#power to people with uteruses
oneknightlight · 1 year
Being a trans guy on your period is kind of metal actually. My cis dad sits in disbelief at what I’m enduring with a straight face. The sight of blood does not scare me. Im walking around in the freezing cold and shedding the lining of an inner organ like it isn’t shit. This is proof that if I were on a battlefield I would prevail.
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raeathnos · 7 months
Actually saw a post this morning that said ‘if you vote at all for either candidate in the next presidential election you support genocide and are a horrible person’ and I just…
I cannot fathom that level of stupidity. Also, I’m extremely suspicious of anyone who tries to tell others that voting doesn’t work, is bad, etc.
Please don’t fall for the same mistakes as 2016. Yes things are bad, yes there is bad on both sides, but refusing to vote doesn’t change anything or help anyone.
I’m begging y’all to think and use your heads.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Realistic Tips & Tricks to Become "That Girl"
Some alternatives to having an entire day before 9am that allow you to enjoy your life and help you find pleasure in reaching your goals. Enjoy xx
Focus on a consistent sleep schedule, not select times: Structure your day around your energy, not an idealized schedule is guaranteed to not work for everyone. Wake up at 6-7 am, if you're a true early riser, and head to the gym to get your day started. Otherwise, there's no reason why waking up at 8-9am and getting in an evening-time workout session is lesser than.
Plan your days & week around your energy peaks: Figure out the times of the day when you're most focused, productive, creative, fidgety, sleepy, etc., and structure your days/weeks/month around your internal clock to the best of your ability. While this may be slightly difficult if you have a 9-5 or go to school during the day, think about what blocks of time are best dedicated to meetings, creative work, planning, routine tasks, emails, studying, etc. For those with uteruses, consider your energy throughout your cycle to help you plan the month.
Create "bookend" routines: While these will often be your morning and nighttime routines, consider how you prime and unwind your mind from your biggest tasks of the day (for most of us, this will be work, school, and chores on the weekends). Some reading, light movement, and upbeat music can create momentum before starting your daily tasks. A long walk and some journaling are a simple yet productive combination to decompress from the day.
Embrace the power of 3s: Create a daily primer routine, workday, and relaxation routine around 3 core tasks/projects/rituals. For example: Mornings can include using your 5-Minute Journal, doing a quick 10-minute meditation/yoga/dancing session to get in some movement, and spending 10 minutes reading; Your workday should be focused on completing your "Big Three" tasks, projects, or meetings of the day; Evenings can include a quick 5-10 minute planning session for the next day, a 15-60 minute walk or workout (depending on how you're feeling), and some journaling/reading time after dinner. You don't need to do it all. Consistency is key.
Create a "pleasure" and "pain" list. Own your inner masochist: Open up a fresh journal page or web document. Create two separate lists titled "Pleasure" and "Pain." The first list captures all of the simple pleasures that make your days enjoyable (from coffee rituals and your skincare routine to small work successes, daily movement, and indulgent evening treats, like a favorite TV show, a glass of wine, tea, etc.). The second list captures the tasks you regularly dread or procrastinate out of hatred and overwhelm (includes tedious or mentally-draining work tasks, meetings, chores, difficult workout sessions, necessary conversations with emotionally immature people, etc.). Looking over these two lists gives you an overview of your daily experience to help you (realistically) optimize your day for more ease and enjoyment.
Incorporate a pleasurable element into every ritual: Find ways to pair these more "painful" activities with something pleasurable. Examples include having a favorite coffee or tea while working on a draining work project, listening to a fun playlist, taking a walk/doing a face mask or massage while having a less enjoyable conversation, etc.)
Leverage habit stacking: Build habits on top of one another to set yourself up for success. Use a nearly mindless or enjoyable "cue" to spark action that results in habit formation. For example, use sipping your morning coffee as a cue to read your 10 daily pages or do some journaling. Leave your workout clothes out beside your bed with your yoga mat all laid out to make it stupidly easy to get your workout done right away. Have a playlist curated and opened to let you press "start" immediately when you need to begin your work day.
Create a capsule menu/wardrobe: Streamline your everyday meals and outfits by curating a handful of healthy breakfasts/lunches/dinners/snacks and outfits that you can put together mindlessly throughout the week. While creativity in these areas is fun, pre-determined options for busy days can help minimize decision fatigue. Know what staple groceries you need in your kitchen to make these recipes, and ensure to keep them in stock when going on your weekly grocery run. Have a few go-to outfits for work, running errands, working out, and social outings. Choose 5-10 well-fitting wardrobe staples that pair well together in the front of your closet at all times.
Become a playlist master: Curate different playlists for particular tasks, activities, and times of the day. Having playlists for creative/admin work tasks, reading, working out, cleaning, waking up, and winding down for the day can give you the energy to focus and not procrastinate or simply enjoy a necessary task more.
Focus on systems, not habits: Consider the domino effect of each practice and activity. Determine whether your current strategies and routines align with your energy, goals, and desired outcomes. Reflect on the parts of your routine that increase/decrease your energy and motivation. See how you can create a system – a pattern of consistently-practiced habits – that supports your goals and desired lifestyle that does not compromise your overall life satisfaction and well-being.
Experiment until you find an achievable balance: Focus on progress, not perfection. While there may be days or even seasons where hard work and fewer pleasures take priority, life is meant to bring you joy, peace, and satisfaction at the end of the day. Remaining in your comfort zone does you no good. However, learning ways to find pleasure in the process remains the key to long-lasting discipline and the energy necessary to maintain the determination required for success.
Sending you healthy and prosperous vibes xx
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Thinking a lot about how a lot of transphobia is rooted in the misogynistic idea that a woman's role is to reproduce and submit to her husband.
It manifests itself in different ways, but they all share the same root.
For transphobia against trans women, it manifests as transphobes blasting trans women for "immigrating" womanhood and telling trans women that they'll never be real women because, ultimately, they don't have a uterus and can't become pregnant. Trans women who have vulvas are told that their vulvas aren't "real", even if their vulvas can fulfill every other aspect of a vulva except for the processes involved in pregnancy. Trans women's existence challenges the notion that a woman's worth is measured by whether or not she can become pregnant and submit.
For transphobia against trans men, it manifests as transphobes fear-mongering about trans men "mutilating" their bodies, especially their "female" organs like breasts, uterus, and vulva. They fear-monger about testosterone, saying that it'll render anyone who takes it infertile, as if becoming infertile is worse than a trans man taking his life because he can't transition. Not to mention that testosterone doesn't render the taker infertile. Trans men who elect to remove their breasts and get a hysterectomy are further demonized as abandoning the principles of womanhood- becoming pregnant and being desirable.
If it was truly about concern about infertility, then why do trans women not face the same scrutiny for the way estrogen may affect the testes and penis? It's because one uterus can only produce so many babies while one penis can fertilize a nearly infinite amount of offspring. It's about the commodification of reproduction- transphobes don't care whether trans women can reproduce or not because they don't need them spread their "undesirable" seed- but trans men are seen as women by virtue of their uteruses and thus must continue to be controlled.
Trans women challenge this system by insisting that they are women even though they cannot become pregnant- they force the people in power to reckon with the reality that many women, regardless of their assigned sex, cannot or do not wish to become pregnant, and have been suppressed for this for so long.
Trans men challenge this system by placing their own value over the value of their fertility- by asserting that their mental and physical well-being is more important than their ability to become pregnant. They force the people in power to reckon with the reality that many people do not wish to become or remain pregnant, that to become pregnant would be detrimental to their well-being.
Non-binary people challenge this system by refusing to submit to the rigid classifications of "man" or "woman", and all the expectations that entail with those roles.
People hate trans people because our very existence threatens the fragile definitions of gender and gender expectations that exist to uphold a patriarchal system.
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theonethinginlife · 2 years
Not to be political on main but I really fucking hate living in this christofascist political system cosplaying as a democracy where 6 people—5 that were appointed by people who didn’t even win the support of a majority of the voters in this country and 2 sexual abusers—can just decide that people with uteruses have less rights than an AK-47 and the opposition party won’t pass any meaningful legislation because a handful of senators are more concerned about preserving an arcane rule segregationists used and being besties with Republicans than actually using their power to help people
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dsm--v · 3 months
costmom when i express having dysphoria about my period: 🥺🥺 costco 🥺 costcooooo it’s!! it’s the naturally magical and divine thing for women!1!!11 and erm trans people with…uteruses!!!1!1 😕 why don’t you like it siiighh…you need to tap into your supernatural pussy power and stop being a woman-hater :((
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gaysie · 4 months
Tumblr media
i don’t care if it’s bitchy posts like this are really ignorant and reductive and nonsensical and like i get the sentiment but you end up sounding like “we have anti aging creams but no cure for incredibly complicated diseases” face creams are just lotion made by companies?? research into the etiology of diseases is funded by the NIH through hypercompetitive grant proposals to investigators at academic institutions (that barely provide enough money as it is because congress is not adequately funding the NIH) there is no overlap between the things OP is confabulating here. i don’t go to seminars at work and see someone give a talk called “why i hate vaginas and why i’m studying boob jobs” no i promise you actual scientists at real research centers are in fact studying these diseases and yes progress is not made as rapidly as a new face cream comes on the market are you kidding me that’s like saying “we haven’t cured every cancer yet Neutrogena is releasing a new bandaid 🤔 curious” and that’s not even getting into why vaginal and uterine conditions are especially hard to study because guess what almost all translational research is done with mouse models and this is great for most research like my lab with T cells because mice and humans have very similar T cells! but as you may imagine mice and humans do NOT have similar uteruses or vaginas and without easily available animal models research into the causes or treatments of disease is 500000 times harder. my friend was in an endometriosis lab and she was relying on biopsy patient samples that A) were so infrequently available it was almost impossible to design accurately powered studies and B) since most samples came from women on birth control it was impossible to control for the hormonal influences that she was interested in studying and this is a really long rant but i understand people are frustrated and i understand this is a society as a whole problem but honestly take it up with congress maybe if there wasn’t a 10% payline for grant applications nowadays we could actually get work done without inflation pricing us out of all our reagents
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Bumble anti celibacy billboards and sexual assault undertones
TW: gender violence; misogyny; discourse; no con language
Brace yourselves, it’s a long one
Bumble has launched a rebranding campaign targeting women, and using specifically women of colour or racially ambiguous on their billboards with a strong anti celibacy message.
It is short of saying “if you match or date, the man gets a hall pass to rape” because saying no is no longer an option.
The issue is much bigger than just the Bumble campaign.
Men are inflamed and incensed because women are pulling a uno reverse on them: here is our expectations. Now prove to us that you are a ‘high-value man’
Some of the things that men have been complaining about are:
Women are financially independent and self-sufficient. Therefore, will not settle for men whose only contribution to the relationship is their paycheque. Odds are he makes less money than her too
Women are less prone to be pressured into having children and renouncing their careers. Children and pregnancy are means to control women: it stagnates or flat out stop their careers, if they get divorced she will always be tied to him.
Women no longer want to be mothers to entitled men who wants them to pay 50/50 for everything regardless of income but won’t take on 50% of the workload around the house. It’s worse when there are children involved.
How are they ensuring they keep the upper hand?
These are just a few things going on in the US that unfortunately might be followed by other countries:
Striping women of their bodily autonomy. In the US some states have passed legislation preventing women from filing for divorce if they are pregnant.
Total abortion bans. See above child entrapment
Passing legislation to press criminal charges for life saving medical procedures related to reproductive and conceptive healthcare
Setting legal precedents where men can sue to subpoena medical records of current and ex-partners if they suspect the women had an abortion
Medical records being shared with police
Trying to pass legislation to list every single pregnant person in the country and track it. They can’t regulate guns but certainly can regulate uteruses
How is any of this related to the Bumble campaign?
The narrative is man must take back their power, take control over women. Educated, child free and financially independent women cannot be beaten down into submission.
If the campaign is “celibacy is not the answer” it won’t be restricted to dates from matching on an app. Marital rape is a huge problem and the discourse from the campaign legitimises it further.
We are still trying to explain that ‘NO MEANS NO’. When Bumble’s message translates into “no is not the right answer here”, what is expected to happen?
Women will be blamed even further for the sexual assaults they are almost guaranteed to suffer going on a date with a match from the app. And since “no is not the right answer” saying NO will count for nothing, but judges will say they don’t believe the woman said no. Judges will also blame women for using an app and “putting themselves in that situation”.
There are other issues with their latest campaign blaming women for not dating and showing them on beds because they are too exhausted. It is giving Hand Maids Tale too.
Bumble has removed the feature that allowed women to make the first move. So now that control of who accesses them is gone too.
It seems unrelated but humour me:
Women in the West are being exposed to the 4B movement and finding the words to articulate what many have been practising for years
Doctors advise people on how to advocate for themselves im a healthcare setting by demanding the reason for not ordering a test or providing a differential diagnosis to be put on their charts.
Lawyers and activists advise on how to not speak at all unless there is an attorney present. And when you are a minor, you must demand a legal guardian be present.
Seasoned activists teach how to safely protest.
Women bring injustices to light.
Accounts entirely dedicated to report on legislation that further strip women and other minorities from their rights being proposed or passed.
Accounts dedicated to discuss feminism and intersectionality educating people and making the conversation broader.
How are these topics related, you ask. Disseminating and fact checking information almost on real time whilst making knowledge available to groups that would not have access to it otherwise has never been good for the ruling class. Women can organise and debate. These debates demonstrate that the issues are endemic and systemic instead of isolated occurrences affecting them individually. And that, doesn’t suit men.
Why are governments in such a rush to ban platforms like TikTok and others with loose descriptions of inappropriate content? Informed people are harder to be manipulated.
I could write forever on this, and probably will write more because I am sure the podcast dude bros will be fully behind it because it chips away women’s agency even more.
I will go to my corner and foam on the mouth for a bit.
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sparksinthenight · 2 years
Swan Upon Leda Analysis
Title - The title is a reference to Zeus raping the mortal woman Leda in the form of a swan, representing how the patriarchy both literally and metaphorically rapes women and denies them autonomy
A husband waits outside - This husband is two people simultaneously, just as Leda/the child is two people simultaneously. Mythologicaly, he’s supposed to represent the husband of Leda, the king of Sparta, who could do nothing to stop his wife from getting raped. As a human, the husband is supposed to represent the boyfriend/husband of the girl. (Let’s hope it’s a boyfriend but people can get married young in Ireland and maybe they got married to shield the girl from the shame of being an unwed mother. My cousin’s friend actually had to get married to her boyfriend at the age of fifteen for this exact reason, and because they live in a country where she could easily just straight up be denied healthcare for herself and the new baby if she was an unwed mother. ) This boy can do nothing to prevent his love from having to give birth to her rapist’s kid, and cannot protect her.
A crying child pushes a child into the night - This is obvious. She has to give birth despite being just a child, because she cannot get an abortion and her autonomy is denied her. She is crying to show how traumatic this experience is for her. No child should be forced to birth a child. She is also pushing the child into the night. Night often represents danger, oppression, bad times. She’s bringing the baby into life but she’s bringing him into a life of danger that is clouded by darkness, because the world is no place for a child these days.
She was told he would come this time - The girl/Leda knows she’s going to be raped by Zeus/the patriarchy/whoever raped her. This doesn’t make sense unless you look at it metaphorically. Rape is being used as a metaphor in this specific line for the denial of bodily autonomy. She knows that she has to give birth to a baby she doesn’t want, because abortion is illegal, and this is a denial of her autonomy, a symbolic rape. One which she is expecting and dreading.
Without leaving so much as a feather behind - Zeus did not leave any evidence of his rape of Leda. There’s no concrete evidence that what is happening to the girl is traumatic. No evidence that she got pregnant due to rape. No evidence that forcing her to give birth is also a form of rape. All that she has to convey her story with is her own words, which people might not believe. People often don’t believe the testament of women.
To enact at last the perfect plan - Zeus wants to impregnate Leda against her will. The patriarchy wants women to give birth against their will. This girl in the song is giving birth against her will.
One more sweet boy to be butchered by men - The new baby is an innocent boy. He does not have all the traits of toxic masculinity that would make society deem him as a man. But the patriarchy will destroy his innocence, his goodness, his sweetness, and make him into what they deem as a man. They will teach him to not allow himself to be emotional and empathetic and they will teach him the ways of violence and competition. Which will hurt him and others.
But the gateway to the world - This is the birth canal, that everyone has to pass through in order to get into the world, into life.
was still outside of reach to him - Zeus/the patriarchy/the rapist still does not have ownership over the reproduction of people who can get pregnant. Even though the patriarchy does so many things to gain control of these people and their reproduction. They can never own it.
Will never belong to angels - The power of reproduction and autonomy over it does not belong to religion.
Has never belonged to men - The power of reproduction and autonomy over it does not belong to men/the patriarchy. (Obviously this excludes men who have uteruses and therefore have control over their reproduction.)
The swan upon Leda - the patriarchy controlling peoples’ bodies and reproduction, which is rape both literally and metaphorically
Empire upon Jerusalem - This refers to both the ancient and the modern, and is emblematic of how so much of this song is about the parallels and the tying together of the ancient and the modern. The Roman Empire conquered Jerusalem (and the rest of ancient Isreal) in antiquity, and brought with it oppression and hardship and genocide, though it saw itself as a civilizing entity. In a direct parallel to the ancient Roman Empire, modern Israel is also occupying Jerusalem (and the rest of modern Palestine), and is bringing oppression and hardship and death with it, though it sees itself as a civilizing entity. The parallel of this line to the line before it shows that the control of peoples’ bodies by the patriarchy is a direct parallel to and interwoven with the control of native people by an empire.
A grandmother smuggling meds - This is a grandmother smuggling abortion medication into Ireland, where abortion was illegal until 2018. She’s smuggling it in from the UK where abortion has been legal for longer. She is doing this to help her granddaughter, and what she is doing is a brave act of motherhood and elderhood. It shows the intergenerational ties and solidarity between women, and the responsibility and compassion women feel for each other, as they are all a part of the same story that spans back into ancient times.
Past where the god child-soldier Setanta - This is literally a statue in the border between Britain and Ireland, but symbolically means so much more in addition to this. Setanta was a god/demigod in the Celtic religion, who was made to do the adult’s job of guarding a lord’s house at the tender age of seven. From this job, he got the nickname Cu Chulainn. Hozier uses Setanta’s given name and not the more famous name he got from doing child labour as a mark of respect for the humanity of this child. He was a god both literally and also metaphorically since he represents Irish Nationalism and the longing for Ireland to be a sovereign nation. He is a symbol to Irish Nationalism. He’s referred to as a child soldier here because at the age of seventeen he had to nearly singlehandedly fight off an invading army and in some versions of the story he died in that war. His having to go to war at such a young age, his being a child soldier, it parallels the girl from the first verse becoming a child mother. They both lost their innocence too early. But Setanta had to protect his homeland from the invading army. This shows that imperialism and patriarchy are parallels to each other in that they both rob children of their childhoods. Setanta is a symbol also for all the brave people, many of them teenagers, who fought and died for Irish independence.
stood dead - The symbol of Irish Independence is dead in this world where Ireland does not allow pregnant people control over their own bodies. Ireland might technically be free from British colonization but it will never be free unless the women and trans men and nonbinary people and intersex people are free from the patriarchy’s colonization. Because of the lack of bodily autonomy that marginalized genders have over their bodies, the dreams of Irish revolutionaries to have autonomy over their own lands is dead.
Our graceful turner of heads - Society and the patriarchy have taught us that women lose their grace and their beauty as they age but in truth, this old grandmother doing an important job is so mystically graceful. 
Next part in the reblogs (1/2) 
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lastoneout · 1 year
Sorry for the long post but this has been on my mind for a while and I kinda just wanna get it all out, also I am not an authority on this topic nor am trying to be treated as such, this is based on my life and perspective and what I've seen, keep that in mind, but yeah ANYWAY
I still see a lot of people who are tempted to respond to the right's stance on minimum wage by pointing out that no, not all the people working at McDonald's are teenagers who want some walking around money, there are fully grown adult employees trying to support their families and they obviously deserve a living wage, but I can't help but think that's kinda missing the point of what they're really getting at.
They don't actually think there aren't adults working at McDonald's(or poor teenagers who are supporting their family), they know that, they just think if you're working at McDonald's it's because you've done something wrong, and thus you deserve to be punished by society for it(or in the case of the teenagers their parents did something wrong in which case it's justified to punish their whole family, or the teenager did something wrong even bcs see they should be trying to better themselves and if they aren't it means they're making a mistake and deserve to be punished).
People repeat "the cruelty is the point" a lot but I don't think some of us realize exactly how true that is. To the right there is a correct path one's life is supposed to take and any deviation should be punished. When the left says "hey maybe we could fix some of those things that cause people to make mistakes/end up in bad places" the right doesn't listen bcs they don't believe there's anything to fix. Society is working exactly the way it's supposed to, in fact the real problem is that there isn't enough punishment.
To paraphrase an Innuendo Studios video that opened my eyes on this topic if right doesn't care about, say, stopping abortions, not really, they simply want to punish the people who get them. They know their solution won't stop anyone, they know it will just lead to people with uteruses dying or getting sick, but that's fine because good people don't get abortions, good people don't wind up sick or dead, so if you do you must be a bad person, and bad people should be punished.
Ofc they will prove to be hypocrites when they're the ones who need help, justifying why they deserve a safe abortion or whatever bcs they're a good person! They didn't do anything wrong! They're just rectifying a discrepancy! And they don't think of a second that the rest of the people getting abortions are ALSO good people who deserve safe healthcare and happy lives, bcs if there aren't bad people getting punished then how will they know that they're good people??
(It's the same with defending sexual abusers too, those boys are good men who just made a tiny little mistake, or were seduced, or just did what normal men do! We should forgive them bcs they're rich or powerful or white and rich, powerful, white men are good people. Plus, the women...well they made the real mistake by not protecting themselves better. By dressing slutty or going to a bar, and now they're trying to ruin this poor guy's life over their fuck-up? That's the real evil, that's what should actually be punished!)
So if you work at McDonald's as an adult who's trying to support yourself and your family you did something wrong and you should be punished. If you're sick or a victim of sexual violence and need healthcare or an abortion you did something wrong and should be punished. If you come here seeking asylum then you did something wrong and you AND your family should be punished. Things like this don't happen to good people(even though they do), they only happen to bad people, and bad people should be punished.
It's like that Demention 20 clip, about how these people think places like coffee shops should exist BUT it should suck to work there. It sucking is the punishment. The only people working there are ones who've clearly made some sort of mistake, and thus it's correct for them to suffer, because people who make mistakes are bad, and bad people deserve be punished.
Going deeper, to what I think the real root of a lot of this is, it ties back into the fact that the majority of the far right is christian and a lot of christians believe that if they're good and live their lives correctly and pray to god and give the church money good things will happen to them, and the people who are suffering have fallen out of god's favor, and thus are bad people who deserve to be punished. I've been to a lot of churches here in America and trust me, that is EXACTLY what a lot of them preach, basically word for word. Bad things don't happen to good people, so if bad things are happening to you you must have done something wrong, so pray harder, repent, and deal with your punishment until you fall back into god's favor and are thus once again a Good Person.
(That's also why a lot of them will try to convert the people they try to help through charity, bcs they believe if you are christian good things will happen to you. They genuinely think converting people is just as helpful as donating money to a food bank or volunteering at a soup kitchen. Because good things happen to christians, so being one will make your life better...or will at least mean you get to go to heaven when you die and hey, then you won't suffer anymore!)
And ofc you can't point out that a lot of their leaders are fucking hypocrites who don't live by these rules at all and are in fact just asshole capitalists who only care about money and power bcs they pretend to follow the rules and still put those rules into law and that's enough to convince the right to vote for them. It's part of why Trump was right, he could shoot someone in the middle of the street and not lose any votes, bcs his base is convinced he's a Good Person and good people don't do bad things, even when they do.
That's also why horrible laws get passed so easily by them, they just sit there and go "Why are you worried? This will only punish bad people. If you're a good person you won't suffer. And if you're not, well just try to be good, follow our rules, act how we say, then you'll be safe. You have nothing to fear unless you're bad, and you're not bad, are you?" They don't care how cruel they are or how many people suffer because the cruelty and suffering Is The Point.
Idk where I'm going with this anymore or what the solution is but realizing this really made a lot of things about the right Make More Sense and it helps to know that you can't really argue with them by talking about how people are suffering and we should, like, help them, bcs they believe the suffering is correct and justified and the only solution is MORE cruelty and punishment and suffering. They don't care that there are people struggling to pay rent and feed their kids bcs they make less than minimum wage bcs those people shouldn't have a minimum wage job and if they do they made a mistake and should be punished. Unhoused people? Hungry kids who can't afford lunch? Teenagers who need abortions? Families feeing violence and poverty by seeking asylum? Addicts? Victims of abuse? The disabled? They're all bad people who made mistakes and should be punished.
There are only good people and bad people and how will we know who the good ones are if the bad ones aren't suffering and being punished? And the left is crazy bcs they're trying to HELP the bad people. Don't they know the bad people need to be punished? There has to be a clear line between good and bad! Soon they'll make everyone think WE'RE the bad people and that's not true! We're good people, we live our lives the right way, we deserve to be treated as special, to be rewarded, they're trying to take that away from us! Force us to lay down and be treated like bad people, force us to respect the bad people, treat them as equals, treat them like they're better than us, turn our children into bad people, how could they do that?
We have to make sure that the bad people are punished and the good rewarded.
The cruelty IS the point.
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saturnsfather · 7 months
the idea that stating misogyny as a driving force behind any kind of political or social action/movement (eg abortion bans) is alienating and excludes trans men/mascs is such complete and utter horseshit. i dont know if this kind of rhetoric is coming from within the transmasc community or not, and if it is, we have got to stop lying to ourselves
newsflash: being a trans guy does not exempt someone from the effects of misogyny. changing your name, dressing more masculine, taking hormones, hell— getting every masculinizing surgery available is not going to exempt you from it. first of all, the people creating these kinds of social/political movements dont give a shit how much we transition, we are still Women to them. we will always be Women to them and therefore they are always going to be viewing us through a lens colored by misogyny. second, nothing we do to change our bodies or how we present is going to erase the history we have with misogyny. because fun fact, regardless of whether it turns out i was ‘a boy all along’, i was raised as a girl for a significant period of time and therefore treated like a girl and therefore i grew up being heavily affected by my misogynistic society.
this isnt to say we shouldnt be inclusive with our language! or course there are (in the instance of abortion) men who can get pregnant. of course there are trans men who choose to have their own children, intersex men who have uteruses and are capable of giving birth. its important to make sure their voices are also heard. but saying that these kinds of things cant be motivated specifically by misogyny and specifically by the hatred of women and their abilities to have control over their own bodies is fucking ridiculous
trans men are not women. of course theres nuance, yes, gender is a fuck, but generally speaking, if someone identifies as a trans man, they are probably not going to identify as a woman. but our institutions and the people with power dont care. we are not magically free of the effects of a misogynistic world just because we now identify as men. as long as my body still naturally defaults to making more estrogen than testosterone, i will be directly affected by the fact that our world hates women, and given that that will happen until i die, i need to be comfortable with the fact that some movements that affect me are driven purely by misogyny
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omegasmileyface · 5 months
people who talk abt the state of the job market are like ppl who talk abt the state of the stock market to me. like you know that's made up right? and it was made up by/for those in power so it does have an actual effect on the world, ill give you that, but like. it doesn't reflect anything Real. focusing on "jobs" instead of "people's ability to afford living" and "the necessary work getting done" is like healthcare that focuses on "women" instead of "those with uteruses" and "those without prostates". like yeah theres often more overlap than not, statistically, but there's A LOT of non-overlap that we CAN'T afford to miss, and even if there wasnt, reinforcing the idea that theyre synonymous sets us up for a terrible lack of perspective later on
this is all to say "jobs" are a made up thing that exist in our current, non-universal, somewhat recent economic model. they are not a human right, or a description of any extant resource. they are a bridge capitalism builds between "having the right to the resources needed to live" and "useful labor getting done". and, due to capitalism further abstracting itself in recent decades, these days one or both of those things isnt even necessarily involved. if you mean "not enough people are allowed the resources to live," dont say "not enough people have jobs." if you mean "necessary labor isn't getting done," dont say "not enough people have jobs." if you mean "we need to provide people with the means to live," dont say "we need to come up with more jobs." they are not synonyms, and perpetuating the idea that they are just makes capitalism the default in peoples minds. "repeatedly doing a specific task for someone" wasnt the same thing as "having the resources to live" until we DECIDED it was
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jackiiiiiii · 24 days
unfriendly reminder that ADF is currently funding the defunding of public schools and actively attacking separation of church and state (tw anti-LGBT stuff)
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Apparently punishing people who sexually assault pregnant youth and LGBT youth "threatens freedom of speech" and perpetrators shouldn't "be punished for speaking freely" because apparently it should be ok to scream fag in a middle school because free speech. they also claim it attacks "real" women's rights, even though their definition of "real" women are women with functioning uteruses, which means they could get pregnant.. which is who is being protected by this change.. almost as if they're secretly against women having human rights...
They also hate the Johnson Amendment because it makes it illegal for tax exempt organizations to promote politicians, and are claiming it infringes on religious freedom because Christianity is actually about Ron DeSantis, not Jesus and God you silly goose!
They also hate public schooling, and that's shown BY THE 1000+ CASES THEY HAVE AGAINST PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN THE LAST FEW YEARS.
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They advocate for voucher schools, which according to the NEA "There is ZERO statistical significance that voucher programs improve overall student success". Many voucher schools are promoting the fact they are racially segregated, have no LGBTQIA students, have conversion therapy available, or have no special need students, because the left are snowflakes but extreme far-right people will have a temper tantrum like a 3 year old if they see a wheelchair accessible parking spot. These voucher schools take money that would be sent to public schools, because these voucher schools are still publicly funded, which prevents public schools from getting adequate funding.
The ADF is also behind Amy Coney Barret and Mike Johnson and fund their political campaign and give them "gifts" aka bribes. They also fund Promise to America's Parents Coalition, who fund No Left Turn, Parents Defending Education, and Moms for Liberty. Moms of Liberty and the ADF are currently on SPLC's watchlist due to their extremist and hateful nature.
The main reason that the ADF wants to get rid of separation of church and state is due to the fact it prevents them from advertising to kids in public schools, and because they are pushing very hard for the denial of good and services to LGBTQIA people to the point LGBTQIA people die because they are literally denied everything, and they also advocate for the nonconsensual sterilization of trans women and men who could have had children, which is sorta illegal in the U.S. They also claim groups like ACLU and HRC are "attacking religious freedoms". They also want to claim the "seven mountains", which is the term for family, religion, education, media, arts & entertainment, business, and government. They want complete control over every aspect of Americans lives because it will maximize the amount of religious people and that will maximize the green in their pocket and the power in their hands.
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silverdreamscapes · 2 years
I think everyone can agree the pregnancy plot in ACOSF was shit and problematic but what people have a problem with isn’t so much the changing of uteruses. It’s that a certain side of the fandom took one line about pliable bones and extrapolated a whole theory that pitted one woman’s uterus against another’s as evidence of a ship. (I can’t believe I even I have to type this out). And how do we know the line about Gwyn’s pliant bones is even about her womb? Maybe it’s proof she’s a lightsinger.
The line occurs when Gwyn is discussing her background and we found out what mythological creature she’s related to so we know that this passage holds a certain amount of importance. We find out she’s a nymph but not just any nymph…a river nymph. Then her eyes are compared to the sea, all of which connects her to a body of water. And what else is connected to a body of water? Lightsingers who are basically a rebranded version of a siren…mythological creatures who live in water and lure men with their voice. We know lightsingers appear one way, and then their “true face” is revealed. It could be they can change form. We don’t know because we get so little information but it seems that lightsingers have the “appearance” of one thing and then can change into something else. Pliant bones could play a part in that.
Then it’s revealed that she’s 1/4 nymph on her grandmother’s side. Her grandmothers as a river nymph who “seduced” a male from the AC. What’s another synonym for seduce?
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To lure, beguile, charm, bewitch, enrapture, captivate, to tempt.
Doesn’t sound too dissimilar from lightsingers (aka sirens)
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Azriel confirms that he sings in the POV when Gwyn of all characters asks if he can sing. And he replies that it isn’t just a title someone gave him which leaves the impression that if shadowsingers can sing, then perhaps lightsingers do as well.
We know Gwyn sings. There are tons of light imagery surrounding her. Nesta feels lured and beckoned and her power grumbles in answer to Gwyn. Then she has visions. Likewise Azriel’s “power” his shadows feel beckoned and lured by Gwyn. His shadows don’t “warn” him of her presence which sounds odd in and of itself. His shadows curl towards her breath, which is emitted by her mouth, and then curls back. Azriel never has a reaction to Gwyn, just his shadows. Then at 7 pm, when we know Gwyn would be singing, Azriel has a vision of sorts just as Nesta did.
So while people are using misogynistic theories about pliant bones so they can pit women against each other as proof of who has the best uterus to match up with Azriel and who can pop out his children, how are you so sure Sarah wasn’t actually setting her up to be a lightsinger?
(I’m not actually saying she is 100% a lightsinger but rather pointing out how ridiculous it is to use one line as proof of anything. It was one throwaway and people ran with it in the worst way possible)
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memies · 2 years
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PARKS AND RECREATION SENTENCE STARTER - Feel free to change pronouns e.t.c.  
Updated version!
“No one achieves anything alone.”
“The air is so fresh. It’s disgusting.”
“Windows are the eyes to the house.”
“I am a goddess, a glorious female warrior.”
“I like saying no. It lowers their enthusiasm.”
“Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.”
“If you don't believe in love, what's the point of living?”
“I have no idea what I'm doing, but I know I'm doing it well.”
“When they say 2% milk, I don't know what the other 98% is.”
“I tried to make ramen in the coffee pot and I broke everything.”
“There has never been a sadness that can't be cured by breakfast food.”
“If there were more food and fewer people, this would be a perfect party.”
“I think you’ve got several options. They’re all terrible… but you have them.”
“I'm like an elephant, okay? If I walk into a room, it's like, okay, he's in there.”
“Time is money; Money is power; Power is pizza; Pizza is knowledge. Let’s go!”
“I wanted to make fun of stupid people while I get drunk. My two true passions.”
“One time my refrigerator stopped working. I didn't know what to do. I just moved.”
“You know my code. Hoes before bros. Uteruses before duderuses. Ovaries before brovaries.”
“I just slept seven hours, which is twice as long as I usually sleep, so I'm a little disoriented.”
“Oh, I have a medical condition, alright. It's called CARING TOO MUCH! And it's INCURABLE!”
“There's only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water that's lying about being milk.”
“I typed your symptoms into the thing up here, and it says you could have network connectivity problems.”
“If I keep my body moving, and my mind occupied at all times, I will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair.”
“There’s nothing we can’t do if we work hard, never sleep, and shirk from all other responsibilities in our lives.”
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I read that one on a can of lemonade. I like to think it applies to life.”
“I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never speak sometimes.”
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tabl3 · 2 years
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The happy ending :)
aka ten years after my current timeline
Oliver and Kaz both lost an arm (will be explained later) Chase made them prosthetics specifically tailored to their powers (he added the colors bc he knew they’d think it was the coolest thing ever) they’re detachable and the two of them 100 percent high-five from across the room (and if someone asks them to give them a hand they fucking chuck theirs)
Bree is a part-time hero because she wanted time to enjoy freedom and travel the world at a not superspeed pace(and obv now bc she’s got a gd baby in her stomach lol) that’s why she and Skylar took longer to settle down, because they wanted to have some time to themselves before starting a family. also, Bree’s carrying the baby bc I’m pretty sure Calderans don’t have uteruses (they’re literally grown in nutrient solution pods lmao) also she and Kaz took the Davenport name
Chase is the breadwinner (obv lol) and Kaz spends most days generally helping people out with more menial things, like putting his doctor training to use (studied to become one and is now a full-fledged MD) their kids are either babysat by AJ or other family during the day, but they always make sure to spend every waking moment of every evening as a family to make up for it. Kaz always wanted a big-ish family to treat his kids right, a do-over of his childhood. and they’re all very happy :) I think I’ll make a separate post on their family specifically bc their kids are super cute
Horace is still alive, but he’s retired to spend time visiting all kinds of famous bridges and to send post cards to his kids (and spoil the hell out of his grandkids <3)
Also important note that Oliver, Leo, and Adam began a battle to the death for “favorite uncle” title once their first daughter arrived lol
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