#reddit literally has a spoiler tag! use it please!!
m-a-d-e-l-e-i-n-e · 6 months
The human brain is incredible. For instance, I have the potential to forget any and every random thing I come across online except if it’s a spoiler for a show/movie/book/game I’m interested in
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positively-mine · 9 months
You’re a girl?!
how the twst boys find out you’re a girl & their reactions
tags: afab, accidental touches
a/n: very much self indulgent BUT I COUNDNT STOP THINKING 🤔 what if because it was a boys school that they didn’t have skirts and basically Crowley just made you wear the uniform & you didn't tell anyone. Like epel and lilia’s case, they just thought you were a feminine guy (p.s I just started and I haven’t read any spoilers, except for some info from reddit so I’m very sorry if this has already been covered/ revealed) very gacha coded but PLSSSSS bear this brain rot with me
Some spoilers: until book 3
Series: ❤️ 🧡 🩵 💛 💜 💙 💚
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This can go two ways. Firstly, is that he was chasing deuce or Grimm around and you happen to be walking around the corner. And BAM. You’re both on the ground with him on top of you, caging you into his arms. With both his hands conveniently placed on two lumps on your chest. It takes him a good 3 seconds of staring and squeezing before he realises what they are. What you are. Immediately feels embarrassed and starts screaming and scarmbling to get up.
Orrr he has gotten so used to coming into ramshackle house as he pleases and barges into your room without knocking. You’re both guys, so what’s the problem? Big mistake. Because you’re changing and literally only in your under garments. He’s all red and hot faced before he’s running out of your room and the house into the walkway to calm himself down.
The next time he faces you, he’s apologising while avoiding eye contact. He knows you’ve been through thick and thin together but it really did feel as though his whole world view was shattered when he found out. When he’s hanging out with you, he’s much more careful of where he places his hand and tries to look out for you. Definitely tried to act more manly as well, like when there's an overblot about to happen he either pushes you behind him or blocks you with his body..
The way i see this going down is that he’s got his gangster mode on from whatever trouble he’s gotten himself into (or for convenience sake; the broken eggs in book 1). And he’s trying to push you away to stop you from stopping HIM from picking a fight. And something soft hits his forearm. He turns to look at you chest before he quickly realises. He’s screaming like a banshee while moving as far away as he can from you. The initial quarrel was forgotten and now his head is spinning. Thoughts like “what would my mother think if she knew what i did??”, “HES A GIRL?! I MEAN SHE” and so on. The walk back to the kitchen is so quiet that you could basically hear Grimm’s grumbling all the way from Heartsbyul kitchen. Once you arrived back at the kitchen, the guys are wondering why its so quiet between you two but pay no mind to it.
He gets awkward around you every once in a while when realises how close the two of you are but still tries to make up for it. Also becomes more diligent in trying to withhold his gangster personality. He doesn’t want to show anymore of his nasty side to you when he can show you how well he can treat you. Lest he wants to lose you to some other guys…
This one's tough. I don't know if he has sisters so let's just say that he has. He's one of the first few to realize that you're a girl, being the ever observant person that he is. He sees the pattern when you start getting a little bit more emotional than you are. Snapping at Adeuce and Grimm when you're usually much more patient, getting upset at small things or when he catches you tearing up when you talk about returning to your own world. Yeah he definitely knows.
So it's no surprise when you start to receive more baked treats from him and he's piling up all sorts of nutritious food onto your plate when you sit together. The others are wondering why he's doing that when you're capable of doing it yourself. It's only after several months of this treatment that you realize he knows that you're a girl. And when you confront him about it, "I can't help but want to take care of you when I see you".
I like to think that you’re having tea together. He’s invited you to another one of their dorm’s many reason to have tea. Grimm and Ace are fighting for the last cookie and accidentally knock into you as you pick up your teacup. Splashing the liquid all over your dress shirt. Riddle is of course, furious. Rule #363, never spill your tea. Especially on a Tuesday. He’s screaming at them both when his eyes move to check if you’re okay. And that’s when he sees some blue peeking out at the wet area of your shirt. It takes him a quick second to march over to you and drape his blazer over you. “You should go back and change. Make sure to take a warm bath unless you want to catch a cold.” You nod at him confusedly. He watches as you make your way down the steps. He turns to the rest of the members with pink tinted cheeks. “Unfortunately this tea party will have to be cancelled,” and he quickly turns back to walk to his dorm before anyone can say anything.
The next time you see him, his cheeks are tinted pink and he’s trying very hard to not make eye contact with you. Overall, most of your relationship stays the same except that he’s inviting you over for tea more often. But this time its just the two of you. And his excuse? It changes every time. Sometimes its because he says he wants to talk about Adeuce and Grimm’s behaviour, and sometimes it’s because he wants your thoughts on which tea set is better.
For his case, it's not that he found out, rather he overheard it from a rowdy pair of first years and a cat. He was walking to his next class and about to turn around the corner when he overheard their not so very hushed conversation. His eyes widen very similarly to the saucers that they use for tea. He's kind of upset that he didn't find out himself, but learned it through someone else. Oh well. It's a win-win situation for him anyways.
So when he starts being much more clingier to you and offering to walk you to your classes do you start to get suspicious. He’s always coming over to sit together at your table and visiting you at Ramshackle more. Lounging on the beaten up sofa while you do whatever work you have to. Keeping you company for as long as he can. Or at least until Riddle calls him back or you kick him out. Whichever comes first.
Now imagine there’s a celebration of some sort and he’s excitedly running up the steps to Ramshackle to formally invite you as his date. “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he smiles cheekily. And from behind him he pulls out a beautiful dress. “Will you be my date?” No misunderstanding his gestures now.
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reblogs appreciated!
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myfandomrealitea · 6 months
I wish I had a place to post my fucked up arts without being cancelled 😭
Honestly I think the drawn arts have suffered perhaps the most out of modern censorship. Especially the communities, too, because when sites ban things to please advertisers, investors and the handful of people squawking about protecting the children, it creates this mentality of; 'if its been banned its bad, so whoever makes it or enjoys it is bad too.'
There will literally always be at least one person who comes after you for what you create. Lord knows I enough enough angry anons in my inbox on a daily basis and all I do is rant about antis and occasionally knock my braincells together with enough force to say something vaguely helpful.
My best advice for avoiding being 'cancelled' is to heavily, heavily curate your online space and the people you aim to include within it. This could be by:
Following specifically other blogs who post similar content or express interest in similar content to what you produce or your interests.
Pre-emptively blocking blogs who express disgust or hatred for the content you produce or like, blogs who express moral stances conflicting to yours, ect. This is expressly helpful on sites like Twitter where options to limit engagement are limited.
Tagging properly, and including trigger and warnings tags whom others are likely to have blocked. This prevents people from seeing something they don't want to, and also gives you coverage if they try to accuse you of 'spreading it around.'
In cases of art that may have more extreme content, try using spoiler flags or any filtration option that requires viewers to actively consent to viewing it. Relevant to above, nobody can cry wolf about 'being exposed' because they would've had to physically reveal the work to themselves.
DeviantArt unfortunately recently changed its policies to a frankly ridiculously constrictive degree, so while I previously would've recommended that as a place to host your artwork and find a safer community, I can no longer. Hopefully someone is successful in pushing for the site to reform to its previous rules soon.
ArtStation is an option. The site is not eligible to anyone under 18 and sexual, gore, fetish, and 'mature' content is allowed provided the usual stipulation that you aren't using it in order to cause, infer or threaten harm against someone. A lot of the site is geared toward marketing artwork, though, so you might be hard pressed to find more of a community aspect to it.
Rule 34.com is... Objectively one of the best places you can host your artwork if you create content that is based on sexual themes. The protective rights aren't the greatest, but anyone who uses Rule 34 has no leg to stand on regarding morality and censorship.
Reddit has a lot of subreddits for sharing art, and a bonus is you can find subreddits specifically geared toward artwork based on things like gore, violence, sexual content, ect. Filtering options and monitoring are basically non-existent, however. Also, Reddit sometimes spontaneously decides a specific post is against its TOS and yeets it.
There's also the option of building a Discord server based around sharing artwork of certain themes, which is objectively the format that allows you the most control over who views it, but it also means your art has a limited presence. (Can't be reblogged, ect.)
If you do check out any of the websites, always be thorough in reading the Terms of Service and the Community Guidelines.
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ibbys-dump · 1 year
twitter sucks, so I'm mainly posting on here now, mind joining in?
heyoo! it's been a while since I've been on here but I think I'd like to start somethign new :)
if you don't mind, could I take ~20 minutes of your time (maybe less if you get the gist of it and scroll)? it'd mean a lot ♥
twitter is a GREAT app!
before, this account used to just be reposting art and spamming random thoughts like it's twitter, but I've learnt since then that this isn't twitter at all. twitter has some great stuff, I get to talk to friends, find more through mutuals, share and reblog art, and become more immersed in the communities I love! that's great to me, but it resulted in me being stuck with it... and I mean stuck.
twitter is the ONLY app I can use!!
I've tried to leave the app several times, but the thing is all my friends are on it, so I have to use it to talk to and stay updated on my friends. I barely tried a discord server, but starting conversations really aren't easy when there's nothing to talk about. the thing with twitter is that it lets you be updated on what your friends are doing, so you can chime in and talk about whatever, it's a cute ecosystem that messaging apps and stuff like reddit struggle to maintain (reddit posts and replies are messy but I can't pin on why lol, just take my word for it [also who has a private subreddit lol]). BASICALLY twitter is too good to leave.
twitter kinda really sucks...
now you may ask why I'd want to leave the ideal app? well, twitter DOES have its problems and I think many are aware of it. it has a practically unmoderated void of the timeline that you can't help but check out to find new people, but you just get an unrelated mess of people posting 7 word phrases for interactions from randoms and it becomes an addicting cycle to scroll. just checking the app after being logged out awhile resulted in 20-40 minute scrolls, and it's taken away from my morning sometimes.
on top of this, GOD twitter is depressing.
... is an inevitability that you'll see often while just trying to look for your friend's posts, or sometimes they'll even repost it on their page... and it gets depressing. I don't want to see the world falling apart while I'm talking to friends, I get politics is important but my #1 rule is that it isn't shoved down my throat, and twitter is the biggest discriminator without a doubt.
twitter is also a huge unmoderated pit of posts, I've muted all that I can but people still find a way to be sexual, even minors but that's a whole other rabbit hole. there's no real way to mute it all, and it sucks. nobody uses spoilers on images, and twitter's timeline is a mess so you'll get some random's TOP 10 WACKY OPINIONS ON RANDOM WOMEN out of nowhere ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
the thing is, twitter was made back in like 2008 to post very short phrases on what you're doing, but now it's evolved poorly into a mixed mess of becoming THE social media app
so use Tumblr, PLEASE..!
the good without the dreadful
I didn't realize that 2010s web-blogs were the future, but blogs actually are a perfect solution! I read this article not too long ago, and I loved it. isn't it cool being able to just read some person's cool opinions and thoughts on their little journeys?! from there I got to thinking...
"didn't Tumblr have a blogs system as cool as this??"
it does!! I can check in on my friends on one page dedicated to them all, I can support cool artists, I can meet new mutuals, find new people with the # pages actually being useful (twitter's one sucks, don't you lie to me), the For You ONLY shows tags I follow, sexual content is banned, people actually use #s in posts which I can mute easily, there's like no politics and I can enjoy my space in PEACE!
so can you help me out and use Tumblr with me?
this is literally the best app for literally any community, but the tragic thing is not enough people use it. I get that new can be scary, and a month ago when I did use it, it was pretty difficult, but once you get the hang of it, you'll learn to love the new side of your communities! you also have your own space, so you can post your slick rhythm game scores or live posts of tv shows, it's great!
so with the whole essay I made, totally consider adding Tumblr to your ecosystem! make an account, get started talking to people, share the love for this app getting new people in here, and have fun!
you're gonna need some basic "get started" tips and get some extensions maybe, tumblr is an old place and has its own style, so I wouldn't skip these (they're short, promise!)
here's a twitter thread I used ages ago, super useful!
apparently my friend used this and got good tips, some extra pointers if you're interested!
as for me, I'll be talking more about things with you people on both apps, but mainly on here, this is the return I'm comfortable with, I'll still be on twitter for random silly posts, but general stuff goes on this blog. I hope this works well enough and I really would love to see all of you guys on here too!
> thanks for reading this, it means a lot
- ibby❤️
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finally. i decided to do this. anyways hello there, i am jake and today i want to talk about something; you see, if you are in the tf2 fandom, you probably know about heavymedic. Wherther you are a hardcore gamer who resents f2p’s or a person that never played the game but has trillions of notes on their art- you know heavymedic exists and most of all you probably ship it.
And I find that weird. In the few fandoms in my life I have been in I had never seen a single ship be so widely if not shipped, then accepted. Sure, maybe everyone in the GF fandom knows what Billdip is - for better or for worse. Sure, maybe the HS fandom is 70% shipping.
But I have never ever seen such a phenomenon in a prominent multiplayer game fandom. A fandom, sadly, oftentimes filled with toxicity. Overwatch is very similar here - yet ships are either a hot topic of discussion or straight up ignored. But TF2? In here for whatever reason we ship these two mercenaries. And in this essay I will try and find a reason or two why is that.
Apologies for any mistakes or incoherency. English is not my first language, I need to ramble, and my vocabulary is all over the place.
Content warning: mentions of homophobia, blood, death, mentions of WLW fetishization, nsfw mention. Also MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR THE TF2 COMICS.
Part 1: Canonical Evidence and Interactions
Let’s be honest: I could ramble about this one for days on end. But I’ll try and keep it short.
First and foremost we have the official videos. And of course the first thing that comes to mind is Meet the Medic.
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At the very start of the part where Medic himself appears, we see him telling a joke about a particularly gruesome situation to Heavy.
He laughs along with him, visibly enjoying his company. He even smiles as he waits for another joke. Heavy only shows genuine fear a lot later.
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And of course this damn scene always cracks me up. Medic slightly pinches Heavy’s cheek and strokes his lip gently (the other part is almost not noticeable unless you play the video at slow speed).
Of course we all know about the Hand Hold that happens somewhere halfway in the vid. I don’t think I have to explain the gayness in that. The fact their hands stay interlocked even after Medic helps Heavy up. The deep breath Medic takes because even he cannot handle the emotions. That few seconds is unresolved sexual tension manifest.
Overall the short shows a strong feeling of trust between these two. Medic confides in Heavy and reverse. Yeah he puts a baboon heart into his friend’s chest cavity but the fact (as proven at the end of the video) that Heavy was the first one to have an Ubercharge implanted into him shows that Medic at the very least considers him a lab rat.
I treat End of the Line as non-canonical, as do many others, and as such won’t discuss it here. But it will forever crack me up that Valve endorsed such levels of homoerotic subtext.
These two have some short moments in other videos, like for example in Invasion Heavy helps Medic up (CINEMATIC PARALLELS) but it’s nothing major so I guess I’ll skip forward.
Second is their interactions ingame. You might call me a weirdo for trying to find stuff in there but holy shit I have things to say and I’m going to say them.
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You thought I was going to fanboy over the “i love this doktor” voiceline huh? Well not really. I wish these two had unique lines if they assist one another.
Heavy is literally listed on the official wiki as the “ideal medic buddy” and multiple pages on that exact wiki say some pretty interesting things.
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I have to say something about the Gentleman’s Ushanka and/or Pocket Medic. They are both community cosmetics - but the fact they both got accepted by Valve says a lot. Above is text snipped from the actual wiki.
Last but not least: The Comics. Darned comics. The pair of mercenaries has basically no interaction - unless you count issue 6.
Heavy getting absolutely PISSED when Medic is killed by Ch*avy. Their reunion. Medic referring to Heavy by “my friend” in a totally straight way. Kind of sad Valve wasted an opportunity for them to hug. Maybe they knew their comic artist ships them and wanted to avoid having to answer the Question™.
Part 2: Dynamics
This part’s a bit trickier, mostly due to the reason that I’m new to this whole dynamic analysis thing. Yeah I’m good at spotting canonical evidence but very specific shipping dynamics often escape my gaze.
The most obvious one is Big Guy, Little Guy. Quoting the TVTROPES page:
[…] This trope describes a pair of guys who always fight together, are best friends forever, and quite often have a very obvious hierarchy: The little guy is often in charge […] The little guy is usually listed first, since he’s the leader, and they are always listed together, as if they are one entity. In fact, some episodes may center on the fact that they can’t live without each other. […] If this is a case of Brains and Brawn, the Big Guy is usually the Brawn, and the Little Guy the Brains. It’s almost never the other way around, but in some cases the Big Guy can be rather smart too. […]
A sub-type of this, a common favorite here on Tumblr is known as “small chaotic big calm” and hoo boy if that isn’t these two. I don’t really have much to say here - again I am not an expert.
Part 3: Fandom Impact
So you don’t think Red Oktoberfest (as Heavymedic is sometimes called) is super popular on anywhere else than Tumblr? Wrong.
It’s hard to find TF2 fics on Archive of Our Own not tagged with Heavy/Medic. Of course most of them only contain hints to their relationship but go in the main tf2 tag and I can guarantee you, you’ll gonna see “implied heavy/medic” all the time.
But these two go further than AO3 or Tumblr or Instagram or whatever. They are recognized even within the wider circle of the fanbase. Take this SFM, for example. (I am using the Saxxy Awards version of Secret Lives here mostly due to the fact that the Heavymedic moment is much gayer. In the normal version, the dialogue isn’t changed, but they simply hold hands.)
And the best part? The comments are extremely positive. You’d expect hoards upon hoards of homophobes screeching but no, the comments are supportive. Even on places such as Reddit or Youtube, comments like “yeah they’re gay and in love” do not get downvoted/disliked to hell; in fact the opposite.
Part 4: Canon Status
Let’s be real. Most ships are shipped because people want to explore the dynamics in fanfic, fanart or something else. But Heavymedic is shipped because… well, I have no idea.
Actually, I kind of do - but only theories. You see, while the canonical evidence is here, the creators have never said anything about them. No confirmation, no disproval, no hinting, nothing.
But the ship is so prominent! There has to be something causing this!- you say. And to that I present you 2 theories on why Heavy/Medic is so popular.
Theory number 1 states that we simply all choose to interpret their interactions as homoerotic. And this is very easy to disprove - there’s simply no way we just collectively agreed on these matters out of nothing. There has to be something bigger.
And theory 2 states that, well, our interpretation is the desired interpretation. But this is even more ridiculous than theory 1 for a number of reasons. If they are in fact gay, why hasn’t Valve made them canon yet?
A Theoretical Scenario
I am going to ramble big time on this one, so buckle up lads. I’ll discuss a theoretical scenario in which, well, if that was not obvious, Valve confirms Heavymedic as canon. Maybe then we will see why they will probably never do so.
TF2 is considered by typical capital G, alt-right Gamers as a “non-political” game. This means no women (in the game itself, at least, and if even, sexy women only), no queer folk and no minorities (for some reason they accept Demoman but throw a fit if someone draws any other merc as not being pearl white). Team Fortress 2 was around before Gamergate and other things like Gamers Rise Up. It’s a classic and Valve is regarded as the good guy to Epic Game’s bad guy. If Valve did anything to confirm doubts, wherther it be clearing up popular fanon or confirming ships, these people would throw hands. (Although they seemed to ignore when one of the writers confirmed Miss Pauling is a lesbian. Huh.) Even those that don’t play TF2 would come to the aid of their bros.
Let me illustrate with two very similar examples. In both cases these confirmations were the first made by the company as a whole, both are fairly recent and both confirm a character as gay.
First we have the confirmation of Tracer from Overwatch as a lesbian. It was done in one of OVW’s comics. Tracer is the FACE of Overwatch as a whole and while most of the fanbase accepted it (thankfully the Gamers are reluctant to infest ow), some people threw what I can only describe as a hissy fit. At least her girlfriend’s a background character.
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Second is Neeko from League of Legends. Unlike Tracer she was added a while before it was confirmed she was gay. LOL is much more toxic and filled with Gamers than OW and holy shit people smeared LOL so much.
Of course these are not accurate to Heavy/Medic. In both of the cases I listed it was girls being wlw and we all know how much cisgender heterosexual gamers LOVE yuri porn. Apparently only girls can be gay because they can jack off to it - if it’s two guys then it’s disgusting. Nevertheless I think these are good approximations - in every case the company gets “shat on” on social media and other sites. With the community that Valve has, I think even if they wanted them to be gay, they would never ever confirm it.
I’m sorry for that ending. I had to theorize a bit. Regardless I’d love if you shared this on other sites, reblogged or whatever - I wasted at least 1 and a half hours of my life on it. Feel free to cite this as a source if someone asks you why you ship the big heavy weapons expert and the feral battle medic.
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andalite-angel · 7 years
I keep thinking about a modern Animorphs AU and I’m so in love with it It honestly has so much fun potential and I could go on forever about it, but here are just a few headcanons I have:
He just doesn’t Get social media
Marco’s always telling him to update his profiles more, but he never does
Only really goes on facebook and the occasional forum or chatroom
Most of his posts are Marco tagging him in things
Him and Tom would play video games a lot together, and Jake still tries to get him to play more
Jake usually just resorts to going to Marco’s house
Probably has a very dad-like phone case for his smartphone
Marco and Rachel make fun of him for it
Likes really outdated memes (Marco groans in the distance)
Someone please help this child
Gets in trouble for wearing crop tops at school
Has an aesthetic blog on tumblr
Lives on Instagram and pintrest
Her room looks like something straight off of pintrest
Watches so many beauty vloggers on youtube
Secretly wants to start her own beauty channel, but knows that she can’t being an animorph
Sends Cassie beauty and fashion hacks and tutorials all the time with the hope that she’ll get into it
It doesn’t, but she still does it
Spends a majority of his life online
Stays up until 3am on school nights going through reddit
The pirate KING
Has folders filled with illegally downloaded music and movies and anime
As a hawk, one of the animorphs brings him a tablet to use in the forest
He shows Ax anime
This was a bad idea
Everyone thinks he’s really tech savvy but mostly he’s just really good at googling things
He owns so many video games and different consoles oh my god
He always invites Jake over to play
Spends his nights trolling online
This boy is the absolute meme king (But let’s face it, that’s not even a headcanon. We all know this.)
He always sends Jake memes and funny posts he finds
Just take this moment to imagine Marco sending Jake cursed images or out of context gifs and saying “this is you”
Posts selfies c o n s t a n t l y
Literally all of his selfies have all these filters and he does all the stereotypical douche poses
Probably posts at least one selfie a day and brags when it gets liked
Jake always likes out of pity
Tries to grow his hair out for a man bun because the ladies will love it
Rachel tells him this is not the case. He ignores her
She’s had the same smartphone for the longest time
Honestly the only reason she has a smartphone is because Rachel finally convinced her to join modern life
The screen is incredibly cracked because she keeps dropping it while working with the animals
Like Jake, she doesn’t really get social media, either
She follows so many animal pages on facebook though
She just doesn’t get internet humor
Sometimes she thinks she gets it, but she never does
Rachel and Marco die a little bit on the inside every time Cassie brings up something she found online because it’s always old and outdated jokes and memes
Jake always laughs though
Accidentally liked an old picture of Jake once
She texted Rachel frantically asking her what to do
Rachel was dying
Honestly Jake probably didn’t even notice. He was just happy Cassie liked one of his pictures
Marco showed him a meme once. He had no idea what the point of it was, but now he won’t stop trying to reference memes. Marco regrets his decision. Tobias tries to help him understand memes more. It’s a lost cause. Ax now brings up memes at the worst possible times.
Remember how I said Tobias showed him anime. Ax loves anime.
He ends up getting into quite a few of them and sits in the forest draining the battery of their electronics
He doesn’t even need subtitles because of his translator chip
Tobias gets frustrated because every time a new episode of the anime they’re watching comes out, Ax watches it before him and is really bad with spoilers
Scoffs at touch screens (“You need to use a screen to touch? A hologram would be much easier.”)
Marco insists on setting up a facebook profile for Ax’s human morph because he thinks not having a facebook in modern day might make controllers suspect him
Now imagine Marco helping Ax take selfies for his new profile
Words cannot even begin to describe that shipwreck
The other animorphs cannot stop laughing at how ridiculous his pictures are
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