#puppeteered by your older family member
squireofgeekdom · 1 year
listening to a hunter toh playlist while writing harry osborn having. a bit of a breakdown feels. very appropriate. 
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally and a Puppeteer Reader (part 9)
Our sister is a bit of an upsetti spaghetti rn but she's trying her best.
TW: Mentions of Stalking, Obsessive Behavior, Idol Worshipping, Scopophobia/Eye Imagery
🎥 You knock on Angela's door, calling out "Angela... Can I talk to you? If you are too upset right now, I understand... But I am very concerned about something Henry said to me earlier..." Through the door, you hear her shout "Fine! But if you have that creepy puppet with you, leave it outside my room! Its eyes seem to stare into my soul... I can't see how you can stand working with it."
🎥 You step inside, seeing the muted brown walls of her room. Paintings of forests and corner side diners fill the walls, all of which were made by her deceased husband. She hasn't really been able to let him go, which you understand. They were very close. You sit on her bed, next to her. She's curled herself up into a ball, almost like she is trying to protect herself from danger.
🎥"I'm guessing the diary contains a lot of stuff about... him, right? You never really get this upset unless it has to do with Henry's dad. Last time I saw you like this was when the frame to one of his paintings cracked from falling off the wall." You watch as she nods. She sniffles her nose, before looking at you "Yeah. The page it was opened to was... well, the day he died. It was about the accident. I don't know why Henry would want to read about that! I have been trying to hide the specific details from him. He knows his dad passed away, but not how. I wrote about how in that entry... I just feel like he shouldn't know that much until he is a little older and can understand it a bit more, you know?"
🎥 You nod, trying to stay as comforting as possible. You don't really know how to help people out in situations like these, but you try your best. Right now, though, there is a pressing matter at hand. So, you quietly say "I understand... I know now is probably not the best time, but I feel like I have to ask this. Did you tell Henry about my job? Possibly about the letters I have been getting? You know, the ones from..." You trail off as she slowly shakes her head. "No, I haven't. I gave up on telling him the truth about that stupid puppet show after you kept stopping me. The letters shouldn't even be mentioned to him, in my opinion. A little kid shouldn't be burdened with the knowledge that a family member is being harassed and stalked! Why do you ask? Did he say something about it?"
🎥 You nod, before explaining what he said to you about Wally. About how Wally, according to Henry, spoke to him about you being a puppeteer and said things similar to the letters you have been getting. You finish it off by saying "I know it might sound a bit crazy, but look... I'm desperate for answers here. What if it's the puppet that's after me? You didn't tell Henry about any of that and I certainly didn't. I don't know, I might just be going crazy..."
🎥 Angela holds her hand up to stop you. Once you are quiet, she takes a shakey breath, then says "I HATE puppets... If you are right, this is something right outta my worst nightmare. I'm just going to roll with what you said, though, because it does seem very shady." She then looks down at her lap, before continuing "I mean, I do feel like I was a little harsh on Henry. He has never done anything like going through my room or reading my diary, before. It just doesn't seem like him to do that sorta thing. I should go say sorry. I'll talk to you in a little bit."
🎥 With that, Angela stands and leaves the room. You decide to go, too, and check on Wally. However, when you check where you left him, you find that he isn't there. A chill rushes up your spine as you walk around the house, searching for him. Eventually, however, you hear a little yelping noise, before some thumping by the kitchen. It sounds a bit like something falling...
🎥 You rush over, seeing that the basement door by the backdoor of the house is wide open. In the darkness of the basement, you hear a little "scuttle, scuttle" noise against the concrete floor. You flick on the lights and, at the bottom of the stairs, you see Wally lying flat on his face.
🎥 You slowly step downstairs, keeping your eyes locked on the puppet, before you find yourself at the bottom of the stairs. Angela and Henry are both still upstairs. You can tell because Henry is very loud when he is upset, so you can hear him crying from all the way down in the basement. So, someone must've brought Wally here, or if he IS alive, he must've walked down here on his own... Or fell... He does look like he fell down the stairs. His legs are all twisted, along with his arms...
🎥 You grab him, a bit harsher than you did the last few times you have grabbed him. Then, you march upstairs and place him on the couch. Then, you wrap him up in a blanket, tightly, as you say "Now, I don't know what is going on here... But you keep moving. Maybe that will help..." Then, you tie a knot tightly in the blanket, intending for it to keep him still. You don't have high hopes that it will, but at least it is something.
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mr-spotatohead · 1 year
-Reality Tunnel.-
Welcome Home x Human!Reader
Words: 2,919
|Contains: Swearing.|
Synopsis: You work in a museum dedicated to a famous puppet show from the 60s to the 70s. Strangely enough, you never stay in this place until it gets dark. And when you did, you didn't expect to have seen what was an exhibition become real.
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You sighed lightly as you finished typing on your workplace computer. When you entered this job, you thought it would be more fun to work in a place that contained a story from an old TV show with children's puppets. But still, it wasn't exhausting, that was a bonus. You took your eyes off the blue screen and looked at the people walking past you after having visited the tour of the old place where the scenes were shot. Your older family members had already seen this show, they had watched it as children, but you, unfortunately, did not get to see any of it. Ironic, since you work at the location where you have all the information about what the show was like.
Some loud laughter made you lift your head to see what was going on next door, it was just your co-workers who do the tour around the museum, laughing about things you weren't too keen to find out. You watched them and then decided to get your bottle of water in your favorite color, the refreshing liquid made your dry throat feel better after a busy afternoon. You looked to your side and saw the empty chair of one of your colleagues who had finished their shift a long time ago. Alex was their name, friendly but very quiet. Any information that one of the tourists needed, you had to speak instead of them. Not that it was a problem. It rarely happened. "Dear?" You lifted your head, which was in your hand. You noticed the presence of an older woman. "Oh, hi Evelyn." You said smiling lightly at the lady in a more basic outfit. Ah, Evelyn was the cleaning woman in the place, you were the one who made friends with her the quickest because of the number of times you had forgotten your things in the place and she had found them. The old woman smiled at you and looked at your things on the table. "Darling, what are you still doing here?" she asked, watching your calm expression change. Still here? What? You looked at the place. It was empty, you should have finished your shift by now, but you were still drifting off in your own thoughts. "O-Oh, I didn't even see the time pass!" You started to take your things and put them in your backpack. The most important items mainly. Evelyn giggled lightly and waved her hand at you. "I almost lock you in here." She said jokingly. You grin lightly at the old woman who watched you leave some important things behind. "Oh, don't forget to get your jacket, your bottle, and your keys." The old woman begins to lift each finger to how many things you accidentally left behind, you took the jacket in hand and put it on. "Jacket ready." The elderly woman hummed and looked at your bottle in hand, you lifted it up and put it inside your backpack. "Bottle already put away." And lastly you picked up your keys and lifted it. "Keys already in hand."
Then Evelyn stopped you before you could continue. "Isn't there something else missing?" The old woman asked you and you paused, innocently turning your head sideways. Evelyn just looked down at your desk and you followed her vision. Oh, it was your door access card. "Oh! Ahah, thank you!" You left your keys on the table to lift your backpack off the floor and then saw Evelyn start walking forward. You quickly grabbed your card and the backpack and ran to the exit along with the elderly woman. Smiling as you walked out the doorway. "Have a good night, Evelyn!" You waved to the elderly woman who returned the nod. You jogged over to your motorcycle, which unfortunately was further away from the place. Unfortunately the motorcycle parking space was hard to find around the museum, so you walked along the road until you reached your motorcycle, where there were also some motorcycles. But because it was late, the street was empty. You sighed content to finish your shift and finally go home, eat something warm and watch something under the covers. You daydreamed and reached into your pockets for your motorcycle keys to finally get to… to… You widened your eyes slightly. You fumbled in your left pocket, feeling only your card inside. You checked your other pocket. With your shoulders slumped now, you felt only bitterness. "Son of a bitch." You grunted angrily, you turned around and started running towards the museum again. Your face containing only resentment for having made the same mistake AGAIN. You mentally cursed yourself. You grabbed the keys! You had them in your hands! You could only hope that Evelyn hadn't left yet. But getting close to the museum and seeing the closed doors made you grunt louder for bad luck. But you sighed and remembered that sometimes, when there are still people in the museum, they use a side door that requires a card. You could only hope that your employee card would work on this door. Running to the side of the structure, you spotted the door, which contained a mechanism on the side, which you could only think was where the card went. Fingers crossed, you swiped the card, and then heard a 'blip'. Raising your eyebrows as you saw the door unlock, you smiled at your luck. Wasting no time, you went inside the place, it was dark, except for the lights that were turned on in the exhibitions. You ran straight to the front tables and began to search quickly for your keys. Were you breaking in? Maybe….. But if you were quick, it never happened. But you began to get stressed by not finding your keys anywhere. You remember the last time you were here, keys in hand, with Evelyn and-
Then you heard the sound of metal hitting each other in the deepest parts of the museum. You stopped your breath when you heard the sound of keys. You raised your head in the direction of the sound and it seemed to be in the most isolated area of the museum sessions. You heard the sound begin to drift away.
"Evelyn?" You called out, perhaps the old lady would not have left as soon as you thought. Maybe she had stayed to sort some things out? You left the tables and followed the sound, going further into the museum. You called Evelyn's name again, but got no answer. Entering corridors and exiting rooms, you stopped at the end of a wing under construction. You realized that it was the old parts of the old studio. They were being renovated for tourist viewing. It was all dark, but you could see a door on the other side opening and closing.
It was bright on the other side of that door. You quickly made your way inside this dark, empty wing. You couldn't see any silhouettes of any kind, except the door that you got close enough to see. Stopping in your tracks, you felt a revulsion in your stomach. It was as if it told you not to turn that knob. You frowned and sighed as you reached for the doorknob. You opened it and the brightness on the other side blinded you in a way you weren't expecting. "What the…?" You covered your face with your arms and then opened your eyes slightly, seeing everything blurry, and everything very…. Colorful? You blinked a few times and lowered your arms, letting your eyes absorb all the information in front of you. Your eyes after getting used to the bright light, you couldn't help but stare, awestruck by what you were seeing. Your head turned several different ways, looking at the houses, the trees, the colorful floor tiles, the clear blue sky. You were seeing in front of you an exact version of the show Welcome Home. Only everything was giant and real.
Wait, real? It wasn't possible, you must be dreaming, hallucinating. You looked back and the darkness was still behind you, you looked forward, letting your head cross to the other side, noticing how the door was literally in the middle of nowhere. You frowned in confusion. But when your eyes reached the ground. You noticed that a few feet away were your keys. You noticed your keys were on this other side of the world, simply on the floor. You bit on the inside of your cheek and nervously decided to step into this place with its extremely saturated colors. Taking small steps. You reached for your key and bent down, noticing how shiny and polished the floor tiles were. The place was quite beautiful and extravagant. But it was too much for you.
Then standing up as you turned back around, you wanted to get out of there as fast as possible, pausing quickly as you noticed a fatal mistake. One thing that was missing.
You turned around and were met with only the street and a few more colorful trees.
You gripped your keys tightly as you noticed the missing entrance from where you entered. Your eyes searched the entire place, but there was no sign of the door. Your breath rose and you looked back at the small neighborhood. This was definitely not what you wanted to do after your shift.
You noticed that there was a road, you looked both ways, and the sinister thing was that both sides made the road extend to where you could no longer see, same thing with the colorful trees. It was bizarre. You then noticed a butterfly passing near you, your eyes watched it, and it flew with the breeze into the neighborhood. The only place that would have things inside… Putting your keys in your pocket, you decided to investigate what was inside. Maybe you would find your key thief. But not holding out much hope, you began to walk into the neighborhood. Looking carefully at the store next door and the post office. They seemed closed, are all the houses empty too? You walked until you reached the middle. Looking at the red house, strangely it seemed to have eyes. You ignored it and kept walking to the right. Not noticing the fact that the house was staring at you until you were out of sight. You kept walking along the colorful tile, passing a house- uh, a decorated barn. Strangely enough, a good smell coming from it. It smelled like a freshly baked pie. You kept walking until you came near a house with sky decorations and- "OH MY STARS!" You almost choked on your saliva as you heard someone screaming behind you. You turned around, surprise on your face. And then your face got even more expressive after you saw who was there. The girl in the overalls dropped the box of ornaments from her hands and dropped it on the floor because she was surprised to see you.
You however just watched this star person. You remember the names of some of the characters, and clearly the one in front of you was Sally. A character from the show. Real, and right in front of you.
You didn't have the strength to say anything, just watch carefully for this fictional character interacting with you. Sally pressed her rosy cheeks together at the sight of you, making her mouth in an 'o' shape, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh my!" Sally then put her hands over her mouth as she noticed her loud tone of voice.
She soon removed her hands from her mouth and began, "You, are you our new neighbor??!" She asked loud enough for you to hear. When you heard that, for some reason, you finally managed to speak back. "Me? No! Not at all-" Sally then looked at you and waved her hands in front of her. "Oh come on! You don't have to keep it a secret, you-" Sally interrupted herself as an idea popped into her mind.
"OOHH, I have to tell Wally! He's the one who takes care of this!" Sally soon started to run backwards, soon braking hard and looking at you with a smile. "Hold on there! I'll be right back!!!" And then the girl continued running away, precisely to the red house in the center.
You began to despair internally. Feeling a little exposed by the neighborhood. You started to walk and run away. Afraid to see what would happen after that. You walked straight through the forest next to the post office and decided to go back to see if the door would be there. You had a view of the road. And no door. Snorting loudly, you put your hand on your head. Staring at the ground. But what was going on anyway? Where were you? Why is this happening to you? Suddenly, someone walks by the corner of the post office and almost hits you, well, technically this person did hit you, but only in the arm as you went straight past. You paused, instinctively raising your head to see who it was. "Oh, jeez. You okay, friend?" The somewhat monotone voice asked, not loudly. You felt a hand lightly grasp your arm. You looked up at the person, or rather being. The man with a smile on his face looked into your eyes, and you have never seen in your life someone change expression as quickly as that one. You definitely knew this one. The protagonist of the show. Wally Darling.
Although you had seen drawings of this character with a friendly smile, you definitely didn't want to be the person who saw the look he was giving you at that moment.
The same could perhaps be said for Wally, for your facial expression at seeing him was not one of the happiest to behold either.
You couldn't tell for how long you stared at him, but you noticed how he moved closer to you, his eyes intense and focused only on yours. You swallowed hard. Not liking the situation at all. Wally then opened his mouth and after seconds said seriously. "You're not from around here." The only thing you could do was nod your head slowly, a little terrified and surprised that he would notice. Or maybe not, you clearly didn't suit that place. "I'm not…" You finally broke eye contact to look at your arm that was in the puppet's hand…? Thankfully, the man in blue let go of you, making you more comfortable with not being stuck in the place. "Although…" Wally began, his voice a little more subtle and not serious as before. The puppet put his hands together and put a smile on his face. Still with his eyes on you. "If you got in… Then that means you must belong here." You took two steps back, glancing at the man in blue in front of you. Ignoring a little what he was saying because your mind was so confused, you just wanted to get the hell out of there. But it seemed no one was going to help you. So maybe the protagonist knows what's going on? When you had this idea you went to open your mouth to talk about how you would get back to your place, since he realized that you didn't belong there, you were interrupted by him taking your hands. Raising your eyebrows you looked at Wally, who was smiling contentedly. "Well, welcome, neighbor! I hope you enjoy your new stay." How did you get into this situation? . . . "Wait, I don't think you understand." You tried to explain your situation to the puppet who clearly wasn't listening to you, ironic though he didn't want to take his eyes off you. "I'm not from here. I can't get out. I don't want to stay." You said stopping your steps. You were being 'forced' to walk with Wally to your new stay. And it was a real challenge to show him what 'I don't want to stay' means. "Nonsense! You wouldn't even be here if you didn't have your keys!" Wally turned to you, with a slight smile. The puppet just found it amusing to see you making irritated expressions after his explanations. "I-! I don't have any keys. I don't want to live here." If you weren't insane to see this place. Then you will be in trying to explain something in this place. "Silly neighbor! Of course you do." Wally looked at you with half-lidded eyes, you frowned, and then he finally took his eyes off you, to look in your pants pocket, and then continued to look at you. You thought this was strange and quickly put your hand inside your pants, feeling for your keys.
You looked at the puppet frowning as he watched you smiling. Pulling out your keys, you noticed something you didn't have on your normal keys. A large letter of your initial as a keychain. "Wha-?" The man in blue moved from your side and pulled out a proper key, with a letter W as a keychain on his keys. "We each have those keys in the neighborhood. And so do you." No fucking way. "Now, may we continue? I would love to introduce you to the others. Although Sally has already started spreading the news." Wally laughed monotonously and continued to take you to your 'home'.
Your new stay? No fucking way. You're getting out of this place for sure.
-Heyyy another Wally story, theres more parts of this one for sure, idk I like the idea that you could just walk into the welcome home world like nothing. BTW the flower that I used, Dahlia, means change.-
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Could I request platonic headcanons for chucky with a relative from when he was alive? You can choose whether it be a sibling, a cousin, a niece/nephew, child ect
Sure! I can try my best :) If something is wrong, my bad! Somehow the formatting was weird so if something seems missing, that might be it. For some reason a section is just... gone on my Docs?
Yandere! Platonic! Chucky with Relative! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Gore, Blood, Mass murder, Death, Rituals, Kidnapping implied, Manipulation, Dark themes, Forced companionship.
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I want to say this gives him pause, honestly.
He most likely hasn't seen you in years so you're older no matter how you're related.
Plus… last time he saw you he wasn't a doll?
According to the Wiki, at least in the TV series (I've only seen Child's Play 1-3 so this may be wrong), he helped kill his own parents/relatives.
He probably isn't aware you are related to him at first.
He'd have to come across the information then go and find you or hear it from you as he stalks you.
At first he plans to make you a victim.
With a bloodlust as high as his it's a possibility.
Although… Then he gets to thinking.
He could just corrupt you instead!
Then you'll be part of his new family.
By the climax of his obsession he'd probably make you a doll.
Then you'll fit in.
Although, until then, he stalks you and maybe even picks off those around you.
Started a new family? Not for long.
Did you forget about him? Your long lost relative?
Well, he'll give you a reminder.
A bloody reminder when it comes to him.
You have no idea your life is about to get ruined until Chucky acts.
He's patient with you, waiting for the right moment.
He wasn't expecting it but he may be a little upset that you have a new family.
After the Slasher incident/his life of crime did you just… ignore that part of your life?
He really just means nothing to you, huh?
Then that makes him a bit irritated….
Oh, don't worry…
He'll just have to drag you back.
You'll recall your past… you'll give into it.
You just need a wake up call.
Which is then what leads to your new family, your new home, crumbling down.
You will wake up one day to the smell of drying blood.
The walls are painted in the stuff, gore is spread on your floor.
But there's Chucky at the foot of your bed… grinning.
He's covered in blood, your sheets are too, but he just seems so damn proud of himself.
“Forgot about me, did ya?”
You can scream, you can cry, that won't change what's been done.
Chucky uses this traumatic event to mold your mind.
After all, events like this can break a person.
Which allows Chucky to puppeteer you into doing what he wants.
He'll make you follow through with the doll ritual, he'll make you a killer…
After all, isn't it the family hobby?
He'll tell you this is what you were meant to do.
You're related after all, aren't you?
So welcome to your new (old?) family….
Chucky is no doubt still protective of you as a family member when he makes you a doll.
He won't let you die.
Even if you do… he'll bring you back.
He's done it countless times.
You'll get used to it.
He just knows you'll fit right in… after all you don't really have a choice.
Where else do you have to go?
You just have Chucky as your family now…
This is all you know now.
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coeluvr · 3 months
I got curious about what happens to the royal families of defeated/conquered lands, and the answers are interesting because they varied from place to place, from time to time.
In Quora, I found this to be the best explanation:
What happens to the royal family of a defeated kingdom after being conquered by a foreign power?
It truly depends on circumstances, but there are four options:
Execution - used to be a common solution in the old days, but it is only effective when the royal family does not have large support of their own people and they would hail the execution as justice, or when the conqueror actually intends to preform a genocide. Otherwise it would be dangerous, because creating a martyr would spark resistance. So it is not common in more recent history.
Imprisonment - The royal family could be kept in relatively good conditions and treated well, this would show that the conquorer is both powerful and merciful. If things go south, the members of the family could still act as hostages (at least in old days). But dangerous if the resistance element is very strong, an imprisoned king is aslo a possible martyr or gives hope to the resistance that things could be restored.
Exile - Very common, sometimes for practical reason. The members of the royal family often managed to escape and the conqueror was unable to get to them. Exile was the only option then - the conqueror would then simply forbid them to ever come back. If the exiled royalty had no support or intention to fight on, this is a very good option, since the conquered people could be told their leaders abandoned them, otherwise could be a problem, as leading resistance from abroad is much easier then leading it from captivity.
Staying in power as leader of a puppet government - far best option if you want to truly control a foreign country. If any member of the family is inclined to do so, this can give legitimacy to the new regime and in fact most conquerors tried to do that. In many cases young heirs were first imprisoned, then befriended by their captors and eventually became their puppets.
[Source: https://www.quora.com/What-happens-to-the-royal-family-of-a-defeated-kingdom-after-being-conquered-by-a-foreign-power]
So MC, by this logic, should have been executed, since their family wasn't popular. Luceris wanted to use them as a possible weapon against Catalina, who is still missing in action, so he spared them.
However, the way he has gone about it is very risky. Once personal grievences are put aside, the image you look at is not great: the much older king of a country, for some reason, decided to take the only known-surviving child of a royal family he had slaughtered as his Consort.
Regular folks don't know what's going on behind the palace doors, so it just makes Luceris not just look like the pervert he isn't, but also unstable. I mean, what sane person would take a poor child as their spouse? Who knows what's happening to them? We the readers know the truth, but the people in-universe doesn't. You can't "Hah, brat is in the lap of luxury, I'm sure they are fine!" your way out of it, that's just not logical.
Luceris doesn't look merciful, he looks absolutely deranged. He is giving reason for rebellion within his own kingdom, against him in other kingdoms, and he gives power to Catalina and whoever is hiding her. No king's rule is flawless, Luceris cannot rule without stiffling something or someone, without hurting someone and giving them reason to want his head on a platter.
Related to that, there is also the concept of "Victor's justice":
Victor's justice is a term which is used in reference to a distorted application of justice to the defeated party by the victorious party after an armed conflict. Victor's justice generally involves the excessive or unjustified punishment of defeated parties and the light punishment of or clemency for offenses which have been committed by victors. Victors' justice can be used in reference to manifestations of a difference in rules which can amount to hypocrisy and revenge or retributive justice leading to injustice. Victors' justice may also refer to a misrepresentation of historical recording of the events and actions of the losing party throughout or preceding the conflict.
[Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor's_justice]
So the whole war started because of Catalina's assassination of Farah. Allegations without concrete evidence, but I digress. This situation should have ended when the royal family is killed, as the suspected source of Catalina's power: once Vesphire is conquered, with its noble class and extended family full of traitors, whoever has been hiding her would have given her up because she is essentially useless— betrayed by extended family, unpopular due to Farah, without power because her lands are gone. Luceris didn't need to do anything else.
However, Luceris failed when he succumbed to his feelings: he spared MC to use them, and by that, had given Catalina and her supporters reason not to come out and surrender. He is doing all this bad publicity by himself, why not bide their time? Having so much military power isn't the only way to win a war, after all.
Frankly, I don't think Luceris is that good of a king. You can treat your people "better" (a very subjective term) and still harm them and make them feel resentment toward you.
And technically speaking, his war didn't even have the desired result: he conquered Vesphire, sure, and killed almost the whole royal family, but his wife's murderer is still at large. There is still at least two survivors left (MC is not neutralized, no matter what Luceris deludes himself into believing. Whether you seek revenge or not, he is literally sitting next to a venomous snake that will either bite him on its own, or someone will come and poke them and make them bite him).
Not just that, but he spent so much money and led so many soldiers to early graves for no discernible reason. Normal people don't even benefit from his conquered lands— there isn't any economical benefit to it, except for nobles. He created so much bad blood between himself and other kingdoms he has bullied or taken advantage of into falling in a line.
Fascinating stuff, really. I firmly think Luceris fumbled really badly with Farah and Catalina and MC and Vesphire, and I can't wait to see him face the consequences (MC too, but Luceris more).
This is so cool of you like I can really tell you did your research! 🤭
I like how crazy Luceris is because he makes the worst choice in terms of consequences but I think his choices make sense in a twisted way when it comes from a place of rage and hurt. He's not rational like that, he lets his emotions get the best of him and we all suffer because of it. 💀💀
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Hades with gender-neutral!Muichiro!reader headcanons
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warning: manga/anime spoilers, ooc
Special thanks to @justamegafan for the idea on this concept and @deathmetalunicorn1 as well as @enryegotrip​ for their feedback on it and where I could improve on it! :) 
When Hades had learned that there was a prodigy amongst the ranks of the Hashira, he had been initially impressed. Ubuyashiki had designed the selection exams very carefully: in the past, the candidate had to accumulate a kill count of 50 demons or slay a member of the Upper Moon ranked demons. The requirements have now changed; the candidate must kill 70 demons plus two letters of recommendation from different Hashiras or slaughter one powerful demon while in the Bifrost and bring back proof to headquarters. 
The stakes had been raised significantly, yes, though the lord of the underworld wanted the best warriors of this organization to ensure that no demons slithered their way into Valhalla and feast on the humans or gods. The heavens could not afford to survive another major catastrophe on the scales of the Titanomachy. 
Hades had no doubt that the Titans and the other prisoners in Tartarus would take advantage of the chaos too, but that will be his responsibility to handle. The Demon Slayers will only be in charge of monitoring the Bifrost and demon extermination, nothing more. 
Upon meeting the prodigy in person, Hades was…slightly disturbed at seeing a child no older than fourteen summers kneeling on the floor at Ubuyashiki’s left side, staring at him with a bored expression and dressed in the standard Demon Slayer’s uniform. The head of the organization reassured him that this is not a joke, as [First Name] [Last Name] have proven themselves to be worthy of being a Hashira. 
Still…this little one became the Mist Hashira two months after picking up a sword, right after passing the Final Selection Exam? The leaps and bounds that they made…it was unusual. Hades had seen and heard many demigods become powerful in such a short time span…yet that should not happen to a mortal soul. 
What drove this child to even become a Hashira? What was their goal? When Hades asked them this question, all they said was to kill every last demon that dared to try to come into Valhalla. And protect Master Ubuyashiki. Protecting him and his family was a top priority to the Hashiras.  
Hades raised an eyebrow at them before glancing at the smiling man. “Are you absolutely sure that you want this child to monitor the Bifrost? It is not a playground nor a post to be taken lightly -”
“Excuse me?”
“I said ‘shaddup’. Do you really think the Master would risk sending the Demon Slayers to the front lines if he hadn’t considered every possible option? The Master might have upped the requirements to become a Hashira, but he knows us better than a puppeteer who lurks in the shadows. If he didn’t believe I was ready, even when I fulfilled the necessary requirements, he would have said so.” Their face remained neutral but their tone steadily grew darker with anger. “Do not treat Lord Ubuyashiki as if he is your subordinate. He is your equal. Without him, you would not have us to ensure Valhalla’s protection nor have the knowledge to kill demons. You and the other gods would still be scrambling for a half-assed solution, putting everyone in danger due to your incompetence -” 
“[First Name], that is enough.” 
Hades was speechless at the mortal’s blatant disrespect towards him, a god, and shocked as to how they immediately went silent at Ubuyashiki’s soft command. The family head apologized for his subordinate’s actions, as it is his responsibility to look after the children. He will punish them as seen fit. 
His words satisfied Hades’ bubbling anger, knowing Kagaya was a competent leader. Their meeting soon concluded, and a guard escorted them back to Valhalla. Left alone in the audience chamber, the lord of the underworld pondered on the events that just happened. He is curious by nature, and he is curious about the Mist Hashira’s behavior towards him. 
Did they simply dislike him? Or did they dislike all gods? Perhaps…they are just rude to anyone who wasn’t Ubuyashiki? Hades hummed thoughtfully to himself. He would look into it. There had to be a reason why a disrespectful  brat like that became a Hashira. 
Over the next several years, the lord of the underworld continued to meet with Ubuyashiki as the Demon Slayer Corps flourished secretly in Valhalla. Kakushi were dispatched to gather intel on demon sightings, and the Hashira would go and exterminate them. Those individuals who were the lower ranks would also assist in such cases via communications with a crow messenger. 
At every meeting, he saw the Mist Hashira amongst the summoned soldiers with a dreamy-eyed expression on their face as they stared up at the clouds, not paying attention to their surroundings…or so it seemed. Hades tried to speak to them, but they had no interest whatsoever unless Ubuyashiki gently nudged them into his direction, if at least to be polite. 
One day after a conference had been concluded, the mortal asked him to stay so that they could have a private conversation. Once his children closed the paper doors behind them, the family head spoke to him.
He addressed the lord of the underworld, thanking him for his time and support in the organization’s growth. The Hashira were all unique, originating from different circumstances and all talented in their own way. [First Name] is no exception…though perhaps he might have been too soft on the Mist Hashira.
After all, it was he and his wife who found them that day in the mountains…the remaining descendants of a Demon Slayer’s bloodline. 
[First Name] and their older twin brother, Yuichiro, had lived a simple life as the children of a woodcutter and his wife until their untimely passing. The Ubuyashiki knew their true lineage, and offered help more than once. Yuichiro kept rejecting them. When his wife, Amane, had gone to check on them with food and medicine with their daughters, they stumbled upon the sight of the twins drowning in blood. Yuichiro was already dead, [First Name] barely hung on by a mere thread as his family worked quickly to save their life. In doing so, they lost their memory of who they were. 
Ubuyashiki had faith that they would remember though. Memories cannot be reclaimed in a single night, of course. Their mindset, however, mustn’t be inflexible. They still need to learn from others, understand people. By doing so, they will relearn empathy and kindness. Perhaps…they could become the kind, gentle person they once were, even if it cannot bring back their brother. 
Hades’ anger towards the brat evaporated as their tragic tale rang in his mind. He knew better than anyone just how many mortal souls came to his kingdom or Valhalla, wailing their lamentations and how they wished they should have changed their fates before death came to claim them. [First Name] had his sympathies. 
Perhaps…he’ll try to be a little more understanding himself. Persephone always told him the best way to apologize is with flowers, because their language could speak to the receiver in more ways than one. 
Bonus Content:
[First Name] was extremely confused as to why the lord of the underworld suddenly gave them a white tulip out of the blue and had to ask Shinobu the meaning behind it. When learning it meant a roundabout way of saying “I am sorry”, they just looked at the flower.
Why was Hades sorry? Had they met somewhere before?
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adonisbeloveds · 1 year
Sun and Moondrop with a sibling reader
-Reader: no pronouns used + no gender implied -It/they for Sun and Moon
Requested: No/Yes
Warnings: None Disclamer: Characters personality, looks, ect may be different from canon due to either hc or author has just forgotten.
A/N: This one was not my best and was a little shorter than i hoped it would have been but yet again brain didn't work a lot so sorry but i hope you like it!
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^ Made by me
-☼ When you where introduced to Sun it was beaming with excitement, after the workers gave them the simple info on your job and that you where made to help all the kids with anxiety, fidgiting, not wanting to be around others, ect. There was a spot made in the nap room called the quiet corner, its for all the kids who want to be somewhere calm and just read, play or talk without all the energetic kids around. -☼ When you got introduced to the kids the older and calmer kids loved spending time with you, playing with you, singing with you, fidgiting with you, everything they wanted to do you gladly joined in with them, Sun loved that you got along with the kids as well as they did. "Alright kids, its snack time!" Sun said packing up the puppet show stuff "sunbeam can you go get the kids from the quiet corner? thank you!" Sun asked, you nodded and went to get the kids for snack time. When you got back with the children you helped Sun line the kids up and handed them their plates and got ready to hand out the juice boxes or water. After all the kids got their food they sat down at the tables and Sun opened its checklist "sunbeam can you go get the blankets and pillows please?" it asked, you nodded and went to set up the sleeping area.
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^ Made by me
-☾ Moon was surprised to see a new animatronic but after Sun briefly told it that you where their new sibling moon was happy to have another family member and a new helping hand that was like them. After small introductions you two went to put the children to sleep, after you made sure all the children where asleep Moon and you carefully sat down and talked about the children and what your job was. -☾ They talked to you about what to do after naptime was over and about the other animatronics in the pizza plex, you found out that there was this one trouble maker called Gregory that got banned from the pizza plex and how Moon had a small hatred towards him.
As you two talked softly about the pizza plex Moon came up with a idea "star do you want to draw with me?" you smiled brightly and nodded, very excited that you get to draw with your sibling. Moon came back with the paper and crayons, you both started drawing with the soft sound of humming coming from Moon, even though the lighting was dim it was light enough for you to see what you where doing. Some time pasted and you where both done with your drawings, Moon drew you sitting on a cresent moon "can i see your drawing star?" you smiled and gave the drawing of it, Sun and you hanging out in a field of flowers, Moon cooed and gave you a gentle hug "it looks amazing star, we can show it to Sun after the kids wake up." After some time the kids started waking up and going to sit with Moon and you, after a couple of minutes all the children woke up, Moon got up and stretched "okay little ones, Moony has to go now but Sunny will be back" the children softly whinned about not getting to spend time with Moon but it quieted them after saying that their caregivers will be here shortly to pick them up.
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celiciaa · 11 months
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A beast’s dream fulfilled by beauty.
translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
spoilers from gilbert's route.
minors and ageless blogs dni.
As a child, I was sickly and weak, and had few friends.
In other words, the same genius I met at Rhodolite (Chevalier),
He may have been the only friend I've ever had in my life.
But otherwise it was terrible.
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Noble son: Prince Gilbert, if you don't mind, would you like to be my friend?
That was when I had just returned to Obsidian after a long period of treatment at Rhodolite——
There were more days when I was feeling better than before, and I had more opportunities to walk, so I was often approached.
However, the one who snuggles up to the prince, the youngest child of the royal family who has just lost his mother and several older brothers,
Most of the nobles who are planning to turn themselves into political puppets,
They were the only people who wanted to eliminate anyone who stood in their way so that their favored prince could become emperor.
The young son who approached me also had his parents in the background.
Noble son: Because of my father's work, I often go to the royal palace, but I'm always bored by myself….
Noble son: I heard that Prince Gilbert likes books. I like them too, so if you would like to talk about them, I would be happy to.
I knew there were ulterior motives.
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Still, at that time, I was hungry for friends.
My heart wasn’t strong enough to endure the loneliness of losing my loved ones,
It all started with the thought that the seemingly harmless son might be moderately friendly.
Gilbert: All right. Then, let's have dinner together later.
From that day on, he and I met occasionally and exchanged words.
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Noble son: Prince Gilbert, I really enjoyed the book you lent me the other day.
Gilbert: I also enjoyed the book you chose because it was fresh and new. Popular literature, was it? It’s a rarity in Obsidian.
Noble son: My father likes to collect books and has many rare ones. I will bring them to you again.
He always brought up some random topic that had nothing to do with politics.
Although, it was not as exciting as just like with Chevalier, but it was enjoyable.
While noticing that his parents were smiling slyly,
Believing in the bond of the word "friend," I meditate.
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——The result was betrayal.
Noble son: No….you’re wrong, Prince Gilbert!
Gilbert: What's the difference?
It was a rainy day.
The damp, unpleasant air and the familiar scent of blood fill the narrow alleyway.
Living as far as the eye can see,
The only people left were a certain nobleman's son and his own pawns, crawling on the ground and retreating clumsily.
Everyone else is dead.
Gilbert: You were the only one who knew that I was going to pass through this place on this particular day during the inspection.
Gilbert: You dared to pass the information.
Noble son: Ah….
Gilbert: Your papa told you anyway, right? To get rid of me from a different faction.
Gilbert: Ahaha, all your friends are dead.
Gilbert: But it can't be helped. You defied the royal family, in this country, punishment is a must.
Noble son: Fo…Forgive me….
Gilbert: I want to forgive you, but right now I don't have the luxury of being kind.
Gilbert: I thought you’re my friend.
Gilbert: How rotten this world must be.
Smiling as I swung the sword at him.
To add more dirty blood that splatters on my clothes.
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Gilbert: I trusted you, you know?
Gilbert: I hung out with you because I believed in you.
Gilbert: ——How can I make you not want anything but me?
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I brought the little rabbit back to the lab and sat her on the table, after she had gone to town to look for friends.
Then I placed my hands on both sides so that she couldn't escape, but Emma’s clear eyes were filled with determination as if she had made up her mind.
Gilbert: Now that you've become a member of the royal family, it's impossible to make friends.
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Gilbert: When I was young and innocent like you, I used to dream of having lots of friends.
Gilbert: But it was impossible. Chevalier was my only decent friend….
Gilbert: Most of them change their attitude when they find out I'm royalty. No matter how close we are.
Gilbert: That's not what you call a friend, is it?
Gilbert: And when the betrayal continues, I think...
Gilbert: Everyone but your friends should perish.
The reason I let Emma roam freely was to give her a taste of the reality about Obsidian once.
She has become a member of the royal family, but she does not yet know the common sense of this country.
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(I...want you to stay beautiful no matter what. I don't want you to end up like me.)
Therefore, I would like to enclose her carefully, lock her up, and cut her off from human contact.
Although I understand that this is a distorted way of loving, I cannot think of any other way.
Gilbert: Do you really need friends that much?
Emma:….I need it.
Gilbert: Still can't give up?
Emma: How could I give up?
Emma: Next time, I'll make sure they know from the start that I'm related to the royal family, and then I'll make friends with them.
Gilbert: Well….
(No, I’m not feeling uneasy.)
(Well, if you're so chastened by that, there's no way you can be with a troublesome guy like me, is there?)
Emma: You may be intimidating at first. But just because I can't be friends with anyone, it doesn’t mean I have to give up.
Emma: At first I was afraid of Lord Gilbert, too. I thought it was absolutely impossible for us to be friends.
Emma: But as I got involved, I learned a lot of good things about Lord Gilbert.
Emma: And now we have come to know each other well enough to become engaged.
Emma: Knowing that Lord Gilbert is a great villain.
Gilbert:….I don't like it when you bring that up.
(It would be hard to say there's no precedent.)
(I wonder if you are different from me because you are good at dyeing black things to pure white.)
(….I stopped believing in my "friends" the day they betrayed me for the first time.)
(I made a lot of friends, but they all betrayed me in one way or another….)
(I couldn't think that I will compromise even though I was hurt like Emma. I killed them right away).
(But you were a woman….who stepped up even when you were hurt.)
Perhaps it is the decisive difference between her pure heart and my defiled self.
Emma:….You mentioned earlier that the old Lord Gilbert wanted to have friends.
Emma: That's why I don't want to give up.
Emma: I can make friends without destroying them….
Emma: I want to prove that Lord Gilbert's dream in the past is not impossible.
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Emma puts her forehead on mine.
Even if she is a woman of the royal family, it does not change her heart.
Maybe with Emma, I really can make some good friends.
I know all too well what it means to be a "friend" in Obsidian.
But I wanted to believe the sweet and naïve ideas she was telling me
(It's hard to dye black into white….but you're still amazing.)
I smiled as I bit the soft lips in front of me.
The way she pursues her ideals even when she is in pain is her strong point and that’s what I love about her.
Gilbert: Okay? If you say you won't give up, then I won't stop either.
Gilbert: But I'm still jealous and probably won't support you.
Gilbert: I'm hoping you'll isolate yourself for the rest of your life because I don't want you to see anyone but me.
Emma:….I understand.
(You don't understand.)
(Or maybe I won’t understand at all.)
Emma bit me in retaliation, and I put my hands behind her head and deepen the kiss——
(I love you so much, but I can't stop thinking about how awful you are.)
(If Emma really does wanna make friends, then…..)
(….I wonder if I'll ever be able to control my murderous intent.)
The thought of Emma befriending someone other than me was unbearable.
(After all these years, I finally found someone I could trust and who would never betray me.)
(I don’t want Emma sharing her time with anyone else…..)
Emma:…..Just for the record, no matter how many friends I make in the future, Gil will always be my number one.
Emma: That alone will never change.
Gilbert: I see….
Gilbert: I don't know what I'd do if my expectations were betrayed by you.…
Emma: Of course, I won't betray you.
As if Emma could see through my dark heart, she reached out and stroked my hair.
While the gentle touch is pleasant/comforting,
I wondered if she would do this to her friends.
Emma: So, can I go back to town tomorrow?
Gilbert: Yeah, no.
Emma:….I'm allowed to make friends, right?
Gilbert: Nope.
Gilbert: I've given you permission, but I'm not going to let you cut back on your time with me, okay?
Gilbert: I endured it today. You're not going to make me endure day after day, are you?
(This face...you’re making me think about what to do with you.)
I know that if I allow her to make friends, I will have to bend.
Despite such assertions of reason and conscience, I pushed Emma down on the table and——
Gilbert: If you really want to go…..
Gilbert:….You know what I mean? // You understand what I mean, don't you?
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 ���       [  previous / next ]
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The Phoenix and the Crow
part eight
pairing: (hinted) kaz brekker x fem!reader
genre: netural... maybe a tiny bit of angst?
el's thoughts: supriseee part eight!! i still can't believe i've written this much so far haha i love this part cause of y/n and zoya! i hope y'all like it too! please remember to leave comments and reblog :)
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A knocking on the thick wooden door of her room startled Y/N as she was splashing her face with water from the wash basin. “Yes?”
“Downstairs now. Your country needs saving.” Kaz’s voice was muffled through the door. Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed in curiosity, “I’ll be down shortly.” She finished getting ready and tied her hair up before leaving her room and walking downstairs. The moment she spotted Kaz and Nina sitting at a table with two others whose back was facing her, she froze. She’d recognize the back of that head anywhere.
“Zoya Nazalensky. Well, I’ll be damned.” The inferni could feel the dramatic eye roll she received in return as she walked to the table. “Old friend, how are you?”
“Y/N L/N. Thought you’d be six feet under by now.” Her tone held a biting sting to it, but the inferni knew her too well to take it seriously.
“Always a pleasure, Nazalensky.” She pursed her lips in faux disdain before breaking into a smile. 
Nina looked between the two etherealki with a wide smile, “Oh it’s like we’re in the Little Palace all over again. Isn’t this nice?” 
Kaz’s glare didn’t lighten up as he glanced at all three grisha women with the sharpest side eye Y/N had ever seen. She moved to stand behind the Heartrender and placed her hands on her shoulders. “So what’s this I hear about my country needing saving?” She shot a quick teasing glance to Kaz before directing her attention back to the topics at hand.
Zoya cleared her throat, “We need you lot to get us the Neshyenyer.”
Nina scoffed, “The Neshyenyer? Sankta Neyar’s blade?”
“So, you haven’t completely forgotten what you were taught at the Little Palace.” The Squaler leaned back in her chair with her arms folded in front of her. “Just your loyalty to Ravka.”
“Ravka? Or Kirigan?” Both older grisha stiffened at the name. “It didn’t take him destroying a city for me to question my loyalty.” 
Y/N pulled back at the sharp words that fell from Nina’s lips. She knew she should’ve run far before Alina came to the Little Palace, and she was ashamed to say how long it took for her to finally think over her loyalties. 
Jesper cleared his throat, “So, now that we all know that you two have history, what’s the payment for this job?”
The Shu man finally spoke, “Name your price. It matters that much.”
“Who are you?” The inferni questioned.
“Toyla Yul-Bataar. Member of Prince Nikolai’s personal guard.”
Nina opened the letter handwritten by the prince of Ravka himself. Everyone looked over her shoulder to read it. 
“Is that the Lantsov family crest?” Wylan asked.
“You know it is because it’s hideous.”
Y/N snorted but collected herself quickly.
“Prince Nikolai requests your services to retrieve and deliver the Neshyener to Alina Starkov in East Ravka.” Toyla said.
Nina looked up, “She’s returned?”
“As has the Darkling. With an indestructible army of shadow monsters.” Zoya stared directly at Y/N as she spoke. 
“I don’t like the sound of that.” Jesper took another sip of his drink.
Y/N shook her head in denial, “That can’t be. We saw him in the Fold. Zoya you were there, he-”
“We didn’t see his body. He’s back, Y/N and he’s stronger now. Or so he seems to be with these new puppets of his. That’s why Alina needs the blade to kill them. It’s the only thing that might work.”
Toyla spoke, “Retrieve the blade and the Prince will pay whatever you ask.”
“I like the sound of that.” Jesper downed the rest of his glass.
Zoya turned from the zemini to Kaz, “I assume the same goes for you?” He nodded, “I’d welcome the chance to help your prince spend his country’s money.”
“I don’t need kruge. I need to get someone out of Hellgate. The Lantsovs, they must be able to pull strings with the Kerch government.” Nina vocalized her thoughts.
“For a certain Fjerdan?” Zoya’s tone held a smugness to it. She smiled, “He must be quite the slab of fur.”
Toyla stepped in, “The offer is the offer. Prince Nikolai is a man of his word.”
“But we need to go now.” Zoya’s voice turned assertive. 
“It’s settled,” Kaz folded his arms, “We’re in.”
“And your Wraith?” The squaller asked, “I was expecting to see her.”
“She’s gone.”
“No, she’s not. Not yet. She’s-”
“Not an option.” Dirtyhands threw the sharpshooter a glare, ending the discussion then and there.
“The Neshyenyer at Ahmrat Jen is definitely a fake.” Kaz limped towards the group standing around the bar. Zoya rolled her eyes, “Which we told you. Perhaps now you tell us something we didn’t know?”
“According to my contacts, it’s been stolen by a thief known as The Disciple. He had a penchant for stealing Saint-related relics while on jobs.”
Y/N hummed, “A thief and a collector.”
“And retired.” Kaz made eye contact with her briefly. “But he has since put a few pieces of his collection on the black market.”
Toyla nodded, “So, to get to him, we go to his fence.”
“Ohval Saran. She has a tea shop in Bhez Ju. To speak to her, we’re going to have to order yellow chrysanthemum tea, off menu.”
Nina turned to the shu and repeated the type of tea in his mother tongue. “It pairs well with sesame rice cakes.” He told her. Nina smiled, “Let’s discuss.” She walked to him, “Tell me more.”
Kaz shoved passports into Wylan and Y/N’s hands before walking to Jesper and Inej.
Zoya placed a hand on Y/N’s arm, “You look ill, L/N. Don’t tell me you’ve been holding back on your practicing now.”
The latter sighed, “If only you’d’ve known what we’ve been up to. I haven’t had the chance to use my power lately. I didn’t think it was that noticeable.”
“It wouldn’t be to just anyone, but I’ve seen you at your strongest. No one else here could say the same now could they?”
The inferni smiled, “I’ve missed you.”
“It hasn’t even been a few weeks since you saw me last.” Zoya rolled her eyes fondly, “You’re just dramatic.”
“Only for you, my love.” Y/N threw a wink at her as she got up to go pack her things.
Shu Han was a colorful city, always bright and full of light. It was a stark difference from Ketterdam and Y/N was loving it. Walking the streets she could smell all the different street foods and incense floating through the air.
Toyla walked to an altar that had candles and burning sticks of incense. Inej, Zoya, and Y/N followed shortly, all wishing to pay their respects to their lost loved ones. Toyla said his prayers in shu and the girls just knelt before the altar.
“When the fold moved, your aunt…” Nina sat down beside the squaller. Zoya avoided her gaze and that was all Nina needed as an answer. “Zoya, I’m so sorry.”
The suli shook her head, “Who here hasn’t lost someone?”
Both Y/N and Zoya leaned forward to grab the burning sticks and held them to the flame, saying their prayers.
Kaz, Wylan, and Jesper stood at a distance watching the others perform their religious rituals in patience. That only lasted so long before Kaz walked to the four girls still kneeling. “You two, we have a teatime to make.” Nina and Inej quickly stood, following Kaz down the street.
Y/N’s eyes strayed to follow the all-black silhouette before it got lost in the crowd. 
“So, Brekker?” Zoya stood and dusted her skirt off, waiting for Y/N to rise as well. The inferni looked at her sharply, “I don’t know what you're talking about. I hardly know the man.” 
“You don’t have to know him to fancy him.” Zoya nudged the y/h/c-haired girl as they walked from stand to stand looking at all the foods and sweets. 
“I’ve been with these people for hardly a few weeks now, Zoya.”
“But he’s caught your eye, yes?” 
The lack of response caused the suli to snicker. “Well, once this war is over you’ll have plenty of time to get to know him.”
Y/N shook her head, “Who said I’d be going back to the Barrel? You brought it up yourself, loyalties. Ravka is my home. She’s my country, and I’ll serve her till my dying breath.”
“You’ve done beyond enough for Ravka and you know it. No one would blame you even now if you decided not to fight or come back home. You need to go and make a life for yourself. You above anyone deserves that.” Zoya rested her hand on her friend’s shoulder.
“I’m not the only one who deserves peace. I would blame myself for not helping my country. I don’t do anything to meet the expectations of others, you above all people should know that by now.” Y/N turned her head and saw Toyla waving them over to where he was seated. She smiled and nodded before turning back to Zoya. “I’ll think it over though. Making a life for myself, that is.”
The two grisha walked to the table Toyla sat at. “What are we watching?” Y/N followed his line of sight to see Jesper and Wylan talking at a firework stand. He chuckled, “Jesper attempt to get his man back.” Zoya rolled her eyes while Y/N hummed. 
“Toyla?” Wylan walked over calling for him, “Toyla could I get your help?”
The inferni stood on her tiptoes and looked over to Jesper mouthing ‘What happened?’ To which he just shrugged, his shoulders dropping in defeat.
The group got up to keep walking around, all looking at different stands and carts that piqued their interest. Someone shoved into her back, she turned around to tell them off but noticed the familiar black silhouette continue his way down the street, stumbling into people with every step. 
Y/N quickly followed after him, threw herself into his back to stop him in his path, and wrapped her arms under his, around his chest, pulling him into her. He thrashed in her arms as she moved him to a more secluded section of the crowded street. She released him quickly and backed away, giving him space. 
Kaz was breathless as he curled into the wall behind him. Y/N watched him carefully making sure he was alright and noticed his lack of gloves. He turned his head enough to look at her for a split second before he flinched farther away from her causing her to back up slightly and nod to herself. “I’ll be back.”
He barely heard her voice over the panic and buzzing in his mind. Flashbacks of his brother and the bloated, rubbery skin of the corpses plagued him as he tried his hardest to get control of his breathing again. His bare hands clutched the metal head of the cane, holding it tightly against his side as he slid further down the wall. His shoulders ached while the wall dug into his muscles painfully. His lungs burned from the uneven rapidness of his breath. He tried calming it by breathing in through his nose, keeping his mouth shut but that only caused his body to falter and panic more. He closed his eyes and twisted the cane between his hands feeling the metal and wood beneath his fingertips. 
He didn’t notice Y/N’s return till he finally opened his eyes and noticed that she placed his leather gloves beside him, making sure to keep her distance from him. Not sparing her a glance he picked up the gloves and held onto them for dear life, feeling as if he could finally take a proper breath. “Did Inej-”
“She followed Ohval Saran.” Y/N kept her voice low in order not to startle him again.
“And Nina?” His eyes started to clear and he was beginning to gather his senses.
“She’s fine. She’s with the others.”
He nodded and took a deep breath before looking over at the girl beside him. She looked paler than when he first met her, her fingers thinner. Overall she looked weaker. She’s a grisha. He couldn’t recall a time when she used her power since the bomb in the accounting office. He took a mental note to assign her some role so she could use and practice her power again. Despite her physically looking weaker, her eyes never let go of the same kindness that they held from when they first met. Her y/e/c-eyes sparkled with concern and care, but they didn’t smother him, making him want to push her away. No, instead he was drawn to it, and that terrified him. Never before had he felt so comfortable and relaxed in the presence of someone he didn’t know. Never before had he felt the need to constantly look over and make sure that person was alright or just simply to admire them from a distance. 
Kaz couldn’t exactly place a name to what he was feeling, but he had become a master at controlling his emotions and he will learn to rein this one in one way or another. 
“Ohval’s not just a fence. She’s The Disciple.” Kaz sat at the table in the center of the room with Wylan and Zoya. Nina lounged, fanning herself, on the couch with Y/N while Toyla stood next to them and Inej sat on a stool behind Zoya. Jesper closed the doors to the room for privacy.
“What… What tipped you off?” Wylan asked.
“Her tea cup. When she set it down, she did so without a sound.”
“And her heartbeat never fluctuated once. It held at one beat a second like a clock.” Nina sat up straight causing Y/N to lean closer and fix her skirt.
“So, she can control her heart rate and her emotions.” Toyla held out his bag of walnuts to the two grisha on the couch, each taking one. 
“Those are useful skills for a thief,” Wylan noted.
“Now’s the part where you tell us where the blade is.” Jesper spoke cooly as he leaned on the wall closer to Inej. 
“Ohval has it. Her signal to the waitress to spill tea on me told me as much.” He clutched his cane a bit tighter. “It’s as if I know you.” The zemmini smirked. Kaz ignored him and continued, “And if she’s not going to sell it to us, we’ll just have to take it. After Nina and I ordered the tea, I had Inej follow the tea shop employee who was sent to notify Ohval.”
“She lives just outside the city. When she stopped at the tea shop, she placed an order at the apothecary that she’ll be picking up tonight. I watched her home for a while and no one came or went except her.” Inej said while twirling her butterfly knife between her fingers.
“So, while she’s out of the house, Nina will tail her to make sure she stays out of the house. The rest of us will go in and grab the blade.” 
Once Kaz finished speaking Zoya scoffed, “You don’t seriously expect me to break into this woman’s house.”
“Uh, why do you think we’re here?” Jesper asked jeeringly. 
The squaller turned around in her seat to face him, “I’m a soldier, not a thief. Why else would I need you, criminals?” 
Y/N chuckled, “There’s much less of a difference there than you think.”
Zoya rolled her eyes and said, “I’ll go with Nina.” Making the heartrender choke on her snack and quickly clear her throat. “Are you sure you don’t need me?” She asked Kaz. “I mean, Zoya can tail Ohval.”
“Nina and Zoya will wait for Ohval at the apothecary. Follow her. If she starts heading home, buy us some time. Distract her.”
taglist:@rachelcarroll1819 @xcharlottemikaelsonx @khaleesihavilliard @simrah1012 @foulkryptonitepeanut @astridyoo15 @queenofshinigamis @peakyispunk @jahayla-parker @maliciousbrekker @brekkershadowsinger@winstonthecow22 @lee-says-things@bunneex@writingmysanity@sleepynightchild @madnessinwrighting @romanticvampire if there is a cross through your url.. i couldn't tag you, sorry!
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armoredtitanmistress · 10 months
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𝙖 𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙞𝙡𝙤𝙦𝙪𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙬𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙖𝙙 | Toji Fushiguro| fate's entanglements
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characters: toji fushiguro x gojo!reader, toji zenin x gojo!reader
summary: fate had a sense of humor that you didn't appreciate.
tags: toji x gojo!reader, gojo’s older sister, pre-star plasma vessel arc/star plasma vessel arc, satoru content!, suggestive language, explicit language, symbolism (?), strangers to friends, angst, fluff.
series masterlist
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The ceiling lights that hung above your head did a very lackluster job of replicating the scenic starlit nights you had grown accustomed to. The wooden paneled walls littered with religious scrolls reminded everyone in the room of their purpose for being here. The matching floorboards had probably been polished by a low-ranking clan member. The room was filled with the voices of countless men trying to talk over one another believing their words were more important than the others.
When you first started to attend these meetings, you would listen as attentively as you could as you tried to adhere to the diligent daughter archetype. After a while, they would repeat the same things over and over again just with different wording. It made you realize that being inside this room, power was nothing but a word. None of these men truly cared for the life of anyone: not their families, not their clan, not the non-curse users that they had to save, and not the children that they sent off on missions. No, these men’s purpose for having these meetings was fueled by control and appearances.     
“When are you going to just accept Osamu’s marriage proposal? My son is an impatient man with many women being offered to him. Why not make my boy’s day, Gojo?” 
“Perhaps you should consider that there is a reason why I have never accepted his marriage proposals, Naobito. Along with any other son of yours you’ve tried to send my way over the years.”  You retort as you take a sip of the sake in front of you. Like the others, Osamu wasn’t anything to look at. By far, the most unappealing of them all. You aren’t referring to his appearance but to him as an individual. With his mediocre skill set, you believed he entered the Hei on sheer luck. His only redeeming quality is that he was the same age as you. It contributed to his unattractive appeal as his mental age did not reflect his physical.
“When will you let go of this childish rebellion and accept one of their marriage proposals? Fairytale romances and true love do not exist for someone who is to ascend to be a clan leader.” His words are possibly the only logical thing that has been said during the entirety of the meeting. Love was never something you wanted and you don’t think it ever will. Partially because of the life you were set to have but also you have never felt those kinds of emotions for anyone before aside from familial love. 
It was rich that he was talking to you about being childish. Don’t be blinded to believe that the Zenins were the only clan asking for your hand as that’s not the case. Naobito was the most persistent out of them all. Your father wasn’t even as concerned about your future spouse as Naobito was.  “You may not understand my worth or even that of your sons but if I may express myself freely, let me pose an even far more daring question that could make you understand.” I did a horrendous job of defining you before. You were indeed still glorified that much hasn’t changed but you were a puppet with a consciousness with a life that could never be your own. “How many of your sons could put up a good fight against me?” 
The expression he made was one that you wish you had taken a picture of to show Toji. His thin eyebrows furrowed with a hardening gaze that was on the brink of cracking with the tension that had been created. “Trust, the reason that you are the next head of your clan is purely because fate decided to gain a sense of humor and made you the firstborn. Your abilities aren’t enough to be considered your silver lining.” The man remarked with words that have been made known to you ever since Satoru was born. The only aspect of life that was out of reach for the elders was fate but if this life were a utopia for them, they would’ve had Satoru be born first. You were grateful that you could carry the burdens so that Satoru wouldn’t have to one day. That’s why everything was bearable since this was all for him.
“If you wanted to challenge me to a spar you could’ve asked instead of hiding it with this prolonged conversation. How about we-” The benevolent voice of your father that called your name was enough to stun you into silence. “ You’re dismissed.” 
You believed that you inherited your father’s gift of having your tone of voice direct the atmosphere of a situation rather than the words spoken. He had spoken so little during the meeting you had momentarily let it slip your mind that he was present. People would say how similar you were to him and largely judge your character based on his. You didn’t consider yourself to be calm, calculated, or reserved but the world did. You considered yourself to be the complete opposite.
Standing up, you bow to your father, “My apologies.” You don’t even make the effort to see him with the gruff he let out as a response enough for you to know his disappointment. You also didn’t need to bother to look at Naobito to know that his eyes were hunting your retreating body.  
You weren’t even allowed a moment to reflect on what had happened as a tiny body with tufted hair like yours was seated at the first steps that descended from the building. His back was facing away from you but you could make out that he was holding onto something, maybe a ball or a toy of his. You watched as his head turned as if he were inspecting the area to either avoid being seen or trying to look for someone. 
“Toru, what are you doing here?” You asked, looking around to see if he had come here alone. Most of the meetings took place at either one of the campuses for Jujutsu High but today was the rare case of holding it at the Gojo compound. 
 “Finally! I thought I was going to have to wait all day for you to come out.” The tiny boy complained as you felt his hold tighten as he tried to tug you away with him. “Now come on! I want to play!”
Those meetings became bearable for him. You smiled at the boy before you ruffled his hair. “I thought we talked about being patient, ‘Toru? You can’t run away from training like this.”
He lifted his head toward you and pouted at your words. “But I missed you! This whole week has been training and it’s always the same thing over and over again. It’s so boring!” 
Placing one of your hands into his, you allow him to lead the way, “It’s for good for you. How else do you think you’ll ever get stronger than me? I had to do the same thing at your age to get to this point.”
You didn’t wholeheartedly believe that to be true. He deserved to be a kid and be able to play, go to traditional primary school, and make friends. Naobito was right, fate had a sense of humor. A terrible one at that.
“Whatever, I can worry about getting stronger than you when I’m older. Right now, I just want to play with you!” As the eldest, you should’ve taken him back to the training grounds. As his sister, you let him coerce you into playing an array of different games. It started off physical with games like “Red Light, Green Light” then strayed into games like “I, Spy.” You often wondered if he enjoyed the life he had and if moments like these were as important to him as they were to you. I could tell you that you are naive to undermine your brother’s love for you. In many ways, you felt you were failing him as his sister. The previous comment you made is a prime example of that. You should be nurturing his childhood but at some points, you feel like you hinder it. 
As a soft yawn escaped the little boy's voice, he made quick by covering his hands over his mouth. He wanted to keep spending with you. Lately, you’ve been busy with meetings and missions. This was one of the rare occasions that he’s been able to have you alone and away from everyone else. He didn’t want to go to sleep and then wake up with the uncertainty of if he’d even catch a glimpse of you throughout the day. 
You smiled at him as you poked his cheek. “I spy with my little eye someone who needs to go to sleep.” You brought your hand out for him to take but the 7-year-old boy didn’t budge.
He shook his head, crossing his arms over one another, and with a pout, he affirmed, “I’m not tired!” His body was against him as another yawn came out.
You scooped him up into your arms and almost instantly he fell asleep. Thankfully, where you guys were was close to the main house so that walk wasn’t far. Once you had entered the house you took notice of the familiar silence that was present regardless if your family was home or not. Your mother prided herself in her image so you assumed she was out at a tea party with high-standing women from other clans. Your father could be anywhere from still being at the meeting from earlier or in this case right in front of you.
“Care to explain why Satoru is with you and not training?” He made no effort to lower his voice and you felt Satoru twist his body a bit at the sound of his voice.
“Father, he is a child. He should not be training as hard as he is now. At his age, I wasn’t-” You were never allowed to speak freely with him, and at times you forget that. No worries, he would always remind you in the form of cutting your words short.
“And that’s where I went wrong with you.” The blue in his eyes was darker and more menacing compared to yours and Satoru’s. His hair was long with half of it being held up in a top knot while the other half was down.  His height aided in his uninviting aura standing at 6’4 and his yukata matched his cold exterior with it being a mixture of cool blues.  “Naobito’s words hold merit, I hope you know that. Don’t bring your brother down with you.” 
“Of course.” is all you say as you continue to make your way into Satoru’s bedroom. There wasn’t much personality to it as it was a traditional Japanese-style bedroom. The teddy bear on his bed that you had gifted him after winning it at a summer festival in high school was the only piece of personality his room had. Placing him down and tucking him in, you kiss his forehead. 
“Love you, ‘Toru.” You were making your way out of his room when you heard a mumbled, 
“Love you too.” from his direction. Turning to face him, you saw he was still asleep but now was hugging the bear. Your brother would always unknowingly find ways to make you smile which you did before leaving his room while trying to make your way out of the house.
“What are you doing going out at this time?” You heard your father call out from behind you and the smile soon fell. Turns out he hadn’t left when you took Satoru to his bedroom as he stood at the corner of the hallway with his arms crossed.
“I thought it would be a good idea to train. I haven’t been able to recently due to missions.” You lied and he seemed to buy it as he simply nodded before making his way to whoever knows where. 
He would have you castrated if he knew you were meeting up with the renowned Sorceror Killer.
“Is that my damsel in distress? How much do you want this time?” You teased the bulky man that looked comedic sitting amongst all the flora.  He yanked out a few flowers that were nearby before throwing them at you. Normally you would’ve reprimanded him for damaging your work like that but it wasn’t yours. You had somehow coerced the man into helping you plant/maintain your garden under the agreement that you’d give him money in return.
 “That joke stopped being funny after the first time, doll.” He rolled his eyes at your other comment before rubbing two of his fingers together in a money motion before “poofing” it away. “You don’t pay me enough to even consider you another form of income.” 
You laugh at this before grabbing the collar of his sweatshirt and pulling it down, you point to the prominent “love bites” he had received recently as you playfully pushed him away, “Maybe not, but those dates you take the women you swindle money from aren’t being paid from the money earned from that highly respectable job of yours.” 
A while after you found out about his “hobbies”, you grew desensitized to them. Granted you only experienced the before/aftermath of them; the “borrowed money”, the nauseating perfume that mingled with his, and the poorly hidden hickeys.  He described himself to be someone that was just experiencing the world and what it had to offer, good or bad.
“Getting so handsy with me but then pushing me away. You’re giving me mixed signals, doll.” The knack for being hypocritical had to be an inherited trait amongst the Zenin clan. 
A year has passed and you both certainly were liars. 
To an extent.
Yes, that was the closest that Toji had ever been allowed to get to you. That was in terms of physical contact. Over the year, you have gotten closer. You found out that he was a year older than you making him 22, how he got his scar, the night you talked for the first time he had only attended to tie off some loose ends with Naobito, and that he liked to gamble his money away.
After that initial meeting, the garden continued to be the designated meet-up spot. The number of times you’d see each other varied. Neither one of you had contact with one other outside of the garden so figuring out when the other would show up was a guessing game. You could either see each other every day or go months without any contact. The interactions held similar exchanges overall: talking about their days, stargazing, lingering touches, and unspoken words.
The mutual attraction from the start was palpable, but it had become difficult to deny as the years went by. This is more of an issue for yourself than for Toji, who vocalizes his attraction at any moment as long as there is an opportunity. You denied him for multiple reasons. The first is his instinct to wake up in other people’s beds rather than his own.
You were correct in assuming that Toji was a womanizer even if he heavily denied it. 
“Trying to signal to you that we’re friends shouldn’t be viewed as a bad thing. It seems you keep conveniently forgetting that part.” 
“Those women could be you if you just said yes.”  As per the routine, you ignored him. 
“You’re not usually the last one to show up between the both of us. Stuck in one of those meetings again or did something else take up your time?”
“Hmm.” Was the only response you gave him and he noticed your mood sour at mentioning your day.
“What did they do to piss you off this time?” He asked, chuckling at the irked expression you made. Anyone would consider your friendship to be an unlikely pairing that neither one of you could offer an answer to. In terms of bonding, if asked how you managed to remain friends you would bring up the mutual distaste for the higher powers of Jujutsu society. 
Landing your head onto his lap and letting your hands run down your face, you groaned,  “More like I pissed someone else off.”
He ran his fingers through your hair, pushing away a few strands that had fallen on top of your face. He gave up on trying to get rid of his habit of admiring your features. Though he has never admitted this to you, the women that he has hooked up with have never once come close to your beauty. It’s not like you made it easy with those eccentric features you had.  “You know, usually someone has to piss you off before you piss someone else off. If I were to guess it was Naobito this time?”
You shook your head irritated at having to think of that man again before answering,  “It’s always the same thing with him. With all due respect, none of your cousins are necessarily the most tolerable to be around.” You knew he didn’t take offense to that. He would’ve made the same remark about them too. Most likely an even harsher and more descriptive assortment of words. 
“It was my father.”
“Oh, now that one is different. Don’t tell me I’m influencing bad behavior on you, doll.” He was joking but there was truth to that statement. His influence was not in your actions but more in the actions that you wouldn’t allow yourself to act upon. For reference, as you lay on his lap you wonder how he would feel inside your mouth as you see the imprint of his dick from his sweatpants from your peripheral, and judging based on the imprint alone you could see that he was well-endowed. 
“It’s been a year and I still can tell you that you don’t have that kind of effect on me.” Lies like these remained a focal point in your relationship but Toji always knew when you were lying. You’d do what everyone else did when they lied like avoiding eye contact.
“Why don’t you leave?” He has posed this question to you previously and you’d always reply differently. Sometimes taking it seriously, sometimes not as much.
“Are you suggesting we become co-workers? With all due respect, I don’t think I’d take pleasure in knowing my livelihood is dependent on murder.” You chose the latter. 
“Don’t knock yourself too short. That gaze of yours could certainly knock a man dead with just a look. Might as well play up your strengths.” He joked as he twirled a strand of your hair in between his fingers.
“You flatter me too much.”
He tugged on the strand his hand eliciting a reaction out of you that he had dreamed about on various nights,  “You haven’t answered me. You keep complaining about the same things and the same people. Why not just leave it all?” 
“And what? Leave Satoru by himself? I leave and then what becomes of him? The elders will just force him to be the next clan leader and fulfill my responsibilities. That’s not what I want for him.” You’ve fantasized about your life outside of all of this on multiple occasions. If fate had been fond of you right now, you’d be studying in college for a degree you weren’t a hundred percent certain of. Rest assured, you’d have a collective of people who would understand and make you feel certain that you’ll figure it out one day. You’d also be working a part-time job at a nearby cafe to sustain you and Satoru in a one-bedroom apartment near his elementary. He would certainly be a class clown that was adored by all as an individual. Craving the ordinary may seem foolish for other people and if it was then you were truly an idiot. 
“You keep mentioning other people in your future but you haven’t said what you want yet.” Alongside the unspoken rule of not speaking about Toji’s sexual outings, topics such as these were hardly ever spoken about. Whether it was because it never came up in conversation or because it was believed to be too much you didn’t know.
“I don’t know what I want. I don’t have dreams. I don’t have aspirations. What’s the point of leaving if I have nothing worth leaving for?  ” You shrugged after you removed yourself from his lap to sit upright but didn’t make an effort to create distance between the two of you.
“Do you need a reason to be free?” His tone of voice made his words feel like a throwaway statement. As if it were the most obvious thing in the world. However, those words would continue to hang over your head for years to come, trust me I would know.
From his perspective, he was doing anything to get by. He became a mercenary because it was something he was good at and it paid well. It wasn’t a dream of his nor something he wanted to do. The only thing that it guaranteed him was freedom and a new life. Just like you, he didn’t particularly know what he wanted to do when he decided to leave the clan. He just knew that it was something he needed to do for himself. 
Leaning your head into the conjugation of his neck and jaw, feeling yourself get drowsy you let your eyes fall shut. “Don’t feel like talking anymore. Just stay here.”
After hearing your soft breaths, he knew you had fallen asleep. This was the first time in a while that he noticed that you hadn’t even acknowledged the guests that would frequent the sky at this time of night. The illuminated decorations scattered throughout the sky form different shapes. He never actually retained any of the constellation shapes that you’d point out to him.  It was mostly the stories and the names that were attached to the constellations that he’d remember. Orion and Artemis were apparently constellations that would appear frequently as that’s a prominent story he remembered you telling him. I would tell you their story but now is not the time.
He wrapped an arm around your sleeping body to keep you steady and leaned his head over yours as he spoke to the stars, “Friends? I think she’s the only one out of the both of us that believes that.”
authors note: hope you enjoyed this chapter! please reblog, like, comment, or whatever you feel comfortable doing to let me know that you like this story and if I should continue it. Also, if you have anything you have questions about it don't be afraid to ask! I'll answer it to the best I can without spoiling too much :)
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ophelian-darling · 1 year
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Yandere Dabi x female reader.
Summary: Hell is the other people, yet that doesn't mean to not have a devil to love in the abyss.
TW: Violent thoughts, Possessiveness, Dub-con, Drug & alcohol consumption, Obsession, Onanism.
This is a NSFW piece, Minors DNI.
enjoy ♡
As if the flames of Inferno hadn't devoured enough of him: his flesh went adust and he metamorphosed into an ugly, grotesque replica of a corpse. It was a lord's grace that he managed to survive -that's what would anyone say to him- Yet what was there to rejoice with still?! The reflection of the stained glass on the wall painted a poor excuse of a human- a failed hope of a legend and the dead blues of eyes that used to be chaste. His skin and scars were attached together in a cruel show of monstrosity, a thin line separated the decaying flesh from the unhealable wounds, and nothing in the world can wash away the hatred and rage boiling inside like the devil's pit. Ever since he swore on destroying the world, every hue of an emotion and any glimpse of a feeling had been sewn shut and imprisoned, filling  the Lilies with thorns and drops of blood to shield what was remaining. 
Dabi couldn't bring himself to offer more oblations- The Idol of heroism and honor, that he used to put on a pedestal and bow down ardently for, is now nothing but a scarecrow: a deceiving figure and a cover for the truly vile intentions; the real salvation  of the world was to set it on fire and enliven it to God's innocent Eden, where no snakes or poisoned fruit will crawl inside. The 'league of villains' were the angels of death and the new Azraels of the fallen world, accompanied together to rescue the unfortunate from corruption; there were no dreams or love to live for, as his goal was the new sacred numen.
His so-called colleagues are puppets, just like he is, moved with different threads and for different roles. He couldn't bring himself to develop anything for them, whether it's fellowship, friendship or fraternity. All of them appeared to get along well: a bond was knitting itself more and more everyday as Shigaraki led them to achieve a seemingly similar paradise, gladly taking their places in a chess war and armoured as pawns, and you were no exception. 
Your features conveyed no sensation, as what a devoted villain should show themself. Unlike Toga or Twice, you were silent as a lamb to the slaughter and serene as a deep sea, not disturbed or strangled, like you gave your soul on a silver platter with a peaceful heart. Others sought solace from the dregs of what had the air of a warm feeling provided by you- love and acceptance, just as they were a little loving family, where you alongside Magne, were regarded as the older sisters, and looked as the weak fraction of a home. 
Poison in honey. Clouds of doubt and distrust bedimmed his mind whenever he conjured up your lineaments: the resting lines across your face and the reverent glamor in the color of your eyes- none of what you showed was to be perceived as evil. all of the fallen from grace around him had a revolutionary flame in their gaze, au contraire of your placidly hollowed stare, promising to cast a long illusion of Kafkaesque awes.
To Shigaraki's pleasure, you were his favorite- or more correctly the most tolerable member of the league. a perfect model of obedience you were: you spoke so little and worked so hard, polished the numen of new heroism with blood and gifted it so many sacrifices -sacrifices that were out of pure love, souls and pieces of the useless- With no fear or selfish intentions. Toga mooned over your figure and clinged to your hip. The little blonde was a childish loon and He couldn't endure her most of the time, while you (In addition to managing to remain a decent human being) hit it off and contained her tantrums just as you did with Twice -That psychotic freak-. He hated everyone equally: His family, His comrades and leader, and he wanted to despise you as well; the wall of an unknown sentiment hitting back what his mind wanted him to comprehend. 
You're giving him a sort of hate that he didn't accept nor understand. Why would he feel irritated instead of apathetic at your surface attitude towards him?! Surely he is in no need of baring someone else's hopes -he'd rather carry his own despair alone-  yet he won't swallow down the thought of you thinking of him as a failure, a maggot that devours rotten carcasses or merely a lost cause, he is indeed a lost cause but never an empty noise in the background of your head, or someone that you can ignore so easily. As he watches you patch up Jin, smile sweetly at Atsuhiro's tantalizings, play cards with Shuichi or chat with Himiko about everything and nothing. The virulent wave of an emotion keeps washing at him; playing a series of cruel thoughts and imaginations that were rather sadistic: bashing your head against a wall till the threads of crimson sewed your calm face, burning your flawless skin until it discolored to a vile, pussed red; all to hear your screams and enjoy the melody of your vocal cords as you cried in agony for him to stop. The scenarios of torturing you blessed his nights with vivid dreams: Unlike what his consciousness wanted to see, his psyche animated you and him in cherry blossom reveries, the lost innocence drowning everything in a blissful haze. He remembered the feeling of your touch and the note of your true voice: soft as silk and meek as milk, the sweet fruit of heaven, not poisoned by satan. He recalls more than a time how his nightdreams were a small warm flash of affection at first, then ignited into a fevered kiss before escalating to a carnal feast. The euphoria of uniting with you was unforgettable: kissing and nipping at each inch of you, from your lips and face down to your neck, a lovely odor fragrancing your shoulders, the mellow flesh of your breasts, gently squishing in his palms and the raw pomes of your nipples and their flavor- how he imagined the graze of his teeth and nails on the pure fabric of your skin, the path of his tongue down to your dripping cunt- your nectarous cunt, generously pouring your essence on his tongue as he lapped your flower, savoring every little drop of fluid in every little spot of each petal while your croons and moans composed a midnight chant. Flames blazed in his loins while your core was drenched; him immediately dousing the heat when he entered you roughly. The scenery was utterly perfect: your cries of pleasure and whines at his dandlings and teasing, the purple blooms across your neck and cleavage, and the full mewl of vigor escaping your throat as you finished, his cock spasming so deep inside; cervix opened up and swallowing his seed. The sweet haze filled everything to a bright sweven, bright as the fullest moon in the darkest night, consumed by the clouds and veiled into the dim. He wakes up- hard and frustrated as he palms himself, cussing at the many shapes of your form within his memory. He needed to feel you, now and next to him. 
Dabi would never unfold his fantasies to you. the idea of revealing such a hidden side of him to anyone (let alone you, the person in concern for his nocturnal musings) was embarrassing; the pride and dignity -even as a morally shattered rogue- he built over the years refused to lower over someone and disclose such a vulnerable part of a parlous evildoer. It's his lucky day- the annoying brat of a leader finally made a good decision of teaming you up together. Shigaraki thinks that you're capable of cooling Dabi's heat while he would warm up your apathy, just as fire and ice would balance each other. And of course, he didn't give a single fuck about the mission's success or the plan as much as he did about getting to start something with you, something that'll hopefully develop into what he had in mind. Soon enough, the dreams of your body on him will come to be a reality. 
Good. you aren't scared away or seem to be disgusted at him. you were pretty docile: he didn't have to call you a name or throw a threat at you to pay attention to him. Dabi colors his attempts to coax you with a hue of bitter judgment and cynicism, hoping to elicit a real reaction from the depths of your mind, not that mild bright look of your eyes, sending him a scattered letters and an unknown message: a feeling of opacity, odd serenity that increased his desire to maim you beyond all of the evils a human can imagine. 
His fantasies became even rougher and more detailed. The brightness of blood and sunlight on your face were equally exciting, and his desire to own you for his jollity increased with each time his hand tried to replace the smoothness of your walls, desperately delineating the scene from a third eye: him burying himself in the heat of your core, clutching your arms in a fist, spitting curses and degradations at your cutely fucked face. The idea of you being a cheap whore and a costly mistress at the same time sparked a fire in his mind; corrupting whatever purity you still had and breaking your sanity- wiping that stupid calm face off and putting a bloodied and scared one in a show for him. The visions were so pleasant that his hands wanted nothing but to beat you broken and burn you dead; drag you to his pit of misery. 
Dabi now shows you a fraction of what he can offer of 'Kindness'. Every Time you happen to converse with him, he aims to provoke you by obscene flirtation or direct teasing, which you respond to with a quick comeback or an eyeroll. The more he pushes your buttons, the more your true nature comes to light for him: you're a cruel, doe-eyed disaster, everything ugly and pretty at the same time; he absolutely loves that.
Anger doesn't rise when you throw your words at him: your insults weren't even insults, whether you laced them with poison or honed their edges sharp, they didn't wound as much as they tickled: everything that came out of that pretty little mouth of yours was sweet, too sweet that made him eager to cut your tongue off and watch blood cascade. He wanted to get a devil out of you, as to take it to a hell of his own, where you would both revel in cutting each other to ribbons. 
The inflicted pain loses its ache with time, and melts into a crippling throe, and grows to a deep blue melancholy. it feels to him -and you as well- that you took comfort in hurting him and him hurting you, like breaking a bone to forget a sharp twist of the heart. indulging in banes was a temporary relief as well: cigarettes and Alcohol, pills and remedies weren't enough to release a lingering burden of shame and acrimony. It happened in a moonless night- a bottle of wine dangling lazily from your fingers, your head on his shoulder and your tongue unlacing its knot, through a blur of tears, all of what had been coffined under your skin teared through and emerged into existence: you were just like him- a torn hope for a legend, a replaceable weapon and a losing card. Just when you believed the serpent's lie of power and grace, your superiors took you out of what used to be your home, your heaven and haven; everything was ripped out from your hands overnight, and tears were no longer an antidote. and he listens- he listens to every word you say, dread filling his cogitation as the familiar scenes are played.
"Was I really a failure all along?" He watched you swallow your words with a full gulp, the red in the bottle swinging within it in your shaking grip. Your eyes were distant as always, but in an exciting way- you seemed hopeless, utterly woebegone, the gleam of your eyes absent to where an unknown corner of your head laid.
"The more I think of it, the more my hatred for them grows… but I can't deny that I used to love them… and I still love them!" 
Sobs lost between gulps; the drink wasn't able to pacify your sorrows. He just simply stares at the mess of you, intrigued by both of your tears and subtle determination of revenge. His imagination creates a scene where your form stood, gazing up to a charred horizon, your head turning around, a numb smile crossing its curved line on your face, while your eyes carried a certain violent gentleness. As he watches you wipe the traces of sorrow on your face, Dabi comes to the realization of who you verily were: an embodiment of the darkest depravity in the garments of the purest piety, that you were the serpent and not the sinner. If this life was hell; then you ought to be the devil itself; a reincarnation of Jezebel's deceit, Circe's eyes and Delilah's lulling.
Your fingers twitched and moved, skimming his scarred hand, spiderlike at first, wanting a silent agreement from him to continue, then bold, obscene as you took his silence as an acceptance.
Now he notices how well manicured are your nails and how neat are your digits, coy when they took both of his palms, to downright prurient when you slipped his hands under your shirt to meet your bosom.
"I've seen the way you look at me" you purred, stars of a far nirvana lustering in your eyes, not like you were just weeping. 
You squeezed his hands, encouraging him to fondle on the soft flesh on your chest, which he did, immediate and eager as he was whenever he recalled that dream.
"You seemed like you wanted to hurt me terribly… and just to let you know, being hurt by you isn't a very awful thought… it's…" you giggled like a vamp "Sexy…" 
He felt like an overflowed dam. just as you let the final words, he planted a forceful kiss to your lips, relishing the taste of ale on your tongue. you moaned into his mouth, arms on his shoulders welcoming him for sin.
The bottle rolled to an unknown corner of the room, its content missing than a few drops. All it took to loosen your composure was a hundredth night of drinking and a tipsy talk. To him, none of the Alcohol was as much of an intoxication as the feeling of you, far more rapturous and surreal than the vistas of violence and vigor he visualized in the dead of the night. Time lost its sense in a complete haze, nothing but the grunts and murmurs caroling the cold air of the small room.
When the first threads of daybreak slipped through the cracks, it all befell you in a sharp remembrance. you recognized the scars on the body beside you, softly snoring and twisting its muscles as it woke up. 
"Round two, Ay, love?" 
You were obviously regretful of what'd taken place nights ago, as you wore your annoyance on your face. He had his way with you during a moment of weakness, claimed himself as a 'boyfriend' and crawled under your skin. In all honesty, you'd found him attractive when you first set your sight on him, the dead blues he gloomed the world with spoke a threat of violence and vengeance, sparking your own fantasies to deprave and go astray with insanity. You thought about breaking him slowly with seduction and faux timidity; succeeding when he allowed his demons to entice him into touching you, but failing when he sought love from you of all people. 
He's not ashamed of letting his emotional deprivation surface. He's a nuisance- constantly clinging to your hip, demanding all sorts of affection regardless of the time. There's a mission? He accompanies you, disobeying the leader's instructions with all satisfaction. You're going somewhere? He tags along, not caring about your protests and complaints of his existence. a hue of joy on his face blinks when you're alone together: He speaks more, attempts to flirt in his words and asks for physical assurance more than he gives (not like you wanted anything from him except sex). His tolerance decreases when it comes to your connections with the rest of the league members; he's now ruder to them and sometimes violent- warning them audibly to stop interacting with you, and you couldn't oppose yourself, feeling gleeful deep down at your capacity to get this side out of him. You were fully aware he had issues, sorts of injuries that didn't stop at his face and limbs, but that wasn't a concern of yours. 
In the silence of everything at the end of day, his head on your chest, Dabi spills out every single letter of what he thinks of you. 
"You're a bitch, and I love that about you… another disaster in my life, but a pretty one…" He rotates his head to look at you, a smug line curving up his lips "Wanna show me how much of a slutty wide-eyed brat you are?" 
You give a sweet smile in return, starting a long night of pain that didn't hurt more than it pleased. The silence of the dark would stretch until the light is poured in heavens, when every aching memory, tear and sob is forgotten and deemed to return in next kisses and bites. The journey of your lives continues to a shared horizon: you both swore on destroying the world together, ruin the scarecrow of falsity and sacralize what was truly sacred: you and him only; your new heaven through the colors of your eyes.
"Stay with me forever…" 
"I want to be your world, you're already mine" 
"Let's burn together in hell" 
"Dance with me on their corpses" 
"I love you, do you love me?" 
"I do love you… Touya" 
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mixelation · 1 year
In your last ask about Tori being reborn into Naruto, one of the tags mentions the akatsuki being reborn? Do you mind going into that? As in the akatsuki being reborn into different villages after they die?
no, the premise is more like a time travel fic where the time travelers end up in their younger bodies. so the akatsuki are still themselves but now they have.... Future Knowledge(tm). i've been going back and forth a lot on how this would change their decision making processes because obviously some of them could have huge effects on the canon plot. kakuzu, for example, is old enough he could probably prevent any ninja village from being founded in he played his cards right.
some ideas:
i am intrigued by the idea of kakuzu killing hashirama and preventing konoha from ever happening, but also this isn't the story to explore that. instead he decides to fuck off and be a missing-nin earlier, because he doesn't want to fuck with his village any more than he has to
hidan makes zero changes to his life. good job, hidan
sasori still makes himself a puppet, but maybe does it when he's older? like i feel like when i was 16 i was like "yeah, being a teenager forever is a good idea" but as an adult i'm like "but sasori would be so hot if he actually looked 35?" also he might get taller. so i think with the wisdom of age he might wait a bit. i also feel like he might have the motivation/ability to interfere in how the war that killed his parents went (i think it was the second one?) but that's another moving piece i'm still rotating
i haven't decided how this is going to play out in plasticity, but for this AU let's say konan and pein understand zetsu/obito's roles in ruining the world. they preemptively murder obito, oops. depending on how they do this (and how aware minato is of how obito died), it means ame's relationship with konoha could look REAL different. also not 100% sure what i want to do with yahiko/ame in general. still rotating this part
konan and pein's intervention does mean minato & kushina are still alive and kicking. itachi is confused but he's going with this. danzo's still a slimeball but the massacre isn't really on the table anymore. i'm also leaning towards a scenario where itachi is really, really bad at pretending to be A Normal Child and ends up in ANBU even earlier and is confused about why he's unhappy with this
without obito around to brainwash the mizukage, kiri is more stable and kisame is just chugging along there (although he's firmer about turning down some missions--- and good enough no one can really argue with him)
Deidara's origin story in Plasticity is that his family is just some farmers with proto-mouth hands and Iwa is paying them to churn out a bunch of children to see if they can make a new bloodline limit. Some of the gamete donors are likely ninja, but Deidara was born on a farm and not slorped up into the Iwa system never to see his family again until he was Academy age. Post time travel, Deidara remembers family never paid much attention to him, and he has no reason to want to go back to Iwa, so he just runs away at like age 5
The crux of all this is that none of them actually knows the entire akatsuki has time traveled. Like Nagato and Konan obviously know the other one time traveled and everyone is aware this timeline is Different, but it hasn't occurred to anyone to seek out other members and they don't bump into each other organically because they're all in very different parts of the world. Since she's the main character, obviously Tori gets to the catalyst for people running into each and pointing like the spiderman meme
Since Tori doesn't HAVE a family in Ninjaland to be reborn into, she's brought up as an orphan in a ninja clan that unaffiliated with any village. I just like the idea that there's still some of these kicking around. Since she's not a real part of the family, she gets treated like shit and doesn't really get formal ninja training. B U T the family heads are entering Cahoots with Orochimaru and he's like: what's this? Spare orphans???
Orochimaru obviously eventually completely fucks over the family (maybe they have some interesting kekkai genkai/jutsu he just runs off with while their home burns), but Tori knows exactly what to say and how to act to get into his good graces. But ALSO she's acutely aware she's playing a very dangerous game and abandons ship a few years later, preferably in a very dramatic way where she screws over Orochimaru as much as she can.
(Revenge? She's not worried about that. This is only endearing herself to him.)
I'm going back and forth on what her ~abilities~ are, but I want to keep that she has no elemental affinity. I also can't see her as someone whose gut reaction to a situation would be "I can fight my way out of this" even if she's technically been trained to be competent at it. What she DOES have is a new and creative ways to push the field of fuinjutsu forward. Also toyed around with the idea of misappropriating medical jutsu to fuck shit up? she is not a taijutsu specialist but you should not fight her hand-to-hand, oops
(also, yes, she can throw knives now)
Tori is right between Deidara and Itachi in age so I was thinking while she's wandering around as a 12 year old feral ninja or whatever she is, she somehow runs into Deidara? And then something goes EXTREMELY WEIRD and they both end up in Konoha. This Deidara is technically affiliated with Iwa, but he was never one of them and he's obviously a genius, so I think most of Konha leadership would be like :EYES EMOJI: at him? Tori was affiliated with Konoha's scariest missing-nin, so.... that's suspicious, but also something something she's deidara one friend and that kid needs someone else's braincell.
so, my EXTREMELY convoluted and cracktastic take was then: Minato needs to do something super sneaky at a Chunin Exam for some reason. He wants to send in a fake genin team as entrants, but he'd prefer to use younger shinobi so there's less suspicion. Kushina has been bugging him for a genin team for years. He gives her the extra super special DISASTER team of Itachi, Deidara and Tori*
*tbh i don't super like kushina but i like the idea of her as tori's mentor. their personalities are VERY different but i think kushina would ave a lot of sympathy for a young girl trying to settle into a foreign village, oh and also do you want to do something wild with yogurt
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chronicbeans · 1 year
helllo!! i hope you don't mind me asking this but, since puppeteer reader is stuck in 'welcome home' show and the welcome home staff quits, that would mean reader is stuck there forever, and so..., would the reader age? like if puppeteer reader was in their mid twenties something, and reader is stuck there do they age? if so how would the puppets handle this? would the puppets try to preserve reader? or just be davastated? (and since in the last post the puppets seems to worship reader ,specificcally wally).
and also if by any chance reader escapes the 'welcome home' show how would the puppets also handles it??? and how would the staff,henry,angela,etc react to this? (also the welcome home and real life time is the same?).
(i hope this ask is not too much and overbearing *crys*)
That age related question is a good one, with a surprisingly simple (at least to me, probably because I am the one who came up with it) answer! I'll also answer your second question under the read more, too!
The reader will age as long as the show continues and the show is on air, because that's how time works in Welcome Home. Basically, everytime there is a broadcasting of the show or someone plays their copy of it at home, time will continue in the Welcome Home world. So, the reader will age. If the show is off, and no one is playing it, time will stop. The puppets have never really experienced night before, because the show was never completely cancelled, but once it is, everything is dark due to there being no studio lights to make it day. Then, once there are no reruns and no one is playing the show at home, time stops. The puppets can still move and live out their daily lives as normal, but any changes caused by aging don't exist because time isn't moving. Eddie would probably be the first to notice, because his watch's hands would stop ticking. If the reader were to get injured or sick, it might be a problem. The wound would never really heal, and since time is a big part of getting over illness, they would never truly recover. However, if they weren't sick when time stopped, they would never get sick, because it takes time for an illness to manifest itself physically. I hope that makes sense, lol. I don't think I am good at explaining it.
If the reader were to escape, a multitude of factors would impact it. If they escaped relatively early on, the people in the real world would simply be overjoyed. It is not that they would not be happy if you escaped later, it is just that later on, the show was cancelled... So if you escaped later, you most likely wouldn't have aged. So Angela and Henry and everyone else would be physically older. Who knows? Maybe Angela even passed away somehow and Henry is an adult by the time you left. Imagine how shocking and, most likely, scary it would be to find your family member back after being missing for years... Only for them to look the exact same as they did when they went missing.
The puppets either way, would be devastated. Especially Wally. Think about it. You are basically their deity. It would most likely be traumatic for them to realize that their deity has abandoned them. Wally, being the one who was the most attached from his time spent in the real world, would feel as if he is responsible for you leaving. He was meant to make you happy! He was meant to be a good puppet so that you would stay and bring joy to the neighborhood! He's failed not only you, but himself and all of his friends! He can't bear to look at them, now. He'd just lock himself away inside Home, most likely just surrounding himself with all the drawings and letters he made for you.
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this is music ~ eddie munson;stranger things
word count: 2982
request?: yes!
“Hi! I love your writing so much and i was wondering if you write for Eddie Munson? if you don’t feel free to ignore this! If you do, I was wondering if you could write something with Eddie x male reader? Maybe where Eddie finds out that reader is a huge fan of Metallica and he gets super happy bc he didn’t know reader was into metal music? I know this is a super dumb idea, but I’ve been a huge fan of Metallica for as long as I can remember, and I was so happy when I first saw the clip of him playing master of puppets :D”
description: in which his love of heavy metal brings him closer to the school freak; not that he minds at all
pairing: eddie munson x male!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of bullying and homophobia, use of y/n
masterlist (one, two, three)
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There are a few pluses to being an outcast. The big one is that all the outcasts sat at the same lunch table, so that saved you from the embarrassment of trying to find a table, or from having to eat in the bathroom like the loser you were.
The first time you sat at the table was during your freshman year. You were desperately searching for somewhere to sit in the busy cafeteria when an older boy with long, dark hair suddenly appeared at your side. You jumped as he said, “Come with me, fresh meat.”
It wasn’t exactly a welcoming comment, but what else were you to do? So, you followed him through the crowd of students. It was hard not to notice the glares and looks of disgust from the popular tables. You weren’t sure if they were directed towards you or the boy walking ahead of you. Probably both.
He brought you to a table with five other students. You realized as you approached that they were all wearing the same shirts; white with black sleeves, and an angry red devil on the front with the words “Hellfire Club” written above it. You had a sudden pang of panic thinking this was some high school cult trying to induct you.
The boy sat down at the head of the table and gestured for you to join them. You tried to decline the offer, but your words came out stuttered and unintelligible.
The long hair boy rolled his eyes and said, “We don’t bite. We’re a DND club, and school loser lunch table. You’re free to sit with us whenever you want, and it definitely seemed like you needed somewhere.”
You managed to stutter out, “I-I don’t play DND.”
“That’s fine, we don’t need new members. You can just sit. We won’t even talk to you if you don’t want us to.”
What other options did you have? Glancing around the room, you saw that every other table was already taken by cliques and established friend groups. You knew you shouldn’t pass up this opportunity, so you didn’t. You sat at the far end of the table and silently ate your food. The rest of the group talked amongst themselves, keeping to their promise of not talking to you if you didn’t want them to.
When lunch ended, you collected your tray and started to leave. You noticed the long hair boy walking in the same direction and fell back to talk to him.
“Thank you,” you said. “For letting me sit with you guys, I mean.”
“No worries, man. Like I said, you’re welcome to sit with us any time. High school is a dog eat dog world. Us dogs gotta stick together.” He bumped your shoulder before adding, “I’m Eddie, by the way.”
That was a little over a year ago. You were now early into your sophomore year, and you still sat at Eddie’s table. The agreement of not talking to you still stood even all that time later. The guys would greet you when you sat down, but that would be the extent of your conversations. At first, you’d eat with your head down and just listen to what they were talking about, but for your birthday your family had gotten you a Walkman, so you started bringing that to school with you to listen to music during lunch.
Eddie would say hello to you if he saw you outside of the lunch room, too. He was very friendly, but you wouldn’t say the two of you were actually friends. Not that you didn’t want to be friends. In your full year at Hawkins High, you hadn’t made any friends. You weren’t into sports, and you had no desire to join any after school groups. You didn’t talk to anyone outside of the brief words exchanged with the Hellfire Club during lunch. You kept to yourself and, as much as you would like to be friends with Eddie, you were too scared to let him in after what had happened in your last school.
You were walking to your lunch table with your lunch tray in hand, the same as every day. It was the day of a school basketball game, so all the jocks were extra rowdy; being loud and running amuck of the cafeteria. You were trying to get to your lunch table without incident when a jock backed into you, bumping you so hard it knocked over your drink. You were able to grab it before it spilled all over you or onto the floor. You mumbled an apology even though it wasn’t your fault, but you knew it would likely be the best reaction to get you out of the situation.
Unfortunately, you were wrong.
“Watch where you’re going, loser,” the jock hissed. You mumbled another apology, but it still wasn’t enough as he roughly shoved you. You stumbled and managed to stop your tray from falling, but your Walkman, which was in your pocket and the headphones were around your neck, fell to the ground. “What’s this?”
You tried to grab it before he did, but you were too slow. He snatched your Walkman from the ground and held the headphones up to his ear. Heat was rising in your neck and you felt sweat forming on your forehead and under your arms. A nasty smile stretched across his face as he heard the music you had been listening to.
“Hey Jason, listen to this.”
He threw the Walkman over your head towards another basketball player. You tried to reach for it, but you were still trying to hold your tray as well. The next jock put your headphones on to hear your still playing music. His mouth opened in shock. “Who knew the quiet kid was into such heavy music?”
He then tossed it to the next jock. You watched helplessly as they threw around what you considered to be your prize possession, listening to the music that brought you comfort and mocking you for it. You felt tears stinging your eyes.
Suddenly, as one jock was tossing the Walkman to another, another hand shot out to grab it. Eddie Munson was glaring daggers at the basketball team and he held your Walkman. The jocks didn’t seem particularly intimidated by him. If anything, they were amused by his act of heroism.
“Awe, is the freak stepping in to save his little loser underling?” the first jock teased.
“You guys must really have sad lives if all that brings you joy is a game about throwing balls into laundry baskets and bullying people who did nothing to you,” Eddie said. “Almost makes me feel sympathy about the fact that you’ll all peak in high school and be bald by 30.”
One of the jocks tried to advance on Eddie and you felt yourself holding your breath. The last thing you wanted was for Eddie to get his ass kicked because of you. But, Eddie wasn’t afraid. He held up his index finger and waved it back and forth before pointing towards the lunch room supervisor, one of the school’s teachers. She had mostly been ignoring the bullying that was happening to you, as teachers in Hawkins High famously did, but suddenly she was zeroed in on what was going on between Eddie and the jocks.
“You can hit me all you want, but it’ll mean you won’t play in the game tonight,” Eddie said. “And I’m sure your coach would be so happy to hear that one of his players got detention the day of the game.”
The jock huffed at Eddie before turning to his teammates and motioning for them to go back to their table. You were still stood, frozen, unshed tears welling in your eyes that you were desperately trying to blink away. Eddie walked over to you and held your Walkman out to you.
“Hey man, you’re okay now,” he said, his voice soft.
You nodded and reached for your Walkman. Eddie thought you had a grasp on it before you actually did, and ended up dropping the device on the floor again. You winced as it landed with a loud crash, and popped open with the cassette sliding out of it. The both of you were quick to kneel down for the device, but Eddie reached it first. He was profusely apologizing when he took hold of the cassette and saw what it was you had been listening to.
“Whoa,” he said. “You listen to Metallica?”
You shrugged, suddenly feeling embarrassed again. Was he going to make fun of you the way the jocks had? You really could not handle it if he did.
“I love Metallica!” he said, a goofy smile stretching across his face. “What’s your favorite song? Actually, wait, we should probably go sit down so you can eat before lunch is over. But you have to answer my question when we sit down.”
Eddie insisted that you sit next to him instead of at your isolated part of the table. Everyone seemed shocked by how animated Eddie had gotten with you, but he ignored them to talk to you. You were shocked when he managed to get you out of your shell for that short lunch period. At first you were sheepishly answering his questions, but soon enough you were feeling just as giddy and excited as he was talking about the topic. You were disappointed when the warning bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.
“You should come to Hellfire after school,” Eddie said as you started to get up from the table.
“I thought you guys weren’t taking new members,” you said.
“Well, we’re not, but you can come watch if you’d be down for that. I can drive you home after and we can talk more about metal.”
A heat was rising in your cheeks again, but this time it wasn’t from embarrassment. You just nodded your head at Eddie, and he smiled another wide smile at you. He bumped your shoulder and said a quick, “See you then!” before going off towards the exit. You felt like you were floating as you went to dump your tray and make your way to your locker. You couldn’t believe how quickly things had changed with Eddie, all because of the music you listened to. If you had known this would be the topic that brought you closer together, you would’ve mentioned to him what you liked to listen to way earlier.
Suddenly, the thought made everything crash down around you. You remembered there was a reason you hadn’t wanted to get close to Eddie, a reason you had completely forgot about the entire time you spent talking to Eddie. As much as you had enjoyed getting to see this bubbly side of Eddie, and as much as you wanted to be his friend, you couldn’t. You couldn’t risk him finding out your secret and having him turn on you the way your last friend group had. You didn’t want to have to change schools again.
So, although you told Eddie you’d go to Hellfire after school, you made the decision that you actually wouldn’t. You’d slip out with the crowds of excited students who wanted to get home, and you wouldn’t have to face Eddie until lunch the next day where he would undoubtably hate you for standing him up. That’s how it had to be, no matter how much it hurt you.
But, things very rarely go as planned.
You were held back by one of your teachers to talk to you about an assignment you had nearly failed. You kept trying to insist that you understood where you went wrong and you’d do better for the next one, but he just kept talking and talking. By the time he had finally let you go, the hallways were mostly empty and the buses were getting ready to leave. You were annoyed by the fact that you’d have to walk home, but it was the only option now. You were scurrying to your locker, trying to get your things as quickly as possible before the Hellfire Club came down the hall.
You thought you were successful. You had your bag over your shoulder and your coat in your arms. You were making your way towards the school exit, almost to freedom, when a familiar voice called, “Hey, (Y/N)!”
You winced and turned back to see Eddie making his way towards you. You couldn’t just turn and ran out the doors. You were sure he wouldn’t follow you if you had. But, you stayed planted there, allowing him to reach you.
“Where are you going? I thought you were coming to Hellfire,” he said.
“Uh...something...came up,” you responded, lamely.
He didn’t seem upset or disappointed by your answer. He shrugged his shoulders and said, “That’s fine. Maybe you can come to the next one, then.”
“I...don’t think it’s a good idea for me to come,” you said. “I...we can’t be friends, Eddie.”
This is where Eddie’s face fell. “Oh...why?”
“I just...I can’t have friends.”
“Is that a weird religious thing? Are your parents, like, Mormon or something?”
“No, it’s not a thing with my parents. It’s a me thing. It’s a decision I made.”
“But why?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
You tried to leave again, but Eddie reached out to grab your arm. The second his hand touched you, it sent a fire through your whole body. You wanted him to keep touching you, and that was exactly why you couldn’t let him get close.
“(Y/N), what is going on?” he asked. “You’ve kept to yourself the entire time we’ve known you. You don’t talk to us, or to anyone. Today was the first time I’ve ever seen you so open and talkative, and now you’re suddenly saying you can’t have friends? What gives? Do you just...not like us or something?”
You shook your head. “It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
You felt tears welling in your eyes again. You pulled from Eddie’s grasp and declared, without thinking, “I can’t be your friend because I’m gay, and once you found that out you’d be disgusted with me, just like my old friends were.”
Eddie was silent. His face looked stunned, but otherwise you couldn’t read any other reaction. You backed away from him, ready to turn and run. You were mentally planning how to tell your parents that you’d have to switch schools again. You were just starting to...not like, but maybe tolerate Hawkins High.
“(Y/N),” Eddie finally said, “I’m gay, too.”
His confession stopped you dead in your tracks. You were sure you had heard him wrong. “What?”
“Yeah. It’s not a secret. I mean, I don’t just go around telling people that I’m gay, but I also don’t keep it private. I like guys, I’ve dated guys. Very open and proudly, even though everyone in this town is small minded and bigoted as fuck.” He paused before adding, “Wait, your old friends stopped being friends with you because you’re gay?”
You nodded. “They...they sort of told the entire school, and uh...I was forced to switch schools for my senior year because the bullying was just so bad.”
You could still hear the insults and slurs that were thrown at you on a daily basis when you walked the halls of your old school. Even the teachers looked at you with disgust when you’d enter a room or walk down the hall. There was no safe haven in your old school, just disgust.
You yelped as Eddie suddenly grabbed you and pulled you in for a hug. “Jesus, that fucking sucks. I’m so sorry.”
You let yourself relax in his arms. It felt like a weight had been lifted from your chest, and relief was washing over your body.
“The guys aren’t like that,” Eddie said. “I mean, you don’t have to come out to them if you don’t want to, but they’ve been very supportive of me and my sexuality. They’re good guys, I promise. Do you...do you still want to come to Hellfire?”
You smiled and nodded. Now that your secret was out there, you wanted nothing more than to spend as much time as possible with Eddie Munson.
You started to follow him towards the classroom where they held Hellfire Club. Before walking in, Eddie stopped walking and turned to you. You stopped, too, curious.
“There’s a Metallica concert in the next town over in a few months time,” he said. “Tickets are expensive as hell, but I’ve been saving up every pay cheque I’ve made from work the last few months to get tickets. Would you maybe want to come with me?”
You were stunned by his request. You had heard about the concert happening, your parents had told you actually. They wanted to get you tickets to go, but you turned them down. They weren’t fans of Metallica themselves, and you knew one or both of them would end up going just to bring you, and you didn’t want them to sit through a concert for a band they didn’t like if they weren’t going to enjoy themselves. And going with a friend was out of the question considering you had no friends at the time.
But now you did. You had Eddie.
“I-I’d love to,” you finally said.
Eddie’s smiled brightly. “Great. It’s a date.”
You paused while he entered the room. “A-A date?”
All he did in response was smile at you over his shoulder before turning his attention to the waiting Hellfire members. You had to remind yourself how to move and how to breathe as you followed him into the room, the words, “It’s a date” echoing in your head.
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rosy-avenger · 6 months
Yo. Tell us more of your Knives Out visual language takes.
Or don't. I'm not your dad.
(Unless your dad asks you really specific questions about cinematography, in which case, uh yo, we're out of milk)
Anon I wish I could make gifs because just talking about it doesn't have the same impact. Alas.
I particularly appreciated the shots that communicated Marta's economic status as compared to the Thrombeys. My initial post was about Meg's iPhone, but that wasn't the only example. Others:
-Marta drives a semi-crappy Hyundai, in contrast to the cars the Thrombeys drive (especially Ransom's vintage BMW)
-the shot of Marta's phone with its cracked screen, and later her beat-up sneakers
Then aside from the effective communication about Marta not being wealthy, there were some other good cinematography moments:
-the halo of knives being visible behind all of the family members during their interviews, but it's always off-center with nobody standing directly in front of it, until near the end when first Benoit, then Marta, sit so their heads are right in the center (the hole in the center of the... knife... donut?)
-during Richard's interview, he says something about Marta really being part of the family, and the audio of that line is played over a clip of Richard sitting in the living room and gesturing Marta forward like he's welcoming her into the family conversation; but later when we see the full context of that scene, he's actually calling her forward so he can use her as a prop in his political discussion. The movie is a mystery story with a lot of confusion about the circumstances of Harlan's death; this type of callback shot is a really effective way of showing that the Thrombeys can and do misrepresent their experiences to make themselves look better. It's a reminder to the audience not to take anything at face value.
-really fast blink-and-you'll-miss-it thing: the OS on Harlan's laptop is Windows XP or something similarly way out of date. Very typical for an older person who got used to one OS and never wants to update to a newer one.
-an obvious one: when Marta is giving Harlan the medications, the camera pans sideways and the sheathed knife on its stand moves into frame in the foreground, passing over Harlan's throat.
-when Marta and Benoit are talking on the patio and the outdoor light shines from over Benoit's shoulder (visual metaphor for the illumination of the truth?)
-I saw a thing about how Ransom's clothes are expensive but worn, like he doesn't take care of them; but while watching the movie I interpreted it as that he's cosplaying being poor like some wealthy people do.
-with a couple of brief exceptions, every time we see the portrait of Harlan, it's in the background over Marta's shoulder or Marta is the one looking at it. I interpreted this as showing that while the family focuses on what they can get (or rather, what they stand to lose) out of Harlan's death, Marta is the only one who loved him as a friend and genuinely misses him.
BONUS! Not a cinematography thing, but an imdb-trivia type thing that inexplicably is not on the imdb trivia page: in the sequence of reading Harlan's will, all the reading of the will is done by Frank Oz's character. However, he keeps having to be prompted by a woman attorney who never speaks herself, and none of the other characters interact with her. To put it another way, Frank Oz plays a character who lacks agency and needs to be directed by a character who no one else acknowledges. One might call him a puppet.
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Might be a bit of an ask, but could you give a brief summary of the families of Class 1A in CC? Nothing in depth, but just who lives where, General configurations and so on. Maybe jobs? If you’d rather not, (which, again, understandable, that is a LOT) which family member for which kid is your favourite to write (excluding the Todorokis).
A lot of headcanons are vague but I'll go down the list
We're skipping the Todorokis lmao we talk about them ENOUGH. So does Canon!
Not going to say much on Izuku's family because, again, talked about enough both in Canon and here. I will say that while I talk abotu vtuber!Inko a lot, her main job is a nurse.
Won't say much on Katsuki's either because we know them pretty well but I will say that I narrowed down their jobs so Mitsuki is a model and Masaru is a photographer and yes they work together a lot.
okay on to ones who are more only seen in CC:
Ochako - we see her parents a little and know they own a construction business. They're real sweet and were actually trying really hard to keep Ochako from realizing that they didn't have a lot of money but whoops. I think I want at least one of them to have a Quirk connected to construction work but idk what other than maybe changing the weight of things.
Kirishima - I don't have names for his moms but we did decide their Quirks! One has retractable claw nails(think Lust from FMA) and the other has indestructible skin. Despite this, it's a complete coincidence that Kiri has the Quirk he does because he's adopted. Also Tetsutetsu is his twin who got separated when they were given up for adoption. I have a few thoughts on their bio mom, one being that she gave them up for adoption because she was still a teenager and the other being that her Quirk involves turning her body into crystal. Nothing on the bio dad tho
Denki - I gave him a half-sister! Raiden Dentasu aka Pro Hero Voltage! Based off a character that appears for all of ten seconds in one of the movies. They share a bio dad who is unfortunately a habitual adulterer who trades in for a younger wife every decade or so. Their moms are nice though and will probably be getting along now that Denki and Raiden properly met!
Iida - We know bits and pieces about his family, mostly just their career and rep. But I will say that his parents are very much in love. Like super 'acts like they're high school sweet hearts with cute pet names and flirting and making their kids gag and complain that they're 'embarrassing' and by god do they have a healthy sex life' in love.
Tsu - we know some about her family in that they're all frog/toad Quirks and her parents are pretty nice! That said they did rely on parentifying Tsu a bit too much. (They start to realize this now that Tsu is off at UA and they realize they're a little lost on the younger kids' daily routines). The younger kids don't quite get this and just think adults are silly, but they love each other all the same!
Mina - Her family is a bunch of acid quirks to different degrees! Also she and Katsuki are like second cousins.
Jiro - Her parents are both musicians! Not full on famous rockstars, but they do well as a local band. While Jiro inherited her mother's Quirk, her father is Quirkless.
Momo - Well we know her family is loaded af! The money comes from her father's side of the family (while her mother wasn't exactly 'poor', she was a much lower class). Her parents are very good if quite over-indulgent. I sort of gave her an older sister! Well, technically it's her cousin that her parents adopted after that side of the family died. But ya know.
Fumikage and Eimi - their parents are very ride or die. Oh our kids want to pretend to be one person to get into school? Yeah lets cover for them. Their mom has the bird Quirk, and their dad has a shadow puppet Quirk
Aoyama - his parents are outwardly very nice to people and especially doting to him! But their wealth comes from shady sources.
Bonus members:
Himiko - GOD HER FUCKIN PARENTS. They suck. I will say that her mom has a 'consume things of that color to change her hair color' Quirk. Also Amajiki is her cousin.
Shinso - mmmmmmmm this one is in some spoiler territory but his bio mom gave him up for adoption because she REALLY doesn't trust her employers. He has a half-brother that he's met but neither is aware of this fact. Their shared bio dad is an oc who is the biggest bastard I have ever had the misfortune of creating I can't wait for this bitch to kill him. Because I've been influenced by fanfics Shinso is currently dealing with questionably shitty foster homes but we're gonna fix that real soon.
I don't have many thoughts on the rest of the class other than canon lore tidbits or just that they /have/ parents.
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