, Steve standing there, holding a bag of peas to his head. “Hey, what are y-” You pushed past Steve, cutting him off mid-sentence. He stood in the doorway for a moment trying to process what was happening, before closing it and turning to face you.
“We can’t be friends, Steve. It doesn’t make sense for us to be friends.” He dropped the bag of peas on the living room table, staring at you in confusion.
“What?” he said, concern evident in his voice.
“You decided to break up, because it was what was best. You decided we should be friends, because it was what was best.” You said, staring Steve straight into his questioning eyes.
“I don’t g-” Steve started before you cut him off.
“No, Steve, let me finish,” you said. Steve recognized your serious tone and stood with a blank stare, waiting for you to continue. “You broke my heart Steve, ripped it right in half,” you said, voice breaking. A tear fell down your cheek, but you ignored it and continued. “Four months. It’s been four months and I still cry every time I think about the damn hole you left in my heart, but it’s what was best for me, right?”
“Y/N,” he started, “I’m sorry that I hurt you, it kills me knowing that I’m the reason for your tears, but you don’t need me anymore.” Your gut twisted at his words, but you let him continue. “You have bigger, better things waiting for you. I’m just going to hold you back.”
“God, you’re such and idiot, Steve!” You said, loud tone causing him to jump a bit. “You don’t know what’s best for me, what I need... only I do. Who gave you the right to make my decisions for me?” A small sob escaped your lips, but you weren’t done. “How can you be so blind to the fact that you are what’s best for me? That you are what I need.” You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. “I love you, Steve, and I’ll be damned if I let you take that away from me.” His heart sped up at your words, hearing those specific three for the first time in what felt like forever. “I don’t care if there’s a thousand miles between us, I don’t care if there’s a million miles, you are so much more than the distance, Steve. What we have, is so much more than any of that bullshit.” Silent tears continued to fall down your face as you waited for him to say something. You grew impatient, deciding that Steve had been making too many choices for you.
Before nerves could stop you, you closed the space between you by pushing your lips against his. He reacted immediately, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you closer. You held one hand against his face, the other running through his hair, old habits kicking in. God, had you missed this. The emotions became too much as your eyes began to leak tears again. Steve gently stroked your back as he pulled away, his own teary eyes meeting yours. “I love you too, Y/N.” You shoved your face into his chest, pulling him into a tight hug. You cried silently, and he continued to rubbing your back. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry.” You melted in his arms, finally feeling like you were home again.
“Don’t ever do that to me again, Steve,” you whispered against his chest.
“I won’t.”  
 Tag List - @hufflepeople @everything-intertwined @madhatterweasley @gingerfangirlthefeels @falsettnoland @madelimess @kingkenzieo @moonlightbae14 @dibsonriggs @lightwoods-look-better-in-black @michaels-hands @tiarrasmith @ambeazyyy @allfandomxreader @dreamlandcigarettes @bitcheekittee @deanstolethetardis @nativesebby @spacemarkimoo @istanuriss @incharliewetrustt @desertsivan1995 @tyedyedstars @yikeonbike @harringtonwife @myblackwings5 @earthvsjai @vanna215 @catnissprior-blog @xanaphorax @tiffaniespeaks @um-randomm-and-awkward @mistle-toews @stevesbabysittersclub @imanangelandaprincess @thechandlerbingdance @moonysmemes @l4lyfe @thepotatowearsprada @int0xicated-w0nderlands @fandomtainment @bitchinmouthbreather @gazebros @xceafh@ladylannisterxo @hollandspcter @luliaranda @petrovauris @bands-and-shietz @reckllessly @petah-parkah-and-potahtas
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