#pop prejudice stops with you
whiskeyswifty · 1 year
in defense of 1989:
the breathless, wailing anguish with which she howls "take me HOOOOOoooooome" as she finally gives in to her vices, her weaknesses, knowingly but willingly. because she's so tired of doing the right thing, the smart thing, so lonely, so hopeful, and soooo horny she's helpless against self destruction. A song so unflinching in its awareness of that while also unapologetic in her choice to fully throw herself into temptation.
and even still the continued breathless, endless questioning in out of the woods. is this it? is it finally over? when it be over? when will someone just love her, and when will she stop doubting that they don't? when will this cycle of searching and heartbreak end? the way the song ends, so desperate is she for guidance that her voices harmonize together in a nearly religious choir, calling to the heavens for an answer. utterly lost, screaming into the forest doubting everything she remembers, was it real? can she even remember herself?
In I wish you would, how she turns a quiet, fleeting moment of laying in bed, watching headlights crawl across her bedroom wall though the gap in her curtains into a bombastic tour through all the regrets and dashed hopes that fly through her head. how you can mentally run through the span of fifty emotions over the course of ten seconds.
wildest dreams where the song is paced using her own heartbeat i mean what a clever way to quite literally let you into her heart
also in wildest dreams, giving into the idea that maybe this is what she deserves maybe, all she deserves. it's all she'll ever be, just a memory to someone and so in that fatalist acceptance, she's determined to at least make sure she's a phenomenal memory. and she asks them to lie to her, just this once. she doesn't ask for anything else, just to be told one time that she's worth remembering. an incredibly vulnerable thing to admit about how you see yourself and how dark of a place to be mentally.
the murky, wobbly synth and wistful whispery voices on this love. the whole song sounding like a fog or like wading in the tide as it ebbs and flows. so tactile in how it renders the feeling of wading through the fog a breakup or dissolution. not sure what the right thing to do is, to turn around and fight for them, to let them go, to move on. a song where she's so lost, she surrenders her fate completely and accepts whatever happens will happen and completely succumbs to the current, wherever it takes her and whatever it brings. she has to believe they'll come back on their own because there's nothing else to do now. she's done everything she could and it's just up to the tides of fate.
i mean clean?? hello??? one of the most apt metaphors for breaking up with someone when the relationship was intense and maybe codependent or manipulative. how addiction can be a person, and all the same trappings apply. how the whole album was her struggling through that. revisiting it over and over, how hard it is to try to live without them, as if it feels like drowning. but ultimately finding a baptism of self in the drowning, being the one to save herself for the first time, realizing she could save herself. revolutionary idea for the person who wrote all 4 prior albums, a monumental moment of growth. while still acknowledging that the itch to return to them will always linger, but recognizing that that's not love or fate or destiny like she once thought it was. it's just her insecurities trying to drag her back into bad habits, ultimately pulling the monster out from under the bed and in the harsh light of day, seeing it for what it is and rendering it unable to fool her anymore. one of the most pivotal moments in her mental and emotional growth as a person that she's ever discussed in her art. Where she completely abandons the fairytale idea of fate and destiny and begins to embrace her autonomy.
bonus of YAIL being one of the quietest, most intimate and mundane stories of love she’s ever written. how poignant for it to come after the bombastic pop and clashing synths of the sweeping and tragic romances regaled on the entire album. as if to say nah, real love, true love is in the quiet, unremarkable moments. the synths and echoes used again here but in a more dreamy, ethereal way, as if it's not happening quite yet but it's a wish for something totally different than she had before, something she should have wished for all along. a beautiful contrast!!
also just i'm sorry but blank space was so clever, maybe you had to be there but for her to come out with this song after the Red era and just.... absolutely destroy the pervading narrative about her with a sledgehammer but in the most tongue and cheek way, the most above it all way. like look how stupid you sound? this is the person you think i am? do you hear how ridiculous this shit is? get a grip! she not only made them into the fool and came off smarter and savvier than anyone else, she made BANK off of their stupidity. slay of the century!!!
basically 1989 is the rawest and most honest depiction of a woman in her 20s at some of the lowest points your 20s can bring. how through that time, as you figure out who you're supposed to be as an adult, you completely lose sight of who you are, and because of that you feel the lowest about yourself you may ever feel in your life. You let yourself get treated horribly and you begin to wonder if this is all there is. and it's awful and it feels endless and so lonely because you feel like the only person going through it, that everyone else knows something you don't, and that you're pathetic and worthless for falling so behind everyone else. but at the same time your 20s are soooooo fun and exciting and liberating because of your first foray into independent adulthood, so to lay unapologetically pop instrumentals over these crushing feelings is genius. it's the whiplash of that time in your life, the oscillation making each feeling of euphoria and devastation that much more potent. And how she emotes on this album is unlike anything else! She’s theatrical with her syllables and delivery as if she might never get the chance to say any of this again!
but also, the perhaps unconscious metaphor she presented that so many people, fans included, seem to fall victim to. the idea that oh, it's just pop music, it's not that deep, it's soulless and vapid. only serious music can actually be emotional, when the words she's saying and the hard truths about herself she's conveying are raw and bleeding open wounds. repetition isn't laziness, but a manifestation of anxiety and building tension. heavy synths and electro-pop stylings aren't soulless compared to guitars, but a way to unground you from reality and give you that atmosphere of disorientation and so as she grapples with losing her bearings, so do you. it's a musical allegory for how in your twenties someone can outwardly be having the time of their life, but inwardly be the lowest they've ever been. it's the eternal duality of your 20s, rendered so beautifully and harnessing musical stylings so masterfully to convey this experience. i'll defend it forever for that reason and implore people to reexamine their view of pop music and pop instrumental compositions as less artistic achievements and less emotional than acoustic ballads. sadness isn't the only vulnerable emotion. confusion, anger, anxiety, frustration are all profound and loud emotions that deserve an electric guitar because sometimes words aren't enough for how much you're feeling, and it's up to a cacophonous soundscape of electric guitars and moog synthesizers and your own cathartic screams to fill in the rest.
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balasha7sanbardo · 1 year
im not even trying to stan anyone when I say this but it genuinely bothers me that people shit on kpop or “idols” for literally the dumbest reasons
my thing is what exactly are you hating on? that they wear makeup (especially for men/male-passing folks) and are sometimes cutesy and make pop music…? there’s also this weird association that kpop is mostly for the girlies or “fem” men (we all know what that means and lets not forget how Southeast Asian men are perceived..) and that their music doesn’t go hard or some bs lol it almost seems like anything fem related is hated on - cause only girls or gay men should like boybands and pop music 🥴
I mean genuinely I’ve heard some of the best music made by these artists (in almost all genres) and yes, I’ve also heard some crappy music too but isn’t that the case for almost all artists..?? idk it just grosses me out when I see the way people react when I say I listen to a kpop band that they know nothing about…just from their reactions you can already see that they think I’m some sort of insane fanatic or that I’m THAT kind of person (which…what is exactly the problem with liking boy bands and pop music?)..like bro idgaf what you like vs dislike but also lets maybe consider why you have such a shit perception on something you either have never heard of, haven’t listened to, or just straight up labeled collectively as trash..
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sytoran · 8 months
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kinktober day 003 | IW!wife!wanda x gn!reader
you've always loved writing stories since young, but the tale of you and your wife writes itself, and it ends with a sweet happy-ever-after.
cont. soft sex, established relationship, romance + fluff
word count. 1477
kinktober masterlist || main masterlist
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You’ve always had a thing for writing stories.
From the most devastating tragedies of a sapphic couple in medieval times, to the spiciest of female homoerotic tension during a zombie apocalypse, there were no words beyond the coaxing grasp of your vivid intelligence.
Encompassing was what it was, how the words flowed from the edge of your mindwires to the tips of your fingers, spilling onto page after page of literary beauty. You could get lost in it for days on end, spinning that marionette with a poetic dexterity, making her dance to your stories until her legs could take no more.
It was no secret that writing had been an extraordinary talent of yours, that would later take shape in the path of your future career. 
So there you were, sitting at your study desk on a lazy Saturday morning, nimble fingers flying over your keyboard in an intricate dance, each pausable breath, each rush of words that woved into the fabric of your story.
It’s quite picturesque, if you’re being frank; what with freshly brewed coffee in a steaming hot mug that read ‘Pride not Prejudice’ (Yes, there was an overload of rainbows decorating its surface,) and a breathtakingly idyllic view of the morning sky.
Of course, the skyline would never quite compare to the sight of your lady stepping out of the bedroom. The only causation to cease your words.
It’s a beautiful calling, tainted with a sleep-dragged croak of the throat. Brown doe eyes slowly blink to meet your gaze, soft feet making tentative contact with smooth marble.
“Hi, sweetheart,” you respond softly, eyes savouring the sight that is your wife in one of your cream Oxford shirts. Wanda's beauty is underlying and unsaid, beyond the boundaries of conventional and beyond your dictionaried words.
Certainly, Wanda has the traits of what define beauty: your shirt on her is partially unbuttoned to tease at a tantalizing cleavage, the hem of the clothing is high enough to show off the expanse of her porcelain legs.
But it's also the way the sunlight falls on Wanda's skin, like she's a descendant of the Gods that crafted the essence of light, like she was made to dance and roam in the beauty of the day.
It's the way the morning glow accidentally highlights her Grecian-sculpted cheekbones, and the way her light-brown freckles casually pop in that light. It's her collarbone scattered with your marks of violet hues, and that fading scar on her right thigh you never fail to kiss.
A sleepy sigh escapes from Wanda’s lips, and she runs a hand through her perfectly dishevelled hair. You don’t have to say anything, only nod your head in the slightest. The rest is second nature: Wanda slides herself into your lap, arms hooking around the back of your neck, head tucked into the crook of your neck.
Perhaps it was second nature, truthfully, because Wanda didn’t need control when she was around you. You were her control, her steadfast pillar, her rising sun. You were a constant in her ever-changing world, always by her side regardless of whatever insurmountable task might be in her way.
You let an imperceptible sigh of content slip through your lips, but you never stop typing for a second. Emotion was difficult for you to convey, paradoxically, considering the amount of feeling you could put into words. In actuality, it was hard for you to laugh carelessly or have an outburst of fury. Your emotion was quiet and unspoken, much like in the present moment.
Wanda, however, seemed to have other plans in mind.
It started off innocent, because you truthfully believed she was just being affectionate and physically in need of human warmth. And maybe it was, as your girlfriend eased into your lap, nuzzling adorably into your comforting scent.
But when Wanda’s hips begin moving unsubtly, breath growing more delicate on to the curve of your neck, you’re sure without a doubt that this is another one of those times Wanda sought a different kind of fulfillment, the kind that lay adjacent to her pretty thighs.
Your hands dance a little faster on the keyboard. Your eyes are still gazing over the top of Wanda’s head, firmly determined to complete this part of the novel you were working on. 
“Y/N…” Wanda says, reverently softly, pressing up into the warmth of your bodily heat. “Mhm?” you hum absent-mindedly, tucking your forearms in a little closer to entrap Wanda in your embrace.
You replace a comma with a fullstop just as Wanda shifts uncomfortably in your lap. Your wife’s legs fall open and slides her centre around the muscle of your right thigh. Something rises in your chest at the sensation of bare centre meeting your warm skin. 
She cranes her pale neck like a swan, pressing her warm mouth against your neck. You shift imperceptibly, switching a three-letter phrase into a subject-verb concord. When Wanda’s tongue pokes out between her ruby lips, when her sharp teeth scrape over the pulse point of your neck, when her curled hair brushes your exposed skin, an uncontrollable shudder runs through your body.
Backspace. Backspace. Backspace. Your spelling is becoming sloppy, almost like there’s a distraction.
Almost in retaliation, you jerk your knee up, the one that had been situated between Wanda’s thighs, and the mewl that leaves her mouth breaks her porcelain-doll composure. Satisfaction pools in your hips.
Words don’t need to be said between the two of you, as a slight shift in the atmosphere of the dining room sets itself. Wanda’s pants become shallower and quicker, the undulation of her hips speeding up, her legs clenching tighter around your thigh.
Your hands are flying over the keyboard now, your fingers twitching with bridled electricity, having need of some alleviation to express your ever-increasing libido. It’s a wonder how your eyes aren’t yet completely glazed over; yet, they’re moving in mechanical function to type, like you’re clinging on to a fragment of sanity. 
Because honestly, remaining sane while your wife let out the most pitiful whines into your ear certainly wasn’t an easy task. 
“Y/N,” Wanda cries, finally, emitting a sound as she clutches onto the soft fabric of your collared shirt. You can see, in your peripheral vision, the way Wanda’s face morphs into an expression of pleasure, the lines in nose-bridge forming a scrunch. 
Wanda is, without a doubt, the most breathtaking woman you’d ever laid your eyes upon. Reverent devotion bleeds from your mindwires and on to the page, staining it a crimson red as she nears her high. 
Your right thigh is moving in sync with each of Wanda’s humps, and she’s chasing that pleasure for all it’s worth: The clenching of your thigh muscles, the harsh jerks of your thigh as she struggles to ride it properly. 
Leaning down, your lips caress the shell of your wife’s ear, and from your mouth flows the words that are the final seal of acquiescence.
“Come for me, sweetheart.”
Just like that, something snaps inside Wanda, and the edge of your brainwaves fray like an old rope. In that moment, you know your words can take a rest. 
The movement of your fingers come to a halt. There was an unfinished story before you, the plot unfolding but not quite complete. But with Wanda by your side, she writes your story for you, carves the path towards a bittersweet ending. 
She takes the words from the deepest depths of your heart and lets it pour out her mouth, unashamedly, unapologetically, indescribable emotion overflowing from those blossomed lips into her trembling figure, her flushed cheeks.
“Y/N,” Wanda moans, and her sounds raise in pitch when you buck your hips up in a moment of your fractured composure. Her hips grind shamelessly onto the muscle of your thigh, chasing that stimulation.
It’s far from the most intense orgasms you’d brought Wanda to, because she can’t ever reach that level of ecstasy without your prodding fingers or your devil-tongued mouth. Perhaps that’s half of its beauty, though, that the two of you were incomplete without the other.
Wanda curls in your lap as she recovers from her high, enclosed within your forearms and the desk, face buried into your chest to engulf her senses in your scent. There’s sacred solace in the way you tilt your head down to press a fluttering kiss on her neck.
Your word document remains open but unfinished, the coffee in your mug grows cold. Sweet nothings and promised everythings are exchanged between the two of you until the sun has fully risen, hues of amber and gold painting the room.
The only story that mattered was the one before you, the one waiting to be explored.
You’ve had a thing for writing stories since young, and this particular one ends with a happy-ever-after.
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this fic is really special to me. i think it's probably some of the best writing i've put out there, so i'd be incredibly grateful if you could give it a reblog ♥
kinktober masterlist || main masterlist
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steddieas-shegoes · 5 months
i'm stayin'
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'who did this to you?' wc: 869 rated: m cw: off-screen violence, mentioned childhood abuse (not in detail) tags: steve harrington has bad parents, established relationship, secret relationship, pre-season 4, hurt/comfort, asthmatic steve because i've made him go through everything else why not this too
Steve's vision was blurry, his hands shaking as he tried to put his car in park in front of the trailer.
His backpack, no longer full of what he needed for school, sat in the passenger seat, half-zipped and telling the ugly truth of what he wasn't sure he could process right now: his parents had kicked him out with only the possessions he could shove into his bag.
Steve winced as he reached for his inhaler, a last second grab when his dad had decided he'd given him plenty of time to pack only three minutes into his rushed efforts.
He didn't need it at this moment, had managed to calm down on the drive to Eddie's, but knew it was only a matter of time before the anxiety would set in again. Hopefully, he'd have Eddie next to him when it did.
Wayne's truck wasn't in the yard, probably working another night shift. Eddie's new-to-him van was parked crooked by the front porch, like he'd been in a rush to get inside when he got home earlier.
Steve immediately stepped out of his car into mud.
Right. It rained earlier.
No lights were on in the trailer, but Wayne had given him a key only a few weeks before, saying something about how he should always have a place to go if he needed it.
Almost like he had a feeling about what was to come.
Steve opened the door, surprised to find Eddie passed out on the couch, blanket pulled up to his nose and the space heater turned off.
If his eye didn't hurt so bad, he'd roll them both. No matter how many times he told Eddie to just turn it on before he sat down so he would be warm, it didn't seem to sink in.
He turned it on, cursing quietly when it made a loud popping noise.
"Wayne?" Eddie asked, rubbing his eyes and sitting up as he tried to wake up. "Work?"
"Not Wayne, Eds. Go back to sleep." The last thing Steve needed right now was Eddie freaking out about what he was sure was ugly proof of his father taking out his prejudices on him. "I'm gonna be in your room."
"Steve?" He sounded much more awake now, and Steve couldn't resist turning fully to look at him. "Holy shit. Who did this to you?"
Steve grimaced. He knew they couldn't ignore it, he was just hoping to patch himself up a bit before morning when Eddie would start asking questions.
And then the damn tears started falling before Steve could give any explanation, and Eddie's arms wrapped around him carefully, like he was terrified to hurt him more. Eddie was always so careful with him, like he knew there were plenty of invisible bruises already.
He cried for so long, his entire body felt numb, and he could vaguely register that he was shivering. Eddie's hands were rubbing his back slowly, comforting him the best he could.
Eventually, Steve's tears stopped, his breathing slowed back to normal, and his chest didn't feel as heavy.
"Is that your inhaler or are you just happy to see me?" Eddie teased gently, leaving room for Steve to ignore him if he wasn't in the mood for jokes.
Steve snorted. "It's my inhaler. But I am happy to see you. Always."
Eddie's lips brushed the top of his head, so faint, Steve almost thought he imagined it.
"You wanna talk about it?" The caution in Eddie's voice was enough for Steve to pull his head away from his shoulder, flinching when he felt the pull of his split lip.
"Not now. Kinda tired." Understatement of the century. Steve felt like he could sleep for hours. "Can I sleep here?"
"Stevie, you can stay as long as you want, you know that."
Steve knew Eddie knew, and Eddie knew Steve wasn't gonna come outright and say it until he'd had time to come down from it all.
"Can we sleep in your bed?" Steve asked, resting his head back on Eddie's shoulder.
Eddie wordlessly led him down the short hallway to his bedroom, helped him get into comfier clothes, and used a washcloth to wipe any of the blood he'd missed at the gas station earlier.
They got in bed, Steve curling against Eddie's side like he'd done so many times before.
This felt different though. This felt like an end of something, a beginning of something else.
When Wayne saw him the next morning, he gave him a sad smile, a hug, and handed him a cup of coffee.
"You stayin'?" he asked, like it was simple.
Like Steve could stay.
"I have two rules. One, you go to school. Two, you tell me if you're gonna be out too late, especially on a school night. You follow those, you stay. Sound good?" Wayne raised a brow.
If Steve hadn't spent the last six months at the Munson's trailer more than his own home, maybe he'd be intimidated.
As it stood, all he could do was give a small smile and grab a frozen bag of mixed veggies from the freezer to put on his swollen eye.
"I'm stayin'."
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vivwritesfics · 8 months
Landoscar HC's
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I started this when we got a McLaren Double Podium. That was a week ago. Here we are.
Lando x reader x Oscar
At first, nobody was sure what to do
Y/N was dating Lando, but then this Oscar guy came along
Both of them were in awe
The Australian was just so cute
They couldn't get enough
But, from there, it was just awkward
Lando and Y/N stumbling over themselves
Oscar laughing at them
Lando and Y/N stumbling over themselves some more because oh my god that laugh
How did they get together, I hear you asking?
It was a drunken night
None of them could remember what happened
Even when they woke up in the same bed, they still couldn't remember
But they weren't complaining
But cue more awkwardness
They couldn't talk about it, not for a good while
When they did, it was Y/N having to break the ice
She invited Oscar over, made dinner and served drinks
"We have to get this sorted," she said after they'd all sat down for dinner
Sort it out they did
They sorted it out with light touches and uncomfortable kisses
Doing this sober was a lot different to doing it drunk
It came with time
They had to keep things quiet for that time
Secret touches in dark corners
Slow kisses in hotel rooms with the doors locked
It was a weird situation they found themselves in
Y/N and Lando were able to walk around, holding hands and being photographed together
In some photographs they even had Oscar walking behind them
A lot of fans called Y/N and Lando Oscars parents
That was a haunting day
The world found out about them after five months of dating
Five months of hiding their relationship
Y/N and Lando had Oscar over to stay in their apartment in Monaco several times since the beginning of their relationship
They didn't feel they could go out to dinner, so they had a lot of takeout on the sofa, with candles lit and the television on
The day the world found out was after Lando, Oscar and Y/N had been at the club with some of the other drivers and their girlfriends
The drinks had been flowing
Maybe all of them had too much
The next day the pictures were on all of the F1 gossip sites and instagram pages
Y/N between Oscar and Lando, Lando's hips pressed against her backside as she made out with Oscar
And then all three of them were pressed together, with Lando and Oscar kissing with Y/N in between them
There were millions of these pictures, all of them following the same theme
Y/N, Oscar and Lando doing things they usually kept behind closed doors
But now their relationship was out in the public
All three of them were posting statements the next day
And then they were free, they could show their relationship to the public
It didn't come without prejudice; they were stopped on the street and berated like it was nothing
But they were in love, and that's all that mattered, right?
Sometimes it was too much and they put things back behind closed doors
Y/N kissed both boys when they got on the podium, but the PDA didn't spread beyond that
They kept things quiet
Kept it to their hotel rooms
Kisses, any kind of touches had to be hidden away
For their year anniversary, Lando and Oscar booked out an entire restaurant
It was the first time they were able to go out to dinner together in months
The boys were in suits (which Y/N loved because neeecks) and she was in a dress
McLaren media days were suddenly awkward
The boys were able to keep it together, but the McLaren staff didn't know how to act
"We're not about to start snogging," Lando had to say to them at one point
It took the people at McLaren a while to get used to their relationship, but once they did, things were perfect
The team was working at their best once everything was out in the air
They were together for three years, had three anniversaries like this before Lando finally popped the question to the both of them
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When they realised MC loved them
This popped into my head today and I just had to write it. This first part includes:
Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Barbatos and Belphie.
As always I'll add more parts if anyone wants to see them, happy reading!
When you tried for him. Really, truly tried your absolute best, because he needed you to.
No other reason needed, no explanation, you threw yourself at a task or problem because he needs you. Be it schoolwork or some other activity, he knows you'll give it everything you've got.
You go out of your way to make his life easier, even in the smallest of ways.
It took him forever to realise why you did it, you might even need to tell him yourself, but when he does realise that you do it for him, even when he's not around to watch, he knows he's a lost demon. Lost to his own heart, held in the hands of a human.
When you protect him, no matter what.
You're human, in the Devildom, a place you are not equipped to survive in on your own, but for him, for your Mammon, you'll stand in front of Lucifer himself.
Even when Mammon actually brought the punishment down on himself, even if debtors come to collect, you put yourself between him and anything that threatens to touch a snowy hair on his head.
When he realises this, it actually makes him reign himself in, he doesn't want you to have to protect him, and he knows he can't stop you. He's supposed to be the one protecting you damnit!
Still...he'll cry if you put yourself in Lucifer's way again, defending his heart to your dying breath, from the Demon King if you had to.
His human...his human really thought he was worth protecting.
When you made time for him.
Leviathan loves spending quality time with you, be it going shopping for merch together or just sitting in his room, on separate devices, playing separate games, just...being alone together.
He finds such comfort in you being around, but he doesn't always have the courage to invite you to things.
Still, there is the weekly anime marathon you two have kept up for as long as you've had a pact with him.
One week, you were rammed with exams, special ones tailored to exchange students, and he knew you were going to be too busy, too tired, to come binge anime with him. He knew, and he understood, despite the envy and sadness curling and pooling in the pit of his stomach, he braced for you to not show up.
But you came, bags under your eyes and pumped full of caffeine, but you came.
You promised never to miss a marathon, even when you were in the human world, you watched online together.
No matter what went on in your life, no matter where you were, you made space for Levi in your life, without question, without him needing to ask.
Levi still wonders if that'll ever change, but one look in your eyes when you smile at him like he is your entire world, tells him that place in your life is his, forever.
When you don't shy away from his mysteries, his power.
Lucifer himself is weary of Barbatos and his room of doors to a thousand pasts and futures, but you? You see him, not the terrifying power he holds.
You seek out those nuggets of his personality hidden behind duty and time, always promising a safe haven in your company. His smile is real when you put it there, and when you do things for him, just because you can, it baffles him.
Of course he recognises the love in your eyes when you look at him, but he's got no clue what to do with it. He's done nothing to deserve that sweet affection from you, but if you insist on giving your heart to him, he'll guard it with his life.
When you forgave him, when you truly forgave him, not just for what he did to you, but for his prejudices, for his hatred, the ones he's carried in his heart for centuries.
He's sure that you first forgave him for his brothers' sakes, not because you actually forgave him. You loved his family by then, he could see it. You loved the Devildom, you...belonged in it.
He felt like an alien in your presence, until you hammered it home, again and again, that you did forgive him, because you found reason to love him, you found reason to curl up and nap with him, to laze around and talk about nothing for hours.
You found something in him worth loving, and he never wants to give you something to forgive him for again.
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leiazsolo · 2 months
Regarding Tommy (AKA Stop hating him for the “Begins” episodes)
So I’ve been seeing a TON of hate for Tommy specifically because of his behaviour in the ‘Begins’ episodes and how he “shouldn’t be forgiven” so I’m getting fed up and decided to to a TIMELINE of Tommy & why we don’t need to be spoon fed his ‘redemption’ because we saw it across 10-ish years of flashbacks in the Begins episodes and can learn to understand that some stuff can just be implied with storytelling rather than treating the audience like babies and spelling it out for them. I will be starting with his first chronological appearance NOT his first on-screen appearance.
Starting Approx. 2005-2006 2x12 “Chimney Begins” now I’m not sure exactly what dates the episode here but google tells me it’s set around here, If I’m wrong let me know.
This was the big episode of Tommy being an asshole, I will not deny he was an asshole. He was one of the primary assholes of this episode along with the old captain. Let’s look at this episode with what we know about Tommy now, not what we knew then.
Tommy was a closeted gay man in a male-led, white-led field (presumably gay, we haven’t had his label yet) working under a captain we know is Homophobic, Sexist, and Racist. He also was a white man in a white male field back in 2005, prejudice was still a huge thing in 2005 (and still is but we’re not here to talk about that) and this episode shows this well, because it had to fit with the ‘times’. Tommy was an aggressor to begin with Im not going to deny this, but do you know who was also there, standing by and watching the rest of the 118 treat Chimney like shit for MONTHS? Eli! Yes lovey Eli who eventually helped get Chim into the field and let him stay with him in Boston. Yes he ended up being a good guy, but that doesn’t excuse the months he spent staying quiet watching the 118 mistreat Chim. You’ll see this theme pop up again later, funnily enough. Eventually we see Tommy and Chim become civil, after Chimney saves his life. He goes on to befriend Chimney, telling him his favourite movie is Love Actually (that’s fruity) amongst other things.
Fast forward to somewhere between 2009-2010 2x09 “Hen Begins” aka the next time we see Tommy chronologically and the first time we meet him in the show. We know a rough timeline as Sal says his girlfriend took him to see the new Twilight movie, and they reference the Edward vs Jacob, which means it’s most likely New Moon or Eclipse as that was more heavily a marketing thing for those two than the first one. This is also the first time Tommy is implied to be gay (He doesn’t deny the accusation and instead jokes about kissing Sal/Chimney) Now at this point in time I know this probably was not planned, but is something to look back at.
Tommy is this episode steps back from being an aggressor, he is still working under Gerrard and still closeted. He is still a part of the problem, but other than being present in the episode and in the scenes where Sal and Gerrard acted as aggressors, he didn’t actually contribute verbally to the mistreatment of Hen. The primary aggressor for Hen was Gerrard and remained to be Gerrard throughout the episode even when her co-workers saw her doing good things. And going back to Eli in Chimneys episode, guess who was also a bystander to Hens mistreatment, filling a similar role to Hen that Eli filled? CHIMNEY. He stood back for also presumably months, didn’t defend Hen against their co-workers, and just let what happened to him happen to her. Then, at the end of the episode it’s revealed multiple members of her team submitted complaints against their captain for the mistreatment of Hen, I’m willing to bet that he was one of those people, him, Chim, and even potentially Sal as he was less of an ass by the end. By the end of her episode we know they are now friendly at work and he thinks she’s a good firefighter.
Skip forward to 2014-ish, 2x16 “Bobby Begins Again.” We immediately see the team meshing, Chim, Hen, Tommy, and even Sal. 9 Years have passed since he met Chimney, and 4-ish since Hen and it’s implied they’re a friendly unit, Tommy is still closeted, and has been working under a rotating number of captains (six to be exact), but has clearly become a better, and more accepting person, the world is changing and he isn’t being held back with the times. He goes out for drinks with Hen & Chimney, laughs with them, has an overall good time being their friend and seeming enjoying working under Bobby for another 4 years, we even see them smash his face into a cake at a surprise leaving party they’ve thrown him. We know Buck took his place at the 118 which was not long before S1 began, so we’re assuming he left the 118 2017/2018.
This is the last time we see Tommy until 7x03, presumably set in 2023/2024 “Capsized”, a whole canonical 16-18 years after we first meet him, and 6 years since he left the 118. In those 6 years we know he:
A) is still friendly with Chimney, we know from 2x14 when he phones him to drop the fire retardant on the house. He is also mentioned to still be in contact in 3x16
B) Has come out/discovered his sexuality.
C) Is obviously not bigoted, or at least as much as he was back in 2005-ish.
In terms of Hen we can assume they haven’t really stayed “friends” since Tommy left, as she states in Capsized that she forgot he worked there. She worked with him for 8-ish years, I’ve worked with people for that length of time and don’t talk to them now, doesn’t mean I hate them, we just don’t really have reason to talk anymore. I just think their friendship was more a “we’re work friends” kind of relationship rather than a “we’re in each other’s lives” one, which is a completely normal and valid relationship. Whereas with Chim we know they’ve remained at least acquaintances to chat, and friends enough that Tommy would risk both his life and job to save Bobby.
At this point in the timeline it’s been approximately CANONICALLY 16-18 years since we met Tommy, and the fandom is still asking for his character to be held accountable for things he said all those years ago, when clearly in the canon of the show has been forgiven. At this point in the show I really don’t think we need to be spoonfed this narrative, it would feel clunky and weird to see an apology on screen for something that’s clearly been addressed off screen. It would frankly be a waste of the limited airtime we have this season.
I also think it’s super important to remember that Tommy wasn’t planned that far in advance, we know he was bought back by Minear because he wanted the person who was part of Bucks coming out to be someone the audience had already met before & Lou was both available and willing to do it. If they had been planning this exact storyline since season 2, maybe Tommy would have been portrayed differently, who knows.
I get we love Buddie and we want Buddie so much, I am not and never will jump ship from Buddie, I love that Tommy is Bucks first boyfriend, I just hope Eddie gets to be his last.
I’m also super glad we’re getting Bucks coming out separately from Eddies potential future coming out, I am on the (seemingly) small majority that thinks that would have been way too much to happen all at once, and also the characters deserve to have their own coming out stories not to be lumped together.
so yeah. TLDR; Tommy has evolved over 16-18 years, 10 years of which we saw across the Begins episodes, and if we want to be spoonfed his accountability for his behaviour in the begins episode, we should also be asking the same from Eli and Chim.
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 2 months
Out Of Your Comfort Zone
note: the original ask said fantasy but i dont read fantasy at all, so i went with a silly little romance novel i loved, which i think still displays that opposite thing the anon wanted. so i hope this is okay!!
warnings: my writing while i'm high (rambling that can be disguised as descriptive writing)
word count: 1.2 k
♡ summary: During a bookstore date Y/n's taste in books gets Spencer out of his comfort zone.
♡ Spencer Reid x fem!reader
request ✓
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Finally, Spencer had a weekend off, where there was no chance of a case coming in at the last minute. And it’s not like Y/n hated Spencer’s job, she knew he did a lot of good. But it was hard sometimes when they would go a few weeks without sleeping next to each other.
It was the perfect morning to their perfect day, they had just come from a local art exhibit pop-up/farmers market. It reminded Y/n of Notting Hill, of course from the movie but also from when she lived in London while studying abroad. But now the couple was off to the local bookstore, they had looked at the farmers market, but they were all travel books, the irony was not lost.
Them both loving books was what got them to the second date, their first being filled with a debate about ‘modern classics’ and what classifies them. A topic they both clearly had a lot of opinions on as it took up the whole date that they hadn’t asked all the first date questions, so they needed the second date.
Them both loving books was what got them to the second date, their first being filled with a debate about ‘modern classics’ and what classifies them. A topic they both clearly had a lot of opinions on as it took up the whole date that they hadn’t asked all the first date questions, so they needed the second date.
And though their taste in books were quite opposite, there was a small overlap that was home to Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, The Bell Jar, and many others. But that was Spencer’s main area, classics, Y/n only read the feminist classics.
So when they went to the bookshop, the two would split up until Spencer finished looking in his favourite sections, since he could read so much faster than the girl it took her about three times as long to look through the fiction section.
Spencer was making his way to her now, stopping to read the backs of a couple books that interested him, even picking one up to buy. He walked past the isles of the fiction and romance sections, finally coming to a halt at the ‘J’s where Y/n was now. She didn’t even register his presence, too wrapped up in reading the summary of the blue and yellow book in her hand.
Spencer didn’t want to startle the girl, so he walked past her, her eyes rising from the book in hand to look at who she thought was a random person just browsing the store like her, eyes lighting up when she sees it’s Spencer.
“Honey, what’d you find?” She questions, Spencer assumes it was a rhetorical question since she didn’t give him enough time before she cuts in grabbing the second book from the stack in his arms, “I was gonna suggest this one to you! A subscriber said it was really good!”
Y/n was a booktuber, when she told Spencer that he obviously had no idea what that was, but a simple explanation later and he was caught up. And after a year of dating, she finally mentioned him in a video when she was talking about ‘Normal People’ . It was one of the books they argued could be considered a modern classic on their first date. And she mentioned his taste in books and now her followers left recommendations for him in her
comments, mostly on instagram when she posted him from time to time.
“Yeah. I was really impressed with another book by this author, her description of the caste system in India and the impact it has mentally was so moving.” “I remember you reading that. I’m not good at reading those types of books, but I love when you tell me all about them.” Her soft words brought red to Spencer’s checks while he hid his hands around her waist.
Recovering from the girl’s flirting, even after a year he still reacted the same to her words, his head rose from the spot in her neck to look at the book she had been looking at when he found her.
“What did you find?” “Oh, I saw a girl say it was a good book in her review and I want to do a video on age gap books since so many people ask.” Pacing the books over to him when he signalled his hand forward for it, turning it over to read the front, ‘Part of Your Word’ by Abby Jimenez in large letters was written across the front. It wasn’t a fairly large book, it could take him maybe five minutes.
Y/n was now turned to read more titles, stopping at any that caught her eye. All the while, Spencer was stood of to the side reading. It had actually only taken the man four minutes when he checked his watch. Proud of himself, he looks up to see that his girlfriend was apparently watching him, for how long, he didn’t know.
With a smile on his face, he asks, “What?” “Spencer. Did you just read my book? Before I even bought it?” She replied with a hand going to her hip and a jokey tone. “Well, first of all, you aren’t buying it bec-” “Why was it bad?”
Y/n often spoke before thinking, causing her to cut off people, Spencer was used to it he thought it was cute and she always made it her mission to not interrupt when he was really passionate about a topic.
“Because, I’m buying.” “Hon, no you bought last time.” “I don’t mind.” “I do.”
Spencer moved on from this conversation, they both know how it will end. Spencer will in fact pay, Y/n will say he didn’t have to, Spencer would say he doesn’t mind, she’ll say she does mind, and they repeat it when they pay for lunch after the bookshop.
“But I did read it.” “Don’t spoil, but what did you think?” She had watched a couple booktok reviews on it so she knew it was a little spicy, something she knew Spencer didn’t read a lot of, if ever.
“I think it was good. I liked how they talked about family relationships and verbal abuse in relationships, I think it was done well and it brought a lot more sense of realism. And I liked the leads, I relate to Daniel more than I thought, his dedication to making things work.. I won’t spoil it for you but- um yeah. And I liked the setting.”
His words sent a loving smile to rest on the girl’s face, she loved nothing more than to hear Spencer talk. His voice was deep yet not at the same time, and his mannerisms were adorable to her. And hearing him actually read and enjoy a book from the romance section that was written in the last few decades, was a big step for him. He didn’t even know about Twilight when they met.
“I’m glad you like it.” She said, truthfully, “I’ll be sure to mention that in my video.” “You don’t have to.” “You just don’t want Penny to see the video and by extension Derek.”
Their conversation continued while they waited in line, holding each other's hand while Y/n looks up to speak. They were interrupted when it was then their turn, Spencer paying like he said he would, and again at lunch, much to the girl’s disapproval.
“You don’t have to pay.” “I don’t mind.” “I do.”
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not-terezi-pyrope · 6 months
One thing I hate about modern politics is how compulsive factional flag-planting by the right in an attempt to make everything into a wedge issue for their base leads to the near universal politicization of what are just... Straightforwardly, obviously good ideas. Politics in the US (and tbh a lot of other places) is like:
Scientists: hey so we've discovered a new type of cereal that prevents the disease that makes babies explode. if we started selling it in stores it would save the economy 2 trillion dollars in explosion damage and also it would stop babies from exploding
Liberal politician: huh, sounds neat. you guys interested in the like, uh, anti explosion cereal?
Public: yeah, sure, we like babies
Liberal politician: cool, well in that case-
Conservative thinker (dude with a YouTube podcast that at least five senators secretly watch): -WAIT! STOP! THIS IS A PROPOSAL BY THE EVIL LIBERALS! IT'S A LEFTIST PLOT TO DEPRIVE YOUR CHILDREN OF THE RIGHT TO EXPLODE!
Half the fucking public for some reason: by tarnation, he has the same prejudices as my pops so he must have a point! Can't let those fucking libs get their agenda through!
News anchor, six months later: ...and in other news, the controversial "stop babies exploding" bill, currently polling nationally at 56 points in favour, was blocked in the liberal-lead senate by the conservatives and a liberal minority leading a revolt against their own party's policy. In response, the liberal party president is said to be drafting a modified version of the bill that promises means-tested access to the cereal that stops babies exploding to a randomized subset of 1% of baby and non-baby residents in five test constituencies. The new bill is expected to fail to pass the house some time in the next five years.
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fic-over-cannon · 4 months
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Movie Magic
jason todd x gn!reader
summary: a cozy movie marathon date with jason todd
tags: fluff, kissing, minor reference to canonical character death
rated teen | wc: 1k
a/n: inspired by an ask from the lovely @orchidsangel
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It’s a Saturday morning, and the weekend is stretching wide in front of you. It’s been a long week, so you and Jason have decided to do a movie marathon together instead of going out. The morning starts with breakfast, fresh fruit and real maple syrup drizzled over French toast. Dishes done side by side in the sink, winter sun coming in pale through the window. A few days earlier, when you’d done the grocery shopping, you’d picked up snacks specifically for this day. There’s popcorn and chips, pretzels and M&Ms, licorice and skittles. Each gets put out in their own bowls, ready to be eaten. Then would come building the blanket fort. Moving cushions and the duvet from the bed out into the living room, pulling bedsheets out of the linen closet. While Jason rolls an empty clothing rack out to hold up the blankets, you get the idea to take down some of your fairy lights and put them up in the fort, little pinpricks of light to stop Jason’s fear of small dark spaces from creeping in. It takes all of your decorative throw pillows you had insisted on and Jason had affectionately rolled his eyes at for you both to get comfortable. But it is comfortable, tucked up under Jason’s arm and swaddled in blankets, snack bowls tucked between your hip and the side of the couch.
Jason puts on the first movie, something you both loved as children. You laugh at the same moments, point out your favourite characters and scenes. His ribs knock into yours when he snorts, warm and solid beside you. Jason puts on the sequel, which you both agree is nowhere near as good as the first. Offhandedly you mention that at least the third was better since they brought back the scriptwriter from the first movie and Jason has to press pause. Turns to you jaw slightly open and asks if you’re serious, that there’s a third one, that they made more. The thing is, there was a third movie, only Jason wouldn’t have known. Resurrection and revenge doesn’t really leave a lot of time for catching up on pop culture. You wrap your arms around him tighter, navigate to the next movie and press play. For this one, the two of you are silent. Jason’s eyes are wide and attentive, lips parted in awe. You watch him as much as the movie, drink in his reactions eagerly and the way his arm tightens around your shoulder at the tense moments. The credits start to roll, and still Jason doesn’t say anything.
“So… what did you think?” You ask. He runs his fingers through his hair, looks you in the eye, and goes on one of the most impassioned rants you’ve ever heard him give, and you’ve heard him rant about everything they got wrong in the newest Sense and Sensibility adaptation. He barely stops to breathe between discussing the casting and how surprisingly good the stunts were. He talks himself hoarse until you pass him your soda. That manages to interrupt his flow of thought, and he apologizes sheepishly for getting too caught up in the movie. “S’okay, I like hearing you be passionate. What did you think of the cinematography?” and he’s off again, hands flying through the air as he tries to describe just what parts excited him the most.
It’s his stomach rumbling that interrupts him a second time, causing the two of you to laugh. Lunch gets eaten on the couch, plates carefully balanced on laps. You convince Jason to watch Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and the look on his face when he gets torn between getting a version of his favourite book with added death jokes and wanting to point out how inaccurate a Regency society faced with the zombie apocalypse is, makes you have to constantly stifle giggles. You take turns after that, introducing each other to different movies as the pale sun slowly moves across the sky. Jason chooses a movie Damian made him watch, which despite the scary moments that have you burying your head in his shoulder, has some of the most beautifully shot scenes you’ve seen in a while. You get into a heated debate over Howl’s Moving Castle, eventually having to agree that book Sophie is more interesting but movie Howl is more dreamy. Jason has to dive for the popcorn bowl when you start yelling at the tv screen for the characters in the next movie to just talk to each other goddamn it! He indulges you when you rant about how most of the time the miscommunication trope is just lazy writing, that if the scriptwriters wanted to get the audience actually invested in the characters then they needed to stop making the climax something so easily fixable. You get so excited when something happens onscreen that you know a behind-the-scenes story about. Poking Jason in the side to make sure he’s listening before launching into an anecdote about how they’re actually only filming on horseback for the long shots, all of the closeups done on fake platforms to make filming easier. Or how the censorship rules of the time meant the director had to find a way for the characters to metaphorically kiss, and that’s why they’re always sharing cigarettes.
It’s beyond time for dinner, but full on snacks and treats, neither of you are feeling hungry yet. You’d introduced Jason to the magic of peanut M&Ms mixed into butter popcorn and you can tell that he’s going to be obsessed for the next while. The credits on the latest movie are rolling, there’s dishes to do and a couch to put back together, but all those things can wait. You look up from where you’re curled up beside him, cozy under the blanket and the weight of his arm, and he’s smiling down at you fondly. It doesn’t take much to stretch up and press your lips to his. He tastes like chocolate and salt and a long lazy afternoon. You can feel the edges of his lips turning up into a smile against yours.
“What was that for?” He murmurs.
“For listening to me ramble. And for introducing me to your favourite things.”
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queers-gambit · 2 years
When Pride Married Prejudice part two
[ part one ]
[ series masterlist ]
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prompt: moments at the beginning of your marriage.
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!wife!reader
fandom: House of the Dragon
word count: 8.6k+
warnings: cursing, nothing but filler and fluff, marriage smut, stop giving author internet access cause literally what is this ? not edited.
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Your wedding was something small by other royal comparison, but neither you nor Aemond seemed to mind; he was the one who wanted it much smaller, but the King was feeling festive. So, the whole of the court was invited - minus your family, which felt glaringly obvious.
You married in the Sept and hosted a banquet in the Red Keep's Great Hall. The King hummed along with the music, tapping his fingers in rhythm, before exhaustion set in and he was being escorted back to his rooms. The Queen departed soon after, and your new husband lead you away rapidly right after that. Behind you, there were a few inappropriate comments hurled your way; but Aemond was quick to shield you from them.
He moved his body as if to physically protect you from their vile words, an arm protectively around your waist to guide you forward; your first sign of his deep-running loyalty.
When you got to your new shared chambers, you found the room in disarray - gasping your shock and wondering if someone had ransacked his room. "Were you robbed?" You had asked.
"No," his cheeks flared, "I was trying to move things around, make room for you, but I realized I did not know what you would arrive with, so, it has come to... This..."
"So, what I'm hearing is that your room needs organized, huh?"
He smirked at you, "I'll order us some wine, but yes, if you'd like," he gestured you forward.
That perhaps was your second sign of his unwavering support of you.
The third was when, during your room-rearrangements, he promised to not share your bed, "unless you ask me to."
His hands also idly toyed with your own, the two of you facing one another; his fingertips tracing down the scar on the palm of your hand. He was quiet as he did, but you weren't bothered - he was usually always quiet.
Anyways, your marriage wasn't consummated that night, but you got to know Aemond on a much deeper level after proposing a drinking game where you each told three statements - two that were truthful, and one that was a lie. It made you both snicker gently and lounge on the bed together after the room was put in relative order.
He did not share your bed, as promised, for a full week after your wedding; but he spent time with you after his training sessions in the courtyard. Apparently, his mother thought it important you and he bond, so, Aemond was excused from afternoon lessons in favor of spending time with you. You both liked to stroll through the gardens, sometimes with a book shared between you both; other times, with an escort through the city streets.
But only eight days after your wedding, there was a rapid knock at your chamber door, and just as you rose from your vanity to answer it, your husband was entering. He swung around to shut the door and lean on it for a moment, making you smirk. "Well, hello there. Nice fo you to pop in, isn't it?"
"I'm sorry for the intrusion, my Lady," he sighed, shaking his head, "but Aegon was being his usual self and I needed to get away - then apparently he followed me and I didn't need him seeing me waiting..."
You nodded, "You know, you're allowed to stay here, too. I would not put you out."
"I do not wish to crowd you."
Your shoulders shrugged, "I think I'd like it, actually."
"Oh?" He breathed.
"Sure," You nodded in agreement. "I mean, we should get used to one another, should we not? I do not wish to put you out."
"Lady - "
"Please, stay?" You pouted dramatically. "C'mon, maybe I'll let you do my hair, huh?"
He chuckled and pushed off the door, glancing at the hand you outstretched. Aemond slowly reached for it, taking a moment to breathe before speaking softly, "I did not mean to interrupt you."
"You're not," You assured softly. "I was getting ready for bed, but between you and me, I'm kinda into this book right now."
"So, you're not tired?" He smirked slowly.
"I'm almost afraid to answer that," you eyed him up and down. "Why?"
"Perhaps you'd like to get dressed? We can sneak out," he sighed some. "Think I could use some air, thought perhaps a walk around the city would do us both some good?"
Your grin slowly stretched as you considered his offer. "All right, yeah. But we go in disguise."
"You think we'd walk around, bare?"
You shrugged and moved for the wardrobe. "I only mean to show you some places and it wouldn't be exactly proper if word reached the palace of our misdoings."
"I thought I was sneaking you out?"
"You are," You assured with a grin, "but perhaps I'll show you a thing or two while we're out."
"All right," he sighed, nodding softly and wiping his palms on his pants nervously. "Whatever gets us out of here."
"What did your brother say that upset you?" You asked, eyeing him slightly before moving for the changing screen. "C'moooon, I know you wanna tell me. I can see it on the tip of your tongue."
He chuckled some, "He's just tiresome."
"Noooo, really?" You mocked gently as you changed from your nightdress into something plain.
"We were at dinner..."
"And he had choice comments about something that doesn't pertain to him in the slightest."
"Might I ask what that was, husband?"
There was silence as you laced the trousers on. "Our marriage," Aemond finally admitted.
"Hmm," you considered, situating the tunic. "And what was said? What were these choice comments?"
Aemond sighed heatedly, "Something - I don't even know. It was about how you won't let me near you, how this marriage is like all others and it's a farce, telling me to get used to you being absent - and that my one obligation is to put a babe in your belly, but it was the way in which he spoke that drove me up the fucking wall."
"As if he even gets an opinion on this..." Aemond ranted as you stepped out from the screen, moving for the vanity again to wrap your hair up in a tangle of scarves. "As if his own marriage isn't some sham!"
"Is it?" You wondered gently.
"They were betrothed as children, Helaena's never known different but Aegon does as he pleases - no matter his marital status."
"So, your older brother doesn't respect you," you sighed gently, still fixing your hair to hide it. "But you know what's different now?"
"You've a wife who does," you turned to smirk at him, hands dropping to slap your thighs gently, "and Aegon can be jealous all he wants. It's not gonna be a concern of ours, we don't live the same truths."
He paused for a moment, nodding, "You're right..."
"But when you're feeling stressed," you offered your hand again with a grin, "your wife is here to sneak out with you for a bit of fun."
He chuckled and took your hand with his, "We'll need to stop at my room."
"Kinda hate that, but okay," you mused gently, letting him lead you from what was supposed to be your shared quarters. However, just as you were about to pass into his room, Amira rounded the distant corner, and your husband called for her.
"Could I ask for a discreet favor?" He asked, opening his door to lead you both inside.
"What is it, my Prince?" Amira asked, looking you up and down. "Oh, no, you're sneaking out, aren't you?"
You only shrugged with a broad smirk, making her sigh as your husband found his cloak. "Might you bring my things to our room?" He asked your hand maiden.
"Oh," she blinked, nodding, "yes, of course, my Prince. Um...?"
You smirked at her, "I didn't realize the lengths my husband went to to ensure my comfort, so, I've invited him back to our rooms."
"Oh, that is good to hear," she breathed, patting your shoulder. "All right, yes, I'll move your things, my Prince. Might I ask the reason for discretion?"
"Aegon's a dick," you shrugged, making Aemond say your name in reprimand. "What? Am I wrong?"
"Well, no - "
"So, that's the reason," you told Mira, "and we'd appreciate Aegon, you know, not knowing about this, so discretion is paramount."
"I gotcha," she winked, nodding with assurance. "I got this... Yeah, I got this... This is nothing..."
"You got this?" You checked, Aemond tucking his hair beneath his hood.
"Oh, yeah, for sure," she sighed, waving you off. "Just be careful tonight, please. The city's changed, Princess, lots of crime has gone up in rate. Stay close to your Lord husband."
You chuckled, "Maybe I'll save his arse, you never know."
"You'll probably start a fight and he'll have to rescue you," she laughed you off. Aemond offered his hand silently, leading you to a hidden passage at the back of the room.
It was easy enough to sneak through the back passages of the Red Keep, and you quickly realized that this must've been common enough for Aemond - given how well he knew his way around. When you broke free of the Keep, you breathed deeply.
"All right?" Aemond checked, tightening his hand in yours.
"Mhm," you assured, needing to jog slightly to keep up with his long legs and quick pace. "Where to first, Princey?"
He chuckled dryly, leading you down around a few turns. "Perhaps a drink?"
"Hmm," you considered, peaking around alleyways.
"I didn't say that," you chuckled. "But could we go this way?" You pointed.
"There's a few fun vendors this way," you smirked, leading him away. For the remainder of the night, you and Aemond crept around King's Landing - hopping around taverns, and you're pretty sure you didn't stop smiling once since leaving the Keep.
Aemond seemed different, too.
He was quiet, still. But he was relaxed, kept a hand on you at nearly all times. He chuckled when something was funny, smirked when someone made a fool of themselves, but mostly, he sat beside you all night. His legs straddled the benches to keep you close to his body, and you'd feel his idle touch as time passed.
Touches to your hand, waist, ribs, back, shoulders, and once even, he smoothed his hand over the back of your head in an affectionate gesture when you had made a particularly funny joke.
It was as if your warm touch reassured him.
So you did not mind, and in fact, found you reveled in it. It was your first real indication that his love language was primarily physical touch and while words did not come easy, his touch lingered.
And when you snuck back into the Keep, the ale you both consumed made your steps clumsy and for you both to snicker as you tried to shush each other. When you fell into your room together, you noticed Amira had, indeed, packed the Prince's things and moved them into your rooms.
It became a comfort that for each night the following five days, Aemond would read aloud from your book as you organized his belongings and clothes around the room. He liked pausing to consider the passage read, making the both of you bicker gently - even if he didn't have a varying opinion, he liked pushing you to see how far you'd go to make a point. You caught onto his game and didn't find it as annoying as when Jace or Luke did it.
Then came your first 'family' dinner that you'd attend at Aemond's side. He paced nervously by the window, watching the sun sink, and you perused your wardrobes for something to change into.
"You're nervous," you mentioned softly, laying a gown out to the bed.
"A bit," Aemond agreed.
"Is there reason, husband?"
He sighed, turning from the window with hands behind his back. "Father's not doing well..."
You nodded slowly, "He's been on a decline for quite some time now."
"And now it's enough for Mother to call for weekly family meals," he sighed, wiping a hand down his mouth.
"'S all right," you assured, "might be kinda nice."
"Nothing's really nice with Aegon around," he frowned, shaking his head to send some strands of gloriously long hair around his shoulders.
"Still mad about what he said?"
Aemond sighed, shrugging some. "In truth, I am unsure what I feel."
You nodded slowly, "That's alright. Family's a confusing matter."
"It is," he eyed what you had laid out for him.
"Yet, I must ask for your forgiveness," you smiled at him, stepping closer as he slowly turned to lower himself onto the bed. He reached for you, taking your hands to pull you between his wide-set legs.
"For what, my wife? I have not been wronged," he sighed, fiddling with your fingers.
"I have let you endure this alone the past two weeks," you spoke gently, slowly raising your hands to pet over his silver locks. "That's not what a wife does, hmm?"
He let his own hands raise to gently wrap around either of your wrists. His eye examined the one as his fingers caressed your skin, leaning in to gently press a kiss to the appendage. "It is of no trouble," he told you, "because you're here now, yes?"
You smiled at him, "Yes, I am here now. The support of a wife, something your brother does not know - should you need to use that to your defense."
He chuckled and tugged you so your hands went to his neck and his own settled heavily on your waist. "Something tells me with you there, wife, I will have little reason to defend myself."
You chuckled at him, giving his cheeks a quick squeeze, "Yes, yes, you get a wife and personal attack dog - aren't you lucky?"
"Terribly," he smirked, leaning forward slightly to rest his forehead against your stomach. He groaned, "Must we go?"
You chuckled and let your arms wrap around him in a hug, folding slightly to peck the top of his head. "Yes, we must. C'mon, it will not be for long."
He sighed, "Might I use you as an excuse?"
"Depends on the excuse used," you teased gently.
"Hm... What if I cited newlywed duties?" He picked himself up to stare up at you with a growing smirk.
"I think I'd kill over from embarrassment," you gasped, nudging his shoulder; making him grin at you. You found, each day, he loosened up - but always tensed up when others were around. When it was just you two, my Gods, he was entirely different; making you feel grateful that you could see him as such.
He sighed and let his hands settle back on your waist, "All right, maybe not. But, perhaps, I could say it to Aegon? Yes?"
You chuckled, hands caressing his jaw to force his eye to your own. "All right, yes, but do not let your Mother hear - please. Or Father. He's still my Grandsire and while I know he knows what happens in a marriage, he does not need be reminded."
"All right, deal," he agreed, sighing again.
"It will not be so bad, come now, we should change," you chuckled, gently pulling away from him. His hands fell from your body, and you instantly missed the warmth.
Though, after changing behind the screen, his hand was back in yours to lead you from the room. You swung your conjoined hands gently, smiling at him when he offered you a curious look. He ended up cracking a smile, unable to help it, but quickly sobered up when you arrived at the private dining room.
It was mostly just an outside terrace with a long table, but it made do for tonight's gathering. And with the fortunate weather, you were almost excited for the meal, if only for the location.
Aemond lead you both in stoically, and surprisingly, you were the last to arrived. Even Viserys beamed, teasing, "Well, this is a surprise."
"Apologies, Your Grace," you offered instantly. "We did not realize the time."
"No, no, no need, I was once newly married," he chuckled, waving you offer as both you and Aemond froze momentarily. You were quick to laugh at the King's joke, and with your hand to Aemond's arm, discreetly directed him towards the only two chairs left at the head of the table. Apparently, it became Aemond's common seating arrangement after the loss of his eye, but you didn't mind much.
Otto was in attendance, and Heleana greeted you happily; all but jumping from her seat when you neared her. You kissed her cheek in greeting, giving her a loving squeeze.
Aegon looked mildly annoyed but hid it behind his cups of wine, slouched in his seat; and making you ponder what seed he came from, since surely, it was not Royalty.
"Here," Aemond muttered to you, dishing something onto your plate. "You've gotta try this."
"It looks strange."
"Just a taste," he nodded, smirking at you. You sighed, eyeing the food with disinterest. "Come now, you mean to say you do not trust me?"
"Well, that's a loaded question."
He chuckled, "Let this be a test, then. Go on, just a taste. For me?"
"Well, way to guilt me," you teased him, nudging his arm before taking a taste from your fork. You pondered the feeling on your tongue, manicured hand over your lips as you chewed and considered the flavors. "It is... Strange."
"Is it?" Aemond smirked.
"I do not think I dislike it," you nodded at him, "though, I am unsure if I like it, either. Hang on," you moved for another bite, and before long, you'd finished the bit he'd spooned to your plate. "What was that?"
He chuckled, shaking his head slightly, "You told me on our wedding night you fancied those mangoes from Pentos, did you not?"
"I did," you nodded, narrowing your eyes at him at you glanced at the dish. "Do not tell me..."
"Apparently, stewed mangoes is popular over there," he shrugged a bit, glancing up to his family to ensure they were all still in their own conversation. They were.
"Would you do me a favor then?"
"Bit more?" You smirked, nudging your plate once. He chuckled and reached for the dish, dolloping another spoonful before you scooped a bit of rice to your plate and mixed them together.
"How's that?" He wondered in genuine curiosity when you tasted the new dish.
"You know what?" He nodded at you. "I don't hate it. Here, try it."
He nodded slowly and took up his own fork to try a bit, making your head cock in wonder as you waited for his opinion. "'S not terrible," he agreed with you, chuckling dryly before reaching for his goblet.
"So," Viserys boomed down the table, making you jump slightly. "How is married life treating you both?"
You smiled at the King, "You've raised your son well, Your Grace." Your eyes cut to Alicent, knowing she was who truly raised the children. "Married life is... Going well," you glanced at Aemond.
"Like a built-in companion," he mused to the table, taking a sip as Viserys chuckled.
"It is good to know you are getting along," he granted. "Surely, we'll see your face more often, Princess?"
"Of course, Your Grace," you agreed.
"Good," he nodded, smiling lightly.
"Unless my brother actually manages to get it up," Aegon snickered into his, oh, maybe, third cup in an hour? "Then, we'll never see you, will we, sister?"
"I'd mind my tongue, Aegon," you mused, taking another small bite of your meal. "Might start to sound jealous. Though, we know your brother has the injury and one less eye, you've always been jealous of him, heaven't you?"
"Aegon," Alicent warned when his face heated in anger.
Aemond chuckled a bit and let his hand drift to hang off the arm rest. You silently reached for his hand, finding relief when it fell naturally to your lap - turning over for you to hold. The other hand rose his goblet again.
"Do you think you'd like to take lunch sometime this week?" Heleana asked you, leaning over. "I've some questions of my own," her voice lowered to explain.
"Sure," you agreed easily, nodding at her with a smile.
Aegon rolled his eyes, "Oh, what questions could she answer? She's been married all of two weeks."
"I wouldn't take that tone, brother," Aemond warned.
"Boys," their Mother snapped. "Not now."
"Not ever, hopefully," You offered a sweet smile with your words.
"I'm not quite sure how it was done in your Strong Family," Aegon sneered, sitting up in his chair, "but here, we - "
"If your only means is to insult a silly rumor pertaining to my family, then, I'm afraid you might want to silence yourself," you chuckled, staring your uncle down with anger burning your gut. "You are only making my point for me."
"Please," Alicent asked of the whole table, "can we not get along for a single meal?"
Your hand tightened in Aemond's, asking him, "Surely, this is not common?"
"What, sweetheart?"
You paused at the use of the nickname, finding you enjoyed it more than you should - before finding your voice again, "Your brother thinking it is appropriate to speak in such a manner?"
He smirked at your tactic to publicly embarrass his brother, nodding at you, "You will grow used to it, sweetheart, I promise."
"Hmm," you mused, leaning into his arm more as his hand released yours in favor of holding your inner thigh instead.
"So," Otto cleared his throat, "how're you finding the city, Princess?"
"Very well, yes, thank you," you assured with a nod of your head. "Aemond and I might've gone out almost everyday this past week."
"The weather held," he shrugged a bit, cheeks heating at the knowledge that his family knew he was soft on you. It was obvious, if the time together was any indication.
"It was nice," you assured, one hand holding his forearm and giving a squeeze. "I'll have to take you sailing some time."
"You know how?" Otto asked in surprise.
"Yes, my father and his father took me out," you smiled softly. "Taught me how to fish, too, if you'd believe it. Never thought I'd live long enough to watch Corlys Velaryon fish for his own meal. But I must admit, it was incredibly satisfying. Father and I caught this sort of tuna," you told Otto - who was staring at you with the slightest amount of pity, "it must've weighed some 80 pounds." You chuckled at the memory, sniffling lightly, "Father and I nearly fell in trying to wrangle that bad boy from the waters."
It was quiet for a moment before Aemond cleared his throat, lowering his voice, "We did not yet find the time to extend our condolences for your father, my wife. And how sorry we all are for your loss."
"Mother got your letter," you nodded softly. "But thank you for verbalizing it."
With a returning nod, your husband tried to focus on his meal; but before you could, his sister was starting a new conversation. He was quiet most of the remaining meal, just content to listen; and any time Aegon got lippy, even Alicent started to sit back - because your wit outmatched all of their own. You easily fended the boy off.
Heleana simply adored you, and let that be known.
Viserys was oozing pride, as if taking personal responsibility in the match made between you.
Alicent smiled and actually asked a few questions to better know you.
Otto was just as ever - kindly, old, and soft spoken. He also knew some really good riddles that you liked to try and work out - his grandchildren giving up on most of them. Imagine your surprise when you asked, "Is it a mountain?"
And Otto beamed, "Yes! Dear girl, yes! I've been telling that riddle for months and none has solved it!"
It was an overall nice dinner, but truly, by the end, you were exhausted from keeping appearances. There were a few times you wanted to snap at your brother-by-law, but held your tongue; doing little to hide the irritation in your tone when you shut him down.
When Viserys was taken away for bed, Otto escorted Alicent away, and to your surprise, Aemond ushered you to your feet, "C'mon, come with me."
You let him pull you by your hand, jogging again to keep up with his long strides. When you were out of the dining room, you looked around and wondered, "Why're we in a rush to get to bed?"
He chuckled, shaking his head, "Got something on my mind."
"Wanna share?"
"In our rooms," he nodded, glancing at you only as he kept his quick pace - ignoring your whine of annoyance. The moment the doors opened, he pulled you in and shut them after you - pushing your body against the wood as his nose pressed into your neck.
"Aemond," you gasped in shock, holding onto his shoulders; not pushing him away.
"I-I wanted to let you come to me," he rushed, hands bruising your hips. "Yet I do not think I can wait longer."
"What changed?" You smirked, petting over his cheeks as he nuzzled your neck. You wanted to feel his mouth, but he did not dare yet - showing an ounce of restraint.
"Dinner," he sighed, sounding as if he was straining. "Watching you with them all, Gods... I know I am not who you wanted, but I think I need to start giving thanks for having a wife who can keep up."
"That got you going, did it?" You smirked against the shell of his ear; hands petting down his neck. His hands tightened and your hips rose up the wall to let his growing bulge press into you. Your breathing stuttered as his head lifted to leer over yours, your fingertip ghosting over his bottom lip.
"In truth, it's been hard to give you space," he breathed, "but yes, my wife, seeing you with my family was enough for me. You showed no fear in talking to the King and Queen..."
His lips pulled in a smirk, hands moving up to hold the base of your ribs. "It was impressive," he whispered, "and listening to you put Aegon in his place? Lady wife," he chuckled, slowly letting a leg raise to press between your thighs, "that did something to me I cannot explain nor control."
"Power turns you on, does it?" You chuckled.
"Only a bit," he nodded, "now," his thigh pressed more securely, "might I kiss you, Lady wife? Or might you haunt me further?"
You chuckled, but he clocked your nod before surging forward to connect your lips in a searing kiss. You let out a shrill whine when his hands drove you down onto him, his bulge more prominent.
"Tell me, sweet girl," he spoke in your ear, letting his tongue flatten against skin that made you moan, "what it is you want."
But worry knotted your stomach.
"Wait, wait," you pulled back as much as you could, but pushed his shoulders some; making him pull away.
"What's wrong?"
"It's just," you sighed, head thumping back to the door in exasperation. You sighed through your nose.
"You can tell me," he nodded, lowering his leg to give you room to breath. His thumbs started to swirl comforting circles around your hip bones. "You want me to trust you, but it goes both ways, pretty girl. Speak your mind."
"Well, for one, in truth, I think I prefer being called pet names rather than the name my mother gave me," you chuckled some, hands drifting down his chest.
"Noted," he nodded, leaning in to rest his forehead on your own. "Come - tell me what bothers you."
"I've not done this," you whispered. "I worry it will not be satisfying."
"With the way I've been ramped up the past two weeks, there is little you can do to dissatisfy me," he chuckled. "Though, might I tell you a secret?"
"Think you got me started the day you saved my life," he whispered, "and I never even thanked you for it."
"We share blood, Aemond, I would not have walked away. You needed help, and I knew how to give it."
"Thank you," he nodded, sighing. "I never got to thank you for what you did, but I am grateful."
"'Twas a dramatic night, there was little room for anything else."
He hummed before telling you, "Look, you do not need to worry, this is another learning experience for us to endure together."
"Oh, you must 'endure' laying with me?" You whined, heat flaring up your chest and neck.
"I did not mean that," he relented softly. "Only that I am no expert, either, but this is something between us - something we will learn to do together. As husband and wife."
You sighed, nodding, "Just be patient."
"I know it does not mean much now," he let his lips peck over yours, "but this is between us, sweet girl. You can do no wrong with me."
You sighed, "You say that, yet..."
"I do not know of a single marriage where either, nor both, were ever happy. I fear that this could be a partnership, but not much else. I understand you've an obligation to sire children, but I am only nervous - "
"You do not need to be," he sighed softly. "It's just me."
You nodded, brows crinkling gently. "It's just you..."
"Your husband."
You nodded, "My blood."
"I am not here to wrong you, nor harm you," he promised. "And while I agree, I do not know of a marriage myself that has been... Happy... I do know that marriages are between spouses, and we get to not just make our own rules, but play by them, as well."
You sighed gently. "How you've been without a Lady all this time is beyond me. You might be the sweetest man I know, and my father was Laenor Velaryon."
He smirked against your lips, letting you gently pull his cheeks to kiss him to time. "None ever bothered to try and know me," he whispered. "You are different, pet, and you always have been."
"You are different with me," you noted, nose rubbing up his. "Why is that?"
He sighed, "You... Provide me with a sense of safety, I think. It is difficult to explain - "
"'S not," you smiled at him, "because I understand perfectly well. I fear I might feel much of the same, as well."
"Hmm," he considered, "that is good. I would hope my wife feels safe with me."
"I do," you nodded in assurance. "That if you'd like to move for the bed, I would not disagree..."
"Are you sure?" He asked, frowning.
"If you're willing to take this slow?"
He chuckled, "As slow as I can bare."
You laughed against his lips, leaning in to trap him in another kiss. "I have to admit..." You pulled back to peck his lips, "You're mildly addicting to kiss."
He grinned, licking over your lips slowly. "Might find more than my kisses addicting,"
"Oh?" You laughed, holding onto his neck tightly as his own arms snaked around your waist to hold you against him. He sighed, nuzzling into your neck as a hand pet down the back of your head before settling around you. "All right?" You whispered.
"Mhm," he hummed, "just appreciating the feel."
You smiled against his temple, laying a kiss there as the mood in the room shifted; and his hands bore the weight of the world. "Aemond?"
"Would you show me all of you?"
You felt him pause against you, but his sigh was sad, "Not tonight."
"But would you?"
He nodded as he pulled back; leaving your cheeks brushing against one another. "One day," he sighed, making your heart plummet in sadness. The abuse the boy endured was more than you were willing to admit, but you'd try to understand it best you could and offer him comfort. "For now, let me see you," he whispered in your ear, the fire crackling behind you both as the room flickered and glowed in the light. You did not protest when his hands rose to undo the laces at your back; pulling apart to loosen your gown.
You feared he would not like what he found, but your resolve was crumbling as his mouth opened against your neck. You moaned faintly as his hands easily yanked behind you, freeing more of your flesh for him to grab at.
He pulled back first but you could not meet his eye. His fingers tipped your chin up to let your eyes meet, breathing one breath as his lilac gaze raked you in.
"You're absolutely stunning," he whispered, holding your gaze, and making you feel like he was staring through you. But his eye did not drop from your own as his hands pulled at your dress, freeing your shoulders and upper body.
Your lungs shuddered in nerves as you helped pull the garment down, freeing your breasts, and then down to your hips. His hands moved, his eye did not; only bowing to his knees to hug your waist, looking to the floor, and pulling the clothing from your hips.
Your hands shot back to hold your position against the wall; keeping balance as Aemond freed your legs of shoes, stockings, then your hips of any under garment. But he kept his gaze on the ground as he rose, letting your hands mimic his from earlier, and tip his chin so his eyes met your own.
"See me," you requested in a breath; holding it then as his eye soaked in all you were.
"Gods," he breathed, taking half a step back to get the full image. When his eye met yours, it was almost as if he could not stop the words from flooding out, "You're breathtaking."
"We are married, you do not need to compliment me," you teased gently, leaning back to the wall. "Do you need a moment?"
"I might," he mused. "You're incredible... And you're truly mine?"
"That's what the law now says," you teased. "You know, standing here, naked, 's bit cold."
"You don't say?" He chuckled, reaching a hand out to sweep his thumb over your pebbled nipple. But that was it - that was all he did. "Come, lay on the bed, pet."
He turned from you to give you space, bare feet muted over the bare stone as you moved on the balls of your feet. Look - standing in the nude was one thing, but sitting in the nude? That was something entirely, and you reached for a pillow to hold against yourself the moment you reached the mattress - and climbed upon it.
Aemond turned from the window to look you over, then started to undo his jerkin. "You've never been with a man?"
"Never even kissed one till we got married," you admitted.
"So... You're all mine, is it?"
"Seems so," you chuckled. "Though, I am afraid to ask in return."
His head cocked, wincing, "Lost my virginity at ten and three."
"Truly? To whom?"
He freed his upper half of the leather jerkin, revealing a thin tunic. "A whore, no less."
You hummed in thought, watching him undress without abash. "That was it?"
"If you'd believe it," he pulled the tunic off his torso.
"And how is it you've come by scars when there is no war?" You asked, letting the pillow fall to the side in favor for drawing a single leg up and into your chest.
"Same way I came to lose an eye, pet," he sighed, now avoiding your gaze. "Though accidents - no matter how unfortunate."
Your heart weighed to your feet, slowly finding them as your fingers nervously twisted together. He was distracting himself with pouring a goblet of wine, but stiffly turned when your hands deftly asked him to. They smoothed over rigid, pink-going-on-white scars, asking, "Where did this one come from?"
He glanced at your hand on his upper arm. "That was a lancing accident gone wrong."
"Hmm," you nodded. "And this?"
Your fingertips pressed to his pectoral. "Swordplay with Aegon... Gone wrong."
You smirked, "And this one?"
He breathed uneasily as your hand pushed at the scar on his lower belly. "Hmm... That was from a spoiled organ."
"Come again?"
He smirked as your hands rimmed the hem of his pants. "When I was, possibly, oh, maybe ten and five? There is a little organ that, if ruptured, can ooze toxic waste back into the body. Maesters were quick to remove it."
"How interesting," you spoke softly, watching his throat bob as he took a drink. "And this one?" Your lips asked, nearing his ear.
"Which?" But he flinched with a laugh when you bit his neck. It wasn't hard enough to break skin, but against his pale skin, it was enough to leave a small red mark. "Oh, you devil of a woman," he chuckled, letting an arm wrap around your bare waist.
"Apologies, dear husband," you smirked, reaching your arms around his neck to allow your breasts to press into his chest without barrier.
"Perhaps I can be persuaded into forgiving you," he hushed against your lips, licking over them before trapping you in a kiss so searing, it pulled a moan from your throat.
"Just ask it of me," you whispered to him, daringly letting your hands drift when he pulled you in for another kiss; fondling his growing length over his trousers.
He hissed lightly into your mouth, muttering, "Perhaps this will be new for us both, after all... Gods."
You smirked against his mouth, feeling emboldened to now sweep your tongue over his lips and into his mouth; hand solidifying around his neck to keep tight. He blindly set his wine to the table beside him to then press both hands into your warming flesh under your rib cage. His hands pushed, and you were lead back towards the bed; where you were sat on the edge for your husband to gaze down at. His hand cupped your jaw, gently caressing your cheek; yanking the laces of his trousers at the same time.
"Let me," you whispered, mostly curious - reaching for his breeches, and keeping eye contact as you unlaced him.
You fist the material by his hips and yanked down, still staring up at him - even when his cock sprang free to gently bob in your face.
"Fuck," he seethed, reaching to pull your hair back. "Might I teach you something first?" When you nodded, he almost grunted, "You can use your mouth."
Your brows furrowed, "On your cock?"
Aemond let himself chuckle, "Yes, sweet girl. But not your teeth..."
"I think I could've figured that one out, Aemond, Gods!" He laughed with you, but sharply inhaled when your hand reached for his thick member; giving a few curious strokes. "I can ask you something?"
"With my cock in your hand, you can ask me anything," he breathed in tune to your pumping hand, twisting wrist. "What is it, pretty girl?"
Your breath fanned across his public hair, head tilted to gaze up at him and wonder, "It... Will fit?"
He snickered, "Yes, sweet girl."
You nodded, "And are they all... This size... A-And girth?"
"Perhaps not, but I'm not running around, whipping my cock out to compare it to others,"
"Pity," you pouted at him, seeing his teeth flash in amusement, and lean in to take a tentative lick. His hand tightened in your hair and you understood what he meant; slowly, surely, and very sloppily, figuring it out. What your mouth didn't fit, your hand twisted around; and Aemond's knees were slowly buckling.
"Slowly, slowly," he whispered to you, thumb sweeping a tear from your cheek when you tried to take more of him. "That's my girl, good fucking girl," you preened at his praise. "Easy, don't over do it - that's it, good girl. Use you spit - fucking Gods, that's right - there - wait, wait, less teeth, sweet girl - slow yourself."
You listened to him as you went, feeling sweat start to slowly streak down your skin as heat sweltered in the room; skin at the base of his cock turning salty from his own exertion.
"All right," Aemond hissed, nodding to himself as he took hold of your cheeks and pulled his cock from your mouth; leaving a trail of saliva. "Seven fuckin' Hells, girl, I told you I'm not fucking anyone else, you're not in competition here."
You grinned up at him, rolling your eyes right after as you understood his teasing tone. "C'mere, please," you whispered up at him, hands curling around his neck to thread into his hair when he loomed over you. Your lips met in a frenzied mess again before one of his hands held his balance and the other pushed your knees apart.
"Easy," he whispered against you, tracing slow patterns up your inner thighs. "This is where trust comes in, sweet girl. I've got you."
"Yeah?" You nervously checked, nodding at him; hands holding onto him as if a lifeline.
He sighed softly, "I'll always have you, sweet girl. Today, and everyday."
You pet down his chest and tried to relax as his lips met yours again in a frantic mess of lips, tongues, and teeth. His fingers then were dusting up your crotch, and you all but flinched as a jolt of pleasuring electricity shot through your veins.
"Aemond," you breathed as one hand darted out to wrap around his bicep; fingers sweeping up and down your wetted heat. "Gods," you squeaked when he pushed to let his face rest against your neck; arms tight around his neck for anchoring, letting a finger sink deep into you. Your legs opened wider to accept him.
"Good girl," he growled, your hand feeling his arm flex as he started to pump his finger messily through your sopping folds. "So fucking wet for me, Gods. I heard rumor virgins were wetter, but fucking hell."
"Or perhaps it's just for you," you whispered in his ear, holding on tighter as a coil slowly tightened in your lower belly. Almost on instinct, your hips moved to hump into his hand.
"Hmm," Aemond considered, "say that again, but without the perhaps."
You chuckled, pausing for a moment before telling him in his ear, "'M just so fucking wet for you, and only you, my Prince."
"Gods," he groaned, pulling his hand free to straighten up. "On the pillows, love, go on." But you paused to beam obnoxiously at him. "What? What is it?"
"You called me 'love'."
He chuckled against you, leaning in to kiss you happily. "Got issue with that, Lady wife?"
"You will not hear complaint from me, Lord husband," you assured.
"Good - back on the pillows, then." When you pulled yourself back over the bed, he was quick to follow overtop of you; pressing another kiss to your lips as he settled between your legs. "I will warn you, there might be some complaint the first few minutes."
"Oh," you nodded, "yes, I-I was warned of that. And it is common for there to be a bit of blood, too."
"Good to know," he smirked, pecking your lips. "You need only tell me if it's too painful, but it will be before the pleasure takes over. But if it's too much, just tell me."
You nodded and pet over his cheek, promising, "I will."
He smirked, "Spread your legs, pretty wife."
You both paused, shaking your heads at one another, and you deciding, "'Pretty girl' is a solid option, 'pretty wife' sounds strange to my ears."
"Strange on my tongue, too," he agreed. "Pretty girl, it is."
You hummed in agreement, bringing his lips to yours as he helped shift your hips slightly. Then, his cock's head was sweeping up and down your slick - like his fingers had - and just paused to linger at your entrance.
"Hold onto me," he whispered, slowly pushing in - and feeling you instantly freeze.
"Fuck's sake," you wheezed as he went.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"There's more!?"
Aemond was unable to fight off his laughter, leaning down to push his tongue into your mouth before pressing forward the rest of the way - pressing his hips to yours in full.
"Fucking hell," you whispered against him. "Oh, wow, okay, okay..."
"All right?"
"I don't know," you admitted. "Feels very strange."
He nodded, leaning in to kiss you softly. "Tell me when it's okay to move. This will be uncomfortable until you're acquainted, and then it'll feel better - I swear it."
You nodded, "Go ahead."
"Yeah," you whispered, moaning when his tongue swept into your mouth again. "Holy shit - Gods be good," you whined when he began to retract his hips and push forward again; the friction created something mouthwatering.
"Fuck," Aemond panted, humping a little faster. "Ah, shit, you feel fucking divine, sweet girl. Fuckin' made for me."
You readjusted your hips again and let him work at a new angle. His mouth hung open for a few thrusts, eye fluttering close as your hands gripped anywhere they could reach. And with his motions, you started moving your own hips; fucking him back, to his approving groan. His mouth found purchase against your neck, biting, sucking, licking; humming into flesh as pleasure coursed.
"Aemond, fuck, fuck, fuck, harder," you pleaded, letting your knees reach your chest as his hands pushed the backs of your thighs in a new, bruising grip. His balls slapped against the apex of your cunt, creating something of a rhythm amongst the room that met the chorus of your moans, groans, and his grunts.
"Take it," he growled, hands sliding up to hold the back of your knees. His hips were relentless. "Oh, fuck, good girl - 's my good fuckin' girl. Feel so fuckin' good, taking all of me your first time," he smirked down at you, reaching a hand for your throat when he felt your walls tightening as his cockhead pounded into that soft, spongey spot.
You whined against the pressure on your throat - not enough to constrict but enough to feel all the way down into your toes.
"Gods," he groaned when your velveteen walls stroked him for all he was worth, "look at you, so fuckin' ready for me."
"Yes," you whimpered, reaching for his neck to yank him closer. "Please, please - "
"Tell your husband what you need, Princess," he smirked, dropping his lips to stick to yours - and pull apart messily.
You whined lowly in your throat, "Wanna cum."
Your hands shook as you held his cheeks in your grip, "Around you."
"That's my girl," he purred, moving himself at a renewed pace. "Where do you want me, pet?"
"In me," you didn't even realize you moaned that aloud until he groaned from deep in his chest; brows furrowed, and one hand holding himself up as the other dropped to your cunt. "Wait, wait, wait - "
"That's the feeling, my girl," he promised, fingering your pearl. "Chase it, let it come for you - let it come, good girl," he praised, catching your body when you arched into him and came with a soft cry.
"Ae-Aemond," you begged still, eager to please. His hands held your hips in place, face held to your neck; hips pumping relentlessly to chase his own end now. "Please - oh, fuck!"
He came with a shout of his own, hips swooping to thrust into yours once, twice, a third time, then grinding to a slow halt as his balls contracted to release his load in your warmth.
"Shit," he panted, body giving up some to collapse into your own. It pushed his cock further up, making your mouth open in shock; arms coiled around him to keep him against you.
"Yeah," you agreed, letting a hand smooth down his hair. His breath fanned across your collarbones, and readjusted your hold on him to press a kiss to his forehead. "All right?"
"Yeah, yeah, good," he chuckled, pecking his lips up your neck. "Are you all right?"
"Mhm," you nodded at him, noses brushing together before his lips met yours - again - slowly. "So, that's what we've been avoiding?"
He smirked, "Well, you've been avoiding, Lady, and I've been dreaming."
"How'd it match up in life?"
Your husband offered a soft smile, "'S like you're a dream come into my arms. If there is a heaven, I think I've found it."
"Oh, please - "
"No, truly, Lady," he nodded, letting his lips peck yours again. "Here, with you, I am at peace."
"Then make a bargain with me?"
"Cock's still in you, so, ask anything of me - 's yours."
You giggled lightly and rolled your eyes as he fixed himself up to his elbows to keep the pressure off your chest. "Spend some time alone with me in the next few days?"
"Lady - "
"No, I mean, let us take a period of time away from everything and just," you shrugged a bit.
Your eyes rolled, "I was aiming for something a little more poetic, but sure, yes, yes, stay with me and fuck me properly."
"My Lady wife," he teased, "I did not think you so brash."
"You've not been paying attention," you teased. "Please?"
He chuckled through his nose, nodding as he shifted himself towards your side - huffing a bit when his cock pulled free of your warmth. "Whatever it is you want in this life, wife, I'll give to you," he decided as he crashed to the bed beside you, offering an open arm for you to curl against his chest.
"You sound smitten, Prince," you accused gently, nestling into your new home - at his side.
"Perhaps I am, Princess," he told you, eye taking in your entirety. "Perhaps you have me enraptured, and I am unwilling to leave your clutches."
You hummed and let your lips press to his, slowly increasing the tempo as your own libido felt newly heightened. How strange, the moment you lost your virginity, you suddenly crave the action of another warm body - or perhaps, you craved the body of your husband.
None the less, Aemond let loose the faintest of moans; hand coming up to hold the back of your head, mouths moving in sync.
When you pulled back, it was only just to mutter, "Perhaps the feeling is mutual."
"Good," he whispered, licking into your mouth again. He hummed and pressed one last hardened kiss to your mouth, then pulled back. "Give me time to nap and I will spend days worshipping you. Yes?"
"Deal," you agreed against his swollen lips, breathing stuttering when your teeth caught his bottom lip and pulled.
"Devil woman," he whispered, hand wrapping around your throat. "Behave."
"You're not making the point you think," you whispered.
"My girl likes my hand at her throat?"
"Only in this sort of position," you smirked, lips catching his own again to tangle together in a frenzied dance of passion and newly found, newly formed love.
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[ part one ]
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odysirena · 1 year
if you ask me why
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pairing: lo'ak x gn!metkayina!reader
summary: Lo'ak, your long time friend, asks you to set him up with Tsireya.
tags: mutual pining, (kinda) idiots to lovers (2.6k)
Lo’ak sighs at your response, “Bro! Why not? You literally have nothing to lose!”
Said boy has been trailing you ever since you denied his request to set him up with your best friend. 
You stop walking to give him a pointed stare. The boy shrinking down sheepishly under your gaze, “It has been an hour. Are you not tired of constantly whining like a child?”
You turn around, not waiting for an answer, smiling to yourself when you hear the sound of his footsteps from behind you. “Just tell me why you’re saying no and I’ll stop, I promise.”
Your steps come to a halt at his words causing his body crashing with yours. Ow, shit, bro what the fuck?! Ow, ow, ow.
“Stop whining and maybe I will,” Lo’ak straightens his back, assuming a salute position before he realises you have no knowledge when it comes to human military.
He racks his brain and rummages through memories for something to say that would hold significance to you, “Do you pinky promise?”
Lo’ak’s smile grows wider at the memory that’s been resurfaced by the simple question. He watches as the corners of your mouth twitch into an almost smile. 
(You’ve been giving him a lot of those lately, he collects every image his mind is able to capture and stores them in a box, pulling them up when he’s down, convincing himself that he’s only remembering the memory of your almost smiles because the jokes that led to them were funny.)
The serious nod that you respond to his question with has him mirroring the expression on your face, the smile quickly returns though.
Because you wrap your hand around his fourth finger, pulling at it lightly before you seriously say, “Your pinky finger is now mine.”
It takes everything in him to hold in his laugh at your display. 
He will never admit it but a small part of him is endeared. Your willingness to indulge in his humanity with no prejudice despite your friends’ opinions always makes him feel grateful.
No one will ever be able to claw this out of him but any time he’s particularly down, he always thinks of that day. 
The day he let someone fully hold his hand without pulling away. 
He was having a particularly bad day. Payakan was away, he got in trouble with his dad, the icing on the cake? Ao’nung’s friend called him a freak again. 
Your consolation came with a mask of curiosity. 
He knows your curiosity didn’t pop up randomly.
Because nothing about anything you did was ever random, it’s almost like your very being was fueled by pure intention. 
Well-timed dialogues, perfectly executed jokes, compliments disguised as insults. 
The next thing he knew he was laughing, the sour cloud over his head dispersing without him even noticing. 
So when you asked him about his fourth finger, he responded with a joke. 
(In his defence, how was he supposed to know you’d believe him when he said that wrapping a hand around the fourth finger and pretending to pull it off sealed a promise?)
A part of him thinks you know, another, content with ignorant bliss. 
“I like you, Lo’ak.”
Your statement effectively shakes him off the rabbit hole of a memory, his eyes widening and jaw going slack in the process.
“Excuse me?” Lo’ak says uselessly.
You should see yourself right now.
Your heart feels like it’s going to leave your body and bury itself at the bottom of the ocean.
Your mind feels like it's going to explode with how fast it's racing, coming up with ways to rationalise your sudden confession.
But all an outsider would see is the tilt of your head. Emotions tucked away from your face, buried behind the person you've spent years being.
“You asked me why I don’t want to ‘set you up’ with Tsireya?” Another tilt of head at an attempt at indifference, “Did you already forget? You trailed me around for an hour?”
You stare at his dumbfounded face and realise he wouldn’t be able to form a response within the next minute. So you smile to yourself and turn to leave.
You pause, turning around slowly and reaching for a hand. The same one you plucked a pinky finger out of. 
You make a display of returning it, smiling up at him as you do, “I told you I wouldn’t break it.”
Later, if asked why you turned down his request in favour of telling him you like him, the answer would be simple. 
Why would you push him towards another person when you want him for yourself?
“There’s just no way,” Kiri and Neteyam say in unison. 
Lo’ak huffs and rolls his eyes, “Guys! I swear I’m not joking.” 
When the two don’t budge, he turns to their youngest, “Tuk! You believe me right?”
Tuk scrunches her face, “I don’t know,” she trails off, “aren’t they a bit too good for you?”
Her statement brings a laugh out of Neteyam and Kiri. Lo’ak rolls his eyes but the smile on his face is difficult to miss. 
“Okay wait, let me clarify,” Kiri says, walking towards him as she does, “You were begging them to set you up with Tsireya,” Lo’ak nods slowly, “And when they refused and you asked why and they said it was because they ‘like’ you,” Kiri’s quotation marks warrant another eye roll from Lo’ak. 
Lo’ak knows it sounds ridiculous. He wouldn’t believe it to be real himself if his heart wasn’t currently suffering from the repercussions of the smile you gave him.
So he aggressively nods his head at Kiri, “Yes! Bro! Exactly!”
Kiri looks between him and Neteyam, her jaw slacked, “Oh. He’s not joking.”
“You skxawng, why would you ask them to set you up with Tsireya?” Neteyam asks, amusement obvious in his voice.
The question has Lo’ak throwing his hands up in the air, “What do you mean why? Is it forbidden?”
Kiri shrugs, “Not really,” she gives him a teasing look, “But why are you asking the person you like to set you up with another girl?”
Lo’ak screeches, “The person I– WHAT?!” 
His siblings laugh at him as he stands mortified. 
Their parents call them from inside the marui, something about food being ready.
Before Neteyam follows their sisters to go inside, he grabs the back of Lo’ak’s head with a smile on his face, “Perhaps you’re in need of some introspection brother.”
Ao’nung was starting to get annoyed. 
When you barged in on him weaving and told him you would wait till he’s done–fully understanding that the activity required utmost patience–he was grateful. 
The sound of your footsteps filling the empty area as you pace back and forth has his fingers slipping up and making more mistakes than he’d like.
He sighs in relief when Näyì, the third member of your trio, enters the marui. Putting the straws down and cracking his knuckles before he speaks, “Thank Eywa, please put me out of my misery.”
You stop pacing and stick your tongue out at him–a habit you picked up from Tuk–before you turn to Näyì. 
“I accidentally told Lo’ak I like him.” 
The words’ effects are immediate. Ao’nung gives you a look of disbelief and Näyì gives you a look of amusement.  
“You don’t do accidents,” Ao’nung says. Näyì nods in agreement before she hums, “He must really drive you crazy then.”
Näyì suddenly gasps, “Wait. . Did he. . reject you?” 
Ao’nung scoffs at her display, rolling his eyes before saying, “He’s as crazy for them as they are with him. Do you not see the heart eyes he sends their way when he thinks nobody’s looking?”
You give Ao’nung a look, “No?”
A sigh leaves your mouth, “I mean, he didn’t reject me. . .”
“Then why do you look so dejected?” Näyì asks.
Ao’nung’s face twists into a playful grin, “Are you sad because you’re now stuck with him?”
You shove him, ignoring the whine he lets out, you collect your thoughts, voice dropping to a whisper when you finally speak.
“I told him I like him after he asked me to set him up with ‘reya.”
The response you receive is mixed.
“Oh that boy better stay away from my sister.”
You flinch at their exaggerated displays, letting them calm down to allow the words to properly sink.
When Ao’nung finally stops laughing like a maniac at the idea of his little sister with Lo’ak, Näyì turns to you.
You shrug, “What else is there to say? I’ll be fine if he and Tsireya ever get together,” you ignore Ao’nung’s barfing gesture, “but I don’t really want to have a hand at it, you know? Why shove them closer together if I know it’s going to fill me with regret eventually?”
The duo takes your words in, the silence being broken by Näyì when she hums, “how about the part where you told him you like him.”
A sheepish expression is placed on your face, “That part’s the accident.”
Ao’nung gives you a look, “But I don’t think it was an accident, is it?” You blink up at him, “You told him you like him so he could consider your feelings.” Your mouth slightly hangs at his observations, “You want him to know so you don’t feel regret later on, and now you’re worried because he could reject you.”
He pats your back playfully, “I don’t know why you’re worrying so much though.”
You roll your eyes at him, “Did you forget the part where he asked me to set him up with your sister?”
Näyì snorts at your question, “He has never smiled at ‘Reya the same way he smiles when you’re around.”
Ao’nung nods in agreement, “Tell you what. Why don’t you try to see for yourself?” You widen your eyes in question, “Hang around him and Tsireya, you’ve always been perceptive, this shouldn’t be any different.”
You open your mouth to answer but he’s already shushing you, ushering you and Näyì out of the marui so he can continue weaving.
Once you’re walking side by side with Näyì, she tells you, “He does have a point though. It’s fine to be sceptical but you might end up regretting it.” 
You know it’s a trap to get you to follow through Ao’nung’s plan. But when the word regret leaves your mouth you know you’ve fallen into it.
The next time Lo’ak sees you, Tsireya is on your side.
You would be lying if you said that the sight of his body going rigid once he takes notice of you isn’t amusing. 
“Hello, Lo’ak.” The greeting comes from Tsireya and Lo’ak has to force his eyes away from your figure to greet her back.
When they’re done sharing pleasantries, you speak.
“You told me you needed extra practice for your rites of passage, didn’t you?” You smile at him sweetly, the sight of it making his stomach flutter, his body acting against his will yet again.
“I was telling ‘reya about it and she gladly offered!” Tsireya opens her mouth to correct you, to say you asked me to do this as a favour? 
Please just go along with it, you say with your eyes, hoping it reaches her. When your best friend closes her mouth, you turn to look at Lo’ak.
He’s already looking at you. It surprises you that he doesn’t look away–like he usually does when you catch him staring–clouded eyes locked on your features.
You cough. Gesturing for him to join your friend that’s already in the water.
When he still doesn’t budge, you raise your hand to lightly push him towards the water. 
But you never get the chance to, because he catches your arms and tells Tsireya he’ll be back. 
The girl nods, but once the two of you are out of sight, she moves to leave. A knowing smile on her face, knowing better than to wait when it was you he left with.
“Lo’ak–” You start, letting him pull you towards a secluded area on the shore. 
When he finds a spot away from prying ears, he turns to look at you, “What are you doing?” 
The playful smile on your face drops when you see the serious expression planted on his face. 
How did things stray so far from your plan? It was supposed to be simple. Have him and Tsireya hang out, observe them from afar, and finally, draw a conclusion.
But now both Tsireya  and the playful boy you know are nowhere to be found. 
Standing in front of you is someone you’ve only seen three times. The intense look on his face makes him feel unfamiliar.
He drops the hand he was holding and paces in front of you.
“What are you doing?” He asks again, desperation clear in his voice.
You clear your throat in an attempt to steady yourself. You don’t look at him when you speak, afraid he’d find a trace of weakness in your face with how intensely he’s staring.
“I don’t understand why you’re. . frustrated,” his pacing comes to a stop and you find your body looking at him against your orders, “didn’t you ask for this?”
Your eyes lock and you watch as the clouds forming in his eyes clear up. 
“Did you lie?” He asks suddenly.
He sees your confused look, “When you told me you liked me, was it a lie?”
You find your body moving to shake your head before you can even speak, “No, I–”
“Then why are you doing this?” 
Because I couldn’t stand to wait to know if you would reject me.
I had to see if you wanted her enough to not consider me. 
Is what you would say if you didn’t have pride to protect. He wouldn’t be able to claw that information from you even if he begs. Liar. The tiny voice in your head calls you out. You would learn to fly if he asked. 
You don’t really want to lie, so you answer with another question instead, “Do you not want this anymore?”
It’s a loaded question and you both know it. 
When he doesn’t respond, you get so frustrated that words leave your mouth before you could think them over.
“I have liked you the moment you fell off your ilu during your first week here.” You turn your back on him before you continue, afraid of how he’d react to you baring your soul to him, “I like you when you’re making stupid jokes and references I don’t understand. I like you when you’re breaking rules, something I could never do. I like your bravery and your conviction; your ability to stand up for the things you want.” 
You pause.
“I like you even if it scares me.” 
You feel a hand on your shoulder, it spins you around, forcing you to stare at Lo’ak in the eye and then. . . laughter. Your face scrunches into displeasure, watching as he throws his head back. 
When he calms down, he takes notice of your unimpressed expression and rushes to explain yourself, “No– shit– fuck– no, I’m not making fun of you.” 
He sighs, moving his hands so they’re holding yours. When he sees your face soften, he continues, “I think the main reason I was so. . in denial with my feelings was because they were too strong. It scared me. The feeling is as intense as the love I have for my family but it’s different.”
He pulls you in an embrace, kissing the crown of your head before he speaks, “I’m sorry it took me this long to notice.”
You hum, “I’m sorry too,” you move your head from its position on his chest in favour of looking at him, “I knew and I didn’t tell you sooner.”
He repositions the two of you so you’re both facing the sunset, your back against his chest and his hands making their way home around your waist.
The sun sets and Lo’ak finds that he’s fine with it. 
Because on your face rests constellations that are begging to be explored.
A/N: not proofread… anyways! i was supposed to work on requests but this idea came to mind and i just .. had to write it! i’ll definitely get around to them soon! as always! reblogs and replies are appreciated! thank you for reading :)
permanent taglist: @nao-cchi
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emgavi · 2 years
Pablo Gavi x reader "Quiero casarme contigo"
I had this idea and I went for it, hope you enjoy
The 5 times Gavi told you "quiero casarme contigo"
1st time
Me and Gavi have been dating for a couple of months and it has been nothing but happiness everyday. Today Gavi told me that he was going to come over to my place after his practice to give me a surprise. 
While laying on my couch I heard a knock at the door. Grinning while I walked towards the door, I opened it to reveal Gavi with flowers in his hand and a small bag in his other hand.
“Hola mi amor, i brought you some gifts” he said while walking in and giving you a kiss on your forehead. 
“Hola…is it our 3 month anniversary already?” I was a little surprised by the gifts he had, I knew he said a surprise and this was certainly one. 
He laughed ,“No but I wanted to get you this for a long time,” he held up the small bag, “and I saw these on my way over here and thought of you” , he presented you with the flowers. I reached over to grab and smell them. “You’re so cute you know that, thank you mi amor” I set the flowers down on the counter and reached over to hug him. He hugged back squeezing you a little closer. 
“You are the cute one querida, but here open this one too” he gave me the small bag. “I hope you’ll like it,'' he said as you started to take out the tissue paper. You reached in and pulled out a Barcelona Jersey as well a Spain National Team Jersey. When you look at the back you see it has Gavi’s name on it. “I know you have one Barcelona jersey but I wanted to give you something more special, I’ve worn these and before you give me a look I did clean them. Do you like it?” he asked, looking at you with his brown eyes. 
“Oh gavi , yes, i love them!” He smiled big when you said that. “Also love to rep your name in the stands”  told him while still looking at the jersey. 
Laughing at your comment, “I sure hope so. I wish to see you wearing my name forever” he said cutely at you
Smiling at his adorableness, you teased “hm you’re not proposing right?”
He blushed at your response and he started stuttering,”n-no no” he said. As you turned quickly to put the flowers in a vase , Gavi whispered under his breath,”pero, quiero casarme contigo  un dia”  
“What was that?” you asked, hearing what sounded like a mumble. He lifted his eyebrows as he had been caught but then tried to play cool, “nada mi amor” . You gave him a look before walking over to him again and wrapping your arms around his neck. “Again gracias pabs, por todo” 
He smiled and leaned in close to you and kissed you gently on the lips.
2nd Time
“Gavi!, Gavi stop! , i -” I couldn't keep my laughter in as Gavi kept tickling me on the couch as we waited for our popcorn to pop for our weekly movie night at your newly shared apartment. 
“Sorry querida , no can do” he said as he continued and you both continued laughing until you heard the beeps of the microwave, signally that the popcorn was done. 
“You got lucky this time” Gavi said, smirking, getting off to go into the kitchen to get the popcorn. 
In some relief you stood back up in a sitting position on the couch and pulled the blanket to your chest. Gavi then walked in with the popcorn and some other snacks. “So what movie should we watch?” He asked as he sat down next to you, pulling the blanket to be closer to you. 
Putting your thinking face on, he smiled at your action that he found adorable whenever you were in deep thought. “How about……pride and prejudice!” you said happily. 
He rolled his eyes playfully, “but mi amor we watched that already several times” 
Pouting at him seems to do the trick to make him cave in again, feeling satisfied when you hear , “fine” next to you. 
As the movie is playing, you are cuddled on gavi’s side with his arm holding you close to him. Feeling his warmth and the softness of the blanket lures you to close your eyes. 
Gavi turned his head to you when your favorite part came on, wanting to see your excited expression but instead he was met with your sleeping face. 
He took a minute to admire your features and how peaceful you looked, he kissed your forehead and held it there for a while, whispering “pronto quiero casarme contigo”. He smiled at your sleeping figure and stayed to watch the remainder of the movie, not wanting to disturb you in your sleep.
3rd Time
Rushing quickly to get your makeup on, you are getting more nervous by the minute. Today was the Ballon d’or awards ceremony and Gavi was a nominee for the Kopa award. This also will be the first time I go to a really public event with him. 
“You look amazing y/n stop stressing” My best friend Madelyn said, she came to Paris just to help me get ready and I love her for that. 
“I know, i know, it’s just i don’t want to embarrass Gavi if I look a mess on the red carpet with all those cameras and..” i said , starting to panic. Madelyn noticed this and quickly came over grabbing my hands. “Hey no rambling, i know for a fact that Gavi will be blown away by how gorgeous you look right now” Giving me a reassuring smile, just her words made me feel more better. “I’m really glad you're here mads, i don’t know what i would you without you” i told her 
Flicking her hair in a funny way, “i'm here whenever you need me, now let’s finish that makeup”
Meanwhile w Gavi 
“I don’t know man I just feel so nervous” Gavi said to Pedri as they waited in the Hotel’s lobby for y/n. 
“Everything is going to go fine hermanito, you will win that award and you’ll have your girl by your side tonight” Pedri told Gavi reassuringly. 
Smiling to himself as pedri mentioned your name, another part of him was excited to have you with him, since you’ve never gone before to any public event.
Pedri noticed how his smile grew and smirked , “you are so in love hermanito , you’re smiling like that just hearing her name” he teased. He then asked in a more hushed voice “do you think she’s the one?” 
Gavi raised his head from the ground , a smile never leaving his face. “Yes, she makes me the happiest i ever been, i want my future to have her always” Pedri smiled at his best friend, then they both turned their heads hearing the elevator ding.
When the elevator doors opened it revealed you in a stunning dress, Gavi’s eyes went wide and couldn’t move from where he was sitting, stuck in a trace by you. 
You nervously blush walking over to them, “how do I look?, think it’s carpet ready?” 
Your voice broke him out of the trance and he finally stood up walking towards you, 
“You …you look so beautiful, you look better, like un renia” he said, still admiring you up close.
Pouting at him for his genuine response, you lean up to give him a thank you kiss. However Gavi wanted to turn it into more, showing you how much he loves you. Separating you put your foreheads together smiling dumbfoundedly at each other.
You both pull away, turning to the direction of y/n’s name being called out. Seeing Madelyn rush over to y/n holding a small purse. “Oh “ y/n said walking towards her. 
While y/n was with madelyn, Gavi still couldn’t believe you were his, under his breath he said, ‘quiero casarme contigo”
Pedri behind him, heard however, grinning at his best friend and giving him a pat on the back.
4th Time
Today you and Gavi were going to his family’s home for a family gathering they were having. Gavi knocking on the door, while holding a bag of deserts and your hand on the other. 
The door immediately opened to reveal his dad. “Bienvenidos! Come in , come in, we are so happy to have you over especially you y/n” his dad said going to you to give you a big hug. 
“Gracias for inviting me, it’s always an honor to be in your home’ you said as you hugged his dad back. Gavi smiling at your interaction. His dad then turned and gave his son a hug , “hola papi” he said. 
“The rest are in the living room and your mom is in the kitchen” gavi’s dad said pointing forwards. Walking into the living you saw Gavi’s sister Aurora and more of his family members sitting on the chairs. When Aurora saw you she immediately got up from her seat,  “y/n! I’m so happy to see you, how is mi chica?” she said, hugging you.
 Smiling at her “im doing good, im also happy to see you, you need to tell me everything about your recent trip!’ you told her with the same excitement. She grinned at you, “oh my goodness yess! Okay so.. “ she started but before you listen anymore Gavi interrupted.
‘Perdoname Aurora pero y/n still needs to say hi to rest including mama” he said wrapping his arm around your waist. As a response Aurora scowled at her brother, “fine fine but she’s mine when your done” 
As Gavi leads you to the kitchen, he turns his head to her, ``don't steal my girlfriend” he said playfully. Opening the door to the kitchen, you saw his mom and one of his aunts preparing the food. 
‘Mama, we're here, ' Gavi said and his mom looked up from cutting tomatoes. Her face turned into a bright smile seeing her son and you by his side.
 ‘Ah Mi hijo, i missed you” she says going to hug Gavi first then quickly going to you 
“tambien i missed you too y/n , how have you been? Did you try those recipes I sent you?” she said, giving you a hug.
“Si, muchas gracias, they turned out great just like you said” you responded holding her arms as she still held yours. Gavi gave both of you a confusing look, “you guys text?” 
His mom gave him a look, “of course! She is my future daughter in law and we have the best conversations” you both blushed at her comment about marriage. 
‘ i enjoy it too, i’ll send you more of those gossip articles when they come out!” you said to her
She grinned ‘gracias``.Saying hi to his aunt who finished mixing, you offered help, which his mom protested to let you talk with the others but finally you won, helping her finish preparing.
Meanwhile Gavi went back into the living to talk to the rest of his family. 
Aurora sits next to her brother, “so pablo…you got anything planned for you and y/n’s 4 year anniversary?” she asks, curiosity filled her eyes. 
Gavi smiles ,”si, i do but i’m not telling you, you might slip and tell her” , “also don’t call me pablo” he responded scolding his sister, not going to reveal anything he had planned. 
“You’re no fun, but really Gavi, you got a good one, don’t let her go okay?” she told him in a serious yet still caring voice. Gavi nodded his head in response, ‘nunca” he said. 
Gavi went back towards you and sat on the kitchen counter,admiring you working on the food alongside his mom and aunt. You didn’t have to, you were a guest at the house, but you still made it a priority to help, and he loved you more knowing you have a caring heart. 
Looking up at him you give him a big grin as you’re mixing the salad. He gives you one back and continues to watch you behind the counter. In his daze he couldn’t help but feel lucky, lucky to have you. 
That’s when it slipped. He didn’t mean for it to be vocalized above a whisper, but yet it happened. 
“quiero casarme contigo” he said. As soon as he said it his mom stopped doing what she was doing and so did his aunt. Just for his luck his sister Aurora was walking up to the counter and heard him too, stunned as well from the revelation. 
You on the other hand, since you knew some formalities in spanish and what gavi taught you but not the best at understanding spanish to full capacity, looked around confused, noticing Gavi’s and his family’s wide eyes. 
Remembering when he said something familiar back to your earlier years of dating but had zero clue what they meant. “I’ve heard you say that before, what does it mean?” you asked.
All his family members turn to see Gavi still frozen in his spot and to help the poor panicked boy, his mom said, “oh you know it’s just a sweet saying nothing else” , his sister and aunt nodded and agreed. 
Gavi then nodded along, “si y/n/n it’s just a spanish saying” . Before you could question further, his aunt asked for your help, giving a successful distraction. 
Gavi sighed , relieved that his family didn’t out him, he did want to marry y/n but he didn’t know how she felt about the matter yet. 
“Hermanito you better start saving up” Aurora said while patting his back, his mom smirked at him and nodded her head. Gavi could feel his cheeks burning again. “Pronto,” he said. 
5th Time
“This is so beautiful” you said looking out at the view in front of you. For your 5th anniversary Pablo surprised you with a trip to New Zealand, and today he took you on a beautiful nature sightseeing tour. 
‘Not as beautiful as you,” he said, smiling wide at you. You turned and gave him a smile, looking at the view again to take video. Gavi played with the tiny box inside his pocket, trying to ease his nerves. He knew this was the spot and the moment. With a deep breath, he mentally prepared again what he was going to say. 
“y/n?” he said behind you, you turned to look at him looking more nervous that you ever saw him, hands at his side, shaking a bit. 
“Yes mi amor” you replied 
He took a step forward to you and grabbed your hands into his own, intertwining your fingers. 
“You know I love you, so so much, right?” he asked looking to your eyes
Puzzled at his question , “of course pabs and i love you so so much too”
He nodded his head, looking down for a moment then meeting your eyes again.
“y/n…since i met you my life has been nothing but happiness. Even with my bad days you are always there to pick me up and i love you for that. You are my other half, i know it. I’ve know this since the day i met you. I want you in my future, i want you to be apart of my achievements both on and off the field, i want to wake up every morning and see your beautiful face knowing i’ll get to relive that magical moment for the rest of my life. I want you to be the only person who can call me pabs, I want you to be the mother to my children, grow old with you, always be the one you love and watch pride and prejudice with” 
You did a small laugh as he said that last part, your eyes already started to tear up at Gavi’s love confession.
He laughed along with you too, “I know we are still young but I have no doubt in my mind that this is the right decision. Quiero casarme contigo”
You gave him a look , “wait there's that sentence again”, he nodded and grinned at you 
“You’ve been wanting to know what it means, well mi amor it means….i want to marry you”
Your eyes go wide at this, and ever wider when you see him start to get on one knee. Your hands cover your mouth in shock.
“y/n y/m/n y/l/n will you make me the happiest man alive in the universe and marry me?” he said with a couple of tears in his eyes looking deep into yours.
The floodgates took over after he said those words, not being able to talk you just nodded your head frantically until you could. “YES , SI , OF COURSE I WILL GAVI”  you said while going down to hug him. He hugged you so tight, his face beaming with happiness at your response. 
He moved a little back to put the ring on your finger, it was a perfect fit. You hugged him again, and he pulled you into a passionate kiss. Pulling away with your foreheads together, “you’re going to be my husband” you said in disbelief. 
He grinned huge,’and you're going to be my wife”, leaning down to kiss you again.
“I love you” he said when you pulled away, looking at you with eyes of pure love and a couple of tears. “I love you too,” I said.
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spinningwebsandtales · 5 months
Imagine Arthur Playing With Your Son In The Bath
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Arthur Curry X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Suggestive themes, stress, and an obscene amount of fluff
Word Count: 984
(A/N:) I found this gif and it inspired me so fast! XD I was actually looking for something else for a different imagine when I came across it. I couldn't leave without writing something for it and this is the end result! I wrote for Orm and since Arthur is a freaking aquababe I have to write for him too! Hopefully my fellow fangirls enjoy it as much as I did writing it! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Being married to the King of Atlantis had it's perks, but it also had it's rough patches. Being so called Queen of a world you never even got to visit had it's pressures. Arthur never told you the horrible things the council would say about you, but you had a good idea of the prejudices they held. Tom was a good confidant and helped you talk about things that bothered you. Arthur had enough on his plate and now with you both producing a heir to the throne, the pressure only increased. Tom was out running errands for you while you stayed at home with Arthur Curry Jr who refused to do anything but eat and cry. It didn't matter how many times you tried, he refused to go to sleep. He was due for a much needed nap and so did you, but the baby universe decided that just wasn't in the cards today. Now as night drew nearer and you being soaked in spit up, drool, and various other baby fluids Arthur finally made it home.
"Sorry I saw dad in town and we stopped for a quick beer," Arthur apologized before brushing strands of your hair to kiss your cheek.
He looked around the little home you both shared with his father. Toys littering the floor and dirty dishes piled up in the sink. His eyebrow raised before leaning his trident against the wall. He knelt down to get eye level with you as you rocked back and forth on the couch trying to keep Jr from crying.
"Rough day," he asked gently.
The strong facade that you worked hard to keep up all day crumbled a little, as your bottom lip began to wobble. Arthur cursed taking you into a hug and trying his best not to squish his son against his giant chest. You let yourself have a few moments of just letting your emotions out before you pulled away. Wiping at your eyes and taking a deep breath.
"That's my girl," Arthur grinned. He took Jr from your arms. "Go take a shower a long one. My son and I are going to have some bonding time with a bubble bath and some rubber duckies. I'll call Pops too, have him bring pizza home for us. Then we'll watch that movie you love and makes me gag. Deal?"
You laughed, this time kissing his cheek, "Sounds wonderful!"
Arthur helped you up from the couch, kissing you deeply and giving you a pat on your rear as you walked to the bathroom. Arthur watched you go before turning to the baby in his arms.
"We'll borrow Grandpop's bathroom so your mom has some much needed quiet time."
Jr gurgled in reply. Arthur nodded in agreement, "Totally. Your mom is a hero. And hot."
Jr just stared and Arthur shrugged.
The hot water was washing away all the day's filth and the stress from your body. Though it was rough at times, raising the future king of Atlantis and being human, you wouldn't trade one moment. Your son was precious. Arthur was a wonderful partner in everything. A doting husband and a loving father. Even your father-in-law amazed you as he was such a help. You couldn't fault him for needing a quiet moment in town. He hadn't given one complaint since you and Arthur still lived with him and birthed the next generation of Curry.
Finished with your nice hot shower, you dressed in one of Arthur's oversized shirts and your favorite pair of leggings. Your slippers silenced your steps and it was easy to hear Jr's squealing giggles and Arthur's laughter follow behind. It brought a smile to your face despite the exhaustion. Opening the door you spied Jr in a little floatie designed for his baths and Arthur bare chested covered in an obnoxious amount of suds.
"Are my boys having fun," you asked.
"Bubbles," Arthur roared animatedly causing Jr to squeal. Water sloshed and bubbles flew everywhere and you couldn't bring yourself to worry about the mess.
Carefully sitting yourself close to the tub and avoiding the numerous puddles on the floor, you stroked Arthur's bare chest, tracing the tattoo patterns. He dutifully scrubbed his son's dirty face before leaning back against the cool tub wall.
"Careful where you touch, or we'll grant Pop's wish early," Arthur warned.
"One's enough for right now," you replied still tracing absentmindedly.
"More than enough. You look like you went to war with an army of babies."
"And here I thought baby spit up was the new Gucci," you sighed.
Arthur tugged you a little closer, tickling your ear with his warm breath, "You did look pretty hot."
"Now who's trying to seduce who," you teased.
You helped Arthur finish up cleaning Jr and get him changed into warm pajamas when Tom finally made it back. Hauling in grocery bags and boxes of pizza, all of you were finally able to sit down together as a family. Arthur wouldn't let you get anything for yourself, so you sat on the couch holding Jr while Arthur made your plates. True to his word he started the movie you loved and he abhorred. Halfway through Jr had finally fallen to sleep and despite wanting to stay up and finish it, you found yourself nodding off too. Without a word Arthur put your son to bed before he scooped you up in his arms.
"Night Pops," he whispered and Tom nodded before turning off the movie and switching to the weather.
"Artie," you mumbled into his chest as he carried you to your shared room.
"Thank you," you yawned.
Arthur kissed your temple before depositing you onto the messy bed, "You're welcome."
He tucked you in before getting in himself and with the warm blankets and Arthur's body pressed against yours. You fell into peaceful slumber and all your worries melted away.
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jaidens · 10 months
Hey, I Knew l'd Run Into You Somewhere It's Been A While, Didn't Mean To Stare
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pairing [s] : spencer reid x reader
warning [s] : | hugging | im crying | im in love with him | childhood friends to lovers (aka my fav trope and I overuse itt) |
a/n [s] : requests are open.
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Your field in Los Angeles, California was needed in Quantico, Virginia. It wasn't extremely typical, but whenever different parts of the FBI calls, you go. The plane ride was relaxing as you covered all sides of the case with your team and stayed on call with the Technical Analyst, Penelope Garcia. You were reading through Pride & Prejudice for the fourth time, as your team counted. Your team member Angela sits down, crossing one of her legs over the other.
“You seem occupied. Something happened?” Angela asks quietly, raising her eyebrow and clasping her fingers together. You look at her and nod, picking at the skin around your fingernails. “Yeah, this case just gets to me. No matter how long I've been in the field, it'll always scratch me the wrong way.” The case made everyone feel weird. The case included children and a series of kidnapping only taking Mother's and their young sons.
“Are you sure it's just that? I've known you for ten years. I know how you get when a case hurts and when something else is happening.” Angela calls you out and, painfully, she is one-hundred percent correct. “Yeah, you caught me. Just, I used to know someone who used to be my absolute best friend, and he moved to Quantico the last time I checked.” Angela opens her mouth to show her understanding and surprise about the situation.
“Well, let's remember, we have to keep our heads on the case. It's important that we find the leads instead of pulling other ropes to lead other situations.” Angela taps your hand and walks away, you smile at her softly before you go back to Jane Austen’s writing. Eventually, you fall asleep with your book laid against your chest.
You wake up at the sound of your ears popping and the plane landing against the Virginia airport grounds. You stand up and gather your things, picking up the bag you were gifted for your twelfth birthday, a leather satchel with clasps. It was from Spencer after you mentioned how you thought his satchel was cute.
Spencer is sitting across from you on the playground, reading through the science book you were given today by Mrs. Handerburry for seventh-grade science. Spencer was in eighth-grade but was only a month older than you. “This is what you have to read for Genetics. Did you know that humans are more than 99% identical in our genetic makeup? The one percent is still being researched, but it's said that it holds cures for diseases.”
You smile at Spencer, the lanky, finally hitting puberty with his hair behind his ears and thick glasses on his nose as he excitedly explains genetics to you. He's been your best friend since forever, with his awkwardness and long bones. People picked on you surely for being friends with him, or even relating yourself to him, but you didn't care. “Oh wow. Maybe someone in this world has the cure for everything, like something magical.”
Spencer laughs at you but continues explaining the theory of Genetics and giving you fun facts during it. However, as much as you try and understand him, you're staring at him and he makes your belly feel like there's butterflies. Like how it feels before the first day of school and staring at the double doors to walk in. He stops for a second, taking a moment to breathe, and you lean in and kiss his lips before pulling away.
Spencer is a blushing flustered mess as you scramble out some words to explain why you did that. “I don't even know why I—” Spencer kisses you again, a little longer than last time but he quickly pulls away. “It’s okay.” Spencer tells you and that's all you need before you lay your head on his shoulder and let him read out the boring science book, in which, you were definitely not listening to.
You're pulled out of the memory whenever one of the security guards is taking your stuff and letting you walk into the Quantico headquarters. It's much nicer than yours, with things actually furnaced off. Angela takes your arm and shows you the way around to the meeting room. You take a breath in and walk into the room, recognizing the Technical Analyst and SSA Aaron Hotchner from an old case you ran by with him.
He's introducing your team to his team and you're staring at the screen at the pictures from the incidents. “— And finally, this is Agent L/N, an expert in the children's abduction cases.” Penelope shakes your hand and gives you a huge smile and you smile back at her before she goes to the screen to explain more of the case. You stand behind the table and listen intently to Miss. Garcia. “Are the children getting abducted before or after the Mother's? Maybe our unsub wants to torture the mothers before. Losing children can be extremely heartbreaking for the mothers, giving the unsub to tell her to ‘come to save her child’.
“It wouldn't explain the covering of the bodies with baby blankets. It shows remorse.” Angela says to everyone, ending with nods and other people agreeing. “Well, we'll figure it out. Wheels up in 30.” Agent Hotchner says and walks out of the room. You're talking with Angela gently about a different topic, while you sip on a coffee. “I think we should go ahead and get ready. We have 25 minutes until we have to leave.. do you have your stuff? Your suitcase and bag?” You nod at her and follow her out of the room.
The plane is getting ready, and it is much larger than any jet the FBI had provided for you. You step onto the steps, walking up and Angela follows behind. You stare back at the seats and see an empty one and you walk towards and sit down, setting your stuff to the side of you and pulling out Pride & Prejudice and immediately stuck your nose in it.
You see a mop of brown hair above your book, staring at you. You pull the book down, and you recognize his face immediately. “Spencer..?” His name falls from your lips like a prayer and you smile widely. He sits down as he grips onto his leather satchel, the same one that matches yours. You can see the patch still sewed into one of the straps that you did in tenth grade.
“Y/N, you know I'm leaving tomorrow.” Spencer sighs as he lays in bed next to you. You're in tenth grade and you've grown up since that day in seventh, the day you kissed him. Your face is different and your eyes have grown up as well as Spencer stares into them. “Give me your bag.” You command quietly as you wipe the tears from your eyes, and you pull out your sewing kit from your drawer. You had bought a patch off the Internet, it was a picture of you and Spencer on it.
You pull out the needle and thread and begin weaving it through the fabric and sewing it on. “Oh.. it's our picture.” The ‘our’ makes you smile and you look up at him. “Yeah, I think it'll remind you of me when you get big one day. When you're up on the board with Einstein and Tesla.” Spencer laughs and sits his head on your shoulder. He's watching you sew and telling you to be careful to not poke yourself.
Spencer eventually falls asleep and is gently snoring against you, his head stuck between your head and your shoulder. “Spence— hey Spence, c'mon wake up.” You giggle when he wakes up with a small shout and a sleepy smile. “I’m awake, I'm awake.” You hand him his bag, the patch sewed on and a smile on your face. Spencer is in love— and the person he's in love with is leaving until he's done with his PHD and his Doctorate, so years.
He takes his bag with a big smile on his face, but the tears welling in his eyes tell you a different story. “We’ll find each other. We always do, Smart boy.”
“I knew I'd find you. I tried to call, but nothing was working.” Spencer tells you shaking his head. You smile at him and scoot over to be right next to him. “I got a new phone, which also means a new number. Welcome to the new age.” You laughed with Spencer as you stared into his eyes again. Those butterflies you felt in seventh-grade suddenly came out of their cocoon and were flying around once more.
“I missed you, a lot. You're working in the child abduction unit now? That's pretty cool.” Spencer stares into your eyes, and the nostalgia sits inside of them. “I missed you too, and the unit had been missing someone I had a degree in and studied, so I took it.” Spencer lets out that smile that can make anyone smile, where his top teeth are showing proudly.
“You grew up, huh? You definitely still got that boyish look I love.” You teased and his cheeks turned a shade of crimson. “And your crazy hair.” You add and he laughs. You can't help but hug him in your arms, and that spark you felt so many years ago lights once more. “God, I missed you.” Is all you can let out as he practically lies against you with his head in your shoulder.
Spencer is in a blue, 80s styled suit and you have your prom dress styled in the 80s fashion as well. He was allowed to go to prom, even if he was 15 years old in Senior Year. “Bet we look like fools.” You say during the slow dance, only swaying gently to the Frank Sinatra that fills the gymnasium. He's smiling at you with his eyes staring into yours. “Definitely, totally. Look at your hair, you look like Farrah Fawcett.” Spencer teases back at you and you lay your head against his chest. Spencer had grown to 6'1, towering over most other people.
You're laying against his chest as you listen to Spencer's heartbeat. “I always loved Frank Sinatra. My mom bought me a walkman when I was five and I listened to Watertown until the tape broke.” You laugh gently at the thought, and you're singing along to the jazz until it ends. The DJ starts yelling about ‘getting the party started!’.
“Do you wanna sneak out with me?” Spencer asked with a mischievous smirk on his face and you nodded at him and he pulled you through the crowd. “Always!”
You see the stares from you and Spencer’s team as you laugh with him. He tells his dumb science and math jokes and you laugh at him as you tell him old stories from your younger years. A tall, built man walks up to you and Spencer and flashes a smile at you. “Hey Pretty Boy, find yourself a girlfriend?” He sits down and shakes Spencer's shoulders and shakes out his moppy hair.
“Y/N, this is Agent Derek Morgan. Derek this is Y/N, my best friend since childhood.” Spencer introduces and you shake Derek's hand and flash your own smile. “How long have you known Spencer?” Morgans asks, sitting down in the seat next to yours and Spencer's. “Twenty years now? We met whenever we were ten years old.” Derek opens his mouth in surprise, and slaps his hand on Spencer's shoulders again.
“We’ll talk later L/N.” Derek tells you, pointing his finger at you before walking away. Spencer circles next to his ear and points at Derek, showing that he thinks he's crazy for acting like it. You laugh once more and hold his hand in yours. “I can't believe you're so, up on the board with Einstein now and Tesla.” Spencer nods. “Its the 180 iQ and my three PhDs probably.”
Now, you're the one surprised. “Three?” He nods and you sit up. “That’s amazing, Spencer. I knew you'd get far, ever since middle school when you read through my science book; four times.” He smiles and you laugh at his weird look in his eyes. “I’m tired and I'm gonna sleep until we get there.” You tell him and lean back on the plush, beige seats.
Spencer's hand goes to your calf, running his fingers up and down or pretending to run down your bent leg. It's peaceful and calm, and it's everything he's missed. Derek wiggles his eyebrows at him and Spencer sticks out his tongue childishly. He would ask you about what he was thinking eventually in the hotel room, and he was praying for the answer he wanted. For you to take him back, like you did in his younger years.
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dreorig · 11 months
Can you see what I see?
You and Eddie have been friends for a while now, but you never told him about your schizophrenia as you thought that was unnecessary — until you saw Eddie talking to an alien head attached to his shoulder.
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Content/Warnings: eddie brock x male reader | mainly comedy | talk about hallucinations | the slightest mention of prejudice | some violent words. you know, it's venom | not really fluff but kinda. not sure how to label this | nsfw language | suggestive content
Word count: 1.5k
Notes: i'm on the schizophrenic spectrum and this is self indulgent, sorry not sorry. sometimes i see things that you're not supposed to see and i just fuck with it, which made me think that i wouldn't really freak out seeing venom. and now we're here. there's no smut or anything but eddie's a bottom i gotta say (i feel it in my heart). it's mostly silly because we might face the horrors™ but we stay silly. enjoy heheh :)
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You had decided to visit a new friend of yours (possibly a crush?), Eddie Brock. It's not like you had anything better to do.
Approaching his door, you just pushed it open, knowing such formalities as knocking on the door were inexistent between you both already. Right away you saw Eddie sitting on the couch, playing what was undoubtedly Yakuza — handsome and with a good taste in games, of course you wanted to kiss him each time you caught yourself staring at him. Oh, he also had a weird alien-looking head popping out of his shoulder talking about a delicious brain it had eaten once. You just shrugged.
"Hi, Eddie!" you closed the door behind you, walking towards the kitchen in hope of finding a clean glass because you were thirsty as hell. "Dear God, this house is a mess! Mine's probably worse, though."
Hey, you found the glass!
"Y/N, what are you doing here?!" Eddie asked with a very alarmed voice, following you.
"Eat him!" you heard the head shout.
"Stop that already! He's my friend! I'm not eating him!"
You stared in confusion as you saw Eddie arguing with the head. You leaned against the wall, rather bored, waiting for it to go away. You sipped your water instead of saying anything, perhaps that cold water was just what you needed. Eddie didn't need to get dragged into the mess that was your mind. Just a little bit and the hallucination would go away.
Eddie suddenly stopped saying anything, unlike the head, and looked at you in some sort of shock, which was cool because it looked like you were finally slipping back into reality and seeing what Eddie was really doing and saying.
Wait— shit, if Eddie was staring at you like that then maybe you said something without noticing? It was okay, you could just play it cool. You smiled and raised your cup, "What? Can't a guy drink his friend's water?"
"You… you're not scared?" Eddie asked, looking like he had seen a ghost.
Oh, okay, you definitely muttered something about your hallucination without noticing. What good would it do trying to gaslight him into believing you said nothing now? You should just say the truth.
"Nah, not really. Years ago I would be but it's just a part of my everyday life now. Nothing to worry about. Sorry if I scared you."
"Y/N, I don't—"
"You? Scary? He's funny, Eddie. I told you to not eat him."
You began, completely ignoring Eddie and looking at the head, "Look,— can't believe I'm arguing with an alien head that is not even real— most people are just normal with normal minds and normal thoughts, like Eddie. What normal person wouldn't be alarmed if I suddenly said I'm seeing a freaking alien head attached to him out of the blue? It's not even like I'm a cool dude with abilities that let me talk to ghosts like Norman or anything, you're just another hallucination."
Now imagine how confused poor Eddie was. Hallucinations? Normal people? Eddie being a normal person? Who even was Norman? He wanted to understand what was going on but with you and Venom arguing it was almost impossible.
"I'm real! And I'm not an alien!" the head shouted, sounding very insulted. "I take it back, let's eat him!"
Eddie has had enough, so he tried his best to just whisper, "Venom, would you just shut up for once and let us talk?!'
"Fine, but keep it in mind that if he offends me again I'll rip him apart and eat his brain with chopsticks!"
You stuck your tongue out to the alien as childish as you could and it did the same — why was its tongue so long?!
Eddie just sighed as Venom finally disappeared. He was really confused. What were you talking about? Were you an agent? Perhaps you had your own symbiote? Could be the only reasons why you weren't scared at all. He got closer to you, putting his hands on your shoulders and looking into your eyes.
"Y/N, you're not scared of what you saw, right?"
"And you've seen it before?"
"Then you know what it is, right?"
"Duhh, of course. Another hallucination of mine."
"You have hallucinations?"
"Yeah," you chucked. "Every now and then. It's not a symptom that affects me too much, though."
"Symptom?" he tilted his head. "Of what?"
"Oh well, I haven't told you but I have schizophrenia. Before you say anything, I swear that I'm not violent or a threat and that's just some really hurtful prejudice people still have against us that—"
"Y/N," Eddie released your shoulders to hold your hands. "Right now, I'm the last person who could say anything. And honestly, It's not something that bothers me in the slightest."
"Hah, he's insane just like you, Eddie!"
You put a hand on your hip, pointing a finger to nowhere specific, "Hey, you! I don't know where you are but don't you talk about Eddie like that!"
"Ah, so…" Eddie cracked an embarrassed smile. "I'm afraid he's kind of right, I'm not the most sane person at all. And that's why I was so shocked when you opened the door."
"He? What," your eyes widened. "Dude, so you really heard that voice, too?! And I'm just not hallucinating you arguing with that head?!"
"I did, yes. Now you understand my surprise in seeing you? I know what I'm going to tell you sounds like a very crazy story but you gotta believe me."
"Man, haven't I just told you I'm a schizo? Nothing sounds crazy to me. Spit it out because now I'm hella curious."
Eddie hardly knew how to behave. You were the first person to see him talking to his symbiote without thinking he was completely insane and screaming or paralysing after seeing Venom himself. In fact, you looked like a child who was very excited to hear what cool story his parents had to tell him this time.
"What you saw is a symbiote, his name is Venom and we're… kind of bonded. You see, he needs a host and that's how I ended up in this position. I won't hurt you— hell, I'd never. You just can't tell this to anyone, please."
"That's so cool, dude!" You grinned wide. "You don't sweat it, my mouth is sealed! Do you mind if I ask you a few things?"
"It's the least I could do." He chuckled. "Go on."
"You control the symbiote?"
"Not exactly? It's more of a mutual work. Although he takes control over me sometimes, this stubborn creature."
"You're just too soft, Eddie! I gotta do everything myself!"
Only then you remembered the symbiote could talk. You asked, "Hey, Venom, would you mind showing up? Please?" 
"Ohh, then Eddie says the same I did and now you suddenly think I'm real? Don't feel like doing so."
"Oh, c'mon! Pretty please? I wanna apologise."
Within seconds Eddie was completely enveloped by the tall and imposing symbiote, who crossed his arms. "You better."
You were beaming with happiness. What a magnificent day. When would you be able to look at a symbiote so closely again?
"Venom, buddy, you're amazing! Truly! I'm sorry for calling you an alien and doubting your existence. You must understand I'm a little out of touch with reality sometimes and I thought you were part of this mess. Now I'm very aware of who you are, though. Are we okay?" you offered Venom a hand shake.
Instead of shaking your hand, he picked you up and hugged you tight. "Hah, I like you, little man! No wonder why Eddie wants you to kiss him."
As if you weren't already happy enough. You smirked, "He does?"
"He does!"
Eddie could advocate for himself but he was so embarrassed that now he preferred being in full Venom mode, this way you wouldn't see his clearly red face.
"Venom, would you mind letting me see Eddie again? Please? I need his help with something."
"More like he needs your help."
Venom let go of you, then just like he had appeared, he disappeared and Eddie was the one in front of you again. He looked so cute with his flustered face that for a moment all you could think about was how even cuter he would look bouncing on your cock.
"Hi, Eddie. Heard you wanted me to kiss you," you took a step closer, having your face just a few inches away from his.
"I- I mean… perhaps? Maybe. I do, yes. Only if you want," Eddie avoided your gaze when he mumbled.
You held his waist and gently pushed him against the island, making Eddie gasp softly when his back hit the cold marble of the countertop.
"Oh, I do. I want to kiss your hands, your forehead, your cheeks, your neck and, last but not least, your lips. I want to kiss you everywhere. And do a few more things other than that if you allow me to."
Eddie felt his hands shake in anticipation as he wrapped them around your neck and closed his eyes. "Fuck, yes, please."
You chuckled before finally leaning in to kiss Eddie.
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