#please. please let these voice actors just say some suggestive shit at each other
istherewifiinhell · 5 months
in the trenches but we get the scraps were we can okay
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[ID: Text chat meme with Transformers Energon characters edited next to the text.
Shockblast: Can I borrow this shirt Dad?
[an image of Unicron]
Megatron: Do NOT fucking touch. Taking your moter to Chili's tonight [semi-transparent image of Optimus indicating he is who Megatron's refering to]
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roodles03 · 1 year
🌈 Roodles03 🌈
My name is Roo, and my pronouns are they/them! I'm 20, queer, and autistic.
I post Hazbin Hotel fanart & Owl House/comics and shit like that. Pretty much exclusively Alastor and Huntlow/Dadrius content because he's my hyperfixation right now. If you love those things then you've come to the right place! I actually do more than just art! I also post fanfics on my A03 and occasionally post memes and discussion posts here on tumblr.
Pedophiles, Queerphobic people, racists, misogynists, ablelist people, or if you support any other form of bigotry. (Obvious)
Trump Supporters. (Also obvious)
If you ship Alastor with anyone outside of it being one sided. (No I don't care what Viv said. Alastor is aro/ace.)
Proshippers. (You guys are fucking disgusting)
If you are pro-AI without regulations or protections for people
Huntlow/Dadrius/Hazbin Hotel antis who are going to be a dick about me liking those things. (Ffs just ignore and/or block me and move on. There's no reason to be nasty about it. Polite antis of each are welcome.)
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Please be resonable when simping over my art. All of my art is strictly SFW (outside the occasional sex joke) and it makes me really uncomfortable to make visually suggestive shit. (Asexuality spectrum coming in lol) So again, if you simp, please keep it reasoable. Don't say some fucking vile shit you wouldn't say to me irl if you want to simp over my art. When people over sexualize shit it makes me uncomfortable.
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Instagram: Roodles03
A03: Roodles03
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redheadspark · 2 years
Could you please do:
15. " i'm not letting something as simple as that separate us.” & 21. “don't worry darling, i'm right here.” with Barry?!
I would love to see more Barry fics from you! 😊
A/N: Ohhh good choice on this one my dear! Thanks for the suggestion! I'll try to keep it short!
Let 'em Talk
Summary: Barry's private life was just that: private. So when you made the gossip pages, it was safe to say Barry was heated.
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Warnings: Just a small little fluff piece
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"Are you for real?!"
You poked your head up from your book, seeing your boyfriend Barry moving out of the room with his phone to his ear, his voice already heated and sounding like he was about to snap something in half with his bare hands alone. You placed the book down, wondering what was going on to make him this agitated, especially this early in the morning. Moving out of bed, you noticed a crumpled newspaper on the ground, part of it open to the entertainment and gossip section. Crouching down, you took it within your fingers and smoothed out the paper as you could still hear Barry yelling in the bathroom, even with the door closed.
"How are you gonna fix this?! I've told them time and time again I don't want this shit out in public, and it's in the papers this morning?! No, I need you to get rid of it however you can....yes I mean that! Sam, you know how private I am with her..."
There was a massive picture of you and Barry. Actually, there were five pictures of the two of you. Kissing and snuggling.
You were in the park, Barry playing fetch with Koda as you were taking pictures. He had his usual disguise on when he was out and about, just a cap and glasses on with his sweats and a jumper. It was a nice day that morning, right before the rainfall was supposed to shower through and you two wanted to have some time out in the park with Koda. But now there were pictures, and if there was one thing that Barry hated, was his personal and private life being exposed.
He hated it to his core.
Barry was already private before he blew up as an actor. He never liked having all of his life out in the open for others to ogle at or observe like he was a specimen. Barry thrived on being as normal as possible, even though he was a rising star and was an amazing actor. It was just the same when you two started dating, even when you two knew each other since you were teens. He made sure you were safe from the wandering eyes of the paparazzi or the linger stars on social media.
You didn't mind it either, the thought of being exposed for the world, being called "Barry's Girlfriend" was not really something you enjoyed or yearned for. You loved dating Barry, you adored him and find yourself being the best version fo you when Barry was around.
"Goddamnit," Barry huffed as he walked out of the bathroom, freezing as he saw you holding the newspaper in your hands. You were looking at the pictures the slowly looking up at him, seeing him cringe a bit before he walked over and took the paper from your hands. You watched him ball it up, chucking it in the trash can and giving you a look like he was a puppy who was kicked.
"I'm....shit I'm sorry," He said in a groan, the heat was no longer on his face or in his tone, "I didn't think we were out in the open like that in the park and....."
"Hey," You soothed, moving to take his hands on your arm and seeing his piercing beautiful eyes loo down at you as you shrugged, "It's okay. They're just pictures,"
"Pictures of you," He countered, "The last thing I ever wanted as you to be in the paper when it was supposed to be just me. This is my life, not yours,"
"Barry," You said his name, making him go quiet as you smiled, "It's one thing if we were on a romantic date, something that is real private. But those pictures are simply us at the park, nothing more than that."
"I just want to protect you," He explained softly, almost defeated as you sighed and moved to hug him close and press your head against his shoulder, giving him some kind of ease this whole situation, "They can get ugly, I've seen it and I felt it sometimes. I won't let it happen to you,"
"I know you won't. You have protected me and you always will," you agreed, "But if you think this is going to make me walk away from you, from us, then you're wrong. Let 'em talk for all I care, because I don't care. I only care about you!"
Barry froze in your hold, having you squeeze him a bit tighter. Barry loved and cherished your relationship, he made sure to work on it 100% percent. So you knew deep down that he would protect you from his acting life, and deep down, that meant that he would break up with you so you wouldn't get dragged through the social media ever more.
"I'm not letting something as simple as that separate us," You said in a vow against his shoulder, "I'm here with you for the long hall, and I remember telling you that when you first asked me out when we went to the movies, remember?"
"Aye, I do," Barry replied in a hum, the heat out of his voice and he sounded like his normal self again. You snuck a kiss into his neck, feeling his shiver a bit as he held you some more and not wishing to let you go.
"So don't ever doubt that these pictures will make me ever throw away our relationship, okay? " You asked, finally pulling your head up to see Barry's face. He still looked torn from what happened, from those simple pictures that were showing you two happy. It tore you up that he was paranoid about how the media would see you, but you were more concerned about how Barry would see you. He saw you a beautiful, as powerful, and as perfect.
If only he knew you saw him the same way.
"Don't worry darling, I'm right here.” You lightly said in a tease to him, leaning up to kiss his cheeks to coax him to smile It worked, the grin that made you fall head over heels appeared on his face as he then hoisted you up in his arms and embraced you in a bear hug.
The newspaper article stayed the trash can, whereas the true picture of happiness was within your arms.
The End.
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Reassurance Prompts Found Here
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Once Upon a Witchlight: Episode 43 (SPOILERS)
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This episode is so good because of the mushroom people curse, I've included some lines my S/I would say and the songs they're riffing off
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Frost singing rainbow connections YESS, I LOVE THAT SONG
I love it when Andy does his lil dancy dances, he is so gender
Shroombek is a moldy mushroom lmao /j
Imagine my S/I's mush-sona, mushroom with horns lookin ass
Michael Jackson Gideon!!
I love all of Derek's references, bro is so good at comedy
Death metal Gricko is so FUNNY!!
I swear to god if Twig is dead again bc of mushroom shit I will scream
I love this episode already because of singsong Torbek and Death metal Gricko
Torbek and my S/I would definitely be duo dancing, besties who binge musical theatres are besties forever (more like I force him to watch them w me >:3c )
Gideon is so sad because of his rhythm being stolen, F’s in chat for my fire dad
"Just dance! It'll be okay, gid a do do. Let's dance! And kill that hag fam do do do do!" - My S/I (Just dance)
Bard era in this episode fr fr
"So tell me do ya wanna go, kill a fuckin hag tonight? Run away after we fight? Impossible maybe to you, it's what we gotta do whoa! This is the greatest curse!!" - My S/I (Greatest Showman)
Torbek talking naughty as usual with his "hairy mushroom"
Are we lost in the forest lmao
CANON TORBEK HEIGHT? HE'S 7FT?? (If Andy has mentioned this before, I'm fuckin stupid /j)
Gricko trying to day-o (The banana/beetlejuice song) the bird and therefore getting disadvantage on his roll is so FUNNY TO ME, LIKE HE WOULD USUALLY BE SO GOOD AT ANIMAL STUFF BUT WITH THIS MUSICAL CURSE HE SUCKS ASS!!!
PLUS 8??? GRICKO IS OP AS HELL WHEN IT COMES TO ANIMAL SHIT (makes sense tho cause of the whole “druid w an owlbear daughter thing”)
“Torbek! Is a big hairy mushroom!” is gonna be my new stim phrase I swear to the gods
In my mind, their mushroom colors are: Torbek = Pink, Gricko = Blue, Frost = Green, Kremy = Purple and Gideon = Red (I'd be yellow because my two fav colors are already taken)
“Help! We are stuck as shrooms, I don't wan’t to sing to death!” - My S/I (Stop! in the name of love)
Oh no, pixies! Please Gideon, don’t fuck them!
“Bumpin noses” sounds very suggestive coming from the bird
“I've got candles and rations galore, you want makeup? I've got plenty!” - My S/I (Part of your world)
Is she a phoenix now? Because that's cool af Nikkie
“Roll Athletics or Acrobatics” HAHA JOKES ON YOU I'M PROFICIENT IN BOTH!!
“They'll bust in your mouth, watch out” HAHAHA YEAH AND SO DOES FROSTY!!!
BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM “ARE YA READY??” ARE YA.. REAAAADY??” I love my alligator dad so much
Torbek and Gideon are pixie attracting CHADS
Mikey's commitment to still trying to say deez nuts jokes is so good, like Gricko would definitely forget about the fey pact and try to do it
“PULLON DEEZ NUTS!!” *Gricko and My S/I high five*
Kremy being really good at makeup is CANON IN MY HEART. WE GIVE EACH OTHER TIPS ON FOUNDATION AND EYELINER AND SHIT (We both have disguise kits)
Torbek reminiscing about Reada Flaugh and Gricko reminiscing about Busty
Torbek is a teenage boy with his horniness and libido /j (I still love my bestie tho)
Frost and Kremy talking about meta stuff in their voices just makes me think of an “Actors Au” where this is all a movie that they’re acting for and ITS SO FUNNY TO ME
Torbek, dear. NOBODY WANTS TO SEE YOU “Squeeze out some Torbek juice.”
Torbek’s one hard no is house piss kinks?? Bro is wild fr fr
Torbek and Andy are so deranged, I love the gremlin activities
Torbek eats a cigar and my S/I has to find the fey equivalent to bleach for their eyes after watching him “Milk” himself
Alligator husband offers to make fire husband uwu death whey protein powder, very cute
CARLFISH RETURN YESSS (also carlatafish omg!)
Pixies love my fire dad (-_-)
Kremy and Gideon are a poly couple where Gideon gets all the babes and then Kremy swindles them out of their money /j
Disgruntled wife Kremy is so damn funny
Divorce arc for my dads /j
Gideons home depot asshole XD
Family dinner of Carlfish :)
Uh ho, Frosty teleported us in his sleep /j
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ptergwen · 3 years
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w/c: 4.6k
warnings: some swearing, suggestive tings, and a pretty bad ending
summary: it’s the last night of your world tour, and tom has the perfect way to celebrate
a/n: i know y’all have been waiting for this one! everyone really loved when worlds collide but i ran out of ideas for it lol sorry... anyways my solution was to turn it into a oneshot :D based off the au!! i’m honestly nervous about posting this cuz a lot of you asked for it and i don’t wanna disappoint but i tried my absolute hardest to make it special <3 please enjoy
“thank you so much! we love you!” you shout to the audience, laughing breathlessly when they shout back. one of your dancers pulls you into a side hug, you throwing your arm around his neck. “we’re so fucking lucky you chose us, that you came all the way here. i’ve seen some of you back at night one. wow.” your voice gets wobbly, thinking about how loyal your fans are.
the tour started in new york, and they’ve followed you here to london.
tonight is an emotional night for everyone. you’re about to wrap your last show before you continue again in the summer. touring the u.k. has been a dream, and you’re just as thrilled to travel the rest of the world after your break. it’s bittersweet because you’re going to miss the hell out of your crew and the millions of lovely faces you’ve sang to each week. but, you do get to spend your time off with a special someone.
he’s watching you from the sound booth, sending fond smiles and loud cheers your way. thanks to you, tom has been at every show you’ve played in england. he brought harry along this time because he’s also a fan and wanted to see you. well, tom is more than a fan at this point. you’d say he’s more of a boyfriend. you haven’t discussed labels just yet.
your dates have mainly been over facetime, since you live on opposite sides of the world with insane schedules. a heartthrob actor and international popstar is quite the combination. you’ve only seen each other in person a couple of times, the first being pretty recently.
zendaya brought tom along to hang out with you in los angeles. he happened to be there recording some lines for a movie. she saw your concert earlier that night and invited him to crash the dinner plans you’d made, resulting in the best surprise and most fun you’ve ever had. the other time you enjoyed each other’s company was one weekend in paris. that was... something.
besides those two miracles, everything between you and tom happens through a screen. you’ll down bottles of champagne or keep warm under blankets while talking about your days. it’s nice, having someone on the other end who listens and actually hears you. tom gets it. you both do.
finishing your tour in london is convenient because not only will you have tom to comfort you, but you get to stick around for a while. he’s invited you to stay at his place. you can’t wait to meet the other holland’s, his friends, and obviously tessa.
“fuck, i’m gonna cry. i’m already crying,” you announce to the crowd, though they can tell from the tears streaming down your face. more dancers huddle around you and turn your single hug into a group one. you’re laughing and sobbing and holding on tight to everyone. fans bawl their own eyes out, the fact that this is it starting to settle in. the onstage crew even gets choked up, seeing you like this.
tom pouts from where he’s watching. he wishes he could run up there and squeeze you tight, but he’ll have to save that for when you’re done.
“i love you all so much, literally every single one of you in this room,” you tell everyone for the nth time tonight, swiping a perfectly manicured finger under your eyes. “my lighting crew, sound crew, my band, my fearless fucking dancers-“ a hiccup cuts you off. people burst into fits of giggles, which is a much needed tension breaker. you adjust your headset so the mic doesn’t pick up any other bodily noises.
grinning, you rest your arm on a shorter dancer’s shoulder, then go on. “sorry, sorry. i just wanna say, like, three more thank you’s before i get out of here.” there’s a chorus of no’s and encouraging whistles at the mention of you leaving. you blink back more tears to delay the breakdown you’re going to have. “thank you to my friends who always show up for me.”
with a knowing smile, you glance over at tom. “and, thank you to my more than a friend.” he smiles back, both hands held over his heart. harry elbows him in congratulations. more screaming erupts from the crowd as they realize where you’re looking and who you’re looking at. this will be sure to spark some headlines. whatever, you’re used to trending on every possible social media platform by now.
“this is the big one,” you preface, taking in a breath while everyone quiets down again. “thank you to you guys. for trusting me, for caring about what i have to say in any way. i feel your love. i really do, and i hope you feel mine.” your fans yell that they love you back, dancers gently swaying you side to side, emotions on high. there’s one last song, and it’s over.
“this has been the sensation tour, and i’ve been your host. was i good?” you try to lighten the mood, earning a bunch of what sound like positive shrieks. the earpiece you have in makes it hard to tell. “y’all were even better.” exchanging looks with your dancers, you pull out of the hug so you can get to your mark for the finale. they follow your lead. music comes through the speakers.
“i’ll see you again soon, okay? i promise. here’s sensation,” you introduce the song, immediately bursting into more tears. it’s torture to say goodbye. thankfully, you have the most incredible fans on earth, so they sing along with you at the top of their lungs. that includes tom and harry, your ultimate stans.
when the show is over, you run right off stage and over to tom. he’s waiting on the side with actual heart eyes for you. you practically leap into his arms, a hand cradling the back of his head, both his arms draped low and tight around your body.
“you were so amazing up there! absolutely smashed it, darling,” tom breathes out. his face is smushed between your neck and mostly bare chest. “thanks, tom. seriously, thanks for being here tonight and every other.” you smile a tired smile and wind your other arm around his neck. he presses some light you’re welcome kisses to your skin. “mm, thanks for having me. how’s it feel to be done?”
you sigh, fingers running through his curls. “like the biggest relief, and also really sad.” you’re such a mess that you could cry again on the spot. tom senses it and lifts his head up to see if you’re alright. “super depressing,” you surprisingly reiterate without the waterworks. “i know the feeling. you’ll be back soon, though. you said it,” he murmurs, a grin on his lips as they brush against the corner of yours.
you’re about to kiss him properly, then one of your dancers comes up to you. you’d forgotten that there are still stage managers and security everywhere, too. you get completely lost in tom whenever you’re together.
“you killed, babe,” coco greets you, linking your arm in hers. tom takes the hint and lets go of you. he watches on with a smirk. “nah, you murdered,” you send the compliment back and bite your lower lip. “i dunno, i feel like someone murdered me!” there’s coco with her dramatics. she’s genuinely hilarious, your shared sense of humor playing a huge part in your friendship.
she brings your free hand to her heart. you gasp at how fast it’s going. “that shit is really beating, coco. are you, like, okay?” “probably not. it was the freestyle that got me.” coco went a lot harder than usual tonight, since it was her last big dance break for a while. she puffs air from her cheeks and nods to tom. “this your man?”
“yeah, you could say that. i’m tom,” he answers, holding out a hand for her. “coco.” she pulls it like you would in a handshake. you beam at them, one of your best friends and unofficial boyfriend finally meeting. “sounds promising. i approve,” coco mutters to you. bumping your hip into hers playfully, you take one of tom’s hands in both of yours.
“aw, we have your blessing or something? your permission?” you coo and get a push at your shoulder from coco in return. tom chuckles, his thumb running over the back of your hand. “no! i was gonna say you should bring him out back,” coco clarifies, like it was obvious. you’re not sure what she’s on about. “uh, what’s out back?” you question. “an axe?” tom teases.
coco gestures to the nearest exit. “we’re having a little goodbye party in the parking lot. fire pit, snacks. remember?” nope, you’d completely forgotten. the idea first sounded like the perfect way to end your night, so you agreed to go. that was before you were dripping sweat and mentally exhausted. now, all you want to do is unwind with tom and tom only.
the superstar life is one you’re happy to lead, just not at this exact moment.
“i do now.” you muster up your most apologetic smile for coco, tugging on tom’s hand. “i’m sorry, co. i think we’re gonna pass.” her jaw drops. you’re never one to skip these things. “aw, for real? it’s our last night!” tom threads his fingers through yours while you talk. “bro, we’ve been together for almost a whole year,” you laugh out, nuzzling your cheek into tom’s chest. “get sick of me.”
“never,” coco deadpans. she catches you gazing up at tom, relaxing as his arms hug your middle. she’s known you long enough to tell what’s a fling and what’s real love for you. this is something special, and she can’t get in the way of it. she’ll let you navigate this yourself. “ok, just for tonight. you’ll text me?” coco gives you a real smile, raising an eyebrow at tom. he gathers that’s a good thing. he’s in.
“mhm. maybe we can hang out tomorrow,” you agree and let your eyes flutter shut. all that’s keeping you up are tom’s strong arms. “tell everyone i love them.” “i think they know.” coco shakes her head lightheartedly. tom laughs at her. “be good,” she tells him and means it, rubbing your back on her way to the lot. that leaves you and tom alone at last.
custodians are cleaning up the arena, fans are piling out, and you’re clinging to tom while his steady heartbeat grounds you. this is the only after party you need.
“harry’s got the car when you’re ready,” tom mumbles, tucking a piece of damp hair behind your ear. you loop your arms around his torso with a hum. “i was kinda wondering where he went.” “yeah?” he gives you a small smile. “gotta ask what he thought... of the show.” yawns are creeping past your lips, tonight’s events catching up to you.
“i like feedback from the fans, or stans,” you elaborate in your sleepy state. tom uses his fingertips to tap your temple. “what about me? i’m your biggest.” “i’ll, um, follow up with you later.” your words are slurring. “right now, home.” warmth spreads throughout tom’s entire body, his house becoming yours for a bit. “your chariot awaits,” he affirms before helping you to your dressing room.
after collecting your things, you follow tom out to the car. harry is in the driver’s seat, and you two slip into the back. he exchanges a look with his brother through the mirror while you settle on his shoulder. you’re hugging his bicep, his lips pressing to the side of your head.
“thank you for driving,” you speak softly to harry. he starts to pull out of the spot with a nod. “no problem. get to say i was y/n y/l/n’s chauffeur.” tom clicks his tongue even though harry is joking. you snicker at his remark, joking back. “you want the job? better be a five star ride, then.” your banter brings yet another smile to tom’s face. his family is everything to him, so seeing you get along so well means the most.
“right, right. did you have a good time?” harry wonders, twisting to see behind him while he turns around. he also peeks at you snuggled up to tom before facing forward. “great, actually. did you?” you check, the grin clear in your voice. harry goes into full stan mode. “no shit! you were brilliant, y/n. god, every note was just like how you did it the studio.” he’s raving, which is much appreciated by you.
“good answer.” tom shoots his brother a wink. “‘s that what you wanted to hear?” he asks in reference to your conversation earlier. your response is a kiss to his shoulder. “yay. i’m happy you liked it, harry.” he buzzes with excitement, having his favorite artist care what he thinks.
not much is said for the rest of the drive. tom and harry make some hushed conversation about golfing this weekend while you struggle to stay awake. they’re obsessed with that damn sport. it’s honestly nice to see, that tom has something he likes to do when he isn’t shooting hollywood’s biggest movies. your free time will finally give you the chance to discover other hobbies.
you stumble out of the car upon arriving to the boys’ place, a backpack on your shoulders and tom’s hand held tight in yours. you’ve got only a few essentials with you for tonight. the rest is on the tour bus, so you’ll gather it after your hangout with coco. besides, everything you need at the moment is right here.
“home sweet home,” tom announces as harry unlocks the front door. his words bring a tired smile to your face. “finally,” you exhale, keeping your fingers laced with tom’s and following the two of them inside. “i could show you around a bit, give you the grand tour. or-“ tom stops talking, feeling your weight on him. harry huffs at how oblivious his brother is.
“mate, she’s falling over. save it,” he suggests and kicks the door shut lazily. you’re done in. you’ve been having to lean on tom since the show ended. “another time, then,” tom mumbles, securing his arm around your waist. “there is one thing i wanna see.” your voice is low, body curled into tom’s side. he raises an eyebrow. “and that is?” “your room.”
tom takes that in a suggestive way, like he does most things. “we’re getting right to it, are we?” he questions, harry gagging and you nudging his arm with your head. “not like that, dummy. ‘cuz i’m sleepy.” there’s a beat of silence. “ask me again in-“ “wow, look at the time!” harry interrupts so he doesn’t have to hear the details. he’s sure he’ll witness enough after it happens. “off to bed i go! goodnight.”
he rushes to get to his room, yelling out, “great show, y/n!” on the way. “thank you! night!” you call back, tom letting out a sigh. “div of the century,” he says under his breath. “must run in the family,” you playfully retort. that gets you a firm poke at your side. “where’s everyone else?” you glance up at him. there should be two other idiots and a lovely, furry lady running around.
“tuwaine’s gone to the pub, harrison’s filming late, and tess is at mum and dad’s,” tom fills you in, grabbing your arm and draping it around his middle. doing him one better, you hug him with both. you squint in confusion about the last part. “they watch her when i’m out,” tom answers your unspoken question. “ah,” you nod, then deflate ever so slightly. “i wanted to meet her, though. the other boys, too.”
tom smooths the pad of his thumb over your cheek. “you will, darling. it’s only for tonight.” he kisses the same spot reassuringly. “we’ve got loads of time.” “yeah, we do,” you agree, instantly cheering up and letting your head fall onto his chest. “now, where’s your room?” “just upstairs. you need some help getting in?” he’s only playing around, but you accept, tightening your arms around his neck.
“show me the way,” you beam at him. “happy to.” tom wiggles his eyebrows, you jumping up. your legs wrap around his waist, his arms holding you against him. with a satisfied hum, you squish your face into his insanely soft shirt. “what a diva,” tom sarcastically complains while taking you to the staircase. “doesn’t even say please. no manners from this one.”
“you try dancing in six inch heels for two hours,” you shoot back, patting the side of his neck. he moves one hand down to your thigh for a better grip. you’re nearing the top of the stairs. “think i’ll leave that to you,” he decides and squeezes your thigh. “look at me, carrying the whole music industry.” your face easily gets hot and your words turn to murmurs. “shut up. you should listen to other songs.”
you’re on the second floor now, tom going for the first door. he frowns at his rejected compliment. “no, i like yours. they’re my favorite.” “really?” your muffled laugh sounds from his chest. “what was the first thing i ever said to you?” he asks, a toothy grin on him even though you can’t see it. you recall the faithful night he slid into your dms while he carries you into his room.
he’d tripped over his words somehow, the fangirling fool. before that, he tweeted to the whole world that he wanted to see you in concert. it was a huge thing, and people were freaking out about it, even more so when your online interactions became routine. that’s nothing compared to where you are now.
you’re currently living with him and basically dating. possibly, in love. the base of it all really is your music.
“that you love me.” you pause for the ellipses. the corners of your lips turn up. “but, you really meant to say my work.” “both apply.” tom passes that off like it’s a side comment, carefully laying you down on his bed. you look up at him with a curious glint in your eyes. “what does that mean?” his cheeks flush, and he bites back the smile that’s growing. this was supposed to go... differently.
you sit up, breathing out a laugh at tom’s boyish behavior. he’s precious, truly. “you do love me?” those three words will change everything if he says yes. he takes both your hands in his and holds them between you two. you meet his doe eyes. “yeah, y/n/n. i do.” so, you were right. “i love you... and, that wasn’t how i planned on saying it.” signaling for him to elaborate, you tilt your head to the side.
tom sits down next to and faces you before continuing. “it was supposed to be romantic, right?” he rolls his eyes up to the ceiling, annoyed he ruined this. “candlelit dinner, flowers, that sort of thing. seems more fitting for the occasion.” you shift closer to him until your knees are touching. your face is lit up, voice dropped to almost a whisper.
“since when do we do things the way we’re supposed to?” you point out and set your hands on his shoulders. “we’ve gone straight from online dating to me moving in. that’s usually not how it works.” tom chuckles lowly. his own hands find their place on your hips. you’re so good with words. then again, you are a singer. “guess you could say we’re, um, spontaneous,” he agrees, fingers drawing circles on you.
you and tom have explored some of each other’s most intimate places, yet you’ve never shared a moment quite like this. it’s like meeting him for the first time again. he’s too tongue tied to spit out what he wants. you somehow know, anyway. what you cherish most about your relationship is that you two completely and totally understand one another, on every level.
“tom?” you speak quietly, butterflies filling up your body. “hm?” he hums back. this is one of those moments where it all just clicks. “i love you. i really, really love you.” you giggle out of the pure happiness that consumes you, tom joining in your laughter. “i love you, too.” he sounds like he’s said it a million times and he’ll say it a million more. he leans over so his forehead rests on yours. “really, really love you.”
your warm breath hits his face, eyes darting from his own to his lips. “i want you to be more than...” you trail off, unsure of how to phrase it. “more than... more than a friend?” tom pokes fun at what you said during the show. there’s less and less space between you with every second. “you mean, like, a boyfriend?”
“exactly. be my boyfriend,” you all but demand. you’re half asleep and desperate to be able to call him yours already. “bossy, bossy, bossy,” tom chastises, swiping his thumb across your bottom lip. how he goes from being shy and giddy to the cockiest person alive in minutes, you’ll never know. “please?” you throw in to sway him. your hand locks with his, slowly moving it off your face.
you run your tongue over your teeth. “at least kiss me.” “you don’t have to ask,” tom breathes, lips now ghosting over yours. “i was going to.” true to his words, he closes the microscopic gap between you, you pushing forward against him as you kiss back. your first kiss in love. his lips taste like the chapstick he always uses, and he moves them softly.
he places a hand on your knee, you opening your mouth so he can have access to it. instead, a yawn exits. tom pulls back with a breathy laugh. “you must be exhausted, yeah? let’s get you to bed.” he pecks your lips once more. “my girl needs her beauty rest.” that confirms your relationship. you scrunch your nose and grin wide. “and, she’s gonna get some with her boy.”
you’re reminded of how sweaty you are when you catch a whiff. “oof, wait. do you think i can take a shower first?” you grimace, fanning at the air for emphasis. tom uses the tip of his nose to nudge yours. “absolutely. need help in there, too?” he’s not asking in that way, only so nothing happens. the hospital wouldn’t be the most pleasant place to spend your break. plus, he doesn’t want to be without you too long.
“you know what? yeah.”
that’s how you end up intertwined under the hot water, letting it cascade down your back as tom hugs you close to him. you sigh in content and tangle your fingers in his fluffed over curls. you’ve learned that he’s super into having his hair played with. it’s endearing, how he instinctively leans into your touch, eyes closing as you tug on the roots.
he drops his head down to kiss your shoulder, dragging his lips to your collarbone in a way that tickles. they land on one of your breasts next. there isn’t anything sexual about it, only loving. just in case he gets too excited because it’s not uncommon he does, you gently put a finger to his lips. tom takes the hint and lets up. you continue combing through his wet hair while you step out of the water.
“do you ever sing in the shower?” he questions, drawing your naked body in closer to his. “sometimes, yeah. i honestly feel like i sound better there,” you admit and slide your hand down to the nape of his neck. tom’s tongue darts out to lick his lips. “not true. you sound beautiful everywhere, and don’t fight me on this one.” he smirks in satisfaction, you groaning at your loss.
“i really enjoy hearing your voice when it blares through an arena, though,” tom keeps buttering you up. you shake your head and settle both arms around his neck. “man, i just love you so much.” “i love you, sweetheart,” he murmurs back, you switching places so he can give his hair a final rinse. you watch him and his glowing body, admiring the sight.
“what a sensation you are,” you say mostly to yourself, which doesn’t stop him from hearing. “i see what you did there.” he eyes you while you do the same to him. your arms still around his neck pull him back to you. “tommy? do you sing in the shower?” you meant to ask him before, then he started throwing all those compliments at you.
tom scoffs, walking you back so you’re against the wall. “i don’t sing anywhere.” “what?” you gasp and put a hand on his chest. “you’re lying, you have to be. wasn’t billy elliot a musical?” he narrows his eyes at you as he tries to gage where you’re going with this. “that i did a decade ago, and way before puberty. couldn’t sing a word without cracking after that.”
your mouth is left hanging open in shock and disappointment. you bet he has a nice voice, and he’s downplaying it. “y/n,” tom begins, cupping your jaw with his palm. “since we’re living together now, there’s a lot you’re going the learn about me. good things, weird things.” he shrugs casually. “this is one of the weird things.”
“only because you make it weird! come on, let me hear you,” you request and wrap a leg around his waist. you’re giving him a hopeful smile. “god, no. you’ll hate it,” he almost laughs, a hand on your thigh. “i’m literally a singer. how could i hate something i love?” you refute, batting your lashes at him. “especially when someone i love is doing it.” “i love you, too. but, i’m not.” he’s quick to shut you down.
“drop a bar!” you try to coax him, which he already has a comeback for. “you first.” “i can’t. my throat is all scratchy from earlier,” you lie. tom presses his lips into a line, feigning pity. “aw, you know what’ll make you feel better? tea. i’ll go get you some.” he turns to shut the water off, so you grab his shoulders. “no, the steam is working. you can stay.”
“love,” tom addresses you in a warning tone that you can’t take seriously. he can’t either, a giggle escaping him. “my voice is shit. ask anyone, and they’ll tell you.” “i won’t believe them,” you hum, pushing back curls sticking to his forehead. “sounds like you just have stage fright. we can work on that, though.” “how?” he tightens his arm around your middle.
“i’ll bring you on for my next show. we’ll do a little duet.” you’re joking, though that would definitely be interesting to see unfold. “uh, never. what happened to you being tired?” tom cleverly deflects and digs his fingers into your side. you look down in defeat. “i forgot about that.” “yeah, yeah. no, seriously. we should really get to sleep, y/n/n.” he’s back to his sweet, attentive self. “‘s been a long night.”
giving in with a nod, you capture his lips in yet another kiss. tom never gets tired of them, and neither do you. you break it after a few seconds, lips lingering on his as they detach. “carry me?” you ask again, not caring how whiny you sound. tom presses a quick kiss to your forehead. “oh, you’re adorable. of course.”
well, you’ve found something to keep you occupied until the next leg of tour. you’re going to discover the many layers your intriguingly unusual boyfriend has.
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mysmegrace · 3 years
can i please request rfa with mc who has constant stomach , head and back pain thanks to stress / anxiety please ?
of course~ i'm kinda going through something similar ha... classes are scheduled to start again soon and my anxiety always spikes worse than it does regularly.
RFA with an MC who has Constant Stomach, Head, and Back Pain Due to Anxiety/Stress
yoosung kim:
your entire day had been a nightmare.
from participating in classes and working a part time job, you were worn out.
honestly, you felt quite sick.
you hadn’t noticed how much your body was aching until you had finally arrived home.
aiming for your bed, you wasted no time in unpacking before landing straight into your pillows.
the stress and anxiety the day gave you has now left you barely awake, small groans of pain leaving your mouth.
some higher power had given you the gift of sleep for no more than an hour before you were awoken by a phone call.
of course saeyoung would mess with you after he’d seen you on the cctvs walking home exhausted.
yet to your shock, it was yoosung.
you could’ve sworn he told you earlier that he had to study this hour.
quickly composing yourself the best you could, you answered to be greeted with a whined hi.
“hi yoosung” you responded, thinking you had masked your tired state well enough.
but you had always been a poor actor after all.
he paused, before asking “are you okay?”
in this state, you couldn’t be bothered to lie to him, getting into some kind of debate over your wellbeing.
“i’m just... exhausted. my entire body is aching” you admitted.
hearing a small sigh through the other end of the phone, you were about say your goodbyes for the night before he responded, “how come princess”.
his tone matched your upset one, yet with a hint of sympathy added on.
you sighed, responding “i’ve had an exhausting day, it’s taken a tole on me”.
he had to stop, thinking of the best ways to comfort you.
after a few seconds of no response, you continued “sorry yoosung, but i just want to rest right now”.
quickly, he snapped out of his thought process, not realizing the silence he had been giving you.
“that’s alright, please sleep well” he said, before hearing the sound of you hanging up the phone.
once you had come to your senses the following day, you noticed something was off.
french toast wasn’t something that spread in the air often in your apartment.
yet your suspicions were cut short as yoosung came around the corner, noticing your awakened state.
shocked, you began to sit up before being pushed back down, completely caught off guard.
“no work for you today lady, you just rest” he said, before running back out to the kitchen, bringing back a plate of french toast seconds later.
you couldn’t help but smile, yet a question popped up in your mind.
“wait, how am i going to eat this if i can’t sit up” you asked.
“easy, i’ll feed you”, problem solved.
hyun ryu / zen:
boarding the bus with zen, the first thing that caught your attention was the sheer compacity inside.
you two were only planning to take the bus 10 minutes to a new cafe that opened in town.
it was the perfect day to do so.
you and zen had off work, the weather was great, and it wasn’t predicted to be busy.
taking hold of the first railing you could find, keeping zen’s hand in your grip, you couldn’t help but to start getting overwhelmed.
there were so many people looking at you as you got on, and now you were stuck between a bunch of strangers looking you up and down with nothing else to do.
you felt your stomach start to turn, you knew this feeling well.
if you didn’t get off soon, you’d be sick and start crying with everything going on.
8 minutes in, you couldn’t take it anymore.
you had tried to get through by zoning out and thinking about other things, yet nothing was in your favour.
you were terrified, and now physically ill.
mentally preparing yourself, you pulled the string, your hand cutting between two heads of people you’d never seen before.
who knows if they were judging you?
that thought didn’t help a thing.
the bus came to a stop within the next few seconds, and you pulled zen’s hand tightly, practically pulling him off the bus.
“babe, we get off up there” he said, pointing north as the bus had taken off again.
you couldn’t handle a conversation with him right now, you needed to find a washroom.
taking notice of a camp-like washroom set up alongside the park a few steps away, you rushed off.
zen chased you in shock, attempting to grab a hold of your arm, to which you flicked him off of several times before reaching the area.
now he was stuck, not being able to go farther once you dashed into the ladies room.
he stood in a ball of confusion and worry.
you hadn’t acted like this before.
while inside the washroom, you locked yourself in the stall to the back, attempting to collect yourself.
once you came to the realization that your strategy wasn’t working, you just let it all out.
you felt like shit.
god, you had ruined the entire day with zen, embarrassed the two of you, and now you had made yourself physically sick.
you stayed in there for 15 minutes, simply balling your eyes out before deciding to go out and talk to him.
seeing you emerge from the washroom door, he took the best approach he imagined, pulling you into a tight hug as his eyes came across your redden face.
“i’m sorry” you muttered out, your face pressed against his chest.
quickly, he responds “it’s okay jagi, please tell me why you’re so upset”, comforting you with the tone of his voice, making you ease up a touch.
“i, there were so many people on the bus. i got sick, i was so anxious” you let out.
you knew how accepting your boyfriend was, which was why you weren’t shocked by the comforting words he spoke next.
“shhh, i get it, don’t cry”, pulling back a bit to clear the hair from your face.
he continued, saying “do you need anything? some medicine, drink?”
you shook your head, saying “no, i just need to calm myself down for a bit”.
“of course” he said, holding you until you said you were okay again not too long after.
jaehee kang:
“ugh” you let out, walking past jaehee with a throbbing pain in your head.
the cafe was making you unbelievably stressed, it was nothing like you’d ever experienced.
stress was a major downside to your cafes growing popularity, though you didn’t expect it.
little to your knowledge, jaehee heard ur groan, getting away from the counter for a spilt second.
“hm?” she said, before continuing “are you okay mc?”
“i just...” you paused, thinking of your next words.
you didn’t want to lie to her, but you didn’t want to make her worried on top of the already stressful situation.
“my head just hurts” you said, hoping to pass it off as a simple headache.
“are you alright? when did it start?” she asked, concern lacing her tone.
these pains were nothing new to you, but they got worse each and every time.
you had no energy to lie at this point, you were already done in by the day.
“the stress is getting to me, my head always aches when these things happen” you answered.
you could see her facial expression pause, as if she was deep in thought.
yet the expression changed within the minute as she responded “please go home, take the day off”.
you were blown away.
of course you didn’t want to leave jaehee alone, but you knew you couldn’t carry on like this for long.
you quickly argued “i can’t do that, you’ll be left with the stress alone”.
she gave a small smile, glancing at the clock, before responding “thank you for worrying, but i’ll be alright. there’s only an hour before closing and i can tell how bad this is effecting you”.
hence why with hesitation, you took her up on the offer.
you gathered your stuff up to leave, and went on autopilot, waking up the next day covered in warm blankets.
you couldn’t remember a thing after leaving, but you could feel how calm your body became with a bit of stress relief.
and you made sure to give jaehee your biggest thanks the next day.
jumin han:
you had started your new business over the summer.
and being the wife of c&r’s chariman-to-be, naturally people were intrigued.
many were incredibly supportive, although the occasional rumours surfaced from time to time.
crazy ideas you wouldn’t have been able to think of yourself.
suddenly you were the daughter of a president aboard, you and jumin weren’t actually married, and you only used jumin to fund and grow your business.
all completely foolish, never lasting more than a week.
however, this time around was different.
you had woken up to articles suggesting you were having an affair on your husband with your father in law, and that you had been using company profit for your own benefit.
how they came to these conclusions was beyond you, but you let it slide for now thinking it would only last a few days.
certainly nobody would believe this, there was no evidence brought forward and nothing you did had ever hinted towards these claims.
but that wasn’t the case this time.
one week went by and nothing changed.
two weeks went by and you noticed that the rumours had only increased and more was being added to the story.
now three weeks had passed, and things were only getting worse.
you had started getting emails about the rumours and sponsors had started pulling out to stay safe.
not only was it getting to you in a business sense, but your body had become ridden with stress and anxiety.
you woke up everyday in an upset mood, the first thing you noticed after coming to your senses was the back throughout your entire body.
though today it was focused in your abdomen.
this morning was no different from the previous few.
except jumin had stayed home from work for elizabeth the thirds yearly checkup.
he was the overreactive father to his cat daughter.
when he returned home with the news of elizabeths pristine health, he was met with your sleeping figure.
it was something out of the ordinary as you were usually awake at 6am.
yet it was 10am and he was standing beside your sleeping state.
remembering you had work, he shook you with ease to wake you up.
watching as you slowly opened your eyes, and within a snap you jumped up from the position you were lying in.
“what time is it?” you asked your husband frantically.
his eyes widen, slowly answered “it’s 10am, are you alright love?”
you wanted to cry.
you had woken up earlier at your usual time to an upset stomach, took some medication to ease your nerves, and laid down on your phone for a bit.
falling asleep wasn’t the plan.
“i didn’t mean to fall asleep, i need to-” you said, finding yourself in sobs midway through.
you couldn’t continue.
the tears fell uncontrollably, all the stress and worries coming out.
and jumin was at a loss for words.
yet he went to embrace you, calming you down through little words of endearment.
when you were finally calm enough to communicate, he asked “what’s going on?”
you let it all out, though you wanted to hide it from him earlier, you were desperate for things to subside at this point.
“there are all these rumours that have been going around for weeks, stuff about me getting with your father, using profit for myself, and using your entire family for exposure.”
you inhaled, being continuing “i thought they would end, but they keep going on and now it’s effecting my business. i just want it to stop”.
you stopped yourself from breaking down again, quickly composing yourself.
jumin paused, unsure of what to say.
hearing your sobs shattered his heart.
there were so many questions he needed answered, where would he even begin.
thinking for a bit, he asked “why didn’t you tell me earlier? it pains me to see you in tears”.
looking up to meet his eyes, you answered “i didn’t want you to worry”.
you knew it wasn’t an excuse he’d take seriously, but you were honest.
“your wellbeing comes before me, do not worry about my state”.
he had told you that since the day you became a couple.
adding onto that, he said “you’re staying home today. get some rest and i’ll take care of everything”.
you couldn’t argue, and part of you felt relieved getting it off your shoulders.
doing as he asked, you fell asleep again, napping like a baby.
you woke up again sometime around noon, immediately looking through your phone.
a new article caught your eye.
“Chairman Han denies all rumours involving MC and the upcoming business” it read.
you knew it wasn’t over yet, but you found comfort in the fact that it was finally thrown out of the water.
and within the next few days, you noticed your mood return to normalcy along with your body.
the stomach aches, headaches, and back pain disappeared.
you had learned your lesson, and didn’t hide your worries from then on.
saeyoung choi:
you dragged saeyoung out of the house for the night.
being the hard task that it was, you were understandably tired.
but you wouldn’t let that stop the night in front of you from being a success.
you had planned a special date to the movies in celebration of your birthday.
it was a movie you had wanted to see since it came out a year prior.
you were expecting to leave in a scared state of mind due to the movies horror nature.
what you weren’t expecting was the compacity of the movie theatre.
you wouldn’t be quick to admit it, but the sheer look of things frightened you.
it shouldn’t have been that hard to sit down and stare at a screen.
but all your attention was taken off of the movie, now directed at the people around you.
were they looking at you funny?
did you have something on your face?
were they judging you?
these questions wouldn’t leave your mind.
though you made multiple internal attempts to stop it, they just kept coming.
eventually it got too much, the nerves overwhelmed you, and you felt your stomach become physically ill.
you were gonna be sick, you thought.
turning to whisper to saeyoung, excusing yourself from the movie, you left to the washroom.
there were people in the ladies room as well, but they eventually left one by one.
you hung your head over the toilet seat, just waiting for your body to give in.
it was probably best to hide out in the stall for the remainder of the movie, you figured.
and that you tried to do, until saeyoung became suspicious and started looking for you 20 minutes later.
after searching the halls, the only reasonable conclusion left was that you were in the washroom.
he became worried that you were ill and needed help.
hence why he stood outside the door, yelling your name inside.
it caught you off guard, you weren’t ready to face him yet and have an excuse prepared.
though you didn’t have long to stay in your thoughts for long once he yelled your name out again.
leaving your safe area for the foreseeable future, you hesitantly went outside.
the red lining your eyes and your skin beginning to pale was the first thing that came to his attention as you met him outside.
“are you alright?” he asked, his voice full of fright.
“my stomach hurts” you answered, while not technically lying.
you didn’t want to come across as ruining the night by your own fear.
“i’m sorry” you let out, the guilt getting to you.
he hugged you, saying “don’t apologize, please, we’ll go home”.
he didn‘t know exactly why you became sick, but he knew better than to keep you in public while being so sick.
once you arrived home, he asked “did you catch something?” caressing your leg as you sat beside him in the parked car.
“umm” you thought for a second, “i think so”.
he looked you dead in the eye, a full minute passing by, before responding “you’re not a very good liar”.
you looked at him in confusion, trying to pass your lie off as reality.
“please, tell me the truth” he pleaded.
now you were hurting him, you thought.
your lies were too see-through to continue with this, hence why you fessed up.
“my anxiety got the best of me, there were too many people there, it made me sick” you confessed.
you felt the comfort of a hand on your shoulder within a second, feeling shitty for ending your date early.
“i understand” he said, continuing “we can have an even better night at home instead”.
you smiled, glad to see him okay with the current situation.
“of course, thank you” you said.
the rest of the night was full of sweets and cuddles, watching a fluffy drama on the tv.
you fell asleep on the couch together, awoken by saeran the next morning wanting to sit down within saeyoungs foot in his lap.
20:00 AST - 09/06/21
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pingutats · 3 years
could you write a really fluffy bit on harry kissing every single self harm scar on your body? like, stroking them and cuddling with you and reassuring you that your body is beautiful and okay even with scars? 🥺
thank you for requesting this! this was genuinely quite therapeutic to write so i’m glad i did it — it’s longer than i meant it to be at about 2.4k words, but anyway. here’s a difficult conversation with new boyfriend!harry. 
major trigger warning for discussions of self-harm and scars. this is not a story for everyone, and could definitely be triggering if you are not in the right headspace. please be responsible and look after yourselves <3 
this is also pretty unedited so forgive any mistakes. okay!! onwards!
It’s getting late when Harry asks you, ‘Do you want to spend the night?’
The meandering film you found on Netflix is drawing to a close, finally. The characters are on a boat, drifting away into an Italian sunset. You barely have a grasp of how they got there — mostly, you just listened to Harry talk over the dialogue about a pretty little café he knows just around the corner from where this scene was filmed, or how cool the water gets at night there and so the actors must have been shivering. All of it wrapped up, of course, in a quiet suggestion to take you there someday so you can see for yourself. You get a little thrill every time he says something like that. It means he’s thinking of a future with you, which means he wants one, even though it’s only been just over a month since you’ve been seeing each other.
He trails his fingers up and down your arm, bringing up goosebumps beneath your sleeve, and looks at you. ‘Or I can drive you home, if you’d rather sleep in your own bed.’
You hum. ‘No,’ you say. ‘I’ll stay. I’d probably end up falling asleep in the car anyway. I’m so tired.’
His dimple appears. ‘Good, because I’d probably fall asleep at the wheel.’ He grabs the remote and turns the TV off, then pushes himself off the couch with a groan. He holds his hand out for you. ’C’mon, then.’
You grab his hand and he hauls you up, his other arm coming up to your back to pull you into his chest. You fall against him, grabbing his biceps to steady yourself. The two glasses of wine you’ve had tonight have thrown your balance off. He presses a kiss to your hair as you giggle. Then he brings his hand up to your jaw to tilt your head up to look at him properly. You nearly melt at his green eyes.
‘Hey,’ he says. ‘I can sleep on the couch.’ His gaze is completely sincere.
You haven’t slept together before, both in the literal and figurative senses. You haven’t had sex with anybody at all, actually, and Harry seems to have picked up on your hesitancy. He’s never asked for anything. He lets everything stay on your terms. 
That’s what makes you trust him.
‘You don’t have to do that,’ you tell him.
He holds your gaze for a moment longer, just to make sure. ’Right,’ he says, breaking into a smile.
He finds a new toothbrush in his cupboard for you, and you brush your teeth together. It feels like a big step to do these nighttime rituals with him. It’s so domestic. He shares his cleanser with you and offers his moisturiser that smells like vanilla. You imagine spending every night like this.
As he leads the way back into his bedroom, he pulls his shirt off. ‘I get hot at night. D’you mind?’
You giggle — you can’t help yourself, at the sight of his muscled torso with all of its tattoos. He’s so handsome. ‘Not at all,’ you tell him.
He throws the shirt into a hamper in the corner, and the birds on his chest seem to fly with the movement of his shoulder, then looks back to catch you ogling him. He chuckles, and the sight of his dimples gives you butterflies.
‘You like?’ he asks.
You narrow your eyes. ’Are you flexing?’
He relaxes. ‘Yeah, a bit. Just wanna impress you.’
You snort at that. ‘Like you need to do anything to impress me.’
He grins. ‘D’you want something more comfortable to sleep in?’ He rummages around in his drawer for a moment, then pulls out a t-shirt and holds it up for you. It has an incredibly faded image of Flinstones characters on the front. ‘How’s this?’ he asks.
You smile at his courtesy. ’Perfect. I love your t-shirt collection, by the way. Where the hell do you find things like this?’
‘Oh, you know… Here and there.’ He tosses it to you.
You catch it with some semblance of grace — you’re proud of yourself for that. ‘Thanks.’ You glance at the bathroom door. ‘Alright. I’ll just… get changed in here,’ you say, slipping through the ajar door.
‘Alright, love.’
You shut the door, and realise you’ve forgotten to turn the light on, leaving you in pitch-black. You grope against the wall for the switch and turn it on, and take a deep breath. Why are you so nervous, so frazzled? It’s just Harry. You shimmy out of your leggings, then pull your sweater over your head.
You look at your reflection. Well. There’s a problem. It’s easy for you to forget when you’re alone, or wrapped up in layers of clothing — it’s just a part of your body now. Artefacts from a different time, years ago. Even the memory of how you got them — how you gave them to yourself — is slipping away, thank God. It’s all a haze. These scars were carved by a girl that you don’t see much anymore. They aren’t really a painful reminder anymore, just a fact of life. You know they're there. The problem is, no one else expects it.
You stare down at your wrists, seeing the lines that never faded. Maybe if they were all like the thin white lines, barely visible until you look closely, you wouldn’t mind. You’re going to sleep, anyway, and it’s not like he’s inspecting your forearms. No, it’s the three darker ones, hard twisting scar tissue that you can feel even through sleeves. Times where you went just a little too deep, were a little too reckless. The ones you regret the most. They’re big, and ugly, and too obvious. He’d notice them right away.
But he gave you his t-shirt.
You look at your reflection in the mirror, furrowing your brows. You adjust your pose, twisting your arms around so the inside of your wrists are hidden, facing behind you. You look ridiculous. You know, as soon as you see Harry, you’ll reach for him, and he’ll see.
Would that be so bad?
You look down at your arms again. It’s been years, and they’re still there. They’ll probably be there forever. They’re as permanent as the tattoos on his skin — except those are beautiful, and what you have is not. You can’t show this to him. The world where these scars exist, and the world where he exists, should never cross over. It wouldn’t be right.
You pull your long-sleeve back on, covering them again. Then you put the t-shirt, which is long enough to be modest on you. This is fine, right? It’s better than any alternative, at least.
You leave the bathroom holding your folded sweats up to your chest, nervous now realising that you are standing in front of Harry in just your underwear, more naked than you ever have been in front of him.
He’s checking something on his phone as he sits on the bed, back against the headboard and long legs stretching down the covers, but he brightens up at the sight of you. His gaze drops to your legs — which makes your cheeks burn, but his boyishly excited expression dissolves your nerves — then rises up again to your shirt. He frowns at the long-sleeve. 
‘Are you cold?’ he asks. ‘I thought it was pretty warm but I can turn the heat up if you need.’
You shake your head, dropping your sweats on the floor beside the dresser. ’No, it’s fine.’
He sits up straighter, swinging his legs over the side so his feet rest on the ground. ’Can’t be comfortable to sleep like that.’ He hesitates. ‘You didn’t have to wear the t-shirt if you don’t want to.’
‘No, I want to. I do.’ You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to figure out how to navigate this situation in a way that won’t end in him being annoyed or disgusted. ‘It’s just…’ You trail off, but one glance at his frown, at the way he leans forward and hangs on every word, makes your resolve crumble. You’ll have to have this conversation at one point or another. ‘Okay. Shit, Harry, can I talk to you about something?’
The way he answers immediately makes you want to cry. ‘Yeah, of course. Anything.’ He sits up straighter, pats the covers next to him, inviting you to sit down.
You sigh and cross the room to sit next to him, not daring to meet his eyes. How the hell do you explain this?
He moves his arm behind you once you’re sitting. Not touching you, but enough so he’s close. ‘What’s wrong?’ he prompts. ‘Do you need me to drive you home instead? Because I didn’t—’
‘No,’ you interrupt. ‘It’s fine. It’s just, I kinda…’ You take a deep breath. ‘Okay, please don’t freak out?’
He frowns. His next words are measured. ‘I’ll try not to. Is everything okay?’
‘Yeah,’ you whisper. It feels like the greatest effort in the world, but you curl your fingers around the end of your sleeve and pull it up, revealing your wrists. ‘So, I have these…’ Your voice shakes.
‘Oh, baby,’ Harry says quietly, and that’s all you need to hear. His arm behind you reaches around and pulls you into his chest, hugging you close to him. His thumb rubs circles into your shoulder as you sniffle, his other hand resting on top of yours.
‘It’s in the past, you know,’ you say, muffled into his shoulder. He smells good, you notice. Not that it’s really important right now, but you appreciate it all the same. ‘Not a big deal. Just didn’t want to scare you or anything. ’S embarrassing.’
‘Listen to me,’ he says, pulling back and holding your face in his hands. He waits until you manage to look him in his eyes. They’re watery, you realise, and that might be the most painful thing about this night. ’It’s not embarrassing, alright? I don’t want you to feel like that. They’re part of you, and I really like you, every part.’ He smiles. ‘I really do, you know.’
You sniff, wiping at your cheek with your fingertips, trying to calm your tears. Suddenly all your fears seem ridiculous. Did you really expect him to turn you away, disgusted? Ask to never see you again? You knuckle at your eyes. ‘Okay. I’m sorry.’
‘Hey.’ He springs from the bed to grab the tissue box from the dresser and brings it to you, pulling out a tissue and dabbing under your eyes himself. He’s so gentle. ‘You’ve got nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry, that you were worried to show me.’
You chuckle, grabbing a tissue from the box and blowing your nose. What more can you say to him? He’s so wonderful to you. It’s early days still, and you’re wary of moving too fast and coming on too strong. You aren’t experienced with relationships in the same way that you know he is. But you love him. You’re sure of it. You’ll tell him, one day. Soon.
‘You don’t need to wear my shirt if you don’t want to,’ he repeats once you’re calmer.
‘I’ll wear it.’ And to show him, in your sudden burst of confidence, you undress right next to him, taking off both layers and then putting the only t-shirt back on. You turn to him, and giggle. He’s turned his head away. ‘You can look,’ you tell him, nudging his knee with yours.
He looks back with a sheepish smile. ‘Didn’t want to be a creep.’ He scoots backwards onto the bed, settling his back against the headboard. ‘C’mere.’
You crawl over to him, settling with your back against his chest, sitting between his legs. His arms wrap around your middle, anchoring you to him. He presses kisses to your neck, the scruff on his cheeks tickling you. You curl up, twisting your neck away, giggling.
‘Sorry, love.’ His hands relax, and find your own. He rests his chin over your shoulder, and gently turns your palms upwards, so your wrists are visible to him.
You shiver, but allow it. You feel this is important. You don’t want to hide with him.
‘Y/N…’ he says quietly. You feel his chest push against your back as it expands with a breath. ‘Am I… am I allowed to touch them?’ he asks.
You’re surprised. You thought he would want to avoid them. You nod, then, realising he can’t really see you, you add, ‘Yeah.’
Your fingers are tense. You can’t help it. His thumb presses into your palm, massaging the tension away. He pulls the back of your hand to his lips and brings it back to your lap.
You close your eyes.
When he finds the first hard lump of scarring with his thumb, he pauses. He takes a shaky breath, then he runs his thumb up and down the length of it.
‘Y/N,’ he says softly.
You squeeze your eyes shut tighter. ‘Mm?’
‘You’re beautiful, you know.’ He pulls your hand back up to his lips, but instead he kisses the biggest scar on your wrist. ‘No matter what. You are.’
‘Harry,’ you whisper, because you don’t know what to say.
He kisses the scar again, then trails his lips up your wrist, covering them all. ‘I don’t want you to be ashamed of anything. You survived. That’s a wonderful thing.’ He drops your hand and cups your jaw, turning your head towards his. He leans around your shoulder to face you properly. ’I’m so fucking proud of you, you know?’
You never were good at taking compliments, so you just cross the distance between the two of you and kiss him.
When you’re lying together in the dark a little while later, with his arm thrown over you protectively and his soft breaths hitting your neck where his t-shirt doesn’t cover, you feel safe. Your arms are bare, you’re with another person, and you feel safe in this situation for the first time in years. It’s a wonderful feeling. All because of Harry.
You can’t wait to wake up in the morning and see his face again.
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hazel-light · 3 years
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Chapter Word Count: ~7,400
Total Fic Word Count: ~30,000
Genre: (Wedding) Fake Dating, Friends to Lovers, lots of bed sharing and every self indulgent fluffy trope possible.
Warnings: None? Lots of fluff? Occasional cussing? Some suggestive themes, moments, and jokes I guess. No smut or anything!
Disclaimer: I am not Daniel Sharman, and I do not pretend to know how he would act, speak, etc. This is fiction okay, there’s a lot of creative license, and potential to be OOC. Ricky isn’t mentioned because I started writing this before we knew he existed, so apologies for that. Also, if you’re DShar himself, please do us both a favor and don’t read this, okay???? Same if you know him 🙈
Title taken from the song Yellow Lights by Harry Hudson which suits this story quite a bit!
A/N: You thought I'd skip all the possibilities and tropes that come with the holidays?! Of course not. This is the final part to Yellow Lights. Thank you all for making my return to writing and posting so wonderful. I am so, so, grateful. I hope the ending lives up to your expectations. <3
The next month and a half passes by uneventfully. I try not to spend all of my time thinking about how great Rachel's wedding was, and equally try to ignore the wistful feeling Henry’s wedding left me with. Having Daniel be my fake boyfriend in front of my family showed me everything that I’d ever wanted; someone who fit in seamlessly, who loved me for me, with the perfect balance of romance and friendship. Whatever crush I had successfully buried when Daniel and I first met is now achingly hard to avoid. I curse my active imagination and optimism for letting me indulge in the moments of pretend, leaning too comfortably into our façade.
As a result, I don’t talk to Daniel much. He is busy finishing filming his project in London, and I try to focus on my life in LA. I’ve become paranoid that every text I send him is one too many, too annoying, or too bothersome. I figure I can reassess things when Daniel comes home from filming, and try to find my footing in our friendship again.
This seems like a solid plan until I’m on Zoom with my family for Thanksgiving. Since I’ve already flown back once this year for the wedding, and I’m planning to fly back again next month for Christmas, staying put for Thanksgiving was the economical choice. The call is mostly uneventful until the subject of Daniel comes up.
“Where’s that boy?” Aunt Judith crows from her spot at the dining table.
“Hmm?” I ask.
“She means Daniel.” Ryan rolls his eyes, bringing the iPad closer to her.
“Oh! Right.” I try to recover. “He’s still away filming his new project, actually, but I was able to fly out to see him at the end of September for another wedding, actually.”
Aunt Judith frowns. “That’s a long time to not see someone that handsome—” I start to laugh, “Are you sure he’s not cheating on you?”
Oh shit. It’s in this moment that I realize Daniel and I had never “broken up” as far as my family knows. I hear the rest of my family start sputtering in the background.
“Aunt Judith— you can’t just—”
“That’s awful, I—”
“It is kind of a long time, huh?—”
I try to keep a straight face. “Guys! It’s okay. He’s an actor, it comes with the territory. I expected this.”
“So you aren’t sure that he’s not cheating on you?” Ryan frowns.
“That isn’t what I meant, Ry. Daniel and I are fine. We’re really good, actually.”
“Well I certainly hope you’ll be bringing him home for Christmas then.” Aunt Judith huffs.
“It would be nice to see him,” Rachel speaks up for the first time, and her husband Nick nods. “I didn’t get to talk to him a whole lot at the wedding.”
I clear my throat, my mind racing. “You know, we haven’t actually talked about what we’re doing for Christmas yet; I’ll have to see what he’s doing— if he’s going to spend it with his family.”
“But you’re still coming home,” Ryan states.
“Yes, I am still coming home, no matter what.”
Ryan and Rachel’s mom, my auntie Kim speaks up. “I think it’s pretty common for a boyfriend to defer to his girlfriend’s family for the holidays. I mean, Ryan splits the day with Katharine of course, but Nick always came here with Rachel.”
“I hear you, Auntie Kim, but Daniel never gets to see his family so I’m not sure— all I’m saying is I’m not sure. He may very well come, and I will let you all know as soon as I know.” I smile tersely.
“Well hurry up, and find out,” Auntie Kim chastises. “Christmas is only a month away.”
When I hang up with them, it’s 7pm and I’m feeling antsy. How could I have forgotten that my entire family still thought Daniel and I were together? I’m not sure how to get out of this one. Tired of panicking alone in my head, I pick up my phone and dial Daniel before I can talk myself out of it. It rings and rings, and my anxiety that he won’t answer grows with each tone.
Eventually I hear rustling on the other line.
“Lauren?” Daniel’s voice crackles through the phone.
“Are you alright?”
“What? Uh— yeah, I just needed to talk to you about something—” I glance at the time on my phone. “Oh god, no. What time is it there? I’m so sorry— I didn’t even stop to think about the time difference, I—”
I hear him suppress a yawn. “Lauren. It must be pretty important if you’re calling me AND rambling like this.”
“No, no, it can wait, I’m sorry— uh, go back to bed. I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“Lauren,” he stops me softly and firmly. “Stop apologizing. What’s going on?”
I sit quietly, feeling like an absolute idiot.
“Lauren, come on. You can tell me.”
“I— we… we never broke up?”
He laughs. “Sorry, what?”
“We never broke up.”
“Am I still asleep, is this a dream?”
“My family still thinks we’re together and they asked me if you’re coming home for Christmas.”
We’re both quiet for a moment.
“Oh.” is all he says.
“I talked to them for Thanksgiving, and they were asking about you. I realized too late that they thought we were still together— because I never told them we broke up. I didn’t think it through this far.”
“Right, I didn’t either.”
My phone starts ringing, telling me Daniel’s trying to FaceTime me.
I accept, and I’m faced with a dark screen.
“Why are we FaceTiming?”
I hear a lamp click on and suddenly Daniel’s face is illuminated as he lays in bed, lines from his pillow still on his face.
“Figured we should at least be able to see each other if you’re going to break up with me in the middle of the night,” he teases.
I shake my head. “Not funny, this is serious, D.”
“I know, I know.”
“If I break up with you, they’re going to yell at me and tell me I’m a stupid idiot.”
Daniel laughs.
“And if you break up with me they’re going to hate you, which means they’ll hate that we managed to ‘stay friends.’ And if it’s mutual…..” I shake my head, thinking. “They’ll think we were lying.”
“Which we were.”
I sigh, “Which we were.”
“So,” Daniel pulls his blanket up higher. “What are our options here?”
“I don’t know, that’s why I called you.”
I watch him stare off into space and reminisce about when I got to see this sleepy Daniel firsthand in Cape Cod.
“I could come for Christmas…” he trails off and I frown.
“That seems like asking a lot. You’ve already given up a lot of your free time this year for me.”
He shrugs into his pillow. “Do you not want me to come for Christmas?”
I pause. “I mean, that isn’t really the issue here. You have to be tired of being in love with me by now.”
He laughs loudly — a stark contrast to the quiet of his room. “Yes, being in love with you is very exhausting.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
“I’m kidding. Being in love with you is not exhausting. At all.”
I roll my eyes and say nothing. “I don’t think I can bear to break your family’s hearts at Christmas of all times.”
“Man of the year.” I drawl. “What are you supposed to be doing for Christmas? Going home?”
“No, usually I travel somewhere, but I hadn't decided yet.”
I hum in response.
“Kind of leaning towards traveling to Massachusetts now, if I’m honest.”
I look at him incredulously, only to see a playful grin on his face, but I know he’s serious.
“I’m not going to stop you if you really want to come. But I—” I swallow. “Eventually we’re going to need to plan for whatever happens after Christmas.”
He nods. “I know, we will. Let’s just enjoy Christmas together, first.”
I smile. “Okay. We can enjoy it. Together.”
He clears his throat. “I hope I’m not too rusty at this boyfriend performance, it’s been a few months.”
“Daniel Sharman has performance issues… I hope that doesn’t get out to the press.”
His eyes flash. “Bold, for you.”
I shrug. “You walked into that one, baby.”
“Well, you’re lucky you’re cute, darling.”
We look at each other for a moment, and I hope my eyes don’t give away how fond I am for this man who is willing to commit to fake-loving me, and putting up with my family, and who is setting the bar way too high for any actual real relationship I could hope for.
So much for reburying my feelings.
I break eye contact first. “I’ll let you get back to sleep. Sorry again for waking you up.”
“Do Not Disturb doesn’t apply to you, Lauren. Call any time.”
I smile softly. “Sweet dreams, I’ll text you tomorrow.”
I’m standing in the Boston Logan airport waiting for international arrivals; specifically Daniel’s flight from London. According to the board, his flight landed 15 minutes ago, so he should be coming to the lobby any time now. I bounce on my feet, simultaneously eager and nervous to see Daniel for the first time since parting ways after Henry and Claire’s wedding.
Eventually I see the hat and sunglasses I recognize from a selfie he sent me earlier, and I can feel my heart race. I begin walking towards him, and feel my pace quicken as I get closer. Eventually he sees me too and he’s grinning at me with his signature toothy smile that I missed so much.
When we come into contact I don’t know what the appropriate response is, so I simply grin up at him.
“Hi,” I breathe.
“Hi,” he smiles back, and before I know it he’s closer than he was before and he’s ducking down to kiss me.
It surprises me but I respond quickly, leaning up to meet him.
When it’s over he pulls back just enough to nuzzle his nose with mine.
“Missed you,” he says softly.
“Missed you most.” I smile.
He stands up straight, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder, threading his other hand through mine.
I can’t see his eyes, but I assume he must be looking around when he speaks.
“Oh, are you by yourself?”
The question catches me off guard.
“Yeah— well, Ryan’s in the car, circling so he wouldn’t have to pay for parking,” I roll my eyes.
He nods, “Sorry, then—“ he makes an inconclusive gesture. “Suppose I didn’t need to kiss you quite yet.”
My stomach drops and I smile tightly, “That’s okay— better safe than sorry. I get it.”
He tugs on my hand pulling me into a hug.
“I did miss you, though.”
“And I still missed you most.” I tease.
Daniel shakes his head, but doesn’t argue, pulling back from me and reaching for his suitcase with his freehand.
“Let’s get this show on the road.”
I bring Daniel upstairs to show him around, and so he can put his suitcase in my room.
“Welcome to my childhood bedroom,” I announce, opening the door and leading Daniel inside.
“Wow, where little Lauren grew up,” Daniel teases looking around. When I first arrived home yesterday, I was quick to tidy up, and hide anything that was too embarrassing, but my room is more or less the exact same as I had left it when I was 18 and moving to college.
I nod. “Yes, many secrets to my backstory can be discovered in here.”
Daniel laughs.
Ryan appears in my doorway leaning against the doorframe.
“Just so you know, Daniel, my bedroom is on the other side of this wall,” he nods to his right. “I can hear everything that happens in here. The walls are thin.”
I frown, blushing, “Ew, Ryan.”
Daniel just laughs and smirks, “Got it, bro.”
I look at him incredulously, “Don’t encourage him.”
The two share a look and shrug, seemingly equally enjoying my discomfort.
“Dinner’s ready!” Auntie Kim calls up to us.
I use that as my cue, brushing past both of them to go downstairs, leaving their laughter behind me.
After Christmas Eve dinner, Katharine stops by and the four of us decide to watch the classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I’m the last to arrive in the living room, and when I enter I immediately notice that Ryan is cuddled up with Katharine, and sprawled out over the entire couch, leaving Daniel sitting in the only other seat— the armchair.
I narrow my eyes at them, “Are you guys for real?”
Ryan looks at us and hums innocently, “What?”
“You took the entire couch.”
I see Katharine bite her lip in amusement, as Ryan shrugs.
“I assumed you guys would cuddle anyway. Can you not share the armchair?”
Daniel intervenes, “Of course we can. C’mon Laur.”
He pats his lap. I hesitate briefly before nestling into his lap, tucking my head into his neck.
“Am I crushing you?” I whisper.
“Not at all, you’re keeping me warm.”
I huff a laugh as he puts the blanket over us and Ryan starts the movie. The steady rise and fall of his chest brings me a sense of peace and I have to try not to fall asleep, especially when his fingers gently caress my arm and my leg where he’s holding me to him. I exhale, turning further into his neck and nuzzling into him.
“Tickles,” he breathes, just shy of a whisper.
“You smell good,” I tell him, letting my eyes close.
His chuckle reverberates through his body. “Thanks, darling.”
I feel my eyes shut and sleep take over. I start to come to when I hear the ending song come on, and it drifts into whatever dream I’m having.
“She asleep?” I hear Ryan ask.
“Think so,” Daniel answers.
“You need help waking her up?”
“No, I’ve got it, thanks though. Nice seeing you, Katharine.”
I hear footsteps retreat and feel a series of kisses pressed to my shoulder, as Daniel’s long fingers brush hair away from my face.
“Time to wake up, pretty girl. You can go back to sleep once we’re in your bed.”
I shake my head no, clinging to him tighter.
“Like this bed.” I murmur drowsily.
He laughs softly. “Promise we can cuddle there too.”
“Promise?” I ask, peeking one eye open.
“I promise,” he confirms, pressing one more kiss to my shoulder.
I lift my head to look at him, rubbing my eyes.
“There she is,” he smiles gently at me.
I smile back sleepily, the words coming out before I fully think them through.
“Wanna know a secret?”
“Tell me.”
I swallow, letting my gaze flicker down to his mouth for just a moment. “I like cuddling with you.”
“You do, huh?”
I nod.
“Well the feeling’s mutual. Let’s go upstairs and brush our teeth so we can cuddle more in your bed.”
“Okay,” I relent, getting off of him. He stands up after me and I instinctively lace my fingers with his, leading us back upstairs. When we’re brushed and changed, we settle ourselves in bed and I claim my spot tucked into his neck again.
“Sweet dreams,” he says, kissing the top of my head. I echo the sentiment and gently kiss the spot on his neck I’m closest to. His arms tighten around me and I’m falling asleep again.
For once, I wake up before Daniel. He looks peaceful as he sleeps on his stomach, his arm across my waist, face half smushed into the pillow. I turn my head to look at the clock to see it’s about 9:30 and know the others will be waking up soon. I turn back to Daniel and card my fingers gently through his hair. Eventually his breathing changes and his eyes flutter open, still clouded with sleep.
“Merry Christmas,” I whisper, our faces just inches apart.
He pulls himself closer to me, nuzzling into my side and closing his eyes again. “Merry Christmas.”
It’s quiet for a moment before he speaks again, voice raspy with sleep. “Is everyone else awake?”
“No, I don’t think so. I haven’t heard anyone up and around… they might be soon. Usually we kind of wander downstairs around 10, and it’s just past 9:30.”
He hums in response.
“You can go back to sleep for a little while if you want,” I offer, still running my fingers through his hair. “I’ll wake you when it’s time to go downstairs.”
I start to think he’s drifted off to sleep again when he opens his eyes and looks at me. “No, I can get up. I want to give you your present.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “I told you not to get me anything; you coming here like this with me— twice— is more than enough.”
He rolls his eyes, detaching himself from me and rolling out of bed. “And look like the asshole who didn’t get his girlfriend anything for Christmas? Not a chance.”
I sit up. “We could’ve lied about it—”
“Lauren,” Daniel looks back at me exasperatedly, leaning over his suitcase. “It’s Christmas. Please just open your present.”
He pulls out a neatly wrapped, thin rectangle and places it in my lap, sitting next to me on the bed.
“Merry Christmas, Laur.”
I carefully unwrap the package to reveal a framed art print, with a circle of stars in the middle; underneath it says “The Night Everything Changed” with the coordinates of what I assume to be Los Angeles. I look up to him with soft eyes, and he gives a one shouldered shrug.
“Saw an ad for this online— where you can get the night sky documented of any night you want, anywhere you want. I thought it would be nice to commemorate this past year, for us…” he trails off, and I hug the frame to my chest.
“Daniel, I love it— Really, really love it. It’s so thoughtful.” I reach out and thread our fingers together. “I’m going to hang this in my room. I want it somewhere I see every day.”
He smiles and squeezes my hand. “I’m glad you like it. I actually wanted to talk to you about something— in relation to this. I—”
We’re interrupted by a light knocking on the door, and we both turn.
“Are you guys awake?” Ryan’s voice calls.
“Yeah, we’ll be out in a sec!” I answer.
I turn back to Daniel who squeezes my hand and moves to get up, but I pull him back.
“They can wait; this is special. I want to hear what you have to say.” I smile at him warmly, but he shakes his head, lifting the back of my hand to kiss it.
“It’s alright, I’d rather wait and tell you when we have more time to talk.”
I frown. “Promise me you won’t forget?”
He laughs. “Trust me, I won’t forget.”
He moves to stand, pulling me up with him to go downstairs, but I stop him, wrapping my arms around him tightly.
“Thank you, D. It means a lot to me.”
He returns my embrace, placing a kiss to the top of my head.
When we pull apart, I take his hand again. “Time for Christmas. Your present is under the tree, by the way.”
Daniel laughs. “A present double-standard.”
I shake my head and lead him out of the room.
I think we’re done with presents when Ryan surprises me, coming over to Daniel and I on the loveseat.
“This is for both of you, kind of.” He hands me a thin, narrow gift.
Daniel looks up, surprised. “Thanks, man. That was thoughtful of you.”
He looks at me, silently asking, did you know about this?, and I shake my head no.
I unwrap the package to find a small frame, with a one hundred dollar bill matted in the middle. I look at Ryan and furrow my eyebrows.
“It's the hundred bucks I said I’d give you if you brought a real date to Rachel’s wedding. Seeing as the same guy is here for Christmas I figured you earned it. Thought I’d frame it— but you can take it out and spend it on a date or something, I don’t care.”
Auntie Kim squints. “Sorry, you told her what?”
I roll my eyes and try to avoid the way my stomach sinks at the reminder of how this all started.
I feel Daniel’s hand on my knee. “Clever, Ryan.”
I look over at him to see him flashing his polite interview smile, and I instantly know he knows exactly what I’m feeling.
Auntie Kim stands and stretches. “I don’t get it, but I’m going to go start breakfast. Your sister and Nick are picking up Judith soon and then they’re coming over. Katharine isn’t coming until dinner, right, Ryan?”
As Ryan confirms, she walks out of the room. Ryan turns back to us. “Mind if I shower first?”
I shake my head no, still lost in my thoughts, and I hear Daniel tell him to go ahead.
We’re left alone and I feel Daniel’s thumb brushing my knee.
“Thank you for my presents.”
“You’re welcome— I’m glad you like them; they don’t beat your present for me though.”
He rolls his eyes and we sit for a moment, the framed hundred dollar bill still in my hands.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
I look at him and shake my head. “I don’t know. Just an odd reminder of how this started, and that it’s going to have to end soon, I guess.”
Daniel frowns. “We haven’t really gotten to talk about that. Why don’t we table that for later— we still have a nice day ahead of us. Those are problems for tomorrow.”
I nod and smile at him, and he pulls me in to kiss my temple, and I hear the click of an iPhone camera. I look up to see Auntie Kim in the doorway.
“Sorry, I just wanted to tell you that the coffee’s on. It was too cute not to capture.”
Daniel stands up, offering me his hand. “Make sure you send me a copy. I’ll have to add it to my collection.”
I chuckle as I stand. “Let me guess; the album is called ‘Cute and Shit.’”
He grins. “How’d you know?”
Christmas flies by. It’s filled with good food, wine, and everyone I love. It’s hours after dinner, and Auntie Kim has already driven Aunt Judith home before going to bed herself.
Ryan, Katharine, Daniel, and I are all still seated around the dining room table playing some kind of team card game, and everyone’s faces are red from laughter and wine.
I can’t help but watch Daniel, who is in some kind of hilarious argument with Ryan over some card he pulled. His eyes shine from the light of the chandelier, and his smile is big and bright, taking over his whole face.
It hits me in this moment that I’ve surpassed unlabeled romantic feelings; I am truly in love with this man. The realization consumes me until Katharine knocks her shoulder into mine giggling.
“Can you believe we love these idiots?”
“Sometimes it’s a hard pill to swallow,” I tease, giggling, catching Daniel’s eye mid-argument. He winks at me and I feel my already red cheeks flush even deeper.
“You two are so cute,” Katharine continues, watching our interaction. She lowers her voice, whispering to me behind her wine glass. “I was kind of worried that when you got a boyfriend he wouldn’t mesh well with our dynamic, ya know? But it kind of feels like Daniel’s always been here.”
Her words vocalize the thoughts that have been ringing in my head all day. “I know what you mean.”
Katharine dramatically clears her throat. “Are you two done? Is it our turn yet?”
We part ways from Ryan and Katharine in the hallway, giggling and shushing each other in the wee hours of the morning. I shut my door behind me and waggle my eyebrows at Daniel.
“Uh oh, there’s trouble,” he teases. “Planning to seduce me?”
I shrug exaggeratedly and he laughs before looking around. “Fuck, where are my sweatpants?”
I giggle. “They’re literally right behind you on the chair.”
“Oh, thanks.” He grabs them before looking at me. “Can I change in here tonight?”
I flush. “Yeah, sure.”
After sharing a room together all this time, this is the first time we’ve changed in front of each other and the thought makes my skin tingle. I make my way over to my dresser, pulling out my own sleep shorts and t-shirt. I wiggle out of my pants and pull on my shorts, glancing over my shoulder to see Daniel, shirtless, adjusting his sweatpants on his hips. My throat runs dry, and I turn around to pull my own shirt over my head, reaching behind me to unclip my bra once it’s on. I bundle my discarded clothes in my hand, walking over to toss them in the hamper. I turn around to find Daniel already looking at me. He’s still shirtless and my eyes drift to his defined chest. He looks down as if noticing for the first time.
“It’s really, uh, hot in here.” He speaks again. “Would it bother you if I slept shirtless?”
I shake my head, mentally screaming. “No, it is warm,” I agree, reaching up to put my hair in a bun on top of my head.
He watches me intently, and I laugh self consciously. “What?”
“Nothing. Just thinking about how this was the best Christmas I’ve had in a while.”
My face lights up. “Really?”
“Yeah.” I see his grin quirk up, and know something else is coming. “I’d say it was almost perfect.”
“Oh?” I question, finishing my bun. “Go on.”
“We fit in a lot of classic traditions today, but we missed one that I’m quite fond of.”
I look at him, trying to think of what it could be, as he takes a step closer to me.
“There wasn’t any mistletoe.”
I swallow. “There wasn’t.” I pause, my mind racing. Before I can fully think it through I find myself offering, “But we could pretend?”
“Hmm?” He murmurs, taking a step closer to me so he’s right in front of me now. I know he’s giving me a chance to take it back, or make a joke; I’m nervous, but I don’t want to take it back. I just really want to kiss him.
“I’d really like it if you had a perfect Christmas.”
“And you?” He questions softly. “What would make it a perfect Christmas for you?”
Instead of answering him, I reach up on my tiptoes to kiss him for a moment, pulling back to look him in the eyes. His eyes meet mine in some unspoken understanding, and then he’s dipping down to kiss me again.
He kisses me softly, delicately, like all the kisses at the wedding. He pulls back briefly to look at me, as if he still expects me to change my mind. I kiss him again, wanting there to be no doubt in his mind, and he kisses me back with purpose and passion, and I’m caught off guard by the weight of it. I gasp, and Daniel uses this opportunity to deepen the kiss, pulling me closer. It reminds me of our very first kiss back on his couch. My arms move around his neck, pulling our bodies flush together.
Daniel pulls away first, but barely, breathing hard, kissing down from my jaw to my neck.
This is definitely new territory for us.
I move my hands to his hair, and he groans at the feeling. I can’t help myself as I sigh breathlessly, a shiver running down my back. He grins against my neck, his teeth scraping at my skin and I moan softly.
“Wait,” I say breathlessly, a thought somehow flitting through my mind. “Earlier, didn’t you say there was something else I should know about my present?”
“I can tell you tomorrow,” he murmurs into my neck between kisses. “It’s time for bed.” He tugs me down onto the bed so I’m underneath him, resuming his kisses on my neck.
“This doesn't seem like going to sleep to me,” I tease.
“It is, shhhh, you’re dreaming.”
“That I’d believe,” I laugh, and Daniel smirks, moving so we're eye to eye again.
“Dream about me often?”
“Shhh.” I pull him closer, turning his words back on him. “You’re dreaming, go back to bed.”
“Happily,” he murmurs, kissing me again.
I bring my hands down to his bare shoulders, feeling his warm, toned skin against my fingertips. I gently drag my nails down his chest to his stomach, and I feel his muscles clench at my touch. I can’t help but smirk to myself as he pulls away to rest his forehead on my shoulder, letting out a shuddering breath. I bring my nails around his back, tracing up his taut muscles and across his shoulder blades.
I feel one of his hands come down, pushing my shirt up, his mouth pressing hot kisses to my abdomen. His nose takes over pushing my shirt up, exploring every new inch revealed with his mouth, his hand now running over my thigh, fingers squeezing occasionally, slowly climbing higher. As his hand reaches the bottom of my shorts, he lightly tugs at the fabric. He pauses, his blue eyes tentatively peering up at me.
“Can I…?” He looks nervous, like I’ll reject him. As if I have ever rejected him, or could ever manage to deny him. I’m not even entirely sure what he’s asking but I find myself nodding quickly. As he goes to tug my shorts down we hear a bang on the wall we share with Ryan followed by a crash, a “Shhhh” and a “Shit.”
We both startle and look over toward the wall, before looking back at each other and laughing softly.
“Ugh, I don’t want to know,” I say, shaking my head.
“You probably, definitely don’t.” He smiles at me before pulling his hand off my shorts, and my shirt back down, letting his fingers trace along the waistband of my shorts before he clears his throat. “We should, uh, get some sleep.”
I blink at the abrupt change in mood before nodding awkwardly. “Okay, sure.”
He rolls off of me, and I reach over to shut the lamp off. I’m hesitant to cuddle up to him, unsure if what just happened changed something between us, but I’m relieved when I feel his arm wrap around me the way it always does. Neither of us say anything, and I try not to think about the last few minutes, the firmness of his body behind mine, or the way my body’s buzzing— closing my eyes to try and get some rest.
The next two days with my family go pretty much the same way as Christmas did. Daniel gets on swimmingly with everyone, and my heart aches every time I realize that once the holidays are over, our charade is going to come to an end—a permanent end— this time. I try to ignore that thought and enjoy my time, basking in the coupley moments in front of my family, and leaning into every touch we share.
I never get a chance to ask about my Christmas present; the time never feels right, and Daniel doesn’t bring it up either. Nothing happens between us like Christmas night; when bedtime rolls around we change in the bathroom and go straight to bed. We cuddle, but there’s no after-dark kisses or wandering hands. I wonder if Daniel feels as self-conscious about that night as I do; if he does, he doesn’t show it.
We’re in my room packing to go back to LA in an effort to try to beat the inevitable New Year’s rush at the airport.
“I need to find something to wrap this in so it doesn’t break in my luggage,” I frown, holding up Daniel’s present. “It’s my new prized possession— nothing can happen to it.”
Daniel looks over and laughs. “Want me to wrap it in my sweatpants? That's what I did on the way here.”
“Okay, thank you.” I pad across the floor and pass him the frame, our fingers brushing in the process.
“Of course.” His lips quirk up as he carefully arranges the frame in his suitcase.
A moment passes, and I wonder if now is a good time to ask about my present .
“Hey, I’ve been wanting to ask—“
“Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you—“
We both stop mid-sentence and Daniel laughs, “Sorry what were you saying?”
I shake my head, courage gone. “No— sorry, go ahead.”
He looks at me curiously but continues, “Henry texted me; he and Claire invited us to their New Year’s Eve party. They’re having it in LA this year.”
I quirk an eyebrow. “Us? They want me to go?”
He shrugs. “Yeah, Claire apparently requested your presence specifically.”
“Oh, that’s nice of her. I usually stay in for New Year’s.”
“It could be fun— if you aren’t sick of me yet,” Daniel teases.
“Ha!" I laugh, "If you aren’t sick of me yet, more like.” I shake my head. “And don’t mind sharing your friends with me.”
“They’re basically your friends now, too,” he argues.
“I’m not sure one wedding constitutes that, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
“You should come.”
I stop and look at him.
“I’ll call a car and pick you up on the way.”
When I hesitate, he softens his voice. “Please come.”
I swallow, “Okay.”
I’m not a big party person, but I also know I don’t have it in my heart to deny him, especially after everything he’s done for me.
He grins. “Really?”
I nod. “Yeah, I’ll go.”
“Cool, I’ll, uh, let them know we’re coming.”
I bite my lip to suppress my smile and start planning my outfit in my head.
When we arrive at Claire and Henry’s house on New Year’s Eve, I try not to gawk at the size. It’s massive and sits high on one of the tallest hills in LA, away from the noise of the city.
The first person to spot us as we walk in is, unfortunately, Eleanor. I’d hoped she was in London, and away from us, but alas.
“Daniel!” she squeals, throwing her arms around him. “I was so hoping you’d be here.”
“Hi, El,” he placates her with a strained smile. “You remember Lauren?” He gestures back to me.
“Laura?” she asks, disinterested.
“Lauren,” I correct, forcing myself to smile. “Nice to see you again.”
“Eleanor,” Daniel intervenes. “Could you point us in the direction of Henry and Claire, perhaps?”
She frowns, but quickly covers it up. “They were in the kitchen last I checked— we have just got to catch up later.”
“We will!” He agrees graciously. “Let us get a drink, and I’m sure we'll have plenty of time to talk later.”
Daniel puts a hand on my back, guiding me forward and into another room, which turns out to be the kitchen. He’s immediately drawn into a series of bro hugs and handshakes by Henry and some of his other friends.
“Lauren! I’m so glad you came!” I turn to find Claire by a table of beverages.
“Claire! So nice to see you, thank you for inviting me.”
“Thank you for coming,” she says, pulling me into a quick hug. “I told Daniel he just had to bring you.”
I laugh. “He told me you were quite persistent— I usually have a low key New Year’s at home, but this is a fun change of pace.”
“Can I get you a drink?” She asks, already reaching for a bottle of champagne.
“Sure, thank you.” I catch Daniel’s eye across the room; he’s being clapped on the back and led out of the kitchen. I smile reassuringly, hoping to communicate that I’m fine here. He seems to understand, as he smiles back and nods before turning back to his friends.
Claire giggles, bringing my attention back to her.
“You look at him with such heart eyes, it’s cute.”
I try to keep my face from panicking. “Sorry?” She laughs like my reaction is the funniest thing in the world. “Oh don’t worry, he looks at you just the same, so you’re fine.”
I chuckle nervously. “I think maybe you’ve got the wrong impression—”
She shrugs like we’re talking about something commonplace, like the weather.
“Maybe, it’s possible... but I don’t think so. Now come! There’s some other girls I’d love for you to meet.”
I spend a good portion of the night talking with Claire and her friends. They’re all very kind to me, but eventually I excuse myself to get some air out on the balcony.
I’m looking up at the sky — it’s dark, dotted with faint stars and a distant passing plane — when I hear somebody come out and join me. As they settle next to me against the railing I immediately know who it is just by how comfortable I feel.
“Whatcha doin out here, LaurLaur? The New Year’s only a few minutes away.”
I grin at him. “Just getting some air and admiring the stars. From up here you can actually see them.”
He hums, looking up with me.
“It reminds me of a certain piece of art a certain someone got me for Christmas.”
He chuckles. “I’m glad you like it so much.”
“It was very thoughtful…. I wonder if any of the stars are in the same places as they were that night.”
“Which night?”
“The night everything changed. Your birthday.”
Daniel leans against the railing facing me, and looks like he’s about to say something before he changes his mind.
Eventually he speaks again. “Things are going to change again soon, right? You said you’re sure about the break up?”
I swallow, scoffing my shoe against the balcony floor.
“I mean, we still need to figure it out, but you can’t keep fake dating me forever. That isn’t fair to you.”
He smiles wistfully. “It’s not like there was anyone else I was trying to date.”
“I’m a lucky girl,” I lament, and Daniel blushes and shakes his head. “It’s a real shame we’re over, though," I jest, trying to lighten the mood. "I’ve never gotten to kiss anyone at midnight.”
His eyebrows raise in surprise. “Never?”
“Nope,” I pop the p and look down at my feet.
“Well.” He clears his throat conspiratorially. “We can agree not to bring our fake relationship into the New Year if you want, but if the kiss starts before midnight, I think we’d get by on a technicality...”
I laugh. “You really want Eleanor to hate me, don’t you?”
He grins cheekily and shakes his head. “Nah, I think I saw her latched onto some other poor bugger inside. We’re in the clear.”
I roll my eyes, looking back up at the sky. I feel his finger trace my arm, gently using my elbow to turn my attention back towards him.
His voice is softer now, “It’s up to you, but there’s no one else I’d rather kiss at midnight.”
I look into his eyes and realize he’s being sincere. My heart’s beating out of my chest. Yes, I want to kiss him, but I want it to mean something. I keep giving in because I know one day this is all going to go away, and I’ll be left with just my memories and heartache.
He must see some hesitance in my eyes, because he’s taking a step back.
“If you don’t want to, it’s fine. Really.” He shoves his hands in his pockets. “Not trying to pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do.”
I shake my head. “It’s not that I don’t want to, I just…” I trail off, looking over the balcony, trying to swallow my feelings, which have manifested as anxious tears in my eyes. I feel a tear escape, and I hastily reach up to wipe it away.
“Hey,” Daniel says gently. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“You didn’t.” I let out a watery laugh. “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m…”
I feel his steady stare, and I come to terms with the fact that I’ve really gotten myself into a mess that I can’t just smooth over. I’m going to have to tell him.
I take a minute to compose myself, and Daniel stays quiet giving me time to put my words together as I look anywhere but at him.
“I do want to kiss you, D,” I start slowly, trying to keep my voice steady, “but I can’t if it’s just another part of our fake relationship.”
He tugs me closer by hand, gently, so I have no choice but to look at him. I swallow the lump in my throat. “I… know this wasn’t supposed to be real. But it has been, for me.”
He shakes his head and squeezes my hand. “So then stop trying to break up with me.”
I blink at him, and he continues.
“The night everything changed— your star map— I wasn’t referencing the story we told your family about my birthday.” Daniel looks at me long and hard like I’m missing something totally obvious. “It’s actually the stars from a night a month or so later.”
A month or two— Oh. OH.
“The night Ryan FaceTimed me?” I whisper, afraid to be wrong.
He takes my other hand in his, lacing our fingers together. “Listen— Fuck. I’m in love with you, Lauren.” He looks at me so intensely and my head is spinning. “I love you, and I’m in love with you.”
“What?” I ask dumbly.
He licks his lips. “A wise woman once said to me, you don’t confess to ‘kind of like someone’ when you’ve already been friends as long as we have.”
I stare at him for a second, my cheeks burning. “Well your friend sounds pretty smart.” I swallow. “Because I love you, too.”
He laughs, relief flooding his features. He pulls me to his chest, crushing me and squeezing the air out of my lungs. Eventually he pulls back, hands cupping my face.
He grins and shakes his head. “She is smart, so, so smart, but I don’t want to be her friend anymore.”
“What do you mean?” My brows furrow in confusion, worried that somehow I’ve misread this whole interaction, my relief quickly being replaced by panic.
“Well.” He steps forward, keeping our faces incredibly close. “I’m hoping she agrees to be my very real girlfriend— that is, if she doesn’t break up with me first.”
I hear everyone inside start the countdown to midnight. I’m still looking into Daniel’s eyes in disbelief, my hands clinging to the front of his shirt.
When the countdown hits one, I’ve finally found the words I want to say.
“Happy New Year, boyfriend.”
He’s grinning as he kisses me, and I am too. It’s not our most elegant kiss, a mess of teeth and giggles, and whispered “I love you”s. We never stray too far from each other’s lips, kissing again and again like we can’t get enough— and maybe we can’t.
Eventually, we calm down a bit, and when we kiss this time it’s all-consuming, sucking the air out of my lungs. It feels like my love is fizzling to the top of my skin, and I feel it. ‘It’ being every indescribable emotion in our kisses this past year, but this time I know what it is: true, unadulterated, uninhibited love. I am in love with my best friend, who is now my boyfriend, and I don’t care who knows it— as long as he does.
His fingers press bruisingly into my hips before he pulls back just enough to look at me.
“Can we go home?” He whispers sheepishly, brushing some hair out of my face tenderly. “I’m kind of tired of sharing you with the public.”
I huff a laugh. “I know exactly what you mean.” I lean forward to kiss him one last time before pulling back to lace our fingers together, squeezing tightly. “Please— take me home, D.”
I don’t have to tell him twice.
tagged: @rogershoe @heyrowena @yunsh-17 @trenko-heart @dylxnshxrmxn
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solarwonux · 3 years
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36. “I’m not naming our child after a book character, let alone from my least favorite book.” “Why not?”
37. “I think you’ve had enough to drink today.”
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husband!joshua x f!reader
genre: fluff and a little bit of angst 
w.c: 2.1k
warnings: alcohol, drinking, hints at infertility, mentions of a surrogate, self doubt, hints at depression, mentions of therapy, brief mention of poly!gyuchan,  IVF treatment, suggestive, a cat named dog and a dog named cat, reader isn’t a fan of Shakespeare.
notes: this one’s a heavy one, but I wanted to challenge myself with this one. I did do some brief research as I was writing this one but I still could’ve gotten something wrong, so if I did let me. Either way, I’m grateful for those who read and please please please let me know your thoughts. Enjoy.xx
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Joshua threw his head back downing the shot of soju. His face twisted in displeasure, hissing at the bitter taste. He sets the glass down wiping his plump lips with the back of his hand before pointing a finger at you. 
“What about Elizabeth, like Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice?” Joshua asks, grabbing the green bottle of soju and pouring himself another shot. 
You cross your arms in front of your body and lean back against the dark navy booth. “Nope, try again.” 
Joshua let’s out a sound of annoyance before downing another shot. He doesn’t let the acrimonious taste settle in on his taste buds before he’s pouring himself another one and downing it. The two of you knew it was going to be a long night. Time was ticking, your surrogates due date was approaching and neither of you had picked out a name for your daughter. 
Truthfully, her name should’ve been chosen months ago. At least that’s what you and Joshua had planned during the first trimester of the pregnancy. But every time the topic came up, the two of you would end up frustrated and running back to the drawing board. You had names picked out, so did he. Neither one felt right. It also didn’t help that throughout the eight and a half months of the pregnancy a sense of guilt would wedge its way into your veins.
According to the many doctor’s you and Joshua consulted throughout the first year of your marriage. Your body wouldn’t be able to carry a child until full term. It had impacted you negatively. Your mental health was never up to par twenty four seven, but during that year - the year that was supposed to be filled with happy memories with your newly wedded husband; your mental health was at its worse. Memories that were supposed to be happy and colorful were black and white. You spent every waking moment dreaming about your child and feeling like a failure all at the same time. 
Joshua would hold you every time you cried out in agony. Each sob that came out of your lips would find its way and break his heart even further. He felt worthless not knowing what to do as he sat and watched the light get sucked out of you. He was hurting too, there wasn’t a doubt left in his head that he somehow shared your pain. But he couldn’t begin to imagine what it felt like to be told over and over again that your body will never be able to carry a child. So he held you and prayed for a miracle every night. He loved you more than anything in the world and although he found himself frustrated whenever you treated yourself like you were worthless or nothing. He made a promise to you in front of your family and his that through sickness and in health he will be by your side no matter what. 
The miracle came after four years. On New Year’s Eve of that first miserable year of marriage you told him you wanted to go to therapy, but only if he went too. He gladly agreed, eyes blown up in uncertainty but he didn’t fight you on your decision. Immediately he started researching for the best therapists in town, forgetting about the holiday party at Jun’s house. 
Slowly he saw you come back to yourself. The first time you smiled at him and laughed he cried tears of joy along with you. After almost two years of individual therapy with the newly added weekly couple therapy session, the two of you decided to research alternatives. Joshua was apprehensive, he feared he would lose you again, reassuring you that the two of you didn’t have to have kids in order to be a complete family. 
That just the two of you, your cat Inu and your dog Neko was enough. In which you agreed but one of your dreams was to bring a child into the world, to be a mother and you refused to have that taken away from you. So, he agreed after many weeks of convincing and a glittery powerpoint presentation. 
Mingyu, Chan and their wife didn’t want kids, frankly it wasn’t for them. But she didn’t hesitate to offer herself as a surrogate when she learned that you and Joshua were looking for one. It took another glittery powerpoint presentation from all three of them, this time to convince you to let them help you. So you did. Eight and a half months ago through an IVF treatment, one of your eggs and Joshua’s sperm were inside of her, healthily growing your child. Each doctor’s appointment you went to, the excitement inside of you grew. 
You stayed up with Joshua talking about how grateful you were that your baby girl was so loved and she hadn’t even taken her first breath yet. Mingyu and Chan showered her with gifts endlessly. A competition between the two of them to determine who would end up being her godfather. Not to mention her other ten uncle’s competing to see who would win the title of best uncle in the whole wide world. A contest that was to be held annually. Or so they claimed.
You were happy and so was Joshua but the only problem the two of you faced was that you didn’t have a name yet. And it stressed out Joshua to the point of no return, especially after you told him that it would be better to just wait until she was physically in the world. That her name would come to you, appearing out of thin air the moment you saw her for the first time. 
Joshua on the other hand disagreed. He lived paranoid ninety nine percent of the time and liked to be ready just in case something went wrong. He also didn’t want his daughter to be nameless and bean sprout wasn’t cutting it anymore. “Okay how about Ophelia, like from Hamlet.” He says with a hopeful dewey look in his eyes. 
You grab the bottle of soju and pour yourself a shot, downing it before slamming it down on top of the dark wooden table. “Absolutely not, I refuse. I’m not naming our child after a book character, let alone my least favorite book.”
Joshua ran a stressed hand across his face. He wanted this nightmare to end. No both of you wanted this nightmare to end. “It’s not a book, it's a play baby, you out of all people should know that.” He accused, grabbing an unopened bottle of soju and cracking the seal. “Mrs. Literature major.”
“Does it come with a front cover and a back cover and a bunch of pages in between?” You challenge cocking your head to the side, pushing your shot glass towards him. 
Joshua poured you a glass before setting the bottle down and placing his chin in the palm of his hands. A cocky drunk grin evident on his face. “Yes, but it started out as a performance not a book.” He mocks.
“I disagree. Shakespeare had to have written it down first in order to then show the actors. Therefore it’s still considered a book and my statement still stands. I’m not naming our child Ophelia.” You roll your eyes bringing the glass up to your lips, taking a small sip from it. You were finally starting to feel the weight of the alcohol. It was a given the two of you were five soju bottles (almost six) in and still hadn’t made any progress. 
“Why not?” He whines kicking his feet in the process, resembling a little kid who just got told that he couldn’t have cookies ‘n’ creme ice cream for dinner. “I like Ophelia, I think it’s cute.” 
“Because Ophelia drowns in the play, what if by naming our daughter that, we are instilling her an unfortunate faith?” You explain, drawing it out dramatically with your hands. 
“That’s ridiculous. Our daughter is protected not only by her guardian angels but also she has a whole football team on standby ready to beat the shit out of anyone that makes her cry.” Joshua states in a matter of fact tone while closing the half finished bottle of soju. He was finally starting to feel the effects and the two of you still needed to pay the bill and somehow make it home. 
You huff dipping your index finger into the half full shot glass and wetting the rim. “I read about it once.” You whisper. 
“Where?” He stands up holding onto the table and makes his way to your side, sitting down. “On those mommy blogs? The one’s I told you to stop reading because they don’t make you feel good about anything?”  His arm makes it away across your shoulders and pulls you close. 
You nod, leaning your head against his chest. “I’m just scared and I want everything to be perfect. I know that there’s nothing wrong with the decision we made but sometimes I still feel guilty that I wasn’t the one to carry her.” You sigh, lacing your fingers with his. “What if she doesn’t love me?” You cringe at how small your voice sounds. This is something your therapist and you had been working on for the past three weeks. Ever since you realized that the due date was approaching quickly. You’d gotten far but the doubt still lingered no matter how much you tried to push it away. 
Joshua leaves a gentle kiss against the crown of your head. “You’re her mom through and through and she’ll love you no matter what. Your body couldn’t grow her, the risk was too high and I didn’t want anything to happen to you or to her. But that doesn’t mean you were not enough. You have always been enough and you will be the best mom she could ever ask for.” 
Years ago when you had first met Joshua you knew you didn’t deserve him. He was everything you could ever ask for and more. Every time you found yourself drowning he was there with his hand plunged into the water ready to raise you up. He was your pillar whenever you needed someone or something to lean on. He was your voice of reason and your biggest supporter. And it wasn’t fair, because you would never be able to be that person to him. 
“I love you Joshua, thank you for never giving up on me.” You sit up, closing the small gap between the two of you and leaving a soft, delicate, alcohol filled kiss against his perfect lips. 
“I would never in a million think of doing that. Baby I swear I would cut off each of my limbs and feed them to birds if that thought were to ever cross my mind.” He smiles, pecking your lips repeatedly making you giggle. The sound made his heart soar. “I know you won’t believe me but you taught me what it’s like to love someone endlessly and unconditionally and that’s something I will spend my life thanking you for.” He says, thumbs caressing your cheeks before he hugs you close. 
“Stop making it impossible not to love you.” You laugh, circling your arms around his waist, burying your head into his chest. “I like Ophelia too, I’ll put it on the ‘maybe’ list.” His arms get tighter around, making it almost impossible for you to breathe. He wasn’t voicing his happiness, but you could only imagine the dumb smile he had on his face. 
After all, it was rare for you to admit defeat.
The two of you stayed there for a few more seconds before he brought his face down, stopping just above your ear. “Want to go to the bathroom and fuck,  live out our young adults fantasies once more before we become parents?” 
You pull away an incredulous look decorating your face. “Yup, I think you’ve had enough to drink. Let’s go home.” You stand up, grabbing your purse, pulling on his arm earning a wine from your husband. 
“Come on just once, please baby please.” He pleads and stands up, following you as you make your way to the front of the bar where the cash register usually was. 
“Absolutely not, I don’t want to be arrested for Adultery. We are about to become parents Joshua Hong!” 
He shrugs, circling his arm around your waist watching silently as you wait to pay. “It was worth a shot, what about when we get home?” He whispers into your ear leaving a teasing kiss against your chin. 
“We’ll see. Now behave.” 
“As you wish my lovely wife.”
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 years
Stranded Part 1–Zac Efron
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Part 2
Trigger Warnings: plane crash, accident
One minute, I'm taking Netflix's private jet back to America ten hours after the rest of the cast and crew because the star of the show had a hangover.
The next, I'm waking up stranded on a deserted island surrounded by burning plane debris.
I'm not sure what happened. I tried to remember, but my head was pounding too hard and I could barely keep my eyes open.
"Are you okay?" I heard someone ask. "Hey! Can you hear me?"
I lifted my head to see I was still strapped into my first class seat that was somehow tilted. I looked up to see Zac looking around.
"What happened?" I asked, barely able to breathe.
"We crashed."
I looked over when I heard him let out a painful gasp as he undid his seatbelt and fell to the sand. I glanced at my seatbelt and tried to undo it but slowly started to panic.
"Can you undo yours?" He groaned in pain as he slowly sat up.
"No," I stuttered. "It's stuck."
I gasped when a pair of hands gently moved mine. I looked up to see Zac standing in front of me.
"Hang on," he said oddly calm. It was getting harder and harder to stop the anxiety attack as he struggled to get my seatbelt undone.
"Over there," I said, lifting my shaking hand and pointing at something in the debris. Zac followed my finger but couldn't see what I did.
"There's a toolbox," I said, my head throbbing. "It's over by the wing. . . that's on fire. It's yellow."
"I see it," Zac said with a small relieved smile.
He looked at me, his smile dropping as he hesitated. He sighed before finally running over to it. I tried to slow my breathing as he rummaged through the toolbox. I let out a sigh of relief when he found a pocket knife. He ran back over to me and hesitated.
"Hold onto me."
"What?" I asked, still struggling to breathe.
"Hold onto me so you don't fall and hurt yourself," he explained gently.
I hesitated before slowly putting my hands on his shoulders. I held my breath as he cut through my seatbelt. Once it was undone, I gasped as I fell. Zac instantly caught me, slightly holding me up. I looked up at him, my breath getting caught in my throat when I noticed how close we were.
"Are you okay?" He asked under his breath.
"I think so," I stuttered.
With his arm wrapped around my waist, he led me over to the trees. We sat in the shade, trying to wrap our heads around everything that's happened.
"What are we going to do?" I asked under my breath. I ran my fingers through my hair, struggling to catch my breath. "We're stuck here. What if. . . What if they never find us? How are they going to? I mean. . . We're in the middle of nowhere and what if they. . . What if they don't know where we went down. . ."
"Y/N," he gently interrupted me.
I got lightheaded as I continued to struggle to breathe. I gasped when he moved so he was kneeling in front of me. He reached forward and gently grabbed my face, making me look at him.
"Breathe," he whispered. "We're going to be fine."
"We don't know. . ."
"Y/N," he said when I didn't continue. "I promise. We are going to be fine. Netflix's jet is up to date and has great tracking abilities. They know exactly where we went down. Someone will find us."
"How do you know?" I asked under my breath.
He smiled softly as he gently rubbed his thumbs on my cheeks. "We're going to be fine," he whispered. "I'll make sure of it."
I nodded as he slowly let go of my face. He sat back in the sand and looked around the island.
"First things first," he said, clearing his throat, "we should see what we can salvage from the wreckage. Then we should walk around and make sure we're alone."
"And then what?" I asked when he didn't continue.
"Then," he sighed, running his hand through his hair, "we wait for someone to find us."
                                * * * * *
After going through the wreckage, we found a first aid kit, some food and water, one blanket, a few random tools, and an emergency kit with a flashlight, some matches, and a flare.
We spent the next few hours searching the island and sorting through what we found in the wreckage. While Zac was setting up a shelter, I was going through the food we found. I looked up when I heard Zac let out a pained-filled gasp.
"Are you okay?" I asked,
"I'm fine," he said through his teeth. "I cut myself."
My heart jumped when I saw the blood trickling down his arm. I quickly jogged over to him and inspected the wound.
"We have a first aid kit, but we should wash it out first."
"We don't have enough water," he sighed. I grabbed a cup we found in the wreckage from the drink cart and led him to the ocean.
"This is going to hurt," I warned before carefully pouring water over his cut. I bit my lip when he gasped in pain. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," he said as he took a pained breath.
After I rinsed out his wound, I led him back to the shade. I had him sit down before kneeling in front of him. I tried to ignore his eyes on me as I examined his wound.
"Good," I said, letting out a sigh of relief.
"What?" He asked.
"It's not that deep," I explained. "You don't need stitches. We just need to cover it so it doesn't get infected."
I went through the first aid kit and found what I needed. I put some disinfectant over his wound before carefully wrapping his arm with gauze. When I was finished, I looked up at him and bit my lip when I saw the way he was staring at me.
"What?" I asked.
"I just. . . I didn't know you could do that," he whispered.
"Oh," I said under my breath as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "I actually trained as a nurse."
"You did?" He asked, a little bit of surprise coming through in his voice. "Sorry," he cleared his throat. "I didn't mean to sound that. . . surprised."
"It's okay," I chuckled.
"I hope this doesn't make me an ass but if you were trained as a nurse, why are you working for Netflix?"
"Zac," I said, clearing my throat. "Do you even know what it is I do?"
"Well," he hesitated.
"Do you know why they had me fly out later with you instead of anyone else?" I asked, struggling to hold back my laughter.
He chuckled, nervously scratching the back of his head. "I guess I don't," he said slowly. He cleared his throat before glancing at me. "Sorry, Y/N."
"It's alright," I chuckled. "You're Zac Efron."
"What does that mean?" He laughed.
"It's just. . . You have a reputation as a. . ."
"As a player?" He joked.
"No," I said quickly. "Rumors are rumors. . ."
"Tell me," he smiled. "Come on. I can take it."
"Fine," I sighed. "But don't say I didn't warn you."
Zac laughed as he put his hands up in defense. "Give it to me."
"People say you're self-centered and only care about yourself," I sighed. "They say that you remember bodies, not faces and definitely not names. All the cliché shit they say about actors, they say about you."
"Wow," he chuckled. He cleared his throat before softening his eyes. "Look, I'm not like that."
"I know," I shrugged.
"Really?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Come on," I sighed. "Those headlines and magazine covers are just gossip. They can make anyone look bad."
"Not you," he blurted out. He awkwardly cleared his throat before looking away. He turned back towards me and wrapped his arms around his knees.
"So," he said, clearing his throat. "What is it that you do for Netflix?"
"I'm the set medic," I chuckled. "In other words, I follow you across the world making sure you don't do something stupid and end up getting yourself killed."
                                * * * * *
That night, I couldn't sleep. I found myself constantly tossing and turning. When I finally fell asleep, my dreams were filled with the events of the past few hours. I was stuck in my seat again, but no one was with me. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get free.
"Y/N?" I thought I heard someone say. I looked around but didn't see anyone.
"Hello?" I called out. I had tears streaming down my face as I continued to look around the abandoned beach.
"Y/N," the voice said again. "Wake up."
Wake up?
I gasped when I felt like someone was shaking me. It felt like someone was gently holding my face as they pleaded for me to wake up.
"Y/N, please, wake up!"
I gasped, sitting up straight. I looked around to see the fire Zac started last night still burning. I jumped when I felt someone grab my face. Zac was looking at me, the fire showing me the worry in his eyes.
"Are you okay?" He whispered, still holding my face.
"I think so," I stuttered. "It was just. . . Sometimes I have. . . I'm fine."
I sucked in a breath when Zac scooted closer to me and wrapped me in his arms. He grabbed the one blanket we had and wrapped it around us. I closed my eyes as he rubbed my back.
"It's alright," he whispered. "It was just a dream. Do you want to talk about it?"
"I was stuck in my seat and I couldn't. . . I was alone and. . . No one. . ."
He tightened his arms around me, slowly starting to run his fingers through my hair when he heard me take a shaky breath.
"We're going to be okay," he whispered. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I promise."
"But Zac," I stuttered.
"It's going to be okay, Y/N. Just try and get some sleep."
I nodded and slowly pulled out of his arms. I laid down with my back to Zac. A chill got sent down my spine from the coldness of the sand. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to warm up. I gasped when I felt Zac drape the blanket over me.
"What about you?" I asked, sitting up.
"I'll be fine," he shrugged. My heart sank when I notice him lay down, instantly wrapping his arms around himself.
"What if. . ." I hesitated. "I mean. . . I know this might be awkward but. . . We'd both be warmer if we. . . You know what they say about body heat and. . ."
"Y/N?" Zac chuckled, slightly teasing me as he sat up. "Are you suggesting we sleep side-by-side to keep each other warm?"
"Maybe," I said under my breath as I messed with the blanket. I looked up when he chuckled. I chewed on my bottom lip as he sat next to me.
"Big spoon or little spoon?" He asked.
"I don't mind," I stuttered.
I held my breath as he laid down, pulling me into his chest. My cheeks burned as he fixed the blanket so it covered both of us and wrapped his arm around my waist. We laid there, the tension thick between us.
"Do you want to use my arm as a pillow?" Zac asked softly.
"Sure," I said under my breath. "As long as you don't get uncomfortable."
"I'll be fine," he chuckled. My face burned as he snaked his arm under me.
I closed my eyes and took a shaky breath. As hard as I tried, I couldn't calm down. If it weren't for Zac's arms wrapped around me, I'd probably be tossing and turning.
"Can't sleep either?" Zac sighed.
"No," I said, cursing under my breath when my eyes started to water. "I just keep thinking. . . What if they don't find us? They might not even know we went down."
"They know," he sighed, tightening his arm around my waist.
"But. . ."
"They're going to find us, Y/N," he reassured. "And until they do, I promise to keep you safe."
Part 2
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kz-i-co · 4 years
A Simple Favor
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»Summary: Your best friend ends his relationship and ends up staying with you.
»Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
»Genre: smut
»Words: 2.1k
» M.List
»A/N: let me know if you guys want this to be a series?
"Why the hell did you go in there? Tsk...you deserve to die then- ahh." You screamed as you heard a knock on your door that was perfectly in time with a random jump scare.
Your body was fighting every urge to get up and retrieve it but before you know it you heard your door close shut and foot steps coming closer. Your breathing picked up as you sat up staring at your hall and a shadow coming closer. As soon as the figure turned the corner you screamed throwing a pillow.
"It's just me." You heard the voice and immediately grew angry.
"JISUNG WHAT THE FUCK!!!" He was quick to sit next to you already hogging your blanket and eating your popcorn. "You can't just enter my place."
"You were taking forever and I know where your spare key is.
"You scared the shit out of me."
"Why are you watching Annabelle?"
"I like horror movies." You shrugged.
"Not me." He grabbed your remote changing it.
"Excuse me, who invited you?" You snipped taking your remote back.
"I always come to your place."
"It's fucking 12:30. Why are you here so late?"
"I have nowhere else to go."
"What do you mean? Plus you have Chris and Minh-"
"Nowhere I actually want to go." You were silence as you tried to put the pieces together.
"I broke up with Sohyun." He was looking at the tv. "I'm just fed up with her, she complains about everything, she's constantly yelling at me for every little thing, I just need a change."
"Have you ever thought that maybe this quarantine is just making you both nuts?" You suggested trying to sound optimistic.
"We've been fighting for months. But I'm sure it's not helping."
"I'm sure you just-"
"I'm sure." He cut you off. "Our relationship stopped feeling special for a while now, I just didn't want to believe it."
"I love you Jisung but you're really bringing me down." You slouched against the couch.
"Maybe if you turn off this evil doll movie, it will lighten my mood."
"Fine." You picked through different comedy titles until one crossed your sights.
"You looking for a roommate?" You looked at him pursing your lips not knowing what to say.
"My apartment is a one bedroom."
"I can stay on the couch."
"Doesn't your other friends have open rooms?" He just stared not answering. "I'll let you stay for a little bit so you can find your own place or moving back in with your girlfriend."
"I'm not moving back in with her." He quickly shut you down.
"You've been together for what....7 months? You really want to throw that away?"
"Thanks for reminding me....how could I be so stupid to move in with her, 7 months is way too soon."
"I don't understand, you two seem fine last time I saw you."
"I was dead inside." He laughed at his own joke. "No really she's fine one night and then the next she's pissed at me. I can't even remember the last time we kissed."
You couldn't help but feel sympathy for your friend. You never really liked Sohyun but that was none of your business.
"What about you (Y/N)?"
"We are never going to finish this." You teased.
"What about me?" You continued to ask.
"Who was your last boyfriend again? Wait...please don't tell me Sungjae."
"Yeah, so what?"
"That was over a year ago that's all." He looked back up front letting you unpause the movie.
It's been one week since you've let Jisung stay with you and it really wasn't as bad as you thought, especially during quarantine. He was a slob no doubt but he was actually nice about helping you stay tidy, but with a helping of sarcasm. He was your best friend after all and he was fun to be around, for the most part.
"Your bed is a queen right?"
"Yeah." You looked at him confused.
"Meaning you can fit two people in it."
"You ask about sharing my bed one more time, I will seriously toss your ass out."
He pouted. "No, I appreciate your couch, I just want to make sure you're not lonely."
"I'm perfectly fine thanks."
"Shall we rent a new movie?" You changed the subject. "Oh how about this?" You picked a comedy movie that had actors you recognized so you decided to complete the purchase.
Jisung has ordered food since he was grateful for letting him stay.
"This movie is unrealistic." Jisung complained.
"They don't even like each other." He was referring to the sudden make out scene that was quickly turning more intense.
You always hated watching a movie with these type of scenes, it was always awkward no matter who you watched it with. In particular Jisung, who was fresh out of a breakup. He was clutching onto your pillow trying to stay still as he grew uncomfortable.
He sighed suddenly as he began by turning next to you. "I know you don't like to talk about it but I'm just curious."
"What?" You whined.
"When's the last time you did it?"
"Come on-"
"(Y/N) you know you can trust me with anything." And you could. Jisung was the only friend that you were an open book to, but you still couldn't help but feel embarrassed.
"I don't know, last summer."
"Please shut up......this movie was a bad idea."
He was silent for a little while that it actually worried you, so you felt relieved when he began. "I have a proposition." You looked at him. "Why don't we just do it with each other, it's been awhile for the both of us."
You weren't convinced you heard him correctly.
"(Y/N), please I'm not into hook ups and it's a hard time to date right now."
"But we're friends."
"That's why it's perfect, we know each other more then anyone and it won't be weird since we trust each other."
"It's weird just talking about it."
"It's not weird, we just use each other for special needs and we can stay friends...no ties."
"Someone always gets hurt in these things, don't you watch movies."
"How are we going to get hurt, we've been friends forever and we're always honest with each other. If you don't like it we can stop."
"I don't know."
"I would never do anything to hurt you, you know that don't you?" You hated when he looked at you like that. Jisung was an emotional person and really was everything to you.
"Okay......" He smiled. "But I have conditions." His smile quickly dropped as he looked at you unamused.
"This is only between you and me. Don't tell anyone, not even your friends. Also if you happen to get back together with Sohyun, we end it."
"That won't happen but okay."
"And if things start getting weird between us, I want it to stop."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I just don't want this to change us."
"It won't." He said. "When can we start?"
"You're really bottled up aren't you?" You arched your eyebrows.
"You have no idea." You couldn't help but notice his already visible bulge. This movie just had to have explicit scenes didn't it?
"Bedroom or here?"
You rolled your eyes. "It don't matter."
"Would you rather do it in the kitchen?"
You playfully hit him. "Let's just go to the bedroom."
"In your bed?"
"Was this all to just win over my bed?"
"Of course not. And it's not just me, you want it too, unless you would of said no."
"Whatever jerk."
"Last thing." He began and you looked at him confused. "Try not to fall in love with me."
"Likewise." You returned his cocky attitude and got up and made your way to your bathroom.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"It's been awhile so I need to clean up a little."
"I don't care about that."
"I don't want you to be disgusted-"
"You are far from disgusting (Y/N)."
"You've never seen my body."
"I don't need to." You were taken back, you couldn't help but blush.
He looked around the room. "First things first, do you have any condoms?"
"I think I have a few of Sungjae's left over."
"What? Ew."
You gave him a questioning look. "It's not like they are used Jisung."
You opened your underwear drawer grabbing the box. "They're too small."
"You didn't even see the box yet."
"Don't need to." You shut him up by throwing the box at him. "Sungjae is a medium? Did you even feel anything?"
"You are seriously making me regret this."
"Can I just pull out?" He whined.
"I'm going to kill you."
"Okay fine." He began by removing his plaid shirt that hung over his plain white t-shirt.
"So how do we-"
He came really close to you that you grew speechless. "Um.....we don't have to kiss or anything." You looked up at him as he was already leaning down.
"How are we suppose to set the mood if we don't kiss?" He arched his eyebrows. "Plus...I'm like a really good kisser so you wouldn't want to miss this opportunity."
You shook your head amused. "Why do you have to be so annoy-" You were cut off by him sealing his lips with yours. You had the urge to push him off but you couldn't, something felt right.
And now you fear the worst.
Once he pulled away, you felt dizzy but you wanted more as you kissed him back to his surprise and he leaned you down on the bed.
Everything was happening so fast that you couldn't even process. He had you pinned against the bed while he kissed up and down your neck. His wandering hands started brushing up your shirt, feeling every inch of you.
You felt him playing with your bra strap, eventually loosening up the tight fabric. He had it off quicker then you realized and immediately started messaging your chest, loosely under your shirt. His lips made it's way back up to your lips, feeling more moist then before.
He stopped suddenly once he felt your hand making it's way inside his jeans. He closed his eyes tightly as you rubbed against him. You could feel the tightness growing causing you to unzip his jeans for more room.
When you felt like he had enough, you tugged his shirt up signaling for him to pull it off. You took some time to admire his toned body that you began to wonder when he even started hitting the gym. He suddenly distracted you by tugging off your sweats and you went ahead and took off your own shirt being completely exposed.
It almost looked like he blushed as he saw you in full. At this point you were growing impatient as he was taking his time with the protection.
"Jisung can you step on it?"
He looked at you amused. "Wow someone is a little eager."
"Shut it."
"I told you I didn't even want to wear one." He leaned forward and began kissing your neck once again before making his way to your swollen lips. You felt him slowly push in, not aware of how tight you were.
You couldn't help but wince from the slight pain until the feeling subsided to pleasure. His muffled sounds were so beautiful as he began your movements faster. The pleasure was familiar and too far forgotten. Almost like a dream. If only it was to save you from all the trouble you can already predict.
He leaned down kissing you passionately once again as his pace was comfortable. You felt like you were lost in your own world not caring who can hear you. You moved your hand to the front of your folds to guide your pleasure closer to the edge. You felt numbness scattered throughout your body as the climax finally reached its high point. Once he reached his he collapsed to the bed next to you.
You looked over at Jisung and you couldn't help but smile seeing how exhausted he was. He turned on his side facing you as he gently started to close his eyes.
Try not to fall in love with me.
You remembered what he said. Maybe it was just your hormones talking but you felt butterflies non stop. You're just hoping you didn't feel this way tomorrow.
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Rose Red’s All Hallows Eve: Ticket Please?
Summary- 4.2k Curtis Everett x You. Your boyfriend got you tickets to a charity Haunted House, and the special features include immersed scenes from the movie of your choice. Once you hear that the one and only Curtis Everett from Snowpiercer is a part of the choices, you just have to go. Prepare for a night of apocalyptic fun! 
Warnings- Blood/Gore, brutal killings, swears. 
A/N- Written for @jtargaryen18 Haunted House 2020. This is a 3 chapter story that will be posted within a few days of one another. Be sure to read the warnings for each chapter. The page dividers were made by @firefly-graphics​ , I highly suggest checking out her work, its really excellent and a bit of everything to choose from. The manor described in this story, Rose Red, is a piece of work from Stephen King, and I highly suggest watching the tv mini series, if you can find it. Perfect for this time of year. Special thanks to @what-is-your-plan-today​ for being my Beta in this project. Happy Reading and Haunting! 😈🎃
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“What do you mean Bryce that you can’t come? You promised you would! When is New York State ever going to open Rose Red to be explored like this again Bryce?” You spoke into your cell phone while looking in the mirror, currently doing a french braid to keep your hair out of your face. Your expression reflected back at you was a mixture of fury and disbelief. You had only been talking about this charity for 6 months, and here was your boyfriend backing out after he’d promised to come with you numerous times.
“Something came up with Maya, okay? You know my sister can’t do anything without fucking it up. Besides it's just a house” 
“Bryce, don’t talk about your sister that way.” You sighed exasperatedly before your voice dropped slightly conveying your disappointment “And it's not just a house, it's just the most haunted manor and grounds in New York. They had it condemned supposedly just for that reason! You really can’t come?” 
“You know that shit isn't real. Sorry Baby, but why don’t you take one of your friends? How about that Karen chick?” 
You gave a sigh and roll of the eyes, Bryce never bothered to get to know any of your friends, not like you did with his friends. “You mean Stacey? Her name isn’t Karen.” 
“Well, she’s like a Karen.” He retorted with a condescending tone. 
“Whatever Bryce, I’m hanging up now.” you snapped out, he was being an ass especially considering this entire night had actually started out as a treat to him from you.  
“Hey, Hey, I was kidding. Take Stacey. You know I wouldn’t be any fun, I never liked Snowpiercer, remember?”
“That’s not the point Bryce…” you sighed again. 
“Look, go have fun with Stacey, and tomorrow morning I will pick you up, we can go for a drive down the coast, just the two of us. Maybe have a long weekend in Hampton. How does that sound? I will even take you to that hotel you like. That one right on the beach with the view we stayed at last summer. We had fun there, didn’t we Sweetness.” now his tone was a hint of teasing and promise, and although you were still mad that he ditched you again, you felt a warmth bloom in your chest that he was trying to make it right. 
You bit your lip remembering, it had been a fantastic vacation, and Bryce really showed you a good time without ever having to leave the room. At your silence he gave a chuckle of triumph. “That’s what I thought, I'm gonna call them right now. Have fun tonight baby.” 
“Okay, but you better be here bright and early Bryce. Love-” Before you could even say the words, he hung up, and you hit the end call button, trying to get over the feeling of disappointment before you called Stacey. You could already hear what she would say, but as your best friend, she would be there. She always was. Dialing her number, you pulled out the tickets from your purse, allowing yourself a smile. 
What could you say, you were a fangirl. Snowpiercer was such an intricate dark story, you had fallen in love with it the first time you watched it on Netflix. So when Bryce mentioned his grandfather was helping sponsor a haunted house charity at the town's resident creepy manor, and it was featuring several film sets. Including none other than Snowpiercer, you just had to have all the details. It even went as far as Bryce having his grandfather putting in a good word of how much of a fan you were to get you in. You scrimped and saved, Bryce as well helped you with paying for the tickets. You had really wanted to do this with him too. No, he didn’t share your love for the story, but he was your boyfriend and Halloween was your favorite holiday. It was something you two could have shared. 
Oh well, next year we will do what he wants to do, you thought to yourself waiting for Stacey to pick up her phone. 
A familiar voice answered, jerking you from your thoughts. “What’s up? I thought you would have already left for the charity function?” Stacey questioned. 
“Slight change of plans, something came up with Maya, and Bryce can’t make it.” 
“Big surprise.” the answer made you wince, cause this wasn’t the first time you called Stacey about Bryce. “You want some company? I can be ready by the time you get here?” 
“Please?” you already had your purse over your shoulder and were heading out the door as she answered. 
“Don’t worry girl, I got you. See you in a few.” 
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The line to get into the grounds was long, cars piled up as the two of you pulled to a stop. Stacey leaned forward to look out the windshield, giving a soft whistle. “Damn, they pulled out all the stops for this charity, didn’t they? Isn’t that the Rose Red Manor?” 
“Yea, they were able to get it for the night from the Governor. Pretty crazy since this place has been condemned, they were supposed to demolish it back when Ellen Rimbauer’s grandson sold it to New York. You know the stories here, don’t you? Men die, Women disappear never to be seen again. The house somehow has random room built on out of nowhere. No one actually knows how many rooms Rose Red has, and the grounds are much larger then the records state.” You let your foot off the brake, easing forward. 
“Shut up, that’s not true.” Stacey gave a shudder and you laughed, winking in a teasing manner. “How does a house keep getting bigger? I say bullshit.” 
“It’s all just for spooks, the place is safe or else they wouldn’t let us on the grounds.” 
“If I die Y/N, I’m haunting you.” Stacey jibed back, pulling up to the concession stand, and you rolled down your window. 
“How many, and what set are you here to visit?” a tired voice sounded at you while you pulled the tickets out of your purse and handed them out the window. 
“2, for the Snowpiercer, Curtis Everett set.” 
The redhead took your tickets, her green eyes flickering to check them before she gave a slight smirk of perfectly painted ruby lips. She leaned forward, to look into the car. “Curtis Everett you say? A personal favorite of mine, the set reminds me a bit of home.” Your eyes flickered to her name tag, reading Natasha Romanoff, it sounded Russian, where it is assumed the train derailed at the end of the film. “Curtis is a bit intimidating, but don’t get scared, it's all a part of the show.” She stamped your tickets and collected bracelets, handing them back to you which you and Stacey both snapped onto your wrists. “Enjoy, and make sure you have those tickets on you. The Wilford on set will be looking to collect them. Bozhe, pomiluy tebya.” God have mercy on you.
Your brows came together in confusion at the foreign launguage and gave a nod. “Thanks?” 
The woman smiled and snapped her window shut, ending the conversation. Pulling the car away to continue to park, Stacy wrinkled her nose. “What was that about?” 
“You got me. I don’t even know what language that was, I’m guessing Russian?” You watch and follow the people directing you to park and are soon in your designated spot. “Whatever, you ready?” The uneasiness slipped away as you got excited, cause lets face it, Curtis Everett had been a crush for you since you saw the movie. And now you were going to see him, well the actor in the role, once again. From what you could tell this charity was an a-list kind of deal, cause after hours of scouring online, you found nothing talking about Chris Evans doing this function. Maybe Bryce was good for something, you thought as you got out of the car, and then chided yourself for being so cruel to your boyfriend. After all, if it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t be seeing Curtis or the Snowpiercer set. While you two were walking, apparently the last ones in the queue, you pulled out your phone to send him a message.
Hey, Stacey, and I just got here. Miss you and Love you.
 It wasn’t even a few minutes till your phone pinged back 
Have a good time and don’t get too scared. 
Smiling to yourself at the glowing screen, you stuffed your phone back in your purse and proceeded towards the front where you showed your bracelets. 
“Ahh Snowpiercer, you actually go around back. Follow me.” Your host said as he led you around the side of the building, away from the last of the people disappearing inside. 
“We're not going into the house?” you couldn’t help but feel disappointed at the idea, it was supposedly one of the most famous haunted houses in New York State. The well-dressed host turned, looking at you for a moment before putting on a suave smile. 
“Since you are special guests, I’ll wait for you after your tour with Curtis Everett on Snowpiercer. Give you a proper tour of Rose Red. But I assure you, that you’re in for a better treat, this is a truly exclusive walk though as hardly anyone gets to explore this much of Rose Red. Did you know that Ellen Rimbauer also had a private train on the grounds? It’s not documented as extensively as the house is, but many strange occurrences have happened here as well. It’s rumored that a single match light can be seen running up and down the aisles. Workers will be glimpsed from the corner of your eye in the darkest shadows. The ones that have visited the train claim to feel extensive chills, and in the engine, ramblings and whispers of madness can be heard. Most assume it's the conductor, looking for his replacement.” Your host continued, while out of the darkness a massive ominous train loomed, vines all over it, and it almost had a skeletal appearance as windows were busted out of it, and it looked pitch black in all the openings. 
“The workers used the train to bring in materials from the harbor to the construction site. And in 1903, a riot happened on the train, the crew claimed that they weren’t being compensated for the conditions, and they demanded better wages. When W. Rimbauer refused them, they put a stop to the train for good. Resulting in many deaths.” Your host led you to the front car, in which a pale man stood with a lantern and a single red rose he was twirling in his fingers, and upon seeing the trio of you, he promptly slipped the delicate flower into his robe and smoothed down his outfit. Giving a wave, he stepped down and you noticed that oddly he was wearing what looked like a luxurious robe, his bald head shining in the glow of the lamp. The more you studied him, the more you thought he looked exactly like Ed Harris in his Wilford role. You were about to ask, when he interrupted you with his own question to the host. 
“Blackwood, this the Curtis couple? We were a bit worried you wouldn’t show up tonight. Which is a shame, as Curtis has been waiting for you.” He seemed to direct his answer solely at you, his pale blue eyes glinting gleefully at you, it was the only way you could describe it, but they still sent a shiver down your back. Ed Harris or not, he was a good Wilford, you thought to yourself as you tried not to let his act give you the creeps. Stacey pulled in closer to you, hooking her arm through yours and whispering. 
“You sure we should go on this train? It’s pretty fucking creepy back here. And where is everyone else?” 
Blackwood cleared his throat with a smile. “Now ladies, the Curtis scene was very exclusive. In fact, only you two were able to get tickets. Seeing how it’s away from the main house. But I’m going to leave you in the capable hands of Wilford here as I must return for the next group. I will be back soon to give you a house tour afterward. You ladies enjoy the fully immersed experience.” 
Your host left you with Wilford, who lifted his lamp to show a path that led down the side of the train. “It’s just a way down here, Curtis will meet you inside, and take you on the tour of Snowpiercer. Now, remember, he will not be breaking character as is per his instructions. We want this to be as authentic as possible.” 
You and Stacey follow along behind his seemingly smooth stride, both of you tripping up a bit although Wilford seemed to have no issues with the uneven ground. Both of you were panting a bit when he came to a stop, and held a hand up to a ladder, leading into the darkest opening you’ve ever seen. 
“There are no lights inside?” You drawled out and Stacey braced her hand against the train to catch her breath.
“How the hell are we supposed to see? And climb in with heels? No one told us that this was going to be an expedition just to see a movie set.” the woman snapped out, and Wilford turned that gaze from you to Stacey, giving a cold smile. 
“It will all come on once you're inside, everything is in its preordained place in Snowpiercer and we are allowing you to really see it all come to life. But before you two go on, can I have your tickets please? No one goes onto the snowpiercer without one.” His grin turned eerie in the shadows on the lantern he had brought with him, and you were quick to look away from it, 
Fuck he is weird. You shudder, while searching your bag and handing over both tickets. He immediately put them in his robe and held the lantern up so you could see a bit better to get inside. Grasping the ladder, you start to climb in, Stacey following right behind, holding onto the back of your shirt. One you stumbled in, and Stacey did too, you both turned to look back out, expecting Wilford to follow you in, but the door slammed shut, and a shudder went through the train, hard enough so you both yelped, falling into each other. 
“Y/N! What the fuck is this? We have to get out of here.” You could feel Stacey digging into your arms in a panic, and you stumbled back to where the door was, your hands slamming against freezing cold metal, your palms pounding on the vibrating metal. 
“Why is it vibrating? WHY IS THE TRAIN MOVING?” You started to yell, and Stacey moved up next to you, also slamming her palms against the metal walls. Blinding light made you both yelp and cover your eyes, stumbling to land in a heap when you pulled your arm away from your face, blinking to get your pupils to focus. It was an empty train cart, windows that appeared to be filled with bright natural light lined the walls, and at each end, metal doors that have yet to be opened. Stacey takes the first tentative moves to stand up, pulling herself to look out a window and her eyes widened in disbelief. 
“What is it?” You ask as you start to push yourself up to a stand, and she shakes her head as if to shake whatever she was seeing away, muttering over and over. 
“What the fuck?” 
You make your way over, and all you can see is snow. Snow and ice, speeding past like this train were actually able to run on a track. Buildings encased in snow, making way to nothing but white, everywhere. Even the windows had frost encasing around the edges, your breaths fogging the glass. 
“How? What?” you question, beyond confused and rubbing at your face to look again. How the hell could this be? You go to reach in your bag for your phone, and look down to see it is gone. And not just your phone, your bag. Scanning the train, there was no sign of it. Panic settled in a little more now that you didn't have a way to call for help should you need it.
Stacey pressed her fingers to the glass, her tone a bit shrill as if she was trying to convince herself it was make believe. “Gotta be like we're watching a screen right? Just supposed to look like the trains moving.” Although the train gave another shudder, swaying back and forth. 
You never got an answer, as one end the doors swung open and people wearing all black spilled into the train, all carrying axes, faces masked so you couldn’t see anything discernible about them. Except for flashing teeth among happy grins. Each one hefting their ax like it was a toy. Your confused addled brain screamed at you to pay attention. Danger. But you were in too much of a shock to really focus. 
Another whoosh and you spin around to see who was coming out the other side, Stacey whimpering in fear next to you, still staring at the first group. But your eyes raked over these men, dirty and worn looking. The one in front had a wide stance, his feet braced against the rocking of the train like he was familiar with it. A black trench coat swept around him, ragged sweaters piled over a broad chest and your gaze fell onto a familiar hard face, scanning his opponent, drawing himself into a more fighting stance. Curtis Everett. 
“Oh shit” it dawns on you what scene this was and you draw Stacey closer to you, and back against a wall. 
“What? Oh god, I don’t understand what is happening.” Stacey said in a panicked voice, and you shook her a bit. 
“I don’t know either, but stay out of everyone’s way, okay? Those axes are not fakes!” The weapons they held were clearly not props, the heavy blade handles slapped in palms, and gleamed in the winter sun streaming through the windows. A touch would easily slice into anything. And these two groups look ready to hack into each other.
“Shouldn’t they help us get out?” Stacey’s eyes rolled wildly, and you gulped, seeing the large trout get passed up, and just as you guessed, the ax easily sliced into the fish’s flesh, drizzling blood down to see  along the edge, dripping down the handle and to the floor. 
“I don't think so Stace…” You whipped back to look at the opposing group, feeling Curtis’s gaze seeking yours with a glimmer of hatred and confusion behind them. For half a second, then it was back on their enemies. You could see it, the taunting lunges each group made, and just when they both broke for each other, you screamed and yanked Stacey down onto the ground as they all collided. Attempting to avoid stomping feet and falling blades, you two tried to stick to the wall, screaming and covering your heads, blood splattering everywhere above you in hot sticky sprays that rained down on your two. 
Stacey wouldn’t stop screaming, her voice piercing above the noise of the fighting, bodies started to litter the floor, and you tried to make your way towards one of the exits, your hands and knees slipping in warm fluid. Over bodies you dragged yourself when Stacey’s screaming changed to one of pain and panic. Looking over your shoulder, she was getting dragged away by her ankles, her fingers trying to find a hold in the floor, nails raking through the blood to create long rakes through all the red. 
“Y/N! Y/N! Help!” she continued to scream, and you twisted to go back for her when she was whipped to her back and her arms came up in defense, trying to cover her face or neck. 
Whump! This is when you lost all your control and started to scramble back for her. There was so much screaming and you never realized it was coming from you. 
Whump! The ax planted in Stacey’s chest and she jerked upwards, trying to push the blade away, and the militants foot planted on her stomach, yanking her loose. You would still see her moving, still alive. You were closer. 
Whump! this one landed on her skull, blonde hair turning stringy red and his boot planted on her face this time, crushing in her forehead and nose as he yanked it out, once more red spray flew through the air. 
Several whacks fell on her, over and over, spraying you with each yank the axe gave off Stacey's body, the militant man grinning as her blood sprayed all over him, you, any nearby person. 
You were in shock, your hands to your mouth, as you saw Stacy's body collapse into broken pieces, blood spurting out of her mouth and she went limp right in front of you. His gaze fell to you and his wide bloody grin looked like he just won the prize, his axe lifting when he was suddenly thrown back and slaughtered himself. You didn't pay attention to who took him out, only catching sight of a whipping coat snapping in the person's actions, you turned towards your best friend's body, convinced she might still be alive. This was all just for fun, pretend after all, right? Snowpiercer and the Revolution did not exist. 
“Sss-Stacey?” you crawled over to her, your hands cupping her broken face and leaning over her still warm form, doing your best to hold what remained of her face together, as if you could just piece it back together like a puzzle. You kept shaking her, although she had several gaping holes in her body. 
“Come on Stacey, we got to move.” you sobbed over her, unaware once more of what was going on. 
You didn’t notice the fighting stop or the survivors rush to look out the windows in a panic, but you did feel a hand yank the back of your shirt to slam you into the wall and keep you pinned in place. Even as you struggled to get back to Stacey’s body, lying lifeless. You didn’t notice any of these things till a growl snarled in your ear. “Girl, stop it! What’s wrong with you?” A vicious shake thudded your head against the wall, and the crack against the back of your skull made your eyes roll back in pain. The world tipped upside down, Curtis’s scowling cut face tipped around, and you went under, the blackness welcomed from the hell you just experienced. 
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“Hey Curtis, she’s awake.” was the first thing you heard, your head pounding and when you started to pry your lids open, figures were blurry, moving around, flashes of light blinding you till they were blocked back out by bodies. You gave a moan and lifted your hand to your face when the larger one slapped it away, and the cold slick hand grasped your throat, dragging you forward. “Focus Bitch, we don’t have all day.” Your eyes snapped obediently to Curtis, fearful and wide-eyed as you took him in. 
In the movie, he was large, towering over others. Here, as he was staring you down, face contorted to semi-controlled rage, and leaning over you so you could feel his hot breath wash over his face, how the blood dried to crack along his cheek, and eyes that you swore were debating snapping your neck.
“I don’t understand what is going-” 
“Shut the fuck up, you’re not asking questions here. Wilford sent you?” 
“Wilford? Yes, yes.” You stutter, his fingers squeeze further and you can feel the hot tears streaming down your face, landing on his filthy hands. “He put Stacey and I in here, m-m-my friend. She was…” Your eyes rolled to where her body was twisted strangely, smeared in gore from where she slid around, or someone tripped over her. All you knew is her eyes started up at nothing now. Her wounds were gaping and bled out. 
Curtis gave you a shake, his snarl brought you back to him. “She was what? What did Wilford send you two back here for?” 
“We were here for a charity! I was supposed to meet Chris Evans, You as Curtis Everett.” your voice started to rise in a panic, your hands grasping his wrist at your neck. “That’s it, why is the train moving? Why are you all using real axes, fuck I just want to get off.” You sobbed, the survivors looked at you with disgust, shaking their heads. 
“Once you’re on the Snowpiercer, there is no getting off.” Curtis leaned back a bit, looking you up and down as if inspecting you curiously. “You’re such a fragile little thing. Just like a baby bird, all brittle bones and helpless.”  
“No getting off? What are you even talking about?” your tears started to sting your eyes, the panic settling deep in your chest like your heart was about to explode.
Curtis ignored your question, his free hand tugging at your thin sweater and shaking his head. “Fucker didn’t even send you back here properly dressed.” 
You tried to struggle and Curtis slammed you back hard enough to make you stop.
“She’s fucking whacked out of her gourd. Gotta be a kronole head someone spouting that shit.” A young man said behind Curtis, and he got in your face, tapping your cheek smartly. “Girl snap out of it, that shite fucking rotted your brain.” 
“No Edgar, this is different, she's lying. Good at it, but lying.” Curtis made to stand, dragging you up with him. You stumble in his hold, falling against his body before he dragged you along, hissing in your ear. 
“I don’t know what Wilford was thinking Little Bird, sending you back to me with this innocent act of yours. But don’t worry I will make you sing.”
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kelieah · 4 years
friends with benefits? (tom holland x reader) [1]
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warnings: suggestive content, angst, maybe a lil fluff, LITTLE FLASHBACK IN ITALICS IN THE BEGINNING
summary: you were tired of being friends with benefits with tom
pov: first, y/n
"No strings attached?" He asked getting dressed as I only nod in response.
"Yup," I breath out, slipping my jeans back on. He runs a hand through his sweaty messy hair and glances at me. "No strings attached," I murmur.
He walks over to me ruffling my hair. He holds my chin and tilts my head up slightly up towards him. "You're amazing okay? You're just my little uhm, mate," He whispers softly, gently pushing me away with his fist playfully.
I let out a light pained laugh. "Y-yeah I know, I know, mate,” I tease and rub my arm sheepishly. He smiles weakly at me, biting his lip while averting his eyes away.
He pulls me in for a hug and squeezes me gently. We smile timidly at each other.
"See you later darling," he teased pulling away, causing me to roll my eyes. He saluted walking out of my room.
I plop down onto my bed, running a hand through my hair. I can't believe I just did that with my best friend, the guy I've known forever.
That was years ago. Tom and I still have our little hookups here and there. It didn't feel the same as it did when we were in high school.
I'm in college. He's living his life out in the world, being one of the best actors I know. Now, he's with Zendaya, supposedly.
I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. How could I not? She’s perfection.
Anyways, we basically share apartments, I mostly stay over at his place or he sometimes comes over to my place.
I never understood what’s going on between us. I feel like I'm nothing but a fuck buddy to him but he disagrees with me.
What more would I be? A fuck best friend buddy? That's stupid. I hate this, I hate having affection-less and unloving hookups with somebody that, I think I love.
Do I love him like that? That's, I couldn't. He's like my big brother, right? Or is he?
I jolt up as soon as I hear my door open and keys jangle. I see Tom with his luggage and bags.
"Well, look who came crawling back. It's my little shit head," I tease, walking over to him.
"Shut up loser, come here," he smiles softly, pulling me into a hug. I put my head on his chest and he rubs my back. He looks down at me, holding my waist.
"I see you kept the spare key I gave you," I chuckle and he smirks.
"Why would I forget it?" he hums.
"How was recording and traveling?" I ask changing the subject, smiling up at him. He places down his things, leaning against the wall while glancing at me.
"It was amazing as usual," he says, biting his lip. "It was so much fun, kinda stumped that it's over," he sighs.
"It's okay. You have the next movie to look forward to," I mutter quietly, walking over to my kitchen.
He follows, grabbing my waist gently while lying his chin on my shoulder. "I've also missed you," he murmurs in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine as he rubs down my sides.
I reacted quickly, pulling away. I look at him as he gave an offended expression. "I can't do this Tom," I whisper, looking away.
He frowns slightly, "What's wrong, are you okay?" he asks quietly, stepping closer towards me. I only take a step back and he looks even more offended.
"I-I just, I can't do this," I point between him and I. He furrows his brows and cocks his head to the side.
"What are you trying to say? W-we're just friends-" he says, holding my wrist. I pull away, sheepishly rubbing my arm.
"That's the thing, Tom! We're just friends," I whisper, looking into his eyes. "I-I can't just be bloody fuck buddies. I want more than that. I can't have this kind of relationship anymore- friends with benefits yet even if it's just for sexual desires.”
"Y/n-" He holds my chin, looking down at me.
I push him away, looking down at the floor as tears flow down my cheeks. "I-I hate having to love someone- when I know they don't l-love me back," I mutter.
"Y/n, I really do love you, j-just as-" He walks towards me, only making me take a step back.
"Just as friends? Say that one more fucking time, I swear to god," I frown harshly.
He looks at me surprised at my outburst, "Y/n, it's just I can't see you as my, well- you know-" he sighs softly.
"Girlfriend?" I roll my eyes.
"It's just because of-" he runs a hand through his curly brown locks.
"Zendaya? Yeah, I know," I mumble. I walk off to my room, sitting down on my bed putting my face in my hands.
I feel the bed dip next to me causing me to let out a sigh. "I- I can't do this anymore Tom, I really can't. I don't want to damage our relationship anymore then we already have," I croak out.
"What do you mean?" he asks, being gentle with his words.
"What do I mean?" I scoff. "What do I mean!?" I cry out. I stand up and look over at him.
"I'm tired of hurting myself every time we have our little hookups. It hurt's me because I know all it is- is just a sexual relief for you. It’s more than that to me!" I spit, looking at my clenched fists.
He looks up at me shocked, not knowing what to say and closes his mouth. He gets up, looking at me from across the bed sincerely.
"Y/n, you don't understand-" He mumbles.
I clench my jaw, averting my eyes over to him. "What don't I understand? Hm? That you're attached to Zendaya and you're head over heels for her?" I raise my voice slightly.
He slightly flinches at the tone of my voice, he looks down at me and I gulp down a lump that formed in my throat.
"Forget Zendaya, okay!?" he also raises his voice. I looked at him shocked, "She's just some stupid publicity stunt, I never liked more than friend in the first place,” he retorts.
He walks towards me and I back up. "Look," he whispers gently, continuing to walk closer to me.
I inhale sharply, backing up more until I feel the cold wall on my back. He places his hand on the wall behind me, making me look up into his eyes.
"What is it, Tom?" I huff, pulling away from underneath him.
"What’s your deal?" he looks down at me sighing while I rolled my eyes.
"I don't have a deal. You do," I poke his chest.
"Oh really? What exactly did I do, love?" he frowns.
"Every single touch, every single glance, Tom. Tell me that, that isn't just out of lust," I whisper harshly.
He looks aside, his jaw clenched. "Exactly," I say lowly, walking over to my window. I look out at the bright city lights.
I sigh, "What happened to us?" I mumble. He walks over, looking out the window and then over at me.
"We were so close. Now, we're nothing but sloppy hookup buddies," I scoff, clenching my fist. He takes my clenched fist and pulls me towards him.
There was barely a gap between us and he didn’t say a word. It went silent for awhile and I was getting tired of it. "Did you go mute or something!? Could you say something please?" I say frustrated with his actions.
He lets out a airy chuckle, "Let's start over then,” he says and I look at him dumbfounded.
"What?" I furrow my brows, looking up at him. "Are you dum-" I began until he walked over towering me. I lost my voice as soon as he glared down at me.
To my surprise, he picked me up. I don’t know what came over me, but I wrapped my legs around his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck. I gulp, looking into his eyes while he gives me an innocent smirk.
"Let's start over darling, and not as friends this time."
part two
taglist @annamckayla​ @rcmxnoff​ @elsie512​
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lunnanunna · 4 years
Balancing Act
BTS Extra Member AU
Summary: Lexi comes late to practice due to a late filming and ability to handle both is questioned.
Warnings: none
Taglist: @kimonmars @mythicalamphitrite @hyunmijung @atinygracie @xiaojunssmile​ 
A/N: Hope you enjoy!
Requests are open for each OC! Please let me know what you think.
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Lexi sped walked down the hall and to the practice room. She had been held up an extra hour and a half at the filming spot and was now very late for practice. (Hopefully the boys will be understanding.)
She made it to the door and readjusted the strap to her Balenciaga gym back (A gift from Jungkook for her birthday) then opened the door. Once she stepped in, she wished that she hadn’t at all.
The smell of sweat was everywhere. The mirrors were steamed up. All of the boys were splayed around the room in various states of consciousness. Lexi suddenly felt like she had been slacking off. All of the aches and pains, the exhaustion from the 10 hour shoot, plus their comeback prep, seemed miniscule compared to the drained and vacant looks on her members’ faces.
“Ah, she’s here.” Lexi turned to the voice, finding a man that she was unfamiliar with. Judging from his crouched position by the stereo and opened tablet in his hand, Lexi figured he was the famous choreographer that would be working with them for this comeback, Park Hyunwoo.
“I’m sorry,” Lexi said, sheepishly, taking a small bow.
“Hey, Lex,” Taehyung greeted as he walked over to her. He draped an arm around her shoulder and Lexi scrunched her nose at the gross feeling of sweat. (She hated sweat.)
“Hi, Oppa.” She still smiled, leaning up to place a kiss on his cheek in greeting.
“How was the filming? Was there a lot of difficulties?” Namjoon asked from his place on the couch. He was slouched back, legs open, hands neatly folded on his stomach.
“A lot of lines were forgotten, and then it rained, so we had to push back a scene until it stopped. Then there were many many technical difficulties. I came as soon as we finished. I literally propelled myself into Oppa’s car,” Lexi said, giggling at the last part. Just the image of Sejin’s eyes bugging out as Lexi launched herself in and shouted at him to drive, brought a smile to her face.
“You probably scared the shit out of Hyung,” Jungkook chuckled as he walked up to her. Taehyung detached himself from her, as Jungkook came to hug her from behind, nuzzling her neck. He must have been really tired to openly snuggle like that.
“Well, that’s cute and all, but you’ve missed 2 hours of practice. You are aware of how far behind you’ll be now, right?”  Hyunwoo asked. Lexi could hear the annoyance in his voice.
“I’m sorry,” she bowed again, cheeks heating up.
“Hyung, it wasn’t her fault,” Seokjin stated, “She can’t control how filmings go.” Seokjin was right. Lexi had finished all of her parts with ease, but she still had to stay because the other actors in her scenes were struggling, leading to Lexi having to redo her part over and over again.
“I really am sorry. I promise to work twice as hard to catch up. Kookie even sent me the video of the choreo and I’ve been practicing between scenes,” Lexi said, nodding her head hastily.
Jungkook removed himself from her back at the frenzied motions. He stood by her side and grabbed her hand giving it a squeeze to steady her. He could sense her need to prove herself at all cost, and knew that she’d get worked up.
Lexi squeezed back, grateful that her best friend could read her so well. “I promise, that even though I wasn’t working as hard as the guys here, that that doesn’t mean I’m not working hard at all,” she stated, a bit more calmly now.
“Lexi, no one’s saying that you aren’t working hard,” Hoseok said, offering her a warm smile.
Hyunwoo looked at Lexi, and she felt like he was looking into her soul, as if to judge whether or not she was worthy of a place in the group. His eyes locked with hers and then he let out a huff of air. “I understand.”
“What?” Lexi asked, confused about what exactly he understood.
Hyunwoo folded his arms over his chest. “I understand that you being late today wasn’t your fault, but you need to remember that the group takes first priority. Your main focus should be here. I understand that you’re working hard on this drama, but you also have a comeback coming up,” he stated, tone even. Lexi didn’t sense anything off from it. He seemed to generally be worried for her and the group.
“Yes, I’m aware. But the boys and the company have always supported me in acting. I’ve missed some group events due to scheduling, but BTS is my number one. It has always been and always will be. I’d die, before I let the group down,” Lexi stated, seriously. BTS was her life, acting was just something she did on the side.
“Lex, that’s a bit extreme,” Yoongi stated, not liking her choice in words.
She turned to him and smiled. “But it’s true, Oppa. The group is too important for me to let down,” Lexi said.
“We’re all onboard with her acting career as long as she can handle both responsibilities. But she also has us helping,” Namjoon stated, nodding his head.
“Yeah, and you heard her. She practices by herself whenever she gets the chance, even though she must be tired from filming,” Jimin added. Lexi turned to him and smiled.
“I’ll work hard to not fall behind,” Lexi promised, giving a nod.
Hyunwoo looked at her then at the boys, chewing his lip. “Alright,” he shrugged, “As long as you know your limits and weaknesses. If you’ve always worked hard I don’t see why you'd stop now.” He smiled at Lexi and she smiled back even wider.
“Hyung, it’s been a long day and you’ve helped us a lot. We can take it from here and help Lexi out,” Hoseok said.
Hyunwoo contemplated the idea a bit, then nodded. “Alright. You boys were looking good today, and I trust you to teach her well,” he said then he began to gather his things.
“Thanks, Hyung,” Namjoon said, and the others followed in thanking him as Hyunwoo left the room.
“I thought I was going to get yelled at,” Lexi said, sighing and closing her eyes.
Jungkook chuckled next to her. “You were that nervous?”
She opened her eyes and gave him a blank look. “Very.”
“Have you eaten dinner?” Seokjin asked.
Lexi shook her head. “I mean I had a snack, but I didn’t have time to actually grab a meal. It’s kind of late though.” And by late she meant half past midnight, way past dinnertime.
“Well, I think you should eat a proper meal before we start practicing,” Seokijin said, whipping out his phone to order some food for them.
“We could all eat some, then work. I’m kinda hungry,” Taehyung said as he reached for Lexi’s bag and placed it by theirs.
“I like that plan,” Namjoon said as he sat on the floor, the others joining him.
“How far are you in the choreography?” Hoseok asked Lexi as she sat next to him.
“About half way, but I still need to polish the first half,” she answered, pulling out her phone to bring up the video and show him how far she had reached.
“Wah, that’s our Lexi! Such a hard worker,” Hoseok beamed, patting her head. Lexi almost purred at the affection. Filming her drama meant not seeing the boys as much. She really missed them.
“Okay, well the food is on it’s way. We’ll eat then practice,” Seokjin announced.
“What should we do until then?” Jimin asked.
“Lexi could tell us a little bit about next week’s episode,” Taehyung suggested, waggling his eyebrows.
Lexi mimed zipping her lips and shook her head. “You’ll find out along with everyone else,” she said playfully glaring at him.
“Lexi’s good at keeping secrets like this. She’d never tell, so stop asking,” Yoongi said, leaning back on his hands.
Lexi’s Masterlist
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Date Started: 06/15/20
Date Finished: 6/17/20
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader x Sebastian
A/N: this is my first writing of smut. It may not be too good but I've not seen many Henry Cavill and Sebastian Stan x Reader smuts. Also if I stole your gif please inform me.
Word Count: 3740
Summary: You are best friends with Henry and Sebastian. You are a famous actor that is acting in a movie with both where there is a threesome sex scene. After the premiere, Henry and Sebastian decide they want the real thing.
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"You, Avyanna, are a beautiful woman. Don't you think so, Rand?" Henry says as his character, Logan. His voice was deep and sultry, his pupils blown wide, only a bit of blue showing.
"Very much so,” Sebastian says as his own character, Rand. His voice a bit less deep than Henry's but still in a lower octave. His bluish grey eyes showed the same desire as Henry's, full of want.
Sebastian and Henry have been your friends for a very long time, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't want this moment to be real. Though, as much as you wanted it, you valued their friendship too much and refused to ruin it based solely on wanting their cocks buried inside your holes. Every chance, every joking suggestion, anything they’ve ever said that alluded to them wanting you just as mush as you wanted them- you remembered it. Their words and actions flow through your train of thought making you forget what you’re doing.
When you came back to yourself in the scene, Henry was kissing your chest while Sebastian was working on getting your dress off. You were letting out little whines, wanting them to do more to you. Once your dress was off, Henry started to kiss more of your breast, biting down gently on the soft flesh.
Sebastian managed to tear your bra off. He didn’t know if that was his own strength or if it was because his character was supposed to be strong and full of desire, but regardless, he managed to do it. With the bra out of the way Henry moved his head to start sucking on your nipple, swirling his tongue around the bud, making you moan loudly.
You stood in between them, silently begging for them to touch you. There was no answer to your pleas. Instead, they continued to stand there, talking about how beautiful you looked in your maroon gala dress.
After Henry deemed your nipples abused enough by his mouth he picked you up and carried you to the couch. He laid you down and moved to get his shirt off. Sebastian already stood their naked, although the crew had him put something over his cock to make it invisible to the audience. Henry had the same thing because well, Hollywood.
Sebastian looked at you both as he walked over and kissed you roughly. Henry continued to undress as he watched the two of you, immensely enjoying the view.
Once Henry's clothes were fully off he tapped Sebastian's shoulder to tell him to move. Sebastian kisses down your chest and to your ankle missing your mound. He kisses up to your thigh and runs his fingers through your folds before moving his head between your thighs and flicking your clit with his tongue.
Henry kissed you deeply, swallowing your moans as one of your hands went to Henry's hair and the other went to Sebastian's and tugs on it wanting him to continue. You let go of his hair when he tapped your thigh.
You got up from the couch for Henry to sit down. You make it look like your taking his cock in your ass and Sebastian makes it look like he's putting his cock in your pussy. They both make it look like they're waiting for you to be used to them. After a good few minutes they start to thrust as Sebastian thrusts in, Henry pulls out and vise versa. It goes like this for a long while before you scream out in pleasure and cum hard. And it wasn't no Hollywood fake moaning shit, no you actually came. Henry and Sebastian held back their shocked expressions and faked their orgasms.
After the director called cut you ran off to your dressing room, quickly. You sat in your dressing room, bawling your eyes out thinking you had just ruined your friendship. All sorts of horrible thoughts went through your head.
Henry and Sebastian, however, sat there shocked that you had just came on camera. They look at each other before getting up and grabbing their clothes putting them on. "That was fucking hot." They mumbled to themselves as they walked away and went to their rooms.
As you guys continued to film the movie, you avoided them like they were the plague. Every time they were near you off set, you moved to go stand next to another co-star. It was clear in their eyes that they were hurt but they couldn't say anything; of course, they couldn't, they were scared you would tell them you didn't want to be friends anymore.
Finally, on the last day of filming, you talked to them.
"Henry, Sebastian." You addressed them
Henry looked at you, surprised that you were finally talking to him. "Y/n..." He trailed off wanting to ask what happened but he couldn't. He was scared it'd make you run off.
"What happened?" Sebastian asked bluntly, a bit annoyed that it took you so long and fusterated because he didn't know why. "Why'd you stop talking to us and started to avoid us like the plague?"
"You two should know damn well why." You said in a cocky tone.
"Because you fucking came on screen? Because you came while we were fucking you in a scene? So fucking what? That doesn't mean it changes anything." Sebastian kept his voice at a normal volume for him. He didn't want to make you run off if he yelled or raised his voice.
"Yes! Because I shouldn't have! I should've faked it like you two did." You mumbled the last part
"Hm, I've gotten used to sex scenes." Henry says and shrugs. It was true but he was also trying to make you feel better.
"Same here. I've gotten used to doing them. Plus when your just ramming your cock against some you kinda get turned off. I mean, it's just ramming your cock against someone." Sebastian says with a shrug
"Well... I.. I've never acted in one like that..." You say softly
"Niether have we but, like we said, we've gotten used to sex scenes." Henry says and looks at you.
Henry moves to wrap his arms around you. Sebastian does the same and kisses your forehead in a friendly way.
"there was no reason to avoid us for cumming on camera. Especially with us." Sebastian says and holds you close wrapping an arm around Henry.
"We should get going, the sets gonna close down then we gotta go to our houses and get ready for premieres." Henry speaks up after a good five minutes of cuddling up to each other. Henry is the first to let go then Sebastian then you.
After looking at each other for a good minute, you all went your seperate ways.
After about two months, the premiere finally happened. You wore a beautiful purple dress that showed off your breasts and your legs with gold heals. Your stylist picked the color because it went perfect with Henry and Sebastian's dark grey suits. You liked the dress but the long slit was starting to get a bit annoying as sometimes it would move in the wrong way and showed off your black lacy panties.
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You took pictures with the two men and a lot of interviewers were asking about the sex scene and how good it would be. Henry and Sebastian did their best to not answer the questions but if they had to, they kept it extremely vague. The answer they gave the most was "you'll have to watch the movie." You mainly ignored the questions and moved on to the next interviewer if the previous one pressed.
 After all the interviews were done, you guys decided to do a bit of photos with fans and signed some things for fans. After finishing with that, you guys rushed to the movie theater and went to the seats.
 All up until the sex scene you three enjoyed the movie immensely and complimented each other on how good the acting was. Then came the sex scene, you three were silent and just watched it. You couldn’t see it since it was so dark but your best friends’ pants were tented. Henry was shifting in his seat trying to get it to go down but as the sex scene went on, it just got worse. Sebastian was having the same problem, but he didn’t bother with it trying to just let it go down on its own. It wasn’t until it came to the moment when you came hard and with a scream that they both just say, “fuck it” and put their hands on your thighs. You looked at them quickly with desire and shock. You decided not to say anything until their hands went higher. You grabbed their hands and looked at them, “What are you doing?” you ask a bit louder than you meant to which made people “shh” you.
 “Isn’t this what you wanted?” Henry whispers in your ear and you can hear the smirk in his voice.
“For us to touch you. For us to fuck you like the movie.” Sebastian whispers and kisses your neck making a hickey on it.
 You blushed red like a tomato and looked at them. “Yes but… I didn’t think you guys wanted that…”
 “Oh, I’ve always wanted you but seeing you cum like that, for us, I finally see that I really do.” Henry says and kisses your neck making a few marks on it before turning to watch the rest of the movie fingering you.
Sebastian ignored the movie and sucked on your neck rubbing your clit and using his other hand to massage your breast in his hand.
 You all arrived in a limousine so you didn’t have to worry about who would get to your house first. Once you were all sat in the limo and it was driving off, Henry was fingering you with those thick fingers and Sebastian was rubbing your clit while you palmed them through their pants and went back and forth between kissing them deeply and kissing their necks leaving your own marks. All the way to your home, they didn’t take their hands off of you.
 Henry started to suck on your nipples just like the movie, he nibbled on the soft flesh of your breast, and he continued to finger you. Sebastian made hickeys on your neck as he continued to rub your clit letting Henry have most of you for now. You knew by the end of the night you would be filled with hickeys and you didn’t mind one bit.
  Once you guys arrived at your house, you all rushed out of the limo thanking the driver before rushing to the door. You unlocked the door and near body checked it open as it wouldn’t budge at first. Henry was the first to walk in, then Sebastian, then you. The second the door was shut, Henry had you pinned to it and kissing you roughly as you locked the door. Sebastian was getting his jacket and shirt off not daring to waste anymore time. Henry pulled away when you both desperately needed air and Sebastian got to his knees in front of you kissing the soft flesh of your thighs. He pulls you up so your legs are on his shoulders as he licks a stripe from your pussy to your clit and sucks on your clit. He moves to lick your hole and slides his tongue in devouring you like a man who hasn’t eaten in days.
 Henry got his suit off down to his boxers before he walks over to you both and starts to massage your breasts in his hands. He starts to suck on the sweet skin of your breast and makes some hickeys on them.
Soon you cried out their names, arched your back, and came for the first time that night and it sure wouldn’t be the last.
 They both moved away from your body and stood up. Sebastian moving your legs from his shoulders to around his waist and carrying you up to your room. He placed you down on the bed and smirked at you, admiring the view. Henry admired the view from afar as he shut the door. He knew no one was going to come into your house but he felt more comfortable that way and you wouldn’t dare comment on it.
 Once they were both on the bed, their hands were all over you.
Sebastian ran his hands over the outside of your thighs as he kisses your neck while Henry kissed you roughly and massaged your sides gently wanting to give your breasts a quick break. Sebastian moved his hands from the outside of your thighs to the inside and slowly moved them higher pushing two fingers into you slowly making sure you could take it. He made sure to open you wide enough that you could take either of their cocks. Henry had you flip over, and he started to run his hands over your ass. He smacked it a few times and another few times after you let out delicious moans.
Henry moved to look you in the eyes “how do you feel about anal?” He asks bluntly not wanting to beat around the bush.
“I’ve never done it but it’s something I’m open to.” You admit and look him in the eyes to let him know you are serious.
Henry nods and gives you two of his fingers to suck on before moving the newly wet fingers to your hole and starts to push one finger in. He slowly moves it making sure to watch your face for any signs of wanting to stop or long bouts of pain. Once he deems you’ve gotten used to it he pushed his next finger in and slowly moves them, again watching your face. He kissed you roughly and started to move his fingers a bit faster swallowing your moans. Once he deems you open enough to take either of their cocks, he pulls them out.
Henry and Sebastian look at each other for a moment before moving to claim their holes. Sebastian claimed your pussy and Henry claimed your ass. They knew they’d have you go again if you were up for it and would switch holes then.
You moved from your spot on the bed and let Henry lay down. You moved and slowly took his cock into your ass. Sebastian moves and slowly enters your pussy. They both wait for you to be ready before they start to thrust. As Sebastian moves out, Henry moves in and vise versa. They alternate between kissing you, devouring your sweet screams and moans, and kissing your neck marking you more. You had a feeling they wouldn’t stop until you were fully covered in them and you were right because once they ran out of room on your neck, they moved to your shoulders. You knew you were getting close after a while as you started to clench around their cocks screaming out their names and arching your back into Sebastian. You held onto Henry’s hand and Sebastian’s shoulder as they whispered sweet nothings into your ear. You cried out their names and came hard, your thighs twitching with the aftershocks. After a bit came Henry then came Sebastian who whispered something about breeding you.
“I’m going to fill you up with my cum and watch you grow with my babies.” He growls right before he came with a loud groan of pleasure.
Henry and Sebastian continued to thrust a little bit more after that to help you ride it out. Once you were settled they switched holes and Henry started fucking you so hard and fast, Sebastian actually had to tell him to slow down and give him a chance. Once they got back into their old rhythm they both picked up the pace allowing you no time to get used to them. Henry was a bit bigger than Sebastian, but it just added a little more pleasure as he filled you up so full it was actually visible in your lower abdomen. You cried and screamed out their names as they allowed you no mercy as they thrusted in and out of your precious holes.
Soon enough you came again and actually blacked out, they got worried for a second before realizing what it was and calmed down, finishing inside your holes. Sebastian pulled out first and looked around your room for anything that was like a plug. Once he found an actual plug he walked back over. Henry pulled out and Sebastian pushed the plug in gently. He smirked knowing you could possibly get pregnant with one, if not both, of their children.
Once they were done admiring your body, Henry went to the bathroom and grabbed rag wetting it before bringing it over and cleaning you up. He found your underwear draw and put some panties on you. He went downstairs after to grab his and Sebastian’s suits as well as some water and snacks for when you wake up.
Sebastian held you close and kissed your forehead whispering sweet words to you. Once Henry was back, Sebastian grabbed his shirt and put it on you then Henry grabbed his blazer and put it on you. Henry put the water and snacks on the side table before looking at you fully and pulling the blanket over you.
“I’m staying, are you?” Sebastian whispers to Henry and looks at him.
Henry looks at Sebastian like Sebastian has just asked the stupidest question in the world, which he did. “Of course, if she wants us gone in the morning then we’ll leave but until then I’m staying,” Henry answered.
Sebastian and Henry nod to each other as they lay on either side of you and wrap an arm around you. They cuddle up to you and each other and talk for a good half hour before finally starting to drift off to sleep. As they were entering the last moment between slumber and awake, they hear you whisper “I love you..” and then all of you go to sleep.
When you wake up in the morning, Henry was downstairs making breakfast while Sebastian was still sleeping next to you. Henry finished the breakfast a good half hour later and after you took a bath. He walks up the stairs, tray in hand bringing you breakfast in bed. You sat there looking up at him as you were dressed in his shirt as well as a matching set of underwear, you weren’t really cold but you didn’t want to leave Sebastian out so you put on his blazer. You smiled seeing the tray and sat up more for it. Henry placed it on your lap before going downstairs and grabbing two more plates. At this point Sebastian was already awake and had been taking tiny bites of your food. Sebastian takes his plate when Henry hands it to him and you all start eating together.
After you all finish, they look at you and smile. Henry was the first to speak up.
“Good morning beautiful.”
“Good morning, handsome. Good morning, hottie.” You said to Henry and Sebastian respectfully.
Sebastian smiled at you and Henry, close-mouthed, in response having a mouth full of food.
Henry looks at Sebastian with a smirk “Shall I tell her what we discussed yesterday?” Sebastian just gives him a nod in response, and you have a look of confusion and worry.
Henry chuckles, “Don’t worry, it’s not bad. In fact, I think you might even like what we discussed.”
You look at him, same look of confusion but much less worried. “Okay… well, what’d you discuss?”
“We want to do that again some time.” Sebastian pipes up, finally, taking a break from his food to talk.
You were taking a sip of apple juice as you heard Sebastian say that and spit it out all over Henry’s chest making the two men laugh. Their laughs always made you smile so instead of focusing on being embarrassed you focused on that.
“Well, that’s not what I was expecting.” Henry says, honestly, through laughs.
“S-Sorry, just shocked. Was expecting you to say that you didn’t like it.” You looked down at your food which you stopped eating when Henry asked if Sebastian wanted him to share what they discussed.
Both men’s faces went dead serious, they looked at you with confusion and surprise.
“Not like it? Baby, we fucking loved it.” Henry says and Sebastian nods. One of each of their hands went to your face cupping it. “You are the most beautiful, amazing, and crazy women we have ever met,”
“And we fucking love it.” Sebastian finishes Henry’s sentence to which Henry just nods.
“Did you mean what you said when you were falling back to sleep?” Henry asks looking you in the eyes.
You tilted your head; you clearly didn’t remember what you said. “Don’t remember so I can’t say.”
“You said ‘I love you’” Sebastian reminded and looked you in the eyes
“Yes, I did.” You nod and look back down at your food “But-“
“I love you too.” Henry and Sebastian say at the same time.
“I’m sorry it took so long to realize it but I do, I truly do. You make me feel like no other woman can. I feel loved, adored, and honestly, I love that you’re able to come to movie sets and auditions and stuff when you’re not working on your own.” Sebastian says with a big smile
“And I love that you’re able to watch me at the races and challenges. And come along for rides. Kal loves you too.” Henry admits with his own big smile.
“So the only question that stands is, who do you choose?” Sebastian asks thinking you only want one. The question makes you roar with laughter and they both look at you confused.
“Choose? Oh no, honey, I pick both.” You say with a straight face before you start to laugh again.
Henry and Sebastian look at each other, shrug, then give you one word to end all your wishful pining that you used to do. “Okay.”
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badsext · 3 years
I wish you would write a Leon fic.. that's it. That's the message 😅
Scene Partners: Leon X Reader
Thank you for the request @misskittysmagicportal.  I love Leon.  I hope I’m doing him justice.
Summary: After Leon’s ill fated role as Neil Armstrong in the fake moon landing, he decided that fancy acting classes would be just the thing to launch (pun intended) his career as a serious actor.
Warning: Very irresponsible and spontaneous smut (Please use protection IRL) 18+ and suggested assault of a character within a play.  I hid the smut under the ‘read more’. These warnings make it sound heavier than it is...it’s actually super light and fun.
Johnny looked at Leon incredulously. “Where are you going at 10:00 AM on a Thursday morning?”
Leon looked his best mate in the eye and lied. “The pub, of course.”
In fact, this was the first day in months he wasn’t drunk or high...Alright, maybe just a toke or two to take the edge off. He even washed his hair and put on a turtleneck because that is what serious actors wore. Leon had lied and stumbled his way into a local university Theatre School, financing his tuition with a fraudulent cheque.
It was only an introductory scene workshop for beginners, but after watching the real Neil Armstrong walk on the Moon, Leon aspired to do great things. He arrived at the theatre more or less on time and with an inflated sense of purpose. It smelled like dust and leather and old wood. Framed photographs of former students lined the hallowed halls. Nervousness began to set in. He felt like an imposter, just like he did when Johnny had asked him to impersonate Stanley Kubrick some months ago. Accept this time, the only thing he had to impersonate was a man with confidence. After a brief internal struggle, Leon decided that he would go to the pub after all. There was always next Thursday.
As he reached for the door, a young woman had just entered, shaking the rain off her umbrella. Seeing how cute she was, Leon immediately changed course.
“Are you here for the workshop?,” she asked politely.
“Yes, I am,” he replied with a bashful smile. “I’m Leon.”
When she took off her coat, he saw how she wore a very similar black turtleneck.
“Y/N. Pleasure to meet you, Leon.” She paused, looking up from her cat eye glasses. “I think we might be late!,” she added urgently.  He followed her onto the workshop, sitting beside her in the back row of chairs. His interest in y/n distracted him from the enormity of the theatre and his growing stage fright.
The professor explained the warm up exercises, but Leon learned nothing. He was watching y/n chew on her fountain pen. They started with a series of vocalizations and deep breathing. Leon watched y/n’s chest and diaphragm expand and contract with each concentrated breath. Once she caught him staring, he would look up to the rafters or down at his shoes, thoughtfully scratching his beard. She smiled at his lack of subtlety.
The professor distributed scenes to the students at random. Leon looked down at his script. His stage fright resurfaced as he read the words at the top of the page. ‘Macbeth: Act 4, Scene 1.’ The ‘Second Witch’ part had been highlighted.
The students were given fifteen minutes to rehearse their scenes wherein Leon mumbled and stumbled through his lines. The actresses playing the other witches were good-natured about it, but everyone knew the scene would be shit.
He broke into a sweat as the actors were called to the stage.  His mind was nothing but static at that point.  He watched the actresses move their lips, hunched in crone-like fashion and wiggling their fingers over an imaginary cauldron.  They chanted in unison:
“Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”
When they stopped, everyone looked at Leon.  This was his line.  The last ‘bubble’ just hung in the air while the silence took over.  He gave it his best effort, though his voice was weak and his hands were shaking.
“Fillet of a fanny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of twat and tongue of hog.”
His hands shook with such force that he dropped the script.
“Oh, bollocks - It’s gone in the soup!”  He improvised rolling up his sleeve and fishing it out of the hot cauldron.
“Leon...Leon!”  It took the professor several tries to rouse him from his panic.  “That’s enough, Leon. We mustn't paraphrase Shakespeare.”  The students giggled.   The professor pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.  “Let’s try something else, shall we?”  
He turned and pulled two scripts from his briefcase, handing one to Leon.  “We need something to build your confidence.  You will play Stanley Kawalski.  He’s a proud, domineering brute.” He beat his chest for emphasis.  “And you...y/n, you will play Blanche, the jealous, simmering sexpot,” he said, casually handing her the other script.
“A Streetcar Named Desire?  Wasn’t that a film with Marlon Brando?,” Leon muttered nervously.
The professor put a hand on each of their backs.  “I’ll read the stage directions.  Don’t think, just use your instincts.”
Leon read the lines with as much bravado as he could muster. “I've been on to you from the start! Not once did you pull any wool over this boy's eyes! You come in here and sprinkle the place with powder and spray perfume and cover the light bulb with a paper lantern, and lo and behold the place has turned into Egypt and you are the Queen of the Nile! Sitting on your throne and swilling down my liquor! I say--Ha!--Ha! Do you hear me? Ha--Ha--ha!”
“Okay, now he walks into the bedroom.”
Y/N cried out a warning as Blanche, “Don't come in here!” 
“That was quite good,” Leon whispered, eliciting a small smile.
“Stanley goes into the bathroom and Blanche picks up the phone.”
Blanche: “Operator, operator! Give me long-distance, please.... I want to get in touch with Mr. Shep Huntleigh of Dallas. He's so well-known he doesn't require any address. Just ask anybody who--Wait! I--No, I couldn't find it right now.... Please understand, I--No! No, wait! ... One moment! Someone is--Nothing! Hold on, please!”  
Leon grinned out of character, so impressed by y/n’s acting.
“Blanch is going mad now, pacing back and forth.”
Blanche: “Operator! Operator! Never mind long-distance. Get Western Union. There isn't time to be--Western--Western Union!  Western Union? Yes! I--want to--Take down this message! "In desperate, desperate circumstances! Help me! Caught in a trap. Caught in--" Oh!
Stanley: “You left th' phone off th' hook.”
“Now he blocks her from the door.”
Blanche: “Let me--let me get by you!”
Stanley: “Get by me! Sure. Go ahead”
“But he only gives her an inch.”
Blanche: “You--you stand over there!”
Stanley: “You got plenty of room to walk by me now.”
Blanche: “Not with you there! But I've got to get out somehow!”
Stanley: “You think I'll interfere with you? Ha-ha!”
Blanche: “I warn you, don't, I'm in danger!”
“He takes another step and she smashes the bottle breaking it.”
Stanley: “What did you do that for?”
Blanche: “So I could twist the broken end in your face!”
Stanley: “I bet you would do that!”
Blanch: “I would! I will if you--”
Leon’s reading becomes increasingly stilted and awkward.  “Oh! So you want some rough-house! All right, let's have some rough-house!”
“He springs out at her.  She swipes the bottle at him, but he captures her wrist and overpowers her.”
The professor read the stage directions, but Leon wouldn’t move, delivering the next bit of dialogue with a sigh of regret.  “Tiger--tiger! Drop the bottle top! Drop it! We've had this date with each other from the beginning!”
“Overpower her, Leon.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t like to do that, Professor.”
“It’s acting, Leon...It’s pretend.”
“I don’t even want to pretend.  Stanley is horrid and I hate him.”
The professor rolled his eyes, disregarding Leon’s protest. Then he clapped his hands together addressing the other students.  “Okay, everybody, that’s it for today.  I want you off book by next week.”
The students started getting up from their chairs and shuffling their things.  Y/N approached Leon who was staring down at the stage with his arms folded.  He looked up anxiously as she leaned in to whisper in his ear.  Meet me in the ladies room in five minutes.
Leon was at first confused, then his eyes widened with surprise when he realized what she meant.  She laughed and swaggered away.
Y/N spotted Leon lurking by the door.  “Leon, that was three minutes, at most.  Luckily everybody left after class.  At least I think so,” she added with a cheeky grin.  “Come here.”  She grabbed his hand and pulled him inside the cubicle.  Do you want to shag?
Leon nodded his head. “Y-yes.”
“I liked what you did today,” she said, removing her knickers.  “It was very chivalrous of you.”
Y/N tilted her head and kissed him.  He inhaled at the contact of her lips.
She pulled back and looked him in his glistening green eyes.  “Go on then.”
“What ‘d ya mean?
“Fuck me, Leon.”
“Shouldn’t I, you know...foreplay?”
“Leon, I’m already soaked.  Get your cock out and fuck me.”
Leon quickly unbuckled his belt and let his trousers fall down around his ankles.  She turned with her back against the partition wall and one foot on the toilet seat.  He lifted her tartan skirt and drove up inside her, groaning at the tight wet sensation. She inhaled through her teeth, clutching  at his shoulders, then wrapping her arms around his neck.  Leon closed the gap between them, his pelvic bone at the base of his cock creating a throbbing pressure on her clit as he thrust.  The hard bouncing rhythm made her glasses fall askew.  She whimpered and moaned as the orgasm pulsed through her, overwhelming her senses.  
“Was that?...Did you?”
Her eyelids drooped peacefully.  “Um hm.”
He smiled, encouraged and continued thrusting.  His eyes shined like Christmas trees. She pet his curls, watching the pleasure wash over his face.
“I’m gonna…”
“Don’t stop, sweetie.”
He plowed into her, releasing his warm seed with a hearty grunt.
“Bravo, Leon,” she smirked.
@bubblyani @elliethesuperfruitlover @super-unpredictable98 @salvador-daley @helena-way07 @chipster-21 @punknatch @slutforrobbiebro
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