#real life magical girl
pureresplendence · 3 days
🌙 ⋆ dream work and magical heroes ᵎᵎ
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NOTES 。this is NOT a roleplaying account, nor is this a form of delusion. the owner of this account is a practitioner of witchcraft, and IRL magical girls fall under the chaos magic and pop culture magic aspect of witchcraft.
as a practitioner whose main practices include the usage of dreams in my own magickal workings, i certainly do believe that it's possible to use them in the process of becoming a real life magical hero. this type of magick that i perform is referred to as dream work, and it's something that i think can go hand-in-hand with astral work, which is the secondary center of my witchcraft activities.
in this blog, i'll be discussing in length what dream work is, how it can be used by those who aspire to become magical heroes, and how it can also be used by non-magical heroes who practice witchcraft as an addition to their activities. in general, this will serve as a lengthy discussion to the magic and psychology held within the realm of dreams.
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i think that everyone already knows what dreams are, but i'd like to expand further about them. dreams are believed by sigmund freud, a neurologist, as the unconscious' way of expressing itself in order to resolve repressed or unwanted emotions, experiences, and aggressive impulses. some experts suggests that having good dreams is related to good quality sleep.
in psychology, dream work is like what the name says; working with dreams to uncover secrets about ourselves, to explore the numerous images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that the dream presents us, in an attempt to discover how do these dreams manifests itself to us. those who work with dreams often thinks that a dream could have more than one meaning depending on what is being learned about and explored in the dream.
in gestalt-based dream work, it's suggested that all elements in a dream; the characters, the setting, basically everything that's seen, represent an aspect of the dreamer. it represents a part of the self, it shows you an inner dynamic.
the method in gestalt-based dream work is to revisit the dream from each perspective, to re-experience the dream as if you're each of these characters you saw in the dream, and as a result you can get a clear view on what is actually occuring with its underlying context, you find out what is actually going on within you, and at times dreams could be a reflection of our own reality, of what life is like to us.
in jungian-based dream work, it's believed that dreams are a way for the unconscious mind to communicate with the conscious mind. while freud thought that dreams hide their meanings, jung thought that dreams directly tell its own meanings through symbolisms and metaphors, placing heavy importance on the vivid mental images and symbolisms that these dreams shows us.
but if you're someone who's acquainted with your own dreams, such as being a lucid dreamer or dream work practitioner, you'd be able to achieve certain feats; from being able to remember your dreams in vivid detail, to being capable of tampering with it, communicating with entities through it, and even down to like setting up the dream realm as a place to perform certain spells and rituals without anyone knowing in the real world. we can also attain our goals of being a magical hero and communicate with our familiars through dreams.
in witchcraft, practitioners can use dream work as a way of entity communication, dream divination, dream interpretation, dream incubation, astral projection, and so forth. the following list includes the aforementioned activities and i'll explain how magical heroes can use these too.
💭 – dream work activities !!
dream interpretation: this is the process of assigning meaning and significance to a dream. dreams are subjective to each person, and even if there are shared meanings, it is best to look at the symbolisms from a personal point of view in interpretation.
some elements of the dream can have importance that is personal to the dreamer, while to others it does not, hence the subjectivity. for example, you dreamt of a red apple, and even if there are things online that you can use to base your interpretation off of, it's best to look into what a red apple would mean to you. in addition to that, dreams can be interpreted via intuition.
as a magical hero, sometimes we can get signs that are derived from the symbolisms and metaphors that we see during sleep, and i've witnessed some magical heroes be assigned a concept through a dream.
dream divination: also known as oneiromancy. it's a type of divination that focuses on gaining clarity and information derived from a dream, and this is something that is done alongside dream interpretation. this can be based on the belief that dreams sometimes come from entities, and to understand those messages, one must decipher what they dreamed of.
as a magical hero, this can be used as a way of communicating with your magical familiar or any other magical entity you'd like to get in contact with. personally, i met my familiar during a dream where they introduced themselves, and at times, me and my familiar would talk to each other in a dream.
dream incubation: dream incubation is the act of inducing a dream or intending for a specific thing to happen in a dream. this is a practice that had existed in ancient greece and ancient egypt. this can be done through placing a sigil/cartomancy card representing the dream that you want under the pillow you sleep on, affirmations and manifestation, or by talking to an entity and asking them to provide you a specific dream.
as a magical hero, i've witnessed others achieve their goals and be capable of transformation through a dream induced via dream incubation. for example, many puella magis performed the contract through a dream where they aren't lucid.
lucid dreaming: lucid dreaming is the act of becoming conscious in a dream where no one would normally be aware in, this can be by accident or intended. and in a lucid dream, you can set up the ambience and atmosphere of a dream into one where you'd be able to perform your ideal rituals, spellwork, or invite specific entities.
earlier, i mentioned how some magical heroes used dream incubation in order to meet their goals of becoming a fully pledged MH, but another alternative to that would be lucid dreaming where you'd be able to invoke the presence of a magical familiar or your transformation device.
astral projection: astral projection is the act of separating your astral body from the physical body. in a state of dreaming, the body is under sleep paralysis and therefore wouldn't be able to resist or react if the astral body separates itself via a dream. you can use the method of lucid dreaming in order to astral project.
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i currently have plans on writing tutorial blogs that cover the topics of dream incubation, lucid dreaming, and astral projection, as methods to become a fully pledged magical hero. now that i'm on break from my civilian duties like being a student, i'm hoping that i'll be able to post more! still, i'm happy that i got a chance to ramble about dream work/dream magic because it's something i do a lot.
thank you!
– june 10, 2024 | monday
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Ok. I want to preface this by stating I mean no harm, As someone who is (and will be) Astral-Focused, i'm trying to understand the blog, but I don't have a tag-guide to search through for you.
When you refer to “becoming a magi” do you mean in the physical or astral sense?
Where did this idea originate? (aside from the show.)
Apologies if i'm coming in swinging. I do not believe I fit the exact terms for the community you seek, but I'm trying to understand.
I mean I will become a magical girl on the astral realm. This specific idea originated from an abandonded Discord server if real magis that told me that is how you can become a magi.
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thelawofcycle · 2 days
your soul gem and you-- the basics
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(disclaimer: this post contains information on the practice of being a real life magical girl through pop culture magic or manifestation, and is not roleplay or a form of delusion. roleplaying and any interaction in bad faith will result in a block.)
after becoming a puella magi, the soul gem becomes the most important part of your being, seeing as it contains your soul. this thread is a more thorough explanation on them than my beginner's guide to puella magi, which you can read if you haven't by clicking here. i am also open to answering questions anyone might have, though i won't promise that i'll be able to answer them all.
this article talks about 3 essential topics to be aware of about your soul gem as a real life puella magi, in training or otherwise. (full article under the cut)
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the 100 meter rule
the 100 meter rule dictates the distance that a puella magi can be apart from their soul gem before the connection between them begins to fade. this, as you probably know, is not good and needs to be avoided, but generally being away from your soul gem at all can be a problem. the side effects from being away from your soul gem range from inconvenient to danger of death. i've listed some of the consequences here, (some sadly out of experience) in the order of least far from the soul gem to farthest:
- inability to use magic
- inability to transform
- headaches
- fatigue
- nausea
- vomiting
- passing out
and finally, the complete disconnection from your soul gem after the 100 meters are surpassed, which results in what we see in the source anime. you'll have 48 hours to get someone to get your soul gem back to you if this happens, so please don't let it happen.
most astral puella magi may not reach the full disconnect and only experience the other symptoms, which aren't good either, so please stay safe and make sure your soul gem is always near you.
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grief seeds
grief seeds are essential to having a healthy, purified soul gem, and minimizing your chances of witching out. the best way to get them is, of course, fighting witches, though you can possibly also get them by offering services such as coordination in exchange for them, but this isn't very common and it's best not to rely solely on that for grief seeds.
grief seeds are pretty straightforward to use, as i've explained before in my beginner's guide. once you get one (either in the astral realm or after fighting a physical witch), just hold it near your soul gem and it'll extract all the negativity from it, making your soul gem vibrant and sparkly again.
physical magis should be careful with them, though! after they accumulate enough negativity, it's possible for them to summon a witch again, so make sure that doesn't happen by disposing of them with a nearby incubator.
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the shattering of a soul gem
so, as you might've guessed by that subtitle, this isn't very good. since as puella magi, our bodies are merely the vessel we use to fight and our actual selves are located in the soul gem, the shattering of a soul gem is pretty bad. i unfortunately (maybe fortunately) don't have much information on what happens when your soul gem shatters, but we can assume it'll go from ending your contract to ending your life. it sucks, and there's not much to say about it besides how to prevent it.
- if you're planning your outfit beforehand, make sure your soul gem isn't at a very vulnerable spot!
- be cautious while fighting witches, remember your life and your wish are on the line.
- also on fighting witches, don't be afraid to retreat and take a breather. don't be impatient, it's better to be safe and take longer to beat the witch than to go all out and get a broken soul gem.
i know i say this a lot, but please stay safe, everyone!
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hello! i'm making a series of in depth documents about soul gems, as i wanted to be more detailed than i was in my beginner's guide and because i haven't seen much resources on it. this was the first part of that, so expect the second part soon! i'll have a poll up on what the next topic should be, so make sure to check that out.
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mymahoujourney · 2 years
Simple Ways to be Like a Magical Girl! <3
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How Can You Be Like a Magical Girl?
Being a magical girl is amazing work and is very fulfilling, however not everybody has that kind of time on their hands. That's why I've put together these simple ways to be just like a magical girl!
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Help others whenever you can. Help that old lady across the street and carry her bags, empty the dishwasher for your mam, help that girl stuck on a math question in your class, lend the tired girl on the train your shoulder! Even the simplest ways of helping someone could really make their day, and can make you feel accomplished!
Be kind to everybody you meet. This doesn't mean you have to like everybody, but you should just show everybody basic kindness & decency. If someone is going through a hard time, even just sending a smile their way or holding a door open for them can make them feel alot better.
Believe in yourself! Magical girls are always doing the impossible, why? It's because they believe in themselves; and you should too!! If you have a test coming up, a job interview, a show or anything really- just believe that you can do it and you'll do it amazingly!!
When you see danger... call the authorities!! Not everyone is built for fighting crime, that's what help is there for. If you see someone being hurt, some place being robbed, or anything of the sort- go call someone!
Dream big~ I believe that no dream is impossible, so whatever your dreams are believe that you can achieve them! No dream is too big or too small. If you want to be a singer but are afraid it's too ambitious, ignore that thought and keep pushing forward! You can do it if you try your best.
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Life can be hard sometimes, and being a magical girl is busy work- so even just by doing these simple things you can make a difference and be a better person!! (´∀`)♡
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sativaasiren · 1 year
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I did it guys! I managed to sit through a 6 hour tattoo so well we didn’t need to do another session so you’re looking at MY COMPLETE UNDERBUST TATTOO AHHHH. I’d like to personally thank everyone who went with me to both appts to Boston. My friends are everything and the #goodbeansquad always delivers 😤 Since tiktok thought my video was too spicy, I censored these photos in case they want to pull my post down for nudity…real hot girl shit 💅🏻🔥
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mahouxprincess · 2 months
Adora’s Diaries ! #2
Working on my lucid dreaming and astral projection today ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Today’s mostly for preparing myself to become a magical girl, like figuring out my concept, outfit, weapon, things like that!
(my outfit and weapons will def be pink because I love pink)
I’m taking a break from my worldly duty because of things that are going on atm (T﹏T) It’s hard to always spread love and happiness when you’re a highly emotional magical girl like me !
Even the best magical girls get sad and need to rest sometimes, so never beat yourself up about it ヾ(๑╹ヮ╹๑)ノ” Just pick yourself right back up !
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mahouplanetstaff · 1 month
Staff Introduction #2: Lizzie🌟
hi im lizzie :] im an admin of mahou planet and im also the best staff member on the team (/j) my personal blog is @nikolizzie !! i haven’t posted anything there yet but i’ll prob post and reblog some mg related stuff eventually so follow me there :] I’m 18 and i use She/They/He pronouns !!!!
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Something you will learn about ME when you join mahou planet is that i draw a LOT. I also tend to ramble about my special interests and hyperfixations (the main ones being tpn and hugtto precure!!) you’ll also see me threatening mudae in the bot channels when they don’t give me the characters i want >:[ (cough literally any tpn character or hugtto character)
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for currently active hyperfixations i’d say my concept, hugtto, and among us !!! specifically i keep watching and rewatching jacksepticeyes among us videos 😭 don’t laugh at me :[ if u wanna play amongus w me you should join the server it would be so swag if u did
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CONCEPT TIME!!! i have a precure based concept :3 my precure form is called Cure Lumine and i have 4 teammates !! you can find out more about my concept by joining the server and reading my personal concept forum (one of the many perks of mahou planet is having personal forums and channels to ramble to your hearts content) nyways here is my civilian and magical girl form :}
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please please please join mahou planet !! if you join and say “lizzie is the coolest” you get a free upgrade to vip 😇😇😇 (/j that won’t actually happen)
also heres my carrd its mostly just stuff i like and kins https://lizziescatcafe.carrd.co/
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magical-doll-moru · 11 months
Hello ! !
Hello ! My name is Moru and I’m a dollkin n irl magical girl ! I started my magical girl journey recently, so I’m just beginning >_<
I will b using this to document my magical girl journey
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 8 months
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sailor ninja style?..
i just keep thinking about a ninja who was around during early anime popularity. (and somehow im making them a whole backstory now oof)
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sortagolddigger · 9 months
You can do it.
It’s ok if you feel ugly or not good enough. Do it anyway.
Fake it till you make it. Nothing in this world was created without someone’s imagination
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pureresplendence · 28 days
hi!! fellow pop culture witch here, you have been my introduction to the irl magical girl community and i just have to say it seems SO cool and it's sick you get to do something like that and have such a nice community around it <3
- @witch-wolfwood
⭐ ) messages from the stars ᵎᵎ
hello!!! it's always great to see another practitioner of the same craft, especially when pop culture magic is often seen as a childish form of magic. i'm happy to see another pop culture witch, and i feel honored to be someone's first introduction to the irl magical girl community.
i think the community is more active in real life and a select few chose to be active in the internet, especially when other magical girls are busy with what's going on with their civilian lives as well, but the part of the community that is on online platforms is more than glad to welcome anyone who wants to join.
if you have any questions in regards to irl magical girl related topics, feel free to ask and i'm willing to explain anything as long as it's within my capabilities. thank you for visiting our community!!
– may 16, 2024 | thursday
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A reference of what I look like now that I have things all figured out!
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thelawofcycle · 3 days
on IRL puella magi -- a beginner's guide
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hello, tumblr! i've decided to compile some of my knowledge on the practice of being a real life puella magi here. i hope this can be useful for anyone just beginning their journey! this is gonna be very very long, as i didn't want to make separate posts.
the contract
soul gems
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if you haven't been in the community for long, the first question that will possibly pop up into your head will be "how?"
i understand the concept of being a real magical girl can seem absurd at first, but i can assure you it is 100% real, and it is incredibly easy to become one.
it can be done through pop culture witchcraft, manifestation, and sometimes, even by sheer luck.
now, let's get to the real deal!
once you decide to become a puella magi, the first thing you should think about is whether you want to be a physical or astral one. astral magi will, as the name suggests, fight in the astral, while physical magi fight in this realm.
both have their own pros and cons (physical can be more dangerous, but astral may not be best for you if you don't want to/can't astral project), and ultimately it is up to you which one will be best for you. after deciding this, though, you can get started for reals!
before the contract, you can script how you want your outfit to look, figure out what your wish will be, and basically do whatever! don't force yourself to make the contract until you are ready.
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the contract
this is usually the most important part. this is when you really become a puella magi!
the contract can be done through multiple means-- again, whichever one works best for you. most puella magi i've seen try to make the contract through astral projection, or through a lucid dream! if you have the clairsenses to physically see an incubator, you could also just make the contract on the spot!
the way i went about it is a little less talked about, and thought it works better for astral puella magi i do recommend anyone who's having trouble with the other methods to consider it: a ritual!
the contract (ritual)
now, this can sound difficult, but it's really not! i might make a post on how you can do it, but there's not really any strict guidelines for it; just do whatever works for you, have an object to be your soul gem beforehand and know how to cast a circle.
once you've got everything set up, just call for your incubator until you can "sense" it's there. it usually shows up in the form of a spirit/entity, so you might not be able to see it physically. after that, the rest is history-- state your wish and wait for a little! you might feel a sharp stingy feeling in your chest (i did... not cool, kyubey >:/), that means it worked! congrats!!
a dear friend of mine has a more specific guide for the ritual it and i did for our contracts on the mahou planet discord server.
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soul gems
so you've made your contract. first of all, stop what you're doing and do a little celebration dance; this is possibly the most memorable moments of your journey!
now, the first thing you will probably notice is your soul gem. the soul gem is basically the most essential thing to you now-- you need it around you at all times! for astral magis, you will be unable to use magic while away from your soul gem and even actually pass out like it happens in the show for physical magis. please be careful!
you'll be able to use magic after your contract, even while not transformed. don't overdo it, though! using magic darkens your soul gem.
to purify your soul gem, you will need a grief seed! these are obtained through defeating witches, as you probably know. the actual process is pretty easy; just make your soul gem and the grief seed touch, and the grief seed will absorb the negativity. if you're an astral magi, you'll have to be quick to use the grief seed before your connection to the labyrinth fades after beating the witch.
be careful, though! the grief seed might transform back into a witch if it had too much negativity stored in it. make sure to get rid of it! astral puella magi, as far as i know, don't have this problem, as the used grief seed will disappear along with the labyrinth.
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witches are the creatures we fight, and the source of our grief seeds! most witches form through the process of a soul gem becoming a grief seed, though, in our reality, a few witches are also just pure negativity and weren't necessarily magical girls before. no matter what they were made of, they're dangerous!
something you'll probably have to do a LOT while being a puella magi is witch hunting! take your soul gem (of course), your phone for safety, and some shoes that are comfortable to walk in! you're possibly gonna be walking around for a lotta time.
some places witches can be normally found in are hospitals, abandoned areas, near recent accidents of any kind, and places where people tend to commit suicide in. make sure to check those places for witch activity if it's safe to do so. witches can definitely be found in places other than those examples, though! your soul gem has the power to spot nearby witches, so if you're in doubt, just follow your intuition!
once you find a witch, you'll have to get into the labyrinth! my friend @doppelmagi has a great post on labyrinths for astral magis, so definitely check it out! for physical magis, it'll probably be much more intuitive: you just have to... get in and fight the witch!
for your first witch, i definitely advise you to train first, and if possible, have someone more experienced come with you! witches are, as i said, dangerous, so any help is good!
if your soul gem gets too corrupted, you will become a witch. from what i'm aware of, we don't really know what happens when you do, but we can probably assume you won't be able to go back to normal after that. if you're an astral magi, your astral form will permanently become a witch.
nobody wants this, so please be extremely cautious and make sure to always have a grief seed on you! stay safe.
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it can be hard to find other puella magi or even other magical heroes in general at first. you don't go around revealing your identity to everyone in real life, and neither do the other heroes around you. it can feel pretty isolating, though, and i get that feeling.
i recommend asking an incubator whether there are any other puella magi in your area! incubators can be bastards but they're also pretty helpful sometimes. they might even give you some extra info if they feel like it! there's more of us around than you think ;D
i also recommend the magical hero central forum, a community made by me that was created for this exact purpose, which you can find here! the mahou planet discord is also amazing for finding other magical heroes, and you can find them at @mahouplanetofficial .
if anyone has any other online MG communities to share, feel free to comment on this post! i don't know much of them myself, so i'd love to know about any.
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this is it! thanks so much if you read this far, i didn't really expect it to be this long HAHA. i hope this helps any beginners who don't know where to start! i find that there aren't many in depth guides on becoming a magical girl, so i hope this is useful.
until next time!
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mymahoujourney · 1 month
can you make a toy into a transformation item?
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As far as I'm aware, yes! You just have to focus your energy on that toy when you're manifesting. Try imagining how it'll feel to use it once it successfully becomes your transformation item :)
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saydesole · 1 month
Stand on business when it comes to your Boundaries
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mahouxprincess · 2 months
Adora’s Introduction .。.:*・°☆
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Hello everyone! I’m Adora, an aspiring magical girl ✮⋆˙
I’m 14 years old and found the magical girl community through a video on Tiktok ! (੭ु。╹▿╹。)੭ु⁾⁾
Being a magical girl has always enticed me since I was young, growing up watching Precure and other mahou shoujo genres, until I became older and got interested in Puella Magi Madoka Magica ₊✧⋆⭒˚。⋆
I’m looking for a bit of help/advice on starting the process of becoming a magical girl, and also some magi friends to talk to ! Don’t be afraid to message me, I’m very friendly <333 Follow my tag , ​˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ adora magi !! to see more of my posts <3
NOTE: This is an anti-racist, anti-sexist, Pro-Palestine, SFW, LGBTQ friendly blog run by a black girl !! Please keep that in mind lovelies ヾ(๑╹ヮ╹๑)ノ”
I look forward to meeting you all, farewell for now ヾ(^_^) byebye !!
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