#poor guy just cant catch a break
hellishgayliath · 11 months
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@intotheelliwoods I felt very veeeeery compelled to redraw this scene. Possessed even. The stance n everything 0w0
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thedeafprophet · 7 months
Alex always had insomnia problems but its fair to say they got worse after uh..... *glances at the game* all that.
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kingofattolia · 1 year
C3PO: *says anything*
everyone within earshot:
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dizzybizz · 4 months
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the little chipper
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last night i had a bit of a Revelation. literally. i borderline woke up in a cold sweat with this realization. the way i lunged for my laptop to scream at friends... ough. lets get into it
so. i do believe I've made a couple of theory posts about Barnaby not being quite as receptive to his and Wally's "forced" best friendship as Wally - since the show wrote them to be friends instead of it happening naturally. i thought it might be a point of tension for Barn. i thought a lot.
the bios state Barnaby as Wally's best friend multiple times over. it had to be regularly reinforced. their colors were chosen to mark them as friends.
but Barnaby - presumably - can't see the bios, he wouldn't know the scripts. the friendship would be natural from his perspective. how would he know otherwise? even if the relationship started out synthetic, i don't doubt that it became genuine. in the context of their world and perceptions, realistically speaking Barnaby probably wouldn't sense anything wrong.
the reminders to be best friends weren't for Barnaby.
they were for Wally.
i'm starting to suspect that Wally is Barnaby's best friend, but Barnaby isn't Wally's. i think that Wally's "best friend" is Home - or at least Wally has a closer connection to them / Home is more important to Wally than anyone else is.
i remember reading this livestream trivia (from theneighborhoodwatch's doc, if you haven't their resources yet what are you even doing?):
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and i assumed it was for Barnaby's side of the relationship. but it's not, is it? it's Wally's? and it makes too much fucking Sense! it fits! i can see it perfectly! i can feel things slotting together in my mind due to this shift in perspective, and i'm scared
Barnaby probably thinks the relationship is natural, just like how he thinks he's a real person in a real world. Wally probably knows that the relationship is a role, just like how he knows he's a puppet in a false reality.
that leaves me wondering how much of it is genuine on Wally's side. i don't doubt that they really are friends, but how deep does that connection go? in the interview, Wally sounded excited/proud about having a best friend, but how much came from a place of feeling, and how much came from a place of Fulfilling The Role? how much of it is performative? how much of it is a mask?
i've been seeing everything differently. Barnaby poses for Wally the most because he has good balance and is good at staying still, not because of favoritism or because he's Wally's best friend. in the 14 (15 including the hidden halloween) audios, Barnaby consistently seeks out Wally and checks in on him. Wally seems more casual about their relationship than Barnaby is.
i'm worried that Wally values Home & You/Us over Barnaby. that Barnaby is second or third place in Wally's heart. that Wally means more to Barnaby than he means to Wally. after all, only one of them needed their relationship to be reinforced on a seemingly regular basis.
i'm confident that Wally cares about / loves Barnaby, but the question is how much? to what extent?
#IM SO FUCKING ILL.#and by worried i mean Frothing At The Mouth. that would hurt so good. it would be delicious#i mean. it makes so much fucking sense. it feels Right!#and oh the ways this could hurt barnaby#i already suspect he has some Internal insecurities and shit but. oh man. if this is true it would break his heart wouldnt it#he has his hearts on his palms but wally's hearts are hidden on the soles of his shoes....#god. no this. this. i cant start ranting and raving about what this means for barnaby and how i think it might affect him#the picture all the pieces of What We Know About Him So Far paint#all i'll say is. comic relief characters are always a tragedy under the mask.#wh speculation#homebogging#wh theory#welcome home speculation#welcome home theory#the way i was losing my absolute shit in discord. Man.#i am continuously in premature mourning over barnaby.#eddie might be doomed by the narrative but barn is Screwed by the narrative#poor guy just can't catch a break#also the idea. the Concept. that wally might consider you/us a closer/dearer friend than barnaby#is. its. well its devastating and juicy as Fuck!#there's. there's so much to unpack here im gonna be honest#for the first time since getting into this project im feeling like im starting to see a cohesive picture#the implications. the connections. the way it ties into themes. man... oh man... And It Makes. Sense.#barnaby knows wally better than the other neighbors - Besides Home - but how much more?#does he think he knows more than he does? i mean absolutely. wally is still hardcore masking around him.#wally doesn't confide in him not really#but man. Man. oh i understand why completely. at least i like to think i do#oh boy this is gonna kill me and im gonna like it#i had this realization and i felt my neurons shift just a little. just Enough. FUCK#barnaby b beagle. baby. i am so sorry but you're gonna have a hell of a fucking time
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code-dy · 25 days
Not sure if anyone remembers these guys but-
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mochi!bilbo’s hobby is to unintentionally distress mochi!thorin. Poor guy!
Have a preview of something i might not finish in the future under the cut.
Hoppity Hobbit
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phantomdoofer · 3 months
A few things I cooked up for a request
Content Warning for transformation body horror
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battyxbaby · 6 months
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
yk every time i see a post about somebody wishing bad things on another person i think ‘dirt-strider to kiryu’ you’ve broken me brain
You see a post thats like i want to stick him in time prison so that he gets so bored he starts breaking his own bones to get even a hint of stimulation and its tagged me at kiryu and you scroll down and its a post thats like i want to feed him chips from my cupped hands like a wild stallion and its also tagged me at kiryu also hiiiiiiiii
#Thanks for the ask !#i wont lie to you i want to do yo kiryu what they did to the family in reddot story the pancake family#his life is a bit too easy i want to give him more obstacles thats why im kidnapping him and breaking my little prince’s ankles and#releasing him in a forest in another country altogether and he has to survive with his injuries until they heal and they will heal wrong and#it will forever hurt to walk now and also when he sees another human being now he will always flinch and he has nightmares every night about#being feverish and starving to death and years into his recovery i meet him again and invite him to watch a movie with me but when i put the#tape in its actually just a highlight reel of his time in the wilderness and he gets scared but he cant move and its because i gave him some#tea earlier and oh this ? its laced with drugs. and he sits blearily beside me and im holding his head up so he watches the screen and he#recalls every terrible thing thats happened to him i put the tv on full volume so he can relive the leaves and twigs cracking under his#hands and knees as hes dragging himself across the forest floor and and his clipped shouts of pain whenever his broken bones catch on a root#and his enraged screaming as he grapples foxes and coyotes that are trying to scavenge the food he painstakingly gathered and he can listen#to the way his voice devolves into something unrecognisable and hes wondering how i got this footage but then he realises this scene is#familiar hes on his last legs and he hears footsteps approach not those of an animal but of a person. he looks at the screen and he sees his#own face staring into the camera wild eyed and filthy and that on the other side of the camera is the hitchhiker who ‘found’ him and he#realises it was me who did this. i could have rescued him at any time the gratefulness he feels to that kind samaritan curdles in his chest#it comes with the withering realisation it was all a game and the one who put him through it all was right beside him and i laugh and put my#hand around his shoulder and ask if he liked the movie and he fights his paralysis and he grips me by the neck and throws me to the ground#and he says you .. you ... and i frown apologetically and say That bad huh ? well we can put on another. and he cant even say words anymore#hes so angry that he grips my neck and he strangles me and the whole time my face gets purple im laughing and laughing and laughing at him#anyway thats one of my greatest fantasies its a fantasy because i couldnt do that to the poor guy im not that mean but i do want him to kill#me and for me to deserve it. very important that i started this fight and that he ends it thats what i want to have ... and also to like#cuddle and stuff ... because i like him ...
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akanague · 2 years
Lol this takeover is just roasting sonic, isn't it?
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curvykittyyssmutfics · 5 months
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A/N: For @mozlov. Enjoy! 🫶🏽
corrupt!Nanami shifted personalities like flipping off the light switch on a dark stormy night: Your big soft bear was more savage than ever. "You're not listening. She's not takin time off. And as long as y/n works here, so do I. End of fuckin story." Nanami snarls at Yaga. Rolling and flexing his shoulders like he's getting ready for a fight. He's always so ready to box these days. Especially over you. "Nami, its okay. Let's just go-" You're pulling at his dress shirt, afraid shits bout to go down. But Yaga simply holds up his hand for silence. "If you can control yourself while we figure out your condition.. Y/n can stay, but-" Nanamis already taking a step forward, eyes narrowed. You gotta put yourself in between them to make sure your husband doesn't swing. "We'll allow you on the grounds for visitation but you simply can't teach like this. Not at the moment, Kento." Nanami stares at him coldly for a moment before turning to you. The adoration in his eyes gives you whiplash, but it's relief when he puts away the malevolent beast and returns your loving husband. "Long as she's good, I'm good." Said with too much conviction, slowly rubbing a thumb over your bottom lip, shallowly dippin between your lips to tease the tip of your tongue. You gasp, eyes wide at at how quick Nanami goes through the motions. Fuckin guy is now starin at you like you're his prey. "But she's takin the day off." He quickly pulls you from the room without another word, Yaga starin at Nanami's back in utter disbelief.
corrupt!Nanami turns out to be fuckin elated not to be a teacher anymore and quickly loses his dedication to the cause. He's only interested in the art of slaughter, no longer needing a valid reason to pull out his cleaver. Tries, and often fails, to keep that shit to a minimum. Dont get it twisted, Nanami's a murderous bastard. Isn't limited to just killing curses anymore but anyone that gets in his way. Yet.. he's aware how that fucks with your conscience. Knows he can sleep like a baby after but doesn't fuck with how that shit keeps you up at night. So he hides his bloody clothes after a long day, making sure to shower before coming to bed and scooping you into his arms. Falls asleep peacefully as his mind flashes scenes from his lastest kill.
corrupt!Nanami no longer asks your permission for shit anymore. Bent over to pick somethin up? That ends up with your husband puttin you on all fours, giving you back breaking back shots as your try to crawl away. "Quit that, y/n. Told yo fine ass bout doin that shit, right? Bendin over so just so I can see.. 'S all your fault.. You know I can't help it. Ass is too perfect to ignore." It's worse when you try to work out. Always sneaks up from behind to grab you, accusin you of excersing for hours just to tease him. So you find your self in Nanami's lap, cock warming him as you try to catch your breath from your workout. "Aww.. Poor baby, so tired. Don't worry, won't take long. Dicks been so hard watching this whole time. Help me baby, please. You're the one that did this to me.." Christ you cant even get any sleep round your torturer, most nights waking up to his dick hard between your thighs. This times he's awake, thrusting slowly as he holds you to him tight, growling your name at your ear. "Been waitin for you to get up. Look what you did to me.. Throwing that ass on me in your sleep. Come on, y/n. Lemme fuck. Took everything in me not to fill your sleepy lil pussy. Deserve a reward, huh? Gonna help me out?" Not like he needs it since you already feel his first load starting to dry on your thighs.
corrupt!Nanami doesn't have any more patience for you excuses on why you can't give him a baby. Tired as fuck of talking to you about it. So takes it to the next level and starts to plot on you, replacing your birth control with placebos. Then.. He waits to catch you off guard one pitch black night when you're walking to your car from class. You're energy completely drained, you just don't hear him swiftly comin at you from the side. A huge gloved hand blanketing your lips, trapping your scream. Nanami's snatches your wrist together, brawny body restraining you to the car. You struggle against him, too fuckin weak to curse him due to your overwhelming day. But he knows that already; deceitful ass went through alotta trouble to make sure your itinerary was extra full today. "Shhhh." You ignore him, the familiar voice and planes of his muscled chest against yours back not registering, buckin and tryin with all your might to break free. Fuckin turnin Nanami on watchin you attempting to escape, juicy ass repeatedly trapping his dick between your cheeks as you wiggle wildly against him. He ain't waiting a second longer. Fuck your screams, he'll deal with whoever interrupts him accordingly. Lets go of your mouth to rip at your bottoms like they're paper, making your struggles double. Might as well be laying limp, absolutely no match for the 1st grade. Nanami unsheathes his cock, spitting in his hand generously and lubing up. You're body's tense as fuck when you feel him stab through your opening. Pitiful insides clutching his dick like a dear old friend. "Loosen the fuck up woman.." The fuck? "Nami?!" He let's go of your wrists, slamming his hands on either side of you to trap you further. "I told you to be quiet." Snatches your head back by your hair and thrustin the rest of his dick into you. "Nami!" Shrill cry piercing the air. It's uncomfortable without foreplay to prepare you, still he digs you out without remorse. "Shhhh, y/n.. shhh." Nanami squishes you to the car, molding your body to his. Strokin deep as he can, like he'll never see you again. Literally fuckin loud moans from your throat, so damn good that its not your fault your gettin wet; slick building and forming a white ring around him. "Shhhh. Screamin your fuckin head off, baby.. So you not gone listen? Never do. Just like when I told you I wanted to breed this perfect cunt, make you give me a pretty baby. But you didn't listen then either. Now look what you made me do." So that's what this is? The revelation makes you try to get away again but Nanami's hold on your locks keeps you right where he wants you. Sharp yanks that makes you shriek, scalp stinging. "H-hurts, Nami. 'M sorry. So sorry." You whine to him, body fallin pliant against your car. But your husband rolls his eyes. He aint buyin your BS this time. "Naw, you gonna take this nut. Gonna give me my baby, woman." Pulling you off the car and into his body, your husband pummels your lil puss likes he's in heat. "Ahhh fuck, y/n.. Love you. Love you more than anything, finally gonna show you how much, honey." You're disgusted. At doin something this at the school. At him for startin a family like this. Most importantly, at yourself for still loving him, knowing that this changed nothing between the two of you. Even as he breeds your lil puss without consent. "Here it comes- ohshitohshit! Daaaamn, y/n.. Got so much for you. Mmmm.. So good for me. Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you so fuckin much. Only want a baby with you. Only you, y/n. Always been only you." Youre whining when his hips still, Nanami pressin his dick deep as possible when he finally impregnates you. "Love you so fuckin much, honey." "Love you too, Kento.. Fuckin asshole." He chuckles, pulling out and tucking you into the car. "Let's go home, sweetheart. Gonna make your pretty lil pussy cum before I fill her up again." "Kay, Nami."
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elsweetheart · 1 year
ellie with shy gf plspls!!!
no bc this is soo cute 💕
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ellie williams x shy!gf
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• she’s so sweet to you. like if you want to express something to the others, but are too shy to say it she’s always able to tell— patiently turning to you with a curious expression so you can quietly tell her and she’ll be your voice for you. and if anyone questions it, she’ll always claim the point you wanted to make so you don’t take any of the heat. “because i say so.”
• it’s funny because she’s not really shy at all. she’ll say whatever is on her mind at any given time— so sometimes it totally catches her off guard how demure you can be. she’ll see you avoid her gaze, a small flushed smile gracing your features as you sway on your feet and she immediately stops what she’s doing to break into a huge smirk before stepping towards you slowly. “not getting shy on me now too, are you?”
• she knows how shy you get when it comes to compliments, so she makes sure to compliment you extra — hoping that one day you’ll believe her when she tells you how beautiful you are. if she’s teaching you something new, maybe something about fighting or shooting she’ll be super encouraging— watching the way you clam up when she readjusts your stance with her hands on your hips, the gun carefully aimed at the target in your hands. “thats it, atta girl.” she’ll pur quietly in your ear and you have to take a shaky breath before you shoot to compose yourself. she knows what she’s doing, and she enjoys it.
• after the two of you had been hanging out with a load of other people and have had to be super social, she understands that you’d be super drained— as it’s a lot on your poor shy self. as soon as you guys head back to your room, she’s opening her arms to you. “c’mere.” she’ll let you rest in her hold, not expecting you to talk much for a while.
• loves to tease you, because it means you have to ask for what you want. you’d be lying on your back, squirming against the knee she’s pressed firmly against your mound through your panties. “what? you want something?” she fakes a confused expression. “ellieee…” you whine, covering your face with your arm and she’s quick to gently ease it away, kissing your cheek. “you should probably tell me what you want… can’t give it to you if you don’t tell me.” her voice is smooth as silk and she’s looking at you with those playful yet hungry eyes, like she hasn’t eaten in 40 days 40 nights and you’re a three course meal. “you know what i want. you always know.” you pout, avoiding her eyes and she catches your chin with her thumb and forefinger, scratching beneath it to soothe you whilst forcing you to hold eye contact. “you’re really gonna deny me of hearing you beg? knowing how much i like it? cruel baby.” she smirks, grinding her knee into you making your eyelashes flutter as you sigh. “please, touch me.” you whisper and her smirk only deepens. “there she is. i’m gonna need more.” “fingers. please.” you clutch her hoodie. “cant hear you…”
• anyways.
• loves that she made you comfortable enough to open up around her and be yourself. the first time she really cracked your shell open when you were first getting to know eachother she made you laugh super hard and she couldn’t help but just stare at you with super soft heart eyes whilst you giggled away bc :(( she just knew she had to have the sweet shy girl after that moment :((
• she secretly likes doing the talking for you, it makes her feel important and she feels proud that she’s the only one who you trust enough to do so. “can you ask him? please?” “but he’s all the way over there. and i’m comfortable.” “please ellie, i’m shy.” you bat your eyelashes at her and she sighs before pushing herself out her seat with a dramatic grunt, stepping into your space. “you’re lucky you’re so fuckin’ cute.” she plants a quick kiss to your lips before walking off to complete your task.
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hotluncheddie · 1 year
stop being a goblin and let me kiss you
part 3
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‘ok. ok! you just, you just gotta be cool munson. be casual. chill. just like, vibe, yeah? yeah. no more funny business.’ eddie holds his fists up to himself in the dinky bathroom mirror. a couple of jabs, a quick one two, that’ll clear his head.
clear his head enough to go out and deal with steve fucking harrington again and his stupid stupid face and neck and tongue and like pretty fucking ankle bones. fucker.
see eddies not blind, and he’s not that dumb, he knows he flirts with steve and he knows steve flirts back. he just. cant deal with it just yet. it’s like every time he’s around the guy he blacks out and resurfaces red faced and half hard. but the point at which his vision fades and all hell breaking loose seems to vary so completely that he can’t stop it happening.
their conversations will start normal, a jolly lark, a guffaw here, a story there but then bam! someone said or did something that shifted his functioning brain capacity from 60% on a good day to like -5% and that’s being generous.
he just can’t get his ratty little self to either 1) stop liking steve harrington in a gay, gay, homosexual way. or 2) accept that someone like steve harrington could possibly like aforementioned rat himself eddie munson and actually process his feeling into a reaction that’s more than; red, red, half a boner, sweaty palms, red.
so he took a second to hide in the bathroom. that’s fine, that’s kind even. self care, as robin likes to say when she paints her nails on top of steve’s head when he sits on the computer at work. he likes to make the chair super low because apparently it helps his posture and he need to keep an eye on his posture or else he’ll end up like his great uncle melvin, or something.
self care time is over however because robins knocking on the little bathroom door, hollering about needing to get home to practice for her english presentation tomorrow. so it’s time for eddie to put his big boy pants back on and get in steve’s car.
eddie full body shudders.
‘finish writing you sad boy poems on the stall walls in there? roses are red, violets are blue, i like big dumb jock boys but can’t seem to accept they like me too, even if my very cool very in the know friend robin tells me too. hm?’ robin slings an arm over his shoulder and steers him back to the table.
eddie sniffs, crossing his arms ‘that last bit doesn’t rhyme so, i will be ignoring all of it. F for u buckbey.’
‘not everything has to rhyme perfectly u know. it can still fit together just fine as it is.’ she tugs on one of his curls before slipping back into steve side, finishing off the last of his milkshake and hauling him out of the booth because she ‘has shit to do dingus.’
too smart for her own good that chick. eddie loves her. he’s also going to move away and never talk to her ever again, maybe steal her collection of berets too, become a hat guy, once he reinvents himself. yeah.
steve is putting a few bills on the table, slinging his jacket over his shoulder. ‘just fries tonight ed’s? that makes you kind of a cheap date don’t you think?’ tapping eddie under the chin before following robin to the door, smacking his palm on the frame above on the way out. because of course he does, the neanderthal. all broad shoulders and biceps and ass.
there a second where eddie thinks steve could smack him like that but then he feels his vision spotting. can a guy not catch a break around here? jesus!
the car ride is a blissful reprieve due to cyndi lauper coming on, which had steve and robin performing a duet. which then needed to be tweaked and discussed in detail ready for the next time that specific song came on the radio.
it was honestly nice to watch. eddie had walked to family video that day because his van keeps playing up after it’s stint hidden in the woods. poor girl just needs a day off once in a while so eddie walks and then listens to car duets from two very much none singers. but it nice. makes his heart all yucky and warm.
until robin is leaving. leaving him alone to be a big nerd with a future. leaving him alone to make a fool of himself again. his ego is big and he likes to keep it that way.
‘you coming up here then’ steve shifts slightly, looking as far as he can over his shoulder at eddie huddled behind the drivers seat. ‘no’ he squeaks because last time steve got all up in his face getting his tape box out of the glove compartment. rifling through it while it was on eddies lap. so close eddie could smell the apple from his shampoo and the cigarette they’d shared earlier.
self care.
‘ooh you want the full harington taxi service do you? i see, well then govna, where too is it?’ steve tips his invisible cap and has the most awful cockney accent eddies ever heard, and he did middle school theatre.
‘geeze, just take me home dude.’ eddie shoves through the gap between the seats, landing heavy in the passenger. crossing his arms and trying to hide his smile behind his hair.
‘there he is. out of the shadows.’ steve tucks some of his curls behind his ear. eddie sees the soft smile out of his peripheral. tries to swallow the cotton in his mouth. steve turn back to the road ‘let’s rock ‘n roll’ he revvs the engine, wiggling his eyebrows, before checking his blind spot and pulling away into a cushy 30mph.
eddie looks out the window and hides his grin in his palm.
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part 1 (eddie) part 2 (steve) part 4 (steve) part 5 (eddie) part 6 (steve) part 7 (eddie)
tags! ( ty for asking to be tagged wow so lovely can’t believe it hehe :3c ) (sry if i missed anyone or u didn’t want to be tagged just let me know!)
@bidisastersworld @sadcanadianwinter @mightbeasleep @butterflysandpeppermint @gregre369 @fandomz-brainrot @satan-is-obsessed @resident-gay-bitch @grtwdsmwhr @forsexyscience
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redvelvettel · 1 year
Charles leclerc x princess of spain! Reader
Originally wanted to do Charles and princess of Monaco but let's switch things up a little
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Charles Leclerc and the princess of Spain spotted by fans today
Liked by 56, 698 people
Fan1 "just friends"
Fan2 they try to be slick but ohh we know
Charlesloml bro how tf
Ihatef1 how do they even know each other what
Fan8 they've known each other since before Charles joined Ferrari because she's been an f1 fan for so long and she even attends races sometimes
Charlosreal I love that she's friends with so many drivers and her and carlos' friendship is so funny
Fan4 waiting for Carlos to fucking freak out
Carlosfan poor lad cannot wrap his head around Charles and y/n being together
F1wags I mean if my country's literal princess was dating my teammate I would flip tf out too
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Took taffy out for a walk🐕
Liked by yourinstagram, carlossainz55, lewishamilton, and others
Charlesfan ISNT THAT Y/N'S DOG???
Fan5 is this them basically conforming their relationship
Fansrc guys, maybe they're just friends??
Gunni de nile is a river in egypt
Pierregasly y/n takes great photos huh
Mickschumacher she can make ugly things look pretty okay!!
Yourinstagram are you calling my taffy ugly🤨
Fan1 MICK?????
Fan6 who would've thought Mick out of all people would out them
Fangr63 we been knew but Mick might be dead someone check
Landonorris mate, Carlos is dying please call him
Fan8 lmaooo Carlos
Sainzfan he's always so shy around her it's adorable😭😭
Cl16forever she makes nando nervous bro the power she holds
F1fan44 how tf did Charles bag her bro
what if Charles and yn get married one day what then
Fan16 they are so cute together
Fangr.16 they actually might they look so in love
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Throwback to when Carlos, isa, Charles, and y/n went out clubbing in Monaco and everyone and their mum lost their shit
Charlosforever isa and y/n are the best duo out there fr
Chaaarr charlos who? We only know isa and y/n
Carlos and y/n are the same person because isa is their girlfriend
Fan1 y/n threatening Carlos to never allow him into Spain if he hurts isa is what I'm alive for
Fan7 fernando fucking Alonso defending y/n every chance he gets is what I'm alive for
Isahernaez on Instagram
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With da girlfriend ❤️❤️
Liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, yourinstagram, and others
Charlesleclerc excuse me?
Carlossainz55 welcome to the club brother charlesleclerc
Pierregasly let's go skydiving guys!!charlesleclerc carlossainz55
Isahernaez no. Pierregasly
Yourusernane I will throw you into the ocean and make sure no one will find you 💕 Pierregasly
Pierregasly why are you always threatening me
Landonorris was my invite lost in the mail?
Yourinstagram no we didn't send you an invite landonorris
Landonorris can you atleast lie
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Charles forcing me to take pictures of him for the princess
Liked by yourusername, pierregasly, charlesleclerc, and others
Landonorris I remember when you used to take pictures of me because I was your princess😔
yourusername Lando come cry on my yacht
Landonorris is this you inviting me to your yacth party😲
Yourusername oh it's been postponed I'll lyk
Fanscc Lando cant catch a break
Yourinstagram photographer bf and model bf 🤩🤩
Isahernaez love to see it
Charlesleclerc when will you guys stop bullying us
Yourinstagram I'm gonna bully you for the rest of your life if you like it or not
Lewishamilton what's this rumor about you dating the princess charlesleclerc
Charlesleclerc 😛😛
Yourinstagram dont listen to Charles, lewishamilton it's just a joke. if you're seeing this I'm very single ❤️
Pierregasly yourinstagram I understand.
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Carlos trying to steal my girlfriend help 😟😟
Liked by pierregasly, lewishamilton, and 23 others
Carlossainz55 uhh since when
Yourinstagram you could never love her I do
Charlesleclerc I'm starting to get concerned
Isahernaez you should be charlesleclerc ❤️
Isahernaez everyone's invited to the wedding guys!!
Landonorris yayy!!
Isahernaez you can be carlos' date landonorris
Landonorris I don't even care I'm actually getting invited to something I'm happy
Pierregasly does this mean I can take charlesleclerc skydiving
Charlesleclerc sorry mate, the missus still says no 😬😬
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
more kitchen barb thots
playing music while mc and barbatos are cooking, each doing their own tasks. mc starts swaying their hips to the music- knowingly or not, but its enough to distract barb once he notices and he cant help but continuing to glance over bc the movements are just so captivating he cant help but watch despite all his usual self control. muscle memory has to take over for his task to continue but eventually even that falters (hopefully not while hes chopping stuff lmao) but mc hears the change in rhythm/slight clattering of the bowl and obvs has to check if their cooking buddy is ok!! and barbatos barely manages not to stutter as he assures them hes fine, just a bit distracted because of an "upcoming event" or some other excuse but hes got a pink tint to his cheeks from nearly getting caught staring.
at this point mc can either be oblivious to the reality and just reach out to give a gentle reassuring arm squeeze and a reminder that theyre 'always here if you need anything, we can take a break to decompress for a few minutes :) ' or theyre wise abt it and decide to tease the poor butler and go up to him, turn him to face them and put a hand to his forehead ""checking for a fever"" (pressing their chest into his at the same time ;) ). pull him away from the busy counter and dote on him worried 'but barb your face is so warm! i dont want my favorite demon getting sick :( especially since you look so cute with a blush it would be so unfortunate if the cause was you not feeling well' but internally theyre all >:3 lets see what it takes for his resolve to crack
i feel like the moment you catch him off guard with this kinda thing if you just keep up the "innocent/unaware" flirt teasing it would make it more and more difficult for him to pull it back together. but if he gets that moment then he'll start teasing back. this may be ooc rip and it got Way long but scenarios are fun lol
Oh welcome back, 🥐 anon!
One of my favorite things about Barb is the way he teases. However, I also think it's fantastic when the tables are turned and he's the one who's flustered.
The thing about this guy is that he isn't easily flustered, but if there is anyone who can accomplish it without even noticing, it's absolutely MC. I have actually written scenes (though I think they later got scrapped) where Barbatos straight up cuts himself while chopping vegetables because of something MC did or said. So not like him! But that's the point! MC makes him do things he wouldn't normally do. And he can either lean into it or try to resist it and I think you end up with different scenarios depending on which way he decides to go.
MC's reaction certainly matters, too. If they're oblivious, I think Barbatos could safely pretend nothing happened and move on, but I also think he could be the one who teases MC and gets them all flustered.
But a wise MC who's all I'm just trying to make sure you're okay! Listen. I very much think that Barbatos would have a hard time controlling himself at that point. Even if he knows that MC is doing it on purpose. Maybe even more if he knows.
The best thing about Barb is that I feel like I can write him being a real troublemaker where he just messes with MC a lot, but I can also write him being the one who is easily flustered. Like yeah he's got that rigid facade, but you can say beneath it there is a man who is fully aware of what he's doing and deliberately does things just to get a reaction out of MC. Or you could say that beneath it is a suppressed man that gets blushy when you start to tease him. However, I do think either way he'd eventually give in because MC is the only person for whom he is lenient about anything ever.
MC might tease him and fluster him and get him all riled up, but as soon as he realizes what's going on, he starts playing into it. I think he'd use the whole situation to his advantage. Especially if he's like yes let's take a break because secretly he wants to get naughty but he doesn't want to mess up the kitchen lol.
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chiiyuuvv · 9 months
Hi! I was wondering if i could request an OT10 reaction on how the boys would comfort their s/o if they were having a breakdown? I was kind of iffy on requesting this because it may be a little too sensitive of a topic, but it’s up to you if you’re comfy writing this. Either way, thank you for considering! Btw, i love your works!
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Minjae ☆
Minjae would noticed that you were upset about something so he decided to drag you to his studio
Places you on his lap and holds you close as he shows you some songs he has been working on
Forehead kisses :)
Would mutter sweet nothings to take your mind off of whatever made you sad
Let's you fall asleep on him ♡
Junmin ☆
Calls your mom and askes her what you like
Would get kongie and let you play with him
While kongie is busy licking your face junmin is busy petting your hair and running his hands through it
Junmin would make you lay on his lap as kongie sleeps in your arms
Braiding your hair ♡
Sumin ☆
You were getting stressed out over studying so sumin decided to take you outside for some fresh air
Sumin would make you walk on the inside of the sidewalk so your chances of getting hit by a car is slim to none.
Random backhugs :)
Would intertwine his hand with yours as he swings it back and forth
Would make goofy poses for you to laugh at ♡
Jinsik ☆
Traps you in the biggest bear hug of your life
One minute hes out of sight, the next minute he'd pop up with the alien glasses that junghoon wears
Steals your phone to take a million photos of him and the alien glasses with various poses
Not only did he steal the glasses and your phone, he'll also steal kisses from your cheek
Runs away with you find your phone ♡
Hyunwoo ☆
Hyunwoo had heard from your friends that you were very upset so when you came into the room he patted the space beside him
Let's you lay your head on his chest as he caresses your head
Would sing to you softly as he rocks you back and forth
You would wake up to find plushies and snacks surrounding you + a note
"No matter what happens, I will love you. I want you to know that baby.. you mean so much to me." ♡
Junghoon ☆
Would be confused onto why your so quiet, until it finally clicks that your upset about something
Would hug and kiss you to comfort you
You would find junghoon staring at you, but he wouldnt look away when you catch him
He'd smile when you start to blush like crazy, hiding yourself under the covers
Would give you unlimited cuddles and maybe even a movie night if you wanted it ♡
Seeun ☆
Would try his new pickup lines to make you blush, when really it makes you cringe
Would give up and just wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you closer as he TRIES whisper sweet nothings into your ear, when really hes just whispering gibberish
Would get mad when you start laughing when really hes just happy to lift you from your bad mood
Suggests to cook something together
When really your rolling on the floor because the poor guy is covered in flour ♡
Yujun ☆
After seeing you pout yujun would pout along with you
Would follow you around the house like a child
Would give up and lift you up effortlessly and throw you onto his bed
You want something? He'll get for you. Cant finish your food? He'll finish it for you
Would treat you like a princess and spoil you so much that your giggling ♡
Hunter ☆
Hunter noticed you were staying in the bed a lot so he decided to check up on you
His heart breaks when he hears you sobbing
He'd quickly running into the room and grab your hand, softly wiping your tears "baby what's wrong?"
If your comfortable enough hunter would crawling into bed and cuddle you
Once you have calmed down he would cover your face with kisses ♡
Yechan ☆
Would stare at you, trying to find out what's wrong
Would feel so broken when you sob uncontrollably, telling him how bad your day was
Would gently hold your hand and kiss it, telling you that everything was going to be okay
Once your done ranting he would wipe your tears and run you a warm bath
And when your done with that he would make you a pillow fort and put on your favorite movies ♡
A/n: thank you for requesting! And thank you @yuniniverse for helping me!!
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