#quick give him a blurry wife and white hair
devouringyourson · 10 months
loki s2 trailer is out i swear they've made owen wilson's hair inexplicably whiter and shorter just to make him looks less fuckable??? like they really panicked and went !! make him father figure shaped !!!
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wisdomssdaughterr · 1 year
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summary: steve harrington x oc
when another product of Hawkins National Laboratory escaped a long-survived nightmare alongside her sister, she crashed into one unsuspecting teenage boy and dragged him deeper into the dark mysteries that made up their hometown.
word count. 2.8k
warnings: cannon typical violence, child abuse, horror, gore, and depictions of mental illness. parts of this story were written pre-season 4 release. cannon divergence.
notes: we're almost at the end of season 1! the story only gets better from here, so stay tuned! and thank you for your lovely feedback and for reading my little story <3
previous chapter ← → next chapter
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The sun began to rise over Hawkins, casting rays of gold and light blue across the town. Most of its residents were still asleep inside their homes, unaware of what had occurred only hours before. 
Sunshine’s head rested against the cool passenger-side window of Chief Hopper’s car as they pulled into a driveway of a quaint house. 
The one-story home was covered in cream-colored siding and the yard was covered in leaves from a couple of tall, old trees that were scattered throughout the front. A couple of lights were on inside, unlike their distant neighbors. 
Hopper put the car in park and picked up his hat that he’d rested on the dash before he turned to the anxious teen. “I’ll go talk to them first, okay?” 
Sunshine nodded but said nothing. Hopper couldn’t blame her after the night they all had. To her, her parents were strangers. He only hoped that wouldn’t be the case for long. The Torres were good people, with the same kind of unwavering hope that Joyce held. Even though ten whole years had passed and there was an empty grave with their daughter’s name on it in the town cemetery, Hopper knew that there was a small part of that family that wouldn’t give up hope until a body was found. Their daughter would not be handed back underneath a white sheet, but rather with a beating heart. 
When he reached the door, Hopper knocked and waited a moment before it was swung open. A well-dressed and wide-awake Mr. Torres stood before him with his jet-black hair combed back and cut short, and his complexion still tanned from the summer months. Hopper didn’t miss the sudden flash of irritation that flickered across Mr. Torres’s face at the sight of him. 
“Mornin’ Chief,” he greeted with a small nod of his head. There was no cheery smile on his face like he once had held when he and Jim would meet at the bar on the weekends to catch the game. It felt like a lifetime ago, when they both had their little girls, and the world was a lot brighter. 
Mrs. Torres padded up behind her husband, blurry-eyed and dressed in her pajamas. “What’s going on?” she asked, folding her arms over her chest. 
“Walter, Mary-Jane,” Jim greeted. “I’m sorry to come by so early.” 
“What is this about, Jim?” Walter had no patience, not anymore. He’d become quiet, a little bitter even, but his wife kept him in line enough to be civil with the people of his hometown. 
Jim cleared his throat and tried to figure out the right way to break the news to the family that they had been right all along, and no one believed them. He needed to finish bringing lost kids home that night, which had turned into the morning before his very eyes. 
“The other day, Mary-Jane, you came into the station and swore you saw a girl that looked like what you thought Danielle would look like now-” 
She cut him off with a quick shake of her head; the rollers on her head threatened to fall out with how quickly she moved. “If you came here just to tell me I was wrong, you can save it. I know that I…I’m crazy, right?” Her husband sighed and placed a hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged him off angrily. “I’m just as crazy as Joyce Byers. We’re a couple of mothers off their rockers, right?” 
“Will Byers was found last night, alive,” Jim said. 
The news would break later that night to the rest of Hawkins, but if any residents outside of the group who had suffered through the night together deserved to know, it was the Torres family. 
The couple’s expression changed instantly at the unexpected news. Their eyes widened and any irritation they held melted away. “What?” Walter muttered in disbelief. “How is that possible? I thought that state trooper found his body in the quarry?” 
“It was a different boy, some out-of-towner, not Will,” he lied. The situation was anything but easy to explain. He’d have to tip-toe around it for the rest of his life, probably. 
Mary-Jane held one hand over her heart and took in the news like a mother who had dreamed of such an outcome for herself. She felt for Joyce Byers, that much was clear on her face. 
“Oh, my,” she gasped. “Is he okay?” 
Jim nodded. “He will be.” 
“You came here to tell us that?” Walter asked, confused. 
“No, actually.” Jim looked between the couple, two people who had experienced something too similar to what he had. His daughter, Sara, would never come home, but at least he knew how she died. It didn’t make it any less painful, but he couldn’t imagine not knowing what happened or where she was. The Torres family was left in the dark for so long, holding onto what everyone else believed was false hope, but it wasn’t. 
“Will Byers wasn’t the only kid we found last night.” 
Walter asked, “What do you mean?” 
“You were right,” Jim said to Mary-Jane. “You were right, and I should have believed you. I should have believed both you and Joyce a lot sooner than I did.” 
Growing more impatient, Mary-Jane narrowed her eyes. “What are you talking about?” 
In the cold, early November morning air, Jim Hopper delivered the news that the couple had prayed for the past ten agonizing years. 
“We found Danielle. She’s alive.” 
The parents stood in shock as the words worked their way through the years and years of hopelessness they faced when it came to finding their daughter. It struck Mary-Jane first; her legs nearly buckled underneath her. Walter caught his wife’s arm as he stared at Jim with a glazed-over expression that started to form into tears.
A sob came from Mary-Jane, only this time it wasn’t of pain, it was of relief. 
Walter blinked back his tears and glanced toward Jim’s truck in the driveway, where a shadowy figure of a girl sat in the front seat. 
“I-Is that her?” Walter asked, his voice barely above a whisper. A part of him didn’t seem to believe that he was being told the truth. 
Jim followed their gaze and waved at Danielle to get out. 
She still looked like hell, but the oldest Wheeler kid gave her a change of clothes before they left the hospital and a nurse cleaned up a couple of the wounds she acquired over the past week. 
Silence stretched between the merging parties until Danielle reached them. Her moves were hesitant and unsure, while Walter and Mary-Jane waited with baited breaths. 
Tears fell freely from Mary-Jane’s eyes as she took a step toward Danielle. “It’s really you?” she asked, chin trembling. 
Danielle said nothing; instead, she glanced at Jim, who nodded in reassurance. 
Jim didn’t know how to explain, mother’s intuition maybe, but the moment Danielle met Mary-Jane’s eyes there was all the confirmation she needed that the girl before them was her daughter. She let out a shuttered breath and smiled. “It is you.” 
Closing the space between them, Mary-Jane cupped her daughter’s face in her hands and brushed her thumb against the bruises splattered across Danielle’s skin. 
The teen’s lips twitch upwards in the faintest smile as she whispered, “Hi.” That broke both parents. They both fell into a fit of tears as they gathered their daughter up in their arms and held onto her tightly, fearing she’d slip away from them all over again; they weren’t going to let that happen. 
All three members of the Torres family stood together on the front porch, bathed in the warm glow of the rising sun. A broken family had their missing piece returned. 
Little Ellie Torres found her way home, and the town was gifted a very bitter-sweet ending to a brand-new day.  
Everything across Hawkins was covered in powdery white snow. It decorated rooftops and windowsills and blanketed yards of homes ready for the holiday season. Strings of colorful lights and festive snowmen with carrot noses provided a sense of warmth during the cold Indiana winter. 
Sunshine was tucked snugly inside a brand-new winter coat that was the color of the poinsettias people all around town purchased for the holidays. A matching hat rested on top of her head and gloves covered her hands as she knocked on the front door of the Wheeler’s house. Cars were lined up in the driveway and loud chatter echoed from inside. 
The door was opened by Mrs. Wheeler, who looked awfully cheery in a red and green outfit and matching makeup. 
“Oh, Danielle, what a pleasant surprise!” She stepped aside, making room between the door frame before she ushered Sunshine inside. “Come in before you freeze to death out there.” 
The home smelt like fresh cookies and music played from somewhere toward the back of the house. Mrs. Wheeler closed the door before she shouted, “Nancy, come here!” 
Sunshine slipped off her winter gear in time for Nancy to arrive at the entryway with Steve at her side. 
A bright smile formed on Nancy’s lips. “You made it!” She rushed forward and drew Sunshine in for a quick hug. 
“I did, and I have gifts,” she replied, excitedly. 
Sunshine had no memory of celebrating the holidays before the Lab, so she was treating the Christmas of ‘83 as her first. 
She and Mary-Jane spent a whole day picking out thoughtful holiday cards for Sunshine’s newfound friends. They each were complete with a handwritten note, in Mary-Jane’s handwriting but Sunshine’s words. 
It was her way of thanking them for everything they had done for her, for giving her a second chance. Of course, she knew it wasn’t exactly an adequate form of thanks, but it was the best she had at the moment. They showed her more kindness than she was sure she could ever repay, but she wouldn’t stop trying to. 
After handing Nancy and Steve their cards, Nancy nudged Steve’s arm as she said, “We got you something too.” 
He hurried off to the living room to fetch it and came back with a gift bag. 
“Open it!” Nancy instructed, clapping her hands together excitedly. 
Sunshine dug through the red and green tissue paper until felt the item and pulled it out. A yellow coffee mug stared back at her, with little white flowers drawn all around it; she loved it. 
“There’s something else too, inside the mug,” Steve said. 
Peering inside, Sunshine caught sight of a golden chain. On the end of the necklace chain was a beautiful pendant of the sun, golden and glittering in the light of the Wheeler’s entryway. 
She smiled brightly, admiring the gift like it was the greatest thing she’d ever received. It was a process for her, to realize that good people did nice things for each other. There were no motives or hidden agendas; Sunshine’s friends gave her a gift, a wonderfully thoughtful gift and that was that. 
“Thank you,” she said, unsure of what else to say to show her appreciation. 
“It’s a Christmas gift mixed with a ‘thank you for saving our asses’ gift.” 
Nancy playfully rolled her eyes but nodded, nonetheless. “Do you really like it? Because we weren’t sure. If you don’t-” 
Sunshine cut her off. “I love it. I really do. Thank you.” 
The brunette sighed in relief before gasping out, “Oh! The boys, they have something for you too that they were pretty excited about. I’ll go grab them.” 
She left Steve and Sunshine alone and disappeared behind one of the doors in the hall. 
A beat passed between the two before Steve broke it. “How are you holdin’ up?” he asked, keeping his voice light but the question still held weight.
After everything she’d been through, that they all had been through, she was recovering slowly. The town had gone back to somewhat normal, but there was still a buzz in the air about the return of herself and Will. Gossip spread like wildfire and people in the street couldn’t help but stare at a teenage version of the little girl that had once occupied every milk carton in town. 
The group itself was still shaken up, but they all tried to ease back into some semblance of normalcy; however, Sunshine didn’t remember what “normal” looked like. She was still trying to figure it all out while coping with the loss of her sister. 
“I’m okay,” she answered with a small sigh. 
It wasn’t a lie, she was okay. Some days were a lot better than others. There were days when she felt excited to be a part of the world again, to learn how to function like every other teenager in America. There were other days when she felt inconsolable.
On those days, she couldn’t get out of bed or speak to her parents. Her limbs felt too heavy, and her heart felt ripped clean from her chest. When she slept, oftentimes her dreams were plagued with all of the horrors she’s witnessed. 
It was give and take; she lived day to day. 
“It’s just weird, I guess,” she continued. “All of this. It’s new, but it’s good. I think it’ll get better.” 
Steve smiled softly. “Yeah, it will.” 
“Sunshine!” Her name was yelled by a series of voices that raced down the hall toward her. Four boys gathered around with infectious joy. 
Dustin flashed her a toothless grin and exclaimed, “You’re here!” 
“I am,” she chuckled, soaking up their energy. She held out the cards she made for each of the boys. “These are for all of you.” 
They snatched them from her grasp, all trying to talk over one another until Mike pushed himself to the front of the group. He held out a wrapped box to her. “This is from all of us.” 
Sunshine peeled back the glittering wrapping paper to reveal a walkie-talkie almost identical to the one all of the boys carried inside the box, and underneath that was a piece of paper. On it was a drawing of a girl with short black hair and a blue dress. She was surrounded by rays of yellow light that stemmed from her outstretched hands. 
“We talked and thought it was only right to make you an official party member since, um, since we…” Mike trailed off, the words catching in his throat as his attention suddenly shifted to his shoes. 
Lucas patted his friend on the shoulder gently and finished Mike’s thought. “We wanted to make you a party member too since we made El one.” 
Sunshine’s heart seized up at the mention of her sister, but she tried to not let it show on her face. She knew that all of the boys hurt too, especially Mike. He had bonded with El the most in her short time hiding out in his basement. 
The sadness in the sound of her name coming off any of their lips was something noted by everyone, but a subject none of them wanted to talk about. The loss was still fresh a month later, and Sunshine knew that Eleven’s death would squeeze itself into the same spot in her heart her other losses lived. She’d remain there forever with Ivy, Nine, Ten, and the other kids she had lived with inside the Lab. 
“That’s your character, the sorcerer. The Sun Sorcerer, to be exact. Because of your superpowers,” Dustin explained. “Will drew it.” 
The smallest of the four boys blushed slightly and pointed to the walkie-talkie. “And the super-comm is in case of ‘code-red’ emergencies or if you just wanna talk. It’ll probably only reach Mike and Lucas. Dustin and I are almost out of range, so the connection’s spotty.” 
“We can teach you the lingo too!” Lucas added.
Sunshine placed her thoughtful gifts back inside the gift box before she looked around at the group of kids that reminded her so much of the kids she once looked after back inside the Lab. The same protectiveness she had over them- that she learned from Ivy- she began to have over the party. Sunshine wanted to keep them safe from the bad men and monsters of the world; she never wanted another child to be hurt because of the Lab. More than anything, she wanted to keep them from meeting the same fate all of those children did. She didn’t want to let them down. 
“Thank you, all of you, so much,” Sunshine said. 
Her thank you extended far beyond the holiday gifts, and by the look on all of their faces, they knew that. 
“Merry Christmas Sunshine,” Dustin said with a smile, and she returned it. 
All of Hawkins was merry and bright, with only the ghost of grief lingering in the shadows. The monster was slain, and the bad men were gone. They all believed the worst of it was behind them, but things were never as they appeared to be inside the small town, and the group’s trouble was far from over.
Tagged: @sattlersquarry @lovefrom-theother-side
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
A/N: Hello my nerds, today is my Birthday! So to celebrate my unfortunate birth, I'm doing a special scenario post for my Ab!Boys!
What do the boys from Aberration get you for your birthday?! (GN!Reader!)
These are NOT cannon to the storline.
Warnings: VERY DARK CONTENT. Yandere Headcannons ahead. Mentions of skinning, non-con cum-eating and video recording, stalking, murder, mutilation, manipulation, etc. If you are uncomfortable with these types of things, DO NOT READ. Proceed with caution, as I do not feel bad if you choose to do so while being warned.
You're seated on the bed, staring at your simple but beautiful ankle bracelet Tokoyami bought for you. Smiling, you fiddle with the gems, entranced by the sparkle that reflects off them.
Your head snaps up to see your boyfriend sticking his head through the door way. A love-sick smile grows on your face. "Fumi, you're back!"
He chuckles before slipping through the door way and sits down on the bed, hands behind his back. "Do you remember what today is?" Your face scrunches up in thought before shaking your head. He sighs warmly at the cute look on your face. "Today's your birthday, my starlight. And I got you something."
Tokoyami moves his hands from behing him and your eyes light up upon seeing the book he hands you. "Fumi, thank you! It's beautiful." Your hand traces over the cover, following the lines of the ornate designs. "It looks so familiar..." you mumble.
Tokoyami swallows the lump in his throat. "It's one of a kind, love. Would you like me to read it to you?" He tries to steer the conversation away from your feeling of familiarity, not wantinf you to realize it's one of your old books from before he took you.
You nod excitedly and climb into his lap. His arms circle around you and hold you tight, as his thumb grazes over your anklet, eyes boring into the gems that track your every movement.
"Happy Birthday to my Pebble~ Happy Birthday to my Pebble~"
You glare at the redhead smiling and dancing in front of you as you tug at your restraints. A low huff leaves your lips. "Can you stop? I don't want you celebrating my birthday."
Kirishima stops dancing and gives you a puppy-dog stare. "But why? It's the day my beautiful wife was born! It should be a day to rejoice!"
"Kirishima, I'm not your wife! I'm nor your girlfriend! I'm not anything to you!" You sit up in the bed you were restrained to, only able to move so far forward. "You drugged me, kidnapped me and are currently holding me against my will."
Kirishima watches with a mixture of sadness and anger at your defiant attitude. He hates it when you struggle. He doesn't understand why you're so reluctant to be here! With him! Your husband! That's when he remembers your gift.
"Oh! This is a perfect time to give you your birthday present!"
He drops to his knees and crawls under the bed. You hear rummeging underneath you and your terror spikes. You knew what he kept under the bed, so this couldn't be good. As he comes back up, he's holding a pair of black leather cuffs.
"Surprise! I got you new cuffs!" He climbes onto the bed and straddles you. "These are so cool because instead of being just normal cuffs, they have these two little metal rivets that will shock you whenever I want!"
Your eyes widen and your mouth opens to scream. Kirishima is quick, however. He grabs your face with his hand, hardening it so your scream is muffled. His face geta closer to yours, that sickening grin never leaving.
"Baby, you don't like it? Do you want something else? Don't worry! I have another gift in mind. How about a fresh, bloodied heart that was ripped out of the chest of that mean boss of yours?"
"You see this right here?" Your cowroker holds her hand out, showing you and your fellow employees her brand new diamond ring. "He finally proposed! It was about time. It took him awhile to get an ACTUAL ring worthy of me, though. But it's so expensive and beautiful, EEP!"
Keigo watches as you roll your eyes for the thousandth time. He could tell you were getting annoyed, and I mean, who wouldn't? Your coworker has always been a complete bitch to everyone, a lot directed at you.
"Oof, it just sucks that Y/N can't seem to find someone. That's probably the only way they'll be able to look a little less," she looks you up and down. "Er, homeless."
Keigo watches from his perch as you flip her off snd walk away. His hands clench tightly into fists, desperately wanting to knock a bitch out. That's when it hit him. It was your birthday today! And now he knew just what he wanted to gift you.
"Bye guys, and thank you!"
You wave to your friends after they drop you off at home. They had taken you out for dinner for your birthday and you bad fun. Definitely something you needed after the crappy morning you had.
As you walk up to your door, you notice a small package waiting for you outside. You smile, wondering of it was your long distance partner sending you a birthday gift. You carefully open the package, but once you see the contents, a scream is ripped out of your throat and you stumble away from the box.
Inside, what a severed finger with an absolutely beautiful diamond ring still on it. You failed to notice a small blood-covered note flitter to the floor.
'Happy Birthday, babybird. I hope you like it.'
Tamaki stares at you from behind a tree. He's been following you for a few hours now, just basking in all your wonderful glory. He stares at you with nothing but pure love and adoration in his eyes, wishing he could actually get up the nerve to speak to you.
Finally you're off of work and headed home. He really hates seeing you talk to all those really pretty people. What if you were to get a partner?! That wasn't him?! He whimpers at the thought, hands clenching and unclenching.
The sound of your name snaps him out of his thoughts. He watches as your friend, whom he deemed not-a-threat yet, skip up to you.
"Are you doing anything for your birthday tomorrow?"
Tamaki's face turns pale. Your birthday! How could he forget the most important day of his life?! The day his precious bunny was born. You would be so disappointed in him. He reluctantly scrambles away from his hiding spot and runs home to get your gift.
You stand in your doorway, a package sitting on your front steps. You tilt your head in curiosity and pick it up. Opening it up, you find the most adorable stuffed bunny you've ever seen. And a note.
"Y/N, Happy Birthday! I hope you like this bunny, I thought if you when I saw it. Love, your secret admirer."
You squeal slightly and hug the soft fluff, thinking this was from your flirty coworker. You bring it up to your room and sit it on your bed next to your other stuffies.
Tamaki stares at the screen on his phone, his face bright red at the hug you gave the stuffed bunny. It actually felt like you were hugging him! His happiness was through the roof. He knew you would love it!
But his attention now is back on you as he watches you slowly take your clothes off, one by one, to get ready for bed. His tongue practically falls out of his mouth, watching your bare back closely.
One day, he swears he won't have to watch through the camera.
Chronos watches you closely over the top of his book. You glare at him with tears in your eyes while huddled up in the furthest corner of your human sized cage. Hugging your knees tighter to your chest, you turn your gaze away with a sniffle.
"You know the boss wouldn't want you to cry on your birthday."
You roll your eyes and grip you legs tighter. "I doubt someone who keeps a human in a cage really cares about when they want to cry." You sigh. "Besides, he probably doesn't even give a shit if it's my birthday. I don't even give a shit, at this point."
"Of course I care."
The hair on your body stands up on end as the voice of your captor appears. Fear shoots through you upon seeing his masked face. In one hand he has a gift bag, the other stuffed in his pocket.
"Why wouldn't I care about my pet's birthday?"
He squats to unlock the cage and gestures you over with his finger. You swallow the lump in your throat and crawl out to him, knowing the consequences if you don't follow his rules. He sits down in his chair and pats the side of his thigh for you to kneel next to him.
He opens the gift bag and pulls out a dog collar. A part of you wanted to gag at the thought of being collard to this maniac. But another part of you couldn't help but think how absolutely gorgeous and expensive this collar looked.
"Oh, it's beautiful... Master." You wanted to slap yourself for calling him that, but you had no choice. The last thing you want is to be punished.
Kai hums with approval at your words before buckling the collar around your neck. He finsihes it off with a small padlock to the back, so no one can remove it except for him. A gloves finger grazes over your neck in admiration before looking over to Chronos.
"Prep them for a routone cleaning."
The calmed state you were in was once more replaced by terror. "No, please Master! I've been good, I promise! Please dont do this!" You scramble backwards, away from the two masked men. But Kai was quick and hooked his fingers under your collar, dragging yoi back to him.
"You know this is a must, pet. I need to make sure every inch of you is cleansed before I send any more time with you." He taps the side of your collar with his free hand. "And there is no use attempting to run away. This will forever track any movement you make from here on out."
Kai throws your body over to Chronos, who throws your struggling self over his shoulder.
"Oh, and Happy Birthday, my pet."
You stir in your bed, hearing your boyfriend's voice.
"Darling, wake up~"
Eyes open to see a blurry red and white haired man softly smiling down at you. You stretch your body out and yawn with a cute smile.
"Mmmm Sho, good morning~"
Shoto sighs softly, admiring your beautiful features. "Guess what day it is today. It's a very special day."
You tolt your head, trying to remember the exact date but you are the sure. It's been while since time actually mattered.
"It's your birthday, darling! Happy Birthday! I've got something fun planned for you~"
You sit up, your chains rattling against the bed frame. "You do? I'm so excited! What is it?"
Shoto holds up his black card. "We're going shopping. I'll be getting whatever your heart desires."
Your eyes widen. "Wait, does that mean I actually get to go out? Really?!"
Shoto's smile falters before returning to a softened look. Slight guilt flashes in his eyes. "Darling, you know I can't let you go outside. It's not safe. No, we're doing online shopping~" Shoto grabs his phone and crawls behind you, sitting you in his lap. "Here lets look through some sights and get you some cute stuff."
"I want my darling to have everything they want, so they don't want to leave~"
You stay huddled up in the corner of the room, knees to your chest, not even daring to look at him. Dabi frowns at your defiant behavior. He knows he took you without your permission, but that was so long ago. Shouldn't you have been broken in by now?
"Little Mouse."
You continue to rock back and fourth on the floor, chains clanking together. Dabi sighs, annoyance starting to eat at him. He walks over to you and grabs yoi by the throat, lifting you up.
"You are to respond when I'm speaking to you. Understand?" You let out a little squeak and quickly nod your head with widened eyes. He sits you down on the bed and gives you a lazy smile. "That's better. Now, I have something for you."
He opens the closet door to bring out a box. He places it in front of you. "Happy Birthday, my little mouse."
"Oh, yeah. That's today." You mumble quietly. Kmowing Dabi, this gift was going to have some sort of catch but curiosity got the better of you. But curiosity turned into regret immediately as you throw the lid and scream.
Inside the box were a pair of boots. But they weren't jusf any pair of boots, they were handmade. It was human skin staples together, making them look just like Dabi himself.
"What, does my little mouse not like them?" He smirks before climbing on the bed. He grabs your legs and pulls you down towards him with a manic look on his face.
"That's fine. How about I burn my name into you instead?"
You jolt up in bed, suddenly awakened by a nightmare. Looking next to you, you see your boyfriend's side of the bed empty. A whimper escapes your lips as yoi trt to calm your racing heart.
"Angel?!" The door to the bedroom slams open, Bakugo's quirk popping in his hands and waiting to attack whomever touched his precious angel. He looks around frantically but notices nothing except your heavy breathing and sweat covered body. "Are you alright? What happened?"
You motion towards him with a sniffle and grabby hands. "I had a dream that you locked me back up in the basement again for days, without you." He comes sits next to you on the bed and pushes the hair out of your sweat covered face. "It was dark and silent and terrifying. Please don't do that again! I would miss you! I've been good, I promise!"
Bakugo sighs and pulls you into a hug. "I know, Angel. You've been doing so well, I'm so proud of you." He plants a kiss on your head as you relax into his arms. "I have a surprise for you actually. Stay right here."
You nod your head, watching him leave the room for a moment, your ankle tugging on the chain that attached you to the bed. I mean, it's not like you would get very far. Bakugo comes back in with a plate of cake and a candle.
"Happy Birthday, my beautiful angel."
Your eyes light up as he sets the piece of cake in front of you. You blow out the candle and take a bite, savoring the taste. "Kats, this is so good! The cake is so fluffy and the frosting is creamy and sweet. Thank you!"
Bakugo watches you with a lovesick grin on his face. He goes to adjust the tightness in his pants as he watches you devour his specially made cake without hesitation.
"Yeah, it's been super weird. I've been finding these little pieces of jewelry on my bed almost every night the past week."
You continue cleaning the counter as you explain to your cowroker the weird things that have been happening to you. She gives you a strange look.
"Are you sure you haven't misplaced your jewelry on your bed and just forgot?"
You turn your head to give her a dumbfounded look. "Uh, yeah. I think I would remember putting jewelry I've nevee seen before on my bed at the same time every night."
"Well, I don't know! It's just so weird. I don't have any other rational explanation." She suddenly gasps. "What if you have a stalker?!"
"Shh, don't say things like that." You hiss at her but a part of you is wondering if that might be true.
After your shift ends, you wave goodbye and begin your journey home. Unbeknownst to you, an energetic blonde watches as you walk home, excited for you to see your final birthday gift.
Once you step through the door of your house, something feels off. Having a weird feeling, you immediately but slowly make your way to your bedroom and turn on the lights. That's when you see a small but long white box placed on your bed, this time with a note. You carefully open the box to reveal a gorgeous necklace with a small black and yellow lightning bolt charm. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you reluctantly open up the note, hoping to finally uncover some answers.
"Happy Birthday, my dear. You can call me Kaminari. And soon, you will be all mine."
You turn around upon hearing the closing of a camera shutter but see nothing. Thinking it's all in your head, you shrug and continue to walk to your parents for your birthday dinner.
"Shit, that was too close." Midoriya mumbles under his breath as he hides in a set of bushes just beyond your vision. He scrolls through his camera roll, looking through every single shot to make sure he's got what he needs.
"These aee perfect! Oh they're going to love it!" He checks to make sure you're long gone before he scrambles out of his hiding spot and runs home to make your gift.
You unlock the door to your house and step inside with a sigh. As much as you love your birthday and seeing your family, sometimes they can be a little much. Now it's time for you to sit back and relax. You change into your pajamas and turn on your comfort movie with a drink in hand, when suddenly your doorbell rings.
"Who the hell is here at 10 at night?"
You carefully peek through the peep hole in your door, not seeing anyone. Slowly, you open the door and look down to see a neatly wrapped gift. You know you probably shouldn't take a strange gift off of your doorstep, but curiosity gets the better of you.
Taking it back to your livingroom, you open it to reveal a scrapbook. Anxiety raises through your body as you open the first page. Eyes widen in horror the further you flip through, non-consentual pictures taken of you and your family litter the pages. Not only are there ones from being out in public, but private, intimate moments that no one should have seen. But the moment you found a lock of your hair glued to one of the pages was the moment you called the police.
Shinso squats infront of you as you stare at him with dead eyes.
"Kitten, I have a surprise for you today."
You shake your head, mumbling. "I don't want it."
Shinso caresses your cheek with his hand before giving it a quick slap. You try ti3 jerk your head away but he grips your cheeks, squishing them together. "Stop being a brat, you don't even know what it is yet. Now, stand up."
You don't even get a chance to stand up yourself as Shinso hauls you up by your face. "I'm taking you out for your birthday."
Your eyea widen in fear and you shake your head. "N-No, please. I'd rather stay here. L-Let's do something together here. Please."
Shinso clicks his tongue. "Come now, kitten. I'm letting you go outside. We don't do this very often, it's a special treat. Is it not?"
You shake your head. "Please, no, everytime you take me out you-"
You go silent, mind fogged over and once again, under his control. There are moments when he mind-controls you to where you don't remember anything the morning after and those moments are awful. But when he feels like being extra cruel? He finally takes you outside, taking you out to eat, to see a movie, to go shopping. You're under his control the entire time but you remember everything. You are right there, fully aware of whats happening around you but can't do anything to ask for help, to save yourself. And it's terrifying
A tear rolls down your cheek as you follow him out the front door, his hand in yours. He smirks, knowing you could never leave him.
"Happy Birthday, Kitten."
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Writing that goes with this under the cut~
Cato watched the ship descend from the sky at a slow, graceful speed before touching down in the courtyard.  The falling snow was blasted away in its wake as legs extended, pistons hissing.  A door unsealed itself from the vessel, a ramp extending and accosting his eyes with a brilliant white light from within.  He squinted against the harsh glow as a series of blurry silhouettes exited, their dark robes swishing around them, faces obscured by ornate headdresses.
   He spared a quick glance at his Mentat, Syms Belasarius.  The man had made these designs behind his back, orchestrating for an arranged marriage between a Bene Gesserit Sister and the last surviving Dromaire and then giving him the details the day before their arrival.  Cato wasn’t exactly happy to hear about the old man’s plan at first, but he gave him the benefit of the doubt and listened to his reasoning…and had to admit, he had a point.  With Cato being the only Dromaire left, he needed his lineage to continue. Belasarius had noted that the young man had been putting off courting ever since he had inherited the title from his recently deceased brother, insisting he didn't have time to dawdle around.
   Two attempted assassinations in the past month helped Cato to realize that it might be prudent to think in the longterm.
   “You look as if you’re marching off to your funeral,” the Mentat murmured.
A muscle in Cato’s neck twitched as the Sisters loomed closer, the one wearing the more decorative headdress leading the pack. He could see a tight-lipped smile on her face as she held her head up high.
   “That’s because I feel like I am,” Cato growled under his breath.  He was quick to put a smile on his face when the women drew up to them.
The older woman stopped short in front of Cato’s entourage, looking them over with a nod before settling on the Count.
   “Count Dromaire,” she said, her voice low and melodious. “It is a pleasure to meet you.  May I present Sister Gytha–”
   She stepped to the side, gesturing at the black-clad woman in the middle of the V-shaped group.  Her hands were clasped in front of her, head bent down, features hidden by a veil that swished in the chilly wind.  Cato wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say in response.  Thank you?  He wasn’t grateful for this woman being suddenly tied to him, so he couldn’t say that.  He tried to think of a response, failed, and gave her a curt nod.  The elder woman’s eyes were fastened on him, waiting to see what he would do.
   Clearing his throat, he stepped forward towards his intended.  Her posture said she was staring hard at the toes of his boots.  Cato tilted his head down and to the side as he gingerly lifted a corner of her black veil.  Dark blue eyes slowly flicked up from an ivory face, loose strands of black hair catching at her cheeks and the corner of her mouth.  When Belasarius had said he was sending for a bride from the Bene Gesserit Witches, Cato had expected the woman to look a little more like a hag.  He didn’t know very much about the Sisterhood other than the bare minimum, as he didn’t really care to know what they did.
   He was glad that his presuppositions had been shattered.
The woman blinked at him.
   “Count Dromaire,” she said softly. “It will be an honor to be your wife and the mother of your children.”
Cato let the veil flutter back into place, clasping his hands behind his back.  Yes, she had to remind him why she was there in the first place, didn’t she?
House Dromaire could shrivel up and die for all Gytha cared.  She knew her purpose for being sent to the icy planet, and she was only there to bear a child from the Count.  She had done some research on the man and saw enough to determine that he was rash and out of his depth.  He was fond of getting into duels for the thrill of it and to show off his sword fighting prowess, which she would have to put to an end until she had what she was there for.  Then he could throw himself at the mercy of other duelists until they ran him through like a fish caught on a stake.
   He wasn’t prepared to take on the duty of House Dromaire, that much was obvious.  His Mentat was coaching him on that but Gytha could tell that this was another Minor House that would be shortly swallowed up by a stronger one in due time.  Perhaps if she did her duty and he was unfortunately killed in combat or by an assassin of a rival House, she would be welcome to return to Wallach IX.
   One could hope.
Gytha had also gathered from her research that Count Dromaire rarely lost a duel, and when he did, the injuries were minimal.  It was looking as if she would be strapped with him for the rest of their lives.
   Still, she didn’t complain or object when Reverend Mother Sabinus Eunice Thusaye approached her and notified her of the arrangements made with House Dromaire.  She took the news as any other Sister would, with great pride and a sense of duty.
   A good deal of that wavered when the ship set down in the courtyard of the Count’s residency and the ramp rolled out for the icy atmosphere of Nivatus to invade.  Gytha walked stiffly with her escort, her eyes glued to the back of Thusaye’s headdress.  She wondered if the other Sisters were accompanying her to keep her from bolting. She knew Nivatus was cold, but this was ridiculous.  Shifting her gaze to the side, she could see the Count, his Mentat, and a detail of soldiers in long, sweeping uniforms arrayed behind them.  They were all dressed in a dark, navy blue that made them stand out from the whites and grays of their surroundings.  This was a private matter, their introductions.  The pomp would come later when they were wed in front of an audience.
   Gytha stopped when Thusaye did, waiting as the Reverend Mother presented her like a prized animal at a show to what would soon be her husband.  The Count’s boots entered her field of vision where she was regarding the ground and the silvery tiles that made up the courtyard.  Snowfall didn’t collect on them, which informed her that there was some sort of technology embedded in them to melt any ice and snow and make it safe to walk on without fear of slipping.  She could see him drawing closer in her field of vision now as a gloved hand pulled her veil to the side.  At the same time, Gytha shifted her eyes upwards.
   She had known what he would look like beforehand. Seeing The Count in person was a little…different however.  He wasn’t old or unattractive.  Still, he could very well be an idiot.  Gytha already thought him one from what she knew of him.  Finishing her quick study of his features, she launched into her prepared little address, careful to use the right pitch so she wouldn’t come across as intimidating or cool: “Count Dromaire.  It will be an honor to be your wife and the mother of your children.”
   His unenthusiastic reaction was as expected.  As soon as the veil was dropped and he stepped back, she allowed herself a tight little smile.  He needed that little verbal kick to let him know that this was something they were both stuck in together.
There’s more writing on my TH page featuring these two!
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stan-joonies · 4 years
Enemies From The Start But Lovers For Eternity
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With Victoria and her newborn army, the Quiluete tribe have seen a small increase in the teens that have been prompted to phase.
One of those being Y/N L/N. If Sam Uley could choose who he wanted to shift, it would not be him.
He was tempermental, even before the shift, now it was multiplied by three, something they didn't have time to deal with. He lashed out, had a disregard for the rules and had a fierce hero complex. He believed with his new abilities, he'd save everyone.
What Sam Uley had to admit though, was his Wolf was absolutely stunning.
His coat was almost pure white, small flecks of light brown covering his body. His paws feathered with black fur and his snout a dark black.
Y/N snorted.
"Fantasizing about me, Uley?"
Sam growled in warning, snapping his jaws at the smaller wolf.
"Don't start, this is serious,"
Y/n rolled his eyes at Paul, pausing when a sickly scent washed over him and poisoned his senses. It was chemical and synthetic, tingling unpleasantly.
Paul pushed him from behind.
"Hurry up, newbie,"
A growl rose in his throat, turning sharply to snap at his packmate's face.
"Stop it!"
Sam made his way between them, locking eyes with Y/N.
"Enough or you go back home,"
With a final roll of his eyes and defiant growl, he turned around and headed towards their destination, shaking his head in desperation to shake of the awful scent.
When they got to a hill, Y/N almost slipped when they went down the steep dip, nipping at one of the others when they snorted.
Before them was the Cullen Coven, The Cold Ones.
On instinct, his hackles rose and he let out a low growl, shaking his head when his head filled with the pack making snide remarks about his control.
"I'm fine!" He insisted, not looking into their eyes, instead focusing on the people infront of them.
He disregarded most of what was being said, out of naivety. The Cold Ones can't be that strong.
"He's not paying attention,"
Y/N looked to his packmates, only to realise he was talking to him.
Y/N scoffed.
"I don't need some old dead guys to teach me how to fight."
The ginger echoed what he thought, gaining a tense look from the long haired vampire. He ignored it though, raising his head defiantly.
"Come over here then," a burly one suggested, pretending to crack his knuckles. "I can show you,"
Y/N put a step towards the boarder, earning an intense growl from Sam.
"It's the only way he'll learn." The blonde one said. "I wont hurt him too much,"
The cockiness infuriated him, so in one large leap he was over to their side, growling at the blonde.
In one fluid motion he attacked, don't give your enemy time to breath.
Yet, Y/N was naive. Young. Inexperienced.
That rule didn't apply to vampires, they don't need recovery time. They don't need time to breath.
Jasper was two steps ahead, blocking and hitting him in all his weak spots.
Then, with a hand on a furry throat, her launched him and the wolf into the ground, a whimper coming from the white wolf.
Jasper turned, explaining where he went wrong before turning back to the shifter, fully prepared to lecture him too, but he froze.
Their eyes connected and for Y/N, the world tilted on its axis. Everything fell away. This person, the one on top of him, was his. He must protect him or he fails. He is important. The only thing that matters.
Meanwhile, the pack were filling his head with shouts and curses.
"Is that possible?"
"What is--"
"No fucking way--"
"Y/N! You--"
"He imprinted," Edward filled in, looking to the Cullens.
"But--" Bella began, looking to Alice. "Alice is--"
Jasper stumbled slightly, running across the field and to Alice, grabbing her close by the waist as if setting claim on himself and her.
Y/N had rolled onto his paws, shaking his head in confusion. He didn't have to look at the vampire again to know the feeling of rejection and emptiness that coursed through him like lightning. Sharp, quick yet so strongly painful.
"Y/N?" Seth's voice trickled into his head, only slightly shaking him out of his shock. "Are you--"
Sam snarled, jumping the invisible line before darting to Y/N and grabbing his by his pelt, dragging his roughly back to their side of the treaty.
"What are they doing?" Bella questioned, shaking at the sight of those powerful jaws digging into furry skin. "They're hurting him--"
"I think we're done here," Sam echoed, turning and dragging the boys frozen form with him.
"It's not our place, Bella," he muttered gently.
"But--Jasper!" She turned to the southern vampire, who just scowled.
"My place is by Alice," He stated. "Nobody else,"
Bella matched his stare with her own.
"He couldn't help it, it's not his fault so don't blame it on him,"
Finally, Y/N came to his senses, shaking off Sam and licking his pelt clean.
"I don't wanna hear it," Y/N grumbled. "It's not like i wanted that to happen,"
"Are you ok?"
Sam's voice shocked him, his wolf turning to look at the Alpha.
"We felt it too, y'know," Paul added, coming to his side.
Y/N snorted.
"What part? The imprinting or the rejection?"
He tried to laugh it off, but everyone just looked at him with eyes of pity, making his hackles rise.
Without another thought, he ran into the forest, away from those looks and away from rejection.
The next time Y/N interacted with the Cullens was during the battlefield.
Y/N had trained on his own for the past couple months, maturing when the idea of battle came closer.
He as fighting three angry vampires that each tried to rip out his pelt.
Annoyingly, half his focus was on Jasper. Making sure no vampire snuck up on him and checking for injuries.
This cost him many scratches and attacks from newborns. He already recieved a nasty scratch over the eye, something so deep and bloody in his wolf form that he was afraid of what it would look like when he shifted back.
Just when he was getting overwhelmed, another body joined him, ripping heads off with perfect, dainty hands.
When he turned, he ached with the knowledge that it was his Imprints mate, his girlfriend, his wife, his forever.
This girl was the reason he couldn't get his happy ending.
But who was he to put that against Jasper? The last couple of months he turned twenty, though the pack noted that since the incident a couple months ago, he hasn't changed physically. That thought scared Y/N to the core. The bond with Jasper gave him a more fragile immortality, but it was immortality no less. So, he would unwillingly outlive his pack, his parents, his children, for a guy he doesn't even know.
Suddenly, a vampire was on him, strangling him tightly and he felt his bones crunch for a second.
Yet, Alice came to his rescue, flinging him off.
Y/N looked at her, nodding her thanks yet freezing halfway through.
Their eyes met. His gravity shifted. One person. Two people. Two people who hold his world. The only two that matter.
Jasper stopped his fight, looking to them. The shock, fear, anger, resentment, rolled off them in waves and almost choked Jasper with it.
But he saw a dark blur zooming across the field, right for Alice. The way the blur moved made Jasper queasy. One hit and both of them would be flying over the mountain.
Pulling himself out of it, he charged, heading straight for her.
Y/N smelt it before he heard it.
The chemical, sickenly sweet, synthetic smell coming towards them. Then he looked and saw the blur seconds away from Alice.
Instinct took contol, jumping infront of Alice and growling. The growl shook the stones and made the snow quiver and melt in fear.
Two bodies, completely opposite to eachother, slammed against one another.
Both toppling over the mountain...
Sam felt it before the rest of them, the numbness and the break of a special bond. With all the newborns cleared, he let out a howl, something that sounded so broken and fragile and something that was echoed by the others.
Sam ran to the cliff, his pack running behind him.
Jasper and Alice were there, looking over the cliff and talking rapidly.
They shuffled out of the way when Sam made it to the edge, his body leaning over. He couldn't see anything this far.
So he turned and made his way down the slope with his pack.
"What happened?" Bella muttered, looking at the Cullens gathering by the cliff edge.
"It was one of the wolves," Carlisle supplied helpfully.
"It was Y/N, he stepped infront of me but was thrown over the cliff. " clutching her hands to her chest, Alice's voice sounded sorrowful. "I felt it Jasper, he did it to me too!"
Jasper held her tighter, not knowing which emotion to feel.
He would be an awful liar to say he hadn't thought of Y/N constantly in the months past.
He did. Almost everyday and night, but he had Alice and Alice was his mate for eternity. To think Y/N had also imprinted on Alice was something remarkable in itself.
Yet, no hopes rose when the wolves didn't ascend the cliffs.
The wolves shifted back into their human forms, running forward and crouching over where Y/N was lying in a broken heap.
His limbs were disfigured, splayed and broken in all angles. Blood seeped from his neck and chest and arms. The stench poisoning their sensitive noses.
Sam crouched near him, rough fingers resting on his neck.
"Go get Carlisle!" He ordered. "He's breathing,"
But Carlisle was already there, jumping from the mountain and landing near them, sounding like a crack of thunder.
He quickly set to work, mumbling under his breath.
"His bones are healing in the wrong places. I'll need to break them again." The doctor turned to the wolves. "Take him back. I'll come as quickly as i can,"
Sam nodded, picking him up, giving a thankful glance to Paul when he readily shifted and let him put Y/N on his back.
They scaled back up the mountain, glancing at the Cullens briefly before disappearing into the forest.
The third time Y/N saw them, he wasn't self-aware of himself. He was dosed up on drugs to ease the pain and it made him feel slightly light headed.
Instead of seeing solid figures, everyone was slightly blurry and disfigured.
He was aware of someone holding his hand, it was a freezing cold, dainty hand.
"He'll be fine soon," someone assured. "With his accelerated healing, I'd give it three days."
"Poor kid." Another voice sighed. "He may be an absolute prick, but he tries his darn best."
There was a pause, Y/N groaning as the hand around his tightened.
"Stop looking at her like that," a voice chimed.
"Why? It's her fault this happened."
"She was in shock," the same voice retorted. "It's not everyday to get imprinted on,"
"And you'd know all about that wouldn't you?" Snarling rose up into the room.
"Can everyone shut up?" Y/N snapped. "I'm trying to relax," he felt only a phantom of the pain he would feel had he not been drugged up, yet it was still harsh enough to make him want to clench his jaw.
"Sorry," a voice beside him whispered.
"What happened?"
So they retold his story. Him grimancing at every gory detail as if he felt the pain again.
"Can i have a moment alone with Jasper and Alice?" He heard shuffling, blurs leaving the room. Two stayed, the one beside his bed and one in the corner.
"Are you feeling ok, Y/N?"
He was barely able to lift his head do he hummed instead.
"I'm sorry. I should've seen him coming. But--"
"It's fine. I feel like we were both occupied."
"So, you remember then?" A masculine voice.
"I have great memory..." he uttered, shifting slightly when an itch crawled up his spine.
They sat in silence, each consumed by their own thoughts, Alice trying to see the future, knowing it was pointless.
"What's going to become of this then?" Y/N felt like shrinking into the sheets. Though he felt like he matured he was still dipping his toe in the embarrassing mindset of a teenager and hated these serious talks, especially when he led them .
"An...imprint," Jasper began. "Can be anything, right?"
Y/N felt dread in his stomach at the thought.
"Friends, siblings, protectors, lovers, anything the imprintee wants, it's my job to make you happy," he said it with such a lack on enthusiasm that even Jasper winced.
"So, that's what we'll be, friends. "
Y/N heard Alice's low whisper of 'Jasper' and almost felt warm to it.
"Of course," he shifted again. "Friends."
He could just make out Jasper nodding gratefully, coming forward to pull Alice away, ignoring her protests and leaving Y/N alone.
Y/N, when he first learned of imprints, was overjoyed. He was a true romantic at heart, yearning for the everlasting, true love an imprint can bring. He imagined him at 30, a beautiful girl next to him with at least one child playing in the garden. Then, as the sun would set they'd all lay on the couch, snuggled together and watch a disney movie. Then, when their child would go to sleep him and his wife would take him into his room, tuck him in and then go to bed themselves, content with the day and happy.
That seemed so far away now. Everything about that vision was wrong. He'd never have that. Even if he tried to date, the Imprint would win every time. That person would not know about his double life, would have to understand they aren't, and never would be, the most important thing in his life.
So, with that in mind, he shifted once more and closed his eyes, trying to will the dream of a perfect family away.
Y/N really didn't see his imprints that much. When the feeling of emptiness and hurt would crawl up behind him, Sam would give him permission to cross the border and hang around the Cullens home, never inside, but close enough. Sometimes Alice would come out, offer him some new clothes while petting his fur, then when he'd changed they'd walk around the forest, laughing and bonding over the smallest of things.
It was those times Y/N understood that Imprints are soulmates, matched perfectly to the imprinter. Yet, no matter how his feelings for Alice grew, he always fought with himself to give them the space appropriate to pass as friends, out of respect for Jasper, who he hasn't seen since he was bedridden.
When he recieved an invitation to Bella's wedding, his mum took him straight out to look for a new suit.
He obviously would've accepted anyway. Alice and Jasper were there, Bella too, who he'd admit wasn't as bad as the others claimed her to be.
So, he stood by Billy Black and Seth's side, watching the newlyweds dance with eachother, no space left between their bodies.
Jasper and Alice was across from him, Alice appreciating the suit while Jasper denied any 'checking out' his mate claimed he was doing.
"Why fight it Jasper?" Alice questioned quietly, squeezing his hand. "You feel it too, so why do you keep your distance?"
But Alice knew. Jasper didn't want to stand out. He never did. Having a boyfriend AND a girlfriend and having them dating eachother? That was an attention beacon that the blonde didn't want.
He shook himself out of his thoughts when Alice left his side, going straight for Y/N.
"Care to dance, Y/N?" Alice held out a dainty hand. "Jasper has as much right as you do," she added when his eyes immediately fell to Jasper.
Hesitantly, Y/N took her hand and led her to the dancefloor.
"I'll warn you that I'm not a very good dancer,"
Alice giggled, eyes lighting up.
"You can step on my feet if you want, I'll dance for the both of us," She teased.
Y/N rolled his eyes, a flush presenting itself on his cheeks.
"Very funny," He twirled her, admiring the way her dress danced with her. "This makes you look like a real fairy,"
They locked eyes, both smiling gently.
Everything faded away. The music. The people. It was only them. Their bodies swayed naturally closer, their chests pressed up against one another, their faces inches away from kissing. Alice felt his breath fanning her face like gentle kisses.
"We can't do this," He whispered, yet made no effort to move away. "You can't do this to me. It's cruel."
"What am i doing, Y/N/N?"
"You're waving the thing i want most right under my nose, but when i go to take it, you'll snatch it away," he uttered, eyes casting down to her lips.
"Well..." her hands came up to circle around his neck. "If you want something enough you just got to take it, do you want it that much?"
He didn't answer, instead, he swayed closer and Alice did the same. When their lips brushed it was as if every barrier broke. Their lips came together, their arms wrapping around eachother.
It was not fireworks. It was not explosive. But it was what Y/N needed. What Alice needed. What Jasper refused to allow him to have.
When they broke away, they saw Jasper retreat to the house in quick step, trying not to attract attention.
Y/N's heart ached for him. One dam broke and without that one the other dam was struggling and wouldn't hold up for long.
"Come on!" Alice dragged him in the direction of his house, ignoring her protests.
"Alice! We should give him time," But Alice shook her head and continued, up the stairs, down the corridor, through a door.
Jasper sat on a double bed, looking out of a window and his shoulders tensed.
"Jazz," Alice began, squeezing Y/N's hand. "We're going to be ok,"
Jasper shook his head silently.
"The times have changed. Jasper, this isn't as taboo as our times." He ignored her.
She sighed, looking at Y/N and letting go of his hand.
He almost whined in protests but yelped instead when she shoved him next to Jasper and forcing him to sit next to him, while she took his other side.
The silence dragged on for a couple minutes, Y/N couldn't help but fidget his his fingers. But a hand came inbetween both his own, holding his right hand in a tight grip.
Jasper still wasn't looking at him, but his face was concentrated, looking past the window. Past the trees. Past the sky. Far away.
Y/N smiled lightly, squeezing his hand in return.
It was something fragile but it was enough.
Y/N smiled as he came out the forest, arms ready and prepared when a 15 year old Renesmee jumped into his arms.
"Uncle Y/N!" She giggled, kissing him on the cheek.
"Hey Georgous,"
Bella came out to greet them, smiling at the h/c-ette.
"She missed you." Bella brung him in for a quick hug.
"Only two weeks," he assured. "I'm back now."
"Thank god," someone laughed, a small figure running towards him, colliding with him chest and making the shifter let out an 'oof'.
"Missed you too, Alice," He melted into her touch, bringing her as close as he can.
Going onto her tiptoes, She whispered into the shell of his ear.
"Jasper's waiting upstairs."
Y/N grinned, nodding. Even with the years that have passed, Jasper was still sensitive to showing public affection outside, mainly with Y/N. It sometimes brought the wolf down but centuries of homophobia doesn't disapear in one night, so Y/N was willing to wait.
He made his way to their room, opening it gently and smiling when Jasper turned to greet him with a matching smile.
He easily accepted Jasper's hug, melting when he kissed his cheek gently.
"Wow..." he sighed. "You must've really missed me," his arm tightened around his waist teasingly.
"Shut up," the blonde mumbled, pressing another to his forehead.
Y/N was willing to wait, they had forever.
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blissfulparker · 4 years
Seasick Pt.7→Peter Parker friends to lovers AU
Parings: College!Peter Parker x reader friends to lovers
Summary: when you give one lie to your mom that you have a boyfriend, she ends up buying an extra ticket for a cruise you guys are going on. Now you’re stuck looking for a fake boyfriend and eventually drag peter in. Except you and peter both like each other and don’t know how long you can last pretending.
Warnings: angst, fluff
A/n: so this is a repost because tumblr glitched and it didn’t post the full thing? It only posted the title that’s it and I don’t know why it did that but hopefully this works this time😤
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The makeup brush meets your cheek as you stand in the bathroom getting ready. Peter finds one of the nicer outfits May packed for him. He wears black shorts and a red Hawaiian top. Maybe matching will make them see how cute and happy you are.
“Do you ever feel bad about doing this?” He stands in front of the full body mirror struggling with a button. His fingers shake at how nervous he is.
“Bad about what?” You ask, eyes wide as you bring the mascara to your lashes.
“Lying? Pretending I'm your boyfriend, lying to your mom and dad and sisters?” his words not meant to be so strong but he felt he should know. Being dragged into all of this, kissing you, touching you, hell making himself more uncomfortable than you.
“No, do you feel bad?” Your voice soft as you ask him, he lets out a huff. Boy does he feel bad.
“I mean, a little. I've never met these people before in my life and I'm just lying to them about everything.” he runs a hand through his curls. They’re soft from a shower earlier and smoothed out with gel.
“Honestly Peter, they don't even pay attention to half of the things we say. You could tell them you've committed murder and they would gloss over it.” you tell him and he raises his brows. It doesn’t make sense. If they didn’t care so much why would you care enough to bring him on a whole trip?
“But like it's your mom. Why do you even need a boyfriend? Why lie?” He feels if his mom was still alive he would love her so much. Cherish every moment with her and make sure to visit her all the time like he does May. May is his only mother figure, she’s his only mother figure and he loves her like that too.
You pump the lip gloss a few times before swiping it over your lips. Pressing it together to get a soft pink that makes your lips look softer. You stare at your reflection and know he’s right. You know he’s right but you hate it.
“Can we not go into all of this right before we see them?” You come out of the bathroom, placing a gold stud into your ear. The dress manages to look better now than it did earlier. Maybe it was the sun setting into your skin, maybe it was the gold highlight at the tip of your nose that made you glow even more. The dress that brought out your features, maybe it was how he always wore the red suit back home, how the color red drives him crazy on you.
“Wow Peter, two in one day. Im proud of myself.” you look down at his pants and he quickly looks down to then realizes you're just teasing.
“Stop.” he groans standing up. “Are you ready?” he asks and you nod. You have a necklace in your hand and look at him.
“Yeah, i just had trouble with this necklace, could you help?” you ask, handing it to him. It fumbles in his hands as he comes behind you and takes it around your neck clasping it. He brushes some fallen hair hair to the side as he latches it in place. Coconut and peaches and the mixture of the lavender vanilla perfume was perfect.
“Peter?” your voice weak in a whisper as you feel his breath on your neck, how his hands are rough and calloused but so large and warm. Your lower half is pressed up against his by accident. You feel how strong he is and how maybe with one simple phone call you two would be out of dinner but rather in bed with each other.
He blinks a few times before backing away. Realizing he was standing too close for too long.
“It's good.” he swallows, gaining his composure. You turn around and reach behind him to grab your bag.
“We good?” You nearly spoke in a broken sentence and he nods before you pass him and grab the door.
“Y-Yeah.” he nods following you behind. He wouldn't let his feelings get the best of him now, not after all he's done here.
The light was dim.
You and Peter sat towards the end of the table. Island music plays throughout the restaurant but is drowned out but the sound of talking.
You are uncomfortable already. Drinking a margarita that was served to both you and Peter. Yet Peter didnt touch his, he didn't really enjoy drinking, he couldn't really get a good buzz unless he had a lot.
“Hey,” his hand places over the drink, “Slow down.” he warned you and you stopped drinking to look at him.
“Sorry mom.” you set down the glass and rest your head on his shoulder. His hand on your thigh and even if no one could see it, he knew you needed some sort of reassurance.
“So peter.” your oldest sister, Arden, folds her fingers and leans over to him. Her husband talking to your dad so nothing could distract her. “Stark tower? What a tragedy that happened to him.” she doesn't care, and you know it. You knew peter was close to tony so you wanted to shut it down quick.
“Arden, don’t.” you give sharp eyes and she bats her lashes a few times at you. Acting completely clueless to what she was about to do.
“What? Im pretty sure i was talking to peter not you.'' That was the first time she got his name right. Peter was shocked.
His hand squeezes your thigh to let you know its okay. You pick your drink back up and take a sip before picking away at the food in front of you.
“It was a tragedy, but um, luckily the tower is ran by his wife, Mrs.potts.” he tells her and she hums.
“Do you plan on staying there forever?” she asks and just before peter can speak you take your head off him and lean in.
“Peter makes very good money working for the towers, he's very smart and is promised a job after graduation. Since i know that's what you're asking.” You say in a little of a slur. You're tipsy. Oh my god. Peter thought. you were tipsy.
“I never thought about that until you put it in my head. Peter what do your parents do?” she looks back at him as if you never even spoke. You pick up your glass again, almost empty and he knows you're moving onto his next.
He's now stuck. Back home dealing with physics and maths while also taking the role of Spider-Man was cake. Answering questions from your sister that made him uncomfortable and dealing with a now somewhat drunk you, that was his biggest mission yet.
He's seen you drunk before, but you were happier. You laughed with MJ and ran down the streets of queens. Once ned had to prevent you from throwing your top off a balcony. This was different, you're slouching in your chair, touching him, clinging onto him as if your life depended on it.
“My mom and dad passed away when I was young so I've been living with my aunt—“ he starts. You set the now empty glass down. Warm feelings going through your blood, you are angry. It doesn’t take his advanced senses to tell him that.
“Why do you care?” you interrupt him. His hand moves from your thigh to your shoulder, gripping it tight.
“(y/n) i think you've had enough to drink—“ he states and you look at peter with sharp eyes.
“No peter.” you nearly spit at him and look back at her. His eyes go wide at how aggressive and assertive you were.
“(y/n) just listen to Parker and sit down and eat your pasta, not everything is about you. Sometimes people can have conversations and it doesn’t revolve around you.” Her words blunt and shocks peter. When sisters fought he thought it would just be about clothes, maybe stolen makeup and hair ties. Never anything like this.
“That's actually my last—” he starts to himself but you speak out not even hearing him.
“No, why do you do this? Every single year you treat me like this? You hate me for no reason and I'm your sister. You didn't even want me at your wedding two years ago, you barely even wanted Maya and she's not any better than you or me.” you pause to look at the girl who falls back into her chair with a glass of white wine knowing she's made you snap. Peter's hands are now both on you trying to get you to take a seat.
“You call me names, make fun of my looks, make fun of the fact that i never had a boyfriend and now that i've found someone and i'm happy you hate him for doing that. So what is it that you want? Are you mad that I wasn't exactly like you? Are you scared that I might be better than you? That i might be happy without being perfect? That I don't need money and a rich man to make me smile? What do you want? I'm nineteen you're twenty seven. Grow the fuck up.” you grab peters drink and take a sip, leaning back. Peter has his hand on the glass too trying to take it away.
“Girls, please.” Your mom has her hand on her face, embarrassed of the little fight. All eyes are on you two, Peter tries his hardest not to go bright red while you try your hardest not to let tears spill.
You pick up your fork, eating a small bite before you look at your sister who rolls her eyes and mumbles something under her glass. You didn’t know why it was your breaking point but it was.
“You know what?” tears threaten to spill, they burn at the corner of your eyes making your vision blurry and your skin hot. “I'm done, you win. Im done.” you get up from your spot leaving the dining area.
Peter sits there awkwardly, shocked not knowing if you need anyone to chase you or what. He gets up anyways, saying a mumbling a few sorries before going after you.
“(y/n)! (y/n)!” he calls after you. People walk past carelessly enjoying their own blissful vacation. You walk quickly with a bit of a lean. You weren't a lightweight, you just were furious.
“(y/n), wait, please.” he stops in front of you, you’re on the beach, close to the main ship. If he can just take you to the room, get you in bed with no struggle, this will be nothing by tomorrow.
“What peter?” you stop, you wipe a tear and look him in the eyes. They’re bright red and puffy, he wishes he would’ve know so much sooner. How a girl like you, the perfect girl in the world could be so broken.
“Look i know you don't like them—” he wants to help he just doesn’t know what’s too far and what’s not. You laugh not wanting to hear it.
“Peter you don't understand. You don't. You never will understand. You think this is all a paradise and thats exactly what they want you to think! It's a cover up peter, this is all just a coverup to be perfect. They Are obsessed with perfection. I'm not perfect to them peter. I'm not. And I thought bringing you here would prove to them that I am. I can have the hot smart boyfriend and handle college at Columbia and look all pretty but I can't. Peter i—“ his arms wrap around you. You sob into his chest as he strokes the top of your head and rubs your back. He presses a soft kiss to the top of your head. As real Peter, not fake peter.
He holds you there for a moment. Letting all the years you’ve hidden this collapse. He doesn’t care about the stained makeup that will appear later, he doesn’t care about anything right now except you.
“Lets go to the room okay?” you nod into his chest, pulling back a bit but he lets you lean into his shoulder, he allows you to rest while he walks you two back to the ship and to the hotel room.
When he walks in, you're practically asleep on his shoulder. Drunken state and crying was probably not the best mix.
“I'm gonna take off your dress now, okay?” he asks respectfully. More nervous than you.
“I've always liked the color red on you.” you mumbled letting him slide down your straps and letting you slip from the dress. You try and play with his shirt while He shuts his eyes trying not to look at your exposed body.
“Relax peter. I'm wearing a bra and underwear.” you stumble a little and Peter catches you.
“You need to get some sleep.” he holds you and you fall into the bed. Crawling to your side and pulling the sheets over your body. Not changing into anything, just laying there in the lace bralette and panties. Peter looks at you already falling asleep, full face of makeup still paints your face. Even if most of it ran down from your tears he still took a rag and some face wash to your face.
“Thank you.” you whine. Touching his wrist as he wipes your face. “Thank you for everything.” you sniffle.
“Of course.” he takes out the earrings and takes off the necklace too. “C-can you wear a shirt?” his voice chips a little and you stifle a laugh.
He grabs you one from the dresser and you allow him to slide it on. It's one of his shirts, you don't know why he's given you his old star wars shirt but you love it. Maybe it had a few pizza sauce stains but it smelled like him.
He walks off to the bathroom to brush his teeth and by the time he's back you're passed out, snoring into the pillow and your hair is already a mess against the pillow.
He smiles softly before hearing the sound of your phone going off in your purse. He knows he shouldn't look but the least he thinks he can do is plug it in.
MJ: so did you tell him?
Betty: He totally likes you back and its not just the fake dating, you should see him when you miss study sessions.
MJ: Why are you afraid of peter? He weighs like 10lbs i could easily knock him over
Betty: ugh you guys better be real when you come back
He shuts it off quickly feeling like he's invaded something. He saw the texts a few days ago but he just thought it was harmless. He was completely clueless.
He plugs the phone in before laying in the bed. Pulling the sheets up to his chest and staring at the ceiling a bit before he feels your arm wrap around his torso. He looks down at you and thinks with all the moments he's seen so far, with all the things you've been through, You need the most comfort now.
He wraps his arm around you and pulls you into his chest. He lays staring for a little while longer before he falls asleep with you on his chest. Arms around your protectively as you both snored into the night.
“Goodnight peter parker.” you mumble into his chest.
“Goodnight (Y/n).”
Next morning peter woke up with you tangled in bed with him. Your cheek presses against his bicep and he really didn’t mind, after the night you had you deserved to sleep. It was late though, a lot later than he expected. 11am and normally he was up. But he didn’t want to move to disturb you.
A knock on the door makes him groan. His body was sore from swimming yesterday and he was starving as he realized he barely ate. He rubs his eyes as he trips over the sheets as the knock gets louder and louder.
You still being dead asleep, he gets up and opens it being faced with your sister.
“Is (y/n) awake?” It’s Maya, not Arden the one who fought and should be here but it’s the younger one.
“Uhh, no, she’s still asleep.” He mumbled trying to gain good vision. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and holds onto the door handle tight.
You’re starting to wake up though, you can hear them talking but your head is pounding and your eyes are puffy. You can’t makeout who’s talking but the sheets are missing peter and you can hear the low morning voice he has.
“Well when she wakes up can you tell her Arden says sorry?” She huffs almost as annoyed as peter that she’s standing in front him.
“Well...shouldn’t Arden come say sorry if she’s sorry?” It was the first time he said something that was in use to defend you. Something he should’ve been doing the whole time.
“She’s busy.” Maya tells him and tries to peak around to get a look at you.
“Well if she was sorry she can make time to apologize to her own sister.” He isn’t as scared of her as he was two days ago.
“Look, kid, I know you want to help but none of this is your place—“ she starts and his grip on the door tightens.
“I think it became my place last night after my girlfriend's sister made her cry.” He tells her with a sharper tone. The girl stands in front of him with a defeated look. She doesn’t say anything before she picks up her phone and starts typing.
“Just, tell (y/n) mom wants to see her for lunch. Just her.” She tries and Peter looks away at you.
“No, sorry we're busy today.” He shuts the door on her before rubbing his face. He scared himself there for a moment but he knew you couldn’t handle another day with them. If he could do one thing for you that would be stand up for you.
“Who’s that?” You asked and he shook his head.
“Oh, just some kid who had the wrong room. ‘Tis all.” He told you and you nodded. You grabbed your phone from your nightstand not remembering if you plugged it in or not. Messages flooded from Betty and MJ scare you that peter might’ve seen.
“Hey did you plug in my phone last night?” Your voice soft as you ask.
“Uh yeah, it was at like seven percent.” He told you before he went into the bathroom and quickly shut the door to take a shower.
You sit up feeling the pounding in your head before walking over to the bathroom door. If you just get in and get the Advil without even looking at him things will be fine.
“Peter,” you knock twice. “Peter I’m coming in.” You open the door hands over your eyes as you move your hand around for the medicine cabinet.
“What are you doing!” He almost shouts and you keep looking.
“My head hurts!” You tell him and he groans.
“So wait until I’m done?” He asks and you shake your head grabbing the bottle.
“No!” You take the bottle and fall out the door. Sitting on the bed you take two before he comes out in fresh clothes and wet hair.
“You could’ve waited…” he mumbles as he puts his dirty clothes back in his suitcase.
“Well, my head was pounding.” You drink all the water from the bottle on your table. He watches you flop back down before you touch your legs. “Where’s my pants?” You ask and he decides with all the things happening, he can at least play a game with you.
“Oh you know, we were both a little drunk and then things escalated pretty quick and you get a little loud. I'm surprised we have—“ he starts and you give him a dead look.
“Peter.” You give him a stare and he huffs.
“You didn’t wanna wear pants.” He told you and you nodded.
“Cute story though.” you wink at him as you walk over to the dresser to find pants.
“Do you remember yesterday?” he asks in more of a shy voice, he doesn't want to get you mad this early in the morning.
“Peter, I was tipsy not blackout drunk.” you chuckle but bite your lower lip.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he comes up behind you and you turn around with a pair of shorts in hand.
“No, not really right now.” you tell him honestly.
He mentally slaps himself for even asking. He knows this is hard but in a way he feels he should know. He should be allowed to help you. Maybe after this trip if you guys were still friends things would go back to normal. Although he hated the idea of normal, friends or not. He wanted to be there for you and maybe you’ll never let him take care of you in the way he wants but he still wants to be there.
You grab your swimsuit that hangs on the clothing rack and take it to the bathroom.
“W-well are we doing anything today?” he asks, defeated.
“Yeah, we can go down to the beach. If you want to come of course.” you say before locking the door.
He was going to the beach.
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aserethstorm · 3 years
The Galaxies inside jars🌌✔️
Levihan +104th Royalty Au Part 2
[Also available on AO3!]
Hange meets an old foe, the same one storming the depths of her dreams ever since.
Lucky for her, this time she isn’t alone.
There’s a giant wall of fire in the distance...
Rapidly rushing closer...
The air around her is burning, scorching her lungs every time she breathes.
Panic is evident. It’s present in the screams behind her.
She’s scared too, terrified...but she’s also never felt so sure in her life.
If only...
“Hey, four eyes.”
Hange gasps, body shaking as she pulls up from her rest. Horrified eyes glaring at the pale wall in front of her, the white paint illuminated by the moon.
This is not a port , she utters the words out loud. Engraving them deep into her soul. Admitting her consciousness to the reality in front of her.
It’s doesn’t ease the tension though, as trembling hands grip the covers beside them, the same ones that have now slid down to her waist.
“This...It’s always....”
Hange doesn’t continue, favoring the action of rubbing her left eye instead. She feels the damp wetness that pooled with it. Sniffing she puts her hand down, turning over to glance at her side.
She sees Levi. His chest to the bed exposing his firm back, heaving like the tides in the sea, their shared coverture  concealing his lower torso and his well-defined arms swaddled the pillow where his tranquil face, nestled in between.
Hange smiles, thinking how tired he must be to be sleeping so peacefully and unperturbed in this moment.
The Royal Court must have drained him , she assumes.
Moving closer she places a light kiss on the side of his brow. For some unknown reason, the pounding headaches of flashing pictures in the form of her dreams. Events that Hange is sure, that have never happened fades as soon as she feel his life. The sharp scowling features that bore the weight of an entire kingdom, body heavy and scaled by the responsibilities of his people is the same one that is healthy and safe by her side.
Just as she pulls herself off. A sharp cry erupts breaking the humble silence, soft mumbles at first growing louder and louder-
Hearing the noise. Levi lifts his head, instinct making him tilt to its direction. A low groan escapes his lips as his body pleads for him to stand. Hange quickly pushes him back down.
Drowsy with sleep Levi stares at her through blurry grey eyes half begging to be closed. “Sleep. I’ve got this.” Hange whispers. That was the only affirmation Levi needs for his head to meet the pillow once again, his body relaxing as his breathe steadied to a soft rhythm.
The night was still high as Hange pushed herself off the chaises, peeking through the curtains of their balcony. Viewing for a moment the empty night sky with only the moon at its display.
She then makes quick steps towards the cradle on the other side of the room. Reaching out to embrace the tiny bundle in front of her. The baby screaming her lungs out like their life depended on it.
“Hisu, come on now...” she pleads softly, rocking the baby side to side to calm her down. A beautiful mess of tears and blonde locks with sky blue eyes.
Ackerman genetics are truly amazing. Hange momentarily admires, her heart swelling at the image as she continues. Rocking back and forth, she glides across the smooth rug to no avail. Hange decides to resort a different tactic, pulling Historia close to her breast.
The baby pushes away her effort, wailing louder.
The Queen in amidst of panic tries to hum lullabies (where the words were barely uttered) and when that didn’t work Hange swayed her body gently to an imaginary ballroom song, that didn’t either.
It takes a whole minute of peppering before Hange decides to slip on her night robe, draping Historia in a bundle of warm silk.
“Now...Let’s get a move on shall we?” Hange grins, earning a second of curious silence from the child in her arms. Putting on her glasses she exits the room barefoot.
The floor is cold just as expected but Hange doesn’t mind just grateful for the needed distraction her 11-month-old baby provided for her on the spot.
She strides the castle’s familiar halls with determination. A plan set as her gears began to churn to distract Historia with every ornament or painting they come across. “Look here Historia.” Hange beckons, stopping in front of probably the 5th painting they’ve come across.
To the queen’s credit, the tiny princess did stop in her weeping, as if she were waiting patiently for her mother’s explanation. Hange mentally pumps her fist every time Historia does it before proceeding to thoroughly describe it to her, extending her vacant arm to trace its lines.
“This...now this one Hisu is the battle of the titans, a historic movement! Naked men and women battling for territory, all the while-actually let’s move on to the next.” They leave the premises quickly, Hange mentally slapping herself for exposing her month-old infant to the concept of nudity. When was that even there?
Dammit...if the children saw this.
Hange quickly takes note to take down that painting by daybreak. Historia seemingly wanting the opposite, extended her arms forward. Calling out to the tapestry behind them. “Gah!..”
“No Historia...your not ready for that one.” The Queen murmurs as a chubby hand slaps itself across her face, knocking the  glasses off the bridge of her nose. Halting, Hange secures her hold of Historia. Reigning the rampant infant before subduing the child in her own blankets, like a cocoon.
Holding her baby in front of her. Hange levels her gaze. Meeting the devil’s eye. Hange adjusts her glasses before saying...” mommy can only handle one naked butt at a time, sweetie.” Historia makes a face, an expression one can muster at months old. The tiny princess sticks her tongue out, ratting her mother in their own lie.
“Okay, maybe two” Hange scoffs, rolling her eyes at the annoyance and Historia for the first time since she cried, giggles. Hange’s whole face lights up at the sound, squealing she brings her daughter close to her lips. Blowing the infant's cheek making her elicit more of the sweet noise.
“Your majesty!” A voice invades, interrupting the short-lived moment as both mother and daughter simultaneously turn their heads to the stranger.
Flinching at the newfound attention the person quickly steps forward. Positioning themselves where the dim lights of the corridor could expose their features. “My apologies your majesty, I was not expecting to see out at this hour.” Her voice trembles and Hange is waft with a sense of familiarity, now pinpointing the attendant in front of her.
“It’s alright, your name’s Nifa right?” Hange waves as she pulls Historia close to her chest. Nifa looks up nodding, “Yes, I was just assisting Mrs. Jaeger with the children your majesty.” Hange nods and the young woman continues. “I hope you don’t mind your grace but they insisted on sleeping together.”
“The kids have just slept?”
“Oh no, your majesty! They slept at their usual hour, we just stayed behind to clean up.” Nifa clarifies, waving her hands frantically at the monarch. Hange smiles, the infant in her arms watching her carefully. “Thank you for your hard work today Nifa, please get some much-needed rest” she beams. Nifa smiles, relieved at the situation she bows before bidding Hange a good night.
Nifa was far down the hall when Hange hears the soft yawn. Her eyes widening as she looks down to the little blonde in her arms. “All that crying must have tired you out eh? Don’t worry I know a place where we can go”. Historia stares, her big blue eyes wide with fascination.
The handle clicks and Hange strides forward, entering the large fray. She easily spots the mess of bodies in one of the giant beds. With a twist of limbs and a handful of snores, Hange senses them all as she pushes away strays of hair before bending down to give each one a peck on the head. She places Historia somewhere else as she works her way in untangling the mess. A tedious process as she uncapped legs and unchained arms from one another.
Once satisfied with her work she carries Historia, bringing them both onto the pile. The baby at first was confused at the sight, noising her frustration.
Only once seeing Connie’s hand she awed, reaching out to hold it. Hange grins, spooning them all whilst protecting Historia from any of the kids' sudden movements.
Peace comes naturally to the queen as their noise lull her back to rest. The pesky nightmares locked away in the darkness of her mind for now. This is nice.  She sighs, reflectively pulling them closer, embracing a dreamless slumber.
The sun peeks through the mountains lining the distance, bringing with it a light purple and yellow. Blinking Jean pulls up, the young boy yawns stretching his arms uncomfortably over his head. His early risings have been a habit born out of instinct. He pulls off the blanket, throwing it over Sasha who was beside him. Scratching his back he looks around, shrinking when he meets a pair of gunmetal irises staring right back.
Hange is the next to follow. Bringing herself up she lazily wipes off the little remnants of drool before meeting Jean's gaze, who was situated on the other end of the bed.
The boy cocks a confused brow “Mom?!” He mumbles, turning back quickly to something in between them. Hange follows his gaze, eyes slightly widening at the saturated figure seated on the large chair.
Levi sighs, resuming a straighter sitting position. His nightwear hanging loosely on his figure. Hair half disheveled as strands of his black locks ruffles at the tips.
“Uhmmm...Levi?” Hange questions tilting her head curiously to the side. Levi glares at her and Hange almost immediately understands, the feeling evident when a smile spreads across her cheeks. “What are you doing here?” she chuckles, It doesn’t stop her from asking the question though and  Levi crosses his arms. Jean witnessing the display between his two parents hung his mouth lose.
“I find both my wife and youngest daughter nowhere to be found. What did you expect?” Levi answers, tone gruff and defiant he turns his head to the window unwilling to meet her gaze. Hange swears his pouting and the queen couldn’t help contain the boisterous laugh that escaped after it.
She accidentally awakes the rest of the children up. “Wait-Huh???” Connie says flailing his arms as his eyes adjust to the newfound brightness. Mikasa glares at him then at the depressing figure in front of her. Levi seeing her aggravated look glares back, the two ravens immediately locking into a heated stare.
Their gaze broke once Hange stood up from the bed, walking over to Levi and handing him Historia. The little princess still in deep slumber, unaffected by the rest of the family's commotion. His gaze softens, caressing the baby’s cheek. Hange leans over leveling her burnt honey eyes to him, she grins.
“Mission accomplished.”
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Break In
Fandom: 9-1-1
Character/s: Eddie x Reader, Buck, Maddie, Christopher
Warning/s: assult, battery
Word Count: 2,568
Request:  Hi please can I request a 911 imagine where I'm buck and maddies younger sister and Eddie's wife and one day when christopher and eddie go shopping and I'm at home our house gets broken into (robbery) and I get beaten up but im ok and eddie and the team (118) look after me after I get out of hospital and I find out I'm pregnant while I'm in hospital but the baby is alright
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It was the shock, you thought to yourself, it had to be, why else would your mind keep drifting to the ceiling, why had you let your husband, Eddie Diaz, paint it like that? You’d have to remind him to change it, you decided, eyes going blurry as the pain in your head intensified.
Why were you even looking at the ceiling anyway? Oh right... you were on the floor. But why were you on the floor? That was a pretty silly place to be, had you fallen?
No, you remembered, groaning in pain as you slowly brought your arm up to your head, it was wet and warm, blood... You’d been pushed, you remembered now, Eddie and Christopher had gone shopping but you’d insisted on staying at home, you’d had some paperwork to take care of and you’d wanted a nice soak in the bath... That’s when it happened, you’d heard noises downstairs while the water was running so you’d turned it off to listen, thinking your boys were home early.
You’d gone to greet the footsteps making their way up the stairs, stopping in your tracks on the landing when you saw a man that was very much not your husband, black mask over his face, bag in one hand and bat in another. He’d paused too, clearly surprised to see you, and you’d stood facing each other for what felt like a strangely long time, each of you wondering what you were supposed to do now. 
Then you’d tried to step away, that’s right, you realised, and he’d lunged as you turned, grabbing you to stop you from running as you screamed, throwing your elbow back and making contact with his face as he stumbled back, allowing you a second to scramble forward before he regained his balance. He’d swung out with his bat, connecting with your side as you stumbled into a unit, you hadn’t fallen over but you’d been stalled long enough for the man to reach for you and grab you by the hair, tossing you onto the ground hard. 
You’d rolled over to try and crawl away but he’d grabbed your leg, pulling you back and connecting his fist with your face, taking a bat to your stomach as you tried to claw at him, doubling in pain as you screamed for help in the hopes that anyone could actually hear you.
He hadn’t liked that, hitting you again to try as he yelled at you to “shut up bitch”, but you were a Buckley, you’d been raised to be scrappy, to fight back, so when you’d managed to get one leg free enough you aimed your knee directly into his groin with all your strength, using his temporarily stunned state to scramble to your feet and run to the stairs. 
Sadly, it wasn’t temporary enough, and you’d been struck again, one foot hovering over the first step as the bat connected to the lower part of your back. No matter how hard you tried to hold on to the bannister you’d lost your footing, folding into yourself as you tumbled helplessly down the stairs. 
Then it had gone dark. 
Not for long, that much you were sure of, you could still hear rummaging in your kitchen, or maybe your living room, the sound of things smashing and furniture falling was probably what aroused your from your short unconscious state. Still, this wasn’t good, your head felt heavy and you were so dizzy you thought you’d pass out again if you tried to sit up. Or worse, you thought, and your assailant would discover you were awake again, if he even thought you were still alive.
Where was Eddie? You felt a tear slip down your face as you stared at the blood on your hand. A shadow fell over part of your person and you let out and involuntary sob, straining your eyes to see the man, bag full of your things, tightening his grip on his bat.
You readied yourself for a blow that never came, for as he began to take a step towards you, sirens sounded from down the street, causing him to freeze in alarm, glancing around before running back into your kitchen, presumably out your back door. 
Seconds later your front door was being thrown open, the neighbours must have heard the commotion after all, as Athena ran in, gun in hand, holstering it and falling to her knees beside you when she spotted you at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Y/N!” She exclaimed, hands going straight to your head
“Back... door...” You managed to mumble and she ordered her men to pursue him while she radioed for an ambulance stat, heading momentarily into another room to grab a cloth to apply pressure to your head.
It was agonising, but at least you were alive, you were safe. “I got you,” Athena reassured you, doing a quick scan of your body for any other immediate damage. “You’re going to be okay Y/N, it’s going to be okay.”
“Eddie- He’s out with Christopher...” You managed to start saying, but you didn’t need to finish for her to know what you meant.
“I’ll call him, he can meet us at the hospital, Buck and Maddie too, don’t worry,” She radioed dispatch again to tell them to hurry up as your eyes sight began to narrow, darkness at the edges of your vision threatening to consume you.
You could hear more sirens now, but they sounded like they were getting further away and not closer, or maybe you were just losing consciousness, you realised as you eye lids started to drop.
“No, no, Y/N, stay awake for me okay,” Athena put her hand on the side of your face looking you in the eyes as you tried to force them back open. “The ambulance is here now okay, it’s going to be okay.” You were vaguely away of paramedics rushing in, not ones that you recognised though as Athena reluctantly stepped aside to let them take a look at you.
They were talking, but you couldn’t really make out what they were saying as they hauled you onto a backboard and took you outside, loading you into the ambulance. Athena looked like she wanted to climb in with you, but she couldn’t leave her car, so she said something about following behind, and that they had to take good care of you, but by that point all you wanted to do was sleep.
So, despite the paramedics trying to tell you otherwise as the ground beneath you began to move, you let your eyes finally close and you drifted away.
There was bright white light when you woke up, and you struggled to open your eyes, willing them to focus as you heard noise in the room. A hand was in yours, and as soon as you began to try and move your head to get a sense of your surroundings you heard someone stand up, holding your hand tighter as they looked over you. 
You relaxed and smiled when you realised who it was, realised where you were. “Eddie,” you muttered and he kissed your hand, calling in a doctor to check on you.
“I’m so glad you’re awake,” his voice cracked, relief rushing over him, but concern still in his eyes.
“How long was I out?” You asked, realising just how dry your mouth and throat were. Trying to swallow you glanced around for some water, struggling to reach the cup you could see on the side as Eddie brought it to your lips.
“A few hours, you had a bit of a minor bleed from where you hit your head, the doctors went in to stop it so you were under for a bit,” he explained as you drank, never knowing lukewarm water to taste so good. “You scared me, I thought- I love you and-” he admitted, or tried to, stroking the side of your face gently as he spoke. 
You kissed his hand lightly as he put the water away. “I love you too, and I’m okay, I have a new found respect for pinatas, but I’m okay,” you smiled as he laughed moving away to give a doctor who had just entered space to check you out.
On his heels came Buck and Christopher, Maddie just behind them, all clearly relieved that you were okay. Christopher came to give you a hug as the doctor checked over your charts.
“You woke up!” Eddie picked him up slightly to hug you, aware of your limited mobility as you tried to sit up to hug him, very much feeling the bruise on your stomach as you wrapped your arms around him tightly.
You could tell he’d been crying, not wanting to let you go as Maddie came and squeezed your hand, Buck planting a kiss on the top of your head as Christopher hung onto you.
“Okay buddie let’s give her some space,” Eddie suggested, lightly pulling Christopher away from you as you tried not to wince, not wanting him to see you in any pain.
“How’s you head?” He asked carefully.
“That’s what I was about to ask,” the doctor on your other side said and you turned to face him. “Dr Finch,” he introduced himself, offering out a hand for you to shake.
“It’s definitely sore, but I’ll manage,” you informed him, noticing how he kept glancing at your chart, then back to you, and then to your visitors, his eyes suggesting that maybe there was more that you didn’t know. “I am okay, aren’t I doc?” 
You felt Eddie’s hand slip back into yours as Doctor Finch reviewed your chart. “Are you the husband?” He asked and Eddie nodded, face serious as Doctor Finch tapped his pen against the clipboard. “Maybe it would be best if we had a little bit of privacy,” he said finally, glancing to your siblings and Christopher.
“I want to stay!” Christopher argued but Buck put a hand on his shoulder, face fully of worry.
“It’s okay, we’ll be right outside,” Buck told him as he tried to lead him out, only going after a pleading look from his father.
“Right outside,” Maddie repeated gently, the unsaid promise that they’d be here for you no matter what being very clear as she relunctantly followed the other two back into the hall.
Only when the door was closed did you turn back to the doctor, squeezing Eddie’s hand tighter. “So...?” What was going on? Had they found something during the surgery? You mind was swirling with guesses as you awaited an answer.
“Well Mrs Diaz, while we were conducting your blood tests we discovered a change in your hCG levels, that means-” you interrupted him then, knowing full well what that meant.
“I’m pregnant?” You finished for him, swallowing hard as you looked to your husband, who was in turn looking back at you in shock.
“Yes,” Doctor Finch replied, but there was a grave look on his face as your hand drifted to your belly, memories of that bat flashing through your mind. 
“Am I... still pregnant?” You asked tentatively, fear building up inside you as you realised why he’d wanted just the two of you in here.
“That’s what you’re here to find out, right?” Eddie asked the doctor as he stroked his thumb over your hand, trying to sooth your nerves, or his own, as the doctor nodded, getting an ultrasound machine ready.
You took a shaky breath as Eddie kissed you, eyes full of love and worry. “It’s okay, we’ll be okay,” he muttered to you as Doctor Finch asked you to life up your hospital shirt, applying cold cream to your belly.
“Am I okay to proceed?” He checked, scanner in hand as you looked to be blank monitor, dreading what was about to appear on the screen. You and Eddie had talked about having children some day, but you’d only been married six months and with the demanding jobs you both had, it wasn’t something you’d been trying for right now. But still...
“Do it,” you told him, eyes not leaving that screen as you felt the pressure of the scanner, Doctor Finch moving it around slowly as you and Eddie watched on. It didn’t seem like either of you were breathing as the agonisingly slow seconds ticked by. You’d shut your eyes, trying to stop yourself from crying, when you’d heard that thump, that unmistakable sound of a heart beat, and you heard Eddie let out a sigh of relief.
Opening your eyes you stared at the small and blurry image on the screen, a smile spreading across your face as Eddie leaned his head against yours. Doctor Finch paused the monitor on a good angle and turned to you.
“Congratulations,” he told you both sincerely.
“Is it okay?” You asked, eyes fixated on the screen as he handed you some paper towels to wipe off the gels. Your hand staying on your belly after you did.
“I’d certainly like to keep you here, at least over night, to monitor everything, you suffered a fair amount of bodily trauma and you’d definitely have to take it very easy, but from what I’m seeing right now, that’s a healthy baby,” he explained, excusing himself so you and Eddie could process this in private.
“I’ll be back in to check on you very soon, would you like me to send in the others?” He asked and you and Eddie looked to each other, joy on both your face as you agreed.
They came in quickly, still looking concerned, but that soon fell when they saw your faces.
“Well your faces don’t say that you’re dying...” Buck noted.
“What’s going on?” Maddie wondered as Christopher came over to you and Eddie, his father kneeling down to his level and tustling his hair.
“Is everything okay?” He asked.
“Everything great kiddo,” Eddie replied, Maddie wandering over to you as you looked at Eddie and Christopher, your family was here, and it was about to be getting a little bigger.
“We do have some news though,” you told them, realisation dawning on Maddie’s face as Buck looked on confused.
“What kind of news?” He asked as Maddie’s hands went to her mouth.
“Oh my god,” you practically squealed as Buck continued to look at his two sisters.
“Oh my god what, Y/N what’s going on?” Maddie bent down to tug you tightly so Buck turned to Eddie, “can someone tell me what’s going on?”
“We’re having a baby,” Eddie said softly, still looking at his son to gage his reaction.
“Wait, seriously?” Buck’s mouth dropped as Maddie pulled away, both of you wiping tears from your eyes as you nodded to your brother, his confused expression turning overjoyed as he laughed, coming over to hug you next.
“A baby? I’m going to be a big brother?” Christopher repeated, looking from you to his dad and then back again.
“You okay with that Chris?” Eddie asked genuinely.
“Of course!” He replied, grinning wildly, hugging his dad as Eddie lifted his off of his feet.
Soon the whole room was full of congratulations and hugs, your hand barely leaving your belly as you watched your family, so grateful for everything you had, all the love in the room. 
This was going to be one lucky baby.
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thewriterowl · 3 years
some headcanon about Luke childhood and adolescence on Tatooine?
Oh sure thing! Now, I’d definitely use a lot of what is talked about already.
Luke was sort of exiled from most people, especially any of those who are close to his age. 
Now, Tatooine is a hella lonely planet. I recently reblogged an amazing chart that has so many planets, their systems/rims, stats, etc. and it provides so much info. Like how it is estimated only around 200,000 people live on all of Tatooine. The clumps of population are sort of spread out and hopping from one town to the next is not just something you can just get up and do. So Luke has almost no opportunity to even find friends.
I pictures that Biggs actually didn’t like Luke at first when they were kids. That he followed the group and that his family maybe urged for him to stay away from that boy, something just wasn’t quite right to him. The Lars were a rather respectable sort but they were still...odd. His father Cliegg was a pretty good man who saved and married Shmi Skywalker after his wife died, and Shmi was a good soul too...but there were so many rumors about her and her son who she claimed did not have a father. The son that won a race, threw a lot into chaos, and disappeared with cloaked figures. Lars claims this boy is the son of the missing child of Shmi, who had died when all that dramatics happened in the Core Worlds.
It was just...odd. And Luke was odd. Yes, there have been kids born with blond-ish hair and blue eyes before...but the colors were always darker. Their eyes would be such dark blue that they probably could look brown in some light and usually when they reach the teenage years the hair was already starting to darken. It was just a sort of normal thing on the planet. Pretty much everyone grew up too. Even the most measly of slaves had to have girth and strength on them to be of any use on this planet.
Luke just was always slightly off. His hair remained this pretty gold, his eyes were such a strange hue of blue, his face never took on a tough or quite masculine appearance, and he was just small. He was lanky and awkward and just never jumped in height like most kids. He was pathetically weak looking which is enough for most to keep their distances because if you’re around someone weak you could get drug down too.
Then there was those weird things that happen around him. Creatures that normally stayed hidden in the depths of the Tatooine desert and never inched close to towns would be found skulking and whimpering around the Lars’ property, always clawing at the wall that surrounded Luke’s room. The kid always knew where to search for a new well. He could sense when a seller is not being quite honest. He picked up blaster shooting quicker than any other child and could always find his target.  He knew how to use a speeder masterfully when he was ten. Beru’s plants sprouted with Luke nearby and gave them vegetables even during the drier months. He could predict things. And, as a child, when he had his rare tantrums things seemed to move. Then there was the fact that mysterious old Ben could be seen, only just, in the background, watching over the kid.
So, yeah, Luke was not seen as a welcomed sort.
But he was so stubborn and so eager for attention and to make friends that Biggs had a hard time fighting him off. The kid just managed to always find him so he just sorta gave up. He wasn’t about to bash a kid built like a twig’s nose in. That wasn’t exactly honorable. And well...Luke is actually pretty fun. He was always excited to go on adventures. He said yes to most anything. He was up for any dare. No matter what happened, he would always smile about it, just happy to be included. Biggs found he had far more fun with this kid than most anyone else so he just took him under his wing. Biggs was probably one of the more popular guys growing up so a lot of people left Luke alone after that, just primarily ignoring him or a cruel name tossed his way and or there.
Luke got kidnapped at least once in “cannon” but I believe that the Hutts would’ve tried to get him for the slave market. Maybe he wouldn’t sell for too much on Tatooine but he was clearly growing up into something pretty and different and that could be a lot of credits for them. Obi-Wan put a stop to it the moment he realized Luke had their attention and no one looked for Luke after that.
He tried to run away once, because he just felt so drained and empty on Tatooine, but Owen found him and dragged him back and scolded him so bad that Luke’s early stages of guilt-complex really ignited. He didn’t mention leaving for a little while after that. But he clearly was desperate to leave.
Luke had a lot of weird dreams. Sometimes even when he was awake. He could see and hear things that were there but...not. Sometimes it was foggy and blurry but he could make out a tall man who blinked from human to a black mass, breathing like a monster. Sometimes it was a man with white robes and long hair and a beard who would smile at him and give him a pat on his head, his expression calm and knowing but always gentle and comfortable. Sometimes the man would blur and Luke could see a hole in his stomach. Sometimes he would see a tall woman who glowed and had glowing green hair who would hold him close, calling him the Light’s child. Other times there was this odd pull to...someone...his mirror. Not his reflection but...yet she, as he knew it was a she, was. This other part of him. And sometimes he swore she felt him right back. He could sometimes hear a little thrum, it sounded like someone like him, but maybe younger...or maybe older, asking for the dark to please leave. He could hear another boy, someone Luke was connected to in some way, full of so much anger and kindness as he donned himself in armor. And sometimes he saw a pale monster, cackling in the shadows, with glowing yellowed eyes and who felt like decay.
Most times, he just never felt quite alone. Like there was something, or multiple somethings, always there. This pull, this connection, to everything. When he focused on it too much it made him very tired so he didn’t do it too often.
He didn’t talk about these things to his family either. 
Luke asked about his parents a lot but his aunt and uncle always refused to tell him much. They claimed to only have a little information on his father and knew nothing of his mother. He never gave up, trying to get as many stories from them as possible but it was always the same four to five stories each time.
Luke felt, or at least believed he felt, that his parents did love him and didn’t abandon him. They just died, which was sad but quite normal on Tatooine. He still wished he could see their faces and hear their voices. He usually just called them Mother and Father in his head, as a slight way to detach himself from the pain, cause Luke would be the sort who would call them mommy and daddy when he was young and then mom and dad when he was older. Mother and Father was just this...title he had for two strangers he wished he knew.
Luke still loved them very much and liked to pretend they would show up on the doorstep one day and pull him into a hug, holding him tight, and promising to never leave him again. That they would all stay together.
Luke thrived off of fairy-tale like stories and could never get enough speed in his life. Politics were never something he understood. He had plans on joining the Imperial Academy the moment he was able to become a pilot and travel across the galaxy. He could probably earn credits and get his own place and maybe take care of his aunt and uncle. He often wondered if he could be a hero.
He caused mischief but mostly on accident. He did not need much to keep him occupied and Owen realized he was very good with building, taking care of, and communicating with droids than most.
When he was seventeen to eighteen, folks who were a lot older or a very unsavory would approach Owen to try and get a deal to marry Luke.  He was still small and lanky, but people were beginning to notice he was prettier than some girls. Even some from the Hutt’s circle came in with offers to marry Luke into their protection--he could even live at the palace. Owen always rejected every proposal and kept Luke even closer to home after that, rarely letting him leave unless he was with Biggs. After Biggs left, it was always a battle to let Luke leave the farm. It made Luke smothered and a bit exhausted and whiny. He was nearing twenty and he was still treated like this delicate child.
Luke did have a massive crush on Biggs but never acted on it. Other than that he was far more interested in other things. 
He was good in picking up most languages by ear, he seemed to know Binary from the start, but he could never do well with speaking. it always sounded awkward to him. Beru taught him to read and write and she found if Luke only had a few texts, after a few lessons he would start to pick things up. Before he leaves, he is fluent in understanding Basic, Binary, Huttese, Jawaese, and Tusken sign. He can’t speak a lick of anything outside of Basic. 
Luke was always very kind and apologetic to whoever he met. He always felt he was something wrong and broken and would try to not bother anyone if he could. If something happened he was quick to blame himself (picked up from a lot of his interaction with the people of Tatooine and, unintentionally, from his aunt and uncle who did appear fearful of him at times). He puts other people first and has a hard time seeing other having faults but rather he is so broken that he makes them have faults.
He loves sweets but for savory, his was a big fan of things like rice and bread (I swear, in a Modern AU Luke would almost live off of Japanese rice and would be someone who could actually cook it (cause i can’t and it breaks my heart) and could just eat it as is or he just has it as the foundation for every meal) with some vegetables. He did not grow up with seasoning so he has no idea how to really use it...but would grow to enjoy it after some time.
Luke loves anything dog-like. He probably won over some Tusken’s because their dogs adored Luke.
Luke is amazing at engineering...but ask him what 6+6 is and he’ll probably go blank. Don’t make the poor boy think. He runs on instinct and can easily short-circuit his brain if he tries to think about what he is doing (cause often he shouldn’t really know it as he wasn’t taught it, he just somehow knows what to do)
Just cause of how Tatooine is...it is possible Luke has rarely been hugged and potentially rarely told he was loved.
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luciferist · 4 years
ARE YOUR REQUESTS OPEN :-0 if not delete this but if so... can i get some domestic jumin hcs with mc please !! little glimpses into what it would be like in day to day life to be with him? im a sucker for those kinds of things 🥺♥︎ !
hi darling !! my requests are VERY open :3 and this was such a fun prompt to play around with so thank you for requesting :D
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– domestic life with jumin
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life with jumin is wonderful, to say the least
he loves you more than anything else in the entire world and so he treats you like royalty. only the best for his spouse, after all <3
you formally moved in with him a few months after the party and he had already given you a ring at that point. oh no, not your wedding ring. not even your engagement ring. those both had to be much more grand.
still, for now, you would get a simple 3.22 carat diamond on a white gold band. he had wanted to give you something bigger, but you refused. you’ll never forget the adorable pout he had made when you said no 🥺
on mornings he’s lucky enough to be by your side, you’ll wake up to his hand grazing your cheek, gazing at you softly
“good morning, my dear. how was your sleep?”
you’ll bask in his love until he gets up to make breakfast, you following not too far behind. he wears the cat apron you got him as a joke for christmas last year, but he wears it so diligently and so lovingly that it’s endearing
as he preps breakfast, you put out food for elizabeth and go back to watch your sexy husband from behind
god, his ass is so thick. i need to ask him to wear just the apron one day.
family photos of you, him, and elizabeth
you three wore matching outfits 🥰 jumin had lots of fun choosing them
be careful when saying you want something because if you do, don’t be surprised to see it brought home with jumin the next day
“i think i need a new pair of heels, these are getting wobbly.” boom, new pair of valentino heels. “honey, look at this picture on instagram, this ramen looks so good.” boom, dinner tomorrow is ramen imported from japan.
you learned your lesson quick: be careful what you wish for 🥴
when you’re together in the evening, after dinner will be spent chatting about your day, taking a bath together, blowdrying each other’s hair <3
when you get into bed, you’ll spend some time doing separate things but still sitting in bed together
he’ll finish up some work, you’ll read a book or go into the chatroom
and when the both of you are done, jumin will pull you into his arms and whisper words of love and “sleep well, my beautiful wife/husband”
nothing, and i mean NOTHING is more comforting than resting your head on jumin’s warm chest
lots of ass grabs and slaps. c’mon, it’s free real estate. how could you resist slapping his ass after seeing the way it looks in his suit pants?
it surprised him at first, but now he barely bats an eye
you have a few lifestyle choices to choose from
if you choose to work away from C&R – he’ll be a little confused as to why you would still want to work after marrying him. after all, don’t you have everything you could ever need now?
jumin will respect your choice, though, and will support you in any way you need
you’ll get flowers delivered to your workplace and he’ll send a driver to pick you up
he’ll be so so proud of you for working so hard, especially if it’s your own business
during dinner, he will listen to you talk about your work very closely. he always loves hearing about your day. he’s always so interested in what you do and your industry, it’s so sweet :((
if you choose to work at C&R – he’ll be so happy! while jumin would want you to stay comfortably at home, being with you at work could open up a lot of more opportunities office sex
you’ll have to let him know, though, that he can’t show too much favoritism. you want things to be fair.
“what if i made you my other chief assistant? no? what if i just made you my co-CEO? wait, i don’t want to put you through all that work. what about-” “JUMIN. let me work from the bottom up.”
once you get that point through his stubborn head, jumin will let his dear, intelligent spouse do their thing. he’s gonna be so proud of you no matter what your position ends up being
most days, he’ll come to work with you, have lunch with you, and go home with you
it’s exciting for the both of you to have such a sweet office romance
the other employees tip-toe around you since you’re their ultimate boss’s wife, but will soon treat you like normal once they realize you’re not a snotty person
if anyone tries to flirt with you... well, let’s just say you’ll probably not see them again. ever. 😇
if you choose to stay at home – he’s happy with that since you’ll be safest and most pampered there. it’s unfortunate that he won’t see you as often, but he would rather see you less than force his beloved to do WORK
jumin will definitely do his best to get more days off or days where he can work from home. he also does his best to shorten his work day so he can get back to you faster
you do some work around the house and get to spend time working on your own hobbies. it’s fun. but you still miss your husband.
you’re pretty much just a rich housewife except you don’t do housework. you’re living the Really good life
sometimes you take jumin by surprise and visit him at work to bring him lunch or just to see him.
whether you’re wearing something under that coat is up to you. ;)
“well this is quite a surprise, my love. i’m glad you came. come sit dow- oh. oh.”
he’ll try his best to take you on business trips with him. if he can’t, expect lots of video calls and blurry photos of the scenery
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wowowow this got super long 😣 sorry it got more specific and was less of a list of general headcanons but nevertheless i hope u enjoyed !! thanks for reading <3
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exosmutfactory · 4 years
Apart (Part 2 to Fallen)
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Part 1
word count: 3158 (how tf!?!?)
Baekhyun feels uneasy the second he’s back inside the house; the air seems to be ten times colder without the warmth of your smile and the soft laughter of your daughter filling the air.
His fingers mindlessly trace over the patches of fabric you lovingly stitched into his coat after all the times he carelessly snagged holes in it from yanking it off of the hanger. He knows it’s selfish. Not properly sending you on your way to mask his own hurt at seeing you and your daughter venturing off on your adventures without him. Your world-stopping smile, pregnancy glow, and the two sets of heart softening doe eyes looking up at him too much for his tired form to bear. Too much for him to deal with his guilt without falling apart in front of you.
He hates it — hates how hard it is to be around you lately. Always feeling as if he is stepping on eggshells in fear of stressing you out. Your soft smiles and sweeter words whispered to the precious symbol of your love growing inside of you brings tears to his eyes that he has to hide every time you gaze up at him from across the living room when he steps through the door. You mean the world to him and he’d do anything for you. No matter how many long hours he spends cooped up alone at the office, or sleepless nights from attending to your daughter when she cries for him in the middle of the night. He wouldn’t change a single part of your lives — except for last night.
His heart aches at the thought; fists clenched and bile rising in his throat. Remembering the deceitful men urging him to take more drinks, and the woman he practically had to shove off his lap.
Baekhyun’s heart beat is pounding furiously in his ears, the only thing stopping him from going into a blind rage is the thought of you waiting up for him at home. With your pretty doe eyes and worry-melting smiles. Just your presence alone can calm him down.
He steps over the threshold without a word, hanging up his cream colored coat as he’s struck with the reminder that he is two hours late again. The underlying implications of that puts him in an even sour mood. He’s so stressed out lately that just the thought of anything more than a cup of coffee makes him feel sick to his stomach, and even more ill at the fact that you’re probably thinking he doesn’t enjoy your meals anymore. Meals that you usually store away for later, yet tonight you are—
“How was work?” Your voice is soft, always understanding in wake of his more often than not pleasant moods. His heart flutters as he quietly moves over to the coffee maker, mindful to carefully brush off his shoes before stepping onto the newly mopped floor. You turn away from him and he frowns, guilt budding in his chest as you distract yourself with the dishes. He knows how hard it is for you to have to take care of things around the house while having a bun in the oven.
“The merger bailed.” He mumbles, taking a few minutes to remember what you asked him.
“No.” You gasp, spinning to him, eyes wide and lips parted in shock. “Why? You’ve been working on this collab for months-”
“They wanted us to travel with them.” Anger once again fills his veins while recalling how disrespectfully those bastards spoke of you; a bitter smile forming on his lips. “Apparently a 7 months preganant wife doesn’t make the cut.” Fuckers. The lot of them.
“Y-You can go, I mean.” Your stuttering breaks him from his revengeful thoughts. Looking so small in his eyes with your hand over your adorable stomach and a plate of food balanced in your other hand. “I-I could let the baby spend the week at-”
What? “Where will they go?” Baekhyun panics. Why would you want your daughter to be away? Did he do something wrong? Are you—
The crashing of the plate to the floor startles him; hours of your hard work scattered like his barely contained emotions. “Where will they go?” He repeats softer, roughly carding his fingers through his ruffled hair. Did he startle you? He didn’t mean to. He’s just so—
Baekhyun raises a brow, swearing that he heard you say something in that cute way you like to utter things under your breath. His eyes widening at your state, hands outstretched to help you back up only to stop, a memory occurring to him. You screamed at him every time he attempted to help you pick up fallen food during the earlier months of your pregnancy. Proclaiming that you were ‘capable of doing it’ yourself while sternly pointing him towards the cupboard that you keep the cleaning supplies.
“I-I got work in the morning,” Baekhyun mumbles. The last thing he wants is to fight you. He doesn’t want to risk what regretful words he’d spew if he stays any longer; quickly going over to open the supply cupboard for you and setting the first-aid kit on the countertop just in case you accidentally prick yourself. He tentatively retrieves his coat from the rack, meekly uttering,  “I’ll be at Chanyeol’s. Don’t wait up, okay?” While pulling the door closed behind him.
Yeah, he’s still upset. Very upset. He’s been working on that stupid merger for 4 months. Hours upon hours spent worried over how he’s going to pay off student loans, provide for your growing family, and help your little stars through college. The weight of all the responsibilities weighing so heavily on his shoulders that he has resorted to shutting down and shoving his own feelings aside. He’s got a beautiful daughter, a beloved wife and another little one on the way. All of them are depending on him and he cannot under any circumstances afford to disappoint them. For what is the sun without it’s pretty planets circling around, leaning on it for stability and warmth? Nothing. But a big ball of pent up energy marching on its own journey to collapsing upon itself.
Suddenly, the sky is covered with dark clouds; the bottom dropping out from under the fluffy accumulations of rain. It’s pouring out; the heavy droplets pelting down on the roof remind him of all the times he went out his way to go pick you up in the middle of storms such as this one. Because it’s not safe for you to be driving out in the rain —​​​​​​​ driving out in the rain.
Baekhyun’s eyes widen, ripping a new hole in his coat as he rushes to put it back on, throwing the front door open with half the mind to lock it behind him because you always chastise him over leaving the house vulnerable — but right now you’re fucking vulnerable!
“Fuck fuck fuck,” He mutters, yanking the door to his black Audi open just as the squealing of car tires in the distance reaches his ears.
Baekhyun freezes, grip tight on the doorframe and hair matted to his forehead. Because just up the road is a car accident with what he swears is your car and it doesn’t look pretty.
“Oh my god.” A neighbor gasps, her leashed puppy cradled in her frozen grasp. 
Baekhyun doesn’t stop to think; he fucking runs.
An ambulance is already weaving through the crowd as idiomatic bystanders block their way to the flipped over white Honda surrounded by broken glass on the sidewalk. The shrill screams of a frightened child — his child! — has him pushing his way through the crowd. Scrambling to the driver’s side of the car.
He wrenches the dented back car door open, tentatively brushing glass away from her tear streaked cheeks. Thanking every higher being that she only has small scratches on her little face. He scoops her out of the ruined carseat and cradles her to his chest, trying to soothe her as paramedics rush over to pull you from the car. Fuck. You —
Baekhyun’s head snaps up, wordlessly hurrying over to them on quick feet while they pull your unconscious form from under layers of broken metal and glass. A glance alone shows that you weren’t so lucky to leave the accident with only a few scratches on your face. No, there’s large pieces of glass distorting your delicate skin and a waterfall of red washing away in the rain.
Baekhyun barely hears a word that the person next to him is saying, only catching the phrases “child” and “hospital” before snapping out of his trace. “W-Wait!” He walks as fast as he can with your shaking daughter in his arms, “I’m the husband, I—” He chokes, eyes stinging with the realization of what is unfolding in front of him. Your limp body being lifted into the back of the ambulance. “I’m her husband.”
The paramedics usher him inside, offering a seat and asking to check up on the trembling toddler in his arms.
“How far along is she?” One of them asks, pulling a stethoscope from around her neck.
“7 m-months.” His voice comes out hoarse, a lump forming in his throat as he watches her slide it over your stomach. The lack of reaction from the little life inside of you makes more tears pool in the corners of his eyes. “I-Is the baby okay?”
She only gives him a solemn look, uttering some type of medical code to one of the other paramedics jotting down notes on a clipboard. “We’re almost at the hospital. Can I take a look at her?”
Baekhyun blinks through his blurry vision, reluctantly handing the small girl in his arms over to her. He shivers, just now feeling the coldness of his soaked clothes; swiping his drenched hair out of his eyes while graciously taking the thick blanket offered to him.
You couldn’t arrive at the hospital fast enough for him. He doesn’t know how much longer his heart can take seeing you like this — like a shattered irreplaceable vase missing the pieces to put it back together. Lifeless. Never to be the same again.
He barely registers the commotion as the paramedics roll you out of the ambulance and through the lobby, only stopping when a nurse holds him back from following you down the hall. “I’m sorry, Sir. You can’t go back there.”
She swiftly shakes her head, standing her ground as he feels as if his whole world — his whole life is being flipped upside down. Less than an hour ago, your glowing figure was smiling up at him. Less than an hour ago, he thought that nothing else could get worse than the stress he faces every day. Yet here he is now, helplessly watching you and your daughter get taken further into the hospital — farther away from him. The man who vowed to be with you; in sickness and in health. In times of hardships and your greatest accomplishments. The same man who swore that no matter what came your way, you would face everything together—
Baekhyun plops himself down in an uncomfortable plastic chair; his head hanging low. How could he have forgotten such a thing? All the promises of sticking by your side through everything and anything. Of trust, leaning on each other — communication! When’s the last time he told you about his tiring days at work just to end up smiling by the end of the night while held in your loving arms? Or heard you complain about your feet hurting only for you to giggle soon afterward when he accidentally tickles you with his diligent massage? Or dared to reach across the body-shaped pillow that has taken up space in your bed to pull you to his chest. Did he really let himself get carried away by his own self doubts and fears? 
Baekhyun’s breath hitches, his heart stopping in its tracks. Did he seriously hide himself away thinking the pain of being unable to reach him wouldn’t hurt you? Wouldn’t make you… You want to leave him?
He doesn’t know how long he sits there. Surrounded by the endless amounts of people being rolled in the never-ending stream of patients in the hosiptal. It seems as if everyone has gotten into bad accidents today, but no amount of blood and body disfigurement can erase the horrific image of your helpless child — of your lifeless form being carried out of that battered car.
“Mr. Byun?”
Baekhyun’s head shoots up to the light blue and white dressed man in front of him. “T-That’s me,” He croaks, throat hurting from holding back tears while hurrying to stand up.
“I’m Dr. Kim,” The man holds out his hand, introducing himself — uselessly, Baekhyun thinks.
“H-How are they?” He manages between shaky breaths, five seconds away from crumbling into a heap on the porcelain white floor.
“Your daughter and son are okay.” The doctor states calmly, flipping through papers on his clipboard.
Baekhyun breathes a small sigh of relief, heart calming down a little. “And my wife?” His tone hopeful; eyes pleading. The uncertain expression on the doctor’s face enough to knock the wind out of him, “Follow me.”
He trails after the man; right on his heels, gulping down the panic steadily rising in his chest as they turn the corner at the end of the long hallway. The doctor opens the door, wordlessly stepping aside to let him enter the crowded room. At least three nurses are stationed in the room. One fussing over a small bundle in their arms and another with his daughter outstretching her arms towards the bed on the right side of the room. The sight of you nearly sends him falling to his knees.
“Your son is 5 pounds,” The brunette softly says over the loud cries of your daughter. “He has to spend a few days in the NICU until we—”
“Give her here.” He demands, arms held out to take his daughter away from the blonde nurse struggling to hold her squirming form. She’s quick to hand the child over, watching enviously as the little girl settles in her father’s arms, loud wails simmering down into quiet whimpers.
Baekhyun slowly makes his way over to the bed, carefully lowering her down between the spaces free from all the tubes attached to your pale form. She wraps her arms around your bandaged arm, doe eyes still brimming with tears. He hates the panicked confusion swirling in her shiny orbs. Hates how lifeless you look against the standardized hospital sheets and the gauze wrapped around your head.
“She lost a lot of blood.” The doctor tentatively notes, dismissing the nurses from the room. The brunette sets the baby down in the bassinet next to the bed before departing as well. “And hit her head pretty hard on the dashboard… The baby had to be taken by C-section,” He adds, noticing Baekhyun’s eyes drifting over to the little one squirming in the bassinet. “We want to keep an eye on his vitals for a few days.”
“And my daughter?” Baekhyun mumbles, he can’t bear to raise his voice. Can’t bear the slow beeps of your heart rate echoing around the quiet room.
“Nothing but a few scratches.” He sees the doctor raise his hand from his peripheral as if to place it on his shoulder before reconsidering it, lowering it back down with a clear of his throat. “I’ll give you some time alone.”
Baekhyun barely acknowledges his words, shaky hands reaching out to cradle your ice cold one in his own. Unmerciful tears swarming his eyes. He doesn’t hold them back this time.
“I’m sorry.” He barely registers the pain of his knees hitting the tiled floor, head bowed as he folds in on himself, weeping so hard his shoulders quake from the built up emotions rolling through him by waves. Much more choppy than the ones that lapped at your bare feet dipped into the ocean all those years ago. At the edge of the world. Where nothing else mattered but your bright smile and your heart racing against his own. 
“I-I’m sorr—” He chokes, hot tears flowing down his cold cheeks. Why did he pull away from you? Why did he have to go and hurt the sole person he would lay his own life down for? What if you never wake up? How will he explain to his daughter that her mother won’t be around anymore? That your son won’t know you at all anymore? You who were strong enough to stick by his side, filled to the brim with endless bounds of unconditional love despite how he treated you instead of the actions promised within your shared vows until you couldn’t — he made it so hard that you couldn’t anymore.
“I don’t deserve you.” He sniffles, voice cracking through his trembling lips. Hands clutching tightly onto your own. “I don’t deserve you at all, but please.” He can barely talk around the waterfall of tears pelting down his face, the sting of them worse than any downpour imaginable. “Please don’t leave me alone like this, baby. D-don’t.” He reaches up to cradle your cheek in his palm; the sound of his heart breaking nearly audible in wake of the healthy glow now gone from your face. “Open your eyes,” He breathes, fingers caressing your cheek. “Open your pretty eyes, baby. Tell me your love again,” He pleads, tears wetting the sheets and the fabric of your hospital gown. “Come back to me again.”
He drops his head again when you give no signs of hearing him; his hand slipping down helplessly back to your own grasping aimlessly at his — your hand!
Baekhyun nearly gets whiplash, eyes shooting up to meet your tired ones. The relief of seeing you looking back at him has him jumping to his feet, almost tangling himself up in the tubes attached to your body if not for your quiet warning reminding him. He settles for continuing to hold onto your hand, squeezing it softly as it slowly warms up the longer it is held within his, “You came back.” He whispers, astonishment clear in his hoarse voice. 
“You came after me.” You utter right back, lifting your arm to let your daughter snuggle closer into your unbandaged side.
“Of course I did,” Baekhyun’s eyes flutter all over your person, heart leaping in so much joy he wonders if you can feel it racing between your intertwined hands. “I’d die for you.” He declares, words resonating through both your chests like the meaningful ones exchanged five long years ago.
“And I’d live for you.” You proclaim right back; smile bright and eyes lighting up at the small cries of your symbol of undying love.
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
A Chance for Faith Ch. 9 What’s Your Name Agian?
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Alrighty here’s some Chance for you all! Fairly short of a chapter really but its something and what more can be asked of my brain. Can be read below the cut or on Ao3
There’s a moment, a small moment where the grogginess meets the chill of the night air, and for just that moment Chance is hopeful. What a terrible dream, he thinks, how much did he end up drinking that night to warrant that kind of punishment. He probably hot boxed with some buddies as they left a bar to have an after party somewhere else. Last time I get cross-faded for a while. He just needed to open his eyes, maybe he’d find himself on the front lawn again. He could find that everything that had happened was nothing more than a dream he’s more than willing to forget. 
But it's only for a moment.
His brain speeds up, processing quickly what’s happening. This wasn’t a dream, this was real, and he had the aching pain in his thigh to prove it. A pinch in his wrists as he moved to try and stand back up, the voices deep over him. “This one?” One asks, his face too blurry, not that it would make much difference it's too dark to make out any significant features. There must have been some response he didn’t pay attention to as the man comes closer, Chance just slightly able to make out the matted pieces in his scraggly dark hair, “You sure? Don’t seem very worthy.”
Chance groans as the man bends down to grab his upper arms, “Pretty sure that’s cultural appropriation.”
“Your hair,” Chance repeated, his vision becoming blurry, “Jus’ thought you should know.”
“You sure we have to take him to the cleansing?”
This time Chance could hear the second voice, “It's the will of the Father, “deeper, more calming, almost like Jerome’s, “and we are not to question him.” While unsteady Chance could feel his legs beneath him in an upright position, hands gripping him tightly, “Come let’s bring him unto the waters.”
He blinked, that’s all he did, right? No, he passed out and now he was wet. Or well his mouth and nose were starting to get that way. Air was harder to achieve too. An instant and he was struggling, he couldn’t swim, he was held down. Eyes burning trying to open them in the water, muffled voices just beyond the splashing. Just as quickly he was lifted out of the water, gasping his heart finally catching up to the panicking in the water. 
“And we will walk through his gate unto Eden.” If he wasn’t catching his breath Chance would have rolled his eyes, John, of course it was John. He glanced around as the other members repeated the last line, four others each with a member, and a few more on the shore of the lake, Pond, Chance, pond. Chance brought his left hand up, the other following close behind, Cuffs really?, pushing what hair he could out of his face. 
Chance stumbled as he was pushed back towards the shore, last in line as the other four, all seeming to be in various states of high with the Bliss, only paused to be anointed with a cross on their foreheads by John. He had just finished with the last one, the blessing whispered as his blue eyes slowly moved over to face Chance. As he became within ear shot he smirked holding up his hands, “Should have guessed you were kinky Sunglasses. Not sure I’m down with that drowning fetish of yours.”
John’s jaw tightened, blue eyes narrowing, “You really believe yourself to be clever don’t you?”
Chance laughed, “You’re not denying anything.”
“I don’t have time for your games tonight,” he leaned closer, voice lowering, “Deputy.”
Chance gritted his teeth bitting back the automatic correction of his name, “Aww, but it’s Thursday, Fashion Week, that’s our special game night.”
“You stole something from me,” This was about the plane?! Seriously, “and I intend to get it back.”
“Hm, gotta be a little more specific.”
“Small, valuable, and very important to me.”
“Your dignity?” Chance’s smirk grew, pointedly looking John up and down before shrugging, rolling his eyes, “Sorry wasn’t me. Can’t steal something you don’t have.”
He honestly didn’t think John could move that fast, or be that strong. If it wasn’t easy the first time to fight back, John made it harder as Chance found himself on his back, the rocks hitting pressure points, and a tattooed hand wrapped around his throat. A mouthful of the water went down his throat and another stayed in place and he felt himself be lifted to the surface once more. He was forced back into a standing position, “Don’t make this harder than it has to be,” John ordered through clenched teeth, face inches from Chance’s. 
Chance gave a quick smirk spitting out the held water dead center of John’s face. He laughed at the brief look of surprise on the Baptist’s face, “Oh there’s that signature flirting of yours,” Chance leaned closer, hands tightening on his upper arms, “That how you charmed that wife of yours?”
John’s hand closest to Chance’s neck gripped tightly, nails digging in, snarling as he moved to push Chance back into the water. Chance took a deep breath readying himself, “John,” one word and he hovered above the water, John’s face shifting from his anger to one of a younger man, child-like, caught in the middle of something he shouldn’t have been doing. Chance was lifted, blowing away some of the hair from his vision. There on the shore stood Joseph, dressed in a white button down shirt and dark vest, rosary wrapped around his left hand still, his yellow glasses still on despite the night sky, God do those ever come off?. “Do you mock the cleansing?”
John has yet to turn to face him fully, head lowered, “No, Joseph.”
Chance gave a snort mumbling, “I sure fucking do.” John’s eyes moved fixating on Chance, the emotion in them darkening, teeth grinding. 
“Come,” Joseph waved to the member keeping hold of Chance, “bring that one to me.”
Again he was pushed forward, stumbling over the smooth rocks below, “I can walk you know,” he hissed trying to shake free from the member’s grip. 
Joseph placed his hands on Chance’s shoulders, his stomach turning. John came into his peripheral view, back straight, his face neutral, eyes the only thing giving away any semblance of emotions. Joseph’s gaze moved to John, “You have to love them, John,” Chance raised a brow, frowning, seeing the flicker of pain in John’s eyes, Condescending much. Bit hypocritical too. 
“I’ll always be the exception,” Chance scoffed, “No amount Drama King’s love will change that. Or yours Man Bun.”
Joseph’s eyes narrowed just the slightest as they bored into Chance. “Despite all that you have done,” Joseph’s voice, ever so calm, still managed to send chills down his spine, “you are not beyond salvation. You’ve been given a gift.”
“Well I hope you have the receipt still,” he snarled, “cause I don’t want your fucking salvation.” Chance hissed in pain, knife point near his kidney. He glanced over to his right, John had moved closer, left arm outstretched, Dude, I don’t owe your brother any respect.
His remarks were ignored, “You’re not here by accident or by choice,” Chance opened his mouth to protest, stopped by the knife digging in a little deeper, “You are here by the grace of God. Everything you are, everything you’ve experienced has led you to this moment….To your destiny.”
Chance pushed forward, hands holding him back. Joseph stepped back as the young deputy spit in his face, “Fuck your destiny!” He snarled shaking off the hands, placing himself inches from Joseph, voice lowering, “That line may work on your followers, but I know better. I know what you’ve done to get your damn bullshit prophecy brought to life.”
Chance glowered willing Joseph to move, to get angry, to lift the curtain on his calm leader persona. He didn’t, simply turning to John as he wiped away at his face, “This one will reach atonement.” He pulled his brother closer, touching their foreheads together, whispering, “or the gates of Eden shall be shut to you, John.” The volume may have been soft, evocative of guidance but Chance could hear it. The threat, hidden within the disappointment Joseph had put on for his younger brother.
“Yes, Joseph,” he whispered, head hanging lower, Chance looking between the two of them, Where’s the backbone you have for everyone else, Sunglasses?. His older brother turned making his way back towards the trucks, John and Chance watching as he moved farther from earshot. The moment he did, John’s face overtook Chance’s vision, “You will confess, no matter how long it takes.” John directed his men to place Chance into a van, placing his cuffs around a bar on the ceiling. He still tried to land a kick on one of the members as they did so, the butt of a gun meeting his diaphragm knocking the breath out of him briefly. 
The doors shut, leaving the young man alone in the van with the muffled engines of other vehicles driving away. “Either you’re dead or,” Chance whispered, “something much worse is going to happen.”
The driver’s door opened, a balding man sliding in, his stature feeling familiar, “Bring him to the room I have prepared at the bunker,” John instructed, the man nodding along. “Don’t leave his side once there, Mr. Powell.”
“I know John,” the driver snapped, Chance’s eyes going wide, It’s the guy from the Ranch, “You need to go before it gets too suspicious.” A moment of silence fell before the van started moving, radio turned down low. Chance caught the man’s eyes in the rearview, Powell, what’s your role in all of this?, he moved closer, the metal scraping against one another, “Stay put.”
“Not like anyone can see me back here,” Chance huffed finally bringing himself to the front of the van, “Besides I’d rather not yell to talk to you.” Powell stayed silent, “Let’s start with names; I’m Chance.”
“I know who you are.”
“But I don’t know you. All I know is you’re the guy that helped me get Nick’s plane back to him. So what’s your first name? I know it can’t be Powell.”
“What makes you say that, kid?”
“Cause no parent would hate their child that much to be name them Powell.”
“Your name is basically a pun,” he gave a quick smile, “What does that say about your parents?”
“Dad didn’t pick it out. I’d have been Jason if he did.”
“Probably best he didn’t then.” Chance tilted his head, “I knew your grandfather a little bit, knew he would have just called you JR.”
Chance rolled his eyes, small smile on his lips, Just keep him talking, that’s how they did it in the movies right?, “Point taken. You’re still not answering my question though.”
“Why does it matter so much to you?”
“Because you’re not on their side. Not really.” Chance scrutinized his face, “Feel like I’ve seen you one other time.”
“I lived here, that’s probably what you’re thinking.”
“No, well probably but I mean when all this cult bs started to get worse,” Chance shook his head, looking ahead to the road retracing events, “The wedding,” he finally breathed out. The member glanced over at Chance, “You were there, you hovered close to John and his new wife.”
“A lot of people were at that wedding.”
He shook his head, “Sure, but no one else acted like you did. You stood between her and Joseph.”
“Part of my job.”
“You didn’t even look my and Whitehorse’s way, just focused on the Father,” Chance looked down to his muddied boots, “She didn’t really want to be there, did she?”
He slowed looking around, “No. She didn’t.” Powell’s eyes looked Chance over, with his hunched shoulders and distant eyes, letting out a sigh, “It’s easy to dwell on the what ifs and what could have been, but you and me? We can’t afford to. Best we can do is keep moving, hoping to do better.” The two approached the intersection with the main road, the member stopping ejecting the tape from the radio. “Speaking of which,” he turned to face Chance, “Better grab onto something.” Chance watched as the man slipped the tape into Chance’s pocket, “Don’t lose that either. Get it to your friend Wheaty.”
“Wait why?” The driver didn’t respond as he pulled out onto the road, with a truck quickly approaching from the left side. “Uh, hey I don’t-.” The impact hurt, no amount of gripping onto the bar prevented Chance from hanging as the van rolled. He could feel the metal cutting away at his skin, on its side, the zero gravity as he brought his knees to his chest, upside down, finally the impact as his body hit the metal siding. 
His vision went black as he oriented himself, the breaking of glass muffled among the groans of the van. Chance groaned hearing the muffled gunfire, blinking a few times to right his vision once again. Escape, that’s what he had to do, he had to escape. He still had a feeling of seeing double as he repositioned himself, bracing his legs on the ceiling of the van pulling on the rod holding the handcuffs hostage. The gunfire grew louder, the rod unmoving, “Oh come on adrenaline!” Chance growled, “Fucking work with me tonight!”
“He’s gettin’ away!” 
“Ah leave him be,” two voices yelled out, “He’ll get what’s coming to him soon enough!”
The back door groaned open, slamming against the asphalt, Chance flinched at the sound. Despite the night sky, the low light hurt his eyes and he tried to shield them from it. “Well look at that,” Chance didn’t need to look at the man’s face to place the calming voice, “that tip we got was real.”
He looked up at the bulletproof vest clad pastor, eyebrows raising, “Someone tipped you off that I’d be coming this way?”
“Mhm,” Jerome moved inside the van, a thin piece of metal between his fingers, “Heard you had gotten taken earlier in the day, knew it had to be John. Thing is he’s gotten smarter about changing his baptismal areas, so we didn’t even know where to start.” The older gentleman’s fingers moved deftly along the locks of the cuffs, a small click heard as Chance’s right wrist was freed, “Then got word on the radio from Wheaty saying he saw the caravan moving from the Whitetails back down south.”
Chance stayed silent watching as Jerome worked on the left wrist, No way we were up that far north. We stayed in the valley the whole time. With his left wrist free Chance rubbed some feeling back into them, examining the cuts, “Thanks. For saving me that is. Overheard John having some special plans for me.”
“I bet he did,” the two men crawled their way back out to the small group of others, all letting out a cheer upon seeing Chance. “Like I keep trying to tell ya: it’d be a shame to lose you now, dep- I mean Chance.”
Chance scanned the area, checking his pocket, the cassette tape still in its place. This road didn’t go near the Whitetails, not for a while, and even then it would be on the eastern side of it, And we’re on the west. The windshield laid a foot away from the van, the glass still put together despite the cracks within it, I don’t think there’s enough cracks for it to have been impulsive. Powell, Powell knew something or this was part of John’s plan. Could have been, just the motivation wasn’t there. Wheaty told them that we were coming from the south of the Whitetails….
The tape in his pocket weighed heavily, his head pounding away, and his wrists still throbbing. Sleep might have been the best thing to do first. Jerome was in agreement as they approached Fall’s End, switching to a sedan for the drive to Chance’s house. The young man laid his head back, pulling the lever to lower the seat too, eyes closing. “Hey Jerome,” Chance asked, the pastor humming in response, “You know just about everyone in this county right?”
“Try too, but sometimes people slip by the wayside. Why do you ask?”
“Does the last name Powell mean anything to you?”
“Powell?” Chance gave a small nod, his stomach rolling, “Only know of one Powell and last I heard was one of the first to join Eden’s Gate once they got that compound of their going.”
Chance knitted his brow, “One of the first? That….feels surprising. Are you sure?”
“That’s what’s been said, he is a part of Eden’s Gate though, I know that much. Became one of Jacob’s chosen and then personal guard to John’s wife when she was still around.”
Does no one in this place know she’s still alive? Or do they just not believe it? “Now he’s just John’s personal guard?”
Jerome gave a shrug, “Couldn’t tell ya. I don’t think he likes John much either since Mary. Seemed real protective over her the few times I saw her.”
“You knew her?”
“Sort of,” Jerome glanced over at Chance, “Do I need to pull over?” Chance shook his head, “Alright just tell me if I do. But anyway Mary came by a few times wondering if I’d be willing to help in setting up some charity work she was wanting to do, told her no though. Didn’t hold much trust for them back then either.”
“What’s his name?”
Jerome chuckled, “You planning’ on getting to know all the members this much?”
“Nah,” Chance smirked, “Just the second time I’ve come in close contact with him is all. Feel like it can’t just be a coincidence.”
“What does your instinct say about it?”
That was the hard part, as it said to not trust him while also saying that Powell had his own agenda that could work well in his favor. Then again this was the same instinct that told him it was okay to bring probably the most dangerous of the siblings to his house to care for her. The same one that had him going back to Faith because there was some part of her that was good still in there. His gut instinct was the one that gave the notion that there was something amiss last year at that wedding, but then agreed with Whitehorse when he said there was nothing saying there was anything wrong. His instinct sucked.
The logic of it all though said that it wasn’t coincidence that he had encountered Powell twice. That fact that he let Chance go both times said that he needed him out in the county rather than with John. Powell knew of Wheaty and doubtful that he was just sharing his music tastes with someone on the other side of this. “Best we can do is keep moving, hoping to do better.”, that line meant there were regrets to be had. The facts were that Powell was also one of the first to join up with the cult willingly years ago. Made it high enough in the rankings to be personal protection for John’s wife, She had to have had some trust for him right? Or else how would he know what she was thinking that day?. 
Chance let out a sigh, “Instinct is saying I need more information.” He opened an eye looking up at Jerome, “Which will be easier having his full name, Jerome.”
The pastor chuckled, “His name is Lance. Lance Powell.”
“Lance,” Chance repeated, the name bringing up fuzzy memories, “He had a kid didn’t he?�� Jerome hummed in confirmation, Chance clicking his tongue, “Huh, think I saw them once when I was a kid. One of those fishing competitions or barbeques or something like that.”
“Possible,” he pulled up to the quiet cabin, engine shutting off, “You want some help getting settled?”
Chance sat up stretching out his limbs, “Nah, I should be okay. Thanks though.”
“Alright, give a call on the radio if you need anything.” Chance gave a wave listening for the car to start again before turning towards the old cabin. Lance Powell, he mused pulling out the cassette tape, what’s your angle here?, Chance flipped it over. Nothing special about it, even had a label on it, Cowtipping Extravaganza! ‘85, he frowned looking at the name. Well that’s….cryptic. Chance tossed the tape onto the cd player, eyes scanning for the bottle of Tylenol, his head was still pounding and trying to solve a mystery wasn’t much help. 
He located the bottle knocking back four of the pills, reaching for the radio next to it, clearing his throat, “Hey Wheaty, you there?”
There was a moment of silence as Chance laid back on his bed, “Chance? That you?”
“One and only,” he gave a smile, “Hey do you mind comin’ down here in the next few hours?”
“Uh, gotta get that cleared with Eli, you know how he is about that stuff.”
“Yeah no, I know. Look I got a tape here that I was told to get to you.”
“Tape? As in duct tape or cassette tape?”
There was a silence, Chance closing his eyes, his breathing evening out. “Alright I’ll be there in the next few hours,” his friend sounded out of breath, “You at your place?”
Chance nodded, yawning, “Yeah. Just walk in when you get here.” If there was a response he didn’t hear it, falling quickly into a dreamless slumber. By the time he awoke again, his friend was nowhere to be found, the tape gone from where Chance had tossed it earlier. Guess you couldn’t stay very long, he glanced up at the clock reading three o’clock in the afternoon, Or I slept longer than I thought. Next time, next time Chance was up with the militia he’d make sure to get the answers he wanted about Lance. In the meantime he heard the local arsonist needed a little assistance and Chance was always down to help an old party buddy.
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jaehyunspeachparty · 4 years
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The wedding (m)
The sun shines in the room and caresses your bare skin. His fingers played with yours and you enjoy the silence. Your ear was on his chest and you can hear his heartbeat. It was slow, calm, and peaceful. It was like only you two were in this world. "Are you sure we're going to do it this way?" You ask him, looking at him with wide eyes. He stared at your fingers for a while and he nodded. "Yes. I'm 100% sure." He looked up at you and he was serious, determined. "And you don't want your friends and family there?" Your heart was pounding and you were worried about him. But he took your face in his hands and stared straight into your eyes. "Y/N ... I just want you." You nod and give him a soothing kiss.
2 days ago, Jaehyun had received news that he had been suspended by SM. He didn't know what to do next, but he thought it was a bad sign for him and his career. You two may not have been fully responsible at the moment. You had been overwhelmed by the whole situation. And so you had decided to elope within a few minutes. You take the next free flight to Europe and stayed in a small village in the middle of the Alps. There was a small but beautiful village chapel there and you knew this would be the place where you wanted to marry him. Just you two ... no parents, no friends, no family. You just wanted the two of you and you knew that was crazy.
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The people in the village were cute and loved you two. They helped you organize everything and the little girls from the inn where you sleep,  braided a crown of flowers for you. You didn't have a special dress for the wedding. It was a simple long white lace dress that you could tie with a cord at your chest. Jaehyun was already in the chapel while the little girls helped you with your hair. Everything felt like a dream and when you think back, it still felt blurry. It was so quick, everything was so easy. "Are you ready?" Asked the landlady and you nod. She took your hand and led you to a small tractor that leads you up the mountain. You sit down and look into the landscape. Everything was so unique. It was warm, sunny, but there were a few clouds in the sky. The mountains seemed gigantic to you and it was like another world. You are now marrying Jaehyun. All alone. The only people around you are strangers. It made things so confused, so strange. It was like all of your knowledge about right and wrong were blown. But for some reason, you were sure that it was right. When you arrive at the small chapel you hear the bells ringing and you look at the brown wooden door. There was only one man in there who married you two and Jaehyun. One of the villagers opened the door and there you see him. Simply dressed. A pair of brown trousers, a white shirt, and suspenders. He looked perfect. And when he saw you with your alpine bouquet in your hands, he had to smile. You look at each other and you know that is so determined, that is your way. You didn't have a long walk to go. Not many people fit in this chapel anyway. Jaehyun helped you with your last steps and he looked at you with fascination. "You look beautiful." He looked up at you and your heart softened. "I am the happiest man in the world." He takes a step closer to you and looks deep into your eyes. But before you could say anything else, the ceremony started. The man who did the wedding read something, but you could hardly listen until the important part came. "So now it's time to give up your marriage vow." The man smiled and you knew that this was harder for Jaehyun, so you start. "Jaehyun, I could promise to love and honor you. I could promise to be there for you in health and sickness. I could say until death does us part. But I won't. That would be a promise for optimistic couples. For people who are full of hopes. But I am not optimistic and full of hopes on my wedding day. I am not optimistic. I am not full of hope. I am sure. I am ready. I know it. I know that exactly: You are my partner, my beloved and my very best friend. Not everyone understands the things you give me because you can see them not with the eye but with the heart. Jaehyun Jung, I can hardly wait to take your name and soon maybe to carry your child too. I love you. " You look at Jaehyun and see him staring at you. He was under your spell and you could see that your words touched him. You take the ring and pull it over his finger. Then it was Jaehyun's turn. "Y/N ... I ... you know that I have a hard time with words. But now we're here and we're doing something that we never thought we would do. I wouldn't do that with anyone else. I never thought that I won't care about anything at all. I just care that you are here and it is okay if the rest of the world is against us as long as I have you ... I want to share everything with you, I want to wake up and see you, I want to fall asleep and see you. I want a family with you and I want to go every single way with you. From now on it's just only you and me. Y/N, I love you. " He smiled softly and his dimples appeared. Two drops of tears ran down your cheeks and Jaehyun took your ring, gently took your hand in his and he pulled the ring over your finger. "Jaehyun Jung do you want to make Y/N Y/L/N to your wife?" Jaehyun looked at you, he smiled and held your hand tightly. "Yes, I do." You had to smile and another tear ran down your cheek. "And you Y/N Y/L/N, do you want to take Jaehyun Jung to your husband?" You too stare up at him, in his dark eyes, and smile with complete happiness. "Yes, I do." "And so I now declare you as a husband and wife." You look up at your new husband and Jaehyun grinned. His hands went to your lower back and he pulled you towards him. Your hands were on his shoulders and his lips were on yours. You are now sealing your marriage with this kiss. A kiss full of love, full of security, and full of a broad future. "I love you so much," he whispered in your ear and you put your head on his chest. You two close your eyes for a moment and enjoy your new marriage, your togetherness. You against the rest of the world. So Jaehyun said.
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The whole night was then celebrated. There was a lot of food and you drink and enjoy your life. You two had left everything behind, forgotten everything. And when the full moon shone in your bedroom, Jaehyun pressed you against the wall. The balcony door was open and a wind was blowing through the room. It was pleasantly cool because your bodies were hot by now. Jaehyun's kisses were hot on your skin, so your breath was getting loud. His hands pulled your dress to the ground, your fingers opened his shirt. You don't talk much, you just let your bodies interact. You can still hear from the outside how other guests drank and talked outside, but only you and he existed in this room. You open his belt and his pants almost automatically fall to the floor. So much was said today, so many emotions exposed, and now you just wanted to feel him. Make your marriage. Still pressed against the wall, Jaehyun slowly lets you get rid of your last clothes. But his lips kept finding your skin. His hands were everywhere, they were all over your body, but finally, they found themselves under your butt so that he could lift you. He pressed you even more firmly against the wall and you claw into his shoulder blades. You feel his length as it slowly comes closer to you. And when it was inside you, you two put your foreheads together. You feel his breath on your lips and you look deep into your eyes. Everything was so intense what you feel, but still, you were quiet. It was such an intimate moment and you both knew at the moment that you were doing the right thing. His hips moved back and forth, the feeling of happiness running through your body. Everything around you went black and you only see Jaehyun. It's just Jaehyun ... forever.
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You wake up with a vibrating sound. The sun was already high up, but you notice how your head was pounding and your body was a little sore. You look at the person next to you ... your husband. Only one sheet covered his left leg and his specific area. You couldn't believe it, everything still seemed unreal to you, but when you look at your hand you see your ring and when you look at Jaehyun you see his ring. You sit up slowly and stretch, but then it vibrates again. It was the phone on Jaehyun's side. "Jaehyun ..." You try to wake him up gently, but he didn't open his eyes. He just reaches for you and pulls you back to bed. "Hey, wife." Only now did he open his eyes to look at you. "Hey, husband." You whisper and kiss him gently. He then took your hand and you crossed your fingers together. You lay there for a while and closed your eyes, but then it vibrated again. Jaehyun sighed and reached for his phone, but his look was surprised. He sat up and answered the phone. You look at him and see how he nodded and agreed. You wonder what it was about and when he finished the phone call he looked at you stunned. "The company decided that I can stay."
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About us masterlist
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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Congrats on 300! That's really amazing! Well done! Not surprised though, because your writing is super amazing! I especially love your undercover AU for ToG! My prompt is: "Really? Are you sure?" for Rowaelin, or alternatively another ToG ship, please?
I went with Rowaelin because, I’m trash for them. I’ve accepted that. Also thank you so, so much, I’m glad you like it. I really hope I did this prompt justice for you <3 Using my Undercover taglist here too.
Rowan’s day had been rough, to say the least. It was also a Monday so, it was just a given, really.
First off, Aelin had been sick for, well, he didn’t know how many mornings in a row it was now, he’d lost count. He hated not being able to help her when she was sick; not knowing what to do, but she kept telling him she was fine. Clearly she wasn’t fine or he wouldn’t be holding her hair back every morning.  Aelin had promised him today before he’d left for work that she’d get it checked out, just to be sure. He had wanted to stay home, to go with her, to be there for her just in case it was something bad. His wonderful wife had just told him he was an overbearing buzzard and ‘to got the fuck to work’. There was no arguing with her, well he could try but, there would be no winning. And so he had relented, giving her a quick kiss to the forehead and telling her he loved her and dashing out the door before he was late.
And then he’d gotten to work.
He and Lorcan owned a Private Investigator firm, mainly specialising in missing persons cases. They usually found odd trails that the police couldn’t and if it was something solid, they passed on the information. Sometimes they were lucky and other times, not so much. Fenrys and Connall were in the building when he walked in and Rowan couldn’t stop himself from rolling his eyes. He had a new assistant, she was slim, tall, blonde and pretty he guessed. To be quite honest, ever since Aelin had walked into his life, other women weren’t even noticeable. He only saw her, only ever thought of her.  Every time he hired someone new, the twins were over at the firm in an instant, fighting to win them over. Unless it was one of the times Rowan’s assistant was a male, then it was an easy win for Connall.
“Can I help you two imbeciles, or are you just here to fawn over the latest recruit. If that’s the case, which I know it is, then please leave. Or, better yet, go up a floor and bother Lorcan.”
Fenrys simply laughed and shook his head, his hair swinging with the motion from where he’d tied it back, “But the ladies love me Ro, I mean, what’s not to love?”
Connall snorted, and then smirked when his brother turned to glare at him. “I’m the better looking twin Fen, we all know it.”
He was not about to deal with a fucking pissing match today. He sighed, deciding to get rid of them as quickly as possible, hoping it would give him the peace and quiet he needed to actually work. “Connall, Lorcan actually has someone new up there with him too.”
“Ooo, really?” The smug bastard perked up at that and Fenrys looked at him with suspicion, most likely knowing where this was going. “Yeah. Dark haired, dark eyes, glasses and he’s shorter than you. Very much your type. You didn’t see him the other week because he hides behind the filing cabinets when you come in, blushing like a schoolgirl.”
As suspected, Con moved like lightning, not even bothering to wait for an elevator and taking the stairs. He made a beeline for his office, pushing the door open as fast as he could, but just as he was closing it, a foot slipped into the little gap and he wanted nothing more than to murder Fenrys just then.
“Come on Rowan, you just set my brother up, you could at least help me out too. I thought I was your favourite?” He shoved himself through the door, walking over to sit in front of Rowan’s desk and kicking his feet up. Not that it lasted, especially when he was pushed out of the chair and onto the floor. Rowan laughed as the golden haired man rubbed his ass, staring up at him with a pout.
“You’ll do well to remember, boyo, that without me, you’d have never pushed yourself to even talk to a girl. Also my new assistant is very much off of the market.”
He sat down in his newly vacated chair and pulled out his laptop. His newest case was a woman who’d come in about two weeks ago, saying her husband had been kidnapped. She was in hysterics as she’d told him the story, saying the police wouldn’t help, and so Rowan had said he’d do what he could. He went over everything the woman had given him and then followed on from there. Phone numbers, addresses and different picture sightings. Turned out that her husband had not in fact been kidnapped but had run off with another, much younger woman. He’d known for a few days now and was currently trying to figure out how to tell his client in the easiest way possible.
Rowan was broken from his thoughts when a certain pest spoke from across the room. For fucks sake, why hadn’t he left yet?
“How’s my best bud doing Rowan?”
“I’m fine, thanks for asking, now leave.”
“Har har. Ace knows I’d choose her over you, she’s so much more fun, hence why we’re besties.”
Rowan flipped him off, still not looking up from his laptop screen as he replied, “Aelin is sick.”
He flinched when Fen shouted, gripping onto the side of his desk from the sudden outburst. “What do you mean she’s sick? She’s never sick!”
“Keep your fucking voice down, fucking Christ. She keeps throwing up in the mornings but I keep getting told that she’s ‘fine’. Clearly, she is not fine.”
“Oh. Oh.” Rowan watched his face turn from worried confusion into some sedated happy smile. What the fuck did he mean ‘oh’?
“What do you mean ‘Oh’? I have no idea what’s wrong with her so you possibly can’t, and stop smiling. Aelin’s sickness is not something to smile about.”
His idiot friend tipped his head back and laughed, a deep rumbling laugh and Rowan wanted nothing more than to throttle him. When he finally stopped and met Rowan’s gaze again, he seemed to realise that Rowan still hadn’t understood what was so funny. “Wait. You really don’t get it do you? How can you-”
The sound of Rowan’s phone ringing cut the man off and he was pissed off at the interruption, until he saw that it was Aelin calling him. His wife never called when he was at work, not unless he’d asked her to when he had a few minutes spare. He was pressing the answer button within seconds, heart beating wildly in his chest. “Aelin sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong, I just need you to come home.”
If nothing was wrong then why did she need him to come back? It had only been a few hours since he’d left the house.
“Alright, I’m coming. Are you sure nothing is wrong?”
“Yes Buzzard, I promise. I’ll see you soon.”
He’d packed up as fast as he could, telling Fenrys that they’d talk later and to go and check that his twin wasn’t fucking the newbie in one of the bathrooms.
That was how he’d ended up here, bursting through the door of their newly purchased home. It was big of course, Aelin would have nothing less, but the interior was simple and modern. Quite tame for his very extravagant wife.
“Aelin, baby, I’m home!”
“In the kitchen!”
He ran through the halls, not even taking his shoes off which he would most certainly get reprimanded for later, and spotted his wife sitting at the bar eating a plate of pickles with a dip that looked like...peanut butter?
“You’re sick, why on earth are you eating that? Let’s get you back to bed.” His wife groaned and rolled her eyes, standing from her stool to walk over and grab a brown paper bag from the counter. She took slow steps towards him while nibbling on her lower lip, looking up at him shyly from under her lashes.
“I have a present for you.” Rowan stared at the brown bag in confusion, eyebrows furrowed as he tentatively took it from her hands. He didn’t open it yet, though he desperately wanted to.
“You made me come home because you wanted to give me a present? Couldn’t this have waited until later.” She shook her head, a giddy expression on her face.
“No, it couldn’t. Now come on, open it.”
He gave an exasperated sigh, almost forgetting he’d married a woman who had a talent for theatrics.  When he opened the bag, it had some sort of fabric inside of it, which confused him even more. Reaching in, he pulled it out carefully, before dropping the bag and unfolding it. It was  a baby vest and on it were the words ‘World’s Greatest Daddy’ with a sort of blurry black and white image printed onto the fabric just below. Holy fucking gods.
“Fireheart...really? Are you sure?” When he looked back at her, her eyes were lined with silver, and she nodded at him. He let out a shocked laugh before looking at the picture on the vest more closely. Now that he was concentrating, he could see the outline of a tiny foot and then a tiny head. No not just-
“Is that two heads? Two babies. We’re having twins?” Aelin let the tears flow freely now and nodded again and he laughed, scooping her up in his arms and spinning, relishing the sound of her delighted giggles. When Rowan set her back onto her feet, he dropped to his knees, leaving his face directly in line with her stomach. Lifting her top and leaning forward, he left a few gentle kisses to the skin before pressing his forehead there and whispering, “Hi babies, I’m your daddy. I want you to know that your mommy and I love you very much and that you are the most precious things in the world. I can’t wait to meet you, little ones.”
Aelin’s fingers threaded through the hair at the nape of his neck and tugged lightly until he tilted to look up at her and realisation dawned on him then. “This is why you’ve been throwing up in the mornings.”
“Yes genius, I thought you’d have figured it out by now. I had that scan about two weeks ago, secretly hoping that you wouldn’t figure it out because I was waiting for the vest to be printed. Luckily I didn’t marry you for your brains.”
He couldn’t stop smiling, it was making his cheeks hurt but fuck did it feel good. He took hold of his wife’s wrist, bringing her hand forward to kiss her palm and sighing contentedly.
“I love you, Fireheart, to whatever end.”
“To whatever end, Buzzard.”
I really hoped you liked it and honestly, I sort of like this AU I’ve created, so feel free to send some other prompts set in this universe if you like!
Tags: @bryaxisthefaceofnightmares @fancyclodpaintercookie @empress-sei @acourtofterrasenandvelaris @tswaney17 @queen-of-glass @thesirenwashere @awkward-avocado-s @b00kworm @http-itsrebecca @eatmysandwiches @poisonous00 @flowersinvegas @julemmaes @mu-si-ca-l @spyofthenightcourt @sis-it-dont-add-up  @mad-madeline-ace​ @df3ndyr  @jesstargaryenqueen @notyournymphetish
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untaemedqueen · 3 years
Merry Christmas Kitten
Mafia!Jimin x Wife!Reader
Genre: Mafia!AU, Drabble, Fluffy Babies
WordCount: 2K
Warnings: Suggestive Actions and Words, Fluff, Crying Jimin
A/N: Merry Christmas my TBC/TLD fans! 
Based On The Book: The Bird Cage/The Lions Den
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"What're you up to?" 
The voice draws your attention and you smile at your husband as he enters the apartment.
"Putting the presents under the tree before the kids wake up." you whisper softly, pointing to the long hallway where your children sleep comfortably.
"Oh, you're my Santa Claus this year, Kitten?" Jimin jeers sweetly, unbuttoning his suit jacket at a leisurely pace.
"Well I don't have a big belly so maybe a Mrs. Claus?" you joke, tilting your head.
His chuckle resounds throughout your new living room. His arms encircle you while his plush lips brush against your temple.
"Are you upset you can't be my Santa this year?" your husband inquires.
You snort gently, pulling away from him to look up at his handsome face. His silhouette is highlighted by the holiday lights that wrap around the large pine tree.
"What do you mean? Am I upset that I'm not pregnant?" you ask, feeling his hands run below your cardigan.
His skin is warm against yours and you never felt more relaxed.
"Yeah, I know you miss it." he murmurs, tilting your chin up with his index finger.
"Four kids is plenty, plus we're busy all the time. So it's not a total loss, I can do without it." you reply with a gentle smile.
"Wow, how did I get so lucky with you? Hmm, Kitten?" your husband coos.
He presses his lips to yours again and you melt in his arms so easily. He nibbles on your bottom lip, lifting you easily into his arms.
His walk to the couch is short and quick. He isn't shy about plopping you down onto the comfortable piece of furniture.
"My pretty Kitten." he whispers, running his thumb over your bottom lip.
He wrinkles his nose as he looks down at you. You're still the most gorgeous woman he's ever known. He's never gotten over how you're the first and only woman he's ever put any stake into.
When he steps away from you to pour himself a glass of whisky, you turn your attention to the large bay windows of the living room.
The balcony as well as the windowsills are covered in fresh blankets of snow. The glass of the windows themselves are frosted and hazy from the warmth inside the large apartment.
The glow from the streetlights leaves a pleasant shine to the snow covered cars and pavement. The sight fills you with joy. You only started to enjoy Christmas when your children were born. To see them so excited each year to see what Santa Claus has bought them is the highlight of your December month. 
Although you're coming to the realization now that Hawon is beginning to understand that these presents she receives on the winter holiday are not from a very rotund man that lives on the North Pole but from her two loving parents. Such is the product of having a nine year old daughter. 
You've become used to your kids not wanting to sleep on Christmas Eve, the amount of sugar combined with the excitement of the morning after and the giddiness from playing with their cousins is completely normal to you. You're used to them waking up at the crack of dawn, screaming for both you and Jimin to wake up. 
But this Christmas is special, in ways unimaginable.
"You want a glass of wine, Kitten?" your husband asks, plopping down beside you.
You shake your head, smiling at him as he runs his hands over your bare thighs.
"You made the new apartment so beautiful. I'm sorry I've been busy. It's been a lot of work to win the Busan Police over to our side." 
You can see how guilty Jimin looks and it breaks your heart. For years, everything he's done has been for your family. And you're more than grateful.
Sitting up on your knees, you give him a warm smile. You wrap your arms around his neck, taking in the rich scent of his cologne.
"Never apologize for taking care of us, Chim. We're so lucky to have such a good man like you in this family." you say honestly.
He snorts gently, placing his hands on your hips as you straddle him.
When his hands run over your nightgown, the silk draws him in like this is the first time he's touched you.
"How are you always so perfect? Hmm? You've given me four beautiful babies, you've made my heart swell more than anything and anyone. You're unreal. Like a dream." your husband mumbles, leaning in for a kiss.
His lips are incredibly soft against yours, they move in time with yours perfectly. It's sensual, addictive and so perfectly Park Jimin.
When he pulls away, his eyes focus on the clock above your Christmas tree. 
"Merry Christmas, Kitten." he whispers against your cheek.
"Merry Christmas, Daddy." he groans gently at the pet name, pulling your hips closer to him.
You gasp gently when he nibbles at your collarbone. His touch is simply magic, you can feel a whimper pass your lips as he holds you so tightly to him.
“Fuck,” he curses softly, completely abandoning his whisky for something even more intoxicating.
His fingers pull down the thin straps of your black nightgown, kissing at the skin just below them. 
You hiss gently when your sex brushes against him. He takes this time to flip you over, your hair splays over the large couch cushions and you gasp gently at the sudden shift.
“Goddamn, Kitten. You’re so beautiful.” his voice is filled with wonder.
His hands shove up your gown, exposing your bottom half to him and he’s very quickly becoming delirious with arousing intentions. 
“Who do you belong to?” he prods, raising an eyebrow as he looks up at you.
“You, Daddy. Only you.” you whimper, running your fingers over the dark green dress shirt he wears.
“That’s right.” he mumbles, bending down to kiss you.
His hands reach higher, fumbling with the silk material enwrapping you. He can only think of one thing -- you engulfing him in your pleasure.
“God, I love you.” he groans, pressing his hard erection to your loins.
“I love you too,” you reply breathlessly. 
He’s stolen the oxygen from your lungs and all that remains is a coiling desire that blooms in your belly.
When you lift up to unbutton his shirt, his hands leave your sides to inch up to your breasts. His fingertips graze your stomach and he hums gently. 
His lips find yours once again, biting your bottom lip for entrance and you accept immediately. He kisses you languidly, there’s no need to rush he would wait a million years for you.
His eyebrows furrow as he gasps gently against your lips. 
Your skin feels so soft in his hands. Like proving dough. 
Something is different. You’re usually soft but not this buttery and rich.
“Kitten.” he grumbles against your lips.
You hum inquisitively pulling away from him to card your fingers through his hair. He sits up on his knees, completely forgetting the task at hand.
“What’s wrong?” you mumble, pressing the tips of your fingers to your swollen lips. 
Your husband sits back on his heels, the cogs in his mind slowly turning. When his hands grip at your breasts, he tilts his head. Your bottom lip purchases between your teeth, your eyelids lowering with lustful intentions. 
He squeezes them while raising an eyebrow. You do your best not to flinch, but it’s a difficult task. They’re swollen and painfully heavy.
When Jimin notices your scrunched up expression, he scoffs gently.
“You have something to tell me?” he quips, eyes widening.
“No. I don’t think so,” you reply, unbuttoning his shirt with dexterous fingers.
“Kitten,” he chides softly.
He lifts you up easily, discarding the silk nightgown from your body.
You hide the knowing smirk that wants to grace your features quite well.
“Why are your tits so swollen?” he mutters, sucking a breath in through his teeth.
“Not sure.” you breathe out, pushing the shirt off of his body.
His hands trail lower and you sigh gently.
“Fuck me,” you whine, tugging at his suit pants.
He doesn’t reply, his curious mind already coming to multiple conclusions as to why you feel so different beneath him.
“Chim!” you huff.
“Shhh!” he silences you.
His hands are tentative as they reach your stomach. His digits flex nervously and you raise an eyebrow at how unsure he is.
You would think this is his first child and not his fifth.
When he presses his hands to your womb, his eyes flutter shut. “Your womb is hard.” he observes with silent wonder.
“Oh, really? That’s weird.” you mutter, holding a giggle back.
His skin stays planted to your stomach for what feels like forever and you pout at his stillness. He’s like a goddamn statue.
“I thought you were going to give me Christmas sex!” you whinge, sitting up.
“Are you pregnant, Kitten?” he inquires, already knowing the answer.
You look over at the clock again before sighing audibly. 
“Fine,” you grumble, standing up off the couch.
His eyes follow you, your outline is blurry from the joyous tears that threaten to spill over his cheeks. 
“K-Kitten?” your husband’s voice cracks and you snort gently to yourself.
Bending down to the bottom of the tree, you pull out a small box from the midst of other large packages and toys wrapped up for your children. 
Turning to him, you press the box to your chest.
He whimpers gently, opening his hands like a baby for the box. “Are you pregnant for me again?” he asks once more.
You smile warmly at him, tossing him the box which he catches easily with one hand. 
“Just tell me, I like to hear it from your lips.” he chides, ripping the wrapping paper off with a speed that could rival Usain Bolt.
He takes a sharp breath between his teeth as he looks down at the small white cardboard box.
His eyes flit from you to the package in his lap that feels as light as a feather but has the importance of the heaviest weight. 
“Kitten,” he breathes out.
He doesn’t know what to do. Like most times he’s assumed you’re pregnant. But, even when he’s simply assumed it, he’s always been right. 
You haven’t been actively trying and he’s been so busy lately since you’ve all moved to Busan that it hasn’t even flitted past his thoughts. Which is why this is the biggest shocker to him.
He seems to hold his breath as he lifts the lid of the box in question.
The living room is silent apart from the sounds of rain in the distance you play for Minseok to sleep easier. 
Jimin's hands shake as he pries the wrapping paper away from the contents of the box.
A loud sob rips from your husband. His hands cover his face while he cries happily.
You fold your arms over your breasts, laughing at his emotional state.
"Kitten," he whimpers.
Wiping his face, your husband looks through the box of presents.
He doesn't even know what to look at first. The pregnancy test that say positive is his first glance. Then his second glance falls on the sonogram picture in the middle of the box.
He cries softly, pulling the picture from the box. "Come here," he beckons you, opening his arms.
With a giggle, you walk over to Jimin. His arms wrap around you like needy vines.
His cheek mushes against your hardened womb and you call feel the tears that fall and coat your skin.
"Aigo," you whisper, running your hands over the back of his neck. 
"I'm so sorry I didn't notice, Kitten. I'm so sorry," he apologizes profusely, turning his head so his forehead rests against you.
"I bought the baby a little stocking." you whisper with a smile.
He hums cutely, unable to form words as his happiness floods through him. 
Bending over him, you pull the stocking out of the small white box. 
Wiping his tears away, he narrows his eyes at the letters along the stocking.
'Park Baby #5'
He chuckles softly, looking up at you like you tether him to this planet. His eyes are so soft, so completely adoring you.
He stands tall, pressing his hand to your stomach as he bends down. His lips are gentle against you, kissing you with unbridled love and adoration.
"I love you." he whispers.
"I love you, too." you reply, handing him the stocking.
He looks down at it, a cute pout forming on his features.
"I can't believe it," he mutters, walking over to the fireplace.
It's then that he notices a seventh hook above the roaring brick opening.
You're such a slick woman. It's incredible.
When he hangs the small stocking, he feels his heart race at the sight. You've always been such an impressive lady.
"Merry Christmas Kitten." he swoons. 
"Merry Christmas Daddy," you reply with a wide smile.
He falls to his knees before you, kissing your flat stomach and you can all but die right then and there. He's perfect and he's yours.
"I can't believe I didn't notice. I'm so sorry." he whispers against your skin.
You snort gently, tilting your head. "Now you know." 
He nods in agreement, his eyes fluttering closed at the new information. 
Moving to Busan is the best thing you've ever done, in your opinion.
"So… are we not having sex now? Or?" you find yourself asking.
He laughs gently, looking up at you as he places his chin against your stomach.
"Of course I'm going to fuck my pregnant wife, are you insane? I need to thank you for making me the happiest man alive." he retorts, standing up.
You grip onto his belt, pulling him toward your bedroom. "With your cock?" 
"Yes, Kitten. I'm going to thank you with my cock." he mumbles, wrapping his arms around you and trudging behind you to the bedroom.
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Surprising Too Late-Part III
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Part III
           High summer in Southern California was one of my favorite times of the year. The days were long, the pool sparkled in the sun, and Matt and Nick insisted on taking a week off and taking the entire family to Oahu for vacation. We’d end up coming back just in time to celebrate with the rest of the family. It had been a wonderful surprise when our firstborn came early, just two days before Nick’s birthday. As she’d gotten older, we’d taken to celebrating the occasions together.
           Nick loved it, living every single year for his birthday celebration with Mattie.
           We’d been home for barely a day when my eldest daughter caught me in the kitchen. It was early—too early for anyone else to be awake—but I had become a morning person in the years I’d been with Matt and Nick. I’d practically trained myself to be awake at all hours so I could speak to them when they were away.
           “Morning, Mama,” Mattie said with a grin. She grabbed a mug and poured herself a cup of coffee, adding creamer and milk and half a dozen things that she’d picked up from Matt, before folding herself into the Lotus position on the bench beside me. Her dark hair was pulled back into a messy looped ponytail high toward the crown of her head, little whisps of it gathering around her face. Her blue eyes were bright, alert. Just like when she was a baby.
           “Morning, Tea,” I replied. “What are you doing up so early?”
           She stared into her coffee concoction, and for a moment I couldn’t help but marvel in how beautiful she’d become. She was lithe and graceful, strong like Matt but quick and athletic like Nick. Her heart burned to be in the ring. Mattie lived and breathed wrestling, just like her fathers. She was just like them in every wonderful way.
           “What’s on your mind, sweetheart?” I asked, sweeping my hand along her cheek, and tucking hair behind her ear.
           “I have a question… about my birthday.” Her fingers tightened around her cup. I watched her swallow hard. God, I thought, she acts just like them. “About my… about a present.”
           I rolled my eyes. “What else do you want? Dad bought you a laptop, a new phone, and ten sets of ring gear. Papa bought you a new car.”
           Mattie leaned her head against my shoulder. “I want something from you.”
           I stretched, feeling the soreness start to sink into my back. Sweat and heat turned my hair into frizz as I walked to the side of the basketball court.  The boys laughed and continued playing HORSE without me. Lee was almost fourteen and as tall as I was. Just as when he was a baby, he was easy smiles, laughs, and charm. RJ had come out of his shell as he’d grown. At twelve, he had become more comfortable with himself and the world, even though he was still quiet and walked to the beat of his own drum. Baby Ty wasn’t a baby anymore. He was ten and adventurous, curious, and energetic. In some ways, he was the easiest of our kids. But he held his own against his older brothers and sisters.
           “Are your parents coming tomorrow?” Y/N asked as she leaned over the railing above me. I caught the bottle of water that she dropped and took a swig.
           “Yeah, at seven. They wanted to give us some time to celebrate alone,” I replied, grinning. As I thought about what was happening later, I felt my smile falter. “Mattie’s eighteen. Jesus, where did the time go?”
           My wife gave a nostalgic sigh. “Remember when she was first born? You panicked every time she got near anything that wasn’t squishy. And Nick would play peek-a-boo with her for hours.”
           I glanced up just in time to see Y/N swipe at her eyes. Without a second thought, I jumped and caught the edge of the concrete above me. Ignoring the pain in my spine, I pulled myself up, swinging to catch the wrought iron of the railing. A moment later, I climbed over and pulled my wife into my arms.
           “Hey,” I murmured, drawing her closer. My lips ghosted over her hair. “We did good with her, Mama. She’s a good kid—smart and kind. Just like you.”
           She sank against me, wrapping her arms around my waist. “It’s not that… she’s asked for something else for her birthday. Something from me.”
           I leaned back to look into her eyes. They were stormy, conflicted. “What did she ask for?”
           I double checked that I’d wrapped all of Mattie’s presents and that Brandon was going to bring down the car later that evening. Denise had made an Elite bow to put on the hood. I had a sudden flash of memory—me in the passenger seat, Matt in the back, teaching Mattie how to drive. She’d gotten so big so fast. Every time I looked at her, I couldn’t help but see Y/N in her. I was so proud of the young woman she’d become.
           Y/N was in the kitchen setting up everything for the dinner that was on the way. She’d ordered a complete spread of our favorite things from Cracker Barrel and a shared cake from the bakery that one of the parents from Mattie’s co-op owned. We’d have some time together before my parents showed up to celebrate with us.
           Balancing my daughter’s gifts, I slipped into the living room and dropped them carefully on the coffee table. Oreo looked up at the noise, ears flicking, but quickly plopped back onto the floor. I leaned down to scratch behind his ears. “Guard these, boy,” I said playfully.
           When I looked up, Y/N was standing at the kitchen counter, tucking her hair back behind her ears. She was more beautiful now than she’d been that day in the airport when we’d met. I loved her so much it hurt, loved her from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet, more today than yesterday, more tomorrow than today. Not a day passed that I didn’t thank my lucky stars that she was mine.
           She glanced at me, something about the set of her mouth making me think she was worried. I watched as she flicked a faint smile at me just as the doorbell rang. “I’ve got it,” I called.
           I nipped at my bottom lip as I stared out the kitchen window at my husbands and children out in the pool. Matt raced Mattie from one end to the other, getting thoroughly trounced each time. He certainly didn’t need to give her a head start anymore. Nicole sat on the edge with her feet dangling in the water, kicking them back and forth around Ty as he held his breath. Lee did backflips off the diving board while RJ scored him like an Olympic judge. For the moment, they were all peaceful and happy.
           Matt looked up as he pulled himself onto the edge of the pool. His dark eyes met mine, and a genuine, sweet smile danced over his face. A moment later, he pulled Mattie out of the water and pointed her toward Matt’s house. It didn’t take long for the rest of the family to follow along behind. They slipped inside to change clothes before coming in to eat.
           My heart skipped a beat as they crowded into Nick’s kitchen, grabbing plates and lining up along the counter. Nick and Mattie were pushed to the front of the line, then bickered with one another over who would go first. In the end, they went together, fixing each other’s food. Nick draped his arm around her shoulder as they plopped down together at the table. One by one, the table filled up, laughter spilling through the house as the boys teased each other and then ganged up on Mattie. More than once, they brought Cassidy into the conversation, making my eldest daughter turn pink.
           It seemed like no time passed at all and we were gathered in the living room, Oreo curled up in RJ’s lap. Wrapping paper lay in a heap on the corner of the sofa. A brand new Sorento sat in the driveway, a paint splattered Elite bow on the hood. Mattie moved to sit at the edge of the sofa, her hands clasped together as she looked at Matt and Nick. I wanted to reach out for her, but I knew that she had to do this on her own.
           She grabbed a card from the table and took a deep breath. I watched her face go alternately pale and crimson as she held out the card with a shaking hand. “Happy birthday, Dad,” Mattie said.
           Matt moved to sit next to me, his fingers latching with mine. He leaned against my shoulder.
           I couldn’t figure out why Mattie looked so nervous. She kept glancing over at Y/N, almost as if she were asking for permission. My wife smiled, giving her an encouraging nod. My brother was settled in beside our wife in a way that reminded me of their united front when we’d been rebuilding our family all those years ago.
           My finger slipped under the flap and tore the envelope open. Inside was a heavy white card along with a folded piece of paper. I smiled as I read the front—No matter how old she may be sometimes a GIRL just needs her DAD. My eyes burned as I tried not to cry. The inside was filled with a long letter in my daughter’s perfect swirling writing. I clenched my jaw, clearing my throat as I fought a losing battle.
           “Tea,” I said at last, looking at my first born through blurry eyes. “This is the best gift.”
           Mattie looked back to her mother before she said anything else. For a moment, the two of them looked at one another. I smiled sideways, thinking how they looked exactly like Y/N said Matt and I did. They had something brewing between them.
           “There’s more,” Mattie said, standing up and moving to stand in front of me. She picked the paper up from my lap and unfolded it. “Mama gave it to me this morning.”
           I felt my brow furrow as I took the paper from her hand. It took a moment for me to make any sense of it. At first, it looked like a bunch of useless numbers and letters across the page. I looked up, confused. From the corner of my eye, I saw Matt squeeze Y/N’s hand. My brother’s brown eyes were warm and happy. My wife, on the other hand, looked as if she was going to be sick.
           “Read it, Dad,” Mattie said, stepping closer and pointing her finger to a paragraph of text about halfway down the page. “This part here.”
           Her finger trembled. I took her hand as I focused on the words. Based on our analysis and the biomedical evaluation of the results, it is found that Mr. Nicholas Jackson is the biological father of Mattea Jackson with a statistical certainty of 99.99%. A moment later, I couldn’t see the text or anything else. Tears poured down my face as I tugged Mattie into a hug.
           She threw her arms around my neck, hugging me just as tightly as I did her. “Happy birthday, Dad,” she whispered into my ear.
           I pressed a kiss to her cheek and sniffed. “Happy birthday, my love.” My baby girl.
           Matt caught my eye as he handed tissues to Y/N. He smiled just as proudly as he had the day Mattie came into our lives. Then I knew what we’d always said was true.
           It didn’t matter who was her father, she was still our daughter.
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