#please no more love interests who are helpers of the hero
thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 years
I saw a Tumblr post that says Ginny should destroy a horcrux. What's your thoughts on this? And if you agree which horcrux Ginny should had destroyed?
While I understand the sentiment behind that statement, I have to disagree, but let's see why.
In the first place, I would argue that Ginny might not have destroyed a Horcrux but she certainly defeated one, in the most contorted, darkest, complex way. Let's also not forget that if it hadn't been for Harry finding the diary, Ginny wouldn't have ended up in the Chamber. She was eleven and strong enough to win a mental war against Voldemort.
The only comparable show of mental strength regarding the destruction of a Horcrux is Harry walking to his death, but technically Harry was not a Horcrux. It's a different thing, I'm not going to count him in the Horcruxes.
Anyway, which Horcruxes were destroyed when Ginny was around?
The diadem, the snake, and the cup.
Ginny going to the Chamber with Harry to destroy the cup could've been interesting but very hard to justify narratively. And honestly, it was Ron and Hermione's thing, it was needed for showing Ron's strategic thinking, Hermione complimenting him, and their habit of discussing things alone and then bringing them to Harry that was kind of lacking for a while in DH.
For Nagini, the fundamental premise of Harry telling Neville about the snake is that Harry is not that emotionally attached to him. Plus, if Harry had tried to pull that stunt with Ginny, she would have understood what he was going to do in half a second. Also, the idea that Ginny, finding out that Harry is dead, would worry about a snake is a bit absurd.
This leaves us with the diadem. Ginny is around the Room of Requirements when it gets destroyed, the story could have been arranged for her to destroy it. But what emotional value it would've had for her? None. She didn't know what Horcruxes were. Sure, she would've found out after but it's not really the same thing. It wouldn't have brought her character development and growth.
And more importantly, Ginny has her own story. Making her just one of Harry's many helpers would've defeated the point of her being Harry's equal.
It's true that her relationship with darkness starts with a Horcrux but it's not the point, it's not the focus of Ginny Weasley's story. She doesn't even find out about Horcruxes until after the war.
I personally find so much value in the fact that her story doesn't need Harry's to gain legitimacy.
Ginny Weasley's story is one about shining brighter than the shadow other people put you in because they consider you too little, too young, and God forbid, a girl. Coming out of the shadow is the theme of her character, just as much a her association with light.
Ginny's story is the one of a girl who because she was ignored ended up a victim of unimaginable horrors and then grew up to be a defender of the mistreated. First with her friends, then with the entirety of Hogwarts during DH. And while I'm pretty sure that Ginny wasn't the official leader of the DA, the narrative, before giving Neville his moment to shine, and I'm not trying to take that away from him, makes quite sure to point out that the "frontman" (or frontwoman, I guess?) is Ginny. Something easily deductible by the personalities of Ginny, Neville, and Luna anyway. Harry continues to receive information about what happens to Ginny from Phineas Nigellius, it's only Harry who deduces that Neville and Luna are probably working with her.
“We’ve got a couple of questions to ask you— about the sword of Gryffindor.” “Ah,” said Phineas Nigellus, now turning his head this way and that in an effort to catch sight of Harry, “yes. That silly girl acted most unwisely there— ”
“Professor Black,” said Hermione, “couldn’t you just tell us, please, when was the last time the sword was taken out of its case? Before Ginny took it out, I mean?” -Chapter 15, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, JK Rowling
However, he did let drop certain snippets. Snape seemed to be facing a constant, low level of mutiny from a hard core of students. Ginny had been banned from going into Hogsmeade. Snape had reinstated Umbridge’s old decree forbidding gatherings of three or more students or any unofficial student societies. From all of these things, Harry deduced that Ginny, and probably Neville and Luna along with her, had been doing their best to continue Dumbledore’s Army. This scant news made Harry want to see Ginny so badly it felt like a stomachache; but it also made him think of Ron again, and of Dumbledore, and of Hogwarts itself, which he missed nearly as much as his ex-girlfriend. -Chapter 16, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, JK Rowling
But whatever Ginny has accomplished in those months is diminished by her being away for the last month. Protected, put in a corner, once again for who she is. And so once again, right before the Battle, she finds herself having to fight in order to be able to fight, which said like this sounds ridiculous.
She's, for one last time, put in the shadow, and for one last time forced to prove that she can get out of it, that she's brighter than the dark corner she is forced into.
And we see her again being the one that takes care of the forgotten, when just after her brother's death, she is on the Hogwarts grounds, caring after a half-dying girl.
It's this whole story that travels alongside Harry's one, and yet constantly connects with it. If Harry's story is more of a war of the flesh, starting and ending with a physical mark, Ginny's story is more of a war of the mind.
When there's the fight between the six for going to the Department of Mysteries, the fight between the three who are always involved and the three who want to be, everybody gets a word in, yet the one that matches Harry in being scornful and angry is Ginny. It's Ginny Harry's match on the other side.
Their stories are like parallel streets yet always in connection. This can be seen also in the fields in which they display their charisma and leadership abilities.
We see Ginny in the DA being able to call people's attention to herself with confidence and being able to bring people to her side, she's a charismatic person:
“Hem, hem,” said Ginny in such a good imitation of Professor Umbridge that several people looked around in alarm and then laughed. “Weren’t we trying to decide how often we’re going to meet and get Defense lessons?” -Chapter 16, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, JK Rowling
“Yeah, the D.A.’s good,” said Ginny. “Only let’s make it stand for Dumbledore’s Army because that’s the Ministry’s worst fear, isn’t it?” There was a good deal of appreciative murmuring and laughter at this. -Chapter 18, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, JK Rowling
Yet when it comes to DADA, it's Harry who truly shines, it's his territory. Ginny is a good duelist and, as the Bat-Bogey Hex lets us know, she knows how to handle the dark arts, but she is not Harry.
The opposite happens with Quidditch. Harry is the captain and he's good at it, he's a great seeker. But the life and soul of the team is Ginny (Harry's words not mine). She is the one who trains herself for years, can play more positions and clearly commands attention more than anyone else on the pitch.
They understand each other and have common interests while both having their own thing. They match each other without stepping on each other's shoes.
The enemy in Ginny's story is Voldemort too in the general sense of the war, but the ultimate enemy that brought the darkness Ginny fought against in DH and was consistent with the structure of her arc is the Carrows. In fact, Ginny is not associated for the first time with the Carrows in DH but in HBP. In the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, she's duelling against Amycus.
This was a very verbose way of saying that, thank God, Ginny didn't destroy an Hocrux because her story is not at the service of Harry's one, but it's her own.
If there's something I would've wanted to happen in the Battle, it would've been Ginny defeating one or both of the Carrows. I understand why it's not in the book, JKR probably didn't want to make Ginny a killer and also for us to see that, Harry should've been there but Harry couldn't see Ginny fighting or he wouldn't have been able to focus on anything else. He probably would've gotten a heart attack in the process too. But it would be something interesting to see if they'll ever do a tv series on the books. She doesn't necessarily need to defeat them by killing them herself.
If you're interested in the concept of Ginny's own parallel story, you might also want to give a look at this
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wormsin · 8 months
"Bruce’s protective control and Dick’s perfectionist caregiving are core dysfunctions for their characters" oh this is such a beautiful, and perfectly fitting, way of describing them that ive ever seen! and it's really interesting to note that, their dysfunctions are.. how do i say it, 'complement' the other's? giving a 'perfect' looping feedback?
like, bruce's protective control pushes dick's perfectionist self to work even harder--to achieve the impossible and essentially makes him more desperate to take care of bruce, and in return this pushes bruce's protectiveness to another whole new degree which then lead to his need to keep everything under his control become even worse. and that makes it harder for them to break from the cycle (am i making sense? i hope im making sense)
hold my beer, I'm using this as an excuse to write the Bruce & Dick enneagram meta in my head.
"He's so determined to prove he isn't like Master Bruce it scares me. In their own way they are so similar that I thank heaven for the differences." - Alfred Pennyworth Batman 1940 #438
I've mentioned before that I use enneagram typing to characterize Bruce and Dick. like all personality typing, it's unscientific bogus. (this one is sold as a business tool lol.) but i find the types compelling.
first of all, their types
Bruce is an 8, the challenger or protector. an 8's ego is attached to the idea of vengeance—destruction of self or others out of a sense of injustice. if the person has a huge ego, has a deluded perception of the world, it is tied to the idea of vengeance. their "holy idea" is truth, which is basically a core value and potential. their trap is justice, which they think is the right path, but it will actually keep them stuck in their bullshit.
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[Dick calls Bruce out on going too far as he's breaking down after Jason's death. Batman 1940 #439]
an 8's deepest fear is being controlled, harmed, or violated. their base desire is to be influential, self sufficient and protect themself. their temptation is to think that they are self sufficient.
like, you see why I like this for Bruce.
Bruce saw his parents being murdered and his reaction to that trauma was to control himself and create a powerful alternate ego that gets vengeance on Gotham's criminals and protects the innocent.
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[Bruce appealing to family court to take in Dick. Batman 1940 #439]
at his worst, Bruce is a control freak who doesn't let anyone help him and has a warped sense of justice. so much emotional armor.
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[Bruce possessed by Antithesis and lashing out at Dick, which Dick correctly identifies as a fear reaction. Teen Titans Year One #3]
at his best, Bruce is a strong leader, is willing to do what is right even at personal cost, wants to protect and help others fairly, and strives to create a better world.
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[Bruce creating a victims advocacy program. Batman 1940 #217]
tl;dr Bruce is driven by fear of loss and compensates by controlling his world and protecting himself and others.
Dick is a 2, the helper or giver. 2's ego fixation is flattery, pleasing and giving to others in order to be liked. their "holy idea" is freedom/will; there's several interpretations of this but for Dick I see it as wanting others and himself to be free of metaphorical shackles and to fly. the 2's trap is also freedom: from having personal needs and needing others.
2's fear is being unlovable and their base desire is to be loved unconditionally. their temptation is to deny their own needs and be manipulative.
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[Dick hiding his sadness as he leaves Wayne Manor for college. Batman 1940 #217]
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[Hugo Strange psychoanalyzing Dick's relationship to Bruce. Batman Gotham Knights #11]
Dick is constantly pushing himself to the limit to be the perfect hero and mentor, and wants to help others but doesn't accept help himself. he maintains an image of being the bringer of light. I think being raised as a performer made him associate doing well and making people happy with love and family; after losing his parents he searched for that unconditional love from Bruce, being a hero, and romantic partners.
at his worst, he's prideful, and both ignores his own needs and sacrifices himself for others in order to get those needs met.
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[Dick killing himself to save people in nuclear-bombed Bludhaven and feeling good about it. Nightwing 996 #116]
at his best, he is compassionate, helpful, parental, and warms the hearts of others.
tl;dr Dick is driven by fear of not having love and family, and compensates by caring for others and being perfect.
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[Dick having a nightmare during a month's long mental breakdown. Nightwing 1996 #117]
you are correct: Bruce and Dick's personalities complement each other at their best and worse.
at their worst, Bruce is emotionally withholding and pushes Dick away. this is out of need to protect himself; any emotional intimacy or love is a threat because what if they die? Dick interprets this as not being good enough for Bruce's praise or a place by his side, and tries to be better. no matter how far gone Bruce is, Dick has to be the exceptional one who stays and loves him. the fact that Dick always comes back to him and gets under his skin makes Bruce lash out or become more controlling. so the cycle continues!
"That's what eats away at you at night—not just that you're forever in his shadow—but that you love him. That you're the loyal son who has never been allowed to truly help—never permitted to save him from himself." - Hugo Strange, Batman Gotham Knights #10
at their best, Bruce uses his own traumatic experience and leadership to better Dick's life. Dick is a ray of light for him. their fears are eased in relation to each other, they both help others and improve their world.
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[Alfred remembers Dick early in his Robin career. Batman 1940 #438]
I think they have a lot to learn from each other. but they can also be deeply stuck in this dysfunctional cycle because they can both hold onto their negative delusions.
"I love Bruce. He's my family. But I couldn't bring him out of the past... I was sacrificing my own future. I don't want that for you... Trust me, Tim. At some point... you have to set yourself free." - Dick, Batman Urban Legends #10. demonstrates a healthy Dick's relation to an unhealthy Bruce.
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agerefandom · 11 months
For the ask game: A, B, D, I, Q, & Y for Undyne? Sorry if this is a lot. 😅
Not at all!!! (no more requests for the ABC headcanons please! Catching up on previous asks!)
Age- What is their regression age range?
Undyne has kiddo days and baby days: she's either 5 or 1, with no in-between
Baby- Do they have any nicknames that people give them while regressed?
Little one, hero (or relevant name for whatever game she's playing), Sir Undyne if she's being a knight, 'little helper,' baby-chan... she has a lot of nicknames!!!
Difference- What changes about them from being their usual self to regressed self?
She's a lot more cuddly, especially on her baby days. She's generally less defensive: more curious and open to new things.
Involuntary- Is their age regression through choice?
I could really see it going both ways! Either way, I think Undyne only regresses when she feels safe: she doesn't regress when she's in pain or when she's frightened, only when she's very comfortable and secure.
Quizzical- While regressed would they wonder off and get lost? Are they easily distracted or entertained?
Oh, she'll wander for sure, but she won't get lost! She knows the Underground far too well for that. Undyne needs new things to do, she can get restless, but also she's definitely a screen kid who can be entertained for hours binging cartoons/anime or let's plays.
Yuck- Is there any part of their regression that they don't like or feel embarrassed about?
Not really! She was a little insecure about her regression around Alphys because it's a very different part of her than the rough-and-ready hero that the Underground knows and loves. But she regains her usual confidence when Alphys is interested in getting to know that side of her as well!
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margaetyrell · 7 months
okay so. my therapist suggested i should write down my feelings, let people get to know me etc cause that can be helpful. even if every time i try i regret it bc the last thing you probably want to do is read something upsetting. anyways. i tried my best to make the most personal post ever in a way that’s somewhat entertaining, and i’m forcing myself to post it without deleting it afterwards. it’s under the cut so you can avoid it and this is just to lyk in case it seems random, bc although it’s my blog i’m anxious about that.
something curious about me, lacking any interest, is that i’m always the second character in the film. the friend of, the girlfriend of, the sister of. it’s like my entire purpose in this life is to be a complement to others. to please others. to be the hand, the shadow. the shoulder to cry on, the missing part of their puzzles, the voice whispering in their ears. sometimes i’m just a supporting character and other times i take on the role of the second, who is so close to the main character that it almost feels like the story is about the two of us. but it’s not. truth is that as an individual i cannot make it, i am incomplete. i’m not the hero, i’m the voice within. i’m not the soldier in battle, but the nurse who takes care of the bruises, the one who stands still. i wasn’t made to stand out. i’m never just me.
and that’s something i’ve learned to accept. but what happens when the helper can no longer help? what if they are helpless, broken or defeated. what is their meaning if they are not able to do the only thing that is required of them? they are completely useless. even worse, inconvenient. their existence becomes an extra weight too heavy and nothing worth carrying. it only adds more mess to the chaos and for what. nobody cares about the soul behind the purpose, that’s not what selfless helpers are known for. they simply cannot switch roles. all that matters is that they are able to complete their task, so they can help you move on.
don’t get me wrong, i love helping people. it makes me feel special when it works and i’ve met many interesting friends along the way, i’m honoured to be a chapter in the story of their lives. but i guess what i’m trying to say is that sometimes i wish i was more. not more beautiful, or more intelligent, or more popular. just... more. that i was living a life where i was someone else, even for a moment. the hero, the artist, the ill. the one who is seen. and yes, i’d give absolutely anything to be in my brother’s position for him to stop suffering. not to be notised, but to really fulfill a purpose and make my help worthwhile. because the hardest thing for me to face is the deadly truth that sometimes in life, helpers cannot fight fate. they do not have the power to change it, to heal it. the hardest thing is that in reality, when i’m on my own, i’m just not enough.
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demcnsinmymind · 1 year
most important headcanons/char beats for my blog nav/pinned post and easier understanding
another master post? why?
after working on my blog nav  I’ve realized that my blog is filled to the brim with wordvomits upon wordvomits about Lance and my ideas for him, so I figured that next to my very lengthy headcanon masterlist, I’d make another shorter-ish post with the most important bullet points that I consider essential for possible threads and interactions with the boy.
Two most important headcanons
The lore is somewhat canon divergent on my blog. The building was alive and sentient with an agenda just like in canon, but my most important headcanon is that the entity possessing and distorting it has been H.P. L/ovec/raft’s demonic outer god Azathoth instead of just some nameless invisible thing. (see detailed possession lore and azathoth info)
Azathoth is bound to Lance on a physical and emotional level and it’s the only thing keeping him from turning into this - a severely impaired, insane and numb shell. (more here)
- The cut him being trapped in 1948 plotline is canon on my blog and I will die on this hill because it’s so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! =(
- Lance is not a villain character. He’s not a hero either. He is a grey character and very flipfloppy. He can be the most loyal and protective friend, but he can also be the most selfish, vain, outright asshole. He’s very complicated, but I cannot stress it enough that he’s not a bad guy. (Best said by Sean (the actor who plays him) in this gifset. See more detailed HC posts about it here or here or here) Read: there is no need for excessive hostility towards him. When Azathoth’s in charge? Totally fair game. But him? Consider him more of a victim, please.
- Pre-canon, he did not believe in the paranormal. He wasn’t an outright denier, but pretty much a skeptic in need of some serious convincing. So even though he’s making an entire show about ghosts and the paranormal, off camera and out of character, he’ll tell others it’s all bullshit and think they’re bullshitting as well if they start talking about it being real, or reveal that they themselves are in fact supernatural. That is pretty much canon (see more here) Read: Pre-canon, he’ll react surprisingly douchy and somewhat naive to anything involving his own genre. However, a part of him wants to believe, so he’ll need little convincing :)
- Lance has Stockholm’s syndrome and is trauma bonded to the building/thing possessing him aka Azathoth. (See more here) Read: There will be questionable reactions on this blog that might sound defensive of the thing/trauma, might even play it down. But that is on purpose. Not me condoning what happened to him. The opposite. He’ll work his way through this and learn sooner or later that it’s bad to defend it. However, be prepared to see him get angry with the helper instead of the abuser at first, which might be perplexing at first. He’ll need a lot of convincing on that front.
- He’s filled to the brim with charisma and fake friendliness and he does have a silver tongue, but he does not have many friends be that before or after canon, pretty much none post canon after losing his team inside Collingwood and losing 13 years to his ordeal. Read: He’s all talk and no bite. Expect a lot of bitter sarcasm and a lot of pushing back. He isn’t used to the idea of people caring about him. He’ll get there.
- I headcanon him to be aromantic. Couple that with his lack of interest in deep and lasting relationships, and you got someone who is very prone to casual hook ups and what not. He has no interest in anything romantic, and neither will he ever pursue the family/marriage life. (See more here) Read: I won’t write romantic plots. Smut and regular booty calls with very tight friendships behind them are more than fair game, I love them. But there won’t be any exclusive monogamous ships here.
- He’s incredibly guarded. I don’t know the right word/explanation for it and “emotionally unavailable” doesn’t quite match how I portray him, but basically one of the most important aspects about my portrayal of him post canon is that it will take a lot to break down his barriers. It’ll take a lot of patience and time until he starts trusting people, and even more of it until he opens up to them and accepts help. This is due to his obvious trauma, not due to toxic masculinity or the fact that he’s incapable of emotions or empathy. He has a whole palette of both, but he keeps that under very tight wraps. (see more here or here or here) Read: He’ll react like an asshole when it gets down to people offering their help and comfort at first. This is not because he is one and wants to hurt anyone, but because he’s very afraid of being vulnerable and getting hurt. But it is a fact that  he very much wants help and needs help and that you’ll get him there eventually. It just takes some time and trust. Kind of like a kicked wet cat in an alley.
- Azathoth is an it. Please do not refer to it as “he”. It’s a thing that looks and acts like however it wants to be. It is called the nuclear chaos. It is so beyond our human comprehension and most certainly beyond the idea of genders. Read: Azzy isn’t male. It’s a chaotic wildcard. It won’t ever be refered to as “he” by me and I’d very much appreciate it if you kept that in mind =)
- As stated up above, the most important thing to keep in mind is that Azathoth is like a plug in Lance’s brain. If you pull it, he’s a goner. They both know it. Thus, they’ll react harshly and negatively to any attempts of banishing it from his body. (read more here) Read: Unlike most other depictions of possession in media with the possessed being helpless victims horrified by the ordeal and more than grateful to see their possessor gone, Lance won’t react the same way to the prospect of getting rid of it.
- Azathoth is a demonic outer god that was once exiled beyond time and space. It more or less adheres to some of L/ovecraft’s lore and canon, not to any Supernatural or biblical canon. It has no weaknesses and cannot be exorcised. It can only be bound to other buildings/universes/places beyond time or put back to sleep with ancient flutes. (read more here, also see cool videos like this) Read: Azathoth is an overpowered Mary Sue. Please do not assume it can be put in demon traps or hurt with holy water/hex bags and what not. That’ll just get Lance’s clothes wet and dirty and piss the both of them off. Fear not though, I very very rarely write out its OP powers and am more than happy to piss it off.
- It has a lot of cool powers. Though it technically isn’t canon that it’s what did all the things, whatever is possessing Collingwood did do a lot of cool things. See here. Read: Just me wanting to share my fav gifset hehe
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cyrah-is-cool101 · 2 years
Punch Out x Poppy Playtime: Helper AU #2
A sequel to the original but this time with the Super Punch Out and some of the original Punch Out characters. Please Enjoy! 
Note: Shout out to @nesssblog who is the one that came up the ideas of the 2nd batch of charatcers) 
After some of the Playtime Co. employees went missing and the release the first wave of the Happy Helpers, a series of dress up action figures, the employees of the Playtime Co. 2nd division of the factory went missing and the second wave of the Happy Helpers have been released who resembles to the 2nd division employees. When the player and the 1st wave of Helpers were overpowered by the monsters, they were saved by the 2nd wave of Helpers, who they realized it was the missing 2nd division employees. 
“Introducing the 2nd wave of the Happy Helpers! The more Helpers you have, the more friends you collected.” 
- Spokesperson 
- Birdie as Billy Byrd “Birdie the Boxer” 
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Billy Byrd is a 19 year old American 2nd division factory employee who is the BFF of Mac and Mika and is also juggling both school and work to support his life until he went missing alongside his fellow 2nd division employees. Billy became Birdie the Boxer, a 2nd boxing Helper who is Mac’s BFF/rival. Birdie’s special feature has a boxing feature like Mac but  he delivers rapid punches to the monsters, and has a strong punched which knocks the monsters away to protect the player. 
Birdie’s 2nd Outfit (Champion)
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- Adarna (@nesssblog​’s Punch Out OC) as Leonora Agila Del Rosario “Adarna the Birdkeeper“ 
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Leonora Agila Del Rosario is a 26 year old Filipino 2nd division factory worker who was raised by her grandmother, who told her stories about mythical creatures and epics of her home country, leading to her interest in literature until she went missing alongside her fellow 2nd division employees. She became Adarna the Birdkeepr who loves and takes care of different kinds of birds. Adarna’s special feature is that she has tiny mechanical birds to help her. The birds attack the monsters as a distraction to help the player escape. 
Adarna’s 2nd Outfit (Falconer) 
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- Gabby Jay as Gabriel François Lavigne “Gabby the Waiter” 
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Gabriel François Lavigne is a 56 year old 2nd division factory worker who has a bad habit of smoking and works as a waiter at a local restaurant until he went missing alongside his fellow 2nd division employees. He became Gabby the Waiter, a French waiter Helper who serves people delicious food and refreshing drinks. Gabby’s special feature is a throwing feature where he throws plates and various cutlery to distract the monsters.  
Gabby’s 2nd Outfit (Bartender)
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- Bob Charlie as Baron Ajani Whyte “DJ BC (Bob Charlie)” 
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Baron Ajani Whyte is a 26 year old Jamaican 2nd division factory worker who has a love for music and dancing like Dean/Disco the Dancer until he went missing alongside his fellow 2nd division employees. Baron became DJ BC (Bob Charlie), a Jamaican DJ Helper who loves to party. BC’s special feature is that he carries around a boombox which sends out soundwaves to knock the monsters out. 
BC’s 2nd Outfit (Party Time!) 
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- Dragon Chan as Haitao Chen “Dragon the Warrior” 
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Haitao Chen is a 22 year old British Chinese 2nd division factory worker who excels in kickboxing and martial arts until he went missing alongside his fellow 2nd division employees. Haitao became Dragon the Warrior, a Chinese kung fu martial artist Helper who honors the name of his master and life. Dragon’s special feature is that he has powerful kicks able to send the monsters far enough from the player to escape. 
Dragon’s 2nd Outfit (The Chosen One) 
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- Piston Hurricane as Alejandro Bembe González “Hurricane the Weather Hero” 
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Alejandro Bembe González is a 25 year old Cuban 2nd division factory worker who is a bit of a bookworm until he went missing alongside his fellow 2nd division employees. He became Hurricane the Weather Hero, a Cuban weather elemental who, just like Mika, fights for justice and liberty. Hurricane’s special feature is the he is able to electrocute the monsters to stun them and use other weather-related attacks. 
Hurricane’s 2nd Outfit (Tron Suit) 
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- Masked Muscle as Santiago Ángel Hernández “The Masked Muscle Luchador” 
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Santiago Ángel Hernández is a 29 year old Mexican 2nd division factory worker who is a retired luchador and a prankster until he went missing alongside his fellow 2nd division employees. He became The Masked Muscle Luchador, a Mexican luchador Helper who is very strong and egotistical. MM’s special feature is that he spits at the eyes of the monsters to give them a temporary loss of vision. 
MM’s 2nd Outfit (Day of the Dead) 
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- Heike Kagero as “Kagero the Kabuki Dancer” 
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Heike Kagero is a 19 year old Japanese 2nd division factory worker, who, just like Mac, Billy and Mika, juggling both school and work to support his life and is a amateur Kabuki dancer until he went missing alongside his fellow 2nd division employees. He became Kagero the Kabuki Dancer, a Japanese kabuki dancer Helper who is both beautiful and graceful, even though he is a man. Kagero’s special feature is that he uses his dances to possibly distract the monsters and throwing sharp fans at them to do damage. 
Kagero’s 2nd Outfit (Sakura) 
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- Mad Clown as Leonardo Esposito “The Mad Clown” 
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Leonardo Esposito is a 27 year old Italian 2nd division factory worker who wears clown makeup to work, cracks jokes and is a retired opera singer turn circus clown until he went missing alongside his fellow 2nd division employees. Leonardo became The Mad Clown, an Italian clown Helper who is a jokester and loves making people laugh. MC’s special feature is that he has numerous tricks up his sleeve, his juggling balls, when throwing them deal huge damage. 
MC’s 2nd Outfit (Monochrome)  
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- Narcis Prince as Nathaniel Howard Prince “Prince the Narcistic” 
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Nathaniel Howard Prince is a 20 year old British 2nd division assistant manager who is always full of himself but sometimes acts like a gentleman, growing up in a wealthy family until he went missing alongside his fellow 2nd division employees. He became Prince the Narcistic, a British prince Helper who is both narcistic and noble. Prince’s special feature is that his scepter is actually a sword and turn his crown into a shield to defend the player from the monsters. 
Prince’s 2nd Outfit (Knight) 
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Hoy Quarlow as Hoy Xu Quarlow “Master Hoy” 
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Hoy Xu Quarlow is a 78 year old Chinese 2nd division factory worker who always bring great advice to people until he went missing alongside his fellow 2nd division employees. He became Master Hoy, a Chinese kung fu master Helper who is Dragon’s master. Hoy’s special feature is that he carries a staff around which is hard hitting and is able to incapacitate monsters. 
Hoy’s 2nd Outfit (Noble Master)
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- Rick and Nick Bruiser as Richard Phillips and Nicholas Phillips “The Bruiser Brothers” 
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Richard and Nicholas Phillips are 28 year old American 2nd division factory workers who are twins with different personalities: Richard is rowdy, cheerful and lazy and Nicholas is smart, serious and quiet until they both are missing alongside their fellow 2nd division employees. They became The Bruiser Brothers, two American fighter Helpers who work together as a team. The Bruisers’ special feature are that they use their bare fists to fight the monsters to protect the player from danger. 
The Bruisers’ 2nd Outfits (The Strong and The Smart) 
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- Pizza Pasta as Giovanni Colombo “Chef Pizza” 
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Giovanni Colombo is a 38 year old Italian 2nd division factory manager who owns a pizzeria and has a love for cooking until he went missing alongside his fellow 2nd division employees. Giovanni became Chef Pizza, an Italian chef Helper who loves Italian cuisine. Pizza’s special feature is that he has a throwing feature like Gabby but he throws pizza dough and knifes at the monsters. 
Pizza’s 2nd Outfit (Halloween) 
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- Kid Quick as Floyd Gideon “Kid the Runner”  
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Floyd Gideon is a 20 year old American 2nd division factory worker who is Dean’s cousin and is also fast triathlon athlete until he went missing alongside his fellow 2nd division employees. He became Kid the Runner, an American runner who is really fast and quick. Kid’s special feature is that he has a winding feature, just like Aran, which makes him able to run very fast to distract the monsters. 
Kid’s 2nd Outfit (Winter) 
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- Mr. Dream as Kyle J. Daryl “Mr. Dream the Boxer” 
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Kyle J. Daryl is a 33 year old American 2nd division factory moderator who is quite the soft-spoken guy and is a bit of a Care Bear collector until he went missing alongside his fellow 2nd division employees. Kyle became Mr. Dream the Boxer, another American boxer Helper who is both Mac and Birdie’s rival. Mr. Dream’s special feature is that he uses his Dreamland Express Punch is incredibly strong, able to knock multiple monsters away. 
Mr. Dream’s 2nd Outfit (Champion) 
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(This is such a long post) 
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peachiipark · 3 years
Gon, Killua, Illumi, Chrollo and Hisoka with a s/o who owns a riding school where she trains, rehabilitates and cares for horses/ponies? (Headcanon)
This was my dream before it was destroyed forever. 💔
so sorry to hear that! :( i hope you still get to be around horses now. horseback riding is something ive always wanted to learn! this is dedicated to your dream, dear reader :D 💗
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gon freecss!
the rumours are true! a true hunter is loved by all animals. horses are no exception :)
after spending his childhood with all kinds of little critters, gon loves to help out at your riding school and will take time out of his busy day to drop off supplies!
dedicating your life to caring for animals is one of the reasons why gon admires you so much! you are a hero in his eyes.
if he can't ride a horse, best believe that he'll spend hours trying to learn! (he'll even care for the certain horse that he's riding :D)
this is kind of a random one, but gon's favorite horses in your stable are the halfingers and a cute little donkey!
"gon, you can't play with them anymore. the students will be here soon."
"j-just five more minutes, i promise! pleasepleasepleaseplease-"
"you said that ten minutes ago! c'mon, you need to shower too. maybe you shouldn't roll around in the donkey's hay?"
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killua zoldyck!
"y/n, i've been riding horses since i started walking. zoldycks don't play when it comes to training."
killua unintentionally ends up being your helper. although he pretends like it's not a big deal, he's actually quite interested in horses.
a certain rescue horse with a prosthetic leg immediately caught his eye. he won't tell you, (nor does he have to), but they're the best of friends!
you will eventually have to explain to him that he can't stand on horses instead of riding them the standard way.
whenever you're too tired, he is absolutely READY to help you clean the stables! (to an extent.)
"yeah, i'm out. sorry."
"i don't do horse crap!"
killua won't hesitate to use a bit of threatening to help you save horses from negligent owners.
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illumi zoldyck!
"but.. why? they are creatures of the wild. if they cannot fend for themselves, nature should take it's course."
illumi didn't really understand why you'd spend so much time caring for animals. they can't even talk to you!
he makes sure that you and your equestrian friends have the best conditions that money can buy anyway
the zoldyck's were taught many activities including horseback riding at a young age, so he was ready to get down to business
illumi quickly realized that these horses were different. they had a healthy weight, a beautiful coat, and always nuzzled closer when you hugged them.
"is this your nen ability? turning them into your loyal servants?"
"illumi, no.. i just showed them some well deserved love and care!"
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chrollo lucilfer!
the cutest newbie ever! chrollo never felt the need to learn how to ride a horse. who needs that when you can steal a sports car?
he learns pretty quickly due to his intelligence and immediately takes it up as a hobby.
loves dark horses, specifically stallions and shires!
steals a horse for you. please, stop him. im begging you. he's willing to bring an entire herd for you. it'll be a horse-nado.
will take an hour to get ready just to come horseback riding with you. all of your students love him! (they also have no idea that he's a wanted criminal.)
"this is lucifer! he reminded me of a special someone."
"it's lucilfer, Y/N."
"i know. i just like to tick you off."
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hisoka morrow!
hisoka buys you two matching riding outfits. it is simply not up for discussion!
he enjoys watching you ride horses, it's entertaining to see you be so in control with the horse's movements.
hisoka's favorite part about helping you out is grooming the horses and ponies.
he once compared a horse with long black hair to illumi. he was not amused.
you have your thing, he understands that, but hisoka will immediately get jealous if he realizes that you're spending more time with your horses than him.
"hisoka, are you seriously getting jealous over of a horse?"
"you don't play with my hair the same way you at with theirs, darling. i haven't gotten any affection from you in ten minutes!"
"gosh, you're a child."
accompany on: to the masterlist!
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crimsonophelia · 3 years
Can I request for a fluffy friends to lovers fic with Venti and a human gn reader? They’re good friends (but the reader doesn’t know his real identity) and when reader brings up their desire to see a wind wisp in real life Venti decides to surprise them by transforming into his true form and paying them a visit. The reader finds this mysterious little wind wisp at their doorstep and gets excited, takes care of it, and while feeding it apple slices starts talking about how their good friend Venti would love to see them - but oh, he’s less of a friend and more of a crush who I’ve loved for a long time… wait, where did the wisp go? Wait, Venti?! When did you get here?!
featuring: venti x gn!reader
warnings: none
published: june 30, 2021
form: imagine
a/n: thank you for sending this in—i need more venti requests, he’s my baby <3
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you could tell that the drink was beginning to hit you hard when you felt your muscles go slack. it was your fourth pint of the night, and although you thought that you could hold your drink fairly well, you could never hold a candle to your bard friend’s seemingly bottomless appetite for wine. venti was on his seventh--or was it eighth?--mug of cider for the night, and was still fairly unfazed, if you consider his usual bumbling amiability to be his default. after a long day of working and whatever it was that venti did in the daytime, you two had decided to meet up at the angel’s share that evening for a drinking night between friends, and to catch up on life and whatever else goes on in the city of mondstadt. 
the night had begun with a mug per person, as you and venti caught up with each other. due to your duties at home, and his rather inconstant job as a traveling musician, it was oftentimes difficult for you and the bard to stay in touch--responsibilities always seemed to get in the way. so, naturally, you took advantage of every opportunity you could get to see venti, one-on-one, and simply talk. after knowing him for quite a while, he really was a delight to talk to, always full of witty riddles and forever knowing the right thing to say at the right time. venti really was quite remarkable. 
he also had the unique talent of contagious alcoholism; after having spent an hour or so drinking and chatting with him, you unwittingly started drinking more than your usual limit, absolutely carried away with whatever small conversation venti had you engaged with at the moment. the conversation had somehow strayed into the topic of myths and legends of mondstadt. venti was speaking of some strange conspiracies surrounding the origin of the anemo hypostasis up in the mountains, and as the alcohol began to break down your proper judgement, you began to go on and on about how you, as a child, dreamed of seeing an elusive wind wisp. 
you had heard stories about the boy revolutionary, armed with his bow and his words, accompanied by a little white wind wisp, leading mondstadt’s journey to freedom. the story had enchanted you when you were young, and clearly you still had not given up hope of meeting a similar wind wisp. perhaps it would bring you the same joy and power to change your life for the better, just like it did for the hero of old mondstadt. 
venti listened to your reminiscing closely, looking at you with a quizzical look of interest. your intoxicated state made it so that you didn’t notice the look on his face as if he was plotting something, but, to be fair, venti’s poker face was notable for its impregnability. the night ended with him having to walk you home, propping your arm over his shoulders so that you wouldn’t trip and fall on the cobblestone streets. the last thing you remembered was him tucking you into bed, and singing you one of his funny little songs.
the next morning, you woke with a pounding headache and the bright noon sun peeking through your shutters. archons, was it so late already? you pulled yourself out of bed, trying not to stumble, distracted by the pounding in your head. you had a long list of things to do today that you had to complete, and you severely regretted drinking so much and so late with that damned bard last night (though you could never really hate him--he was too adorable).
slipping on whatever clothing closest to your bed and sluggishly following through with your daily morning routine, you got ready to head out the door to water the carrots and potatoes in your backyard. as you pulled open the door, prepared to step out and face the piercing daylight, you caught yourself as you almost stepped on the little figure at your doorstep. lying there on its side, was a wind wisp. yes, just like the ones you had read about all your childhood and you had mused about endlessly last night. it had its little eyes shut, sleeping probably, its delicate little form curled up on the step. 
you were bewildered, partially at the coincidence of it all, but mostly by the rarity of what had occurred before your eyes. a wind wisp, something most people never even saw once in their lifetimes, suddenly showing up right at your doorstep after you had talked about your desire to meet one just the night before. crouching down, you scooped up its little body in your hands. the little thing began to wake, hands rubbing its eyes sleepily, as it made a chirping noise. it was ridiculously adorable. 
“hey there, little guy”, you cooed. “what are you doing here?”
as it began to regain consciousness, the wisp floated up off your hands, small gusts of air emitting from its form, and it flew up to nuzzle against your face. it felt like a warm breeze brushing against your cheek, and you heard it chirping in your ear. 
you giggled. “well aren’t you the cutest little thing!” you raised your hand to pet it, and it made a little gurgling noise, leaning into your touch. something about its mannerisms felt so familiar, almost like something you had known in a past life perhaps, but you couldn’t put a finger on it. its presence was just endlessly comforting, even though you had only known it for a few minutes. 
reaching into your pantry, you pulled out some apples you had picked the day before, and cut it into small slices. the wisp watched you eagerly as you went about your business, like it could understand everything you did. holding up a thin slice to the wisp, a little hole in its void of a face opened up and enveloped the slice whole. a little shocked but certainly entertained, you gave it an approving head pat. 
as the day went on, the little wisp continued to follow you throughout mondstadt as you ran your errands. you went outside, behind your house, to take care of the crops you were growing. as you watered your plants, the little wisp helped you disperse the water more efficiently, blowing a gentle wind from your watering can so that you didn’t have to walk as far to water the faraway plants. you go to pick some apples and sunsettias nearby, and the little fellow would fly up to the hard-to-reach fruits and throw himself against them to knock them loose from the branches, right where you could catch them. you worried a little bit whether he was hurting himself by doing so, but he appeared to be pleased just to assist you, and he certainly was not ashamed to take a few bites from the fruits of your shared labor at the end of the day. 
considering how efficiently your errands were completed today, of course all thanks to the helper you acquired that morning, you thought it would be nice to use the time you had in the late afternoon to take the wisp out for a picnic dinner at windrise to show your appreciation. gathering some of the fruit the both of you had collected, and some sandwiches you made, you placed it all in a little wicker basket and set off for the great tree with your companion upon your shoulder. 
upon arriving, you laid down a gingham blanket in the shade of the great tree of windrise, just a moments away from the ancient statue of barbatos. you felt like a child again, remembering the summers of carefree exploration, tunneling through the thickets in the forest, or catching frogs by the creek, or tumbling down the hills by the sea. and now, a wisp joined you, taking you back to the memories of those years, when life was much simpler.
you couldn’t help but to think of venti, the bard, the friend, who had brought you such comfort through difficult times, whose music, like the warm touch of the wisp, reminded you of home and the beauty that life could bring. your companion was now feasting comedically fast on the food you had brought along, swallowing up fruits whole, and chewing for several moments before helping itself to another. you chuckled and gave it a pat. “greedy little fellow, aren’t you?” you couldnt help but to think venti would have loved to meet the wind wisp, considering his love for nature and all sorts of fauna, and considering the small resemblance between himself and the creature.
“stick around for a bit and i might introduce you to my friend, the bard”, you told it, not really caring that it probably couldn’t understand you. “im actually not sure that we are friends, to be honest. these days we rarely see each other but...” you trailed off, distracted by the sound of the breeze through the branches. the wisp stopped eating and watched you intently. “well”, you began. “i sometimes find myself wishing him and i were more than friends. maybe not lovers, not right away but... i just know that dearly. i cannot be sure that he feels the same, but that is of no matter.” you pat the wisp’s little head again. “if i can make him happy, even just as friends, that is enough for me.”
out of nowhere, a strong wind blew past you, knocking over your wicker basket and sending it flying several feet away. agitated, you scrambled up to chase after it, finally grasping it before it could fly too far. you were perplexed—where in the world could such a strong wind have come from? the sky was clear, and there were no clouds obstructing the setting sun. how odd, you thought to yourself.
you turned around to bring the basket back to your sitting spot, but to your surprise, the wisp was gone. no, in its place was now your bard friend, venti, sitting there on the blanket like he had been there all along. how in the world did he get here without you noticing, and where in the world did the wisp go off to? you hurried over to venti, questioning, “since when did you get here?”
the bard smirked, and fiddled with his lyre that you just noticed he had brought along with him. he had that look on his face again, the one he wore whenever he had some sort of plot in mind.  “whatever do you mean, [y/n]?”, he replied amusedly. “i’ve been here all along.”
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harryspet · 3 years
𝓽𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 ... 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓼
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𝓽𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 ... 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓼 
This December, for the holidays and to celebrate my followers, I’m giving readers a chance to request drabbles/one-shots but I’m also hoping some writers want to share the Holiday joy too! I have a list of dark prompts as well as holiday prompts so feel free to mix and match them however you like!
𝓇𝓊𝓁𝑒𝓈 & 𝑔𝓊𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓈 
You don’t have to follow me but it would be greatly appreciated!!
Please be courteous and only send one request especially if you’re using anon.
When sending a request, tell me the character(s) + 1-3 dialogue prompts (have fun combining them) + au idea (optional)
I prefer to write for (aged up) Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes or Steve Rogers. If you’d like to include MJ, Natasha, Thor, Loki, Wanda or Sam please combine them with those three. Threesomes and foursomes welcome ^^
Make these unique! If you just want pure angst, smut, or fluff then choose your prompts accordingly. I’m hoping people enjoy mixing the holiday prompts with the dark ones (though its not required) so please read through them all. There are a lot of good ones!!
Most of these will probably end up being around 300-700 words.
I write dark fics which means there may be mentions of violence, abuse, noncon/dubcon and just angst overall. If you have limits, please let me know.
I may reject your request if I feel it’s too similar to what I’ve already written or if you ignore the rules. I may also close requests if I get too many.
𝓘𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓻 and you’d like to write a drabble/one-shot using my lists then please let me know! I’ll be sure to give it a reblog and add it to my #fic recs if you tag me @harryspet​ and #tistheseasonfordarkfics. There’s no due date, just participate if you’re interested! :)
Don’t choose prompts with strikethroughs.
𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮: CLOSED
𝒹𝒶𝓇𝓀 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓉𝓈
“I wish I’d never met you.”
“Did you just stick your tongue out at me?”
“I’m done. We’re done.”
“Why are you fighting me?”
“I’ve never…they kept me untouched. For you”
“Did you just bite me?!”
“If I’m dead then how come you can see me?”
“It’s cute that you think you can defy me.”
“Duct tape. I need it for... taping something.”
“Why don’t you smile anymore?”
“Fuck you.”
“Your soul is mine.”
 “Looks like you need to be trained.“
“It’s not...not going to hurt, is it?”
“I don’t ... I don’t remember my name.”
“Did you see the way they looked at you?”
“How dare you challenge me.”
“I’ll let you go when I’m finished with you.”
“Hand Daddy his belt and take your shirt off.”
“I don’t like when they touch you.”
“Are you getting sore, all cooped up in that cage all day?”
“Shhh. It’s all right. I’ll be gentle.”
“Daddy wants to hear you sing a song. Sit on my lap and make Daddy happy.”
“Shit, are you crying? I didn’t mean to hit that hard!”
“You can’t take people as property!”
“I feel like you’re taking advantage of me.”
“So … uh.. who is that person … they keep texting you?”
“Fuck, I love you like this, all rounded with our child…”
“You wouldn’t want him/her/them finding out about this, would you?”
“You haven’t earned it. What are you going to do for me?”
“Stop crying.”
“You’re not in trouble, sweetheart.”
“I’ve been looking for you all night, and you are in desperate need of my help.”
“And the hunter becomes the hunted.”
“They hurt you and I’m going to hurt them back.”
“Never steal anything from someone you can’t outrun, kid.”
“Hands off, alpha. Never learn any self-control?”
“Can i stay at your place tonight? I don’t feel safe here.”  
“I really think you need to see a doctor.”
“Everything that happened is your fault.”
“You...you were never supposed to find out.”
 “Well, hello beautiful!”
“You want to what? That’s embarrassing!”
“You look a little lost, omega.”
“We need to talk...about the pregnancy.”
“Oh, did someone get lonely?”
𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒾𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓉𝓈
 "Excuse me—where is my Christmas kiss?"
"I made you some hot cocoa."
''I just want you for my own.''
"You didn't have to get me anything."
“I don't remember the last time I truly enjoyed Christmas."
"Go on, open it."
"Did you spike the eggnog?"
"I can't believe you did that to Santa..."
“You're my best Christmas present this year.”
“How many Christmas lights does one person need?”
 “Shut up! Santa is real.”
“I hate winter.” 
“Aren’t you just Santa’s Little Helper?”
“Son of a nutcracker!”
"You didn’t bring date to the party, did you? Because I need someone to kiss at midnight."
 “No you don’t understand, I need a picture with Santa!”
“I can’t reach the top of the tree to put the star on.”
 “Oh the weather outside is frightful.”
“This is our first Christmas together and I want it to be special.”
“Don’t you dare buy me that.”
“Tell me what you want for Christmas.”
“Fuck it let’s just get drunk.”
 “We can build a snowman.”
“What no, that’s not daddy, that’s Santa”
“Maybe if I kiss you, you’ll feel warmer.” 
 “I can not believe the car broke down in the middle of nowhere 3 hours before it’s officially Christmas.”
“...I think we’re snowed in...”
“I hate work Christmas parties.”
“What do you mean you’re working on Christmas?!”
 “I refuse to have a baby on Christmas.”
“Call me an elf one more time!”
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”
 “I’m freezing, you’re warm. Hug me.”
“I don’t even have a family to celebrate with, so what’s the point?“
“Forbid Christmas? No one can forbid Christmas.”
“We can add a special ornament to the collection each year. This year's is for our future baby.”
“I’m not going to kiss you under the mistletoe.”
“Remind me why I can’t kill the carolers?”
“No one should be alone on Christmas!”
 “So you’re going to dress up as Santa.”
“You burnt the holiday cookies!”
“Wanna go skating in Central Park?”
“How can you possibly look good with snow in your hair?”
“If you throw that snowball you’re declaring war”
“You didn’t really think I’d let you spend Christmas alone, did you?”
This list is a compilation of a bunch of starters I found on tumblr so you may recognize quotes from movies and songs! I reblogged a lot of the original posts on my side blog @parkerspet​.
𝒶𝓊 & 𝓈𝑒𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓈 (optional)
Arranged marriage au - Angel/demon au - Assassin au - Apocalypse au - Android au - Amnesia au - Babysitter au - Bodyguard au - Bookstore au - Baker au - Band au - Bounty hunter au - Brothel au - Camp Counselor au - Camping au - College au - Criminal au - Caregiver/Little au - Doctor au - Domestic au - Enemies au - Ex au - Forbidden Love au - Fugitive au - Gang au - Hero/Villian au - Immortal au - Kidnapped au - Mafia au - Maid au - Marriage au - Neighbor au - A/B/O au - Porn Star au - Prostitute au - Royalty au - Serial Killer au - Stalker au - Stripper au - Tattoo Shop au - Werewolf au - Yandere au
tagging all the fics #tistheseasonfordarkfics and #harryspetrequests !
𝓼𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓽𝓼
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tagging some authors :) @cherienymphe @andybarberslxt @mypoisonedvine @nsfwsebbie @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @mcudarklibrary​ @opheliadawnwalker3 @autumnrose40 @marvelmaree @thecutestlittlebunbunfairy @buckysbunny @buckybarnesplumwhore @honeyloverogers @mariessecretfantasies @mrwinterr @yanderepeterparker @raisincookieswrites​
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samatedeansbroccoli · 3 years
My parents said I should be more organized so I started by organizing my Tumblr.
Yo what’s up, I’m SamAteDeansBroccoli, 18+, never learned how to read. I drink angst for breakfast and have hurt/comfort for an afternoon snack. Nothing on this blog makes sense. Run while you still have a chance to keep your sanity.
I go by Stress, Sam, Broccoli, saMatedEansBroccoli, or Samaté Dean's Broccoli for short. Sometimes I write fanfiction, most of the time I just reblog things. Any pronouns.
More about me here!
Ready to lose your sanity? Check out my works shown on my masterlist below!
Currently obsessed with: Call of Duty, Star Wars, Phantom of the Opera, Counter-Strike, DC Heroes, anything medical or aviation related
Wanna contact me elsewhere?
Ao3: Jak_the_ATAT
Discord: call of booty#7229
Instagram: HistoryMightBeFun
My comic sideblog: @comicsoncrack
Join my MW discord!
My COD ask game
How to work this Masterlist
Categories are listed based on what most followers would find the most interesting to the least interesting. Each category will have one recommended suggestion under it. If you want to see more in that category, click on the header to access a page with more choices. This is to keep the masterlist nice and short. 
Adler’s Little Fish (Call of Duty, kid!Bell)
A little girl abandoned in Trabzon leaves Adler in a very chaotic lifestyle as he tries to balance his hunt for Perseus with taking care of the child. 
Analyses and Headcanons
Adler’s Body Language
Had Bell paid attention more, they would have seen Adler manipulating them.
Mason x Woods chibi drawing
I love these two beans. 
Sim MacCallen (Call of Duty: Black Ops 2/Call of Duty: Mobile)
VTOL mechanic Sim MacCallen continues to wonder why Broccoli can’t spell his last name right half the time. 
My shitposts
Click on the header to access the “BroccoliGoneWrong” tag. 
NSFW Frank Woods
He’s just that sexy.
Fairly Odd Asks (sometimes)
Cow milk and trans people?
Cow milk and trans people pt. 2
Jeff Bezos on the moon?
RDJ Dogboy p1. 1
RDJ Dogboy pt. 2
Trolling a Sex Account
Trolling a Sex Account pt. 2
Trolling a (Normal?) Account pt. 3
Favorite Reblogs
Anatomy embroidery
Angry frog
Anime sword
Anti-Anxiety Helpers
Are you winning the future, son?
Bitch in Morse code
Camels in the road
Car color yellow or orange?
Charging handle FSB vs. CIA
Clicky things for bad nights
Cooler Igloo
CTS avoidance exercises
Dead but not really
Drawing Masterlist
Evergiven door stuck
Exaggerating your pain
In-depth Novel Asks
Jeff Leech’s YouTube Comment
Life help hacks
Leet World family art
Legolas’ “And my bow”
Lost generation 1918
Map date flow chart
Masterlist of descriptions
Modern tap dancing
Nathan Drake scribble art
People are awesome
Pretty art w/ Chinese
Simu Liu stock photos
Story structure
Totally accurate family tree
Wide Chris Redfield
Who’s on first shirt
Writing MCD
Writing trans characters masterlist
Writer’s Resource Masterlist
Writer Website
Y/N vs. Barbie
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Random Words: Oymyakon, recondite, peal
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Please share your top 5 favourite female fictional characters.
Interesting question!
Despite the impression I may have given with this blog, I'm more of a story person than a character one. To me what matters is the story in its entirety but I'll give it a try.
(they aren't in any particular order)
Alex Russo
I always say Selena Gomez raised me with this character. Alex was such a fascinating female character. At the time, but still to this day honestly, it was such a rare thing to have a female character that was genuinely funny. It's like women aren't allowed to be the fun character for some reason. And she was so flawed but always learned from her mistakes. She was lazy, beautiful, flirty, good, and a bit vindictive. She was what usually only male characters are allowed to be: human.
Katniss Everdeen
I have to confess, for some reason, I've never read The Hunger Games books (but I plan to remedy that). But in middle school, I was completely obsessed with the movies. The angsty teen that I was loved Katniss to death, her stoicism, her strength. An absolute icon. Made me develop an obsession with braids. What I've always loved the most about her character is that she is truly a hero of the people. (something JKR was never quite able to do with Harry)
Ginny Weasley
Her majesty. Queen of my heart and soul. It's funny when I think about before I read the books, I couldn't stand Ginny in the movies, I was so confused by her. And look at me now. She is an icon. She is so unbelievably strong but in such a human way. Ridiculously stubborn and reckless. Profoundly compassionate but determined to put boundaries with people. The sweetest and yet the harshest. She is hilarious and wise. An immensely progressive feminist character when you think about when she was written and that she is the love interest of the main character (and frankly I'm not sure how that happened). A character that has still a lot to say to this day. And also breaks that idiotic pattern of the hero ending up with the helper. Ginny is truly a character who deserves her own saga. But probably what I like most about her, as weird as it may sound, is that she is written with such coherence (that considering who wrote her it's not that obvious). Everything falls into place. Every action, everything she says makes sense, every change is justified, and she has proper arcs of narration. Small details from early books get unveiled as main aspects of her. She is like a well-built mystery novel.
Amy March
I do love strong women who are a bit messy. Amy goes from being a stubborn egocentric (but in such an endearing way if you ask me) young girl to a strong compassionate mindful woman. She is ready to put her family before herself, she is wise, and she is conscious of who she is and the society she lives in. There's this silent strength to her but also an ability to truly enjoy life to its fullest I believe that it's really remarkable. And she grows up to be quite self-aware which is something I always love in a character.
Miranda Priestly
And now a villain. The Devil Wears Prada is one if not my favourite movie. I really really love a villain who enjoys being a villain. Who owns up to being a villain. And when they do it while being a fashion icon it's even better. She is truly competent at what she does, she is harsh and witty and while she has a high opinion of herself it's not only justified but it doesn't obscure her judgment in recognising and appreciating greatness in others. I do love it when villains and heroes come to respect one another.
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littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
“you get me” (famous!y/n x harry)
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Famous!y/n x Harry Styles
First Harry fic so please be kind, but feedback is SUPER appreciated
Initially inspired by the picture of Harry leaving the Gucci store with 15 bags but barely has anything to do with that lol
Definitely thought of Ellen for the interview idk why tho - also I struggle with writing Harry’s dialogue because I really want to get it right, but hopefully the more practice I get, the better/more natural it will sound. ALSO i have like no music or music industry background lol. Somewhat proofread, but its 2:30 am so it could be shit
Warnings: maybe some angst over being famous per say, past loneliness
Word Count: 3.7k literally howwww, i’m going to do a pt. 2 though because it was kind of a long set up and feelingsssss
Interviewer: Please, welcome our next guest, a woman who’s sure to have her name written up beside the music greats someday, Ms. Y/N L/N!
You can’t contain the grin that spreads to your face as you carry yourself out onto the stage and see the audience cheering for you. It was your third big interview since your first album had been released and you’d seen your fame skyrocket over night. This being the third one this week meant you’d gotten comfortable getting asked questions, but you also weren’t bored of it yet. It was exhilarating being the center of attention, especially for something that had been your life’s work up until this point. You always had to fight for whatever you got and the recognition you were starting to have was reassurance that you hadn’t been a fool to risk a safe and certain life for your dreams.
The interview begins as the rest had, a few pleasantries, how you were feeling, and then the introduction of the album. The host asked you what your inspiration was for some of the songs and the album name and cover. You loved to talk about the music, it was the whole reason you were there. The meaning, the sound, the name, it all meant so much to you and you talked about how music can be interpreted differently by everyone and even the shifts in someone’s mood can change a song’s meaning, but what it meant to you at the time of writing was always something specific. You practiced those answers in the mirror before the interviews because they were important to you and you didn’t want your words on your art to ever be misconstrued. The host then complimented your style and you were at the point where you thought your interview should be wrapping up when they asked you one more question, and it threw you for a loop.
Interviewer: So Y/N, we’ve been hearing some rumblings around, about you and another famous musician, Mr. Harry Styles. Anything going on there?
Your face heated up, you hadn’t been expecting a personal question about possible relationships. Nothing like this had been asked of you at your previous interviews. It’s about the music, the art, and who you were, it’s always about that and nothing more. To be honest, you were a bit annoyed the host had chosen to stray from those topics. You didn’t care for the celebrity side of being a famous musician, the lack of privacy, the prying eyes of media and the general public. They saw enough of you through your art, you bore your soul through music why did they want to peak into your heart as well?
Y/N: I don’t know if I’d rather be with Harry Styles or actually be Harry Styles. Like, he’s literally such an icon, I want to be able to walk out of a Gucci store after spending hours there with 15 bags full of my purchases and helpers to carry it all out c’mon… He’s also an amazing songwriter, musician, and performer, of course. Didn’t mean to sound superficial, but I’d also love to own even half of his closet.
You hadn’t really answered the question, but the audience laughed and the host obviously got the hint that you weren’t interested in fanning any flames of romance with Harry Styles or anyone else. For one, you didn’t even know the man, but you had always been a loving fan of his. You cited him as one of your role models when you were first starting to try and break into the music world. Second, if you did know him, that wouldn’t be an appropriate topic for your album press junket going on, even if it meant more publicity because of Harry’s big celebrity status. The host decided to qualify their original question with a final sentiment.
Interviewer: I totally feel the same way! I only ask because the outpouring of support you’ve received seems to be from similar groups who also follow Harry. Many have been comparing your sound to his solo career work.
Y/N: Ah...well that’s very kind of people to say. He’s definitely a big inspiration, his creativity and drive is incredible. I’d love to be as successful as him someday.
The interview ended. You and the host shook hands and you waved and sent kisses to the crowd before retreating backstage. You were exhausted, but happy. You hoped to avoid anymore stressful interview questions that didn’t truly revolve around music. Of course, life is never that simple.
One month later
You had done countless more interviews and talk shows as promo for your album and the buzz around it had continued to grow. Your fame continued to rise as well and that one question you had dodged at your third interview had come back around to bite you, naturally. Daily Mail’s dumb headline read: “Y/N can’t decide! Date Harry Styles or Steal His Closet?” The Sun was also running with your response and miscontruing it completely, something about how you were madly in love with Harry but jealous of his designer partnerships, you couldn��t even stomach reading the garbage. This was your worst nightmare. Not only was it taking away the focus from your album, but you were also sure this dumb gossip had reached the very set of ears that the gossip was allegedly also about.
You had signed with Columbia Records for your first album, the same record label as Harry Styles, so managers had been in contact with one another about the whole fiasco trying to get the actual truth - which was that the two of you didn’t even know each other and there were no problems whatsoever. Your manager also brought along the good news that Harry had actually listened to your album and loved it, “He said ‘Congratulations’ by the way, loved the sound. Said he’d heard you were very music focused and be open to do some mentoring on songwriting and vocal specifics, if you wanted. It’d have to be in private though, obviously.” She had added the last bit, but you understood why. To have the opportunity to discuss your music with one of your longtime role models, heroes even, was beyond anything you could have imagined coming from your album’s success. And it made the drama all the more palatable because now you at least got to talk to Harry like the media was so adamantly saying you were doing already.
You nodded quickly and agreed, while trying to keep your teenage fangirl excitement hidden below your mature now-famous musician facade. Like you said, Harry was your hero, he’d been your hero since you were in middle school and had Up All Night downloaded on your iPod touch, blasting it as loud as possible, sound hitting your poster-filled walls. You weren’t the same girl as you were then, obviously, you had grown up to be a strong, independent, and confident woman. But, you still smiled at the thought of your younger self with your baby face squealing in the nosebleeds at the Take Me Home Tour (where you swore Harry had looked straight at you) and her seeing you now, dressed in a sleek outfit setting up an appointment to meet with Harry to discuss your first album, a success.
The next Thursday evening
You took a deep breath, in through your nose and out through your pursed lips. You were anxious and excited at the exact same time. Your meeting with Harry was tonight, right now actually, and you hadn’t been able to think about much else since your manager had confirmed the meeting last week. She got you the details a couple of days ago, the location: his house in Malibu, the time: 5:45 P.M. You had brought along a copy of your album on vinyl because you thought it sounded best this way, second only to performing it live.
Choosing your outfit for tonight was probably the toughest decision you’d ever made, harder than choosing between an education and following your dreams, harder than choosing your favorite Beatles song. You didn’t want to worry so much, this wasn’t a date you kept reminding yourself, but everything you tried on earlier kept having something wrong with it, too dressy, too boring, too ‘not yourself’. You had settled for these blue high-waisted pants that you’d worn to your first ever podcast interview, a thin black long sleeve, and a brown leather coat that fell below your hips with vans sneakers, casual, simple, yet still true to you and your vibe.
You raised your free arm and formed a fist, hesitant to knock, as if you’d damage Harry’s seemingly perfect Malibu beachfront home by knocking too hard on the wooden front door. You waited a few moments and could here some shuffling behind the door, some incoherent words were seemingly said, but the walls muffled them before they could reach for ears. Soon enough, Harry Styles in the flesh was before you. He beamed down at you, huffing, slightly out of breath as if he had been clear across the house when you knocked. His strong figure towered above your far smaller stature. He was hanging onto the door since he had opened it only slightly. “Hello, Y/N?” he greeted and questioned simultaneously. “Hi,” you responded and extended the same hand that had just rapped against his now open door. He gripped it, ushering you into his home, “Come in, come in, it’s nice to meet you, don’t want you to catch a cold now do we?” He took note of your strong handshake and ring clad fingers.
He walked you into an area between the kitchen and a sitting area. The kitchen was open aside from a bar high top between the two rooms. You sat down at his prompting and made yourself comfortable. “I brought my record on vinyl, sounds best in my opinion, otherwise I’d recommend seeing it live,” you laughed as you handed the vinyl to him and took off your coat. “Technically, y’know, I could hear it live right now, if you were willin’ f’course,” Harry had responded over his shoulder as he placed the vinyl by his idle record player, “Anything to drink?” “Just water for me, please.” His accent was even stronger in person, especially since he had moved back to London and seldomly stayed in California, except for business and quick trips. As far as you knew, he had already been here on business for the week and was able to pencil you in.
You two settled in, with your waters, seated at the bar top beside each other, but swivelling the chairs to face one another more. Again, you were overwhelmed with the reality of the situation, sitting beside Harry Styles as professionals, peers even. He had heard your work and liked it enough to want to discuss it with you. It was a day you never thought would come to pass. He started off not by asking about the music right away, but about how you were doing with the whirlwind that stardom is. “How are you, Y/N? It’s been somewhat of a out of the frying pan into the fire kind of moment for you?” He stared at you intently, caring to hear your answer.
You couldn’t help but chuckle again and contain your smile, “Thank you for asking, Harry. Yeah, its been definitely stressful, but it’s everything I’ve ever wanted and more so the good is still outweighing any bad. Definitely, fucking exhausted though, dunno how many more interviews I can do before my jaw goes completely rigid from talking so much.” It’s Harry’s turn to laugh, his eyes shone with intrigue at what you said and how you said it. You were gorgeous, but it was how your hands helped you through what you were trying to say and the small laughs you tried to keep in while you amused yourself with your words that really made him want to hear you talk all night long.
He agreed about how the promo junket for an album can get tedious and tiresome, but also the absolute fulfillment you get from people loving the music you’ve made. The two of you chatted about surface level personal matters for a little more, but quickly moved to the music. “I took a listen a couple weeks after the album was released. I especially loved the last track. It reminded me so much of a song I never released, actually…” he trailed off.
Your final track had been a ballad, an homage to George Harrison with your use of guitar and sitar, but the lyrics were a story based off of a poem you had written one night in high school. It surrounded a girl never feeling quite good enough for the person she wanted to be with and how it happened everytime, everytime she was ready to giver herself to someone, they were always closed off. Of course it held some truth to your own life and feelings, but you wrote this girl as someone with a seemingly perfect life - when yours was obviously far from any semblance of perfection.
You wondered what Harry’s song would have sounded like, had it been about a seemingly perfect girl or a guy with a seemingly perfect life, always giving himself to the wrong person and getting destroyed by that very fact because he was impatient as the girl in your song had been. “Can I ask, how so? How’d it remind you of your own song, the words or the music?” “Oh, the story, I felt like that for a time in my life and I like to be vulnerable in my songs because it helps me process, but listening to it back has always been too painful. Could never release that or perform it, it’d wreck me.” You nodded, you completely got where he was coming from. You noticed his downcast eyes and his somber tone, you knew not to push it any further.
It was quiet and you decided it’d be okay to take his hand resting between the two of you. “Harry, I understand,” your sincerity spilled into the words, filling the quiet house, “It’s not easy. Feeling that way. Thinking you’re the only goddamn one and why the fuck does it always happen to you? I used to ask my ceiling ‘why me?’ every night of high school” you smiled then. “But you know how it is,” you rubbed your thumb over his large warm hand and he lifted his head, “it gets so much better - c’mon look at us now! It can get hard, too, all this, I’m sure. But our lives? They’re amazing!” He beamed as he had when he had first seen you at his door and when you’d first really spoke. He moved his hand from under your palm to weave your fingers with his, both of your hands with covered in rings and they clinked to fit together, finally resting perfectly fitted. He shook your two hands up and down, “God, you’re so right! That damn song, m’sorry always puts me in a mood,” he shakes his head, “not yours though, f’course, s’lovely, better than my sodding song” he finishes quickly.
After that, the mood lightened right back up. It filled you with such appreciation for Harry that he would trust you so much with such a personal detail since you two had just met. But maybe, he had trusted you because he had felt that same spark between you. It wasn’t necessarily a romantic spark, but it was obvious the two of you were kindred spirits. Besides your album, the two of you talked about everything. You loved the same bands, movies and books, you both loved to cook and had similar fashion taste, you even had the same person type - something you found out late into the night.
At the end of the Side B of your album, Harry switched to a Bill Evans record that had ‘Peace Piece’ on it. You loved that song. So did he. “So...planning to raid my closet?” Harry raised his brows from the record player and walked back to you. You almost sputtered the water in your mouth. Luckily, you got it down. “Pardon?” “All that bad press the two of us have been getting...I watched the interview that kind of ignited the tabloids. You’re obviously not used to those overstepping personal questions.” You nodded. “It’s fine, even if you’d completely shut it down, the tabloids probably would have picked it up still, they snap up anything and everything, true or not.” You softened at his reassurance. You hadn’t expected Harry to bring the interview up, but you were sure he wasn’t happy about it, he was so private, especially about his love life. “Thanks, I’m sorry I tried to laugh it off, kind of made it worse, didn’t I?” “No! Thought it was hilarious and I totally appreciated the sentiment. Little ol’me, an icon? And an amazing artist? All I gotta do is watch that clip and I’ve fed my narcissistic side for the week!” You giggled and replied slyly, “So does that mean I can raid your closet? As compensation, of course.” Harry threw his head back in an all consuming laughter, when he’d composed himself he looked in your eyes again and said, “You just...God, you get me.”
Harry had continued to put records on throughout the night, diligently flipping sides and asking for requests, he of course had an extensive collection. The two of you had moved onto his plush couch that looked out his french doors to the beautiful ocean view. Finally, your exhaustion caught up to you, mid-Harry describing his latest travel fiasco, you glanced up at the clock. You gasped. Harry stopped. “When did it get to be half 12?” you questioned almost incredulously, “I’ve gotta get home, Harry, but this has been truly amazing, more than I could have asked for, so thank you.” Your speech began to rush as you started to get up and gather your things, that had slowly scattered as you’d gotten more comfortable, jacket by the table, shoes around the back of the couch, your phone forgotten somewhere in the couch. You couldn’t believe you’d spent almost seven hours just talking with Harry Styles.
Harry quickly stood up from his relaxed positioned on the couch and asked if you were alright to drive this late. You scoffed, “Oh please, I’ve driven around at 3 am before, I just have to turn up the music and I can cruise.” He smiled, “This was great, Y/N, I know we didn’t really go super in depth into your writing process, but I’d love to write with you sometime or just hang out again f’course. Your seriously talented and obviously a wonderful person.” He didn’t include that he felt like he’d never met anyone like you, never met someone so perfectly matched to himself, in passions but also in work ethic and demeanor - compassionate yet confident. He felt like you got him perfectly and he got you. You had stopped your scramble to gather yourself and now you were both smiling at one another.
This had really been an unforgettable night, you couldn’t believe how well you two had meshed, like childhood friends reconnecting after years apart. “Can I give yeh a hug before you go?” Harry’s voice had grown raspier as the night had progressed. He had grown rather tired an hour ago, but had pushed through because they had been having so much fun and you hadn’t noticed his physical fading or the time, obviously. You stepped toward him and his large tattooed arms enveloped you into his body. His body truly dwarfed yours now as he held you to his chest. You both were warm and soft. He tucked his head on top of yours that rested on his chest. Your arms were loosely resting where his back met his waist because you would have had to strain to get them to encircle him. His arms rested around your small frame. “Love your jacket,” he mumbled into your hair. His rough voice was quiet, but the house was silent otherwise, Tusk Side C had finished around when you had noticed the time. The embrace lasted long, but it felt so amazing you had a hard time pulling yourself away, but you had to get back home.
“G’night Harry” you said softly at the threshold of his home. He had insisted on walking you to the front door at least, since you had declined his offer to walk you out to your car on the street. “G’night. Safe travels.”
You got in your car and headed to your apartment in the city. You didn’t bother digging for your phone so you turned on the radio and drove home singing whatever came on, including your own song at one point. The whole time you drove with a grin. Harry was the nicest person you’d ever met and you were confident that the two of you were friends now. As you pulled into your parking garage it dawned on you why you hadn’t connected your phone immediately when you got in your car. “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” you put the car in park and rested your palms in the depressions of your eyesockets, over your closed eyelids, and rubbed hard. “Fuck!” It was far too late to drive back out to Malibu for your phone and you obviously couldn’t text Harry that you’d left your phone at his place, despite the two of you exchanging numbers during the night for future hang outs, so they didn’t have to be arranged through your managers, like playdates. Even if he found your phone between the cushions, he couldn’t drop it at your place in the morning because he didn’t know your address. This was a whole mess, you thought. You’d have to drive over in the morning and hope he was still there or email your manager from your computer. The former meant you got to see Harry sooner and likely your phone, too.
part 2
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
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Hey there y’all, this is my first ever post and it was a request from a friend (idk their tumblr yet, I’ll probably just share it with them on Instagram lmao.) anyways it is a multiple part, Echo x Fem!Reader and you’ve landed on the first part! I will be linking the second part below after I make it. You can message me request too, and I’ll get to them before or after I finish this, I may do some prompt lists 😏 This is post and then Pre-Citadel. Reader has a daughter from a previous relationship and I promise it’ll get more interesting. I’ve never actually wrote and posted a story of any of the clones and I feel like I don’t do Echo any justice, but enough talk here ye be.
(P.S. c/n means child’s name. My friend was very specific with this request)
Part One - Part 2
Echo sat up at the bar. A drink in hand that he was slowly milking. His mind was everywhere but there. He was thinking about the war, sleep, his brothers he’s lost, who he could have and didn’t save. It was all a nightmare and a half. He’d honestly pay for just a simple hug from someone who wasn’t his brothers. Even from Ahsoka. Someone who he knew cared about him, but wasn’t part of him. If that made any sense?
So he stepped away from the bar with a sharp sigh. Patting Fives back. Gloved hand slapping against the others armor. “I’m gunna head for a walk,” “Want me to join ya?” Fives asked in a slur. He was obviously not milking his drinks like Echo was. Causing him to smile with a chuckle, “no, I’ll be fine, you.. Keep an eye on Rex.” He teased and Fives grinned. “You got it, vod.” He spoke and spun in his chair to face the other clones.
The moment Echo stepped out the door he felt a bit better. It wasn’t as stuffy and loud out as it was back in 79’s. Starting his little stroll with a small hum. He wasn’t even sure what he was humming. Just a ramble of tunes he had heard. “Mama, look!” He heard a voice shout. A little one. “C/N! Get back here!”a woman shouted and before Echo could turn around there was someone tapping on the back of his leg. “Mister, are you a clone?” Echo turned, raising an arm and looking down to the child. Brows furrowed, a small smile rising to his face. “Hello to you too, little one, yeah, yeah I am..” he murmured and the little girl squealed. “Mama it is a clone trooper! Are you one of the boys in blue? You have to be! I see you on the holo- Mama!” She rambled, and then shouted when you pulled her from Echo. “I am so so sorry about her.” You spoke. Bags of fruit and other groceries in one hand and stuffed under your arm. Your other hand now holding your daughters hand.
Echo was amazed by how much the kid knew. Smiling softly in amusement. Though he was even more amused when you came into view. You were breath taking, really. Running up behind her and pulling her back from him. Apologizing for the incident. Though he didn’t really mind. “Oh, no need to apologize ma’am, feels nice to be recognized by someone,” he joked, c/n whining a bit. “Mama, he’s part of the five oh first, I know it, I do. I was just asking him questions.” “Well baby, you can’t go running off like that,” “but mama-“ Echo kneeled and caught the girls attention, both of you actually. “You know, good soldiers follow orders, you need to listen to your mama, she just wants you safe,” he spoke. Smiling at the kid and she stared at him in awe. You watching Echo with an intrigued expression. “Yes, mr. clone sir.” She piped and Echo giggled at that. Nudging the girls shoulder. “At ease, solder, I’m an Arc Trooper, not a Captain or Commander, names Echo.” “Echo..” she whispered, “I’m c/n, and this is my mama, and she loves the 501st, and-“ you grew a bit flustered, laughing a bit nervously. “Okay hun, that’s enough. We should probably let him be now.”
Echo stood from where he was crouched, looking you in the face for a moment. “Can I at least help you with your bags,” “y/n,” he smiled as you said your name. “Y/n, it’s the least I could do.” He spoke and you smiled a bit sheepishly. Glancing down to the bags and then back to him. “Sure,” you gave in. You couldn’t say no. His eyes pleaded with you and you lost the battle. Though it wasn’t hard to convince you when help was offered. You handed him some of the bags and he took them. You stuck with less now since he took most of the heavy things. Giving you a look when you went to tell him it was fine. That you could carry them. “Least I can do for a supporter,” he added with a smile that had you smiling black and even blushing a little.
The three of you got to the apartment you lived at. You pulling out your key as your daughter rambled, somethings incoherent. Pushing the door open, your daughter running in, and you following. Turning to motion for echo to follow with a small grin. “C’mon, Arc Trooper,” you added with a grin, snickering slightly as he stumbled a bit through the door.
Echo sat the things down, looking around the house slightly before they landed back onto you. “Would you like to stay for supper?” You asked, putting away some of the groceries. “Nah, I don’t want to intrude.” You smiled, turning as you shut the fridge. “Please? It’s the least I could do, for a helper. Plus you’d make my daughters day, you guys are her hero’s.” You added and he smiled, “Alright, alright, you got me.” He added. Though he was going to say yes even if you would have just said please. He was hungry, and something other than rations sounded like an absolute blessing. Not only that, but he wanted to get to know you more. You intrigued him, you were beautiful and kind. Yet he barely knew you and already wanted to make this a normal thing.
While you fixed up supper Echo ended up wandering off with your daughter. The five year old grabbing his hand and dragging him back into her room to show him her toys. It made you a little nervous, even if he was a clone. You knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but you rarely left anyone alone with her. She was really all you had left. Her father leaving the both of you behind shortly after she was born. So you ventured back while you let some of the meat cook. Seasonings already filling the air and your senses. Peaking into the bedroom to see Echo sitting on the floor with her.. Playing. The sight shocked you more than it did him really. Standing, watching for a moment with a small smile on your face.
Echo was using the toy ship she had, flying it around and imitating noises as your daughter did the same. Brows knitted together just the slightest bit in concentration. “Ahhhh, your ships been hit!” She exclaimed and Echo gasped. “Oh no, Crash landing, or as General Skywalker would say.” “Surprise landing!” The two exclaimed at the same time. Causing the, to break into a fit of giggles. You bringing a hand up to your mouth as you leaned against the door way. Giggling a bit yourself.
Your little laugh made Echos head turn to face the door. “Ma- er- y/n,” “is the food ready mama?” Your daughter interrupted him, and you could swear he was blushing. “It nearly is, go get washed up honey,” you added and your daughter shot up. Tapping Echos shoulder, “C’mon, we have to wash our hands before we eat, Echo.” She stated with a grin and you chuckled as the two passed you to the bathroom. Catching Echos glance and shrug. Which cause you to giggle again. Catching him smile even more before he turned away,
The two came back, your daughter on his shoulders and you were dishing out food for the three of you. “Mama look! I’m big!” She was in a fit of laughter, and he was too. You hadn’t seen her so happy in what felt like forever. “You are, aren’t you?” You cooed a bit and watched as he pulled her off and placed her into a chair. Sitting in his own. “No, mama sits there,” she spoke and you furrowed your brows. “Oh sorry,” “I’m joking,” your daughter blurted with a snicker and you sighed. “She’s full of those.” You rolled your eyes as you sat and Echo seated himself again. Smiling at you as he sat across from you. “Does she get the sense of humor from you?” He asked with a brow raised. You meeting his gaze with a bit of a smirk. “Maybe she does,” causing you both to laugh a bit.
The three of you ate, but it wasn’t without conversation. You had your fair share of questions. Asking about the hand print on his armor. Why he was on Corusant and wandering. Instead of at 79’s like you noticed most other clones were. Which he has an answer for each question. Though he did seem a bit nervous almost. Once finished you instructed your daughter to get ready for bed. Though she was hesitant, she finally did shuffle off to the bathroom to brush her teeth and then her room to get dressed. Leaving you and Echo in the kitchen by yourselves.
You collected all the dishes and placed them in the sink, deciding to do them after he left. “Let me help you,” “You’ve done enough helping today, soldier.” You told him with a grin. “Sit back down, it’s fine.” You added, and he smiled. Doing as told, “yes sir,” he added and you let out a titter. He was so formal and cute.
You sat back down across from him, and he was staring at his hands. “Thank you,” you spoke. He looked up with his brows raised. “For helping, and making my daughters world.” You spoke and he shrugged. “It’s my pleasure, y/n.” You pressed your lips together. Watching him for a moment or two. “I’d love to have you back,” you words shocked him. Watching as your cheeks tinted pink and your eyes darted down to your hands folded on the table. “I mean, if you’re ever on Corusant again, I really enjoyed your company. Don’t find a lot of nice people anymore.” People. The word was vague, meaningless to most, but the fact you didn’t call him a clone made his day. You included him as someone, not what he was. “Plus it’d make c/n’s day.” He smiled and nodded. “I’d love to, I don’t find a lot of people willing to feed, let alone hang out with clones like me.” You scoffed a bit and chuckled. “You’re kidding right?” His smile faded a bit. “No?” “Echo, you’re absolutely wonderful, and I don’t see why People wouldn’t want to hang around you. What? Just because you share the same face with a million other people? That’s ridiculous and people are obviously missing out.”
Your words weren’t much. It wouldn’t mean much to a lot, but to him it was like poetry. Without the rhyming. “Thank you,” he nearly whispered. Staring at you in awe, and you smiled back. Reaching a hand out to place on top of his. It made him jump a bit, causing you to retract your hand. “No no-“ he blurted, clearing his throat. Eyes darting around. “I mean, it’s fine, you’re fine, I just don’t get touched often.” He spoke, voice light and faint. Looking up to you with tinted cheeks. You wanted to pull him over to the couch and just hug on him. He was so sweet, so unloved by those who weren’t his brothers and you could tell. Frowning a bit and you placed your hand back onto him. Watching as his expression changed a bit. Softened even more, if that were even possible. He seemed relaxed. You barely knew him and you wanted him to be as comfortable as possible.
A few moments passed. The two of you sharing glances and unspoken words. Which was soon interrupted by Echos com link. “Echo, we’re heading back, I hope you’re not getting laid right now.” Fives spoke over, drunken giggles following after. Echos tanned face flushed red. Eyes widening and his eyes darting down. “Kriff, I better get going, thank you so much for the food.” He spoke in a near ramble and you couldn’t help but smile. A small giggle following after. “Of course, you should come see me next time you’re in Corusant.” You added, walking him to the door. Both of you smiling like idiots. “Sure thing, how could I not?” He added and you directed your gaze down at the floor. Smiling a bit more. “I’ll be expecting to see you again, then.” And those words were enough to keep Echo fighting hard during the war. The two of you exchanging good byes. Echo making his way back to 79’s. Hoping Fives didn’t just up and leave him.
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milf-harrington · 3 years
okay bc i love tay @babydotcom and also bc i love talking about my original work im gonna talk about my books!!
so at the moment, im writing 2 of them! one of them is Nobodies Hero, a fantasy tale that is mostly narrated by a grouchy side-character and i have a sideblog that's basically a collection of my world building from the past 5 years and any posts i see that fit the characters or the world (@nobodieshero-lore)
the other is much newer (started maybe a month and a half ago) and is more of an urban fantasy called Arson: and other crimes which is basically going to follow the main cast through all the supernatural shenanigans and self growth they go through.
at the moment Arson is more of a concept? i have yet to figure out an actual plot, i've actually been trying a new approach to writing where i build all the characters first! most of my notes for Arson are just short scene snippets and dialogue, such as:
Time seemed to slow as the siren exploded from the flaming water, droplets of fire raining down around her as she reached out her webbed claws and exposed those horrifying needle-like teeth in a shrill scream of rage. It was awesome and terrifying, and Jai was forced to admit that maybe this time they wouldn’t be so lucky, maybe this time he was going down in a blaze of fish-scented glory. And then the scream was cut off as, with a sudden hollow sounding thwack, the siren’s head snapped to the side, the rest of her body thrown off course as she veered to the left and landed with a wet smack against the cement, a trail of slimy fire left in her wake. Kauri was standing in front of him with a thick metal pipe held tightly in their hands, hair a mess of thorns and ash as their shoulders heaved with each angry breath. Flickering orange light danced across their skin, the flames reflected in the dryads furious eyes as a new vine of thorns curled past their cheek. If someone had put a gun to his head, Jai may have been able to admit that he'd fallen in love right then, but there was no gun and no questioning so Jai shoved that shit deep down where he'd never find it.
There are currently 8 characters official characters, but i intend to make more bc 2 out of the 8 are mostly side characters/helpers.
uh we've got:
Jai, who is the quiet but stern researcher teaching himself magic; he mostly communicates through facial expressions and single sentences but if you get him started on whatever he's researching he can go on for ages (trans + gay)
Kauri, who is a dryad with a short temper. they're loud and passionate and also end up naked a lot because the concept of clothing makes no sense to them. my favourite thing about kauri is honestly their hair bc they've got vines that also grow from their scalp, and they grow/bloom/wild/grow thorns depending on their mood (as shown in the above snippet) (nonbinary)
Orli, who's a member of a werewolf pack. not everyone gets the lycanthrope gene, but she's just as snarly and protective as the rest of them. she works as a barista in her families cafe and she's got killer first aid skills. (asexual + lesbian)
Vince, who is Orli's older brother and did get the lycanthrope gene. he's just neat, i love him. he's usually the get away driver, or he'll bring them snacks and shit when they're on big research binges because he cares about them. he's basically a big ol' puppy (trans + bi)
[UNNAMED], who is a telepath with a weird name. her parents gave her up when she was young due to her being a "difficult and creepy child" and she kinda floated through different foster homes before she was tracked down and adopted by her uncle. She's funny and calculating, and in most situations will watch other people to figure out the best outcome for herself. she's almost always wearing a pair of headphones her uncle gave her that are warded against outside sound, so she can listen to music and block out everyone's thoughts. (lesbian)
Seftan, who's unnamed's weird but cool uncle. he's slept his way through half a bestiary and so is generally unphased by most things. he has 2 dogs and lives in a cute little 2-storey apartment/flat thing. he's either magic or knows a magic user bc he's got a lot of interesting books and wards set up and he also squints at Jai a lot. he calls unnamed a series of nicknames which are: nosy-nancy, no-name nancy, miss no-name, or just 'nancy' (inspired by nancy drew) (an opportunist)
Beau, who is a ghost from a circus! he died in the 1890's after getting stabbed to death in an argument with a sword-swallower, and is now stuck on the mortal plane bc he never got to finish his contortionist act. he's tied to a music box and gets handed around to different antique and thrift shops which is how he ends up w the rest of them.
Milo, who is possessed by an Ancient Creature and is therefore unable to stay dead. he has pretty yellow eyes, a hankering for roadkill and a whole other form that he can shift into. he's loyal as hell and genuinely doesn't see what's wrong with dying for someone he cares about, he's also mentally ill bc i think anyone would be if they were possessed and also kept dying. (demi + bi)
i think my favourite thing about Arson is that it's gonna be kind-of-not-really written like a survival guide or a diary? i don't know how to explain it properly but, like, there's gonna be random pages with tips for 'those in danger of kidnapping' or first aid or an info page on the monster/threat they're facing etc
but there's also gonna be other stuff like unnamed's playlists or what Kauri's moods are depending on their vines, or a steadily updated list of weird places Jai has been found sleeping.
uhh that's all i've really got so far without just slapping all my notes into a post so yeah! if you have any questions (or ideas?) please feel free to ask/share bc it can help with my creative process.
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Ml analysis: Native American miracle box
While is it obvious that the new miracle box is of native American origin I still went to do some research on it to see if I can narrow it down to a certain tribe and find more connections hidden in the lore.
So not to waste any time, here is my result:
The native American miracle box is in possession of the Souix Lakota tribe. Just like with the Ml Tibetan guardian monks represent not only 1 but 4 groups, the native American Miraculous tribe is a combination of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota and where we can safely say that the monks will primarily lean towards the Tibet representation, I would say here we will primarily lean towards the Lakota. Therefore, I will call the native America Miraculous tribe Lakota but know that the other two tribes are included in this as well.
So a dead giveaway for the identity of the ml Tribe is Jessicas Shirt. In general Jessica has the hairstyle, the physical features and the accessories typical for representing an “Indian” character and her shirt is a direct confirmation of that heritage.
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On her shirt is an obvious reference to the Lakota flag which pretty much tells us that this is the Tribe we are dealing with. Nice, why cant it always be this easy?
Under the cut I cover three more points to go into more detail, read more if you’re interested ^^
1. The medicine wheel
I must give it to miraculous, using the medicine wheel for the upper layer of the miracle box is one genius move imo.
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The Medicine Wheel is a sacred symbol and way of life used by the indigenous Plains tribes to represent all knowledge of the universe. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to really get into its teaching and living ways to be comfortable explaining its practice in more details, so in this part I want to cover only what has been directly acknowledged by Thomas Astruc. And that would be the animals (duh, obviously) and the elements.
The first thing I had to learn the hard way in this research is that there is not one "true" way for this symbol to be arranged. The way its used, what animal belongs to which color or element and even what KIND of animal is in it can vary STRONGLY from location to location.
So I accepted that the arrangement can not be pinpointed down to perfect accuracy through research. We were already given all the animals and colors, now all I can really do here is present to you a possible variation of the miraculous arrangement I put together after looking up and trying to understand the differences between the real life ones to continue from here on.
There are only two animals we know for sure the connected color of: The eagle, Jessicas miraculous of freedom and the Thunderbird. In his tweets Thomas mentioned the elements so I decided to include them in the arrangement, how or if they will be incorporated into the show I can not tell you though. But still I wanted the elements in here as well ^^
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As already said, the eagle is red and the thunderbird is in the green center. As you can see I put the bear to black, the Wolf to yellow and the Buffalo to white. Those seemed to me the most likely combinations and even if they don’t end up right, it wont do harm to any of this.
Buffalo: white and air because the Lakota have a white Buffalo woman legend where air was one of the main elements she controled and used.
Wolf: yellow and fire. Fire because in Lakota legends the wolf/ coyote is a very unpredictable animal. He's both a trickster and a hero, not always moraly sound but always clever. It's a dangerous but strong and lively nature that I do think the show could represent with the fire element. Yellow is one of the two cases where I was left with this option by default.
Bear: I choose black and water because that's a combination I have seen the most
Eagle: I already know Red and choose earth in combination. At first I thought about putting fire in this place because of its normal association with red but in the end choose earth because I think it's the element that fits the best to Jessica.
But the reason why I decided to include the elements is because of the green thunderbird in the middle. Because where the other 4 animals are connected with the 4 elements, the thunderbird would here represent inner balance and harmony. Of course this isn't it's power, but the layout makes it quite obvious that the thunderbird is the equivalent of the ladybugs and cats yin-yang. My assumption right now is that this is how the show will cover the different types of "balance" although the world cultures it incorporates, but let me come back to this one another time.
2. more cultural references and meanings
The thunderbird represents the most powerful one of this miracle box because the thunderbird is the one animal that is present in every Souix Lakota tribe and holds an enormous cultural and spiritual significance. It is a mythological bird and is associated with several legends starting from controlling the storms, lightnings and thunder to being the protector of the humans and even being a helper of the creation of reality (Reality in Ml are the LB and Cat hence why its place in the middle of the box is well deserved) It only makes sense that it would be chosen for this and I know it may seem cliché but please hear me out, which is why im convinced this is the miraculous of the chiefs.
A couple of details do support this for me but please remember I'm not exposed to alot of native American cultures I'll do my best to get things right but if I do interpret something(s) wrong feel free to correct me.
For one, well, the symbol. While looking up the clothing for a later point I did see a symbol like this on some of the feather headdresses.
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Definitely not on all of them, I couldn't figure out if there is a system behind the pattern usage or tied to a distinct area but I do know that it is THERE and not exactly rarely either. Noticeably it isn't a 1 to 1 fit but that is an all time returning thing in miraculous. Real life and historical things like this have to be slightly altered for the show to be able to incorporate them. A great example for this is the old English flag in "Darkblade".
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So at this point I'm used to this pattern, so yeah, this could very likely be a symbol they took inspiration from.
The second reason why I think it it's the miraculous of the chiefs is because the piece with the symbol on it looks like one of these
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In combination with the feather on it. The feather headdress is also called a war bonnet and was originally only worn in battles and only by the person who has truly earned that honor. Each feather represents a distinct honor earned in battle which is why we see feather headdresses in such different lengths. How this translates perfectly into a miraculous I think is obvious. The headdress is a symbol of true leadership and worthiness of such a status, hence why it were especially the chiefs to earn such impressive ones. Turning it into a miraculous wouldn't change too much about it since such a powerful miraculous is an honor and duty you have to be worthy of as well. Them being originally used only for battles is a perfect fit too, because so are the miraculous.
Then of course once again, the thunderbird.
The thunderbird being the great mythical protector animal of these tribes makes it naturally a perfect fit for the miraculous animal of the great chiefs. The chiefs were not only the leaders they also were the primary warrior in battles which is seen by the war bonnets. Having the Thunderbird be the miraculous of the chiefs highlights their status as the tribes protector in such a genuine way, I personally really really love it.
As the last point of 2. I want to bring up the outside top of the Miracle box and the way its designed. While looking through the clothing symbols and pattern I did notice some that looked similar to the ones on the box. I deliberately tried to find a more recent example of usage because in the end of the day Miraculous is a show for TODAY so if the show used patterns for example that may not have been used in the past but are now associated with the Lakota that’s still valid. So the possible matches for design inspiration I found stem from a picture of chief Arvol Lookinghorse who holds the responsibility of spiritual leader among the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota People to this day.
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3. Their location and monuments
Researching the lakota made me think of where this guardian group has its roots, which made me remember something I found on my guardian mountain - mount kailash theory a while ago (I swear right now everything comes back to that theory). In it I showed you the monuments-line around the world always separated by a length of 6666km between each other (basically the height of Mount Kailash) and while I didn't mention it there, there is also one of those "mythical" monuments in the USA.
The bears lodge butte (in Wyoming)
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I mean LOOK at this, that is out of this world and breath-taking in every sense of the word! That is a location of a miraculous guardianship if I had ever seen one. Also known under the (sadly) much more well known name of "Devils tower" but this will be the one and only time you will read of me calling it like that. The fact that this butte is still officially called by this disrespectful and bastardized white peoples name is a freaking insult. I'm calling it the bears lodge as this was its original english name.
The bears lodge is not just a monument in the USA it is the VERY FIRST official monument (1906) and the location of the butte also checks out perfectly with the areas the Lakota settled in real life. I couldn’t get the exact scale but I think you will still understand just fine.
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Adding to the Bears Lodge butte I also wanna bring up the "other" medicine wheel. Which is, just like Bears lodge, located in Wyoming.
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As we know the rest of the native American miracle box is made of the zodiac signs just like in our normal miracle box. Confirmed not only on Twitter but also in the very intro of the New York special.
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But the same way the miracle box is similar to ours the Medicine wheel as monument reminded me of something as well. Of course I'm talking about the ritual circle in the Kwami "dimension" of the box seen in “Sandboy”.
And just like the native American monument it is also of "astronomical" nature. Taking a closer look at the Chinese Kwami circle one can see that the outer ring is made of specific places for each Kwami signified with a picture of their "animal".
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And in the inner circle is obviously the moon circulation.
Meaning, put very simple, this is a design specifically meant to represent the Chinese calendar and culture this miracle box is based on. Therefor this should also exist for the native american one. My guess Is that for all the boxes/cultures Miraculous is gonna include they will also have an “ritual circle” equivalents for each based on all the different kinds of stone circle monuments around the world, including the medicine wheel of the Lakota.
But not only was the medicine wheel monument used for astronomical purposes, with it the people wanted to give things back to mother nature. They placed things right in the middle of the wheel under the stones so nature could take it back "spiritually" (for a lack of a better word on my part) through their rituals and chants. Which is something once again similar to what we see with the Kwamis.
First if all, when the Kwamis (who are the embodiments of the abstract concepts reality is made of) enter their "dimension" in the miracle box the guardian symbol opens right at the center point, letting them cross the layers of reality.
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Second, the Kwamis are obviously able to take material objects with them to the in-between dimension. Supporting and verifying the Lakota’s ritual because at the very least in the ML world its actually true. And thirdly, when the Kwamis try to reach Nooroo they chant as well and once again the collected energy is combined in the middle to cross the layers of reality. Gabriel is transformed though so he, as Hawkmoth, is able to almost take over the connection and therefore the miracle box if the Kwamis hadn’t blocked him.
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This shows that the spiritual dimension layers are interactive from both sides under certain circumstances. A normal human being wouldn’t be able to cross the layers and take control like this but the more a person is involved with/ powered up by the miraculous the more power they hold interdimensional. Which is the idea of a ritual to reach the spiritual side of nature brought to a new 11 as TV shows usually do.
 4. The design of the guardian.
I'm definitely not the right person to properly judge this in depth therefore I will just showcase my opinion based on the research.
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The way I see it for the guardians design they tried to combine the guardian "look" with the native American one.
The pants, staff and robe-like upper part are obviously influenced by the guardian we already saw through Fu's flashbacks, whereas the colors, the hairstyle and shoes (etc) are kept more Lakota-like. Though, as far as my opinion counts in this, the much darker skin and the eyebrows in comparison to Jessica does make me question if he is supposed to represent the same native American tribes as her. His bushy eyebrows are a physical characteristic I recognize in rarely any real life photos and neither did I notice such a noticeable difference in skin color.
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Jessica and the guardian simply do not really look like they are of the same heritage to me, but again, who am I to say this isn't a legit representation? Besides that, it makes alot more sense that this guardian wasn't lost for almost 200 years like the ones in Tibet, so it is a fair option to consider that this black guardian may not be of "original Lakota heritage" but he is simply a worthy man born in this area of the USA (who knows in what year considering the guardians life spans) who was chosen and trained for the guardianship simply because he was the right fit for it just like Marinette.
I think it's only fair to consider that option as well, especially since we have NO official background on him. But that's just my opinion.
 And as the last thing I want to bring up is the symbol on his robe because this is something I'm going to need help with.
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We can hardly see it and I've tried my best to find something in my research but I just couldn't find anything fitting.
If anybody has the means and knows if this is a cultural reference as well, I would appreciate it if this knowledge could be shared here as well. I really would love to know ^^
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hext00ns · 3 years
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love when my brain attaches to dumb weird shit no one else cares about like a weird crossover ship that only makes sense to my brain and the weird little stories that go on in it because i wanna ramble under the cut is my thots on all this 
Don’t trust Steven with any human stuff mans never went to school even Ben is better at stuff like budgeting then Steven is and Ben lived on the road with two other teenagers for a good chunk of his older teen years 
All thee of them pool together in the decision making department because all three of them have those good ol’ leader instincts. Dexter is use to working alone while both Ben and Steven are use to leading teams. At first they probably butted heads a LOT and still kinda do but now days they are pretty equal in that kinda stuff. 
Ben tries to plan dates, really he does. But he’d rather just get a smoothie with them or watch a horror movie at home. It’s Steven who plans the more romantic stuff. HOWEVER, Dexter will surprise them both when it comes to things like anniversaries cause he’ll plan something weirdly and uncharacteristically romantic for them that will probably make Steven start crying and Ben makes fun of them both despite being really really happy. 
Cooking and cleaning goes to Steven. He mother hens both Dexter and Ben. Dexter has issues with stepping away from work long enough to keep himself from keeling over and Ben still acts like a 13yo some times when it comes to cleaning up and choosing McDonald’s for every meal. Steven is super happy to do it though! He was raised by the gems and Pearl was always huge on cleaning and keeping things tidy and he is use to cooking for himself as well from a young age. He actually finds joy in both of these activities because they’re very domestic and calming for him. 
I have lots of different aus and ideas going on through my head so who confesses first is very much up for debate. Ultimately, Steven is the most emotional of the three and is most likely to say something in the moment about his feelings. Where as Ben has been in many relationships over the years and is super use to asking people out that he likes. Dexter I think could be the one to initiate the relationship but only with the right circumstances. 
Ben is kinda hardheaded. Steven is highly emotional. When they have fights Steven is normally the first to try and get them to all calm down and make up. He’s very pacifistic and hates arguments especially among loved ones. Dexter is a bit on the middle ground. He can get very frustrated very easily but also he’s more likely to cool down faster than Ben is. However, you KNOW you fucked up if Steven is the one that has to leave and calm down from the argument. There are definitely times where and argument got to a place where Steven was the one to leave in a fit of anger to go blow off steam. Normally during those fights, Dexter and Ben are so surprised (and kinda worried) that they often completely forget what the argument was even about. 
Steven is literally the BEST caregiver when someone is sick. He gets a lot of his motherly tendencies from Pearl. Dexter is pretty prone to stress fevers and working himself sick if Ben and Steven aren’t there to keep him from doing so. 
Ben and Steven are so goddamn talkative there are days when Dexter straight up kicks them out of the lab. Ben’s probably the most talkative of them all but Steven isn’t that far off. Dexter is pretty quiet unless you get him going on something. Man can infodump for hours about some science shit Ben and Steven have never even heard of. Of course they still try their best to follow along even if they are so fucking confused. 
Steven is the most observant when something is going on with the others. Especially in an emotional sense. He’s borderline an empath (actually I think his powers do technically make him and empath but besides the point). Dexter is pretty observant if something is different or someone is acting strangely if he can get his nose out of his work long enough to see it. But unlike Steven who will question it immediately, Dexter will give it a day or so before mentioning it. Ben is so goddamn oblivious sometimes. It’s okay he’s trying. 
Proposing honestly probably isn’t on any of their minds much. All three are young adults, two of which are traumatized heroes and the other one is a workaholic. Not only is their age a factor but their situations are too. If marriage ever was gonna be a thing with them it would be a good few years into the future I think. And, despite being the most emotional and romantic one of the bunch, Steven is actually the LEAST likely to pull out the ring. After his proposal failure with Connie he just is really scared to even mention the idea of marriage to anyone. He realizes that the idea of relationships he was raised around isn’t how humans work. Yes he can fuse with humans but no human wants to stay fused. Even Garnet learned that you can’t sacrifice your individuality to a relationship. This is a struggle for Steven because he’s always struggled with who his is and his identity and though things are better now he always will struggle. Even then he’s also very scared of taking things too fast. He knows he’s overly emotional and a huge romantic and he knows he jumps into stuff way too fast sometimes. Dexter might think about proposing sometimes but will probably just talk himself out of it a lot. He’s married to his work right? Well, in all truth he can’t deny that the idea is nice. But they’re all busy and also there’s three of them so how would that even work? Yeah he just talks himself out of it. However, Ben is the one who actually goes through with it (when the time is right). He really doesn’t care about things like “how it’ll work” and whatever. He’s pretty impulsive and leans in on his instincts. When he realizes that this is what he wants and is pretty sure Steven and Dexter would want it to, fuck yeah he’ll go for it. 
It’s down right annoying how much these three would sacrifice for each other. Or anyone really. Steven the most, he often values other lives and happiness above his own. He’s a helper and a healer but often forgets about himself in the process. Ben is use to self sacrifice. He’s a hero, like Steven. He is prepared to put his life on the line for them. Dexter is interesting because despite being the protag of his show I wouldn’t really call him the hero type and I don’t really think he’d strap himself with the title either. However if put into the position he will take up the mantle (we see so in Fusionfall). Honestly, Dexter is more surprised than anyone at how much he’d risk to keep the people he cares about safe. He does it on pure instinct without even thinking first. 
Ben is such a fucking blanket hog he gets his own. It’s green. Ben and Steven have to almost drag Dexter to go to bed and get some fuuucking sleep for god sakes. Steven isn’t a blanket hog only because he’s the cuddler. He gets all the warmth he needs from the others. Dexter wont admit it but Ben will, the fact that Steven is the best big spoon at night because he’s the biggest of the three. He’s wonderfully fat and it’s fantastic. Big arms big belly how do you not love to cuddle that!!!! However despite being a great big spoon Steven very much likes being the little spoon a lot. He likes to be held just as much as he likes holding others. Steven also is very prone to wanting to be held when he’s having a bad mental day. Ben would much rather be the big spoon in most his relationships but fuck man Steven’s hugs are so nice okay one exception. 
Steven is the most ticklish and Ben holds this against him. Ben is the least ticklish but once you get him going he gives this hilarious shreek. Dexter is ticklish but only if you know where to poke. However he’s also the one who will probably hit you on accident just as a reaction. 
Ben is the best kisser he’s had the most experience. Romantically, Steven’s only ever kissed Connie before then but he’s the best at like slower softer more romantic kisses that’ll make your heart ache. Dexter has no fucking idea what he’s doing but he’s a fast learner so there’s no complaining. 
God please they’re 18yos they are all so fucking irresponsible on some level. They’re so prone to doing dumb shit. Of course Ben more so out of all of them.
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