#eddie diaz imagines
firehousefreak911 · 1 year
Are you sure?
The team was gathered at your house. Your husband, Eddie, standing behind you, arms wrapped around you, his chin resting on your head. The two of you watch as Christopher, your step son, plays with Denny and Buck.
“Let’s have a baby” Eddie whispers, pulling you out of your thoughts.
You laugh a little and turn to face him. Arms draped over his shoulders, his on your waist.
“I’m serious, I’ve been thinking a lot about this“ Eddie said
This caught you off guard. You two had been married a little over a year, but together 5. You had never discussed kids. You always assumed he was content with just Christopher.
You just look at him, you don’t know what to say.
“Are you sure? I mean we never really talked about it before.” You finally say.
“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life” he says smiling, he leans in and kisses you.
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ruewrote · 4 months
911 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑐 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡.
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all or nothing
peace at last
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blueathens · 1 year
(Please Don’t) Let Me Drown - Agape
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                      ACT THREE, CHAPTER TWO
SONG: How To Save A Life by The Fray QUOTE: “Some firefighter you are, aren’t you meant to be doing the saving? We could die out here.”
TW: Drowning, Slight Mention of Suicide,
A/N: Not read through or checked!
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Masterlist//Agape Masterlist
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Drowning: When victims eventually submerge, they hold their breath for as long as possible, typically 30 to 90 seconds. After that, they inhale some water, splutter, cough, and inhale more. Survivors say there is a feeling of tearing and burning sensation in the chest as water goes down into the airway. Then that sort of slips into a feeling of calmness and tranquillity. That calmness represents the beginnings of the loss of consciousness from oxygen deprivation, which eventually results in the heart stopping and brain’s death.
Kasey was drowning, and it wasn’t at all like the stories.
She remembers one of her old mates – Trey Malik – trying to explain what drowning felt like after he experienced it mere minutes ago, she recalls her army jacket around his shoulders providing him warmth after she dragged him out from the river, she recollects the memory of his shivering body and she remembers watching him instead of holding him, he didn’t want to be held, he insisted on being okay, he just needed a moment to catch his breath then they could continue their mission. He was the one who started the conversation, she knew she didn’t want to hear it, but he didn’t stop, he told her it was important for her to know, important for her to listen to the experience so she knows how to get herself out of it if the time came.
She remembers laughing at that, stating that she will never get herself in that position.
She wasn’t going to drown.
She is even reminded of making a passing joke of how he didn’t get out by himself, she did, she helped him. So if she ever got herself in a position where she was drowning, then the only way to be saved is by someone else.
Trey shrugged his shoulders and mutters a “you never know” before telling her everything he experienced not long ago.
Instead of hearing of a horror story, she was enlightened by a tale that almost came across as a love song towards drowning, Kasey even recognises a sense of comfort washing over his face, one that someone would have when reliving a childhood memory, but instead he was talking about drowning, talked about it as if it was an old friend that gave him such a loving hug, a hug that he has desired for so long, a hug he just needed.
Kasey thinks that was the first time she has ever felt such a bubble of sadness coming from Trey, she recalls feeling closer to him at that moment as she too carried such a heavy heart of sadness that any danger that came her way, she would greet it as if it was a friend, but hearing Trey like that made her hate the world more, because why on earth would our planet be so cruel to such a lovely, good person? He doesn’t deserve to hold such sadness, he didn’t deserve to be out here away from those he cares for, he didn’t deserve to find comfort within drowning.
He didn’t deserve that.
And that made Kasey hate the world more, and it made her want to hug him and take him to a different world, far from this one, a world where he can find peace within the cool air on a spring’s morning, it’s what he deserved at least.
But he didn’t want that, she knew that by the way he talked, by the way he looked, he didn’t want to be saved, perhaps he couldn’t be saved, or maybe he just wasn’t ready yet and when he was then the only one who could help him would be himself.
And that was difficult for Kasey to process, and she thinks she never will truly process it because to her, she can save people, she can help, but Trey was never the person she could, and that’s just a fact that she thinks she’ll never come to terms with.
Perhaps it was a childish thought of Kasey’s to think that she could save everyone, and that saving them would even make her feel better about herself because maybe it’s too late for her to save herself, but it’s not too late to save everyone else.
And it’s stupid, she knows this, she knows it because she’s always the one saving everyone yet there will never be someone to save her…she’s the second choice, maybe not even that, maybe not even the third choice. But Kasey has to save everyone, she just has to, but when she needs saving then no one has to save her, no one chooses to save her, and then she gets to the point where it’s too late to be saved, and she just simply gives up, but to everyone she seems selfish even though she never got anything in return.
She always carried this thought that she was replaceable, that if someone wanted to, they could throw her away like a dead flower, that once stood tall and blossomed under the sunlight, but now only fallen petals remained, and who would even want to keep a wilting flower when there was a sweeter one just outside?
She overthinks it a lot, she overthinks how replaceable she is, and how most of her friends would now walk past her and not give her a second look because to them, she was just a stranger, but to her, she was the stranger that carried all the memories.
She wondered if Trey ever felt the way she did, maybe just once, maybe the currents made him feel wanted, maybe he felt unreplaceable within it, perhaps, just for a moment, he did feel okay, and he was truly telling her how lovely it was. Kasey pondered on this idea, but to her, nothing, absolutely nothing, could make her think drowning could possibly be relaxing.
And if Trey did truly think this, then Kasey began to hate the world even more.
He told her drowning was more peaceful than he could ever imagine, he said maybe he thought that as anything could be more peaceful than fighting in a war, he enjoyed the tranquil silence and the feeling that he was floating on clouds. For a moment he thought he was being gently lifted to the gates of heaven, he thought it was his time to go, and he even thought that drowning wasn’t the worst possible way to go.
Trey found it peaceful, but Kasey was in so much pain.
She was panicking. She barely could see anything in front of her. The water felt like it was suffocating her, filling her lungs and her throat, and causing her to choke. She couldn’t tell if her eyes were open or not, the confusing and disoriented of shattered light through water that shouldn’t be here – that shouldn’t be washing through the city – it shouldn’t be here – if it was where it was supposed to be then Kasey would be able to breathe, to see, to know where she was. But she couldn’t.
Kasey couldn’t breathe. Kasey couldn’t see. And Kasey couldn’t tell which way was up and which way was down.
Her body grew tired of fighting the currents.
Trey told her it was comforting.
But Kasey could recall watching Trey panic before he stilled, and perhaps he didn’t remember that moment, doesn’t remember her fighting against the currents to reach him as she watches him thrash around, yelling, screaming her name. Maybe he didn’t remember that, maybe he didn’t want to remember it, perhaps he just wanted to remember the moment of calmness before you drown. Where you no longer kick or scream, and your lungs don’t have that agonising and burning pain where it feels like it will explode in any second. Where your mind goes blank and there’s just this gentle humming left in your ears – and it’s almost like the lullaby your mother would hum to get you to sleep, it almost becomes…nice.
It feels like a much-needed hug. That too is comforting.
Perhaps this is what death is like, Kasey wondered, perhaps after all of this chaos, death is just around the corner to hand you that certain comfort you have been lacking your entire life. But if this was dying, then why didn’t she see her life flash before her eyes? And why does she feel something other than the cold water that was swallowing her up?
Why could she feel a hand gripping her shirt tightly before pulling her up with them, and the moment her face breaks the surface she takes her first real breath since being under.
She coughed, choked, and spat out filthy, salty water. Her eyes brunt as she repeatedly blinked, once her vision cleared up slightly she noticed the familiar features that belonged to no other but her brother. He was gripping onto the side of a fire truck whilst also holding her as tight as he could – if anything he was holding onto Kasey more than he was gripping the side of the truck, because if he had to lose something it would be the surface of safety and not his sister – he won’t let her go.
Despite the burn within her eyes, she noticed her twin’s struggle, and with numb limbs she pushes herself forwards to also grip onto the side of the truck. TK’s other hand moved to hold the truck too as he pulls himself up, watching as Kasey did so too before collapsing the moment her body made contact with the top of the vehicle. She may not have been drowning under the currents anymore, but it sure did feel like she was drowning on top of this fire truck, she still felt trapped, still unable to do something as simple as breathing. And now instead of hearing a near comforting hum, she hears TK screaming her name before everything went dark.
Once Kasey asked Trey if there was anyone waiting for him at home, waiting on news of his return, or perhaps praying they’ll never get that letter along with a military officer and a Champlin at their doorsteps. He told her that he has a dog waiting on his return, and his father, and he hopes his older brother too, he said they had a complicated relationship, and that was all there was to it, he even said his grandmother would be waiting.
She asked what was the name of his dog, he responded with “Goldfish,” and Kasey remembers chuckling softly at that.
Trey asked if there was anyone waiting for her and Kasey wished she could say yes, but the sad fact was that she couldn’t, she didn’t have anyone.
She fell out with her family before coming here, her own mother never cared much for her, her twin brother, she believed resented her, her father was always doing his own thing, she doesn’t think he would be waiting, she wasn’t a good enough daughter for someone to wait at home for. And along with her twin brother, she knows her best friend hated her, he wouldn’t be waiting for, god he probably be wishing for her not to return. She’s exhausting, she knows this, and she even thinks that she doesn’t want to return home either, she’s too troubled, she can’t be saved, she didn’t have anyone, and she couldn’t hurt them anymore…
After a long silence, she told them him no – then she gave her small explanation after seeing his curious eyes, she didn’t say much, she never did, she never could, but still she tried.
Trey told her none of it was her fault, and she could never believe him, not then and not now.
Sometimes she could still feel the hug Trey gave her after that, Kasey hasn’t felt that vulnerable before, not for a long time at least, nor has she been held so lovingly, so comfortingly, in such a long time. Kasey thought she was going to break down in his arms, but she didn’t, but she knew she could’ve though.
Kasey wondered if that was what drowning felt for Trey, but instead of drowning within water, she was drowning within a hug.
It was peaceful.
It was comforting.
And it was nice.
Kasey began to slowly wake up, her head in TK’s lap as he combs his fingers through her hair. Her first thought was trying to remember where she was, but that all came back in flashes. She shook her head, squeezing her eyes, before opening them once more to see TK’s chin. She then wondered if anyone else she knew got caught up in this, and if they did, were they okay?
Maybe it was a good thing that she didn’t know that Buck and Christopher wasn’t so far away, them too stuck on a fire truck as they helped casualties on board. Cause if she knew then she would have forced her tired body to search for them, to help them, to make sure they were okay.
Kasey would have to make sure they were safe because they were her fam–
Kasey sat up, taking in her surroundings to only notice that there were a few more people on board, all frightened and cold and TK gave her a worrying look, a look that almost begged her to do something, to save them, to just have a plan. But for once, Kasey had nothing as she looked out and around the flooded city, seeing nothing but water and broken homes and objects.
“You helped them?” Kasey muttered as she continued to look out.
“Yeah,” TK whispers. “You were out for a bit so had to improvise.”
“Sorry,” she whispers back.
She feels his hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently as if he ushering her to look at him, and she does, she turns her head, looking over her shoulder with glassy, down, eyes.
“You have nothing to be sor–”
“Your brother said you’re around here. And that he’s a firefighter out in Texas. He mentioned that you were highly ranked in the military…suppose you have the best water training round here?” Kasey hums as her arm covers her face, blocking the sun as she looks at the man who spoke up.
“Did he now?” She purses her lips. “Suppose he mentioned I’m a firefighter too?” The man nods. “Cool.”
“So what do we do?” The man looks around at the other casualties.
“Nothing,” Kasey mumbles, “we can’t do anything – we’ll just have to wait for someone to come and rescue us.”
The man scoffed. “Some firefighter you are, aren’t you meant to be doing the saving? We could die out here.”
Kasey turns around, brows raised, studying the man, hand pressed against her hip, “Oh, I’m sorry Gary, I’ll just whip out the boat I’ve been carrying in my pocket all day and drive you all home in time for dinner.”
He scowled at her. “It’s Raphaël–”
“Some will be in much worst conditions than us, at least we’re safe, that’s what is important, no?” Kasey turns to look back out at the city filled with water. “I’ll try and find a way to get rescued quicker but can’t make no promises here.”
“Kas…” TK’s gentle voice came from behind, his hand squeezing her elbow gently, “you’re bleeding.” As if those words triggered some part in her brain, she feels a sudden sharpness coming from under her shirt, lifting it up she glances at the bruises littering her abdominal and an awful, long cut beginning from the top of her ribs down to her waist.
“I’m fine,” she insists, and she thoughts of this to be true, she’s had worst, and she continued as if it was nothing before, so to her this was fine, all of this was fine, she just wanted to go back to her home – well outside of her apartment, in her car, and just fall asleep…
…she just wanted some peace again.
Kasey lays down to peer over the truck, hands coming into contact with the open window, her fingers pressed against the inside framing and the metal framing of the inside to pull her further over so she can have a better look of the inside of the truck they were on. “You think the radio works?” She questions her brother who she knew was standing right by her, silently watching her body tense from the pain of moving around.
“Probably damaged from the water,” TK responds, ushering Kasey to stand as he hears her quietly groan from moving once again. “You’re going to tire yourself out, Kas, just stop for a moment, please.”
Kasey grimaces as she comes to a stand, “I just want to get us all out of here.”
“I know you do – but hurting yourself more in the process isn’t going to help anyone.”
Kasey thought she was seeing things at first when she saw TK’s right hand shake before he reached out to hold the top of her shoulder, she truly did thought her eyes were tricking her, but with the fear and worry twisted in his eyes, Kasey knew she wasn’t.
He wasn’t scared of her, she knew this, but for her? Yes.
He acted as if she was a fragile piece of artwork that’s been locked behind glass for centuries and now he’s the first to touch it, and he doesn’t even know if a simple brush of his fingers would have it crumbling, but Kasey wasn’t going to break, she knew this, she wasn’t damaged, she wasn’t going to crumble.
Kasey could hold herself longer now, she wasn’t nineteen anymore, she wasn’t nineteen who clung onto Trey Malik as if was the embodiment of air, the reason she could finally breathe again, she wasn’t nineteen no more who was desperate to be held.
Touch wasn’t a weakness for her no more, she gets held on many of occasions, Buck and Kit were the main sources of it, they were big huggers, always have been, physical touch has always been their thing and not fearing their touch proved to the young firefighter that she wasn’t desperate for it anymore, she was held enough to not whimper at the feeling of such comforting warmth no more.
But TK’s always been like this with her, of course they used to play wrestle when they were younger, pull one another’s hairs, the reason for some of the scars on their body after one pushed the other too hard off from the sofa causing the other to be in A&E. But still TK’s always had an element of softness with her, admitting once it’s because he doesn’t want to cause any harm to her, he tolerated a form of guilt growing up whenever he found her quietly ruffling through the medical basket (from the top of their fridge) late at night in their teen years, and he always ushered her to sit on the counter as he helped with the injuries she carried home with her that night, always being the one who has to listen to her holding back the cries of pain when his fingers brushes over a wound accidently, or whenever he began to stich her up as she insisted for no hospitals – she hates them – and that they can do it at home.
He was the one who usually saw her injured, and he was the one who stayed up until she came home just to help her, listening to her apologies for thinking she woke him again, when really she never did, he just awaits for her to make sure she returns home safely, even at his worst he still continued to make sure she came home. And then there was the guilt, the guilt that he gained growing up, watching her flinch at loud noises, especially from arguments, the way her body tensed whenever he tried to help with her injuries as that was the only way she could silently express her pain without waking anyone up, and he was the one who listened as she talked down on herself, thinking no one was there to hear, but he always did, he always would.
TK always wanted her to see him as something she could cling onto whenever she felt like the world was against her once again, but as they become older he knew he was barely that for her, in fact no one was that for her, but she was always that person for everyone else, especially for him.
And every day, TK wishes that Kasey one day finds someone who would happily sit in the dark with her, hand holding hers, as they distract her with random facts or how their day was, and only moves to turn on that switch to guide her out from the dark and welcoming her back into the light.
TK thinks she’s secretly back in the dark, actually he knows she was, and it’s sad to think that she still hasn’t find a comfort person yet – someone who will just help her when she’s down, to let her know she was enough, to just hold her.
TK was guilty when it came to Kasey, he wished they had a better life together, they deserved it, well he would like to think that they did, they were – are – good people, and that’s got to count for something, right? TK has questioned time from time if, in another parallel universe, they got the life they deserve, that they got to be the siblings they should have been, not the ones that were too damaged, not those ones, but the ones who were just happy, the ones who lived nearer together just so they could meet up easier.
Perhaps in that other life they be working together, living that dream they had when they were so young. Perhaps everything was okay in their lives, and they got to be the siblings they deserved to be in this life.
TK knew one day though he wouldn’t be so guilty, he knew those injuries he helped to cover up weren’t his fault, but at times whenever he accidently pressed too hard against a bruise or something then his stomach would twist, and he would be overcome with a sudden sickness all because he was reminded with the fact that he could never protect Kasey.
He thinks that’s what he was most guilty for, in the end it was never about the accidental touches of aiding her injuries, it was always the fact that he could never protect her, Kasey was always doing her own thing, she was always in some form of trouble, she was always someplace else, she was out of his reach, and TK couldn’t ever protect her like he wished he could, but she did for him, and she always will.
But they weren’t kids no more, they were now nearing the age of twenty-five and now, TK wonders, now it could be the time he could protect Kasey, bring her out from the darkness, and to just let go of this guilt, and then maybe, just maybe they could be each other’s safety net, they would feel brave enough to come to each other whenever they needed to, maybe, just maybe, he could play the role of an older brother – older by only fifteen minutes – and just simply protect her, even if it just as simple as protecting her from herself, in the sense that she doesn’t hurt herself more, that she doesn’t do her thing where she doesn’t think of herself, that for once she could just take a moment, take a breath, and think on the situation with him.
Her hands once again found home on her hips, face scrunching as a finger graze the wound and she ignores the look TK gave her.
“Let me check it out–”
“God, I’m so glad I didn’t take my car here.” Kasey mutters, looking up to the sky, as she changes the subject. “Or I would–”
“Lose your house?” Kasey head snaps towards his smug appearance, eyes narrowing at him, and her mouth itches to respond; but she doesn’t. “I’m not wrong am I?”
“I will throw you overboard.”
“No you won’t,” TK smirks, “you’re too nice to do that. Besides,” he then raises his shoulders before dropping them just as quick, “you’ll miss me.”
Kasey hums before her eyes glances over at everyone else for a quick moment before she steps closer to her brother to quietly talk with him. “We got to try and find some rescue for them soon though, the first wave of a tsunami is never the worst,” her eyes flickers back over to the group, maybe about seven other people, all adults, “even if that means we’re our own rescue team.”
“Kasey, that’s to risky and in your condition–”
“Forget about my injury, I’ll live, okay? We can use the hose and the things around us to try and find somewhere better, perhaps find a proper rescue team or even a hospital.” She ran a hand through her hair. “We don’t know how long rescue will be, we don’t know how much more damage is out there, and whilst we’re at it we can rescue more people.”
“You said that the only thing we can do is wait.”
She sighs, “I only said that as I didn’t have time to think of anything else.”
Now TK sighs as he looks around desperately, hand holding the back of his head, and he balances out their options within his mind. “TK, it’s better if we move than sit around, we’re only getting colder here.”
“I know, I know.” He turns his head to now look at the group, they’re all sitting around close to one another to try and warm the other arm, but most were still shivering. “How long you think we got?”
“Until the second wave?” Kasey questions, and he nods, “I don’t know, man.” She now faces the group, making small movement to get closer to them. “Is anyone injured at all?” Kasey grimaces slightly that she hasn’t even asked them how they were yet.
“No one’s injured, Kas,” TK answered. “I asked whilst you were out and–” He stops when he notices a sudden rush in the water. No, no, no, no, not now, please not now, TK silently begs.
He thinks he hears Kasey tell people to get down, his mind was no longer here, he just thinks about the second wave, and the second wave only. He thinks he hears screams, and he thinks he hears Kasey trying to calm them down, but he doesn’t know what she says, instead his hand grabs the hose, pulls on it tightly and his eyes focuses on it unwrapping, he turns, gestures it towards Kasey who pulls on it too, ushering everyone to grab ahold of it, that maybe if they were lucky enough they would still be attached to this fire truck at the end of it.
There’s were screams as the second wave hit, it was nothing like the waves that lapped the shore every minute of every day. It was a wall of filthy, cold, and powerful water. The water had no gentle softness to it, instead it had no thought, no motion, and no hesitation as it destroys everything in it’s path just to hit their targets. Within moments, TK was breathing the air, and just as he took a deep breath he feels frigid foamy fingers grabbing a hold of him.
It was their dear old friend, the ocean.
The water was once a great fear of TK’s when he was younger, he thinks it started when he was three where his uncle thought it was a good idea to take him onto a waterslide. They went down a long, twisting concealed one but as they came to the end his uncle didn’t let him go, instead he pulled him right under the chemical water with him. TK doesn’t remember it fully, he just remembers a glimpse of a waterslide and a flash of memory that showed him under the pool’s water, and every now and then, when he was younger, he could feel that sudden tightness within his chest.
TK tried to stay away from the depths of water from then on, always panicking whenever his family tried to bring him into the pool with them, but he wasn’t having any of it.
He remembers a wedding at the age of five, and the same uncle who created his fear of water was teaching his sister how to surf in the far distance whilst he was with his mother taking photos, he recalls that she told him not to wander off, but he does so anyways, he walks down the pier, wanting to see how much panic the ocean can truly offer him, he was fine with just staring at it first, he then decided maybe to sit down in the opening between the two broken fences, but instead his foot somehow slipped and he fell into the water, his mother jumps in to save him within seconds, cause little TK didn’t know how to swim, nor did he know how to breathe under the sea.
At five, he learnt how much fear the ocean has to offer.
Up to the age of ten, TK would stay on the beach building sandcastles with his family, but his eyes were always distracted by his sister and his uncle out on the waves; surfing. His ears always listened to the way his father complained every day and how he wished Gwen’s brother didn’t teach Kasey on how to surf, he didn’t understand the problem, it wasn’t like Kasey was afraid of water so why would it be a problem if she enjoyed the feeling of the water crashing over her every time she fell off her surfboard? She seemed to be laughing each time her face breaks the surface and then off she went back onto her surfboard to catch another wave.
TK longed to surf with his sister, but he never did, not even when he overcame his fear, Owen truly wasn’t having it, he couldn’t have both kids learning to surf, he couldn’t let it happen again.
So at the age of seven TK stopped learning how to surf among the safety of the sands, he never took another board out from the stands and tried to learn, to mimic everything Kasey did out in the sea, his fingers never brushed the sands the same since seeing how furious his father was after TK stated he would surf with Kasey one day, he never thought about learning to surf one day again.
At the age of ten, TK learnt how to swim, Kasey was adamant about it, she said it was time for him to overcome his fears and learn how to swim because what if you fall in again and no one was there to save you? What would you do then? It was a brutal honest truth that TK never wanted to know, but deep down he knew he had to learn, had to overcome. Because what if he did one day fall into a body of water and there was no one around to save him? He wouldn’t know how to get out of that situation, he would be panicking more as he had no experience in even swimming.
One of Kasey’s friends had a pool in their back garden, it was quite odd to ten-year-old TK considering they lived in New York City, but he never questioned it. So, every Tuesday, after school, they would learn how to swim for an hour in Kasey’s friend pool whilst her friend was with Gwen learning the piano.
Once he reached his teenager years TK wasn’t afraid of water no longer, and he thought of himself as a confident swimmer too. But still, whenever they found themselves at the beach, TK stayed on the beach, becoming familiar with the sands once again whilst he watches his sister out on the waves, he did still wish to be out there with her, but his fingers never touched a board, no, because maybe he wasn’t afraid of water anymore but seeing how scared, how angry their father was whenever he hears about Kasey talking about surfing, made him never want to feel what it was like when the waves were beneath you.
That was the first thing both Strands heard as they tried to come back to their surroundings, both could still feel the re-enforced plastic in their hands and they heard some groans around them, perhaps they were alright, perhaps everyone was able to stay –
Kasey pulls herself across the top of the fire truck, fingers pressing against the side as she grimaces at the pressure against her injuries, once her head hit the small bump that was on the top of the fire truck, gesturing that she reached the side of it, she hesitantly looked over the top to see who was yelling such a familiar name.
Her heart was heavy, wishing it wasn’t someone she knew, but the name, the voice, it was so–
Kasey blinks as she narrows her eyes at the blurry figure in the water, a yellow stripped top she thinks they’re wearing and they’re resting against the side of what she would say, a wooden plank and –
Oh god.
Oh, no, no, no.
“Christopher!” Kasey yells, voice strained from her previous yells for everyone to get down, strained from the amount of water she thinks she accidently inhaled and –
“Christopher!” She calls again and she was on her feet, diving into the water with no hesitation. It was Eddie’s boy – it was Christopher – it was her sweet Christopher, and he was yelling for her best mate and–
The water was still deep in the area they were in, not yet washed out back to sea like she was hoping it would, so she fought against the water that was still rushing through the destruction and she doesn’t stop until she reaches a trunk of a tree that was surprisingly still standing tall, with a heavy breath she awaits for a second as the plank of wood Chris was keeping himself up with passes by, and when it did she quickly grabbed him and pulled him tightly towards her.
Her arms were firmly around him as she takes a step back, her right hand was cupping the back of his head and her eyes were furrowed shut as she just lets him cling onto her, his fingers twisting into the back of her shirt, gripping it tightly, afraid to just disappear again.
“I got you; I got you, love.” She rushes out. “You’re gonna be okay kid, I’ve got you now, I’ve got you.”
Christopher blinks into the shoulder of the women he was so familiar with, and his fingers pressing into her back even more at the realisation it’s her – he’s going to be okay as she’s got him now and oh my word it’s –
Oh, and how her stomach fell at the sound of his weak, tired, and quiet voice, no, god, no, why did he of all people had to be caught out in this.
“Oh, baby,” she utters gently, she now stands in the gap behind the tree, the water wasn’t so strong or deep there, so she was able to rest and look at Chris properly as she stood there whilst she thought on how to get them back to the fire truck. “What are you – where’s your glasses?”
“I-I,” he stutters, stumbling over every other word as he speaks with her, “I lost them. I lost Buck. He was helping and-and I fell…I lost Buck and–”
She hushes him gently, brushing his hair back with her hand before her hand falls to lay softly against his cheek where her thumb brushes away the fallen tears. “Oh, honey,” she frowns as she tries to act calm with him, but she wasn’t, she couldn’t be, Buck was out there too, and she has no idea if he was okay, and he would be worried sick because Chris wasn’t with him any longer and he wouldn’t know that Chris was safe – that he was with her now. “We’ll find Buck and your glasses, let’s just get you back to the truck.”
The water was still by the time she calmed Chris down by the tree and it meant she could take them back to the truck much easier than it would have been earlier.
“You remember TK, right Chris?” Kasey questioned as TK waved with a soft smile at the boy, throwing Kasey a worried glance, it didn’t cross TK’s mind that children would have been caught in this mess, not until he saw Eddie’s kid right in front of him, shivering in Kasey’s arms as she holds him, hands rubbing up and down his as she placed light kiss on top of his head every now and then.
Chris nods.
He remembers TK, he was Kasey’s older brother, by fifteen minutes if he remembers correctly from hearing them playfully arguing about it. TK shared a bag of sweets with him when they sat in the waiting room together whilst waiting on news about Kasey, he remembers that TK shared the same taste when it came to pick n’ mix, his father was asleep next to him, arms folded, and Chris never told him about the amount of sweets he ate that day as he listens to Owen’s – TK and Kasey’s father – stories about being a firefighter out in Texas.
So, of course he remembers the nice man that’s Kasey’s brother.
TK kneels down, hand reaching forwards to ruffle the younger boy’s curls. “What you doing out here, bud?”
“I was with Buck,” he tells TK in a quiet voice, “we went to the carnival on the pier and–”
“Buck’s here?” TK mouths to Kasey who just nods as she lays another kiss on top of Chris’ head, but she was quick to move away, tilting her head back as she let out a low hum at Chris shuffling back into her stomach, her eyes scrunches up and Chris was quick to turn around to try and find out what the fuss is about.
“Kasey,” his finger presses against her chin, next to the cut his eyes has just caught sight of. “You’re bleeding.” Kasey wanted to chuckle at his worriedness about her, she was glad he didn’t catch sight on the pain she was in and that he thought it was just a cut that caused her that sudden distress that caught his attention.
“It’s nothing, kiddo,” she didn’t know there was a cut on her chin until he pointed it out, perhaps she got it when she pulled herself across the roof of the truck, perhaps it was just a graze that was only slightly bloody.
“You need a plaster.”
“I tell you what,” she begins as she adjusts him in her lap, moving him slightly away from the ache in her left leg and more onto her right leg, one of his arms where around her shoulder, fingers brushing the back of her neck, and his other hand was in his lap. “When we get to some land you can find me the best plaster for the graze.” Chris nods.
“Spider-Man ones?”
“I think that be well cool!” She grins and TK smiles as she watches the interaction in front of him. “TK?” Her brother hums. “We got to start moving, the water should be shallow enough for us to walk through now.”
“What if there’s another wave?”
“We’ll just have to hope for the best that’s this is it.”
TK nods, standing up from his crouching position to rub his hands against the wet material of his jeans before he leans forwards to pick Chris off from Kasey for a moment whilst she tells everyone that it be best if they move and try and find some help, after some glances shared between them Kasey states that they could stay on the truck if they wanted and when she finds help she’ll try and send them their way, but it be quite risky to stay on a truck that’s practically flooded.
She jumps down from the truck and into the water below, taking Chris out from TK’s arms as she brings him down into the water too, but instead of letting him go, she adjusts him into a more comfortable position for her to carry him.
TK, along with the other’s, jump down from the truck too and collectively follow the Strands and the kid on their mission to find some help.
“Perhaps we can go to the zoo together one day,” TK speaks up after walking in silence for a little too long for his liking.
“The zoo?” Kasey raises a brow at her brother who just responses with a huge grin.
“Yeah!” He’s got a sudden spring in his step. “Both of our families – you know the 126 and the 118, that cop,” TK clicks his finger as he tries to think of her name. “Athena! Athena can come and Chris obviously be coming with us and–”
“And your cop boyfriend?” Kasey smirks, forging a pain of hurt as TK slaps her shoulder, the one that was closest to him, but furthest from Christopher.
“Not my boyfriend,” TK mutters, the spring leaving his step, as he folds his arms across his chest, pouting ever so slightly.
Kasey only hums, corner of her mouth still tugged up.
“I like the zoo,” Chris jumps into the conversation.
“Oh, yeah?” TK holds his hands behind his back, his right hand wrapping round his left wrist whilst his attention is on the boy in Kasey’s arms. If he didn’t know her, he would have thought they were mother and son, that thought alone brought a kind look onto his face as he thought about one day the pair of them will find someone who loves them, and perhaps they’ll have kids with their significant others, however that be, and they would have those family days that they never got growing up, that one day they could actually be a family they deserved, start again now that Kasey was in LA and he’s started a new life in Texas – perhaps this is life giving them another chance, another go at life.
Another warm thought bubbles within TK, and that was the thought of the boy in Kasey’s arms becoming his family too, he hears the way Kasey talks about the Diaz’s, he sees how happy they have made her and how much they helped her too, and of course there was Buck, her LA best friend, but he was just like another brother to her, but Eddie – my god, Kasey deserves to have someone good like Eddie, she really does, and TK could only hope that the universe just gives her the best.
He's seen the way Eddie looks at her too, of course TK seen it, even a blind person could sense the way Eddie feels about Kasey, and usually TK would get slightly concerned whenever guys are interested in his sister due to her never having good past relationships, but Eddie, he would know she be safe with him, that she’ll be okay, that’s she’ll be happy, and god did she deserve that.
So, maybe one day, if the universe isn’t so mean, the Diaz’s will become very familiar to him and his own father, and perhaps they’ll have those BBQ nights whenever they’re down in Texas or LA. And everyone they see as family joins too, and the kids are at the end of the garden playing some imaginary game and the adults are laughing.
And they’re all just happy.
Maybe, just maybe, they get the things they deserve, because they’re all good people, and that gotta mean they deserve something good at least, right?
“What’s your favourite animal?” He questions and Chris thinks for a little while before answering –
“Lions? I like lions.”
“They’re pretty cool, aren’t they kiddo?” Kasey says as she takes in her surroundings once more, making sure she’s a step ahead of everyone just in case anything happens then she be the first to discover it.
Whilst Chris told them a little fact about lions, TK nudged Kasey’s arm before leaning closer to whisper: “why are we heading more towards the pier?”
Kasey felt her eyes widen, quickly turning her head to look at her brother. She didn’t think he’ll notice, in fact she didn’t think he’ll even know the area they were heading towards, but he did.
“We’re not going there directly–” She sighs, “I just need to see if there’s any sighting of Buck…” Kasey looks back at Chris with a fake, relaxed smile, “you said lions starts off spotty?” He nods. “I think that makes them even cooler. You know, Chris, I think you’re just like a lion – you’re really brave. The bravest person I know.”
“Yeah – I’m real glad your dad joined the 118, or I wouldn’t have met the coolest, bravest person out there.”
Christopher smiles brightly before burying his face into Kasey shoulder as he hugs her tightly, “I’m really glad too.”
Kasey was surprised by not stumbling across anyone else, she wonders if rescue has been close by and that everyone else has been rescued within the area, perhaps they just missed a rescue boat, but Kasey hasn’t heard no engine, or any noise expect their movements through the waters and the quiet chatter amongst the group.
She thought all was rescued till she heard a scream for help coming from a building to the right up ahead, someone was trapped under some of the damage from the buildings and trees and Kasey purses her lips as she looked around quickly, checking that the area they were in was fine for everyone to wait within for a few seconds whilst she goes to help the person.
Coming to a quick judgement, she hands Christopher over to TK and Christopher almost calls for her, begging her not to go, to not leave him, he lost Buck the same way too, he can’t lose Kasey too.
Kasey brushes back his hair as she stands in front of the pair. “Hey, kiddo, you’re gonna be okay. I’ll just need to help that person over there,” she jerks her thumb behind her shoulder to the person who was crying for help. “And then I’ll be right back.” And with that she rushed – as quickly as she could with the waist-high water – towards the one in danger.
“Hey! Hey! I’m here to help,” she offers out a hand, “I’m firefighter Strand of the 118, I just need you to tell me if anything hurts whilst I take this weight of you, okay?” She heard a chocked out okay from them before she began to push and pull a mixture of debris off from the stranded person.
The water was raising.
No – no, not again, please not again.
She was pushing it off quicker now, and the second her hand grabbed the person underneath and pulled them up to their feet, the third wave came, and Kasey could hope that this was the last one as she pushes the stranger to the wall and held the pair of them for coverage.
Kasey was no stranger to metaphoric drowning; she was so used to her heart anchoring her down. Weighing her down to the point that she could no longer move. She was so used to the cold feeling, the loneliness, the pain, it all felt normal for her now.
Kasey knew most would be familiar with the sense of metaphoric drowning, but most usually were able to break the surface, catch their breath, learn how to breathe again. Kasey thinks she’s been under for too long now, she doesn’t think she’ll ever meet the light that dances across the surface.
Kasey would like to think that TK was beginning to learn how to breathe again after New York, and Kasey is thankful for it as TK deserved to rest, he deserved his happiness, he was a good person, he didn’t deserve to drown.
On his way to Texas, Kasey recalls a private phone call between the pair, it was short as she was on her shift, but in the call, TK begs her to come to Texas, to fix their family, to mend it, to rebuild it, he tells her he would have never gotten better for himself, he only did for her, dad, and mum, and he tells her, with the quietest of voices that he needed her, he needed his sister, and he begs for her to come live with them in Texas, they can live out their dream on being firefighters together, but Kasey told him no, she couldn’t, she may have an alright relationship with their father and a strong relationship with TK, but she knew if she ever lived with them then it would just destroy her more, her chances of ever seeing the surface would vanish in a blink of an eye and she would just have to befriend the ocean floor.
She could live with TK, she knew she could, and hearing his broken voice over the phone made her want to drop everything and come and live with him, but her and their father didn’t see eye-to-eye all of the time, they were better than her and Gwen, but that wasn’t enough, that wasn’t enough, none of it was enough – despite wanting to be there for TK, she knew living with them wasn’t going to do her no good, so she declined.
She told him she’ll visit when she can and she’ll always be in LA if he needed, and she suppose she just has to continue watching him live his life through the photographs he sends, and the calls he makes, and she’ll just have to watch him from the distance like she always have.
Maybe in another life they could have gotten what they deserved as siblings.
But in this one they grew up together with different memories and experiences from their childhood. The pair were prodigy children but love for Kasey has always been contingent. Unlike TK, who was seen as the child who could do no wrong, Kasey was the burnout child, the troublemaker, and she was just too difficult for them.
In her childhood bedroom there were many sport trophies in which TK, Kit, and Vanessa watched her win (most of them), Owen tried to watch her win as many as he possibly could and Gwen…well, when she came it was clear she never wanted to be there.
Kasey wore the title of ‘disappointment’ with the most honour though. It was a common word that was thrown at her, the phase “you won’t be anything” followed closely behind. And despite her telling everyone she was fine, no one would truly understand the weight of her families words. TK heard the fights, but that didn’t mean he understood the way Kasey felt about their family, he didn’t have to live up to their family expectations, and he didn’t have to listen to the constant reminders from their mum of how much she has sacrificed to get him there, and that everyone is counting on him – no, TK never knew what that side of the family was like, that was what Kasey always saw and heard. He heard the proudness, but she heard the disappointments, the “you’re just not good enough.”
TK was never the one who threw up before every game in his sophomore year, no, that was Kasey. Kasey, the one who had to sit in the car listening to her mum scream at her if she lost, or worst, they just sat in silence. Whenever Gwen came to watch Kasey play, coincidentally Kasey’s team lost, it was as if she was their bad luck charm, or perhaps it was the way she made Kasey so nervous to the point she couldn’t concentrate properly because she wanted to show her mum that she was good, that she wasn’t such a screw up, that she was good at something.
But no, whenever she came to watch they lost and it was always Kasey’s fault, the one who was to be blamed, and the one who gets told she wasn’t worth the trophies in her room.
Kasey never had a childhood, but she made sure TK did, she sacrificed everything just to make sure he didn’t ever see the side of their family she saw, that he was happy, that he’ll never experience the feeling of drowning. And she would do it again. She would. She would go though all the pain all over again as long as it ends with TK being happy.
But he would never remember that it was her who had to make microwave meals in the first few years after the divorce because Gwen was always busy with Enzo. Once she overheard that Gwen couldn’t stand being in the same house as her daughter, so Kasey took it upon herself to stay in her room for as long as possible just for TK to have the chance to have family dinners again with Gwen and now her new boyfriend, Enzo, and then when they were all in bed Kasey would eat the leftovers or find something else to eat.
She couldn’t let TK live the way she did, even as a young child she knew this, TK deserved a childhood and Kasey was fine with eating at the dining table alone every night.
Gwen blames Kasey for her and Owen’s divorce, despite it being the weight of the 9/11 incident mixed with some other personal problems, no, Kasey was apparently a massive factor in their divorce and Kasey remembers her father telling her that she could come live with him if she wanted, she would’ve said yes if it wasn’t for TK, but there was TK and she couldn’t leave him, she couldn’t do that to him, so she decided to stay – for him.
TK will never know that it was his younger sister that raised him for most of his childhood as their dad was grieving and their mum…was well, Gwen. But to TK, Kasey knew he would always remember their mum being there, and she was, in a way, she was there for him at least whenever she wasn’t around.
But TK does remember, he does remember some it, like how she was the one who taught him how to swim, when it really should have been one of their parents, but no it was his twin sister, and my god was he thankful for her.
He always has been thankful for her, even if he could never recall the extent she went for him at times due to the way she protected and shield him for that side of their family. But despite all this, Kasey knew that TK would remember the times she failed him, that she was the one to blame for him to understand the feeling of metaphoric drowning, she was the one who believed to be blamed for him starting drugs, and she was the one who left him…and that’s the main thing he’s going to remember, he wont remember how she accepted the abandonment from her mother just so TK could still have a mum, and he will never remember how Kasey sacrificed her life to make sure TK was happy. No, he’ll never know because Kasey will never tell him, she doesn’t want him to feel guilty as there was no reason to. But Kasey would do it again, she was his sister, she was meant to protect him, she felt lighter when she saw her brother happy – he deserves it, he’s a good person.
But the thing Kasey knew she’ll never be able to handle was the fact that out of everything, TK will remember how she left the most, he’ll memorise every detail of that night, and be able to relive it all the time. He’ll remember how she left, and he’ll remember how, like every disappointed child, she hid in her own shadow and drowned.
But even though she left, even though she carried the belief that TK hated her, Kasey will never know how many times TK fell asleep in her bed after she left. Kasey would never know how much TK talked to himself in her room, pretending she was there, telling her ghost that he missed her and to come back home.
She will never know that despite how she left, despite the fights, despite the disagreements, all TK ever wanted was for his little sister to come back.
Kasey never knew that even though he never responded, he kept every letter she ever sent him in those years they spent not seeing each other, in a shoebox under his bed, and how he would pull that shoebox out and re-read every letter that he was ever given by her, he even put in the letters he got from her throughout the years, even birthday cards, and he would read them all every night that she spent out at war.
All TK ever wanted was his little sister.
Now, she was under the water again, fighting against the current, and her eyes felt heavy, but she continued to fight. So fought like a maniac as she struggled to regain control, thrashing until her limbs gave out and the light above the surface drifted away, leaving her numb in the darkness. But even then, even when her body felt like giving up, she fought even more.
Finally, her face broke the surface, even if it was just for a second, she made sure to look around, the stranger wasn’t there no longer, the group wasn’t there, and nor was TK or Christopher. Kasey knew she was about to lose air again, she knew she was going to go under again, and Kasey knew she should focus on trying to get some air back into her lungs, but she couldn’t.
She couldn’t because how can someone catch another breath when all the air has just left your lungs the moment you realise two of the people you care most about wasn’t there?
TK and Christopher was no longer with her.
But somehow she gasped for her last breath of air before the icy-cold water flooded in; her throat burned as if a thousand needles had been plunged into it. But her gasp wasn’t truly her last breath, it was really her last scream as she called their names, but the heavy blanket around her swallowed that up and dulled her senses before embracing her into another tight, warm, suffocating hug.
Kasey was growing tired, she wanted to become a victim to the hug and just fall further into it.
Perhaps this is the peace Trey told her about, that you’ll truly feel all the pain leave your body and nothingness will fill your body as you just fall into the embrace that Poseidon gives you. You feel warmth from his sandy, bubbly, fingers, and you’ll feel yourself nodding along to him questioning you if you were ready to leave.
But at that question, Kasey found herself shaking her head, eyes still squeezed shut, but she attempted to wake her body up, even if it’s just for a few minutes just so she could swim up to the surface again. Because maybe Trey found comfort within Poseidon hold, but she didn’t, she wasn’t ready to go, not yet, and even if she was, she just couldn’t leave, not when TK and Chris needed her.
So she fought her way back to the surface with two things on her mind. She thought of TK. And she thought of Christopher. And that alone was enough for her to continue to fight.
“Hey – Hey, I’m looking for a TK – Tyler Kennedy Strand, and Evan Buckley and Christopher Diaz.” Kasey’s strained voice begs the woman in scrubs that stood in front of her. The tips of Kasey’s fingers were bloody, and she lightly touches one of the woman’s arms, body flinching at the realisation of what she just done.
The lady looks Kasey over with the bottom of her lip tucked in between her teeth. Kasey didn’t look so good, not with the cuts over her face and the blood-soaked t-shirt she was wearing. She questioned if Kasey even realised how badly injured she was, but perhaps the shirt being dark has hidden the truth from her and she was just now running on pure adrenaline. But Kasey knew, she knew how badly hurt she was, but she wasn’t going to let herself get looked at until she knew those people were safe, that they were alright.
Kasey takes a nervous step back at the look of worry the woman gave her.
“Ma’am you need to see–”
“Are they here?” Kasey stuttered out, hand moving to clutch her side as she felt a sudden rush of pain run through her as she impatiently waited for the woman to skim through the pages of her clipboard.
She shakes her head. “You may wanna check over there at the black tent.”
Kasey’s eyes shifts to look over the woman’s shoulder, gulping nervously.
“But we need to check you–”
“Isn’t that the–”
“The morgue.” Kasey’s unfinished question echoes through her ears, through her mind, through her heart for a little too long. She feels a sudden shakiness in her hand, and her legs began to feel weak, and Kasey thinks her vision is going, but none of that mattered, not with the haunting hum that runs through her body; her soul.
Kasey felt like she was drowning again, felt like she was wrapped in the currents once again. Her breathing halted and her throat twisted and squeezed every word she thought of.
Her stomach turned at the thought.
She gags at the sight of it, at the word of it, and at the thought of it.
Just that word made her feel like she was under again, that the bile in her mouth was the salt water that tried to suffocate her, and death still lingered at the back of her mind as she passed the woman, ignoring her calls for someone to come and help the injured woman.
Kasey paused a few meters away from the black tent.
She failed them.
She’s the reason that they could possibly be–
Kasey couldn’t save them.
With her blood-stained hands, she clasps them together and presses against her stomach where she’s sure her heart has fallen into.
It’s impossible. They couldn’t be dead – not her brother, her best friend, and not her–
She wasn’t there, she should’ve been there, she shouldn’t have left them, she should stayed.
She should’ve stayed.
She should’ve stayed.
She takes a step forward. And another. And another. She thinks she’s thirteen and half steps away from the tent before her feet stop moving, She just stands there staring at it.
“Kasey?” A voice pulls her out, and tiredly she turns to the call, “Kasey!” It was no longer a questioning tone, it was more a tone of worry, and her eyes were fluttering shut but the feeling of cold hands on her cheeks awoke her and she was now welcomed by the eyes of someone she’s known from childhood – TK. TK is here, TK’s alive and – oh, she looks over her shoulder to see her team staring at her worriedly as they stand around a tired-looking Buck with cuts across his face and is his hand bleeding? But Buck is alive too and–
“Chris? Where is he? I lost you – I wasn’t good–” Eddie feels Chris push him away slightly from the hold he was in before turning around and stumbling his way towards Kasey who rushes forwards, kneeling on the ground just to hold him.
She ignored all the pain that came with the movements.
“I’m sorry – I’m so sorry – I shouldn’t have left you – I should have been there – I should have been – I’m not going again, I’ll–” She stops when she fells Christopher hold onto her even tighter, it wasn’t like the time before when she was holding him as they walked through the water, he didn’t hold her like was scared she would disappear, he held her in the way one would hold a loved one once they returned home safe. Chris tucks his face more into the crook of Kasey’s neck and mumbles out a tired but relieved, “you’re okay.” And maybe the hug was painful, but it was worth it, it was worth it cause she has her little Diaz in her arms again and her lips pressed against his cheek, giving it a feather light kiss like a way a mother would kiss their child in comfort after they had a nightmare. “I’m so sorry,” she murmurs, voice hitching around the lump in her throat. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t find you, kiddo.”
Kasey remains kneeling on the concreate as she tucks a cold and damp Christopher closer to her chest. She rests her forehead against his cheek as she just breaths in the smell of the salt water that lingers on the curls of his hair. “I’m sorry – I’m so sorry – I didn’t – I–” Her voice shakes in distraught, but she is interrupted by Christopher little voice.
“You’re okay now kid, we’ve got you.” He mimics a phase he often hears around, and Kasey indeed felt like she will be okay as she holds him in her arms.
She holds him a little longer before she ushers him to go hold Buck for a bit more as she notices Eddie standing near, face unreadable as he stares at the pair. TK was now perched on a rock as he finally caught his breath, asking Bobby if he could borrow his phone to ring his dad.
Christopher moves towards Buck and Kasey moves to stand, grimacing slightly as she did so.
“Eds–” But the look on Eddie’s face cuts her off as he shakes his head before he gently pulls her in closer by her right wrist. His eyes searches her up and down, lingering slightly longer on her stomach. “I’m fine,” she utters, and Eddie doesn’t believe it, but he just wants to feel her, touch her, just do something to rest his racing mind and make himself believe that she is real, that she is alive.
He thought he lost both her and his son tonight, and he just finished holding his son and now he’s got to hold Kasey whilst Buck now holds Christopher to assure his mind that they’re fine – that they will be okay eventually.
But Kasey didn’t return for nearly fifteen minutes after TK and Chris, and as the time ticked the more his mind tried to convince him that Kasey truly was dead.
But she wasn’t, she was standing in front of him and all he wants to do is hold her and never let het go. All he wants to do is take both her and Christopher home and watch some stupid show on the TV as he just holds his son and best friend…
And now Eddie’s hand slides up the back of Kasey’s neck, her damp, knotted hair falling over it as his thumbs strokes the base of her head softly.
Kasey was here, Kasey was fine, and she was real.
His family was okay and now the one who held his heart in her palms was right in front of him, and without a thought crossing his mind his forehead rests against hers and their eyes fall shut as they embraced this, and now she was being pulled into his chest and her arms were wrapping round him, and oh god was Kasey happy that something other than the ocean was gripping her, holding her – protecting her.
Kasey didn’t think much of it either as his lips brushed the top of her head.
Her rocks them side-to-side and he feels a smaller body wrapping round his waist before he ushers the two of them to kneel to the ground, then he pulls Christopher into their hug. And for a small moment, they seemed like a family who just been caught in a natural disaster, that he was the relief husband that his wife and son has returned back to him, and sometimes that’s what it felt like, and right now it did feel like it, despite the natural disaster, Eddie couldn’t help but think about it.
His fingers grip onto them for dear life and he’s now mumbling that their okay, that he’s got them now, and they will be okay.
Buck was back on the phone (Athena’s phone) with Maddie whilst Hen and Chimney ushered him and TK (TK now finally getting ahold of Owen) into a tent to get checked out, Buck questioned about Kasey and Christopher and they insist that they’ll be okay, that Eddie’s got them now, and they will be just fine.
Kasey was sobbing now, she tried to hold it back, but feeling the safety around her she began to sob, and she knew Christopher was crying too as she felt his body shake in her arm and Eddie was certain he had tears quietly running down his own cheeks, but he didn’t bring much notice to it as he took care of the two in his arms.
Eddie doesn’t think he’s ever felt this stress, not till he experienced the last seventeen minutes where he found a badly-looking Buck with his son’s glasses telling him that he lost Christopher, to Christopher returning in the arms of TK Strand, only to face TK’s panic as he begs Eddie to tell him that Kasey was here and that she was okay, to him saying he hasn’t seen her, to thinking she was dead, until now holding her and Christopher in his arms as he thanks the universe for returning them all back alive.
Bobby takes a step forwards with a doctor next to him along with the worried woman in scrubs who Kasey met first. He clears his throat, hating to break it all up, but it only just came to his attention of how hurt Kasey seemed, and she needs to urgently be looked at.
“Eddie,” his voice is quiet to not alarm anyone, “Eddie, we’ve got to check them out, please.”
Eddie nods as he slowly lets them go. He raises to his feet and picks Christopher up with one arm. Christopher’s shattered body wrapped round Eddie’s left side, his head resting against his shoulder whilst Eddie moved to stand on one of Kasey’s side whilst Bobby came to assist the other side, they both caught her as she stumbled to stand, the pain overtaking her once again, and her mind finally was catching up with the wounds across her body.
“Can you stand?” Eddie asked.
Kasey nodded shakily, trying to pull herself up onto her feet. Just as soon as she managed to get upright, her knees buckled.
Eddie and Bobby catches her before she fell back to the ground, helping Kasey to stand back up. “S-sorry,” she stutters “I-I-I–”
“It’s okay, we’ve got you.”
When they entered the medical tent, Eddie insisted to be the one to look after Kasey whilst Buck took Christopher after whining softly that he needs to hold the kid again, and Eddie allowed him too, knowing he’ll be safe as Buck holds him whilst Chimney moves to check Christopher over.
Kasey unconsciously rested her head against the top of his as he kneeled slightly in front of her to gain access to her abdominal area. Her shirt was pushed up whilst Eddie gently disinfected the area, the wounds weren’t as bad as he thought they be, the bleeding had came to a stop a while ago he believes, and it was a good sign to see that she wouldn’t be needing any stitches either.
Eddie’s finger dances across the cleaned, and freshly bandaged wounds, his finger pauses at a scar just above the beginning of the white bandage, and he ponders over it, but he says nothing of it when Bobby taps his shoulder, presenting a clean shirt that he must have found.
“We’ll have fresher clothes at mine for her to get into after she showers.” Bobby smiles softly and Eddie responds with his own small smile as he nods, but as he turns to face Kasey again his smile faltered slightly as reality struck him with the fact that Kasey wouldn’t be coming home with him and Christopher.
For most of time, Christopher stuck with either Buck or TK, only coming over when he see’s Kasey slightly more awake than before, drinking some water as she winces every now and then as Eddie daps a cloth around her face to clean the cuts there. He listens to his father quietly apologise to her, and he watches as Kasey shakes her head at it every time.
Chris brings himself closer to them, he was in different clothes now from the box Bobby searched through, and so was Buck and TK, all their old stuffs were stuffed in one pile by Athena as she spoke quietly with Bobby of how she is becoming a pro at washing due to the amount of blood and dirt she has taken out of clothes that belonged to him or their two older kids that go by the name of Buck and Kasey, and a few more clothes won’t be a hassle either, she’s just glad that they’re all okay.
His head falls onto his dad’s shoulder as he looks up at Kasey with a smile.
“Hey my little lion,” Kasey teased, hand reaching out to run through his curls as she eyes his scrunched up hand, “you doing okay, kiddo?” He nods before holding his hand out to her, presenting her with a collection of plasters with a small frown.
“They didn’t have any Spider-Man ones,” Kasey gently takes the plasters out from his hands as she looks at them. “Only Scooby Doo ones.”
Kasey gasps in small excitement, “well that’s good!” She says with a grin, but Eddie could see the tiredness behind it. “I love Scooby Doo!”
“Me too,” Christopher states with a bubble of laughter.
“Would you like to put the plasters on Kasey?” Eddie questioned as he took in the sight of the two, coming to a quick understanding that they must have talked about plasters when they found one another. Christopher nods and Eddie stands himself up better before bending down to pick his son up and places him down next to Kasey on the hospital bed.
Kasey turns her head to face Christopher, hand palm-up with the plasters laying in them for him to take, and he does so very gently as he rips the white pieces off from them before placing them gently over Kasey’s face to hide the cuts.
“Perhaps you’ll become Doctor Diaz in the future,” Kasey mutters as she studies his movements. “Think I’ll be least afraid of hospitals if I knew I’ve got the best and bravest doctor ever!”
As Bobby had same final words with the doctor, he brings himself towards the trio after confirming that Doctor Diaz has finished with placing Scooby Doo plasters on his patient’s face to tell them it be best if they all go home and clean themselves up and to rest.
(There was even a soft mention that Bear is at home waiting on her return).
The group that become bigger without Eddie and Kasey’s realisation ushered their last goodbyes, making sure everyone will be alright for the night, Karen kisses them all on the cheek, wishing them a better and restful evening, she gave Kasey a teasing squeeze on her cheeks before patting it softly, then when she came to Eddie she gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, but as she leaves she gives his bicep a soft squeeze as she throws him a comforting and knowing look and he watches as her eyes shift to Kasey who has now began to pull herself off the bed.
Eddie quickly comes to her aid, helping her to slide off the medical bed much easier and she thanks him, and then she tells the Diaz’s boys how they’re the best doctors she has ever had, and that she’s feeling much better now. Eddie knew she wasn’t, but he also knew that comment was more aimed at his son than to him. Kasey gives another long-lasting hug to Christopher, telling him that she will try and see him the next day and she lays a kiss to his cheek and says that if he or his dad needs anything then give her a ring and she will come.
Eddie shakes his head as he stands behind the pair, a smile tugging at his lips as he watches them, and Christopher even leans up to kiss the bandage across her nose as he wishes her a goodnight before making his way to Buck and TK who were both whining next to Vanessa and Kit (who Kasey didn’t even notice turning up) as they begged to hold Christopher again.
Kasey moves to stand with Eddie’s help and Kasey says nothing as she wraps her arms round his waist, tucking her face into his chest as she just closes her eyes. “You should go,” her voice was raspy now but Eddie found it kinda cute if he forgot the reasoning behind it. “You should go and get yourself and Chris home.”
Eddie knows he should but he also wishes Kasey was coming with them, wishing she was coming home with them to clean up and rest there, and they would turn on some shitty show as they lay on the couch to watch it, all nibbling on something easy to fill their stomachs and Chris would fall asleep first, his eyes falling shut then Eddie would feel a heavy weight on his left shoulder. He then would promise Kasey that he’ll be back as he takes Christopher to bed, tucking him in and leaving the night-light on in his bedroom before he makes his way back to Kasey, who was watching them before but now her eyes were closed and Eddie would smile softly at the sight of her, watching as she finally gains some sleep before he tucks his arms under her body and lifts her up and–
Kasey was now leaving the embrace and gives him a small smile before she makes her way to Athena who wraps her up tightly whilst whispering words of how good a nice warm shower will be for her and TK and that the heating will be on, and she is sure that hot chocolate will be made tonight too.
And then everyone was leaving, out of the medical tents and Chris was situated on Eddie’s hip once Buck and TK finally let him go, Kit and Chimney were up front, helping Buck walk with Maddie following closely behind, then there was Hen and Karen, and then Bobby (who was carrying the dirty clothes) and Vanessa with Athena and Kasey behind, her arm was wrapped motherly round her waist as she began to question Kasey that all of her weight better be on her (Athena) and she better not be taking any of it, but Kasey wasn’t listening much as her head turns to look over her shoulder at the two Diaz’s and all she does was smile at them.
Eddie pushes himself off the sofa as he watches some shitty show on the television, Christopher was in bed now after having a quick bath and eating something before being tackled in hugs and comforting words from his father. Eddie wasn’t expecting anything else for the evening, especially not a knock at his door at this time of night or even from what has happened all day.
And he sure wasn’t expecting to see a clean but still tired Kasey (still covered in her bandages, but they were changed to plain brown ones after her shower, at Athena’s recommendation) at his door. He looks out at the road to see headlights on, and they gave him a quick blink and he was quick to recognise it being Bobby. He then watches the car drive off before his eyes move back to the women in front of him, who gives him a small, nervous, smile.
“Can I stay here for tonight, please,” her voice was still slightly scratchy, and she swing her arms at her sides as she gazes at Eddie and all he could do was nod as he holds back his smile from growing anymore at the realisation of why she was here.
No wonder Bobby drove off without Eddie giving an answer as he knew he would say yes to Kasey. Eddie even wondered if Bobby knew how much both Christopher and Eddie wished for her to come home with them.
“Yeah – yeah, of course,” he says and at his words Kasey falls forwards, falling into his open arms that were quick to catch her. Her forehead rests against his shoulder and she rounds her tired arms around his waist whilst he brings her into a tighter embrace.
In his hold, Kasey felt saved.
They stay standing in the doorway, still embracing one another, and Eddie wondered how long they be there for, but he didn’t really mind, not as long as he had her in his arms. It was silent between the pair; well it was until Kasey spoke up again with a question Eddie was truly not expecting tonight.
“Can I get Chris’ name tattooed on me?” Kasey pulls back slightly to look at Eddie’s face, but all she saw was his knitted brows and eyes that burnt with confusion. “I know it’s crazy – we have no relation – like he isn’t even mine or he, well, he isn’t mine anything. But he was so brave Eddie, and I want to carry some of his bravery around – it–it doesn’t make any sense, forget it.” She takes a quick pause. “But he means the world to me Eddie, really, you’ve got the best kid ever, you know? And I just want to honour him more, and just carry something of him around with me everywhere I go so when I do get scared, I’ll know that Chris would want me to be brave and …I just – I care a lot about your son, and you, my god, you two mean absolutely everything to me, I don’t think you understand how important the pair of you are to me and–”
She stops with the feeling of his lips touching the top of her head.
She blinks.
“I think,” he begins as he gazes at her, eyes full of softness, “I think Christopher would really like that,” the corner of his lip tugs up even more now, “I really like the idea too. It’s sweet.”
“Really?” Kasey scrunches her nose slightly, the plaster crumpling up as she does so. “You can say no if you want.”
Eddie shakes his head. “You can get his name tattooed, I don’t mind, but thank you for asking me though.”
Kasey blinks again cause why wouldn’t she ask for his permission? “Yeah – yeah, er, always…”
“When do you want to get it done?” He questions next as they still stood in his doorway.
“Tomorrow,” she instantly says. “I’m going to get TK’s name tattooed on me too, already asked for his permission,” she ranted slightly, “do you want to come with?” Then there was a moment of silence before she shakes her head. “Wait, no, you’ll be busy, it was stupid to ask, you will probably be working or with Chris and–”
His hand finds her, intertwining their fingers together as he offers her a soft squeeze. “I don’t have a shift tomorrow,” he states once he notices that his action has stopped her panicking rant, her eyes moves to look down at their joint up hands. “Chris will be at his Abuela’s, so I’ll come with you.”
And then he leans forwards, lays another kiss on her forehead, but his lips linger by her skin, and she swears she feels him smiling when she squeezes his hand in return.
A/N: Kit Prescott has been changed to Reiky De Valk A/N.2: Taglist found in reblog!
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one-sweet-gubler · 2 years
Spend The Night *ED*
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REQUESTED : Yes - @captainamericasmotercycle ; "could you do a cute, fluffy story with eddie diaz and prompt 3 please?"
PROMPT(S) : 3 - "Sleep at my place tonight."
"Can you keep it down in there?!" You yelled through your bedroom wall as you pounded your fist against it.
Your neighbor had been no a binge with his friends, or should you say bandmates. They've been practicing since 10 that morning and it was now 7:30 at night.
Your boyfriend, Eddie, was due at your place at any moment to spend his off weekend with you while Christopher was with Buck. As you plopped yourself back on your bed, your phone rang, a picture of you and Eddie popping up on the screen.
"Hey, Eds." You smiled softly, even though he couldn't see you.
"Hey, my love. There's been a change of plans." Eddie spoke calmly.
"Oh?" You hummed, sitting up on your bed.
"Yeah, Buck decided to go on a random date tonight. So, Chris will be home tonight." Eddie spoke, you could hear Chris in the background laughing.
"Oh. Well, that's okay. We always have your next weekend off." You smiled softly.
"Or.., " Eddie dragged out, "Sleep at my place." You could hear the smirk in his voice.
"I can do that." You smiled to yourself. "Let me pack a bag and I'll be there soon."
"Alright, bye my love." Eddie spoke before hanging up.
You quickly threw together a bag of clothes and everything you'd need for your weekend with your favorite boys.
Soon you were pulling up to Eddie's house and knocking on the door.
You smiled as Eddie opened the door.
"I'm ready for my sleepover with my favorite boys!" You laughed softly, holding your bag up.
Eddie laughed softly as he pulled you into a kiss.
"Well then lets get this party started." He chuckled, leading you into the house.
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natti-ice · 5 days
18+ mdni
a/n: this is a edited version of an old post of mine!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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You riding on top of him rocking back and forth on his dick taking every inch of him, you’re in complete euphoria, one hand on his chest for balance while you use the other to circle your clit. You can feel yourself getting close, you keep your pace focusing on cumming. He watches himself disappear inside of you, when your hand catches his eye. He lightly grabs your wrist pulling you out of your daze.
“Let me taste you” he says in a husky voice
You smirk before pulling your hand from your clit and bring your fingers up to his mouth. You lightly brush them against his lips before slipping them into his mouth, he immediately starts sucking on them bobbing his head back and forth, his tongue dances on the pads of your fingertips.
This made you even wetter if that was even possible, he slowly pulls your fingers out of his mouth making sure he didn’t miss anything
“Fuckin perfect.”
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housewifebuck · 6 months
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4x05 -> 4x14
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littlemelaninfics · 1 month
Rough Night
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Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Thruple Dynamic, Smut
It was 4:56 am when you flopped over in bed for what felt like the 100th time. You were on the verge of tears at this point because all you wanted was to sleep. You let out a frustrated whine that stirred the sleeping being next to you,
“Y/n. It’s 5 in the morning,” Buck said with his face still smushed into his pillow.
“I can’t sleep.”
He sighed deeply and turned on the bedside lamp; turning over to prop his head in his hand and look at you,
“What can I do?”
“Nothing,” you said with a furrow in your brow.
“Nothing?” He asked, trying to catch your eye. You briefly look at him before huffing and looking up at the ceiling,
“My mind won’t shut off.”
“What’s going on?” His brow started to furrow a bit. The thought of you being riddled with stress or anxiety gave him stress and anxiety.
“I don’t like him out there by himself. He should’ve called.”
Buck’s realization set in and he let out a small chuckle,
“Babe. He’s not alone,” he said reaching out to caress the side of your face.
“You’re not with him,” you said finally turning your head to him.
“It’s a simple call. They didn’t need me.”
“If it’s so simple then why hasn’t he called?”
“Aha. I don’t know. But if he hasn’t called now then it just means he’s on his way.” Buck barely got to finish the sentence when the deep click of the front door being unlocked sent shockwaves through your body. You spring leaped out of bed practically busting through the bedroom door like the Kool-Aid Man to race down the hall.
Your brain registered Eddie coming through the door, but failed to send the signal to your feet to stop,
“Whoa! Ha ha! Hi!” You jumped in his arms giving him no time to put his stuff down. The grip you had on around his neck looked lethal, but was filled with nothing than love and relief. You began peppering his neck and face with kisses until he finally caught you lips.
Buck came around the hall and smiled at the sight in front of him. Eddie walked the rest of the way through the door, shutting it and dropping his belongings. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing you deeply. He started to spin around and you had a giggle fit. You settled down quickly looking in his eyes,
“Hi,” he stared at you for a couple more seconds before kissing you on the nose and putting you down,
“What are you still doing up?”
“She’s had a rough night,” Buck said coming up behind you.
“Oh yeah? Rough how?” Eddie said expressing slight concern. The look in his eyes made your stomach do the thing and you instinctively looked back at Buck. Not to look for approval, but you’re honestly not really sure why. He just nodded his head and you turned yours back to Eddie.
You’re still getting adjusted to expressing your feelings so you had a staring contest with his chest,
“I don’t like when you go on runs without him.” You slightly turned half of your body towards Buck before looking back to Eddie with a pout.
Eddie looked at Buck in such awe of the girl between them. He grabbed the sides of your face with both hands, pulling you into a sweet kiss. Suddenly you feel fingers tracing your arms before a wet, spongy sensation was being placed on both shoulders. Buck kissed from your shoulders to where the side of your neck connected, biting lightly then running his tongue over the slight sting.
You moaned at all of the attention you were getting when Eddie released the kiss and Buck turned your head, shoving his tongue in your mouth. Eddie took over where Buck left off and attacked the left side of your neck. He kissed down to the exposed skin on your chest peeking from your tank top before kissing down your clothed body.
When he was on his knees in front of you, you felt your shorts being pulled down now exposing the cotton panties you were wearing. Eddie left open mouthed kisses both of your hip bones, teasingly lowering your panties. Buck’s hand wrapped around the side of your neck when you felt a slick strip being placed on your pussy.
You moan instinctively, breaking the kiss from Buck to look down at Eddie. Your chest was rising and falling so hard, but he looked up at you with his mouth never ceasing to stop. Letting out a low growl, he pulled your hips into his face even more. You let out an audible gasp when you reach for Buck’s hands and place them on your clad tits. He immediately began kneading and pinching at your hardening nipples. You rested your head back flush against his chest and closed your eyes.
Buck started to remove the straps from your shoulders when you felt Eddie’s hand scale all the way up your body and wrap around your throat, pinning you in the position. Your tank top was down around your midsection with a hand around your throat and kisses being placed randomly on your upper body.
Buck lifted the tank top up and off completely before teasing your lips with two fingers. You instinctively open your mouth, taking in the same fingers that have given you orgasm after orgasm. He pushes past the soft palate of your tongue until he feels your throat constrict around his fingers and fight against Eddie’s grip. You gag with his hand in your mouth earning a deep moan in your ear. He slowly pulls out, draping the string of saliva down your chin and letting it run down. He keeps doing that until he’s gathered enough for a nice streak to run between the valley of your breasts and down your stomach.
You are incredibly close to cumming when Eddie licks a full strip from your pussy up to the stream waiting for him. He stands up biting your shoulder just as roughly as Buck when he looks his partner in the eye. You couldn’t see Buck’s reaction, but you could guess what it was by the way you’re being flung over Eddie’s shoulder. He lands a nice slap to your ass before beelining for the bedroom. You look up briefly to see Buck right behind, taking off his shirt with a smirk.
You only heard the door close, but the neighbors heard everything else.
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megalony · 12 days
This is an Eddie Diaz imagine, based on an anon request. I hope you will all like it, feedback is always appreciated.
I am hoping to do a follow up to this soon.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17 @zoeybennett
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) has moved on from her abusive ex. She's happily married with a family. Until her ex sees her and attacks her in the street.
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Eddie ran his fingers through his hair and gave his head a light shake as he wandered out the bathroom and made his way towards the bedroom.
He could feel a headache forming.
He had tried to take a nap this afternoon before Chris got home from school so he would be prepared for his double shift that started tonight. Eddie didn't sleep at the station unless he was doing a stint of shifts in a row. And he was going on shift tonight and wouldn't be home until late tomorrow night. He couldn't very well turn up for a night shift and try to catch a few hours of sleep not long after he arrived, and he wanted to be rearing and ready to go when he got there.
"Okay baby, I gotta go." His eyes focused on the hem of his shirt which he tucked into his trousers but when Eddie lifted his head, all the blood drained down to his feet. His lips suddenly went very dry and his jaw hung open but he couldn't find anything else to say when he walked in the bedroom.
Oh, that wasn't fair.
How was Eddie supposed to leave for a double shift when (Y/n) looked like that?
Her image burned into his eyes and left it cemented into his brain. How could he go out on a call and try to focus when his wife was at home looking that good? How was he supposed to head to work and not stay here when she looked that appealing to him?
The sight of her stood there like that was enough to make Eddie growl and rethink going into work tonight.
It was clear that (Y/n) hadn't long got out the shower. She was wearing one of Eddie's plain cotton shirts and a pair of his boxers that were glued rather shapely around her bum. And his shirt hung off her left shoulder as if giving him a sneak preview of what he was missing out on. But it was the way his shirt was bunched up over her hip and partly tucked into the boxers that made it hard to stay in control. He wanted to go over there and rip it over her head and drag the boxers down to her ankles.
He swallowed harshly as he watched (Y/n) drag her fingers through her damp hair and it made her shirt rise up and expose her hip and stomach to his prying eyes.
"Really?" His voice came out a lot deeper than he intended and he saw the confusion pool in (Y/n)'s eyes as she turned to face him.
A shiver rolled down (Y/n)'s spine when his arms coiled around her waist and he dragged her closer until her chest bumped into his. His chin brushed against her shoulder and his lips attached to her neck as he absentmindedly leaned up and lifted her high enough that she had to push up on her tiptoes to balance against him.
The feeling of him breathing harshly and sucking at her neck had her knees going weak but when she looked at the watch strapped on his wrist, she knew he was going to be late if he stayed. And Christopher was still awake, they couldn't exactly do anything without him hearing or noticing. He was an observant kid.
"Sweetheart you'll be late," She turned her head to look at him but he caught her lips in a kiss instead and she could feel his hands slip beneath her shirt. His palms pressed flat against the dip in her lower back before she felt his fingertips trace lower and dip past the waistband of his boxers she was wearing.
His shift was going to feel like a week instead of a day with (Y/n)'s image burned into his mind like this.
"Then you shouldn't entice me to stay." He growled and he felt (Y/n) suck in a deep breath when he took her bottom lip between his teeth. He was all prepared to leave until he saw her looking like this.
"Sorry," Sincerity flooded her voice while she cupped Eddie's face in her hands and pecked his lips again before she tried to wriggle out of his arms.
It didn't work. His hands slipped lower into the boxers she wore until both hands had a grip on her bum and he stepped closer, pressing every ridge of his body against hers. When he dug his fingers into her flesh, (Y/n) rolled her lips together and pressed her nose against his cheek.
Maybe she should walk him to the door to make sure he actually left. It wouldn't do him any favours to be late to work when he had a clean track record so far.
Her lips parted into a gasp when she felt Eddie try his luck to walk her backwards towards the bed.
"Don't you wake her." (Y/n) scolded, talking in hushed tones against his cheek before she dipped her head towards the bed.
Evie was finally asleep. The eight-month-old had been rather fussy all day but (Y/n) had given her a bottle and managed to settle her down to sleep. She was curled up asleep in the crib attached to the side of the bed. And (Y/n) wasn't going to let Eddie wake her accidentally and cause (Y/n) another hour of pacing the house and rocking to try and settle her again.
She cupped Eddie's face in her hands when he pulled away from her neck so he could look across at the bed. A fond smile pulled at his lips and his eyes softened when he looked at his baby girl.
"I won't." He murmured against her lips before he leaned forward and stole another kiss. His tongue pushed past her lips and he leaned into the kiss until (Y/n) was tilting back at an angle.
"Don't think I can leave you when you look like that. It's teasing."
He had to get his head in gear and rush into uncertain situations with this image of (Y/n) at the forefront of his mind. He had to save people and clean the trucks and tend to wounds and injuries and run into burning buildings, all while (Y/n) danced across his mind, looking like this.
"I wasn't trying to tease you baby… you're back tomorrow night, I'll be all your tomorrow."
"Hm, but I want you now."
"And I want you to stay, but you can't. I don't like being alone at night." (Y/n) curved her arms tighter around Eddie's neck and pushed forward so she could tuck her face against his skin.
She felt his hands give her a squeeze and he pulled her closer and attached his lips to the side of her head. He began to hum softly against her head and started to sway from side to side which made (Y/n) grin into his neck.
"I know mi amor. It's just tonight… you gonna be alright going to your appointment tomorrow?" Eddie didn't like working nights. Not only did it screw with his body clock and mess with his sleep, it made (Y/n) nervous.
He knew she hated to be home alone. (Y/n) was naturally anxious and being home alone spiked that worry, she didn't feel safe unless someone was with her. And Eddie hated working nights because he knew (Y/n) suffered with nightmares, although they had diminished significantly during the last year. Having Evie really helped because (Y/n) had to wake up during the night to feed her and that warded off the nightmares. And being pregnant had made her overly tired and stopped a lot of the bad dreams.
"Yeah, mum's taking Evie out for a while." (Y/n)'s plan was to drop Chris at school, take Evie to her mums house for the morning and then go to her doctor's appointment. It meant she could actually have her appointment and not have a crying baby in her arms stealing her attention.
Going out on her own wasn't something (Y/n) liked to do either. Eddie usually took her to her appointments, even if he just sat patiently in the waiting room for her, it made (Y/n) feel safe and Eddie would do anything to make her safe and comfortable.
Especially after the trauma (Y/n) had gone through with her ex.
And (Y/n) had become close friends with Eddie's team, she was close with Hen and Karen and especially Maddie. So if ever (Y/n) didn't feel able to go out to the shops or to an appointment or even just out of the house, the girls helped her and went with her.
"Good, if you need me just call, I should be able to answer." He couldn't always answer the phone, but he tried his best. He would rather (Y/n) call him if something was wrong or she didn't feel great, then if Eddie didn't answer he knew to ring her as soon as he could.
"Hm. You'd better go, sweetheart."
(Y/n) tried to pull back and untangle herself from him because she knew he needed to leave so he wouldn't be late to the station. She thought for a second that Eddie was agreeing with her when his hands finally slid up from her underwear.
But a gasp tumbled past (Y/n)'s lips when Eddie's hand reached up for the collar of her shirt that was halfway down her shoulder. With it being Eddie's shirt and two sizes too big for her, the collar was looser and easier to move. It let Eddie hook a finger into the collar and drag it further down her arm, exposing her bare chest to his prying eyes.
(Y/n) tilted her chest back just as Eddie's lips attached to her cleavage. Both her hands moved to his shoulders and she gave him a strong push until he had to reel back up and disconnect from her chest. She dragged the shirt back up her shoulder, hiding the view he had given himself which made him groan.
"Go to work before you wake the baby."
She gave him a gentle nudge until he was walking backwards out the room, his arms back around her waist with his elbows digging into her hips. Her hands reached up to rub across his chest and she continued to nudge him backwards while he stole kiss after kiss from her lips like it was the last time he was going to see her and he was getting his money's worth.
Eddie moved one arm behind him to unlock the front door and grab his keys from the lock. When the door opened, he begrudgingly let (Y/n) push him back until he was over the threshold like a lovesick puppy waiting outside for her. But the moment she was out of his arms, Eddie planted one hand on the doorframe and the other on the door. Preventing her from closing the door on him.
He waited until (Y/n) cupped his face in her hands and tugged him down to press a feverish kiss to his lips. She let him swipe his tongue across her lower lip, begging for entrance before she pulled back, mumbling a quiet 'I love you' and 'goodbye' against his lips before giving him a final nudge out the door.
He had only just left and (Y/n) was begging for him to come back.
(Y/n) dragged her fingers through her hair and hitched her bag higher on her shoulder.
It didn't feel right walking down the street without either of the kids alongside her. She was so used to walking and holding Chris's hand or more recently, walking and having the pram in front of her.
She didn't like being out alone. Even when she was pushing Evie, just knowing she had her baby with her made (Y/n) feel better, more secure. But it was times like this when she wished Eddie was with her. (Y/n) hated going anywhere alone, even if it was just a short walk to the doctors and back home like this.
Eddie knew exactly why (Y/n) didn't like being alone whenever she went out. He knew she was too used to being shouted at and threatened in public by her ex. When she was with him, she was permanently afraid of doing anything to upset him and having him hurt her.
When she left him, (Y/n) didn't go out alone in case she ran into him. It had happened far too many times for (Y/n) to feel safe going out alone anymore. Eddie was more than happy to take her wherever she needed to go and it was a big milestone when (Y/n) started taking Chris to school and to the park or just out for walks on their own.
(Y/n) stopped dead in her tracks when her eyes cast ahead down the street. She could feel a cold sweat glistening on her skin and her heartbeat started to pulse through her entire body like she was vibrating.
Oh God.
No. No. Not again. Not when she was alone; not when she was out without Eddie.
It was her ex.
(Y/n) couldn't run ahead. She couldn't carry on towards her home, her safe haven, when her ex was right in the middle of her path.
She couldn't make it to her home without him catching her and (Y/n) didn't want to lead him straight to her house and have him know where she lived. She had a restraining order against him but that didn't stop him. If he knew where she lived he would terrorise her and her children. He would antagonise Eddie until Eddie attacked him again.
And if (Y/n) crossed the street he would only follow her. She couldn't think where to go or which route to take that would allow her to lose him or get rid of him.
She turned around. If she headed back in the other direction, she could find someone. There would be someone nearby, someone near the doctor's surgery or the corner shop or at the park around the next corner.
She ran. She ran as fast as her legs would take her without caring what people would think or the fact that her ex would definitely know it was her now, if he wasn't sure before.
Panic burned in her chest and caused tears to blur her eyes and trickle down her face. The wind stung her eyes and blistered her tears down her cheeks as she pelted down the street as fast as her legs would carry her. It felt like her knees were going to give way, they felt like they had turned to jelly and were buckling, ready to cave.
She thought she was getting away. (Y/n) knew if she rounded the next corner to the left, she would be back on the main street and she would be near the doctor's surgery. She wasn't sure she could make it all the way back in one fell swoop, but she needed to get close enough to find help.
She didn't make it.
An arm as rough and hurtful as barbed wire pinned around her waist before she could get near the corner and be somewhere safer. Her body was propelled to the left and her feet were swept from beneath her.
A scream gurgled past (Y/n)'s lips and she swung her arms out to try and steady herself, but it didn't do anything. She was lifted off her feet and dragged into the alley she hadn't noticed earlier.
"No! Jamie get off! Let me go!" (Y/n) screamed and made as much noise as she could until a hand clamped down over her mouth and her breaths snuffled through her nose. But she wouldn't stop. Muffled noises vibrated against his palm before she bared her teeth and chomped down as violently as she could until Jamie yelped.
Her body stumbled when Jamie roughly tossed her towards the brick wall and she planted her hands on the crumbling bricks that scraped her palms. She kept herself upright and rapidly turned her head from side to side, looking for a means of escape.
Words tumbled past (Y/n)'s lips as she tried to scramble back towards the end of the alley.
'Help. Help. Fire. Jamie. Help!'
(Y/n) remembered what Eddie had told her. Some people might stop when they heard someone shouting. Others would be more likely to call for help if they heard screams. But everyone would come over if they heard there was a fire. A fire caused harm to more people and put people in danger, people would call for help if they thought there was a fire whereas shouting for help didn't always gain enough attention in enough time.
Another scream belted past her lips when Jamie's fingers tangled in her hair and he wrenched her back with so much force she was sure he had pulled a few clumps of hair loose. (Y/n) had lost enough hair over the years from Jamie pulling it like this, she wasn't willing to let him do it again.
Everything started to spin and her breath got caught in her throat when Jamie roughly slammed her head into the wall. She felt her head splitting apart like a coconut. Blood steadily poured down the left side of her temple and she snapped her eyes closed so none got into her eyes and made her cry tears of blood.
Her knees caved in and she slumped down. She tried to recalibrate her body, get her lungs working, make her ears work, stop the trembles rattling through her. But she could barely breathe. Tears and blood poured down her face and horrid gasps clawed past her lips as she pinned her arms over her face for protection. Her fingers dug into the back of her head. She couldn't take another blunt force to the head. He would knock her out if he did that and God only knew what Jamie would do then.
"Where's that fella of yours, hm? Has he finally left you?"
The words dripped into her ear like poison and had (Y/n) shivering with her knees trembling and scraping against the concrete floor. She was just finally starting to forget what his voice sounded like. His face had faded to a fuzzy, blurred image in her brain.
She was just starting to forget the monster that plagued her and move on from the nightmares he gave her.
Why did he have to bump into her now?
The last time (Y/n) had seen Jamie out in public, Eddie had been with her. As soon as Eddie realised who Jamie was, he broke his nose and pinned him to the nearest wall. Eddie warned him not to go anywhere near (Y/n) and stay clear unless he wanted Eddie to drag him round by his hair and break every bone in his body.
"Get a-away from me!" (Y/n) spat in Jamie's direction, but she could barely keep her eyes in focus.
Why did she come out alone today? Why didn't she ask one of the girls if they could accompany her? Why didn't she cancel her appointment and rearrange for a day that Eddie was off?
The only silver lining (Y/n) had was the fact that her mother had Evie this morning. She couldn't imagine what she would have done if she bumped into Jamie and had Evie with her. (Y/n) didn't know what he would be like around her daughter. She didn't know if he would resort to hurting and frightening Evie or if he would try and use her to his advantage. (Y/n) couldn't run far with Evie and her daughter could have been hurt.
"No." He sneered back with a smile that resembled something out of Hell.
His hand tried to fist in (Y/n)'s hair again but she slapped him across the face. She didn't want his touch or his presence or his horrid words. She wanted him gone. She wanted Eddie. She needed Eddie.
(Y/n) kept her arms over her head and tried to move forward. She tried to push up onto her feet but she cried out when Jamie's hand curled around her left wrist.
"You fucking married him?!"
Oh dear. He'd seen her engagement and wedding rings on her finger. After all those times he told (Y/n) she would never find someone to put up with her. After telling her no one would love her, no one would deal with her antics or her anxiety and paranoia. After telling her 'that guy' would soon leave her.
She had proved him wrong. She had proved Eddie loved her to the ends of the Earth and he married her. (Y/n) had found someone who understood her, loved the bones of her, wanted to always be with her and someone who she now had a baby with. All she wanted was to forget Jamie was ever a part of her past and move forward with Eddie, Chris and Evie.
Why was that too much to ask for?
(Y/n) screamed and wrenched her arms away from Jamie when he tried to prize the rings off her fingers. It was a good job she never took the rings off and they were a perfect fit. They wouldn't come off without a fight and (Y/n) pulled her hands down to her chest before Jamie could take them from her.
"You married that bastard! You left me for him?!"
When she tried to get up, he tackled her back down. He roared like an animal enraged and when (Y/n) fell onto her back, she screamed like a banshee.
Fat tears rolled down her face and she gurgled through choked screams when Jamie slammed his foot down on her wrist.
He'd broken it. She just knew from that horrid popping sound that he had broken or in the very least, fractured the bone. He reared back like he was about to do it again and (Y/n) flailed her arm out behind her. She had to move before he shattered every bone in her body.
Her fingers nudged against something.
She wasn't sure what it was, but she grabbed it and before Jamie could move, (Y/n) slammed whatever it was against the side of his head when he leaned closer. It had been a bottle. The glass collided with the side of his head and shattered into a million tiny pieces that rained down over her and had her closing her eyes tight.
With a loud, crackling scream, (Y/n) smashed what was left of the bottle against Jamie's head again until he flopped onto the concrete beside her.
She didn't have time to waste. She couldn't lay there in agony or try to catch her breath and compose herself. She rolled onto her right side and used her good hand to push up from the floor.
When Jamie twitched, (Y/n) cracked the broken bottle against his temple again. And again. And a third time until he stopped moving.
She knew he was still breathing. He gurgled through each breath and his head lolled to one side. Part of (Y/n) wished he'd stop breathing. She wouldn't resusitate him if he did. She would let him slip away, no one would blame her and she was injured, she couldn't and wouldn't do anything for him.
Blundering cries past through her wet lips as she stumbled onto shaking legs and looked around. Her bag was at the end of the alley. (Y/n) just about made it to her bag and collapsed on her bruised, scraped knees with her shoulders slumped against the wall.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"Help. I- I ne- I need… he hurt me."
"Okay, can I take your name, honey?" The woman's voice was soothing and calm and made (Y/n) take a deep breath to try and gather her senses.
Her eyes flickered behind her towards the limp body laid skewed on the floor. She couldn't say her name unless she knew Jamie was thoroughly unconscious. Her name changed when she married Eddie and that gave her more security and protection away from Jamie. "(Y/n) Diaz."
"(Y/n), where are you calling from? The GPS has you located between two houses on twenty-fifth street."
"The alley."
"Can you tell me who hurt you and what injuries you have? Do you need an ambulance?"
"My head… wrist, I… I hit him w-with a bottle… I want Eddie. He's f-firefighter Diaz, w-with the one-eighteen. Please, please-"
"Okay, don't worry, I've dispatched police to your location and I'll send the one-eighteen to you now."
That was all (Y/n) needed to hear. She dropped the phone onto her lap and leaned her head against the wall, closing her eyes as she began to heave and cry. She didn't want to talk anymore. She didn't want to go through the whole ordeal with dispatch. If it was Maddie on the line, she might have continued to talk.
But the only person (Y/n) wanted was her husband.
"Oh Dios. Oh Dios, no." Spanish profanities flew past Eddie's lips and he almost fell down the steps in the truck to get to the pavement.
Why didn't dispatch tell him? Why didn't they tell him the victim in their callout was his wife?
He didn't bother to grab his helmet or a medic bag from the compartment. As soon as his feet hit the floor, Eddie set off in a sprint across the pavement towards the end of the alley. That was his wife sitting on the floor. That was his girl sat sobbing against the wall, hitting her hand out at the poor lady standing nearby who wanted to help but clearly couldn't get near.
"(Y/n)! Baby, baby it's me. Oh Dios, come here."
He slammed down on his knees at the end of the alley and reached his hands out for her. He cupped her face in his hands and tilted her head up off the wall so he could see the damage.
His tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth and his whole body began to shake.
What had happened to her?
Blood was caked onto a very extensive cut on the right side of her temple. It was dried down her face making a trail all the way down her chin and along her neck. She was going to need stitches in her temple from this and her forehead was already beginning to swell up.
A bubbling cry errupted past (Y/n)'s lips when she realised who it was knelt down in front of her. She leaned forward and slumped her head against Eddie's shoulder, breathing in his scent as her nose brushed against his jacket that was hanging off his shoulders.
"Eddie…" She whimpered into his shirt, sniffing and gasping as she leaned forward onto him. She felt his arm around her waist and his other hand gently cupped the back of his neck with his fingers tangling in her hair.
"I'm here, shh." He kissed the top of her head and took a moment to look behind her into the alley.
Someone else was down there.
"Baby, baby girl what happened?" Eddie leaned back on his heels that dug into the back of his thighs and he moved back to cupping (Y/n)'s face in his hands so he could look at her.
"J-Jamie… he attacked me."
(Y/n) began to whimper and hyperventilate when she watched the way Eddie changed in front of her. His chest tensed and puffed out, his shoulders squared up and a violent fire started to blaze within his eyes. If she weren't in front of him right now she was sure he would of combusted.
"Cap, we've got two victims, we'll need another ambulance." Hen leaned around Eddie as she stood behind him with the gurney between her and Chimney. She could see a man collapsed in the alley and he was beginning to stir and twitch.
They couldn't take two casualties in the ambulance, they needed back up to get them both transferred.
But when Hen tried to walk past Eddie, she stopped abruptly when Eddie reached his left hand out to prevent her. The look in his eyes was daring as he tilted his head back to look up at her.
"Leave him."
"Eddie… we have to assess him-"
"Look what he's done to my wife!" Eddie all but roared as he motioned down to his wife, trembling in his arms. Jamie didn't need help, he needed to be arrested. "He leaves here in cuffs or a body bag."
Hen looked over her shoulder and bit down on her lip as she locked eyes with Bobby. If they tried to help him Eddie was going to start a fight. In his eyes, Jamie got what he deserved and he didn't need help. They didn't need to waste their time on him, they needed to look after (Y/n).
But they were first responders, they had a duty to everyone. No matter what the case was or how close they were to the calls, they had to be fair. Unless someone refused treatment, they had to care for anyone they were here to help and Jamie was no exception. They had to give him the bare minimum. They had to assess him and see whether he needed a trip to the hospital or a ride in the police car.
He was going to get arrested either way, whether that was now or later at the hospital. He wasn't getting away with this.
"Eddie, you and Buck get (Y/n) in the ambulance and Chim can drive you. We need to get her out of the street, okay? Me and Hen will wait for the second ambulance and the police." Bobby rested his hand on Eddie's shoulder.
They could take (Y/n), she was their priority, and Bobby would talk to the police and explain the situation.
The team knew about (Y/n)'s past and they could clearly see she had been attacked and fought for her life. They wouldn't let Jamie get away with this, he would get arrested once he was fit and able.
"Yeah, let's get you up, eh?" Evan moved over to Eddie's other side and held his hands out near (Y/n). They needed to get her in the ambulance and sort out her injuries. She had been sat waiting for long enough; help was here now and they had to look after her.
A pang shot through Evan's heart when (Y/n) held her left wrist up towards Eddie. Both men felt their stomachs churning when they noticed how swollen and discoloured it was and how badly she was shaking. It might be broken. He had cut open her temple and broken her wrist.
"Ohh, baby…" Eddie kissed her temple and moved his hands to hold her hips. "Come on, up we go. We're gonna take care of you, it's okay."
(Y/n) leaned her temple against Eddie's shoulder and let him and Evan carefully lift her up to her feet. She couldn't feel her legs below the knees anymore. They were trembling and shaking and her stomach was churning like she was going to be sick.
Her head was pounding and splitting at the seams, her wrist felt like a balloon and everything combined together was utter agony personified. She wanted to rewind time and go back to last night before Eddie went to work. She wanted him to stay home with her and be with the kids and prevent herself from leaving the house this morning.
Tears drenched (Y/n)'s face and she shivered when a low groan in the back of the alley caught all their attention.
Her eyes snapped closed and her hands reached out for Eddie's jacket that she scrunched up in her fists, despite the pain that burned down her arm and wrist. Her knees gave way and she pushed forward with a quiet cry.
Jamie was waking up.
"No- I don- Eddie please-"
(Y/n) leaned her weight into Evan's chest when Eddie moved her towards him. She let Evan take her weight and she felt him wrap his arms around her, hugging her close to his chest as Eddie bolted down the alley.
Evan sidestepped and eased (Y/n) a few feet away from the alley where a fight was going to break out. He moved her towards the gurney that Chimney wheeled closer and they both carefully got (Y/n) sat down. She was their priority and their patient to care.
Jamie barely had chance to lift his bloodied, dizzy head from the floor before Eddie was hovering over him like an omen of death.
He latched his hands around Jamie's collar, ignoring the remnants of a glass bottle that were scattered all around his neck and chest and the little fragments dug into his head. (Y/n) had to smash him over the head with a bottle to stop him. That was how badly she had to subdue him to get away from him. Eddie was never going to let that go.
He wrenched Jamie up from the floor and threw him against the nearest wall, pinning him there with an arm across his neck and a hand gripping his chin. His tight grip on Jamie's jaw had the shorter man groaning and Eddie slammed his head back into the wall to get his attention.
"I warned you! I fucking warned you to stay away from her!"
He could see Bobby and Hen approaching from the corner of his eye and before they could grab him, Eddie smashed the heel of his right hand up into Jamie's nose. A successful snap echoed off the bricks and a tortured howl sounded like music to Eddie's ears while he watched the blood pour down Jamie's face.
"Eddie that's enough."
"Eddie stop! You can't afford to do this, not now. Not here. Go be with (Y/n) or you'll be taken into custody as well. We will sort this, I promise." Bobby yanked Eddie backwards while Hen stood in front of him and blocked his view.
They couldn't have him doing this. A squad car was on its way down here and if the police saw one of the first responders attacking one of the victims, they would arrest him. They couldn't let Eddie get arrested. It would go on his record, he would have to have a record of conversation at work and it would be on his work file.
It wasn't worth the hassle. He had to think of (Y/n) and go and look after her. He had kids to think about.
With deep, heaving breaths, Eddie nodded and shrugged Bobby's hands off his shoulders. He rolled his shoulders and his neck into place but his hands curled into fists at his sides as he watched Jamie slide down the wall and slump onto the floor.
He leaned around Hen to be level with the scum of a man on the floor.
"Go anywhere near my wife again and I will break you. You'll wish you were dead when I'm finished with you."
Eddie shrugged off their touch when they tried to move him. He could walk just fine on his own and he wasn't going to try anything. He would bide his time and wait until a better opportunity to make Jamie understand that he wouldn't get away with what he'd done.
The anger radiating through him started to dwindle the moment he stormed over to the ambulance. Just one look at (Y/n) had a different kind of flame burning within Eddie and he could feel everything in him start to melt.
If he didn't take that night shift last night. If he swapped his shift or managed to work a different day, this wouldn't of happened. He would of been with her at her appointment, he would of seen Jamie coming and stopped him before he managed to attack (Y/n). They wouldn't be on their way to the hospital right now if Eddie had been with her.
Why didn't he stay home?
He switched places with Chimney and climbed in the back of the ambulance while Chimney headed round to drive.
Eddie shared a silent look with Evan before Eddie looked away and tried to click his mind into focusing on his wife instead. He didn't need to think about what he was desperate to do to Jamie. He didn't need to think about Hen and Bobby getting back in the truck and leaving Jamie there for someone else to find. Someone else to deal with.
"Okay mi amor, let's take a look." With a deep breath, Eddie shed his jacket somewhere behind him and stood up so he could hover beside the gurney.
He carefully held (Y/n)'s chin and tilted her head back so she was looking up at him. He swiped the flashlight from his top pocket and darted it in front of her eyes. They were a bit slow to constrict. With the way her head was swelling and the deep cut, she was going to need an MRI to make sure she didn't have any swelling or any bleeds around the brain.
Turning around, Eddie went through a few drawers and found some cotton swabs, a metal dish and some antiseptic. He snapped on a pair of gloves and stood near (Y/n)'s shoulder while Evan hovered at his side, fiddling with her right hand to give her an IV.
"Do you want some pain relief?"
"Make it codine, she can't have morphine." Eddie didn't bother looking over his shoulder. He kept his gaze on (Y/n) as she sniffed and stared up at him through hiccupping breaths. She was allergic to morphine and cocodamol made her have horrid side effects. "Baby, this is gonna hurt, just try and stay as still as you can, okay?"
(Y/n) tried to nod but she could barely move her head so she settled on lifting her right hand to give Eddie's elbow a squeeze. She moved her hand down and scrunched her fingers around his hip. She needed to hold onto him, any part of him, and both his hands were busy trying to tend to her forehead.
She watched the way Eddie pressed his tongue against his lips in concentration, but the moment a damp cotton swab touched her temple, she cried out. Her body stiffened and pushed back into the gurney and her eyes snapped closed.
"Sorry… baby I'm sorry." He hushed when he felt her pinch his hip to try and stay still.
Eddie began cleaning the side of (Y/n)'s head rather than touching the actual wound yet. He was gentle as he could be but his stomach was doing summersaults at how much blood was caked down her face. He had to press a little firmer to get the dried specks off her cheek and he dared to swipe his thumb across her lips to try and keep her calm.
His knees bent out into the frame of the gurney and he tilted her head to the right so he could clean her neck. Once most of the blood was gone, Eddie straightened up and began dabbing a lot of antiseptic on the wound while (Y/n) hissed and started to shake.
"I can't stitch it up in here baby, we'll have to let the doctors do that." The ambulance was too rickety for Eddie to try do any stitches and he knew (Y/n) would need a lot more pain relief if he were to try.
He carefully stuck a gauze plaster over her left brow, covering the gaping wound until someone at the hospital could tend to it.
"Let me see your wrist."
He noticed Evan had started to cut her leggings at the knees and was carefully cleaning the scrapes across her skin.
When (Y/n) gingerly lifted her left wrist, Eddie winced. Seeing her cry and shake and jerk from the pain made his teeth sink down into his lower lip enough to make it bleed.
"You'll need an X-ray and a cast… do you want me to take your rings off for you?" Eddie knew she would need an X-ray and the doctors wouldn't let her have one if she still had her rings on. Rather than see them hurt her to get the rings off, Eddie would rather try now with some soapy water and then he could keep them safe. He knew (Y/n) wouldn't want the doctors to cut the rings off.
Eddie's face fell when (Y/n) started to cry. She tilted her head back and coiled her arms around her waist as she sobbed.
"Hey, hey, it's okay-"
"H-he tried… he tried to take them." (Y/n)'s eyes cast down to her hand before she looked up at Eddie.
"Your rings?" His lips formed a frown and his eyes narrowed as he tried to think. Why would Jamie try and take her rings? He wasn't exactly a mugger. He wanted to hurt (Y/n), he always wanted to hurt her for leaving him and not doing as he said or going against him.
But then it dawned on him when Evan leaned over and murmured "Did he know she's married?" In his ear. They hadn't been married the last time they saw Jamie, they had only been engaged.
"I don't w-wanna t…take them off. Eddie please," (Y/n) tried to run her fingers over the back of her left hand but she cringed and pulled back. Even touching her hand made jolts of electricity shoot underneath her skin. She didn't want to take her rings off. They were hers. She hadn't removed them for anything since the moment Eddie proposed. (Y/n) slept in her rings, she never took them off.
"I'll keep them safe, mi amor. You need an X-ray, and as soon as it's done I'll put them back on your finger myself."
He leaned down and kissed her cheek and gently brushed away a tear when she nodded. She had to have her hand checked and possibly set back in place and Eddie wouldn't let the doctors cut her ring off or hurt her trying to remove them when he could do it himself.
"Good girl," He murmured against her lips, stealing a quick kiss before he got a fresh cotton swab and squeezed some water around (Y/n)'s fingers.
It was rather easy to twist the rings around and slide them off (Y/n)'s finger. He was glad he'd done it now because the swelling was working its way up her hand and he could tell her fingers were going to swell up soon. This way, her hand could swell and then settle down and they wouldn't risk her circulation being cut off to her finger.
Eddie was tempted to put the rings in his back pocket, but somehow that didn't feel safe and he dared not lose them. He hooked both rings on his little finger and reached beneath his collar to find his chain with the Saint Christopher pendant.
It didn't take long for Eddie to unhook the chain, slide the rings on and clip it back up. "There, safe and sound."
Something resembling a smile tugged at Eddie's lips when (Y/n) dragged her free hand over his collar. He let her pull his collar down and undo a few buttons so she could glide her fingertips over the chin and cause the rings to sway back and forth against his chest.
But his smile began to fade when (Y/n)'s eyes rolled to the back of her head and she groaned. "I f-feel sick."
"Okay, hang tight." He snatched a paper bowl from the counter and held it in front of her.
When she leaned forward, Eddie swooped his right arm behind her shoulders and pressed his lips to the back of her head as she threw up. That was a definite sign of concussion and Eddie prayed she didn't have any sort of swelling on or around her brain. Or a bleed. The last thing she needed was an operation to drain any bleeding on the brain.
They all felt the ambulance roll to a stop so Eddie laid the paper bowl on (Y/n)'s lap just in case she needed to throw up again. And he found a paper towel, soaked it in water and pressed it over her eyes when she flopped her head back. The emergency room was bright and that wasn't going to do her any favours.
Eddie was grateful when Chimney and Evan began to move the gurney. It left Eddie free to hold (Y/n)'s right hand and card his fingers through her hair as they wheeled her through into the emergency room.
Chimney leaned across and on three, he and Eddie carefully transferred (Y/n) over onto the bed in the middle of the end cubicle they were guided into.
"Who have we got?"
Evan placed his hands on his hips as he stood near the end of the bed and turned towards the nurse. "Uh, (Y/n) Diaz. Suspected broken wrist, bad concussion, massive cut to the temple." He reeled off the injuries but he couldn't drag his eyes away from the couple in front of him.
(Y/n) had been through enough. Why did Jamie have to go and do this to her? Why now? Why approach her at all when he knew he wouldn't get away with it?
Eddie slumped down on the side of the bed and dragged his fingers through his hair while his other hand was tightly clenched in (Y/n)'s fist.
He almost jumped off the bed when (Y/n) jerked forward as soon as a nurse tried to lean over her. "I just need to check your vitals-"
The wet paper towel flopped onto (Y/n)'s legs and she blinked furiously to try and get her eyes back into focus. She flung her hand out at the nurse, batting her away when she leaned over with two monitoring stickers. She didn't want those on her chest or a clip on her finger to check her pulse. She didn't want anyone touching her but Eddie. (Y/n) didn't want to be assessed or poked and prodded. She wanted Eddie to take her home.
"Baby, it's okay, you're safe."
"No!" (Y/n) swung her left hand out at the nurse causing her to drop whatever was in her hand.
Shockwaves rattled through her wrist and up to her arm when it clashed with the bedframe and she cried out, pushing herself forward into Eddie's chest. Her nails scratched into his shoulders and her face smothered into the side of his neck so harshly that Eddie was sure she wasn't going to be able to breathe.
She clung to him tighter when he curved an arm around her waist and moved his other hand to cradle the back of her neck. He began to sway them both from side to side while his lips meshed into her hair.
"Shh, it's okay, I promise everything's okay. I won't let anything happen to you."
He knew what they were going to have to do. They were going to have to sedate (Y/n) to stitch her up and send her for an X-ray and an MRI. That was the only way anyone other than Eddie was going to get near her.
He continued to sway them from side to side, his lips murmuring quiet words into her hair that (Y/n) could barely register.
"I'm gonna kill him for this."
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dearhargrove · 1 month
Hi there! I have an eddie diaz request please. I don't know if you've seen the boyfriend door lean on tiktok but I was thinking eddie either comes across it and tries it on reader to see if it works (reader is a bookworm) or he does it without knowing what it is and reader melts (in either scenario) and she explains and shows it to him and he says he'll have to do it more often? All cute fluffy and adorable if you can please. Thank you!!
summary Eddie finds out about the 'door frame lean' thing on tiktok and tries it on you.
word count 950
tags fluffy and a bit spicy, Chris!!, Eddie's a menace
a/n hope I did this request justice because I absolutely adore that idea! Need someone to do this for me? Also Eddie would most definitely do this at any chance after realising how it had you going crazy 😭 I used this tiktok as a reference by the way!
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You're sitting up against the headboard with your book in your hands and a glass of wine on the nightstand next to you, simply passing time until your boyfriend comes home from his 24 hour shift.
You're almost done with it when you hear the front door open and close, a bag being dropped on the floor and shoes messily discarded next to the shoe rack (it seems no matter how many times you get mad at him for not putting his shoes away he forgets it and repeats the same mistake).
Moments later you see him walk along the hallway to your shared bedroom. His hair is messy instead of combed back like it was this morning when he'd made sure to ask you if it looked good, and the exhaustion is clear on his face.
You close your book after putting the bookmark between the pages you were reading and look at him with a smile that he easily reciprocates.
“Rough shift?” you move off the bed and walk to lean against the door frame as he approaches. “Yeah. People are stupid,” you chuckle and he stops in front of you, reaching his left hand up and placing it on the door frame and easily leaning his head down to look at you.
You're entirely caught off guard, not sure whether to look into his eyes or focus on the fact that this position was very flattering on his biceps. You swallow nervously which he catches and tilts his head with a small smirk.
“What? Why do you look nervous, amor?” He asks huskily and puts his other hand on your waist. That's just about your last straw and you fluster and look away, “Uh, no, just- how was your shift?”
He laughs and lets go of the door frame to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer until he can reach your neck and bury his face in it. You're pretty sure he can feel your pulse being abnormally high from where he'd placed his head, so in hopes of not making him aware of how crazy this entire situation had you going you bury your hands in his hair and gently scratch his scalp. Something you knew would make him melt any time you did it.
He grunts and his arms tighten around your waist, fingers pressing into the middle of your lower back. “Fuck,” he mumbles, “That feels good.”
Your whole ruse to distract him backfired because he just kept getting more sexy and you're pretty sure he either knew exactly what he was doing or was totally unaware of the effect this whole interaction was having on you.
“Dad, you're home!” Chris distracts both of you and Eddie kisses your pulse point and squeezes your waist again before crouching down to lift Chris into his arms and hug him tight. “Hey, buddy. Aren't you supposed to be asleep? It's almost nine thirty.”
You watch them and take the moment to gather your wits again because, oh my god. You'll never be able to read about the door frame lean in a book again without thinking about this.
Later that night when you're both in bed, his head placed on your chest as he patiently waits for you to finish reading the chapter so you could play with his hair, he looks up at you, “I didn't actually believe that door frame thing would work.”
Your jaw drops and you look at him with furrowed brows, “What do you mean?”
“That.. what's it called? Booktok. Buck was talking about it because he thought it was funny and mentioned how I should know what that is since you read so much. I didn't so I looked it up. Who knew you'd fold so easily?” He teases and you glare at him in slight embarrassment and take your hand from his hair.
“Stop teasing me about it.” He laughs and shakes his head, “Never. You looked way too cute, though I almost got worried with how high your pulse was getting…”
You gasp and flick his forehead with your index finger, about to throw some insult at him when the door opens and Christopher stands in the doorway.
Eddie sits up and you put your book on the nightstand, “Chris? Everything okay, love?” You ask and he pouts. “Nightmare. Can I sleep here tonight?”
You look at Eddie with a worried expression and he slightly shrugs but scoots to the side to make space for the ten year old. He crawls into the middle of you and you pull the blanket up to his shoulders. He looks at you with big eyes and you smile, knowing what he wanted, before carding your hand through his hair. He hums happily and Eddie looks at you slightly offended, “He's stealing your attention.”
You snort and roll your eyes, “You can wait until he's asleep.” Chris grins happily at his father and then at you. “I'm cuter anyway,” Eddie gasps and you laugh as the two banter.
One look at the clock though and you're shushing them both with a forehead kiss, “Alright now, time to sleep.” Eddie looks happy with himself, taking that as him getting all your attention now and you raise one eyebrow, “You too.”
Chris giggles and then settles down, same as Eddie after he scowls at you. You click off the small lamp on your nightstand and see Chris already snoozing with Eddie watching him fondly.
Placing your hand in Eddie's hair instead you whisper ‘I love you’ which he repeats and puts his arm over Chris to put his hand on your hip, falling asleep not long after.
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The Look of Love.
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Synopsis - You, Buck and Eddie are absolutely, undeniably, head over heels in love with each other. It seems like everyone can see it except for the three of you.
Pairing - Evan Buckley x Female Reader x Eddie Diaz
Warnings - none!! just idiots in love.
Word Count - 1k
Author's Note - oh my buddie heart was bursting while writing this. whenever I watch 911, I always think about how easy it'd be to be friends (or more than) with eddie and buck. and then this was born!! hope you enjoy reading this sweetness as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
as always, reblogs, comments and feedback (even anonymous feedback!!) are immensely appreciated!! your reblogs are the only way to circulate my fics, which keeps me going <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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Buck twirls you around, strong arms circling your waist. Your feet don't touch the ground as he spins you, the skirt of your dress billowing in the breeze. You lean back in his hold, and catch sight of Eddie throwing Christopher up in the air, both of them laughing.
Buck puts you down and grins at you, Cheshire cat smile bright and blinding. You smooth your hands across his chest, flattening out his crisp white dress shirt where you've crinkled it. You tug at his bow tie, straightening it gently. Your gaze meets his, and you beam at him.
"Have I told you how handsome you look tonight, Evan Buckley?" you tease, wrapping your arms around his neck to sway with him. There's a smooth, jazzy melody echoing through the huge backyard, illuminated by golden, twinkling lights.
He quirks a brow at you cheekily before answering.
"I wouldn't mind hearing it again."
"I'm sure you wouldn't," you laugh, shrieking as he dips you backwards quickly.
"Well, you look very handsome. I like you in a tux."
You swear you see him blush slightly, heat creeping across his cheeks. He finds his confidence again, sliding his hands across the exposed skin of your back slowly.
"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen," he tells you sincerely, eyes never leaving yours. "I should tell you that more often."
"Yes, you should," you tease, grinning at him.
You take notice of his smile, his relaxed shoulders, the way he's swaying with you effortlessly.
"You love weddings, don't you?"
"Hell yeah I do!" he replies delightedly. "Everyone I love all in one place, dancing, music... what more could you want?"
You can't wipe the smile off your face. He's right. The entire 118 is here, together as a family. Everyone is happy, excited to be celebrating Bobby and Athena's vow renewal. It's not often you all get to leave work at work and enjoy yourselves completely. You plan to make the most of every single second.
You feel two warm hands find your hips from behind, instantly leaning back into the broad chest behind you, knowing who it is immediately.
"Hola, Mr Diaz."
"Hola, hermosa."
"You gonna keep her all to yourself all night, Buckley?" he asks, wrapping his arms around you, over the top of where Bucks are already resting. You're sandwiched between the two of them, completely content.
"We were avoiding you and your terrible dance moves," Buck jokes, the three of you swaying together now.
"Are you hearing this?" Eddie asks incredulously, chuckling into your ear. "My terrible dance moves?"
"Don't listen to him, Eds. His ego lies to him."
"It's called confidence! Sorry if I have faith in my dance moves!"
The three of you laugh, bodies and souls tangled and intertwined on the dance floor.
Across the backyard, Chimney and Hen are sat at their table, watching you, Buck and Eddie move to the music, arms wrapped around one another.
"They really love each other, don't they?"
"Oh, yeah," Hen laughs. "Wish they'd all just admit it."
Chimney looks at his best friend in confusion, brows quirked and face crumpled.
"... What?"
"Oh, come on, Chim," Hen chuckles. "It's twenty twenty three. Get with the program."
"You mean, like, love love," Chim confirms, still puzzled.
"Yes, Howie. Love love. In love. The three of them are completely in love."
Chimney processes for a moment, before a light bulb goes off in his head.
"Oh, shit!" he laughs. "They totally are!"
"Damn, men are oblivious. How am I the only one that's noticed?"
"You aren't," Bobby and Athena say in unison, pulling out chairs to sit at the table.
"But we can't rush them. Good things like this take time," Athena offers.
Bobby glances over at the dance floor. You're holding Buck and Eddie's hands, and Chris is too, the four of you dancing and laughing. He smiles for moment, before speaking.
"You know they basically live together?"
When he's met with confused faces, he continues.
"They all crash at Eddie's place with Christopher so often, they've practically moved in. Buck hasn't slept in his own apartment in months."
"I mean, how do you even... navigate something like that? The three of them? It's so complicated," Chimney asks genuinely.
"They'll figure it out," Bobby assures. "They always do."
With that, he rises from his chair and across the yard. He scoops Christopher up into his arms, promising him cake and soda, much to Eddie's dismay. He winks at Buck before carrying Chris away, leaving the three of you alone.
Eddie surprises you by grabbing your hand and then Bucks, pulling you both away from the crowd.
"Come on. I wanna show you something."
He leads you up and into the guest bathroom of the house, rolling his eyes at you and Bucks suggestive comments. He's first to climb out the window and onto the roof, making sure you get through safely in your dress.
The three of you sit and watch your friends in the yard below, quietly reflecting. You're suddenly aware of the way you're sandwiched in between them again, thighs pressed together. You lean left and rest your head on Eddie's shoulder, interlinking your right hand with Bucks.
"How lucky am I?" you breathe. "To be surrounded by so much love."
Eddie rests his head atop of yours, smiling as he watches Buck lean in to rest his on your shoulder. The three of you exhale.
"We're the lucky ones," Buck murmurs. "I never thought I'd have this."
"Well you do," Eddie reassures. "And we're not going anywhere, Buckley."
"He's right, Buck. We're not going anywhere. Ever."
Evan sits up to kiss you on the cheek, before leaning over you and doing the same to Eddie.
The three of you sit on the roof, bodies and souls intertwined, illuminated by the moonlight. How lucky you are, to be surrounded by so much love.
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firehousefreak911 · 1 year
TW- sexual content. This wasn’t my first idea but somewhere I ended up here lol.
You walk into the kitchen to find your husband leaning against the counter, he looked like he was in pain. You come up behind him and run your hand across his back.
“You ok?” You ask.
Yeah, its just my shoulder” he says turning around to face you.
“But its nothing I can’t handle” he added.
You could tell he was tired. He eyes told you exactly how much pain he was in. You lean in and breathed in his neck. You started kissing his collar bone. You could feel him tense up to the sensation and then relax. He wrapped his arms around you.
“Let me take care of you” you said, kissing down his chest. You led him to the couch. Your step son was at a sleep over so you were alone.
You sat him down on the couch and slid him to the floor. You got behind him and sat on the couch. You started messaging his shoulders. You could feel him relax even more. You slid down behind him. You start nibbling his shoulder then his neck, then his ear. He moaned.
“Are you trying to undo all your hard work?” He asked, you can tell the teasing was making him hard.
You grinned. He turned and grabbed your arm and then he laid down in the floor and pulled you on top of him. He looked at you with so much lust and love.
You started kissing and biting down his chest. You stopped when you got to his shorts. You grabbed him. He moaned his acceptance. You slid your hand down his pants and held on. He slid his shorts and underwear down. His hand finding your spot and rubbing. He had you soaking wet. You positioned yourself above him and slid him into you.
You were both about to cum when you heard a knock at the door. They knocked 3 more time. The two of you were trying to ignore them.
“Eddie you home? Its Buck!” You heard from the front door as it opened.
“Shit!” Eddie whispered as you the two of you separated. You grabbed a blanket from the couch and wrapped up. Eddie grabbed his shorts and slid them on, jumping up.
“Oh hey Buck! We didn’t hear you, what’s up?” Said Eddie trying to hide his erection. His tussled hair and chest covered in bites gave it away. You tried to quickly and quietly crawl to the bedroom without being seen.
“Um am I interrupting something?” Buck asked grinning.
“Hey, y/n” he said.
You felt your cheeks turn bright red.
“What do you want Buck” Eddie said annoyed and embarrassed.
“I thought I would see if yall wanted to grab lunch since Christopher is at a friends. But it looks like y’all were already dining” Buck said, he took too much joy in Eddie embarrassment.
You returned to the room. This time fully dressed.
“Have you ever heard of a phone?” You asked.
“Oh I called 3 times, both of you actually. And then I knocked a few times, so I used my key” he said
“Eddie remind me to take that from him” you said rolling your eyes.
“Just let me go get dressed and we can go get food, Buck” Eddie reluctantly said. You slapped his butt as he walked past you.
“How much will it take for you not to tell the team?” You asked Buck.
“Oh soo so much” he smiled and said.
You rolled your eyes and waited for you husband.
It would be a while before you lived this down.Luckily Hen was on your side, but Chimney thought it was hilarious and Bobby scolded Buck.
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targaryenluvs · 1 month
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PAIRING: Evan Buckley x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Whilst waiting for his appointment, Evan abstains from sexual encounters. Which is a bit hard whilst simultaneously having a crush on the girl from the coffee shop.
WARNINGS: Fluff, sex mentions, teasing, makeouts & sexual depictions
A/N: I’m actually in love with this idea 😂 May or may not have made Buck a whiner 👀 As per usual, @megalony for giving me the inspo to finish this off - check out her Buck fic!!
Gif not mine, credits to the owner!
He was cursed, indefinitely.
Getting rescheduled, running out of gas, random remodels galore. It seems as if someone was against him finally making his donation. But the waiting wasn’t the worst part, the no sex rule was major. Why on Earth had he stuck with it? Evan assumed it wouldn’t be too difficult, which it wasn’t.
Until he met you.
It was the fourth day of waiting and he’d changed his usual coffee place ever since they randomly only served skim milk. And he was happy to make the change, since his new place was actually three minutes closer as well as better. Ever since he saw you, he’d found himself ordering more than needed, adding a muffin or two, or ordering for the crew.
Anything that let him stare at you for a little while longer. You were always on time, every morning you showed up, ordered the same thing with the occasional additional treat. A smile on your face and always equipped with a kind compliment.
But Buck surprisingly couldn’t find it in himself to approach you. Whether he was too scared of embarrassing himself or he just liked staring. He found himself second guessing his actions at every turn. It wasn’t until you came in minus a smile that he worked up the courage to interact with you.
You were currently sitting outside, gazing at the oncoming traffic and people going about their day. The cup in your hands taking the brunt end of your restlessness as you tapped your fingers. The hand waving in your face brought you back, “Oh, I’m so sorry. Did you need something?” The man in front of you grinned, “Uh no, not really. I just- well you were…” He pointed out to the traffic before pointing at you again.
“Would you like to sit? Maybe it’d help you get your words together.” You joked as he laughed before pulling his respective chair, “Thanks, I’m Evan. But people call me Buck, whatever works for you.” You reached your hand out, “Y/n, nice to meet you Evan.”
Evan smiled before revealing the brown bag, “I uhm, well you looked like you were a bit down, so I ordered you a pastry. Thought it’d cheer you up.” Your regular pastry sat inside the bag, waiting for you to eat it, “Oh! You really didn’t have to, that’s so nice of you.” He waved his hand, brushing off your words, “It’s nothing really, just enjoy it.” You wanted to ask how he knew, but figured there was no point in it.
And the two of you talked for almost an hour afterwards, slowly getting to know each other better. The pair of you were quick friends to your surprise. And your relationship only grew afterwards, regularly catching up in the mornings over coffee. Which then turned to lunch together during his off day, and then dinner.
You knew it was quick, but you couldn’t help yourself, you really did like Evan. It was unbelievably easy to talk to him, he was such a warm person. And Evan sure as hell liked you. Every day he found it easier to get out of bed, overly eager to get to see your face and hear your voice. God, he could listen to you for hours.
He’d never really clicked so easily with someone, and he was grateful for it. It’d been a while since Taylor, it was refreshing to talk to someone and not just for a night. He found himself checking his phone every few minutes, hoping for a reply from you.
And everyone else noticed.
“What’s got you so happy Buckley?” Chimney asked from the kitchen, pouring a cup of coffee. Hen glanced over to find Buck smiling down at his phone, “Nothing, just looking at photos.” Hen circled back to him, sitting down across from him as she surveyed his body language. You and Evan had been out last night at a movie, and you’d both posed in the cardboard cutouts.
The photo he was looking at had you as a bodybuilder and him in a dress he looked “absolutely stunning in”, according to you.
“It’s like your face is permanently smiling. Please tell me it’s not frozen.” She poked his cheek before he swatted it away, “Can I not just be happy?” Chimney shrugged before settling down next to Hen, “You can be happy, as long as you tell us what, or who, has you feeling this way.” Bobby came towards the trio, Eddie in tow, “Who’s feeling what?” Hen chuckled, “Seems we’ve got a smitten Buckley in the house. We’re trying to figure out who’s making him happy.”
Buck rolled his eyes before getting up, “It’s really not that big of a deal guys, cmon.” Bobby shook his head, “Yes it is, someone’s in love.” The group laughed as Evan shook his head, “Not you too, I thought you were sensible.” He shrugged his shoulders, “I am extremely sensible, and curious. What’s their name?”
“Her names Y/n, and that’s all you get to know for now. Damn vultures.”
“Don’t make me circle back for you Buckley!” Hen shouted out as Evan made his way down, what he didn’t expect was for you to be waiting for him. “Y/n?” You turned swiftly to meet his eye, “Hey Buck, you called me?” His eyebrows furrowed, “It must’ve been an accident, I’m sorry. But you didn’t have to come here.”
He was thoroughly impressed, did a phone call from him warrant a visit? Not that he was complaining. You looked even more gorgeous than usual, and you smelled—
“Yeah but we were supposed to meet for lunch, and you didn’t reply, I only got a call.” His eyes widened in realisation, he’d forgotten your date. Was it a date? Did you think it was a date? Is that why you were wearing a dress? You said you usually only wear them for special occasions or people. Was he a special person?
“I’m so so sorry, it must’ve slipped my mind. We just came back from a run. We can go now for sure.” Your smile spread as he spoke, “Is something funny? Please tell me I don’t have sauce on my face.” Your laughter filled the air, did you know that your eyes creased when you giggled? Your nose also scrunched, god you were cute.
His eyes trailed up to the balcony, where his entire team stood staring before straightening up, “Mhm, the top of the trucks are so pretty. Probably shiny too.” The random topics of conversation were more than enough to alert Evan to the eavesdropping taking place. “Guess you might as well meet those idiots.” You smiled, “Lead the way Firefighter Buckley.”
“Oh! You are brilliant!” Chimney exclaimed as the rest of the group laughed uncontrollably. Buck sat with his arms crossed, “It’s not even that funny!” You couldn’t help but pat his bicep, “Of course you don’t think it is!” You leaned into him as you giggled, practically pushing your chest into his arm.
Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look.
Evan’s eyes were staring right into Eddies soul, as Eddies laughter died down, “You okay?” He mouthed as the man across him from blinked rapidly before nodding. Eddies eyes trailed to you, and your low cut dress before returning to Buck. Oh, oh! Eddie smiled, “That’s a really lovely dress Y/n/n.” Evan’s eyes narrowed, wishing a few horrible accidents upon Eddie.
Murmurs of agreement broke out from everyone else, “It really is, what do you think Buck?” Evan’s lips drew into a tight line, “Oh, yeah. Definitely, they look good in it. I mean— you look amazing. Really good today. Not that you don’t usually, you always look so good. And smell! Not that I smell you, you smell. Good! You smell good.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as he stumbled his way through his monologue, “Good to know Buck, good to know.” You promptly turned to Bobby, “Yknow Evan never shuts up about your cooking, would I ever be so lucky to experience it for myself?”
Buck zoned out of the current conversation, replaying his epic fail in his head.The tightening of his pants had him shifting around uncomfortably, and Eddies grin aimed his way was getting to him.
He was going to kill Eddie.
Dinner that night was probably amongst one of the best dates he’d ever had. And he had asked you before you went out whether or not it was a date, repeatedly. But it was also a test of strength. You’d decided to wear a gorgeous dress, designed to test his patience.
And as if that wasn’t enough, he’d made the stupid mistake of inviting you back to his apartment.
Which, A) Gave the impression that something was going to happen.
B) Maybe made you think that he thought you were the type of girl to put out easily.
And Evan never wanted you to think that.
With a few glasses of wine, sweet music and amazing company you were bound to end up on his bed. Evan’s hands were soft yet controlling, lifting you up onto his lap to straddle him. “God you’re gorgeous.” He murmured into your neck as you giggled, “Is that so?” He smiled up at you as your arms locked around his neck, “Definitely.”
“Then we should settle in for the night, no?”
Evan wanted to curse his own mind for reminding him, maybe he could make the deposit another time, right? He knew it was wrong to think this way, but how could he stop himself from going all the way with you on top of him? “Dammit, I am so sorry. But I can’t.” Your swiftly lifted yourself off his lap, settling down next to him.
“Hey that’s fine, you’re not being forced into anything Buck.” Evan groaned as he leaned in to capture your lips again, “You are so annoyingly understanding. And I love that about you, it’s one of the many things I love. Including this gorgeous lace.” He joked as he traced the strap of your bra. “Oh hush, what’s going on?”
“Promise you won’t freak out?”
“Promise.” You smiled before grabbing his hands, with wide eyes filled with curiosity staring up at him, he couldn’t help but feel the pressure. “An old friend asked me to be a sperm donor, and before making my donation, I thought it best to uh…” You raised an eyebrow as Evan struggled to find the right words, “To keep my swimmers in the tank, if you catch my drift.”
“I catch your drift, or is it a flow?” Evan rolled his eyes as you raised yourself to kiss his cheek, “I fully understand, you don’t have to be sorry. I think what you’re doing is absolutely amazing Evan, helping to start a family? That’s really sweet of you, but it must’ve been a hard decision.”
And that’s what the loved about you. Your willingness to listen, to wait and understand what you were being told. Most girls Buck had been with had never really seen everything about him, nor understood him. With you felt truly seen, and heard. Never judged. And you were breathtakingly beautiful, which was a nice bonus.
“It was.” He watched as you grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head, “If i’m half naked, so are you. Now let’s sit and talk, when did you decide to help them out?”
For the rest of the night, the two of you simply laid in bed and cuddled, looking up at each other. Whilst you talked, Evan found his eyes trailing down your body. The two of you were in your underwear, and you your bra. With you practically ontop of him he found an intruder settling in.
“What is that?” You whined from underneath the covers, “Uh, maybe it’s my phone?” Evan rationalised as you stared at him, “Unless I stole someone’s phone and put it on charge, I don’t think it’s a phone.” Evan tried to stop you before you raised the covers, “Oh.”
“Well hello there.” The pillow was swept from underneath you as Evan buried his face in it, “Don’t,” Your laughter made his heart beat faster, and your hand which circled his crotch made him buck his hips upwards. “Oh god, please don’t.”
“Don’t… what?” Evan buried his head into your shoulder as you continued to tease him, it was the funniest thing you’d seen all day. And a helpless Buck was a fun one. “I like hearing you beg.” He slammed the pillow down onto his lap, “Y—you can’t say things like that!” His cheeks were turning red, whether it was embarrassment from his stutter or your hands, you liked it.
“Sure I can, just did. And you want to know something Evan?”
“Not really.”
“Indulge me,”
“Okay.” Evan gave in as you leaned into his ear, “I don’t sleep well with anything on.” You quickly kissed him before unclasping your bra, throwing your undergarments onto the floor and settling back in.
“Goodnight baby.” You smiled before turning off the lamp.
It was going to be a long night. Evan sat in the dark for about an hour before his situation calmed down, if he was sure of one thing? You were going to be the death of Evan Buckley.
It was donation day, finally.
Evan was practically bouncing off the walls after his shift, zooming down to the clinic before another mishap ruined his donation day. And luckily for him, he was given a cylinder and a few magazines before being sent on his way. His fingers drummed against the wheel of his jeep, he was having a good day.
The only thing better? His date with you tonight. What he hadn’t expected was to come home to candles, rose petals and his favourite girl happily sleeping in bed.
“Uhh, Y/n?” You sat up straight away in bed, “Evan! You’re back!” He walked up the stairs before setting his phone and keys down, “Whoa, you look…” You were wearing one of your favourite sets, and a new favourite of Evan’s, it didn’t exactly leave a lot to the imagination.
And he’d seen more than enough of you.
“Oh god, you look so good.”
“Well you’re extremely lucky, this is all for you. Almost five weeks, you did so well Evan.”
“I did well?”
“Yes you did, and you know what?” Evan shook his head rapidly, he was itching to touch you, “I cleared the day tomorrow for you and me, we can stay here as long as you’d like.” Evan felt weak in the knees, “Oh I love you. Now can I please throw you into bed?” You giggled before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“You can do whatever you’d like, Firefighter Buckley.”
“Oh, Firefighter Buckley?” Evan pushed you down to the bed before climbing over you, “Mhm.” His hands lifted your gown slowly, stroking the soft skin, “Now I really want to see you in my coat.”
“Oh? What, with your name on the back? All yours aren’t I?”
“That you are. You’re not gonna be walking for a few days.” Evan teased as he planted kisses along your neck, you raked your hands through his soft hair, “I’m definitely not complaining.”
Hard times have good outcomes, or something like that.
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blueathens · 2 years
Get On Like A House On Fire - Agape
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                         ACT 2, CHAPTER 5
SONG: The Village by Wrabel  QUOTE: ‘...But maybe one day, she won’t ever get back up.’
A/N: Not proofread or edited.
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Masterlist//Main Masterlist//Agape Masterlist
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“So you didn’t want to teach the kids the wonders of being a firefighter?” Hen questioned Kasey as they sat at the back of the fire truck, headphones securely on their heads whilst the rest of the team looked between Hen and Kasey.
“Bobby purposely made sure I wasn’t on the rota for that time,” shrugs Kasey.
Eddie furrows his brows. “But aren’t you good with children?”
Bobby begins to chuckle. Hard. Almost out of character laugher. And Kasey would feel offended if she thought he was laughing at the idea of Kasey being good with children. But she knew he wasn’t laughing at that as the entire team knew she was good with youngsters.
If she wasn’t, then why would they usually make her be the firefighter to comfort the frightened kids on scene?
But the reasoning for Bobby’s laughter still made Kasey sink in her seat, pouting like a toddler as she huffed slightly.
Hen gave Kasey a teasing smile as she already knew what Bobby was thinking – it was the reason she asked the question in the first place.
Hen let out a small laugh.
“Last time I was allowed to do that,” Kasey begin, sending a small glare at the older firefighters for finding such humour in this mockery, “I may or may not have accidently sprayed all the children with the hose.”
Eddie and Buck’s eyebrows fly up.
“Excuse me?”
Kasey groans and sinks more in her seat, hands covering her face as she tried to hide the pink tint in her cheeks. “Please don’t make me repeat it.”
“I just don’t understand how someone can accidently–”
“Oh! Look!” Kasey interrupted, sitting up in her seat as she pointed at the neighbourhood that Chimney told the team to head towards. “Fire! We should go and put it out.”
“It’s almost like that’s our job,” Buck rolled his eyes at the sight of his best friend shooting a pointed glare his way.
“Dispatch, this is Captain 118.” Bobby states in his radio. “We’re at Doheny Park. Multiple residential structure fires. Send everything you can.”
“Copy that, 118.” Josh replies. “I’m trying to find additional resources for you, but you might be on your own for the next 15-20 minutes.”
“Copy that.”
“Shit, this is bad.” Commented Kasey as she gazes out her window, teeth digging into her bottom lip whilst her fingers clenched round her helmet that sat in her lap.
A man rushes towards the truck the moment they stopped, the 118 began to climb out to see him waving his arms in desperation and slamming a hand against the windscreen “Help! Help! You got to help!”
“My son! He’s trapped upstairs!” He pointed towards his house that was burning down fast.
“Do you know where? Which room?”
“No, no, I haven’t seen him.”
Kasey moved to stand next to Eddie as the pair squinted in the direction of the house, searching windows to try and find any movements.
Eddie saw him first.
“Cap. I see him!” He points towards the window where a small boy waving his hands was. “Upstairs window!”
There was a much larger explosion, followed closely behind desperate yells from the man and young woman who tried to run towards the burning house, but was stopped by Kasey and Eddie who didn’t allow them to go any closer.
“Sir! Sir! Two!”
“All right. Get the ladder up to the house.” Bobby instructed Buck who dashed off to follow his instructions.
“I’ll check the driver, Cap!” Hen exclaims.
“My son is up there!” The man yelled in Kasey’s face who kept her hands on his arms, guiding him a bit further away from the burning house as she nodded to show her understanding.
“I know, sir. But if you go in there you will just put both you and your son in even more danger,” Kasey reasoned with him. “Let us do our jobs and we can bring him out safely.”
“You gotta save him!”
“We will. We will.” Eddie says as he looks over at the man who was still fearfully yelling into Kasey’s face whilst she just continued to professionally comfort and guide him away from being in more danger.
He then walks up towards Bobby whilst Kasey tried to handle the two panicked family members who continued to yell at her as if she had all the answers, but Kasey didn’t, all she could tell them was that they will get the son out, that’s all she could say as that was all she knew.
Kasey then scrunched her face up when she heard Eddie alerting Bobby that they didn’t have enough water to put out the fire, and this only made the family panic more as they asked her questions on how can she save the son if they don’t even have enough water?
Kasey wished she was elsewhere, she wished she didn’t have to try to think of barely-there-answers for the family who has just overheard some terrible news, and she knew that repeating herself wasn’t going to convince them that everything was going to be okay.
Buck, noticing his best friend’s silent panicked state, made his way over, gently guiding the family members much further away so they were no longer in the teams way or screaming in Kasey’s face. Strand let out a sigh, squeezing her eyes shut for a few seconds as she tried to calm her fast but yet tired heart rate down.
She believed it was going much faster than it should usually go, and she knew that could be due to the lack of sleep. Her body wasn’t functioning properly. She wasn’t functioning properly. And all she wanted was to go to rest for a bit, let the ground swallow her up and just let her body rest.
But she couldn’t.
She had a panicked family pacing a few meters away from her and a son trapped in the burning house in front of her. She had Eddie and Bobby talking about the water issue a few steps away from her and then she had her anxious self who couldn’t fully assimilate what was going around herself at times.
The only thing she could do was force herself to stay awake and to calm down as she continued her job.
“Strand!” Bobby’s voice yell and Kasey turns to look at her Captain. “Keep everyone back, okay? And help anyone who has any injuries.”
“Copy that,” she nods as she went began to gather a few other firefighters to aid her in her task, completely not noticing the quick look of worry that Bobby sent her way as he noticed the shake in her right hand.
The only time she looked back at the house was when she heard metal grinding, and she saw the ladder collapse and Buck falling, catching himself on the collapsed half of the ladder but it didn’t stop the blood-crawling scream that emitted from his best friend.
Every ounce of Kasey wanted to run towards Buck and help him, but she couldn’t as she was holding a cloth against the side of a woman’s head to try and ease the bleeding whilst the firefighter next to her prepared a bandage.
Eddie then begins to climb the drainpipe.
He ignores his teams calls.
“He’s fucking insane.” Kasey mutters as she raises from the kneeling position she once was in to go and find another person who may need her help, whilst her eyes stayed glued onto Eddie’s climbing figure. “Fucking insane. Who does he think he is? Firefighter Romeo?”
Kasey knew though that Eddie was doing the right thing, well the Kasey thing. If Kasey was able to initiate an idea, it probably would become a similar idea of what Eddie was doing right now.
'I’ve been a bad influence on him,' Kasey thought with a shake of her head before she crouched down to look at a casualties hand.
“I feel like if either Kasey or me did something like that, you would yell at us,” Buck says and Bobby turns his head to look at him, giving him a look that told Buck that his statement was correct.
“Thought your boy was going to become Santa Clause for a moment there,” the man said as he watched the scene in front of him whilst Kasey cleaned up his hand. “But instead he become James Bond and crashed through the window like he does it every Tuesday evening.”
Kasey hums. “He prefers films of romance than action films,” Kasey looks up with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes and with her left index she pressed it against her lips to usher him to be quiet as she threw him a playful wink. “But don’t tell him I told you that.”
“Yeah,” she looks over her shoulder. “Let me know when he comes out the house so I can yell at him for his stupidity,” her eyes shifts down to the ground. “Then I’ll give him his stupid hug.”
“How kind of you.” The man leans his head back against the tree, squeezing his eyes shut when he hears a curse leaving Kasey’s lips as she notices the wound in his leg. He opens them when he hears the comforting sound of her reassuring that it’s nothing bad and that she be able to quickly sort it out.
“I think,” the man smiles, shaking his head to himself before smiling bigger when he notices Kasey looking at him again, “I think the man would much rather a kiss.”
Kasey shook her head, sputtering out words as she quickly tried to deny the everything the man just suggested. “Oh no, no, I got – I’m seeing someone, and he’s got this sleeping arrangement with his wife, who isn’t his wife anymore, but she kinda is and – it’s complicated.”
The man didn’t look too convinced.
“Besides we’re just friends.”
“I always said the same thing about my wife,” the man chuckles, a sincere smile tugging at his lips at the thought of his wife. “It wall bullshit though, but we never said anything till much later on because we were scared. But everyone knew, even us eventually, but you can’t be friends with someone who looks at you as if you’re the reason the world has eight wonders.
Kasey laughs, “there’s only seven wonders of the world.”
“Not when the person you look at is the eighth.” He utters. “For me, my wife is the eighth wonder of the world. For you, it’s that James Bond wannabe, and for him, it’s you. You’re his eighth world wonder.”
“You’re one of them, aren’t you?” Kasey pokes her tongue against the inside of her cheek whilst she finally wraps a bandage around his knee. “One of those people who describes love to a metaphor.”
“You’ve never been in love, have you?”
“It’s not something I understand.”
“You will eventually.” The guy looks towards the house. “But if I was you, I wouldn’t wait for too long. You don’t want your something good to be taken from you. That another reason why it took a while for me to get with my wife.”
“We’re just friends.”
“Okay,” he hums, “but don’t do anything stupid because you’ll regret it.”
Kasey just nods, before standing up as another firefighter took over to guide the man towards the back of their ambulance along with a few other people who awaited for more to show up.
“The smoke of the fire must be getting to his head,” Kasey mutters to herself as she begins to make her way back towards Buck and Bobby to question them on Eddie’s status, but she stumbled back as she watched in horror as another explosion within the house went off.
The guy next to her screamed for his son, whilst Kasey called for her friend.
“Cap!” Kasey rushed over towards Bobby. “Let me go in there – let me help Eddie – I need to help–”
“No, no, no,” Buck gently pushes Kasey to the side, as he makes his way round the fire truck. “You’re body isn’t healthy enough for a situation like that, Kas. I’ll do i–”
Bobby raises a hand in the air. “No. Wait.”
Kasey spins on her heels at the sound of an aeroplane’s engine roaring, and it sounded close too, she glances round to see people looking in the sky with confused expressions, but with a quick shake to her head to wake her mind up, she quickly ushered them elsewhere, telling them that they need to get cover.
Bobby overheard Kasey and yelled, “incoming! Everybody, take cover!”
Kasey sent a worried look towards the house before being dragged down to the ground by Buck who jumped down from the fire truck to get the pair of them to crawl under it.
His hand instantly grabs her, squeezing it to try and let her tired body know that everyone would be okay, but Buck watched Kasey’s tired eyes flutter and he wondered if Kasey was truly going to be okay after all of this, because looking at her now, it looks like she could past out from extreme exhaustion in any minute, and it made Buck wonder how she has been hiding this for so long.
“Holy shit,” Buck heard his friend mutter next to him, “that’s a shit ton of water.”
Buck didn’t reply as he continued to stare at the side of her face with worry, ignoring as the water fell above them. It was easy to ignore when he allowed his mind to finally settle on his friend who special talent was hiding all this pain.
She needed sleep.
And after this Buck knew he was going to wrap her up and make her into a blanket burrito and stay with her until she fell asleep.
Buck snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed Kasey pull herself out from under the truck, standing onto her feet as she did a little shake – Buck didn’t know if this was her way of keeping her body to stay awake, or if it was just a random Kasey action.
She walked towards the house, anxiously waiting for any movements or a response back over the radio after Bobby asked if he could hear them. Her hands were shaking, but she hide that by patting the front of her thighs.
The front door was kicked to be opened further, and Eddie walks out with the boy in his arms, Kasey calls for his name as if it was a pray. She rushed towards him and watched as he gently laid the child down onto the ground.
The moment she heard the boy gasp, Kasey span and punched Eddie gently in the chest, before she brought him into a tight hug.
Her arms were round his neck, and his easily found comfort round her waist as he too held her closely. He gently swayed as he just breathed in the moment of Kasey hugging him.
“You’re okay,” she whispers. “Your James Bond arse is okay.”
“My what?” Eddie chuckles, frowning slightly when he feels Kasey pulling away from the hug before replacing his frown with a small smile as he took in the stupidly adorable smile she had on her face.
“Nothing,” she says, and Eddie shakes his head before wrapping his arm around her shoulder, bringing her close into his side.
“I really want some pizza after all of this.”
Kasey hums, “you deserve it.”
“You want to come back to mine for some?”
“Won’t Shannon be there?” She asks, she didn’t want to intervene with anything, and she had this feeling that the woman didn’t like her very much, despite the pair having any actual conversation between one another.
“No,” Eddie shakes his head, “just me and Christopher.”
“Ah,” Kasey wraps her own arm around her waist as she rested against the man a little more comfortably, “my favourite Diaz.”
“I’m ignoring you said that.”
“You always do.”
Buck pats Eddie on the back as he stands on the other side of him. “What was the Spider-Man routine.”
Eddie closes his eyes for a second. “I don’t know. I just did it. And prayed a lot.”
Bobby then copies Buck’s actions, “yeah, it looks like someone was listening.”
Buck looked at Kasey, eyebrow raising as he nodded his head off to the side, gesturing for her to come with him as he obviously wanted to say something. She slipped out from Eddie’s hold and made her way towards Buck who sat himself down on a patch of grass under a tree.
“You alright?” Kasey questioned as she sat herself down next to him.
“You know,” he turns to look at Kasey, his eyes no longer on the conscious kid. He needed Kasey to hear his words, to let her know that she can trust him, that he was there for her. “You’re kind of my comfort person.”
Her face scrunches up as she lets out a breathless laugh.
“You’re that one person who just makes me feel better no matter what.” He bumps her shoulder. “Like I could be having the worst day ever, but I could just look at you and I would feel okay. And I would be able to tell you anything because I know you wouldn’t judge me.” Buck pauses. “You’re my best friend and I–”
“You’re kind of my comfort person too, Buck.” Was all Kasey responded with and she knew that was something Buck needed to hear, she knew it was a way to keep him at bay before he would combust with worry over her – she knew this was his way to tell her he was there.
And she knew, but she didn’t know if she actually wanted people to help her – she didn’t feel broken, she didn’t feel like she needed to be fixed…she was just tied.
And what else should she say? That she has a fear of going back to her apartment? That would be ridiculous because who would be afraid of their own house?
Kasey felt ridiculous, but she hid it behind a smile and told her friends – her family – that she was okay, and Kasey was sure that the more she says it, the more she would be able to pretend she was.
And to her, she was okay.
She’s always been okay because she’s Kasey Strand.
She always gets back up.
...But maybe one day, she won’t ever get back up.
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lyjen · 3 months
North west corner
Summary: When the 118 gets to a factory fire, Evan and (Y/n) get stuck in side of the building. Revealing quite a surprise.
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The team 118 was spread over the three rigs they owned, there was engine, ladder and the ambulance 118. Hen and Chimney were in the ambulance, while Bobby, Buck, Eddie and (Y/n) were in the ladder rig.
They were just on their way back to the firehouse as dispatch tried to connect with them. “Engine 118, ladder 118 and ambulance 118, Factory fire at 4545 West Caroll.” Sounded through the radio they had pinned to their chests.
As soon as they received the message, they grabbed their headsets and put them on their heads. And the ladder’s truck sirens were switched to on. Eddie was talking with Buck about some new restaurant down town. Meanwhile, (Y/n) was staring outside the window.
She wasn’t completely present. She had been feeling nauseous this morning, she couldn’t keep anything down. So she was basically performing on an empty stomach.
Completely lost in thought she flinched when her boyfriend who was sitting next to her, patted his hand on her knee to get her attention. She didn’t notice Evan asked her a question. A worried look spread on his face. “Huh?” Came out of her mouth. Evan’s hand was now rubbing up and down on her thigh.
“I asked if you were feeling okay?” (Y/n) nodded. “Yeah… Yeah I’m fine, just daydreaming” she answered him with a slight smile. While (Y/n) received another confused look from her brother who sat diagonally across from Evan. “Are you sure?” Eddie jumped in. The only thing (Y/n) was nod, and continued watching the streets they went rushing by. Brushing off the worried looks of her boyfriend and brother.
She was fine. They didn’t need to worry about her, just a little nausea wouldn’t hurt a soul. Am I right?
(Y/n) felt how the ladder truck came to a stop. Eddie went out on one side of the truck, and (Y/n) hopped out on the other side. She felt how Evan followed her steps. Both his hands resting on her shoulders as he jumped out of the vehicle. Evan took place next to her, putting his arm around her.
He closed the distance between them, his mouth moving towards her ear. “If there is something wrong, you know you can tell me. Right?” He whispered quietly. She nodded. “There’s nothing wrong.” she continued. And planted a kiss on his cheek and walked out of his grip.
As she was walking forward, she saw multiple victims running out of the building. Watching how the flames took over the factory building.
Bobby stood in front of his team, ready to shout orders. Evan and (Y/n) joined the group of firefighters. “Okay! Dispatch said there are still some trapped workers inside, they didn’t say how much. But I don’t like this smoke, so get a hose line in there. Be quick on this one, I’m saying four minutes tops! Hen, Chim, set up triage! Eddie, Buck, (Y/n), you go get those workers out of there! Let’s go!” Bobby’s voice tried to reach his crew. “On it cap!”
The ladder team opened up the compartment where they storaged the tanks, got them out and put them on their back. (Y/n) felt a feeling of discomfort crawling in her arms when she put on the tank on her back, but she ignored it. Maybe it was just a pulled muscle, a wrong movement she made.
Evan took a moment to take a glance at his girlfriend, he knows something is wrong. He could tell, she hadn’t been eating all day and she was absent. Those weren’t things she did on the regular basis. For now, he’d let it slide, they had to get inside to get the last victims out of that building. Hurriedly Evan put his mask on like the others and walked towards the entrance of the building.
When they got in the building, flames were literally everywhere. The flames were surrounding them. “LAFD! Call out!” They tried to call through their masks while also trying to get above the sound of the fire.
Repeatedly they called out that familiar sentence. Waiting for someone to respond while they did a quick sweep. They only had 4 minutes, that’s how much they got from Bobby. In one of the halls, they found one of the missing workers. The man was covered in ashes, and coughing as he couldn’t breathe through the thickness of the smoke. “Hey over here!” Buck called out as he was the first one to discover the man.
Evan lowered down to help the man stand on his own two feet. Eddie stopped him. “I got him! You two go look for others!” Eddie spoke as he took over the injured man from Evan. Eddie slung the man’s arm over his shoulder, giving him the support he needed and tried to make his way back out of the burning building. “Chim, Hen, I’m coming out with one victim!” Eddie spoke through his radio.
Eddie walked through the exit, what was also the entrance of the building. He handed the man over to Hen, so she could check him out and give him the treatment he needed.
Evan and (Y/n) tried to sweep the level for more injured employees. Although (Y/n) was in a burning building, she had a cold sweat dripping over her face and over her back. Her vision went blurry, but she tried to blink it away and follow Evan’s shadow. It could be the lack of energy, she didn’t eat all day. That could be the reason, right?
They entered an office, Buck entered first, searching the office. As (Y/n) tried to steady herself on the doorframe of the office. Trying to catch her breath. Her vision didn’t change. She was still sweating and her breaths became more rapid. She felt like she had run a marathon, but all she did was sweep the building together with her boyfriend. “LAFD! Call out!” Evan’s voice filled her eardrums again.
Bobby was outside, trying to estimate the situation “I don’t like this smoke! I want all firefighters to evacuate the building immediately!” Bobby called through his radio as he sees big clouds of dark grey smoke come out of the factory.
Buck searches the last part of the office, and made up his conclusion. “No one here, we’re coming out now!” Buck called through his radio. Buck turns on his heels, and saw his girlfriend standing in the doorway. “Come on let’s go!” He tried to motivate her.
She felt weak as if every piece of energy was sucked out of her in that little time. Her eyelids were becoming heavy, it took to many energy to keep her eyes open. She really tried to keep herself awake. But she couldn’t. Her heartbeat was ringing in her ears, together with her breathing.
Her knees buckled and she fell down on the floor. Letting gravity doing its work and pull her down to the ground.
“(Y/n)!” he yells out. He couldn’t even notice wat was happening.
He rushes towards his girlfriend and let himself flop down next to her side. “(Y/n)?? (Y/n)??” He panics. He doesn’t know what to do. His hand fell onto his radio, “Mayday, mayday! Firefighter down! I repeat firefighter down!” Buck sounded through the radio.
“Buck what’s going on?” He heard Eddie ask on the radio, his voice was full of worry. Eddie knew that the only firefighter who could be down, was (Y/n) since Evan was the one to speak through the radio. They both were the last ones to pull out of the building. The rest of the team was already outside of the building waiting for orders from the captain.
“Buck?!” Eddie repeated over the radio, almost crushing his radio with his bare hand. Evan put two of his fingers in her neck, and tried to search for her pulse. He couldn’t feel it. He couldn’t find her damn pulse. With trembling hands he reached out to his radio, and clicked in the button they used to speak. “I.. I think she’s having a heart attack” he spoke through the radio.
Eddie’s eyes went wide as he heard Evan’s response. He looked at Bobby. “What’s your location Buck?” Bobby spoke into his radio.
Eddie, who already had put his helmet back on, ready for his sign to go in, looked at Bobby with pain in his eyes. How was it possible that his damn’ sister was having a heart attack? She was twenty two. How does a twenty two year old get a heart attack?
“Bobby we have to get them!” Eddie tried to convince Bobby to let him go in. He was desperate to help his sister. “Eddie Stand down.” Is the only thing what came out of Bobby’s mouth. Bobby couldn’t let Eddie go in that fire hazard. It wasn’t safe.
Evan noticed how the fire came closer to them. “(Y/n)!” He called one more time, desperate to get her awake again. “Shit!” He cursed to himself as his attempt to get her awake again didn’t work. He stood up from (Y/n)’s side, and grabbed the handle they used to get the tanks to sit in place on a back of a person. He put both of his hands on the two straps which were holding the tank of his girlfriend into place. And he dragged her towards the office, which hasn’t caught fire yet.
Another explosion took place in the factory Evan and (Y/n) were in. Evan had to perform CPR, and find a way out. If he waited any longer, he could lose his girlfriend, and his best friend’s sister. “I’m starting CPR now!” He yelled through his radio. Evan didn’t bother to open her florescent jacket, it was too risky. The fire was already coming for them both. He had to do this now, he couldn’t lose more time. Evan locked his fingers together, straightened his elbows and pushed down his hands against (Y/n)’s chest.
“Come on baby, come on!” He tried to motivate her to come back to reality as he continued to push down on her chest. “You’re not allowed to do this (Y/n). You can’t go anywhere.”
Why didn’t Evan notice something sooner, he knew something was wrong. He knew she wasn’t okay and should’ve stopped her as soon as they came on scene.
But now here he was, performing CPR on his own girlfriend in a burning building.
Eddie turned towards Bobby. “Bobby, please you have to let me back in there! That’s my sister!” Tears were welling in his eyes. His heart was pounding as if it tried to break free out of his chest. It almost felt like he was having a heart attack himself.
Bobby gave Eddie a thoughtful look, he was actually considering Eddies request to go back in there. He couldn’t let them die in there. They were his family. And he needed to get them back to safety. The silence was ear deafening. He looked at Chimney and Hen, and then back at Eddie.
“Okay Eddie, let’s go!” Bobby reached out to get an oxygen tank and mask. Bobby put on his gear, as did Eddie. When they were all geared up, they hurried towards the entrance of the building. When another explosion took over the scene. Fire roared in front of the entrance.
Eddie was screaming out so loud, that he couldn’t notice how hard he was screaming. Bobby grabbed his upper arm and pulled him back from the entrance.
Eddie tried to break free of the hold Bobby got him in, he needed to safe his sister and Buck. Tears were leaving his eyes. He didn’t even think it was possible to have that many tears.
Bobby’s hand reached his radio. “Buck, the entrance is blocked. Put her on your shoulder if you have to. But you get the hell out of there, do you hear me!” Bobby ordered Evan.
Evan was putting all of his strength into getting his girlfriend back to life. He was pretty sure he heard and felt a few ribs cracking. He was exhausted. But he couldn’t give up. Tears were rolling down his face.
Buck stopped his compressions when he reached yet another thirty and slumped over her body to try and feel her pulse.
Evan threw off his oxygen mask, and gently took hers off too. His face was covered in ashes, drenched in sweat with a mix of his tears. He put his mouth over hers, and breathed into her lungs 2 times. Normally they wouldn’t do this. They had a rescue breath mask for that. But right now, he had to try this. He wouldn’t stop until he tried everything he could.
“(Y/n), if you can hear me. You have to wake up! And get the hell out that building!” Eddie tried to motivate her, even though she might not be able to hear him.
Evan interlaces his fingers again and put his fists on her chest again. Going for another round of chest compressions. Buck was blinking away the tears that were dripping off his cheeks onto (Y/n)’s florescent jacket. Gasping for breaths as he continued CPR. Meanwhile Buck was scanning the area he was in, trying to figure out how to get the hell out of this hell hole.
He was focusing himself on her chest, counting each push he gave her chest. Evan’s eyes shot to her eyes when he heard a gasp for breath, desperate for oxygen. She coughed as if she wanted her lungs to leave her body. He took his hands off her chest. “Hey! Hey! You’re fine, you’re okay!” Evan trying to reassure her, putting her face between his hands.
With one hand, he grabbed her oxygen mask and put it back on her face. Her chest was hurting from the pressure Evan used to get her back to life.
Evan noticed a door in the back of the office. He was silently hoping it was a staircase with a fire exit.
They had no time to waste. Evan and (Y/n) needed to get the hell out of that building. Evan could tell (Y/n) was too weak to hold herself up. He put back on his own oxygen mask and put his left arm underneath her lower back, his right arm found its way around her thighs and he hoisted her up in his arms.
Buck hurried forward towards the back door in the office. He turned his back to the door, and kicked his leg back to open the door.
Through the door, a beam of daylight welcomed Evan. There was a window. It was a kind of back office. Evan put back a chair with his feet and set (Y/n) down in it for a moment. He ran towards the window and searched around for anything he could smash the window with. But there was nothing usefull, not a damn thing. The room was already filling itself up with dark grey smoke. Evan didn’t have a choice. He had to break the window with his hands. Without thinking, Evan smashed his arm through the glass, immediately breaking the rest of the old window.
“Buck. Status update.” Bobby ordered Evan through his radio. The radio went silent. No answer from Evan nor (Y/n).
“Baby I am sorry, I need to do this.” He told (Y/n) as he fully ignored Bobby through the radio. The flames were already taking over the small walls of the back office.
He grabbed (Y/n)’s right arm with his left arm, lowered himself down and put his right arm around her thighs. And he hoisted (Y/n) over his shoulder as he fast made his way through the window with (Y/n) dangling over his shoulder.
Another explosion took over the building. The roof started to come down, as Evan tightly held (Y/n) in position.
Eddie felt his heart beating in his throat. He was pretty sure he was about to throw up. His eyes were on the entrance of the building as another loud bang sounded through the air. Bobby was trying to get in touch with Evan and (Y/n). “Buck. What’s your status?” Bobby called again through the radio. Nothing but noise from the frequency sounded through the radio.
Eddie stepped back. He put both his hands in his hair and was pretty sure he pulled some strands of hair from his scalp. He looked up at the sky, as he tried to stop the tears from falling down his face.
Bobby tried to radio Buck one more time. “Buck what-“ he couldn’t finish his sentence as he saw movement next to the building. Evan’s broad frame came in to his sight. “Eddie!” Bobby called out when he clearly saw Buck rushing towards them with (Y/n) over his shoulder. Eddie’s eyes shot towards Bobby, and then to the person Bobby was pointing at.
“Chim I need a gurney over here!” Before Bobby could even finish his sentence, Chimney came running down with a gurney with Eddie right behind him. “And get a hose line and water tank on that building!” Bobby continued shouting his orders.
When Evan reached the gurney, he slowly sat (Y/n) down on the gurney. While Bobby tried to take off the oxygen tank off her back, Eddie helped to gently take off her oxygen mask. Evan also took off his mask and let his gloved hand slide over his girlfriend’s cheek while she was coughing. He stepped back to give Chimney the space he needed to examine (Y/n).
Chimney held a light in front of her eyes. Asking her to follow it with her eyes. (Y/n) weakly tried to slap back his hand. “I’m fine” she groaned, and pushed herself up to get off the gurney when her knees buckled again. Eddie catches her just in time before her body met the floor again.
Evan rushed to her other side, next to Eddie. While Eddie and Evan try to push the female firefighter back on the gurney. She tries to push them both back. “Hey! Hey! Hey! (Y/n). Stop. Please.” Evan tries to stop her.
She stopped pushing them both. Evan took a step closer towards his girlfriend who was sitting on the gurney now. He carefully took one of her hands in his. “I know you’re not fine. I knew it from the beginning you stepped out of that ladder truck.” He confessed. He wasn’t that stupid. “I could see it on the look on your face. This past week, you’ve been acting so strange. So please, tell me. What’s going on. A twenty two year old doesn’t get a heart attack just like that.”
A silence fell. (Y/n) her eyes fell down looking at her hands. One of them was holding Evan’s. She squeezed her eyes shut. Trying to avoid the waterfall of tears, that was trying to make its way outside of her tear ducts.
She sighed.
“I’m pregnant Buck, that’s what’s been going on.”
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imagineshere-forall · 2 months
- staying with mom ✰ e. diaz
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Summary: the first time Christoper calls you mom 
Genre: mostly fluff but smidge of angst/tension
warnings: none
Pairing: eddie diaz x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
Notes: hi hi i tried to use american terms like mall and mom, but i am not american and i say mum, so if you notice any slip ups pls let me know and i will change it. I feel like it would be weird to picture chris saying mum in an american accent so i tried to only used mom   Also i have started watched the walking dead and am obsessed so pls feel free to request some fics for the walking dead (i’m halfway through s7)
When you and Eddie started dating, you waited quite a while before meeting Chris as you wanted to be sure in your relationship so as not to unsettle Chris. After about 8 months, you were pretty sure Eddie was it for you, and you eventually met Chris. Within 6 months of meeting Christopher you had pretty much moved in with the boys, and when the lease on your apartment was up for renewal Chris was the one who suggested you move in. That was over a year ago and since then the three of you had been living life as a happy little family. 
Today, you had a day off from work but Eddie did not, so you had decided to take Chris out for the day. For weeks, Chris had been saying his shoes were starting to get tight so you had decided you would take him to buy some new shoes and buy him a couple extra treats. It wasn’t often you and Eddie weren’t both at work at the same time, even if you didn’t have the same shift, you often overlapped so Chris would spend time with Carla.
Eddie was at work before you even woke up, so you and Chris had a slow morning before heading to the mall. The car journey was filled with music and laughs, you loved spending time with Chris and you guys always had an amazing time. 
Once you got to the mall you found yourself chasing Christoper, the shoe shop was all the way on the other side of the mall so you had decided to do fun shopping first. The first stop was at the ice cream parlor, and then the two of you made your way quickly over to the lego shop. You both bought a lego set, as you planned to watch a movie and build lego together in the afternoon. Once the pair of you had gone to all the shops you wanted to, you slowly walked back to the car, trying to agree on a movie to watch while you were building your legos. 
You were nearly at the car, when the ground started to rumble. Small tremors weren;t uncommon living in LA, but this was not that. The slight rumble turned to full blown shaking and the lights in the parking garage started to come loose and smash to the floor. You quickly dropped your bags and grabbed Christopher and headed for the car, it might not have been the smartest idea but in your panic it seemed like the safest option if the garage was to crumble. 
Somehow, you managed to get to the car in record time as you were opening the door, you noticed a piece of debris falling and you quickly pushed Chris into the car. Within seconds of you getting Chris safely into the car, the debris had come down, knocking you down in the process. You hit your head on the concrete and briefly lost consciousness, but you quickly came around to the sounds of Chris’s cries. 
“I’m here Chris, I’m okay,” you mumbled as you tried to wriggle free. Although, your right leg was trapped under the piece of the parking garage that had knocked you to the floor.
Not long after you regained consciousness, sirens were all you could hear and it became nearly impossible to keep your eyes open, and you were soon consumed by the darkness.
“Cap, get Eddie over here!” You heard being yelled from close by. Squinting at the bright light you started to blink your eyes back open and were met with Buck’s face looking down at you. 
“Chris, is Chris okay?” you forced out, your throat was hoarse and felt as though you had woken from a deep sleep. You could feel yourself being rolled onto a stretcher, presumably to move you to an ambulance, or at least a safer area. 
“Chris was with you?” Buck panicked. 
“I think I got him in the car,” you coughed, “Check him first.”
A couple minutes later you heard a car door be forced open, and then Buck’s shouts. 
“Chris!” Eddie’s shouts were so loud. He had arrived onto the scene and saw Buck carrying Chris over some rubble away from the car. You turned your head slowly and saw Eddie embrace his son tightly. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Eddie suddenly asked. The panic in his voice was palpable.
“Over here,” You heard Buck’s voice get louder as he led Eddie to you. Eddie placed Chris down next to your stretcher and cradled your face.
“Baby, are you okay?” he questioned, whilst scanning your body for any obvious injuries. 
“My leg got crushed but I’m fine. How is Chris? Is Chris okay?” you spoke so fast. 
“I’m fine,” you heard Chris speak. You could have cried with relief upon hearing his voice. You had seen Eddie carry him, but hearing him speak and confirming he was okay made you so happy.
“Now, let get you taken to hospital, Buck can you take Chris to Athena and get her to call Carla please,” Eddie said as he began to wheel you out of the area. You saw Buck begin to usher Chris towards Athena who you could see a while away directing people. 
You and Eddie both stopped and looked at Chris who was avoiding Buck and walking towards the two of you. 
“Chris, bud, y/n is okay. Your dad is just making sure she gets her leg checked out,” Buck tried to convince Chris.
“No,” Chris shook off Buck’s arms and carried on walking in your direction. Eddie sighed, letting go of your stretcher and turning to Chris before squatting down to his level while holding onto him. 
“Chris, I need to take y/n to get checked out. Can you please go with Buck?” Eddie begged.
“No.” Chris was being stubborn. 
“Chris please,” Eddie was starting to get desperate.
“I want to stay with mom.” Chris yelled. 
You, Buck and Eddie all went still. Suddenly, the atmosphere had changed. Chris had never called you mom before. The three of you all looked at each other in shock unsure what to say or do next.
“Come here Chris,” you beckoned the boy, before helping him to sit on one side of the stretcher after you had collapsed the arms, “You can stay with me.”
Eddie was still looking at you in shock, starting to feel love swell in his chest. The idea that Chris saw you as a mother figure made him so happy. 
“Chris, it looks like your dad is frozen,” you laughed whilst looping one of your arms around the boy. You had managed to get him in a place where he wasn’t near your leg which was causing excruciating pain. 
This brought Eddie out of his shock and he walked over to the two of you.
“I love you both so much,” he breathed as he leant to kiss both of your foreheads, “Let’s go get mom all checked out.” 
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loserdiaz · 3 days
no but imagine being eddie diaz and you get shot on the street and as you're bleeding out, you have your OH realization about how he's in love with your best friend. and its too late and he's dying and buck is asking him to hang on and its all so fast and chaotic and intense.
AND THEN when he finally finally can come home, there's a welcome back party with his family and the girl he doesn't really like anymore and..... taylor fucking kelly.
eddie diaz is stronger than me bc i would've walked out and start screaming for the sniper to shoot me again and to not miss this time lmao.
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